03/8 - St. Anne`s Mission
St Mary Catholic Church 4200 88th Street NE Marysville, Washington 98270 360 653 9400 St Anne Mission 7231 Totem Beach Road (No Mail) Tulalip, WA 98271 360 386-7425 Phone: 360 653-9400 Fax: 360 658-7439 Website: www.stmary-stanne.org Email: [email protected] MARCH 08, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water." John 4:10 ST. MARY/ST. ANNE A warm welcome to those of you visiting us this weekend. We are pleased to worship the Lord by your side. Thank you for joining us. If you are a new member of our worshiping community, please take the time to register with the parish. Pick up a registration form at the Parish Office, fill it out and return it in the collection basket or by mail. ST. MARY/ST. ANNE MISSION STATEMENT We are a Roman Catholic sacramental people led by the Holy Spirit, seeking to grow together in faith, love and charity. We are called by God the Father to be a welcoming presence of Jesus Christ in our parish and community through worship, fellowship, and service. Somos un pueblo católico sacramental guiados por el Espíritu Santo, que buscan crecer juntos en la fe, el amor y la caridad. Somos llamados por Dios Padre para ser una presencia acogedora de Jesucristo. St Mary Mass Times: St Anne Mass Times: Monday, Thursday and Saturday: 9:00 am Wednesday and Friday: 7:30 am Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm (Spanish) Eucharistic Adoration 1st Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday: 10:00 am Wednesday: 9:00 am Thursday: 9:00 am Friday: 9:00 am Sunday: 10:00 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 pm OUR PRIEST ADMINISTRATOR Fr. Dwight’s Message “Sunday is the Lord’s DAY; not the Lord’s HOUR!” Church, I am sitting in St Athanasius Church in Brooklyn ready to be ministered to by two of my dearest friends, Fr. Charles and his wonderful sister, Laurie Mangano. Their ministry of music have touched the hearts of literally millions of people all over the world and I forgot what true gifted and anointed people they were. I thank God that they are so absolutely dear to me in my walk with Jesus Christ. I am blessed they are in my life. My mission at Fr Charles' parish of Cure of Ars, Merrick, Long Island was a blessed success and the Holy Spirit truly used me to be a blessing for all who attended the mission. To God be ALL the glory! The Church is filling up fast and the excitement of being ministered to is mounting. The rehearsal was tremendous; I am already in tears as song after song touched me. What will the full voice of the concert do to me? This Lenten night of recollection, filled with music, and singing, adoration and reconciliation is sure to be an experience of the love of God for all of us gathered here. God amazed me this Lent - for I am about to enter three hours of a deep Lenten Retreat. And I am ready for you, Jesus... For your call to minister to the depth of my soul. The lights are blinking now. This amazing journey into the sacred passion and mercy of Christ in song is about to begin. The Candles are lit everywhere and my heart is so full. Here we go... And here they come out... Estoy sentado en la Iglesia de San Anastasio en Brooklyn listo para ser ministrado por dos de mis queridos amigos, Padre Charles y su maravillosa hermana, Laurie Mangano. Su ministerio de música ah tocado los corazones de literalmente millones de personas alrededor del mundo y se me olvidaba que tan verdade ramente talentosos y ungidos. Le agradezco a Dios porque ellos son tan cercanos a mí en mi caminar con Jesucristo. Soy bendecido por tenerlos a ellos en mi vida. Mi misión en la parroquia del padre Charles, Cura de Ars, Merrick, en Long Island fue un éxito bendecido y el Espíritu Santo verdaderamente me uso para ser una bendición para todos los que atendieron a la misión. A Dios sea TODA la gloria! La Iglesia se llena rápidamente y la emoción de ser ministrado es desbordante. El ensayo fue tremendo; ya estaba en lagrimas así como canción tras canción me tocaba. Que entonces me ara la voz entera