click - The Elizabethan Review
click - The Elizabethan Review
AN INDEX TO OXFORDIAN PUBLICATIONS Current Publications Indexed BRIEF CHRONICLES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF AUTHORSHIP STUDIES (BC) Published annually by The Shakespeare Fellowship since 2009 THE DE VERE SOCIETY NEWSLETTER (DSN) Published quarterly by The de Vere Society since 1996 THE OXFORDIAN (OX) Published annually by the Shakespeare Oxford Society since 1998 SHAKESPEARE MATTERS (SM) Published quarterly by The Shakespeare Fellowship since 2001 THE SHAKESPEARE OXFORD NEWSLETTER (SON) Published quarterly by The Shakespeare Oxford Society since 1965 Older Publications Indexed THE BARD (BAR) The journal of the Shakespearean Authorship Society (1975-1983) EDWARD DE VERE NEWSLETTER (EDN) Published monthly by Nina Green (1989-1994) THE ELIZABETHAN REVIEW (ER) A peer-reviewed semi-annual journal published by Gary B. Goldstein (1993-1999) THE SHAKESPEARE FELLOWSHIP NEWSLETTER (AMERICAN) (SFA) Published bi-monthly by the old American Shakespeare (1939-1943) THE SHAKESPEARE FELLOWSHIP NEWSLETTER (ENGLISH) (SFE) Published twice a year by the old English Shakespeare Fellowship (1943-1958) THE SHAKESPEARE FELLOWSHIP QUARTERLY (SFQ) Published by the old American Shakespeare Fellowship (1944-1948) THE SHAKESPEAREAN AUTHORSHIP REVIEW (SAR) Published bi-annually by the Shakespearean Authorship Society (1959-1973) THE SPEAR-SHAKER REVIEW AND NEWSLETTER (SSR) Published annually by Stephanie Caruana (1987-1991) Collections Indexed ALTROCCHI-WHITTEMORE ANTHOLOGIES (AWA) Five volumes devoted to Shakespeare authorship research, compiled and edited by Paul Hemenway Altrocchi and Hank Whittemore (2009) DISCOVERING SHAKESPEARE: A FESTSCHRIFT IN HONOUR OF ISABEL HOLDEN (DS) Edited by Daniel Wright; published by Concordia University Bookstore (2009) GREAT OXFORD: ESSAYS ON THE LIFE AND WORK OF EDWARD DE VERE (RICHARD MALIM, GENERAL EDITOR) (GO) Published by Parapress, Ltd, Kent, UK (2004) SHAKESPEARE OXFORD SOCIETY FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ANTHOLOGY (AA) Key articles from the first 50 years of the Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, revised and updated (2007) TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW (TLR) Symposium: Who Wrote Shakespeare? An Evidentiary Puzzle (Fall, 2004) AN INDEX TO OXFORDIAN PUBLICATIONS CONTENTS Introduction List of Abbreviations Timeline of Oxfordian Newlsetters and Journals Indexed Number of Articles and Notices Published in Oxfordian Publications Each Year (1937-2011) Authors with the Most Articles or Notices Published in Oxfordian Publications i ii iii iv v PART I: COMPLETE INDEX Sorted by Author-Title 1 PART II: INDEXES OF INDIVIDUAL PUBLICATIONS ALTROCCHI-WHITTEMORE ANTHOLOGIES (AWA) THE BARD (BAR) BRIEF CHRONICLES (BC) DE VERE SOCIETY NEWSLETTER (DSN) DISCOVERING SHAKESPEARE: A FESTSCHRIFT IN HONOUR OF ISABEL HOLDEN (DS) EDWARD DE VERE NEWSLETTER (EDN) THE ELIZABETHAN REVIEW (ER) GREAT OXFORD (GO) THE OXFORDIAN (OX) SHAKESPEARE FELLOWSHIP NEWSLETTER (AMERICAN) (SFA) SHAKESPEARE FELLOWSHIP NEWSLETTER (ENGLISH) (SFE) SHAKESPEARE FELLOWSHIP QUARTERLY (SFQ) SHAKESPEARE MATTERS (SM) SHAKESPEARE OXFORD NEWSLETTER (SON) SHAKESPEARE OXFORD SOCIETY FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ANTHOLOGY (AA) SHAKESPEAREAN AUTHORSHIP REVIEW (SAR) SPEAR-SHAKER REVIEW (SR) TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW (TLR) 119 128 129 132 141 142 146 150 151 156 162 174 179 193 234 235 254 246 PART III: REVIEWS AND REMEMBRANCES Reviews of Recent Books Reviews of Recent Audio/Visual Works Remembrances of Noted Oxfordians 247 265 267 I‘m falling in love with this idea that the real Shakespeare was Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford. . . . It is astonishing what the Edward de Vere camp has turned up in the way of research to explain all kinds of mysteries of the plays and the life of the so-called Shakespeare. Very, very interesting stuff. Anne Rice General Notes: Articles without the author mentioned have been attributed to ―Editor.‖ Names have sometimes been slightly altered for consistency (i.e., Paul Altrocchi, Paul H. Altrocchi and Paul Hemenway Altrocchi are all listed as Paul H. Altrocchi). Quotation marks at the beginning of titles have been omitted to facilitate sorting by title field. To standardize the formatting, only capital nouns have been capitalized in subtitles (i.e., ―Shakespeare‘s Audience: a reassessment of the Stratfordian view‖) Articles with more than one author are listed under the name of each author and so appear more than once in the Complete Index sorted by author. Titles of a few listings have been shortened to fit into the space available. The Index will be updated to include new issues of the current publications in the Index. INTRODUCTION When I first became aware of Shakespeare Matters and The Shakespeare Oxford Society Newsletter in Spring, 2011, thanks to a tip from Paul Altrocchi, I was almost overwhelmed by the wealth of new information about Edward de Vere and the authorship question in general suddenly available to me. Those publications led me to The Oxfordian, Brief Chronicles and the De Vere Society Newsletter, further increasing my need for a way of keeping straight in my mind the scope of the research conducted, the large number of articles and books published, and the conferences and other events held on the authorship issue during the past decade. I also needed a way to ensure that my own research wouldn‘t duplicate projects already completed or underway by others. So I began this Index. But then I discovered the five anthologies of articles on Edward de Vere and the authorship question by Paul Altrocchi and Hank Whittemore. Those books revealed further hidden treasure troves of information in such older publication as The Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter, both American and English editions, The Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly, and the Shakespearean Authorship Review, some of them published as long ago as the late 1930s. So I expanded the Index to include all of them as well as other publications that I became aware of, such as The Elizabethan Review, and The Bard. The Index now covers 18 Oxfordian newsletters, journals and collections. Much of the important information that first appeared in these Oxfordian publications has never been published in book form, Barbara Burris‘ series of articles on the Ashbourne Portrait being a case in point. Research like this deserves a wider audience, and this Index can, perhaps, alert scholars and researchers to it and also draw their attention to the benefits of membership in the three Oxfordian organizations – the Shakespeare Fellowship, the Shakespeare Oxford Society, and the De Vere Society – and in Bill Boyle‘s Shakespeare Online Authorship Resources (SOAR), available at the New England Shakespeare Oxford Library website ( SOAR will eventually make all the articles in the publications covered by this index, including the older publications not currently available on the Internet, easily accessible. Just as importance as the information in the articles in the older publications is the re-discovery of the writers of those articles that this Index can facilitate. Readers might be surprised to learn that more than 700 people have contributed to Oxfordian publications – some by only 1 article or letter, but others by dozens of articles, all the way up to Richard F. Whalen, with 162 articles and reviews. The earliest publications contain articles by the first generation of Oxfordians – J. Thomas Looney, B.M. and B.R. Ward, Percy Allen, Eva Turner Clark, and Charles Wisner Barrell. Later issues in the decades of the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s include articles still worth reading not only by the big names of those times such as Charlton and Dorothy Ogburn, Charlton Ogburn, Jr., and Ruth Loyd Miller, but also by such important but half-forgotten researchers as Gwynneth Bowen, Gordon Cyr, Ruth Wainewright, Richard Horne, Jr., Harold Patience, Herbert Cutner, Morse Johnson, Louis Benezet, D. W. T. C. Vessey, Admiral H. H. Holland, Francis Edwards, J. J. Dwyer, Tom Goff, Katharine Eggar, and Col. Montagu Douglas. Many of these people are well worth remembering not only for the quality of their research, but also for their effort to keep the Oxfordian flame alive during the long decades of the past 90 years. Perhaps the biggest benefit of this Index comes not from the articles indexed in it, but simply from the reminder it offers Oxfordians today that they are part of the long and arduous effort to garner rightful recognition of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, as the author of the greatest literary creations in human history. Jim Warren i LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AA Shakespeare Oxford Society fiftieth Anniversary Anthology AWA Anthologies edited by Paul H. Altrocchi and Hank Whittemore BAR The Bard BC Brief Chronicles DS Discovering Shakespeare: A Festschrift in Honour of Isabel Holden DSN De Vere Society Newsletters EDN Edward de Vere Newsletter ER The Elizabethan Review GO Great Oxford OX The Oxfordian SAR Shakesspearean Authorship Review SFA Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (American) SFE Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (English) SFQ Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly SM Shakespeare Matters SON Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter SR Spear-Shaker Review TLR Tennessee Law Review ii iii NUMBER OF ARTICLES AND NOTICES PUBLISHED EACH YEAR IN OXFORDIAN NEWSLETTERS, JOURNALS AND COLLECTIONS Year 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 No. 29 35 23 67 48 40 31 32 37 38 36 25 13 12 16 34 33 33 40 37 33 30 30 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 27 29 23 21 23 24 29 20 23 32 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 23 29 27 20 8 25 33 17 27 21 iv Year 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 No. 29 17 24 31 18 18 20 44 91 65 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 50 92 64 102 81 82 121 154 101 92 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 93 93 168 162 220 133 129 149 83 152 2010 2011 113 152 AUTHORS WITH THE MOST ARTICLES OR NOTICES PUBLISHED IN OXFORDIAN NEWSLETTERS, JOURNALS AND COLLECTIONS 1937-2011 (does not include unsigned articles, which are attributed to „Editor‟) Sorted by Number of Publications Author Whalen, Richard F. Green, Nina Bowen, Gwynneth M. Barrell, Charles Wisner Cyr, Gordon C. Goldstein, Gary B. Hughes, Stephanie h. Stritmatter, Roger Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Horne, Jr., Richard C. Malim, Richard Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Anderson, Mark K. Boyle, William E. Clark, Eva Turner Hope, Warren Patience, Harold W. Cutner, Herbert Moore, Peter R. Johnson, Morse Beauclerk, Charles Allen, Percy Benezet, Louis P. Whittemore, Hank Magri, Noemi Berney, Charles Charlton, Derran K. Jiménez, Ramon Hess, W. Ron Jolly, Eddi Altrocchi, Paul H. Waugaman, Richard M. Wright, Daniel L. Hamill, John Cossolotto, Matthew Detobel, Robert Dickson, Peter W. Showerman, Earl Egan, Michael Imlay, Elizabeth Paul, Christopher Davis, Frank Gilvary, Kevin Holland, Admiral H. H. Vessey, D. W. T. C. Desper, Richard Sobran, Joseph Dwyer, J. J. Edwards, Francis Amphlett, Hilda Goff, Tom Brazil, Robert Chiljan, Katherine Dams, Christopher Douglas, Col. Montagu Eggar, Katharine E. No. 162 80 79 61 54 54 53 52 47 46 40 37 36 36 36 35 35 34 34 33 32 32 31 31 29 28 28 26 25 25 24 24 24 22 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 Sorted Alphabetically Dates of publication 1993-2011 1989-2010 1948-1959 1939-1948 1971-2005 1989-2011 1996-2010 1991-2004 1954-1971 1966-1975 2004-2011 1966-1997 1996-2010 1996-2011 1939-1947 1978-2003 1964-1986 1944-1965 1988-2010 1983-1993 1987-2008 1931-1944 1939-1948 1994-2010 1997-2011 1999-2005 1991-2010 1999-2011 1993-2011 1997-2010 2001-2010 2007-2010 2000-2011 2001-2010 2005-2009 1986-2010 1998-2011 2004-2011 2007-2011 1997-2011 2002-2011 2001-2010 2003-2011 1937-1953 1961-1981 1992-2009 1989-2005 1939-1947 1972-1997 1951-1968 1988-1999 1999-2006 1993-2008 1995-2011 1937-1952 1952-1962 Author Allen, Percy Altrocchi, Paul Amphlett, Hilda Anderson, Mark K. Barrell, Charles Wisner Beauclerk, Charles Benezet, Louis P. Berney, Charles Bowen, Gwynneth M. Boyle, William E. Brazil, Robert Charlton, Derran K. Chiljan, Katherine Clark, Eva Turner Cossolotto, Matthew Cutner, Herbert Cyr, Gordon C. Dams, Christopher Davis, Frank Desper, Richard Detobel, Robert Dickson, Peter W. Douglas, Col. Montagu Dwyer, J. J. Edwards, Francis Egan, Michael Eggar, Katharine E. Gilvary, Kevin Goff, Tom Goldstein, Gary B. Green, Nina Hamill, John Hess, W. Ron Holland, Admiral H. H. Hope, Warren Horne, Jr., Richard C. Hughes, Stephanie H. Imlay, Elizabeth Jiménez, Ramon Johnson, Morse Jolly, Eddi Magri, Noemi Malim, Richard Moore, Peter R. Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Patience, Harold W. Paul, Christopher Showerman, Earl Sobran, Joseph Stritmatter, Roger Vessey, D. W. T. C. Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Waugaman, Richard M. Whalen, Richard F. Whittemore, Hank Wright, Daniel L. v No. 32 24 16 36 61 32 31 28 79 36 15 28 15 36 21 34 54 15 19 18 21 21 15 17 17 20 15 19 16 54 80 22 25 19 35 46 53 20 26 33 25 29 40 34 37 35 20 21 18 52 20 47 24 162 31 24 Dates of publication 1931-1944 2001-2010 1951-1968 1996-2010 1939-1948 1987-2008 1939-1948 1999-2005 1948-1959 1996-2011 1999-2006 1991-2010 1993-2008 1939-1947 2005-2009 1944-1965 1971-2005 1995-2011 2001-2010 1992-2009 1986-2010 1998-2008 1937-1952 1939-1947 1972-1997 2007-2011 1952-1962 2003-2011 1988-1999 1989-2011 1989-2010 2001-2010 1993-2011 1937-1953 1978-2003 1966-1975 1996-2010 1997-2011 1999-2011 1983-1993 1997-2010 1997-2011 2004-2011 1988-2010 1966-1997 1964-1986 2002-2010 2004-2011 1989-2005 1991-2004 1961-1981 1954-1971 2007-2010 1993-2011 1994-2010 2000-2011 vi PART 1 COMPLETE INDEX - SORTED BY AUTHOR-TITLE A‟Dair, Mike Charles Wisner Barrell (1885-1974): a biographical sketch Adamson, T. L. Memoir of Mr. J. Shera Atkinson (d. 1958) Obituary: Mr. H. S. Shield (d. 1966) Obituary: Mr. Percy Allen (1875-1959) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5: 329-30) Obituary: Charlton Ogburn (1882-1962) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5: 81-82) Oxfordians v. Baconians: a public debate Review of Gwynneth Bowan‘s Lecture ―Troublesome Reign of John‖ (16 Jan. 1958) Review of Shakespeare by Charles. J. Sisson Review of The Renaissance Man of England, Revised Edition by Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn (1955) Shakespeare and Oxford in the Lecture Room (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 127-132) Aitken, T. M. A Criticism of ―An Enquiry‖ Obituary: Lt. Col. Montagu W. Douglas (d. 1957) Queen Elizabeth – Oxford – SON Theory: a reply Review of Lord Oxford and the Shakespeare Group by Lt. Col. Montagu W. Douglas (1952) Alexander, Ben Letter: Susan Vere and the River Avon Alexander, Mark A. Letter: importance of the Shakespeare Fellowship Letter: Thomas Regnier‘s article in the University of Miami Law Review Shakespeare‘s ―Bad Law:‖ journey through the history of the arguments (reprinted in AA, p. 44-54) Shakespeare‘s Knowledge of Law: history of the argument SM Vol. 9/1: 1, 14-21 2010, Winter SFE SAR SAR SAR SFE SFE Page 8 Issue #16: 26 Issue #1: 22-23 Issue #7: 19 Page 4 Page 3 1958, Autumn 1966, Autumn 1959, Spring 1962, Spring 1946, March 1958, Spring SFE Page 10 SFE Page 12 1956, Spring 1955, Spring SFE Page 7-8 1955, Spring SFE SFE SFE SFE Vol. 14 Sup.: 5-10 Page 11 Vol. 14 Sup. 2: 1-4 Page 9 1939, April 1957, Spring 1939, April 1953, April OX Vol. 13: 4 2011 SM Vol. 1/1: 2 2001, Fall OX Vol. 7: 170-170 2004 SON Vol. 35/4: 1, 9-13 2000, Winter OX Vol. 4: 51-120 2001 Alexis, Louis E. M. British Oxfordian Develops Theory on ―Dram of Eale‖ Problem Common Sense About ―Shake-Speare‖ Plato and Clown William SON Vol. 11/1: 5 SON Vol. 14/3: 6-7 SON Vol. 11/2: 19-22 1975, Winter 1978, Summer 1975, Summer Allen, D. F. The Annual Dinner The Annual Dinner SFE No. 4: 6-7 SFE No. 10: 01-2 1937, July 1938, July Allen, Ernest Letter: Letter: Sir Christopher Hatton as Malvolio? Shakespeare‘s Sonnets (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 2) Who Was Cheveril? SFE No. 8: 13 AWA Vol. 2: 34-37 SFE Page 5-6 1938, March 1937, June 1940, April Allen, Ernest and Percy Allen Lord Oxford & ―Shakespeare:‖ Reply to Drinkwater: Note by P. Allen AWA Vol. 1: 382-404 1933 1 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Allen, Percy Anne Cecil, Elizabeth and Oxford (excerpt from book: Ch. 1, p. 1-23) (excerpt: Chapters 1, 12) Commentary on Life and Adventures of Common Sense by Herbert Lawrence (1769) The De Vere Star (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 10) The First Anti-Stratfordian: Review of The Life and Adventures of Common Sense by Herbert Lawrence (1769) Francis Bacon‘s Share in the Shakespeare Folio of 1623 Frederick Bligh Bond How Lawrence Acquired His Information John Thomas Looney (1870-1944) King Lear in Relation to French History (repr. in AWA, Vol. 4: 112-4) Letter to the editor of World Service Letter to the Times Literary Supplement (not published by the TLS) Letter to the Times Literary Supplement in response to a letter from A. S. Cairncross Lord Oxford as Shakespeare (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 2/8) Melford Hall and Shakespeare Mr. Percy Allen‘s Reply Much Ado About Nothing—A Burlesque of the Oxford-Howard-Arundel Quarrel Oxford as the Water-Bearer The Oxford-Shakespeare Case Corroborated (exc.: Chapters 1, 6, 11) Plays of Shakespeare & Chapman in Relation to French History (exc.) Recent Books on the Sonnets Review of Elizabeth and Sixtus by H. Kendra Baker (1938) Review of Elizabethan Plays and Players by G. B. Harrison (1945) Review of I, William Shakespeare by Leslie Hotson Review of Shakespeare Rediscovered by Clara Longworth de Chambrun (1938) Review of This Star of England by Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn (1952) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, p. 117-118) Shakespeare and Montaigne Shakespearean Adventures in Canada and the United States Shakespeare's Coriolanus The Symbolism of Pericles and Winter‘s Tale Allen, Percy and Ernest Allen Lord Oxford & ―Shakespeare:‖ Reply to John Drinkwater: Note by Percy Allen Allen, Percy and B. M. Ward Relations Between Lord Oxford as ―Shakespeare,‖ Queen Elizabeth and the Fair Youth (published as a pamphlet by the Shakespeare Fellowship, London) Allen, Ron Letter: role of Edward de Vere in the writing of Shakespeare‘s plays Altrocchi, Julia Cooley The Diamond Tablet Edward de Vere and the Commedia Dell‘ Arte (reprinted from SAR, Issue #2, p. 3-4) Edward de Vere and the Commedia Dell‘ Arte (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 28-30) The Ghost of Edward de Vere Speaks The Names of Shakespeare‘s Characters Note for Sir John Sheppard Ships and Spears in Genoa (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 6-15) 2 AWA Vol. 5: 402-419 1934 SFE No. 12: 2-16 1938, Nov. AWA Vol. 2: 56-58 SFE No. 11: 1-5 1938, Aug. 1938, Sept. SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE Page 8 Page 3 No. 12: 17-18 Page 2-4 Page 6 Page 4 Page 6 No. 2: 9-10 1944, May 1945, May 1938, Nov. 1944, May 1951, April 1942, Oct. 1940, April 1937, March AWA SFE SFE SFE Vol. 2: 5-13 1937 Page 3-4 1942, April Vol. 14 Sup.: 10-20 1939, April Page 4-5 1950, April SFE AWA AWA SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE Page 4-5 Vol. 1: 358-380 Vol. 1: 334-347 No. 10: 8-9 No. 11: 8-9 Page 4-5 No. 7: 3-5 No. 9: 7-9 1945, Nov. 1931 1933 1938, July 1938, Sept. 1946, March 1938, Jan. 1938, May SFE Page 6-7 1953, April SFE SFE SFE SFE 1937, May 1937, Jan. 1938, May 1944, May No. 3: 5-7 No. 1: 2-7 No. 9: 6-7 Page 4-5 AWA Vol. 1: 382-404 1933 AWA Vol. 3: 407-427 1936 SON Vol. 35/1: 22 1999, Spring SON Vol. 7/2: 6-7 SON Vol. 42/1: 24-25 1971, June 1 2006, Winter SAR Issue #2: 3-4 1959, Autumn SON SAR SON SAR 2007, Summer 1960, Autumn 2007, Summer 1959, Spring Vol. 43/3: 16 Issue #4: 20 Vol. 43/3: 3 Issue #1: 8-11 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Altrocchi, Paul H. Aeolian Stinking Pitch: tempestuous shipwreck on the island of Vulcano And in This Corner . . . The Sanders Portrait Bermoothes: an intriguing enigma Capturing Student Interest in the Authorship Debate: studying intentional Droeshout portrait errors Edward de Vere as Translator of Ovid‘s Metamorphoses Edward de Vere Studies Conference at Concordia University I Never Saw a Stupider Face! Ideational Change: why is it so difficult? Is a Powerful Authorship Smoking Gun Buried In Westminster Abbey? It Was Not ―Ye Plague:‖ Oxfordian mythology and de Vere‘s death Letter: updates to My Turk: Why the Nickname? My Turk: Why the Nickname? Poison Power: natural death or murder most foul? A Portrait Analysis of William Cecil: a heretofore untold story hidden in plain sight? The Probable Identity of the Sanders Portrait Queen Elizabeth Pregnancy Portrait: who designed it & who the cover-ups? A Royal Shame: the origins and history of the Prince Tudor Theory Searching For Shakespeare‘s Earliest Published Works Searching for the Oxfordian ―Smoking Gun‖ in Elizabethan Letters Shakespeare, Not Arthur Brooks, Wrote Tragicall Historye of Romeus & Juliet Sleuthing an Enigmatic Latin Annotation Stone Coffin Underneath William Camden: what did he say, and when did he say it? SON SM SM SON SON SON SON DSN SON SON SM SM SM SM SM Vol. 39/3: 3, 18-20 Vol. 2/1: 1, 23-25 Vol. 5/3: 10-15 Vol. 40/1: 9-10 Vol. 40/1: 9-10 Vol. 41/2: 6-9 Vol. 40/2: 1, 10-11 Page 25 Vol. 42/4: 24-29 Vol. 44/3: 1, 3-13 Vol. 1/4: 1, 14-16 Vol. 3/4: 2 Vol. 3/3: 22-24 Vol. 3/4: 26-30 Vol. 1/1: 8-11, 20 2003, Summer 2002, Fall 2006, Spring 2004, Winter 2004, Winter 2005, Spring 2004, Spring 2001, July 2006, Fall redux 2008, Summer 2002, Summer 2004, Summer 2004, Spring 2004, Summer 2001, Fall SM SM Vol. 2/1: 26-29 Vol. 1/2: 8-16 2002, Fall 2002, Winter SM SON OX SON Vol. 4/4: 1, 12-17 Vol. 46/1: 3-6, 15 Vol. 8: 110-123 Vol. 43/1: 22-26 2005, Summer 2010, May 2005 2007, Winter SM Vol. 2/4: 16-19 2003, Summer SON Vol. 36/4: 19, 27 2001, Winter SM Vol. 3/1: 1, 12-16 2003, Fall Altrocchi, Paul H.; Alan Nelson Roscius Annotation Revisited: Epicurean discovery or ambiguous tidbit? SON Vol. 43/2: 2, 9-13 2007, Spring Altschuler, Eric L. Was Thomas Watson Shakespeare‘s Precursor? SON Vol. 40/4: 1, 13-16 2004, Fall Altschuler, Eric L.; W. Jansen Authorship Clues in Henry VI, Part 3 OX Vol. 9: 126-131 2006 SFE SFE SFE SFE SON SFE Page 8 Page 11-12 Page 6-7 Page 4-6 Vol. 19/2: 3-8 Page 4 1956, Autumn 1953, Nov. 1952, March 1952, Sept. 1983, Spring 1957, Spring Amphlett, Hilda Edward II at Stratford-by-Bow Letter: Nicholas Hilliard‘s Miniature Nicholas Hilliard and Edward de Vere Oxford and the Faerie Queene Oxfordian Background in Pictures Report on K. Le Riche‘s Talk ―Journey Through Shakespeare‘s Italy‖ (16 Feb. 1957) Review of G. Cimino‘s Lecture ―The Golden Age of Padua‖ (16 Jan. 1964) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 144-145) Shakespeare and the Palazo Del Te Sir John Smith Sir John Smith The Spring Pilgrimage A Suggestion A Surrey Reception Titchfield Abbey (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 157-258) Was Shakespeare an Essex Man? Who Was Shakespeare? A New Enquiry (excerpt: Chapter 5) Willobie His Avisa 3 SAR Issue #11: 16-18 1964, Spring SFE SON SAR SAR SFE SAR SAR SFE AWA SFE 1956, Spring 1982, Fall 1965, Spring 1964, Autumn 1952, March 1967, Autumn 1968, Autumn 1951, April 1955 1955, Spring Page 2 Vol. 18/4: 7-10 Issue #13: 3-6 Issue #12: 16-17 Page 9-10 Issue #18: 23 Issue #19: 11-12 Page 3-4 Vol. 4: 240-253 Page 5-6 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Anderson, George Letter: historical importance of ‗Shakespeare‘s plays Anderson, Mark K. Beauty and the Paradigm Bird by Bird: Mark Anderson interview with James Newcomb Ingenuity of Imposition An Interview with Derran Charlton In Memoriam: Noemi Magri (d. 2011) Introducing ―phorionymous;‖ more on Batillus Letter: Ophelia‘s Difference Letter: praise for The Oxfordian‘s first ten years Letter: response to David Guntar‘s letter Letter: second edition of ―Shakespeare‖ By Another Name A Little More than Kuhn, and Less than Kind: Examining the headlines with The Structure of Scientific Revolutions in mind Losing Voice; Losing Face; Gaining Vision: Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Meet the New Bard: Concordia University festivities More on Pierce Penniless Nero Caesar: the First Folio‘s straight-man News: 2010: a blockbuster Year for Authorship Studies News: Bill Bryson still confused News: Mark Anderson reports from Sin City News: Mark Rylance wins Tony News: more red herrings . . . and an Oxfordian silver bullet News: New England Authorship Conference News: Shakespeare Video Game: in search of an author Paradigm Shift: beauty and ―Bottom‘s dream‖ Paradigm Shift: moment of truth . . . Harper‘s Magazine folio articles Paradigm Shift: Ophelia‘s difference, or, ―to catch the conscience of the counselor‖ Paradigm Shift: Richard Roe on Shakespeare in Italy Paradigm Shift: sex, lies and Psalm 51 Paradigm Shift: Thomas of Woodstock – a ―prequel‖ to Richard II? Review of The Art of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets by Helen Vendler (1987) Shakespeare‘s Bible Brings Truth to Light The Upstart Crow‘s Other Plumage The Zen of Shake-speare SON Vol. 37/1: 21 2001, Spring SON SM SON SM SON SON SON OX SM DSN SON Vol. 33/3: 1, 10-12 Vol. 05/2: 24-26+ Vol. 37/1: 19, 22 Vol. 03/2: 28-29+ Vol. 47/3: 5 Vol. 37/2: 16 Vol. 36/1: 29 Vol. 10: 164-164 Vol. 05/3: 03 Vol. 18/2: 24 Vol. 32/1: 12-14 1997, Summer 2006, Winter 2001, Spring 2004, Winter 2011, Fall 2001, Summer 2000, Spring 2007 2006, Spring 2011, July 1996, Winter SON SON SM SON SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SON SON SON Vol. 34/3: 6-7 Vol. 33/2: 1, 10-13 Vol. 02/2: 26-28 Vol. 36/2: 5, 24 Vol. 09/1: 4 Vol. 07/2: 4 Vol. 07/4: 4, 14 Vol. 07/4: 14 Vol. 07/2: 4-5 Vol. 07/3: 19-20 Vol. 07/2: 4 Vol. 33/4: 19-21 Vol. 35/1: 1, 4-5+ Vol. 35/4: 17-19+ 1998, Fall 1997, Spring 2003, Winter 2000, Summer 2010, Winter 2008, Winter 2008, Fall 2008, Fall 2008, Winter 2008, Spring 2008, Winter 1997, Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Winter SM SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 1/4: 24-25, 28 Vol. 34/3: 21, 27 Vol. 35/2: 4-6 Vol. 34/1: 16-17 Vol. 32/4: 8-15 Vol. 36/4: 20-21+ Vol. 34/2: 18, 24 2002, Summer 1998, Fall 1999, Summer 1998, Spring 1996, Fall 2001, Winter 1998, Summer Anderson, Mark K.; R. Stritmatter Letter to the Smithsonian re Edward de Vere‘s Geneva Bible Paradigm Shift: Ross‘s Supererogation Paradigm Shift: the potent testimony of Gabriel Harvey SON Vol. 31/2a: 8-9 SM Vol. 1/3: 28-31 SM Vol. 1/2: 26-29 1995, Spring 2002, Spring 2002, Winter Anderson, Mark K.; Tekastiaks Burghley‘s Bribe: de Vere‘s Dower? SM 2003, Fall Anderson (Paget), Verily The De Veres of Castle Hedingham (a paper given on 5 May 1988) Letter: common and uncommon words Letter: praise for Diana Price‘s article in Elizabethan Review, Vol. 4/2 DSN No. 3: 35-52 SON Vol. 39/4: 20 ER Vol. 5/1: 6 1988, Aug. 2003, Autumn 1997, Spring Andrews, John News: Advanced Bardic Palinology Review of William Shakespeare: Man Behind the Genius (excerpts) Letter: comments on the inaugural issue of Elizabethan Review Wikipedia Wars SM SON ER DSN 2010, Fall 2000, Summer 1993, Autumn 2011, March Andrews, John; Peter W. Dickson Exchange of Letters Over the Catholic Issue SON Vol. 36/2: 7 4 Vol. 3/1: 25-27 Vol. 9/3: 23 Vol. 36/2: 6 Vol. 1/2: 5 Vol. 18/1: 4-05 2000, Summer Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Andrico, Ron Music in Shakespeare SON Vol. 41/4: 10-12 Anonymous The Mouse and the Lion: responses from an Orthodox source SM Anonymous The Arte of English Poesie: quotes from the original and as it appeared in Frontline The Arte of English Poesie (1589) (excerpt) Appleton, Elizabeth Proving Shakespeare‘s Identity: Oxford‘s Role in the War of Words 2005, Fall Vol. 9/3: 2, 26-29 2010, Fall SON Vol. 32/3: 4 1996, Summer OX 2003 Vol. 06: 0 SSR Issue 1/2: 16-23 Argonaut Who Was Shakespeare? (reprint of editorial from The Argonaut of SFA Vol. 1/3: 4-5 San Francisco, Jan. 26, 1940) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 98-100) 1988, Winter 1940, Apr./May Ashe, Geoffrey Sir John Harington and the Authorship Question SAR Issue #12: 09-12 1964, Autumn Ashelford, Jane Shakespeare and the ―Dead Indian‖ BAR Vol. 2/3: 95-99 1979 Ashley, Celeste Letter: Oxford‘s authorship of Golding‘s trans. of Ovid‘s Metamorphoses SON Vol. 16/2: 05 1980, Spring Assante, Katharine A Letter to the Earl of Oxford Edward de Vere (in the form of a poem) A Letter to the Earl of Oxford Edward de Vere (in the form of a poem) 1987, Fall 1989, Spring Astley-Cock, John L. Latin Anagram on the Title-Page of Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 29-32) Atkins, Trudy Letter: intransigence of Stratfordians Atkinson, Brooks Maurice Schwartz and a Good Company Offer a Reformed Shylock (repr. from NY Times, Nov. 30, 1947) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 4: 36-7) Atkinson, J. Shera Comments on Dr. Leslie Hotson‘s ―Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Dated, and Other Essays‖ Comments on Mr. Cutner‘s Article Criticism of Dr. Leslie Hotson's Shakespeare Versus Shallow (1931) The Famous Victories of Henry V (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 133-4) Letter: Coronation Sonnet Letter: Marlowe and the Sonnets Letter: response to Who Was Shakespeare? by Hilda Amphlett The Lord Great Chamberlain of England The Manor of Billesley Polonius Review of Cloak of Folly by Burke Boyce (1949) Review of Shakespeare Unmasked by Pierre S. Porohovshikov (1940) The Shakespeare Monument Aucella, Steven M. Review of The Real Shakespeare by Marilyn Savage Gray (2001) 5 SSR Issue 1/1: 10 SON Vol. 25/2: 17 SFQ Vol. VIII/3: 36-38 1947, Autumn SON Vol. 28/2: 11 1992, Spring SFQ Vol. VIII/3: 44-45 1947, Autumn SFE Page 5-7 1950, Sept. SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE Page 7-8 Supplement: 1-8 Page 9 Page 10-11 Page 12 Page 11 Page 7-8 Page 8-9 Page 6-7 Page 8-9 Page 10-11 Page 7-8 1946, Sept. 1938, July 1954, Sept. 1956, Autumn 1957, Autumn 1956, Spring 1952, Sept. 1953, Nov. 1950, April 1952, Sept. 1955, Autumn 1946, March SM Vol. 2/1: 30 2002, Fall Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Austin, Al Who Wrote Shakespeare? (review of Frontline‘s ―The Shakespeare Mystery,‖ reprinted from The Members Magazine, April 1989) Baca, Nathan Commemorating Marlowe Edward de Vere Studies Conference: 6th annual gathering in Portland Oxford as Shakespeare Celebrated Coast to Coast: 5th Annual de Vere Conference; birthday bashes in Boston/Chicago Wilmot Did Not: ―first‖ authorship story called possible Baconian hoax Bacon, Delia Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare, Unfolded and Abridged by Elliott Baker Baker, Elliott The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare, Unfolded and Abridged (Elliott Baker, editor) The Queen‘s Hand in The Merchant of Venice Baker, John Found: Shakespeare‘s Manuscript of Henry IV Letter: final thoughts on Sir Edward Dering‘s manuscript of Henry IV Letter: response to comments by Gerald Downs Letter: The Comedy of Errors and Paul‘s Letter to the Ephesians On Shakespeare‘s Portrayal of the Moral Life Baron, Dennis Letter: response to Michael Llewellyn's review of his book De Vere is Shakespeare Sonnet 20 and Its Position in the Shakespeare Canon Barrell, Charles Wisner Another Name for the Dog Arthur Golding: the uncle of Edward de Vere (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 123-124) Arthur Golding: the uncle of Edward de Vere, Part 2 The Arundel-Arundell Mix-Up Baseless Fabric Creative Calendar: an illuminating Shaw-Shakespeare parallel with Ben Johnson‘s Testimony Creature of Their Own Creating: an answer to the present day school of Shakespearean biography (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 220-24) Documentary Notes on the Swan Theatre (repr. in AWA, Vol. 3, 22-25) Dr. John Dover Wilson‘s ―New‖ Macbeth Is a Masterpiece Without a Master (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 46-60) Dr. Phelps and His Muddled Miracle Earliest Authenticated ―Shakespeare‖ Transcript Found With Oxford‘s Personal Poems (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 180-190) Elizabethan Mystery Man (from Saturday Review of Literature, May 1, 1937; published as a pamphlet, 1940) Exploding the Ancient Play Cobbler Fallacy (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 228-237) The Fellowship Disclaims: reprint of 1943 article disclaiming extravagant theories Genesis of a Henry James Story (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 225-227) He is Dead and Gone, Lady (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 326-341) In deed as in name--Vere nobilis for he was W . . . (?) . . . (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 87-91) Is Not Oxford Here Another Anchor? 6 SON Vol. 25/2: 01-3 1989, Spring SM Vol. 02/1: 06 2002, Fall SM Vol. 01/4: 08-10 2002, Summer SON Vol. 37/1: 01, 4-7 2001, Spring SM Vol. 02/4: 01, 7, 33 2003, Summer ER Vol. 6/1: 045-066 1998, Spring ER Vol. 2/1: 006-014 1994, Spring ER Vol. 3/1: 021-031 1995, Spring ER ER ER OX SM Vol. 4/1: 14-046 Vol. 5/2: 3-4 Vol. 5/1: 20-25 Vol. 8: 146-149 Vol. 1/2: 1, 22-23 1996, Spring 1997, Autumn 1997, Spring 2005 2002, Winter DSN Vol. 2/9: 10-11 1997, June DSN Vol. 2/12: 4-8 1998, May SFE Page 3 SFA Vol. 1/6: 1-5, 7-8 1941, April 1940, Oct./Nov. SFA SFQ SFA SFA 1940, Dec. 1947, Spring 1939, Dec. 1943, June Vol. 2/1: 7-10 Vol. VIII/1: 13-14 Vol. 1/1: 7 Vol. 4/4: 45-46 SFQ Vol. VI/4: 59-60 1945, Oct. SFQ Vol. V/1: 8-9 1944, Jan. SFQ Vol. VIII/4: 58-64 1948, Winter AWA Vol. 2: 118-120 SFQ Vol. VI/2: 22-26 1940, Aug.,-Sept., 1945, April AWA Vol. 3: 386-395 1937, May SFQ Vol. VII/1: 3-7 1946, Jan. SON Vol. 27/3: 11 1991, Summer SFQ Vol. VI/4: 63-64 1945, Oct. SFA Vol. 4/2: 13-21 1943, Feb. SFQ Vol. IX/3: 17-18+ 1948, Autumn SFA Vol. 1/4: 1-3 1940, June/July Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Barrell, Charles Wisner (continued) John Lyly as Both Oxford‘s and Shakespeare‘s ―Honest Steward‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 92-101) Judith the Illiterate King of Shreds and Patches--Dyer as ―Great Revisor‖ of the Shakespearean Works (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 367-383) Letter to Brooks Atkinson, Drama Editor, New York Times (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 38-42) Literary Pirate‘s Attempt to Publish The Winter‘s Tale in 1594 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 247-272) Lord Oxford as Supervising Patron of Shakespeare‘s Theatrical Com. (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 61-78) Matinee at the Swan: topical interlude in Oxford-Shakespeare Research Mountainous Error (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 101-103) New Milestone in Shakespearean Research: ―Gentle Master William‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 116-154) New Proof that Henry VIII Was Written Before the Spring of 1606 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 43-45) Newly Discovered Oxford-Shakespeare Pictorial Evidence (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 37-44) Oxford vs. Other ―Claimants‖ of the Edwards Shakespearean Honors, 1593 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 80-86) The Painted Theatres Pictorial Clues and Key Initials (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 33-34) Playright Earl Publishes ―Hamlet‘s Book‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 273-288) Proof That Shakespeare‘s Thought and Imagery Dominate Oxford‘s Own Statement of Creative Principles (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 316-335) Queen Elizabeth‘s Master Showman Shakes a Spear in Her Defense (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 336-357) Queen Elizabeth‘s Master Showman Shakes a Spear in Her Defense (reprinted from Shakespearean Authorship Quarterly, 1947, Spring) Rare Military Volume Sponsored by Lord Oxford Issued by ―Shakespeare‘s‖ First Publisher (repr. in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 191-6) Rarest Contemporary Description of ―Shakespeare‖ Proves Poet to have been a Nobleman (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 63-77) The Real Sir Edward Dyer Review of The Man Who Was Shakespeare by Eva Turner Clark (1937) (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 5, 1938, Feb.) Secret of Shakespeare‘s Irish Sympathies (reprinted from The American Mercury, Sept., 1940) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 156-164) Secret of Shakespeare‘s Irish Sympathies: once again Lord Oxford‘s own personality speaks through plays (repr. from SFA, June, 1941) Shakespearean Detective Story: Throwing New Light on the Creation of Halmet (published as a pamphlet, 1940) Shakespeare‘s ―Fluellen‖ Identified as a Retainer of the Earl of Oxford (reprinted from SFA, Vol. 2/5: 59-62, August, 1941) Shakespeare‘s ―Fluellen‖ Identified as a Retainer of the Earl of Oxford (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 177-183) Shakespeare‘s Henry V Can Be Identified As ―Harry of Cornwall‖ in Henslowe‘s Diary (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 293-302) Shakespeare‘s Irish Sympathies (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 156-164) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 1 (repr. in AWA, V. 2: 184-93) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 2 (repr. in AWA, V. 2: 194-09) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 3 (repr. in AWA, V. 2: 210-27) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 4 (repr. in AWA, V. 2: 250-64) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 5 (repr. in AWA, V. 2: 265-84) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 6 (repr. in AWA, V. 2: 285-03) 7 SFQ Vol. IX/3: 19-24 1948, Autumn SFA Vol. 1/1: 7 SFA Vol. 4/3: 29-36 1939, Dec. 1943, April SFQ Vol. VIII/3: 45-47 1947, Autumn SFQ Vol. VII/1: 20-31 1946, Jan. SFQ Vol. V/3: 33-40 1944, July SFQ Vol. V/1: 10-15 SFA Vol. 1/3: 7-8 SFQ Vol. V/4: 49-66 1944, Jan. 1940, Apr./May 1944, Oct. SFQ Vol. VIII/3: 47-48 1947, Autumn SFQ Vol. V/2: 24-27 1944, April SFQ Vol. IX/2: 9-12 1948, Summer SFA Vol. 3/1: 12 1941, Dec. SFQ Vol. VIII/3: 38-39 1947, Autumn SFQ Vol. VII/3: 35-42 1946, July SFQ Vol. VII/4: 61-69 1946, Oct. SFQ Vol. VIII/1: 4-11 1947, Spring SON Vol. 7/2: 7-18 1971, June 1 SFQ Vol. VI/2: 30-32 1945, April SFQ Vol. IX/1/1: 1-7 1948, Spring SFA Vol. 4/5: 59-66 AWA Vol. 2: 14-16 1943, Aug. 1938, Feb. SFA Vol. 2/4: 37-40 1941, June SON Vol. 19/1: 2-5 1983, Winter AWA Vol. 3: 396-406 1940 SON Vol. 38/2: 16-17+ 2002, Spring SFA Vol. 2/5: 59-62 1941, Aug. SFQ Vol. VII/4: 49-54 1946, Oct. SFA SFA SFA SFA SFA SFA SFA 1941, June 1941, Dec. 1942, Feb. 1942, April 1942, June 1942, Aug. 1942, Oct. Vol. 2/4: 37-40 Vol. 3/1: 1-5 Vol. 3/2: 13-17, 23 Vol. 3/3: 25-33 Vol. 3/4: 45-52 Vol. 3/5: 57-65 Vol. 3/6: 69-77 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Barrell, Charles Wisner (continued) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama Shake-speare‘s Unknown Home on the River Avon Discovered (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 312-325) Sole Author of Renowned Victorie: Gabriel Harvey testifies in the Oxford-Shakespeare case (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 176-179) Through De Vere Country To Pluck the Heart of the Mystery (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 72-73) Verifying the Secret History of Shake-speare‘s Sonnets Wayward Water-Bearer Who Wrote ―Shakespeare‘s‖ Sonnet 109 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 197-202) Who Was John Soothern, the Mysterious Author of Pandora (1584)? (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 405-415) SFE Page 2-3 SFA Vol. 4/1: 1-8 1943, May 1942, Dec. SFQ SFQ SFA SFA AWA SFQ 1945, Jan. 1945, Jan. 1940, Aug./Sept. 1939, Dec. 1946, Feb. 1945, July Vol. VI/1: 11-12 Vol. VI/1: 13-15 Vol. 1/5: 1-5 Vol. 1/1: 2-3 Vol. 4: 345-359 Vol. VI/3: 37-39 SFA Vol. 4/6: 71-75 1943, Oct. Barrett, Jr., Robert M. Concordia‘s Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference Shakespeare, Meet Robert Frost . . . SON Vol. 39/2: 6-7, 24 2003, Spring SM Vol. 6/1: 1, 9-11 2006, Fall Barron, Dennis Letter: interpretations of ―the worm‖ Letter: motto puns in Shakespeare‘s works SON Vol. 34/3: 26 SON Vol. 35/3: 21 1998, Fall 1999, Fall SON SON SON SON 1993, Summer 1993, Fall 1994, Autumn 1995, Winter Barron, Randall Edmund Ironside Edward De Vere‘s Will A New Shakespeare Poem? Shipwreck in the Waters of Orthodoxy (de Vere listed as ‗alias Shakespeare‘ in index of England‘s Helicon, ed. by Rollins, published by Harvard University Press, 1935) Vol. 29/3a: 10-11 Vol. 29/4: 1-3 Vol. 30/4: 6-8 Vol. 31/1a: 3-4 Barton, John Prospero‘s Island SON Vol. 39/1: 2, 4, 9+ 2003, Winter Barton, John and Derran Charlton The Grandsire Phrase in Romeo and Juliet SON Vol. 41/3: 17-18 2005, Summer Batchelor, H. Crouch Advice to English Schoolboys Who Want to Become Shakespere AWA Vol. 1: 133-133 1912 Batiuk, Tom Funky Winkerbean comic mentions Edward de Vere SON Vol. 34/3: 2 1998, Fall Bayley, Harold The Tragedy of Sir Francis Bacon (excerpt from book) AWA Vol. 1: 160-162 1902 BBC News Row Over Shakespeare Name Claim (reprint from BBC) SON Vol. 40/3: 9 2004, Summer Beane, Connie Shakespeare and ―The King of Hungary‘s ‗Peace‘‖ SON Vol. 46/1: 1, 14-15 2010, May Beauclerk, Charles At the Bath Debate: the case for Oxford Board of Trustees Votes in a New Era: fundraising now the key Branagh‘s Sound and Fury: review of Branagh‘s Hamlet Edward de Vere and the Psychology of Feudalism Eulogy in Commemoration of the Life of Isabel Holden Explanation for Revoking Invitation to Joseph Sobran to Speak at SOS Conference How Are the Mighty Fallen? 8 SON SON SON ER DS SON Vol. 33/3: 5, 12 Vol. 32/2: 6-7 Vol. 33/1: 2, 14-15 Vol. 3/2: 35-52 Page 1-3 Vol. 32/1: 6 SON Vol. 32/3: 7, 22 1997, Summer 1996, Spring 1997, Winter 1995, Autumn 2009 1996, Winter 1996, Summer Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Beauclerk, Charles (continued) Introductory Remarks Introductory Remarks Introductory Remarks Isabel Holden (1915-2007): In Memoriam Letter: admiration for The Spear-Shaker Letter: pursuit of the truth in the authorship question Letter: thanks to the editors of The Oxfordian for ten great years Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. re the Trial Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. News From The De Vere Society News From The De Vere Society: Lady Diana is Direct Descendant of Edward de Vere Obituaries: John Louther: a Recollection; G. Grant Gifford An Open Letter to American Oxfordians An Open Letter to Shakespeare Oxford Society: ordered & professional approach to capturing hearts and minds of public opinion Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow Peculiar Parable, A (short story) Prince Charles‘ Views Reply to Lord Dacre Review of The Truth Will Out by B. James and W.D. Rubinstein (2005) The Shakespeare Authorship Question: why it matters Sir Philip Sidney Satirized in Merry Wives of Windsor To Our Members: from new President Charles Vere What Was the Author‘s Motivation in Writing This Work? Who Really Wrote the Plays of ―William Shakespeare?‖ William O. Hunt of Chicago (d. 1994): a recollection DSN DSN DSN SM SSR SM OX SON SON SSR SSR No. 1: 2 No. 2: 2 No. 3: 3-4 Vol. 7/2: 1, 18-20 Issue 5: 25 Vol. 4/3: 2 Vol. 10: 164-164 Vol. 24/3: 6-7 Vol. 23/3: 4-5 Issue 1/2: 38-39 Issue 1/1: 36 SON Vol. 39/2: 20 SSR Issue 5: 19-20 SON Vol. 27/3: 10 2003, Spring 1991, Aug. 1991, Summer SON DSN SON DSN OX DSN ER SON SON SON SON 1997, Spring 1988, Aug. 1996, Winter 1988, April 2005 1995, Aug. 1994, Autumn 1996, Winter 1994, Autumn 1995, Autumn 1994, Autumn Vol. 33/2: 3 No. 3: 53-69 Vol. 32/1: 7 No. 2: 14-15 Vol. 8: 140-145 Vol. 2/2: 5-7 Vol. 2/2: 3-10 Vol. 32/1: 1, 11 Vol. 30/4: 18 Vol. 31/4: 4-5 Vol. 30/4: 12-13 Bell, James H. Letter to the editor of The Washington Star (April 11, 1980) SON Vol. 16/1: 12 Benedick Benedick and Beatrice‘s Excellent Adventure SM Benezet, Louis P. Annual Meeting SFA Another Stratfordian Aids the Oxford Cause SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 241-246) The Authorship of Othello (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 110-115) SFQ Dr. Smart‘s Man of Stratford Outsmarts Credulity SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 169-178) Every Word Doth Almost Tell My Name (a poem composed of lines SFA from an early poem by de Vere and lines from poems of Shakespeare) ―Shakespeare Authorship Theories‖ in Grolier Encyclopedia (1950) (ex.) SON ―Shakespeare Authorship Theories‖ in Grolier Encyclopedia (1950) (ex.) SON False Shakespeare Chronology Regarding the Date of King Henry VIII SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 289-292) Frauds and Stealths of Injurious Imposters (repr. in AWA, Vol. 3: 8-17) SFQ Great Debate of 1892-1893: Bacon versus Shakespeare SFA (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, 171-176, 1941, Oct.) Look at the Chronicles, Part 1 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 342-350) SFA Look at the Chronicles, Part 2 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 351-358) SFA Look at the Chronicles, Part 3 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 359-366) SFA Nineteenth Century Revolt Against the Stratford Theory, Part 1 SFA (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 165-170) Organization of the Shakespeare Fellowship, American Branch SFA (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 089-091) President Louis Benezet‘s Message (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 70-71) SFA 9 1988, Jan. 1988, April 1988, Aug. 2008, Winter 1991, Aug. 2005, Spring 2007 1988, Summer 1987, Summer 1988, Winter 1987, Fall 1980, Winter Vol. 8/1: 1, 13-18+ 2009, Winter Vol. 3/2: 18-23 Vol. VII/2: 17-19 1942, Feb. 1946, April Vol. V/3: 46-48 1944, July Vol. VIII/2: 27-31 1947, Summer Vol. 3/5: 68 1942, Aug. Vol. 24/4: 8-10 Vol. 29/4: 19 Vol. VII/3: 43-44 1988, Summer 1993, Fall 1946, July Vol. V/1: 2-6 Vol. 2/6: 65-67 1944, Jan. 1941, Oct. Vol. 4/3: 25-28 Vol. 4/4: 47-50 Vol. 4/6: 77-80 Vol. 2/5: 53-55 1943, April 1943, June 1943, Oct. 1941, Aug. Vol. 1/1: 1 1939, Dec. Vol. 1/1: 2 1939, Dec. Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Benezet, Louis P. (continued) The Remarkable Testimony of Henry Peacham SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 214-19) Shake-scene and Shake-Rags SFA Shakespeare and Ben Jonson (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 107-108) SFA The Shakespeare Hoax: An Improbable Narrative (republished from SFQ Dartmouth Quarterly, Nov. 1947; reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 4-11) A Shakespeare-Oxford Medley SAR Shaksper, Shakespeare, and De Vere (excerpt from monograph) AWA Shaksper, Shakespeare, and de Vere (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 304-308) SFA The Six Loves of ―Shake-speare‖ AWA Stratford Defendant Compromised By His Own Advocates SON (reprinted from SFQ, 1944, 1945) Stratford Defendant Compromised By His Own Advocates SON (reprinted from SFQ, July 1945) Stratford Defendant Compromised By His Own Advocates, Part 1 SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 79-83) Stratford Defendant Compromised By His Own Advocates, Part 2 SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 84-89) Stratford Defendant Compromised By His Own Advocates, Part 3 SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 90-95) Stratford Defendant Compromised By His Own Advocates, Part 4 SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 96-109) Youthful Minds Are Open SFA Vol. VI/4: 54-56 1945, Oct. Vol. 2/1: 4 Vol. 1/4: 5 Vol. IV/1: 4-11 1940, Dec. 1940, June/July 1948, Spring Issue #3: 15-17 Vol. 4: 204-212 Vol. 3/5: 67 Vol. 4: 287-324 Vol. 5/3: 3-16 1960, Spring 1937 1942, Aug. 1938 1969, July 30 Vol. 28/4a: 6 1992, Fall Vol. V/3: 44-46 1944, July Vol. VI/1: 13-15 1945, Jan. Vol. VI/2: 27-29 1945, April Vol. VI/3: 40-45 1945, July Vol. 1/1: 4 1939, Dec. Benjamin, Dana E.; Marlene Z. Letter: Du Bartas and the authorship issue SON Vol. 33/2: 21 1997, Spring Benjamin, Marlene Z. Letter: Persian Portrait SM 2002, Spring Benjamin, Marlene Z.; Dana E. Letter: Du Bartas and the authorship issue SON Vol. 33/2: 21 1997, Spring Bennington Vermont Banner Review of All The Queen‘s Men by John Nassivera SON Vol. 24/4: 13-14 1988, Summer Benson, Jr., Jon Interview with Professor Cavaliero Academico SON Vol. 27/2: 8-10 1991, Spring Bentley, Richard Shakespeare Cross Examination (Am Bar Assoc, 1961) (excerpt) SON Vol. 30/2a: 15-16 1994, Spring Berkeley Lab News Center Have Genome Scientists Uncovered Shakespeare‘s Literary DNA? SON Vol. 47/2: 7-8 2011, Spring SON SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM Vol. 35/2: 5 Vol. 4/2: 11 Vol. 1/3: 34-36 Vol. 1/1: 18-19 Vol. 4/2: 30-32 Vol. 1/4: 26-27 Vol. 2/4: 34-35 Vol. 2/3: 30-31 Vol. 2/1: 34-36 1999, Summer 2005, Winter 2002, Spring 2001, Fall 2005, Winter 2002, Summer 2003, Summer 2003, Spring 2002, Fall SM SM SM Vol. 1/2: 4 2002, Winter Vol. 4/4: 6-11 2005, Summer Vol. 3/3: 1, 12-18 2004, Spring Berney, Charles Adventures of a Contestant The Astronomy of the Sonnets Confidential Video Bard: As You Like It: 1936, 1978, 1983 Confidential Video Bard: Love‘s Labour‘s Lost: the BBC vs. Branagh Confidential Video Bard: Merchant of Venice: 2004 and 1980 Confidential Video Bard: Midsummer Night‘s Dream revisited Confidential Video Bard: Taming of the Shrew: Zeffirelli and Miller Confidential Video Bard: Three Lears: Horden, Holm, and Olivier Confidential Video Bard: Titus Andronicus: Jane Howell and Julie Taymor versions From Fellowship President Dr. Charles Berney Hidden Allusions in Oxford‘s Spanish Tragedy In Search of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern 10 Vol. 1/3: 3 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Berney, Charles (continued) The Legend of the Round-Earthers Leicester‘s Commonwealth: Portrait of a Serial Killer? Letter: ―Supposes‖ and Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit Letter: kudos to Charles Boyle and Mark Anderson for tackling issue of incest Mathematical Models of Stratfordian Persistence Midsummer Night‘s Dream on Film: from Hollywood extravaganza to British opera Moorer‘s Marathon, or three plays in one day Robert, Earl of Essex--Who‘s Your Daddy? Sir Walter Scott as Paleo-Oxfordian, Part 1 Sir Walter Scott as Paleo-Oxfordian, Part 2: The Abbot Sir Walter Scott as Paleo-Oxfordian, Part 3: The Monastery Some Further Thoughts on Jack the Ripper and Sir Walter Scott Taming of the Shrew revisited The Utrecht Conference What‘s in a Name? Who Wrote The Spanish Tragedy? SON SM SON SON Vol. 35/3: 5 Vol. 3/4: 22-25, 36 Vol. 36/4: 24 Vol. 36/2: 21-22 1999, Fall 2004, Summer 2001, Winter 2000, Summer OX Vol. 2: 138-144 1999 SON Vol. 37/1: 17, 23+ 2001, Spring SM SM SON SM SM SM SM SM SON SM Vol. 1/2: 30-31 Vol. 4/3: 20-23 Vol. 36/3: 17 Vol. 3/1: 30-32 Vol. 4/1: 28-30 Vol. 4/3: 30-31 Vol. 3/2: 30-31 Vol. 4/1: 5 Vol. 32/3: 11 Vol. 4/2: 1, 19-21 2002, Winter 2005, Spring 2000, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2005, Spring 2004, Winter 2004, Fall 1996, Summer 2005, Winter Bevington, David Letter: congratulations on the new venture ER Vol. 1/2: 5 1993, Autumn Bewley, Dorna and Jeremy Crick The Ashbourne Portrait DSN Page 24-35 2007, June Bianculli, David Noble Test of Shakespeare (Frontline broadcast, NY Post, 4/18/1989) SON Vol. 25/2: 09 1989, Spring Bird, Charles J. A per se A‘ and Apis Lapis King Edward III at Castle Hedingham Oxford‘s Early Years Springtime in Hesperides Wounded Truth - Some Further Thoughts DSN DSN GO DSN SM 2008, June 2003, Feb. 2004 1999, Aug. 2003, Winter Blair, William Paul Letter: praise for last issue of the Newsletter SON Vol. 32/4: 21 1996, Fall Bloch, Howard Letter: statistical analysis and dating the plays OX 2000 Boettger, Carol Events at the World Shakespeare Congress: visions, revisions and a premature death That Way Madness Lies: Elegy Conference in LA still leaves questions Vol. 15/2: 27-29 Page 13-15 Vol. 3/4: 3 Vol. 2/2: 29 Vol. 3: 122-123 SON Vol. 32/2: 2, 23 1996, Spring SON Vol. 32/1: 2, 24 1996, Winter Boissevain, Charles Letter: authorship interest in the History Society of Geneva SFA Vol. 3/2: 24 1942, Feb. Bokenham, T. D. Letter: topical allusions in King John SAR Issue #15: 21-22 1966, Spring Bompas, George C. Problem of the Shakespeare Plays (excerpt: The Argument, Ch. 2, 3) AWA Vol. 1: 163-183 1902 Bone, F. D. Castle Hedingham SFA Vol. 2/3: 33-34 1941, April 11 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Bowen, Gwynneth M. Ave Atque Vale Annual Dinner Annual Dinner Annual Dinner (15 April 1970) Annual Dinner (20 April 1961) Annual Dinner of the Shakespearean Authorship Society Annual General Meeting The Banished Duke Book Reviews: the verdict of history (literary scholars vs. historians) Chronology in the Melting Pot Coronation Sonnet The Debatable Date of King Lear Debate at the Old Vic -- The Shakespeare Mystery (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 19-23) Editorial Reply Regarding Spinola Letter (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5: 61-62) Falstaff, Tarlton and The Famous Victories Freud and Shakespeare (includes her letter to the Editor of the Observer) From the Oxfordian Archives: Worcester‘s, Oxford‘s and the Admiral‘s (repr. from Shakespearean Authorship Review, No. 29, Sum. 1974) Hackney, Harsnett, and the Devils in King Lear (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 160-167) Incomparable Pair and ―The Works of William Shakespeare‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 63-69) Letter: correction of error in her article The Wounded Name Letter: Coronation Sonnet Letter: Shakespeare Fellowship Study Circle Letter: This Star of England Letter to the Times Literary Supplement Letter: wishful thinking and the authorship issue More Brabbles and Frays (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 264-271) The Mysterious Mr. W. H. New Catalogue of the S.A.S. Library Obituary: Edward Gordon Craig (1872-1966) Obituary: Francis L. Nichols Obituary: Herr Ludwig Breitwiser (d. 1966) Obituary: J. Howard Dellinger (d. 1962) Obituary: John R. Mez (d. 1959) Obituary: T. B. Hart (1963) The Ostler v. Hemminges Case Oxford Did Go to Milan (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 48-50) Oxford Exonerated Oxford‘s and Worcester‘s Men and the Boar‘s Head (1972) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 337-344) Oxford‘s Letter to Bedingfield and Shake-speare‘s Sonnets (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 216-224) Purloined Plumes (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 312-321) Response to Lambin‘s Letter Reverberations (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 146-149) Review of Christmas Humphreys‘s Talk ―Who Wrote Shakespeare – A Lawyer Enquires‖ (22 April 1955) Review of G. A. Morison‘s Talk ―Interest in the Authorship Question in the U.S.‖ (9 Apr. 1960) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Talk ―The Case for Edward de Vere as ―Shakespeare‖ (14 March 1963) Response to H. S. Shield‘s Comments on Altrocchi‘s Article ―Ships and Spears in Genoa‖ Review of Hilda Amphlett‘s Talk ―The Haunts of Edward de Vere‖ (30 April 1963) 12 SAR SAR SFE SAR SAR SAR SAR SFE SAR SFE SFE BAR SAR Issue #1: 3-5 Issue #16: 21-25 Page 3 Issue #23: 21-23 Issue #6: 17-18 Issue #25: 1-8 Issue #11: 12-13 Page 5-6 Issue #11: 10-12 Page 5-6 Page 7-9 Vol. 2/1: 23-38 Issue #1: 14-17 1959, Spring 1966, Autumn 1958, Autumn 1970, Summer 1961, Autumn 1971, Autumn 1964, Spring 1956, Spring 1964, Spring 1955, Autumn 1956, Spring 1978 1959, Spring SAR SFE SFE SON Issue #5: 23-24 Page 9-10 Page 3-4 Vol. 42/2: 28-31 1961, Spring 1955, Spring 1956, Autumn 2006, Spring SAR Issue #14: 2-7 1965, Autumn SAR Issue #6: 2-8 1961, Autumn SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SAR SAR SAR SAR SFE SAR SAR SAR SAR SAR SAR SAR SAR 1955, Spring 1957, Spring 1954, Sept. 1954, April 1948, April 1953, April 1968, Autumn 1969, Spring 1967, Autumn 1966, Autumn 1956, Autumn 1966, Autumn 1963, Spring 1959, Autumn 1963, Spring 1968, Autumn 1960, Autumn 1960, Autumn 1973, Summer Page 14 Page 11-12 Page 12 Page 13 Page 6 Page 11-12 Issue #20: 5-10 Issue #21: 1-4 Issue #18: 11 Issue #16: 27 Page 12 Issue #16: 27 Issue #9: 20 Issue #2: 23 Issue #9: 20 Issue #19: 15-16 Vol. 4: 48-50 Issue #4: 2-9 Issue #28: 1-6 SAR Issue #17: 6-12 1967, Spring SAR SFE SAR SFE Issue #26: 1-8 Page 11 Issue #12: 7-09 Page 2-3 1972, Summer 1958, Spring 1964, Autumn 1955, Autumn SAR Issue #4: 15-16 1960, Autumn SAR Issue #10: 17-20 1963, Autumn SAR Issue #2: 24 1959, Autumn SAR Issue #10: 21 1963, Autumn Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Bowen, Gwynneth M. (continued) Review of Katharine Eggar‘s Talk ―Ferdinando Stanley: an Undected Pupil of Edward de Vere‖ (28 Nov. 1959) Review of Katharine Eggar‘s Talk ―What We Learn of de Vere From Shakespeare‘s Fools and Clowns‖ (9 Nov. 1957) Review of Professor L. S. Penrose‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare‘s Knowledge of Medicine‖ (12 March 1964) Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Lecture ―‗All‘s Well That Ends Well‖ and the Authorship Question‖ (18 March 1958) Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Lecture ―‗All‘s Well That Ends Well‘ and the Authorship Question‖ (17 Nov. 1970) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5: 307-9) Review of Ruth Wainwright‘s Lecture ―Conflicting Dates for Various Candidates‖ (17 March 1965) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 176-78) Review of Ruth Wainewright Lecture, ―Macbeth and the Authorship Question‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 77-79) Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Lecture ―Oxfordian Views on the Sonnets‖ (20 March 1969) Review of ―Secrets of the Sonnets,‖ a recorded dramatic reading edited by H. K. Kennedy-Skipton (18 Apr. 1959) Review of Shakespeare by Peter Alexander (1964) Review of Shakespeare‘s Identity: William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby by A. W. Titherley (1952) Review of Shakespeare‘s Sources by Kenneth Muir (1957) Review of Sir John Russell‘s Lecture ―The Authorship Problem for Beginners‖ (17 Jan. 1969) Review of The Boar‘s Head Theater: An Inn-Yard Theater of the Elizabethan Age by Charles. J. Sisson (1972) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 332-336) Review of The Case for Shakespeare‘s Authorship of ‗The Famous Victories‘ by Seymour M. Pitcher (1961) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 124-129) Review of The Shakespeare Claimants by H. N. Gibson (1962) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 112-113) Review of The Shakespeare First Folio by W. W. Greg (1955) Review of The Six Loves of Shake-speare by Louis Benezet (1958) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 31-35) A Shakespeare Allusion Continued? Shakespeare and His Contemporaries Shakespeare and the Trussells of Billesley Shakespeare to His Sovereign Shakespeare‘s Early Style Shakespeare‘s Farewell: The Date and Authorship of The Tempest (printed privately) Sir Edmund Chambers (1866-1954) Sir Edward Vere and His Mother, Anne Vavasor (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 183-187) Stratfordian Quatercentenary (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 132-133) Touching the Affray at the Blackfriers (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 236-44) What Happened at Hedingham and Earls Colne?, Part 1 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 177-281) What Happened at Hedingham and Earls Colne?, Part 2 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 282-293) Worchester‘s Oxford‘s and The Admiral‘s The Wounded Name (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, 123-126) SAR Issue #3: 18-19 1960, Spring SFE Page 2 1958, Spring SAR Issue #12: 15-16 1964, Autumn SFE Page 2 1958, Autumn SAR Issue #24: 19-21 1971, Spring SAR Issue #14: 13-15 1965, Autumn SAR Issue #6: 15-16 1961, Autumn SAR Issue #21: 16-18 1969, Spring SAR Issue #2: 15-16 1959, Autumn SAR Issue #13: 12-17 SFE Page 6-7 1965, Spring 1952, Sept. SFE Page 9 SAR Issue #19: 19-20 1957, Autumn 1968, Autumn SAR Issue #27: 19-23 1972, Winter SAR Issue #10: 10-14 1963, Autumn SAR Issue #8: 15-17 1962, Autumn SFE Page 10-11 SAR Issue #2: 9-12 1957, Spring 1959, Autumn SAR SAR SFE SAR SFE AWA 1962, Spring 1962, Spring 1958, Spring 1960, Spring 1958, Autumn 1971 Issue #7: 10-12 Issue #7: 1-6 Page 6 Issue #3: 6-8 Page 3-6 Vol. 5: 360-376 SFE Page 6 SAR Issue #15: 4-7 1954, April 1966, Spring SAR Issue #11: 3 SAR Issue #18: 1-7 SAR Issue #23: 1-4 1964, Spring 1967, Autumn 1970, Summer SAR Issue #24: 1-11 1971, Spring SAR Issue #29: 1-10 SFE Page 7-8 1974, Summer 1954, Sept. Bowen, Marjorie Introduction to Percy Allen‘s Plays of Shakespeare & Chapman AWA Vol. 1: 243-245 Introduction to Percy Allen‘s Plays of Shakespeare & Chapman (excerpt) AWA Vol. 1: 331-333 13 1933 1933 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Bowen, Pamella M. Letter: Macbeth Unexpected Help From Neil Simon SM Vol. 7/1: 2 SON Vol. 34/2: 17 2007, Fall 1998, Summer Boyce, Tom Letter: note about the CD: Joyne Hands: Music of Thomas Morley SON Vol. 29/1a: 17 1993, Winter Boyle, Charles Barring the Bard (from The Boston Phoenix, Sept. 8, 1989, excerpt) Bitter Fruit: Troilus and Cressida in Queen Elizabeth‘s Court Elizabeth‘s Glass Lessons From a Seminar Letter: need for more pro-Oxford and less anti-Stratford approach Letter: Oxford bearing the canopy Letter: petitioning the Shakespearean Association of America? Letter: the crown signature Letter to Editor, NY Times, re Angus Fletcher and Freud (April 28, 1988) Review of Alias Shakespeare by Joseph Sobran (1997) Review of Who Were Shakespeare? by Ron Allen (1998) Shakespeare and the Politics of Protestant England Why Pericles Was Not Included in the First Folio SON ER SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 25/4: 12-13 Vol. 2/2: 11-18 Vol. 36/4: 1, 15-17 Vol. 32/2: 4 Vol. 24/1: 14 Vol. 34/2: 21 Vol. 29/3a: 9 Vol. 32/1: 23 Vol. 24/2: 8-9 Vol. 33/3: 16 Vol. 34/3: 22 Vol. 32/2: 18 Vol. 35/4: 6-8 1989, Fall 1994, Autumn 2001, Winter 1996, Spring 1988, Winter 1998, Summer 1993, Summer 1996, Winter 1988, Spring 1997, Summer 1998, Fall 1996, Spring 2000, Winter SM SM SON SON Vol. 2/4: 1, 8-12 Vol. 3/3: 1, 8-11 Vol. 32/1: 4-5 Vol. 33/4: 1, 3-5 2003, Summer 2004, Spring 1996, Winter 1997, Fall SON Vol. 35/3: 1, 3-5 SON Vol. 33/3: 4, 6-8 1999, Fall 1997, Summer SM SON SM SON 2003, Winter 2001, Winter 2005, Summer 1998, Spring Boyle, William E. 7th Annual De Vere Studies Conference 8th Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference 19th Annual Conference in Greenboro, NC 21st Annual Conference: gathering in Seattle brings sense of purpose to Oxfordians 23rd Annual Conference Caps an Eventful Year The 1987 Moot Court Trial: ten years later the verdict is in: de Vere/Oxfordians won Ashbourne Portrait Followup The Bad Boy is Back: NY Times trumpets Marlowe Book Notes: Shakespeare by Another Name by Mark Anderson (2005) Ciphers, Codes, and the Authorship Debate: shortcut to the truth, or fatal attraction? The Debate Heats Up on the Web Drive, They Said: revised Shakespeare bios, authorship Novels & anti-Oxfordian tracts Engaging Prince Tudor: Concordia seminar touches third rail of Oxfordianism Folger Displays Ashbourne Portrait in Exhibition on Frauds Followup; the First Folio and the Spanish marriage crisis Have You No Shame? Greenblatt‘s Strat bio raises stakes in the authorship battle The Interrogation of Professor Alan Nelson Much Ado About Something Airs on PBS Name is New, Beat Goes On: Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conf. Paradigm Earthquake Strikes Amherst, Mass. (Stritmatter‘s Successful Ph.D. Defense) The Play‘s the Thing . . . authorship debate in NYC Shakespeare and the Fair Youth Shakespeare on the Internet; discussion group grows; home page opened Shakespeare, Southampton and the Sonnets: Conference explores competing theories Shakespeare‘s Invention: the royal story of the Sonnets: Whittemore makes his case Shakespeare‘s Son on Death Row? Smithsonian Showdown and NY Times Feature Article Rock the Authorship Debate 14 Vol. 2/2: 11 Vol. 36/4: 3 Vol. 4/4: 33 Vol. 34/1: 1, 4-5 SON Vol. 32/2: 14 SM Vol. 3/1: 1, 6-7 1996, Spring 2003, Fall SM 2004, Fall Vol. 4/1: 1, 8 SM Vol. 3/1: 4 SON Vol. 34/3: 2 SM Vol. 4/2: 6-7 2003, Fall 1998, Fall 2005, Winter SM SM SM SON Vol. 3/3: 1, 7-8 Vol. 2/2: 30-31 Vol. 4/3: 1, 7-10+ Vol. 36/1: 1, 8-9 2004, Spring 2003, Winter 2005, Spring 2000, Spring SM SON SON SON Vol. 3/2: 1, 12-13 Vol. 32/4: 6-7 Vol. 32/1: 16-17 Vol. 35/3: 6-7, 22 2004, Winter 1996, Fall 1996, Winter 1999, Fall SON Vol. 35/1: 2 1999, Spring SON Vol. 34/2: 1, 4-7 SM Vol. 1/3: 1, 6-7 1998, Summer 2002, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Boyle, William E. (continued) Stratford (Ontario) Hosts 24th Annual Conference Stritmatter, Ross Debate Oxford‘s Bible Unveiling the Sonnets Watertown Symposium Wikipedia Wars: is coverage of authorship question ―fair and balanced‖? With the Sonnets Now Solved . . . is the debate resolved? Boyle, William E.; Peter Dickson Washington Researcher Offers New Theory on Folio Publication and Authorship SON SM DS SON SM SM Vol. 36/3: 1, 3-4 Vol. 2/2: 8 Page 63-85 Vol. 45/2: 1, 33-36 Vol. 10/3: 1, 8-12 Vol. 3/4: 1, 11-15 2000, Fall 2003, Winter 2009 2009, Sept. 2011, Summer 2004, Summer SON Vol. 34/1: 2, 22 1998, Spring Boyle, William; Lynne Kositsky; Richard F. Whalen Fellowship in Cambridge: conference brings together Shakespeareans SM Vol. 2/2: 1, 6 2003, Winter Boyle, William E.; Roger Stritmatter From the Editors: Farewell . . . and thanks Swan Song for Funeral Elegy: Donald Foster concedes it‘s not Sh. SM SM Vol. 4/4: 3 Vol. 1/4: 1, 4 2005, Summer 2002, Summer Boyle, William Peel; Jack Shuttleworth Society Opens Its Library, Establishes an Endowment SON Vol. 35/4: 1, 4-5 2000, Winter SON Vol. 35/3: 8-9 1999, Fall Braben, Shirley Letter: Thomas Smith and Hill Hall SON Vol. 43/2: 21 2007, Spring Brachmann, Elke and Jan Scheffer H. Review of Shakespeare: The Concealed Poet by Robert Detobel DSN Vol. 18/2: 36-38 2011, July Brame, Michael; Galina Popova Illicit Reversal Letter: linguistic fingerprints Letter: Monstrous Adversary by Alan Nelson (2003) Letter: Pushkin and Shakespeare Was Shakespeare Gay? SM SM SM SM SM 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2004, Winter 2004, Summer Brand, Alice Blarden Antony and Cleopatra and the Nature of Their Sexuality BAR Vol. 1/3: 98-107 1976 SON Vol. 38/3: 18-21 2002, Summer Boyle, William E.; Roger Stritmatter; Daniel Wright Shakespeare and Religion: Conference Panel Highlights Sticking Points for Scholars Brazil, Robert Countess Anne‘s Book: new light on a 1581 translation of Sermons on Saint Paul Edward de Vere and the Shakespeare Quartos, Part 1 Edward de Vere and the Shakespeare Quartos, Part 2 James Roberts and Oxford: another key publishing relationship Letter: Carl Caruso‘s article ―The Maiden and the Mermaid‖ (reprinted from SM, Vol. 1, No. 4) New Evidence Confirms Oxford‘s Birth Date Oxford and the Turk Oxfordian News: Shakespeare and the Stars; Tudor ―Angel‖ Coins; Weir Talks Oxford‘s Heraldry Explained Review of Bedside Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Sh. by Riley/Mcallister (2001) Review of Infinite Variety: the Folger Shakespeare Library by Esther Ferington (2002) Review of The Real Shakespeare by Marilyn Savage Gray (2001) 15 SON SON SON SM Vol. 3/1: 28-29 Vol. 4/1: 2-3 Vol. 3/3: 2 Vol. 3/2: 2 Vol. 3/4: 34-36 Vol. 35/2: 1, 16-17+ Vol. 35/3: 1, 10-11+ Vol. 35/3: 14 1999, Fall Vol. 2/1: 2 2002, Fall SON Vol. 38/2: 6-7 SON Vol. 39/1: 16-18 SON Vol. 39/1: 7-8 2002, Spring 2003, Winter 2003, Winter SM Vol. 5/3: 1, 15-25 2006, Spring SON Vol. 38/4: 21 2002, Fall SON Vol. 38/4: 21 2002, Fall SON Vol. 38/4: 21 2002, Fall Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Brazil, Robert (continued) The Thomas Creede Connection Trevor-Roper, Elizabethan Scholar, Dies (1914-2003) Unpacking The Merry Wives SON Vol. 35/3: 12-13 SON Vol. 39/1: 7 OX Vol. 2: 117-137 1999, Fall 2003, Winter 1999 Brazil, Robert; Wayne Shore Stylometrics and the Funeral Elegy Affair SON Vol. 38/3: 1, 8 2002, Summer Bremer, Nolan Letter: bequest of Tal Wilson SON Vol. 36/1: 29 2000, Spring Bronte, Lydia The Shakespeare Mystery SON Vol. 25/2: 12-13 1989, Spring SON Vol. 24/2: 9 1988, Spring Brooks, Alden Factotem and Agent (excerpt from book) AWA Vol. 4: 213-222 1937 Brooks, James Comparison of the 1609 and 1640 Texts of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Fixing an Academic Fiasco Mr. Marlowe: You‘re No William Shakespeare Textual Anomalies in Golding‘s Translation of Metamorphoses SON SON SON SON 2007, Winter 2004, Fall 2006, Fall redux 2005, Spring Brooks, Philip Crime Imitates Fiction (reprinted from NY Times Book Review, 3/3/40) SFA Vol. 1/3: 6 1940, Apr./May Browning, Olive H. Review of Who Was Shakespeare? by Hilda Amphlett (1955) Annual Dinner SFE Page 10-11 SFE Page 1-2 1955, Spring 1955, Autumn Buisman, Louise The Problems of Henry VI and of King John Shakespeare Personal or Impersonal? SAR Issue #28: 14-24 SAR Issue #29: 11-16 1973, Summer 1974, Summer Brunel U.; Sh. Authorship Trust 2007 John Silberrad Memorial Lectures at Shakesp.‘s Globe, Nov., 2007 SON Vol. 43/3: 22-23 2007, Summer Brookman, Belinda Group Persuades ―Jurors‖ Bard Really Earl, Not Will (reprinted from the Palm Beach Post, 4/6/88) Buckley, Marion The Shakespeare Authorship Debate and the Proper Standard of Proof Buckridge, Patrick Authorship Down Under: One-Man Publicity Campaign in Australia Christopher Hatton, Edward Dyer and the ―First Adonis‖ Letter: response to comments by Derrak Charlton Review of The Shakespeare Conspiracy by Graham Phillips and Martin Ketamen (1994) What Did John Marston Know About Shakespeare? Bunnett, R. J. A. Letter: authorship issues in the decades after de Vere died in 1604 Burgess, Gelett Modern Research Sheds New Light on Bard of Avon (reprinted from the New York Herald Tribune, June 3, 1947) Burford, Charles – see Charles Beauclerk 16 Vol. 43/1: 13-21 Vol. 40/4: 3-4 Vol. 42/4: 3-4, 21+ Vol. 41/2: 10-11 TLR Vol. 72/1: 295-307 2004, Fall SON ER ER ER Vol. 32/1: 20 Vol. 6/2: 15-30 Vol. 5/1: 4 Vol. 2/2: 4-70 1996, Winter 1998, Autumn 1997, Spring 1994, Autumn ER Vol. 4/2: 24-40 1996, Autumn SFE No. 15: 8-11 1939, July SON Vol. 5/4: 5 1969, Dec. 10 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Burgstahler, Albert News: Collaborative Authorship for Edward III? Oxford issues Burris, Barbara Ashbourne Portrait The Ashbourne Portrait: Part II: costume dating debunks Folger‘s Hamersley claim The Ashbourne Portrait: Part IV Ashbourne Story III: review of the painting‘s restoration reveals history of deception Back to the Ashbourne: more layers of deception in 2002 examination of the portrait The Coat of Arms and the Composite Sketch Comparison of the Conculsions of Two Major Published Studies of the Ashbourne Portrait: Barrell in 1940 and Pressly in 1993 A Golden Book, Bound Richly Up: comparing Champan‘s words with the Ashbourne A History of Alterations to the Coat of Arms Letter: Ashbourne Portrait Letter: Chapman Oxford‘s New Coat of Arms in 1586 What Did Hamersley Look Like? SM SM Vol. 8/4: 18-19 Vol. 4/1: 2 2009, Fall 2004, Fall SM SM Vol. 4/4: 4 2005, Summer Vol. 1/2: 1, 17-21 2002, Winter SM SM Vol. 2/1: 1, 9-22 2002, Fall Vol. 1/3: 1, 10-22 2002, Spring SM Vol. 4/1: 1, 15-21 2004, Fall SM SM Vol. 1/3: 17 Vol. 1/3: 13 SM Vol. 1/1: 1, 12-17 2001, Fall SM SM SM SM SM Vol. 2/1: 12-13 Vol. 2/1: 2-3 Vol. 1/3: 2 Vol. 2/4: 20-23 Vol. 1/3: 18 2002, Spring 2002, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Summer 2002, Spring Byrne, Ciar Devotees of De Vere, ―the real Bard,‖ Mark 400th Anniversary (reprint of letter to The Independent) SON Vol. 40/3: 9 2004, Summer Cain, Lincoln S. Letter: Spear Shaker, the Folger, and the Shakespeare Quarterly Letter to President of Amherst College about its oversight of the Folger Shakespeare Library SSR Issue 5: 24 SON Vol. 31/3: 1-6 1991, Aug. 1995, Summer Cairncross, A. S. Letter to the Times Literary Supplement in response to a letter from Percy Allen SFE No. 2: 8-9 1937, March Cali, Grace Letter: Hughes‘ call to reach academics by presenting an interesting possibility SON Vol. 33/1: 21 1997, Winter SON Vol. 36/1: 4-6 2000, Spring SON Vol. 25/2: 8-9 1989, Spring Campbell, Susan The Last Known Letter of Edward de Vere Brought to Light Carman, John Was Shakespeare the Real Thing? (Frontline review, from San Francisco Chronicle, 4/18/1989) Carr, Frances Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture ―Who Was Kyd‘s and Marlowe‘s SAR Issue #15: 19-20 Lord?‖ (16 Feb. 1966) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 191-192) Review of the Marlowe Society Members‘ Lecture ―The Death of SAR Issue #15: 17-19 Kit Marlowe‖ (19 Jan. 1966) Carrington, Phyllis The Folger Shakespeare Memorial Library Obituary of Colonel Bernard Rowland Ward (1863-1933) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 256-259 and Vol. 5, p. 85-88) 17 SFE Page 3-4 SAR Issue #8: 2-5 1966, Spring 1966, Spring 1944, Oct. 1962, Autumn Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Carrington, Phyllis (continued) Was Lord Oxford Buried in Westminster Abbey? (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 384-390) SFA Vol. 4/4: 41-44 Carroll, D. Allen Reading the 1692 Groatsworth Attack on Shakespeare 1943, June TLR Vol. 72/1: 277-294 2004, Fall Caruana, Stephanie Funeral Elegy: An Update: does the Emperor have any clothes yet? The Guy of Warwick: Oxford knocks Shaksper Hamlet‘s ―True-Penny‖: a new coined word for Oxford‘s father I Hypnotized Dr. Louis Marder . . . and Made Him Believe Oxford Wrote the Plays! A New-Coined Word for Oxford‘s Father Of ―‗Em‘s‖ and ―Them‘s‖: important clues in the Elegy debate? Oxford‘s Lute Music Manuscript at Folger Shakespeare Library Oxford‘s ―Robin Hood‖ Plays and ―Shakespeare‘s‖ King John Secrets of Michael Drayton‘s Poly-Olbion Shakespeare/Oxford by Hilliard Six ―Signatures‖ In Search of an Author SON SSR SON SSR Vol. 32/2: 12-13 Issue 1/1: 11-21 Vol. 26/2: 3 Issue 5: 14-15 1996, Spring 1987, Fall 1990, Spring 1991, Aug. SON SON SSR SSN SSR SSR SSR Vol. 29/3a: 8 Vol. 32/3: 10-11 Issue 1/2: 37 Issue 1/1: 5-15 Issue 1/2: 1-4 Issue 1/2: 8-15 Issue 3/4: 1-3 1993, Summer 1996, Summer 1988, Winter 1991, Feb. 1988, Winter 1988, Winter 1991, May Caruso, Carl S. Letter: his article The Maiden and the Mermaid The Maiden and the Mermaid Sacred Pearls in the Machinery of Hamlet SM SM OX Vol. 2/2: 2 Vol. 1/4: 12-13 Vol. 10: 85-110 2003, Winter 2002, Summer 2007 Caruso, Carl S.; N. Green; C. Paul Post Mortem on John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford SON Vol. 40/2: 8-9 Causey, William F. The Burden of Proof and Presumptions in the Sh. Authorship Debate TLR Vol. 72/1: 93-109 2004, Fall Cavanaugh, Gerald J. Letter: are Messrs. Rowse, Marder, Evans, Levin, etc. as intransigent as ever? SON Vol. 24/1: 13 2004, Spring 1988, Winter Cecil, Michael William Cecil and Shakespeare: revisiting Baron Burghley‘s ―Precepts‖ SM Vol. 9/3: 1, 21-22+ 2010, Fall Challinor, Arthur M. Amateurs Versus Professionals The Bias of the World: lack of objectivity in Stratfordian commentary Brief Extracts From An Imaginary Stratfordian Casebook Controversy Among Gentlemen Oxfordian Weaknesses Review of Shakespeare‘s Unorthodox Biography by Diana Price (2000) DSN DSN DSN ER DSN DSN Vol. 2/7: 19-20 Vol. 2/1: 3-4 Vol. 2/5: 4 Vol. 5/2: 61-78 Vol. 2/11: 7-11 Page 39 Chaplin, Alison Changing Minds DSN Vol. 2/1: 2 1995, May SON Vol. 19/3: 11-12 1983, Summer SON Vol. 26/2: 6 SON Vol. 25/2: 4-5 1990, Spring 1989, Spring ER ER 1994, Spring 1995, Autumn Champlin, Charles A Bard By Any Other Name . . . (reprinted from the LA Times, Feb. 12, 1983) Excerpt from a Column in the LA Times (2/8/90) PBS Plays Out the Debate Over the Bard (review of Frontline‘s ―The Shakespeare Mystery,‖ LA Times, 4/18/1989) Chandler, David Death Put Off by Cunning and Forc‘d Cause A Further Reconsideration of Heywood‘s Allusion 18 Vol. 2/1: 15-20 Vol. 3/2: 15-24 1996, Dec. 1995, May 1996, April 1997, Autumn 1998, Feb. 2001, Jan. Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Lady Macbeth‘s Curds and Whey Review of Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit ed. by D. Allen Carroll (1994) Where the Professoriate is Deeply but Wrongly Committed . . . Excerpt from Report in The Boston Globe (7/23/87) ER Vol. 5/2: 126-127 1997, Autumn ER Vol. 3/1: 62-67 1995, Spring SON Vol. 23/3: 12 1987, Summer Charleston News & Courier Was ‗The Bard‘ Really ‗The Earl?‘ That, As They Say, Is The Question‖ SON Vol. 24/1: 11-12 reprint of editorial from the Charleston, SC newspaper (1/10/1988) Charlton, Derran K. Archival Research Cambridge University ―Implications‖ of Polimanteia Death of Oxfordian Paul Blair in California (1915-2009) Doctor Faustus, Tamburlaine and The Taming of the Shrew The Droeshout Collar Edward de Vere and the Knights of the Grail Edward de Vere as Henry IV An Eloquence of Light Quenched in Darkness The Essentiality of Oxfordian Archival Researches Fulke Greville In Memoriam: Verily Anderson Paget (1915-2010) Letter: Chiljan‘s discovery of the ―Portrait of a Gentleman‖ Letter: DSN visit to Southampton Letter: Earl of Oxford‘s handwriting Letter: Funeral Elegy Letter: Marston, Derby and Shakespeare Letter: Peach, de Vere and authorship issues Letter: praise for Diana Price‘s article in ER, Vol. 4/2 Pardon by King James I of Henry Wriothesley, the Earl of Southampton Review of Behind Shakespeare‘s Mask by Charles Murray Willis (2006) Review of In Search of Shakespeare by Michael Wood (1985) Review of Pseudonymous Shakespeare by Penny McCarthy (2006) Review of ―Searching for Shakespeare‖ Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery Review of Shakespeare: The Biography by Peter Ackroyd (2005) Review of the Annual Meeting of the De Vere Society Who Was Emaricdulfe‘s ―E. C. Esquire‖? (reprinted in AA, p. 142-145) DSN SON SON OX SON SSR SON SON DSN SON OX SON DSN SON SON ER SON ER SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 2/3: 6-7 Vol. 44/2: 5-9 Vol. 45/3: 7 Vol. 12: 108-118 Vol. 43/1: 27-29 Issue 3/4: 4-11 Vol. 45/2: 11-14 Vol. 28/3: 4-5 Vol. 2/1: 8-11 Vol. 46/2: 14 Vol. 12: 16 Vol. 33/3: 23 Vol. 2/12: 24 Vol. 35/4: 21 Vol. 32/2: 21 Vol. 5/1: 4-6 Vol. 35/2: 27 Vol. 5/1: 7 Vol. 42/1: 12 Vol. 43/1: 31-32 Vol. 39/3: 23-24 Vol. 42/3: 31-32 Vol. 42/2: 26-27 1988, Winter 1995, Nov. 2008, Spring 2009, Dec. 2010 2007, Winter 1991, May 2009, Sept. 1992, Summer 1995, May 2010, Aug. 2010 1997, Summer 1998, May 2000, Winter 1996, Spring 1997, Spring 1999, Summer 1997, Spring 2006, Winter 2007, Winter 2003, Summer 2006, Fall 2006, Spring SON Vol. 41/4: 24, 32 2005, Fall SON Vol. 42/2: 7-9, 32 2006, Spring SON Vol. 41/4: 3-4 2005, Fall Charlton, Derran K.; Hank Whittemore Obituaries: Robert Brazil (1955-2010) & Verily Anderson (1915-2010) SON Vol. 46/2: 16-17 2010, Aug. Charlton, Derran K.; John Barton The Grandsire Phrase in Romeo and Juliet SON Vol. 41/3: 17-18 2005, Summer Cheadle, Jane Letter: authorship issues at Mills College SON Vol. 30/1: 5 1994, Winter ER 1995, Spring Cheney, Alan Review of The Twilight Lords: an Irish Chronicle by Richard Berleth (1978) Cherubin, Sam Vero Nihil Verius Chiljan, Katherine By This Hat, Then . . . New Evidence about the 1580s ―Portrait of a Gentleman‖ CCI Report on Ashbourne Portrait: Scientific Analysis Raises More Questions Complaints About A Lover‘s Complaint 19 Vol. 3/1: 48-53 SON Vol. 27/2: 7 1991, Spring SON Vol. 34/2: 2 1998, Summer SON Vol. 39/1: 15 2003, Winter SON Vol. 44/1: 1, 5-8 2008, Winter Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Chiljan, Katherine (continued) Dating the Ashbourne Portrait: Oxfordian Evidence and Recent Lab Analysis Suggests 1597 Earl of Oxford‘s Annuity to Robert Hales (Queen‘s Favored Musician) Letter to Datebook: Tribute to the ―Authentic‖ Shakespeare (reprint of letter to the San Francisco Chronicle) A New Portrait Comes to Light Letter: Dr. Hotson's comments on the Hilliard miniature of an Unknown Man Oxford and Palamon and Arcite: an early work by Edward de Vere? Oxford Document Bought by Film Composer Richard Brome‘s ‗The Antipodes‖ and English Earle The Shakespeare Authorship Question The Trout De Vere Album: Rare Book Collector Made Rare Find SON Vol. 39/1: 1, 12-14 2003, Winter SON Vol. 41/4: 1, 5-9 SON Vol. 40/3: 9 2005, Fall 2004, Summer SON Vol. 33/1: 18 DSN Vol. 2/8: 6 1997, Winter 1997, Feb. SON SON SON SON SON 1999, Spring 2002, Spring 1994, Spring 1993, Fall 2001, Fall Vol. 35/1: 10-13 Vol. 38/2: 2 Vol. 30/2a: 6-9 Vol. 29/4: 13 Vol. 37/3: 6, 23 Chiljan, Katherine; Walter Hurst Oxford Week Spreads the Word SON Vol. 33/2: 8, 13 1997, Spring Chiljan, Katherine; Randall Sherman Reporting His Cause Through Local Chapters SON Vol. 32/4: 3 1996, Fall Choptiak, O. J. Letter: despair at seeing so many people visiting Stratford DSN Vol. 2/2: 11 1995, Aug. Chow, Winston C. Letter: writing style and orthodox dating OX 2000 Christian Science Monitor Who Wrote Edmund Ironside? Shakespeare (excerpt from April, 1991) SON Vol. 27/3: 5 1991, Summer Christianson, J. R. Appendix A: Frederik Rosenkrantz Appendix B: Knud Gyldenstierne SM SM 2004, Spring 2004, Spring Churchill, R. C. Letter: Marlovian theory SFE Page 12 1957, Autumn Clark, Cumberland Astronomy in the Poets (excerpt from book: Forward) Shakespeare and Science (excerpt from book) AWA Vol. 1: 91-92 AWA Vol. 1: 116-120 1922 1929 SFQ SFA SFA SFA SFA Vol. IX/1: 7-8 Vol. 1/6: 10-11 Vol. 2/1: 10 Vol. 2/4: 47-50 Vol. 4/6: 75-76 1947, Spring 1940, Oct./Nov. 1940, Dec. 1941, June 1943, Oct. SFA SFA SFA SFA SFA SFA SFA SFA AWA SFA SFA SFA Vol. 1/3: 9-10 Vol. 2/4: 43 Vol. 2/5: 55-57 Vol. 2/2: 20 Vol. 2/6: 72-75 Vol. 2/1: 11-12 Vol. 3/6: 79-80 Vol. 1/4: 6 Vol. 1: 298-313 Vol. 3/1: 11-12 Vol. 4/5: 69-71 Vol. 1/1: 1 1940, Apr/May 1941, June 1941, Aug. 1941, Feb. 1941, Oct. 1940, Dec. 1942, Oct. 1940, June/July 1931 1941, Dec. 1943, Aug. 1939, Dec. Clark, Eva Turner Alias (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 78-79) Anamos, or A. W. (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 129-131) Annotations by Shakespeare? Christopher Marlowe: certain perplexing problems Cryptic Passages by Davies of Hereford (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 416-419) The Date of Hamlet‘s Composition (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2: 104-06) De Vere Theory Growing in California Dr. Sanders and the Miracle The Earthquake Elizabethan Stage Scenery: more elaborate than ordinarily believed Gabriel Harvey and Axiophilus (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 132-134) Hand C in Sir Thomas More and the Plot of The Seven Deadly Sins He Must Build Churches Then (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 111-113) Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare‘s Plays (excerpt: Preface and Part II) Horse and Rider A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 393-404) Introduction to the Shakespeare Fellowship, American Branch 20 Vol. 3: 119-122 Vol. 3/3: 17 Vol. 3/3: 17 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 68-69) Lord Oxford as Shakespeare (a paper read at the Browning Society of SFA San Francisco, Feb. 13, 1942) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 235-49) Lord Oxford‘s Letters Echoed in Shakespeare‘s Plays: an early letter SFQ examined, Part 1 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 203-208) Lord Oxford‘s Letters Echoed in Shakespeare‘s Plays, Part 2: an early SFQ letter examined (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 209-213) Lord Oxford‘s Shakespearean Travels On the European Continent SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 155-175) The Man Who Was Shakespeare (Chapter 21 from her book, 1937) SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 25-29 and 187-203) The Neapolitan Prince SFA The Painting in Lucrece (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 121-122) SFA The Red Rose (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 309-311) SFA Shakespeare Read Books Written in Greek (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2: 92-95) SFA Shakespeare‘s Birthday: The Calendar Argues For Lord Oxford A SFA Shakespeare‘s Strange Silence When James I Succeeded Elizabeth SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 303-315) Some Character Names in Shakespeare‘s Plays, Part 1 SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 45-49) Some Character Names in Shakespeare‘s Plays, Part 2 SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 50-56) Some Character Names in Shakespeare‘s Plays, Part 3 SFQ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 90-95) Stolen and Surreptitious Copies (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 18-21) SFQ Topicalities in the Plays (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 125-128) SFA Underdowne‘s Translation Which Shakespeare Had Read SFA Washington Physicist Speaks (Dr. John Howard Dellinger) SFA The World‘s Great Letters (Letter from Edward Oxeford to his SFA Father-in-law in 1572, following the St. Bartholomew Massacre; letter presented in full) Vol. 3/3: 38-44 1942, April Vol. VI/4: 51-53 1945, Oct. Vol. VII/1: 10-11 1946, Jan. Vol. VI/1: 3-10 1945, Jan. Vol. VIII/3: 34-36 1947, Autumn Vol. 1/2: 11 Vol. 1/5: 5 Vol. 3/4: 53 Vol. 1/2: 9-10 Vol. 1/3: 1-2 Vol. VII/4: 55-60 1940, Feb. 1940, Aug./Sept. 1942, June 1940, Feb. 1940, Apr./May 1946, Oct. Vol. V/2: 30-32 1944, April Vol. V/3: 41-43 1944, July Vol. V/4: 66-68 1944, Oct. Vol. V/1: 6-8 Vol. 1/6: 9-10 Vol. 1/1: 3 Vol. 2/4: 41 Vol. 3/1: 7 1944, Jan. 1940, Oct./Nov. 1939, Dec. 1941, June 1941, Dec. Clarke, Marilyn Kay Letter: de Vere and the King James Bible SSR Issue 3/4: 18 1991, May Cleave, Julia The Earls of Oxford‘s Manor in Wivenhoe More a Player Than a Playwright? DSN Page 14 DSN Vol. 15/1: 17-19 2006, April 2008, March Cleave, Julia; Malim; Gilvary Reports on Conference: ―Shakespeare: from Rowe to Shapiro‖ (reprinted from The Globe/London: 28 Nov. 2009) SON Vol. 45/3: 14-17 2009, Dec. Clement, Rex Shakespeare As Mariner (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 146-156) Shakespeare‘s Amazing Nautical Knowledge (reprinted from A Gipsy of the Horn: the Narrative of a Voyage Round the World, 1924) SFE Page 4-8 SON Vol. 47/2: 16 1956, Autumn 2011, Spring Clement, Richard Letter: top 25 Shakespeare Oxford Clues SON Vol. 26/4: 14 1990, Fall Cohen, Alan and Bernice Cohen The Riddle of the Countess of Pembroke Susan Vere in Her Own ‗Write‘ DSN Vol. 16/2: 24-29 DSN Vol. 17/3: 22-27 2009, June 2010, Nov. Cohen, Bernice and Alan Cohen The Riddle of the Countess of Pembroke Susan Vere in Her Own ‗Write‘ DSN Vol. 16/2: 24-29 DSN Vol. 17/3: 22-27 2009, June 2010, Nov. 21 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Cole, Jan Edward de Vere in France: the French connection, and the Greek Was Oxford Chapman‘s Patron? DSN Vol. 18/3: 7-14 DSN Vol. 18/2: 30-34 2011, Nov. 2011, July Collins, J. Churton Studies in Shakespeare: The Bacon - Shakespeare Mania (excerpt) AWA Vol. 1: 147-152 1904 Connes, Georges I Have Changed My Mind (the Earl of Derby was the author) The Shakespeare Mystery (excerpt: Chapter 6: Bacon is Shakespeare) SAR Issue #12: 2-6 AWA Vol. 1: 134-146 1964, Autumn 1927 Considine, John The Miller Shakespeare Library of the De Vere Society DSN No. 1: 29-30 1988, Jan. SON SON SON OX 2006, Fall redux 2009, June 2007, Fall 2007 Cossolotto, Matthew Dear Fellow SOS Members! Enchanged April 2009 - Big Mo for the Big O Interview with Allegra Krasznekewicz Letter: thanks to Stephanie Hopkins Hughes for great work as editor of The Oxfordian Letter: the Sonnets at four hundred My Name Be Buried – 400th Ann. of Shakespeare‘s Posthumously Published Sonnets Noted Shakespearean Egan Takes Over The Oxfordian Oxfordian Update President‘s Letter President‘s Page President‘s Page President‘s Page President‘s Page: Doubling Membership in 2007; Shakespeare Authorship Commission President‘s Page President‘s Page President‘s Page President‘s Page President‘s Page Shakespeare‘s ―Last Will‖ Sonnets Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (2007) Vol. 42/4: 2, 15 Vol. 45/1: 2, 35-36 Vol. 43/4: 14-15 Vol. 10: 165-165 OX Vol. 11: 4-10 2009 SON Vol. 45/2: 2, 45-47 2009, Sept. SON SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 44/3: 24 Vol. 45/3: 6, 31 Vol. 42/1: 2, 28 Vol. 41/4: 2, 29 Vol. 42/2: 2, 25 Vol. 42/3: 2, 31 Vol. 43/1: 2, 12 2008, Summer 2009, Dec. 2006, Winter 2005, Fall 2006, Spring 2006, Fall 2007, Winter SON SON SON SON SON SON AA Vol. 43/3: 1-2 Vol. 43/4: 2, 13 Vol. 44/1: 2, 12 Vol. 44/2: 2, 12 Vol. 44/3: 2, 19 Vol. 41/1: 8-12 Page 5-9 2007, Summer 2007, Fall 2008, Winter 2008, Spring 2008, Summer 2005, Winter 2007 Cossolotto, Matthew; A. McNeil Oxfordian-of-the-year Award Presented to Justice Stevens SON Vol. 45/3: 1 2009, Dec. Cottle, Elizabeth Shakespeare & the Scriptures: The Merchant of Venice DSN Vol. 2/7: 8-15 1996, Dec. Cottle, Elizabeth; Christopher Dams Shakespeare and the Scriptures GO 2004 Coulter, Brian Call for a Definitive Chronology Letter: Love‘s Labour‘s Lost and Locrine DSN No. 2: 30-32 SAR Issue #26: 20 1988, April 1972, Summer Cove, Kim Letter: modernization of spelling on SOS website SON Vol. 46/2: 15 2010, Aug. Crampin, Alice Following a Cambridge Trail DSN Vol. 18/1: 8-10 2011, March SON Vol. 37/1: 3 2001, Spring Creasey, Beverly Hamlet Formerly Known as Prince 22 Page 159-168 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Letter: Power Plays: Shakespeare‘s Lessons in Leadership and Management by Tina Packer and John Whitney (2000) SON Vol. 36/2: 22 2000, Summer BAR Vol. 2/1: 1-3 1978 DSN Page 16 DSN Page 24-35 DSN Vol. 17/2: 19-21 2006, Nov. 2007, Feb. 2010, Aug. DSN Vol. 18/2: 39 2011, July Crick, Jeremy and Dorna Bewley The Ashbourne Portrait DSN Page 24-35 2007, June Crider, Andrew Shakespeare‘s Antagonistic Disposition: a personality trait approach BC 2011, Fall Crew, Louis Homosexual Conflict in Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Crick, Jeremy Elizabeth and Francis Trentham Elizabeth and Francis Trentham, Part 2 The Search for Shakespeare Manuscripts in Fulke Greville‘s Monument In Warwick Viewing Statistics: the DVS Website Crosby, Ernest The Aristocratic Look of Shakespeare (from Shakespeare‘s Attitude Towards the Working Classes) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 144-45) Vol. III: 201-212 SFE Page 4-5 1956, Spring Cuningham, Granville C. Bacon‘s Secret Disclosed in Contemporary Books (excerpt: Intro.) AWA Vol. 1: 200-205 1911 Cushman, Allerton Letter to R. Emmett Tyrell, Jr., Editor of The American Spectator SON Vol. 27/1: 3 1991, Winter Cusick, John Cusick Forms Oxford-Shakespeare Group Within Mensa Letter to the Editor of the Daily News-Sun, Sun City, Arizona SON Vol. 19/1: 7 SSN Issue 1/1: 3 1983, Winter 1991, Feb. Cutler, Keir The Top Ten Reasons Shakespeare Did Not Write Shakespeare OX Vol. 12: 17-20 2010 SFE SFE SAR SAR SAR SAR SFE SAR SAR SFE SAR SFE SAR SAR SFE SFE SFE SFE SAR SAR SFE SAR Page 4-5 Page 6-7 Issue #4: 1-2 Issue #5: 24 Issue #1: 23-24 Issue #13: 21 Page 11-12 Issue #4: 22 Issue #12: 21 Page 10 Issue #6: 1-2 Page 7 Issue #10: 21-22 Issue #3: 4-6 Page 6 Page 7-8 Page 10-11 Page 10 Issue #1: 12-13 Issue #11: 12-13 Page 9-10 Issue #2: 13-14 1947, Sept. 1948, Sept. 1960, Autumn 1961, Spring 1959, Spring 1965, Spring 1958, Autumn 1960, Autumn 1964, Autumn 1953, Nov. 1961, Autumn 1944, May 1963, Autumn 1960, Spring 1953, Nov. 1951, April 1958, Autumn 1955, Autumn 1959, Spring 1964, Spring 1953, April 1959, Autumn Cutner, Herbert Alias William Shakespeare Are We Progressing? Denigrating the Earl of Oxford Letter: Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth Letter: ―Love‘s Labour‘s Lost‖ and R. C. Churchill Letter: On George Connes‘ Afterthoughts Letter: on speculating, a respone to the article by H. L. Senior Letter: Rosaline de Vere Letter: the BBC and the ―Claimants‖ More Proofs for Shakespare of Stratford? Mr. J. B. Priestley and Shakespeare A Note on John M. Robertson Obituary: William Kent (1886-1963) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 130-131) On the Poems of Edward de Vere Professor Abel Lefranc on Oxford Provincial Dialect in Shakspere‘s Day (repr. in AWA, Vol. IV, p. 115-6) Review of A Pictorial Biography by F. E. Halliday (1956) Review of Ben Jonson of Westminster by Marchette Chute (1954) Review of Elizabethan Literature by Helen Morris (1958) Review of How Shakespeare Spent the Day by Ivor Brown (1963) Review of Life and Times of Edward Alleyn by G. L. Hosking (1952) Review of L. S. Penrose‘s Talk ―Statistical Approach to the Authorship Problem (14 Feb. 1959) 23 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Cutner, Herbert (continued) Review of Martin Pares‘s Talk ―Case For Francis Bacon‖ (7 Dec. 1957) Review of Shakespeare Today by Margaret Webster (1957) Review of Shakespeare‘s Magic Circle by A. J. Evans (1956) Review of Sir John Russell‘s Talk ―The Magic Circle‖ (13 Jan. 1962) Review of The Cult of Shakespeare by F. E. Halliday (1957) Review of The Rise of the Elizabethan Common Player by M. C. Bradbrook (1962) Review of Ursula Jackson‘s Talk ―Lord Oxford and the Dramatists‖ (9 Jan. 1960) Shakespeare of London The Shakespearean Birthplace The Spelling of ―Shakespeare‖ The Stratford Monument Again Two Books on ―Shakespeare:‖ Shakespeare Survey 7 edited by Allardyce Nicoll(1954) and The Annotator by Alan Keen and Roger Lubbock (1954) Cutting, Bonner Miller Alas, Poor Anne: Shakespeare‘s ―Second-Best Bed‖ in Historical Perspective The Case of the Missing First Folio The Case of the Wrong Countess Contest of Wills: Reviewing Shapiro‘s Reviewers Letter: Shakespeare By Another Name by Mark Anderson (2005) Letter: Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 and its Review of Brief Chronicles Letter: thanks to Stephanie Hopkins Hughes for great work as editor of The Oxfordian Review of Shakespeare: The Concealed Poet by Robert Detobel Say It With Music Shakespeare‘s Will . . . Considered Too Curiously She Will Not Be a Mother: evaluating the Seymour Prince Tudor Hypothesis Time is Out of Joint: Chronological Incongruence in Early Modern English Portraitures Cutting, Bonner M.; Showerman 11th Annual Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference Convenes Cyr, Gordon C. Courtier‘s Cape for the Stratford Man? Editor‘s Note Editor‘s Note Editor‘s Note Editor‘s Note Editor‘s Note Editor‘s Note Editor‘s Note Editor‘s Note: Election of Charlton Ogburn, Jr. as SOS President Folger Shakespeare Library and the Ashbourne Portrait Harvard Case, Part II Historical Fallacies and Historical Method: a key to the authorship Controversy (repr. in AA, p. 5-6, 1986) In Memoriam: Richard C. Horne, Jr. (d. 1976) Latest ―Sir Thomas More‖ Findings Point to Lord Oxford as ―Shakespeare‖ Let the Real Debate Begin! (Legalisms of ―Moot‖ Format Obscure Authorship Question) Letter: Ashbourne portrait 24 SFE SAR SFE SAR SFE SAR Page 3 Issue #7: 13-15 Page 8-9 Issue #7: 17-18 Page 10-11 Issue #10: 15-16 1958, Spring 1962, Spring 1956, Autumn 1962, Spring 1958, Autumn 1963, Autumn SAR Issue #3: 19-20 1960, Spring SFE SFE SAR SFE SFE Page 7-8 Page 5-6 Issue #5: 6-7 Page 7 Page 4-5 1951, Sept. 1949, March 1961, Spring 1946, Sept. 1954, Sept. OX Vol. 13: 76-93 2011 SM SM SM SM SM Vol. 5/4: 6-11 Vol. 8/2: 1, 13-23+ Vol. 9/3: 12-14+ Vol. 5/1: 2 Vol. 10/3: 2 2006, Summer 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2005, Fall 2011, Summer OX Vol. 10: 166-166 2007 BC SM BC BC Vol. III: 272-274 Vol. 6/3: 25, 30 Vol. I: 169-191 Vol. III: 169-199 2011, Fall 2007, Spring 2009 2011, Fall DSN Vol. 16/3: 20-24 2009, Nov. SM Vol. 6/4: 1, 8-13 2007, Summer SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SM SON SON Vol. 23/4: 9-10 Vol. 11/1: 1 Vol. 11/2: 1 Vol. 11/3: 1 Vol. 12/1: 1 Vol. 12/2: 1 Vol. 13/1: 1 Vol. 14/2: 6 Vol. 12/3: 1 Vol. 2/2: 4 Vol. 14/1: 5-6 Vol. 22/1: 1-6 1987, Fall 1975, Winter 1975, Summer 1975, Fall 1976, Spring 1976, Summer 1977, Spring 1978, Spring 1976, Fall 2003, Winter 1978, Winter 1986, Winter SON Special Issue: 1 SON Vol. 16/3: 12-13 1976, Mar. 1980, Summer SON Vol. 25/1: 1-2 1989, Winter SM 2002, Fall Vol. 2/1: 3-4 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Cyr, Gordon C. (continued) Letter: Barbara Burris‘s articles about the Ashbourne portrait Letter: Nelson‘s Monstrous Adversary (2003) Letter: response to previous issue Letter: songs in Shakespeare Letter: the Folger and the Ashbourne portrait Letter to the Editor of the Baltimore Sun (5/30/1989) Letter to the Editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 2, 1971 Mailing of the April/May 1981 Issue of the Newsletter Minutes of the 10th Annual Conference of the SOS in Boston, Oct. 10-11, 1986 An Oxfordian Reply to Two Harvard Professors (Evans and Levin) Oxfordian Theory Gets Coverage in Stratfordian Periodical Oxford‘s and Shakespeare‘s ―Jacks‖ Portrait Identified: ―Ashbourne‖ Sitter Not Oxford, New Findings Show Prejudice and Shakespeare – Continued [Warren Hope and College English] Review of A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers, with an Intro. by Bernard Mordaunt Ward, 2nd Edition Edited by Ruth Loyd Miller (1975) Review of Absent Thee From Felicity by Rhoda Henry Messner (1976) Review of Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare‘s Plays by Eva Turner Clark, 3rd Revised Edition edited by Ruth Loyd Miller (1974) Review of Rational Belief: An Introduction to Logic by Albert Frye and Albert Levi (1941) (―de Vere is with a high degree of probability the author‖) Review of Secrets of Shakespeare by Bronson Feldman (1972) Review of Shakespeare Identified and The Poems of Edward de Vere, by J. Thomas Looney, 3rd Edition edited by Ruth Loyd Miller (1975) Review of Shakespeare‘s Lives by S. Schoenbaum (revised ed., 1991) Review of Shakespeare‘s Songbook by Ross W. Duffin (2004) Review of The Dark Side of Shakespeare by W. Ron Hess (2002, 2003) Review of The Search for an Eternal Norm by Louis J. Halle (1981) Review of The Mysterious William Shakespeare by Charlton Ogburn, Jr. (1984) Scholar of Oxford‘s Poetry Highlights Ninth Annual Conference Shakespeare Country: Real and Imagined Shakespeare Newsletter Uses SOS Newsletter as Source For ―Ashbourne‖ Release Shakespeare Oxford Society Authors in British and U.S. Journals Shakespeare Oxford Society Holds 11th Annual Conference Following Moot Court Shaksper‘s ―Genius‖ – Some Alleged Parallels Smile and Smile, and be a Villain SOS in Southern California Stratfordian Methods of Controversy Student Newspaper Features SOS Member and Oxford Theory (UCLA Daily Bruin) Three Oxfordian Classics Are Re-Issued To Be Or Not To Be? SM SM SM SM SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 1/4: 2-3 Vol. 3/1: 2 Vol. 4/1: 2 Vol. 4/4: 4 Vol. 33/4: 24-26 Vol. 25/3: 12-13 Vol. 8/1: 5 Vol. 17/2: 12 Vol. 22/4: 2-3 2002, Summer 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2005, Summer 1997, Fall 1989, Summer 1972, Jan. 1981, Summer 1986, Fall SON SON BAR SON SON Vol. 11/2: 1-19 Vol. 15/3: 7 Vol. 2/4: 127-129 Vol. 15/3: 1-6 Vol. 14/3: 3-4 1975, Summer 1979, Summer 1980 1979, Summer 1978, Summer SON Vol. 12/4: 6-7 1976, Winter SON Vol. 12/2: 4 SON Vol. 12/3: 10-11 1976, Summer 1976, Fall SON Vol. 7/1: 1 1971, Mar. 30 SON Vol. 12/4: 7-8 SON Vol. 12/1: 5-6 1976, Winter 1976, Spring SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 28/3: 6-10 Vol. 40/3: 18-19 Vol. 39/1: 19 Vol. 18/3: 6-8 Vol. 20/4: 3-4 1992, Summer 2004, Summer 2003, Winter 1982, Summer 1984, Fall SON Vol. 21/4: 2-4 SON Vol. 13/2: 10-11 SON Vol. 16/2: 3-4 1985, Fall 1977, Summer 1980, Spring SON Vol. 16/2: 1-3 SON Vol. 23/4: 6-8 1980, Spring 1987, Fall SON SM SON SON SON 1972, Jan. 2002, Spring 1983, Summer 1985, Summer 1976, Fall Vol. 8/1: 9-10 Vol. 1/3: 9 Vol. 19/3: 10-11 Vol. 21/3: 2-8 Vol. 12/3: 9 SON Vol. 11/3: 3-4 SON Vol. 12/3: 9-10 1975, Fall 1976, Fall Cyr, Gordon C. and Helen W. Cyr If Invited to Writ; He Was in Paine [Shaksper‘s signatures] SON Vol. 16/3: 1-12 1980, Summer Cyr, Helen W. Debater‘s Corner: Oxford as Translator of Ovid‘s Metamorphoses Détente With the Orthodox Stratfordians: Possibility of Impossibility? IRS Regulations and the Shakespeare Oxford Society Oxfordians as Scholars Report on the SOS National Conference, Sept. 24-26, 1976 SON SON SON SON SON 1985, Spring 1977, Fall 1980, Winter 1976, Spring 1976, Fall 25 Vol. 21/2: 5-6 Vol. 13/3: 1-2 Vol. 16/1: 13-14 Vol. 12/1: 4 Vol. 12/3: 3-5 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Cyr, Helen W. (continued) Review of The Harvard Concordance to Shakespeare by Marvin Sperack (1973) A Salute To Our Man in England (Harold W. Patience) What‘s Wrong With Word Studies? The Work of the Shakespeare Oxford Society The Work of the Society: Research or Spectator Sport? Cyr, Helen W. and Gordon C. Cyr If Invited to Writ; He Was in Paine [Shaksper‘s signatures] SON Vol. 11/3: 6 1975, Fall SON SON SON SON 1985, Winter 1987, Spring 1985, Fall 1976, Summer Vol. 21/1: 1 Vol. 23/2: 10-15 Vol. 21/4: 6-7 Vol. 12/2: 5-6 SON Vol. 16/3: 1-12 1980, Summer D. F. Review of Katharine E. Eggar‘s Talk ―Lord Oxford and His Servants‖ (17 Jan. 1959) SAR Issue #1: 21-22 1959, Spring Dabney, Virginius Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. thanking him for his masterful and convincing book SON Vol. 27/1: 3 1991, Winter Dalton, Terence Review of The De Veres Of Castle Hedingham (1993) by Verily Anderson Paget SON Vol. 30/1: 21 1994, Winter DSN Vol. 2/11: 2-6 DSN Vol. 2/1: 1 DSN Vol. 2/7: 16-17 1998, Feb. 1995, May 1996, Dec. DSN Vol. 2/11: 6-7 1998, Feb. ER Vol. 5/2: 10-15 DSN Vol. 2/10: 19-24 1997, Autumn 1997, Oct. DSN DSN DSN DSN DSN DSN DSN 1999, Aug. 1997, Oct. 1996, Sept. 1996, Jan. 1996, April 2011, July 1995, May Dams, Christopher Annual General Meeting, 24 January 1998 Editorial The Geneva Bible & The Merchant of Venice (from Roger Stritmatter‘s The Quintessence of Dust) Informal Discussion with Mark Rylance, Artistic Director, Shakespeare‘s Globe Letter: defending the Oxfordian hypothesis Notes on the Shakespeare Oxford Society Conference in Seattle, October 1997 Postscript - Shakspere, A Life Reply to David Kathman, A Report on the De Vere Society Business Meeting, August 17, 1996 Report on the General Meeting of the De Vere Society, 2 January 1996 Review of The Alternative Shakespeare by Arthur M. Challinor Review of The Oxfordian Edition of Othello Review of The Shakespeare Conspiracy by Graham Phillips and Martin Keatman (1994) Shakespeare's Education or the Circular Argument (reprinted in GO, p. 31-33) Vol. 3/4: 11-12 Vol. 2/10: 15-18 Vol. 2/6: 2-6 Vol. 2/4: 1-3 Vol. 2/5: 2-4 Vol. 18/2: 35-36 Vol. 2/1: 12 DSN Vol. 2/1: 5-7 1995, May Dams, Christopher; E. Cottle Shakespeare and the Scriptures GO Page 159-168 2004 Daugherty, Leo; Gary Goldstein Gary Goldstein Interviews Leo Daugherty BC Vol. III: 264-271 2011, Fall Davidoff, Henry Some Unusual Words in Shakespeare SFQ Vol. IX/2: 14-16 1948, Summer Davidson, Elizabeth R. Unbelief in the Belief SFA Vol. 2/4: 45-47 1941, June Davies, Sir John Of Her Will (from Hymns to Astraea in Acrostic Verse) SON Vol. 32/2: 13 1996, Spring 26 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Davis, Frank Greene‘s Groats-worth of Witte: Shakespeare‘s Biography? Her Warbling Sting - Music, Not Malady: refuting Alan Nelson‘s thesis on Nathaniel Baxter‘s 1606 poem The Learned vs. the Unlearned Shakespeare Leass for Making Shakespeare Outed as a Liar? Letter From the President Letter: gratitude to The Oxfordian for ten great years Letter: new option for Newsletter/Oxfordian writers from Chairman, SOS Publishing Company Letter: response to Marcus‘s comments on his article on Groatsworth Letter: response to Whalen‘s letter about spelling of Shakespeare‘s name Obituary: Eric Sams (1926-2004) Oxford and the First Blackfriars (Part Two of William Shakespeare, Oxford, Elizabethan Actors, and Playhouses‘) Poem ―Grief of Minde:‖ who wrote it and why it is important President‘s Letter Relevance of Shakspeare‘s Signatures: a comparison of autographs Revisiting the Dating of Twelfth Night Rowe‘s Shakespeare Biography: some account of life of Mr. Shakespear Shakespeare‘s Medical Knowledge: how did he acquire it? William Shakspere, Oxford, Elizabethan Actors and Playhouses, Part 1 Dawson, Alexis Master Apis Lapis (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 295-299) OX Vol. 11: 137-156 SON Vol. 37/2: 3-4 2009 2001, Summer OX SON SON OX SON Vol. 13: 117-133 Vol. 43/2: 3-5 Vol. 39/4: 2 Vol. 10: 166-166 Vol. 43/1: 12 2011 2007, Spring 2003, Autumn 2007 2007, Winter OX SON SON SON Vol. 13: 4 Vol. 45/3: 28-29 Vol. 41/1: 23 Vol. 42/2: 1, 5-6+ 2011 2009, Dec. 2005, Winter 2006, Spring OX SON SON SON SON OX SON Vol. 5: 159-173 Vol. 40/2: 2 Vol. 45/1: 8-13 Vol. 38/4: 8-11, 24 Vol. 45/3: 18-20 Vol. 3: 45-58 Vol. 42/1: 3-4, 12 2002 2004, Spring 2009, June 2002, Fall 2009, Dec. 2000 2006, Winter SAR Issue #23: 5-9 1970, Summer SON Vol. 23/1: 11-14 1987, Winter DeFino, Dean Iago Dilated: Delivering Time in Othello ER Vol. 6/2: 44-54 1998, Autumn Delahoyde, Michael Damon and Pithias: Oxford Juvenalia? De Vere‘s Lucrece and Romano‘s Sala di Troia Edward de Vere‘s Antony and Cleopatra Edward de Vere‘s Hand in Titus Andronicus The Ending of Oxford‘s Othello Music, Monkeys, and Publishing in de Vere‘s Venice Oxford‘s Railing Muse Review of Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom by Charles Beauclerk (2010) Stratfordian Nostalgia Song SM OX DS BC SON SM SM BC SM Vol. 5/1: 8-12 Vol. 9: 51-66 Page 13-22 Vol. I: 155-168 Vol. 44/2: 17-20 Vol. 5/4: 12-13 Vol. 8/1: 1, 20-22 Vol. II: 237-244 Vol. 4/3: 8 2005, Fall 2006 2009 2009 2008, Spring 2006, Summer 2009, Winter 2010 2005, Spring De Moret, Nicholas Edward de Vere‘s Tour of Italy in 1575-76 Included Visit to Court of the Duke of Urbino Dellinger, J. Howard An 1899 Identification of Shakespeare Obituary: Professor Louis P. Benezet (1878-1961) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 80) Demant, V. A. Obituary of John Thomas Looney (1870-1944) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 214-217, and Vol. 5, p. 92-94) Obituary of John Thomas Looney (1980-1944) (reprinted from SAR, Issue #8, p. 8-9) Deming, Len Iona Deletes Oxford Page from Shakespeare Newsletter Des Cognets, Russell Stonewalling! 27 SAR Issue #5: 1-2 SAR Issue #6: 23 1961, Spring 1961, Autumn SAR Issue #8: 8-9 1962, Autumn SON Vol. 46/1: 21 2010, May SON Vol. 28/2: 6 1992, Spring SON Vol. 27/3: 5 1991, Summer Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Desper, Richard Allusions to Edmund Campion in Twelfth Night An Alternate Solution to the Funeral Elegy Funeral Elegy: Proof for Oxford? Letter: Benedick and Beatrice‘s Excellent Adventure Letter: Irish clans Letter: need for funding for Oxfordian research Much Ado About Oxford Much Ado About Oxford News: NextGen Oxfordians: Fiore, Howley & Swift Win Essay Contest Oxfordian News: Wooden O Symposium Held in Cedar City, Utah Remarks on Castiglione‘s Il Cortegiano as Applicable to the Authorship Question Review of The Dark Side of Shakespeare by W. Ron Hess (2002, 2003) Review of The Monument by Hank Whittemore (2005) Stars or Suns: the portrayal of the Earls of Oxford in Elizabethan drama Suns or Stars Virtue Rewarded: the premise of The Reign of King Edward III We Must Speak by the Card or Quivocation Will Undo Us: Oxford, Campion, and the Howard-Arundel Accusations of 1580-81 The Writing of an Oxfordian Play Desper, Richard and Gary Vezzoli A Statistical Approach to the Shakespeare Authorship Question Detobel, Robert An Accident of Note: Chapman‘s Hamlet and the Earl of Oxford An Accident of Note: Chapman and Oxford in Revenge of Bussy d‘Amboise? Part 1 An Accident of Note: Chapman and Oxford in Revenge of Bussy d‘Amboise? Part 2 An Accident of Note: Chapman and Oxford in Revenge of Bussy d‘Amboise? Part 3 Authorial Rights in Shakespeare‘s Time Authorial Rights, Part II: early Shakespeare critics and the authorship question Captian Tucca, Captain Hannam, and Falstaff Falstaff in the Low Countries Letter: Fitzgerald‘s article Enter Ben Jonson (Fall 1997/Winter 1998) Letter: various authorship issues Melicertus News: Kreiler in Der Spiegel On the Meaning of ―True Copy‖ Portia and Shylock: just mercy against the law of the Talion? Testimony of Ben Jonson in Redating The Tempest, Othello, and Timon of Athens Testimony of Ben Jonson in Redating The Tempest, Othello, and Timon of Athens To Be or Not to Be: the suicide hypothesis ER ER SON SM SON OX SON SON SM SON SON Vol. 3/1: 37-47 Vol. 5/2: 79-92 Vol. 33/1: 3, 24 Vol. 8/2: 2 Vol. 38/2: 23 Vol. 2: 162-162 Vol. 42/3: 3-4, 21+ Vol. 42/4: 16-20 Vol. 8/3: 4 Vol. 41/4: 23 Vol. 35/2: 23, 27 1995, Spring 1997, Autumn 1997, Winter 2009, Spring 2002, Spring 1999 2006, Fall 2006, Fall redux 2009, Summer 2005, Fall 1999, Summer SM SM SM SON SON OX Vol. 2/4: 25-26 Vol. 5/1: 14-15 Vol. 5/4: 1, 25-30 Vol. 28/2: 3-4 Vol. 37/2: 1, 12-14 Vol. 4: 121-142 2003, Summer 2005, Fall 2006, Summer 1992, Spring 2001, Summer 2001 SON Vol. 29/4: 11-13 1993, Fall ER 1993, Autumn Vol. 1/2: 36-42 BC Vol. II: 79-107 DSN Vol. 15/2: 22-26 2010 2008, June DSN Vol. 15/3: 10-18 2008, Oct. DSN Vol. 16/1: 15-20 2009, Feb. OX OX Vol. 4: 5-24 Vol. 5: 30-46 2001 2002 DSN SM SON SON GO SM ER DSN DSN Vol. 15/1: 20-22 2008, March Vol. 5/1: 4, 7, 11-12 Vol. 34/1: 21 1998, Spring Vol. 22/4: 6-10 1986, Fall Page 223-236 2004 Vol. 8/4: 18 2009, Fall Vol. 2/2: 49-54 1994, Autumn Page 9 2002, Jan./Feb. Page 1 2004, Spring SON Vol. 40/2: 01, 13-18 OX Vol. 07: 069-088 2004 Detobel, Robert; Imlay, Elizabeth; Gazzetta di Mantua; Kevin Gilvary An Irreparable Loss: tributes to Noemi Magri (d. 2011) DSN Vol. 18/2: 22-24 2011, July Detobel, Robert and K. C. Ligon Francis Meres and the Earl of Oxford BC 2009 Detobel, Robert and Uwe Laugwitz Report from Germany DSN Vol. 2/9: 3-5 28 Vol. I: 97-108 1997, June Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title De Vere, Rollin How I Became an Oxfordian SSR Issue 1/1: 40 Dickson, Peter W. 1622 Othello Cracks a Frozen Shakespeare Market Are British Scholars Erasing Two Heroic Earls From Jacobean History To Protect the Shakespeare Industry? Bacon Begs the Two Henries as First Folio Appears Bardgate: was Shakespeare a secret Catholic? Connecting the Dots: the Catholic question and the Shakespeare authorship debate An Emerging ―Crypto-Catholic‖ Theory Challenges Stratfordians Flood of Shakespeare Biographies Since the Ogburn & Honigmann Works in 1984-85 Henry Peacham and the 1623 First Folio Henry Peacham on Oxford and Shakespeare Letter: Mark Anderson‘s discovery of Edmund Bolton‘s biography Michael Wood Lectures at the Smithsonian on a Catholic Shakespeare News: Folger Nabs First Folio Thief Oxford‘s Literary Reputation in the 17th and 18th Centuries Review of Shadowplay: Hidden Beliefs and Coded Politics of William Shakespeare (2005) Review of Sweet Swan of Avon by Robin Williams (2006) Review of The Age of Shakespeare by Frank Kermode (2004) Review of The Assassination of Shakespeare‘s Patron by Leo Daugherty (2011) So Many Biographies, So Few Henries Was the Troilus and Cressida Preface Written in 1602-1603? 