LOGAN VALLEY HERALD. - Wayne Newspapers Online
LOGAN VALLEY HERALD. - Wayne Newspapers Online
LOGAN " sllSJ1.lEss to. PALMER &, 00.. I D. W. Brltton, Co. 'rreasurer, Wllyn<>. T .•J. RtMle, Co. Clerk" Wn.yna E. Martin, Co. ,Judgo, Wn.yno. Sioux Cit --------- FRANKFULLER, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, H. G, LEISENRING, M. 0.. Neb. Wayne, Physician and Surgeon, Will praotice ill Lhel'. S. and Stnto Court/!. Neb. BRIHON & NOlffHROP. Officii on Alain r;trc()t nenrly oppo!llto Court Uoullo. , Local SUq~'OOll 01 C., st. }", M. & O. AHorneys-at-Law, Wayne, It Neb. n. ---W:A.-L.OVE~ M. ~.- JEWELER Physician and Surgeon, NEBRASKA_ WAYNE. . -=-c-------~-------- w. It B. CruWFonn, C. WIGHTMAN, 1,nW of St. LOllIs, V'IICRAWFDRD & WIGHTMAN, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEUNS. wm 'PiOID"}}tly I\u(jtld to ca,lIs :dfLY nr night. or cn.lls by letter or telegraph. 01· :fico always open, onll door north of Logan Valley Bank. PIONEER NEBRASKA_ WAYNE. mannors if o.bor folks forget thoirs. old lady, tb.f'pwing his pretty ,~OJl.d Only thore's other folks 8.8 tritely to bo ring on the noor. : I II,:" ~~~~~~~r~~:~daln~hf~g ~~ ~:~: flail and porcb and stairway coho To tho tread ot Unf toet.." poned to tho boy." Away flounced Miss Pr&tt. B~~:::o:::bWt:~::~~a~~O~illltray. "You've a. ::Ptb~~t~s:n:~r C;~~:.liAi ;::~'eollw founded fqol ra~T~~; N! an through," ci~ Or- l!~: kd~:'ttti~Sc\~~,~riDg "I shall always blfLlPo DlDelt." ~~~~d CorneliA. IIOh, how, pile 10tll Millinery and Notion ALL WORK WARRANTED. Repaired Honse Sewing Machines furnished lor machines. and r,tto.elimentB ~iI~s,sati!lS, Velv!t~L_ . youth's Bun-bright rlvet Loap8 adown the BblmmerlnR etrand, Rloh o.nd talI' tho red wine glowotb, Held by Beauty'd lovely band, QulckKo.nc11'! quake beneath tho pebbles, Caution, brotbm', watch nnd pray, POISOD bubbles with tho nectar, Pll.\lJIo and ponder while you may. Manhood benda hcnollth llll! burdens, BunIoll1l botllo lor otberll' noed'" Lifo tor him 18 strong and oarne8t, Spent In Bowing cboh~08t sceds For the good of coming agel!, It yOIl 1eel bill worth to-day, rr you prize his God-Uke spirit, Let bim know It while you may. W. L. HARRIS, A.lso Notary Puulic. Colleotion,s n.specilllty. Oldost reSIdent pl;l,. ;lIicllm-in tho LoJ;ttD WHOLE NO. 462. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~;t_;~L~ov~e~lli~e~.~h~lId~r~en~w~hl~I.~y~o;u~m~.~y.~;_t.:~~~~~~~~~~~:::rl[~~~~pt~.~'!~~~~~------.-- . .w.alu14W.d.. .. Wayne. •, ,. Wayne,'· Neb. Teachers' Examination. I -----~-,--------, .....""'.. Ch~~~;~~::~ri~~:~d~~::;,rtlla~ne, TImo or deatb will pluck each blossom, J. W, Bartlott, Ooronor Wn.ync. .J. J. W. Fox, Co, Com l r. WaynC'. •. Iowa. ______~~_y_,_____ t:n, S~·l~~knee,rb~~~~lfrt'. ~\~~~~. 11:. Htl.lTis, Co, ~lIrvoyor, Waynf'. " WHILE YOU MAY. 'F. E. MOSES. Wholesale Groqers COLLECTOR &CONVEYANCER, ---------c:ounty Directory. O. i'~. Grsne -'-~---x:-T:'1Jhapln, - WAYNE, WAYNE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, JULY 4, 1884. NO. 50. VOl... IX. VALLEY HERALD. While-you may. Ab, wordecf WarnIng. How the burrying flood of yOll.rII Sweeps away our bonest treasures, LeaVing only dust ILnd teare. Starry eyca grow dim and faded, }.t)cka 01 gold are ashen gray, E~lptuJ banda grow strangely .toeblc, , Share their Isbon while you may . Wtrsro pilgrtmll, br6tbcT-pn~mB.' Journeying ott o'or bnmlng sand, Lot us cheer oaoh other onward With our honost heart and hand. V.u1n -Lbo tardy ..recognition l'roUerod O'_ilr Lbo slumborhl!l: ola.y, Lot us loVG and help our brother \Vbllo bo Moth tt.