May 10, 2015 - Saint Andrew the Apostle
May 10, 2015 - Saint Andrew the Apostle
St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Community Sixth Sunday of Easter - May 10, 2015 Aidan Lopez Daniela Martinez Amie Miechowicki Logan Anderson Gabriel Lopez-Duarte Megan Mazur Jacob Miloch Sofia Araneta Luciana Nelson Yamilette Arias Alexis Noyola Victoria Baker Jaquelin Orizaba Christine Bello Luis Orizaba Emily Bello Abigail Price Nadine Bernaldes Jaylen Reyes Alexis Brito Jessica Reyes Stephanie Carranza Yandel Reyes Brandon Cerritos Paulina Rojas Jason Cerritos Citlali Rojo Andrew Cervantes Jazmin Rojo Adeline Chmieleski Nico Romita Obiamaka Chukwurah Ryan Riley Maria De La Torre Cristian Sandoval Daniel Duenas Adrian Sarte Diego Fallad Gabriel Stomski Karime Fallad Rylee Teel Abigail Garcia Mitchell Thulin Adrian Garcia Daniella Torres Natalie Goc Emilio Vasquez Vanessa Goc Daniela Venegas Manuel Granados Jovanny Villalobos Leilani Harting Brianna Woltz Ava Olivia Henson Andrew Woltz Jake Hernandez German Zamora Daysi Jamaica Giovanni Zamora Alexander Jarszak Lizbeth Zamora James Jasinski Please WELCOME Marvin Zamora Adonis Justalero these First Communicants Ulises Zamora Nicole Kendrick who now share in and Christopher Zawadka Gavin Lanting receive the Eucharist Thomas Zawadka Genesis LiBrizzi May 2, 2015 Isaac Zurita Merideth Ligeski `tÜç? `Éà{xÜ Éy à{x Xâv{tÜ|áà? cÜtç yÉÜ há4 May 10, 2015 Page Two Mass Intentions SATURDAY, May 9 8:00 AM—Tina McGarry by Rita & Jim Hauwiller 4:00 PM—All Mothers 5:30 PM—All Mothers SUNDAY, May 10 Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; 1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15: 9-17 7:30 AM—All Mothers 8:45 AM—Para todo las Madres Presentes Y Ausentes. 9:00 AM—All Mothers 10:30 AM—(E-Ch) All Mothers 10:30 AM—(P-Hall) All Mothers 12:00 PM—(P-Ch) All Mothers 12:00 PM—(E-Hall) All Mothers MONDAY, May 11 7:30 AM—Frances Rinella by Spalla Family TUESDAY, May 12 7:30 AM—Bernie Surinak by Bill & Betty Carl WEDNESDAY, May 13 7:00 AM—Thomas Giganti by Jan Cabrera 8:00 AM—Mary Ann Manago by Kolasnsba Family THURSDAY, May 14 7:30 AM—Intention of Kavcar Family by Barbara Sanders FRIDAY, May 15 7:30AM—William Socha by Robert Socha SATURDAY, May 16 8:00 AM—Anthony Perto by Mom 4:00 PM—Stanley & Bernice Wodarczyk by Joan Kowalski 5:30 PM—Lou Wagner by Jenny (Jadwrga) Wright SUNDAY, May 17 Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19 7:30 AM—George & Rosemary Hawks by Considine Family 8:45 AM—For: Johnny Ochoa Jr. by Ramona Tagle For: Sra. Eugenia Silva Escuen by Sra. Evangelina Liborio Silva. For: Evelyn Perez by Parents 9:00 AM—Joseph Borek by Diana Borek 10:30 AM—(E-Ch) Marianne Catania by Joe Catania 10:30 AM—(P-Hall) Intentions of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(P-Ch) Intentions of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(E-Hall) Marie Peterek by Delores & Jim Peraud Did You Know The Society of Christ ministers in particular those of the faithful who, being products of Polish religious culture, have decided to build their lives overseas. THIS WEEK Monday, May 11 Prayer Vigil Charismatic Group - 6:30pm - St. Mary Cntr. (B) Tuesday, May 12 St. Vincent de Paul - 7:00pm - Parish Office Hispanic Prayer Group Choir - 7:00pm - St. Mary Center (F) Rosary - 7:00pm - Francis Room Wednesday, May 13 Food Pantry - 10:00am to 12:30pm Faculty Meeting - 2:45pm - Room 105 Senior Outing: Patty Waszak Show -3:00pm-White Fence Farm Adoration - 5:30pm to 7:00pm - Church School Advisory Council - 6:30pm - St. Mary Center (B) Knight of Columbus Meeting - 7:00pm - Parish Hall Amigos de Jesus Coro - 6:30pm - Room 110 Charismatic Group (Jesus es la Roca) - 7:00pm - Church Voces para Dios - 7:00pm - Room 110 Charismatic Group DOJ Meeting - 7:00pm - Room 111 AA Meeting - 7:30pm - St. Mary Center (B) Thursday, May 14 Senior Planning Group Meeting - 9:00am - Parish Office Children’s Choir Practice - 4:30pm - Church Adult Choir - 7:00pm - Church Friday, May 15 Bingo - 6:00pm - Parish Hall Saturday, May 16 PTO Meeting - 10:30am - St. Mary Center (B) SVDP Donation Truck - West Parking Lot - 3:30pm to 6:00pm All Night Adoration - 8:00pm - Church Sunday, May 17 SVDP Donation Truck - West Parking Lot - 7:00am to 1:00pm Blood Drive - 8:00am - St. Mary Center Small Ultreya - 10:00am - Room 104 