of tho ILI,INOIS ELm'::RIl ·f1.'...TGTAY liUSEUl1, Ino. l·bilinr:; l•.clc1.roO::J f 38 80 .• DcD.rborn Roon 700 (.:,llCC'.gO 3, illinois 0r.1"0 nt liih18tl!COC North rn, Open So.t1.1rck,y 9 to 5 H•. arch Offioo. C36 N~ l!eth #307 lIihrc.ul,:oo 3, vTis. 1, 1S59 ];:;e8.rIi'riend:Recently we beenn a Hew Yoar, and this woukd be the nppr-opr Izrto tine to' roviovl tho achf.ovonont.a of your HUS01..1Ll. 195$ wr.s en oventful yonl"', end vo wish to expr-ess our crr.titudc for tho aid and support you have e;ivon ua, On vcr Lous occasions wo have boon asked just vhrrt '·TO arc tryine; to ncconplish-just what is our goaL, It is our purpose to preservo for post~rity a fr.scinntinG portion of .tlJ;loricnnn---the Trolley. Hr'.nyindividucls have tu2~on phot.ogrcphe , nado sound recordine;s, C'nd have built nodels as a z-ononbz-anco of this fnst lng trnnsportation' ern, but we of the I E R }I f6cl that these fe.ll short of the tarGot. Tho trolloy waa more them just cars---it ':lD.S a vTnyof life. It vas an oasY-e:oil1G, unselfish, service first, on joynhl,o existence. Evontt1.c'1.11y you ",ill have a chanco to aGain relive tho past, two e;enerntions which smT the rise and decline of tho electrio railwny '\-1hichp1o.yod such an ir:1portc.nt part in tho dovo'Lopnont of our now Ul~banizod society~ r>. Tho HD.ywo intend to nccor.tplish our GO£'.lis by' the ro-creation of an oLcc-. tric r2ihmy system, coup'lo to with cars, traol;:~ ovcrhoad, ohops,---nnd oporr.tiol1" An extrn effort VIill bo nQde to capture the atnosphero and foolinG aasoc Iabod i-l:L-th the trolloy lino of :r081'.c:"70o.r. It is t: biG project and uill r oqu'lr o a good dcoL o, f'LnnnoLn.L and phys Lcr.I. effort. But, it is fO.r fron [t11iupossible projoct. Thus far we hnvo nado a nunber of stops tow.:-rds this e;onl iIi th your help? thirteen roprosento.tivo trolloy cars ovnod by tbo lIns011n, nnd, b 8.c1di+.,:' ::.'2.n, vo 118.VO tdron over tho nnf.ntonanco of tl,W C["Tf) ovnod hy 0111·I~\iJ(1'i·o.;_0at l{',r..:U.o;;.~( ""r"l'jic"CI'O IT~rdl""ro Foundry GO;·ln."11ir i·r., "1"0 11"7" .c_u.J." 1'f')'-'''' p.lncon of'"_.' ri- ...., ·';"'·;Io!-r'.I··Cli~f'·;" e," .• ~.'L> -;uc. v\.U":. ~;./~' '~~ _.:.Ut_'J.c", _ -r'~') ~' ....' •. ;.v~)~'.:.,V.U Cf~~bC?,'-'-l)lIOnIJ, a ""c,rGcco11ecv~on OJ: un.•.... O.i.L hnt bau~os .• 0. d.'.epL.y SO.')-l/·!.l'e;, vJod •.angs ()j~' t.ho trolloy,~ and l1. J.t:..reo supply of spare :;,x."l.rts C11d tools to keep our (~~.:C3 ::,o17.inC Ho c,i.~:~ 'G\~~ '\t c..~~ 11,)\[ have .':~\J .- This pc sb yonI' saw tho o.c1dition of fotU' nor o car-s to "our r , First or D:;~l<.vc: tv: North Ohd.oago vae open plo.t.forn olovo.toc1 car J1024 fJ.~onChLcagc in. .r..... 'Ly, ... > r;;:':~' b·,.lilt sy Pul.Irian in 1~)i9} o.rrivud under its own power- vir.. tho ~T'Jl:·t~J. Cl')Y::l" 'C0 ._.·,.;i;,:; ~.: ~~..~~.. _:".:' m'r~~"rQl,0. consddorab.Ic amount of vorl: h0S boon clone to nado old 1024 a :L'_-~":= o!~cstin~displny. TT~enext to r..rrivo Wo.s a four-wheel m-lOopor, ii-lj3223. This 45 yonr old" pr-oduo; c:.·:,-'.r,:) CU1un:L'1[fS vras puroha sod rron tho ChicQGoTrnnfJit 1l.uthodty and WV. S henIt ~;t ".1'.':, f:: on 'ChicaGo~ l'l,;..ny traction 11...'1esused car-s oxaot.Ly like t.11if) ':'0 fic:'!:.:; t·_';·'~'\..·i::·~"~~.c~ ~:L,.t:.)rling S~Ot-.T in. \;Jt_ntcrtir~lO~ I.n Odobor wo took doli very of nnothon ve Iuab.lo oxhibit. For 30 yor,rs, tile pccp'',o ()f IIil'mu2:oo until tho 10 s-c OQ:'~ ran eQrly in 11o.rc.11 • Sl'.i:r)~~( to lio:.'th Gh:~C8'GO ~:y£'1""t o[',r, i-C. has now j oincd 01..U' othor cer-e in th 0 V£llhi.:.lla of "..l~, (0.1' 972 flc':""rcd ?n.GO 2; 't.t'allcy ~ In addition to i'J972: '1tm Lch wns (1.0:18- ted by tho Hihmuke6 & Suburban TranspoJ;'t Corporo.tion" we obtf'.inc' 1: oiJto:c our 966 to supply spare p<".rts~ f/!966 w.s bruokcd to North Chicneo in DoCODbcr., rcftor tho arrivnl of 11972, wo rocoi vod lino car 1702 fron tho' TOI'1ninalRnilroad. Purchnsod when the Gro.nito City line quit: in JU110,.· th::r il. fow wool:s nlinois crrr should prove of eront vnlue when we filinlly Locabo on our own line. Work is n81:) pl"oeross:ln~ on replacinG various VIoodparts "1hich h,..'1.VO dotoriornted fron the effoctc of wocthor. i'3..c'tcrrr , Then in JuuUo'l..ry wo finally brouGht llBiG Rod Pullnc.nll 1fJ.44 fror.1 Chicago vin vIa nOHhavo all of our car s nt hone in North Chi.cago, to ADen offort findine n finnl hone for tbo HUSO'lU':l, we havo purchasod tho five and cno-hnl.f miles of abandoned trolley riGht-of'.:'wo.y in northern L~':'.::-.Iic~. Nogotic,tions are still GoinG on vTi th 0. number-of ovmor-oto soo if' 1,JO can ·.~c· 911 sono oxistinG trno1cnco since the Land vo hnvo purchaacd has no trnck or '";irG,, A fino.l dcterT.Uno.tion of sito is schodulod to be nado at our next nnnu.'1.1 )lootinc un October 4th~ tc::c lien holp HO 011 Thus you can soo tho strides '\-1h1ohhavo led Y01..1r lfuscim forvJ'[l.rd~ Hith can continuo to proeress towl?rds our conl. of an oy:orr':i:;,inctrolloy syston. Thc."\nlcing you for- your pnst, pro sent , and futt1I'c intorest, yOU! we rennin Your ILLINOIS EL8CTRIC R.:'..ILHAY1IUSEU1~ P, S, Plonse note our r.ow I'milinc addross. your convenience. 1'.n r.ddrossud onvo'Iopo- is. enclosed for IERN