04 july 2011-DNA Money-Steel market
04 july 2011-DNA Money-Steel market
- MUMBAI ~m~Money MONEY & MARKETS ~ Interest rates on bank fIxed deposits 1_ s no asc '.00 9.00 8.5S 8." '.00 '25 '.00 910 aa 925 ,." ." ••• •• ~ '.50 9.50 9000 9.0DkdsBank 900 ij~lone:.;n"ojhdla .25 '60 6.60 8.15 IInlledBaMotlndla Viiay!lBarik 900 9.25 '25 '.00 ." '" &80 9.25S11I~'viI\ 8.15 91' •• ~_ &75 '50 '.00 9.25 IIr:oBank sJ! 9.00 925 900 _ 8.50 ,.55 8.50 P~ab~Cl"llIBank S)ndIt.a~8;mk ftI!\ 9.00 Stat. Bankoflrldlll State B.onlr.alBluDer 9.00 Stat.8ilnkof!fyda!abad 8,1; §I*Ban~qfM>.wrc 815 ancIJaipur 925 900 9 35 ••• 1,... 3,.... ''''' r•••••.•• r_. s. oe 8.50 ace .- '- 9SO ace ase .." 9.00 1,...3_ '-" PurlabMdStoo8ll~k '00 ,SO asc ." .... aeo 9.10 9,25 9.30 _~..., r••••••• 8.15 9.00 Jo •• '- •..... 3_ rt 9.05Stzte~dP;xtala 8.75SutaBankofTr_nccre 9.05 0" ..•. ." ." ". 8.75 J((U_MahIIldrnBar.k as, ars ars 7.2.5 9.00 9.00 9.25 8.50 8.50 7.25 aec aa 0" 8.25 &25 '" "5 &75 &75 9.25 9.25 &7S &7S " , '.00 9.00 ~Crcd~Bank &00 8." &50 .80 '.00 ,£ ats as, 8.50 INGWm 9.75 TherecllHllBank 8.75 JanvnundKashlrirBlIIk 2m '" 22S ,,..., 1•••• "1 8." '25 I'ItNt.actOlt.UU 9.~O HDFCIWIk 915 IClCl6<lnk 9.40 1l,....1n~ ats 9.50 9AD &00 900 .15 '.00 ese s.:::::.IvoI __ 25 9 8.00 '.00 .00 e, ec 1IIo-.. Where has all the government money gone? TIle government is overdrawn with RBI by over f30,OOO crore, bond yields are unlikely to trend higher from current levels ==t=~=~:~urt! =u~~~~=~~ ==:~~:e~~~ ~~~!t~~~~=~n:~ UdeOVeJ'atempotarymshcrunch.CasbllWlagtmCDtbiIb8leissuedwhcnthccovcrnmcnl overoIOO,OOJaonft'orttthea~Themafn 1n~tcrnmentt1nance,b'io'Ol'T)'1ngthebond tmdatD30.!XXlO1lt"efortheJulyto$eptember 1"•.•.. 2011qu,arttt Heno:.NuerL~~anaeemenl bIlhsuggesttbattheguvcmmcntlSevcrdrawn withtheR8lbyovtrC3l,WJaun..Ouecithe reasowforlhl!overdrnn.b;thematurity~_ ment for the 9.35% 2O11bond that matund on July 2. Tl:tebondhadan enstandingamountofnS7,ooo ~ marXt.'LBoodylckh'Nl!DtupbylObpswcck<JD. If'e!konthebackd.i!Sued.cashmanag~enl bWa.TheDllll'btwillllllYryabouthighertbau bu~tedborrowtnlbylhelOVl.'rnrnenttfggy.. ernmentfinance.sconllnuetobe strained. ~ :;:~~~':':'~~tax"""~"";.: anl~kJy~tbond' fit3~;~t):~~~r!!:~ . theSyllt~~,!,beIlDPro~ed.s).,. 'iTffij'.' =e~d=:!~ slnllned. The RBlharlprovldEd tor the bond redempt1onbyachedullngsc:rrernmentbondatlO> Uons fOr a total of cli3,OOOa:'Ol"l! for Jl1bIlncl~ ingtheauction cl tl15.COOa-ore hcldon JulyL The gavernment had received advance tax of over n35,ooocrore in June and that was to have bo1!teredgovernmentnnancu ~Iteauctlons anda!tVancetlixrec:eIPts. tilf!'ilJ\'irnmemlSaUl> tioningcash~eil.t bills for u8OO)croro this~'I'1!~~cnth.,adau~ncd~b ott. 'I1lenll8}-earCD(cert.11lot.eof depodt)rates havecomeoll'byfObpstromhltMseenilIDonlh ciliiy) window ror funds, with bids for repo aJ 7.50" at't'!rapnr 1:l1IO,1m crore on a dally basil. B1(\$forrePO$hOl.lldcome down this weekce tbe back at band maturity and IJ'VOrnmoDt spend- ",.. _,·._y_=;~'-'-w,·.',":.'''' =~~ ... =,-;C"-. 