-whlle we may. -{!lrs-. D. LandOD. 1111 Sate or Combination LoCks'_-~ ..~-'N~'.""'-wb'H';':-~=;Iiv.;-'"ld-~M1t>rtAAiil'*'~:it-'''-"'''-''' And nil the leading stylos ot :MXX..ii:t..XN'EJR..'Y• A~b~n~~~B St1~Il~~nac:t':h~I'L~~~~!PE!dle~~rand Children'S Fancy Hose, Lilce and Kid Gloves Rnd l\1ittll, Zephyrs, 'Saxony and Germantown, Yarns, Canvas, Card Board, Silk Ilnd . Linen Floss, Warner'~, Bill] 's IlDd Duplex Corseh!; 0. ,...tioneer'"I Ladies' j,JN1;,o~;~I~n~Io~ -Au VFil:l8 Jewelry. FULL GOODS. WAYNE, NIi~B. Oldesl Established Bank In the County, nnd SUCCel>80rS to the Wayne County Bank. SOLE AGX,St' If OR i Mme. Demorest's Reliable patterns, WAYNf. NEB. ~n~~~l ~:~~est~I'~~\m~~ll)i~.to Improved Wheeler & ,VilBon tTy Auction SEWINC MACHIN,ES. The unden~lgu{'(1 tI('Mln'~ tn Inrorm thtl public thrlt. ho i~ lIOW prppll.l"Otl to put down whkb he wl!l sell as low M the Jowe!'l. Is also agent for the He ----- writ{lrnBuT·aDce--f;:;-t:u~;~.;:--.:.-.: __j~:.u;~~;~;;;;J~~~~~;~l;:'~d~~:-1~~i~~~~~~:·~·t~,d!r~~m;~1;c~~~~~g·~"Jll.O~I'I:ll<l!l':."L.-----.-q.i.v,Et1ll6!.'! n.tW'n.yne. Phn'nix, call, or Pbn'nix, Nort.1i American, German. 11... L. ALLEN. ---~--------------- SEARS & ROCK, Prop's. Merriman & McMakin, Wc keepconstnnOy on band Il rullsupply ot HODSe, SiJrn and CarM3[e Painters, Ohoice Beef, Prlrk, Mutton, Corned Beef, Salt Pork. GRAINERS. CALCIhlINEItS. JEl:a:t::Lger s • Sm3~ed 'Paper A SPlI:CIALTY. -~~1:~-~bvSecond' Street, east uf ot whom adq, Hid~s, We have tor ~a[e tbOURands of acres ot unimproved landlJ, s1tua.ted In---every vale ~ WAYXE, Pelts and Furs. WAYNE, N~~13~ the pledgeLYNE, NEB. ~;:J~u~~r~~~~~--~-- . BR ES~LER &. PATTERSON. Real Estate Brokers. American House, mittee, thef f~~~3ur, Feed, ,JOHN T. BHES~I,}<~U, Kl.:-Co. Trens, D. C. PAT'J'EHSO~, At.t'y·ut-Law. and valley in We pay cMh- rOf - DECOHATIV}; PAPER HANlaNG :'hiC. Bee1, Hams, Shoulders and Bacon. Poultry, Bnlognn. (by the lb'. or t1Tt.l. GHAI}.,ll~E __~J;ld • Mutual Life, WM. 6. VROMAN, Proprietor. This HOll!le Is ~ON'VDj'£N:T TO-TU-E DEPOT • ", HilS good~.. table8 in connection. Tables as good. as a.ny hnuselo-the-cil7'. £Tain anoWuu d • Iildr'Gtve us WllOLESALE -AND 'RETAIL. tell you w~rn~~~u~ty ~~:b~e~' U8 ~~~1J!~~lffn1o~~ Houe, Sign. Carriage -AND- CASH Paid for GRAIN. \ OrnamentallPainter ." - WAYNE, -j'OU will fe~lllp~et when I trial. OHA8; M. WALTER8 TaI~~~O!!:::,id -AT- PEAVE,Y'S ELEVATOR. lL -, -- mat!on to la.nd 8ceken. Have 'full facilities tor traD!lact1ng all klnds ot bUsiness CODnect.ed wirh Notary Public's Office. Itumrance" IVaI E~,tate Tranaters, Land SurVf'yJol? Cou-vflyancfn~. etc. news, Cornelia," said ahe. uYou've been too cruel thuuln e-he, he, -Ire I Orvide Spear baili't been heard of since be was at your house. His mother says he went over to ex- plain and make _up, and never ca.me ~:~~~!~~--;~:dh;~er s~e ~~o~~~:h~:l. '''"vtl,in".'' hut be",-hadn't-he, he! I reek-on he's drowned himself." "I don't know why tile whole town should ta.lk ~()ver my afft1.irs and every "ENC"-.6'l' CA.'MI -al'lfX8, MR I SI HA -IY - '" . W~"~":~::~-~YO~~'~',~,;·_~. ~~~~~~~~~ Vlft,- SPRING' B : gjgg!e,1!QQ!tt_the.r;n.. ~~I-sI:'r.-th"t--l'-Q .. ite t· ---~---- LOGAN VALLEY-- HERALH I BllSpl(ljoned f" at Wlch"a. Kan,,,, 'a" week. The l)crsons fled Ilnu it III thou~bt --------r-- ~En"'I.