By Nilo Mabugat Ministry Head, Missions & Evangelism ______________________________________ To make disciples of Jesus Christ in the Philippines and beyond ______________________________________ Matthew 28:16-20 15 May 2016 Name____________________________ Address:______________________________ Contact Number(s) Home:_________________________________ Mobile: _______________________________ E-Mail Address: ________________________ Spiritual Decisions Today I prayed to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I want to join a Growth Group. I want to lead a Growth Group. I want to be a member of GCF-East. I want to volunteer for: ________________________________ Text And Pray We would like to pray for you! For your praises & prayer request, SMS Daisy Alcantara @ 0917-826-6882 Tear off portion Lives and communities transformed through Jesus Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17; Acts 2:42-47 1. Centrality of God’s Word 2 Corinthians 3:16-17 2. Discipleship & Shepherding through Small Groups Mark 3:14; Acts 2:46-47 3. Vibrant Worship & Fervent Prayer Kindly drop this form in the Offering Bag or give to any Usher. Thank you. Acts 2:46-47 Express your thanksgiving to the Lord through the Flower, Coffee or Sunday School Snack Ministries by calling the Admin Office at 213-0899 and/or 571 -2310, or by accomplishing the tear-off portion of the bulletin and submitting it at least one week before the desired date. May 8, 2016 Attendance 235 135 597 Visitors 3 2 1 6 Sunday School 47 63 22 132 Midweek Worship 1 Corinthians 14:12 2 Corinthians 8:7 5. Intentional Evangelism & Church Planting Matthew 28: 16-20; Acts 1:8 227 Sunday Worship 4. Excellence in Life & Ministry 6. Leadership Development Mark 3:14; 2 Timothy 2:2 — #1 Ipil St., corner Sampaloc St., St. Anthony Subd., Barangay San Juan Cainta Rizal Telephone Nos. 213-0899 and 571-2310 Website: www.gcf-east.com E-Mail: [email protected] 1ST KAIROS TAGALOG CLASS Recent times have found me exploring the aspects of the fundamental entity we call “information”. Interestingly, information can be stored in matter (such as paper) or energy (like in radio signals) but is not part of them. You can write information on the sand in a beach but the sand itself remains unchanged. This is so because “information” is not physical but mental in origin. Any piece of information originates from a mind with an intended purpose. Incidentally, because people can receive and generate information, which is non-material entity, we have to be more than just a collection of atoms. More specifically, we are embodied minds. Any piece of information has an intended goal. But that goal will only be realized if the desired response or action is achieved from the receptor. And the only way for this to happen is if the meaning of the information has been grasped. Information plays a crucial role in in our daily lives. From giving simple instructions, to industrial automation and artificial intelligence, to saving faith. The importance that information plays in saving faith can be seen in how the 16th century reformers differentiated its three layers. They are the notitia, assensus, and fiducia. The assensus describes a person’s intellectual agreement with the facts, and the fiducia is concerned with the commitment following an intellectual assent. However, the underlying prerequisite for both is receiving the correct information content, or what we refer to as truth. And this aspect belongs to the notitia. Now, language is the vehicle by which we transport information to the intended receiver(s). The language of a particular people group describes the set of agreed codes and syntax by which any information may be packaged and delivered to a receiver, who must know how to decode the symbols. Otherwise, the message will be seen as just random symbols. Language is an essential gift from God. The precise use of language results in order and progress necessary to the survival of human society. This is the reason why God chose language, with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, as the vehicle by which His Word is passed on from generation to generation. It is how we came to understand His Great Commission towards the making of disciples of all the nations. GCF East, through the ministry of Missions and Evangelism (M&E), has embraced this mandate. This is the reason why the M&E holds an annual KAIROS course that systematically imparts to the participants what God has been doing ever since the Great Fall in Eden. This year, however, with our ever increasing desire that course participants