Winter 2012 - Washington Hospital


Winter 2012 - Washington Hospital
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Winter 2012
Volume XV, No. 1
“Life Is Its Own Journey”
– Lauren Van Der Post
Hospice Care celebrates 10th Anniversary of Donnell House
A Decade of Excellence
experiences and refer their friends and
acquaintances to us, and to everyone who
contributes in any way to the ministry
Can it really be possible that ten years
of quality end-of-life care available
have passed since the cold snowy day
through The Washington Hospital.
that Donnell House was opened and
Thank you one and all for making the
dedicated for hospice service? Indeed, it
community stronger and improving the
has been a decade, and through the past
lives, and the deaths, of so many. We
years the family of hospice patients has
consider each of you to be part of our
grown greatly, including the number
Donnell family. Please continue in your
of extended family members who have
efforts, and tell everyone you know what
shared moments of sorrow and joy,
hospice care is really all about and what
compassion and caring, prayers and
a valuable option it is to consider.
perseverance, and friendship and fellow(Hospice care is not the end of hope for
ship within the walls and rooms of
the terminal patient and his family; it
Donnell House. We know these things
is the beginning of genuine, comforting
have occurred by the letters we have read
South Façade of Donnell House
help in ways too few people truly underand the testimonies we have heard from
so many who have kindly shared their stories with us. We, stand.) Of course, as you might expect, we happen to believe
too, have had personal friends experience Hospice Care of that Donnell House and Hospice Care of The Washington
Hospital are run by uniquely dedicated and qualified people,
The Washington Hospital and Donnell House. It means a
great deal to us to know of the kindness and professionalism and thus, are the best of all options for hospice care!
of the team comprising the hospice staff and volunteers at
To those who have not yet discovered the joy of being part of
Donnell House, in the home, and at the hospital. For us, the
goal was never about a program. Our goal was, and is, about our hospice family, we invite you to get involved in whatever
people…both the people in need of the help that hospice ways you can. Hospice care touched our lives 20 years ago this
provides AND the people administering that assistance. So, our year. Because of that touch, we wanted others to experience
joy has been great over the past ten years, even as we mingled the kind of comfort and caring that brought our family through
our own tears with so many others who released their loved a most difficult time. We were thrilled when Donnell House
ones from their earthly pain and suffering, and yet, because of became a reality for our tri-state area, but we never could have
hospice care, found comfort, peace, and continuing support anticipated how meaningful to us would be the relationships
we have formed personally in the hospice family. Nor could
as they moved into a new season of their own lives.
we have anticipated how the lives and letters of people that we
We would like to especially address all those who have sup- may never meet personally, could so profoundly touch our
ported Donnell House from its inception until now. Our lives because of the commonality of gratitude we all feel for
gratitude is indescribable to e Washington Hospital Board the way in which hospice care touched our loved ones and
of Trustees and administrators, to the staff and volunteers of our own lives.
continued on page 2
Hospice Care and Donnell House, to the donors of every level
and type, to the families of patients who share their inspiring
By Richard and Shana Donnell
10 Leet Street, Washington, PA 15301 • 724.250.4500 in Washington County • 724.627.8118 in Greene County
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A Decade of Excellence
continued from page 1
Donnell House
Shana and Richard Donnell
So, to those considering charitable giving
options, please become informed; visit Donnell
House; read the journals of notes and comments by those whose home for a while was
in Donnell House; then, join the family, and
help keep hospice care vital and strong for
your friends, your families, and for yourselves.
Every one of us will face the end of life. When
you give to hospice care, it is not an impersonal gift. Your gift will, in some way, make a
difference for someone you know. It’s simply a
fact. One person, one couple, or one family can
make such an impact in the lives of so many.
Because of the gift of one family, our lives
were forever enriched and our fear of dying
greatly relieved. We were privileged to help pass
along that gift, and we hope you will too.
Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly
do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a
habit.” We believe that after ten years, we can
truly celebrate our anniversary at Donnell
House with a track record of excellence
proven by the habitual standard of valuing
people more than programs and paperwork.
Oh yes, the programs must function and the
paperwork must be done, but the lives and
hearts of those who help, touching the lives
and hearts of those who hurt, with habitual
respect, caring, and compassion, have resulted
in health care excellence.
So, with gratitude and joy, we say to all our
hospice friends and partners, “ank you and
congratulations for a job well done as we
mark this first decade since the dedication of
Donnell House of e Washington Hospital!
God bless you all, and may God continue to
bless the mission of Donnell House and all
who enter or work there.”
North Façade, winter, with view of garden area and individual patios outside patient
rooms. Doors are wide enough that patients confined to beds can be wheeled out to enjoy
the garden when it is in bloom.
Donnell House opened in 2002 as the very first all-hospice facility in Southwest Pennsylvania and is the only house of its kind in Washington, Greene and
Fayette Counties.
Donnell House is a short-term inpatient and residential facility where patients
live in a comfortable, home-like setting, surrounded by their families and
loved ones.
e house offers 8 large private patient rooms, as well as a full kitchen, living
room, great room with a play area for children, chapel, quiet rooms, sun room,
and a beautiful garden.
Our skilled nursing staff provides hospice care for patients experiencing
complicated symptoms or for care givers in need of respite.
Family members and friends who have had loved ones at Donnell House
describe an experience of feeling “at home” there, that the hospice staff is there
for them and not just for their loved ones, and that they are able to focus on
their loved ones and not their illnesses.
“Donnell House was absolutely the right decision for my mother. e staff
would even sit at her bedside, hold her hand, and talk with her. e level of
care is only surpassed by the level of caring.” – Son of one of Donnell House’s
first patients.
continued on page 23
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Why I Give–Linda Kramer
By Ken Elliott, Development Coordinator
On the first night of last fall’s Hospice Care Phonathon,
Linda Kramer of Bavington was one of the first volunteers to
show up, and she was ready to start calling on the phones. It
was not a surprise. Linda devotes her time to both volunteering
and financially supporting a number of local charities, including
Hospice Care of e Washington Hospital.
Linda and her mother Ruth began to volunteer for Hospice
Care in 1993 after her father George had passed away. ey
helped out every way they could, from putting together mailings
at home to selling ornaments at the mall. It was a way to honor
and remember her father’s memory.
Staff of Hospice Care of e Washington Hospital
Why Support Hospice Care of
e Washington Hospital?
When Linda retired after 34 years as a first grade teacher, she
started as a volunteer caller at the Hospice Phonathons. Besides
her enthusiasm, Linda brought experience and leadership. She
had served as the chair of a local St. Jude Bike-a-Thon and
helped raise $20,000 over the years. She believes in the charities
she supports and is happy to talk about them with others.
Currently, health insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid do not
fully cover all the services provided by Hospice Care. e cost
of what isn’t covered can put a financial burden on patients
and their families.
Linda volunteers at the Burgettstown Senior Center with
meals on wheels, bingo, and card parties and at Operation
Backpack in Pittsburgh, where volunteers put together backpacks given to foster children when they leave one family to
go to another. She was proud to say that they put together 400
backpacks as part of their last project and that the organization serves 17 counties in our region.
Our goal is to provide the best care to all terminally ill patients
regardless of their abilities to pay. In its long history, Hospice
Care has never turned away a patient due to his or her inability
to pay for the services.
Besides supporting St. Jude, Linda feels that it is important
to support her community and donates to the Burgettstown
Library, Senior Center, and Kids Center.
Hospice Care is part of The Washington Hospital, a nonprofit health system that depends on the charitable giving of
our community.
She gives financially to Hospice Care of The Washington
Hospital in memory of her father and mother, who passed
away two years ago.
So Hospice Care also needs the ongoing generous support
of donors and partners like you.
There’s a cost to that commitment that affects the program’s
bottom line.
e Washington Hospital Foundation raises funds for Hospice
Care through donations, grants, and sponsorships by individuals,
organizations, and corporations. Often this is still not enough
to offset the costs of providing services.
Her mother Ruth was on hospice near the end of her life.
“I give because I know how wonderful the hospice program
is and how well they took care of my mom.”
Your gift ensures that patients and families receive the
comprehensive, compassionate care that they need from an
established program with experienced caregivers and the finest
hospice-only inpatient facility in the region.
To learn how you can help contribute to the mission of Hospice Care of e Washington Hospital, please see a member of
the Hospice Staff or call e Washington Hospital Foundation at (724) 223-3875.
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ank you to All Hospice Care Donors
From the Pastor’s Heart
For your convenience, Hospice Care of The Washington
Hospital has placed memorial envelopes in funeral homes in
Washington and Greene Counties. If the envelopes are not on
display, please ask the funeral director about them.
By Rev. Sue Petritis
You Can Shed Tears...
Memorials can also be sent directly to The Washington
Hospital Foundation, 155 Wilson Avenue, Washington, PA
You can shed tears that they are gone,
Or you can smile because they lived.
You can close your eyes,
Pastor Gary &
Rev. Sue
Memorials are published in this semi-annual newsletter. All
other donors who contribute more than $100 are recognized in
e Washington Hospital’s annual report. All donors receive
a written acknowledgement.
And pray they will come back,
Or you can open your eyes
And see all that they have left you.
Donor support plays an important part, along with trained
staff and volunteers, in our ability to provide compassionate
care to patients, their families and caregivers.
Your heart can be empty because you can’t see them,
Or your heart can be full of love that you have shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember them and only that they are gone,
Or you can cherish their memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
Be empty and turn your back,
Or you can do what they wanted;
Bill and Aggie McClelland, owners of Billy’s in Wolfdale, recently
donated City of Washington T-shirt sale proceeds to Donnell House.
e McClellands had experienced Hospice Care when Aggie’s mother
was a patient at Donnell House. Each year Billy’s gives to causes that
are close to their employees’ and customers’ hearts. Bill and Aggie
chose Hospice Care this year because many of their customers know
about Donnell House and have had family or friends stay there.
Smile; open your eyes, love and journey on.
is is a poem that both Pastor Gary and I use very often
when leading a funeral. It is the hardest thing that we are ever
asked to do in this life, letting go. We find strength through
our faith that tells us death is not the end of our journey.
Death leads us to the next chapter, eternal life. We live with
the hope that those that we love are at peace and we will see
them again one day. e challenge is to move forward with
Correction Policy
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the
donor lists. Errors, however, sometimes occur. If your name
has been omitted, spelled incorrectly or listed in an improper
category, please notify e Washington Hospital Foundation
at (724) 223-3875 so that the record can be corrected.
We encourage everyone to seek out support through his or her
church or clergy. It is important to be reminded that we are never
alone, even in the “valley of the shadow of death” (Psalm 23).
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In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Dolores Ann “Duna” Accetturo
James and Debra Romano
Rita M. Adamek
Miss Susan L. Kelley
Joseph W. Adams, Jr.
Sylvia B. Adams
Karen D. Adams and
Darrell Adams
eir Family
Mary M. Adamson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holland
Mary Alyce Adamson
Mario and Virginia Mullig
Bertram Isador Adler
Mrs. Edith S. Adler
Diane Lynn Alder
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Balach
Mr. Herbert L. Boone
Bridge, Mike, Susan and John
Lynne Bushyeager and Beth Williams
Carla, Eric, Alyssa and Carly Daniel,
and Bill and Gayle Lyrberg
Ms. Pat Evans
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Friedlein
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Karnes
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Koerber
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. McCracken
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McGrath
Ms. Tamra S. McKenna
Mrs. Rita C. Mellinger
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Monaco
D. Christine Nicholson and Dean
and Beate Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Rathgeber
Mr. Carl R. Reisacher
Ms. Denise L. Seng
Mrs. Keely J. Sidick
Mr. Steve A. Tamsula and
Mr. Richard P. Filler
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Whitlow
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ziringer
Donald and Judeth Ammons
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Tush
Robert and Goldie Arent
Sandy and Donna Arent
Doris E. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richard Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Rankin
Lucy Armstrong
Jesse and Jodie McNurlen, III
Eleanor “Punky” Anderson
Mr. John C. Anderson
Vicki Brinkman
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cochran and Family
e James Greco Family (Linda, Jim,
Jeff, Jerry, and Joel)
Dawn Hay and Donna and Ray Mantia
Mrs. Mildred Parkinson
J.D. Foor, Frances Mullen, and
Doris Ann Rowe
Jackie Spara
Mrs. Nellie L. Watson
Mary Lee Leasure Armstrong
Mr. Ralph E. Armstrong, Sr. and Family
Elizabeth Ann (Betty) Arthur
Norman R. Arthur
Merlin Ashmore
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Rush
Sylvia Ann Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Anderson
Dorothy Elizabeth Atchison
Linda Danley
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Johnston
Treatie Karwoski
Joe and Marlene Kencec
Catherine and Cathy Mull
Ms. Mary Jane Stewart
Ann McAlister McGowan Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Brezinski
Sarah Marzetti Babcheck
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Smith
Bennie Andy
John Marano
Nicholas Babiak Families
Nicholas and Mary Alice Babiak
Frank Andy, Jr.