3ri.!!!ii!;,Ii;!J,p.IjJi Another expert said Thta M0tors hal been Mdumpfng"' Nano en dealer&, Which led 'toa hUge mventory build-up inthe lastfew months, "'I'h.IlI~b.a9bCCn stopped only lisfiiimth, "'and the evidence. is the fall in ~pa.tch numbentbe"companyhu.ltself .Ian NTPC in inove to get back de-allocated mines With 15,OOJmwti capacities wminl: UJI,NJl>C a wmid crnblY dependent on the ~allocatcdm!ne$. The poIIi'l!'rgenerator has aplan to invest aboutQ]j).OOOaon: to produre SO mUllon tonnes of coal every year trom 2013. The oost of pfOduclng coal from Its mtnes IIt'ould be 00& fifth ar wbat it Currently pays CoallDdia.. C~!Itt1l11nfimnation COhIIfus~i!>nerraps ... Itllr.l.ll~~tibliiji;MmistryorAgrleulturehadallowed MOther ~ which WlI.1then set u, -- a ~~::-~:=- -::!:---~:-':; ~ =:~.soii'.~~.- a;: m:- •.•. ~adowntoj1;O.7%onaycar"'O(l")'C!U'basis,!rem kvels r1:23.5% seen sa monllls t..dt. Commodity price.s have aIn!cted \lith the CRB CXlmmodlty lrdu down 8'" &om Reuten highs seen a few months aco. on prtces have c:umetlfbyoverlO%!ramhlghs. bllUesuf glubalgrowtbskJoMlownarel'l:'floctingonollpricel, If !he slowdown meee begins to I:'llher steam ••••••••••• ..",. ••••. .ftmJT1~~ bondyWdAwill~~theJnlldtetwWC:u> IYtIf . ~ 7.981' . U, tor in RBrspallcy rates belnc heldstead}l: Bond ;;.PII!'=:~~~:::-:-_:=1.13.'\:._--:: y1e.ldsareDO n llkeJytouend~rCnm!.CWTellt SpruoI 426'11. ~ 10 Icvclsuf 8.3Z%,Yl1liwbU:eyX:Wun1hcbeDcbmark 7.80% 202J. bond, given the sJawdown ~ ~~~ .....• dicatimu. Ga\lernment bond auction The government auctloned 1;11$,000 cere or oonlb hm week, The buncb auctioned ww:! the 1_ 9 9 .. 7.83% 2018 bondfutt:3:OOcrorc, tho 7,1.,,, 2021 bond foc a5000crore, the8.2G'JI:. 2027 bond for n3000 cecee and the 8.30% 204.0bond for p3OO) 'UI'liiifMi': _..... '.-.-..-"~" .-.. g;62!'. , ,0, -ax,crore. ThecutofTscameinilttl1S9".II,88",8.~" and 8.66%, resreenvera The government WIll BondmarkL1s, while-worryineaboutl:O'l~m au{:tiU!l~I2.OOlcroreufborulsthiswcck. menttlnance6, wtu Wokal theenviranmentBIlI' 'l1ul~tauctionedQshrnanaC:lmJi!Ilt rouMing interest. rates, in determining lbe d•. billiforoSOOOcror-elaslweek.Tbecutofi'on recucc of fle1!!,. There are Indications of de- the 3S-day day bills came In at 8.W%, Tho goY. mand coming-off In the economy due to rlsina emmenlls auctioning the -tUay cash manag&in~nrroa V'cll1dI:lsalcsgrowthsloll.'Cdilown menlbills fur c8000 crore this week. 105.9% in June QIla yt:aJ"Ol1")'Carbasis. t.-lanltarjun@arjunpfJrlhasarath,.com mtJ!)1'"'Hl!1M::n U!!'lIfcrns ~~"'&Ia lMrlliPlbIpolfds- lOSO 7'$ m -IlOOO .10סס00--19000 -- .1~::-:~=:~. ~s:.~ Stnlpezewakl .