RCIA - 10:30am - Conference Room A Baptisms - 1:30pm - Church READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk 16:15-20 (for Ascension); otherwise Acts 1:15-27, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17 Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19 May 10, 2015 Page Three Rev.Gorsic, GregorPastor Gorsic, Pastor Rev. Gregor (815) 886-4165 (815) 886-4165 ext. 317 ext. 317 My dear family of St. Andrew the Apostle! A mother is intimately connected to the life of her child or children. Mary, of course, is no exception, and she is the Mother of Jesus, the true Son of God, fully God and fully man. So how better to see their intimate bond and connection than through the name of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. In the Eucharist, together with the Divinity, are the entire Body and Blood of Jesus taken from the body and blood of the Blessed Virgin. Therefore, at every Holy Communion we receive, it would be quite correct, and a very beautiful thing, to take notice of our holy Mother's sweet and mysterious presence, inseparably and totally united with Jesus in the Host. Mary with her body and soul is the heavenly "tabernacle of God" (Rev. 21:3). Many saints and theologians (St. Peter Damian, St. Bernard, St. Bonaventure, St. Bernardine) say that Jesus instituted the Eucharist first for Mary and then through Mary, the universal Mediatrix of all graces, for all of us. With the Host which is Jesus, Mary, too, enters in us and becomes entirely one with each of us, her children, pouring out her motherly love upon our souls and bodies. The great St. Hilary, Father and Doctor of the Church, wrote beautifully: "The greatest joy that we can give Mary is that of bearing Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament within our breast." One of the old monstrances designed to figure Mary carrying the Holy Eucharist in her breast has these words inscribed on its base: "O Christian, who come full of faith to receive the Bread of life, eat It worthily, and remember that It was fashioned out of Mary's pure blood." When we receive Holy Communion, the first time or the thousandth time, we realize more fully that we are brothers and sisters with one another as we all partake of this delicious and fragrant Bread of our Mother. Over 18 years ago, inspired by John Paul II’s words on the call to consecrated life, four Sisters set off to "undertake a new initiative." On February 9, 1997, they were canonically established in the Archdiocese of New York, and soon after were invited to teach in the Diocese of Lansing in Plymouth, Michigan, and in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where their Motherhouse is also located. They are the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. They are a young order that has seen explosive growth in the past few years. Today the Order counts over 85 Sisters with an average age of 26. The average entering age has been around 21. Their primary apostolate (work focus) is Catholic education. They run and teach schools in the Dioceses of Lansing, Charleston, Sacramento, Austin and Phoenix at both the elementary and secondary levels. They also offer spiritual retreats, and spreading the faith by giving talks at colleges, Catholic groups, vocation fairs and other places. These sisters, "daughters of St. Dominic," have a devotion to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, and a "total filial entrustment to Mary, the Mother of All are invited to the Ordination of God." Although we may not make the same Michal Twaruzek lifelong vows that the Dominican Sisters of to the Priesthood Mary, Mother of the Eucharist make, we are still called to entrust our lives into the Hearts Cathedral of and Hands of both Jesus and His Mother St. Raymond Nonnatus Mary. And in this Year of Consecrated Life, 604 N. Raynor Avenue let us appreciate more deeply this amazing call to consecrated life! How beautiful is the Joliet, IL gift of Jesus in the Eucharist! How greatly Saturday, May 16, 2015 loved and adored He is in the joyful, loving Heart of Mary! May He be so adored and 11am loved in the little, growing hearts of our First Communicants, and in all our hearts of every Soon-to-be Father Michal will be coming age! to our parish family of St. Andrew In Jesus, our Loving Lord, and in His Mother