1 - Leo Frank Library
1 - Leo Frank Library
\ MULLINAX AND GANTT ARE GIVEN FREEDQM Coroner's Jury. Wi!I Resume Hearing on Monday, Fol~ lowing the Subpoenaing of 200 Witnesses. Th.ornas B. Felder, mt'!mber ot the o! Felder, And<ll"l'IOD. Dillon ~ flJ"m WhLtma.n, hll.:!l been engaged to aei· slst the soUclt<.>r general ln tho proseeutlon of the murderer or )1hnv Ph~n He w11.5 reta.tnell H:ist<'.lrda.v by a committee ot cttl· zens 1'rom the Be1lwoW co.mmun.l• ty, In which the d'lle.d The oounsel fund he.a girl Uvcd.. been sub.. scribed by r.,.,ldents Mr Felder se.ld to.st night to e. reporter tor Tho; Cunstltutlon that wlt!nn a. day or so he would be abundantly suppl\.,..d w:th convlnc. ing eviden""' He already hal!I started privnte lnv-estigation. he ~aid, :hut Hf" !orm TWO LITTLE t!.',Y QUEENS\\ I-IO TOOK I'ART IK THE MAY DAY FETE AT THE FORRE~T \\'E'-:CE SCHOOL . On th~ left little l\tis~ :<.largaret Brady, daughter of ~fr. and 1'.lrs. Harry Brady, of 195 North Jat:kson street. Ou the right little J..11ss Ilelen Schrader, danghler of !'.Ir. and Mrs ~ S. Schrader, of 330 111ghland avenue. Both little girls are in lhe f1r~t grade and possess two of the loveliest l_tttlc dolls in the city. ,.umo,. 1<-geney would would that ha.d IlQt dh"ulge Its nol!: <llseuss the th,. Rurna detective 1il;'en employed. A. 11p.eclal session of the Fulton gTa.nd jury ia expect<"d to b.. called 4o take acllon In the Mary l?ba.g:a.11 :my!;lten-. F.vld .. nce of thlB .probah1Uty waa ftrist noted yesterday afternoon, when lio---~ Hcltor Gen.,ral Hugh M Dorsey aum- "1-:. moned P<.>lke C'blef Be.avers and Detective Chic! Lanford to hie ottlce In tiuJ ': ThrowC'r building. North CarWina VVoman Unable to Identify as Son Child Claimed by Dunbars. - OpPJ011.sa"' -'-.....-- Following, a abort conter<'ince. 1-0whlch the sohcltor tntonu.ed i!Jotb. that he WW!I willing and re~-·. to "0-0Pera.le witb. the:in. t.hoay _re;.;,$' tu-i-ned to beadquart.er.l!I. 'I' bey wflf\: ..\,-°' ehlet~ --imnswt. With Mr- Dorser u.ga.tn is9ort"3~7~-~~;-~ Jy. lt Will tlten be -determtnel! whe:tber";_;' -"<.:~.; Or not -tl\i !ffatrd .ftirY Win. take"'~:i~iudr 'i frt the case. ~ T-be process or ~llrnlna.Uug '~ IB a.ow belng put into o:peratlon by ill~·~_,. poltce-. J. M Gantt and ATtbur Mulll.. - "•: cax, wb.o were arN:'>flted hnmedlatcly after the negro wa.tc::hma.a had been taken Into custody. were relea.sied la~t'!'tbyurs~~nt~te~~~~~ 'they wel-e, given fNledom, b.ow .. ver. Cor<Jner Dottehqj, lum100 warranbl "'em&11:dJng .tO !~per~:::~~en~~ ~ankNe~~e Le~t~ft~ '; nlglit watchman. They &1'C held u11der inuiplclon, ;u•d wtll be ilcta.l.ned untl~ furth{'T lnv-ePtlg11.th>D by the coroner~a ju~ . The Inquest. which wai:i postponed until 4 so o'elock Thur.sday a.ft.eMtool1; was lliS'<\ln adJoUrn•:H't It wtll be re- ~uc1:"1o~k ne;: ~ua:i ~:!er-~:q~es~t 77~1 Chteta Beavera a.nd Lanford that th:U:actlon wa.'il r.ake11M:ore ~ TbaD SPbpoeQaed. The large<1t nu:tnber of witnesses eve~ summuned befora a.n Inquest tn G<!org!a wa:; ,,uhpoenaed by Coroner Done~ hoo Thursda~· morning. whe11 he ord~r~ ed e' ery emPloyea ot tb.c Natl<Jnal Petl.-o-cU factory to give t,.11ttmony at the bear-Jog ¥or-e than 200 rnen, and g-lrlB .::ame to ;><>Hee head at 4- o"clock Tbey were Z!W ~n~l~dihea~~~a:; 1 ~~sa;~n_were. e:;.,r."" Although !t wa.s thougb.t at :first that the~- had dlsclos..d a. clue which Prophecy Weather FAIR Fair Frtda>' .... .·To Be Thrown Open· To Presbyterian Delegates Republicans Applaud, But Atlanta Railroad Man for Su- Ironmaster 4ddresses perintendent ·of Isthmian the Schedule Is Sustained. American Peace Congress. Road-Patterson Backed by He Says Wilson Will Bring Fight on "Market Basket" Underwood and Adamson. About AbOlition of War. Reductions Proves Vain. season and then feel that you .can ·' honestly say that it isn't as good as, or better, than the made-to-order suit that_ cost you $10 or $15 morC; with more smart style and. snap and character, more quality, from start to JiuiSh, you have our authority to take it back to the dealer who sold it to you and aBk' has for your $2 5; and he you the authority to give the money. You may do thjo. same thmg, on the same, basis, with our suits at $ill and $20; or our suits-~ $35 -~ and f+o. \Ve know where onr clothes stand by , comparison with made-tomeasure clothes; and we know where you'll stand regarding them w~en you once get to weanng them. Hart Schaffner& Marx Friday andSaturditlf.: Fanep Riii 8111111, lb. 120' 1$0 Lamb Roast, lb. 12c Vol Roast, lb., 10c to 130 Leg Lamb. Ill. • •• Yeal Stew, Ill. lh lllo' 15• Park Shoulder, lb. Pork Loin, lb. • Poi'k sauuie, 111.. Ml11tl Samte, lb, Belf Tanp1, ••ab • 10. aoc Fine Dressed' Hens, lb. .18c Meadow Gold Buffer 35c lb. !::·· ~-~-- ................ 2&t . ................. .. ::-"1': ah Tjo =~~Ll~ht ~f.atcla~' aar:::b ~~~·. lh ::!I(>....... Corn KaTO ll'"" La~~t nml Mo.•l At t~a<'"l1H' l u I [n!d. W1Uu[l rn M1n•1t• ~ nf I hr,.tre 8.lld "' ••••• do,._ -~ ::O::hopµmir n1~\T1< '-"- S<tbtoov Slat,_,.,, fine! "'"-rfor,. ,. ' " • • • • '• Gloff Mat._.h.._ Bro:11dway, 85th to 86th Stre<'"I~. Benveen Central Puk and Rivers•J.e Dn" e • Country 0:1r~ cr.t Do<>r Ai'..., Elr1ufrd 1:<lnl1.0n,l'<ifh Stt-td SPt..ClAL SPRI'.'<<, & StJM"1ER RATES, All lhl' Cnmfr>Tfa 'Jf lh~ flrfln.-..~ rork Hotels at one tlurd frs< pnc<" !'!:!.a~~- OllV • • • • • • •. ............Be ::=:;:•" A~~·~ ......•... Ii :::::""'t~ ~~~~..... :....&a •••••••••••••••341 ·~" Stunning Silk Negligee Shirts .. That Look Well, Wash Well and Wear Well ,., ' "~ ~'... ) r.~/\ el~/~ !! This season will see more Silk Shirts be:ing worn than ever before; and we have exerted the greatest care te gather here for you the most striking color combinations we could find in colors that are positively FAST. The fabrics are soft and durable, and each Shirt has the popular French cuffs and collar to match. ~). Plain White and fancy stripes. at ~tf} -~W :;.. ,~ 0 Typewriters rented 3 mos. $5. Am. Writing Machine Co. :=. Pots~ Full Lineot FreShMeats and Vegetables 7 E. M•TCHELL ST •. AT THE THEA1~ ATLAITA I TH EAT~ MAJDfHS 2·s.: IUlkts 1Sct. 50c Fri. S... llat.. -.,, ~ Miss BILLY Liii &tuf- C.1nMnf: tn - a eun•rtly ~ on th9 Wlleet llOT WEJ!K,-~'t)Ml.J f.nliilit OlltY~;-S.-~ $3.50, $4, $5 and $6. 1 ·--M-A-IL_O_R_D_E_R_S_F_l_LL_E_D_P_R_O_M_P_TL_Y_...I Carlton Shoe & Clothing Co. NEWSPAPERHACH!VE® :JAPANESE PROBLEM IN LIVING YELLOW SHOWN TO BRYAN Governor of ·catifomia Takes the Secretary of State to a Large Oriental Colony Near Sacramento. MANY JAP CHILDREN Chamberlin-Johnson-DuBose Co. Paris New York Atlanta Remnant Day in 'The , Wash Goods __ ' The Sale Starts at 9 O'Clock Linen I~a"'n.s Linen Can1bries Dress Linens Irish Linens Linen Crash Linen Snitin!l'l French Linens Piques PLAYING HIDE AN-D SEEK. CHILD IS BITTEN BY DOG (:repes WhlJ:, pla~ 1ng "h.ldc and go seell.'" with a C!'OW<l of' "ll.!1d1 en of t'he nel~h borbood. Jlttle '10-year-old Alga Peters. Poplins Repps Flaxons ]<~\l'l'.\ dci.' iu the in1n1ti1 1of ~Iav there 1s put iuto tlu; ahont our ne,,- S\viss Htl'~l\\"~ \Yill i!?,"0 llp \\rith thP mercury and l'Pa 1 ·h the lJOiDt of et•star·~' \Vhen it cli1nbs • .m;, roun..:;· ~o dC'greeR. l•"nr the Hl\'iss Stra"'" i.s th~ lightest hat 1n the \\-ttrld, hence it is ('OOl and popular. • t'<l' 'Pl'1H'."S $3.50 New Sennits, Split Straws and Mi/ans $3 to $5 Geo. Muse Clothing Co. NEWSPAPERAAGHIVE® <..