1 - Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
1 - Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
T HE BASE BALL BKASOH.-Tfao and American Aasoclation ball season f» now open. THK POST will contain dally full reports of all the game* played in the Unjfced Btfttes. And for cornplwto accounts of all other .•'porting eveota no paper in this city will equal TUB POST. In tho way of political, ceneral, .foreign, •fcate and local vow, THE POST is unsurpassed. '*" PIT BROW- LASSIE."—This is tho Itle of a rornantic story of English mining life that will pJenae nny working-toln.ss community. Th« author is J. Monk Foster,) one of the'bust of English novelists. All who jhave read Mrs.Bnriiett'3 "That "Lasso* LowrieVJ will particularly enjoy Mr.Poster's story.' It publication in ibe DAILY POST on Saturday, YOL XLTin.-r.ITO. 195. PITTSBUKGH, MONDAY MOBBTIirGr APEIL 29, 1889.- BEIGE THREE GENTS. CAKPJBNTEJJ, Yankton, Dak., said that fj)ur hours will suffice to trans- President Harrison as the regulations injured about lu-iut, but not, seriously. v prescribe; sailors in their baggy blue form it frbm its present heavy, rainS. i' . YOUNG-, No. US* JNortU avenue. Chicago, Chris Magee's Friends Win in Lanvery slightly hurt. • soaked appearance into a veritable pic- trousers and bluo shirts, stretched along OOSJBPH MOKltfg, feast Sioux Falls, Dak., ture of .lightness and life. Looking the!yard-arras of thf> navy and revenue , caster County. "on hl« way to Olnfrk'B Island, Mo., scalp through tlie arch, one first sees, the I our service vessels, tho big river and sound ,, wounds, briifiwi loifn-nd shoulUora; not scrtLANCASTER, April 28,—There is great, golden ea'gjios. in.the midst of trophies of steamboats screeching -'.their ,'steam' rejoicing here to-day among the friends whistles, the trim and handsome steam flags that! si;rmount each window on AKt) rSOr>DIEKS SPARED. of CiirisMagee over the defeat of- Quay's the corner of the Albemarle Hotel. The yaphts, which cost the owners $100,000 About! jlO 'Others were slightly hurt, friends in the Republican-, county primasame idea has been carried out in, the a year to run them, tho ocean tugs and but" not BO I bajdly as to prevent them ornamentation of ^the Broadway and the river tutfs, and the pilotboats That ries yesterday. Complete returns from e'oufcimiing their journey. It was 0 Twe'nty-fquth street sides of the hotel, "brave the calms and 'the storms on the the city give Reinoohl, for district ato'clock thi$ evening .beforo the tracks and the effect is very pretty. The Hoff- ocean at all seasons of the year, will bo torney, 554 majority, and Shirk, antiwere cleared'.' Hot one, of the members man Houje people have been lavish in seen and heard. The Postmaster General Stopped. ClarkTank of the Detroit Light Infantry, which The Engine Crashed Into a Water Quay, for delegate to the State Conven- In Its Eff tto Protect Organ'zed Labor, Special weather, indications for' New the expenditure of money and talent. was on the train, was injured, and not tion, GOO, Returns from the couuty inson's Guillotine Yesterday, and and the Tender and On« C If Tt y Have Suffered From The entire front of the house is covered. York city are light rain Monday morn*a woman WHS in the least hurt. The dicate Reinoehl's nomination by fully A portrait of Washington and one of ing, followed by fair weather, with There Isn't Enough Time Left to Were Thrown Entirely Fo ign Immigration They woimcled in the hospital are all doing 1,500 majority, and the election of four, Harrison occupy prominent positions in cooler northwesterly winds; for Tueswell. Close Out the Democrats. Over It. and possibly five, anti-Quay delegates. Bunday Quiet Broken by Over- the.display, and there are shields and day, fair weather. Want to Know It. ,As t far,as can be learned there was no The primary election was a square banners a 1 over the house. negligence on the part of the,, railroad ' zealous Decorators. issue between the friends and enemies of IN REG~AL~~~STYLE. DEC OUATIONS OF FLOWKKS. company. The train simply jumped the THE REINSTATEMENT OF DUBYKA. Senator Quay. In the • early stages of WM, YO HUfll TALKS PliAINLY. ONE PASSENGER DECAPITATED. ; Crossin between the two grand track at a frog. Tho engineer uncl firethe campaign an effort was made to stands o i the west side of Madison The President's Tra n Said to b« the man did not jump, because the^'had no agree upon a set of delegates to the next Most Gorgeous One Ever Seen in Square, one has a clear field up Fifth to The Pittsburgh Poau HAMILTON, ONT., April 38.-JA ter- time. It is miraculous how v the y.esRepublican convention, but negotiations President James Campbell, <& the avfenue a a i n . At 210 RocU'ern has the World—Ten Cars as Nicely ApWASHINGTON, A.pril 28.—Postmaster caped with their lives. .The "bagg*|fefailed, and the result was two tickets rlble railtoad accident occurred pn the Window jlass . Workers' Association, seta pict resque example that has not man and expressman, Jarae« "^alsh and General Wanamaker has established a pointed as a Hotel.' yet been followed up by Dehnoaico Grand Trunk near here at 7 o'clock this Fred,- Dumas,' both of Niagara .Falls, rule which, It transpires, niay result in in the field. One was championed will be investigated. If a blow-has been by E. 1C. Martin (Quay's prospective struck at >rgauized labor by the imporExtensive Preparations Being nextdooT The rain had not improved WASHINGTON, April 28.