Voyager USB 3.1 Compliance Suite


Voyager USB 3.1 Compliance Suite
Product Bulletin
Voyager USB 3.1 Compliance Suite
Voyager USB 3.1 Compliance Suite (M310C, M310, & M3x)
The Voyager USB 3.1 Compliance Suite allows developers to verify
devices are compliant with the USB specification. The Compliance Suite
is an approved Link Verification System (LVS) by the USB-IF for
performing compliance testing conformant to the USB 3.1 (Gen 1 & Gen
2) Link Layer test specification (Aug-2015; v.91). Integrated with
Teledyne LeCroy’s Voyager analyzer/exerciser platform, the Compliance
Suite provides comprehensive link layer test coverage to verify devices
properly implement link training, link recovery, power management and
other link layer behaviors (chapter 7). The Voyager USB 3.1 Compliance
Suite also addresses several PHY layer test cases (chapter 6) to verify
LFPS and SKIP assertions also defined in the USB 3.1 Link Layer Specification. The Compliance Suite is a full turn-key
solution and automatically validates each individual compliance point required by the USB-IF’s Link Layer test
Key Features
The Compliance Suite is based on Teledyne LeCroy’s automation framework and uses emulation scripts to mimic USB
link behaviors. The system initiates and responds to USB frames like a real device while analyzing the response from
the device-under-test. It communicates directly over USB cabling and generates pass/fail reports to provide a fully
automated test suite for protocol compliance.
© 2016 Teledyne LeCroy Corporation
Product Bulletin: Teledyne LeCroy USB 3.1 Compliance Suite
Test Coverage
The USB test suites are Integrated
in Teledyne LeCroy’s USB
Compliance Suite application
These automated test
(Right). These automated test
suites are each sold
suites are each sold separately as
separately as licensed
licensed options allowing users to
options for the Voyager
enable only the tests that they
verification platform
require. Compliance tests are
updated regularly and customers
will receive all maintenance
releases at no additional cost.
USB-IF Link Layer Tests
The Link Layer Compliance Suite includes 100% coverage for the USB-IF’s USB 3.1 Link Layer Test Specification
(version .91). The tests below can operate at USB 3.1 Gen-1 or Gen-2 speed. As of Jan-2016, the Teledyne LeCroy
Voyager (M310 & M310C) are the only approved Link Verification System (LVS) for Gen-2 link layer compliance.
Chapter 7 Link Layer (USB-IF Specification)
TD.7.01 Link Bring-up Test
TD.7.02 Link Commands Framings Robustness Test
TD.7.03 Link Commands CRC-5 Robustness Test
TD.7.04 Invalid Link Commands Test
TD.7.05 Header Packet Framing Robustness Test
TD.7.06 Data Payload Packet Framing Robustness Test
TD.7.07 RX Header Packet Retransmission Test
TD.7.08 TX Header Packet Retransmission Test
TD.7.09 PENDING_HP_TIMER Deadline Test
TD.7.10 CREDIT_HP_TIMER Deadline Test
TD.7.11 PENDING_HP_TIMER Timeout Test
TD.7.12 CREDIT_HP_TIMER Timeout Test
TD.7.13 Wrong Header Sequence Test
TD.7.14 Wrong LGOOD_N Sequence Test
TD.7.15 Wrong LCRD_X Sequence Test
TD.7.16 Link Command Missing Test
TD.7.17 tPortConfiguration Time Timeout Test
TD.7.18 Low Power initiation for U1 test (DS port only)
TD.7.19 Low Power initiation for U2 test (DS port only)
TD.7.20 PM_LC_TIMER Deadline Test (DS port only)
TD.7.21 PM_LC_TIMER Timeout Test (DS port only)
Chapter 6 PHY Layer (USB-IF Specification)
TD.6.1.1 Lane Polarity Inversion Test (No Invert)
TD.6.1 Lane Polarity Inversion Test
TD.6.2 Skip Test
TD.6.3 Elasticity Buffer Test
© 2016 Teledyne LeCroy Corporation
TD.7.22 PM_ENTRY_TIMER Timeout Test (US port only)
TD.7.23 Accepted Power Management Transaction for U1 Test (US port only)
TD.7.24 Accepted Power Management Transaction for U2 Test (US port only)
TD.7.25 Accepted Power Management Transaction for U3 Test (US port only)
TD.7.26 Transition to U0 from Recovery Test
TD.7.27 Hot Reset Detection in Polling Test
TD.7.28 Hot Reset Detection in U0 Test
TD.7.29 Hot Reset Initiation in U0 Test (Downstream Port Only)
TD.7.30 Recovery on three consecutive failed RX Header Packets Test
TD.7.31 Hot Reset Failure Test (Downstream Port Only)
TD.7.32 Warm Reset Rx.Detect Timeout Test (Hub Downstream Port Only)
TD.7.33 Exit Compliance Mode Test (Upstream Port Only)
TD.7.34 Exit Compliance Mode Test (Downstream Port Only)
TD.7.35 Exit U3 by Reset Test (Downstream Port Only)
TD.7.36 Exit U3 Test (Host Downstream Port Only)
TD.7.37 Packet Pending Test (Upstream Port Only)
TD.7.38 Port Capability Tiebreaker Test
TD.7.39 PortMatch Retry Test (Gen 2 Only)
TD.7.40 Polling Retry Test (Downstream Port Only)
TD.7.41 SetAddress TPF Bit Test (Gen 2 Upstream Port Only)
TD.6.4 LFPS Frequency Test
TD.6.5 Polling.LFPS Duration Test
TD.6.6 SCD Duration Test (Gen 2 Capable Only)
TD.6.7 PWM Duration Test (Gen 2 Capable Only)
Product Bulletin: Teledyne LeCroy USB 3.1 Compliance Suite
Example Tests for USB 3.0 and USB 2.0
The USB 3.1 Compliance Suite also includes a comprehensive library of example test cases that have been provided
on an ‘as-is’ basis. All tests in the ‘example’ folders are not sanctioned by the USB-IF and are not warranted to work
with all USB hosts and devices. These tests include several supplemental Link Layer tests for USB 3.1 (Gen-1 only).