1987, Fall SON Vol. 35/3: 15, 23+ 1999, Fall SON Vol. 35/1: 8-9, 24 1999, Spring SON Vol. 35/2: 7, 28 OX Vol. 6: 109-132 TLR Vol. 72/1: 25-66 1999, Summer 2003 2004, Fall SON Vol. 36/2: 1, 6-8 SON Vol. 36/4: 6-7 2000, Summer 2001, Winter ER SON SON SON SM SON OX Vol. 6/2: 55-76 Vol. 34/3: 1, 8-13 Vol. 36/4: 24 Vol. 39/4: 7-8 Vol. 7/4: 15 Vol. 34/3: 14-15 Vol. 8: 128-136 1998, Autumn 1998, Fall 2001, Winter 2003, Autumn 2008, Fall 1998, Fall 2005 OX Vol. 9: 132-135 SON Vol. 40/3: 22-24 BC Vol. III: 258-263 2006 2004, Summer 2011, Fall SON Vol. 35/1: 9 SON Vol. 35/3: 19 1999, Spring 1999, Fall Dickson, Peter W. and John Andrews Exchange of Letters between John Andrews and Peter Dickson over the Catholic issue SON Vol. 36/2: 7 2000, Summer Dickson, Peter W. and William E. Boyle Washington Researcher Offers New Theory on Folio Publication and the Authorship Issue SON Vol. 34/1: 2, 22 1998, Spring Digges, L. To the Memorie of the Deceased Author Master William Shakespeare OX 2002 Dillon, George Swordplay DSN Vol. 15/3: 20-21 2008, Oct. Dixon, Jonathan Letter: ―Supposes‖ and Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit Letter: Gabriel Harvey and Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit The Upstart Crow Supposes While Counterfeit Supposes Bleared Thine Eyne: Shakespeare as authorship front man SON SM SON SM 2001, Winter 2002, Summer 2000, Spring 2005, Winter Dobbs, Anne Film Review: Much Ado About Something Explores Marlowe‘s Case For authorship SON Vol. 38/1: 20 2002, Winter Dooley, J. and E. Letter: translations of the couplet that heads Venus and Adonis SFE Page 11 1954, Sept. Dorian, Bill Letter: his play A Rose By Any Other Name and other authorship issues SON Vol. 47/2: 2-3 2011, Spring 29 Vol. 05: 0 Vol. 36/4: 24 Vol. 01/4: 03 Vol. 36/1: 07 Vol. 04/2: 12-18 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Douglas, Col. Montagu W. Editorial from the President of the Shakespeare Fellowship News From France: professor Lefranc's activities Lord Oxford and the Shakespeare Group (excerpt) Praeterita Reverand Canon Gerald H. Rendall (1851-1945) Review of A La Recontre de 'William Shakespeare' M. Mathias Morhardt Review of Ben Johnson and the First Folio Edition of Shakespeare‘s Plays (1939) (reprinted from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 5/2, Feb. 1940) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 59-61) Review of Les Elements Francais de 'Peines D'Amour Perdues by Abel Lefranc (French Elements in Love‘s Labour‘s Lost) (1936) Review of Shakespeare in Essex and East Anglia by Gerald Rendall Review of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets and Edward de Vere by Gerald Rendall (1930) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 109-111) Shakespeare – New Views for Old (excerpt: Preface) Review of Shakespeare's Vital Secret Known to His Queen by R. M. Lucas Review of Shakspere, Shakespeare and de Vere by Louis P. Benezet (1937) Review of The Shakespeare Problem Restated by George G. Greenwood, condensed by Elsie Greenwood Welcome to the American Branch of the Shakespeare Fellowship (reprinted from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 3, April, 1940) SFE SFE AWA SFE SFE SFE No. 1: 1-2 No. 9: 2-4 Vol. 4: 223-239 Page 3-4 Page 2 No. 10: 5-8 1937, Jan. 1938, May 1952 1950, April 1945, May 1938, July SFA Vol. 1/2: 8 1940, Feb. SFE No. 3: 7-9 1937, May SFE Page 6-7 SFE Page 4-5 1944, May 1949, Sept. SFE Page 2-3 SFE No. 8: 8-12 1943, Oct. 1938, March SFE No. 8: 6-8 1938, March SFE No. 3: 9 1937, May AWA Vol. 2: 62-64 1940, April Downs, Gerald E. Letter: John Baker‘s article on Edward Dering‘s manuscript of Henry IV ER A Reconsideration of Heywood‘s Allusion to Shakespeare ER Vol. 5/1: 18-20 Vol. 1/2: 18-35 1997, Spring 1993, Autumn Downs, Jerry Letter: good and bad scholarship SSR Issue 3/4: 18 Draya, Ren Antony and Cleopatra: the women‘s voices (also in DS, p. 23-28) Edward de Vere‘s Hand in Titus Andronicus: the play as primer Notes from the Field Oxford‘s Outsiders: from lecture delivered at the FS-SOS Conference Shakespeare‘s King John: a story of rightful identity and eyes to see Singer and Song: the music in Twelfth Night Sixteenth-Century Letter Writing and Its Importance to Oxfordians Song in Shakespeare‘s Plays SON SM SON SM SON SON SON SM Draya, Ren; Stephanie Hopkins Hughes; Elizabeth Imlay Letter: Elizabeth I: facts not fantasy SON Vol. 47/3: 2 2011, Fall Dressler, Leslie Anne Was There a Likeness Used for the First Folio Portrait? SON Vol. 23/1: 8-9 1987, Winter SFE Page 2 1953, Nov. SAR Issue #25: 18-19 1971, Autumn SON Vol. 28/4a: 9 SON Vol. 28/2: 12-15 1992, Fall 1992, Spring Drew, Philip Review of Lord Oxford and the Shakespeare Group by Lt. Col. Douglas (1952) Duckworth-Barker, V. Letter: lines of research the Society might undertake Duffey, Edith Correction An Oxfordian Stratfordian (Edmund Ironside, lost play by by Shakespeare/Oxford) 30 1991, May Vol. 42/2: 22-25 2006, Spring Vol. 7/4: 1-2, 18-21 2008, Fall Vol. 42/3: 30 2006, Fall Vol. 5/3: 7-9 2006, Spring Vol. 35/1: 1, 13-15 1999, Spring Vol. 47/3: 1, 17-23 2011, Fall Vol. 41/3: 3, 10-11 2005, Summer Vol. 8/3: 1, 12-15 2009, Summer Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Duffin, Eileen Letter: Dorothy Sayers and Dante‘s body ER Vol. 1/2: 5 1993, Autumn Duffin, Ross W. The Earle of Oxford‘s Marche An Encore for Shakespeare‘s Rare Italian Master An Encore for Shakespeare‘s Rare Italian Master SON Vol. 22/4: 3 ER Vol. 2/1: 21-25 SON Vol. 40/3: 20-21 1986, Fall 1994, Spring 2004, Summer Dunn, Michael Dethroning a Deity SM Vol. 5/2: 6-9, 22 2006, Winter SFE SFE SFQ SFE SFE SFA AWA Page 3 Page 5-6 Vol. V/2: 28-29 Page 3 No. 14: 1-7 Vol. 1/5: 7-11 Vol. 4: 254-269 1942, Oct. 1944, May 1944, April 1941, April 1939, April 1940, Aug./Sept. 1946, Jan. Dwyer, J. J. Comment on Elizabethan Commentary by Hilaire Belloc Elizabethan Miniatures Elizabethan Outlook: a restatement Fabian and Sebastian Had Shakespeare Read Dante? Had Shakespeare Read Dante? Italian Art in Poems and Plays of Shakespeare (paper read before the Shakespeare Fellowship, Jan., 1946) A Note on the Authorship of Lucrece A Note on Pericles The Poet Earl of Oxford and Grays Inn (reprinted in AWA, (Vol. 3, p. 258-368) Patines of Bright Gold The Portraits of Shakespeare (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, 107-08) Queen Elizabeth and Her Turk (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, p. 106) Review of A La Decouverte de Shakesepare by Abel Lefranc (1945) Review of Shakespeare‘s History Plays by E. M. W. Tillyard (1944) Shakespeare and Politics Shakespeare Had Read Dante: Paget Toynbee‘s reasoning fallacious The Vere Motto SFE Page 3-4 1943, Oct. SFA Vol. 4/2: 23-24 1943, Feb. SFQ Vol. VIII/2: 21-25 1947, Summer SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFA SFE Page 3 Page 6 Page 5 Page 4-5 Page 3 Page 5 Vol. 2/4: 51-52 Page 3 1941, April 1947, March 1947, March 1946, Sept. 1945, May 1946, Sept. 1941, June 1942, April Eagan-Donovan, Cheryl A. Review of Anonymous, a film directed by Roland Emmerich (2011) Update on Eagan-Donovan Film Project SON Vol. 47/3: 11-13 SON Vol. 45/2: 30-31 2011, Fall 2009, Sept. Eagle, Roderick L. Shakespeare: New Views for Old (excerpt: Preface) Was Shakspere Illiterate? AWA Vol. 1: 153-159 SFE Page 6-8 1930 1953, Nov. Earl of Essex Sonnet (recited at the Accession Day tournament of 1595) SON Vol. 32/3: 15 1996, Summer Edblom, Richard Letter: praise for Diana Price‘s article in ER, Vol. 4/2 ER Vol. 5/1: 6 1997, Spring SON SON SM SM SM SON Vol. 34/2: 10-11 Vol. 35/1: 6-7 Vol. 6/2: 1, 13-17+ Vol. 3/4: 33 Vol. 3/3: 10 Vol. 35/3: 7 1998, Summer 1999, Spring 2007, Winter 2004, Summer 2004, Spring 1999, Fall SON SON SON SM Vol. 36/1: 10-11+ Vol. 20/4: 01-2 Vol. 33/3: 9 Vol. 1/2: 6 2000, Spring 1984, Fall 1997, Summer 2002, Winter Editor and Editors 2nd Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference 3rd Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference 2nd Annual Joint Conference in Ann Arbor a Success 3rd Annual Institute of Oxfordian Studies Summer Seminar, Aug., 2004 3rd Annual Institute of Oxfordian Studies Summer Seminar 3rd Earl of Southampton and the Order of the Garter (summary of presentation by John Rollett at the 23 rd Annual Conf.) th 4 Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference 8th Annual Conference Honors Charlton Ogburn 11th Annual Conference – 1987 15th Oxford Day Banquet Scheduled for April 26 31 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) 16th Annual Oxford Day Banquet at MIT 16th Oxford Day Banquet, weekend events scheduled for April 25-26 20th Annual Conference in Minneapolis, Oct. 10-13 20th Annual Conference Marks Turning Point 21st Annual Conference in Seattle 21st Annual Conference – Followup Report 21st Annual Conference in Seattle 22nd Annual Conference in San Francisco Draws Record Crowd 22nd Annual Conference, Nov. 12th to 15th 24th Annual Conference to be Held in Stratford; Ontario‘s Ontario‘s Shakespeare Festival 24th Annual Conference 25th Annual Conference to be held in Carmel, California 26th Annual Conference Scheduled for Washington, DC, Oct. 10, 2002 26th Annual SOS Conference Held in Nation‘s Capitol 28th SOS Annual Conference Program Oct. 28-31 28th Annual SOS Conference in Atlanta 228 Entries in Essay Contest 400th Anniversary of Elizabeth‘s Death Celebrated at the Folger 400th Anniversary of Oxford‘s Death Noted by Media in U.S., UK The 1999 Oxfordian Goes to Press 2003 Fellowship Conference in Carmel 2004 SOS Conference Scheduled for Atlanta 2005 Ashland Authorship Conference: Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2005 2005 Board Nominations and Proposed By-Laws Amendments 2005 Shakespeare Authorship Studies Seminar 2007 Conference 2009 SF/SOS Joint Conference The ABCs of the Authorship Debate Action Plan and Mission Statement for the Shakespeare Oxford Society of the 21st Century Adair Volume Available Addenda: recent pamphlets Advance Notices After Two Years . . . Altrocchi and Whittemore Build the Case And Meet the Once and Future Descendant? Is Prince William Descended from Shakespeare? . . . And U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Weighs the Evidence And While We Are At It! (appreciation to Rhoda Messner for her contributions) Announcements Announcing The Oxfordian Another False Painting: the ―Flower Portrait‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 213) Annual Dinner 1969, and Annual General Meeting Annual Dinner and News and Notes: the Welbeck portrait Annual Dinner of the Shakespearean Authorship Society, 20 April, 1967 Annual Dinner Annual Dinner Annual Dinner Annual Dinner; News and Notes Annual Dinner; News and Notes: Postal Vote on Society Objectives Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting 32 SM SM SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 2/4: 4 Vol. 2/2: 5 Vol. 32/1: 5 Vol. 32/4: 4-5, 15+ Vol. 33/3: 3 Vol. 34/1: 9 Vol. 33/1: 2 Vol. 34/3: 3 Vol. 34/2: 3 Vol. 35/3:3 2003, Summer 2003, Winter 1996, Winter 1996, Fall 1997, Summer 1998, Spring 1997, Winter 1998, Fall 1998, Summer 1999, Fall SON SON SON SON SON SON SM SM SM SON SM SON SM SM SM SON SON SON SON Vol. 35/4: 20 Vol. 36/4: 4-5 Vol. 38/1: 7 Vol. 38/4: 7, 17-9+ Vol. 40/3: 7 Vol. 41/1: 01, 17-9 Vol. 2/2: 5 Vol. 2/3: 5 Vol. 3/4: 4 Vol. 35/2: 24 Vol. 2/2: 32 Vol. 40/1: 13 Vol. 4/3: 4 Vol. 4/3: 2-3 Vol. 4/3: 11 Vol. 43/3: 16 Vol. 45/2: 3 Vol. 36/4: 22 Vol. 32/2: 7 2000, Winter 2001, Winter 2002, Winter 2002, Fall 2004, Summer 2005, Winter 2003, Winter 2003, Spring 2004, Summer 1999, Summer 2003, Winter 2004, Winter 2005, Spring 2005, Spring 2005, Spring 2007, Summer 2009, Sept. 2001, Winter 1996, Spring SM SFE SFE SON SON SON Vol. 10/3: 33 Page 15 Page 1 Vol. 33/4: 22 Vol. 45/2: 32 Vol. 35/2: 3 2011, Summer 1954, April 1955, Autumn 1997, Fall 2009, Sept. 1999, Summer SSR Issue 5: 21-22 1991, Aug. SON Vol. 13/3: 8 1977, Fall SFE Page 1 SON Vol. 34/3: 3 SAR Vol. 16: 25 1948, April 1998, Fall 1966, Autumn SAR SAR SAR SAR SAR SFE SAR SAR SAR SAR SAR SAR SAR 1969, Chr. 1964, Autumn 1967, Autumn 1959, Autumn 1968, Autumn 1939, July 1960, Autumn 1965, Autumn 1966, Spring 1967, Spring 1969, Spring 1971, Spring 1961, Spring Issue #22: 15 Issue #12: 17-21 Issue #18: 18-22 Issue #2: 16-17 Issue #20: 16-18 No. 15: 1 Issue #4: 16-17 Issue #14: 16-20 Issue #15: 16 Issue #17: 16 Issue #21: 10-11 Issue #24: 18 Issue #5: 16 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting, 8 February 1997 Anonymous Generates Publicity Tsunami Are Other Members Doing Likewise? Arthur Golding‘s Metamorphoses: new edition now available As We Like It? As We Like It? The Ashbourne Portrait The Ashbourne Portrait Auction Results of Oxford Document Audiences for Lord Burford‘s [Ch. Beauclerk‘s] Lectures Approach the 20,000 Mark Author Biographies Authorship Conference in Holland Authorship Film Projects Underway in US, UK Authorship Fireworks at the Sixth World Shakespeare Congress Authorship Games: USA Today report on authorship issue Authorship Index Available The Authorship Issue in the Classroom Authorship Lesson From Peter Pan Authorship Mock Trial in Chicago Authorship on Cape Cod Authorship Question Surfaces on the Charlie Rose Talk Show Authorship Question Viewed by Two Eminent Men of Letters: Oliver Wendell Holmes and Sidney Hook Authorship Symposium Authorship Talks in Vermont Authorship Trust in London Authorship Workshops Planned at Kherson State University A Backward Look (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 83-84) Bacon Papers in Archbishop of Canterbury‘s Library in Lambeth Palace Baltimore Discovers Oxford Baltimore Symphony to Premiere Symphony #2 by Gordon C. Cyr Bard Barred as ―Too Boring‖ (in South Africa) Bard in Search of a Portrait The Bath Shakespeare Authorship Debate: Stanley Wells, Peter Dawkins, Dolly Wraight, Joanthan Bate, Michael Bogdanov, Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Beard of Avon (by Amy Freed, 2004) Puts Shakespeare Authorship Question Center Stage Beginning Our Sixth Year Benezet Versus Campbell Best Wishes From Abroad Betty Sears Reports on ―Converts‖ and ―Probablys‖ The Board of Trustees Board of Trustees Statement on Anonymous Book Notes: Great Oxford: Essays on de Vere, edited by Richard Malim (2004) Book Notes: Players: Mysterious Identity of W. Shakespeare by Bertram Fields (2005) Book Notes: The Case for Shakespeare by Scott McCrea (2004) Book Reviews in The Washington Post; Articles in Academic Journals Books Acquired, Trinity Term 1988 Books Presented to the De Vere Society by John Spiers Books Purchased by the De Vere Society in Hilary Term 1988 Books Purchased By the De Vere Society in Michaelmas Term 1987 Books and Book Reviews 33 SAR SFE SFA SFE DSN SM SFA SON SM SON SM SON SON SON Issue #7: 15-16 Page 1 Vol. 2/2: 19-20 No. 12: 1 Vol. 2/8: 1-5 Vol. 10/4: 6 Vol. 2/1: 3 Vol. 37/1: 2 Vol. 2/3: 3 Vol. 37/1: 20 Vol. 4/1: 3 Vol. 36/2: 20 Vol. 38/1: 2 Vol. 29/4: 21 1962, Spring 1947, March 1941, Feb. 1938, Nov. 1997, Feb. 2011, Fall 1940, Dec. 2001, Spring 2003, Spring 2001, Spring 2004, Fall 2000, Summer 2002, Winter 1993, Fall AA SM SON SON SON SM SON SM SM SM SM SON Page 162-4 Vol. 3/3: 6 Vol. 36/4: 3 Vol. 32/2: 1, 3, 13 Vol. 33/4: 2 Vol. 10/3: 33-34 Vol. 33/3: 3 Vol. 3/2: 3 Vol. 2/3: 4 Vol. 2/2: 4 Vol. 4/2: 5 Vol. 25/4: 13 2007 2004, Spring 2001, Winter 1996, Spring 1997, Fall 2011, Summer 1997, Summer 2004, Winter 2003, Spring 2003, Winter 2005, Winter 1989, Fall SM SM SM SON SAR SON SFA SON SON SM DSN Vol. 1/2: 6 Vol. 3/1: 4 Vol. 4/4: 5, 36 Vol. 40/3: 11 Issue #8: 1 Vol. 2/3: 3-4 Vol. 1/4: 7-8 Vol. 29/3a: 14 Vol. 37/1: 2 Vol. 5/4: 24 Vol. 2/9: 12-19 2002, Winter 2003, Fall 2005, Summer 2004, Summer 1962, Autumn 1966, Oct. 30 1940, June/July 1993, Summer 2001, Spring 2006, Summer 1997, June SON Vol. 37/2: 2 2001, Summer SFQ SFA SFA SON SON SM SM Vol. VI/1: 1-2 Vol. 2/4: 44 Vol. 1/2: 10 Vol. 23/2: 7 Vol. 35/3: 20 Vol. 10/4: 6, 31 Vol. 4/3: 23 1945, Jan. 1941, June 1940, Feb. 1987, Spring 1999, Fall 2011, Fall 2005, Spring SM Vol. 4/3: 23 2005, Spring SM SON DSN DSN DSN DSN SM Vol. 4/3: 23 Vol. 33/3: 2 No. 3: 94-97 No. 2: 35 No. 2: 34 No. 1: 30-32 Vol. 2/1: 3 2005, Spring 1997, Summer 1988, Aug. 1988, April 1988, April 1988, Jan. 2002, Fall Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) Boston Film Producer to Shoot Oxford Documentary The Bowen Bequest to the De Vere Society Brief Extracts From a Few of the Many Letters Received From Readers of Who Was Shakespeare? by Hilda Amphlett British Actor Sir Derek Jacobi is Latest to Sign Society Petition on Authorship Brooke House, Hackney Brunel University to Offer Masters in Authorship Studies: interview with William Leahy Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Project Renewed for Second Year Burt of Boston and the Globe California Hosts First ―Shake-speare‖ Festival A Call for Member Involvement Can Literature Be Evidence? Canon Rendall‘s Pamphlet (on the Ashbourne portrait) Captain R. Ridgill Trout‘s Books (sale of his books due to blindness) Carmel Hosts SOS Conference Carmel Shake-Speare Festival to Host 18th Annual SOS Conference Carolyn Wells (d. 1942) The Catholic Question Returns A Catholic Shakespeare . . . training as a Priest? Cavallery Cobweb‘s Corner Cavallery Cobweb‘s Corner Chairman of the Membership Committee Russell des Cognets Promotes Membership A Change of Seasons Changing of the Guard at the Globe Theatre Charles Boyle on the Mend Charles Burford [Ch. Beauclerk] Resigns as Society President; Randall Sherman Elected Charlton Ogburn Jr.‘s The Mysterious William Shakespeare vs. James C. McManaway‘s The Authorship of Shakespeare Chicago Oxford Society Commendation From Lord Tweedsmuir Comment by the Editor Comments on the Authorship Issue Concordance to the Poems of Lord Oxford Concordia Call for Papers Concordia Conference - 2006 Concordia Connections Issue Concordia Report (15th Annual Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference, Sept. 6-9, 2011) Conference 1976 Plans Conference 2004 Conference in Carmel: Fellowship‘s 2nd Annual Gathering Conference Update Conference Update: Oxford in Minnesota Congratulations, Dr. Stritmatter Correction Correction Corrections: King James Bible; Nina Green Publications Corrections to W. Ron Hess‘s Article ―Certain European Researches into Shakespeare‘s French and Italian Connections in the Summer 1993 Newsletter A Crack in the Dike at the BBC Cumulative Facts that Conclusively Prove Will Shakspere of Stratford Was Not the Playwright and Poet ―William Shakespeare‖ Dating The Tempest: excerpt from David Kathman‘s essay David Lloyd Kreeger Dies 34 SM Vol. 5/3: 6 DSN No. 3: 98-108 SFE Page 11-12 2006, Spring 1988, Aug. 1956, Spring SON Vol. 32/1: 15 1996, Winter SFE Page 5-6 SM Vol. 5/4: 14-17 1954, April 2006, Summer SON SFA SON SON SM SFA SAR SON SON SFA SM SON SSR SSR SON Vol. 28/4a: 12 Vol. 1/3: 8 Vol. 19/3: 13 Vol. 33/4: 2 Vol. 3/4: 3 Vol. 2/1: 4 Issue #11: 20 Vol. 37/3: 1, 3-5+ Vol. 30/1: 23 Vol. 3/4: 56 Vol. 1/4: 4 Vol. 34/2: 2, 22 Issue 1/1: 44 Issue 1/2: 44 Vol. 12/4: 1 1992, Fall 1940, Apr./May 1983, Summer 1997, Fall 2004, Summer 1940, Dec. 1964, Spring 2001, Fall 1994, Winter 1942, June 2002, Summer 1998, Summer 1987, Fall 1988, Winter 1976, Winter SON SM SON SON Vol. 33/4: 22 Vol. 4/3: 6 Vol. 32/4: 2 Vol. 33/2: 3 1997, Fall 2005, Spring 1996, Fall 1997, Spring SON Vol. 25/1: 13-15 1989, Winter SM SFA SFE SON DSN SON SON SON SON Vol. 2/4: 5 Vol. 1/3: 8 Page 4 Vol. 24/1: 1-3 No. 1: 36 Vol. 45/2: 43 Vol. 42/1: 1, 16-17 Vol. 43/4: 19 Vol. 47/3: 32-36 2003, Summer 1940, Apr./May 1941, April 1988, Winter 1988, Jan. 2009, Sept. 2006, Winter 2007, Fall 2011, Fall SON SM SM SM SON SM SON SON SM SON Vol. 12/2: 1-3 Vol. 3/4: 3 Vol. 3/2: 1, 8-11+ Vol. 2/4: 6 Vol. 32/3: 1, 15 Vol. 3/1: 3 Vol. 33/4: 22 Vol. 34/3: 24 Vol. 3/3: 3 Vol. 29/4: 20 1976, Summer 2004, Summer 2004, Winter 2003, Summer 1996, Summer 2003, Fall 1997, Fall 1998, Fall 2004, Spring 1993, Fall SON Vol. 16/4: 5-6 SON Vol. 30/3b: 1-12 1980, Fall 1994, Summer SON Vol. 32/3: 5 SSN Issue 1/1: 1 1996, Summer 1991, Feb. Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title De Vere Society Hunt Shakespeare Authorship Essay Contest De Vere Society Invites Fellowship Members to 2004 Conference De Vere Society Meeting Schedule De Vere Society Talks for the Academic Year 1987-1988 De Vere the Subject of Script-Writing Contest De Vere‘s Life In Uncut Hamlet Dean of Litery Detectives on the War (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 87-88) Death of Canon Rendall (1851-1945) Death of Marjorie Bowen (Gabrielle Long) (d. 1952) Death of Mr. Hamlet Philpot (1856-1939) Death of Mr. J. Martin Haydon (d. 1937) Death of Professor Moore Smith (1859-1941) Debate with Orthodoxy on ―The Authorship Question‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 114-123) Debater‘s Corner The Debating Game A Decalog for Idolaters The Delphic Oracle Despite Society‘s Pathbreaking Report, Nonsense About ―Shakespeare‘s Handwriting‖ Goes On! Did Shakespeare Visit Saffron Walden? Dickens and Shakespeare; Gems of Mythology Discoverer of the True Shakespeare Passes: John Thomas Looney, 1870-1944 (includes letters from Looney to Clark, Wells, Barrell and Howe) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 26-36) Discoveries by H. K. Kennedy-Skipton Discussions of the Shakespearean Authorship Society 1971/72 Donate to SF Foundation Dorothy Stevens Ogburn (1890-1981) Dr. H. M. Woodward (1875-1948) Dr. Rowse, Shakespeare and Others Dr. Wilson? (page 42 is missing) The Duke of Portland and His Portrait Collection at Welbeck Abbey (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 391-392) DVS Statement on Anonymous Ernest Stirling Allen: noted Oxford advocate passes away in England (1872-1939) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 77-79) Editor‘s Note on the ―Arms of Sogliardo‖ in Jonson‘s Humour Editor‘s Note: update on Randall Barron‘s article on England‘s Helicon Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Changes Editorial Notes Editorial Notes Editorial Notes Editorial Notes Editorial Notes Editorial Notes Editorial Notes Editorial Notes Editorial Notes Editorial Notes Editorial Notes: Abuse no Argument; Why Not Shakespeare?; Oxford/Shaksper Debate at Stratford-on-Avon; Cecil Palmer; Starry Vere; More Mythology; More Anti-Stratfordian Converts; Soowtherne‘s Tribute; Bearding the Baconians 35 DSN SM SSR SON SON SFA SFA SFQ SFE SFE SFE SFA SAR No. 1: 7 Vol. 2/3: 5 Issue 1/1: 37 Vol. 23/3:13-14 Vol. 15/1: 4 Vol. 1/3: 2 Vol. 1/2: 5 Vol. VI/2: 21 Page 2 No. 15: 3-4 No. 6: 8-9 Vol. 2/2: 17 Issue #10: 1-9 1988, Jan. 2003, Spring 1987, Fall 1987, Summer 1979, Winter 1940, Apr./May 1940, Feb. 1945, April 1953, April 1939, July 1937, Nov. 1941, Feb. 1963, Autumn SON SM SON AWA SON Vol. 21/4: 7-8 Vol. 3/3: 3 Vol. 18/3: 8-9 Vol. 5: 36-37 Vol. 22/2: 1-7 1985, Fall 2004, Spring 1982, Summer 1959, Autumn 1986, Spring SON Vol. 18/3: 4-5 SFE Page 7-8 SFQ Vol. V/2: 17-23 1982, Summer 1948, Sept. 1944, April SON SAR SM SON SFE SAR DSN SFA 1971, Mar. 30 1972, Summer 2004, Summer 1981, Summer 1948, April 1971, Autumn 1988, April 1943, June Vol. 7/1: 2 Issue #26: 18 Vol. 3/4: 4 Vol. 17/2: 10 Page 1 Issue #25: 16 No. 2: 42-43 Vol. 4/4: 44 DSN Vol. 18/2: 5 SFA Vol. 1/1: 6 2011, July 1939, Dec. SFA SON OX DSN DSN DSN DSN DSN SM SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE 1941, April 1995, Winter 2004 1996, Sept. 1996, Dec. 1997, June 1997, Oct. 1998, Feb. 2002, Fall 1943, May 1943, Oct. 1944, May 1945, May 1957, Spring 1944, Oct. 1955, Autumn 1941, April 1942, April 1942, Oct. 1952, March Vol. 2/3: 36a-36c Vol. 31/1b: 8 Vol. 7: 1-5 Vol. 2/6: 1 Vol. 2/7: 1 Vol. 2/9: 1 Vol. 2/10: 1 Vol. 2/11: 1 Vol. 2/1: 3 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1-2 Page 4-5 Page 1-2 Page 1-2 Page 1-2 Page 2-5 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) Editorial Notes: A.C. Common-Place Book in Folger Library Editorial Notes: Birthplace Celebrations; The Stratfordian Retreat; The Shakespeare Fellowship‘s Pamphlet Editorial Notes: Editor William Kent‘s Ill Health; Meetings Editorial Notes: Kennedy-Skipton Elected; Lectrre on Lord Oxford at Leys School; Verses of Kensington; Shakespeare‘s Italy Editorial Notes: Marjorie Bowen; Save Shakespeare‘s Avon; Miss Diana Neill and Mr. Alan Keen Editorial Notes: Members‘ Activities; Overseas Members Editorial Notes: More and More Leaves; Progress in the Press; Still Busy!; Dr. J. R. Mez; Stands Stratford Where it Did?; Open Forum Editorial Notes: Oxfordians—What Of the Night; A Conon Without Courage; The Shakespeare ―Birthplace‖; Sir William Dugdale; Lavenham; Dickens and Shakespeare; Gems of Mythology; Editorial Notes: Physician Heal Thyself; A Winter‘s Campaign Editorial Notes: Stanley Baron‘s articles in the News Chronicle; Peterborough Again; The Library; Sir Walter Maxwell Scott; Annual Dinner; Other Meetings Editorial Notes: The Annual General Meeting; Abstracts and Brief Chronicles; At John O‘London‘s Literary Circle; the Rival Poet of the Sonnets – A Discussion; A Walking Encyclopaedia; Wider Publicity for the Oxford Case; In Honour of the Discoverer; An Oxfordian at Stratford-on-Avon; The Third ―Brains Trust‖; A ―Shakespeare‖Find Editorial Notes: The Annual General Meeting; Abstracts and Brief Chronicles; Correction; Lecture by Miss Marjorie Bowen; Shakespeare in East Anglia; Shakespeare‘s London; Brains Trust; Personal Editorial Notes: Blind Eye; New Recruits Editorial Notes: Debate; Sergeant Shakespeare; Gems of Mythology Editorial Notes: General Meeting Editorial Notes: News Chronicle and Shakespeare; A Magnus Opus; Notes and Queries; Lord Wakehurst; Shakespeare Bibliographies; Another Shakespeare Portrait!; A New Shakespeare Magazine Editorial Notes: Quatercentenary; Looney Again; Still They Run!; Cambridge for Oxford!; The Enemy Fainteth; A Poet Convert Editorial Policy Editorial; Recent Oxfordian News Editor‘s Notes: Shakespeare and the Encyclopaedists; E. E. Kellett Editors‘ Postscript Edmund Spenser and William Shakespeare Educational Television Versus Honesty in Programming EDVSC Raises Over $10,000 during Conference for Oxford Memorial Edward de Vere‘s Last Known Letter Edward‘s Presents Gets Rave Reviews in London Elizabeth Trentham and Edward de Vere (reprinted from Shakespeare Pictorial #102) Elizabethan History and the ―Bag of Secrets‖ The Elizabethan Mind Elizabethan Review Update Eminent Elizabethan Scholar‘s New Publication: Rev. Dr. Gerald H. Rendall and ―Asbourne‖ Portrait of Shakespeare The Epitaph Engraved on the Stratford Monument Ernest Stirling Allen (d. 1939) Essay Contest Scores With Students, Teachers Excerpts from a Letter Written by Admiral J. C. White Excerpts from an obituary of David Lloyd Kreeger (reprinted from The Washington Post, 11/20/90) Excerpts from letters from A. L. Worse to Lord Vere; from Daphne 36 SON Vol. 5/2: 7 SFE Page 1-4 1969, Apr. 7 1947, Sept. SFE Page 1-2 SFE Page 6 1955, Spring 1956, Spring SFE Page 1-2 1953, Nov. SFE Page 2 SFE Page 1-5 1954, April 1951, Sept. SFE Page 1-3, 7 1948, Sept. SFE Page 1-2 SFE Page 1-3 1949, Sept. 1954, Sept. SFE Page 1-3 1946, Sept. SFE Page 1-5 1947, March SFE SFE SFE SFE Page 2 Page 10 Page 1-2 Page 2-4 1952, Sept. 1950, April 1945, Nov. 1953, April SFE Page 1-3 1950, April SFQ DSN SFE SAR SON SON SM SON SM AWA Vol. V/1: 16 Vol. 2/5: 1 Page 1-3 Issue #25: 21 Vol. 2/3: 3-5 Vol. 15/2: 7 Vol. 2/4: 8 Vol. 36/1: 28 Vol. 3/2: 4 Vol. 2: 32-33 1944, Jan. 1996, April 1951, April 1971, Autumn 1966, Oct. 30 1979, Spring 2003, Summer 2000, Spring 2004, Winter 1935, Aug. SM SFE SON SFA Vol. 2/1: 5 Page 6 Vol. 29/1a: 10 Vol. 1/5: 12 2002, Fall 1944, May 1993, Winter 1940, Aug./Sept. SON SFE SM SON SON Vol. 29/2a: 6 Page 1 Vol. 2/3: 1, 23 Vol. 23/2: 7 Vol. 26/4: 1 1993, Spring 1940, April 2003, Spring 1987, Spring 1990, Fall SON Vol. 23/1: 7 1987, Winter Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title DeMaurier to Dorothy Ogburn; from Maxwell Perkins to Ernest Hemingway Excerpts from the Dramatists Guild Quarterly (Spring 1990) Excerpts from the Obituary of Dr. Peter Sammartino (NY Times, (March 30, 1992) Excerpts from the Wilkes University Attorney‘s Report, 1991-92: The 1991 Lectures: ―Justice Stevens on Shakespeare‖ Extracts From Letters: Dorothy Ogburn, David Vessey, Louis Marder The Extraordinary General Meeting Famous People Comment . . . Famous Portrait Comes to the United States [Gheeraedts portrait] Faultfinding Expositions of the First Two Paragraphs in Thomas A. Pendleton‘s Review of Irvin Matus‘s Shakespeare in Fact in the Shakespeare Newsletter Feldman Updates Ward Fellowship Home Page and Discussion Boards Fellowship Meets in Baltimore Fellowship Sponsors Shakespeare Essay Contest The Fellowship Study Group Fellowship‘s 2004 Conference Set for Baltimore Next Oct. Fellowship‘s 3rd Annual Meeting Held in Baltimore The Fellowship‘s General Meeting Highly Successful First Annual Fellowship Conference, Oct. 18-20, 2002 First Annual Oxfordian Institute First Folio Fetches $6 Million First Oxfordian Edition of Othello (2010) The Folger‘s Authorship Policy Folger‘s SQ Asks, ―Why Should We Study Shakespeare?‖ Fourth and Fifth SOS National Conferences The Francis Bacon Society‘s Legacy (reprinted from All England Law Law Reports, 1964) Freed‘s Beard of Avon (pub. 2004) and Rubbo‘s Much Ado About Something From a Never Writer: News: Anonymous Richard II Attributed to Brunel MA Program in Authorship Receives Final Approval; University of Warwick to Host Conference on Shakespeare and the Law; Boston to Host Reading of New Authorship Play; Edward de Vere‘s Annotated Chronicle? From a Never Writer: News: Shakespeare Authorship Coalition Launches Signature Drive; Nominations for Shakespeare Fellowship Board Approved; Anderson to Lecture in Taiwan; Beauclerk Planning Book on Authorship; Shakespeare Fellowship Announces 2007-08 Essay Contest; Authorship in the Washington Post; Triumph of Will: New York Times Survey Shows Stratford Myth is Alive and Well in Academia; Anne Barton on Authorship in the New York Review of Books From a Never Writer: News: New England Oxfordian News Dinner; McNeil in Globe; De Vere at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival; De Vere Essay Wins California State History Day Award; Mark Rylance, Author and Star of New Authorship Play; Brunel University and Shakespeare Authorship Trust Sponsor 2007 Silberrad Memorial Lectures; Anderson Brings Oxford to Tawain From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Gordon Cyr (1926-2007), Isabel Holden (1915-2007), in Memoriam; SOS-SF Reunification Talks Progress; 2008 Joint Conference Scheduled for Eastern United States; Shakespeare Fellowship Extends Essay Contest Deadline; New Authorship Novel Reviewed by New York Times: Interred With Their Bones by Carrell (2007); New Oxfordian Editions Series in Print 37 SON Vol. 26/3a: 11-12 SON Vol. 28/2: 4 1990, Summer 1992, Spring SON Vol. 28/3: 12 1992, Summer SAR SFE SON SON SON Issue #9: 21 Page 1 Vol. 14/2: 1-3 Vol. 16/1: 4 Vol. 30/4: 11 1963, Spring 1946, March 1978, Spring 1980, Winter 1994, Autumn SON SM SM SM SFE SM SM SFQ SM SM SON SON SON SM SON SAR Vol. 20/1+2: 9 Vol. 1/1: 2 Vol. 3/3: 6 Vol. 1/4: 6 Page 10 Vol. 3/2: 11 Vol. 4/2: 1, 8-11 Vol. VIII/2: 17-20 Vol. 1/3: 4 Vol. 2/1: 8 Vol. 37/3: 2 Vol. 46/1: 15 Vol. 36/2: 20 Vol. 1/2: 6 Vol. 18/1: 2-13 Issue #18: 14-18 1984, Spring 2001, Fall 2004, Spring 2002, Summer 1952, March 2004, Winter 2005, Winter 1947, Summer 2002, Spring 2002, Fall 2001, Fall 2010, May 2000, Summer 2002, Winter 1982, Winter 1967, Autumn SM Vol. 1/3: 5 2002, Spring SM Vol. 6/2: 4-5, 32 2007, Winter SM Vol. 6/3: 4-5, 25 2007, Spring SM Vol. 6/4: 4-5, 21+ 2007, Summer SM Vol. 7/1: 4-5 2007, Fall Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Trustee SM Nominations: Regnier, Cutting, Goldstein, and Story; 4th Annual Joint SOS/SF Conference Scheduled for 2008; Oxfordiana in China, Round Two; Sue Sybersma Passes On . . .; Elizabethan Review Available on CD; Anderson on Spring ‗08 Tour on Authorship Debate; Hath Shakespeare Been a Tourist in Venice?; Authorship in the Princeton Alumni Review; Wall Street Journal: Official Shakespeare Story Wearing Thin From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Who‘s the SM Crackpot?; Shapiro: Anti-Stratfordians Just ―Don‘t Understand‖; Beard of Avon Continues to Raise Consciousness, Garner Kudos . . . ; Marlowe: Still Not Dead: Review of The Marlowe-Shakespeare Connection by Blumenfeld (2008); Whittemore Sonnet Cycle Premieres; New Kid‘s Book Promotes Oxford; Noted Oxfordian Passes: Frank O‘Connell (1914-2008); New Globe Director ―Debunks‖ Authorship Questionable; Authorship Blogs From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Supreme Court Justice SM John Paul Stevens Receives ‗09 ―Oxfordian of the Year‖ Award; Remembering K. C. Ligon; Remembering Andrew Hannas (1941-2009); Psychoanalysts Read to Deal with Authorship; Shapiro Kicks Off Book Tour at the Folger; 2009 Authorship Issue of Critical Survey From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Holderness: SM Shakespeare‘s Bio is the Earl of Oxford‘s; Editor News: Beauclerk to Publish Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom (2010); Moore‘s Lame Storyteller Issued (2009); Brief Chronicles Signs New Editors; Altrocchi-Whittemore Series on the History of Authorship; Waugaman Publishing Spree; Catholic Bard Update: Times Online Busy ―Imagining‖; Oliver Kamm‘s Anti-Eddy Antics From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Rhys Ifans: SM A Glorious Spanner in Academia; German Oxfordians Establish Neue Shake-speare Gesellschaft; Whittemore on the Shapiro Beat; Leahy/Continuum Issue Volume on Authorship; Stratfordian Skull and Bones Cult: Pissing on Delia‘s Grave; Authorship Question Spreads in Psychoanalytical Community; Orloff vs. Shapiro; Brief Chronicles in Germany; Holderness Retracts Statement – Sort of, Anyway From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Stanley Wells – SM ―On the Road‖ to Oxford?; Declaration of Reasonable Doubt Garners New Celebrity Signers; Brief Chronicles Issues Vol. II (2010); Eagan-Donovan Doc Receives Funding; S. F. Member Waugaman at the Center for Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies; Showerman to Teach Southern Oregon University Course on Authorship; SQ to Experiment With Online Pre-Publication Comments; Stritmatter and Kositsky in SY; Robbie Brazil, Oxfordian Researcher, RIP (1955-2010); Showerman Recognized by Gale Publishing From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Wait Till They See This; SM Gale Publishing to Reprint Oxfordian Research; Dr. Waugaman Launches New Web Site; New Whittemore Book: Shakespeare‘s Son and His Sonnets (2004); U.S. Publisher to Bring Out New Book on Oxford; German Book on Oxford to Appear in Paperback: Kurt Kreiler‘s Der Mann, der Shakespeare erfand; Autumn Events: Roe Book and Emmerich Movie: Anonymous From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: ―I Am That I Am‖ SM Dated to 1578; 2011 Joint Conference Scheduled for Washington, D.C.; 2011 Student Essay Contest Announced; Authorship Discussed 38 Vol. 7/3: 4, 19-20 2008, Spring Vol. 7/4: 14-18 2008, Fall Vol. 8/4: 4-5, 15-20+ 2009, Fall Vol. 9/1: 4-6, 22-23+ 2010, Winter Vol. 9/2: 4, 10-13, 24 2010, Spr/Sum Vol. 9/3: 4-6, 23-26 2010, Fall Vol. 10/1: 2-5 2011, Winter Vol. 10/2: 2-8 2011, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title at Texas English Conference; Authorship Events in Cambridge, MA; Brief Chronicles Vol. II Sent to History Professors; Oregon High Schoolers Tackle Authorship Question; Over 2,000 Sign Declaration of Reasonable Doubt From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Dating Shakespeare‘s Plays, edited by Kevin Gilvary; In Memoriam: Dr. Noemi Magri; In Memoriam: Norma Howe; Adair Volume Available; Authorship Index Available From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News . . . We're Moving!; In Memoriam, Tom Hunter (1942-2011); Showman BC Article Reprinted by Gale; Shakespeare Makes You Smarter?; Shapiro Plays Nazi Card - Again; Monkeys on Typewriters: Close to Reproducing Shakespeare?; Ben August to Join Fellowship Board; Anonymous Generates Publicity Tsunami; Board of Trustees Statement on Anonymous From England From England (new of talk by Harold W. Patience) From the Editor From the Editor From the Editor From the Editor: 20th Annual Conference; The Mysteries of Bulk Mail From the Editor: 1604 and Other Red Herrings From the Editor: changes in SOS leadership and publications From the Editor: Fear and Loathing on the Oxford Trail: a cameo at the SAA, a zero in the New York Review of Books From the Editor: Special Notice; Why It Matters; Spring in July? From the Editor: Who won, and why? Frontline to Rebroadcast The Shakespeare Mystery Frontpiece of the First Folio Engraving by Martin Droeshout reprint of an article in Gentlemen‘s Tailor, London, 1911) Fundraising in 1997 Fundraising; launch of The Oxfordian Future of Castle Hedingham in Doubt Gail Kern Paster at the Folger The Game of Chess in The Tempest Gelett Burgess‘ Tribute to ―Shakespeare‖ Identified General Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Fellowship Genius Alone Cannot Do All This Gertrude C. Ford: a pioneer Oxfordian (d. 1996) Globe Theater‘s Mark Rylance Latest to Sign Authorship Petition Gloriana Miscellania Good Queen Bess at the Folger Goodbye to a Friend: James Fitzgerald Gotham Plans August 2006 Paperback Release of de Vere Bio (by Mark Anderson) A Great Pioneer‘s Ideas on Intellectual Freedom (J. Thomas Looney) The Group-Theory and Some Modern Intellectuals Guidelines for Presentation of Papers at the 2009 S. Fellowship/ SOS Joint Conference The Hamlet Comedy A Hamlet-like Falstaff Harold William Patience (1921-1992) Harper‘s Story Generates Commentary, Coverage; Chronicle of Higher Education Weighs In The Harvard Case Helen H. Gordon Wins Award Helen W. Cyr (1926-1993) Henry Clay Folger‘s Memorial Highlights of the National Conference Hilda Amphlett: An Obituary (1897-1981) 39 SM Vol. 10/3: 4, 32-34 2011, Summer SM Vol. 10/4: 4-5 SON SON ER ER ER SON SM SON SM Vol. 15/2: 7 1979, Spring Vol. 15/1: 4-5 1979, Winter Vol. 1/1: 1-3 1993, Spring Vol. 1/2: 1-1 1993, Autumn Vol. 2/1: 3-4 1994, Spring Vol. 32/3: 20 1996, Summer Vol. 5/2: 3, 11, 29-+ Vol. 32/1: 22 1996, Winter Vol. 5/3: 3-4, 25-26 2006, Spring SON SON SON SON Vol. 32/2: 20 Vol. 32/4: 20 Vol. 32/1: 2 Vol. 22/4: 6 1996, Spring 1996, Fall 1996, Winter 1986, Fall SON SON SON SON SFE SFQ SFE SON SON SON SON SON SON SM Vol. 33/4: 6 Vol. 33/2: 2 Vol. 16/4: 1 Vol. 38/4: 6 Page 4 Vol. VI/3: 34 No. 6: 1-2 Vol. 25/2: 13-14 Vol. 35/4: 4 Vol. 32/2: 15 Vol. 38/4: 6 Vol. 39/2: 2 Vol. 37/1: 20 Vol. 5/3: 5 1997, Fall 1997, Spring 1980, Fall 2002, Fall 1943, Oct. 1945, July 1937, Nov. 1989, Spring 2000, Winter 1996, Spring 2002, Fall 2003, Spring 2001, Spring 2006, Spring 2011, Fall SFQ Vol. VI/3: 33-34 SFE Page 4 SON Vol. 45/1: 34, 36 1945, July 1945, May 2009, June SON SM SON SON Vol. 36/3: 20 Vol. 3/2: 4 Vol. 28/3: 10 Vol. 35/1: 3 2000, Fall 2004, Winter 1992, Summer 1999, Spring SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 11/1: 4 Vol. 47/2: 5-6 Vol. 29/3a: 13 Vol. 15/2: 1-7 Vol. 19/4: 8 Vol. 17/2: 9 1975, Winter 2011, Spring 1993, Summer 1979, Spring 1983, Fall 1981, Summer Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) Historical Background of ―The Merchant of Venice‖ Clarified Letter to the Drama Editor of the New York Times (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 35-42) Home Challenge For the Bard (newspaper cutting from England) The Honor of Authorship How Do You Answer? How Lord Oxford Paid His Way The How Many Guises of Edward de Vere A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers Revisited Import of These Discoveries Important Announcement - Play Reading An Improvised Colloquy In Memoriam (from the Times, 21 April, 1998) In Memoriam: Andy Hannas In Memoriam: Anthony William Deller (d. 1976) In Memoriam: Calvin Hoffman (d. 1986) and Rhoda Henry (Messner (d. 1986) In Memoriam: Captain Evelyn Broadwood (d. 1975) In Memoriam: Charles Wisner Barrell (d. 1975) In Memoriam: Dr. Noemi Magri In Memoriam: Noemi Magri (d. 2011) (reprinted from the Gazzetta de Manuta, 18 May 2011) In Memoriam: Eleanor Brewster (d. 1985) In Memoriam: Elliott Stone (1932-2011) (reprinted from In Memoriam: Gwynneth M. Bowen (d. 1984) In Memoriam: J. Shera Atkinson (d. 1958) In Memoriam: Louis E. M. Alexis In Memoriam: Margaret L. Knapp, Ruth Mack Brunswick, Mary H. Barrell, Edward Hardy Clark, Rev. E. D. Book, Mrs. James Stewart Cushman In Memoriam: Norma Howe In Memoriam of Marie Willis In Memoriam: Philip S. Weld (d. 1984) In Memoriam: Ralph Tweedale In Memoriam: Rose Feinstone (d. 1986) In Memoriam: Sol Feinstone (d. 1980) In Memoriam: Stanley P. Lovell (d. 1976) In Praise of Amateurism: review of Kenneth Burke On Shakespeare, edited by Scott L. Newstok (2007) In the NY Times, It‘s ―All the News that fits . . .‖ Incorporation of the Fellowship to Stimulate Oxford Research International Authorship Conference Scheduled for July 2004 in London Interview with Ogburn Completed Interview with Richard Whalen (Richard Whalen and the Professors) The Invisible Men Introducing the Quarterly (a continuation of the News-Letter) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 5-7) IRS Letter Verifying Tax-Exempt Status for SOS Is Lord Oxford Buried in Westminster Abbey? Is Shakespeare But the Fifth Greatest Briton? It Is Probably . . .: 40 sentences with speculative words in the Shakespeare biography in the Great Books of the Western World, and response from the GBWW Jacobi, York to Serve as Honorary Trustees John Louther, 1924-2003 John Price Sues Shakespeare Oxford Society Jonson, Jones Masque Manuscripts Found in Wilton House (from G. Gibbs article) Journalists Again Speak Out on the Authorship Issue 40 SFQ Vol. VIII/3: 44 1947, Autumn SON SFA SON SFE SON SON AWA DSN SON DSN SON SON SON Vol. 25/1: 4 Vol. 1/4: 12 Vol. 23/3: 11 Page 2 Vol. 15/4: 1-5 Vol. 16/1: 01 Vol. 2: 228-228 Vol. 2/10: 2 Vol. 22/4: 12-14 Vol. 2/12: 2 Vol. 45/3: 7 Vol. 12/2: 4 Vol. 22/2: 13 1989, Winter 1940, June/July 1987, Summer 1942, April 1979, Fall 1980, Winter 1942, April 1997, Oct. 1986, Fall 1998, May 2009, Dec. 1976, Summer 1986, Spring SON SON SM SON Vol. 11/3: 5 Vol. 11/3: 5 Vol. 10/3: 32-33 Vol. 47/3: 5-6 1975, Fall 1975, Fall 2011, Summer 2011, Fall SON SON SON SFE SON SFQ Vol. 21/4: 04 Vol. 47/2: 15 Vol. 20/4: 8 Page 4 Vol. 14/1: 9 Vol. VII/4: 54 1985, Fall 2011, Spring 1984, Fall 1958, Spring 1978, Winter 1946, Oct. SM SON SON SON SON SON SON SM Vol. 10/3: 33 Vol. 29/3a: 14 Vol. 20/4: 8 Vol. 13/2: 5 Vol. 22/3: 12 Vol. 16/4: 7 Vol. 11/3: 5 Vol. 7/4: 3, 9, 12-4 2011, Summer 1993, Summer 1984, Fall 1977, Summer 1986, Summer 1980, Fall 1975, Fall 2008, Fall SON SFQ SM SON SON SON SFQ Vol. 32/3: 2 Vol. VI/2: 17-18 Vol. 1/3: 4 Vol. 33/3: 2 Vol. 42/1: 15-17 Vol. 35/1: 20 Vol. V/1: 1-2 1996, Summer 1945, April 2002, Spring 1997, Summer 2006, Winter 1999, Spring 1944, Jan. SON SFE SON SON Vol. 14/1: 7-8 No. 6: 6-8 Vol. 38/4: 6 Vol. 29/3a: 8 1978, Winter 1937, Nov. 2002, Fall 1993, Summer SM SM SON SON Vol. 2/4: 3 Vol. 2/3: 3 Vol. 32/2: 5 Vol. 35/3: 2 2003, Summer 2003, Spring 1996, Spring 1999, Fall SON Vol. 16/1: 11 1980, Winter Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Just a Little Coincidence Justice for Oxford: C-SPAN cablecast of Moot Court Trial held on June 4, 1997 Justice Stevens Honored by Alma Mater Katharine Hepburn - a Shakespearean Woman Kevin Kelly, Boston Globe Theater Critic for 32 Years King Lear in the News Lady Pembroke as Shakespeare Makes Newsweek Large Turnout Expected for 24th Annual Conference in Stratford Leaves From the Editor‘s Notebooks Lecture on Pictorial Evidence at Club Founded by H. H. Furness Lectures of the Shakespearean Authorship Society 1972-1973 Lectures of the Shakespearean Authorship Society 1973-1974 Lest We Forget A Letter from Lavenham (from F. Lingard Ranson) Letters from Members: brief excerpts Libel Suit Grows Out of Fellowship‘s Annual Meeting The Library List of 62 Prominent Prominent People Who Have Rejected Shaksper Authorship List of Distinguished Men/Women Who Made Their Skepticism Known Locating Mount Oxford [findings of Helen Kerfoot] London‘s Brunel University Sponsors MA in Authorship Studies Look Not On His Picture Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Launches 1995 Lecture Season, Debates Stratfordian Scholar on NPR Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Reaches 15,000 With Case for Oxford Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Speaks at the Smithsonian; BBC Program Broadcast Making News Man Bytes Bard Mark Rylance Speaks Out! Mark Rylance Stirs Up the Globe A Master of Double-Talk (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 110) Mea Culpa Department: Arthur Brooke‘s Romeus and Juliet is a poem, not a play Measure for Measure in Real Life Media Notes: Follow-up to Harper‘s, Chronicle of Higher Education stories Media Notes: Fox TV‘s Malcolm in the Middle; Oliver Stone on History and Conspiracy Meet the New Shakespeare? Meet the SOS Trustees: Aaron Tatum, Gerit Quealy Meet the SOS Trustees: John Hamill, James Sherwood Meet the Trustee Nominees . . . Gary Goldstein, Tom Regnier, Bonner Miller Cutting, Ted Story Meet the Trustees: Frank Davis and Wayne Shore Meetings Meetings Meetings Meetings Mensa Bulletin Announces Formation of Cusick‘s OSSIG Miami Law Review Article Questions Traditional Stratford Story Michael York Joins Society The Michaelmas Term in Brief Michigan Appeals Judge to Judge in The Case Against Will Shakespeare The Miller Library of the De Vere Society The Miller Shakespeare Library Milleriana Minneapolis Conference: full slate of events set 41 SFE Page 8-9 SON Vol. 33/4: 2 1952, March 1997, Fall SM SM SON SFA SM SON SFE SFA SAR SAR SON SFA SFA SFQ SFE SON Vol. 2/1: 6 Vol. 2/4: 5 Vol. 30/4: 15 Vol. 1/4: 8 Vol. 3/4: 31 Vol. 36/1: 3 Page 10 Vol. 1/3: 3 Issue #28: 25 Issue #29: 19 Vol. 20/1+2: 6-7 Vol. 2/2: 21 Vol. 2/6: 71-72 Vol. IX/2: 16 Page 7-8 Vol. 29/2b: 8 2002, Fall 2003, Summer 1994, Autumn 1940, June/July 2004, Summer 2000, Spring 1954, Sept. 1940, Apr./May 1973, Summer 1974, Summer 1984, Spring 1941, Feb. 1941, Oct. 1948, Summer 1952, March 1993, Spring SON SON SM SON SON Vol. 24/3: 10-11 Vol. 16/1: 5-10 Vol. 5/3: 5-6 Vol. 14/3: 5-6 Vol. 31/2a: 15 1988, Summer 1980, Winter 2006, Spring 1978, Summer 1995, Spring SON Vol. 29/2a: 14 SON Vol. 30/4: 9-10 1993, Spring 1994, Autumn SM SSR SON SON SFA SON 2002, Spring 1988, Winter 2011, Spring 1996, Fall 1940, June/July 1980, Spring Vol. 1/3: 3 Issue 1/2: 31-32 Vol. 47/2: 4-5 Vol. 32/4: 2 Vol. 1/4: 5 Vol. 16/2: 6 SM Vol. 2/4: 5 SON Vol. 35/2: 2 2003, Summer 1999, Summer SON Vol. 36/3: 2 2000, Fall SON SON SON SM Vol. 35/2: 3 Vol. 38/3: 16-17 Vol. 38/1: 18 Vol. 7/3: 8-9 1999, Summer 2002, Summer 2002, Winter 2008, Spring SON SFE SFE SFE SFE SON SM SON DSN SON DSN DSN SON SON Vol. 38/2: 19 Page 1 Page 1-2 Page 4 Page 8 Vol. 19/2: 3 Vol. 3/2: 5 Vol. 31/3: 16 No. 1: 3 Vol. 24/1: 14-15 No. 2: 33 No. 3: 90-93 Vol. 14/3: 8 Vol. 32/2: 5 2002, Spring 1952, Sept. 1952, March 1953, April 1949, March 1983, Spring 2004, Winter 1995, Summer 1988, Jan. 1988, Winter 1988, April 1988, Aug. 1978, Summer 1996, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) Minos and Ruth Miller Acquire Barrell Archive The Minutes of the General Meeting Fellowship's New Hon. Secretary Mr. Charles Boissevain and Mons. H. R. Lenormand; Mr. Osbert Sitwell on Shakespeare Misc. letters finding references to trains in Shakespeare‘s works The Missing Link [similarity between Oxford‘s ―Echo‖ Verses and Shakespeare‘s A Lovers‘ Complaint] A Modest Proposal: the Oxford Oxford Shakespeare Money is a Good Soldier The Monument Theory (2005) Moot Court Debate on the Authorship More on Monstrous Adversary (2003) More on Ruth Loyd Miller More on the ―Ashbourne‖ Pedigree More on the Portrait [Ashbourne Portrait] Morse Johnson and the Enquirer Again in the Van Morse Johnson Strikes Again Mouse that Roared: photo of members of the Shakespeare Authorship Coalition presenting their Declaration of Reasonable Doubt Mr. Charles Wisner Barrell and Our American Branch; Nostradamus Mr. John Barrymore; Herbert Lawrence's Life and Adventures of Common Sense; Shakespeare's Signatures; The Falstaff Cup; Occasional Notes Mr. William Kent's New Book Mrs. Eva Turner Clark, Founder of The Shakespeare Fellowship, USA (1871-1947) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 294-297) Mrs. Sverre Eriksen (d. 1939) Mrs. Theodora Philpot (d. 1954) Much Ado About Authorship in Media Myriad-Minded Man of the Renaissance The Mysterious William Shakespeare in the News The Mysterious William Shakespeare In the News – An Update Nashe‘s Dedication of Strange News (McKerrow‘s Edition) New Book on Countess of Pembroke as Shakesp. (by Robin Williams) New Book on the Holocaust from Fellowship VP Lynne Kositsky: The Thought of High Windows (2004) New Cambridge Press Issue Supports a ―Literary‖ View of the Bard New Computer Analysis Technique for Comparing Texts and Determining Authorship New Documents Vindicate Barrell New Fowler Book on Oxford‘s Letters Released New Fundraising Program Begins A New Name For the Society A New Shakespeare Portrait? News News News News from England: De Vere Society Annual Meeting held in London News from the Folger Shakespeare Library: Ashbourne Portrait Now on Public Display News and Notes News and Notes News and Notes News and Notes: Brooke House, Hackney; Publication of Shakespeare Cross-Examination; Shakespeare and His Betters on American TV News and Notes: Colour Transparencies, Films and Tape-recording; Sir John Russell‘s Lecture at Royal Naval College; Death of Mr. Francis T. Carmody News and Notes: ―Flower‖ Portraits (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 213) 42 SON Vol. 23/2: 9 SFE Page 1 SFE Page 4 1987, Spring 1940, April 1942, April SON Vol. 25/4: 13-14 SON Vol. 16/1: 2-4 1989, Fall 1980, Winter SSR SFQ SM SM SM SON SON SON SON SON SM 1987, Fall 1947, Autumn 2005, Winter 2003, Winter 2004, Summer 1977, Summer 1978, Winter 1979, Fall 1979, Winter 1983, Spring 2007, Spring Issue 1/1: 41 Vol. VIII/3: 33-34 Vol. 4/2: 3 Vol. 2/2: 9 Vol. 3/4: 7 Vol. 13/2: 11 Vol. 14/1: 9-10 Vol. 15/4: 5-7 Vol. 15/1: 3-4 Vol. 19/2: 1-2 Vol. 6/3: 32 SFE Page 3 SFE Page 7-8 1942, April 1940, April SFE No. 14: 7-8 SFQ Vol. VIII/1: 1-3 1939, April 1947, Spring SFE SFE SON SON SON SON SAR SM SM Page 1-2 Page 5 Vol. 46/1: 1 Vol. 23/3: 9-10 Vol. 20/4: 04-8 Vol. 21/1: 6-8 Issue #23: 9-11 Vol. 5/4: 24 Vol. 9/3: 24 1940, April 1954, April 2010, May 1987, Summer 1984, Fall 1985, Winter 1970, Summer 2006, Summer 2004, Spring SM SM Vol. 3/3: 5 Vol. 3/1: 5 2004, Spring 2003, Fall SM SON SON SON SON DSN DSN DSN SON SON Vol. 1/3: 1, 8 Vol. 22/3: 5 Vol. 33/3: 2 Vol. 35/4: 20 Vol. 37/1: 2 Vol. 18/1: 01-3 Vol. 18/2: 1-3 Vol. 18/3: 1-3 Vol. 33/1: 8-9, 22 Vol. 36/2: 4 2002, Spring 1986, Summer 1997, Summer 2000, Winter 2001, Spring 2011, March 2011, July 2011, Nov. 1997, Winter 2000, Summer SAR SAR SAR SAR Issue #2: 17-19 Issue #5: 21-22 Issue #6: 20-22 Issue #7: 20-21 1959, Autumn 1961, Spring 1961, Autumn 1962, Spring SAR Issue #13: 19-20 1965, Spring SAR Issue #16: 25 1966, Autumn Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title News and Notes: Fortieth Anniversary Party; Appreciation From the Athenaeum; Poor Yorick!; The Shakespeare Dilemma and Christopher Marlowe News and Notes: Freud and Shakespeare; Leccture at Brighton by John Russell New Pamphlets; Bequest of Books from H. S. Shield News and Notes: Homes of the Earls of Oxford News and Notes: Honest Doubt News and Notes: Shakespeare Fellowship Study Group; From America News and Notes: the Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter News and Notes: the Shakespeare Fellowship Trust; Reports of Meetings News: Charles Vere at the Folger; Vere‘s the Word; De Vere‘s ―Lost Chronicle‖ News From America News From America News From America News From America News From America (Charles Wisner Barrell's article Elizabethan Mystery Man in the Saturday Review of Literature) News From Canada: J. V. McAree's article Another Claimant for Poet's Crown in the Toronto Globe and Mail News from East Anglia News From Holland News: From the Societies News News: Passing of Gordon Cyr (1926-2007) News: Recent Talks on Oxford News: Special Authorship Issue of Rocky Mountain Review News and Views: de Vere Society Condemns Anonymous; DVS Statement About Anonymous Newsletter Editorial Board No New Play? Nominating Committee Names Slate; correction Nominations to Board of Trustees Note: presentation by T. L. Adamson on ―Why I Am an Oxfordian‖ at the City Literary Institute Ernest Stirling Allen: noted Oxford advocate passes away in England (1872-1939) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 77-79) Noted Stratfordian Objects to Shakespeare‘s ―Imaginary Life‖ Notes of Twelfth Night Notice about Containing the Lives of the Earls of Oxford by Arthur Collins, 1752 Notice: Death of Rear-Admiral H. H. Holland Notice of Fourth Edition of William Kent‘s Booklet ―The George‖ Notice of passing of Isabel Holden Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices: American Oxfordians Seek English Organizer for Autumn Tour; Anti-Stratfordian Evidence; Publishing; Prizes; Television Documentary Notices; Annual Dinner Notices: Annual Dinner; Debate Postponed Notices: Annual Dinner; The Library; Proposed Visit to Hatfield House 43 SAR Issue #9: 15-19 1963, Spring SAR Issue #17: 22-23 1967, Spring SAR Issue #11: 19 SFE Page 1-2 SFE Page 1 1964, Spring 1957, Autumn 1958, Autumn SAR Issue #21: 18 SFE Page 2 SSN Issue 1/1: 2 1969, Spring 1958, Spring 1991, Feb. SAR SFE SFE SFE SFE 1960, Spring 1939, April 1939, July 1938, July 1937, July Issue #3: 22-23 No. 14: 8-9 No. 15: 2-3 No. 10: 4-5 No. 4: 1-6 SFE No. 6: 2-5 1937, Nov. SFE SFE SSN OX SON SON SM SON No. 6: 5-6 No. 10: 2-4 Issue 1/1: 3-4 Vol. 7: 171-175 Vol. 43/2: 24 Vol. 2/3: 5 Vol. 5/4: 5 Vol. 47/2: 4 1937, Nov. 1938, July 1991, Feb. 2004 2007, Spring 1966, Oct. 30 2006, Summer 2011, Spring SON SON SM SM SFE Vol. 36/1: 28 Vol. 35/3: 19 Vol. 2/3: 3 Vol. 3/4: 4 Page 12 2000, Spring 1999, Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Summer 1952, Sept. SFA Vol. 1/1: 6 1939, Dec. SON Vol. 13/2: 4-5 SFA Vol. 2/3: 34-36 SON Vol. 15/2: 08-9 1977, Summer 1941, April 1979, Spring SFE SFE SON SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE DSN 1957, Autumn 1946, March 2007, Fall 1949, Sept. 1954, Sept. 1955, Spring 1957, Autumn 1957, Spring 1958, Autumn 1958, Spring 1953, April 1988, April Page 8 Page 6 Vol. 43/4: 13 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 2 No. 2: 38-39 SFE Page 1 SFE Page 3 SFE Page 1-2 1956, Autumn 1956, Spring 1954, April Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) Notices: Brooke House and St. Augustine‘s Church Notices: A Real Oxford Movement!; Another Busy Professor; Plight of the Professors; Popular Fallacies; Dr. Abraham Feldman Notices: Shakespeare ―Birthplace‖; A Battle of Stratford Spurs; Pusillanimity of the Professors; Baconian Barks; The Stratford Monument; Misapplied Quotations; The Shakespeare Biographers; What of 1950?; The Play‘s The Thing; Truth Notices: Talks for Hilary Term 1988; The Mysterious William Shakespeare to be Published in UK This Year; Shakespeare in Court; De Vere Society Charity Ball Notices: Talks for the Academic Year 1988/89; The Mysterious William Shakespeare; Proud Passionate Boy; Publishing; Francis Bacon Society Notices: Talks for Trinity Term 1988; Ogburn's The Mystery of William Shakespeare Obituary: Clifton Fadiman, Renowned Critic, Oxfordian (1904-1999) Obituary: G. P. V. Akrigg (1913-2001) Obituary: Herbert Cutner (d. 1969) Obituary: Howard Bloch (1937-2000) Obituary: J. Allan Hovey, Jr., Author of Aye, Shakespeare Obituary: James Edmund Fitzgerald (1943-2001) Obituary: Miss E. R. Monteath Obituary: Miss Helen Atkinson Obituary: Professor Lionel Penrose Obituary: R. Ridgill Trout Obituary: Rear-Admiral H. H. Holland (1873-1957) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 246-247) Obituary: Robert Brazil (1995-2010) Obituary: Sir John Gielgud (1904-2000) Obituary: T. L. Adamson Obituary: Tal Wilson (1919-2000) Obituary: Verily Anderson Paget (1915-2010) Obituary: Winifred L. Frazer Occasional Notes Occasional Notes Occasional Notes Occasional Notes Occasional Notes Occasional Notes Occasional Notes Occasional Notes Occasional Notes Occasional Notes Occasional Notes Occasional Notes Officers of the Society Officers of the Society The Oldest Hath Borne the Most Oliver Kamm‘s Anti-Eddy Antics Origins and Achievements of Shakespeare Fellowship (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 74-76) Other Conference Events: The Debate, Teacher‘s Workshop, Speakers Our President at Lavenham Outside Lectures: South Place Ethical Society; London Society; Marlowe Society; Aberdeen; Dublin Shakespeare Society; Massachusetts Historical Society Overpainting on the ―Ashbourne‖ Portrait: A Conservator‘s View Oxford and the Professors (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 61-62) Oxford as Shakespeare and the Ashbourne Portrait 44 SFE Page 13 SFE Page 1-5 1955, Spring 1950, Sept. SFE Page 1-5 1949, March DSN No. 1: 34-35 1988, Jan. DSN No. 3: 113-115 1988, Aug. DSN No. 2: 36 1988, April SON SON SAR SON SON SON SFE SFE SAR SAR SFE Vol. 35/2: 2 Vol. 38/1: 21 Issue #21: 19 Vol. 35/4: 2 Vol. 35/2: 2 Vol. 37/1: 3 Page 12 Page 11 Issue #26: 17-18 Issue #22: 17-18 Page 11 1999, Summer 2002, Winter 1969, Spring 2000, Winter 1999, Summer 2001, Spring 1956, Autumn 1956, Spring 1972, Summer 1969, Chr. 1957, Autumn DSN SON SAR SON DSN SON SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE DSN DSN SON SM SFA Vol. 17/2: 5 Vol. 36/1, 2 Issue #22: 17-18 Vol. 35/4: 2 Vol. 17/2: 4 Vol. 31/2a: 11 No. 1: 8-9 No. 2: 10-11 No. 3: 10-11 No. 4: 10 No. 5: 8 No. 7: 11 No. 8: 13-14 No. 10: 10 No. 11: 10 No. 12: 18 No. 14: 9-11 No. 15: 7-8 No. 1: 2 No. 2: 2 Vol. 34/3: 24 Vol. 9/1: 27 Vol. 1/1: 5 2010, Aug. 2000, Spring 1969, Chr. 2000, Winter 2010, Aug. 1995, Spring 1937, Jan. 1937, March 1937, May 1937, July 1937, Sept. 1938, Jan. 1938, March 1938, July 1938, Sept. 1938, Nov. 1939, April 1939, July 1988, Jan. 1988, April 1998, Fall 2010, Winter 1939, Dec. SON Vol. 32/4: 05, 18 SFE No. 3: 4-5 SFE Page 4-5 1996, Fall 1937, May NEW 1957, Spring SON Vol. 13/2: 5-8 SFQ Vol. IX/1: 8 SFE Page 3 1977, Summer 1948, Spring 1940, April Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title th Oxford Bites the Big Apple: 27 Annual SOS Conference Oxford Did go To Milan (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 48-50) Oxford Document to be Auctioned Oxford Equations Oxford in Print and on Stage Oxford in The torch Oxford in Westminister Abbey? Oxford is Shakespeare: any questions? Oxford Prevails in NYC Bar Association Debate Oxford-Shakespeare Case Loses Brilliant Advocate; Bernard Mardaunt Ward (1893-1945) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 276-279) Oxford-Shakespeare Book That Charmed Mr. Folger: Esther Singleton‘s Shakespearian Fantasias Oxford Week in Boston Oxford Week in Boston: Sonnets and the law, Harvard and ―Veritas‖ Oxford Weekend in Cambridge: 15th annual banquet celebrated The Oxfordian Oxfordian Archives Oxfordian Bulletin Board Posted in Cyberspace Oxfordian News: Abstracts and Brief Chronicles; Shakespeare and the Shaven Hercules; Honest Ben Jonson; The Second ―Brain Trust‖ Oxfordian News: Authorship Roundtable Sponsors Symposium in Los Angeles; Banquet Held in Cambridge; Second-Guessing the Bard in Stratford Oxfordian Editions of the Shakespeare Plays on the Way Oxfordian Editions Project Publishes Second Volume: SM interview with Richard F. Whalen Oxfordian News: 2nd Annual Shakespeare festival in Vermont; Globe Theater Event Oxfordian News: 10th Annual Oxford Day Banquet in Cambridge Oxfordian News: Gigantic Task; Encouragement; Chronological Item; Whiteman Column Oxfordian News: Amy Freed; 6th Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conf. Oxfordian News and SOS Business Oxfordian News: Anne Rice on Oxford and Shakespeare Oxfordian News: Annual Oxford Day Banquet in Boston and other news Oxfordian News: Authority Admits Failure; Seeing is Disbelieving; Physician, Heal Thyself (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3: 381-82); What Do You Think? Oxfordian News: Authorship Courses in Oregon and other news Oxfordian News: Authorship Debate in Bath; Letter from Castle Hedingham Oxfordian News: Authorship Debate on Australian Radio and other news Oxfordian News: Authorship in the Classroom at Cleveland State Oxfordian News: Authorship Roundtable Symposium Convenes in LA Oxfordian News: Authorship Roundtable; Authorship Doc. in England Oxfordian News: Biography Magazine, England-DVC Meeting, Oxfordian News: Coming Soon: Oxfordian Editions of Shakes.‘s Plays Oxfordian News: De Vere at Newport; Out Third Year; Leading Article; Most Famous Pseudonym Oxfordian News: De Vere Society in England, Authorship Play in Tennessee Oxfordian News: Don Foster Recants Elegy Attribution Oxfordian News: Famous Reference Book; Our Fourth Year; The News-Letter; From England; Caroline Spurgeon; New Books Oxfordian News: Felicia Londre Lecturer on Oxford at SAA; 12th Oxford Day in Massachusetts Oxfordian News: From Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Oregon Australia, England Oxfordian News: From Indiana, Massachusetts, Germany 45 SON SAR SON SSR SON SM SM SM SON SFQ Vol. 39/2: 21 Issue #4: 21 Vol. 37/3: 19 Issue 1/1: 42-43 Vol. 39/4: 21 Vol. 5/3: 6 Vol. 3/3: 6 Vol. 1/1: 1, 3, 20 Vol. 32/1: 3, 14 Vol. VI/4: 49-50 2003, Spring 1960, Autumn 2001, Fall 1987, Fall 2003, Autumn 2006, Spring 2004, Spring 2001, Fall 1996, Winter 1945, Oct. SFQ Vol. VII/1: 14 1946, Jan. SM SM SM SON SON SON SFE 2005, Winter 2005, Spring 2002, Summer 1999, Fall 2006, Winter 1995, Winter 1946, March Vol. 4/2: 32 Vol. 4/3: 4 Vol. 1/4: 7 Vol. 35/3: 20 Vol. 42/1: 24 Vol. 31/1a: 9 Page 1-4 SON Vol. 34/2: 16-17 1998, Summer SM SM 2005, Spring 2009, Fall Vol. 4/3: 6 Vol. 8/4: 1, 6-7 SON Vol. 35/4: 14-15 2000, Winter SON Vol. 33/2: 16 1997, Spring SFA Vol. 3/5: 65-66, 68 1942, Aug. SON SON SON SON SFQ Vol. 38/1: 4-5, 8 2002, Winter Vol. 2/2: 1-2 1966, June 30 Vol. 38/3: 7 2002, Summer Vol. 32/2: 16-17+ 1996, Spring Vol. VIII/2: 20, 31+1947, Summer SON Vol. 32/4: 16-17+ 1996, Fall SON Vol. 33/2: 17 1997, Spring SON SON SON SON SON SON SFA Vol. 32/3: 16-17+ Vol. 32/3: 16-17+ Vol. 34/3: 20-21 Vol. 35/2: 18-19 Vol. 38/3: 6-7 Vol. 41/2: 15 Vol. 3/1: 5-7 SON Vol. 37/1: 16 1996, Summer 1996, Summer 1998, Fall 1999, Summer 2002, Summer 2005, Spring 1941, Dec. 2001, Spring SON Vol. 38/2: 8-9, 18 2002, Spring SFA Vol. 4/1: 8-12 1942, Dec. SON Vol. 35/1: 16-17 1999, Spring SON Vol. 33/1: 16-17 1997, Winter SON Vol. 33/4: 18-19 1997, Fall Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) Oxfordian News: From Letters Received; Pertinent; Folger Library; Army Captain Now; Shakespeare At Dieppe Oxfordian News: From Shakespeare‘s Library?; Statesman Speaks Out; Radar; The Fellowship Disclaims; English Lews-Letter; New Shakespeare Books Oxfordian News: Growing Interest; Books and Flames; Shakespeare‘s Birthday; Letters from England; Our New Member Oxfordian News: Hidden Allusions; Book Club of California Oxfordian News: Horatio Society Founded in San Francisco Oxfordian News: Horatio Society in San Francisco; Diana Price lecture in Los Angeles Oxfordian News: Hughes at Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable, Londre at Shakespeare Festival, Oxford as Shakespeare on stage in London Oxfordian News: Huntington Library; Words for Music; Genevan Bible Messaline Oxfordian News: In the Army Now; Index; Five Thousand New Readers; The Tongues Oxfordian News: Invasions; Oxford‘s Life Dramatized Oxfordian News: La Vie Intellectuelle in Switzerland; Shakespeare on NY Stage; Excerpts from Members‘ Letters; Shakespeare and Lope de Vega; Welbeck Abbey; Historical Manuscripts; Annual Meeting Oxfordian News: Leading Article; Twlefth Night Club‘s Jubilee; Echoes; Influence Beaumont and Fletcher; Birds of Shakespeare; Letters from England Oxfordian News: . . . Let No Dog Bark; Under the Stukas‘ Shadow Oxfordian News: London Letter; Mrs. Ward; Newsletter from England; English Archives Oxfordian News: London News-Letter; Rendall Pamphlets Available; Whitman on Authorship; John Payne Collier‘s Ghost Oxfordian News: Lord Oxford Among the Lambs; Flodden in Field Again; Meet Mr. Allvine; Famous Book in Good Hands; Constructive Aid; Oxford Evidence Restated by Marjorie Bowen; Admiral Holland Accepts Presidency of British Fellowship; Our Current Needs Oxfordian News: Macbeth; De Vere in San Francisco; April TwentyThird; Despite the War (recent publications in England of interest to Oxfordians) Oxfordian News: Melville‘s ―Capt. Vere‖; That Continental Tour; Recognition of Merit; A London Worthy‘s Letter; Keep the Light Burning; Oxford-Shakespeare Books; Foster of Iowa Speaks Out Oxfordian News: Michael York, Royal Shakespeare Company Oxfordian News: Micro-Films; Enemy Action; Professor Kittredge; Shakspere, Shakespeare and de Vere; Oxford‘s Pseudonym; Oxfordian News: Mr. Cushman‘s Addresses; April News-Letter Oxfordian News: Nelson-Chiljan Debate in San Francisco Oxfordian News: New Authroship Documentary Planned in Austria Oxfordian News: New Chapter Takes Off in Sacramento; Oxford Week Oxfordian News: New Evidence identifies Stratford Man as Actor Only Oxfordian News: News-Letters Bound; In Facta Non Verba Oxfordian News: No. 1 Little Crown Street; To Our Readers Oxfordian News: Oxford Symposium Held in Massachusetts, etc. Oxfordian News: Oxfordian Happy Thought; Earle of Oxford‘s March Oxfordian News: Oxfordians at SAA in Cleveland; De Vere Society Meets in London Oxfordian News: Oxford-Shakespeare Birthday Party; Letter from France Oxfordian News: Oxford-Shakespeare Talks; the Forehorse to a Smock; Did Hals Paint the Bard? 46 SFA Vol. 3/6: 77-79 1942, Oct. SFA Vol. 4/5: 58, 66-68 1943, Aug. SFA Vol. 2/3: 30-31, 36 1941, April SFA Vol. 2/5: 58 SON Vol. 32/1: 18-19 SON Vol. 33/1: 16 1941, Aug. 1996, Winter 1997, Winter SON Vol. 37/2: 11, 20 2001, Summer SFA Vol. 2/5: 62-64 1941, Aug. SFA Vol. 1/6: 6, 8 1940, Oct./Nov. SFA Vol. 1/4: 5 SFA Vol. 3/1: 8-12 1940, June/July 1941, Dec. SFA Vol. 2/2: 18, 24 1941, Feb. SFA Vol. 1/5: 6 SFA Vol. 3/4: 53-56 1940, Aug./Sept. 1942, June SFQ Vol. VI/3: 46-48 1945, July SFQ Vol. VII/4: 54, 60+ 1946, Oct. SFA Vol. 3/3: 33-35 1942, April SFQ Vol. VI/2: 21, 26+ 1945, April SON Vol. 36/2: 16-17 SFA Vol. 2/6: 69-72 2000, Summer 1941, Oct. SFA SON SON SON SON SFQ SFA SON SFA SON 1942, April 1996, Spring 1996, Fall 1997, Spring 2003, Summer 1944, April 1943, Oct. 2000, Fall 1940, Feb. 1998, Spring Vol. 3/3: 44 Vol. 32/2: 16-17+ Vol. 32/4: 16/17+ Vol. 33/2: 16 Vol. 39/3: 9, 17 Vol. V/2: 32 Vol. 4/6: 76, 80 Vol. 36/3: 16-17 Vol. 1/2: 12 Vol. 34/1: 14-15 SFA Vol. 1/4: 4 1940, June/July SFQ Vol. VI/1: 15-16 1945, Jan. Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Oxfordian News: Oxford‘s Wide Knowledge of Music Reflected in SFA Shakespeare‘s Plays Oxfordian News: Paris Spokesman Oxfordian News: Portia‘s Destination in The Merchant of Venice; SON Diane Price on NPR Oxfordian News: Progress and a Handicap SFQ Oxfordian News: Progress Reported SFQ Oxfordian News: Publicity that Counts; Our President Rings the Bell SFQ Again; National Circulation for Oxford-Shakespeare Story Oxfordian News: Resolute and Determined; If We Have Leisure!; SFA Memorial Library Oxfordian News: Ruth Loyd Miller Honored in Lousiana and other news SON Oxfordian News: Shakespeare Authorship Fraudulent; Proof of the SFQ Pudding . . . British Activities; Bound Volume VI Ready Oxfordian News: Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable launches SON 12th year in Los Angeles Oxfordian News: Shakespeare: Man of Mystery; Oxford Lecture in SFQ Texas; Ward Volume Essential; for Permanent Reference Oxfordian News: Shakespeare Performed at Hedingham Castle SON Oxfordian News: Shakespeare Quiz; A New Member; Another Convert; SFE Shakespeare Statues; Annual Dinner; Other Events Oxfordian News: Shakespeare Sell-Out; A Libel on Stratford?; SFE The Stratford Monument; Priestley Plays the Priest; A Monument to a Myth; A New Theory of the Sonnets; The Shakespeare Fellowship‘s Pamphlet; Apology to America; Mr. J. B. Priestley Enters the Arena; sir Christopher Hatton as Shallow Oxfordian News: Shakespeare‘s Sonnet 134; Brooke House, Hackney SFE Damaged; ―Long Melford‖ Oxfordian News: ―Shakespeare‖ the Pseudonym of Edward de Vere SFA (comments on books supporting this belief); William Caxton Oxfordian News: ―Shaksper‖ dethroned at Shakespeare Duel in SON Michigan Oxfordian News: Soldiers Read Shakespeare; Tragic Accident; Silent SFA Testimony; Fellowship Booklets; Stratford Relics; Anniversary Month; A Henry James Satire; Shakespeare in Russia; Historic Documents Lost Oxfordian News: Some of Our Speakers; Annual SFA Meeting; A New Comedy; Middle Temple Bombed; English Periodicals Keep Coming; Twelfth Night; Oxford-Shakespeare Books Oxfordian News: Students will debate authorship issue at Ball State U. SON Oxfordian News: Surprising Error; Annals of English Drama SFA Oxfordian News: The Ghost Walks; Oxford-Shakespeare Library at SFQ Liverpool University; Perhaps You‘ve Forgotten Oxfordian News: The Shakespeare Document; Shakespeare in Texas; SFA Passionate Pilgrim; Old Vic; Interest at West Point Oxfordian News: To New Readers of the Quarterly SFQ Oxfordian News: Translation of Portrait Article to be Published SFA in the Lowlands; Authorship Mystery Classic Available Oxfordian News: U.S.A. Papers Please Copy; Ward‘s Biography of SFQ Oxford is Now Available; Signifying Nothing?; Modern Works Godfathered by the Author of Macbeth; Dr. Sigmund Freud Found Oxford Was the Bard; Agony Column Oxfordian News: War and the Fellowship; Bacon Versus Oxford SFA Still the Great Debate Oxfordian News: Washington, D.C., Massachusetts, etc. SON Oxfordian News: Westminster Abbey; NY Public Library; Our SFA President‘s Boston Lecture; Important Books; Richard II Oxfordian News: What Members Are Doing; England‘s Annual SFA Shakespeare Festival; A Woman of Genius; April Activities; Spreading the News 47 Vol. 1/3: 12 1940, Apr./May Vol. 39/2: 8-9 2003, Spring Vol. V/3: 48 1944, July Vol. VII/1: 31-32 1946, Jan. Vol. VI/4: 53, 56+ 1945, Oct. Vol. 1/6: 11-12 1940, Oct./Nov. Vol. 32/1: 18-19 Vol. VII/3: 44-48 1996, Winter 1946, July Vol. 33/3: 14-15 1997, Summer Vol. VIII/1: 3 1947, Spring Vol. 32/4: 16-17+ 1996, Fall Page 2-4 1953, Nov. Page 2-6 1948, April Page 3-4 1943, May Vol. 4/2: 22-24 1943, Feb. Vol. 32/2: 16-17+ 1996, Spring Vol. 4/3: 36-39 1943, April Vol. 2/1: 5-6, 12 1940, Dec. Vol. 33/3: 14-15 Vol. 2/6: 76 Vol. VII/1: 7-9 1997, Summer 1941, Oct. 1946, Jan. Vol. 2/4: 50-52 1941, June Vol. V/4: 68 Vol. 1/3: 10-11 1944, Oct. 1940, Apr./May Vol. VII/1: 14-16 1946, Jan. Vol. 3/2: 18-19 1942, Feb. Vol. 38/4: 4-5 2002, Fall Vol. 2/4: 41-42, 43 1941, June Vol. 4/4: 46, 50-52 1943, June Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) Oxfordian Professors Take the Issue to College Classes: Professors Londre and Pluto Oxfordian Trip to Italy Set for Oct. 15-29 Oxfordian Writer Publishes in The Weekly Standard Oxfordiana From Mensa [E. Jimmee Stein‘s article] Oxfordians Make Their Mark at Stratfordian Conference Oxfordians to Participate in World Shakespeare Congress Oxfordians Winning the Public Debate Oxford‘s Birthday Signalized in Rod Hendrickson Broadcast Oxford‘s Handwriting Oxford‘s Music in Boston Oxford‘s Shakespearean Hand Apparent in the 1581 Tournment Docs Panel Discussion on Hamlet: Stephen Moorer, Eddi Jolly, Gerit Quealy and Ted Story Paradigms Shifting and Shaking Patron: Sir Derek Jacobi Paul Nitze dies at 97 (1907-2004) Peele's Sonnet on Oxford (1590) Peele‘s Verses in Polyhymmus (II) Peregrine Bertie‘s Startling Report Peter Moore‘s Research in New Edition of Dramatist Philadelphia‘s Shakespeare Society Points Way to Truer Understanding Philip Platt‘s Library Photo of Delia Bacon and comment about her by Walt Whitman Plans for Oxford Birthday Celebration in Boston, April 22, 1988, Organized by Charles Boyle Plentiful lack . . . ―irreducible particularity‖ Poet Passes: Alfred Antoine Furman (1856-1940) Poetry Challenge in The Shakespeare Newsletters Draws an Oxfordian Response A Portrait of Southampton? Portraits of Ed. de Vere: Welbeck Abbey (1575), Gheeraerts (1586); Hilliard (1588) A Post Mortem on the Messner-Marder Exchange Postmoderinism: theory in chaos Preface to Charles Wisner Barrell‘s Article Identifying Shakespeare by X-ray and Infrared Photography Preface to William Kent‘s Pamphlet Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl Of Oxford President Benezet Lectures in Philadelphia President Benezet‘s Lecture Tour Preview of Shakespeare‘s Fingerprints by Michael Brame and Galina Galina Popova (2002) Preview of the 2005 Ashland Authorship Conference Prince Charles Lauds Shakespeare (Thus Oxford?) For Insights Into Life of Nobly Born Princess Diana, 1961-1997 Program from the Red Octopus Presentation of The Winter‘s Tale, Newport Performing Arts Center, Dec. 1989, Jan. 1990 Progress During the Passing Year: Priscian a Little Scratched; Convincing Brief by Charlton Ogburn; Constructive Newspaper Publicity; Oxford in Grolier Grolier Encyclopaedia; First AntiStratfordian; A Valuable Digest of Evidence; Tufts College Then – and Now; Reviving Interest in Boston; Famous Naval Historian Aids Cause; Dr. Joseph Shipley‘s Good Word; Mr. James McKee on the Sonnets; Dr. Benezet‘s ―Shakespeare Hoax‖; The Bolton-Benezet Debate; Our Secretary at Pennsylvania 48 SON Vol. 31/1a: 6-7 1995, Winter SON SM SON SON SON SON SFQ SON SM SFQ SON Vol. 30/2a: 19 Vol. 3/3: 5 Vol. 14/3: 5 Vol. 31/2a: 14-15 Vol. 31/4: 17-18 Vol. 35/4: 2 Vol. VI/3: 38 Vol. 16/2: 4-5 Vol. 2/2: 5 Vol. VIII/1: 11-13 Vol. 36/3: 5 1994, Spring 2004, Spring 1978, Summer 1995, Spring 1995, Autumn 2000, Winter 1945, July 1980, Spring 2003, Winter 1947, Spring 2000, Fall SON DSN SM SFE SFE SON SON Vol. 36/1: 28 Vol. 2/8: 6 Vol. 4/2: 4 Page 3-4 Page 4 Vol. 29/1a: 18 Vol. 46/1: 2 2000, Spring 1997, Feb. 2005, Winter 1942, Oct. 1943, May 1993, Winter 2010, May SFQ SON SM SON Vol. VIII/1: 15-16 Vol. 14/3: 8 Vol. 10/2: 32 Vol. 24/1: 15 1947, Spring 1978, Summer 2011, Spring 1988, Winter SM Vol. 3/2: 3 SFA Vol. 1/6: 6 SON Vol. 35/3: 2 2004, Winter 1940, Oct./Nov. 1999, Fall SON Vol. 38/2: 1, 10 SFE Page 1 2002, Spring 1953, April SON Vol. 13/2: 1-4 SM Vol. 3/2: 5 AWA Vol. 5: 386-391 1977, Summer 2004, Winter 2009 AWA Vol. 5: 377-378 2009 SFQ Vol. VI/3: 35-36 SFQ Vol. VI/2: 18-21 SM Vol. 2/2: 31 1945, July 1945, April 2003, Winter SM Vol. 4/2: 5 SON Vol. 31/4: 21 2005, Winter 1995, Autumn SON Vol. 33/3: 2 SON Vol. 25/4: 1 1997, Summer 1989, Fall SFQ Vol. VIII/4: 49-57 1948, Winter Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title A Psychologist on Authorship Public Libraries Welcome Oxfordians The Publications Fund Publications of the Minos Miller Publishing Company Quotes of Note Radio Presentation of Oxford-Shakespeare Case Proves Notably Successful: Gelett Burgess and Charles Wisner Barrell Wins Acclaim and Important Practical Aid for The Fellowship Rapid Growth of Research Fellowship Means End of Pompous Obstructionists Readout on Lecture by Louis P. Benezet to Shakespeare Society of Vancouver Real ―Shakespeare,‖ The: excerpt from an interview with C. Broder in The Hackney Gazette (2 June 1964) Reality Check Recent Activities to Promote Oxford Recent and Future Colloquies on the Authorship Question Recent Developments: the Folger and the Ashbourne Portrait Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News: Lord Charles Vere Reference Files: libraries that subscribe to the Fellowship News-letter Report on Shakespeare Scholarship Report of the Nominating Committee Report on The President‘s Cross-Examination (Christmas Humphreys) (8 Nov. 1955) Reports of Meetings Reports of Meetings Reprint of a Privie Council Letter from April 8, 1603 with Signature of Edward de Vere As Privie Councillor (property of the Folger Shakespeare Library) Reprint of article from The Times, May 28, 1966: ―Shakespeare Portrait X-Rayed) Reprint of article from The Washington Times (Nov. 4, 1986) Reprint of NY Times Article about Preston Fleet‘s Belief in de Vere As the Author Reprint of the Title Page of Apxaionomia, Courtesy of Folger Library Reprint of 3 Articles from the East Anglian Daily Times: American Seeks Aid Over Essex Theory on the Bard, July 7, 1973; Poetry in Motion, July 10, 1973; Shakespeare Country, July 18, 1973) Response to Celeste Ashley‘s letter Responses to Gary Taylor‘s Reinventing Shakespeare (1991) Response to Craig Huston‘s Letter Return of Spear Shaker Review of A Comparative Study of Shakespeare‘s Bad Quartos by Alfred Hart (1942) Review of Capt. Ridgill Trout‘s Talk ―Oxford and His Forebears‖ (11 Dec. 1954) Review of Christmas Humphreys‘ Talk ―A Cross Examination of Oxfordians‖ (6 Dec. 1967) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 261-3) Review of D. W. Vessey‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare‘s Classical Learning‖ (5 Jan. 1967) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 232-233) Review of D. W. T. C. Vessey‘s Lecture ―Some Problems in Shakespearean Chronology‖ (22 March 1968) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare Portraits and the Earl of Oxford‖ (16 Feb. 1967) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 234-5) 49 SM SON SAR DSN SM SFQ Vol. 4/1: 5 Vol. 35/4: 2 Issue #15: 21 Vol. 2/9: 19-20 Vol. 2/2: 31 Vol. VII/3: 33-34 2004, Fall 2000, Winter 1966, Spring 1997, June 2003, Winter 1946, July SFA Vol. 1/2: 7 1940, Feb. SAR Issue #1: 5 1959, Spring SAR Issue #14: 21 1965, Autumn SM SON SON SM SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SFA SFE SM SFE 2003, Fall 1967, July 27 1990, Fall 2002, Fall 1969, July 30 1969, Dec. 10 1975, Fall 1976, Spring 1978, Winter 1980, Summer 1986, Fall 1943, April 1955, Autumn 2011, Spring 1956, Spring Vol. 3/1: 3 Vol. 3/2: 1-2 Vol. 26/4: 14-16 Vol. 2/1: 10 Vol. 5/3: 1-2 Vol. 5/4: 1 Vol. 11/3: 5-6 Vol. 12/1: 2-3, 6 Vol. 14/1: 2 Vol. 16/3: 14 Vol. 22/4: 4-5 Vol. 4/3: 40 Page 5 Vol. 10/2: 2 Page 4-5 SFE Page 2 SFE Page 4 SON Vol. 6/2: 4-5 1957, Spring 1956, Spring 1970, June 30 SON Vol. 2/2: 3 1966, June 30 SON Vol. 22/4: 10 SON Vol. 31/1a: 7 1986, Fall 1995, Winter SON Vol. 8/1: 6-7 SON Vol. 11/1: 8-10 1972, Jan. 1975, Winter SON SON SAR SSN SFE 1980, Spring 1993, Spring 1968, Autumn 1991, Feb. 1943, Oct. Vol. 16/2: 5-6 Vol. 29/2a: 9-11 Issue #20: 18 Issue 1/1: 1 Page 2 SFE Page 2 1955, Spring SAR Issue #19: 16-18 1968, Autumn SAR Issue #17: 18-19 1967, Spring SAR Issue #20: 14-15 1968, Autumn SAR Issue #17: 19-20 1967, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture ―The Merchant of Venice: A Living Source‖ (15 May 1968) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Talk ―Autobiography in Measure for Measure‖ (13 Nov. 1954) Review of Katharine Eggar‘s Talk ―Notes For Newcomers‖ (26 Nov. 1960) Review of Katharine Eggar‘s Talk ―Lord Oxford and the Players‘ Company‖ (14 April 1956) Review of Katharine Eggar‘s Talk ―Our Debt to Ben Jonson‖ (19 March 1953) Review of Mister V, a film by Leslie Howard (titled Scarlet Pimpernel in England) Review of Of the Sea and Skies: Historic Hampton by Gene Williamson (1993) Review of Poems on Shakespeare By His Contemporaries, by John MacDonald with comments by Gwynneth Bowen (14 Jan. 1961) Review of Proud Passionate Boy, a play by O. M. Ironside Wood Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare and Marlowe‖ (9 March 1967) Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Talk ―George Gascoigne, Pioneer of Elizabethan Literature‖ (10 March 1956) Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Talk ―The Poems of Edward de Vere‖ (19 Feb. 1955) Review of Shakespeare Cross-Examination edited by the American Bar Association Journal (1961) Review of ―Shakespeare‖ Identified by J. Thomas Looney (1920) Review of Shakespeare in His True Colours by Katharine Eggar (1951) Review of Shakespeare In the Law (in The Connecticut Bar Journal, Vol. 67, No. 4, Aug. 1993) by William Domnarsk Review of Shakespeare Without Tears by Margaret Webster (1942) Review of Shakespeare‘s Lives by S. Schoenbaum (1970) Review of Shylock by John Gross Review of T. Bokenham‘s Lecture ―Ben Jonson, Shakespeare and the 1623 Folio‖ (1 Dec. 1966) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 230-231) Review of The Borough Town of Stratford-upon-Avon by Levi Fox (1953) Review of Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, ed. by F. W. Bateson (1940) Review of The Essential Shakespeare by Ted Hughes (1992) Review of The Letters of John Chamberlain edited by Norman Mcclure (1939) Review of The Lost Treasures of London by William Kent (1947) Review of The Man Who Was Shakespeare by Eva Turner Clark (1937) Review of The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford by B. M. Ward (1928) Review of Ursula Jackson‘s Talk ―The Feminine Angle‖ (11 Feb. 1961) Review of When Shakespeare Died, a pamphlet by Ernest Allen Review of William Kent‘s Talk ―The Stratfordian Case Examined‖ (22 Jan. 1955) Review of William Shakespeare: A Life by Garry O‘Connor (1991) (reprinted from The Independent, an English newspaper) Revising Some Details of an Important Discovery in OxfordShakespeare Research; Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 24) Robert Giroux‘s comments on Sonnet 107 The Roentgen Shakespeare Roscius Annotation Debated Russian Says Earl of Rutland Was Shakespeare (Review of The Game of Shakespeare by Ilya Gililov in The Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 31, 1997) 50 SAR Issue #20: 15-16 1968, Autumn SFE Page 2 1955, Spring SAR Issue #5: 17-18 1961, Spring SFE Page 2-3 1956, Autumn SFE Page 3 1955, Spring SFA Vol. 3/4: 52 1942, June SON Vol. 31/2b: 11 1995, Spring SAR SAR DSN SAR 1961, Spring 1961, Spring 1988, April 1967, Spring Issue #5: 18-19 Issue #5: 20 No. 2: 37-38 Issue #17: 21-22 SFE Page 2 1956, Autumn SFE Page 3 1955, Spring SON Vol. 12/4: 2 1976, Winter SFA Vol. 1/1: 8 SFE Page 10 SON Vol. 30/1: 4 1939, Dec. 1952, March 1994, Winter SFA SON ER SAR 1942, June 1971, Mar. 30 1993, Autumn 1967, Spring Vol. 3/4: 56 Vol. 7/1: 4-12 Vol. 1/2: 78-79 Issue #17: 17-18 SFE Page 3-4 1954, April SFA Vol. 2/5: 57 1941, Aug. ER Vol. 1/2: 79-79 SFA Vol. 3/4: 55 1993, Autumn 1942, June SFQ SFA SFA SAR SFE SFE 1947, Summer 1939, Dec. 1939, Dec. 1961, Spring 1937, Sept. 1955, Spring Vol. VIII/2: 26 Vol. 1/1: 8 Vol. 1/1: 8 Issue #5: 20 No. 5: 5-8 Page 2 SON Vol. 27/4: 2-3 1991, Fall SFQ Vol. VIII/3: 42 1947, Autumn SON AWA SM SON 1987, Winter 1940, Feb. 2003, Fall 1998, Spring Vol. 23/1: 14 Vol. 2: 85-86 Vol. 3/1: 4 Vol. 34/1: 2 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Ruth Loyd Miller (1922-2005) S.A.S. Meetings S.A.S. Meetings and Annual Dinner Salute to Canon Rendall! Salvador de Madariaga on Hamlet Schoenbaum and Twain Scholarly Journals Honor Bronson Feldman Scientific American Follow-Up Scientific Proof that Lord Oxford Posed for Ancient Portraits of the Bard (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 80-86) Sci-Fi Novel touts Oxford: 1632 by Eric Flint Searching for Shakespeare: how the Sanders Portrait quest leads straight to authorship Seattle Conference Planning in Place: Annual Conference, Oct., 1997 Second Annual Oxfordian Seminar Convenes at Concordia University Second Utrecht Authorship Conference Sept. ―Mini-Conference of SOS Members at Chevy Chase Library SF/SOS Joint Conference to be held Nov. 5-8, 2009 SF/SOS Joint Conference, Sept. 16-19, 2010 Shakespeare and Religion: to be or not to be . . . a secret Catholic Shakespeare and the Rule of Law Panel Discussion Attracts RSO Crowd Shakespeare Authorship Conference in Ashland, Oregon Shakespeare Authorship Moot Court, 26 November 1988 Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable Schedule The Shakespeare Authorship Society Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference at Concordia University The Shakespeare Authorship Studies Seminar Shakespeare Authorship Trust Conference in London The Shakespeare Concert Shakespeare Documentary Goes Catholic Shakespeare Fellowship Business Shakespeare Fellowship Dinner Shakespeare Fellowship Featured in Renaissance A Shakespeare Festival in Washington, D.C. Shakespeare Identified Fiftieth Anniversary Shakespeare in the New DNB Shakespeare in Washington, D.C. Shakespeare Lovers of the World, Unite! Ashland Authorship Conf. Shakespeare Moot Court of 11/26/88: appraisals from anon. sources Shakespeare News: Hamlet‘s Star, Elizabeth‘s Ring, Blackfriars Playh. The Shakespeare Oxford Library Shakespeare Oxford Society Conference Shakespeare Oxford Society Conference in NYC, Oct. 23-26, 2003 The Shakespeare Oxford Society Convenes in the Nation‘s Capitol Shakespeare Oxford Society Meeting in NYC Shakespeare Oxford Society Meets in Washington, D.C. Shakespeare Oxford Society Second National Conference The Shakespeare Oxford Society The Shakespeare Puzzle (Games Magazine‘s ―Shakespeare Puzzle‖ Issue, Oct. 1994) Shakespeare, Southampton and The Sonnets Shakespeare Trial (report from South London Observer, 19 April 1951) Shake-speare, We Must Be Silent In Our Praise . . . Shakespearean Authorship Society News Shakespearean Authorship Society; What is the Shakespeare Fellowship? Shakespearean Authorship Trust Conference in London Shakespearean Research Shakespeare‘s Gardener (notice of article ―Stalking the Long Purple‖ by Jules Janick in Horticulture Magazine, Nov. 1977) Shakespeare‘s Language--and Our Education 51 SON SAR SAR SFQ SFE SON SON SFA SFA Vol. 41/4: 13 Issue #19: 15 Issue #8: 19-23 Vol. V/2: 29 Page 8 Vol. 30/2b: 8 Vol. 19/1: 7 Vol. 1/3: 11 Vol. 1/2: 2-5 2005, Fall 1968, Autumn 1962, Autumn 1944, April 1949, Sept. 1994, Spring 1983, Winter 1940, Apr./May 1940, Feb. SM SM Vol. 3/2: 5 2004, Winter Vol. 2/2: 1, 10-11 2003, Winter SON SM SM SON SON SON SON SM SON DSN SSR SAR SON SON SM SM SM SFA SFE SM SM SAR SM SM SON SON SON SON SM SM SON SM SM SON SSR SON Vol. 33/2: 2 Vol. 3/1: 5 Vol. 4/4: 5 Vol. 13/3: 5-7 Vol. 45/1: 34 Vol. 45/3: 3 Vol. 35/2: 3 Vol. 2/2: 7 Vol. 41/4: 1, 14-18 No. 3: 111-112 Issue 1/2: 42 Issue #4: 23 Vol. 41/2: 1, 16-17 Vol. 41/2: 24 Vol. 2/4: 4 Vol. 2/3: 4 Vol. 2/4: 6 Vol. 1/3: 6 Page 6-7 Vol. 3/3: 5 Vol. 4/3: 5 Issue #22: 1 Vol. 1/4: 4 Vol. 4/3: 3 Vol. 41/2: 24 Vol. 25/1: 3-4 Vol. 38/3: 4-5, 23 Vol. 35/4: 20 Vol. 1/2: 7 Vol. 2/3: 5 Vol. 38/3: 2 Vol. 3/2: 13 Vol. 2/1: 8 Vol. 13/3: 2-5 Issue 1/2: 43 Vol. 30/3a: 7 1997, Spring 2003, Fall 2005, Summer 1977, Fall 2009, June 2009, Dec. 1999, Summer 2003, Winter 2005, Fall 1988, Aug. 1988, Winter 1960, Autumn 2005, Spring 2005, Spring 2003, Summer 2003, Spring 2003, Summer 1940, Apr./May 1951, Sept. 2004, Spring 2005, Spring 1969, Chr. 2002, Summer 2005, Spring 2005, Spring 1989, Winter 2002, Summer 2000, Winter 2002, Winter 2003, Spring 2002, Summer 2004, Winter 2002, Fall 1977, Fall 1988, Winter 1994, Summer SON SFE SON SON SAR SM SFA SON Vol. 35/2: 24 Page 5-6 Vol. 23/3: 5-8 Vol. 13/1: 6-7 Issue #9: 22-24 Vol. 2/3: 5 Vol. 2/3: 31-32 Vol. 14/1: 6-7 1999, Summer 1951, Sept. 1987, Summer 1977, Spring 1963, Spring 2003, Spring 1941, April 1978, Winter SM Vol. 6/1: 3-4, 7-8 2006, Fall Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) Shakespeare‘s Missing Shoe Shakespeare‘s Will Shakeyland Theme Park and Food Court Sideways Signs of a Turning Tide Sir Derek Jacobi Featured guest at NY Dinner Celebrating Oxford; 13th Annual Oxford Day Banquet Held in Cambridge Sir George Greenwood (reprinted in AWA, vol. 3, p. 379-381) Sisson‘s Researches The Six Points Smithsonian Mag. Gets Facts Wrong: Stritmatter and Anderson Reply Smithsonian Once Again Takes on Authorship Debate Shots by the Editor: References to Oxford in the Encyclopedia of London (1951) So, What‘s the Story?; Correction; Thanks, John Louther Society Conference Opens Sept. 30 at Carmel, California The Society Library The Society Library Society Library Has a Home Society Members Offered Opportunities to Place Oxfordian Books in in Universities Sol Feinstone Makes Generous Gift to the Shakespeare Oxford Society, and Resolution of Appreciation by SOS Board of Trustees Solzhenitsyn Uses Anti-Stratfordian‘s Arguments Some Further Thoughts on Research, Biography and the State of Debate Something Rich and Strange: the Emerging World of Authorship Studies Somethings in the Air: articles on Oxford published in 2 in-flight mags. SOS and SF Joint Conference, Nov. 9-12, 2006 in Ann Arbor, MI SOS and SF Joint Conference, Nov. 9-12, 2006 in Ann Arbor, MI SOS Bulletin Board SOS Bulletin Board SOS Bulletin Board SOS Bulletin Board SOS Bulletin Board SOS Bulletin Board SOS Bulletin Board SOS Bulletin Board SOS Business SOS Chapters Take Hold; Activities in England; Sir Horace Vere‘s Will SOS Conference Update: New York City, Oct. 23-26 SOS First National Conference in 1976 SOS Membership Increases SOS on Facebook SOS Third Annual Conference Soul of the Age - a feature film on Oxford Southampton Manuscript in Library of St. John‘s College, Cambridge U. Spats with Academics Special Shakespeare Edition of American University Law Review Stanley Hayes: An Obituary (d. 1984) State of the Debate The State of the Debate: the Internet and the authorship battle Stratfordian Self-Delusions Stratfordian Theatres to Have an Oxfordian Rival Stratfordiana: impressions from Thomas Jefferson and Charlie Chaplin Stritmatter Bible Dissertation Nominated for Award Stritmatter, Kositsky Present the Oxfordian Case to Students in Washington State Study Group Meetings Success of Shakespeare Cross-Examination 52 SM SFA SM SM SON SON Vol. 8/3: 3, 28 Vol. 2/2: 17 Vol. 3/1: 4 Vol. 4/2: 3 Vol. 28/4a: 7-8 Vol. 36/1: 22-23 2009, Summer 1941, Feb. 2003, Fall 2005, Winter 1992, Fall 2000, Spring SFQ SFA DSN SON SM SFE Vol. VIII/2: 31-32 Vol. 2/1: 3 Vol. 2/3: 11-12 Vol. 31/2a: 7 Vol. 2/2: 32 Page 5-6 1947, Summer 1940, Dec. 1995, Nov. 1995, Spring 2003, Winter 1952, March SON SON DSN DSN SON SON Vol. 33/3: 20 Vol. 30/2a: 19 Vol. 2/2: 1 Vol. 2/12: 1 Vol. 33/1: 2 Vol. 30/1: 22 1997, Summer 1994, Spring 1995, Aug. 1998, May 1997, Winter 1994, Winter SON Vol. 13/3: 7-8 1977, Fall SON SON SM SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SM SON SON SON SON SM SON SON SON SON SM SM 1975, Winter 1996, Spring 2006, Summer 1993, Winter 2006, Spring 2006, Fall 1983, Spring 1981, Spring 1981, Summer 1982, Winter 1982, Spring 1982, Summer 1982, Fall 1983, Winter 1967, Dec. 11 1977, Summer 2003, Summer 1976, Spring 1993, Winter 2009, Sept. 1978, Fall 2004, Spring 1966, Oct. 30 1993, Summer 1988, Spring 1984, Summer 2002, Spring 1996, Summer 1990, Fall 1978, Fall 1983, Summer 2002, Winter 2002, Summer Vol. 11/1: 5-6 Vol. 32/2: 11 Vol. 5/4: 3, 22-24+ Vol. 29/1a: 6 Vol. 42/2: 3 Vol. 42/3: 29 Vol. 19/2: 8-10 Vol. 17/1: 6 Vol. 17/2: 11-12 Vol. 18/1: 15-16 Vol. 18/2: 18 Vol. 18/3: 10-13 Vol. 18/4: 10 Vol. 19/1: 9-12 Vol. 3/3: 1-2 Vol. 13/2: 8-9 Vol. 39/3: 2 Vol. 12/1: 1-2 Vol. 29/1a: 20 Vol. 45/2: 2 Vol. 14/4: 3-5 Vol. 3/3: 4 Vol. 02/3: 01-2 Vol. 29/3a: 5 Vol. 24/2: 10 Vol. 20/3: 6 Vol. 1/3: 3 Vol. 32/3: 1, 4-5 Vol. 26/4: 13-14 Vol. 14/4: 3 Vol. 19/3: 13-14 Vol. 1/2: 7 Vol. 01/4: 06 SFE Page 14 SON Vol. 15/1: 4 1955, Spring 1979, Winter Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title The Supplement to this Newsletter Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Argues for Oxford‘s Authorship of Shakespeare Tender Airs, Tudor Heirs Tennessee Seminar Terry Eagleton Attachx Oxfordians in The Nation Thanks Charles (Burford [Charles Beauclerk], recent former President) Thanks to the Conference Organizers, Writers, Editors, Researchers, Etc. Thomas Looney On the Defensive Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness: a hint to editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica Three Decades of Noteworthy Firsts Tilting Under Frieries: Narcissus (1595) and the Affair at Blackfriars The Title ―Bolbec‖ To Be or Not To Be . . . Evident To the Members of The Shakespeare Oxford Society (re Frontline Broadcast of ―The Shakespeare Mystery‖) To The Readers Tours to Oxford‘s Hedingham Offered Traditional Portraits of William Shakespeare The Trinity Term in Brief Trustee Election News Trustee Trudy Atkins Has Arranged for SOS to Participate in Shakespeare Festival Trusts and Trustees (legality of Hopkins‘ legacy for study of the authorship question) Truth From Texas Tufts College Then and Now (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 12-14) Twelfth Night and Massinger‘s Believe As You List Twenty Speakers Already on Baord for 2nd Annual Fellowship Conf. Two Lives: Oxford and Shaksper: Which One Was the Poet? Two New SOS Board Appointments Two Tales of Our Times: Sir Derek Jacobi and New York Times articles Tyrant Toppled An Unanswered Query and Its Implications United States Supreme Court Justices and the Shakespeare Authorship Question Upcoming Talks by Society Members Upcoming Talks by Society Members Update on Activities to Promote Oxford U.S. News & World Report Features Shakespeare Mystery; Authorship Encounters with William F. Buckley U.S. Supreme Court Judges to Hear Debate at the American University on Authorship of Shakespeare‘s Works University of Tennessee Law School Hosts Shakespeare Authorship Symposium Update II: Recent Reviews of Charlton Ogburn‘s Book Keep Authorship Issue Alive Updates on Society, Conference Upcoming Events: Renaissance Festival in Vermont in Aug.; SOS SOS Conference in Oct. Upcoming Events: Smithsonian Authorship Seminar, Nelson‘s Bio of Oxford, etc. Veering Away: Shakespeare Newsletter Plays with Oxford Vere Motto, The; Sir Edward Vere and Mr. Barrell's Discovery Verso of Title Page of Apxaionamia, with possible signature by W. Shaksper Vive La France: note from Marie Willis about Oxford taught as true author in France Wait Till They See This 53 SFE No. 10: 10 SON Vol. 38/2: 1, 21 1938, July 2002, Spring SM SM SM SON AA SFE SFQ Vol. 1/2: 3 Vol. 3/3: 6 Vol. 3/3: 5 Vol. 33/2: 20 Page 166-168 Page 2-3 Vol. VII/4: 70-1 2002, Winter 2004, Spring 2004, Spring 1997, Spring 2007 1952, Sept. 1946, Oct. AA SM DSN SON SON Page 164-165 Vol. 6/2: 1, 18-20+ Vol. 2/11: 23-24 Vol. 34/2: 20 Vol. 25/2: 1 2007 2007, Winter 1998, Feb. 1998, Summer 1989, Spring SON SON SON DSN SM SON Vol. 26/3a: 1 Vol. 30/1: 22 Vol. 28/3: 11-12 No. 3: 5-7 Vol. 2/4: 6 Vol. 26/3a: 11 1990, Summer 1994, Winter 1992, Summer 1988, Aug. 2003, Summer 1990, Summer SON Vol. 1/1: 1-3 1965, ? SFQ SFQ SFE SM SSR SON SON SM SFA SON Vol. VII/3: 34 Vol. VIII Page 7 Vol. 2/3: 5 Issue 1/2: 33-36 Vol. 46/1: 22 Vol. 33/2: 2 Vol. 3/2: 7 Vol. 1/3: 2 Vol. 27/2: 1-2 1946, July 1947, Autumn 1944, May 2003, Spring 1988, Winter 2010, May 1997, Spring 2004, Winter 1940, Apr./May 1991, Spring SAR SAR SON SON Issue #12: 1 Issue #14: 1 Vol. 3/1: 1-2 Vol. 36/2: 3. 24 1964, Autumn 1965, Autumn 1967, Apr. 15 2000, Summer SON Vol. 23/3: 1 1987, Summer SM 2004, Summer Vol. 3/4: 8-15 SON Vol. 21/2: 1-2 1985, Spring SON Vol. 35/1: 19 SM Vol. 1/4: 7 1999, Spring 2002, Summer SON Vol. 38/4: 5-6 2002, Fall SM Vol. 1/3: 5 SFE Page 2 SON Vol. 8/3: 5 2002, Spring 1942, Oct. 1972, Sept. SON Vol. 28/2: 2 1992, Spring SM 2011, Winter Vol. 10/1: 2-3 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Editor and Editors (continued) Waugaman Publishing Spree Way to Avoid the Ill-Suited is to Keep it from Being Communicated (Schoenbaum‘s use of selective quotations in Shakespeare‘s Lives) What Reports Had Burghley Heard? (about Oxford in Padua) Wells and Wood at Smithsonian What John Aubrey Said Where Do We Go From Here? While in The Washginton Post it‘s ―Persistent Idiocy‖ Who are These Oxfordians - And Why are They Making My Life so Miserable Who Were the Dark Lady and Fair Youth of the Sonnets? Who Wrote Shakespeare? Evening Seminar at Smithsonian Museum, Jan. 29, 2002 Who‘s Afraid of the Big, Bad Earl? Dues Increase, Book/Gift Store Opens Whose Handwriting? The Annotations in Oxford‘s Geneva Bible Why the Ashbourne Portrait Matters Will in the World by Stephen Greenblatt (2004) Will ―Shall I Die?‖ Fly Winners of 2003 Essay Contest World Shakespeare Congress to be Held in Los Angeles Writing History: the facts are the facts, but interpretation is all Writing ―Writing History‖ Your Name in Lights Department: the Folger‘s Annotated 1989 Biblio. Editor; Green; Carl S. Caruso; Christopher Paul Post Mortem on John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford Editor, Derran Charlton; Hank Whittemore Obituaries: Robert Brazil (1955-2010) and Verily Anderson (1915-2010) Edmonds, Dean S. Death of SOS President and Executive Officer Francis T. Carmody Edwards, Francis Claim for Roger manners, 5th Earl of Rutland, as ―William Shakespeare‖ The Divisions Among the Enlgish Catholics: 1580-1610 The Earl of Oxford‘s Escape Plot (reprinted from Marvellous Chance) Elizabethan Handwriting and Education Further Thoughts on Dr. Bronson Feldman‘s Paper ―Marlowe Mystery‖ Letter: Dering‘s Henry IV Letter: praise for Diana Price‘s article in ER, Vol. 4/2 Letter: the Oxfordian case defended Oxford and the Duke of Norfolk (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 345-354) Review of Invisible Power: The Elizabethan Secret Services by Alan Haynes (1992) Review of The Green Cockatrice by Basil iske Review of The Shakesepare Authorship Question by Cr. Huston (1971) Shakespeare and His Contemporaries (Letter to the Editor, The Times, 27 April 1971) Topical Allusions in The Winter‘s Tale Topical Allusions in The Winter‘s Tale, Part 2 Unpublished or Little-Known Documents William Shakespeare: a documentary life William Shakespeare: why was his true identity concealed? Egan, Michael Contributors 54 SM Vol. 9/1: 6, 22 SON Vol. 31/1a: 5-6 2010, Winter 1995, Winter SAR SM SON SM SON SM 1959, Spring 2004, Winter 1980, Fall 2004, Fall 1996, Summer 2009, Spring Issue #1: 11 Vol. 3/2: 7 Vol. 16/4: 6 Vol. 4/1: 3 Vol. 32/3: 2 Vol. 8/2: 3, 28 SFE page 4 SM Vol. 1/2: 7 1943, Oct. 2002, Winter SM Vol. 2/2: 3 2003, Winter SON SM SM SON SM SON SON SON SSR Vol. 36/1: 3 Vol. 1/4: 3 Vol. 4/1: 3 Vol. 22/3: 1, 4-5 Vol. 3/3: 4 Vol. 32/1: 2 Vol. 33/1: 1, 6-7+ Vol. 33/2: 20 Issue 3/4: 16-17 2000, Spring 2002, Summer 2004, Fall 1986, Summer 2004, Spring 1996, Winter 1997, Winter 1997, Spring 1991, May SON Vol. 40/2: 8-9 2004, Spring SON Vol. 46/2: 16-17 2010, Aug. SON Vol. 01/2: 01-2 1965, June 30 BAR ER SAR ER BAR ER ER ER SAR ER 1979 1995, Autumn 1972, Summer 1998, Spring 1980 1997, Spring 1997, Spring 1997, Autumn 1973, Summer 1993, Autumn Vol. 2/2: 39-70 Vol. 3/2: 025-034 Issue #26: 09-13 Vol. 6/1: 003-008 Vol. 3/1: 52-54 Vol. 5/1: 004-005 Vol. 5/1: 006-007 Vol. 5/2: 005-009 Issue #28: 07-13 Vol. 1/2: 052-064 BAR Vol. 4/1: 26-32 SAR Issue #29: 17-18 SAR Issue #25: 16-17 1983 1974, Summer 1971, Autumn BAR BAR BAR BAR ER Vol. 1/1: 29-42 Vol. 1/2: 47-71 Vol. 3/1: 55-58 Supp. 1-26 Vol. 2/2: 023-048 1975 1976 1980 1976 1994, Autumn OX Vol. 11: 266-270 2009 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Did Samuel Rowley Write Thomas of Woodstock? Editorial Editorial: Breaking the Jog Jam Elliot/Egan Wager In Memoriam: Irvin Leigh Matus (1941-2011) In Memoriam: Katharine (K.C.) Ligon 1948-2009 In Memoriam: Robert Sean Brazil (1955-2010) Letter: response to Bowen letter about Macbeth Newsletter Editor Michael Egan Interviewed on KSNM 570 AM Las Cruces Notes on Contributors The Oxfordian Seeks Editors An Oxfordian Triumph Replies to Jackson‘s Comments on ‗Slurs, Nasal Rhymes and Amputations‘ Richard II, Part One (Part I) Richard II, Part One (Part II) Richard II, Part 1 and the Crisis of Shakespeare Scholarship Slurs, Nasal Rhymes and Amputations: a reply to MacDonald P. Jackson TOX Update Egan, Michael; Gerit Quealy The Oxfordian‘s New Editor Is Up For the Challenge Eggar, Katherine E. Anthony Munday‘s John A Kent Brooke House, Hackney (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 141-143) Comments on Lambin‘s Review of The First Night Letter: Earl‘s Colne and Colme-Kill Reports of Meetings of the Society Review of Captain R. Ridgill Trout‘s Talk ―Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton‖ (6 March 1957) Review of Elizabethan Quintet by Denis Meadows (1956) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Paper ―Hamlet, A Mirror of the Time‖ Review of John MacDonald‘s Talk ―What a Producer of Hamlet Would Like to Know About the Author‖ (6 Feb. 1960) Review of Ruth M. D. Wainewright‘s Talk ―King Lear and the Authorship Question‖ (14 Mar. 1959) Review of Shakespeare Survey published by Cambridge University Press (1948) Review of T. L. Adamson‘s Lecture ―Lord Oxford and Plutarch‖ (17 May 1958) Review of The Man Who Was Shakespeare by Calvin Hoffman (1955) Sale of an Alleged Portrait of Edward de Vere Turbervile‘s Tragical Tales Eldredge, Joseph Review: Taymor‘s Titus Illuminates a Troublesome Play Triumph of (the) Will? New Bio, New Facts - Same Old Propaganda Elliott, Ward E. Y.; Robert J. Valenza Can the Oxford Candidacy Be Saved? a response to W. Ron Hess Letter: response to criticism by John Shahan and W. Ron Hess My Other Car is a Shakespeare: a response to Shahan and Whalen Oxford By the Numbers: what are the odds that the Earl of Oxford could have written Shakespeare‘s poems and plays? The Shakespeare Clinic and the Oxfordians Emch, Arnold F. Uncommon Letters To a Son (1965) (excerpt) OX OX OX OX SON OX OX SM SON Vol. 10: 35-54 Vol. 12: 2-3 Vol. 11: 1-3 Vol. 12: 7 Vol. 47/2: 14-15 Vol. 11: 0 Vol. 12: 8-15 Vol. 7/1: 2 Vol. 47/1: 7-8 2007 2010 2009 2010 2011, Spring 2009 2010 2007, Fall 2011, Jan. OX SON OX OX Vol. 12: 182-183 Vol. 45/3: 6 Vol. 13: 2-3 Vol. 12: 98-107 2010 2009, Dec. 2011 2010 DSN DSN SM OX SON Vol. 17/3: 8-16 Vol. 18/1: 16-20 Vol. 6/3: 1, 13-25 Vol. 11: 157-206 Vol. 45/2: 5 2010, Nov. 2011, March 2007, Spring 2009 2009, Sept. SON Vol. 44/3: 14-15 2008, Summer SFE SFE SFE SFE SAR SFE Page 6-7 Page 8 Page 12 Page 12 Issue #1: 18-19 Page 2 1955, Autumn 1955, Autumn 1955, Spring 1952, Sept. 1959, Spring 1957, Autumn SFE Page 11 AWA Vol. 5: 24-25 SAR Issue #3: 20-21 1957, Autumn 1962, Spring 1960, Spring SAR Issue #2: 14-15 1959, Autumn SFE Page 10 1956, Autumn SFE Page 3 1958, Autumn SFE Page 10 SAR Issue #4: 18-19 SFE Page 6 1956, Spring 1960, Autumn 1954, April SON Vol. 36/3: 6-7, 15 2000, Fall SM Vol. 3/1: 7 2003, Fall OX OX OX TLR Vol. 3: 71-98 Vol. 6: 154-163 Vol. 10: 142-153 Vol. 72/1: 323-453 2000 2003 2007 2004, Fall OX Vol. 12: 138-166 2010 SON Vol. 24/3: 10 55 1988, Summer Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title EMJ Shake-speare/Shakspere - a teacher's dilemma DSN Vol. 2/4: 4-8 1996, Jan. Epstein, Norrie Excerpt from The Friendly Shakespeare (1993) SON Vol. 30/2a: 9 1994, Spring Erichsen, Marie Letter: Shakespearean essay competition SM 2004, Spring Evans, A. J. The Magic Circle SFE Page 5 1956, Spring Everingham, M. Jane Tennis Court Affairs, The: Sidney v. de Vere DSN Page 20-22 2005, Sept. Farey, Peter Playing Dead: an updated review of the case for Christopher Marlowe OX Vol. 11: 83-110 2009 Farina, William Coriolanus and Edward de Vere: another good reason to be an Oxfordian Draya and Whalen Triumph with New Oxfordian Othello (2010) Edward de Vere and the Courtesan Culture of Venice Letter: Chicago Oxford Society personnel Origins of Shylock‘s Venice: Mermaid Tavern or H. K. U.? Twelfth Night in Siena SM SON SON SM SM SON Vol. 7/4: 1, 22-27 Vol. 47/1: 4-6 Vol. 40/1: 6-8 Vol. 3/4: 2 Vol. 10/3: 5-6, 20+ Vol. 39/1: 5-7 2008, Fall 2011, Jan. 2004, Winter 2004, Summer 2011, Summer 2003, Winter Feldman, Abraham Letter: Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit Shakespeare‘s Jester--Oxford‘s Servant (repr. in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 15-23) Shakespeare‘s Jester--Oxford‘s Servant (reprinted from SFQ, Vol. VIII/3, p. 39-43) Shakespeare‘s Jester--Oxford‘s Servant (reprinted from SFQ, Vol. VIII/3, p. 39-43) Vol. 3/3: 3 SFE Page 6-7 1951, April SFQ Vol. VIII/3: 39-43 1947, Autumn SON Vol. 9/2: 8-12 1973, Autumn SON Vol. 18/2: 3-8 1982, Spring Feldman, Bronson Bunk and the Bust The Marlowe Mystery Noblesse Oblige Oxford‘s Sole Acrostic A Preface to Arden of Feversham The Secret Verses of Edward de Vere Shakespeare and Patriotism (from his talk in 1969) Shakespeare Worship (reprinted from Psychoanalysis, Vol. 2/1, 1953) A Tyrant‘s Vein SON BAR SON SON BAR BAR SON SON BAR 1981, Spring 1980 1978, Winter 1982, Spring 1979 1982 1983, Winter 1982, Spring 1980 Feldman, Harold Another Disputed Authorship How I Became an Oxfordian SFQ Vol. IX/2: 12-13 SON Vol. 19/3: 1 1948, Summer 1983, Summer Feldman, Owen The Opening of Twelfth Night SON Vol. 17/2: 2 1981, Summer OX Vol. 13: 153-165 2011 OX Vol. 12: 119-137 2010 Feldman, Sabrina A Response to W. Ron Hess: ―Did Shakespeare Have a Literary Mentor?‖ The Swallow and the Crow: the case for Sackville as Shakespeare Fenn, Ronald Harrison Letter: Oxfordian documents in continental libraries? Vol. 17/1: 9-10 Vol. 3/1: 1-51 Vol. 14/1: 1-2 Vol. 18/2: 8-9 Vol. 2/3: 100-109 Vol. 3/3: 94-104 Vol. 19/1: 7-9 Vol. 18/2: 9-17 Vol. 2/4: 119-126 SON Vol. 38/2: 23 56 2002, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Ferguson, W. A. Letter: Earls Colne Letter: the marriage of William Hall Sonnets of Shakespeare: the ‗Oxfordian‘ Solution (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 156-159) SAR Issue #24: 23 SAR Issue #14: 22 SAR Issue #13: 9-12 1971, Spring 1965, Autumn 1965, Spring Filby, P. W. Letter: Peabody Institute Exhibitions SAR Issue #4: 22 1960, Autumn Fiore, Nora Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing: the keys to Shakespeare SM 2009, Summer Fish, Seena Letter: disagreement with the premise that Oxford was ―Shakespeare‖ SSR Issue 5: 23 1991, Aug. SON SON OX SON SON Vol. 34/1: 10-11+ Vol. 33/4: 1, 12-17 Vol. 2: 76-116 Vol. 28/3: 18 Vol. 36/4: 25 1998, Spring 1997, Fall 1999 1992, Summer 2001, Winter SON SON SON SON SON OX Vol. 34/3: 25-26 Vol. 34/2: 22 Vol. 35/2: 8-9 Vol. 33/2: 18-19 Vol. 33/1: 1, 10-15 Vol. 1: 27-42 1998, Fall 1998, Summer 1999, Summer 1997, Spring 1997, Winter 1998 Fitzgerald, James E. L. Oxon. Enter Ben Jonson Know Ye Not This Parable? The Oxford-Du Bartas Connection Letter Letter: a paean to Stritmatter‘s explication a phrase from Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna Letter: interpretations of ―the worm‖ Letter: the R. R. eulogy Nudge-Nudge, Wink-Wink: ―what author would conceal his name?‖ Shakespeare, Oxford and De Bartas: a follow-up Shakespeare, Oxford and Du Bartas: de Vere‘s revelatory last poem Shakespeare, Oxford, and ―A Pedlar‖ Vol. 8/3: 21-24 Fleischer, Leonore Talk of the Trade (excerpt, from the 5/14/90 issue) SON Vol. 26/2: 6-7 1990, Spring Fowler, William Plumer Letter: thanks for the Spear Shaker‘s fine articles Shakespeare‘s Buried Name Exhumed Shake-speare‘s Heart Unlocked Sonnet CXL: ―A Never Writer To An Ever Reader‖ SSR SON SON SON Issue 5: 24 Vol. 22/3: 5-11 Vol. 18/4: 1-7 Vol. 12/3: 5 1991, Aug. 1986, Summer 1982, Fall 1976, Fall OX Vol. 13: 5-33 2011 Fox, Robin The Black Book, Oedipus and Robin Hood: Oxford‘s Lawsuits and the character of Timon Letter: the Earls Colne database and ―Edward Shackespeare‖ A Matter of Pronunciation: Shakespeare, Oxford and the petty-school question Oxford and Evolution Personal Adventures with the Authorship Question Shakespeare, Oxford and the Grammar School Question Why Is There No History of Henry VII? Frazer, Winifred L. Censorship in the Strange Case of William Shakespeare Letter: handwriting in The Annotator by Alan Ken and Roger Lubbock Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Realistic Look at Groats-Worth of Wit Transvestite Shakespeare Freud, Ernst L. (editor) The Freud-Zweig Correspondence (excerpts from the Letters of Sigmund Freud and Arnold Zweig (1970) 57 SON Vol. 47/2: 2 OX Vol. 12: 56-64 2011, Spring 2010 SON SON OX SON Vol. 46/2: 15 Vol. 42/2: 4-6, 32 Vol. 11: 113-136 Vol. 46/2: 1-4 2010, Aug. 2006, Spring 2009 2010, Aug. BC SON SON SON SON Vol. I: 9-28 Vol. 27/2: 10 Vol. 26/3a: 7 Vol. 29/3b: 1-8 Vol. 28/4a: 7 2009 1991, Spring 1990, Summer 1993, Summer 1992, Fall SAR Issue #24: 14-17 1971, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Frisbee, George Shame of the Professors SFE No. 5: 8-9 Shame of the Professors (reprint of article from Reading and Collecting, SFA Vol. 4/6: 69-71 July 1937) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 420-424) Shame of the Professors (repr. from SFA, Vol. 4/6, p. 69-71, Oct. 1943) SON Vol. 5/4: 2-4 1937, Sept. 1943, Oct. 1969, Dec. Frunival, Jane East Ender Who Say‘s He‘s an Earl (from Daily Mail, 12 Feb. 2000) DSN Page 20-21 2004, Oct. Fu, Richard Sidebar: a review of the statistical tests SM 2005, Summer Furman, Alfred A. Edward de Vere: accepting him as author of Shakespeare SFA Vol. 1/3: 5 1940, Apr./May Gali, Grace Shakespeare‘s Tempest Locale: Cuttyhunk? SON Vol. 30/1: 14-18 1994, Winter Gallup, Elizabeth Wells Bi-literal Cypher of Sir Francis Bacon (excerpt: Note by the publisher) AWA Vol. 1: 184-189 1910 Gannon, Christian H. Letter: Justice Stevens‘s article in the inaugural issue of ER ER 1993, Autumn Gantz, Jeffrey Excerpt from Critical Mass, his column in Boston Phoenix (8/11/198) SON Vol. 22/4: 12 1989, Fall Gazzetta di Mantua; Kevin Gilvary; Robert Detobel; Elizabeth Imlay An Irreparable Loss: tributes to Noemi Magri (d. 2011) DSN Vol. 18/2: 22-24 2011, July Geikie, Sir Archibald The Birds of Shakespeare (excerpt: Preface) AWA Vol. 1: 71-72 1916 Genske, Sylvia S. Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. thanking him for a wonderful book SON Vol. 27/1: 2-3 1991, Winter Vol. 4/4: 27 Vol. 1/2: 2-5 Gibson, Amy L. Using Circumstantial Evidence to Discover Shakespeare: the importance TLR Vol. 72/1: 309-321 2004, Fall of good legal analysis Gidley, Fran Letter: Fitzgerald‘s article Enter Ben Jonson (Fall 1997/Winter 1998) Letter: Frontline‘s program convinced her Oxford was the author Shakespeare in Composition: evidence for Oxford‘s authorship of Sir Thomas More (reprinted in AA, p. 103-125) SON Vol. 34/1: 21 SON Vol. 26/3a: 10-11 OX Vol. 6: 29-54 1998, Spring 1990, Summer 2003 Gilbert, Sky The Artist as Saint in Freed‘s Beard of Avon Review of Anonymous, a film directed by Roland Emmerich (2011) Review of Shakespeare and Garrick by Vanessa Cunningham (2008) A Sparrow Falls: Olivier‘s Feminine Hamlet SM BC BC BC 2003, Winter 2011, Fall 2010 2009 Gilfillan, S. Colum Letter: authorship issues SON Vol. 9/1: 8-10 1973, Winter SON Vol. 29/1a: 7-8 1993, Winter Gill, James Play‘s the Thing, But Is It Mr. Shakespeare‘s? (from New Orleans Times Picayune) 58 Vol. 2/2: 1, 14-15 Vol. III: 288-293 Vol. II: 227-231 Vol. I: 193-204 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Gill, John Review of Malice Aforethought: Killing of a Unique Genius by Paul Altrocchi (2010) Review of Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom by Charles Beauclerk (2009) Gill, Wally On the Shake-speare Sonnets (a sonnet) Gilvary, Kevin Autumn Meeting of the De Vere Society Bibles, Histories and Shakespeare: the rise of anonymous and pseudonymous publication during the Tudor period Contemporary Literary Allusions to Shakespeare (before 1616) The Empire Strikes Back Language Features and Chronology: the chronology of Shakespeare‘s works (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 317-320) On the Date and Authorship of The Contention Oxford in the Oxford DNB Queens‘ College, Cambridge and the Henry VI Plays Review of Behind Shakespeare‘s Mask by Charles Willis (2006) Review of Edward de Vere: Crisis and Consequence of Wardship By D. Pearson (2005) Review of George Puttenham & Authorship of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets By Charles Willis (2005) Review of I Am Shakespeare by Mark Rylance Review of Shakespeare & George Puttenham‘s Arte of English Poesie By Charles Willis (2003) Review of The Monument by Hank Whittemore (2005) Shakespeare and Italian Comedy I (repr. in Great Oxford, p. 107-125) Shakespeare and Italian Comedy II (repr. in Great Oxford, p. 107-125) Shakespeare Authorship Trust: the John Silberrad Memorial Lectures on the Shakespeare Authorship Question by William Leahy, Charles Beauclerk, Richard Paul Roe and Stephanie Hopkins Hughes Two Gentleman of Verona: Italian literary traditions and the authorship date Gilvary, Kevin; Julia Cleave; Richard Malim Reports on Conference: ―Shakespeare: From Rowe to Shapiro,‖ (reprinted from The Globe/London, 28 Nov. 2009) Gilvary, Kevin; Detobel, Robert; Imlay, Elizabeth; Gazzetta di Mantua An Irreparable Loss: tributes to Noemi Magri (d. 2011) Glawson, Jack The Mysterious Charlton Ogburn: remembering the man behind the myth-buster Goff, Tom Charles Van Doren Joins the Stratford-Shakspere Doubters For If the Queen Like Not the Comedy A Grand Summation: Review of Charlton Ogburn‘s The Man Who Was shakespeare Lawrence of Arabia and the Shakespeare Mystery Letter to the NY Times Letter to the Sacramento Bee Mark Twain, Shakespeare, and Helen Keller Review of Books edited by Ruth Loyd Miller: Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare‘s Plays (3rd revised edition, 1974); A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers (1975); Shakespeare Identified and The Poems of Edward de Vere by J. Thomas Looney (1975) and Oxfordian Vistas (1975) 59 DSN Vol. 18/1: 30-32 2011, March DSN Vol. 18/1: 32-34 2011, March SFE Page 9 1950, April SON Vol. 39/4: 18 DSN Vol. 18/2: 14-20 2003, Autumn 2011, July DSN GO Page 337-357 DSN Page 18-20 2004, July 2004 2003, Sept. OX DSN DSN DSN DSN 2011 2004, July 2008, June 2007, Feb. 2005, Sept. Vol. 13: 94-116 Page 8-11 Vol. 15/2: 5-6 Page 39 Page 31 DSN Page 39 2005, Sept. OX Vol. 10: 159-159 DSN Page 38 2007 2005, Sept. DSN DSN DSN SON Page 34 Page 12-15 Page 18-25 Vol. 43/1: 1, 3-4 2005, Sept. 2002, Oct. 2003, June 2007, Winter OX Vol. 8: 76-92 2005 SON Vol. 45/3: 14-17 2009, Dec. DSN Vol. 18/2: 22-24 2011, July SM Vol. 6/4: 7, 17-21 2007, Summer SON Vol. 29/4: 9-10 SON Vol. 26/1: 14-19 SON Vol. 31/4: 7-8 1993, Fall 1990, Winter 1995, Autumn SON SON SON SON SON 1995, Summer 1988, Summer 1991, Winter 1990, Winter 1992, Winter Vol. 31/3: 7-8 Vol. 24/4: 11-12 Vol. 27/1: 6-7 Vol. 26/1: 3-5 Vol. 28/1: 10-11 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Goff, Tom (continued) Review of Oxford‘s Revenge: ―Shakespeare‘s‖ Dramatic Development From Agamemnon to Hamlet by Stephanie Caruana and Elisabeth Sears (1989) Review of Shakespeare and the Tudor Rose by Elisabeth Sears (1991) Review of The Man Who Was William Shakespeare by Peter Sammartino (1990) Review of The Mysterious William Shakespeare, 2nd Edition, by Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Review of The Mysterious William Shakespeare (1984) and The Mystery of William Shakespeare (paperback abridgment of TMWS) both by Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Rumors of Disaster, Premonitions of War The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford's Annuity To Calm Contending Kings: Oxfordians receive letter from Richard III Society Goldstein, Gary B. A Cup of Newes A Cup of Newes Appeasing the Fringe of the Oxfordian Movement Did Queen Elizabeth Use the Theater for Social and Political Propaganda? Did Shakespeare Read Dante in Italian? Editor‘s Column Edward de Vere‘s Hebrew Farewell to Peter Moore Hamlet‘s Art of Falconry International Media Cover Oxford‘s Quadcentenary The Learned and the Lout Letter: Brief Chronicles publishes second issue online Letter: Praise for Haste‘s article on Merchant of Venice New Discoveries & Theories News: A Cup of Publication News News: In Memoriam, Robert Brazil (1955-2011) News Items of Interest News Items of Interest News Items of Interest News: New Oxfordian Books by Gordon, Caruso and Garcia News: Richard Roe Passes (d. 2010) Obituary: Peter R. Moore (1948-2007) Oxfordian News Oxfordian News: De Vere Society Book on Oxford, etc. Oxfordian News: German TV airs program on Oxford, Alan Nelson‘s bio reviewed, etc. Paul Nitze, RIP (1907-2004) Portrait of an Oxfordian Scholar: Peter Moore (1949-2007) Review of Bardgate: Shake-speare and the Royalists Who Stole the Bard by Peter W. Dickson (2011) Review of Shakespeare By Another Name by Mark Anderson Review of De Vere as Shakespeare by William Farina (2006) Review of Love‘s Labor‘s Lost: Critical Essays ed. by Felicia Hardison Londre (1997) Review of Shakespeare: Who Was He? by Richard Whalen (1994) Review of Texts of Othello and Shakespearean Revision by E. A. J. Honigman Review of The Lame Storyteller: Poor and Despised by Peter R. Moore (2009) Review of The Man Who Was Shakespeare by Charlton Ogburn, Jr. (1995) 60 SON Vol. 26/3a: 3-5 1990, Summer SON Vol. 28/1: 8-9 SON Vol. 27/3: 6-8 1992, Winter 1991, Summer SON Vol. 29/1a: 9-10 1993, Winter SON Vol. 26/3a: 1-2 1990, Summer SON Vol. 25/3: 2-6 DSN No. 3: 74-89 SON Vol. 27/4: 10-11 1989, Summer 1988, Aug. 1991, Fall OX OX DSN OX Vol. 9: 144-153 Vol. 10: 167-178 Vol. 18/2: 29, 38 Vol. 7: 152-169 2006 2007 2011, July 2004 ER SON SON OX SON SON SON SON SM ER SM SM SON SON SON SM SM DSN SON SON SON Vol. 1/1: 61-62 Vol. 40/3: 2-3 Vol. 26/1: 6-11 Vol. 10: 160-161 Vol. 25/4: 5-8 Vol. 40/3: 8 Vol. 26/2: 7-10 Vol. 47/1: 9-10 Vol. 8/3: 02 Vol. 7/1: 3 Vol. 8/2: 4-5 Vol. 10/1: 5 Vol. 25/2: 22 Vol. 25/3: 18-19 Vol. 26/2: 15 Vol. 8/2: 4 Vol. 9/3: 4-5 Vol. 15/1: 29 Vol. 40/1: 12-13+ Vol. 40/4: 4-5 Vol. 40/2: 5 1993, Spring 2004, Summer 1990, Winter 2007 1989, Fall 2004, Summer 1990, Spring 2011, Jan. 2009, Summer 1999, Spring 2009, Spring 2011, Winter 1989, Spring 1989, Summer 1990, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2008, March 2004, Winter 2004, Fall 2004, Spring SON Vol. 40/4: 02-3 2004, Fall SM Vol. 09: 22-23, 28 2010, Spr/Sum BC Vol. III: 285-287 2011, Fall OX OX ER Vol. 08: 124-128 Vol. 09: 135-137 Vol. 5/1: 57 2005 2006 1997, Spring ER ER Vol. 3/1: 69-69 Vol. 5/1: 57-59 1995, Spring 1997, Spring DSN Vol. 17/1: 19 2010, Feb. ER 1995, Autumn Vol. 3/2: 68-70 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Review of The Oxfordian edition of Macbeth edited by Richard F. Whalen (2007) Review of The Reckoning: Murder of Christopher Marlowe by Charles Nicholl (1992) Review of The Shakespeare Controversy by Warren Hope and Kim Holston (1992) Searchable PDF (of The Elizabethan Review) Shakespeare Mystery Unfolds (review of Frontline broadcast, Washington Square News) Shakespeare‘s Little Hebrew Shakespeare‘s Little Hebrew Shakespeare‘s Native Tongue Shakespeare‘s Native Tongue Two New Biographies of 17th Earl of Oxford The Tudor Theater Earls of Oxford, and State Propaganda U.S.-Australian Academics Research Authorship Who Was Joyce‘s Shakespeare? Who Was Joyce‘s Shakespeare? OX Vol. 10: 154-156 2007 ER Vol. 2/1: 29-32 1994, Spring SON Vol. 29/1a: 11 1993, Winter SM Vol. 8/4: 19 SON Vol. 25/2: 10-11 2009, Fall 1989, Spring ER DSN DSN SON SON SON SON SSR ER Vol. 7/1: 70-77 Vol. 17/1: 21-25 Vol. 16/3: 28-31 Vol. 26/4: 4-8 Vol. 40/3: 10 Vol. 27/4: 13-14 Vol. 40/3: 3 Issue 3/4: 11-16 Vol. 5/1: 26-31 1999, Spring 2010, Feb. 2009, Nov. 1990, Fall 2004, Summer 1991, Fall 2004, Summer 1991, May 1997, Spring Goldstein, Gary; Daugherty, Leo Gary Goldstein Interviews Leo Daugherty BC Vol. III: 264-271 2011, Fall Goldstein, Gary B.; Roger Stritmatter Brief Chronicles Launches in Cyberspace Welcome to Brief Chronicles Epistle Dedicatory SM BC BC Vol. 8/4: 1, 21-25 2009, Fall Vol. 1: 1-7 2009 Vol. II: xiii-xvii 2010 Goldstein, Gary B.; Stephanie Hopkins Hughes 27th Annual SOS Conference in NYC: performance & publishing take center stage SON Vol. 39/4: 1, 11-16 2003, Autumn Gontar, David P. Letter: Oxford and Elizabeth Letter: Shakespeare as a outsider SM SM Goodman, M. Kirsten Oxford - Davenant - Shakespeare SFE No. 4: 7-10 1937, July Goodman, Walter The Shakespeare Mystery: Who Was He? (review of Frontline‘s The Shakespeare Mystery in the NY Times 4/18/1989) SON Vol. 25/2: 3-4 1989, Spring Gordon, Helen H. Alexander Pope: an Oxfordian at heart? Review of Elizabeth and Shakespeare: Meeting of Two Myths by Helen Hackett (2009) OX SM Vol. 5: 147-158 Vol. 8/3: 16-18 2002 2009, Summer Goudsmit, Jepke; Graham Jones Letter: Syndey-based Kinetic Energy Theatre Company SM Vol. 1/2: 32 2002, Winter Gove, John Letter: Paul Streitz‘s book Oxford, Son of Elizabeth I (2001) SM Vol. 2/1: 4 2002, Fall Green, Nina (ed.) Bill of Complaint Brought in Chancery by Margery (Golding) de Vere Could The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth Have Been Written in 1548? The Court Gossip of Francis Osborne Did Ben Jonson Write the Inscription for the Shakespeare Monument at Stratford? 61 Vol. 5/3: 2 Vol. 5/4: 2 2006, Spring 2006, Summer DSN Vol. 17/2: 28-30 EDN No. 35 2010, Aug. 1992, Jan/2001 SON Vol. 41/3: 15-16 EDN No. 9 2005, Summer 1989, Nov. Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Green, Nina (ed.) (continued) Did Edward de Vere Have a Youthful Love Affair That Was Thwarted? Did Edward de Vere Know Ar. Brooke, Author of Romeus and Juliet? Did Edward de Vere Write A Yorkshire Tragedy? Did Edward de Vere Write Sir John Oldcastle? Did Edward de Vere Write Sir John Oldcastle in an Attempt to Save His Cousin, Thomas Howard, From the Headsman‘s Axe?, Part 1 Did Edward de Vere Write Sir John Oldcastle in an Attempt to Save His Cousin, Thomas Howard, From the Headsman‘s Axe?, Part 2 Did Edward de Vere Write Sir John Oldcastle in an Attempt to Save His Cousin, Thomas Howard, From the Headsman‘s Axe?, Part 3 Did Edward de Vere Write Sir John Oldcastle in an Attempt to Save His Cousin, Thomas Howard, From the Headsman‘s Axe?, Part 4 Did Edward de Vere Write the Ballad of King Arthur in the Langham Letter? Did Edward de Vere Write the Comedy Known as The Merry Devil of Edmonton? Did Edward de Vere Write the Langham Letter? Did Edward de Vere Write the Langham Letter? (Part 1 of 3) Did Edward de Vere Write the Langham Letter? (Part 2 of 3) Did Edward de Vere Write the Langham Letter? (Part 3 of 3) Did Edward de Vere Write The Puritan; or the Widow of Watling Street? Did Edward de Vere Write The Reign of King Edward the Third? Did Edward de Vere Write the Scottish History of James the Fourth, Slaine at Flodden? Did Edward de Vere Write the Verses for Lady Derby‘s Entertainment? Part 1 Did Edward de Vere Write the Verses for Lady Derby‘s Entertainment? Part 2 Did Edward de Vere Write the Verses for Lady Derby‘s Entertainment? Part 3 Did Edward de Vere Write the Verses for Lady Derby‘s Entertainment? Part 4 Did the Author of the Langham Letter Have Pronounced Music Interests and Abilities? Did the Author of the Pamphlet Two Most Unnaturall and Bloodie Murthers Make Use of The Miseries of Enforced Marriage and A Yorkshire Tragedy? Does the Account of the Kenilworth Entertainment in the Princely Pleasures Show That the Account in the Langham Letter is Not an Eye-Witness Account? Does the Don Triptych Portray the Ancestors of Edward de Vere? Part 1 Does the Don Triptych Portray the Ancestors of Edward de Vere? Part 2 Does the Don Triptych Portray the Ancestors of Edward de Vere? Part 3 Does the Don Triptych Portray the Ancestors of Edward de Vere? Part 4 Does the Early Work of Edward de Vere Reveal That He Wrote Songs? Does the Langham Letter Display a Negative Attitude Toward the Earl of Leicester? Does the Langham Letter Reveal Its Author‘s Identity in the First Two Paragraphs? Does the Lexical Vocabulary of Edward de Vere‘s Letters and Youthful Poems Support the Hypothesis of His Authorship of The Reign of King Edward III?, Part 1 Does the Lexical Vocabulary of Edward de Vere‘s Letters and Youthful Poems Support the Hypothesis of His Authorship of The Reign of King Edward III? Part 2 Does the Lexical Vocabulary of Edward de Vere‘s Letters and Youthful Poems Support the Hypothesis of His Authorship of The Reign of King Edward III? Part 3 Does the Unusual Orthography of the Langham Letter Indicate 62 EDN EDN EDN EDN EDN No. 25 No. 8 No. 23 No. 12 No. 14 1991, Mar 1989, Oct./2001 1991, Jan/2001 1990, Feb./2001 1990, April EDN No. 15 1990/May EDN No. 16 1990/June EDN No. 17 1990, July EDN No. 19 1990, Sept. EDN No. 1 1989, Mar EDN EDN EDN EDN EDN EDN EDN 1990, Mar 1989, July 1989, Aug. 1989, Sept. 1989, June 1989, Dec. 1990, Jan No. 13 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 4 No. 10 No. 11 EDN No. 41 1992, July EDN No. 42 1992, Aug. EDN No. 43 1992, Sept. EDN No. 44 1992, Oct. EDN No. 20 1990, Oct. EDN No. 24 1991, Feb. EDN No. 64 1994, June EDN EDN EDN EDN EDN EDN No. 45 No. 46 No. 47 No. 48 No. 18 No. 66 1992, Nov. 1992, Dec. 1993, Jan 1993, Feb. 1990, Aug. 1994, Aug. EDN No. 67 1994, Sept. EDN No. 60 1994, Feb. EDN No. 61 1994, Mar. EDN No. 62 1994, Apr. EDN No. 26 1991, Apr. Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title That the Author Was One of the Proponents of Spelling Reform in the 1570s? An Earl in Bondage (reprinted in AA, p. 125-134) SON Eduardus is My Propre Name: Lily‘s Latin Grammar and the Identity BC of Shakespeare The Fall of the House of Oxford BC Fraud at Colne Priority SON Is the Langham Letter an Eye-Witness Account of Queen Elizabeth‘s EDN Entertainment at Kenilworth in 1572, Rather Than 1575? Oxford‘s Vocabulary Matches Shakespeare‘s SON Roscius Revisited . . . Revisited SON Transcripts of New Oxford Documents SON To Whom Was Humfrey Martyn Related Through His Mother, Letitia EDN Pakington? To Whom Was Humfrey Martyn Related Through His Father, Sir Roger EDN Martyn? Two New Oxford Documents SON Was A Yorkshire Tragedy Written Before Its So-Called ―Source‖? EDN Was Anne Lyly, Sister of the Poet John Donne, a Promoter of the EDN Ill-Fated Marriage of Walter Calverley and Philippa Brooke? Was Edward de Vere Contracted to Marry One of the Sisters of Henry, EDN 3rd Earl Of Huntingdon, Because of Their Common Hastings Ancestors? Was Edward de Vere Related By Marriage to Thomas Russell, EDN Overseer of the Will of William Shakespeare? Was Edward de Vere the ―Annotator‖ of a Copy of Hall‘s Chronicle? 1 EDN Was Edward de Vere the ―Annotator‖ of a Copy of Hall‘s Chronicle? 2 EDN Was Edward de Vere the ―Annotator‖ of a Copy of Hall‘s Chronicle? 3 EDN Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? 1 EDN Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? 2 EDN Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? 3 EDN Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? 4 EDN Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? 5 EDN Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? 6 EDN Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? 7 EDN Was Sir Christopher Hatton Related By Marriage To Both the Owner of EDN New Place and the Owner of the Annotated Copy of Hall‘s Chronicle? Was the Annotated Copy of Hall‘s Chronicle in the Library of Robert EDN Worsley a Lineal Descendant of Edward de Vere? Was the Annotator of Hall‘s Chronicle the Author of EDN The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth? Was the Author of the Langham Letter a Mercer and a MerchantEDN Adventurer? Was the Author of the Langham Letter a Scholar? EDN Was an Edition of the Langham Letter Published After 1590? EDN Were the Calverley Murders Entirely Unrelated to the Play EDN A Yorkshire Tragedy? Were the Letters and Youthful Poems of Edward de Vere Written in the EDN Lexical Vocabulary of Shakespeare? Part 1 Were the Letters and Youthful Poems of Edward de Vere Written in the EDN Lexical Vocabulary of Shakespeare? Part 2 Were the Letters and Youthful Poems of Edward de Vere Written in the EDN Lexical Vocabulary of Shakespeare? Part 3 What Part Did Edward de Vere Play in the Voyages of Exploration and EDN Trade in the Great Elizabethan Age of Exploration? What Was William Patten‘s Involvement in the Publication of the EDN Langham Letter? Who Was Arthur Brooke: Author of The Tragicall Historye of OX Romeus and Juliett? Who Was Spenser‘s E.K.? Was He the Seventeenth Earl of Oxford? OX Who Was the ―upstart crow‖ in Green‘s Groats-worth of Witte? EDN 63 Vol. 40/3: 1, 13-17 2004, Summer Vol. II: 25-31 2010 Vol. I: 41-95 Vol. 40/2: 3-4 No. 31 2009 2004, Spring 1991, Sept. Vol. 30/2a: 12-15 Vol. 43/3: 10-11 Vol. 40/4: 22-24 No. 27 1994, Spring 2007, Summer 2004, Fall 1991, May No. 28 1991, June Vol. 40/4: 17-23 No. 21 No. 22 2004, Fall 1990, Nov. 1990, Dec. No. 40 1992, June No. 38 1992, Apr No. 32 No. 33 No. 34 No. 49 No. 50 No. 51 No. 52 No. 53 No. 54 No. 55 No. 39 1991, Oct. 1991, Nov. 1991, Dec. 1993, Mar 1993, Apr 1993, May 1993, June 1993, July 1993, Aug. 1993, Sept. 1992, May No. 56 1993, Oct. No. 36 1992, Feb. No. 30 1991, Aug. No. 65 No. 63 No. 37 1994, July 1994, May 1992, Mar No. 57 1993, Nov. No. 58 1993, Dec. No. 59 1994, Jan No. 2 1989, Apr No. 29 1991, July Vol. 3: 59-70 2000 Vol. 1: 5-26 No. 3 1998 1989, May Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Green, Nina; Carl S. Caruso, Christopher Paul Post Mortem on John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford Green, Stuart J. Letter: joint letter to both SOS and SF about how to promote authorship of de Vere Letter: the authorship question and the authorship organizations Greenhill, Rima From Russia With Love: a case of Love‘s Labour‘s Lost (also in DS, p. 113-115) Greenwood, Elsie Letter: thanks to those who supported her new edition of her father's The Shakespeare Problem Restated Obituary of George Greenwood (1850-1928) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 7 and AWA, Vol. 5, p. 89-91) SON Vol. 40/2: 8-9 2004, Spring SON Vol. 44/3: 20-21 2008, Summer SM Vol. 8/2: 2, 27-28 2009, Spring OX Vol. 9: 9-32 2006 SFE No. 2: 11 1937, March SAR Issue #8: 6-7 1962, Autumn Greenwood, George G. Ben Jonson and Shakespeare (Tract published by Cecil Palmer, London) AWA Introduction to Baconian Essays (1922) (excerpt) SFE Is There a Shakespeare Problem? (Chapter VI: Professor Dryasdust AWA and ―Genius‖) Is There a Shakespeare Problem? (Chapter VI: Shakespeare as a Lawyer) AWA Is There a Shakespeare Problem? (Chapter VIII: Portraits of Sh.) AWA Is There a Shakespeare Problem? (Notes to Ch. III: AWA Brief Comments on the Sonnets) Shakespeare Problem Restated (1908) (excerpt: p. 339) SON Shakespeare Problem Restated (excerpt: Preface) SON Shakespeare Problem Restated (1908) (excerpt) SON Shakespeare Problem Restated (1908) (excerpt) SON Vindicators of Shakespeare: a reply to critics (excerpt) SON Vindicators of Shakespeare: a reply to critics (excerpt) SON The Stratford Bust and the Droeshout Engraving AWA The Vindicators of Shakespeare (excerpt) SON Vol. 1: 43-52 Page 13 Vol. 1: 10-23 1921 1953, Nov. 1916 Vol. 1: 33-42 Vol. 1: 24-32 Vol. 1: 8-9 1916 1916 1916 Vol. 24/3: 7 Vol. 25/3: 2 Vol. 25/1: 12-13 Vol. 29/2b: 1-7 Vol. 30/4: 14 Vol. 26/4: 2-4 Vol. 1: 53-58 Vol. 31/4: 22 1988, Summer 1989, Summer 1989, Winter 1993, Spring 1994, Autumn 1990, Fall 1925 1995, Autumn Gregory, Tappan Excerpt from his Forward to Shakespeare Cross-Examination published SON Vol. 28/1: 4 by the American Bar Association, 1961) 1992, Winter Gretton, I. The Recusants in Love‘s Labour‘s Lost Shakespeare and the General SFE Page 9 SFE Page 9-10 1957, Spring 1955, Autumn Grillo, Ernesto Shakespeare and Italy (excerpt: Preface) AWA Vol. 4: 270-286 1949 Grimes, John Letter: Praise for Sobran, Ogburn, Fowler; his efforts to publicize Oxford‘s authorship SON Vol. 27/2: 10-11 1991, Spring Grimes, William Erza Stone, 76, Henry Aldrich On the Radio (from the NY Times, March 5, 1994) SON Vol. 30/1: 18 1994, Winter Grumman, Robert Letter: a Groatsworth of Wit Letter: how important are parallels between Oxford‘s life and event in the plays? ER Vol. 5/1: 5 SON Vol. 31/3: 12-16 1997, Spring 1995, Summer 64 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Letter: Stritmatter‘s interpretation of ―upstart crow‖ A Stratfordian Objects . . . SON Vol. 36/3: 22 SSR Issue 5: 20-21 2000, Fall 1991, Aug. Grumman, Robert; Morse Johnson Letters and Responses: parallels between Oxford‘s life and the plays SON Vol. 31/4: 1-2 1995, Summer Hackney, Orda Letter: codes in the sonnets dedication SM 2006, Winter Hagger, Nicholas Letter: The Tempest written in 1602-3 DSN Vol. 2/11: 24-25 1998, Feb. Haldeman, Philip Review of Live the Legend, CD by The New World Renaissance Band Review of Renaissance Music at Princely Courts of Europe, CD by the Rozmberk Consort Prague SON Vol. 33/3: 13 SON Vol. 33/3: 13 1997, Summer 1997, Summer Halle, Louis J. Excerpt from The Search for an Eternal Norm Excerpts for his letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr.,: it is more important to lose all but the last battle than to win all but the last (and addendum by the editor) SON Vol. 18/3: 6 SON Vol. 27/2: 7-8 SON Vol. 25/2: 20-22 1982, Summer 1991, Spring 1989, Spring SON DS SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 40/3: 6-7 Page 29-40 Vol. 41/3: 1, 4-9+ Vol. 46/2: 4 Vol. 45/3: 2 Vol. 46/1: 22 Vol. 46/2: 13 Vol. 47/1: 9 Vol. 42/3: 16 Vol. 45/3: 29-30 2004, Summer 2009 2005, Summer 2010, Aug. 2009, Dec. 2010, May 2010, Aug. 2011, Jan. 2006, Fall 2009, Dec. SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 37/3: 7, 18-19 Vol. 45/1: 3 Vol. 38/1: 7, 14 Vol. 47/3: 13-14 Vol. 39/2: 1, 4-5 2001, Fall 2009, June 2002, Winter 2011, Fall 2003, Spring Hamill, John 2nd Annual Shakespearean Authorship Trust Conference Bisexuality and Bastardy: The Reasons for the Shakespeare Cover-up The Dark Lady and Her Bastard: an alternative scenario From the President of the Shakespeare Oxford Society Letter from SOS President John Hamill Letter from SOS President John Hamill Letter to the Editor of the Times Literary Supplement Letter: AQ stirs up biblical scholars Letter: Prince Tudor threory and bisexual theories Letter: response to R. Whalen‘s letter about the influence of Antonio Perez on Othello Oxfordian News Publications Committee News Review of Sexual Shakespeare by Michael Keevak (2001) Review of Shakespeare: The Concealed Poet Shakespeare or De Vere? - That is the Question: Authorship Debate at the Smithsonian Shakespeare‘s Sexuality and How It Affects the Authorship Issue Spaniard in the Elizabethan Court: Don Antonio Perez The Ten Restless Ghosts of Mantua: Shakespeare‘s specter lingers over the Italian City (reprinted in AA, p. 86-192) The Ten Restless Ghosts of Mantua: Shakespeare‘s specter lingers over the Italian City, Part 2: Castiglione and the Gonzaga Family of Mantua (reprinted in AA, p. 86-102) Two Shake-speares: commoner or the aristocrat - the monument vs. the engraving Who is Buried in Shakespeare‘s Grave? Vol. 5/2: 2 OX Vol. 8: 25-59 2005 SON Vol. 45/1: 14-21 2009, June SON Vol. 39/3: 1, 12-16 2003, Summer SON Vol. 39/4: 3-6 2003, Autumn SON Vol. 45/3: 20-24 2009, Dec. SON Vol. 37/3: 23, 24 2001, Fall Hamill, John; Susan G. Width Board of Trustees Approves Changes in Membership Dues SON Vol. 45/3: 4-5 2009, Dec. Hamilton, Tina N. Letter: her activities to promote Oxford as the author of Shakespeare SON Vol. 35/4: 21 2000, Winter Hammersmith, Mary Louise Letter: praise for the SOS SON Vol. 32/2: 21 1996, Spring 65 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Hammond, L. James Why Stratfordians Are So Stubborn DSN Vol. 2/11: 25-28 1998, Feb. Hampton, Wilborn Shakespeare and Freud: the bard is analyzed on the academic couch (reprinted from the NY Times, 4/26/1988) SON Vol. 24/2: 8 1988, Spring Hannas, Andrew Gabriel Harvey and the Genesis of ―William Shakespeare‖ In Defense of Edith Duffey: Which Nowell Tutored Oxford? Is Oxford Pictured in ―Arts of Falconry‖ Prints? Letter: Iosua Silvester Anagr: Vere Os Salustii: by Ed. de Vere or Edward Lapworth? SON SON SSR SON 1993, Winter 1993, Winter 1988, Winter 1998, Spring Hansen, Harry Shakespeare Fellowship business Hanson, D. J. Who Cares Who Wrote Them? (excerpts from ―The Shakespearean Conspiracy‖ in Ventura Country Magazine) Harding, John The Vexed Question of Shakespeare's Relationship with John Florio Vol. 29/1b: 1-8 Vol. 29/1a: 3 Issue 1/2: 28-30 Vol. 34/1: 11 SFA Vol. 1/2: 6 1940, Feb. SON Vol. 23/3: 10-11 1987, Summer DSN No. 1: 8-22 1988, Jan. Hardigg, James S. Why I Support Inquiry into the Authorship of Shakespeare‘s Plays/Poems SON Vol. 33/4: 06 1997, Fall Hardison, Jr., O. B. Letter to the Washington Sunday Star and Daily News SON Vol. 09/1: 03 1973, Winter Hardy, Thomas To Shakespeare SAR Issue #6: 18-19 1961, Autumn Harman, Charles E. Letter: praise for Paul H. Altrocchi‘s Most Greatly Lived (2000) SON Vol. 37/2: 19 2001, Summer Harner, James L. Letter: request for materials for the World Shakespeare Bibliography SSR Issue 5: 22 1991, Aug. Harms, Linda Waiting for the Assassination SSR Issue 1/1: 22-23 1987, Fall Harper, William (editor) Life, Diary,& Correspondence of Sir William Dugdale (1827) (excerpt) SON Vol. 30/2a: 16 1994, Spring Harrison, John Edwards Does it Matter? SON Vol. 29/3a: 8 1993, Summer Hart, Michael Letter: Joseph Sobran SON Vol. 32/2: 22 1996, Spring Harrison, G. B. Letter: response to letter from William Kent SFE No. 15: 7-8 1939, July Hartmann, Kurt Debate Plays On: Oxford vs. Stratford (repr. from Santa Cruz Sentinel) SON Vol. 38/3: 3 2002, Summer AWA Vol. 1: 62-70 1864 Hartnig, James Edmund Ornithology of Shakespeare Critically Examined (excerpt: Intro, Ch. 1) 66 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Harvey, Charles Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr.: one is at a loss to know how it is possible SON Vol. 25/2: 19-20 for academe to keep up the charade Hassler, Evalyn Letter: de Vere‘s lineage Haste, Ian Letter: sonnet dedication puzzle Name Within the Ring: Edward de Vere‘s ―musical‖ signature in Merchant of Venice Reading Secretary Hand The Secretary Hand - Part 2 Hayes, Donald P. The Silence of the Peers: social network theory proves Shakespeare was no Shapespeare SSR Issue 3/4: 18 1989, Spring 1991, May SM SM Vol. 6/1: 2 2006, Fall Vol. 8/2: 1, 23-26+ 2009, Spring SM SM Vol. 5/2: 23 Vol. 5/4: 21 2006, Winter 2006, Summer SON Vol. 47/3: 7-10+ 2011, Fall DSN Vol. 2/4: 8-12 1996, Jan. GO Page 321-333 DSN Vol. 2/8: 8-12 2004 1997, Feb. DSN Vol. 2/3: 1-5 1995, Nov. Healy, Charlton Letter: concerning Colonel Joseph Hart, author of Romance of Yachting SON Vol. 8/2: 5-7 1972, May Heil, Leigh Ann The Use of Renaissance Dance in Shakespearean Productions ER 1998, Autumn Hendle, Pauline Queen Elizabeth and the Watchers DSN Page 18 2001, Oct. Henry, Calvin Letter: Bacon and Oxford OX 1999 Hazelton, Sally Freud and Oxford (reprinted in GO, p. 307-311) Not Quite So Bewildering? Phantasies of Shakespeare (reprinted in GO, p. 312-316) Shakespeare Oxford Society Conference, October 1995 Herberger, Charles F. Letter: sonnet dedication puzzle Oxford and Rare Manuscript Sources (reprinted in AA, p. 21-22, 1994) Heron, Flodden W. Bacon Was Not Shakespeare (reprinted in AWA, vol. 2, p. 229-234) Folger Shakespeare Library Suggestion Shakspere-Shakespeare Hess, W. Ron Another Rare Dreame: is this an ―Authentic‖ Oxford poem? Certain European Researches Into Shakespeare‘s French and Italian Connections Did Oxford Travel Abroad as a Teenager? Did Shakespeare Have a Literary Mentor? Did Thomas Heywood List ―Will Shakespeare‖ as an Imitator or Front? Did Thomas Sackville Influence Shake-speare‘s Sonnets? An Excursion to the Latest (Maybe the Last) Baconian Conference Gilvary: new bricks in the wall of evidence Hotwiring the Bard into Cyberspace 67 Vol. 6/2: 31-42 Vol. 2: 163-163 SM Vol. 6/4: 2, 31 SON Vol. 30/1: 1-2 2007, Summer 1994, Winter SFA Vol. 3/3: 36-38 SFA Vol. 3/1: 9 SFA Vol. 2/6: 67-69 1942, April 1941, Dec. 1941, Oct. OX Vol. 8: 60-75 SON Vol. 29/3a: 1-4 2005 1993, Summer DSN OX SM DSN SON SON OX 2009, Feb. 2011 2007, Winter 2011, March 1993, Fall 2011, Spring 1998 Vol. 16/1: 29-31 Vol. 13: 146-152 Vol. 6/2: 21-27+ Vol. 18/1: 21-30 Vol. 29/4: 14-16 Vol. 47/2: 1, 8 Vol. 1: 88-101 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Hess, W. Ron (continued) In Memoriam: Joseph Sobran (1946-2011) In Memoriam: Noemi Magri (d. 2011) Letter: the Bolbec crest Letter: update on Greene‘s Groats-Worth Letter: updates to and comments on articles published in past few years Obituary: Vincent J. Mooney, Jr. (1944-2001) Robert Greene‘s Wit Re-evaluated Recollections of Peter Moore on the Occasion of His Passing Searching Under the Lamp-posts for Dating Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Shakespeare‘s Dates: Their Effects on Stylistic Analysis The Speare-shaker and the Dragon: Oxford, Beowulf and Hamlet Stanley Wells at the Smithsonian When Shakespeare ‗Originated‘ His Sonnets, Did They Have a ‗Euphues‘ Meaning? Who Was the Honoured Lady of Oxford‘s ‗Knight of the Tree of the Sunne‘? SON SON SON SON SON SON ER SON SON OX DSN SON DSN Vol. 47/2: 11-13 2011, Spring Vol. 47/3: 5 2011, Spring Vol. 42/4: 31-32 2006, Fall redux Vol. 40/3: 10 2004, Summer Vol. 43/3: 12-14 2007, Summer Vol. 38/1: 21 2002, Winter Vol. 4/2: 41-48 1996, Autumn Vol. 43/4: 24 2007, Fall Vol. 43/2: 14-20 2007, Spring Vol. 2: 25-59 1999 Vol. 16/2: 15-22 2009, June Vol. 39/4: 16, 18-19 2004, Oct. DSN Page 12 2006, April Hess, W. Ron (asst. by A. Tarica) Did Shakespeare Read from 17th Earl of Oxford‘s Personal Library, Pt .1 SON Vol. 42/2: 1, 13-26 2006, Spring Did Shakespeare Read from 17th Earl of Oxford‘s Personal Library, Pt. 2 SON Vol. 42/3: 25-28 2006, Fall Hewett, G. Nele Letter: the original Venus and Adonis SAR Issue #24: 24 1971, Spring Hochberg, Sandy Letter: Whittemore‘s Shakespeare‘s Sonnets SON Vol. 36/1: 29 2000, Spring Hodgson, Geoffrey M. A Countenance More in Sorrow Than in Anger Letter: comments on the six points DSN Vol. 2/2: 8-10 DSN Vol. 2/4: 3-4 1995, Aug. 1996, Jan. Hoffer, Eric First Things, Last Things (excerpt) SON Vol. 19/1: 12 1983, Winter SON Vol. 23/4: 8-9 1987, Fall Holden, Constance; Isabel Holden Review of Horses in Shakespeare‘s England by Anthony Dent (1988) SON Vol. 25/4: 5-6 1989, Fall Holden, Isabel For aVere and Herbert‘s Wife Letter: a poetic tribute to Lady Susan Vere Letter: Edward de Vere‘s Will Letter: Ida Hughes-Standon at Hedingham Castle Review of Lost Chronicle of Edward de Vere by Andrew Field (1990) SON ER SON SON SON 1989, Winter 1998, Spring 1994, Winter 1998, Fall 1991, Spring Holden, Isabel; Constance Holden Review of Horses in Shakespeare‘s England by Anthony Dent (1988) SON Vol. 25/4: 5-6 Holderness, Graham The Road to Oxford SM Holden, Constance No One Knows if Shakespeare Wrote the Plays (The Washington Post, 10/24/87) Vol. 25/1: 11-12 Vol. 6/1: 3 Vol. 30/1: 3 Vol. 34/3: 27 Vol. 27/2: 6-7 1989, Fall Vol. 9/3: 1, 19-20 2010, Fall Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. April 22nd, 1950 (a sonnet) SFE Page 3 The Bells of St. Bennet SFE Page 6-7 The Fore-Horse to a Smock From the Archives: Tarlton and Shakespeare (repr.from SFE, Nov. 1945) SON Vol. 43/2: 23-24 68 1950, April 1958, Autumn 2007, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Letter: concerning Cairncross's letter to the Times Literary Supplement Letter: Diana in the fountain Letter: Shakespeare and Montaigne Have the Ballads of Tarleton Perished? M. O. A. I. Doth Sway My Life Much Ado About Nothing and The Shepherd‘s Calendar Pigrogromitus of the Vapians: a tentative solution Shake-Spear 1573-1593: latest research into internal evidence by topical allusions Shakespeare and Contemporary Plays Shakespeare and Contemporary Plays, Part 2 Shakespeare Through Oxford Glasses: Topical Allusions in Shakespeare‘s Plays (excerpt) Shakespeare‘s Topical References to His Own Plays Tarlton and Shakespeare That's the Dog's Name (Romeo and Juliet) Who Was Cheveril? No. 3: 11 Page 13 Page 11 No. 9: 4-5 No. 2: 3-8 Page 6-8 Page 4 Page 02 1937, May 1953, Nov. 1952, Sept. 1938, May 1937, March 1947, March 1944, Oct. 1942, April SFE Page 6-7 SFE Page 6-7 AWA Vol. 1: 248-255 1946, March 1946, Sept. 1923 SFE SFE SFE SFE Page 3-4 Page 2-4 Page 4 Page 3 1948, Sept. 1945, Nov. 1940, April 1941, April DSN Vol. 15/3: 30-31 DSN Page 14-20 2008, Oct. 2005, Jan. SON Vol. 25/2: 7-8 1989, Spring Holtz, Nancy Ann Letter: Oxfordian presentation at a New England college SON Vol. 35/3: 21 1999, Fall Horne, Francis Gregg Letter: Nelson‘s article ―Oxford in Venice;‖ Oxford had Malaria SON Vol. 31/3: 11-12 1995, Summer Horne, Jr., Richard C. Cardiff Giant, Shakespeare and ―Modern Scholarship,‖ The SON Vol. 27/2: 05-6 1991, Spring Honegiman, E. A. J. Letter: response to Ogburn‘s letter SON Vol. 28/2: 16 1992, Spring SON SON ER SON SON SON SON SON SON SON 1982, Spring 1984, Summer 1993, Spring 1978, Fall 1983, Summer 1980, Fall 1982, Summer 1981, Summer 1981, Spring 1989, Spring Holmes, Jean Alexander and Lapis Lazuli Phoenix and the Turtle as a Rosicrucian Poem Holston, Noel Frontline Makes Much Ado Over Shakespeare (from Minneapolis Tribune, 4/18/89) Hope, Warren Abraham Bronson Feldman (1914-1982) Celebration of Charlton Ogburn Jr.‘s Mysterious William Shakespeare Concealed Poets Craig Huston: a tribute (d. 1978) De Vere Memorials at Wivenhoe Delia Bacon, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the Sh. Authorship Question The Earl of Venice? The Fruits of Error If Winter Comes Can Vere Be Far Behind? It Was the Bard of Oxford – Not Avon (reprinted from Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/20/89) John Davies‘s Sonnets for the Marriage of Elizabeth Vere and William Stanley Lear‘s Cordelia, Oxford‘s Susan, and Manningham‘s Diary Letter: Joyce and the authorship issue Letter: response to Charlton Ogburn Letter to Richard Ohmann Mail Bag: recent Oxfordian news Oxford and the King James Version of the Bible Poe on Shakespeare Worship Poe on Shakespeare Worship 69 SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE Vol. 18/2: 1-3 Vol. 20/3: 1-2 Vol. 1/1: 60-61 Vol. 14/4: 1-2 Vol. 19/3: 13 Vol. 16/4: 2-5 Vol. 18/3: 8 Vol. 17/2: 1-2 Vol. 17/1: 1 Vol. 25/2: 5-6 SON Vol. 17/2: 5-9 1981, Summer ER SSR ER SON SON SSR SON SON 1997, Autumn 1991, Aug. 1997, Autumn 1991, Winter 1984, Spring 1991, Aug. 1992, Fall 1982, Winter Vol. 5/2: 123-126 Issue 5: 23 Vol. 5/2: 23 Vol. 27/1: 2 Vol. 20/1+2: 1-2 Issue 5: 15-17 Vol. 28/4a: 5 Vol. 18/1: 1-2 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Hope, Warren (continued) Prejudice and Shakespeare Prejudice and Shakespeare (excerpts from article in SON, Vol. 14/2) Review of Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare? by James Shapiro (2010) Review of Deciphering Elizabethan Fiction by Reid Barbour (1993) Review of Hamlet Himself by Bronson Feldman (1977) Review of Hamlet Himself by Bronson Feldman (1977) Review of Paging Mrs. Shakespeare by Robert Nye (2000) Review of Sir Philip Sidney and Circulation of Manuscripts by Woudhuysen (1996) Review of The Art of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets by Helen Vendler (1997) Review of The Elizabethan Underworld by Gamini Salgado (2005) Review of The Lame Storyteller by Peter Moore (2009) Review of The Western Canon: Books and Schools of the Ages by H. Bloom (1994) Review of William Tyndale: A Biography by David Daniell (1994) The Singing Swallow: Sir John Davies and Shakespeare Vertable Land of Bleak Bard Fields: Shakespeare, De Vere, and Ireland What are Shakespeare‘s Sonnets? William Basse: Who Was He? Horne, Jr., Richard C. Are We Oxfordians ―Ignorant and Naïve Snobs‖? Comments on a talk by S. Schoenbaum at the Folger Library Comments on the letters in the Washington Sunday Star and Daily News The Earl of Hertford Earl of Northampton, The (Henry Howard, 1540-1614) Earl of Oxford and the Privy Council, The The Folger Shakespeare Library Further Notes on the Hunsdons: Lord Chamberlains of the Household The Henry Clay Folgers and Esther Singleton Is a Search for Original ―Shakespeare‖ Manuscripts Worthwhile? J. Thomas Looney‘s Anniversaries James Wilmot, an Early Doubter The Lord Chamberlain‘s Company of Players Meanwhile, Back at the ―Shrine‖ . . . More Comments on Folger Library General Reader‘s Shakespeare, and Shakespeare‘s Poems, both edited by Louis B. Wright More Recent Oxfordian News New Light on the Box Atop the Stratford Moniment Newsweek Article on the Authorship Issue quoting A. L. Rowse Oxfordian News and SOS Business Professor Knight‘s ―Discovery‖ of the ―Million Dollar Dot‖ and the new Shakespeare Signature Professor S. Schoenbaum and Benjamin de Mott Provincial Dialect in Shakesper‘s Day Recent Oxfordian Developments Recent Oxfordian Developments: light at end of tunnel in 1969? Hardly, baring a miracle. What are the chances of getting Oxfordian articles published? None. Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News Recent Oxfordian News 70 SON Vol. 14/2: 4-6 SON Vol. 27/1: 1 BC Vol. II: 212-223 1978, Spring 1991, Winter 2010 ER SON BAR ER ER Vol. 2/2: 61-64 Vol. 15/1: 5-7 Vol. 2/4: 133-136 Vol. 1/2: 75-78 Vol. 5/1: 50-54 1994, Autumn 1979, Winter 1980 1993, Autumn 1997, Spring ER ER BC ER Vol. 7/1: 78-82 Vol. 2/1: 26-28 Vol. II: 233-236 Vol. 4/1: 47-48 1999, Spring 1994, Spring 2010 1996, Spring ER ER SON ER ER Vol. 3/1: 53-55 Vol. 1/1: 21-39 Vol. 19/1: 1 Vol. 3/2: 11-14 Vol. 6/2: 77-78 1995, Spring 1993, Spring 1983, Winter 1995, Autumn 1998, Autumn SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 10/1: 5-6 Vol. 8/1: 1-3 Vol. 9/1: 3 Vol. 6/2: 3 Vol. 7/2: 4 Vol. 6/1: 13-15 Vol. 6/1: 16-17 Vol. 9/2: 13 Vol. 9/2: 14 Vol. 6/2: 4 Vol. 6/2: 4 Vol. 11/3: 2-3 Vol. 9/2: 6-8 Vol. 6/1: 1-5 Vol. 6/2: 1-2 1974, Summer 1972, Jan. 1973, Winter 1970, June 30 1971, June 1 1970, Mar. 31 1970, Mar. 31 1973, Autumn 1973, Autumn 1970, June 30 1970, June 30 1975, Fall 1973, Autumn 1970, Mar. 31 1970, June 30 SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 9/2: 16 Vol. 8/3: 4 Vol. 7/2: 1-3 Vol. 2/1: 1, 3 Vol. 8/3: 6-10 1973, Autumn 1972, Sept. 1971, June 1 1966, Mar. 30 1972, Sept. SON SON SON SON Vol. 7/2: 5 Vol. 5/1: 6-8 Vol. 4/1: 2-4 Vol. 5/1: 1-6, 8-9 1971, June 1 1969, Feb. 28 1968, May 25 1969, Feb. 28 SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 5/2: 1 Vol. 6/1: 1, 17 Vol. 6/3: 1-2 Vol. 7/1: 1-3 Vol. 8/1: 8, 10-11 Vol. 8/2: 1-2 Vol. 8/3: 1 Vol. 9/1: 1, 10-14 Vol. 10/1: 1-4 1969, Apr. 7 1970, Mar. 31 1970, Dec. 30 1971, Mar. 30 1972, Jan. 1972, May 1972, Sept. 1973, Winter 1974, Summer Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Recent Oxfordian News: news coverage of attack on Stratford monument SON Recent Trips to England SON Review of A Documentary Life of Shakespeare by S. Schoenbaum (1975) SON Review of Oxford and His Elizabethan Ladies by Eleanor Brewster (1972) SON Review of The Author by Dr. Louis B. Wright, in Plays and Poems (1970) SON Review of The Authorship of Shakespeare, Folger Library Booklet SON by James G. McManaway, edited by Louis B. Wright (1962) Review of The Folger Library General Reader‘s Shakespeare, SON edited by Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. Lamar (1969) Review of The Romance of Yachting by Col. Joseph C. Hart (1848) SON (perhaps the first book to question the validity of Shaksper as author) Review of The Shakespeare Authorship Question by Craig Huston (1971) SON Robert Greene‘s ―Groatsworth of Wit, Etc., With Alleged First Reference SON to ―Shakespeare‖ Has Been Proved a Forgery by Chettle SOS Business and Newsletter SON Wasn‘t Shakespeare Someone Else? by R. L. Tweedale (1971) SON Will Stratford ―Birthplace Trust‖ Proclaim a State of Siege? SON Vol. 9/2: 1-5 Vol. 11/1: 1-4 Vol. 11/2: 23-28 Vol. 9/1: 14 Vol. 6/1: 12 Vol. 6/1: 6-8 1973, Autumn 1975, Winter 1975, Summer 1973, Winter 1970, Mar. 31 1970, Mar. 31 Vol. 6/1: 8-11 1970, Mar. 31 Vol. 8/2: 3-5 1972, May Vol. 8/1: 8 Vol. 8/2: 2 1972, Jan. 1972, May Vol. 2/4: 1-2 Vol. 7/2: 7 Vol. 9/1: 7 1966, Dec. 15 1971, June 1 1973, Winter Hotine, Margaret The Art of the Parallel Greene‘s Pandosts: Political Propaganda for the Stuart Succession? BAR Vol. 3/2: 59-68 BAR Vol. 1/1: 9-27 1981 1975 Hovey, Alan J. In the Authorship Debate, a Role for Theatres SON Vol. 33/3: 15 1997, Summer Howerton, Jr., Philip F. Letter to Professor Thomas Pendleton Vladimir Nabokov and William Shakespeare SON Vol. 28/4a: 9 SON Vol. 26/1: 1-3 1992, Fall 1990, Winter Hudson, Alexandra De Vere Anniversary Revives Shakespeare Debate (reprint from Reuters) SON Vol. 40/3: 8-9 2004, Summer Hudson, John Amelia Bassano Lanier: a new paradigm OX 2009 Hughes-Stanton, Ida The Hare-Brained Escapade SAR Issue #9: 06-7 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Beyond Shakespeare: expanding the authorship theory SM The Big Six Candidates SON Editorial OX Editorial OX Editorial OX Editorial OX Editorial [authorship issues in the Elizabethan era] OX Editorial: The Curious Incident of the Shakespeare Paper Trail OX First Ever: Concordia University Opens the Academic Door to Oxford SON First Issue of The Oxfordian Scheduled for Next Spring SON Four Hundred Years of Stonewalling: a reply to Stanley Wells SM (reprinted from the Washington Post, Sunday, March 18, 2007) Goodbye, Jim (James Fitzgerald, Oxfordian) OX Hide Fox and All After: the search for Shakespeare SON In Memoriam: Charlton Ogburn, Jr., Founding Member of the Shakes. OX Oxford Society, Author, Board Member, Newsletter Editor (1911-98) In Memoriam: Morse Johnson, editor of the Shakespeare Oxford OX Newsletter (1986-1995) In Memoriam: Peter R. Moore (Feb. 28, 1948 - Nov. 29, 2007) OX In Memoriam: Ruth Loyd Miller (May 29, 1922 - Sept. 15, 2005) OX In Memoriam: Talmadge Gartley Wilson (1919-2000) OX 71 Vol. 11: 065-082 Vol. 5/1: 16-25 Vol. 46/2: 9-10 Vol. 5: 1-10 Vol. 8: 1-6 Vol. 9: 1-7 Vol. 10: 1-8 Vol. 6: 1-6 Vol. 1: 1-3 Vol. 33/2: 9 Vol. 32/4: 3 Vol. 6/4: 6, 13-17 1963, Spring 2005, Fall 2010, Aug. 2002 2005 2006 2007 2003 1998 1997, Spring 1996, Fall 2007, Summer Vol. 4: 1-4 2001 Vol. 43/1: 1, 5-11 2007, Winter Vol. 2: 0 1999 Vol. 1: 0 1998 Vol. 10: 0 Vol. 9: 0 Vol. 3: 0 2007 2006 2000 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (continued) In Search of Shakespeare at Yale Center for British Studies and in Smithsonian Magazine Is Oxford Buried in Poets‘ Corner? Jonson‘s Ode to Shakespeare: what was Ben Jonson actually saying in his Dedicatory Ode in the 1623 First Folio Letter: age of King Edward VI on Oxford‘s birthday Letter: Audrey in As You Like It Letter: Oxford as Shakespeare: belief or hypothesis? Letter: response to Sally Mosher‘s comments Letter: Sir Thomas Smith in the De Vere Society Newsletter Letter: Whittemore and the Prince Tudor thesis Letter: wider Elizabethan authorship issues Much Ado . . . On the Hudson New Light on the Dark Lady News Notes No Spring Till Now: Countess of Pembroke and the John Webster Canon Note from the Editor Of Standins, Pseudonyms, Mummings and Disguisings Oxfordian News: a second Oxford-Owned Book at the Folger An Oxfordian Response Oxford‘s Childhood Part II: the first four years with Smith Oxford‘s Childhood: what we know and what we don‘t Readers Note Review of Hill Hall: A Singular House Devised by a Tudor Intellectual by P. J. Drury (2009) Review of Monstrous Adversary by Alan H. Nelson (2003) Review of Shakespeare by Another Name by Mark Anderson (2005) Review of Who Killed Kit Marlowe? by M. J. Trow and Talieson Trow Trow (2001) Shakespeare, Oxford, Astronomy, Medicine and the Law Shakespeare‘s Tutor: Sir Thomas Smith (1513-1577) A Society of Secrets: how the Elizabethan Era still confounds us today Sonnet XXXIII, and Much, Much Less A Stroll Through Oxford‘s London To the Reader To the Reader What is ―the Authorship Question?‖ Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins; Ren Draya; Elizabeth Imlay Letter: Elizabeth I: facts not fantasy OX Vol. 9: 138-139 SM Vol. 2/1: 07 DSN Vol. 16/1: 21-24 2002, Fall 2009, Feb. SON SM SON SON DSN SON DSN SON SON OX OX OX SON SON OX SON SON OX DSN 2002, Fall 2003, Summer 1996, Fall 2006, Spring 2010, Feb. 1999, Summer 2008, March 2009, Sept. 2000, Fall 2005 2003 1998 1997, Winter 2001, Fall 2009 2006, Fall 2006, Winter 2001 2010, Feb. Vol. 38/4: 23 Vol. 2/4: 2-3 Vol. 32/4: 21-22 Vol. 42/2: 9 Vol. 17/1: 27-28 Vol. 35/2: 25-26 Vol. 15/1: 26-27 Vol. 45/2: 27, 47 Vol. 36/3: 1, 8-15 Vol. 8: 150-158 Vol. 6: 71-108 Vol. 1: 104-105 Vol. 33/1: 4-5, 23 Vol. 37/3: 7 Vol. 11: 99-111 Vol. 42/3: 1, 5-15 Vol. 42/1: 1, 5-11 Vol. 4: 166-167 Vol. 17/1: 11-13 SON Vol. 40/2: 19-23 2004, Spring SON Vol. 41/3: 02, 12-4 2005, Summer OX Vol. 5: 174-182 2002 DSN OX SON OX DSN OX OX OX Page 20 Vol. 3: 19-44 Vol. 34/1: 1, 6-8+ Vol. 1: 102-103 Page 12-15 Vol. 2: 1-2 Vol. 3: 1-2 Vol. 4: 167 SON Vol. 47/3: 2 Hughes, Stephanie; G. Goldstein 27th Annual SOS Conference in NYC: performance & publishing take center stage Humphreys, Christmas Review of D. W. T. C. Vessey‘s Lecture ―Some Allusions to Shakespeare in Elizabethan Literature‖ (21 Jan. 1970) Review of Shakespeare Cross-Examination published by The American Bar Association Journal (1961) 2006 2002, Jan./Feb. 2000 1998, Spring 1998 2007, Feb. 1999 2000 2001 2011, Fall SON Vol. 39/4: 1, 11-16 2003, Autumn SAR Issue #23: 17-18 1970, Summer SAR Issue #8: 17-19 1962, Autumn Hunter, Major N. B. The Earls and Shakespeare SFE Page 5-6 1949, Sept. Hunter, R. Cetus Letter: the essential truth SM 2006, Summer Hunter, R. Thomas Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Vol. 5/4: 2-3 SON Vol. 45/1: 4-7 72 2009, June Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Contesting Shapiro Every Word in Shakespeare: textual signatures by the true author Letter: correction to Supreme Court Justice John P. Stevens‘s statement Mark Rylance Addresses Oxfordian Students at University of Michigan Mark Rylance Featured Guest in Michigan The Nelson Dilemma (2003) Reverend Ward‘s Diary: the early tradition Review of The Shakespeare Controversy, 2nd ed. by Warren Hope and Kim Holston (2009) Shakespeare and the First Earl of Oxford Shapiro and Why Authorship Doubters Don‘t Believe SM SM SON SON SM SM SON BC Vol. 8/4: 2, 26 Vol. 2/3: 6-7, 32 Vol. 45/3: 30 Vol. 39/4: 24 Vol. 3/2: 6 Vol. 3/4: 5-6 Vol. 44/1: 1, 21-25 Vol. I: 277-283 2009, Fall 2003, Spring 2009, Dec. 2003, Autumn 2004, Winter 2004, Summer 2008, Winter 2009 SON Vol. 42/1: 13-14+ 2006, Winter SON Vol. 46/1: 12-13+ 2010, May Hurst, Thomas Sueuenteen Fat Oxen: Sidney‘s Arcadia and the Authorship Question SM Hurst, Walter; Katherine Chiljan Oxford Week Spreads the Word SON Vol. 33/2: 8, 13 1997, Spring OX Vol. 3: 99-115 2000 SAR SON SAR SON Issue #19: 1-3 Vol. 9/1: 3-6 Issue #20: 18 Vol. 31/2a: 5 1968, Autumn 1973, Winter 1968, Autumn 1995, Spring Hurstfield, Joel Lord Burghley as Master of the Court of Wards (reprint from Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1949) Huston, Craig Edward de Vere (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 153-256) Letter: two recent discoveries – a letter and a vase Letter: John de Vere‘s Deed of Covenants Shakespeare Authorship Question (1971) (excerpt) Hyde, Mike Letter: Case for de Vere as author of Arte of English Poesie is untenable BC Who Was Spenser‘s E.K.? Another Look at the Evidence SM Ignoto Beowulf, Hamlet, and Edward de Vere Letter: authorship issues in bookstores Imlay, Elizabeth Anonymous Passes: the film reviewed Breakfast Television Transcript: BBC programme with Stanley Wells and Elizabeth Imlay (broadcast 2 September 2011) Drawings by Edward de Vere? – Possibly – a Cambridge discovery DVS Annual General Meeting (9 April 2011) DVS Meeting in London (24 September 2011) Further Fallout from John Gill‘s Review of Beauclerk‘s Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom Letter: the Milliard Miniature Letter: thanks from the De Vere Society of Great Britain to Oxfordian Letter: why was Venus and Adonis published? Movement on Both Eastern and Western Fronts News From Bankside Queen Elizabeth at Oxford in 1566 Review of Shakespeare By Another Name by Mark K. Anderson (2005) Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness: Charles Beauclerk‘s Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom Tragic Story of King‘s Place: de Vere‘s home 1597-1604 Tributes to Sue Sybersma (d. 2007) Untapped Potential of Phaeton Wikipedia Wars 73 Vol. 7/4: 1, 5-7, 27 2008, Fall Vol. II: 258-259 2010 Vol. 08/1: 5, 23-26 2009, Winter SON Vol. 26/2: 3-6 SM Vol. 2/3: 2 1990, Spring 2003, Spring DSN Vol. 18/3: 22-25 DSN Vol. 18/3: 6 2011, Nov. 2011, Nov. DSN DSN DSN DSN Vol. 18/3: 15-17 Vol. 18/2: 4-5 Vol. 18/3: 4-5 Vol. 18/2: 36-38 2011, Nov. 2011, July 2011, Nov. 2011, July DSN OX ER DSN DSN DSN DSN DSN Vol. 2/9: 11-12 Vol. 10: 165-165 Vol. 6/2: 3 Vol. 15/3: 24 Vol. 2/10: 3-4 Vol. 18/2: 6-8 Page 26 Vol. 18/2: 25-28 1997, June 2007 1998, Autumn 2008, Oct. 1997, Oct. 2011, July 2006, April 2011, July DSN SON DSN DSN Vol. 16/1: 10-14 Vol. 44/1: 4 Vol. 18/3: 30-31 Vol. 17/3: 4 2009, Feb. 2008, Winter 2011, Nov. 2010, Nov. Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Imlay, Elizabeth; Gazzetta di Mantua; Kevin Gilvary; Robert Detobel An Irreparable Loss: tributes to Noemi Magri (d. 2011) DSN Vol. 18/2: 22-24 2011, July Imlay, Elizabeth; Stephanie Hopkins Hughes; Ren Draya Letter: Elizabeth I: facts not fantasy SON Vol. 47/3: 2 2011, Fall J. S. A. Heretics‘ Week, Stratford-on-Avon Oxfordians Debate With Miss Neill Review of Shakespearean Ciphers by William F. Friedman (1957) SFE Page 6-7 SFE Page 5-6 SFE Page 7-9 1947, Sept. 1947, Sept. 1958, Spring OX Vol. 12: 94-97 2010 Jacobi, Sir Derek Sir Derek Jacobi‘s Acceptance Speech SM Vol. 1/4: 11 2002, Summer James, Henry Excerpts from two letters (1902, 1903) SFE Page 13 1953, Nov. Jansen, W. and Eric L. Altschuler Authorship Clues in Henry VI, Part 3 OX 2006 Jewell, Keith D. A London Visitor‘s Homage to Edward de Vere SON Vol. 34/1: 12-13 Jackson, Macdonald P. Some Comments on Michael Egan‘s ‗Slurs, Nasal Rhymes and Amputations‘ Jiménez, Ramon Camden, Drayton, Greene, Hall, and Cooke: five eyewitnesses who saw nothing (reprinted in the AA, p. 74-86) The Case for Oxford Revisited A Conversation with Richard Roe Countess Clara de Chambrun and the Skipwith Holinshed The Date of The Merchant of Venice: the case for 1578 Edmond Ironside, the English King: Edward de Vere‘s Anglo-Saxon History Play Edward de Vere, Philip Sidney, and the Battle of Agincourt, . . . in brawl ridiculous Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth - Key to the Authorship Question? (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 201-207) How Reliable is Stylometrics? Two Orthodox Scholars Investigate Letter: Oxford‘s ancestors in The Famous Victories Letter: tour of Essex Rebellion Broached on his Sword: new evidence for early date: Henry V Review of Attributing Authorship: An Introduction by H. Love (2002) Review of Discovering Shakespeare - A Handbook for Heretics by Ed Holmes (2001) Review of Hamlet: Poem Unlimited by Harold Bloom (2003) Review of Journals: Shakespeare Newsletter, De Vere Society N‘letter Review of Shakespeare: For All Time by Stanley Wells (2003) . Review of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets and the Court of Navarre by D. Honneyman (1997) Review of The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare by M. Dobson and Stanley Wells (2001) Review of The Tragedy of Richard II, Part One, edited by Michael Egan (2006) Review of The Truth Will Out by Brenda James and William Rubinstein (2005) Shakespeare in Stratford and London: Five More Eyewitnesses Who Saw Nothing (reprinted in AA, p. 74-86) 74 Vol. 9: 126-131 1998, Spring SON Vol. 38/4: 1, 12-16 2002, Fall OX SON DSN OX OX Vol. 11: 45-64 Vol. 47/1: 2-3 Vol. 16/3: 14-19 Vol. 13: 50-75 Vol. 6: 7-28 2009 2011, Jan. 2009, Nov. 2011 2003 SON Vol. 38/2: 1, 12-15 2002, Spring SON Vol. 37/2: 7-10 2001, Summer SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 47/1: 11-16 Vol. 36/3: 21 Vol. 39/2: 23 Vol. 37/3: 8-11, 21 Vol. 39/3: 21-22 Vol. 38/2: 11, 22 2011, Jan. 2000, Fall 2003, Spring 2001, Fall 2003, Summer 2002, Spring SON SON SON SON Vol. 39/4: 22 Vol. 38/1: 16-17 Vol. 39/4: 22-23 Vol. 35/1: 18 2003, Autumn 2002, Winter 2003, Autumn 1999, Spring SON Vol. 39/4: 23-24 2003, Autumn SON Vol. 42/1: 18-20 2006, Winter SON Vol. 41/4: 25-28 2005, Fall SON Vol. 41/1: 3-7 2005, Winter Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title The Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England: Shakespeare‘s first version of King John The True Tragedy of Richard the Third: another early history play by Edward de Vere Where in the World is Will? C-SPAN Interviews Stephen Greenblatt Who Was the Author of Five Plays that Shakespeare Rewrote as His Own? Jones, Graham; Jepke Goudsmit Letter: Syndey-based Kinetic Energy Theatre Company Jones, William M. If the Clown‘s Cap Fits! (excerpts from William Shakespeare as William in As You Like It, reprinted from Shakespeare Quarterly, Vol. XI, No. 2, Spring 1960) Johnson, Ian Letter: his delight with Spear-Shaker Johnson, Morse Acclaim for Johnny Price‘s Accomplishments as Chairman of the SOS Board Article quoting dozens of noted individuals expressing doubt that William Shakspere was the author of the works attributed to him Contradictory Factual Evidence is Unearthed Dedication (to Helen and Gordon Cyr): thanks for their editorship Did Queen Elizabeth Write Shakespeare‘s Sonnets? From the Letters Column in the Washington Book Review (May 1987) In the High Court of Public Opinion ―In Re William Shakespeare‖ It Is Probably: qualifying phrases in the Great Books biography of Sh. Letter to Barbara Tuchman Letter to Louis Marder about his distortians of authorship evidence Letter to New York Magazine (March 15, 1984) (excerpt) Letter to Professor Rosenberg Letter to Rebecca Flynn about the Dugdale drawings Letter to the London Review of Books, Ltd. Letter to the NY Times (7/19/1989) Letter to the Writing Company re Lack of Books About de Vere in Its Catalogue Letters to Professor Thomas Pendleton Letters to The NY Times Book Review Michael Drayton, Poet and Dramatist, and Joseph Quincy Adams The Oxfordian Position (reprinted from Gathering, pub. of the Literary Guild of the University of Cincinnati, April, 1988) Responses to Mr. Giroux re his Review in the NY Times of Charlton Ogburn, Jr.‘s The Mysterious William Shakespeare (1984) Review of Shakespeare Revealed in Oxford‘s Letters by William Plumer Fowler (1986) Reprint of his letter to 43 distinguished Stratfordian scholars Response to Bob Grumman‘s letters Review of Shakespeare, In Fact by Irvin Matus (1994) Sample of His Letters Promoting Oxford Shake-speare Could Only Have Been a Pseudonym Stay Stratfordian, Why Goest Thou By So Fast? Telling Passages in Ogburn‘s The Mysterious William Shakespeare The Uranium of the Shakespeare Canon is Simply the Use of Words The World‘s Most Baffling Literary Mystery The World‘s Most Baffling Literary Mystery 75 OX Vol. 12: 21-55 2010 OX Vol. 7: 115-151 2004 SON Vol. 41/1: 22, 24 SON Vol. 44/1: 13-20 2005, Winter 2008, Winter SM 2002, Winter Vol. 1/2: 32 SAR Issue #5: 14-16 1961, Spring SSR Issue 5: 25 1991, Aug. SON Vol. 29/4: 23 1993, Fall SON Vol. 26/3b: 1-11 1990, Summer SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 29/3a: 12-13 Vol. 22/4: 1 Vol. 26/2: 10-11 Vol. 23/2: 15-16 Vol. 23/4: 1-6 Vol. 23/2: 5-6 Vol. 27/1: 10-11 Vol. 30/1: 6-10 Vol. 20/1+2: 10 Vol. 25/3: 15-17 Vol. 29/2a: 13 Vol. 23/1: 10 Vol. 25/3: 13-14 Vol. 28/1: 7-8 1993, Summer 1986, Fall 1990, Spring 1987, Spring 1987, Fall 1987, Spring 1991, Winter 1994, Winter 1984, Spring 1989, Summer 1993, Spring 1987, Winter 1989, Summer 1992, Winter SON SON SON SON Vol. 28/3: 13-18 Vol. 27/1: 5-6 Vol. 27/1: 9-10 Vol. 24/3: 9-10 1992, Summer 1991, Winter 1991, Winter 1988, Summer SON Vol. 27/3: 3-4 1991, Summer SON Vol. 23/1: 1-3 1987, Winter SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON 1993, Winter 1995, Summer 1995, Winter 1982, Summer 1993, Winter 1988, Winter 1991, Winter 1989, Spring 1983, Fall 1995, Autumn Vol. 29/1a: 19 Vol. 31/3: 12-16 Vol. 31/1b: 1-7 Vol. 18/3: 1-2 Vol. 29/1a: 5-6 Vol. 24/1: 3-9 Vol. 27/1: 9 Vol. 25/2: 11-12 Vol. 19/4: 1-4 Vol. 31/4: 9-10 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Johnson, Morse; R. Grumman Letters and Responses: parallels between Oxford‘s life and the plays Johnson, Philip All‘s Well That Ends Well, Part 1: ‗Rossillion‘ Edward de Vere on the Continent: 1575-1576 John Lyly‘s Endimion and William Shakespeare‘s Much Ado About Nothing (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 151-158) Measure for Measure and the French Connection Oxford to Windsor Shakespeare‘s Education and Stratford Grammar School The Third Earl of Southampton and a Gentleman of Stratford Johnson, Philip and Eddi Jolly Letter: Burghley‘s Library and Shakespeare‘s Sources, Referring to Sir Thomas Smith Letter: Thomas Smith letter to Burghley, 25 April 1576 Jolly, Colin K. Sweet Mr. Shakespeare‘s Picture Jolly, Eddi Analogies and Cliches Burghley‘s Library and Shakespeare‘s Sources (repr. in Great Oxford) Creation of the Ur-Hamlet Dating Shakespeare‘s Hamlet De Vere in Southampton Images of ‗Old Billy Our Bard‘ Letter: another view of Branagh‘s Hamlet Letter: New Place The Life of William Shaksper in the Documentary Records Meres - His Usefulness and His Limitations Monsteriana My Mistress‘ Eyes . . . An Original For Sonnet CXXX? Review of Paper Trail by Simon Fry (2008) Review of The Late Mr. Shakespeare: A Novel by Robert Nye (1999) Review of The Shakespeare Secret by Jennifer L. Carrell (2008) Shakespeare and Burghley‘s Library: Bibliotheca Illustris: Sive Catalogus Variorum Librorum Shakespeare‘s Debt to Hall and Holinshed Thomas Nashe‘s Preface: toward a new reading Voyages de Shakespeare en France et en Italie: an overlooked masterpiece by Georges Lambin (1962) Which Came First: Q1 or Q2 Hamlet?: the evidence of Belleforest The Writing of Hamlet (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 180-195) Jolly, Eddi and Patrick O‟Brien Dating the Plays: Hamlet Shakespeare‘s Sources & Sir Thomas Smith‘s Library (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 22-25) Jolly, Eddi and Philip Johnson Letter: Burghley‘s Library and Shakespeare‘s Sources, Referring to Sir Thomas Smith Letter: Thomas Smith letter to Burghley, 25 April 1576 Joyrich, Richard Carmel Authorship Conference Houston Authorship Conference In Memoriam: Tom Hunter (d. 2011) 76 SON Vol. 31/4: 1-2 1995, Summer DSN Page 5 DSN Page 20 DSN Page 12 2005, Jan. 2005, Dec. 2001, July GO DSN GO GO 2004 2006, Nov. 2004 2004 Page 196-200 Page 6 Page 34-37 Page 267-275 DSN Page 28-29 2000, July DSN Page 28 2000, July DSN Page 2 2003, Sept. DSN DSN DSN OX DSN DSN SON SON DSN DSN DSN DSN DSN DSN DSN OX 2009, Nov. 2000, May 2006, Nov. 1999 1998, May 2002, April 1997, Spring 2002, Fall 2004, July 2006, Nov. 2009, Nov. 2003, June 2009, Nov. 2004, Oct. 2008, March 2000 Vol. 16/3: 25-27 Page 9 Vol. 2: 11-24 Vol. 2/12: 23-24 Page 2 Vol. 33/2: 23-24 Vol. 38/4: 23 Page 12 Vol. 16/3: 33 Page 15 Vol. 16/3: 32 Page 25 Vol. 15/1: 30 Vol. 3: 003-018 DSN Vol. 18/2: 13 DSN Vol. 17/2: 13-18 DSN Page 16 2011, July 2010, Aug. 2003, June DSN Vol. 17/3: 17-21 DSN Page 22 2010, Nov. 2001, Jan. GO Page 169-179 DSN Page 19 2004 2001, July DSN Page 28-29 2000, July DSN Page 28 2000, July SON Vol. 43/4: 3-5 SON Vol. 45/3: 8-13 SON Vol. 47/3: 6 2007, Fall 2009, Dec. 2011, Fall Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Joint Annual Conference 2011: a report (Sept. 13-16, 2011, Wash. D. C.) Letter: Waugaman‘s article ―Echoes of the ‗Lamed‘‖ President‘s Letter and Ashland Conference Report President‘s Letter: two conferences and a movie Report of 13th Annual Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference Report of the 14th Annual Shakespeare Authorship Conference Report of the White Plains Shakespeare Authorship Conference Shakespearian Character Pairs Anagram Puzzle SON SM SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 47/3: 15-16+ Vol. 9/1: 2 Vol. 47/1: 16-22 Vol. 47/3: 4 Vol. 45/1: 1, 26-33 Vol. 46/2: 18-19 Vol. 44/3: 1, 16-18 Vol. 44/1: 27-28 2011, Fall 2010, Winter 2011, Jan. 2011, Fall 2009, June 2010, Aug. 2008, Summer 2008, Winter Joyrich, Richard; Richard Smiley Concordia Summary SON Vol. 43/2: 1, 7-8 Karr, Merilee A Brief History of Interpretation Semiotics and the Shakespeare Authorship Debate SON Vol. 36/4: 8-9 2001, Winter SON Vol. 36/4: 1, 8-14 2001, Winter Kathman, David Letter: response to Charlton Ogburn Letter: response to Christopher Dams Letter: response to Messrs. Whalen and Edwards Shakespeare Wrote Shakespeare Why I‘m Not an Oxfordian Why I'm Not an Oxfordian ER ER ER OX ER DSN Vol. 5/2: 21-24 Vol. 5/2: 15-16 Vol. 5/2: 9-10 Vol. 11: 13-28 Vol. 5/1: 32-48 Vol. 2/10: 7-15 1997, Autumn 1997, Autumn 1997, Autumn 2009 1997, Spring 1997, Oct. Keller, James R. Thomas Nashe‘s The Unfortunate Traveler: taming spirit of discontent ER Vol. 1/2: 7-17 1993, Autumn Kelly, Kevin Shakespeare Mystery Persists (review of Frontline broadcast, Boston Globe, 4/18/89) Kelly, Walt Pogo comic strip about spellings of Shaksper Kennedy, Richard J. The Wookpack Man: John Shakspeare‘s Monument in Holy Trinity Church 2007, Spring SON Vol. 25/2: 10 1989, Spring SON Vol. 28/4a: 10 1992, Fall SM Vol. 5/2: 4-5, 27-29 2006, Winter Kennedy, Dick Subject: Negative Evidence SON Vol. 30/4: 13 1994, Autumn Kennedy-Skipton, H. K. Letter: meaning of ―everyliving‖ Letter: seal of the Journal of the Royal Society of Arts SAR Issue #22: 19-20 SFE Page 15 1969, Chr. 1954, April SFE SFQ SFE SAR SON 1945, Nov. 1946, Jan. 1950, Sept. 1962, Spring 1995, Summer Kent, William An American Myth Maker An American Myth Maker The BBC Talk De Vere‘s Poetry Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford: The Real Shakespeare (1966) (excerpt) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 379-385) Letter: an open letter to Dr. G. B. Harrison Letter: John Crow‘s review of Percy Simpson‘s book Studies in Elizabethan Drama Letter to the Stratford-on-Avon Herald and the Herald‘s response Nothing but Leaves Orthodox Ineptitude Professor Saintbury and Shakespeare (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 100-02) Review of Shakespeare and His Betters by R. C. Churchill (1958) 77 Page 5-6 Vol. VII/1: 8-9 Page 7-9 Issue #7: 7 Vol. 31/3: 22-24 SFE No. 15: 4-7 SFE Page 11 1939, July 1955, Autumn SFE SFE SFE SAR SFE 1948, April 1950, April 1947, March 1963, Spring 1958, Autumn Page 1 Page 7-9 Page 8 Issue #9: 1-2 Page 9-10 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Kent, William (continued) Review of The Fictious Shakespeare Exposed by Edward D. Johnson The Shakespeare Circle Shakespeare‘s London: a topographical argument SFE Page 5-6 SFE Page 4-6 SFE Page 8 1946, March 1948, Sept. 1946, Sept. Klier, Walter Letter: Shakespeare in Germany and Austria Review of The Man Who Invented Shakespeare by Kurt Kreiler (2009) ER BC 1997, Spring 2009 Kittle, Christy Ann Letter: her husband‘s book, George Gascoigne or Edward de Vere SFE Page 12 1953, April Klier, Walter Report from Austria: Austria Discovers Ogburn DSN Vol. 2/9: 6-8 1997, June Klomp, Louis Acrostic Poem on Edward de Vere SON Vol. 33/4: 27 1997, Fall Kloepfer, Deborah Kelly The Case for Edward de Vere in the Classroom SON Vol. 14/2: 3-4 1978, Spring Kloepfer, John G. Monument Vs. Moniment SON Vol. 12/3: 12 1976, Fall Knapp, Margaret L. Only a Smock: but it covers a famous rivalry Shakespeare and Mark Twain SFA Vol. 1/3: 3 SFA Vol. 2/2: 22-23 1940, Apr./May 1941, Feb. Kornstein, Daniel J. Kill All the Lawyers (1994) (excerpt) Mark Twain‘s Evidence: the never-ending riverboat debate SON Vol. 31/4: 2 TLR Vol. 72/1, 1-23 1995, Summer 2004, Fall Korr, David Hamlet‘s First Soliloquy: imagery beyond the language SM Vol. 6/3: 1, 6-12 2007, Spring Kositsky, Lynne First Fellowship Meeting Held President‘s Letter University of Miami to Offer Course in Shakespeare‘s Law SM SM SM Vol. 1/2: 1, 4 Vol. 4/2: 3 Vol. 5/1: 6 2002, Winter 2005, Winter 2005, Fall SM BC DS Vol. 4/1: 1, 10-14 2004, Fall Vol. I: 205-267 2009 Page 143-153 2009 OX Vol. 10: 9-19 2007 SM Vol. 2/2: 01, 6 2003, Winter SM Vol. 10/3: 7, 18-20 2011, Summer SM Vol. 7/2: 1, 21-30 2008, Winter Kositsky, Lynne; Roger Stritmatter A Critique of the Monument Theory (2005) How Shakespeare Got His Tempest: Another ―Just So‖ Story Pale as Death: The Fictionalizing Influence of Erasmus‘s ―Naufragium‖ On the Renaissance Travel Narrative The Spanish Maze and the Dates of The Tempest Kositsky, Lynne; Richard F. Whalen; William E. Boyle Fellowship in Cambridge: conference brings together cross-section of Shakespeareans Kositsky, Michael Detective Superintendent Blattshap Gets His Man (a play in one act) Krasznekewicz, Allegra William Shakespeare and the Authorship Controversy: a study in literary triumph and historical tragedy William Shakespeare and the Authorship Controversy: a study in literary triumph and historical tragedy 78 Vol. 5/1: 3 Vol. I: 285-287 SON Vol. 43/4: 1, 6-13 2007, Fall Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Krass, Iris Letter: Hilliard miniature - Oxford? Review of Elizabeth Imlay's play Edward de Vere, Part 1 Study of Nicholas Hilliard's Portrait Miniature of an Unknown Man Clasping a Hand From a Cloud, A (1588): could this be Lord Oxford/Shakespeare? DSN Vol. 2/10: 3 DSN Vol. 2/11: 11-12 DSN Vol. 2/7: 2-7 1997, Oct. 1998, Feb. 1996, Dec. Kreeger, David Lloyd Two Quotes from the Buddha and de Vinci SON Vol. 25/3: 1 1989, Summer Kreiler, Kurt An Answer to Robert R. Prechter (re A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers) BC 2011, Fall Kunin, Carolyn Review of CD: William Byrd: Songs, Dances, Battles, Games SON Vol. 32/3: 18 1996, Summer La Greca, Donald The Character of Kent in King Lear Dynasticide: A Note On Macbeth SON Vol. 22/2: 8-12 SON Vol. 20/1+2: 7-8 1986, Spring 1984, Spring LaBelle, Jenijoy Happy Birthday, Dear William (from the LA Times, April 21, 1993) SON Vol. 30/4: 5 1994, Autumn Labeo Bacon and ―The Group‖ SFE Page 4 1943, May Lafew, Edmonn Make Thee Another Self For Love Of Me Notes on d‘Hiver The Veriest Nonsense SON Vol. 21/4: 04-6 1985, Fall SON Vol. 20/1+2: 10 1984, Spring SON Vol. 20/1+2: 03-5 1984, Spring Lambin, Georges Did Oxford Go North-East of Milan? (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 56-59) Did Oxford Go to Milan? The Heir of Alanson, Katharine Her Name Letter: Did Oxford go to Milan? Letter: Friar Patrick in Milan: 1575 or 1576? Obituary of Abel Lefranc (1863-1952) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 95-97) Professor Abel Lefranc (1863-1952) Review of The First Night of Twelfth Night by Leslie Hotson Shakespeare in Milan SAR SAR SAR SFE SAR SAR SFE SFE SFE Landsbury, Edgar Letter: true author deserves better from academics SON Vol. 35/4: 21 2000, Winter Lardner, James On and Upward With the Arts: The Authorship Question (from New Yorker, 4/11/88) SON Vol. 24/2: 10 1988, Spring Lasocki, David and Roger Prior The Bassanos: Venetian Musicians and Instrument Makers in England (excerpt: Chapter 8) DSN Vol. 2/2: 1-4 1995, Aug. Lawrence, Sir Henry The Shakespeare Mystery The Shakespeare Mystery, Part 2 SFE Page 7-8 SFE Page 6-7 1947, Sept. 1948, April Le Riche, Kathleen Letter: Arthur Golding – No Puritan Letter: Nicholas Hilliard and Edward de Vere SFE Page 11-12 SFE Page 10 1954, Sept. 1952, Sept. 79 Vol. III: 294-309 Issue #5: 9-11 Issue #3: 23 Issue #2: 5-6 Page 11 Issue #6: 24 Issue #8: 10-13 Page 10 Page 11-12 Page 5 1961, Spring 1960, Spring 1959, Autumn 1958, Spring 1961, Autumn 1962, Autumn 1953, April 1955, Spring 1957, Autumn Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Le Riche, Kathleen (continued) Letter: poem by Sir Walter Raleigh really authored by Oxford? Letter: Shakespeare and the Palazzo del Te Letter: Shakespeare‘s Farewell Letter: This Star of England Marlowe and the Sonnets Oxford Junior Encyclopedia Portrait of John De Vere, the Sixteenth Earl of Oxford A Portrait of Shake-speare? (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, p. 119-122) Review of T. L. Adamson‘s Talk ―Plays of Christopher Marlowe‖ (14 Nov. 1956) The Shakespeare Country Shakespeare‘s Anniversary The Third Earl of Southampton SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE Page 8 Page 11 Page 10-11 Page 13-14 Page 8-9 Page 11 Page 8-9 Page 5-6 Page 2 1952, March 1956, Autumn 1952, Sept. 1954, April 1957, Spring 1954, April 1954, Sept. 1953, April 1957, Spring SFE Page 9 SFE Page 8 SFE Page 4-5 1952, Sept. 1954, April 1953, Nov. Leahy, William Shakespeare Question: a suitable subject for academia? DS 2009 Leech, Clifford Hall‘s Chronicle and Shakespeare (from Shakespeare Survey) SFE Page 6 1951, Sept. Lefranc, Abel Letter to Col. Douglas (in French) SFE No. 2: 1-2 1937, March Lemmon, Aaron Letter: Shakespearean essay competition SM Vol. 3/3: 3 2004, Spring Lester, Richard An Alternative Theory of the Oxford Cover-Up Shakespeare‘s Name Why was Venus and Adonis Published? ER ER ER Vol. 7/1: 33-46 Vol. 6/2: 4-14 Vol. 6/1: 67-72 1999, Spring 1998, Autumn 1998, Spring Levitas, Mitchel Letter to Morse Johnson (from the NY Times Review of Books) SON Vol. 27/1: 5 1991, Winter Levin, Mikhail Fortinbras BAR Vol. 2/2: 71-74 1979 Ligon, K. C. Do Oxford‘s Letters Spell Shakespeare? Elizabeth I: did she or didn‘t she? In Loving Memory: Ruth Loyd Miller (1922-2005) and Minos D. Miller (1921-2006) New Book Identifies Sir Henry Neville as the True Bard: The Truth Will Out by Brenda James and William Rubinstein (2005) One Last Gift Review of In Search of Shakespeare by Michael Wood (1985) Review of Players: Mysterious Identify of William Shakespeare by B. Fields (2005) Ruth Loyd Miller, Oxfordian Pioneer, Honored (1922-2005) Who‘s an Amateur? Page 5-11 SM SM SM Vol. 3/2: 1, 15-19 2004, Winter Vol. 6/1: 14-16 2006, Fall Vol. 6/1: 5-7 2006, Fall SM Vol. 5/1: 5-6 2005, Fall OX SM SM Vol. 9: 33-34 Vol. 3/2: 20-21 Vol. 5/1: 12-13+ 2006 2004, Winter 2005, Fall SM SM Vol. 5/1: 6 Vol. 3/1: 21 2005, Fall 2003, Fall Ligon, K. C. and Robert Detobel Francis Meres and the Earl of Oxford BC Vol. I: 97-108 2009 Linett, Peter Letter: Tom Bethel and Oxford win battle hands down in The Atlantic SON Vol. 28/2: 18 1992, Spring Linklater, Kristen Freeing Shakespeare‘s Voice (1992) (excerpts) SON Vol. 29/3a: 14 1993, Summer 80 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Lipman, Carole S. Oxfordian News: Authorship Roundtable Hosts Lectures Oxford and Bruno‘ In England, an Oxfordian Theater Debuts in London Profile: The Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable Review of The Shakespeare Folio Handbook and Census compiled by H. Otness (1990) An Tribute to Delia Bacon Tribute To Dr. S. Colum Gilfillan (1921-1978) Livacari, Gary L. Letter: Paul Altrocchi‘s Malice Aforethought (2010) Letter: Joseph Sobran Letter: recommendation for Price‘s Shakespeare‘s Unorthodox Biography (2001) Letter: remembrance of Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Letter: Rose Bowl parade float of Shakespeare Time to Declare Victory SON Vol. 35/3: 16-18 1999, Fall SSR Issue 1/1: 38-39 SON Vol. 32/4: 19, 24 1987, Fall 1996, Fall SON Vol. 39/2: 3, 16-17 2003, Spring SON Vol. 25/1: 10-11 1989, Winter OX Vol. 12: 4-5 SON Vol. 32/2: 22 SON Vol. 37/2: 17-19 2010 1996, Spring 2001, Summer SON Vol. 37/3: 22 SON Vol. 29/1a: 8 SON Vol. 40/2: 7 2001, Fall 1993, Winter 2004, Spring Llewellyn, Michael The Death of Edward de Vere (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 276-283) My Lord of Oxenford's Maske Review of De Vere is Shakespeare by Dennis Baron (1997) DSN DSN Vol. 2/3: 5-6 DSN Vol. 2/8: 12-13 2003, Feb. 1995, Nov. 1997, Feb. Llewellyn, Sally Hazelton Such Shaping Fantasies? Psychology & the Authorship Debate OX Vol. 4: 143-153 2001 ER Vol. 3/1: 3-20 1995, Spring ER Vol. 2/2: 55-61 1994, Autumn BC Vol. II: 225-226 2010 Londre, Felicia Elizabethan Views of the ―Other‖: French, Spanish, and Russians in Love‘s Labour‘s Lost Review of Italian Drama in Shakespeare‘s Time by Louise George Clubb (1989) Review of The Oxfordian Othello edited by Ren Draya and Richard F. F. Whalen (2010) Looney, J. Thomas Author of ―Shakespeare‖ Identified Comments on Professor Campbell‘s Article in Harpers Lord Oxford and the Shrew Plays, Part 1 (reprinted from Shakespeare Pictorial #93) Lord Oxford and the Shrew Plays, Part 2 (reprinted from Shakespeare Pictorial #94) Shakespeare: A Missing Author, Part 1 (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2: 135-44) Shakespeare: A Missing Author, Part 2 (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2: 144-55) Shakespeare: A Missing Author (excerpt) (reprinted from SFA, Feb., 1941) Shakespeare: A Missing Author (condensed version, reprinted from The New-letter of the Shakespeare Fellowship (American Branch), Vol. II, No. 2 (Feb. 1941) Shakespeare Identified (excerpt) Shakespeare Identified (excerpt) Shakespeare Identified (excerpts) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 218-38) Loosely, N. Annual Dinner 1974 Annual Dinner Letter: the mystery of Lord Oxford‘s grave Review of The Shaking Spear by Brian Flynn Visit to Castle Hedingham 81 SFA Vol. 2/1: 1-3 1940, Dec. AWA Vol. 2: 17-19 1935, Nov. AWA Vol. 2: 20-24 1935, Dec. SFA Vol. 2/2: 13-17 SFA Vol. 2/3: 18-30 Vol. 24/4: 1-7 1941, Feb. 1941, April 1988, Summer SON Vol. 13/1: 1-6 1977, Spring SON Vol. 30/1: 13 SON Vol. 25/1: 9-10 SAR Issue #22: 2-12 1994, Winter 1989, Winter 1969, Chr. SAR SAR SAR SFE SAR 1974, Summer 1973, Summer 1968, Autumn 1956, Spring 1959, Autumn Issue #29: 20 Issue #28: 25 Issue #20: 19-20 Page 10 Issue #2: 12 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Lord Dacre of Glanton Is There a Shakespeare Problem? (a talk given on 27 Jan. 1988) Louther, John John Louther Reports John Louther Reports John Louther Reports: effectiveness of Charles Burford [Ch. Beauclerk] presentations John Louther Reports: from Gad‘s Hill John Louther Reports: Shakespeare on Sesame Street? John Louther Reports: Shakespeare‘s knowledge of Italy Lord Burford‘s Lecture Tour Update Ruth Loyd Miller Discusses the Dramatist in Service of the de Veres Shakespeare‘s Missing Manuscripts: Sequel Status Report: SOS‘s Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Project DSN No. 2: 5-14 1988, April SON Vol. 32/2: 17 SON Vol. 32/4: 17, 23 SON Vol. 31/4: 18-19 1996, Spring 1996, Fall 1995, Autumn SON SON SON SON SON SON SON 1997, Spring 1996, Winter 1997, Winter 1991, Fall 1991, Winter 1989, Fall 1991, Summer Vol. 33/2: 17 Vol. 32/1: 19, 24 Vol. 33/1: 17 Vol. 27/4: 15 Vol. 27/1: 7-9 Vol. 25/4: 2-4 Vol. 27/3: 10 Lovell, Stanley P. Letter: Lyly and Shakespeare SON Vol. 28/2: 17 1992, Spring Low, I. S. Two Gentlemen of Verona and Diana Enamorada SAR Issue #26: 21 1972, Summer Lund, Thomas A. Letter: poem about authorship issue SSN Issue 1/1:03 1991, Feb. Lundskkow, Alice N. Letter: she was won over by Spear Shaker article ―Man Behind the Name‖ SSR Issue 5: 25 1991, Aug. M. H. L. Review of John Russell‘s Talk ―Shakespeare and the Law‖ (6 Dec. 1958) SAR Issue #1: 20-21 1959, Spring MacDonald, John Review of Shakespeare‘s Wooden O by Leslie Hotson (1960) SAR Issue #5: 12-14 1961, Spring MacIntyre, John P. The Shepheardes Calender: Poet‘s progress BAR Vol. 1/3: 73-86 1976 SON Vol. 25/2: 17-19 1989, Spring Mackey, Aurora Shakespeare‘s ‗Outstanding‘ Medical Knowledge (from Washington Post, 3/6/1989) Macrone, Michael Household Words: common and uncommon words coined by Shakespeare Household Words: common and uncommon words coined by Shakespeare, Part II Magri, Noemi Edward de Vere Did Not Build Himself a House in Venice Geographical Exactness in All‘s Well That Ends Well Hamlet‘s ‗The Murder of Gonzago‘ in Contemporary Documents The Influence of Italian Renaissance Art on Shakespeare‘s Works: Titan‘s Barberini Painting: The Pictorial Source of Venus and Adonis (reprinted in GO, p. 79-90) The Italian Legal System in The Merchant of Venice: the single bond Italian Renaissance Art in Shakespeare: Guilio Romano and The Winter‘s Tale (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 50-65) Italianismos in Shakespeare Letter: Hilliard's Miniature of an Unknown Man Letter: Latin motto: attici amois ergo 82 SON Vol. 39/1: 10-11+ 2003, Winter SON Vol. 39/2: 10-11 2003, Spring DSN DSN DSN DSN 2008, June 2007, Feb. 2009, June 2001, Jan. Vol. 15/2: 11-16 Page 16-17 Vol. 16/2: 8-14, 29 Page 2-11 DSN Vol. 16/1: 5-9 DSN 2009, Feb. 2000, July DSN Page 23 DSN Vol. 2/8: 6-7 SON Vol. 34/2: 21 2004, April 1997, Feb. 1998, Summer Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Latin Mottoes on the Title Page of Henry Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna Latin Mottoes on the Title-Page of Henry Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna Letter: Malim‘s article on Bohemia and Winter‘s Tale in the DNS Newsletter, Vol. 15/2 Letter: Henry Peacham‘s works and the authorship issue Letter: Oxford and the Greek church in Venice Letter: Oxford‘s choir-boy Cogno Names in Shakespeare: Ophelia and Othello No Errors in Shakespeare: Historical Truth and the Two Gentlemen of Verona (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 66-78) Orazio v. Nelson Othello‘s House on the Sagittary; Shakespeare‘s Familiarity With the Streets of Venice Places in Shakespeare: Belmont and thereabouts (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 91-106) Puntarvolo or Puntaruolo? Report from Italy Shakespeare and Italian Renaissance Painting: 3 wanton pictures in Taming of Shrew Shakespeare and the Ships of the Venetian Republic Shakespeare‘s Illyria and Bohemia - notes to the June 2007 Issue Shakespeare‘s Illyria and Bohemia: Oxford‘s Journey in the Adriatic Shakespeare‘s Knowledge of Illrian Rulers: Duke Orsino and Twelfth Night The Three sistes of Mantua: a known history and an unknown play The Venetial Inquisition Inquiry into Orazio Cuoco (1577) (reprinted in GO, p. 45-49) ER Vol. 7/1: 65-69 DSN Vol. 3/3: 4-6 DSN Vol. 15/3: 27-28 1999, Spring 1999, May 2008, Oct. SON DSN SON DSN DSN 1999, Spring 2003, Sept. 2001, Spring 1999, Aug. 1998, May Vol. 35/1: 21-22 Page 27 Vol. 37/1: 21 Vol. 3/4: 10-11 Vol. 2/12: 9-22 DSN Page 6 DSN Vol. 17/1: 8-10 2006, April 2010, Feb. DSN Page 6 2003, June DSN Page 4 DSN Vol. 2/9: 9-10 DSN Page 4-12 2006, April 1997, June 2005, May DSN DSN DSN DSN 2011, March 2007, Oct. 2007, June 2008, March Vol. 18/1: 11-13 Page 31-32 Page 6-11 Vol. 15/1: 5-11 DSN Page 13 DSN Page 2 2005, Dec. 2002, Jan./Feb. Mahon, John W. Letter: Monstrous Adversary by Alan Nelson (2003) SM Vol. 3/4: 08 2004, Summer Malcolm, Sundra G. M.O.A.I. Unriddled: Anatomy of an Oxfordian Reading SM Vol. 7/1: 24-25 2007, Fall DSN DSN GO DSN DSN DSN DSN DSN DSN GO DSN SON DSN DSN DSN GO GO DSN SON DSN Page 31 Page 11-16 Page 296-298 Page 20 Page 12 Page 11-16 Vol. 2/7: 17-18 Page 7 Vol. 18/1: 14-15 Page 208-211 Vol. 16/2: 34 Vol. 34/2: 21 Vol. 2/12: 2-4 2001, July 2007, June 2004 2001, July 2001, Jan. 2003, Sept. 1996, Dec. 2005, Dec. 2011, March 2004 2009, June 1998, Summer 1998, May 2000, May 2008, June 2004 2004 2011, Nov. 2003, Autumn 2006, April Malim, Richard 1588-1591: When Shakespeare Did Not Write The Arte of English Poetry as a Dating Tool Blackfriars Theatre, 1608 Criticism: Giordano Bruno (reprinted in Great Oxford) Deconstructing Groatsworth Did Oxford Know Ronsard? (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 16-21) Eric Sams The Fallacy of Selectivity in Caricature The Farmer That Hanged Himself (a phrase in Macbeth) Giordano Bruno How Sidney Helps Date Shakespeare‘s Plays Letter: Sisson‘s article and Mr.Shaksper More on EVER THE FORTH Most, Most of Me Belou‘d No Mistakes in Shakespeare: a return to Bohemia Oxford the Actor Oxford‘s View of Shakespeare Percy and Malone Professor Wells and the Silver Bullet Question Review of 1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare by James Shapiro (2005) Review of Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare by James Shapiro (2010) Review of Pseudonymous Shakespeare by Penny McCarthy (2006) 83 Vol. 15/2: 29-31 Page 212-222 Page 247-252 Vol. 18/3: 18-21 Vol. 39/4: 17, 20 Page 22 DSN Vol. 17/2: 22-26 2010, Aug. DSN Page 19 2006, July Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Malim, Richard (continued) Review of Shadowplay: Hidden Beliefs of William Shakespeare DSN by Asquith (2005) Review of Shakespeare and Company by Stanley Wells (2006) DSN Review of Shakespeare and His Authors, ed. by William Leahy (2010) DSN Review of Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson, ed. by Kozuka and DSN Mulryne (2006) Review of Shakespeare Revealed by Rene Weis (2007) DSN Review of Shakespeare the Thinker by Anthony D. Nuttall (2007) DSN Review of Shakespeare, the Biography by Peter Ackroyd (2006) DSN Review of Shakespeare‘s Melancholics by W. I. D. Scott (1962) DSN Review of Soul of the Age by Jonathan Bate (2008) DSN Review of The de Vere Code, by Jonathan Bond (2009) DSN Review of The Lame Storyteller: Poor and Despised by DSN Peter R. Moore (2009) Review of Will in the World by Stephen Greenblatt (2004) DSN Shapiro Revisited: Contested Will by James Shapiro (2010) DSN The Spanish Maze GO Summary of the Stratford-upon-Avon Conference, 28th June 2008 DSN The Two Noble Kinsmen DSN Why Another Book on Oxford‘s Life DSN Wolf, Cormorant or Headless Pig: Shakspere's London Career From 1599 DSN Page 29 2006, Nov. Page 23 Vol. 17/2: 26-27 Page 35-36 2007, Feb. 2010, Aug. 2007, Oct. Vol. 15/1: 30-31 Page 33-34 Page 18 Vol. 16/1: 24-26 Vol. 17/1: 29-30 Vol. 17/1: 13-14 2008, March 2007, Oct. 2005, Dec. 2004, April 2009, Feb. 2010, Feb. 2010, Feb. Page 21-22 Vol. 17/3: 28-29 Page 284-288 Vol. 15/3: 7-09 Vol. 18/2: 6-12 Vol. 18/3: 29-30 Vol. 2/10: 4-7 2005, Jan. 2010, Nov. 2004 2008, Oct. 2011, July 2011, Nov. 1997, Oct. SON Vol. 45/3: 14-17 2009, Dec. Manwell, Margaret K. An Unconsidered Trifle Snapped Up SON Vol. 5/4: 6-9 1969, Dec. 10 Manzo, Fred W. Never Be Certain of Anything, It‘s a Sign of Weakness Who Was Joseph Hall‘s Labeo SON Vol. 28/3: 1-3 ER Vol. 3/2: 53-59 1992, Summer 1995, Autumn Marcus, Michael Letter: contents of Volume 11 OX 2010 Malim, Richard; Gilvary; Cleave Reports on Conference: ―Shakespeare: From Rowe to Shapiro‖ reprinted from The Globe, London: 28 Nov. 2009 Marder, Louis; Rhoda Messner Marder‘s Responses to Readers‘ Challenges and Rebuttal by Messner, 1 (from The Shakespeare Newsletter, 1963) Marder‘s Responses to Readers‘ Challenges and Rebuttal by Messner, 2 (from The Shakespeare Newsletter, 1963) Marder‘s Responses to Readers‘ Challenges and Rebuttal by Messner, 3 (from The Shakespeare Newsletter, 1963) Vol. 12: 005-005 SON Vol. 12/3: 6-8 1976, Fall SON Vol. 12/4: 3-6 1976, Winter SON Vol. 13/1: 8-10 1977, Spring Marlow, Stuart Bringing Oxford in From the Margins/Marshes: a new Stratfordianism SON Vol. 41/3: 19-20+ 2005, Summer Insights on Shakespeare‘s Sources Fuel Lively Debate at Concordia Sem. SM Vol. 4/4: 34-36 2005, Summer Martyn, Kathleen Thomas Aitken: a memoir (d. 1958) SFE Page 4 1958, Spring Mason, Hugh L.; A. Pointon The Problem of a Stratford-Born Shakespeare DSN Page 26 2005, Sept. Mason, Jacquelyn L. Collage: Oxford Peering Out From Behind a Mask of Shaksper SSR Issue 1/1: backcvr. 1987, Fall Mason, Jacquelyn L. Letter: Richard Desper‘s article on Twelfth Night in ER, Spring 1995 84 ER Vol. 3/2: 3 1995, Autumn Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Letter: word usage in Axiochus Shall I Die? Shall I Fly?: An Early Poem by Oxford? DSN Vol. 15/1: 23-24 SSR Issue 1/1: 2-5 2008, March 1987, Fall Mason, Una Letter: correspondence with Charlton Ogburn SON Vol. 38/1: 22 2002, Winter Massey, Gerald Shakespeare (a tribute to the bard from about 1866) SFQ Vol. VII/1: 19 1946, Jan. May, Steven W. Lord Oxford Sues for a Patent of Monopoly The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford as Poet and Playwright SON Vol. 21/4: 1-2 1985, Fall TLR Vol. 72/1: 221-254 2004, Fall McCullough, David Forward to Ogburn‘s The Mysterious William Shakespeare SON Vol. 20/3: 2-3 1984, Summer McFee, William Marlowe as Stratfordian Decoy (excerpt from letter in NY Herald Tribune, Jan 1956) SFE Page 12 1956, Spring McGeoch, I. L. Review of Shakespeare and the Sea by A. F. Falconer (1964) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 170-172) SAR Issue #14: 10-11 1965, Autumn SON Vol. 38/1: 8, 24 2002, Winter OX Vol. 12: 65-74 2010 SM Vol. 6/1: 17-21 2006, Fall McGrath, Craig Orson the Oxfordian: Orson Welles‘s Shakespearean pursuits McIntosh, P. D. The Fable of the Belly: a reassessment of the date of composition of Coriolanus McKay, Daniel The Persona of the Courtly Poet in the Sonnets McKee, James The Making of a Man SSR Issue 5: 18-19 Open Letter to Margaret Webster, Author of Shakespeare Without Tears SFA Vol. 4/1: 09 1991, Aug. 1942, Dec. McLatchie, Linda B. Could Shaksper Have Known of ―Lanternes Des Morts‖? De Vere and the Battle of Bosworth (and editor‘s addendum) Oxford and Anamorphic Art Possible Link Between 1623 Folio and De Vere (watermarks) Oxford and Anamorphic Art 1990, Spring 1993, Fall 1992, Spring 1993, Winter 1992, Spring McNeil, Alex Anonymous Dramatizes the Authorship Question As You Like It: is Touchstone vs. William the first authorship story? . . . But Not Shakespeare: absence of evidence or evidence of absence? Elliott Stone (1931-2010) From Carmel: The President‘s Message From the President Joseph Sobran (1946-2010) Letter: response to Stephani Hughes‘ Letter about As You Like It Review of Dissing Elizabeth by Julia M. Walker (1998) Visit to Yale‘s ―Searching for Shakespeare‖ Exhibit What to the Oxfordians Think? What‘s In a ‗Nym?: pseudonyms, heteronyms and the case of Fernando Pessa Who Will Believe My Verse? 85 SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 26/2: 2 Vol. 29/4: 4-7 Vol. 28/2: 5-6 Vol. 29/1a: 11 Vol. 28/2: 5-6 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SON SM SM SM Vol. 10/4: 3, 32 2011, Fall Vol. 2/3: 1, 14-22 2003, Spring Vol. 10/2: 1, 21-23 2011, Spring Vol. 10/1: 6 2011, Winter Vol. 7/1: 3, 6, 31 2007, Fall Vol. 3/2: 7 2004, Winter Vol. 10/1: 28 2011, Winter Vol. 2/4: 3 2003, Summer Vol. 36/2: 18-19+ 2000, Summer Vol. 6/1: 28-30 2006, Fall Vol. 8/3: 6, 15, 18+ 2009, Summer Vol. 2/2: 16-20 2003, Winter SM Vol. 3/4: 3 2004, Summer Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title McNeil, Alex; M. Cossolotto Oxfordian-of-the-year Award Presented to Justice Stevens Merkel, Marie Ben Jonson & The Tempest: ―The Copie may be Mistaken for the Principall‖ Letter: additional thoughts on The Tempest Titus Andronicus and The Treasonous House of Howard SON Vol. 45/3: 1 2009, Dec. SON Vol. 45/2: 15-21 2009, Sept. SON Vol. 46/1: 23 OX Vol. 12: 76-93 2010, May 2010 Merriam, Thomas Henry VIII and the Integrity of the First Folio What Shakespeare Wrote in Henry VIII: Part One What Shakespeare Wrote in Henry VIII: Part Two BAR Vol. 3/2: 69-73 1981 BAR Vol. 2/3: 39-70 1979 BAR Vol. 2/4: 111-118 1980 Merry, Mary Jane Letter SSR Issue 3/4: 17-18 Messner, Rhoda How I Became an Oxfordian SON Vol. 19/2: 2-3 Notes on Two Noteworthy Books: The Annotator by Alan Keen and SON Vol. 17/1: 4-5 Roger Lubbock (1954) and The Case for Shakespeare‘s Authorship of ―The Famous Victories‖ by Seymour Pitcher (1961) Messner, Rhoda; Louis Marder Marder‘s Responses to Readers‘ Challenges and Rebuttal by Messner, 1 (from The Shakespeare Newsletter, 1963) Marder‘s Responses to Readers‘ Challenges and Rebuttal by Messner, 2 (from The Shakespeare Newsletter, 1963) Marder‘s Responses to Readers‘ Challenges and Rebuttal by Messner, 3 (from The Shakespeare Newsletter, 1963) 1991, May 1983, Spring 1981, Spring SON Vol. 12/3: 6-8 1976, Fall SON Vol. 12/4: 3-6 1976, Winter SON Vol. 13/1: 8-10 1977, Spring Metternich, Hilary Roe In Memory of Richard Roe (d. 2010) SON Vol. 47/1: 22-23 2011, Jan. Mez, John R. Gascoigne and De Vere (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 135-137) Informative Booklets Letter: books by William Kittle Letter: comments on Hilda Amphlett‘s book Who Was Shakespeare? Letter: correction of an error Letter: kingdom and grave News From Switzerland The Poet With a Speare (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 138-140) Review of George Gascoigne, or Edward de Vere by Wil. Kittle (1930) Review of Shakespeare‘s Farewell, a pamphlet by Gw. Bowen (1951) Review of This Star of England by Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn (1952) SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE 1954, Sept. 1953, Nov. 1954, April 1955, Autumn 1956, Spring 1956, Autumn 1952, March 1955, Autumn 1952, Sept. 1952, March 1953, April Michell, John Extract from an article in The Oldie Magazine DSN Vol. 2/3: 7 1995, Nov. Miller, Eric Dating Sonnet 107: Shakespeare and the ―mortal Moone‖ OX 2006 Miller, Jr., Judge Minos D. Address to the Shakespearean Authorship Society at the Conference to Celebrate the Society‘s 50th Anniversary (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 322-331) The Dating of The Tempest and ―Ostler v. Hemings‖ 86 Page 9-10 Page 10-11 Page 15 Page 11-12 Page 12 Page 11 Page 9 Page 7-8 Page 3-4 Page 10 Page 7-8 Vol. 9: 67-80 SAR Issue #27: 1-8 1972, Winter SON Vol. 24/2: 06-8 1988, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Miller, Ruth Loyd The Ashbourne Goes To Court (reprinted from Oxfordian Vistas) The Crown Signature: an enigma awaiting time‘s solution Letter from the Millers to SOS Members Oaths Foresworn in Love‘s Labour‘s Lost Milward, Peter Review of Catholic Loyalism in Elizabethan England by Arnold Pritchard Shakespeare and the Religious Controversies of His Time AWA SM SON OX Vol. 5: 392-401 Vol. 5/1: 9, 28-29 Vol. 32/2: 21 Vol. 9: 35-50 1975 2005, Fall 1996, Spring 2006 BAR Vol. 4/1: 22-25 1983 BAR Vol. 1/2: 65-72 1976 Mitchell, John Letter: anagrams and the authorship issue SON Vol. 34/3: 25 1998, Fall Mixter, Clara Obituary of Mr. Fowler‘s Daughter, Mrs. Clara Mixter (excerpts) SON Vol. 29/1a: 4 1993, Winter Moffat, David Letter: lack of evidence for the Stratford man Letter: Whittemore‘s The Monument (2005) Some Principles of Sonnet Dedication Solutions SM SM SM 2009, Summer 2005, Summer 2006, Summer Mollow, Benjamin R. Knyvet, King of Cats SON Vol. 24/4: 14 1988, Summer DSN Vo. 1: 4-6 1988, Jan. ER SON SON SON SON SON BC AA SON SON SON ER ER SON SON Vol. 5/2: 24-60 Vol. 24/3: 7-9 Vol. 26/3a: 7-10 Vol. 26/1: 11-13 Vol. 30/2a: 1-2 Vol. 40/1: 1, 15-22 Vol. I: 141-154 Page 15-20 Vol. 26/2: 12-15 Vol. 27/3: 8-10 Vol. 27/4: 5-9 Vol. 2/2: 19-22 Vol. 3/2: 4-10 Vol. 31/3: 17-22 Vol. 34/2: 21 1997, Autumn 1988, Summer 1990, Summer 1990, Winter 1994, Spring 2004, Winter 2009 1989 1990, Spring 1991, Summer 1991, Fall 1994, Autumn 1995, Autumn 1995, Summer 1998, Summer SON SON SON AA SON SON SON ER SON DSN SON SON SON SON Vol. 25/3: 9-12 Vol. 24/4: 7-8 Vol. 26/4: 9-13 Page 23-29 Vol. 32/2: 1, 8-11 Vol. 31/2b: 7-10 Vol. 25/4: 8-11 Vol. 1/1: 58-60 Vol. 24/3: 5 Vol. 17/1: 14-18 Vol. 29/1a: 12-17 Vol. 25/1: 4-5 Vol. 26/2: 2-3 Vol. 24/1: 3 1989, Summer 1988, Summer 1990, Fall 1996 1996, Spring 1995, Spring 1989, Fall 1993, Spring 1988, Summer 2010, Feb. 1993, Winter 1989, Winter 1990, Spring 1988, Winter Moody, Patrick Review of Elizabeth Appleton's Lecture ―Edward de Vere: Man of Mystery‖ (Oct. 14, 1987) Moore, Peter R. The Abysm of Time: the chronology of Shakespeare‘s plays Ben Johnson‘s ―On Poet-Ape‖ Claremont McKenna College‘s Shakespeare Clinic Dating Shakespeare‘s Sonnets 78 to 100 The Demolition of Shakspere‘s Signature Demonography 101: Alan Nelson‘s Monstrous Adversary (2003) Epicurean Time in Macbeth Essex, the Rival Poet of Shake-speare‘s Sonnets (1989) Every Word Doth Almost Tell My Name The Fable of the World, Twice Told (Part 1) The Fable of the World, Twice Told (Part 2) Kill, Kill, Kill The Lame Storyteller, Poor and Despised The Lame Storyteller, Poor and Despised Letter: praise for Ogburn‘s reticence about expressing political opinions in his work Masked Adonis and Stained Purple Robes Neglected Praise of the Earl of Oxford The Order of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Oxford and the Order of the Garter (1996) Oxford, the Order of The Garter, and Shame Response to Alan Nelson‘s ―Oxford in Venice‖ The Rival Poet of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Shake-hyphen-speare Shakespeare‘s Astronomy The Stella Cover-Up The Stella Cover-Up Suffolk‘s Head and Royal Behavior The Symbolism of Iago‘s Name A Theory on the Rival Poet of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets 87 Vol. 8/3: 2 Vol. 4/4: 2-4 Vol. 5/4: 18-20 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Moore, Peter R. (continued) A Theory on The Two Noble Kinsmen Stratfordians Prove the Bard Had a University Degree The Tempest and the Bermuda Shipwreck of 1609 SON Vol. 24/1: 9-11 SON Vol. 30/4: 1-3 SON Vol. 32/3: 6 1988, Winter 1994, Autumn 1996, Summer Morgan, E. Letter: Shakespeare's remarkable knowledge of Italy SFE No. 7: 9-10 1938, Jan. Morton, Peter Review of De Vere is Shakespeare by Dennis Baron (1997) ER 1998, Autumn Mosher, Sally Dueling Stylometricians: Shahan vs. Elliott Letter: comments on Stephanie Hopkins Hughes‘s article ―Oxford‘s Childnood‖ Letter: the Shahan-Elliott debate at Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable Music Named for Edward de Vere Was William Byrd‘s The Battell Composed for the Theatre? William Byrd‘s Battle and the Earl of Oxford Moskovich, Irina Letter: Shakespeare and the 6th Earl of Derby and Mary Sidney Mucci, John Review of Alias Shakespeare by Joseph Sobran (1997) Review of CD: The Food of Love: Words and Music for Shakespeare‘s Theater by the Gesualdo Consort (1996) Review of Rogues, Vagabonds and Sturdy Beggars, edited by Arthur F. Kinney (1990) Munday, Anthony The Paine of Pleasure N. U. J. Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Talk ―Towards an Oxfordian Chronology‖ (5 Mar. 1960) Vol. 6/2: 84-87 SM Vol. 7/3: 5, 14, 32 2008, Spring SON Vol. 42/2: 9 2006, Spring OX SON ER OX Vol. 10: 162-163 Vol. 32/3: 18, 23 Vol. 3/1: 32-36 Vol. 1: 43-52 2007 1996, Summer 1995, Spring 1998 SM Vol. 7/1: 2, 31 2007, Fall ER ER Vol. 5/1: 59-61 Vol. 6/2: 88-89 1997, Spring 1998, Autumn ER Vol. 6/2: 79-84 1998, Autumn OX Vol. 5: 100-118 2002 SAR Issue #4: 14 1960, Autumn Nash, Paul N. Letter: Caesar and Brutus – father and son Letter: Joseph Sobran SON Vol. 35/2: 26-27 SON Vol. 32/3: 21 1999, Summer 1996, Summer Nashe, Jr., Tom First Play Presenting Oxford as ―Shakespeare‖ SFA Vol. 1/5: 12 1940, Aug./Sept. Nelson, Alan H. Oxford in Venice: new light on an old question Stratford Si! Essex No! (An Open-and-Shut Case) SON Vol. 31/2b: 1-6 1995, Spring TLR Vol. 72/1: 149-169 2004, Fall Nelson, Alan H. and Paul Altrocchi Roscius Annotation Revisited: Epicurean discovery or ambiguous tidbit? SON Vol. 43/2: 2, 9-13 2007, Spring Nelson, Paul A. Only Portrait of William Shakspere of Stratford Published During His Lifetime: In Henry Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna (1612) Walt Whitman [and others] On Shakespeare Nelson, Donald Frederick Schurink‘s Discovery of a Century 88 SSR Issue 5: 1-14 1991, Aug. SON Vol. 28/4a: 1-4 1992, Fall SON Vol. 44/2: 10-11 2008, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Neumann, Arthur F. Unravelling a Bit of The Mysterious William Shakespeare SON Vol. 23/1: 5-6 1987, Winter SFA Vol. 1/2: 4-5 1940, Feb. SFA Vol. 3/4: 54 1942, June SON Vol. 24/4: 10-11 SON Vol. 28/2: 4 1988, Summer 1992, Spring SON Vol. 31/4: 3 1995, Autumn Newett, G. Nele Letter: Chettle‘s Apology SAR Issue #26: 19 1972, Summer Nicholas, Francis L. Letter: the virgin queen Letter: This Star of England SFE Page 12 SFE Page 12-13 1953, Nov. 1954, April TLR Vol. 72/1: 67-92 2004, Fall SM Vol. 1/4: 2 DSN Vol. 18/3: 26-27 2002, Summer 2011, Nov. AWA Vol. 1: 121-127 1935 SON Vol. 41/4: 23 2005, Fall O‟Brien, Patrick and Eddi Jolly Dating the Plays: Hamlet (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 180-195 The Writing of Hamlet GO GO 2004 2004 O‟Brien, Patrick Shakespeare and Cambridge DSN Vol. 16/3: 9-13 2009, Nov. DSN Page 19 2001, July GO 2004 New York Sun The Roentgen Shakespeare (reprinted from NY Sun, Dec. 16, 1939) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 85-86) Shakespeare‘s Day (excerpts from editorial in NY Sun, April 23, 1942) New York Times Bard on Trial Again, And Again He Wins (11/27/1988) (excerpts) Obituary of Dr. Peter Sammartino (3/30/92) (excerpts) New Yorker Martin Luther at Elsinore? (The New Yorker Airs a Bizarre Dispute Over Hamlet) Niederkorn, William S. Jumping O‘er Times: the importance of lawyers and judges in the controversy over the identity of Shakespeare, as reflected in the pages of the New York Times Letter: NY Times article The Shakespeare Chronology Recalibrated (excerpt) of review of Dating Shakespeare‘s Plays edited by Kevin Gilvary, reprinted from the Brooklyn Rail) Noble, Richard Shakespeare‘s Biblical Knowledge (excerpt: Chapter 5) Norwood, James Oxfordian News: Peter Dawkins Discusses The Shakespeare Enigma at University of Minnesota O‟Brian, Patrick and Eddi Jolly Shakespeare‘s Sources and Sir Thomas Smith‘s Library (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 22-25) Shakespeare‘s Sources Continued: Lord Burghley‘s Library O‟Brien, Robert Letter: Misc. items Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Comments on an article in The New Yorker by John McCabe of NYU Costly Consequences of the Moot Court at American University Emerson, Delia Bacon and the Shakespeare Problem Folger Library Forfeits $10,000 Rather Than Assist in Trial of Shakespeare‘s Identity 89 p. 169-179 p. 180-195 Page 26-30 SSN Issue 1/1: 2-3 1991, Feb. SON DSN SON SON 1966, Mar. 30 1988, Jan. 1987, Spring 1986, Summer Vol. 2/1: 2 No. 1: 23-29 Vol. 23/2: 1-4 Vol. 22/3: 1-3 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Ogburn, Jr., Charlton (continued) Foreword from This Star of England by Dorothy and Ch. Ogburn, Sr. Foreword (excerpt) from This Star of England by Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn, Sr. If Thou Read This . . . Letter Letter: appreciation for Florence Sheppard‘s review of This Star of England Letter: comments on recent articles by Stritmatter and Goldstein Letter: congratulations to Anderson and Stritmatter for terrific article on Shakespeare‘s bible Letter: Diana Price‘s article in Elizabethan Review, Vol. 4/2 and the Tudor Rose Theory Letter: excerpts from his Letter to the SOS about the Sonnets Letter: in response to errors made by Werner Gundersheimer Letter: Oxfordian articles in Das Shakespeare-Komplott; Oxford taught in Geneva Letter: reaction to the 1987 Moot Court Trial article Letter: response to David Kathman‘s attack on The Mysterious William Shakespeare Letter to Editor of Reader‘s Digest in response to article by Leo Rosten ―The Shakespeare Nobody Knows‖ Letter to Judge Wheaton: thanks for your most valued support Letter to the NY Times challenging statements by Honegiman Letter to the NY Times re the article by E. A. J. Honigman The Mysterious William Shakespeare (excerpt) The Mysterious William Shakespeare, 2nd Edition (excerpts) A New Edition of Oxford‘s Poems: A Review of The Poems of and of Robert Devereux by Steven W. May Edward de Vere (1981) Oxford and the Avon Oxford Makes It To Prime Time! Paper read at the 1991 SOS Meeting at Palm Beach, Florida (excerpts) The Piquant Genealogy of Sir John Falstaff President‘s Message Professor May on Oxford‘s Annuity: a response by Charlton Ogburn The Quest for Shakespeare‘s Manuscripts Reprint of his letter to the Washington Post Shakespeare and the Fair Youth Shakespeare on Television Shakespeare‘s Self-Portrait (summary of the case presented in The Mysterious William Shakespeare) Some ―Facts‖ and Fancies Invented by Professor James A. D. Boyle For His Brief as Counsel for Will. Shakspere in the Debate Sept. 15, 1987 Before Three United States Supreme Court Justices Television Documentary on Shakespeare Controversy to be Broadcast This Star of England: some historical notes on its publication and authors Turning of the Tide in the Shakespeare Authorship Controversy? Ogburn, Sr., Charlton Excerpt from Shakespeare Cross Examination (1961) Ogburn, Sr., Charlton; Dorothy Ogburn The Renaissance Man of England (excerpt beginning on page 42) This Star of England: The Prince Tudor Theory (1952) (excerpt The True Shakespeare: England‘s Great and Complete Man (from the American Bar Association Journal, Sept., 1959) SON Vol. 24/3: 1-5 BC Vol. III: 0-7 1988, Summer 2011, Fall SON Vol. 20/3: 3-6 SSR Issue 3/4: 17 SON Vol. 32/1: 23 1984, Summer 1991, May 1996, Winter SON Vol. 26/3a: 5-6 SON Vol. 33/1: 21 1990, Summer 1997, Winter ER 1997, Spring Vol. 5/1: 6-9 SON Vol. 32/4: 7 SON Vol. 30/4: 8 SON Vol. 32/3: 21 1996, Fall 1994, Autumn 1996, Summer SON Vol. 33/4: 23-24 ER Vol. 5/2: 16-21 1997, Fall 1997, Autumn SON Vol. 22/4: 11-12 1986, Fall SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 25/3: 7 Vol. 28/2: 16-17 Vol. 28/2: 16 Vol. 30/1: 12 Vol. 31/1a: 1-2 Vol. 18/1: 13-15 1989, Summer 1992, Spring 1992, Spring 1994, Winter 1995, Winter 1982, Winter SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 19/4: 5-7 Vol. 23/1: 4 Vol. 27/4: 1-2 Vol. 29/3a: 7 Vol. 12/3: 1-3 Vol. 22/2: 7-8 Vol. 14/3: 1-3 Vol. 32/3: 2 Vol. 33/3: 4, 12 Vol. 15/1: 1-3 Vol. 28/4b: 1-11 1983, Fall 1987, Winter 1991, Fall 1993, Summer 1976, Fall 1986, Spring 1978, Summer 1996, Summer 1997, Summer 1979, Winter 1992, Fall SON Vol. 24/2: 1-5 1988, Spring SON Vol. 25/1: 5-6 SON Vol. 32/3: 3, 24 SON Vol. 30/3a: 2-6 1989, Winter 1996, Summer 1994, Summer SON Vol. 30/2a: 10-11 1994, Spring AWA Vol. 4: 325-340 AWA Vol. 4: 383-414 AWA Vol. 4: 360-382 1947 1952 1959, Sept. Ogburn, Dorothy Authorship of True Tragedie of Edward the Second (reprinted in AWA, SAR Issue #18: 08-11 Vol. 5, p. 245-49) 90 1967, Autumn Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Letter: Sonnets‘ dedication Letter: Stratfordian difficulties in seeing that the introduction to First Folio is a hoax The Wounded Name of Truth SAR Issue #22: 20-21 SAR Issue #24: 22-23 1969, Chr. 1971, Spring SFQ Vol. VI/4: 61-62 1945, Oct. AWA Vol. 4: 325-340 AWA Vol. 4: 383-414 1947 1952 AWA Vol. 4: 360-382 1959, Sept. Ogburn, Vera Letter to Society Members in Memory of Charlton Ogburn, Jr. SON Vol. 35/3: 4 1999, Fall Ogilvie, John Comments on John Rollett's article on Shakespeare's Sonnets DSN Vol. 2/11: 23 1998, Feb. Ohmann, Richard Letters to Warren Hope SON Vol. 27/1: 1 1991, Winter SON Vol. 26/4: 8-9 1990, Fall SON Vol. 30/2a: 2 1994, Spring Olds, Nathaniel S. Revisions May Have to be Made in English Literature Textbooks (reprinted from The Villager) SFQ Vol. VII/1: 13 1946, Jan. Ostrowski, Don Review of Dating Shakespeare‘s Plays: A Critical Review of the Evidence edited by Kevin Gilvary (2010) BC 2011, Fall Ogburn, Dorothy; Charlton Ogburn, Sr. The Renaissance Man of England (excerpt beginning on page 42) This Star of England: The Prince Tudor Theory (1952) (excerpt beginning page 817) True Shakespeare, The: England‘s Great and Complete Man (from the American Bar Association Journal, Sept., 1959) Oldenburg, Don Professor Samuel Schoenbaum Recants (reprinted from Washington Post, 4/17/90) Shakespeare‘s Raging Identity (from Washington Post, May 17, 1994) Vol. III: 246-257 Page, Martin R. Letter: information wanted for a life of J. M. Robertson SAR Issue #20: 21 1968, Autumn Paget, Verily Anderson Letter: common and uncommon words Letter: praise for Diana Price‘s article in ER, Vol. 4/2 SON Vol. 39/4: 20 ER Vol. 5/1: 6 2003, Autumn 1997, Spring DSN 2001, Oct. Parisious, Roger Nyle Accusing Voices Beyond the Grave: the evidence of Robert Greene and George Buc Occultist Influence on the Authorship Controversy Postscript to the Tudor Rose Theory ER ER Vol. 6/1: 9-43 Vol. 6/2: 90-93 1998, Spring 1998, Autumn Pataki, Ronald Letter: Oxford dividing his personality between characters in his plays SAR Issue #29: 20 1974, Summer Pate, Karen Letter: appreciation of website Letter: History Mystery activity SM SM 2006, Winter 2007, Fall Patience, Harold W. The Ashbourne Portrait A Book of Interest to Oxfordians (Elizabethan Life: Wills of Essex Gentry and Merchants by F. G. Emmison, 1978) A Book of Interest to Oxfordians (The Fighting Veres by Clements Markham, 1888) 91 Vol. 5/2: 2 Vol. 7/1: 31 SON Vol. 19/3: 1-2 SON Vol. 14/4: 2-3 1983, Summer 1978, Fall SON Vol. 15/2: 8 1979, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Patience, Harold W. (continued) Books on Elizabethan Life: Elizabethan Life: Wills of Essex Gentry and Yeomen by F. G. Emmison (1980) The Born Descendant A Call For Action Earls Colne and Castle Hedingham (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 272-3) The Francis Beaumont Poem Henslowe‘s Diary Letter: a pre-conquest Earl of Oxford Letter: Castle Hedingham and Earls Colne Letter: mystery of Lord Oxford‘s grave Letter: mystery of Lord Oxford‘s grave Letter: Northumberland Manuscript Letter: only one reference to Stratford in the First Folio; are perhaps the manuscripts inside the monument? Letter: Shakespeare and ―Authority‖ (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 214-215) Letter: Shakespearean chronology Letter: similarities between phrases in Oxford‘s letters and in the plays Letter: Sir John Harington on Oxford‘s Echo Poem Lord Oxford‘s Son-in-Law A Monumental Mystery The Mysterious Swan of Avon The Mystery of the Dugdale Engraving New Books of Interest to Oxfordians Note on the 16th Earl of Oxford (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 294) Only Oxford could Have Written These Masterpieces (reprinted from Braintree &Witham Times, July 27, 1973) Oxford‘s Holding in Warwickshire Oxfordian Echoes Oxfordian Echoes Oxfordian Echoes in Hamlet The Second Printing of the Sonnets Shakespeare and Colchester A Significant Eulogy The Sonnets on Television Topical Allusions in King John (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 168-169) Triumphant at the Battle of Twekesbury, King Edward Exclaims: ―Away With Oxford to Hames Castle Straight!‖ The Water Bearer Paul, Christopher A Crisis of Scholarship: misreading the Earl of Oxford The Earl of Oxford‘s Office . . . Illuminated A First Blast of the Trumpet Against [Nelson‘s] The Monstrous Adversary (2003) Letter: Altrocchi‘s article ―Bermoothes: An Intriguing Enigma‖ Letter: dating of and the painter of the Ashbourne portrait Letter: Derran Charlton‘s article Pardon of King James I of Henry Wriothesley Letter: Paul Streitz‘s book Oxford, Son of Queen Elizabeth 1 (2001) Letter: Prince Tudor theory and name of the 1 st Earl of Oxford Letter: response to comments by Richard Whalen on the death of Edward de Vere Letter: Wilton Shakespeare shrine A Monument Without a Tomb: the mystery of Oxford‘s death A New Letter by J. T. Looney Brought to Light Oxford, Hamlet, and the Pirates: the naked truth The Prince Tudor Dilemma: hip thesis, hypothesis, or old wives‘ tale? Review of Oxford, Son of Queen Elizabeth by Paul Streitz (2001) Review of Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom by Charles Beauclerk (2010) 92 SON Vol. 21/2: 2 1985, Spring SON SON SAR SON SON SAR SAR SAR SAR SAR SAR Vol. 14/1: 3-4 Vol. 22/1: 6-8 Issue #20: 10-11 Vol. 20/1+2: 8-9 Vol. 12/4: 2-3 Issue #12: 22 Issue #24: 23 Issue #19: 21-22 Issue #21: 21 Issue #10: 22 Issue #11: 21 1978, Winter 1986, Winter 1968, Autumn 1984, Spring 1976, Winter 1964, Autumn 1971, Spring 1968, Autumn 1969, Spring 1963, Autumn 1964, Spring SAR SAR SAR SAR SON SON SON SON SON SAR SON Issue #16: 28-29 Issue #21: 20-21 Issue #25: 19-20 Issue #14: 21-22 Vol. 17/2: 2-5 Vol. 21/1: 2 Vol. 20/1+2: 2-3 Vol. 17/1: 7-9 Vol. 14/3: 3 Issue #23: 4 Vol. 11/1: 7-8 1966, Autumn 1969, Spring 1971, Autumn 1965, Autumn 1981, Summer 1985, Winter 1984, Spring 1981, Spring 1978, Summer 1970, Summer 1975, Winter SON SAR DSN SON SON SON SON SON SAR SON Vol. 19/1: 12 Issue #26: 14-16 No. 3: 70-73 Vol. 19/3: 5-10 Vol. 19/4: 7-8 Vol. 13/3: 8-10 Vol. 21/3: 1 Vol. 21/1: 2-3 Issue #14: 8 Vol. 11/1: 10 1983, Winter 1972, Summer 1988, Aug. 1983, Summer 1983, Fall 1977, Fall 1985, Summer 1985, Winter 1965, Autumn 1975, Winter SON Vol. 18/3: 2-4 1982, Summer OX BC SM 2006 2010 2006, Fall Vol. 9: 91-112 Vol. II: 171-211 Vol. 6/1: 22-27 SM Vol. 5/4: 30-32 DSN Page 29-30 SON Vol. 42/2: 9 2006, Summer 2007, Oct. 2006, Spring SM Vol. 2/2: 2-4 SON Vol. 42/4: 32 OX Vol. 9: 141-143 2003, Winter 2006, Fall redux 2006 SON OX SON SON OX SM BC 2003, Autumn 2004 2007, Summer 2004, Winter 2002 2002, Summer 2010 Vol. 39/4: 20 Vol. 7: 6-68 Vol. 43/3: 8-9 Vol. 40/1: 1-5 Vol. 5: 47-69 Vol. 1/4: 17-20 Vol. II: 244-257 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title R.I.P.: Bulbeck bites the dust SON Vol. 42/3: 1, 17-20 2006, Fall This Strange Eventful History: Oxford, Shakespeare, and the seven ages SON Vol. 38/3: 1, 12-5+ 2002, Summer of man (reprinted in AA, p. 66-73) Trailing Elizabeth Trentham SON Vol. 42/4: 9-15 2006, Fall redux Paul, Christopher; Caruso; Green Post Mortem on John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford SON Vol. 40/2: 8-9 2004, Spring SON Vol. 36/3: 21-22 ER Vol. 7/1: 4-32 DSN Page 13 2000, Fall 1999, Spring 2002, April Pearson, Hesketh The Life of William Shakespeare (from Penguin Series) SFE Page 2-3 1942, Oct. Peel, Joe; Jack Shuttleworth; William E. Boyle Society Opens Its Library, Establishes an Endowment SON Vol. 35/4: 1, 4-5 2000, Winter Peer, Michael Report from Austria: Making of an Oxfordian Television Programme DSN Vol. 2/9: 5-6 1997, June Pendleton, Thomas A. Letter in response to Morse Johnson SON Vol. 28/3: 14 1992, Summer SAR Issue #3: 17 SAR Issue #7: 16-17 1960, Spring 1962, Spring SAR Issue #27: 9-19 1972, Winter Phillips, G. W. Defense of Dr. Hotson‘s Dating of Sonnet 107 Did Edward de Vere Make a Private Marriage? The Importance of the Sonnets Letter: response to Ruth Wainewright Letter: Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Letter: This Star of England Review of This Star of England by Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn (1952) SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE SFE 1951, April 1949, March 1948, April 1955, Spring 1952, March 1954, April 1953, April Phoenix, Eleanor Letter: efforts to promote Oxford in her classroom in Boulder City SON Vol. 27/4: 15 1991, Fall SON Vol. 33/2: 14-15 1997, Spring Pointon, Anthony J.; Hugh Mason The Problem of a Stratford-Born Shakespeare DSN Page 26 2005, Sept. Pope, Russell Myths of Stratford and St. George The Will, the Swan, and the Moniment DSN No. 2: 28-30 SSR Issue 1/2: 40-41 1988, April 1988, Winter Popova, Galina; Michael Brame Illicit Reversal Letter: linguistic fingerprints Letter: Monstrous Adversary by Alan Nelson (2003) Letter: Pushkin and Shakespeare SM SM SM SM 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2004, Winter Pearson, Daphne Letter: historical records about de Vere Robin Hood‘s Pennyworth: the DeVere-Harlackenden Lawsuits A Tale of Marriage, Spies and Poison: analysis of H. M. C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIV, p. 19 re Anne Cecil Penrose, L. S. and R. N. Annual General Meeting of the Shakespearean Authorship Society Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Talk ―Shakespeare Portraits in Colour Transparencies‖ Statistical Approaches to the Authorship Problem Pluto, Anne E. The Oxford Street Players: Lesley College students are learning a new Shakespeare 93 Page 4-5 Page 6-7 Page 7-8 Page 13 Page 8 Page 14 Page 8-9 Vol. 3/1: 28-29 Vol. 4/1: 2-3 Vol. 3/3: 2 Vol. 3/2: 2 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Popova, Galina; Michael Brame (continued) Was Shakespeare Gay? SM Porohovshikov, Peter S. Letter: thanks for the Newsletter SFE Page 8 Vol. 3/4: 34-36 Powell, Rt. Hon. J. Enoch Address to the Shakespeare Club, Stratford-on-Avon SAR Issue #25: 8-15 Francis Meres and the Authorship Question (talk given on 25 Feb. 1988) DSN No. 2: 16-26 Letter to Richard C. Horne, Jr., expressing his doubt about any SON Vol. 8/3: 2 connection between the author of the plays and the person referred to by Greene as ―Shake-scene‖ 2004, Summer 1952, March 1971, Autumn 1988, April 1972, Sept. Prechter, Jr., Robert R. Another Coincidence? Shakespeare and Oxford together on the same day Another View of Sonnet 20 A Deeper Look at the Arthur Golding Canon Did Oxford Make His Publishing Debut in 1560 as ―T.H.?