—At 5 o'clock morning. The St. Louis limited ex-, were1 hi the car which was oufhed,-but candidate for lieutenant governor), and the temporary retention of a number of J the elaborate floral decorations of Hanft this afternoon a magnificently-appointed tation . of foreign workmen under con'neither was hurt. - : : iMftde at Elizabeth. Bros, at ]^o. 224, but an hour's sunshine train of 10 cars pulled up at the siding press, duo here at 0:55, jumpedfchptrack;, L' The screams oi' the men whb'-were be- Democratic railway' mail clerks, not- the other by Thomas B. Cochran (late tract, organized labor will arise * in all will raaka it all right. The name of on Sixth street, just outside the Penn- two miles west of the city,. Two car,* in^ .burned to death in tho smoking car withstanding the fact, that it was con- senate clerk), Lewis S. Hartman and Its strength to punish and protect Lovi Sensenig. James A. McDevitt was the firm j.ppoars in bright flowers*on a sylvania-Railroad-station. It was tho wore telescoped and immediately took could bo heard above the noise of the templated to have all the ex-railway not prominent i n ' t h e contest, but his William Yochuni, one of the fppemoBt dark-grot nd between the windows of escaping steam and the roaring of tho uiail clerks restored to their positions ijae third floor, aud great streamers of train to bear the president and his party fire. All the dead, 18 in number, havo ^flames. Conductor Pool says that- tho boforo May 1. It will be remembered friends did their best to beat the Martin- members I of Green Quay delegates. League ^o. 14S, of evergreeit hang from the cornices, to the to New York to attend the con - been taken out. The only body identi- train was 24 minutes late, but he that the order .placing the railway mail The leading officer voted for was dis- assured a POST reporter last night <that doorways and across the sidewalk to the tonnial celebration of tho inaugu- fied is that of L. S. 'Ghirney. An Italian, not running over 20 miles' an hour inrvice under the provisions of the civil trict attorney. The friends of Quay Party Leaves the. Cap!.. street. On tho opposite side no attempt ration of President Washington. namo unknown, was also instantly 'stoad of 40 as stated by others. 1 service law was extended until May 1. were for G. U. 'Kennedy, and his en- sentiment is so strong among bis fellow; h as boon m art e at el a bo rate deco ra t|ou. It was immediately placed in killed. The other 16 were bu'rmxl b&Tho place where the accident occurred workers tlkafc nothing short of a thorough, e Most Gorgeous Train That emies were for Major A. ;C« Reinoehl. but excellent taste has boon sliown. the hands of an army ot laborers, Ift considered dangerous, as there is a This was for the purpose of. replacing The anti-Quay men had captured the investigation will satisfy them. Th'e'Traveled" Over ah AmeriImlriedia ;oly over the main entrance is a who endeavored to give an extra polish yond tho possibility of identification. if witch oh a rather sharp curve, There the Democratic postal route agents with organization in a majority of wards of league Has concluded, therefore, /to " ..t;-:^. ; .•;•• ••/;••. ;•• well-draA^n copy of Stewart's WashingAbout 20 persons wore injured, but only was not a vestige of wood'or anything tho Republicans whom they supplanted. can Railroad. ? • ton, flanked on either side by distinct to furnishings and fittings already re- one or two seriously. jSfoue of the train .that would burn loft of the cars burned. The time was fixed at a period thought this city. Great interest was taken in send a committee 1 to the Wednesday the election, and candidates for position evening meeting of the executive board representations of '*Washington's Ap- splendent. A throng of Sunday sight•$ne baggage cur was demolished, and under the national administration as a pointmei'it as Commander-iii-Chief" seers soon surrounded the train and hands- was killed. The ' fireman wai ,tb'e engine was the most complete to be sufficiently remote to accomplish a rule oast their influences with the Quay of the Trades Council for the purpose'of, complete reorganization before the canYORK, April, 28,-r-The Sabbath and "Washington's Farewell to His looked in at the open windows aiid slightly burned aud received a bad 'wreck imaginable. The loss to tho faction. The impression' was general strengthening the ^movement in 'eve/y, sadly broken on.Fiftli avenue to- Officers."' Surmounting those is a large doors. Will bo enormous. Many of didate should have to pass through the that it was for their interest to do so. T'he train, besides the scalp wound. possible way. . {, ' There was the sound of hammers trophy o'flags, while the line of Win- engine and tender, consisted of oh tho train were going to JNOW ordeal provided by the civil service com"W« will insist that the matter be The unfortunate train, was ruiming at dows, directly over the entrance is taken to participate jn the centennial mission. It turns out, however, that »li along the line of march of the library and smoking car, the sleeper gifted to tjlie,bottom,"^said BEATEN TO DEATH. r Blr. Yochum. jfj>»IKfc-;oontennial parade, for the heavy as the basis tor «i last full series-of dec- "Premier," of the New York and Chi- full speed when suddenly it loft the |fjp&tiyittea. , Host of the passengers lost the superintendent of the railway mail "At our jneetinj? Tuesday.-'.night, whichoration extending to tho roof. into »' Ali or a portion of their baggage and service has been delayed a good deal by HORRIBLE CRUELTIES,PERPETRATED IN ^}» of the past two days had put a stop C 2 i o limited express; the sleeper track and tho 10co'motivo>pitehda 'was especially called for the purpose, a SOME PRKTTY EFFECTS; r \T r* *•» • *tT A fining , and . a large amount of the 1 members of congress who have objected *'.pturia," of the New York and Cincin- large water.tank. The wreck took flrje' ^^ •?? 