-:-- • 8 0 i~" h~~c':w~:. ~~~e h e~ :O~~d~u~~~~ l MORGAN ART TREASURES INSURED FOR $23,000,000 .,._..,_ Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications . The P'Oml"m wlU'-b• $102,- !~~-ho~~S:ht: ~:e b~:::::~ ~~~BP::~:: t fun q1J.ota of the In-I":::::::::::;:::::::;;:;;:;~;:;:=:::::~~ 1 n.a.ve w.lu!n 1 0 ATL.ANTA NIADE ~:~ :t:: ~1~~a;!.~0~ ~t p:llt::i:em~~eu.,~ 10 0 1100 ~• the book, •n• "'' objecti:i 1n the MorgEl.n library a.re ln~ sur~d for $8,000,000 at a rn.te ot 16 Cl:nts per $1CIO. Alb!\DY, N. Y., 'Ma.y 1.-Under the i provts1ons blll pe.ssed by the sen- 'I ate tonight the :J_ P- ?dol:"g'&D a.rt collcctlon would be e.xempted :rrom the I state Inheritance tax. pravlded the i:ollection Is turned OVilr "'to a. munl- ' cip.al cor-poraUon of the state tor educattonal, IS'<'i~ntlflc. llte.rary. library or htstorlcai purposes'" by th.e be.Ira wlt:hin twa year'$. """"' ""' of a I I YEARS cm DEN~ KOOBS Grlttln,Unique Ga., May Suit 1.-(SpeclaL)-1 Tried. A unique suit wa.s tried 1n a .11eJgbbor., ing eauntY that ha..e. lnt-ere:sUng tea- l turoea 1n It. The ordlnaey waa aued 10l" ·Issuing a. m•rrlage llcenee t-o a. gtrl under 18 yea.ht yearn. and against. the wJsbeS of the pa.rent. J'ud,ge Hards,. the ordinary, was fonnd .11ot guJ.lt,)".' 1 ~Ile the ot'dlna.ry we.s a.bsent from bis ottlc.e.,the cl.erk of tbe court lesue.lf the license. As the e.a.11e ba.d to be Bueti. 'by · th.e <:lerk. It stood on the docket thua,. "Fouche, clerk ot 1'UPef"w , tor eou1't. v aa.rrl., ordinal')·."' ~ Since · r Afl ~== AT~=-'=-d: II 11'.-.&:to~~ · - ,....,..s.b1' '· 1414..WlllDIM.1.:$1. ~ ,.GVQ ~-.u.ur.s:-~ ,, Varnlah I DR. E. G. GRIFFIN'S liATE VARNISH APPLIED WITH A CLOTH I 1;~~;;~;;~~;~;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~; 1) 23 Cb am berlin ,. -Johnson -DuBose Co. their _surance a.nd about $4,ooo,ooo ha.a been J)laeed abroad. of.be portion Of the If your druggist does not have Pasteurine, send US 10c for large trial • bottle and Iiterature. Jno. T. Milliken & Co., SL Louis, U. S. A. IES"TAEIL.161'-iE:.D - • New York, May 1.---COntracts were dra.wn toQa.y tnsurlnk the art cone.ctlou o! the late J. P Maffi"a.'11 tor •23,- 10r 25r$1 • 00• Al "-•Stores ~ _,, ...,... ~ 1 (talateas Sheetings Every Orienta.I rug that °"re own-and that is perhaps the largest collection in any store south-you may own for less than its regular and worth price-and here it is the season when good housekeepers are refixing the home for the summer months. I ing and healing. It relieves discomforting irrita.tion and throat tension. It destroys disease genns. PASTE URINE rotects and prevents. P As a nasal douche, p ASTEURINE clears <L h the h 0 ad and promotes D.at U ral b reathing-w..iroug the nose. Use it daily. l 5 Yards to Now is the opportunity, the very timely opportun\ty this reduction sale brings. roronounced Berlous by a. doctor. The owner of th.:. dog re!U!!ed to al1 low jJO)Jc,.men lo l:lboot H, .aud 1t !s stated that a. ca.se will be maae against h!m In the rilcorder'u court today. I preserVeS the teeth, purifies the breath and pleas.. antly cools and soothes mouth. As a throat wash1 the P ASTEURINE is cleans- ll;1t :--t.\·l~·:-: h<l\"P 1·lraug('d SOIU(', and \VC 1·a11 !:'hu\Y ;-uu all the (·hanges. All of the1n : ou ''ill hkP-111an.' of thp1n you'll be eager aliont. \ ' l!Ul' 1 Most Used Because Most Useful As a mouth wash, PASTEURINEper.'ictly ll~<t!:i. l~ Ginghams Madras Percales Shirtings Ra tines 3-lulls Voiles Choose From The Best and Pay Less her hand In front ot her : face and screamed far help, Betore anyatle eould.f rea.ch her, however. the dog knacke<l her down. bltlDg ber on In the morning it arouses the strength gained from sleep. At night it refresbes after the day of work and promotes comfort that rests. At all times PASTEURINE is an alluring delight of the toilet... a liig ~tra \,. hat (1i~tribution radiating fro1n tlw C\lCSE Hat ll<·partment_ Each Mav h<l~ ('a:-:ily· OYP1"8hadri\Yt<d the preceding on~. :rlus .\Ia,,-. 191:1. ~liaH ]Jilt all the: foreg-oing n1t 11 tht• di:-:tan<·e, 111 th<· nnn1ber ~o1d and in tlH· 111111~ual gond :-:tylP and perfpct stl'a\.\' Nainsooks One-Tbird To One-Half Lengths Lawns Dimities Oriental Rugs A Glass of PureWater With a Dash of Pasteurine Refreshing, Healthful, Restful May the Month of Straws Prices Clipped •-' .)tr. F.ouche •fi!l!lue.i.:tbs. llcehrm' .lle~cap.;. ·,Jiears-: ~ ·~!.·ir?~~q._~_;;?L...~~~r,ct~i \ Varnish yo~r . a~ip Cauifht in Coliiilors Qf the National Capitol THE OLD WAR"· BIBLE B.r .,.... tt;ordi{iia.. ilrt.' wa.r. But Californi~ is evidently ad'V'Q.Dcing the theory that it may proceed independently of the other statea. and then look to tbe union to get it out of any trouble that it may bnng about. The former teaehel" ()f the president, and now the indorser of his course in an imt10rta.nt internatlanal controversy, opens up an Jnterestlng discussion. KEEP AN OPEN MIND Eq.tet'ed .• t oe pastJ:>ffl<.::,. al Atla.nt.a. aecond-clas8 ~ matter. Pt,,fT.t..G.11:: Unn.ea RA.TES• l:>ta.W• and M."1!CO. u _p•J,Oe,r-•-•·•·•··-····-·-••• ... u-_ ... .•..•.••....•••.••.• - U to 36-P•&:e ;,,aper·•••••••·-·••••····•• JO lo J~p..-.. pp~ illl to M-i;q .. lll•»e:r .••••••• · · · · • · · · · · · · ATL..ANTA, GA., May 2, 1913. l'iotw1thstand1ng all that bas happeued since the finding Qf the mut·dered body ot :Mary Phagan, nothing bas yet lteen developed that in any WlLY fixes the crime on any indrVldual. Se\eral arrests ha\e been mado and in the c.xcitem'tlnt incident to the attair sus· piclon has been d1rech:!d from one person a.11 ....... '" to another as the l<aleidosoope ha.s turned on the investlgatlon. All <J! which goos to show that the pubUc is often constrained to reach ha.sty and frequently unwarranted cOncluslcns. It hs certain that all of the parties against whom suspicion has., in one way or another, been dlrected cannot be guilty; under the evidence yet developed none of them can be said to be guilty of the atrocious crime. Sooner or later the "n1urder will out," but the verdict must come In an orderly and a legal way, and 11ntll something more defintte de'l"elops than has ~e! been ascertained tt is the duty of the public to keep an open mind. Nothing can be more unJust nor more repugnant to the popular sense of 11i:.:1t1ce than to convict even by hearsay an inno cent 1'.ilan The Constitution, therefore, takes this occas1on to call upon the pnbJiC' to suspend Judgment and not to endeavor to convict, even l:ty Jw:hrect1on. any one who has not had the full and fair ~hovi;ing guarantt'{)d by the cons~1tutlun ·or LbA state and'" of the Lnited ,states, not to speak of t!:Je allriervad1ng guu.ranlen thll.t Lhc public's sense of Justice sb.ould throw arollnd any man who, by Iaw, lS pro~nmed to ho 1nno<Pnt until he 1s proven to be guilty. \\·e say thts w1tbout reterenc1• to any indivldual, but 1n JUSLiee to ::ill who are e\'en indtreetly under suspicion. Tho 11.ddrcBl!I or the Wa.sbln~toq. ,Burcs.u uf 1:be C1Jn11t1tut100 Jn Nu. 1121 s Etr....,,t. N. W., Ur• .Job.n ......,rcigiUI,. .Jr. •1.&l% <.::<UCl:Bpl>.Dd"Dt. 1n cha.rs..._ THE CON$TlTUT1.0~ 11!1 on •ale h• New r.,.rk. e1ty Dy ll p. JD.· tbe day att"r Issue. It can t>o b.ad at Hotaling., 1'1ew11stands, BroadW.ll.JI and FortY-Seeond st:reet 1Ttmes bulldln!J ., 0 rn .. r) Tb.Jrty elghtb. street a::ad Broad.way and TwentY-nlntb. 