^ S F m rm , > Tivsmaa. ~l"k —,l` fyuti#* 2 cr4kC^lSb.^fJaw^CIiS. T m


^ S F m rm , > Tivsmaa. ~l"k —,l` fyuti#* 2 cr4kC^lSb.^fJaw^CIiS. T m
W & L U & a ; M O M IE JT O R .
?i*s!i S m t t »iaS&sifr
iV i* .
Jfr~ rr_
i> ,
'fjf****$*** nUKS**.
m s s
S mw
; , . , , , v ...
« •» w
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- *
tftr th e l J
a t e r nr p u b , .. >
8ad atmm,
A* t*p* oft h i £**»
. JdaMli- tLQsrftOtdlscdU.; wXA
J 8 W * .*
■ IUpB 07 AnvtKnaWtt,
J to f t« g lW 4 ( tt? « « )
M rfi *• £ J t
<* ’
' '
pca’flv tb a Eatc.9 a t o ia b teo a aa u h o n h b Bioamo a
M;- > • • '
;H id tib^j ksaas£,Tji*ti b so k caomefl ono of booo,
an d b is oinono an d ontisolea m ade hio lega ao d drmd
ap p ear libp pilhvcd cclum ns. H o waa fair* with
iig h t bldo oyco oocl dGlioato s k i n ; hia faco oval and
fall, b u t Vbw Of O lpreeaioo: n eith er lovb, fear, ro
W tB to d .tb Its ptolid QtttjinOy. Hitt o y c i otnrcd ot ovorytbinp m ithont nppaarjn g to eeo, a n d , wboii bo sm ibe, th ero waa rarely aiiy
m eaning in* b is w o fd i. Ho followed th o m en i a
tb e ir various d utiea lilte u dog follow ing b is m aster.
'W bcnovor h o nan struck o r started by a boatsw aio’e
m ato, b p ran up tbo m ain*rigging, cuream iog a t tho
top nf bis longs, and never paused until h o h a d per­
formed the first evolution th a t made him a rnaoiao.
ifce* % tho nprfeew hs»ae»
_ =
>n * r .
Atejoioo, ch, chill t fall, a xo«dB*ss
In tho proraico whi h f^nxk M f r ,
WRoM’tStuo BU4
B 0 .A R W K 6 A U B t.A
i M l IW N S L3M ES,
2d gladden earth anti
W b4 finftljoAtl
O OCi,
Ehalljoy thy eye» n*d faat'Mtth flowari
r L
1 .0 8 fi
P jn n W b
ttofll w o r ftU’'
arar. >■
®4torn to e s from thb»o«th,
60 p«r iootli; direr,
¥<itim -i6i* ’ou gbtd
-K i • 1 o s m ft mz,m m .jp ^ H B th m Jlsis
Att. ra-opaa oaih&esiasd Wi
I L r i d r f o B O J ttta J ti a 3 h j
to - tH®'-Essit;
bd f
B # A l1* Att»6U0*
L e rav l& ttq h aeS J
m m t%
^ to ^
*|5 i ? l
• i4 , : .
C l Q ^ n fo r
-Wbioli pti bq.flscd in nU tsts^s, hr*
b e j t i r t l y d l f f e r t o t - f w a ) f i 'e c d n j o f o o b & n d w r tls 6 0 I
m « )3 t.e .f{ lso .P K !fc ;3 :c s* l w A fldO gcaabnly banSci
fow.casaa nca often gives moro pain than tho old fcohipoeft
<wU^/U.a t a j p ^ d jmjaytieg iieerfajne?.;,.^, tarnkpyt '. ^ervopn jnesplp eh^ntd Any my por mod original
pfel2f e 3.*yetcmi<^ra5tiSeu b'y'thoonly). All trorb tvo&an-
. -....
W ith ■ gratitudoigathertaoA airreat iot
G ather the g o ld eif shOAfa* w hh ^ ig m g r
*tur pifti
? q e ire n g tl
itutioo. A t tho ooEamiiftdj
o(7, pqij n o jc fp ^ risa
A b oq iqros h a r in t o .
t f 'o t G
-& jc ? c < * ,h h tin to r
; ft*
, ^ , 0017 !G HC®P.
