J}.NUARY 20, 1936 SHIPOWNERS. PLAN UN'ON-SMASHI~~ ATTAC K! C'rganhod on a bfLsi~ n~rc &old +.r.en . I'Jver befor",AJnorlcA.'l ship(.r::nars.nar;ie-a ularly those on ti.o ',:3Gt Coa=::t, nr... raking definnte ple.ns to bee;in a t'· drivo .r:~inlSt thi3 ~riti.'"l.: Fed_ "rn:tlon SCUI ti!fld tlds mon:th. C'lf'ten in t!'-c p'\st, tho Y~TEro')«:,!rT :'«:'RK~co.:>ior.. to \..rn tl:.., :::t. r1 "tirle ~r ,rvrs Co.t' r" .... r t.'J.e '::~li~c;.:n_ ers. But Tn:) attaok \"/ill :1.ot ba stAot:r>cd by mor· v:lrninfs. The fin'·co.:> j,i:;;t troUp rrund tho so-c ..llud "Liberty Lc~_ gue # t<.of;)th r '~it;. tucr. r~ts ",:; ~il1i"'JI'l Ito ::::t, I\ro to end ~ce a.r.d for '~ll tho 't).r·3('.t r~f',, tile oontinu~..noo'nn inor'~"8j of thoir pro:fi ts ~h",t i.e oon;,.t:~ntly fc'.oin/; tho3Jl in tho miHtr.nt .... r i, in,) ~'~l,'l'\r..._tion.Th1':: ~roup, bainG of' 0. d1t'foront g'lll.& 0_' c'.pit<Hst rcbbor.:l thUl 18 ropro::wntod by tm j'rcsnnt F Jdorn:r Admini:i'tr tlrm, hop'} t? not only $l'l\;..f'h tho d; ng:::rC7Us (for them) l":~r_ ltimc E\)d,.. r ~;ion,but :-.1,80 to n:::.k:~ u situo:..tion ;;;0 u::b'--!',u;dnC for the gl)vcrn."!l(':lt thllt thy cn r ... pl".c) I<oosu·,rolt \·.... :m open F[.3Cist sct-up. . Tho :ship(J\'.-u:-rs, _1d"d by these bie-shot bnnkor:. Ch'~:r.b(..r5 of Conn.{Jroc Indi:lstrL.l En ho.s had GETTrN& INTO H \.5 AFU\10U R - " Ma'n, etc., haTo f~rod out in ..nd oent.::, how much monoy they will nc", to sl!l:"..::.h til... Fod,Jr:=.tlo1h.And bnl.:lllc5ng thi3 C".t1_in3t tho ~ount of profits they will lof.!o in ti".o course of 10 yonrs "'lith the old ·cpoe;d..u.p systttl gena, ::nd ;;:~ t~~~i~~~~ :~~t~~'r~~\~O;'~~~~ !It'Iro}%'ofitnbl... for than to ~pcnd ho\tOv"r I:luch. i t :r,':'\f taka to the organiJa".tiQ'ls hcr..:l,thn to toko the l'v:cred pror~ts they f .. re l~orced ~o put up with und"'r th.,; F0dor~ticm. Furtill-r'l1".or.:::, tho :::hipovl1\ers rc:::..1izo th..1.t tl'o lonl""r th.lj'" the stronger tho Union~ beocnc, ~J\d the exnmplo of L.il1t:,.nt trncle u."1ionism that we h!".vo givcr. tho r,s't; of th ~ A.l1.crioc.n working oL s"$ :.S c. onnstant thret.t to tho plu~h-bott(m3 of 'Null Str ,ct. lfrturt.lly, the shipol,n(Jrs realizo thoy o:nnot Ot"f:~C out openly with :. F:>.ccict tt·.ok, ulJin~ fo1'oO t'.nd violl,.;nco' ngc.h:.t US.TI1CY ·~ould. only arouse public Oi-lil,::'on r thcmsul VI s. 1'm~t th(;~' intund to 0, t~crcfor\.., is to cuspl.nd th. cCr0c!'I(Jnts (If t:lO Uni-ms, using the OXCU::O CONTINU::.:o O~; P}/:F T::iREE COLmilJ l:E PAGE 2 YlA.TEJ.FROHT WORKER Tho orow of tho Shepard liner, Harpoon were oerto.inly n good sight 'to the striking longDhoromJn of Ne1'1 Dodford) yohen thnt .:;hip T:ullod in to dischargoror cargo. 'Ihe I.L.A. is on strike there (you no'tica thera ,·,o.s no frOI!l Ryan nbout it to tho me;.l.bership) and ...-Alen 'bo Ihl.r'poon pulled in tho dock ',:US s',m.rming with soab.:; l'lD.iting to work thc ship. nspito th~ huge .force ot oops and, an I.S.U. delcgr..te t:!8.::lagodiD :l:lQ _1: abos.rC. the ship nnd inforr.-.ed tho Cl",H of the stri':c r,oing on. ILA pickets ;.tIo hud bean shovcd 0. block tlv:a.,v from tho pi",r let up a huge cheer ',men they saw scab::; filing baok do,m on tm doc l.>:. '!he crc'.{ hl\d simt off' t~c ::::'teD.:cl. nnd 1r.tomocl tl-:e skirpcr thoro .....· culd be no stoo=l l.mtil the!LA gave its cloarance to the erc-·. This is 0!1.1y half of it. Ckle 01' the <:ro·."5 '·:h.o l.ud. boen list<~!ling to r. r:..d:b on tho s~ir re~orted that a 1000.1 scab nev:s rudj 0 ::::t:l,tion ho.d stated 'that t.lte erc·,., .f 'tho :larnoon .. 'orc :leab:> nr:.d thor.? foro, the lo~al·lonf:'::::horcmcn he;.d rerusod to mrk t!10 ship. This \'IllS dono of cour::::o tc oren'to public opinion ngainst tho milit~"lt scurr.on. Aroused by this 31 'Uldcrou:::: stD;torr~:!!t the orew sont an u] tir:-.ntU:l to the' radio station to tho effeot t:1U~': if u rotro.otio:";. 'VJ!l$ not on tho on" ol('lock no';1S flash, !HE PLACE 'WOULD j' prr·y.~TSD. At one 0 tclock tho sto.tion rttruct.d their stntcmcnt o.nd :il,. ,id they had gotte:.. t~o infol"nLO.tion from the polioe dopo.r-tmcn't. You oem ~(Jt tha.t tho ·Nov.. Bc;dford ILA. 1000.1 will be ono marC' 100~..J. that will b:'lck tho "ibst COo,st '.mions v,'hon thC3 ti."IlO 001,1OS uft .... r thi::! B;:llcndid displa.y of 1'00.1 s01ido.rit-J. JANUARY 20, 1936 VlJl~T1 m NO ;OND.ER THE BOSS IS P1>1IICltY Ul ''PARADISE" ':lhile Ho.wniin.....,. planta.tion -NQrkers and dookors aN f'ighting to eliminate semi... 3lnvo conditions fzoem thoir :midst, n little group of Hnwniian ''businoss men" stopped off horo cnroutc to V"a.shin~on. Thi.o 11ttle g-mg-_eight in all__t'.ccord_ ~a: ~~ogug;n~~Z;c~~tt~~ ~O::"In h{f~ \\uii. Tran:llo:ted into plainer language rlenIlS thnt thosc eight poople praotically ovm. tond oontrol tho Ii-ves and Gf every single inhabitant of tho Hn>llI.iinn Isle. Put theso n.o;-,ns QVo:y in your :cl.coory for very near futuro roference: R.A.Cooko, A.G.Budg:c, J.E.Ru5so1l, H.ll.Wn1ker, C.R.Rcacmmy, E.'