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pdf - Ngati Porou
KO HIKURANGI TE MAUNGA KO WAIAPU TE AWA KO NGATI POROU TE IWI TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 DIRECTORY REGISTERED OFFICE RUATORIA EXTERNAL ADVISERS AUDITORS Whanau & Hapu Development, Housing, E Tipu E Rea, Tourism, Economic Development Deloitte Fonterra Building PO Box 17 HAMILTON 1 Barry Avenue PO Box 226 RUATORIA Ph: 06 864 9004 Fax: 06 864 9008 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ngatiporou.iwi.nz OTHER OFFICES POROU ARIKI Corporate Services 195 Wainui Road PO Box 394 GISBORNE Ph: 06 867 9960 Fax: 06 867 5335 Email:[email protected] RONGO Tuhono Whanau, Iwi Social Services, Counselling, Budgeting, Whanau Support, PAFT, Housing Shop 2, Kaiti Mall P O Box 3097 Kaiti Mall GISBORNE Ph: 06 867 8436 Fax: 06 863 3432 BANK Westpac Trust Ruatoria Branch Waiomatatini Road Ruatoria SOLICITORS Kahui Legal Axon House PO Box 1654 WELLINGTON Ph: 04 495 9999 Rainey Collins and Wright Rainey Collins House PO Box 689 WELLINGTON Ph: 04 473 6850 Burnard Bull & Co 64 Lowe Street PO Box 946 GISBORNE Ph: 06 867 133 Cover artwork by Robyn Kahukiwa The runanga acknowledges Keri Kaa, on behalf of the Kaa whanau, as kaitiaki of this artwork entitled Ko Hikurangi te maunga, Ko Waiapu te awa, Ko Ngati Porou te iwi. CONTENTS Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles, Goals, Beneficiaries 2 Chairman’s Report 3 Board of Trustees Report 8 Strategic Plan Model 2006-07 11 Organisational structure 12 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 13 Whanau and Hapu Development 16 Investing in Ngati Porou Culture, Reo, Matauranga and Development 20 Economic Development 26 Financial statements 33 Audit report 49 Appendices Staff Directory 1 July 2005 - 30 June 2006 50 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou Registration Form 51 Board of Trustees 52 1 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 VISION Ko te whakapumau i te mana motuhake o Ngati Porou i roto i tona mana Atua, mana tangata, mana whenua BENEFICIARIES Nga uri o nga hapu o Ngati Porou mai i Potikirua ki te Toka a Taiau “the descendants of the hapu of Ngati Porou from Potikirua to Te Toka a Taiau” MISSION The vision of Ngati Porou will be achieved through affirming the Matauranga Ngati Porou and its application to cultural, economic, environmental and social developments that contribute to the prosperity and survival of Ngati Porou whanau and hapu while actively enhancing the “mana motuhake” of Ngati Porou. OVER-ARCHING PRINCIPLES BASED ON NGATI POROU QUADRUPLE BOTTOM LINE: Cultural relevance and revitalisation Economic growth and prosperity Environmental sustainability Social responsiveness and responsibility. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Ngati Porou, puta noa nga rohenga o Aotearoa me te Ao, tena koutou, tena hoki tatau katoa. Tangihia o tatau mate kua wehe atu nei i a tatau mai i te orokohanga mai o te wa, taka mai hoki ki wenei wa. Heoi e nga mate haere, whakangaro atu ki te po, ki tua whakarere! Otiia ko tatau o o ratau tirohanga e takatu nei, tena koutou, tena hoki tatou katoa. The Annual Report will detail the activities and programmes which the runanga has focused on for the past year. My report highlights developments with which the runanga has been intimately involved for the past 19 years. I take this reflective approach lest we forget the runanga’s facilitative role in the formative years of a number of key Ngati Porou developments. Board of Trustees chairman Apirana Mahuika FISHERIES Te Ohu Kaimoana (TOKM) representatives were guests at a function held at Uepohatu Marae earlier this year to celebrate the allocation of Ngati Porou’s fisheries assets. The fisheries debate has been a long drawn-out saga with which the runanga has been involved since 1989, before the signing of the 1992 Sealord deal. Over the years, runanga trustees, managers and Ngati Porou marae and hapu representatives have attended numerous meetings including hui a iwi at home and with other iwi, TOKM, Crown officials and ministers. The Waitangi Tribunal became involved for a time and legal actions were played out in the High Court, Court of Appeal and twice in the Privy Council in London. The runanga went to court to ensure the rights of iwi and Ngati Porou specifically were protected and not subjugated under the generic rights of Maori, and to ensure the definition of ‘iwi’ was not compromised or re-defined to meet an ‘urban authority’ agenda. I thank the runanga for the enormous financial support it gave to this process and all the Ngati Porou people who were our faces at many of these forums. They included the late Anaru (Skip) Paenga, Honore Chesley and Waho Tibble who gave their tireless support throughout this 17 year struggle to secure Ngati Porou’s share of the fisheries assets. Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd (NPSL) holds the quota and shares in Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd and is responsible for growing and managing the fisheries assets. The runanga and Porou Ariki Trust – the Mandated Iwi Organisation – are responsible for investing the return on those assets in activities which benefit current and future generations of Ngati Porou. The Porou Ariki Trust is also responsible for strategic governance oversight, legislative compliance and reporting to Ngati Porou. Mark Ngata is the new general manager of Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd and NPSL. For efficiency, NPFL directors were appointed interim directors of NPSL. I acknowledge the board of Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd for its good performance in growing the asset base of the runanga’s 100%-owned fisheries company NPFL and for preparing the way for NPSL’s establishment. Te Ohu Kaimoana and Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd directors at the official handover ceremony of Ngati Porou fisheries assets at Uepohatu. 3 3 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 FORESHORE & SEABED (FSSB) Our involvement with the FSSB began in August 2003 in the lead-up to the inaugural consultation hui on the Government’s Foreshore & Seabed proposal, held at Whangara. In keeping with the sentiments and submissions presented at the hui, the runanga convened a Ngati Porou Marae and Hapu Takutaimoana working party and began informal discussions with the Crown. Early in 2004 we were joined by our relations Te Whanau a Apanui, and formal negotiations began several months later. Our original objective was to secure and protect the takutaimoana rights of Ngati Porou whanau and hapu, who would have been able to demonstrate their ‘legal’ and ‘customary’ ownership interest in their foreshore and seabed. Our position throughout initial discussions and following negotiations was that any Act to remove ownership of the FSSB from Ngati Porou whanau and hapu would be seen as an act of raupatu. Our position has not changed with the passing of the Foreshore & Seabed Act in November 2004, except that the requirement to substantiate our assertions has become more onerous in terms of time, effort and cost. However, we are not easily daunted. We remain true to our belief that Ngati Porou whanau and hapu have rights and interests in the takutaimoana that pre-date the Treaty. These rights and interests would have been recognised in common law, are recognised in our lore and are enduring, irrespective of the legislation. A critical part of the negotiations has been information sharing and consultation with whanau and hapu. This included 17 hui with hapu and taura here groups to confirm the mandate for continuing negotiations with the Crown and to support the ongoing facilitation role of the runanga. It was agreed the runanga would continue to update and engage whanau and hapu in ongoing discussions throughout the negotiation process. A number of researchers were appointed to assist whanau and hapu bring together their stories, history and evidence in respect to their takutaimoana. Evidence collected to date includes written records and audio and visual recordings. Unfortunately some of our key spokespeople have passed on including Honore Chesley, Manahou Moana, Mack Henare and others. Crown officials met whanau and hapu at Wharekahika, Te Araroa, Horoera, Rangitukia, Tikapa, Tuparoa, Whareponga, Waipiro, Tokomaru, Anaura, Kaiaua, Puatai and Whangara. Negotiations are progressing well and I am optimistic of a positive outcome within the next six months. The following results were recorded from the mandating hui held in December 2005 and January 2006. Robert McLeod, speaks at a Ngati Porou fisheries allocation meeting. Part of the foreshore at Whangara. SUMMARY OF POSITION OF NGATI POROU HAPU IN RELATION TO THE FORESHORE AND SEABED NEGOTIATIONS SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT DO NOT SUPPORT NO CONCLUDED POSITION Ngati Konohi Ngati Kahukuranui Ngati Hau Ngati Wakarara Ngati Ira Ngati Patuwhare Te Whanau a Ruataupare ki Tokomaru Te Whanau a Iritekura Te Whanau a Te Haemata Te Whanau a Rakairoa Te Aitanga a Mate Te Aowera Te Whanau a Hinekehu Te Whanau a Umuariki Te Whanau a Tapuhi Te Whanau a Takimoana Te Whanau a Hinepare Ngati Nua Ngai Tane Ngati Tutekohi Ngati Hokopu Te Whanau a Rerewa Te Whanau a Hunaara Ngai Tuere Ngai Tamakoro Ngati Kahu Te Whanau a Tuwhakairiora Te Whanau a Te Aotaki Te Whanau a Pokai Te Whanau a Hineauta Te Whanau a Raikaihoea Te Whanau a Rakaimataura Ngai Taharora Te Whanau a Te Uruahi Te Whanau a Mahaki Ngati Putaanga Te Whanau a Uruhonea Te Whanau a Te Rangipureora Ngati Horowai Te Whanau a Tinatoka Te Whanau a Karuai Te Aitanga a Hauiti Ngati Oneone Te Whanau a Te Aotawarirangi Ngai Tangihaere Ngati Uepohatu Ngati Rangi Te Whanau a Hinetapora Te Whanau a Ruataupare ki Tuparoa Te Whanau a Tapaeururangi WAI 262 After eight years’ dormancy, the Flora and Fauna Claim WAI 262 was reactivated with urgency and a lot of interest and posturing by parties that had stood on the sidelines when the claim was first lodged. The WAI 262 Tribunal is now chaired by Chief Maori Land Court Judge Joe Williams who has broadened the claim’s scope to include iwi intellectual property rights and interests in traditional arts and music, matauranga a iwi and te reo Maori. Ngati Porou became involved in WAI 262 through the efforts of the late Ngati Porou film-maker, and one of six original claimants, Tame Poata (Te Whanau-a-Ruataupare). At the inaugural hearing at Pakirikiri Marae in 1998, Dr Koro Dewes endorsed the claim on behalf of Ngati Porou. Hearings at Tokomaru Bay and Wellington this year provided Ngati Porou with a final opportunity to present evidence. I acknowledge all the Ngati Porou people who gave evidence during the hearings, to Gina Rudland our legal counsel, Professor Tamati Reedy for his translations and to all our host marae and whanau. An important lesson from the Waitangi Tribunal claims process is the limited control over timelines, the scope of claims and the introduction of ‘new’ claimants. This insight should guide and prepare us for the Ngati Porou Treaty Claims, the next long haul in Waitangi tribunal proceedings. TE REO AKE O NGATI POROU Gina Rudland - Legal counsel for Ngati Porou Wai 262 Claim. Right: Ngutu Kaka, indigenous flora. Pakirikiri Marae, Tokomaru Bay was the venue for the final Wai 262 hearing. A claim for Te Reo ake o Ngati Porou has been made in both the WAI 262 and WAI 272 claims registered with the Waitangi Tribunal. We are currently pursuing resources to enable native speakers of Te Reo ake o Ngati Porou to meet on a regular basis to discuss words and idioms unique to our iwi. Resources will enable us to engage administrative support to record our hui and discussions on te reo. This position is critical to the overall success of the project. Much voluntary work has and continues to be done in this area by Mrs Ethel McPherson. Our aims are to: 1 protect and promote Te Reo ake o Ngati Porou 2 reduce and eliminate the use and impact of “alien reo” introduced by external bodies including the Maori Language Commission 3 produce and distribute our own reo publications 4 strengthen and sustain the quality of Ngati Porou reo within schools in our rohe and those with large numbers of Ngati Porou students 5 develop Te Reo ake o Ngati Porou wananga and other professional development initiatives for teachers to support excellence in the quality of teaching and learning in Te Reo ake o Ngati Porou. NATI AWARDS The Nati Awards is the premier event in the annual Te Rangitawaea Festival and continues to delight the crowds who have packed into Uepohatu Hall and adjoining whare kai for the past three years. The 2005 and 2006 awards showcased the growing confidence, skills and innovation that Ngati Porou East Coast School students have developed in their use of Information Communication Technology (ICT), and the enthusiastic appreciation of their teachers, parents and whanau. The awards demonstrate the successful integration of Matauranga Ngati Porou, the school curriculum and the technologies application as a relevant learning and teaching tool. The documentaries, advertisements, music videos, compositions, and graphic and clay animation projects demonstrate the creativity of our tamariki, while drawing on the source of their inspiration, “to tatau Ngati Poroutanga”. The extract from a letter (right) by Waikato University Vice Chancellor Roy Crawford sums up the views of everyone who had the privilege of witnessing these events. 2006 Overall Senior Nati Award winners Tolaga Bay Area School with runanga chairman Apirana Mahuika. Tena koe Api Renee and I also enjoyed immensely the day at the ICT Festival. We were tremendously impressed with the computer skills of all the young people and the Presentation Ceremony was a truly memorable occasion. – Roy Crawford. Vice Chancellor – Waikato University 5 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 RUNANGA BIRTHDAY AND NGATI POROU PAKEKE CELEBRATION The dual celebration of the Runanga Birthday and Ngati Porou Pakeke Celebration – held at Rahui Marae in 2005 and Iritekura in 2006 – continues to draw crowds of Ngati Porou from home, New Zealand and abroad. As I reflect on the level of support, I am reminded of the whakatauaki: He kino tokomaha ki te kainga a kai, tena ki a tu ki te kaupapa iwi, ka aha hoki! The feeding of many is an enormous undertaking, but in iwi matters, numbers tell. Since these 1 September celebrations, I have fielded many calls and received letters of support for the runanga and praise for the occasion. I wish to express our appreciation and gratitude to the Waipiro Bay whanau and hapu for hosting this event and runanga staff for the tremendous support for this kaupapa. Alma Whangaparita talks with ACC rep Faye Pohatu. NGATI POROU WHANUI FORESTS LTD This company has a special and unique place in the history of forestry developments. The runanga was instrumental in the establishment of Ngati Porou Forests Ltd and the shareholders were Ngati Porou land owners who made their lands available for the planting of, what we now refer to as, the pioneer forest blocks. After the Crown sold the State Forests, causing huge redundancies among our people, funding was acquired from the Board of Maori Affairs to develop forestry within Ngati Porou. Then runanga secretary Ned Ihaka, Koro Dewes and I made a submission to Maori Affairs for $10m. With the $4.9m received, the first stage of forestry under Ngati Porou control began. Former prime minister Jim Bolger and the late John Falloon were supporters of the project despite opposition in some political quarters and from environmentalists. It became clear that finding a partner would be problematic because of an “accord” signed by forestry companies and the Crown. Whaimutu Dewes was tasked with finding a partner for the company and eventually found a Korean company with which to form the Hansol Ngati Porou Joint Venture. Since those heady days, Ngati Porou Forests Ltd has broadened its base to become Ngati Porou Whanui Forests Ltd and, under the stewardship of its Board of Directors led by Whaimutu and CEO Chris Insley, has taken huge strides forward. Chris Insley has introduced many new and innovative aspects such as the formation of a Forestry Science Board comprising scientists from Lincoln, Canterbury and Waikato Universities and Niwa. The Forestry Science Board is overseeing a range of research and development initiatives in land use mapping technologies, composite wood products and alternate uses of wood. NPWFL is investigating a range of opportunities arising through carbon credits including carbon farming and a new joint venture arrangement. The future for Ngati Porou forestry looks promising with various employment opportunities emerging for our people and projected financial returns to the Ngati Porou land owners who have forest lots planted on their land. This injection of capital and the investments in growth and innovation bode well for the re-emerging Ngati Porou economy. A futuristic view of wood processing on the East Coast. NGATI POROU HAUORA Every time I go to the Puhi Kaiti Clinic I feel proud of the services that Ngati Porou Hauora provides to Ngati Porou and non-Ngati Porou people