11t:reet a..n:1 l;lroa.dway. :VQTlt:lll T() :'!IUBSCRlBIEBS. our traveling representa.tlV11• ar'!I A L TALBOT and C. G SMITH. Be sure tba.t YOlI do n.ot pay .e.JJYoDe eJ.ee. ., N.:>t :respun1>lble f.,r ad ~a.need payin<!nts macl'9 to out-<:>f·tawn local ca.u-ler. dealer or t.trf!nt. SHEEP FOR THE BLUE RIDGE Increase tn the nation-wide demand for mutton as a subs:itute for beef i1nd pork opens up a treruenilous optiorturnty for the south€'rn BluP Ridge. at.laptl'<l liy uature, to produc(' sheep sufl'.•c1ent to teed., perhaps, tho whole countr;o.•. Two or tluei:! )ears ago the market tor n1utton lwgan to appreciate as beef and pork 1\f'·nt higher ar.d higher. The lt>ndencY \\Ill tnevtt.ibl} b(} enhanced as a rei<nlt of tPdt'ra.l n1spec:t1on last year whr<h d"'monstratt>tl thdt JU fill the m1lllons of :iheep and lambs brought d11nng that period to markot there -was found 11ot one case ot' tubercuios1s. The · ....,.man..v people '~ho, whtither Justly or otherwise. fl•ar this du;ease in cat tic- "Lll ftnd an add1t1onal rpa;.ion to m11tton on their t..ablp:,; .. \11o1her <'llllSf' lor the llHreai:;ing populant~ ot: mutton \$ found Jn the hign food ~aluu now placud upon it by science as •vell a;,i 111 iJs pah1tatJ.1)ny v. hen properly prPtiared :-.:o se<'tion \,; uiore fitted to profit by these l'omhlrl<:'LI cond1l1<Jns than Lio; the southern fHun Tilt\~P l<'rom C('org1a on itp lhrett1gh Vlrg111\a th~ n1un11tarnOUti :erri~ory has e•'~'f'" qual1!1< atrnn fvr sheep-ratsiug ~--,.. ,.on <i. g\J'.,lUllC ::!c>tl<' 'fhe (llmatc i,; idPa\ ~-~"Rang1ni; gro111,u rn abundanl The 1:10U a11d, chwale \OJ'.Plh»1 ,\re a.s prO\ldPne" tor lhP prud:.11 tiou or ttJose c:-ops upon whteh ::;he<'p thrhe An addl~lonal nrg111HPnl (or tlw ff'\ !\al of th!:' ;,;lit>~P l!HlUstr} in rh!s reglOl! 1,-; rfiat prices [Or Lwd fl.lld 11ork are mfalllbh d~'s· tined to i=!:O htght>r and not lo1>oPr \1 nh tune. 'l'he vast rauch«s of the 11 e;;t, when• !( once v.,t,; prof1t,1hle to r,u.,e and f!:T<U<' hng-e herd,; and wllkh fonn<"rb t11rnu;h<-rl 101\ prlef>d ])(•f'f, .1~" l•f'< oun11g: th1n;:s of the' pa.st. 1•a1 h) 1Par •h" produrt1~1n o[ lif>p[ cattle lalls f.trtlw1 f:l.ho1t of reachllH~ lle mand t nder thl?Sf' <;\rc11nistam•= it is 1nevn,1hlf> tl1.it riri!'t's, 1h•;.;J>1te tanfi' r"'v11:11on. can b•' lt.lrrl\v 1110rP rhan l<·n.por.1n1y halted :1, tl10 1r l1Jl''<trt1 tr• nd The c.-..1 Plopm<"n1 oi ·]JL' she1'fJ 111rlus1r} offers 1tsf'lf as,\ natural and at lea'-'t a )lnrtml solution of tins vrolilcm of tlin mai;ses ~tuch :\ ~'~ THE CHILD AND THE FLY \'he war aga.inst the typboid·fly ts <nit to he gn·en 11ercept1b\e 1n1petus by the ac tion of the Atlanta Chamber of Co1nmflr1•p in offeruig to the scllool children a reward of ~100 fo1· Ute best essay on ''The Prevention or the Brecdwg of tlie Fly." Tile oiler comes through Pres1'1:1.ent \\"ilmer J..loore and nr Claude S1n1th, city hacteri o!ogrnt, is OJlf'll to all duldren, al!d no length. llmtt has beeu set 'I'he easy <'ond1t1ons -..i;Ul probably make of the ~ontest the ffiost hveJy one of its nature ff\Br held 1:n this city Tntil chamber of coinmer('e 1s, 1n this r<'sper1, emvlo~ ini-;- f11ndauwnt<>l weapon!i! in Its fight for the suppression of d!seas.e. No {'amratgn of long duration, such as th<' one ag;a1n::;t the fl}, can be succe::;<iful w1tbont th<i! thoiongh co-operntlon <Jf the ch.1ldren of the <·it;-, and co operation is im11asaiblo 11nlef<a the child lt; 1iroperly educated in the perils of tho f!y and how to avort them. The original(!'° of "swat the flyl" has wen eular;;••ct to "hffiak Ull the hreetl\ng pla<'C>l of the fl: 1cl. or coursf> of gr!"at aid in the battle for bealth. Rut the umre effec:ua! plau rn to deprive the fly of his breeding and fePdmg pl.1.<'P1' C!vse up tlle!le ag,:uust bim and ttw problem speedll~ solvP.s 1tsrlf l'h<' 11n1.c < unll'l"it tnauo;uratt'd by lhf' lilamrwr of cornmf'r('c is C"akulated to ::>Pt to "'or\, e'cry d11\d in Ilic c,ty 111 the glPann1;.:: of inform:.: 1011 as to ho\\ fli"'s brePd and the uamup;e th<'Y clo and are capabl<• of doing Children C"aunot letirn these facts w1tho11t b<'('on1111i;- aC"h\C apostl<':!s of dP.tn and sanilal) prern111es It -.,..ould lie an elicelleill: plan if the n1ethods selected h~ Atlanta s ('ommerc1al organiza~Lon vi; ere emplo;o.ed g~11erally tb.roughou:: the state. I \~~r 1r1 pri( (' thaJJ bet>!. as ~utirl~h 101 ing and fn•er fron1 dh31!?fli<<>, the uat1on wl!J turn to lt mor<:> and Jilorc in the futn:rp, I I ' , \Herein Iws tile chance of the Rluf! Ridg<> , UNWRl1TEN LAW INDICTED. 1v\"itll snudl P<'rsonal o\ltla,y thP farir.('rS Jml,l';e L ::3 Hoau is due the graU!nde of of this "E'PTrnn could within a snort f'li'rod. e•er~ thoughtful C"1t1r.en for his recent plain build a "'~>lf snstain1ng 1ndu:;try 01 huge utteranCPS in ('Ot1d~mnatw11 of the s~alled profit ThP reward is wa1t1ng In1uati\e 'unwritten !a\\ At the coneJue1on of a and energ;y only aro ll('e\lP.d to claim 1t case 1n his lourt in which that plea had been the 1nain defense hE' declared tha~ K STA TE RIGHTS THEN AND NOW j .. there ...\ un1Q1ie anr'l 1nterest1ng contnhution to , the California J<1pan 1 ontrovt>rsy 1s :he com~~ municatmn. pllblished Plsewherr>, 1n which "-:_~:) -· :Profe:50JOr .losPph T. ne:rry innmates that -:y Cal1forn1a is n~w \irtual\y r>"pud1ating the ,~f;;<· dQctrine of ff'dp1al so\e:telgnts which she :';:.;~ helped to unpose on the'south as a result o[ the c1v1l 1\ar Professor Derry's vwws ~~ earn· uuusual interest froni the fact that b.e v;as once Vl"ec~!)tor to President '\'ilsan. He is an eutbusiast (' confQderate •;eteran and among the state i: accreditt>d histo, ~ rlans. In these capac1t1es he 1s recognized 'f ,3;s an autbority upon f"\ents and tbeorh>s precedmg tb.e sixties as well as upon the sentiment among the st1rvivors of today. Professor Derry indicates tllat Cahfor· JJ;ia's action "'1tl1 regard. to anti-a hen legj<;Jat1on is based npon snpn?ro.acy of sta~e' ~ Over nation. in o•her words a flat asser ): \~ ticn of the exU·eme Qf the old stat: :nglits ':£-~; --dcctrine•. Yet he de<:lares that not (he ;__~./.-.~_ most uI~ra antebellum .advocate of this doc~:1-.:...:'trine would have suggest~ that the state ' <-·~ 'iiad the.,_ right to remaJn in tho union and ·~;r.'~~r:··.. ' ;!- ~ JS no unwnttPn taw," and com· mended the jury for ignoring it He told tbe pr:son<;<r that he had been m1sguu:led in 1, assuming to usurp the functions ot just1ce as executioner. and that it more jurJ wen did tbo1r Un:~ f~>wer men v;ould let their passions get the better of them lt 1s full time I.bat some su<!h straight· forward words were spoken Carried to the Ioglca.l conclmnon. unn ersal appllca· t1on nI the "unwn:ten law" means no la\\ at all,. and, ultimately, ann.rchy. Its chief menace is that each man "'1th. a real or fancied grievaoce is ;;iven the right to (·onstrue law accordtng to his own vindicitive impulses, Under such a l"egime no life is safe. The Juryman who lB easily tolerant of this sort of extra-legal justice may himself at any une,;:peeted crisis become the v1ctlm oE 1t Not only are the jurymen Jn this particular case to be thanked, but also the I judge. If more of tbtl men '\\"ho sit on our tribunal>! would speak ~ candidly as Judge ) Roan sC1det}' will ba''e fewer murders With l which to contend. I I I . LoTe"& L-1: Kt... I. Love. from the :!3trlre, Went with sweet memories of a dreo.m. <lf Lite Facing God'~ t1:1ture--bea.ut11'ul a.nd !air. HlB swE'etheart's kUreea on hls golden hair. II. Life':9 storm:9 were pa.st· ~ drea.rn was Love's-all ra.e1lant to the l.a.!!t; Heaven not t00 hlgl>. and hell wHb no de1Spalr Sic.ce her dear lips had touched hi:;:. golden ha.Jr A l'ro'°"rbs o:I'. tile- Ulirb...,.'llY· Sadd<'st thmi;;: Jn llfe Js coming ba~k to the p\R.ee "h<'re ~ou w,:,re happ}- and didn't knuw It You are a millHHH.1.lre or Love l ! the arrn~ o[ a little ddld are around you after the da' '1:1 tL>il The rl'al Happy Land ts not a day·a jout•ney from th<> home-valleys where tho violets dream .Joy not oul) comes In the morning, but are willing to re(!eive him, he wtll Jnttke the dark hours brigh.te:r for us. If we u .... ,. 