!'":.Green, John ~':o.torhouso n..'"ld Gcnero.1 B. Wells. 'nley aro on thoir '>Ir~ to l'hshington to cb-tain lagisla.tion favorable towards boosting t'te prioe of Dugar •••• and naturally, their profits. Labor has a toug..1" fight ahend in Hawaii, but the force of orge.!u zee. labor with defin::te leo.dership will r:mke it a winning fit;h:t. ** ** ** *••* DID YOU KNO','[ THAT:Tho Swedish long3hcre:nen are d&lUIldin:: H: d~s vncation a year with rull pay? The Danish $oa;:lon have rof'used to sail any more ship-:. into Nali GermanJr if 9...."ly more :lCllr.len are arrested by the Hitler Gcoret polioo? 'l'ho Austrnlian Soemen ure "'aging a. tough strike doym below tile line, and there is not a word of it allOVfSd to be printed up hel'a? French doeke-ro und seemen are foming n l"cderu.tion ainular"tD our Maritime Fooorntion 1\$ a rO:.iul t of their suecennful striko u.;:ainst 0. proposed v,aC;c'l ll The suppo"odly 'imcivili:;ed Ai'ricc.ns broUl;ht in for that purpose rufuoed to sCt.b on t...lte Frenoh dockors? There 0.1'0 still \.""0 A.'!lcrican Seo.non hidden 0.""0.:1 in NC'.z:i ooncerutration camp.:; c..'"l.d our Govommont has failed to inke any nction: 'ill'" Chroniole ',ms running &:1 ad for "YO\l.l'1l; men to drill and join Docial club t'.t $1.00 an cvcniq;' 9...."lJ an addrc<.s ",as given for 0. private number on l.·issior:. St • •• •• *. ** ** A.'iD TlIF.:i SHE FAHl':'ED Looo.! 800 of the ILA, adopted t\ r ,solution oond ---oning the nttaok upon the ~ ritino "'cdc rut ion by th,~ old line fc.kers Scho.rrcnberg, Eyo.n IUld ,icGrady. 'ihcy hn'ro gone on l'C'cord to support Local 38... 79 nnd it:::: 'eo.1crship Q.; lj't any di:;rurti vc b,otic& of t..'1o Somrr"'nb(.;.r~s 6: their gnng of rc..o.otionnry mislotldcrs. !hi:; local :..lso voto..-l. to beycott the pict-llre Riff_Rnfi. EC..Not~: nlis pictur,) is now pb.yi::1g should be shunned by 0.11 or~nnizod lo,bor. It is n filthy,lieing Henrst propngnndo. picturo \,jlich tria; to Sh0\7 tho wntorfront as not.~inb but n g:mg; of drtmks and what you, o.ttcmpting to ini'luonoc tilC public mud. ir. tom nnd *•• * ** ** ** READ TIIt: '\oI,J'_TEil;ROUT WORKER READ THE VOICE OF THE FEDERATIOn HEAD TIlE SUlIDAY "/ORKER mJ'r DON'T READ 1113 FILTHY HEARST RAGSI ..~,dol}i! (Hi tIcr) ",tl.S r.rJ':i..11g a $p.:loch at WllmO":m Q..;r"Cn .301dior at the l:oight or en hys~.:ericlll nt;ainDt tho Jc-,ro,one cf hi::; faibi'ul Nazi ::tooCos s;JC'ko to hin J.;.crvously: '\forr ~o.ther, ju~t think if !~~ chould hc.,'pen to bo 0. Jew." According to r~liab:.c rc,t1orl:; dnrling Adolf recoverod l'ron h(;r (pardon, \,,"9 COWl his) swoon, the i..Da~ino.tivc ::::toogo 'V,"O.s ru~hed off to n. concetl.tro.tion CQL1.p. tho cravo of t~6 W1\Jll *. *. *••• *. 38-44 ELECTS RANK A;JD FILE DSLE':iAT!::S Local 33-44 olected rank lllld rile delogr.tos to important posts nt their last mooting. Pa.ul Heide find Ja:ck Rnsp y/Cro n~.;ned 0.0 spooio.l orgnni.ters for 38-44 in Oo.:cland. Peto Dedoi3o ..... us elocted 0.6 delogate te the Distriot COlmcil #2. Rolph Dawson and 'n1urlint; ...·,,oro ru;u;led .'1.8 dologa'tcs to the Central Labor Counoil. 1'10 tru~t thnt they vliB scrvtJwcl1. ** ** ** •• ** JAlltlARY 20, 1936 ·':.TSi'Y,J'lIT GHIPO'lIUERtS ATTACK - Continuod fr")r:J, PUGe 1 tha't the Union::> Iiro undcn' "irl"c~ponsible le<\dership", (jU3t:l~ thG~r did i.'1 their at~empt 1n:::t Fa1.1). Thi:.; ti-u6, tr.c :,,'ir;;;t blo',"]" Vlill 1i1:O"'ly fall lIvm 1.;h'3 I.S.U. groupG~ pf\rtio::ularly the Sailo!,,:;t Ur.i ':1. The fuct th ",t i·he Sailor.~ urn locked cut alro"'uy as n result ci' t.hlli: ;i ~!tt ::01" the six-hGur dn.y will be u:;cd. b:' the s!1j:--o.mer.;o; c.nd t~.ftir toolc i:~e ,)In.'rl.dcrz I:y!l.ns, ;;)c\lnrrc".burl.s, tc., n:; ~~ ~t:..rt. Tho at.....hOI: :roulJ. h've bogun earlier in the .~.on""lJ. cx~ept that tne rlhil.'c'.'n:ors '..lquQsti· !':ably expect the Inte~tionnl CO:1ven'li ~r· of t~n I.S.1J .....ill s:mcti'n t> ':Ii t. 11'8:;','''11 of the c:!'....'\.rt~r of the S. u. of P., o;;\U3 or emir'l; n WRy fc.r the SC.larr~r_'),I.· t,0 bJe. st the S6.1101'5 !'::; o.n "outln, .. " ~· ... ~... 1~~ti!)1l., ,z..ioJ-. ',v'Juld oon_ fuse :L ::1'1 sjlor.;l-si'lo · :':!lto"'.oB int ::-ul ort frO!tl the TfI,t.:.:!':·ror..t 'n:::. ':h'9y :.