^ Thoro poo Id ba fQiyor pptchcd.^H riipgeD , fowcj
diaipalcd, dcgvadcd m o o , if o o fn tift ,\T-oro. t,aujjbt t o
m PAo-r^
C h e & ^ s t-6 e iM t o f s *
tie I / a l l #
poacOTpto m ako them feqt th a t in iho buay, is o tjld ij
n o ise n o d coafuaion— lh a l a t hom e th ere io. ord cs
s o d ropoao— th a t th eir “ oyea look b rig b te r” ' oh'cCt
th.ey"nomd tb o r^ -p tn n t t % smiTe of Yiolebnt'o is ovoif
ready to rocolve thora, tho book ev^r ready tp bp
laj.d w id e tp mintetof. i g tbtt .huabpnd’s p lfia sa te ;
they would find amuspn^ont th e n a t hom e, a n d p o t
try to seek i t elsewhero. .A d d p o t aiono to tb o
higher classes of society okould thia be ta u g h t;, i t
should bo a lesson instilled into tbo mi.nda o f all^
high a n d low , rich and poor. F ew er h eart-bloken.
wives, w eopiug pod ecolding, w ould otnnd w aitin g
at th e doors o f publio houcca, to lead th e unsteady
step .of tb e ir dru n k en husbands hom o, if .that: hom o,
had offered s room as cheerful, a fire na b rig h t, p,
welcome ps ,ready a n d cordial no a t th e lo p rooip,
they frequent. D u ty h as seldom so stro n g , a hold,
on men a s women ; they c a n to ? wjll, pot, fo r d u jy ’pj
sake, rem ain in a dull, tedious, ill m anaged, or auPr-J
relsotpe house, b u t leave it tp eeak e u o o h o rp (ho.
uomfort and am usem ent w hich fails th e m .’t h e r e ) 1
and when riot and revelry hav e done th e ir w ork,7
tbe wiveo and aistera who h av e dono so K ttie to
m ake them otberwi&o, are pitiod for th eir bad, hn t> '
ban d s o n d brothers,
An tbo saHor’o otory runs, tbe ship arrived a t Ply,
month to bo decked and reSttad. Tbe captain
Extracting 2B ccnta.
‘ •
rta W te iiW d
' R * A . A fffiR B U ,
availing bjmself of the leisure, -was going
ba mar­
■“ •
- - •*«*
IJo -jc h a rg O tp f c s tm c td f ig tr n 'e a A rla d a te l t e e t h e 8a t o r
Leat It find thpe Mith.bai*t,fhai t o # n oosra,
to r d,
A n d punish theo w'ali
!••■ - y f / • • • T t o
vnnt to fho cook, who eo»n circulated it on the
.......... .. .
N. B. QRlMIlf, Benttet.
v r illp a w
. «a *•#**'*,•*•••• *-*••' ••«•
Nos. gBS ond tS? Fulton Btrcot. BroohIyn;
bprtb-dGck among the men, who cursed him nnd all
-.»« ■ li ,
of his kin..
M tofctoiM *w -n 1 ■£ ■" ,y
, A nd th o w inter o f hfa hMW<IM|i Utfl# in , *
T o - ^ a t w e r s y M a rfe e t G a f d e B e rs a n d 6 th e re <
; H is servant camo on board of tbe bnlk where
COttvwsiQR o f W ool ifitQ B ro ad clo lli* ' ‘,!
•?*• v** •!;•,—••., .... .. .<
Itttho-firift.^hdfltna«i* *W , tetSsail
-----------R s V .J jb l^ J I p tT tS ff ..* *
men were lodged, the evening when tbe captain
Q ne o f tho m ost interesting as well a s curious o&>i
a«»m HiUb- Kao- ---■-«•••••**••• *.......New Orlenns, Lb.
Gather, oh, cWA I inbho toaK tlm e of youth,
teas tb be tnarried Crazy Joe (the name the boy amplea o f tbo ingenuity o f m odern m an u fh etu rin g t
Iw Sp »^8M 9* D > i L L D * C b — * e U e rN $ • £ « » * « > $ •
Yhy garlSnd of Obfididg fiaSvOriy
Tnowvk U snR" , j£°si >
New-Yprk City.