• U. empinyrnent. Junckermadenoexplldtref· cavethejiO-aheadCorlheMh traDcbedGreece·sffio-bIIllo linandal l'I:'SCUO a.uecd last yc;u;andsaiddctaiLsolai5'CO' (lnd aid paekap WOllldbe n. nallE;edbym.!d-Septe::mba But w:lthtn. hours or s.uurdaYs decision. Euro~ chainnan Jean-Claude Junek· er warned Greeks that help ftnm the EU and Inwnatlooa.l MonetarYFundVl'OUkihoneun- pleasanlconsequences.. "'I1lcSO\'UCigntydGrocre will be ma.ssively llmited," be told Gmnany'. FocuB magazine in !he tnlen-1ew, addlnr that teams of experts from armmdtbeturo~ would be heading to Athens..-One cannot be allowed to insult lhe Greeka. auf one baa lD help them. Theyhavesald they are rtIIilytoareeptexpert1sefrom tho curo tone," Jundu!r said.. Greeks are acutely semitive to any infringement of their .soverelgntyandanysuggeBtton that foreign "commissars" migbtbooomeinvolwdinrunnin&"theoountryisanirlrendi- erenoetDjob~ButiW¥repeat fA GC!rmany"liITreuhand (] The soverelgnty of Greece will be massively limited ••• One cannot be allowed to insutt the Greeks, But one has to help them. They have said they are ready to accept expertise from the eurozone Indi"", ~f~'!IE.dJfIl!'!I1D ""'Ministen:intbeB1U1lgr{RJp anclhldJgos'\ll'ereCall1ng.thespo~A1dl.hel'Uelpr101! Increase and Interest rate hikes have created "a degree of r& sUtanceftl('theautImiobileindu.stryin~nenl. ThtuMCJton, too,i.saffed:edbythlltW(!scethi.s~DOl'malisedfntbE mediwnten:n.DBalersalsopotnt to declin1ng marlt.etsb:u',oCTata prodUct&across the metres. "RIlral shares hale not droJll)ed, buf aa"0S5 metres Tata ears have not been seJ.l:1ni that well. Ta.kf the eesecr Delhi. wberenrta's cac:marlret shareisjust 3% Thaoompanyis nowplanninC ID ratlonal1Jedealer.sbips in the city- it sells only40-.S0t:arlI a month in the capital.said one dealer: """ A company spokespenoo clalrned market shan! of 'niItii ears in Delhi was6-7%, v.'ithgains through the Junequartcr Not surprisingb; the company is offcrin(: larger discountf in the last fellt' months. These vary" aeeordlnr to loc:allon SoUI'a!Ssaid dlseoonls on the Nano are between o:6,OOO-&,OOC and on the Indk:aupto:>18.OOQ. n. a.m _ ~ EurozoDe ftnance ministen have approved a t:1l billion ($17." bUllon) lnalallmentoC Greece',baUout, butslcnaled thatU!enatlonmustexpea.s1t nit:icmtlos!ICSol SCJYereignty ..;:::;: NDDB, in 1999,tOform In 21}1)(). .- factur1ng PMI (purcha5lni mana6(!u' tndex) came In at a ntne month low In June. Credit ~ KlrSoC~um~N otrrciab did nct re- '~~u=:~ ~"T.,," J.!m.201a~. Eurozone warns Greeks on sovereignty and privatisation AtJ'iMd!\i8rr)ring sales of Nano, Indica and Indigo Ccxnpany ~Marketmetrics ilJJ ~&l'~~~~::=i~,~:~,~':: _. .diimJ ~~"t ~~~=':Q~: ~=_;n..: ··..-.-=~.-.-.:=.··:n~~.!