27 - MTPL
27 - MTPL
•r"-"V. •*• --. ANK YOLU&E H. NO. 49, RED BANK,, if. J , THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1880, TOHN 8. APPtEOATE, COUNSEL£OE'JIT LAW, ' ' SED BANK, N. J. TTENBY M. HEVIU8, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, RED BANK. N. J. HAS. H. TRAFFORD, BED B ANK AND VICINITY. AJ9LEK ~ ADLEM ADLEM ATDLEM . ADLEM ADLEM JUSTICE'S COUKTS. T U MetaaaUl ChaHh T r i a l - * Vctald to F « . COLE. Subscribe for THE REGISTEK. COLE. T«I «r Ik* CkMcai. MmC. D. Warner and her daughter COLE. A very interesting trial took place lost Gracie are ic*.; Saratoga Springs attending COLE. Friday before Justice Earle in which the COLE. the Baptist 4 Vnnivorsary. COLE. Methodist Church was plaintiff and Duniig tlx month of April, there were ; FANCY GOODS! FAKCY GOODS!: five isarrtag e», eleven births aod seven Walter Morton was defendant. The : FANCY4JC0DS! FANCY GOODS!: deaths in the f township of Shrewabury. action WM iu debt for f63.G0. On the Momaontli Conitj Inglitntc. Tlie Motunouth county teachers' institute met in the Mechanic street school hall this Wednesday morning at eleven o'clock. Tlie exercises were introduced by devotions by County Superintendent Lockwood. The roll of teachers was called which showed that nearly all the teachers oi the county were present. An address of welcome was delivered by the Rev. F. R. Hnrbaugh, to which Dr. Lockwood responded in a few wellchosen words. The institute then adjourned until two o'clock when the regular work of the institute was begun.' Thu sesaious will continue until Friday evening. $1.50 PER Y SEA BB10HT. that many of the b o a Dr. i^tryker. of Brooklyn, has opened berries thrive contaiSiiulp and it will U Hi- fate an office here. , The new depot for the use of tho New for this season,'to a Jersey Southern railway has been com- the good cranberry tmgt, I the presence of that t menced, ^ some organic arid. And also j The Bellevne House will open June whether those bogs where thef 16th with Mr. J, H. Carey SB its new fails most completely, ore not) proprietor. this add property. Mr-Andrew Buckelew, of Freehold, has established a large livery stable and MONMOUTH COUNTV is doing a thriving business. The Mansion House, Long! The new Library Association Btarts with a good prospect of success. Mr. J. been entirely refitted for I W. Sherman is the president and he is sennun, and u play-house for th has been erected 011 the roar of ( the right man in the right place. . grounds. The hotel will opm Ju The Octagon House has been remodOn Saturday moruiug, May t eled and enlarged to nearly twice its former sleo. Many of tho rooms are al- Mr. Joseph Megill, of Eut ready rented. The house will be for- delivering produce tit Monmoutb.,1 I1I9 horse ran away and was not 1 mally opened on the first of June. until it reached Branchport. 1 The''Taliernacle" M. E. Chutcli is was badly cut- and bnilaed having a large parsonage built for its wagon wrecked. pnstor, the Hev. J, E. Lake, who is very On Sunday of last week much liked by his congregation, and who drcn kindled a fire 111 an old 1 bus already made many warm friends. A large number of cottages have been was stored iu the barn of Mr.' erected at this place this spring. Twelve Sherman, of Long Brunch, are in procemof construction nt the pres- communicated with tho Iiufli the timely arrival of Mrs, ent time. Mr. Robert Emery has the vented any dumitge. contract for building eight of them. Dr. On Thursday evening, Mr. Janeway and Mr. W. B. Wells, both of New York, have erected very liundsomo iSeubrook, of Keyport, aceidentl the wire of n bill file through summer residences, Mr. W. II. Cooper's flno block of build- in a diagonal direction. He ingts ia an orimmtmt to tho place. It is the middle of the )uhu and < composed of six stores, all of which are on the outride near the wrist, ] occupied. Mr. Cooper has opened a a painful wound.—WeAly. p u t of the plaintiff, who was reprerented by John S.'Applegate, Esq., it wat Known that about six years ago a U S D BANK, N. J. SILKS, subscription was taken up in the aboveOommUtlooer Jor.New Vort. UKHS, named church to liquidate a debt of six BIBBONS, p j . APPLEGATE, Mr, Tlioia as Davis in now selling the thousand dollars, and that Mr. Walter • HOSIERY. best brands of family flour at low fig- Morton subscribed $100. It was also ATTOBKEITAX LAW, FLANNELS, shown that four mouths after the origiures. Ho nt <tkes a specialty of the ' 'ne UNDERWEAR, SOLICITOR At#>IUXta. U.-CIMMXBT,nai subscription Mr. Morton paid fifty NECK WEAK, process" flour, 7 •Office lit J. A. Throckmorton'i •ulldlng—Hrat Floor. DBTOOOOS, Oh Wednesday and Thursday evenings FRONT STBffiET, Tlie dtusatiailed members of tlioUetho dollars; that fifteen months after, he DBHB9'O«Oa«, lectures will be given in the Methodist RBDBAht, dist Clwirok held a sociitblo at the resi gave his note for the balance, and that !HI»O LOVES, Church, to which all the people of the .JKBVTJMERY, depceof Mr. Asbury Little on Tueoda he mode the first payment of interest PINTAKB, town arc cordially invited. ' One lecture when it became due. 1KXNDKERCHIET8, evening. Tl le proceeds were $9.1)4. ATTOBNEY~AT .LAW, 'TOILET 8OA.ru, In defence it was contended that the on " Education" will be given by Prof. NOVELTIES, AtaueeLingoftlieAuumcusHoseCo. MASTER IN CHANCERY, KOTARY subscription was made conditional; tliut E. V. DeOrnff. State Superintendent BLANKETS, No. 1, Josen'h V^ood^was elected the condition had not been performed, Apgar will deliver the other, which will etc., etc urer in thu'' place qt Edward d Worthley, and that therefore tlie note was void. be on "Switzerland." This lecture wilt The latter V ill fill the position of ate ward It was further offered in defence that bo illuntrated by a large number of reflected traiiKparnncles. TAMES STEEN, On Tuesday afternoon Mr, W. H the subscription wns a gift or naked GtROOERIES, promise, and was not complete or bindParker witu arrested fur being drunl COUNSELLGB -K.T IAW, GROCERIES, GKOCEHIES, Change of Time. Xotary Public, Bad CommlsMuuer of Deeds lor New GROCERIES, GROCERIES, and disorderly nnd wan confined in th ing in law. until delivery. Vori, lock-up. He, was lined live dollars am OROOERIES, GROCEHIES, A change in the. running of truing on On the plaintiff's part in refutation, GBGWEa , N. J. released. 1 it was shown that the condition claimed the Central railroad took effect on MonT ^ A V I D HASfcWEY, • Mr. Jopob Girlies, who has been pout was absurd luid such as 110 reasonable day. An express train has been added master for several years, resigned hit body of men would make; Hint tlierp which leaves Rod Bank at 8:23, and arATTOBNETAT LAW. position a I ew days ngo, Tlie inline o van u suflivlent degree of reciprocity rives in New York at,9:35, making the ADLEM &(OOLE, AfiBlinY PARK, NEW MUSKY. Mr. "rra, A| iplegate hus been presenter to prevent thu subscription from being trip in one hour and ten miuutns. This a gift, ahd further, that promissory train leaves New York on its return trip T H. BETTS, for connrma tion. notes cannot lie given on uncertain con- at U:80. The way train which luis horoRED DENTIST, Last Thin sduy afternoon a slight fire NEW JKHSEY. tingencies and that thu written obliga- toforo left Red Bank nt 6:03 will Icnve Wlld'l Building, corner of Broad >nd KwhMlc oceured in , Mr. Foniian Morris's house tion could not be contradicted or affected at 7:58 for .the present, and will loave .street*, Bed Ban*. N. J., opposite the Un* NatiknAl VBBDIBViNK MUSIC STORE. on Dugati Ai'ley. A stove-pipe hole hue Bank. neighboring stations tit from four to five by oral testimony. Quite 1111 accident ocemed at been stopped with rugs and tlicso cnugl BT"NltroinOjtldo Gasused whea largo store in the block. Hi> will deal in tlio painleu extrattlon of tneHi. The defence was represented by H, M. minutes earlier tlmu formerly. The hnrdwnre nnd generul merchandise. Mr. Bright on Wednesday bj the tire. No dui nage wns done. . &LLSTUOM, aftornoon train for New York will leave Nevius and 0. H. Traffurd, Esq's. The P, H. Packer, who was manager of nwny of a patented scaffold, whiull;i \B. D. W. BAKKEU, Howard I.. Plutt, who was indictee arguments of Mr. Applegnte in summing the Red Bank station at 4:40 instead of Cloughly's lumber yard /or many years, cipitated Edwin Dj er, a house J WUIUWD8TBIKT,. EKI) DANK, N. J., for forging £. note made payable ut tin 4:48. ' up were strong,, foruiblo and convinchas tukuu charge of tlie establishment. over twenty feet into A cell Matawan Bulk, n-us found guilty 01 ing. Mr. Nerius madu a good effort on X. UUAIlbES IUHDMIIS), A storo of tliis character linn long been Dyer was considerably bruised Tuesdiiy nnci sentenced to live years im Tho DcForreat Library, the |«irt of the defence contributing to fBED BANK, "NEW JERSEY. prisonment .in the Stute Prison. Some time ngo Mrs. DeForrest, of Red nvtxhul and it will prove to bo a great hix thigh bone badly fractured,—I lFrA'NdS,.OKGJ3?fl, VIOLINS, that uncertainty wliich juries nre generiiccoinmodution to the cottage residents All work per!opiMd'Jn>tte beet innmer antl*t Mr. Gxw. O. Wtiterman hns rcsignec ally left in ufter' tlie lawyers have Bank, sent a considerable number of TIIP grading on the Sea Qtrt 1 ' lnsUuiutnti. as well as to the fishermen. P. books and magazines to Freehold for his position a t the railroad depot, Lou, railroad ix finished, and the ties.id summed up. The jury, which wns comtreasonable raid. T8aM«l«t*lotifcii«rantoocl. Branoli, and ilms accepted a Hituntion al posed of good mid intelligent business the use of prisoners confined in tlie ilintributw! and rails placed'/ <OmCK,NoU7 BROAD 8T11EET, over CliadKtck* Flushing, Long Inland, as financial men, lifter a few minutes deliberation county jail. Tho books were nil neatly Monnioiitli County Nodical Society. position. There are pile diuera at > The Monmnuth County Medical Society on the MnnnsfiUHii budge nnd i n a l Drug Store manager of a, Tailroad company. rendered a verdict in favor of the plain- covered »nd lnbe\ed. They liavo been Alllhe latnt «onm, comic u d tenUnienUI. SanUng's -111 cent m i * . tiff for tho full amount claimed. The carefully taken enre of and loaned to the met in tho purloin of the American time tlie Htructure uill bo in readlU F. BORDEN, Mr. ResselL White, while at work 01: «unro » WDmCiMaitctl Journal. members of the Methodist Church were prisoners as designed. It 1« intended to Hotel, Freehold, on Monday, Muy 17th. for the timber and railn. At Old shuetmuHlcat Tery lo« prloes. the dock in front of Mr. Francis White's BlnrittisustctiiKier and puns. unusually interested in the trial, par- form a jail llbrury and to this end Nearly every member of the society was there HccniK to be no doubt but what i B a W l J folios, fli TWli^iiiJ property along the river bank, cut a Hill Builfling, Bed Barik, N. J. ticularly that portion of them who have .Sheriff Allen requests donations of IXJOU present, nnd tho following gentlemen road will lie opened at the time j speclstdlacount to teachen. deep gag>. in /Ills heel. The wound wa extraction of Metti by lac use of nltroin not yet settled their subscriptions, The from parties who may have them to were elected ofllcerH for theensuiug year: juuted, June lOth.—&\ a Side. BBPAIIUID, NEATLV AND dressed xjnd Lho is now doing well as oxide gaa. , IPJIOXPTLY. action wns generally considered a tent spare or who nre interested in the moral President, Dr. W, Hodgson, of Kmport; On Wednesday lust, Mi. Geo. ( V could bewxpotitod. ewto. It the remaining subscriptions advancement of the prisoners. Thu books vice president, Dr. Kimnonth; secreT~JR. H. B. VANDORN, The stock of flowers which was lefl are pot paid, it is stated that there will sent by Mrs. DeForrest to nre form the tory. Dr. Formnn ; treasurer, Dr. Long; dale, of East Long Branch, na escaped being killed. Heuns pqilltj "THE 'AC&'BEWY OF MUSIC DENTIST., to the Presbyterian Sunday-school by be many suits of a like character. nucleus of n collection which is to be drlpgntcB to tlie stnte convention, which a cottage on Ocean Aiemie, ' <Tlth DR. R. I . BORVKK, *uste tltU, OulMlug. •{•open dally for InstrufHon In music In all Its the Into Mrs. Kroener was sold nt aucmeets at Princeton, Drs. Applegate nnd fell from Ilia laddei to the called "Tho DeForreut Library." R E D •BATTK:, N . J . >ruicJi<M Irvm 8 » . H. t o t p. M. tion last Wednesday evening for th STKAUNO A RAU. THE TltlSONEn's ESCAPE. Long;~ To the American convention, distance of thirty fec't Ho was I *' benefit of that institution. The anioun Dm, ArrowimiiMi mill Formnn. This lilt- up in an in*en»ible condition nnd 1 Brass Band Concerts. Last Thursday afternoon a man' by realized was $4.80. (suoreuor to It. B. Btanwood), TBOtOED -K. ALLSTROM, The members of tho Red Bank brass tor convention is held ugain in New York veyed to bin rosidom e, and Dr. Penibi tlioiiume of John Norton was seen walkFive Ftiglisl 1 soles, a species of fisli ng/down the road lending to Parker & bund have expressed their willlngnem) thin year, after an interval of 20 yenru. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, ton was at once uummoned. Fortu W BROAD-flTBEET, BSD BANK, N. J. highly prized by epicures in England Chad wick's coaY yurd with a ham in his to give open nir concerts free of chnrgo FRONT S T R E E T , ntely liis injuries did not proxe1 to be<Opp. Globe Hot«(,) BED D I M , N. J. Taking tho Census. a serious nature, but contested of a ,Ct WARDELL'8 WABDEI.l.'8 -were liberated in Sandy Hook bay on Imnp. An lie was walking leisurly, and provided the commissioners will oroct n WAKDKLI.'S DIAMOND They were brought from na<|« no attempt to hide his burden it stand in some public place for their urn. VARDEU/8 Saturday. The supervisor* of Uie-oeustw- to be .of- tliu ttpino- and- -aglBB |aja| "TOHNiiLOYD, Jtt., VARDXIX'9 CiOAK-OTOHE! WABDKU-'S England and aie fhe tint that have e-voi H-ABDKL'8 *& • IttlCD DiJ&, K-U. «m supposed that he had purchased the Tlie green in front of tho Globe Hotel taken in Now Jersey, huve been con- bruises about tlie body and limbs.—AM WARDKLL'8 .l;u«e8-att!*as<>B.i*.ii«»51ln OBOAN8 rmcuhor been planted in! Amerieaii waters. . retera's, lam. Shortly after he was again seen has been suggested as the best locution firmed by tho United States Senate, and Intialkmiiti at factory prices l>y STiSEET. The Freehold & New York Engine S The annual convention of the diocese walking in the same place, with Bome- for the stand. The concerts given by will begin their duties at once. Mr. UOHNILLOYD, JB., Sole Agent, THE BLACE TO OETTHB BEST 5 CF.NT R, wns received on Thursday from t| 'ClUiHt IN'ltF.D BANK. of New Jersiry met ut Burlington on hing hidden under his coat, which on tho band on the pinzza of the Globe John W. L. StraUun, of Mount Holly, FOKTT'BJmaSST BRANDS O» yiB8T-CLAS8 Tuesday morning, Bishop Scarborough Investigation proved to be another ham. Hotel last year drew large crowds which is the supervisor of this district. Every Baldwin Locnnioti\c Works, Pliil 'T'HOMAS DAVIS, JR., delpbiii. where it hatt ruceived a thor6U| SS1OKING TOBACCO. piesidin'g. The Eev, Chas. A. Tilibals Oiiicer Patterson wad immediately remained during the entire concert, and farmer, manufacturer, morchunt, und GENUINE OUDtiWW^IXTO TOBACCO. overbaiilinfi and liecn fittted with 11 INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE summoned, and he Arrested the man and producer in Monmouth county should it is probable that they would prove as ALL IJBADES'OF 16OSE CHEWING TOI;ACCO. und Messrs. Tliomas Davis, John Lippinlatest form of WestiiighoiiKe Autouial AGENT, tookhim before Justice Child, who, be ready, when called upon, to give the CIGAhBTTEg CIOABETTES t'Olt and Oliaa. H. TiarTord were delepopular this year. FRONT STIIEET, Air Brake. This is the third mid C1GABETTES ifter a brief hearing, ordered him to be cenntis taker exact figures of his operaj e n l n i i K r o i , V « i l r F a l r , 4 e « t C < p o r a l , gstos repovjaenting Trinity piuish. P. O. Box, 21. MSB BANK, N. J. the Freehold & Now York engfri committed to the jail at Freehold. The UHlrCaocral.'Betweim tt!l«. «tephanl»,tji Bellp. pctions und productions during the past luaunnce plaood In tbe teflt compajdcao Sunday-School Centennial. which has been so treated thtjt sprjji) i^JCiLaKavorlte, Lone TMherinau, e t c , etc Messrs. .Snux-k & White miiko their Marshal conducted him to Matawan soluble terms. year. Tho work will be done simulA1J. CHOICE M0ABETIESH5 CENTO PEK PACK. spring aunouiueinent in this issue. They About one hundred yearn ago Robert The company has expended nearly;!} unction und tlwro consigned him to the We keep no ttcuntorftii goods ultaneously throughout tho United A. THROCKMOETON, thousands dollars II|MHI the fhree,'iuli| luive dispoaedlof their stock of groceries care of Sheriff Allen, who was to conduct Raikes, while traveling about the streets R. J . \VARURI.I.. m States; and Monmouth county should wltich me now in perfect condltio and will herey'ter devote their entire at- liim to tbu county jail. Marshal Patter- of Gloucester, became convinced of tho LUMBER, SL-fiEH, 3J3SE, CEMENT, and will havo full credit for its energy, The com|iaay's paBseuger enrs have bei tention to their dry goods business. They sou told tlie Sheriff that he would find necessity of instituting some means by EORGE A. WHIiTING, BHIOK, NAILS, PJLIOTB,"(ML, ETC, offer bargains in many of their depart- the man troublesome and advised him to which the street urchins, whom he heard enterprise, wealth and prosperity, if our aim fitted with the latest form of ii fJlOOT ST/tEKT, B E D IIANK, W. J. 'CABTMEI1IAKER ments nnd show a stock of goods un keep him handcuffed. The Sheriff dis- cursing and swearing in ungramninticat citizens make their census returns brake.—DCIH ocm I. ABKER & CHADWICK, • • equaled in many respects by that of any egarded his advice mid released the and vulgar oaths on every street corner, promptly.