Mrs. Debora S. Andy
Joseph J. Bacco
Mrs. Mildred E. Bacco
Tony Angott
Mary Jane Ashmore
Patty Bell and Marianne Bellotti
Shirley and Homer Craig
Tom and Bobbie Pyzowski
Margene Spino and Anna Spino
Betty Jean Dicks Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Warco
Don and Brenda Wilkerson
Ms. Joyce A. Winkler
Ms. Marjorie J. Young
Charles V. “Sparkie” Baker
Mrs. Bobbi L. Bateson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Castro
Dr. John and Eva Chupinsky
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Dague
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Fischer and Nathan
Mary and Tina Nicolella
Mrs. T. Jean Piatt
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Staskiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee Swart
Sandy, Nicole and Lauren Todaro
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Warco
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. West, Jr.
Don and Brenda Wilkerson
Bertha G. Sadosky Angotti
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Milcheck, II
John Robert Antill
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll T. Antill
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Rissel
Pamela omas Antonio
Ms. Jacquelyn B. Hebrank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kelemen
Miriam M. omas
Diane L. Applegate
Mrs. Pamela A. Wagner
Tony M. Aquilino
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holland
Jay and Lucille Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Allison, Jr.
e Ardeno Family
Mrs. Rose Skariot
Anna M. Ames
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Naser
Deborah Ardizzone
Ms. Dolores Ardizzone
Paul S. Ames
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Naser
Bernard N. “Bo” Arent
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Justice, III
Elsie Postlethwait Baker
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Postlethwait
Glen Duane Baker
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Baker
John A. Baloga
Mrs. Helen J. Baloga
Joe and Jenny Balzama
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Balzama
Donald J. Banfield
Mrs. Lorraine E. Ritter
Arthur R. Bannister
Roberta Bannister
John P. Barbero
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ciappa, Jr.
Rachel Langley Barbour
Mr. and Mrs. Andre R. Aiello
Don Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Laxton
John W. Barlow
Ms. Lois Darlene Simpson
Lois Ewing Barlow
Ms. Lois Darlene Simpson
Margaret Jean Hahn Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Laxton
Joseph A. Barnes
Paul and Patty Barnes
Frank and Flora Caroselli Barnhart
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dudas
Stanley F. Bartnick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Feathers
Barry Clark Barto
Mrs. Alyce R. Barto
David Duffy Barto
Mrs. Alyce R. Barto
Ms. Debra M. Sheridan
Charles W. Bartolich
Gladys Bertolich and Family
Helen Baumgardner
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney G. Maze
Earl Beattie
Bob and Lois Janovich
Ruth Bigler Beatty
I. S. Department
Mrs. Vicky J. Lesjak
Mr. John Pizany
E. Richard Bednarski
Dolores Bednarski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bednarski
George and Ruth Beglin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Davis
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Louis Bernard
Edith Bernard
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bernard
Carol Cox and Grandsons
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Skiviat
Dolores Ann Bof
Mr. Raymond V. Bof
Kay L. Briggs
Shirley W. Briggs
John Bof
Ms. Janet M. Bof
Ralph Miller Briggs
Ramona Lemmon Bice and Taco Belle
Eugene and Mary Ann Bernardine
Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Caruso
Marge Zamiska Bogdewic
Mr. Bruno J. Bogdewic
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Verno
Lorena Brigich
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Compeggie
Sarah Porcaro
elma Boggs
Rebecca A. Fehl
Frank Britko
Mrs. Mary W. Rowland
Robert Bogo
Ms. Gloria J. Bardella
James W. Britner
Nancy M. Britner
Kathryn Bogochenko
Mrs. Janet L. Fabiszewski
Paul H. Brookman
Mr. and Mrs. Linn Brookman
F. Romayne Booth
Mrs. Norma J. Guthrie
Darryl and Beatrice Brookover
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Henderson
Betty Jo Bissett
Valerie B. Dague
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Dague
Walter “Fuzzy” Borkowski
Bernice Borkowski
omas L. Brookover, Sr.
Mrs. Joanne L. Brookover
Harold Kenneth Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Abrams
Mr. Bruce D. Beppler
Ms. Constance M. Caputo
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Caputo
Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Cimino
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Hitchon
Mrs. Kathleen A. Laick
Rich and Nadine Mahoney
United Steelworkers of America
Local 7139
Pam Wagner and Shirley Gaudette
Howard Paul Bissett, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Skiviat
William E. Borkowski
Gloria F. Borkowski
Catherine (Katie) Brova
Gabriel Brova
Paul E. Bissett
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Dague
Valerie B. Dague
L. Paul and Elizabeth Bosseau
Mrs. Linda M. Kortyna
Jean C. Browne
Marjorie Martin
Robert W. Brabson
Charles and Betty J. McClelland
Eva J. Panconi Bruno
Ms. Virginia W. Sebastian
Mother Mary and Brother Jesse
Ms. Pat Braddock-Steiner
Louis and Rose Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Comfort
Ila Kathryn Bell
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Sinclair
Edward George “Butch” Black
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. D’Amico
Mrs. Elsie Jean Laurick
Gene, Sherrie, and Michael Leach
Bonnie B. McClure
James and Barbara Roupe
Dave and Jan Taylor and Stacy Sten
Ms. Linda L. Taylor
John McIntyre Braden, Jr.
Dorothy B. Braden and Family
James R. Blockinger
Amica Insurance
Peg and Bob Gentile, Jeff and Carol
Ann Gentile, and Brad and Nicole
Tom and Marion Hanlon and Family,
Linda Sparks and Vonda Franklin
Donald and Barbara Leuchtag
Ms. Mary Lou Marzina, Mr. and Mrs.
Jeff Marzina, Mr. and Mrs. Greg
Marzina, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Mr. Roy H. Werner
Howard and Estelle Brandtonies
Carl and Joyce Brandtonies
Laverne Blue
Mrs. Laura W. Ehnert
Gary W. Briceland
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Yedlicka
In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Jean G. Beglin
Ms. Lucinda J. Kerns
Georgiana C. “Buncie” Beiter
Charles Beiter Family
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Krutko
Miss Janice E. Leaver
Faye M. Belcastro
Ms. Mary Alycia Haas
Victor Belfiore
Agnes Belfiore
Emma Bell
Mrs. Linda R. Garrett
Frank R. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Richmond
J. Karl Bell
Alphonse and Shirley Gisoni
Jack and Larry Bender
Mrs. Violet M. Bender
William (Butch) Bender, Sr.
Mrs. Sue Bender
Barry L. Bennett
Bill and Donna Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Day
Marie Flora Lindley Bennett
Mrs. Nancy L. Barnhart
Marybelle DeWitte Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. DeWitte
Leo Bernard
Sandy and Gary Costa
Joe Biel
Frances Biel
John A. Bier
Mary Bier
George G. Bigler
Capt. William W. Bigler, U.S.N., Retired
John F. and Dorothy Bish
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bish
Donna Bitler
Carol and Julius Kayla
Bernard W. Bizzack
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Brinkman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Butka
John T. Brandsma
Mrs. Dawn M. Brandsma
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Happe
Mr. Richard A. Kienzle
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Lang
Dr. omas M. Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco A. Malarbi
James Franklin Breese
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Breese
Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Morrow
Virginia Viehman Brezinski
Mr. James D. Brezinski, Sr.
Mr. Walter E. Viehmann
Ilah Y. Bryner
Mr. Kenneth R. Bryner
Eleanor Jane Bucenell
Mrs. Eleanor B. Brunetti
Jennie Buchek
Ms. Victoria L. Dunch
Jessie Linn “Penny” Gibson Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dicio
Ms. Delores J. Hritsko
Angelina M. Bundy
George R. Bundy, Sr.
Rose A. Bunner
Mr. and Mrs. Art Bruno
Bill & Kathy Dugan
Ferro Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Kesneck
Ms. Helen G. Maleski
Mrs. Linda L. Martin
Nemacolin Bowling League
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Siedlak
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w w w. w a s h i n g t o n h o s p i t a l . o r g
In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Edwin N. Burda
Craig Burda
Patrick M. Burke, Jr.
Mrs. Sarah R. Burke
Charles Burns
Charles W. and Margaret L. Elliott
Kenneth Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. McCrerey
David W. Burt
Janet Prandini Burt
Albert G. Busby
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Busby
Louis and Regina Butka
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Insana
Sherri Butler
Joe and Diane Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. Don Tennant
Charles H. “Cuppie” Butterfield
Mrs. Clara Butterfield
Helen Byers
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Barnot
Bill & Donna Henderson
Linn & Carole Hilaire
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Pellegrini
Mr. and Mrs. omas V. Voelker
Denny & Pam Wagner
Jean Poxon Byers
Carmen E. Ackmann
Ms. Gwen L. Herzog
Ms. Gretchen K. McBride
Den and Pam Wagner
Raymond B. Byers
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Gordon
John T. (Jack) Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Chome
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Collins
Command Contracting LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Blair R. Crum
Mrs. Marjorie J. Curran
Bettie and Jim Dallmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Dinsmore
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hinerman
Hornfeck Engineering Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Karas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mahoney
Mr. David G. Marchese
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Punola
Cathy and Jay Romano
Genevieve A. Russell
Charles and Patricia Tupta
Jerry, Jim Webeck, Dom Scocco, Buzz,
Frank, e Winter’s, Ken Jennings,
Jeff Smith, Jeff Nordberg, Dan Procupp,
Ken iem, Ed Best, Jeff Dallatore,
Ron, Jack Lazek, Victor Petronea,
Aaron Gilstrap, Larry Mounts, and
J. Geresti
e Williamson Family
Rody Burton & Corky Kondas
Ms. Frances Jean Capets
Mrs. Frances Hamercheck
Jennie and Phil Hamilton
Ms. Deane W. Hillegass
Mr. John I. Hook, III
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Huffman
Joe and Marlene Kencec
John and Lisa Macleod
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Moinet
Mrs. Kelley H. Morris-Forney
Ms. Barbara J. O’Connor
Ms. Diane M. Redington
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Schnippert
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Simmons
Mrs. G. Wayne Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sorice
Mr. and Mrs. William P. omas, Jr.
Miss eresa Viarengo
Waynesburg University Family
Arlene M. Zetti
Megan E. Caldwell
Carl and Joyce Brandtonies
John E. Carroll
Mrs. Rita M. Carroll
Rev. Dr. J. Paul Cameron, IV
Mrs. Janet P. Cameron
David Lee Canan
Mrs. Evelyn C. Wood
Gladys Mae Robison Carson
Scott and Carol Galbraith
Hanover Home and Garden
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Higinbotham
Chris and Pat Jarvis
Claretta Johnson
Ms. Karen L. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Shultz and
Family and Mr. Perry Foust
Mrs. Pamela A. Wagner
e Washington Hospital Family
Cancer Victims
Anna F. Murgel
Merland Bruce Carson
TWH Family Medicine Office Staff
Samuel R. (Sam) Cancilla
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holland
Donald E. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy R. Cesares
Scot William Cameron
Mrs. Pamela A. Wagner
Ruth D. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. omas E. Drakeley
Victoria Kurnick Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Campbell
Mary Elizabeth Sensky-Cain
Mrs. Anita M. Kongelka
JoAnn A. Carey
Mrs. Gladys B. McIlvaine
Wilma Jean Cain
Mr. Donald L. Cain
James W. Carlisle, Sr.