'l'h .. ) f'nru ..o ~lug. ~,:,t a show a.t c;opera-you b,.t, But no'l th.ct tlie;,.'"'' ilo>part"d we're heurln' of i t Y"t, 11·e're g<,tting just 'hout n.11 the Jfl} ~ the Dilh1ll« rl1c111 t OJJ<!ra can bl'l!i;>;:, For on the Hill•Hle C«ruso sing fu11rnf;r8ph h<"ar v:.e n fur th" nllhill<! "'tl:O:<'Tlf; h.e mak">! the An mu;;k tl' Th<'.Ju.<;h tl"'~·ic ... tllln t,;; n~n,H<lal ~ou h,:,t we re ln t111 •n\lll~ f'\11;1'" <'In th< RtllyL\l" ru1 n\~1nph \\e h<'ar Caruso s111~ Ill ''T'a111 t Ilk" the TilJt "h• n "" .. r ~mig., h<'llr ZIMl, t.lm s111,;:1n' or th<' old )lg-ht frLr be'o"1l u~ hnt tfrn O'OUl '" tak111' "\'\>Jni::; To b.1,,;il<'r 11app1<·i- stallon,; '~h<'n we hear (;nnrnr.o sing °fht- His An "'"I '~01tl. ~re <om'"' down, with Lllve to atta.:y. ",,y •.>ut her('. In th<" innC'!l. ,,.n. "''' ll('ar Leno t·allln', ""' 01tlll to Lo•e "" <1111i:;< n on the runnJ 1n·apl. of life "he hcil.r l.1ru~o sing vol~·· "\'\. b<->'e H<-'11 1,.,,.,. Ooi. l ;]11nn<) wh.lt on ~arth that old O(flc(•llD< k• r v. ill tlo "lwn th<)' bring the tariff' do'~ n,' ~nl<l th,-. • Htl l'hi!o~"PhH, "for hv.'s le111 Jnni \CJ,<; on lt ('\<'r ><'1l<:t' we can TA· m.-mb1•1 ,1q<l •~lwn lt ls udJU:;tci! to 1<u1t tho rwapl<' h< ",,.,'t h n.. ;;. t•la.tform to stanu on' On Uu• "·"It. l'>'tJP t (K'< 18 w.uti11µ l n J:, " · t" th' \~" f.-llow w lo> '" 'I Lll•n::;' t1lJ]• o ol ,~ ()Jl Tn t• 11 h "' 0 """r~ spnng1ug, Tho> mud V.fl.11 "C"t and chngJn~ l r•'!ltcd Jn a. tleld today, ,he trectc>JJK all "'"'C nwklngrC":<ted Jn B. field tod<n. And ants crawl»d u;> rny "to<kln~ "l ln a fi<'ld toda.\, me clf>uds '" r" ilnf(1n~. 1n ·l ti<>ld toda~ me blooms were l1ftlng, 111 rt fi.,\,J tnduv. 1ne bu;l!,"H We•c •lu ..»thig, in a llf'ld today, "'"'" J m alwa:r8 t•.,>;tlng-" r<'~t<rl .'<h<>t<' r<·"t•'rl Ah•not I rl':>ttd .\bout r""t»il "'![<' 0 S<"n.Lt1Jr 'l'no "'\'..-r..,fou.. , ]felt' a•C' l.\o Vt 1slom• nf n day off In the llC'hl,; Th,-. fl!"t Is b• th<' PU<•t ur Tlw ill!lwauke(' 81•1 !Hi,..' tlw la~t b-. ,Jutld Muit•nlf'l L,-...,is or ·111• l!ou .. tun l' 1s1 At>out Jnl' fln..i'r!l > Wa.sbtngtob. May l.-(Soocle.L)-Sena1:ol' Wol'ks. 01' Callfornim,. wants to Upll1't. the pl'ess. A.a. pointing- the way, be h!W introduced a. bill to prohibit any news11'1.per pub· llBhed In the DJ111:rict of Columbia. f'Tom. giv~ lng the deta.ilB of any cri01e or accident. , ~ Wb!le the Works bilL it It ahould become a la.w, would i\lhroud In seel'BCY 01a.ny of the ha.l"rowlng details of crlru-es wb.!ch rnark. thto daily march of' human progrel:!S, Jt ts tiot at all certn.ln that tt:-wouJd uu•an a lessening 01' 1;:rime. The dally newspaper is only the dally record o;of events whfoh tomorrc;ow bee<)m..-s perma.nent hlstor~· Na.tun<lIY, th<i unusual and tbe ex:ceptlona.l 1ndd.;.nts ll'f the day·,. happenlng11 a.re r .. atur<'d, though lnt<:!nal-s dens<:>d re curd va.n<:em..,.nt ln buslnes;!!', In le1t:n1lng, ln 1>1;:hmce and in at t ls set before the publlc. As the "mlrror a,f .John 08""1nPlo :I~. human nature," the nl:!wspaper best !His Its place. whlch gh·es the most :falt.bful account of the passing ;:ih-ow, toned d1Jwn to meet the requ1rement9 or wise conventions and tlie dt)mands of decency. Seoator \Vorks professes to beHe'e that the newspaper man revels In this phase of hls work, and he '"shudders to think" of tb.o EChool of crlme and debauchery. ln which young men a:re beiug br1Jught up ><.nd with the Intimate detaHs nf whJch they must become famihar. Flut, Who ls i t that demand9 th!" lnformatlon~ Fie "n.ys the publishers uf uew!<p11.per11 •bould al!k themselves the question. nather-. It se('ms to me, the pulJUc whleh buys the pap"' s gJvlng the fullest and mn"t µ:-rapb.lc n.ccountl:' of wrecks. and 11.rP.s. and a.cC"1 d<?nts, that exhausts the edltlont:L of ~ellow journals gh·Jng th<> salacl~i; cl<'talls of dl vorces and rn\1rd<'.'r trials a.nd CL Im NI of i:iolcnee, should ,..,sk themsclvr>s who J,. 1 csponsiblc Ai,utlwr fr('QUC'nt c1J1npl!unt ai;alnst tlw nc" spapcr 1s that it" "~<ts its r.wli; all wrong" Unless the ulJ1q1.utou" reJ}t)rter happoDB to bA rig-ht on the ><pot. he mu:H gather his 111formatlon frmn the w1tnes>!<:S and b~>ltanders Y<'t th<01 m"n ~ho looks on l'<"Lthout seeing, who hC":us a seimon and aft.,i-warils cant renwrnU.-.r th."' t.cxt. who sees a Dia.~ 1uHl for the !Jf1; ur hhn c11-11nnt recall the narnl'S or tlw ch,nactr>rs, Hu• plot or the Un,-.s that aps1,.al to him, wllu is PL'-"~('nt al an arclaent but d<Jl'IH•'t notice the 1,umber ot th1> Ht,..t·<-t car or auto. t)1e prf'· c1se ti\.1.~ ff happen:;, 01· thi. a.ppeara.nce of thos<" inv,)hed, fa ama.zo?d that a. llPwspaper g,,,ts an ot<a::<lon,ll df'lall wron~.. A co1npU1:fler.tJ..1} 11otfr•· ahr>11t a frlend ls ,.just n<>WStJ8.P<0r talk,. but a fuJsorne eulo;:;} Of lumself 01· hi9 f>1.m1ly IS evlde11ce of good sound Judgment. antl makocs a 'sphmd1d art1cle.'' The rC'dtal o! an1Jther's mL.,fo1tun<'S nrn.kc:s lnt"'r"'stin~ readrni:;:. that ot hlS own 1:-; an inre:rn.~1 nuti"-gc ,.nd an Invasion of 111,, prh<'tr right,; Yet, ne:-;t t" upllftln:=:- the star;<>, the rnui-11..lhts find their ~r,.atest field for actlVlty 1n "uplift1ug the plf!SS •· Good Christian peopfo 'l\bo lllge th-.1r cblldren to read im!Lscrimlna.tL'ly the OOolts of the Bible, v;lth Its tragic record or h\lman crime and n1l!!ery, ;;i,. well as its i:;torlous r<'co•rl of rrg,,11eratlon and sahation, who admir<> lJ1p works (Jf Slrn.ke,;peal e without nallz.i11i::; tliat the- ]inl<in•'S" nn<l danu~ and un,... ..:;tl<>ln, d 1magln1J.t10n or p>1.rts of thqse v.·11t'nlf>< "ould br-lnr; an i~ullJ<•r in tl11s C\tlllventwnal a~" uurlar tr .. tu."::>oo, Who revet In t11" rh; thm of ·"" !nburrH' 1u1d th" r11p tun~s of I'll• fl.lrn>l, condemn a~ a deuioraliT-lng forec In tlw corn1nu1•1ty tho dally pre~s " <:>ommon cntlcl.im by members of the b11r smn(!tlme!l utter«<l as an '1.poloµ;:I', 1" tllu.t nPW>!JJ"!l"r men muist wl\te wb<l.t they at·c pn.ld to "'1lte The~· make tl11s :;tatom.eut wlth gr,,.at un'-'tlon, ,,_,,,] ~1th appar· ently no thoui::;ht ot lb; Gao ta"te Y .. t the same honorable jurist '11.Jt! acr"cpt a large ret.tlner to take .c case i1l\'olvlng 1011.i;; Htlc;a.tlnn ilHt.t he believes to be pract<cally hopel.,,as If,. say,; to himself the courts ml,,;ht alt,:,r tht•l:r J)rccedf!nts. fl.nrl th11,t his l'll,..nl s C><S<' m.Ly nave ,{ dlffere1it questwn from thl>Be e.lrelLch l],-,C\id( d The last IH'l">l'-1n 1n tJ1f' "'orlrl tf> crilids<> a newsl-'stf•f'r man for wntlug what he is m~l<l to wr!te ls thA mnn whu ad,·o<".tt"" that ,1 .. w of the la"' 'vlikh Is tlw 11H1o;t 111ofitabl,. a11d who,.e la.rg,:,.st: rees cume trum adv!ce al'l to how to .,,,va.ck the la". I don't 11Jtc to h(',Lr J,lW'"<'n; r"fl-ect on n+.w'<rortP• r wrltor>1, ur nntltc l'harasahal e:-:.c1ul<'>1 f<lr them '1111) troulolf• ahnut th<' ah<ne Is thn.t ther>''s no such thiri.g as a poet ";:-est:lng" In a fio->IU E•cr)· tlm<' the farmers r"ntch 'tm tlle~· a:r~ Pllt to plow!n~ They should strip tbe Phnntn·e to the core and frail the oirlce-seekers wJth the switche!:!. Tbe BaJkan a1ll<;>s really want peace, bnt don't relish the idea of getting off the front page. Secretary Bryan has tbe soft drink habit and. come to think or 1t, lt's mighty poPUlar in the suinmer season Morgan mqst have been. a very great man, since they say he made a w-111 tbe I lawyers" can't •break. /. finrls somo r,:"OOd Jn the n~"spaL'•''" howP.ver, -for he ll>l.