t - Union County Public Library
t - Union County Public Library
! ! '" ) i ~ -,- ..~ ., ,'. ) ~ :. - ....... ";.' ',', ". " '. ' -'.' :.... ," *.i'.: '~'. . ,', .... , ...... -~'::' '" ",' ....... ,~. ... \ " " ...... ,'.' . ,~ ': ';' . .. ~ Ji' ~ . ....ttu:t ittll.ift~./ "'W"':JlwI: _ 0'_ , " , . , on Dt "'W'" 0 X. :IF' :E: • DD.'OadDn ........ ;. , , • . NO. 37 pA."YNE & VANN, Attorneys-at-Law. Xy oIpfttte I Tho amulet KO:lo'BOEo ll. Co That charml alar u~t and aorNWTho ..ogle YIII<I thet tar beyolld To-day. -caD eo.ujure up to--mono1l'Like lovo'. deliro. lb'f tt\1W1l ot Are 80 eoltl)' with the twillgh, blelld!f', AJ1d.. &.h ! Ulelie:lmll. a ~l·. 4reuu An til thl" W"re&the ohlllab ,_diD,. X)' cigarette I can I forgot Ho... K&te OIId 1, til 01UlA1 ....th.... sat til tho ehIde tho elIII·_ lUIIo. AIId rolled tb. fnl:roAt weed totIother! 1 at her e1de. beautilled To hold IIId guide her lIIIgere wilItIIC; She rolling 110w the paper'. saOW'. Puttillg m:r boat ill with tholllltllli c. Attorney-at-Law, M. T. McCA.ULEY, :llONllOE, N. lIl:r clguotto I 1 ... her yot- c. 1'rIIcticea ill tho Superior IIId the Supremo Cou. .t ihl' State IIId tbeFedenIl Conrta. RUFUS P. DA.VIS, Th. "hite emoke trom her rod llpe evllll,. Her d.ream1Dg eyes. her 80tt repU•• Her IlGtlo eillhl, her laughter paollll,l AI> I daiA~ roU. "h_ parUug eoial JIO)bI ou t tn man,. a snowy pillow. 1. too....onld burn It 1 might earn UPOIl her Upe eo ......et .. plUo". AI> cigarette I Tho gay coquette !hli 10llg torgot tho 11_00 ,he lIchtod. AIId you 111<11 UJllh1Jlktllg by Alike .... throwlI, a1iko are ,lighted, The derkn_ gathere rut ,,!thollt• .A. raindrop on In!· wLudow Ip1aIhe:t; Attorney-a.t-La.w, KONROE, N. C. H)' <igerett. and heart ... on t, Alld Baught ioleft me but lIlm_... IOlIl.I>e oYO. People" 1laIIIt.) ~JOHNSTON & Mc:NINCH, CH.\nLOTTE • MARBLE WORKS. • . :.' .< Plain and Cut Glass, !,'or VeHtlbUle. Dooril ILIld TrIl2!OlIUJ. IUit . •. '. : • '" ", ".... . '- ?",~~.*j,.. :.. .-:.... ~::.: -. i'~'" -. "- .~ - .~;. - :-:'--"-'-~---""". #. .. _.- _ .. ··:.r------- .- .. -~r,-.-. . --'.'~_ ...: ..-'-- ....~-.- ..• -':~ . . . t.'... ~." ..' . !~":... 'I' • .,,. . - •••• • _ ~ ., -. " .• .' ... . ',''lii ,:tJ ;~ <Jt .';J.' f . .J -0;. .~~ ....'" ~ C . "''''.' • ;0. " ~ -- .---" - -_. ,C:"-: - --.-.r - '4f.' .- - .. " ..--- . ~! -~ .. -- . : .',. ~ " - ..... --:;r,.'- - , .-.- -.- ".- - ... -'- :Co _,- ,;~~ -" . ~':': - . . ,..,,' : . •• \r; S·~"t..7:~~:1lJ~~~t~~-,I'} THESr~~t: -;. " * . : . . _ .,~ . .' .. -.~-;:.~-;;. ,.-- -~ :t· ., _ :> ._._....... . .. , - ~ . ..: . .' ,~.,..:~. ~ ........,- e::":""::::::'~' ~.7l:~. .l!Il"V'JJpN""-':::.'::'t......""""... ... ,.. ~.-:......-... : ; e_;; . .....~""'f.' ......·..:..¢11='!'S. :' t 1l.: :. ..' , . . . 'I. "....... .. ... ' . ~- .. -~ .--- t . '.- - ~_.... ..._ . .~ I: ' ,. . - . __ ....... ~.. .... -. • - -_ ". p;.;. ;·~~'::. ..,'·r Mi';';~' ~.:...x. _ __ •....... ._. • ~ ~ ~_. .. ft -, -;: ',Cf" ~""","",...... t . m .:;,,~ .., .....,...:. .; ,-; ...~;"".-ii:"" _ ' __.,. d. • . . .. . £ ' ~ • .' ...... ..._~ .. _ " ...L . .. 4; ". '.' ,,,."~'..,.:t-...~ 1 • ... -".,.,,' .' .:~. " ,,:,... .."-. '"" -.,~ ''J' . .;. ~, .-'. ""' .' • '".. t....._.. J :.::;: .. ~"'-'.I!.'.~~~.~r":'~-r::*~::'-~ ~~ . ~.~.~~~-."":":._ .._~."" "~ -:.j:.'.·W - ~ ..:::1; ~~~IEJ'\~'=hi·~-~!:g~~mSI1~l1:i~·~!;~(1rz.~W!~~'~!I~~'n-l"<-·E'~\.~ =,,:,'''-' :.-..~ ,'. 'Yi .: :,f[1I' ""':".hi '~' .. ~ ,.>..J."~,.,j,,?it! '. "'.:.' ."",,: <Z£,,'ti'·_~ ..,,,, .;:' :'.~- '.:~.' ~. ,. . :. . - ..t.~ : "\lo~ ~. ~~ tUtIO.f. ~,n~ !t ~~ + "" ~~ " .. ... : "F• : .. ~ t~ .•.. -0II~--._-,...-........-~~~';3t::r:::. i";ip','iii~1 ~""::<",,,!>; I'~; ~!.li' """1'1 ~ Kilu' Patelit sat.riPili:I':"~ ,~:··~;I§UPTtt~Ef.-9mt:~p~ . .r<, ". ;~:~~~'::~!~~:~c:o;~~<;~:.:!i ~~~IFa~a~:: T;;.io~;i~r;·t'?~;r.l~' f . ~:;;~ ~ brasssp~~~ ~ I"....;'UJBf,,~~s~,):-.t'/::/L~~:.:e\:~Pi:;,~T;~;'f:'~~/:;i:';':.'::~'t.~.o~::'.j~CJ!r:~:.d:-7:~ r. f!Ui... "'1'-- bat .. , to protest U~alUbt the third· kru, W lutnn:: who hVI's 20 tlldetl f.-o IU. a cc.pIctc aad pcried jlIOleCtioo fonhe paiD" e. s£..t fyte., 261 Br JOll... '1. X. Yo p,tlitl".1 .·tc".-el.-e 1I•• >• .t fLuI lb. Jto;,....." ... I ~:t...:r... C -~ "W" 0 L :F ::.e::. _ W IoIltl.ISGTos.. ?aItm:h I.-A decillion mUTelDellt.. : ,~ ., . ·.r; .: hert· iu ~I1Jlfl\.x N?Q:ltJ:. leave lJirth tl) I is the shape of a JOWId. sbie~ fonaed 1'""" d,/!!. .' :' ,... ....> :H , , . JmI'fllJlAJD PJOl'llIE7OlL ,was rend..red 111 the ;:)Ul'remeUourtof' - Tbo Spnn~l:lll Ilepuhlt.eall IIltys," CJ'Jf wltU t"o ~h.,huct. well furm,.. f sheet bras, the.wholebelJlC l\tlel PlatH and : ' . ;:;::::;;:;:;::::::===;:.::;.;;_.;;..;.;;:;.;;;;:;;;;;::=i th.. Cuited States to·tilly III the fill-I! &loatur Bayard i.. th.. cuoic.. tlf the' nt'ckti Itud bt!ads. The twu uecks I)e· ,hudJomely fiDlshed • . . ~ .~ .,~ ." i ':':':-' ::.:. U~Ubl Exiti~It;' .':., lowing case: ~'z parle tile COlUmon- Malls4chl18etts D..wocrat·y for Presi-: Wn at thA *,hoo~dl'l.-;-n tIl ,months TIais Pia is a perfed ... aDd the belt i. tJie " ._ . · . -' - _ wealth of VirgiulJl retitioullr. ,Tbis I dent... ' . IlI:r .. n....et 111 elllin:!'. fhE' horl>: "ud t-.rktL' . . ,~ , . . . a pet!·t·Ion for a writo . f wlln d amus are ast olh..r ' I ~ __~ ~ ',~, 108, THe• n,T '!'HA'I' III D£IITBoYrSG TilE was _ Gen L"nustl"llt't supporlS Grac.t IUllb. . I t f calva". k t Th Sill '>11" 1._ We a1soCOtltrvlthe sale of CtLE'S nlD! ~_ - ' - __ .. ~:, ...... _- ~ I ~_ - ~~ ,I . . . - . ,., R' f th U L! I . . . . . I til t 18 ",w-rPIl t"~ I'f:'n: ptj, Uo. lire ("'In ue" ~ ... I "1l:E.l.T---lliVElITIGATlOli BY TIlE l"lIlTED t 0 calUpeI J ud ~e IVe.., 0 e·. "". for auol ber terul Iilld 1l<c'Ii"vos that h... '1 f H' U h' . u 'I' Dr JlI r..u .IOL-These Hooks .... made . . , I!ITATES EUOIIOLOGiBl'. D~trictVC?u::- ,for the Western Dihs-, ILn,1 he only ~f R~pllhii"lln C:lnd,~ll~tl.'lI: 1:::/~:'~iUg~~:I.Y~~'T~;bu:;,·n~:I~_ ~thebestSwedeslroD Wue, ftauellCd,with TO THE PLANTERS OF NORTH A~ U ~(j[Tn CAHOLI.\.t Yesterday moming an Ob:teJ·tJer, tnct of lrIP~1Ia, to restore to. t ejC&n t'Il,ry North CUtlhnli, LoUISIllua 1'/"11"". . . pclUIls barl>ed. They are easily dnvell and .... resentalive started with Prof. J.j StIlte authontleB two c:ol~r~d p.I\:IOn~ IUId Georgia. .~ <. '-' ~. cift ezc:clleat Satis&ctioD where they are in .; .' . • . ~~.. _ .,' 1.1 : t k tb tomlHcui"t oftutt·erl', nam'ld R~ynol.lB, IUd\l"ted In tbe h ~ . 'i RalelghN.,ws: L'lst Thursday. as lI5e. We are the exclusive manuIactllrersof I~01"F}:nJS'GTO\"Ol"T'IJo: "'vu<.ox.Gihh.....'I.: Co.'"", ::\lnnipulnt• D' o~s ~ ~r ~~ultltra....: Wash Stllte Courts fur murd.,r. and taken - O'~ Of t y" I t1lO• ~ephes.r.,cel\'bt IJ u,til'e Alleu tiuillhe·1 m:trI'VIIl":: Wil- the aboftbatllCd Pin and Hat and Coat Hook ....I C~ nn no. f,·r "uvth. r ...... vII ..., UO "" \.1.... u..; IA,~M 1'd'I"'" ""wiLl. IA,. tl._1 J. u r -, ~ . et Ci~ -n 8I.'ar~h.(ol;e the Ji which by Judge Hives ont of the posseBtiionl~y the • ew . or 1,.ibullrI I!'om t "lliitW Arp ar.d Y'1\'y Htlrt (,i Gl'unvil'f',' Cor: d solicited : ",lI.tint! ~t tL~ .~ty , ~ng. n· y~ I ., y lof the Stille offi,.ilt1s llnd beld for trial :',000 Republican towu COnll'JIU....melJ the.. hem" ~elll.,<l nil >l il,.,le h'I'SI' ~espwI CJlce '. , :htt~ ~n ~d to. bel destroyiDg lhel in the hFed...ral Court uu the ground in Penflsylvuuiu. l.:roo al"ll for Bhiue.! h.. ihruu':t, fUll 10111 :hI; ,:~uluk hi~· OlAIlBLI1 POnTTDD B EST and CH EAPESi Fertiizer in Use ~! wlieat In th18 sectioc. of the cuuntry. (h .' I d I .. . . n • .' IIV .. Ll Ii 4 'J ' While there bas' been much com· 'I tba~ t f!Y t e prISOt~els) la ~ leeD - A CilLVll8S _of ~he Rtl!,ub'lc&u bn.le. Ar!J tLrew LI~ urlll l\rOIlIl.llll'r. 108 CIIJ.](B\lB8 ST.! New TodCltJ. It i. no II~W lutide rt\initiol; <xpt'riment, 10 ""t,.Mi>h irs' ",oIn.'. Lilt ""s h,elll'~ ;"r hunt of the $ cages of tuis fly or dellled In t~e State ~nbunal .a ~l1al. by meulbers ofthe ~ew Yurk L"l{I",llltllre IIUIII \\ Llle t'U:UiD:{ In the ~ad,Jle to - _ ye.u1; "ilh tluoonntlell hU"C~"'" llnillllig ill f"Yt.r f'~'l1l ~·",r.!., ~·tllr. uut.l iI L.. lIOW ""~~l!t ,1 ' Pou- there b.n. some d:"'colty l'n de-I' competbnt Jurors, With ut d.IMhnctlOIl shows Grunt th.. Pte",id..ublll eho.lc" tuke. th.. d. ··hewn" kiS' (sh".wa.<; s.,utcd •• " - what directiou LW k .• ;rrIIl'~ ~.rl'.·\.'""'~D:\.]?l·) l'·}<:1?rl'II,I·/'I1~I· cidi~ eX1l~ to take ,~f mce or co Ior, suc h as tb e 1l1\Y 0 fth e o~ mu'!y; buc thl'lIe wllu Ilre a:':lIlU~t b et~\I\l Ih lin" \ lite ll.t,Mle. girt h b .-u·" _ ;:'" _.;.~, _. _ . . "'. • ••·,· fmw'he (lity to reach the bUR" field State guaranteed them.. Tlie removul bUll. With thos~ wbo IUu hon-CUlUwlt·, Illlt.! the brule #{ro..m. bnd-:. 1\11,.1 su,l II Jul." bH'n ,;nr ~!ndv u"t to mllk~ it "~l)1I111" to ,,1I"'rot III "'''J.El'kr.'' ,.n J 11;1' Ollr 'II., with most dispatch. It was filially of tile case of the l 1rl80nel'S to ~h.. tul, lUue a waJuntJ. ... dIe went 10 mu l1.. r ellrth IU 11 Jtffy.:TO SAY celiS ill tlll"lkldJhrts we r...ir "011 10 ,'U\·I\I.<1 "n'n' llU" ". 11.~ tl.(a!.".."ls \. hOI w.w lL....,l it. lIII,1 wh._ lltllllfO; ":'11 be oLlu'illc,'! tr' lilly ;...."lIi. . decided to take the old Providence J!edpral Court!t. w~~ ~lIsed on S.,c:lu.n . _ The New York .1Vorld dUCR not I The hllppy coupl", f...lI. tilt. uu theIr road leading south in the direction 641 ot tile Revtseu St'lt.ute~. ThiS thO k th t th Rbi' '1,1 \., hll~kll, th"lr hellJ" htrlklUg' tirll.t. T .•., W' w~ "'iII haY" on!,.v 11 u",..I"m'" ~ul'l'ly tor ,..Ie. ,,,,<1 wlln),] r qn,,<t fl.,uters III 1I1.. 1,~ tll ir of 11 S M 'la tat' Th Ii t Court hllldli that th.. sectIOn 111 ques· ID ~ a e epn ICun ,tlC I wa e bn'!.. Willi s"u"..le.s for sorlie hWI' ullcI or.t~r" IMrl)', Our Ageu!.. lire nnlhol·ize.1 I" >w1I tllIl lIIAXI Pt'LA' 'ED vII \"'r~' ri(\"()r.';,b n f Ii Id' •. p b~~l"y Ii I: I tion hits reference til a le~isillth'e, not °T }S,9 t hWOU.llt..d tOslUUCIl nhfterh":~ th" groolU sutr.'r"d 'row a cunfused [ilP l,rlus, 1"')lIbl. ill CQttou next Fan. WI LCOX ,01 B 8S & CO. e exam e w a Ie., , II judicial, denial of tlle righls secured .....l~g e su:teen .' t~tes I Ilt e belld and sprained u~ck. .-.t'd by that gentleman. Here the fly. I b law, aud thllt tue c...nstitution and electlolill lallt yellr, It Iinds thllt lh.., ;. 1.3'" T. LINGLE, Agent at Monroe, N. C. ,. the bug or more ~roper1y the leuf·llIwlI of Vir 'nia do uot exc!udecol.Jr.,d !lepnbhclIns have f"ll"l1 utT 323.4:n T~e N. C. STA~ LIFE !xSURAXCE CO. Who ('nu be f'JUDd at th., slur.. of "11·"al's. Mtlt'llh .'\; L\:e. two dOIlt'~ snl:th of' hopper. "'as fonnd ID very lurge num-I citizens fr~ juries, A etition for a In votes,. aod the Hepubhca~ p.,r -\\., lillve 6:!aIUlne.l the "eventh 1\11W tile CllrllPr Drug Stlll'''' bera. He~ we were able to see th.e j removal did nut. therefo~e, present It centage of the tu~al \'ote cust III olll,)' nU111 r~portOlf th.. ~ ..rth Cllrnl~nll results of 1.ts work. ,Tue hopper en-I case of removal under that section of 49 pet cent. agllllJst 51 per ceut. IU S.t:1t.. LIfe Iusurnnce COUlPIlII)' of 1,,11· "TbcOll1y objectioo to)'OUt' Jently attacks the plant DellI' tile s~r- the Revised Statutes. The defendant 1877.' elKl1, "Ull We are gl~ci til "ee tlllS I I ~1I'?1l of the. ground, und Imcks Its I in this ellBe demanded th.lt some "art _ M h h b .'1 fit h t Cutu!,IU'~' n l{1I0U. shll\\.lIIg for .the 1>1I,t I J.U • JUiceS, cauBlng the outer leaves t o . ~ h' uc Ils.• e..n Sltt( lJ U e II au veur. 'l'l1elr lIuSl\leflB IS /.:rowlU" 1111.1 lurn yeI101l·. and the whole plant to of the JUt'y should b~ compose.} of. IS Sen~tor BaJarc tl vellee.speech lit tu.el its loue he,.lthv. The CUIUpll;;\' has ~~:if~'~ d~~~i:.:=:t~~':r'~h.'F::i -'Ite dad owth (.owu mce. d Tbe of the Will, lIud hiS,'ISsue, . l'ID tl'IIll .., ..:ita t e u1une. Wool'" . poII' • 1I1000'a(Jub: AMMONIATED, becowe 1\1 n st u nt ed l'n gI . '111 demnl f h of .tl1l1t ht motiond lIegmlJlug . In fields more seriously injured the was .not a em 0 t I.' ~g secure ~neml6s, who al'e by DO lUeowS con-l Clell til., past vellr lh,ln otl.el' S 'uth..rll elltire part of the plant above ground ~~:;ic~;U a~~~~w!cro~~1~~!sf~r ~~~ ~ne~h:otth~!epub~~cllnb ~Ia~ty~ ~a~~ I ~umpllni ..s l;'\'ie issuP.d in the whol.. ,My Reading and Writing Table· Jln has heen destroyed, so that not aves· U 'ted St tes, or h any st tut 0 oUk' h' u Jure m h ) t: ", ::)uuthern Slllles, auJ 18 now "tronger Is adjllSlabJ... 10 nearly all kinds of ARM- . tige of folillge clln be seen.. It hllB Dl " Y a~, r mil e IS wor II mellU w at ey lIe\·..r tllaQ ..ver, lind should r~ceiv... tile sup. CHAIRS is a great eonvenience in rending been stated by SOllie very good farw-I ~be ~ourteelJt!l Amendwe.nt. A wlxed metlnt llud never can lUeliO. I Senator ort of "nr eo Ie or wriling; makes a good cutting 0' lapers thllt the "hopper" is the adult J~ry 10 a partICular CBS.S IS not essen- BllJ:lIl'd, when asked recently wuet~er p The oftic~l'~ ~nli d,rectors of thi~ I board for ladies, 01' dining,table for in~alid'. NAVASSA f f a ma" t who h has been I tlal to the equal proteetlOn of the laws. he wtended to make an explauatlOn C th 1 d' ·t· , Ol"m 0 .,go , I e I It' a ri ht to h'ch a col I' tllUfll f h' h' 1"81 d tl. f 1 owpnny IIr.. uUJong .. ell In~ el 1M . E Ch' . found Dear the root of the youlig . III . K W ~ nJ 0.,. I? IS t;peec I1J 0 ,mil' e ue 0 - z.,ns ...f th.. Stute ~GI'eell.,bt·il"O Palliol. , Y asy- airs. i ,wheat stalk .. This we lire authorized ~s entitled, tbat 10 ~he. selectIOn of I1Jg reply: . ' . The frames are haId wood. carefully ...by Prof. Comstock to say, is not true Jurors to pllSS up~n bls hfe, hbertJ: or . "Tilt. speech itsel! is my replJ'. lI~d . Iected lind thorougbl>' seasoned. The sealS . 