'preparation arid decoracommittee will be appointed to attend' The Victoria Hotel presents another nati express; the sleeper "Pellou," the were , lost by lire. A CHICAGO ASYLUM.. to certain reinstatements because they tf&""' when the clouds began topretty effect. Next oomes the'decoraimmediately and seven out of ibhe ten,, BURNED. dining car ''Continental," of the wanted the places for Republicans who Robert Burns So Brutally Treated That Death the Tradtjs Council meeting'the follow1bt«kk .away to-flay the .work was re- tions at the Knickerbocker Club, and coaches composing tlie train were ing night Messrs.- Ba'niel Hayes, Cou~* A -'-Another report of the accident says York and Chicago limited express; the without 'a mdnient's loss of time. the greap portal of the Rode building sleepers ''England," "Franco'* and In the ruins of tho mokirife •'ihsit the remains of from,' 16 to '18 men had never been in tho.service. ' Results—A Reporter's ;Game. ' rad Autlj and Patrick Harvey, who' This was the state of affairs last even0» -tibe afternoon Fifth avenue was full is handsomely draped. A unique design "America," of tho Now York and Chi- oar searchers discovered the 18 charred yttftQ taken out of the,w;reok. ' (Thoy compose the standing co)nm'ittee Jto ^W$re cut to pieces almost to a man ing when the department closed for Taken as a whole, the is to be ieen at No. 292, where Crony & cago express, the observation car represent! the league ' in -the worst CHICAGO, April 28.—The barbarities Leut, tie tailors, havo outlinedtheir bodies. The accident was tht «"ncl .burned beyond all possibility'. busineat. But a brief time remained in as th&suu came out from .time to entire front with colored elejctric lurht "Aieroy and car No. 60, the private Trades.. Oouncil, are ,prepajfed practiced by the attendants in the Cook which has occurred in this regicfu since pf' . recognition. They were hud- which to go through the papers of sevtime,^-vwas very pretty. The cliief in- glasses and surmounted it with an illu- car of Vice President Frank Thomson, the special committee to. be, dled 'together in a heap in the eral hundred applicants. Next Tuesday County Insane Asylum have reached Tuesday the great .Desjardins c»n*l feveninif>valuable (pointers tereirtr seemed to center at the Washing- minated shield flanked Dy th^ numbers of the Pennsylvania Railroad. ^xd of the car and were pinned in by The care form the most gorgeous and which happened ^almost at, $ty fijaioe 18 a national holiday by act of congress, the degree of murder. All 4oubt that full power ih-the case. They* have been ton square end of the avenue, where the '1789—1^89." A little further up the best wmbera, which made 'it impossible for appointed train ever run in Amerthe lunatic Robert Burns '•was mur- keeping track of the-' matter 'from' the .first great arch stretches from curb to windows of four houses have been hung ica, or in the world. They are lighted spot 80 yeart ago. 'i|ttim to extricate themselves. ^Nothing and-the departments will be closed that dered by these attendants was removed begiuninj: •, and have come to thf> conclii-' and . long streamers up with electricity and heated by steam. ? curb between the Khinelander residence with ilags, When the engine struct the tjuik the cmild be done for them, astne^nerce- day. This left only to-day and Monday to-day. A post mortem examination sion thew Is something- radically wrong are ^ stretched across the four fronts, the flames made it out of the in which to continue the work of reinaad -that 'of ex-Mayor Cooper. The arch about ttuj importatiou-'of" those foreign caught up on the ledges with They are fitted up with every appliance tender leajted completely; over both, a* for men to rescue them. The statement before the. service $roe« under showed that the poor fellow; had two glass blojsrers^ To ibe phiia -if /biiilfc entirely ' of wood, !and is orna- trophie; and thus producing the effect x> luxury could desire, and" in them one also did the baggage car. There wore 35 ribs broken, breast bone smashed and w«y,ln whtoh it could be ascertained the civil service »ot.'« Of course the mented "with a frieze of garlands and a single decoration. The Lockwoo< might travel from ocean to ocean with- people in^the-tmoker and jnn about from 16 to 18 bodies had been taken force in the appointment division ox- had suffered numerous otber injuries they, like myself,-'believe tfre men-were out wanting for anything. A well stocked .laurel wreaths in papier maohe. It is mansioi has its windows hunsr with silk library is -in one car, and a complete half .the, number wore roasted alive* the out was from the fact that legs Aud *rms apparently froip a series of kicks. brought over here in dlrtftet violation of painted ivory white, and is surmounted flags, and the Cambridge, corner Thirty barber|s outfit in another; bath rooms car being almost instantly envoi >ped in Corresponding to about that.number were pefited to work straight through the Sab- Bums is the roau who was room-mate the law. As soon as they fully a'r at this conclusion they, decicted by a earvi>d wood statue of Washington third street, has every window deco- are at every hand, and by a new in- flames from the engine, -1*ho trJan -was f <?uud; The remains were taken to the</ity bath day and would have been enabled at the institution of a 2V»M»;reporter.' should be an investigation. W£ tfill • 1 Charles VV. Beck, who distinguished rated. At the Thirty-fourth stree ttt-^et at least 200 Democratic mail Hospital 'and ; placed iu the morgue 10 feet high. • vention an electric light furnishes illumeet nexp Tuesday. eveninc:* and* fca^ve, Mrs, William Astor's house is mination for each berth, so that should composed of an engine, two awaiting ident,itfcation.