del concierto? En esta noche de recogimiento de cuaresma, llena de música, y cantos, adoración y reconciliación será segura una experiencia del amor de Dios para nosotros congregados aquí. Dios me sorprendió eta Cuaresma- porque estoy a punto de entrar a un profundo retiro de cuaresma de tres horas. Y estoy listo para ti Jesús… Para tu llamado a ministrar a lo más profundo de mi alma. Las luces parpadean ahora. Esta grandiosa jornada dentro de la sagrada pasión y misericordia de Cristo en el canto está a punto de empezar. Las velas están encendidas en todas partes y mi corazón esta tan lleno. Aquí vamos...y aquí ellos salen... I AM HERE TO LOVE YOU! God Bless, Fr. Dwight St Anne Mission News Fr Emmanuel Iweh (360) 386-7425 Email: [email protected] Sunday 10:00 am Saturday 5:30 pm Wednesday 9:00 am Thursday 9:00 am Friday 9:00 am We continue to build and nurture healthy spiritual relationships with our Tulalip family and to support those in need through prayers, outreach and good works of service. Baptismal Classes Classes are held every 1st Saturday of the month at 3:00 pm. Congratulations St Anne Mission for the following: Certificate of Recognition on achieving 363% Annual Catholic Appeal Goal St. Anne’s Stations of Cross Immediately after 9am Mass on Friday Certificate of Recognition on achieving 217% participation for 2014 Annual Appeal Faith Formation Classes Faith Formation classes are held every Tuesday evening from 5:30—6:45pm. Clases de formacion en la Fe. Confirmation Classes These classes are held every Wednesday evening from 5:30—6:45 pm. Classes are now up and running with students so far. More are welcome! Please call Lesa Roerich at 360-581-8212 or contact Father Iweh for more information. Healing Mass Altar Servers and Lectors Needed If you are interested please call Fr Iweh, Bill Topash at 360-386-8808 or Steve Myers at 425-750-0205. Please Include the Following Names in your prayers: Larry Negretti, Larry Martin, Stan Kleisath, Elaine Ruddell, Jules Sicotte, Don Francisco, Costa & Carol Ann Lazzaretti, Jose & Edlin Narvaez, Antonia Seyler, Don Hatch, Brian Thomas. St. Anne’s has a Healing Mass on the 1st Friday of every month at 7:00 p.m. St Anne Needs More Participation! In the after Mass Potluck’s both Saturday and Sunday, as well, as in cleanup. Please bring a DISH to Share with the fellowship of others in the community. Free Health Check Tulalip Tribe will continue free health check’s the 1st Friday of every month at 10:00 am in the Sterling Hall. Have your blood pressure and blood sugar tested. This is open to the public! Stewardship of Treasure Thank you for your Generous Donation! From our Holy Father, Pope Francis Pope Francis explains why judging yourself is a Christian virtue Vatican City, Mar 2, 2015 / 11:06 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The capacity of all men to commit the most despicable of sins should inspire the self-awareness necessary to accept God's mercy and move forward in the Christian life, Pope Francis said. “We are all sinners,” the pontiff said in his Lenten homily at the Santa Marta residence chapel Mar. 2. He added that it is “a Christian virtue” to be able to judge oneself, according to Vatican Radio's translation. To judge oneself means “not hiding from the roots of sin that are in all of us, the many things we are capable of doing, even if we cannot see them,” Pope Francis said. While it is “easier to blame others” for our sins, he continued, it promotes interior peace and health to consider what “we are capable of doing,” even if at first, “we feel disgust.” “We are all masters, professors of self-justification,” and “have an alibi to explain away our shortcomings, our sins,” while putting on “an innocent face,” he said. “This is no way to lead a Christian life.” his is an essential lesson for the Christian, the Pope said: “If we do not learn this first step in life, we will never, never be able to take other steps on the road of our Christian life, of our spiritual life.” D d En la homilía de la Misa