~s: Thc n,,wspapPr hi a. gre"t and powerful tnflu<'n<" 111 a fr.:.c count:ry Uke ours, v.•h.-.rc th<" pr.-ss lOI frC"" and untran1n1< le<): That uitlt11 "''' ma~· work for gooa -or <:>\"11. 'l'h"' publn;lw1 of R. ncwspapor tak1 B upon hlm._,,JF rN•ponslbJlith's of tbe nigh, Rt oi-d,-.1 }l,. f!la\ rnak,-. lu.i pulllkatlon an luflu1 rH'' ,~nd ,;upport for tlte verY best in public a.nd prlvat(" llff!. l t find,; ils way lnt!l th,, hom"s of p.,opl(':, and JI•aY b~ an insph'>1tlon and upllh t'oa.t can do more than almost nny other force to purify thought. clcn..te manhno\] Rnd '~omanhood. dln•ct th .. stllps or the ,uuu;:;" to a higher stanitai-d of purit1t and r!ghte&usl\P!IS, clrvatf> elti2nnsh!p, ;nspir•i \Oung a11d old to a. bctto•r Ull<iersta.ntl· lng o! the olll!g'attons of c1tu.enshJp In a fr<"<' ropu\>Uc like ours, and n hlgh,:,r a.nd more u11seltr.sh p<1.trlotisrn. SUcb. Should be the m1ai:ilon ot overy publication." Jr[?", 'Vorks w-ould ha\·e the frunt pai:;e of a nE'Wspaper r<iad llke this: "8<.>nsatlenal lllurder In :Brown's Hotel ,John Blank. the woalthy reUretl diamond merchant, Is killed as he slept Dashing widow is being sought by the police. (Par furlh<"r details, -ea.11 up our Obliging city editor)'' Or 11. ra1lrori.d wreck might be rE'ported thus .. On a high embankment Just be}ond :Had Mans Crm<s•ng the -palatial fl) er of the Sunduwn r41lroa.d Jett tbe track. killing eight and wounding a seore ol' penioos. Tb.e 1njured are-(For intorma.tton a.s to the ex~ tent of the tnjuMes, call up th.e ho9J>ltal.)" A. robbery might be -pr ... Sented In this sh.ape and get by the censor: .. Betwe..,.n sundown of 8a.turday and 7 o'olock .on :r.toi:ulaY, thJeves entered thtt jewelry establiahWel:lt 01' Brooks & Br-ook5. and rifled their s11.!e, ma.king a. haul worth $40,000. (Deta.ils o:r tho crime cannot be given here for fear 01' tis deniora.liZing eft'cct )" In 011e respect, Sena.tot' Works h; quite rlgttt. Tbe newaJ11L.per man who Writes the storv of crune would probably become :lnocu[atcd ... !th the pais-Onone virus IMt'ore t.he man who reads it is affected, 1f the publicatlon of news ot thfa character is re>:1.UY harmfuL It Is consolin\; tba.t tbe senator '"sbudde~· w~en be "tl:iJuks about lt,. 0 1\'o?"J.~ (Fl'om "rbe.llllintni, N. Y .. St:e.r-Ga.-ette..} Fred C. Casady la thto versat:H& COn"e• S11ondent ot Tm, Star--G~tte over NOJ.'th Chciznu1g way~ HQ b vQTSatfle, bl!':ause when bis copy l'ea.ch-e1:1 the pa.per, QO one C:ru'.I. ten on the stru-t..o!r Whdre the 8tor)" tB going to la.nd. Mr. c11:1a.ayl!l w.rltmgs are enJo:!l'.able beca.uae ot their- qu&intn.flQ. a.pd deep bum.or. U be Call. lay bold o1 1:1om.e &l'tcit1h.t relic,, h& la tu bis glo17,'f"ot< thee lda Imagination ha.I':! f\111 swing. Be is as tull of niminlscen(le 8.8 a dfcttona.ry :Is full ot words, and b2s long-.tlme residence fn ottl~ clal Wa.i:iblngton furnishes him abundant material :for elaborn.tlon ot wonderful Dhil~ O!lopb.tes. 'Wben he $ets a.ll of i t out o( b~ S)"~tem he tben beghia to talk :ii.bout thing3 personal to North Chemung. 11' yau b.ivenot read the North Chemung eolu:mn which appears ln The Star~GQ.lllette onee a weeJL ju.st. because you ha.~e a. notl-on you a.re not interested In thtng;s oY'el:' the hill. don't "pass It up'" n.gnjn. If' you W--ant quaintnea1:1, Fred Casady -will tnterest you HoW<ilVEH\ this is merely introductory. :>.1r. Casady has jusy been the reclplent of ,. no••el watoh fob. It ls a mlnnie bullet. as large a.a an acorn, handsomely mounted, and Jnsr.rlbed. Herewith. Js the history of the af'fa.lro A. F Houston, of Decatur, Ga, h> secretary and treasurer of th.e Decatur Electric Light. Powoor and Water company He 1& a. son of the late Major Washington J. Hou1:1ton, conred.,,,ra.te veteran who traced the route for the return of the fa.IllOUB Atlru:lta Institute Bible to ~fisa Amanda Mayson, s!ster of tho Rev. Jamee R!. Mayr;on. founder ot ,th<.' seminar}, which was burned dul'ing kiherman''I mat'ch to the se11.. Mias Mayson was one of the donors ot the Bible, of the cla"s .. 1' 1860, who gave It ht the semlnary. Tlle Dible was sent in 1864 to Dr Traoy Beadle, of Elmira. to hold for Paul Collson, who pkked lt up near the ruins of tb.e eem11111.r~. aln,l.'ng some other thinga e.,,ldently ca.st out or a window h11rrladZy. Tho Blllle wa,; o;ent bY The StR.r-Ga'l!<itte to Clark Howell three y"'a.rs ago, by request of Capli.tn Co\lsoo. Who rleslr!.>d to return It before h<" dletl. Ml' Hnwell. et'Htor of The At· lanta Constltuuun. at a l'eunion of the Fighting 1"~ortY-st•cond Georgia., at Its :rorty"''"th annJv.,.-1'3ary of tlie Battle of At1Rl1ta., July 22. 1910, presented tb.e Blble to the su! vlvm~ relatJve, Miss MaYf!Oll. Mr Houst<:>r1's place was pa!!!s<.'d by Shermao s arniy, including the 1Q7th New Yllrk, ,in Elmira r"~lment. His b.o,1l'le ls on or ne>i.i· the• battlefield, ~nd he picked Up the bullet th.e oth<.'!r dav In hla do<'.>r yard-fifty y<.'11.Nl spent-forty-nine years to be exact. fn a letter that accompanlcd the souvenir, l'llr. Houston says to JI.Ir Casady: "I am sending you a small remacnbrance by mall todny. This article you will find qulte h••a.vy for the us"' for which It 1s Intended, but O( c1Jurse, ~llu may keep 1t as a re· mlnd"'r of Urn esteem one in tbe far o!'J'. south has fo:r you It v..e.s found In my ba'-'k yard S0rne time since when 1 was out dlfi"glng to make an .a.utomublle drive, I my"en findlng ft Yuur friend. A D Houston.'• The fob ls inscribed "A B. H to F1·"d C." Tt should bri stated that, on behalf llf tbe l11te Captatn Paul Colli:;on, Mr Cs.sad:r did all tho correspondenC"e that lei! to the cf.'turn or the famoui; B1ble, an incident that was :fully de.scrJbed Jn Tbe Sto.r-Gs.:,;tette at the tlnw Jt w-as m!l..d" a big iitory t>y l~d1tor Ifow,eU, in his paper, and tlle presen~ tat10n and rcceotlnn of thP. Bible by the bruru<ed V<.'lt'IS.l!ll of th<:' confederates was the great e'ent ot' their reunion. Mr Ca.es.dy ls Yery proud of the sanguinary !Souvenir not onh· because of Jts 5cntlrpcrnta! Y<due, hut h<'<.,1.use of the thoug-htfui and generous ~<:'ntlment8 ot' tbe cblvalrou11 sout.heorn gentleman v. ho se11t it hut \tl>i adnil,.:-ion tl•at the newspatier mA.n would be th<.' first an<l sur.-st ,),,um pr1Jve,.,, tha.t hls shudd.,,,rs a1e n<>edless and hi" fears Rr<'atiY <'xag~-.111lt•tl. Ff'W newspaper r(!port.-.rs in this cuuntry na•e ""prout.,d win!:\!<," or can lay claim to all the virtues; but, in spite of thPlr occupation, f<?W of them ev('r orlglna.te a crimo or land In the penlt<'ntiary. It Is not belrnVf'd tha.t the s,..nator'g a.tt,..mpt tv .,lindt .. the press" v. Ill ro:icelvu much .iupport. 'l'hc countr) il<>plo1 es sensational neW!lpaJrnrf', but lt hi 1rnt ready :fO'r the suppre.islon of the fa~ ts concer!tlng a murder The fact that a murdar haa be0£!n committed and the gullly brought to a i;peedy justice. when puLUshed h:i the n .. wsJ;oi<1),,rs is a deterrent to some r«ader who dls,.0\'<'1" tlni.t It ls daily liecoming ha.rdar for the g1.ult•· to e><l'ap<.