Saturday, September 12, 2015 from 11:30 am
Saturday, September 12, 2015 from 11:30 am
St. Theresa Parish 455 North Benton St. ▪ Palatine, IL 60067 ▪ 847-358-7760 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ▪ July 12, 2015 Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven. Psalm 85:12 ST. THERESA PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The mission of St. Theresa Parish is to share Christ with others through the sacraments, education, prayer and service. PARISH STAFF Rev. Timothy J. Fairman, Pastor, ext. 101 Rev. Matthew Jamesson, Associate Pastor, ext. 127 Rev. Dennis Stafford, Associate Pastor, ext. 109 Rev. Ron Lewinski, Resident, ext. 118 Rev. Monsignor John P. McNamara, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Stephen Norys, Minister of Care, ext. 110 Hank Aleliunas, Business Manager, ext. 105 Mike Domingue, Director of Music Ministry, ext. 114 DIACONAL MINISTRY Deacon Jim and Melody Devine, ext. 113 Deacon Stephen and Gail Norys, ext. 110 Deacon Richard and Kathie Pizzato, ext. 361 Deacon Louis and Ann Riccio, ext. 362 Deacon Larry and Karen Schumacher, ext. 363 Deacon Greg and Elizabeth Vogt, ext. 364 Parish Address: 455 N. Benton St., Palatine, IL 60067 Parish Website: Phone: 847-358-7760 Fax: 847-202-8941 SCHOOL Mary Keenley, Principal, ext. 202 Mary-Anne Zielinski, Administrative Assistant, ext. 203 Terri Kolbus, Director of Admissions, ext. 249 School Address: 445 N. Benton St., Palatine, IL 60067 School Website: Office: 847-359-1820 Fax: 847-705-2084 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Elizabeth Vogt, Director of Religious Education, ext. 111 Marsha Jones, Religious Ed. Registrar, Adm. Asst., ext. 112 Religious Education: 847-359-2846, ext. 111 PARISH SUPPORT STAFF Mary Amirante, Receptionist, ext.100 Joyce Pizek, Bookkeeper, ext. 102 Marie Paul, Sacristan Leader, ext. 119 Nicole Carlisle, Administrative Assistant, ext. 107 Kathryn McIntyre, Secretary, ext. 104 Page 2 Please pray for all our sick parishioners, family members, friends & loved ones, especially: Masses & Intentions for This Week Monday, July 13 6:30 am 8:00 am Antonio Hurtado Patricia McDermott Lee & Bea Kunkle Camillia Deutschle Tuesday, July 14 6:30 am 8:00 am St. Theresa Purgatorial Society Violet Alicoat Bob & Diane Knight Wednesday, July 15 6:30 am 8:00 am Nancy Gitzinger Violet Alicoat Lee & Bea Kunkle Bob & Diane Knight Thursday, July 16 6:30 am 8:00 am Special Intention for the Klein Family Violet Alicoat Bob & Diane Knight Friday, July 17 6:30 am 8:00 am Happy 98th Birthday to Tom Harvey Anna Mrosek Family Friends Saturday, July 18 8:00 am 5:00 pm Jacques Checri Ernst Myslinski Hower Family Sunday, July 19 7:00 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 am Cy Plazak Plazak Family Luke Cimarusti Laura For Parishioners Multi-intention: Alonso Fuentes / Christopher Stach / Marian Wantuch / Anna Mrosek Judy Amoroso Daniel Anfuso Hilda Avila Maria Ofelia Avila Andrea Azzolin Marilyn Barnes Mary Boland Arthur Byrnes Timothy Cannon Frank Caruk Anna Maria Collier Bob Crowell Robert Fairman Sam Greco Ryan Guerrero (age 16) Don Hausser William Hopp Jr. Don Humphries Jeff Hunter Alex Kowalenko Carol Lukowski Maureen Newman Krause Joan Kuthe Robert Lindquist Mary Lucas Zacharias Lucas Daniel Macbride Melissa Schumacher-Martin Owen Patrick McGoldrick Jerry Mele Isabelle Miklius Krista Motley Jean Nechi Dale Palka Frank Pankanin Betty Penkava Dale Schafernak Michala Schauble Matt Schroeder Helen Schultz Cole Schwartz (newborn) Charles Sebastyan Helen Simon Mary Kate Sleppy Sarah Smith Emil Solans Ronald Sowizrol Charles Spaniol Kathy Tomusiak Emil Tosch Scott Wallace Ann Zimmerman Please pray for all our military and veterans, especially: Life Has Changed, Not Ended... Please Pray For Those Who Have Died James L. Wittig, Joan Simmons, Barbara Moliana, Roberta Farrelly, Norbert Wojdyla, Michael Zemrowski Lance Corporal John F. Campe (U.S. Marine Corp) Alan Carlson (Navy) Robert E. Brodkorb (Air Force) Jackie Fairman (Navy) Captain Kevin Hand (Air Force) Captain Stephen Hand (U.S. Marine Corp) Louis Kittler (Navy) Colonel James F. Kott (Air Force) Colonel Marilyn H. Kott (Air Force) Patrick Malackowski (Air Force) Deacon Steve Norys (Navy) Jim Olinski (Vietnam, Army) Deacon Lou Riccio (Korea, Army) John Sellinger (Air Force) Colonel Daniel Joseph Settergren (Air Force) Adolf Stransky (Vietnam, Navy) Phil Urban (WWII, Air Force) Ron Willer (Vietnam, Army) LITURGICAL SCHEDULE for Saturday and Sunday, July 18 & 19 Minister(s) CELEBRANT DEACON SACRISTAN LECTORS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS "H"-Designates "Ciborium" "C"-Designates "Cup" * = Wash vessels after Mass ALTAR SERVERS Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM Sunday 8:30 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday 11:30 AM Fr. Matt Fr. Matt Fr. Tim Fr. Tim Fr. Ron Richard Pizzato Louis Riccio Richard Pizzato Richard Pizzato Larry Schumacher OPEN Russ, D. LaRusso, J. Paul, M. Sadural, S. 1-Englbrecht, E. 2-Jacques, S. 1-Keane, K. 2-Galvan, T. 1-Behrens, N. 2-Mammarella, R. 1-Mullen, T. 2-Miklius, L. 1-Oswald, C. 2-O’Laughlin, N. H-Fasick * H-Fox H-Fox H-James, I. H-James, M. C-Combs * C-Cushing C-Englbrecht C-Pfister C-Pfister H-Arns H-Cholewa H-Galvan * H-Hoffman H-Keane C-LaRusso * C-Meersman C-Schwind H-Bianchi H-Deyhle H-Gryesiak H-Hannon H-Klariski H-Magnuson C-Nuxoll C-Olejniczak * C-Orlowski * C-Raupp H-Gribbon H-Gribbon H-Roman H-Paul * H-Gryzlo H-Gryzlo C-Paul * C-Apuli C-Apuli C-Poznanski H-Sadural * H-Kane H-Zielinski * H-Weiss H-Weiss C- Barsella C-Dzierzak C-O'Laughlin James, A. James, C. Devins, B. Kobilarcik, C. Cholewa, A. Cholewa, M. Chon, N. Kurrie, R. Monroe, M. Monroe, G. Hannon, K. Katalinich, D. Neamand, B. Postiglione, S. O'Donell, C. Carlisle, T. Dzierzak, P. Byrne, A. Byrne, B. Page 3 A Message from our Pastor... Dear Friends, Due to early bulletin deadlines and the fact I was away on retreat for several days, I have not been able to comment on the following earlier... Recently, the Supreme Court rendered a decision which legalizes same sex marriage and declares it a constitutional right, which supersedes individual states from making that decision. This obviously is a significant decision by the Supreme Court as one more law is declared that is contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church. What will the ramifications of this decision be for Catholics? Certainly, there is a valid fear that more and more, Catholics are being pushed to the periphery of American culture and life. As a result, people are concerned that our government will attempt to take away our religious freedoms as Catholics are pushed further and further away from the "new norm" in American life. There is even fear that churches may one day lose their tax exempt status... particularly those that don't support government mandates and laws. The "Fortnight for Freedom" that just recently concluded is one of the ways the U.S. Bishops have tried to raise our consciousness to such a reality as well as urge us to act with our elected representatives to make sure the voices of this nation's Catholics are heard. While the institution of marriage is changed drastically by the Supreme Court decision, at least from a civil perspective, it is important to remember that the Church will not change its teaching on the Sacrament of Matrimony. Archbishop Cupich released a statement on June 28th on the Supreme Court decision which says the following about the Sacrament of Matrimony: "It is also important to stress that the Supreme Court’s redefinition of civil marriage has no bearing on the Catholic Sacrament of Matrimony, in which the marriage of man and woman is a sign of the union of Christ and the Church. In upholding our traditional concept of marriage, we are called to support those who have entered into this sacred and loving bond with God and each other as a covenantal union with God between a man and a woman." In other words, as celebrations of the Sacrament of Matrimony have decreased precipitously in the last several years as more and more Catholic couples opt for civil celebrations of marriage only and "destination weddings," we all as Catholics need to re-double our efforts in catechizing why the Sacrament of Matrimony is so critical for Catholic couples who choose to get married. We believe that marriage is more than a matter of equal rights. It is a question of being faithful to what we believe God intended marriage to be. And for us Catholics marriage is not only a legalized relationship, but a sacrament that mirrors the love of Christ for his bride the Church. One temptation in all of this is to participate in gay "bashing" as we voice our concern over the Supreme Court's decision changing the landscape of marriage. I find this particularly offensive, not only because it is contrary to who we are as children of God to speak ill of any group of people, but also because there are members of my family who are gay and I would suspect many of us have family members and friends who are gay as well. Archbishop Cupich comments on this in his statement: "It is important to note that the Catholic Church has an abiding concern for the dignity of gay persons. In fact, the Catechism of the Catholic Church says: ‘They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.’ (n. 2358). This respect must be real, not rhetorical, and ever reflective of the Church’s commitment to accompanying all people. For this reason, the Church must extend support to all families, no matter their circumstances, recognizing that we are all relatives, journeying through life under the careful watch of a loving God." It is important that we continue to pray for the conversion of the leadership of our country that they may be drawn more and more to a recognition of divine providence in their lives as well as ours. It is just as important that we as Christians and as Catholics make our voices heard by those that have been elected. If every voting Catholic made their presence known to this county's leadership, it would make a difference. The old political axiom that says, "votes count" would definitely be highlighted when leaders recognize that a large number of their constituents are Catholic. Enjoy the week and God bless you all. Page 4 OUR STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN CORNER Year Actual Year Prior $ 18,856 $ 2,407 $ 21,263 6/29/14 $ 20,540 $ 1,320 $ 21,860 Capital Campaign Update 7/6/14 $ 22,906 $ 990 $ 23,896 Number of pledges: 545 6/28/15 Basket Online Total 7/5/15 Basket Online Total $ 17,415 Pending Our Parish Uses For Online Donations Pledges from parishioners: $2.1 million (47% of $4.5 million goal) Matching funds: $2.1 million Campaign total: $4.2 million The Building On Our Faith Together Capital Campaign is entering its final phase of solicitation but there is still much work to be done to get the full participation of our parish. This campaign is about being good stewards of the blessings that St. Theresa Parish has received from God. Blessings such as the beautiful church in which we worship, the school in which our children learn and the social areas in which we come together as a community of faith. We are blessed by the generosity of our members who continue to support the parish through the gifts of time, talent, and treasure. It is our responsibility to be good stewards of our blessings and preserve them for future members of St. Theresa Parish. Sign up for online giving at BREAD AND WINE The Bread and Wine for the Eucharist this week are offered in celebration of the 45th Wedding Anniversary for Fran & Ken Litchfield Please remember them in your prayers. To date hundreds of parishioners have made their pledge to the campaign, getting us ever closer to our campaign goal. Many of you will have the opportunity to complete your pledge decision at Mass this weekend. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of a pledge to this effort. If you have not made a pledge yet, you still have the opportunity to contribute to the success of our ministry and mission. Stop by the Pauline Center to make your pledge or do it on-line at and click on the Building On Our Faith Together link on the home page. Fr. Tim WEEK AT A GLANCE... Monday, 7/13 Tuesday, 7/14 Wednesday, 7/15 Thursday, 7/16 Friday, 7/17 Saturday, 7/18 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 7:00pm Marian Rosary Devotion (Church) 6:30, 8:00am Mass (Chapel) 10:30am Cenacle Prayer Group (Festle) 4:30pm LIFT 1st Anniversary Dinner (Lower Dolan) 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 7:00pm Prayer Group (Bernardin) 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 8:00pm Men’s Basketball (Gym) 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 8:30am Adoration (Chapel) 5:00pm Benediction (Chapel) 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 11:00am LIFT Mission Our Lady of the Angels 12:30pm Confessions (Church) 5:00pm Mass (Church) Sunday, 7/19 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am Mass (Church) Page 5 SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, September 12, 2015 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. THE ST. THERESA WOMEN’S CLUB More Details to follow. This is a NEW event! BRING A FRIEND TO JOIN THE FUN! LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR THANK YOU FOR MARCHING FOR LIFE! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly is looking for permanent volunteers in two areas. Help is needed Thursday mornings (8:30-noon) in our Beauty Shop. You do not need to be a licensed beautician. Help is also needed in our Laundry Department using a steam iron (training provided). You would work in the early afternoon on either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday (you choose the day). If you are interested, please stop in and fill out an Adult Volunteer Application or if you have any questions please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Cindy DeLuca at 847-358-5700, or at [email protected]. At the Palatine 4th of July Parade, what a great response from the crowd as we gave witness to fact that all life and liberty comes from God! Thank you to all who joined us. THANKS TO ALL OUR CAMPAIGN DONORS! Let’s keep the list growing... James Abbate Jason and Trisha Abbey Kenneth and Irene Adams Kent and Susan Adams Marjorie Adamson Andrew and Nicky Aftelak Ryan and Marie Ahern Hank and Claudia Aleliunas Steve and Lisa Amidei Mary Amirante Andrew and Nicole Anaya Kenneth and Sandie Andersen Andrew and Frances Andersen Louise Andersen Debbie Andrle Anita Anesi Saverio and Mary Ann Anfuso Frank and Katherine Annerino Ferdinand and Flerissa Arcangel Jennie Armatys James and Mary Lou Arns Jim and Christine Arns Mary Arvidson John and Mary Ellen Arvidson Kenneth and Barbara Asmann Lawrence and Karen Auer Nancy Bagel Mark and Laurel Balasa Steven and Kathleen Ballard Joseph and Kathleen Balthazor Barbara Barry Norman and Marianne Bartek Bruce and Judith Bauman Greg and Mary Baur Pete and Janet Beata Vivian Bedard Neil and Margaret Bergin Elizabeth Bergmark Samuel Bernath Dennis and Zdena Bernier Matthew and Nancy Betti Thomas and Laura Bianchi Kathleen Birks Harry and Carole Bock Esther Boesche Jeffrey and Kathleen Bohlmann Helen Bohn Bernard and Kathryn Bojarski Joseph and Marge Bondi Ampelio Boratto Charles and Margaret Mary Bordenkircher Dorothy Bornarth Margaret Boyer Jerome and Donna Brand Anthony and Justine Braskich Kathleen Breault Patricia Brennan Philip and Nancy Brinckerhoff Lillian Brodkorb Matthew and Maria Cristina Brown Michael and Deborah Brown Roger Bruns Timothy and Mary Budreau Marie Bufanda Paul and Denise Bujak Marjorie Burke Carole Busch Theron and Barbara Bushnell Carl and Lisa Busse Thomas Butler Sean and Sheila Byrne Florence Cabay German and Francis Calvo Joan Caminiti Louis and Vicki Caravelli Paul and Michelle Cardoza Joseph and Nicole Carlisle Alan and Patricia Carlson Glen and Muriel Carlson Tim and Nancy Carracher Christine Carstens Frank and Janet Caruk John and Lisa Casey Bob and Laurel Castaneda Emmanuel and Epifania Castro Dominic and Genevieve Catrambone Joanne Cegielski Eileen Ceisel Lawrence and Beverly Centella David and Kathy Chameli Jaroslaw and Alicja Cholewa Ikno and Huijeong Chon Debbie Christensen James and Denise Ciciora Eileen Ciesemier Anthony and Kim Cinquegrani Sandra Clark Gerald and Ellen Cochran Ty and Laura Collins William Conforti Stephen and Catherine Conley Margaret Conti Sophia Coolahan Donald and Ann Cooper Jack Costanzo Joseph and Marion Crimmins Cory and Alison Crossetti Daniel and Joanne Cullnan Thomas and Ruth Curran Greg and Teresa Cuttell Donald and Janelle Cyborski Joe and Sarah D'Amico Chester and Deborah Daniel Paul and Debora Dasso Richard and Sharon Davis Michael and Jennifer Demski Paul and Mary Dennee Bernadine Deresinski Ronald and Rita Des Chatelets Camillia Deutschle Karl and Erika Deutschmann Richard and Cynthia Deyhle Amber Di Giovanni Frank and Angela Di Vito Philip and Sandra Dicecca Joan DiGioia James and Toni Dirkes Vince and Linda Divizio John and Mary Doherty Carl and Karen Dohn Jason and Desiree Doland Gerald and Nancy Domanus Margaret Dombrowski Mary Jane Donahue Christopher and Elisabeth Donoghue Patricia Dormann Dorothy Dorsch Patrick and April Dowd Pronab and Corazon Dowerah Joseph and Theresa Drabot Greg and Melissa Drake