[) I'(~~~ WAYNE XEBIUSKA STATE ITEMS. Tbe hou!;c of Byron ))unll, Lrco.tlurer the Stmday scboolln SorthFrapkJln pre-ehlO!.r-)Cr-unkUIl-.(U)un1-y-. w1l.!tb.roknulntoln.lit week wbijo the tamUy worelnttendJn~ dh'lne servIces, nnd fllnds belonging to tbe fhtllld1V f3cbool~ to the (lmotUlt of five <loBan uud Bome coni a were !>wleD. The robber" were found to be ,Joseph Damn.], his wife and lv.o children (a girl Bnd a boy)wbo Ihe In Al'Ilclope precinct. Henry Westthnl l lIving nenr Omahll, beeame Ii toper to tbe extent ot 10~lnj:;' hi~ reason, and while In tbls condition :1 tbroat trom l'Il.r to eM <It quite prohablc that they may wander hereaway. Mrs. podrlll Rrld lUrs. (,oodrioh, married duughterR of a tn.rmer nllornCll .Tamol! 8. 1'tIoore. who I1~CH samo fiftoen mllcs tram I Uncolll, WNa Ioclore JU'Itico <'ochran at t.hllt city r~'cently tor the purpose ot I!wear1nJ; out a wa.rrant tor the ancHt or thetr f'aIlier,-c1iU1'Jrtng blm witb Inccst, elWh at them belore recent mArriage. having been ttl(' v1ettms'ot t.helr beaHtly and unnatural parent. There b !>tIll a younger daughter at home, aoll all It! dalmed, the aetlon is lakeD moro tor her protection than IlII pun!~hmont lor the crlme~ Illread\ p(·rpetratf·d la tne brutlLI ta.tber. Postof\ke changos In Ncbrfl..'1kn f.· . . the week <Hulin!{.Junll 1l1, 1R~1. h;~t" b 11I!hed-Gi('ndaio, Anl,clope oounty, Frank trom t.empomry Insanity," h what tlle IlIr~ Bl\ld. Ji'rom a number 01 pa.rties who hll\,(' eoutlEy, Theodore It. T1lll1on, postmaster. P(lIllmasurH appoint.ed-Balnbrldge, HarInll county. Chf1l1 • •J. Peillb.ydo; Emmet, HolL county, .Mba MlLggle Malloy; Ipman, 11011, (',ounty. Clayton Froth; Monroe. PI&i.te~ county, Ueorge W. Alverson; O'(;onnol, Orocloy county, Charles UUBIIell. , been driVing through the country 1iouth of tlle river, the McCook TribUne hear1i the> most encouraging reporte ot the condition of BmBli gratn In tbat section. B3rrlog un· tavorable wellther In the future the hllrvellt (.r-I!tIDh.lllP'atn.wtl) be large.' OLtis A. Oml~ha., Ma.nchester, of died At Blair, ol'flIrC'20tll,-;rn:t!.inttcnnder, colored, tJhot nnd scrlollllly \'Vound('(1 Dill lug in n cilll.ern a tcw day!' Ilgo. Ho WIlS I'/llmer, colorfd. tbo dlm(~ulty J::rowin~ Oll 11.!lHI whon rClicueu, bm llim.! 800n art-er ot tbtl f IoCt that the lo.tter WILS too attentive bo.lnf.l: brought to thr IHlrtacc. rotbctormor's \Vita. 1'be wound i~ deol' Auguat Hoppe, of Llncoln l is oUerbut not dllllgorOll8. The otJcnder wns llor' lng ~lOO reward tor tbe ('llptIlI"O at tho perrested. ~on or person!! who rohiH'd blm o~ biB note One thommnd dollars will book conlainlng' ahout :t¥IO In and l}e pllid out In Omalla 11II!'! yenr tor ~ra(!ing *l.i)')(J In eIH}eks, llOtflA and rDeelpts. He of street!!. of1(lr~ :flOO 10 the per'j()n wbo will return to A Dmn named Buckingh.n.m, at Pl!lIll- him th(' eb('ckB, noU'!'! nnd receipts, amI now, Is evidently tn trouble, ludglnl.! from .~:UlU to tho por~on who ret4rns to him t.be tho- following -ov.er ~ his own lIignaturc hool;: wltll J~II lt~ contcllt~. I hundred ~ ClL!>b, groes, I London; BrODl!On I took to settle 40 ort! teud. Bo~r drew revolvel'a Illld c{)mmenccd I&hoo11ng at each other while 9lttln~ on Ibelr qor~fl. Cilin ::_~~:~lli~;:~ell~;atre~:~to~:~n;:II~ forgl~'c genorous public to o\'erlook, _f~et and le.t the IIc3nd!l.1 cen9{, .• , nnu left -st Louis on ' ot I'LIIsOi1.od CIl\ and othor Mls~ollr rlvor QOlnts, !ltrt\~ the \V ..~alih rallr~)lt.(1 bridge at St. tchwrleA Ilnd !!I,lUnk. It will probably oe a':tot",lloss.