Mrs. Linda B. Carlisle
Cain Family
Mr. Daniel C. Urbanik
Rev. J. E. Victor Carlson
Joe and Marlene Kencec
Carmen Calabro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Brosnahan
Mr. and Mrs. Gene P. Carter
Debra Alexis Kallis
Willene S. (Petey) Carlson
Ms. Clara C. Baird
Ms. Tanya L. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron P. Betel
omas D. Carnahan, II
Mrs. Kimberly H. Carnahan
Bessie Carrola
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Carrola
Gregory A. Caruso
Ms. eresa A. Caruso
Rosemarie Chambers
Mr. William A. Chambers
Evelyn “Nenie” Charmley
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Sargent
Stella M. Charriere
Emil R. Charriere
Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. DiNardo
Peter Cherok
Helen Cherok
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Froats
Josephine M. Chicone
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic R. DeMaria
Lelia S. Chisnell
Linda K. Greene
Walter I. Christopher
Mrs. Emma J. Christopher
Chuppetta Family
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Chuppetta
Anna (Kolessar) Cimarolli
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Cimarolli
Subdeacon Leroy E. Cimino
Mrs. Esther M. Cimino
John G. Clair
Carol Davey
George and Louise Clapp
Paul and Patty Barnes
James “Jim” Ralph Clark
Ms. Florence M. Fisher
Kenneth Clark
Milliken and rockmorton
Funeral Home
omas Neal Clark
Chuck and Claire Dillie
William N. Clark
Ms. Jane C. Clark
Alfonso and Amelia Casciola
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Scariot
Elsie Dinsmore Clarke
John and Judy Grice
Elio and Mary Cecchini
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dudas
Forrest B. Clarke
John and Judy Grice
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sterrett
Janet M. Celmo
Carol Broderick
Mr. and Mrs. omas E. Whoolery
George and Edna Cenkovich
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Salzman
Bernell C. Clayton
Mrs. Mary C. Wichterman
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In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Rev. and Mrs. Allie A. Clayton
Mrs. Mary C. Wichterman
James F. Cline, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy L. Cline
William R. “Pete” Clutter
Mrs. Dorothy M. Clutter
George William “Bill” Coder
Mrs. Pamela A. Wagner
William L. (Bill) Coen
Mrs. Alberta M. Hancher
Lena R. Colombo
Mary Colombo and Mike Yopek
Wayne L. Cowden
Lynne Cowden
Jack Rush Cunningham
Kathleen S. Haggerty Cunningham
Jordan Colpo
Mrs. eresa Colpo
Frank Kenneth Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Romanosky, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Skiviat
Wife, Carol and Sons
Kenneth and Gary Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. John Combi
Ron and Teresa Koehler
Guy R. Cole, Sr.
Mrs. Caroline F. Cole
Merle Dean Conkle
Dorothy J. Conkle
James Harry Cole
Ms. Jean Angotti and Angela Tyler
Dr. and Mrs. Armando Avolio and
Scott and Debbie Crawford and
Kevin and Shirley Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kolaczynski
Ms. Debra J. Leisman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Leisman
Ms. Regina Mae Lesko
Bob and Arlene McKelvey
Ms. Kathryn Miller
Mr. Lawrence B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Don E. O’Dell
Char Val Singers
Trinity Cheerleading Booster Club
James Oliver Conklin
Mrs. Peggy A. Conklin
Darlene Coleman
Ms. Marie T. Kouche
David C. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Craig
Sam and Rose Comito
Dan and Terri Michael
Elvira J. Bisogni Cole
Birdsall Services Group, Inc.
Terrance L. Cole
Pam and Russell Amos
Mrs. Sharon Cole
Nate and Michelle Maine
Mr. Douglas K. Hogue and
Ms. Amanda J. Phares
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Logue
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Mancuso
Ms. Mary V. Matheny
Mrs. Susan J. omas
Ms. Tammy D. Welling
Andree Considine Craig
Mr. James L. Craig
Rose Comito
Skip and Joyce Hood
Mack Edward Conkle
Louis Detrick
Mrs. Eileen Foertsch
Ms. Judith M. Zelinsky
Ruth E. Cole
Carl A. and Vicki Tustin
Cox and Craig Families
Shirley and Homer Craig
Walter William Comer
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Brice, Sr.
Frank G. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Adams, Jr.
Mr. David P. Boles
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart Craig
Mrs. Rita E. Craig
Shirley and Homer Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Maust
Ms. Madeline A. Sickles
Janet Wood and Judith McCarty
elma Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hanko, Jr.
Norma Jean Conrad
Kenneth Conrad
Gladys Lorraine Cook
Mrs. Gladys B. McIlvaine
Ms. Elizabeth J. Richards
John F. Cooper
Mrs. Lucille H. Colombo
Cecilia “Honey” Falcocchio Cornell
American Legion Auxiliary John C.
McIlvaine Unit 902
Julia Czulewicz
Frank Czulewicz
G. Faubel Dague
Marjorie N. Clutter Dague
Fred Dalbo, Sr.
Mrs. Imogene C. Dalbo
Virginia Dalvesco
Rita Shadursky
John S. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Lowe
Mary Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Daniels, Sr.
Toni M. Cramer
Ms. Kris O. Battaglini and
Ms. Nancy Battaglini
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Giannetti
Mrs. Anne M. Giannetti-Osborn
Lynn Danielson
Mrs. Laura H. Johnston
Harry and Mildred Crawford
Gary and Joan Simmons
Neil B. Danziger
Ms. Carrie J. Reavis
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Wilson
Martha “Sam” Crouse
Mr. John E. Crouse
Wilma Smith Crouse
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mitchell
Andrea L. Cowden
Budd Baer, Incorporated
Mrs. Kristie L. Briceland
Mr. Cary D. Cowden
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Kreminsky
Richard A. Custer
Mrs. Carroll A. Custer
Julia D’Angelo
A. A. Gostic
Carol Lea Crouch
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. White, Sr.
John L. Coulon
Mrs. Martha H. Coulon
Allan Curley
Ms. Louise S. Curley
John Robert Craig
Peggy B. Hutchison
William C. Crockett
Audrey Crockett
Joseph P. Costanzo
Mary Bier
Mrs. Eileen R. Costanzo
Mrs. Pauline C. Manko
Norval “J.R.” Cunningham, Jr.
David and Paula and Family
Ms. Diane Shade
Melanie Piper Crumrine
Mr. David L. Crumrine
Ruth D. Piper
Rita Dankovich
Jody Sivie
Neil G. Davey
Ella Mae Davey
Michael Woods Davis
Ms. Anne P. Davis
Myrtle I. Davis
Ferris Davis
Robert R. Davis
Mrs. Susanna F. Davis
Gregg E. Cowden
Lynne Cowden
Arthur and Ethel Cummins
Mrs. Dorothy M. Clutter
Susan A. Smith Davoli
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Smith
Ms. Norma B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Winters
Scott Cowden
Lynne Cowden
Robert C. Cummins
Mrs. Dorothy M. Clutter
Dolores L. Dawes
Mr. George W. Dawes
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w w w. w a s h i n g t o n h o s p i t a l . o r g
In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Robert Paul Day
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Day
Dora P. DeBlasio
DeBlasio Beverage Company,
James F. Decker, Jr.
His Family
Mr. Lance Decker
Margaret I. DeFilippis
Pat DeFilippis and Family
Ladonna M. DeHaas
Mrs. Lois A. Espenshade
Nextier Bank
Donald R. Demarest
Mrs. Barbara J. Demarest
Donald L. Demeter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wilsher
Paul and Lena Demnyan
Kathy and Paul Demnyan
Wilbur L. DePoe
Mrs. Marjorie E. DePoe
Robert E. Derry
Mrs. Nancy G. Derry
Mary Ann Detrisk
Mr. William E. Tomey, Jr.
Frank H. Dettore
Mrs. LaVerne J. Dettore
Jim Dettore
Milan and Mary Ann Devecka
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simatic
Daniel C. and Donna Lee DeVitis
Mrs. Mary A. DeVitis
Pauline Hill DeVito
Miss Marjorie Ann DeVito
Richard F. “Dick” Devore
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Devore
Linda S. DeWalt
Independent Political Club
Marilyn Jean DeWitt
Mr. and Mrs. Rod C. Dewitt
Florence (Flossie) R. DeWitte
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. DeWitte
Wilma Dunker
Miriam M. omas
Severin and Anna R. DeWitte
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. DeWitte
George and Dorothy M. Dunn
Mrs. Ferne W. Rogers
William C. DeWitte
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. DeWitte
Joseph Lee Dunn
Mr. Joseph L. Dunn
Mrs. Diane R. Hickman
Jim and Nancy Proudfit
William Dhayer
Ms. Patricia J. Dhayer
Joseph G. Durain
Gizella Durain
omas Edward Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Rod C. Dewitt
Charles Reed Durbin
Mrs. Gladys F. Durbin
Arthur F. DiFrancesco
Mr. Robert L. Morgan
Ms. Margaret Pilarcik
Mr. and Mrs. omas R. Reardon
e Staff of the Department of Food
Services at the University of Georgia
Dorothy D. Durbin
Glenn H. Durbin and Mary Jo Kennedy
Mary Jo Kennedy
Edna McCarty Durbin
Mrs. Janet L. Wood
Carol Anne Dikun
Doc and Marie Pliska
James L. Durbin
Leroy and Patty Durbin
Carolyn Brooks Dillie
Chuck and Claire Dillie
Joseph Durko, Sr.
omas and Edna Barnhart
Mildred L. Dillie
Chuck and Claire Dillie
Dorothy Church Edgar
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Edgar
William A. DiPaolo, III
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Blayney
Dennis Carl Eklund
Chuck and Claire Dillie
Patsy DiSalle
Richard and Joan DiSalle
Lillian I. Elder
George and Sheryl Lammay
Sue DiSalle
Richard and Joan DiSalle
Nasime and Alexandria Elias
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Harton
William B. Dodds
Mrs. Nadine H. Dodds
James Elias
Mrs. Annette E. Elias
Leslie Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Stein
Vilma Elias
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yarkosky
Elizabeth D’Onofrio
Mike and Carole D’Onofrio
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mahoney
Joan Marie Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Rutledge
Paul R. Dorsey
Marlyn Dorsey
Ronald D. Elliott
Dr. George and Mary Alice Jones
Wife, Denise and Children
Apryl M. Douglas
Mr. John J. Fudala
Gertrude E. Elterich, M.D.
Mrs. Harriet K. Branton
William J. Dreyer
Mrs. Betty H. Dreyer
Mark Engel
Mrs. Virginia L. Rockwell
George M. Dudas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dudas
Jay M. Espenshade
Mrs. Lois A. Espenshade
Kay Mooney
John Dudas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dudas
Harold and Sarah Everett
Mrs. Doris Everett Marshall
James and Elizabeth Ewig
Bob and Lori Carter
James J. Faiella, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Costello
Catherine Manion
Family loved ones
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Scott
Family Members
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Lemmon
Rebecca D. Farmer
McDonald Pharmacy
Nicholas and John Fecycz
Mrs. Mary E. Kotyk
Betty Jean Fee
Alice M. McClure
Wallace and Mary Jane Woodhouse
James H. Fee
Mrs. Wanda L. Fee
Randolph and Ruth Bayard and
Harvey and Madge Ferrell
Richard and Mary Bayard
Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Filbey
Mrs. Susanna F. Davis
Ruth D. and Lee B. Finch
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Ferry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Lewis
Helen S. Finley
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie J. Belski, Jr.
Dolores and Andrew Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Lignelli, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Perri
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Pryor
Dawn Ellen Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wunderlich
Rev. Frank A. Fischer
Mrs. Marjorie B. Fischer
Kerwin “Kirk” E. Fischer
Mrs. Myrtle C. Fischer
Roy D. Fischer
Wife, Phyllis and Children
Anthony and Maria Flaskos
Kal Flaskos
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In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Rosemary Fletcher
Mrs. Norma J. Guthrie
Mrs. Martha A. Klinedinst
Anna May Noble Fordyce
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Noble
Miller and Dorothy Fordyce
Mrs. Beverly J. Graham
Lawrence H. Fosbaugh, Jr.
Samuel and Barbara Cushey and
Sons, Kenneth and Ronald Cushey
Fosbaugh Children - Gary and
Doug Fosbaugh and Robin Leady
e Raymond Fosbaugh Family
Mrs. R. Joanne Jones
Mr. William J. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Leech
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lutes
Ms. Dorothy Z. Pence
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Remington
Mr. William W. Simpson
Dorothy Fowkes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Ford
Janet Ullom Fowler
Judy and Marty Beichner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bruno, Jr.
Charles Devenney Family
Ms. Mary B. Gallagher
Ms. Patricia A. Hackett
Mrs. Louise E. Hickman
Dorothy Keener, Jared Battistone,
Bri Agostonelli, Molly Culleton
and Debbie Roytas
Lou Ann and Don Kuhn
Ms. Paulette J. Marasco-Stout
MedFit Partners, Incorporated
Tina and Mary Nicolella
Marilyn and David Posner and
Jennifer Posner Napier and Family
Jim and Nancy Proudfit
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Reis
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Resek
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Byron E. Schrader, Jr.