—Sea Side. ma other house in town. LUMBER, LATH, .LIME, BRICK, irisoner from tlie manacles. After the could he taught the rudiments of EngTho Forest Fires. Ella Dnrly, a tivehe-yeor-old girl lish grammar and also tlie principles cmCement, CoteiirtBanaiLaaHiIHastCT, Hardware, The st&'imboat dock nt the foot of truin had started and was making Reports from various districts recently Metucliin, lighted the fire with ken bodied hi the bible. He accordingly, Paints and ulla,>(»al, BomHuiit, Uuauo, 4 c Wharf aw?nue is being enlarged and im schedule time, Norton suddenly started 1 swept by the great foreot Hies say that on Tiicmlay of last week. Her funeral Mm Dry.Oooasanu Unxwiai. without hope of reward, engaged six proved. -A line of piling has been from his seat, ran out of the car and there is much suffering among the Ger- took place on Thursday. FRONT 8TBEKT, BB3 BANK. women to whom he paid money for their Cofflns,' OaekotA, and evr>rj requisite for Funerals driven frem the old dock to the one jumped from thu platform. The Sheriff man vine growers, and the poormasturs services, nnd collecting together many AND WOOD I iralslied. used at parent and a steam mud-digger mmediately signalled to the engineer The Grand Army of the Hepubllo,d are unable to render aid to all wlio need of these wayward youths this little baud is excavating tho mud BO as to give to stop the truin, which was done. Mr. it. The vine growers are generally Ger- this stitc have decided to hold the! .SCBANTON, LEHIGH,CTJHBER£AND began touching them the ways of truth suftiuientdepth to float the eteambuuts A lion gave chase to the man and pursued mans- with largo families, and, having semi-annual encampment at Bonaj OS ALL ITS BRANCH ES. ANB W1LKESBARRE OOAL and the elements of grammar, arithmeat low tide. The mud which is re- him for several miles, but without lost all by the fires, they are in poverty Park, Bordento'wn, the latter part*,! i t (lie I/meat Ilarket Ralei. tic and geography. Sunday was propRed Bank, N. J. moved is med in filling in the dock. mccess. • tOOBD WOOD, LOBUST AND CKBSTNVT 108 Front Street. and distress. Committees have ulready August, erly selected as the day on which to prosPOSTS AND VltBSTIfUT ItXILS. been Htnrted at May's Landing and ManTHE MAPLE TREE DESTROYERS F1NBI). Last wo?k we stated that Justice E. JOHN A. WOETHLEY, ecute this glorious work, and in this way A son of James Sweeny, of Kin David VanCleaf and Joseph Stewart, the Sunday-school, which to-day may be umusken to give the sufferers alms, and •Office at WortWej'B Dock, RED DANK, N. J. Ralph was about to start a trade journal in New York Citv. This is a mis- he two buys who girdled and stripped found connected with overy well-regu- codpenite with other towns in lending Falls, was recently killed by EST OFFERS YET. NEW JERSEY. caught in the spokes of the wheel < take. Mr. Justicn E. Ralph will continue he burk from the shade trees of Mr. lated Christian church throughout the the burned out people a helping hand. Twentr-llre Potter; ricturw.HS Micotf or iPapec Henry Schroeder, on Maple avenue, length and breadth of the land, origiThe heavy rains on Saturday night, wagon loaded .with hay on which lie \ to be the oourteous and obliging manTIB EnTelopoi, Penholder. Tcnell. 3 Onldeti Tens, 10 and copious uliovvers on Sunday, did " cutting behind." ager of the Freehold & New York railere brought before Justice Child on nated. •Sawn, 'Od 13 neoelpts, 25 cents, poatpald. Or, !5 Tottorr Pictures. 6Sheets of Paper, 8 Envelopes,! much to relieve the suffering caused by way, while his brother, Mr. Julion E. hurtduy evening lost for u final hearAsbury Park is located directly uppo•Golden Fens, 4o Songs, slid a nccelpts, ft cents, filte tha tojeorated Ocean Grove campAt the Methodist Episcopal Church on the protracted drought. The greatest 'postpsid,' Beautiful Pottery Pictures, In great vc* John Stahl, of Newark, armed Ralph, of the New York Suit staff, will ng. The being no doubt as to the guilt meeting grounds (Wesley Lake dividing Tletr, 7 cents a Sheet, Stumps laken. Circulars free the, two places), four mites below Genengage in too publication of Tlie Retailer. f the parties, they were each sentenced Stindny evening next, tho centennial an- benefit resulted from the replenishing of self with a revolver on Sunday, I Address Crane & Ackerman, 1047 Lalajrette Avenue eral Grant's coltauc at long Ilrancii, iBrootljn, N. T. • . -• niversary of the foundation of the Sun- dried up wells. All vegetation is, how himself to a tree und then shot Uiu Koff Jersey. Ovor oue thousand colLast Wednesday night a team of o a fine of five dollars, tascs have been built at Asbury Park day-school will be celebrated. The ex- ever, yet parched, and it will take through the head twice. and Ocean Grove within six years, costhorses belonging to Mr. Joseph AppleTHE 8CHOOL-ROU8B ROBBKRY. ercises will lie very attractive. Messrs. several days of continuous tains to I w over one million dollars. Asbury gate, of Middletown, took fright and ran Park fronts dtrcctlv on ttw ooenn. It The two boys who were supposed to Ourdon 8. Langan nnd Charles I. Gor- counteract the effects of the drought. does not front on a bay, or sound, or Wliilo New Jersey is of the 1 river, but on the broad Atlantic, stretch- , , away. They took to the Central rail- inve broken into the Oakland street don have been selected to deliver adlng awa> for ihousindB of miles. As- r H road,track near the Bed Bank depot and eight states iu the union only the till chool-house, were brought before Justice dresses on the occasion, and as both tury Park was aiwtiiKd In 1899 at •> Agriculture Experiments. third in size, it is tho seventeenth^ S1S.O0O; (bo assessment for 187V was /"V irauito Shrewsbury. On their way they Child last Friday evening. Gapt. Tabor these gentlemen wcro educated in thoO' $760,000. 8ln*l» running at right an- \—' Tho Directors of tho New Jersey population, the eight in the value of ictmsscd a bridge on the ties without Cliadwick testified that ho had brought logical. institutions, their well-known iles to tbo sea are from one to two nunamd fe«t wide—an advanURii possess- > J ;ustaining«ny injury. This i» the third Agriculture Experiment Station met at real and personal property, the twenti he two boys out of tho school-house on oratorical abilities combined with their «J by uo other fc«-sklc iruart on the J team of dorses which has performed iundny, May Oth, and positively idonti- early religions training render thorn em- Rutgers College library on Monday, the in the value of its agriculture pr J S w J t 17th inst, In reporting on thu work of or the eiglit pr ninth in the value - • this Coat. . led the Stewart boy as ono of them. inently fitted to present tho sacred facts Aibury raid, onpMUe Oosan GmK, the Station, Prof. Cook mentioned that mines. In ji/no ire it is the largest'p can be reached direct by tin C'esnuL connected with the history at the SunThe dime entertainment given in the r. DeWitt Barker also identified this on a recent visit to the farm of the late ducer/ and In the groat staple, iroh,J? — IUti.noAn or Nnv JntsEV, from IIM . L J foot of Liberty street. New York, via r o Methodist Church lost Thursday evenoy, and each of thosa witnesses thought day-school. A rioh treat )s in store- f of- Chalkley Alberttion, near Hnddonfield, it is the third or fourth. Its InoreaT 1 ' Joreoy City, and also In Hummer by r^ ing was superior in merit to any preall who may attend. lint the VanCleaf boy was the other, , steamboat from foot ot Rector ttrcct,., . his attention was called to A deposit of population1 u(itl wealth for the past tl) f*~l N. Y., to sandy Hook, affording a Ana H H iously given. The attendance wna rut were not positive. The mother and " poison marl/" This marl destroyed sit years htfs been more' rnpid than tl r" view of Uie Narrow*, harbor tortlOca- CW _ tlons, etc 80 thero »ro two lines of . , large, about 450 persons being presont. wo sisters of Joseph Stewart Bwore that Malicious Prowcntlon. vegetation when applied in tho ordinary any other of the older settled states,5! I V • • communication. From Philadelphia, the R 1 The audienco wns very demonstrative, le was homo sating his dinner nt the r""l can run to Aibury Park direct. lull* a. J The case of Dennis O'Connor is. Mat- way ns a top'drensing for crops. He moi$i,rapidj too, than the average o f t _ « road tlmo front New York to Asbury md plainly-uliowed their appreciation mo when Messrs. Cliadwick and Barker Was also informed that piles of the marl whole United Stuk-s. Ua Park:. S hours; eijinw In rammer, • tclialll. mwllclil. tot (hitouro ol r*"1 about, in hours: and from Philadelphia m of the exercises. The Haines piano ouud tho boy in tho school-house, The thew Gregory for malicious prosecution rfalnjr from «n <mr*tro slat« of the was argued before Judges Walling, Bem- Which had been lying out and exposed ' a to Anbury, park, S bouraandK mla- \J1 which was used was loaned by Mr. I. lustico con»ielored the boys as guilty, sen and Wheeler at Freehold on Monday. to the weather for some years, were now ^ T ? * : , l l S h e a n i tlHeofrootlom Lots are sold at Asbury Park, Ko : «• C ^ Ratnacciotti free of expense. The net lespito the desperate effort to prove' an It appeared from the testimony that Mr. covered with a luxuriant growth of TATOBITZ«BHmr sey, ori what is equivalent to a f ^~ The tetms. ot silo of lots In Artrarj ^ ^ proceeds amounted to f 87, libi on the part of the Stewart boy, and cranberries, A visit to the locality f_\ Park are at follows: Mint, when l _ j Gregory was the Owner of the wrecked ual mortgage—ori« hundred yeanj" H"l parties build, no money will lie re- I " 1 Mr. E. J. Dale lion postponed Wa enter- ave them a severe reprimand brig " Auguetlfta;" that copper belong- showed the cranberry plants with the purchaser hrttever, reservmg the ifl[, , quired down, but n morlcuRO can bo . . ith much good advice, and threatened, fruit atlll on them hi April, itnd that ttMS 9 T given, payable in 10 years, with the ( H tainment of "Jlyntio Wonders" to Tluirsing to the vessel hod been stolen I find to pay the ptincipal at any time; orfjj f-i privilege of ten rencwalSTraaliiDg tho \J « D X % » iTrr\ir"i''*r~T%"r day evonlng, May 37th. By special re- n case they were brought before him (hat Oregcrty,'having been ihfofrned that plants *rere henlthy arid vigorous.- On per cent, will be alroVed foroash.Ai "1 principal sum due 100 years tience, H (lie IntraiillctloaAf Mi niodlclnojI'aTorltoTlenr- f^ Second. When purchaser erects a cotgain, to u»o hit influence' In having O'Connor had similar copper {ft his pos- frigging into tho *aitW on which" they \ S tage costing over $1000, a loan of ene- — quest Mr. Dale will appear in his celethird will be mate, for which a port- l - H brated expose of spiritualism, Miss hem eont to .the State Reform School, session, made a complaint before Jufetice grew,, it was foiirifj' iio bo of a rusty red gage will bo takon to cover amount of "* RACE HORSE RUINED.. t .t Jamesburg. ; , loan and value of the lot—mortgtgo h_J Maude Dale will give an exhibition of Child for a search' warrant. O'Connor color tor fouV or fiVe InoKfri* (town,- and payable in B yean. Third. When pur- LJJ . zo. a promising n e e was arrested but upon the hearing waa from' that oh dowhwnrds, to bt- dark ' chaser builds without loan, and wishes - ~ lie/ wonderful second-sight mystery. wrrich his n^ner refuse) f8,S00, to pay cash, 10 per cent, discount will l _ j The manner in which this is performed William Dowd, a driver, was recently discharged. He thereupon brought suit colored and almost; black.- It was com- tried reeerrtPj byrtneffrOjrroomWhoJfc be allowed. N o k a will boioldunlpwrPj] is precisely similar to that practiced by Tf\ improved npon within 8 months from against Gregory for $800, on a charge of posed mainly of sand with a very little the horse's jaw with B club,, E e l intenced to pay a fine of $100 and costs | - J tho late Mr. Heller and bis sister. At loam in it. It had a strong inky taste Spavin Curetothe moat valuable 1 Iqjfotir own locality. Ho yJL dafeofairreeniont. Address, in the Hudson County Court; for attach- mslicious prosecution. The case occu- ._ ,. Womendtuwellum<m» and wai decidedly acid: to tlie tongue as ever known for every kind of an I Many maHemoi1* thanUrc amount stated aboro. H». tii' JAME8 A. BBADIiEY, or IBAAo' ~_. tho matinee lust Saturday afternoon the nga rope to a horso's tongue and jerking pied nearly the entire day and resulted o « can fall to mare money fast. Anyone-can do t ^ well as to ohemlcal tests. Two samples bruise, cut or sore, «s well «»;' BEALt, 861 Pearl Bl., New YOTV, ITJ attendance-was Binall, and Mr, Dale, afin a verdict of $68 for tbo plaintiff. out at Hoboken in March last, ' of the earth ware token for analytic ktodof Uuttentoronbeastorrp. ter a short performance in hl« role an troly wonderful what suocew 4 one from near the surface in whioh the hai with i t Read, iU *d*t magician, refunded tlie' money to tliosc, E. COOK, Aibury Park, Wotlc on the Hudson river tunnel, at Mary Byphers, a flne-year-old girl, roots, of Jhe cranberry were growing, New Jortej. who had purchused tickets for the enfor KendallV 8p«,Vin OWfr^ the foot Of Fifteenth street, Jersey City, whote paietttt reside in Jersey City, and the other from about thirteen Inches coiumn.—Afa vl , - (/ tainmonlr, The programme for Thursnow being pushed. Three feet of the while playing around the fire on Thurs- beneath the surface? and below when day evening will embrace many illusions unnel is excavated m day, and noop fhe day night, n t fire 'to bet clothes and ,aMr fool* wert seanj '14 it quit* etrUin ritTtr t^orp performed ) n Red Bank wait fatally burnedv ftet a, day will •>• Wide. '•€ COUNSELLOR" AT LAW, •J. (ultnaid uKuimeot of Asbury Park. B W OR. KENNEDY'S t Aabuyy^Park, M. W. G. br. Adpheua Smith, of the order of Od d Fullows, will visit eacli Lodge in thv j district during the month of June. ^ j Kaffir****. . w/w. An vm )rum, \ml. ft urn \AiXl w y lu/UiKtA -""' OM y w i r oft/XT k*r fcer« rrwKf.Tr TOPICS. i QlMim tMt HOUSEHOLD HEWS StJMMAJRT. WA fmt *jfcrt/' I. tyti.4, - ...f\ fiiM te lm# M« jo.,. . " Wirea yiwi ttii fie* aintili wy sow «'.'" _ ihSeU «IK V ) y How mucbthe Hah n*y buffer mi not &»'• ihejiidn't know his regMent, she didn't e exclaimed, so that I started and •.'Ml (A tiie P K ^ 6 C U < bu.0ir.bVas which is intended to facilitate growth that we «aajoot know; yet, by tawtxq*.. , I ^ueetiOD much if *a* pain or ache know bis rank, she had hardly seek his trembled. "Open your lip* to her about railroad, careful stud; and experimenU, we may WUBam Coras, rittor of O me intercourse ot BaglaBd with India. Of Bool or bod^ brings our end more Bigb.- face; but, forajl that, the Jolt resolved- hem, you blessed little chatterbox, and The ro*d will be bter a thoUland miles learn much that is both intereeting and f, UeHati to Hnr York*inr Detth chose* Vu o n time, till tint hM come ?ery llkelyiMthout putting it in so maDj '11 kill you I If she won't care for me oiig, and will be Very difficult to build. useful Manjr of the popular notion* in ritOUBH Wj J word* to herself—that if she couldn't without Ecars, she* ilia'n't care for me regard to plants have been proved to be AMMktoJnatfe* Obnrln J. ' TsaOl* »»oris* i n H U ol * All evils may be borne. marry him, she would never marry any- .tall!" Incorrect. It U commonly supposed, ailu Is rnsk, AnMola and The Hartford Ooitrant gives a list of oi tie Hew fork court at fpttiM.'mnlm j P r n i a m i . to MlUscttalmaliMilka " Well, I declare, I never—" I began. artlts Wb'urinkand shudder at tie surgeon's knife body, and she would keep herself and ali who have been reported as killed for example, that, the growth of a tree vxsnt "ier thoughts sacred to thitj hero. And W tin *mtk ot tmtiatd K. (tank, «4baqr mm, de* tajtaka «naru«iMlr Just take me to mamma, if von please. upward from the ground s but it has Md fraud* It. ttttdllitt bMn smoiatodto Each nerve recoiling from the orael steel he did. AndthatiiwhathMgivenber If Paul beard you speaking so to his—" iy lightning this season, and adds as a is d Hta t i tot* loticeable thing about the list that none been demonstrated that the* growth is Who** edge seems searching for the quivering his airof remoteness, almost Mil she be" Hang Paul t Hush I hoib!" he said. jf the accidents occurred in cities or ID really from the top downward. The Mand ar« nlUng t M r ohildem tor*od. longed to a superior nbe, you know. She We; ' awihf my hand through bis arm and the presence of, telegraph wires and ac- Bap passes up through the wood of the -Great exottanent D M eaawd t»iom*»j|st A XontMd mechani* cOWms to hay*dl»didn't know whether hei- hero was alive Yet to ont tsense the bitter pangs reveal ildingit. "You have made me hap- cumulations of metal. These seem to tree to the leaves, where it meeta with nnanoU circles in HrituWpM* w a X«w eorered a new motire power that will bsa* dead; thefe were skirmishes in ier That still, although the trembling flesh be tc-night than you ever can again." the material gathered from the air. In act as safeguards. •Bectiv* as strain, and u «pj*v» b > «• *U York bf tha tauura (aTtaHnadelpolaMwl the Wlfjhborhcod, aha before J long " I think everybody has gone crazy!" this laboratory of the leaves, vegetable* Beading BaOroad M a n o r and Ik* Pkfla- kinds of locomotion and mill won." at one. torn, great battle farther off; but thfere . cried. And then, instead of his tak; -- . and Readlr^Coaland Iran company. tenth the oost of fnei: Thin, also, can be bone. ere no means of learning anything, of Previous to the current year, the matter i« formed, which is then oon- delptua n * . lattsr eompaiiy in an etnboot- ot } * * me to mamma. Cousin Nicholas' Jargest , AdTlses |rom St. Prtenbnrg staM j n t t course, and he never came back, ing number of emigrants from Eu- veyed downward—not between tbe former »na practically ooHolUatod witl I t Bouia ha* decided to recall her ohargo oV,rm slid round mV waist, and he was We see a sorrow rising in our way, lomehow I think she felt that if he rope to the United States was in 1864, bark and the wood,: s has been claimed Th« suspended railroad eompanv fa on* oi ttw lain*, from PeUn and place her subjects m And try to flee trom the approaching ill; were aliee he would, and I think she hiding me round the room to the mad- when the records showed 319,000. From —but in the Inside layer of the bark, old*** in tb* United 8t*W*ad control* Wd China under the protection of th* Onit*J We seek some small escape, ire weep and *?egan to look upon him us dead, and ening waltz music in % way that this number there was a decline to 55,- fiom which it is thrown off to become operate* ovsjf MO miles ot road which reach fai Htatas. Thi* mean* war between the two mamma asserted afterward was utterly s leraelf as—well, don't' you laugh—as many branch** c m thsooal SeUiinPena- countries. 300 In 1877. ID 1378, the tide in tills dl. a Dew layer of wood. —c A girdled tree may continue to grow sjlTaaia. It* (took oomtats of '411 en****, omething like a. widow; at any rate, [excusable, and that Romaine declared The drought prevails in Jamaica, Vest But when the Mow tails, then our hearts as vowed to him. She was only seven- took her breath away. " I should never rection began again, reaching 139,000, .bove tbe girdle, but never below. A S3* pu*ong«r «an, >,860 freight oarTaiS Indies, and cattle and lire stock ot all Und ind this year promises to aproach 400,are still— girdled tree, ih oneleense, does Dot die 14,762 ooal and iron can. It* twantT-tta* are dying tor want of water. een then, you know. Oh. yes, I know ' iave thought it of you," she said. XK>, or some have thought .800,000. 