living in Kaiti, Gisborne. I regularly hear complimentary statements about the services and courteous staff. Ngati Porou Hauora is growing stronger with the restructuring under chairman Ben Tahata and the efforts of Terry Ehau through the Ngati Porou CE’s forum. The runanga and NPH have developed a positive working relationship that has resulted in joint health initiatives for our people. Through working together we are able to progress our shared vision for the health and wellbeing of Ngati Porou. Some way is yet to be travelled to upgrade health facilities and amenities but these are within our grasp if we work together and leverage off our respective strengths. A recent television documentary showcasing Ngati Porou Hauora is the kind of publicity that augurs well for affirming our ability and commitment to providing quality and relevant health services to our people. Ngati Porou Hauora scholarships and Nati & Healthy are other initiatives that raise awareness of the effort and work that the Hauora Board, management and staff are undertaking to significantly improve the health status and quality of life of Ngati Porou people. RADIO NGATI POROU Radio Ngati Porou now broadcasts to the world through internet. Global Natis are tuning in for their injection of Ngati Porou news, humour and waiata. Having our own radio station is important because it is one of the most important ways to keep Ngati Porou informed and connected. The station is also invaluable for the promotion of our reo, tikanga, and local and iwi-specific news. Since its birth, the station has recorded many iwi events and personalities, thereby contributing to the collection of archival resources, audio and visual recordings, manuscripts and files. This prompts the need for a timely discussion on the establishment of an appropriate, Ngati Porou archive facility. The board, management and staff must be thanked for their initiative in taking the voices of Ngati Porou into the global arena, while being responsive to the every day needs of Ngati Porou kei te kaenga. NGA KOHINGA The bimonthly magazine Nga Kohinga brings together six Ngati Porou organisations in a one-stop magazine highlighting initiatives and activities within and among Ngati Porou. This is a magnificent initiative because it demonstrates a high level of collaboration and commitment to information sharing. Although the publication has been free, a subscription will be required from March 2007. I commend Nga Kohinga as a worthwhile investment to keep Ngati Porou informed. Organisations involved in Nga Kohinga are Te Runanga o Ngati Porou, Ngati Porou Hauora, Radio Ngati Porou, Ngati Porou Whanui Forest Ltd, Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd and Ngati Porou East Coast Rugby. CONCLUSION I wish to thank all trustees, particularly the deputy chair, for their contributions to the growth, development and well-being of our people. To the CEO, management team and staff, who have done so much to ensure that the aspirations and outcomes sought by the board were achieved, my sincere gratitude and appreciation. Na, A. T. Mahuika 7 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 BOARD OF TRUSTEES’ REPORT MIHI Tu tonu mai koe maunga Hikurangi tuohu ko nga uri e Waiapu te awa tapu te awa o te iwi, nga roimata o te whenua ,e rere ra Nga mihi kia tatou katoa mo te awhina i nga kaupapa hei oranga mo tatou, hei whakaora nui i te ngakau o Porou. TERM OF NEW BOARD The 2005 runanga trustee elections received unprecedented interest with 41 nominations received and a high level of media interest, sparked by robust debate in the local and national media. Some candidates, critics of the runanga, stated their intentions to disestablish the runanga adopting the slogan ‘Whakahokia Mai’. The 13 trustees who sought re-election confirmed their belief in the runanga’s vision, their appreciation of its achievements and progress. They also confirmed their recognition of the runanga’s complementary role working at the iwi level and the role of hapu and marae working within their own spheres of influence. The Ngati Porou voting public had the last say. The 13 standing trustees were re-elected, several of them polling the highest in their respective rohe. Seven new trustees joined their ranks, adding youth, new perspectives and skills and an injection of energy and enthusiasm, which bodes well for the board for the next three years. A feature of the new board has been its ability to quickly settle down to business and focus on the tasks in hand. This can be a challenge for a group of 20 members who hold strong positions and sometimes opposing views. The constructive approach, adopted by the overwhelming majority of trustees, and the demonstrable goodwill they have shown has contributed to an air of optimism and unity. This is refreshing and vital for the quality of governance leadership we require going forward. A positive indication of this change was the 100% attendance rate achieved at the June 2006 board meeting. As the business of the runanga becomes more complex and the responsibility for providing strategic governance over significant assets increases, the board must strengthen and enhance current policies and processes to improve decision-making transparency, result accountability and communications with its stakeholders – all underpinned by Ngati Porou tikanga. PRIORITIES As part of the annual review of our strategic plan, the board confirmed its priorities for the balance of the 2005/06 financial year and the 2006/07 year. It also confirmed that the existing vision, mission, outcome statements and key goals remain relevant. The strategic priorities are outlined in the diagram on page 11. SUB-COMMITTEES 1 CEO APPOINTMENT AND APPRAISAL PANEL Chair: Api Mahuika. Committee members: April Papuni-Ilse, Bill Burdett, Rawiri Tuhiwai-Ruru, Bill Irwin. Ex officio member: HR consultant Alison Bendall This panel meets six-monthly to formally appraise the CEO’s performance and review and update the appraisal framework applied. The panel acknowledges the professional advice and guidance received from Alison Bendall. 2.AUDIT, RISK AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair: April Papuni-Ilse. Committee Members: Api Mahuika, Selwyn Parata, Bill Irwin, Bill Burdett and Nolan Raihania. This committee, established following the 2004/05 deficit, provides direct governance The 2006 Pakeke Day celebrations were held at Iritekura Marae, Waipiro Bay. Ngati Porou Marae Hapu Fisheries Working Party Meeting, Tuatini Marae Tokomaru Bay. PRIORITIES PROGRESSED The board is pleased to advise that all of the priorities have been significantly progressed and a number were achieved including: • $5000 paid to 49 Ngati Porou marae under the annual marae grants programme and a further $5000 paid to 21 marae who participated in the Whanau Development Action Research Programme • on-line runanga registrations • Ma Wai Ra – Ngati Porou Marae cultural audit tool kit • Ngati Porou marae websites • Porou Ariki Trust approved as Responsible Trustee, Ngati Porou fisheries assets secured • ongoing investment in Ngati Porou development and culture • Early Childhood Education Strategy developed - Raparapa-Ririki and Matauranga Ngati Porou teaching and learning resources, through Korero tuku iho • investment in Ngati Porou achievers • Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed negotiations progressed. oversight for the organisation’s financial and risk management operations. It provides invaluable support and the leadership required to establish, monitor and evaluate the organisation’s external audit and annual reporting processes, financial reporting and monitoring processes, risk management strategies, and financial and accounting policies. It successfully works to a charter and annual work programme.The board appreciates the time and commitment contributed. With guidance from management, this committee has implemented various approaches across the organisation to improve overall financial viability, effectiveness and efficiency. 3 PAKIHIROA AND PUANGA FARM COMMITTEE Chair: Selwyn Parata. Members: Hilton Collier, Wi Mackey, Lance Rickard, Tate Pewhairangi, Koro Dewes and Bill Burdett. Ex officio member: Regan Poi. Good progress was made in establishing Pakihiroa Farms Ltd and providing project leadership for a Ngati Porou Land Development Technology Strategy. 4 EXTERNAL BOARDS AND COMMITTEES The runanga is also represented on: 1 Kawai Taumata, Electoral College for Te Ohu Kaimoana Trust: Api Mahuika 2 3 4 5 6 representing Porourangi group (Ngati Porou and Te Whanau a Apanui) Tuhono Trust: Selwyn Parata representing Porourangi group Tairawhiti Polytechnic Council: Jean Weke Radio Ngati Porou Board: Selwyn Parata, April Papuni-Ilse, Peace Te Kani Tairawhiti Development Partnership: Api Mahuika as co-chair Tairawhiti Land Development Trust: Hilton Collier, nominated by runanga board. GOVERNANCE TRAINING As part of the board’s induction and orientation programme, the board identified the need for governance training to improve productivity and effectiveness. At the board’s request, Ngati Porou businessman Robert McLeod facilitated a two-day workshop covering entities and structures, corporate governance roles, governance principles and director functions in iwi/Maori organisations. The pressure cooker training session also covered financial statement preparation and interpretation. Follow-up training discussed the establishment of a Ngati Porou Holdings Company and possible strategies for increasing the returns on runanga assets and growing Ngati Porou’s asset base. Trustees also took part in a number of governance training opportunities organised for iwi health providers and audit committees. The commitment to enhancing the governance capacity and capability of the runanga board is vital for its effective and cohesive functioning. One also needs to give recognition to the considerable cultural capital, matauranga Ngati Porou and tikanga that board members possess and the significant value this provides to the organisation and Ngati Porou. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES • Support individuals to identify and confirm their whakapapa connections to Ngati Porou. • Clarify whanau, hapu, marae and iwi roles and complementary functions. • Celebrate and support unique Matauranga Ngati Porou of hapu and marae. • Promote positive role models. • Enhance relationships. • Engage and support Ngati Porou hapu and marae development. • Review runanga strategic plan and confirm with Ngati Porou. • Review runanga board roles and core business. • Support aspirations of Ngati Porou individuals, whanau, hapu and marae in self determination and sustainable economic development. • Support Ngati Porou economic development utilising natural resources (farming, forestry, fishing, fun, whanau, whenua). • Develop commercial viability of runanga to achieve financial stability. • Continue negotiations for return and/or retention of Ngati Porou taonga. POROU ARIKI TRUST The runanga, working with the Ngati Porou Fisheries Advisory Group and Marae Hapu Fisheries Working Party, established Porou Ariki Trust as the Mandated Iwi Organisation (MIO) for Ngati Porou, thereby facilitating the receipt of Ngati Porou’s share of the fisheries assets. The runanga board, as Responsible Trustee, is legally responsible for the Porou Ariki Trust and ultimately accountable for its performance. However, the board is committed to sharing the role of strategic governance over Ngati Porou fisheries Board members at the 2005 Hui a Tau. 9 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 assets with the Advisory Trustees, nominated by the seven Ngati Porou Marae Clusters. The board appreciates the need to work together to achieve the best results, for Ngati Porou whanau, hapu and marae. The board is required to report on the financial results of Porou Ariki Trust and Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd in its Group accounts for the period ending 30 June 2006. It does so in the knowledge that Porou Ariki Trust’s Annual General Meeting will be convened before 31 March 2007, enabling the trust and NPSL to present full reports in line with the expectations and obligations stated in the Porou Ariki Trust Deed. VALUATION OF FISHERIES SETTLEMENT ASSETS The $6.7m reduction in the value of our fisheries settlement assets reflects the ‘fair and reasonable’ judgment exercised by the runanga in the absence of a full and independent valuation report. Working with the directors and manager of our fisheries companies, the runanga considered a range of factors, opinions and information provided by its own auditors, Te Ohu Kaimoana Trust, Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd, Ernst and Young, the Office of the Auditor General and other iwi organisations. However, the runanga board is ultimately responsible for making a decision. The board determined to write down the fisheries settlement assets received in March 2006 – specifically the quota and AFL shares – by $6.7 m (prior to initial recognition in the financial statements). This reduced the value of these assets from $36.1m to $29.4m. No impairment has been attributed to the cash, which is in a high interest earning savings account in the name of the Porou Ariki Trust. We accept that this loss in value will cause concern. However, the decision made by the runanga is consistent with the decision and views expressed by most iwi who have had to grapple with this complex situation. We have also agreed to seek a full valuation report from a qualified and independent valuer for the Porou Ariki AGM, scheduled for March 2007. Scenes from this year’s Pakeke Day celebrations with (above left) Rei Kohere , Matanuku Mahuika and Piripi Aspinall. Below: Dr Tamati Reedy (left) and Piripi Aspinall. SUMMARY We are optimistic about the runanga’s future as we begin to establish the appropriate entities for receiving, protecting, managing and growing the assets finally being returned to Ngati Porou. This mix of trusts and commercial entities will enable a clear delineation between commercial operations, with their profit maximisation focus, and the runanga’s development initiatives committed to sustaining and growing our investment in Ngati Porou. We have confidence in the structures put in place to strengthen our governance capability, particularly the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee which is making significant progress with management in returning the runanga to financial viability and future proofing the organisation in terms of risk mitigation and legislation. We are pleased with the $306,884 profit made this year. However, the $30.4m rise in the group’s asset base – brought about by the fisheries settlement and the increase in the value of Puanga Station – helps put our overall financial position into clearer perspective. More importantly it provides a base from which to grow and recognises the past efforts and investments the runanga has made to secure a better future for Ngati Porou. Trustee Jean Weke (left) with her mother Lena Paenga and Maud Isaac at the 2006 Pakeke Day. Handover of Ngati Porou fisheries assets at Uepohatu, May 2006. • Supportandsponsor NP calendar of events – Ta Apirana Ngata Lectures, Hui Taurima, Inter Marae Sports, Pakeke Day • Regularupdatesvia RNP, Nga Kohinga & Hui (a Iwi; a Hapu; Taura Here) • WebsiteDevelopment including Monthly Panui • Sponsoring NP calendar of events • NP Learning communities • NP Korero tuku iho • ACE pilot for maraebased learning • ETER – NP Reo Strategy Matauranga NP • Connect-a-Nati project • Hapu/Marae Wananga • Develop QM for Database & Ngati Porou Register • Review • Supporting aspirations of Ngati TRONP Porou individuals, Strategic Plan whanau and and confirm hapu/marae in selfwith Ngati determination and Porou sustainable economic development • WDARPWhanau Development project. • Hapu/Marae Database (E Nati) • Culturalaudit (Ma Wai Ra) • Review TRONP • Enterprise Training Board of Trustees & Business Support programme role / core • TDP business • NP Landowners • Audit,Risk R&D Strategy Management & Finance Committee 2006/07 STRATEGIES • Engage& Support NP Hapu/Marae Development 2006/07 PRIORITIES Achieve Ngati Porou SelfGovernance and self reliance ECONOMIC GROWTH & PROSPERITY ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY • WDARPWhanau • Convene Enterprise project economic think• TDP & other tank to identify initiatives to support investment/ use of natural development resources aligning strategies with Ngati Porou tikanga and kawa • CRIs • SupportNgatiPorou • Develop TRONP's economic development commercial viability to utilising natural achieve financial resources via the 5 f's (fun, farming, forestry, stability fishing and f(wh)anau, f(wh)enua) • Secure NP Fisheries Assets • ProgressWai262 claim • CompleteFS&S negotiations • Continue negotiations for the return and/or retention of Ngati Porou taonga Support Ngati Support Ngati Ensure the return, Porou whanau and Porou development retention and hapu achieve an through sustaining protection of Ngati optimum return an optimum return Porou taonga on their assets & on Ngati Porou assets (whenua/takutai) resources