Ms. Margene Spino
Stenger, Bies & Company, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marc Svaline
Stacy and Dale omas
Shirley and Harry omas
Upper Ten Mile United Presbyterian
Mrs. Heidi I. Winzeler Van Osdol
Linda Gashel
Dorothy Gashel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Tennant, Jr.
Paul Jerome Geary
Mrs. Nancy M. Geary
Joseph A. Greco, Sr.
Mrs. Florence M. Greco
Gary R. George, M.D.
Mrs. Sandra L. Westcott
Robert and Betty Greely
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Lucciola, Jr.
Karen Lee Andrews Georgetti
Mr. Daniel A. Cecchini
Daniel Paul Greenlee, M.D.
Mrs. Audrey G. Greenlee
Carole Marie Ghenne
Mrs. Pamela A. Wagner
Lawrence Greer
Mrs. Freeda P. Greer
Jane Lee Gibb
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Samarin
Sandra Lynn Greer
Mrs. Caroline Massack
Helen R. Frazee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Withrow
Delores Gilbert
Mrs. Robin L. Muggar
Chester Grego
Erma Grego
Marjorie Frazee
Ms. Susan D. Alrutz
Mary O. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert
John E. Grice, Jr.
John and Judy Grice
William Frazee
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd R. Frazee
Harry J. Gilpin, Sr.
Mrs. Rosemarie Gilpin
Raymond James Griffin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Murray
Clara Mae Freeland
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Rea D. Jones
Julius Girhiny
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kara
Kenneth A. Griffith, Jr.
Kenneth A. Griffith and
Doris B. Griffith, Jr.
Joyce Walters Pushey Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Brinkman
Christian Women’s Fellowship of
Fairhill Manor Church
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dudas
Ms. Darlene C. Harris
Jerry and Mary Ann Hatfield and Family
Ms. Jan Patsch Taylor
Mrs. Grace C. Ulery
Donald C. Fox
Margaret Eileen Fox
Margaret “Mugs” Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Frank, Sr.
omas Lee Franks
Mrs. Andrea L. Franks
Joseph A. Gisoni
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gisoni
Margaret J. Fritz
Martin and Mary Ellen Fritz
Edward F. Gladden
Rebecca S. Gladden
Richard Froats, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Dellaria
Audra Hope Fullerton
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Osborn
Betty Glass
Ruth Glass
Harry G. “Chick” Fullerton, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth L. Fullerton
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Osborn
Charles and Betty Gloady
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Bruckner
Peter A. Gobleck, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. August Bernola
Tony Gallo Family
Mr. and Mrs. James Gallo
Mary Kay Durko Gambino
Mary Mace Hall
Mr. and Mrs. omas C. Lee
James (Jim) W. Gardner, Sr.
Mrs. Mildred W. Gardner
Scott Garet
Mrs. Martha F. Mast
Frank Guarascio
Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Milcheck, II
Eloina Mary Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Lounder
James A. Gump
Mrs. Shirley Mankey
Ralph I. Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Watson
Mary Gusic
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Stephenson, II
Scot M. Grandel
Jack and Helen Grandel
Kenneth L. Gashel
Dorothy Gashel
Peter Gualazzi
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rosile
Mary Ann “Mezzy” Guido
Ms. Joan M. DePaoli
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gagich
Gary H. Grable
Richard and Barbara Ginther
James R. Gashel
Mrs. Sara Marie Kughn
Dorothy M. Grimm
Gerald and Betty Paraska
Katherine M. Golaski
Kim and Mary Lou Bell
Norton G. Gough
Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Grimm
Barry Gashel
Dorothy Gashel
Raymond E. Grim
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Grim
Charles E. Guthrie
Mrs. Norma J. Guthrie
Alphonsine Guyaux
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lukan
Herbert H. Guyton, Jr.
Ms. Paula E. Guyton
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w w w. w a s h i n g t o n h o s p i t a l . o r g
In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Margaret Guzell
Linda Campanelli and Children,
Angelo, Raymond, and Roland
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gavatorta
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lounder, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. McClain
Ms. Joanne A. Mondin
Ms. Wilma Schussler
Gene and Rose Marie Sprando
Kathryn L. Haas
Clair Haas
Jesse P. Heil
Mrs. Brenda L. Bucheli
Mrs. Mary E. Heil
Mr. Michael D. Heil
Mrs. Pauline C. Manko
Ms. Susan M. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Shallcross
Ms. Beth Ann Stark
Mrs. Sandra L. Stark
Ms. Virginia Williams
Dolores Hatfield
Mr. Walter L. Hatfield
Helen V. Hatfield
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Demski
Mr. Robert D. Hatfield, Jr.
Gene L. Hathaway
Mrs. Ruby Hathaway
Kenneth E. Hathaway
Mrs. Kelly A. Vayansky
Nell Heisler
Ms. Carol H. DeWitt
Vivian Ellen Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Justice, III
Geraldine E. Martin
Mrs. Kelly A. Vayansky
William J. Heitzer, Sr.
Mrs. Helen M. Heitzer
Lloyd and Helen Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Henderson
Frances Rohrich Habe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Washabaugh, Jr. Samuel David Hawk, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. omas L. McCrea
Mildred R. Hageter
Mrs. Edna M. Malone
Edward A. Haines
Mrs. Eleanor M. Mazzie
Helen Hall
Robert and Donna Dalnoky
Jean Earnest Hamel
Samuel and Barbara Cushey and
Sons, Kenneth and Ronald Cushey
Nancy Joanne Hamilton
Children of Concord Presbyterian
Church’s Mission Collection
Jean Romboski Hepburn
Larry and Joanne Romboski
Janet B. Hays
Frank J. Hays
Susan and Lang Marks
Andrea and Tim Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dudas
Marsha Sue Hazen
Consultant Pharmacists of Millennium
Pharmacy Systems, Inc.
Doug Espersen, Rph - Vice President of
Consulting Services; James Mooney,
Rph - Regional Consultant Manager;
Elliot Gottlieb, PD - Regional
Consultant Manager
Naval Audit Service of the United
States Navy
Ms. Sheila B. Somella
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Swart
Reed Eugene Hickman
Mrs. Diane R. Hickman
Richard A. Hilderbrand
Rosalie E. Hilderbrand
Ida and Jewel Hinerman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hinerman
Dorothy Kelso Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Kelso
Allen N. Howard
Jim and Kathy Howard
Charles (Chuck) Donovan Howard
Ms. Linda Hammond
Ted Howarth
Mrs. Dorothy Jean Stanko
Willie Hrabak
Bernadette Gersh and Family
James Hritz
Mrs. Sarah R. Burke
Rita M. Hritz
Percy R. Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Scott
Jeffrey Jay Huggins
Debra Huggins
Charles and Rosemary Hughes
Robert Gallentine and Doris Brownlee
Jean Hughes
Ms. Pam McCartney
Olivedell Varner Hughes
Mr. John H. Hughes, Jr.
Virginia L. Hughes
Mr. Byron A. Hughes
Marie R. Hull
Karen S. Hull
Freda Leona Headley
Mrs. Gladys B. McIlvaine
Donna J. Hood
Skip and Joyce Hood
Anna K. Innis Heatley
Paul and Patty Barnes
C. Wayne Hoopes
Mrs. Deeann J. Hoopes
Jim Heatley
Paul and Patty Barnes
Esther Hornack
Mrs. Ruth I. Mumper
Janet A. Hultz
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Bauer
Ms. K. C. Carson
Class of ’49 Lunch Bunch
Jace and J.J. Denney
Joel and Nancy Denney
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Good, Jr.
Mr. James A. Hultz
Ms. Ruth M. Hultz
Mr. omas H. Hultz
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jablonski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kendra
Mr. Ross W. Lappe, Jr.
Ms. Jacqueline Long
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Michaels
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Moon
Dale and Sue Neubert
e Reiche Family
Gordon and Jennifer Scoggins
Jerry, Beth, Laura and Lindsay Smith
Ms. Mary E. Sourbeer
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Warters
William (Bill) J. Hart
Evelyn Hart
Judy H. Osborne
Trevolia C. Heatley, Jr.
Paul and Patty Barnes
John Hought
George and Shelley Crawford
Patricia Ann Humbert
Mr. and Mrs. Jason J. Humbert
James Haspel
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hulick
William and Fern Heatley
Paul and Patty Barnes
Virginia B. Postlethwait Houston
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Postlethwait
Edward and Bonita Hunt
Mrs. Kimberly H. Carnahan
Ella R. Hanes
Patty and George Hanes
Martha Haney
Mr. and Mrs. Ewing Barb
Samuel “Junie” Hanna, Jr.
Ms. Cheryl A. Green
Cleona Mae Harden
Carol Davey
Nellie Ardeno Hardy
Mrs. Rose Skariot
Kathleen C. Harris
Hugh and Janice Walker
Angela Harry
Mrs. elma S. Harry
Pauline Barzanti Headlee
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl L. rockmorton
Tracy Lynn Hobbs
Patty and Pete Brooks
Stanley J. Headlee
Mrs. Ardis R. Headlee
Mr. Robert V. Headlee
e Herman Hollenbach Family
Mrs. Delma H. O’Donnell
Bertram A. (Butch) Holloway
Mrs. Lucille S. Holloway
Chauncey Roger Headley
Mrs. Donna M. Fazzolari
Audrey S. Reardon
Elinor Kay Seemuth
John omas Hollowood, Sr.
Mrs. Betty J. Hollowood
120744 Journey2_120744 LGT 2/7/12 12:01 PM Page 12
In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Ferne Irey Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Postlethwait
Regina Knestrick Huskey
Peggy B. Hutchison
Susan J. Hutson
Mr. William James Hutson
John H. Hutter, Sr.
Mrs. Mary K. Hutter
Martha J. Iddings
Jody Sivie
Clyde R. Johnson
John and Judy Grice
David O. and Sara F. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Racunas
Donald E. Johnson
Jim and Doris J. Williams
Martha Johnson
Jim and Doris J. Williams
Bob and Margaret Johnston
Ms. Regina K. Miller
Richard G. Ingram
Mrs. Lucy C. Ingram
Raymond Clifford Inks
Mrs. Alice E. Inks
Tom and Jane Piatt
J. Robert and Hazel Margaret
Naomi R. Johnston
Elizabeth A. Interval
Mr. Paul V. Interval
Margaret A. (Peggy) Johnston
Mr. Lloyd R. Johnston
Lillian Anna Inverso
Mr. and Mrs. Pete A. Inverso, Jr.
Mrs. Meredith R. Wisniewski
Vaughn Robert Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wunderlich
Virginia Ireland
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Garber
Isenberg-Pochibaa Family
Howard Isenberg Family
Margaret and Henry Keeling
Carol and Julius Kayla
Wayne C. Klages
Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Klages
Mrs. Mary S. Klages
Laura Carter Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy R. Cesares
Ronald D. Klinedinst
Mrs. Martha A. Klinedinst
Leroy and John Kern
Mrs. Moynelle V. Kern
omas G. Klopack, Sr.
Gary and Mary Kay Gordon
Mrs. Mary Klopack
Rodney I. Kerr
Lew and Debbie Crouse
Alan Andrew Kevech
Kim and Mary Lou Bell
Annamaria J. De Filippis
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ragan
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Reese
Mrs. Katherine R. Rodgers
Ms. Cynthia A. Rossi
Keith and Linda Todd, Rich and Jackie
Franks, and Nick and Joan Franks
Robert and Terry Wheatley
Richard C. Knodle
William Frank Pryor
Mary D. Knox
Mrs. Barbara R. Prothero
Helen Kobrish
Mrs. Dorothy Warabow
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler
Ron and Teresa Koehler
Joseph Edward Kolick
Mrs. Sarah R. Burke
Julia Komovic
Ms. Janet L. Komovic
Julia Komovic and Mildred Zupancic
Jeannie Komovic
Tonette M. “Toni” Konecheck
Jo Ann Weaver
Jurik and Smith Family
Mrs. Louise J. Smith
Pauline Stewart Kielbasa
e Bokulich Family
e Congregation of Davidson
United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Crile, Jr.
