St. Andrew the Apostle - Saint Andrew the Apostle
St. Andrew the Apostle - Saint Andrew the Apostle
St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Community 4th Sunday of Lent—March 15, 2015 WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm (English) Sunday 7:30 am (English) 8:45 am En Español - Iglesia 9:00 am (English) - Hall 10:30 am (English) - Church 10:30 am (po Polsku) - Hall 12:00 noon (po Polsku) - Church 12:00 noon (English) - Hall Weekdays 7:30 am (M, T, Th, F) 7:00am & 8:00am (Wed.) 8:00 am (Sat.) Reconciliation Saturdays 3:00 — 3:50 pm Wednesdays 5:45 — 6:45 pm with Adoration Seasonal Services and by appointment. Website: PARISH OFFICES 530 Glen, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-4165, Fax (815) 886-6119 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am—4:30pm St. Andrew School 505 Kingston, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-5953, Fax (815) 293-2016 St. Andrew Faith Formation 505 Kingston, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-5962, Fax (815) 886-6624 March 15, 2015 Page Two Mass Intentions SATURDAY, March 14 4:00 PM—Fr. “D” by ’Cause of Our Joy’ Group 5:30 PM—Cy Dolan by Mary Andreoni SUNDAY, March 15 2 Chr 36: 14-16, 19-23; Eph 2: 4-10; Hn 3: 14-21 7:30 AM—Parish Family 8:45 AM—Sra. Margarita López by Sra. Yolanda Villa Vincent Robert England II by Sra. Gloria Contreras y Familia. 9:00 AM—Joseph Spalla by Spalla Family 10:30 AM—(E-Ch) Jacqueline Hnatow by Bernice Fitzpatrick 10:30 AM—(P-Hall) Intention of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(P-Ch) Intention of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(E-Hall) John Paschawitz by Family MONDAY, March 16 7:30 AM—George & Rosemary Hawks by Considine Family TUESDAY, M arch 17 7:30 AM—Deceased members of McDonnell & Murphy Families by Mary Duffels WEDNESDAY, March 18 7:00 AM—John Kaper by Larry Kaleta Family 8:00 AM—Souls in Purpatory THURSDAY, March 19 7:30 AM—Lillian Kwasny by Family FRIDAY, March 20 7:30 AM—Deceased Members of Morrisey Family by Mary Duffels SATURDAY, March 21 8:00 AM—Mary Ann Manago by Kolasinski Family 4:00 PM—Margaret Farrell by Lucas Family 5:30 PM—Antoinette Zappa by Bernice Fitzpatrick SUNDAY, March 22 Jer31-34; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 7:30 AM—Rosemary Hawks By Ron & Janet Whitlock 8:45 AM—Sra. Margarita Lopez by Yolanda Villa 9:00 AM—Parish Family 10:30 AM—(E-Ch) Marie Peterek by Deacon Herb & Denise Waldron 10:30 AM—(P-Hall) Intention of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(P-Ch) Intention of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(E-Hall) Marie Peterek by Bob & Milly Drdak THIS WEEK Monday, March 16 Sacrament Prep, 6pm - Church Prayer Vigil Charismatic Group, 6:30pm-St.Mary Cntr.(B) Harvest Saturday Mtg., 6:30pm - Parish Office Tuesday, March 17 Hispanic Prayer Group Choir, 7pm - St. Mary Cntr (F) Rosary, 7pm - Francis Room Wednesday, March 18 Food Pantry, 10am-12:30pm Faculty Meeting, 2:45pm - Rm 105 Adoration, 5:30-7:00pm - Church Amigos de Jesus Coro, 6:30pm - Rm 102 CCW Mtg., 6:30pm - Hall Stations of the Cross (S), 7:00pm - Church Charismatic Group, (Jesus es la Roca), 7pm– Church Charismatic Group DOJ Mtg., 7pm - Rm 111 Voces para Dios, 7pm - Rm 110 AA Meeting, 7:30pm - St. Mary Cntr. (B) Thursday, March 19 Children’s Choir Practice, 4:15pm - Church Adult Choir, 7pm - Church Friday, March 20 Stations of the Cross (E), 1:50pm & 6:00pm - Church Fish Fry, 4:30-7:30pm - Hall Stations of the Cross (P), 7:00pm - Church Saturday, March 21 PTO Mtg., 10:30am - St. Mary Cntr (B) CCW Bake Sale after Evening Masses All Night Adoration 8pm-7:30am - Church, Rm 105 Sunday, March 22 CCW Bake Sale after Masses Small Ultreya, 10am - Rm. 106 RCIA, 10:30am - Conf. Rm A Project Gabriel Mtg., 1pm - Office GOD UPHOLDS ME I take for my sureties: The power of God to guide me, the might of God to uphold me, the wisdom of God to teach me, the eye of God to watch over me, the ear of God to hear me, the word of God to give me speech, the hand of God to protect me, the way of God to go before me, the shield of God to shelter me. —St. Patrick March 15, 2015 