· aoT~issueoteasbm:mage- reliQl1l!d":-==' In shupcontruttothesurplullthegoyer~nt badthroughout&aJ201G-ll.Tb:!go\"aJlIDenI: -Jean..aaDde Juncker, EuroVOUP~m'IiIlI ary political wue and. could triggcrlll()J1!stm.:tprutcStS. tarilYbu.YinlnewGreekbonds when old ODeS they hold mah1n.mtaninl:AthenslliOUld ca.ll on Saturdal the 17 euro not b;m, to prndnoe cub. to t& tOnemlnls.tena~theftf\h p;qtts.d'edItOl'5lmlnediatel): mmche WWld be pald by JUlY JUnelr:er also said Greece 15, ~ lone u the IMPs board mustpcivatiscoo.scale3m signcdr:l!anibedisblnemcnt. lartotbeseRotrcl EastGermanfirmsintht,199Os.. TbeIMPiseqlec:t.edtomeeton JuJy8toappn:M!It .~ the forlheomiJlI wave The paymenl wUl allow afprtvatt=11on!tbeyW1.Ilnced. Gnea: to HvoId the immedJate for example. a !OlutJon blued threat d debt default, but the on a model 01 Gcrmany's country still needa the secood 1'm1hand aglillcy'," Juncker rescuepackllge,wbld1lsalso said, merrmg 10the (rl\"aUza. exped.ed to total around (no tIonaaent.')'ihatsoldoffI4.000 billion. Between now and then. East German 1lrms between financeminlstcnwiD woril-on 199Oanill99l. the ·precise modaliti(!.J and Greece's problems with 11 SG!.le~ r£ privatecredilors' in· Jack r£ eoonomie oompeli~ nW;u'9Tnodesleomparedwllh volVement Germany hopes this wUl those of eastern Germany' evcntw\llytlJlal al'Qund 30 bU· which more than j1;Oyears after lion eurDS, with banks volun- eommunism still has high unAfterSatun!:Jy"lamft:re1lal exper:iet1Cl!~bitterCm" Greeb, who are alHady .uI'. rerin& 50arinr tmemployment as a recession drags Into lIS 1hinI_ Trtuhand was sUpposC!l1lo s.ells1at.epmpertyata~lbut do5edwilhahugedel\dtanda lepcy of blttemessamong the legionsr;Lwo!:kenwbosejobe it destroyed. four million eermata were emp~ by 1'l-eu-band-oWMdeompanieslDL990 but OIllyabout U m1I1lonJobl: 'ili'CIl!1eftbyllB4.. The Gcrek parllamcnt wtcd on Thursday ta set 11P a privaUsation agency under au. teritypllmsagreedwtthlheEQropean UnIon I.IJd IMF which have proyukcd viclcnt protest. (:ftthe~trectsd A1hcns. Atbmsmustse1101!'€5billion In lIate assets thll year a!aneOTr\skmlss1nrt:artetsaet WlderiUEUlIMFprocramme, whidloouldwtdIitstundlnJ: neededtokeep Ibe DlWmmenl running and avoid a debt d~ fault. "'!be CUlTent paCkalle rA measures, which Athens bas a;reo:l.to,wiIlbringasolution 10 tbe Greek question," said Juneker. However, he added that the Greek tax collection sysltlw was Mnot fully funoticIlal."RIuItfs I MONIlA.Y,JULY 10 4,. 2011 _dNlind' •.oomI.pape~dnalM'a.com Rally could spell pullback for US stocks ~.- Chuck MikolaJczak A pullback could be en the table next week for USSloeD after their helOtweeJd.y per. formance In twoyeart.. e6p&clally if a raft or data beadlined by tho June jobs report: doun·t bobter lMarpunent n1' a stringthening eetlntlm}t SUlck5l'O$Cforftvestra1&ht clays ti the foa oC the Greek debt crisis appeared to once ag:lin be lltted while bcttcl'U\<ln-anticiP2ted economic numbeu such as JlYtdaT' ly percentage gallli since July2009. With Greece and the Europcan debt ertsts cuee 31;ain ;pnshed to the wclt burner in the minds of Investors, the focus hallhlfted to the rapidly apptuaclrlnll deadline lir Congress tc reach I.IJ~ mem on the debt limit. preseminganotherhaadwiDdli:r &toeU, Tu US Treasury on hidPJ' kept up the pressure 011 Congress to .trike a clelll to raise tbe debt celling and pl'eII'ent a derault. repeaunr =:v~~t ' WAlLSTREET i ::ou~;~~~ to the belie! the WEEK AHEAD room to bcrrc .