managed by the runanga SOCIAL RESPONSIVENESS & WELLBEING KEY GOALS NGATI POROU SELFDETERMINATION Actively encourage Ngati Porou in the development of their Whanau, Hapu, Marae, Taura Here & Runanga • Enhancingrelationships (at home and abroad) Develop a Ngati Porou Social Development agenda founded on Ngati Porou tikanga and responsive to Ngati Porou needs & priorities Retain, enhance practise and promote our ancestral heritage as Ngati Porou • Supporting individuals • Ngati Poroutanga to identify and confirm • Celebrating and their whakapapa supporting the connections to Ngati unique matauranga Porou Ngati Porou of Hapu • Clarify roles of Whanau; and Marae Hapu/Marae; Iwi and • Promoting positive their complementary role models functions RESTORATION OF MATAURANGA NGATI POROU CULTURAL RELEVANCE & REVITALISATION OUTCOME STATEMENTS STRATEGIC PLAN MODEL 2006/07 11 GOVERNANCE MANAGEMENT • Administration support • Asset management • Finance management • Human resources management • Hapu communications • Information services • Trustee services • Internal audit Corporate Services • Fisheries • Investments • Business development Mana • Land development Farms • Tourism Tourism NP • Projects NP Enterprise Economic Development • Iwi Social Services Counselling Budget Service Whanau Support Te Whae Atawhai & Truancy • Hapu Development Community Nutrition Community Injury Prevention Safer Communities Strengthening Families • Housing • Whanau development • Tuhono Whanau and PAFT • Relationship Management Iwi Crown Business/Private Sector • Education WITK KEP Iwi Education Partnership • Resource Management Environment Planning Monitoring external orgs • Research and Development Office of the Board and CEO Subsidiaries • Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd • Pakihiroa Farms Ltd (farm management from 1 July 2006) • Porou Ariki Trust (TRONP as Responsible Trustee) • Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd Whanau/hapu Development CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER BOARD OF TRUSTEES NGA HAPU O NGATI POROU TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT MIHI E te toka whakairo Hikurangi tu mai atawhaingia o nui o rahi. Waiapu te wai tapu o nga matua tipuna ruia mai ou manaakitanga ki ou paparinga. E hika ma tatou nga uri a o tatou tipuna a Porourangi me Hamoterangi tena tatou. Whakarehurehu taku kite i nga hiwi o pamamao e rere ana mai i nga kapua ano he kawe kupu mai, e hika ma e he roimata taku kai e, ahakoa koutou kei tawhiti kei roto koutou i nga mahara e. Tangihia o tatou mate, te iwi kua rupeke atu ki te po, no reira e te iti, e te rahi ,e te whakamataku okioki marie koutou i te kainga tuturu mo tatou katoa. E te iwi kia ora tatou. Tenei ra te mihi atu ki aku poupou,ki oku whakaruruhau, ki nga karangatanga maha ka whai panga ki nga korero me nga kaupapa maha noa atu o te tau kua hipa atu nei. E hika ma kua pe nga ringaringa i roto i nga mahi hei painga mo tatou, o tatou whanau ,o tatou hapu, o tatou marae, ki a Ngati Porou kei te kainga kei te whenua hoki, tae atu ki nga whanaunga hoa kei roto tonu i a tatou e noho ana. Chief Executive Officer Amohaere Houkamau Ara noa atu te hohonutanga o nga kaupapa e rarangi mai nei. INTRODUCTION The 2005-2006 year presented with a number of organisational challenges, not least being the restructuring of corporate services, the integration of whanau and hapu development services and the rationalisation of internal economic activities in concert with the transfer of assets and management responsibility to runanga subsidiaries. Two other significant developments were the long-awaited fisheries settlement, which provided a timely injection of capital and assets, and the investment in developing the communication, planning and enterprise capacity of Ngati Porou hapu and marae. Both developments mark a new phase in the evolution of the runanga. The runanga revised its current organisational structure in the lead-up to the new financial year, establishing a leadership and policy division, and integrating the Office of Board and CEO back into Corporate Services. My report highlights the key challenges and opportunities that emerged during the year, an analysis of the runanga’s achievements against key performance targets and a preview of the organisation’s future priorities. REPORT AGAINST KEY PERFORMANCE TARGETS FOR 2005 - 2006 It is pleasing to report that we met most key performance targets for the year and, with the exception of farming and foreshore and seabed, all activities operated within budget. Over the past year the runanga: 1 rationalised the costs of corporate services, while enhancing its performance and improving overall effectiveness 2 secured and grew new businesses, increasing revenue streams 3 transformed selected runanga economic activities from service-driven programmes to commercially-operated, profit-orientated entities 4 established meaningful communication tools that will effect information flows to and from our expanding iwi base, and fulfil rigorous ‘mandating’ procedures and reporting requirements 5 supported marae and hapu to realise their potential, without compromising the financial viability of the organisation or impinging on the ability of marae and hapu to be self-determining. 13 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE The new board began its three-year term in December 2005 and in March 2006 revised its strategic priorities. These placed more emphasis on effective communications, enhancing the long-term health and well-being of whanau, hapu and marae, and strengthening and growing the runanga’s asset base to sustain continued investment in Ngati Porou. The runanga developed a strategic planning framework enabling management to focus on business activities clearly aligned to board priorities and values. It also supported staff to focus on individual and team business targets within an environment of co-operation, continuous improvement and high expectations. Restructuring Corporate Services The runanga rationalised its corporate services operation, reducing staff numbers and costs through the recruitment of a specialist corporate services team and the relocation of corporate services to Gisborne. Management worked closely with affected staff throughout the change process, to ensure the transition was seamless and as painless as possible. This approach saw most affected staff being redeployed to other positions in the organisation and minimal disruption to work flow. Initial concerns about the ‘runanga moving to Gisborne’ were soon alleviated by basing whanau and hapu development, education and economic development at Ruatoria. Weekly visits by the CEO helped alleviate concerns about lack of access. Having Ruatoria as the base for Whanau and Hapu Development, Education and Economic Development activities is logical because these are the services with the most direct and immediate impact on our whanau and hapu. INTEGRATING WHANAU AND HAPU DEVELOPMENT The appointment of a Whanau Hapu Development manager was timely and necessary for the efficient integration of programmes, strategic relationship management and a shift to an outcomes focus. The unit currently operates within a contractual environment that is subjected to annual funding rounds and changing government policies. We have been working to change this so we can achieve longer-term funding arrangements that are outcome focused and meet a shared social development agenda. We are also committed to providing quality services and programmes relevant and responsive to Ngati Porou whanau and whanau living within Ngati Porou and the Gisborne region. Wherever possible the runanga endeavours to provide support and advice to Natis living away from the wa kainga. The priority for the Whanau and Hapu Development Practice Manager has been the design and establishment of an integrated professional development plan for staff, founded on Ngati Porou tikanga. We support and encourage staff to develop their skills, knowledge and social development practice. The Runanga Hapu Social Services Committee, established in 1994, coordinates the allocation of funding for programmes delivered at the hapu level. It shares best practices and experience in the design, provision and evaluation of quality programmes that meet the needs of whanau and hapu. Hapu and marae development Investment opportunities that support marae and hapu in progressing their development agendas, without being constrained by the runanga’s limited resources, is a prime focus for the runanga. The Whanau Development Action Research programme, sponsored by Te Puni Kokiri, was one such opportunity. In 2005 the runanga worked with 21 marae, two hapu collectives and 12 whanau MONTY MANUEL Monty Manuel is the runanga’s longest serving fulltime staff member. He started as an accounts clerk in 1991 and over the years advanced to the role of finance projects manager. Of Te Whanau a Takimoana, Monty started with the runanga at the age of 23 while on holiday from Massey University. He learned much from then manager Ned Ihaka and watched the organisation grow from six staff in one small office at Ruatoria to where it is today. Monty says the most memorable of his many career highlights are the return of Hikurangi Maunga, the 2000 Millennium celebrations and the many people with whom he has been involved. He credits long-serving finance manager Yvonne Williams, who he worked alongside for 14 of his 15 years, as being a major influence in his career development. Monty and his wife Leeanne, also a runanga employee, have dedicated almost 20 years to the organisation. Both grew up on the coast, attending Hiruharama and Rangitukia primary schools then moving on to Ngata College. Monty and Lee have made their home in Ruatoria with their six children and are well known among the community through their involvement in many community activities. Both staunch Hikurangi rugby supporters, Monty has played for the club for some 20 years. He was also a member of the triumphant East Coast Rugby Team from 1991 to 2003. The runanga acknowledges Monty and his whanau for their tremendous contribution to the runanga and Ngati Porou and wishes Monty the very best for the future. Monty has taken up a new role with Community Injury Prevention. to prepare six scoping reports outlining strategies that could help Ngati Porou achieve their goals and aspirations. Six interventions were identified to unlock potential, grow capability and confidence, and enhance communication, planning and enterprise capacity. EDUCATION E Tipu e Rea Raising the learning achievement for all students in Ngati Porou East Coast schools remains the prime focus for the E Tipu E Rea programme. This is being achieved with support for principals, teachers, Boards of Trustees and their communities. The year’s highlights include the Te Rangitawaea Festival, appointment of a Strategic Education Manager, an analysis of Ngati Porou early childhood centres and ongoing engagement with the Ministry of Education to ensure the availability of optimal learning opportunities for students, teachers, principals and trustees. The Te Rangitawaea Festival indicates the huge progress made in education since the partnership between the runanga, Ngati Porou East Coast Schools and the Ministry of Education began in 1998. The festival epitomises the vision for education that Sir Apirana Ngata enunciated in the whakatauaki “E Tipu e Rea”, which the runanga and ministry partnership has since adopted. Apirana Ngata recognised that Ngati Porou are a dynamic and ever-changing people and that each generation should develop in a manner relevant to them, developing the skills of the Pakeha that are necessary for survival, while holding fast to their heritage and culture. With the appointment of an Education Strategy Manager, completion of complementary work in early childhood and tertiary education and the partnership’s commitment to working together, we are confident we will build on our success. I pay tribute to retiring Secretary of Education Howard Fancy for his vision and leadership in partnering with Ngati Porou to achieve quality learning outcomes for students in Ngati Porou East Coast Schools. Howard had the courage and foresight to understand our educational fortunes would depend on the collaborative effort, and leadership of Ngati Porou and the Ministry of Education. PRIORITIES FOR 2006/07 GRANTS PROVIDED Over $300,000 was paid out in the form of grants and sponsorships over the 2005/06 year. This comprised: • $250,000 paid in grants to marae, hapu and whanau • $30,000 for Ngati Poroutanga (Hikurangi Dawn Ceremony, Inter-Marae sports, Hui Taurima, Ta Apirana Ngata Lectures, 1 September celebration) • $15,600 for sports • $6500 for community development • $4000 for achievement awards. Increasing participation in reading is part of the Literacy Strategy for Ngati Porou East Coast Schools. From left are Aria Parata-Walker, Nikita Stevens and Julia Waru-Atkinson. • Align organisational structure and outcomes statements with the Ngati Porou Potential Framework. • Work with hapu to express their development goals within a Hapu Success Model. • Co-produce policies and macro-development initiatives. • Establish Ngati Porou Holdings Company. • Complete Ngati Porou Communications Strategy. • Negotiate an acceptable Foreshore and Seabed Settlement Agreement for Ngati Porou whanau and hapu. • Improve financial performance, asset growth and investment portfolio. • Strengthen the organisation’s governance, management and staff capability. In closing, I pay tribute to the runanga’s senior management team and staff for the progress made and their responsible approach to our dynamic, changing environment. Noho ora mai Amohaere Houkamau 15 WHANAU HAPU DEVELOPMENT Te Kainga Tupu (Rangi – Home Sweet Home) Na Ta Apirana Ngata Me kimi i te ao nei E kore e rite Ki tou kainga tupu E matea nuitia nei Hei aha nga kino Hei aha ona he Ka tawhai te ngakau Ko reira noho ai Te Kainga tupu Te ai ona rite E kore e rite Ka haere ki mamao Kei wareware koe Tena ki nga matua E tangi atu nei Te wa ki te kainga E okioki ai E tau ai te mauri Ki reira noho ai OVERVIEW The Ruatoria office is now the headquarters of Whanau and Hapu Development, Education and Economic Development – services with the most direct and immediate impact on our whanau and hapu. Whanau and Hapu Development comprises Tuhono Whanau (Family Start), Whanau Support and Counselling, Youth Education, Iwi Crime Prevention Programme, Family Violence, Housing, Budgeting, Parents as First Teachers, Social Workers in Schools, Nutrition, Drivers Licensing and Strengthening Families. The 16 kaiawhina employed this year delivered 130 programmes. IWI SOCIAL SERVICES Hapu Social Services providers contribute to the wellbeing of whanau and hapu through the delivery of quality programmes and workshops relevant to needs. With new funding, local hapu groups will deliver diverse programme content over the 2006/7 year to support ongoing needs. Iwi Social Services now has a dedicated East Coast budget adviser in Frances Grant, who services whanau from Potaka to Tokomaru Bay from her base at the Ruatoria office. Professional development continued during the year to improve the quality of service for all whanau. All Whanau and Hapu Development staff had professional development and training programmes identifed. Six staff completed 18 months of work-based assessments toward their three-year National Diploma in Social Work (Level 6). Christine Morrison and Riripeti Halbert-Berry achieved Competency Certificates through an approved Competence Assessment provider for social workers, Te Ara Aromatawai. Riria Fox and Riripeti Halbert-Berry completed training in two units of the Child Protection Studies. Social Workers in School (SWIS) Mary Anne Crawford, based at Tolaga Bay Area School, received a civic award from the Gisborne District Council. SWIS supported a child, who had never attended a learning institution, into school. The service also facilitated the collaboration of the whanau, school principal and community support agencies working together to support this child into the schooling routine and practices. SWIS workers (from left) Ruira Morice, Maryjane Crawford and Cathy Stainton. Absent: Charlotte Collier. WHD staff who completed social worker competency assessments (from left) Shona Samuels, Jane Kopua, Robyn Smith and Pep Halbert-Berry. Absent: Juliet Lardelli and Chrissy Morrison. 