'm only sixteen myself, and a terrible because of ths girdle, but because the trharre* near PhaadclpW*, laid with thirtr. Dear me I" I answered; "yon don't Not that the pain isol ita sharpness BhDrn, Ta* lack of load hi Hungary 1* so TJIeasing five tails* of task, afford th»mo»t ample that 1,400 psnoii* at thrt* plaocs bav* b e » chatterbox too, Paul says j but 1 know luppoee he's going to go sighing like a But yet it can be borne. The latest plau for crossing the Eng- denuded wood dries Up so as to prevent fcoOlUo* In the world tor th* ttaasportattgo obliged to subsist on grass; naMles and muso,!iat things get fixed in one's mind at urnace for you forever, when you—" he sap irom passing up to the leaves. oi ooal and iron. For the last tbret y*»r* ttw lish ohannel is embodied in a model seventeen that even seventeen more Wo wind our We about another lite; "WhenlwhatP" now before the admiral! ty for a monster Jf the denuded part can be so protected aompany has struggled u u l u a heavy load of roouu. The British narllament ha* beet. .'ears won't undo, and Romaine has from tbe sun and air as to seep It from We hold It closer, dearer than oar o w n ^ " Have refused him twenty times." debt, which fintlly oompellad it to *uceumb, opened. new railway station, which iB to Th* queen'* sp*eob wa* ttti by inly ten years more. But Romaine has " I've never had the chance to refuse floating Anon it faints and ialla in deadly strife, uarry trains from England to France drying, tha life of tho tree may bo pre- Its total Ifabflltfa* are estimated at » U 0 , . r^rdSelborn^lordhighchaiiMllor. r^rdSelborn^lordhighchaiiMllor IInitfW nitf the poetical temperament. him once. I don't want to have it—" ncross the channel at the rate of four- served. I knew a pine tree to live and 000,000.' Among ita asset* the oompany anl. •ays that the relation* ot Great Britain Leaving ua stunned, and (stricken and alone; ih with You're afraid you'd accept him, teen knots an hour. It is stated that grow for eight years after being girdled; mates its rauroadpropsrty at over 939,000,000 all the other. Koropean powers are oordUi But, oh, wo do not dlo witli those wa mourn; but the growth was only above the gir- and the real estate at over«7,COO,000. A n > that then are sign* ol a nnrival oi- trsde Well, In a year, or two Uncle Paul miss," I exclaimed. , each train would provide accommodaThie, nlao can bo borne. • s . . ; direr ba* been appointed and the tuilauai throughout the country; tbat the proriatoa* died, and left mamma a comfortable " 1 don't want to accept him." tions for 2,000 passengers, which would dle. ' " . • • ' • Farmers are always anxiousPfe know ol tha oompany will be earned on u usual. Fortune. As the farm really belonged •You'd accept him quickly enough if •equire sixty or more railway car enacted by tha last parliament for tha mftijaBehold, we lire through all things, famine, to Paul, when he reached home mamma a thing if they can make a dollar outof r young officer with a Th« American marksmen who will go to tios ol the distress In Ireland hav* been M e thirst, it. Now.ifthegrowthoftnetreetsfrom Ireland to shoot the International matok viceable to that and, and that tb* special atdecided to come to the city for our win- lace hidden by a Dright brown beard Bereavement, pain, all griet and misery, era, and to build this little villa for the and smooches and smirches of powder, tha Irish team compriM VI. H. Jack- tention ot parliament I* called to bull tot Southern, mocking-birds well deserves the top downward, a knowledse of this against more effectual protection to tha •*>lutnmers, and sometimes Paul comes to Irivlng bis soldiers out of the house— he name. Tbey imitate not only the fact may be of great value to fruit- son, W. M. Farrow, B. J. Boott, H. F. Clttk, giving All woe and sorrow; life infliots its worst 1. F. Brown, Homer Fisher, H. T. Eockweli cnplen oi land against injury from ground us, and sometimes we go to him. A he first man thaUver kissed j our hand, songs of other birds, but human whist growers. If we can keep the vegetable On sauld and body, but we caunot die, nine, lor determining on Just principles the and R. Bathbone. ot employers for aooldent* sojtaiaed Though wo be sick and tired ami faint and year ago nearly I came baok from Miss Romaine, with an old silver-set dia- lers'as well. A lady of Macon, Ga., matter formed in the leal in the top of Th* fattora of the Reading Railroad oom- BabilitiM sehool, Mamma said I was very mond ring on his. You needn't think I relates that her pet mooking bird often the tree, it will t'-ndto increase the proby woikmen, and for the extension of tb* worn; pany caused the suspension ot several flrtns borough franohise pretty, but very unformed, and she Tiadn'tany eyes, ii I wasn't but six years deceives all tbe inmates of her house duction of fruit. That this is a fact has of Ireland. LordBeacon*Philadelphia broken, who were swamped field, in a speech in In Lo, all things can be borne, wondered what my teachers had been )ld, or any memory, or any faculty of by its clever imitation of the post- been sufficiently proven by numerous by the house ol lord*, thanked sudden depreciation in the stock of tb* the honse for itathesupport while he was experiments. Girdle the canes of a grapeabout to leave all this trouble for her, utting two und two together." —Elizabeth Aktr< Atltn tffan's whistle. They go out to get the oorporation. Tho Reading Iron works, which premiir. and she doubted what sort of a match I "Oh, how can you be so cruel!" she letterk and find Jack on a spray.near the vine and it ripens i's fruit two or three owns leveral lurnaeea, a large rolling mill, weeks earlier than a vine not girdled. would make. I said how could 1 make cried, hidinglier face in her hands. tube work*, nail worts, foundry, steam forge Kngene Lamor*', rTinKj de liqne, an emifence, blowing his whistle and looking any with Romaine still hanging "I'mnot cruel," 1 said. "It's you entirely innocent of any intention to The same is true of the apple and all and sheet mill at Beadins;, and pay outJJSO,000 nent Belgian zUitesmiin, Is dead at the age of fruit-bearing trees. This fact is of es- a month to a large nnmber ot employees, also »eventy-»li. on her hands P Whereupon mamma jhat are cruel, and silly too Cousin hoax tbe family. . . THE SECRET. pecial importance In the culture of •uspraded; but tbe works will continue in said Romaine was the most pre- Nicholas is worth a dozeu of that fel The British troops in Afghanistan are gradually to b* withdrawn as toon as a ruler ha* posterous girl alive; she had just ow that you set up lor yourse.f to bow Superintendent Pe&slee, of Cincin- grapes, as in this way we can .ripen va- opemlon. I wish I could fell you—I <!o wish let millions slip through her fin- down to Don't you suppose Cousin nati, says that tbe greatest mistake that rieties of this fruit for which our seasons For the third time the town ol Eusnburg, been chosen. the liveliest town in the iower cil news (Jpon the opening of Ihe British parliament I could! I lmo to liave a secret; gers, and she didn't oclleve the Nicholas would bavedri ven the soldiers is being made in the American schools are ordinarily, with the usual treat- once of Pennsylvania, has been devastated by fire. Charles Bradtaugh, who lectured all over the ment, too short. The reason that'girdArclrangle Michael would make any imit burns, like money in my pocket. iut. and have kissed vour hand too?" is the constant drive in arithmetic at The flames broke out in tbe United States United States several years ngo, refused to It's tin unnatural thing, anyway. One pression on her. So I began to watch "Nicholas, where bullets were fly the expense of composition and litera- ling has not been generally practised bv hotel, and before they could be controlled had take the oath of ofiloe prescribed for members fruit-growers, is because it has been swept away seventy buildings, coveting over ol the honse of commons on tho ground that wants sympathy; if it's n gloomy secret, Romaine, and I found an old brass but- ing!" ture. Mr. Peaslee wants less cramming nomebody to lie gloomy with; and if it's ton was one of her treasures, and I "Yes, where bullets were flying, and for per cents and more education—to commonly supposed that a vine or tree five sores in the business center of the town. suoh oath was opposed to the diotates ol his The poatofflw, telegraph offloe, ollloes ol tbe oonaclenoe. He was refusea admittance to n glad one, somebody to be glad with; learned what sort of people It was in riddled with them, besides. And you sot before pupils higher aims for study cannot be girdled without killing it. It is my purpose to tell you now how United Pipe lines, the Clarion county bank the oommons as a member, and put the> somebody to talk it over with, to make n whom she felt an interest; I ob- don't deserve him, that you don't, if than monthly averages. His convicand three hotels are among the principal matter belore his constituents, who decide! served the care she took of Gulnare, alyou nan girdle your vines and trees withmuch or little of it with, to conjecture yon are beautiful. But, oh! I do de- tions have led to the establishment; in places burned. Tbe aggregate loss is about that he should take the oath. Upon appearconcerning it, its beginning and its end, though Sulnare was twenty years old; clare, Romaine, when you are IO per tbeCincinnatischoolsof "Poets'Days, 1 out injuring them. I have girdled the 9200,000. The town oontained no fire de- ing belore the bar ol the oommons for that to dwell upon it and gloat over it; how and 1 discovered, bv accident again, fectly lovely, and he does love you so, and the systematic study of literature same grapevine five years in succession, partment, and not a drop ol waterexoept that purpose he was opposed by a membor, whoput away with a lock oi Mrs. Brownand without injuring it in the least. The in the world is one going to enjoy any The children are made to not only for you to—" oonveyed by buckets could be obtained. said his opposition was based upon the fact thin If I'm eating a ing's bair and a leaf trom Shelley's "llow do you know he loves me so? memorize poelio selections of the high- proper time to girdle a vine is when tbe Frederic Emit Broiamnn, a dissolute jonr- that Mr. Bradlangh was an atheist and besides tomb, that brass button and an old torn grapes are about the size of a pea. The i, I want somebody to have part of est character, but to learn something peaoL He never said it." uoyman baker of New York, murdered his bad already Infringed the terms ot hi* oath by may be performed with asharp wifo,^to it, to know how luscious it is; and I visor of a soldier's cap. Again, once whom he had boen married only two his book entitled " Impeachment oi the Housa 'As if there were no other speeoh about the authors, and to talk abou operation nenknife, cutting a clean chasm around months, by ou'.linghor throat and then disap- of Brnnswiok." This opposition caused eon* wouldn't give a sixpence for a coach and than just so many words! I can't see them. sidenble uproar, and Mr. Gladstone move* the bearing caneB, about one-sixteenth and mamma was telling of the fright peared. four unless there were somebody by to bow you can be so unleeling." an inch In width. This chasm, whilo A party of Boston blovole rider* have to reler the matter to a seleot committee. soe me riding. So I say lo myself, what's she had when the soldier was flourish A considerable steel-making industry of ' I never said I was unfeeling." of too small extent to injure the vine, ing her cap on a bayonet, and the gratitilled from New York for Europe to nuke a tho use of knowing it if you're not to Prince Leopold, youngest son ol Queen WhatP Really, RomaineP Are you exists in the present day in China, on speak or look, or wink, if you're to be tude she felt to her deliverer, who, she in earnest? Do you really carefor him, the Upper Yangtze, whence the steel is will yet be sufficient to'cheok fora few tour of the continent on bicycles and to eon- Victoria, ba* arrived at Quebec. weeks the descent of the sap, and conse- tend against foreign riders. When news of the lailure of the Reading no wiser than other people, and let no- always did feel, came straight from usta little P" sent to Tien-tsin for shipment and dis- quently the growth, o t the vine below, Some of the Ne> York nre companies are IWlroad company was received in London it body see tUat you are? And its for me, heaven to help her, and, for all she knew, " I—I—I mean I „ could—maybe. tribution. It brings much higher prices throwing the whole of the nutriment being supplied with the b u t quality ol burg- caused a •emi-panio in American railrowl I am always blushing, and my tongue ii went straight back again, I happened But—but then, you know, dear, I—I than the Swedish steel imported into absorbed by tbe vine into the tops of lars' tools for the pnnioss of being able to securities. tripping, and I'm sure to be on the to be looking at Romaine in the glass, talk about it. I feel as if I were the country. The Chinese metallurgists the canes and the fruit. The effect will break into burning buildings. Garibaldi baa been elected a memlioi ot Ihe point of betraying tbe whole thing by whereupon sho turned as red as a red rose, can't pledged—as if I were breaking a recognize three kinds of steel, namely, be lo greatly advance and improve the Franklin 11. Gow.op, Edwin M. Lewis and Italian chamber of deputi. a. something I say, and clapping my hand then all at once grew white as a while bond—" that which is produced by adding unDuring a disturbance at Christiana, Norway, Stephen A. Calilwoll have been appointed reon my mouth like a silly child. rose, was faint, and had to get out of " To that other fellow P Fiddlesticks' wrought to wrought iron while the mass fruit. The girdle will, in a little while, ceivers ot the Philadelphia and Rondinn Rail- between 1,000 workmen and soldiers,. readily heal over, apd the circulation road company and the Reading Coal and Iron several ofsome Still, although it's nervous and anx- the room. I made up my mind about ends! is subject to the action of fire, pure iron of the former and nine ol ih« latter You, twenty-seven years old, alvine resume its normal corns 3. company. ious work, I can keep a secret if 1 try, Romaine. were wounded. many times subjected to fire, and native Thethe most an old maid, andoa silly as that! branches of all fruit-bearing trees The steamer Metoator kit Antwerp on I was sorry, too; for some of Paul's Now I'll tell you what, if you don't turn steel, which is produced in the southor else when he—I mean she—at least I The Panama Star ani Utrald says: "A be treated in the same way, and March 3 lor Mew York, and is so long over- contract . mean I shouldn't have been trusted with has taen made between Mr. A. G. west. The different names for steel are may with like results. Any one can sucit if I couldn't. Some people are so im- jer'were mighty nice. There was Col- a short comer, I'll see what I can do twan Menocal, on the part ot an American company, due that it is believed she has foundered at or ball steei, irom its rounded cessfully perform tbe operation if they portant with a Bccrct, and go about no onel Rice - I don't know what he was myself; and when it's too late for you, form;kang, and the government of the republic ot Nicarsea. Tne vessel carried a crew ol thirtykwan kang,or sprinkled steel; are only sufficiently careful not to make eight men, was valued at 860,000, and her agua, for theoonitrneUoa if they knew enough to bang the rest of colonel of, some fanoy-fafr or sidewalk you'll he eating your heart out with wei tee, ol a canal aorcos or false Bteel. The Chinese, the cut in .he bark too wide.—Professor cars,o at $125,000 more. Nioaregnan territory- It now awaits only the tho world. But I never am; I only lonj, regiment—I'm sure he'd never smolled envy aud rage. There he comes now, apparently, have known how to manu nnd I'm going out to see him and beapproval ot tha legislative congress, which haa to tell it; and I do so want to tell you powder except when shooting pigeons: Stockbridge. Supervisor Casey, of Troy, N. Y., while atgin;" and so I rah down the lawn to faeture Bteel from the very earliest ages this one. But there—I promised I but tempting to ttop a Btnet light waa shot by t been convened tor that purpose, to become a he had the littlest foot and nand, and Cleanliness In law ot tho land." The Pervmit, of Nicarinrtn named Wall and died in flftcen minute* wouldn't breathe it, and a promise is oceans of money, and a drag. And he meet him as he gave his horse to the To keep .milk clean while in the acl Policemen pursued Wall and fired upon him agua, asserts that the moving spirits of the groom—it was only the next day alter Water Supply promise, you know. did send Romaine such flowers! and if Mrs. Glance's ball. new American oompanyarcPresident Hayes,. Of the danger of injury to health from of drawing it, the cow must be clean, Wall returned the nre and shot Officer Duffy I suppose I wouldn't care half BO she had but thrown her handkerchief, Grant, Admiral Amman and Mr. A.. " I've something to tell you," I said, polluted wells, it is hardly possible to her bag and teats washed and wiped be- in the head, but was, bronght to the ground by General much to tell if it were only a common- there was nothing he wouldn't have taking commencing to milk her, and thea blow from the policeman's club. Another G. Menocal. his arm ana holding it in a way say too much. In one cholera seasoi, fore place affair, if there were no romance given her—cashmere bhawlstowalkon man and a child were also bit by the flying milkman's hands be then washed. After There wa* a communist demonstration im about it all. But there is. Some people and diamonds bright enough to read by to drive vexation to Romainv's heart, in Condon six hundred deaths were straining Paris on a recant Sunday, and sixteen arrestsand sotting, see that no fou bullets. are so fond of romance—our Romaine And there was an English earl's son for I knew she was looking at us behind traced to ttie use ol a single street rump air can come were made. During the day 600 person* from any quarter to tain! a curtain somewhere Typhoid fever has been repeatedly, inJB; and J don't believe that anything just back from buffalo hunting, who maiohed to the wall where the oommunlst* And I've aomothing to show you, deed many times, known "o affect whole the milk j and for this we must be careful, Western and Southern 8tats«. could have pleased her half so mucn wou Id lave made a countess of her, only •rere shot in 1871 and piaoed wreath* ol such is often borne on a strong breeze that happened in the regular, expected give him time enough; and goodness my dear child," he answered, and he families who resorted tb a well for a for rtowan there. way. Our Romaine alwaya was so fuT knows how many more of Paul's chums, fumbled in a pocket n moment, and then, common Bupply, while others in thi fully a mile off or more from the place On the arrival at Hallow, Ireland, of a train Cincinnati bai been holding her fourth bihis hand just a jittlo way, let sime neighborhood, using diffuren where it originated. It is, of course, enniul municipal festival under direction ot containing emigrants Irom Kenv on their of fancies and ideals, and when tliere't Senator Catchpenny, and the regu opening presupposed that all vessels used for tho well-known conductor, Theodore Thomas <n>y to America, the oompartments in which me see a gleam ofsome thing sparkling anything romantic going, it always falls and water, were not attacked. Worse yet —diamonds—silver-set. to her lot- Don't you lhink she's a lation swells, and Cousin Nicholas. perbtps, seems to be the subtlety witl holding tbe milk ore kept clean and en- The city was profiBety decorated and thi they were seated were stormed by £00 men ol And Rsmaine disdained them all— Nicholas!" I cried. . And I stood which organic poison may be con eyed tirely clear of every sort of odors. We ppinioK conoert ws.8 given with a choiuso! 