TfiORQUGH 'TESr.hss provcd thts vatcab’o Kertlltoor to bo felly
was known b y ) mot bim a t the gangway, and asked processes, is th a t afforded-to the transform ation o f
r S t v vr
OB _ _
equal to tlie beat novr Jn tho ujarkft* • !n WTO cases, wlicra*
. ?^
H _ 7x 2 .%
intelligently if the captain would be married tbat n h»j*m* C ■... 1 ! . 1 .
That will glitddoa thy I VW^fri’ry I ourp
G mwt , E
b S
ja A G
E i*« g, , V
, cU t c o~K
phango or moro permanentrcsalts ore required, It ta much bettor than
0 t l iS irrc M S 5 P s ifc ttijw .
tvhilo Jt
t‘' 1tol>n«
hid tor
Ti ir.tx*,.
evening, and where : Tbe Servant gave him tlie in;
Guhno, -whllo
dt ts
bo pad
for ficirlV.im'fi.thM
ncariy oss-JhtnJ -tha
tho mica.
prico. •It'fo.pO‘1
P rin c eto n , N . J. nallsrjy
.W* Jam es M . MxcdMAI-d, D.D.
Gather th e graesa whioh fist# not with Dme,
‘ tin
” s early,
’ qrojo,
' bcing cctlre und-et.Tvala.H
formation.he desired, and w®Qt abont his business; <
New-YorU Gity. ,a s well
A to n n SSxtJU, M 1 ) ,
..... as
_ perm._____
iuent ln lta’-enecta.
This Hanu.ro
. has
is heen
been used in
But brighten ,wi<b etch
ittO-re,* (
A lbany.
Tbat night, while the captain waa undressing, be o r Mteazer,” the sharp teeth of which sever the a *
Kagland for years with Iho hlghcot cutctel, and (l hoods only to bo
Gather io season th a t t*aJy jsup^Ty
s j? ^ r* s a «
known among IntolUsont Aiaorlpu Agticulturhta to bo Hilly appreeht’
seized by thejtbroat and dragged to'tha bridpl of wool one from another. Next, we trace ii
D H Cocbkah . P rin c ip a l N. Y . S . N orm al S chool, Albany; to d ’herc.
- . .* * H-: • i - ■... ; -.-" i ; ■
(j -fc - W p # * * * ! * ' Goito9ellors**!*L*w,
!B rooklyn.
Tha grcjt valuo otUruto Boooo and of wpoh as fdrtnfxers hits long
through a burring TOaohine, tbe rollers of which to p ^ 1
Trim thon th y lim p in tt* ffrin g fijao of yonth,.
i t f 'boon-known in Great Britain and- otliM parteof Europe. Prof, Jaa.
J»taanga» M » tc h .2 fo d , IS to
'‘Look, fair lady, on me,” eaid Crazy Joe, “ but arate the dotted wbieh would vitiate toe quality of*
TrUsfc not tho uncertain tsMaOtTOW^ ‘
W. F, Johustqn, pf England^ who is our beat authority oa this subject,
do not eCream, or I will kill you. Look on me.
the cloth. Then eomea into action tbo scribblingf)
M . H U N T T I N G ^ gives tt pounds o t^ o o l,« 8- pounds of& ied ttood. as fully oqutvalort
.This ia thy -day of strength fe>pcrfaia,
hold within my grasp a devil, whp delights ib oru machine, by tbe sharp teeth of which the fibres a r e r
to ICO poundo of otdtoaryfarci yard manure, or to 50 pounds of rctuso
The noxt ia th y winter sotrow
. ,
]E*attth>' F rench and Cmssical
charcoal frofn tha sugar works,or 60 pounds of,nmmonlated carbon,
eity— a merciless fiend, who has scourged the bftcks scribbled straight and parallel, and brought into a . '
from *hlch mucht)f tho Boper-phoSphato o f Rmo Is mado. • I t is oi^ly
s c h o o l I 'o k H o y s*
of huadrede of brave men— a ruffiap who has rob* continuous roll. \Ye see this soft roll of wool suck-1
• '
Going A I o f t^ A tt* ? « £ y *
recently,kowCTor,tbnt.‘ho?0 twioifcrti(itors-hsve beca wmbjuea toil
JfA S A K C A , f i. r .
introduchd.ldto the agriculture of tho Unlied Statcs,
bed me of m y reaepa; I bold him within tbe grasp ed into a funnel of a tap machine, and quickly coil*
blood Is rapidly decomposed, Und its effects aro Immediately fait
ItOMMtnt dlls School tc to flt boys for college or bteacsa Ufo.