••• us economy was onAllgU5t1. .tari1ngto~&mna..sot\ "Theb18thiDa:aDtheborlpalch. ton II now back to tbe US "Wb!Itwurelook1.ngatll defl.clt Issue,.: saId Rick I.mazktltthalbgcingtofucu.l .Mccldcr.p~entdLibef'on the economic number.s,· tyView Capital Management .aId Peter Cardlllo, chief in New YorlL market economut at Avalon -rne Greek (debt) situ. Partners in New Yort. tIon was an appetizerfor that. ~We had real good.pin. and 1 think you're colni; tI.I towards the end of the quar9C(!a lot of back and &::rthat t.ersoilwolltdn1surprlseme people wonder how much toMB<'IIItIlr.bilofpml1t takIng before 9.11get those numhen out durin!: the ecurse a( theweC!k." Data expected for next wl!l!k1ncluMsCactoryorden CorMay,theJSMservtceslJP dexl.IJdsevera1tndir:atocsoll the labour market, including If'riday'.r&porl. "ItJ.s<'IlitUebitearlytodeclnreV1etolj'overthemtd-cyeie sIowdollt'D we've had," said Tim Gbriskey, ehici' in- ' vestment officer of Solar-is Asset Management In Bedford JUll.s,New York. "On Friday, you have pay. rolls, unemployment ratethe big Kahuna - and there rnisht be tome trepidationgolnflnlDlI,especlallywlththe market havlna: already rebounded sbll'ply here over tevcral\lQy"," Even Vtith the eecnceete dala on the docket Cor next week, TlllWl'\4! II expected to remain light due to the US market holidlq on Ju4' 4th, which could e.nl.'C!rbate &win.:s in the market A.s1de rrom!he addlUonal Iplke In volume brourht about by me flna1 reconsututionoiRwselllnve!1tmen.ta byltsiDdexesonJl11le24,lK'o erage weekly volu.me ha& been amon,the lowest of the yearrorseveralweeks. The Ughl volume ma.y praveto be:madvant.arefor the bun.., boWIIY'ftt;especiallyaLtutheS&PSOOsucce.w.Ml)-bounced off the 200-4ay muvw anr&ee. a key tecbnical support level. and jumped back aver thI! 5O-day tDlIvtng average,. whic:h re~ resented a resistance point. "Tbemlnd~lsanOJlPOl'tunlrtic "risk 00" trade and ltlsprtDgallfttotbe:markrt in .pile ollhe!'ad that moM people are ~atchfng theIr heads. nut that Is what happens.partlcularlyv.henthere a very lightvWUJ'4e, momentumdimteltrend,and that is what IIt'eflndnursclvestn.~ &aIdPeter Kenny. manapr dlra:toratKnl.ghtCapltallD Jcney CilX New Jcney; For the week, the Dow Jones industrial average:ro.se 5,4%, the S&'P 500 gained 6.6% and the Nasdaq Composllo Index cllmbed 6.2%nwll.ins their biggest W'C!Ck· "Dataexpeetedforllext week Includes factory ord~forMay,tho~ services index and s~eral indicators on the """""""'"' "Voklmei.s~edto n:main light due to ltie USI'TIii~etholid3}'on July 4. which coukl ClQc::c:roateswlnp "WlhGreece,E..