17 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 COMMUNITY INJURY PREVENTION PROGRAMME Car restraints Five presentations promoting the use of car seats and seat belts were held in the Ngati Porou region to help increase the number of children being safely transported in vehicles. Through parent education and greater access to restraints, it is expected that more whanau will use restraints for their children. Each presentation outlined choosing, installing and demonstrating use of car seats, available schemes including the runanga rental programme and statistics on car seat and seatbelt use in Ruatoria. Open Forum discussions were held with over 60 people at Tutua Marae, Te Araroa; Uepohatu Marae, Ruatoria; Marotiri Kohanga Reo, Tokomaru Bay; Waiapu Te Kohanga Reo, Tiki Tiki; and Puketawai Marae, Tolaga Bay. Trained child restraint co-ordinators provided the same information to 120 people through one-on-one sessions. This service is ongoing. Tamariki at a Community Injury Prevention Water Safety Day. Marae-Based Drivers License Programme One hundred more drivers within “The drivers license programme was the rohe are licensed thanks to suggested to me by family. They told me the the Community Injury Prevention support and learning environment was very Programme. Nine two-day courses positive. Guess what, they are right. Thanks were held to increase the number of to the tutors who do an awesome job. I will licensed drivers and encourage more be encouraging all my family and friends to to abide by the conditions of that attend this course.“ licence. Topics covered included speed and alcohol, the impact of accidents on the whanau and community, the road safety role of the Police and the effects of being under the influence of alcohol and drugs. WHD staff (form left) Hiria Haig and Riria Fox and pepi Rona May Haig Doris Walker and Parearau Morice at the CIPP Water Safety Day. Below: RiverSafe instructor Mark Haimona provides valuable tuition on swimming and water safety. TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 HOUSING Getting more Ngati Porou people into well-maintained, healthy and energyefficient homes is the prime focus for the runanga housing division. Various strategies are used to effect this aim including supporting whanau into homes; providing home maintenance workshops, organising and funding home repairs; providing emergency housing; delivering education programmes; and facilitating healthy homes initiatives. A prime example of the support provided is seen in the case of a caravandwelling, older beneficiary who became a proud home-owner. The case was complex because of the person’s beneficiary status and their desire to build a home on land with no water, sewerage or electricity in place. The housing coordinator provided support throughout the process – working with a local builder to design a home within the client’s range of affordability, and successfully negotiating an infrastructure suspensory loan (ISL) with Housing NZ. A home loan was approved and a two-bedroom home built. Six whanau were provided with emergency accommodation during the year while longer term housing solutions were sought. One case included that of a solo dad who in his desperation to return home took up residence in an old shed which had neither running water nor power. Concerned for the health and safety of his two young children, he turned to the runanga which provided the emergency accommodation required. A housing coordinator is working with Housing NZ to secure more permanent accommodation for the family. Education programmes provided include the “I found the home Low Deposit Rural Lending Programme, through ownership education which seven whanau were supported into workshops informative and home ownership (275 for 1994-2006), the Home empowering. The housing Ownership Education Programme (123 graduates team is an asset to the in 2005-06) and home maintenance workshops. runanga. It is programmes The runanga also funded urgent and essential like this that work well repairs for 20 homes totalling about $321,600 for towards promoting the the 2005-06 year (105 homes, $1.43m between runanga. I am happy that 2001-06). the support is there if I need In 2005, seven state rental houses were placed it. Thank you for not being on whanau land. Another two such houses were made to feel dumb.” allocated in 2006. Two projects are under way to make homes within the Gisborne and East Coast region healthier and more energy-efficient. The Healthy Homes project sponsored by Contact Energy, EECA, Eastland Community Trust, Tairawhiti District Health and the Gisborne District Council saw the “retrofitting” of over a dozen homes in the Ngati Porou rohe. This retrofitting includes underfloor insulation, hot water cylinder wrap, draft exclusion around doors, ceiling insulation, polythene moisture barrier and hot water pipe lagging. Housing NZ also released a retrofit programme for whanau who purchased their home through the Low Deposit Rural Lending Programme and the Rural Housing Programme. Registrations of interest were called and assessments completed on nearly 50 homes by June 2006 with work to begin in September 2006. 19 INVESTING IN NGATI POROU CULTURE, REO, MATAURANGA AND DEVELOPMENT Whakairotia te A E I O U Ki roto i te Manawa e Hei tipare tohu tipuna e Kaua e whakarere rawatia Pupuritia, Pupuritia ra Kia kaha Ngati Porou e WHANAU DEVELOPMENT ACTION RESEARCH PROGRAMME The 2006 work programme for Whanau Development Action Research focused on: • the development of practical solutions and tools that could be tailored to meet the needs of whanau, hapu and marae • IT training opportunities for marae • the development of education strategies and Iwi Potential and Hapu Success frameworks • one-on one enterprise advice and business case support. The following summaries highlight the progress across the six interventions. Phase One Whanau Development Action Research, the Haven Tokomaru Bay. MA WAI RA – CULTURAL AUDIT TOOL The Ma Wai Ra tool is aimed at helping marae retain and teach the culture specific to individual marae, whanau or hapu groupings. The easy-to-use toolkit has resources and templates to help marae develop their whanau profiles, record their cultural and physical assets, resources, history and stories and rate current and future capacity in whaikorero, waiata, and karanga. Its use is optional and any information gathered remains confidential to the marae. The tool’s name is taken from the waiata Ma Wai Ra e Taurima composed by Henare Teowai, on the death of Pine Tamahori. The waiata was prophetic in that it posed the question we now ask, “who will assume responsibility for ensuring our marae stay alive? Who will ensure Ngati Porou culture and language survives as a vibrant and unique expression of who we are. Ma wai ra, e taurima, te marae e waho nei, ma te tika, ma te pono me te aroha e…” E NATI Improving communications with whanau and hapu members is the aim of E Nati. With the internet now the most successful means of keeping in touch with whanau living outside the district, 18 marae were provided with training on easyto-use software that enabled them to set up their own web pages and manage their own member databases. This year, the runanga funded the development of a marae website package to keep ongoing costs for website and domain hosting to a minimum. Whareponga Marae is using its website to connect with whanau as part of its fundraising drive to build a new dining room. E-Nati helps bridge the digital divide, providing a communication pathway for information flows to and from our marae. WHANAU ENTERPRISE More Ngati Porou people are expected to be in successful business enterprises thanks to the Whanau Enterprise scheme which saw 20 whanau, hapu and marae collectives complete business plans. The groups benefited from practical and motivational business advice provided by mentors Bryan McKinlay and Don Hammond. This included business assessments and plans, budgets and cashflow analysis templates, and aerial photographs and maps of proposed development sites. Information was also provided on computer disk, enabling easy updating and sharing. Each group was able to work at its own speed and within their own resources, skills and abilities. The guidance was valuable for planning the next step in their business development. The Whanau Enterprise is an example of whanau, marae and hapu contributing to the Ngati Porou economy and shaping their own future. 21 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 KORERO TUKU IHO The strong demand for Ngati Porou resources from throughout New Zealand is helping spark a creative industry within the rohe. Learning centres want Ngati Porou stories and waiata in a way that is relevant today – through CDs, DVDs and other modern technology. The Korero Tuku Iho project aims to fulfil that desire while working to preserve Ngati Porou culture, stories and oral traditions for future generations. The project addressed some immediate needs including the production of three matauranga Ngati Porou resources and Nati-Pages, a register of Ngati Porou artists, writers, story tellers and producers. The project prepared a business case to support a creative industry. Ngati Porou East Coast learning centres will this year receive a book by Materoa Tangaere, a DVD of Ngati Porou waiata and a whakapapa CD. Nanny Mavis Paenga and pepi. NGATI POROU LEARNING COMMUNITIES The runanga set out to develop a strategy to restore the Ngati Porou learning culture. It soon became apparent that this would need to be locked into an integrated development strategy, operating at iwi level through a Ngati Porou Potential Framework and at hapu level through a Hapu Success Model. The Ngati Porou Hapu Success Model enables hapu to determine their desired objectives and develop appropriate indicators enabling them to track progress. The model provides a framework for hapu to identify their current state of wellbeing and develop and grow their resources, knowledge and authoritative capacity and capability to make choices about the lives they want to live as Ngati Porou, New Zealand and global citizens. RAPARAPA-RIRIKI (NGATI POROU EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION STRATEGY) Increasing the participation rates of tamariki and whanau in early childhood education, and the provision of meaningful, relevant and quality early childhood education were the key objectives identified by Ngati Porou whanau , Kohanga reo and ECE providers, that needed to be addressed in a Ngati Porou early childhood education strategy. Kuini Moehau named the ECE strategy Raparapa- Ririki in recognition of our tipuna Maui Tikitiki a Taranga and the task that befell him when he sought to find and gather his progeny, after his waka had upturned when landing his great fish, te ika a maui. The celebration of our stories, philosophies and practices underpinned our approach. The affirmation and inculcation of matauranga Ngati Porou was an outcome that we were seeking and provided us with the means of achieiving the outcome. The team engaged to facilitate the development of the strategy, undertook an environmental scan of Ngati Porou kohanga reo and ECE institutions, to identify current participation rates ,the number of Ngati Porou ECE providers, the quality of ECE provision and the necessary support required by ECE providers. Early childhood education is recognised as an important part in the Ngati Porou life-long learning continuum, providing our tamariki with the necessary building blocks for achieving their learning potential. Ngawha Earnest and young friend. Hopa Keelan and Duke Hauiti. INVESTING IN NGATI POROU The retention, protection, promotion and practice of our ancestral heritage as Ngati Porou is essential for the wellbeing and survival of Ngati Porou. The Ahi Ka, Iwi Kainga and kinship links established through whakapapa and expressed through our whanaungatanga, reo, history, waiata and tikanga forms the basis of our cultural identity, along with our connection and relationship to the whenua, moana and Te Ao Turoa. We are fortunate to have a rich cultural heritage to draw on, and a strong sense of who we are. He Wiwi Nati no Porourangi he iwi moke no Waiapu, no Whangaokena, no Hikurangi, te wiwi, he nati, he whanoke. We accept that each hapu and whanau has different ways of expressing this ‘momo,’ reflecting our uniqueness and celebrating our collective consciousness. However, the changing world has an increasing impact on our ability to retain our Ngati Poroutanga. Although we have not suffered the level of ‘cultural bruising’ of other iwi, we are not immune. With more Ngati Porou people born and raised away from the wa-kainga or leaving home to seek employment and education, we are faced with the reality of a widely-dispersed iwi trying to balance social, economic and cultural obligations and responsibilities. In recognition of this emerging phenomenon, and in keeping with the moemoea expressed by the late Ngoi Pewhairangi and Tamati Reedy at the 1985 Ngati Porou Hui Taumata, the runanga seeks to engage Ngati Porou people in a range of activities that would inspire and enable them to find their way home. The Ngati Porou Annual Events Calendar comprises six events in which thousands of Natis are now taking part and re-engaging with their marae, hapu and iwi. TRONP staff conference on Hikurangi Maunga with (top) trustee Taina Ngarimu working on maintenance of one of the whakairo. HIKURANGI MAUNGA DAWN CEREMONY – JANUARY 1 The Hikurangi Maunga Dawn Ceremony has been a regular fixture on the Ngati Porou calendar of events since 1992, when we began our lead up to the 2000 celebrations. The New Year is welcomed in by groups of Natis, tourists and international guests averaging 100-150 people, who brave an early morning start to see the sun rise for the first time that year. The ceremony is significant in that Hikurangi Maunga is the first place in the world to see the sun each new day. The group ascends the maunga in a convoy of 4WD vehicles to Te Takapau a Maui where the Maui Whakairo stand. Ngati Porou pakeke and kaumatua conduct karakia, haka and waiata, culminating in a champagne breakfast in the Pakihiroa woolshed. Selwyn Parata (right) gives the whakapapa of the Maui Whakairo on Hikurangi Maunga at the 2006 Dawn Ceremony. INTER MARAE SPORTS (PA WARS) – JANUARY 3 The Ngati Porou Inter Marae Sports or Pa Wars as it is commonly known has become one of the major events and attractions in the Ngati Porou calendar. The timing of the event has been set to coincide with the mass return of whanau coming home for holidays. 23 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 Over the past five years the event has alternated between Ruatoria and Uawa with about 5000 Natis aged from one to 90-plus representing 23 marae. The event embraces a spirit of fierce but friendly marae rivalry, a celebration of kinship and our collective responsibility in paying our dues to our marae. The 39 events provide a range of activities to attract all age groups and levels of fitness and mental agility. The top three place-getters for 2006 were Waiparapara Marae,1; Mangahanea Marae, 2; Hauiti Marae,3. RUNANGA ANNIVERSARY AND PAKEKE DAY – SEPTEMBER 1 The enactment of the Te Runanga o Ngati Porou Act is celebrated each year on 1 September. For the past five years we have used this opportunity to pay tribute to Ngati Porou Pakeke. Whanau from Rahui Marae hosted the event in 2005 and from Iritekura Marae at Waipiro Bay in 2006. Pakeke Day draws a large crowd at Iritekura Marae. TA APIRANA NGATA MEMORIAL LECTURES –SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER The Ta Apirana Ngata Memotrial Lectures began in 1983 as a means of re-creating a wananga opportunity for Ngati Porou that picked up from where the 1944 Rauru nui a Toi Lectures left off. The naming of the latter lecture series recognises the role and leadership that Ta Apirana Ngata demonstrated with the establishment of the inaugural lectures. The unique feature of the lectures is the focus on ‘to tatou Ngati Poroutanga’. It provides an opportunity to learn about Ngati Porou history, waiata, tikanga, expressions of spirituality and political organisation and leadership, without being circumspect. The 2005 lectures commemorated the 100th anniversary of Ta Apirana Ngata entering Parliament. A hundred people attended the first night at Uepohatu Hall with keynote speeches on leadership from Minister of Maori Affairs Parekura Horomia, former Silver Ferns captain Waimarama Taumaunu and TVNZ Maori programme general manager Whai Ngata (the eldest great-grandchild of Ta Apirana). Guest speaker Waimarama Taumanu at the 2005 Ngata Lectures. TE RANGITAWAEA FESTIVAL AND NATI AWARDS – SEPTEMBER The Te Rangitawaea Festival celebrates the ICT and digital media achievements of Ngati Porou East Coast students attending 19 schools from Potaka to Waikirikiri. Te Rangitawaea is the ICT strategy for all Ngati Porou East Coast Schools and is a sub-project of E Tipu e Rea, the schooling improvement partnership between the runanga and Ministry of Education The festival includes an ICT Expo and ICT Team Challenge culminating in the Nati Awards. The 2006 festival attracted 240 entries from 14 schools. The ICT Challenge, showcases the competency and confidence of students competing in age groups to solve an ICT mystery challenge. The addition of a media training day for senior students provided a new dimension to this year’s festival. The students provided a roving report of the festival with live broadcasts to Radio Ngati Porou, and story preparation for Maori Television’s Te Kaea and print publications. Buck Atkins rides his horse for a Nati Award film entry on Nati Cowboys. Marie Collier (right) at the 2005 Hui Taurima with Hawea Mackey (centre). 