‖ Hundreth Sundrie Flowers Revisited: Was Oxford Really Involved? Letter: on Emaricdulfe Letter: Shakespeare‘s use of Anglo-Saxon words Might Edward de Vere Have Suffered from Alcoholism? On the Authorship of Willobie His Avisa Response to Kurt Kreiler‘s comments (re A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers) Shaksper‘s presence in Stratford Somebody We Know is Behind No-body and Some-body The Sonnets Dedication Puzzle The Sonnets Dedication Puzzle (II) Veres and de Vere: the privilege of the prefix SM SON SM OX BC SON SM SON BC BC SM SON SM SM SON Vol. 6/2: 28 2007, Winter Vol. 35/2: 15 1999, Summer Vol. 7/1:07-14 2007, Fall Vol. 10: 111-120 2007 Vol. II: 47-77 2010 Vol. 42/1: 23 2006, Winter Vol. 6/3: 2 2007, Spring Vol. 41/4: 19-22 2005, Fall Vol. III: 135-167 2011, Fall Vol. III: 310-314 2011, Fall Vol. 6/3: 2 2007, Spring Vol. 45/2: 6-10 2009, Sept. Vol. 4/3: 1, 12-19 2005, Spring Vol. 4/4: 1, 18-27 2005, Summer Vol. 38/1: 1, 10-11+ Prener, Nan Review of Hamlet‘s Universe by Peter Usher (2006) OX Vol. 10: 157-158 2007 Price, Diana The Boar in the Induction Scene SON Evidence For a Literary Biography TLR Letter: Joseph Sobran SON Letter: response to Ogburn‘s comments on her Tudor Rose Theory article ER Letter: response to Sears‘s comments on her Tudor Rose Theory article ER Oxford‘s Coronet Signature SON Re: Drayton‘s Elegies Upon Sundry Occasions, 1627 SON Rough Winds Do Shake: a fresh look at the Tudor Rose Theory ER Shakespeare, Shake-scene and the Clayton Loan ER Westward Ho! The Shakespeare Oxford Society 18 th Annul Conference SON Vol. 28/1: 4-7 Vol. 72/1: 111-147 Vol. 32/2: 22 Vol. 5/1: 9-11 Vol. 5/1: 15-17 Vol. 31/3: 9-10 Vol. 27/4: 3-5 Vol. 4/2: 4-23 Vol. 4/1: 3-13 Vol. 30/4: 16-17 1992, Winter 2004, Fall 1996, Spring 1997, Spring 1997, Spring 1995, Summer 1991, Fall 1996, Autumn 1996, Spring 1994, Autumn Price, John L. (Johnny) Chairman‘s Corner Chairman‘s Corner Chairman‘s Corner Chairman‘s Corner Chairman‘s Corner Chairman‘s Corner: Ring Out the Old! Ring In the New! A Theatre Man Looks at Shakespeare Vol. 29/2a: 15-16 Vol. 29/3a: 15 Vol. 28/2: 19 Vol. 28/3: 20 Vol. 28/4a: 11 Vol. 29/4: 22-23 Vol. 24/2: 5-6 1993, Spring 1993, Summer 1992, Spring 1992, Summer 1992, Fall 1993, Fall 1988, Spring Price, Nelson English Earl Says Ancestor Was The Real Shakespeare (reprinted from The Indianapolis News, April 18, 1995) Proulx, Phillip The Dark Lady Ain‘t No Lady 94 SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 31/2a: 1-2 1995, Spring SON Vol. 21/1: 5-6 1985, Winter Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title How I Became an Oxfordian When One and One and One Equals One Review of Shakespeare, In Fact by Irvin Matus (1994) Quealy, Gerit A Duel in D.C.: the Smithsonian hosts an authorship debate Elizabeth Exhibited: Maritime Museum presents exhibit honoring Tudor Queen Gheeraerts Exhibit Featured at the Tate Globe‘s Authorship Conference Roundly Successful In Memoriam: Leonard Hansen, Avid Antiquarian and Oxfordian Oxford Makes NY Times: authorship question is news fit to print, finally Oxfordian‘s New Editor Is Up For the Challenge: Prof. Michael Egan Maintains an Objective Eye at the Helm Shakespeare‘s Globe in London to Host Authorship Conference The Sixth Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference The Temple in Lord Pembroke‘s Garden: the truth about Wilton Shakespeare shrine Oxfordian News: Authorship play in California, Oxfordian Weekend in Chicago, etc. SON Vol. 19/4: 4-5 SON Vol. 21/1: 3-5 ER Vol. 3/1: 67-69 1983, Fall 1985, Winter 1995, Spring SON Vol. 38/1: 12-13 SON Vol. 39/3: 10-11 2002, Winter 2003, Summer SON SON SON SON DSN Vol. 38/4: 2 2002, Fall Vol. 39/3: 1, 14-5 2003, Summer Vol. 40/2: 6 2004, Spring Vol. 38/1: 1, 19, 23 2002, Winter Vol. 15/3: 22-23 2008, Oct. SON Vol. 39/1: 1, 3 2003, Winter SON Vol. 38/2: 4-5, 20 2002, Spring SON Vol. 39/3: 6-8 2003, Summer SON Vol. 36/4: 18-19 2001, Winter Quealy, Gerit; Michael Egan The Oxfordian‘s New Editor Is Up For the Challenge SON Vol. 44/3: 14-15 2008, Summer R. N. and L. S. Penrose Annual General Meeting of the Shakespearean Authorship Society SAR Issue #3: 17 1960, Spring Radney, Elaine M. Letter: Bob Prechter‘s ―Veres and De Vere‖ SON Vol. 38/2: 23 2002, Spring OX Vol. 11: 29-044 AWA Vol. 1: 381-381 2009 1940, Feb. AWA Vol. 2: 42-055 1937, April SFQ Vol. VI/4: 57-59 1945, Oct. SFE No. 7: 10-11 1938, Jan. SM SM Vol. 8/1: 2 Vol. 10/3: 4, 32 2009, Winter 2011, Summer SON SM BC SM Vol. 45/2: 22-27 Vol. 10/1: 1, 15-27 Vol. III: 235-245 Vol. 10/4: 24-31 2009, Sept. 2011, Winter 2011, Fall 2011, Fall Raithel, John Other William Shakespeare, The: William Stanley, Sixth Earl of Derby Death of Ernest Allen (1875-1940) (reprinted from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 5/2) Shakespeare: An East Anglian (reprinted from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 2/7) The Battle Still Rages Over Who Was Shakespeare (reprinted from The New York World-Telegram, July 31, 1945) Ranson, F. Lingard Letter: expression of belief in Edward de Vere as the author by E. V. Lucas in All of a Piece Ray, William J. Letter: Farina and Coriolanus News: I Know Why the Caged Stratfordian Mutters: John Crace‘s article about Roland Emmerich‘s film Anonymous Proofs of Oxfordian Authorship in the Shakespearean Apocrypha Proving Oxfordian Authorship of ―Sweet Cytherea‖ Review of Shakespeare Suppressed by Katherine Chiljan (2011) Two Years After Contested Will or, How Are the Stratfordians Doing? Reed, J. D. Excerpt from ―Some Ado About Who Was, Or Who Was Not, ShakeSpeare,‖ in The Smithsonian (Sept. 1987) Regnier, Thomas The Law in Hamlet: death, property, and the pursuit of justice Teaching Shakespeare and the Law 95 SON Vol. 23/3: 12 BC SM 1987, Summer Vol. III: 109-134 2011, Fall Vol. 6/1: 1, 11-13 2006, Fall Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Reinhold, Robert The Oxfordian Case in the Essex Press World Shakespeare Congress, Vancouver, Aug. 21/28, 1971 (reprinted from the New York Times, Aug. 29, 1971) Rendall, Canon Gerald Flashback: A 1930 Toast to Edward de Vere Dinner of the Shakespeare Fellowship, 1930) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 179-182) Notes and Comments on ―An Enquiry‖ Preface to Montagu W. Douglas‘s Lord Oxford and the Shakespeare Group Review of Lt. Col. Montague Douglas‘s Book Lord Oxford was Shakespeare (1934) (from Shakespeare Pictorial No. 95, 1934) Shakespeare Sonnets and Edward de Vere (excerpt) Timon of Athens Renner, Virginia J. Letter: Barbara Burris article about the Ashbourne portrait Review of The Shakespeare Guide to Italy: Retracting the Bard‘s Unknown Travels by Richard Paul Roe (2011) Lillies that Rester: a tale of two queens Reuters Soul of the Age to Begin Filming in UK this Fall SON Vol. 11/1: 6-7 SON Vol. 8/1: 4 1975, Winter 1972, Jan. SAR Issue #15: 1-3 1966, Spring SFE Vol. 14 Sup.: 1-5 AWA Vol. 4: 223-224 1939, April 1952 AWA Vol. 2: 29-31 1934, Jan. AWA Vol. 1: 314-328 SFE Page 2-3 1930 1944, Oct. SM BC Vol. 1/2: 2-3, 32 Vol. III: 279-284 2002, Winter 2011, Fall SM Vol. 3/3: 18-21 2004, Spring SM Vol. 4/2: 5 2005, Winter Rever, G. Hammond To the Editor: program notes for a performance of Twelfth Night in 1941 SON Vol. 26/2: 11 1990, Spring Rhys, Ernest The Birthplace (the origin of Henry James‘s story) SFE Page 2-4 1949, Sept. Robertson, Archibald Letter in Literary Guide (Feb. 1950) (excerpt) SFE Page 8 1951, April Robins, M. H. The Annual Dinner His Honour Travers Christmas Humphrey: An Obituary (1901-1983) SFE Page 3 SON Vol. 19/3: 2-5 1957, Autumn 1983, Summer Robinson, Alan The Real William Shakespeare GO 2004 Robinson, Joan Shakespeare and Mr. Looney (from Cambridge Review, #54, 12 May 1933) Roe, Richard Paul Italian Directions for English Merchants Page 237-243 DSN Vol. 15/1: 14-16 SM Rollett, John M. APIS LAPIS, or, Why Was Shakespeare Called Mellifluous? DSN The Dedication to Shakespeare‘s Sonnets ER Evidence Against Oxford as Shakespeare I: Certain Sonnets DSN Evidence Against Oxford as Shakespeare II: Writing Habits DSN Letter: Barbara Burris articles about the Ashbourne portrait SM Letter: dedication to Shakespeare‘s Sonnets ER Letter: response to letters from N. Magri and R. Malim re Rollett‘s article DSN Letter: Wayne Shore‘s method for dating Shakespeare‘s plays OX Letter: Welch New Year SON Master F. W. D., R. I. P. . . . a logical answer is not necessarily SON 96 2008, March Vol. 7/2: 12-17, 20 2008, Winter Vol. 2/5: 5-15 Vol. 5/2: 93-122 Page 17-22 Page 22-28 Vol. 1/4: 2 Vol. 6/2: 3 Vol. 15/1: 24-25 Vol. 12: 5-6 Vol. 38/4: 23 Vol. 33/4: 8-9 1996, April 1997, Autumn 2007, June 2007, Oct. 2002, Summer 1998, Autumn 2008, March 2010 2002, Fall 1997, Fall Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title the correct answer Oxford Blue, or Possible Clues in Ben Jonson‘s Eulogy in the First Folio (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 289-295) Oxfordian News: Rollout of The Truth Will Out at The Globe Secrets of the Dedication to Shakespeare's Sonnets (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 60-75) Secrets of the Dedication to Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Shakespeare‘s Impossible Doublet: engraving anatomized Was Southampton Regarded as the Son of the Queen? Roper, David By Shakespeare‘s Other Avon Henry Peacham‘s Chronogram: the dating of Shakespeare‘s Titus Andronicus (reprinted in Great Oxford, p. 140-150) Letter: Barbara Burris article about the Ashbourne portrait Letter: Malcolm‘s letter re M.O.A.I. from Twelfth Night Letter: Wilton and the Shakespeare House Matus, in Fact? a personal view of the anti-Oxfordian position adopted in Shakespeare, In Fact by Irwin Leigh Matus A Monograph Concerning the Cryptography Found on the Shakespeare Monument of 1623 The Peacham Chronogram (reprinted in AA, p. 55-65) The Peacham Document Revisited The Stratford Monument: proof or probability We Have the Man Shakespeare: Ed. de Vere and the lost letter of Wilton DSN Page 43 2001, Jan. SON Vol. 41/4: 29, 32 DSN Vol. 2/11: 13-23 2005, Fall 1998, Feb. OX Vol. 2: 60-75 BC Vol. II: 9-24 DSN Page 19-26 1999 2010 2000, July GO Page 299-303 DSN Page 7 2004 2001, July SM SM SM DSN 2002, Winter 2008, Winter 2003, Fall 1995, Nov. Vol. 1/2: 2 Vol. 7/2: 2 Vol. 3/1: 2-3 Vol. 2/3: 8-11 DSN Vol. 2/6: 8-12 1996, Sept. SON SON DSN SM 2001, Fall 2002, Winter 2001, April/May 2003, Spring Vol. 37/3: 1, 14-7+ Vol. 38/1: 9, 17 Page 2 Vol. 2/3: 1, 8-13 Rosen, Nick TV or Not TV DSN No. 1: 33 1988, Jan. Rosenbaum, Sidney Letter: Malvolio‘s yellow stockings SON Vol. 40/4: 5 2004, Fall Rosenberg, James Letter to the NY Times (8/6/1989) SON Vol. 25/3: 14 1989, Summer Rubinstein, William D. Letter: authorship issue and Thomas Vicars Letter: Sir Henry Neville as Shakespeare SON Vol. 44/3: 21 SM Vol. 6/1: 2 2008, Summer 2006, Fall Rudyerd, G. W. Editorial Notes: The Opening of the Tomb SFE Page 3 1956, Autumn Rush, Peter Shakespeare Question Debated at Smithsonian Shakespeare‘s Sonnets and the Aesopian Method SM SM Russell, Sir John W. The Court of Chivalry In Piam Memoriam: A. J. Evans (d. 1960) Report on the Debate: Oxford (Wainewright) v. Derby (Evans) (16 Jan. 1957) Review of F. W. Sternfeld‘s Lecture ―The Use of Song in Sh‘s Plays‖ (16 Nov. 1966) Review of H. S. Shield‘s Lecture ―Classical Clues in Sh‘s Plays‖ (12 April 1958) Review of The Queen‘s Wards by Joel Hurstfield (1973) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5: 38-42) Review of Voyages de Shakespeare en France et en Italie by G. Lambin (1962) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 107-111) 97 Vol. 2/4: 1, 12-15 2003, Summer Vol. 4/1: 6-7 2004, Fall SFE Page 8 SAR Issue #4: 19 SFE Page 3-4 1955, Spring 1960, Autumn 1957, Spring SAR Issue #15: 16-17 1966, Spring SFE Page 2 1958, Autumn SAR Issue #3: 9-10 1960, Spring SAR Issue #9: 11-15 1963, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Rutherford, Forrest Daniel Frohman Introduces the Great Unknown SFQ Vol. VII/1: 1-2 1946, Jan. Rylance, Mark Letter: Telegraph article reprinted in a recent Sh. Oxford Newsletter SON Vol. 33/1: 21 1997, Winter SON Vol. 25/2: 15-16 1989, Spring SSR Issue 5: 24 SON Vol. 29/2a: 7-9 1991, Aug. 1993, Spring Sands Film Studio Letter: its activities, including its production of the film Anonymous SON Vol. 47/2: 03 2011, Spring Sasse, E. Letter: portrait of Anne Vavasour SAR Issue #17: 23 1967, Spring Saunders, Alan Letter: the case for Fulke Greville OX Vol. 11: 11-12 2009 Saunders, B. R. Letter: Cardan‘s Comforte Letter: Edward Bonaventure A Note on the Origin of ―Venus and Adonis‖ The Scales of Justice SFE SFE SFE SFE Page 12 Page 12 Page 6 Page 8-9 1957, Autumn 1957, Spring 1945, Nov. 1951, Sept. Saunders, Sam C. Arthur Golding‘s First Decade of Translating: a brief examination The Case of the Mad Mathematicians Could Shakespeare Have Calculated the Odds in Hamlet‘s Wager? A Sharp Blade, a Tall Man and a Good Whore? SON SON OX SON Vol. 41/3: 1, 21-22 Vol. 42/1: 23 Vol. 10: 20-34 Vol. 42/2: 19-21 2005, Summer 2006, Winter 2007 2006, Spring Saliani, Dom None of Them Give the Age Old Introduction to Shakespeare That So Many Young People Have Been Exposed To Letter: Oxford in the Canadian schools Letter: Stratfordian namecalling and Oxfordian progress Scheffer, Jan H. Das Neue Shake-speare Gesellschaft (A New Shakespeare Society in Germany) Oxfordianism in the Netherlands DSN Vol. 18/2: 21 2011, July DSN Vol. 2/9: 8-9 1997, June Scheffer, Jan H. and Elke Brachmann Review of Shakespeare: The Concealed Poet by Robert Detobel DSN Vol. 18/2: 36-38 2011, July Scheffer, Jan H. and Sandra Schruijer First Dutch Shakespeare Authorship Conference SON Vol. 40/4: 10-12 2004, Fall Schoell, Frank L. Letter: Saggiatore The Sense of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets SFE Page 12 SFE Page 10-11 1952, Sept. 1953, April Schoenbaum, S. Shakespeare‘s Lives (1991) (excerpt) SON Vol. 30/2a: 11 1994, Spring Schruijer, Sandra; Jan Scheffer H. First Dutch Shakespeare Authorship Conference SON Vol. 40/4: 10-12 2004, Fall Schumann, Howard Anderson Named ―Oxfordian of the Year‖ at Ashland Conference Authorship in Cyberspace Authorship Research Centre Dedicated; Beauclerk Launches New Book at SARC Concordia Authorship Research Center Set to Open . . . 98 SM SM SM Vol. 5/2: 1, 12-15 2006, Winter Vol. 9: 1, 6-11 2010, Spr/Sum Vol. 9: 1, 13-21, 28 2010, Spr/Sum SM Vol. 8/2: 1, 6-11 2009, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Concordia Proposes Shakespeare Authorship Studies Center Emmerich Honored, Anonymous Screened at SASC Fourth Annual Joint Conference: de Vere bio series prepared to rock cable TV? Groundbreaking! Authorship Studies Research Centre Arrives at Concordia University OSF, SF, and SOS Join Forces in Historic Conference Review of Taming of the Shrew, Directed by Sam Taylor (1929) Review of The Lion Bats the Butterfly by Robin Matchett (2002) Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) Information and Commentaries from Betty Sears, Our Past President Letter: Charles Vere‘s [Charles Beauclerk‘s] speaking tour is a smashing success Letter: congratulations on the resurrection of Spear Shaker Letter: Diana Price‘s article in ER, Vol. 4/2 and the Tudor Rose Theory Letter: Oxford‘s Revenge Letter: praise for Mark McPherson, organizer of The Great Shakespeare duel in Southfield, Michigan, May 14, 1989, and praise for witness Stephanie Caruana Letter: the Sonnets and Joseph Sobran Love‘s Fine Wit: Oxfordian Puns in Sonnets 76 and 105 Message From the President: increase in members from Atlantic article and Beaucherk tour O‘er Green My Bad Oxford, Golding, and the Translation of Ovid‘s Metamorphoses Oxford‘s Hand in Thomas of Woodstock and Richard II SM SM SM Vol. 5/3: 1, 26-31 2006, Spring Vol. 10/4: 1, 16-23 2011, Fall Vol. 8/1: 1, 6-12+ 2009, Winter SM Vol. 7/3: 1, 21-27 2008, Spring SM Vol. 5/1: 1, 10, 26+ 2005, Fall SM Vol. 5/2: 10 2006, Winter SON Vol. 39/1: 22 2003, Winter SON Vol. 30/1: 19-21 SON Vol. 28/1: 12 1994, Winter 1992, Winter SSR ER SM SON 1991, Aug. 1997, Spring 2003, Spring 1989, Summer Issue 5: 25 Vol. 5/1: 11-15 Vol. 2/3: 2 Vol. 25/3: 8-9 SON Vol. 33/3: 22-23 SON Vol. 17/1: 2-3 SON Vol. 28/2: 18 1997, Summer 1981, Spring 1992, Spring SON Vol. 21/2: 2-5 SSR Issue 1/1: 24-30 SSR Issue 1/2: 24-27 1985, Spring 1987, Fall 1988, Winter Senior, H. L. Letter: response to H. Cutner‘s letter Strange Omissions SFE Page 12 SFE Page 6-8 1958, Autumn 1957, Autumn Sexton, Pidge Letter: building blocks metaphor Letter: puns in A Lover‘s Complaint and Julius Caesar Shakespeare Authorship Trust in London SM Vol. 3/4: 2 SON Vol. 44/2: 16 SM Vol. 4/1: 7 2004, Summer 2008, Spring 2004, Fall SON Vol. 29/3a: 5 1993, Summer SON SON SM SM OX SM SON Vol. 44/3: 18 Vol. 43/3: 17-21 Vol. 7/1: 1, 14-18 Vol. 5/1: 2 Vol. 4: 154-165 Vol. 4/4: 2 Vol. 46/2: 14 2008, Summer 2007, Summer 2007, Fall 2005, Fall 2001 2005, Summer 2010, Aug. SON SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 37/3: 13, 20, 22 Vol. 47/2: 17-18 2011, Spring Vol. 45/2: 37-43 2009, Sept. Vol. 43/2: 6 2007, Spring Vol. 47/1: 8, 23 2011, Jan. Vol. 39/2: 15 2003, Spring Vol. 38/3: 11 2002, Summer Sexton, Mildred B. Letter: Who‘s the Bard? (reprinted from the St. Louis Post Dispatch, July 12, 1993) Shahan, John For Immediate Release: The Shakespeare Authorship Coalition (SAC) Is There a Shakespeare Authorhsip Issue? Is There a Shakespeare Authorship Issue? Letter: Altrocchi‘s The Origins and History of the Tudor Theory Letter: flawed reasoning in Elliott and Valenza‘s article in The Oxfordian Letter: Prechter‘s discovery Panel Discusses Authorship Question with Classical Theatre Lab in West Hollywood Review of Origins of Genius by Dean Keith Simonton (1999) SAC Seeks to Legitimize AQ in Colleges by 23 April 2016 Shahan‘s Letter to Shermer, the Skeptic Shakespeare Authorship Coalition Theater Professionals Sign Declaration of Reasonable Doubt in Ashland Thoughts on Oxfordian Strategy: a high jumping metaphor WOTS-UP - analysis for Oxfordians and Stratfordians 99 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Shahan, John; Linda Theil News: Justice Stevens and O‘Connor Sign Declaration of Reasonable Doubt Shahan, John; Richard F. Whalen Apples to Oranges in Bard Stylometrics: Elliot & Valenza fail to eliminate Oxford Auditing the Stylometricians: Elliott, Valenza and the Claremont Shakespeare Authorship Clinic Elliott and Valenza‘s Stylometircs Fail to Eliminate Oxford as Shake. Reply to Ward and Valenza Review of Born to Rebel by Frank J. Sulloway (1997) SM Vol. 8/4: 17-18 2009, Fall OX Vol. 9: 13-125 2006 OX Vol. 11: 235-265 2009 DS OX OX Page 137-142 Vol. 12: 167-181 Vol. 6: 150-153 2009 2010 2003 Shakespearean Authorship Coalition Declaration of Reasonable Doubt About the Identity of W. Shakespeare SON Vol. 43/4: 21-23 Declaration of Reasonable Doubt About the Identity of W. Shakespeare OX Vol. 10: 179-179 2007, Fall 2007 Shakespearean A. Trust; Brunel U. 2007 John Silberrad Memorial Lectures, Shakespeare‘s Globe, Nov. 2007 SON Vol. 43/3: 22-23 2007, Summer Sharpe, Kathryn 2009 Joint Shakespeare Authorship Conference Letter: sonnet dedication puzzle Letter: the M. O. A. I. riddle in Twelfth Night SM SM SM Shepherd, J. C. Shakespeare‘s Double Image (discussion of Palladis Tamia) (excerpt) SON Vol. 27/3: 1-3 1991, Summer Sherman, Randall The Cause Is In My Will The Marketing of a Paradigm Shift President‘s Letter SON Vol. 33/4: 7, 28 SON Vol. 32/3: 8-9 SON Vol. 33/2: 3, 13 1997, Fall 1996, Summer 1997, Spring Sherman, Randall; Katherine Chiljan Reporting His Cause Through Local Chapters SON Vol. 32/4: 3 1996, Fall Sherwood, James Interview with Beard of Avon (published 2004) Author Amy Freed Interview with Chasing Shakespeares Author Sarah Smith Letter: Stritmatter and Ogburn‘s The Mysterious William Shakespeare News: Dig Reveals The Theatre; Times Archive, 1909; Oxford on NPR President‘s Letter President‘s Letter Review of Chasing Shakespeares by Sarah Smith (2008) Review of Counterfeiting Shakespeare by Brian Vickers Review of Oxford, Son of Queen Elizabeth by Paul Streitz (2001) Shakespeare Fellowship Conference Held in Baltimore, Oct. 7-10 What‘s in a Name, a Parody SM SON SM SON SON SON SON SM SON SON SON 2004, Spring 2003, Spring 2004, Winter 2008, Spring 2005, Spring 2005, Winter 2003, Spring 2003, Fall 2002, Summer 2004, Fall 2004, Winter Sherwood, James and Hank Whittemore Interview with Hank Whittemore: Author, Actor, Scholar SON Vol. 41/2: 2, 18-20 2005, Spring Shickman, Allan R. Letter: Alan Nelson‘s Monstrous Adversary (2003) SON Vol. 40/2: 06 2004, Spring SFE SAR SAR SAR 1954, April 1962, Spring 1960, Spring 1959, Autumn Shield, H. S. De Shakespeare Nostrati Letter: a boar – with a difference Letter: a perplexing epigram Letter: comments on Julia Altrocchi‘s article ―Ships and Spears in 100 Vol. 9/1: 1, 7-13, 28 Vol. 6/2: 3, 30 2007, Winter Vol. 7/3: 2, 9 2008, Spring Vol. 3/3: 30-32 Vol. 39/2: 18-19 Vol. 3/2: 2 Vol. 44/2: 3-4 Vol. 41/2: 9 Vol. 41/1: 2, 7 Vol. 39/2: 19 Vol. 3/1: 18-19 Vol. 38/3: 17 Vol. 40/4: 06 Vol. 40/1: 14 Page 6-7 Issue #7: 21-22 Issue #3: 24 Issue #2: 24 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title in Genoa‖ (Review, Spring 1959) Letter: comments on the Spinola Letter (Review IV, p. 20-21) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 60) Letter: is Ignoto Oxford? Letter: Lord Oxford‘s Settlement Names of the King and Queen in A Midsummer-Night‘s Dream Obituary: Mr. Gerald William Phillips Letter: response to Admiral Holland‘s comments on ―All‘s Well‖ in the Autumn 1957 Newsletter Shirley, Patricia Letter: Edward de Vere and authorship issues SAR Issue #5: 23 1961, Spring SFE SFE SFE SFE SAR 1958, Spring 1956, Spring 1956, Spring 1956, Autumn 1959, Spring Page 12 Page 12 Page 9 Page 12 Issue #1: 24 SON Vol. 33/2: 21-22 1997, Spring Shore, Wayne Relative Size of Shakespeare‘s Vocabulary SON Vol. 41/3: 23-24 Solving Authorship Mysteries with Numbers: using quantitative methods DSN Page 2 Stylometric Evidence Concerning the Authorship of George-a-Greene DSN Page 8-11 2005, Summer 2001, July 2001, Oct. Shore, Wayne; Robert Brazil Stylometrics and the Funeral Elegy Affair SON Vol. 38/3: 1, 8 2002, Summer SM SM SM SM SON DSN SM OX Vol. 8/4: 3 Vol. 10/4: 2, 32 Vol. 9: 3, 27 Vol. 10/3: 3, 35 Vol. 44/2: 1, 8-9 Vol. 18/3: 28 Vol. 8/1: 2 Vol. 10: 55-74 2009, Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Spr/Sum 2011, Summer 2008, Spring 2011, Nov. 2009, Winter 2007 SM DS Vol. 9/1: 3 Page 87-112 2010, Winter 2009 SM SM SM Vol. 7/1: 5 Vol. 8/3: 5 Vol. 8/4: 16-17 2007, Fall 2009, Summer 2009, Fall OX SM BC BC Vol. 7: 89-114 Vol. 9/3: 3, 29-30 Vol. III: 37-70 Vol. I: 109-140 2004 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2009 SM SM OX Vol. 8/3: 1, 7-11+ 2009, Summer Vol. 10/3: 1, 12-7+ 2011, Summer Vol. 11: 207-234 2009 Showerman, Earl; B. M. Cutting 11th Annual Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference Convenes SM Vol. 6/4: 1, 8-13 2007, Summer Shuttleworth, Jack Aditorial: Prolegomena for the Oxfordian Shakespeare OX Vol. 2: 3-10 1999 Shuttleworth, Jack; William E. Boyle; Joe Peele Society Opens Its Library, Establishes an Endowment SON Vol. 35/4: 1, 4-5 2000, Winter AWA Vol. 1: 114-115 SON Vol. 9/2: 14-15 1931 1973, Autumn Showerman, Earl From the New President From the President From the President: Report of the Nominating Committee From the President: The Watershed Horestes and Hamlet Letter: the Shakespeare Fellowship statement on Anonymous Letter: Waugaman, Nuttall and Timon Look Down and See What Death is Doing: Gods and Greeks in The Winter‘s Tale Make Your Reservations for Ashland! Mythopoesis of Resurrection: Hesoid to Shakespeare: The Winter‘s Tale and Pericles News: Farina Speaks in Ashland News: More From the Ashland Front News: Paul Nicholson, Director of the OSF, Goes Rogue on Stratfordian Establishment Orestes and Hamlet: From Myth to Masterpiece, Part I The Road Not Taken . . . Shakespeare‘s Greater Greek: Macbeth and Aeschylus‘ Oresteia Shakespeare‘s Many Much Ado‘s: Alcestis, Hercules, and Love‘s Labour‘s Wonne Shakespeare‘s Plutarchan Nomenclature: Company of Noble Grecians Shakespeare‘s Shylock and the Strange Case of Gaspar Ribeiro Timon of Athens: Shakespeare‘s Sophoclean Tragedy Singleton, Esther The Shakespeare Garden (excerpt: Introduction by Eva Turner Clark) Was Edward de Vere Shakespeare? (repr. from SFA, Vol. 1/4: 9-10, 1940, June/July) 101 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Singleton, Esther (continued) Was Edward de Vere Shakespeare? (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 14-117) SFA Vol. 1/4: 9-10 1940, June/July Sisson, Edward H. Letter: citation issues Letter: Shakespeare icon Letter: Sobran‘s book Alias Shakespeare Letter: spelling of Shakespeare‘s name on Anne Hathaway‘s tomb SM SON SON SON 2002, Summer 2001, Spring 1998, Spring 2002, Winter Skinner-young, S. New Live Theatre at Hedingham Castle, and a Performance A Midsummer Night‘s Dream Slater, Eliot Problem of The Raigne of King Edward the Third: 1596: a statistical approach, Part 1 Problem of The Raigne of King Edward the Third: 1596: a statistical approach, Part 2 A Reading of Sonnet 120 Review of M. G. Kendall‘s Talk on ―The Possibility of Determining Elizabethan Authorship by Statistical Analysis‖ (15 March 1966) Some Psychological Aspects of the Sonnets Terms of Art in Hamlet Terms of Art in King Lear Word Links from Troilus to Othello and Macbeth Slater, Gilbert Letter Letter: authorship of Shakespeare's plays by Bacon, Ralegh, Lady Pembroke, etc. Letter: correction to his recent article The Rival Poet of the Sonnets Seven Shakespeares (excerpt: Chapter VI: The Case for Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam) Vol. 1/4: 3, 28 Vol. 37/1: 21 Vol. 34/1: 21-22 Vol. 38/1: 22 DSN Vol. 2/6: 7 1996, Sept. BAR Vol. 3/4: 133-142 1982 BAR Vol. 4/1: 2-14 1983 BAR Vol. 1/2: 43-46 SAR Issue #16: 19-20 1976 1966, Autumn BAR SAR SAR BAR 1975 1968, Autumn 1969, Spring 1978 Vol. 1/1: 1-8 Issue #20: 1-4 Issue #21: 4-7 Vol. 2/1: 4-22 AWA Vol. 2: 25-28 SFE No. 7: 05-9 1934, Oct. 1938, Jan. SFE No. 8: 12 SFE No. 8: 1-5 AWA Vol. 1: 206-210 1938, March 1938, March 1931 Smiley, Richard; Richard Joyrich Concordia Summary SON Vol. 43/2: 1, 7-8 2007, Spring Smith, M. W. A. The Authorship of Pericles: an initial investigation The Authorship of Pericles: collocations investigated again A Stylometric Analysis of Hero and Leander BAR Vol. 3/4: 143-176 1982 BAR Vol. 4/1: 15-21 1983 BAR Vol. 3/3: 105-132 1982 Smith, Marilyn Shakespeare as Nobody: Thoughts on the Attraction of the Stratford Myth SSR Issue 1/2: 5-07 1988, Winter Smith, Sarah News: Joanna and Bob Wexler: A Remembrance The Reattribution of Munday‘s ―The Paine of Pleasure‖ SM OX 2011, Winter 2002 Smith, Scott C. Letter: Stratford tour guide promotes Edward de Vere as the true author SON Vol. 27/4: 12 1991, Fall Smith, Scott S. Letter: inadequacies in The Smithsonian‘s article SON Vol. 24/1: 13-14 1988, Winter Vol. 10/1: 5-6 Vol. 5: 70-99 Sobran, Joseph Against Funding Odds (reprinted from the Washington Times, 11/20/90) SON Vol. 27/1: 4 1991, Winter Before He Was Shakespeare, Part One SON Vol. 41/1: 1, 13-16 2005, Winter Before He Was Shakespeare, Part Two SON Vol. 41/2: 1, 12-14 2005, Spring 102 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Bible Holds Proof of Shakespeare‘s Identity The End of Stratfordianism Fooled by a Folio: bard thou never wert (reprinted from National Review, 4/29/91) Letter: open letter to members of the Shakespeare Oxford Society Letter: response to previous letters Nelson‘s Flawed Life of Oxford The Orthodox Shakespeare Faces Death (doggerel) Oxford‘s Uncle Henry: Sir Thomas More considered in Oxfordian light Phaeton Sonnet, The The Problem of The Funeral Elegy Review of Shakespeare: A Life by Park Honan (1998) Shakespeare Revealed in Oxford‘s Poetry (reprinted in GO, p. 129-139) Shakespeare‘s Aristocratic Origins Shakespeare‘s Disgrace: is this the key to identifying and understanding the poet? Sonnets are Stratfordian Achilles‘ Heel Sokolowski, Peter Review of Montaigne: The Complete Essays, translated by M. A. Screech (1991) SON Vol. 29/4: 8-9 1993, Fall SON Vol. 36/1: 12-13+ 2000, Spring SON Vol. 27/2: 2-5 1991, Spring SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON DSN SON SON Vol. 32/1: 6-7 Vol. 32/2: 22 Vol. 39/4: 1, 9-10 Vol. 28/3: 3 Vol. 38/1: 3, 6 Vol. 32/3: 12-14 Vol. 32/1: 1, 8-11 Vol. 35/2: 21-22 Vol. 2/4: 13-21 Vol. 25/1: 6-7 Vol. 33/2: 1, 4-6 SON Vol. 34/1: 15, 22 1998, Spring ER 1993, Autumn Vol. 1/2: 43-51 SOS Board of Trustees Tribute to Charlton Ogburn on the Occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of SON Vol. 30/ 3a: 1 of The Mysterious William Shakespeare: The Myth & The Reality Southern, Richard Elizabethan Theatre 1996, Winter 1996, Spring 2003, Autumn 1992, Summer 2002, Winter 1996, Summer 1996, Winter 1999, Summer 1996, Jan. 1989, Winter 1997, Spring 1994, Summer SFE Page 6 1956, Spring SON Vol. 31/4: 10-11 1995, Autumn Stechow, W. The Ashbourne Portrait SFE Page 4 1941, April Steer, Francis W. English History in the Saleroom SFE Page 3-5 1955, Spring Stein, E. Jimmee To Believe or Not To Believe SSR Issue 1/1: 6-9 1987, Fall Sterling, Carleton W. Hamlet in 1603: a quick-and-dirty quarto Hamlet in Time and Space Hypothetical Tudor Princes Letter: comments on Hamlet Shakespeare as Brand Name Shakespeare‘s Monarchs and Mark Anderson SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 44/1: 9-11 Vol. 41/2: 3-5 Vol. 44/1: 3 Vol. 45/3: 30 Vol. 44/3: 23 Vol. 42/1: 20-22 2008, Winter 2005, Spring 2008, Winter 2009, Dec. 2008, Summer 2006, Winter Stern, Micah Review of The Late Mr. Shakespeare: a Novel by Robert Nye (1998) ER Vol. 7/1: 82-84 1999, Spring Stevens, Justice John Paul The Shakespeare Canon of Statutory Construction ER Vol. 1/1: 4-20 1993, Spring Stone, Elliott Letter: academics‘ private doubts Letter: the Sonnets and Joseph Sobran SM Vol. 8/4: 2 SON Vol. 33/3: 21 Spehard, Florence C. This Star of England: Written Forty Years Ago and Still a Goldmine of Information 103 2009, Fall 1997, Summer Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Story, Ted Ben Jonson Made Me Laugh President‘s Blog . . . Stotsenburg, John H. An Impartial Study of the Shakespeare Title (excerpt: Chapter 4: William Shaksper Has No Place in Henslowe‘s Diary) Stott, Alan Review of Number and Geometry in Shakespeare‘s Macbeth by Sylvia Eckersley, edited by Alan Thewless (2007) Shakespeare: treason or transformation? Shakespeare – Who Held the Pen: Insights Meets Research Streitz, Paul Letter: Prince Tudor theory and Stratfordians Letter: response to Christopher Paul‘s Review of Oxford, Son of Elizabeth I (2001) Oxford and the King James Bible SM SM Vol. 10/1: 1, 13-14 2011, Winter Vol. 6/2: 3, 31 2007, Winter AWA Vol. 1: 190-199 1904 SM Vol. 7/1: 19-20 2007, Fall SM SM Vol. 10/4: 1, 7-15+ 2011, Fall Vol. 6/4: 1, 24-31 2007, Summer SON Vol. 43/4: 20 SM Vol. 2/1: 4-5 SM Stritmatter, Roger Amazon Reviews: is the tide shifting? SM The Bard and the Nonbelievers (from Washington Post, May 7, 1994) SON Bestow How, and When You List: Susan Vere, William Jaggard and the SON 1623 Folio Conference 2010: Ashland, Oregon! SM DeVere‘s Dedicatory Poem in Cardan‘s Comforte (1573) OX Fencing with Dr. Wells . . . and clues from my mailbox SM Joint SF-SOS Conference in Carmel: new voices, Declaration of SM Reasonable Doubt A Law Case in Verse: Venus and Adonis and the authorship question TLR Letter: Edward de Vere‘s Geneva Bible and the Authorship Issue SON Letter: Funeral Elegy SON Letter: need for informal assoc. to critically examine Stratford legend SON Letter: Peter Sokolowski, conventional dating of the plays, and Florio ER Letter: II Philippians and other Biblical verses SON Letter: praise for Jonathan Dixon‘s exegesis of the upstart crow passage SON Letter: praise for the reappearance of Spear Shaker SSR Letter: reprint of his letter to the NY Times on the Funeral Elegy SON Letter: response to Fitzgerald‘s positive commons on his SON Minerva Britanna article Letter: Sobran‘s Alias Shakespeare SON Letter to Alan Nelson about handwriting in Oxford‘s Geneva Bible SON Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr., re Jaggard‘s 1619 publication dedicated SON to Philip Herbert, King James, and Susan Herbert nee Vere Letter to Russ des Cognets: the Shakespearean Association of SON America meeting Love‘s Labor‘s Lost: what happened at the Stationers‘ Register SON from 1571-1576? Letter: Malcolm X‘s skepticism about Shaksper as the author of SON Shakespeare‘s works Letter: Oxford‘s Geneva in the Folger Library and the congruence SON between marked passages in it and phrases and image clusters in the works of ‗Shakespeare‘ Monstrous Animosity: Nelson‘s Oxford bio distorts both Oxford and SM Oxfordians (2003) New York‘s Shakespearean Tragedy: authorship and the Astor Place riots SM News: And Shakespeare Yearbook Editor Brooks . . . SM The Not-Too-Hidden Key to Minerva Britanna SON On Chronology and Performance Venue of A Midsummer Night‘s Dream OX 104 2007, Fall 2002, Fall Vol. 10/2: 9-16, 32 2011, Spring Vol. 10/2: 1, 17-23 2011, Spring Vol. 30/3a: 6 1994, Summer Vol. 34/3: 18-19 1998, Fall Vol. 10/1: 1, 7-12 Vol. 1: 53-63 Vol. 6/4: 3, 22-24 Vol. 7/1: 1, 26-29+ 2011, Winter 1998 2007, Summer 2007, Fall Vol. 72/1: 171-219 Vol. 28/2: 1-2 Vol. 32/3: 21 Vol. 27/1: 6 Vol. 2/1: 5 Vol. 33/2: 22-23 Vol. 36/2: 21 Issue 5: 23 Vol. 32/1: 23 Vol. 37/2: 17 2004, Fall 1992, Spring 1996, Summer 1991, Winter 1994, Spring 1997, Spring 2000, Summer 1991, Aug. 1996, Winter 2001, Summer Vol. 33/4: 26-27 Vol. 36/1: 3 Vol. 26/2: 1 1997, Fall 2000, Spring 1990, Spring Vol. 29/2a: 12 1993, Spring Vol. 35/4: 15 2000, Winter Vol. 27/4: 12 1991, Fall Vol. 28/2: 1-2 1992, Spring Vol. 3/1: 8-9 2003, Fall Vol. 7/3: 3, 17-18 Vol. 8/4: 16 Vol. 36/2: 1, 9-15+ Vol. 9: 81-90 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2000, Summer 2006 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Publish We This Peace . . . a note on the design of the Shakespeare First Folio and the Spanish Marriage Crisis A Quintessence of Dust: interim report on The Marginalia of the Geneva Bible Reinventing the Professoriate: Sobran‘s Alias Shakespeare, Multiculturalism . . . Letter: response to Ogburn‘s comments Review of Biblical References in Shakespeare‘s Comedies by Naseeb Shaheen (1993) Review of Censorship and Interpretation by Annabel Patterson (1984) Review of Puzzling Shakespeare by Leah Marcus (1988) Review of Shakespeare‘s Fingerprints by Michael Brame and Galina Popova (2002) Review of Shakespeare‘s Personality edited by Norman N. Holland, et. al. (1989) Review of The Marprelate Controversy 1588-1596 by Elizabeth Appleton (2001) Review of Who Wrote Shakespeare? By John Mitchell (1996) Scenes From the Death of a Myth: Jonathan Bate and the God of Our Idolatry Shakespeare‘s Legal Appeal: A Review of Kill All the Lawyers? Shakespeare‘s Legal Apeal by Daniel Kornstein (1994) To Whom It May Concern: Greetings Why Richard II, Part 1 is Even More Important Than You Think Stritmatter, Roger; Mark K. Anderson Letter to the Smithsonian re Edward de Vere‘s Geneva Bible Paradigm Shift: Ross‘s Supererogation Paradigm Shift: the potent testimony of Gabriel Harvey Stritmatter, Roger; William E. Boyle From the Editors: farewell . . . and thanks Swan Song for Funeral Elegy: Prof. Donald Foster concedes it‘s not Shakespeare Stritmatter, Roger; Gary B. Goldstein Brief Chronicles Launches in Cyberspace Epistle Dedicatory Welcome to Brief Chronicles Stritmatter, Roger; Lynne Kositsky A Critique of the Monument Theory (2005) How Shakespeare Got His Tempest: another ―just so‖ story Pale as Death: the fictionalizing influence of Erasmus‘s ―Naufragium‖ on the Renaissance travel narrative The Spanish Maze and the Dates of The Tempest SON Vol. 34/3: 16-17 1998, Fall SON Vol. 29/2a: 1-2 1993, Spring SON Vol. 33/2: 6-7, 24 1997, Spring SON Vol. 26/3a: 6-7 ER Vol. 3/2: 60-68 1990, Summer 1995, Autumn ER OX SM Vol. 3/1: 56-62 1995, Spring Vol. 2: 154-161 1999 Vol. 2/3: 24-25, 32 2003, Spring ER Vol. 1/2: 65-74 SM Vol. 1/3: 25-27, 36 2002, Spring SON Vol. 33/1: 19 SM Vol. 2/2: 12-13 1993, Autumn 1997, Winter 2003, Winter SON Vol. 33/3: 18-19+ 1997, Summer BC SM Vol. III: viii-xviii 2011, Fall Vol. 6/3: 3, 26-29+ 2007, Spring SON Vol. 31/2a: 8-9 SM Vol. 1/3: 28-31 SM Vol. 1/2: 26-29 1995, Spring 2002, Spring 2002, Winter SM SM Vol. 4/4: 3 Vol. 01/4: 01, 4 2005, Summer 2002, Summer SM BC BC Vol. 8/4: 1, 21-25 2009, Fall Vol. II: xiii-xvii 2010 Vol. 1: 1-7 2009 SM BC DS Vol. 4/1: 1, 10-14 2004, Fall Vol. I: 205-267 2009 Page 143-153 2009 OX Vol. 10: 9-19 2007 Stritmatter, Roger; Daniel Wright; William E. Boyle Shakespeare and Religion: Conference Panel Highlights Sticking Points SON Vol. 35/3: 8-9 for Scholars 1999, Fall Sullivan, Robert No Holds Bard: obituary of William Fowler (from Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, Mar. 1994) SON Vol. 30/2a: 5 1994, Spring Swan, George The Woman‘s Prize: a sequel to The Taming of the Shrew OX 2007 Swank, Lowell James Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in London SON Vol. 39/2: 1, 12-15 2003, Spring 105 Vol. 10: 121-141 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Swann, Greg Oxford‘s Torment: The Last Chapter in the Authorship Controversy Swifte, Edmund Lenthal On Shakespeare‘s Profession (reprinted from Notes and Queries, March, 1864) Sybersma, Sue All‘s Well That Ends Well: a reassessment Sanders Portrait Revisited: could the ―newly discovered S. portrait‖ be John Fletcher? University of Toronto Hosts Picturing Shakespeare Symposium Sykes, Chaude W. Excerpt from Alias William Shakespeare (1947) (Rutland as author) T. C. H. E. O. (a sonnet) SM Vol. 5/1: 3, 29-30 2005, Fall SON Vol. 39/2: 22 2003, Spring DSN Page 2 SON Vol. 38/3: 9-10 2002, Oct. 2002, Summer SON Vol. 38/4: 3, 16 2002, Fall SON Vol. 25/1: 7-9 SFE Page 10 1989, Winter 1953, April Tabin, Johanna K. Henry V by Olivier and Branagh: enhancing artistic vision through tech. SON Vol. 46/2: 5-8 Letter: spelling of names in Elizabethan times ER Vol. 1/2: 6 2010, Aug. 1993, Autumn Talvacchia, Bette Rare Italian Master and the Posture of Hermione in The Winter‘s Tale 1993, Spring Tarica, Alan An Argument for Less Literalism and More Metaphor, Symbolism, and Other Rhetorical Devices in Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Letter: comments on Altrocchi‘s comments on The Monument Letters to the Editor Tassinari, Lamberto The Italian Connection: an introduction John Florio: the Anglified Italian who invented Shakespeare Tate, Lew (editor) Ann Arbor Conference Editorial Greeting Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings Nine / Eleven, Iraq, and Henry V: Shakespeare in the classroom Review of Macbeth: Fully Annotated from an Ox. Perspective, edited by Richard F. Whalen (2007) RSC at Ann Arbor Tatum, Aaron F. Justice Stevens Casts Deciding Vote for Oxford in an Oxfordian Victory at D.C. Authorship Trial Letter: Charlton and Vera Ogburn President‘s Letter President‘s Letter President‘s Letter President‘s Letter 106 ER Vol. 1/1: 40-57 SON Vol. 43/3: 3-7 2007, Summer SON Vol. 43/1: 30 SON Vol. 42/3: 16 2007, Winter 2006, Fall SM OX Vol. 8/4: 10-15 Vol. 13: 135-145 2009, Fall 2011 SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SON Vol. 42/4: 1, 5-8 Vol. 42/1: 2 Vol. 42/2: 2 Vol. 42/3: 2 Vol. 42/4: 2 Vol. 43/1: 2 Vol. 43/2: 1 Vol. 43/3: 1-2 Vol. 43/4: 2 Vol. 44/1: 2 Vol. 44/2: 2 Vol. 44/3: 2 Vol. 43/4: 16-18 Vol. 44/1: 25-26 2006, Fall redux 2006, Winter 2006, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, Fall redux 2007, Winter 2007, Spring 2007, Summer 2007, Fall 2008, Winter 2008, Spring 2008, Summer 2007, Fall 2008, Winter SON Vol. 42/4: 30 2006, Fall redux SON Vol. 34/2: 8-9 1998, Summer SON SON SON SON SON 2002, Winter 2002, Winter 2002, Spring 2001, Winter 2000, Winter Vol. 38/1: 22 Vol. 38/1: 19 Vol. 38/2: 21 Vol. 36/4: 5 Vol. 35/4: 5 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Taylor, Gary Introduction to Reinventing Shakespeare (1989) (excerpt) SON Vol. 29/4: 19 1993, Fall Taymor, Julie Julie Taymor‘s Press Release Comments on Titus (excerpts) SON Vol. 36/3: 7 2000, Fall Tekastiaks and Mark K. Anderson Burghley‘s Bribe; de Vere‘s Dower? SM 2003, Fall Theil, Linda; Stephanie Hopkins Hughes An Interview with Stephanie Hughes, former Editor of The Oxfordian SON Vol. 46/1: 16-18 2010, May SM 2009, Fall Theil, Linda; John Shahan News: Justice Stevens and O‘Connor Sign Declaration of Reasonable Doubt Theobald, William The Classical Element in the Shakespeare Plays (excerpt: Introduction) Vol. 3/1: 25-27 Vol. 8/4: 17-18 AWA Vol. 1: 73-90 1909 Thomson, Sir St. Clair, MD Shakespeare and Medicine (from Medical Society of London, Transactions, Vol. 39) AWA Vol. 1: 93-113 1916 Thorpe, Day Does the Folger Want the Truth About Shakespeare? (reprinted from Washington Sunday Star and Daily News (Dec. 17, 1972) SON Vol. 9/1: 1-2 1973, Winter Tierney, J. W. In the Country and Out of It (repr. from The Countryman, Spring 1945) SFE Page 4 1945, May Times, The Obituary of Professor E. B. Ford (1902-1988) DSN No. 2: 26-27 1988, April Titherley, A. W. Letter: patience perforce Letter: Two Gentlemen of Verona Letter: William Barksted (1577-1620) On the Poem Signed I.M.S. (Second Folio) Speake of My Lamenesse The Two Hours Traffic of Our Stage SFE SFE SAR SFE SAR SAR 1956, Spring 1953, Nov. 1964, Autumn 1958, Autumn 1961, Spring 1960, Spring Tracy, Reverend John Jonson and Shakespeare: a contrast in dramatic theory and practice BAR Vol. 1/3: 87-97 1976 Trevor-Roper, Hugh What‘s in a Name? BC 2010 Trout, R. Ridgill Bees and Honey Chris-Cross Edward de Vere to Robert Cecil: Commentary from his unpub. book Twenty Earls and Shakespeare (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 225-229) Elizabeth and the Catholics Letter: Oxford‘s debts Letter: questionnaire Letter: the family of Quickly The Clifford Bax Portrait of W. Shakespeare (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 70-2) A Pound of Flesh 107 Page 12 Page 12-13 Issue #12: 22 Page 7-8 Issue #5: 7-9 Issue #3: 3-4 Vol. II: 1-8 SFE Page 7 SAR Issue #2: 6-8 SAR Issue #17: 13-16 1957, Spring 1959, Autumn 1967, Spring SFE SFE SAR SAR SAR 1958, Spring 1951, April 1968, Autumn 1962, Spring 1961, Autumn Page 5-6 Page 8 Issue #20: 20-21 Issue #7: 22 Issue #6: 8-10 SFE Page 9 1950, Sept. Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Tudor-Pole, Lee Statutes of Apparel DSN Vol. 17/2: 8-12 2010, Aug. Twain, Mark Excerpt from Is Shakespeare Dead? Life of William Shakespeare SON Vol. 30/2b: 1-7 SSR Issue 1/1: 31-35 1994, Spring 1987, Fall Tynan, Kenneth Excerpt from Persona Grata (1953) SON Vol. 24/4: 11 1988, Summer Usher, Peter Advances in the Hamlet Cosmic Allegory Hamlet‘s Love Letter and the New Philosophy Hamlet‘s Transformation Shakespeare‘s Support for the New Astronomy OX OX ER OX Vol. 4: 25-50 Vol. 8: 93-109 Vol. 7/1: 48-64 Vol. 5: 132-146 2001 2005 1999, Spring 2002 OX Vol. 3: 71-98 2000 OX OX OX Vol. 6: 154-163 Vol. 10: 142-153 Vol. 12: 138-166 2003 2007 2010 Valenza, R. J.; Ward E. Y. Elliott Can the Oxford Candidacy Be Saved? response to W. Ron Hess: Shakespeare‘s Dates Letter: response to criticism by John Shahan and W. Ron Hess My Other Car is a Shakespeare: a response to Shahan and Whalen The Shakespeare Clinic and the Oxfordians Valeo, Tom The Case Against Shakespeare (from Daily Herald Arlington Heights, Ill., 1/23/92) Van Druenen, Elizabeth Appleton Letter: Gabriel Harvey‘s Pierce Supererogation Van Lunteren, S. A. Letter: Earl‘s Colne and Colme-Kill Letter: Edward de Vere as translator of Horace Lord Macaulay and Looney‘s Methods Review of Acter het Mombakkes (Behind the Mask) P. H. Van Moerkkerten (1950) Shakespeare a Paris and Measure for Measure Translation of Horace by Edward de Vere SON Vol. 28/1: 1-3 1992, Winter SM Vol. 1/3: 2-3 2002, Spring SFE SFE SFE SFE Page 11-12 Page 11 Page 11 Page 8 1952, Sept. 1955, Autumn 1953, Nov. 1953, Nov. SFE Page 6 SFE Page 8 1954, Sept. 1955, Spring Vere, Charles, Earl of Burford – See Charles Beauclerk Vessey, D. W. T. C. After the Pageant: a meditation for 1965 (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 150-2) SAR Aspects of Shakespeare‘s Classics SAR An Early Allusion to Shakespeare SAR Freud and the Authorship Question (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 51-55) SAR Letter: BBC broadcast SAR Letter: E. R. Curtius and Shakespeare SAR Letter: Stratfordians condescending attitude SAR Notes on the Dating of Macbeth SAR Page missing; article is about the Isle of Dogs SAR Queen Elizabeth as ―Shakespeare‖ SAR Review of Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton by G.P.V. Akrigg SAR (1968) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 300-303) Review of Sir John Russell‘s Lecture ―For and Against William of SAR Stratford‖ (18 Nov. 1969) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 304-306) Review of T. D. Bokenham‘s Lecture Ben Johnson and Shakespeare SAR (21 Feb. 1968) Review of Was Shakespeare Shakespeare? by Milward W. Martin (1965) SAR The Singing Swallow: a note BAR 108 Issue #13: 1-3 Issue #7: 8-10 Issue #19: 4-11 Issue #5: 3-6 Issue #13: 21-22 Issue #22: 18 Issue #16: 27-28 Issue #17: 1-5 Issue #21: 12-15 Issue #7: 22 Issue #23: 12-15 1965, Spring 1962, Spring 1968, Autumn 1961, Spring 1965, Spring 1969, Christm. 1966, Autumn 1967, Spring 1969, Spring 1962, Spring 1970, Summer Issue #23: 15-17 1970, Summer Issue #19: 20-21 1968, Autumn Issue #21: 7-10 1969, Spring Vol. 2/4: 130-132 1980 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Some Early References to Shakespeare (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5: 134-140) Some Stratfordian Fantasies Southampton, Essex and Shake-speare: some notes Variant Shakespeares and Shakespearean Variants (extracts from a talk given 13 Nov. 1987) Venery and Sophistication: Shakespeare‘s Venus and Adonis and Marlowe‘s Hero and Leander SAR SAR SAR DSN Issue #11: 4-9 Issue #9: 3-5 Issue #15: 7-13 No. 3: 8-34 1964, Spring 1963, Spring 1966, Spring 1988, Aug. BAR Vol. 3/2: 74-91 1981 Vezzoli, Gary and Richard Desper A Statistical Approach to the Shakespeare Authorship Question ER 1993, Autumn Von Ost, Count Anthony The De Vere Society Charity Ball The De Vere Society Charity Ball DSN No. 2: 40 DSN No. 3: 108-110 1988, April 1988, Aug. Wainwright, Michael Veering Toward an Evolutionary Realignment of Freud‘s Hamlet BC Vol. III: 9-35 2011, Fall Issue #13: 17 Issue #1: 6-7 1965, Spring 1959, Spring Issue #8: 13-14 Page 3 Issue #1: 13 Issue #10: 16 1962, Autumn 1957, Autumn 1959, Spring 1963, Autumn Issue #6: 23 Issue #16: 26 Issue #16: 1-18 Page 6-7 Issue #2: 20-23 Issue #3: 11-15 1961, Autumn 1966, Autumn 1966, Autumn 1957, Spring 1959, Autumn 1960, Spring Issue #24: 21-22 1971, Spring Issue #23: 18-19 1970, Summer Page 4 1958, Spring Issue #12: 14 1964, Autumn Issue #21: 15-16 1969, Spring Issue #13: 18-19 1965, Spring Issue #21: 11 1969, Spring Issue #11: 14-16 1964, Spring Issue #14: 12-13 1965, Autumn Page 2-3 Issue #6: 13-14 1957, Spring 1961, Autumn Issue #6: 20 Issue #14: 11-12 1961, Autumn 1965, Autumn Issue #12: 13-14 1964, Autumn Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Annual General Meeting SAR The Elizabethan Noblemen and the Literary Profession SAR (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5: 16-18) Forty Winters (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 98-99) SAR Have a Go: group discussion on authorship issues (6 April 1957) SFE Lecture at Newlands Training College for Teachers SAR Notice about three articles on The De Veres of Castle Hedingham by SAR George Caunt that appeared in the Essex Countryside Magazine (July-July, 1963) Obituary: Miss Katharine Eggar (1873-1961) SAR Obituary: Professor A. W. Titherley (d. 1966) SAR On the Poems of Edward de Vere (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 193-212) SAR Psychological Relationships in Hamlet and the Authorship Question SFE Replies to Criticism of ―Who Was Shakespeare?‖ SAR Replies to Mr. Mendl‘s Criticisms of ―Who Was Shakespeare?‖ SAR (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 42-27) Review of Alexis Dawson‘s Lecture: ―They Tried to Tell Us‖ SAR (14 Jan. 1971) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 310-311) Review of Arthur Brown‘s Lecture ―the Printing of Plays in Elizabethan SAR England‖ (25 Feb. 1970) Review of David Freedman‘s Lecture ―Astrology in Shakespeare‘s Plays‖ SFE (15 Feb. 1958) Review of Dr. Eliot Slater‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare‘s Colour Imagery‖ SAR (13 Feb. 1964) Review of Father Francis Edwards‘ Lecture ―A Sidelight on SAR Robert Cecil‘s Spy System‖ (19 Feb. 1969) Review of Geoffrey Ashe‘s Lecture ―Mr. W. H.: Another Suggestion SAR (11 Dec. 1964) Review of Glenn Black‘s Lecture ―Poems by Lord Oxford and Others SAR in Elizabethan Manuscripts‖ (26 Nov. 1968) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture: ―New Evidence for Dating the SAR Plays‖ (21 Nov. 1963) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 141-143) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture ―The Merchant and the Jew‖ SAR (17 Feb. 1965) (17 Feb. 1965) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 174-5) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Talk ―The Upstart Crow‖ (8 Dec. 1956) SFE Review of L. S. Penrose‘s Talk ―The Shakespeare Portraits SAR (11 Mar. 1961) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 75-76) Review of Norman Baker‘s Play William Shakespeare‘s Conspiracy SAR Review of Oxford: Courtier to the Queen by Eleanor Brewster (1964) SAR (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 173) Review of Paging Mr. Shakespeare by Walter Hart (1961) SAR 109 Vol. 1/2: 36-42 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Wainewright, Ruth M. D. (continued) Review of Shakespeare: A Portrait Restored by Clara Longworth de Chambrun (1954) Review of Shakespeare and the Elizabethans by Henri Fluchere (1956) Review of Shakespeare‘s Public by Martin Holmes (1960) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5:73-4) Review of Shakespeare‘s Southampton—Patron of Virginia by A. L. Rowse (1965) Review of Shake-speare: The Real Man Behind the Name by Dorothy Ogburn and Charlton Ogburn, Jr.s (1962) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 103-106) Review of Sir Thomas Smith: Tudor Intellectual in Office by Mary Dewar (1964) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 250-252) Review of The Great Shakespeare Forgery by Bernard Grebanier (1965) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 274-277) Review of The Herberts of Wilton by Tresham Lever (1967) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 259-260) Review of The Man Behind Macbeth and Other Studies by Sir James Fergusson (1969) Review of The Songs and Sonnets of the Earl of Surrey, edited by Douglas Geary Review of Thomas Kyd: Facts and Problems by Arthur Freedman Review of Victor Kanter‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare‘s Imagery and Identity (25 Mar 1970) Review of Who Was Shakespeare? by Hilda Amphlett, with an Introduction by Christmas Humphreys (1955) The S.A.S. Library Shake Spears Sonnets Shakespeare: Lord Oxford or Lord Derby? Review of Shakespeare Identified by J. Thomas Looney, 2nd Edition, edited by Ruth Loyd Miller Some Comments on an Early Dedication to De Vere The Spanish Romances and ―The Tempest‖ The Study Group Work of the Study Group Walker, James Letter: the very curious punctuation of the dedication to the sonnets The Pregnant Silence (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 153-155) SFE Page 9-11 1958, Spring SAR Issue #4: 10-13 SAR Issue #6: 10-13 1960, Autumn 1961, Autumn SAR Issue #15: 14-15 1966, Spring SAR Issue #9: 8-10 1963, Spring SAR Issue #18: 12-13 1967, Autumn SAR Issue #20: 12-13 1968, Autumn SAR Issue #19: 13-14 1968, Autumn SAR Issue #22: 13-15 1969, Christm. SFE Page 10 1957, Autumn SAR Issue #24: 12-13 SAR Issue #23: 19-21 1971, Spring 1970, Summer SAR Issue #24: 13-14 1971, Spring SAR SFE SFE BAR Issue #14: 9 Page 3 Page 10-11 Vol. 2/2: 75-79 1965, Autumn 1954, Sept. 1956, Spring 1979 SFE SFE SFE SFE Page 10-11 Page 9 Page 4 Page 3 1954, April 1955, Autumn 1957, Autumn 1955, Autumn SAR Issue #11: 21 SAR Issue #13: 7-9 1964, Spring 1965, Spring SON Vol. 31/2a: 10-11 1995, Spring Walker, Martha N. Letter: proponents of the Tudor Rose theory are wrong ER 1997, Spring Wanamaker, Melissa C. Excerpt from The Dread Voice is Past SON Vol. 30/2a: 4 1994, Spring Wanamaker, Sam International Shakespeare Globe Centre International Moot Court DSN No. 2: 36-37 1988, April SFE SFE SFE AWA 1937, Sept. 1938, May 1938, March 1936 Walker, John Excerpts from A Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman‘s Magazine (1814) (doubt about unlikeness of Shakespeare‘s busts) Ward, Bernard M. The Earl of Oxford and the Succession Question Gilbert Slater: An Appreciation (1865-1938) Letter: Oxford's co-authors Relations Between Lord Oxford as ―Shakespeare,‖ Queen Elizabeth and the Fair Youth (published as a pamphlet by the Shakespeare Fellowship, London) 110 Vol. 5/1: 6 No. 5: 1-5 No. 9: 1-2 No. 8: 12-13 Vol. 3: 407-427 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Reply to the ―Refutations‖ of Canon Rendall and Mr. Aitken Review of Ernest Allen‘s Pamphlet ―When Shakespeare Died‖ (reprinted from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 3/5, Oct. 1937) Review of The Man Who Was Shakespeare by Eva Turner Clark (1937) Seventeenth Earl of Oxford (excerpt from book) Seventeenth Earl of Oxford (excerpt from book, p. 84-129) Shakespearean Notes (reprinted from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 3/1) SFE Vol. 14 Sup.: 20-24 1939, April AWA Vol. 2: 40-41 1937, Oct. SFE AWA AWA AWA No. 7: 1-3 Vol. 1: 280-293 Vol. 4: 160-186 Vol. 2: 38-39 1938, Jan. 1928 1928 1937, Oct. Ward, Bernard M.; Percy Allen Two New Oxford Discoveries: is Lord Oxford buried in Westminster SFE No. 3: 1-4 Abbey? Anne Cecil and the crisis of 1576 1937, May Ward, Colonel B. R. Mystery of Mr. W. H. (excerpt from Preface) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 260-275) SON Vol. 25/4: 14 1989, Fall SON Vol. 40/3: 8 2004, Summer OX Vol. 6: 133-149 2003 BC SM Vol. II: 121-141 Vol. 7/1: 5 2010 2007, Fall SM SON SON SM BC Vol. 8/4: 1, 8-9, 27 Vol. 47/3: 3 Vol. 47/2: 2 Vol. 9: 2 Vol. II: 109-120 2009, Fall 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2010, Spr/Sum 2010 SM SM BC BC SM SM Vol. 10/2: 4-5 Vol. 9/3: 24-25 Vol. I: 29-39 Vol. II: 260-266 Vol. 9/1: 2 Vol. 7/3: 10-14 2011, Spring 2010, Fall 2009 2010 2010, Winter 2008, Spring SM SM SM SM BC SM SM SM BC Vol. 9/3: 7-11, 30 Vol. 7/3: 7, 15-16 Vol. 7/4: 8, 10-11+ Vol. 8/3: 20, 25-26 Vol. I: 283-285 Vol. 7/2: 1, 6-11+ Vol. 9/3: 1, 15-18 Vol. 10/2: 1, 27-30 Vol. III: 213-234 2010, Fall 2008, Spring 2008, Fall 2009, Summer 2009 2008, Winter 2010, Fall 2011, Spring 2011, Spring OX SM Vol. 13: 34-49 2011 Vol. 7/1: 1, 21-23 2007, Fall Wardell, Jane Literary Group Discredits Shakespeare (reprint from AP) Warren, George The Proof is in the Pembroke: A Stylometric Comparison of the Works of Shakespeare with 12 Works by 8 Elizabethan Authors Waugaman, Richard M. The Arts of English Posie: the case for Edward de Vere‘s authorship DC‘s Shakespeare Theatre Company Acknowledges Authorship Controversy Echoes of the Lamed Section of Psalm 119 in Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Letter: Freud and Shakespeare Letter: update on his authorship publications and activities Letter: Waugaman response to Zenith re Pessoa and Shakespeare Maniculed Psalms in the de Vere Bible: a new literary source for Shakespeare News: Oxford‘s Motto Noted in Margin of 1602 Book News: Year‘s Work in English Studies The Psychology of the Authorship Question Reply to letter from Mike Hyde re Arte of English Poesie Reply to Richard Joyrich‘s letter Review of Anonymity: A Secret History of English Literature by John Mullan (2007) Review of Hamlet Himself by Bronson Feldman (2010) Review of Shakespeare by Another Name by Mark K. Anderson (2005) Review of Shakespeare the Thinker by A. D. Nuttall (2007) Review of The Anonymous Renaissance by Marcy L. North (2003) Review of The Muse as Therapist by Heward Wilkinson (2009) Shakespearean Snail Poem, Newly Attributed to Edward de Vere Shakespeare‘s Sonnet 6 and the First Marked Passage in de Vere Bible Sonnet 80, Marlowe, and Hero and Leander The Sternhold and Hopkins Whole Booke of Psalms: crucial evidence of Edward de Vere‘s authorship of the works of Shakespeare Titus Andronicus, the Psalms, and Edward de Vere‘s Bible A Wanderlust Poem, Newly Attributed to Edward de Vere Webster, Lewis Hammond Those Authorities (reprinted from The Warwick Valley Dispatch, Jan 30, 1946) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 238-240) Wells, Lawrence Obituary: Olga Ironside-Wood (1913-2001) 111 SFQ Vol. VII/1: 12 1946, Jan. SON Vol. 38/1: 21 2002, Winter Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Wember, Hanno Illuminating Eclipses: Astronomy and Chronology in King Lear BC Vol. II: 33-43 2010 Wennerstrom, Jack Letter: Nabokov, nobility and the Nobel Prize SM Vol. 4/2: 2 2005, Winter OX Vol. 2: 145-151 1999 Werth, Andrew Opinion: Reading by the Lamp of Biography: how knowledge of artist illuminates our understanding of the art Reprint of Letter in the Fan/Feb. 2004 issue of The Atlantic Shakespeare‘s Lesse Greek (reprinted in AA, p. 30-43) Virginia Woolf‘s Shakespeare: the Stratford lad in A Room of One‘s Own Westerfield, Barbara A Light on Wivenhoe SM Vol. 3/2: 2-3 2004, Winter OX Vol. 5: 11-29 2002 SON Vol. 36/1: 26-27+ 2000, Spring SON Vol. 23/3: 3-4 Whalen, Richard F. 17% of Shakespeare Professors See at Least Possibly Good Reason to SON Question Shakspere as the Bard And Speaking of Stratford, Here‘s What Henry James‘s Brother Once SON Had to Say Authorship Marathon in North Carolina SM BBC-TV is Making an Hour-Long Special on the Authorship Question SON and Oxford Beard of Avon Opens in New York (2004) SM Before Looney, Did Anyone Know Oxford Was Shakespeare? A Novel, SON A Song, and A Portrait Inventory Suggest So Book Notes: Never and For Ever, Adventures of Freeman Jones by SM Brame and Popova Book Notes: Sara Smith‘s Chasing Shakespeares (2008) SM Book Notes: Shakespeare and George Puttenham‘s Art of English SM Poesie by Charles Willis Book Notes: The Dark Side of Shakespeare by W. Ron Hess (2002, 2003) SM Book Notes: The Shakespeare Question by Kateryna Sinkevych SM Brian Vickers on the Stratford Monument SON Charlton Ogburn (1911-1998) SON Columbia Professor Writing a Book-Length Study of the Authorship SON Issue: Contested Will by James Shapiro (2010) Commedia dell‘arte in Othello: a satiric comedy ending in tragedy BC Cross-examining Leonard Digges on His Stratford Connection SON Cyberspace Embraces Shakespeare SON Don‘t Overlook the Endnotes SM A Dozen Shakespeare Plays Written After Oxford Died? Not Proven! OX English Oxfordian Finds Southampton, De Vere in the Sonnets SON Folger ‗Roasts‘ the Swan of Avon, But Not Really; Exhibit Errs on SON Date of Bible A French/English Pun in Othello SON From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News (The Tempest and the SM Strachey Letter) From the Past President: Congratulations to New President Charles Vere SON Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] From the President SON From the President SON From the President SON Greenblatt on Bate: Shakespeare biographers must use imaginative SM daring and narrative cunning . . . Harper‘s Shakespeare Folio Articles: a Summary SON Interview with Alan Navarre: Oxfordian Playwright SON Last Print Issue of the Elizabethan Review Published SON 112 1987, Summer Vol. 43/3: 15 2007, Summer Vol. 37/2: 2 2001, Summer Vol. 2/2: 5 Vol. 30/3a: 7 2003, Winter 1994, Summer Vol. 3/2: 4 Vol. 31/4: 12-16 2004, Winter 1995, Autumn Vol. 3/4: 31 2004, Summer Vol. 3/4: 31 Vol. 3/4: 31 2004, Summer 2004, Summer Vol. 3/4: 31 Vol. 3/4: 31 Vol. 43/3: 10-11 Vol. 34/3: 1, 5 Vol. 44/2: 13-15 2004, Summer 2004, Summer 2007, Summer 1998, Fall 2008, Spring Vol. III: 71-108 Vol. 37/1: 1, 13-25 Vol. 30/3a: 8 Vol. 6/2: 29-30 Vol. 10: 75-84 Vol. 34/1: 3 Vol. 30/2a: 3-4 2011, Fall 2001, Spring 1994, Summer 2007, Winter 2007 1998, Spring 1994, Spring Vol. 36/1: 23 Vol. 8/1: 3-4, 19 2000, Spring 2009, Winter Vol. 31/4: 17 1995, Autumn Vol. 30/2a: 17-18 Vol. 30/3a: 10 Vol. 31/1a: 10 Vol. 9/1: 24-27 1994, Spring 1994, Summer 1995, Winter 2010, Winter Vol. 35/1: 4 Vol. 45/1: 22-23 Vol. 36/1: 2 1999, Spring 2009, June 2000, Spring Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Letter: Bloom‘s support for Shakespeare‘s ―aristocratic sense of culture‖ ER Letter: comments on the importance of spelling of Shakespeare‘s name SON Letter: comments on ―Writing History‖ SON Letter: date of Edward de Vere death OX Letter: dates of Shakespeare‘s plays SM Letter: de Vere and Marlowe SM Letter: doubts about Shakspeare in the academy SM Letter: Monstrous Adversary by Alan Nelson (2003) SM Letter: paleo-Oxfordians SON Letter: progress among Stratfordians SON Letter: response to John Mitchell SON Letter: response to Lincoln Cain‘s letter: Folger Library is open SON to all researchers Letter: Stratfordian scholar affirms bust fraud OX Letter: the Oxfordian case defended ER Letter: Whittemore‘s Abstract & Brief Chronicle SON Letter to Dr. Alden Vaughan about The Tempest and the Strachey Letter SM Look Not On This Picture: Ambiguity in the Shakespeare First Folio SM Preface Math Professor Leads New Seattle Chapter SON Mock Trial at U.S. Supreme Court: Hamlet Not Insane in Stabbing Death SON of Polonius Mock Trial in Fanueil Hall Is Centerpiece of 17th Annual Conference SON Monstrous Adversary: Part II (2003) SM A Monumental Problem SON Morse Johnson (1915-1997) SON Nelson‘s New Oxford Biography: a review of Monstrous Adversary SM New Editor Pearson‘s First De Vere Society Newsletter SON New Shakespeare Biography: Will in the World by Greenblatt (2004) SON New Yorker Reviewer Suggests a ―Closet Lord,‖ A SON News: Authorship Spoofs Stratford, Ontario SM News: Oxford in the Wall Street Journal SM News: Stanley Wells: Once More Into the Breach . . . SM News: What‘s in a Portrait? Cobbe Portrait Joins the Crowd of SM Shakespeare Pretenders Obscure Legal Point in Hamlet, and News From the DeVere Society SON On Looking Into Chapman‘s Oxford: A Personality Profile of the OX Seventeenth Earl An Overlooked Sub-Plot in Macbeth Reveals Oxford‘s Hand SM Oxford on Trial in Houston SON Oxfordian News: Oxfordian group formed in Chicago; authorship SON question at Harvard Oxfordian Productions in Shakespeare Summer Stock SON Oxfordians in the Theater Bring Oxfordian Readings to Shakespeare‘s SON Plays The Prince Tudor Hypothesis: a brief survey of the pros and cons SON Q&A with Richard Whalen: Shakespeare‘s Audiences SON The Queen‘s Worm, in Antony and Cleopatra SON Report from the Shakesearean Association of America Meeting SON Report on Oxfordian Activity in Seattle, Washington SON A Response to Burden of Proof and Presumptions in the Shakespeare TLR Authorship Debate Response to Oxford by the Numbers TLR Review of A Biography of Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox by SM K. Schutte Review of Bloody Constraint: War and Chivalry in Sh. by Theodor SON Meron (1988) Review of Chasing Shakespeares by Sarah Smith (2008) SM Review of Contested Will by James Shapiro (2010) SON Review of Creating Literature Out of Life by Doris Alexander (1996) SON 113 Vol. 4/2: 3 Vol. 45/3: 27-28 Vol. 33/2: 21 Vol. 9: 140-141 Vol. 8/1: 28 Vol. 2/2: 4 Vol. 7/2: 2, 30-32 Vol. 3/4: 7-8 Vol. 36/4: 23 Vol. 43/4: 19-20 Vol. 34/3: 25 Vol. 31/4: 22 1996, Autumn 2009, Dec. 1997, Spring 2006 2009, Winter 2003, Winter 2008, Winter 2004, Summer 2001, Winter 2007, Fall 1998, Fall 1995, Autumn Vol. 10: 163-164 Vol. 5/2: 4-5 Vol. 36/1: 29 Vol. 8/1: 3-4, 19 Vol. 10/3: 1, 24-30 2007 1997, Autumn 2000, Spring 2009, Winter 2011, Summer Vol. 41/1: 24 Vol. 30/4: 19 2005, Winter 1994, Autumn Vol. 29/4: 18-19 Vol. 3/2: 22-23 Vol. 33/4: 10-11 Vol. 33/4: 2 Vol. 3/1: 1, 20-21 Vol. 36/1: 2, 21 Vol. 40/2: 18 Vol. 29/3a: 6 Vol. 7/1: 4 Vol. 8/2: 5, 12 Vol. 8/1: 19 Vol. 8/2: 5 1993, Fall 2004, Winter 1997, Fall 1997, Fall 2003, Fall 2000, Spring 2004, Spring 1993, Summer 2007, Fall 2009, Spring 2009, Winter 2009, Spring Vol. 37/2: 5-6 Vol. 5: 119-131 2001, Summer 2002 Vol. 7/3: 6, 28-31 2008, Spring Vol. 40/2: 23 2004, Spring Vol. 35/4: 14 2000, Winter Vol. 31/1a: 8 Vol. 30/3a: 9-10 1995, Winter 1994, Summer Vol. 42/2: 10-11+ Vol. 40/1: 11 Vol. 34/2: 12-13 Vol. 29/2a: 12 Vol. 44/1: 28 Vol. 72/1: 273-274 2006, Spring 2004, Winter 1998, Summer 1993, Spring 2008, Winter 2004, Fall Vol. 72/1: 275-276 2004, Fall Vol. 3/3: 24 2004, Spring Vol. 35/3: 18 1999, Fall Vol. 2/4: 24 Vol. 46/1: 7-11 Vol. 34/2: 19 2003, Summer 2010, May 1998, Summer Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Whalen, Richard F. (continued) Review of Cultural Selection by Gary Taylor (1996) Review of Discovering Shakespeare by Edward Holmes (2001) Review of Edmond Malone, Shakespearean Scholar by Peter Martin (1995) Review of Genius of Shakespeare by Jonathan Bate (1998) Review of Global Shakespeare Series, edited By Dom Saliani (1996-7) Review of Inscribing the Time by Eric Mallin (1995) Review of Is It True What They Say About Shakespeare? by Stanley Wells (2007) Review of Is It True What They Say About Shakespeare? by Stanley Wells (2007) Review of Kill All the Lawyers? Sh‘s Legal Appeal by Daniel J. Kornstein (1994) Review of Love‘s Labour‘s Lost: Critical Essays, edited by Felicia Londre (1997) Review of Me and Shakespeare: Adventures with the Bard by Herman Gollob (2002) Review of Most Greatly Lived by Paul Altrocchi (2000) Review of Players: The Mysterious Identity of William Shakespeare by Fields (2005) Review of Reviews: Monstrous Errors Infect [Nelson‘s] Monstrous Adversary (2003) Review of Shakespeare After All by Marjorie Garber (2004) Review of Shakespeare for Dummies by John Doyle and Ray Lischner (1999) Review of Shakespeare: a Life in Drama by Stanley Wells (1995) Review of Shakespeare: an Annotated Bibliography by Joseph Rosenblum (1992) Review of Shakespeare: His Life, Work and Era by Dennis Kay (1993) Review of Shakespeare: In Fact by Irvin Matus (1994) Review of Shakespeare: the King‘s Playwright, 1603-1613 by Alvin Kernan (1995) Review of Shakespeare: the Later Years by Russell Fraser (1993) Review of Shakespeare: the Living Record: Irwin Matus (date) Review of Shakespeare: the World as Stage by Bill Bryson (2007) Review of Shakespeare‘s Lives by S. Schoenbaum (1993) Review of Shakespeare‘s Professional Career by Peter Thomson (1999) Review of Shakespeare‘s Shakespeare: How the Plays Were Made by By Meagher (1997) Review of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets edited by K Duncan-Jones (1997) Review of Shakespearean Criticism, Vol. 41 of 68, ed. by Lee and Barnes (1998) Review of Shakespeare‘s Fingerprints by Michael Brame and Galina Popova (2002) Review of Shakespeare‘s Unorthodox Biography by Diana Price (2001) Review of Soul of the Age by Jonathan Bate (2009) Review of Stephen Greenblatt‘s Review of Soul of the Age by Jonathan Bate (2009) Review of Symptoms of Culture by Marjorie Garber (1998) Review of The Art of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets by Helen Vendler (1997) Review of The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare by Russ McDonald (1996) Review of The Case for Shakespeare by Scott McCrea (2005) Review of The Complete Works of Shakespeare, edited by David Bevington (2008) Review of The De Vere Society Newlsetter Review of The Friendly Shakespeare by Norrie Epstein (1993) Review of The Friendly Shakespeare by Norrie Epstein (1993) Review of The Heart and Stomach of a King: Elizabeth I and the 114 SON Vol. 32/2: 19, 24 SM Vol. 2/1: 30 SON Vol. 32/2: 19 1996, Spring 2002, Fall 1996, Spring SON SON SON SON 1998, Fall 1997, Fall 1999, Fall 2008, Spring Vol. 34/3: 23, 28 Vol. 33/4: 21 Vol. 35/3: 18 Vol. 44/2: 15-16 SON Vol. 45/1: 24-25 2009, June SON Vol. 30/4: 4-5 1994, Autumn SON Vol. 33/2: 19 1997, Spring SM 2003, Winter Vol. 2/2: 21 SON Vol. 37/1: 18 SON Vol. 41/4: 31-32 2001, Spring 2005, Fall SON Vol. 41/2: 21-22 2005, Spring SON Vol. 41/2: 23 SON Vol. 35/4: 16, 23 2005, Spring 2000, Winter SON Vol. 32/1: 21 SON Vol. 29/2a: 4 1996, Winter 1993, Spring SON Vol. 29/2a: 3 SON Vol. 30/1: 11-12 SON Vol. 32/1: 21 1993, Spring 1994, Winter 1996, Winter SON SON SM SON SON SON 1993, Spring 1993, Spring 2008, Winter 1993, Spring 1993, Spring 1999, Fall Vol. 29/2a: 3-4 Vol. 29/2a: 5 Vol. 7/2: 3, 20 Vol. 29/2a: 5-6 Vol. 29/2a: 4 Vol. 35/3: 18 SON Vol. 34/1: 18-19 SON Vol. 39/1: 20-21 1998, Spring 2003, Winter SON Vol. 40/1: 23-24 2004, Winter SON Vol. 36/3: 18, 23 SON Vol. 45/2: 28-29 SON Vol. 45/3: 25-26 2000, Fall 2009, Sept. 2009, Dec. SON Vol. 35/1: 19, 23 SON Vol. 34/1: 18-19 SON Vol. 32/3: 19 1999, Spring 1998, Spring 1996, Summer SON Vol. 41/4: 30 SON Vol. 29/2a: 4 2005, Fall 1993, Spring SON SON SON SON 2000, Summer 1993, Winter 1993, Spring 1999, Fall Vol. 36/2: 2 Vol. 29/1a: 1-3 Vol. 29/2a: 4-5 Vol. 35/3: 18 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Politics of Sex and Power by Carole Levin (1994) Review of The Lame Storyteller, Poor and Despised by Peter R. Moore Moore (2009) Review of The Late Mr. Shakespeare: A Novel by Robert Nye (1999) Review of The Norton Shakespeare, edited by Stephen Greenblatt Review of The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare, edited by Dobson and Wells (2001) Review of The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe by Charles Nicholl (1992) Review of The Riverside Guide to Writing by Douglas Hunt (1995) Review of The RSC Shakespeare, edited by Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen (2007) Review of The Shakespeare Conspiracy by Graham Phillips and M. Keatman (1994) Review of The Shakespeare Wars by Ron Rosenbaum (2006) Review of The Sonnets, a volume in The New Cambridge Shakespeare, edited by C. Blakemore Evans, with an introduction by Anthony Hecht (1996) Review of The Sonnets edited by G. Blakemore Evans (1996) Review of Ungentle Shakespeare: Scenes from his Life by Duncan-Jones (2001) Review of Vice Versa: Bisexuality and Eroticism of Everyday Life by Garber (1995) Review of Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare by Greenblatt (2004) Review of William Shakespeare: a Popular Life by Garry O‘Connor (2000) Samuel Schoenbaum (1927-1996) Shakespeare Allusions and Oxford; Wounded Truth; Titian and Venus and Adonis; Hamlet and a Lost Inheritance Shakespeare and the Law Shakespeare in Scotland: what did the author of Macbeth know, when did he know it? Shakespeare Matters Interview with Richard F. Whalen Shakespeare/Oxford in ―Jeopardy‘ Shakespeare‘s Audience: a reassessment of the Stratfordian View (reprinted in AAp. 135-142) Shakespeare‘s Biographical Problems Heat Up The Stratford Bust: a monumental fraud (reprinted in AA, p. 145-161) Stratford Man Among the Undead in The New York Times Stratford Man Discredited in Top History Magazine Stratford, Cooperstown and Myth That Wild and Crazy Shakspere Theories of Authorship To Our English Terence . . . University of Tennessee Law School Hosts Authorship Conference Washington D.C.‘s Shakespeare Theatre Promotes Authorship Dialogue Who Wrote Shakespeare? the preponderance of evidence Will Writ Wrong: New Yorker takes a bit of the authorship apple Young Adult Novels Pitch Oxford as Shakespeare Whalen, Richard; William E. Boyle; Lynne Kositsky Fellowship in Cambridge: conference brings together cross-section of Shakespeareans Whalen, Richard F.; John Shahan Apples to Oranges in Bard Stylometrics: Elliot & Valenza Fail to Eliminate Oxford Auditing the Stylometricians: Elliott, Valenza and the Claremont Authorship Clinic 115 SM Vol. 9: 5-25 2010, Spr/Sum SON Vol. 35/2: 20-21 SON Vol. 33/3: 17, 24 SM Vol. 1/3: 23-24 1999, Summer 1997, Summer 2002, Spring SON Vol. 31/1a: 11 1995, Winter SON Vol. 32/3: 19, 23 SON Vol. 43/3: 14, 24 1996, Summer 2007, Summer SON Vol. 32/2: 19 1996, Spring SM Vol. 6/1: 8, 30, 32 2006, Fall SON Vol. 32/2: 19 1996, Spring SON Vol. 34/1: 18-19 SON Vol. 37/2: 15 1998, Spring 2001, Summer SON Vol. 32/1: 21 1996, Winter SM 2005, Winter Vol. 4/2: 22-23 SON Vol. 36/1: 24-25 2000, Spring SON Vol. 32/2: 2 SON Vol. 36/4: 2, 7 1996, Spring 2001, Winter SON Vol. 40/3: 5 OX Vol. 6: 55-70 2004, Summer 2003 SM Vol. 8/4: 6-7 2009, Winter SON Vol. 31/2a: 12 1995, Spring SON Vol. 40/4: 1, 7-9+ 2004, Fall SON OX SON SON SON SON SON SON SON SM TLR SM SON Vol. 47/2: 9-11 Vol. 8: 7-24 Vol. 30/4: 14-15 Vol. 37/2: 1, 20 Vol. 46/2: 20-21 Vol. 43/1: 30 Vol. 46/2: 11-12 Vol. 35/4: 3, 22 Vol. 40/3: 1, 4-5 Vol. 5/1: 5 Vol. 72/1: 255-271 Vol. 2/4: 5 Vol. 36/3: 19, 24 2011, Spring 2005 1994, Autumn 2001, Summer 2010, Aug. 2007, Winter 2010, Aug. 2000, Winter 2004, Summer 2005, Fall 2004, Fall 2003, Summer 2000, Fall SM Vol. 2/2: 1, 6 2003, Winter OX Vol. 9: 13-125 2006 OX Vol. 11: 235-265 2009 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Whalen, Richard F.; John Shahan (continued) Elliott and Valenza‘s Stylometrics Fail to Eliminate Oxford as Shakespeare Reply to Ward and Valenza Wheaton, Bonnie M. Letter: praise for Ogburn book and response to facile arguments in favor of Shakspur in Eleven Magazine Whittemore, Hank Abstract & Brief Chronicles: the Sonnets seen as Shakespeare‘s true testimony about the end of the Tudor era Dramatizing Shake-Speare‘s Treason Letter: response to Christopher Paul‘s article on Oxford‘s annuity Letter: Prince Tudor theory Letter: the dark lady is a metaphor Letter: The Monument (2005) Oxford‘s Metamorphoses The Politics of Massacres, the Need for Intelligence: Shakespeare‘s role in an Elizabethan England under seige Prince Hamlet, the ―Spear-Shaker‖ of Elsinore Remembering K.C. Review of Great Oxford: Essays on the Life and Work of Edward de Vere, edited by Richard Malim, Kevin Gilvary, Elizabeth Imlay and Eddi Jolly (2004) Review of Shakespeare: Who Was He? By Richard F. Whalen (1994) Some Aspects of the Monument Theory Who‘s Th‘heir: another reading of Hamlet‘s opening line A Year in the Life: 1564: The Education of Young Shakespeare A Year in the Life: 1577: The Art of Navigation A Year in the Life: 1580: The Year of Living Dangerously A Year in the Life: 1581: Reckonings and Reconciliation A Year in the Life: 1586: Part I: ―Buy a Thousand Pound, Buy a Rope‖ A Year in the Life: 1586, Part II: Preparing For War A Year in the Life: 1589: The Metamorphosis Begins A Year in the Life: 1597: Islands Voyage & Isle of Dogs A Year in the Life: 1601 (I): ―authorize thy trespass with compare . . .‖ A Year in the Life: 1601 (II): ―I . . . watch the clock for you‖ A Year in the Life: 1601 (III): ―On better judgment making . . .‖ A Year in the Life: 1601 (IV): ―Three Winters Cold . . .‖ A Year in the Life: 1601 (V): ―Your Trespass Now Becomes a Fee‖ A Year in the Life: 1604, Part I: ―Our revels now are ended‖ A Year in the Life: 1604, Part II: The Rest of the Story DS Page 137-142 2009 OX Vol. 12: 167-181 2010 SON Vol. 25/3: 6-7 1989, Summer SON Vol. 35/2: 1, 10-4+ 1999, Summer BC BC SON SON SM SON SM Vol. I: 267-275 Vol. II: 266-268 Vol. 43/2: 21 Vol. 36/4: 23 Vol. 4/2: 2 Vol. 32/4: 1, 11-15 Vol. 1/1: 4-7, 19 2009 2010 2007, Spring 2001, Winter 2005, Winter 1996, Fall 2001, Fall SON Vol. 37/1: 8-12 SON Vol. 45/2: 4-5 OX Vol. 8: 137-139 2001, Spring 2009, Sept. 2005 SON DS SON SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM 1994, Summer 2009 2010, May 2002, Spring 2003, Winter 2002, Summer 2002, Fall 2003, Summer 2003, Fall 2002, Winter 2003, Spring 2004, Summer 2004, Fall 2005, Winter 2005, Spring 2005, Summer 2004, Winter 2004, Spring Vol. 30/3a: 11-12 Page 41-62 Vol. 46/1: 19-20 Vol. 1/3: 32-33 Vol. 2/2: 22-25 Vol. 1/4: 21-23, 27 Vol. 2/1: 31-33, 36 Vol. 2/4: 27-33 Vol. 3/1: 22-24, 32 Vol. 1/2: 24-25 Vol. 2/3: 26-29 Vol. 3/4: 1, 16-21 Vol. 4/1: 22-27+ Vol. 4/2: 24-29 Vol. 4/3: 24-29, 32 Vol. 4/4: 28-33 Vol. 3/2: 24-27 Vol. 3/3: 25-29, 32 Whittemore, Hank; D. Charlton Obituaries: Robert Brazil (1955-2010) and Verily Anderson (1915-2010) SON Vol. 46/2: 16-17 2010, Aug. Whittemore, Hank and James Sherwood Interview with Hank Whittemore: Author, Actor, Scholar SON Vol. 41/2: 2, 18-20 2005, Spring Width, Susan G. Board Positions Open SON Vol. 47/2: 6 2011, Spring Width, Susan G.; John Hamill Board of Trustees Approves Changes in Membership Dues SON Vol. 45/3: 4-5 2009, Dec. Wiles, A. G. D. Letter Correcting Misquotation SFQ Vol. VI/3: 39 1945, July 116 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Wilkinson, Heward Cordelia‘s Silence and Edgar‘s Secrecy: the authorship question in King Lear James Shapiro and the Sources of Literary Imagination Review of Theater of Envy: William Shakespeare by Rene Girard (1991, 2004) BC Vol. II: 143-170 SM BC Vol. 10/2: 1, 24-26 2011, Spring Vol. III: 275-278 2011, Fall Williamson, Gene Letter: Oxford and The Tempest Letter: praise for Ogburn and Frontline Letter: thanks for the Spear-Shaker Night Flight When the Search For Shakespeare Got Spooky SON SON SSR SSR SON Vol. 26/2: 12 Vol. 25/3: 8 Issue 5: 25 Issue 5: 17-18 Vol. 28/2: 7-11 1990, Spring 1989, Summer 1991, Aug. 1991, Aug. 1992, Spring Willis, Charles Murray George Puttenham and Venus and Adonis George Puttenham, the Earl of Oxford and Shakespeare, Part I The Printing of The Arte of English Poesie and the Earl of Oxford Stratford, ‗that Ungodly town‘ Was Edward de Vere Legitimate? DSN DSN GO DSN DSN Page 16-19 Page 29 Page 38-42 Page 18-20 Page 20 2004, Oct. 2002, Jan./Feb. 2004 2007, Feb. 2004, Jan. Willis, Marie Letter: report that Oxford as Shakespeare is well-known in France SON Vol. 28/2: 2 1992, Spring Winkworth, Tish Letter: comments on Michel Drayton‘s Poly-Olbion SSN Issue 1/1: 3 1991, Feb. Wolstanton, Jeremy Crick Letter: Trentham family research SON Vol. 42/4: 31 2006, Fall redux Woodward, H. M. M. The Stratford Monument SFE No. 11: 6-8 1938, Sept. Woudhuysen, H. R. Freudian Oxfordian (from TLS, 4/20-26/90) SON Vol. 26/2: 7 1990, Spring Wright, Alice W. Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. her experience teaching about Oxford SON Vol. 25/2: 14-15 1989, Spring SON SON SM SM SM OX 2004, Spring 1999, Fall 2002, Summer 2004, Summer 2002, Winter 1998 Wright, Daniel L. Apply for an Oxfordian Research Fellowship Exceprts from Reviews of William Shakespeare by A. Holden (1999) Funeral Elegy Buried Good Night, Sweet Prince Guest Column: My Turn - New Beginnings He Was a Scholar and a Ripe and Good One: Oxford‘s education, mirrored in the Shakespeare canon In Memoriam: Norma Claire Howe (1930-2011) Knocking on Wood: review of In Search of Shakespeare by Michael Wood (1985) Letter: congratulations to The Oxfordian for such an informative journal Letter: importance of Shakespeare Fellowship Letter: Mark Anderson‘s superb analysis of Shakespeare‘s legal acumen Letter: students from Vancouver; Brazil‘s article on Oxford‘s birthdate Oxfordians Mourn Passing of Richard Roe (d. 2010) Preface to his Examination of Roger Stritmatter Prince Tudor Seminar: an Assessment Review of Alias Shakespeare by Joseph Sobran (1997) Review of Shakespeare and the Christian Tradition edited by E. Beatrice Batson (1994) 117 Vol. 40/2: 24 Vol. 35/3: 18-19 Vol. 1/4: 5, 20 Vol. 3/4: 32-33 Vol. 1/2: 5-6 Vol. 1: 64-87 2010 SON Vol. 47/2: 13-14 2011, Spring SM Vol. 3/1: 10-11, 17 2003, Fall OX SM SON SON SON SON SM OX OX Vol. 10: 166-166 Vol. 1/1: 2 Vol. 36/2: 21 Vol. 38/4: 23 Vol. 47/1: 1, 22 Vol. 36/1: 8 Vol. 4/1: 9 Vol. 2: 152-154 Vol. 3: 116-118 2007 2001, Fall 2000, Summer 2002, Fall 2011, Jan. 2000, Spring 2004, Fall 1999 2000 Complete Index Sorted by Author-Title Wright, Daniel L. (continued) Review of Shakespeare‘s Edward III edited by Eric Same Review of Will in the World by Greenblatt (2004) Shakespeare‘s Religion Shaking the Spear at Court: Oxford as ―The Knight of the Tree of the Sunne‖ Summer 2004 Prince Tudor Seminar Vere-y Interesting: Shakespeare‘s treatment of the earls of Oxford in the history plays ER SM SON SON Vol. 5/1: 54-56 Vol. 4/1: 4, 32 Vol. 35/3: 9 Vol. 34/2: 1, 14-5+ 1997, Spring 2004, Fall 1999, Fall 1998, Summer SON Vol. 40/4: 6 2004, Fall SON Vol. 36/1: 1, 14-21 2000, Spring Wright, Daniel; Roger Stritmatter; William E. Boyle Shakespeare and Religion: Conference Panel Highlights Sticking Points SON Vol. 35/3: 8-9 for Scholars 1999, Fall Wrigley, Elizabeth S. Letter: the dark lady SAR Issue #3: 24 1960, Spring Wyneken, Warren W. Letter: praise for the Newsletter and for Charlton Ogburn, Jr.‘s book Letter: rules of evidence SON Vol. 27/2: 8 SSR Issue 3/4: 18 1991, Spring 1991, May York, Michael Letter: regrets his not being able to attend Conference Michael York on Shrew SON Vol. 32/4: 18 SM Vol. 2/4: 35-36 1996, Fall 2003, Summer Zacharias, Margaret Letter: her attendance at the SF/SOS Annual Conference SM Vol. 6/2: 2 2007, Winter Zacharias, Peter A Boar Among the Flowers: a closer look at Adventures Passed by F. I. Oxford‘s Years at Cecil House: the creation of a divided mind SM SM Vol. 6/2: 7-12 2007, Winter Vol. 5/2: 1, 15-21+ 2006, Winter Zenith, Richard Letter to Rick Waugaman re Pessoa and Shakespeare SM Vol. 9: 2 ? (page 42 is missing) Concordance to the Poems of Lord Oxford DSN No. 2: 41-42 118 2010, Spr/Sum 1988, April INDEX TO THE ANTHOLOGIES DEVOTED TO SHAKESPEARE AUTHORSHIP RESEARCH COMPILED AND EDITED BY PAUL H. ALTROCCHI AND HANK WHITTEMORE (AWA) Volume 1: The Great Shakespeare Hoax (2009) Volume 2: Nothing Truer Than Truth (2009) Volume 3: Shine Forth (2009) Volume 4: My Name Be Buried (2009) Volume 5: So Richly Spun (2009) Volume 1: The Great Shakespeare Hoax (2009) 7 Greenwood, Elsie Obituary of G. G. Greenwood (1859-1928) (from SAR #8, 1962, Autumn) 8-9 Greenwood, George G. Is There a Shakespeare Problem? (excerpt: Notes to Ch. III: Brief Comments on the Sonnets) (1916) 10-23 Greenwood, George G. Is There a Shakespeare Problem? (excerpt: Chapter VI: Professor Dryasdust and ―Genius‖) (1916) 24-32 Greenwood, George G. Is There a Shakespeare Problem? (excerpt: Chapter VIII: The Portraits of Shakespeare) (1916) 33-42 Greenwood, George G. Is There a Shakespeare Problem? (excerpt: Chapter VI: Shakespeare as a Lawyer) (1916) 43-52 Greenwood, George G. Ben Jonson and Shakespeare (Tract published by Cecil Palmer, London) (1921) 53-58 Greenwood, George G. Stratford Bust and the Droeshout Engraving (Monograph published by C. Palmer, p. 61-65) (1925) 62-70 Hartnig, James Edmund Ornithology of Shakespeare Critically Examined (excerpt: Introduction and Chapter 1) (1864) 71-72 Geikie, Sir Archibald The Birds of Shakespeare (excerpt: Preface) (1916) 73-90 Theobald, William The Classical Element in the Shakespeare Plays (excerpt: Introduction) (1909) 91-92 Clark, Cumberland Astronomy in the Poets (excerpt: Forward) (1922) 93-113 Thomson, Sir St. Clair, MD Shakespeare and Medicine (excerpt, from Medical Society of London, Transactions, Vol. 39) (1916) 114-115 Singleton, Esther The Shakespeare Garden (excerpt: Introduction by Eva Turner Clark) (1931) 116-120 Clark, Cumberland Shakespeare and Science (excerpt) (1929) 121-127 Noble, Richard Shakespeare‘s Biblical Knowledge (excerpt: Chapter 5) (1935) 133 Batchelor, H. Crouch Advice to English Schoolboys Who Want to Become Shakespere (1912) 134-136 Connes, Georges Shakespeare Mystery, The: (excerpt: Chapter 6: Bacon is Shakespeare) (1927) 147-152 Collins, J. Churton Studies in Shakespeare: The Bacon - Shakespeare Mania (excerpt) (1904) 153-159 Eagle, Roderick Shakespeare: New Views for Old (excerpt: Preface) (1930) 160-162 Bayley, Harold Tragedy of Sir Francis Bacon, The (excerpt) (1902) 163-168 Bompas, George C. The Problem of the Shakespeare Plays (excerpt: The Argument, Chapters 2, 3) (1902) 184-189 Gallup, Elizabeth Wells The Bi-literal Cypher of Sir Francis Bacon (excerpt: Note by the Publisher) (1910) 190-199 Stotsenburg, John H. An Impartial Study of the Shakespeare Title (excerpt: Ch. 4: Shaksper Has No Place in Henslowe‘s Diary) (1904) 200-205 Cuningham, Granville C. Bacon‘s Secret Disclosed in Contemporary Books (excerpt: Introduction) (1911) 206-210 Slater, Gilbert Seven Shakespeares (excerpt: Chapter VI: The Case for Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam) (1931) 214-217 Demant, V. A. Obituary of John Thomas Looney (1870-1944) (from Shakespearean Authorship Review, No. 8, 1962, Autumn) 218-238 Looney, J. Thomas Shakespeare Identified (escerpts from Chapters 2, 3, 4) (from SAR, No. 22, 1969, Christmas) 119 Index to the Anthologies Complied and Edited by Altrocchi and Whittemore 243-245 Bowen, Marjorie 246-247 Editor 248-255 Holland, Captain Hubert H. 256-259 Carrington, Phyllis 260-275 276-279 Ward, Colonel B. R. Editor 280-293 Ward, Bernard M. 294-297 Editor 298-313 Clark, Eva Turner 314-328 329-330 Rendall, Canon Gerald Adamson, T. L. 331-333 Bowen, Marjorie 334-347 Allen, Percy 348-357 Allen, Percy 358-380 Allen, Percy 381 Ranson, F. Lingard 382-404 Allen, Percy and Ernest Allen Volume 2: Nothing Truer Than Truth (2009) 5-13 Allen, Percy 14-16 Barrell, Charles Wisner 17-19 Looney, J. Thomas 20-24 Looney, J. Thomas 25-28 29-31 Slater, Gilbert Rendall, Canon Gerald 32-33 Editor 34-37 38-39 40-41 Allen, Ernest Ward, Bernard M. Ward, Bernard M. 42-45 Ranson, F. Lingard 56-58 Allen, Percy 59-61 Douglas, Montagu W. 62-64 Douglas, Montagu W. Introduction to Percy Allen‘s Plays of Shakespeare and Chapman in Relation to French History (1933) Obituary of Rear-Admiral H. H. Holland (1873-1957) (from SFE, 1957, Autumn) Shakespeare Through Oxford Glasses: Topical Allusions in Shakespeare‘s Plays (excerpt) (1923) Obituary of Colonel Bernard Rowland Ward (1863-1933) (from SAR, No. 8, 1962, Autumn) Mystery of ―Mr.W. H.,‖ The (excerpt: Preface) (1923) Oxford-Shakespeare Case Loses Brilliant Advocate: Bernard M. Ward (1893-1945) (from SFA, Vol. VI, No. 4, 1946, Jan.) The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, 1550-1604, from Contemporary Documents (excerpt) (1928) Mrs. Eva Turner Clark, Founder of The Shakespeare Fellowship, USA (1871-1947) (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, No. 1, 1947, Spring) Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare‘s Plays (excerpt: Preface and part of Part II) (1931) Shakespeare Sonnets and Edward de Vere (excerpt) (1930) Obituary of Percy Allen (1875-1959) (from Shakespearean Authorship Review, No. 1, 1959, Spring) Introduction to Percy Allen‘s The Plays of Shakespeare & Chapman in Relation to French History (excerpt) (1933) The Plays of Shakespeare & Chapman in Relation to French History (exceerpt: Chapter 1) (1933) Case for Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford as ―Shakespeare‖ (excerpt: Chs. 1 and 12) (1930) The Oxford-Shakespeare Case Corroborated (excerpt: Chapters 1, 6, 11) (1931) Death of Ernest Allen (1875-1940) (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1940) Lord Oxford & ―Shakespeare:‖ A Reply to John Drinkwater (Prefatory Note by Percy Allen) (1933) Lord Oxford as Shakespeare (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 8 (1937) Review of Eva Turner Clark‘s Book ―The Man Who Was Shakespeare‖ (1937) (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 5, 1938, Feb.) Lord Oxford and the Shrew Plays, Part 1 (from Shakespeare Pictorial No. 93, 1935, Nov.) Lord Oxford and the Shrew Plays, Part 2 (from Shakespeare Pictorial No. 94, 1935, Dec.) Letter to Editor, (from Shakespeare Pictorial No. 92, 1934, Oct.) Review of Lt. Col. Montague Douglas‘s Book ―Lord Oxford was Shakespeare‖ (from Shakespeare Pictorial No. 95, 1934)) Elizabeth Trentham and Edward de Vere (from Shakespeare Pictorial No. 102, 1935, Aug.) Shakespeare‘s Sonnets (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 2, 1937, June) Shakespearean Notes (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 1) Review of Ernest Allen‘s Pamphlet ―When Shakespeare Died‖ (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 5, 1937, Oct.) Shakespeare: An East Anglian (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 7, 1937, April) The De Vere Star (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 10, 1938, Aug.) Review of Rev. Canon G. H. Rendall‘s Book Ben Jonson and the First Folio (1939) (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1940, Feb.) (reprinted from SFA, Vol. 1/2, Feb. 1940) Welcome to the American Branch of the Shakespeare Fellowship (from East Anglian Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1940, April) 120 Index to the Anthologies Complied and Edited by Altrocchi and Whittemore 68-69 Clark, Eva Turner 70-71 Benezet, Louis P. 72-73 74-76 Barrell, Charles Wisner Editor 77-79 Editor 80-86 Editor 85-86 Editor 87-88 Editor 89-91 Benezet, Louis P. 92-95 Clark, Eva Turner 96-97 98-100 Clark, Eva Turner Editor 101-103 104-106 Barrell, Charles Wisner Clark, Eva Turner 107-108 110 111-113 114-117 Benezet, Louis P. Editor Clark, Eva Turner Singleton, Esther 118-120 Barrell, Charles Wisner 121-122 123-124 Clark, Eva Turner Barrell, Charles Wisner 125-128 129-131 132-134 Clark, Eva Turner Clark, Eva Turner Clark, Eva Turner 135-144 Looney, J. Thomas 145-155 Looney, J. Thomas 156-164 165-170 Barrell, Charles Wisner Benezet, Louis P. 171-176 Benezet, Louis P. 177-183 Barrell, Charles Wisner 184-193 Barrell, Charles Wisner 194-209 Barrell, Charles Wisner 210-227 Barrell, Charles Wisner 228 229-234 235-249 Editor Heron, Flodden W. Clark, Eva Turner Introduction to the Shakespeare Fellowship, American Branch (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1939, Dec.) President Louis Benezet‘s Message (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1939, Dec.) To Pluck the Heart of the Mystery (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1939, Dec.) Origins and Achievements of the Shakespeare Fellowship (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1939, Dec.) Noted Oxfordian Ernest Allen Dies (1872-1939) (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1939, Dec.) Scientific Proof that Certain Shakesper Portraits Are De Vere (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1940, Feb.) The Roentgen Shakespeare (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1940, Feb.; reprinted from NY Sun, Dec. 16, 1939) Dean of Litery Detectives on the War (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1940, Feb.) Organization of the Shakespeare Fellowship, American Branch (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1939, Dec.) Shakespeare Read Books Written in Greek (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1940, Feb.) Shakespeare‘s Birthday (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1940, April/May) Editorial in The Argonaut of San Francisco (Jan. 26, 1940) (reprinted from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1940, April/May) Mountanious Error (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1940, April/May) The Date of Hamlet‘s Composition (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1940, April/May) Shakespeare and Ben Jonson (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1940, June/July) A Master of Double-Talk (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1940, July) He Must Build Churches Then (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1940, Was Edward de Vere Shakespeare? (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1940, June/July) Dr. Phelps and His Muddled Miracle (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1940, Aug./Sept.) The Painting in Lucrece (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1940, Aug./Sept.) Arthur Golding: the Uncle of Edward de Vere (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 6, 1940, Oct./Nov.) Topicalities in the Plays (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 6, 1940, Oct./Nov.) Anamos, or A. W. (from SFA, Vol. 1, No. 6, 1940, Oct./Nov.) Gabriel Harvey and Axiophilus (from SFA, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1940, Dec.) Shakespeare: A Missing Author, Part 1 (from SFA, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1941, Feb.) Shakespeare: A Missing Author, Part 2 (from SFA, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1941, April) Shakespeare‘s Irish Sympathies (from SFA, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1941, June) Nineteenth Century Revolt Against the Stratford Theory, Part 1 (from SFA, Vol. 2, No. 5, 1941, Aug.) The Great Debate of 1892-1893: Bacon Versus Shakespeare, Part 2 (from SFA, Vol. 2, No. 6, 1941, Oct.) Shakespeare‘s ―Fluellen‖ Identified as a Reatiner of the Earl of Oxford (from SFA, Vol. 2, No. 5, 1941, Aug.) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 1 (from SFA, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1941, Dec.) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 2 (from SFA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1942, Feb.) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 3 (from SFA, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1942, April) Import of These Discoveries (from SFA, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1942, April) Bacon Was Not Shakespeare (from SFA, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1942, April) Lord Oxford as Shakespeare (from SFA, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1942, April) 121 Index to the Anthologies Complied and Edited by Altrocchi and Whittemore 250-264 Barrell, Charles Wisner 265-284 Barrell, Charles Wisner 285-303 Barrell, Charles Wisner 304-308 Benezet, Louis P. 309-311 312-325 Clark, Eva Turner Barrell, Charles Wisner 326-341 Barrell, Charles Wisner 342-350 Benezet, Louis P. 358 Benezet, Louis P. 359-366 Benezet, Louis P. 367-383 Barrell, Charles Wisner 384-390 Carrington, Phyllis 391-392 Editor 393-404 405-415 416-419 Clark, Eva Turner Barrell, Charles Wisner Clark, Eva Turner 420-424 Frisbee, George Volume 3: Shine Forth (2009) 5-7 Editor 8-17 Benezet, Louis P. 18-21 Clark, Eva Turner 22-25 Barrell, Charles Wisner 26-36 Editor 37-44 Barrell, Charles Wisner 45-49 Clark, Eva Turner 50-56 Clark, Eva Turner 57-60 Clark, Eva Turner 61-78 Barrell, Charles Wisner 79-83 Benezet, Louis P. 84-49 Benezet, Louis P. 90-95 Benezet, Louis P. Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 4 (from SFA, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1942, June) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 5 (from SFA, Vol. 3, No. 5, 1942, Aug.) Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 6 (from SFA, Vol. 3, No. 6, 1942, Oct.) Shaksper, Shakespeare, and de Vere (excerpt from monograph) (from SFA, Vol. 3, No. 5, 1942, Aug.) The Red Rose (from SFA, Vol. 3, No. 6, 1942, Oct.) Shake-speare‘s Unknown Home on the River Avon (from SFA, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1942, Dec.) He is Dead and Gone, Lady (from American Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1943, Feb.) Look at the Chronicles, Part 1 (from American Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1943, April) Look at the Chronicles, Part 2 (from American Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1943, June) Look at the Chronicles, Part 3 (from American Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter, Vol. 4, No. 6, 1943, Oct.) King of Shreds and Patches--Dyer as ―Great Revisor‖ of the Shakespearean Works (from SFA, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1943, April) Was Lord Oxford Buried in Westminster Abbey? (from SFA, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1943, June) The Duke of Portland and His Portrait Collection at Welbeck Abbey, (from SFA, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1943, June) A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers (from SFA, Vol. 4, No. 5, 1943, Aug.) Who Was John Soothern? (from SFA, Vol. 4, No. 5, 1943, Aug.) Cryptic Passages by Davies of Hereford (from SFA, Vol. 4, No. 6, 1943, Oct.) Shame on the Professors (from SFA, Vol. 4, No. 6, 1943, Oct.) Introducing the Quarterly: A Continuation of the News-Letter (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 1, 1944, Jan.) The Frauds and Stealths of Injurious Imposters (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 1, 1944, Jan.) Stolen and Surreptitious Copies (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 1, 1944, Jan.) Documentary Notes on the Swan Theatre (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 1, 1944, Jan.) Discoverer of the True Shakespeare Passes: John Thomas Looney, 18701944 (includes letters from Looney to Eva Turner Clark, Carolyn Wells, Charles Wisner Barrell and Will D. Howe) (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 2, 1944, April) Newly Discovered Oxford-Shakespeare Pictorial Evidence (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 2, 1944, April) Some Character Names in Shakespeare‘s Plays, Part 1 (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 2, 1944, April) Some Character Names in Shakespeare‘s Plays, Part 2 (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 3, 1944, July) Some Character Names in Shakespeare‘s Plays, Part 3 (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 4, 1944, Oct.) Lord Oxford as Supervising Patron of Shakespeare‘s Theatrical Company (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 3, 1944, July) The Stratford Defendant Compromised His Own Advocates, Part 1 (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 3, 1944, July) The Stratford Defendant Compromised His Own Advocates, Part 2 (from SFQ, Vol. VI., No. 1, 1945, Jan.) The Stratford Defendant Compromised His Own Advocates, Part 3 (from SFQ, Vol. VI., No. 2, 1945, Apr.) 122 Index to the Anthologies Complied and Edited by Altrocchi and Whittemore 96-109 Benezet, Louis P. 110-115 116-154 Benezet, Louis P. Barrell, Charles Wisner 155-175 Clark, Eva Turner 176-179 Barrell, Charles Wisner 180-190 Barrell, Charles Wisner 191-196 Barrell, Charles Wisner 197-202 Barrell, Charles Wisner 203-208 Clark, Eva Turner 209-213 Clark, Eva Turner 214-219 Benezet, Louis P. 220-224 Barrell, Charles Wisner 225-227 228-237 Barrell, Charles Wisner Barrell, Charles Wisner 238-240 241-246 Webster, Lewis Hammond Benezet, Louis P. 247-272 Barrell, Charles Wisner 273-288 Barrell, Charles Wisner 289-292 Benezet, Louis P. 293-302 Barrell, Charles Wisner 303-315 Clark, Eva Turner 316-335 Barrell, Charles Wisner 336-357 Barrell, Charles Wisner 358-368 Dwyer, J. J. 369-378 Benezet, Louis P. 379-381 381-382 386-395 Editor Editor Barrell, Charles Wisner 396-406 Barrell, Charles Wisner 407-411 Allen, Percy and B. M. Ward The Stratford Defendant Compromised His Own Advocates, Part 4 (from SFQ, Vol. VI., No. 3, 1945, July) The Authorship of Othello (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 3, 1944, July) New Milestone in Shakespearean Research: ―Gentle Master William‖ (from SFQ, Vol. V., No. 4, 1944, Oct.) Lord Oxford‘s Shakespearean Travels On the European Continent (from SFQ, Vol. VI., No. 1, 1945, Jan.) Sole Author of Renowned Victorie: Gabriel Harvey Testifies in the Oxford-Shakespeare Case (from SFQ, Vol. VI., No. 1, 1945, Jan.) Earliest Authenticated ―Shakespeare‖ Transcript Found With Oxford‘s Personal Poems (from SFQ, Vol. VI., No. 2, 1945, April) Rare Military Volume Sponsored by Lord Oxford Issued by Shakespeare‘s First Publisher (from SFQ, Vol. VI., No. 2, 1945, April) The Wayward Water-Bearer Who Wrote ―Shake-speares‖ Sonnet 109 (from SFQ, Vol. VI., No. 3, 1945, July) Lord Oxford‘s Letters Echoed in Shakespeare‘s Plays: an early letter examined, Part 1 (from SFQ, Vol. VI., No. 4, 1945, Oct.) Lord Oxford‘s Letters Echoed in Shakespeare‘s Plays: an early letter examined, Part 2 (from SFQ, Vol. VII., No. 1, 1946, Jan.) The Remarkable Testimony of Henry Peacham (from FQ, Vol. VI., No. 4, 1945, Oct.) Creature of Their Own Creation. An Answer to the Present School of Shakespeare Biography ( from SFQ, Vol. VI., No. 4, 1945, Oct.) Genesis of a Henry James Story (from SFQ, Vol. VI., No. 4, 1945, Oct.) Exploding the Ancient Play Cobbler Fantasy (from SFQ, Vol. VII., No. 1, 1946, Jan.) Those Authorities (from SFQ, Vol. VII., No. 1, 1946, Jan.) Another Stratfordian Aids the Oxford Cause (from SFQ, Vol. VII., No. 2, 1946, April) A Literary Pirate‘s Attempt to Publish The Winter‘s Tale in 1594 (from SFQ, Vol. VII., No. 2, 1946, April) The Playright Earl Publishes ―Hamlet‘s Book‖ (from FSQ, Vol. VII., No. 3, 1946, July) False Shakespeare Chronology Regarding the Date of King Henry VIII (from SFQ, Vol. VII., No. 3, 1946, July) Shakespeare‘s Henry V Can Be Identified As Harry of Cornwall in Henslowe‘s Diary (from SFQ, Vol. VII., No. 4, 1946, Oct.) Shakespeare‘s Strange Silence When James I Succeeded Elizabeth (from SFQ, Vol. VII., No. 4, 1946, Oct.) Proof That Shakespeare‘s Thought and Imagery, Dominate Oxford‘s Statement of Creative Principles (from SFQ, Vol. VII., No. 4, 1946, Oct.) Queen Elizabeth‘s Master Showman Shakes a Spear in Her Defense (from SFQ, Vol. VIII., No. 1, 1947, Spring) The Poet Earl of Oxford and Grays Inn (from SFQ, Vol. VIII., No. 2, 1947, Summer) Dr. Smart‘s Man of Stratford Outsmarts Credulity (from SFQ, Vol. VIII., No. 2, 1947, Summer) Sir George Greenwood (from SFQ, Vol. VIII., No. 2, 1947, Summer) Physician, Heal Thyself (from SFQ, Vol. VIII., No. 2, 1947, Summer) Elizabethan Mystery Man (from Saturday Review of Literature, May 1, 1937; then published as a pamphlet in 1940) Shakespearean Detective Story: Throwing New Light on the Creation of Hamlet (published as a pamphlet, 1940) Relations Between Lord Oxford as ―Shakespeare,‖ Queen Elizabeth and the Fair Youth, Part 1 (published as a pamphlet by the Shakespeare Fellowship, London, 1936) 123 Index to the Anthologies Complied and Edited by Altrocchi and Whittemore 412-427 Allen, Percy and B. M. Ward Volume 4: My Name Be Buried (2009) 4-11 Benezet, Louis P. 12-14 15-23 Editor Feldman, Abraham 24-32 Editor 25-29 Clark, Eva Turner 29-32 Astley-Cock, John L. 33-34 Barrell, Charles Wisner 35-42 Editor 36-37 Atkinson, Brooks 38-42 Barrell, Charles Wisner 43-45 Barrell, Charles Wisner 46-60 Barrell, Charles Wisner 61-62 63-77 Benezet, Louis P. Barrell, Charles Wisner 78-79 80-86 Clark, Eva Turner Barrell, Charles Wisner 87-91 Barrell, Charles Wisner 92-101 Barrell, Charles Wisner 106 107-108 109-111 Dwyer, J. J. (Editor) Dwyer, J. J. (Editor) Douglas, Montague 112-114 115-116 117-118 Allen, Percy Cutner, Herbert Allen, Percy 119-122 123-126 127-132 133-134 135-137 138-140 141-143 144-145 Le Riche, Kathleen Bowen, Gwynneth M. Adamson, T. L. Atkinson, J. Shera Mez, John R. Mez, John R. Eggar, Katherine E. Crosby, Ernest 146-156 Clement, Rex Relations Between Lord Oxford as ―Shakespeare,‖ Queen Elizabeth and the Fair Youth, Part 2 (published as a pamphlet by the Shakespeare Fellowship, London, 1936) The Shakespeare Hoax: An Improbable Narrative (from SFQ, Vol. IX, No. 1, 1948, Spring; originally published in the Dartmouth Quarterly, Nov. 1947) Tufts College Then and Now (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, 1947, Autumn) Shakespeare‘s Jester--Oxford‘s Servant (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1947, Autumn) Revising Some Details of an Important Discovery in Oxford-Shakespeare Research: Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1947, Autumn) The Man Who Was Shakespeare (Chapter 21) (1937) (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1947, Autumn) The Latin Anagram on the Title-Page of Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1947, Autumn) Pictorial Clues and Key Initials (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1947, Autumn) Historical Background of The Merchant of Venice Clarified (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1947, Autumn) Maurice Schwartz and a Good Company Offer a Reformed Shylock (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1947, Autumn; reprinted from New York Times, Nov. 30, 1947) To Brooks Atkinson, Drama Editor, New York Times (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1947, Autumn) New Proof that Henry VIII Was Written Before the Spring of 1606 (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1947, Autumn) Dr. John Dover Wilson‘s ―New‖ Macbeth is a Masterpiece Without a Master (from SFQ, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1947, Autumn) Oxford and the Professors (from SFQ, Vol. IX, No. 1, 1948, Spring) Rarest Contemporary Description of ―Shakespeare‖ Proves Poet to Have Been a Nobleman (from SFQ, Vol. IX, No. 1, 1948, Spring) Alias (from SFQ, Vol. IX, No. 1, 1948, Spring) Oxford vs. Other ―Claimants‖ of the Edwards Shakespearean Honors, 1593 (from SFQ, Vol. IX, No. 2, 1948, Summer) In deed as in name--Vere nobilis for he was W . . . (?) . . . (from SFQ, Vol. IX, No. 3, 1948, Autumn) John Lyly as Both Oxford‘s and Shakespeare‘s ―Honest Steward‖ (from SFQ, Vol. IX, No. 2, 1948, Summer) Queen Elizabeth and Her Turk (from SFE, 1947, March) The Portraits of Shakespeare (from SFE, 1947, March) Book Review of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets and Edward de Vere by Gerald Rendall (1930) (from SFE, 1949, Sept.) King Lear in Relation to French History (from SFE, 1951, April) Provincial Dialect in Shakespeare‘s Day (from SFE, 1951, April) Review of Dorothy Ogburn and Charlton Ogburn‘s Book This Star of England (from SFE, 1953, April) A Portrait of Shakespeare? (from SFE, 1953) The Wounded Name (from SFE, 1954, Sept.) Shakespeare and Oxford in the Lecture Room (from SFE, 1955, Spring) The Famous Victories of Henry V (from SFE, 1954, Fall) Gascoigne and De Vere (from SFE, 1955, Spring) The Poet With a Spear (from SFE, 1954, Autumn) Brooke House, Hackney (from SFE, 1955, Autumn) The Aristocratic Look of Shakespeare (excerpt from Shakespeare‘s Attitude Toward the Working Class, reprinted in SFE, 1956, Spring) Shakespeare As Mariner (from SFE, 1956, Autumn, p. 4-8) 124 Index to the Anthologies Complied and Edited by Altrocchi and Whittemore 160-186 187-203 204-212 213-222 223-224 225-239 240-253 254-269 270-286 287-324 325-340 345-359 360-382 383-414 Ward, Bernard M. Clark, Eva Turner The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford (excerpt from book, p. 84-129, 1928) The Man Who Was Shakespeare (excerpt from book: introduction, and Chapter V, 1937) Benezet, Louis P. Shakspere, Shakespeare, and De Vere (excerpt from monograph, 1937) Brooks, Alden Factotem and Agent (excerpt from book: Introduction (1937) Rendall, Canon Gerald Preface to Montagu W. Douglas‘s Lord Oxford and the Shakespeare Group (1952) Douglas, Montague Lord Oxford and the Shakespeare Group (excerpt: Preface by Gerald Rendall & Chapter 1) (1952) Amphlett, Hilda Who Was Shakespeare? A New Enquiry (excerpt from book: Ch. 5, 1955) Dwyer, J. J. (Editor) Italian Art in Poems and Plays of Shakespeare, (paper read before the Shakespeare Fellowship, 1946, Jan.) Grillo, Ernesto Shakespeare and Italy (excerpt from book: Tributary Preface) (1949) Benezet, Louis P. The Six Loves of Shake-speare (excerpt from monograph) (1938) Ogburn, Dorothy; Ch. Ogburn, Sr. The Renaissance Man of England (excerpt beginning on page 42) (1947) Barrell, Charles Wisner Verifying the Secret History of Shake-speare‘s Sonnets (1946, Feb.) Ogburn, Dorothy; Ch. Ogburn, Sr. True Shakespeare: England‘s Great and Complete Man (from American Bar Association Journal, 1959, Sept.) Ogburn, Dorothy; Ch. Ogburn, Sr. This Star of England: The Prince Tudor Theory (1952) (excerpt from book beginning p. 817) Volume 5: So Richly Spun (2009) 6-15 Altrocchi, Julia Cooley 16-18 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 19-23 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 24-25 Eggar, Katharine E. 26-27 D. F. 28-30 Altrocchi, Julia Cooley 31-35 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 36-37 38-42 Editor Russell, Sir John 42-47 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 48-50 51-55 56-59 60 61-62 63-69 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Vessey, D. W. T. Lambin, Georges Shield, H. S. Bowen, Gwynneth M. Bowen, Gwynneth M. 70-72 Trout, R. Ridgill 73-74 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 75-76 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 77-79 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 80 J. H. D. 81-82 Adamson, T. L. 83-84 Editor Ships and Spears in Genoa (from SAR, No. 1, 1959, Spring) The Elizabethan Noblemen and the Literary Profession (from SAR, No. 1, 1960, Spring) Debate at the Old Vic -- The Shakespeare Mystery (from SAR, No. 1, 1961, Spring) Review of Gwynneth Bowen Paper ―Hamlet, A Mirror of the Time‖ (from SAR, No. 1, 1962, Spring) Review of Katharine Eggar‘s Paper ―Lord Oxford and His Servants‖ (from SAR, No. 1, 1963, Spring) Edward de Vere and the Commedia Dell‘ Arte (from SAR, No. 2, 1959, Autumn) Review of Louis Benezet‘s Book: The Six Loves of Shake-speare (1958) (from SAR, No. 2, 1959, Autumn) The Delphic Oracle, The (from SAR, No. 2, 1959, Autumn) Review of Joel Hurstfield‘s Book The Queen‘s Wards (1973) (from SAR, No. 3, 1960, Spring) Replies to Mr. Mendl‘s Criticisms of Who Was Shakespeare? (from SAR, No. 3, 1960, Spring) Oxford Did Go to Milan (from SAR, No. 4, 1960, Autumn) Freud and the Authorship Question (from SAR, No. 5, 1961, Spring) Did Oxford Go North-East of Milan? (from SAR, No. 5, 1961, Spring) Comment on the Spinola Letter (from SAR, No. 5, 1961, Spring) Editorial Reply Regarding Spinola Letter (from SAR, No. 5, 1961, Spr.) The Incomparable Pair and ―The Works of William Shakespeare‖ (from SAR, No. 6, 1961, Autumn) The Clifford Bax Portrait of William Shakespeare (from SAR, No. 6, 1961, Autumn) Review of Martin Holmes‘ Book Shakespeare‘s Public (1960) (from SAR, No. 6, 1961, Autumn) Review of Prof. Penrose‘s Lecture ―The Shakespeare Portraits‖ (from SAR, No. 6, 1961, Autumn) Review of Ruth Wainewright Lecture, ―Macbeth and the Authorship Question‖ (from SAR, No. 6, 1961, Autumn) Obituary of Professor Louis P. Benezet (1878-1961) (from SAR, No. 6, 1961, Autumn) Obituary of Charlton Ogburn (1882-1962) (from SAR, No. 7, 1962, Spring) A Backward Look (from SAR, No. 8, 1962, Autumn) 125 Index to the Anthologies Complied and Edited by Altrocchi and Whittemore 85-88 89-91 Carrington, Phyllis Greenwood, Elsie 92-94 Demant, V. A. 95-97 98-99 100-102 103-106 Lambin, Georges Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Kent, William Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 107-111 Russell, Sir John 112-113 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 114-123 Editor 124-129 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 130-131 Cutner, Herbert 132-133 134-140 141-143 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Vessey, D. W. T. Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 144-145 Amphlett, Hilda 146-149 150-152 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Vessey, D. W. T. 153-155 156-159 Walker, James Ferguson, W. A. 160-167 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 168-169 170-172 Patience, Harold W. McGeoch, I. L. 173 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 174-175 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 176-178 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 179-182 Rendall, Canon Gerald 183-187 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 188-190 Carr, Frances 191-192 Carr, Frances 193-212 213 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Editor 214-215 216-224 Patience, W. T. Bowen, Gwynneth M. Obituary of B. R. Ward (1863-1933) (from SAR, No. 8, 1962, Autumn) Obituary of George Greenwood (1850-1928) (from SAR, No. 8, 1962, Autumn) Obituary of J. Thomas Looney (1870-1944) (from SAR, No. 8, 1962, Autumn) Obituary of Abel Lefranc (1863-1952) (from SAR, No. 8, 1962, Autumn) Forty Winters (from SAR, No. 8, 1962, Autumn) Professor Saintbury and Shakespeare (from SAR, No. 9, 1963, Spring) Review of Dorothy Ogburn and Charlton Ogburn, Jr.