'rHEABOYE WELL KKI) 'fue young leaf hopper resembles the pro~erty, there IIhllll oe DO exclu~lon that hUB been pu~hsueel. I stuud III . ~~~UI~~ghti::'~:r;'":":~~~ ~~Ii;x~~% . . I fEItTIlZF.. n. u:/all'/J !.W.lt· 'lfle)~ adult in form. shape and symmetry, ?f Ins .r~ce beca~se of coloI'. but thllt 1861 wh.ere I stuod in l~71llnd \\he~e enced workmen. ulider my own supervision.. }JI'I!ntf!lJ/p. u."t'l:l (}It till kind.., .r:f rrc:;p,i exce t that it has no wings.., These IS ~ different ~hlDg frolU ~hll~" was I stand 10 1880. 'I am 10 fUVlIl' of thIS AIIJ chair bearing my slamp is warrnnted. and soiis l!'tril}!l fht ptlSt ten. !'''lI1'.'l, lire formed later in its existence ap- c1111~ed as of rt.ght an~ dented 10 tbe couutrJ keeping pellce with itself. I ~.ei~:/~ ~~fu~JcS~~ ~~:~~r':ili.f;~·~~. )lillY lit'" Ohtllill,~ll of our n.:rtouts pearing' first us little buds on' the ~tate courts, VIZ: . a nght to have a lllD opposed to iutertJeeiue stnfe.. I IXQLJ:UES IF EYERYBODY I{XO"'!'; llished free of expense. I do IIOt make the' thr;'w~hnl1l the .. S"llthelll St",,·, '. ~ or h~' :,pplicntiou t1l ns, ' bllck of .the insect. The· mac.gotll Jury. composed, 10 .p~t, of. colored was opposed to ~it iD 1861. I am 01>that he 15 illlil) r"c~i\'ing ullditioUlIl hill'" cI"apest chair in t1ie mnrket, btlt I do cbum it ' · fuund near the roots of the whe~t liS men. ,Fro,? these prinCiples It fol.lows posed to it now, and if." he lidded. pli.·s or . :'3ec~~~ ~~s~~~r~:~en~ ;izro":'he~~~~ • ~AYASSA GFANO CO~ oefore stated. are very probably 'the tha~ t~e J!e~erlll Conrt had no nght- they (the Republicans desire to IUllke ,sired. Send stamp for illustrated prie.e.!isL . ~ of the HeS"l'lID f1". . ful.Jun~J.ICtion of the Cllse, and tbll.t a the.next tight u"t'n the issue. of opBefore purchnsmg. see that the chlUr has . Wilmington. N, C. lllrv <v "J f d t h ... ., ". my address stamped on frame Knocked. AIlother erroneous theorv has been Writ 0 ~an a11lU8 or t e restorah?n posmg fraternal felling, OBl',}'Wg sec·. , downin packa~esofhaIfdozensforshipping. · proposed that the leaf hopplirs hllve of the prisoners to the State lIuthorlty tional strife and lire determined to re- To his already ATTRACTIYE S·rOCK. EnFor export, 1"05. 1,.2,4. S. 6. 8. 13 and 16. .H. 8· SHUTE. Agent, spread fr~m the cotton fields. because IUUst be granted, aod the Court so vive the blo?,ly shirt, I say to for IllY- 'lUireM if lhp.lndies don't wnut som" ~it'e ::'o~~~ l::':'bkox~N;' cl:ar~~~ b~x~xed one MoxnOE. x. c. small insects resembling these sowe- ordJerst·· "t d I' 1t l .. self~ .and. "11~houtI IIny ;t'gard to nJy PRIXTS, A XOTIOXS.· ranEtVeedrypecrlleaciLr mpan~cee.:'PraOnngbe°frnoorman7Sdcwenatsrwhat are found in the dried up cotton . us lce"" rong e Iveree ueopmlOD. pOSltlO.O In .6~. IIln ID luvor. now of 1'1UN'l'S.; lU\. I XOl'IO~S'1 to $9.ooea'~h. SPteiaiditcount to .ler.um.... boll This is also II mistllke uS these ••_.... acceptmg such Issue and tLaklO~ the Send for catalogue. Mallllfactured by . L,)'llcb Law. tight upon it. I would prest'llt it to F.A.. SINCLAlR, Jlottrllle, N. Y. cotton boll insects belon.. to'a distinct order of insects known a~ the Nelcop, tue people as often !lnll as empbatic· Euqllires if tht. men dotl't want Spee..l ..." •• of freighl on nearly all R. R. iera. lilly IlB possible, and I believe that we ._~The immense numbers of thess in- . A BLACK DFSPEIL\DO HUNG BY A POSSE OF should be sustained hy an uverwh..lm· ~ IN OOLLETO::; OOUNTt, S. 0.- ing, IUIlJ'ority ' I " sects which h ave appeared this season' . OITIZENS TllE 01Ul1tE HE OONFI::SSED. . of the A ,metlCan peop.e. is probably due to the mild, open winC M h 2 0 S t 'I.hte Rlch w ond Statbe comlUelitml; VESTS, HATS,' ter wbich we have experienced. Ow- . HARLEBTON, arc . - n • a ur- on I says: T her~ can e uo .stronger BACI<: ACHE 18 AT ONCE cunED BY ing to this fact, the hopper has been dllJ last n one-armed n~gro, nllmed pilltfor~ thlln thiS: Tue poh~y of the • BENSONS CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. able to be active throo<>bont the en- Louis, Kinder, committed an outrage- Republican part.y 10 the cowing Clllll' t IT Ii-; 'rHE ONI,Y IiNOWN· UR1UI~ny THAT NI~VEU .'AILS• .tire wioter, and has be~n capable of ous assault, upon, a white womlln pllig~ is to wa..e t.he blt:oily shirt, Iliquires if EYeJ.·.}·bo4.1y don't WIIU . Over 2,000 Druggi ts have signed a paper stating tha ,continued activity and reproduction. named Byrd, residing near Geor~e's not~lll~ more, nothmg less. Bu.yar~. ,COFFEE, . 'Physicians say they ar in every way Superior to the. ordinary 1928 Pac- 3000 En(;I'::'viJIp. ..rln all probability the insect has eDst- stlltion, Colleton county, about five as tne exponent of.frllternlll feelmg. IS SUG AU, Four Pago~ Coloretl Plate•• Slow-acting Porous Plasters USEd for this purpose. . · ed here a.long·time, but not in suill. wil~s from this cit!... A hunt WllB. or- the candIdate to W I D . , BACON. Now nddo<l. n DUPPLEMI::NT oro,or SEABURY & JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical Chemists, New York. • dent numbers to attract IIttention. glln\Zed, a~d the Vilhan. capture.d Sun, ._........- ' - - l!'LOUR, 4600 XEW WORDS and Mcanings, . ..This indicates that this particllll' spe- day mornwg by a mIXed whIte aud - It cost the Governmeut Rome. LARD, J:::lud.inlil; such a9 havo como into n~o during " cies of hoppers. is capable of repro-' blllck posse. He was taken to the tliing to bury Congres,;men who die ,MOLASSES. the P:lSt fifteen ye:lr9-mnny of \\'hich h:t\'o nover AFRESH AND beforo found A pbco In lIny £oglio11 d,otian:l\"f. , .ductionwithin II ·very liwited ,time, scene of the outrage and identified by in harness. The expense for the last And lell them I've got some to spl\re. In. . ALSO ADDED• .'\. z..-:..-w. and it-is possible that two 01' three ad- his victim. A vote of the posse was fiscal year was $13,366. The funeral quirellllhout Biographical·· DictiouBry , itional generations hllve been pro- tllken, and it wae decided not to lynch of the Hon. Gustl've Schleicher of duced this sellBon, and that nnder or- him, but to allow the IlIw to take its Texas, cost $5,102, of which $313 was il ~, or over 9709 KAMrs ill ,11' (j -..: crNote(IPer:"~I1f1.:ln~.iElDl,n~dmod ... nt.rhd.nc:':ng I many,no.,.. hvmg. 81'ving !'UI:1C, P:o.rl:nCl:1t'on, . ,. diuary circumstances an outbreak of course. Kindel' was then taken to expended for gloves aud silk scarfs at , . :NaUonality, Profession And Date ct G.:u:l:.. this kiud need not be looked for. George's stution and placed in the $0 eacb, for the dele~ation. The cost ""t''rT GE'l' THE LATEST. " l:ltill, Prof. Comstock propnses to make gUllrd honse under II strong guard. of the Hon. A. S. Willillms was $0,. • ' V V. ; " NEW EDITIO:li ~ontllina .1'·:rFI.m.nl of ."' over 4800 U(\'if' words nn"," nlt·aninss• .veryeareful experiments, in order to Monday morning he was sent to Wal· 449,60; of the Hon. T. J. Quinn. $452.AUGERS Each now wor,t b flnrrl< m'n' , •• been 10ascertain the best methods of destroy- terboro to jllil still strongly guarded. 15; of the Hon. Rush Clllrk. $2,60..IA5; HAMUERS 'HI leoto,lon·1 dofin'HI wit!. ~ r& ot c·un·. . ~ , C SELS, W;th BiOJ:ranhi(l:\I 1.irtionS'~·. n(\wiht,lrod, or ing these in8ects, or thllt in cllse of On their WilY to Walterboro the guard of the Hon. B. B. DouglllB, $1,041.63; HAMMERS, --"--. CHISELS, ooer 9700 nnm~. C1 r-",od Verson.... J UST RECEIFED BY . •. their retarn the farmer may be able to was overpowered by an armed force, of the Hon. JuHlin HlIrtridge of GeorWE ARE DAILY REOEIVI~G NEW AUGERS GET THE E:ES~ , combat them intelligently, as Ivell as consisting, it is said. IlIrgely of the re- gia, $2,686.22. Besides all that, the , Edition ot th., 1"»1 lJidor.,rycr thoE~ll" I Ib'D LAogU:lgo e\"cr pLoLU~l:erJ. J additions to our J.al·ge amI Varied :f-I. O. ASHORAFT. successfully. latins of the outraged lady, and the printing of eulogies cost $20,000. . .. --AT THE-':'. • ••• • , .After visiting the barley field of prisoner was consigned to a secluded ..to tock of FALL and WINTEI . ' : Illn.tta,lollll, 3000 .~(·lIt thr•• tim•• Mr. Myers, the pnrly went to the spot in the woods where he was kept - Jefferson Davis thinks that his ail mOllY aa iu A1I1 orh' r D,,·llonnry. GOODS, and lire well prepl\red .to · wheat field of Mr. George King, where till nig-ht. About 0 o'clock last night memoirs will be ready Cor publication I can omnre some thiD;" in tbis hne. Iuquire Tho Dict'Y reeommended 1·\' fl." Sllp·ts -,....~ of 35 St.a1es, and 50 ('ollcr' 1'"."". live our customers uupnmlleled bargain ten acres of land sowed in wheat he was ag'ain confronted with the Illdy this year. A large portion of the first it people don't Wl\nt . . .... III Schools, _ nbotlt 32.000 hn\. been · about the 20th to the 30th ot October, whom he had outraged and IIgain volume will be devoted to his views GOOD GOODS AT ".. LL P FI plllOOd in Pnhlla Schoo,s III ll.,· t: S. . Jan. 30th, 1880. by selling them llrst,clnss goods at ver~ " ... A . no TS. OnlY En,.lI.h Dicllonary cnnlnlninll n HI"" · was as bare as a barn floor. This identified. He was again taken to as to the causes that led to the war. graphical D1ctlonary.-lhls gIve. the lowest prices. land ought to have produced eighteen the woods where' preplIl'lItions were The remainder of the volome and the Tell them I have them. InqUires who has ame with Pronnllclatlan, NatiOll, Prof_ slOIl alld Dale of over 9'700 persons. bushels to the IICre, as fl'om the out mllde to hang him. At the last mOo whole of the second "olume, will reElur stock embraces a full vnriet)' 01 Puhllshed byCl. IoC. MERRIAM.Sprlllgfield. M.. stubble to be seen it seemed to be in ment he confessed the crime, and also late to the conduct of tbe war. Both ( ALSO GENERAL MERCHANDISE; and w. nne tilth. confessed to a similar outrage upon a volumes will be illustrated with pOl'- HIDES and COUNTRY PRODUCE for snle. WEBSTER'S NATIONAL PICTORIAL DICTIONARY. · The party next visited the whellt colored woman in Newberry six yellrs trllits of Confederate soldiers. ?Irs. Tell thelll I buy 011 such things. And, wheth1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Envravlnga. clln: fill the wants of any customer aU field of Mr. W. W. Rankin. Of one ago. He further acknowledged the Davis and Gen. Joseph Davis, a ne. er nnybody inqUires or Dot, lell all that they ,round-havillg in store olle of the eight-acre field at least six and a half killing of a colored girl near King's phew, assist in the preparation of the have my sincere thanks for their past kiudnessand plltronage. und r hope to so act and acres seemed to have been completely Tree, last April, and confessed to four work.-In fact, the old man hilS his eeal with thlllD in the future. lIS to merit its LARGEST denuded, while about lID acre and a burglaries and innumerable therte. hands full just now, expecting to raise eonli..uance. E. .... ARMFIELD, half seemed to still have on it a pret- At 10:30 o'clock he was hanged, and as many as one thousllnd bales ofcot- 17tf Co. Pnblie Squ are lIDd Depot s: J:YlIB BBOt:GIIT TO -;0:. ty fair stand. A remarkable fact was after firing a volley of pistolahots into ton on his Mississippi plllntation durMONROE! tfihealdt tashehheopwpeenrt sCeeommemd to. clear the tKhl~ndberOdYwathsellcdrOanWgdeqrotluiestoIYu(t.lliaswperwsehdo'ing the coming season. ..DON'T FAILTOCOllmAND~ . encmg on one " ._. Hoaln.\oro afuhlonablelUld weU I<liscted .tock side the wheat was destroyed clean, for over a year had been a terror of WINTEB CO'1"1'ON L.'( GEORGIA.-The oUlUlilieryaoodaofthoLale.t.tyles,towhlch.ho p!J'" SEE T)'8 BEFORE BUYL.~G .... lIB far as the ravages extended, and the neighborhood em which he preyed, turn out of the ootton crop of this STONE IN HIs NEW GAIJ,ERY I calls 'heallelltion of the pUblic. 1fti!l'"" ELSEWHERE. -~ his line ofoperations could be 'distinct- and the action of the vigilants is region is simply astonishing. Many LADIES' HATS, Iy marked by the bare ground on the heartily endorsed by both the white farmers are now gathering several Ii~ BUlldii:~{~~~Y=~~b'krl:s~~'tJI Wl~ CHTToDRENS' HATS, one side, and the green whnt on the and colored residents of the Vicinity. hundred pounds a dlly. It seems Il8 BONNETS. RffiBONS, other. • ••• , if every boll will open. The mild EntI'l11lce throtlgh Alley. between Marsh & . FLOWERS, &C. &0. ProfeSBor Comstock earried numer_ The Postmaster General has sub- weather of the winter has been a godLee's and Townsend's Millinery Store. ~s':i:~o~r~r.:~lte~I.t:::k"'~~bu~rn~~ nov.12.1879,22tt ous specimens, both of thelhopper in jected himself to much unfavorable send on this aooount, for it has given whero. V\27J'o different stages of development, and criticism by a temporary surrender to every farmer: man~ more ~ales thllD :fo~in:~~; c~~~S~R~o:'" ~~ .Wanted. the injured wheat stalks, with him to the Louisiana lottery. After denying he though~ I~ possIble for him to get IlJIrrotIDc!in.11 COtID~ that I have moved iuto Sherman,t; Co,. Marshall, Mich.