1 ho South Cork militia, who beat tbe emibeauty? I do; so tall, so beautifully xrants and ousted them from the carriages, made, so gracious, such hair—such soft every one of Paul's chums of com™, am open-mouthed, looking him over from by water, through milk in dairymen'i have often seen the dairy house placed 620 voices and 156 instruments. Heriously injuring some ot them. to the cattle yard, poultry house, Kx-6uv«rnur liHury S. Fu i«, «= fragrant Mir—such eyes like jewels, Cousin Nicholas on account of the oil head to foot. supplies. Several times this has hap- close London Tima say* that by the failure, and, what is foulest of all, a dirty pigrnt ul lli« Ui"U'.l S nl"« mml in N and her skin'su like a tea-rose! I don'l family feud that had always kept m "' Ten years mako great alterations,'" pened in London and elsewhere in Eng- pen. No wonder where this is the case {lie 1 the (ithur itkv tit tiia lioinn in-nr Nustivi.lt of The (be Heading Railroad company the credit of believe any of those famous beauties apart; he was a hundred-thousandth he hummed. land. In one iastanee, so far as ap- so much butter and cheese are sent to Tin-'., BJJ0.I eighty jonr*. (iovomor Fool United States railroad securities in Europe that you rend about can hold a candle to ousin or so. And when- the English"But, Nicholas-" peared, the only mode of contaminatiot. .hail boon n Unitnii Stato* sciuitor. (governor o: has been ruined. her—that I don't! I always wondered man wan round sho juatout-AmeHcaned "Hush! hush!" he said. "Do you was by tho milk-pans at the dairy being market not fit to be eaten. Mississippi—hit* opponent lor thitt ofljcfi beinj Clement, Colman A Co, London indigo and why she didn't take some one ol hei the Americans; and nothing but the believe she has suspected ?" Beolpes. washed in water from a stream into JeHursou Davis—aada inombor ul the Confed- drysaltery broken, have failed lor 9*00,000). lovers, altbough I knew, too, or thought dread of a scene with mamma could get To BAKE POTATOES QUICKLY.—TO erate oolifrress. which leakage had occurred Irom n Tee British parliament has decided to allow "Oh, nover! Oh, make haste! Oh I did; for she was just as lovely ten her behind Colonel Rice's horses, alvault. At another time bake potatoes quickly, pour water on Near the village of California, Ohio, six Mr. Bradlangh to take the oath as a member. years ago, when she came home Irom though I should have been glad ot tin do go inl She's in the music-room neighboring and let them stand a minute or two be Queen Vloloria has just aelebrated her sixtymiles from Cincinnati, Mrs. Slinger, a widow several well-to-do families in London school at seventeen—tbe very day those chance; and that is the way ft had bee) looking out behind the curtain." Anc one of them that of a physiclan.were af fore putting them into the oven. of thirty, while catling grass close to th* lint birthday. dreadful soliders came, you recollect— with one or another for nine or ten i never was so impatient with anybod residence of Mrs. Dateman, also a widow, The United States legation at ConstantinoTo Coou VEAL.—Roll the slices in shot and instantly killed by the latter. a# she IB to-day. She had been gone sc years, mamma said: and Romaine wa< in my lifo as with the slow, earelesi fected with typhoid fever. It, was ple has receiveJ a communication from the gait at which he went up the lawn nnd found that they were all supplied witli beaten eggs and then in rolled crackers. long—four years'—that everything aboui ndol btcdly a fixture. archbishop ol the Syrian* declaring thai the Tho Illinois Republican oonvention at milk by a company which furnished Melt a Tittle butter in the frying pan, Springfield into the house. the place was just as sweet and strang< put a full ticket for State officers sufferings ol the people of Asiatic Turkey to her as if it were a kingdom she hac " don't know about your having th ' I ran in, half an hour afterward, ti milk from several dairies. At last ii and place the veal in it; cover tightly in the field, with Governor Cullom at thr Irom famine are heartrending. " Finding no cereals at all,' the writer says, " some people; just come into; and she Was goin; right to hold youreeit so inaccessible, get my Japanese work. They bad goni was ascertained that cases of fever oc- and letjit stew for an hour head for re-election. round, looking at this and exclnimiti said mamma to her one day, as the wind- out on the balcony, and wero leanini curred only in those families to whom FRIED POTATOES. — Fotatoes sliced Thomas Boyd, an imitator ol Sam Patch, are eaUng corpses and become ill ia conseat that, caressing the creatures whicl ing up of a ta!king-to that sent Romaini over tbe rail together, looking at the sea had been sent the milk of one particular very thin should be cooked in a deep jumped irom the middle ot the suspensioi quence" Irnow her, every one of them, even ti out, of the room crying. " What is then and as I just glanced at them there was dairy; and a local cause of contamina- skillet; tho lard or butter must be boii- bridge at Cincinnati into the Ohio river, oenoBEsaioifAX. the parrots—just rejoicing in every- ;ibout you that no man in America, oi color in Romaine's cheek and a glory i: tion of its supply was also traced ing hot. If placed in a wire sieve much distance of ninety-lour leet, and was piokec up unhurt. thing; and I, a little six-year-old wor- Europe either, that I can see, is fit to litr eye tbat almost made my heart sto; What exquisite cleanliness of all things time is saved and trouble spared. Senate. mnrry you, I should like to knowP" Ex-Congressman William T. Avery was shiper, was following her in adorabeating. And suddenly I made a dart i3 enjoined by this experience! Noth- CELERY SALT.—Save the root of th< drowned the other day while ou a Oshlng ex. Mr. Butler made a speeoh in opposition to tion, with the peacock following me Romaine was dancing that night with at her, and caught her hand and held i ing is more sensitive than milk ani1 celery tbe resolutions unseating Mr. KKIIUKK. plant, dry and grate it, mixing il ouisian near Memphis, Tenn. when all at once the lawn was crowded Cousin Nicholas at Mrs. Glance's ball up. And they both seized me with on cream to all impurity. Even Hie wale Messrs. Carpenter, ConUiug and Kdmunds with one-third as much salt. Keep i Just as a runaway conplo had been manied i-ppcsed Mr. Hazard's bit regulating the pay with soldiers, and the yard was full o: The delicious waltz music made my feel accord that moment, and swore me t which cows drink, when marshy am in 1 a botllewell corked, and it h deforagers, and tbe horses, Romaine iust tingle. Mamma let me go to a bai. secrecy. And I promised; and bad, has been known to make their mill licious for ojaters, soups, gravies oi by a justioe of tho peace near Statesvillei N*. und appointment of deputy nmrsbals, and C , and while the magistrate, was making on! si-vnrul Anicudmonls thoioto were rejooted. own Gutoare, nnd mamma's, wore now and then, to show people what she promise is a promise, -you know, ani unwholesome. Butter can be made goot » tbe marriaee certincato, the newly-made bridi bilag led away, and all the cows had in reserve, Romaine said. Bnl although I'm dying to tell you, wiL only where the most scrupulous sweet hashes. Ihe Senate passed the bill to authorize a rewere lowing, ana the pigs were squeal- there was Romaine, so listless, so lovely, horses won't get it away from me, ani ness,'cleanliness, and freshness of everyPIE CRUST.—Take boiled potatoes, fell down dead. tirel list for non-commissioned army cflloors, As a train on tbe South Pacific railroad wax having Ural rejected all the amendment* ing, and the fowl were cackling, as so indifferent, and Nicholas looking I never, never shall tell you what i thing is maintained. This is the cnie cqld or hot, and knead into them asmal on its way to a pionioat Big Trees two open •fieoti e the oppointment ot cadets to West tel i. those wretches took possession; and down at her so eager, so intent, and then , secret of good butter-making; and thi pitcc of dripping, salt, and sufficien jumped tbe track on a down grade am' Polnt,-&nd adopting one providing for the prosome were building fires in the yard le id ing her out into the moonlight, as if was I saw on Romaine's finger.— moral of it may be extended and ap Hour to make a paate. No water or mill cars passengers were thrown ont in a confused motion of non-commissioned officer* to be Bazar. and the rest were swarming into thi he would take her away from all these fll' should be used. Good for a meat pie, the plied by saying tbat perfect cleanliness heap toward the bank. The cars passed ovei second lieutenants. ' house. And they were in the china people, and into another world. "It's those persona who were thrown aorors th ot water, food, air and person, is every- nnd is best eaten hot. Mr. Garhnd made a speeoh in favor ot anno use, Cousin Nicholas," I Baid, when traok, grinding fllteen men and women t< where absolutely necessary to pcrfec Obtaining Salt from the Ocean, ARTIFICIAL CBEAM FOB COFFEE.— death and more or l e u severely injnrin; scaling Mr. Kellogg, and Mr. Kellogg made he happened to think of me, half an hour health.—American Health Primer. a •peeoa in favor ol retaining his scat. - eloBot, ravaging the store-room, were afterward, Beat one egg to a foam, add a table- about twenty others. and brought me an Ice; Among the prominent local industries in the bedrooms, in the wardrobes, and •'she wouldn't Mr. Saolsbury reported adversely on the; spoon of white sugar, and pour a pinto marry you if you were At Bradyville, Tenn.,-six members ol _ in AJnmeda county is that of salt manuChanges or Life. a parcel of them bad. poor mamma in-a boiling milk into it, stirring briskly as family that ate a mess ol wild lotlooo died bill to ohange the day for the election ol Hep* of gold. She wouldn't marry any- facture. For a long time the consumpresentstires .and it was'indefinitely postcorner, and had torn away her shawl made Change is the common feature of soit is poured on tbe egg. Prepare within a few hours. but a soldier anyway " (all at once tion of salt by the packers and butchers poned. , and one was nourishing hpr cap on the body night for the morning. Nicholas' face lighted up), "andhim of San Francisco was entirely sup; lied ciety—of all life. The bill appropriating 815,000 lor a bronae point of his bayonet, and Romaine tad only The world is like a magic lanter, o if he had oeen nearly shot to by the Liverpool and other foreign statue ol Joseph Henry by Vf. W. Story for sprung into the midst of them, threaten- pieoes;*and only one soldier out of all From Washington. the Bhifting scenes of a panorama. Tei manufacturers and it is not until very th« ground* of the Smithsonian institution ing thorn with a-wild fury, when sud- of them, I do believe," I made haste to years convert the population of schools A Child's Life Thrown Away, WH. passed. . "'•: ' •*" -";'*"• Q denly a voice rang over the uproar, a add, for I didn't want to encouraie recently that local enterprise has inter- into men and women, .the young intc . The Morgan Joint resolution-providing for. An immense orowd of over 50,1100 peopU posed in favor of.home production. A child six years old was scalded tc terrible commanding voice, somebody him. and matrons, make and mar-forthe counting of tho eleoloral vote was pasted, The works are located on the bay shore, fathers death in a bath a short time ago in tht gathered along the banks of the Potomac to after, strode through tbe throng, and seizing tunes, and bury the last generation but a nnmber of amendments bad been rewitness tho five-mile boat raoe between the near Newark, and the salt is made by one. English town of Clifton. Little Herbert Canadian champion, Edward Kimian, anc jected, by a party vote ol J5 yeas to 14 nays. by the shoulder first one and then an"How much must a man do to earn to have a cold, and his aust. Cbarles Courtney, ol Union Springs, N. Y., other of the men who bad cornered his oa»eP" said_ Nicholas, in his slow solar evaporation. Twenty years convert infants inti appeared mamma and Romaine, flung thorn on Ian The salt ponds are eighty acres in ex- lovers, fathers and mothers, deoidi Miss LdUdale, ordered a hot bath to be for a prize of 83,000. Ever since the* failure Mr. Lonnf introduced a bill reciting the this aide and on that, and in one mo- make him taller and morebroad-shoul d tent, which are dividedinto water-tight men's fortunes and distinctions, convert prepared, and in the presence of th< of the two men to race on Chauaqua hike, after testing the water with lie: hvt year, when Courtncy'i boat was toys- provisions ot Ihe treaty-QtiVfiisbinnton, the ment silence fell, and man by man they than ever. Ue was a handome fel- compartments, each compartment being active men and women into crawling nurse, considei alien for tho.HiUUiut award, thetsots slunk away, and presently they were er<;d hand, placed the child in the bath. H < terioDBly eawed in two, negotiations h&d been provided with a gate for the purpose of drivelers, and bury all preceding genlow, with- his fresh color, his white of the Fortune bay ontiaf* j a d the aolion struggled and screamed, but as she had pending lor another race; and finally ar- of the water supply. The pro- erations. the British fcorernmtnt, and repealing the ; tumbling down the stairs, and march- forehead, his grizzled onrlinghair in admitting cess of salt making is comparatively Thirty years raise an active genera- noidia that he meant' the water was rangements were made, sulialictory to. both •otef 187310 carry put tb* treaty of Wash. ing out of tho bull by.files; and tbe offl- tight rings like that of an old Greek simple. to row on the Potomac river at pond iB connected with tion from nonentity, ohange fascinating too hot Bhe kept him in it six or seven parties, ington, dirooling the collection of :the former 'Cerwbohad wrought thecbange-atall, head, his teeth gleaming from under the watersThe Washingtou. In the event of bneot the.oars*" of the bay by a ditch. Tula beauties into unbearable old women, minutes. He was of a highly sensitivi men not putting In an appearance, hi* place duties on flsh and flsh oll; taud.ted from slender young fellow of whom one could the dark mustache when he smiJeu. I water is then passed from the pond into convert lovers into grandfathers, and temperament, and was acstutomed t< was to be taken by James Riley. On the Canada, and dlreclingUiej (wympuVoiit of the see little but the eyes blazing' like wild- didn't see how she could help being at- the upper end of the vats by wlndmiK bury the active generation, or reduoi get excited and cry out at anything morning ot tbe raoe Courtney was declared duties so collecMilr ,}l nl2J,000to theflsher. fire,forthe torn and dropping visor of tracted to him, being—being in love pumps, and from this point the water k them to decrepitude and imbecility. strange, so that his screaming md strug- to be rick from the effects or tho boat, and 11 man driven from Foitnne bayi' B*ferred. bis cap, and for the brown beard cover- with him, yon know. "Howmany soars gradually distributed into the various Tho-agiicultnral, .approprlataoii bill was when kept in the water did not wa* believed he would-not row; bnt at halfing hia brown face, and the smears of must be showP". he drawled. ; Does receptacles, or lower vats, as evaporaForty years, alas I ohange the faceo: gling :: >•. -i. •'• .;. .--.;past five both men were in (heir boats in p»«sed,:, smoke and powderr-put mamma's shawl she want you to wear your uniform and tion goes on, the water, becoming more all society. Infants are growing old, excite any alarm till he bad been ia th' -readiness Mr. Wright adrocatedhis Mil providlns; for Ihe struggle. When the signal 'about her shoulders; bowed low to your bandages all thettmeP" And then impregnated with salt as it passes to- the bloom of youth ana beauty has bath some minutes, when the nurse, to start was given Courtney iorgid oire»d for . that the government should loan MOO to any thinking his eyes looked strange, an Botnaine, and took mo in his arms a mo- his eyes flashed, he thrust his fingers ward the lower rows. passed away, two active generations person complying with the provisions ol the short - distance, but was soon passed by he was going to have a fit, drew aHanlan.' ment and looked at me, and sot mo down through the gra1 rin, TUe latter lept increasing his lead) homestead lairs. - Upon motion olJdr. Ooav and I saw * From these vats it is again pumped have been swopt from tbe stage of life; that Miss Landale'sattentiontotheirappearverso the bill was laid aside with unfavorable whilo Courtney stopped IroQnently to bathe - again, and was passing out, when Ro- where a ballet; ' its way into others', where it remainsuntilcrys- names once cherished are forgotten, and the boy was taken out anc his head; and after rowing a little over two w p o r t » • .. . •. •'. - •"•'',. . maineran forward and caughtb.iB.hand, among them. "That was my ticket to taUized, and layers of salt half an Inch unsuspected candidates for fame havf anco, in bed, and a doelor was sent miles the Amorioan oarsman gave up the race Tha eortmlttee on elections reported in tbe ana began to -pour out a torrent of four months of unconsclousnese in a thick are formed. Tne residue of the started from the exhanstlesa womb ol placed for. The lower part of the body and altogether, permitting the Canadian to row case ol Dnfly agahut Mason, thtrty-ninth nature, , ' . 