There are many upper layer protocol framework (chapter 9) tests cases that represent a subset of the USB-IF’s USBCommand Verifier (USB-CV) application. While these examples are provided for both USB 3.1 (Gen-1) and USB 2.0
device ports, these tests are not actively maintained and are provided only as a library to create derivative or custom
test cases by end-users of the Voyager Protocol Verification system.
Teledyne LeCroy USB 3.0 Link Example Tests – The example link layer tests for USB 3.0 were developed by
Teledyne LeCroy engineers to provide coverage for approximately 40 additional Link Layer assertions:
Chapter 7 Link Layer (examples)
U3LET.006-Detecting Header packet with Framing Error with
more than one corrupted symbol
U3LET.007 -Detecting Header Packet Error (CRC5)
U3LET.008-Detecting Header Packet Error (CRC16)
U3LET.010-Detecting Header Packet Error (CRC16) for 3 times
U3LET.011-Detecting Header Packet Error (CRC16 and CRC5)
U3LET.013-Detecting Link command with at least 3 of the 4 Ksymbols in 4 consecutive symbol periods
U3LET.014-Detecting Link command with at least 2 invalid of the
4 K-symbols in 4 consecutive symbol
U3LET.015-Detecting missing LGOOD_n
U3LET.017-Detecting missing LCRD_x
U3LET.023-Detecting Error in Header Sequence Number
Advertisement upon missing LGOOD_x
U3LET.024-Detecting Error in Header Sequence Number
Advertisement upon wrong LGOOD_x
U3LET.025-Detecting Error in Rx Header Buffer Credit
Advertisement upon wrong LCRD_x
U3LET.026-Detecting Error in Rx Header Buffer Credit
Advertisement upon lost LCRD_x
U3LET.036-Detecting Data Header Packet Error (CRC16)
U3LET.037-Detecting Data Header Packet Error (CRC16) for 3
Chapter 7 Link Power Management (Examples)
U3LPM.001 The Port takes at most 3us to send LAU or LXU
upon receiving LGO_U1
U3LPM.002 The Port takes at most 3us to send LAU or LXU
upon receiving LGO_U2
U3LPM.003 The Port sends LAU or LXU it takes at most 6 us to
get response in U1
U3LET.038-Detecting Link Control Word CRC error in Data Header Packet
U3LET.039-Detecting Link Control Word CRC error in Data Header Packet
for 3 times
U3LET.041-TX Header Sequence Number should be zero when port
enters U0 from Hot Reset
U3LET.042-TX Header Sequence Number should be zero when port
enters U0 from Polling
U3LET.043-TX Header Sequence Number should be same as before
when port enters U0 from Recovery
U3LET.044-RX Header Sequence Number should be zero when port
enters U0 from Polling
U3LET.045-RX Header Sequence Number should be zero when port
enters U0 from Hot Reset
U3LET.046 -RX Header Sequence Number should be same as before
when port enters U0 from Recovery
U3LET.047- Header Packet Framing
U3LET.048 Data Packet Payload Framing
U3LET.049- Spacing between DPH and DPP
U3LET.050- Link Command Placement
U3LET.051- Logical Idle Port can transmit Logical Idle Symbol (IS)
U3LET.052- A DPP shall be dropped if its DPH is corrupted
U3LET.053- Link Command Framing
U3LPM.004 The Port sends LAU or LXU it takes at most 6 us to get
response in U2
U3LPM.005-The Port in U1 state it takes at most Ux_EXIT_TIMER to
change its state
U3LPM.006-The Port in U2 state it takes at most Ux_EXIT_TIMER to
change its state
Teledyne LeCroy USB 2.0 & USB 3.0 Framework Example Tests The example Framework layer tests defined in
USB-IF Framework layer test specification for Addressed, Configured and Unconfigured USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 devices.