^An inquest will' JJJfcrjcs out of a job t before ^unrijse on himself and by feigning Insanity > was' invited cpmmittee&; from .the1 Amalga'This is the statue that is said to have corner, committed to the asylum. Burns , was the only one that was decorated this af- the president desire to read during the cars, a smoker, a Chicago atuF -be/'held to-morrow. It will in-all prob' been first erected on the battery in 1792. ternoon, and not a great deal of wealth Trunk through passenger, .coach, a •ability bo* days before the dead are Monday, and so a* to finish, the; re- a brawny laborer whose malady was ex« mated Association, 'the \FHmt' Qlmtti night all that \tould bo necessary would At the 'foot of the statue is a large had been expended on that. cessive timidity. According ' to 'the Workers? Association, the Gla^fi Wabash coach, a 'Wagner fii/st-olass i<3l»nfcified, Some,<rf the" wounded were mainder before Tuesday morning. be to push a button. Mr. 'Wauaraaker found himself conf tropliy of national flags, and from the Times man,"two attendauisf Rijbharfison, er»' League, and the Bricklayer's* n The yards of Christ Church and tho coach, a Ptillman car and two {Uiki'^akett^o'the CHV Hospital.' THE BKBSID'ENT ON BOARD. fronted with an embarrassing question. and Grogan, took 1a dislike t'o Burns for elation tjo send repr08ferifatives' ,tne're hj ' *-j: -»*^'- -•—•- ' four corners of the arch streamers are Old Brick Church are wholly given up The committee to escort tho president sleeping c;ars in the order named Conalso., M<tssrs. Dillon and Martin jniist some,petty reason. . to stands. The most elaborate :decoraWould his conscience permit him to extended to the cornices of ;tbe neigh<3arue from "Kew^Yor^k,,to-day and called ductor Poo.!# 'was Jn charge, o£ this, train, as aux iouefas, mo to seo the aaatt'ejt. tionisthatof Mr. I*, S, Hargoas, No* boring resideaces^ ?QU? bx&k trophies 435 Fifth avenue. The balttstradellife otf'nhn^the"dlpio'iitaCSp cdn>», 'and other with J.'. WtttsorL'o'f Lonfr*1^iW'V^ Watson, ^JWj^itonpu- ' If jthey ire^Wjfr^ /mauiao la . of flags are on each side, and upon draped with bunting, the pillars of the high officials. The committee consisted ing'^for gdmeb'ody to make the start we SCEWB 0V TUB ACCJtDEKtt. presence ' of acoree of other THE UNITED STATES HAS / h'o was" teaching' a mble clahsjn Phiia either keystone is perched a fine speci- porch s re swathed with llags, the cor of Messrs. John A. King, John Jay, exare^goinffl to doj it. We expect them to The accident occurred at a junction delphia, 'Or did ho' owe a higher duty to O^teii a simpleton, named U Mayor Cooper, Judge William H. Robjoin hanSs with us." AGAINST 'CANADA. ,; \ men of the American eagle. The arch nices outlined with streamers, every was called to aid .in the. cruelty. where a "Y" is built. This Y' is used the spoilsmen of. hln .party than to hia "And (suppose they hold back?'* has also been fitted with colored electric windo?" ledge bears a trophy, and every ertson, Mr. Seth Low, Mr. Frank S. to switch through trains for Toronto Creator*' Conscience finally triumphed, Burns*' ' case was but . a' sample queried the reporter; Witherbee and others. The train of others. Yesterday he dlecl ^of windbv is curtained with red, white Story of the Seizure of Captain Allafi^ lights, and at night will .present a most and the postmas.ter re i'usad,to permit the was drawn up inside the yard early in from the Toronto branch to the main "That kvould not affect our procedure tclerks to spend the Sabbath in the un- his injuries, which the asylum reports in the leafet. • We are promised sufficient beautiful appearance. This arch has and blue. bcoi ch^nt Ship—Indignities to the Flag1, the evening to await the arrival .of the Jino. The train is said n to say were due to falls' received by him holy occupation of -bounding Democratic been» erected by the residents in the imINTERFERENCE. guests. Lieutenant; Mason and. Mrs. going at a speed of 40 miles an hour accidentally. Reporter Beak's release support from other sources to place tUe mediate neighborhood, and that, in a Mason were the iirst to arrive. It The water tank stood hva space babwoer OTTAWA, ONT., April 38,-—Captain route agents. The result is that a couple was obtained just in season to alioyr the investigation on a firm basis, of opera* measure, may count for .the fact that Anxiouls Contractors Compelled to Cease was 10:40 when the president and tho "Y" and was smashed into atoms Allan, of Bropklyn, left for home yes- of hundred of the;latterViU hold on to Timfo time to print with the SaeWs tion. But what we want is a concer,'tBeir. places for fy ^hile longer, for the tho and turned upside down, Tho b igg vVorjc on Sunday — Carpenters Will ills'•.'