'thanks. He turned and smiled. "I de- hospital," he cried. And then he pulled water is then let off, and tho> salt taken the legs were very badly scalded. Hr leisurely over t he course, llanlan made the district of Now York, that Mason, the sitting serve, ho thanks," be. said. And, up the cuff from his right wrist, and up and put Into small cars, which run on And in fifty years- mature, ripe fifty died avowiiei in thirtr-dxiainntes and lorty-nlne umber, was entitled to hU seat Adopted. two days afterward. Tho dooto) wen, half hesitating a single in- drew his fingers across, an indentation a wooden tramway, and carried to the years—a half century—what tremenAs a n e e the afTairwai a disapTbe sundry olvflapproprliuioj billwa* ra!~ stoat, he raised • Komaine's hand, that there. "That loat me my sword-arm," receiving house and there manufactured dous changes occur. How time writes attributed death lo the shook to-thi seconds. pointment to the miiltituilo that had gathored and ordend pviittsd. ,"'..*' , still forgetfully held bis, and pressed it he said, " What more does she wantP into the various kinds in use, which is Her sublime wrinkles everywhere, in nervous system caused by the extensive in the expectation ol witnessing a olosiLand '•ported Bills were Introdnoedi Fortheappointmsot to his lips, and was gone'. And a euri- Shall I tell her a ball made this dimple done by thoroughly drving it in heated rook, river, forest, cities, villages, ham- scalds. He added that the hand was a .exciting atrbggle. Oourbuiy's tainers and of« special loiul committee to visit the town very unreliable instrument to test hot in my chin P that I carry the five ous old silver-Bot diamond on1his band, pans and crushing the salt in mills. lets, in tbe nature ol man and tbe desfrlondsolaJm that he lisstoo sick torow,but of Hot Spring*. Ark, to Investigate if* conwhoeestcnesmadea tiry ores ;, took my wounds about meP I suppose if I took Several thousand tonB are made in this' tinies and aspects' of all civilized so- water. Nurses ofUn used theelbow, and did not want to disappoint Iho nnbllo. Triokelt, dition, etc. 1 xelaUngJO He tne .0} distlnoUve baby oye, so tnat I always remembered off both arms and both legs every i" ' locality annually, whioh is carried in ciety. . . ' . - • • ;, •• , •/• '..'-, • this was muoh better when a thermom the imtralina champion, ana the" only oars- pa»« ro»; printliig .TTaited atatej*. bind* and man pi note In the world with whom' llanlan, note*; to pay to-*oldier« and sailors ol the it. But as I tuned to Bomaine—oh, she would have me out of hand." schooners direct to San Francisco and Let us pass on to eighty years—anfl eter could not be obtained , ; ' has not rowed anoV defeated, has elpUenged lattfwarirho are totally disabled; all money V">~-he looked then I Vvi never seen "No; »lje wouldn't,'? I said. "She sold to the jobbers. The worki-give- what do we see in the 'world to comfort toe'Canadian to row in Knglaiuf, tag so beautiful since, she blushed wouldn't have you unless yon were a tall employment to a, huge number of per- usP Ourparentsarogonejourohildren .A party that moved lost Saturday expended by them lot r '"' * " r challengo will In all likelihood be I trtntoeotj relative, to e _ jC4.rptj.red, ana her .eyes lighted, slender hung a Brussels carpet on the clothes 1 BOM.—Ban Francisco OhromcU. have passed away from us into all part* fellow whose eyelashes were — " " ind I've burned oft whose face was covered to TJnited States SenaUir Gordon, "c, . of the world to fight; the grim ana des-. line for an airing, and a goat o*me .... Ar.B)liWriiy,_^flbOiti^^^iiDon^iMM^twlu^DUli. perate battle of life. Our old friends— along and ate. a couple of yards of It be. U s resigned bis lead gMng- u U C I the, eyes, by a torn visor above and by fore he made the' discovery that its reason* for tallng this st«p wearinesa ot pnb- Hgsew by "HoflM* 'SartwWi'^Kmyi^ oonjjer A down-Jown. maa went fishing th where sre theyP We behold a world jnight_hatve, looked when;'she abrown beard below,wio kissed her and-Frye, w*» iu<««ted. and oWered to be flowers were'not natural. • The rello Ufa after twenty years' sorrloo and a' other day, and returned^ with three •ofwhiob we KnoWnbthing and to which hand, and! wore an' odd silver-set diadedre to attend to hi* private aftain.' Ex- jointed;.; B reaonadBad. i f v^bJUWclw mbttdorest on his—I saw It-and whom small trout. He carried them through we.^re unknown. - W e weep for the marks of the owner on making thedls Oovernor Joseph E. Brotrnhas. been appointed covery arc not printable.—Sunnvtide the-streetrbbldly.'and when asked if generations long gone by—for lovew, ahe^has set up in her shrine for ever and ; ; hlsanooMser, audbasaooepted. :'. - - : ever.-i Why. Coasin Nicholas, what is those were all he paagbt: ifankly ad> Tor parentj, for children, for friends in P r e i s . • ' ' • . y , ' ~ V - ' . '."•"' • '. ' '•• ; rheloUowlnfclniportanl nomiDilions were the matter with you!';, For he hadeod- mittedthat.th.eywerp.i Thaueighborfl the grave. Wo gee every tiling turned Ilia other cln by the Prsjatdenti Horace upside down by the-fickle h a i i ' p f f o f A. commission Appointed by the mads denly burst Into tne i yest and most gave him a pleasant su llaynarll.tol Teunesiee, poatmuter-gaoenl; •French government to deolde us to the, JameoLougjlrtet;dlQoorgla,(0 be minister. the beautlunroarfoWlnugfi.'-'-'f oit;: hid;-better id presented, nun w. 1 disposition to be made of- the Tuileries to 1'nrkeir: David M. Key to bo Un|ted:Slal«s tell rne.-so that loan fotfisher:B't6o,'M Mid,' has"agreed to restore the palabe And con- dttrltJdKe for the euttrn sad middle dliis the. noblest^ »*hoflglv I ought• to be Huprj, „ ... d' ,ofiifc,f etp :'•;': : / " : • rtfi intoaigiiienin, ^-r ing that 1 oould not be vexe>i ! the poor burden and be gone. •if kmnfVut ZmimaiM ( i <**U* Hll/M ffc* jttMtnnAiW! tisfjtil Quiet, tor* "7EB tUfit, mr." bifi aJJ UM mmaAxtt iA lis. f//taao if #i.<j tin Ud Uks ui t/Xlf.fru%lalid* " Dtrk mj." On* UnfJlitA y&nptiiii tixj JS, )7Vj, wu '/M 'A U.M IA/M imujHt <A tilt* hi line ity&Jlwf t*J«eat'/vt t/tjJ.ftil-vtt. Vegetme. ut « * # ,m (±k« wAty* s»J.<J; Ye MJmy^r~^A^*t irfiijii'xtx itikem i«*£agie fie before two o f T«e," b«t s o feinrjy that b e t w i ttj orlues£e& pri&l-tiifyaol tfee _ P « t H twice before they cjrulB all . T h e fyew iJTork Herald h«sthe follow t&eGelaUicaerbthDftisenberger, ani It was the " Dark D»y," wlien, accordoceseiyelyatttie ride at eao ins interesting hjteresting account locount of the "Pi "Passio Passion there, unobserved by human eye, but ingtothe chronicles, candies hadtobe g y . ThefirstregUtert the same lighted a t mkUday, the birda were silent •of each individual arriving, what TMM! ts the best w h e a t s afked PUy,"arelioofinediievaltimeBii Woh feeling oonsoionj of the Divine Presenbe, or disappeared, and the domestio fowls SO CERTS A PICKlUE. I l E l t ACTS XI fi was performed this year for thefirrt « h « j came by, where they arefrom,th . n passenger. have fallen upon their knees and are en- retired to roost.' The darkness pretime » t e n y e a n in a Bavarian village |THB LIVER. number in family, their clentlnaUottb* The man on the woodbox ww heard raged in a silent prayer. The spiritual vailed over the whole of N e w England . State*, and'their several oocopitions. by a strange pawenger to whinpsrW the be/ore assembled thousands, many ol leader of the villagers kneels down ia and the Middle States, and its memory THE BOWELS. 1 them strangers froln all-parts of the There is no time t o WMt» here,-for, stovepipe that" he wished he w « dead, their midst. We know that the purport Is even now preserved by the Indians of andtheKIDNKYS.1 world: To-day,lii a remote'village of thirudi the rerl»t6JM Work bard apt but he rallied-a fittie and said: ? of their prayer, although very suppliThii camUfua , the Bavarian Highlands, within a rude cate in silence, is thattne dramatfo la- the six nations, w h o me it as a time Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, BteaSQly ftomlialf-pMt seven in th< "forftfeadP" mark for estimating the ages of childtheater, the most.part of which is open bors in whioh they ore about to en, moroing until often, eight or olttt . " r e s , for bread." born about that period. Many Rheumatism, Weakness. o'clook'at night, all four gan/tWayB are The man on tbewood bo* .'opened to the skV there is seated all day long, may prove spiritually beneficial to ren were the bits of doggerel terse which kept constantly lull, and the entries are, his moot 1 ! torepljr, when he daitehtthe from eight i n the morning tillfivei n themselves and tb tlie thousands who were current a few years ago about this a U B m r , Boitsn: I lum been pwotldni Because IM aBeuj that mat m aa far as i s cob&lBtenl with clearness, eye of the woman who talks bats fixed the afternoon, with an interval of an have come from distant parts to wit- phenomenon, and wonderfully varied medicine for l»euti-f>Te narfiud u a remedy for \U> team* clogged or torpid, moAehy abbreviations. When the emi- upon him with a strange, intftjse ex- hour at noon-for refreshjaente, some ness them. This Is the unseen prelude were Scrofula, IJrer Oomplamt, Dyipwk, Uhenmathe experiences which the spec• - - munu Kvdonvrt Owrtfort f U«m, Woikmw, nnd .11 Dl»*Mf orike Wood. I grant i s asked his name, tbechincts pression. Hegotoffhisperchrfifalkea five ot s i x thousand people,'"peasants to the -Fasaion Play." ' tators transmitted to their posterity. ban never found Its eqnil. I b i n Kid V n n i n tthtbloodihai aouldit down the aisle to the diffused ani aban- from the neighboring villages, sightThere is also the prelude of nature, Barber, Webster and Mursell have re- for icren 7 « n , and caro neier hM o u bottle seers from the near-lying Bavarian ratnrntd. 1 would hesrlllr rooommend It W thOM which contributestoa calm and .' o r some other heavy bundle thai doned water tank, looked arotad for ferred to the circumstance In their hisof a blood purlDer. he lias carried op t o this moment, un the long lost tin out), drew BOOM hypo- towns, and tourists from far and near, feeling in the breast of the spectator. torical compilations; but the most in- In. need . . . , ^ . »». W. BOSS, DrngiW, button liis orercoat, often his leather thetical water into i t ont of tae; empty from England, and America. They are The eye, wandering far beyond the teresting ni«£i!o.ti) is that referring to Sept. 18,1S7H ^ w J 5 i , lew*. gathered together, some for devotion, limits of the stage, dwells upon .the the attitude of theJJouSiCticut council, ooat.under that, and almost always a tank, took a long drink of nothing out of vest or two. from some mystori- it, and as he came back to his sett, the others out of curiosity, to witness the green, sunlit landscape of tho valley. then in sossion at Hartford, and.diseussojia recess of which hf draws subdued croak of the womanorn»talks first representation of a unique and In- To the right and left tbn gaze rpsts on ing an interesting hill about the sbitd i S m aMTHfrgrtrnjABi forth-his passage contract, his tickets bass and the composed cbuntenuice of teresting drama, the only surviving mountains fringed with firs, and more fiBhory. As the darkness beoamo more DISE1SE8, TEMAI.E WKAKfor inland travel, it he has already pur the other passengers convince! him' medieval relic in Germany of the kind prominent than all on the high peaked intense, suggesting to many the arrival BES8E8. AXD RKUTOUli chased them on the other side, perhaps they had been laughirg about some- which has come down with unbroken Kofel, with its high cross gilded by the of the day of judgment, the legislature PISOBDSbS, tradition. The scene of the drama is morning's rays. The fresh morning on motion adjourned: but Colonel ONE PACKAUE Of POWDER FOBM liis baptismal certificate, and some thing. But he didn't seem to can what •pthe/papers. The register knows by it was about, for he didn't ask, andthe village of Ober-AmmergauL and the breere i s laden with the perfume of Abraham Davenport, of Stamford, opCUBED BCBOFDIil. 'experience that it is of no Use to keep presently be drew his hat down orer bis play,togive it Its full title, "The Great myriads of wild flowers that carpet the posed a similar motion In the council, . atory Sacrifice of Golgotha, or the meadows of the valley. The ear is capshouting at him to merely tell his eyed and dissembled sleep.—Mtiinaton I Why tormfwttd with pilM, Con.tUpatloa I Narrative of the Passion and Death of tivated by soft, thrilling melodies as the Buying: " I am against an^adjournment. name and answer the questions. To do Hawkeye. I Jesus, According to the Fonr Evange- lark soars from his nest among the The day of judgment is approaching or HOW TO REDUCE TOUR DOCTORS' BILLS. so would merely confuse the poor fellow it is not. If i t is not, there is no,cause, lists, With Tableaux Vivants Taken meadow grass and pours out a matin * WkVktn <l«epleai"«itiiuir • and make him all the slower in his H B a m n ST., Xul Beaton, lfaaa.,1 From the Old Testament." The actors hymntothe Creator. Even within the for adjournment; if it Is, I wishtobe Uu KIDNEy WMIT jirf rtjcta.t Evovempnts, and he is bound to estabsept, w, isra. { found doing my duty. I wish, there* PRESIDENTIAL. are humble villagers, tinder the guid Ihtalth. Hit a 4ry,ugtt<sbU cm confines of the theater itself tiny leathlish his Individuality by documentary Mr. H. 0. B n T n a - S w r Bin Mr little daughter • One M<ka(awlll «aatoal» «U« ,— ance a i d direction of their village pas- ered visitors dart across the sea of hu- fore, that candles may be brought." Stella haa been affllottd • lon« Um< with Borofala,i evidence, however long i t takes him. I Qtt u of tiour Drugqlst, ha will erdtr i eutTorlug eTarjrtlttag. I employed different pbypt tor. None other has ever acted in the man heads, hop about on the broad 1 for you. hia, $1.00. While waiting lor him, the register amea ot P«a6m Who Have Been Voted olona In Eait Beaton, bnt th«jh«lped her none. I far tor JrVetldent And Vlee-Prealdant. play, mid yet it can traoe its existenoe proscenium o r rest demurely on the THE MAHKETS. shoals to those next in line to get their bought romi of jour Pownia TOBU VsasxoraL I mil, IICEA1ISSH t CO., rnpdiltn,: back for centuries; indeed, its origin i s •nil my wife Keerfd It a»J rare It <o Uia. cbild corners of the stage, while mnrtou tickets ready, and the succeeding three 4 (Wllluiapotli>^l) B«rlbst«% Tli Below will be found a complete.list lost in the remote past. For long years projecting accoraluK til tho direction!, and wo were lunrliea butterflies of every hue sail about at the n»f OttUa-Hed. KatlTta, lifa wt.. 08y» or four move on uretty rapidly. T h m oi all the persons who have been voted In a fctlulghti time to aoe bowtheohlld hid gained its fame was confined to its own immeOalna—OIIOIOT V H I I O a A caprice of tho breeze,, enlivening and conies another who has not heard the for for President and Vice-President In He»U and strength. She Ii now gaining tnrj iin.v, ami 1 « n cheerfull; noommend your raaedr order, and another like delay occurs. since the formation ol the government. diate neighborhood, but in these days diversifying; the scene. From the disto be the betl we b a n e>er trtoo. ^ ^ •Must have patience here," comments The table also Includes all persons of the railway, the telegraph, the press tant hills the tinkling pf cow bolls is Soga—UT«.'..M1' ' •..'.'•".".V.V.V.V.'. 01 M» B«D«tfttlly yonra, J. T. WBBB. and tourist agencies, i t was impossible Dreaawl 0»?,'i» borne faintly t o the car, giving evidence the register, turning with a grim smile voted for by the Electoral College. its fame Irom spreading far and of the charm and simple beauty of pas- M o a r - E i . HUte, gcodlo fancy.... a 09 ttoo to the reno'rter. The women are g«n- Many of them, of course, were not can- to keep 1 We«t«ru, good to fanoy, BOO 9 i uti TejetUe is Sold by all DroggliU. erSjrjy much more prompt than the men didates before the people. The names wide ' and tlius it came to pass that, toral life. Nature and art here unite in W b n t - N o . 9 ltod 1 SI Ii 1 %Vi front! being a spectacle for humble preparing the mind for the grand scene No. lWLlte 1 1JW(*1 37.V i n having their papers ready, generally of the successful candidates are printed 13 » 94 villagers and the goal of a decennial of Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusa- R y s - S U t a . . . , coming up with them in hand, knowing in italics. Darley—Two-Bowad Btato S3 (.* 70 From 1787 to 1B04 the Viceby this time that they are simply Presidents were Adams (twice), Jef- pllgrjjtnaee for the devout, it has become lem. Every feature of .landscape and Oorn-TJnuraded WNtorn M l i e d . . . . MM I t center of attraction to the pious and Southern Yellow 15 9 ST surrounding contributes toward the packages, that these papers are their ferson and Burr: Stale IB » 60 curiofsoftwo continents. realization of the first soeno of theOata-Whlta flabeJs, and they are to be forwarded Mlied Weatern,. la 9 I5U Tli* last .performance of the " Passion PRESIDENTS. VIOK-rREBIDBNTS. UNFERMENJED drama—Christ's triumphal entry into l l a j - B e t l l l Bjadta somewhere; but when called upon 85 (4 111 Plaj'ljwas.given in 1871, as a crowning Jeruaalf;n—in such a manner as almost Blrav—Long Bys, ptr c « t 1 oo a 1 0> to come out of the animated paok- 1788—Geo. WaeMncton Horai-SUte, «87» , 17 9 IS religious act ot the general enthusiasm to produce complete illusion. John Adams •age condition and answer some quesPork—MMavuQW , It 12#($112O wiliclusprevaileil in Germany after the John Jay tions, they are lost. Lard—aty Steam 112W9 7 IS B, H. Harrison vi tories of the German troops in Petrolonni—Oruite.........tlMH^H ltrniicd D1H • • Wlitte are you oingP" a buxom John Rutledge A Telephone Joke. Frande and the returning peace. The Batter—Stat« dreamery Ill 4) 'Ja Irish lass is asked. John Hancook . TRADEMARK Diary la 13 performance of 1870, the proper year for A manufacturing firm down on tbo Weatarn Iwltatlou Orparaory. IS id George Clinton , " T o Springfield, s o n fwliere the exhibition, was interrupted by the flats the other day wanted to get n Factory....... 