· lJy south I,.wllre democrats favor the nomi- rfor~r-torthe re~ t~:?~[ij~[~t~~~:&;:li 1 $Jew. York on the ~lth. , The Allc,!!'hcn;y county CPa.) l'oloted 'I vltln~tbe"()lored men ot Pefln~jl\anll\ to bold II ~late cOIIHntlon In that UiLy on Augmt l"ltb, to con~!dertl!e pollttel\+"ttuaUon a.nu a!1opt ffit'abures to lmj,Jro\B the eonultion ot tb<' colored people or thE' cOllntry. I J[,)n W II ('dlkins IIILS b('cn noUl- tnRted 1orgovernor hy Ihe repHh~loa-ns of The impressi9n prevalls that cnn- Indiana. ., ~TeIlS will fin~llf JndJourn aLout tho Mh at I I IpnlOl"rats of 1 ennoasep Hl1l0lJllllatell no\erllor Batoa by 3.C('lllmation. I. caugbt Chll,8. MeCowo.n, Jiving J.!:nthcrlnj:(. Hent.enced at tlckglJurgry be banged on tbe The democracy of Maille, at their 18th 01 Jul\', "1hc murder ot convention, declaled In 1nor of the BUITell nel'l~ J abd the!' otb/er tor killing hl8 nomination or (lCYmllnd 01 Sew '\ ork,-tor ~ nephew, all c410reJ. ' I the preHIJenej'. A young man by the name of ChaRc, July. ItvmK near Culbertson, WI!.!! riding nttflr a I'wo womon at Shelton enga.ged rcPolicc (lOW when bls borRo'1! toot In 0. larlnt ('cnlly in ,1 nrl'll c1aH" hldr puHln,,;. luul were l'OpCllnd threw tho rldllr violently to tbo lIepl~rlltod by tho marllhal of the town. «u>th-t-fttl'lklng-on- bts bend. Medlc.a\ Il1d W&9 Bummoned, but without avail, hlH In· oommlUee-01 llifLgroc.ilbn.ck convcntlon ILt lndianupol!l4, torUlslly RCC01}l.H Iho nomlnaUon tor prCMI(\cllt tendered him by that Hopert H~~t :LUd D~iel I'arker were natlonift Bayard for pre~tdent. Henry Cruse, an old ('ittl'r~n of Sher· Ister to Turkey, and wllo, arrived 10 N('w ~::tn ~:~:,lY~~;I:s e~I~Z1::;tnglntoO:~OA:r~~~ - ___ " PQLlrrICAL. General Hut1('r, in It letter to the freight for vtW~ou--GL-.p.roperty f>tTollm, which had bOlln much swollen n.lcont. rllina. ~!lld Mr. Sargenl had done bls duty aod Wtul Hure of a hearty welcome at borne. ~~~:~::~~ ~:~~:~. w~~I~nW:~~n~~~~. t.be Follow-ing lS tho York weekly uack atatement: Lo~'nBJ .dccroJl.liC • .:jo.2T~i),· ; hfcrease; $2,661,200; depOSit!!, de-:4i.screw Ln-ml\.hlngl"e~ll1\fkJ!. a.oout.OlY tamlly eficIl!on COl!n\y Is H,U30,649, the persolJal crease, :f4.18,r)OOj reserve, InereILSo, :f2,083, _ atralrs, nnd making confidants of ~~me In vI~lu[l.llrm I)(>\ll~ $SIIU,llim' ;ntlrond properly, !':i'Il. The banJ'snow~hold :HU,(ll~,O~flln extbllls whic.b were nono 01 tbeir hUl!l.ncslI, ~m,W2. The nllmuN of town lot8 is Cel!!; otlegaf r1l.J.uirerocntH. -SUell remll.r~$ being mhlOon-l!tTued have beml :1,4211. I~nd ncrc~ 01 Improved lund lQ1.l.105. General Wallace, United States mln- -sctng-cotn'tttcelttbilt I-bave b",,,·,,.,.1n-+--'f'l,,,"",,,,i" , Pat Ca.in and Billy Wil.;!od l while out ~~~~:I!:edre ~t;::;nt. Stu.teH AthOnLer,!\cl{rid~PK}~t Silverton. Col., under-I t')foey Ferry, ot Brooklyn!.. In a ~veeeh, Un.nll,y, uf Chicago, The I1rat ratification of the acLl(>I1 of the namo ot bit't.q.\,or, the 8{'t of broaklllll: Into Tbo man died on the of t':lIvo'''''!.ah,'. i~~:~ !::gw"!Ci:!ly~\~~;nBg:~I~Ttr"·'rttwlee"'''''"'''''....",.I<AWmJ'-O''''''''''r''ok.il only been IICtlic west &.llout three \VC6k~ "_"~~~L~9~~9~tLinooln W.8j;~~~~~~~~::~~rrtmrrt:~~~~~~~~::~~~:i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~·~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~;{~~~~~~i~~~i:"-":-~ dcdlc:it.tcd,'Q1l-4be~l. H-on.J.,M. '.rhuril' i~~~~~~W~:~~fii;~~~~~t;~~'!