Charles and Virginia Drews Chad and Barbara Drufke Julia Duris Mark and Jennifer Dzierzak Matthew and Nancy Eaken Norman and Elizabeth Englbrecht Emmanuel and Magalys Escalona Peter and Karen Fahey Father Tim Fairman Thomas and Sandra Farley Don and Marisue Fasick Martin and Andrea Fedko John and Sally Fedus Thomas and Kathleen Feifar Wesley and Lisa Fenton Peter and Josephine Fera Kurt and Kathy Ferry Katharina Fischer Mark and Mary Beth Fleischhauer Stephen and Maureen Fox John and Geraldine Francione Chris and Sue Freiburger Michael and Barbara Frenzer Annamarie Gaconis Ryszard and Barbara Gajewski-Gebka Giuseppe and Enza Galati Jim and Elizabeth Garthwait Les Gaulke Thomas and Carole Gazda David and Jennifer Geist John and Cheryl Georgeoff Lawrence and Laura Gerlach Joseph and Charlene Giglio Kenneth and Nora Gile Tim and Odile Glatz Edward and Carol Ann Goeden Marc and Maria Goldstein M. Felipe and Betty Gonzalez Edward and Gloria Grajdura Marian and Aneta Grajdura Nicholas and Diane Grapsas Adam and Christine Grela Brian and Monica Grimaud Bernadette Gross Mike and Peggy Grunewald Matt and Kim Gryzlo James and Janet Guarino Christian and Cynthia Guerrero Arlene Gwozdz Rosemary Hacker Cornelius Hallahan George and Nancy Hammond David and Karen Hand Glenn and Patricia Hankins Leslie Hanlon Francis and Katherine Hannon Craig and Cheryl Hanssen John and Sally Hard Ronald Harrigan Mary Lynn Harte Thomas Harvey Mary Haugh Olive Hawley Ronald and Lou Ann Hayes John and Mary Ellen Healey Tomasz and Malgorzata Hebda Thomas and Patricia Hein Theresa Henderson Timothy Herlihy Jdolito and Bernadette Herrera Joan Hertel Robert and Louise Heselbarth Germaine Hesiak Brian and Joanne Hessel James and Anna Hidaka Thomas and Sandra Hillenbrand Nance Hirn Scott and Brooke Hjelm Eugene and Dorothy Hlavacek James and Marilyn Hoffman William and Cynthia Holderfield Richard and Violeta Holmes Lois Hoppe James and Judith Houser Lorraine Hubert Lois Isler Janusz and Zofia Iwanicki Andrew and Marlo James James and Jaclyn Jankovec Marjorie Jansa Andrzej and Alicja Janusz Thomas and Patricia Jasonowicz David and Carolyn Johanson James Jones Gary and Marsha Jones Timothy and Anne Marie Kaiser Stephen and Joyce Kaiser William and Linda Kapolas Kevin and Patricia Keane John and Lorraine Kearns Kate Kelly Christopher and Mary Jo Kenny Pat Key John and Kathleen Kiener Andrew and Jennifer Kim Louis and Mary Kittler Richard and Christina Kneisel Robert and Diane Knight Maria Knuth Joanne Kobilarcik David and Marilyn Kohlin Donald and Theresa Kolbus Andrzej and Dorothy Kowalski Paul and Denise Krantz William and Arlene Krofel Jolanta Krol Anthony and Marie Kubon Roman and Renata Kucab Kenneth and Patricia Kudla John and Jennifer Kuntz Eugene Kurtz Michael and Carol Kutkowski Loretta La Passo Joseph and Kristine La Russo Brian and Jackie Ladewig Howard and Donna Lafin Tom and Katherine Landeck Richard and Marcia Larson Arlene Lazarz William and Debra Dell Leap Melvin and Jerilyn Lechowicz Sung and Sung Lee Robert and Loana Lefevre Michael and Ann Lenz Frank and Jacqueline Leo Marie Leone Mark and Elise Leszczynski Dean and Terri Lewis Ryan and Cory Liebgott Raymond Ligocki Jim and Maryann Lincoln Ted and Martha Lipinski John and Cheryl Ann Lipinski Kenneth and Frances Litchfield Brian and Clara Locascio Sandra Loftus Mary Longua Gilles and Mary Ann Lonteen Marco and Mary Lopez Edward and Phyllis Louis Richard and Patricia Lutz Sharon Lyons Ann and Guillermo Maco Marilyn Majus Donald Malak David and Laura Malek Luis and Clarita Mangubat William and Wendi Maniscalco Edward and Virginia Mann Al and Ann Maravilla Donna Markakis James and Kim Markiewicz John and Marcia Marshall Michael and Jennifer Marshall Robert and Carol Martin Robert and Christine Maslowski Hugh and Susan Masterson Larry Matkovich Jocelyn Matuszak Rainer and Jennifer Mayer Thomas McBlain John McBlain Eileen McCarthy Patrick and Madeleine McEwen Edward and Diane McGrath Kent and Anne McGuire Donald McKay Michael McMahon Msgr. John P. McNamara Margaret McNamara John and Kathy McNerney Brian and Stephanie McVeigh Michael and Ann Meersman James and Patricia Menges Thomas and Linn Merlitti Gerard and Lucyna Metzo Kevin and Colleen Meyers Mary Michonski Diane Midland Leo and Nancy Miklius Margaret Milazzo Richard and Patricia Miles Edgar and Holly Millan Kathryn