of death, at tbe very moment his black soul thought ed round a tin frame or cylinder. Next, wo follow
The** Afficsod to tu t 0 TO (ha h-Jilut o aro inslfca to odrres- upon tho crop?. Th<j change in Wool. Is rauoh moro gradualt nnd ligo relates an incident on boftfd o f a B rtiph fjl^ftto, t.o
oi nd wdh tha PrL pa! apd; tr re tn rd , to tha Trustees of .Clinton bone dust, Its Influence is felt oa tho soli for years. By combining iiiilfltfaio the torribla cruaHy InliictEii upon (jcamen, iltolf within the reach of bliss. Monster! look op* the progress of these coils, and find that several
i ^ , " y ^ to tts s n p to h U t . t o t o 8 iron pjcjtsnl reocnUy to ;hem, tho oariy 'dccompositiOn of tho blMd cxcites aad hastens that or
on youir la d y ; think a moment o f tbe heaven of of tbem are tranoforrcd to tho carding engine,,
•i via redsrd to h a Engakumoid formerly na Brlnclpal of tho Institution the wool, which is thus mado to yield, up its fartlSlilng prpportlcj to in the name Pf discipline, dufiJtSf the enrty years o f
under ths ca-o —< r o « D ff c c ly tc J y to th o a b lu M d s*i^.8d«d^.
tho prcsOiit ccntary. Htt<2^ amtd# A tinnd b o j wno earthly joy almost within your roach, then think of whore tljo fibrto are combined together, a n d '
in ysi*SB«F IB «Sleh S< dun-hirged every duty *hlla tUua engaged.
« & , was so cruelly lasbcd beoauw ho was afraid to go mb, poor Crazy Jos ! and of the hell to which J send carded out into a continuous silver. By repetition ‘
And With fiilt <son««MS1i»l*LtotWy *c<iuire-n,>nU. as Well M .la his injitry to the latter.
..» . t ■ . •
of these drawing!) and cardings and combings* v ary -;
n e mtu-od of t i i t d i t r f l
lI» resorssS?tSA auy cShootTO • ffhanorof a rapidly (Ktlng'hlttogoaous fcrtlllta- Js,needed, this Bipod aloft, ih at ho fcsfiateo tnnftlldt nnd W er after nat-d' yob T Die, wretch, dip I"
g rr§ a e u w o U
p w o ^ s s f t e w boha^ehjldren:^ ahd Wool Ifonnro Will fender okcellcnt Sorvlcs.
When tho alarm was givbb, tho olrnnglod body ing ia number according to tbe k'nd of material era -1
• HumerouJ mstfcionlals havo hesn glrca o f tho entlro cuccoss of this
of the captain was found lyiog alongside- of the bri­ ployed, the woo] is, at length, brought to tho requi­
from rnnstbead t> fffsiitbdltd t o t alucg; thaynrds
to^mMis m
now manufactured in South
A n o ld tn$ n p,f*W|ie*« m ith W&i th e j'w rite r o f th is dal bed; bat the rnaoiao who killed .him was nevpr red thread like state, find it is then, spun ipto yp ra i
. * ..Menfayi May 7f4»
. J Brooklyn.
reoogaized afterward; Ho belonged to Cornwnlt,
df^aSlw^hMit^eeilirMpsrauh "hetuO« u a cfihi^upiJ,,^^ . Priss flflt per toa o f fl.OCO pounds,-pKkcd la Barrds of 209 pounds eame Qtory Gianjf jearti Ago, Vr *b a sfq u l wMtth ijed probably found 1shelter fro'to pursuit in the by s mijlo machine. Arrived, at length, at tho
CSCsAt '* • ** >•
' ,.
C a p ta in H a il h ib n o t g iv e n
t j « V *tfc iS v ..to *y ,yy«*.
cloth region, we trace the woollen ya.t'n through ita-)
vluigj is f fATOw U s rw m u i ha
For cda'by HEKCS^SOhr & yAN BICStEf, Jamaica, L, I , where
vninca until- tho oscitomant passed away.
successive stages. First, there comes tlje w eaving^
. t o .