‘s Book Shakespeare: The Real Man Behind the Name (1962) (from SAR, No. 9, 1963, Spring) Review of Georges Lambin‘s Book Voyages de Shakespeare en France et en Italie (1962) (from SAR, No. 9, 1963, Spring) Review of Dr. H. N. Gibson‘s Lecture ―The Case Against the Claimants‖ (from SAR, No. 8, 1962, Autumn) Debate with Orthodoxy on ―The Authorship Question‖ (from SAR, No. 10, 1963, Autumn) Review of Seymour M. Pitcher‘s Book The Case for Shakespeare‘s Authorship of ‗The Famous Victories‘ (1961) (from SAR, No. 10, 1963, Atm.) Obituary of William Kent (1886-1963) (from SAR, No. 10, 1963, Autumn) Stratfordian Quatercentenary (from SAR, No. 11, 1964, Spring) Some Early References to Shakespeare (from SAR, No. 11, 1964, Spring) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture: ―New Evidence for Dating the Plays‖ (from SAR, No. 11, 1964, Spring) Review of G. Cimino‘s Lecture ―The Golden Age of Padua‖ (from SAR, No. 11, 1964, Spring) Reverberations (from SAR, No. 12, 1964, Autumn) After the Pageant: a meditation for 1965 (from SAR, No. 13, 1965, Spring) The Pregnant Silence (from SAR, No. 13, 1965, Spring) The Sonnets of Shakespeare: The ‗Oxfordian‘ Solution (from SAR, No. 13, 1965, Spring) Hackney, Harsnett, and the Devils in King Lear (from SAR, No. 14, 1965, Autumn) Topical Allusions in King John (from SAR, No. 14, 1965, Autumn) Review of A. F. Falconer‘s Book Shakespeare and the Sea (from SAR, No. 14, (1965, Autumn) Review of Eleanor Brewster‘s Book Oxford Courtier to the Queen (1964) (from SAR, No. 14, 1965, Autumn) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture ―The Merchant and the Jew‖ (from SAR, No. 14, 1965, Autumn) Review of Ruth Wainwright‘s Lecture ―Conflicting Dates for Various Candidates‖ (from SAR, No. 14, 1965, Autumn) Flashback: A 1930 Toast to Edward de Vere (from SAR, No. 15, 1966, Spring) Sir Edward Vere and His Mother, Anne Vavasor (from SAR, No. 15, 1966, Spring) Review of Marlowe Society Members‘ Lecture Death of Kit Marlowe: A Reconstruction (from SAR, No. 15, 1966, Spring) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture ―Who Was Kyd‘s and Marlowe‘s Lord?‖ (from SAR, No. 15, 1966, Spring) On the Poems of Edward de Vere (from SAR, No. 16, 1966, Autumn) Another False Painting: the ―Flower Portrait‖ (from SAR, No. 16, 1966, Autumn) Shakespeare and ―Authority‖ (from SAR, No. 16, 1966, Autumn) Oxford‘s Letter to Bedingfield and Shake-speare‘s Sonnets (from SAR, No. 17, 1967, Spring) 126 Index to the Anthologies Complied and Edited by Altrocchi and Whittemore 225-229 Trout, R. Ridgill 230-231 Editor 232-233 Editor 234-235 Editor 236-244 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 245-249 Ogburn, Dorothy 250-252 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 253-256 257-258 259-260 Huston, Craig Amphlett, Hilda Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 261-263 Editor 264-271 272-273 274-276 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Patience, Harold W. Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 277-281 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 282-293 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 294 295-299 300-303 Patience, Harold W. Dawson, Alexis Vessey, D. W. T. 304-306 Vessey, D. W. T. 307-309 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 310-311 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 312-321 322-331 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Miller, Judge Minos D. 332-336 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 337-344 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 345-354 360-376 Edwards, Francis Bowen, Gwynneth M. 377-378 Editor 379-385 Kent, William 386-391 Editor 392-401 Miller, Ruth Loyd 402-419 Allen, Percy Edward de Vere to Robert Cecil: Commentary from his unpublished book Twenty Earls and Shakespeare (from SAR, No. 17, 1967, Spring) Review of T. Bokenham‘s Lecture: Ben Jonson, Shakespeare and the 1623 Folio (from SAR, No. 17, 1967, Spring) Review of D. W. Vessey‘s Lecture: ―Shakespeare‘s Classical Learning‖ (from SAR, No. 17, 1967, Spring) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture: ―Shakespeare Portraits and the Earl of Oxford‖ (from SAR, No. 17, 1967, Spring) Touching the Affray at the Blackfriers (from SAR, No. 18, 1967, Autumn) The Authorship of The True Tragedie of Edward the Second (from SAR, No. 18, 1967, Autumn) Review of M. Dewar‘s Book Sir Thomas Smith: Tudor Intellectual in Office (1964) (from SAR, No. 18, 1967, Autumn) Edward de Vere (from SAR, No. 19, 1968, Spring) Titchfield Abbey (from SAR, No. 19, 1968, Spring) Review of Tresham Lever‘s Book The Herberts of Wilton (1967) (from SAR, No. 19, 1968, Spring) Review of Christmas Humphreys‘ Talk ―A Cross Examination of Oxfordians‖ (from SAR, No. 19, 1968, Spring) More Brabbles and Frays (from SAR, No. 20, 1968, Autumn) Earls Colne and Castle Hedingham (from SAR, No. 20, 1968, Autumn) Review of Bernard Grebanier‘s Book The Great Shakespeare Forgery (1965) (from SAR, No. 20, 1968, Autumn) What Happened at Hedingham and Earls Colne?, Part 1 (from SAR, No. 23, 1970, Summer) What Happened at Hedingham and Earls Colne?, Part 2 (from SAR, No. 24, 1971, Spring) Note on the 16th Earl of Oxford (from SAR, No. 23, 1970, Summer) Master Apis Lapis (from SAR, No. 23, 1970, Summer) Review of G.P.V. Akrigg‘s Book Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton (1968) (from SAR, No. 23, 1970, Summer) Review of Sir John Russell‘s Lecture: ―For and Against William of Stratford‖ (from SAR, No. 23, 1970, Summer) Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Lecture ―All‘s Well that Ends Well and the Authorship Question‖ (from SAR, No. 24, 1971, Spring) Review of Alexis Dawson‘s Lecture: ―They Tried to Tell Us‖ (from SAR, No. 24, 1971, Spring) Purloined Plumes (from SAR, No. 26, 1972, Summer) Address to the Shakespearean Authorship Society on its 50 th Anniversary (from SAR, No. 27, 1972, Winter) Review of Charles. J. Sisson‘s Book The Boar‘s Head Theatre (1972) (from SAR, No. 27, 1972, Winter) Oxford‘s and Worcester‘s Men and the Boar‘s Head (1972) (from SAR, No. 28, 1973, Summer) Oxford and the Duke of Norfolk (from SAR, No. 28, 1973, Summer) Shakespeare‘s Farewell: The Date and Authorship of The Tempest (from a Paper presented Feb. 3, 1975, and later printed privately) (1971) Preface to William Kent‘s Pamphlet Edward de Vere The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford The Real Shakespeare (2009) Edward de Vere, the Real Shakespeare (Chapter 1) (from a pamphlet published by The Shakespeare Fellowship, 1947, rev. 1957) Preface to Charles Wisner Barrell‘s Article Identifying Shakespeare by X-ray and Infrared Photography published in Scientific American, Jan., 1940 (2009) The Ashbourne Goes To Court (from Oxfordian Vistas; Ruth Loyd Miller, Editor (1975) Anne Cecil, Elizabeth and Oxford (excerpt: Chapter 1, p. 1-23) (1934) 127 INDEX OF THE BARD (BAR) The Journal of the Shakespearean Authorship Society (1975-1983) Vol. 1, No. 1 (1975) 1-8 Slater, Eliot 9-27 Hotine, Margaret 29-42 Edwards, Francis Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards Some Psychological Aspects of the Sonnets Greene‘s Pandosts: Political Propaganda for the Stuart Succession? Topical Allusions in The Winter‘s Tale Vol. 1, No. 2 (1976) 43-46 Slater, Eliot 47-64 Edwards, Francis 65-72 Milward, Peter Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards A Reading of Sonnet 120 Topical Allusions in The Winter‘s Tale, Part 2 Shakespeare and the Religious Controversies of His Time Vol. 1, No. 3 (1976) 73-86 MacIntyre, John P. 87-97 Tracy, Reverend John 98-107 Barnd, Alice Blarden Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards The Shepheardes Calender: Poet‘s Progress Jonson and Shakespeare: a Contrast in dramatic Theory and Practice Antony and Cleopatra and the Nature of their Sexuality Supplement I (1976) 1-26 Edwards, Francis Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards William Shakespeare: a documentary life Vol. 2, No. 1 (1978) 1-3 Crew, Louie 4-22 Slater, Eliot 23-38 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards Homosesual Conflict in Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Word Links from Troilus to Othello and Macbeth The Debatable Date of King Lear Vol. 2, No. 2 (1979) 39-70 Edwards, Francis 71-74 Levin, Mikhail 75-79 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards Claim for Roger Manners, 5th Earl of Rutland, as ―William Shakespeare‖ Fortinbras Review of Shakespeare Identified by J. Thomas Looney, 2nd Edition, edited by Ruth Loyd Miller Vol. 2, No. 3 (1979) 81-94 Berriam, Thomas 95-99 Ashelford, Jane 100-109 Feldman, Bronson Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards What Shakespeare Wrote in Henry VIII: Part One Shakespeare and the ―Dead Indian‖ A Preface to Arden of Feversham Vol. 2, No. 4 (1980) 111-118 Merriam, Thomas 119-126 Feldman, Bronson 127-129 Cyr, Gordon C. 130-132 Vessey, D. W. Thomson 133-136 Hope, Warren Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards What Shakespeare Wrote in Henry VIII: Part Two A Tyrant‘s Vein Oxford‘s and Shakespeare‘s ―Jacks‖ The Singing Swallow: a note Review of Hamlet Himself by Bronson Feldman Vol. 3, No. 1 (1980) 1-51 Feldman, Bronson 52-54 Edwards, Francis 55-58 Edwards, Francis Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards The Marlowe Mystery Further Thoughts on Dr. Bronson Feldman‘s Paper ‗The Marlowe Mystery‖ Unpublished or Little-Known Documents Vol. 3, No. 2 (1981) 59-68 Hotine, Margaret 69-73 Merriam, Thomas 74-91 Vessey, D. W. Thomson Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards Art of the Parallel, The Henry VIII and the Integrity of the First Folio Venery and Sophistication: Shakespeare‘s Venus and Adonis and Marlowe‘s Hero and Leander 128 Index of The Bard Vol. 3, No. 3 (1982) 94-104 Feldman, Bronson 105-132 Smith, M. W. A. Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards The Secret Verses of Edward de Vere A Stylometric Analysis of Hero and Leander Vol. 3, No. 4 (1982) 133-142 Slater, Eliot Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards Problem of The Raigne of King Edward the Third: 1596: a statistical approach, Part I The Authorship of Pericles: an initial investigation 143-176 Smith, M. W. A. Vol. 4, No. 1 (1983) 2-14 Slater, Eliot 15-21 22-25 26-32 Smith, M. W. A. Milward, Peter Edwards, Francis Chairman of the Editorial Board: Father Francis Edwards Problem of The Raigne of King Edward the Third: 1956: a statistical approach, Part II Authorship of Pericles: collocations investigated again Review of Catholic Loyalism in Elizabethan England by Arnold Pritchard Review of The Green Cockatrice by Basil Iske 129 INDEX OF BRIEF CHRONICLES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF AUTHORSHIP STUDIES (BC) Published annually in the autumn by The Shakespeare Fellowship General Editor: Roger Stritmatter; Managing Editor: Gary B. Goldstein Volume 1 (2009) – Volume 2 (2010) Volume 1 (Fall, 2009) 001-007 Stritmatter, Roger; Gary Goldstein 009-028 Frazer, Winifred L. 029-039 Waugaman, Richard M. 041-095 Green, Nina 097-108 Detobel, Robert and K. C. Ligon 109-140 Showerman, Earl 141-154 155-168 169-191 193-204 205-267 267-275 277-283 283-285 285-287 Welcome to Brief Chronicles Censorship in the Strange Case of William Shakespeare The Psychology of the Authorship Question The Fall of the House of Oxford Francis Meres and the Earl of Oxford Shakespeare‘s Many Much Ado‘s: Alcestis, Hercules, and Love‘s Labour‘s Wonne Moore, Peter R. Epicurean Time in Macbeth Delahoyde, Michael Edward de Vere‘s Hand in Titus Andronicus Cutting, Bonner Miller Shakespeare‘s Will . . . Considered Too Curiously Gilbert, Sky Sparrow Falls, A: Olivier‘s Feminine Hamlet Stritmatter, Roger; Lynne Kositsky How Shakespeare Got His Tempest: Another ―Just So‖ Story Whittemore, Hank Dramatizing Shake-Speare‘s Treason Hunter, R. Thomas Review of The Shakespeare Controversy, 2nd Edition by Hope and Holston Waugaman, Richard M. Review of The Muse as Therapist by H. Wilkinson (2009) Klier, Walter Review of The Man Who Invented Shakespeare by K. Kreiler (2009) Volume 2 (Fall, 2010) xiii-xvii Stritmatter, Roger; Gary Goldstein 001-008 Trevor-Roper, Hugh 009-024 Rollett, John M. 025-031 Green, Nina 033-043 047-077 079-107 109-120 Wember, Hanno Prechter, Jr., Robert R. Detobel, Robert Waugaman, Richard M. 121-141 143-170 Waugaman, Richard M. Wilkinson, Heward 171-211 212-223 Paul, Christopher Hope, Warren 225-226 Londre, Felicia 227-231 233-236 237-244 244-257 258-259 Gilbert, Sky Hope, Warren Delahoyde, Michael Paul, Christopher Hyde, Mike 260-266 266-268 Waugaman, Richard M. Whittemore, Hank Volume 3 (Fall, 2011) viii-xviii Stritmatter, Roger 1-7 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 9-35 Wainwright, Michael Epistle Dedicatory What‘s in a Name? Shakespeare‘s Impossible Doublet: Engraving Anatomized Eduardus in My Propre Name: Lily‘s Latin Grammar and the Identity of Shakespeare Illuminating Eclipses: Astronomy and Chronology in King Lear Hundreth Sundrie Flowers Revisited: Was Oxford Really Involved? An Accident of Note: Chapman‘s Hamlet and the Earl of Oxford Maniculed Psalms in the de Vere Bible: a new literary source for Shakespeare The Arts of English Posie: the case for Edward de Vere‘s authorship Cordelia‘s Silence and Edgar‘s Secrecy: emblems of authorship question in King Lear Earl of Oxford‘s Office . . . Illuminated Review of Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare? by James Shapiro (2010) Review of The Oxfordian Othello, edited by Ren Draya and Richard F. Whalen (2010) Review of Shakespeare and Garrick by Vanessa Cunningham (2008) Review of The Lame Storyteller by Peter Moore (2009) Review of Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom by Charles Beauclerk (2010) Review of Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom by Charles Beauclerk (2010) Letter: case for Edward de Vere as author of Arte of English Poesie is untenable Letter: response to comments by Mike Hyde Letter: Oxford‘s annuity – response to Christopher Paul‘s article To Whom It May Concern: Greetings Foreword to This Star of England (excerpt) Veering Toward an Evolutionary Realignment of Freud‘s Hamlet 130 Index of Brief Chronicles 37-70 71-108 109-134 135-167 169-199 Showerman, Earl Whalen, Richard Regnier, Thomas Prechter, Jr., Robert R. Cutting, Bonner Miller 201-212 213-234 Crider, Andrew Waugaman, Richard M. 235-245 246-257 Ray, William J. Ostrowski, Don 257-263 Dickson, Peter 264-271 272-274 275-278 Daugherty, Leo; Gary Goldstein Cutting, Bonner Miller Wilkinson, Heward 279-284 Renner, Virginia J. 285-287 Goldstein, Gary 288-293 294-309 310-314 Gilbert, Sky Kreiler, Kurt Prechter, Jr., Robert R. Shakespeare‘s Greater Greek: Macbeth and Aeschylus‘ Oresteia Commedia dell‘arte in Othello: a satiric comedy ending in tragedy Law in Hamlet, The: death, property, and the pursuit of justice On the Authorship of Willobie His Avisa She Will Not Be a Mother: evaluating the Seymour Prince Tudor hypotheis Shakespeare‘s Antagonistic Disposition: a personality trait approach Sternhold and Hopkins Whole Booke of Psalms, The: crucial evidence of Edward de Vere‘s authorship of the works of Shakespeare Review of Shakespeare Suppressed by Katherine Chiljan (2011) Review of Dating Shakespeare‘s Plays: A Critical Review of the Evidence edited by Kevin Gilvary (2010) Review of The Assassination of Shakespeare‘s Patron by Leo Daugherty (2011) Gary Goldstein Interviews Leo Daugherty Review of Shakespeare: The Concealed Poet by Robert Detobel Review of Theater of Envy: William Shakespeare by Rene Girard (1991, 2004) Review of The Shakespeare Guide to Italy: Retracing the Bard‘s Unknown Travels by Richard Paul Roe (2011) Review of Bardgate: Shake-speare and the Royalists Who Stole the Bard by Peter W. Dickson (2011) Review of Anonymous, a film directed by Roland Emmerich (2011) An Answer to Robert R. Prechter (re A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers) Response to Kurt Kreiler‘s comments (re A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers) 131 THE DE VERE SOCIETY NEWSLETTER (DSN) Publication of The De Vere Society Complete Index: January 1988-May 1998 and March 2011 onwards) Selected Articles Only: July 1998-2010 No. 1 (January 1988) 2 Editor 2 Vere, Charles [Chalres Beauclerk] 3 Editor 4-6 Moody, Patrick 7 8-22 23-29 29-30 30-32 33 34-35 Editor Harding, John Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Considine, John Editor Rosen, Nick Editor 36 Editor No. 2 (April 1988) 2 Editor 2 Vere, Charles [Charles Beauclerk] 5-14 Lord Dacre of Glanton 14-15 Vere, Charles [Charles Beauclerk] 16-26 Powell, Rt. Hon. J. Enoch 26-27 The Times 28-30 Pope, Russell 30-32 Coulter, Brian 33 Editor 34 Editor 35 Editor 36 Editor 36-37 37-38 38-39 Wanamaker, Sam Editor Editor 40 41-42 42-43 Von Ost, Count Anthony ? (page 42 is missing) Editor Officers of the Society Introductory Remarks The Michaelmas Term in Brief Review of Elizabeth Appleton‘s Lecture ―Edward de Vere; Man of Mystery‖ (Oct. 14, 1987) De Vere Society Hunt Shakespeare Authorship Essay Contest The Vexed Question of Shakespeare‘s Relationship with John Florio Costly Consequences of the Moot Court at American University The Miller Shakespeare Library of the De Vere Society Books Purchased bythe De Vere Society in Michaelmas Term 1987 TV or Not TV Notices: Talks for Hilary Term 1988; The Mysterious William Shakespeare to be Published in the UK This Year; Shakespeare in Court; De Vere Society Charity Ball Concordance to the Poems of Lord Oxford Officers of the Society Introductory Remarks ―Is There a Shakespeare Problem?‖ (talk given 17 Jan. 1988) Reply to Lord Dacre ―Francis Meres and the Authorship Question‖ (talk given 25 Feb. 1988) Obituary of Professor E. B. Ford (1902-1988) Myths of Stratford and St. George Call for a Definitive Chronology The Miller Library of the De Vere Society Books Purchased by the De Vere Society in Hilary Term 1988 Books Presented to the De Vere Society by John Spiers Notices: Talks for Trinity Term 1988; Ogburn‘s The Mystery of William Shakespeare International Spakespeare Globe Centre International Moot Court Review of Proud Passionate Boy, a play by O. M. Ironside Wood Notices: American Oxfordians Seek English Organizer for Autumn Tour; anti-Stratfordian Evidence; Publishing; Prizes; Television Documentary The De Vere Society Charity Ball Concordance to the Poems of Lord Oxford Dr. Wilson? (page 42 is missing) No. 3 (August 1988) 3-4 Vere, Charles [Charles Beauclerk] Introductory Remarks 5-7 Editor The Trinity Term in Brief 8-34 Vessey, D. W. T. C. Variant Shakespeares and Shakespearean Variants (extracts from a talk given on 13 November 1987) 35-52 Anderson (Paget), Verily The De Veres of Castle Hedingham (a paper given on 5 May 1988) 53-69 Vere, Charles [Charles Beauclerk] A Peculiar Parable (short story) 70-73 Patience, Harold W. Oxfordian Echoes 74-89 Goff, Tom The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford‘s Annuity 90-93 Editor The Miller Shakespeare Library 94-97 Editor Books Acquired, Trinity Term 1988 132 Index of the De Vere Society Newsletter 98-108 108-110 111-112 113-115 Editor Von Ost, Count Anthony Editor Editor Vol. 2/1 (May 1995) 1 Dams, Christopher H. 2 Chaplin, Alison 3-4 Challinor, Arthur M. 5-7 Dams, Christopher H. 8-11 Charlton, Derran K. 12 Dams, Christopher H. The Bowen Bequest to the De Vere Society The De Vere Society Charity Ball Shakespeare Authorship Moot Court, 26 November 1988 Notices: Talks for the Academic Year 1988/89; The Mysterious William Shakespeare; Proud Passioante Boy; Publishing; Francis Bacon Society Editor: Christopher H. Dams Editorial Changing Minds The Bias of the World: lack of objectivity in Stratfordian commentary Shakespeare‘s Education or the Circular Argument The Essentiality of Oxfordian Archival Researches Review of The Shakespeare Conspiracy by Graham Phillips and Martin Keatman (1994) Vol. 2/2 (August 1995) 1 Editor 1-4 Lasocki, David and Roger Prior 5-7 8-10 11 Editor: Christopher H. Dams The Society Library The Bassanos: Venetian Musicians and Instrument Makers in England (excerpt: Chapter 8) Vere, Charles [Charles Beauclerk] The Shakespeare Authorship Question: why it matters Hodgson, Geoffrey M. A Countenance More in Sorrow Than in Anger Choptiak, O. J. Letter: despair at seeing so many people visiting Stratford Vol. 2/3 (November 1995) 1-5 Hazelton, Sally 5-6 Llewellyn, Michael 6-7 Charlton, Derran K. 7 Michell, John 8-11 Roper, David L. 11-12 Editor Editor: Christopher H. Dams Shakespeare Oxford Society Conference, October 1995 My Lord of Oxenford‘s Maske Archival Research Extract from an article in The Oldie Magazine Matus, in Fact? a personal view of the anti-Oxfordian position adopted in Shakespeare, In Fact by Irwin Leigh Matus The Six Points Vol. 2/4 (January 1996) 1-3 Dams, Christopher H. 3-4 Hodgson, Geoffrey M. 4-8 EMJ 8-12 Hazelton, Sally 13-21 Sobran, Joseph Editor: Christopher H. Dams Report on the General Meeting of the De Vere Society, 2 Jan. 1996 Letter: comments on the six points Shake-speare/Shakspere – a teacher‘s dilemma Freud and Oxford Shakespeare Revealed in Oxford‘s Poetry Vol. 2/5 (April 1996) 1 Editor 2-4 Dams, Christopher H. 4 Challinor, A. M. 5-15 Rollett, John M. Editor: Christopher H. Dams Editorial; Recent Oxfordian News Review of The Alternative Shakespeare by Arthur M. Challinor Brief Extracts From an Imaginary Stratford Casebook APIS LAPIS, or, Why Was Shakespeare Called Mellifluous? Vol. 2/6 (September 1996) 1 Editor 2-6 Dams, Christopher H. 7 Skinner-young, S. Editor: Christopher H. Dams Editorial Report on the De Vere Society Business Meeting, August 17, 1996 New Live Theatre at Hedingham Castle, and a Performance of A Midsummer Night‘s Dream A Monograph Concerning the Cryptography Found on the Shakespeare Monument of 1623 8-12 Roper, David L. Vol. 2/7 (December 1996) 1 Editor 2-7 Krass, Iris 8-15 Cottle, Elizabeth Editor: Christopher H. Dams Editorial A Study of Nicholas Hilliard‘s Portrait Miniature of an Unknown Man Clasping a Hand From a Cloud (1588): could this be Lord Oxford/Shakespeare? Shakespeare & the Scriptures: The Merchant of Venice 133 Index of the De Vere Society Newsletter 16-17 Dams, Christopher H. 17-18 19-20 Malim, Richard C. W. Challinor, Arthur M. Vol. 2/8 (February 1997) 1-5 Editor 6 Editor 6 Chiljan, Katherine 6-7 8-12 12-13 Magri, Noemi Hazelton, Sally Llewellyn, Michael Vol. 2/9 (June 1997) 1 Editor 3-5 Detobel, Robert and Uwe 5-6 Peer, Michael 6-8 Klier, Walter 8-9 Scheffer, Jan H. 9-10 Magri, Noemi 10-11 Baron, Dennis 11-12 12-19 Imlay, Elizabeth Editor 19-20 Editor Vol. 2/10 (October 1997) 1 Editor 2 Editor 3 Krass, I. 3-4 Imlay, Elizabeth 4-7 Malim, Richard 7-15 15-18 19-24 Kathman, David Dams, Christopher H. Dams, Christopher H. Vol. 2/11 (February 1998) 1 Editor 2-6 Dams, Christopher H. 6-7 Dams, Christopher H. 7-11 11-12 13-23 23 23-24 24-25 25-28 Challinor, Arthur M. Krass, Iris Rollett, John M. Ogilvie, John Editor Nagger, Nicholas Hammond, L. James Vol. 2/12 (May 1998) 1 Editor 2 Editor 2-4 Malim, Richard C. W. 4-8 Baron, Dennis 9-22 Magri, Noemi The Geneva Bible & The Merchant of Venice (from Roger Stritmatter‘s The Quintessence of Dust) Eric Sams Amateurs Versus Professionals Editor: Christopher H. Dams The Annual General Meeting, 8 February 1997 Patron: Sir Derek Jacobi Letter: Dr. Hotson‘s comments on the Hilliard‘s Miniature of an Unknown Man Letter: Hilliard‘s Miniature of an Unknown Man Phantasies of Shakespeare Review of De Vere is Shakespeare by Dennis Baron (1997) Editor: Christopher H. Dams Editorial Report from Germany Report from Austria: The Making of an Oxfordian Television Programme Report from Austria: Austria Discovers Ogburn Oxfordianism in the Netherlands Report from Italy Letter: response to Michael Llewellyn‘s review of his book, De Vere is Shakespeare Letter: the Milliard Miniature Dolly Wraight, Jonathan Bate, Michael Bogdanov, Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Publications of the Minos Miller Publishing Company Editor: Christopher H. Dams Editorial Important Announcement – Play Reading Letter: Hilliard Miniature – Oxford? News From Bankside Wolf, Cormorant or Headless Pig: Shakspere‘s London Career From 1599 Why I‘m Not an Oxfordian A Reply to David Kathman Notes on the Shakespeare Oxford Society Conference in Seattle, October 1997 Editor: Christopher H. Dams Editorial Annual General Meeting, 24 January 1998 Informal Discussion with Mark Rylance, Artistic Director, Shakespeare‘s Globe Oxfordian Weakness Review of Elizabethan Imlay‘s Play Edward de Vere, Part 1 Secrets of the Dedication to Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Comments on John Rollett‘s article on Shakespeare‘s Sonnets The Title ―Bolbec‖ Letter: The Tempest written in 1602-03 Why Stratfordians Are So Stubborn Editor: Christopher H. Dams The Society Library In Memoriam (from the Times, 21 April 1998) More on EVER THE FORTH Sonnet 20 and Its Position in the Shakespeare Canon No Errors in Shakespeare: historical truth and The Two Gentlemen of Verona 134 Index of the De Vere Society Newsletter 23-24 24 Jolly, Eddi Charlton, Derran K. De Vere in Southampton Letter: DSN visit to Southampton SELECTED ARTICLES ONLY FROM MAY 1999 TO NOVEMBER 2010 (May 1999) 4-6 Magri, Noemi (August 1999) 3 Bird, Charles J. 10-11 Magri, Noemi 11-12 Dams, Christopher Latin Mottoes on the Title-Page of H. Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna Springtime in Hesperides Names in Shakespeare: Ophelia and Othello Postscript - Shakspere, a Life (May 2000) Jolly, Eddi Malim, Richard Burghley‘s Library and Shakespeare‘s Sources Most, Most of Me Belou‘d Magri, Noemi Italian Renaissance Art in Shakespeare: Guilio Romano and The Winter‘s Tale Was Southampton Regarded as the Son of the Queen? Letter: Thomas Smith letter to Burghley, 25 April 1576 Letter: Burghley‘s Library and Shakespeare‘s Sources, referring to Sir Thomas Smith letter (July 2000) 19-26 28 28-29 Rollett, John M. Johnson, Philip and Eddi Jolly Jolly, Eddi and Philip Johnson (January 2001) 2-11 Magri, Noemi 12 22 43 39 Malim, Richard Jolly, Eddi Rollett, John M. Challinor, Arthur M. (April/May 2001) 2 Roper, David (July 2001) 2 Shore, Wayne 7 12 Roper, David Johnson, Philip 19 20 25 31 Jolly, Eddi and Patrick O‘Brien Malim, Richard Altrocchi, Paul H. Malim, Richard (October 2001) Parisious, Roger Nyle 8-11 18 Shore, Wayne Hendle, Pauline (January/February 2002) 2 Magri, Noemi 9 Detobel, Robert 20 Hughes, Stephanie Hughes 29 Willis, Charles Murray The Influence of Italian Art on Shakespeare‘s Works: Titian‘s Barberini Painting: The Pictorial Source of Venus and Adonis Deconstructing Groatsworth The Writing of Hamlet Oxford Blue, or Possible Clues in Ben Jonson‘s Eulogy in the First Folio Review of Shakespeare‘s Unorthodox Biography by Diana Price (2000) The Stratford Monument: proof or probability Solving Authroship Mysteries with Numbers: using quantitative methods to solve authorship questions Henry Peacham‘s Chronogram Dates Titus Andronicus to 1575 John Lyly‘s Endimion and William Shakespeare‘s Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare‘s Sources and Sir Thomas Smith‘s Library Criticism: Giordano Bruno I Never Saw a Stupider Face! 1588-1591: When Shakespeare Did Not Write Accusing Voices Beyond the Grave: the evidence of Robert Greene and George Buc Stylometric Evidence Concerning the Authorship of George-a-Greene Queen Elizabeth and the Watchers The Venetial Inquisition Inquiry into Orazio Cuoco (1577) Portia and Shylock: just mercy against the law of the Talion? Shakespeare, Oxford, Astronomy, Medicine and the Law George Puttenham, the Earl of Oxford and Shakespeare, Part I 135 Index of the De Vere Society Newsletter (April 2002) 2 13 Jolly, Eddi Pearson, Daphne Images of ‗Old Billy Our Bard‘ A Tale of Marriage, Spies and Poison: an analysis of H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIV, p. 19 (re Anne Cecil) (October 2002) 2 Sybersma, Sue 12-15 Gilvary, Kevin All‘s Well That Ends Well: a reassessment Shakespeare and Italian Comedy I (February 2003) Bird, Charles J. Llewellyn, Michael King Edward III at Castle Hedingham The Death of Edward de Vere (June 2003) 6 15 16 Magri, Noemi Jolly, Eddi Jolly, Eddi 18-25 Gilvary, Kevin (September 2003) 2 Jolly, Colin K. 11-16 Malim, Richard 18-20 Gilvary, Kevin 27 Magri, Noemi Places in Shakespeare: Belmont and Thereabouts My Mistress‘ Eyes . . . An Original For Sonnet CXXX? Voyages de Shakespeare en France et en Italie: an overlooked masterpiece by Georges Lambin (1962) Shakespeare and Italian Comedy II Sweet Mr. Shakespeare‘s Picture Did Oxford Know Ronsard? Language Features and Chronology: can style help establish the chronology of Shakespeare‘s works? Letter: Oxford and the Greek Church in Venice (January 2004) 20 Willis, Charles Murray Was Edward de Vere Legitimate? (April 2004) 23 23 Review of Shakespeare‘s Melancholics by W. I. D. Scott (1962) Italianismos in Shakespeare Malim, Richard Magri, Noemi (Spring 2004) 1 Detobel, Robert (July 2004) 8-11 8-11 12 Gilvary, Kevin Gilvary, Kevin Jolly, Eddi (October 2004) Hess, W. Ron 16-19 20-21 25 Willis, Charles Murray Frunival, Jane Jolly, Eddi (January 2005) 5 Johnson, Philip 14-20 Holmes, Jean 21-22 Malim, Richard (May 2005) 4-12 Magri, Noemi The Testimony of Ben Jonson in Redating The Tempest, Othello, and Timon of Athens Contemporary Literary Allusions to Shakespeare (before 1616) Oxford in the Oxford DNB The Life of William Shaksper in the Documentary Records When Shakespeare ‗Originated‘ His Sonnets, Did They Have a ‗Euphues‘ Meaning? George Puttenham and Venus and Adonis East Ender Who Say‘s He‘s an Earl (from Daily Mail, 12 Feb. 2000) Review of The Late Mr. Shakespeare: a Novel by Robert Nye (1999) All‘s Well That Ends Well, Part 1: ‗Rossillion‘ Phoenix and the Turtle as a Rosicrucian Poem Review of Will in the World by Stephen Greenblatt (2004) Shakespeare and Italian Renaissance Painting: the three wanton pictures in The Taming of the Shrew 136 Index of the De Vere Society Newsletter (September 2005) 20-22 Everingham, M. Jane The Tennis Court Affairs: Sidney v. de Vere 26 Pointon, Anthony J.; Hugh Mason The Problem of a Stratford-Born Shakespeare 31 Gilvary, Kevin Review of Edward de Vere: Crisis and Consequence of Wardship by Pearson (2005) 34 Gilvary, Kevin Review of The Monument by Hank Whittemore (2005) 38 Gilvary, Kevin Review of Shakespeare and G. Puttenham‘s Arte of English Poesie by Charles Willis (2003) 39 Gilvary, Kevin Review of George Puttenham and the Authorship of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets by Charles Willis (2005) (December 2006) 7 Malim, Richard 13 Magri, Noemi 18 Malim, Richard 20 Johnson, Philip (April 2006) 4 6 12 14 22 Cleave, Julia Malim, Richard 26 Imlay, Elizabeth Puntarvolo or Puntaruolo? Orazio v. Nelson Who Was the Honoured Lady of Oxford‘s ‗Knight of the Tree of the Sunne‘? The Earls of Oxford‘s Manor in Wivenhoe Review of 1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare by James Shapiro (2005) Review of Shakespeare By Another Name by Mark K. Anderson (2005) Malim, Richard Review of Pseudonymous Shakespeare by Penny McCarthy (2006) (July 2006) 19 Magri, Noemi Magri, Noemi Hess, W. Ron The Fallacy of Selectivity in Caricature The Three Sistes of Mantua: a known history and an unknown play Review of Shakespeare, the Biography by Peter Ackroyd (2006) Edward de Vere on the Continent: 1575-1576 (November 2006) Jolly, Eddi 6 Johnson, Philip 9 Jolly, Eddi 16 Crick, Jeremy 29 Malim, Richard Meres - His Usefulness and His Limitations Oxford to Windsor Creation of the Ur-Hamlet Elizabeth and Francis Trentham Review of Shadowplay by Clare Asquith (2005) (February 2007) 12-15 Hughes, Stephanie Hughes 16-17 Magri, Noemi 18-20 Willis, Charles Murray 23 Malim, Richard 24-35 Crick, Jeremy 39 Gilvary, Kevin A Stroll Through Oxford‘s London Geographical Exactness in All‘s Well That Ends Well Stratford, ‗that ungodly town‘ Review of Shakespeare and Company by Stanley Wells (2006) Elizabeth and Francis Trentham, Part 2 Review of Behind Shakespeare‘s Mask by Charles Willis (2006) (June 2007) 6-11 11-16 17-22 24-35 Shakespeare‘s Illyria and Bohemia: Oxford‘s Journey in the Adriatic Arte of English Poetry as a Dating Tool, The Evidence Against Oxford as Shakespeare I: Certain Sonnets The Ashbourne Portrait Magri, Noemi Malim, Richard Rollett, John M. Crick, Jeremy and Dorna Bewley (October 2007) 22-28 Rollett, John M. 29-30 Paul, Christopher 31-32 Magri, Noemi 33-34 Malim, Richard 35-36 Malim, Richard Evidence Against Oxford as Shakespeare II: Writing Habits Letter: dating of and the painter of the Ashbourne portrait Shakespeare‘s Illyra and Bohemia - notes to the June 2007 Issue Review of Shakespeare the Thinker by Anthony D. Nuttall (2007) Review of Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson, ed. by Kozuka and Mulryne (2006) 137 Index of the De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 15/1 (March 2008) 5-11 Magri, Noemi 14-16 Robinson, Joan 17-19 20-22 23-24 24-25 26-27 29 30 30-31 Cleave, Julia Detobel, Robert Mason, Jacquelyn L. Rollett, John M. Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Goldstein, Gary B. Jolly, Eddi Malim, Richard Vol. 15/2 (June 2008) 5-6 Gilvary, Kevin 11-16 Magri, Noemi 22-26 Detobel, Robert 27-29 29-31 Bird, Charles J. Malim, Richard Vol. 15/3 (Occtober 2008) 7-9 Malim, Richard 10-18 Detobel, Robert 20-21 22-23 Dillon, George Quealy, Gerit 24 27-28 Imlay, Elizabeth Magri, Noemi 30-31 Holmes, Jean Vol. 16/1 (February 2009) 5-9 Magri, Noemi 10-14 Imlay, Elizabeth 15-20 Detobel, Robert 21-24 Hughes, Stephanie Hughes 24-26 29-31 Malim, Richard Hess, W. Ron Editor: Elizabeth Imlay Shakespeare‘s Knowledge of Illrian Rulers: Duke Orsino and Twelfth Night Shakespeare and Mr. Looney (from Cambridge Review, 54, 12 May 1933) More a Player Than a Playwright? Captian Tucca, Captain Hannam, and Falstaff Letter: word usage in Axiochus Letter: response to letters from Magri and Malim about his article Letter: wider Elizabethan authorship issues Obituary of Peter R. Moore (1948-2007) Review of The Shakespeare Secret by Jennifer L. Carrell (2008) Review of Shakespeare Revealed by Rene Weis (2007) Editor: Elizabeth Imlay Queens‘ College, Cambridge and the Henry VI Plays Edward de Vere Did Not Build Himself a House in Venice Accident of Note: G. Chapman and Oxford in The Revenge of Bussy d‘Amboise? ‗A per se A‘ and Apis Lapis No Mistakes in Shakespeare: a return to Bohemia Editor: Elizabeth Imlay Summarry of the Stratford-upon-Avon Conference, 28th June 2008 Accident of Note: G. Chapman and Oxford in Revenge of Bussy d‘Amboise?, Part 2 Swordplay Oxfordian‘s New Editor Is Up For the Challenge: Professor Michael Egan Maintains an Objective Eye at the Helm Movement on Both Eastern and Western Fronts Letter: Malim‘s article on Bohemia and The Winter‘s Tale in De Vere Society Newsletter Alexander and Lapis Lazuli Editor: Elizabeth Imlay The Italian Legal System in The Merchant of Venice: the single bond Tragic Story of King‘s Place: de Vere‘s home 1597-1604 Accident of Note: G. Chapman and Oxford in Revenge of Bussy d‘Amboise?, Part 3 Jonson‘s Ode to Shakespeare: what was Ben Jonson actually saying in his dedicatory ode in the 1623 First Folio Review of Soul of the Age by Jonathan Bate (2008) Did Oxford Travel Abroad as a Teenager? Vol. 16/2 (June 2009) 8-14, 29 Magri, Noemi 15-22 Hess, W. Ron 24-29 Cohen, Bernice and Alan Cohen 34 Malim, Richard Editor: Elizabeth Imlay Hamlet‘s ‗The Murder of Gonzago‘ in Contemporary Documents The Speare-shaker and the Dragon: Oxford, Beowulf and Hamlet The Riddle of the Countess of Pembroke How Sidney Helps Date Shakespeare‘s Plays Vol. 16/3 (November 2009) 9-13 O‘Brien, Patrick 14-19 Jiménez, Ramon 20-24 Cutting, Bonner Miller Editor: Elizabeth Imlay Shakespeare and Cambridge Countess Clara de Chambrun and the Skipwith Holinshed Time is Out of Joint: chronological incongruence in early modern English portraitures Monsteriana Analogies and Cliches Shakespeare‘s Native Tongue Review of Paper Trail by Simon Fry (2008) 33 25-27 28-31 32 Jolly, Eddi Jolly, Eddi Goldstein, Gary B. Jolly, Eddi 138 Index of the De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 17/1 (February 2010) 8-10 Magri, Noemi 11-13 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins 13-14 Malim, Richard 14-18 19 Moore, Peter R. Goldstein, Gary B. 21-25 27-28 29-30 Goldstein, Gary B. Hughes, Stephanie Hughes Malim, Richard Vol. 17/2 (August 2010) 4 Editor 5 Editor 8-12 Tudor-Pole, Lee 13-18 Jolly, Eddi 19-21 Crick, Jeremy 22-26 Malim, Richard 26-27 Malim, Richard 28-30 Green, Nina (ed.) Vol. 17/3 (November 2010) 4 Imlay, Elizabeth 8-16 Egan, Michael 17-21 Jolly, Eddi 22-27 Cohen, Bernice and Alan Cohen 28-29 Malim, Richard Editor: Elizabeth Imlay Othello‘s House on the Sagittary: Shakespeare‘s familiarity with the streets of Venice Review of Hill Hall: Singular House Devised by a Tudor Intellectual by Drury (2009) Review of The Lame Storyteller: Poor and Despised by Peter R. Moore (2009) The Stella Cover-Up Review of The Lame Storyteller: Poor and Despised by Peter R. Moore (2009) Shakespeare‘s Little Hebrew Letter: Sir Thomas Smith in the De Vere Society Newsletter Review of The de Vere Code, by Jonathan Bond (2009) Editor: Elizabeth Imlay Obituary of Verily Anderson Paget (1915-2010) Obituary of Robert Brazil (1995-2010) Statutes of Apparel Thomas Nashe‘s Preface: toward a new reading The Search for Shakespeare Manuscripts in Fulke Greville‘s Monument in Warwick Review of Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare by James S. Shapiro (2010) Review of Shakespeare and His Authors, edited by William Leahy (2010) Bill of Complaint Brought in Chancery by Margery (Golding) de Vere Editor: Elizabeth Imlay Wikipedia Wars Richard II, Part One (Part I) Which Came First: Q1 or Q2 Hamlet?: the evidence of Belleforest Susan Vere in Her Own ‗Write‘ Shapiro Revisited: Contested Will by James Shapiro (2010) COMPLETE INDEX FROM MARCH 2011 FORWARD Vol. 18/1 (March 2011) 1-3 Editor 4-5 Andrews, John 8-10 Crampin, Alice 11-13 Magri, Noemi 14-15 Malim, Richard 16-20 Egan, Michael 21-30 Hess, W. Ron 30-32 Gill, John 32-34 Gill, John Vol. 18/2 (July 2011) 1-3 Editor 4-5 Imlay, Elizabeth 5 Editor 6-8 Imlay, Elizabeth 6-12 Malim, Richard 13 Jolly, Eddi 14-20 Gilvary, Kevin 21 Scheffer, Jan H. Editor: Elizabeth Imlay News Wikipedia Wars Following a Cambridge Trail Shakespeare and the Ships of the Venetian Republic Farmer That Hanged Himself, The (a phrase in Macbeth) Richard II, Part One (Part II) Did Thomas Sackville Influence Shake-speare‘s Sonnets? Review of Malice Aforethought, the Killing of a Unique Genius by Paul H. Altrocchi (2010) Review of Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom by Charles Beauclerk (2009) Editor: Elizabeth Imlay News DVS Annual General Meeting (9 April 2011) DVS Statement on Anonymous Queen Elizabeth at Oxford in 1566 The Two Noble Kinseman Shakespeare‘s Debt to Hall and Holinshed Bibles, Histories and Shakespeare: the rise of anonymous and pseudonymous publication during the Tudor period Das Neue Shake-speare Gesellschaft (A New Shakespeare Society in Germany) 139 Index of the De Vere Society Newsletter 22-24 24 25-28 29, 38 30-34 35-36 36-38 39 39 Imlay, Elizabeth; Gazzetta di Mantua; Kevin Gilvary; Robert Detobel Anderson, Mark K. Imlay, Elizabeth An Irreparable Loss: tributes to Noemi Magri (d. 2011) Letter: second edition of ―Shakespeare‖ By Another Name Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness: Charles Beauclerk‘s Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom Goldstein, Gary Appeasing the Fringe of the Oxfordian Movement Cole, Jan Was Oxford Chapman‘s Patron? Dams, Christopher Review of The Oxfordian Edition of Othello, edited by Ren Dreya and Richard F. Whalen Scheffer, Jan H.; Elke Brachmann Review of Shakespeare: The Concealed Poet by Robert Detobel Imlay, Elizabeth Further Fallout from John Gill‘s Review of Beauclerk‘s Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom Crick, Jeremy Viewing Statistics: the DVS Website Vol. 18/3 (November 2011) 1-3 Editor 4-5 Imlay, Elizabeth 6 Imlay, Elizabeth 7-14 15-17 18-21 22-25 26-27 Cole, Jan Imlay, Elizabeth Malim, Richard Imlay, Elizabeth Niederkorn, William S. 28 29-30 30-31 Showerman, Earl Malim, Richard Imlay, Elizabeth Editor: Elizabeth Imlay News DVS Meeting in London (24 September 2011) Breakfast Television Transcript: BBC programme with Stanley Wells and Elizabeth Imlay (broadcast 2 September 2011) Edward de Vere in France: the French connection, and the Greek Drawings by Edward de Vere? – Possibly – a Cambridge discovery Percy and Malone Anonymous Passes: the film reviewed The Shakespeare Chronology Recalibrated (excerpt) (review of Dating Shakespeare‘s Plays edited by Kevin Gilvary, reprinted from the Brooklyn Rail) Letter: the Shakespeare Fellowship statement on Anonymous Why Another Book on Oxford‘s Life? Untapped Potential of Phaeton 140 INDEX OF DISCOVERING SHAKESPEARE: A FESTSCHRIFT IN HONOR OF ISABEL HOLDEN (DS) Edited by Daniel Wright; published by Concordia University Bookstore (2009) 1-3 5-11 13-22 23-28 29-40 41-62 63-85 87-112 Beauclerk, Charles Leahy, William Delahoyde, Michael Draya, Ren Hamill, John Whittemore, Hank Boyle, William E. Showerman, Earl 113-135 Greenhill, Rima 137-142 Whalen, Richard F.; J. Shahan 143-153 Stritmatter, Roger; L.Kositsky Eulogy in Commemoration of the Life of Isabel Holden Shakespeare Question: a suitable subject for academia? Edward de Vere‘s Antony and Cleopatra Antony and Cleopatra: the women‘s voices Bisexuality and Bastardy: the reasons for the Shakespeare cover-up Some Aspects of the Monument Theory Unveiling the Sonnets Mythopoesis of Resurrection: Hesoid to Shakespeare: The Winter‘s Tale and Pericles From Russia With Love: Shakespeare‘s Love‘s Labour‘s Lost in the context of Russian-English relations, 1553-1603 Elliott and Valenza‘s Stylometircs Fail to Eliminate Oxford as Shakespeare Pale as Death: the fictionalizing influence of Erasmus‘s Naufragium on the Renaissance travel narrative 141 INDEX OF THE EDWARD DE VERE NEWSLETTER (EDN) Published 1989-1994 by Nina Green Issue no. 1 (1989, Mar.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write the Comedy Known as The Merry Devil of Edmonton? Issue No. 2 (1989, May; rev. 2001) Green, Nina What Part Did Edward de Vere Play in the Voyages of Exploration and Trade in the Great Elizabethan Age of Exploration? Issue No. 3 (1989, May; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Who was the ―upstart crow‖ in Green‘s Groat-worth of Witte? Issue No. 4 (1989, June; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write The Puritan; or The Widow of Watling Street? Issue No. 5 (1989, July; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write the Langham Letter? Part 1 Issue No. 6 (1989, Aug.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write the Langham Letter? Part 2 Issue No. 7 (1989, Sept.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write the Langham Letter? Part 3 Issue No. 8 (1989, Oct.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Know Arthur Brooke, Author of Romeus and Juliet? Issue No. 9 (1989, Nov.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Ben Jonson Write the Inscription for the Shakespeare Monument at Stratford? Issue No. 10 (1989, Dec.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write The Reign of King Edward the Third? Issue No. 11 (1990, Jan.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write the Scottish History of James the Fourth, Slaine at Flodden? Issue No. 12 (1990, Feb.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write Sir John Oldcastle? Issue No. 13 (1990, Mar.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write the Langham Letter? Issue No. 14 (1990, Apr.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write Sir John Oldcastle in an Attempt to Save His Cousin, Thomas Howard, From the Headman‘s Axe?, Part 1 Issue No. 15 (1990, May; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write Sir John Oldcastle in an Attempt to Save His Cousin, Thomas Howard, From the Headman‘s Axe?, Part 2 Issue No. 16 (1990; June; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write Sir John Oldcastle in an Attempt to Save His Cousin, Thomas Howard, From the Headman‘s Axe?, Part 3 142 Index of the Edward de Vere Newsletter Issue No. 17 (1990; July; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write Sir John Oldcastle in an Attempt to Save His Cousin, Thomas Howard, From the Headman‘s Axe?, Part 4 Issue No. 18 (1990, Aug.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Early Work of Edward de Vere Reveal That He Wrote Songs? Issue No. 19 (1990, Sept.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write the Ballad of King Arthur in the Langham Letter? Issue No. 20 (1990, Oct.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did the Author of the Langham Letter Have Pronounced Music Interests and Abilities? Issue No. 21 (1990, Nov.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was A Yorkshire Tragedy Written Before Its So-Called ―Source‖? Issue No. 22 (1990; Dec. rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Anne Lyly, sister of the Poet John Donne, a Promoter of the Ill-Fated Marriage of Walter Calverley and Philippa Brooke? Issue No. 23 (1991, Jan.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write A Yorkshire Tragedy? Issue No. 24 (1991, Feb.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did the Author of the Pamphlet Two Most Unnaturall and Bloodie Murthers Make Use of The Miseries of Enforced Marriage and A Yorkshire Tragedy? Issue No. 25 (1991, Mar.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Have a Youthful Love Affair That Was Thwarted? Issue No. 26 (1991, Apr.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Unusual Orthography of the Langham Letter Indicate That the Author Was One of the Proponents of Spelling Reform in the 1570s? Issue No. 27 (1991, May; rev. 2001) Green, Nina To Whom Was Humfrey Martyn Related Through His Mother, Letitia Pakington? Issue No. 28 (1991, June; rev. 2001) Green, Nina To Whom Was Humfrey Martyn Related Through his Father, Sir Roger Martyn? Issue No. 29 (1991, July; rev. 2001) Green, Nina What Was William Patten‘s Involvement in the Publication of the Langham Letter? Issue No. 30 (1991, Aug.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was the Author of the Langham Letter a Mercer and a Merchant-Adventurer? Issue No. 31 (1991, Sept.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Is the Langham Letter an Eye-Witness Account of Queen Elizabeth‘s Entertainment at Kenilworth in 1572, Rather Than 1575? Issue No. 32 (1991, Oct.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere the ―Annotator‖ of a Copy of Hall‘s Chronicle? Part 1 Issue No. 33 (1991, Nov.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere the ―Annotator‖ of a Copy of Hall‘s Chronicle? Part 2 Issue No. 34 (1991, Dec.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere the ―Annotator‖ of a Copy of Hall‘s Chronicle? Part 3 143 Index of the Edward de Vere Newsletter Issue No. 35 (1992, Jan.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Could The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth Have Been Written in 1548? Issue No. 36 (1992, Feb.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was the Annotator of Hall‘s Chronicle the Author of The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth? Issue No. 37 (1992, Mar.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Were the Calverley Murders Entirely Unrelated to the Play A Yorkshire Tragedy? Issue No. 38 (1992, Apr.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere Related By Marriage to Thomas Russell, Overseer of the Will of William Shakespeare? Issue No. 39 (1992, May.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Sir Christopher Hatton Related by Marriage To Both the Owner of New Place and the Owner of the Annotated Copy of Hall‘s Chronicle? Issue No. 40 (1992, June; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere Contracted to Marry One of the Sisters of Henry, 3 rd Earl of Huntingdon, Because of Their Common Hastings Ancestor? Issue No. 41 (1992, July; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write the Verses for Lady Derby‘s Entertainment? Part 1 Issue No. 42 (1992, Aug.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write the Verses for Lady Derby‘s Entertainment? Part 2 Issue No. 43 (1992, Sept..; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write the Verses for Lady Derby‘s Entertainment? Part 3 Issue No. 44 (1992, Oct.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Did Edward de Vere Write the Verses for Lady Derby‘s Entertainment? Part 4 Issue No. 45 (1992, Nov.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Don Triptych Portray the Ancestors of Edward de Vere? Part 1 Issue No. 46 (1992, Dec.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Don Triptych Portray the Ancestors of Edward de Vere? Part 2 Issue No. 47 (1993, Jan.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Don Triptych Portray the Ancestors of Edward de Vere? Part 3 Issue No. 48 (1993, Feb.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Don Triptych Portray the Ancestors of Edward de Vere? Part 4 Issue No. 49 (1993, Mar.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? Part 1 Issue No. 50 (1993, Apr.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? Part 2 Issue No. 51 (1993, May; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? Part 3 Issue No. 52 (1993, June; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? Part 4 Issue No. 53 (1993, July; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? Part 5 144 Index of the Edward de Vere Newsletter Issue No. 54 (1993, Aug.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? Part 6 Issue No. 55 (1993, Sept.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was Edward de Vere the ―E.K.‖ of Spenser‘s Shepheardes Calendar? Part 7 Issue No. 56 (1993, Oct.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was the Annotated Copy of Hall‘s Chronicle in the Library of Robert Worsley a Lineal Descendant of Edward de Vere? Issue No. 57 (1993, Nov.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Were the Letters and Youthful Poems of Edward de Vere Written in the Lexical Vocabularly of Shakespeare? Part 1 Issue No. 58 (1993, Dec.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Were the Letters and Youthful Poems of Edward de Vere Written in the Lexical Vocabularly of Shakespeare? Part 2 Issue No. 59 (1994, Jan.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Were the Letters and Youthful Poems of Edward de Vere Written in the Lexical Vocabularly of Shakespeare? Part 3 Issue No. 60 (1994, Feb.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Lexical Vocabulary of Edward de Vere‘s Letters and Youthful Poems Support the Hypothesis of His Authorship of The Reign of King Edward III? Part 1 Issue No. 61 (1994, Mar.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Lexical Vocabulary of Edward de Vere‘s Letters and Youthful Poems Support the Hypothesis of His Authorship of The Reign of King Edward III? Part 1 Issue No. 62 (1994, Apr.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Lexical Vocabulary of Edward de Vere‘s Letters and Youthful Poems Support the Hypothesis of His Authorship of The Reign of King Edward III? Part 1 Issue No. 63 (1994, May.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was an Edition of the Langham Letter Published After 1590? Issue No. 64 (1994, June; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Annount of the Kenilworth Entertainment in the Princely Pleasures Show That the Account in the Langham Letter is Not an Eye-Witness Account? Issue No. 65 (1994, July; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Was the Author of the Langham Letter a Scholar? Issue No. 66 (1994, Aug.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Langham Letter Display a Negative Attitude Toward the Earl of Leicester? Issue No. 67 (1994, Sept.; rev. 2001) Green, Nina Does the Langham Letter Reveal Its Author‘s Identity in the First Two Paragraphs? 145 INDEX OF THE ELIZABETHAN REVIEW (ER) A peer-reviewed semi-annual journal edited by Gary B. Goldstein, published 1993-1999 Volume 1/1 (Spring 1993) 1-3 Editor 4-20 Stevens, Justice John Paul 21-39 Hope, Warren 40-57 Talvacchia, Bette 58-60 Moore, Peter R. 60-61 Hope, Warren 61-62 Goldstein, Gary B. From the Editor The Shakespeare Canon of Statutory Construction The Singing Swallow: Sir John Davies and Shakespeare Rare Italian Master and the Posture of Hermione in The Winter‘s Tale Shake-hyphen-speare Concealed Poets Did Shakespeare Read Dante in Italian? Volume 1/2 (Autumn 1993) 1-1 Editor 2-5 Gannon, Christian H. 5 Andrews, John 5 Bevington, David 5 Duffin, Eileen 6 Tabin, Johanna K. 7-17 Keller, James R. 18-35 36-42 43-51 52-64 65-74 75-78 78-79 79-79 From the Editor Letter: Justice Stevens‘s article in the inaugural issue of ER Letter: comments on the inAug.ural issue of ER Letter: congratulations on the new venture Letter: Dorothy Sayers and Dante‘s body Letter: spelling of names in Elizabethan times Thomas Nashe‘s The Unfortunate Traveler: taming the spirit of discontent Downs, Gerald E. A Reconsideration of Heywood‘s Allusion to Shakespeare Desper, Richard and Gary Vezzoli A Statistical Approach to the Shakespeare Authorship Question Sokolowski, Peter Review of Montaigne: The Complete Essays, translated by M. A. Screech (1991) Edwards, Francis Review of Invisible Power: The Elizabethan Secret Services by Alan Haynes (1992) Stritmatter, Roger Review of Shakespeare‘s Personality edited by Norman N. Holland, et. al. (1989) Hope, Warren Review of Paging Mrs. Shakespeare by Robert Nye (2000) Editor Review of Shylock by John Gross Editor Review of The Essential Shakespeare by Ted Hughes (1992) Volume 2/1 (Spring 1994) 3-4 Editor 5 Stritmatter, Roger 6-14 Baker, Elliott 15-20 21-25 26-28 29-32 Chandler, David Duffin, Ross W. Hope, Warren Goldstein, Gary B. Volume 2/2 (Autumn 1994) 3-10 Beauclerk, Charles 11-18 Boyle, Charles 19-22 Moore, Peter R. 23-48 Edwards, Francis 49-54 Detobel, Robert 55-61 Londre, Felicia 61-64 64-70 Hope, Warren Buckridge, Patrick From the Editor Letter: Peter Sokolowski, conventional dating of the plays, and Florio The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded and Abridged (excerpts) Death Put Off by Cunning and Forc‘d Cause An Encore for Shakespeare‘s Rare Italian Master Review of The Elizabethan Underworld by Gamini Salgado (2005) Review of The Reckoning: Murder of Christopher Marlowe by Charles Nicholl (1992) Sir Philip Sidney Satirized in The Merry Wives of Windsor Bitter Fruit: Troilus and Cressida in Queen Elizabeth‘s Court Kill, Kill, Kill William Shakespeare: why was his true identity concealed? On the Meaning of ―True Copy‖ Review of Italian Drama in Shakespeare‘s Time by Louise George Clubb (1989) Review of Deciphering Elizabethan Fiction by Reid Barbour (1993) Review of Shakespeare Conspiracy by Graham Phillips and Martin Keatman (1994) 146 Index of The Elizabethan Review Volume 3/1 (Spring 1995) 3-20 Londre, Felicia 21-31 32-36 37-47 48-53 Baker, Elliott Mosher, Sally Desper, Richard Cheney, Alan 54-55 56-62 Hope, Warren Stritmatter, Roger 62-67 Chandler, David 67-69 69 Publius Goldstein, Gary B. Volume 3/2 (Autumn 1995) 3-003 Mason, Jacquelyn L. 4-10 11-14 15-24 25-34 35-52 53-59 60-68 Moore, Peter R. Hope, Warren Chandler, David Edwards, Francis Beauclerk, Charles Manzo, Fred W. Stritmatter, Roger 068-70 Goldstein, Gary B. Volume 4/1 (Spring 1996) 3-13 Price, Diana 14-46 Baker, John 47-48 Hope, Warren Volume 4/2 (Autumn 1996) 3-3 Whalen, Richard F. 4-23 Price, Diana 24-40 Buckridge, Patrick 41-48 Hess, W. Ron Volume 5/1 (Spring 1997) 3 Klier, Walter 4 Buckridge, Patrick 4-5 Edwards, Francis 4-6 Charlton, Derran K. 5 Grumman, Robert 6 Anderson (Paget), Verily 6 Edblom, Richard 6 Walker, Martha N. 6 Edwards, Francis 6-9 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton, et al. 7 Charlton, Derran K. 9-11 Price, Diana 11-15 15-17 Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) Price, Diana 18-20 Downs, Gerald E. Elizabethan Views of the ―Other:‖ French, Spanish, and Russians in Love‘s Labour‘s Lost The Queen‘s Hand in The Merchant of Venice Was William Byrd‘s The Battell Composed for the Theatre? Allusions to Edmund Campion in Twelfth Night Review of The Twilight Lords: An Irish Chronicle by Richard Berleth (1978) Review of William Tyndale: A Biography by David Daniell (1994) Review of Censorship and Interpretation: Writing and Reading in Early Modern England by Annabel Patterson (1984) Review of Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit edited by D. Allen Carroll (1994) Review of Shakespeare, In Fact by Irvin Matus (1994) Review of Shakespeare: Who Was He? by Richard Whalen (1994) Letter: Richard Desper‘s article on Twelfth Night in ER, Spring 1995 issue Lame Storyteller, Poor and Despised What are Shakespeare‘s Sonnets? A Further Reconsideration of Heywood‘s Allusion The Divisions Among the Enlgish Catholics: 1580-1610 Edward de Vere and the Psychology of Feudalism Who Was Joseph Hall‘s Labeo Review of Biblical References in Shakespeare‘s Comedies by Naseeb Shaheen (1993) Review of The Man Who Was Shakespeare by Charlton Ogburn, Jr. (1995) Shakespeare, Shake-scene and the Clayton Loan Found: Shakespeare‘s Manuscript of Henry IV Review of Western Canon: Books and Schools of the Ages by Harold Bloom (1994) Letter: Bloom‘s support for Shakespeare‘s ―aristocratic sense of culture‖ Rough Winds Do Shake: a fresh look at the Tudor Rose Theory What did John Marston Know About Shakespeare? Robert Greene‘s Wit Re-evaluated Letter: Shakespeare in Germany and Austria Letter: response to comments by Derrak Charlton Letter: Dering‘s Henry IV Letter: Marston, Derby and Shakespeare Letter: a Groatsworth of Wit Letter: praise for Diana Price‘s article in ER, Vol. 4/2 Letter: praise for Diana Price‘s article in ER, Vol. 4/2 Letter: proponents of the Tudor Rose theory are wrong Letter: praise for Diana Price‘s article in ER, Vol. 4/2 Letter: Diana Price‘s article in ER, Vol. 4/2 and the Tudor Rose Theory Letter: praise for Diana Price‘s article in ER, Vol. 4/2 Letter: response to Ogburn‘s comments on her article on the Tudor Rose Theory Letter: Diana Price‘s article in ER, Vol. 4/2 and the Tudor Rose Theory Letter: response to Sears‘s comments on her article on the Tudor Rose Theory Letter: John Baker‘s article on Edward Dering‘s manuscript of Henry IV 147 Index of The Elizabethan Review 20-25 26-31 32-48 50-54 Baker, John Goldstein, Gary B. Kathman, David Hope, Warren 54-56 57-57 Wright, Daniel L. Goldstein, Gary B. 57-59 Goldstein, Gary B. 59-61 Mucci, John Volume 5/2 (Autumn 1997) 3-4 Baker, John 4-5 Whalen, Richard F. 5-9 Edwards, Francis 9-10 Kathman, David 10-15 Dams, Christopher 15-16 Kathman, David 16-21 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 21-24 23-23 24-60 61-78 79-92 93-122 123-126 126-127 Kathman, David Hope, Warren Moore, Peter R. Challinor, Arthur M. Desper, Richard Rollett, John M. Hope, Warren Chandler, David Volume 6/1 (Spring 1998) 3 Holden, Isobel 3-8 Edwards, Francis 9-43 Parisious, Roger Nyle 45-66 Bacon, Delia 67-72 Lester, Richard Volume 6/2 (Autumn 1998) 3 Imlay, Elizabeth 3 Rollett, John M. 4-14 Lester, Richard 15-30 Buckridge, Patrick 31-42 Heil, Leigh Ann 44-54 DeFino, Dean 55-76 Dickson, Peter W. 77-78 Hope, Warren 79-84 Mucci, John 84-87 88-89 Morton, Peter Mucci, John 90-93 Parisious, Roger Nyle Volume 7/1 (Spring 1999) 3 Goldstein, Gary B. 4-32 Pearson, Daphne 33-46 Lester, Richard 48-64 Usher, Peter 65-69 Magri, Noemi Letter: response to comments by Gerald Downs Who Was Joyce‘s Shakespeare? Why I‘m Not an Oxfordian Review of Sir Philip Sidney and Circulation of Manuscripts by Woudhuysen (1996) Review of Shakespeare‘s Edward III edited by Eric Same Review of Love‘s Labor‘s Lost: Critical Essays edited by Felicia Londre (1997) Review of Texts of Othello and Shakespearean Revision by E. A. J. Honigman Review of Alias Shakespeare by Joseph Sobran (1997) Letter: final thoughts on Sir Edward Dering‘s manuscript of Henry IV Letter: the Oxfordian case defended Letter: the Oxfordian case defended Letter: response to Messrs. Whalen and Edwards Letter: defending the Oxfordian hypothesis Letter: response to Christopher Dams Letter: response to David Kathman‘s attack on The Mysterious William Shakespeare Letter: response to Charlton Ogburn Letter: response to Charlton Ogburn The Abysm of Time: the chronology of Shakespeare‘s plays Controversy Among Gentlemen An Alternate Solution to the Funeral Elegy the Dedication to Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Lear‘s Cordelia, Oxford‘s Susan, and Manningham‘s Diary Lady Macbeth‘s Curds and Whey Letter: a poetic tribute to Lady Susan Vere Elizabethan Handwriting and Education Occultist Influence on the Authorship Controversy Book Excerpt: The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded (ed. E. Baker) Why was Venus and Adonis Published? Letter: why was Venus and Adonis published? Letter: dedication to Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Shakespeare‘s Name Christopher Hatton, Edward Dyer and the ―First Adonis‖ The Use of Renaissance Dance in Shakespearean Productions Iago Dilated: Delivering Time in Othello Henry Peacham and the 1623 First Folio William Basse: Who Was He? Review of Rogues, Vagabonds and Sturdy Beggars, edited by Arthur F. Kinney (1990) Review of De Vere is Shakespeare by Dennis Baron (1997) Review of CD: The Food of Love Words and Music for Shakespeare‘s Theater by the Gesualdo Consort (1996) Postscript to the Tudor Rose Theory New Discoveries & Theories Robin Hood‘s Pennyworth: the DeVere-Harlackenden Lawsuits An Alternative Theory of the Oxford Cover-Up Hamlet‘s Transformation Latin Mottoes on the Title Page of Henry Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna 148 Index of The Elizabethan Review 70-77 70-77 82-84 Goldstein, Gary B. Hope, Warren Stern, Micah Shakespeare‘s Little Hebrew Review of The Art of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets by Helen Vendler (1997) The Late Mr. Shakespeare: a Novel by Robert Nye (1998) 149 INDEX OF GREAT OXFORD: ESSAYS ON THE LIFE AND WORK OF EDWARD DE VERE (GO) General Editor: Richard Malim; Editorial Team: Kevin Gilvary, Elizabeth Imlay, Eddi Jolly Published by Parapress, Ltd., Kent UK (2004) Page 13-15 16-21 22-25 26-30 31-33 34-37 38-42 45-49 66-78 Author Bird, Charles J. Malim, Richard Jolly, Eddi and Patrick O‘Brien Jolly, Eddi and Patrick O‘Brien Dams, Christopher Johnson, Philip Willis, Charles Murray Magri, Noemi Magri, Noemi 79-90 Magri, Noemi 91-106 107-125 129-139 140-150 Magri, Noemi Gilvary, Kevin Sobran, Joseph Roper, David 151-158 Johnson, Philip 159-168 169-179 180-195 196-200 201-207 Cottle, Elizabeth and Ch. Dams Jolly, Eddi and Patrick O‘Brien Jolly, Eddi and Patrick O‘Brien Johnson, Philip Jiménez, Ramon 208-211 212-222 223-236 237-243 247-252 253-266 267-275 276-283 284-288 289-295 296-298 299-303 307-311 312-316 317-320 321-333 337-357 Malim, Richard Malim, Richard Detobel, Robert Robinson, Alan Malim, Richard Rollett, John M. Johnson, Philip Llewellyn, Michael Malim, Richard Rollett, John M. Malim, Richard Roper, David Hazelton, Sally Hazelton, Sally Gilvary, Kevin Hazelton, Sally Gilvary, Kevin Title Oxford‘s Early Years Did Oxford Know Ronsard? Shakespeare‘s Sources: Sir Thomas Smith‘s Library Shakespeare‘s Sources Continued: Lord Burghley‘s Library Shakespeare‘s Education, or the Circular Argument Shakespeare‘s Education and Stratford Grammar School The Printing of The Arte of English Poesie and the Earl of Oxford Venetian Inquisition Inquiry Regarding Orazio Cuoco, The (1577) No Errors in Shakespeare: Historical Truth and The Two Gentlement of Verona Influence of Italian Renaissance Art on Shakespeare‘s Works: Titian‘s Barberini Painting: the pictorial source of Venus & Adonis Places in Shakespeare: Belmont and thereabouts Shakespeare and Italian Comedy Shakespeare Revealed in Oxford‘s Poetry Henry Peacham‘s Chronogram: the dating of Shakespeare‘s Titus Andronicus John Lyly‘s Endimion and William Shakespeare‘s Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare and the Scriptures Dating the Plays: Hamlet The Writing of Hamlet Measure for Measure and the French Connection The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth - Key to the Authorship Question? Giordano Bruno Oxford the Actor Melicertus The Real William Shakespeare Oxford‘s View of Shakespeare Secrets of the Dedication to Shakespeare‘s Sonnets The Third Earl of Southampton and a Gentleman of Stratford The Death of Edward de Vere The Spanish Maze Oxford Blue, or Possible Clues in Ben Jonson‘s Eulogy in the First Folio Blackfriars Theatre, 1608 By Shakespeare‘s Other Avon Freud and Oxford Phantasies of Shakespeare Language Features and Chronology Not Quite So Bewildering? The Empire Strikes Back 150 INDEX OF THE OXFORDIAN Published annually each autumn by The Shakespeare Oxford Society since 1998 Volume 1 (1998) 0 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 1-3 5-6 27-42 43-52 53-63 64-87 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) Green, Nina Fitzgerald, James Mosher, Sally Stritmatter, Roger Wright, Daniel L. 88-101 102-103 104-105 Hess, W. Ron Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) Volume 2 (1999) 0 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 1-2 3-10 11-24 25-59 60-75 76-116 117-137 138-144 145-151 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) Shuttleworth, Jack Jolly, Eddi Hess, W. Ron Rollett, John M. Fitzgerald, James Brazil, Robert Berney, Charles Werth, Andrew 152-154 154-161 162-162 163-163 Wright, Daniel L. Stritmatter, Roger Desper, Richard Henry, Calvin Volume 3 (2000) 0 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 1-2 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 3-18 Jolly, Eddi 19-44 45-58 59-70 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) Davis, Frank Green, Nina 71-98 Elliott, Ward E. Y.; R. J. Valenza 99-115 Hurstfield, Joel 116-118 Wright, Daniel L. 119-122 122-123 Chow, Winston C. Bloch, Howard Volume 4 (2001) 1-4 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 5-24 Detobel, Robert Editor: Stephanie Hopkins Hughes In Memoriam: Morse Johnson, Editor of the Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter (1986-1995) Editorial: The Curious Incident of the Shakespeare Paper Trail Who Was Spenser‘s E.K.? Was He the Seventeenth Earl of Oxford? Shakespeare, Oxford, and ―A Pedlar‖ William Byrd‘s Battle and the Earl of Oxford DeVere‘s Dedicatory Poem in Cardan‘s Comforte (1573) He Was a Scholar and a Ripe and Good One: Oxford‘s education, mirrored in the Shakespeare canon Hotwiring the Bard into Cyberspace Sonnet XXXIII, and Much, Much Less Note from the Editor Editor: Stephanie Hopkins Hughes In Memoriam: Charlton Ogburn, Jr., Founding Member of the Shakespeare Oxford Society, Author, Board Member, Newsletter Editor (1911-1998) To the Reader Editorial: Prolegomena for the Oxfordian Shakespeare Dating Shakespeare‘s Hamlet Shakespeare‘s Dates: Their Effects on Stylistic Analysis Secrets of the Dedication to Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Know Ye Not This Parable? The Oxford-Du Bartas Connection Unpacking The Merry Wives Mathematical Models of Stratfordian Persistence Opinion: Reading by the Lamp of Biography: how knowledge of the artist illuminates our understanding of the art Review of Alias Shakespeare by Joseph Sobran (1997) Review of Puzzling Shakespeare by Leah Marcus (1988) Letter: need for funding for Oxfordian research Letter: Bacon and Oxford Editor: Stephanie Hopkins Hughes In Memoriam: Talmadge Gartley Wilson (1919-2000) To the Reader Shakespeare and Burghley‘s Library: Bibliotheca Illustris: Sive Catalogus Variorum Librorum Shakespeare‘s Tutor: Sir Thomas Smith (1513-1577) Shakespeare‘s Medical Knowledge: how did he acquire it? Who Was Arthur Brooke: author of The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliett? Can the Oxford Candidacy Be Saved? Response to W. Ron Hess: Shakespeare‘s Dates Lord Burghley as Master of the Court of Wards (Reprint from Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1949) Review of Shakespeare and the Christian Tradition edited by E. Beatrice Batson (1994) Letter: writing style and orthodox dating Letter: statistical analysis and dating the plays Editor: Stephanie Hopkins Hughes Goodbye, Jim (James Fitzgerald, Oxfordian) Authorial Rights in Shakespeare‘s Time 151 Index of The Oxfordian 25-50 51-120 Usher, Peter Alexander, Mark A. 121-142 Desper, Richard 143-153 154-165 Llewellyn, Sally Hazelton Shahan, John 166-167 167-167 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) Volume 5 (2002) 0 Digges, L. 1-10 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 11-29 Werth, Andrew 30-46 Detobel, Robert 47-69 Paul, Christopher 70-99 100-118 119-131 Smith, Sarah Munday, Anthony Whalen, Richard F. 132-146 147-158 159-173 174-182 Usher, Peter Gordon, Helen H. Davis, Frank Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) Volume 6 (2003) 0 Anonymous 1-6 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 7-28 Jiménez, Ramon 29-54 Gidley, Fran 55-70 Whalen, Richard F. 71-108 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 109-132 133-149 Dickson, Peter W. Warren, George 150-153 154-163 Shahan, John Elliott, Ward E. Y.; R. J. Valenza Advances in the Hamlet Cosmic Allegory Shakespeare‘s Knowledge of Law: a journey through the history of the argument We Must Speak by the Card or Quivocation Will Undo Us: Oxford, Campion, and the Howard-Arundel Accusations of 1580-81 Such Shaping Fantasies? Psychology & the Authorship Debate Letter: flawed reasoning in Elliott and Valenza‘s article in 2000 edition of The Oxfordian Readers Note What is ―the Authorship Question?‖ Editor: Stephanie Hopkins Hughes To the Memorie of the Deceased Author Master W. Shakespeare Editorial Shakespeare‘s Lesse Greek Authorial Rights, Part II: early Shakespeare critics and the authorship question Prince Tudor Dilemma, The: Hip Thesis, Hypothesis, or Old Wives‘ Tale? The Reattribution of Munday‘s The Paine of Pleasure The Paine of Pleasure On Looking Into Chapman‘s Oxford: A Personality Profile of the Seventeenth Earl Shakespeare‘s Support for the New Astronomy Alexander Pope: an Oxfordian at heart? The Poem ―Grief of Minde:‖ who wrote it and why it is important Review of Who Killed Kit Marlowe? by M. J. Trow and Talieson Trow (2001) Editor: Stephanie Hopkins Hughes Selection from The Arte of English Poesie (1589) Editorial [authorship issues in the Elizabethan era] Edmond Ironside, the English King: Edward de Vere‘s Anglo-Saxon History Play Shakespeare in Composition: Evidence for Oxford‘s Authorship of The Book of Sir Thomas More Shakespeare in Scotland: what did the author of Macbeth know and when did he know it? No Spring till Now: the Countess of Pembroke and the John Webster Canon Bardgate: was Shakespeare a secret Catholic? The Proof is in the Pembroke: a stylometric comparison of the works of Shakespeare with 12 works by 8 Elizabethan authors Review of Born to Rebel by Frank J. Sulloway (1997) Letter: response to criticism by John Shahan and W. Ron Hess Volume 7 (2004) Editor: Stephanie Hopkins Hughes 1-5 Editor Editorial 6-68 Paul, Christopher A Monument Without a Tomb: the mystery of Oxford‘s death 69-88 Detobel, Robert To Be or Not to Be: the suicide hypothesis 89-114 Showerman, Earl Orestes and Hamlet: from myth to masterpiece, Part I 115-151 Jiménez, Ramon The True Tragedy of Richard the Third: another early history play by Edward de Vere 152-169 Goldstein, Gary B. Did Queen Elizabeth Use the Theater for Social and Political Propaganda? 170-170 Alexander, Mark A. Letter: the legal argument and Thomas Regnier‘s article in the University of Miami Law Review 171-175 Editor News 152 Index of The Oxfordian Volume 8 (2005) 1-6 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 7-24 Whalen, Richard F. 25-59 Hamill, John 60-75 Hess, W. Ron 76-92 Gilvary, Kevin 93-109 110-123 124-128 128-136 Usher, Peter Altrocchi, Paul H. Goldstein, Gary B. Dickson, Peter W. 137-139 Whittemore, Hank 140-145 Beauclerk, Charles 146-149 150-158 Baker, John Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) Editor: Stephanie Hopkins Hughes Editorial The Stratford Bust: a monumental fraud Shakespeare‘s Sexuality and How It Affects the Authorship Issue Another Rare Dreame: is this an ―Authentic‖ Oxford poem? Two Gentleman of Verona: Italian literary traditions and the authorship debate Hamlet‘s Love Letter and the New Philosophy Searching for the Oxfordian ―Smoking Gun‖ in Elizabethan Letters Review of Shakespeare By Another Name by Mark Anderson Review of Shadowplay: Hidden Beliefs and Coded Politics of William Shakespeare (2005) Review of Great Oxford: Essays on the Life and Work of Edward de Vere, edited by Richard Malim, Kevin Gilvary, Elizabeth Imlay and Eddi Jolly (2004) Review of The Truth Will Out by Brenda James and William D. Rubinstein (2005) Letter: The Comedy of Errors and Paul‘s Letter to the Ephesians News Notes Volume 9 (2006) 0 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 1-7 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 9-32 Greenhill, Rima 13-25 Shahan, John; Richard F. Whalen 33-34 35-50 51-66 67-80 81-90 91-112 126-131 132-135 135-137 138-139 140-141 141-143 144-153 Editor: Stephanie Hopkins Hughes In Memoriam: Ruth Loyd Miller (May 29, 1922 - Sept. 15, 2005) Editorial From Russia With Love: a case of Love‘s Labour‘s Lost Apples to Oranges in Bard Stylometrics: Elliot & Valenza fail to eliminate Oxford Ligon, K. C. One Last Gift Miller, Ruth Loyd Oaths Foresworn in Love‘s Labour‘s Lost Delahoyde, Michael De Vere‘s Lucrece and Romano‘s Sala di Troia Miller, Eric Dating Sonnet 107: Shakespeare and the ―mortal Moone‖ Stritmatter, Roger On the Chronology and Performance Venue of A Midsummer Night‘s Dream Paul, Christopher A Crisis of Scholarship: misreading the Earl of Oxford Altschuler, Eric L. and W. Jansen Authorship Clues in Henry VI, Part 3 Dickson, Peter W. Review of Sweet Swan of Avon by Robin Williams (2006) Goldstein, Gary B. Review of De Vere as Shakespeare by William Farina (2006) Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) In Search of Shakespeare at Yale Center for British Studies and in Smithsonian Mag Whalen, Richard F. Letter: date of Edward de Vere death Paul, Christopher Letter: response to comments by Richard Whalen about the death of Edward de Vere Goldstein, Gary B. (news ed.) A Cup of Newes Volume 10 (2007) 0 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 1-8 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins (ed.) 9-19 Stritmatter, Roger; Lynne Kositsky 20-34 Saunders, Sam C. 35-54 Egan, Michael (editor) 55-74 Showerman, Earl 75-84 85-110 111-120 121-141 142-153 154-156 Whalen, Richard F. Caruso, Carl S. Prechter, Jr., Robert R. Swan, George Elliott, Ward E. Y.; R. J. Valenza Goldstein, Gary B. 157-158 159-159 Prener, Nan Gilvary, Kevin Editor: Stephanie Hopkins Hughes In Memoriam: Peter R. Moore (Feb. 28, 1948 - Nov. 29, 2007) Editorial The Spanish Maze and the Dates of The Tempest Could Shakespeare Have Calculated the Odds in Hamlet‘s Wager? Did Samuel Rowley Write Thomas of Woodstock? Look Down and See What Death is Doing: Gods and Greeks in The Winter‘s Tale A Dozen Shakespeare Plays Written After Oxford Died? Not Proven! Sacred Pearls in the Machinery of Hamlet Did Oxford Make His Publishing Debut in 1560 as ―T.H.?‖ The Woman‘s Prize: a sequel to The Taming of the Shrew My Other Car is a Shakespeare: a response to Shahan and Whalen Review of the Oxfordian edition of Macbeth edited by Richard F. Whalen (2007) Review of Hamlet‘s Universe by Peter Usher (2006) Review of I Am Shakespeare by Mark Rylance 153 Index of The Oxfordian 160-161 162-163 163-164 164-164 164-164 165-165 165-165 166-166 166-166 166-166 167-178 179-179 Goldstein, Gary B. Mosher, Sally Farewell to Peter Moore Letter: the Shahan-Elliott debate at the Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable Whalen, Richard F. Letter: Stratfordian scholar affirms bust fraud Anderson, Mark K. Letter: praise for The Oxfordian‘s first ten years Beauclerk, Charles Letter: thanks to the editors of The Oxfordian for ten great years Cossolotto, Matthew Letter: thanks to Stephanie Hopkins Hughes for her work as editor of The Oxfordian Imlay, Elizabeth Letter: thanks from the De Vere Society to The Oxfordian for ten years of publication Cutting, Bonner Miller Letter: thanks to Stephanie Hopkins Hughes for her work as editor of The Oxfordian Davis, Frank Letter: gratitude to The Oxfordian for ten great years Wright, Daniel L. Letter: congratulations to The Oxfordian for such an informative journal Goldstein, Gary B. (news editor) A Cup of Newes Shakespearean Authorsh. Coalitn. Declaration of Reasonable Doubt About the Identity of William Shakespeare Volume 11 (2009) 0 Egan, Michael (editor) 1-3 Egan, Michael (editor) 4-10 Cossolotto, Matthew 11-12 Saunders, Alan 13-28 Kathman, David 29-44 Raithel, John 45-64 Jiménez, Ramon 65-82 Hudson, John 83-98 Farey, Peter 99-111 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins 133-136 Fox, Robin 137-156 Davis, Frank 157-206 Egan, Michael (editor) 207-234 Showerman, Earl 235-265 Shahan, John; Richard F. Whalen 266-270 Egan, Michael (editor) Volume 12 (2010) 2-3 Egan, Michael (editor) 4-5 Livacari, Gary L. 5-5 Marcus, Michael 5-6 Rollett, John M. 7-7 Egan, Michael (editor) 8-15 Egan, Michael (editor), et. al. 16-16 Charlton, Derran K. 17-20 Cutler, Keir 21-55 Jiménez, Ramon 56-64 Fox, Robin 76-96 McIntosh, P. D. 76-93 94-97 Merkel, Marie Jackson, Macdonald P. 98-107 Egan, Michael (editor) 108-118 119-137 138-166 Charlton, Derran K. Feldman, Sabrina Elliott, Ward E. Y.; R. J. Valenza Editor: Michael Egan In Memoriam: Katharine (K.C.) Ligon 1948-2009 Editorial: Breaking the Jog Jam Letter: the Sonnets at four hundred Letter: the case for Fulke Greville Shakespeare Wrote Shakespeare The Other W.S.: William Stanley, Sixth Earl of Derby The Case for Oxford Revisited Amelia Bassano Lanier: a new paradigm Playing Dead: an updated review of the case for Christopher Marlowe An Oxfordian Response Shakespeare, Oxford and the Grammar School Question Greene‘s Groats-worth of Witte: Shakespeare‘s Biography? Slurs, Nasal Rhymes and Amputations: a reply to MacDonald P. Jackson Timon of Athens: Shakespeare‘s Sophoclean Tragedy Auditing the Stylometricians: Elliott, Valenza and Claremont Sh. Authorship Clinic Contributors Editor: Michael Egan Editorial Letter: Paul Altrocchi‘s Malice Aforethought (2010) Letter: contents of Volume 11 Letter: Wayne Shore‘s method for dating Shakespeare‘s plays Elliot/Egan Wager In Memoriam: Robert Sean Brazil (1955-2010) In Memoriam: Verily Anderson Paget (1915-2010) The Top Ten Reasons Shakespeare Did Not Write Shakespeare The Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England: Shakespeare‘s 1st version of King John A Matter of Pronunciation: Shakespeare, Oxford and the petty-school question The Fable of the Belly: A Reassessment of the Date of Composition of Coriolanus Titus Andronicus and The Treasonous House of Howard Some Comments on Michael Egan‘s ‗Slurs, Nasal Rhymes and Amputations‘ Replies to Jackson‘s Comments on ‗Slurs, Nasal Rhymes and Amputations‘ Doctor Faustus, Tamburlaine and The Taming of the Shrew The Swallow and the Crow: the case for Sackville as Shakespeare The Shakespeare Clinic and the Oxfordians 154 Index of The Oxfordian 167-181 182-183 Shahan, John; Richard F. Whalen Reply to Ward and Valenza Egan, Michael (editor) Notes on Contributors Volume 13 (2011) 2-3 Egan, Michael 4 Davis, Frank 4 Alexander, Ben 5-33 Fox, Robin 34-49 50-75 76-93 Waugaman, Richard M. Jimenez, Ramon Cutting, Bonner 94-116 117-133 135-145 146-152 153-165 Gilvary, Kevin Davis, Frank Tassinari, Lamberto Hess, W. Ron Feldman, Sabrina Editor: Michael Egan An Oxfordian Triumph Letter: response to Marcus‘s comments on his article on Groatsworth Letter: Susan Vere and the River Avon The Black Book, Oedipus and Robin Hood: Oxford‘s lawsuits and the character of Timon Titus Andronicus, the Psalms, and Edward de Vere‘s Bible The Date of The Merchant of Venice: the Case for 1578 Alas, Poor Anne: Shakespeare‘s ―Second-Best Bed‖ in Historical Perspective On the Date and Authorship of The Contention The Learned vs. the Unlearned Shakespeare John Florio: the Anglified Italian who invented Shakespeare Did Shakespeare Have a Literary Mentor? A Response to W. Ron Hess: ―Did Shakespeare Have a Literary Mentor?‖ 155 INDEX OF THE SHAKESPEARE FELLOWSHIP NEWS-LETTER (AMERICAN) (SFA) Published 1939-1943 by the Shakespeare Fellowship (American Branch) Founded by Eva Turner Clark, Charles Barrell and Louis Benezet Vol. 1, No. 1 (1939, December) 1 Clark, Eva Turner 2 2-3 3 4 5 Benezet, Louis P. Barrell, Charles Wisner Clark, Eva Turner Benezet, Louis P. Editor 6 Editor 7 7 8 8 8 Barrell, Charles Wisner Barrell, Charles Wisner Editor Editor Editor Vol. 1, No. 2 (1940, February) 2-5 Editor 4-5 NY Sun 5 Editor 6 7 Hansen, Harry Editor 8 Douglas, Montagu W. 9-10 Clark, Eva Turner 10 11 12 Editor Clark, Eva Turner Editor Vol. 1, No. 3 (1940, April/May) 1-2 Clark, Eva Turner 2 2 3 3 4-5 Editor Editor Knapp, Margaret L. Editor Argonaut 5 6 6 Furman, Alfred A. Editor Brooks, Philip 7-8 8 Barrell, Charles Wisner Editor Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Introduction to the Shakespeare Fellowship, American Branch (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 89-91) President Louis Benezet‘s Message (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 70-71) To Pluck the Heart of the Mystery (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 72-73) Underdowne‘s Translation Which Shakespeare Had Read Youthful Minds Are Open Origins and Achievements of the Shakespeare Fellowship (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 74-76) Ernest Stirling Allen: noted Oxford advocate passes away in England (1872-1939) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 77-79) Baseless Fabric Judith the Illiterate Review of ―Shakespeare‖ Identified by J. Thomas Looney (1920) Review of The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford by B. M. Ward (1928) Review of The Man Who Was Shakespeare by Eva Turner Clark (1937) Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Scientific Proof that Lord Oxford Posed for Ancient Portraits of the Bard (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 80-86) The Roentgen Shakespeare (reprinted from the NY Sun, Dec. 16, 1939) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 85-86) Dean of Litery Detectives on the War (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 8788) Shakespeare Fellowship business Rapid Growth of Research Fellowship Means End of Pompous Obstructionists Review of Ben Johnson and the First Folio Edition of Shakespeare‘s Plays (1939) Shakespeare Read Books Written in Greek (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 92-95) Best Wishes From Abroad The Neapolitan Prince Oxfordian News: Oxfordian Happy Thought; Earle of Oxford‘s March Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell A Shakespeare‘s Birthday: The Calendar Argues For Lord Oxford (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 96-97) An Unanswered Query and Its Implications De Vere‘s Life In Uncut Hamlet Only a Smock: but it covers a famous rivalry Lecture on ―Pictorial Evidence at Club Founded by H. H. Furness‖ Who Was Shakespeare? (reprint of editorial from The Argonaut of San Francisco, Jan. 26, 1940) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2: 98-100) Edward de Vere: accepting him as author of Shakespeare Shakespeare Fellowship Business Crime Imitates Fiction (reprint from the New York Times Book Review, March 3, 1940) Mountanious Error (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 101-103) Burt of Boston and the Globe 156 Index of the Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (American) 8 9-10 10-11 Editor Clark, Eva Turner Editor 11 12 Editor Editor Vol. 1, No. 4 (1940, June/July) 1-3 4 Barrell, Charles Wisner Editor 5 5 6 7-8 8 9 9-10 10-11 12 Benezet, Louis P. Editor Editor Clark, Eva Turner Editor Editor Editor Singleton, Esther Editor Vol. 1, No. 5 (1940, August/September) 1-5 5 6 7-11 12 12 Barrell, Charles Wisner Clark, Eva Turner Editor Dwyer, James J. Nashe, Jr., Tom Editor Vol. 1, No. 6 (1940, October/November) 1-5, 7-8 Barrell, Charles Wisner 6, 8 Editor 6 9-10 10-11 11-12 Editor Clark, Eva Turner Clark, Eva Turner Editor Vol. 2, No. 1 (1940, December) 1-3 Looney, J. Thomas 3 4 5 6, 12 Editor Editor Benezet, Louis P. Editor 7-10 10 11-12 Barrell, Charles Wisner Clark, Eva Turner Clark, Eva Turner Commendation From Lord Tweedsmuir The Date of Hamlet‘s Composition (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 104-106) Oxfordian News: Translation of Portrait Article to be Published in the Lowlands; Authorship Mystery Classic Available Scientific American Follow-Up Oxfordian News: Oxford‘s Wide Knowledge of Music Reflected in ―Shakespeare‘s‖ Plays Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Is Not Oxford Here Another Anchor? Oxfordian News: Oxford-Shakespeare Birthday Party; Letter From France Shakespeare and Ben Jonson (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 107-108) Master of Double-Talk, A (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 110) Oxfordian News: Invasions; Oxford‘s Life Dramatized He Must Build Churches Then (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 111-13) Baltimore Discovers Oxford King Lear in the News Three Plays of Shakespeare (1909) (excerpt) Was Edward de Vere Shakespeare? (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 114-117) The Honor of Authorship Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Through De Vere Country Painting in Lucrece, The (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 121-122) Oxfordian News: . . . Let No Dog Bark; Under the Stukas‘ Shadow Had Shakespeare Read Dante? First Play Presenting Oxford as ―Shakespeare‖ Eminent Elizabethan Scholar‘s New Publication: Rev. Dr. Gerald H. Rendall and ―Asbourne‖ Portrait of Shakespeare Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Arthur Golding: the uncle of Edward de Vere (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 123-124) Oxfordian News: In the Army Now; Index; Five Thousand New Readers; The Tongues Poet Passes: Alfred Antoine Furman (1856-1940) Topicalities in the Plays (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 125-128) Anamos, or A. W. (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 129-131) Oxfordian News: Resolute and Determined; If We Have Leisure!; Memorial Library Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Author of ―Shakespeare‖ Identified Comments on Professor Campbell‘s Article in Harpers Sisson‘s Researches Canon Rendall‘s Pamphlet (on the Ashbourne portrait) Shake-scene and Shake-Rags Oxfordian News: Some of Our Speakers; Annual Meeting; A New Comedy; Middle Temple Bombed; English Periodicals Keep Coming; Twelfth Night; Oxford-Shakespeare Books Arthur Golding: the Uncle of Edward de Vere, Part 2 Annotations by Shakespeare? Gabriel Harvey and Axiophilus (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 132-134) 157 Index of the Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (American) Vol. 2, No. 2 (1941, February) 13-17 Looney, J. Thomas 17 17 18, 24 Editor Editor Editor 19-20 20 21 22-23 Editor Clark, Eva Turner Editor Knapp, Margaret L. Vol. 2, No. 3 (1941, April) 18-30 Looney, J. Thomas 30-31, 36 Editor 31-32 33-34 34-36 36a-36c Editor Bone, F. D. Editor Editor Vol. 2, No. 4 (1941, June) 37-40 Barrell, Charles Wisner 41 41-42, 43 Clark, Eva Turner Editor 43 44 45-47 47-50 50-52 Clark, Eva Turner Editor Davidson, Elizabeth R. Clark, Eva Turner Editor 51-52 Dwyer, J. J. Vol. 2, No. 5 (1941, August) 53-55 Benezet, Louis P. 55-57 57 Clark, Eva Turner Editor 58 Editor 59-62 Barrell, Charles Wisner 62-64 Editor Vol. 2, No. 6 (1941, October) 65-67 67-69 Benezet, Louis P. Heron, Flodden W. Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Shakespeare: A Missing Author, Part 1 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 135-144) Shakespeare‘s Will Death of Professor Moore Smith (1859-1941) Oxfordian News: Leading Article; Twlefth Night Club‘s Jubilee; Echoes; Influence of Beaumont and Fletcher; Birds of Shakespeare; Letters from England The Annual Meeting The Earthquake A Letter from Lavenham (from F. Lingard Ranson) Shakespeare and Mark Twain Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Shakespeare: A Missing Author, Part 2 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 144-155) Oxfordian News: Gorwing Interest; Books and Flames; Shakespeare‘s Birthday; Letters from England; Our New Member Shakespearean Research Castle Hedingham Notes of Twelfth Night Editor‘s Note on the ―Arms of Sogliardo‖ in Jonson‘s Humour Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Secret of Shakespeare‘s Irish Sympathies (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 156-164) Washington Physicist Speaks (Dr. John Howard Dellinger) Oxfordian News: Westminster Abbey; NY Public Library; Our President‘s Boston Lecture; Important Books; Richard II De Vere Theory Growing in California Benezet Versus Campbell Unbelief in the Belief Christopher Marlowe: certain perplexing problems Oxfordian News: The Shakespeare Document; Shakespeare in Texas; The Passionate Pilgrim; Old Vic; Interest at West Point; News From England Shakespeare Had Read Dante: Paget Toynbee‘s Reasoning Fallacious Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Nineteenth Century Revolt Against the Stratford Theory, Part 1 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 165-170) Dr. Sanders and the Miracle Review of The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, edited by F. W. Bateson (1940) Oxfordian News: Hidden Allusions; Re-Ordered; The Book Club of California Shakespeare‘s ―Fluellen‖ Identified as a Retainer of the Earl of Oxford (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 177-183) Oxfordian News: Huntington Library; Words for Music; The Genevan Bible; Messaline; San Francisco Interest Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell The Great Debate of 1892-1893: Bacon Versus Shakespeare, Part 2 Shakspere-Shakespeare 158 Index of the Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (American) 69-72 Editor 71-72 72-75 76 Editor Clark, Eva Turner Editor Vol. 3, No. 1 (1941, December) 1-5 Barrell, Charles Wisner 5-7 Editor 7 Clark, Eva Turner 8-12 Editor 9 11-12 12 Heron, Flodden W. Clark, Eva Turner Barrell, Charles Wisner Vol. 3, No. 2 (1942, February) 13-17, 23+ Barrell, Charles Wisner 18-19 Editor 18-23 24 Benezet, Louis P. Boissevain, Charles Vol. 3, No. 3 (1942, April) 25-33 Barrell, Charles Wisner 33-35 Editor 36-38 38-44 Heron, Flodden W. Clark, Eva Turner 44 Editor Vol. 3, No. 4 (1942, June) 45-52 Barrell, Charles Wisner 52 Editor 53 53-56 Clark, Eva Turner Editor 54 55 New York Sun Editor 56 56 Editor Editor Oxfordian News:Micro-Films; Enemy Action; Professor Kittredge; Shakspere, Shakespeare and de Vere; Oxford‘s Pseudonym; Letters from Members: Brief Excerpts Elizabethan Stage Scenery: more elaborate than ordinarily believed Oxfordian News: Surprising Error; Annals of English Drama Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 1 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 184-193) Oxfordian News: De Vere at Newport; Out Third Year; Leading Article; Most Famous Pseudonym The World‘s Great Letters (Letter from Edward Oxeford to his Father-inin law in 1572, following the St. Bartholomew Massacre; letter presented in full) Oxfordian News: La Vie Intellectuelle in Switzerland; Shakespeare on the NY Stage; Excerpts from Members‘ Letters; Shakespeare and Lope de Vega; Welbeck Abbey; Historical Manuscripts; Annual Meeting Folger Shakespeare Library Suggestion Horse and Rider The Painted Theatres Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 2 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 194-209) Oxfordian News: War and the Fellowship; Bacon Versus Oxford Still the Great Debate Annual Meeting Letter: authorship interest in the History & Archaeology Society of Geneva Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 3 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 210-227) Oxfordian News: Macbeth; De Vere in San Francisco; April TwentyThird; Despite the War (recent publications in England of interest to Oxfordians) Bacon Was Not Shakespeare (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 229-234) Lord Oxford as Shakespeare (a paper read at the Browning Society of San Francisco, Feb. 13, 1942) (repr. in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 235-249) Oxfordian News: Mr. Cushman‘s Addresses; April News-Letter Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 4 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 250-264) Review of the film Mister V by Leslie Howard (titled The Scarlet Pimpernel in England) The Red Rose (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 309-311) Oxfordian News: London Letter; Mrs. Ward; News-Letter from England; English Archives; Shakespeare‘s Day (editorial in the NY Sun April 23, 1942, excerpts) Review of The Letters of John Chamberlain edited by Norman McClure (1939) Carolyn Wells (d. 1942) Review of Shakespeare Without Tears by Margaret Webster (1942) 159 Index of the Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (American) Vol. 3, No. 5 (1942, August) 57-65 Barrell, Charles Wisner 65-66, 68 Editor 67 68 Benezet, Louis P. Benezet, Louis P. Vol. 3, No. 6 (1942, October) 69-77 Barrell, Charles Wisner 77-79 Editor 79-80 Clark, Eva Turner Vol. 4, No. 1 (1942, December) 1-8 Barrell, Charles Wisner 8-12 Editor 9 McKee, James Vol. 4, No. 2 (1943, February) 13-21 22-24 Barrell, Charles Wisner Editor 23-24 Dwyer, J. J. Vol. 4, No. 3 (1943, April) 25-28 29-36 Benezet, Louis P. Barrell, Charles Wisner 36-39 Editor 40 Editor Vol. 4, No. 4 (1943, June) 41-44 Carrington, Phyllis 44 Editor 45-46 Barrell, Charles Wisner 46, 50-52 Editor 47-50 Benezet, Louis P. Vol. 4, No. 5 (1943, August) Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 5 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 265-284) Oxfordian News: A Gigantic Task; Encouragement; Chronological Item; Whitman Collection Shaksper, Shakespeare, and de Vere (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 308) Every Word Doth Almost Tell My Name (a poem composed of lines from an early poem by de Vere and lines from the poems of Shakespeare) Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Shake-speare‘s Own Secret Drama, Part 6 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 285-303) Oxfordian News: From Letters Received; Pertinent; The Folger Library; Army Captain Now; Shakespeare At Dieppe Hand C in Sir Thomas More and the Plot of The Seven Deadly Sins Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Shake-speare‘s Unknown Home on the River Avon Discovered (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 312-325) Oxfordian News: Famous Reference Book; Our Fourth Year; The NewsLetter; From England; Caroline Spurgeon; New Books Open Letter to Margaret Webster, Author of Shakespeare Without Tears Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell He is Dead and Gone, Lady (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 326-341) Oxfordian News: ―Shakespeare‖ the Pseudonym of Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford (comments on books supporting this belief); William Caxton; The Dire Rival A Note on Pericles Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Look at the Chronicles, Part 1) reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 342-350) King of Shreds and Patches--Dyer as ―Great Revisor‖ of the Shakespearean Works (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 367-383) Oxfordian News: Soldiers Read Shakespeare; Tragic Accident; Silent Testimony; Fellowship Booklets; Stratford Relics; Anniversary Month; A Henry James Satire; Shakespeare in Russia; Historic Documents Lost Reference Files: libraries that subscribe to the Fellowship News-letter Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Was Lord Oxford Buried in Westminster Abbey? (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 384-390) The Duke of Portland and His Portrait collection at Welbeck Abbey (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 391-392) Creative Calendar: an illuminating Shaw-Shakespeare parallel with Ben Johnson‘s Testimony Oxfordian News: What Members Are Doing; England‘s Annual Shakespeare Festival; A Woman of Genius; April Activities; Spreading the News Look at the Chronicles, Part 2 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 358) Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell 160 Index of the Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (American) 53-58 58, 66-68 Clark, Eva Turner Editor 59-66 Barrell, Charles Wisner Vol. 4, No. 6 (1943, October) 69-71 Frisbee, George 71-75 Barrell, Charles Wisner 75-76 Clark, Eva Turner 76, 80 77-80 Editor Benezet, Louis P. A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 393-404) Oxfordian News: From Shakespeare‘s Library?; Statesman Speaks Out; Radar; The Fellowship Disclaims; English Lews-Letter; New Shakespeare Books The Real Sir Edward Dyer Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Shame of the Professors (reprint of article from Reading and Colleccting, July 1937) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 420-424) Who Was John Soothern? the mysterious author of Pandora, 1584 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 405-415) Cryptic Passages by Davies of Hereford (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 416-419) Oxfordian News: No. 1 Little Crown Street; To Our Readers Look at the Chronicles, Part 3 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2, p. 359-366) 161 INDEX OF THE SHAKESPEARE FELLOWSHIP NEWS-LETTER (ENGLISH) (SFE) Published 1943-1958 by the Shakespeare Fellowship (English Branch) founded by Col. B. R. Ward and George G. Greenwood No. 1, January 1937 1-2 Douglas, Col. Montagu. W. 2-7 Allen, Percy 8-9 Editor No. 2, March 1937 1-2 Lefranc, Abel 3-8 Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. 8-9 Cairncross, A. S. 9-10 Allen, Percy 10-11 11 Editor Greenwood, Elsie No. 3, May 1937 1-4 Ward, Bernard M. 4-5 5-7 7-9 Editor Allen, Percy Douglas, Col. Montagu W. 9 Douglas, Col. Montagu W. 10-11 11 Editor Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. No. 4, July 1937 1-6 Editor 6-7 7-10 10 Allen, D. F. Goodman, M. Kirsten Editor No. 5, Sepember 1937 1-5 Ward, Bernard M. 5-8 Editor 8 Editor 8-9 Frisbee, George No. 6, November 1937 1-2 Editor 2-5 Editor 5-6 6-8 8-9 Editor Editor Editor No. 7, January 1938 1-3 Ward, Bernard M. 3-5 Allen, Percy Editorial Shakespearean Adventures in Canada and the United States Occational Notes Letter to Col. Douglas (in French) M. O. A. I. Doth Sway My Life Letter to the Times Literary Supplement in response to a letter from Percy Allen Letter to the Times Literary Supplement in response to a letter from A. S. Cairncross Occasional notes Letter: thanks to those who supported her new edition of her father‘s The Shakespeare Problem Restated Two New Oxford Discoveries: is Lord Oxford buried in Westminster Abbey? Anne Cecil and the crisis of 1576 Our President at Lavenham Shakespeare and Montaigne Review of Les Elements Francais de ‗Peines D‘Amour Perdues by Abel Lefranc (1936) (French Elements in Love‘s Labour‘s Lost) Review of The Shakespeare Problem Restated by George G. Greenwood, condensed by Elsie Greenwood Occasional Notes Letter: concerning Cairncross‘s letter to the Times Literary Supplement News from America (Charles Wisner Barrell‘s article ‗Elizabethan Mystery Man‖ in the Saturday Reviw of Literature) The Annual Dinner Oxford – Davenport – Shakespeare Occasional Notes The Earl of Oxford and the Succession Question Review of When Shakespeare Died, a pamphlet by Ernest Allen Occasional Notes Shame on the Professors General Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Fellowship News from Canada: J. V. McAree‘s article ―Another claimant for Poet‘s Crown‖ in the Toronto Globe and Mail News from East Anglia Is Lord Oxford buried in Westminster Abbey? Death of Mr. J. Martin Haydon (d. 1937) Review of The Man Who Was Shakespeare by Eva Turner Clark (1937) Review of I, William Shakespeare by Leslie Hotson 162 Index of The Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (English) 5-9 Slater, Gilbert 9-10 10-11 Morgan, E. Ranson, F. Lingard 11 Editor No. 8, March, 1938 1-5 Slater, Gilbert 6-8 Douglas, Col. Montagu W. 8-12 Dougla,s Col. Montagu W. 12 12-13 13 13-14 Slater, Gilbert Ward, Bernard M. Allen, Ernest Editor No. 9, May 1938 1-2 Ward, Bernard M. 2-4 Douglas, Col. Montagu W. 4-5 Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. 6-7 Allen, Percy 7-9 Allen, Percy No. 10, July, 1938 1-2 Allen, D. F. 2-4 Editor 4-5 Editor 5-8 Douglas, Col. Montagu W. 8-9 10 10 Allen, Percy Editor Editor Supplement, July 1938 1-8 Atkinson, J. Shera No. 11, September 1938 1-5 Allen, Percy 6-8 8-9 10 Woodward, H. M. M. Allen, Percy Editor No. 12, November 1938 1 Editor 2-16 Allen, Percy 17-18 18 Allen, Percy Editor Letter: authorship of ―Shakespeare‘s‖ plays by Bacon, Ralegh, Lady Pembroke, etc. Letter: Shakespeare‘s remarkable knowledge of Italy Letter: expression of belief in Edward de Vere as the author by E. V. Lucas in All of a Piece Occasional Notes The Rival Poet of the Sonnets Review of Shakspere, Shakespeare and de Vere by Louis P. Benezet (1937) Review of Shakespeare‘s Vital Secret Known to His Queen by R. M. Lucas Letter: correction to his recent article Letter: Oxford‘s co-authors Letter: Sir Christopher Hatton as Malvolio? Occasional Notes Gilbert Slater: An Appreciation (1865-1938) News from France: professor Lefranc‘s activities Have the Ballads of Tarleton Perished? Shakespeare‘s Coriolanus Review of Shakespeare Rediscovered by Clara Longworth de Chambrun (1938) The Annual Dinner News from Holland News from America Review of A La Recontre de ‗William Shakespeare‘ by M. Mathias Morhardt Recent Books on the Sonnets Occasional Notes The Supplement to This Newsletter Criticism of Dr. Leslie Hotson‘s Shakespeare Versus Shallow (1931) The First Anti-Stratfordian: review of The Life and Adventures of Common Sense by Herbert Lawrence (1769) The Stratford Monument Review of Elizabeth and Sixtus by H. Kendra Baker (1938) Occasional Notes Annual General Meeting Commentary on Life and Adventures of Common Sense by Herbert Lawrence (1769) How Lawrence Acquired His Information Occasional Notes No. 13 - Missing No. 14, April, 1939 1-7 Dwyer, J. J. 7-8 Editor 8-9 Editor 9-11 Editor Had Shakespeare Read Dante? Mr. William Kent‘s New Book News from America Occasional Notes 163 Index of The Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (English) No. 14, Supplement and Supplement 2, April, 1939 01-5 Rendall, Canon Gerald Notes and Comments on ―An Enquiry‖ 05-10 Aitken, T. M. Criticism of ―An Enquiry,‖ A 10-20 Allen, Percy Mr. Percy Allen‘s Reply 20-24 Ward, Bernard M. Reply to the ―Refutations‖ of Canon Rendall and Mr. Aitken 01-4 Aitken, T. M. Queen Elizabeth – Oxford – SON Theory: a reply No. 15, July, 1939 1 Editor 2-3 Editor 3-4 Editor 4-7 Kent, William 7-8 Harrison, G. B. 7-8 Editor 8-11 Bunnett, R. J. A. April, 1940 1 1 1-2 3 4 5-6 6 7-8 Editor: Percy Allen Editor Editor Editor Editor Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. Allen, Ernest Alleny, Percy Editor April, 1941 1-2 3 3 3 3 4 4 Editor: Percy Allen Editor Editor Dwyer, J. J. Barrell, Charles Wisner Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. Stechow, W. Editor April, 1942 1-2 2 2 Editor: Percy Allen Editor Editor Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. 3 3 3-4 4 October, 1942 1-2 2 2-3 3 3-4 4 Editor Dwyer, J. J. Allen, Percy Editor Editor: Percy Allen Editor Editor Pearson, Hesketh Dwyer, J. J. Editor Allen, Percy Annual Dinner News from America Death of Mr. Hamlet Philpot (1856-1939) Letter: an open letter to Dr. G. B. Harrison Letter: response to letter from William Kent Occasional Notes Letter: authorship issues in the decades after Edward de Vere died in 1604 Minutes of the General Meeting; The Fellowship‘s New Honorable Secretary Ernest Stirling Allen 9d. 1939) Mrs. Sverre Eriksen (d. 1939) Oxford as ―Shakespeare‖ and the Ashbourne Portrait That‘s the Dog‘s name (Romeo and Juliet) Who Was Cheveril? Letter to the Times Literary Supplement (not published by the TLS) Mr. John Barrymore; Herbert Lawrence‘s Life and Adventures of Common Sense; Shakespeare‘s Signatures; The Falstaff Cup; Occasional Notes Editorial Notes Editorial Notes Patines of Bright Gold Another Name for the Dog Who Was Cheveril? The Ashbourne Portrait Comments by the Editor Editorial Notes How Lord Oxford Paid His Way Shake-speare 1573-1593: latest research into internal evidence by topical allusions Mr. Charles Barrell and Our American Branch; Nostradamus The Vere Motto Melford Hall and Shakespeare Mr. Charles Boissevain and Mons. H. R. Lenormand; Mr. Osbert Sitwell on Shakespeare Editorial Notes The Vere Mott; Sir Edward Vere and Mr. Barrell‘s Discovery The Life of William Shakespeare (from Penguin Series) Comment on ‗Elizabethan Commentary‘ by Hilaire Belloc Peele‘s Sonnet on Oxford (1590) Letter to the Editor of World Service 164 Index of The Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (English) 1943, May 1 2-3 3-4 4 4 1943, October 1 2 Editor: Percy Allen Editor Barrell, Charles Wisner Editor Editor Labeo Editor: Percy Allen Editor Editor Editorial notes Shakespeare‘s Own Secret Drama Oxfordian News: Shakespeare‘s Sonnet 134; Brooke House, Hackney, Damaged; ―Long Melford‖ Peele‘s Verses in Polyhymmus (II) Bacon and ―The Group‖ 2-3 3-4 4 4 Douglas, Col. Montagu W. Dwyer, J. J. Editor Editor Editorial Notes Review of A comparative Study of Shakespeare‘s Bad Quartos by Alfred Hart (1942) Shakespeare – New Views for Old A Note on the Authorship of Lucrece The Game of Chess in The Tempest Who Were the Dark Lady and Fair Youth of the Sonnnets? 1944, May 1 2-4 4-5 5-6 6 6-7 7 7 8 Editor: Percy Allen Editor Allen, Percy Allen, Percy Dwyer, J. J. Editor Douglas, Col. Montague W. Editor Cutner, Herbert Allen, Percy Editorial Notes John Thomas Looney (1870-1944) The Symbolism of Pericles and The Winter‘s Tale Elizabethan Miniatures The Elizabethan Mind Review of Shakespeare in Essex and East Anglia by Gerald Rendall Twelfth Night and Massinger‘s Believe As You List A Note on John M. Robertson Francis Bacon‘s Share in the Shakespeare Folio of 1623 1944, October 1-2 2-3 3-4 4 Editor: Percy Allen Editor Rendall, Canon Gerald H. Carrington, Phyllis Holland, Rear Admiral H. H. Editorial Notes Timon of Athens The Folger Shakespeare Memorial Library Pigrogromitus of the Vapians: a tentative solution 1945, May 1 2 3 3 4 4 Editor: Percy Allen Editor Douglas, Col. Montague W. Allen, Percy Dwyer, J. J. Editor Tierney, J. W. 1945, November Editor: Percy Allen 1-2 Editor 2-4 Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. 4-5 Allen, Percy 5-6 Kent, William 6 Saunders, Capt. B. R. 1946, March 1 1-4 4 4-5 5-6 6 6-7 7-8 Editor: J. J. Dwyer Editor Editor Adamson, T. L. Allen, Percy Kent, William Editor Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. Atkinson, J. Shera Editorial Notes Reverand Canon Gerald H. Rendall (1851-1945) Frederick Bligh Bond Review of Shakespeare‘s History Plays by E. M. W. Tillyard (1944) The Group-Theory and Some Modern Intellectuals In the Country and Out of It (reprinted from The Countryman, Spring, 1945) Editorial Notes: The General Meeting Tarlton and Shakespeare Oxford as the Water-Bearer An American Myth Maker A Note on the Origin of Venus and Adonis The Extraordinary General Meeting Oxfordian News: Abstracts and Brief Chronicles; Shakespeare and the Shaven Hercules; Honest Ben Jonson; Second ―Brain Trust‖ Oxfordians v. Baconians: a public debate Review of Elizabethan Plays and Players by G. B. Harrison (1945) Review of The Fictious Shakespeare Exposed by Edward D. Johnson Notice of Fourth Edition of William Kent‘s Booklet The George Shakespeare and Contemporary Plays The Shakespeare Monument 165 Index of The Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (English) 1946, September Editor: J. J. Dwyer 1-3 Editor 4-5 5 6-7 7 7-8 8 1947, March 1 1-5 5 6 6-8 8 Dwyer, J. J. Dwyer, J. J. Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. Cutner, Herbert Atkinson, J. Shera Kent, William Editor: J. J. Dwyer Editor Editor Dwyer, J. J. Editor Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. Kent, William 1947, September Editor: William Kent 1-4 Editor 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 1948, April 1 1 1 2-6 6 6-7 7-8 Cutner, Herbert J. S. A. J. S. A. Lawrence, Sir Henry Editor: William Kent Editor Editor Kent, William Editor Bowen, Gwynneth M. Lawrence, Henry Phillips, G. W. 1948, September Editor: William Kent 1-3, 7 Editor 3-4 4-6 6-7 7-8 1949, March 1-5 Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. Kent, William Cutner, Herbert Editor Editor: William Kent Editor Editorial Notes: The Annual General Meeting; Abstracts and Brief Chronicles; At John o‘London‘s Literary Circle; The Rival Poet of the Sonnets—A Discussion; A Walking Encyclopaedia; Wider Publicity for the Oxford Case; In Honour of the Discoverer; An Oxfordian at Stratford-on-Avon; The Third ―Brains Trust‖; A ―Shakespeare‖ Find Review of A La Decouverte de Shakesepare by Abel Lefranc (1945) Shakespeare and Politics Shakespeare and Contemporary Plays, Part 2 The Stratford Monument Again Comments on Mr. Cutner‘s Article Shakespeare‘s London: a topographical argument The Annual General Meeting Editorial Notes: the Annual General Meeting; Abstracts and Brief Chronicles; Correction; Lecture by Miss Marjorie Bowen; Shakespeare in East Anglia; Shakespeare‘s London; Brains Trust; Personal Queen Elizabeth and Her Turk (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, p. 106) The Portraits of Shakespeare (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, 107-08) Much Ado About Nothing and The Shepherd‘s Calendar Orthodox Ineptitude Editorial Notes: Birthplace Celebrations; The Stratfordian Retreat; The Shakespeare Fellowship‘s Pamphlet Alias William Shakespeare Oxfordians Debate With Miss Neill Heretics‘ Week, Stratford-on-Avon The Shakespeare Mystery Announcements Dr. H. M. Woodward (1875-1948) Letter to the Stratford-on-Avon Herald and the Herald‘s response Oxfordian News: Shakespeare Sell-Out; A Libel on Stratford?; The Stratford Monument; Priestley Plays the Priest; A Monument to a Myth; A New Theory of the Sonnets; The Shakespeare Fellowship‘s Pamphlet; Apology to America; Reports of Meetings; Mr. J. B. Priestley Enters the Arena; Sir Christopher Hatton as Shallow Letter to the Times Literary Supplement The Shakespeare Mystery, Part 2 The Importance of the Sonnets Editorial Notes: Oxfordians—What Of the Night; A Conon Without Courage; The Shakespeare ―Birthplace‖; Sir William Dugdale; Lavenham; Dickens and Shakespeare; Gems of Mythology; [page 6 is missing] Shakespeare‘s Topical References to His Own Plays The Shakespeare Circle Are We Progressing? Dickens and Shakespeare; Gems of Mythology Notices: Shakespeare ―Birthplace‖; A Battle of Stratford Spurs; The Pusillanimity of the Professors; Baconian Barks; The Stratford 166 Index of The Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (English) 5-6 6-7 7-8 8 Cutner, Herbert Phillips, G. W. Name Not Clear Editor 1949, September Editor: William Kent 1 Editor 1-2 Editor 2-4 Rhys, Ernest 4-5 Douglas, Montague 5-6 6-7 7-8 8 1950, April 1-3 Hunter, Major N. B. Pages are missing Aitken, T. M. Editor Editor: William Kent Editor 3 3-4 4-5 Holland, Rear-Admiral H.H. Douglas, Lt.