2012 Hōngonoi (July)
2012 Hōngonoi (July)
MA TE AROHA, TE TURE, TE WHAKAPONO KIA WHAKAKOTAHI AI A TAMAOHO With compassion, integrity, and faith, Tamaoho will be united UPCOMING EVENTS Thursday 16 August 2012 for a week. HE KUPU WHAKATAKI Koroneihana Sunday 12 August 2012 Volunteers needed Papakura Public Library, Uenuku room @ 3pm Thursday 23 August 2012 HE PITOPITO KŌRERO PUTANGA 11, 2012 (Hōngongoi) (JULY) Ngāti Tamaoho Trust Board meeting* 5pm Sunday 26 August 2012 Hui-a-iwi @ Mangatangi Marae Friday 31 August 2012 Whatapaka Marae, Poukai Sunday 16 September 2012 Oraeroa Marae, Port Waikato It has been another extremely busy month. I hope that all of our registered members over eighteen have received voting papers in the mail and taken the time to fill them out and return in the freepost envelope provided or voted online. In our June newsletter we set the challenge of Ngāti Tamaoho having the highest turnout of voters across all the 13 hapu/iwi in the Tamaki collective. We have a better than average response so far, with 27% of Tamaoho votes in compared to only 17% for the whole Collective — but we’re not at the top of the league yet so let’s make it even better! Don’t forget that if you haven’t received your voting papers you can ring 0508 666 104 to make a special vote. Votes will be accepted until noon on 10 August 2012. A big thank you also to those members that attended a Tamaki Collective ratification hui or our Tamaoho specific hui-a-iwi and a hearty mihimihi to our negotiators, trustees, and office staff that worked tremendously hard during the Tamaki Collective voting process. This month we also went on a hikoi around our Sites of Significance (SOS), with our Negotiators, Cultural Advisers, DOC and OTS (for explanation of these acronyms look on the back page under Alphabet Soup). The weather held up for us (well for most of the day) and our guests enjoyed themselves and found the day very informative. Overall it was a great trip and it was fantastic to show the Crown some of Tamaoho’s historic sites. We wish to acknowledge the OTS team that came all the way up from Poneke, DOC (Tamaki and Waikato) and David Armstrong our CFRT contracted historian for attending. Nga mihi nui kia koutou. The next couple of months are going to be busy for our Treaty Claims Unit and our Trust Board. We are all currently working very hard towards finalising Ngati Tamaoho’s Agreement in Principle by October. We will continue to report regularly to you via these panui and our hui-a-iwi. Please come along to our hui-a-iwi if you wish to find out more information on how the negotiations are going. Sunday 23 September 2012 Hui-a-iwi and AGM It seems incredible, but it’s already time for our AGM again. Four of the Trustees will @ Whatapaka Ma- be up for re-election. Start thinking if YOU have what it takes to be a Trustee, or you may know someone that has the necessary skills for this role which is vital for setting rae at 9.30am the direction of Ngati Tamaoho. It involves attending one board meeting a month in the evening, and sometimes there are other wānanga as well. Further information and forms for nominating candidates will be on the website, but you need to be registered Thursday 27 September Ngāti Tamaoho as a Tamaoho member to nominate someone—and of course to vote. 2012 Trust Board meeting* 5pm We do have other initiatives that you may want to participate in; see inside for details. Mā tō rourou mā toku rourou ka ora ai a Tamaoho. With your basket and my basket, Tamaoho will be sustained. *PLEASE NOTE *PLEASE NOTE The Trust Board meetings are open to all members; however please register your interest prior to attending so that we can arrange kai and seating. Paimarie Dennis Kirkwood - Heamana (Chairperson) 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT In the June newsletter, we introduced Teresa Kirkwood who is providing support for development in the area of Oranga Hou (education, employment, health, rangatahi, etc). In only one month, she has so far investigated a wide range of activities and helped us get started with several kaupapa. Her first task was to review the results of the survey many of you completed a couple of months ago where you told us that your top priorities were employment, education, Tamaohotanga and health. So, in addition to the Tamaoho