12 1^ S. Hnntington brother is." breaking out of the war, in consequence quantity' of stock from a concern in —Btato Flc'.ory 1] 9 John Milton "What SpringBeldP in what StntoP Hlilnu 09 9 of which the theater had to be olosed another part of the cit r. The telep hdno . Jos. Armstrong „„ there are almost as many SpringQelds Weatern , 10 M long before the appointed time, and the was called into requisition and the price Bonj. Linooln as there aro. States." ItateandPoun HtfO visitors were scattered to the four ol the desired material inquired. It was fidward TelTair I, Early Uoae, Btnto. libl... 1 JS 3 "Yes.sor." winds. Forty of the men and youtn of given, but the would-bo purchaser 792—Geo, IVathinglon Paris XzrotUUmi. BUIFALO. kMALT AND HOPS. ".Is it to Springficlfl, MassachuAmmengau, among them several who thought it was too high. He was then John Adamr Flour—OltyQronnd,Ko. 1 Spring., a 2J A II TB Chlc«go. FRAZEB LUBRICATOR CO., HtwYerh. setts P» I X « I 2a had taken part in the play, were called requested to wail while a consultation tmeat-Na. 1 Hard Dulutli George Clinton ' 'J Weitern <4'£9 Ail " Y e s , sor." to tbe ranks of the Bavarian army. was held at tho end o f the line to sen Corn—No. Thomas Jefforson 11 Oata—Slata 57 %9» Or to Springfield, Missouri?" Aftron Burr Joseph Maier, the delineator of the what they could dotorhtm. He did Barley—Two-rowed Blate u 9 70 " Yes, so'." . m-John Adams SOHXOH. character of Christ (as hi the present wait, but kept the phone to his ear, and Bod Oaltlo— LI to wolgut " Or to Springfield, Illinois?" Thomas Jefferson year), was among those who had to per- through the accommodating Blake Sheep DtSa tiHU Thomas I'ineknoy " Yes, Bor." form military duty, although it lortu- ransmitter heard everything that trans- Hogs «»!<;a 08^1 Aaron Bnrr 10 rutrsnt JttOHT BWJtATS, lo eue the After much contusion and exasperaFlour—WlacoDBln and Minn.Pat... (l DU ( * 8 V 5 nately happened that the reigning king beatloiMedldntlriinniM. HUtaatnttforBaUMlS pired in the office at the other ond. He eongb, and arreat wnaolation and decline, no Samuel Adams ana Yellow. 13 aHFiauaiiiM. BMtrill vntivaml<inm tion of the register, who keeps his temot Buyaria, Ludwig II., who .had ever heard one member of the firm say to the Oora—Mixed other form ef mall or nudlolne can poulbly equal OjU-EitraWMe M » M • Oliver EUBWOIUI u per with the patience of a graven imHALT BITTBRH. ThlaHitrlentuiilTonloli ties manifested a deep interest in the "Pastber finally that a certain figure would Bye—State...,.; IU » DS George Clinton WLT MkttvncTunmt tt., m». In Mourubtnenl and ftrengtli. It tldea ta« pitlenl age, she brines to light a letter from the sion Play," interfered in bis favor, and e charged, lower than the first, but WMl—Wsuhod Combing «s Dolilnn.. 10 John Jay ons the moet* critical atacee of OonanmpUon, Unwaabed, " " 40 i a brother she is going to join, and it is allowed him to do garrison duty in still Borne twenty par cent, above the dlgaiUand aeelmllaKe food. enrlohea andpnrlOee James Irclelt BBIOB7OH (UAflfl ) OATTLB KAMI found that the last SpringBeld named iB Ibolilood. Prepareil from bVermnieed Halt unS Munlbh and retain his long,, flowing ;ost. Word was then sent him direct Beef—Cattle, Geo. Washington live weight .16 10 Bsvs by the tfaXT lltTTERB 0OUFAH7, and the right one. hair..' Of the forty who left the village that he could have the stock ho wanted Sheep John Henry U6 commanded to Oonaumptlvea, Delicate Pemalec. Many people ars ftdllctoil with thesa lonthnoma diieuM From the register's desk they shuffle S. Johnson in 1876 for the war, six never returned it cost price, seeing as i t was him. He[jamba • at 08 bnt rcrr taw tter get well /romUiemi thUltawlog to Slokly Ohlldreo, and the DebllitalBd, u the moaJ >« O along to tht! desk of an assistant ho iking Improper trettmeni only, u tliej are readily curabl* U powerlnlBeatoratlTe In medicine. Chas.C.Pinokney —two fell in battle and four died In the inswered back that that wastoothin, Hew ct IhtTt properly treatml, Tlila fri no IdlsiioutbutK fact IhtTt olerk employed by the railroad. The .800 - Thomas Jtjfferson ent SSeudfor hospital. When the news of the peace for he had heard every word that had IT—Fenn. choice ami fauoy rnD over tadofor again by mr treatment. d f 0 75 (jl 0 3J proven UAU a about tiieta Aaron Burr myllttu uook.^r* foafl.lt will tall VOUAU £& distance ia only a few feet, yet in that ltelilug llnmora, BaalyXrn conoluded between Germany and passed. That Blake transmitter has Vnuat-Nu. 3Tllr)agei,ocUTfli 3 lle.l 131 «4 I 31 matter* mil wlm I am. i l y lnrgoliook,3Tllr)ag John Adams ld V J E k . X X l Bhenm, Sorlaali, 8o»ld short space some of them who have a Franqe arrived in the Bavarian High- linco been removed, and when the firm Rjo-BUte , 1 n (i» Hi] prk-«, k V3, V 3 by b moll. ll A l l l • V n . n v o n ^ j * Head, uloera and Sor*f ln» Chas.C.Pinokney r«eon. Aural Bur«eon particular genius for making trouble Oorn—Htate fullow 63 9 6:i>j lands, fires of joy were lighted on every ^M D I S E A S E S , falllbly enred by the 0OTllesiro to hold a private conference the; Jolin Jay H e a d i ng. g g« . Oata—Mixed , . ; . 41,^(9 4'j have already got their papers buttoned 804—ThomasJtfftrsm George Clinton OITBA BRUBOIKI, which have mountain top, from the Odenwala o down oellar and whisper to each Untter—Oreameryextra...,, QI Q, at P . BEATTV'8 Mrformed mlrulM of healing unparalleled, <JI Up again in the innermost recesses of to the Tyrol, and the villagers ol Ober- other. The telephone is a marvelous Ohecae—New Xork Fautory ' 13MI 1!\!4 medical hlatory. Send for Illnatratoil Treatlu, ChasO.Pinckney Kufus King their clothing. Here it is necessary that Pctrolenm—Cfnao 07 ao7J< Uttiuib 07^ Ammergau met together and detereonUlnlnn teallmonlata from every jf.rt of the invention.—Cleveland Leader. Madison • George Clinton they shall be exhibited. Theclerklooks S08—Tamet Untan, Prepared by Weeia k Potter, Ohorallla, mined to give a representation of their Chas.C.Pinokney Bnra> King Boilon, Maaa. gold by DrugnlaU. up with a-jjiiiek, experienced glance "Passion Play" in honor of the event. Goorge Clinton ' John ,Landon During a .thunder-storm at Li UP, " I Am All Played U n t " that tolls at once where the person "This," they said, "shall beour method France, James Madison n man who had been working at Is a common complnint. If you feel so before him is from, and demands: of thanking God, who has bestowed on James Monroe the foundations of the new Faculty ol "Hoor rei3er Du ben?1' or " W D81 '2—Jam es Madison Sibriige Gerry a package of ICidnoy-Wort, and take Suli-linssJt Oct Coupler. Uozcdtt atilpneil only tO?>7A DS the blessings cf victory nnd peace." was mounting a ladder witii getand reisen sie bin?" or " O u allez vousP" you will at onco feel its tonio N u w l ' l t u i o s f i o n t f l 9 I . O O O . lM(ir«ynu ttiivMilnSince tlien nine years havepassed.during Medicine De Witt Clinton Jared Ingereofl liis tools on his back, to reach some ft, tie lure tr> aeu iny AIia-iHimmT ollur iUuxtrtttttl, or "Hoor skal Du resa til?" a c - 816—James Monroe D. D, Thmpkins power. It renews tho healthy action of •linuictit which time the villagers have prepared place free. Adilreia DAN IKl. F. JlKATrY, Wuahlnulun, N. J. of shelter, he was struok down cording as the person befote trim Ruins Ring John JS. Howard bowels nnd liver, and thus them^lves for the representation whioh senseless, and was removed paralyzed the kidneys, 1 James Boes is Danish. German. French or Swedish; begins to-day. When we look at the to the hospital, liis arms and legs wcro restores the natural life nnd strength to John Marshall but if the broad countenance ot an Emnames \ of the j>Iayors wo can hardly found to'be in a lifeless condition,-and the weary body. Get a box and use it Robert) G. Harper erald islander meets his eye, he puts the ' realize that nine years have elapsed to was severely burned about the body at once. Monroe D. D. Thompkins same query i n the familiar form, 820—James «inco the last performances. With the ud aides. His boots and clothes had Jobn Q. Adams Richard Stook^on " Fwhere are ye goin' P" Out come the Father Is Getting Well, exception of Anastasia Kracb, who iecn singed off in places. One of his Daniel Rodnoy papers again. One has a ticket for intal cs the place of Marie Flunger in the omrades, w h o was standing near him K, S. Harper My daughters say: "How mucli bettor land travel, and is promptly reduced to RiobardRush role of the Virgin, there is not a single it the time of the accident, felt a shock, Intlier is since lie used Hop Bitters. Ho BjeasBn lmbedd«« and cllnc his normal condition of package by be- .824—.MM Q. Adams John C, Calhoun change of importance Truly, time ind is getting well alter his long Buffering PENN'A 8ALT MANUFACTURim CO., H»l« o f any Ihe leather, da e discovered that his lmirhad been .to onfiear e le, na a Andrew Jnokson Natiian Sanlord ing set aside by a Garden officer, who docs not seem to age the simple dwell- ringed, to onfirear any other •ole, anilboon aare c from a disea«e declared incurable, nnn of rapaln. Ail^nt-clin dealera aell theae but he esc ped all other injury. W. H. Cnvwtord Nathan Maoon dealera theaeofboon tells him he will be collected and shipahoet. If tan a ^nt-clin n wanted aend naieraell pattern Hie ers of the Ammerthal. e are so glnd tlint lie used jour Hitted a d naier patt ffor H boy? for Henry Clay Andrew Jaokson nOcentalnatamna a formen'aa6e,or formenaa6e,or 4 4 O O cenu ped at five o'olock. Another, w h o Me lo II. II. 0. 0 OO0DI0I1, OO0DIII0I1 S Ohsrch St 0DIII0I1, I S St., Wcrc WcrceHee, The " Passion Play" is composed of no Martin Van Burin From repeated observations upon hu- tors." A lady of Rochester, N. T . Has no ticket, is permitted <to retain Ma or llo l o n o y nna Man, a ATnne ATenne, Ohlcago Ohlcago, III, and a Bait less than eighteen acts, representing the man skulls. Dr. Pcbon.'of Paris, infers Ulica Herald. Clay ill m e a t by mall. will ^_ his personality of being a little 828—Andrew Jackson Hanry life of Christ from the entry into jeru. that intelligence is usually in direct John C> Calhoun longer,, until he shall have bought a J.Qnlnoy Adams Richard Rush salcm to the resurrection and ascension. iroportion to the sizo of the cranium.. ticket at the railroad office twenty Each of the eighteen acts is prefaced Wm. Smith. feet away, to facilitate his doing which with one or more tableaux vivants, the To CoiMiimer* of TEA and COFFKE. 83'^— Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren the assistant booking olerk gives him a subject of wbkjh is taken from the Old Ftoblo and exhausted oonstltutlonB restorJohn Sergeant Heary Clay THE GREAT LONDON TEA CO., ed to health and strength try Malt Hitters. fillod-out memorandum to the chief Testament. They Btand in the closest Henry Lee Henry Floyd 1 WABHIH0X01C I I . t BOSTON, VMh, t h i n Olalm-IIouae EaUbllahcd I8OS, booking clerk, telling just where he tonnnection with the dramatic port of Amos Ellmaker |.r hvlticemenla for oonttunen of T e a and Coflree to Wm." Wilt wants to go and what the price of his The 7S.O0O Chinamen on the Pacific' the performance, being so many symV'l us O«J»,and oM»ln aome of tie manyPrenjomi Win. Wilkins xlii.-n vre offun ticket will be. About this time the 836 - Jlf. Fanfluen It. M. Johnson bols and prophecies of the scenes from joast in 1875 have been reduced to about lhuliij the n i t fonr yean that we turn been etlablUHemigrant, escaped from the gangway, ihe life of Christ, which they are in30,000. Of the 25,000 who are gone about il In i<aaiau.wehnTaientoiitoTer'<eT«ntl»aW. H. Harrison FranoU Granger Miiti or tbcae uinbordere. finds himsell near the exchange desks, tended to illustrate The small text i.OdO went to the Sandwich Wands, Hugh L. Whito John Taylor lldlow are njtu ol the many Pnmlmni olkred. book published by the community of 10,000 returnedtothe Celestial kingdom which confront the railroad omoe, and Caniol VTebstcr Wm. Smilh with a | j Order we aend a S!hw-I'laltd Out*. v Ober-Ammergnu Has very appropriate and 10,000 have come East nnd to other by conspicuously posted signs in several I»e\T L n w , Thonaanili of Soldlen and heln entitled, n l"t" Ul> Onto « tend an Bistl* aa* flat a t o/ W. P. Mungun Pttnalom ilate back to dtechargD or death. nawlMfcfef. remarks upon this subject by the Geist- lands. ' Wltli » « l n Order we aend a SUm-Pltui <M», languages is informed of the market 810— W.H. Harrison John Tyttr ^ Addrcas, wltli stamp, I'ldU HM and B*UrDilk,aa Aw. OdjaDtarmtol licher Rath Dnisenberger: " Our main M. Van Buren R. M. Johnson «ISOIIOEI J9. JLBMOrT, rates of his foreign money.—New York til ol Unite*. P. O. Drawer a a » . W m h l i i a T i o a . P . C . I'm object," ho says, " is to re-present the James G. Birney L. W. Tazewell Nutrition!, reatorativo, quieting, strengthxiiliatiioordanKiid aAnKtOUM OoMJoW Bun. ea an of HfMia.oian jgty.akmii CMwrMot 1W James K. Polk story of Christ's Passion, not by a mere ening and puriiying ar« Halt Bitten. ints. 844— James K. Polk Qtorge M. Dallas statement of the facts, but in its conFor a rrlcf Ud of owT(ai and a fnU llat of rramtann Henry Clay T. Frelinghuyeen atm u a poital, with addreaa plainly written. nection with the types andfiguresand A foundlings'home in Montreal has What He Knew About Wheat. (IIIKAT I-«IV|>OM TSl.V C O Jamoa G. Birney prophecies of the Old Testament. By received 719 infants abandoned by their A o i i r l o i l t y t o « T « r r o n e , a n d a n*oBHltr h l i o n Strert. Boaton. H a a t . Taylor Millard Fillmorc . a n i l jifiicienti o f IllHtorr o r l t « l l i r l o u i this manner of treatment an additional parents during the past year. The "The wheat never looked better," re- 848—Z. THE KORAN OF_ WUlUWMKDj t«MlatJSitnmT tL Lewis Unas Wm. 0 . Butler strong light will be cast upon the strong leaths during the same period were Aratilo by Otorgo Salo. Formerly publ shod at $3.76! t marked tb.e sad passenger, gazing out of M. Van Brircn Chas. F. Adams Type, neat, cloth-lround edition; price narrative, and the thoughtful spectator 631, leaving only eighty-eight children 1 PMltlvoly euro Frnmlo (~entrm»,«ucli M Tall. new, brnuttful the wip.dow. (intlO teutufor postage, Cutfllujfuectinmy 852-iiVoflftiin Pierce Wn.. R King n> of Ihe Womb, Whites, Olironlo Innaramat'on o> 3no«iit<t will be able to realize the grand truth alive. worki, tcmfcrkaLily low In rrico.wltli extra teraii ' Where is there any wheatP" asked ^ HwraUonol;tho Womb, lnclilrntnl Ilemorrnainor itauiltrd Winflold Soott W. A. Graham tu cluhg, frrc Bar wliero you mw ihla ndvertUcment tliftt Jesus Christ, the son of God, made Flooding, Painful, 8u|iprcMflp^ and Irr»uhr lletia the fat passenger. John P. Hall Geo. VT. Julian truatlon.Ao. Aoold unil n:llnblo rflm«dr. eenupoa- Antniom UQOK Kicnmoi, Tribuna llulldlug, N.Y. for our salvation, is the central ,',' I don't know," was the calm reply, 8S6~Jiinici Buchanan Jno C. Bncleinridge mat) taicnrxllor a pamphlet, wilb trentmrnt, eureaa&d Mr. J. H. Pordy, DniRglat, Mcmridiville, figure of the inspired volumes. As in Jtrtlneatea train pnynii'liMB ajul Dallciita, tolloiy. J , C : Fremont Wm. L. Dayton •"I don't know that there is any wheat t lUIUril, utU'a, N, Y. Sulil ^yajl UruggUUthe history of the Christian church, W. Va., writes: 1 have ozamlned Dr. Bull's irth Millurd Fillmoro A. J. Donelson in -Wyandotte county, but everybody Syrnp and do sot heaitite at all in re- 11.80 per pottlB. the life of the Savior and all his sacred Bab; Double Huller Hannibal Hamlin commending it to my otMtondeni as being a always talks about tlie wheat looking 860—a Lincoln actions are continually repeated Clover M a c h i n e J.C.Breokinridgo Jos. Lane finely at this time of the year, and 7 Ti tbo only klndthal h u «Tir and reproduced, to the extent that, sale, pletawt and eSeotnd romedj, John Bell Edward Everett bultoil 1 0 0 bmheli of leM know that it must be the proper thing according . to Scriptural commenIn ona day f^om dunp IDA S. A . Douglass H . V. Johdson A young man who plunged into the We will Ktnl our Klwtro-Vollatc Beila and ethet to say." wet ilraw. Uend tor Dotators, he lives over again, suffers water ann rescued a maidon who had Klectrlc 864 - J 9 . Lincoln Andrew Johnson Appllanai "l«'n Wai Tor SI daya to Ihon amlcttd urlttlTLCIrculir an] m o t •*That is wheat in the field on our and triumphs again in his saints, so it sun& to the bottom was rewarded by with Ntmui IttHUt) mi'l nuraxi y a jxrwiul wlvra. lil.t, vhlnh coQtalni Dikny Geo. B. MoOlellan G. H. Pendleton ' ^ ^ i ^ T ^ ^ WTm i Jir lettcn conLlrnilnx.hif. l » ot tl.o Liver, KMIK7B, lUieumatlim, Patllyall, 40. ioi.Omlnj.11,11.. 1 fight," "ibt," said the man on the woodbox. !868— V. S. Grant happened before His appearance in the icrhand. She couldn't doubt his affec- AJimnairtemraHtetdorniipait. ScKmjUr Col/ax v 'That green stuff?" echoed all the tfffott wAflfilfou taw AdvtriUtmtnt, llageistoini) flesh, and the holy patriarchs and other ;ions; she knew he was ready to dive Jldilrm VPIOIO B«ll I P., M»wh«ll,Mleh. Horatio Soymonr P . P . Blair, Jr nther passengers.vushing to the window. 8 7 2 - P . S. Grant Henry Wilson saints of the Old Testament for- or her.