• want nn Washington, which are to be the sub- the use of the mails to the agents of at the begmnmg of the season. We my new gallery. wliere I will be prepared to agent in this county at ouce, at a SlIlary of ject of study hereafter, and on his au- the lottery and being sustained by the heard one DIm. say he had lost tbree Do Better Work Than Ever! $100 per mouth and expenses paid. For run thority we are authorized to announce conrts of the District, he issues an or- bales ~y plowmg up !Io field too soon particulars address as above. 7·23. Iy. that if the hopper appears in our see- d di h " al rd to sow In wheat. It IS a novel sight Give me a call aDd see for yourselves. I will tion next lal1 an expert will be sent .er suspen ng t e ongm 0 er.un- to . also keep on hand ALBUMS, FRAlIffiS. SOMETHINC NEW AND THE H4NOY Ii/~ 'I: .-., til the Supreme Court of the Un ted see cotton picking going on tbe OHROMOS, STEREOSOOPES aDd VIEWS, PAOKAGE,Ii III POLISH. here to study the habits and instincts S hall d 'd I last of January. The cotton is stain- which will be sold at Bottom Prices, Frllmes ALWAY• •IADY POR UI... (If the insect, with a view to its ex- tate~ s eel e upon the lottery ed and lasses 1 b t't bett for CbromOll tfd Mottoes lWIde at short no~.J""'''-17'''It. It ...... ' atl·Nn. ,.He conBl'ders that the agoent s appeal, and places the sll.spenow, n did I last paysy r er tiCIl. -.. 0 d picturll8 copied and enlarged • .,.,. termm hI7 ...-........" 7-~:::;--. It. ... than thec aood grades • ~.. present season is already too muoh BlO~ upon the ground t~at he \f,I not ft Jea.- to any desired IIize or style, either in oil, In" ' _....... lttJ. ... _ UlL advanced to be able to do anythiD satISfied that the ~ouslana ~ottery Oglethrope (G4.) Echo. din Ink, Crayon, or Wllter Colors. . '. , more than stl1d~ the sub;ect ~ peo~le.are engaged In the bUSIness of ' . -........- - - - With my appreciation of your flattering ' a • . He thm' . that the' ho er obta.Inmg money under false preten.ce, EaLY VEGlI'UllLI'&-For some time courteey in the p6St, and trl1llting to merit ;'( sprm ... ~. pp hi h th t f 't' h your favorable consideration in fulure time, will be very difficult to adi te' w c was e sole reason for denymg pas some 0 our C1 \Zens ave been I am. ,Respeotfully, " ,:M. P. STONE. ...' .', . mild . and th er ca In them the use of the mails. Whether eating lettuce and ndishes, but to-day •... hi seasons, . .. 8 only remedy the persuasive eloquence of General tomatoes and watermelons were offel'- -"'---;.....---':'. '~ ch b~~~::fulf11! to ~ :oh- Beauregard has softened the heart of ed for sale in this market. Kale, on- I ~ I ~ight 1IO that the =ee~ m~ fiebe a~~ e Postmaster Ge.neral t:owards the ions, «:tc., have bee~ in market for . . ..... A .! . , tract d to the light, d th ~ tro lottery company With whIch Beaure· some tIme past, and In a few days new ON SALE IN MR mo. c. BLAKEAMONIATEO' ed. has been ": gard!s conn~cted ?ne is left to guess. '~h potatoes and green peas will be to $8.,n~e::=:~a~f~e,90B~ebnl~., alb5bo0tCt~s llyesPr,a0 . '. . . . . • Certainly there will.be a boom in m mllrket.' Can Charleston, Newbern ... sect ~d oom~~ of a ;'I1m- Louisiana Lottery busine811 if the Su~ or Norfolk beat UI in early vegetables? " ., land :i~d 'IV .0 a I' grapetedVlDbeB, preme Court shall adopt Gen. Key's Wll. Review Srd. . '. .' 'th H Books BLACK &"REID. 1 ea IS on y sugres e6' th t th . t uffi' J WI noteS; ymn -Baptist and Meth: '" i "ft f th . ' l ' t th t con.eSBlon a ere IS no sCient • ... io .. odist; Life and Ekistles of St Paw.' Gill '" cau"'" 0 . '. ., . RAT,BlGK, N. c., .: .' 8 Blml.&rl y 0 e wo 'd th t th " d . Co d S 0 f Mill Hill C • W " . species fiJ:lseots. Wh te Ise eVl ence a e company IS swm ncor 1m: ne 0 our arsons orlIs; oodv's Sermons, Lectures ~ the O\'lllUl of aboilt 69,000 MethodislB in be said,°the~relS' now nao vderouebt mthaaYt ling the pUblic., ...• ~, . . ... subscribers played a bad trick on the and Prayers; Life of Frederio the Great and . .. ;. " orth Carolina. IlDd baa the largest circu. : . . Cut P'OUSH w... Hufta"'- I?~~~t ' lion of auy paper in the State. It give. the hopper is destroying large fields ' .eo , ; :~l~~~rof7:b~:gtu:esaY'andHbea;PtinrOog ~rb~~~::;~r~~~=ri:a~f wNrb~ .J' .-;... '-----.·.GOLD GLOSS tor pollan cleal)lr,ga"il ' . e markets, aeclllar and religious neW~ ·, ftK.. of wheat, and wh •u . bale" n7'., freq t call ... Maps oftha World and U S; Charts IlDd other III a weekly, eight-page, reiglions, fami1~ oever can sugges a ' 8 "ee"",y says uen s each hook with with a grain of corn, Histories. Orders takea for the Oomplels No IIIw..C. No Dirt. . Alway, Ready tor U.. • -. 4.'IloTroubJe. No W.-te. '. ne wspaper. Only $2.00 per annum. Sub remedy may be pronounced a public are made by the speakers to sigu at tied the lines to bushes at a place in Home, any other books, and supplied on ";:.1 t:1ean 1ll0", iban On. DoIIer'; ribe at ODCe. Advertising rates liberal. benefaotor.-Char. Observer. ,'.- . '~ extra seesion last session'l! school bill. the woods where wild turkeys had short notiee. Doton's Vegetablll.1)iscovery .. c:w..b oC Soap many Powder in or ~e I •• 0 , " • The ~ers have 110 right to doany- been frequently seen of late. Early TRY IT. . .. . < , There i. no ~.. article known as well arJapte ; fOr JtOlleral .!calIaS JI~ By tile 11M ofGOU , - The negro. Harrison Crow, who thing of the kind. , When the Legis- Sunday mo • h t to I k t . Tm: Otis ColLblnatioD Dress PIe.iter for . GWSS you haYe aU IhiDc' NEW. oa1e at manufacturer's prices, by 10hn W . '·; .THE BESTlOllSH IN. ~Hr-WORLir~".. 1 Townsend, Agent.·· '. . . . fel H.34tf .' . t:lip']:l ~ ~. ~ Ha ZaBGUtH III P G CaMP"'!", barn, _a conVlcted d ten d t ill h to b'll b 6 th . t......... h · · ullin J "~. free to all antren who ....4 i ' 0lIice. 600 St. JOM S...... Philaaelphia ;' ...... an lien ce a Wl ave pass a I e.ore e pmg eU' wmgB, and p g at t h e i their P. O. and Exp..... addr"~J D' 1IIlI:..77a month and e::pt'nllll8gnatanteed. ! · Penitentiary for life..-Lan. Ledg~• .. speakerll can sign 'it. , .. enli of the lines. .. '-~' ,.._~,_ ~ H.G IIOOT,No.183Poarl St ... T. ':.~. '11'. Out1lt free. SILl.W & 00•• Aua:llsta. ' .. 'I:DO~6~"-' ..y.~- . .;,.' -..:.---;;--, : ."_. --. .__.__--:-;-. " : ~ mo. - --- -- ..• :.. _-- - - - --- - ----- - -- i " •.... · "." '.....-:..-~.:- ..:: ..... -" -"4~ .. ~~~ ~~". .. . ._.... . , , QI1AU&~': co. PA~~~, Mame. ,. . ·ct < t' 'C"~' .'>t-::'• :"" .. ·,.,,:,,·,<"'-K,;t& . -_. .~ ;Ij:;,;~;¥~~*-'::;~-';:b~;0:''?c.l ~';;=1;:"7 ~, .~,..-. :.~ .:.:....".• ~,. .,:,..~-:,,'~';'~b . :~::~:'~~:~:O"~~-:i·~~·.··.~~~., " --;--:;-;-_ .: - - .>!~ • . . ON :u.PE.U. ;;':YDED TO OOUlITS OF YlllGIl..u.. ..; York I "'USe I· I 1 i I t' .... I •• I ..' Ilc BE81"AND CHEAPEST., I I Tiel co·' I' I II ,A'R IS E I m r:d IlB 0'::- l I d. I I COMMON SENSE ROCKER .. SOluble' .. Navassa' .Guano, I Acid·. 'Phosphate.. E.' . A',. . ARMFIELD '. NEW GOODS 'GLO V8 .. ULEACHINGS DRESS GOODS Cot a s, '.' P ant.·s,· Boots allcl Shoes. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED.· F.ullISupply, IXIrS II'N'D "N'D IlROSS Ilu'r ' • S S ..A.. B.ARCt\IN 81 OARDE~~FND FIE~D FOR ALL!!: 1EJ:EJ:E:Ose; · ~ .'. I , HJRDWJ 'R-E~D-GE'NER!LLlr I D·fi;';I~~;:'rhJ.:.':. r~~;:; ':;r.~~ t?,~~~~~ Peoples~ • .DrugStore: Cotton, W001, Feathers, N FALL GOODSr STOCKS. ,MRS. J. W. RUDO REMOVAL. StOV8llB Bro" I &En~sb. i JIlTPASlrU .. RELIABLE! . A. ,T LA.TTA, , u: t:cb , 13ake(s S t andarcI HAS S:eellllfu: ;'his .. .~. - " , Christian 'Adyocate ILLUSTRATED TESTAMENT, ",' ~ BONE PHOSPHATE~·· :h ~' ' ~ ONEBOX I '~. '" ,..s.:"/' ·o~~et:::n;e:.atD~ad~e:ue~~ :~:,~j£:i~:d~n~~~~t.l~:w~~:: ! 1 ..'., ::1:Eg::t;ke;~~p-~f FIt,'S'~::r~t~7.~s~-:; I ~. '. ~ . ::. 'J> .~ ~: ... ';'" ,. .:' .; '. ., ,' ......'+.t· ' • '. • 'I,: .'. H '. • , i -- ""'77. - - _. ";;00: • ..~ '"1 ' •• "j.. ~:. • t.:. ... '.' .,: .et; .,t·, .~-. ---';- --. ~-- "~" ~."j. .. ", .. , .-. .... """""._ ... ~~ .. : '-" -}- .. -- ~~~ .............. ,.:•.:~':"~1 ..... !".~~ .............~."' •• ., .~; - - .~.. :. "." '.. ~;. -.... . -~ ~ . . .: - _ . ..... .. .. :. ., . ~i"" ..... :-.- ..- . _. "."" ... ~ • .#-{.":f...--';:~' "~.-;;- '!' ",' ,- . " ..,. . ..f; . . ~ . .. "~'.. . , Various and all About. ..:.. We notice a few early peaCh · bloallls. -,. -•... -.: '. '.; • .• - Gardening operations are gOIng right ahead. _. ~~. =-~.~. - The elm trees are doriDing th8U' ; new sprixtf{ dress. , ~ , '~Trohat jOOr PegasuS; 1''6des 's .;n....' . d ... to p~_ are now:an or er. ,... i.__ _ . ' . - ~v J BBailey will preach m the · Yethodist Church to-morrow. ; ____ Charlotte hu been indulging in · strawberries at 50 cents a qnart. .. - , .. • O~y three of the LefP8lators. hav:e reBlgDed..Are thsy dodgmg the ;Railroad questIon?, . - Cotton is adyancing a little, and a ~ood article will bring here to-day 12i cta. '. '. __ Quite a number of excursionists lI.llSed up to Charlotte Wednesday ~orning . .. •, ~'. · - The R?publi~ State Conventlon meets m RaleIgh on the 7th of Jnly. , , _ The Democratio State Conyention meets in Raleigh on Thursday · the 17th of June. • . ,'- Knowln~ on?s predict an o.bun· dance of ~r01t this year, and we hope I they surm1S8 correctly. _-.. Our representatives in the legie,lature leave town in a few days to · meet in extra session on the 15th. .' , t' . b bl th t th ' - I,t IS no Impro a e a e ex· pectations ohome of our forward hor· It . t '11 b ". d' th b d" t !cu uns 8 WI e Dlppe In e u . Th th fi kle. e wea er 18 c - From a citizen of this place, who has just returned from Camden, S. C., · we lelll'n that business is fearfnlly dull there as compared with Monroe. . _...;.; Two unruly beasts of the equine species upset a "kivered" wagon oppo~ite Mr. Kendall's residence. . Lit· tie or no damage done. - The buggy agent sold out the remnant of bis stock to Messrs. H. B. Sbute and N. S. Ogburn, who further reduoed the stock till only two re_ mains., Call on them at once, if you , want a buggy, .....: -....'. •• -~ --'. . .,-- ;."---.: ~- '. . -¢' ',. ,.: - .' .. :... . .. . .':..' ." .. ' ~'. .-~ *~ • ... • I .... • -;. I as the Governor'. Addre1l8 on the R. R. question pu1)lished iast Woe~T. the sum and sabltance of the on11 ditfereptly expremti, we concblded noHo publish the Bill ae drawn up, this week. as it would take up three or four columns of our paper un~ -my. , . . REaULUJl MEErnio.-The' regular monthly meeting of the HonroeBoard of, trade, will be held next Honday night at. 76 o'clock, at the room over Armfield's store, recently occupied as a Photograph gallery.' . . -. .. . T. W. mCKET!', Sec'y; ;. March, 6 1880. '; -., c.. I Lurr of letters remaining in the Post Office at Monroe, N. C., Mar, 1,1880: George Anderson, coI'd: Geo~ A. B~ger, JAM Cunning~amc Hel1l1 CoVIngton, ~ Drew! Miss A~ Dawster, Adlme DaV18, Joshua EIlliot, R A. Frierson,' Franklin ,'Gardner, Elem Gregory, W C Hamilton. C A Marsh, E G . Hnse, Harriett Niven, cord, Foster Osborn, G G Perry, Thos. Perry, 'Elijah J Hnsbing, W A Smith.,· ,H. J. WOLD, P. H. -, c_. , HORSE STOLEN.-·We regret to learn that the horse of Rev L W Crawford, of Fayette'rille, was stol9n last Wednesday night. , ,Perhaps-the ~hief may pass through this section, and as it might aid in the recovery of the animal, we will give a description: ,Iron ay b ut 8 ears old m ne' and gr ,a 0 y ; a tail dark grey, left hind leg skinned in front below the knee: paces under the saddle, and trots well in harness. A reward of twenty· five dollars is uffor the return of the horse to Fayetteville., , I.' , A. SUllSTlTUTE FOB THE BEST BIu..We haye been supplied from Wilmington this morning with a printed copy of a Bill drawn up by Mr. H. E. Scott, a Republican Representative of New Hanover, which he proposes to submit at the extra session. The sum and substance of the Bill is to authorize the Goveruor and his Council las Commissiouers to sell the Western N. C. R. R., to the highest biddf'r after advertising the 88me for thl'ooe months in a leading newspaper in Raleigh, N. 0., and principal Northern and Western oities, and that no bid less than $350,000 shall be considered•. .e. , . .. W F ~organj A W H ~j Waah-' m~D GiTens; Jn~ D Da1'lB; Joseph Hailey: J no J Medlin: Jno D Stewart: J G Dosterj H W GriJlinj ?rlilton Dargan: ThOll A Fowler: BJF Honston: Jas C Crow; W~ Gardner: R P Tarl~ton; R T McCarn: T L Loue: W DLiles; J J M.oody: B W Clark: A J Bass: J Mc Price: R A·Gaddy: M D Pusse W W D J ,r B e l l ' r; . uncan; JIL rasw • D McPrlce: James MI11s:MS Secrest; C T Yandle; Jam~s Leonard; J D Taylor; H .H McCall~: Jno B Ashcraft: Jonu J Hill; J E Hinson•• ...