.party, passed through there are very few decorations noticeaterday, having failed to obtain from the Jre'&Bon that the'postmaster general sticks of Burns' death a full story of tne hor-' ted movement of / organized labor. These people—the window r glass workCommand Eight Do lars Per Day. fates. There, was quite a crowd qara'catue directly aftei1 theongiiio, anc Dominion, government any settlement by (the fourth commandment. rors leadJne to the sad eveut. , ble on the buildings within a few blocks gathered in the station, but way was ers—will not investigate themselves and' Three of the attendants are under Vesse's in the Bay Being1 Decorated. ,of the arch. • f- • • There is a good'deal of dissatisfaction quickly made for the party and they the firat at theae-was pitched over tlie of his claim for tho" illegal scixure and surveillance and- will' probably be ar- seem inclined to laugh at outside interKEW YORK, April 28.r—Such crowds as . KEI>, WHITE AND B.LUB. jed into the car reserved .for them, engine and ihrown^on tho maiw track detention of his ship by the customs col- over the reinstatement of Schuyler rested before morning. ference. Such a high-handed policy 'Duryea 'as chief clerk of the patent The Brevoort H!ouse has standards in are onithe streets were never before seen which is the rear car > of the leaving its wheels behind it. The "Other lector at Shelb.tirne"in 1887. The United should We rebuked, even If th.ero Ji uo Exception is taken to the appointBL A VAT SKY'S FOLLOWERS. guilt badk of it. , We realteb ., nearly, every window and bunting along in New York on Sunday. Fifth'avenue ;rain. Mrs. Harrison, escorted by baggage car,caught fire from the Jen gine States government has made a demand •office. ment on tho fact that he was requested fudge William H. Robertson, came .first; that the Window G-laas \ ^ _. the cornices. , The jiandsome double and Madison Square are almost dmami the two were soon in Hamesl The upon the British government for com- to resign from office -on account of dereTh'rd A'nnual Meeting of the Tbeososociation is a strong orga6'fza'tioi$Yrony the president and .John A. King folpensation i or >the owner of tlie Bridgefront of Mr. G. D& KahmsV house, No. passable, • while lower Broadway and bound' and all that. @ufc, witJi a owing, and Secretary Husk ana* his coaches following,'with the exception of water for the losses sustained by liction of duty in failing to report to phists at Chicago. 80 Fifth avenue, has been prettily dec- Wall street are packed. The leading family bringing up the rear. The other the two Wagner cars iu tho ronr of the. his superior officer the fact that dissmall army of men at pur backs CHICAGO, April 28.—The American who are willing to spend every cettt( 'but Captain Allan came crepancies existed in the account of the orated. Nearly opposite, at No. 27, Air. hotels, such as the Hotel Brunswick; guests began to arrive shortly and w"ere train, were huddled together jby iby the him. P. -'JL 3Iorgan has evinced his patriot- the -Hoffman House, Fifth Avenue hown to their separate cars. ' make a final late Levi Bacon. Mr. Bacon was finan- Theosophical Society began its thircl they make until an investigation is' shock and soon caught fire from the to -, Ottawa to ism, by. a pretty; jnterior and exterior "Hotel, and others, are like mountains of eflforfc for an amicable settlement, and cial clerk, and during- his illness Duryea annual meeting'in the club rooms of the thoroughly completed we do not fear THE CARS OCCUPIED. i baggage cars. ', had charge' of his division, and after ,.-•.- Y 'decoration that >has withstood the in- g a y bunting. The president, under the escort of Mr. The passengers on the train, riumber- the refusal of the Canadian authorities Mr. Bacon's death undertook to person- Palmer House to-day. The morning the.result... The Trades Council is not a -oiemep* weather very satisfactorily. An army of men were put to work George W* Boyd, Assistant General ing over 150, many of whom were asleep to trea't with him, will, it Is believed, ally conduct an investigation. The session was a business meeting, afcwhiph weaklingr by any means. It is thoroughly in earnest in this, thingr,. You see , . .The Jj&tafll; Presbyterian Church yard, to-daj to finish the different stands for Passenger Agent of the Pennsylvania at the time, had a terrible experience strengthen his casein diplomatic circles. matter beiuj? called to the attention of few were present except the 15 dele- an irreparable injury is done organized .Railroad, went through all the cars and Afc. the afternoon sossXoa labor ^Jbitvfeen Eievenfch.and. Twelfth streets, sightseers to-morrow. .As soon as it A majority of those on board t 10. train It is claimed there is little doubt that Secretary Lamar resulted as above gates. wnen the very laws made to prothen came back to No. , 60, : the British government will pay Captain stated. there were also a number of vis' lias .been utilized for one immense was learned at police headquarters that where'he seated himself. The smoker, were able to got out of the coat hes be' tect it arp violated. It is not because of itors, inany of them women. Tlie ,j»t^ftd.y' The., Presbyterilan; buildipg,; on these men were desecrating the Sabbath the "Efcruria" and the "Pelion" were fore tho fire reached them, but in the Allan's claim aad collect the amourit ALL DIFFERENCES SETTLED. report of the secretary, William Q. any personal or political animus We are thereof from Canada, not wishing to after Mr. Campbell. It is because we ; the other ..side of -the „ way, _ presents a orders were at once issued to the cap- set apart for the newspaper corresponcl- confusion that reigned it is not known Judge, of New York,, said: "It hfis add to the existing causes of ill-feeling very brilliant front. Shields aud tro- .tains bf the precincts in which the work duts who accompany the 'party; the how many victims wore loft to tho meroy between' Canada and the United States. The Nail Works at Bcllairc Resume. been suggested that the dues aud fees fe^l that our bread and gutter may depend upon it." , / iphies , are : 3j3ade use of to - catch up was going on to have it stopped. "England" was occupied by Chief Jus- of the flame's; penned in by the mateof the! society be abolished; Madame' Captain Allan hitherto made no referA Reduction in Wages'. The meeting Tuesday evening will be tice -Fuller and wife, Justice BlatehjBtreamersvo,f .red. .white; and blue bunt- TheTJirst gang of men encoimtrials of the wreck and unable co extd-' ence to a most important fact in conWHEELING, W. VA., April 28.