2005 Te Rangitawaea Festival NGATI POROU HUI TAURIMA FESTIVAL – OCTOBER The 11th Ngati Porou Hui Taurima festival was held at Hiruharama Pa in November 2005. More than 300 Nati spectators and performers enjoyed the opportunity to express their own hapu style of performing and repertoire of waiata, moteatea and haka. A $500 prize and trophy for best action song was offered for the first time and won by the 2005 Winners of the Matatini festival, Te Whanau a Apanui with their original composition The 2005 Hui Taurima was held in association with the Ta Apirana Ngata Lectures. Recently we celebrated the 2006 Hui Taurima, hosted by Te Whanau a Ruataupare and Te Whanau a Te Aotawarirangi, in Tokomaru Bay. This year’s festival coincided with the 75th anniversary of Te Hokowhitu Atu, one of the oldest kapa haka roopu in the country. Groups thrilled the crowds with their own variations and adaptations of Tuini Ngawai and Ngoi Pewhairangi classics. The winners of the original composition for 2006 was Tu te Manawa Maurea from Manutuke. Many people commented on how much they enjoyed the festival with its lack of pressure on performers, the ability for 10 or 100 people to perform on stage together, and the easy flow that enabled whanau to catch up with and enjoy each other while celebrating our cultural heritage as Ngati Porou. PERFORMANCE AGAINST 1984 HUI TAUMATA RECOMMENDATIONS Achieved • Celebrate commemorative Ngati Porou Day. • Establish Ngati Porou Calendar of Events. • Endorse concept of annual Ngati Porou Festival. • Develop strength in identity, mana – language, history, oral culture – and pass on knowledge. • Conserve cultural properties in Ngati Porou. • Return Hikurangi to Ngati Porou ownership. Ongoing a Establish Ngati Porou music resources and recording company (Tuini Ngawai recording studio) – as part of Radio Ngati Porou. aCapture Hokowhitu Atu and other Ngati Porou classics on video and disseminate to all Ngati Porou. aEstablish resource centre, return and preserve historical material, complete inventory. aEstablish Ngati Porou museum and art gallery. 25 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT He toa taua, he toa pahekeheke He toa mahi kai, he toa mau tonu ECONOMIC AND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT FISHERIES WORKING PARTY The most noteworthy achievement in economic development for the year was the successful receipt of $36.1m of Ngati Porou fisheries assets after 17 years of debate, litigation and negotiation. Another $9m in quota is expected by the end of the year. The $36.1m received in fishing quota, shares and cash was Ngati Porou’s part of the $750m Maori fisheries settlement. Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Ltd approved Ngati Porou’s Mandated Iwi Organisation (MIO) and transferred the assets in late March. These comprised $22.5m worth of shares in New Zealand’s largest fishing company, Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd, $11.2m (2700T) in quota shares and $2.4m in cash and interest. The outcome was the result of the collective effort made by a number of Ngati Porou people over the years, culminating in the leadership provided by the runanga board, the Ngati Porou Marae and Hapu Fisheries Working Party, and the Ngati Porou Fisheries Advisory Group. The clear mandate received – to establish Porou Ariki Trust as the MIO for Ngati Porou, adopt the trust deed and for the runanga to be trustee – and the receipt of our fisheries assets enables Ngati Porou to move on and focus on other developments, confident in the structures we have put in place to achieve sustainable benefits and gains for Ngati Porou. In 2003, the runanga established Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd (NPFL) to manage and develop its commercial fisheries operations. Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd has taken over these functions with the current NPFL directors acting as interim directors. The allocation provides Ngati Porou with a very strong asset base from which to lever further investments into the industry. As 100% shareholder of Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd, the runanga received an annual profit dividend of $300,000. As in previous years, the majority of this shareholder dividend was invested in annual marae grants, the Ngati Porou Calendar of Events and awards to Ngati Porou young achievers. The runanga is still on track to reestablish the Ngati Porou Education Fund set to mature in 2011. The Ngati Porou Marae Hapu Fisheries Working Party was convened by Selwyn Parata in 2004 to provide guidance in the development of an appropriate structure to receive Ngati Porou’s fisheries assets. The working party comprised over 30 representatives from marae and hapu across the rohe who received legal, economic and commercial fisheries advice from the Ngati Porou Fisheries Advisory Group of Robert McLeod (chair), Matanuku Mahuika, Whaimutu Dewes, Selwyn Parata, Ngarangi Bidois. and Amo Houkamau. It was critical that marae and hapu provided the cultural oversight and perspective in the design of any model developed on behalf of Ngati Porou. Eight meetings of the Marae Hapu Fisheries Working Party were held between 2004 and 2006. After much discussion, design and redesign the marae hapu working party confirmed the legal structure for receipt of the fisheries at a meeting held in February 2006. Structure of fishing entity TE OHU KAIMOANA cash Ngati Porou adult members elect Responsible Trustee POROU ARIKI TRUST (Mandated Iwi Organisation) Ngati Porou marae appoint give advice quota shares Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd Advisory Trustees Runanga Trustees has governance over Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd (fish operations) Annual Catch Entitlement (ACE) Trader Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd (Asset Holding Company) 27 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 NGATI POROU FISHERIES LTD OVERVIEW This year has presented many challenges and several notable highlights for Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd (NPFL). The challenges arose as the fishing industry continued to operate within an environment of rationalisation, consolidation, and cooperation due to the high value of the New Zealand dollar, increasing operational costs especially fuel costs, environmental concerns over bottom trawling, biosecurity threats, TACC reductions in key species, and noticeable changes in seasonality for some key species as a result of major climatic events. Despite all this, NPFL’s financial result is a solid performance with a profit significantly higher than budget. Ngati Porou also celebrated a significant milestone this year with the receipt of the allocation of fisheries assets, the establishment and mandating of the Porou Ariki Trust and of Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd as the asset holding company to protect and manage the assets. The staff have also seen some changes with the appointment of Mark Ngata as new general manager. Bobby Reedy gives us stability and continuity and we hope to see Ngarangi Bidois back providing support and analysis once family priorities allow. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd’s financial achievements for the year end 30 June 2006 were measured as follows: REVENUE (net) Growth of $140,000 from $1.1m (budget) to $1.3m (actual) QUOTA COSTS Reduction of $97,000 from $442,000 (budget) to $345,000 (actual). OPERATIONAL EXPENSES Reduction of $141,000 from $674,000 (budget) to $533,000 (actual ) NET PROFIT SURPLUS Growth of $282,000 from $495,000 (budget) to $777,000 (actual) SHAREHOLDER ASSETS Growth of $500,000 from $2.3m to $2.8m (fisheries settlement assets not included). Note: In reading these financial results, it should be noted that Ngati Porou Seafoods Limited was established from April 2006. This resulted in some Ace revenue and operating costs being accounted for within NPSL which has reduced NPFL net surplus result. The consolidated group result reflects an overall increase in net revenue and profit against budget, while operating expenditure was reduced. Ngati Porou Fisheries Limited Net Revenue & Cost Performance NGATI POROU FISHERIES LTD – Net Revenue & Cost Performance 1,800 1,600 1,400 ($000) 1,200 Quota Costs 1,000 Net Revenue 800 Ops Exp 600 400 200 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 General manager Mark Ngata HIGHLIGHTS • Allocation of fisheries assets was a significant milestone. • Establishment of Porou Ariki Trust and Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd to protect and manage the assets. • Improved financial performance against budget, despite TACC cuts in key revenue species, increased leasing costs via Te Ohu Kai Moana and negative economic pressure from the high $NZ. • Increased shareholder funds by $500,000. • Expanded networks and knowledge in aquaculture farming through visit to operations in South Australia and Tasmania. • Continued development of strategic relationships with other Maori fisheries businesses. Ngati Porou Fisheries Limited Cash Investments Performance NGATI POROU FISHERIES LTD – Cash performance 2003-2006 2003investments - 2006 3000 2500 2000 Shareholder Shareholders Funds funds 1500 1000 500 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 DIVIDEND for 2006 NPFL is pleased to make a dividend payment of $300,000 (40% of Net Profit After Tax) to the shareholder, Te Runanga o Ngati Porou, against a budget forecast of $198,000. WEBSITES AND PUBLICATIONS RECOGNITION NPFL is proud to support and be associated with ‘Nga Kohinga’ newsletter publication which brings regular news to all Natis throughout the motu and the ‘Te Urunga ki Ngati Porou’ website register for students completing or achieving tertiary qualifications and sectors of focus and interest for career networking. ALLOCATION PROCESS With asset allocation and entities being established to protect and manage them, key tasks to be completed include: • gaining charitable tax status for Porou Ariki Trust and Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd • establishing company compliance structures and procedures for Porou Ariki Trust and Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd • assisting with Advisory Trustee nomination and election process • gaining inshore asset allocation (approximate value $9m). This requires coastline agreements with neighbouring iwi. FISHERIES MANAGEMENT Everyone is concerned about sustainable fisheries resources. In previous years NPFL has had limited access to the commercial stakeholder organisations that control commercial resources. Now Ngati Porou Seafoods is a quota owner, membership to these forums is automatic. The company intends to be an influential member in ensuring fisheries resources are managed in a sustainable manner. Directors Bill Burdett, Heni Poutu, Whaimutu Dewes, Dean Moana, Kody Pewhairangi NPFL/NPSL DIRECTORS Whaimutu Dewes – Chairman Bill Burdett Dean Moana Mark Ngata (resigned in May 2006 to take up GM NPFL role) Kody Pewhairangi Heni Poutu NPFL/NPSL STAFF Ngarangi Bidois, General Manager to May 2006 Bobby Reedy, Office Administrator Mark Ngata, General Manager from May 2006 29 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 NPFL tautokos the Minister of Fisheries recent statement about ‘regional solutions and input for regional problems’. This provides Ngati Porou with a significant advantage as we are a key stakeholder in the commercial, recreational and customary groups. Developing a fisheries management plan that we all have input and management responsibility for is essential towards successful sustainability. The alternative – poor management practices, lack of communication and information, working in different directions – is no longer an option. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT The future sustainability and stability of our fisheries resources and financial returns will depend significantly on improving our knowledge and understanding of each marine species and the environment. This includes not only how and when we harvest or what equipment we use, but also improving our knowledge of the aquaculture and mari-culture sectors which are increasingly having an impact on world seafood markets as wild fishery stocks globally continue to decline. R&D Strategic Plan NPFL received funding during the year to begin developing its research & development strategy. This funded a Ngati Porou graduate student to research the development of a kaimoana-based commercial business. NPFL thanks Lesley McLeod (BSc.MAppSc) for her contribution towards developing this strategy which has already had a significant influence on the company’s future direction. The company wishes Lesley the best with her PhD degree at Victoria University, Wellington. Kia kaha - kia maia - kia manawanui. Australian Aquaculture Hikoi In August 2005, several directors and the general manager visited various South Australian aquaculture operations to acquire key knowledge and information towards developing NPFL’s R&D strategy as well as extending networks for future growth. The farming operations visited included eels, paua (abalone) and fish (salmon) from the hatchery to the market. Key points learned from the operators included: • size does matter – most farms struggle to be profitable at less than 150 tonne per year production • Victoria & South Australia have regulatory frameworks more compatible to marine farming (land or sea) than NZ • development of farms to economic levels takes a lot of capital and requires extremely patient shareholders • strategic relationships, including those with research institutions, are critical. THE COMING YEAR & BEYOND Rationalisation within the fishing industry is likely to continue for the next year at least. However, every cloud has a silver lining and despite these difficult conditions Ngati Porou Seafoods Group is positive about the future outlook as numerous opportunities exist that must be identified and explored. Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd will remain separate from the Ngati Porou Seafoods Group, owned by Porou Ariki Trust. The quota shares will be managed from now on solely within that group and reporting will be to the whanau and hapu through the trustee of the Porou Ariki Trust, Te Runanga o Ngati Porou, and the advisory trustees appointed by the marae. Eel and abalone farming in South Australia. PAKIHIROA AND PUANGA STATIONS The establishment of Pakihiroa Farms Ltd at year’s end coupled with unacceptable farms’ performance made for a year of mixed fortune for Pakihiroa and Puanga stations. For the past few years, the Pakihiroa committee has recommended the separation of the farming business from other runanga activities. This recommendation took effect with operational management of Pakihiroa and Puanga stations transferring to Pakihiroa Farms Ltd from 1 July 2006. The new Board of Directors is confident returns will improve as a result. The farm assets, stock and Puanga farm were transferred to PFL, which pays a lease to the runanga for using Pakihiroa. The runanga remains a 100 percent shareholder of the new company. Sheep high up on Pakihiroa OVERVIEW With a freehold market value of $1.2m, Puanga was brought into the 2005-06 books in advance of its sale and transfer to PFL. The benefit of this move was that a net surplus of $766,917 was recorded instead of what would have been a net operating loss of $438,083. This loss reflects the year’s numerous challenges. A change in stock policy from a 35:65 to a 65:35 sheep to cattle had a negative impact in the short term with reduced revenue and fewer sheep sales. However, this and other major strategic decisions are expected to provide long-term benefits. Other challenges included the unexpected 20 percent slump in lamb prices, compared to the previous year, and continued poor returns from wool. Challenging climatic conditions caused damage to the land and contributed to high sheep losses and high investment in repairs and maintenance. Appropriate decisionmaking was impaired by difficulties in accessing timely and reliable information. Additional costs arose as the committee monitored current farm performance and drove the establishment of PFL as the best option for improving financial performance and accountability. The committee acknowledges these challenges and accepts that the Pakihiroa and Puanga performance, both on and off-farm, was unacceptable for all involved in the business. Various measures have been put in place to ensure the improved performance of management and staff and to ensure the business is better able to manage issues faced during the year. The challenges also spurred the committee and the runanga to establish PFL and farm management was transferred on 1 July 2006. This separation of the runanga’s farming operations will provide greater transparency and performance accountability. Pakihiroa Farm manager Regan Poi. Pakihiroa directors around the board table. OPERATIONAL OVERVIEW Sheep 2006 2005 2004 Farm production performance lambing % 115 131 131 Farm production was sound but slightly down on the previous year. However, sheep stock losses were abnormally high due to weather-related delays in shearing leading to fly strike. lambs bred (docked) 4635 4937 4393 sheep losses % 11.5 1.89 3.4 Climate calving % 85 87 88 An excellent start to the season with a