-Colonel M. W. Allen, Percy 6-7 7-9 9 10 Atkinson, J. Shera Kent, William Gill, Wally Editor 1950, September Editor: William Kent 1-5 Editor 5-7 Atkinson, J. Shera 7-9 9 Kent, William Trout, R. Ridgill 1951, April 1-3 Editor: William Kent Editor 3-4 4-5 6 Amphlett, Hilda Phillips, G. W. Allen, Percy 6-7 7-8 Feldman, Abraham Cutner, Herbert 8 8 Trout, R. Ridgill Robertson, Archibald 1951, September Editor: William Kent 1-5 Editor 5-6 Editor 6 6-7 7-8 8-9 Leech, Clifford Editor Cutner, Herbert Saunders, B. R. Monument; Misapplied Quotations; The Shakespeare Biographers; What of 1950?; The Play‘s The Thing; Truth The Shakespearean Birthplace Did Edward de Vere Make a Private Marriage? Methinks I See My Father Meetings Notices Editorial Notes: Physician Heal Thyself; A Winter‘s Campaign; The Birthplace (the origin of Henry James‘s story) Review of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets and Edward de Vere by Gerald Rendall (1930) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 109-111) The Earls and Shakespeare Page missing Salvador de Madariaga on Hamlet Editorial Notes: The Quatercentenary; Looney Again; Still They Run!; Cambridge for Oxford!; The Enemy Fainteth; A Poet Convert April 22nd, 1950 (a sonnet) Praeterita Much Ado About Nothing—A Burlesque of the Oxford-Howard-Arundel Quarrel Polonius Nothing but Leaves On the Shake-speare Sonnets (a sonnet) Editorial Notes: The Debate; Sergeant Shakespeare; Gems of Mythology Notices: A Real Oxford Movement!; Another Busy Professor; The Plight of the Professors; Popular Fallacies; Dr. Abraham Feldman Comments on Dr. Leslie Hotson‘s ―Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Dated, and Other Essays‖ The BBC Talk A Pound of Flesh Editor‘s Notes: Shakespeare and the Encyclopaedists; E. E. Kellett; Meetings Was Shakespeare an Essex Man? Defense of Dr. Hotson‘s Dating of Sonnet 107 King Lear in Relation to French History (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, p. 112-114) Letter: Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit Provincial Dialect in Shakspere‘s Day (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, p. 115-116) Letter: Oxford‘s debts Excerpt from his letter in Literary Guide (Feb. 1950) Editorial Notes: More and More Leaves; Progress in the Press; Still Busy!; Dr. J. R. Mez; Stands Stratford Where it Did?; Open Forum The Shakespeare Trial (report from the South London Observer, 19 April 1951) Hall‘s Chronicle and Shakespeare (from Shakespeare Survey) Shakespeare Fellowship Dinner Shakespeare of London The Scales of Justice 167 Index of The Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (English) 1952, March 1-2 2-5 Editor: William Kent Editor Editor 5-6 Editor 6-7 7-8 8 8 8 8-9 9 9-10 10 Amphlett, Hilda Editor Le Riche, Kathleen Phillips, G. W. Porohovshikov, Peter S. Editor Mez, J. R. Amphlett, Hilda Mez, R. J. 10 Editor 10 Editor 1952, September Editor: William Kent 1 Editor 2 Editor 2-3 Editor 3-4 Mez, J. R. 4-6 6-7 Amphlett, Hilda Bowen, Gwynneth M. 7-8 8-9 9 10 10-11 11 11-12 12 12 12 Atkinson, J. Shera Atkinson, J. Shera Le Riche, Kathleen Le Riche, Kathleen Le Riche, Kathleen Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. van Lunteren, S. A. Eggar, Katharine E. Schoell, Frank L. Editor 1953, April 1 Editor: William Kent Editor 2 2 2-4 Editor Editor Editor 4 5-6 6-7 Editor Le Riche, Kathleen Allen, Percy 7-8 8-9 9 Mez, J. R. Phillips, G. W. Aitken, T. M. Meetings Editorial Notes: Abuse No Argument; Why Not Shakespeare?; Oxford/Shaksper Debate at Stratford-on-Avon; Cecil Palmer; Starry Vere; More Mythology; More Anti-Stratfordian Converts; Soowtherne‘s Tribute; Bearding the Baconians Shots by the Editor: References to Oxford in the Encyclopedia of London (1951) Nicholas Hilliard and Edward de Vere The Library Letter: Poem by Sir Walter Raleigh really authored by Oxford? Letter: Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Letter: thanks for the Newsletter Just a Little Coincidence News From Switzerland A Suggestion Review of Shakespeare‘s Farewell, a pamphlet by Gwynneth Bowen (1951) Review of Shakespeare in His True Colours by Katharine E. Eggar (1951) The Fellowship Study Group Meetings Editorial Notes: The Blind Eye; New Recruits Thomas Looney On the Defensive Review of George Gascoigne, or Edward de Vere by William Kittle (1930) Oxford and the Faerie Queene Review of Shakespeare‘s Identity: William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby by A. W. Titherley (1952) The Lord Great Chamberlain of England Review of Cloak of Folly by Burke Boyce (1949) The Shakespeare Country Letter: Nicholas Hilliard and Edward de Vere Letter: Shakespeare‘s Farewell Letter: Shakespeare and Montaigne Letter: Earl‘s Colne and Colme-Kill Letter: Earl‘s Colne and Colme-Kill Letter: Saggiatore Note: presentation by T. L. Adamson on ―Why I Am an Oxfordian‖ at the City Literary Institute Portraits of Edward de Vere: Welbeck Abbey (1575), Gheeraerts (1586); Hilliard (1588) Notices Death of Marjorie Bowen (Gabrielle Long) (d. 1952) Editorial Notes: The News Chronicle and Shakespeare; A Magnus Opus; Notes and Queries; Lord Wakehurst; Shakespeare Bibliographies; Another Shakespeare Portrait!; A New Shakespeare Magazine Meetings A Portrait of Shake-speare? (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, p. 119-122) Review of This Star of England by Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn (1952) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, p. 117-118) Review of This Star of England by Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn (1952) Review of This Star of England by Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn (1952) Review of Lord Oxford and the Shakespeare Group by Lt. Col. M. W. Douglas (1952) 168 Index of The Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (English) 9-10 10 10 10-11 11-12 12 Cutner, Herbert T. C. H. G. L. Schoell, Frank L. Bowen, Gwynneth M. Kittle, Christy Ann 1953, November Editor: William Kent 1-2 Editor 2 Drew, Philip 3-4 Editor 4-5 6 6-8 8 Le Riche, Kathleen Cutner, Herbert Eagle, R. L. van Lunteren, S. A. 8-9 10 10-11 11 11-12 12 12-13 13 13 13 Atkinson, J. Shera Cutner, Herbert Mez, J. R. Van Lunteren, S. A. Amphlett, Hilda Nicholas, F. L. Titherley, A. W. Holland, Rear-Admiral, H. H. Greenwood, George G. James, Henry 1954, April 1-2 Editor: Hilda Amphlett Editor 2 3-4 Editor Editor 4-5 Crosby, Ernest 5 5-6 6 6 6-7 8 9 10-11 11 12-13 13 13-14 14 15 15 15 Editor Editor Le Riche, Kathleen Bowen, Gwynneth, M. Eggar, Katharine E. Shield, H. S. Le Riche, Kathleen Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Le Riche, Kathleen Nichols, Francis L. Bowen, Gwynneth M. Le Riche, Kathleen Phillips, G. W. Kennedy-Skipton, H. K. Mez, John R. Editor Review of The Life and Times of Edward Alleyn by G. L. Hosking (1952) E. O. (a sonnet) Professor Abel Lefranc (1863-1952) The Sense of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Letter: wishful thinking and the authorship issue Letter: her husband‘s book, George Gascoigne or Edward de Vere Editorial Notes: Marjorie Bowen; Save Shakespeare‘s Avon; Miss Diana Neill and Mr. Alan Keen Review of Lord Oxford and the Shakespeare Group by Lt.-Colonel Douglas (1952) Oxfordian News: A Shakespeare Quiz; A New Member; Another Convert; Shakespeare Statues; Annual Dinner; Other Events The Third Earl of Southampton Professor Abel Lefranc on Oxford Was Shakspere Illiterate? Review of Acter het Mombakkes (Behind the Mask) by P. H. Van Moerkkerken (1950) The Manor of Billesley More Proofs for Shakespare of Stratford? Informative Booklets Lord Macaulay and Looney‘s Methods Letter: Nicholas Hilliard‘s Miniature Letter: the virgin queen Letter: Two Gentlemen of Verona Letter: Diana in the Fountain Excerpt from his Introduction to Baconian Essays (1922) Excerpts from two letters (1902, 1903) Notices: The Annual Dinner; The Library; Proposed Visit to Hatfield House; Meetings Editorial Notes: Members‘ Activities; Overseas Members Review of The Borough Town of Stratford-upon-Avon by Levi Fox (1953) The Aristocratic Look (from Shakespeare‘s Attitude Towards the Working Classes) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, p. 144-145) Mrs. Theodora Philpot (d. 1954) Brooke House, Hackney (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 141-143) Letter to the Daily Telegraph: Hackney Tudor (Feb. 12, 1954) Sir Edmund Chambers (1866-1954) Turbervile‘s Tragical Tales De Shakespeare Nostrati Shakespeare‘s Anniversary Some Comments on an Early Dedication to De Vere Oxford Junior Encyclopedia Letter: This Star of England Letter: This Star of England Letter: This Star of England Letter: This Star of England Letter: seal of the Journal of the Royal Society of Arts Letter: books by William Kittle Addenda: recent pamphlets 1954, September Editor: Gwynneth M. Bowen and T. L. Adamson 1 Editor Notices 1-3 Editor Editorial Notes: Stanley Baron‘s articles in the News Chronicle; Peterborough Again; the Library; Sir Walter Maxwell Scott; The Annual Dinner; Other Meetings 169 Index of The Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (English) 3 4-5 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Cutner, Herbert 6 7-8 8-9 9 Van Lunteren, S. A. Bowen, Gwynneth M. La Riche, Kathleen Atkinson, J. Shera 9-10 10 11 11-12 12 Mez, John R. Editor Dooley, J. and E. Le Riche, Kathleen Bowen, Gwynneth M. 1955, Spring 1 1-2 2 2 2 3 3 3-5 5-6 7-8 8 8 9-10 10-11 11-12 12 12 13 13 14 14 1955, Autumn 1 1-2 2-3 3 4-5 4 5-6 6-7 7-8 8 9 9-10 Shake Spears Sonnets Two Books on ―Shakespeare:‖ Shakespeare Survey 7 edited by Allardyce Nicoll (1954) and The Annotator by Alan Keen and Roger Lubbock (1954) Shakespeare a Paris and Measure for Measure The Wounded Name (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, 123-126) Portrait of John De Vere, the Sixteenth Earl of Oxford The Famous Victories of Henry V (reprinted in AWA, Vol. IV, p. 133134) Gascoigne and De Vere (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 135-137) Leaves From the Editor‘s Notebooks Letter: translations of the couplet that heads Venus and Adonis Letter: Arthur Golding – No Puritan Letter: Shakespeare Fellowship Study Circle Editor: Gwynneth M. Bowen and T. L. Adamson Editor Notices Editor Editorial Notes: Editor William Kent‘s Ill Health; Meetings Editor Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s talk ―Autobiography in Measure for Measure (13 Nov. 1954) Editor Review of Capt. Ridgill Trout‘s Talk ―Oxford and His Forebears‖ (11 Dec. 1954) Editor Review of William Kent‘s Talk ―The Stratfordian Case Examined‖ (22 Jan. 1955) Editor Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Talk ―The Poems of Edward de Vere‖ (19 Feb. 1955) Editor Review of Katharine Eggar‘s Talk ―Our Debt to Ben Jonson‖ (19 March 1953) Steer, Francis W. English History in the Saleroom Amphlett, Hilda Willobie His Avisa Adamson, T. L. Shakespeare and Oxford in the Lecture Room (reprinted from AWA, Vol. IV, p. 127-132) Van Lunteren, S. A. Translation of Horace by Edward de Vere J. W. R. The Court of Chivalry Bowen, Gwynneth M. Falstaff, Tarlton and The Famous Victories Browning, Olive H. Review of Who Was Shakespeare? by Hilda Amphlett (1955) Lambin, Georges Review of The First Night of Twelfth Night by Leslie Hotson Eggar, Katharine E. Comments on Lambin‘s Review of The First Night Adamson, T. L. Review of The Renaissance Man of England, Revised Edition by Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn, (1955) Editor Notices: Brooke House and St. Aug.ine‘s Church Phillips, G. W. Letter: response to Ruth Wainewright Bowen, Gwynneth M. Letter: correction of error in her article ―The Wounded Name‖ Editor Study Group Meetings Editor: Gwynneth M. Bowen and T. L. Adamson Editor Advance Notices Browning, Olive Annual Dinner Bowen, Gwynneth M. Review of Christmas Humphreys‘s Talk ―Who Wrote Shakespeare – A Lawyer Enquires‖ (22 April 1955) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Work of the Study Group Editor Editorial Notes Editor Report on Shakespeare Scholarship Bowen, Gwynneth M. Chronology in the Melting Pot Eggar, Katherine E. Anthony Munday‘s ―John A Kent‖ Mez, John R. The Poet With a Speare (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 138-140) Eggar, Katharine E. Brooke House, Hackney (reprinted from SFA, Autumn 1955; also in AWA, Vol. 4, 141-143) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. The Spanish Romances and The Tempest Gretton, I. Shakespeare and the General 170 Index of The Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (English) 10 10-11 11 11 Cutner, Herbert Atkinson, J. Shera Van Lunteren, S. A. Kent, William 11-12 Mez, John R. 1956, Spring 2 3 4 4-5 5 5-6 6 6 7-9 9 9-10 10 10 10-11 11 11 11 11-12 12 12 12 1956, Autumn 1 2 2-3 3 3-4 4-8 8 8-9 10 10-11 11 11 12 12 12 1957, Spring 1 1 2 2 Review of Ben Jonson of Westminster by Marchette Chute (1954) Review of Shakespeare Unmasked by Pierre S. Porohovshikov (1940) Letter: Edward de Vere as translator of Horace Letter: John Crow‘s review of Percy Simpson‘s book Studies in Elizabethan Drama Letter: comments on Hilda Amphlett‘s book Who Was Shakespeare? Editor: Gwynneth M. Bowen and T. L. Adamson Amphlett, Hilda Shakespeare and the Palazo Del Te Editor Notices: Annual Dinner; Debate Postponed Editor Reports of Meetings Editor Report on The President‘s Cross-Examination (Christmas Humphreys) (8 Nov. 1955) Evans, A. J. The Magic Circle Bowen, Gwynneth M. The Banished Duke Southern, Richard Elizabethan Theatre Editor Editorial Notes: Kennedy-Skipton Elected; Lectrre on Lord Oxford at Leys School; Verses of Kensington; Shakespeare‘s Italy Bowen, Gwynneth M. Coronation Sonnet Shield, H. S. Names of the King and Queen in A Mindsummer-Night‘s Dream Adamson, T. L. Review of Shakespeare by Charles. J. Sisson Eggar, Katharine E. Review of The Man Who Was Shakespeare by Calvin Hoffman (1955) Loosely, N. Review of The Shaking Spear by Brian Flynn Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespeare: Lord Oxford or Lord Derby? Editor Obituary: Miss Helen Atkinson Atkinson, J. Shera Letter: response to Who Was Shakespeare? by Hilda Amphlett Editor Brief extracts from a few of the many letters received from readers of Who Was Shakespeare? by Hilda Amphlett Shield, H. S. Letter: Lord Oxford‘s Settlement McFee, William Marlowe as Stratfordian Decoy (excerpt from his letter in the New York Herald Tribune, Jan. 1956) Titherley, A. W. Letter: patience perforce Mez, John R. Letter: correction of an error Editor: Gwynneth M. Bowen and T. L. Adamson Editor Notices; The Annual Dinner Editor Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Talk ―George Gascoigne, Pioneer of Elizabethan Literature‖ (10 March 1956) Editor Review of Katharine Eggar‘s Talk ―Lord Oxford and the Players‘ Company‖ (14 April 1956) Rudyerd, G. W. Editorial Notes: The Opening of the Tomb Bowen, Gwynneth M. Freud and Shakespeare (includes her letter to the Editor of the Observer) Clement, Rex Shakespeare as Mariner (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 146-156) Amphlett, Hilda Edward II at Stratford-by-Bow Cutner, Herbert Review of Shakespeare‘s Magic Circle by A. J. Evans (1956) Eggar, Katharine E. Review of Shakespeare Survey published by Cambridge University Press (1948) Atkinson, J. Shera Letter: Coronation Sonnet Le riche, Kathleen Letter: Shakespeare and the Palazzo del Te Mez, John Letter: kingdom and grave Bowen, Gwenneth M. Obituary: Mr. Francis L. Nichols Shield, H. S. Obituary: Mr. Gerald William Phillips Editor Obituary: Miss E. R. Monteath Editor: Gwynneth M. Bowen and T. L. Adamson Editor Notices Editor Editorial Notes Editor Reports of Meetings Le Riche, Kathleen Review of T. L. Adamson‘s Talk ―The Plays of Christopher Marlowe‖ (14 Nov. 1956) 171 Index of The Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (English) 2-3 3-4 Wainewright, Rugh M. D. Russell, John W. 4 Amphlett, Hilda 4-5 Editor 6-7 7 8-9 9 10-11 11 11-12 12 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Trout, R. Ridgill Le Riche, Kathleen Gretton, I. Bowen, Gynneth M. Atiken, T. M. Bowen, Gwynneth M. Saunders, B. R. 1957, Autumn 1 1-2 2 3 3 4 5 6-8 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 1958, Spring 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5-6 6 7-9 9-11 11 11 12 Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Talk ―The Upstart Crow‖ (8 Dec. 1956) Report on the Debate: Oxford (Wainewright) v. Derby (Evans) (16 Jan. 1957) Report on Kathleen Le Riche‘s Talk ―Journey Through Shakespeare‘s Italy‖ (16 Feb. 1957) Outside Lectures: South Place Ethical Society; London Society; Marlowe Society; Aberdeen; Dublin Shakespeare Society; Massachusetts Historical Society Psychological Relationships in Hamlet and the Authorship Question Bees and Honey Marlowe and the Sonnets The Recusants in Love‘s Labour‘s Lost Review of The Shakespeare First Folio by W. W. Greg (1955) Obituary: Lt.- Col. Montagu W. Douglas Letter: Coronation Sonnet Letter: Edward Bonaventure Editor: Gwynneth M. Bowen and T. L. Adamson Editor Notices Editor News and Notes: Honest Doubt Eggar, Katharine E. Review of Captain R. Ridgill Trout‘s Talk ―Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton‖ (6 March 1957) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Have a Go: Group discussion on authorship issues (6 April 1957) M. H. R. The Annual Dinner Wainewright, Ruth M. D. The Study Group Lambin, G. Shakespeare in Milan Senior, H. L. Strange Omissions Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. The Fore-Horse to a Smock Editor Notice: Death of Rear-Admiral H. H. Holland Bowen, Gwynneth M. Review of Shakespear‘s Sources by Kenneth Muir (1957) Wainewright, Ruth, M. D. Review of The Songs and Sonnets of the Earl of Surrey, edited by Douglas Geary Eggar, Katharine E. Review of Elizabethan Quintet by Denis Meadows (1956) Editor Obituary: Rear-Admiral H. H. Holland (1873-1957) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 246-247) Churchill, R. C. Letter: Marlovian theory Atkinson, J. Shera Letter: Marlowe and the Sonnets Saunders, B. R. Letter: Cardan‘s Comforte Editor: Gwynneth M. Bowen and T. L. Adamson Editor Notices Editor News and Notes: the Shakespeare Fellowship Trust; Reports of Meetings Bowen, Gwynneth M. Review of Katharine Eggar‘s Talk ―What We Learn of de Vere From Shakespeare‘s Fools and Clowns‖ (9 Nov. 1957) H. C. Review of Commander Martin Pares‘s Talk ―The Case For Francis Bacon‖ (7 Dec. 1957) Adamson, T. L. Review of Gwynneth Bowan‘s Lecture ―The Troublesome Reign of John‖ (16 Jan. 1958) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Review of David Freedman‘s Lecture ―Astrology in Shakespeare‘s Plays‖ (15 Feb. 1958) Editor In Memoriam: J. Shera Atkinson (d. 1958) Martyn, Kathleen Thomas Aitken: a memoir (d. 1958) Trout, R. Ridgill Elizabeth and the Catholics Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespeare and the Trussells of Billesley J. S. A. Review of Shakespearean Ciphers by William F. Friedman (1957) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Review of Shakespeare: A Portrait Restored by Clara Longworth de Chambrun (1954) Lambin, Georges Letter: did Oxford go to Milan? Bowen, Gwynneth M. Response to Lambin‘s Letter Shield, H. S. Letter: is Ignoto Oxford? 172 Index of The Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter (English) 1958, Autumn 1 1 2 2 3 3 4-6 6-7 7-8 8 9-10 10-11 10-11 11-12 12 Editor: Gwynneth M. Bowen and T. L. Adamson Editor Notices Editor News and Notes: Shakespeare Fellowship Study Group; News From America Bowen, Gwynneth M. Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Lecture ―All‘s Well and the Authorship Question‖ (18 March 1958) J. W. R. Reviw of H. S. Shield‘s Lecture ―Classical Clues in Shakespeare‘s Plays‖ (12 April 1958) Eggar, Katharine E. Review of T. L. Adamson‘s Lecture ―Lord Oxford and Plutarch‖ (17 May 1958) Bowen, Gwynneth M. The Annual Dinner Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespeare‘s Early Style Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. The Bells of St. Bennet Titherley, A. W. On the Poem Signed I.M.S. (Second Folio) Adamson, T. L. Memoir of Mr. J. Shera Atkinson (d. 1958) Kent, William Review of Shakespeare and His Betters by R. C. Churchill (1958) Cutner, Herbert Review of A Pictorial Biography by F. E. Halliday (1956) Cutner, Herbert Review of The Cult of Shakespeare by F. E. Halliday (1957) Cutner, Herbert Letter: on speculating, a respone to the article by H. L. Senior Senior, H. L. Letter: response to H. Cutner‘s letter 173 INDEX OF THE SHAKESPEARE FELLOWSHIP QUARTERLY Published by the Shakespeare Fellowship (American Branch) (1944-1948) founded by Eva Turner Clark, Charles Barrell and Louis Benezet Vol. V, No. 1 (1944, Jan.) 1-2 Editor 2-6 Benezet, Louis P. 6-8 8-9 Clark, Eva Turner Barrell, Charles Wisner 10-15 16 Barrell, Charles Wisner Editor Vol. V, No. 2 (1944, April) 17-23 Editor 24-27 Barrell, Charles Wisner 28-29 29 30-32 Dwyer, J. J. Editor Clark, Eva Turner 32 Editor Vol. V, No. 3 (1944, July) 33-40 Barrell, Charles Wisner 41-43 Clark, Eva Turner 44-46 Benezet, Louis P. 46-48 48 Benezet, Louis P. Editor Vol. V, No. 4 (1944, Oct.) 49-66 Barrell, Charles Wisner 66-68 Clark, Eva Turner 68 Editor Vol. VI, No. 1 (1945, Jan.) 1-2 3-10 Editor Clark, Eva Turner 11-12 Barrell, Charles Wisner Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Introducing the Quarterly (a continuation of the News-Letter) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 5-7) The Frauds and Stealths of Injurious Imposters (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 8-17) Stolen and Surreptitious Copies (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 18-21) Documentary Notes on the Swan Theatre (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 22-25) Matinee at the Swan: a topical interlude in Oxford-Sh. Research Editorial Policy Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Discoverer of the True Shakespeare Passes: John Thomas Looney, 18701944 (includes letters from Looney to Eva Turner Clark, Carolyn Wells, Charles Wisner Barrell and Will D. Howe) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 26-36) Newly Discovered Oxford-Shakespeare Pictorial Evidence (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 37-44) Elizabethan Outlook: a restatement Salute to Canon Rendall! Some Character Names in Shakespeare‘s Plays, Part 1 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 45-49) Oxfordian News: News-Letters Bound; In Facta Non Verba Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Lord Oxford as Supervising Patron of Shakespeare‘s Theatrical Company (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 61-78) Some Character Names in Shakespeare Plays, Part 2 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 50-56) Stratford Defendant Compromised His Own Advocates, Part 1 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 79-83) The Authorship of Othello (reprinted in AWA, vol. 3, p. 110-115) Oxfordian News: Progress and a Handicap Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell New Milestone in Shakespearean Research: ―Gentle Master William‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 116-154) Some Character Names in Shakespeare‘s Plays, Part 3 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 90-95) Oxfordian News: to new Readers of the quarterly Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Charles Wisner Barrell Beginning Our Sixth Year Lord Oxford‘s Shakespearean Travels On the European Continent (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 155-175) Sole Author of Renowned Victorie: Gabriel Harvey testifies in the Oxford-Shakespeare case (repr. in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 176-179) 174 Index of the Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly 13-15 Benezet, Louis P. 15-16 Editor Vol. VI, No. 2 (1945, April) 17-18 18-21 21 21, 26, 29 Editor Editor Editor Editor 22-26 Barrell, Charles Wisner 27-29 Benezet, Louis P. 30-32 Barrell, Charles Wisner Vol. VI, No. 3 (1945, July) 33-34 34 35-36 38 37-39 Editor Editor Editor Editor Barrell, Charles Wisner 39 40-45 46-48 Wiles, A. G. D. Benezet, Louis P. Editor Vol. VI, No. 4 (1945, Oct.) 49-50 Editor 51-53 Clark, Eva Turner 53, 56-57, 64 Editor 54-56 Benezet, Louis P. 57-59 Rascoe, Burton 59-60 Barrell, Charles Wisner 61-62 63-64 Ogburn, Dorothy Barrell, Charles Wisner Vol. VII, No. 1 (1946, Jan.) 1-2 3-7 Rutherford, Forrest Barrell, Charles Wisner Stratford Defendant Compromised His Own Advocates, Part 3 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 90-95) Oxfordian News: Oxford-Shakespeare Talks; the Forehorse to a Smock; Did Hals Paint the Bard? Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Flodden W. Heron, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Incorporation of the Fellowship to Stimulate Oxford Research President Benezet‘s Lecture Tour Death of Canon Rendall (1851-1945) Oxfordian News: Melville‘s ―Capt. Vere‖; That Continental tour; Recognition of Merit; A London Worthy‘s Letter; Keep the Light Burning; Oxford-shakespeare Books; Foster of Iowa Speaks Out Earliest Authenticated ―Shakespeare‖ Transcript Found With Oxford‘s Personal Poems (repr. in AWA, vol. 3, p. 180-190) Stratford Defendant Compromised His Own Advocates, Part 4 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 96-109) Rare Military Volume Sponsored by Lord Oxford Issued by ―Shakespeare‘s‖ First Publisher (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 191-196) Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Flodden W. Heron, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Great Pioneer‘s Ideas on Intellectual Freedom, A (J. Thomas Looney) Gelett Burgess‘ Tribute to ―Shakespeare‖ Identified President Benezet Lectures in Philadelphia Oxford‘s Birthday Signalized in Rod Hendrickson Broadcast Wayward Water-Bearer who Wrote ―Shakespeare‘s‖ Sonnet 109 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 197-202) Letter Correcting Misquotation Stratford Defendant Compromised By His Own Advocates Oxfordian News: London News-Letter; Rendall Pamphlets Available; Whitman on the Authorship; John Payne Collier‘s Ghost Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Flodden W. Heron, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Oxford-Shakespeare case Loses Brilliant Advocate; Bernard Mordaunt Ward (1893-1945) Lord Oxford‘s Letters Echoed in Shakespeare‘s Plays: an early letter examined, Part 1 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 203-208) Oxfordian News: Publicity that Counts; Our President Rings the Bell Again; National Circulation for Oxford-Shakespeare Story The Remarkable Testimony of Henry Peacham (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 214-219) The Battle Still Rages Over Who Was Shakespeare (reprinted from the New York World-Telegram, July 31, 1945) Creature of Their Own Creating: an answer to the present day school of Shakespearean biography (reprinted in AWA, vol. 3, p. 220-224) The Wounded Name of Truth Genesis of a Henry James Story (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 225-227) Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Flodden W. Heron, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Daniel Frohman Introduces the Great Unknown Exploding the Ancient Play Cobbler Fallacy (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 228-237) 175 Index of the Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly 7, 9 Editor 8-9 10-11 Kent, William Clark, Eva Turner 12 Webster, Lewis Hammond 13 Olds, Nathaniel S. 14 Editor 14-16 Editor Vol. VII, No. 2 (1946, April) 17-19 Benezet, Louis P. 19 20-31 Massey, Gerald Barrell, Charles Wisner 31-32 Editor Vol. VII, No. 3 (1946, July) 33-34 Editor 34 35-42 Editor Barrell, Charles Wisner 43-44 Benezet, Louis P. 44-48 Editor Vol. VII, No. 4 (1946, Oct.) 49-54 Barrell, Charles Wisner 54 Editor 54, 60, 71-72 Editor 55-60 Clark, Eva Turner 61-69 Barrell, Charles Wisner Oxfordian News: The Ghost Walks; Oxford-shakespeare Library at Liverpool University; Perhaps You‘ve Forgotten An American Myth Maker Lord Oxford‘s Letters Echoed in Shakespeare‘s Plays, Part 2: an early letter examined (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 209-213) Those Authorities (reprinted from the Warwick Valley Dispatch, Jan. 30, 1946) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 238-240) Revisions May Have to be Made in English Literature Textbooks (reprinted from the Villager) Oxford-Shakespeare Book That Charmed Mr. Folger: Esther Singleton‘s Shakespearian Fantasias Oxfordian News: U.S.A. Papers Please Copy; Ward‘s Biography of Oxford is Now Available; Signifying Nothing?; Modern Works Godfathered by the Author of Macbeth; Dr. Sigmund Freud Found Oxford Was the Bard; Agony Column Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Flodden W. Heron, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Another Stratfordian Aids the Oxford Cause (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 241-246) Shakespeare (a tribute to the bard from about 1866) Literary Pirate‘s Attempt to Publish The Winter‘s Tale in 1594, A (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 247-272) Oxfordian News: Progress Reported Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Flodden W. Heron, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Radio Presentation of Oxford-Shakespeare Case Proves Notably Successful: Gelett Burgess and Charles Wisner Barrell Win Accalim and Important Practical Aid for The Fellowship Truth From Texas The Playright Earl Publishes ―Hamlet‘s Book‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 273-288) False Shakespeare Chronology Regarding the Date of King Henry VIII (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 289-292) Oxfordian News: Shakespeare Authorship Fraudulent; Proof of the Pudding . . . and the maker thereof; British Activities; Bound Volume VI Ready; Passing the Word About Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Flodden W. Heron, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Shakespeare‘s Henry V Can Be Identified As ―Harry of Cornwall‖ in Henslowe‘s Diary (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 293-302) In Memoriam: Margaret L. Knapp, Ruth Mack Brunswick, Mary H. Barrell, Edward Hardy Clark, Rev. E. D. Book, Mrs. James Stewart Cushman Oxfordian News: Lord Oxford Among the Lambs; Flodden in Field Again; Meet Mr. Allvine; Famous Book in Good Hands; Constructive Aid; Oxford Evidence Restated by Marjorie Bowen; Admiral Holland Accepts Presidency of British Fellowship; Our Current Needs Shakespeare‘s Strange Silence When James I Succeeded Elizabeth (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 303-315) Proof That Shakespeare‘s Thought and Imagery Dominate Oxford‘s Own Statement of Creative Principles (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 316-335) 176 Index of the Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly 70-71 Editor Vol. VIII, No. 1 (1947, Spring) 1-3 Editor 3 Editor 4-11 Barrell, Charles Wisner 11-13 Editor 13-14 15-16 Barrell, Charles Wisner Editor Vol. VIII, No. 2 (1947, Summer) 17-20 20, 31-32 Editor Editor 21-25 Dwyer, J. J. 26 27-31 Editor Benezet, Louis P. 31-32 Editor Vol. VIII, No. 3 (1947, Autumn) 33-34 34 Editor Editor 34-36 Clark, Eva Turner 36-38 Astley-Cock, John L. 38-39 39-43 Barrell, Charles Wisner Feldman, Abraham 44 Editor 44-45 Atkinson, Brooks 45-47 Barrell, Charles Wisner 47 47-48 Editor Barrell, Charles Wisner Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness: a hint to the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Flodden W. Heron, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Mrs. Eva Turner Clark, Founder of The Shakespeare Fellowship, USA (1871-1947) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 294-297) Oxfordian News: Shakespeare: Man of Mystery; Oxford Lecture in Texas; Ward Volume Essential; for Permanent Reference Queen Elizabeth‘s Master Showman Shakes a Spear in Her Defense (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 336-357) Oxford‘s Shakespearean Hand Apparent in the 1581 Touranment Documents The Arundel-Arundell Mix-Up Philadelphia‘s New Shakespeare society Points Way to Truer Understanding of the Dramatist Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, T. Henry Foster, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell The Fellowship‘s General Meeting Highly Successful Oxfordian News: Authority Admits Failure; Seeing is Disbelieving; Physician, Heal Thyself (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 381-382); What Do You Think? The Poet Earl of Oxford and Grays Inn (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 358-368) Review of The Lost Treasures of London by William Kent (1947) Dr. Smart‘s Man of Stratford Outsmarts Credulity (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 369-378) Sir George Greenwood (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3, p. 179-381) Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, T. Henry Foster, Flodden W. Heron, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Money is a Good Soldier Revising Some Details of an Important Discovery in Oxford-Shakespeare Research: Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 24) The Man Who Was Shakespeare (excerpt: Chapter 21) (1937) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 25-29) Latin Anagram on the Title-Page of Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 29-32) Pictorial Clues and Key Initials (reprinted in AWA, vol. 4, p. 33-34) Shakespeare‘s Jester--Oxford‘s Servant (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 1523) Historical Background of The Merchant of Venice Clarified in a Letter to the Drama Editor of the New York Times (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 35-42) Maurice Schwartz and a Good Company Offer a Reformed Shylock (reprinted from New York Times, Nov. 30, 1947) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 36-37) To Brooks Atkinson, Drama Editor, New York Times (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 38-42) Oxfordian News: Paris Spokesman New Proof that Henry VIII Was Written Before the Spring of 1606 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 43-45) 177 Index of the Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly Vol. VIII, No. 4 (1947-48, Winter) 49-57 Editor 58-64 Barrell, Charles Wisner Vol. IX, No. 1 (1948, Spring) 1-7 Barrell, Charles Wisner 7-8 8 Clark, Eva Turner Editor Vol. IX, No. 2 (1948, Summer) 9-12 Barrell, Charles Wisner 12-13 14-16 16 Feldman, Harold Davidoff, Henry Editor Vol. IX, No. 3 (1948, Autumn) 17-18, 24 Barrell, Charles Wisner 19-24 Barrell, Charles Wisner Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, T. Henry Foster, Flodden W. Heron, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Progress During the Passing Year: Priscian a Little Scratched; Convincing Brief by Charlton Ogburn; Constructive Newspaper Publicity; Oxford in Grolier Encyclopaedia; The First AntiStratfordian; A Valuable Digest of Evidence; Tufts College Then – and Now (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4: 12-14); Reviving Interest in Boston; Famous Naval Historian Aids Cause; Dr. Joseph Shipley‘s Good Word; Mr. James McKee on the Sonnets; Dr. Benezet‘s ―Shakespeare Hoax‖; The Bolton-Benezet Debate; Our Secretary at Pennsylvania Dr. John Dover Wilson‘s ―New‖ Macbeth Is a Masterpiece Without a Master Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Rarest Contemporary Description of ―Shakespeare‖ Proves Poet to Have Been a Nobleman (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 63-77) Alias (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 78-79) Oxford and the Professors (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 61-62) Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell Oxford vs. Other ―Claimants‖ of the Edwards Shakespearean Honors, 1593 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 80-86) Another Disputed Authorship Some Unusual Words in Shakespeare Libel Suit Grows Out of Fellowship‘s Annual Meeting Editors: Louis P. Benezet, James Stuart Cushman, Eva Turner Clark, Elsie Greene Holden, Charles Wisner Barrell In deed as in name--Vere nobilis for he was W . . . (?) . . . (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 4, p. 87-91) John Lyly as Both Oxford‘s and Shakespeare‘s ―Honest Steward‖ 178 INDEX OF SHAKESPEARE MATTERS (SM) Published quarterly since 2001 by The Shakespeare Fellowship Volume 1/1 (Fall 2001) 1, 12-17 Burris, Barbara 1, 3, 20 2 2 2 4-7, 19 Editor Alexander, Mark A. Editor Wright, Daniel L. Whittemore, Hank 8-11, 20 Altrocchi, Paul H. 18-19 Berney, Charles Editors: Roger Stritmatter, William E. Boyle A Golden Book, Bound Richly Up (Bussy d-Ambois and the Ashbourne portrait) Oxford is Shakespeare: any questions? Letter: importance of The Shakespeare Fellowship Fellowship Home Page and Discussion Boards Letter: importance of The Shakespeare Fellowship The Politics of Massacres, the Need for Intelligence: Shakespeare‘s Role in an Elizabethan England Under Seige A Portrait Analysis of William Cecil: is there a heretofore untold story hidden in plain sight? Confidential Video Bard: Love‘s Labour‘s Lost: the BBC vs. Branagh Volume 1/2 (Winter 2002) 1, 17-21 Burris, Barbara 1, 22-23 1, 4 2 2-3, 32 3 4 5-6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8-16 23-25 26-29 30-31 32 Editors: Roger Stritmatter, William E. Boyle The Ashbourne Portrait: Part II: costume dating debunks Folger‘s Hamersley claim Baker, John On Shakespeare‘s Portrayal of the Moral Life Kositsky, Lynne First Fellowship Meeting Held Roper, David Letter: Barbara Burris article about the Ashbourne portrait Renner, Virginia J. Letter: Barbara Burris article about the Ashbourne portrait Editor Tender Airs, Tudor Heirs Berney, Charles From Fellowship President Dr. Charles Berney Wright, Daniel L. Guest Column: My Turn - New Beginnings Editor 15th Oxford Day Banquet Scheduled for April 26 Editor Authorship Symposium Editor Folger‘s SQ Asks, ―Why Should We Study Shakespeare?‖ Editor Shakespeare Oxford Society Conference Editor Stritmatter Bible Dissertation Nominated for Award Editor Who Wrote Shakespeare?: evening seminar at the Smithsonian Museum Altrocchi, Paul H. The Queen Elizabeth Pregnancy Portrait: who designed it and who did the cover-ups? Whittemore, Hank A Year in the Life: 1589: The Metamorphosis Begins Anderson, Mark K.; R. Stritmatter Paradigm Shift: the potent testimony of Gabriel Harvey Berney, Charles Moorer‘s Marathon, or three plays in one day Goudsmit, Jepke; Graham Jones Letter: Syndey-Based Kinetic Energy Theatre Company Volume 1/3 (Spring 2002) 1, 10-12 Burris, Barbara 1, 6-7 Boyle, William E. 1, 8 2 2-3 3 3 3 4 4 5 Editor Burris, Barbara van Druenen, Elizabeth Appleton Benjamin, Marlene Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor 5 9 Editor Cyr, Gordon C. Editors: Roger Stritmatter, William E. Boyle Ashbourne Story III: close review of the painting‘s restoration reveals a history of Deception and destruction Smithsonian Showdown and NY Times Feature Article Rock the Authorship Debate New Documents Vindicate Barrell Letter: Chapman Letter: Gabriel Harvey‘s Pierce Supererogation Letter: Persian Portrait Making News State of the Debate First Annual Fellowship Conference, Oct. 18-20, 2002 International Authorship Conference Scheduled for July 2004 Freed‘s Beard of Avon, Rubbo‘s Much Ado About Something Both Get National Attention Veering Away: Shakespeare Newsletter Plays with Oxford Smile and Smile, and Be a Villain 179 Index of Shakespeare Matters 13 17 18 23-24 25-27, 36 28-31 32-33 34-36 Burris, Barbara Comparison of the Conculsions of Two Major Published Studies of the Ashbourne Portrait: Barrell in 1940 and Pressly in 1993 Burris, Barbara The Coat of Arms and the Composite Sketch Burris, Barbara What Did Hamersley Look Like? Whalen, Richard F. Review of The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare edited by Dobson and Wells (2001) Stritmatter, Roger Review of The Marprelate Controversy 1588-1596 by Elizabeth Appleton (2001) Anderson, Mark K.; R. Stritmatter Paradigm Shift: Ross‘s Supererogation Whittemore, Hank A Year in the Life: 1564: The Education of Young Shakespeare Berney, Charles Confidential Video Bard: As You Like It: 1936, 1978, 1983 Volume 1/4 (Summer 2002) 1, 14-16 Altrocchi, Paul H. 1, 4 Boyle, William E.; R. Stritmatter 2 2 2-3 3 3 3, 28 4 4 5, 20 6 6 Niederkorn, William S. Rollett, John M. Cyr, Gordon C. Dixon, Jonathan Editor Sisson, Edward H. Editor Editor Wright, Daniel L. Editor Editor 7 7 8-10 11 12-13 17-20 21-23. 27 24-25, 28 26-27 Editor Editor Baca, Nathan Jacobi, Sir Derek Caruso, Carl S. Paul, Christopher Whittemore, Hank Anderson, Mark K. Berney, Charles Volume 2/1 (Fall 2002) 1, 23-25 Altrocchi, Paul H. 1, 9-22 Burris, Barbara 2 Brazil, Robert 2-3 3 3 3-4 4 4-5 Burris, Barbara Editor Editor Cyr, Gordon C. Gove, John Streitz, Paul 5 6 6 7 8 8 10 12-13 Editor Baca, Nathan Editor Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Editor Editor Editor Burris, Barbara Editors: Roger Stritmatter. William E. Boyle It Was Not ―Ye Plague:‖ Oxfordian mythology about the cause of de Vere‘s death Swan Song for Funeral Elegy: Prof. Donald Foster concedes it‘s not Shakespeare; Oxfordian Richard Kennedy credited in turnaround Letter: New York Times article Letter: Barbara Burris articles about Ashbourne portrait Letter: Barbara Burris‘s articles about Ashbourne portrait Letter: Gabriel Harvey and Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit Why the Ashbourne Portrait Matters Letter: citation issues The Catholic Question Returns Shakespeare in the New DNB Funeral Elegy Buried Fellowship Sponsors Shakespeare Essay Contest Stritmatter, Kositsky Present the Oxfordian Case to Students in Washington State Oxford Weekend in Cambridge: 15th annual banquet celebrated Upcoming Events: Renaissance Festival in Vermont in August Edward de Vere Studies Conference: 6th annual gathering in Portland Sir Derek Jacobi‘s Acceptance Speech The Maiden and the Mermaid Review of Oxford, Son of Queen Elizabeth by Paul Streitz (2001) A Year in the Life: 1580: The Year of Living Dangerously Paradigm Shift: Richard Roe on Shakespeare in Italy Confidential Video Bard: Midsummer Night‘s Dream revisited Editor: William E. Boyle And in This Corner . . . The Sanders Portrait The Ashbourne Portrait: Part IV Letter: Carl Caruso‘s artile ―The Maiden and the Mermaid‖ in SM Vol. 1 #4 Letter: Ashbourne Portrait Books and Book Reviews Editorial Changes Letter: Ashbourne Portrait Letter: P. Streitz‘s book Oxford, Son of Elizabeth I (2001) Letter: response to Christopher Paul‘s Review of Oxford, Son of Elizabeth I (2001) Elizabethan History and the ―Bag of Secrets‖ Commemorating Marlowe Justice Stevens Honored by Alma Mater Is Oxford Buried in Poets‘ Corner? First Annual Oxfordian Institute Shakespeare Oxford Society Meets in Washington, D.C. Recent Developments: the Folger and the Ashbourne Portrait A History of Alterations to the Coat of Arms 180 Index of Shakespeare Matters 26-29 30 30 31-33, 36 34-36 Altrocchi, Paul H. Aucella, Steven M. Whalen, Richard F. Whittemore, Hank Berney, Charles Volume 2/2 (Winter 2003) 1, 10-11 Editor 1, 14-15 1, 6 Gilbert, Sky Kositsky, Lynne; Whalen; Boyle 2 2-4 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 8 9 11 12-13 Caruso, Carl S. Paul, Christopher Editor Cyr, Gordon C. Editor Whalen, Richard F. Editor Editor Editor Whalen, Richard F. Editor Boyle, William E. Editor Boyle, William E. Stritmatter, Roger 16-20 McNeil, Alex 21 Whalen, Richard F. 22-25 26-28 29 30-31 31 Whittemore, Hank Anderson, Mark K. Bird, Charles J. Boyle, William E. Editor 31 32 32 Editor Editor Editor Volume 2/3 (Spring 2003) 1, 14-22 McNeil, Alex 1, 23 Editor 1, 8-13 Roper, David 2 Ignoto 2 Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) 3 Editor 3 Editor 3 Editor 4 Editor 4 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor The Probable Identity of the Sanders Portrait Review of The Real Shakespeare by Marilyn Gray (2001) Review of Discovering Shakespeare by Ed. Holmes (2001) A Year in the Life: 1581: Reckonings and Reconciliation Confidential Video Bard: Titus Andronicus: Jane Howell & Julie Taymor versions Editor: William E. Boyle Searching for Shakespeare: how the Sanders Portrait quest leads straight to authorship The Artist as Saint in Freed‘s Beard of Avon (pub. 2004) Fellowship in Cambridge: conference brings together cross-section of Shakespeareans Letter: his article ―The Maiden and the Mermaid‖ Letter: Paul Streitz‘s book Oxford, Son of Queen Elizabeth 1 (2001) Who‘s Afraid of the Big, Bad Earl? dues increase, book/gift store opens Folger Shakespeare Library and the Ashbourne Portrait Authorship on Cape Cod Letter: de Vere and Marlowe 16th Oxford Day Banquet, weekend events scheduled for April 25 th 228 Entries in Essay Contest Oxford‘s Music in Boston Authorship Marathon in North Carolina Shakespeare and Rule of Law Panel Discussion Attracts RSO Crowd Stritmatter, Ross Debate Oxford‘s Bible Moot Court Debate on the Authorship Ashbourne Portrait Followup Scenes From the Death of a Myth: Jonathan Bate and the God of Our Idolatry What‘s In a ‗Nym?: pseudonyms, heteronyms and remarkable case of Fernando Pessa Review of Me and Shakespeare: Adventures with the Bard by Herman Gollob (2002) A Year in the Life: 1577: The Art of Navigation More on Pierce Penniless Wounded Truth - Some Further Thoughts Much Ado About Something Airs on PBS Preview of Shakespeare‘s Fingerprints by Michael Brame and Galina Popova (2002) Quotes of Note 2003 Fellowship Conference in Carmel Smithsonian Once Again Takes on Authorship Debate Editor: William E. Boyle As You Like It: is Touchstone vs. William the first authorship story? Essay Contest Scores With Students, Teachers We Have the Man Shakespeare: de Vere and the lost letter of Wilton Letter: authorship issues in bookstores Letter: Oxford‘s Revenge As We Like It John Louther, 1924-2003 Nominating Committee Names Slate; correction Authorship Mock Trial in Chicago The Shakespeare Concert 400th Anniversary of Elizabeth‘s Death Celebrated at Folger De Vere Society Invites Fellowship Members to 2004 Conference Shakespeare Oxford Society Conference in NYC, Oct. 23-26, 2003 Shakespearean Authorship Trust Conference in London Twenty Speakers Already on Board for 2nd Fellowship Conference 181 Index of Shakespeare Matters 6-7, 32 24-25, 32 Hunter, R. Thomas Stritmatter, Roger 26-29 30-31 Whittemore, Hank Berney, Charles Volume 2/4 (Summer 2003) 1, 12-15 Rush, Peter 1, 7, 33 Baca, Nathan 1, 8-12 Boyle, William E. 2-3 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins 3 Editor 3 McNeil, Alex 4 Editor 4 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Whalen, Richard F. 6 Editor 6 Editor 6 Editor 8 Editor 16-19 Altrocchi, Paul H. 20-23 Burris, Barbara 24 Whalen, Richard F. 25-26 Desper, Richard 27-33 Whittemore, Hank 34-35 Berney, Charles 35-36 York, Michael Every Word in Shakespeare: textual signatures by true author Review of Shakespeare‘s Fingerprints by Michael Brame and Galina Popova (2002) A Year in the Life: 1597: Islands Voyage & Isle of Dogs Confidential Video Bard: Three Lears: Horden, Holm, and Olivier Editor: William E. Boyle Shakespeare Question Debated at Smithsonian Wilmot Did Not: the ―first‖ authorship story possible Baconian hoax 7th Annual De Vere Studies Conference Letter: Audrey in As You Like It Jacobi, York to Serve as Honorary Trustees Letter: response to Stephani Hughes‘ Letter about As You Like It 16th Annual Oxford Day Banquet at MIT Shakespeare Authorship Trust Conference in London Chicago Oxford Society Katharine Hepburn - a Shakespearean Woman Measure for Measure in Real Life Will Writ Wrong: New Yorker takes a bite of the authorship apple Conference Update Shakespeare Documentary Goes Catholic Trustee Election News EDVSC Raises Over $10,000 During Conference for Oxford Memorial Sleuthing an Enigmatic Latin Annotation Oxford‘s New Coat of Arms in 1586 Review of Chasing Shakespeares by Sarah Smith (2008) Review of The Dark Side of Shakespeare by W. Ron Hess (2002, 2003) A Year in the Life: 1586, Part I: ―Buy a Thousand Pound, Buy a Rope‖ Confidential Video Bard: Taming of the Shrew: Zeffirelli and Miller Michael York on Shrew Volume 3/1 (Fall 2003) 1, 12-16 Altrocchi, Paul H. 1, 20-21 Whalen, Richard F. 1, 6-7 Boyle, William E. 2 2-3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 7 8-9 10-11, 17 18-19 21 22-24, 32 25-27 28-29 30-32 Editor: William E. Boyle William Camden: what did he say, and when did he say it? Nelson‘s New Oxford Biography: a review of Monstrous Adversary Drive, They Said: revised Shakespeare bios, authorship Novels & antiOxfordian tracts Cyr, Gordon C. Letter: Nelson‘s Monstrous Adversary (2003) Roper, David Letter: Wilton and the Shakespeare House Editor Congratualtions, Dr. Stritmatter Editor Reality Check Boyle, William E. Folger Displays Ashbourne Portrait in Exhibition on Frauds Editor Authorship Talks in Vermont Editor Roscius Annotation Debated Editor Shakeyland Theme Park and Food Court Editor New Computer Analysis Technique for Comparing Texts and Determining Authorship Unveiled Editor Second Annual Oxfordian Seminar Convenes at Concordia University Eldredge, Joseph Triumph of (the) Will? New Bio, New Facts - Same Old Propaganda Stritmatter, Roger Monstrous Animosity: How Nelson‘s Oxford bio distorts Oxford & Oxfordians (2003) Wright, Daniel L. Knocking on Wood: review of In Search of Shakespeare by Michael Wood (1985) Sherwood, James Review of Counterfeiting Shakespeare by Brian Vickers Ligon, K. C. Who‘s an Amateur? Whittemore, Hank A Year in the Life: 1586, Part II: Preparing For War Anderson, Mark K. and Tekastiaks Burghley‘s Bribe; de Vere‘s Dower? Brame, Michael; Galina Popova Illicit Reversal Berney, Charles Sir Walter Scott as Paleo-Oxfordian, Part 2: The Abbot 182 Index of Shakespeare Matters Volume 3/2 (Winter 2004) 1, 12-13 Boyle, William E. 1, 15-19 Ligon, K. C. 1, 8-11, 32 Editor 2 Brame, Michael; Galina Popova 2 Sherwood, James 2-3 Werth, Andrew 3 Editor 3 Editor 4 Editor 4 Editor 4 Whalen, Richard F. 5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 6 Hunter, R. Thomas 7 Editor 7 Editor 7 McNeil, Alex 11 Editor 13 Editor 20-21 Ligon, K. C. 22-23 Whalen, Richard F. 24-27 Whittemore, Hank 28-29, 32 Anderson, Mark K. 30-31 Berney, Charles Editor: William E. Boyle The Play‘s the Thing . . . authorship debate in NYC Do Oxford‘s Letters Spell Shakespeare? Conference in Carmel: Fellowship‘s 2nd Annual Gathering Letter: Pushkin and Shakespeare Letter: Stritmatter and Ogburn‘s The Mysterious William Shakespeare Reprint of Letter in the Jan/Feb. 2004 issue of the Atlantic Authorship Lesson From Peter Pan Plentiful lack . . . ―irreducible particularity‖ Edward‘s Presents Gets Rave Reviews in London A Hamlet-like Falstaff Beard of Avon Opens in New York (2004) Miami Law Review article questions traditional Stratford story Postmoderinism: theory in chaos Sci-Fi Novel Touts Oxford: 1632 by Eric Flint Mark Rylance Featured Guest in Michigan Tyrant Toppled Wells and Wood at Smithsonian From the President Fellowship‘s 2004 Conference Set for Baltimore Next Oct. Shakespeare Oxford Society Meeting in NYC Review of In Search of Shakespeare by Michael Wood (1985) Monstrous Adversary: Part II (2003) A Year in the Life: 1604 (Part I): ―Our revels now are ended‖ An Interview With Derran Charlton Taming of the Shrew Revisited Volume 3/3 (Spring 2004) 1, 12-18 Berney, Charles 1, 7-8 Boyle, William E. 1, 8-11 Boyle, William E. 2 Brame, Michael; Galina Popova 3 Editor 3 Editor 3 Erichsen, Marie 3 Lemmon, Aaron 4 Editor 4 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 6 Editor 6 Editor 6 Editor 6 Editor 10 Editor 17 Christianson, J. R. 17 Christianson, J. R. 18-21 Renner, Virginia J. 22-24 Altrocchi, Paul H. 24 Editor Editor: William E. Boyle In Search of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern The Interrogation of Professor Alan Nelson 8th Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference Letter: Monstrous Adversary by Alan Nelson (2003) Corrections: King James Bible; Nina Green Publications The Debating Game Letter: Shakespearean essay competition Letter: Shakespearean essay competition Soul of the Age - A Feature Film on Oxford Winners of 2003 Essay Contest New Cambridge Press Issue Supports a ―Literary‖ View of the Bard Oxfordian Writer Publishes in the Weekly Standard Shakespeare Fellowship Featured in Renaissance Terry Eagleton Attachx Oxfordians in the Nation Authorship Conference in Holland Fellowship Meets in Baltimore Oxford in Westminister Abbey? Tennessee Seminar The 3rd Annual Institute of Oxfordian Studies Summer Seminar Appendix A: Frederik Rosenkrantz Appendix B: Knud Gyldenstierne Lillies that Rester: a tale of two queens My Turk: why the nickname? New Book on the Holocaust from Fellowship VP Lynne Kositsky: The Thought of High Windows (2004) Review of A Biography of Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox by K. Schutte A Year in the Life: 1604: Part II - The Rest of the Story Interview with Beard of Avon (2004) Author Author Amy Freed 24 Whalen, Richard F. 25-29, 32 30-32 Whittemore, Hank Sherwood, James 183 Index of Shakespeare Matters Volume 3/4 (Summer 2004) 1, 11-15 Boyle, William E. 1, 16-21 Whittemore, Hank 2 Altrocchi, Paul H. 2 Farina, William 2 Sexton, Pidge 3 Editor 3 Editor 3 McNeil, Alex 4 Editor 4 Editor 4 Editor 5-6 Hunter, R. Thomas 7 Editor 7-8 Whalen, Richard F. 8 Mahon, John W. 8-10 Editor 22-25, 36 26-30 31 31 Berney, Charles Altrocchi, Paul H. Editor Whalen, Richard F. 31 31 Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. 31 31 32-33 33 Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Wright, Daniel L. Editor 34-36 Popova, Galina; Michael Brame Volume 4/1 (Fall 2004) 1, 10-14 Kositsky, Lynne ; R.Stritmatter 1, 15-21 Burris, Barbara 1, 8 Boyle, William E. 2 2 2-3 3 3 3 4, 32 5 5 7-Jun 7 9 22-27, 31+ 28-30 Burgstahler, Albert Cyr, Gordon C. Brame, Michael; Galina Popova Editor Editor Editor Wright, Daniel L. Berney, Charles Editor Rush, Peter Sexton, Pidge Wright, Daniel L. Whittemore, Hank Berney, Charles Volume 4/2 (Winter 2005) 1, 19-21 Berney, Charles 1, 8-11 Editor 2 Wennerstrom, Jack 2 Whittemore, Hank Editor: William E. Boyle With the Sonnets Now Solved . . . is the debate resolved? A Year in the Life: 1601 (I): ―authorize thy trespass with compare . . .‖ Letter: updates to My Turk: why the nickname? Letter: Chicago Oxford Society personnel Letter: building blocks metaphor Can Literature Be Evidence? Conference 2004 Who Will Believe My Verse? 400th Anniversary of Oxford‘s Death Noted by Media in US, UK Donate to SF Foundation Nominations to Board of Trustees The Nelson Dilemma (2003) More on Monstrous Adversary (2003) Letter: Monstrous Adversary by Alan Nelson (2003) Letter: Monstrous Adversary by Alan Nelson (2003) University of Tennessee Law School Hosts Shakespeare Authorship Symposium Leicester‘s Commonwealth: Portrait of a Serial Killer? Poison Power: natural death or murder most foul? Lady Pembroke as Shakespeare Makes Newsweek Book Notes: Never and For Ever, Adventures of Freeman Jones by Brame and Popova Book Notes: Sara Smith‘s Chasing Shakespeares (2008) Book Notes: Shakespeare and George Puttenham‘s Art of English Poesie by Ch. Willis Book Notes: The Dark Side of Shakespeare by W. Ron Hess (2002, 2003) Book Notes: The Shakespeare Question by Kateryna Sinkevych Good Night, Sweet Prince 3rd Annual Institute of Oxfordian Studies Summer Seminar - Aug. 8-13, 2004 Was Shakespeare Gay? Editor: William E. Boyle A Critique of the Monument Theory (2005) Back to the Ashbourne: more layers of Deception in the 2002 examination of portrait Engaging Prince Tudor: Concordia seminar touches the third rail of Oxfordianism Oxford issues Letter: response to previous issue Letter: linguistic fingerprints Where do we go from here? The Ashbourne Portrait Will in the World by Stephen Greenblatt (2004) Review of Will in the World by Greenblatt (2004) The Utrecht Conference A Psychologist on Authorship Shakespeare‘s Sonnets and the Aesopian Method Shakespeare Authorship Trust in London Prince Tudor Seminar: an Assessment A Year in the Life: 1601 (II): ―I . . . watch the clock for you‖ Sir Walter Scott as Paleo-Oxfordian, Part 3: The Monastery Editor: William E. Boyle Who Wrote The Spanish Tragedy? Fellowship‘s 3rd Annual Meeting Held in Baltimore Letter: Nabokov, nobility and the Nobel Prize Letter: The Monument (2005) 184 Index of Shakespeare Matters 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 6-7 Editor Editor Kositsky, Lynne Editor Editor Editor Reuters Boyle, William E. 11 12-18 Berney, Charles Dixon, Jonathan 22-23 Whalen, Richard F. 24-29 30-32 32 Whittemore, Hank Berney, Charles Editor Volume 4/3 (Spring 2005) 1, 12-19 Prechter, Jr., Robert R. 1, 7-10, 32 Boyle, William E. 2 2-3 3 4 4 5 6 6 8 11 20-23 23 Beauclerk, Charles Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Delahoyde, Michael Editor Berney, Charles Editor 23 Editor 23 24-29, 32 30-31 Editor Whittemore, Hank Berney, Charles Volume 4/4 (Summer 2005) 1, 12-17 Altrocchi, Paul H. 1, 18-27 Prechter, Jr., Robert R. 2 Shahan, John 2-4 Moffat, David 3 Boyle, William E.; R. Stritmatter 4 Burris, Barbara 4 Cyr, Gordon C. 5 Editor 5, 36 Editor 6-11 Berney, Charles 27 Fu, Richard 28-32 Whittemore, Hank 33 Boyle, William E. 34-36 Marlow, Stuart The Monument Theory (2005) Sideways President‘s Letter Paul Nitze dies at 97 (1907-2004) Authorship Question Surfaces on the Charlie Rose Talk Show Preview of the 2005 Ashland Authorship Conference Soul of the Age to Begin Filming in UK this Fall Have You No Shame? Greenblatt‘s Strat bio - and its reception – raises the stakes in the authorship battle The Astronomy of the Sonnets While Counterfeit Supposes Bleared Thine Eyne . . . Shakespeare as an authorship front man Review of Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare by Greenblatt (2004) A Year in the Life: 1601 (III): ―On better judgment making . . .‖ Confidential Video Bard: Merchant of Venice: 2004 and 1980 Oxford Week in Boston Editor: William E. Boyle The Sonnets Dedication Puzzle Name is New, the Beat Goes On, The: Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference Letter: pursuit of the truth in the authorship question 2005 Board Nominations and Proposed By-Laws Amendments Shakespeare in Washington, D.C. 2005 Ashland Authorship Conference: Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2005 Oxford Week in Boston: Sonnets and the law, Harvard and ―Veritas‖ A Shakespeare Festival in Washington, D.C. Changing of the Guard at the Globe Theatre Oxfordian Editions of the Shakespeare Plays on the Way Stratfordian Nostalgia Song 2005 Shakespeare Authorship Studies Seminar Robert, Earl of Essex--Who‘s Your Daddy? Book Notes: Great Oxford: Essays on the Life and Work of Edward de Vere, edited by Richard Malim (2004) Book Notes: Players: Mysterious Identity of William Shakespeare by B. Fields (2005) Book Notes: The Case for Shakespeare by Scott McCrea (2004) A Year in the Life: 1601 (IV): ―Three Winters Cold . . .‖ Some Further Thoughts on Jack the Ripper and Sir Walter Scott Editor: Roger Stritmatter Royal Shame, A: the origins and history of the Prince Tudor Theory The Sonnets Dedication Puzzle (II) Letter: Prechter‘s discovery Letter: Whittemore‘s The Monument (2005) From the Editors: Farewell . . . and thanks Ashbourne Portrait Letter: songs in Shakespeare Second Utrecht Authorship Conference Authorship Trust in London Hidden Allusions in Oxford‘s Spanish Tragedy Sidebar: A Review of the Statistical Tests A Year in the Life: 1601 (V): ―Your Trespass Now Becomes a Fee‖ Book Notes: Shakespeare by Another Name by Mark Anderson (2005) Insights on Shakespeare‘s Sources Fuel Lively Debate at Concordia Seminar 185 Index of Shakespeare Matters Volume 5/1 (Fall 2005) 1, 10, 26+ Schumann, Howard 2 Cutting, Bonner Miller 2 Shahan, John 3, 29-30 Swann, Greg 4, 7, 11-12 Detobel, Robert 5 Whalen, Richard F. 5-6 Ligon, K. C. 6 6 8-12 9, 28-29 12-13, 25+ Ligon, K. C. Kositsky, Lynne Delahoyde, Michael Miller, Ruth Loyd Ligon, K. C. 14-15 16-25 Desper, Richard Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Volume 5/2 (Winter 2006) 1, 12-15 Schumann, Howard 1, 15-21+ 2 2 3, 11, 29+ 4-5, 27-29 Zacharias, Peter Hackney, Orda Pate, Karen Editor Kennedy, Richard J. 6-9, 22 10 23 24-26, 30 Dunn, Michael Schumann, Howard Haste, Ian Anderson, Mark K. Volume 5/3 (Spring 2006) 1, 15-25 Brazil, Robert 1, 26-31 Schumann, Howard 2 Gontar, David P. 3 Anderson, Mark K. 3-4, 25-26 Editor 5 Editor 5-6 6 6 7-9 Editor Editor Editor Draya, Ren 10-15 Altrocchi, Paul H. Volume 5/4 (Summer 2006) 1, 25-30 Desper, Richard 2 Gontar, David P. 2-3 Hunter, R. Cetus 3, 22-24+ Editor 4 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 6-11 Cutting, Bonner Miller Editor: Roger Stritmatter OSF, SF, and SOS Join Forces in Historic Conference Letter: Shakespeare By Another Name by Mark Anderson (2005) Letter: Altrocchi‘s The Origins and History of the Tudor Theory Oxford‘s Torment: The Last Chapter in the Authorship Controversy Falstaff in the Low Countries News: Washington D.C.‘s Shakespeare Theatre Promotes Authorship Dialogue News: New Book Identifies Sir Henry Neville as the True Bard: The Truth Will Out by Brenda James and William Rubinstein (2005) News: Ruth Loyd Miller, Oxfordian Pioneer, Honored (1922-2005) News: University of Miami to Offer Course in Shakespeare‘s Law Damon and Pithias: Oxford Juvenalia? The Crown Signature: an enigma awaiting time‘s solution Review of Players: The Mysterious Identify of William Shakespeare by Fields (2005) Review of The Monument by Hank Whittemore (2005) Beyond Shakespeare: expanding the authorship theory Editor: Roger Stritmatter Anderson Named ―Oxfordian of the Year‖ at Ashland Conference Oxford‘s Years at Cecil House: the creation of a divided mind Letter: codes in the sonnets dedication Letter: appreciation of website From the Editor: 1604 and other red herrings Wookpack Man: John Shakspeare‘s Monument in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford Dethroning a Deity Review of Taming of the Shrew, Directed by Sam Taylor (1929) Reading Secretary Hand Bird by Bird: Mark Anderson interview with James Newcomb Editor: Roger Stritmatter Oxford‘s Heraldry Explained Concordia Proposes Shakespeare Authorship Studies Center Letter: Oxford and Elizabeth Letter: response to David Guntar‘s letter From the Editor: Fear and Loathing on the Oxford Trail: a cameo at the SAA News: Gotham Plans August 2006 Paperback Release of de Vere Bio (by Anderson) News: London‘s Brunel University Sponsors MA in Authorship Studies News: Oxford in the Torch News: Boston Film Producer to Shoot Oxford Documentary Oxford‘s Outsiders: from the lecture delivered at the FS-SOS conference in Ashland Bermoothes: an intriguing enigma Editor: Roger Stritmatter Stars or Suns: the portrayal of the Earls of Oxford in Elizabethan drama Letter: Shakespeare as a outsider Letter: the essential truth Something Rich and Strange: the Emerging World of Authorship Studies News: The Famous Poet ―Shakes His Spear‖ News: Shapiro to Write Book on the Authorship Question News: Special Authorship Issue of Rocky Mountain Review News: Tempest Essay Accepted by Academic Journal The Case of the Missing First Folio 186 Index of Shakespeare Matters 12-13 14-17 Delahoyde, Michael Editor 18-20 21 24 24 Moffat, David Haste, Ian Editor Editor 30-32 Paul, Christopher Volume 6/1 (Fall 2006) 1, 11-13 Regnier, Thomas 1, 9-11 Barrett, Jr., Robert M. 2 Haste, Ian 2 Rubinstein, William D. 3-4, 7-8 Editor 5-7 Ligon, K. C. 8, 30, 32 14-16 17-21 22-27 Whalen, Richard F. Ligon, K. C. McKay, Daniel Paul, Christopher 28-30 McNeil, Alex Volume 6/2 (Winter 2007) 1, 13-17+ Editor 1, 18-20+ Editor 2 Zacharias, Margaret 3, 30 Sharpe, Kathryn 3, 31 Story, Ted 4-5, 32 Editor 7-12 21-27, 30+ 28 29-30 Zacharias, Peter Hess, W. Ron Prechter, Jr., Robert R. Whalen, Richard F. Volume 6/3 (Spring 2007) 1, 13-25 Egan, Michael 1, 6-12 Korr, David 2 Prechter, Jr., Robert R. 2 Prechter, Jr., Robert R. 3, 26-29+ Stritmatter, Roger 4-5, 25 Editor 25, 30 32 Cutting, Bonner Miller Editor Music, Monkeys, and Publishing in de Vere‘s Venice Brunel University to Offer Masters in Authorship Studies: an interview with W. Leahy Some Principles of Sonnet Dedication Solutions The Secretary Hand - Part 2 News: Bard in Search of a Portrait News: New Book on Countess of Pembroke as Shakespeare (by Robin Williams) Letter: Altrocchi‘s article ―Bermoothes: An Intriguing Enigma‖ Editor: Roger Stritmatter Teaching Shakespeare and the Law Shakespeare, Meet Robert Frost . . . Letter: sonnet dedication puzzle Letter: Sir Henry Neville as Shakespeare Shakespeare‘s Language--and Our Education In Loving Memory: Ruth Loyd Miller (1922-2005) and Minos D. Miller (1921-2006) Review of The Shakespeare Wars by Ron Rosenbaum (2006) Elizabeth I: did she or didn‘t she? The Persona of the Courtly Poet in the Sonnets A First Blast of the Trumpet Against [Nelson‘s] Monstrous Adversary (2003) Visit to Yale‘s ―Searching for Shakespeare‖ Exhibit Editor: Roger Stritmatter 2nd Annual Joint Conference in Ann Arbor a Success Tilting Under Frieries: Narcissus (1595) and the Affair at Blackfriars Letter: her attendance at the SF/SOS Annual Conference Letter: sonnet dedication puzzle President‘s Blog . . . From a Never Writer: News: Anonymous Richard II Attributed to Shakespeare; Brunel MA Program in Authorship Receives Final Approval; University of Warwick to Host Conference on Shakespeare and the Law; Boston to Host Reading of New Authorship Play; Edward de Vere‘s Annotated Chronicle? A Boar Among the Flowers: The Adventures Passed by F. I. Did Thomas Heywood List ―Will Shakespeare‖ as an Imitator or Front? Another Coincidence? Shakespeare and Oxford together on the same day Don‘t Overlook the Endnotes Editor: Roger Stritmatter Richard II, Part 1 and the Crisis of Shakespeare Scholarship Hamlet‘s First Soliloquy: imagery beyond the language Letter: Shakespeare‘s use of Anglo-Saxon words Shaksper‘s Presence in Stratford Why Richard II, Part 1 is Even More Important Than You Think From a Never Writer: News: Shakespeare Authorship Coalition Launches Signature Drive; Nominations for Shakespeare Fellowship Board Approved; Anderson to Lecture in Taiwan; Beauclerk Planning Book on Authorship; Shakespeare Fellowship Announces 2007-08 Essay Contest; Authorship in the Washington Post; Triumph of Will: New York Times Survey Shows Stratford Myth is Alive and Well in Academia; Anne Barton on Authorship in the New York Review of Books Say It With Music Mouse that Roared: photo of members of the Shakespeare Authorship Coalition present their Declaration of Reasonable Doubt 187 Index of Shakespeare Matters Volume 6/4 (Summer 2007) 1, 24-31 Stott, Alan 1, 8-13 Cutting, Bonner; E. Showerman 2, 31 Herberger, Charles F. 3, 22-24 Stritmatter, Roger 4-5, 21-22 Editor 6, 13-17 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins 7, 17-21 Glawson, Jack Volume 7/1 (Fall 2007) 1, 14-18 Shahan, John 1, 21-23 Waugaman, Richard M. 1, 26-29+ Stritmatter, Roger 2 2 2, 31 3, 6, 31 4 4-5 Bowen, Pamella M. Egan, Michael Moskovich, Irina McNeil, Alex Whalen, Richard F. Editor 5 5 Showerman, Earl Waugaman, Richard M. 7-14 19-20 Prechter, Jr., Robert R. Stott, Alan 24-25 31 Malcolm, Sundra G. Pate, Karen Volume 7/2 (Winter 2008) 1, 18-20 Beauclerk, Charles 1, 21-30 Krasznekewicz, Allegra 1, 6-11, 32 2 2, 30-32 3, 30 4 4 4-5 5 12-17, 20 Waugaman, Richard M. Roper, David Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Anderson, Mark K. Anderson, Mark K. Anderson, Mark K. Editor Roe, Richard Paul Volume 7/3 (Spring 2008) 1, 21-27 Schumann, Howard 2, 9 Sharpe, Kathryn Editor: Roger Stritmatter Shakespeare—Who Held the Pen: Insights Meets Research 11th Annual Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference Convenes Letter: sonnet dedication puzzle Fencing with Dr. Wells . . . and clues from my mailbox From a Never Writer: News: New England Oxfordian News Dinner; McNeil in Globe; De Vere at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival; De Vere Essay Wins California State History Day Award; Mark Rylance, Author and Star of New Authorship Play; Brunel University and Shakespeare Authorship Trust Sponsor 2007 Silberrad Memorial Lectures; Anderson Brings Oxford to Tawain Four Hundred Years of Stonewalling: a reply to Stanley Wells in the Washington Post, Sunday, Mar. 18, 2007 The Mysterious Charlton Ogburn: remembering the man behind the myth-buster Editor: Roger Stritmatter Is There a Shakespeare Authorship Issue? Wanderlust Poem, Newly Attributed to Edward de Vere Joint SF-SOS Conference in Carmel: New Voices, Declaration of Reasonable Doubt Letter: Macbeth Letter: response to Bowen letter about Macbeth Letter: Shakespeare and the 6th Earl of Derby and Mary Sidney From Carmel: The President‘s Message News: Authorship Spoofs Stratford, Ontario From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Gordon Cyr (1926-2007), Isabel Holden (1915-2007), in Memoriam; SOS-SF Reunification Talks Progress; 2008 Joint Conference Scheduled for Eastern United States; Shakespeare Fellowship Extends Essay Contest Deadline; New Authorship Novel Reviewed by New York Times: Interred With Their Bones by Carrell (2007); New Oxfordian Editions Series in Print News: Farina Speaks in Ashland DC‘s Shakespeare Theatre Company Acknowledges Authorship Controversy A Deeper Look at the Arthur Golding Canon Review of Number and Geometry in Shakespeare‘s Macbeth by Sylvia Eckersley, Edited by Alan Thewless (2007) M.O.A.I. Unriddled: Anatomy of an Oxfordian Reading Letter: History Mystery activity Editor: Roger Stritmatter Isabel Holden (1915-2007): In Memoriam William Shakespeare and the Authorship Controversy: a study in literary triumph and historical tragedy Shakespearean Snail Poem, Newly Attributed to Edward de Vere Letter: Malcolm‘s letter re M.O.A.I. from Twelfth Night Letter: doubts about Shakspeare in the academy Review of Shakespeare: The World as Stage by Bill Bryson (2007) News: Bill Bryson Still Confused News: Shakespeare Video Game: in search of an author News: More Red Herrings . . . and an Oxfordian silver bullet Notes: In Memoriam: Peter R. Moore (1948-2007) and Susan Sybersma Italian Directions for English Merchants Editor: Roger Stritmatter Groundbreaking! Authorship Studies Research Centre Arrives at Concordia University Letter: the M. O. A. I. Riddle in Twelfth Night 188 Index of Shakespeare Matters 3, 17-18 4, 19-20 Stritmatter, Roger Editor 5, 14, 32 6, 28-31 7, 15-16 8-9 Mosher, Sally Whalen, Richard F. Waugaman, Richard M. Editor 10-14 Waugaman, Richard M. 19-20 Anderson, Mark K. Volume 7/4 (Fall 2008) 1, 22-27 Farina, William 1, 5-7, 27 Hurst, Thomas 1-2, 18-21 Draya, Ren 3, 9, 12-14 Editor 4, 14 8, 10-11+ 14 14-18 Anderson, Mark K. Waugaman, Richard M. Anderson, Mark K. Editor 15 Dickson, Peter W. Volume 8/1 (Winter 2009) 1, 13-18+ Benedick 1, 20-22 Delahoyde, Michael 1, 6-12, 28 Schumann, Howard 2 2 3-4, 19 3-4, 19 19 5, 23-26 28 Ray, William J. Showerman, Earl Editor Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Hyde, Mike Whalen, Richard F. Volume 8/2 (Spring 2009) 1, 13-23+ Cutting, Bonner Miller 1, 23-26+ Haste, Ian 1, 6-11 2 2, 27-28 3, 28 Schumann, Howard Desper, Richard Green, Stuart J. Editor New York‘s Shakespearean Tragedy: authorship and the Astor Place riots From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Trustee Nominations: Regnier, Cutting, Goldstein, and Story; 4th Annual Joint SOS/SF Conference Scheduled for 2008; Oxfordiana in China, Round Two; Sue Sybersma Passes On . . .; Elizabethan Review Available on CD; Anderson on Spring ‗08 Tour on Authorship Debate; Hath Shakespeare Been a Tourist in Venice?; Authorship in the Princeton Alumni Review; Wall Street Journal: Official Shakespeare Story Wearing Thin Dueling Stylometricians: Shahan vs. Elliott Overlooked Sub-Plot in Macbeth Reveals Oxford‘s Hand Review of Shakespeare by Another Name by Mark K. Anderson (2005) Meet the Trustee Nominees . . . Gary Goldstein, Tom Regnier, Bonner Miller Cutting, Ted Story Review of Anonymity: A Secret History of English Literature by John Mullan (2007) News: New England Authorship Conference Editor: Roger Stritmatter Coriolanus and Edward de Vere: another good reason to be an Oxfordian Sueuenteen Fat Oxen: Sidney‘s Arcadia and the Authorship Question Edward de Vere‘s Hand in Titus Andronicus: the play as primer In Praise of Amateurism: review of Burke On Shakespeare, edited by Newstok (2007) News: Mark Anderson Reports from Sin City Review of Shakespeare the Thinker by A. D. Nuttall (2007) News: Mark Rylance Wins Tony From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Who‘s the Crackpot?; Shapiro: Anti-Stratfordians Just ―Don‘t Understand‖; Beard of Avon Continues to Raise Consciousness, Garner Kudos . . . ; Marlowe: Still Not Dead: Review of The Marlowe-Shakespeare Connection by Blumenfeld (2008); Whittemore Sonnet Cycle Premieres; New Kid‘s Book Promotes Oxford; Noted Oxfordian Passes: Frank O‘Connell (1914-2008); New Globe Director ―Debunks‖ Authorship Questionable; Authorship Blogs News: Folger Nabs First Folio Thief Editor: Roger Stritmatter Benedick and Beatrice‘s Excellent Adventure Oxford‘s Railing Muse Fourth Annual Joint Conference: de Vere bio series prepared to rock cable TV? Letter: Farina and Coriolanus Letter: Waugaman, Nuttall and Timon From a Never Writer to an Ever Writer: News . . . The Strachey Letter Letter to Dr. Alden Vaughan about The Tempest and the Strachey Letter News: Stanley Wells: Once More Into the Breach . . . Who Was Spenser‘s E.K.? Another Look at the Evidence Letter: dates of Shakespeare‘s plays Editor: Roger Stritmatter The Case of the Wrong Countess Name Within the Ring: Edward de Vere‘s ―musical‖ signature in Merchant of Venice Concordia Authorship Research Center Set to Open . . . Letter: Benedick and Beatrice‘s Excellent Adventure Letter: the authorship question and the authorship organizations Who Are These Oxfordians - And Why Are They Making My Life So Miserable 189 Index of Shakespeare Matters 4 4-5 5 Goldstein, Gary B. Goldstein, Gary B. Whalen, Richard F. 5, 12 12 Whalen, Richard F. Editor Volume 8/3 (Summer 2009) 1, 12-15 Draya, Ren 1, 7-11, 27 Showerman, Earl 2 Goldstein, Gary B. 2 Moffat, David 3, 28 Editor 4 Desper, Richard 4-5 Editor 5 Showerman, Earl 6, 15, 18+ McNeil, Alex 16-18 Gordon, Helen H. 20, 25-26 21-24 Waugaman, Richard M. Fiore, Nora News: New Oxfordian Books by Gordon, Caruso, Garcia News: A Cup of Publication News News: What‘s in a Portrait? Cobbe Portrait Joins the Crowd of Shakespeare Pretenders News: Oxford in the Wall Street Journal News: Branagh in Doubt? Editor: Roger Stritmatter Song in Shakespeare‘s Plays Shakespeare‘s Plutarchan Nomenclature: the company of noble Grecians Letter: Praise for Haste‘s article on Merchant of Venice Letter: lack of evidence for the Stratford man Shakespeare‘s Missing Shoe News: NextGen Oxfordians: Fiore, Howley and Swift win essay contest From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Showerman at the Lifelong Learning Institute; From Port Townsend News: More From the Ashland Front What to the Oxfordians Think? Review of Elizabeth and Shakespeare: The Meeting of Two Myths by Hackett (2009) Review of The Anonymous Renaissance by Marcy L. North (2003) Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing: the keys to Shakespeare Volume 8/4 (Fall 2009) Editor: Roger Stritmatter 1, 21-25 Stritmatter, Roger; Gary Goldstein Brief Chronicles Launches in Cyberspace 1, 6-7 Editor; Richard F. Whalen Oxfordian Editions Project Publishes 2nd Volume: SM interview with Richard F. Whalen 1, 8-9, 27 Waugaman, Richard M. Echoes of the Lamed Section of Psalm 119 in Shakespeare‘s Sonnets 2 Stone, Elliott Letter: academics‘ private doubts 2, 26 Hunter, R. Thomas Contesting Shapiro 3 Showerman, Earl From the New President 4-5, 15-20+ Editor From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Receives ‗09 ―Oxfordian of the Year‖ Award; Remembering K. C. Ligon; Remembering Andrew Hannas (19412009); Psychoanalysts Read to Deal with Authorship; Shapiro Kicks Off Book Tour at the Folger; 2009 Authorship Issue of Critical Survey 10-15 Tassinari, Lamberto The Italian Connection: an introduction 16 Stritmatter, Roger News: And Shakespeare Yearbook Editor Brooks . . . 16-17 Showerman, Earl News: Paul Nicholson, Director of the OSF, Goes Rogue on Stratfordian Establishment 17-18 Shahan, John; Linda Theil News: Justice Stevens and O‘Connor Sign Declaration of Reasonable Doubt 18 Detobel, Robert News: Kreiler in Der Spiegel 18-19 Burgstahler, Albert News: Collaborative Authorship for Edward III? 19 Goldstein, Gary B. News: Elizabethan Review Available on CD in Searchable PDF Format Volume 9/1 (Winter 2010) 1, 14-21 A‘Dair, Mike 1, 7-13, 28 Sharpe, Kathryn 2 Joyrich, Richard 2 Waugaman, Richard M. 3 Showerman, Earl 4 Anderson, Mark K. 4-6, 22-23+ Editor Editor: Roger Stritmatter Charles Wisner Barrell (1885-1974): a biographical sketch 2009 Joint Shakespeare Authorship Conference Letter: Waugaman‘s article ―Echoes of the ‗Lamed‘‖ Reply to Richard Joyrich‘s letter Make Your Reservations for Ashland! News: 2010: A blockbuster Year for Authorship Studies From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Holderness: Shakespeare‘s Bio is the Earl of Oxford‘s; Editor News: Beauclerk to Publish Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom (2010); Moore‘s Lame Storyteller Issued (2009); Brief Chronicles Signs New Editors; Altrocchi-Whittemore Series on the History of Authorship; 190 Index of Shakespeare Matters 24-27 Whalen, Richard F. Volume 9/2 (Spring/Summer 2010) 1, 6-11 Schumann, Howard 1, 13-21, 27 Schumann, Howard 2 Zenith, Richard 2 Waugaman, Richard M. 3, 27 Showerman, Earl 4, 10-13, 24 Editor 5-25 Whalen, Richard F. 22-23, 28 Goldstein, Gary Volume 9/3 (Fall 2010) 1, 15-18 Waugaman, Richard M. 1, 19-20 1, 21-22+ Holderness, Graham Cecil, Michael 2, 26-29 Anonymous 3, 29-30 Showerman, Earl 4-6, 23-26 Editor 4-5 7-11, 30 12-14, 31+ 23 24-25 Goldstein, Gary B. Waugaman, Richard M. Cutting, Bonner Miller Andrews, John Waugaman, Richard M. Volume 10/1 (Winter 2011) 1, 13-14 Story, Ted 1, 15-27 Ray, William J. 1, 7-12 Stritmatter, Roger 2-5 Editor 5 5-6 Goldstein, Gary B. Smith, Sarah Waugaman Publishing Spree; Catholic Bard Update: Times Online Busy ―Imagining‖; Oliver Kamm‘s Anti-Eddy Antics Greenblatt on Bate: Shakespeare biographies must use imaginative daring and narrative cunning . . . Editor: Roger Stritmatter Authorship in Cyberspace Authorship Research Centre Dedicated: Beauclerk Launches New Book at SASC Letter to Rick Waugaman re Pessoa and Shakespeare Letter: Waugaman response to Zenith From the President: Report of the Nominating Committee From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Rhys Ifans: A Glorious Spanner in Academia; German Oxfordians Establish Neue Shakespeare Gesellschaft; Whittemore on the Shapiro Beat; Leahy/Continuum Issue Volume on Authorship; Stratfordian Skull and Bones Cult: Pissing on Delia‘s Grave; Authorship Question Spreads in Psychoanalytical Community; Orloff vs. Shapiro; Brief Chronicles in Germany; Holderness Retracts Statement – Sort of, Anyway Review of The Lame Storyteller, Poor and Despised by Peter R. Moore (2009) Portrait of an Oxfordian Scholar: Peter Moore (1949-2007) Editor: Roger Stritmatter Shakespeare‘s Sonnet 6 and the First Marked Passage in the de Vere Bible The Road to Oxford William Cecil and Shakespeare: revisiting the 1st Baron Burghley‘s ―Precepts‖ The Mouse and the Lion: responses from an Orthodox source The Road Not Taken . . . From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Stanley Wells – ―On the Road‖ to Oxford?; Declaration of Reasonable Doubt Garners New Celebrity Signers; Brief Chronicles Issues Vol. II (2010); EaganDonovan Doc Receives Funding; S. F. Member Waugaman at the Center for Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies; Showerman to Teach Southern Oregon University Course on Authorship; SQ to Experiment With Online Pre-Publication Comments; Stritmatter and Kositsky in SY; Robbie Brazil, Oxfordian Researcher, RIP (1955-2010); Showerman Recognized by Gale Publishing News: Richard Roe Passes (d. 2010) Review of Hamlet Himself by Bronson Feldman (2010) A Contest of Wills: Reviewing Shapiro‘s Reviewers News: Advanced Bardic Palinology News: Year‘s Work in English Studies Editor: Alex McNeil; Design Editor: Roger Stritmatter Ben Jonson Made Me Laugh Proving Oxfordian Authorship of ―Sweet Cytherea‖ Conference 2010: Ashland, Oregon! From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: Wait Till They See This; Gale Publishing to Reprint Oxfordian Research; Dr. Waugaman Launches New Web Site; New Whittemore Book: Shakespeare‘s Son and His Sonnets (2004); U.S. Publisher to Bring Out New Book on Oxford; German Book on Oxford to Appear in Paperback: Kurt Kreiler‘s Der Mann, der Shakespeare erfand; Autumn Events: Roe Book and Emmerich Movie: Anonymous News: In Memoriam, Robert Brazil (1955-2011) News: Joanna and Bob Wexler: A Remembrance 191 Index of Shakespeare Matters 6 28 McNeil, Alex McNeil, Alex Volume 10/2 (Spring 2011) 1, 27-30 Waugaman, Richard M. 1, 24-26 Wilkinson, Heward 1, 21-23+ McNeil, Alex 1, 17-23+ Stritmatter, Roger 2 Editor 3-8 Editor and Richard Waugaman 3-8, 28 Editor 4-5 9-16, 32 32 Waugaman, Richard M. Streitz, Paul Editor Vol. 10/3 (Summer 2011) 1, 24-30 Whalen, Richard F. 8-12 Boyle, William E. 1, 12-17+ 2 Showerman, Earl Cutting, Bonner Miller 3, 35 4, 32-34 Showerman, Earl Editor 4, 32 Ray, William J. 5-6, 20-23+ Farina, William 7, 18-20 Kositsky, Michael Vol. 10/4 (Fall 2011) 1, 7-15, 31+ Stott, Alan 1, 16-23 Schumann, Howard 2, 32 Showerman, Earl 3, 32 McNeil, Alex 4-5 Editor 4-5 6, 31 24-31 Editor Editor Ray, William J. Elliott Stone (1931-2010) Joseph Sobran (1946-2010) Editor: Alex McNeil; Design Editor: Roger Stritmatter Sonnet 80, Marlowe, and Hero and Leander James Shapiro and the Sources of Literary Imagination . . . But Not Shakespeare: Absence of Evidence or Evidence of Absence? Amazon Reviews: Is the Tide Shifting? Report of the Nominating Committee From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News . . . From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: 2011 Joint Conference Scheduled for Wash., D.C.; 2011 Student Essay Contest Announced; Oregon High Schoolers Tackle Authorship Question; ―I Am That I Am‖ Dated to 1578; Authorship Discussed at Texas English Conference; Brief Chronicles Vol. II Sent to History Professors; Over 2,000 Sign Declaration of Reasonable Doubt; Authorship Events in Cambridge, MA News: Oxford‘s Motto Noted in Margin of 1602 Book Oxford and the King James Bible Photo of Delia Bacon and comment about her by Walt Whitman Editor: Alex McNeil; Design Editor: Roger Stritmatter Look Not On This Picture: Ambiguity in the Shakespeare First Folio Preface Wikipedia Wars: is coverage of the authorship questions ―fair and balanced‖? Shakespeare‘s Shylock and the Strange Case of Gaspar Ribeiro Letter: Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 and its Review of Brief Chronicles From the President: The Watershed News: Dating Shakespeare‘s Plays, edited by Kevin Gilvary; In Memoriam: Dr. Noemi Magri; In Memoriam: Norma Howe; Adair Volume Available; Authorship Index Available From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News: I Know Why the Caged Stratfordian Mutters: John Crace‘s Article about Roland Emmerich‘s Film Anonymous; Origins of Shylock‘s Venice: Mermaid Tavern or H. K. U.? Detective Superintendent Blattshap Gets His Man (a play in one act) Editor: Alex McNeil; Design Editor: Roger Stritmatter Shakespeare: treason or transformation? Emmerich Honored, Anonymous Screened at SASC From the President Anonymous Dramatizes the Authorship Question From a Never Writer to an Ever Reader: News . . . We‘re Moving!; in Memoriam, Tom Hunter (1942-1911); Showerman BC Article Reprinted by Gale; Shakespeare Makes You Smarter?; Shapiro Plays Nazi Card – Again; Monkeys on Typewriters: ―Close to Reproducing Shakespeare‖? Ben August to Join Fellowship Board Anonymous Generates Publicity Tsunami Board of Trustees Statement on Anonymous Two Years After Contested Will or, How Are the Stratfordians Doing? 192 INDEX OF THE SHAKESPEARE OXFORD NEWSLETTER (SON) Published quarterly since 1965 by The Shakespeare Oxford Society Vol. 1/1 (1965) 1-3 Editor Editor: Trusts and Trustees (legality of Hopkins‘ legacy for study of the authorship question) Vol. 1/2 (1965, June 30) 1-2 Edmonds, Dean S. Editor: Death of SOS President and Executive Officer Francis T. Carmody Vol. 1/3 (1965, August) Volume missing Editor: Vol. 2/1 (1966, March 30) 1, 3 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 2 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Oxfordian News and SOS Business Comments on an article in the New Yorker by John McCabe of New York University Vol. 2/2 (1966, June 30) 1-2 Editor 3 Editor Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Oxfordian News and SOS Business Shakespeare Portrait X-Rayed (reprint of article from the Times, May 28, 1966) Vol. 2/3 (1966, Oct. 30) 1-2 Editor 3-4 Editor 3-5 Editor 5 Editor Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Southampton Manuscript in Library of St. John‘s College, Cambridge Bacon Papers in Archbishop of Canterbury Library in Lambeth Palace Edmund Spenser and William Shakespeare News: recent talks on Oxford Vol. 2/4 (1966, Dec. 15) 1-2 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. SOS Business and Newsletter Vol. 3/1 (1967, April 15) 1-2 Editor Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Update on Activities to Promote Oxford Vol. 3/2 (1967, July 27) 1-2 Editor Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Activities to Promote Oxford Vol. 3/3 (1967, Dec. 11) 1-2 Editor Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. SOS Business Vol. 4/1 (1968, May 25) 1-4 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian Developments Vol. 5/1: (1969, Feb. 28) 1-6, 8-9 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian Developments: Light at the end of the tunnel in 1969? Hardly, baring a miracle. Chances of getting your Oxfordian article published? None. Provincial Dialect in Shakesper‘s Day 6-8 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Vol. 5/2 (1969, April 7) 1 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 2-6 Barrell, Charles Wisner 7 Editor Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian News Earliest Authenticated ―Shakespeare‖ Transcript Found with Oxford‘s Personal Poems (reprinted from SAQ, April, 1945) Editorial Notes on A. C. Common-Place Book in Folger Library 193 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 5/3 (1969, July 31) 1-2 Editor 3-16 Benezet, Louis Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian News The Stratford Defendant Compromised By His Own Advocates (reprinted from SAQ, 1944, 1945) Vol. 5/4 (1969, Dec. 10) 1 Editor 2-4 Frisbee, George 5 Burgess, Gelett Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian News Shame on the Professors (reprinted from SFA, Oct., 1943) Modern Research Sheds New Light on Bard of Avon (reprinted from the New York Herald Tribune, June 3, 1947) An Unconsidered Trifle Snapped Up 6-9 Manwell, Margaret K. Vol. 6/1 (1970, March 31) 1, 17 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 1-5 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 6-8 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 8-11 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 12 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 13-15 16-17 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Horne, Jr., Richard C. Vol. 6/2 (1970, June 30) 1-2 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 4 4 4 4-5 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Horne, Jr., Richard C. Horne, Jr., Richard C. Editor Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian News Meanwhile, Back at the ―Shrine‖ . . . Review of The Authorship of Shakespeare, Folger Library Booklet by James G. McManaway, edited by Louis B. Wright (1962) Review of The Folger Library General Reader‘s Shakespeare, edited by Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. Lamar (1969) Review of ―The Author‖ by Dr. Louis B. Wright, in Plays and Poems (1970) The Earl of Oxford and the Privy Council The Folger Shakespeare Library Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. More Comments on Folger Library General Reader‘s Shakespeare, and Shakespeare‘s Poems, both edited by Louis B. Wright The Earl of Hertford Is a Search for Original ―Shakespeare‖ Manuscripts Worthwhile? J. Thomas Looney‘s Anniversaries Reprint of a Privie Council Letter from April 8, 1603 with signature of Edward de Vere As Privie Councillor (property of the Folger Shakespeare Library) Vol. 6/3 (1970, Dec. 30) 1-2 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian News Vol. 7/1 (1971, March 30) 1-3 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 1 Cyr, Gordon C. Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian News Review of Rational Belief: An Introduction to Logic by Albert Frye and Albert Levi (1941) [concludes that ―de Vere is with a high degree of probability the author.‖] Discoveries by H. K. Kennedy-Skipton Review of Shakespeare‘s Lives by S. Schoenbaum (1970) 2 4-12 Editor Editor Vol. 7/2 (1971, June 1) 1-3 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 4 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 5 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 6-7 Altrocchi, Julia Cooley 7 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 7-18 Barrell, Charles Wisner Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Newsweek Article on the Authorship Issue quoting A. L. Rowse The Earl of Northampton (Henry Howard, 1540-1614) Professor S. Schoenbaum and Benjamin de Mott The Diamond Tablet Wasn‘t Shakespeare Someone Else by R. L. Tweedale (1971) Queen Elizabeth‘s Master Showman Shakes a Spear in Her Defense (reprinted from SAQ, 1947, Spring) Vol. 8/1 (1972, Jan.) 1-3 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 4 Reinhold, Robert Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Comments on a talk by S. Schoenbaum at the Folger Library World Shakespeare Congress, Vancouver, Aug. 21/28, 1971 (reprinted from the New York Times, Aug. 29, 1971 Letter to the Editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 2, 1971 Reprint of the Title Page of Apxaionomia (courtesy of the Folger Library) 194 5 6-7 Cyr, Gordon C. Editor Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 8-7 9-10 10-11 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Cyr, Gordon C. Horne, Jr., Richard C. Vol. 8/2 (1972, May) 1-2 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 2 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 3-5 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 5-7 Healy, Charlton Review of The Shakespeare Authorship Question by Craig Huston (1971) Shaksper‘s ―Genius‖ – Some Alleged Parallels Recent Oxfordian News Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian News Robert Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit, With Alleged First Reference to ―Shakespeare‖ Has Been Proved a Forgery by Chettle Review of The Romance of Yachting by Col. Joseph C. Hart (1848) (perhaps first book to question validity of Shaksper as author) Letter: concerning Colonel Joseph Hart, author of The Romance of Yachting Vol. 8/3 (1972, Sept.) Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. 1 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Recent Oxfordian News 2 Powell, Rt. Honorable J. Enoch Letter to Richard C. Horne, Jr., expressing doubt about any connection between the author of the plays and the person referred to by Greene as ―Shake-scene‖ 4 Horne, Jr., Richard C. New Light on the Box Atop the Stratford Moniment 5 Editor Verso of Title Page of Apxaionamia, with possible signature by W. Shaksper 6-10 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Professor Knight‘s ―Discovery‖ of the ―Million Dollar Dot‖ and the New Shakespeare Signature Vol. 9/1 (1973, Winter) 1, 10-14 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 1-2 Thorpe, Day 3 3 3-6 7 8-10 14 Hardison, Jr., O. B. Horne, Jr., Richard C. Huston, Craig Horne, Jr., Richard C. Gilfillan, S. Colum Horne, Jr., Richard C. Vol. 9/2 (1973, Autumn) 1-5 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 6-8 8-12 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Feldman, Abraham 13 14 14-15 16 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Horne, Jr., Richard C. Singleton, Esther Horne, Jr., Richard C. Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian News Does the Folger Want the Truth About Shakespeare? (reprinted from the Washington Sunday Star and Daily News (Dec. 17, 1972) Letter to the Washington Sunday Star and Daily News Comments on Letters in the Washington Sunday Star and Daily News Letter: two recent discoveries – a letter and a vase Will Stratford ―Birthplace Trust‖ Proclaim a State of Siege? Letter: authorship issues Review of Oxford and His Elizabethan Ladies by Eleanor Brewster (1972) Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian News: News Coverage of Attack on the Stratford Monument The Lord Chamberlain‘s Company of Players Shakespeare‘s Jester—Oxford‘s Servant, reprinted from SAQ, 1947, Autumn (Vol. VIII, No. 3) Further Notes on the Hunsdons: Lord Chamberlains of the Household The Henry Clay Folgers and Esther Singleton Was Edward de Vere Shakespeare? More Recent Oxfordian News Vol. 10/1 (1974, Summer-Fall) 1-4 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 5-6 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Editor: Richard C. Horne, Jr. Recent Oxfordian News Are We Oxfordians ―Ignorant and Naïve Snobs‖? Vol. 11/1 (1975, Winter-Spring 1 Cyr, Gordon C. 1-4 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 4 Editor 5 Alexis, Louis E. M. 5-6 Editor 6-7 R. R. 7-8 Patience, Harold W. Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Editor‘s Note Recent Trips to England The Harvard Case British Oxfordian Develops Theory on ―Dram of Eale‖ Problem Solzhenitsyn Uses Anti-Stratfordian‘s Arguments The Oxfordian Case in the Essex Press Only Oxford could Have Written These Masterpieces (reprinted from Braintree & Witham Times, July 27, 1973) 195 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 8-10 Editor 10 Patience, Harold W. Reprint of 3 articles from the East Anglian Daily Times: American Seeks Aid Over Essex Theory on the Bard, July 7, 1973; Poetry in Motion, July 10, 1973; Shakespeare Country, July 18, 1973) Triumphant at the Battle of Twekesbury, King Edward Exclaims: ―Away With Oxford to Hames Castle Straight!‖ Vol. 11/2 (1975, Summer) 1 Cyr, Gordon C. 1-19 Cyr, Gordon C. 19-22 Alexis, Louis E. M. 23-28 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Editor‘s Note An Oxfordian Reply to Two Harvard Professors (Evans and Levin) Plato and Clown William Review of A Documentary Life of Shakespeare by S. Schoenbaum (1975) Vol. 11/3 (1975, Fall) 1 Cyr, Gordon C. 2-3 Horne, Jr., Richard C. 3-4 Cyr, Gordon C. 5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 6 Cyr, Helen W. Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Editor‘s Note James Wilmot, An Early Doubter Three Oxfordian Classics Are Re-Issued In Memoriam: Charles Wisner Barrell (d. 1975) In Memoriam: Stanley P. Lovell (d. 1976) In Memoriam: Captain Evelyn Broadwood (d. 1975) Recent Oxfordian News Review of The Harvard Concordance to Shakespeare by Marvin Sperack (1973) Special Issue (1976, March) 1 Cyr, Gordon C. Editor: Gordon C. Cyr In Memoriam: Richard C. Horne, Jr. (d. 1976) Vol. 12/1 (1976, Spring) 1 Cyr, Gordon C. 1-2 Editor 2-3, 6 Editor 4 Cyr, Helen W. 5-6 Cyr, Gordon C. Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Editor‘s Note SOS First National Conference in 1976 Recent Oxfordian News Oxfordians as Scholars Review of Shakespeare Identified and The Poems of Edward de Vere, by J. Thomas Looney, 3rd Edition edited by Ruth Loyd Miller (1975) Vol. 12/2 (1976, Summer) 1 Cyr, Gordon C. 1-3 Editor 4 Cyr, Gordon C. 4 Editor 5-6 Cyr, Helen W. Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Editor‘s Note Conference 1976 Plans Review of Absent Thee From Felicity by Rhoda Henry Messner (1976) In Memoriam: Anthony William Deller (d. 1976) The Work of the Society: Research or Spectator Sport? Vol. 12/3 (1976, Fall) 1 Cyr, Gordon C. 1-3 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 3-5 Cyr, Helen W. 5 Fowler, William Plumer 6-8 Marder, Louis; Rhoda Messner Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Editor‘s Note: Election of Charlton Ogburn, Jr. as SOS President President‘s Message Report on the SOS National Conference, Sept. 24-26, 1976 Sonnet CXL: ―A Never Writer To An Ever Reader‖ Marder‘s Responses to Readers‘ Challenges and Rebuttal by Messner, Part 1 (from The Shakespeare Newsletter, 1963) Student Newspaper Features SOS Member and Oxford Theory (UCLA Daily Bruin) To Be Or Not To Be? Review of Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare‘s Plays by Eva Turner Clark, 3rd Revised Edition edited by Ruth Loyd Miller (1974) Monument vs. Moniment 9 Cyr, Gordon C. 9-10 10-11 Cyr, Gordon C. Cyr, Gordon C. 12 Kloepfer, John G. Vol. 12/4 (1976, Winter) 1 Editor 2 Editor Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Chairman of the Membership Committee Russell des Cognets Promotes Membership Review of Shakespeare Cross-Examination edited by the American Bar Association Journal (1961) 196 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 2-3 3-6 Patience, Harold W. Marder, Louis; Rhoda Messner 6-7 Cyr, Gordon C. 7-8 Cyr, Gordon C. Vol. 13/1 (1977, Spring) 1 Cyr, Gordon C. 1-6 Looney, J. Thomas 6-7 8-10 Editor Marder, Louis; Rhoda Messner Henslowe‘s Diary Marder‘s Responses to Readers‘ Challenges and Rebuttal by Messner, Part 2 (from The Shakespeare Newsletter, 1963) Review of A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers, with an Introduction by Captain Bernard Mordaunt Ward, 2nd Edition Edited by Ruth Loyd Miller (1975) Review of Secrets of Shakespeare by Bronson Feldman (1972) Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Editor‘s Note Shakespeare: A Missing Author (condensed version, reprinted from SFA, Vol. II, No. 2, Feb. 1941) Shakespearean Authorship Society News Marder‘s Responses to Readers‘ Challenges and Rebuttal by Messner, Part 3 (reprinted from The Shakespeare Newsletter, 1963) Vol. 13/2 (1977, Summer) 1-4 Editor 4-5 Editor 5 Editor 5 Editor 5-8 Editor 8-9 Cyr, Gordon C. 11 Editor Editor: Gordon C. Cyr A Post Mortem on the Messner-Marder Exchange Noted Stratfordian Objects to Shakespeare‘s ―Imaginary Life‖ In Memoriam: Ralph Tweedale Overpainting on the ―Ashbourne‖ Portrait: A Conservator‘s View SOS Chapters Take Hold; Activities in England; Sir Horace Vere‘s Will Shakespeare Country: Real and Imagined More on Ruth Loyd Miller Vol. 13/3 (1977, Fall) 1-2 Cyr, Helen W. 2-5 Editor 5-7 Editor 7-8 Editor Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Détente With the Orthodox Stratfordians: Possibility or Impossibility? Shakespeare Oxford Society Second National Conference Sept. ―Mini-Conference of SOS Members at Chevy Chase Library Sol Feinstone Makes Generous Gift to Shakespeare Oxford Society, and Resolution of Appreciation by SOS Board of Trustees And While We Are At It! (appreciation of Rhoda Messner) Shakespeare and Colchester 8 8-10 Editor Patience, Harold W. Vol. 14/1 (1978, Winter) 1-2 Feldman, Bronson 2 Editor 3-4 Patience, Harold W. 5-6 Cyr, Gordon C. 6-7 Editor 7-8 9 9-10 Editor Editor Editor Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Noblesse Oblige Recent Oxfordian News The Born Descendant Harvard Case, Part II Shakespeare‘s Gardener (notice of article ―Stalking the Long Purple‖ by Jules Janick in Horticulture Magazine, Nov. 1977) IRS Letter verifying tax-exempt status for SOS In Memoriam: Louis E. M. Alexis More on the ―Ashbourne‖ Pedigree Vol. 14/2 (1978, Spring) 1-3 Editor 3-4 Kloepfer, Deborah Kelly 4-6 Hope, Warren 6 Cyr, Gordon C. Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Famous People Comment . . . The Case for Edward de Vere in the Classroom Prejudice and Shakespeare Editor‘s Note Vol. 14/3 (1978, Summer) 1-3 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 3 Patience, Harold W. 3-4 Cyr, Gordon C. Editor: Gordon C. Cyr The Quest for Shakespeare‘s Manuscripts New Books of Interest to Oxfordians Prejudice and Shakespeare – Continued [Warren Hope and College English] Oxfordiana From Mensa [E. Jimmee Stein‘s article] Look Not On His Picture Common Sense About ―Shake-Speare‖ Philip Platt‘s Library 197 5 5-6 6-7 8 Editor Editor Alexis, Louis E. M. Editor Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 8 Editor Vol. 14/4 (1978, Fall) 1-2 Hope, Warren 2-3 Patience, Harold W. 3 3-5 Editor Editor Milleriana Editor: Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Craig Huston: A Tribute (d. 1978) A Book of Interest to Oxfordians: Elizabethan Life: Wills of Essex Gentry and Merchants by F. G. Emmison (1978) Stratfordian Theatres to Have an Oxfordian Rival SOS Third Annual Conference Vol. 15/1 (1979, Winter) 1-3 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 3-4 Editor 4 Editor 4 Editor 4-5 Editor 5-7 Hope, Warren Editor: Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Shakespeare on Television Morse Johnson and the Enquirer Again in the Van De Vere the Subject of Script-Writing Contest Success of Shakespeare Cross-Examination From England (news of talk by Harold W. Patience) Review of Hamlet Himself by Bronson Feldman (1977) Vol. 15/2 (1979, Spring) 1-7 Editor 7 Editor 7 Editor 8 Patience, Harold W. Editor: Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Henry Clay Folger‘s Memorial Educational Television Versus Honesty in Programming From England A Book of Interest to Oxfordians: The Fighting Veres by Clements Markham, 1888 Notice about Containing the Lives of the Earls of Oxford by Arthur Collins, 1752 8-9 Editor Vol. 15/3 (1979, Summer) 1-6 Cyr, Gordon C. 7 Cyr, Gordon C. Editor: Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Portrait Identified: ―Ashbourne‖ Sitter Not Oxford, New Findings Show Oxfordian Theory Gets Coverage in Stratfordian Periodical Vol. 15/3 (1979, Fall) 1-5 Editor 5-7 Editor Editor: Charlton Ogburn, Jr. The Many Guises of Edward de Vere More on the Portrait [Ashbourne Portrait] Vol. 16/1 (1980, Winter) 1 Editor 2-4 Editor Editor: Charlton Ogburn, Jr. A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers Revisited The Missing Link [similarity between Oxford‘s ―Echo‖ Verses and Shakespeare‘s A Lovers‘ Complaint Famous Portrait Comes to the United States [Gheeraedts portrait] Locating Mount Oxford [findings of Helen Kerfoot] Journalists Again Speak Out on the Authorship Issue Letter to the editor of the Washington Star (April 11, 1980) IRS Regulations and the Shakespeare Oxford Society 4 4 5-10 12 13-14 Editor Editor Editor Bell, James H. Cyr, Helen W. Vol. 16/2 (1980, Spring) 1-3 Cyr, Gordon C. 3-4 Cyr, Gordon C. 4-5 5 Editor Ashley, Celeste 5-6 6 Editor Editor Vol. 16/3 (1980, Summer) 1-12 Cyr, Gordon C.; Helen W. Cyr 12-13 Cyr, Gordon C. 14 Editor Editor: Gordon C. Cyr Shakespeare Oxford Society Authors in British and U.S. Journals Shakespeare Newsletter Uses SOS Newsletter as source for ―Ashbourne‖ Release Oxford‘s Handwriting Letter: Oxford‘s authorship of Golding‘s translation of Ovid‘s Metamorphoses Response to Celeste Ashley‘s letter Mea Culpa Department: Arthur Brooke‘s Romeus and Juliet is a poem, not a play Editor: Gordon C. Cyr If Invited to Writ; He Was in Paine [Shaksper‘s signatures] Latest Sir Thomas More Findings Point to Lord Oxford as ―Shakespeare‖ Recent Oxfordian News 198 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 16/4 (1980, Fall) 1 Editor 2-5 Hope, Warren 5-6 6 7 Editor Editor Editor Vol. 17/1 (1981, Winter-Spring) 1 Hope, Warren 2-3 Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) 4-5 Messner, Rhoda 6 7-9 9-10 Editor Patience, Harold W. Feldman, Bronson Vol. 17/2 (1981, Summer) 1-2 Hope, Warren 2 Feldman, Owen 2-5 Patience, Harold W. 5-9 Hope, Warren 9 10 11-12 12 Editor Editor Editor Cyr, Gordon C. Editor: Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Future of Castle Hedingham in Doubt Delia Bacon, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the Shakespeare Authorship Question A Crack in the Dike at the BBC What John Aubrey Said In Memoriam: Sol Feinstone (d. 1980) Editor: Warren Hope If Winter Comes Can Vere Be Far Behind? Love‘s Fine Wit: Oxfordian Puns in Sonnets 76 and 105 Notes on Two Noteworthy Books: The Annotator by Alan Keen and Roger Lubbock (1954) and The Case for Shakespeare‘s Authorship of ―The Famous Victories‖ by Seymour Pitcher (1961) SOS Bulletin Board The Mystery of the Dugdale Engraving Bunk and the Bust Editor: Warren Hope The Fruits of Error The Opening of Twelfth Night Lord Oxford‘s Son-in-Law John Davies‘s Sonnets for the Marriage of Elizabeth Vere and William Stanley Hilda Amphlett: An Obituary (1897-1981) Dorothy Stevens Ogburn (1890-1981) SOS Bulletin Board April/May 1981 issue of The Shakespeare Newsletter, which contains an article by the SOS, ―The Case of the Alias Earl,‖ will be mailed to all SOS members Vol. 17/4 and Vol. 18/1 (1981 Fall and 1982 Winter) Editor: Warren Hope 1-2 Hope, Warren Poe on Shakespeare Worship 2-13 Editor Fourth and Fifth SOS National Conferences 13-15 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton New Edition of Oxford‘s Poems: A Review of The Poems of Edward de Vere and of Robert Devereux by Steven W. May (1981) 15-16 Editor SOS Bulletin Board Vol. 18/2 (1982, Spring) 1-3 Hope, Warren 3-8 Feldman, Abraham 8-9 9-17 18 Feldman, Bronson Feldman, Bronson Editor Vol. 18/3 (1982, Summer) 1-2 Johnson, Morse 2-4 Patience, Harold W. 4-5 Editor 6 Halle, Louis J. 6-8 Cyr, Gordon C. 8 8-9 10-13 Hope, Warren Editor Editor Vol. 18/4 (1982, Fall) 1-7 Fowler, William Plumer 7-10 Amphlett, Hilda Editor: Warren Hope Abraham Bronson Feldman (1914-1982) Shakespeare‘s Jester – Oxford‘s Servant (reprinted from SFQ, Autumn 1947) Oxford‘s Sole Acrostic Shakespeare Worship (reprinted from Psychoanalysis, Vol. 2/1, 1953) SOS Bulletin Board Editor: Warren Hope Sample of His Letters Promoting Oxford The Water Bearer Did Shakespeare Visit Saffron Walden? The Search for an Eternal Norm (excerpts) Review of The Search for an Eternal Norm: As Represented by Three Classics by Louis J. Halle (1981) The Earl of Venice? A Decalog for Idolaters SOS Bulletin Board Editor: Warren Hope Shake-speare‘s Heart Unlocked Sir John Smith 199 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 10 Editor Vol. 19/1 (1983, Winter) 1 Hope, Warren 2-5 Barrell, Charles Wisner 7 7 7-9 9-12 12 12 Cusick, John Editor Feldman, Bronson Editor Hoffer, Eric Patience, Harold W. SOS Bulletin Board Editor: Warren Hope A Vertable Land of Bleak Bard Fields: Shakespeare, De Vere, and Ireland Secret of Shakespeare‘s Irish Sympathies: Once Again Lord Oxford‘s Own Personality Speaks Through the Plays (reprinted from the American Mercury, Sept. 1940) Cusick Forms Oxford-Shakespeare Group Within Mensa Scholarly Journals Honor Bronson Feldman Shakespeare and Patriotism (from his talk in 1969) SOS Bulletin Board First Things, Last Things (excerpts) Oxford‘s Holding in Warwickshire Vol. 19/2 (1983, Spring) 1-2 Editor 2-3 Messner, Rhoda 3 Editor 3-8 Amphlett, Hilda 8-10 Editor Editor: Warren Hope Morse Johnson Strikes Again How I Became an Oxfordian Mensa Bulletin Announces Formation of Cusick‘s OSSIG Oxfordian Background in Pictures SOS Bulletin Board Vol. 19/3 (1983, Summer) 1 Feldman, Harold 1-2 Patience, Harold W. 2-5 Robins, M. H. 5-10 Patience, Harold W. 10-11 Cyr, Gordon C. 11-12 Champlin, Charles Editor: Warren Hope How I Became an Oxfordian The Ashbourne Portrait His Honour Travers Christmas Humphrey: An Obituary (1901-1983) Oxfordian Echoes in Hamlet SOS in Southern California Bard By Any Other Name, A . . . (reprinted from the LA Times, Feb. 12, 1983) California Hosts First ―Shake-speare‖ Festival De Vere Memorials at Wivenhoe Stratfordiana: impressions from Thomas Jefferson and Charlie Chaplin 13 13 13-14 Editor Hope, Warren Editor Vol. 19/4 (1983, Fall) 1-4 Johnson, Morse 4-5 Proulx, Phillip 5-7 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 7-8 Patience, Harold W. 8 Editor Editor: Warren Hope The World‘s Most Baffling Literary Mystery How I Became an Oxfordian Oxford and the Avon The Second Printing of the Sonnets Highlights of the National Conference Vol. 20/1 (1984, Winter-Spring) 1-2 Hope, Warren 2-3 Patience, Harold W. 3-5 Lafew, Edmonn 6-7 Editor 7-8 La Greca, Donald 8-9 Patience, Harold W. 9 Editor 10 Johnson, Morse 10 Lafew, Edmonn Editor: Warren Hope Mail Bag: Recent Oxfordian News The Mysterious Swan of Avon The Veriest Nonsense Lest We Forget Dynasticide: a note on Macbeth The Francis Beaumont Poem Feldman Updates Ward Letter to New York Magazine, March 15, 1984 (excerpt) Notes on d‘Hiver Vol. 20/3 (1984, Summer) 1-2 Hope, Warren Editor: Warren Hope Celebration of Charlton Ogburn Jr.‘s The Mysterious William Shakespeare Forward to Ogburn‘s The Mysterious William Shakespeare If Thou Read This . . . Stanley Hayes: An Obituary (d. 1984) 2-3 3-6 6 McCullough, David Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Editor 200 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 20/4 (1984, Fall) 1-2 Editors 3-4 Cyr, Gordon C. 4-8 8 8 Editors Editor Editor Editors: Gordon C. Cyr and Helen W. Cyr Eighth Annual Conference Honors Charlton Ogburn Review of The Mysterious William Shakespeare by Charlton Ogburn, Jr. (1984) The Mysterious William Shakespeare in the News In Memoriam: Gwynneth M. Bowen (d. 1984) In Memoriam: Philip S. Weld (d. 1984) Vol. 21/1 (1985, Winter) 1 Cyr, Helen W. 2-3 Patience, Harold W. 2 Patience, Harold W. 3-5 Proulx, Phillip 5-6 Proulx, Phillip 6-8 Editor Editors: Gordon C. Cyr and Helen W. Cyr A Salute To Our Man in England (Harold W. Patience) Sonnets on Television, The A Monumental Mystery When One and One and One Equals One The Dark Lady Ain‘t No Lady The Mysterious William Shakespeare In the News – An Update Vol. 21/2 (1985, Spring) 1-2 Editors Editors: Gordon C. Cyr and Helen W. Cyr Update II: Recent Reviews of Charlton Ogburn Jr.‘s Book Keep Authorship Issue Alive in the Media Books on Elizabethan Life: Elizabethan Life: Wills of Essex Gentry and Yeomen by F. G. Emmison (1980) O‘er Green My Bad Debater‘s Corner: Oxford as Translator of Ovid‘s Metamorphoses 2 Patience Harold W. 2-5 5-6 Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) Cyr, Helen W. Vol. 21/3 (1985, Summer) 1 Patience, Harold W. 2-8 Cyr, Gordon C. Editors: Gordon C. Cyr and Helen W. Cyr A Significant Eulogy Stratfordian Methods of Controversy Vol. 21/4 (1985, Fall) 1-2 May, Steven W. 2-4 Cyr, Gordon C. 4 Editors 4-6 Lafew, Edmonn 6-7 Cyr, Helen W. 7-8 Editor Editors: Gordon C. Cyr and Helen W. Cyr Lord Oxford Sues for a Patent of Monopoly Scholar of Oxford‘s Poetry Highlights Ninth Annual Conference In Memoriam: Eleanor Brewster (d. 1985) Make Thee Another Self For Love Of Me The Work of the Shakespeare Oxford Society Debater‘s Corner Vol. 22/1 (1986, Winter) 1-6 Cyr, Gordon C. Editors: Gordon C. Cyr and Helen W. Cyr Historical Fallacies and Historical Method: a key to the authorship controversy A Call For Action 6-8 Patience, Harold W. Vol. 22/2 (1986, Spring) 1-7 Editor 7-8 8-12 13 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton La Greca, Donald Editor Vol. 22/3 (1986, Summer) 1, 4-5 Editor 1-3 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 5 5-11 12 Editor Fowler, William Plumer Editor Vol. 22/4 (1986, Fall) 1 Johnson, Morse Editors: Gordon C. Cyr and Helen W.Cyr Despite the Society‘s Pathbreaking Report, the Nonsense About ―Shakespeare‘s Handwriting‖ Goes On! Professor May on Oxford‘s Annuity: a response by Charlton Ogburn The Character of Kent in King Lear In Memoriam: Calvin Hoffman (d. 1986) and Rhoda Henry Messner (d. 1986) Editors: Gordon C. Cyr and Helen W. Cyr Will ―Shall I Die?