> ':the newspapers, bv wld<· publiC"at!on of "rlm.-R and clews.. ha•e ali!ed ht b• lng1ng many gullty persons to the bar ol' jui:;ticc- whd would have gone uupunli;o'1Pd l:r the stnatur'" ldcals of jouroallsm "'-.'le <.'fI'e'-.'ti> e throughout the country. ' ardnm11u•N 'h·"W... "('n.l!fo1nta:u~. 1n th,!r efft11t lo deny JapauC"se the 1ig-ht to uwn land 1n that :;;tat(', a.re actnig enltrely ,,.lthlri tb.nr rig'Jrts I don't care i.1 h>lt tho c.om;equences arP. tn our- nRt1rn1"l ro•lationa or to our for· nl!2'n trad<:> ' Sflld :-><'nator Varda.m~n. of ?>J!x31~s1pp1. tQdfl~ ln rl1sc11sslni:; Mr. Bryan's trip to the Pacilio.: coast , "This quc~tlon ls more vita.I than lln"' of mel<J .-.colJomlcs nr pollt!C',;. l t stlikes at the prrservatlori of tlw white rac~ No p,.o. pie whom we cannot asslm1Lo.te, a.nit whom w<> are not wtu111~ to 1wrmit tu ishare our dtlzcnshlJ.?. eh1Juld have the right to ow1 1•• 11d f!nywhere ln 1;hrn eouotry "lf thls ml'ans e.n ln~orfet"nce with our fr\<.'ndly relu.t1ons with a11otb.er 11atlon, l,·t lt ronl<.'- All the trade of the Orl,.nt ls nnt to be w,.ighf'fl &!':"a.Inst raclal iiltegrlty for tlre- Angln-Sa.xon" s~nator Vardaman a.ntiouriced that ht' wc;.utd 1nt:roduce a.t the nf'Xt session a resolution to amend the fed~rnl 1;:onstltution so a9 to mudifY the fo\l:rte•mth a.ml amend the fiftePnth. amen<lment "Thl<1 if! mor"' Important ,than any tarltt, or money, or trlJf!t )<!!gl.sl.a.t1011," he Bald. "Til.om...a .Jeffernun fn hht n1anual haa thrown some light on th<.' -power oft.he government to -make ti eatl<:is. He sa.ys this power wa.s lodged' In the president and tb<!l senate. two bra.nchea of the lawmaking body.• The- subj..,et.., to which their power extend<:'d, h(! said. were not detlned In de. tall by the CQnstlt>.ltlon. nor wtt:re the mfln ot his time entirely agref!tl "It must: ba:ve meant to except out ot these tb.e· rl{'Obts reserved to the states," he said; "for, surely. the presto:ent and senate cannot do by treaty wha.t the whole government Is interdicted :from d<llng tn a.ny way." Senator Bacon, of Georgla,. cllairma.n of the f"orelgn relatlon.s committee, ;;i.grees witb th:ls. • "That covers the case," said Mr. BMon "l'o{r./ Bryan's suggest.ion to California tluit the land law should oply apply to thoae wbo have not taken out their fir.st PB.Jrers., and make its a.pµll~Uon genei;:a.I, rather tban applY it to those who are ineligible to beoome clt1zens, h; n good one. The peopJe of catit:ornl11, wbHe "E1Xeret!!ing their rlghts, should ba.\'e regard to nat:iona.J considerations so fa.r as tbey Gian do so with safety to themselves. w The State and . .e- Union. "Editor Constltution: Tb.e tnost a.d,·ocate ot Ste.to& rights in the 11.n.te-beUam days never clalmed that a state could remain In the unJon and take any .action tending" to emba.rra.sa tbe g-o,·ernment of th>"l Unlted States in Its d-ea.Uru;s with t'ore1gn powers "While they held tha.t para.mobnt soverM elgnty resided In the flt.ate. wb.ieh had t.be authorlty to judge tor Itself when Us rl~hta were Invaded and to decide upon th,. mea.us 01' redre11s, even to the exteiit of Wlthdraw!ng :from the- uruon. they a.li:io held that 1:1e1;:ession would ma.'ko a state o.n independ· ent republic and releage the union from a.nY obllgatlon to defend It To i-ematn tn the union placed upon the i>ta.to ttie most blnd'1ng obUgatlon to obe}· the laws of th-e union ••Action such as that ..,,-blch California. has bee11 pi-op()slng to take would ha.ve ' 11 ;r~so~~~:l':t~t b/is{~; e7~~~"' a~°a. i':iea.~eJ:rno.~ unMn, "As ha.s been well ea\d, tb.e que:sUon of para.mount sovereignty ""-as d<Jcided RE;a.inst llS n.t .\.ltpomattox, and we confed.,ra.te E!Ol· diers a.oeepted that' decis10n without mental reservation, aod ha.va e\'<1:r deemed ounmlveis honor-bound to abide by lt. "We old confoidRt ates a.re a.malled a.t the action o:f Ca.llfornla, one of t.he states tha.t ll<.<lp<J-d to render the ded11ion a~a!nst U>= ".JOSl!:Pl-I T DERRY. "Atlanta, Ga" NERVES. By GEORGE FITCH. Au1:bor uf "At G.,... Old Stwoab... Nerves are tlnY White- th.reads, which a.re used In wiring up the human svstem, and connecting all outlying dlstricta with headqua:rteri;.. Tbis l.s the scientific definition uf neneii How,:,ver. tbls dlfl.'ers from the common us"' of tl1e l'<"ord Sclo:ri;tlttcalJJ, e~ery one 1Ms nerve><. Howevl'"r, tf a woman mentions her n.;;rvcs she refers to the peculiar disease which "keepe her from rnaklng hel:'self useful, and ella.blef! her doctor to buy a new automobile e\en· ye1;1.r. Nerves, carelessly apeaklng. is -a. complaint.. Sometimes H Is Jocated in the real nerves, but more oftell It ean be found in the bra.in, bet"'een the a.reas ot 1H1perl!tltlon and susolclon. Nerves prevent many people rrllm <>njoslng ur., and p:revent many otb"'rs trom doing anything whate\_gr In the na.tur.,, of t(!U. \Vben a woman has nerves, she must not be e:s:otte« by opposition or hostility. If th1s we{e Ci()lle ber nenes would stab ber Hke red-hot.'"1leedlN1, and she would sutler unspeakable torture"' Nerves ar"' naughty Uttle things. and ca.nn<;>-t be lrnpo!<ed upQn. Tile be>1t way to keep a i:iet of lusurgent ner-velil calm a.nd co11tented is to do wh11.t1;:ver their owner wlsb.N3. lf a rude belng vi;ere to ro;-o to thl) owner or l!ald nei-vt>s and 'tell h('r to leap from a ldmono into an npron ar:id make. a quick dash tor the kitchen, tlie f}oQr lal'Jy's nerves would pn)bably thr(!w her out of the window. Wben a person has 11er-ves, rest a.id quiet are tb-e best remed~ This can be supple·· mented b\· a rew Hght novels a. da~·. a. rca· soua.ble amount of i;a.nd~·, a pleasant doewr, not t<:>-0 homely, a httle agreeable soc!et~· and un.llm\tnd sympath}- These tb.Jngs ca.n cure 11. bad cai<" of ner.,,·es ln troiTt :forty to sh.tY yeo.r11. Ov. 1ng- to the remedy, nerves wr.n b~r to make 1t. qui.do;: do•b :fop. ,"to 1:lae kl1:dlea." are quite enjoyable, but tb.e)I' are very hard on oth<ir inembera of the 1'a.mtly. "\\'hen you i:;ee a eareworn and 1z:zdJ@:'De.nt man wlio looks aa tr he. would like to blte someone. but was too kind to do .so. Jt J:s gene.rally a sign that he Is sutreling from· nerves---other people's nerves Supports McCrory Plan. E:dltllr Constitution. ! notice ln Wedne11da.Y°s issue. of your Paper a.n s.i:-uclo in ref~ erence to a propo1:1ed bill by Hon C. R. McCr1Jry, of Schley county. dn publishing ot: school books for the state. I wish. to put myself on reoord a.s most earneBtl:Y In• doming the pla.n prllposed. The q11<':st1on o! trae bo1Jks has been agitated to eonsfd<!1"· able e~tent. but,. fn my opinion, by th:\$ plan• tbe prlce o:r school books will be (:heapened to such a. min,mum price that it wlll brlhg them within eW>Y reach of even tb.e poorest -,~. NE WSPAPERfiACH!VE® Editor of "Good Words,'" Sai.ii to Be Hawthorne, Likes F ede.ral Prison tDL. HUFF WILL APPEAl JUDGE SPEER'S DECISION CARNEGIEISATTACKED ._ · ~.!.~~.~~~.~ 1t the wrlt1ng of Reg!s:ter N-0. 44.<lli. sa-1d to be JuJ.ta.n Hawthorne. In the May Issue of ··Good WOrd11," tbe opub- A> .. No End in Sight for Litigation l!cat!OD ot the prisoner.a ait the Atla.nta. Peace Mission to \•Vb.ich Has Been Pending ted .. rnJ pen1tentlaey, m:a.y be taken all United States. Fourteen Years. fair evldenc~. Mr. Ha.wthorna ls tlnd- I lng hl'll aoJoUII'"ll a.t the prison l.n~reBt• ----lng a.nd profltable,. not to say plea.sant. Maeon. Ga.., :May 1.