Mary, Mother of the Eucharist -Fr. Gregor at the end of June. Please come and join in the festive celebration of new life for our Parish family and Diocesan Family! May 10, 2015 Page Four The St. Vincent de Paul Pick-up Truck is coming! May 16th & 17th Clear out your clutter and help the needy! Are your closets, basement or garage packed with items you no longer want? Has your family outgrown their clothing? The Society is in need of clean clothing in good condition for persons of all sizes and all ages. NO HANGERS PLEASE. Have you small working appliances and gently used household items you no longer want? Others can use all these articles. Our thrift stores accept dishes, glassware, cookware, lamps, linens, towels, toys, books, and more. Bring your filled bags and boxes with when you come to Mass on Saturday, May 16th or Sunday, May 17th. Drop your items at the truck. Our St. Vincent de Paul volunteers will be there to help. Receipts are always gladly given. No furniture or large items accepted at this time. Please call 630-231-4658 to donate these large items. A truck will come to your home to pick them up. BRING YOUR DONATIONS DIRECTLY TO THE TRUCK. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE BOXES OR BAGS AT OTHER PARISH LOCATIONS OR AT ANY OTHER TIME. Our conference appreciates your support. IOR SEN E N SCE Senior Planning Group Meeting The Senior Planning Group will be meeting on May 14, 2015 at 9:00am in the Parish Office to plan the upcoming year. If you are interested in being part of the planning or have ideas for this coming year, please come and join us at the Parish Office. WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm (English) Sunday 7:30 am (English) 8:45 am En Español - Iglesia 9:00 am (English) - Hall 10:30 am (English) - Church 10:30 am (po Polsku) - Hall 12:00 noon (po Polsku) - Church 12:00 noon (English) - Hall Weekdays 7:30 am (M, T, Th, F) 7:00am & 8:00am (Wed.) 8:00 am (Sat.) Reconciliation Saturdays 3:00 — 3:50 pm Wednesdays 5:45 — 6:45 pm with Adoration Seasonal Services and by appointment. SUNDAY COLLECTION May 2 & 3 $19,023.03 Website: PARISH OFFICES 530 Glen, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-4165, Fax (815) 886-6119 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am—4:30pm St. Andrew School 505 Kingston, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-5953, Fax (815) 293-2016 St. Andrew Faith Formation 505 Kingston, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-5962, Fax (815) 886-6624 May 10, 2015 Page Five School News Market Day May will be the last month to order from Market Day before the summer. There will be no June or July ordering. You can order Market Day by filling out the order form that you can pick up at the school or online at (our school code is 1997). We are the only school in the area that still accepts cash or checks. You can turn in your paper order to the school by Wednesday, May 13, or Saturday, May 16, before 11am, if you order online at You can pick up your orders on Thursday, May 21, between 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm, in the St. Andrew Hall. Please contact Deb McGladdery at 815-372-2688 with any questions. Sponsored by - St. Andrew School Friday, May 15, 2015 In St. Andrew’s Hall 505 Kingston Drive, Doors open at 5:30pm All proceeds go to St. Andrew School 50/50 RAFFLE WINNERS-MAY $400 #01645 George Nigro $200 #07189 Donota Ryndak $100 #03103 John Cimachowicz $75 #03596 Casey Foran $75 #05672 Stanley Piotrowski $75 #01632 William Koc $50 #03650 Tim Hurley $50 #02853 Rosemary Damm $50 #06971 Ronald Rozanski $50 #07845 Debra Zamora $25 #02306 GG $25 #07968 Yolanda Villa $25 #04570 Daniel Barajas $25 #08234 Cira Othon $25 #08388 Joan Gutowski Congratulations to all our winners! The checks have been mailed out. The number shown is the ticket number of each of the winners. CCW ANNUAL INSTALLATION MASS / DINNER May 20, 2015 Mass is at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall with dinner to follow. Come join us and welcome our new 2015-2016 officers. Cost for the dinner is $5.00 at the door. RSVP by May 17 with Bernadette 815-886-4165 ext. 303 CCW EVENT Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 6:30pm At’s A Nice Pizza Please RSVP by May 15, 2015. $15.00 per person pre-registration or $20 per person at the Door. Please make sure you register ahead of time so we can order the right amount of food. Make all payments to St. Andrew. Please put Sports Banquet in the memo. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Moe by phone 708-906-7196, or email [email protected]. We hope to see you there: GO CRUSADERS!!!! “Blessed are the Women of God” The Joliet-North Will/Kendall Deanery cordially invites all CCW members to the annual Spring Institute on Thursday, June 11, 2015, at 6:00pm at St. Joseph Church 1329 Belleview Avenue, Rockdale, IL. Registration is required. RSVP by May 20. Dinner will follow the 6:00pm Mass. $12 per person (make check payable to CCW). Register on the sign up sheet on the CCW bulletin board or contact Bernadette at the Parish Office 815-886-4165 ext. 303. Page Six May 10, 2015 Ks. Sebastian Gargol Wikariusz Parafialny (815) 886-4165 ext. 311 email: [email protected] sprawy urzędowe po wcześniejszym ustaleniu spotkania Marta Wysocki Koordynator Polskiego Duszpasterstwa (815) 886-4165 ext. 307 email: [email protected] Godziny pracy: Wtorki i Środy od 8:30 a.m do 2:30 p.m. Ks. Sebastian Gargol Marta Wysocki Dzień Matki MODLITWA ZA MATKĘ Panie mój, Ty też stałeś się człowiekiem i wziąłeś ciało z Matki Dziewicy. Ty też za ziemskiego życia zechciałeś mieć Matkę. Dziś jest święto wszystkich matek. Dziękuję Ci za moją matkę. Jej zawdzięczam to, że jestem. Z niej wziąłem swoje ciało, swoją krew. Ona mnie karmiła swoim mlekiem. Ona nic za to nie chce ode mnie, pragnie tylko i modli się, abym był dobry i w życiu szczęśliwy. Dziś powiem jej wiele razy, że za wszystko jej dziękuję, że kocham ją zawsze i zawsze będę jej radością. Tobie dziś, Panie, dziękuję za cud, jakim jest moja matka. ZBIÓRKA KRWI Rada kobiet katolickich (CCW) chce ponownie zaprosić wszystkich na honorowy dzień dawców krwi który odbędzie się w naszej parafii 17-go maja, od godziny 8:30 rano do 11:30. ZBIÓRKA ODZIEŻY Oto wspaniała okazja na wiosenne porządki! Stowarzyszenia Św. Wincentego a Paulo organizuje zbiórkę delikatnie używanej odzieży, antyków domowych i zabawek. 17-go maja donacje mogą być dostarczone do ciężarówki zaparowanej na parkingu parafialnym. May 10, 2015 Page Seven BLOOD DRIVE FREE PANCAKE BREAKFAST!! DONATE BLOOD Sunday, May 17 8:30am—11:30am CCW and The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a blood drive on May 17th from 8:30am to 11:30am in the MOBILE UNITS. There will also be a Heartland bus. You MUST come to the church MOBILE UNITS to register before donating. The Knights will be serving a FREE pancake breakfast to all donors ( kids are welcome!). A free t-shirt to all donors provided by Heartland. Please remember to bring a picture ID and drink plenty of water the day before you donate to stay hydrated. For eligibility questions, please call 1-800-7TO-GIVE or visit . Please call or text Rita 630-835-8945 to schedule an appointment or sign up online at Below are some interesting facts about donating. • Only about five percent of the eligible population donates blood. • Type O negative is the universal donor and can give blood to any other blood type. • The entire process for donating whole blood takes only about 45 minutes. • You can donate blood every 56 days. • Every 3 seconds someone needs blood. • Donating one unit of blood can help save the lives of at least three people. • Blood makes up about eight percent of a person’s body weight. • Blood cells are produced inside the bone marrow, at a rate of 4 to 5 billion an hour. You’re invited: Catholic Charities’ Board of Young Professionals General Meeting! Join Catholic Charities’ Board of Young Professionals for their general meeting! All young adults are welcome to celebrate the first six months of service and socials and to discuss upcoming events. New and interested members will have an opportunity to learn about the group’s mission of service and networking! Date: May 20, 2015 Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm Where: Blanchette Catholic Center, 16555 Weber Rd, Crest Hill, IL An optional mass celebration starts at 6:00pm, followed by the drinks, dinner, and the general meeting at 7:00pm. Please RSVP to Edith Avila Olea by Friday, May 15 at [email protected]. For more information about Catholic Charities’ Board of Young Professionals, visit Save the Date