McCALL`S - PrintSew
McCALL`S - PrintSew
3789 McCALL'S ® PATTERN MARKINGS ADJUST IF NECESSARY CUTTING AND MARKING GRAINLINE: Place on straight grain of fabric, an even distance from selvage or fold A pattern is made to fit body measurements, with extra ease for comfort and style. Adjust pieces before placing on fabric. Adjust back waist, sleeve and finished garment lengths using McCALL’s Easy-Rule Guide. SHRINK FABRIC not labeled pre-shrunk. Press. CIRCLE LAYOUT for View, Size, Fabric Width. Use WITH NAP layout for fabrics with one-way designs, nap, pile or surface shading. Because most knits have surface shading, a with nap layout is used. For DOUBLE THICKNESS (WITH FOLD) - fold fabric with Right Sides Together. TO SHORTEN: Crease on Easy-Rule Guide. Fold necessary amount. Tape in place. DOUBLE THICKNESS (WITHOUT FOLD) - For fabrics with nap, fold fabric crosswise, RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER. Mark as shown. Cut along crosswise fold of fabric (A). Turn upper layer 180° so arrows go in same direction and place over lower layer, RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER (B). TO LENGTHEN: Cut on dotted lines of Easy-Rule Guide. Spread necessary amount. Tape over paper. For SINGLE THICKNESS - place fabric Right Side Up. Before CUTTING place all pieces on fabric according to layout. Overlap margins. Pin. Cut ACCURATELY through fabric and pattern on cutting line. Cut notches outward. When Easy-Rule Guide is not on tissue, lengthen or shorten at lower edge. BEFORE REMOVING PATTERN, transfer markings to Wrong Side of fabric. Two ways which may be used quickly are the Pin and Chalk Pencil method or Tracing Paper and Dressmaker Wheel. FOLD LINE: Place on fold of fabric. Place on fold FRONT CUTTING LINE: For cutting. SEAM LINE: For stitching. SEAM ALLOWANCE: Distance between cutting and seam lines, usually 5/8” (1.5cm). On multi-sized patterns seam allowance is included, but not printed on tissue. NOTCHES AND SYMBOLS: For matching pattern pieces. A FINISHED GARMENT MEASUREMENT SYMBOL: The finished garment measurements at bust and/or hip are printed on your Front pattern pieces. The measurement includes Body Measurement + Wearing Ease + Design Ease. The measurement excludes pleats, tucks, darts and seam allowances. Measurements are also printed on the back of the pattern envelope when space is available. 46” (117cm) B LAYOUT NOTES Pattern pieces may interlock more closely for smaller sizes. This McCall pattern may have cutting lines for several sizes. Select the proper cutting line or pattern pieces for your size. ∗ If pattern is petite-able, layouts illustrated are suitable for corresponding Petite sizes. B A ★ Cut other pieces first, allowing enough fabric to cut this piece. Open fabric. For “Cut 1” pieces, cut piece once on single layer of fabric with piece face up on right side of fabric. For “Cut 2” pieces, cut piece twice on single layer of fabric, once with piece face up and once with piece face down on right side of fabric. CUTTING LAYOUTS A A OR B - CONTINUED NOTE: Pattern pieces may interlock more closely for smaller sizes. E C C D BACK E D C A IMPORTANT: For layouts marked “ TOGETHER, so nap runs in one direction. * “, cut two pieces of fabric; place one layer over the other, RIGHT SIDES * NOTE: This McCall pattern has cutting lines for several sizes. Select the proper cutting line or pattern pieces for your size. View A - use pieces 1 thru 4 View B - use pieces 1 thru 4, 8 B 60” (150cm) fabric with nap or without nap sizes 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 3 1 4 2 2 ROBE A OR B SELVAGES * SELVAGES 3 8 8 4 2 1 2 15 PATTERN PIECES 45” thru 54” (115 thru 140cm) fabric with nap or without nap sizes 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 4 4 SELVAGES 1 1 SELVAGES ROBE A OR B sizes small, medium, large, xlarge * 1. FRONT AND BACK 2. YOKE FRONT 3. YOKE BACK 4. SLEEVE 8. HOOD B HAT A 3 8 4 4 * SELVAGES 2 8 TUNIC AND BELT C 2 2 sizes small, medium, large 5. BRIM 6. HAT 7. BELT 9. FRONT 10. BACK 11. FRONT NECK FACING 12. BACK NECK FACING 13. SLEEVE SELVAGES 2 1 1 FOLD 4 4 3 1 1 SELVAGES SELVAGES 3 PANTS D OR E FOLD SELVAGES 14. FRONT 15. BACK size xlarge A * 2 4 1 SELVAGES 54” thru 72” (140 thru 180cm) felt all sizes 2 SELVAGES 4 Interfacing EDGES use pieces 5, 6 5 25” (64cm) all sizes 5 1 6 FOLD 6 FOLD 3 FOLD use pieces 5, 6 SELVAGES 8 3 HAT SELVAGES PRINTED IN U.S.A. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 3789 - PAGE 2 OF 4 C - CONTINUED CUTTING LAYOUTS - CONTINUED Interfacing GLOSSARY EDGES use pieces 11, 12 Sewing terms appearing in BOLD TYPE in SEWING DIRECTIONS are explained below. 