-il ~or,t:"1uo, t .=i't>"r.. rily, the "!.!r.thr·.b'l. G .ndi.i_ism ll € l.yi:l:: u~ their shipo (6.3 t I: :;te:;::schC>O~l~r<'= c:t tho nrose"l.t t1..'1<;) or r fusinr: to 0,?9rntc tiu>:!lr chios in"to c !"l:' ih norts (u.s tho :?r."l.c:..c.Fn"ific !'.ls . r, rlcin:- new.) ?his -.'ill nat b.) c'Jntinucd v"r} l''!1~, ~lo~v~v~r, ·_.....d we c_n look '('r o~.lrly l .fo. tlS tt:'! pI. co sc,,:bs nho"'_rl v .:1:" Is Wlr. .r_cipit<.:.t-, 0J1 op",'!"' fi 'I+- ~) >t t ~l ;;:! Unic!1 r::.'n tn' t!'c.o !"o.:;cist viril:"\llt t!-,,~i:; ~r~ "J.rondyb,iq; or·~!Jlir. u,r,s t'":cll u.s t"rto J:;.~t_ i0Tl 1 G·.l rd. A1ror.1y, t1-.· ;ntl.r :,t::;; bdhin'l thi;,; unti Union dri vo so !!\C.kin, tho.. I:lost of toll tho dv 1'50 rropq;~_ndu. th.. . y cur. 1""<.:1:; into thl;lir dirty ydIrwl d.:i1y pc.p~r::;. Thi.s is nc, t,n lh. :'or;r. llf lit..: ...;j r rt:i.c1.:.:::;; "/h1ch a"" r.o ~i:ltortcd ll,S t::l nr0$Ont only tho ship" ..... I'S si.dt, f:-o: :o:uch ;'1:..::ud point of v' \,.Ll,t::;l', fUll-:".&:l cdv:rtiz.moJnts ,·:i.ll '" nr, \·tlich,C,3 ;1.$' br.:<.:n ~.:;ho proccdur i 1 t:.c.: pnst, will b· on01':.55 of livs frO!;i b.. (.:irulinr t()~nd. Wu r ,Jr.! b· l' the t thv ., ~t"r 'ront ...:::;.pl"'yor:; c.s::;\.'s~"'! chu:n:::olvc..; 25¢ p,;r ton for :l. :>trU~ un nS' soon r.b th· l034 :::trib) ......,(j en1.I·']. '.i.'hi3 \t:,$ o· nt~.nur. :-'~r lonr 'Or·riod .. l ' tt, .. __ in .ft c+', h.-."l nc'o ~. t b\,lcn di::;c"nti.... u~d. And ""orr :;h~_n t:.... t" th, i:m.·n.,; ly rich l:·.:::tcrn b:"~in fir.::~ hvl,,; prm::.i,; t~, ir .ill n'} ":J.!l1: I)rt t., tho Po.cifio Co st op r tor5 '!.,;"'!. t!").~ n:Jccs::Iity for ouch :'und.. r.ris"s. '!'his·.cl:: ~ b::inC': '01 "::.;(;;. d i .....;.tc.l~· for t!11s.... rt.i.oul r tin for ~_v r- l re~_ cons. First, tl,;- ... hi-ov.~~rs 10:0·- th.t if' -.nd '.-hen th Guli' i .... d·JT'~ti(lr, is Cct U; " th PI"'.ci f'i.o Co .. ~t "nd tho :.-L: riti ... 'orlc rs na.tio~,lly, '\'.1.11 b Cn....tly stT _ngt~vn"'d. Thus, t~C"J nt to ~vt 'tj,"). firct blo' it: b=f'orc "'h... Gulf r... . s b._ C0:". CO'!lcoli.d· .tor'. loiJrth"r" 'th~7 :3':0 (.i::~k:'.ly) ir.. th( pr)S . nt fiEht of <:1'. ::::t n OC~C(!J.nn_n ':er t11C six-hour dy, t', "split tl , cr :lot "the boginnings of t. split, ':'n ~}-O• .) l<'~..J. roo c.ticn, h r:,. It is up to UG to ':rov to then hOf' .Tong th(y f.r .. i-:. -:~l1G. Third, t u~~::'thc 31 ek''':3t :>,,;·.30!l of th:. yc".r .; f·.r r.s :>hi )pi':)'; is oc>nc~rn .Stt~T.'Cnt:::; by SO~0 of' our ffi.:I:lb,'rs (ofh l' ·crr.tim) to t'lC cCI!'.trr.ry ~r')lut ly rni:<tnl:~'n. IIt,t'lI"'"lly, til. cr..ipo\,'1"'. . r~ do not ·,·'!.nt ",:" st.rt troubl ,t thoir EU~IE5T .:c~.sonl Fourt.lo, t,h \\"I:..C,th_,r r.t tr:'. .i tir.2, p:~r_ ticul~.r til:l~ , ;Sf (c::':~ lly on tho:-. E:-.3t Co::-:..ct. rU,k':, it difficult t(\ m. int~_in pick -.t lir, '3. r ·"I,~O~:<i(~·S!l':"-. -:.P-"A",GE,,-..::3_ k\.ctly, tho coming presidential 0160- ~~~:,;;i~~~f~;~ :~~L?~h;O~~~;~~d~~O: ;ookc of abovo, mIl just about come to u !Loud, and th..., fight to sm. sh the Fed_ eration and it3nffiliates vlill 'be'a we&.Fen in thv ht:.ndl> of thQ Fascist-inclinod nugnotv 13 of \lull StroJet, to usc acainst tho R(lo~cv..:;1t ndninietrntion, ( Not that v;o aro d..,fo!lding F.D .R.--i t is cnly !:.... is not ro.bidly r ... o.ctio~ry onoubh,nor rasoist-mindcd enough to suit tho Liborty rorcnns,Dupontc, ct Pll.~ SO ~L t ar" '(IC' goint: tlj do about i tr'f1 B .ck up ~d o.1low the shipo'!\'I1crs to foroo us to c.oopct T!fE:IR i:ltorprctc.ticns of tho Q.,,'C.rd,nntl do their bidding on 0.11 tho r.o:ttors which -0 so vclicntly fought c..gnin t for the pczt bio yc~rs? BY NO :~CSI '"IE '/Ill,L FIGHT II We \1111 ro.lly tc. .ur side all tho !'ocooc of Labor tho.t we cc,n got.Wo will DEA.i') tht;::.t 0. public Congrcssio~l invosti;;!.tioo. b ...' ~do of the nttnok (,'d.ich ti1 Dbp":. of !..o.bor 1ol0'ilS a.bout). }'\u·ther, WE ·dlu.. FICHT LIKE HELL lly"imj't tho vii thdNH·..n l of tro C:hnrtor of tl; Sailors I Unlc>n, ti:l:t Sohnrrcnburg nnd t.h. shi,>mn""r::. r.r... d<.Z!LJ1dine:; so vooifc.r* ~~~~ldb~~~~~\) ~~s~:ri~~~ i~ ;~~l~·~~l~· b.: Q, mc.tier of two or thr,Jo woc.ks boforo we liol,lld h....v, our aim jerked by Ryc.n. (Somo ·ill ::.o.y,I'L t tem t:.kc tho Ctnrtcr _ ·,10 ntill h:",vc th", manblirship 11. Thio r:.... ~ .• b, true, bu"t ally ch::. rtor-pull ing would not to con.f'u::;o GOll'lO of our' cm1 :xmbcrs" aru·..·ml1d 10::' .ear un 50;1\,::;, 01' tho support of oth, r E:'.Jt Co::\;,;t ~nd shore-sido Unions 'lhich \','. r~ny n ed beror. 100[.) -j:.;: ·.r coin!; to tl to i t th~.t th Gulf f'·"~.