Miller Brian and Judith Moore Tony and Lisa Moran Francis and Lavina Moranda John and Grace Moriarty Gerry Moscinski Joan Moser Horst and Edith Muenx Yvonne Mulville Leonard Munoz Michael and Beth Murray Joe and Rhonda Musuraca, AIF, Inc. Carol Myers John and Anne Marie Nalley Mark and Laurie Nannini Steve and Lillian Nemtusiak William and Margaret Neurauter William and Mary Neurauter Juliann Neurauter Jack and Lucille Newlin William and Patricia Nicholson William and Mary Nix Stephen and Gail Norys Robert and Angie Novak Jane Nuxoll Jim and Jackie O'Brien Kenneth and Rita O'Callaghan Robert and Rita O'Connor Joseph and Elizabeth Oh Michael and Stacey O'Keefe Paul and Yolanda Oland Pauline Olday James and Barbara Olinski Jeraldine Olis Duncan and Maureen Olson Andrew and Barbara Omark Janice Orlowski Carol Oswald Nancy Owens Thomas and Therese Paar Walter Pacek Tony and Lori Palcheck Dale and Debbie Palka Roger and Elaine Papesch Jerome Paschke William and Marie Paul Josephine Pellegrino Anthony and Susan Perrone Peter Pervenecki Brian and Pam Peterson Richard and Carol Pfister Diane Pfister Waldemra and Katarzyna Piekarski Arlene Pierog Richard and Katherine Pizzato Dorothy Porcaro Rosario and Lara Postiglione Mary Powers Ralph and Michelle Poznanski Luke and Carol Praxmarer Domenico and Asmahn Presta Heather Price Lucille Ptaszek Mel and Judiann Quinn Joseph Raducka Emmanuel and Caroline Ramos Michael and Elizabeth Rams Norman and Evelyn Raupp Thomas and Linda Reckamp John and Roberta Regan Peter O'Malley and Celeste Regan David Reiser Daniel and Julie Reiser Gary and Kelly Relias Louis and Ann Riccio Thomas and Jean Rich Theresa Ringwald Gregory and Diane Robbins Walter and Sylvia Rodriguez Suzanne Rogers Desi and Elizabeth Roman David and Karla Ropelewski Paul and Maureen Ross John and Dawn Rossbach Kenneth Roy Andrew and Ruth Ruff Allen and Donna Russ Edward and Rosemary Rybski Carl and Carol Saccomando Donald and Susan Sadowski Wilfredo and Susie Sadural Steve Saelens Richard and Gloria Saetre Thomas and Lynn Salvetti Joseph and Linda Samojedny Clarence and Susan Samuel Jerry and Karen Sara Dale Schafernak James and Linda Schmidt Phil and Lindsay Schnieder Beatrice Schonta Raymond Schulenberg Michael and Faith Schulte Larry and Karen Schumacher Tom and Mary Ellen Schuman Henry and Renate Schure Ann Nelle Schwind Jeffrey and Christine Schyvinck Richard and Amalia Seebacher Brigetta Sentman Steve and Tina Serpico Robert and Carol Shaffer Jack and Lynn Sharpee Harry and Maureen Sherman Carl Siemianowski Joseph and Barbara Simeo Angela Sisk Dominic and Beverly Siwek Frank and Mary Ann Skutta Gerard and Donna Slania Robert and Carol Smearman Michael and Donna Smith Russell and Carol Smith Paul and Maria Smith Jean and Gabe Sommers Stanislawa Sowinska Scott and Margaret Spoonholtz Bernadette Sromek Jack and Regina Stapleton Gregory Starzynski Wesley Steffan Dale and Joan Stern Michael and Jeanette Stevens Ken and Valerie Stippich Adolf and Sandra Stransky Frederick and Mary Stupen Mary Suda Kevin and Barbara Sullivan Jane Sullivan Mike and Mary Sullivan James and Julie Swanson Thaddeus and Bernadine Szewc Debra Szott Janice Szwec Paul and Rose Tader Stewart Tesnow Michael and Donna Thompson Kathleen Thompson Theodore and Sherill Tompson Harold and Linda Tourville Gary and Julie Towers Daniel and Mary Kay Travers Walter and Carol Traxinger David and Diane Tuegel Alfred and Florence Turcotte Greg and Jennifer Urbaniak Kenneth and Estelle Valenti Thomas and Marilee Van Havermaet John and Susan Vanderwiel William and Maureen Vasey Kevin and Mary Vaughan Judith Vecchio Paul Vilmur Roger and Jean Vilmur Erika Viranyi Valerie Vitucci Gregory and Elizabeth Vogt Brian and Diane Vollmert Matthew and Sandra Voss Eugene Vrane Glenn and Theresa Wagner Mike and Julie Wagner Edwin and Anne Walker Martin and Charlotte Walker Jan and Maria Watychowicz Jeffrey and Judith Weidner Cyril and Viola Weisbeck James and Kathleen Wendt Clifford and Kelly Westfall Cara Weyker Thomas and Mary Ann White Robert and Jennifer Widlowski Katherine Wijas Ronald and Sally Willer Mary Jo Willis Robert Wilmouth Eva Winiarczyk Bernard and Karen Winkelman Sandy and Dwayne Wiseman Cynthia Wright David and Susan Yankee Dorothy Zabinski Robert and Beverly Zak Philip and Barbara Zarob Walter and Oriana Zelasko Thomas and Mary Zeller Jean-Pierre and Mary Zermatten Henry and Mary Anne Zielinski Jeffrey Zielinski Raymonde Zipperich Irene Zurek Page 8 MINISTRY OF CARE The Ministry of Care office is the central point in our parish community for outreach, resources and referrals. Deacon Stephen Norys, Coordinator ON-GOING INVITATION TO SMILE! …from Fr. Dennis We need to live in Christian joy! Holy Scripture continually mentions Christian joy as the heart of Christian living. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11 FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION And some famous, and not so famous, people have encouraged people to exhibit joy. For July 18-19 I call the New Testament the Book of Joy. There is nowhere in the world another book that is pervaded with such a spirit of exhilaration. Most needed: Toilet Paper, Juice, Dish Soap, Tooth Paste, Peas, Pears, Sugar, Mayo PALATINE TOWNSHIP 2015 APPLE TREE CAMPAIGN The Apple Tree Campaign collects and distributes new backpacks and school supplies to economically disadvantaged children who live in Palatine Township. The program is designed to provide students, who have been referred by local social workers, with needed school supplies so they can start school prepared and ready to learn. Donations can also be dropped off July 8 through August 9, during regular business hours, at: Palatine Township, 721 S. Quentin Road Palatine Village Hall, 150 W. Wilson Street Community Consolidated School District 15, 580 First Bank Drive Palatine Public Library, 700 N. Court Drive Palatine Park District, 250 E. Wood St. Palatine Bank & Trust, 110 W. Palatine Road Prince of Peace, 1190 North Hicks Road BMO Harris Bank, Palatine & Rolling Meadows Branches Walgreens, 805 W. Euclid Avenue, 12 N. Northwest Hwy., & 375 E. Dundee Rd. Henry Ward Beecher Let’s remember to smile at our public worship, especially as we process to receive Holy Communion! NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING SAFE. HEALTHY. EFFECTIVE. Curious about Natural Family Planning? Classes start August 8th. Contact Steve and Kathleen Ballard (847) 221-5089 [email protected] WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations to: Frank & Lee Moranda who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on July 9th! Jerry & Donna Slania who celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on July 11th! Fran & Ken Litchfield who celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary! May God continue to bless you in your married life! Page 9 ST. THERESA RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Registration for the 2015-2016 Religious Education year is taking place now! Classes will begin the week of September 14 – 19. To register, forms are available on the parish website or in the Pauline Center reception area. Classes are for students entering Kindergarten – Confirmation. Register by July 30th! Religious Education is in need of some catechists for the 2015-2016 year. Catechists are needed for: Mondays 4pm – 5:30pm: 8th grade/Confirmation Tuesdays 4:30pm – 6pm: Kindergarten, 1st grade, 3rd grade, 8thgrade/Confirmation Catechists: Save the Date for Mass and an Evening of Reflection on Tuesday, August 18 5:00pm – 8:00pm. If you are interested in teaching, but cannot commit to every week, inquire about being a substitute. If you are interested in being a catechist or a substitute, please contact Elizabeth Vogt at [email protected] or 847-359-2846. BAPTISMS Sunday, July 5, 2015 Mia Kierdelewicz Hunter Lawrence McCauley Welcome to Our Christian Family! BANNS OF MARRIAGE Maureen Morton & Brandon Deboer Wedding: July 11, 2015 Molly Gruszecka & Andy Webb Wedding: July 24, 2015 ST. THERESA SCHOOL OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS St. Theresa School is committed to student success. As a Catholic learning community, we encourage our students to find strength and joy in their faith, embrace knowledge, and celebrate their own unique talents and interests so they can excel in all aspects of their lives. Our admissions office is accepting applications throughout the summer. For information or to request a tour of the school campus, please contact the school office. The summer hours will be Monday- Friday 9:00am-12:00pm. Web: ● Phone: 847-359-1820 ex. 249 ● Email: [email protected] COME BEGIN THE JOURNEY WITH US! Page 10 Page 11 KNIGHTS