—Great Blayatsky is opposed to doing this; and held iu Ituppol's Hall, Smithfteld street, ford, Justice Field, aud ReI do not recommend it. The uew me^unection with the seizure of his vessel, injf, ,and i flags are placed in divers •ered was found in front of the A glass blower who fiilB an executive Justice** Strong; the ^'Amer- cate themselves. L, S. Gurney, of When the customs collector at She!-, iuterestest was manifested among; the bers or fellows since the last meeting Church of the Divine Paternity, tired a,in the windows. Brooklyn, N. Y., had his head comica" by Secretary Windom,, Mrs. nailers ot this city and vicinity to-day are 232. Local sections number 30, |of position furnishes the folio wine: complete nirne legally seized the BridgeA: J^tta.iVrther up, the Edison Cora- Rov. Dr. . Eaton, corner Forty- Windom and the two Misses' Windom, pletely severed from-his body by a piece and correct list of idie^l4w blowers, i^oy.65,. have exhibited good eightl" • street and Fifth avenue. The Walker Blaine and the Misses Margaret of flying debris. Ho was in the smoker vater, a regularly registered Ameri- over the announcement that the differ- which there are two each in Hew Yor,k, tOgefcher]with, the nunibef' of merchant ship, he or- ences existing for a year past between Chicago, Philadelphia and Los Angelas, eacli. E very id le pot means* - fiyio ^in decorating, and good judgment 'foreman-at first • refused, to stop work, and Harriet Blaine, Secretary Rusk and was hurled against the side of the can tered that the United States flag the management of tho Bellairo, Kail three in.St. Loiiis^ and the others dis- men—-a gatherer and, a blower. { >Q>£, in bhopshig material, for it all looked as acid son and daughter; Lieutenant -•well to-day as if there had been no such but as'soon as he was threatened with Mason arid Mrs. Mason, and Colonel car and decapitated. Rudolph Dcorer. which the vessel was ilying at the time Company and the nailers had at last tribjifced iu smaller cities or towns." ' id is not assumed that all 'theseThe report was accepted. Dr. A. course arresti he changed front and took his whose address is not known, was also hould be pulled down, The captain, it been settled. The new scale is a thing as rain. men could have been obtained by tjie Barr, of the war depavraent; tlie s assorted by Captain Allan, 1obeyed the reduction of 1%$ per cent./ on five Keiglitly, of London, who was present Pittsburgh parties on short notice, but men away. The aldermanic stand at -.' /."WEALTH OF BUNTING. "France," by the members of the iu- instantly killed. orders under protest. On the fourth of pennies and -larger, and 85 per cent, on as the representative of Madame Bla- the glasfe blower figures that at least 100 ESCAPE OF THE TJJAINMBfcr. . Up at the corner of Fourteenth street the 'Stewart mansion needed but a few augural reception committee. uly, wtiile the'vessel was under seizure,' all sizes under 5 'pennies. The men vatsky^ the ruling spirit of the sboiejjy, of them were ready for- the suppcrts to complete it, but the police As soon as the engine rolled over, the old Grand Armory first attracts atSecretary Blaine was not one of the ;he crew hoisted the American flag in upon these figures Saturday read a; communication from her, chiefly Only 72 were required a£ tentiori, with a trophy of Hags over re:ustd to let any more work goi on. party. The attack of lumbago from after striking the water tank, Ivuifiueor jonoi of Independence Day,but the cus- agreed morning and the scale was ratified by devoted to exhortation and suggestions. He"- regards' that ;as ax low each window aud a flag draped on every Contractors are ottering as much as $8 which he has been suffering did not Watson and Fireman Chapman crawled toms officer again came on board and tho Board of Directors' of the mill (Sat- The afternoon' session was devoted liberal 1 estimate. Thfe' listf for carpenters to go to work after inidsill. The large Hanover apartment yield as readily to treatment as had been out from underneath it, neither of them had it hauled down. urday afternoon. Last night the men wholly to the reading of papers by dejie- work$ ; «t Belle fonto,'; Pa.', 3 house, on the corner of Fifteenth street, nig'ht so that the outstanding contracts expected, and he decided to abandon the being much hurt. An auxiliary train, By, releasing the vessel unconditionheld a mass meeting and approved the gates, one of which was by Mrs. W.