-(Sp<edal.lYr. Hawtbon:ie la by profe51!don a .Judge gpee;-, ln the United States dis· w-riter and the virile prod11cUons of trict court. today r~J'ld-er.;><l his decislon bls pen .gholol.· h. Im to be a ma.11 of no if,,, I)]" Huft Jlt!gatlon, whkh bas been mean ob>1e.rvati<)r1.. That he fl.nds aml>l<:! ,. ma.t,,.r!ll..l U'Po11 w-htc!l to ·t11rrltC! a.t the ~ndlng fo-r tourtf'.en yean:1, but th" , fe-d<:ral prison la evidenced bY the T"lH! ,,. not y.-t !n 1<lp;ht.. a.s notti:;e or\ large num'b<:!r of exC'ellent articles he. 'l.Jlp~al by f~ol. V\'. A. Huft aa well as h!l.8 cont.t;it>uted to the cu-rrent 11:1sue of by som;'.) or th"- eredltors. b.aa alroad.Y ''G-0-0<.t W(l•r-d.1'1... be"'" g!;·"'~'· ,1,,,. to what ).tr. Ha.wthorne thinks ot' vtde ror .t\R ~oJ_O'Urn a.t the 'tederal prlaon, the Thi:- decree of the court pro " fo.llowlng _para.grruph from ''Good th" pa.yrn!lnt o~ all of the credft-0rll 'Vords'" spea.lts for ltsalt; with !nt<'"r"><t, a'"-·ards Al":i<an<ler Proud"'lt ts w-0rth "''hUe t-0 haxe stood on tit $3.000 tor hla een"lcP.s as 1'.orrner at- the hard tl'all aui! bottom of thln~s: tornoy for the dPf<"ndant. order" the for n&t only Is it a tvhol<<JH?tTia expert1nt<"rv~n'.ng creditor!< to pay th'i" ex-tra e..nce which Tnany tn.1=~ bout we S'ha..11 f".OTil[H?m<a.tlnn or th<! at!onwYll for th., ~a\"e only ourselves to blame if every original comDla.!nant~. and µ;1\'e" F.dl- 8U.i:>s.,qu<;n1t step WP. laka Is not an upsnn Huff and Mr,.. Matti" !luff .J+'n- \ wa.rd crne, Wllllam Htf:.'~U], the famous lllni::I",,., two or Colonel HuCt'" children. l"~n.,li><h journali:<t. who fittingly clo:;ed ea"t; a OI1':.'·9l'Venth Int<:?.:"'- In the sale a worthy li!e "oy hcroice..lly bidding of c-erlu.!n pro;ierty. The dAcr"e awa.rd- fa.rewell to It on tho dack of the Tled a. total or is.2.~80.42. unt ln,:Juainl:;' tank, >1.i.id tbf\.t a man whu h-"-'! not the coata. Tbe total fund In tho hands been In Jail could not kncrw what We of the court amount!> to $'."14.QO<:\. W.a.>1. ::Wme o:f u.a m.1g'ht th!nk It a. C'oton"'l Hurrs chief complaint 111 the knO"Wled.ga that °"-e mlglh-t wlllingJy &w:ii.rdlng or the $3,0Q() to A. Proud:fit. :forego; t>u·t St6&d'a. ea.ylng w.a.a true -whtle tho cr ..dltors arc obje<:tlng to (~e wM ln Jan hJmsel:! for a :i.-ea.r or ba,,lng- to pay $13.a-'l!l to the a.ttorneYlil two); and .s-ince we ha.,·e been accord-who inel!! the 01·!g-lna.l bill. rt wa.s ed the prlyil.,ge. we may a.s well ma.ke first decreed hy Judge Speer tba.t this the b.,st of It.'" tee should come nu~ or the haakrupt's .,stat<', but lhe court of appe11.lll re- I 1· the London, May 1.-An e:rtremely hostlle attitude toward tht!I Br'lll$h delegatlcm 11ow on the Wyag0 to t,he Unlted Sta.tee. to arrange for the Anglo--Amerlr.:an peace centenary, has been taken by a. section of British workingmen. At thel.r hoad ls Ben Tillett, 8 ecretary of the Dock Workers· union. An ap:peal. sent by <':'able on their behalt today, to Samuel Gompers is ae touows· .. :Br!tl.sb worke~a a.ppeQ.l to the American tre,.dee union!! not to ma.sk the Carnegie pence deleg:a.teti' mh111ton to Amerlca. They h.ope America. will not suppOTt the suggestion that shl' ahould aaslst Engla.od tn making war a.galn!:>t Germany. "B~ TILLETT." The subject -v.·ns brvught up by Hen Tillett at a labor meeting In Hyde park this afternooIJ. Hi:: uttered atrong !IJject11'e>:i aga!rist Lord 'Vcardale anrl other :rnembets at th" lJeB.Ce mla,,lon to the United Sta.tea, &Iii well BB agalnat Andrew C!l.l"negle. Th~e mE!t wlth !ran.Uc atiprat>a.Uon. He I I I I' I I BLACK ELUDING POSSE. ,...,,,.R.,d th!~. ard now Jndge Sp~er ha.a decreed that th» cn·d!tors themeelvoes ~hall pay the morv·y. Th-Dre i., now r~malnl!H:.; n~ th" Huft H ~~t::en sao~n:hP1n_~;1mu11~~. :>~~'.~~;ty.M;~o~~ said that tr the prnepe<;lir>l';"!! were setUed up now Colonel Hutf would have e 11u~lus fro mhl~ ..,.tatc, bit~ !f thfl lltlgatlon le e:xtende<i th<1 court c05ts and interest wlll eat 11 p the balance. Ravs of New Arc Light _ . . Shine Out So BriJhant/y That Firemen Arc•. Called I ~P d T '/ SJ I h oa,ld: '·Ttiere never was e. more milil<::hlevou,. or corrupt mls-Qi<III. sent from thllil c-0untry. It ls tinanced by Carnegie gold, which comes fn>m the sangu1nary hands o! a ma.n who crucHled labo-r 11.t Homf'stt·ad. The whale populatlon of th~ Rrltlsh 1s·w,. ~s antlGt•rman, but I ~la•o<l u;-i f,,.,. my Ger\ mci.n eomra•lM< awl l denH•nd that thn 1 <"<>onad<'s' •ir our 1n...,ven1<0nl ,,1::::..11 re- I Oun s raz ayer nto t e Coosawhatchie Swamp. 1~:;~~al~~~ o;~};~~rot~~~;~ra~Jl"uo;psthe~~ Germany and th" bnttlf"Sh1p mak.t.rS of All,,ndalc, S. C,, !I-lay 1-A!tcr out. this countrl'-to t<.>ment war and o.11 wlttlng an<l eluding bands ot armeol the liorl'V:-s which arise from th.e men o.nd bloodhounrie. all daY, flrlno:-' blood-lu11t of capitallsts. on one party whlch attempted to stop him In a public road a.bout 2 o"clock; this morning and ei:icapin.g, hcln!':" on,·e Wilson Shows Clemency. driVt'n beyond the .._tate border Into G"'or;;la. and Jat,,r Ddng forced to V\"ashlngton, )/lay 1.-D. F. Van Hnt·r:. cF>s11 baelt int-0 t:;outb Carol~na, Rich- fath<:ir of a famll)· of dependent ch!I· ard Henry .... 1.1stln. the negro wf10 klll- di-en who received what is now deuct two nn·n and wound.,d rou:r ln!cta.r~d t 9 r.a.ve h,,. .. n ~n exe~s .. !ve ::ie,;.Hampton C<HJ:rtil' last nlgbt, was pusll-1 h:nce for removJng dist!Heli splrh"<·•1 lo"cck hY his pursuers lnto Coo11a- i without paylng the fmleral tax wai whatchh1 ,,wnmp. not a great <ll!'tance I ordered relea.s<?d today by p,.,,,;!<hH't from Sar.to_,. lale th!A nftcrn<>un andlWll!!on. The prisoner, convlr-tc<l at e;cirJ.•· toni;{.n t !h<' <lo~" have tal't'l"l the fltat.;ev!lle, X. C., wae sentenced to tw•J trtt1l end t"!l,. nc-gro h,.1l(;veo1. to ha.ve I y"'ar~ a.nd to pay a fine or '5•)0. He hf·>cn }"r-Jlt»il "t g "do"k t•might. At has served a pear and pn!d th<' fin<'. that ~h~~ It was ,ti'" gen;ral o~lnl~:I: The tdo.l judg., sai<J. \le lmnoseol tW.3 ~r th~ _nO.otld men !n thE party tllott\1 ~- ... a.rs lt!ld...,r the bellef tl\at Yan Horu ('\ :~uuhl so<.>n be captured. would not be able to pay a flnc. \ nn.cvAr anti hnW<0Vt-r A""'tln l>l, . 'Th,. h~torhtncs.s of a. new "-r" light, comblne<l with tha IHi.tural ncr\·ousness of th,. fotr :oe:r. "1rought two flr-e r,n. I glne rompan'.,.:; ~!'"''din!"; tC'"! Hill :i.r.rl, :Hunter >1trc<et~. ,..nd crt•ro\t'd a m!!d i panic at th .. rrnllce ata.tlon abu'.lt 8 o'clock la~t n!i;;-ht. ! A Ah.-.rt ':.lm<:: aKo. 8nm,.. "mn'.l boys pl:iylnf'; h:-..ll hi·ok., the lam;• nn tho) co 1·n<:-r. \\',.tln•·8day it was ro-i.ilat'"•'tl i ~~-~;~.' ;~cH~~e ,.a';~tQ~~s~:;,~ul~ !: ;~~~ with a ""'"" one. . I tn.o:. dl<'P<J!lltlon will be. Nothlng could The new lam:> shown with " 111111 ual 1 ;:revent a. lYnl'.'"hlng, t1.nrl from the t<-'mbr-llilancy. a.nd. wh""" ""e o! th•·, wo~~~n j pc-rament of th" crow<l it ls not to be r .. B\ire11's n•·arby looked out or t '" " un"':o1.ped<'"d that fire ..... 111 play \ts pa:"t. dow ara1 ><"-'.'. 't for the (:r;;t tin\,. she v 11 ,-. small posse of eight men traJlwa" frl~hten"'d h} i::::.are ,.d the n.-.gro Inward the Sa-.;anna!J. R11nnlng •o the t<>l<>\>hnto<'. "h" <'::died river :;wamp and ahout 2 o'<:'lock this exdtedly r 0-1 the rlr" d>'par;m~nt and afternoon ;;. m J, s from the Savannah! 1 lnf-0rme<[ llt' op<.>r:tt,.,r th it tn<>-r" """ 8 1 1,,.r thf:.'Y left th.-lr automohl1c onl an awful fir•• •nn '"h"'r" n<:ar ::n~ account or a pi;.ncture and were walk· F.ast Huntf'r str<:<:t ln).t alnag the roa.rl"\\aV '~h"n t 1elr atTen mlnUtP>< la.t<•r lh>" entire 'lclnlty i.nt,.