6th Edition - International Lubricants Inc.
6th Edition - International Lubricants Inc.
6th Edition INTRODUCTION Why LUBEGARD is the choice of Professionals ................. 2 The Unique Difference .................................................... 3-5 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PROTECTION Automatic Transmission Fluid Protectant ......................... 6-7 ATF Flush & Protect Pack .................................................. 7 Platinum Universal ATF Protectant ................................... 8-9 Platinum Flush & Protect Pack ............................................ 9 Highly Friction Modified ATF Supplement .......................... 10 M-V Automatic Transmission Fluid Supplement ................ 11 Transmission Flush ......................................................... 11 CVT Universal Fluid ......................................................... 12 ALL-PURPOSE LUBRICANTS Premium Universal Lubricant ............................................ 13 Lube’n Loosen ................................................................ 13 REBUILDING ESSENTIALS Kooler Kleen .................................................................... 14 Assemblee Goo (Green/Firm Tack) .................................. 15 Assemblee Goo (Blue/Soft Tack) ..................................... 15 Power Kleen ................................................................... 15 Transmission Assembly Treatment .................................. 15 Threadlocker ................................................................... 15 Instant Shudder Fixx ....................................................... 16 Bio-Tap Tapping Oil .......................................................... 16 Seal-E-Zee Products ....................................................... 17 ENGINE & GEAR PROTECTION BIO-TECH Engine Oil Protectant ................................... 18-19 Engine Flush .................................................................... 19 Engine Flush & Protect Pack ............................................ 19 Free-Eze ......................................................................... 20 Two-Cycle Engine Oil ....................................................... 20 Limited Slip Supplement ................................................... 21 Gear Fluid Supplement ..................................................... 21 POWER STEERING PROTECTION Power Steering Fluid Protectant ....................................... 22 Power Steering Fluid ....................................................... 22 Power Steering Flush ...................................................... 23 Power Steering Performance Pack .................................. 23 Power Steering 2-Step System for flush machines .......... 23 COOLING SYSTEM PROTECTION Supreme Coolant Treatment ............................................. 24 Radiator Flush ................................................................. 24 Cooling System Flush & Protect Pack ............................... 24 Electrolysis Indicator Tool ................................................ 25 Evaporator/Heater Foam Cleaner ..................................... 26 BRAKE SYSTEM PROTECTION Brake Finishing Treatment ............................................... 27 Universal Brake Grease .................................................. 27 FUEL SYSTEM PROTECTION PRO II 9000 Fuel System Products ................................... 28 MOTORCYCLE PROTECTION Engine Oil Protectant ....................................................... 29 Coolant Treatment ........................................................... 29 Primary Case Chain Protectant ........................................ 29 Transmission Protectant .................................................. 29 HEAVY DUTY PRODUCTS Heavy Duty Power Transfer Protectant ........................... 30 Heavy Duty Gear Protectant ............................................ 30 Heavy Duty Engine Protectant ......................................... 30 Heavy Duty Coolant Treatment ........................................ 30 MARINE PROTECTION Marine 4 Cycle Engine Oil Treatment ................................ 31 Marine 2 Cycle Oil & Engine Treatment ............................. 31 Marine Power Transfer Fluid ........................................... 31 Marine Gear Oil Supplement ............................................. 31 Marine Cylinder Rescue ................................................... 31 All Purpose Marine Lubricant ........................................... 31 SMALL EQUIPMENT Power Shield 2 Cycle Oil & Re-Conditioner ....................... 32 Power Shield Anything & Everything Lube ...................... 32 Power Shield Bar and Chain Oil .............................. 32 2 PRODUCT SPECS. ..................................... 33-35 Why LUBEGARD is the performance choice of Professionals. LUBEGARD is used, endorsed, recommended and approved by multiple major OEM’s (Car Manufacturers) LUBEGARD is named as the written solution in eight OEM technical service bulletins. LUBEGARD is a world leader in innovative synthetic molecular technologies, and holds over 100 combined U.S. and foreign patents. LUBEGARD was selected by OEM’s because International Lubricants, Inc., is one of a few exclusive research and development manufacturers who produce their own unique synthetic materials. LUBEGARD is recommended and endorsed by the largest transmission repair chains: AAMCO®, Cottman®, and Lee Myles®. LUBEGARD has been awarded the most TOP SHOP PRODUCTS and TOP TOOL Awards by professional transmission technicians year after year. LUBEGARD won the prestigious ‘Product of the Year’ award for its patented LXE Technology from Lubricants World. LUBEGARD has helped countless professional rebuilders reduce their number of comebacks for over two and half decades. Unlike ILI’s competitors, (who purchase prepackaged additives from commodity chemical companies and mix them together), ILI formulates its own raw materials and molecules to create the unique derivatives found only in LUBEGARD patented products. The Unique Difference Years Ago... Sperm whale oil and its derivatives were used as lubricant additives in virtually all automotive applications because of the whale oil’s exceptional lubricity (wetting agent) and heat resistance. Whale oil was so effective— that a car's transmission fluid was generally never changed. Over 30 million pounds of whale oil was used per year in lubricants alone! In 1972, the Endangered Species Act outlawed the killing of whales and the use of whale oil. But then.. No suitable replacement for whale oil was available. This resulted in a dramatic drop in performance. In particular, the heat transfer and heat resistance properties in ATFs were severely reduced. Transmission failures skyrocketed from just under one million, to over EIGHT million by 1975, due to the loss of sperm whale oil additives. Today's Solution; International Lubricants, Inc. (ILI) in conjunction with Dr. Philip Landis, a highly distinguished research chemist who headed the Mobil Oil Applied Lubrication Research Group, developed and patented the first and only high temperature sperm whale oil replacement LUBEGARD synthetic Liquid Wax Ester (LXE®) Technology. LUBEGARD's unique synthetic LXE Technology is proven to actually outperform the sperm whale oil additives! Independent third party testing proves LUBEGARD reduces component wear by at least 50%, reduces oxygen uptake (oxidation) by 30% and reduces pentane insolubles (sludge) by 60% when added to GM® factory fill. (Reference oil for DEXRON® approval). Don’t Just Take Our Word for it... ILI's ground-breaking research has led to research grants in excess of $2 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Department of Defense and the Soy Bean Board. The Agricultural Research and Commercialization Corporation, a division of the USDA, believed so strongly in ILI's products and research, they had invested and owned stock in the company. Today, LUBEGARD Automatic Transmission Fluid Protectant is the number one product used in the professional transmission rebuild industry, and the only product of its kind to be used and approved by major automobile manufacturers (OEM’s). The sperm whale was named for the valuable spermaceti oil (wax) that this whale produces in the spermaceti organ (located in its head). It has the largest brain of any animal, weighing about 20 pounds (9 kg)! The most famous sperm whale still to this day is from the fictional novel Moby Dick and was written by Herman Melville in 1851. Dr. Landis is a worldwide leader in the mechanistic studies of elimination, rearrangement and pyrolysis reactions of additive preparations for fuel and lubricant applications, and of catalytic organic reactions and petrochemicals. He holds more than one hundred patents. Dr. Landis still regularly consults with International Lubricants and heads up the chemical research and development activities. 