('r(.t1..,n 1s built stronr:1y cnou{;.h to vi thBtnnrl the! n.csuul t of the t;hipo·.m. :r.:. r.;'- t~rutrn~~ ~~/~~~r~~Ol~:~rl; ~~~~r ITII:E FEDERATICJN--in th, ooming strug£lo. In li:!1( -.lith thic,th': EATERF2:0ifT wtRKEn. c.c;nin rvi t,.~r•.tcs its r .corr:rncnd.. tion t:"). .t th.... st. :";:1so:.oon 'r:T'.en" .mo l.r on t:J; r..c C'_ r:;sult of tho six-hour dc.y i.:i'·ht, r f~r th :~djusm~nt c.r"d settle_ l"I_nt of the n.: .tter to th: Di stri ct Council:> of th r·')(}cr·ticn. '!'his ..·;ill ctrrt th .. b 11 rollinr to rds putting thc ::hipo-.n r~ n the d,;f~n.:iv, c.n'l c.llo~·: ing u.c to t le..: th. CF ~-:::!SI VE, in .ttr:. t is obviously., :UC,! nIVGSi", ISSU3. ........* *"'" ..... *.. 'tHE '.'lATER. :to!n r«)RKH CJ,.N BE PURCHASEr nu:tIiI'i T:'B '.TLEK AT 7HE l'LOO? EOCIWTOE tI _ 15- LI.{E:,iliC!DERO "' ST:..?T :..~ C::CU '" *. CA:-]J':"IG:l :W',V, ·;o.ttKERS ARE iJRG:.D ;'.11 -:. ri t::1n .nd ·.h.t· rfrcnt YlOrk- rs ,no .r,; citiz·.n. .r.i yot. ir. this 5tdo:- c.r r ''1uir·.d by tl~ ...t ·.t to r<.gi.ctcr lll\';:~{. T!\OS \".ho ·...i;:;h to ":ot_ in tho rrimr.rics cm.ct giv... tJ'l ir Pert)- r~rrilb.tion:::, or th.y ',li11 b. dt-ni d the rlp:ht to vote. Thr' Uni tcd Lc.bor Continuo .nce 6oun1tt~c i:; 110';1 conducting;... Forum, ....hioh oo,.ts .; very tuCOd:1Y nir-J'tt, 8:00 p.""., c.t 68 fic.iQlt St. Si,er.keorc of noto [,_rc to bu obtr.ined, \',no 0: Jl :.ipe:.k '.Ii th r,ut.~ority on such questicn:. c.:l Indu;,;tric.l Unionisn, culdothcr of our nroblarru;. . Tho Vi.. TEI{FRONT "IORKER r cOJTIJncnds. to cll stevudorcs c.nd 0.11 othvrs, trot the;)' AT'lmn. D~ar EC itor: "hile ov·,r :lot CliT'S last lllonday nigl1t for su~)or! r.oticed a bu!lch of ship0',.11 ,rs I b~tllElMn.:J _ l'tlich attacked tho f'odera.ticn -- lying ll.r~und. If Cliff 13 .luch a good union I:'.all, no llO olair..s, \m.:.t do os he mcaJ1 by ha'rirg ~uo:" rot.~·~n ('Irr.p all arcund ir. Mos plaod I Bur,pcOo U oou:>!p e-f shipo-;nors droppAd in fer n hr..=tburger snnd"l"r.i.oh fUld left t.1 .:;m the-re1 _Inquisl"ti'"J'O l!C\!CBan .Ito ** __ "" .. * $(;: Ton £;001'0 {relation?) l'oruman at tho l)ry Dnck t-houg'1t ho saw n chanoe to bui1:!. hit1Sol£ up ',."ith the cClnpnny at t.'"lo exi.'0!l30 of a little scabherding,but nlert runk t.;.nd file vlcll.berC of tho klachinists Loo~l.l nippod hia littlo plan in ''::;:10 bud. [~oorc, \'tith norc gull tho.n oc.ll<Xl t, ~pocia.l r.l.0ctine of tllOGO stri~.orr. \"~10l!1 he bc.Iioved too "enk: and o:ttcmptod to intir.idnte thc:n into doseI"lr i:'l~ th'1 ricY:ot linQ p,nd roturning to .,'Orr:. ~:o("ro left in a hurrJ Q:ld tJ-e pioket line 1:3 Etill solid. Hoor'-~ ** ** A::TOT-:L!l Do"n on Pior 35 thcr is:l eG, .1' :-11 ':ho wn~ I". 1'ir~,.t!: r",t all duril\" t' c ~'tri'<09 1,p.P::I.rc;:):tly ::lO!I:C of' our ~:'v ;:1.'-'1'3 f.rO sort o.r ',illL'tg to "':"r)rgct" it 1'01' ::. £eT:" gc.llOU::l ot raB or aon.. r-.inor :-,_pl'.1r ~ their oa.r::::. l ..t lClns't the: r~~t scor.s to hnw !tb"u~ht" 0. f>".: friend::: at t'l'lt prieo. Ccrtr,i.nly, Sperry r..nd BorC:.;:liac '-.,ould no"': ' :::oC'rn tl'1i:; disp'.o i'ul oo:::ld1..:.ot !"n th.,) Pf'.rt of union I_en ':;,0 r , r ) so ".i.!ll-"1s, to "lat b".fgO:1CS be by&O!l<'S" fer (4. lnu::.y r.::.l1on of ~,s (\1' t~~. If' you hUilt;l." one::. hnven't n.."1~: r ... 5p,~ot fnr your3t.lvcti, then at lca.:>t ::;!10';' s\%.o r ... spcot t~ tho Locnl c."'I.d lo.'r off' this nh')"tcy "Ohn:.lgOC fer C~a.:lgCO" - of Union r'rido 1'01' a. C;l".11oD of gc.~. •• **'I!!Zf ** IRE .* *. D~-.r' tL'.YBE :>eo.r &i1 top r 1 am just wt'ndoring ~ilcn Hilding'::: gn."ll; nro ge1ng to ",nkc up o.."ld ley orf t' Jd::g tho.t guy t S ornp do.? after dr-,y. ~Lv';3 like hu hM t:tcr.l c.ll bullied cr so~otl1ir..g tho \·.ny thoy =tnll'i !'or his loud-mouth bollCJrillgs. I h(\ptl this nr..1:I)S tham s:mp out of it :md put that ':fOuld-bo buck stray; bo~a in the l"\l.."" cont ,,'here he belonG";. ..-Plut: Hold Eun .* ** ** STICKY FINGERED COP 'ill... ether ni~ht one "f tho mowbers v,~:'.t to the IT.coting n:::.d on t!1(1 v~ hCllnO u .. he otJr'poi "rr trD Gtreet oar he 'WB.: stru;,k ~., 0-'1 uu.t~. ',:'..a'1 he c~ to-he di "lcov\.,'r d 'w .... :td b..:J,J..'1 relIed f'or tZ3. 'I'll re ...~ro t~.r'(.;c pcoi'le arouml--thr:: oop on tOll be'Dot, ~"111 a:..1 .bulnnco driw and 'bo doctC'r. ~lr~o t'"'\1i:9CCS y.hich 0:'.0 roll,,~ i-l.:'r.1 Y,.""s, th~t '\7D.;; CJl:.r bet, too. T';"~ drlvvr ...."'I.d tile! dootor .X'ro too busy. T:"S- P LJ R~-:;-\.Vf 'L ..- ; ; ; - ; : ; : ; - - - - - - - ' ~ FnlSlf ,/,.." To IDE.N.2!-.!-Y '1M" ~~ ,--- ~~~?".). ( I \~ L~ _~1I~~1 ~-'--~~/\~I:-)&:f\ "', , .\. ~~.