Mr. Wayne L. Fleming and
Ms. Karen Pearson
Friends of Bette Kielbasa-Quast
omas McDonnell and Staff of
Trupar America, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Packrall
Ms. Eleanor A. Sabatini
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kanotz
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kilgore
Aileen Kiger
Mrs. Nina J. McCullough
Nicholas (Nick) Kapustynski
Mr. Vincent J. Braddock
Mr. and Mrs. David Bunevich and
Sarah Milesky
Mrs. Linda A. Kapustynski
Ms. Mary Kostelich
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kilgore
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kilgore
Jean L. Zimmerman Jones
Ms. Dorothy Z. Taylor-Pence
Glenn R. “DoodleBug” Jacobs
Eugene and Velma Jacobs
George Joseph Families
Nicholas and Mary Alice Babiak
John H. Jacobs
Eugene and Velma Jacobs
Karen Julian
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Obringer
Dr. Miles Jermanovich
Sally Chiff and Paul Meriage
Stephen Paul Kita
Viv Kita
Barbara E. Shargots Keys
Dave Keys
omas Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Milcheck, II
Carol A. Jeffries
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jeffries
Mary E. King
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. King
Lois (Boots) Kerr
Lew and Debbie Crouse
Charles R. omas, Charles Parry
& Keith and Jean Jones
Bob and Eileen Jones
Donald K. Jones
Carl and Marge Chiarenza
Vincent and Josephine Janeshek
Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Baldigowski
William F. Kast
Diana and Albert Darby
Ms. Mary J. Shope
Dorwin C. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl L. rockmorton
Carl R. Jones
Mrs. Helen D. Jones
Patricia Ann Severine Jacanin
Mrs. Altabella Severine
Joseph and Josephine Jacobs
Mrs. Rita A. Craig
John L. Kime
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Fontana
Mrs. Mary E. Kime
Frank and Marie Kayla
Carol and Julius Kayla
James W. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Sargent
Charles R. “Butch” Johnston
Mrs. Rebecca L. Johnston
Max and Shirley Mueller, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. White
Louis and Mary Kardos
Mr. Stanley W. Pruss and
Attorney Mary K. Pruss
Jack Howard Killen
Ms. Norma L. Beecham
Mrs. Clarice V. Killen
Joyce D. Korica
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Bradley
Mrs. Helen Fatigati
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gabrielli
Ms. Valerie F. Harper
Mr. Peter Korica, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stephen Warren
Sylvia M. Ergen Kostelic
Carl & Bev Babic, Sandra Ergen, and
Richard & Jan Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Campbell
Ms. Sandra P. Cogis
Family (Marlene Wilson)
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Henry
Ms. Joyce M. Mehalic
Sharon Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Chester S. Zalnasky
Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Zomak, Jr.
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w w w. w a s h i n g t o n h o s p i t a l . o r g
In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Helen M. Koszarsky
Don and Rosemary Keefer
Irene Gaso Kotchman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Biwer
Carl W. and Maude A. Bell Kottner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. DeWitte
Wray L. and Betty C. Iddings
Gertrude L. Kupar
Mr. George M. Kupar, Jr.
Bessie H. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Ferry
Pauline A. Kusky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Johnson
Gene G. Lewis
Scott & Carol Galbraith
Barbara J. Kutchman
Regina Corcoran
Paul Lewis
Mrs. Mary L. Bash
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Ferry
Jeanne Kutchman
Ms. Elizabeth C. Kutchman
James A. Liberatore
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Liberatore
Patricia Kvak
Ms. Jo Anne Bokulich
Joseph Libert
Mr. Daniel J. Libert
M. Edward Kowcheck
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Esposto
Ms. Danielle R. Kowcheck
Jim and Julie Kowcheck
Mrs. Linda M. Kowcheck
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Valduga
Beth Ellen Kyle
John and Noretta Kyle
Frances Dolores Berckman Laabs
Ms. Marion A. Galvin
Ms. Marlene B. Galvin
Oliver and Angileen Liggitt
Joe and Marlene Kencec
Regis Francis “Mick” “Big Daddy”
Mrs. Diana L. Kowcheck
William E. (Bill) Lacey
Mrs. Catherine D. Lacey
Ralph Daniel Lightner
Mr. Robert Lee Gallagher
Lloyd Frederick Lachman
Betty and Susan Powell
Dawn (Dee) Lindsay
Raymond K. Gaus
Mr. Donald G. Lindsay
George and Ruth Kramer
Ms. Linda M. Kramer
Linda Kramer
Ms. Pamela E. Schenk
Helen Krasnon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Markovich
Lois Ann Krugh
Mr. Edward J. Bartek
Ms. Jerri A. Foley
Friends at Sabal Springs, Ft. Myers,
FL - Grace Martin, Ellie and Stan
Wilcox, Fran Case (Brockman),
Linda Hucker, Judy and Ed Bethel,
Mary Lou and George Demarest,
and Lorraine and Harry Rechten
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Holzer
Mr. Alan L. Krugh
Mrs. Phyllis M. MaDan
John and Nellie Krupzig
Mary Ann Darney
Mabel Soliani Kemp Kubalak
Mr. and Mrs. John B. ompson
James C. Kughn, Sr.
Mrs. Sara Marie Kughn
John Kulak
Mrs. Caroline Sulanowski
Mary Ann Kulak
Debbie Kulak Paniaha
Edward Kulla
Mrs. Ruth Kulla
Oliver Liggitt, Jr.
Joe and Marlene Kencec
Earl R. Lacock
Tom and Stevie Rizor
Opal Lippencott
Mr. and Mrs. William Barnhart
Robert M. Lacock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Comstock
William S. “Bill” Livingood
Viv Livingood
George L. Lane, Jr.
Mrs. Lois M. Lane
Margaret Livingston
Alice C. Livingston
Eleanor A. Langer
Agnes Belfiore
John and Agnes Livolsi
Mary and Norman Boroch
Brandon Lanzy
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas F. Koupiaris
Robert E. Long
Mrs. Shirley S. Blue
Ernest LaPosta
Mrs. Rebecca J. LaPosta
Jeanne J. Lorenzato
Mr. Emil J. Lorenzato
Patricia A. Laubham
Duaine P. Sicchitano
Michelle Kopko Loughman
Ms. Janine Skariot Ware
Mary Ann Laurich
Mr. Martin A. Laurich, Jr.
Jill Maureen Mounts Legler
James and Debra Romano
Pauline Smith Lemmon
Ramona Lemmon Bice and Taco Belle
Tom Lemmon
Ramona Lemmon Bice and Taco Belle
Virginia “Ginger” Lee Lesako
Mr. Pete Coughlin
Chuck and Claire Dillie
Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Klages
Loved Ones
Mr. and Mrs. omas B. Cox
Mrs. Susanna F. Davis
Mary P. Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. King
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Schultz
Nellie M. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. David F. omas
Jean M. Lucarini
Hugh and Janice Walker
Stephen P. Lucarini
Mrs. Flavia C. Lucarini
Veronica Lukan
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lukan
Ronald S. Lusco
Mrs. Joan D. Beddow
East Buffalo United Presbyterian Church
Judy and John Grice, III
Wraymond R. Lyle
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Mankey
Tim Mace
Bob and Mary Lou Hall
Richard Steven MacKinney
Kristen C. Lemley
Deceased Members of the
Magnone Family
Rose Magnone
Alice Ann Moore Magyar
Jack and Barbara Moore
Charles F. Mahoney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Mahoney
James and Anna Mahramas
Ms. Sylvia A. Mahramas
John and Michael Maimone
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Maimone
Carole J. Main
Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Cooper
Joe and Marlene Kencec
June Main
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Justice, III
Patricia Maureen Main
Mrs. Dorothy M. Clutter
Victor Main
Joe and Marlene Kencec
Judith Lynne Majeski
Ms. Arvella Majeski
Gary, Eric, Judy, and Jason Majeski
Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Symborski
Dr. Warren Edward Maley
Mrs. Ruth S. Maley
Gladys Allen Malik
Ms. Beulah McCollum
Frank and Sophia Malinosky
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pleska
David M. Malone
Mrs. Donna K. Kennedy
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In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Charles Edward (Chuckie) Martin
Mrs. Donna M. Jones
Ms. Roberta L. Maycock
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Nicolella
Linda J. Russell Malone
Charles and Betty J. McClelland
Donald D. Martin
Debra Huggins
Christina Jane Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Maloney
Richard Paul Martin
Mrs. Diana J. Martin
Martha L. “Sis” Mancini
Attorney and Mrs. Robert D. Beck
Esther Cardillo
Richard & Jackie Hutchin
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Justice, III
Ms. Paulette J. Marasco-Stout
Murdoch and Miller Families
Mr. John W. Morris
Mrs. Julia P. Rock
Mrs. Loretta B. Yanavich
Regina Zacour
Robert H. Mason
Mrs. Shirley Mason
George S. Mandus
Mrs. Julia P. Rock
Lauri Ann Glendenning Matheny
Mrs. Phyllis A. Matheny
Peter and Mary Mandus
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Balzama
Marian Crispin McCoy
Mr. Frank C. McCoy
Wallace E. Bud McVay
LaVada Jo Dixon
John and Jane McCreight
Nancy A. McCreight
Ruth A. Megles
Mrs. Marilyn Anooshian
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Megles
Roy Arthur McCullough
Mrs. Roy A. McCullough
omas Michael McCurdy
Patricia Meier
Mrs. Lori E. Anthony
Ms. Patti K. Eder
Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Happel, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Shaw
Robert C. Offy McDaniel
Daniel McDaniel, James McDaniel,
and Susan Bonus
Octavia Mellars
Mr. Charles K. Mellars
Pauline McDougan
Mr. Elwood McDougan
Audrey A. Melvin
Mr. Wilbert L. Melvin, Jr.
Mendez Family
Juanita Mroczkowski
Roger Perry Matheny
Mrs. Phyllis A. Matheny
Harold Melvin “Micky” McDowell
e Dinsmore Families
Ferro Corporation
Dr. George and Mary Alice Jones
Ms. Joyce M. McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. McDowell
Betty and Susan Powell
Wayne Sprowls Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. ompson
Estelle Manes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Raymond
Anthony “Tony” Mavrich
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Mavrich
Virginia “Ginny” McElhaney
Roger D. McElhaney, Jr.
Charles R. Manion
Catherine Manion
Mary (Mitzie) Mavrich
Mrs. Rose Skariot
Laura E. McGowan
Mrs. Candy L. McDonald
Arthur and Artie Mankey
Mrs. Verona L. Allman
Patsy A. Mazza
Bill and Betty Braun
Jack E. McKay
Marlene T. McKay
George J. Manko
Mrs. Pauline C. Manko
Samuel and Vera Mazzaferri
Mrs. Victoria L. Slack
Harry L. McKnight
Debra Huggins
Mrs. Marian J. McKnight
Rebecca A. Marasco
Ms. Paulette J. Marasco-Stout
Merle (Gene) McAdoo
Betty C. McAdoo
Angelo “Baker” Marino
Mrs. Joan Marino
Robert (Bob) McAdoo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mahoney
Mary Maroni
Ms. Bonita J. Skarupa
Beryl McAlister
Mrs. Dorothy L. Lovat
elma R. Marquis
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Cummins
Mr. William E. Frye
Carolyn M. McBrian
Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Marra
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Marra
Mildred H. Marra
Samuel Marra and Kathleen R. Morris
Kathy and Frank Morris
Ross Marra
Sarah Porcaro
Virginia June Mason
Mrs. Marie A. Morgan
John Massini
Mrs. Karla A. Kanalis
Robert D. Mast
Martha Mast and Family
Vicki L. McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Herriott
Cynthia Prall McNeely
Olga Latek
Mrs. Margaret L. Prall
Lindsay Grace McNeely
Julie Angotti
Richard and Grace Angotti
Richard Mark McCann
Margene and Anna Spino
Melinda Grace Patterson McNeely
Ms. Patsy M. George
Mr. James F. McNeely
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Scott
eresa K. McCartney
Antoinette Kurpil Zebrasky
Margaret McClelland
Mr. and Mrs. William McClelland
Bertha McNurlen
Jesse and Jodie McNurlen, III
Hallie McCollum, Jr.
Mrs. Wilma I. McCollum
Margaret C. McPeake
Mr. and Mrs. David A. McPeake
Sarah E. “Betty” Menichi
Erma Grego
Paula E. Merrill
Mr. Lane F. Merrill
Art and Sue Messenger
Dennis and Pat Seaman
Michael Midler
Mrs. Mary Midler
Paul Midler
Terri Karsten, Lori Rodgers and
Valarie Kepler
Opal L. Mikesell
Mr. and Mrs. James L. McCarren
Ralph L. Miklic, Sr.