• !lEOO!IJ) WJU, . Henry Dry; J M McLarty: J A Marshj Wellington Baker: S T Secrest: K M Does: T D Winchester, Jr.: Jas L Little: E A Jerome; M D L Lemmond: T E Ashcraft: J A Richardson; Hampton B Griffinj W J ~tephenson; L D H Sim~80~; CRSmlth: W E Pr~ey: Jno BII'QuDgham. . . , A petitlon was lIlad by B F Houaton, prayin~ for an order to erect gates across the Gold Mine or Providence road at J N Shannon's,' the Potter road, . at G W Wilson's, and the Monroe and Charlotte road at Hiram Broom'•. which will be h3ard at the Conrt-housl' in Monroe, on 1st Mou1ay in April, when and where all persons concerned, can attend, if thev Me proper. Also, a petition by H M Brooks and othe1'll, praying for an order to erect gates acrOBB the Lawyer's road, at or near H M Brooks' Spring: aud near B. D. Austin's residenoe, which will be helll'd at the Courthouse in Monroe on 1st Monday in A -I" h' d' h II pl'l, W en an were a persons concerued can atteud" if they see proper." .. . [ ' _ .....~--Read D A Covington's advertisement, "To the Public." ~ 16th of HaJ:ch, and, of eoune, I mll8t 80. '. \oJ. - t • ~- - c " ,,"Co" .• . - , I darire to say to thole of Illy e1ieAllt who caD ' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. do 80, that I wOll1d Ub for Ulem to call at ' e1Iloe \)etlr_ DO" and the 15th, if they , OBDEB OJ' 1'UBLJCATJO!l. ' wish to_me before Court. To tIIoee who desire to CODIlII1t me upoll. uy lUI" mattar. I Z. Yarbrough, Adm'r Mason J. Rich- 'nr liA 'II1n . ~TIftOCt ardson' '.. ..' "" that I 1ril1 be CoDatu1t1,. ba ~""'UA WW».rf ::~\UQI 1ril1ay •~ . ..." ..~. :.,;: : .. flom _ until the OOIlyeDiDg of the . . VB -<> .'., . :!i DmIONll uj). PBIOIS SENT BY JWL. tare, ..nd 1ril1 remm ~ for 1 will be glad to do an . for ClOD.. . _ ' D. Richardson, aDd others. " I if thoIy 1ril1 S. B. BUm, ':.. . -, YONROE, N. C. Iltit1lanl.s while ill Bel . TT APPEABINGTOTBESATISFACTlON write me there, I 1ril1 p!.'P"'tl~' ~ of the Conrt. that the delenclanw, S. D. _ . .• , iJIg aD,. new Ia.. for the public 0&' ba John W. Short and wife. Mary ' . '. iN E W' ~~'. making antchange that oaght to made. , Bichardson, Bbort, 81'8 DDD-lSdente of this State, and are • , ".'-"- - '.' . J'flll'l"tfDlly, .t.a:, ' Deey peztiea to this special pill e"pding, feb27tf ' ' D. A. COVINGTON. ' iDatiblted by the plabatitrfor the purpoee of obtaining aD order of this Court for the sale -------, --of the landa of his infMlatll to eonstitnte II&·,-AT-. . in his haDdB fO&' the {l8:Jll1811t o! the debts , ~1!11I'''' .. . of his said inteetate. It 18 ordered upon modoll of Payne .t VlUlD, attomeys. that publieationof this order be made in the "Monroe Spring _Goods,; STEVENS & PHIFER'S . I •• , I A WOD(lerful Medicine that Gh'cs Wonderful RaUefl illS m,. . JUST RECEINED, THE . Choicest Styles .sprlnOrintll, - ..0 \5D- OTHER NOVELTIES~ ,$10 Reward:N FRIDAY NIGHT THE 5'l'H, INS'f., O Armfield Funderburk, col., stole and rUJlaway with my Step-daughter. Martha !A',ey, wh o!S - under age, be'mgoDIy8bout 15 Jears old. Funderburk hus a wife. whom he has left. behind. I will pay a reward of '10 t,o llilhY,~neli·wllhIo Cl~n will stop ~emh' andIkee p my lU~ug ",r come ,or cr., also for- bid lWy one to harbor her or assist them in auy WlIoy, and wIll prosecute alloftenders. I~underbllrk is about 51-2 feet high, very heavy built, lind will weigh 175 pounds. Ve- . :. " , s. ~~ . ~ 1 .. . . . . ~. ----'TO-----COTTON' PLmERSo~ • ASa1upment A L.\.RGE AMOUNT OF OUR FIIlST of that lCDtton Fer- ti1izer,.. SpleQdid . • 0 ' •• - Powell's Prepared' Chemicals, . is already sold, others wanting them, 1ril1 pl- stve WI their orders aoon, that wema,. , be fDlly P%~ to meet the fimaD.c1. .,.' We take libertJ of quoWIg a few e:l~ tracw from priYate letten just recei'fed,- bJ . ~ m15 Atfention, - - ~ or:: SHOW THIS TO YOUR GROCEL', ··-=:t ,~- - J. O- .,.;".,.~, .....~ ' - ' '.. ,-'A.'ID- . [WHOLESALE AND RETAIL!: L' est confidence that you will a\'ai! your- ..Iv"" of the opportunity of pnrcbnsing early C. MANUFACTORY... ' "DOR 1880,1 DO SO WlTHTHEGREAT88 Boot Shoe &Harne.s.s: i ACID PHOSPHATE, I N. ....... ,.., ...··w ,.......... ~.,;01': :.:'~ E Attorney.sM at M 1aw, MONROE, .• ...... .... __. • _ "~I , COVINGTON &. ADAMS, , ..•. -'~'.' ~ :. :';-'::" , BElT .1 THE WORLll ~:~~ru~~;~;,:~dbi"~~kkia~l~:chr~;~~~FARMERS~:?'~~~::::·~OL.'·U·T:L.' TJ - a'·U·A"N' O· . lJ ~, , .'.'..:;t. some of our lIlOBt wide-a_ke fannen, fir c-· swer to thell' 8II'lairies CODcm>ing tltese· Cbn;:iT.'C. Robertsoli, ...Iioiesaie and'retail , druggist of Bock HiD, S. C., under date of : F b 8th, 880 . . e. I , wntes: ". .. "DEAIl Sm-Yours of the 6th to hand. I· sold 80 fonnnlas (for 60 tonal Isat seuon, Enquirer," a weekly newspaperpnblillhed in with but one complabat of the resnlt, and I the rown of Monroe, N. C.; for SIX successive am informed ba that instance the grass had Iool ~ weelcs, notifying and commanding the said taken the crop. He further adds that those : delendaDts, S. D. Richardson, John W Short and wife Mary Short, heirs-al-law of ;:h~=t~i:I::'::.1.ear, han taken TwlC.II Hason J Riclwdson, dee'd, to be and ap- J D Croo . Sh' H . pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court .. m, ggIllt. of oe eel, N.' . ty t his ffi .... NO., date Feb. 7, 1880, writes,(;f UD10n "oun , a 0 C6 m _ouroe.. •'D84.B SI1l:--Yonrs of the 8th is to hand, 0 .• within twenty days after the publication ba regard to ·'Po...ell·s Prepared Chemicals," . of this order. and plead, answer, or demur I thbak they lU: decidedly tbe cheapest fertil-' to the petition tiled in this cause, or the same izer we can WI8. • • My neighoorIl have ' I I I ;; will be heard tZ parte nnd judgment pro con- been experimentbag with them, and several ~ JUBO rendered lIS ro them. " , - brands of the higher priced Fertilizers, and . •. . . . .• . .• Given nnder my hand, and the inst~~:k oiye the chemi- ' Impur.. BI-Oarb IIocI& .. of .. - ; SEAL: 8Ila1 of said Court, tWa 4th of ba almost .._, --" eoefe .1!ShUT cllrtl. whU.. rolor. I t • _. _.....• Feb'., lSB(). ealM the vr l'eIIC6. I . they will mostly appear wht ft. n:amtaf'd bJ: SC... " C be!18ed m tWa sGction this year." ." bu~ • OOUPARISOll WIT . 33·6t, , . JAS. C. HlJEY. 0. S.. 'l'housandaoffl\1'Dle18 throughout the counOHUII.OH &;; CO.'S "ARX AlID try have pmcticellv tested "POWELL'S, HAllIlIlEB." BRAND w11l aJoow .... '. d11r'eftlace. , PREPAJUID OHEVlOAiLS," side by side' with all of the most reliable reliable Fertili- , See that. :Four Baking lIoda iii ..hite and PURE. ao ohoald be ALL zers of every brand and price, and the ver· ' SJllITJ.&R SUBSTANCES _ _ -' - _. _.. ... , dict in forty-ninG in every fifty cases is in • D>od. favor of Powell's Prepared Chemicals. Housel:_ · . ..ho prefer broad made witll' ,....t. will Impro.e Ita qUA1ll'T. mate It rIM F AR1\IERS~. betterlUld prevenUt from oourlnll. by lIdcl1nr For sale in Momoo by , on..lwfteupoonful of Clnueh ok eo.'o Soda <11 BXCI~ETT' &. GRrFFIN._ =~t~ ~t'l."'.c:,:d'::iii"'l'nto;:r::,;oe n .....'G YOU THE WELL • _gPowder I!&veotwentytlmMltaeoot. IN 0'" '~FEL\".~{ - . '. fob 13 lSBO , .'. ". See on. pound _bgo tor nluablo Inr_.. < KNOWN Uon ood reAd ....fUlly. ._ . '!"' . MONROE. gerenke color. a'?Out Ht.• 10 IDches high.- $50 to $100 per month dunug' the ~ very slender,-will weigh 90 Iba. . W' d ,. F Ii' ._- ad Mch, 6 1880.· HARRY LANEY. IDter an ~pnng.. or par cu....... J ' dress J. C. l\lcCURDY & CO., i ' D. A. COVlNGroK. , ' H. B. ADAK!\. 34·4t Philadelphia, Pa. " . .. ,. r THE PUBLIO.,,~, State of North Carolina, mm: LEGJBIIATUBB KEE'l'S ON THE ...:!:~ 1UNION COlJNTY. .,-- :"m . ;, • •1'• "'~!,TO m, " • • I .. to mOUlD his lou. _H_. ~~-; drawn to Ilene at the approaching fi-::: 4n .ctar papers pleue ClOpy•. ~ tAlrm of. the Superior Court:--- ~ ' TJuT LmJ8LAft1'l: BILL. Tn....ocb· , I'DIIl1' WEU.', . '.. --' -. , .....,; '. :: • I " : '"' ';fo.... ".. .. .. ' DmD, on the 27th of Feb. lut, BeY. ~; F. ~ Coaat7. M8uen.'" ",: y,~! - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.: N. Fundezbark, of reneecer t'OIIId1, ., Th. Countoy Oommi-wners were in S. C. ,Age, 83 yealll, ~ IDOntJ., aDd -.ion Iaat Honday aDd TuMday_:~. Hel.ves!Po wife and ..wei,.. '!'be followiDg iI the list of Jural'll, ; ;Kcmoe, I. O. s.turda,., Kar. f, 1880. ~-•• :~:.-. ---"~- ~~ .'!'• • ; .._ - - * " ~ '-.- _. -- s:.*"~·~:·;;· .,~~ .,:.. ~~ ~ .-. the I IN THE OLD HOTEL BUlLDING: . NOW IN FULL' OPERATION AND, public is invited to call and see my . InewsthegOO<1s, ullim determined to eell better goods for 188ll prices, according to theqUll1it}'. than can ue bought IInywb~re North. I t"n my own stock, and can ftll'ord to sell at ren- ' sonable prices.' .I Rell strictly for cash, m.d pay high<>;t clISh prices fur row hides, tallow ' -18uud beeswax. ,Bring me your hides. and I will pay you the hiRhcst price tor them, tan . DAILY, INCREASING! them lind mak€ them into goods. and sell you the goods at lowest pri~es, thereby keeping For these Fertilizers. the money in the county, instead of sending I will sell for eitber Cotton or Money, it North. , Bnild t:p the enterpriaes of your Ilayllble 1st November next. Special induce- own section, and keep Ihe money in circuhments for Cash Buyers. tion nt home. Remember. I will sellJ'ouhan,1 CBllal once and eecure a supply. made lIloocls, and warrant the work, \\t liS low, prices aa Northern gOO<1s can be botll(h1.. l' 11m agent for the i CELEBRATED DOMESTIC SEWING" ,AGENT., .MACHINE. the best in the market. and keep them Blwa)'ll Monroo, NC, Janl7 '79. on hand. Also L. and R; Guano and Paosph.\te for sale. RespectfDlly, _ A. A'. LANEY.. I will, buy all the :ray bones lb.'\t , State of North Carolina. can1'.beS.brought me. and will pay. good price UNION UNTY. them. B~ them in,· jan14 ,no DEMAND Dr. M. Holden, of Monroe. N. C. wIn pl'&Ctiee in the Supreme and SuporiorCourls was in our town lecturing and distri- of the State; and ill the Circuit and District Courts 01 tho United Slat... Wtll "sulerly altend Meekbuting , his· celebrated medicines. lenburlf. C&bllrru9. 8t&1111 and Montgomery Courts While here be sold one bottle of his in tile 8ixth District. and Anson, Richmond. lU1d courts in the Fourth District. TALBOTT & SONS' celebrated King of Pain to Sarah Moor~ Management of eatatee:a.nd collection Do 8peclalty: arraDgemets made with executors CroBBland. aud aged colored wowan, S&tisfactory administratorS &nd guardian.. ' of West Bel1lletlsville, who stated that Otlice in tbe Court·h.ou.e. between the Sheriff' and 7 67tf she had been paralyzed in one leg and R~s1ller of Deeds. . RICHMOND, VA., arm for twu years. . After thrt:e ap- Look ont for fires this windy Manufacturer of 1'ortable and StatIonary plications she was able to stand cn weather. A spark in a dry roof might Enl(ines, and Boilers. Saw Mills, Corn and her leg and use both leg and arm at do great damage. People are generWheat Mil"'. Shafting. Hangers and,PDlleY8. perfect will. The Dr, was informed . ally too cateless with fires in the ylll'd 1 urbine Wllter Wheels, Tohacco Factory ; SUPERIOR COURT. of the fact, and in company with witMachinety, Wrought Iron Work, Brl\8lI and for washinR purposes, &0. "An ounce Iron Castings, Mnchinery of Every Descrip. nesses went to her house and obtl!in.' of prevention is worth a pound of PUBLICATION OF NOTI"']), tion. DESTllOUNG THEPllIEIl.-We had al- ed testi~onials oQthe almost miracul· cure." ways thought that the pine leaf was ous relief. Tbis Kiog of Pdin is do- SlI8lUl A. Covington, Ginning and Threshing Machinery ... - Tons upon tons of cotton fertili- entirely free from ravages of wor1ll8 ing wonders wherever it is used, and V8. - - A SPEOlALTlr.-'zers are being Bold from this market. and insects, but we were shown a few while the Dr. has not the time to visit J. J. Gathings, et als. . Farmers are tl'ridently preparing for days Bio a Iopecimen that is quite a the ailing, hf. can be consulted b)' myil rnHE REPORT OF THE COMMISSlON- REPAIRING PRO?wIPTLLY AND extensive planting this year. The curiosity to several of the oldest citi- free, and the remedies obtained tbat ~ersappointedby the Court, to divide.the CAREFULLY DONE.. Northern brokers did it.· We doubt zens who have seen l·t. _We refer ~a '11 H " l.ud d<>;cribed in the Plnintift"a Petition in 'f b t d f tto '11 b . 9 W WI gUlll'antee a .core. e IS now at,I es gra es (CO U WI rmg pmall pine bough brought in by Mr. tendinO' the Courts in ol1r Circuit, but this cnse, having been Iiled. and notice hav.SUPERIOH.COURT~ . TALBOTT'S , unts next season " i n gbeen issued. to the parties, Phuntitr and , C~ • Jacob Helms, from Sandy Ringe, that communications forwarded to Mon- Defendant. to appet\r and sbow cause why · - Four prisoners escaped from the was I literally covered with small roe, N. C., will receive prompt aUen- thesuid report shoDld not be confirm~d, and 'PATENT SPARK ARRESTER, Wadesboro' jail Wednesday night green caterpillars, about an inch long, tion.