>~~\. ~ . ~ :SS:iit:9£:~:::- ":'.ho "lUG tho guy running a.round tho P:lll with his rlul!. in his hand waiting until the 0'..l.k1und j;lbs were fillod beforo he plubf:eu. in1"----Sho.11 we tell! JAliUARY 20,1936 THE STORM: IS BREAKll-lG \'iATER!o'RO~1' JORKER PAGE FREE A foro runner oJ: \fMt the ~hi :'O\·.'~!.ers ::\.l;d their a.llios vp toi:- set:'; .;uito pl'linly in t:'lC .l.ction :lot the San Die '0 Co!'.tr'\:f Labor C')U!'lcil, by Gre,:}1:; t s ".,. Wc;"t Co('.s~ sto"Go,Cn.;;oy. Tho Central La.bor Co~:cil do-.m thoro iIi. u'-.g.,~r thv r,uido.neo of·d,.. ~c. tic roc:ll: and file le'ld(,r ship and a.t y03-r 1 s st'lt') ·'oderatiol". of Lo..bor convention thoy V:":!'lt u.Q"::ll the lin~ in sup:JOrt of the :-'\hk ':L..~ .file rrog:r,.ll1. The pro::ddeJ.t,of -f.;;h>J D::e=-o C ... w..cil"Stainr.etz,took n.r. '\ctiv':l 1.n the fir,ht of the ~~: 6 ~~i.~~lt~o~~~;9.~r~~~~::.~~ R~~e~~; I ro.nk ~.J. ':'110 ~h\tc "to run against tho oxpol:l3u Sa"lors l Union fa}:er. Sch3.rron:..orc nt,;.¥cr for,:ct this and he also so..w that thF. r:dlitmt So.:n. Frmcisco maritime 100a1& w<Jre ;ai::ti. g oonsiderable supoort fro:;. the Sro1 D1e-;0 Council. :jat~ally bei~~p !" ..·~ctly in accord -,lith thti shi;' owners' lar.s, S(~;1ElrronbtJrg recruitod" tho ':dllinC aid or Green to ,pr9par"J t;l~ ground 1..,r£ ror obvious 'J,:tto~?t w.uch ,till be !\ shortly (d6epi'tb "tho opinion of rubCoo indi7idu"l.lists ,;ho con S(;fJ nothil1{; ailcM) to SI~.a3h the rank !1-Tld filo oontrollod unionz. ¥"'l&;~n~~~n(~~re~~~r~~~~~~~rO'l~~ Miko Co.svyt [; sen acti:clg on instruction~ fran '}ro..,n ";:iJ~t to Sm Lioga to inv.::stir; thv n ::mi:r".orcivo o.ctions II of tho 1001).1 Council. CasO"J hO',;cv0r ;;nntod to sho;{ Gro"n a ~~oor.:r.un hv had out hero so ho took it upon hi:ns"lf to oust tho rank o.n·l filor letl.u.o:cs of tho Council. As his ",;;rou~o Cu.::;o" Cllli!!lcd that tlwrt.> w,;ro nora d. lOr':U.t.:JS' to tho Council thon tho A..'r.'L constitution o.l1o~'/od. IN OTHF.I,l1. OP.D3 CASE".'I::; :m;USB IS TE.i1..T TI-.:ERE HAD IIICro;'~S"'T' DE. O~R.<\.CY 3ZTABLIS~.3D. h c\'Jcln-.'~d i,;.hnt no·,'t Qloctions must bo h"ld to vlect tiol _gatos to "the Council. lo",-n'"cr tho cat ',vas lut out of th'J bag w~on onu of th\., roac"ia.•~r::r gIlonp uno."!;lo t., his joy d~cl,~rcd, "This is at la::t th") bOf" of a cluun S\l~0P of all ra.d~_e:lls -that beon our ',uJet unions II. lIow J:1Qr<J thou c~..,-,r th:l ::l3.ri.tiUC' ,orl·.. ors oust look to thez ~ rwl..'lc o..'1l1 filo lco.dors "/ha suocos si'ull:' f;uidcd thJ::t "throur:~ -th" tU~"IlWil ...n.;i stI'"'.l.b61u of tho p;lst j"Cla.r .::md :.l hJ.lf. " ........... HAVE YO·' GOT YOUR t.lQDESTO STA:1P'l 5 :==--~MAs·S PRES·::;~URE=~V=/IL~L::"'--"--THE ~jODESTO BOYS Tho hoarinG on tho appoal of tho oight Boys i;; SCilOdulod to como up short},.1 ' and i~sl"\uch as the Modesto Def- ModCl~to ~~~o~~~~;t~~~: ~~~~~~o~a~Pt:~~~ ri timo Fod.... rati·on ·co oone out on a ona ~our protoiJt stoppage of work at tn.'\-t th:.c. l(')t us con sidor 0. little further. herr. t:l.\ich Mve th-.: waterfront dono to proplU"O -thCt'l.sclvas o..gainst a"ttack by tho palioa and eOU1.o1; hirolings of tho en.ployors ..dwn th... "bloK-oi'f", cor:lOs.whon tho shipo,mcrG put i! aci;;ion thoir 1ong-pl:lnJlod gon:Jr.:ll o:tto..ek upon tho 14a.ritino FedoratiO:1. Tho Modosto boys, W0rc arrcstodlnd oonvietod ::\.s nn outbrovtth of tho t'Ulkor otrike. hundr"'ds of tho most militant piokets ,,:oro ::Lrr..::st~d during tho l~34 striko. ,:0 h:;\Vo avery re:'\son to bolilro tlu.t tiK. polioe o.n:l the courts will be cv:)n I:lOr0 vicious in thv n.)xt striko. ,:0 pay a.s higr. 0..:; $200. pcr r.1Onthto our Union o..ttornoy, Leo CollL'ls. This is a. big so.l'..lry a.nd 1::1 oasod on tho fllot th.J.t Leo pulled \'tiroc ad rclc~15ad most of t:ha :"lO"t'.bo:-:::; of 38-79 l'tho woro a.rrestoJ. in 1934. BUT '\'iE KNO'.'f D.""MNED r:ELL£Y.AT NO WIRE- Aj;'{ ONE U:IFORTffilATG TO VIeTDl TO THE' FRAUE-UPS THAT ARE PL.\.UNED AGAINST UNION MEl.illERS IN 1HE CO:.!IHG STRUGGLE. Oln.lY "iASS PRESSURE CAlI DO T'IIS. , Tho lJodooto Cor:mittoo Qut ovor ~2G,OOO to tho a.ttornoys in the first tria.l of the case. 'they have a.greed to pay ;6,500 u.n:i I:\Ore for the ap'fll3al. ':tr.ilo we believe the chief dafense attornoy, Mr. F:l.ullo:l.Cr, prc8c:-,too. a t:: 0od ansa, we OEl.rL""1ot say so nuch for tho othor la.-.I)'er:l involved. BUT THE nayS ARE STILL BE.rr.m S7mre Vi~\!..LS 1 Tho CO'r'~-.itt03e ha~ at oome to tho rea1iz:l.tion that _uNLY LASS PRESSURE AND LASS ACTIO:l CAll S = T'OE FREEDOIl<r T.::E Pi\I50!IERS. That is 'my tho ono hour \'torte stoppa{;e is planned. ;"/0 !,!USI; agree and support "thio-l Over thirty thousand. dollars splJn-t alrc3C)',w,j, still no rcsul"ts. PlILLI1lG ",TILL FREE FALL COt:P..