3 WHY ...is LUBEGARD the ONLY product of its kind used, approved, designated and endorsed by OEM’s (Car Manufacturers)? BECAUSE THE SYNTHETIC ESTERS FOUND IN LUBEGARD LXE® TECHNOLOGY ARE THE MOST HEAT STABLE THAN ANY OTHER PRODUCT EVER SOLD. And for those of us without a Ph.D. in chemistry, what that all boils down to is this: LXE functions primarily by removing heat from frictional surfaces, which can see surface temperatures in automatic transmissions of more than 300-500°F. LXE absorbs the heat at metal surfaces and transfers that heat to the metal housing, where it is dissipated. You see, it’s at the molecular level that lubricants are different. Blending of various components allows that molecular structure to translate to the characteristics needed to fight oxidation, prevent heat buildup, suspend addpacks and other important functions. Structurally, LXE is closely related and Actual LXE® Technology performs similarly to chemical reactors sperm-whale oil. LUBEGARD’s LXE LUBEGARD proprietary Technologies LXE® Technology is a 40-42 and Synergol® are functional molecules made carbon atom synthetic in special chemical reactors. ester (44 is spermwhale oil) with 20-22 carbon acid atoms and 20 carbon alcohol atoms. The secret to this technology is that it makes an ester grouping right in the center of the structure that binds the molecule together, making the new synthetic ester flow at low temperatures, oxidatively stable, with very little unsaturation; thus making it much more stable than any other synthetic molecules. The LXE molecule is a large ester chain with one double bond making it more oxidatively stable and imparting fluidity. The double bond is critical for providing a site to add functional groups, such as phosphorous or sulphur. Shown in the diagram, carbon atoms are blue, hydrogen are yellow and oxygen atoms are shown as red. 4 LUBEGARD WITH LXE®... • Reduces temperatures • Increases the fluids ability to transfer heat. LXE® Technology is proven the best at dissipating heat due to its unique wetting action. • Raises the thermal, shear and oxidative stability – Proven to reduce oxidation by 30%. LUBEGARD is so heat stable it outperforms it’s nearest competitor by over 100°F! • Extends Oil Drain Intervals • Eliminates fluid foaming • Reduces friction and wear LUBEGARD products increase the chemical protection of the metal surface and provide for a complete smoother running operation. Proven to reduce component wear by at least 50%! • Provides superior boundary lubrication. Because of its unique polarity properties, LUBEGARD contains unsurpassed metal adhesion properties to reduce friction at low sliding speeds. • Optimizes overall performance • Safely conditions and restores seal flexibility; especially in older and high mileage vehicles, unlike harmful seal swell products. LUBEGARD's LXE® Technology is the most seal friendly technology available on the market today. Testing proves LXE® Technology to be the most heat stable molecule THE TECHNOLOGY BEHIND LUBEGARD’s SYNTHETIC ESTERS Heat being transferred to the outer case by esters LUBEGARD esters are most famous for their “heat sink” abilities. Heat sink is the absorption of heat, in the oil phase generated at frictional surfaces, such as gear, or gear teeth. Competing additives can actually trap in excess heat in a transmission’s critical functional areas - likely resulting in failures. In mechanical systems heat is absorbed from the frictional surface through the bulk oil (whether it's synthetic or mineral), and is carried to and discharged out the container walls. For example, in the automatic transmission the heat is carried and discharged to the outer metal housing and cooling system. When two metal surfaces come in close contact, they compress the oil molecules at the metal-oil interface. The friction generated at that interface generates heat (just like rubbing your hands together - you feel frictional heat on your skin). When LUBEGARD LXE® (Liquid Wax Ester) Technology is present in the oil, its molecules are absorbed at metal interfaces soaking up the heat and transferring it to the bulk oil from the metal surface. The oil and LXE molecules containing the heat are then dispersed to the metal housing where it is dissipated to the atmosphere (surroundings). The Lubrication properties of LUBEGARD are unparalleled! BOUNDARY LUBRICATION Here’s how LUBEGARD works in both types of mechanical lubrication; HYDRODYNAMIC LUBRICATION Definition: Lubrication system where moving surfaces are actually separated by an oil film, eliminating all metal contact. Also referred to as “full film” lubrication. In other words; when metal surfaces do not come close together or ever touch each other. In a mechanical assembly it's the viscosity of the fluid that creates the fluid film. That's why using the right additive is crucial! The movement of metal surfaces creates friction between the surfaces. LUBEGARD's LXE molecules actually REMOVE the heat and displace it to the outer core, thereby shielding, or protecting the internal components. HYDRODYNAMIC LUBRICATION Definition: Conditions that do not permit the formation of lubricant film. In other words, areas where surfaces actually touch. As in metal to metal contact. HOW DOES LUBEGARD LXE® TECHNOLOGY WORK DURING BOUNDARY LUBRICATION? Simply, metal surfaces have a positive charge. The molecular makeup of LXE Technology provides a very long linear chain of carbon atoms that are surrounded by oxygen atoms. The oxygen atoms have a negative charge, therefore attracting the molecule to the metal surfaces. Advantageously, when the LXE molecules are heated in internal critical components, the attraction of the atoms moves the heat outward in a spiral centrifugal force (similar to spinning a toy top in a puddle of water) and keeps it harmlessly at bay in the outer metal case. LUBEGARD LXE molecules actually attach to the metal surfaces - and then are released (instead of scraping or scoring the metal) and instantly reforms again, then released again, reforms, released again and continues to reform infinitely. BOUNDARY LUBRICATION 5 ATF PROTECTANT without LUBEGARD with LUBEGARD ATF 9 out of 10 Transmissions FAIL due to HEAT! The Burnt Oil Test (at left) For this test, regular, off-the-shelf ATF was purchased then placed in a lab oven for 48 hours @ 325°F, with and without LUBEGARD. The results are CLEAR. LUBEGARD with LXE® is the proven, unsurpassed leader in preventing heat, sludge, acid and oxidation build up in ATF’s. Don’t Just Take OUR Word for it! LUBEGARD has been the solution in eight known OEM service bulletins! More Testimonials 6 The best advice that I have is after transmission replacement jobs make sure to add LUBEGARD ATF Protectant. This will help to clean up sticky valves and also lubricate the transmission. There will also be no overheating and lube on the o-rings. - Pak Lee, Center Auto Repair All trademarks are owned by their respective companies. ATF PROTECTANT LUBEGARD® AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID PROTECTANT • For use with any required *ATFs! • Prevents overheating, reducing elevated operating temperatures up to 40°F • Extends fluid life • Eliminates transmission fluid foaming and oxidation • Reduces wear throughout the transmission • Eliminates clutch chatter and torque converter shudder • Optimizes total transmission performance • Softens and modifies harsh shifts providing for smoother shifting • Eliminates objectionable noises during shifts • Keeps valves and governors free and frees stuck valves in valve bodies • Assists in eliminating warranty comebacks • Raises the thermal and oxidative stability of the fluid • Only protectant that increases the fluid’s ability to transfer heat • Does not contain any harmful components such as zinc (ZDDP) ash, etc. • Protects new seals and permanently restores older seals to a "like-new" condition, without adverse side effects PART # 50902 (10 oz) PART # 60902 (10 oz) * Except Ford Type F ATF and CVT applications LUBEGARD is the only transmission protectant to win the prestigious ‘Product of the Year’ award for its synthetic LXE® (Liquid Wax Ester) Technology from Lubricants World, 1994. Also available in a flush and protect pack TEST DESCRIPTION: Samples of products were added in proper proportions to DEXRON® III ATF and were tested for the Total Acid number. They were placed in an oven at 325°F for 48 hours, then removed and tested for the Total Acid number again. PART # 98602 ONLY LUBEGARD is proven to reduce acid formation! 7 LUBEGARD® PLATINUM® UNIVERSAL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID PROTECTANT • For use with any specified ATF recommended by the car manufacturer, such as; OEM types and DEXRON®/MERCON® ATFs (Except Ford Type F ATF or CVT applications) • Enhances DEXRON® III, VI/MERCON®, V ATF’s to perform like MERCON® V ATF • Enhances DEXRON® III, VI/MERCON® , V ATF to perform like a highly friction modified ATF, such as; Honda® Genuine ATF Toyota® Type T/TII/TIV Mopar® ATF + 3® (7176) Mopar® ATF +4® (9602) And all other highly friction modified ATF's • Prevents overheating • Dramatically reduces friction and wear on metal parts and internal components • Will not alter the crucial sulfur balance in your transmission fluid • Will not harm yellow metals • Inhibits fluid oxidation and foaming • New Synergol® TMS Technology, a synthetic molecule, tightens the shift cycle without loosing the friction modification at lockup, which eliminates shudder • Eliminates torque converter shudders • Ensures proper shifts • Frees stuck valves and keeps them free • Extends fluid change intervals • Protects and restores seals for optimum performance • Conditions and restores seals and o-rings • CONTAINS ABSOLUTELY NO ZINC! SYNERGOL® is the FIRST and ONLY Nonactive Low Phosphorous-Based Surface Molecule. PART # 63010 (10 oz) PART # 63016 (15 oz) PART # 63032 (32 oz) Also available in a flush and protect pack PART # 98010 SYNERGOL, when added to existing anti-wear compounds, drastically reduces wear on parts and metal surfaces. In fact, lubricant performance will extend far beyond normal fluid life. And, because it is not consumed, SYNERGOL’s effectiveness increases over time, providing continuous protection to all internal parts of the transmission. LXE is the only synthetic linear liquid wax ester proven to outperform Sperm whale oil. The unique molecular structure of Liquid Wax Ester (LXE) Technology allows unsurpassed transfer of heat, which also withstands the highest operating temperatures. 