-Marlboro Planter. *It. the Sheriff of Union county ha\ing retnrned THE INVE.'lTION OF THE AGE. ·Two of the escaped criminalll stood tbat were feeding on the leayes. Mr. that J J Phillips. Jncl<llOn M.. and George Woo and Sampson Gathings, and Mary J.. and I '. ~ . charged with capital oft'enoes; aneth- H. says "the woods are fall of them." NEW ADVERTISEl\lENT~. Sidney Randl~ are not 10 be found in his ts promment ,eatures are:· er, convicted of manslaughter, was It IS quite likely that, owing to the Connty; and it appearing to the ""tisfaction It does not destroy the draft. serving out a term of imprisonment mildness of the winter through which of the Court, upon the ollth of the Plaintiff, It doe~notinterferewithcleKning the tnbes. '. imposed for this crime. we have just pas', the preseut year'l! th'\t thesnid p<1l'ties are non.residents ot this It will not choke up, aud acquires no '11 b . . d h b SInte, and the two fl.ret are rllllidents 01 the cleauing. - . _. _ Various, . and sometimes grave crops WI e InJure very muc y State of TcXII•• and the balance of the Stille It reqllirea no direct dAmpers to be openare the opinions expressed by the mul- the many inseats, unless some eft'ecof Mississippi. so that fhey ennnot be person- ed when roisinR steam, (dAmpers being obtitude in regard to the sde of the W .. tive plan of defeus/> is discovered. ally served wilh the said notice, and nre not jectionnble. 118 they mllY be left open, and to be found in' this State, after due diligence allow sparks tOllllCape.) · N. C. R. R. . The wise man holdeth - - - - , ~-~"'-:,--i made, . It require~ no water to extinguish the his tongue, aud where thfra is ignoNEW LAW FlRx.-MeBBrs. D A Cov. IN 2DCTS. AND ., BOTTLES. There/ore. it is ordered by the Court. upon "pnrks which, by condensation, desu0l.s the · ranee there should the stlictest reti- ington and H B Adams, both wellIta~... are Demulcent, Nutri· the motion of D A. Covinl:ton, Plainlitr~ at- drnft. Besides, when wliter is used, if negcence be observed. l'his has no local known and succeBBful lawyers. of tive Bal_mio, Sooth1nlr aDd ReaI.ing. torney, that publication made for six con- rlected, the efficiency is destroyed byevapo· t' d t d this place, have. formed a coOombtningall theeeq11&l.itlllll, it Ia the : seeutive weeks. in the Mo!Onoll: ENQllIBE1l, ation oithe wnter, and the boiler is kept in appIIca lon, uu era an . IllClCIt elYective LUNG BALSAM: ever ' a newspaper pnblished weekly. in the town n lilthy condition. olYered. to .Ufitlrera from pUImOnarJ' of Monroe. and the snid parties are hereby It is simple Imd dumble and can be relied _ AlfredRobiuson, toll'sorial artist, PfarCotne~'shitP un&de:·dthe na~rbe and style . I d h 0 vlDg on ..... ams. ey occupy .u-_ notified in mauner 88 nforesaid. to appc'll.r lit upon. h aVlDg comp ete is' customary the office in the Court-honse wherein· DR" F HAY myutllce in the town of Mouroe....ithba twen- It can be aUached to any boiler. Spring renovations, requests us to in· Mr. Covington has been located for ofN.... y;"k, ~OI";'tarIlyIod~~~D, ty cbIys after the eervice of thiq notice upon No pll\l1ter should be without one of them. form the pnblic that everything has them, and show cause if they know of any, Insurllnce cOflpanies will insure gina and been done at his barber shop (which sevferal mton~,sd' thlttisthhardly neCessti~-READ WHAT HE SAYS:why the report of the said Commissioners barns where the edTlIlbott Engines andJ.~~rkd 1 ry or us 0 ' " ' a ese energe c Dr~r&..:Dtuincthio:'::l:~~J':~~~ should not he, in all respects. confirmed;- arresters lire ua lit same rate as c~6e ooksas neat as a new pin), to con- young men, in our opinion, make one _ o l l.... d,_ loth. 10"'" .udo of tho andleftthesaidnon-rssidentslokenoticelhat for, water o~horsep<l\ver., .. duce to the pleasure and comfort of of the ablest legal firma that have ever ~':r~:;.=.::r.::ua.:il~It:~~·:iF:~":; ii-they fllil to appear nt the time and plsce Send for IlIuslratod cucnlars and pncelisl his patrons, and asks the public at "hung out a sbingle"in Monroe. Both ~~':" ....~.~"::.~t,l':';"'4erb&.e~:.":r aforesaid. and show cause as aforesaid, the . BRANCH HOUSE laro-e to favor him with a call whe:c h known 0 ..8clicine to ac:L u pro..ptIJ ood with ouch said report will in all respects be coulirme«!--· . . • . •. , · lluythin~ is Jleeded in his line. Rob- ave been yery sucoeBBful in the man- rtl:l':'~ni.~.::r~~~~:~~::'~...=-r.: Done at my office in Monroe, N. C., tWa Charlotte, North Carolina · . fi I. I t" t, d agement of business entrusted to them .1.... 4&1.. 1 cnoorf-allJindone it u tho boot IWlC March the 1at, A. D.• 1880. .. lDson 'IS a rs ·c aBB ar IS an individually, and there iF no doubt . _cine X..... ;r.1iuNOIS HAYWOOD. II. D. 37,6t JA.MES0. HUEY. C, S. O. W. C. MORGAN, Treasurer. through certain barber-ons processee tbat their association will add mnch PUB. WRITES. NOTICE. Clln "make you feel like a new man." to their ability and influence. 'Their A NEWSPAPER Having Rebuilt O.lBce E"eQina' Newa. AU&UIt&. Ga. Dr. TUTT: Dear !;ir-1d71ittl. 00. . . . . al&c_ · - Firing pis~ls about the town of reputation as lawyers, is too well withpGew:DODi&laatwint.er,wbicb lett him lriLh. COUCh thai 1&11",4 till wiUlil:la month Ii~ y vmTUE OF THE PROVISIONS OF , night, is of frequent occurrence.. If known to need any commeudation 'rioleDt for the 01U'8 Oi which lam iadebted toJour nlllable a Mortgage Deed to me executed by H. ~ " Xb&d tried .....t ....17 thiq nco... parties guilty of carrying these wea- from us. IDttDded. but IIODI did &DJ cood. until I aNd rour &X.. W. Simpson, hearing dAte on the 12th day pectoraDt.__O ll8 botU. of which removed. tho c:oQCb. ATELY DESTROYED BY FIRE, WE of JanUJUY, 1878, and dDly recorded ba the pons were informed against, and prosW1t1l_ tbaDb, I OD!.nW1l tzubj beg leave ro annollnce thaI wa can oft'er Register's office of Union County, on the 14th JOlUl JI, WIllGL&. ecuted, a haudsome quota would thus Extraordinary Inducemellts to buye~ of PROBABI.E WEATHER.-Prof. Tioe's duy of January. 1878, in "Book N, paRe ~8, · Had terrlb-Ie-N--IC-H-T-SWEATS. be contributed to the treasury's fund. &0.," I will on Wedneada.y, the 17th dAy of weather caloulations for March are as :Hemphill Feb., 11. 187L The Jaw is a dead letter so far as a Dr. TtI'1"l': Sir-X"".. beon ••lloriaclornoarlJ_ Sa.sh, Doors, .March, 1880. 8E'1l for Cl\8h at public auction follows: ,First to 11th, very variable, J..-n with • ann coaah. Wben I OOIIUDeuceid ... general proseoution of its 'riolators is Dam, Union county, North Carekin. roar KrpeeknDt I ..... reduced to one bwulrfMl generally a low barometer and threat- .."I sixtoon po."ds In .'i4bt. X hod triod oI1nor. Blinds, Mantles, l~tliUII,Beaver tbe folIowinR property, to-wit: One THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED concerned; and the con'riotion of those ''f~i. ~t.erribl.n~btlWe&t.. Ib&YIlitakea. ening, cloudy weather will prevail, half dOleD IJOt.totee. Tbe D;iiht.we&tI haft lett mw, Boiler,and twenty.two and 1-2-hol'lle power a partnership ba DentriPllry, nnd will oewho figure with this little instrument with heavy rain and snow storms.- til...... MOULDINGS. b ..... clioAppoorod, aDd X....... folDod Illtoo" Engine. with the fixtures thereto belonging. cuey the office in Stewart'a Corner Brick poudollllloeb. I ............sltto ol lll:' _ 1 _ in melees now and then, alld who are One Saw Mill Clirringe and 'I'mck. a lot of building. Either member of the fil'Dl will " Wil.ll.,.,.t ,""peel, OLIV.II1UUOB. U temperature is high about the 8th, -.ANDPipes and one Water Pump. Also, 'two Log VIsit patients tn thc couutry when del\ired. the on!] ones arraigued, has 110 in- severe cyclones will oool1r in places IMPORTAIT QUESTIONS., Carta, one Corn MIIl, and a Jet- of Cotton' J. E. TRAYWICK. fiuence with the general mass who about the 8th or 9th. Eleventh to Press Irons (BeaBley Pnttern.) .. . nov2G, 1879 J. W. STEPHENSON. Jleoder, hue yoo caaahl a cold! An ,.OO!l!lo are disposed to carry weapons, and 12th, clear or fair; 13th. to 16th, &hie 10 raIoe til. pbleglll t Ha\'8 JOll l@16o This 14th dAy of Februa.ry, 1880. 1'aP'!rs Garden Seed. jUlt disregard the provisions of the statute oloudy and threatening weather, with aon In tile tbroatt A Ie_ of oppr toa on 35tf . DltURY MORGAN, Mortgagee. , recelyed at in relation thereto. lunes. with ehurt b....th t Do yoo ha\'8 a CORN ER DRUTORE rain and snow storms: 16th to 18th, tile Lovely Rosebud ChromOll. or 20 Florlit of coqhlng 00 limg do"o t A .harp pe!A al Motto with name 10 cta. 50 Mixed olear or fair: 18th to 22nd, clouding, DOW lUld til... 10 tile l'eIlon of til. heart, eholl1F. B. Brannon, a Practical SewingJlaehin- tbreateninRweather, with local storms: Cuds 10 cta. NASSAU CAltD CO., NlUI8Ilu. AGENTS WA.NTED 10 .ond for Porttcol.rl of ........d ha<:1tt U 10, ORr ...4-.1.010 take 11& ou, New Book Ii,OOO CURXOSITIK8 OF ist is atoppbagatHarkey's B?&rding RollBll,New York. TilE BIBLE. th,u (or tbe Hal1dMOlu.elt ADd He is prepared to re4t all macbin-. put ba 22nd to 2Srd, clear or fair: 2Srd to cnce a"" of '1'111&'0 ExpeclOrIDt; "0" will eoon . ·"·.s CHEAPEST BIBLES ~t::It~~~t~i .... abl.toralleU.epblegm. In&ll hoor "'1'"11& METAL AND WALNUT all parts nll4es&ary, and make them IllI good 28th, cloudy, threatening weather, Fo..... ok )IC)l~IWl. CASH PREMIUMS WAGONS, &0. til. ExpectoraDl, plllee ahoI IraD 10 the feel,take as new. All work warranted, and satisfao- with severe storms in places: 29th to OlnolAuIJ. o. tion guaranteed. or no charges made. Par- SOth, clear or fair: 30th and 31st, two of TIllt'a Pilla. Yoo wiU BOOn faU 1010 " . " ~,X T '. pl.......t Bleep lUld "ako op 10 th. momlog. V V .' ONE DESmING TO PURCHASE ties in the country who have lIll\Clbines that , are out of order will <10 ..ell to brinll them ba clouding, threatening weather, with eough gODe, 1,,01lS worklDg freely: our breatho' new or aeaoncl-hand two-horae wagons. (with or without beds) ...ill do well to calIon while a good opportunity is offered Cor ha..-bag storms in lake regions and Gulf States. IDg,lUld the bowe1o mo,mglo anltDrllllllUlDer. the nndersigned before pnrehnsing elsewhere them repaired. '. ., tf The warmer days will be about the To pre,ent a retum of th_ eymploma UN til. ErpectoraDtoc,erol day.. IN LATEST STYLES at LOWEST PRICES Also, for sale, two Buggies, one,3-_t Jer: •••• I Srd, 8th, 14th, 20th, 25th and 31st.Offioe, 35 Murray Street, N. Y. say, one Sulky. A few «GOd w1Srk Horses MABJU.II1), in Wadesboro, N. C., on The comparative colder days will be , • • ENTIRELY NEW MACHINERY' . aud Mules atill on hand tor sale. . Sent free to .n who apply by lettCl', enclCMII'D& the evening of the 3rd, Mr. .Venable about the 6th, 10th,ll7th, 22ud and • .. Any of the above will he sold very low for uu.adverUsemcrl't. Pet ~rHendersP"& co., TUTY ' S PILLS· INCREASED FACILITIESl "'ASH . 35 Cortlandt 5treet.. h.ew York. ~ ()VRE TORPID LIVEK. 0 . N. 8. OGBURN. · Wilson and MiBB Sallie D. Grimsley. 28th. · T U T T ' S PILLS, GREAT IMPROVEMENTSl ,feb13,1880' 7,S4tf '. I e . . t .. I .... I • -The following short letter, from Dr J D , A. CUTTING AnBA.'I!.-After going to TUTTrSsP'PilL:LS, All Lumber Used KILN loI.itehell, n membr of the Georgia Legislature p'ress IlI8t Saturday, we heard of a cut- abe very strong endorsement: "Messrs Hut· eVRE COS'I'lVER'ESS.. DRIED I . . ... ~ ting aft'ra,. that had ooourad the even- chison & Bro.: I have!18ed YOM "NeurulTHROveH THE TEETH, PERFF.t'T~Y. a.u-Ordmary Conversat10'1:l. Lectures. Conoem, etc•• bl.. & "'underf'al Now inlt before ou the road betweeu this giae" and find it's all you claim-a specific , . . Send!Ol onr new Price List. 8deaUllolnYonUun,THE DENTAPHONE . Forftm:lrk3hl", p1lb Ie wau <Ill ttle Deat~ao Oil place and Beaver Dam. It seems that for Neurnlgia and Headache. . T U T T ' S PI L L S , ' ALTAFFER. PRICE & CO., It contains 8721ine historical engmvin~ and the Jhoat 1U14 ............. NCr/} }~flr. Hn'ald. Yonrs &c.' ' . '" Sept. 2:;th' Nt1f1 Ynr/rCllridia" AdDOCQte.,NoY. . I t t , • eVHE SICK ~-'D'~H~ ., S7tf Wil . gt N C' 1260 larga donble column }l8Re8. and IS the · Joseph Collins and Sebe Pope, were to.• t11oG. 8 • •U~lze--e.n bocurtedin tbe pneteli. The . . J. D. MIrimll:t.I., M, D. . ~ -~ mID on, . . t I teH' ,- fth W Id b- .bould nnd r"'r FREE Ilhlltrated delCfiJl'tlYe Pamphldlo ~ TUtIY'S . PILLS'.,· ' mOB compe IS....ryO e or everpn :: ' iu a bug~ together, and the latter Sold by H. C. As hcmft. jan24tf • .&.meI'ioaa ~D.tapbone 00"91$3 W, -CU.S,-. ClIIcbiUoU. O. lished. It ..,lls al aight. . Send for specimen I • • • • • , ; . (l Jll DILIOl1S (lOLl.,. . Slool. Ocrrer end Book, oll1y 1163 """es and extra terms to &nen"" and S88 why · being somewhat intoxicated a difficulPI L LS .to 126li. 0rgaDa. lll-otope. 3.Nt F:-n .... -. ~ . ty sprang up between them during •,. - Hee new advertisement of MeBBrll. v' ; T U T T ' S . _~~. 2 Knee Swell.. Stool It Rells futer than any other book. lddress ·,·.WANTED.·. , _ GIVE APP.TJT& ' 0 • on y _HoUda,. New.papu me. Ad· N&'I'.IONAL PuDL18I1l1lG Co.• Philadelphia, or which they got out of the bultgy. We Sevens &, Phifer•. ' They undouhtedly · T U T T ' S PI LLS clreuDon'lF.Bealty. WUhlDslon.N.I. Atlanta. , . -1.000 bWlhels CORS . :' are not inforwed as to the full partio- have in store the largest stook ever [I 500 bushels PeB8 Pl1TRlyF,TSHEpBL.OLODL·S ' ~~::d:.!."it-;IllW;:~ . . '.: "j." , : . I ulars, but know that Pope received purchased ,by them which ,were 50 bUllhel1l Onion Set~ , yon A. GOBTON & 00. lIllS.'tIIS', l'hI1odelphl.. Th.YoolhoKonlh1ylo TU 500 pounds Live Geese Feathers. . _ several cuts iu the body, from a knife recently bought by Mr. Stevens ill the 1I'III1IT()jl1~R_E P-lrLiJlli"~ . . Fa.', .. . " tho briSht., .