-opeIWl debt crIsls once illam pushed tothebacl( b~,thefocushias shlf\edtoltJadeadine 10r Callemss to relldl an agre&mentonthe dabtDmI. brinkm.ant.hiplladtlallyroIng 10 be played W1th tho budgetlkficit." Anotbl!too.wbangooWdbc evident in th ••pn.a:anouncementoleorporateprnfiubefore earnlnp eeascn beJlIll W1thAlcoa Inc's earnlDgs on JulylL Thegloballllc .••• duwn in the 9C!amdquartcrl1l»5 n=.ult in Xlme daappointini o1..lUookL "'We have had a 110ft patch in the economy here due to bic:her cummodity prirel, a little bit of weakness in th.emanu1'acturIna;side,t:. cause of JaPi:ll1..Europe, on.. na and varlOus thlnlS. All thateann:allylropact~ earninb' :md we may gee some negative prearmounC& menls, and that mtghl really ha\ll a broader impact on the ovurall market." Ghrlsll.oy said.~1II111S FMCGfunds streaked ahead as St fought headwinds -~ that even this settJnll up a! aftb.,NDDBAet,whlehro IpcrativestrategyiDamo" ! ind nation-wide bash and tn take.suda steps asmay be nl:lC!essaryfor the;purpolel a10r& said". The Preamble to the Act apectf1cally refert 10 "coop t:r.myc stnteJ::y" Ill!bciru: "a strateu clvlved at AnIlJld (G~ jarat)". . NDDB's ol!kiabh<M:not )l!tclarit1ed toDNA wbetherthe fl!MS n! the lawm1n1s.tryb2\-e been put !.orest. Allocation to FMCG funds will act as a value protector due to its very defensive nature Steel makers staring at an inventory bloat so-shsre Sellsex on the Stock Exchange and tbe Nifty on the Natima! Stock Exchange remain 'M""um-_""wthf",J~ dlascemstobercvcrtingbaekto single-digitagam-!evc1&Iast:leet1 pre-2flO5. 'I'1ilislawdownseemsto be continuing info this flseaI." th~=1;~~~~=~ partner at Equltociab, 1_ 'I't ~=~,!r:ar~~1Se \'Olaille,.ltisreAlJydl.OkullCor Vi~. -, '-- I ')0,., , •.• · ,:=._•• III I~~ t,.:'.~ ~fl'''''''' :~ a new ~kln~~:~~~~~ atleastlhene~twoquarten. ~~'fo%~the~~~o::"~ As the Bombay - 1-.$. Icta 01'1I,,.1Researdl -~ -'It ~ )t. _, .•~ "n1leen monthJ of tight menetarypoIJeyandhlg'hfoodtnfla_ - • tion bas led toan all-pervading declir'.e. With cepex and oehsumptio.."l down. inventory build-up is a siroll.l po$$lbiJitx' he said an Investor to determine the t::zactpoint to enter the stuck martet. But tbere are seeton. which act as a strong defence, during the volatile or weak ~t eondlUons, TbesWcks which an into business of pharmaceutical and healthare. notCG (fast moving oeDstlmer goods) and collSUlller durables are known <d di!Censn'ei5edon.StmJlarIy,mutual rundsdootfersdu!mesknown sector CUllds. which ha,'e higher coccentratioo towards partlcularr.ec:tanofeconm:ny _ banktni funds are more e:lposedtobanklna:stocks.wh.1le fJ'oiCG fwuls are more bla900 towards consumer durable a, ~ Scheme perfonnance vis-A-vis benchmark "? ~~1nfMCGr~~~ 71..28 _ lCippnHI"ntlatFMO:;-Growth 71..54 .S8I.M~~rF'vlWisllnltn, •....FMCG.. 31.48 54..22·. 