‖ Fly Folger Library Forfeits $10,000 Rather Than Assist in Trial of Shakespeare‘s Identity New Fowler Book on Oxford‘s Letters Released Shakespeare‘s Buried Name Exhumed In Memoriam: Rose Feinstone (d. 1986) Editors: Morse Johnson Dedication (to Helen and Gordon Cyr): thanks for their editorship! 201 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 2-3 Cyr, Gordon C. 3 4-5 6 Duffin, Ross W. Editor Editor 6-10 10 11-12 Detobel, Robert Editor Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 12-14 Editor Vol. 23, No. 1 (1987, Winter) 1-3 Johnson, Morse 4 5-6 7 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Neumann, Arthur F. Editor 8-9 10 11-14 Dressler, Leslie Anne Johnson, Morse De Moret, Nicholas 14 Editor Minutes of the 10th Annual Conference of the SOS in Boston, Oct. 10-11, 1986 The Earle of Oxford‘s Marche Recent Oxfordian News: Lord Charles Vere Frontpiece of the First Folio Engraving by Martin Droeshout (reprint of an article in Gentlemen‘s Tailor, London, 1911) Letter: various authorship issues Reprint of article from the Washington Times (Nov. 4, 1986) Letter to Editor of Reader‘s Digest in response to article by Leo Rosten ―The Shakespeare Nobody Knows‖ An Improvised Colloquy Editor: Morse Johnson Review of Shakespeare Revealed in Oxford‘s Letters by William Plumer Fowler (1986) Oxford Makes It To Prime Time! Unravelling a Bit of The Mysterious William Shakespeare Excerpts from Letters: from A. L. Worse to Lord Vere; from Daphne DuMaurier to Dorothy Ogburn; from Maxwell Perkins to Ernest Hemingway Was There a Likeness Used for the First Folio Portrait? Letter to the London Review of Books, Ltd. Edward de Vere‘s Tour of Italy in 1575-76 Included Visit to Court of Duke of Urbino Robert Giroux‘s comments on Sonnet 10 Vol. 23, No. 2 (1987, Spring) 1-4 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 5-6 Johnson, Morse 7 Editor 7 Editor 9 Editor 10-15 Cyr, Helen 15-16 Morse, Johnson Editor: Morse Johnson Emerson, Delia Bacon and the Shakespeare Problem It Is Probably: qualifying phrases in the Great Books biography of Sh. Betty Sears Reports on ―Converts‖ and ―Probablys‖ Excerpts From a Letter Written by Admiral J. C. White Minos and Ruth Miller Acquire Barrell Archive What‘s Wrong With Word Studies? From the Letters Column in the Washington Book Review (May 1987) Vol. 23, No. 3 (1987, Summer) 1 Editor Editor: Morse Johnson U.S. Supreme Court Judges to Hear Debate at American University on Authorship of Shakespeare‘s Works A Light on Wivenhoe Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Shake-speare, We Must Be Silent In Our Praise . . . Myriad-Minded Man of the Renaissance Who Cares Who Wrote Them? Excerpts from ―The Shakespearean Conspiracy‖ (reprinted from the Ventura Country Magazine) How Do You Answer? Where the Professoriate is Deeply but Wrongly Committed . . . Excerpt from his report in the Boston Globe (7/23/87) Excerpt from ―Some Ado About Who Was, Or Who Was Not, ShakeSpear in the Smithsonian (Sept. 1987) De Vere Society Talks for the Academic Year 1987-1988 3-4 4-5 5-8 9-10 10-11 Westerfield, Barbara Beauclerk, Charles Editor Editor Hanson, D. J. 11 12 Editor Chandler, David 12 Reed, J. D. 13-14 Editor Vol. 23, No. 4 (1987, Fall) 1-6 Johnson, Morse 6-8 Cyr, Gordon C. 8-9 Holden, Constance 9-10 Cyr, Gordon C. Editor: Morse Johnson In the High Court of Public Opinion ―In Re William Shakespeare‖ Shakespeare Oxford Society Holds 11th Annual Conference Following Moot Court No One Knows if Shakespeare Wrote the Plays (from the Washington Post, 10/24/87) Courtier‘s Cape for the Stratford Man? 202 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 24, No. 1 (1988, Winter) 1-3 Editor 3 Moore, Peter R. 3-9 Johnson, Morse 9-11 Moore, Peter R. 11-12 Charleston News & Courier 13 Cavanaugh, Gerald J. 13-14 14 14-15 15 Smith, Scott S. Boyle, Charles Editor Editor Vol. 24/2 (1988, Spring) 1-5 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 5-6 6-8 8 Price, John L. (Johnny) Miller, Judge Minos D. Hampton, Wilborn 8-9 Boyle, Charles 9 Brookman, Belinda 10 Lardner, James 10 Editor Vol. 24/3 (1988, Summer) 1-5 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 5 6-7 7 7-9 9-10 Moore, Peter R. Beauclerk, Charles Greenwood, George G. Moore, Peter R. Johnson, Morse 10 10-11 Emch, Arnold F. Editor Vol. 24/4 (1988, Fall) 1-7 Looney, J. Thomas 7-8 8-10 Moore, Peter R. Benezet, Louis 10-11 11 11-12 13-14 14 NY Times Tynan, Kenneth Goff, Tom Bennington Vermont Banner Mollow, Benjamin R. Vol. 25/1 (1989, Winter) 1-2 Cyr, Gordon C. Editor: Morse Johnson Comments on the Authorship Issue A Theory on the Rival Poet of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Stay Stratfordian, Why Goest Thou By So Fast? A Theory on The Two Noble Kinsmen Was ‗The Bard‘ Really ‗The Earl?‘ That, As They Say, Is The Question‖ (reprint of editorial from the Charleston, South Carolina newspaper (1/10/1988) Letter: area Messrs. Rowse, Marder, Evans, Levin, etc. as intransigent as ever? Letter: inadequacies in the Smithsonian‘s article Letter: need for more pro-Oxford and less anti-Stratford approach Michigan Appeals Judge to judge in ―The Case Against Will Shakespeare Plans for Oxford Birthday Celebration in Boston, April 22, 1988, organized by Charles Boyle Editor: Morse Johnson Some ―Facts‖ and Fancies Invented by Professor James A. D. Boyle For His Brief as Counsel for Will. Shakspere in the Debate Before Three Supreme Court Justices, Sept., 15, 1987 A Theatre Man Looks at Shakespeare The Dating of The Tempest and ―Ostler v. Hemings‖ Shakespeare and Freud: The Bard is Analyzed on the Academic Couch (reprinted from the NY Times, 4/26/1988) Letter to the Editor of the NY Times re Angus Fletcher and Freud (4/28/1988) Group Persuades ―Jurors‖ Bard Really Earl, Not Will (reprinted from the Palm Beach Post, 4/6/88) On and Upward With the Arts: The Authorship Question (reprinted from the New Yorker, 4/11/1988) Special Shakespeare Edition of the American University Law Review Editor: Morse Johnson Foreword, from This Star of England by Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn, Sr. Shakespeare‘s Astronomy Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. re the Trial Excerpt from The Shakespeare Problem Restated (p. 339) Ben Johnson‘s ―On Poet-Ape‖ Oxfordian Position, The (reprinted from Gathering, a publication of the Literary Guild of the University of Cincinnati, April, 1988) Uncommon Letters To a Son (1965) (excerpts) List of Distinguished Men and Women Who Have Made Their Skepticism Known Editor: Morse Johnson Excerpt from Shakespeare: A Missing Author (reprinted from SFA, Feb. 1941) Neglected Praise of the Earl of Oxford Excerpts from ―Shakespeare Authorship Theories‖ (from Grolier Encyclopedia, 1950) The Bard on Trial Again, And Again He Wins (11/27/1988) (excerpts) Excerpt from Persona Grata (1953) Letter to NY Times Review of All The Queen‘s Men, by John Nassivera Knyvet, King of Cats Editor: Morse Johnson Let the Real Debate Begin! (Legalisms of ―Moot‖ Format Obscure the Authorship Question) 203 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 3-4 4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-9 Editor Editor Moore, Peter R. Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Sobran, Joseph Sykes, Chaude W. 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-15 Looney, J. Thomas Lipman, Carol S. Holden, Isabel Greenwood, George G. Editor Vol. 25/2 (1989, Spring) 1 Editor 1-3 Austin, Al 3-4 Goodman, Walter 4-5 Champlin, Charles 5-6 Hope, Warren 7-8 Holston, Noel 8-9 Carman, John 9 Bianculli, David 10 Kelly, Kevin 10-11 Goldstein, Gary B. 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 Johnson, Morse Bronte, Lydia Editor Wright, Alice W. Saliani, Dom 17 17-19 Assante, Katharine Mackey, Aurora 19-20 Harvey, Charles 20-22 Halle, Louis J. 22 Goldstein, Gary B. Vol. 25/3 (1989, Summer) 1 Kreeger, David Lloyd 2 Greenwood, George G. 2-6 Goff, Tom 6-7 Wheaton, Bonnie M. 7 8 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Williamson, Gene Shakespeare Moot of 11/26/88: appraisals from anonymous sources Home Challenge For the Bard (newspaper cutting from England) Suffolk‘s Head and Royal Behavior Television Documentary on the Shakespeare Controversy to be Broadcast Shakespeare‘s Aristocratic Origins Excerpt from Alias William Shakespeare (1947) (promotes Rutland as author) Shakespeare Identified (excerpt) Tribute To Dr. S. Colum Gilfillan (1921-1978) For aVere and Herbert‘s Wife The Shakespeare Problem Restated (excerpt) Charlton Ogburn Jr.‘s The Mysterious William Shakespeare vs. James C. McManaway‘s The Authorship of Shakespeare Editor: Morse Johnson To the Members of The Shakespeare Oxford Society (re Frontline‘s broadcast of The Shakespeare Mystery) Who Wrote Shakespeare? (review of Frontline‘s The Shakespeare Mystery, reprinted from the Members Magazine, April 1989) The Shakespeare Mystery: Who Was He? (review of Frontline‘s The Shakespeare Mystery in the NY Times 4/18/1989) PBS Plays Out the Debate Over the Bard (review of Frontline‘s The Shakespeare Mystery in the LA Times, 4/18/1989) It Was the Bard of Oxford – Not Avon (reprinted from Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/20/89) ‗Frontline‘ Makes Much Ado Over Shakespeare (from Minneapolis Tribune, 4/18/89) Was Shakespeare the Real Thing? (Frontline review, from SF Chronicle, 4/18/1989) Noble Test of Shakespeare (review of Frontline broadcast, NY Post, 4/18/1989) Shakespeare Mystery Persists (review of Frontline broadcast, Boston Globe, 4/18/89) Shakespeare Mystery Unfolds (review of Frontline broadcast., Washington Square News) The Uranium of the Shakespeare Canon is Simply the Use of Words The Shakespeare Mystery Genius Alone Cannot Do All This Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. re her experience teaching about Oxford None of Them Give the Age Old Intro to Shakespeare That So Many Young People Have Been Exposed To A Letter to the Earl of Oxford Edward de Vere (in form of a poem) Shakespeare‘s ‗Outstanding‘ Medical Knowledge (reprinted from the Washington Post, 3/6/1989) Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr.: One Is At a Loss To Know How It Is Possible For Academe To Keep Up the Charade Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr.: it is more important to lose all but the last battle than to win all but the last (and addendum by editor) News Items of Interest Editor: Morse Johnson Two Quotes from the Buddha and de Vinci Preface from The Shakespeare Problem Restated Rumors of Disaster, Premonitions of War Letter: praise for Ogburn book and response to facile arguments in favor of Shakspur in Eleven Magazine Letter to Judge Wheaton: thanks for your most valued support Letter: praise for Ogburn and Frontline 204 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 8-9 Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) 9-12 12-13 13-14 14 15-17 18-19 Moore, Peter R. Cyr, Gordon C. Johnson, Morse Rosenberg, James Morse, Johnson Goldstein, Gary B. Vol. 25/4 (1989, Fall) 1 Editor 2-4 5-6 5-8 8-11 12 Louther, John Holden, Isabel; C. Holden Goldstein, Gary B. Moore, Peter R. Gantz, Jeffrey 12-13 Boyle, Charles 13 Editor 13-14 14 Editor Ward, Colonel B. R. Letter: praise for Mark McPherson, organizer of The Great Shakespeare Duel in Southfield, Michigan, May 14, 1989, and for witness Stephanie Caruana Masked Adonis and Stained Purple Robes Letter to the Baltimore Sun (5/30/1989) Letter to the NY Times (7/19/1989) Letter to the NY Times (8/6/1989) Letter to Professor Rosenberg News Items of Interest Editor: Morse Johnson Program from the Red Octopus Presentation of The Winter‘s Tale, Newport Performing Arts Center, Dec. 1989 and Jan. 1990 Shakespeare‘s Missing Manuscripts: Sequel Review of Horses in Shakespeare‘s England by Anthony Dent (1988) Hamlet‘s Art of Falconry The Rival Poet of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Excerpt from Critical Mass, his column in the Boston Phoenix (8/11/1989) Excerpt from his article ―Barring the Bard‖ in the Boston Phoenix (9/8/1989) Authorship Question Viewed by Two Eminent Men of Letters: Oliver Wendell Holmes and Sidney Hook Misc. letters finding references to trains in Shakespeare‘s works Preface to The Mystery of Mr. W. H. (repr. in AWA, Vol. 1: 260-275) Vol. 26, No. 1 (1990, Winter) 1-3 Howerton, Jr., Philip F. 3-5 Goff, Tom 6-11 Goldstein, Gary B. 11-13 Moore, Peter R. 14-19 Goff, Tom Editor: Morse Johnson Vladimir Nabokov and William Shakespeare Mark Twain, Shakespeare, and Helen Keller Edward de Vere‘s Hebrew Dating Shakespeare‘s Sonnets 78 to 100 For If the Queen Like Not the Comedy Vol. 26, No. 2 (1990, Spring) 1 Stritmatter, Roger Editor: Morse Johnson Letter to Ch. Ogburn, Jr., re Jaggard‘s 1619 publication dedicated To Philip Herbert, King James, and Susan Herbert nee Vere Could Shaksper Have Known of ―Lanternes Des Morts‖? The Symbolism of Iago‘s Name Hamlet‘s ―True-Penny‖: a new coined word for Oxford‘s father Beowulf, Hamlet, and Edward de Vere Excerpt from a Column in the LA Times (2/8/90) Excerpt from Talk of the Trade (5/14/90) A Freudian Oxfordian (from TLS, 4/20-26/90) The Learned and the Lout Did Queen Elizabeth Write Shakespeare‘s Sonnets? To the Editor: program notes for performance of Twelfth Night (1941) Letter: Oxford and The Tempest Every Word Doth Almost Tell My Name News Items of Interest 2 2-3 3 3-6 6 6-7 7 7-10 10-11 11 12 12-15 15 McLatchie, Linda B. Moore, Peter R. Caruana, Stephanie Ignoto Champlin, Charles Fleischer, Leonore Woudhuysen, H. R. Goldstein, Gary B. Johnson, Morse Rever, G. Hammond Williamson, Gene Moore, Peter R. Goldstein, Gary B. Vol. 26, No. 3 (1990, Summer) 1 Editor 1-2 Goff, Tom 3-5 Goff, Tom 5-6 6-7 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Stritmatter, Roger Editor: Morse Johnson To The Readers Review of The Mysterious William Shakespeare (1984) and The Mystery of William Shakespeare (paperback abridgment of TMWS) both by Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Review of Oxford‘s Revenge: ―Shakespeare‘s‖ Dramatic Development From Agamemnon to Hamlet by Stephanie Caruana and Elisabeth Sears (1989) Letter: comments on recent articles by Stritmatter and Goldstein Letter: response to Ogburn‘s comments 205 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 7 7-10 10-11 11 Frazer, Winifred L. Moore, Peter R. Gidley, Fran Editor 11-12 1-11 Editor Johnson, Morse Vol. 26, No. 4 (1990, Fall) 1 Editor 2-4 4-8 8-9 Greenwood, George G. Goldstein, Gary B. Oldenburg, Don 9-13 13-14 14 14-16 Moore, Peter R. Editor Clement, Richard Editor Vol. 27, No. 1 (1991, Winter) 1 Hope, Warren 1 Ohmann, Richard 2 Hope, Warren 2-3 Genske, Sylvia S. 3 Dabney, Virginius 3 4 5-6 5 6 Cushman, Allerton Sobran, Joseph Johnson, Morse Levitas, Mitchel Stritmatter, Roger 6-7 7-9 9 9-10 10-11 Goff, Tom Louther, John Johnson, Morse Johnson, Morse Johnson, Morse Vol. 27/2 (1991, Spring) 1-2 Editor 2-5 Sobran, Joseph 5-6 6-7 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Holden, Isabel 7 7-8 8 8-10 10 10-11 Cherubin, Sam Halle, Louis J. Wyneken, Warren W. Benson, Jr., Jon Frazer, Winifred L. Grimes, John Vol. 27/3 (1991, Summer) 1-3 Shepherd, J. C. Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Claremont McKenna College‘s Shakespeare Clinic Letter: Frontline‘s program convinced her Oxford was the author Trustee Trudy Atkins Has Arranged for SOS to Participate in Shakespeare Festival The Dramatists Guild Quarterly (Spring 1990) (excerpt) Article quoting dozens of noted individuals expressing doubt that W. Shakspere was the author of the works attributed to him Editor: Morse Johnson Excerpts from an obituary of David Lloyd Kreeger (Washington Post, 11/20/90) Excerpts from The Vindicators of Shakespeare: a reply to critics Shakespeare‘s Native Tongue Professor Samuel Schoenbaum Recants (reprinted from the Washington Post, 4/17/90) The Order of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Stratfordian Self-Delusions Letter: top 25 Shakespeare Oxford clues Recent and Future Colloquies on the Authorship Question Editor: Morse Johnson Prejudice and Shakespeare (reprint, from SON, Vol. 14/3) Letters to Warren Hope Letter to Richard Ohmann Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. thanking him for a wonderful and important book Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. thanking him for his masterful and convincing book Letter to R. Emmett Tyrell, Jr., Editor of the American Spectator Against Funding Odds (reprinted from the Washington Times, 11/20/90) Letters to the NY Times Book Review Letter to Morse Johnson (from the NY Times Review of Books) Letter: need for an informal association of academic folks to critically examine the Stratford legend Letter to the Sacramento Bee Ruth Loyd Miller Discusses the Dramatist in Service of the de Veres Telling Passages in Ogburn‘s The Mysterious William Shakespeare Michael Drayton, Poet and Dramatist, and Joseph Quincy Adams Letter to Barbara Tuchman Editor: Morse Johnson U.S. Supreme Court Justices and the Shakespeare Authorship Question Fooled by a Folio: Bard Thou Never Wert (reprinted from National Review, 4/29/91) The Cardiff Giant, Shakespeare and ―Modern Scholarship‖ Review of The Lost Chronicle of Edward de Vere by Andrew Field (1990) Vero Nihil Verius Letter to Charlton Ogburn, Jr. (excerpts) Letter: praise for the Newsletter and for Charlton Ogburn, Jr.‘s book Interview with Professor Cavaliero Academico Letter: handwriting in The Annotator by Alan Ken and Roger Lubbock Letter: Praise for Sobran, Ogburn, Fowler; his efforts to publicize Oxford‘s authorship Editor: Morse Johnson Excerpts from Shakespeare‘s Double Image (discussion of Palladis Tamia) 206 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 3-4 Johnson, Morse 5 5 6-8 Des Cognets, Russell Christian Science Monitor Goff, Tom 8-10 10 Moore, Peter R. Beauclerk, Charles 10 11 Louther, John Barrell, Charles Wisner Vol. 27/4 (1991, Fall) 1-2 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 2-3 Editor 3-5 5-9 10-11 Price, Diana Moore, Peter R. Goff, Tom 12 12 13-14 15 15 Stritmatter, Roger Smith, Scott C. Goldstein, Gary B. Phoenix, Eleanor Louther, John Vol. 28, No. 1 (1992, Winter) 1-3 Valeo, Tom 4 Gregory, Tappan 4-7 7-8 Price, Diana Johnson, Morse 8-9 10-11 Goff, Tom Goff, Tom 12 Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) Vol. 28, No. 2 (1992, Spring) 1-2 Stritmatter, Roger 2 Willis, Marie 3-4 Desper, Richard 4 NY Times 5-6 McLatchie, Linda B. 6 Deming, Len 7-11 Williamson, Gene 11 Atkins, Trudy 12-15 Duffey, Edith 16 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 16 Honegiman, E. A. J. 16-17 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 17 Lovell, Stanley P. 18 Linett, Peter Responses to Mr. Giroux re his review in the NY Times of Charlton Ogburn, Jr.‘s The Mysterious William Shakespeare (1984) Stonewalling! Who Wrote Edmund Ironside? Shakespeare (excerpt, April, 1991) Review of The Man Who Was William Shakespeare by Peter Sammartino (1990) The Fable of the World, Twice Told (Part 1) Open Letter to Shakespeare Oxford Society: time for a professional approach to capturing the hearts and minds Status Report: SOS‘s Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Project The Fellowship Disclaims (1943 article disclaiming extravagant theories such as the Oxford as poems of Gascoigne) Editor: Morse Johnson Excerpts from Paper read at the 1991 SOS Meeting at Palm Beach Review of William Shakespeare: A Life by Garry O‘Connor (1991) (reprinted from the Independent, an English newspaper) Re: Drayton‘s Elegies Upon Sundry Occasions, 1627 The Fable of the World, Twice Told (Part 2) To Calm Contending Kings: Oxfordians receive letter from Richard III Society Letter: Malcolm X‘s skepticism about Shaksper as the author Letter: Stratford tour guide promotes de Vere as the true author Tudor Theater, the Earls of Oxford, and State Propaganda Letter: efforts to promote Oxford in her classroom in Boulder City Lord Burford‘s Lecture Tour Update Editor: Morse Johnson The Case Against Shakespeare (from Daily Herald Arlington Heights, Ill., 1/23/92) Forward to Shakespeare Cross-Examination published by the American Bar Association, 1961) (excerpt) The Boar in the Induction Scene Letter to the Writing Company re lack of books about de Vere in its catalogue Review of Shakespeare and the Tudor Rose by Elisabeth Sears (1991) Review of Books edited by Ruth Loyd Miller: Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare‘s Plays (3rd revised edition, 1974); A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers (1975); Shakespeare Identified and The Poems of Edward de Vere by J. Thomas Looney (1975) and Oxfordian Vistas (1975) Letter: Charles Vere‘s [Charles Beauclerk‘s] speaking tour is a smashing success Editor: Morse Johnson Letter: Oxford‘s Geneva Bible and the Authorship Issue Letter: Oxford as Shakespeare is well-known in France Stars or Suns Obituary of Dr. Peter Sammartino (3/30/92) (excerpts) Oxford and Anamorphic Art Iona Deletes Oxford Page from Shakespeare Newsletter When the Search for Shakespeare Got Spooky Letter: intransigence of Stratfordians Oxfordian Stratfordian (Edmund Ironside, lost play by Sh./Oxford) Letter to the NY Times re the article by E. A. J. Honigman Letter: response to Ogburn‘s letter Letter to the NY Times challenging statements by Honegiman Letter: Lyly and Shakespeare Letter: Tom Bethel/Oxford win the battle hands down in the Atlantic 207 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 18 Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) 19 20 Price, John L. (Johnny) Editor Vol. 28, No. 3 (1992, Summer) 1-3 Manzo, Fred W. 3 Sobran, Joseph 4-5 Charlton, Derran K. 6-10 Cyr, Gordon C. 10 Editor 11-12 Editor 12 Editor 13-14 14 14-18 18 20 Johnson, Morse Pendleton, Thomas A. Johnson, Morse Fitzgerald, James Price, John L. (Johnny) Vol. 28, No. 4a and 4b (1992, Summer) 1-4 Nelson, Paul A. 5 Hope, Warren 6 Benezet, Louis P. 7 7-8 9 9 10 11 12 1-11 (4b) Frazer, Winifred L. Editor Duffey, Edith Howerton, Jr., Philip F. Kelly, Walt Price, John L. (Johnny) Editor Ogburn, Charlton Vol. 29/1a and 1b (Winter 1993) 1-3 Whalen, Richard F. 3 Hannas, Andrew 4 Mixter, Clara 5-6 Johnson, Morse 6 Editor 7-8 Gill, James 8 9-10 Livacari, Gary L. Goff, Tom 10 11 Editor Goldstein, Gary B. 11 12-17 17 18 19 20 1-8 McLatchie, Linda B. Moore, Peter R. Boyce, Tom Editor Johnson, Morse Editor Hannas, Andrew Message From the President: increase in members from Atlantic article and Beauclerk tour Chairman‘s Corner Uncovering Shakespeare: an update Editor: Morse Johnson Never Be Certain of Anything, It‘s a Sign of Weakness The Orthodox Shakespeare Faces Death (doggerel) An Eloquence of Light Quenched in Darkness Review of Shakespeare‘s Lives by S. Schoenbaum (revised ed., 1991) Harold William Patience (1921-1992) Traditional Portraits of William Shakespeare Excerpts from The Wilkes University Attorney‘s Report, 1991-92: The 1991 Lectures: ―Justice Stevens on Shakespeare‖ Letter to Professor Thomas Pendleton Letter in response to Morse Johnson Letter to Professor Thomas Pendleton Letter Chairman‘s Corner Editor: Morse Johnson Walt Whitman [and others] On Shakespeare Poe on Shakespeare Worship Stratford Defendant Compromised By His Own Advocates (reprinted from Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly, July 1945) Transvestite Shakespeare Signs of a Turning Tide Correction Letter to Professor Thomas Pendleton Pogo comic strip about spellings of Shaksper Chairman‘s Corner Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Project Renewed for Second Year Shakespeare‘s Self-Portrait (summary of the case presented in The Mysterious William Shakespeare) Editor: Morse Johnson Review of The Friendly Shakespeare by Norrie Epstein (1993) In Defense of Edith Duffey: Which Nowell Tutored Oxford? Obituary of Mr. Fowler‘s Daughter, Mrs. Clara Mixter (excerpts) Shake-speare Could Only Have Been a Pseudonym Somethings in the Air: articles on Oxford published in two in-flight magazines Play‘s the Thing, But Is It Mr. Shakespeare‘s? (from New Orleans Times Picayune) Letter: Rose Bowl parade float of Shakespeare Review of The Mysterious William Shakespeare, 2nd Edition, by Charlton Ogburn Elizabethan Review Update Review of The Shakespeare Controversy by Warren Hope and Kim Holston (1992) Possible Link Between 1623 Folio and De Vere (watermarks) The Stella Cover-Up Letter: note about the CD: Joyne Hands: Music of Thomas Morley Peregrine Bertie‘s Startling Report Reprint of his letter to 43 distinguished Stratfordian scholars SOS Membership Increases Gabriel Harvey and the Genesis of ―William Shakespeare‖ 208 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/2a and 2b (Spring 1993) 1-2 Stritmatter, Roger 3 3-4 4 4 4 Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. 4-5 5 5-6 6 7-9 9-11 12 Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Editor Saliani, Dom Editor Stritmatter, Roger 12 13 14 Whalen, Richard F. Johnson, Morse Editor 15-16 1-7 8 Price, John L. (Johnny) Greenwood, George G. Editor Vol. 29/3a and 3b (Summer 1993) 1-4 Hess, W. Ron 5 Sexton, Mildred B. 5 6 7 8 8 8 Editor Whalen, Richard F. Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Harrison, John Edwards Caruana, Stephanie Editor 9 10-11 12-13 13 14 14 14 15 1-8 Boyle, Charles Barron, Randall Johnson, Morse Editor Linklater, Kristen Editor Editor Price, John L. (Johnny) Frazer, Winifred L. Vol. 29/4 (Fall 1993) 2-3 Barron, Randall 4-7 McLatchie, Linda B. 8-9 Sobran, Joseph 9-10 Goff, Tom 11-13 Desper, Richard 13 Chilton, Katherine 14-16 Hess, W. Ron 18-19 Whalen, Richard F. 19 Taylor, Gary Editor: Morse Johnson A Quintessence of Dust: interim report on The Marginalia of the Geneva Bible Review of Shakespeare by Dennis Kay (1993) Review of Shakespeare: the Later Years by Russell Fraser (1993) Review of Shakesp.‘s Professional Career by Peter Thomson (1999) Review of Sh.: Annotated Bibliography by Joseph Rosenblum (1992) Review of The Complete Works of Shakespeare, edited by David Bevington (2008) Review of The Friendly Shakespeare by Norrie Epstein (1993) Review of Shakespeare: the Living Record: Irwin Matus (date) Review of Shakespeare‘s Lives by S. Schoenbaum (1993) The Epitaph Engraved on the Stratford Monument Letter: Stratfordian namecalling and Oxfordian progress Responses to Gary Taylor‘s Reinventing Shakespeare (1991) Letter to Russ des Cognets: the Shakespearean Association of America meeting Report from the Shakesearean Association of America Meeting Letter to Rebecca Flynn about the Dugdale drawings Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Reaches 15,000 With the Case for Oxford Chairman‘s Corner Excerpts from The Shakespeare Problem Restated (1908) List of 62 Prominent Prominent People Who Have Rejected Shaksper Authorship Editor: Morse Johnson Certain European Researches Into Shakespeare‘s French and Italian Connections Letter: Who‘s the Bard? (reprinted from the St. Louis Post Dispatch, July 12, 1993) Spats with Academics A New Yorker Reviewer Suggests a ―Closet Lord‖ The Piquant Genealogy of Sir John Falstaff Does it Matter? A New-Coined Word for Oxford‘s Father It Is Probable . . .: 40 sentences with speculative words in the Shakespeare biography in the Great Books of the Western World, and response from the GBWW Letter: Petitioning the Shakespearean Association of America? Edmund Ironside Contradictory Factual Evidence is Unearthed Helen W. Cyr (1926-1993) Freeing Shakespeare‘s Voice (1992) (excerpt) Baltimore Symphony to Premiere Symphony #2 by Gordon C. Cyr In Memoriam of Marie Willis Chairman‘s Corner Realistic Look at Groats-Worth of Wit Editor: Morse Johnson Edward De Vere‘s Will De Vere and the Battle of Bosworth (and editor‘s addendum) Bible Holds Proof of Shakespeare‘s Identity Charles Van Doren Joins the Stratford-Shakspere Doubters The Writing of an Oxfordian Play The Shakespeare Authorship Question An Excursion to the Latest (Maybe the last) Baconian Conference Mock Trial in Fanueil Hall Is Centerpiece of 17th Annual Conference Introduction to Reinventing Shakespeare (1989) (excerpt) 209 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 19 Benezet, Louis 20 Editor 21 Editor 22-23 23 Price, John L. (Johnny) Johnson, Morse Vol. 30/1 (Winter 1994) 1-2 Herberger, Charles F. 3 Holden, Isabel 4 Editor 5 6-10 11-12 12 13 14-18 18 Cheadle, Jane Johnson, Morse Whalen, Richard F. Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Looney. J. Thomas Gali, Grace Grimes, William 19-21 21 Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) Dalton, Terence 22 Editor 22 23 Editor Editor Vol. 30/2a and 2b (Spring 1994) 1-2 Moore, Peter R. 2 Oldenburg, Don 3-4 Whalen, Richard F. 4 5 Wanamaker, Melissa C. Sullivan, Robert 6-9 9 10-11 11 12-15 15-16 16 Chiljan, Katherine Epstein, Norrie Ogburn, Sr., Charlton Schoenbaum, S. Green, Nina Bentley, Richard Harper, William (editor) 17-18 19 19 1-7 8 Whalen, Richard F. Editor Editor Twain, Mark Editor Vol. 30/3a and 3b (Summer 1994) 1 SOS Board of Trustees 2-6 6 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Stritmatter, roger Excerpt from ―Shakespeare Authorship Theories‖ in Grolier Encyclopedia (1950) Corrections to W. Ron Hess‘s article ―Certain European Researches into Sh‘s French and Italian Connections (in SON, Vol. 29/3) Audiences for Lord Burford‘s [Charles Beauclerk‘s] Lectures Approach the 20,000 Mark Chairman‘s Corner, The: Ring Out the Old! Ring In the New! Acclaim for Johnny Price‘s Accomplishments as Chairman of the SOS Board Editor: Morse Johnson Oxford and Rare Manuscript Sources Letter: Edward de Vere‘s Will Review of Shakespeare In the Law (in the Connecticut Bar Journal, Vol. 67, No. 4, Aug. 1993) by William Domnarsk Letter: authorship issues at Mills College Letter to Louis Marder about his distortians of authorship evidence Review of Shakespeare, In Fact by Irvin Matus (1994) Excerpt from The Mysterious William Shakespeare ―Shakespeare‖ Identified (excerpt) Shakespeare‘s Tempest Locale: Cuttyhunk? Erza Stone, 76, Henry Aldrich on the Radio (from the NY Times, March 5, 1994) Information and Commentaries from Betty Sears, Our Past President Review of The De Veres Of Castle Hedingham (1993) by Verily Anderson (Paget) Society Members Offered Opportunities to Place Oxfordian Books in Universities Tours to Oxford‘s Hedingham Offered Carmel Shake-Speare Festival to Host 18th Annual Shakespeare Oxford Society Conference Editor: Morse Johnson The Demolition of Shakspere‘s Signature Shakespeare‘s Raging Identity (from Washington Post, May 17, 1994) Folger ‗Roasts‘ The Swan of Avon, But Not Really; Exhibit Errs on Date of Bible The Dread Voice is Past (excerpt) No Holds Bard: obituary of William Fowler (from Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, Mar. 1994) Richard Brome‘s The Antipodes and English Earle Excerpt from The Friendly Shakespeare (1993) Excerpt from Shakespeare Cross Examination (1961) Excerpt from Shakespeare‘s Lives (1991) Oxford‘s Vocabulary Matches Shakespeare‘s Shakespeare Cross Examination (Am Bar Assoc., 1961) (excerpt) The Life, Diary and Correspondence of Sir William Dugdale (1827) (excerpt) From the President Society Conference Opens Sept. 30 at Carmel, California Oxfordian Trip to Italy Set for Oct. 15-29 Is Shakespeare Dead? (excerpt) Schoenbaum and Twain Editor: Morse Johnson Tribute to Charlton Ogburn on the Occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of The Mysterious William Shakespeare Turning of the Tide in the Shakespeare Authorship Controversy? The Bard and the Nonbelievers (from the Washington Post, May 7, 1994) 210 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 7 Whalen, Richard F. 7 Editor 8 9-10 10 11-12 1-12 Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Whittemore, Hank Editor Vol. 30/4 (Autumn 1994) 1-3 Moore, Peter R. 4-5 Whalen, Richard F. 5 6-8 8 9-10 LaBelle, Jenijoy Barron, Randall Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Editor 11 Editor 12-13 13 14 14-15 15 16-17 18 19 Beauclerk, Charles Kennedy, Dick Greenwood, George G. Whalen, Richard F. Editor Price, Diana Beauclerk, Charles Whalen, Richard F. Vol. 31/1a and 1b (Winter 1995) 1-2 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 3-4 Barron, Randall 5-6 Editor 6-7 Editor 7 Editor 8 9 10 11 Whalen, Richard F. Editor Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. 1-7 8 Johnson, Morse Editor BBC-TV is Making an Hour-Long Special on the Authorship Question and Oxford Shakespeare Puzzle, The (Games Magazine‘s ―Shakespeare Puzzle‖ Issue, Oct. 1994) Cyberspace Embraces Shakespeare Oxfordians in the Theater Bring Oxfordian Readings to Sh‘s Plays From the President Review of Shakespeare: Who Was He? by Richard F. Whalen (1994) Cumulative Facts that Conclusively Prove Will Shakspere of Stratford Was not the Playwright and Poet ―William Shakespeare‖ Editor: Morse Johnson Stratfordians Prove the Bard Had a University Degree Review of Kill All the Lawyers? Shakespeare‘s Legal Appeal by Daniel J. Kornstein (1994) Happy Birthday, Dear William (from the LA Times, April 21, 1993) A New Shakespeare Poem? Letter: in response to errors made by Werner Gundersheimer Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Speaks at the Smithsonian; BBC Program is Broadcast Faultfinding Expositions of the First Two Paragraphs in Thomas A. Pendleton‘s Review of Irvin Matus‘s Shakespeare in Fact in the Shakespeare Newsletter William O. Hunt of Chicago died Aug. 5th, 1994: a recollection Subject: Negative Evidence The Vindicators of Shakespeare (excerpt) Stratford Man Among the Undead in the New York Times Kevin Kelly, Boston Globe Theater Critic for 32 Years Westward Ho! The Shakespeare Oxford Society 18 th Annul Conference What Was the Author‘s Motivation in Writing This Work? Mock Trial at U.S. Supreme Court: Hamlet Not Insane in Stabbing Death of Polonius Editor: Morse Johnson The Mysterious William Shakespeare, 2nd Edition (excerpts) Shipwreck in the Waters of Orthodoxy (de Vere listed as ‗alias Shakespeare‘ in index of England‘s Helicon, ed. by Rollins and published by Harvard University Press, 1935) Way to Avoid the Ill-Suited is to Keep it from Being Communicated (Schoenbaum‘s use of selective quotations in Shakespeare‘s Lives) Oxfordian Professors Take the Issue to College Classes: Professors Londre and Pluto Reprint of NY Times Article about Preston Fleet‘s Belief in de Vere as the Author Oxfordian Productions in Shakespeare Summer Stock Oxfordian Bulletin Board Posted in Cyberspace From the President Review of The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe by C. Nicholl (1992) Review of Shakespeare, In Fact by Irvin Matus (1994) Editor‘s Note: update on Randall Barron‘s article on England‘s Helicon Vol. 31/2a and 2b (Spring 1995) 1-2 Price, Nelson 5 7 8-9 Editor: Morse Johnson English Earl Says Ancestor Was the Real Shakespeare (reprint from the Indianapolis News, April 18, 1995) Huston, Craig The Shakespeare Authorship Question (1971) (excerpt) Editor Smithsonian Magazine Gets the Facts Wrong: Stritmatter and Anderson Reply Stritmatter, Roger; Mk. Anderson Letter to the Smithsonian re Edward de Vere‘s Geneva Bible 211 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 10-11 Walker, John 11 12 14-15 15 Editor Whalen, Richard F. Editor Editor 1-6 7-10 11 Nelson, Alan H. Moore, Peter R. Editor Vol. 31/3 (Summer 1995) 1-6 Cain, Lincoln S. 7-8 9-10 11-12 12-16 Goff, Tom Price, Diana Horne, Francis Gregg Grumman, Robert 12-16 16 17-22 22-24 Johnson, Morse Editor Moore, Peter R. Kent, William Vol. 31/4 (Autumn 1995) 1-2 Grumman, Robert; Morse Johnson 2 Kornstein, Daniel J. 3 New Yorker 4-5 7-8 Beauclerk, Charles Goff, Tom 9-10 10-11 Johnson, Morse Spehard, Florence C. 12-16 Whalen, Richard F. 17 Whalen, Richard F. 17-18 18-19 Editor Louther, John 21 Editor 22 Whalen, Richard F. 22 Greenwood, George G. Vol. 32/1 (Winter 1996) 1, 8-11 Sobran, Joseph 1, 11 Beauclerk, Charles 2 Editor 2, 24 Boettger, Carol 2 Editor 3, 14 Editor 4-5 Boyle, William E. 5 Editor A Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman‘s Magazine (1814) (that express doubt about the unlikeness of Shakespeare‘s busts) (excerpt) Obituary of Winifred L. Frazer Shakespeare/Oxford in ―Jeopardy‘ Oxfordians Make Their Mark at Stratfordian Conference Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Launches 1995 lecture Season, Debates Stratfordian Scholar on NPR Oxford in Venice: new light on an old question Response to Alan Nelson‘s ―Oxford in Venice‖ Review of Of the Sea and Skies: Historic Hampton by Gene Williamson (1993) Editor: Morse Johnson Letter to President of Amherst College about its oversight of the Folger Shakespeare Library Lawrence of Arabia and the Shakespeare Mystery Oxford‘s Coronet Signature Letter: Nelson‘s Article ―Oxford in Venice;‖ Oxford had Malaria Letter: how important are parallels between Oxford‘s life and events in the plays? Response to Bob Grumman‘s letters Michael York Joins Society The Lame Storyteller, Poor and Despised Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford: The Real Shakespeare (1966) (excerpt) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 379-385) Editor: Morse Johnson Letters and Responses: parallels between Oxford‘s life and the plays Kill All the Lawyers (1994) (excerpt) Martin Luther at Elsinore? (New Yorker Airs a Bizarre Dispute Over Hamlet) Who Really Wrote the Plays of ―William Shakespeare?‖ A Grand Summation: Review of Charlton Ogburn‘s The Man Who Was Shakespeare The World‘s Most Baffling Literary Mystery This Star of England: written forty years ago and still a goldmine of information Before Looney, did Anyone Know Oxford Was Shakespeare? A Novel, A Song and A Portrait Inventory Suggest So From the Past President: Congratulations to New President Charles Vere Lord Burford [Charles Beauclerk] Oxfordians to Participate in World Shakespeare Congress John Louther Reports: effectiveness of Charles Burford‘s [Charles Beauclerk‘s] presentations Prince Charles Lauds Shakespeare (Thus Oxford?) for Insights Into the Life of the Nobly Born Letter: response to Lincoln Cain‘s letter: Folger Library is open to all researchers The Vindicators of Shakespeare (excerpt) Editor: William E. Boyle The Problem of the Funeral Elegy To Our Members: from new President Charles Vere World Shakespeare Congress to be held in Los Angeles That Way Madness Lies: Elegy Conference in LA still leaves questions Frontline to Rebroadcast The Shakespeare Mystery Oxford Prevails in NYC Bar Association Debate 19th Annual Conference in Greenboro, NC 20th Annual Conference in Minneapolis, Oct. 10-13 212 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 6 Beauclerk, Charles 6-7 7 12-14 Sobran, Joseph Beauclerk, Charles Anderson, Mark K. 15 Editor 16-17 Boyle, William E. 18-19 18-19 19, 24 20 21 21 Editor Editor Louther, John Buckridge, Patrick Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. 21 Whalen, Richard F. 22 23 Editor Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 23 23 Boyle, Charles Stritmatter, Roger Vol. 32/2 (Spring 1996) 1, 8-11 Moore, Peter R. 1, 3, 13 Editor 2, 23 Boettger, Carol 2 4 5 5 6-7 7 Whalen, Richard F. Boyle, Charles Editor Editor Beauclerk, Charles Editor 11 13 14 15 16-17, 24 16-17, 24 16-17, 24 17 18 19 Editors Caruana, Stephanie Davies, Sir John Boyle, William E. Editor Editor Editor Editor Louther, John Boyle, Charles Whalen, Richard F. 19 Whalen, Richard F. 19 Whalen, Richard F. 19, 24 20 21 21 21 22 Whalen, Richard F. Editor Miller, Ruth Loyd Hammersmith, Mary Louise Charlton, Derran K. Price, Diana 12-13 Explanation for Revoking Invitation to Joseph Sobran to Speak at SOS Conference Letter: open letter to members of the Shakespeare Oxford Society Prince Charles‘ Views A Little More than Kuhn, and a Little Less than Kind: examining the headlines with The Structure of Scientific Revolutions in Mind British Actor Sir Derek Jacobi is Latest to Sign Society Petition on Authorship Shakespeare on the Internet; discussion group grows and home page opened in 1995 Oxfordian News: Ruth Loyd Miller Honored in Lousiana Oxfordian News: Horatio Society Founded in San Francisco John Louther Reports: Shakespeare on Sesame Street? Authorship Down Under: One-Man Publicity Campaign in Australia Review of Shakespeare, A Life in Drama by Stanley Wells (1995) Review of Shakespeare, the King‘s Playwright, 1603-1613 by Alvin Kernan (1995) Review of Vice Versa: Bisexuality and Eroticism of Everyday Life by Garber (1995) From the Editor: changes in SOS leadership and publications Letter: appreciation for Florence Sheppard‘s review of This Star of England Letter: the Crown Signature Letter: reprint of his letter to the NY Times on the Funeral Elegy Editor: William E. Boyle Oxford, the Order of The Garter, and Shame Authorship Fireworks at the Sixth World Shakespeare Congress Events at the World Shakespeare Congress: visions, revisions and a premature death Samuel Schoenbaum (1927-1996) Lessons From a Seminar Minneapolis Conference: full slate of events set John Price Sues Shakespeare Oxford Society Board of Trustees Votes in a New Era: Fundraising Now the Key Action Plan and Mission Statement for the Shakespeare Oxford Society of the 21st Century Further Thoughts on Research, Biography and the State of the Debate Funeral Elegy: an Update: does the Emperor have any clothes yet? Of Her Will (from Hymns to Astraea in Acrostic Verse) The Debate Heats Up on the Web Globe Theater‘s Mark Rylance Latest to Sign Authorship Petition Oxfordian News: Nelson-Chiljan Debate in San Francisco Oxfordian News: ―Shaksper‖ dethroned at Sh. Duel in Michigan Oxfordian News: Annual Oxford Day Banquet in Boston John Louther Reports Shakespeare and the Politics of Protestant England Review of Edmond Malone, Shakespearean Scholar by Peter Martin (1995) Review of The Sonnets, a volume in New Cambridge Shakespeare ed. by C. Blakemore Evans, with intro by Anthony Hecht (1996) Review of The Shakespeare Conspiracy by Graham Phillips and M. Keatman (1994) Review of Cultural Selection by Gary Taylor (1996) From the Editor: Special Notice; Why It Matters; Spring in July? Letter: Letter from the Millers to SOS Members Letter: praise for the SOS Letter: Funeral Elegy Letter: Joseph Sobran 213 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 22 22 22 Sobran, Joseph Hart, Michael Livacari, Gary L. Vol. 32/3 (Summer 1996) 1, 15 Editor 1, 4-5 Editor 2 Editor 2 Editor 2 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 3, 24 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 4 Anonymous 5 6 7, 22 8-9 10-11 11 12-14 15 16-17, 23 16-17, 23 18 18, 23 19 Editor Moore, Peter R. Beauclerk, Charles Sherman, Randall Caruana, Stephanie Berney, Charles Sobran, Joseph Earl of Essex Editor Editor Kunin, Carolyn Mosher, Sally Whalen, Richard F. 19, 23 20 21 21 21 Whalen, Richard F. Editor Stritmatter, Roger Nash, Paul N. Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Vol. 32/4 (Fall 1996) 1, 11-15 Whittemore, Hank 4-5, 15, 24 Editors 2 Editor 2 Editor 3 Sherman, Randall; K. Chiljan 3 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins 5, 18 Editors 6-7 Boyle, William E. 7 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 8-15 Anderson, Mark K. 16-17, 22 Editor 16/17, 22 Editor 16-17, 22 Editor 17, 23 Louther, John 18 York, Michael 19, 24 Lipman, Carole S. 20 21 21-22 Editor Blair, William Paul Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Vol. 33/1 (Winter 1997) 1, 10-15 Fitzgerald, James 1, 6-7, 15 Editors Letter: response to previous letters Letter: Joseph Sobran Letter: Joseph Sobran Editor: William E. Boyle Conference Update: Oxford in Minnesota The State of the Debate: the Internet and the authorship battle In the NY Times, it‘s ―All the News that fits . . .‖ While in the Washginton Post it‘s ―persistent idiocy‖ Reprint of his letter to the Washington Post This Star of England: historical notes on its publication and authors The Arte of English Poesie: quotes from the original and as it appeared in Frontline Dating The Tempest: excerpt from David Kathman‘s essay The Tempest and the Bermuda Shipwreck of 1609 How Are the Mighty Fallen? The Marketing of a Paradigm Shift Of ―‗Em‘s‖ and ―Them‘s‖: important clues in the Elegy debate? What‘s in a Name? The Phaeton Sonnet Sonnet (recited at the Accession Day tournament of 1595) Oxfordian News: Authorship in the Classroom at Cleveland State Oxfordian News: Authorship Debate on Australian Radio Review of CD: William Byrd: Songs, Dances, Battles, Games Music Named for Edward de Vere Review of The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare by Russ McDonald (1996) Review of The Riverside Guide to Writing by Douglas Hunt (1995) From the Editor: 20th Annual Conference; The Mysteries of Bulk Mail Letter: Funeral Elegy Letter: Joseph Sobran Letter: Oxfordian articles in Das Shakespeare-Komplott; Oxford taught in Geneva Editor: William E. Boyle Oxford‘s Metamorphoses 20th Annual Conference Marks Turning Point Mark Rylance Stirs Up the Globe Charles Boyle on the Mend Reporting His Cause Through Local Chapters First Issue of The Oxfordian Scheduled for Next Spring Other Conference Events: The Debate, Teacher‘s Workshop, Speakers Shakespeare and the Fair Youth Letter: excerpts from his Letter to the SOS about the Sonnets Shakespeare‘s Bible Brings Truth to Light Oxfordian News: Shakespeare performed at Hedingham Castle Oxfordian News: new authorship documentary planned in Austria Oxfordian News: authorship courses in Oregon and other news John Louther Reports Letter: regrets his not being able to attend Conference Review of The Shakespeare Folio Handbook and Census compiled by H. Otness (1990) From the Editor: who won, and why? Letter: praise for last issue of the Newsletter Letter: Oxford as Shakespeare: belief or hypothesis? Editor: William E. Boyle Shakespeare, Oxford and Du Bartas: de Vere‘s revelatory last poem Writing History: the facts are the facts, but interpretation is all 214 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 2 2, 14-15 2 3, 24 4-5, 23 8-9, 22 16 Editor Beauclerk, Charles Editor Desper, Richard Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Editor Editor 16-17 Editor 17 18 19 21 Louther, John Chiljan, Katherine Stritmatter, Roger Rylance, Mark 21 Cali, Grace 21 Ogburn, Jr., Charlton 21st Annual Conference in Seattle Branagh‘s Sound and Fury: review of Hamlet Society Library Has a Home Funeral Elegy: Proof for Oxford? Of Standins, Pseudonyms, Mummings and Disguisings News from England: De Vere Society Annual General Meeting held Oxfordian News: Horatio Society in San Francisco; Diana Price lecture in Los Angeles Oxfordian News: From Florida, Illinois, Maaschusetts, Oregon, Australia, England John Louther Reports: Shakespeare‘s Knowledge of Italy A New Portrait Comes to Light Review of Who Wrote Shakespeare? by John Mitchell (1996) Letter: Telegraph article reprinted in a recent Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Letter: Hughes‘ call to reach academics by presenting an interesting possibility Letter: congratulations to Anderson and Stritmatter for terrific article on Shakespeare‘s Bible Vol. 33/2 (Spring 1997) 1, 4-6 Sobran, Joseph 1, 10-13 2 2 2 3 3, 13 3 6-7, 24 8, 13 9 14-15 16 16 17 17 18-19 19 20 20 21 21 21-22 22-23 23-24 Editor: William E. Boyle Shakespeare‘s Disgrace: is this the key to identifying and understanding the poet? Anderson, Mark K. Meet the New Bard: Concordia Unviersity festivities Editor Two Tales of Our Times: Sir Derek Jacobi and NY Times articles Editor Seattle Conference Planning in Place: Annual Conference, Oct. 1997 Editor Fundraising; launch of The Oxfordian Editor Charles Burford [Charles Beauclerk] resigns as Society President; Randall Sherman Elected Sherman, Randall President‘s Letter Beauclerk, Charles Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow Stritmatter, Roger Reinventing the Professoriate: Sobran‘s Alias Shakespeare, Multiculalism . . . Chiljan, Katherine; Walter Hurst Oxford Week Spreads the Word Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins First Ever: Concordia Unviersity opens the academic door to Oxford Pluto, Anne E. Oxford Street Players: Lesley College students are learning a new Shakespeare Editor Oxfordian News: 10th Annual Oxford Day Banquet in Cambridge Editor Oxfordian News: New Chapter Takes Off in Sacramento Following Oxford Week Editor Oxfordian News: Authorship Debate in Bath; Letter from Castle Hedingham Louther, John John Louther Reports: from Gad‘s Hill Fitzgerald, James Shakespeare, Oxford and De Bartas: a follow-up Whalen, Richard F. Review of Love‘s Labour‘s Lost: Critical Essays, edited by Felicia Londre (1997) Editor Thanks Charles (Burford [Charles Beauclerk], recent former President) Editor Writing ―Writing History‖ Benjamin, Dana E. and Marlene Z. Letter: Du Bartas and the authorship issue Whalen, Richard F. Letter: comments on ―Writing History‖ Shirley, Patricia Letter: Edward de Vere and authorship issues Stritmatter, Roger Letter: II Philippians and other Biblical verses Jolly, Eddi Letter: another view of Branagh‘s Hamlet Vol. 33/3 (Summer 1997) 1, 10-12 Anderson, Mark K. 4, 6-8 Boyle, William E. 2 Editor Editor: William E. Boyle Beauty and the Paradigm The 1987 Moot Court Trial: ten years later the verdict is in: de Vere/Oxfordians won Book Reviews in the Washington Post; Articles in Academic Journals 215 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 2 2 2 3 3 4, 12 5, 12 9 13 Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Beauclerk, Charles Editor Haldeman, Philip 13 14-15 14-15 Haldeman, Philip Editor Editor 15 16 17, 24 18-19, 23+ Hovey, Alan J. Boyle, Charles Whalen, Richard F. Stritmatter, Roger 20 21 22-23 23 Editor Stone, Elliott Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) Charlton, Derran K. Vol. 33/4 (Fall 1997/Winter „98) 1, 12-17 Fitzgerald, James 1, 3-5 Boyle, William E. 2 2 2 Whalen, Richard F. Editor Editor 2 6 6 Editor Editor Hardigg, James S. 7, 28 8-9 Sherman, Randall Rollett, John M. 10-11 18-19 19-21 21 22 22 22 23-24 24-26 26-27 27 Whalen, Richard F. Editor Anderson, Mark K. Whalen, Richard F. Editor Editor Editor Ogburn, Jr., Charlton Cyr, Gordon C. Stritmatter, Roger Klomp, Louis Vol. 34/1 (Spring 1998) 1, 6-8, 23 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins 1, 4-5 Boyle, William E. 2 Editor Princess Diana, 1961-1997 Interview with Ogburn Completed New Fundraising Program Begins 21st Annual Conference in Seattle The Authorship Issue in the Classroom Shakespeare and the Fair Youth At the Bath Debate: the case for Oxford 11th Annual Conference – 1987 Review of Renaissance Music at Princely Courts of Europe, CD by the Rozmberk Consort Prague Review of Live the Legend, CD by New World Renaissance Band Oxfordian News: Students debate authorship issue at Ball State Univ. Oxfordian News: Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable launches 12th year in LA In the Authorship Debate, a Role for Theatres Review of Alias Shakespeare by Joseph Sobran (1997) Review of The Norton Shakespeare, edited by Stephen Greenblatt Shakespeare‘s Legal Appeal: A Review of Kill All the Lawyers? Shakespeare‘s Legal Apeal by Daniel Kornstein (1994) So, What‘s the Story?; Correction; Thanks, John Louther Letter: the Sonnets and Joseph Sobran Letter: the Sonnets and Joseph Sobran Letter: Chiljan‘s discovery of the ―Portrait of a Gentleman‖ Editor: William E. Boyle Enter Ben Jonson 21st Annual Conference: gathering in Seattle brings sense of purpose to Oxfordians Morse Johnson (1915-1997) A Call for Member Involvement Justice for Oxford: C-SPAN cablecast of Moot Court Trial held on June 4, 1997 Authorship Games: USA Today report on authorship issue Fundraising in 1997 Why I Support Inquiry into the Authorship of Shakespeare‘s Plays and Poems The Cause Is In My Will Master F. W. D., R. I. P. . . . a logical answer is not necessarily the correct answer A Monumental Problem Oxfordian News from Indiana, Massachusetts, Germany Paradigm Shift: Beauty and ―Bottom‘s Dream‖ Review of Global Shakespeare Series, ed. By Dom Saliani (1996-7) After Two Years . . . A Change of Seasons Correction Letter: response to the 1987 Moot Court Trial article Letter: the Folger and the Ashbourne portrait Letter: Sobran‘s Alias Shakespeare Acrostic Poem on Edward de Vere Editor: William E. Boyle A Society of Secrets: how Elizabethan Era still confounds us today Ciphers, Codes, and the Authorship Debate: shortcut to the truth, or fatal attraction? Russian Says Earl of Rutland Was Shakespeare (Review of The Game of Shakespeare by Ilya Gililov in the Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 31, 1997) 216 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 2, 22 3 9 10-11, 24 11 12-13 14-15 15, 22 16-17 18-19 18-19 18-19 21 21 21-22 Dickson, Peter; William E. Boyle Washington Researcher Offers New Theory on Folio Publication and the Authorship Whalen, Richard F. English Oxfordian Finds Southampton, De Vere in the Sonnets Editor 21st Annual Conference – Followup Report Fitzgerald, James E. L. Oxon. Hannas, Andrew Letter: Iosua Silvester Anagr: Vere Os Salustii: by Ed. de Vere or Edward Lapworth? Jewell, Keith D. A London Visitor‘s Homage to Edward de Vere Editor Oxfordian News: Oxfordians at SAA in Cleveland; De Vere Society Meets in London Sobran, Joseph Sonnets are Stratfordian Achilles‘ Heel Anderson, Mark K. Review of The Art of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets by Helen Vendler (1987) Whalen, Richard F. Review of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets edited by Katherine Duncan-Jones (1997) Whalen, Richard F. Review of The Sonnets edited by G. Blakemore Evans (1996) Whalen, Richard F. Review of The Art of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets by Helen Vendler (1997) Gidley, Fran Letter: Fitzgerald‘s article Enter Ben Jonson (Fall 1997/Winter 1998 Issue) Detobel, Robert Letter: Fitzgerald‘s article Enter Ben Jonson (Fall 1997/Winter 1998 Issue) Sisson, Edward H. Letter: Sobran‘s book Alias Shakespeare Vol. 34/2 (Summer 1998) 1, 14-15+ Wright, Daniel L. 1, 4-7 2 Boyle, William E. Chiljan, Katherine 2, 22 3 8-9 Editor Editor Tatum, Aaron F. 10-11 12-13 16-17 Editor Whalen, Richard F. Editor 17 18, 24 19 20 21 Bowen, Pamela Anderson, Mark K. Whalen, Richard F. Editor Moore, Peter R. 21 21 21 22 Magri, Noemi Boyle, Charles Malim, Richard Fitzgerald, James Vol. 34/3 (Fall 1998) 1, 8-13 Dickson, Peter W. 1, 5 Whalen, Richard F. 2 Boyle, William E. 2 Batiuk, Tom 3 Editor 3 Editor 6-7 Anderson, Mark K. 14-15 Dickson, Peter W. 16-17 Stritmatter, Roger Editor: William E. Boyle Shaking the Spear at Court: Oxford as ―The Knight of the Tree of the Sunne‖ Shakespeare‘s Son on Death Row? By This Hat, Then . . . New Evidence about the 1580s ―Portrait of a Gentleman‖ A Catholic Shakespeare . . . training as a Priest? 22nd Annual Conference, Nov. 12-15 Justice Stevens Casts Dec.iding Vote for Oxford in an Oxfordian Victory at D.C. Authorship Trial 2nd Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference The Queen‘s Worm, in Antony and Cleopatra Oxfordian News: Authorship Roundtable Sponsors Symposium in Los Angeles; Banquet Held in Cambridge; Second-Guessing the Bard in Stratford Unexpected Help From Neil Simon The Zen of Shake-speare Review of Creating Literature Out of Life by Doris Alexander (1996) To Be or Not To Be . . . Evident Letter: praise for Ogburn‘s reticence about expressing political opinions in his work Letter: Latin motto: attici amois ergo Letter: Oxford bearing the canopy Letter: Sisson‘s article and Mr.Shaksper Letter: the R. R. Eulogy Editor: William E. Boyle Henry Peacham on Oxford and Shakespeare Charlton Ogburn (1911-1998) Followup; the First Folio and the Spanish Marriage Crisis Funky Winkerbean comic mentioning Edward de Vere 22nd Annual Conference in San Francisco Draws Record Crowd Announcing The Oxfordian Losing Voice; Losing Face; Gaining Vision: Charlton Ogburn Jr. Oxford‘s Literary Reputation in the 17th and 18th Centuries Publish We This Peace . . . a note on the design of the Shakespeare First Folio and the Spanish Marriage Crisis 217 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 18-19 Stritmatter, Roger 20-21 21, 27 22 23, 28 24 24 25 25 25-26 26 27 Editor Anderson, Mark K. Boyle, Charles Whalen, Richard F. Editor Editor Mitchell, John Whalen, Richard F. Fitzgerald, James Barron, Dennis Holden, Isabel Vol. 35/1 (Spring 1999) 1, 13-15 Draya, Ren 1, 4-5, 23 Anderson, Mark K. 2 Boyle, William E. 3 Editor 4 6-7 8-9, 24 Whalen, Richard F. Editor Dickson, Peter W. 9 10-13 16-17 Dickson, Peter W. Chiljan, Katherine Editor 18 Jimenez, Ramon. 19, 23 19 20 21-22 22 Whalen, Richard F. Editor Editor Magri, Noemi Allen, Ron Vol. 35/2 (Summer 1999) 1, 16-17+ Brazil, Robert 1, 10-14+ Whittemore, Hank 2 Editor 2 2 3 3 3 Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor 4-6 5 7, 28 8-9 15 18-19 Anderson, Mark K. Berney, Charles Dickson, Peter W. Fitzgerald, James Prechter, Jr., Robert R. Editor 20-21 21-22 Whalen, Richard F. Sobran, Joseph Bestow How, and When You List: Susan Vere, William Jaggard and the 1623 Folio Oxfordian News: Authorship Roundtable Symposium Convenes in LA Paradigm Shift: Sex, Lies and Psalm 51 Review of Who Were Shakespeare? By Ron Allen (1998) Review of Genius of Shakespeare by Jonathan Bate (1998) The Oldest Hath Borne the Most Correction Letter: anagrams and the authorship issue Letter: response to John Mitchell Letter: interpretations of ―the worm‖ Letter: interpretations of ―the worm‖ Letter: Ida Hughes-Standon at Hedingham Castle Editor: William E. Boyle Shakespeare‘s King John: a story of rightful identity and eyes to see Paradigm Shift: Moment of Truth . . . Harper‘s Magazine articles Shakespeare‘s Invention: the royal story of the Sonnets: Whittemore makes his case Harper‘s Story Generates Commentary, Coverage; Chronicle of Higher Education Weights In Harper‘s Shakespeare Folio Articles: A Summary 3rd Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference Are British Scholars Erasing Two Heroic Earls From Jacobean History to Protect the Shakespeare Industry? So Many Biographies, So Few Henries Oxford and Palamon and Arcite: an early work by Edward de Vere? Oxfordian News: Felicia Londre Lecturer on Oxford at SAA; 12 th Oxford Day in Mass. Review of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets and the Court of Navarre by D. Honneyman (1997) Review of Symptoms of Culture by Marjorie Garber (1998) Updates on Society, Conference The Invisible Men Letter: Henry Peacham‘s works and the authorship issue Letter: the role of Edward de Vere in the writing of Shakespeare‘s plays Editor: William E. Boyle Edward de Vere and the Shakespeare Quartos, Part 1 Abstract & Brief Chronicles: the Sonnets seen as Shakespeare‘s true testimony about the end of the Tudor era Media Notes: Follow-up to Harper‘s, Chronicle of Higher Education Stories Obituary: Clifton Fadiman, Renowned Critic, Oxfordian (1904-1999) Obituary: J. Allan Hovey, Jr., Author of Aye, Shakespeare Shakespeare and Religion: to be or not to be . . . a secret Catholic Meet the New Shakespeare? And Meet the Once and Future Descendant? Is Prince William Descended from Shakespeare? Paradigm Shift: Thomas of Woodstock – a ―prequel‖ to Richard II? Adventures of a Contestant Bacon Begs the Two Henries as First Folio Appears Nudge-Nudge, Wink-Wink: ―What Author Would Conceal His Name?‖ Another View of Sonnet 20 Oxfordian News: Authorship Roundtable; Authorship Documentary in England Review of The Late Mr. Shakespeare: a Novel by Robert Nye (1999) Review of Shakespeare: A Life by Park Honan (1998) 218 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 23, 27 Desper, Richard 24 24 25-26 26-27 27 Editor Editor Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Nash, Paul N. Charlton, Derran K. Remarks on Castiglione‘s Il Cortegiano as Applicable to the Authorship Question Shakespeare, Southampton and the Sonnets The 1999 Oxfordian Goes to Press Letter: Whittemore and the Prince Tudor thesis Letter: Caesar and Brutus – father and son Letter: Peach, de Vere and authorship issues Vol. 35/3 (Fall 1999) 1, 10-11+ Brazil, Robert 1, 3-5 Boyle, William E. 2 Editor 2 3 4 5 6-7, 22 7 8-9 9 12-13 14 15, 23-24 16-18 18 18 18 18 18-19 19 19 20 20 21 21 Editor: William E. Boyle Edward de Vere and the Shakespeare Quartos, Part 2 23rd Annual Conference Caps an Eventful Year Poetry Challenge in The Shakespeare Newsletter Draws an Oxfordian Response Editor Jonson, Jones Masque Manuscripts Found in Wilton House (from G. Gibbs article) Editor 24th Annual Conference to be Held in Stratford, Ontario‘s Shakespeare Festival Ogburn, Vera Letter to Society Members in Memory of Charlton Ogburn, Jr. Berney, Charles The Legend of the Round-Earthers Boyle, William E. Shakespeare, Southampton and the Sonnets: Conference explores competing theories Editor The 3rd Earl of Southampton and the Order of the Garter (summary of presentation by John Rollett at the 23rd Annual Conference) Stritmatter, Roger; Wright; Boyle Shakespeare and Religion: Conference Panel Highlights Sticking Points for Scholars Wright, Daniel L. Shakespeare‘s Religion Brazil, Robert The Thomas Creede Connection Brazil, Robert James Roberts and Oxford: another key publishing relationship Dickson, Peter W. 1622 Othello Cracks a Frozen Shakespeare Market Lipman, Carole S. Oxfordian News: Authorship Roundtable Hosts Lectures Oxford and Bruno; in England, an Oxfordian Theater Debuts in London Whalen, Richard F. Review of Inscribing the Time by Eric Mallin (1995) Whalen, Richard F. Review of Bloody Constraint: War and Chivalry in Shakespeare by Theodor Meron (1988) Whalen, Richard F. Review of Shakespeare‘s Shakespeare: How the Plays Were Made by Meagher (1997) Whalen, Richard F. Review of The Heart and Stomach of a King: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Sex and Power by Carole Levin (1994) Wright, Daniel L. Reviews of William Shakespeare by A. Holden (1999) (excerpts) Dickson, Peter W. Was the Troilus and Cressida Preface Written in 1602-1603? Editor No New Play? Editor The Board of Trustees Editor The Oxfordian Holtz, Nancy Ann Letter: Oxfordian presentation at a New England college Barron, Dennis Letter: motto puns in Shakespeare‘s works Vol. 35/4 (Winter 2000) 1, 9-13 Alexander, Mark A. 1, 4-5 Peel, Joe; Shuttleworth; W. Boyle 2 Editor 2 Editor 2 Editor 2 Editor 3, 22 Whalen, Richard F. 4 Editor 5 Tatum, Aaron F. 6-8 Boyle, Charles 14 Whalen, Richard F. Editor: William E. Boyle Shakespeare‘s ―Bad Law:‖ a journey through the history of the arguments Society Opens Its Library, Establishes an Endowment Oxfordians Winning the Public Debate Public Libraries Welcome Oxfordians Obituary: Howard Bloch (1937-2000) Obituary: Tal Wilson (1919-2000) To Our English Terence . . . Gertrude C. Ford: a pioneer Oxfordian (d. 1996) President‘s Letter Why Pericles Was Not Included in the First Folio Oxfordian News: Oxfordian group formed in Chicago; authorship question at Harvard 219 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 14-15 Editor 15 Stritmatter, Roger 16, 23 Whalen, Richard F. 17-19, 24 Anderson, Mark K. 20 20 20 21 Editor Editor Editor Hamilton, Tina N. 21 21 Charlton, Derran K. Landsbury, Edgar Volume 36/1 (Spring 2000) 1, 14-21 Wright, Daniel L. 1, 8-9 Boyle, William E. 2 2 2, 21 3 3 3 4-6 7 8 10-11, 31 12-13, 25+ 22-23 23 24-25 Editor Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Editor Editor Stritmatter, Roger Campbell, Susan Dixon, Jonathan Wright, Daniel L. Editor Sobran, Joseph Editor Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. 26-27, 32 Werth, Andrew 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 Editor Editor Editor Anderson, Mark K. Bremer, Nolan Hochberg, Sandy Whalen, Richard F. Volume 36/2 (Summer 2000) 1, 6-8 Dickson, Peter W. 1, 9-15, 17 Stritmatter, Roger 2 Whalen, Richard F. 3, 24 Editor 4 Editor 5, 24 6 Anderson, Mark K. Andrews, John Oxfordian News: 2nd Annual Shakespeare Festival in Vermont; Globe Theater event Love‘s Labor‘s Lost: What Happened at the Stationers‘ Register from 1571-1576? Review of Shakespeare for Dummies by John Doyle and Ray Lischner (1999) Paradigm Shift: Ophelia‘s Difference, or, ―To catch the conscience of the counselor‖ The Shakespeare Oxford Library 24th Annual Conference A New Name For the Society Letter: her activities to promote Oxford as the author of Shakespeare‘s works Letter: Earl of Oxford‘s handwriting Letter: true author deserves better from academics Editor: William E. Boyle Vere-y Interesting: Shakespeare‘s treatment of the Earls of Oxford in the history plays Paradigm Earthquake Strikes Amherst, Mass. (Stritmatter‘s Successful Ph.D. Defense) Obituary: Sir John Gielgud (1904-2000) Last Print Issue of The Elizabethan Review Published New Editor Pearson‘s First De Vere Society Newsletter Large Turnout Expected for 24th Annual Conference in Stratford Whose Handwriting? The Annotations in Oxford‘s Geneva Bible Letter to Alan Nelson about handwriting in Oxford‘s Geneva Bible The Last Known Letter of Edward de Vere Brought to Light The Upstart Crow Supposes Preface to his Examination of Roger Stritmatter 4th Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference The End of Stratfordianism Sir Derek Jacobi Featured guest at NY Dinner Celebrating Oxford A French/English Pun in Othello Review of William Shakespeare: A Popular Life by Garry O‘Connor (2000) Virginia Woolf‘s Shakespeare: why Woolf made room for the Stratford lad in A Room of One‘s Own Edward de Vere‘s Last Known Letter Newsletter Editorial Board Paradigms Shifting and shaking Letter: Ophelia‘s Difference Letter: bequest of Tal Wilson Letter: Whittemore‘s Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Letter: Whittemore‘s Abstract & Brief Chronicle Editor: William E. Boyle An Emerging ―Crypto-Catholic‖ Theory Challenges Stratfordians The Not-Too-Hidden Key to Minerva Britanna Review of The De Vere Society Newlsetter: Giulio Romano, Southampton as the Queen‘s Son, and Will Shaksper‘s Children U.S. News and World Report Features Shakespeare Mystery; Authorship Encounters with William F. Buckley News from the Folger Shakespeare Library: Ashbourne Portrait Now on Public Diplay Nero Caesar: The First Folio‘s Straight-Man Excerpts from Andrews‘ Review of William Shakespeare: Man Behind the Genius 220 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 7 16-17 18-19, 23 20 20 21 21 21-22 22 Andrews, John; Peter W. Dickson Exchange of Letters between John Andrews and Peter Dickson Over the Catholic Issue Editor Oxfordian News: Michael York, Royal Shakespeare Company McNeil, Alex Review of Dissing Elizabeth: Negative Representations of Gloriana by Walker (1998) Editor The Ashbourne Portrait Editor The Folger‘s Authorship Policy Stritmatter, Roger Letter: praise for Jonathan Dixon‘s exegesis of the upstart crow passage Wright, Daniel L. Letter: Mark Ander‘s superb analysis of Shakespeare‘s legal acumen Berney, Charles Letter: kudos to Charles Boyle and Mark Anderson for tackling issue of incest Creasey, Beverly Letter: Power Plays: Shakespeare‘s Lessons in Leadership and Management by Tina Packer and John Whitney Volume 36/3 (Fall 2000) 1, 3-4 Boyle, William E. 1, 8-15 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins 2 Editor 5 Editor 6-7, 15 7 16-17 17 18, 23 19, 24 20 21 21-22 22 Eldredge, Joseph Taymor, Julie Editor Berney, Charles Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Editor Jiménez, Ramon Pearson, Daphne Grumman, Robert Volume 36/4 (Winter 2001) 1, 15-17 Boyle, Charles 1, 8-14 Karr, Merilee 2, 7 Whalen, Richard F. 3 3 4-5 5 6-7 Boyle, William E. Editor Editor Tatum, Aaron F. Dickson, Peter W. 8-9 18-19 Karr, Merilee Quealy, Gerit 19, 27 20-21, 28 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 Altrocchi, Paul H. Anderson, Mark K. Editor Whalen, Richard F. Whittemore, Hank Berney, Charles Dickson, Peter W. Dixon, Jonathan Fitzgerald, James Volume 37/1 (Spring 2001) 1, 13-25 Whalen, Richard F. Editor: William E. Boyle Stratford (Ont.) Hosts 24th Annual Conference New Light on the Dark Lady Media Notes: Fox TV‘s Malcolm in the Middle; Oliver Stone on History & Conspiracy Panel Discussion on Hamlet: Stephen Moorer, Eddi Jolly, Gerit Quealy and Ted Story Review: Taymor‘s Titus Illuminates a Troublesome Play Excertps from Julie Taymor‘s Press Release Comments on Titus Oxfordian News: Oxford Symposium Held in Massachusetts, etc. Sir Walter Scott as Paleo-Oxfordian, Part 1 Review of Shakespeare‘s Unorthodox Biography by Diana Price (2001) Young Adult Novels Pitch Oxford as Shakespeare Hamlet, the Comedy Letter: Oxford‘s ancestors in The Famous Victories Letter: historical records about de Vere Letter: Stritmatter‘s interpretation of ―upstart crow‖ Editor: William E. Boyle Elizabeth‘s Glass Semiotics and the Shakespeare Authorship Debate Shakespeare Allusions and Oxford; Wounded Truth; Titian and Venus and Adonis; Hamlet and a Lost Inheritance Bad Boy is Back, The: NY Times trumpets Marlowe Authorship Film Projects Underway in US, UK 25th annual Conference to be held in Carmel, California President‘s Letter Flood of Shakespeare Biographies Since Ogburn/Honigmann Works in 1984-1985 A Brief History of Interpretation Oxfordian News: Authorship play in California, April Oxfordian Weekend in Chicago Stone Coffin Underneath The Upstart Crow‘s Other Plumage The ABCs of the Authorship Debate Letter: Paleo-Oxfordians Letter: the dark lady is a metaphor Letter: Supposes and Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit Letter: Mark Anderson‘s discovery of Edmund Bolton‘s biography Letter: Supposes and Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit Letter: a paean to Stritmatter‘s explication a phrase from Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna Editor: William E. Boyle Cross-examining Leonard Digges on His Stratford Connection 221 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 1, 4-6 Baca, Nathan 1, 7 Baca, Nathan 2 2 2 3 3 8-12 16 Editor Editor Editor Creasey, Beverly Editor Whittemore, Hank Editor 17, 23-24 Berney, Charles 18 18, 22 20 20 21 21 21 Whalen, Richard F. Anderson, Mark K. Editor Editor Anderson, George Magri, Noemi Sisson, Edward H. Volume 37/2 (Summer 2001) 1, 12-14 Desper, Richard 1, 20 Whalen, Richard F. 2 Editor 2 Whalen, Richard F. 3-4 Davis, Frank 5-6 7-10 Whalen, Richard F. Jiménez, Ramon 11, 20 Editor 15 Whalen, Richard F. 16 17 Anderson, Mark K. Stritmatter, Roger 17-19 Livacari, Gary L. 19 Harman, Charles E. Volume 37/3 (Fall 2001) 1, 3-5, 21 Editor 1, 14-17+ Roper, David 2 Editor 6, 23 Chiljan, Katherine 7 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins 7, 18-19 Hamill, John 8-11, 21 Jiménez, Ramon 23-24 13, 20, 22 19 22 Hamill, John Shahan, John Editor Livacari, Gary L. Oxford as Shakespeare Celebrated Coast to Coast: 5th Annual de Vere Studies Conference Oxford as Shakespeare Celebrated Coast to Coast: Birthday Bashes in Boston, Chicago Arthur Golding‘s Metamorphoses: new edition now available Bard Barred as ―Too Boring‖ (in South Africa) A New Shakespeare Portrait? The Hamlet Formerly Known as Prince Obituary: James Edmund Fitzgerald (1943-2001) Prince Hamlet, the ―Spear-Shaker‖ of Elsinore Oxfordian News: De Vere Society in England, authorship play in Tennessee Midsummer Night‘s Dream on Film: from Hollywood extravaganza to British opera Review of Most Greatly Lived by Paul Altrocchi (2000) Ingenuity of Imposition As We Like It? Goodbye to a Friend: James Fitzgerald Letter: historical importance of ‗Shakespeare‘s‘ plays Letter: Oxford‘s choir-boy Cogno Letter: Shakespeare icon Editor: William E. Boyle Virtue Rewarded: the premise of The Reign of King Edward III Stratford Man Discredited in Top History Magazine Beard of Avon (by Amy Freed) Puts the Shakespeare Authorship Question Center Stage And Speaking of Stratford, Here‘s What Henry James‘s Brother Once Had to Say Her Warbling Sting - music, not malady: refuting Nelson‘s thesis on Baxter‘s poem Obscure Legal Point in Hamlet; News From the DeVere Society The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth - Key to the Authorship Question?, Part 1 Oxfordian News: Hughes at Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable, Londre at Shakespeare Festival, Oxford as Shakespeare on stage in London Review of Ungentle Shakespeare: scenes from his life by Duncan-Jones (2001) Introducing ―phorionymous;‖ more on Batillus Letter: response to Fitzgerald‘s positive commons on his Minerva Birtanna article Letter: recommendation for Price‘s Shakespeare‘s Unorthodox Biography (2001) Letter: praise for Altrocchi‘s Most Greatly Lived (2000) Editors: Katherine Chiljan and Daphne Pearson Carmel Hosts SOS Conference Peacham Chronogram, The First Folio Fetches $6 Million Trout De Vere Album, The: rare book collector made rare find Oxfordian News: a second Oxford-owned book at the Folger Oxfordian News Rebellion Broached on his Sword: new evidence of an early date for Henry V Who is Buried in Shakespeare‘s Grave? Review of Origins of Genius by Dean Keith Simonton (1999) Oxford Document to be Auctioned Letter: remembrance of Charlton Ogburn, Jr. 222 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Volume 38/1 (Winter 2002) 1, 10-11+ Prechter, Jr., Robert R. 1, 19, 23 Quealy, Gerit 2 Editor 3, 6 Sobran, Joseph 4-5, 8 Editor 7 Editor 7, 14 8, 24 9, 17 12-13 16-17 18 19 20 Hamill, John McGrath, Craig Roper, David Quealy, Gerit Jiménez, Ramon Editor Tatum, Aaron F. Dobbs, Anne 21 21 21 22 22 22 Editor Hess, W. Ron Wells, Lawrence Mason, Una Sisson, Edward H. Tatum, Aaron F. Volume 38/2 (Spring 2002) 1, 10 Editor 1, 12-15 Jiménez, Ramon 1, 21 Editor 2 4-5, 20 6-7 8-9, 18 11, 22 Chiljan, Katherine Quealy, Gerit Brazil, Robert Editor Jiménez, Ramon 16-17, 24 Barrell, Charles Wisner 19 21 23 23 23 Editor Tatum, Aaron F. Desper, Richard Fenn, Ronald Harrison Radney, Elaine M. Volume 38/3 (Summer 2002) 1, 12-15+ Paul, Christopher 1, 8 2 3 Brazil, Robert; Wayne Shore Editor Hartmann, Kurt 4-5, 23 Editor 6-7 Editor 7 Editor Editor: Katherine Chiljan Veres and de Vere: the privilege of the prefix Oxford Makes NY Times: authorship question is news fit to print, finally Auction Results of Oxford Document Oxford‘s Uncle Henry: Sir Thomas More considered in Oxfordian light Oxfordian News: Amy Freed; 6th Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference 26th Annual Conference Scheduled for Washington, D.C., Oct. 10-13, 2002 Review of Sexual Shakespeare by Michael Keevak (2001) Orson the Oxfordian: Orson Welles‘s Shakespearean pursuits The Peacham Document Revisited Duel in D.C., A: the Smithsonian hosts an authorship debate Review of Journals: Shakespeare Newsletter, De Vere Society Newsletter Meet the SOS Trustees: John Hamill, James Sherwood President‘s Letter Film Review: Much Ado About Something Explores Marlowe‘s Case for Authorship Obituary: G. P. V. Akrigg (1913-2001) Obituary: Vincent J. Mooney, Jr. (1944-2001) Obituary: Olga Ironside-Wood (1913-2001) Letter: correspondence with Charlton Ogburn Letter: spelling of Shakespeare‘s name on Anne Hathaway‘s tomb Letter: Charlton and Vera Ogburn Editor: Robert Brazil A Portrait of Southampton? Edward de Vere, Philip Sidney, and the Battle of Agincourt, . . . in brawl ridiculous Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Argues for Oxford‘s Authorship of Shakespeare Oxford Document Bought by Film Composer The Sixth Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference New Evidence Confirms Oxford‘s Birth Date Oxfordian News: Don Foster Recants Elegy Attribution Review of Discovering Shakespeare - A Handbook for Heretics by Edward Holmes (2001) Shakespeare‘s ―Fluellen‖ Identified as a Retainer of the Earl of Oxford (reprinted from SFA, Vol. 2/5, 1941, Aug.) Meet the Trustees: Frank Davis and Wayne Shore President‘s Letter Letter: Irish clans Letter: Oxfordian documents in continental libraries? Letter: Bob Prechter‘s ―Veres and De Vere‖ Editor: Robert Brazil This Strange Eventful History: Oxford, Shakespeare, and the seven ages of man Stylometrics and the Funeral Elegy Affair The Shakespeare Oxford Society Convenes in the Nation‘s Capitol Debate Plays On: Oxford vs. Stratford (reprinted from the Santa Cruz Sentinel) Shakespeare News: Hamlet‘s Star, Elizabeth‘s Ring, Blackfriars Playhouse, etc. Oxfordian News: Biography Magazine, England-DVC Meeting, Nashville, etc. Oxfordian News: Anne Rice on Oxford and Shakespeare 223 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 9-10 Sybersma, Sue 11 16-17 17 18-21 Shahan, John Editor Sherwood, James Brazil, Robert Volume 38/4 (Fall 2002) 1, 12-16 Jiménez, Ramon 2 3, 16 4-5 5-6 Quealy, Gerit Sybersma, Sue Editor Editor 6 6 6 7, 17-20+ 8-11, 24 21 Editor Editor Editor Editor Davis, Frank Brazil, Robert 21 Brazil, Robert 21 23 23 23 23 Brazil, Robert Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Jolly, Eddi Rollett, John M. Wright, Daniel L. Vol. 39/1 (Winter 2003) 1, 12-14 Chiljan, Katherine 1, 3 2, 4, 9, 23 5-7 7 7-8 Quealy, Gerit Barton, John Farina, William Brazil, Robert Brazil, Robert 10-11, 24 Macrone, Michael 15 Chiljan, Katherine 16-18 19 20-21 Brazil, Robert Cyr, Gordon C. Whalen, Richard F. 22 Schumann, Howard Volume 39/2 (Spring 2003) 1, 12-15 Swank, Lowell James 1, 4-5 Hamill, John 2 3, 16-17 6-7, 24 8-9 Editor Lipman, Carole S. Barrett, Jr., Robert M. Editor Sanders Portrait Revisited: could the ―newly discovered Shakespeare Portrait‖ be John Fletcher? WOTS-UP - analysis for Oxfordians and Stratfordians Meet the SOS Trustees: Aaron Tatum, Gerit Quealy Review of Oxford, Son of Queen Elizabeth I by Paul Streitz (2001) Countess Anne‘s Book: new light on a 1581 translation of Sermons on Saint Paul Editor: Robert Brazil Camden, Drayton, Greene, Hall, and Cooke: five eyewitnesses who saw nothing (reprinted in AA, p. 74-86) Gheeraerts Exhibit Featured at the Tate University of Toronto Hosts Picturing Shakespeare Symposium Oxfordian News: Washington, D.C., Massachusetts, etc. Upcoming Events: Smithsonian Authorship Seminar, Nelson‘s Biography of Oxford Gail Kern Paster at the Folger Gloriana Miscellania Is Shakespeare but the Fifth Greatest Briton? 26th Annual SOS Conference Held in Nation‘s Capitol Revisiting the Dating of Twelfth Night Review of Infinite Variety, Exploring the Folger Shakespeare Library by Ferington (2002) Review of The Bedside Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Shakespeare by Dick Riley and Pam McAllister (2001) Review of The Real Shakespeare by Marilyn Savage Gray (2001) Letter: age of King Edward VI on Oxford‘s birthday Letter: New Place Letter: Welch New Year Letter: students from Vancouver; Brazil‘s article on Oxford‘s birthdate Editor: Katherine Chiljan Dating the Ashbourne Portrait: Oxfordian evidence and recent lab analysis suggests 1597 Shakespeare‘s Globe in London to Host Authorship Conference Prospero‘s Island Twelfth Night in Siena Trevor-Roper, Elizabethan Scholar, Dies (1914-2003) Oxfordian News: Shakespeare and the Stars, Tudor ―Angel‖ Coins, Weir Talks Household Words: common and uncommon words coined by Shakespeare CCI Report on Ashbourne Portrait, The: Scientific Analysis Raises More Questions Than Answers Oxford and the Turk Review of The Dark Side of Shakespeare by W. Ron Hess (2002, 2003) Review of Shakespearean Criticism, Vol. 41 of 68, edited by Lee and Barnes (1998) Review of The Lion Bats the Butterfly by Robin Matchett (2002) Editor: Katherine Chiljan Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in London Shakespeare or De Vere? - That is the Question: Authorship Debate at the Smithsonian Good Queen Bess at the Folger A Tribute to Delia Bacon Concordia‘s Annual Edward de Vere Studies Conference Oxfordian News: Portia‘s Destination in The Merchant of Venice; Diane Price on NPR 224 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 10-11 Macrone, Michael 15 18-19 19 20 21 Shahan, John Sherwood, James Sherwood, James Beauclerk, Charles Editor 22 Swifte, Edmund Lenthal 23 Jiménez, Ramon Volume 39/3 (Summer 2003) 1, 12-16 Hamill, John 1, 14-5 2 3, 18-20 6-8 Quealy, Gerit Editor Altrocchi, Paul H. Quealy, Gerit 9, 17 10-11 Editor Quealy, Gerit 21-22 Jiménez, Ramon 23-24 Charlton, Derran K. Volume 39/4 (Autumn 2003) 1, 11-16 Goldstein, Gary B.; St. Hughes 1, 9-10, 16 Sobran, Joseph 2 Davis, Frank 3-6 Hamill, John 7-8 16, 18-19 17, 20 18 20 20 21 22 22-23 23-24 Dickson, Peter W. Hess, W. Ron Malim, Richard Gilvary, Kevin Anderson (Paget), Verily Paul, Christopher Editor Jiménez, Ramon Jiménez, Ramon Jiménez, Ramon 24 Hunter, R. Thomas Volume 40/1 (Winter 2004) 1, 15-22 Moore, Peter R. 1-5 Paul, Christopher 2-4 Whalen, Richard F. 6-8 9-10 Farina, William Altrocchi, Paul H. 11 12-13, 24 13 Whalen, Richard F. Goldstein, Gary B. Editor Household Words: common and uncommon words coined by Shakespeare, Part II Thoughts on Oxfordina Strategy: a high jumping metaphor An Interview with Chasing Shakespeares Author Sarah Smith Review of Chasing Shakespeares by Sarah Smith (2008) Obituaries: John Louther: a Recollection; G. Grant Gifford Oxford Bites the Big Apple: 27th Annual Shakespeare-Oxford Society Conference On Shakespeare‘s Profession (reprinted from Notes & Queries, March, 1864) Letter: tour of Essex Editor: Katherine Chiljan The Ten Restless Ghosts of Mantua: Shakespeare‘s specter lingers over the Italian city Globe‘s Authorship Conference Roundly Successful SOS Conference Update: New York City, Oct. 23-26 Aeolian Stinking Pitch: tempestuous shipwreck on the island of Vulcano Temple in Lord Pembroke‘s Garden, The: the truth about the Wilton Shakespeare shrine Oxfordian News: new evidence identifies Stratford man as actor only Elizabeth Exhibited: Nat‘l Maritime Museum presents exhibit honoring Tudor Queen Review of Attributing Authorship: an Introduction by Harold Love (2002) Review of In Search of Shakespeare by Michael Wood (1985) Editor: Gary Goldstein 27th Annual SOS Conference in NYC: performance & publishing take center stage Nelson‘s Flawed Life of Oxford Letter from the President The Ten Restless Ghosts of Mantua: Shakespeare‘s specter lingers over the Italian city, Part 2: Castiglione and the Gonzaga Family of Mantua Michael Wood Lectures at the Smithsonian on a Catholic Shakespeare Stanley Wells at the Smithsonian Professor Wells and the Silver Bullet Question Autumn Meeting of the De Vere Society Letter: common and uncommon words Letter: the Wilton Shakespeare shrine Oxford in Print and on Stage Review of Hamlet: Poem Unlimited by Harold Bloom (2003) Review of Shakespeare: For All Time by Stanley Wells (2003) Review of The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare by Dobson and Wells (2001) Mark Rylance Addresses Oxfordian Students at U. Michigan Editor: Gary Goldstein Demonography 101: Alan Nelson‘s Monstrous Adversary (2003) Oxford, Hamlet, and the Pirates: the naked truth Review of Shakespeare‘s Fingerprints by Michael Brame and Galina Popova (2002) Edward de Vere and the Courtesan Culture of Venice Capturing Student Interest in the Authorship Debate: studying intentional Droeshout portrait errors Q&A with Richard Whalen: Shakespeare‘s audiences Oxfordian News 2004 SOS Conference Scheduled for Atlanta 225 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 14 Sherwood, James Volume 40/2 (Spring 2004) 1, 10-11 Altrocchi, Paul H. 1, 13-18 Detobel, Robert 2 3-4 5 Davis, Frank Green, Nina Goldstein, Gary B. 6 6 7 8-9 18 19-23 23 24 Quealy, Gerit Shickman, Allan R. Livacari, Gary L. Editor; Green; Caruso; Paul Whalen, Richard F. Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Whalen, Richard F. Wright, Daniel L. Volume 40/3 (Summer 2004) 1, 13-17 Green, Nina 1, 4-5 Whalen, Richard F. 2-3 Goldstein, Gary B. 3 Goldstein, Gary B. 5 Whalen, Richard F. 6-7 Hamill, John 7 Editor 8 Goldstein, Gary B. 8 Wardell, Jane 8-9 Hudson, Alexandra 9 BBC News 9 Byrne, Ciar 9 Chiljan, Katherine 10 10 11 18-19 20-21 22-24 Goldstein, Gary B. Hess, W. Ron Editor Cyr, Gordon C. Duffin, Ross W. Dickson, Peter W. What‘s in a Name, a Parody Editor: Gary Goldstein Edward de Vere Studies Conference at Concordia University Testimony of Ben Jonson in Redating The Tempest, Othello, and Timon of Athens President‘s Letter Fraud at Colne Priority Oxfordian News: German TV airs program on Oxford, Alan Nelson‘s bio reviewed In Memoriam: Leonard Hansen, Avid Antiquarian and Oxfordian Letter: Alan Nelson‘s Monstrous Adversary (2003) Time to Declare Victory Post Mortem on John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford New Shakespeare Biography: Will in the World by Greenblatt (2004) Review of Monstrous Adversary by Alan H. Nelson (2003) Oxford on Trial in Houston Apply for an Oxfordian Research Fellowship Editor: Gary Goldstein Earl in Bondage, An University of Tennessee Law School Hosts Authorship Conference Editor‘s Column U.S.-Australian Academics Research Authorship Shakespeare and the Law 2nd Annual Shakespearean Authorship Trust Conference 28th SOS Annual Conference Program Oct. 28-31 International Media Cover Oxford‘s Quadcentenary Literary Group Discredits Shakespeare (reprint from AP) De Vere Anniversary Revives Shakespeare Debate (reprint from Reuters) Row Over Shakespeare Name Claim (reprint from BBC) Devotees of De Vere, ―the real Bard,‖ Mark 400th Anniversary (reprint of letter to the Independent) Letter to Datebook: Tribute to the ―Authentic‖ Shakespeare (reprint of letter to the San Francisco Chronicle) Two New Biographies of 17th Earl of Oxford Letter: Update on Greene‘s Groats-Worth Authorship Workshops Planned at Kherson State University Review of Shakespeare‘s Songbook by Ross W. Duffin (2004) An Encore for Shakespeare‘s Rare Italian Master Review of The Age of Shakespeare by Frank Kermode (2004) Volume 40/4 (Fall 2004) 1, 13-16+ Altschuler, Eric L. 1, 7-9, 11 Whalen, Richard F. 2-3 Goldstein, Gary B. 3-4 Brooks, James 4-5 Goldstein, Gary B. 5 Rosenbaum, Sidney 6 Sherwood, James 6 Wright, Daniel L. 10-12 Scheffer, Jan H.; Sandra Schruijer 17-23 Green, Nina 22-24 Green, Nina Editor: Gary Goldstein Was Thomas Watson Shakespeare‘s Precursor? Shakespeare‘s Audience: a reassessment of the Stratfordian View Paul Nitze, RIP (1907-2004) Fixing an Academic Fiasco Oxfordian News: De Vere Society Book on Oxford, etc. Letter: Malvolio‘s yellow stockings Shakespeare Fellowship Conference Held in Baltimore, Oct. 7-10 Summer 2004 Prince Tudor Seminar First Dutch Shakespeare Authorship Conference Two New Oxford Documents Transcripts of New Oxford Documents Volume 41/1 (Winter 2005) 1, 13-16 Sobran, Joseph 1, 17-21 Editors 2, 7 Sherwood, James Editors: James Brooks and Ramon Jiménez Before He Was Shakespeare, Part One 28th Annual SOS Conference in Atlanta President‘s Letter 226 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 3-7 Jiménez, Ramon 8-12 22, 24 23 24 Cossolotto, Matthew Jiménez, Ramon Davis, Frank Whalen, Richard F. Volume 41/2 (Spring 2005) 1, 12-14 Sobran, Joseph 1, 16-17 Editor 2, 18-20 Sherwood, James; H. Whittemore 3-5 Sterling, Carleton W. 6-9 Altrocchi, Paul H. 9 Sherwood, James 10-11 Brooks, James 15 Editor 21-22 Whalen, Richard F. 23 24 24 Whalen, Richard F. Editor Editor Shakespeare in Stratford and London: Five More Eyewitnesses Who Saw Nothing (reprinted in AA, p. 74-86) Shakespeare‘s ―Last Will‖ Sonnets Where in the World is Will? C-SPAN Interviews Stephen Greenblatt Obituary for Eric Sams (1926-2004) Math Professor Leads New Seattle Chapter Editors: James Brooks, Ramon Jiménez Before He Was Shakespeare, Part Two Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference at Concordia University Interview with Hank Whittemore: Author, Actor, Scholar Hamlet in Time and Space Edward de Vere as Translator of Ovid‘s Metamorphoses President‘s Letter Textual Anomalies in Golding‘s Translation of Metamorphoses Oxfordian News: Coming Soon: Oxfordian editions of Shakespeare‘s plays Review of Reviews: Monstrous Errors Infect [Nelson‘s] Monstrous Adversary (2003) Review of Shakespeare After All by Marjorie Garber (2004) The Shakespeare Authorship Studies Seminar Shakespeare Lovers of the World, Unite! Ashland Authorship Conference Volume 41/3 (Summer 2005) 1, 21-22 Saunders, Sam C. 1, 4-9, 11 Hamill, John 2, 12-14 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins 3, 10-11 Draya, Ren 15-16 Green, Nina 17-18 Charlton, Derran K.; John Barton 19-20, 24 Marlow, Stuart 23-24 Shore, Wayne Editors: James Brooks, Ramon Jiménez Arthur Golding‘s First Decade of Translating: a brief examination The Dark Lady and Her Bastard: an alternative scenario Review of Shakespeare by Another Name by Mark Anderson (2005) Sixteenth-Century Letter Writing and Its Importance to Oxfordians The Court Gossip of Francis Osborne The Grandsire Phrase in Romeo and Juliet Bringing Oxford in From the Margins/Marshes: a new Stratfordianism Relative Size of Shakespeare‘s Vocabulary Volume 41/4 (Fall 2005) 1, 14-18 Editors 1, 5-9 Chiljan, Katherine 2, 29 Cossolotto, Matthew 3-4 Charlton, Derran K. 10-12 Andrico, Ron 13 Editor 19-22 Prechter, Jr., Robert R. 23 Norwood, James Editors: James Brooks, Ramon Jiménez Shakespeare Authorship Conference in Ashland, Oregon Earl of Oxford‘s Annuity to Robert Hales (Queen‘s Favored Musician) President‘s Page Who Was Emaricdulfe‘s ―E. C. Esquire‖? Music in Shakespeare Ruth Loyd Miller (1922-2005) Might Edward de Vere Have Suffered from Alcoholism? Oxfordian News: Peter Dawkins Discusses The Shakespeare Enigma at U. Minnesota Oxfordian News: Wooden O Symposium Held in Cedar City, Utah Review of Shakespeare: The Biography by Peter Ackroyd (2005) Review of The Truth Will Out by Brenda James and William Rubinstein (2005) Oxfordian News: Rollout of The Truth Will Out at The Globe Review of The Case for Shakespeare by Scott McCrea (2005) Review of Players: The Mysterious Identity of William Shakespeare by Fields (2005) 23 24, 32 25-28 Desper, Richard Charlton, Derran K. Jiménez, Ramon 29, 32 30 31-32 Rollett, John M. Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Volume 42/1 (Winter 2006) 1, 16-17 Editor 1, 5-11 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins 2 Tate, Lew (editor) 2, 28 Cossolotto, Matthew 3-4, 12 Davis, Frank Editor: Lew Tate Concordia Conference - 2006 Oxford‘s Childhood: what we know and what we don‘t Editorial Greeting President‘s Letter William Shakespeare, Oxford, Elizabethan Actors and Playhouses, Part 1 227 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 12 Charlton, Derran K. 13-14, 26+ Hunter, R. Thomas 15-17 Editor 18-20 Jiménez, Ramon 20-22 23 23 24 24-25 Sterling, Carleton W. Prechter, Jr., Robert R. Saunders, Sam C. Editor Altrocchi, Julia Cooley The Pardon by King James I of Henry Wriothesley, the Earl of Southampton Shakespeare and the First Earl of Oxford Interview with Richard Whalen (Richard Whalen and Professors) Review of The Tragedy of Richard II, Part One, edited by Michael Egan (2006) Shakespeare‘s Monarchs and Mark Anderson Letter: on Emaricdulfe The Case of the Mad Mathematicians Oxfordian Archives Edward de Vere and the Commedia Dell‘ Arte Volume 42/2 (Spring 2006) Editor: Lew Tate 1, 13-26 Hess, W. Ron (asst. by A. Tarica) Did Shakespeare Read From the 17th Earl of Oxford‘s Persoal Library, Part 1 1, 5-6, 32 Davis, Frank Oxford and the First Blackfriars (Part Two of ‗William Shakspere, Oxford, Elizabethan Actors, and Playhouses‘) 2 Tate, Lew (editor) Greetings 2, 25 Cossolotto, Matthew President‘s Page 3 Editor SOS and SF Joint Conference, Nov. 9-12, 2006 in Ann Arbor, Michigan 4-6, 32 Fox, Robin Personal Adventures with the Authorship Question 7-9, 32 Charlton, Derran K. Review of the Annual Meeting of the De Vere Society 9 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Letter: response to Sally Mosher‘s comments 9 Mosher, Sally Letter: comments on Stephanie Hopkins Hughes‘s article ―Oxford‘s Childhood‖ 9 Paul, Christopher Letter: Derran Charlton‘s article Pardon of King James I of Henry Wriothesley 10-11, 17+ Whalen, Richard F. The Prince Tudor Hypothesis: a brief survey of the pros and cons 19-21 Saunders, Sam C. A Sharp Blade, a Tall Man and a Good Whore? 22-25 Draya, Ren Antony and Cleopatra: the women‘s voices 26-27 Charlton, Derran K. Review: ―Searching for Shakespeare‖ Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery 28-31 Bowen, Gwynneth From the Oxfordian Archives: Worcester‘s, Oxford‘s and the Admiral‘s (reprinted from SAR, No. 29, Summer 1974) Volume 42/3 (Fall 2006) 1, 17-20 Paul, Christopher 1, 5-15 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins 2 Tate, Lew (editor) 2, 31 Cossolotto, Matthew 3-4, 21-24 Desper, Richard 16 Hamill, John 16 Tarica, Alan 25-28 Hess, W. Ron (asst. by A. Tarica) 29 30 31-32 Editor Draya, Ren Charlton, Derran K. Volume 42/4 (Fall, redux 2006) 1, 5-8 Tate, Lew (editor) 2 Tate, Lew (editor) 2, 15 Cossolotto, Matthew 3-4, 21-23 Brooks, James 15-Sep Paul, Christopher 16-20 Desper, Richard 24-29 Altrocchi, Paul H. 30 Tate, Lew (editor) 31 Wolstanton, Jeremy Crick 31-32 Hess, W. Ron Editor: Lew Tate R.I.P.: Bulbeck Bites the Dust Oxford‘s Childhood Part II: the first four years with Smith Greetings President‘s Page Much Ado About Oxford Letter: Prince Tudor threory and bisexual theories Letters to the Editor Did Shakespeare Read From the 17th Earl of Oxford‘s Personal Library, Part 2 SOS and SF Joint Conference, Nov. 9-12, 2006 in Ann Arbor, Michigan Notes from the Field Review of Pseudonymous Shakespeare by Penny McCarthy (2006) Editor: Lew Tate Ann Arbor Conference Greetings Dear Fellow SOS Members! Mr. Marlowe: You‘re No William Shakespeare Trailing Elizabeth Trentham Much Ado About Oxford Ideational Change: why is it so difficult? RSC at Ann Arbor Letter: Trentham family research Letter: the Bolbec crest 228 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 32 Paul, Christopher Volume 43/1 (Winter 2007) 1, 3-4 Gilvary, Kevin 1, 5-11 2 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Tate, Lew 2 12 Tate, Lew Davis, Frank 13-21 22-26 Brooks, James W. Altrocchi, Paul H. 27-29 30 30 31-32 Charlton, Derran K. Whalen, Richard F. Tarica, Alan Charlton, Derran K. Volume 43/2 (Spring 2007) 1 Tate, Lew (editor) 1, 7-8 Smiley, Richard; Richard Joyrich 2, 9-13 Altrocchi, Paul H.; Alan Nelson 3-5 6 14-20 21 21 23-24 Davis, Frank Shahan, John Hess, W. Ron Braben, Shirley Whittemore, Hank Holland, Captain Hubert H. 24 Editor Volume 43/3 (Summer 2007) 1-2 Cossolotto, Matthew 1-2 Tate, Lew (editor) 3 Altrocchi, Julia Cooley 3-7 Tarica, Alan 8-9 10-11 10-11 12-14 Paul, Christopher Green, Nina Whalen, Richard F. Hess, W. Ron 12, 24 Whalen, Richard F. 15 Whalen, Richard F. 16 16 17-21 22-23 Altrocchi, Julia Cooley Editor Shahan, John Sh. Au. Trust; Brunel University Volume 43/4 (Fall 2007) 1, 6-13 Krasznekewicz, Allegra 2 2, 13 3-5 Tate, Lew (editor) Cossolotto, Matthew Joyrich, Richard Letter: Prince Tudor theory and name of the 1 st Earl of Oxford Editor: Lew Tate Shakespeare Authorship Trust: the John Silberrad Memorial Lectures on the Shakespeare Authorship Question by William Leahy, Charles Beauclerk, Richard Paul Roe and Stephanie Hopkins Hughes Hide Fox and All After: the search for Shakespeare President‘s Page: Doubling Membership in 2007; Shakespeare Authorship Commission Greetings [from the editor] Letter: new option for Newsletter/Oxfordian writers from Chairman, SOS Pub Committee Comparison of the 1609 and 1640 Texts of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Shakespeare, Not Arthur Brooks, Wrote Tragicall Historye of Romeus & Juliet The Droeshout Collar That Wild and Crazy Shakspere Letter: comments on Altrocchi‘s comments on The Monument Review of Behind Shakespeare‘s Mask by Charles Murray Willis (2006) Editor: Lew Tate Greetings Concordia Summary The Roscius Annotation Revisited: Epicurean discovery or ambiguous tidbit? Leass for Making Shakespeare Outed as a Liar? Shakespeare Authorship Coalition Searching Under the Lamp-posts for Dating Shakespeare‘s Sonnets Letter: Thomas Smith and Hill Hall Letter: Prince Tudor theory From the Archives: Tarlton and Shakespeare (reprinted from SFE, p. 2-4, Nov. 1945) News: Passing of Gordon Cyr (1926-2007) Editor: Lew Tate President‘s Page Greetings Note for Sir John Sheppard An Argument for Less Literalism and More Metaphor, Symbolism, and Other Rhetorical Devices in Shakespeare‘s Sonnets A New Letter by J. T. Looney Brought to Light Roscius Revisited . . . Revisited Brian Vickers on the Stratford Monument Letter: updates to and comments on several articles published in past few years Review of The RSC Shakespeare, edited by Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen (2007) 17% of Shakespeare Professors See at Least Possibly Good Reason to Question Shakspere as the Bard The Ghost of Edward de Vere Speaks 2007 Conference Is There a Shakespeare Authorhsip Issue? 2007 John Silberrad Memorial Lectures, Shakespeare‘s Globe, Nov. 2007 Editor: Lew Tate William Shakespeare and the Authorship Controversy: a study in literary triumph and historical tragedy Greetings President‘s Page Carmel Authorship Conference 229 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 13 14-15 16-18 19 19-20 20 21-23 24 Editor Notice of passing of Isabel Holden Cossolotto, Matthew Interview with Allegra Krasznekewicz Tate, Lew (editor) Nine / Eleven, Iraq, and Henry V: Shakespeare in the classroom Editor Concordia Connections Issue Whalen, Richard F. Letter: progress among Stratfordians Streitz, Paul Letter: Prince Tudor theory and Stratfordians Shakespearean Authorship Coalitn. Declaration of Reasonable Doubt Hess, W. Ron Recollections of Peter Moore on the Occasion of His Passing Volume 44/1 (Winter 2008) 1, 21-25 Hunter, R. Thomas 1, 5-8 Chiljan, Katherine 2 Tate, Lew (editor) 2, 12 Cossolotto, Matthew 3 Sterling, Carleton W. 4 Imlay, Elizabeth; et. al. 9-11 Sterling, Carleton W. 13-20 Jiménez, Ramon 25-26 Tate, Lew (editor) 27-28 28 Joyrich, Richard Whalen, Richard F. Volume 44/2 (Spring 2008) 1, 8-9 Showerman, Earl 2 Tate, Lew (editor) 2, 12 Cossolotto, Matthew 3-4 Sherwood, James 5-9 Charlton, Derran K. 10-11 Nelson, Donald Frederick 13-15 Whalen, Richard F. 15-16 Whalen, Richard F. 16 17-20 Sexton, Pidge Delahoyde, Michael Volume 44/3 (Summer 2008) 1, 16-18 Joyrich, Richard 1, 3-13 Altrocchi, Paul H. 2 2, 19 20-21 Tate, Lew (editor) Cossolotto, Matthew Green, Stuart J. 14-15 18 21 23 24 Quealy, Gerit; Michael Egan Shahan, John Rubinstein, William D. Sterling, Carleton W. Cossolotto, Matthew Volume 45/1 (June 2009) 1, 26-33 Joyrich, Richard 2, 35-36 Cossolotto, Matthew 3 Hamill, John 4-7 Hunter, R. Thomas 8-13 Davis, Frank 14-21 Hamill, John Editor: Lew Tate Reverend Ward‘s Diary: the early tradition Complaints About A Lover‘s Complaint Greetings President‘s Page Hypothetical Tudor Princes Tributes to Sue Sybersma Hamlet in 1603: a quick-and-dirty quarto Who Was the Author of Five Plays that Shakespeare Rewrote as His Own? Review of Macbeth: Fully Annotated from an Oxfordian Perspective, edited by Richard Whalen (2007) Shakespearian Character Pairs Anagram Puzzle Report on Oxfordian Activity in Seattle, Washington Editor: Lew Tate Horestes and Hamlet Greetings President‘s Page News: Dig Reveals the Theatre; Times Archive, 1909; Oxford on NPR Cambridge University ―Implications‖ of Polimanteia Schurink‘s Discovery of a Century Columbia Professor Writing Book-Length Study - Contested Will by Shapiro (2010) Review of Is It True What They Say About Shakespeare? by Stanley Wells (2007) Letter: puns in A Lover‘s Complaint and Julius Caesar The Ending of Oxford‘s Othello Editor: Lew Tate Report of the White Plains Shakespeare Authorship Conference Is a Powerful Authorship Smoking Gun buried within Westminster Abbey? Greetings President‘s Page Letter: joint letter to SOS and SF about how to promote authorship of Edward de Vere The Oxfordian‘s New Editor Is Up For the Challenge For Immediate Release: the Shakespeare Authorship Coalition (SAC) Letter: authorship issue and Thomas Vicars Shakespeare as Brand Name Noted Shakespearean Egan Takes Over The Oxfordian Editor: Linda Theil Report of 13th Annual Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference Enchanged April 2009 - Big Mo for the Big O Publications Committee News Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Relevance of Shakspeare‘s signatures: a comparison of autographs of Shakspeare and his contemporary actors and writers Spaniard in the Elizabethan Court: Don Antonio Perez 230 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 22-23 24-25 Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. 34 34, 36 Editor Editor Volume 45/2 (Sept. 2009) 1, 33-36 Boyle, William E. 2 Editor 2, 45-47 Cossolotto, Matthew 3 4-5 5 6-10 11-14 15-21 Editor Whittemore, Hank Egan, Michael Prechter, Jr., Robert R. Charlton, Derran K. Merkel, Marie 22-27 27, 47 28-29 30-31 32 37-43 43 Ray, William J. Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Whalen, Richard F. Eagan-Donovan, Cheryl A. Editor Shahan, John Editor Volume 45/3 (Dec. 2009) 1 McNeil, Alex; Matthew Cossolotto 2 Hamill, John 3 Editor 4-5 Width, Susan G.; John Hamill 6 Egan, Michael 6, 31 Cossolotto, Matthew 7 Charlton, Derran K. 7 Editor 8-13 Joyrich, Richard 14-17 Malim, Richard; Gilvary; Cleave 18-20 Davis, Frank 20-24 Hamill, John 25-26 Whalen, Richard F. 27-28 Whalen, Richard F. 28-29 Davis, Frank 29-30 Hamill, John 30 30 Hunter, R. Thomas Sterling, Carleton W. Volume 46/1 (May 2010) 1 Editor 1, 14-15 Beane, Connie 2 Editor 3-6, 15 Altrocchi, Paul H. 7-11 Whalen, Richard F. Interview with Alan Navarre: Oxfordian Playwright Review of Is It True What They Say About Shakespeare? by Stanley Wells (2007) SF/SOS Joint Conference to be held Nov. 5-8, 2009 Guidelines for Presentation of Papers at the 2009 SF/SOS Joint Conference Editor: Linda Theil Watertown Symposium SOS on Facebook My Name Be Buried: 400th Anniverary of Shakespeare‘s Posthumously Published Sonnets 2009 SF/SOS Joint Conference Remembering K.C. TOX Update Somebody We Know is Behind No-body and Some-body Edward de Vere as Henry IV Ben Jonson & The Tempest: ―The Copie may be Mistaken for the Principall‖ Proofs of Oxfordian Authorship in the Shakespearean Apocrypha Much Ado . . . On the Hudson Review of Soul of the Age by Jonathan Bate (2009) Update on Eagan-Donovan Film Project Altrocchi and Whittemore Build the Case Shahan‘s Letter to Shermer, the Skeptic Concordia Call for Papers Editor: Linda Theil Oxfordian-of-the-year Award Presented to Justice Stevens Letter from SOS President John Hamill SF/SOS Joint Conference, Sept. 16-19, 2010 Board of Trustees Approves Changes in Membership Dues The Oxfordian Seeks Editors The Oxfordian Update Death of Oxfordian Paul Blair in California (1915-2009) In Memoriam: Andy Hannas Houston Authorship Conference Reports on Conference: ―Shakespeare: From Rowe to Shapiro,‖ reprinted from The Globe, London: 28 Nov. 2009 Rowe‘s Shakespeare Biography: Some Account of Life & C. of Mr. W. Shakespear Two Shake-speares, The: the commoner or the aristocrat - monument vs. the engraving Review of Stephen Greenblatt‘s review of Soul of the Age by Jonathan Bate (2009) Letter: comments on the importance of the spelling of Shakespeare‘s name and the influence of Antonio Perez on Othello Letter: response to Richard Whalen‘s letter about the importance of the spelling of Shakespeare‘s name Letter: Richard Whalen‘s letter about the influence of Antonio Perez on Othello Letter: correction to Supreme Court Justice John Paul Steven‘s statement Letter: comments on Hamlet Editors: Katheirne Chiljan, Ramon Jiménez Much Ado About Authorship in Media Shakespeare and ―The King of Hungary‘s ‗Peace‘‖ Peter Moore‘s Research in New Edition Searching For Shakespeare‘s Earliest Published Works Review of Contested Will by James Shapiro (2010) 231 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 12-13, 23 15 16-18 19-20 21 22 22 23 Hunter, R. Thomas Editor Theil, Linda Whittemore, Hank Demant, V. A. Editor Hamill, John Merkel, Marie Volume 46/2 (Aug. 2010) 1-4 Fox, Robin 4 Hamill, John 5-8 Tabin, Johanna K. 9-10 11-12 13 14 14 Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Whalen, Richard F. Hamill, John Charlton, Derran K. Shahan, John 15 15 16-17 18-19 20-21 Cove, Kim Fox, Robin Editor; D. Charlton; Whittemore Joyrich, Richard Whalen, Richard F. Volume 47/1 (Jan. 2011) 1, 22 Wright, Daniel L. 2-3 Jiménez, Ramon 4-6 Farina, William 7-8 Egan, Michael 8, 223 9 9-10 11-16 16-22 22-23 Shahan, John Hamill, John Goldstein, Gary B. Jiménez, Ramon Joyrich, Richard Metternich, Hilary Roe Vol. 47/2 (Spring 2011) 1, 8 Hess, W. Ron 2 Fox, Robin 2 Waugaman, Richard M. 2-3 Dorian, Bill 3 Sands Film Studio 4 Editor 4-5 5-6 6 7-8 9-11 11-13 13-14 14-15 15 16 Editor Editor Width, Susan G. Berkeley Lab News Center Whalen, Richard F. Hess, W. Ron Wright, Daniel L. Egan, Michael Editor Clement, Rex Shapiro and Why Authorship Doubters Don‘t Believe First Oxfordian Edition of Othello (2010) An Interview with Stephanie Hughes, former Editor of The Oxfordian Who‘s Th‘heir: another reading of Hamlet‘s opening line John Thomas Looney (1870-1944) (from SAR, 1962) Two New SOS Board Appointments Letter from SOS President John Hamill Letter: additional thoughts on The Tempest Editor: Michael Egan Why Is There No History of Henry VII? From the President of the Shakespeare Oxford Society Henry V by Olivier and Branagh: Enhancing Artistic Vision Through Technology The Big Six Candidates Theories of Authorship Letter to the Editor of the Times Literary Supplement Fulke Greville Panel Discusses Authorship Question with Classical Theatre Lab in West Hollywood Letter: modernization of spelling on SOS website Oxford and Evolution Obituaries: Robert Brazil (1955-2010) and Verily Anderson (1915-2010) Report of the 14th Annual Shakespeare Authorship Conference Stratford, Cooperstown and Myth Editor: Michael Egan Oxfordians Mourn Passing of Richard Roe (d. 2010) A Conversation with Richard Roe Draya and Whalen Triumph with New Oxfordian Othello (2010) Newsletter Editor Michael Egan Interviewed on KSNM 570 AM Las Cruces Theater Professionals Sign Declaration of Reasonable Doubt in Ashland Letter: AQ stirs up biblical scholars Letter: Brief Chronicles publishes second issue online How Reliable is Stylometrics? Two Orthodox Scholars Investigate President‘s Letter and Ashland Conference Report In Memory of Richard Roe (d. 2010) Editor: Michael Egan Gilvary: New Bricks in the Wall of Evidence Letter: the Earls Colne Database and ―Edward Shackespeare‖ Letter: update on his authorship publications and activities Letter: his play A Rose By Any Other Name and other authorship issues Letter: its activities, including its production of the film Anonymous News and Views: de Vere Society Condemns Anonymous; DVS Statement About Anonymous Mark Rylance Speaks Out! Helen H. Gordon Wins Award Board Positions Open Have Genome Scientists Uncovered Shakespeare‘s Literary DNA? Shakespeare‘s Biographical Problems Heat Up In Memoriam: Joseph Sobran (1946-2011) In Memoriam: Norma Claire Howe (1930-2011) In Memoriam: Irvin Leigh Matus (1941-2011) In Memoriam: Elliott Stone (1932-2011) (reprinted from Shakespeare‘s Amazing Nautical Knowledge (from Rex Clement‘s A Gipsy of The Horn: The Narrative of a Voyage Round the World, 1924) 232 Index of The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 17-28 18 Shahan, John Joyrich, Richard Vol. 47/3 (Fall 2011) 1, 17-23 Draya, Ren 2 Draya, Ren, Stephanie Hughes; Elizabeth Imlay 3 4 5 5 5-6 Waugaman, Richard M. Joyrich, Richard Anderson, Mark K. Hess, W. Ron Editor 6 Joyrich, Richard 7-10, 23-28 Hayes, Donald P. 11-13 Eagen-Donovan, Cheryl A. 13-14 Hamill, John 15-16, 28+ Joyrich, Richard 32-36 Editor SAC Seeks to Legitimize AQ in Colleges by 23 April 2016 President‘s Letter: Anonymous; Recruit-A-Member Editor: Michael Egan Singer and Song: the music in Twelfth Night Letter: Elizabeth I: facts not fantasy Letter: Freud and Shakespeare President‘s Letter: two conferences and a movie In Memoriam: Noemi Magri (d. 2011) In Memoriam: Noemi Magri )d. 2011) In Memoriam: Noemi Magri (d. 2011) (reprinted from the Gazzetta de Mantua, 18 May 2011) In Memoriam: Tom Hunter (d. 2011) The Silence of the Peers: social network theory proves Shakespeare was no Shakespeare Review of Anonymous, a film directed by Roland Emmerich (2011) Review of Shakespeare: The Concealed Poet by Robert Detobel (2010) Joint Annual Conference 2011: a report (Sept. 13-16, 2011, Washington, D. C.) Concordia Report (15th Annual Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference, Sept. 6-9, 2011) 233 INDEX OF THE SHAKESPEARE OXFORD SOCIETY FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ANTHOLOGY (AA) Published by the Shakespeare Oxford Society (2007) 5-9 10-15 Cossolotto, Matthew Cyr, Gordon C. 15-20 21-22 23-29 30-43 44-54 Moore, Peter R. Herberger, Charles F. Moore, Peter R. Werth, Andrew Alexander, Mark A. 55-65 Roper, David 66-73 Paul, Christopher 74-86 Jiménez, Ramon 86-102 Hamill, John 102-125 Gidley, Fran 125-134 135-142 142-145 145-161 162-164 164-165 166-168 Green, Nina Whalen, Richard F. Charlton, Derran K. Whalen, Richard F. Editor Editor Editor Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (2007) Historical Fallacies and Historical Method: a key to the authorship controversy (1986) Essex, the Rival Poet of Shake-speare‘s Sonnets (1989) Oxford and Rare Manuscript Sources (1994) Oxford and the Order of the Garter (1996) Shakespeare‘s ‗Lesse Greek‘ (1999) Shakespeare‘s ―Bad Law:‖ a journey through the history of the arguments (2000) Peacham Chronogram: compelling evidence dates Titus Andronicus to 1575 (2001) This Strange Eventful History: Oxford, Shakespeare, and the seven ages of man (2002) Shakespeare in Stratford and London: ten eyewitnesses who saw nothing (2002-5) The Ten Restless Ghosts of Mantua: Shakespeare‘s specter lingers over Italian city (2003-5) Shakespeare in Composition: evidence for Oxford‘s authorship of The Book of Sir Thomas More (2003) An Earl in Bondage (2004) Shakespeare‘s Audience: a reassessment of the Stratfordian View (2004) Who was Emaricdulfe‘s ‗E. C. Esquire?‘ (2005) The Stratford Bust: a monumental fraud Author Biographies Three Decades of Noteworthy Firsts Thanks to Conference Organizers, Writers, Editors, Researchers, Etc. 234 INDEX OF THE SHAKESPEAREAN AUTHORSHIP REVIEW (SAR) Published bi-annually 1959-1973 by The Shakespearen Authorship Society Issue #1 (1959, Spring) 3-5 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 5 Editor 6-7 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 8-11 11 12-13 13 14-17 Altrocchi, Julia Cooley Editor Cutner, Herbert Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Bowen, Gwynneth M. 18-20 20-21 Eggar, Katharine E. M. H. L. 21-22 D. F. 22-23 Adamson, T. L. 23-24 24 Cutner, Herbert Shield, H. S. Issue #2 (1959, Autumn) 3-4 Altrocchi, Julia Cooley ] 5-6 6-8 9-12 Lambin, G. Trout, R. Ridgill Bowen, Gwynneth M. 12 13-14 Loosely, N. H. C. 14-15 Eggar, Katharine E. 15-16 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 16-17 17-19 20-23 23 24 Editor Editor Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shield, H. S. 24 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Issue #3 (1960, Spring) 3-4 Titherley, A. W. 4-6 Cutner, Herbert 6-8 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 9-10 Russell, John W. Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Ave Atque Vale Readout on lecture by Louis P. Benezet to Shakespeare society of Vancouver The Elizabethan Noblemen and the Literary Profession (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 16-18) Ships and Spears in Genoa (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 6-15) What Reports Had Burghley Heard? (about Oxford in Padua) Review of Elizabethan Literature by Helen Morris (1958) Lecture at Newlands Training College for Teachers Debate at the Old Vic -- The Shakespeare Mystery (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 19-23) Reports of Meetings of the Society Review of Sir John Russell‘s Talk ―Shakespeare and the Law‖ (6 Dec. 1958) Review of Katharine E. Eggar‘s Talk ―Lord Oxford and His Servants‖ (17 Jan. 1959) Obituary: Mr. Percy Allen (1875-1959) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 329-330) Letter: ―Love‘s Labour‘s Lost‖ and R. C. Churchill Letter: response to Admiral Holland‘s comments on All‘s Well in the Autumn 1957 Newsletter Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Edward de Vere and the Commedia Dell‘ Arte (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 28-30) The Heir of Alanson, Katharine Her Name Chris-Cross Review of The Six Loves of Shake-speare by Louis Benezet (1958) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 31-35) Visit to Castle Hedingham Review of L. S. Penrose‘s Talk ―The Statistical Approach to the Authorship Problem (14 Feb. 1959) Review of Ruth M. D. Wainewright‘s Talk ―King Lear and the Authorship Question‖ (14 Mar. 1959) Review of ―Secrets of the Sonnets,‖ a recorded dramatic reading edited by H. K. Kennedy-Skipton (18 Apr. 1959) The Annual Dinner News and Notes Replies to Criticism of ―Who Was Shakespeare?‖ Obituary: John R. Mez Letter: comments on Julia Altrocchi‘s article ―Ships and Spears in Genoa‖ (Review, Spring 1959) Response to H. S. Shield‘s Comments on Altrocchi‘s Article ―Ships and Spears in Genoa‖ Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright The Two Hours Traffic of our Stage On the Poems of Edward de Vere Shakespeare to His Sovereign Review of The Queen‘s Wards by Joel Hurstfield (1973) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. V, p. 38-42) 235 Index of the Shakespearean Authorship Review 11-15 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 15-17 17 18-19 Benezet, Louis P. R. N. and L. S. Penrose Bowen, Gwynneth M. 19-20 H. C. 20-21 Eggar, Katharine E. 22-23 23 24 24 Editor Lambin, G. Shield, H. S. Wrigley, Elizabeth S. Issue #4 (1960, Autumn) 1-2 Cutner, Herbert 2-9 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 10-13 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 14 N. U. J. 15-16 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 16-17 18-19 19 20 21 22 22 23 Editor Eggar, Katharine E. Russell, John Altrocchi, Julie Cooley Bowen, Gwynneth M. Cutner, Herbert Filby, P. W. Editor Issue #5 (1961, Spring) 1-2 Dellinger, J. Howard 3-6 Vessey, D. W. T. 6-7 Cutner, Herbert 7-9 Titherley, A. W. 9-11 Lambin, G. 12-14 14-16 MacDonald, John Jones, William M. 16 17-18 Editor Editor 18-19 Editor 20 21-22 23 Editor Editor Shield, H. S. 23-24 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 24 Cutner, Herbert Issue #6 (1961, Autumn) 1-2 Cutner, Herbert 3-8 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Replies to Mr. Mendl‘s Criticisms of ―Who Was Shakespeare?‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 42-27) A Shakespeare-Oxford Medley Annual General Meeting of the Shakespearean Authorship Society Review of Katharine Eggar‘s Talk ―Ferdinando Stanley: an Undected pupil of Edward de Vere‖ (28 Nov. 1959) Review of Ursula Jackson‘s Talk ―Lord Oxford and the Dramatists‖ (9 Jan. 1960) Review of John MacDonald‘s Talk ―What a Producer of Hamlet Would Like to Know About the Author‖ (6 Feb. 1960) News From America Did Oxford Go to Milan? Letter: a perplexing epigram Letter: the dark lady Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Denigrating the Earl of Oxford Oxford Exonerated Review of Shakespeare and the Elizabethans by Henri Fluchere (1956) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Talk ―Towards an Oxfordian Chronology‖ (5 Mar. 1960) Review of G. A. Morison‘s Talk ―Interest in the Authorship Question in the U.S.‖ (9 Apr. 1960) The Annual Dinner; and News and Notes Sale of an Alleged Portrait of Edward de Vere In Piam Memoriam: A. J. Evans (d. 1960) The Names of Shakespeare‘s Characters Oxford Did go To Milan (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 48-50) Letter: Rosaline de Vere Letter: Peabody Institute Exhibitions The Shakespeare Authorship Society Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright An 1899 Identification of Shakespeare Freud and the Authorship Question (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 51-55) The Spelling of ―Shakespeare‖ Speake of My Lamenesse Did Oxford Go North-East of Milan? (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 5659) Review of Shakespeare‘s Wooden O by Leslie Hotson (1960) If the Clown‘s Cap Fits! (excerpts from William Shakespeare as William in As You Like It, reprinted from SFQ, Vol. XI, No. 2, Spring 1960) The Annual General Meeting Review of Katharine Eggar‘s Talk ―Notes For Newcomers‖ (26 Nov. 1960) Review of ―Poems on Shakespeare By His Contemporaries,‖ read by John MacDonald with comments by Gwynneth Bowen (14 Jan. 1961) Review of Ursula Jackson‘s Talk ―The Feminine Angle‖ (11 Feb. 1961) News and Notes Letter: comments on the Spinola Letter (Review IV, p. 20-21) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 60) Editorial Reply Regarding the Spinola Letter (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 61-62) Letter: Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Mr. J. B. Priestley and Shakespeare Incomparable Pair and ―The Works of William Shakespeare‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 63-69) 236 Index of the Shakespearean Authorship Review 8-10 Trout, R. Ridgill 10-13 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 13-14 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 15-16 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 17-18 18-19 20 20-22 22-23 23 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Hardy, Thomas Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Editor Wainewright, Ruth M. D. J. H. D. 24 Lambin, G. Issue #7 (1962, Spring) Bowen, Gwynneth M. 7 Kent, William 8-10 Vessey, D. W. T. C. 10-12 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 13-15 Cutner, Herbert 15-16 Editor 16-17 Penrose, L. S. 17-18 19 Cutner, Herbert Adamson, T. L. 20-21 Editor 21-22 22 22 Shield, H. S. Trout, R. Ridgill Vessey, D. W. T. C. Issue #8 (Autumn 1962) 1 Editor 2-5 Carrington, Phyllis 6-7 Greenwood, Elsie 8-9 Demant, Rev. V. A. 10-12 Lambin, Georges 13-14 15-17 17-19 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Bowen, Gwynneth M. Humphreys, Christmas 19-23 Editor Issue #9 (1963, Spring) 1-2 Kent, William 3-5 6-7 8-10 Vessey, D. W. T. C. Hughes-Stanton, Ida Wainewright, Ruth M. D. The Clifford Bax Portrait of William Shakespeare (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 70-72) Review of Shakespeare‘s Public by Martin Holmes (1960) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 73-74) Review of L. S. Penrose‘s Talk ―The Shakespeare Portraits (11 Mar. 1961) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 75-76) Review of Ruth Wainewright Lecture, ―Macbeth and the Authorship Question‖ (reprinted in AWA, vol. 5, p. 77-79) The Annual Dinner (20 April 1961) To Shakespeare Review of Norman Baker‘s Play William Shakespeare‘s Conspiracy News and Notes Obituary: Miss Katharine Eggar (1873-1961) Obituary: Professor Louis P. Benezet [1878-1961] (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 80) Letter: Friar Patrick in Milan: 1575 or 1576? Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Shakespeare and His Contemporaries De Vere‘s Poetry Aspects of Shakespeare‘s Classics A Shakespeare Allusion Continued? Review of Shakespeare Today by Margaret Webster (1957) The Annual General Meeting Review of Gwynneth M. Bowen‘s Talk ―The Shakespeare Portraits: in colour transparencies‖ Review of Sir John Russell‘s Talk ―The Magic Circle‖ (13 Jan. 1962) Obituary: Charlton Ogburn [1882-1962] (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 81-82) News and Notes: Brooke House, Hackney; Publication of Shakespeare Cross-Examination; Shakespeare and His Betters on American Television Letter: a boar – with a difference Letter: the family of quickly Queen Elizabeth as ―Shakespeare‖ Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright A Backward Look (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 83-84) Obituary of Colonel Bernard Rowland Ward [1863-1933] (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 256-259 and Vol. 5, p. 85-88) Obituary of George Greenwood [1850-1928] (reprinted in Awa, Vol. 5, p. 89-91) Obituary of John Thomas Looney [1870-1944] (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 92-94) Obituary of Abel Lefranc [1863-1952] (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 9597) Forty Winters (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 98-99) Review of The Shakespeare Claimants by H. N. Gibson (1962) Review of Shakespeare Cross-Examination published by the American Bar Association Journal (1961) S.A.S. Meetings and Annual Dinner Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Professor Saintbury and Shakespeare (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 100102) Some Stratfordian Fantasies The Hare-Brained Escapade Review of Shake-speare: The Real Man Behind the Name by Dorothy Ogburn and Charlton Ogburn, Jr.s (1962) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 103-106) 237 Index of the Shakespearean Authorship Review 11-15 Russell, Sir John 15-19 Editor 20 20 21 22-24 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Bowen, Gwynneth M. Editor Editor Issue #10 (1963, Autumn) 1-9 Editor 10-14 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 15-16 Cutner, Herbert 16 Wainwright, Ruth M. D. 17-20 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 21 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 21-22 Cutner, Herbert 22 Patience, H. W. Issue #11 (1964, Spring) 3 Bowen, Gwynneth 4-9 Vessey, D. W. T. 10-12 12-13 14 14-16 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Cutner, Herbert Bowen, Gwynneth M. Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 16-18 Amphlett, Hilda 19 20 21 Editor Editor Patience, H. W. 21 Walker, James Issue #12 (1964, Autumn) 1 Editor 2-6 Connes, Georges 7-9 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 9-12 Ashe, Geoffrey 13-14 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 14 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 15-16 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 16-17 17-21 21 Amphlett, Hilda Editor Cutner, Herbert Review of Voyages de Shakespeare en France et en Italie by Georges Lambin (1962) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 107-111) News and Notes: Fortieth Anniversary Party; Appreciation From the Athenaeum; Poor Yorick!; The Shakespeare Dilemma and Christopher Marlowe Obituary of Dr. J. Howard Dellinger (d. 1962) Obituary of Mr. T. B. Hart (1963) Extracts From Letters: Dorothy Ogburn, David Vessey, Louis Marder The Shakespearean Authorship Society; What is the Shakespeare Fellowship? Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Debate with Orthodoxy on ―The Authorship Question‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 114-123) Review of The Case for Shakespeare‘s Authorship of ‗The Famous Victories‘ by Seymour M. Pitcher (1961) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 124-129) Review of The Rise of the Elizabethan Common Player by M. C. Bradbrook (1962) Notice about three articles on The De Veres of Castle Hedingham by George Caunt that appeared in the Essex Countryside Magazine (July-July, 1963) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Talk ―The Case for Edward de Vere as ―Shakespeare‖ (14 March 1963) Review of Hilda Amphlett‘s Talk ―The Haunts of Edward de Vere‖ (30 April 1963) Obituary of William Kent [1886-1963] (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 130-131) Letter: the Northumberland Manuscript Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Stratfordian Quatercentenary (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 132-133) Some Early References to Shakespeare (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 134-140) Book Reviews: the verdict of history (literary scholars vs. historians) Review of How Shakespeare Spent the Day by Ivor Brown (1963) The Annual General Meeting Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture: ―New Evidence for Dating the Plays‖ (21 Nov. 1963) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 141-143) Review of G. Cimino‘s Lecture ―The Golden Age of Padua‖ (16 Jan. 1964) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 144-145) News and Notes: homes of the Earls of Oxford Captain R. Ridgill Trout‘s Books (sale of his books due to his blindness) Letter: only one reference to Stratford in the First Folio; are perhaps the manuscripts inside the monument? Letter: the very curious punctuation of the dedication to the sonnets Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Upcoming Talks by Society Members I Have Changed My Mind (the Earl of Derby was the author) Reverberations (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 146-149) Sir John Harington and the Authorship Question Review of Paging Mr. Shakespeare by Walter Hart (1961) Review of Dr. Eliot Slater‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare‘s Colour Imagery‖ (13 Feb. 1964) Review of Professor L. S. Penrose‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare‘s Knowledge of Medicine‖ (12 March 1964) The Spring Pilgrimage Annual Dinner and News and Notes: the Welbeck Portrait Letter: the BBC and the ―Claimants‖ 238 Index of the Shakespearean Authorship Review 22 22 Titherley, A. W. Patience, H. W. Issue #13 (1965, Spring) 1-3 Vessey, D. W. T. C. 3-6 7-9 9-12 Amphlett, Hilda Walker, James Ferguson, W. A. 12-17 17 18-19 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 19-20 Editor 21 21-22 Cutner, Herbert Vessey, D. W. T. C. Issue #14 (1965, Autumn) 1 Editor 2-7 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 8 Patience, Harold W. 9 10-11 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. McGeoch, I. L. 11-12 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 12-13 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 13-15 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 16-20 Editor 21 Editor 21-22 22 Patience, H. W. Ferguson, W. A. Issue #15 (1966, Spring) 1-3 Rendall, Canon Gerald 4-7 Bowen, Gwynneth 7-13 14-15 Vessey, D. W. T. C. Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 16 16-17 Editor Russell, John 17-19 Carr, Francis 19-20 Carr, Frances 21 Editor Letter: William Barksted (1577-1620) Letter: a pre-conquest Earl of Oxford Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright After the Pageant: a meditation for 1965 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 150-152) Sir John Smith The Pregnant Silence (reprinted in AWA, vol. 5, p. 153-155) The Sonnets of Shakespeare: The ‗Oxfordian‘ Solution (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 156-159) Review of Shakespeare by Peter Alexander (1964) Annual General Meeting Review of Geoffrey Ashe‘s Lecture ―Mr. W. H.: Another Suggestion‖ (11 Dec. 1964) News and Notes: Colour Transparencies, Films and Tape-recording; Sir John Russell‘s Lecture at Royal Naval College; Death of Mr. Francis T. Carmody Letter: On George Connes‘ Afterthoughts Letter: BBC broadcast Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Upcoming Talks by Society Members Hackney, Harsnett, and the Devils in King Lear (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 160-167) Topical Allusions in King John (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 168-169) The S.A.S. Library Review of Shakespeare and the Sea by A. F. Falconer (1964) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 170-172) Review of Oxford: Courtier to the Queen by Eleanor Brewster (1964) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 173) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture ―The Merchant and the Jew‖ (17 Feb. 1965) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 174-17 Review of Ruth Wainwright‘s Lecture ―Conflicting Dates for Various Candidates‖ (17 March 1965) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 176178) The Annual Dinner; News and Notes: Result of the Postal vote on the Objects of the Society; Publications Fund The Real ―Shakespeare:‖excerpt from an interview with C. Broder in the Hackney Gazette (2 June 1964) Letter: Sir John Harington on Oxford‘s Echo Poem Letter: the marriage of William Hall Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Flashback: A 1930 Toast to Edward de Vere (from the first Annual Dinner of The Shakespeare Fellowship, 1930) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 179-182) Sir Edward Vere and His Mother, Anne Vavasor (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 183-187) Southampton, Essex and Shake-speare: some notes Review of Shakespeare‘s Southampton—Patron of Virginia by A. L. Rowse (1965) Annual General Meeting Review of F. W. Sternfeld‘s Lecture ―The Use of Song in Shakespeare‘s Plays‖ (16 Nov. 1966) Review of the Marlowe Society Members‘ Lecture ―The Death of Kit Marlowe‖ (19 Jan. 1966) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture ―Who Was Kyd‘s and Marlowe‘s Lord?‖ (16 Feb. 1966) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 191-192) The Publications Fund 239 Index of the Shakespearean Authorship Review 21-22 Bokenham, T. D. Issue #16 (1966, Autumn) 1-18 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 19-20 Slater, Eliot 21-5 25 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Editor 26 26 27 27 27-28 28-29 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Adamson, T. L Bowen, Gwynneth M. Bowen, Gwynneth M. Vessry, D. W. T. C. Patience, H. W. Issue #17 (1967, Spring) 1-5 Vessey, D. W. T. C. 6-12 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 13-16 Trout, R. Ridgill 16 17-18 Editor Editor 18-19 Editor 19-20 Editor 21-22 Editor 22-23 Editor 23 Sasse, E. Issue #18 (1967, Autumn) 1-7 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 8-11 Ogburn, Dorothy 11 12-13 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Wainewright, Ruth 14-18 Editor 18-22 23 Editor Amphlett, Hilda Issue #19 (1968, Autumn) 1-3 Huston, Craig 4-11 Vessey, D. W. T. C. 11-12 Amphlett, Hilda 13-14 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 15 Editor Letter: topical allusions in King John Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright On the Poems of Edward de Vere (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 193-212) Review of M. G. Kendall‘s Talk on ―The Possibility of Determining Elizabethan Authorship by Statistical Analysis‖ (15 March 1966) The Annual Dinner News and Notes: the ―Flower‖ Portraits (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 213) Obituary: Professor A. W. Titherley (d. 1966) Obituary: Mr. H. S. Shield (d. 1966) Obituary: Edward Gordon Craig (1872-1966) Obituary: Herr Ludwig Breitwiser (d. 1966) Letter: Stratfordians condescending attitude Letter: Shakespeare and ―Authority‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 214215) Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Notes on the Dating of Macbeth Oxford‘s Letter to Bedingfield and ―Shake-speare‘s Sonnets‖ (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 216-224) Edward de Vere to Robert Cecil: Commentary from his unpublished book Twenty Earls and Shakespeare (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 225229) The Annual General Meeting Review of T. Bokenham‘s Lecture ―Ben Jonson, Shakespeare and the 1623 Folio‖ (1 Dec. 1966) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 230-231) Review of D. W. Vessey‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare‘s Classical Learning‖ (5 Jan. 1967) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 232-233) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare Portraits and the Earl of Oxford‖ (16 Feb. 1967) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 234235) Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare and Marlowe‖ (9 March 1967) News and Notes: Freud and Shakespeare; Leccture at Brighton by Sir John Russell; New Pamphlets; Bequest of Books From H. S. Shield Letter: portrait of Anne Vavasour Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Touching the Affray at the Blackfriers (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 236244) The Authorship of The True Tragedie of Edward the Second (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 245-249) New Catalogue of S.A.S. Library Review of Sir Thomas Smith: Tudor Intellectual in Office by Mary Dewar (1964) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 250-252) The Francis Bacon Society‘s Legacy (reprinted from All England Law Reports, 1964) Annual Dinner of the Shakespearean Authorship Society, 20 th April, 1967 A Surrey Reception Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Edward de Vere (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 153-256) An Early Allusion to Shakespeare Titchfield Abbey (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 157-258) Review of The Herberts of Wilton by Tresham Lever (1967) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 259-260) S.A.S. Meetings 240 Index of the Shakespearean Authorship Review 15-16 16-18 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Editor 19-20 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 20-21 Vessey, D. W. T. C. 21-22 Patience, H. W. Issue #20 (1968, Autumn) 1-4 Slater, Eliot 5-10 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 10-11 Patience, Harold W. 12-13 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 14-15 Editor 15-16 Editor 16-18 18 19 19-20 20-21 21 Editor Huston, Craig Editor Loosely, N. Trout, R. Ridgill Page, Martin R. Issue #21 (Spring 1969) 1-4 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 4-7 Slater, Eliot 7-10 Vessey, D. W. T. C. 10-11 Editor 11 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 12-15 15-16 Vessey, David Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 16-18 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 18 19 20-21 21 Editor Editor Patience, H. W. Patience, H. W. Issue #22 (Christmas 1969) 1 Editor 2-12 Looney, J. Thomas 13-15 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 15 17-18 17-18 18 19-20 20-21 Editor Editor Editor Vessey, D. W. T. C. Kennedy-Skipton, H. K. Ogburn, Dorothy Issue #23 (1970, Summer) 1-4 Bowen, Gwynneth 4 Patience, Harold W. The Ostler v. Hemminges Case Review of Christmas Humphreys‘ Talk ―A Cross Examination of Oxfordians‖ (6 Dec. 1967) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 261-263) Review of Sir John Russell‘s Lecture ―The Authorship Problem for Beginners‖ (17 Jan. 1969) Review of T. D. Bokenham‘s Lecture Ben Johnson and Shakespeare (21 Feb. 1968) Letter: mystery of Lord Oxford‘s grave Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Terms of Art in Hamlet More Brabbles and Frays (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 264-271) Earls Colne and Castle Hedingham (repr. in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 272-3) Review of The Great Shakespeare Forgery by Bernard Grebanier (1965) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 274-277) Review of D. W. T. C. Vessey‘s Lecture ―Some Problems in Shakespearean Chronology‖ (22 March 1968) Review of Gwynneth Bowen‘s Lecture ―The Merchant of Venice: A Living Source‖ (15 May 1968) The Annual Dinner Letter: John de Vere‘s Deed of Covenants Response to Craig Huston‘s Letter Letter: the mystery of Lord Oxford‘s grave Letter: questionnaire Letter: information wanted for a life of J. M. Robertson Editors: Gwymmeth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright The Mysterious Mr. W. H. Terms of Art in King Lear Review of Was Shakespeare Shakespeare? by Milward W. Martin (1965) The Annual General Meeting Review of Glenn Black‘s Lecture ―Poems by Lord Oxford and Others in Elizabethan Manuscripts‖ (26 Nov. 1968) Page missing; article is about the Isle of Dogs Review of Father Francis Edwards‘ Lecture ―A Sidelight on Robert Cecil‘s Spy System‖ (19 Feb. 1969) Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Lecture ―Oxfordian Views on the Sonnets‖ (20 March 1969) News and Notes: the Shakespeare Fellowship News-Letter Obituary: Herbert Cutner (d. 1969) Letter: Shakespearean chronology Letter: the mystery of Lord Oxford‘s grave Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Shakespeare Identified Fiftieth Anniversary Shakespeare Identified (excerpts from Chapters 2, 3, 4) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1, p. 218-238) Review of The Man Behind Macbeth and Other Studies by Sir James Fergusson (1969) Annual Dinner 1969, and Annual General Meeting Obituary: T. L. Adamson Obituary: R. Ridgill Trout Letter: E. R. Curtius and Shakespeare Letter: meaning of ―everyliving‖ Letter: Sonnets‘ dedication Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright What Happened at Hedingham and Earls Colne?, Part 1 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 277-281) Note on the 16th Earl of Oxford (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 294) 241 Index of the Shakespearean Authorship Review 5-9 9-11 12-15 Dawson, Alexis Editor Vessey, D. W. T. C. 15-17 Vessey, D. W. T. C. 17-18 Humphreys, Christmas 18-19 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 19-21 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 21-23 Bowen, Gwynneth M. Issue #24 (1971, Spring) 1-11 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 12-13 13-14 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 14-17 Freud, Ernst L. (editor) 18 19-21 Editor Bowen, Gwynneth M. 21-22 Wainewright, Ruth M. D. 22-23 Ogburn, Dorothy 23 23 24 Patience, H. W. Ferguson, W. A. Hewett, G. Nele Issue #25 (1971, Autumn) 1-8 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 8-15 Powell, Rt. Hon. J. Enoch 16 Editor 16-17 Edwards, Reverend Francis 18-19 19-20 Duckworth-Barker, V. Patience, H. W. 21 Editors Issue #26 (1972, Summer) 1-8 Bowen, Gwynneth 9-13 Edwards, Reverend Francis 14-16 17-18 18 Patience, H. W. Editor Editor 19 20 21 Newett, G. Nele Coulter, Brian Low, I. S. Master Apis Lapis (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 295-299) Nashe‘s Dedication of Strange News (McKerrow‘s Edition) (excerpts) Review of Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton by G.P.V. Akrigg (1968) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 300-303) Review of Sir John Russell‘s Lecture ―For and Against William of Stratford‖ (18 Nov. 1969) (reprinted in AWA, vol. 5, p. 304-306) Review of D. W. T. C. Vessey‘s Lecture ―Some Allusions to Shakespeare in Elizabethan Literature‖ (21 Jan. 1970) Review of Arthur Brown‘s Lecture ―The Printing of Plays in Elizabethan England‖ (25 Feb. 1970) Review of Victor Kanter‘s Lecture ―Shakespeare‘s Imagery and Identity (25 March 1970) Annual Dinner (15 April 1970) Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright What Happened at Hedingham and Earls Colne?, Part 2 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 282-293) Review of Thomas Kyd: Facts and Problems by Arthur Freedman Review of Who Was Shakespeare? by Hilda Amphlett, with an introduction by Christmas Humphreys (1955) The Freud-Zweig Correspondence (excerpts from the Letters of Sigmund Freud and Arnold Zweig (1970) The Annual General Meeting Review of Ruth Wainewright‘s Lecture ―All‘s Well That Ends Well and the Authorship Question‖ (17 Nov. 1970) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 307-309) Review of Alexis Dawson‘s Lecture: ―They Tried to Tell Us‖ (14 Jan. 1971) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 310-311) Letter: Stratfordian difficulties in seeing that the introduction to the First Folio is a hoax Letter: Castle Hedingham and Earls Colne Letter: Earls Colne Letter: the original Venus and Adonis Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Annual Dinner of the Shakespearean Authorship Society Address to the Shakespeare Club, Stratford-on-Avon Dr. Rowse, Shakespeare and Others Shakespeare and His Contemporaries (letter to the editor, the Times, 27 April 1971) Letter: lines of research the Society might undertake Letter: similarities between phrases in Oxford‘s letters and phrases in the plays Editors‘ Postscript Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Purloined Plumes (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 312-321) The Earl of Oxford‘s Escape Plot (reprinted from The Marvellous Chance) Oxfordian Echoes Obituary: Professor Lionel Penrose Discussions and Lecturers of the Shakespearean Authorship society 1971/72 Letter: Chettle‘s Apology Letter: Love‘s Labour‘s Lost and Locrine Two Gentlemen of Verona and Diana Enamorada 242 Index of the Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #27 (1972, Winter) 1-8 Miller, Jr., Minos D. 9-19 19-23 Penrose, L. S. Bowen, Gwynneth M. Issue #28 (1973, Summer) 1-6 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 7-13 14-24 25 25 Edwards, Reverend Francis Buisman, Louise Editor Loosely, N. Issue #29 (1974, Summer) 1-10 Bowen, Gwynneth M. 11-16 Buisman, Louise 17-18 Edwards, Reverend Francis 19 Editor 20 Loosely, N. 20-21 Pataki, Ronald Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Address to the Shakespearean Authorship Society at the Conference to Celebrate the Society‘s 50th Anniversary (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 322-331) Statistical Approaches to the Authorship Problem Review of The Boar‘s Head Theater: An Inn-Yard Theater of the Elizabethan Age by Charles. J. Sisson (1972) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 332-336) Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Oxford‘s and Worcester‘s Men and the Boar‘s Head (1972) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 337-344) Oxford and the Duke of Norfolk (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5, p. 345-354) The Problems of Henry VI and of King John Lecturers of the Shakespearean Authorship Society 1972-1973 The Annual Dinner Editors: Gwynneth M. Bowen and Ruth M. D. Wainewright Worchester‘s Oxford‘s and The Admiral‘s Shakespeare Personal or Impersonal? Review of The Shakesepare Authorship Question by Craig Huston (1971) Lectures of the Shakespearean Authorship Society 1973-1974 The Annual Dinner 1974 Letter: Oxford dividing his personality between characters in his plays 243 INDEX OF THE SPEAR-SHAKER REVIEW (AND NEWSLETTER) (Published by Stephanie Caruana 1987-1991) Issue 1/1 (1987, Fall) 2-5 Mason, Jacquelyn L. 6-9 Stein, E. Jimmee 10 Assante, Katharine 11-21 Caruana, Stephanie 22-23 Harms, Linda 24-30 Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) 31-35 Twain, Mark 36 Beauclerk, Charles 37 38-39 40 41 42-43 44 Back cover Editor Lipman, Carole S. De Vere, Rollin Editor Editor Editor Mason, Jacquelyn L. Issue 1/2 (1988, Winter) 1-4 Caruana, Stephanie 5-7 Smith, Marilyn 8-15 16-23 24-27 28-30 31-32 33-36 37 38-39 40-41 42 43 44 Caruana, Stephanie Appleton, Elizabeth Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) Hannas, Andrew Editor Editor Caruana, Stephanie Beauclerk, Charles Pope, Russell Editor Editor Editor Newsletter Issue 1/1 (1991, Feb.) 1 Editor 1 Editor 2 Editor 2-3 3 3 3 3-4 5-15 O‘Brien, Robert Cusick, John Lund, Thomas A. Winkworth, Tish Editor Caruana, Stephanie Issue 3/4 (1991, May) 1-3 Caruana, Stephanie 4-11 Charlton, Derran K. 11-16 Goldstein, Gary B. 16-17 Editor Shall I Die? Shall I Fly?: An Early Poem by Oxford? To Believe or Not To Believe Letter to the Earl of Oxford: Edward De Vere The Guy of Warwick: Oxfords Knocks Shaksper Waiting for the Assassination Oxford, Golding, and the Translation of Ovid‘s Metamorphoses Life of William Shakespeare News From the De Vere Society: Lady Diana is Direct Descendant of Edward de Vere De Vere Society Meeting Schedule Profile: the Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable How I Became an Oxfordian A Modest Proposal: The Oxford Oxford Shakespeare Oxford Equations Cavallery Cobweb‘s Corner Collage: Oxford Peering Out From Behind a Mask of Shaksper Secrets of Michael Drayton‘s Poly-Olbion Shakespeare as Nobody: Thoughts on the Attraction of the Stratford Myth Shakespeare/Oxford by Hilliard Proving Shakespeare‘s Identity: Oxford‘s Role in the War of Words Oxford‘s Hand in Thomas of Woodstock and Richard II Is Oxford Pictured in ―Arts of Falconry‖ Prints? Man Bytes Bard Two Lives: Oxford and Shaksper: Which One Was the Poet? Oxford‘s Lute Music Manuscript at Folger Shakespeare Library News From the De Vere Society The Will, the Swan, and the Moniment Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable Schedule The Shakespeare Oxford Society Cavallery Cobweb‘s Corner Return of Spear Shaker David Lloyd Kreeger Dies News: Charles Vere at the Folger; Vere‘s the Word; De Vere‘s ―Lost Chronicles‖ Letter: Misc. items Letter: letter to the editor of the Daily News-Sun, Sun City, Arizona Letter: poem about authorship issue Letter: comments on Michel Drayton‘s Poly-Olbion News From the Societies Oxford‘s ―Robin Hood‖ Plays and ―Shakespeare‘s‖ King John Six ―Signatures‖ In Search of an Author Edward de Vere and the Knights of the Grail Who Was Joyce‘s Shakespeare? Your Name in Lights Department: the Folger‘s Annotated Bibliography for 1989 244 Index of the Spear-Shaker Review (and Newsletter) 17 17-18 18 18 18 18 Ogburn, Charlton Merry, Mary Jane Wynekan, Warren W. Hassler, Evalyn Downs, Jerry Clarke, Marilyn Kay Issue 5 (1991, August) 1-14 Nelson, Paul A. 14-15 Caruana, Stephanie 15-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 22 Hope, Warren Williamson, Gene McKee, Jim Beauclerk, Charles Grumman, Robert Editor 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 Harner, James L. Fish, Seena Stritmatter, Roger Hope, Warren Cain, Lincoln S. Saliani, Dom Fowler, William Plumer Lundskkow, Alice N. 25 25 25 25 Sears, Elisabeth (Betty) Williamson, Gene Johnson, Ian Beauclerk, Charles Letter Letter Letter: rules of evidence Letter: de Vere‘s lineage Letter: good and bad scholarship Letter: de Vere and the King James Bible The Only Portrait of William Shakspere of Stratford Published During His Lifetime: In Henry Peacham‘s Minerva Britanna (1612) I Hyponotized Dr. Louis Marder . . . and Made Him Believe Oxford Wrote the Plays! Oxford and the King James Version of the Bible Night Flight The Making of a Man An Open Letter to American Oxfordians A Stratfordian Objects . . . . . . And U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Weighs the Evidence Letter: request for materials for the World Shakespeare Bibliography Letter: disagreement with the premise that Oxford was ―Shakespeare‖ Letter: praise for the reappearance of Spear Shaker Letter: Joyce and the authorship issue Letter: Spear Shaker, the Folger, and the Shakespeare Quarterly Letter: Oxford in the Canadian schools Letter: thanks for the Spear Shaker‘s fine articles Letter: she was won over by the Spear Shaker article ―Man Behind the Name‖ Letter: congratulations on the resurrection of Spear Shaker Letter: thanks for the Spear-Shaker Letter: his delight with Spear-Shaker Letter: his admiration for Speak Shaker 245 INDEX OF THE TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW (FALL 2004) Symposium: Who Wrote Shakespeare? An Evidentiary Puzzle Vol. 72, No. 1 (Fall, 2004) 1-23 Kornstein, Daniel J. 25-66 Dickson, Peter W. 67-92 Niederkorn, William S. 93-109 111-147 149-169 171-219 221-254 255-271 273-274 Causey, William F. Price, Diana Nelson, Alan H. Stritmatter, Roger May, Steven W. Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. 275-276 277-294 295-307 309-321 Whalen, Richard F. Carroll, D. Allen Buckley, Marion Gibson, Amy L. 323-453 Elliott, Ward E. Y. and Robert J. Valenza Mark Twain‘s Evidence: the never-ending riverboat debate Connecting the Dots: the Catholic question and the Shakespeare authorship debate Jumping O‘er Times: the importance of lawyers and judges in the controversy over the identity of Shakespeare, as reflected in the pages of the New York Times Burden of Proof and Presumptions in the Shakespeare Authorship Debate Evidence For a Literary Biography Stratford Si! Essex No! (An Open-and-Shut Case) A Law Case in Verse: Venus and Adonis and the authorship question The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford as Poet and Playwright Who Wrote Shakespeare? the preponderance of evidence A Response to Burden of Proof and Presumptions in the Shakespeare Authorship Debate Response to Oxford by the Numbers Reading the 1692 Groatsworth Attack on Shakespeare The Shakespeare Authorship Debate and the Proper Standard of Proof Using Circumstantial Evidence to Discover Shakespeare: the importance of good legal analysis Oxford By the Numbers: what are the odds that the Earl of Oxford could have written Shakespeare‘s poems and plays? 246 PART III: REVIEWS AND REMEMBRANCES 1. Reviews of Recent Books Ackroyd, Peter – Shakespeare, the Biography (2005) Charlton, Derran K. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 41/4: 24, 32 Page 18 2005, Fall 2005, Dec. Akrigg, G. P. V. – Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton (1968) Vessey, D. W. T. Shakespearean Authorship Review reprinted in AW Anthologies No. 23: 12-15 Vol. 5: 300-303 1970, Summer Alexander, Doris – Creating Literature Out of Life (1996) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 34/2: 19 1998, Summer Alexander, Peter – Shakespeare (1964) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #13: 12-17 1965, Spring Allen, Ernest – When Shakespeare Died (pamphlet) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 5: 5-8 Ward, Bernard M. East Anglian Magazine Vol. 3, No. 1 reprinted in AW Anthologies Vol. 2: 40-41 1937, Sept. 1937, Oct. Allen, Ron – Who Were Shakespeare (1998) Boyle, Charles Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 34/3: 22 1998, Fall Altrocchi, Paul H. – Malice Aforethought (2010) Gill, John De Vere Society Newsletter Livacari, Gary L. The Oxfordian Vol. 18/1: 30-32 Vol. 12: 4-5 2011, March 2010 Altrocchi, Paul H. – Most Greatly Lived (2000) Harman, Charles E. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 37/2: 19 Vol. 37/1: 18 2001, Summer 2001, Spring American Bar Association Journal – Shakespeare Cross-Examination (1961) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 12/4: 2 Humphreys, Christmas Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #8: 17-19 1976, Winter 1962, Autumn Amphlett, Hilda – Who Was Shakespeare? (1955) Atkinson, J. Shera Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Browning, Olive H. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review Page 11 Page 10-11 Page 11 Issue #24: 13-14 1956, Spring 1955, Spring 1955, Spring 1971, Spring Anderson, Mark K. – Shakespeare by Another Name (2005) Boyle, William E. Shakespeare Matters Cutting, Bonner Miller Shakespeare Matters Goldstein, Gary B. The Oxfordian Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Imlay, Elizabeth De Vere Society Newsletter Waugaman, Richard M. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 4/4: 33 Vol. 5/1: 2 Vol. 8:124-128 Vol. 41/3: 2, 12+ Page 26 Vol. 7/3: 7, 15+ 2005, Summer 2005, Fall 2005 2005, Summer 2006, April 2008, Spring Anderson (Paget), Verily – The De Veres of Castle Hedingham (1993) Dalton, Terence Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 30/1: 21 1994, Winter Appleton, Elizabeth – Anatomy of the Marprelate Controversy 1588-1596 (2001) Stritmatter, Roger Shakespeare Matters Vol. 1/3: 25-27+ 247 2002, Spring Part III: Reviews Asquith, Clare – Shadowplay: The Hidden Beliefs and Coded Politics of William Shakespeare (2005) Dickson, Peter W. The Oxfordian Vol. 8: 128-136 2005 Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Page 29 2006, Nov. Baker, H. Kendra – Elizabeth and Sixtus (1938) Allen, Percy Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 11: 8-9 1938, Sept. Baker, Norman – William Shakespeare‘s Conspiracy (a play) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #6: 20 1961, Autumn Barbour, Reid – Deciphering Elizabethan Fiction (1993) Hope, Warren Elizabethan Review Vol. 2/2: 61-64 1994, Autumn Baron, Dennis – De Vere is Shakespeare (1997) Baron, Dennis De Vere Society Newsletter Llewellyn, Michael De Vere Society Newsletter Morton, Peter Elizabethan Review Vol. 2/9: 10-11 Vol. 2/8: 12-13 Vol. 6/2: 84-87 1997, June 1997, Feb. 1998, Autumn Bate, Jonathan – The Genius of Shakespeare (1998) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 34/3: 23, 28 1998, Fall Bate, Jonathan – Soul of the Age (2009) Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 16/1: 24-26 Vol. 45/2: 28-29 Vol. 45/3: 25-26 2009, Feb. 2009, Sept. 2009, Dec. Bate, Jonathan and Eric Rasmussen – The RSC Shakespeare: Complete Works (2007) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 43/3: 14, 24 2007, Summer Batson, E. Beatrice – Shakespeare and the Christian Tradition (1994) Wright, Daniel L. The Oxfordian 2000 Vol. 3: 116-118 Bateson, F. W. (editor) – The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (1940) Douglas, Montagu W. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Am) Vol. 1/2: 8 1940, Feb. Beauclerk, Charles – Shakespeare‘s Lost Kingdom (2010) Delahoyde, Michael Brief Chronicles Gill, John De Vere Society Newsletter Imlay, Elizabeth De Vere Society Newsletter Imlay, Elizabeth De Vere Society Newsletter Paul, Christopher Brief Chronicles 2010 2011, March 2011, July 2011, July 2010 Vol. II: 237-244 Vol. 18/1: 32-34 Vol. 18/2: 25-28 Vol. 18/2: 39 Vol. II: 244-257 Benezet, Louis P. – Shakspere, Shakespeare and de Vere (1937) Douglas, Col. Montagu W. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 8: 6-8 1938, March Benezet, Louis P. – The Six Loves of Shake-speare (1958) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespearean Authorship Review reprinted in AW Anthologies No. 2: 9-12 Vol. 5: 31-35 1959, Autumn 1959, Autumn Berleth, Richard – The Twilight Lords: An Irish Chronicle (1978) Cheney, Alan Elizabethan Review Vol. 3/1: 48-53 1995, Spring Bevington, David – The Complete Works of Shakespeare (2008) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/2a: 4 1993, Spring Bevington, David – Shakespeare and Biography (2010) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 47/2: 9-11 2011, Spring Vol. 39/4: 22 2003, Autumn Bloom, Harold – Hamlet: Poem Unlimited (2003) Jiménez, Ramon Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 248 Part III: Reviews Bloom, Harold – The Western Canon: Books and Schools of the Ages (1994) Hope, Warren Elizabethan Review Vol. 4/1: 47-48 1996, Spring Blumenfeld, Samuel L. – The Marlowe-Shakespeare Connection (2008) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 7/4: 16 2008, Fall Bond, Jonathan – The De Vere Code (2009) Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 17/1: 29-30 2010, Feb. Bowen, Gwynneth M. – Shakespeare‘s Farewell (pamphlet) (1951) Mez, R. J. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 10 1952, March Boyce, Burke – Cloak of Folly (1949) Atkinson, J. Shera Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 8-9 1952, Sept. Bradebrook, M. C. – The Rise of the Elizabethan Common Player (1962) Cutner, Herbert Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #10: 15-16 1963, Autumn Brame, Michael and Galina Popova (eds.) – Shakespeare‘s Fingerprints (2002) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 2/2: 31 Stritmatter, Roger Shakespeare Matters Vol. 2/3: 24-25+ Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 40/1: 23-24 2003, Winter 2003, Spring 2004, Winter Brewster, Eleanor – Oxford and His Elizabethan Ladies (1972) Horne, Jr., Richard C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 9/1: 14 1973, Winter Brewster, Eleanor – Oxford: Courtier to the Queen (1964) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review (reprinted in AW Anthologies) No. 14: 11-12 Vol. 5: 173-173 1965, Autumn Bridgers, Sue Ellen – Keeping Christina (1993) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 36/3: 19, 24 2000, Fall Brown, Ivor – How Shakespeare Spent the Day (1963) Cutner, Herbert Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #11: 12-13 1964, Spring Bryson, Bill – Shakespeare: The World As Stage (2007) Anderson, Mark K. Shakespeare Matters Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 7/2: 4 Vol. 7/2: 3, 20 2008, Winter 2008, Winter Burke, Kenneth – Kenneth Burke on Shakespeare (edited by Scott L. Newstok) (2007) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 7/4: 3, 9, 12 2008, Fall Cambridge University Press – Shakespeare Survey (1948) Eggar, Katharine E. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) page 10 1956, Autumn Carrell, Jennifer Lee – Interred With Their Bones (2007) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 7/1: 5 2007, Fall Carrell, Jennifer Lee – The Shakespeare Secret (2008) Jolly, Eddi De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 15/1: 30 2008, March Carroll, D. Allen (ed.) – Greene‘s Groatsworth of Wit (1994) Chandler, David Elizabethan Review Vol. 3/1: 62-67 1995, Spring Caruana, Stephanie and Elisabeth Sears – Oxford‘s Revenge: ―Shakespeare‘s‖ Dramatic Development from Agamemnon to Hamlet (1989) Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 26/3a: 3-5 1990, Summer 249 Part III: Reviews Challinor, Arthur M. – The Alternative Shakespeare Dams, Christopher H. De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 2/5: 2-4 1996, April Chiljan, Katherine – Shakespeare Suppressed (2011) Ray, William J. Brief Chronicles Vol. III: 235-245 2011, Fall Churchill, R. C. – Shakespeare and His Betters (1958) Kent, William Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 9-10 1958, Autumn Chute, Marchette – Ben Jonson of Westminster (1954) Cutner, Herbert Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 10 1955, Autumn Clark, Eva Turner – Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare‘s Plays (3rd revised ed., edited by Ruth Loyd Miller (1975) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 12/3: 10-11 1976, Fall Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 28/1: 10-11 1992, Winter Clark, Eva Turner – The Man Who Was Shakespeare (1937) Barrell, Charles Wisner East Anglian Magazine Reprinted in AW Anthologies Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Am) Ward, Bernard M. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) Vol. 3, No. 5 Vol. 2: 14-16 Vol. 1/1: 8 Vol. 7: 1-3 1938, Feb. Clubb, Louise George – Italian Drama in Shakespeare‘s Time (1989) Londre, Felicia Elizabethan Review Vol. 2/2: 55-61 1994, Autumn Cunningham, Vanessa – Shakespeare and Garrick (2008) Gilbert, Sky Brief Chronicles Vol. II: 227-231 2010 Daniell, David – William Tyndale: A Biography (1994) Hope, Warren Elizabethan Review Vol. 3/1: 53-55 1995, Spring Daugherty, Leo – The Assassination of Shakespeare‟s Patron (2011) Dickson, Peter Brief Chronicles Vol. III: 264-271 2011, Fall 1939, Dec. 1938, Jan. De Chambrun, Clara Longworth – Shakespeare: A Portrait Restored (1954) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespeare Fellowship Newlsetter (Eng) Page 9-11 1958, Spring De Chambrun, Clara Longworth – Shakespeare Rediscovered (1938) Allen, Percy Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 9: 7-9 1938, May Dent, Anthony – Horses in Shakespeare‘s England (1988) Holden, Isabel and Constance Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/4: 5-6 1989, Fall Detobel, Robert – Shakespeare: The Concealed Poet Cutting, Bonner Miller Brief Chronicles Hamill, John Shakespare Oxford Newsletter Scheffer, Jan; Elke Brachmann De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. III: 272-274 Vol. 47/3: 13-14 Vol. 18/2: 36-38 2011, Fall 2011, Fall 2011, July Dewar, Mary – Sir Thomas Smith: A Tudor Intellectual in Office (1964) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review Reprinted in AW Anthologies No. 17:12-13 Vol. 5: 250-252 1967, Spring Dickson, Peter W. – Bardgate: Shake-speare and the Royalists Who Stole the Bard (2011) Goldstein, Gary Brief Chronicles Vol. III: 285-287 2011, Fall Dobson, Michael and Stanley Wells (eds.) – The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare (2001) Jiménez, Ramon Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 39/4: 23-24 Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 01/3: 23-24 2003, Autumn 2002, Spring 250 Part III: Reviews Douglas, Lt. Colonel Montague W. – Lord Oxford and the Shakespeare Group (1952) Aitken, T. M. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 9 Drew, Philip Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 2 Douglas, Lt. Colonel Montague W. – Lord Oxford Was ―Shakespeare‖: A Summing Up (1934) Rendall, Canon Gerald Shakespeare Pictorial No. 95 reprinted in AW Anthologies Vol. 2: 29-31 1953, April 1953, Nov. 1935, Jan. Doyle, John and Ray Lischner – Shakespeare for Dummies (1999) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/4: 16, 23 2000, Winter Dreya, Ren and Richard F. Whalen – Oxfordian Edition of Othello Dams, Christopher De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 18/2: 35-36 2011, July Drury, P. J. – Hill Hall: A Singular House Devised by a Tudor Intellectual (2009) Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 17/1: 11-13 2010, Feb. Duffin, Ross W. – Shakespeare‘s Songbook (2004) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 40/3: 18-19 2004, Summer Duncan-Jones, Katherine (editor) – Shakespeare‘s Sonnets (1997) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 34/1: 18-19 1998, Summer Duncan-Jones, Katherine – Ungentle Shakespeare – Scenes From His Life (2001) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 37/2: 15 Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 47/2: 9-11 2001, Summer 2011, Spring Eckersley, Sylvia – Number and Geometry in Shakespeare‘s Macbeth (ed. By Alan Thewless) (2007) Stott, Alan Shakespeare Matters Vol. 7/1: 19-20 2007, Fall Egan, Michael (ed.) – The Tragedy of Richard II, Part One (2006) Jiménez, Ramon Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 42/1: 18-20 2006, Winter Eggar, Katharine E. – Shakespeare in His True Colors (1951) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 10 1952, March Emmison, F. G. – Elizabethan Life: Wills of Essex Gentry and Merchants (1978) Patience, Harold W. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 14/4: 2-3 1978, Fall Epstein, Norrie – The Friendly Shakespeare (1993) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/1a: 1-3 Vol. 29/2a: 4-5 1993, Winter 1993, Spring Evans, A. J. – Shakespeare‘s Magic Circle (1956) Cutner, Herbert Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 8-9 1956, Autumn Evans, G. Blackmore (editor) – The Sonnets (a volume in the New Cambridge Shakespeare) (1996) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/2: 19 1996, Spring Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 34/1: 18-19 1998, Spring Falconer, Alexander F. – Shakespeare and the Sea (1964) McGeoch, I. L. Shakespearean Authorship Review reprinted in AW Anthologies No. 14: 10-11 Vol. 5: 170-172 1965, Autumn Farina, William – De Vere as Shakespeare (2006) Goldstein, Gary B. The Oxfordian Vol. 9: 135-137 2006 Vol. 15/1: 5-7 Vol. 2/4: 133-136 1979, Winter 1980 Feldman, Bronson – Hamlet Himself (2006) Hope, Warren Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Hope, Warren The Bard 251 Part III: Reviews Waugaman, Richard M. Shakespeare Matters Feldman, Bronson – Secrets of Shakespeare (1972) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 9/3: 07-11+ 2010, Fall Vol. 12/4: 7-8 1976, Winter Ferington, Esther – Infinite Variety: Exploring the Folger Shakespeare Library (2002) Brazil, Robert Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 38/4: 21 2002, Fall Field, Andrew – The Lost Chronicle of Edward de Vere (1990) Holden, Isabel Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 1991, Spring Vol. 27/2: 6-7 Fields, Bertram – Players: The Mysterious Identity of William Shakespeare (2005) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 4/3: 23 Ligon, K. C. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 5/1: 12-13+ Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 41/4: 31-32 2005, Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Fall Fluchere, Henri – Shakespeare and the Elizabethans (1956) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #4: 10-13 1960, Autumn Flynn, Brian – The Shaking Spear Loosely, N. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter Page 10 1956, Spring Fowler, William Plumer – Shakespeare Revealed in Oxford‘s Letters (1986) Johnson, Morse Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 23/1: 1-3 1987, Winter Fox, Levi – The Borough Town of Stratford-upon-Avon (1953) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 3-4 1954, April Fraser, Russell – Shakespeare: The Later Years (1993) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/2a: 3-4 1993, Spring Freed, Amy – The Beard of Avon (2004) Editor Shakespeare Matters Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Editor Shakespeare Matters Gilbert, Sky Shakespeare Matters Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 7/4: 15-16 Vol. 37/2: 2 Vol. 1/3: 5 Vol. 2/2: 1, 14+ Vol. 3/2: 4 2008, Fall 2001, Summer 2002, Spring 2003, Winter 2004, Winter Freedman, Arthur – Thomas Kyd: Facts and Problems Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #24: 12-13 1971, Spring Friedman, William F. – Shakespearean Ciphers (1957) J. S. A. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 7-9 1958, Spring Fergusson, Sir James – The Man Behind Macbeth and Other Studies (1969) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #22: 13-15 1969, Christmas Fry, Simon – Paper Trail (2008) Jolly, Eddi De Vere Society Newsletter 2009, Nov. Vol. 16/3: 32 Frye, Albert and Albert Levi – Rational Belief: An Introduction to Logic (1941) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 7/1: 1 1971, March 30 Garber, Marjorie – Shakespeare After All (2004) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 41/2: 23 2005, Spring Garber, Marjorie – Shakespeare‘s Ghost Writers (2010) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 47/2: 9-11 2011, Spring 252 Part III: Reviews Garber, Marjorie – Symptoms of Culture (1998) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/1: 19, 23 1999, Spring Garber, Marjorie – Vice Versa: Bisexuality and Eroticism of Everyday Life (1995) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/1: 21 1996, Winter Garcia, Emanuel E. – Sherlock Holmes & the Three Poisoned Pawns (2008) Goldstein, Gary B. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 8/2: 5 2009, Spring Gascoigne, George – A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers, revised edition) (edited by Ruth Loyd Miller) (1975) Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 28/1: 10-11 1992, Winter Geary, Douglas (editor) – Songs and Sonnets of the Earl of Surrey Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespseare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) page 10 1957, Autumn Gibson, H. N. – The Shakespeare Claimants (1962) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #8: 15-17 1962, Autumn Gililov, Ilya – The Game of Shakespeare Christian Science Monitor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 34/1: 2 1998, Spring Gilvary, Kevin – Dating Shakespeare‘s Plays: A Critical Review of the Evidence (2010) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 10/3: 4 Hess, W. Rom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 47/2: 1, 8 Niederkorn, William S. De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 18/3: 26-27 Ostrowski, Don Brief Chronicles Vol. III: 246-257 2011, Summer 2011, Spring 2011, Nov. 2011, Fall Girard, Rene – Theater of Envy: William Shakespeare (1991, 2004) Wilkinson, Heward Brief Chronicles Vol. III: 275-278 2011, Fall Gollob, Herman – Me and Shakespeare: Adventures With the Bard (2002) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 2/2: 21 2003, Winter Gray, Marilyn Savage – The Real Shakespeare (2001) Aucella, Steven M. Shakespeare Matters Brazil, Robert Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 2/1: 30 Vol. 38/4: 21 2002, Fall 2002, Fall Grebanier, Bernard – The Great Shakespeare Forgery (1965) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review reprinted in AW Anthologies No. 20: 12-13 Vol. 5: 274-276 1968, Autumn Greenblatt, Stephen (editor) – The Norton Shakespeare Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 33/3: 17, 24 1997, Summer Greenblatt, Stephen – Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare (2004) Boyle, William E. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 4/2: 6-7 Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 4/1: 3 Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Page 21-22 Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 4/2: 22-23 Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 40/2: 18 Wright, Daniel L. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 4/1: 4, 32 2005, Winter 2004, Fall 2005, Jan. 2005, Winter 2004, Spring 2004, Fall Greenwood, George G. – The Shakespeare Problem Restated (condensed version by Elsie Greenwood) Douglas, Col. Montagu W. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 3: 9 1937, May Gregg, W. W. – The Shakespeare First Folio (1955) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter Page 10-11 1957, Spring Gross, John – Shylock Editor Vol. 1/2: 78-79 1993, Autumn Elizabethan Review 253 Part III: Reviews Hackett, Helen – Elizabeth and Shakespeare: The Meeting of Two Myths (2009) Gordon, Helen H. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 8/3: 16-18 2009, Summer Halle, Louis J. – The Search for an Eternal Norm: As Represented by Three Classics (1981) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 18/3: 6-8 1982, Summer Halliday, F. E. – Cult of Shakespeare (1957) Cutner, Herbert Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 10-11 1958, Autumn Halliday, F. E. – Shakespeare: A Pictorial Biography (1956) Cutner, Herbert Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 10-11 1958, Autumn Harrison, G. B. – Elizabethan Plays and Players (1945) Allen, Percy Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 4-5 1946, March Hart, Col. Joseph C. – The Romance of Yachting (1848) Horne, Jr., Richard C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 8/2: 3-5 1972, May Hart, Walter – Paging Mr. Shakespeare (1961) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #12: 13-14 1964, Autumn Haynes, Alan – Invisible Power: The Elizabethan Secret Services, 1570-1603 (1992) Edwards, Francis Elizabethan Review Vol. 1/2: 52-64 1993, Autumn Hess, W. Ron – The Dark Side of Shakespeare (2002, 2003) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Desper, Richard Shakespeare Matters Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 39/1: 19 Vol. 2/4: 25-26 Vol. 3/4: 31 2003, Winter 2003, Summer 2004, Summer Hoffman, Calvin – The Man Who Was Shakespeare (1955) Eggar, Katharine E. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 10 1956, Spring Holden, Anthony – William Shakespeare (1999) Editor (excerpts from reviews) Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/3: 18-19 1999, Fall Holland, Norman N., et. al. – Shakespeare‘s Missing Personality (1989) Stritmatter, Roger Elizabethan Review Vol. 1/2: 65-74 1993, Autumn Holmes, Edward – Discovering Shakespeare: A Handbook for Heretics (2001) Jiménez, Ramon Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 38/2: 11, 22 Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 2/1: 30 2002, Spring 2002, Fall Holmes, Martin R. – Shakespeare‘s Public (1960) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review reprinted in AW Anthologies No. 6: 10-13 Vol. 5: 73-74 1961, Autumn Honan, Park – Shakespeare: A Life (1998) Sobran, Joseph Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/2: 21-22 1999, Summer Honneyman, David – Shakespeare‘s Sonnets and the Court of Navarre (1996) Jiménez, Ramon Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/1: 18 1999, Spring Hope, Warren and Kim Holston – The Shakespeare Controversy, 1st Edition (1992) Goldstein, Gary B. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/1a: 11 1993, Winter Hope, Warren and Kim Holston – The Shakespeare Controversy, 2nd Edition (2009) Hunter, R. Thomas Brief Chronicles Vol. I: 277-283 2009 254 Part III: Reviews Hosking, G. L. – The Life and Times of Edward Alleyn (1952) Cutner, Herbert Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 9-10 1953, April Hotson, Leslie – The First Night of Twelfth Night Lambin, Georges Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 11-12 1955, Spring Hotson, Leslie – I, William Shakespeare Allen, Percy Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 7: 3-5 1938, Jan. Hotson, Leslie – Shakespeare Versus Shallow (1931) Atkinson, J. Shera Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) Supp.: 1-8 1938, July Hotson, Leslie – Shakespeare‘s Wooden O (1960) MacDonald, John Shakespearen Authorship Review Issue #5: 12-14 1961, Spring Howe, Norma – Blue Avenger Cracks the Code (2002) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 36/3: 19, 24 2000, Fall Hughes, Ted – The Essential Shakespeare (1992) Editor Elizabethan Review Vol. 1/2: 079-079 1993, Autumn Hunt, Douglas – The Riverside Guide to Writing (1995) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/3: 19, 23 1996, Summer Hurstfield, Joel – The Queen‘s Wards: Wardship and Marriage Under Elizabeth I (1973) Russell, Sir John Shakespearean Authorship Review No. 3 reprinted in AW Anthologies Vol. 5: 38-42 1960, Spring Huston, Craig – The Shakespeare Authorship Question (1971) Edwards, Reverend Francis Shakespearean Authorship Review Horne, Jr., Richard C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Issue #29: 17-18 Vol. 8/1: 8 1974, Summer 1972, Jan. Imlay, Elizabeth – Edward de Vere, Part I (a play) Krass, Iris De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 2/11: 11-12 1998, Feb. Iske, Basil – The Green Cockatrice Edwards, Francis The Bard Vol. 4/1: 26-32 1983 James, Brenda and William D. Rubinstein – The Truth Will Out: Unmasking the Real Shakespeare (2005) Beauclerk, Charles The Oxfordian Vol. 8: 140-145 2005 Jiménez, Ramon Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 41/4: 25-28 2005, Fall Ligon, K. C. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 5/1: 5-6 2005, Fall Johnson, Edward D. – The Fictious Shakespeare Exposed Kent, William Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 5-6 1946, March Kay, Dennis – Shakespeare: His Life, Work and Era (1994) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/2a: 3 1993, Spring Keen, Alan and Roger Lubbock – The Annotator (1954) Cutner, Herbert Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter (Eng) Messner, Rhoda Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Page 4-5 Vol. 17/1: 4-5 1954, Sept. 1981, Spring Keevak, Michael – Sexual Shakespeare (2001) Hamill, John Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 38/1: 7, 14 2002, Winter Kermode, Frank – The Age of Shakespeare (2004) Dickson, Peter W. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 40/3: 22-24 2004, Summer 255 Part III: Reviews Kernan, Alvin – Shakespeare, the King‘s Playwright, 1603-1613 (1995) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/1: 21 1996, Winter Kinney, Arthur F. – Rogues, Vagabonds and Sturdy Beggars (1990) Mucci, John Elizabethan Review Vol. 6/2: 79-84 1998, Autumn Kittle, William – George Gascoigne, or Edward de Vere (1930) Mez, J. R. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 3-4 1952, Sept. Kornstein, Daniel – Kill All the Lawyers?: Shakespeare‘s Legal Appeal (1994) Stritmatter, Roger Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 33/3: 18-19+ Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 30/4: 4-5 1997, Summer 1994, Autumn Kositsky, Lynne – A Question of Will (2000) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 36/3: 19, 24 2000, Fall Kositsky, Lynne – The Thought of High Windows (2004) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 3/3: 24 2004, Spring Kreiler, Kurt – The Man Who Invented Shakespeare (2009) Klier, Walter Brief Chronicles Vol. I: 285-287 2009 Kuzoka and Mulryne (eds.) – Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson (2006) Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Page 35-36 2007, Oct. Lambin, Georges – Voyages de Shakespeare en France et en Italie (1962) Jolly, Eddi De Vere Society Newsletter Russell, Sir John Shakespearean Authorship Review reprinted in AW Anthologies Page 16 No. 9: 11-15 Vol. 5: 107-111 2003, June 1963, Spring Lawrence, Herbert – Life and Adventures of Common Sense (1769) Allen, Percy Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 11:1-5 Allen, Percy Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 12: 2-16 1938, Sept. 1938, Nov. Leahy, William – Shakespeare and His Authors: Critical Perspectives on the Authorship Question (2010) Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 17/2: 26-27 2010, Aug. Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 47/2: 9-11 2011, Spring Lee, Michelle and Dana Ramel Barnes (eds.) – Shakespearean Criticism, Vol. 41 of 68 (1998) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 39/1: 20-21 2003, Winter Lefranc, Abel – A La Decouverte de Shakespeare (1945) Dwyer, J. J. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) 1946, Sept. Page 4-5 Lefranc, Abel – Les Elements Francais de ‗Peines D‘Amour Perdues (French Elements in Love‘s Labour‘s Lost) (1936) Douglas, Col. Montagu W. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 3: 7-9 1937, May Lever, Tresham – The Herberts of Wilton (1967) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review reprinted in AW Anthologies No. 19: 13-14 Vol. 5: 259-260 1968, Autumn Levin, Carole – The Heart and Stomach of a King: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Sex and Power (1994) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/3: 18 1999, Fall Llewellyn, Sally – Edward‘s Presents (2004) Editor Shakespeare Matters Londre, Felicia H. (ed.) – Love‘s Labor‘s Lost: Critical Essays (1997) Goldstein, Gary B. Elizabethan Review Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 256 Vol. 3/2: 4 2004, Winter Vol. 5/1: 57-57 Vol. 33/2: 19 1997, Spring 1997, Spring Part III: Reviews Looney, J. Thomas – ―Shakespeare‖ Identified (1920) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Am) Editor Shakespearean Authorship Review Vol. 1/1: 8 Issue #22: 1 1939, Dec. 1969, Christmas Looney, J. Thomas – ‖Shakespeare‖ Identified and The Poems of Edward de Vere, 3rd revised edition (edited by Ruth Loyd Miller, 1975) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 12/1: 5-6 1976, Spring Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 28/1: 10-11 1992, Winter Wainewright, Ruth M. D. The Bard Vol. 2/2: 75-79 1979 Love, Harold – Attributing Authorship: An Introduction (2002) Jiménez, Ramon Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 39/3: 21-22 Lucas, R. M. – Shakespeare‘s Vital Secret Known to His Queen Douglas, Col. Montagu W. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 8: 8-12 2003, Summer 1938, March Malim, Richard; Kevin Gilvary, Elizabeth Imlay; Eddi Jolly (eds.) – Great Oxford: Essays on the Life and Work of Edward de Vere (2004) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 4/3: 23 2005, Spring Whittemore, Hank The Oxfordian Vol. 8: 137-139 2005 Mallin, Eric – Inscribing the Time (1995) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/3: 18 1999, Fall Marcus, Leah – Puzzling Shakespeare (1988) Stritmatter, Roger The Oxfordian Vol. 2: 154-161 1999 Markham, Clements – The Fighting Veres (1888) Patience, Harold W. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 15/2: 8 1979, Spring Martin, Wilward W. – Was Shakespeare Shakespeare? (1965) Vessey, D. W. T. C. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #21: 7-10 1969, Spring Martin, Peter – Edmond Malone, Shakespearean Scholar (1995) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/2: 19 1996, Spring Matchett, Robin – The Lion Bats the Butterfly (2002) Schumann, Howard Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 39/1: 22 2003, Winter Matus, Irvin – Shakespeare, In Fact (1994) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Johnson, Morse Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Publius Elizabethan Review Roper, David L. De Vere Society Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 30/4: 11 Vol. 31/1b: 1-7 Vol. 3/1: 67-69 Vol. 2/3: 8-11 Vol. 29/2a: 5 Vol. 30/1: 11-12 1994, Autumn 1995, Winter 1995, Spring 1995, Nov. 1993, Spring 1994, Winter McCarthy, Penny – Pseudonymous Shakespeare (2006) Charlton, Derran K. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 42/3: 31-32 Page 19 2006, Fall 2006, July McClure, Norman (editor) – The Letters of John Chamberlain (1939) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Am) Vol. 3/4: 55 1942, June McCrea, Scott – The Case for Shakespeare: The End of the Authorship Question (2004) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 3/4: 23 Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 41/4: 30 257 2005, Spring 2005, Fall Part III: Reviews McDonald, Russ – The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare (1996) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/3: 19 1996, Summer McManaway, James G. – The Authorship of Shakespeare (Folger Library Booklet, edited by Louis B. Wright) (1962) Horne, Jr., Richard C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 6/1: 6-8 1970, Mar. 31 Meadows, Denis – Elizabethan Quintet (1956) Eggar, Katharine E. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 11 1957, Autumn Meagher, John C. – Shakespeare‘s Shakespeare: How the Plays Were Made (1997) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/3: 18 1999, Fall Meron, Theodor – Bloody Constraint: War and Chivalry in Shakespeare (1988) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/3: 18 1999, Fall Messner, Rhoda Henry – Absent Thee From Felicity (1976) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 1976, Summer Vol. 12/2: 4 Miller, Ruth Loyd (editor) – Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare‘s Plays, 3rd revised edition (1974) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 12/3: 10-11 Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 28/1: 10-11 1976, Fall 1992, Winter Miller, Ruth Loyd (editor) – A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers, revised edition (1975) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 12/4: 6-7 Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 28/1: 10-11 1976, Winter 1992, Winter Miller, Ruth Loyd (editor) – Shakespeare Identified and the Poems of Edward de Vere by J. Thomas Looney, and Oxfordian Vistas (1975) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 12/1: 5-6 1976, Spring Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 28/1: 10-11 1992, Winter Mitchell, John – Who Wrote Shakespeare (1996) Stritmatter, Roger Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 33/1: 19 1997, Winter Moore, Peter R. – The Lame Storyteller, Poor and Despised (2009) Editor Shakespeare Matters Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Goldstein, Gary B. De Vere Society Newsletter Hope, Warren Brief Chronicles Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 9/1: 5 Vol. 46/1: 2 Vol. 17/1: 19 Vol. II: 233-236 Vol. 17/1: 13-14 Vol. 9/2: 5, 25 2010, Winter 2010, May 2010, Feb. 2010 2010, Feb. 2010, Spr/Sum Morhardt, M. Mathias – A La Recontre de ‗William Shakespeare‘ Douglas, Col. Montagu W. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 10: 5-8 1938, July Morris, Helen – Elizabethan Literature (1958) Cutner, Herbert Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #1: 12-13 1959, spring Muir, Kenneth – Shakespear‘s Sources (1957) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 9 1957, Autumn Mullan, John – Anonymity: A Secret History of English Literature (2007) Waugaman, Richard M. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 7/3: 10-14 2008, Spring Nassivera, John – All the Queen‘s Men Banner, Bennington Vermont Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 24/4: 13-14 1988, Summer Nelson, Alan H. – Monstrous Adversary (2003) Brame, Michael; G. Popova Shakespeare Matters Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 3/3: 2 Vol. 3/1: 2 2004, Spring 2003, Fall 258 Part III: Reviews Editor Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Hunter, R. Thomas Mahon, John W. Moore, Peter R. Paul, Christopher Shickman, Allan R. Sobran, Joseph Stritmatter, Roger Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Nicoll, Allardyce (editor) – Shakespeare: Shakespeare Survey 7 Cutner, Herbert Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Vol. 3/4: 7 Vol. 40/2: 19-23 Vol. 3/4: 5-6 Vol. 3/4: 8 Vol. 40/1: 1, 15+ Vol. 6/1: 22-27 Vol. 40/2: 6 Vol. 39/4: 01, 9+ Vol. 3/1: 8-9 Vol. 3/1: 1, 20+ Vol. 3/2: 22-23 Vol. 3/4: 7-8 Vol. 41/2: 21-22 2004, Summer 2004, Spring 2004, Summer 2004, Summer 2004, Winter 2006, Fall 2004, Spring 2003, Autumn 2003, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Winter 2004, Summer 2005, Spring Page 4-5 1954, Sept. Nicholl, Charles – The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe (1992) Goldstein, Gary B. Elizabethan Review Vol. 2/1: 29-32 Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 31/1a: 11 1994, Spring 1995, Winter North, Marcy L. – The Anonymous Renaissance (2003) Waugaman, Richard M. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 8/3: 20, 25+ 2009, Summer Nuttall, A. D. – Shakespeare the Thinker (2007) Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Waugaman, Richard M. Shakespeare Matters Page 33-34 Vol. 7/4: 8, 10+ 2007, Occtober 2008, Fall Nye, Robert – The Late Mr. Shakespeare : A Novel (1998) Jolly, Eddi De Vere Society Newsletter Stern, Micah Elizabethan Review Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Page 25 Vol. 7/1: 82-84 Vol. 35/2: 20-21 2004, Oct. 1999, Spring 1999, Summer Nye, Robert – Paging Mrs. Shakespeare (2000) Hope, Warren Elizabethan Review Vol. 1/2: 75-78 1993, Autumn Vol. 27/4: 2-3 1991, Fall Vol. 36/1: 24-25 2000, Spring Ogburn, Jr., Charton – The Man Who Was Shakespeare (1995) Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Goldstein, Gary B. Elizabethan Review Vol. 31/4: 7-8 Vol. 3/2: 68-70 1995, Summer 1995, Autumn Ogburn, Jr., Charlton – The Mysterious William Shakespeare (1984) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Editors Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Editors Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Hope, Warren Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 20/4: 3-4 Vol. 20/4: 4-8 Vol. 21/2: 1-2 Vol. 26/3a: 1-2 Vol. 20/3: 1-2 1984, Fall 1984, Fall 1985, Spring 1990, Summer 1984, Summer Ogburn, Jr., Charlton – The Mysterious William Shakespeare, 2nd Edition Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/1a: 9-10 1993, Winter O‟Connor, Garry – William Shakespeare: A Popular Life (2000) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter (reprinted from The Independent) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Ogburn, Jr., Charlton – The Mystery of William Shakespeare (pap. abridgment of TMWS) Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 26/3a: 1-2 1990, Summer Ogburn, Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn – The Renaissance Man of England, Revised Edition (1955) Adamson, T. L. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 12 1955, Spring 259 Part III: Reviews Ogburn, Dorthy and Charlton Ogburn, Jr. – Shakespeare: The Real Man Behind the Name (1962) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review No. 9: 8-10 1963, Spring reprinted in AW Anthologies Vol. 5: 103-106 Ogburn, Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn – This Star of England (1952) Allen, Percy Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) reprinted in AW Anthologies Mez, J. R. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Phillips, G. W. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Spehard, Florence C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Page 2 Vol. 4: 117-118 Page 7-8 Page 8-9 Vol. 31/4: 10-11 1953, April Otness, Harold M. – The Shakespeare Folio Handbook and Census (1990) Lipman, Carole S. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/4: 19, 24 1996. Fall 1953, April 1953, April 1995, Summer Packer, Tina and John Whitney – Power Plays: Shakespeare‘s Lessons in Leadership and Management (2000) Creasey, Beverly Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 36/2: 22 2000, Summer Patterson, Annabel – Censorship and Interpretation: Writing and Reading in Early Modern England (1984) Stritmatter, Roger Elizabethan Review Vol. 3/1: 56-62 1995, Spring Pearson, Daphne – Edward de Vere: The Crisis and Consequence of Wardship (2005) Gilvary, Kevin De Vere Society Newsletter Page 31 2005, Sept. Phillips, Graham and Martin Keatman – The Shakespeare Conspiracy (1994) Buckridge, Patrick Elizabethan Review Vol. 2/2: 64-70 Dams, Christopher H. De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 2/1: 12 Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/2: 19 1994, Autumn 1995, May 1996, Spring Pitcher, Seymour M. – The Case for Shakespeare‘s Authorship of ―The Famous Victories‖ (1961) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespearean Authorship Review No. 10 1963, Autumn reprinted in AW Anthologies Vol. 5: 124-129 Messner, Rhoda Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 17/1: 4-5 1981, Spring Porohovshikov, Pierre S. – Shakespeare Unmasked (1940) Atkinson, J. Shera Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter Page 10-11 1955, Autumn Price, Diana – Shakespeare‘s Unorthodox Biography (2001) Challinor, Arthur M. De Vere Society Newsletter Livacari, Gary L. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Page 39 Vol. 37/2: 17-19 Vol. 36/3: 18, 23 2001, Jan. 2001, Summer 2000, Fall Pritchard, Arnold – Catholic Loyalism in Elizabethan England Milward, Peter The Bard Vol. 4/1: 22-25 1983 Rendall, Canon Gerald H. – Ben Jonson and the First Folio of Shakespeare‘s Plays (1939) Douglas, Montagu W. (Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Am) Vol. 1/2: 8 reprinted in AWA Vol. 2: 59-61 Rendall, Gerald Gerald H. – Shakespeare in Essex and East Anglia Douglas, Col. Montague W. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 6-7 Rendall, Canon Gerald H. – Shakespeare‘s Sonnets and Edward de Vere (1930) Douglas, Col. Montague W. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Vol. 2/1: 4-5 reprinted in AW Anthologies Vol. 4: 109-111 1940, Feb. 1944, May 1949, Sept. Riley, Dick and Pam McAllister – The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Shakespeare (2001) Brazil, Robert Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 38/4: 21 2002, Fall 260 Part III: Reviews Roe, Richard Paul – The Shakespeare Guide to Italy: Retracing the Bard‟s Unknown Travels (2011) Renner, Virginia J. Brief Chronicles Vol. III: 279-284 2011, Fall Rosenbaum, Ron – The Shakespeare Wars (2006) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 6/1: 8, 30+ 2006, Fall Rosenblum, Joseph – Shakespeare: An Annotated Bibliography (1992) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/2a: 4 1993, Spring Rowse, A. L. – Shakespeare‘s Southampton—Patron of Virginia (1965) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #15: 14-15 1966, spring Rylance, Mark – I Am Shakespeare Gilvary, Kevin The Oxfordian Vol. 10: 159-159 2007 Salgado, Gamini – The Elizabethan Underworld (2005) Hope, Warren Elizabethan Review Vol. 2/1: 26-28 1994, Spring Saliani, Dom (editor) – Global Shakespeare Series (1996-97) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 33/4: 21 1997, Fall Sammartino, Peter – The Man Who Was William Shakespeare (1990) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 28/2: 4 (excerpts from an article in the NY Times) Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 27/3: 6-8 1992, Spring 1991, Summer Sams, Eric (ed.) – Shakespeare‘s Edward III (1996) Wright, Daniel L. Elizabethan Review Vol. 5/1: 54-56 1997, Spring Schoenbaum, S. – A Documentary Life of Shakespeare (1975) Horne, Jr., Richard C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 11/2: 23-28 1975, Summer Schoenbaum, S. – Shakespeare‘s Lives (1993) Cyr, Gordon C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 28/3: 6-10 Vol. 7/1: 4-12 Vol. 29/2a: 5-6 1992, Summer 1071, March 30 1993, Spring Schutte, Kimberly – A Biography of Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox (2002) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol.03-3: 24 2004, Spring Scott, W. I. D. – Shakespeare‘s Melancholics (1962) Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter 2004, April Screech, M. A. (translator and editor) – Montaigne: The Complete Essays (1991) Sokolowski, Peter Elizabethan Review Vol. 1/2: 43-51 1993, Autumn Sears, Elisabeth – Shakespeare and the Tudor Rose (1991) Goff, Tom Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 28/1: 8-9 1992, Winter Shaheen, Naseeb – Biblical References in Shakespeare‘s Comedies (1993) Stritmatter, Roger Elizabethan Review Vol. 3/2: 60-68 1995, Autumn Shakespeare, William – Macbeth (The Oxfordian Shakespeare Series, edited by Richard F. Whalen) (2007) Goldstein, Gary B. The Oxfordian Vol. 10: 154-156 2007 Tate, Lew (SON Editor) Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 44/1: 25-26 2008, Winter Shakespeare, William – Othello the Moor of Venice (Oxfordian Shakespeare Series, edited by Ren Draya and Richard F. Whalen) (2010) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 46/1: 15 2010, May Farina, William Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 47/1: 4-6 2011, Jan. 261 Part III: Reviews Londre, Felicia Brief Chronicles Shapiro, James – Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare? (2010) Cutting, Bonner Miller Shakespeare Matters Hope, Warren Brief Chronicles Hunter, R. Thomas Shakespeare Matters Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. II: 225-226 2010 Vol. 9/3: 12-14+ Vol. II: 212-223 Vol. 8/4: 2, 26 Page 22 Vol. 17/2: 22-26 Vol. 17/3: 28-29 Vol. 44/2: 13-15 Vol. 46/1: 7-11 Vol. 47/2: 09-11 2010, Fall 2010 2009, Fall 2006, April 2010, Aug. 2010, Nov. 2008, Spring 2010, May 2011, Spring Simonton, Dean Keith – Origins of Genius: Darwinian Perspectives on Creativity (1999) Shahan, John M. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 37/3: 13, 20 2001, Fall Sisson, Charles. J. – The Boar‘s Head Theatre: An Inn-Yard Theatre of the Elizabethan Age (1972) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespearean Authorship Review No. 26: 19-23 1972, Summer reprinted in AW Anthologies Vol. 5: 332-336 1972, Winter Sisson, Charles J. – Shakespeare Adamson, T. L. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 9-10 1956, Spring Smith, Sara – Chasing Shakespeares (2008) Sherwood, James Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 39/2: 19 Vol. 2/4: 24 Vol. 4/3: 31 2003, Spring 2003, Summer 2004, Summer Sobran, Joseph – Alias Shakespeare (1997) Boyle, Charles Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Mucci, John Elizabethan Review Sisson, Edward H. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Stritmatter, Roger Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Wright, Daniel L. The Oxfordian Stone, Elliott Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 33/3: 16 Vol. 5/1: 59-61 Vol. 34/1: 21-22 Vol. 33/2: 6-7, 28 Vol. 2: 152-154 Vol. 33/3: 21 1997, Summer 1997, Spring 1998, Spring 1997, Spring 1999 1997, Summer Sperack, Marvin – The Harvard Concordance to Shakespeare (1973) Cyr, Helen W. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 11/3: 6 1975, Fall Streitz, Paul – Oxford, Son of Queen Elizabeth I (2001) Gove, John Shakespeare Matters Paul, Christopher Shakespeare Matters Paul, Christopher Shakespeare Matters Sherwood, James Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Streitz, Paul Shakespeare Matters Vol. 2/1: 04 Vol. 01/4: 17-20 Vol. 2/2: 2-4 Vol. 38/3: 17 Vol. 2/1: 4-5 2002, Fall 2002, Summer 2003, Winter 2002, Summer 2002, Fall Sulloway, Frank J. – Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics and Creative Lives (1997) Shahan, John The Oxfordian Vol. 6: 150-153 2003 Taylor, Gary – Cultural Selection (1996) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/2: 19, 24 1996, Spring Taylor, Gary – Reinventing Shakespeare (1991) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/2a: 9-11 1993, Spring Thomson, Peter – Shakespeare‘s Professional Career (1999) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/2a: 4 1993, Spring Page 3 1945, May Tillyard, E. M. W. – Shakespeare‘s History Plays (1944) Dwyer, J. J. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) 262 Part III: Reviews Titherley, A. W. – Shakespeare‘s Identity: Willliam Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby (1952) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 6-7 1952, Sept. Trow, M. J., and Talieson Trow – Who Killed Kit Marlowe? (2001) Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins The Oxfordian Vol. 5: 174-182 2002 Tweedale, R. L. – Wasn‘t Shakespeare Someone Else? Horne, Jr., Richard C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 7/2: 7 1971, June 1 Usher, Peter – Hamlet‘s Universe (2006) Prener, Nan The Oxfordian Vol. 10: 157-158 2007 Van Moerkkerten – Acter Het Mombakkes (Behind the Mask) (1950) Van Lunteren, S. A. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter Page 8 1953, Nov. Vendler, Helen – The Art of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets (1997) Anderson, Mark K. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Hope, Warren Elizabethan Review Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 34/1: 16-17 Vol. 7/1: 78-82 Vol. 34/1: 18-19 1998, Spring 1999, Spring 1998, Spring Vickers, Brian – Counterfeiting Shakespeare (2002) Sherwood, James Shakespeare Matters Vol. 03/1: 18-19 2003, Fall Walter, Julia M. – Dissing Elizabeth: Negative Representations of Gloriana (1998) McNeil, Alex Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 36/2: 18-19+ 2000, Summer Ward, B. M. – The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford (1928) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Am) Vol. 1/1: 8 1939, Dec. Webster, Margaret – Shakespeare Today (1957) Cutner, Herbert Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #7: 13-15 1962, Spring Webster, Margaret – Shakespeare Without Tears (1942) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Am) Vol. 3/4: 56 1942, June Weis, Rene – Shakespeare Revealed (2007) Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 15/1: 30-31 2008, March Wells, Stanley – Is It True What They Say About Shakespeare? (2007) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 44/2: 15-16 Vol. 45/1: 24-25 2008, Spring 2009, June Wells, Stanley – Shakespeare: A Life in Drama (1995) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/1: 21 1996, Winter Wells, Stanley – Shakespeare and Company (2006) Malim, Richard De Vere Society Newsletter Page 23 2007, Feb. Wells, Stanley – Shakespeare: For All Time (2003) Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Shakespeare Matters Vol. 6/4: 6, 13+ (reprinted from Washington Post, March 18, 2007) Jiménez, Ramon Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 39/4: 22-23 Whalen, Richard F. – Shakespeare: Who Was He? (1994) Goldstein, Gary B. Elizabethan Review Whittemore, Hank Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 263 Vol. 3/1: 69-69 Vol. 30/3a: 11-12 2007, Summer 2003, Autumn 1995, Spring 1994, Summer Part III: Reviews Whittemore, Hank – The Monument (2005) Altrocchi, Paul H. Shakespeare Matters Boyle, William E. Shakespeare Matters Boyle, William Shakespeare Matters Desper, Richard Shakespeare Matters Editor Shakespeare Matters Editor Shakespeare Matters Gilvary, Kevin De Vere Society Newsletter Kositsky, Lynne; R. Stritmatter Shakespeare Matters McNeil, Alex Shakespeare Matters Moffat, David Shakespeare Matters Whittemore, Hank Shakespeare Matters Whittemore, Hank Shakespeare Matters Whittemore, Hank Shakespeare Matters Whittemore, Hank Shakespeare Matters Whittemore, Hank Shakespeare Matters Whittemore, Hank Shakespeare Matters Wright, Daniel L. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 4/4: 1, 12-17 Vol. 4/1: 1, 8+ Vol. 3/4: 1, 11+ Vol. 5/1: 14-15 Vol. 3/4: 3 Vol. 4/2: 3 Page 34 Vol. 4/1: 1, 10+ Vol. 3/4: 3 Vol. 4/4: 2-4 Vol. 3/4: 01, 16+ Vol. 4/1: 22-27 Vol. 4/2: 2 Vol. 4/2: 24-29 Vol. 4/4: 28-33 Vol. 4-3: 24-29 Vol. 4/1: 09 2005, Summer 2004, Fall 2004, Summer 2005, Fall 2004, Summer 2005, Winter 2005, Sept. 2004, Fall 2004, Summer 2005, Summer 2004, Summer 2004, Fall 2005, Winter 2005, Winter 2005, Summer 2005, Spring 2004, Fall Whittemore, Hank – Shakespeare‘s Son and His Sonnets (2010) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 10/1: 4 2011, Winter Wilkinson, Heward – The Muse as Therapist (2009) Waugaman, Richard M. Brief Chronicles Vol. I: 283-285 2009 Williams, Robin – Sweet Swan of Avon (2006) Dickson, Peter W. The Oxfordian Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 09: 132-135 Vol. 5/4: 24 2006 2006, Summer Williamson, Gene – Of the Sea and Skies: Historic Hampton (1993) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 31/2b: 11 1995, Spring Willis, Charles Murray – Behind Shakespeare‘s Mask (2006) Charlton, Derran K. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Gilvary, Kevin De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 43/1: 31-32 Page 39 2007, Winter 2007, Feb. Willis, Charles Murray – George Puttenham and the Authorship of Shakespeare‘s Sonnets (2005) Gilvary, Kevin De Vere Society Newsletter Page 39 2005, Sept. Willis, Charles Murray – Shakespeare and George Puttenham‘s Art of English Poesie (2003) Gilvary, Kevin De Vere Society Newsletter Page 38 Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 3/4: 31 2005, Sept. 2004, Summer Wood, O. M. Ironside – Proud Passionate Boy (a play) Editor De Vere Society Newsletter No. 2: 37-38 1988, April Wood, Michael – In Search of Shakespeare (1985) Charlton, Derran K. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Ligon, K. C. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 39/3: 23-24 Vol. 3/2: 20-21 2003, Summer 2004, Winter Woudhuysen, H. R. – Sir Philip Sidney and the Circulation of Manuscripts: 1558-1640 (1996) Hope, Warren Elizabethan Review Vol. 5/1: 50-54 1997, Spring Wright, Louis B. – “The Author” Section in Shakespeare‘s Plays and Poems (1970) Horne, Jr., Richard C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 6/1: 12 1970, March 31 Wright, Louis B. and Virginia A. Lamar (editors) – The Folger Library General Reader‘s Shakespeare (1970) Horne, Jr., Richard C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 6/1: 8-11 1970, March 31 Horne, Jr., Richard C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 6/2: 1-2 1970, June 30 264 Part III: Reviews Wright, Louis B. (editor) – The Authorship of Shakespeare (Folger Library Booklet, by James G. McManaway) (1962) Horne, Jr., Richard C. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 6/1: 6-8 1970, Mar. 31 __________ 2. Reviews of Audio-Video Materials Anonymous (2011 film directed by Roland Emmerich) Eagen-Donovan, Cheryl A. Shakespare Oxford Newsletter Editor Shakespeare Matters Editor Shakespeare Matters (SF Board Statement) Editor De Vere Society Newsletter Gilbert, Sky Brief Chronicles Imlay, Elizabeth De Vere Society Newsletter McNeil, Alex Shakespeare Matters Ray, William Shakespeare Matters Vol. 47/3: 11-13 Vol. 10/4: 6 Vol. 10/4: 6, 31 Vol. 18/2: 5 Vol. III: 288-293 Vol. 18/3: 22-25 Vol. 10/4: 3, 32 Vol. 10/3: 4, 32 2011, Fall 2011, Fall 2011, Fall 2011, July 2011, Fall 2011, Nov. 2011, Fall 2011, Summer As You Like It: 1936, 1978, 1983 (films) Berney, Charles Shakespeare Matters Vol. 1/3: 34-36 2002, Spring The Food of Love – Words and Music for Shakespeare‘s Theater (CD by The Gesualdo Consort) (1996) Mucci, John Elizabethan Review Vol. 6/2: 88-89 1998, Autumn Hamlet (film with Kenneth Branagh as Hamlet) Beauclerk, Charles Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 33/1: 02, 14-15 1997, Winter Henry V (films) Tabin, Johanna K. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 46/2: 5-8 2010, Aug. King Lear (films) Berney, Charles Shakespeare Matters Vol. 2/3: 30-31 2003, Spring Live the Legend (a CD by The New World Renaissance Band) Haldeman, Philip Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 33/3: 13 1997, Summer Love‘s Labour‘s Lost: the BBC vs. Branagh (films) Berney, Charles Shakespeare Matters Vol. 1/1: 18-19 2001, Fall The Merchant of Venice (2004 and 1980 films) Berney, Charles Shakespeare Matters Vol. 4/2: 30-32 2005, Winter Midsummer Night‘s Dream (film and opera) Berney, Charles Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Berney, Charles Shakespeare Matters Vol. 37/1: 17, 23+ Vol. 1/4: 26-27 2001, Spring 2002, Summer Mr. V (a film by Leslie Howard, titled The Scarlet Pimpernel in England) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Am) Vol. 3/4:52 1942, June Much Ado About Something: Marlowe‘s Case for Authorship (PBS documentary) Boyle, William E. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 2/2: 30-31 Dobbs, Anne Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 38/1: 20 Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 1/3: 5 2003, Winter 2002, Winter 2002, Spring Renaissance Music at Princely Courts of Europe (a CD by the Rozmberk Consort Prague) Haldeman, Philip Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 33/3: 13 1997, Summer Searching For Shakespeare (Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery) Charlton, Derran K. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 2006, Spring 265 Vol. 42/2: 26-27 Part III: Reviews The Shakespeare Mystery, (broadcast on Frontline, April 1989) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/2: 1 Austin, Al Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/2: 1-3 (from Members Magazine, April, 1989) Goodman, Walter Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/2: 3-4 (from NY Times, 4/18/89) Champlin, Charles Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/2: 4-5 (from LA Times, 4/18/89) Hope, Warren Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/2: 5-6 (from Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/20/89) Holston, Noel Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/2: 7-8 (from Minneapolis Tribune, 4/18/89) Carman, John Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/2: 8-9 (from SF Chronicle, 4/18/89) Bianculli, David Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/2: 9 (from NY Post, 4/18/89) Kelly, Kevin Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/2: 10 (from Boston Globe, 4/18/89) Goldstein, Gary B. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/2: 10-11 (from Washington Square News) Bronte, Lydia Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/2: 12-13 1989, Spring 1989, Spring 1989, Spring 1989, Spring 1989, Spring 1989, Spring 1989, Spring 1989, Spring 1989, Spring 1989, Spring 1989, Spring Songs, Dances, Battles, Games by William Byrd (CD) Kunin, Carolyn Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/3: 18 1996, Summer The Taming of the Shrew (film) Berney, Charles Schumann, Howard Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Matters Vol. 2/4: 34-35 Vol. 5/2: 10 2003, Summer 2006, Winter Titus Andronicus (film) Berney, Charles Eldredge, Joseph Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 2/1: 34-36 Vol. 36/3: 6-7, 15 2002, Fall 2000, Fall __________ 266 3. Remembrances of Noted Oxfordians Adamson, T. L. (d. 1969) Editor Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #22: 17-18 1969, Christmas Aitken, Thomas (d. 1958) Martyn, Kathleen Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 4 1958, Spring Akrigg, G. P. V. (1913-2001) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 38/1: 21 2002, Winter Alexis, Louis E. M. Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 14/1: 9 1978, Winter Allen, Ernest Stirling (1872-1939) Editor Shakespearean Fellowship Newsletter (Am) Vol. 1/1, p. 6 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 2: 77-79) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) Page 1 Ranson, F. Lingard East Anglian Magazine Vol. 5/2 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1: 381-381) Allen, Percy (1875-1959) Adamson, T. L. 1939, Dec. 1940, April 1940, Feb. Shakespearean Authorship Review No. 1: 22-23 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1: 329-330) 1959, Spring Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 17/2: 9 1981, Spring Anderson (Paget), Verily (1915-2010) Charlton, Derran K. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Charlton, Derran K. The Oxfordian Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Editor De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 46/2: 16 Vol. 12: 16 Vol. 46/2: 16 Vol. 17/2: 04 2010, Aug. 2010 2010, Aug. 2010, Aug. Atkinson, Helen (d. 1956) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 11 1956, Spring Atkinson, J. Shera (d. 1958) Adamson, T. L. Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 8 Page 4 1958, Autumn 1958, Spring Amphlett, Hilda (1897-1981) Editor Barrell, Charles Wisner (1885-1974) A‘Dair, Mike Shakespeare Matters Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 9/1: 01, 14-21 2010, Winter Vol. 11/3: 5 1975, Fall Benezet, Louis P. (1878-1961) J. H. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5: 80-90) No. 6: 23 1961, Autumn Blair, Paul (1915-2009) Charlton, Derran K. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 45/3: 7 2009, Dec. Bloch, Howard (1937-2000) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/4: 2 2000, Winter Bowen, Gwynneth M. (d. 1984) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 20/4: 8 1984, Fall 267 Remembrances of Noted Oxfordians Bowen, Marjorie (Gabrielle Long) 9d. 1952) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 2 1953, April Brazil, Robert (1955-2010) Editor Goldstein, Gary B. Egan, Michael (ed.) Editor Editor Whittemore, Hank Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Matters The Oxfordian Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter De Vere Society Newsletter Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 9/3: 26 Vol. 10/1: 5 Vol. 12: 8-15 Vol. 46/2: 16-17 Vol. 17/2: 5 Vol. 46/2: 16-17 2010, Fall 2011, Winter 2010 2010, Aug. 2010, Aug. 2010, Aug. Brewster, Eleanor (d. 1985) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 21/4‖ 4 1985, Fall Breitwiser, Ludwig (d. 1966) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #16: 27 1966, Autumn Broadwood, Captain Evelyn (d. 1975) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 11/3: 5 1975, Fall Brooks, Douglas (1957-2009) Stritmatter, Roger Shakespeare Matters Vol. 8/4: 16 2009, Fall Carmody, Francis T. Edmonds, Dean S. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 1/2: 1-2 1965, June 30 Chambers, Sir Edmund (1866-1954) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 6 1954, April Clark, Eva Turner (1871-1947) Editor Vol. VIII: 1: 1-3 1947, Spring Craig, Edward Gordon (1872-1966) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #16: 27 1966, Autumn Cutner, Herbert (d. 1969) Editor Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #21: 19 1969, spring Cyr, Gordon (1926-2007) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 7/1: 4 2007, Fall Cyr, Helen W. (1926-1993) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/3a: 13 1993, Summer Deller, Anthony William (d. 1976) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 12/2: 4 1976, Summer Dellinger, J. Howard (d. 1962) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Issue #9: 20 1963, Spring Douglas, Lt. Col. Montagu W. (d. 1957) Atiken, T. M. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 11 1957, Spring Eggar, Katharine E. (1873-1961) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue 6: 22-23 1961, Autumn Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly Shakespearean Authorship Rewiew Erickson, Mrs. Sverre (d. 1939) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) Page 1-2 268 1940, April Remembrances of Noted Oxfordians Evans, A. J. (d. 1960) Russell, John Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #4: 19 1960, Autumn Fadiman, Clifton (1904-1999) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/2: 2 1999, Summer Feinstone, Rose (d. 1986) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 22/3: 12 1986, Summer Feinstone, Sol (d. 1980) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 16/4: 7 1980, Fall Feldman, Abraham Bronson (1914-1982) Hope, Warren Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 18/2: 1-3 1982, Spring Fitzgerald, James Edmund (1943-2001) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins The Oxfordian Vol. 37/1: 3 Vol. 37/1: 20 Vol. 4: 1-4 2001, Spring 2001, Spring 2001 Ford, E. B. (1902-1988) The Times De Vere Society Newsletter No. 2: 26-27 1988, April Ford, Gertrude C. (d. 1996) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/4: 4 2000, Winter Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter (reprinted from the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, March 1994) Vol. 29/1a: 4 Vol. 30/2a: 5 1993, Winter 1994, Spring Shakespeare Oxford Society Vol. 31/2a: 11 1995, Spring Furman, Alfred Antoine (1856-1940) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Am) Page 6 1940, Oct./Nov. Gielgud, Sir John (1904-2000) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 36/1: 2 2000, Spring Gifford, G. Grant (d. 2003) Beauclerk, Charles Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 39/2: 20 2003, Spring Gilfillan, S. Colum (1921-1978) Lipman, Carol S. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 25/1: 10-11 1989, Winter Fowler, William (1901-1992) Mixter, Clara Sullivan, Robert Frazer, Winifred L. (d. 1995) Editor Greenwood, Sir George (1859-1928) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Q. Vol. VIII, No. 2 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3: 379-380) Greenwood, Elsie Shakespearean Authorship Review No. 8 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1: 7) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5: 89-91) Hannas, Andrew (1941-2009) Editor Editor Hansen, Leonard (d. 2003) Quealy, Gerit 1947. Summer 1962, Autumn Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 8/4: 5, 15+ Vol. 45/3: 7 2009, Fall 2009, Dec. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 269 Vol. 40/2: 06 2004, Spring Remembrances of Noted Oxfordians Hart, T. B. (d. 1963) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #9: 20 1963, Spring Haydon, Mr. J. Martin (d. 1937) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 6: 8-9 1937, Nov. Hayes, Stanley (d. 1984) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 20/3: 6 1984, Summer Hoffman, Calvin (d. 1986) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 22/2: 13 1986, Spring Holden, Isabel (1915-2007) Beauclerk, Charles Editor Editor Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 7/2: 1, 18+ Vol. 7/1: 4 Vol. 43/4: 13 2008, Winter 2007, Fall 2007, Fall Holland, Rear-Admiral H. H. (1873-1957) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 11 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1: 246-247) Horne, Jr., Richard C. Cyr, Gordon C. Special Issue: 1 1976, March Hovey, Jr., J. Allan – Aye, Shakespeare Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 35/2: 02 1999, Summer Howe, Norma Claire (1930-2011) Wright, Daniel L. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 47/2: 13-14 Vol. 10/3: 33 2011, Spring 2011, Summer Humphrey, Travers Christmas (1901-1983) Robins, M. H. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 19/3: 2-5 1983, Summer Hunt, William O. (d. 1994) Beauclerk, Charles Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 30/4: 12-13 1994, Autumn Hunter, Tom (d. 2011) Joyrich, Richard Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 47/3: 6 2011, Fall Huston, Craig (d. 1978) Hope, Warren Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 14/4: 1-2 1978, Fall Ironside-Wood, Olga (1913-2001) Wells, Lawrence Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 38/1: 21 2002, Winter Johnson, Morse (1915-1997) Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Whalen, Richard F. Vol. 01: 0 Vol. 33/4: 2 1998 1997, Fall Kent, William (1886-1963) Cutner, Herbert Kreeger, David Lloyd (d. 1991) Editor Lefranc, Abel (1863-1952) Lambin, Georges Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 1957, Autumn The Oxfordian Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Shakespearean Authorship Review No. 10: 21-22 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5: 130-131) 1963, Autumn Spear-Shaker Newsletter Issue 1/1: 1 1991, Feb. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) 270 Page 10 1953, April Remembrances of Noted Oxfordians Lambin, Georges Shakespearean Authorship Review (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5: 95-97) Ligon, Katherine (K. C.) (1948-2009) Editor Shakespeare Matters Whittemore, Hank Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Egan, Michael (ed.) The Oxfordian No. 8 1962, Autumn Vol. 8/4: 4-5 Vol. 45/2: 4-5 Vol. 11: 0 2009, Fall 2009, Sept. 2009 Looney, John Thomas (1870-1944) Allen, Percy Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 2-4 Demant, V. A. Shakespearean Authorship Review No. 8 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5: 92-94) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1: 214-217) Editor (SFQ) Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly Vol. V, No. 2 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 3: 26-36) 1944, May 1962, Autumn 1944, April Louther, John (1924-2003) Beauclerk, Charles Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Shakespeare Matters Vol. 39/2: 20 Vol. 2/3: 3 2003, Spring 2003, Spring Lovell, Stanley P. (d. 1976) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 11/3: 5 1975, Fall Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 47/3: 5 Vol. 10/3: 32-33 Vol. 47/3: 5-6 Vol. 47/3: 5 Vol. 18/2: 22-24 2011, Fall 2011, Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Fall 2011, July Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 47/2: 14-15 2011, Spring Messner, Rhoda Henry (d. 1986) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 22/2: 13 1986, Spring Mez, John R. (d. 1959) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Issue #2: 23 1959, Autumn Miller, Ruth Loyd (1922-2005) and/or Minos D. Miller (1921-2006) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins The Oxfordian Ligon, K. C. Shakespeare Matters Ligon, K. C. Shakespeare Matters Vol. 41/4: 13 Vol. 9: 0 Vol. 6/1: 5-7 Vol. 5/1: 6 2005, Fall 2006 2006, Fall 2005, Fall Monteath, E. R. (d. 1956) Editor Page 12 1956, Autumn Mooney, Jr., Vincent J. (1944-2001) Hess, W. Ron Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 38/1: 21 2002, Winter Moore, Peter R. (1948-2007) Editor Goldstein, Gary B. Goldstein, Gary B. Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins Vol. 7/2: 05 Vol. 15/1: 29 Vol. 9/2: 5, 25 Vol. 10: 0 2008, Winter 2008, March 2010, Spr/Sum 2007 Magri, Noemi (d. 2011) Anderson, Mark K. Editor Gazzetta de Mantua Hess, W. Ron Imlay, Elizabeth; Gazetta di Mantua; Kevin Gilvary; Robert Detobel Matus, Irvin Leigh (1941-2011) Egan, Michael Shakespearean Authorship Review Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter (Eng) Shakespeare Matters De Vere Society Newsletter Shakespeare Matters The Oxfordian 271 Remembrances of Noted Oxfordians Nichols, Francis L. (d. 1956) Bowen, Gwynneth M. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 12 1956, Autumn Nitze, Paul (1907-2004) Editor Goldstein, Gary B. Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 4/2: 4 Vol. 40/4: 2-3 2005, Winter 2004, Fall O‟Connell, Frank (1914-2008) Editor Shakespeare Matters Vol. 7/4: 17 2008, Fall No. 7: 19 1962, Spring Ogburn, Jr., Charlton (1911-1998) Anderson, Mark K. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins The Oxfordian Livacari, Gary L. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 34/3: 6-7 Vol. 34/3: 24 Vol. 2: 0 Vol. 37/3: 22 Vol. 34/3: 1, 5 1998, Fall 1998, Fall 1999, Fall 2001, Fall 1998, Fall Ogburn, Dorothy Stevens (1890-1981) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 17/2: 10 1981, Spring Paget, Verily Anderson (1915-2010) Charlton, Derran K. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Charlton, Derran K. The Oxfordian Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Editor De Vere Society Newsletter Vol. 46/2: 16 Vol. 12: 16-16 Vol. 46/2: 16 Vol. 17/2: 4 2010, Aug. 2010 2010, Aug. 2010, Aug. Patience, Harold William (1921-1992) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 28/3: 10 1992, Summer Penrose, Lionel (d. 1972) Editor Issue #26: 17-18 1972, Summer Page 12 1956, Autumn Ogburn, Sr., Charlton (1882-1962) Adamson, T. L. Shakespearean Authorship Review (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5: 81-82) Shakespearean Authorship Review Phillips, Gerald William (d. 1956) Shield, H. S. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Philpot, Mr. Hamlet (1856-1939) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 15: 3-4 1939, July Philot, Mrs. Theodora (d. 1954) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 5 1954, April Rendall, Reverand Canon Gerald H. (1851-1945) Douglas, Col. Montague W. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly Page 2 Vol. VI/2: 21 1945, May 1945, April Roe, Richard (d. 2010) Goldstein, Gary B. Metternich, Hilary Roe Wright, Daniel L. Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 9/3: 4-5 Vol. 47/1: 22-23 Vol. 47/1: 1, 22 2010, Fall 2011, Jan. 2011, Jan. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter (reprinted from New York, 3/30/92) Vol. 28/2: 4 1992, Spring Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 272 Vol. 41/1: 23 2005, Winter Sammartino, Peter (d. 1992) Editor Sams, Eric (1926-2004) Davis, Frank Remembrances of Noted Oxfordians Schoenbaum, Samuel (1927-1996) Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 32/2: 2 1996, Spring Shield, H. S. (d. 1966) Adamson, T. L. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #16: 26 1966, Autumn Slater, Gilbert (1865-1938) Ward, Bernard M. Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng.) No. 9: 1-2 1938, May Smith, Moore (1859-1941) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Am) Vol. 2/2: 17 1941, Feb. Sobran, Joseph (1946-2010) McNeil, Alex Hess, W. Ron Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 10/1: 28 Vol. 47/2: 11-13 2011, Winter 2011, Spring Stone, Elliott (1932-2011) Editor ( Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 47/2: 15 2011, Spring Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter (from the New York Times, 3/5/94) Vol. 30/1: 18 1994, Winter Sybersma, Sue (d. 2007) Editor Editor Imlay, Elizabeth; et. al. Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Matters Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 7/2: 5 Vol. 7/3: 19 Vol. 44/1: 04 2008, Winter 2008, Spring 2008, Winter Titherley, A. W. (d. 1966) Wainewright, Ruth M. D. Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #16: 26 1966, Autumn Trout, R. Ridgill (d. 1969) Editor Shakespearean Authorship Review Issue #22: 17-18 1969, Christmas Tweedale, Ralph (d. 1977) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 13/2: 5 1977, Summer Vol. VI/4: 49-50 1945, Oct. Stone, Erza (1918-1994) Grimes, William Ward, Mernard Mordaunt (1893-1945) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Quarterly Ward, Colonel Bernard Rowland (1863-1933) Carrington, Phyllis Shakespearean Authorship Review No. 8 (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 1: 256-259) (reprinted in AWA, Vol. 5: 85-88) 1962, Autumn Weld, Philip S. (d. 1984) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 20/4: 8 1984, Fall Willis, Marie (1973) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Vol. 29/3a: 14 1993, Summer Wilson, Talmadge Gartley (1919-2000) Editor Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins The Oxfordian Vol. 35/4: 2 Vol. 3: 0 2000, Winter 2000 Woodward, Dr. H. M. (1875-1948) Editor Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (Eng) Page 1 1948, April 273