sports day referred to below, we have applied for funding to have a community education officer for three years; we are getting involved with education, employment, business and cultural opportunities related to the V8 Supercars event returning to Pukekohe; we are considering a large health research project to provide supportive evidence of the impact of Tamaohotanga on our people. Teresa will be at the hui-a-iwi in August to find out more about your aspirations and to discuss the initiatives already begun. In particular, we want to know whether you would like us to apply to the Whanau Integration, Innovation and Engagement Fund (WIIE) for your whanau to receive up to $5000 to prepare a plan to move toward greater self reliance and self management by strengthening whānau connections and engagements, by developing whānau leadership, building whānau knowledge, skills and capabilities to achieve their goals and aspirations. If you are interested but can’t come to the hui please contact the office. He karanga tēnei ki ngā ringa raupā o te hau kāinga – WE WANT YOU! The trust is looking for volunteers who will be able to assist us out with preparations for our first ever Tamaoho Day this November 11. Whether you can referee a sport, butter some bread, usher people, or manaaki our kaumātua – WE WANT YOU! We need a number of volunteers to assist us with our preparations for this event. So we are holding a Volunteer Meet where we can give you some information, and talk about what you might be able to do. So how can you sign up? Turn up on Sunday 12th August at 3pm – Uenuku Room (opposite Papakura Library) Papakura, Auckland – where we will take your details, and talk about the run down for the day. For more information contact [email protected] Special thanks to Lottery for a grant which is making the Tamaoho Day possible! TREATY CLAIMS LODGED WITH WAITANGI TRIBUNAL (2004and 2008) √ PUTANGA 11, 2012 (Hōngongoi) (JULY) SOS HIKOI To the right of the road is our Maunga, Maungaroa, crowned with cloud. Our manuhiri OTS, DOC and Tamaoho people. Photo of Whangamarino wetlands which at one time was an important thoroughfare for Negotiator and Trustee for NTT Ted Ngataki with Jean Cooper nee Edwards who is also a Trustee for NTT and a NTT Cultural Adviser. At the back is Barry Hughes from OTS CLAIMS PROGRESS FORMAL DEED OF MANDATE √ TERMS OF NEGOTIATION √ For the Trust to negotiate on behalf of the hapu (Aug 2009) Agreed between Tamaoho and the Crown (Oct 2010) 3 PUTANGA 11, 2012 (Hōngongoi) (JULY) BACK THEN ................. For our rangitahi reading this, I bet you don’t know where the ma me te pango photo below was taken? Here is a clue. In 1936 Princess Te Puea and our Tupuna at that time, had decided that Tamaoho needed a marae somewhere. Did you know that this whare tawhito was at Mangatangi Pa. After years of hard work by our Tupuna, Tamaaoho was completed in 1946. Building of Kirihaehae was undertaken in 1962/63 and it was opened in 1968 by our late Maori Queen Dame Te Ataitrangikaahu. It was named after Princess Te Puea. .......... AND NOW Did you know too, that the kitchen was named after her husband Tumokai. Both buildings were demolished in 2008 to make way for the new wharekai. This wharekai was opened in 2009 by our very own Tamaoho kaumatua and people. The whare kai and the kāuta still bear the same name as its predecessor. As with the buildings before, it is now up to our younger generation to make their memories like their Tupuna before them In the next newsletter we will hopefully get to show you shots of our other marae, a bit of history and the changes they have gone through as well. AGREEMENT IN PRINCIPLE (sometime between Sept 2012 and June 2013) ENVIRONMENT On the back page we have short profiles of two people working hard to support our environmental management and protection activities. We really appreciate all the effort they and the other members of the Environment group put in each week. And the mahi is about to expand even further thanks to a generous grant from the Auckland Council to support the Trust’s capability development in this area over the coming year. Some of you may remember a hui we had at Papakura earlier this year to begin the planning by identifying both geographic and resource priorities, but now we will be able to go much further. Suggestions