8 All trademarks are owned by their respective companies. Since 1984, International Lubricants Inc. (ILI) has been a world leader in the research, development, manufacturing, marketing and sales of patented high performing synthetic lubricants and related products for the Automotive, Industrial, Marine and Agricultural Industries. OE-ATF ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS Together SYNERGOL® TMS and LXE® (Liquid Wax Ester) Technologies provide the most powerful and complete transmission fluid performance additive ever invented. Sam Memmolo is an ASE Certified Master Auto Technician with L-1 Advanced Drivability Rating since 1977. Sam is also a nationally known cohost and writer of the respected TV series Shadetree Mechanic®, Crank & Chrome®, Two Guys Garage®, and most recent, MotorHead Garage® and producer and host of the nationally broadcasted radio show Sam’s Garage® . More Testimonials We pour one bottle of LUBEGARD Platinum in every converter we put in. -- Arthur Siegel, Cottman Transmission I used LUBEGARD Platinum on a ‘02 Galant and am glad to report outstanding results. When cold, it was slow to engage in drive after the LUBEGARD product and running the vehicle, it restored the normal operation of shifting to drive when cold. I called your offices to report my results and received additional information from a knowledgeable person about appropriate ATF fluids and maintenance procedures. -David T. Hanson LUBEGARD Platinum Universal ATF, I can use it for all transmissions. I put it in every overhaul and I don’t have to worry if I put in the right fluid in it. - Marco Schatzmann 9 OE-ATF ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS LUBEGARD® HIGHLY FRICTION MODIFIED ATF SUPPLEMENT • Eliminates the need for multiple OEM fluids • Converts DEXRON®/MERCON® ATF into any highly friction modified ATF • Recommended for use in Ford AODE and 4R70W transmissions with shudder problems that do not require MERCON® V ATF • Does not contain zinc (ZDDP)/ash • Conditions and restores seals and o-rings • Also contains same benefits as LUBEGARD ATF Protectant The Subaru bulletin was created by ILI to accurately translate the German Subaru recommendation as well as show the back of the product with the official Subaru part number from the dealerships. PART # 61910 More Testimonials I have been building transmission for the last 35 years, starting my own business back in 1979. Over the years, we have managed to gain a few fleet accounts; we all know that fleet accounts are great but sometimes it seems that those repairs are tough to keep on the road. The people that drive test vehicles don’t have to pay for the repairs, “Let’s do a few burnouts and heat everything up a little”. We have one account that after overhauling their transmission they would be good for about 80,000 miles; you could set your calendar by it. About three years ago, we started adding a bottle of LUBEGARD Highly Friction Modified ATF Supplement and now those same transmissions are going 120,000 miles. WOW!!! Adding a bottle of LUBEGARD is the only thing that we have changed. I have never been a believer in additives but I am sold on this stuff. -Lonnie Nyland, Nyland Automatic Transmission Service 10 OE-ATF ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS LUBEGARD® M-V ATF SUPPLEMENT • Eliminates the need for MERCON® V ATF • Enhances DEXRON®/ MERCON® ATF to perform like a MERCON® V ATF • New Synergol® TMS Technology tightens the shift cycle without loosing the friction modification at lockup which eliminates shudder • Does not contain zinc (ZDDP) ash • Conditions and restores seals and o-rings • Also contains same benefits as LUBEGARD ATF Protectant PART # 62005 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○Make ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○Manufacturer’s ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ATF○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® TRANSMISSION FLUSH • Safely removes varnish deposits • Prepares transmission for new fluid • Cleans internal transmission components • Contains rust and corrosion inhibitors • Does not contain harmful solvents • Safe for all seals WHY FLUSH? Today's automotive systems have tighter internal tolerances and are designed to operate cleaner and hotter than ever before. While these improvements have greatly decreased pollution, increased gas mileage and extended the life of these precision systems, additional stress has been placed on both the oils and additives. The need to keep these systems free of varnish, sludge, and any other by-products that cause wear and reduce the performance of these units, is important to the total longevity of the complete system. PART # 95001 11 CVT PRODUCTS LUBEGARD® UNIVERSAL CVT FLUID • Suitable for use in ANY belt type CVT (continuously variable transmission) application. (When used in Honda applications 20,000 mile service intervals are recommended) • Minimizes friction between belts and pulleys which protects against fatigue damage • Maintains the performance of a continuously variable transmission by providing excellent wear protection • Imparts both shear and oxidation stability to the fluid • Remains fluid at low temperatures for excellent operation during winter • Prevents sludge and varnish build up PART # 67032 Call for your FREE CVT Application Chart ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® ATF CONVERSION AND REFILL CHART • Over 10,000 applications • Instantly determine a vehicle’s factoryfill fluid, plus fill level • Voted #1 resource every year, 13 years in a row by professional technicians • Includes CVT applications • Includes the most common export applications • Includes dual clutch transmission applications 12 16 All trademarks are owned by their respective companies. ALL PURPOSE LUBRICANTS LUBEGARD® PREMIUM UNIVERSAL LUBRICANT • Specially designed for automotive equipment rebuilders, but great for general lubrication needs • Keeps valves and governors free during assembly • Easy to use, simplifies and expedites the transmission assembly process • Contains biosynthetic formula with superior cold flow properties • Environmentally responsible, nonaerosol and nonflammable, Biodegradable (EPA/560/6-82/003), aquatically nontoxic (EPA/ 600/4-90/027), and user friendly • Lubricates solenoid valves and other mechanical components • LXE Technology has a natural polarity that strongly attaches to metal surfaces providing superior lubrication • Excellent penetrant and protects against rust • Not harmful to seals or O-rings • Will not harm wiring harnesses PART # 61016 (16 oz) PART # 61004 (8 oz) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® LUBE‘N LOOSEN LUBEGARD Lube N Loosen™ is specially formulated with LXE (Liquid Wax Ester) Technology to provide a biodegradable all-purpose lubricant that will not cause harm to the environment. This unique product can be used to instantly stop squeaks, free sticky mechanisms, loosen rusted bolts and lubricate countless other applications. • Biodegradable (EPA/560/6-82/ • #1 Proven All-Purpose Lubricant 003) and aquatically nontoxic • Lasts 10 times longer (EPA/600/4-90/027) • Protects against rust and corrosion • Won’t irritate sensitive skin • Non-aerosol and nonflammable PART # 61444 All trademarks are owned by their respective companies. 13 REBUILD ESSENTIALS Dr. Tranny® KOOLER KLEEN™ • Prevents contamination of new or rebuilt unit • Removes grease, dirt, sludge, grime and metal shavings • No water/soapy residue to contaminate new automatic transmission fluid • Does not contain ozone depleting chemicals or CFC’s • Does not contain chlorinated solvents • Formulated to not harm seals or degrade new automatic transmission fluid • Prevents costly comebacks Standard 5/8" tip shown. Universal tip available for other makes and models. PART # 19001 A 3-in-1 Product! (1)- Transmission cooling line flush cleaner (2)- Electronic transmission cleaner (solenoid & wire harnesses) electronic engine connections (computers, sensors & wiring) 14 (3)- Dielectric protectant, ensures a proper electronic connection CONTAINS ABSOLUTELY NO CAUSTIC WATER! SAFE FOR YOUR TRANSMISSION...SAFE FOR YOU! REBUILD ESSENTIALS Dr. Tranny® Assemblee Goo™ Effective up to 130°F • Provides your choice of tack strength, firmer (green) great for summer months and lighter tack (blue) great for winter months • Facilitates and provides lubrication during the transmission assembly process • Dyed green or blue to prevent misdiagnosing leaks • Will not melt at shop temperatures • Not harmful with prolonged skin contact • Will not clog filters • Dissolves quickly at operating temperatures • Compatible with all transmission fluids PART # 19250 Effective up to 116°F PART # 19260 Dr. Tranny Assemblee Goo is formulated for use as an assembly aid and lubricant for virtually any assembly application (including engines!). It provides lubrication and helps facilitate the assembly process, by holding components such as needle bearings and hydraulic seals in place. Simply apply to O-rings, seals, bearings, gaskets, sealing rings, bushings, thrust washers and much more. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Dr. Tranny® Power Kleen™ 2- in 1 product! For Cooler Line Flushers: • Improves performance of cooler line flushing machines • Excellent for reversing hot flush machines for cleaning coolers • Helps remove dirt, contaminates and sludge from transmission cooler systems For Cleaning Tanks: • Enhances new and renews existing nonwater solvent based cleaning solutions • Improves the performance of all part cleaning equipment • Provides antirust protection on the washed parts • Mixes with ALL non-water based cleaning solutions • Increases non-water solvent based cleaning solution life • Saves you money PART # 19101 Dr. Tranny® THREADLOCKER ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Excellent for use to lock threaded components in engine carburetors, transmissions, gear boxes and any other assemblies that require threadlocking. PART # 13250 • Effective from -65°F to 400°F • Seals threads • Keeps bolts securely fastened • Prevents rust and corrosion • Short cure time • Bond is resistant to solvent, water and oil Dr. Tranny® TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY TREATMENT • Synthetic polymer provides very light tacking agent and adheres virtually to every surface; metal, rubber, plastics, etc. • Helps parts fit together quicker • Maintains tackiness at high ambient temperatures • Mild and user friendly to hands • Nontoxic • Clear formula allows identification of possible contamination • Safe on all seals, gaskets, and rubber components • Compatible with and dissolves in PART # 19420 all transmission fluids 15 REBUILD ESSENTIALS The ORIGINAL! Dr. Tranny® INSTANT SHUDDER FIXX™ • A concentrated friction modifier formulated specifically for instantly eliminating torque converter lockup shudder • Provides 4x's less wear than regular ATF • The original shudder fix • For long term benefit, use LUBEGARD ATF Protectant PART # 19610 Also available in a retail clamshell PARTpack. # 19680 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® BIO-TAP Tapping Oil PART #’s 81915 (15 oz) 81901 (1 gal) 81905 (5 gal) 81955 (55 gal) 16 • Extends the life of the bit • Ensures exceptional finish • Eliminates galling and seizing • Aquatically nontoxic • Fully biodegradable • Contains biodegradable anti-misting additive • Derived from renewable resources • Safe and easy to use and clean up • Environmentally responsible • Nonirritating • Washes off with water • Nonflammable • Increases through-put • Improves tool performance • Eliminates solvent degreasing chemicals, vapor degreaser dangers and high VOC solvents • Reduces worker dermatitis and asthma related symptoms • Can be extended with water for cost savings • Very low coefficient of friction • Does not contain chlorine, phenols or toxic metals • NFPA rating of 1 for Fire and Safety, and 0 for Reaction on all metals • Free of all regulated chemicals More Testimonials “If you don’t have access to a continuous flow reaming station, LUBEGARD BioTap (#81915) has Bob Warnke excellent cutting and lubrication qualities. Bio-Tap is often used during reaming demonstrations, when a continuous coolant is not available. With these add-in fluids, the chips must be flushed manually to obtain the proper finish and extend reamer life. I prefer the water soluble reaming fluids. The continuous flow removes chips, (when mixed properly), improves the surface finish, and extends the life of the reamer. In this instance, I use LUBEGARD Heavy Duty Water Soluble Cutting Oil (#80901) , and mix it slightly higher than the 1-20 water ratio.” If you ream often enough, you can make your own reaming station. For more information on how to make your own station, go to: www.sonnax.com/ technical-library/transmission REBUILD ESSENTIALS SEAL-E-ZEE® an innovative, safe and easy to use spray-on product for installing and seating difficult seals without damaging them. Seal-E-Zee Cones PART # 19600 • Works with all types of rubber and Teflon® rings • Fast and easy with instant results • Formula will not harm seals • Confidence that even the most difficult applications have been installed correctly without damage. Step 1 is for ALL applications Two-Step System PART # 19522 Seal-E-Zee Xtreme Seal-E-Zee Original PART # 19501 PART # 19500 Seal-E-Zee Original PART # 19502 Inspired by the latest OEM sealing assembly technology, LUBEGARD® SEAL-E-ZEE with LXE® Technology safely prepares any rubber material for quick, trouble free installation. This includes: lip seals, o-rings, bearings, bushings, valve body end caps, Teflon® seals, hydraulic pumps, valves, etc., for use in a wide range of industries. Not sure where to start? We suggest getting the SEALE-ZEE Starter Kit, Part # 19222, it comes complete with both Step 1 & 2, cone set, and instructions with DVD. NEW!! SEAL-E-ZEE Application Cone Set specifically for GM 5L40E Based on customer feedback, ILI is pleased to announce the immediate availability of our newest cone set. This new modified cone kit is now available specifically to help make fitting the GM5L40E pistons a snap by allowing better access to all rubber areas. Part # 19540 Step 2 with extreme fitting power is for tougher applications SEAL-E-ZEE is a MUST for the following difficult applications; A604 A500/A518 TF8 A4LD CD4E AX4S 4R70W 5R55N 5R55W 4L30E 4L30E 4L80E 5L40E RE4R01A JR403E JF506E TAAT VW KM Series CVT Low/Reverse piston Overdrive brake piston 3rd/Reverse lip seals Center support rings All molded pistons Reverse drum piston outer seal Reverse input drum piston seals Forward & intermediate piston Forward clutch piston seals 3rd clutch piston Solid Teflon® rings Direct clutch piston Molded pistons Low/reverse piston Center support-umbrella seals Low clutch piston lip seal/ balance piston Piston seals All molded pistons Overdrive clutch lip seal Various pistons A demonstration using Chrysler A518 pistons; Add the inner and outer loose seals to the piston. Select the 2 cones that fit around or within the 2 piston seals. Also choose another cone that the piston can rest on. Spray Step 1 to both outer and inner seals. Repeat the process using SEAL-E-ZEE Xtreme Step 2 Remove the piston from the cones, locate the 2 pegs, and insert the piston into the cylinder with ease. Visit www.lubegard.com/automotive/trans_seal-e-zee.html to view product demonstration videos. 17 ENGINE PRODUCTS LUBEGARD® BIO/TECH ENGINE OIL PROTECTANT 10 oz. PART # 30902 15 oz. PART # 30901 • Saves oil and fuel • Optimizes engine horsepower and performance • Protects and extends oil life up to 30% • Improves fuel economy by reducing friction in your engine • Reduces wear on metal components, thus increasing part life • Improves anti-friction and anti-wear properties of ALL major oil brands to meet requirements of ALL vehicles, including older and high performance models • Eliminates lifter and other objectionable noise on start-up, especially in cold weather • Ensures smoother running engines • Reduces hot engine oil temperatures • Blends with all motor oils currently produced, including API; SL, SD, SM, SJ, SJ/EC, CG- 4, CH-4, SE, SF, SG, SI, CC, CD, CE and CF motor oils • Helps reduce smoking by restoring flexibility to valve stem seals for improved sealing, also providing outstanding upper cylinder lubricity as it frees up sticking rings • Inhibits oxidation and extends engine oil life • Also use to extend the life of small 4 cycle engines such as; lawn maintenance equipment, motorcycles, snow mobiles, generators, etc. LUBEGARD® IMPROVES UNTREATED MOTOR OIL BY 29% The motor oil with the addition of Bio-Tech Engine Protectant increased the oxidative stability of the untreated motor oil from 248 minutes to 349 minutes. This improvement in oxidative stability (29% improvement over untreated motor oil) is far greater than any of the other tested additives. 18 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Falex Pin and Vee Block Test Pictured are steel pins from a Falex Pin and Vee Block test simulating start up conditions in motor oil. The Falex Pin and Vee Block test measures the sliding friction and wear of a round metal cylinder on flat metal block surfaces. Sliding friction is the major type of friction and wear in engines. The test pictured was run only for analysis of friction and wear of individual oils with and without LUBEGARD®. International Lubricants, Inc. does not compare, endorse, or advise comparison of any brands of motor oil on the basis of these tests. All trademarks are owned by their respective companies. ENGINE PRODUCTS UNSURPASSED BIO-SYNTHETIC PROTECTION! Here’s what Swissmotor found during their independent research on LUBEGARD Bio-Tech Engine Oil Protectant: “If one considers how many millions [of dollars] are invested in development projects by vehicle manufacturers to increase engine power and at the same reduce fuel consumption, then compares that amount to the ridiculously low cost of adding LUBEGARD, one can only shake one’s head in disbelief. Especially since LUBEGARDalso significantly prolongs the operating life of any mechanism.“ Here’s what Lubegard BIO/TECH ENGINE OIL PROTECTANT does: • Reduces friction loss in the motor by up to 29% (saving fuel) • Provides outstanding cold start properties through polar behavior • Improves oxidation stability (the main factor in oil aging) • Lowers oil consumption (especially with long-life oils) • Reduces wear by up to 70% • Lowers the oil temperature • Improves oil’s compressive strength • Excellent for supercharged or highperformance engines (tuning) • Audibly and significantly reduces the noises that arise through inner friction ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® ENGINE FLUSH Use Before Changing Oil In Gas Or Diesel Engines; For use with or without flushing equipment • Cleans gums, varnishes and deposits • Properly prepares engine for fresh oil • Frees sticky valves and lifters • Improves oil circulation • Will not harm seals and gaskets • Does not contain harmful solvents PART # 98901 PART # 95030 Also available in a flush and protect pack All trademarks are owned by their respective companies. 