\R_ ThIS WIT~1 lEE DEFr:!SE OF THE FOUR SC.u'E:lS F?~ ON A ~URDz...~ Cf...\RGE. Tho pr""ssuro of s o ~ mariti~ worker:; pluz +::10 tremondQus innuonct,; 0':" s:'orosido :mions an.i sj'I:lpa"thhors A!ID SEVE::1TY-FIVE DOL!..A..1.S f'rvod tn03:n. LEII S U33 T43 ·SA".3 E~~~'rlVE :----....!.~~~.!.!.~---=T.=ft,-E=---!:::..AS::;":::S PRSSSURE A:<!J l?§ T:IE LOD<'$TO BOYS. T h R.f: [ STOev r51?'\N" "". FIl' I 1:J4&1Jh..3!!'('~l ____---- i",../Lt _~GE G _ 'nr~ Ylt'.T~~ltr:nT ·,'lr;Rl{;""2 ••• IS PUB!.;..";,:....]) ;rt. A••••••• ~~9UP ol:'...~\1rf;_A~-;-J ~IU: •• ~.:J.VEDOr~j,), ,~. c:::R... OF •• liTE I.L.A••••••••••••••• rJ'lCAl. :'ir;:7,-· S.7~ AI. . ;h"'S ':'.) •••••••• p.O.Be·: llr.. ~ s "'r . D~'nr Er!.i~.. nr~ l'o':.....' 1t tl) ~~!ltion one +'1int: ~.T'!'i t/; .. +. i:; :::l,,;,rto.Ll ?t;rcl,;!".tn..;' Q~' 't~c I.L ...~. s .cv:')dor· '.)"1;jJO", do not ".~.ll" ~ .."" 1 :101'[\I t 1lnt 0. tion buto·c· .• It S'3 ..... ~.b to na t?".::ro;. i:; Do ;';.:;1;)3 ",-S€'"U,r cd ::i\1r~riori~' thore. ~::,s 'he O'l....not wl.d ','.1.11 nct tolorate. i::l nlll" rank n.."ld file lfnion f'\.~' th~ tlu:>t C()(\.~~. T'lo 1aLt ::ix jobs I h:J.v<J be-"n, on t .... oro w:'.6 not ')nlJ of 'thCEl ...· IC:lrinC (.. .'~J.crl, :;10n butten. If our o,',n W~i ••l ::O$:>,.;s ';,CJr, 't ;1':'~r til.l; hc·.., ur'3 \10 goi:l'~ to ::xp':'c~,,; t:,c othor ror~:urs "to. D:I.~ll (unr, 'then eh.~~ ~" l"'\lt r)'l 0. job-,~"ould dl":!'.o.::d t.:w:t tr.cir bO~S:l3 ":cr~r-et_ir l"cdt:ra.~"icn b'l,t'~~{TC ,:ut~ide' '·hor:.: it ,,:1"1 3CC~. 'lrinr: i"'; up c-:.J in your :"'!)' t:i·.lf;s. 'l'hi3 is ~c "'.--:--:::.y '.-,'U O~'l shlwr our ~t.r,:mgth und 6ol~.G."..ri·;':t· to t:~o ~h1po"'l'1.... ro • Donr Edi. tur: .l~ rc.dio~' 'po:-t 0""'. SJ\tl'rdr~': 11,n!'("~r.:.d r.. '8tr.t. j .'::.1 c: '.;::; J".;;cnlcy i)ollar t, t.'. ~:: f',ot t":l.I;::" :'Jcno cf t",o;> AW\".l!""_~ Lin... ~h::J. s arc bdre; rooonditior. . A ~-.<i :.:.1J. bo lYlt baole in 0, :nric\.. shortl". Al:>o:'-~ stnt~d thAt c. fl'')1.·1 y·)c.r \7t~ ('.:,tici;':;,:tc:~l f· r 5~'.i.prin:,; ,_ld;ht. Un-ler rovt.;r:1!"'~nt r':',!\l~~c:l.nt3 th, sc shipe at t'l":' tL"'Co of' tl~(}i:" ::c'L~ laE Uf> '·;.;ru Ob30J.;t~, but "..)ollr-.r=> ~-..n'-> ~.;!:-tc" hollL;rou "I,nb:Jr troubl." f".S )"'Ii.; rc'.;;O!Ui f('lr t;.'""1n? ';;'''103" ur-_ ~I" "ti·: OOy:::" =:c.;:e 13. statlJnC"!lt r....1C! a tim-... :::; N1"t .:l!.' 10 1 t ~:) just 8. lei; o~ "b"':~·A b;J:r.... ". --I Pl·.lc; L'1. P.S. ··:or..-:cr if B:a.r:i;i., Julin':,for::l'rly of PiON lC-' C.. 20, •·...:.11 (pt ,::rD;j or:.ts C5 in tho n~ :; c,." ":'ortJ" d~O'l ti-.·..! n...Q others st·-.rt ohurnin!"' -- h::~, I ","ndor ••••• Ii". .......... ** l)...~r &litor: Thto.J".k: you fC'r t1".o ti.~'31:r :.t'.,... o!\ t~,o arrair3 cf th Clork3' Loon:. - j'lir.,)(i tho 10~;.1 alllo:::t t.~r(';t.:~ur~ 0.['.0 .:ith t;~o ~OPQ 0:' Utter: C!'.L'~k u.... ono mo-:'e victory r-or. by tl.o tr n. ndous so~id;,Iity dis;.,l::LY01'l by our r'lL-ritir. brc.thora ~~s c. result of \tlioh ':.;, ::: ...ourod tl:... eiGr.rl.s~['..l or the e0.80 n,. .i:'!.~t ilil1 '':I''rlal i:1 tho ()a;dn:ld ?olioo oou:-t. ::or..n ·.'If.S eh....rgcd wi'til kid.."larP-nG and 0.5.;,\u1t T!ith c. del\cUy wenpo.."l on n senb Q."!':lolo:,'o:-:' by the Santo. Cruz pr-.oking CompCU\.v durin,r: yoa.r' s 3triK~. Convict i~n on 01 t~\or ohargo onrrLs c. long priS('ln r·..nt, nt)L;. Con"dotio.'1. of l:id.'l~..p }.llg ·'~1.(.rJ e:.:Hlnult io "o...'1'ini:ttcd uncler th.... now Ste-O' .11'1d t.indborc lo.w oC'.rrie:; tho donth , . . . rr.lty. On ro'! of the VTatcrtront ':Iork lr i~ itl; l(\~t issuu a.lld ;"lith nid of nl~~rt '::\ilit.rmtG tho oourtroc:n \10.5 jNm1ad to o:l.i:'8.oity. 7<hen "the proseou"tion and ti',{ ;htdp.;.) lJrc3sed ~lO fink to pick lfut &iilco:\'cifv ·f~rru."he gtlr.ed irltl t.l-te faoe:: of cmmt10'tls ILA l!\~!\b0l"S and said he could not identify I'cran. A3 a reoGul t the O'~3e ...:n3 dicmiss~d. T:,is is our :!'occ-nd bi,; vio'cery ir.. n few da~rs. UrITT:;L '.,'E S'f&!D, !JIVIDED 'at FALL. --Plur;"'13r In. "'. ** ** ** "'. BUILD ~[E AUlCLIARY D3!l.r Oi itor: : a:l l-:riti.'1.r'J this lit.-tle nota to soc if seT.O 0:' t:te lor.rshoromen will \.ake uJ.l t\:~'. (;et thoir ':.1. ve::. ir.tereni;ed ir. the Lo.iit'o AuxilinlJ. '-1."0 Auxiliar:.r i~ doin~ a graat de:U. to aid our union :non v.ilo are in prisons be03..",S6 cf' the stri:':o aoti vi ties. "i9 are also fl.idL'li" t.."le "ticlCl"J'3 and ohi1~r..:n o£ those \.11011. \."8 i~n"o lost. 