• A H CROWELL & SON ~. in the hands of Collins, producing Northern markets, for cash•. Mr. SteI . PAllo olor,. ClIo, plpertl pnhUohodon. for ot th.yon'lS f.lke. It8 janl4.· .. , ugly but not seril)UB wounds. Ii Collins vens' ability as a buyer and his tll8te 'i., ON LIFE & PROPERTY, hnmorand .' • I ' I t'~ • •100110 11 ,...... eontalnaotoriM,poeu,.,miocellenY,wit. flln for yonns ood old. Termo: 25cente ay_witll - was arrested., but released on bail to in seleoting is hardly unsurpassed,and ',,' GlUT lLua 08 WIlISUQ aha.Dh4 to .. GJ..OaIY • ......~'\l wbo elaUP£OD. A LAMP ftut!! wtUl & beautitul premium EnrraTiDg 13d8 inch... The B:u.CI)l....Y .. ~. -.ppUcat.ionof iiIIDnL It 1m. ~'r o.r ..........Y ATTA.C".NT. ltngra~8' alou. 11 .... orth the lub8crlpUol1 price. · appear before Esquire McCauley on those who wish best styles at very low~. Natural Color,:IOta 1AIt&D.aaeo~. aDd. .. e...~~ . . ~ •• lIl14rr."ror!6rtL P'ollrfor'l. Four lubJeeu. The)'" will have to be seen to be ap We want an Agent in tbis county, to whom 'We will ,' .. H.amaJ...... princW&tet. 8oIdQ~or """"' ; J :rea' ...... W_...... l.orJ'.mal.. preclated. DoIl'tmtuthilehaneebUiteDdatoDC41 payal&lU7 ofSlOOpermonthudexpenaestoseU the 13th when a preliminary hearing est prices should not fail to inspect Mn.. b;ruP"Qon nee1ptol.!L \'" ..,.., s. 8. NK1fTON'lfU.P.-ry 1••• Pco., 8t&m&1 taken, ~eJ1U waled. Addnu Youth". our W'ondertul1DyentioD. sample tree. Add.ruB, the stock. ' ..-..--. --' , . . , will be had...--..-. . .. ';, Office, Murray ~t., New York.C<, . 16 Cts. J............ w'::~;:~:':.'~;'~T. Hon 17•• touloN. O. \;,"_ . T:---'. _, __ . al ODCG ShermlUl &00.. Jhnh&1l.IIII.hlpn. .. SHOUKOR JUUIIINE. WORKS. , JAS.,E.,STACK, . .... ~ co --0-- State of North. Carolina, . . UNION COUNTY•. IN THE STJPERIOR COURT. Dr.TUTT'S'·. Expectorant I' ~';'y' :1; , .; , ,. t , ;,' " ...... , i:.:,- .~. OUR FACTORY B L -IJ. ,DENTAL NOTI~E" FREE TO ALL. OUr 111..._ _ ptt. . . CA~oglle or teurdoNt. : BIJILDER'8 Mmml!L ! 20 S H O· 'C'A S E S ANY .:J""';C""LIlTl'''OWAN~~A.RTHlL:'· "l;,Rr;r:!l J:IA~~~ " PIAN S 'l l .",. •• d· ,'. '.' :.;~:.; ~:;..• • -. -.. l' ' ...., . ' ... ~. "'4 • ':It • . : ...~. ~.:~~" ,:., ~j, . . .. '- ~ 1. HI~TORYonHBWORLD . as _._,~ •- --_.- -~7' '.- m,.- BOOK AGENTS ... --. -:- . "1 "'1;• .< .'....: .•.. . ,. , •, PrIce LlIl ,.. GtNIC4.. jt'f.. A!LIt.-, :If AlIZ" 1IIlIVJI", ' . _ _----=--'-J-()U18YILlJf,ZY. TUTTERING cured'by Bates' Patent ApI-. pliances. Send for description to Simpson &I Co" Box 2236, N. Y. S no -COOD ACIlENT. WAHTIlED TO ••LJo MEDICArAOVISER Stondlnl F&JDIly Hedl.ol Work d ... Gr84ter Inducement. to rilod Agenla then ~y olhe~Jiook now pUbUobed. It hall no rly.l• .IIDd_~b &1l , ,epufoble phyalcf&ll.. IIIeeded in even f • . 1065 P!'I!e.. Handoomely PrInted. BI. Y 1- , I"lfated, SubotantlaUY BOund. For drewero ond . terms, address JONES BROS." CO., ClncbmaU, o. This THE SORGOHA(\1D BOOK I I AGENTS, READ THlS! -_._-- I!xamIDe oar r:otalope. Goode .1IOfIlJl· I.ed ftflltql101tL,y. _ _ t .laIIlp for _ _• .AJao, THE DEAf HEAR BOYS" GIRLS $10000 8OP81le~. 2acres Ulldcr Itlt.. EVERY DESCRIPTION· OF 10 000 Plantl toeedI, . Treef, etc., cnntaLD1_ 'QHoo tol Information to tbeama.- .. .. AII:SMEN WAHlE GOT\),,~TO 8ELL CIGARS TO DEALERS. etot05 A...onthendexpenaeo .. .....plee Free. • IJI.""- cat UlIa !lIotl_ oat . .'.' . ADdOendll~t1l OIlfOP~D,aIoo aDswer. •. EB tic co. '!"'i'~P::',~Q.~~~JIIt~':.._~a~IlC~JD~D~.~tf,~O~Jllo,~· ~~=-.- .~: ~r777A YEAR and expenses tollfleD~- ;,. ~Y, AU~::U:::e.~d~':~~;~::;rC~~.·... ."~ ~ ,.' DVER'l'TSEJlS I send Cor our Select List, A of Local NeWllpapers..• Geo. P. Rowel .- &CB., 10 Spruoe St., N. y.,'..• "-: . :~~_., , '.," .,.. "~fi. .~:;~...::.,t;;· ~ ... '.. 9,:': .~::I.~. .... ::' :..... . " ~ '. ..•. .'. '. .... .\ ~. ..,;;.:!Ii . l' .'." . ~., ... ;.: ..' ..; ... .( .:~::.~~.. ,~.: :' ~ :;~ ..,' i~ll~ .;.~:;;i:~.·,;~:./'_7~ :~ :'. ·',:~l~~': ,.~. :,:,,'::~~ .., !F' .'-~t'~:: :.:. :,':. :.,i:.i ".:~ . . . .- ---,- ,. '~. .:"'.' .~~,., • ..,-:.-:' '., ,.t· ..... ;; ,.;.; .' ,,~·••~r:: -1'''' ?t~:~ :~ ~:i·2:'~=· ·:·:;=~=: ·;=:·~ =: : :; : ·: ·: '=:'~· · ~=~·:=:~;: ~: "'=·": · ~=~"·~'~:r: :;: : =~.·~:=:.'.~·r~ .:::~,.:: :~;: , . .~.-=.~.,~.: .:. ~.,~.~.:~, ~~~'~'~~~~~~~=~~~':: ;=~~==~~~~~~~'~.~~~~~~~'~~~. ,~A>':f~~; . .~ ~~.,:: ;'' ' ",: . ,: ..'. . -; :"". :. -- -.< • • ..-.:;: »' .... ~ .."" :~.~ ,,if:~" ::;~.. ~ ~~:' :,~'. >,.';:~~ '~~', ' '>.;,,'.' .. ~:;: .....':' ...•. .'::t', --'''':. F. ~i";" ..., . . . . . . . . ~. . '.. -,' ; . . ~~;~ ',7 .; ' ••~."'" :i.·..:.::,.<"~ ... ,.. • ,'. ..~~~ ......... ,. " :"-...... '\," ;~. .,.:.::~. <:""::~'~' ~~~~~~===~~~~~~~~=;;;~=';··'~~;::;;5=:=:"~~'~'~:='=::~·:::""==: ":"'= :'f!.':.;,: ,.:.;':,:.= =:':": '~:"~'.:":';: ='~:=;.~.'." ~{.< •• - • - .•• _ - . '--. - ~". • ' . - .- _.. ". ,. ... ',' - ...... ' .......",;;. t ,...,. ~;1.\;':~:~~:"_: ~"',- '-d_~1nK.!: • •R.~.),.R.~~ ~:;'~ ;',< :, ,,-'J-::.":fLF :.'~."-'}:~" .' .' .~~!?~"''''Gl,n·~lk;t';tl ~... ,:.J.t, Ji'G Ed)w06DS!:&~""CO:'S:.:it{ "f 1.,Weli Tools ~lN~;fr~·.l·oii"i(f,·i"Rilliili.:~) t ~~'~t"'\- DR. CLAli~~~i'.~; ~'; til.···· 'd!!J ..... "" " ··ft~ '1' -,. ..~ '.' . 1~ ~ Ji:i:rif'}"" ,<' ''':'.,:.' s-::.. ~. ;,.:,r J UPBIGHTPu.NoS&'P~w'--'BG~~r' :;.:":....': • • Oue'HIina.!edth~::~fof ~om to '--.,~- .. ,.._. <~.F'~;- ~ .. - :\.::r_'1o'*'t: GEO WOODS CO PIANOS PO°tf(100 , . ; .. : c mDQ • .ot,=:r;-" &II,PW'. -,' ..... ever had ve~etable life in it, for let it ' "', 101I w~ s-. - . .' WAU1lO()X8. A_ Sbeot, Chlmcobe of the lowest order of plants, there ., will be minernl elements in them necLIBERAL .TERllS TO AGL'fr8, WHO ARB WANTED IN EVERY CITY · h f th th f h essary or e grow 0 a Ig er orWHERE TRBSB INSTRUllEbo"TS ARB NOT REPRESENTED.. der 01 plants', R!!ain. there will be car. '2 1100 ~:~=:~s~~d~e~~~~~~el~~i~at~~ and ammonia. can be obtniutld iu the usual way; aucl the latter not by the appl:catioll of 0#en81've putl'I'd an '00.. 1 . ll' . _I III matter. First, to erect a shelter for the mao . 18 II) L1bJ>rulI......uyOll~Stoo&OD_.olll.tOJQD ~ ~~iI" ., , . < 't - • • ...;.'-~It $a'" t $'"' 0001'-.." ••...;:. _.) 0 0 .........,..'"" .._, '''1' (.. , 1 .•• ".w.· I..... tl .~""",,, r _ •.~~ ,"C Q ~.•••, ?'· - . BY",. f '1. __..... ~T ",,,,. • :~y.. ," f G\)oG 1_101"' 15 POUNDS· IN 3 WEEKS-I', . '" • VECETABLE' I ('I .. II \," II = II\ "0 "·L ellSe wlucb art~,'ll [rolll hnl'Urtty 01 tbe blood Deed de~pair wbo wil :;i\'e .0\.\'1'2" S... R~.\l""'IlILL"''' [. 'I all tria. , . It ( is rOll.'.' to "xpt"rimt"ut with the num.erd I ou. O\~·-Ilfle. UUXl!lr.·•• 0.1 ch.ap materIa s. ..,.nJ EGG u.~jO)f 'I ;:r~ CO., Chlca¢Q,llL ~ .. d b t1 bl' ~ un Y e pu IC,~ ..'Ii.. f or more tlIan 3~tI years,..f ...... wi.th unprecedented results.! ..- SEN D FOR C IRe UL A R . I ....... • ,, •~ • nlul \n!ht?~lt U1cdl~·ll1a~ '"trtu~s. offerel1 as I hloo,l,pllfltier>l. willi. <1"~Wle bocome. 1Il0re IIrmly ""at.... A \"1'11'$ SAll'.U·.\llllaA Is a tn~dh,'in~ of f:lu·h "ol1ctmtratel1 4,:urati'-U pow,·r. that It i. h.,· Illr Ih" b<::<t. choupe~t. I k an< wo.t r"liahh' blOOl1.)lllritler nowu. PhYliiciuu~ know itg ~'OlU\)()~ltiOU. nUll pre.. ",'rit", it, It I"", IK'''" wi, 01\' Ilu"d ror rorty ~ 1'~ BROADW1T:= .. S. T. 1'1. SANFORD. M.D., NJ:WTOIlJtCITY~ .:.•• " ,aoLD BY pUIFle GUflNO in r ".,.' ',. ;5 ,.,," l!iar, E. ... ~ ,. g .... :,. .. , 1",);5 , <:>1:1 fS......... ~ ~ :::5 _'=- !!::::"- &::ii It: - .., ij . [nuDa-w.aLl . The' Best· 'Demedy Known' to U'.-' I. 4 JI1aD. Dr. ClarkJ_llllTln"UIOCI"""l hl._UtrlUllllr. FA"ln_lIWl. an "","Pfd_... looa a lI1a.olO :.:~~~g:~':.r:.':"Jd'l'n~~':=~ 1rondortlll",modyoflhaltrlbe. 7h."'D"rl"""" 01 AIr. Eastman belnlIllmll... loU.at vf)1IS. <.:liaII. Jon.. and IIOlI. or Waoblnlllon )o..... anaccountofWbose tma:f'I1D~ we", tbJ1111nalJ """""ted In theN.", I'or'" H.ml4 ut Dec. l~lIl, 1878. lhefactsof",'h1c.bare 10 Wldel, toown.andlODeartr p.·-II~I. U1:l&;bulllU!o g;aenUao or Mr. Eauuan'seJ:.. po.'r. a"ea will bo £1'." Ii...... They are. b<ltl'u." Pill>11>1,,'1 In ""<at ".lumeot SIJO _ e..tltled .. /lM... :md mno reaD AJUODt:'ll)Com:u.1cbes aud = ~ c_. ~~'i~~'i}~~.:iJ"'~~ra1'll-~~a~iau~a..pll.... .",compell... totlat.er tile roors."....... b...Il.o. ••rb• nod berrl",I. 01 W_mottl.·. DlOdlelnO ..... m"lo.'"d atlll""1.11 pn·p"'''1 to proYldo tile .u ..... tma15ti·r thaluCCf'aful Jntn~uct1t1D or IholU""t1elno tOL"."ur'd; and"'lln'8thOlOUhU. tIlat tll.l'IIIDotl, .. thOaaDIO " ,. W.··mOlllI. ClUil»elIOli l1lID to matOlt. ' 1.." \ ,.1' 1. . FERTILIZER AG'T'S' Ganara1MarChand'lSD",' I ,A"d d•.•I.", In , u...... I)~l~E:..I !) S Cl?r:.i-rl... !!~~.=t;:~~~~..:e,:~ '\.. ~,.\.. ote &lae aad tuak_ NOTIC"'''' . ~:::~~o~II~,n:~II~'·~·~o~~"ItI\:~~"i~~e'h~e'J.UJlB~, D~ RIA'TH &, ca.," TO' Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., COTTON BUYERS: Lowell. Mass. UL lilllluu••TO ~Y£llrWU ..na. ""'' -T' . ........BO"'_ ORY, . . . ~. JI····-bM ...... lllI4oc1lo tII.lDOdlclns.ndn-'·" f.~'':=;:I;;~.~ "~,~o;.~'~';;:;~~ - l'l DK\'oOlST 1l'1LL TaU. .ov ITI UPCT1T,O. ~ hu~.n .way. Itla trlthout dOubtth.~ . an.ISLla !Jlt;,........ I~h.),a ! ... ,..." 01 ........" " " '..,,~,.......~..~,: IImD Of the BLooD and BDI:\TU or Cbo StSTJW,: 8TOl' k",'•• "d... ':>'_l. .. d u"'....... ~~~, •• IIJ. . -~~ _ , _ l\"iualonrta\l.o",dft'I,l·"n.l:ulr.r. .ft~...... !J..... "'~~I""""-~ .....'l1u .... vlfUl ........ D F' I'O~D J. ~ C III I& _aa apoa alae Liver, . I r_ • .Lao ..1 . urar&. .a:lJlO 0.. . ' ~ . It &eta apoD "be KIdDe,..;;' .-.----P...lr~-:~"=.e)j. . i Pra.llc..1 allli Amd}'lIcal Chemist.. :A PVBELY VEGETADL1Il REllIEDY ,f.alan IIAI. A" unuAi. USC. Jaall1lre earo'ftlrall tho d_forwhleh iti! recommeDda4, 1Ulil is alway. PERFECTLY SA~'E III lho haDlIA ' or e"en thl moot inexperienced peraoDL It to .. lure ....4 quick .........dy ror COUGHS, SORE TUROA!l',CUlLLS,a"daimllartrouble.,; ..Worclo bulant reller In the mOlt l1IlI1ilIDUit rol'Jll\ ot DIPHTllER.lA. and la tho beat known remedr for Rhoan.nUalll and Noaraltrla. The Oldest.' Best. and Most WIdely Known ,FamllJ' Nledlclne In the World. It haa been ..oed with oucb u'ond,rt\al .uc.... In all parL< or the wurlIllor CRA.~IPS, CHOLERA,DURaHlE", . DVSEl'ITEfi'l", amI all BOWEL COMPLAINTS that it fa ' cOWlidered an un!aIllnc cure for the.e diseuea. I ",.""ra ... ·",r.:, ·ilU.. ....:::a : ao; • 'v 1;". :49... _ SlIa"'''L'' .I"J' I J,,-. . irlaaJ ttyru~"~:' "~'i1"'" ~ il .-; \\e u ' \, '\" ~" S.. . I ....n: 0" ' .......T <:aT. \\\\' • \ ,u~t, "'$ •• ~ , w I. . , .. a e (' I "\," a, =:3 • e r !I ... i(l o~\\\oO~' i(l\ ,:", ,I; ~;:, .. 1='\ \) \ = II '" ~'. JOH.SON'S .. ~~ ",".( oand.... UA......... . .. "," Vi "~•• eo',"«: ,-. ~ ~ie e~\' I),e'.io(l'i\\> a oe(",. ... , , • H 3"11"" It -~ J • .. . • ,,,, "~1 a ~ c' a" 0(1. 0(;,.:"' t Is a ~I""11lllol rheTtrtnf'll' of sanapari\. lieu... CluIddoet Ie Co~ . ,•.• , ., f .... P ....e. (I .W 0 0 1' ' ' ' ' . Is. stiliingia. mandrake. yellow .Iock. wilb , llXl'lllot'e .t.• PlllladelplllA. Pa.: • • • \I \.10 II" \ ( .... the Iodide of pota..b an,l Iron, all powerful GenUom,n,-Pleuo ....41D.t..d •• botll.. ofDr. '" I) ~ ,C 0°(1 Oil e " " " B '.l'blood-making. blood..,leallSlng. amlliCe-,"*" ~.;- CfllDllabi"dlDdic:a,h. """ ....,h of pOI. '111101 (i\ ,\,\11 a, 13 .. 0 · •• tainioR @lewent..'4. It is the purest. salli"st. n n lUoot nr a tri~ • 4,) 11 Dot expoctN to u,,~: ~ eel .1 \0 6' (\u.. ... and most .tr....·tllal a(terath'e u.ealiclne and .. ,.ollr medld"...11....1 mo of CoIISIlIllPU",.. ", \\ .• (lU ..\\ a.. '1 bl e to t h e 1'.11hI'I~. TI Ie sc· I 1001.111..... yuno ago, Itl'Wlo tl'IIDI laun~ lliDl to Iry t"'om I 1 to I a'" .. ~!II"" 1mO.·D or a\"!,-I.a pill'" lIfl..n IlOIlDdI Ibe liNt Iii.... '" ~ U (Ill...... ill\ eDCell or medlCIDl> anti cbemlStl)' ba\"e ne"er botll... nr._ulluy. iI. v. HULL. ~ t1 0a. produced 80 "aluable a remealy.noro"e!lO La,......oc.bll~ADd .... ""~ ..y. p $,0~..01" _•• ~a \11nfO potent to cure all dise......$ rc>lultiug from .. - ---/!I. ·d Free ro Meta. ~ -~ (I\Of r\ill UDp"re blood. It cures Serofulll anll! $(0000 .... < r.. ", .•01'" r,it". \) ,a i\1l.1 ali serofulous diseases, EryslpelllS, , • f. .OOO·:'II~~ ••:,....., to .., .... -e8".~' ,(I u. Rose, ~r St. Anthony's FIre. Pimples SAFETY e,.-!c .......";T;;r:t::;;:N':t. ~. '\(I'i l \' a\OO., and Face-grub!!, Pu.tules. Blotches. 'UCUIIENT. _ " f.... • v'de~ Boil!!, Tumors. Tetter, Humors, , LAMP.= "'" 1 ,.: ~ • .. 'I' "'1..0 (0'" \,\\V Ol~A\. to Salt Rheum, Scald.heael, Ring-worm. ~ ~':~·r:~'.':~~J..~~' _ - "," 0( ....e \.!.... ~ .f.. e', ,\11 ~el'~ ii' l ' \e l " tll'LI"I tO~II"'B lTIeers, Sores, Rbeumatlsm, llercuri..l ~~~.;;:J I ..... ot,.~I••w. • ~ "·\.oi" i ~,~I) DIsease, lSeuralgl.....'''.....Ie We.lk. • S.S.H,wlon·18~Lam.r.Co., . foe","e r "e .... w nesses and h'regula!,IUe!!, J~undl~~, FBC'tory &lid Offic•• Bi~:"~~n, H:·t·· ..., ....~' ", '\ \\ pie" e I \ \ a\" Affections of tbe Liver. Dlspecsla, --_ =~·,11 130'!l\\e(l.~ Ema<-latloD, and General DebU ty. -,., • - ._",:-" _.