~:,~:::~~:::::;;,.::jtreaHUry to . . at ~n}': p('n~lon I, tol;\. qt Omnhll., WIlH orator ot tho evening-, in the Missouri Afloater w'Re caught river at OmBha ou· the 2ht.. Tho body WfUI th~t ot a nmn apparcntly 85 yeanl at n.~(', ::tgt~:o~~ ~~~r'pr:~:~:h :~u8:eca~~;rl:;I~~~ ::t:~:~l:~;::;~~:::::b:~Cl!I:~I~ ~::e~~ Lilwrenco (N. Y.) H~ptltJ!lc:\n that ~~~:t~O~ ~~b~rl.8.~t:f~-i"libJhA1r ,lO llt*:i ~~:~t ~!:!:~ :;.:!~~ngtr:~!~~:;~::e :fou~~II~ DI\} , IDlLrllha! or Auburn. Th~' :ththne R~~~~;~eo;~\~~ b~~~!r~!ernetd~~m:hu~U not he ~!\wtlllto applvaoy lortion of the ~\lJP~U t~ tb~t~dCWJ~~tr d b;Id~ ~ pn>~l~bh' req~;st,'.lblL~ Mr. Hlscoc~' obl~~~;:",I~ old lady Is lIn wont grandchildren and fivo ~rellt great A vest, blue checked Bhtr.t...a.ndjean tronsetll ~:~~~;:::~re-tl lHlll-twrcd t.rom New York to buakBklll wanet conta.lnlng a buo.cb 01 keys song· writer. F. (;[l.VI'I1, IJf Nl·brl\.'4kn dl~d 10. the "ork·house City, a few CIncinnatI. He WaH committee} :~~:!!.bn;:~~:r=~N:::t1:h;!~1 c:~c~ ~:~:pR~:I~~~m~~c~~8~:n:~U:!1: ~~thl~: l~~: ~:rOtj:~:~:~~~g bogus tickets unknown. at tbo bead ot tbe lliBirs, made IL Iloose in _As to Gen. II \ LogRo.- (Jen. LOfllln '8 law partner has-arm-cd at \Va-hlng"ton. He was aliked how LO).:.lrJ !l f ca;:e to :l.ccept second place on the tleket w en be had wanted first. IIe says LO~.ln ~~~I r~~~~~~~c\~ld~(~I\:~a~hf~~~!~~~~e::I~~: ~va~ t~~:~tt,o ::~ 9ae~e~Dn~I~I:~:n~:~t~~rr:~~~~~~ 1\2 years old fl.nd IR 'julie active tor a person of her fl/.(~. ~ho bn~ s('Vrnty gmndchlldron, COhfltltutcd tbe clothlng_ In a poe}lct was a. .! time in tho tuuury to e.x.ccas a! .$lOO"UWU·· Ie tho Po a,t ftlw daYs to!1 pnbltc ell- late II to rl!kmdle the tlrtl ot pen;eeutIOIl. hale permitted under the rules was entered he could onh sa~ that IllLnol~ W>L~ loyolL~ ----;-1'111' recent Ohr:l democratic state ~~~sn;he~u~d~nel~lrl~ns to- o\er 111m. He B-ald that the oppO!ntlon 10. conYentioll at Columbus resolyed "That it yeM loU, nays 3,-). The senate amendments Logan for re-electIon to the lIenaie bl"gan ~t t~I(~:~~e~J~ot~~:::::nl~::O;b:~d~~~~~l ~~"~~n.aJll?13fo~~. bil _ !l~r~ n_~n. elected IlrCHldcnt of the l'nlted ~tllte~, bill defmudell Ollt or big office, shnuld r<,cclve SENATE, ,Jane :!4.-Consideratlon of thf':J ~I,:~~~~n dr~~~()n bill !l~(iS,o~~~~~\~~\; the dem0cratic CODv{'ntion which m!'ets at Chicago on July Mlh." I The coming 1st of July will witness a ~~:U~!:~~U~:~nOt~. o;.:~: 8!~~1e;:.:~\~1~:: Indianl\ rlemo(mtts! in then !!tato A bolier in Smith's pla.nlng.mill, at I tour 1I0DII and mates ot-the Unlt-ed 8tt.tas ho!;-pltu.l at Yolk {'on\entlon on tbe :J4tb, endof"lled .hlcl)poald mado 1\ compact to meet In twenty yoarM for presIdent. I!!:l.lle P. Gray W!.!! nomin1l-ltruIU that time at Nlllgllf"!l. Falls. All wlLh ed on tbo first hJ.llbt for g-overoor; M. D. two exceptionH were wounded. me}l unuer treatmont 101' wounds received in a'"IQll..JL+nffi,n,,,,,.""'Mm,;~fu"';;;:';;';"';;';':;';: ~e:,ol~ nt:\eh r:!,~~~j~~ I[Jtbc~;~:~~~I~~(f ~~:~ ''I Ddc" ill' k I 1.,::leshy WOII IfJ()wln~ UJ! t'lr \ .', ...