|L. Itha'ca, K. Y., 1G pots; Bdwling may be finished. . was sent out i'rom this city-immediately ally the Canadian authorities admitted is handsomely decorated on both fronts, trip. action finally, and it is announced'this Bramord, of Chicago, on "Idol Wo^^P O., (bubed) 20 pots; Quaker City' CENTENNIAL, SEKVICXS. on receipt of the news .'of the accident, that her, seizure was illegal and unwarthe windows being outlined with buntAI/L. A BO Alt D. evening that the works will be s.tarted ot.the. Cbristain Creed." To-morrow 18 pots;! Bellaire, O., 18 pots; "" : St. Paul's Church, at Vesey street and ing and streamers folio wiug from'one It was cloterift'iQed %Q delay tho deoart and the passengers, including 'the' in- rantable, and it is expected that the at once. There is an agreement that will end the meeting. Estep <fe Co., Maripn, lad., 30 jured and two of the killed,' were ledge to the next. M. F. jNeilson's res- Broac way, presented a gala scene toure of the train.until 1 o'clock, iu deferUnited States government will insist not the pickling process, -put in operation at JSTevv Albany, I«d., 20; pots; idence, No. 100, next. catches the eye day. It : was decorated inside 'and out- ence to -the president's wishes, and brought to this city. Two Wanner cars only that her owner shall be compen- the WINS WITHOUT TRYING. • works ; in Steubenville, Pa., 241: pots; Durhamville, •with a wealth of bunting and silk in- side 'iy«flags. Two hundred members shortly after midnight the blinds of the in tho rear of the train wore -uncoupled sated, but-that an apology shall be, ten- shall Jefferson not be used at the Beliaira mill. pots; .MUIville, N. J., 8 pots; terior , ornamentation. The new Judge of the Society of the Cincinnati, the Sons presidents car were drawn fast and tlie from the others and wore salved from dered for the insult to the United States • Reductions are expected at all the Boulanger's Continued Popularity -Cten- Manufacturing Companj, Bridgeton, 1#. building has been made good use of for of the Revolution, and the New York party retired for tho uigbt. Here the flames. eral Foreign NCWJJ. j other Wheeling nail'' works within a J., 16 pots; Cohansey Glass Oomnany, A lago gang of employes, under tho the ejection of stands, "but there has not Comnandery of the Loyal Legion were and there in the other oars week, which will put them-on the same Bridgetbn, 8 pots; -Baker Bros., BaltiLONDON, April 28.—General . Bbubeen enough bunting put about it to present. The sermon was preached by closed , biiiids indicated that those direction of John Hall, (Worked unceasFORAKER'S WHITE CAPS. footing as Bellaire, it being the 'desire langer passed a quiet <iay, He took a more, 8 pots. spoil the general effect of its splendid Kiglii Rev, Dr. William Stevens Perry, within had also sought their couches. ingly at the wreck, doing their utmost to of the men to secure a uniform rate - in architecture. Bishop of Iowa. The subject was Many of those aboard, however, re- extinguish the iire. There w|a» great ariye this afternoon and afterward diaed 1 Just over the way is the residence of "George. Washington as a Soldier, mained up until the cars had rolled out difficulty iu securing water, owing to the. The Cincinnati Gang Unidetit.fitd in Spite this district before the me'wting of tlie at his hotel with a few intimate friends. WRECKED ON AN ICY COAST. Amalgamated Association, convention. of His ExccHency. ' y. JVlatthews, where no decorations arc Patriot, Statesman and Christian." of .the yard, and conspicuous among tank being smashed, and (( the jfire held All the nailers have been discharged at A "Paria dispatch says that in the To-night the finishing touches are be them were Justices Blatchford and sway for many hours befcre"a (thorough apparent but great precautions have CtNoiKNATi, April 28.—Governor For- the Ben wood mill. The pickling process municipal elections at Sajnfc Ouen A Ste4m Whaler and Her Crew In 1 been taken to prevent the intrusion of ing pit on the pier at the foot of ; Wai Strong and Secretaries Windom and soarclftcould be made through the debris. aker is baking a hand in the White Cap is to be put in operation there', and as Alaskan Waters. i to-day General Boulanger, M. LaUp to 5 o'clock the charred •remains of the public. The steps and porch have street, where the president will land to Rusk, , case .at Hiverfiido, a suburb, Frank many of the men us, -oaa bo accommo- grierre, M. Deroulede and Senator SAN FKA.NCISCO, April 28,—The been a&rongly- barricaded, the balus- morrow. It is said that $12;000-is. being Promptly at 1 o'clock the cry. of "all 18 victim^, liad been exhumed trom the Gehrline, was badly beaten. As soon aa dated will be taken back at once. Naquet, although not standing as can- Alaska! Commercial Company's steamtrades are .surmounted by sharpened spent iu this work. The pier is- 450 fee aboard" rang ou t, the train men sprang wreck. Ii\no case was there enough of pickets, and signs of "Danger''greet long ind is divided into two apartments to their places) Conductor Lark ins the body left to identify the remains, or the governor heard of it ho rose in his GRAIN ELEVA'TOR TRUST. didates, almost defeated the candidates er St. Paufarrived in port to-day and' the eye as you go either up or dowu the by.-maans of.two large curtains suspend- pulled the bell cord, Engineer 'Bailey in to tell whether the person was ol the wrath at Columbus ,and telegraphed of the Radicals. ,' brings Captain Lutgena and two Beam en avenue. The piano people in the neigh- ed from the beams. Over 100 large response pulled open the throttle and male or female sex. Gigantic Combination Being ,Engin Chief-of Police DeiUph, of this city, ,to The Marquis of Londonderry^ in |au of the jjteam whaler '*Kate Annon,'*. Oa y The names of the wounded .now in the spare. no pains hunting dowu the misborhood of Chickering Hall have put up Arnejf can flags are draped over it, sup- the long train slowly steamed out of the cered at St. Louis. address at a banquet; ' at the March 19 the vessel went ashore in* hospital are as follows : by the coats of arms of the various car sheds into the wet air. some very pretty decorations. This is creants', and to thoroughly investigate ST. Lours, April 38.