include preparing an iwi management plan, adapting information we are collecting through the Treaty claims process for use in this area of work, and developing one or more papakainga proposals. But before we decide on specifics, we need to find out more about what the members want; so this will be a topic for discussion at our August hui-a-iwi. Please come with your suggestions and concerns to help shape what we will be doing and how in the next 5, 10 , even 20 years. And don’t be surprised if you see some unknown faces! Six students studying for their Masters Degree in Planning, have volunteered to undertake specific tasks to help us. SIGN DEED OF SETTLEMENT (approximately 1 year after AIP) RATIFICATION OF DEED OF SETTLEMENT 4 PROFILE ON LUCIE RUTHERFURD Working with our Enviromental Management team Lucie has been the Enviromental Technical Officer for Ngati Tamaoho for the past eighteen months. She has lived and worked in the Franklin and Awhitu district all of her life. As with her children, parents and grandparents alike. Lucie is a conservationist and an advocate for sustainable development while ensuring the protection of our cultural heritage, natural surroundings, and rural environment. She is particularly passionate about water quality. PUTANGA 11, 2012 (Hōngongoi) (JULY) PANUI ........... After six years of hard study, one of our NTT Trustees Panetuku Rae nee Pompey graduated on 26 July 2012 with a Masters degree in Adult Literacy and Numeracy from Auckland University of Technology. She is wearing a beautiful korowai from Whatapaka marae kindly loaned by Aunty Rena Ngataki. This photo was taken at the NTT board meeting. To her left is NTT board member Roto Jenkins nee Kirkwood. To the right is the NTT Chairperson Dennis Kirkwood. GOING FOR GOLD Tori Ngataki is the middle child of Ted and Waiata Ngataki nee Cairns, just one of the many mokopuna that Aunty Rena Ngataki has. Her background includes an extensive history in local government from 1998 to 2007 including Community Board and Council. She is also a certified commissioner which means she makes good decisions under the RMA. It also enables her to be a decision maker at hearings should things go to court. Like Panetuku Rae above, Tori has been studying at the Auckland University of Technology towards a Bachelor of Sports Science, with one year left. Her understanding of the issues and the challenges facing our rural and urban communities helps us to have a voice in developments affecting our rohe. Tamara Taka-Brown is the eldest of four tamariki. She is a mokopuna to David and Carolyn Taka, and a great mokopuna to Naina and Mere Taka. She is in her first year of university currently studying towards a Bachelor of Health Science at Auckland University of Technology as well. JOANNA KATIPA Joanna is from Ngati Mahuta, Ngati Naho and Ngati Tamaoho. She currently lives in Te Kohanga. She attended, Mercer Primary as a young girl and attended Pukekohe High School. In her later years she decided to give Australia a try. However after 15 years over the ditch she is back in Aotearoa Her interests are music, farming, maori history and sites of significance and is learning to trace Whakapapa. Her whānau are very proud of her achievements and wish her well for her future education and sporting pursuits. Tori and Tamara have been selected to represent NZ in the Va’a World Sprints (outrigger) waka ama at their prospective clubs. The championships are being held in Canada—in August 2012. Chur tumeke nga kotiro, you go girls bring back the gold. At Tamaoho she has been the kaiawhina mahi for RMA hui, and caters for various hui-a-iwi. ALPHABET SOUP On the previous pages you may have seen some abbreviations and wondered what the heck we were talking about. So here it is whānau, your very own dictionary DOC Department of Conservation . Email: [email protected] Phone:(09) 551-6266 or we are on Pukamata (Facebook) whānau, search for us and add the page as a friend, or visit our Website: www.tamaoho.maori.nz. Our office is located at: 3/11 Freeman Way, Manukau, Auckland DOS Deed of Settlement Kaitiaki Environmentalists, caretaker NTT Ngati Tamaoho Trust OTS Office of Treaty Settlements PSGE Post Settlement Governance Entity RMA Resource Management Act Rohe Area SOS Sites of Significance TE KOTAHI A TAMAOHO – UNITY OF TAMAOHO