•• ,.:",,,'" u •• CJ;;. SJ;!!lUN.!!g~~ Senator ,"an Wyt'l{ Gatti AttollrtJw,Judlctnry COI)l):JIllttt,\:e, ~ -'Pi. Wn.9'hlligi~~leltfgmm -SILYA: 'Son. utOI' Vau W, Jk . ll\ost cel't!Lln)y !.ULS the Ct;Hlr· ago or bls' 001.l\'\e1.101111, whate"er l\nyollO mny ~hlnk 01 his oplntom, 'rho )udlollU'Y committee of tll(' ~onat6 III. tho most llUg\lst body n,boutcongross. Its mCUol.lH)rS seem to >(~ousld!3r themseIV-o~ supal'lor to tho re~t 01 people, n)H1 rel)0l't8 which IS~110 lrom tribuual arc rcgllrdcd as edicts from which tllerl):!,..,cllll be no :l.llpeulJo ACCOl'(ltll;.rl)" 'when Mr. Yan Wrok In the sellate op~tllj "'1,lufiomlced tha ludlciary committee a~ ].au'Jug ougag;ed In . stock gllmblers, tbo eyes 01 tho vt;"ut'rablo SOllatOI~ began to open !lr:Van WYlh.t1ld llOt proceed tar hMol'o he rcterr~ll to !!Ollleth1D~ whh'h htll} ilappellen In the bOl\so. l~dnlUn(\s, chtllrmtln or tlle ludlcllir} omcer ot It wn~ the at tramps, agn\u$.t w'hom I~ IIOtt of war hM been ct\rrlcd ou by mUwny frion tbhl'l:Illrilig, und who· lllWo,heon,,(!ulw l'oVCllgolul ot !nte. Ou tbe other huud tho flttlnllllK 01 tbo c1t\w,ulll' aml wronch trom tbl') tI\.')(ltloll houao the day betore the wreok gives 0.0101' to \btl rtlmor thlLt robbl;ll'V was the obJoct ot the fiend!!. Up to' II. late bour on the 18th thero wero no now developments, ellhor n~ regarlla the-Wreck Itselt, its l>erpctl'ators, or tho cOlldlt1o~ ot tho in.. Jured. 'r·be company _o!(ets_Jl._r6.wa,rd _ot $1,000 tor the arrest of tl1eculprlts, aDd will , mCl,I.llij at its command to bunt I,':'~";;;-;:;;;;~::-;;,~;::O-;-;;'; A DASTARDLY DEED. The U. &: itt. "(Jaullon lJall" Train Wr.,ck""d 6"tn~ "lJrhlgo. The worst I\oohlont that ever occurred on M. ono mile west or lIubboll on the night OnlONI.D(1 sll.ld: of the 17th. Tbe track at that 'potDt ap· senator shull take his sout when he ill III prollchcH a bl'itlgo 1(;0 feet long and tortl <ll'ller !\nd not proceed unless thore Is a mo, tion to that (!ffeet. - The chaIr h:LH not feet I\1~b. uy 11 long, steep gmdc... -executodthatrulu ber.etotore, Lut he now Cn.llnonlll!l.1I tmin was running lorty toMs bOUlld to exeC-\lte the mle. Mr, Ed· nn !tour, and WR.8 thrown froth- tho track l,tll;nk,·,~,o~I'd'b.••ol<l-ol,"u'I.~,o":!l!l~.I1!:'I!11;. munds jlllltitled the rnH'11g, wbich Eloemetl In the m1ddlC"Clt- tbe,brldge-.~ Tho. engine, ;g;'iL~ ~l~~tSif~ll!iOtt~ !n st!~~tol; ;;'h~ ~~Sl~~~(~ mig-nod 1\ committee 01 which EUijlllllt.is W!lS hhIlllolt ob[l,lrmau, by ktating tllUt Ill' bad -l-won re(ll~ntly-r(ln)hldo(l ~t torco. ,,-1.hc.. 1 ulo. ~()lUewhal luto, Jlt",..1nilucc..lo.en- ..r.omlndcl' J,;IlUlll anti InhhlCl'~llnrd ~ucceedoll gl\UH) t)lI.ch In of the uninjured. He wc)tt to Hubbell tor help. Physicians IrQmHnbJ}~ll...... W.Y.!llo..!..~n.nd !.ted_ C!Ql.!d! re: ~polldcd. Superintendent Calvert n.nd AsHI!-Ilant Supcl'intcl}dont .McConnlff went on a ~'Pociall\t 4: ~L. m., and tho wounded wero taken to W,Jlnore at 6:h m.~T.hfl wounded conductor WIlS sellt toAtehlsouon II SpCcll~1. Illvestlgfltloll showed thilt the t!sh-plate bud beon removed trom tile joint ot tue mlddlo brldgo amI tho Bplltes pulled owe~ ~....!OOO,OOO on traosportatlon o\'el' IL~t IDIl1n stem hranch, It has appCllled to the COllrt!.'! obtained lltdg-m-ent In lt~ 1't1vor. Adams represented the disaster that would 10110w now to forfeit the the attempt ~lh?k~~~'Il~n~~ ~~at21~~~Y~~~f~~:~;~;IJ:I~Ite~;t "'-=IJ-~~~~'1t;~~1S~&T~~m~ dary committee acted upon the sug-g-e~\lOll, :lllli it IS believed the government bal! belle- tjJJe~y. 1=t,===.~"'."""'.-.._===. BLAINE'S ACCEPTANCE Thn COllltUlttee trom the Cbwll.go ('on· __ ...l..c.n1i.o.n..tp_D.Q1Us plI'o Blaine or bll'i nomina- tIOn fOlllft!sldent vttlorm;{ithat pleH.