19 ENGINE PRODUCTS LUBEGARD® FREE-EZE™ RUSTED CYLINDER TREATMENT • Frees up seized/frozen engine cylinders • Removes rust where access is limited • Lubricates critical moving parts • Ideal fogging oil for extended storage of vehicle engines • For use in diesel and gas engines PART # 30990 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® 2 CYCLE OIL • Helps engines run cooler by reducing friction and wear • Excellent rust and corrosion protection • Ashless formulation prevents plug fouling, port clogging and ring sticking • Provides optimum thermal and oxidative stability • Reduces fuel consumption • Prevents piston and cylinder wall scuffing • Smoother idling at low RPM's • Cleaner burning • Enhances combustion efficiency with minimum deposits • Eliminates scuffing • Lowers treat rates LUBEGARD 2 CYCLE Oil is a high performance 2-cycle oil that contains Liquid Wax Ester (LXE) Technology. Being a premium oil, it is designed as a high temperature lubricant to reduce friction, heat and wear and it also minimizes carbon deposits and contains a no-ash oil formula that reduces spark plug fouling. LUBEGARD 2-cycle Engine Oil allows for longer spark plug life and prevents preignition problems. It helps prevent rust, wear, corrosion, exhaust port plugging, ring sticking and other oil and fuel deposits. PART # 12932 (32 oz) 20 PART # 12944 (2.6 oz) APPLICATIONS: • All two cycle engines (Where oil is mixed with fuel). • Commercial Equipment: Lawn mowers, weeders, snow blowers, chain saws, sprayers, portable generators, etc. • Recreational equipment: Motorcycles, outboard motors, mopeds, snowmobiles, motor scooters, etc. • Compatible with all 2-cycle injection lube systems All trademarks are owned by their respective companies. GEAR PRODUCTS LUBEGARD® LIMITED SLIP SUPPLEMENT • Eliminates differential chatter and other noises, (squeals, groans, etc.) • Universally works in all makes and models with limited slip differentials including Ford, Chrysler, and GM • Reduces differential temperatures • Extends clutch pack and equipment life • Inhibits rust and corrosion • Safe for yellow metals PART # 31904 PART # 31920 Also available in a retail clamshell pack. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® GEAR FLUID SUPPLEMENT FOR USE IN ALL MANUAL TRANSMISSIONS, TRANSAXLES AND FINAL DRIVES THAT REQUIRE GEAR OIL • Lowers temperature and extends fluid life • Improves heat transfer from the fluid to the case wall and out the gear box • Improves gas mileage by reducing drivetrain power loss • Improves all cold weather stiffness • Improves all synchromesh transmission shifting characteristics • Reduces tooth drag and absorbs shock loads, thus improving the life of all gear units • Lowers friction on bearings and gears with high wiping stresses, especially hypoid gears • Minimizes oxidation and varnish deposits • Suppresses lubricant foaming • Safe for new MTF Fluids PART # 30903 21 POWER STEERING SYSTEM LUBEGARD® POWER STEERING FLUID PROTECTANT • Eliminates power steering noises and whines • Improves power steering system performance • Eliminates rack and pinion steering stiffness • Saves time, space and money $$$ • Converts power steering fluid to Honda® power steering fluid • Frees sticky turbines and pumps • Extends system and fluid life • Reduces wear, thus extending the life of the power steering system • Increases responsiveness • Eliminates stiffness on cold mornings • Prevents thermal and oxidative breakdown • Safe for seals and hoses PART # 20404 More Testimonials ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ During routine maintenance, we use LUBEGARD Power Steering Supplement on rack and pinions. I used it on my own 86 Ford Taurus two years ago and it still works great! - George Rakes, Certified Transmission My mother has a 1979 Dodge St. Regis- 125,000 miles on the odometer. She was told that she needed a new power steering pump and all the things that goes with it. An expensive suggestion. I purchased two of the LUBEGARD Power Steering Protectants and the rest in power steering fluid. I flushed the old system out, added the new fluid. My mother thinks I replaced the whole steering system. It is actually that good! I’m a shade tree mechanic, but I know what works and your product does! - Jimmy Galloway LUBEGARD® POWER STEERING FLUID 22 PART # 20902 (32 oz) PART # 20910 (10 oz) • Compatible with all power and power-assisted steering units, including Honda® applications that require power steering fluid • Extends life of steering system • Eliminates power steering noises and whines • Eliminates rack and pinion steering stiffness • Efficient in hot and cold weather • Cleans and frees sticky turbines and pumps • Provides excellent rust and corrosion protection • Inhibits fluid foaming and oxidation • Safe for seals and hoses All trademarks are owned by their respective companies. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ POWER STEERING SYSTEM WHY FLUSH? Power steering systems are generally only noticed when something has gone wrong! This system is one of the simplest to maintain and is also the most frequent complaint from a customer with their vehicle. A power steering system is generally subjected to harsh temperatures leading to fluid deterioration over time. Through constant use and high operating pressures, other types of wear materials are also generated that degrade the system. The result of this pressure and heat is fluid break down, hose deterioration, contamination, loss of lubricating properties, and varnish deposits. Periodic maintenance of this system is vital to its longevity. Flushing this system and recharging it with new fluid and adding LUBEGARD Power Steering Fluid Protectant is the best assurance you can have for extended optimum power steering performance by allowing the fluid to run through the system effortlessly, providing the driver responsive and safe control. LUBEGARD® POWER STEERING FLUSH • Safely removes deposits and impurities • Prepares system for new fluid • Conditions and revitalizes seals and components • Deters internal power steering fluid leakage from developing • May postpone or eliminate the need to replace power steering components • Cleans, conditions and prepares the entire system for replacement of worn components PART # 95040 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® POWER STEERING PERFORMANCE PACK For use with or without a flush machine. This Flush Pack includes; 1) LUBEGARD Power Steering Flush Concentrate (#95040) 2) LUBEGARD Power Steering Protectant (#20404). Contains same benefits as LUBEGARD Power Steering Flush and LUBEGARD Power Steering Protectant PART # 98404 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® POWER STEERING 2-STEP SYSTEM FOR FLUSH MACHINES LUBEGARD's Power Steering Flush & Fill fluid cleans out unwanted contaminants such as sludge and varnish without leaving harmful by-products or detergent residue and provides new power steering fluid. Combined with the LUBEGARD Power Steering Fluid Protectant your ensured a enhanced and higher quality power steering fluid that contains additional anti-wear, anti-corrosion and anti-friction compounds. This Flush Pack includes; 1) LUBEGARD Power Steering Flush & Fill Fluid (# 20964 - 64 FL OZ) 2) LUBEGARD Power Steering Fluid Protectant (#20404) PART # 97209 23 RADIATOR/COOLANT SYSTEM TREATMENTS KOOL-IT® SUPREME COOLANT TREATMENT PART # 96001 • Protects all metals from electrolysis • Provides unsurpassed cooling system corrosion protection • Enhances heat transfer and reduces operating temperatures • Reduces 5-7ºF with a 50/50 mixture • Reduces up to 20ºF in straight water • Prevents deposits and contamination which lead to overheating • Reduces water pump, impeller, and intake manifold pitting • Reduces wet-sleeve cylinder liner cavitation erosion • Corrects coolant pH balance • Only coolant protectant with built-in pH indicator (for use only in straight water applications) • Prevents warranty claims • Extends coolant life up to five years • Compatible with all types of antifreeze • Inhibits ionic formation nized by More Testimonials Results from 7,000 hour test; A) Straight water with antifreeze (50/50) B) Straight water with antifreeze (50/50) and KOOL-IT® Note the separation of the water and antifreeze in bottle A. This shows the contamination formed from rust and silicates. recog the largest radiator r an m ufacture I am very impressed with KOOL-IT. I was very skeptical about the benefits, but I sincerely state that all the claims are indeed accurate. The coolant system that I used the additive on had a voltage of .270 prior to treatment and after two days of driving, the voltage had been brought down to .026, with a reduced engine temperature across the spectrum of approximately seven to ten degrees. - Michael Davis KOOL-IT® RADIATOR FLUSH Quickly and safely, KOOL-IT Radiator Flush circulates through the cooling system to remove scale, scum, oily residue, rust, mineral deposits and other sediments, degradation and combustion by-products from the cooling system and radiator of any vehicle. PART # 95020 24 • Maximizes cooling system efficiency • Contains corrosion inhibitors • Does not contain acids • Safe and easy to use • No neutralizers are required • Safe for all cooling systems including aluminum radiators PART # 98001 Also available in a flush and protect pack RADIATOR/COOLANT SYSTEM TREATMENTS KOOL-IT® ELECTROLYSIS INDICATOR • Diagnoses electrolysis instantly • Works in place of expensive meters • Place directly in radiator or reservoir if radiator access is limited • Green indicator light tells you everything is operating normal • Red indicator light tells you electrolysis is present • Also use to troubleshoot and find the source of the stray current Green LED (GOOD) - No action is required. Levels of electrolysis are in an acceptable range. Add KOOL-IT Supreme Radiator Treatment to protect the system and extend the life of the coolant. Red LED (BAD)- Electrolysis (Stray current) is above acceptable levels. Electrical system fault or bad ground is introducing destructive levels of current to the cooling system with potential to damage the radiator and heater core. Troubleshooting using the KOOL-IT Electrolysis Indicator is required to find the source of the problem. Once the correction has been made add KOOL-IT Supreme Radiator Treatment to protect the system and extend the life of the coolant. Photo courtesy of Modine Inc. ©2004 PART # 96000 Stray electrical current can cause excessive corrosion of metal components. Stray electrical current can cause an electrochemical reaction that produces voids in tubes. KOOL-IT Products solve 100% of Radiator Electrolysis Problems! 