'lhe Al.l:L.lie.rv is nOil 0.01'1& all i''1 its po...."t'lr to aid t'l~ l.:,.d01'tO )ofen3o. All our E'fi'crt:\ ".r') o~'\t"'red. aro~ld (lur UIlior.s ('na tho of husb:.:.:lds nne. sous. I h:n">c ~:.~s~'~d ~~~r,~~~~~~e.~o~;l~~~~~ a t~t~~~ Au:o:ilinry t<"l I':upuort ~lO :::05-t famous Loau! on the Coa3"t -- :",8-79. Yours 1.-'1. u:u.on & Soliaari-ty --A lon:;shore:->..ants ·.rifc. ** ... "'. ** ...* ::: .... cinc some: of our s:nv:.s·, ccn- :!.itions ·r~.."diou. ;,~~t 30 fnr, -th,'n·... h:..s been 11 tt10 Wi.)rov:;-rJ·.JT,'t. ':.~o;:rs still t ..round the tnt, ,5, still work U~O(Uy hOl1rs (',,·hc.'!l \.,.,,}trc. lucky onouf,h to (!;Llt I. j!')b) ~'ld :::ti1l on1:; [0 to '1.t!rk 0.-: thv ., "'.in,.f SOJ'.C cl~ior clerk or L\ fri ',nd, n%' til'} ,:::nt:lor. In tho goad olu. d~~~r3 ,.,to'd bl::o;-:L our troublQ on ~;in '€;('::<Il, thu p·.nt gyp o.rti3t, but tho .H.. :I sot-u.:? h,),c; r .•::.J:; !nn ch:mgciJ exc':1rC t') put th,) du,.:·:; u--: 50"':. __R:""''1.k :. Filo Clerk Ed1+ort 1" 13 in anSwer to your invitnticn to write t.'le ':iATErtFROllT WORKm. I would IH:o to icr.OW my you don It put an i tar:!. ir.. e.bout the Chief Clerk in tho East Bay ,,;ho tolls his pet~ that they dontt havo to ~ay any at-tontion to tre 160 hour period_ l"hc.t do wo have (l. union for if OUOll CUy~ nrego1np; to ~:~.1:~i~l~~~o at ** .* *. ** •• *. it7 JIJruARY 20, 1936 SO'::ZOlfE DIDN fT P1.': C:,·, 'l;:~·i,~?·r.c:;.i _~.;I1!GR PAGE 7 "·='--=-FI-G~!:=-7-AL-':-I-:;:-1-B-I-LL---==":-- "hurt;r;::; D,/.c.inr.t ,"rt. ·,'.il1, c~-:':llr"~.l4!'. of' tho Diso!;ri:3t Coul1c51 "tl Ot~ tho J:'~.ritiIx Fcd0r~.ticn, of: .~:l.sru~,tion ~! ~t.. ~~ti.."lg to cCJn,h,ot 0. J"'oc.tinr ',+"ilc, ';:;:r.J dro;:.p~rt \'."h rl 1 .~ r"si~ ;d. Art "!ill',"C,:.l one 0'" Pat1dy :~or:-ir::l ro.;_ h,~nc::ncn i;.~ tho :':-rol' ,~;:"; '\."'.d could;'cvo 0-' rt'll~':1 ~:'C:"1. ~, ' ..."'..:.::l: ,~"od old ..f'nahioccd rcc_bC-itiq; ::'1'C00j~,::; ,.~\:..:ovcr any rc.n': ~'/i. tilt: ~".n"=>cr bro\.;,;'!-:.t L"'1. Q. progrcssiv -.onourc to t~.c loc~.l C.')\·l:oil fer o.msidor.,t~.(n. He r')~i:;r,..,d c.t (l. =;".... oi::l1 c:.1 d to hcnr t:."1. r~,oon"'. .m~~ti(\n::; 0: -the td ..l o~ttu,). TO!!'. :£'.iCl:'l. of t..... c ~;:rc~·· III ".us ol ... ct, e c.:; t·'....porr:.ry o!-la=-r::;......' tl. "7:.11 hr,d fallo::l in prcotig f'::.on.:; "t·:o :'ort.~ ,,::..::t ~'.nriti!"'o '\'KJr':ClJrs :,$ ~ r;)3ult J:!..' :.1s bitter C.t'tMt-:: th_ r~{ ~.~ :-;'l~ controller! Loc~.l 3e-79. Lon,::sJ\o"Jr "1~n mo hnr. '.vcrk",d in l,.~risoo"''':, vi.3it01'1::; pCMit::: rLturncc! to "t.:cir hC"CH.n i,. tl'o North:J.L.<l r"a'u'tccl nIl of 10.11'5 .... 0;"1 "V chn:-p',c::;. W kl,j so "..:..r'C'J t'lo ond 01' orYJ ror... rc':\ction~,rf mi:;lno.d~r wilt'l could not 3... C tho li-,ht • . . . . . . . _>1-. "r.1o • K'\:1Yu~S t EDUCATICllAL . CurD, "nUDUC~JOST", i:: r.;iving ::'. big blo,:,'-out n'b tho 1:i3n10n '1'u1";l.01' 'r~ll ut ~&n__13th Str '0t on Jr.nun~' 25th. Ad."\issio:'. -.':ill bo ·1C¥ for gcnto. DaTlT rIG,] IT__ 'l."'.r"SltE -:.-'.LL .DE lWAL FuT. .* *. ** Yl)::tXE.1. "3ITE TO**nn:,,* -,vATERFRONT ** "'. ** ** ** About t-,.:e.'"l.ty and thirty yonrs a.g o tlf'J grent AIllericm bJ siness I1'An diseovetc..,!. t~.s.t he \'.as ba.dly:in neod of Labor. fa lo,,:n'l aro\ll1d hir:l and found that t11erc m'.3 eo.I\ nbu-"1da."1oy of Labor to be hM frcr!l foreign lands.' At once he sta.rto'l l\ .rorld "Vide oampaign to lur4il l"tOrkOr5 fror. all :3v",rihe \o,orld to AneriCo.--t~10 "land 01' sido,,;alks paved with l;bld, and n place \·t\ere evory hoo:e had a ba't.,.., tub." , Fran Soandino.via, Itnly, 3pain, Russia., Cert"any, frcm allover-workers ps.c>~d tr.eir few v:orldl)' bolongi! and se.ilad for the land of c:-pportur.ii;y. For t~,,"}· end thirt:1 t." Trero 9:q:lo1ted, thrcu(;h. good time~ e.nd thru ti.~os net to &000. And no provision w::o.:: Il9.d'} for tho futuro of the \·~r1..-ers Vlhen tho year~ o~ u::;o nre at. Wl tmd. lie is tos.3od oV"J:r~oard like 0. worn out T_i.J'loh ~:r1 vor. ~inf;S are cot so good 'these dc.ys, ho'" \roll 'W nll know -- U.e t:cprd9l'1ion ~ns ',;;urn~ 01.1"t to b~ a ohronic ciscaso ,,:itioh th'" ronotif'nnry foroes that# guide th1s count~. t\re unable to onC'ck --' evon 1.' t:,.('y Yi'pro vtilling to do so. ,J..r,d no'.: __ like liitler ".ho talks of' '.C-er-unv for Aryans onl:r".11kc HussolL'1i ";10 tul%n of thf) "grrmdeur of thQ Ror.alts", likL. tho J&pO.Ilose Wo.r_Iord::,; , tl.1k of lIJr'.l'cTt I S plnco in the Sun" -- 50 do('S Am,vricml business I through 1 ts 1a."'lu~.;ht1~co, the Hearst yell.,w ah(}ot3, 0....11 for th'1"'lor.ortl1".;ion 01 all nli"ns". T',le old bnllyllC'Q of 'th<.J K.K.J{. is boine; u drummed up fl.l;nir."Arr.erictl for .A1nerionna • Evnn tho G1 ...d 'tidinGS Temple offers 0. 