~lll/.!: duty at Allg-usta, Me" 011 the ~.n~t, A~ the dt~ W~\S oPPl'clIsh'cly hot and the I'OOIll~ or .l\Ir,Bliilne's Inllllsion to ~llftOl~atloll, Il WIlS W01'O crow1.h,rlalmnst llu)!;geHte(1 tbM tile ... .l!ttsellt:Ltloll _ngtll'ci-lH be lUft{lC' nplm tile b."ll~ AC(loJ'dlngly tile {'olllllllttetJ nntI grouuus. _ZlULftJd!,l1.IQ!1~...!..C~ ~l ~~.!L.J'~f~d~~~)rt:o~:nn~:~~~:~~;E~~:~~~~~bT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~=~;;:~~~~~~:;;:~~~~~~;~~~~1~~W;:::~; ol-ibe formed. wbol'o tl semi-circle ... sto,Hl with Allllre~ent -------~-~---:.--;..;:.---:;~-----------...;,... -...,-",.~=~;;",,~"'-"'--"'-;,>--"".•- - ... The friends 01' All!>!)' (JndllLIIl, Ii Wjsllcrl WHl lrrgq hi~ nomi~ll1iTm ,:It .Dc.u.o.tu rlnl -'-:COrrvemilllr'O[ 'hi~ 'dj'trict,_ Andv iH IV"~ltY.I''''~'-;,::))'~':/ A, true blue republicH.n, nnd \\'uuld lw ! ~ credit to the distrkt . -I··tt~(t--()o-mi.pg~--Repu bllCatl_ • uz::jL -'lrayor Chn.~c. of Orl1nh.'L, IIn.'l hoP)) -----" 'tlO'tl.,.ieted-o-f-drullktltl€8t!,inri~jmp4~WIl _=:::i-~ cy nnd neglect of duty, by the e<JIlL," moh council and removell from ul .. fi(lO. " .,;,.",=--=-==-= 'tho re'l1ppolntmel~t of Eli U. Murray as. Governor of Vlah, i~ n hurd -- - -lulllOFlhc MlI/fmonT, W B\yul!O·w, HIS Ie has been th!:! Ir.(Jst perSiMlcul, nght~ ~r ()f polygamy who ever o(Kiupied tIl(> gl~bj)rJlatoriul chair of tlw territury, =--.~utler;Jlc.fci.oda ::lIru:-lIokol"i ev.er.ything, but they uro pnttmq "[ uome shrowd and effective work, lind "llaving-fo-tmed RU'llHian;co-wjth -.John Kelly this nomina.tion is OllC of the of tho cOl~vention. 'l:f-0a8ih.l~iticB _,poons, '"",,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,== LINN BROS, in~ ____ .~:"_. Bnttnm,K II ~ ~ k~ ~ Outl -U-lU~---I-I-I-I--"I-UlI-'4-l--~---'C---_:_ ",-.,J". , :--- --- --- - -,-------~----------I lI]\lD}~!!~_:~yD BO!f~l:, RH]\Il(! -" -. 'Ti""-,-",,,c~'Yomr-~----- -~ - ~Thc-l~-ed=3{~2::~0~tr:J'f,~i'rFlce~-'~~ ~ --W<t,g'ou blt{)tk __ U I I I ""I,. A lUTzrr-rr,,:;ortrm'nt ~,f Ptll'ltHoht.tmd !~I~~i~~~~ ~lt~~~~~::Tall/J)':. n,mt1t H~11l1,,!'n t mil,':, II,'QI of WallH lahruM on '1n 1',1 Hho( 1llln~Olr III lill' h' ,II Oil' l' HII"IIlV of I ht II'! k I '1\. I nlill 'I ~:~~~1~~~~~~hlUI\~tj~~\~1~\~'II~"11i H~'W~~~!~IIUrlcnd m,m, lIallll-1 n 1111_1 sen~ the ItvI'lil'8t killd oj' an ItPlh'III'_1 . •Iee. at 'l'IH' "l'lll't." Oil pnet'H, jUijt BllltOIl'!-; Ul'l\' h~lilliug, <~"i(tl, nOlU_ tht'_ -.{'himn('"y;:} 1-J~''-h~'JLJ[J''':J..P",~,~",J.'~.£~JI:\I'\'f.I;;J~J.ta.,J,:'··~~iI;i!'i,ii:i!i,t Oll ~lli oOllll'jt'tpll "-l'dlll'sul1Y: Tho (ltlicml~ IIf tllll -;aiIroad com .. ill paTlY pll"~1 d up tht~ rOlFl 011 £t tpwn on 1\ tot1l' ~)lllls}wct~on on \Y cdnesllllY tI](' plan-, and ull~ 1')I'HlIlg, "1)('('die,lti<lIl' of tJIII! I Ill'W ("'hlll'ch, aud t'XjWl't ;-;O"ntl tf) ( UH)IWe Wil)'k (lU thv b~lddldt! Chi cllltll'h w111 b~ ~12.¥,-J'i fn'l, 1m.! It "1'-1 will lll:! built on l'blm h oxLell::llUU pl.1ll :\() ~O, with bi'lCn' ,llld "pill' "IFI)OLI~(.-\ T~I~ ( '(~l':-il~l -D!;':;r'J~~j~~:~~j~~;;:~;~:~;;;~I~~~~;&b:~~'~:~~:~ Il:t~~[~~~;:~~~:~~~~;I.~~~~~~©~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~t~[~ • -..rug tIlE' ",hI)WI'1 01 \lllllt\,IY til, llg\lt- !lIn ~ ",t!'lwk tl!!, Chllllllf'! of Fr,lII\, Fullt'r's 1'l'''ldl'l,('l' :l[~d rm (/'l\\tl tht' ..--.=-mm·1"Vf11'fW';","'"-F'lrnllk"'"~~rl-tt11""g"41"1 I on t\l(' "'to\'(' (tt tit, time, flnd (xp'r· _~~I'Il-.£I~LIl ~1'\~J~l ~".!I[~~k.) ~dll~ i.lll,,' (J Imll to tIl'up IltlH' MI)VClai saltatlJIllll ltd, alld (lXI'(utl' 1l111\('lHeutt-; 'IUIH' mllirlly lfnot ~racetuHv, nli'e-Vtw'nTty---vrnl1f ,TU'lllTl",t - LawF'" any 11"11Ch Tn;fh~ tl'iH(~ .Hi lightIlHlj!' S,l'EA:-.t ~lu. r..