Page Three Rev. Gregor Gorsic, Pastor (815) 886-4165 ext. 317 My dear family of St. Andrew the Apostle! In two weeks we celebrate Palm/Passion Sunday and in three weeks, can you believe it, EASTER!!! So it’s that time of year again! In order that we minimize congestion, we will again this year implement “traffic flow” — certain doors will be Entrance Only, others Exit Only, as well as a Handicapped Accessible Entrance. Please be aware of those around you with special needs, difficulty walking, etc. They deserve special care and preferential treatment, of course. See the chart included on this page below. Due to safety and fire code regulations, we will have a number of classrooms outfitted with Video and Audio feeds from the Church and Hall to accommodate overflow. As usual, on the street and near the street exits, we will be guided by our local police officers. Once the church or hall is completely cleared from the previous Mass, the people patiently waiting in the hallways for the next Mass will be allowed to enter. Please follow the instructions of our Parish Staff, Knights of Columbus, and designated volunteers to help make this movement as smooth as possible. We are blessed to have such a big family here at St. Andrew! We are grateful to God for so many blessings that enrich our lives and unite us to Jesus! In the loving Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Fr. Gregor CHURCH DOOR #2 EXIT ONLY Ministers gather Classroom—Capernaum Café HALL DOOR #4 EXIT ONLY DOOR #1 ENTER FOR MASSES IN THE HALL E LL ELEMENTARY HALLWAY A A TR S I IN M D V TI A H DOOR #5 ENTER FOR MASSES IN THE CHURCH Page Four March 15, 2015 The Society of St. Vincent DePaul St. Andrew the Apostle Conference …neighbor helping neighbor... Our helpline 815-886-4165 ext. 304 All calls are confidential with callbacks within 24 hours. We read in today’s Gospel, God demonstrates great love for us by sending his Son so that we may believe in him. We demonstrate our great love for God by doing good works: reaching out to others, and acting in justice and charity. Our St. Andrew the Apostle Conference encourages you or someone you know who may be having a difficult time and need temporary financial aid to call our helpline for a private, confidential home visit to learn if we can be of assistance. Call our helpline at 815-886-4165 x 304. You will receive a callback within 24 hours. IOR SEN NE SCE February 28 & March 1 Come See The Patty Waszak Show & Dinner at White Fence Farm. Friday, May 15, 2015 at 3:00 PM. Please call the Paris Office at 815-886-4165 by April 30. The Dinner and Show is $35.00 per person. Choice of chicken, fish or vegetarian dinner. Divorce and Beyond Group We will be starting a Divorce and Beyond group in the near future. The purpose of the program is to offer support and understanding to people who are divorced or have filed for divorce. We will be having registration in a future bulletin. If you have any questions please call Sheryl at 815-886-4165 ext. 416. SUNDAY COLLECTION $17,032.13 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rm 4:13:16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Sunday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-15; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 CPR / AED TRAINING (An AHA HS CPR/AED Provider Course) The next training session for learning adult/child CPR/AED is being offered on Monday, March 23, 2015. The session will run from 6:00 - 10:00 pm in room 110. Ken Searcy, RN, a St. Andrew parishioner, will be the trainer for this session. If anyone is interested, please contact the office at 815886-4165, ext. 301 to reserve a space. There is no cost for this nonhealthcare provider class. March 15, 2015 Page Five CROSS OF WISHES Mark your calendars for blood drives here at St. Andrews Dates for 2015 are: May 17th & Sept 13th. Below are some interesting facts about donating. Only about five percent of the eligible population donates blood. Every 3 seconds someone needs blood. Type O negative is the universal donor and can give blood to any other blood type. Donating one unit of blood can help save the lives of at