11 C 21” thru 25” (53 thru 64cm) all sizes TUNIC use pieces 9 thru 13 12 FOLD SELVAGES 45” (115cm) fabric with nap or without nap sizes 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 9 11 13 10 PANTS D OR E SELVAGES sizes small, medium 9 45” (115cm) fabric with nap or without nap all sizes EDGESTITCH - Stitch close to finished edge or seam. SELVAGES or SELVAGES 10 12 11 15 60” (150cm) fabric with nap all sizes 13 FOLD 14 FOLD Stitch center back seam in remaining front and back sections. FINISH - Stitch 1/4" (6mm) from raw edge and finish with one of the following: pink, overcast or turn in along stitching and stitch close to fold or overlock. OPTIONAL FOR HEMS: Apply seam binding. GATHER - Stitch along seamline and again 1/4" (6mm) away in seam allowance, using long machine stitches. Pull up bobbin threads when adjusting to fit. Pin back to front at shoulders, right sides together, matching notches and triangles. Adjust ease. Baste. Stitch. SELVAGES * SELVAGES sizes large, xlarge 54” thru 60” (140 thru 150cm) fabric without nap sizes 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, small SELVAGES 15 NARROW HEM - Turn in hem. Press, easing in fullness if necessary. Open out hem. Turn in again so raw edge is along crease. Press. Turn in along crease. Stitch. Stitch back to front at sides. REINFORCE - Stitch along seamline where indicated in sewing directions, using small machine stitches. 14 SELVAGES FOLD 13 9 sizes medium, large, xlarge 10 12 11 FOLD SELVAGES SELVAGES 14 SELVAGES 9 FOLD 13 11 SLIPSTITCH - (Used to join two folded edges or one folded edge to a flat surface.) Slide needle through a folded edge; then pick up a thread from the opposite fold or surface. STAYSTITCH - Stitch 1/8" (3mm) from seamline in seam allowance (usually 1/2" [1.3cm] from raw edge). 15 60” (150cm) fabric with nap or without nap sizes 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 TOPSTITCH - On outside, stitch 1/4" (6mm) from edge, seam or previous stitching, using presser foot as guide, or stitch where indicated in instructions. FABRIC KEY 10 12 FOLD GATHER upper edge of back. sizes small, medium SELVAGES 9 11 SEWING INFORMATION SEWING DIRECTIONS 13 ROBE A OR B SEAM ALLOWANCES 10 12 FOLD * sizes large, xlarge SELVAGES Use 5/8" (1.5cm) seam allowances unless otherwise indicated. Trim enclosed seam allowances into layers. Trim corners. VIEW A OR B Finish front edge of one left and one right FRONT AND BACK (1) section with a NARROW HEM. Press. Remaining sections will be used for back. GATHER upper edge of fronts. 13 SELVAGES Notch outer curves. Clip inner curves. 9 10 11 12 FOLD Belt use piece 7 no layout given Pin yoke back to back, right sides together, matching notches. Adjust gathers, keeping gathers away from armhole seam allowance. Baste. Stitch. Press seam allowances toward yoke. EASESTITCH - Stitch along seamline, using long machine stitches. Pull up thread ends when adjusting to fit. NOTE: For sleeve caps, make a second row of long machine stitches 1/4" (6mm) away in seam allowance. for more control. use pieces 14, 15 12 FOLD BLINDSTITCH - Turn edge down about 1/4" (6mm). Make a small diagonal stitch by picking up one thread of garment, then one thread of hem or facing. Pin YOKE FRONT (2) to front, right sides together, matching notches and hemmed edge of front at circle on yoke. Adjust gathers, keeping gathers away from armhole seam allowance. Baste. Stitch. Press seam allowances toward yoke. SELVAGES PIN AND FIT Pin or baste seams, RIGHT SIDE TOGETHER, matching notches. Fit garment before stitching major seams. PRESS Press seam allowances flat; then open unless otherwise stated. Clip where necessary so they lie flat. EASESTITCH shoulder edge of YOKE BACK (3) between notch and triangle. VIEW A OR B 3789 - PAGE 3 OF 4 EASESTITCH shoulder edge of YOKE BACK (FACING) (3) between notch and triangle. Finish lower edge of sleeve with a NARROW HEM. Press. HAT A TOPSTITCH neck edge, connecting with hem stitching on front. Fuse INTERFACING to wrong side of BRIM (5) and HAT (6), following manufacturer's directions. TOPSTITCH lower edge of yoke. HOOD - VIEW B Stitch center back seam in HOOD (8). Press seam allowances to one side. Pin yoke back facing to YOKE FRONT (FACING) (2) at shoulders, right sides together, matching notches and triangles. Adjust ease. Baste. Stitch. To make darts on each SLEEVE (4) fold right sides together, matching solid lines and circles. Stitch on solid line. Press fold of dart toward each other. Press under 5/8" (1.5cm) on lower edges of yoke facings. Cut pressed-under edges to 3/8" (1cm). On outside, TOPSTITCH seam. Stitch center back seam in BRIM (5) and BRIM (FACING) (5). STAYSTITCH notched edge of brim and facing. Clip to