Dorothy, Kathie, Rick, & David
Mrs. Helen M. Heitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Scott
Andrew and Georgia Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Shrader
Grandson of Carla Miller
6E Staff of e Washington Hospital
(Amy, Ken, Mary T., Donna Menkel,
Wanda Williams, Carrie McKinney,
Marge Grace, Cyndi Brant, and
Barb Anderson)
George C. Miller
Mrs. Gladys V. Miller
Gordon Edward Miller
6E Staff of e Washington Hospital
(Amy, Ken, Mary T., Donna Menkel,
Wanda Williams, Carrie McKinney,
Marge Grace, Cyndi Brant, and
Barb Anderson)
120744 Journey2_120744 LGT 2/7/12 12:01 PM Page 15
w w w. w a s h i n g t o n h o s p i t a l . o r g
Margaret V. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay S. Morris
Bernard M. Musial
J. C. and Lucille Hilty
Mary Ellen Jacobs Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Newton J. Coleman
Eugene G. Everly
Mrs. Gertrude Elsie Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Forney
Mr. and Mrs. omas E. Fowler, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Jacobs, Jr.
e Douglas McNeely Family
Ms. Sara E. Natali
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sebek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shuman
John R. “Jack” Myers
Mrs. Anna M. Myers
Sarah Ann Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris
Cyrus J. Narrigan
Ms. Mary C. Narrigan
Melvin (Earl) Miller
Mrs. Mary M. Miller
William Morris, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Justice, III
Mary Ann Natoli
Judith J. Puskarich
Ruth Marie Miller
West Greene Class of 1963
Wilmer R. Morris
Mrs. Wanda M. Morris
Edward Naylor
Virginia M. Naylor
Eleanor Mounts
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Donahoo
Millicent Skokut Nehrebecki
Mr. and Mrs. Myron P. Nehrebecki
M. Eleanor Mounts
Sherman Mounts
Irene Viola Donaldson Nelan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Jasinski
William S. Mounts, Jr.
Mrs. Daisy M. Mounts
William S. Mounts Family
John and Hazel Nemeth
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nemeth
Valia Panelli
A. A. Gostic
R. Panelli
Doris and Ruth Nevin
Ruth White
John Joseph Paraska
Barbara J. Paraska
Sarah T. Nevin
Willard and Rosemarie Boswell
Cecelia and Evano Lenzi
Mr. and Mrs. W. Nelson McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Phillips
In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
James C. Miller
Mrs. Donna J. Hradil
Magdalene “Meg” Miller
Edward L. Miller
Mary Louise Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Breese
Mike and Mark Miller and
Husband, Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Morrow
Dick and Margaret White
William C. Miller
Phyllis J. Miller
Shirlee Headlee Milliken
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl L. rockmorton
Suzanna Minda
Marge Marker
William P. Minteer
Mrs. Velma B. Minteer
Sharon Mondy
Bonnie and Ron Campbell
Anthony L. Montecalvo, Sr.
Jo Ann Weaver
Gladys Nairn
Jean McDonald Alsko
Carol Narigon
Mrs. Ila F. Narigon
M. Diane Narigon
Mrs. Ila F. Narigon
Peter Mowad
Lynn Hoover
Tony and Mary Mowad
Lynn Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Newell
Ms. Betty Mylan
Jeannine C. Montecalvo
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Johnston
Stanley F. Mozina, Sr.
Mr. Stanley R. Mozina, Jr.
Esther Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Bedillion
Arthur and Candy VanBriggle
Eleanor C. Muchow
Regina Corcoran
elma “Sissy” Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Mylan
Ms. Betty Mylan
David Lawrence Muhleman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Veres
Sandra E. Nice
Sally Shrader
Elizabeth Ann Mulkern
Nancy Fox
David Hart
Mrs. Elaine Puglia
Charles E. Nicholls
Mr. Allan R. Nicholls, Sr.
Catherine Dague Moore
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Postlethwait
Earl M. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Postlethwait
Elizabeth E. Moore
Louise Summersgill
Jennifer A. “Jen” Moore
Ms. Carolyn M. Hughes
John W. Norvell
Joe and Marlene Kencec
William Glenn Mumper
Mrs. Ruth I. Mumper
Nadine Schaffer O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Watson
David M. Olminsky
Jerry L. Dichak and Kelly Dichak
James F. O’Meara
Mr. and Mrs. William J. O’Meara
James and Eleanor O’Neill
Chuck and Claire Dillie
William Openbrier, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Lou Openbrier
Esther M. Brickner Opferman
Mrs. Carol J. Duckworth
Louis John (GiGi) Pacilla
Richard Pacilla
Shirley F. Painter
Eugene G. Painter
Zita Pakisz
Mr. Casimir Pakisz
Betty Jane Paletta
Ms. Pamela L. Paletta
Mrs. Kimberly Paletta-Sibert
Anthony M. Parry
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Parry, Jr.
Rhoda omas Parry
Bob and Eileen Jones
Joseph Edward Pastorok
Mrs. Joyce A. Rath
Lillian Pastovich
Don Verholtz
Robert H. Patmon
Eva M. Patmon
Evelyn Woodene “Deany” Patterson
Ms. Stacey L. Duris
Margarette P. Moore
Louise Summersgill
Harry Grayson Murdoch
Mrs. Eliza M. Ervin
Mrs. Karen K. Murdoch
Mildred O’Korn
Frank and Rose O’Korn
John Nelson McCurdy Patterson
Mrs. Margaret E. Patterson
Richard “Dick” Owen Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Murphy
Patti A. Murphy
Shirley Cavanaugh
Frank Ola
Ms. Sharon A. Ola
Mack and Clare Paul
Nancy Minor
120744 Journey2_120744 LGT 2/7/12 12:01 PM Page 16
In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Marvin M. Paul
Lois Ann Paul
Robert C. Paxton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Paxton, Sr.
Charles and Angeline Pellegrini
Mr. Richard Carl Pellegrini
Elvira Sargent Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Perry
Helen Marie Freeman Perry
Robert Perry
Mary Agnes and Charles Peterson
Ms. Miriam B. Caldwell
Ruth C. Petricca
Chuck and Claire Dillie
Betty Jane Phillips
Mr. Lawrence O. Phillips, Jr.
Ronald G. Phillis
Bob and Jana Grimm
Harry and Bernice Phillis
Roberta R. Phuntek
e Marthinsen Family
Arthur L. Randall, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Nastal
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Svitek
Carmen D. Porcaro
Sarah Porcaro
Gary Postrech
Mrs. Norma W. Hartman
Jane Rankin
Ms. Barbara M. Rankin
Ms. Jil Zynosky
Beverly Jo Powell
Mrs. Jo Ann Powell
omas H. (Tucker) Rankin
Mrs. Margaret Rankin
Elizabeth Powell
Mr. Charles K. Mellars
Warren D. Rankin
Ethel S. Rankin
John W. Powell
Mrs. Betty J. Powell
“Louie” Wilford Lee Rankin
Ms. Barbara M. Rankin
Ms. Jil Zynosky
Billy Prata
Mr. and Mrs. William Prata
Helena Pauline Rasel
Mr. and Mrs. Larry H. Simpson
Richard Morton Pratt
Mildred S. Pratt
William E. Price, Sr.
Esther M. Price
Chice and Jane Price
omas M. Proger
Kitty Sten
Alex and Mary Polasky
Frederick Polasky
John J. Raffaeli, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Cimino
Gina Raffaeli
Joseph Politan
Ms. Elizabeth Politan
Elizabeth A. (Betty) Raineri
Mrs. Eileen R. Costanzo
Kenneth Politan
Ms. Elizabeth Politan
Blanche Ruth Ramsey
Ms. Alyson E. Ramsey
Jeff Reed
Earl and Phyllis Doria
Edith M. Popinchalk
Ms. Donna A. Barkey
Larry E. Ramsey
Mrs. Linda R. Ramsey
Jim, Jeff and Cheryl Reed
Mrs. Louann Reed
Bonnie Lee Pilcsik
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon K. McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Ulrich, Jr.
Mary L. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Platt
Anthony and Katherine Plute
Alice M. Plute
Edwin Plute
Alice M. Plute
Estelle Pruss
Mr. Stanley W. Pruss and
Attorney Mary K. Pruss
Dorothy J. Pryor
Louise Summersgill
Raymond and Ruth Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Pryor
Natalie Puck
Mrs. Carolyn R. Rockwell
Edward James Puskarich
Judith J. Puskarich
John Reihner Family
Mr. and Mrs. James Gallo
Anna K. Renko
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. DeWitte
Ray Reynolds
Mrs. Sarah R. Burke
William A. Redlinger
Borough of East Washington
Ms. Mary Lou Cicolini
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Dague
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Fester
Skip, Joyce and Nicholas Hood
Fred Junko, Jr. and Family
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Koeppelle, III
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Perri
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Resek
e Residents of Woodlands at RedstoneBuilding #600 - Elizabeth Iafrato,
Jane Marshall, Dorrie Lang, Jim
McClelland and Marge Chancelor,
Ann Varnoski, Maxine Wilson, Helen
Johnson, Rita Hritz, Bill and
Margaret Shipe, Marlene Braden,
Ruth Sutherland, and Ruth Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Sweeney
Ms. Betty omas
Sandy, Nicole, and Lauren Todaro
e Honorable and Mrs. Jay Weller
Antoinette Kurpil Zebrasky
Stella Piatt
Mr. Harry Piatt
Merle E. Reihner
Mrs. Eveline G. Reihner
Agnes S. Recaldini
Chuck and Claire Dillie
James Emery Baker Redd
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Justice, III
Joseph and Anna Pruce
Ms. Carol A. Pruce
Samuel E. Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Withrow
Paul and Roma Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogers Kossler
Marietta Raub
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Toward
Charles C. Price
Mrs. Elizabeth Price
Raymond E. “Crash” Reese, Jr.
Mrs. Janet M. Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Withrow
Debora (Sue) Kennedy Renner
Christie Dorsey, Sherrie Hemelrick,
Joshua Renner and Erik Renner
Ms. Tammy Oliver and Mr. Pete
Mr. David E. Rosenberg
Mark C. Stopperich and Office Staff
Mr. David K. Warne
Connie Yankovitch
William and Genevieve Raspet
Mr. and Mrs. William McClelland
Joseph Presto
Shirley W. Presto
Roger Merle Reed
e Greer Family
Herbert J. Richards
Mrs. Gladys B. McIlvaine
Rebecca Jean (Becky) Richardson
Mrs. Tracy L. Hritz
Ross Elliott Richardson, M.D.
Madeline Corwin
Nancy F. McIlvaine and Family
Margaret Ann Richmond
Effie Jane Lusk
Stephen Ridosh
Mary Ann Reck
Bert Riggle
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Riggle
Jack Riley
Ms. Anna Mae Moore
Jessica Bird Ringer
Mike and Kathy Klick
Robert B. Roberts
Mrs. Jean H. Roberts
Mable and Paul Rock
Ms. Shirley M. Rock
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w w w. w a s h i n g t o n h o s p i t a l . o r g
Dolores Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Kopko
Tom and Pat Schmidt
Cathleen Schmidt
Joan C. Shook
Ms. Jo Ann Wetzel
Sally Ann Mihalovich Rutan
Mr. Felix J. Boake, III
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin P. Cokeley
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Craig
Four Seasons Financial Group Family
Mrs. Celia A. Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gima
Ms. Lisa S. Johns
Mrs. Kathleen A. Kaufman
Mr. Chris Kepler
Erwin and Paula Leppert
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Lowe
e Marjorie O’Leary Family
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Rubican
Mel Rutan and Family (Daughters,
Paula, Pam and Trinity)
Mr. James T. Strother, Jr.