- ••• . u l \$ C' ~e n\.... ,By Its sear"bing ..ud c1eanslnl\' qualities ELA~;T:C TRuSS "'looc\.,e(l, \;1- ,(I.... ... it puJ'l:l"l out tbe foul corruptioll8 wblcb ' ,'.'.,••>\•• """. .. I".... " ~"\,e 0.\( • 'ftO~' the bl--" d causo d erange,.' p.I ""·A-tj " ", \(1) \8 .1 0 .. ~..oe;.. COD~Wlttt uuu au .IS. :l~llll;':'~"".ad.ai'IAIt\tt;~.ll _ d\) U.-. - .,~,.nE' ment and decay. It stimulates ami .nll,'ellS SENSIIlLE ..........t ••• ""y.• 'IM ... ~ a II!' a l\ ...... I' v e r tb~ I I f 't" t . I • ...lhalh."'JIoprNl_ hu rp.. ... ... \"1 a UDl,: lOllS, promo t1I enellt" 8m TRUSS 1.I..U•• ,,t alC hl • • 0(\'.In' ~ str.mgth, restores and pr~.serYe, bealth. and .,.• ,.. "". I~" ", 1.1 .. l'Igorll Inru.~. new m" and \'i!:or throughout Ihe , l ' M~ .'olj Ia~ ••ra ..'""I, S_..'" baa been u .. . ..,. • o'c1:u. ........ tA.L."S!C'.. re .... 'Wl1. Hb oW:. than"'" ..- • ~ c=== f~~~r;~\r~:;:::Yk'~~~~~;:~the::::~~"":1 , .... ".... '" ··f· . . .i; sVeg~ble.-n.never 01200 ",t".,.. lD30 dan OD IDYeoled.o- SDebilitat'lll It OIIIcial1l<>""rtAaJldiDformalionf1'oe_ <1......... PERRY DAVIS' ,PAIN KIL'" t' ER ...... , bon (charcoal) in the plant, which, M will appear further on,' is eqUallY, J important in briugin e>t1 about tile ph"s· J , ical condition of the soil ~poken of above•. To secure both the carbon • ': .'~ ~ , That a hundred bushels of corn can , b e........... _,__ .2 to theacru t h ' be no erecan doobt. For twelve years we have · tried to bring up a JlC)Or farm to fifty bmhelsSto the acre and joat here will I·t b __ been fto _oy >ft ..l. although , sa... ~ I.U:IrrA - - ....... nearly all the lirst class fertilizers have been tried, and in some eases to an apparent injury. Corn is quite dif· ferent from any other f,raiD; t.he crop ·th·· b most be 00 ad e WI In nlDety to a nn· , dred days, and during that time mnst have all the heat and II'· that 18' pos. sible to reach the roots, along with a doe proportion of rain, and to B8Core · t h e mec b'cal ' I con'. t h18, am or p h ySIC18 . . . ~.'. dition, must be in a proper trim, and ....F.fe)pt~""=.~~:::!'::sI4o,:.!:'.:tfL!! ~t~:::.. 1I_~ltle_An:r.-er,""dlh _~..-a.. lIIl<lathatoQBtrIJl_ • ...-I I know of but one wa"'" to obtal·nth18· , al&lle..:u....,..,..iDt'_ _to 1upIy ., . . -K - -, condition, and thai ill by a well rolted ......" > •., "" r.' o. III upnTllDII pile of manlue On a poor farm the •" " . " I I . l) 'JUIl!ll 00IAl0; .• " latter is not el18i1y obtained, vet moch ". Unoxa:rnpled' Strength, and 'Solidity, :;it:' •. ' can be accomplished hyone not afraid A Most Beauti.ful r'\ua,1i+W'ofTone, and the' of work' and to show how the '1 ~ ~J , pi e Brin1.sn1.eo.d Perfect Check Repeating Action.' maybeincreased,Iproposetorepeat , : here the plan pursued by the writer. GEO. WOODS &- CO.'S PARLOR ORGANS' ,It is not necessary that all the mao • _ :aBED ll'!'Op.~a throogh the aOI·mnl·, . lI.lVE JIO!lI l'IPJl ..., nnre -boold tlU ..... eve"'" blade of '"rass ; And ..... Uneq11Blled for their Great VarietJ' ollloaical Meets. ~ on the contra" " " ' o J Q _ .. ~_.1 "bft1~ adnneld '11 k . '!beY emD1oYtMODJJ'~OOIIlIbI".:,... -..-U'8pta ao d every wee d 11'1 ma'e an act!ve ..uoidaDo ID ill q1lllRlft of the.-. aDd b7 tItoIr1u IIC themoa' oomplele 1 - . fertilizer,' indeed, an.-tblDg that has ......tto be loWld III -..tar.I .No"... -GEOBGBi DUrOIIoM a _lor ~.::I:"':I~erID'n. oJ ~ " " ' ......H· t ' , WOODS _ CO.., Kua. L1VD I l ' " -.':~~~~~P.eL:o!~~~ 1iaaS~=;amil1h:;;::ro", ;~';.;;, &.&. , 1m . ][uiCC _.AKD- 0141.1_ ,.~n. the po..... or til.. akl... aad I.... d.uc~· tlt'lalth,· PconplratioD. . It n<ntrall"" tho bcredl= talDt or 1lll.... btood, "blel! ~""llrlWlO scrol'llla, Er1slpel. . nIn lIll~ tho> llI1 , Ilr.:,", ' STO O'K 0 WNE'RS •, , blannerotI'Iklnu15":aaosaDd Internal humon. The" "" n,..p1rltsomploJed tllltIolDlUlut..turo...n·t It ..n ...· ,".11 Illost d.l....to ba o. bHM aaro",,1 ' .... "1......eONI, f>ejng rogvlra:l .." I UO~lr!NY WOllLD RE~nN'D 'fIfE PEOPLE OJ.' b, 'b. nure is both cheap aud simple, the ob· '. 1, 1 l' ::!.: l'nionl\t1d "nrrollllding conuti,.. th"t I au. ject of wbich is tp keep the rains and •• lilly prel,,"ed to Irel\t "dlT""'''''''~~1'"~I, snows from washing and cooliog the -U U U U . ~ N ......,.. 1) '1' S I" ~ S 1"" pile, for heat is absolutely importaut R.... .TT,I->I :E-i .i'~.1. .J..' .. ' i. .1-1.. "-' _ i. . h t'll d . d d N - L. ~ ~ '1 ONTROI~ :1'..... C ' '-tH'.t o accomp)18 e ~Slre eu. _ ear ~,. ... ~ _Ci, .L~. " • the stable or barn door, posts cau be' I t1, ~:~. Hav, Instorc tbetr ~'a1t .nd Wlnler Kloct vC G~~ds, .... f PIan t ed WI't"u ronghpIates on t'nem, "bi.b WIll bo ,old.t Wbole.a1o.r n.1.il. ot prkO>\ . f:1. .~ • on t"em r 'ls , .,10". orlowcrtban th.I".....I. Wb.n ia Monroe. or to perform an~' 8rHGICAL 0PERA'fIOS ... .. , say twelve feet ~part ~, u al { llou't f:til to eXa!lIino our ato<'k of Grooeries~ n... ~~J r"'I'II·r.'.I. '" 1 d are p ace near euough t 0 suppor~ Good•• Sho••• aatR. an,1 Ih,' cb"0Pt-'8t 1...11,·.' "I"ak. a.lVing d"vol. d 1\ grent deal of time in Ihe whatever can be gathered to afford -.\~Dtllalanl'h,,<\y e.er ...... Sl,••lal,lri... ;-~Ico Cloato study of tltlUle dhl",lO;tlS. I _ "~ dd f '.uOI U "115. A••ry Fillo-y". · th e pro t.achou, and a rOID time lo ~ I:: I , time to the pile of maoure. l\Iine, Has stood the test of Forty Years' Constant· Elegant Cloak for $8.50! FEEL NO HESITANCY"'",,'; ~. Il this sel18on, is covllred with t w e l v e ' Use In all c:.ot.ll1trleIlJl!'!~Climates., U YOU OUGHT TO SEE THEM: , -IN"',~. 'i f w'"""on loads of rng weed cut from ., tttaREConlMENnED by Phy.lclana, nll••loanrt.., TAKI NO ANY CASE! . .~ " .'"b ultltnblen, ltlau-.;:era or PJantatlona, U'ork-Sllops, aDd. w~ kt.·ell alWOf:lt lUl)·tbing that 10n Na.r ('All tOJ:: _ field after hal"veot; usull1h' it has been Fnctorie., Nu..... In IJoopUa"-ln Ihort bv E"'~bod.7. WELL.K~;OWN ,\ ~D l'()l''GI,AP anll wlll .eU loyu" .b••p. If yo" trillltL.or", with '" J " ... ., .. a ('all when hore. _ covered with corn fodder, nlld fed lih'orywhere, who bllJl el·.r given It .. trl.... Hrlmds. Tb"re i:< liuthhul which pro. -rl!n". in,lebl.,1 10 1IR Cor Kuppllcs or Certlll..... I l11l\ke. 1Ul,l keel' for U'Ile. nl my bUllSe 'IUd 3r from time to time dol'ing' the wiuter, IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. mol"" the growlh of cotton Inor" thau 1IU "p' "lllplo.,. m.kepro.II!'1 a.ltlemeut and mcet tboir in the Drllg Stores in M"llTot·, 1\lId tit... ,'OUn, ~ blU....lleD ,Ine. and when well crushed by tue cattle, Itsltell14 alwars be-wwd-/b-r-P;;ln-I'; the Dack and IIld., , I'll, atl"n of !'l119·""I~G B. D. HEATH II: CO. try .toros. THREE DIFFEltE:\T KI~DS OJ.' placed on the pile after n fresh supand brings .pee<1y and penllallellt reltef III cit caaea or Dnal-. LIN I' MEN T " : 1 f th b h d I. 1 Cuto, Sprain., Severe Durll•• Scnld., etc. SOI,UBI.E PACIFIC., GUANO, ~or p y rom e.un a uepn p aced No '-atully caa ,,'-ely It, wlthont It. It wlll Annually ~I , I ou it; that is, a layer of fresh dung, m,"y lime, ILi cost ill 110'·10...• bUI:;. cnd lLi price brinplt . whi('h I reeommeu'l to be ex,·ell.nt for the, Edwin Ell8tman in Indian Costume. Aud the Company's .HaD l'lIOSPHA'fEwllhln Ihe re""h or .11. It b .old at l35c., GOc., 1Uld Pft ('{rrf' of 81lCh disPfU'!l'" a~ tbt)y afe vr~pl\reL1 for. Sltt'l;!'( AND Nn.~ 1"EAI13 AJ(OXO "IliB COMANcmtI AND l10d then a layer of corn.stalks. weeds, botUc. lIDd CII11 b. obtliined from aU druggists. the 11\tter wbon eOl1lllG.t..l II ilh cotton ..,.d. " 'GE"TFOR'rH" Firsl.IK"U:s'n.rE~TEXCLt~SI\'ELY I:'OR ¥oIc us, A neat 'folWlle~~soob _ ... beIn~", &c. A heat thos started, bein.... proN P 'd • .~:'l 1':~' no OW"ERSI n... HETIE • \. 1_ STOCK' uul it will SllllP10 st:\teml'nt 0 t b e uu,u·!ble faets~t6d : Clu-~Ir "'r Sl\le lhu tr'l\('t of 1\nd "l'Ul1 • I lilUl \bn Ba(lIDa.s.~ro or t::'~PeIesl tazuU'J aDO. till v b · teoted from the rain, will keep ~p all ' PERRY· DAVIS & SO , ence, R. I. .L ,11... L' . • opth1tJ. tortures aDd ul MOllO Of Its two .J. S. REESE & CO., wblcb flr. J. F. l,ee rO~lded. Inng so'ueourviYI.... la.mbe.... l'or ale b, our !lell' · winter, no matter how cold .,the SU1·. ' ., ProDrletorS> ei"bt mil,s Routh-west oC Mollr"". 'fh~ er1l1f. I'rte'" U.OO. eo ' p nviu. lfilln·bouc. Splint: 'l'I'elnelden<t m_,,",L.~oIb' nanatocI are rouoding atmosphere IDlly bp. I have tract c()lltl\il)81~O act'eN mOl'e or lCt'jS;t ot which ,.., dl,iUlbutl'd. bya;eats. FRUot ~ GEKlillAL AO:&.~T!!,. BALTlYOllE, MD. "hOll1 ~() 1\"I'L'll i~ clellrell,- bnl'luce in woods. :I!'is1;1.I1a. IJ:n~'d~'lled ~lr. E",.tnl:ID. belli" atmooC CODilUltl1 at theWMt. . seen it 80 to 100 degrees when it was LAND SALE. ,.~~ 11'Ill. 0 l-N, , ~:''':IJ:,'''(llll IootUberillll and curlD2 tbemateriall of wbleb : "I'h·::e i~ 1\ dwellinR l"nt:llwcl'sM\ry out hon!ies (!llllllt.."d.lclDo Js comn9IfMI. the 801. buslD_manaae- . nenr zero a foot from tile pile. The lllUl n "ood w~ll ot' Wl\tl~r. 'l'erms llit\(l.... ~~.~t!!~I'I·2\V~ ...,!pO~_pt ....~~hnIoD. aud the romed.J has miuJ;ling of the stalks anI! weeds pre. ... E~"LARGE:\IENT OF THE GLANDS ~~ __ ts_u OFFER FOR SALE" tract of Inn(l cou- 1751;7~NJ£rianol of Lltenture, AlJuost givt'u ay;a)', Cu.taloguc of kno\vu on I\pplic"tiou. OF THE NECK, STIFF JOINTS" DI". Clark .Johnson'. , vents too much beat, but safficieut to tniniug 122 lying in Uuion Connty. It0tleral Literature and ftction free. Inll1leuae,.:ln. H. J. W0l.FE, AAeut. INDIAN BLOOD PURl FIE R •. keep op the ferIDentlltion and evapo- on tbe wnter. or little 12 mile creek. 11 ducelUontl to book I.'luba and Libraries. Jan. 2ud,lilf;O 7.28,tf. WOUNDS. BRUISES, SORES. miles Nortb of Monro.. adjoining Wm. rate the water set free by the rUlltnre Simpson auJ oth.1'll-nbollt 20 aere~ clellr.d . .RHEUMATISM. AND ,HWEE~Y. Price of LIUp BottI. I" 11.00 . leggatt Brothers; , .'1.1 Ktore Ilf ~I.'S.·r. Mllrslt .. Le", t"o dovra -'-------:---.--:--=-ArT' Price of Ilmo1l BottI... • .• ' . .50 ' of the organized matter during, the -Smllll dwelliug hOl1lle and oni-hon.es.- 3 BeeklIuU1atreet, oVP.pusl-omce. New York, N. Y. Honth of CI)rut!f Drug 8tore, wht~rj) cun process, aod deposit in the mass is Good for cotton or corn. Terms mude ,,1:<0 be fonnd " 1;110<1 "lo'ek (f GEN. ..L ·Socoud. a LlNDIEN'r FOn THE iNRYE OF :-\'l'O(,I\,EXCLUSIVELY hoillS' 11 grlllll _ _,. Ill.. .. EltAL .\1EJlt:H.UiDISE. the oarbou, chnrcoal, nnd tbe mineral known on ..pplicl\tion. Apply to me at remedy or Iutl'Ittled ' TESTIMONIALS OF CURES.' elements, such us lime, potush, phos. Humplou P. V., S. C.• or t() D. F. Hon~ton. j:\u17 ,-~ Tbird,for i$ 11W<"k UNIMEN'r tblltEyes. i~ Rood for 29tf .Posted~ I\t Monroe. 'S. C. S. A. ROBINSON. lIiln or BeaKI. for tbe cure of Wonnds. HurON phate, &c., all of which, more or less 5•C• Dec, 19, I879.-27-U , Lancaster C •H •• C b' 1 '1 1'1Iek..."ISpmlu.. liml Iie'"nI\USIIl. t I" II • Liver Oomplalnt. ' . are found in any plant you may find ITI!'; fIcJt:~E'n( srrt".\ Tl!:D ON }.IAlN so lin exe"llcnl reme,I)' for BUI'U.i. Sore HE UNDERSIGXED Cl'l'IZENS IN growiog on the farm, let it be tliistle, :-Jlrl·et, in the celltrll of the blll;in"K.i por· Throllt aUll Siek Rlolllltch. lluFFAr.o FonD, RANOOLPH e..... N. C. Sandy Ihdge 'fowu~hip. boreby orbld dock, rag·weed Ot· clover; hence the I~..A.RME·R'S I "an prodll('e ""tiJlli",tory proof to the ,'ll!• OeM l:lir-'1'biu ill to certify thllt Ihlld tlte tiotilll' tbe town.' 'l'"hlc'll fl11'Ui"hed with the ..II persous 10 huut or fi.h on tholr Inndu (.r boltt the llJllrket lllli."ls. L.arge llu,k,'u. CI\C)' of IIn~' of tbelle Uemedies. '1'r)' thom. Li'·er Complllillt for iii teen yHi'lS, nnd W,III to plL.'l8 tbrough them tlxeept by Ihe e.b,\>reader sees the necessitJ' of secUl'ing cur, ,1 hy tbe u.e of YOllr INDIAN BLOOD Ii.hed rtlnels. or in I,ny WlOy tr"'pll8S Ul.roon. fort"lll~ r,'om~. Polito lind "t1.nrivo.erv"nls "nd you willhll)' aani". all such as nlay be found gr" w.ng Synup. I cau recomwend it hiqbly. ns th. IIIW will be euforced iu n1l cnses. Oil the pr"lUi~... "ill be 101lnd I.,rlle nnd J. B. ARHCnAF'l', which along with the stable manore: roomy .t,,!>:e. where boroeK will be well f.d Velerinary Hur~eoa. .!lIn.• F COWARD. WM McILWAIN'E. G W HOWIE, lIS a ferment, can be brou o1 bt into ac. Ilt'll cllrf,l Cor. AI~o 1016 for drovRr.. Residenae 4 milc.~ eust of Moaree, on th. MARTHA WEAYER. J B SQUIRES, J. M. RIDDLE, Pro'pr. Wadetlboro noa,l. oet15.10U tive use in time for tue °corn crop W A WA'fSON. W M PARKS • Lt\ucnster. S. C • J)Cl~. 7lb~. • which when the time comes can b~ J J RONE. C C MdLWAIN'E. General Debility. L K HONE. T J EZZELL. hawen out with much less labor thao ZION. YADXllf co., N. G. J ..nllllry 3rtl. 1880. n028 when yon have the whole stalks &c. BY USING THE JUSTLY CELDear Sir-My wife Willi troublee! with G.nerlll Debility fot' some time. I procllred · aboot in their normal cOllditio~ ex: EBRATED Rome nf ~ oar INDIAN B,.ooD S'mul', l\ .hort Blgbly recommen<!04 Kh'etric Al,pUaucud ul-oU trial. for:30 dQ)1i to th08& cept loaded with watel', from soaking 20 Bbls Iril,l or which rL'lltorecl ber to pel-r.ct he..lth to tbe plIblle ror all die- Hll1Tt".rlng: from Ncr, 0\\8 Dobility. RheumaUtlnl, PR... 8 SEA FOWL all winter iu a we~ bllrn val'd and eases r.!QDlrlDI' a certAln ull,1 strenglh. STEPHEN DEN:s''I.''