MALBEN-JDC, 12, Kaplan Street, TEL-AVIV. November
MALBEN-JDC, 12, Kaplan Street, TEL-AVIV. November
" .4. MALBEN-JDC, 12, Kaplan Street, TEL-AVIV. November Shulamith Lubin, Direotor, PUBLIC RELATIONS JDC GAV3 HER TWO BREAKS When Yael Sasson, who received her B.A. degree last summer among the first graduates of the Hebrew University's Paul Baorward Sohool for Social !,Tor!c, was detailed to a psyohiatrio hospital in hor senior year's field training, she didn't think that it was oxaotly her field. But to-day, potito, brown-haired Yael's eyes shine as she tolls of her job as a psyohiatrio sooial worker at Jorusalom's Mental Hygiene Clinio and affiliatod hostol for montal patients undor rehabilitation. That was the place sho pickod from a long list of openings pfforod the 44 graduatos of tho School. ''I wantod to stay in tho psyohiatrio fiold and horo I have gratifying work," oxplains tho 23-*y©ar-<old girl, snatching a half hour off between two, intorviows with elionts, Horo she ongagos mostly in proyontivo and rehabilitation work, oan soo a pationt through all phases. Holping a now immigrant mothor of six who was roforrod to tho clinic whon adjustment to conditions in Israol ovorwholmod hoi, is a satisfying oxporionao, if somotimos "very doprossing." The clinio, liko tho hostoi, aro part of tho Health Ministry's widoiy branohod psyohiatrio sorvioos which during tho past few yoars could bo oxpandod enormously as Malbon-JBG (the Joint's modioal and sooial sorviood in Israol) joinod Israol's montal hoalth project with ksowr-how and funds. With Malbon's assistanoo, tho clinic was oxpandod, tho hostol established, staff trainod, "In fact," oommonts Yaol, "tho JD0 gavo mo two broaks, for it was instrumental in sotting up and running tho Baorwald Sohool, and also gavo mo grants and loans to holp mo along." (This sohool of sooial was first established near Paris to train social workors noodod in post-war Europe Tho JDC transforrod it to Israol in 1958 and mado availablo $500,000 to tido it ovor tho first fow yoars, still oontinuos to ba gioaaly. BBfinnintQd withfrjft| Yaol dividos hor timo about oqualiy botwoon olinio and hostol. At tho olinio, whoro sho is supervised by an Israoli U.S. trainod psyohiatrio sooial workor, sho intorviows cliBnts and helps them sort out thoir problems. "Many are paranoid schizophronos, newoomers from oriental oountrios who got bogged down in tho proooss of adjustment horo." .../2 L96i K. * •" -4 - 2 At the hostel she "must aot in all directions. " Clients, discharged from .nontal homes, stay there for a limited period, living under •>«« rio^n-^1 oonditions as possible, complete with jobs in town, but attended by professional staff, "There wo have job problems, housing problems, and the awful problem of loneliness. We try to get sooial activities going, in whioh the residents thensolvcs con+ributo. Wo proparo them for work and arrange housing for thorn to await thorn upon disohargo." Yaol is thrillod with tho Friday morning oaso conforonoos at tho olinio which, sho says, "arc so manifeidod that I gain much oxporionoo and insight." Sho works much more than hor eight-hour union day, sinoo tho nood for trained sco-jal workors is acute all over Israol. Soon tho clinic will got throe sonior Baorwald Sohool students for their fiold-work, whioh may roliovo hor a bit. Sho takes hor probloms homo to mull ovor and disouss with hor husband - his ''good commonscnsd'holps her thinking. Now Yaol hopos for a post-graduate study oourso at tho Baorwald Sohool or, failing that, somo miraclo that will onablo hor to take hor mastor's dogroo abroad, Sho thinks it is very important to oontinuo hor training in sc^io for'i or othor. "If I go to study abroad," sho says with a serious faoo, "my h'l^and would have to oomo along. I oouldn't learn anything without him..."
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