-1f \\hl) lUlll T' tor tl \\l'll' hOle iU<lklllg "l!lIJh tlf {'Ieet a lI.dl. \\l1t(: ;'I.lulltt'. ~Ite 1)1. t Oil I 1\\- --- -[;if([ tli"ii f11il'\---'Tnr-1Ll 1(-:111y-------L0 .,.~"'~+-_r-.,;,"., ,,~;;,;c:c·:'c;;CT,:.;.;;r;;_·.,;-;;;=-F~~~v-:...;_ I '()ver Il)l.d over again, BOlnaHer wbldl war r turn, Xalwa}'!; :find in Iho Book ot Lite BoDie: \i.lS$ons I have to loarD. ~ must tt~ko my turn at the mill, I mu~t grlnj~ out tbo goWen grnln, I ml\at work at my tll.E!k. with 11 l'esolute will O\"tr al1~V{1.r _galn. 1 c'n .. t"mc.~~," tbe need run through u single hour; But tho mo",ing dew must fall, .Ao,d th!3Jlun"~~d ~1jo s1fwmer nill llUAt do tbelr part and perform it all . -_ Ovex...u.ndOl'eI.ngaln. ~ ,'--' ,- .t IT l'A.YS. ~~!l'-~Y~.to .. we4t fL.sqtl.llng lac~J __ _ '¥(lJiiUgh OlIf. tfoublCi! d0w,nj 11'0r a J ollr trou1>108 w"it Om" l~ught(ll' or our frown. Beneath the maglo ot & smUo "trfirr('I.0\1b'ta-wnti'Ad·e-lI.w.:t,~·:::..,.. i·'> AB melts tho frost In early spring ~neath the tmnny my. 1a now prep&red to dlg It1>a)l8 ~ make 0. worthy cause, By bolplng It, o~r own; To giv~ tho current of our livos .A true ami noble tOl:le. A ~.J. MY WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF, C. W.FLORENCE, ·1tJ:~:e~B:;':.~: :~~V;e!;:~' And leaves In sorrow dnrken!~d llves Qur-gJesm ot.-brlghtnells there. PHOTOGRAPHER;- - "'-'-;""'-;;;,T: n-p!\ys und-ve lI·"h!'l'}pT1I(.f hand To eD~er) e~mest youth; To Ilote, with all tbelr wsywnr(\nesB, Their courago nod tbeir truth; tho <.mt, mOuth, took ~~ Just osca.ping On Bhort Notico &Dd at I -. RKA8QNAll),lLTElllIB. J. p. GAERTNER, DY-AI.ER IN FU RN ITUR~. ~E;JJ,I!ItL~~!____)~_ nu.mEN MEIHTATIONS, inm, WORK WAltRANTED. to inform the ladleE! of Wayne lind that they have openod, up Ilt their Mulul!.t.J;oct allnu"dil!'ph~y ot FASHIONABLE·· MiliineryWear struggled and hoI' throat, with 4h1.·",,,IlIHlltjt· Lh,)-c,'t was- BuffOCTltell. in Marietta, turning white-Ga., who is 'wldto .spots cover : face and other p1lrts 01 her body. bl.aehlng process ot natl,1re bas beeu going on for I porno tim.o.. 'The woma.n is working (or pne 01 the 1ie~t !.miIlo, 01 the pI""•. fSfifi"lriapparently. in good hoalth, and --tne,wbitel°tB,_Whfijlf"'keep:-"enlfi.r-ging t:~~~~~~forO~~~'nh:l:~~l~rOhY n~~ ··~!~~!~!i~~:\~~f~~:~~t~\~ beoa.u~ uneiisiries8 wnn...ever, I.". it is pain- Connections are made at Orna.ba with C., R. & Q. R. R. and K. C., St. Joe &: C. B. RaHway for L'ncrlln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Iran as Cit y, ·St-buis, And tor all points south, and tor COUNCIL BLUFFS And all points in eic>~~l1e~~ Ic>~~.t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"c= Carry the largest stock ot Lumber-, Lath, Shin~les,Sasb,j)j,JlJs, -~~ ~-~ ----------~---- ~-------.---- Blinds, Harrows-, -Pl-o-ws. W ARNER& COY~E CITY ~h~~~,=':!~1 Liver) &fe~~ ClIltlvators. Rakes, 8l1lkeys. Corn Planters. Wagons, Carriages, Sewing Machines, In tact the la.rgest stock of umbBr and Machinery ~ . IN NORTH r.EBRASKA, Cuarantee alrof our goo\ls to be' just 38 we recomJLnd· them to be. We also Guarantee our Prices to be the LO~~in NQJ:ih Neb.raska. _____ ·· Ma~kjJi,' NEBRASKA. Harness WAYNE, KeepConstantly-on-Harid HEAVY HARNESSES, ___. BUGGY HARNESSES, HERD. wmps, ~RUSIlE ... , ! SECOND·H~ND HARNESSES, i ' RillING SADDLES, I RVGGti, S, . . . . --RA:~~~E ...kLANKETS, LAP·ROBES, '~j , ... CUR. R.Y C. OM.B. ..S '.. ':' BUGGY~~~_rT&; .~~o-'-'~Harnes§-6il~C:--:-::--:-·~~·'