que presidio este lunes en la capilla de la Casa Santa Marta en donde reside, el Papa Francisco reflexiono sobre la costumbre que existe de juzgar o acusar a los otros olvidando el pecado personal. El Pontífice destaco que “cuando uno aprende a acusarse a sí mismo es misericordioso con los demas: 'Pero, ¿quien soy yo para juzgarlo si yo soy capaz de hacer cosas peores?". Esta pregunta responde a la propia exhortacion de Jesus en el Sermon de la Montana: El Papa Francisco pidio que en el tiempo de Cuaresma “el Senor nos de la gracia de aprender a acusarnos”, siendo conscientes de que somos capaces “de las cosas mas malvadas” y decir: 'Ten piedad de mi, Senor, ayudame a avergonzarme y dame misericordia, así podre tener misericordia con los demas”. El Pontífice dijo en su homilía que las lecturas del día hablan de la misericordia y recordo que “todos somos pecadores”, no “en teoría” sino en la realidad. Esto indica “una virtud cristiana, de hecho mas que una virtud”, la “capacidad de acusarse a sí mismo”. “Si nosotros no aprendemos este primer paso de la vida, nunca, nunca daremos pasos en el camino de la vida cristiana, de la vida espiritual”. 24 Hour Adoration - Holy Rosary Chapel Volunteers needed for Stewardship of Adoration Hours. Shift sheets are in the Parish Office & Holy Rosary Chapel. A parish staff member will contact you with hours and lock code. St. Mary’s News Friday, March 13th —Stations of the Cross @ 6 pm followed with Soup & Bread in Parish Hall. Vienes, Marzo 13—Estacions del la Cruz a las 6 pm seguido con Sopa y Pan en el Salon. Friday, March 20th —Stations of the Cross @ 6 pm followed with Fish Fry in Parish Hall. Vienes, Marzo 20—Estacions del la Cruz a las 6 pm seguido con Pescado Frito en el Salon. Homeless Shelter Project—Every Friday our parish will help our fellow brothers and sisters that seek shelter. If you are interested in helping, please contact our Parish Office. No Baptisms in March—Please contact Eva at (360) 659-9400 or e-mail: [email protected] . Confirmation– Youth who are registered for Confirmation should be sure to attend youth group on Sunday. If you have questions about Confirmation, contact Michael at [email protected], or at (360) 653-9400. Lector’s Needed—Share your Time and Talent & serve as a bridge between the Scriptures & Faithful. Contact Charlotte 360-659-1101. The Food Bank received 214 lbs. of donated food for the month of February. Thank you for your support. St Vincent De Paul would like to thank everyone for the contributions in caring for the less fortunate. LITTLE BLACK BOOKS FOR LENT: Available for purchase at the Parish Office for $1.00. The Black Book is available in both English and in Spanish. Vinny Flynn’s “7 Secretes of Confession” Are available for $12.00 —Contact: Louise Burke at 360-652-6636. St. Mary Backpack Ministry needs your help to provide food over the weekends for homeless and needy children in our community. We need: Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Rice Krispies, canned Beef Stew, Tuna, Soups (vegetable beef, chicken vegetables); Macaroni & Cheese; Fruit Juice (Capri Sun or V8 Fusion), Jell-O/Applesauce/Fruit/Pudding Cups; Cloth Shopping Bags. THE GROTTO St. Mary & St. Anne Parishioners Trip Grotto, Portland on March 21, 2015. Sign up sheets in Parish Hall Office. PRAYER LIST Mary Queen of Peace Columbaria A final resting place for our loved ones who desire to be cremated is finally here in our St. Mary Catholic Cemetery. Row 1—$ 3,000.00 Row 2—$ 2,800.00 Row 3—$ 2,600.00 Row 4—$ 2,400.00 Plan your funeral now. Give 25% down and the remaining balance in 10 monthly installments. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. Thank you! Jeremy Williams, Mary Beth Mantow, Bea DuFor, Pat & Mark Mantow, Pam Stephson & Family, Hadsell Family & their unborn child, Bill & Connie Stolcis, Chris Stoles & Family, Cheryl & Troy LaBrum & Family, Clifton & Stacy Cowin & Famly, Anna M. Diner, Carlefa Sjodin, Beca Hertzog, Richard Jacobs, Rosie Nash, Carol Dollar, Shirley Dockendorf, John De Polo, Crisatomo De Leon, Egidio Paquera, Mary Taylor, Jules Sicotte, Caiden Selia, Jody Labrum, Dianna DeCaro, Nina Gonzales, Antonia Seyler, Carol Oshs, Margie, Manvione, John Swain, Desirae Williams, Lucy Young, Jim Brauch, Pat McCabe, Annabelle Snook, Yolanda Snook, Andrea Cantrell. REST IN PEACE Brian, Joe Abrenilla, Beverly Hill, Salvador Perez, Teresa Puckett, Sabina Cerny, Connie Desrosier, Ervin Leuze, Carlos Felix, Arturo Gomez, Michael Vincent Selden, Amado De Leon, Vincent Meno, Juan Sicotte, Robert Sicotte, Rita Sicotte, Jim Pfeifer, Dennis Mehar, Jeanette McGourty, Juan Ocaya, Maura Ocaya, Rosario Storm, Charles Miller, Deidra Murphy. Religious Education St. Mary’s Faith Formation Children’s Choir has started up again: 6:30-7:15pm on Wednesdays, after Faith Formation Classes Faith in the home tip Did you know that parents can bless their children? This has taken different forms in different cultures throughout Christian history. One simple way to do it would be to place your hand on their head, or trace a cross on their forehead and say “May God bless you” before they go to bed Youth Ministry For updates, Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter: @Youth_StMarys! Spread the word! Please consider signing up to provide snacks for one Youth Group meeting! We feed their hearts and minds with the Word, you feed their stomachs! Contact Michael to pick a date! Interested in Teen Choir? Email: [email protected]!!! High School Sundays from 6-8 pm in the Parish Hall Confirmation Classes on Tuesdays from 7-8 pm in the Parish Hall. Junior High Monday Classes from 6-7:30 pm in the Parish Hall. We are still in dire need of adult volunteers for high school youth group on Sunday nights. If interested, please contact Michael at [email protected] or call (360) 653-9400 ext 103. We cannot have youth group if we don’t have enough adults. There have to be at least 2 adults present at all times. Please consider this gift of your time and talent! Readings for Daily Mass March 09 March 10 March 11 March 12 March 13 March 14 2 KGS 5:1-15AB; LK 4:24-30 DN 3:25, 34-43; MT 18:21-35 DT 4:1, 5-9; MT 5:17-19 JER 7:23-28; LK 11:14-23 HOS 14:2-10; MK 12:28-34 HOS 6:1-6; LK 18:9-14 Pope Francis Pilgrimage to Philadelphia: September 23 thru September 29 Call Parish Office for details. Faith Formation Stewardship Children Faith Formation/Sacrament: (Kindergarten through 5th grade) Debra Hart Email: [email protected] Clase de Formacion para los Ninos: FaitSabado con Hector Paz Email: [email protected] STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE: March 01, 2015 Marriage Requirements: Registered with the Parish Appt: Fr Lewis 6 months prior Sacrificial Donations: $9,052.95 Pastoral Assistant for Thank you for responding in giving back Formation & Youth Minister: to God the gifts of your treasure for his Michael Schmitz Church, the family of God. Email: [email protected] ** Always remember, we can never out-do God in generosity. Parish Staff (360) 653-9400 Fax (360) 658-7439 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am – 7:00pm www.stmary-stanne.org Priest Administrator: Fr. Dwight Lewis 360 653-9400 Ext 109 Email: [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Rev Emmanuel Iweh 360 386-7425 Email: [email protected] Thirty Minute Appointments: Wednesday 1:00 to 4:00 pm & Thursday 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Deacon: Antonio Cavazos [email protected] Pastoral Assistant for Administration: Christian Spencer Email: [email protected] Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper: Music Director Spanish Choir Gloria Valdez-Guillen Email: [email protected] Lester Letoto [email protected] Amadeo Miramontes [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Eva Wilson Email: [email protected] Administrative Assistant Rafael Robles, Jr. Email: [email protected] P. A. for Communications Erin Grace Email: [email protected] Facilities Manager II: John Hodgins Email: [email protected]
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