—Boston Post. 3?. I BTiOADWAY. JELLY " Yes," he replied;" that bright, dark B.QrfttJi Brown shadowed His coming by the events of Horace Groeley NEW Y O R K . . greenstuff." Charles O'Conor Geo. W . Julian their history and by their virtuous Xm Powdir Worn. A . H . Colgnitt James Blaok lives; for He ia the eternal sun of the "Why," they chorused, in disaprefotln* pot up in tins (arm comet wlthui John II • Palmer T. A.HondriokB spiritual world; the sun. of justice, send- the mush of «1I. By making the rnediouu pointed tones," it looks like grossl" Tills wondcrhil itibsbint-A U AcknnvrledRed Uj pliJ** B. Grata Brown T.4S. Bramlotte cUna tlirougliout ttio world to bo tlie best remedy <1lting forth His divine rays to Illuminate yonneli you o u , from a Wo. pukugo oar* HI.thought wheat was yellow," said covered for tlie cure nr Wounds, i turns, KhciimaUim, Chas. J . Jenkins W. S.'Groeibeek in all directions both His predecessors the passenger with the sandy goatee; Skin Dlnea«!A, Pilm, Catnrrh, CliilhlniiM. kc. In nnltr Uining tho barks, rootf «nd herb*, make two W.,B.Mnohea Da-rid Davis Uint every mm mny try It, It Is put up In I d »n 13fl crat aud E l s successors, no less than His bottlM o/' tho liquid Vegetino. Tbouundi "• don't they always talk about the yel N . P . Backs bottles dnliffUi bottles for for tmjisdKiM tmjisdKiM ui;. ui;. Oblnln Oblnln it it from from y^nr y^nr dnliff contemporaries. Many of the incidents will (ladly avail thennefirea ol thin oppor. l o w fields and the golden grainP" Wm. A. Whetln in the lives of the anoient fathers bear ill Hud H d It turarlor to nuythfog you hare eerer WHO HA8 NOT HEARD AND •nill you will B. Hayes tunlty, who have the conveniences to m*k« Allowed under New Law to Soldltra or Uelr Helnfro* tiacil. " That's when it is ripe," exclaimed .876—S. T. A. Hendrlcks S.J.Tilden of dllcharge or death. Addiui with tUnph RE AD OF IT I . a striking and obvious resemblance to the medicine. Vail direction! in every peak- dateA1AEW G . C . Smith the man on the woodbox. C. 0L.AHK, W « a h l n » t « » , P . O . Poter Cooper • various parts in the life of the. Re- g». "Wheat yellow when it's ripe P" inMote tbo ; UISNTS Wmitert for" Jh« Btbii In rUUntr Vegetine in powder form 1 » told by all deemer, and set forth the sufferings and credulously cried the sad passenger. " I i M ' l . tX tX wotk wotk Ii Ii h h uhfy uhfy IndoiKd IndoiKd by by Pna. Pna. Chaddeath' and resurreotlon ao minutely that drngtlittuid general tiorea, J/yoae*nnM U ltoliM'l. Chad , E ig and Machinist, 'etWiSB you're' thinking of corn meal. "Vllll Oollwi ltl»hop Do.ne, Done Albjrm Her. Her he Federal Armr Dnrlns the' War. the evangelists continually mention bay Ft ol them, enoloee fllty oente in poit*ci »un",Vllllama H o w could they:make white bread out Ir. I>o»l,8t. Loillll Bra. >. L. fnltco.ichn fe^lf.n. PATERSOH.N. J., AND D BRCLAY ST N.V. lUmpe for one pwktgs, or one dollar Tor two 10 BARCLAY ST., The following tixuros are interesting, some prophecy whioh w a s fulfilled. II..Fi'e»».and oilier!,Ohlcw. Soldi! of yellow wheatP" u d I will tend ii by return nail, W.TliomM,Ooo. F l u , n i n p , Jute, Rope, anl BanlDi Ifaehlinyi nomleri. AUafeia Auiublt BuTT, Albany, K.T. as they do lUe exact number Thus i h e heroes of the Scriptures— putaget, Staam-enslneiaml llolliranfererydoicnptToni Holitlnf' iMhere are t w o kind? of wheat, showing LB. gtorani, Boiton.Maii. madibjery for Mines, to. Owr er and ucluilre tnaflofaoAdam, the obedient, Abraham, Isaao, aren't there P" asked the tall, thin pas- and nationality of Federal soldier* who Joseph, tnrirof the new Patent llastcr foitable Knitliie. Theae Job, David, Mlcaiah, Jonas, rere engaged on the Union side in the A Hatuehtl* ]T«e4. . • n i l n n a r e a«reat livprvrrmcnl orer Ihe old i t y l i and senger. 1 > • . adinliably ulaptea for all klnda ot airtrallnral and Paniel, and so many others who labored A book oa tb* Urar, it* dJieaNi and theh llauiri l.ialrinneiila >< llsnpmlua. AU15MTS are " late onpleasantnees ": Native Amerimechanical tmrpoKs. 8end for daKriptlrt atcalari "Yes, ' said the man on the woodlV«,,leil. Iilnatrnted CATAl.tHJUl', Kr»;. cans, 1,693,300,76,43 per cent.; Gor- and'suffered in His spirit -represent in trettment tent tree. Inelndlnx tntttai «no» IIOUACB WATEIIM to DO.. nTOM'uV.W.V. Addrau aa aoore. \ ; box, " spring and winter." • ; UTW OompUlnU, Toroid liter, Jinndloe, part, thouirh imperfectly. His life, and man, 53,600, 3.76 per oent,; Irish, 144,UNITED 8TATE8 • " How do they differ?" ' " rooiriili »ie« Ihe Ihe picture of yonr U C I" through what they accomplished and B0ooin«i, Headulw, Cos(tlr«tb», Drtprp- TI fUi TI H 100, 7.14. per cent.; British America, t [ Inturol.uiluind I t r l l n d orwiu.tomllifrwllti rwiu "Well," the man on the Woodbox Iltluia, eto. AddreM Dr. Santord, 1*1 _ . _ . . , - came and aattof marrl»«i', Jl" y<nn 2.40 per oent.; other foreigners, suffered they beoame the prophets of eta, % said, "spring wheat i s planted in the 13,600, l R HI *\ ««.color of <yea and hat.udacnil that whioh, in him. the Urbild, the Bntdwiy, H«w Totk dty, M. I . If U n l U U O IjaYeeni mi|Wy,or 4 0 cenUpoalaje spring, and winter wheat is planted In [8,400, 3.38 per.cent.; English, 45,600, primitive type, nhould take place. In ASBOOIATIOST. i.28 per cent.; foreigners unknown, Th. Voltale Belt O«,, Hlunriall. MMb. itampa.10 V.rbl,BoilMO.Palt(invaie.M.V; the winter." this fundamental thought is the repre- (Fill tend their Bleotro-Voltaio Belb to th« Polti.t IllcliU aold at Private Sale and by Ftbllo Anolien. PatcnU ebtalneil and Siarclici nada e i tae Lowtet " I have heard farmers talk of fall 16,500, 1.33 per cent. - Total number, sentation ot the Passion arranged and tffllotedBiionaOdayitrhl. TWO CARBONATE MINES Sea their tintTermi. Correwondence wlfcllou. cinalara lent on 1,018,200. ! , , . . . . performed on the basis of the entire wheat," the fat passenger said; Il'co 10 n d i a n n for Kn.ura neal Ratals. Are located appllcitkm. • • • • . • tiMmentintliltpanetoMded, " O n » Day) In turUia bjlt Mlnei In the catm. Will exchan«}.ata WM. 0nA.(T9nAW, MaltaKer, " Yes," themanon tilfe woodlxx asSoriptttrts." M e l . " , ' •' ' " • .' ' ' ' j . - . . valD^loii offt^ouofoi each claim. Tor O3O Arch Street. PHUB Authorities disagree somewhat, as to C.UKHPtlalCQ. Colorado. sented." And. then: In answer to their Lyen't Heel BUffensrHcemibooU and eioei looks of .inquiry lio added, " i t is planted the highest recorded ' velocity of the CABLEION'8 H0USEH0M TAW0CEl>—floldlmwho did notncelTaUOOITJ. Jh Sold by ihoe «nd htrdwuo deafen. wind. As the velocity of a wind blowf s:tonnrjind tho» who eonuaeudoUeueli To-day w e Bhall give only a single 1 5oefiarowlSenewUw. Arjmlonof«3wUIiln ENCYCLOP/ED1A. " I thought, ' the passenger .with the ing in a straight line, i t is olnlmed that scene from, the "Passion Play," as re* OIUMOHILB FILLS S35O Anon. Stud ilomp forcaper. Kooaotn to cure Slcfe Jleadacne, IVerroni The noil niMble ilufle Bsok erer p l j t e i A sandy goatee remarked,"'that spring .0. miles a n hoar has' been reoorded; corded by the author of the "Album of TwVahlMton, P. O. Wo r e n i f a F •trtimrt eff knowlcdte. There b bu u m rer btrbre b t n " i, BlMtltfcaeat, Parwheat was planted in the fall and har- while a oyolone, or wind with,a rotary the Passion Play:" The drama hag. a poblkhd l» ene •olune poblkhid •olune. a ao muh much until n t i l latmnitloa latitla , — .„.„- — any caie. Price, AO en arirr mtltcC lic.otliully IllasMUi, price f » « O i vested in the spring?" motion, attains a much greater, velocity double prelude, ono of prayer and one ca.Bbox,or«txboMilor»a t 80. Foal free. F i u o i i , AWholelJlitarylnOneVplnine. * Co., WnoltaaleTSuJlita. r-artlaM, Halle; The men oritlie woodbox said: 'Yes, —probably 180 miles an hour haying of nature. Precisely at eight o'clock the Mat _ _ . _ _ . . _ 1 S Bold only by inbeeriitlnilhiMaittl irdir alpaca. BtUaltoUoai — — - ^ - ^ ^ b. w, PAINE * sous, coKme; hejwlleved.; ebmo to think of it, that been observed. Measurements, o f such booming of cannon, planted; oh a slight TO AGENTS p 0 0 1 w »"'•"' ia'w<L nnm,«« ^fttheWofit," ; extraordinary galea_>re obtained with elevation.! e way < ^ a . w . OARL lepeakoftheKofel, hi'f CO.rWillih»i»,W.T.CIty _ •"^nd muter.wheat, Jthan.V the sad difflonlty, and can hardly be considered announces.thatthe play is about to' be• . | passenger suggested, "is planted in the aoourate. gin. The whole available (space,within Bpring,and .harvested in the winter?" the thoator is..orowded.. Every eye is ; The maoon the woodbox shifted nnBtoftrT Ton remember the.story of directed toward the broad proscenium,, oaBilj; In r,Js seat and looked nervously the guest who was eating more butter whioh )8 bathed Is the glory of mornup and down the oar. •• • < than biscuit, while the'landlady looked ing sunlight. If the curtain of the cen; ••-.«W«11, yen," he said, "he guessed i t on mid fidgeted and hinted until she tral stage was removed, while, the mufairly went Into a nervous fit., Finally sical overture is being; performed, and' Was that way," •', ' ; w Then -fittf wheat," asked the fat pas- she said: ' ' W y o u knew butter,fe; up there was revealed at onoe.Wbat Is only •MJMW'' taM<iJBt}ff. ' ' - ' * . - ' " ~> ' . - • • : J.ESTEY&CSBflA.TTtEBQnoVl to slxty-flva cents a.poundP". • The hua-to bo gradually unfolded tho hearts o f ; earnestly. ri on the woodbox bit thn gry guest reaohod out and took what many Indifferent; spectators would b.q! ^ $ 8 Sample Free end'of W rriatoh.lopk off his hat and thoro was .left,,"Well,!' h e drawled, ,111tenwithsurprlBcilnot with deeper] AtMim Indian Strtat Wtw TortL VlooWd; intoit,and'fliially sald'he.be? approvingly atd reassuringly, '•' good emotions. ,: I n thaprlnolpul.«Mnq of_lho futui e Irtbprj of tlie players .are s s e ) ' ft-Wftin't plant«ffnntil next fill. IN POWDER Or. W. ROSS WRITES: (Why Are We 8lck?l Vegetine. (HALT FRAZER AXLE GREASE. MALT BITTERS NATRONA'ff T SORE EARS, CATARRH. ORGANS 17-STOP ORGANS SAPUNIFIER iC.GILBERTS AN OFFER DrBULL's STARCH PENSIONS. SYRUP The Koran. i OK 30 DATS1 TRIAL. THE VICTOR 'Fine Shirts for $0 i WbatEverybody Wants! PENSIONS A WARD'S JOSEPH C. TODD, Patent Brokers and Inventors' 2,000,000 Acrea Wheat Lands 0 : ^ KKI) JUNK KAILBTIAD m ituiur rt; or f MJHTW T«K HATTJE. |'OHfcK/J.W I'-P. CUKA.iL HlUJnttr IMU l.il/tUt tdlUJfttMt iSh t-lMt* u/it toti k«h u,p'i ti$t*<:ii 1,1*MI,a lit Ufe>w 7'.<«. t** 'A A i'jii a a. i:i,i>a, AT SALT I BED BAKK, MONMODTH Cousxr.ZN. J. Hon. J. H. gnydcr, of&mgcrUes, N. Y., testlnea lo tbe ability of •' ravrttte Bemodj " u exSUBSCRIPTION SATES. hibited In (he case of hU little daughter who waa J l 60 Oua Tear, . . , . . . . ' jvenld with Bait Shewn from bead to toot. - Six. atontlw, Favorite Remedy." tays IWirttankful lather," te.' 40 Ture* Months • • . 04 levrd my little girl altogether from this fearful :»lttjrl»Copy affliction. Boll Rheum. Tbl« occurod two years ADVERTISING KATES. ago, and not a sign of the disease has since ap! 1 w.!Sw. i 3 w.i 1 in. 2 m. 3 ni.i 6 ai. I yr. peared." What It did for this cblld It will do for II who use It. 1 1 loci., f.73 l.!jl l.W! 2.55 3.50 4.S0: 6.50, 10.00 LIVER DISEASE. 1.W S.S51 3.03 ITS 5.3i'tt.75ho.00i10.00 Hr. .1. H. Northrop, of Lanalngburg, N. Y., for """3 •" :; iO) 3*)! 4.03 5.1X1 r.OOi 8.75,18^)1 20.00 «.53i 4.«j 5 J ) | 6.83! 8.50110.75 17.01)1 24.00 •everal ywrs Captain of tbe Troy poUea, «ays: " I 8.Wi 4.501 6.00, 7.O0|lO.0013.i)0,».O0| S8.00 C>1.., 3.M 5.0D 0.501 7.K 13*) IS.00i23.O0 Si.00 bave been for a long time a great sufferer from irangement of the Liver, and after uslui many of {oil..... 4Wi 6.5o! 8-.00!l0«il5IO3:ia.llO,27.O0l -10.00 ^^e .l l . . . ! 5.W 8.0), IMS'. 13.50:|8.M:i4.1Kl;3T.M 60.01) ii cji ..!io.'»!i5.oo;io.(» «.oo:3i!.oO;<n»i:ca.oi) 100.00 be medicines recommended tor that complaint, Dr. Kennedy's' Favorite Remedy Ms tbe only one which Local notices ISwmt.s per lino. , • . gave nie anj relief. I Drmly believe that the Address ' JOHN U. MMK. RedHan*. N. J. •'favorite Remedy ' Is a good, hvucM preparation i Thin paper m«T'*e'toDrJil on flle at Gco. I». Bonell me that may be depended upon." .vtCo's Noirsiuper'AdMriiBiin; Bureau (10 Spruce CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE. •St.). whore aiWerUslugi-oofitracta inayberoado for Rev. 1.0. Smith, of Hartford, Ct., says: *' Being lil In New 1oH. great sufferer from Chronic Uver Disease and nillgesllfin, I at last tried your' Favorite Remedy, iRED BANK, N. J., MAY 27, 1880. nnd found. Immediate relief. I used two bottles, which worked wonders in my general system." The Teachers' lustititte. < MOCK & -WHITE, , The teachers' institute, which meets amiK%,.is.oiie trf the greatest aids to 0 -a •advancement in-Hie scienco of teiicliinR. I roit. BitoAD AND HU-HASIC STS.I It ie here that ttotiliera leurn the best modes of conducting e.ierciscs, the propIn onlor to nmkp room for onr rapidly Increoser methods oif discipline, and the various minor features'which are necessary to liiB Drv Goods trade we have been compelled to do .the .good government of a school. Very iway with our Orowry Iwparunmt, and with an if<»v,toac4iersiii this county take a jourutaiulonof several lent to the: loigth (if o\ir store nal published irothe interests of nchortls, 1 1 andiUiiN-oircumstaiieOiinnkes the insti- we fitnill IH unalilwl to offer to our palnms larger tute of still greater in>f>«rtai>ip. i*«nmnits In nil deportments than we have preIn the outlying districts of the county lcusiy shown, with hetter laelM;les for displaying (he teacliers' institute is a continual bone of contention. The village fathers conOwing to tin* temporary great derllne In rotum sider the time spoilt by teachers in convention as so much time totally wasted, good«, piireliawira will Ilml 11 totheli llltcresl to alipand many are the complaints maile in tly theinseKea nt present prlres. regard to the injustice done them in 0 B compelling them to pay the teacliers salI WH1TB MUSLIN I aries for thci time not actually spent in O • B teaching. They ek> -not. realize that the We ore selllnKniiood WHITE MUSU!) at Hand new and improved methods which are introduced in the school, hy.means of 10 wnwayanl; the mm qunllty ho-i previously whiclbthe pupils are enabled to ntlvance been mutkytai-at /more rapidly, are the direct results of One large lot of LAMES' HOSE at 8 cenua 0he institute, and that the loss of a few i daft' schooling is more than compensated air,, worth 15 cents. :'by tUc teacher's increased knowledge of ' his art. 'One.lot BUCK TOWELS al MM cents each: The benefits derived from the annual .•convention at teachers is much greater worth 30 <ruta. itluin is generally supposed. The great advance wliii'h is noticeable when we •contrast the schools of to-day with those of twenty or thirty years ago is due almost wholly to the interchange of ideas consequent on teachers' institutes. The Critical Controversy. Again we are bomhastically assailed by our Freehold contemporary in an editorial which would be wholly unintelligible were it not that it occasionally quotes from o\ir article or." •Criticism," published twe «i*»k3 ago. 'The editor undoubtedly anticipated the ^-'Confusion which inevitably:rc-fmltfi from lor MiTAWAN. at,11;« a. m., 1.16.4.M and 6.20 p. m. For HAZLXT. at« 00, 8.15, 1MB. a. m., l . « , IM and &.lfi p. m. H)r MIUDIJTOWN. atS.OO, •UWandB.Hp.m. . ' . For RED BANK,»t«.00,8.IB, UAS a. m . . l . » , ^ , » , 4.00 and J.13 p. m. Forr LITTLE8ILVER,at LITTLE8IL «.W.ltS.'11.4Sa.m., 1.15, t.OOind OOind (.11 ( 1 1 p.m. For LONO O BRA BRANU, NCU, at6.0»,-«I15,11.45 t. a.m., l.K), 3 9 0 ^ )) and dd 55.i6 i 6 p.m. m BETURNINS. Leare LONG BRAKCH, at 5.00, 10.45, li.4Sa.m., and 4.82 p.m. Leare LITTLE 8ILVEK. at tCo3, 6.53. 7.(3, W.58. 11.53a. m.~. undi.-H p. to. Learc KKD BANK st-5.19, 8.59, 7.68,8.J5, 11*2, ll.Wa.m..and4.«lp.m. Learo MIDDLETOttN. I t 5 i l , T.O5i 8.08, 4V.W a. Di.. 19.08 and 4.ft£ p. m. Leave HAZLET, at 5.30,7,13, a. m., 12.M and 5.00 p.m. Lcavo HATA.WAN, at 5.84, T.18, BSD, 11.88 a. m., 18.!'.! anil 5.05 p. m. ' FOB BROOKLYN AND ERIE DEPOT, 'JERSEY t'lTY. Connection Is made at Jersey CJfT7->aiatton to and from Brooklyn «8d Erie'Depot, Jersey City, bj boau oi tbe Brooklyn and Erie Annei. ;HEI) DANK AMD LONG BRANCH. LesTQ Bed Bank for Long Branch at Ul,i.50,4.!8. 6.85 and 1151 p. m. Leave Lorn? nrancS for Red Bank at 5.00,0.45, T.45, 10.45,11.45 a. m., and 4.8S p. m. RED BANK AND OCEAN GROVE AND SQUAN. Lecve Red Hank (or Ocean Grove or A&bunr Park at .7.30,»jE8a. m., U l , iM. 4.38.5.S5 and6.51 p. m, l£ave lied Bank for 8oa dirt at 7.19, 9.S8 a.m., 1.31, "2-.S0, 4.88,5.85 and BJS1 p. m. Leave Ocean Orore or Anlmry 1'ark [or Ited Bant M • S.W, 7.27, T.M, 1058,1138 a. m.. Bnd 4.16 p. m. Leave Sni (ilrt it 6.10, 7.10, 7.10,10.10,11.lit. m., and 4.00 p. m. FOR NEWARK. Leave IiOnsr Branch for Newark at 5.00,, ••0145,11145 a. m., and 4.112 p. IU. I<eavc Red Sunk for Newark at S.13, e.58,T^8. 11.02,11JSH a. m., and 4:48 p. m. Ifave Newark for Red Bank and Lonp Branch at (i.30, e.'Z'i. U'li a. m., 1.05. 4.00 and S.55 y. m. KOll PHILADELPHIA. Leave Red Bank for Trenton and Philadelphia via Kllzabethnort and " Bound Brook Route " at G23,7^8,111.58 a. ill., uud'iM p. m. STAGE S0NNECTION8 To and train KEVl'dllT at Matavfan Station; to and from Oceanic nnd Fnlr Haven at Red Bask; to and from Point rlMuantat.-Knutilrt wllli all.tnilln. FREEHOLD ANB NEW YORK IM[LItOAD;(SOH. NECTI0N8. Trains leaving ned Ban): atw*,I1vt8-a.im.-and 4.43 p. in., counsot at Mittawan Junction fur freehold. Trains Imvlupr Freehold at V.50, 11.35 a. -in., 4.30 and 5.00 p. m.. connect at Sfatavou Junction for Red liunk. For further particulars see tlme-tnhle 4Ct stations. H. P. BALDWIN, Can. Pass. Agent. N EW JERSEY •PBIKO AMD »Piayg or law •FEINO ANp lUKUX^ Of M » OrdenDairrandtiw. wUaanileiidid~ajaortm»iit»f ixn, AOBaun WORRELL'S ICE CREAJL THE NKW 8PEINO SfWBSi NOW READY. . ONC DOLLAR PER GAUON. 0 WEAR, COLLARS, C U H S j . A a . CCtia THE HA7TO,' Orders Delivered Free. CURTIS THE HMTlfcn. j RED BANK. AW«r J8r» ;. In nurt M Tc WORRELL'S ICE CREAM. turNo Jaw treat pay far ttay taorthat j e a m o d L . W; makeEi uiKti aa Ben. *«• ji *«»t "ESJ'^ilgJ lern»«nd particulars, walcb » emallfTav.. »SH free. Wtcomnlaln of hard tlnMB-iTBSMjr ' inch a c h u m . Addreas H. U; diets * « • - 3 Maine. iON£:|>OLUAR FEB HALLO*. Has Just opened In Sullon'sne' rbulUICC.Mw' f«r«Ueby Brad p ols, consisting of CHOICE VEUET1B[£TtAIfTB , HATS, HATS, HATS, DiNItL H. COOI, K..2. HATS, HATS, nATS, H. ITS, H. ITS. H. ITS, P1AWK»I L Hfi IMPROVED CATELiSr*KSK»G MACHINE. 1 rnnsKTs TOIISETS CORSETS I O-ft NEW nOUTE TO FREEHOLD. MKSI PfiEMEUM AW ASHES "filie association of woixls traacsorqpaniet] Belim'puirliii!'li]B'FORSCTS elsewhere eitam'hy ideas, as well as front -tlie ininro|ier .at i the Bienrsion Tickets to Freehold anil application of irrelevant fforeigniterms, lire our stiH'k. 'Eapi'dally those at «0,'S5 and 8r. Return, $1.00. -CENTESNML iESDlBIIION and he accordingly appended or afology. icnta a pair, which you will concede t*ifeeithe best TIMR TABLF. TAKING EFFECT FEBRUARY 1«, for quality of alltch. • a precaution he overlooVelViiit.'his previ- everottereJ at the price*. I860. ous bombastic assault nm-claas SenlajBuoUns' Trains leave via. Central Railroad of N<!W Jersey for That the readers will recegiifaciihcneFreehold. Marlboro, Hlllndale, M o r u l l l i to call on Bhrck nnd colored BILK MnrFS. aa below; 'Ce8sity of the apology as well as the ) . F. 30WBL. Agent, LEAVE RED BANK fibrcwaburyAvenuc, NearJUUnxtCCrsiaw, tor, no one can deny. But we holil as a AtR.08.115S a. m.. 4.4,1p.m. BED .BANK, Ji. J. matter of consistency and sclf-respert LEAVE LITTLE SILVER Flf.y-Sozcn pair of LACE TOP AND'GAUZE At 7.58, H.M a. m.. 4.38 p. in. that no editor is justified in presenting LEAVI WIDDLETOWN Incs wajranl USI.K UWVES, at from ffl canu U> $t a pair. At 8.11 a. m., 15.05. 4.M p. m. • MI article to his readers of -aut;h a charIIETUnNINa,J,EAVE FREF.nOI.D -acteraa to necessitate an npiilogy. •!: For R^d ltanV, Ac., tci, at 7.50, 11.35 a. Itu «,•», [3 ED R I N K MUSSC .STORE. and 5.00 p. m. •an editor does not approve of his own E37"By the lines leaving Red Bank at6iO3 k. it. editorial it can not he expected that his The "FAVORITE" KID 01.OVE In all the spring and Freehold at 1.80 p. u. close cunnectlon In made 1, RAMAJUCIOTITI, v>'l:li the Jamesburff Branch of the Pennsylvania 3t 'readers will. If he finds himse'lfunequal shades, operas nntfhlaci. Three buttons nnly $1 n R. for FngllHhtown. Jameaburs. Trenl«n. £ c Ac dealer i n 'to the emergency then it is better foi J. K. BiLTH. GROANS, MUSICAL l>alr. Every j»lr«nrrratteU. The best low-priced December 18,1B79. 