; Tbo lady elated at tho time, and many years Of- then we trace the' cloth' to tho beating stocks. By"
- **•>
, Lalta*. torward,
th a t tho nttaok of tbo ipmriaC wa 3.n0 cud which the grease and oil are beaten and washed out ’
diJcri wnifof*
;4en nnd silent that sbe knew nothing of i t until tbe <jf tho cloth—nnd to tho fulling stocks, by the incca- '
curtftidp wore pushed, psido ond she felt ibo pressure sant thumping uf which the doth is'shortened, nar­
., Ska opened'an oKea over Tfh), Phratior’o SkfO jatha v n t o ef Ja­
tsalea, whsfo-he'caa hopoaaultcd'PrOfcinronhUy dSThtsr-r-lay, Friday ip learned t o m o a lo f t . Slli
A 't o w ’ a Ir 's attd oftho captoin’s body bant over tho edge of tbo bed. rowed, thiokoned, and motted in thnt peoolinr way ■
and gaturdsy of cpsdl week.. |jl3 other appolntn^sta ori as fpllows
*’ ‘ *
. bo cfied.-bc Joe held bis victim around the neok with bia right' which constitutes folting, , Tbo gigm ill, with-Uaat- v
IJrruc Nece*
. CwwCovA.;
. r .. . s a k e t o !m v o band, and tarned him from side to side aa easily ao tiro of teaalea or of wire tepth, then cpmQQ.iatft. uso, i
‘February’ S
February i
January 31 ' Fsbrciry i ,
tt , Harch
jA jr A ic A v £ • i
. .
keilaw ftin’a if he had been a child, while the forefinger snd for rubbing or scraielnog up the fi|ftmep;a of. wool, ;
io 28
i ^ 4 ^tdotV te thumb pf the left hand, graaped her own throat, ready to make o-pilo or pap, and the cloth, .after .tbeao ya-),,
£1 mato ttao ordered tp' lay
4 jardjeasof tbe.boyXpicrcipg •or«jais%^bi^i v 'p p a , to extinguish her lifo if oho' attempted to raiso an rious ordeals, payees to the shearing, machine, tq
.AjrU .
JL hcs%R
f «t
'. ft
1? oven vetoraa seamen (urn from ^ *
have the pile closely shoved down—to, tlie brush i n g .
His frtco waa'palo affd doatb like, his ’eyej ctUrcd; machine, to have the short and beautiful pap brush- »
L . P E G S & C O .,
Ju- £9
but weto motionlcs3, pod every word h e uttered
And intend t o p i n g cop tantly on hand nn extensive
I2>- Jane; J» fipod- followed th o fasb, and itlB tb a'ty y n n i' roftied seemed to issuo from the vory depths of his soul.—■. ed uniformly in one direction—and to' the ptosMbg1
ii .
machine, to give it tbat attractive and finished' n p *-1
*1WfliBHW>l fifi- »ll m
i ‘ll
.... v'-|re*-..
XX____ *
July- ■*S
0 ■ July* It
icrcatn bo ttprang froai (indff 0 # Ittsb, An'd boDod* Tho eaptain’a looks were terrible beyond description ; pearance
which “ extra supergoe." is expected to 1
'•IaR'II . .£4
f *! ** £5 .
cd n p tbo rigging, with a« ft» ftg itep:dity. H «
,- , .
Augtiit . 8
Augmt 7
- ,1 ——0 0 .......... .".row
22 d q n |£ cd tbo Jd tto ck rigging
'**, / 21
ste d np.tba
o p tu a eattir,es. How the nianiad .outored.or, loft the room
C H E a U C A tS ,& C „
, . i ,’
? - . -•
’ » * i 11
5 topmost and topgallant riggini witb] undiraiaijbtd she t o er kdew ; his departure was as noiseless .aa
C o u r a g e B e f it t in g , F e m a i.e s ,— A n exfibjan'gS) .