Chapter 9 Framework Layer (examples)
9.1 Device Descriptor Test
9.2 Standard Configuration Descriptor Test
9.3 Standard Interface Association Descriptor Test
9.4 Standard Interface Descriptor Test
9.5 Endpoint Descriptor Test
9.6 SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor Test
© 2016 Teledyne LeCroy Corporation
9.10 Bad Descriptor Test
9.11 Bad Feature Test
9.12 Remote Wakeup Test
9.13 Set Configuration Test
9.14 Suspend/Resume Test
9.15 Function Remote Wakeup Test
9.16 Enumeration Test
Product Bulletin: Teledyne LeCroy USB 3.1 Compliance Suite
9.7 BOS and Device Capability Descriptor Test
9.8 String Descriptor Test
9.9 Halt Endpoint Test
9.17 LTM Test
9.18 Bus- or Self- Powered Test
9.19 Endpoint Stall Test
Teledyne LeCroy USB 2.0 & USB 3.0 Mass Storage Example Tests The Voyager Compliance suite includes example
test cases for USB 2.0 & USB 3.0 mass storage / bulk only devices.
Mass Storage Class (examples)
Mass Storage Required Commands
Mass Storage Test Cases 1 - 9
Mass Storage Interface Descriptor Tests
Mass Storage Optional Commands
Mass Storage Class Specific Tests
Mass Storage Error Recovery Tests
Key Components
Purchasing the Compliance Suite options will include all the components below. This allows users to review test criteria
or adapt test cases for their own verification needs.
Host and Device Emulation scripts (.UTG & .USB3G)
Traffic Generation scripts for USB 2.0 & 3.1
Automatic verification scripts (.VSE)
Scripting API for post processing trace files for USB 2.0 & 3.0
Console (COM client) provides graphical interface for operating Compliance Suite
VBS scripts for automating operation of the Voyager hardware system
HTML and text-based Compliance Reports
Generated automatically by Compliance Suite
Ordering Information
This table outlines the necessary part numbers to enable each of the compliance options below:
Test Spec
USB Power Delivery
USB 3.1 Gen-1 Link
Layer Complaince
(5Gbps Only)
USB 3.0 Hub LVS
Compliance Suite
(5Gbps Only)
Voyager M310C Power Delivery Compliance Suite option 1
Power Tracker option
Cable, Voyager M310C Power Delivery external load
USB 3.1 Gen-1 & Gen-2
Link Layer Compliance
(5Gbps & 10Gbps)
Supported on Voyager models:
(Must have USB-TZP3-V06-X, USB-T0P3-V06-X,
USB-T0A3-V06-X; or USB-TZA3-V06-X ).
Voyager USB 3.0 Compliance Suite option
Voyager USB 3.1 Compliance Suite option
Voyager USB 3.0 Compliance Suite option
Voyager USB 3.0 Compliance Suite option
Voyager USB 3.0 Hub LVS Compliance Suite option
Power Tracker option
SMA to SMA Synchronization Cable -- I meter
Platform Expansion SYNC card*
(Must have USB-TZP3-V06-X, USB-T0P3-V06-X,
USB-TZA3-V06-X, USB-T0A3-V06-X, USB-TZP3V04-X, USB-T0P3-V04-X, USB-TZA3-V04-X, or
USB-T0A3-V04-X )
(Must have USB-TZP3-V06-X, USB-T0P3-V06-X,
USB-TZA3-V06-X, USB-T0A3-V06-X, USB-TZP3V04-X, USB-T0P3-V04-X, USB-TZA3-V04-X, USBT0A3-V04-X, USB-TZP3-V02-X, USB-T0P3-V02-X,
USB-TZP3-V03-X or USB-T0P3-V03-X)
(Must have USB-TZP3-V06-X, USB-T0P3-V06-X,
USB-TZA3-V06-X, USB-T0A3-V06-X, USB-TZP3V04-X, USB-T0P3-V04-X, USB-TZA3-V04-X, USBT0A3-V04-X, USB-TZP3-V02-X, USB-T0P3-V02-X,
USB-TZP3-V03-X or USB-T0P3-V03-X)
*Sync card required for Voyager M3i systems only
The example USB 2.0 and 3.0 Link / Framework tests operate on all Voyager exerciser enabled systems – no additional license
needed. Please see the USB Power Delivery Compliance Suite & Hub LVS Product Bulletins for additional information on these
For specific questions, please contact your regional Sales Engineer 1 800 909-7211 or 408 653-1262 or PSGsales@Teledyne
© 2016 Teledyne LeCroy Corporation
Product Bulletin: Teledyne LeCroy USB 3.1 Compliance Suite