. A Great Tonic. and emelent 2'ONZC, ralysis, or an)' lUMe&8C8 of the L!"a.ror KfdueY8. &u(1 NORTHERN I,RISH POTATQES really Iittlll use in time for' th; corn. e.opeclally In Z....,,, . mun)' othi'l" (lI~O:\.'4M. A sure Cll1'O Guanut..-ad. or tlr.... (Elldy Rose) jnst rec..iveil by ...fe'.....,tlent . ne!,")·. Addr.... Voltal. n.lt Co~ 1\(o...holl Mich. In the trentment spoken 01 the Recommends it to All. "era. W ..., ». stalks, cobs. straw. &c., disappea~ and peUte, La.. of STEVEN::; .1: PHIFER. OFFtCE GENEIUL SUPE1I1NTENDElfT, A Sure Appetimr. ' WAl<lll!'OIlEllT COLLII:GE WAXE co., K. C. SIre• .,,.. ZAe. 07 AND BRADLEY'S PATENT NOTICE I settle down iuto 11 black mllSs much J4U 30th 1~80 EJaerllJl. eto. It en" Dear S r- I have use,l your IlfDUN BLOOD } rlchee t:be blOOd. Wilmington. MAy 18, 1879. of which would pass tht'ough'a drill' SyllWP, which I purcbased from yonr Ag"ul, strengthens tbe mu.. y WIFE. l:lAltRIET A. GORDO:S-. cle.\anct gives new lite f\n<1 Ihink it is a uervieMhle medicwe. lis in this way all soils are formed. T~ .... Com.pl.h1 !k.qtbtoer. to tDe nerv£!S" To the 1 haviug voluubtrily lind I1gltiust my ",ill .CUANGE OF SClIEDl"t.E. droct on the Liv.r. Blood aud in olher W'ly6 lIJled, ladl... and ebll· all<l conNeut, grow a hundred boshels of corn 5. nbandoued Illy heel nll,1 board dren requirlul recupe.... bl1d occtlllion to use, hnve bten fnlly CeutenuinlExhi. N AND AFTER THfil DATE, TIm FOL. Iuph,,,,e bition at Philndell,hia in 1871 000 pounds of organic matter iu' the AWI\rdedFirstPremiuIDRt ollon. tbla valnabl. wllhont jnst C'lUSO. on 24th cll11 of JlIUW\lY. to tbe clllim~ ot its Agent, nu(l I eheer· remeaT can Doli be too . lowiug oched111e will be opcrllt.d on this eeed alone, to say nothin '" of the blghl,- Z8C0mm.nd.... 1880, Ilotice ill hereby given to all l,e1'lloDB Railwa,,: fully recowmeDd it to the p"ople of this viIt \; l\jlW twenty·one years since (be DD ' .L Valoabl. Kodlclnl. Zf • l l _ not to h,trbor my Ilaid wife H1\t'riet, or ill cinily. E E GILL, Mngtst."te. bla~es, stalks and cobs, nea~l'y all of 5100. Fowl GI1i\UO wns tir.t introdnced to the on ~h. dl.MU.,.. Ofp!lJL A. !KIlo.. I1nyWL'le eatenel credit to ber, as I wllJ not be allliellltnrsl community. During this tilDe which most come from the air-carmlla1a wll1 ....move all resllOuloiMc for her debli. d,..peptlc aymPIODIL ·bon, hydrogen. oxgen nnd nitl'ogen- it has rapiJly gailled iu popnlnrity whereThis 26th day of J"nllllr.v. 18'10. PA.SSENGER, MAIL &. EXPRESS: Kidney Disease. KotSoLt ...........,.. e"er used. For Cottou. Com. 'J.'obneco TRY IT. it will be apparent to all, that the land Wheat, nud olhercropsit.is llIikesl1lted,~ G. N. GORDOY. I,(nve WilIllington nt..•... 7: P. M CIlRJlO Gonoo. COLU:lmUS Co.• N. C. Sold by all DtIIggi..... 311f By Attorneys. mU8~ be io proper condition to draw The great advl\ntages cIi\lnled lor Ihe Sen " ., No.1. { Arrive lit :Uouroe nt..•..6:25 A. M Dcar Sir-I am pl_d to state thut )'our TllEBROWI C1IEIlCALaJ. pnol'11lETon 01' THE froDl the air soch a large amount of Fowl when firat introduced, o,:er Pernvinu OIll,rioUe at 8:20 A. M' relillble IudblU Blood SYluP htla cured me of 1'... IhtUca1t 1'........ GWlno hllve prove,1 true. It IH not ov.r. SAL TIMORE, Md. gl18eous matter. I {LIlI",e Chnrlotte nt 8:25 P. M Kidney DisellIle and Gmvd. HeretOfore stimnlaliuec aud does not fire the lender No.2. Arrive at ~Ionroe, at.•..9:56 P!II bnve i:le\"er found its cqual. In conclosioD, .will . y that during rools or plants like the Pcrn"ian in dry .... Wilmington ..... 9:50AM .. DHNANEE. the Pl18t sellSon my corn field WllS senson. It pet'lDBnently Ildela fertility to the -FORTBEi Will llot leave Wilmington or Chnrlolte treated lIS follows: In a furrow a good lIOiI, nud ultimately restor<l8 tbe Innd to il!l on &tur<1a~·s. ori~inai productiveness. These points were Diseases of the Stomach. MONROE, N. 0, supply.ofthe black ma,nure was placed, clmmed for it by scientific men when first inClose conuections made at Hamlet with Pntl<WAY Fxnny. COLUl\lBUS Co~ N. C. and thmly covered With the soil antI troduced. lllid cxperienoll hits again proved Rnleigh .\ Allgusta Air Lille Uailwlly. ADOPTED BY SEVERAl, GRA:;OES!! Door Sir- I have nBed yoilr excellent Inon th!s the, co~ was dropped 'by a true to eoience. In view of tbe above fllels -OFdinu Blood S~'rnp for dillellBe of Ihe stonlach s qONS'fA~TLY ADDING b'RESH SUP· AMONG OTHERS WHO USE l'l' "lTD: , HOOSIer drdl, Intended to be sixteen which are cndo1'8<ld by the best scientifi~ LOCAL FREIGHT & ACCOMMO- with which I Wl\8 severely nffiicted ••Ind II ti,ir jUdgment of the country. &8 ..'eI1M by tbe phll9 to hii ClIrefully lIelected stoclt of sncc'-lle. we refer 10 the Iletion. of.Qne in trilll hus eured me. . inches apart, the drill coveriog the best pmcticalllgricllltnrisl8, we deem it only GEO. GORE. DATION. DruO"s .. ~ Wythe cOllnty, Va.• Sept., 1878, Aft.r nlnny ,;. CC/rn; the rows lour and a half feet be- necl!8Hllry for ns to state that the Sea Fowl _ . GOIllO I:A8T. lIlit • • • trinwand a tborolJgh inV9.it4l11tioU. a COlli. _, . tween.~· I have never had such a GnltlU\, which will be plnced in the cammer. EIE~ LOOK I"l AND SEE THEIR NEW Lenye CharloUe at 5:30 A Y , .".. , ~. For BilloUBneas."C. Chern cals, ,'.. lIIit~e of tbree of tbe 1II000t IIlteJligenl nnd Stock of Goods bellgbt for tbe ' Amve at Monroe ; 7:50 A M '~:: growth, and seldom seen such among einlllUtrket for 1880. will be fully llP to the , Med'IC'lneS pmctic.'l fllnn.ra in the connty were nllmed standard of any previolls ycar's supply. It will , •Tut'llda"s Tb1Ulldll)'1l and Saturd":rs. LAUBEL HILL. RIClurolfn Co., N. C. , " t o select tbll best nnd cbeapest Fertilizer .. the largest crop Rrowers of 'he COUD- be placed in Btrong bailS of 200 lbs cneh. bngs Dear I:!ir-I have beeu troubled with BUPant sOils ror their llludfl. Aft.r a leou/!' l\nd .xbaustive OOl}l() Wl:8T. . try, and I have been among those will be branded wilh the Tmde ~Iark. iOl1Hn_ Rnd Indigestion. and cOIl1<1 fiud no I 0 ' report, tbe Grtluge in 6etilliou iu Wythe,'ilIe. Arriva at Monroe 1 :4Cl PM who talk of having liIteen to twenty . Those who pnrchased this Gaano from our , ye·Stuffs, l1DI\nimooily pl\_d Ihe follow111g resollltion: ~l ar their prices. nnd you'l\ be snre to buy, Arrive at Chllrlollc •...•......... .4:20PM relief until I tried your Iudian Blood Syrup. cure was marvelous. Let me suggest n barrels-seventy-live to one hundred Agent. in Monroe Il1llt year, spoolt very hiRh. Re.~0/ved. '1 bnt tbe nble report of tlte COlli. If yOIl bnve the mon"y. TIt~ir Btock i~ com. Mondayu Wedncsrla)'s and Frida!s. . 'l'he ot it which jlivea it a good recommendatrilll of it tu th08llIlt1liCted ll8 f woa. mittee on Fertilizl'1'll be received. and tbllt it pOlled 01 a FULL LlN'E of . " bushels.· I found that 'the average Iy V. Q. JOHNSON tion. riRltt in your own community. Some - JW SNEAD.' , : be pllblisbed in the '"P"trou of HIl6baudr,," ~.' .' Suoeriniendent ear w~wd taktt eigbty fin to the bush. of the finest cotton 801d iu Monroe the past ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. I , ", '. . at Riebmond, V" .. nnd tbet we recommead • _ _ _Geueral ~ el, bemg Cl\~fully shelled aDd weigh. BeIISOn. and some of the l'll'llest crops l"'I\de , the adoption and general WlO by tbe Order, of the . ,.. ad.'; Suppoamg .each stalk to pro.uce in Union county WlI8 done by nsing this GnVa1 ,A. 11&l!leXodiCIne" • ., '.Iuch all ear. how l1ear to a hundI'ed ::;PlyOaif, aupply is unlimited and we cnn .~ "J., -', , " ., , LAmEr. Hn.t. N. C. HOME FERTILIZER,. ' "",. will appear by the followinR calcolaB It' L' , d 0 Dear Sii':':'Aft"ef the use of yo~ ludiau a Imore, tglll an erman 5treelJJ Blood Syrllp. whereby I have beaollgreatly , And that the GmDge Ageuey be l\uthol'lzed to Bough !low lor CASlI. aud prices are ... low •.' tion: A.n acre, planted. 8$ described '. B L I E . ';1. . benefitted my only regret is that I did not would Rive 7,397 hills, wbich divided and at his atore can be ronnd at llny time l\J malte arraugements with ~Ie...lS Boykin, Il>l anybody·s. Tbey cau't he unde1'>101d.'Come and seo lorJourselv..... ; ., ., A T MOR ,MD." . . know of it before. I pronollnce it a valuable C"rm.r &: Co.. to l'urmHh onr fann.rs with mOld any article in his line of businllSll tbll •., by 85, would yield 86 bushels of shell. PRICES . AS LOW AS ANY STAN • ~;, .' ". , .'; >~ . ---. medicine. . A SMITH. is needed by Ihepeople. He bn)'sfor cll8b- Iheir pure chemicals I\t reasoDllble rates. ,.~ ed OOlD, ~~t!' ,f ",~., ... A. P. S" ~ The ulrgesl. mosL mod.rn and bOllt fur. • I ,', , " ",,"', &fnj. THOS J. FINNiE. Chm'n.' DARD FERTIIJZER. livEl8 8COnomicaJ)y-has bnt few e1.penses. . , . : ' "AGENTS FOR-a niKbed Jlrst-clallll Hotel in the city. $4. $3. D. A. SNOW. &0 .• Committee. . tlfsf. _":~;:' ~.ln. Maryla'nt:lFIJI"1MT. and call. therefore. alford to sell I\t , For cotton and com, we refer you to &f,U. .--For prices and other infonnalidn call and $2.50 per day, l\ccording to location, and " . Remedy for RheumatiBDi: "'r •. .• ,. '7 cus Simpsou, Union co., N. C.. Mr R P Da~ ~... I Kize of roomfl. . Special Illrnnf(ementK for A. H. CROWELL & SON. • ,.... VJ:ST'S CnROllEE Co'.• N. C. board by tb. montb from $40 npwurd ilccordviu and others of Mouroe. For Olll1e by ~::! XU Wx' To KNow.-Dealers , J an24. 'SO " _, . , Agents, Monroe N. C. . ing to accommodation reqnired. Dear Sir:-I woa aftlictea with Rheumlt. Onr aim is to furnish BEST GOODS I\t LOWJNO. B. McCANN. Monroe. ft. Iiay how.are we to kno~ that Dr. All lines of city plIlI>Ienger cars pass the Pains in my Sbouldet'B IIUd Side. 281f j.lUlO EST PRICES. When in need of auy articlb ~ ..., .....,. "-"'d"ollJ. , 'f. W. COLEMAN. :tdANAoEn. Weaitne811 and Headache, and procured ::;'Pri!lE!'s.Oream Baking Pow~is unFOR SALE.. in the Drug line-DO matter how amall-be Old Stand:~ . -_.- ':-." _"',:1' Depot Stree ,July 5. 1879 . ". , _~..... ,_. ,', n03. 8m 80me Q{ your Indian Blood Syrup. a short sophisticated? . Know it, because it .'.' sure to call at the l'eopIe'a DtuR Stora. 1J1Jil ~,., 11 J!....!1 u-' A. H. OROWELL &; SON.' r trial of which. coLfletel~' cured me. . . a~ivays gives "IlatiltfactioD, !,od other LOT OF GOOD MULES FOR ~8' ""~. l Nov, 6. 1870 . _ ..... ~, 2ltf .• GO TO RUDGE'S TIN SHOP .. ~~':,,' . . ,E AI LENDERMAN. kind~ are. bought at a pnC:l so ~ow sale or swapping. at the old stand . ;EI'" Physicinn8 pre80rip,tioDS carefhlly and lI1lnrr . £8, In Monro•• N, C.• for .. ,:'" . ,", ".',.," ~- • ._< . .. that It pomts at once to adolteratlOn. of Ogburn & Armfi Id -. St k f d BnUll. ':", Skl'n"' ProfHobra·.TroaU80oDDI.ellO ·H . . .J~'. '.' ' " • ., u'N'ECK. r.",Jlll8OlfICo.• ." aceu.ratel" componnded an" hour of the (lay : . '. mOSS N. C. .. If consumers kuew the character of e '.' oc e at OJ' rught.. , • . ;. 1"~AitI"-' .. -004 II Ow" ......""""""".,~ •. D' " , oftbellltiD.doscribIDll.ymplom. COO.ll1l9 A.ND JlEATING STOVES, '.. Deor SIl"'.-1 -1\8 badly ·ml·cled .nd I,m. ... " i f . _ _ . . . ~ ": lSeaSeS olau.1tlD dI8OIae8, Wlll1 Dlroc. " ~ >.cheap baking powders, very few would 25 ceuts per feed. Old' patl'ons re..... 'II -...., """ ~ ",. ~ ... ' tio... lor tholr .11.... ellra Sont ' •. , • glad to t....tify tbnt your Iu~n Blood Syrup quested to cnll. .. ase them.. . ,.- ..;:;;, .. "; . Jan23,1880 " .' ~llW~~roo'li.~Hi::l.'iJ;;.""""'". ::--:-. ~~~ A:'.r.""r' ~'l .', ' 1I'ee to 111 alIIeted. Adclre.~ tritll And TIN WARE. ; ROOFING AIlID GUT~ cured ms, wben every other medicine fuil- ' NSOGiWRN. • .. , . ' . • .;It' .."_., T .,...., ~k.'"<fl'f J=": .. o-flJ;...~ Ior::.'t: '. .tro.t Phill P: .tamp. E, S. WebIltor. 110 N ~tl1 TE!UNO a up.cinlty through tbeBummer. ed. "'1" . •.. .. .. , '., . '!".• ".'~' . "4' " "H :. r' ">.' .r-..:.. n., 4111M..~:~ _ '''j ,... ":""~J''\:~': ~:fw,.1; ..:~i·1 ;"'t:.;.~.':';:~.~J ~~. ~ _J. W. RUDGE. Dlch29tf ~~..~ .t.~-"," .~! ,.;..\ ~ · h .... .,.:~ .:. . . . . J Mc.\BTBUB.· '. '. .~ ~ •..• i , .~. i .: ..••.•.t:/ ,~~~i·i~ . __ ;.if..::.!. .•.,,:10...; .:'" ~:...~..:: "~.." .' or PA elF leG UAN0'. HORSE.S, MULES OR CATTLE, AC'I' PhoSDhato of LI·m·o.· ARE Land Illl.". '1 Sale ~ rovi Certainly C1lI'e _ta 0' lb. CHEAPEST BOOK STORE ,viJltlIfll I Standard Works For sale in Monroe, N. C., by T. C. Lingle, Ag't. ""I'''''' 0TOJ' Lands ATTENTION I ~~p1~'t;'"urll8Oottl'lle:/Fclnt''e.~ rot=.::= , ODD LE'S' ", HOT EL, RI T q T , .MAKE BIG CROPS, -,-._--------- 9.~hu~gr E~'~~lc !EillD~lol.r IRON BITTERS, . o c:;;.uano, Super-Phosphate of Lime IRON BITTERS, :=:::::::::';.:='" -=-:::::::::. H. C ASHCRAFT »".,,"»., . 0' IRON BITTERS, H~~~_!~E_SICK '. '. IRON BITTERS, IRON BITTERS, Carolina Oentral Ry Co. ----- M O .,.'UiI4I•• -- _~ IRON BITTERS,' POODln's Drn[ Sturn" ,HOME FERTILIZERa I .LQOK QUI" II .. I ~ A~ H. CROWELL &SON T Pall and Winter Trade I . Fancy Goods. SOAPS AND PERFUMERIES II GENERAL· . MERCHANDISE ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. · · , D' S . F I ea· OW B ~ The 'Carrollton ,.~>,~~ .. .;Bradley Fertilizer Co. , jJ r.> Iraw tlW T A ~h ""lll, ,.... ...T.A...,.....,.." J( AVY;', Tobacco ,., ,', " . 0 t I eu red c .~ n. '. -t :.. '. ' .~ ... ~~;.: . /I.. '.. ; ,. • •••, .' t