mild winter and greater than normal spring grass cover was thwarted by a particularly wet start to summer. The rain persisted with flooding in October and November and damage to the region’s hill country. Exceptional pasture growth recorded on both stations provided a surplus of feed. But pastures quickly lost quality resulting in reduced live-weight gains in stock. Moist summer weather contributed to stock health problems including facial eczema, barber’s pole and flystrike in sheep and particularly young lambs. calves bred 506 488 547 cattle losses % 0.4 3.89 0.98 Cattle 31 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 Market performance Lamb Lamb prices finished the 2005-06 season lower than expected due to the Kiwi dollar remaining higher for longer than anticipated. The initial outlook of $61.50 a head was revised to $57. Pakihiroa received an average $55 a head compared to $63 the previous year (15 percent reduction). However, sales volumes were significantly down compared to the previous year with almost 2000 fewer sales. Lamb prices are expected to return to 2005 levels in the coming year. Cattle Cattle prices were relatively stable and, subject to exchange rates, the forecast for the coming year is positive. Farm development Pakihiroa continued its investment in the land to address the continual erosion and conservation requirements. Over $187,000 was spent on East Coast Forest Project tree planting, conservation fencing, track maintenance and fertiliser application. While the ECFP funding should encourage completion of tree planting or land retirement on high risk land, this project has its own challenges and financial risks, such as the non-recovery of investment. As new tracks evolve, so the forests grow – for production forestry and river gullies conservation. Supervision and staffing Lance Rickard (PGG Wrightson Consulting) continued to provide overall farm supervision and support to staff with day-to-day affairs managed by Regan Poi at Pakihiroa and Mo Koia at Puanga. The committee appreciates the efforts of the supervisor and staff and thanks retiring Pakihiroa fencer Pat Boyle for his contribution. Financial overview Pakihiroa farm manager Regan Poi among poles planted for conservation purposes. Expenditure Expenditure for farming operations was up about $190,000 on previous years. Oneoff expenses expected to see benefits in the future include East Coast Forest Project Planting ($46,000), heifer grazing contract ($66,000), and fencing($30,000). Capital structure The committee was not able to repay runanga loans in full Financial summary from operating cash flows this year but the business made principal loan repayments of about $80,000. PFL has since Gross farm income refinanced its borrowing facilities with the Bank of New Total expenses Zealand and in October 2006 repaid in full its loans to the Other income runanga. Net operating surplus/(loss) Other matters Pakihiroa supported various initiatives beneficial to the Revaluation of Puanga East Coast farming community including taking part in the Net operating surplus/(deficit) Tapuaeroa Project, aimed at improving farm production and improved value chain “from plate to consumer”; the Sheep For Profit management practice programme involving six other farms, and the Ngati Porou Landowners Forum which includes a research and development strategy. PAKIHIROA FARMS LTD – LOOKING AHEAD In line with corporate structure demands, the PFL board has adopted a more commercial approach to expenditure and investment decisions. It forecasts firstyear earnings before interest and tax of $180,000 with growing returns in future years. The corporate approach is expected to benefit both its runanga shareholder and the PFL business. 2007 2006 2005 2004 forecast actual actual actual 778,723 421,528 732,867 796,036 662,933 859,659 669,258 668,524 – 49 20 92 $115,790 ($438,352) - $1.205m $115,790 $766,918 $63,629 $127,604 - - $63,629 $127,604 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 30 June 2006 CONTENTS PAGE TRUSTEES’ RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 34 Statement of Financial Performance 35 Statement of Movements in Equity 36 Statement of Financial Position 37 Statement of Cash Flows 38 Statement of Accounting Policies 40 Notes to the Financial Statements 42 AUDIT REPORT 49 33 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group TRUSTEES’ RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT for the year ended 30 June 2006 The trustees are responsible for the preparation, in accordance with New Zealand law and generally accepted accounting practice, of financial statements which give a true and fair view of the financial position of Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and group as at 30 June 2006 and the results of their operations and cash flows for the year ended 30 June 2006. The Trustees consider that the financial statements of Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and group have been prepared using accounting policies appropriate to Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and group, consistently applied and supported by reasonable and prudent judgement and estimates, and that all applicable financial reporting standards have been followed. The trustees have responsibility for ensuring proper accounting records have been kept which enable, with reasonable accuracy, the determination of the financial position of Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and group and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Financial Reporting Act 1993. The trustees have responsibility for maintenance of a system of internal control designed to provide reasonable assurance as to the integrity and reliability of financial reporting. The trustees consider that adequate steps have been taken to safeguard the assets of Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and group and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities. The trustees are pleased to present the financial statements of Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and group for the year ended 30 June 2006. The financial statements and group financial statements for Te Runanga o Ngati Porou for the year ended 30 June 2006 on pages 35 to 48 were authorised for issue on 13 November 2006. For and on behalf of the Trustees A Mahuika Chairman S Parata Deputy Chairman Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE for the year ended 30 June 2006 NOTE GROUP Revenue 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 Dividend Income – NPFL Farm Livestock Holding Gain 1 Farming Income Gain on sale of Puanga Station 2 Interest Income Net Fishing Income 3 Rental Income Service Contracts and Grants 4 Sundry Income TOKM Fishing Allocation to Ngati Porou 5 - 274 704,342 1,205,000 285,834 1,294,933 34,940 2,813,774 118,027 29,429,529 300,000 274 704,342 1,205,000 78,671 - 34,940 2,813,774 118,027 - - 1,657 800,622 - 223,859 1,360,703 27,026 3,136,797 90,860 - 616,000 1,657 800,622 85,574 - 27,026 3,136,797 97,000 - TOTAL REVENUE 35,886,653 5,255,028 5,641,524 4,764,676 Audit Fees 47,725 Bad and Doubtful Debts 6 39,271 Depreciation 7 248,092 Directors’ Fees (incl consulting fees) 8 158,981 Farming Expenses 743,178 Impairment of Investment 9 - Interest Expense 52,941 Koha 13,316 Marae and other grants given 10 314,001 Operating Lease Expenses 82,055 Other Operating Expenses 1,901,585 Staff Expenses 1,877,165 Trustees’ Fees 82,931 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,561,241 NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) $30,325,412 31,725 39,271 242,501 - 743,178 - 52,866 13,316 314,001 82,055 1,623,964 1,722,336 82,931 34,450 (3,305) 171,553 152,265 422,908 70,586 28,930 33,995 552,041 25,821 2,248,439 1,991,809 63,403 30,950 (3,305) 167,290 - 422,908 28,930 33,745 552,041 16,749 2,116,209 1,863,231 63,403 4,948,144 5,792,895 5,292,151 $306,884 $(151,371) $(527,475) Expenses The accompanying Statement of Accounting Policies and Notes to the Financial Statements form an integral part of these Financial Statements. 35 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group STATEMENT OF MOVEMENTS IN EQUITY for the year ended 30 June 2006 NOTE GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 TOTAL OPENING EQUITY 7,665,663 5,827,617 7,817,034 6,355,092 Net Surplus/(Deficit) for the Year 30,325,412 TOTAL CLOSING EQUITY $37,991,075 306,884 (151,371) (527,475) $6,134,501 $7,665,663 $5,827,617 4,635,643 282,902 1,215,956 6,166,805 282,902 1,215,956 4,328,759 282,902 1,215,956 $6,134,501 $7,665,663 $5,827,617 REPRESENTED BY: Closing Retained Earnings 36,492,217 Asset Revaluation Reserve 282,902 Capital Reserve Account – Farms 1,215,956 TOTAL CLOSING EQUITY $37,991,075 The accompanying Statement of Accounting Policies and Notes to the Financial Statements form an integral part of these Financial Statements. Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION as at 30 June 2006 NOTE GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 Current Assets Westpac Bank Accounts Sundry Debtors Related Parties Sundry Debtors 12 Prepayments Property Intended for Disposal TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 5,788,467 463,632 - 3,704 - 372,549 426,090 1,885,000 3,704 - 3,350,156 627,527 - 7,000 87,157 933,771 620,043 5,861 7,000 87,157 6,255,803 2,687,343 4,071,840 1,653,832 Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd 16 - Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd 16 - Livestock 1 1,369,618 Fishing quota 5 10,181,127 AFL income shares 5 16,886,280 Mana Enterprise Loan Portfolio 13 - Advance - TWWONP 55,000 Property, Plant and Equipment 11 4,178,971 TOTAL NON CURRENT ASSETS 32,670,996 TOTAL ASSETS $38,926,799 555,182 - 1,369,618 - - - 55,000 2,317,230 - - 1,369,344 - - 36,778 55,000 2,951,698 555,182 1,369,344 36,778 55,000 2,935,315 4,297,030 4,412,820 4,951,619 $6,984,373 $8,484,660 $6,605,451 61,374 396,998 71,243 111,414 8,843 - 42,184 649,085 55,819 28,076 13,290 21,700 38,804 611,302 55,819 28,076 13,290 21,700 649,872 810,154 768,991 - 200,000 - 200,000 8,843 - 8,843 - 200,000 EQUITY 37,991,075 TOTAL FUNDS EMPLOYED $38,926,799 200,000 8,843 8,843 6,134,501 7,665,663 5,827,617 $6,984,373 $8,484,660 $6,605,451 Non Current Assets Current Liabilities GST Payable 83,270 Sundry Creditors 460,954 Employee Entitlements 71,243 Income in Advance 111,414 Hire Purchase (current) 14 8,843 Other liabilities - TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 735,724 Non Current Liabilities Hire Purchase (non-current) Westpac Term Loan 14 15 TOTAL NON CURRENT LIABILITIES The accompanying Statement of Accounting Policies and Notes to the Financial Statements form an integral part of these Financial Statements. 37 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the year ended 30 June 2006 NOTE GROUP PARENT 2006 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash was provided from: Grants and Contract Income 2,803,428 2,772,153 2,939,644 Fishing Quota 1,279,639 - 1,406,716 Dividend Income - 300,000 - Farm 994,461 994,461 598,612 Other 152,967 152,967 117,886 Interest 268,588 73,325 223,828 TOKM Allocation (cash) 2,362,122 - - 7,861,205 4,292,906 5,286,686 4,613,398 Cash was applied to: Payments to suppliers and operating expenses Payments to employees & trustees GST Interest NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 17 2,933,783 - 866,000 598,612 124,026 90,977 - 3,445,666 1,944,672 (41,086) 52,941 3,019,256 1,789,843 (22,570) 52,866 3,174,666 2,112,173 (2,480) 28,930 2,925,457 1,933,594 (29,010) 28,930 5,402,193 4,839,395 5,313,289 4,858,971 2,459,012 (546,489) (26,603) (245,573) 5,322 7,504 32,910 19,787 32,910 19,787 12,826 52,697 52,697 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Cash was provided from: Mana Principal Repayments 5,322 Sale of Assets 7,504 12,826 Cash was applied to: Purchase of Fixed Assets TWWONP Advance 198,547 - 192,579 - 170,104 55,000 163,920 55,000 198,547 192,579 225,104 218,920 (185,721) (179,753) (172,407) (166,223) NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES The accompanying Statement of Accounting Policies and Notes to the Financial Statements form an integral part of these Financial Statements. Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the year ended 30 June 2006 GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash was provided from: Hire Purchase Activities Loans and Advances - 200,000 200,000 - 200,000 200,000 17,685 - 17,685 Cash was applied to: Hire Purchase Activities Other borrowings 13,280 21,700 34,980 13,280 21,700 34,980 4,447 - 4,447 165,020 165,020 13,238 13,238 2,438,311 3,350,156 (561,222) 933,771 (185,772) 3,535,928 (398,558) 1,332,329 $372,549 $3,350,156 $933,771 NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH HELD Add: Opening balance of cash CLOSING BALANCE OF CASH $5,788,467 The accompanying Statement of Accounting Policies and Notes to the Financial Statements form an integral part of these Financial Statements. 17,685 - 17,685 4,447 4,447 39 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES for the year ended 30 June 2006 1. REPORTING ENTITY The reporting entity is Te Runanga o Ngati Porou. Financial statements presented here are for Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and the consolidated financial statements of the Group comprising Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and its subsidiaries. 2. GENERAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES Te Runanga o Ngati Porou operates as a Maori Trust Board in accordance with the Maori Trust Boards Act 1955. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Maori Trust Boards Act 1955 and the Financial Reporting Act 1993. The general accounting policies recognised as appropriate for the measurement and reporting of earnings and financial position on a historical basis are followed, except for Pakihiroa Station which is included at valuation at purchase date and livestock which are valued at current market values. The reporting currency is New Zealand dollars. Reliance is placed on the fact that Te Runanga o Ngati Porou is a going concern. 3. SPECIFIC ACCOUNTING POLICIES The specific accounting policies used in the preparation of the financial statements are as follows: Consolidated Financial Statements The consolidated financial statements comprise Te Runanga o Ngati Porou (the “parent”), its subsidiaries and other controlled entities where Te Runanga o Ngati Porou meets the control tests of FRS 37: Consolidating Investments in Subsidiaries (the “group”). Consolidation of Subsidiary and Other Entities Subsidiaries and other entities are those entities controlled by Te Runanga o Ngati Porou. The group financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the parent and its subsidiaries and other entities, which have been consolidated using the purchase method. The results of any subsidiaries that become or cease to be part of the group during the year are consolidated from the date that control commenced or until the date that control ceased. All inter-entity transactions, balances and unrealised gains are eliminated on consolidation. Revenue Recognition Government grants are recognised as revenue when eligibility for grants has been established by the grantor agency. Fishing Quota income is recognised when cash is received or receivable for the lease of quota irrespective of the fishing season to which it relates. Interest is recognised as accrued. Other income is recognised when goods or services are provided. Property, Plant and Equipment Property, plant and equipment are recorded at cost less accumulated depreciation except Pakihiroa Station which is included at the valuation at the date of settlement. It is not the policy of Te Runanga o Ngati Porou to revalue this farm as there are restrictions to the title of the land. The land and buildings were recorded at net current values as at 30 June 1993 by an independent registered valuer, Andrew Warren and Associates. Subsequent additions to the station have been recorded at cost. All assets except land and the woodlot have been depreciated. Depreciation For accounting purposes, depreciation is calculated on a diminishing value basis, which will write off the cost or revaluation of the assets evenly over their expected useful lives. The following rates have been applied: Buildings 2.5% - 4% Motor Vehicles 8% - 26% Building Improvements 12% - 33% Plant and Machinery 3% - 50% Office Equipment Furniture and Fittings 3% - 40% - Computer Equipment 33% - 40% - Other Equipment 10% - 40% Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable are valued at net realisable value. Investments Investments are valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value. Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES for the year ended 30 June 2006 Livestock Livestock is valued at estimated market values as at 30 June 2006 by an independent registered valuer, Williams & Kettle Ltd, Ruatoria. Changes in value of existing productive livestock are recorded as a holding gain or loss and are recorded in the Statement of Financial Performance. Fishing quota Fish quota has been recorded at fair value on recognition. Fair value has been determined by the trustees based on the “income-earning potential” of the quota using the Discounted Cash Flow approach. Fish quota will not be depreciated but will be reviewed annually by the trustees for Impairment. Investment in Aotearoa Fisheries Limited (AFL) Income Shares Investment in Aotearoa Fisheries Limited (AFL) Shares has been recorded at fair value on recognition. Fair value has been determined by the trustees in accordance with FRS-36 (Accounting for Acquisitions Resulting in Combinations of Entities or Operations) using a Net Tangible Asset backing methodology taking into account the restrictions over the shares including lack of control, voting rights and liquidity. The investment in AFL shares will be reviewed annually by the trustees for Impairment. Mana Loan Portfolio Mana loans are stated at expected realisable value after allowance for doubtful debts. Dividends Dividends are recognised in the financial year in which they are authorised and approved by the Board of Directors of the subsidiary entities. Statement of Cash Flows The Statement of Cash Flows has been prepared exclusive of GST, which is consistent with the method used in the Statement of Financial Performance. The following definitions have been used for the preparation of the Statement of Cash Flows: (i) Cash includes coins, notes, demand deposits or highly liquid investments for which there is a recognised ready market and which are unconditionally convertible to coins and notes at the board’s option within no more than two working days and which the board regards as part of its day-to-day cash management. (ii) Operating Activities include all transactions and other events that are not investing or financing activities. (iii) Investing Activities are those activities relating to the acquisition, holding and disposal of fixed assets and of investments such as securities, not falling within the definition of cash. (iv) Financing Activities are those activities which result in changes in the size and composition of the capital structure of the board, both equity and debt not falling within the definition of cash. Taxation Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group (as a Charitable Organisation) is exempt from Income Tax. Goods and Services Tax The financial statements have been prepared stating all income and expenditure items exclusive of GST, except accounts receivable and accounts payable which are GST inclusive. Finance Leases Leases under which Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group assume substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases and are capitalised. The finance charge is allocated to periods during the lease term so as to produce a constant period rate of interest on the outstanding balance of the liability for each period. Operating Leases Operating lease rentals are recognised evenly over the expected period of benefit to Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group. Comparative Figures Comparative information has been reclassified, where necessary, to achieve consistency in disclosure with the current year. 4. CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES Fishing quota and Investment in AFL shares. These assets are new this year as a result of the TOKM fishing allocation. As a result Te Runanga o Ngati Porou has implemented new accounting policies (refer above). There have been no other changes in accounting policies. All accounting policies have been applied on bases consistent with the previous year. 41 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2006 1. FARM LIVESTOCK HOLDING GAIN Grants/contract income from public funding agencies is comprised as follows: GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 Sheep Market Values 642,498 642,498 508,404 508,404 Cattle Market Values 727,120 727,120 860,940 860,940 Total livestock $1,369,618 $1,369,618 $1,369,344 $1,369,344 Total Holding Gain/(Loss) $274 $274 $1,657 $1,657 Holding Gain The farm livestock holding gain of $274 (2005: $1,657) represents the movement in market livestock values (Pakihiroa and Puanga Stations) from one year to the next. Market Values Sheep and cattle on Pakihiroa and Puanga Stations were independently valued by Williams & Kettle Ltd (Ruatoria) consistent with previous years. This livestock was sold to Pakihiroa Farms Limited after 30 June 2006 at these market values. 2. GAIN ON SALE OF PUANGA STATION TO PFL GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 Puanga Station land, woodlot & buildings 1,845,000 Increase in value of Puanga Station $1,205,000 1,845,000 $1,205,000 640,000 - 640,000 - During the year Te Runanga o Ngati Porou, working through the Farm Committee, progressed the establishment of a 100% wholly owned subsidiary, Pakihiroa Farms Limited (PFL) to manage the farming activities. Te Runanga o Ngati Porou agreed to transfer its farming assets (excluding Pakihiroa Station which will be leased to PFL) and liabilities to PFL at market values. Puanga Station has previously been recorded in the financial statements as cost price ($640,000) and the $1,205,000 gain on sale of Puanga Station reflects the increase in the value of Puanga Station. The transfer of assets was approved prior to year end. However, formal settlement of the $1,845,000 owing by Pakihiroa Farms Limited to Te Runanga o Ngati Porou was completed on 16 October 2006. The remaining assets and liabilities were transferred after year end as per Note 22. 3. NET FISHING INCOME GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 Gross ACE Income Less: Resource Costs 1,754,145 459,212 - - 1,710,043 349,340 Net Fishing Income $1,294,933 $1,360,703 PARENT 2005 - - Net Fishing Income reflects the ACE (Annual Catch Entitlement) Quota Trading Income for the year earned by Ngati Porou Fisheries Limited and Ngati Porou Seafoods Limited before company operating expenses. 4. SERVICE CONTRACTS AND GRANTS Department of Child Youth & Family Services Housing Corporation of NZ Ministry of Education Ministry of Health Ministry of Justice Ministry of Maori Development Ministry of Social Development Other Contracts and grants received Total Service Contracts and Grants GROUP 2006 - - - - - - - - - PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 604,836 - 559,906 - 234,862 - 171,106 - 138,634 - 416,987 - 498,776 - 188,667 - $2,813,774 PARENT 2005 1,050,282 492,643 362,727 153,800 161,444 742,265 35,851 137,785 $3,136,797 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou is contracted by a wide range of Government and Non-Government entities to provide a range of services, primarily to Ngati Porou whanau living in the East Coast and Gisborne. Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2006 5. TOKM FISHING ALLOCATION TO NGATI POROU On 31 March 2006, Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Limited (TOKM) approved Te Runanga o Ngati Porou‘s Mandated Iwi Organisation (MIO) status, and an allocation of Fish Quota, Quota Shortfall Cash, Aotearoa Fisheries Limited (AFL) Shares and other Cash was transferred at the following values: Cash and interest Quota shortfall cash Fish Quota AFL shares Total settlement GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 2,127,917 234,205 11,225,319 22,515,040 $36,102,481 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - These assets have been initially recognised by the Group at the following fair values: Cash and interest 2,127,917 - Quota shortfall cash 234,205 - Fish Quota 10,181,127 - AFL shares 16,886,280 - Total TOKM allocation recognised $29,429,529 - Fishing Entity Structures The TOKM allocation assets have been recognised in the Te Runanga o Ngati Porou financial statements reflecting Te Runanga o Ngati Porou Trustees as the Responsible Trustee for Porou Ariki Trust (established to form the functions of the Mandated Iwi Organisation – MIO). Porou Ariki Trust has a 100% shareholding in Ngati Porou Seafoods Limited (Asset Holding Company). Upon allocation: • Porou Ariki Trust received the cash from Te Ohu Kaimoana and • NPSL received the Quota, Quota Shortfall Cash and Aotearoa Fisheries Limited Income Shares. Recognition of Allocation as a Revenue Receipt rather than as a Capital Receipt Consistent with New Zealand Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, the trustees of Te Runanga o Ngati Porou have determined the allocation of fishing settlement assets is a revenue receipt rather than a capital receipt. Recognition of the allocation assets as a revenue receipt is a financial reporting requirement. These financial reporting requirements do not detract from Te Runanga o Ngati Porou’s position that these allocation assets have always belonged to Ngati Porou and have been returned to the iwi. Annual Review of TOKM Allocation Assets Carrying Values Generally Accepted Accounting Practice requires an annual review of the carrying values of the Quota and Aotearoa Fisheries Limited Income Shares for impairment. With Ngati Porou having received allocation within three months of yearend (30 June 2006) there is little publicly-available financial information and trading history to inform a robust valuation process. Te Runanga o Ngati Porou in conjunction with the board of Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd (Asset Holding Company) and professional advisers (Actuaries and Accountants) undertook a detailed review of carrying values as at 30 June 2006 and determined that the following approaches were to be taken over the valuations of assets as at 30 June 2006: • Using a discounted cash-flow valuation methodology and an 8% discount rate, the TOKM quota values should be written-down (prior to initial recognition) by approximately $1 million as at 30 June 2006 to reflect the income earning potential of the quota to Ngati Porou • Using a net tangible assets valuation methodology, the TOKM AFL Income Share values assigned should be writtendown by approximately $5.6 million (or 25%) to reflect the inability to generate returns to Ngati Porou until approximately 2009/2010 and the various restrictions attached to these shares such as no voting rights and no ability to sell the income shares. Valuation of these assets within a new and evolving environment (especially the AFL Income Shares) required the exercise of considerable judgement and the Trustees believe the fair values recognised for these assets as at 30 June 2006 is prudent. 43 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2006 6. BAD AND DOUBTFUL DEBTS GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 Bad and doubtful debts 39,271 39,271 (3,305) (3,305) During the year, the provision for doubtful debts on Mana Loans was increased to match the outstanding principal and interest. This was seen as prudent and reflects the intention to wind up the activity of the Mana Loan Portfolio next year (2006/07). 7. DEPRECIATION Buildings Taonga Motor Vehicles Office Equipment ` Furniture & Fittings Plant & Equipment Hire Purchase Assets Assets held for Resale Depreciation Assets written-off Total Depreciation and Assets written-off 8. DIRECTORS’ FEES (including director consulting fees) Total Directors’ Costs GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 32,921 18,321 44,173 104,565 6,403 7,918 4,613 - $218,914 29,178 $248,092 32,931 18,321 44,173 99,931 5,436 7,918 4,613 - $213,323 29,178 $242,501 26,383 19,285 56,069 49,443 6,455 8,167 3,822 1,929 $171,553 - $171,553 GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 158,981 152,265 PARENT 2005 26,383 19,285 56,069 45,901 5,734 8,167 3,822 1,929 $167,290 $167,290 PARENT 2005 Included within total directors’ costs are payments to individual directors of: W Dewes (Chairman) 10,000 - 10,000 W Burdett 8,000 - 8,000 D Moana 8,000 - 8,000 - M Ngata (resigned 9 May 2006) 6,667 - 8,000 K Pewhairangi 8,000 - 8,000 - H Poutu 8,000 - 8,000 - Total Directors’ Fees $48,667 - $50,000 - W Dewes (Consultancy Fees) 67,129 - 72,441 - Total Directors and Consulting Fees $115,796 - $122,441 - Directors’ Fees relate to Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd. No Directors’ Fees were paid by Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd for the period ended 30 June 2006. The Board of Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd and Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd approved payment of consultancy fees to the Chairman (W Dewes) for additional services provided to the companies outside the scope of the Chairman. 9. IMPAIRMENT OF INVESTMENT GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 Nga Hukatai Limited - - - 70,586 During 2005 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou transferred an investment of $70,586 in Nga Hukatai Ltd to Ngati Porou Hukatai Ltd (NPHL). NPHL is 100% owned by Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd, which in turn is 100% owned by Te Runanga o Ngati Porou. The shares transferred to NPHL comprised 17% of total capital in Nga Hukatai Ltd. The investment in Nga Hukatai Ltd became impaired and was subsequently written off for a loss of $70,586. No further write-downs have been incurred in 2006. Ngati Porou Hukatai Ltd has not traded in 2005 or 2006. No further investment has been made in 2006. 10. MARAE AND OTHER GRANTS GIVEN GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 Marae Grants 250,000 250,000 343,000 343,000 Ngati Porou activities & other grants 49,001 49,001 194,041 194,041 Ngati Porou East Coast Rugby 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Total Marae and Other Grants Given $314,001 $314,001 $552,041 $552,041 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou has largely distributed its annual dividend received from Ngati Porou Fisheries Ltd of $300,000 (2005: $616,000) back into the Ngati Porou Community through the above Marae and Other Grants. Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2006 11. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 Freehold land and woodlot At Cost 2,386,148 732,767 1,348,767 $2,386,148 $732,767 $1,348,767 Buildings At Cost 1,425,471 1,233,852 1,151,162 Accumulated Depreciation 371,599 371,599 316,928 $1,053,872 $862,253 $834,234 Plant and Equipment At Cost 93,254 93,254 138,331 Accumulated Depreciation 78,877 78,877 92,255 $14,377 $14,377 $46,076 Furniture and Fittings At Cost 62,605 54,501 99,213 Accumulated Depreciation 35,345 33,526 54,271 $27,260 $20,975 $44,942 Office Equipment At Cost 591,668 571,811 634,504 Accumulated Depreciation 414,564 405,163 530,331 $177,104 $166,648 $104,173 Motor vehicle At Cost 347,304 347,304 409,475 Accumulated Depreciation 196,843 196,843 237,167 $150,461 $150,461 $172,308 Hire Purchase Assets At Cost 27,724 27,724 40,163 Accumulated Depreciation 6,630 6,630 6,046 $21,094 $21,094 $34,117 Taonga At Cost 499,026 499,026 499,126 Accumulated Depreciation 150,371 150,371 132,045 $348,655 $348,655 $367,081 Total $4,178,971 $2,317,230 $2,951,698 PARENT 2005 1,348,767 $1,348,767 1,151,162 316,928 $834,234 129,905 91,007 $38,898 93,344 53,436 $39,908 626,696 526,694 $100,002 409,475 237,167 $172,308 40,163 6,046 $34,117 499,126 132,045 $367,081 $2,935,315 Valuations The most recent rating valuations of land and buildings dated 30 September 2005 are as follows: • Onepoto Road, Hicks Bay 249,000 • Barry Avenue, Ruatoria (TRONP) 186,000 • Hekiera Road, Ruatoria (Whare Wananga) 318,000 • 144 Waiomatatini Road, Ruatoria (Tourism Building) 35,000 • 195 Wainui Road, Gisborne (Porou Ariki) 193,000 • 199 Wainui Road, Gisborne (Hamoterangi) 146,000 • Pakihiroa Station (Title Restrictions) 5,110,000 • Puanga Station (Freehold) 1,775,000 $8,012,000 Tyndall Road Property In October 1996, Te Runanga o Ngati Porou received title to a property in Tyndall Road, Gisborne from what was previously the Department of Land and Survey Information (DOSLI). The title was received by the runanga on behalf of Te Reo o Te Iwi Kokiri, as Te Reo o Te Iwi Kokiri was still in the process of becoming a separate legal entity. It is still undecided which entity will ultimately hold title to the property. As the runanga is only holding the property until the ultimate beneficiary is determined it has not recognised the property in its financial 45 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2006 12. RELATED PARTIES Amounts outstanding between Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and related parties are: GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 Pakihiroa Farms Limited - 1,845,000 - Ngati Porou Fisheries Limited - 40,000 - Total Related Parties Sundry Debtors - $1,885,000 - PARENT 2005 5,861 $5,861 The Pakihiroa Farms Limited sundry debtor was settled after 30 June 2006 as part of the transfer of assets and liabilities relating to the farming activities from Te Runanga o Ngati Porou to Pakihiroa Farms Limited. The consideration was the issue of shares for the net market value of assets transferred. 13. MANA ENTERPRISE LOAN PORTFOLIO GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 Mana Enterprise Loan Portfolio Balances 496,217 496,217 516,323 516,323 Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts 149,015 149,015 117,559 117,559 347,202 347,202 398,764 398,764 Less Internal Loans: Te Runanga o Ngati Porou 112,500 112,500 112,500 112,500 Pakihiroa Station 234,702 234,702 249,486 249,486 Net External Mana Loan Portfolio $0 $0 $36,778 $36,778 During the year, the provision for doubtful debts on external Mana Loans was increased to make full provision for the non-recoverability of outstanding external Mana Loans. As noted in Note 22, subsequent events, Pakihiroa Farms Ltd repaid its Mana Loan commitment to the runanga. 