1. The chemical type occurs in all vehicles and is a natural result when coolant (electrolyte solution) flows through a system composed of different types of metals (iron, aluminum, copper, or brass). The coolant acts as the conductor through which small amounts of current are transferred between metals in the cooling system. Over the passage of time this very small amount of current (less than 0.3 volts) can cause damage to metal surfaces (especially aluminum). Given enough time, the damage will cause a leak to develop. KOOL-IT Supreme Radiator Treatment (P/N: 96001) provides long term protection from from the chemical electrolysis damage by forming a passive, non-reactive, molecular surface film that prevents damage to the metal. 2. The electrical type of electrolysis is much more destructive and is caused by faulty electrical components that deliver stray current (over 0.3 volts) through the cooling system. This may be caused by a faulty ground or a shorted wire near the cooling system. Stray current introduced into a system this way can be strong enough to cause severe damage very quickly. The only way to prevent damage from this type of electrolysis is to mechanically correct this problem at the source. The Kool-It Electrolysis Indicator is the perfect easy to use solution to determine if the electrical type of electrolysis is present! 25 AIR CARE TREATMENT KOOL-IT® EVAPORATOR & HEATER FOAM CLEANER • Quick and easy! • Highly profitable service • No equipment needed • Customer friendly service • Ideal for cars, trucks, vans and RV’s • Repeat service opportunity • Eliminates odors • Lasts up to six months • Improves air quality • Leaves a clean, fresh scent • Reduces allergens and contaminates • Maximizes cooling system efficiency Did you know... PART # 96030 The air quality inside a vehicle can be up to 5 times worse than outside? Contaminated air conditioning and heater/ evaporator cores can cause foul smelling, health threatening mold and mildew deposits. Use KOOL-IT® super foaming action to remove and neutralize the contaminates that live in air conditioning and heater systems of modern cars and trucks. KOOL-IT® is released into the HVAC system and its super foaming action flushes out and and neutralizes unwanted contaminants that live in air conditioning and heater systems. More Testimonials I used KOOL-IT Evaporator & Heater Foam Cleaner on 2 cars. So far, the odor hasn’t returned and both cars were extremely “musty” smelling. One customer has complained to the BMW dealer for the last couple of years and told her nothing could be done inexpensively to find a “cure” for this problem. I would say so far I have a happy customer. I can relay this information to the BMW tech groups because this has been a problem in the “A/C” areas of the country. - Paul “Doc” Provenza Doc’s Bimmer Shop 26 BRAKE SYSTEMS SQUEAK RELIEF® BRAKE FINISHING TREATMENT • Effective on all brake systems: disc, drum, ABS, domestic and import • Virtually eliminates customer brake squeal comebacks by providing superior noise suppression • Will not void manufacturer's warranty • Saves money • Saves shop time • Increases customer satisfaction • Helps to quiet stubborn “problem brakes” • No drying time required • Waterproof • Effectiveness tested from -100 to +1,000oF • Prevents oxidation of rotors and drums • Keeps rotors looking like new • Helps to prevent brake surface rusting/oxidation • Squeak Relief will not damage ABS sensors or rubber components • No ozone-depleting CFC's Keep rotors looking brand new! PART # 90201 BEFORE SQUEAK RELIEF TREATMENT Tiny irregularities in the rotor/drum friction surfaces can cause vibration and irritating brake noise. PART # 90031 Does Not Effect Braking Performance or Manufacturer’s Warranties BEFORE AFTER SQUEAK RELIEF SQUEAK RELIEF TREATMENT TREATMENT AFTER SQUEAK RELIEF TREATMENT Microfine oxides fill and bond to the irregularities, forming a composite, metalized finish. This results in smooth, quiet braking performance. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ SQUEAK RELIEF® UNIVERSAL BRAKE GREASE PART # 91011 • Designed for ALL calipers and brake hardware • Will not melt and run out • Lasts the life of the brakes • Eliminates brake noise • High and low temperature operating conditions (-50°F to 570°F) • Will not wash out due to weather or car washes • Not effected by salt environments • Not effected by brake fluid • Does not bleed or separate • Compatible with elastomer materials and seals • Prevents calipers from sticking • Excellent as a dielectric grease • Excellent for drum brake hardware and backing plates 27 FUEL SYSTEM Meets ASTM D-5598 10,000 mile Chrysler PFI Test Meets ATSM D-5500 10,000 mile BMW IVD Test PRO II 9000® COMPLETE FUEL SYSTEM CLEANER Also for use in Diesels The 2 can kit P/N 72400 does not require any special tools and vaporizes the intake vacuum hose instead of a dripping effect to provide more uniform dispersion of the active ingredient into the upper cylinders and valves. The 2 in 1 aerosol intake cleaner also is a throttle plate cleaner! The fuel injector/system cleaner completes the service. The 3 can kit P/N 72011 contains a separate aerosol air intake throttle plate cleaner solely to thoroughly clean the throttle body & intake. It also contains a non-aerosol intake valve combustion chamber cleaner that can be applied with the hose adapter supplied with every kit or the Pro II 9000 Intake Combustion Cleaning Tool that has a dial flow regulator & a hook to easily hang the tool & attached product from. The fuel injector/system cleaner completes the service. • Patent pending technology exceeds U.S. EPA Standards Section 211L of the Clean Air Act for deposit control additives. • Polymeric fluidizers and dispersants/ detergents create synergistic cleansing that washes away carbon deposits • Cleans and removes intake valve deposits (IVD) PART # 72011 PART # 72400 • Cleans and removes fuel injector deposits (PFI) • Cleans and removes combustion chamber deposits • Cleans and keeps air intake system throttle plate clean • Ensures smooth and dependable operation • Ensures proper air flow • Removes carbon deposits • Helps eliminate hesitation, rough idle, stumble, surge stall and backfire • Provides excellent anti-rust and corrosion protection • Highly effective synthetic polymeric dispersants • Removes throttle plate carbon up to 100% • Prevents further carbon deposit formation ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ • Powerful synthetic fluidizers and dispersants/ detergents • Cleans fuel injector deposits up to 100% • One tank treatment • Meets all ASTM D-5598 requirements. PART # 72402 28 PRO II 9000 Complete Fuel System Cleaner is safe for use on all fuel injected and carbureted gasoline vehicles. One treatment cleans air intake deposits, fuel injector deposits and intake valve deposits, ensuring lowered exhaust emissions. Testing proved up to 27% reduction in hydrocarbons and up to 58% reduction in carbon monoxide. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ PRO II 9000® Complete Fuel System & Injector Cleaner Also available: the PRO II 9000 Intake/Combustion Cleaning Tool PART # 72000 MOTORCYCLE/BIKE LUBEGARD® ENGINE OIL PROTECTANT • Increases heat transfer from inside engine case through engine case wall for reduced engine temperatures • Suitable for use in all '84 and later FL, • Reduces wear on all metal surfaces FLT, FX, FXD, FXR, and FXST engines Eliminates wear from cold start up or any 4 cycle V-Twin engine application • Better fuel mileage with extended oil life with separate engine oil sump • Contains no harmful additives such as • For use with conventional or synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbons or solid motorcycle engine oil lubricants like Teflon® or graphite • Exclusive LXE® Technology for • Not appropriate for applications that enhanced heat reduction and extended share an engine and primary sump life for the engine PART # 40910 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® PRIMARY CASE CHAIN PROTECTANT PART # 40104 • Suitable for use in '84 and later FL, FLT, FX, FXD, FXR and FXST models with wet-type diaphragm spring clutch • For use with conventional or synthetic motorcycle primary chain case fluid • Enhanced heat reduction, reduced wear and extended life for the primary chain • Formulated to prevent clutch chatter, shudder and slippage while maintaining the proper coefficient of friction for long life and proper clutch operation. • Improves shift quality • Increases heat transfer from inside primary case through primary unit case wall. • For use in separate primary sumps LUBEGARD® CHAIN LUBE FOR BIKES ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® COOLANT TREATMENT For water cooled motorcycles and ATV’s. PART # 40820 • Protects aluminum from electrolysis • Reduces operating temperatures • Provides 5 year corrosion protection • Prevents hard-water scales and deposits ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ PART # 40744 • Repels dirt. Saves drive trains from expensive replacement • Biodegradable and aquatically non-toxic. • Plant-based petroleumfree formulation • Proprietary LXE® (Liquid Wax Ester) Technology has a natural polarity that strongly attaches to metal surfaces providing superior lubrication and wear prevention LUBEGARD® TRANSMISSION PROTECTANT • Suitable for use in all 4 and 5 speed FL, FLT, FX, FXD and FXR Transmissions or any separate sump transmission applications • Exclusive LXE® Technology for enhanced heat reduction and extended transmission fluid life PART # 40602 • Improves shift quality • Reduces drive train power loss • Reduces wear on gears and bearings • Increases heat transfer from inside case through unit case wall 29 LUBEGARD® HEAVY DUTY POWER TRANSFER PROTECTANT ENHANCES ALL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION POWER STEERING AND HYDRAULIC FLUIDS PART # 45142 • Extends component and fluid life • Reduces friction and wear • Reduces operating temperatures • Prevents fluid oxidation and foaming • Optimizes system performance ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ HEAVY DUTY LUBEGARD® HEAVY DUTY GEAR PROTECTANT ENHANCES ALL GEAR OILS USED IN MANUAL TRANSMISSIONS, TRANSAXLES, OR FINAL DRIVES PART # 70944 • Extends component and oil life • Increases horsepower • Reduces friction and wear on gears and bearings • Reduces operating temperatures • Improves manual transmission shifting • Reduces tooth drag and absorbs shock loads • Optimizes system performance LUBEGARD® HEAVY DUTY ENGINE PROTECTANT FOR GAS AND DIESEL ENGINES PART # 30916 30 • Boosts the engine oil additive package, extending oil life and fuel consumption • Increases fuel mileage, horsepower, and performance • Reduces friction and wear so engines last longer and run smoother • Eliminates noises such as engine valve tap • Synthetic LXE® Technology dramatically reduces temperatures and oxidation ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® HEAVY DUTY COOLANT TREATMENT ENHANCES ALL COOLANTS IN DIESEL ENGINES PART # 96430 • Protects wet sleeve cylinder liners from cavitation erosion • Prevents buildup of scales and deposits that cause overheating • Provides 100% protection from corrosion and electrolysis • Significantly extends life of water pump impellors and seals Comes with 2 nitrite and freeze point test strips for checking coolant before and after treatment. LUBEGARD® MARINE 4 CYCLE ENGINE OIL TREATMENT PART # 46086 • Restores and rejuvenates all seals and gaskets • Softens and removes internal deposits from years of usage and storage • Helps engines run cooler by reducing friction and wear • Offers unequalled corrosion protection • Inhibits oxidation and extends engine life • Prevents piston and cylinder wall scuffing, as well as ring sticking ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ MARINE LUBEGARD® MARINE 2 CYCLE OIL & ENGINE TREATMENT • Restores engine power and compression • Prevents plug fouling and port clogging • Rejuvenates internal seals and gaskets PART # 46910 LUBEGARD® MARINE POWER TRANSFER FLUID • Increases responsiveness and eliminates stiffness • Frees sticky turbines, pumps, and valvebodies • For use in inboard/outboard with powersteering PART # 45909 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® MARINE GEAR OIL SUPPLEMENT • Reduces drive power loss • Reduces tooth drag • Absorbs shock load • Minimizes oxidation and varnish deposits • Suppresses lubricant foaming PART # 47903 LUBEGARD® MARINE CYLINDER RESCUE • Offers superior film retention • Shields engines from dry starts • Rescues flash-rusted engines and other mechanisms PART # 48990 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® ALL PURPOSE MARINE LUBRICANT PART # 49448 • Lasts 10 times longer than the leading brand! • Aquatically non-toxic and biodegradable • Non-aerosol, non-flammable • 100% environmentally friendly • 100% non-toxic • 100% aquatically non-toxic • It’s non-flammable, non-aerosol and offers outstanding corrosion protection 31 SMALL EQUIPMENT LUBEGARD® POWER SHIELD 2 CYCLE OIL & RE-CONDITIONER PART #86020 PART # 86604 • LXE Technology softens old carbon deposits from years of use and storage, allowing elimination through normal combustion • Reduces wear and extends system life • Offers one of the cleanest burns available. Cleaner burns result in better idling at lower RPMs and reduced fuel consumption • LXE provides optimum thermal stability and will not readily break down, even under the most extreme heat and pressure • Rejuvenates engine gaskets and seals • Provides outstanding rust and corrosion protection. • Compatible with all 2 cycle applications, air or water cooled ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® POWER SHIELD ANYTHING & EVERYTHING LUBE The name says it all! LUBEGARD® Power Shield® Anything and Everything Lube can be used for an infinite amount of applications, at work, play, or around the house. It is formulated with our patented LXE® technology to provide a biodegradable, all purpose lubricant, that will not cause harm to the environment, people, pets, or plants. This unique product can be used to instantly stop squeaks, free sticking mechanisms, loosen rusted or stuck fasteners, and lubricate countless other applications. • Non-aerosol • Non-flammable • Outstanding rust and corrosion protection PART #88000 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ LUBEGARD® POWER SHIELD BAR AND CHAIN OIL LUBEGARD® Power Shield® Bar and Chain Oil makes any bar and chain run cooler...and longer with less lubricant. Less heat equals less wear, and less wear equals longer life. It is 100% biodegradable. Since it’s not a petroleum-based lubricant, you can maintain trees and brush on your property, without being worried about leaving biohazardous waste behind. When used on bar and chains, sacrificial 32 PART #87084 oils leave a tremendous amount of waste behind. Now you don’t have to choose between your equipment and the environment— protect them both! • Extends bar and chain life • Keeps teeth sharper longer • Unmatched friction reduction under extreme heat • Offers outstanding rust and corrosion protection • Non-toxic and aquatically non-toxic • Non-flammable Description Part No. Unit Size UPC Code Case Unit QNT L (“) PRODUCT SPECS Unit W (“) Unit H (“) AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PROTECTION Unit Weight Case Case L (“) W (“) Case H (“) Case QNT QNT Weight per/Tier Pallet LUBEGARD Automatic Transmission Fluid Protectant 60902 10oz 0 83137 60902 2 12 2.0 2.938 7.313 50902 32oz 0 83137 50902 8 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 0.70lb 2.10lb 8.250 9.250 8.188 9.0lb 25cs 150 6.938 9.0 10.375 12.7lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD ATF Flush & Protect Pack 98602 1.938 5.875 7.313 1.40lb 6.125 12.0 LUBEGARD Platinum Universal ATF Protectant 63010 10oz 0 83137 63010 4 12 1.875 2.938 7.188 63016 15oz 0 83137 63016 3 12 2.125 3.313 8.250 63032 32oz 0 83137 63032 3 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 0.65lb 1.0lb 2.10lb 7.875 9.0 7.938 8.45lb 25cs 150 9.188 10.375 9.063 12.9lb 16cs 80 6.938 9 10.375 12.7lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD Platinum Universal ATF Flush & Protect Pack 98010 1.40lb 6.125 12.0 8.0 9.0lb 20cs 120 LUBEGARD Highly Friction Modified ATF Supplement 61910 10oz 0 83137 61910 9 12 2.0 2.938 7.313 0.70lb 8.250 9.25 8.188 9.0lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD M-V ATF Supplement 62005 10oz 0 83137 62005 1 12 2.0 2.938 7.313 0.70lb 8.250 9.25 8.188 9.0lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD Universal CVT Fluid 67032 32oz 0 83137 67032 2 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 67005 5gal N/A NA 12.250 14.0 14.750 2.10lb 41.0lb 6.938 NA 9.0 NA 10.375 12.7lb 25cs 150 NA NA NA NA BTR ATF Conversion Formula 62911 10oz 0 83137 62911 5 12 1.875 2.938 7.188 0.65lb 7.875 9.0 7.938 8.45lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD Transmission Flush 95001 10oz 0 83137 95001 1 12 1.875 2.938 7.188 0.70lb 7.875 9.0 7.938 9.2lb 0 83137 19001 1 12 2.750 3.625 9.563 0 83137 19001 1 12 2.750 3.625 9.563 1.15lb 1.15lb 8.5 11.5 10.125 14.2lb 19cs 95 8.563 11.5 10.125 14.2lb 19cs 95 19250 16oz 0 83137 19250 3 12 4.688 4.688 3.688 1.05lb 10 14.25 8.125 13.2lb 12cs 72 Dr. Tranny Assemblee Goo (Blue) 19260 16oz 0 83137 19260 2 12 4.688 4.688 3.688 1.05lb 10 14.25 8.125 13.2lb 12cs 72 Dr. Tranny Transmission Assembly Treatment 19420 8oz 0 83137 19420 0 12 2.500 2.500 4.688 0.55lb 8.125 10.375 5.625 6.75lb NA NA Dr. Tranny Threadlocker (Red) 13250 .34oz 0 83137 13250 9 12 0.8125 3.750 5.625 0.05lb 4.188 .80lb NA NA Dr. Tranny Instant Shudder Fixx (tube) 19610 2oz 0 83137 19610 5 24 1.125 6.0 2.063 Clamshell 19680 2oz 0 83137 19680 8 12 1.625 4.750 8.063 0.15lb 0.25lb 