8upC tod Treaanrcr. Ihini to let the emergency alone. SHEIT MUSIC. 8TRW0S, HANO CWJJI8. •One of the participants ^ttl»e «on«srt STOOLS, fUlirtJlOB, SCRAP TK•could not sing and we BO stated'in our TOHES, VELVET FRAMES, THE REGISTER article. Another was as thorougllly perSTATIONERY, A c 4C. ineated with conceit as he wns daficioii JIEUCA.STILE In DltESS BOOM we have the best display we Planos to let and for sale on monthly last&ntamsa. Jin dramatic ability and we spoke "Si >his Planud tuned and pe&aimd. fcttve ever Mr-bvcad at very lowest priccH. ALso, <egotism. If a man can not sing and ye Flunos a2w«7s oa asnA. ;pretendB that he can, or if a man can no beautiful di>iti;ne In LAWNS, PERCALES, MADKAS L RAMACCIOTTI, rrecite and still represents himsoK -ae-ti Cor. IUUMD & WIIITK S i s . . RKD BAXK, SL X Hjlooutionist, we contend that we arejjiiBFftONT STEEET, Jtlfiedin saying thiit (lie one cotfHl not < Gflttlrmeri's lariies' nud chlldtcn's GAUZE CN-'sing und that the othcrnviw egotistical. nnn 25 cents up. 'I'lMheffngutiw wishes to^snerifice, in Hp(Over Worrell's Stationery Store), • holding the opposition, flie little independence it may have left, It scan do so. -RISSKHKNTERIES lUld FRINGES. EED BANK, N. J. Our contemporary is evifieirtly pursuAabury Park U a ritlago on tbe AUaning its usual course- in-endeavoring to' I LINEN HO1:BEKF.EPING OO0D8 I tlo coast, forty-live miles front New York city. It has already obtained evade principle and to force us upon *lie. celebrity as a saanoer resort. A largo stock of TABU: 'LINEN, NAPKINS. battle-field of vile abuse and base1 calumHaving fitted up an offlco with new material Tho pltco has doubled In t h e Rfneo ny, where it has heretofore inanifeatod «a •TOWELS »nd TOWELINGSat very low figures. throughout, we offer our services to the general 1874, and as the original proprietor ot public In promptly executing plain and fancy printtho Park owm a large tract tylog west unenviable superiority Wo supposed (uling In Qrat-clusa st>le and at lov pitoet of the old turnpike, three-qoarlcrs of • though we candidly admit that our j5«na mile from tbe sea, he desires to call Crochet and Marselles QUILTS., tbe ilieaMon of llannfacturcrv either y position was in opposition to an cslt«ibIn a small way or on a large scale, t© BUSINESS MEN O O tho fsrithat wo have unemployed labor lUhed fact) that our contemporary wauM IRIliBONsT here In the fall, winter and spring, I HIBBONBT attack our principles and not otfraelf. which would be beneDted by the cstaoIn need of IMuneatofxomepenuaDGiitwarb, whUe ffltrt.-as.itis forcing the contest to a per-' A lolof No.O SATIN RIBBON for trimmings, at Uw Kime lime ttanulactvnra inuM be bCTCHI«l themselves, aa laadi Ijlnx stODdliissne Iby.olllirtg •Ti6-"'nHpivili2ed,"' ianaeiUtlelyalongthe Central Railroad only 18 cents a yard; ulao a large a&wrtmont of hettJlasBttyingiusBsa-" thing,71 aaorrsihg us of tract would be sold at a nominal price ENVELOPES to Uanufacturers. Prlco of land to bo ibeingia-'nondescnpt," e t c , e * c , we have ter quullty rlt'hon In all wliltlu. ENVELOPES graded accordtngto tlie number ot hands ENVELOPES, employed. wotwildded .to withdraw fenn the' strife txrfofe >we nreiOlmrgiicl vitli house-burnCURTAIN LACE.10, ISM, 18, » . » and 80 cents AsburyPark Is opiHWIIoOceanGrore, ing oxiniturd«r. and can bo reached direct by Ox CENa yard. NOTE AND LETTER HEADING! TRAL RAILHOAD OF NKW jrascr, from tho foot of Liberty street. Now Yoit, NOTE AND LETTER HEADING; via. Jersey City, and also by steamboat NOTE AND LETTER HEADING from foot of Rector, street, N. Yn to JSrtitheinw8tU«gx)£ the hoard of comWHITE FIGURED PIQUES at 10, 12Hi, and 15 Bandy Hook, affording a d m view of U » Narrows, harbor fortlllcatloiu, et<%, imiHionors<to%elie1d on Thursday even- cents a yard <uid up. „ thence by the Kew Jersey Southern nail, will have an opporturoad to West F.uct station, Inof CARDS Ilranch, and connecting therewith Cennity,«andh tt»ey should not bo slow to HEWINO MACHINES I CARDS tral Railroad of New Jersey. So then CARDS are two lines of communication. From •emhraoe, to vindicate themselves by Philadelphia, the cars run to Asbury Tho DOMESTIC 8EWINO MACHINE, the hest •nirteoting the public rights which they Park direct. Railroad time from Now York to Anbury Pork,* hours; Mprcss b o w recognized as having been violated and llghteat running nmchlno In the, wurld, for u l c - In summer, about Hi hours; and bom 'SHIPPING TAGS Philadelphia to Atbury Park, i hours Ibot *rtiich they have neither usseited by u«. SHIPPING TAGS and 85 minutes; SHIPPING TAGS nor upheld. SMOCK & WHITE, Wo hare three Churches; a Day School, castlnit $10,000, irtth a ilally atCOR. BROAD AND MECHANIC STREETS, tendance of two hundred and nrty In the jury impaneled in the ense of scholars; a wccklynowapaner—ABDBRT CIRCULARS theMothodiBtClmicli against Mr. WnlRECEIPTS PARK JonRNAL; a Printing House, Red Bank, New Jersey. two Public Halls, one seating 1,900; CIRCULARS RECEIPTS ter Morton, the absence of the profesHeading Ilootn, MiisoalcSocMy. Ijaiga CIRCULARS RECEIPTS ot Qood Templin,Lodirii of Knlgbta o l sional jurymaii was reuinrkubly conBpic"VpjSIC HALL, EED BANK. ryllilas. Debiting Club, Blacksmiths' uoiu, This.ii ft stop in tlio right ilirccand WheeKVrlghW abops, Uimber POSTERS Yards, 8tcam Sawmill, Temperance tlon. If such juiien w t i e always snm . i'navoldnlily postponed until Hotels (sale of liquors prohibited), POSTERS TJrug Blores, Physldans, Dry Goods nibnad we would luivo more principle) THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 27111, AT 8 O'CLOCK. POSTERS Stores, Bakeries, Waldos stores ot vaM 4 IOH prejudice, more justice and lees rious other kinds. If the abovo should Interest wiy ot tin Tim Fatuotifl Mnglclin* readers of this paper, pleaao address STATEMENTS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS BILL HEADS ALLEN R. COOK, BuperintcndenU MB. E. J. DALE, On Monday of laat week a cow belongSTATEMENTS BILLHEADS log to Mr, J, W. Herbert wns Btrnck and In a Now Programmo of Mynllo Woodcre. anil in fact all kinds of Itillpd n e w WicUatiint station -by the loqdmotiveotft train on the Freehold MERCANTILE PRINTING JIIS8 MAUDE DALE, & & New New York York railway. railway. The-cow-.was T c o . MERCANTILE PRINTING b' it a d lt d Imd one off In Second'-Siglit or Supernatural Vision. \ ,*><.*•• ttbro'wil quite dlBtanco and MERCANTILE PRINTING Printing House, JOHNCHEAP^ A t £?A N SJJK.I J Jr£Ifa££UX, a 8l'ITS made lo order of the • beat material. In thi-, (jriees. TI1F. FAMOUS INDIAN B A 8 M T TRICK. K H d t e u n i i i , m i Thiir*lny, ««rIii A n v v i n l t h , I n UfM •,Admlfi3loii.,2r» rents.. Reserved Scntu, 35 C'onts.:: Invited to give in a call. JOHN HV COOK. J O ^ PRINTING %*m* TION.mntlj and cheaply cictulcd, at Hie otic* oi ttloKbd Daiil lt«iflster. • ' SPECIBUQt V9UCME3 In el»r*r style wlllbe sent for eiaminutlon with prlvtlwe of return on i » ^ eclpt o( proporttomte price per volumo. " " ™ miumoni^SPECIAL DI80OUNTB so all early nubjcrlbers, «nd extra discounts to dubs. Full banteulan witkft descriptive catalogue of many olh«r sUndard works equally Mw IKirtce, sent free. P""""'* 11 " " • ' loadlnK princlplejof the AMEItUJAN BOOK EXCHANOE: I. Publlslrmfy books of roal value.-. II. Wortupon1hebaslsofprt«nf«»tof makhigbbolUi, about one-half whatllwasafewyeariam.. HI. Sail to borers direct, and i saro them t i e B0 or 0O-ber cent, comituisloa commonly «lloTOliof- CORLIES THE C LOTHSJER, F iKD B J > . ' K , N . JEESSYCITY, K J#*. TUB LIBBABI OF BN1VKMAL HNCWiJSDOB Isareprlnt entire of the lajt(167») Mlnlnrrh • edition ofChamber'a Enofclopasedla," with about40'percent.of nevf matter added, upon t«>|« o f ' apeclal Interest to American readers, thus maldA* it equal In character to any similar work, better than any oilier suited to the wanu of the-Rreatanajodlijiof Ihose who consult worts of rtfennc»,aiid.|«vi gettier the latest F.ueyctopaslta In Ui« Ocldt.'. J. (•ndstrong, neat binding, but avoid all "paddlnf." — •••-.-• - . . - . - . - - = . . — i— — n—jy uhidlng, Awtnch anj to •cotntnbntT nteortni \n i n , books appear larse nnd fine, a n ! which ad* greatly to tijulr cost, but do notMdt* theirir VI. TomakeSl*adalrlendls:better.tbaatomak<i | 5 and an tnemy,. "l\7"ELSHS SSI GREENWICH ST» COR, PAR! RACK, N. Y. WATCHES & J? SWEI*Y. Ctouo STEM WINDING V TATCHBS, Forty Dolli ire and tpwarda. SILVER STEM WINDING Ton Doll LAWES GOLD HCOTINO Twenty-Hve Dollr OB and ttpwardg. Constantly on hand, e\ y SWISS, WALTHA .M, ELSiN, And other makes In Gold and BUver ta*», Key and stet > Winders, aflordlng palro ns an onpnrtunlty for thet sselvea to Inspect each, at il tbe vaWus merit* of e* ich cheerfully pointed out Tl.« largest assortment ot JEWKLBVtind SILVKR WARE dlsplaved DOWN TOTTN.at LOWEST PRII !ES. E VERY ARTICLE OUARAHtEED. W ITCH BEFAIRING and !OBBtK«4ttneontbe pren dsea by SKILLED and T ilED WfHWLMEN. OIL -a Is the Oral Jewelry sto> -e on Greetnvtcb stieet, aNivt- RlcTOK,I.tBntTTan(lt hBTuxBtSK. IVjTles, and o N A Coa-VtK. GEO. V . WELSH'S 8ONB. »O OTS AND SHOES STAWDARDBOOKS. IJbrary of Universal Knowledge, SO volil,v$KS: American Patriotism. 60 cents Mllmnn'sGlbboiraItorae,Svols., JSitt' ••'•"----"' "V8™MacauUy's Hlstor? of England, 8 ro!«.r»l.M. Cbamber'sCycloptKlla of Eng. IJterature, 4 vols., $2. Knlgbt'a Hlstory-ol 2figl*icl, 4TO1B., S3,. J'lutarcti's u v e s of Iimstrloun Men, 3 Vois.r$ljEO, Oclkie'i Ufe antf.Wsrdsol Christ, S) ceuta.. "Voting's Bible Concordance, j i l.tMWretureucrj. (fir- ItoHln'i it History, WX>. Smtto'snietlonar of the Bible. Ulua. $1. Acme Library of Blofrr&pby, 50 cents. jVork».ofanavitri Book of Fubles, 2gsup, otc.v lilts., SO cents.. ,, .,. . ^-^ --, -•, .-"Jklnij UlU9,, 90ct4.'* Milton's Complete IVHeal Worl», SO cents. llea th by Exercise,.Dr.Oeo. H. TaylohO?otnU. Htutkespeare'a Complete Worka, S c e n t s . Health for Women, Dr. Oeo. H. Taylo? » « a t T TVorks of Dante, traiwlated by Cary, 00 cents. Ubntry Magazine, 18-rents • No., Ji a » S r V ° " "Works of Virgil, translated by Dryden, 40 cents. Library Magazine, bound volumes, M eenB! The Koran of Mofisniucd, translated by8ale,86cts. Leaves from the Diary OMUJ old lawyer, jf^ ^drcntures of Dou Qnliote. lQiuu SO ceota.. . Arabian Nlghta, Illus^ COcrattJ. Kacho/lhoaboroboandlncloth. KbymnlUpcet--' -Buajia'srilsrrii«'5ifsifrco,lllii«.,5(v«n«; jeetrlraj. DfestofilrftHioolcsamalaooubllshidIm1 Ttoblawn Crusoe, lUuik, 60 cents. Oneedjabn. lUKllliiehtadliio^iTSlg* phSJ. ' Munckausenand Gtilllver:s Travels, nine. S&eenH. BtortM and balbtfs, liy K. T. ilden.HIiu. JJ. DtaCRIFTIVB. OATalZXIUE AND TERM! TY>i' Acme Library ol Modem Classfcs,liO cents. CLOTB-SEWntlE ON B E Q i r m r Remit hy bant Intt, rogbtered letter) optty exirtess. rnetbBtof. ona dollar may bo u n t In pmt—! AMHRICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, JOHN a ALDKS, Manager. • TRIBDNE BUIUHN0, NIW TOOK. /CARRIAGE MA'IONG,.PAINTING, T J P P E K SAW-MILL, - mi- AND S U U M l t l At the old ejUbltslKd stand lor MECHANIC STOEET, Red Bank, NcwJersey. TRADE k! TTNTON FALLS, N . J : HORSB SHOEING for the , MILL SAWINij of every description,. HORSE SHOEING 8TRD73-,. promptly attended to by sM ant expcrlenocd work WEATHER-BOARDS, HAND MADZ 93OBS USED;. S. MILLER-3V 3IHNGLE-LATH, Interfering remedied without tail. Cnrrtafre Work and Jobbing or air kiatb-at reduced prices. PICKETS, TIMBER, WATTS &. 0 C B 0 I 3 , No. 14 BROAD BLANK, RBDBA15K,rf,.J. ETC» GOOD WORK AND LOW PRICES. RED IIASK, N. J. T> E U A B L B DRUG3- UPPER RELIABLE DRUGS- STANDARD FACTS! at f BCHROEDHl'S PffARJIACT, BCHROEDER'g P H A R m c r , Alton Clothier, BCHROEDEH'8 PBARHACT, BROAD STREET, BED BANK, N. J. To'TTboin It StayCouwira^In tm-yca|- SIS I •Ueaasil wits SniAairv tBxita Cure a ae£e apnfo of several «K«rtbs'^fi«mts,Tyiarlya.i latgg a»« Jen's egftj»J<)otnpleua;V«tqin)Bl the lajoetlKnaMmitnovea'Oieeiriargemcat. Ihavowortod tile1 horse •evers1atnTcrr'httM,<miaiie never l u tx*vj«nc, •nor could l « w r nwjnrj'dlDereaco InttM alxtaf the ihoc* WntsaoteltTOOoa turn rtllN H>!5oAU.'s BPATfN CDKE. R-ir.-trArStS. Enoiti«r((hJiTto,Vt.W».S5,187S. .. «wom«id'mbieiKiM«a*Kforeiue' Mis e n day JIWji«iar/1»-l*»• » O. Jisact, Justice tAnffltatt, J. MARKS, AMD SCHROEDER'8 PBAKU&CT. MABK UND33t OATH 230 Greenwich !5t., B«t. Park Flaeftud B«rbl»jv8treet,. NEW YORK. A BTHUR E. SMITH, 1 bwleave toAttrtn tho Paifllc, that hartaf o b talne* UKi reprtatlbn ol betas; tbe most R I U A B I B Ctpinira j m l t o tower part o! treCltr.andovrliurto the continued lncrtase of builnesj, I hare found, t nreessair t». eolarse mf tHutnawTaDd Uwrefotw, have orwietfan adJItJonal itore «t .•••"», FAIR HAVEN, N. J, tt » BOATS BOATS BOATS HOATB 1 »„ BOATS » BOATS BOATS « -$$ BOATS BOATS BOATS BOATS tt 189 Greenwich Street, Wjtaar II'»h»lli conrtmtly a Urg». jinn, IF YOB WANT AN KABY-ItOWINtt BOAT BOAT BOAT BOAT BOAT BOAT call on AUTHOR E. SMITH, AT FAIR BATON* ARTHUR E. SMITH, AT PAIB JMVBN, ARTHUR. E. 8MITU, AT W i t HAYKN. AltrHUR E. 8MITB, AT VMBBUmt.. ARTHUR E. SMITH, AT MBtHWVJIN. est quality of material and Tbe most desirable m pgarmimta.it to, Lwnrr r o m i l i i i n o c j i i . CT- M A R K S , tnnitaale and Retail CLOTHIER, 189 & 230 GKEERWICI STREET, NEW YORK 1«, D . - Boats bulll, repaired aiujjatnted. Send for IllnstHWI drcntarglvlnirnwlUnpVoot. Price JI. n i l rurjwinrnihaveltorrariBHUfcr ion. Dr.lV4.Kau)all*OuI>roW%3s. Encohorgh FMaVvWroOnt. 'f REIXABLB DRUBS Repairing pr mpffl gttrnded to. fe-» ™ w vm for spavin, ipllnt, curti nUIow, siMlllap.sjntos. calls, lamene-.B awl arfrtlanreiKMte'of Oe Joints or limbs. It wlII«.mi*IHr re! reon>a"none^ii.\Iu without bllsuriis or c n a n r a sort. S t 3 * « a » » good Jor man n «rr beaefnSta meawn-SUjnatt, at all Horn of ae-y««r was ter'fectaalotst. Jltmra which wo a n tai(wln*Kta pewm-Kbn scfKiml ISymrawlth nws noS m pcmmnentlj cural jritt Ibublln SpaTln Van. Jvoietnbcr v e clt.lmitwta««n a bone-sn«p)n aua-oom»toteljrcinore- ti*Hitn#4»lihout Ulnoins SAW-BULL,/ TINTON FAIA8, N. J. KEUABLB9ROTIS «USfflt Wort at fair Prices. a ASBUHY PARK, WANTS.. > An EncTctopajdtaln-SOivots., over 16000 pages | Wper.eont.more matter than w r Encyclopedia ever tef«re pcbUatoUn thisTOnntry,and told, handsomely and well bound, In clotli forfTEN DOLLAM. In halt moroono for.PJFTEEN DOLLARS, and pjlated on line, heavy paper, wHe marglni, bound In h a i r Itussla, gilt top, forTW«NTlT DOLLAIB—an lenterprise so extraordinary that l u sureeaj, btyoM all precedent InBooapufcllsMng, may be fairly olalmod-to luuKiuate a IMtrarv flecoluttoli, ATTENTION. MAMUFACTURSRS. OB Painter to their Majesties, ttia People. READV-MADE C READY-MADE C LOTHSfeJG. READY-MADE C LOTHSNG. BROAD STREET, HEAR YET J^ITERAKV REVOLUTION AND-UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE. SOUTHERN KAILWAY. WAY. HEAR YJI JOBF W. MOORE,. GENTS' FURNISH ING (XDOOS, GENTS' FURNISH) ING OOODS, GENTS' FURNISH) UG OOODS, best manner and at tor lowest CITS v mVClWfBS. 85 MONTC€a>EBY STEEET,. BAT.S, feATS, J A « » SW.EET 1-OTWTO .F 5,000 SWi:ET POTATO Olfl) FaU not to appear under penalty, ofdamags to the pocket.. street, with a large and sea** able suxfcet A large qvanllljr ct CLOTBING A G P I C U L T T ' CLOTHWQ A W K U L T T IN THE NAME OF THE PgOrLK OF THE UNITED W A M 8 OF AMERICA. XOO-iSuf HEREBlf gyiWONUl TO APPEAR BEFOBK THE BMDEMIOWD 1VDQU Ot TH1 I W B B K 1 0OURT.TO SHOW CAD8E WHY YQU 8H0DLD NOT OB> YOUR BOtlBE, 8IQN AND j w i f PAINTINO DONE Bit JOHN W. MOORK, IB MONTOOMEBY HTKKET, BETWMN WA8HIM0TOK 4 GREEN STREETS, JERSEY OIXY, N. 3., AT PBICR9 WITHIN THE BIAOHlOIt A I 4 . g ABOVI COURT WILL.BE OPENED FROH DAT TOIDAY, UNrill rURIBKE'MCTfM.. : Q O R U E S THE CLOT BEER yEGETABLE PLANTS. OOMWS AND L A M E J 1 DNDtRWlAR Supreme Court, 55 Dfonttromc^r Streef, IMt nt. opponaMETcmraBenal tor a a « » - w U l n « - t » . » You thtirftt trj MsJdac else u~aU19)tNasB%'16t)'3i aelf wbaljoacaa&i n i b s buafcan-Ksioaur.1 room to explain kenc Toucan oeroteaJljeMro pHEEHOLIJ & NEW YORK BAIL- O ALSO G H l W * H a NISHING8, HOST 8TYJ18H! NUQ Time-Table commencing Mny 2-111], 1880. FOR RED BANK. ILKAVE PHILADELPHIA ITHITE TAH8, From foot dfttarkcu Ktreet for Red. Bank 7.40 a. m. T01UT0E8. LE.t'JEHKD BANK. 0.(7 A. M.. lor lAktw«*l. iTottn River and BarECU PLANfS. " llegat (via Tutus Illver). 11,10 A.M., tor Port Monmouth. £.53 P. M.. tor Lakewoud, Manchester, Toms Hlvor. K'lnslow Junction, Vlneland, Oridveton and Atlantle city. lETt,IH»C. 5.37 P. M., lor PlilludElphla, Ml. Uolly, Turns Klver.IlaniegatandTiickertunR.il. A lomtmunulaetureri' wmpte of LACK TIES 0.55 P.M., for UlddleUltvc, Hopping nnd Port Mon moutb. it 1.1 cent* eiicli: none worth lewt uur ;O? cents; RCT1IRNING Leave Barnexat, via Tonia River, atfi.OO,and 8.53 ulno a lot of FICHUS ul 25 rents; wortli 60 cents. A. M. and 2.05 P. « . Uaro Port Monmouth nt 8.25 A. M. and 3.05 P. M. POTTED PLANTS A BPIClaUIY. U-ave Kiiumtown a t ; . » and 10.50 A. M., and 4.28 P.M. LADIKS' LINEN DUSTERS at popular prices. . Uare Manchester at 8.50 and 9.90 A. 11., and 3.23 P. M. ilxara Day Side »16.23 A.M. il^nve Window Juncllun at 8.16 A. M. DANIEL H. COOK, FANS.from 2 amis up. £ 0 " PaMangers for BeabrlKht, Highland^ and Hjcriyllloot lake C. R. R. uf N. J. trains connect[Mdletown townahlp, ing via Braachport Junction. H. P. BALDWIN, Oen. Pasj. Agent. •KearR«llIH4»VH X. :rAR*80L9! The. best assortatent; iranglnf 111 price tnintio K U B M S'C. 'i THIS CELEBRATED HAKE OK HO? TMMlUtDAND CNTEIatmni, dATBi n m O I E D AMD VNTEIMHir, TANMOBUT" TANDSBBlFir TANDMRirr VANDtUElITTANDIOB1FT TANB1QBIIT TANDEQR1FT TANDKQBIIT TAMDIOBIIT TANaiGRIFT VANDEQBlrT VANDBQB1FT VANDMRIJT TANDCORIFT VANDEGRIFT VANDEORIFT WOOD TUBNING AND- SCROLL BAWIN0. WOOD TUIININO AHI»80BOLL BiWiBO. gpettallr. JUrOKFORD BROTHERS, dealers In :OAI» AHD WOOD, COAL AND TIVOOD, litt hoSe" MaTbTiWWlSSoS . 'GanltanotteaultnJj^Wiclttttar. It 5> Men, uromen.boys and itrte matf'tfanr fastt irlltr work forns than at anyuUng+iK. Tot work .Uushtlbrtt and ptoasant, and such ai'inTonecan irbrlgtitat. Thosewboare wise wbonirmlsDoUoe • e l n s . OoKly o>«nt and terms t r « . Ntfn!»UKillint. Thfuc ilreadjr at work am laying lip M l suma of ~ , AitiirfJsTRlEiL'o., AunraXlfaliie. _ WOOD TURNiNa AM> sonoiji sawisa. , Tinrr-cuss WOWCAND Biiar7wci6.. AKDHTO E. MUi HAttEN,. N, j COAL AND . . _ , Boll only good sound nine and oak irood, Bell none but (In Mat (fradei oi coal. Bell no dirt with their coalj Front Street, RMIat|k,N.JN