least three people. The entire process for donating whole blood takes only about 45 minutes. You can donate blood every 56 days. Blood makes up about eight percent of a person’s body weight. Blood cells are produced inside the bone marrow, at a rate of 4 to 5 billion an hour. CCW NEWS This coming Wednesday, March 18 is our meeting starting at 6:30 PM in the hall. Deacon Jerry Clark will being the evening with a prayer service. Sheryl Payne and her committee are the hostesses. We are celebrating the 2015 Woman of the Year being announced today at the 12:00 mass. We at this time are looking for board members for the 2015-2016 year. If interested please call current president Kathy Stefanski at 815-600-0813 or the parish office. The Spring Bake Sake is March 21-22. After mass come browse and take home something delicious! Please leave your donated bakery in the kitchen marked CCW. On the entrance wall of church and the East entrance Parish Hall wall, you will notice large brown crosses. On the cross throughout Lent are smaller purple crosses with items that our dedicated parish staff wish for. If you can, please take a purple cross, put your name and phone number on the back, and drop it in the basket, or return it to a staff member or the Parish Office. We will contact you about your donation. If you cannot fulfill an entire wish, any donation towards the item is appreciated. Electronic sign for in front of church/school Awning for church entrance Laptop computer & projector for power point presentations: 1 for church & 1 for school 4 microphones 4 music stands maintenance lift & straddle kit small sound mixer for church rectory doors first aid folding cot paper shredder 12 chairs for Jr. High classrooms 2 umbrella stands for church entrances seasonal banners for church restore Carillon bells computer for priests storage bins curved computer keyboard 16 collection baskets octavos for choir (music hymns) Flor Y Canto replacement books for in-pews Church carpet repair Decorations for events 8 ft. event tables (5) industrial vacuum piano bench for school 5 hot/cold table metal pans for kitchen Did You Know? The ministries of the Christian Brothers of the Midwest cover eight states and include three universities, fifteen high school, five middle schools (the San Miguel Schools), four retreat centers, two publishing houses, and the Provincialate Office in Burr Ridge. Page Six March 15, 2015 Ks. Sebastian Gargol Wikariusz Parafialny (815) 886-4165 ext. 311 email: [email protected] sprawy urzędowe po wcześniejszym ustaleniu spotkania Marta Wysocki Koordynator Polskiego Duszpasterstwa (815) 886-4165 ext. 307 email: [email protected] Godziny pracy: Wtorki i Środy od 9 a.m do 2:30 p.m. Ks. Sebastian Gargol Marta Wysocki IV NIEDZIELA POSTU Uroczystość Św. Józefa SZUKANIE POMOCY ZA WSTAWIENNICTWEM ŚW. JÓZEFA Modlitwy te można z wiarą i miłością odmawiać w jakiejś ważnej intencji, np. rano, w południe i wieczorem lub tak, jak dyktuje nam serce. Ojcze nasz... Zdrowaś Maryjo... Chwała Ojcu... Ojcze Przedwieczny, ofiaruję Ci Przenajświętszą Krew, Serce, Oblicze Twego Jednorodzonego Syna, wszystkie cnoty i zasługi Matki Najświętszej i Jej Przeczystego Oblubieńca, św. Józefa, oraz wszystkie skarby Kościoła św. dla wyjednania łaski ostatecznego zbawienia i łask nam potrzebnych, szczególnie tej... dla... Marzec 19 Święty Józefie, ofiaruję Ci miłość Jezusa i Maryi, jaką żywią ku Tobie. Ofiaruję Ci też uwielbienia, hołdy wdzięczności i ofiary, jakie Ci wierni złożyli przez wieki aż do tej chwili. Siebie i wszystkich drogich memu sercu oddaję na zawsze Twej świętej opiece. Błagam Cię dla miłości Boga i Najświętszej Maryi Panny, Twej Oblubienicy, racz nam wyjednać łaskę ostatecznego zbawienia i wszystkie łaski nam potrzebne, szczególnie tę wielką łaskę... (wymienić intencję). Pośpiesz mi na ratunek, święty Patriarcho, i pociesz mnie w tym strapieniu. O, święty Józefie, Przyjacielu Serca Jezusa, wysłuchaj mnie. O, Józefie, ratuj nas w życiu i w śmierci, ratuj nas w każdym czasie! PIĘĆ WESTCHNIEŃ DO ŚW. JÓZEFA: Św. Józefie, Miłośniku Jezusa i Maryi, uproś mi tę łaskę, abym coraz goręcej, z całego serca mego