CORNER KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEETING NOTICE READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ex 1:8-14, 22; Ps 124:1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Tuesday: Ex 2:1-15a; Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Ps 103:1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Ex 3:13-20; Ps 105:1, 5, 8-9, 24-27; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Ps 116:12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Ex 12:37-42; Ps 136:1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34 Our next Monthly Business Meeting will be on July 13 at St. Thomas of Villanova, Meeting Rooms A & B at 7:30. If you're interested in helping those in need, serving your parish, growing in your faith or having exclusive access to top rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you. Questions, contact [email protected] or Jim Arns [email protected]. We thank the sponsors who help to make the bulletin cost-free. For information on ads, contact J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.1-800-566-6170 The Catholic Community of St. Theresa MASS SCHEDULE Sundays: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11 :30 AM Weekdays: 6:30 and 8:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Vigil) NEW PARISHIONERS We welcome you to St. Theresa and invite you to register by calling the Parish office. VISITATION OF THE SICK If you or a family member are in a local hospital and would like a visit from a priest, please call the Parish Office. Those who are homebound can also make arrangements to receive communion on a regular basis by calling the Ministry of Care, 847-358-7760. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays at 12:30-1:30 PM or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism is celebrated at 1:00 PM on the first and third Sundays of the month. Parents are asked to arrive at 12:45 PM. Parents must take part in preparation classes before the Baptism takes place. Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Parents are required to attend the classes before the baby is born. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment with a priest. No other plans should be finalized until then. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK This sacrament offers the Lord's healing strength and peace to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill, hospitalized or about to have surgery. Please call the Parish Office if you wish to have someone receive this sacrament. SACRAMENT FOR ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church or wanting information about the Catholic Church is asked to call Deacon Larry Schumacher at 847-358-7760 ext. 363. Baptized, adult Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation and wish to, call Deacon Schumacher. For Bulletin: [email protected] For Scheduling: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM PARISH COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Parish Pastoral Council: Leo Miklius Board of Specified Jurisdiction (School Board): Tom Paar Finance Council: Jerry Sara Religious Education Board: Frank Annerino BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY / MINISTERS OF CARE TO THE SICK Deacon Stephen Norys, 847-358-7760 ext. 110 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS and ALTAR SERVERS Marie Paul, [email protected] or 847-358-7760 ext. 119 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, HOLY GHOST COUNCIL: Jim Arns, [email protected], 2nd Monday of month, 7:30 PM Lower Dolan Center MARIAN ROSARY and MASS: Mondays at 7:00 PM, in the church OUR LADY of FATIMA DEVOTIONS: First Saturday of month after the 8:00 AM Mass CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP: Wednesdays at 7:30 PM in the Pauline Center Deacon Lou Riccio REACH (Special Religious Education for Adults) Deacon Rich and Kathie Pizzato RESPECT LIFE, life Maria Goldstein, 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:00 PM in the Pauline Center ST. THERESA WOMEN’S CLUB: Liz Gawlik SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL Last Monday of month, 7:00 PM, in Pauline Center WEDDING REHEARSAL MINISTRY: Mary Vaughan YOUTH MINISTRY [email protected] Nancy Brinckerhoff Kathy Ferry Maureen Ross Rev. Matthew Jamesson
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