14. HIRE PURCHASE AND LEASE AGREEMENTS GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 Total Hire Purchase & Lease Liabilities 9,720 26,966 9,720 Less: Finance Charges 877 1,833 877 Total Hire Purchase & Lease Liabilities excluding Finance $8,843 $22,133 $8,843 Hire purchase & lease liabilities payable: Within one year 8,843 8,843 13,290 Between one and two years - - 8,843 Total $8,843 $8,843 $22,133 26,966 1,833 15. WESTPAC TERM LOAN Pakihiroa and Puanga Station GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 $22,133 13,290 8,843 $22,133 GROUP 2006 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 200,000 200,000 - - The loan is secured by way of mortgage on Puanga Station and a general security over the livestock of Pakihiroa and Puanga Stations. This was a fixed term mortgage commencing on 29 December 2005 and repayable on 29 December 2007. As at 30 June 2006, this fixed term loan carries interest at 8.80% per annum. As noted in the Note 22, subsequent events, this loan was fully repaid on 16 October 2006 by Pakihiroa Farms Limited. Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2006 16. INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARIES SUBSIDIARIES Ngati Porou Fisheries Limited Pakihiroa Farms Limited OWNERSHIP 2006 2005 100% 100% 100% - BALANCE DATE PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY 30 June 2006 30 June 2006 Fish Quota management Farming management Te Runanga o Ngati Porou as Responsible Trustee: Porou Ariki Trust 100% - 30 June 2006 Effective Mandated Iwi Organisation Ngati Porou Seafoods Limited 100% - 30 June 2006 Asset holding Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd was incorporated on 16 March 2006 as an asset holding entity to record the receipt of fishing allocation assets from TOKM. The assets held in Ngati Porou Seafoods Ltd have to be managed in accordance with the Trust Deed of Porou Ariki Trust. Porou Ariki Trust was set up by Te Runanga o Ngati Porou during the current year. The Porou Ariki Trust was established to perform the functions of a Mandated Iwi Organisation (MIO) under the Maori Fisheries Act 2004 on behalf of Te Runanga o Porou which has official MIO status in its capacity as trustee. These functions primarily include receiving and holding settlement assets and establishing asset-holding companies. Pakihiroa Farms Ltd (PFL) was incorporated on 25 January 2006. PFL was set up to manage the farming activities. Te Runanga o Ngati Porou agreed to transfer its farming assets (excluding Pakihiroa Station as it has restrictions over transfer of title and will be leased to PFL instead) and liabilities to PFL at market values. The transfer of the land and buildings was approved prior to year end. However, formal settlement of the $1,845,000 owing by Pakihiroa Farms Ltd to Te Runanga o Ngati Porou was completed on 16 October 2006. The transfer of the remaining assets and liabilities took place after year end, per Note 22. 17. NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES GROUP 2006 Net Profit/(Loss) Per Financial Statements 30,325,412 Non Cash Items: Gain on sale of Puanga Station (1,205,000) TOKM Allocation (non-cash) (27,067,407) Depreciation 248,092 Bad and Doubtful Debts 39,271 Impairment in Investment - Holding Gain/Loss (274) 2,340,094 Add Movements in Working Capital: Decrease/(Increase) in Debtors and Prepayments 167,201 Increase/(Decrease) in Creditors (48,283) Decrease in Inventory - 118,918 Net Cash Inflow /(Outflow) $2,459,012 PARENT 2006 GROUP 2005 PARENT 2005 306,885 (151,371) (527,474) (1,205,000) - - 242,491 39,271 - (274) (616,627) 171,553 (3,305) 70,586 (1,657) 85,806 167,290 (3,305) - (1,657) (365,146) 163,110 (92,972) - 70,138 $(546,489) (180,340) 57,025 10,906 (112,409) $(26,603) 23,220 85,447 10,906 119,573 $(245,573) 47 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou and Group NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2006 18. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The runanga is party to financial instruments as part of its normal operations. These financial instruments include bank accounts, short term deposits, investments, debtors, creditors and loans. All financial instruments are recognised in the Statement of Financial Position and all revenues and expenses in relation to financial instruments are recognised in the Statement of Financial Performance. All financial instruments are shown at their estimated fair value. Credit Risk Financial instruments which potentially subject the runanga to credit risk principally include cash, short term deposits and accounts receivable. Credit risk with respect to cash and short term deposits is reduced by investing in a registered bank. While accounts receivable are unsecured, the majority of the debtors are with government organisations. 19. RADIO NGATI POROU The runanga owns two radio licences (frequencies), AM 585 & FM 98.1. Radio Ngati Porou (RNP) is currently in operation as a stand-alone entity, separate from the day-to-day financial control of the runanga. During the 1993/94 year, NZ On Air transferred the assets it purchased for RNP’s purposes to the runanga. As the runanga receives no financial benefit from these frequencies, the assets have been included in the books at no value. 20. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Te Runanga o Ngati Porou is not aware of any contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2006 (2005: Nil) 21. COMMITMENTS Major Regional Investment: Tairawhiti Land Development Trust Te Runanga o Ngati Porou is a contributor to the Tairawhiti Development Task Force investment in the major regional initiative undertaken by NZ Trade and Enterprise and has committed $150,000 to this venture. The commitment comprises $50,000 per annum for three years from 2005. There are no capital commitments as at 30 June 2006 (2005: Nil). 22. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS Pakihiroa Farms Limited With effect 1 July 2006, the net assets and liabilities of the runanga’s farming activities (Pakihiroa – excluding land and buildings and Puanga Stations) were transferred from the runanga to Pakihiroa Farms Ltd. Pakihiroa Farms Ltd is 100% owned by the runanga. The market value of the net assets (assets less liabilities) transferred to Pakihiroa Farms Limited was $2.5 million and the consideration paid to Te Runanga o Ngati Porou were shares to an equivalent value in Pakihiroa Farms Ltd. On 16 October 2006, Pakihiroa Farms Limited repaid its Mana Loan with Te Runanga o Ngati Porou. AUDIT REPORT TO THE READERS OF TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU AND GROUP’s FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2006 The Auditor-General is the auditor of Te Runanga o Ngati Porou (the Trust Board). The Auditor-General has appointed me, Graham Naylor, using the staff and resources of Deloitte, to carry out the audit of the financial statements of the Trust Board, on his behalf, for the year ended 30 June 2006. Unqualified Opinion In our opinion the financial statements of the Trust Board and Group on pages 35 to 48: - comply with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand; and - fairly reflect: - the Trust Board and Group’s financial position as at 30 June 2006; and - the results of their operations and cash flows for the year ended on that date. The audit was completed on 13 November 2006 and is the date at which our opinion is expressed. The basis of our opinion is explained below. In addition, we outline the responsibilities of the Board of Trustees and the Auditor, and explain our independence. Basis of Opinion We carried out the audit in accordance with the Auditor-General’s Auditing Standards, which incorporate the New Zealand Auditing Standards. We planned and performed the audit to obtain all the information and explanations we considered necessary in order to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements did not have material misstatements, whether caused by fraud or error. Material misstatements are differences or omissions of amounts and disclosures that would affect a reader’s overall understanding of the financial statements. If we had found material misstatements that were not corrected, we would have referred to them in our opinion. The audit involved performing procedures to test the information presented in the financial statements. We assessed the results of those procedures in forming our opinion. Audit procedures generally include: - determining whether significant financial and management controls are working and can be relied on to produce complete and accurate data; - verifying samples of transactions and account balances; - performing analyses to identify anomalies in the reported data; - reviewing significant estimates and judgements made by the Board of Trustees; - confirming year-end balances; - determining whether accounting policies are appropriate and consistently applied; and - determining whether all financial statement disclosures are adequate. We did not examine every transaction, nor do we guarantee complete accuracy of the financial statements. We evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. We obtained all the information and explanations we required to support our opinion above. Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees and the Auditor The Board of Trustees is responsible for preparing financial statements that show the financial position of the Trust Board and Group as at 30 June 2006 and the results of their operations and cash flows for the year ended on that date. The Board of Trustees’ responsibilities arise from the Maori Trust Boards Act 1955. We are responsible for expressing an independent opinion on the financial statements and reporting that opinion to you. This responsibility arises from section 15 of the Public Audit Act 2001 and section 31(2) of the Maori Trust Boards Act 1955. Independence When carrying out the audit we followed the independence requirements of the Auditor-General, which incorporate the independence requirements of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand. Other than the audit, we have no relationship with or interests in the Trust Board. Graham Naylor Deloitte On behalf of the Auditor-General, Hamilton, New Zealand 49 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 STAFF DIRECTORY 1 JULY 2005 - 30 JUNE 2006 Chief Executive Officer Amohaere Houkamau SENIOR MANAGERS Projects Whanau Hapu Development Finance Manager Economic Development Administration Human Resource Lilian Tangaere-Baldwin Anne Huriwai, transferred from Housing 1/2/06 Monty Manuel Mike Ransley, resigned December 2005 Agnes Walker, resigned December 2005 CORPORATE SERVICES Office Manager Personal Assistant to the CEO Board Administration Board Administration Finance Officer Finance Officer Finance Cadet Reception Ruatoria Reception Gisborne Cleaner Ruatoria Cleaner Gisborne Josie Tangaere Ruihana Paenga Albertha McFarlane, transferred to Reception Gisborne Josie Tangaere Yvonne Williams Rangiawhio Te Iringa Kelly Raroa Raiha Waru Hay, Hiria Shaw, Kelly Raroa Jamie Matete, Albertha McFarlane Philipa Tako Aaron Horsfield ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Tourism Coordinator Project Coordinator Farm Manager Pakihiroa Station - Shepherd Puanga Station - Shepherd Pakihiroa Station - Fencer Whanau Development Action Research Kerry Johnston, resigned December 2005 Makere Kaa, transferred to Tourism Coordinator Regan Poi Toby Hohapata Kingi Koia Patrick Boyle Aperahama Malloy WHANAU HAPU DEVELOPMENT Tuhono Whanau Kaiwhakahaere Iwi Social Services Manager Practice Manager CIPP/CNP/Strengthening Families Manager Education Strategy Family Start Kaihautu Family Start Kaiawhina Family Start Kaiawhina Family Start Kaiawhina/Pou Herenga Family Start Kaiawhina Administration Support Counsellor Budget Advisor Whanau Support Truancy/Te Whae Atawhai - Kaiti Truancy/Te Whae Atawhai - Tolaga Bay Truancy/Te Whae Atawhai - Ruatoria Truancy/Te Whae Atawhai - Te Araroa Administration Support Family Violence/Supervisor Community Injury Prevention Kaiawhina Community Injury Prevention Kaiawhina Nutrition Kaiawhina Nutrition Kaiawhina Housing Coordinator - Ruatoria Housing Coordinator - Ruatoria Housing Coordinator - Gisborne Housing Coordinator - Gisborne Education Support Officer Dinah (Min) Vette Maud Johnson Bonnie Stainton Hiria Haig, transferred from Housing Karen Pewhairangi Jane Kopua Juliet Lardelli Katarina Mill Aperahama Malloy Shona Samuels Ruby Anne Edwards Polly (Bertha) Thatcher, resigned Christine Morrison Riria Fox Charlotte Collier Mary Anne Crawford Ruira Morice Cathy Stainton Ngawiki Te Kani, transferred to Tuhono Whanau Pep Halbert-Berry Leone Roberts Terendak Keelan, resigned Margaret Pepere, resigned Matekino Tuhura Heather Wanoa Doris Kaihe Robyn Smith Bessie Hauiti Leeanne Manuel REGISTRATION FORM The collection, storage and use of this information are subject to the Privacy Act 1993 and is required by the Maori Trust Boards Act to maintain a roll of Ngati Porou beneficiaries. The marae affiliation information only can be made available to marae for the purpose of establishing and or maintaining marae whanau databases, with your consent. (please circle) YES NO SECTION ONE: PERSONAL INFORMATION MR MRS MISS MS MASTER SURNAME..................................................................................................... MAIDEN NAME.................................................................................................... FIRST NAME/S........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... POSTAL ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (if different to postal address) .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... Fax ( ) . ............................................................................................. Phone ( ) . ........................................................................................ E:Mail................................................................................................. Cellphone ( ) ..................................................................................... Date of Birth / / SECTION TWO: ROHE I wish to affiliate in rohe (Please circle one only) 1 POTIKIRUA ki WAIAPU 2 WAIAPU ki TAWHITI 3 TAWHITI ki ROTOTAHE 4 ROTOTAHI ki TE TOKA A TAIAU SECTION THREE: NGA MARAE O NGATI POROU My marae affiliations are (please circle as many as you affiliate to) ROHE 1 Potikirua ki Waiapu ROHE II Waiapu ki Tawhiti ROHE III (Tawhiti ki Rototahe) Potaka Hinemaurea (Wharekahika) Punaruku Tutua Hinerupe Matahi o Te Tau Awatere Hurae Kaiwaka Putaanga Rahui Taumata o Tapuhi Hinepare Ohinewaiapu Karuai Tinatoka Tikapa Te Horo Waiomatatini Kakariki Reporua Umuariki Ruataupare Mangahanea Uepohatu Rauru (Taumata o Mihi) Ngati Porou (Kariaka) Mangarua (Te Heapera) Whareponga Te Aowera Hiruharama Rongo i Te Kai (Penu) Rongohaere Te Kiekie Taharora Iritekura Te Ariuru Waiparapara Pakirikiri Tuatini Hinetamatea Okuri Hinemaurea (Mangatuna) Puketawai Te Rawheoro Hauiti FOR TRONP OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: .......................................... Date Entered: ............................................ Registration No: ........................................ Entered by: . ................................................... ROHE IV (Rototahe ki Te Toka a Taiau) Whangara Te Poho o Rawiri COROMANDEL- KENNEDY’S BAY Rakairoa ki Harataunga I.............................................................................................................. declare that the information given in this registration form is true and correct and I am of Ngati Porou descent. Signature........................................................................... Date.......................................... Please return registration forms to: Te Runanga o Ngati Porou, P O Box 394, Gisborne or P O Box 226, Ruatoria. OR register on line at www.ngatiporou.iwi.nz 51 TE RUNANGA O NGATI POROU ANNUAL REPORT 2006 BOARD OF TRUSTEES ROHE ONE Dr Apirana Mahuika Dr Koro Dewes Patrick Tangaere Bailey Mackey April Papuni Amster Reedy Taina Ngarimu Tui Takarangi Nolan Raihania Henare Boydie Kirikiri Maria Whitehead Rawiri Tuhiwai-Ruru Dr Fiona Te Momo Jean Weke Bill Irwin William H Gordon Aston ROHE TWO Selwyn Parata Bill Burdett ROHE THREE Tate Pewhairangi ROHE FOUR Peace Te Kani POROPOROAKI ki a ratou kua wehe atu ki te po Takahia te ara whanui ki te rangi ki runga rawa ra he wairua koutou no koutou te ao. Haere ra nga rangatira, nga kanohi o Ngati Porou i roto i nga takatu o te kainga o te whenua hoki Nga reo o nga kaupapa o Ngati Porou na koutou i pupuri i nga ahuatanga o Ngati Porou horapa ki te whenua. Whakangaro atu koutou i te tirohanga kanohi ki tua o Paerau Ki te huinga o te kahurangi oti atu ai. Honore Chesley
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