Mrs. Betty V. Walters
Mary Schumaker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Federoff
Katherine R. Shrader
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Jones, III
Eva Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Rendziak
Lincoln and Katherine Shrader
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Shrader
Todd W. Schwab
Patty and Mike Kelley
Olive Mae Shrontz
Wilma and Bryan Cale
Jerome G. Schweickert
Mr. and Mrs. Pete D. Deeb
Mr. and Mrs. Jay G. Schweikert
omas and Olive Shrontz
Richard and Frances Shrontz
Catherine C. Scott
Mr. William V. Scott
John Paul Shuba
Shirley Anderson and Family
Terry and Charles Greer
Ms. Donna M. Haines
Mrs. Margaret J. Kingston
Mrs. Paula S. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Raimund L. Shuba
Villas on the Green Condo Association
Ms. Fern L. Wheeler
John Ryczek
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Angelini
James Regis Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Meister
Mr. and Mrs. Shumaker
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Shumaker
Angelo J. Sacco
David and Darcey Bone
Mary Ellen “Aunt Bums” Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Feathers
Helen Sickles
Patty and Pete Brooks
Sacco and Cadez Family
Ms. Rose M. Cadez
Vesta Grace Scott
Ms. Tammy Bock
Kenneth H. Sickles
Patty and Pete Brooks
Eleanor Salaska
Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Reis
George and Vera Scruppi
Dom and Judy Bovalina
Elizabeth F. Simmons
Mrs. Cynthia A. Adams
Vallie Frank Rozanc
Ms. Patricia K. Barnes
Andrew and Anna Salat
Richard and Frances Shrontz
Dorothy M. Seik
Mrs. Helen I. Ruhl
W. W. Ruehl, M.D.
“Red” Martin, R.N.
Tim E. Salsberry
Mrs. Lisa S. Salsberry
George and Mary Semosky
Margaret Sawicky
Aaron L. Rugg
Mrs. Frances T. Rugg
Constance Angotti Salvitti
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Brown
Dr. G. F. Tibbens
Annabelle Severine
Peggy Severine
Lynne George Simms
Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory Personnel
Janet Prandini Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Conlon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. DeSimone
Mrs. Mary Alice Dykstra
Mr. Joseph Daniel Gorman
e Rungo’s - Jim, Sue, Casey and
Ms. Candance M. Sarris
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Sarris
Dr. and Mrs. George C. Schmieler
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schorr
Mr. Jerome P. Skowvron
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Skwarlo
In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Paul Rock
Mrs. Mary Ann Datema
Mrs. Dorothy Jean Stanko
Helen Strnisha
Helen G. Rockwell
Mrs. Rebecca L. Johnston
Donald W. Rogers
Mrs. Ferne W. Rogers
Amy L. Rohrer
Mr. Duane Rohrer
Roberta Houston Rohrer
Mr. John A. Rohrer
Anthony Romano
Mrs. JoAnn Kolycheck
Felix and Grace Romano
Mrs. JoAnn Kolycheck
Melvin A. Romestan
Dr. George and Mary Alice Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. McClain
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Rankin
Elizabeth Ross
Steve Staso
Ross C. Roupe
Peggy Johnston
Robert G. Ruschel
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Ruschel
Jane D. Rush
Mr. Albert Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Rush
Sara F. Schweickert
Mr. and Mrs. Jay G. Schweikert
Margaret Scola
Mrs. Pauline B. Orell
Kelly (Kel) Severine
Peggy Severine
John Joseph Sands
Mrs. Manus Sands
William Sewock
Mrs. Patricia C. Sewock
Elsbeth E. Santee
Robert E. Santee
Leo F. Rush, Sr.
Mrs. Virginia L. Rush
Viola Santella
Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Jacobs, Jr.
David L. Shamitko
Mrs. Phyllis J. Dutton
Mrs. Joyce L. Paletta
Lucille D. Rush
Alice D. Williams
Mary Hawkins Santelle
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Hawkins
Francis X. Shannon
Betty Shannon
William G. Sinclair
Mrs. Nancy R. LaBella
Marvin L. Rush
Martha Rush
Gail Sauer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy R. Cesares
Mabel Shape
Mr. and Mrs. omas S. Nagy
Frank and Eva Sitka
Mary Alice Yeager
Dorothy J. Ihnat Russell
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bernard
Anthony Scariot
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Scariot
Barbara Ann Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Andy
Opal D. Six
Bob and Lois Janovich
Reva Darlene Simpson
Robert R. Simpson
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In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Joseph S. Skariot
Mrs. Rose Skariot
omas “Bay” Skariot
Ms. Janine Skariot Ware
e Skariot Family
Mrs. Rose Skariot
Joseph Skarupa
Matilda M. Skarupa
Betty Jane Ruffalo Skiviat
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bernard
Josephine Slaska
Charles W. and Margaret L. Elliott
Carolyn Fullerton Smith
Mrs. Ruth L. Fullerton
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Osborn
Richard Tarr
Catherine M. Scarpaci Smith
Daryl and Robin rockmorton, and
Shane and Amy Ayers
Elenor Marie “Ellie” Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Justice, III
Elwood E. Smith
Mrs. Barbara A. Smith
G. Wayne Smith
Mrs. G. Wayne Smith
Gecoulia Smith
Mrs. Betty D. Allison
Mr. Jay D. Carter
Mrs. Olive S. Ferrell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Geisler
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Leber
E. Lucille Miller
Lizzie and Drew Smith
Family of Coulia Smith
Mr. Richard L. Smith
Mrs. Forda R. White
Russell C. Snyder, Sr.
Mrs. Kathryn Snyder
David Allen Stanley
Mrs. Patricia A. Mercer
Steve and Lillian Sohyda
Ms. Mary Jane DeGennaro
Mrs. Sally Jo Hanson
Margaret “Gerry” Starkey
Mrs. Edith W. Cassidy
Rose Ann Staso
Steve Staso
Lucian J. Spalla, Sr.
Charles and Luann Carnahan
John and Gertrude Stavovy
Mrs. Rosemary S. Cole
Michael omas Sparks
Joseph Dudas
Geraldine (Gerry) Stawiarski
Mr. Leon S. Stawiarski
Mary F. Lazzaro Spataro
Mr. and Mrs. omas A. Spataro
Danny Paul Stephenson
Eva L. Stephenson
William and Evelyn Speelman
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Shumaker
Ray Eugene Spence
Mr. Dale Calvert
Stush and Maddy Horency and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Roenitz
Ms. Deborah Rumburd
Julianna H. Schaum
Debra A. Smith
Mrs. Lola Sage Spence
Joseph C. Spence Family
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Triay
Harry and Jean Stepp
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Pryor
Edwin B. Stewart
Mrs. Virginia Stewart
Elsie Ann Toth Stewart
Margaret Hartlep
Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Stewart
Robert E. Stewart
Mrs. Lisa M. Preisendorfer
Sarah (Maw) Dunn Spiker
e Browell Family
Wayne A. Stewart
Mrs. Alleen M. Stewart
Anthony Spin
Mrs. Donna M. Fazzolari
James R. Stiltenpole
Ms. Patricia L. Tarr
Frank Spino
Anna Patterson and Matilda Spino
William H. Stimmel
Ms. Janet E. Martin
Carolyn S. Spossey
John and Romaine Duskey
Mr. and Mrs. John R. McDonald
Ms. Nancy A. Ferrant
Ms. T. Jean U. Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Grego, Sr.
Mary Connie Hornickel
Mrs. Joseph Hulpa
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Kanotz
Miss Eleanor J. Kuntz
Mrs. Dorothy H. Marshall
Jim and Laurie Marshall and Family
Ms. Joann L. Mikus
Mrs. Louise H. Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Reyes
Mrs. Sandra L. Richards
Ms. Bettie Roncovitz
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rosile
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Suleski
Mr. and Mrs. G. Dennis Svitek
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Valencic, Sr.
Mr. George Villani
Ann Summons
Frank and Rose O’Korn
Pearl E. Supinsky
Mr. Joseph Supinsky
Brian K. Supler
Mrs. Patricia A. Mercer
John A. Suranofsky
Dolores J. Suranofsky
George Svitek
Ms. Beth Howarth and
Mr. Chuck Moyar
Mr. and Mrs. eodore omas
Marilyn Cathleen Swantek
Ms. Betty L. Turcaso
Gladys Swart
Jim and Susan Gregg
omas Philip Barnhart Stout
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steiner
Mrs. Diann R. Stout
Edward Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Keen
Rose Presto Strawn
Lyle B. Strawn
Mary Rose Szopo
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gerolium
Wilbert Madison Strawn
Kay Barni
Harlin Tackett
Ms. Sarah G. Keller
Weir Standiford
Ms. Rolinda S. Sprowls
Sandy and Jim Strope
Evelyn R. Main
Joseph E. Stanek, Sr.
Herb and Carol Snyder
John and Sophia Sturm
Gloria and Paul Morgan
Nancy L. Smoggie
Mrs. Sarah R. Burke
Steve Stanish
Mrs. Mary Stanish
Lula Ann Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ross
John (Jack) Stanko, Jr.
Mrs. Julia P. Rock
Mary E. Progar Suleski
Mary Bier
Chartiers-Houston Senior Citizens
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curnarski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Dammann
Halden eodore “Bud” Taggart
Dolores Bednarski
Mr. Jay D. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. August W. Leipold
Ms. Regina K. Miller
Mrs. Vera M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Narigon
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer T. Sobansky
James H. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Geraldine M. Smith
Norma Rosalie Smith
Mrs. Pamela A. Wagner
Rev. Louis A. Sprowls
Ms. Sara M. Sprowls
Ruth Virginia Sprowls Stagg
Carl and Vicki Tustin and
William and Wendy Tustin
Ms. Vivian L. Tustin
Jeanne Darlene Tarr
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. White, Sr.
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w w w. w a s h i n g t o n h o s p i t a l . o r g
In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Norma Jean Ruetschi Tarr
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kimberland
Joseph Tasz
Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert
Angelo Tatano
Mrs. Irma Tatano
John Robert (Jack) Taylor
William Apel Family
Walter and Lorraine Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Leach, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Taylor
Ms. Susan M. Zasadny
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. LeCorchick
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Pearson
Pat and Frank Regan Family
Mr. Paul G. Regan
Angie and Charlie Robertson
Barbara and Marty Rolleg
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas J. Slagle
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Smith
Ms. Irene C. Spurlock
Mrs. Helen M. Tworzydlo
James and Betty Tidball
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Tidball
Helen S. Titus
Mrs. Jean M. Hockenberry
Lillian (Lil) K. Tokar
Ms. Doris S. Bigante
Mrs. Tina L. Ezersky
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Kusman
Ms. Patricia A. McKean
Jerry Peters and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Stoner
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Tokar
Mr. Ronald R. Tokar
June and Jack Ullom
Irene L. Knodle
L. Irene McDonald Umbel
Wayne E. and Mary Kay McDonald
Anthony Tomazin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollick
Jack G. Underwood
Mrs. Mary Lou Burger
Laura Jean and Ron Crook
Ms. Cathleen M. Dooley
Mr. Robert M. Umstead
Albert L. Tomsic
Mrs. Elizabeth I. Tomsic
omas and Patty Teagarden
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Clutter
John E. Tomsic
Mrs. Lucille E. Tomsic
Alex R. Temar
Ms. Roberta S. Hixon
Arthur T. Torboli, Sr.
Mrs. Betty J. Torboli
Margaret Skip Tencer
Ms. Charlene T. Adams
John George “Greenie” Toth, Sr.
Dan and Terri Michael
Ralph Blaine Tennant
Carol Tennant
Teresa M. Toth
Dan and Terri Michael
Awalt Terle
Mrs. eresa A. Roberts
John Alden Verderber
Irene L. Knodle
Celie Verholtz
Don Verholtz
Warren D. Vernon
Dolores E. Vernon
Marie Vetell
Antoinette Sacco
Martha June Viano
Mrs. Sarah R. Burke
Ernest Virgili, Sr.
Mrs. Velma Carolyn Virgili
Mary Volovich
Agnes Belfiore
Joseph Frank Vucic, Sr.
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Vucic
Czeslaw Urbaniak
Diana and Roger Froats and Family
John Vukmanic
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Vukmanic
William F. Urbanik
Mrs. Anne C. Delval
Mr. and Mrs. Denis D. Keeling
Mrs. Shirley C. Phillips
Mrs. Janice T. Urbanik
Kay Vukmanic
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Vukmanic
Fred J. Trasoline
Mrs. Pauline Trasoline
Urbanik Family
Mr. Daniel C. Urbanik
George J. Wagner, Sr.
Mrs. Catherine M. Wagner
Emma Terle
Mrs. eresa A. Roberts
Robert Trent
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Lelich
William B. Ursic, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Earl Buckingham
Jennie A. Tershel
Mary Lou Briggs
Michael Trimarki
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Pliska, Jr.