*t te
Turn tb* to f t
ik’-SiGf 3' jpocd, sbinn^d^tbp: unfA t|l4p^J^|t| idgglojfy.nnd his entfanco. So narplynsd watt sho with fear, that rornarks : . Theio is a braneh of general ejlucati.pu .,
■totcr a
if/ AW
ii1; , tr
V • w.
an hour elapsed'beforb'she could rauator courage to vrhich'is not thought at all necessary for won^qq, „
,(• 31 TErohedhimsalflike a bird ab;
-•' ,ir ■. so
pall for help ;Sbut she thanked God, when tlie cap­ regards whicB, indeed, it is well- if tfiay, nrq nojt^,
^Bioh strca m c iffo m tjboipxlt!,
it , 28 5il lobkidg^ ftalrlttsiily upon
»• . *
* 1
tain’s cruel character , became generally known brought up to inltivafp the Upposife. IVomeh are
ashore, that sbe had been rescued from hia alliance. .riot taught to hS courageousj Indeed, io tora^pbr-0 ‘
*'■ » j . ‘
. / ♦ t >_____ ■1,1
M --.It •« iftddc Cttthb itp-ib sett MteifMjf
t e d a s g o o d t p c a n h a p r o d u c e d in th is o r a n y o th e r c ity .
k ^ u a - i a i i 1?
d n ^s,
For the: -winter go «o»B. m “m m r i ;
bt di
s r ^ f f i.« a s
a m
tfflxu t
“uasffisrassB 1v sasw as.
1 9 1 1 1 1
~l" k —,l'
O r.
M E M C IN E S ,
eono^courago lwcy caeto as’ nndeeettsai-y to#
as Latin aod Greek; yet there- are fAw toihgri^Af'3
An eye c a n thrcaton liko tho loaded gnn, o r cap woultl tend to make women happier to therniselfvb^ :
CA'MPHEETfi*’ All work wswrautcd and done te a heat mechanical style juut as
^ S F m rm ,
chwp ts. Can tfo made ai any Deatul c;tabijr.hinent ta ths cistfS*; Br.
Iliii has hiul an expeflcnee of S i FCara' pr.-ictlcb ln lbo Dcntal profis*
moa^sad laiuow prepare,4 to sttend^itj «d tfto yarioestsrasejjett ef t t e .
jjgjjtal gf(, ’
inttuHIikdtociingor'ticking; p rto i'taftltored mood, anff .more acceptable to tho3c witb whom tbejrlive,-|
Thero aro many* women, of thopeeb*. .
Sin.-, , ■ ■ , -. • ■
nRr«^*T with joy. Tho eyo obeyo exactly tho kctioo w the
a»«elt,Fob. 18,18®.
“ .
ly43. w*r\»«lrt tnoVai moK r)/v onMlLviteii
day— senaibie w o m e ^ ^ .^ to e r . toinp^F totoeio
■•,.■■ ■' -■■ - - *< u..'-pi.
-...i ,<....
rntod*; ^Vyhen -p thought BtrikjSp.up, th ^ . visipa ;a panic terrors are a frequent source pf disyo$)fp|t-.tq<1
remains jo o ^ o g at p.^stfjnfij j .vtenump- themselves and thpae around them, „ ^qw , j) jq a
;er« l^e'Iftew rep rp ^n l^tjp riatf hi,
] fftwng hpmcs of peroooa dr countries—na Frapce, great mistake to imagine the barffuoss'must go with
^Q .y& 0.
fepdy. bean mado. The
Sppin, Britain 01 Gormnny—tbe pye winko witli couragfe; and th a r the bloom of gcritlerioos and
idg first the boy, then At tW->«pt(un, whp, pas- caclr nttrtio. TfiOro Ta an honeaty in the cjo which sympathy must all be rubbed off' by that vigor of
mbscitber'lk 'pfoioarwtto” ciiiihit, lit ’hfs Ho-tv ted
tbb. mqtol*„
pot participate iq, “ The artist," mind which gives presence of mind, enables a per* '
CtoJe, 278
through to 81
a fipomsertr s.ghted'''b#ay 'iho' tdffrail.1 TWR^JprM '•dcf
‘ sstirf G JiS F E S ln Sew B
“ — *- telkiugto ond adotottt—it^ i» t
w .M icliaoi A n g elo said, “ m u st hav e th o m easu re son to bo useful in peril, and makes tbe desire to ’
W - V
z s c d b in c a cfirpetb m ^r io Is -Rtogos*4 evai st n ig h t 8]
ip h is byo.” Eyeo a ro bold att liona— bold, ru n n in g , assist overcome tbat sickliness of sensibility whioh
Velvet Carpcta,... . . •... ■* , .t*.. . . t i 25
j e f l cd., (
talk ed onping. T h e y cponk all langonge ; th e y n e e d 'u p can only contemplate distress and difficulty. - So far
S T .A T ! lG N J ia Y ,
y ip a h T tk u te W W t....