stitching. GATHER cap of sleeve between small circles. EASESTITCH cap between small circle and notches. To make darts, fold right sides together, matching solid lines and circles. Stitch on solid line. Press fold of dart toward front edges. Finish front edges with a NARROW HEM. Press. Pin yoke facing to yoke, right sides together, matching notches and center backs. Stitch neck edge. Trim seam allowances. For each sleeve, pin two sleeve sections, matching notches and darts. Stitch notched edges. Turn right side out. Press. STAYSTITCH back neck edge of robe. Clip to stitching. With right sides together, pin sleeve into armhole, matching notches, underarm and overarm seams and small circles. Adjust gathers between small circles and adjust ease between notch and small circles. Baste. Stitch. Stitch again 1/4" (6mm) away in seam allowance.Trim close to second stitching. Press seam allowances flat. Turn seam allowances toward sleeve. Press under 5/8" (1.5cm) on notched edge of brim facing. Pin facing to brim, right sides together, matching centers. Stitch un-notched edge. Trim seam allowances. Turn right side out. Press. 19 Pin hood to robe at neck edge, right sides together, matching notches, center backs, dart to shoulder seam and hemmed edge of hood to circle on yoke. Baste. Turn facing to inside. SLIPSTITCH pressed-edge over seams. Baste facing to armholes. Finish lower edge of robe with a NARROW HEM. Press. Stitch center seam in hat. 3789 - PAGE 4 OF 4 Pin brim to hat, right sides together, matching notches and centers. Stitch, keeping facing free. Trim seam allowances. Press seam allowances toward brim. Stitch center seam in BACK (10). Turn facing to inside. Press. EASESTITCH shoulder edge of back between notch and triangle. TOPSTITCH 1/2" (1.3cm) from front and neck edges, squaring stitching 1/2" (1.3cm) below circle. Turn up 11⁄4" (3.2cm) hem on lower edge of sleeve and tunic. Baste close to fold. Turn under 1/4" (6mm) on raw edge and stitch hem in place. Press. Stitch front to back at sides. EASESTITCH cap of SLEEVE (13) between notches. SLIPSTITCH pressed edge of facing over seam. PANTS D OR E Pin back to front at shoulders, right sides together, matching notches and triangles. Adjust ease. Stitch. BELT Fold BELT (7) in half lengthwise, right sides together. Stitch, taking up a 3/8" (1cm) seam allowance and leaving an opening for turning. Trim corners. Turn right side out. Press. Turn under 3/8" (1cm) on opening edges and SLIPSTITCH together. Trim corners from interfacing as shown. Fuse INTERFACING to wrong side of FRONT NECK FACING (11) and BACK NECK FACING (12), following manufacturer's directions. With right sides together, pin sleeve to armhole edge, matching notches, underarm edges, small circles and large circle to shoulder seam. Adjust ease. Baste. Stitch. Stitch again 1/4" (6mm) from first stitching. Cut seam allowances close to second stitching. Press seam allowances flat. Turn seam allowances toward sleeve. TUNIC C Stitch front neck facing to back neck facing at shoulders. FINISH un-notched edge of facing. Stitch center seam in FRONT (9) from lower edge to circle. Pin facing to neck edge, right sides together, matching notches, centers, seams and circles. Stitch, breaking stitching at circles. Clip seam allowances at circles. Trim seam allowances. To form casing, turn 1 1⁄4" (3.2cm) to inside on upper edge of pants. Turn in 1/4" (6mm) on raw edge. Press. Stitch, leaving an opening to insert elastic. Stitch again close to upper edge. Cut elastic a comfortable waist measurement plus 1" (2.5cm). Insert elastic through casing. Lap ends. Hold with safety pin. Try on and adjust if necessary. Stitch ends of elastic securely. Pin underarm seam of tunic and sleeve, matching armhole seams and notches. Stitch. Stitch center seam in front neck facing from lower edge to circle. Stitch FRONT (14) to BACK (15) at inside leg edges, right sides together, matching notches and large circles. Stitch, stretching back to fit between large circles. Baste seam allowances to pants in casing area for about 3" (7.5cm) for easier insertion of elastic. To reinforce underarm curve, stitch again just inside previous stitching. Stitch center seam, matching inside leg seams. Stitch opening in casing, stretching elastic while stitching. To reinforce curve, stitch again 3/8" (1cm) from raw edge between notches. Cut seam allowances close to second stitching. Press seam allowances open above notches. Try on and adjust fullness. Pin at seams. On outside, stitch across seam lines in casing area to hold elastic in place. Turn up a 11⁄4" (3.2cm) hem on lower edge. Baste close to fold. Turn under 1/4" (6mm) on raw edge and stitch hem in place. Press.