—It is about Oollege of Phyaiciaas and''6ur- ManhWay Bay during: -a , gale,i and* THIS WOUNDJ5W AT 'THE notably the case at Horace Waters' and States, and numberless streamers hung the1 aftair. The White Cap outrages definitely settled that the 11 grain ele ireons at Dublin on Saturday ^u- broke to pieces. The vessel was valued. SCENES AT ELIZABETH. JAMES A. 1'ALJMEK, Ilion, N. Y, head cut, must' be stopped. at Hardman Hall, while Martineeli, just from every point. his resignation pf the omcc| of at$6,OJOO. The men walked 35 miles but not seriously Uurt., | i . vatprs of St. Louis will form' a 'trust uounced between them, completes the decoration Thoroughly aroused by,h'is unmistakAMONG- THE VESSELS. lord lieutenant of Irelautf, Ho denied throaah a snow storm to the nearest HAMljyrON OLrAilK, N6. 14T (West Ohio of the block. At the corner of Twentystreet, Chicago, double fracture of the ritflit able 'admonition to wipe out tho stain, combine, the idea being to put a stop to that his resignation was due to anything settleohent. .Two of the seamen started The Sabbath was not observed among Vice President Morton's Arrival—Grand lo£, bruised badly, lipad cat and jjrpbaWy in- Chief Doitsoh and two detectives have l the expensive competition whicli now first street the South Beformed Church tho 'traft on the river to-day. EveryArray Men Arriving. that Mr. Balfour had sai<J, Ho accepted by another route and it is believed ternuUy Injured. Of all tfao Injured Jio IB the bean1 examining witnesses industriously, yard is filled with stands, tiling was being put into ship-shape for exists. Captain'.I).1 P. Slattery, the the office, he said,, for two years and he Ishpd ^n.the way. worst, bat will probablv. recover. 's ELIZABETH, N. J., April 39.—ElizaLAVISH EXPENDITURES. i > v >., ANTHONY MA A/, or 'MAKTiJ, an Italian but ii'p'to this time with no success. moving spirit in so many , successful agreed to remain a third,year at the )'ethe morrow. * Many steamers already *-#-»--•—•— beta has had the centennial fever toon his way from Wisconsin to JltiUy, Uaad Plenty of men saw the'outrage, oil the enterprises, iw 'authority for the state- yuest of the government.' The Union Club is beautifully dec- had their bunting flying, aud on all the cut, but, not seriously. AraerJlcatt ^htp orated. The window ledges are covered work of •overhauling the decorations in day, and.never ,in-the history of the city The 'Daily News thinks that the readiEDWIN CHAPMAN, fireman, head badly cut wile beater, but no one recognized the menb that the, majority of the St. Louis 1 «T»A, April" 25—The American was there witnessed a Sunday like it. ovorrtyht eye. not seriously hurt. White Caps. According to the testireadiness for the early moniing hours with hanging flags, the cornices- arc elevators have agreed to enter the com- ness with which Mr. Bates' explanation ICKNYON, of London, England, a mony the men hustled poor Gehrliue to bination. It is figured that $75,000 per of his article in the Oentufy qu tko ,'Ba- ship ichard P. Back, from Philadelphia bright with bunting and long streamers wasjbehig pushed rapidly. ' - To-morrow The decorations had,scarcely been be- ENOCH miritna: en^inobr, rlba brolcen; net seriously the river bank. He was tied to a poplar year can be saved in switching charges moan question was received by Bis. for Sa ?r»nclsoo, before reporced here in extend from the top of the building there -will-be glistening brass-work and gun wheu Friday's rain storm came, Ijijurod. tree, his pants stripped down and a thorwa$dlacoverod to be ou fire. ApriJ id own to the balconies where the stands newly '"painted vessels, buutimr below and to-day the work was again taken O. C. AZBETA,, Udwardsport, Ind, , slight Inaloue, while $100,000,per year of a re- marck is a favorable omou for the sucjuriea. 19. oughswitching administered, the flames (spread with aoaa»£»« are. The Lotus Club, over tho way, and alofe in bewildering profusion,- of up. ' The streets have been thronged •W/LLIAM duction would be made iu the expense cess of the Samoan comm,fssio«. L. HBIPSEY, No. 09 Kor*' •tches used beia«• withes taken from of operating. The'aiee of the syndicate Jiad not yet decorated, nor had the all colors and shapes, groat black muz- with people. watching what washing In'aw street, Gbicaj.co, loi? bartly The German National Oazttte. in aa r»pldjtyt owing to the inflammable oatuce rline's own stock, which he used which ,will manage the elevators, will article on the Samoan tju^itioi*, .favors of a. i*rge portion of tbe cargo—fcerpsene, .'Fii'th Avenue Hotel .at 3P. M. Koth- zles of guns belchjng forth tubes of done, and'this eyoningr the ;city isjfcril- A.X. DWNidY, Panviile, III., out u> ; otc,~-»aod tho ship *-^ the manufacture of, baskets, , < ,.The naturally bo largfc, for the original HerrVon Barre's proposa^ '^ "r^sfeiire irig.was done to-day toward the com- flame, clouds of smoke and deafening liant :with bolbr.,, ^AU tne, ,publib/build-. a German on bis ernor's wrath will probably iiot>, be value of the property is about $4000,- the tripartite control aud' to appomfc » pletion of the depoi ation of the arch reports; navel men in their uniforms of Illinois' to Union Hill.'rlght ar cv •eased. ' ' 000. not serious. Continued on Sixth at Twenty-third street, but it is blu<? a,nd gold, paying the honors to nominal k,lng of Samp*. < ' / - TRACKS, ,Afcf$tic Touches Being Given Centennial, THEFOtfRTflCOi An Awful Railroad Accident at Hamilton,' Ontario. A Lot of Postal Route Agents Are Glad it Exists An In istigating.. Committee Fron the Bottle Blowers, EIGHTEEN MEN KILLED 11D liURNED. THAT WiMMAKER OBSERVES IT, THEY SH PORT THE TRADES COUKCIL PEIPICTURE OFDOWTOWKST8EETS fORK STOPPED BY ORDER OF POLICE ffl FDR >» .•\. -• - •* ' f - -, : ' • -^- « ' ' m t • '- • i ULl, •*• .91