kochał Twego przybranego Syna i Jego Dziewiczą Matkę. * Św. Józefie, uproś mi łaskę, abym – tak jak Ty – umiał łączyć życie czynne z głębokim życiem modlitwy. * Św. Józefie, szczęśliwy Opiekunie Jezusa i Maryi Niepokalanej, przez Twoją czystość proszę Cię, strzeż mojej czystości. * Św. Józefie, Patronie wahających się w wyborze, ratuj stojących nad przepaścią zła i oświecaj powołanych do służby Chrystusowi. * Św. Józefie, któryś skonał na rękach Jezusa i Maryi, uproś mi łaskę szczęśliwej śmierci. Niech Jezus i Maryja towarzyszą mi w chwili konania, a ostatnimi moimi słowami niech będą najsłodsze Imiona: Jezus, Maryja i Józef! Amen. Dziękujemy wszystkim wolontariuszom za ich dedykacje oraz ciężką prace w przygotowaniu co miesięcznej kawiarenki, jak również naszym sponsorom za ich smaczne wypieki, oraz wszystkim tym, odwiedzali naszą kawiarenkę. Serdeczne Bóg Zapłać March 15, 2015 Page Seven STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays during Lent FRIDAYS DURING LENT English - 1:50pm, 6:00pm Po Polsku - 7:00pm (EXCEPT GOOD FRIDAY) 4:30-7:30PM ENTREES 3 PIECE COD DINNER 9.00 COMBINATION DINNER 9.50 (2 COD/4 Shrimp) 6 PIECE SHRIMP DINNER 10.50 FISH SANDWICH DINNER 7.00 ALL DINNERS INCLUDE FRENCH FRIES, COLE SLAW, TARTAR/COCKTAIL SAUCE, LEMON WEDGE, ROLL, & BUTTER. LEMONADE, ICED TEA, AND COFFEE ARE INCLUDED WITH DINNER A LA CARTE SLICE OF CHEESE PIZZA 3.00 FRENCH FRIES 2.00 HOMEMADE COLE SLAW .50 HOMEMADE MAC & CHEESE 2.00 PIECE OF COD 2.00 3 PIECES OF SHRIMP 4.50 CARRY-OUTS AVAILABLE To place an order call: (815)886-4165 ext.419 After 4:00pm on the day of the Fish Fry Calling all Bakers! Fish Fry is underway. We will be needing lots of baked goods to sell for dessert at the Fish Fry. Anyone able to bake, please bring your baked items to the hall after 3:00 pm on Friday, March 20th.. Thank you. Wednesdays during Lent En Español - 7:00pm Saint Andrew the Apostle School is seeking 3 -6 adult and /or young adult parishioners who are technologically savvy to be a part of a SAS Tech Committee. We seek all who would be willing to volunteer their God given gifts either, Mondays or Wednesdays, based on consensus, after 6:30 p.m. in the school lab. The goal of the committee is to set an agenda for the movement of technology within our school and church; and for the promotion and marketing of our school through the use of social media and multimedia production. Please pray upon your decision and if you have any further questions please contact Mrs. Michelle Kurley, Technology Teacher, at [email protected]. We would like to see our committee in working action and rise to the calling of service after Easter. Thank you. FISH FRY NEWS Only two weeks left to come out and enjoy some wonderful food! Thank to all the groups and our “regulars” for helping out each week. We have a 50/50 raffle, a quilt raffle, and delicious bakery. Please come and join the fun. We hope to see you there! Page Eight March 15, 2015 St. Andrew the Apostle Faith Formation (815) 886-5962 Fax (815) 886-6624 Mary Tibble, Director of Faith Formation, ext. 503 ALL ARE WELCOME ALL THE TIME: WE NEVER CLOSE!! The Diocese of Joliet and our St. Andrew the Apostle family extend an invitation to all families to join us in our monthly sessions of "Generations of Faith." This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to continue to grow in love and understanding of Jesus Christ. Join the hundreds of others who journey together in Faith. Faith Formation Office hours: First three Sundays from 9 a.m until Noon. Contact us at: [email protected] or call 815-886-5962 ex. 501 Remember these men and women in your daily prayers . . . Priests, Deacons, Seminarians and Women & Men Religious of the Diocese of Joliet MARCH 15 Dcns.William Dunn, James Eaker,Lloyd Eastburn, John Feely, Joseph Ferrari, Robert Fitt, JamesFoody, Richard Ford, Patrick Forsythe 16 Srs. Johanna Choi, Mary Patricia Fallon, JoAnne Form, Judith Ann Heble OSB 17 Srs. M. Josephine Kallus, Mary Anrea Kallus, Mary Virigia Kallus, Bertrice Kayombo 18 Frs. Richard Smith & Theodore Weitzel 19 Srs. Christine Kouba, Roselle Marie Major, Verena Makumball OSB 20 Srs. Irene JAsien, Benita Jasurda, Lois Jean Jensik, Helen Jilek OSB 21 Dcos. Richard Foy, Frank Foys, Dino Franch, Steven Frazier, Thomas Fricke PRAYERS OF THE PARISH Joseph Ochoa, Bill Nelson, James Dean Johnson, Mstr. Sg. Jose Sanchez, Kyle Tranchitello, Michael Cavoto, Matthew Domek, Humberto Zermeño, Christopher Durkovic, Joshua Plucinski, Kurt Warkenthien, Cpl. Stephen M. Hornbeck, HN James M. Chavez, 2nd Lt. Alexander Nuxoll and all our men and women in the military. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION With the dissipation of the catechumenate’s energy since almost everyone was born into the Church, Lent began to be seen more as a preparation to follow the Passion of Christ with devotion. In the city of Rome, creative spirits settled on “stational churches” as a way of keeping the energy flowing. Everyone would be directed to a certain “station” each day, and the name of that church provided a theme for the liturgy. So, for example, on certain Saturdays in Lent, everything centered on the church of St. Vitale. Now, this poor fellow had been thrown into a hole and covered in stones at his martyrdom, so the readings recalled Joseph thrown down the well by his brothers, and the wicked servants killing the son of the owner of the vineyard. Gradually, travelers to Rome noted the celebration and worked it into liturgical schedules back home. Eventually, calendars everywhere bore the curious footnote on a Lenten Saturday: “Station S. Vitale.” This served the priority of getting ready to hear the Passion fairly well, but was hardly satisfactory for Lent’s baptismal character. Now, at last, our liturgy is reorganized to serve the deepest level of our tradition exceedingly well. Lent, once again, is all about baptism. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. March 15, 2015 Page Ten Page Nine 15 de Marzo del 2015 (815) 886-4165 Ext. 312 [email protected] Oración de cuaresma para encontrarnos con Dios. Ayúdame a hacer silencio Señor, quiero escuchar tu voz. Toma mi mano, guíame al desierto, que nos encontremos a solas, tú y yo. Necesito contemplar tu rostro, me hace falta la calidez de tu voz, caminar juntos, callar para que hables tú. Me pongo en tus manos, quiero revisar mi vida, descubrir en qué tengo que cambiar, afianzar lo que anda bien, sorprenderme con lo nuevo que me pides. Ayúdame a dejar a un lado las prisas, las preocupaciones que llenan mi cabeza, barre mis dudas e inseguridades, ayúdame a archivar mis respuestas hechas, quiero compartir mi vida y revisarla a tu lado. Ver dónde “aprieta el zapato” para apurar el cambio. Me tienta la seguridad el “saberlas todas”, tenerla “clara”, no necesitarte, total tengo todas las respuestas. Me tienta el activismo. Hay que hacer, hacer y hacer. Y me olvido del silencio, aflojo en la oración, ¿leer la Biblia?, para cuando haya tiempo. Me tienta la incoherencia. Hablar mucho y hacer poco. Mostrar facha de buen cristiano, Pero adentro, donde tú y yo conocemos, tener mucho para cambiar. Me tienta ser el centro del mundo. Que los demás giren a mí alrededor. Que me sirvan en lugar de servir. Me tienta la idolatría. Fabricarme un ídolo con mis proyectos, mis convicciones, mis certezas y conveniencias y ponerle tu nombre de Dios. No será el becerro de oro, pero se le parece. Me tienta la falta de compromiso. Es más fácil pasar de largo que bajarse del caballo y hacer la del samaritano. ¡Hay tantos caídos a mi lado, Señor y yo me hago el distraído. Me tienta la falta de sensibilidad, no tener compasión. Acostumbrarme a que otros sufren y tener excusas, razones, explicaciones que no tienen nada de Evangelio pero que me conforman un rato Señor, porque en el fondo no puedo engañarte. Me tienta el separar la fe y la vida. Leer el diario, ver las noticias sin indignarme evangélicamente por la ausencia de justicia y la falta de solidaridad. Me tienta el mirar la realidad sin la mirada del Reino. Me tienta el tener tiempo para todo menos para lo importante. Y lamentarlo pero no hacer nada para cambiarlo. La familia, los hijos, la oración, al cuadragésimo lugar. Hay cosas más importantes. ¿Las hay? Me tienta, Señor, el