, o fllfto ltttt
cn d y cld p a d ia to aid in tbo ioterpretation o f their from courage bqiog ftofeminine, there is a peculiar
.Bns^eh C a t t ^ , fa A Tapatrka). . 1 121-2 to 1 40 ' •
'w.U If*. &M. o a/tfe- B cst’ f«G7ahlo
Thrcs-Fiy OtTpota.
l oo
m l IQ
lariguflgo; th o y rsspcot n eith er ra n k n’pr fortuno, grace and dignity in those beings, who have, litiJq*.
Super t e s m f t w f f * *;*«..»•» * •
G21-2 to w78
Still the boy.dlotjg to tk n m
v irtu e nor pox, but ib ey g o through you in a m o ­ Active power of attack’ or defense paqsing, throjigh i
Extra FTO Ingftln.CSirpeta. . . . . . . .
,to _ Q ..
Pi«tetto jttk^r
whfrfi (*ejss t a c * w i l l } a Jfi th a rg a .of thoca who aro
lassito•■ E gssM ftsfen^.*:. . . . . . .
S5 , t o . w 1 « , t^o p e 0naist;pppjt«ntry :t?~*‘ '
m ent wf tim e; Y ou can read in to o eyes o f your danger with a moral courage whichis equal )q togl.
' : Oil G a w , toESffi}* t o w * . ,tefujg;tS(Eisa,Hati, BstUny, Stsif
com panion, w bilo you ta lk w ith him , n b o th o r your of the strongest. We see tfiis iri grpat things, Vvqi
toiA M lA to h W 't tA
argum ent liile, though, hia tongue will not confess perfectly appreciate the ttWeet and riobje dignity of
ftwttpto*•■:» W : « i »•)*.,5 , »;V ‘ ; > »*♦* •
it. TJiate ia a look t y w hich a um o tclla you lie ia A nn Boleyn, Mary Queen of Scots, or Mur(io Antoi-'
boom Srisd- The hd^febrbbjf-n&b ihs'tto'ck at A '% ^ 4 ’ hnd, g cio g tp cay a goed thiing, rind a lock which says oette. Therc'ta'ao beauty in fedr. J f is o racao, ’
M&m cm
. anA%\
agly, diahuyeled creaturo. -No statue can be mado
tapetoiitotUni^fiV WhaoAo -bp3?aidit.
.. i . -. • m 2
Pris- then,* etretching hisBlips
, ^5v'
A wT* *
- t v ttia ^n<i furgfljt^ft aro. tho fino ofiara o f hoSpital- of it that o woman would, wish to see hersolf like.
£<#, tte-kfoot*
, f
O<> !■;■» o, ■■
] . .
, Cml fcCtoaia, nnd
ity , i f thoro i3 n o bolidny iu th o oyo. H o w m any
a W d t ^ l t o Y l a i a i Q ^ s y . 'a a i S to^C Jv-u-iresa-rtfxere. A tir o
injmnedtohis’teb't, dswd^&g’-to |i»»4!ie;bmf.-dtt5hcd inslinqtiona nro-avoyicd h y th e oyo. though th o lipa
Ct-'RE f o r In G B O W iN G N a ilq — A correopondent.
U s T 0 r « 3 W o H flfsu f# - H e -m ed isa^
'di ■%s®M si t . H ew often decs one com e from a-enro of the. Boston M e d i c a l a n d S u r g i c a l J o u r n a l ( D r , ,
t h p t o l ^ h d inw ;h i p :«w8g;sd«ii*.
mMte-'-'toynl p a o y jn w h ich it ro sy easily hoppon h o h a a e a id N. Green, of Ilartfurd, Conn.), otatee thftt oautenzq
atny fiw ard
«^6llicard t o b i n g , tb a t p o im p o it a o t rem ark tjija bkon oddrccp- (ion by hot tallov7 is an imuueJiate cure for ingrow­
Jffagtj ncd'cbuttor-likp* meakeTrtelfcsbliyin. vd-ttt utra, a n d y et, iu his sym pathy rcith th o com - ing naila*. ■lie caya: “ Tbe palioot ou whom 1 firrit’
thtt cpcrt. • B e rcaehsd'.tbtt to ^ h f a d .m
p sp j', h q EC?5?3 not to havo a cgnso pf t h b toct* for tried this plan was.n you eg iudy, who Lai b een un*.