3£n~".(;r. on the "L'vil of Alien.:>". ','ill "r,\"t;c1'front W'orl:er:> filust be o.lert to fill thitl cr.mpci&t', ng;:.5.nst 30_a1.1Ied c.lienr. (in viHr of the faot tho.:\; the I:t"'ro~::-.t:.1"'o of UG ,'bo nr' L'"l.:lians 1n vr:ry t.':':'f.ll'). It is not just oc_incident that -tho ~octiC'n of S~ 1"1'.uloisco ol·f~o..."'lized lubor ",hio:;ll;lS undo tLe gren:tost C;o.i."lS to"/ards n hr..l f\';ay deoeL.'t st::..'ldo.rd of Ii v'....."1,: n.~e .-nICF HAS }~ GREAT MAJORITY 01" FO~IG:I BC:u.; Y10RKZRS is the brunt or "ti'l.e 01" t'.-,c shipm';nora -- the Iou.r;ro.ticn DepaM=r.cnt __ the loco.l forco~ of repoti::m. It is onl~r 'trrouc'''. 0.. real h(1ne to &oonnes a r:.l.l-:.~r-!..nbor P:::.rt;:,.· t~-.nt \:t) Wo.t<Jrfront workf'r::; can fin:!. ~rotcction. n_ Ct\inst this t:linly ,ailed tt:'uecisn". To t~.1:; nd,: nust 0.11 toke (lcti Vi)!; 1n soei."!.£: to it t'lnt our locrl sclidly supForts tho inrP.t:r-Lncor Party ...hf>.T. th(; o~ll en",',,-'!..' _ JAnUARY 26,1936 PAGE 8 SUPPORT T!l2 INT:X1ATIOllAL LABOR DEFF:!lSE _ LEGAL DE,'E!lSE ARtl (F WORKERSI • Frocdon Of Four Fra..'D.d S')cU·~rs _ Jutbo.l1-~~~crs non 'By Preszure o£ I.L.D. 'J!{E FOU:{ FRA'IED SiHPSCALERS ~-Cl end its battlos a.~o the bo:ti;!cs of 0.11 The caae 01' the Shipsoll'er::. ~ow takos only pC'.id out $75.00 i'o~~r def~5etO its plaoe with thoso 0:. -the~25 Alo.skn ~~~:l.~O;~U~Ol~~~~~'a~~:d$;~:~. 0 0Min(}rl5, t.l-te 53 Textile .• crkcr"J ete. o.s TIl's '"ns :.lot spent for high-prioed ,. viotory for the Ini;('rr.o.tio~l lAbul" lCl:r.y~rs' "fees. In i'not, one of the best Defe:lse. n :md r.:J.ost capt:.blo labor attorneys in tho Of OQurs,"" S(l"'i6 .....1.11 =ll:,r It '.":'!'..~-=:l t"(; tho _·cst Loa Ga1.1ClIY1or , dra.v,'3 no feos vhat:. I.. D. Til0 fre d eo S:.i~ilca.lers. It 30c~r fror. t..~e I.L.D_, althoutyl). he is )'1"8.S the onc-.lnl!' ~our :;toppc.r e of ~rk, pr; rhnr 3 the best·kno~-m. I.L.D. lc.ltyer in and the ~.r ,'test.:: of t~a -',-orker3 t.~t th,,; c. untry,ond hnndles noThing but I.L. frsed. t;,~. It lr.l:; 1::..... ,l'rkers ,.!10 set D•. .nJ. Lnbor CO-50S; til Leo GallaGher their brother:.> fr':8." gr;t~ is oxpt...ns!> r.ooney" and no't very much ' tl~i;; lat't:Jr, we ~lly ~~ree. But of that either. ""'10 IS the !.L.~.? SOL :hllolu~Qh t~lC:.t Ho·:' docs this np,ly to us, and my do comes do·.n o\:.t of tho .::l:y...=-.a~::ing all ,.,." rnisc the question? sort::: 0.' ••. 1~c::J.1:0n :l,:d t::~:1 !lD.S "to foll • Hero's v.hy--~st of t."tis l3Ulney, ex.bnck on t:.1e ·'IOrk.,rs!br f~,:.J. o.ocon.~lishpenses of l'U~licity" etc., of tho &lament or t:--." tl'.sk? riouslv viotorious Soalers' Defense, has Of OO~:S~ nO~l ~:E I.L~.D .... ~S ~}'ORK: not :fElt bean rnl.::od. It 1s up to the INC CLA..·) 0RG!~,IZA.noy CC !prom o~ . (El\'JOrkc"'s to soa to it thnt 'the I.L.D. is ERS, Jij;3T LI~ 01D:S~J..\SSI L1\ fn.ot, n.-u.:J in ou~h f1JUl."lcial st):npe: that r,(l cnn <:0.11 of the ".:ntcrfront ":o!"kors are>.:lRdY.lon U>lon i"t to def-cnd us h our oonin~ strugtho I.L.D.--..... ..<l"lbers of that organizagics. tiOD, 0'" itle "Diok Parker" Bra"lch, ,v1.:ioh D,e orcnniZo;tion not present is issuing is the ~'htorrront ~rn~ch. . "I.L.D. Sonl(lr~' Defense Stunps"' ,thioh An: ,.1um tho I.~.D. holds out to the woe to be purotnscd by Union mC!!l~oro (of 'IfOrkUrD an offer of aS3i3t:mce in t.'1a1r nny and till Union:;) and p[~Gtcd into the str\1gt:l~:l c.V'n.inst the arru,.v of e::::ploycrbenrerts Union book. They ranEe in firioD contl'cl cd forool:l 01' tho h.w, it do"'~ ,0 from l<¥ to $1.00. ,;,:ith thA un-tur3ta.ndL'1g ti.o.t tho ,·.orb~rs '!ho Y':'\TER}"Rf)UT l:ORI:ER is making nrthc:'!3elv,~3 ":ilJ rc-l-ticirute ac"tiv?ly o..'1d r~bor.t,mts t."tat o:\oh of itu sulesboys to tho f'ullost oxt('nt in oxert:mc the will br) givun a sU'F}ply of t.i-J.oso s"tt.mps, end cVfJry i:'lcr.lbor" not only of -tho I.LeA. nooes:]n:r:r" r.14Il ... prc::>3uro ag...inst tr-oso forces of tho lo.·.·..... -t~llt the wo~ke;s but of ()vcry Ylo;tl.-rf'ront Union in tho vri.ll bOC01:\O an crp'_"l.1.zed part 0... tno oort must obt....1n ono or morQ of theso I.L.D., join it,nnd sea to it tllr.t their 3tc.:m.pS of t...~o highest donomin~tion ho is untons ondor36 o.nd support it, and 11:1nblo to'ord. portnntly cnouf,h, help it fi11.nnoidl? DUILD THE mTERNA'l'!ON.AL LADOr.. DEF:;~SEI It ib ylith thic poi:lt tho.t we ,,:iG~l to lQ~lP mm BROT1iERS OLIT of CAPITALIST PRldeal n~,". Alt~lOnr;t the Shipscr..lero' Sa!3__.!J·!j) PHEE ,'1li03E 11[0 AP.E ALRE.ADY Union, { hie', i:;; !).:lrt of tho "cd'Jr:'\~.;:ion, T.iEREt J ~- --- - ----' ._---