Saturday, June 6th, 2015 4-8pm Open House Ms. Patricia Dalton will be honored for 40 years in Catholic Education at St. Andrew the Apostle School BEVERAGES AND REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED IN THE SCHOOL HALL ALL ARE WELCOME Page Eight May 10, 2015 St. Andrew the Apostle Faith Formation (815) 886-5962 Fax (815) 886-6624 Mary Tibble, Director of Faith Formation, ext. 503 ALL ARE WELCOME ALL THE TIME: WE NEVER CLOSE!! The Diocese of Joliet and our St. Andrew the Apostle family extend an invitation to all families to join us in our monthly sessions of "Generations of Faith." This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to continue to grow in love and understanding of Jesus Christ. Join the hundreds of others who journey together in Faith. Faith Formation Office hours: First three Sundays from 9 am until Noon. Contact us at: [email protected] or call 815-886-5962 ext. 501 Remember these men and women in your daily prayers . . . Priests, Deacons, Seminarians and Women & Men Religious of the Diocese of Joliet 10 Frs.William de Salvo & Rosimar Jose de Lima Dias 11 Frs. John Dennerlein & William Dewan 12 Juan Jose Hernandez (Seminarian) 13 Frs. Bernhard Bauerle, Donald Buggert, Warren Carlin, Robert Carroll, Jose Cilia, Robert Colaresi, Raymond Corkery, David Dillon, Michael O’Keefe O.Carm 14 Guadalupe Emmanuel Torres (Seminarian) 15 Dcns. Kenneth Kubica, Timothy Kueper, Charles Lane, Kurt Lange, Mark Leonardelli, Milt Leppert 16 Our newly ordained priests Thomas Dunn, Clive Otieno, Paul Solomon, Michal Twaruzek Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality Comes to St. Patrick’s Church (710 West Marion St., Joliet) THE NORTH AMERICAN VOLUNTEERS LOURDES VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE comes to St. Patrick’s on Tuesday - May 19, 2015 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. The Virtual Pilgrimage is a guided 90 minute spiritual program offering the experience of Lourdes in an interactive “pilgrimage” event. For more information, call (315) 476-0026, or visit our website at or theirs at CPR / AED TRAINING (An AHA HS CPR/AED Provider Course) The next training session for learning adult/child CPR/AED is being offered on Monday, May 18, 2015. The session will run from 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm in room 110. Ken Searcy, RN, a St. Andrew parishioner, will be the trainer for this session. Reservations are required. If anyone is interested, please contact the office at 815-886-4165, ext. 301 to reserve a space. There is no cost for this nonhealthcare provider class. PRAYERS OF THE PARISH Bill Nelson, James Dean Johnson, Mstr. Sg. Jose Sanchez, Kyle Tranchitello, Michael Cavoto, Matthew Domek, Humberto Zermeño, Christopher Durkovic, Joshua Plucinski, Kurt Warkenthien, Cpl. Stephen M. Hornbeck, HN James M. Chavez, 2nd Lt. Alexander Nuxoll and all our men and women in the military. LOVE ONE ANOTHER Last Sunday we heard the familiar passage from John’s Gospel in which Jesus uses the metaphor of the vine and the branches. In that passage we were told that if we remained in Christ we would bear much fruit. Today’s Gospel tells us just what that fruit is: love. Today’s second reading and Gospel together create a great hymn to love. The chorus of this hymn is simple—God loves us so much that Jesus was sent into the world so that we would have life. The Lord Jesus, who last week told us to remain in him, this week tells us to remain in his love. In a world marked by division and terrorism, the Lord’s final words in today’s Gospel are a great challenge: “This I command you: love one another.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Page Nine May 10, 2015 10 de Mayo del 2015 Coordinadora Ramona Tagle [email protected] 815-886-4165 ext.312 Feliz Día De Las Madrecitas! Sexto Domingo de Pascua AMISTAD VERDADERA La amistad verdadera requiere de un trabajo arduo. La amistad conlleva a caminar con la otra persona en sus momentos de felicidad o de frustración profunda y fracaso. Las amistades necesitan atención constante. Los amigos necesitan estar presentes. Los amigos necesitan hablar, ser honestamente críticos y tiempo para relacionarse. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús llama “amigos” a sus seguidores. Si nos incluimos entre los seguidores del Señor, esto significa que en el bautismo iniciamos una amistad con el Señor Jesús. A fin de cultivar nuestra amistad con el Señor, nos comprometemos a caminar con Él en las alegrías y en las frustraciones de la vida. Muchos de nosotros hemos perdido el contacto con bastantes personas. Conocemos la experiencia de los lazos débiles de la amistad. La mayoría de nosotros también admite que solamente tiene el tiempo y la energía para comprometerse a cultivar una o muy pocas amistades de verdad. ¿Cómo cultivamos nuestra amistad con el Señor Jesús? CULTIVANDO NUESTRA AMISTAD CON EL SEÑOR Si creemos que Jesús está en realidad presente en su mundo, en la Eucaristía, en aquellos que nos prestan sus ministerios y en la asamblea de creyentes, seguramente encontraremos muchas oportunidades de presentarnos ante el Señor. A menudo, perdemos estas oportunidades y se debilita nuestra amistad con el Señor. Quizás hoy es el día para nuevamente comprometernos a fortalecer nuestra amistad con el Señor, que en el bautismo nos escogió como sus amigos. La raíz de la amistad, por supuesto, es el amor desinteresado. Hoy estamos llamados a disfrutar del amor de Dios, a sentir la presencia viva de Dios por medio de la experiencia de la adoración y la compañía de los que se han dedicado a compartir el amor de Dios. Regocijémonos en el amor que Dios nos muestra. Fecha del la Platica de Pre-Cana Fecha : Junio 6, de 2015 Horario: 8:30 am—2:00pm Donacion por pareja (Casados por el (Civil) $60.00 Lugar St. Andrew the Apostle En el Salón #105 Facilitador: Diácono Félix Domínguez Para más información llame 815-886-4165 Ext. 312 La Sagrada Familia Claudia y Rene Galvan y familia Intención de misa Para toda las Madrecitas Presente Y Ausentes. Page Ten A COMMUNITY OF WORD AND SACRAMENT May 10, 2015 Please Pray For Antoinette Borkowicz, Dennis Koch, Jr., Virginia Fondakowski, Violet Sinkula, Richard Lachowski, SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION Antoinetta Krantz, Katie Churulo, Doreen Thiboult, CATECHUMENATE Kathryn Manago, Kimberly Swada, Larry Stokes, The Catechumenate is a community which gathers those Marie Lynch, Michael Boyle, Mikayla Elia, Samantha Elia, adults who have not been baptized, and seek deeper insight Lukas Panek, Marcia Kizior, Helga Cantrelle, Leon Lasota, Carolyn Kolasinski, Kathy Cannell, John Kiester, into the Christian faith. Betty Knoth, Bill Litton, Jim Konieczny, Dan Steffens, Dave Paulsen, Ann Marie Mosquera, Ralph Schweihs, BAPTISM OF CHILDREN Doris Conklin, Bobby Bushnell, Carolyn Milschewski, We joyfully celebrate the baptism of children of Christian Rose Elwart, Georgiana Kowalski, Marion Kowalski, households which are joined to our weekly worship, and Pat Sumoski, Jim Stewart, Charles Angela, Frances Ison, have active registration in our parish community for at least Juan Gomez, Sandra Glanpicolo, Austin Julitz, Zachary Majkrzak, Donald Cassidy, Larry Hahn, 3 months. After registration in the parish, please attend an Richard Bergmann, Michael Cavoto, Erin McCann, Evening of Awareness, if you have not attended a class in the past two years, to register for Baptism and select a date. Louie Ison, Pat Hill, Carolyn Sharpe, Chris Sedor, Barbara Mitchell, Jason Borowski, Bob Skinkis, Classes are presented on the first Wednesday of each month Carole Ann Banks, Sandy Kizior, Joe Mauricio, Jr., at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Baptism is celebrated on the George Lambert, Karen Langan, Joseph Loboda, Jr., third Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Kathy Borowski, Sharon Dempsey, Bearnie Lee, Kathy Broski, Denny Czyzewicz, Maryann Rodi, EUCHARIST AND CONFIRMATION Mildred Drdak, Dorothy Sedlacek Formation for those coming first to the table of the Lord as children is infused into the efforts of our school and Faith Formation Office. Confirmation formation is a two year process completed in eighth grade. Please call the Faith Formation Office for more information. Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill, in the midst of illness and pain, may they be united with Christ, who heals both body and soul; may they know the consolation promised to those who suffer and be fully restored to wellness and wholeness. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen. SACRAMENTS OF COMMITMENT MARRIAGE GRANT ETERNAL REST, LIGHT AND PEACE TO ALL FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Vincent E. Svitak, Patricia O’Brien Marriage preparation is a six month process of prayer, reflection and study. Couples work with both the presider and a sponsor couple through this process. Please note that this six month period of preparation is essential. ORDERS Please call the parish office by Monday at (815) 886-4165 for the name of your loved one to be placed for 3 weeks on our short term prayer list. Also, please call the parish office, if you are hospitalized and would like a visit from our hospital ministry team or homebound and in need of communion. Those seeking assistance in discerning a call to ordained ministry are encouraged to call the parish offices. SACRAMENTS OF HEALING RECONCILIATION Reconciliation is available each Saturday afternoon, Wednesday evening 5:30-7:00pm, through seasonal communal services, and by appointment. ANOINTING Anointing of the Sick is offered through seasonal services, and always by request. If hospitalized, please immediately seek anointing from the Catholic chaplain. Hospital Visitation of Parishioners Please remember that if you or any family members find yourselves in a hospital, be sure to let them know you are a parishioner at St. Andrew’s — it doesn’t hurt to say it a few times, either! Whenever we priests, deacons or Eucharistic Ministers come to visit, we check the hospital list of parishioners printed under “St. Andrew.” But if you’re not listed as a parishioner of St. Andrew, we won’t know you’re even there! We do not want to miss you! You can always call us, too, at the office, ext. 301. Thank you. May the Lord Jesus be with you all your days, to love and be loved by Him, to honor and serve Him, as He honors and serves us! I would like to have my house blessed. Please contact me to make arrangements. Name _________________________________ Address _______________________________ _______________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________ Work Phone ____________________________ Page Eleven May 10, 2015 St. Andrew the Apostle We Care Food Pantry The St. Andrew We Care Food Pantry is open every Wednesday from 10:00 am. until 12:30 p.m. for any eligible family in Romeoville in need of food assistance. The requirements to receive food commodities from the Pantry is that a valid State of Illinois Driver's License or State of Illinois ID and a current utility bill with your Romeoville address must be presented at the time of sign-in. Due to the poor economy, loss of employment or housing, and if you are currently residing with a Romeoville family, you may bring your valid Illinois Driver’s License or State ID AND a current utility bill from the Romeoville residents you are living with. Some proof of residency must be established. This must be brought to the Pantry each time you come for food assistance. The Pantry is located at 219 Arlington. For further information, please contact Jack or Pat Frazier at (815) 919-3233. Parish Staff (815) 886-4165 Rev. Gregor Gorsic, Pastor, ext. 317 Rev. Sebastian Gargol, Associate Pastor, ext. 311 Rev. Jacob Kolawole, Priest in Residence, ext. 301 Darlene Searcy, Communications Secretary, ext. 301 Bernadette Sedlacek, Manna, ext. 303 Deacon Ron Searls, Business Manager, ext. 302 Marta Wysocki, Coordinator of Polish Ministry, ext. 307 Ramona Tagle, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry, ext. 312 Sue Psenicka, Director of Music & Worship Coordinator, ext. 314 Barb Sanders, Contact for Adult Faith Formation, ext. 308 Russell McNab, Facility Manager, ext. 316 St Andrew School (815) 886-5953 Kathy Lifka, Principal, ext. 421 Jill Briceno, Secretary, ext. 420 St. Andrew Faith Formation (815) 886-5962 Mary Tibble, Director, ext. 503 Deacons: Deacon Jesse Tagle Deacon Ricardo Marquez Deacon Felix Dominguez Deacon Rigoberto Padilla Crisis Pregnancy Women’s Choice Services 1-888-4-HOPE-4-1 Birthright 1-800-550-4900 Deacon Jerry Clark Deacon Herb Waldron Deacon Rich Ford Post Abortion Healing for Women & Men 1-866-99-4-GIVE (4483) St. Vincent de Paul Society (815) 886-4165 ext. 304 Knights of Columbus (815) 651-4585 Independent Counseling Services Natural Family Planning 815-838-5334 Victor Alvarez (815) 886-4165 ext. 315
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