,]ftj»if(!3jn o f lig h t jjos- ffseo fiowjng into h im aud ooi abje to put on o shqe for Several iponibs, opd 4si?jr4
* '*
gp bis e y e s ., A s coop qs njqu a re off dodly tbe worst caso that I havo' ever t e e n the dift-n
Hie e-lgo
e-Igo qt)('
ho oy.ett ohow it*. ^T Jtoronro oyoQ, to bo oaeo bod been-of long 6tani]ieg. Tbe
? d ih s d .a t to o t o t o b ' t p l ’ w m } H i „
w N- G9i Whr®
into th q m an th a n najl Wno doeply uridertjiirioJ, ibe g'squlatiqqp R®pcd
E A lM f t* ,.
ca -,p te r|i,o g c a f - o f ^ t s 'b v k d j ' I p m f b d ' e p d fi
bto q i'C trica. Ih o ro ^ro liquid nnd| ^Icep wella tb a a high ridge, partly rioyored witb skin, a 3i . 51-is.1con
iho n e^v T fe^w llo lo
^ t a i n tougbL tolf li»te»V ibttto a re a sk in g oyqs, nn< tttiamly oozed from the root
^SHanteg oyca, a o d prow lto^6yc3, nod‘ eyes .full of toe woo swollen and eitrjinely tondeV^ijq 'bftliVnl.
5 ife’S f 'E p q jj X jj'piy
e o r g p c n ’* s k i l l i a t i i a C T n rs c -o f A t e # » t o a tssid i-p ; fttito t a n i c e s a cf.geotl so d fcssio of d c tito v n m c n -My tettdo o f proceeding W
Z *
I m s t ,
• ■!•''• '.. .
p f eyes t o c k a rte ffo q o ipsaaU y o r b a s t e 6tuaH,picco of tallow 10 a qmion (jqd
tv,t!» .;.J ,
till it became ipry fo i, ntvl 4*sppid !tr/«> or
m m m m U t
f i iS f s t t t g a i
M Kto* 4*e(ietf
nlcpc ton d?ok Ji&e jtdcg, e*
e rg s ti) b u t.ln o toani
o f ,unity p it b .hiiigoi fh o effect
<so*M #4.ixwl, i 'Dfs. jwcdta- tohva tb roij^b tedn aiid oataro, co m ta s2 4 ,n 8 b.eci
^ ra n ijle iie n s .^ G to o ll. g o n s , th e
* »- TOafltefowtvW
- ■-** -■r 5 ‘-— tetw
“ -tetedo
i »g,-fi;s'i.«fru«v
tp ite te r th? |» p si|» ith ^
" i ' W p ■yri afobo. Tbo^reafeW ^ o o
311^ ykstjluto.of feeling, npj iho.eJge nf tbo ni)i|{q^-(
:- •'
" -■
; h 'taitet t e t o i s i e si'tb e iM s-,- ii*-‘
«»d defe^fto
rif filio y ^ ^ f i t o r t b e y coo lire toad’llL ttio
tb #«W dipg W - ^ t» 'b |^ '!5rW 6oetteit
4hA *e»K#.ehd J
Ripi k'oni' flieufd ’p d e iq 'e fite lb ndm>t *»rtejpg.jored
buy incoafcsrifetft&o TTye '<fuio oc;
w i )»<)&»#,. • Up ***:»!-■£!!■.
ft t o , - t i i i
to fete teill 'Psil;g
k a I tftfi
Ubo trqabia never rcterocd.
* SaiH#
VfW f ,«fr i&ft
■ * y Teeth extracted without Patii,by making apfllcallocjr to -the
ti«f oftsp^i® W m
<iik CAtUl,
H017AMSTREET, fyuti#*
F antp w hp b o aste d t b 'a ^ . t k A ^ , '‘’p ^ ^ 1 ^ > p f » ! te d ,,i b f ’t’tttautt' dfktoddbto cAu innke the heart <Jahce than courage.
•^ 8 S 8 S ^ « * S |S S S K 3
'" t S S i S
*''- w - y ^ w^jga*:s5B B
.3 %
-_B ook& sto
m s m mi-lvp***m r * w1
Y i