5.563 7.750 6.625 9.938 10.125 9.0 3.9lb 42cs 336 3.45lb 16cs 80 Dr. Tranny Power Kleen 19101 12oz 0 83137 19101 8 6 2.875 2.875 7.250 0.70lb 6.250 8.875 8.250 4.5lb LUBEGARD/Seal-E-Zee Step 1 LUBEGARD/Seal-E-Zee Step 1 19500 7oz 0 83137 19500 9 12 2.188 2.250 5.625 19502 16oz 0 83137 19502 3 12 2.750 2.750 7.938 0.60lb 1.25lb 7.0 9.313 6.438 8.75 11.375 8.688 7.65lb 12cs 84 15.6lb 16cs 80 LUBEGARD/Seal-E-Zee Xtreme Step 2 19501 7oz 0 83137 19501 6 12 2.188 2.250 5.625 0.60lb 7.0 9.313 6.438 7.65lb 12cs 84 LUBEGARD/Seal-E-Zee Step 1 & Step 2 Pack 19522 1.30lb 14.0 9.938 6.813 15.9lb 12cs 72 LUBEGARD/Seal-E-Zee Application Cones GM5L40E Cone Set 19600 NA 19540 NA 0 83137 19600 6 12 9.125 11.500 8.625 0 83137 19540 7 12 9.125 11.500 8.625 2.10lb 2.10lb 15.5 23.13 13.75 NA NA NA 21.0lb 15cs 45 21.0lb 15cs 45 LUBEGARD/Seal-E-Zee Cone Starter Kit (Comes with cones, product, DVD, etc.) 19222 NA 0 83137 19222 0 NA 8.500 8.313 9.500 3.25lb NA LUBEGARD Bio-Tap Drilling & Tapping Fluid 81915 15oz 0 83137 81915 8 12 2.188 3.375 8.500 81901 1gal N/A 4 6.125 6.125 11.813 1.05lb 7.20lb 9.250 10.313 9.375 13.0lb 16cs 80 12.500 12.50 12.75 29.80lb NA NA LUBEGARD Premium Universal Lubricant 61004 8oz 0 83137 61004 5 12 1.813 3.875 7.375 61016 16oz 0 83137 61016 8 6 1.938 4.0 10.313 0.55lb 1.0lb 6.625 11.25 8.25 7.0lb 24cs 144 5.750 8.875 11.188 6.50lb 30cs 120 LUBEGARD Lube’ n Loosen 61444 8oz 0 83137 61444 9 24 1.813 3.875 7.375 0.55lb 6.625 11.25 (2) 0 83137 98602 7 6 10oz (2) 0 83137 98010 0 6 10oz 1.875 5.750 7.188 8 9.0lb 20cs 120 25cs 150 REBUILD ESSENTIALS Dr. Tranny Kooler Kleen 3/8” Tip 19001 w/ Universal Tip 19100 Dr. Tranny Assemblee Goo (Green) 13.25oz 13.25oz (2) 0 83137 19522 1 12 2.375 4.500 5.875 7oz 7.0 NA 6.813 NA NA 30cs 180 NA NA UNIVERSAL LUBRICANTS 8.25 7.0lb 24cs 144 33 PRODUCT SPECS Part No. Description Unit Size UPC Code Case Unit QNT L (“) Unit W (“) Unit H (“) Unit Weight Case Case L (“) W (“) Case H (“) Case QNT QNT Weight per/Tier Pallet ENGINE & GEAR PROTECTION LUBEGARD BIO-TECH Engine Oil Protectant 30902 10oz 0 83137 30902 4 12 2.0 2.938 7.313 30901 15oz 0 83137 30901 7 12 2.25 3.375 8.25 40902 32oz 0 83137 40902 1 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 0.70lb 1.05lb 2.10lb 8.25 9.25 8.188 9.0lb 25cs 150 9.250 10.5 9.0 13.0lb 16cs 80 6.938 9.0 10.375 12.70lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD Engine Flush 95030 15oz 0 83137 95030 1 12 2.125 3.313 8.25 1.0lb 9.188 10.375 9.063 12.55lb 16cs 80 LUBEGARD Engine Flush & Protect Pack 98901 8.25 2.15lb 7.313 13.75 LUBEGARD Gear Fluid Supplment 30903 8oz 0 83137 30903 9 12 1.875 2.938 7.188 70901 32oz 0 83137 70901 5 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 0.60lb 2.10lb 8.25 9.25 8.188 7.85lb 25cs 150 6.938 9.0 10.375 12.70lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD Premium 2 Cycle Engine Oil 12944 2.6oz 0 83137 12944 8 12 1.125 2.500 5.563 12932 32oz 0 83137 12932 5 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 0.25lb 2.10lb 5.563 7.750 6.625 2.95lb 42cs 294 6.938 9.0 10.375 12.70lb 25cs 125 31904 4oz 0 83137 31904 7 12 1.563 2.813 6.813 31920 4oz 0 83137 31920 7 12 1.625 4.750 8.063 0.25lb 0.35lb 5.563 7.750 6.625 9.938 10.125 9.0 30990 15oz 0 83137 30990 1 12 2.188 3.375 8.500 1.0lb 9.25 10.313 9.375 10.10lb 16cs 80 LUBEGARD Limited Slip Supplement (tube) (clamshell) LUBEGARD Free-Eze (2) 0 83137 98901 1 6 15oz 6.750 2.313 9.25 13.0lb 18cs 90 3.60lb 42cs 336 4.95lb 16cs 80 POWER STEERING PROTECTION LUBEGARD Universal Power Steering Fluid Protectant 20404 4oz 0 83137 20404 6 12 1.250 2.563 5.688 0.30lb 7.5 LUBEGARD Universal Power Steering Fluid 20910 10oz 0 83137 20910 2 12 1.875 2.938 7.188 20902 32oz 0 83137 20902 7 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 0.65lb 2.10lb 7.875 6.938 8.25 3.95lb 7.625 22.250 9.75 24.45lb 10cs 50 5.5 0.30lb 7.500 5.500 6.375 3.55lb 42cs 294 4.938 1.813 5.688 0.65lb 5.375 7.625 6.250 4.0lb 96001 16oz 0 83137 96001 0 12 2.125 3.313 8.25 96808 16oz 0 83137 96808 5 12 2.125 3.313 8.25 96032 32oz 0 83137 96032 4 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 1.2lb 1.2lb 2.1lb 9.188 10.375 9.063 14.50lb 16cs 80 9.188 10.375 9.063 14.50lb 16cs 80 6.938 9.0 10.375 12.70lb 25cs 150 KOOL-IT Radiator Flush 95020 16oz 0 83137 95020 2 12 2.125 3.313 8.250 95732 32oz N/A 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 95100 1gal N/A 4 6.125 6.125 11.813 1.2lb 2.10lb 7.20lb 9.188 10.375 9.063 14.50lb 16cs 80 6.938 9.0 10.375 12.7lb 25cs 150 12.500 12.5 12.75 29.80lb NA NA KOOL-IT Radiator Flush & Protect Pack 98001 2.40lb 7.313 13.750 9.250 KOOL-IT Electrolysis Indicator 96000 NA 0.30lb 6.938 9.813 13.063 4.30lb 30cs 150 KOOL-IT Evaporator & Heater Foam Cleaner 96030 6oz 0 83137 96030 0 6 2.375 3.188 7.375 0.65lb 6.813 7.750 8.313 90031 2oz 0 83137 90031 3 12 2.625 2.625 5.375 90201 11.25oz 0 83137 90201 0 6 2.125 2.125 5.625 .30lb 1.0lb 7.0 6.0 .05lb NA LUBEGARD Power Steering 97209 1-4oz 0 83137 97209 9 6 Flush and Protect 2-Step System 1-64oz LUBEGARD Power Steering Flush 95040 4oz 0 83137 95040 0 12 LUBEGARD Power Steering Flush & Protect Pack 98404 (2) 0 83137 98404 7 6 4oz 2.125 3.313 2.5 1.125 5.500 6.375 9.0 9.0 3.90lb 42cs 294 7.938 8.45lb 25cs 125 10.375 12.70lb 25cs 150 42cs 294 COOLING/ RADIATOR PROTECTION KOOL-IT Supreme Coolant Treatment (CANADA ONLY) (2) 0 83137 98001 8 6 16oz 2.250 6.688 8.25 0 83137 96000 3 12 1.563 3.188 12.188 15.0lb 18cs 90 4.0lb 36cs 216 BRAKE SYSTEMS SQUEAK RELIEF Brake Finishing Treatment 34 SQUEAK RELIEF Caliper Grease 91011 .5oz N/A Pillow Packs NA .20 4 2.5 9.25 6.500 3.90lb 30cs 210 8.375 10.250 6.50lb 35cs 140 NA NA NA 0 Description Part No. Unit Size UPC Code Case Unit QNT L (“) Unit W (“) PRODUCT SPECS Unit H (“) Unit Weight Case Case L (“) W (“) Case H (“) Case QNT QNT Weight per/Tier Pallet FUEL SYSTEM TREATMENTS PRO II 9000 Air & Fuel System Tune-Up (3 Can Kit) 72011 NA 0 83137 72011 9 4 2.938 7.875 7.625 2.95lb 8.375 11.75 8.563 12.35lb PRO II 9000 Complete Fuel System Cleaner (2 Can Kit) 72400 NA 0 83137 72400 1 6 2.875 5.625 9.250 2.10lb 9.125 11.438 10.0 PRO II 9000 Intake/Combustion Cleaning Tool 72000 NA 0 83137 72000 3 NA 8.688 9.25 NA NA NA NA 13.55lb 20cs 120 5.25 1.35lb NA NA NA NA LUBEGARD FOR V-TWIN Primary Case Chain Protectant 40104 4oz 0 83137 40104 9 12 1.250 2.563 5.688 0.30lb 7.5 5.500 6.375 3.90lb 42cs 294 LUBEGARD FOR V-TWIN Transmission Protectant 40602 4oz 0 83137 40602 0 12 1.250 2.563 5.688 0.30lb 7.5 5.500 6.375 3.90lb 42cs 294 LUBEGARD Coolant Treatment for Motorcycles 40820 4oz 0 83137 40820 8 12 1.250 2.563 5.688 0.30lb 7.5 5.500 6.375 3.55lb 42cs 294 LUBEGARD FOR V-TWIN Engine Oil Protectant 40910 10oz 0 83137 40910 6 12 1.875 2.938 7.188 0.70lb 8.25 9.250 8.188 9.0lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD Premium Universal Chain Lubricant 40744 8oz 0 83137 40744 7 12 1.813 3.875 7.375 0.55lb 6.625 11.25 8.250 7.0lb 24cs 144 LUBEGARD Heavy Duty Engine Protectant 30916 32 oz 0 83137 30916 1 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 2.10lb 6.938 9.0 10.375 12.7lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD Heavy Duty Power Transfer Protectant 45142 32oz 0 83137 45142 6 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 2.10lb 6.938 9.0 10.375 12.7lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD Heavy Duty Gear Protectant 70944 32oz 0 83137 70944 2 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 2.10lb 6.938 9.0 10.375 12.7lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD Heavy Duty Coolant Treatment 96430 32oz 0 83137 96430 8 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 2.10lb 6.938 9.0 10.375 12.7lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD MARINE Power Transfer Fluid 45909 10oz 0 83137 45909 5 12 1.875 2.938 7.188 0.65lb 7.875 9.0 7.938 8.45lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD MARINE 4 Cycle Engine Oil Treatment 46086 10oz 0 83137 46086 2 12 1.875 2.938 7.188 0.65lb 7.875 9.0 7.938 8.45lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD MARINE 2 Cycle Engine Oil Treatment 46910 10oz 0 83137 46910 0 12 1.875 2.938 7.188 0.65lb 7.875 9.0 7.938 8.45lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD MARINE Gear Oil Supplement 47903 10oz 0 83137 47903 1 12 1.875 2.938 7.188 0.65lb 7.875 9.0 7.938 8.45lb 25cs 150 LUBEGARD MARINE Cylinder Rescue 48990 8oz 0 83137 48990 0 12 1.813 3.875 7.375 0.55lb 6.625 11.25 8.250 7.0lb 24cs 144 LUBEGARD MARINE All Purpose Marine Lubricant 49448 8oz 0 83137 49448 5 12 1.813 3.875 7.375 0.55lb 6.625 11.25 8.250 7.0lb 24cs 144 LUBEGARD POWER SHIELD 2 Cycle Oil & Reconditioner 86604 2.6oz 0 83137 86604 6 12 2.313 1.125 2.313 86020 8oz 0 83137 86020 4 12 1.813 3.875 7.375 .25lb .55lb 5.563 7.75 6.625 6.625 11.25 8.250 2.95lb 42cs 294 7.0lb 24cs 144 LUBEGARD POWER SHIELD Bar & Chain Lubricant 87084 32oz 0 83137 87084 5 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 2.10lb 6.938 LUBEGARD POWER SHIELD Anything & Everything Lube 88000 8oz 0 83137 88000 4 12 1.813 3.875 7.375 .55lb 6.625 11.250 8.250 MOTORCYCLE/ BIKE PRODUCTS HEAVY DUTY MARINE POWER SHIELD FOR SMALL EQUIPMENT 9.0 10.375 12.7lb 25cs 150 7.0lb 24cs 144 INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS For a complete line of industrial product solutions, visit www.Lubegard.com LUBEGARD Hydraulic Fluid Supplement 60901 32oz 0 83137 60901 8 6 2.188 4.313 9.375 60903 5gal N/A NA 12.250 14.0 14.750 2.1lb 41.0lb 6.938 NA 9.0 NA 10.375 12.7lb 25cs 150 NA NA NA NA LUBEGARD Heavy Duty Cutting Oil 80901 1gal N/A 7.20lb 12.5 12.5 12.75 4 6.125 6.125 11.813 29.8lb NA NA 35
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