desaliento, lo difícil que a veces se presentan las cosas. Me tienta la desesperanza, la falta de utopía. Me tienta el dejarlo para mañana, cuando hay que empezar a cambiar hoy. Me tienta creer que te escucho cuando escucho mi voz. Enséñame a discernir, dame luz para distinguir tu rostro. Llévame al desierto, Señor, despójame de lo que me ata, sacude mis certezas y pon a prueba mi amor y mi fe. Para empezar de nuevo, humilde, sencillo, con fuerza y Espíritu para vivir fiel a ti. Amén UNOS AVISOS PARA EL MES DE MARZO DE 2015 Group de Oración Carismático Jesús es la Roca. Se Reúnen en la Iglesia cada Miércoles a las 7:00 de la noche El Señor extiende una invitación personal a cada uno de uno de su pueblo. El 18 de Marzo el Padre Franklin Duran estará celebrando una Misa de Sanación asistido por nuestro Diacono Jesse Tagle. Estaciones del Vía Crucis Todos los Miércoles en tiempo de Cuaresma. 7:00 PM Adoración Nocturna Se Reúnen en el cuarto #105 a las 8:30 de la noche. Este mes será el 21 de Marzo los esperamos toda la familia es bienvenida. Ultreya Semanal cada Domingo de 10:00 AM en el cuarto # 106 mas información hablar al Sr. Juan Francisco Villalobos 815-378-3633 Intención de Misa +Sra. Margarita López +Sra. Adela Habana + Eliedzer Maldonado +Vincent Robert England II Presentación de 40 Díaz Gustavo Ramírez Sra. Lourdes Marquez. Page Ten A COMMUNITY OF WORD AND SACRAMENT March 15, 2015 Please Pray For Antoinette Borkowicz, Dennis Koch, Jr., Virginia Fondakowski, Violet Sinkula, Richard Lachowski, Antoinetta SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION Krantz, Katie Churulo, Doreen Thiboult, Mary Gardner, CATECHUMENATE Kathryn Manago, Kimberly Swada, Larry Stokes, Marie The Catechumenate is a community which gathers those Lynch, Michael Boyle, Mikayla Elia, Harold Christ, Samantha adults who have not been baptized, and seek deeper insight Elia, Lukas Panek, Marcia Kizior, Helga Cantrelle, Leon Lasota, Carolyn Kolasinski, Mary Ann Manago, Kathy Caninto the Christian faith. nell, John Kiester, Tom Bogan, Betty Knoth, Bill Litton, Jim Konieczny, Dan Steffens, Dave Paulsen, Ann Marie BAPTISM OF CHILDREN Mosquera, Ralph Schweihs, Doris Conklin, Bobby Bushnell, We joyfully celebrate the baptism of children of Christian Patrick Cavanaugh, Carolyn Milschewski, Rose Elwart, households which are joined to our weekly worship, and Georgiana Kowalski, Marion Kowalski, Pat Sumoski, Jim have active registration in our parish community for at least Stewart, Janet Phad, Charles Angela, Frances Ison, Juan Gomez, Sandra Glanpicolo, Austin Julitz, Zachary Majkrzak, 3 months. After registration in the parish, please attend an Clarence Sinkula, Donald Cassidy, Larry Hahn, Richard Evening of Awareness, if you have not attended a class in the past two years, to register for Baptism and select a date. Bergmann, Michael Cavoto, Erin McCann, Louie Ison, Pat Hill, Carolyn Sharpe, Chris Sedor, Barbara Mitchell, Jason Classes are presented on the first Wednesday of each month Borowski, Bob Skinkis, Carole Ann Banks, Sandy Kizior, Joe at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Baptism is celebrated on the Mauricio, Jr., Chris Pettrone, George Lambert, Karen Lanthird Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. gan, Joseph Loboda, Jr. Kathy Borowski, Sharon Dempsey, Bearnie Lee. EUCHARIST AND CONFIRMATION Formation for those coming first to the table of the Lord as children is infused into the efforts of our school and Faith Formation Office. Confirmation formation is a two year process completed in eighth grade. Please call the Faith Formation Office for more information. SACRAMENTS OF COMMITMENT MARRIAGE Marriage preparation is a six month process of prayer, reflection and study. Couples work with both the presider and a sponsor couple through this process. Please note that this six month period of preparation is essential. Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill, in the midst of illness and pain, may they be united with Christ, who heals both body and soul; may they know the consolation promised to those who suffer and be fully restored to wellness and wholeness. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen. GRANT ETERNAL REST, LIGHT AND PEACE TO ALL FAITHFUL DEPARTED, Eliezer Maldonado, Mary Ann Manago . Please call the parish office by Monday at (815) 886-4165 for the name of your loved one to be placed for 3 weeks on our short term prayer list. Also, please call the parish office, if you are hospitalized and would like a visit from our hospital ministry team or homebound and in need of communion. ORDERS Those seeking assistance in discerning a call to ordained ministry are encouraged to call the parish offices. SACRAMENTS OF HEALING RECONCILIATION Reconciliation is available each Saturday afternoon, Wednesday evening 5:30-7:00pm, through seasonal communal services, and by appointment. ANOINTING Anointing of the Sick is offered through seasonal services, and always by request. If hospitalized, please immediately seek anointing from the Catholic chaplain. Hospital Visitation of Parishioners Please remember that if you or any family members find yourselves in a hospital, be sure to let them know you are a parishioner at St. Andrew’s — it doesn’t hurt to say it a few times, either! Whenever we priests, deacons or Eucharistic Ministers come to visit, we check the hospital list of parishioners printed under “St. Andrew.” But if you’re not listed as a parishioner of St. Andrew, we won’t know you’re even there! We do not want to miss you! You can always call us, too, at the office, ext. 301. Thank you. May the Lord Jesus be with you all your days, to love and be loved by Him, to honor and serve Him, as He honors and serves us! I would like to have my house blessed. Please contact me to make arrangements. Name _________________________________ Address _______________________________ _______________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________ Work Phone ____________________________ Page Eleven March 15, 2015 St. Andrew the Apostle We Care Food Pantry The St. Andrew We Care Food Pantry is open every Wednesday from 10:00 am. until 12:30 p.m. for any eligible family in Romeoville in need of food assistance. The requirements to receive food commodities from the Pantry is that a valid State of Illinois Driver's License or State of Illinois ID and a current utility bill with your Romeoville address must be presented at the time of sign-in. Due to the poor economy, loss of employment or housing, and if you are currently residing with a Romeoville family, you may bring your valid Illinois Driver’s License or State ID AND a current utility bill from the Romeoville residents you are living with. Some proof of residency must be established. This must be brought to the Pantry each time you come for food assistance. The Pantry is located at 219 Arlington. For further information, please contact Jack or Pat Frazier at (815) 919-3233. Parish Staff (815) 886-4165 Rev. Gregor Gorsic, Pastor, ext. 317 Rev. Sebastian Gargol, Associate Pastor, ext. 311 Rev. Jacob Kolawole, Priest in Residence, ext. 301 Marian Peters, Secretary, ext. 301 Bernadette Sedlacek, Manna, ext. 303 Deacon Ron Searls, Business Manager, ext. 302 Marta Wysocki, Coordinator of Polish Ministry, ext. 307 Ramona Tagle, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry, ext. 312 Sue Psenicka, Director of Music & Worship Coordinator, ext. 314 Barb Sanders, Contact for Adult Faith Formation, ext. 308 Russell McNab, Facility Manager, ext. 316 St Andrew School (815) 886-5953 Kathy Lifka, Principal, ext. 421 Jill Briceno, Secretary, ext. 420 St. Andrew Faith Formation (815) 886-5962 Mary Tibble, Director, ext. 503 Deacons: Deacon Jesse Tagle Deacon Ricardo Marquez Deacon Felix Dominguez Deacon Rigoberto Padilla Crisis Pregnancy Women’s Choice Services 1-888-4-HOPE-4-1 Birthright 1-800-550-4900 Deacon Jerry Clark Deacon Herb Waldron Deacon Rich Ford Post Abortion Healing for Women & Men 1-866-99-4-GIVE (4483) St. Vincent de Paul Society (815) 886-4165 ext. 304 Knights of Columbus (815) 651-4585 Independent Counseling Services Natural Family Planning 815-838-5334 Victor Alvarez (815) 886-4165 ext. 315
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