33.61',· I ••• 5.80 5.20 ".15.00 ..•. 11.40 c3.90:-1+1Q.;;~~ J.24 8SEfMCG 1.57 -8.46 3,a.83.,~" .:,~. 3.60,, __ ,12.:40 8.30 9,~9.00' 4.40 "-13.07 8.85. 8.240.68' 1.30 -0.60 09..10 CHXFl4CC BSESema; .•••• lA,:ZOU; ·MDCttycCfllUl •••• 'lUJlll1-'I··,."..~,\JJ ~;;~ 16.10 25.30 )7.20, .1&.40. 17.90 .19.-40.. 17.40. .1~4Q ,~~"__ -,-,----4.30,-,,J3.2Q 8.03 _~~(lXwnIted8CI~ ••••••••••.•• bIaII\IfI~.COI "1Wa 3.8Q__ 1'12.50 69.63U ~~!f"'CGIUndJ » One year and Sensex ~:~~~';i:~"~k5,>kii::j ~ 1..2~ Thewiu'o/~O.OOO1l'l*llld'o1au.Jl'WIII1AA:t'~fMCtiturds~ SerR:llilld4versll'.l'd8Ql.lltytn:;IbIIIoIUoGClflJ!a1' ej5."E.E!;i~a .l8.20. ,10.96 12J6,~ 21.90 15.BO 18.29 22.62 14.84 290 .. 13.00 8.90 12_78 lL90 ••• c-~2011 broader indkcs by considcrablclilltcrence. Tbe FMCG call!c:ory has also nut. paced thedtver5tned category aCTon the horbon ranging from one mooth to five )-ea.tS, lnwtoncyear;FMoot'llnds have posted a stac:c;ering 17.&:1%growth1nabsolutl!r~ turns. while dtvenlfled ute-gorylwCetcbedameagre4% .b.olutlln:turns. Tb,.:raphindieatesthedecensiveness 0( the FMCG gee. loru theendrcled pari shows uptrend in FMCG Index. when broader Sensex continued lhc losin,.treak.Sincethelast IItrlpped -~-.l:...-=-.. ~~ " IG , ..;...17.11.. _~J5.93 20.00 population and improvlnr staI;dard of liTiDg will in· crea,o;ecnn.,umptionineoonom)lieadtngtobetterpro&peN for thl$ $ector. As tm table sbows, YMCG r'unrb bave outperformed the ~,815 ~1.450 _._ r50,6.?:Q _ broaderindexSeDSeXaCll:lMa per1.ocIranglngfromlmOllth "I'Ie:I.mlOll!lesedmlj4!11'd:I5oLU~il'Dbi*1Odo/OO!I_ fnn2411lm201l to 5 years. The Sensex fell by 9.10% based on 6 months re&nd }'MCO stocks.. tcriala hu prumptcd manll- turns, whil., fundi catecorl During the last on, year. taclnreu or COlUUl:'Ier aver-age and»'Moo tndeJt "''all FMCG mnds have outperdurahles,orFMCG,topowon up by 8.03% and 8.30%, reo fotmed the calegt>ryof equttY the(:06tp1'e&SW"I!toeon5uma speed~l)t t\m!.UUl term of performanoe. The consumer demand will Even durlnr the lonaer M the lnDatlon continued to anyway rema.1n higher for es- horizon or three and five rise. IherisingC05taf raw ma- sential producb. Whik risiDg years. ThlCG funds haY(!out· »lop edge ,~.60 17.~,-,-24.27 17.40~ trend ~.. "'n~2D1O Itde.h! •••••••••••• , " 1UI;M.2011 t. =-l.~~==.. onc year, BSE FMCG has Cct.::bedZO%ab.$ollitereNrol, while Sensa has posted a merez.SO%returns. For an tnveltOt". allocation to FMCG fund:! will act as a valueprolectorduetoilSVC!rf de~nsi.~nature.Moreavez;in a country 1lU India wbtre consumerism's on full swint ov.1ng to higher domestic eonsumptien, the grvwth stvry r6. the liMCG and eonsumer durable sector v-iUmntinue to thrtve,A'lhLsbelngasector fund, it I.s advisable to allocate II. tninor portion or total portColio towards this funds, '.