obtain a full grasp of what is taught, we have decided to run this year’s course in our very own heart language of Filipino – Tagalog, to be precise. Just as the use of MODEM filters the “noise” in radio waves, we hope that using Tagalog in KAIROS will eliminate any hindrance in comprehension brought about by language barrier. We will provide the ‘KAIROS Reader’ in Tagalog and we will be showing great videos dubbed in Tagalog too. We hope that this will appeal to many in our church to take on the challenge of investing heart, mind, and time to learn more of what it means to participate in God’s Kingdom program. The course will start on May 28, 2016 and will run for nine Saturdays up until graduation day on July 30, 2016. It will be three hours of interactive and fun learning for each stsession. We invite you to avail of this opportunity and be part of this year’s GCF East 1 Kairos Tagalog class. God bless you!!! 15 May 2016 Vol.11 No.19(Morning Services) Choral Introit Call to Worship Songs of Praise and Worship Scripture Reading Pastoral Prayer Anthem Message CLOSING EXHORTATIONS– PART 1 Hebrews 13:1-9 Rev. Keith Ebrahim Hymn of Response Call to Give Call to Serve Welcome of Guests Closing Prayer and Benediction Closing Song KNOW CHRIST AND MAKE HIM KNOWN SCHEDULE OF WORSHIP SERVICES ENGLISH: Wednesday 7:00-8:30PM Sunday 8:30-10:00AM & 11:00-12:30PM TAGALOG: Sunday 4:00-5:30PM Rev. Keith Ebrahim 15 May 2016 WEDNESDAYS Text: Hebrews 13:1-9 Closing Exhortations – Part 1 YOUTHAMP YOUTH CAMP 2016 2016 BARNABAS Sundays | 2pm | Room 5 GCF East Des Lucena 0998-961-8021 B. Exposition – Hebrews 13:1-9 – Seven Exhortations: PRAYER | 6PM | Room 4 BOOK OF LUKE | 7PM | Rooms 1-3 ASK PRAYER RALLY MAY 27 (Friday) | 7:00-9:00pm | Sanctuary Hosted by Missions & Evangelism Ministry TAGALOG MAY 28 - JULY 23 (Saturdays) Rooms 1-3 | 2-5pm An exciting 9-lesson interactive study of the purpose and plan of God from Genesis to the end of the age V1 – Continue in Brotherly Love – Cf. 13:34-35; 1 Thess. 4:9-10 V2 – Be Hospitable – Cf. 3 John 5-6; Gen. 19:1-3 V3 – Remember the Prisoners – Cf. 10:34; 2 Tim. 1:16 V4 – Let Marriage be held in Honor – Cf. 1 Cor. 6:9-12 a. Origin of Marriage Cf. Gen. 1:27-28; Gen. 2:18; Gen. 2:21-24 b. Homosexuality Cf. Gen. 13:13; 19:4-5, 24-25; Lev. 18:22; Rom. 1:26-27 c. How should Christians relate to homosexuals? The same way Jesus did, never condoning or approving of their sinful conduct, but showing love, concern, and compassion for them, sharing the Gospel with them so they can repent and be saved. Cf. Luke 5:29-32; 7:37-38, 48-50; 15:1-7 5. V5-6 – Avoid Covetousness, Be Content Cf. 1 Tim. 6:6-8, 9-10; Phil. 4:10-11, 12-13 6. V7-8 – Remember your Leaders, Imitate their Faith 7. V9 – Don’t be led astray by strange doctrines, be strengthened by Grace, not law Cf. Acts 20:9-10 Sign up at the Lobby TODAY! For inquiries, contact LANDA @ 0928-552-2984. MINISTRY Sanctuary | 1-3pm Attention: Elders, Deacons & Heads MEETING BEVERLY HILLS Every woman is on a journey to discover how she can make a difference in her LIFE, her HOME, her HUSBAND, and her MINISTRY. Join us for a day of discovery and learn how to truly make a difference! Included is a special segment about Singles. JUNE 25 (Saturday) Speaker: SUSAN SOSMEñA 8:30am-4:00pm | Sanctuary P200 fee includes workbook, lunch and refreshments SUNDAY GROUPS C. Summary and Conclusion 11:00AM-12:30PM | Youth Center Next Week: Hebrews 13:10-25 Closing Exhortations Part 2 1st & 3rd Tuesdays | 7pm |Rotation Maridee Espina 0917-552-0277 BROTHERS IN CHRIST Tuesdays | 7:30pm | Room 5 Jojo de Asis 0923-714-5669 SISTERS INTO SCRIPTURE (SIS) Tuesdays | 7:30pm | Room 4 Juvie Gubat 0925-805-8843 SEASONED WOMEN Wednesdays | 2pm | Room 5 GCFEast Tess Tonson 0917-536-2722 MAHARLIKA Thursdays | 6pm | Maharlika, Taytay Arvin Barros 0917-522-6371 WALKERS 2 YOUTH (HS & COLLEGE) JUNE 4 (Saturday) SINGLE MOMS 2nd & 4th Sundays | 1pm | Room 3 Maricel Bolinas @ 0925-507-2215 A. Introduction – Epilogue – A series of short, brief exhortations 1. 2. 3. 4. BE part of one!!! Transformation & Multiplication YOUNG ADULTS 10-11AM & 1:30-3PM Room 1 | 3rd Floor BOOK OF ROMANS Fridays | 7pm | Room 5 GCF East Aileen Cruz 0927-877-7254 GOLDEN CITY Fridays | 7:30pm | Sunstrip, Angono Mike Alcantara 0917-500-4689 GRACE & TRUTH Fridays | 8pm | Montevista Heights Tess Genil 0917-788-5892/533-1095 GATEKEEPERS Saturdays | 2pm | Room 5 GCF East Ching Credo 0919-535-9177 COUPLES WHO CARE Saturdays | 6pm | Youth Center Gina Laureta 0933-529-2902 DIVINE WILL 1st & 3rd Saturdays | 7pm |Dividend Jerry Tuprio 0909-867-9728