Anthony Urso
Mrs. Frances Zacour
Joann Beverly omas
Mr. and Mrs. John W. omas
R. Bruce Trimble
Bob and Lori Carter
Louis Urso
Mrs. Josephine Urso
Robert W. omas
Ms. Jacquelyn B. Hebrank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kelemen
Miriam M. omas
Reuben Carl Tustin
Ruth C. Tustin
Mr. William Charles Tustin
Robert and Louise Urso
Robert A. Urso
John Wilbur and Dorothy M.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Worstell
Mary Jane ompson
Mrs. Sally L. Pallesco
Nancy ompson
Clara Louise Pitcock
James L. ornburg
Sandra ornburg
James and Garnet rockmorton
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl L. rockmorton
Teresa Urso
Mrs. Frances Zacour
Joseph J. Tworzydlo, Sr.
Mrs. Helen M. Tworzydlo
Mildred Inez LeCorchick
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Augustine
Mrs. Becky Benedetti
Centerville United Methodist Saint
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Copelin, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth R. Covington
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Dickson
Ms. Kathleen A. Golembiewski
Mrs. Frances Hamercheck
Bernie, Adriana, Bea, and Bruce
Dorothy E. Valovich
Golden Agers of Finleyville
Mr. and Mrs. Horner
Mrs. Zedar
Patty L. Vanatta
Mr. John T. Vanatta
Holly S. VanCuren
David W. Moore
Andrew “Butch” Vargo
Mrs. Lois J. Bercosky
Mrs. Frances Kennedy
Gail C. Wadzita
Robin R. Smith
Dean L. Wahl
Mrs. Lynda L. Wahl
Robert W. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Willey, Jr.
Dale Walls
Mrs. Majorie Walls
Frances Walters
Joseph V. and Barbara Giecek
Frank J. Waltl
Famcare Prescription & Health Center
Friends: Jean Campa, Alice Campbell,
and Bob & Sera Truax
Friends in Pediatrics, Weirton Medical
Ms. Monica M. Grossi
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hertneky
Ms. Judith S. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Lapic
Mr. Richard J. Mahoney
Mr. Casimir Pakisz
e Staff of e Washington Hospital
Emergency Department 7-11 Crew
Mrs. Dorothy Vukotich
Mr. David F. Waltl
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Zick
120744 Journey2_120744 LGT 2/7/12 12:01 PM Page 20
Eleanor C. Ealy Wilson
Mrs. Daisy M. Mounts
Lois Jean Yenko
Mr. Frank Barbish, Jr
Jean D. Gregor Dziak Wilson
Mr. James G. Wilson
Michael Yurkovich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Black
Paul and Robert Wilson
Mrs. Elva Dee Wilson
Pauline E. Yurkovich
Rudy and Jackie Marisa
Samuel Robert Wilson
Mr. Owen W. Wilson
Anne Zakas
Mrs. Denise L. Smith
Deborah Wannamaker
Barbara Harmon
Rob and Marty Winchester
Mrs. Pamela A. Wagner
Lawrence J. (Larry) Zanolli
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cline
Ann Zanolli
Gary P. Ward
Nadine and Rich Mahoney
William A. Withrow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Withrow
Martin (Marty) Lloyd Ware
Ms. Janine Skariot Ware
Ellen (Nellie) L. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. DeWitte
James L. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Watson
Edmund Paul Wolny
Mrs. Maryann G. Wolny
Alice Weaver
Martha W. Domske
Frances C. Wood
Jessie M. Wood
Elwood R. Weaver
Jean Weaver
Sylvia Bardon Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Justice, III
Richard M. Weaver
Diane S. Palfreyman
William J. and Everett J. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Svitek
Mary Alice Bartnick Wehlage
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Altieri
Mr. and Mrs. omas S. Bartnick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Feathers
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jeffries
Don and Rosemary Keefer
Marian A. Kruczek
Donald and Marie Kunselman
Ross J. Worstell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Worstell
S. A. Weirich Family
Mr. Robert H. Weirick
Frank F. Yakopin
Jeanne Yakopin
Frank M. Westcott
Ed and Susan Westcott
James A. Yanosik
Mrs. Donna J. Yanosik
James A. White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Azman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mals
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Snyder
Chris Yardis
Mrs. Sally L. Yardis
In Memory Of
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Louise Kosovec Waltl
Famcare Prescription & Health Center
Friends: Jean Campa, Alice Campbell,
and Bob & Sera Truax
Ms. Judith S. Hood
Mr. David F. Waltl
Donna Williams
Mrs. Evelyn Plants
John A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hinerman
Roston Alfred Williams
Peg Burnfield
Pete Zappi
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Justice, III
Antoinette Kurpil Zebrasky
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Andy
Frank August Zebrasky
Antoinette Kurpil Zebrasky
Syl Wrubleski
Rose Wrubleski
June 1, 2011 –
December 31, 2011
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
e Staff of TWH Hospice
and Pallative Medicine
Jeff Minteer
Mr. Jeffrey Bawell
Emily T. Narsavage
Barbara Ferguson
Mr. Kenneth G. Wulfkuhle
Pastor Gary A. Gibson
North Buffalo United Presbyterian
Mrs. Caryl L. Hansen
Bob Johnston
Mary P. Zeman
Ms. Iris J. Castagna
Ms. Dawn Marrow
Richard and Barbara Ginther
Raymond Zgorliski
Mrs. Raymond (Helen) Zgorliski
Robert and Betty McCabe
Shana Donnell
omas M. Zubritsky
Mr. and Mrs. omas M. Biksey
Mr. F. Grant Minor
Mary Ann Johnson
Helen G. Zulick
Barbara Georgeff
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Pisarcik
Dick and Margaret White
Mary Aldine Zullo
James and Blanche Camps
Linda I. Wulfkuhle
Mr. Kenneth G. Wulfkuhle
In Honor Of
Dr. and Mrs. William Prideaux
Liz Prideaux-Collins
e Drakeley’s
James R. and Katherine M. Drakeley
Ms. Betty J. Whitman
M. L. Urbany
Mrs. Erma Yurkovich
Mr. Steve F. Yurkovich
Yarkosky and Bazzoli Families
Mrs. Bruna B. Yarkosky
Van Dale Yasek
Mrs. Gallie Yasek
Joseph Yatchum
Mr. and Mrs. Vito Virgili, Sr.
Todd M. Yeager
Mary Alice Yeager
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w w w. w a s h i n g t o n h o s p i t a l . o r g
e Washington Hospital Ball
Proceeds from e Washington Hospital’s 2012 Ball will be
given to Hospice Care of e Washington Hospital. e ball,
themed “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” will be held on Saturday,
March 31 at Southpointe Golf Club beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Fall Hospice Care Phonathon
We called, and you answered!
Generous partners like you pledged $43,365 to Hospice
Care of The Washington Hospital as part of our annual Fall
Hospice Phonathon. 33 volunteer callers raised $16,720 alone
over four evenings in October, and most of them helped with
the phonathon for the very first time!
Spring Hospice Care Phonathon
is spring we’ll be calling partners we missed, and we need
your help to encourage them to continue their support of
Hospice Care. Share your story with them, and put down the
Spring Phonathon dates on your calendar:
• Wednesday, March 7
• ursday, March 8
• Tuesday, March 13
• Wednesday, March 14
Early registration tickets are $99 per person/$198 per couple
through February 17. Tickets will be $125 per person/$225
per couple afterward.
We hope you can attend. You’ll have a great time and help
support this worthy cause.
Please contact The Washington Hospital Foundation at
(724) 223-3875 or [email protected]
with questions or to purchase tickets.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
6:00 - 9:00
6:00 - 9:00
6:00 - 9:00
3:00 - 5:30 & 6:00 - 9:00
You will enjoy a buffet dinner followed by a thorough orientation so you will have the tools you need to make effective
phone calls. e Foundation staff will explain everything you
need to know.
For further information or to sign up to volunteer at this
year’s Spring Phonathon, please contact the Foundation office
at (724) 223-3875.
Volunteer Callers (left to right): Sally Stitt, Brian McDowell,
Janine Zito, Brenna Zito
e Washington Hospital Employee
Terminally ill patients, faced with the challenge of their life
coming to an end, need physical, emotional, and spiritual
support. Your community hospice, Hospice Care of The
Washington Hospital, walks with those patients on their
The Washington Hospital employees understand the
importance of Hospice Care of e Washington Hospital and
support the program. Many of their loved ones have received
personal care from our staff and volunteers. Ten years ago, they
gave over $40,500 for the construction of Donnell House. As
part of the 2012 Employee Campaign, employees have pledged
$14,500 to Hospice Care’s greatest need.
Volunteers are an important part of our team. ey provide
compassionate support for patients and families at home and
at Donnell House and assist the office staff.
We always need and welcome volunteers.
Training sessions are held in the Spring and Fall. Our next
training is scheduled for Saturday, May 5. For a volunteer
application and more information, please contact Sherry Franks
at (724) 250-4500. Applications should be completed and
returned before training.
Volunteer Caller: Gina Davin
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Donnell House
Commemorative Gifts
Recognition level
Minimum gift level
Plaque size
Circle of Peace
4” x 8”
Circle of Unity
3-1/2” x 8”
Circle of Empathy
3” x 7”
Circle of Mercy
2” x 7”
Circle of Comfort
1-1/2” x 7”
Circle of Compassion
1-1/2” x 6”
Legacy Library
Circle of Dignity
1” x 6”
Shortly after Donnell House opened, the Legacy Library
was created to recognize the lives of patients, donors, friends,
and families of Hospice Care. The Library is a beautiful,
realistically-painted faux bookcase on Donnell House’s first
floor. Brass plaques with the names of those honored are placed
on the spines of the books.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
One of the best ways to honor the memory of a friend or
loved one and assist Hospice Care of e Washington Hospital
in fulfilling its mission is through commemorative giving.
Making a commemorative gift allows you to honor someone
who has touched your life while helping to support the programs
and services Hospice Care provides to the terminally ill in our
Loved ones with at least $1,000 contributed in their memory
are eligible for a plaque on the Legacy Library. Families often
request donations to hospice in lieu of flowers when a loved
one passes away. is is a common way to reach the minimum
level quickly.
Once the $1,000 level is reached, e Washington Hospital
Foundation staff works with the family to determine the wording
on the plaque. After the plaque is finished, the family can be
present when it is placed on the Library. Often, family members
request a short memorial service with family and friends. is
can also be scheduled around the anniversary of their loved one’s
passing, his or her birthday, or another special occasion.
Commemorative Garden
In 2010, a Commemorative
Garden was created in front of
Donnell House to give family
and friends another way to
recognize their loved ones for
years to come. e garden is now
paved with nearly 400 bricks
inscribed with the names of
donors and loved ones who have
Commemorative Garden
received Hospice Care services.
New bricks will be laid in late summer 2012. With your gift
of $100 or $250, you may honor a loved one with a brick.
Please feel free to visit both the Legacy Library and
Commemorative Garden.
For additional information, please call (724) 223-3875 or
visit us on the web at Gift
brochures can be found on the Foundation’s page under
“Make a Donation.”
Family members are kept informed as gifts are made in their
loved one’s memory. Regardless of when gifts are made or
when a loved one passes away, there’s no time limit on when
a plaque can be ordered.
In ten years, so many
families have chosen to
remember loved ones in
the Legacy Library, that
it will be expanded in
2012 to accommodate
additional plaques.
For more information about Hospice Care
of e Washington Hospital, please visit
our website:
Legacy Library
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w w w. w a s h i n g t o n h o s p i t a l . o r g
A Look Inside Donnell House
continued from page 2
Patient Bedroom
Great Room
Garden and patient patios,
Nurses’ Station
Great Room. In addition to the
dining area in the background, the
room has a children’s play area.
Sun Room
Hospice Care celebrates 10th Anniversary of Donnell House
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Calendar of Upcoming Events
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Hospice Support Group, Coping with Loss and Grief
5 weeks beginning Monday, April 23
Hospice Care Volunteer Training
Saturday, May 5
Contact Hospice Care staff at (724)250-4500 or (724) 627-8118 for information about
our support group and volunteering.
Spring Hospice Care Phonathon
Wednesday, March 7
ursday, March 8
Tuesday, March 13
Wednesday, March 14
e Washington Hospital Ball
Saturday, March 31, Southpointe Golf Club
Contact the Foundation office at (724) 223-3875 for more information about our
Spring Phonathon and Hospital Ball.
The Journey Staff
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Gary B. Weinstein
President & CEO
e Washington Hospital
Sally Stitt
Executive Director
Hospice Care of e Washington Hospital
Richard J. Mahoney
Executive Director
e Washington Hospital Foundation
Ken Elliott
Development Coordinator
e Washington Hospital Foundation
Special thanks to Marion Andresky,
e Washington Hospital Instructional Media
Coordinator, for supplying Donnell House photos.