-in "·'B utt~a.rted hy sorn(' one i;warmerl with poll<•''"'~ rl1<"m" 1 and running thr<lugh th"' underg1owth ln fire C\ghtlni::: a1>1•«1 >IL s ""rllP,,rP' 'l,ol- th•· wood~ "1 hf'Y stcp1rnd to on.-. ,.\c]e \ l:or e>:plalried th<! <'"rl.11><1' <n the a!><rrn.] of th.., r<>,1.d ,.nd as A:1st1n ,.,..me <lllt I • but !L w_a" lmp•J8s\b;<' (lnrt t11<' ,r"'1:'1~ nr<l•'r+..,l him to stop. !nsh-a<l 11., 1 · or th"' '.'.elt-rnoeton!"g hue exrl"ab!>c P• r j p~ue«<l lnot <I mnm<'nt. opooHr(] fli·e <Jn Bon who t11rn"'d lt ln. the pvese and \u,·nl'<l bat·k into t'1e ,j , -- ----woodB. The fire was rt•t,11·ne<l, and wh~le blood \>:1. tl'".u ground 111dCcate'"1 c'THE TRIUMPH OF DAVID'' that .Au:;tln hnd bNJn hit, he was not i." I 1 0 n-1 °'" I I ! t•: 0 11 AT THE _!~RST_ BAPTIST seriou'"lY wounded. , .) One or the most beautiful of Dnct- DOES HUMAN SLAVERY le: Bucks sa<'r~d car..tatas '"The Ti EXIST IN PHILIPPINES? I umt:-h (If na.vld will be sung- uude~ ----- . I the dlrectl<~n uf J 1" 0 Donn .. \ly "1.t "\Vashington, Mu~ 1 ~Wheth"r hu-1 the ,F!rst H>1.;ot1st <'hur('"h on ;,-llnola} I ni,ui ,. 1.....,,.,..- exists In th<• Philippi nus of'\'enlng Ma' 4 at !t o clock. A cor- 1,. a quN.1Unn ask"d tnda\" b:; t.he sen dial fnvitat1on li;i e.xt.end.,u t<' the t>ub-1 ate 0 ~ s~cretar Garrison J\C 'Ihe C'ontenta o~ the cantata. aro Sena~or l:lor:i.~ read a letter from as •. a.t Mount Gll'boa."-F _ ( Seci-etarl Dean C Worcestor of the male chorus p e ) Phil\pplne government, saying ala.very "We.r Song or rsraalltes"-Ma.le did exist In Manila... but that the rhllcho:i-ua lppln .. a.ss!'.lrnbly , had decl:ned to paslil ..ln the :<;\~ht Shall ~Iy SOng Be of l \Jllle<l!aJ l<"!Olslat.on Elm"---.."!Otir'ana solo. "At the Dawn ..........C:'lorus . .. How Wng Wllt Thou Forget Me, J.,ord ?"-Teno:r solo. "Saul"s Presentlrnent'" Female chorus a.nd ba.rltone 5010. ''Tho ·~vlt>ch of l!lndor"-Alto solo. "Saul a.nd the Wltcb."'-Ba:ritone and ·-1 :1 I J~~lo~:m in your Cofiiee cup the presence of caffeine jg largely done away with and your coffee bills practically cut in two. ?s;lb., Jlb. al!.d 5lb. I The Cosmopolitan . l ~ i --.1'.· ean.s at Cheek-Neal Coffee Co., N.iulnrOle. Hoaston, Jacksonville.. -=~=====""""-========= I Lile Insurance Company 1 OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA Is not the Old Cbsmopolitan which failed. but the new company. with new charter. new officers, ne'W ideals and new cash. 'Which bought the assets and insurance of the old company at public sale. and added to . these ·assets enough additional capital to make the new company an absolutely sound financial institution. Upon verification and approval by_ the Insurance Department of the State of Georgia, of its detailed statement of assets. and liabilities, The Cosmopolitan Life Insurance Company, of Atlanta, has. been -granted license of date May 1, 1913, and has already actively entered the field. Following is a brief summary of the statement of the condition of The Cosmopolitan Life Insurance Company, upon which the Insurance Commissioner of Georgia issued the Company its license: FINANCIAL _;TATEMENT Gross A~sets • • • • • • Gross Liabilities (Exclusive of Capital aad Surplus) . Capital and Surplus $260,036 Undivided Profits • J 08,539 Net Assets • • • • • • .. $499,t29 t30,554 ........;... $368,575 alto. ··ne Deatt\ ot So.ul"-Chorus. '"'After the Hattle"'-Teno:r :solo a.n;i fem.a.le chorus. "'The Coronation at Pebron··Cb.oru$. ' The solotst:;i wllJ a .. : Mrs.. P<?yton H. Todd. uoprano: Mr:s. James H. Whit~ ten. Q]to; M..r. Solon Druk,,.rHnlller, tenor; Mr. lL R.. Bates, barlto~eA J.a.rge. chorus will assist- ~ NOTE-The above statement does not include stock notes, amounting to $137,478.62, and accrued interest, which were acquired in the purchase of the assets of the old Cosmopolitan Life Insurance Company, since the exact value of same has not been determined. The company will unquestionably realize a large amount f["om these notes, and the amount th1f1' obtained will increase the undiviq.ed profits. Neither does the above include the value o"f approximately Two MilliOfi DolJars of insurance acquired from the old company, which is free from agency charges of any kind. UnderwoOd TypewT!ter office can furnish high-grade stenographers_ Phone Mw Hitt. fl Buy Correctly Graded Diamonds Another new Straw from the shop you 'W"Ould most naturally expect the new things to come from. In buying diamonds it is quite important to select a dealer in whom you have the utmos~ c4:<nfidence--not only as to his integrity, but as to bis ability to correctly grade and classify diamonds. A diunlOnd classer requires a good eye for grading Crystals, C'olors and imper· fections. $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 Cloud-Stanford Co. He Ehould ba1;'e an lntuitl'e knowledge of grad· ing and long experienc~e in llandling diamonds to acquire t.he n~e~Ear~· skill ·to know the many character· is:ics by which ·he can intelligently deter~'il their \•alues. , Our expert has had over ~6 years· us alone. weights Lowest experience AU are net wl!h grades and guaranteed. prices. exact weights and grades. are marked in plain figures. \Ve serd dlamonda on approval and sell on attra.et- ive monthly payments.. Write Qr call for booklet, ••Fac:s About Qlld 160.page Diamonds," illustrated Cat· alogue. ~ NEWSPAPERARCHIVE® Maier & l'!erkele, Inc. Diamond J\<\erchants 31-33 Whitehall St Established 1887 Attention is called to the fact that this company begins business with $368.52'5.70 of actual available assets, of which $260.036 is capital and surplus. subscribed at two for one. or $100 surplus to each $100 capital stock: and $108.539.2'0 is undivided profits acquired from the purchase of the assets of the old company. With other assets not included in the foregoing. but explained above, THIS COMPANY ACTUALLY BEGINS BUSINESS WITH ITS STOCK WORTH MORE THAN THREE FOR ONE ON ITS BOOKS. The capital stock of this company was sold without one penny of charge against it. and every dollar received from its sale has gone directly into its treasury. 61 PEACHTREE ST. i I -=--:::;;;;--;: ,:; ;-~- ;: -: ; ; ;- -;::::--=::::::--~:,:;:;;---:;:I !;:· SUIT CA S E-S $1.00 TO $35.00 ==:,OUR OWN MAKE=== ROUNTREE'S The officers of The Cosmopolitan Life Insurance Co., through whom it will . command public confidence, are: JAMES O. WYNN, President. M. M. RILEY, Treasurer. W. S. ELKIN, M. D., Medical Director. >:.:/. W. L. POMEROY, Secretary. MALCOLM N. FLEMING, Asst. Sec.·Treas. LITTLE & POWEI..L, General Counsel. .'.~( " Executive Committee,-JAS. 0. WYN,N, J. K. ORit W. L. .PEEL, A. G. POWELL~nd PAUL B. TRAMMELJ... Finance Committee-W. L. PEEL, JOHN W. GJµN'J.', W. J. BLALOCK, F. S. ELI.JS. .··and M. M. RlLJi:vi •• .. ··.· .·.. '·'·''' , NFWSPAPERARCH!VE® '" f Director Weed Resigm:'" ~ ~,.. ' I ,,__.....,_ ' ~· !!' ' ff Wa!lhlngtoh. .Wa.y 1..-'l'Modore "'~ "' Weed. dlreetor ot. th& poalal uv1.._15ystem. slnce 11:25 estabU11iuni"nt. J)fllaem.. ' ed to Postmwrter Gen&ra.J. Burleaon t #"" hls l"tl:Sltrnatlo~ e!l'eeUve. .l~tr- 80' da.);r Mr Weed wlll angag-e In bwilne•-tn. Yori.. ~ew l"":f rt- Balter cOldala waler . . . . . . ->- ~"': Cottolene is 100% sho~ t t -- Sigma Phi Epszlon Dane,~ lh.-. anr .. 1 l n ~ nf rec:11 l h • f \ ' Phi [ PSllln v.li\ ht .. ldlf:'.h~!ul """<'flt nf H1n1gl t J.m< I\!:; •t! t-<11.-.ge ~~t It \>.Ill I p,IV1>n .<.t..., ;_, 11 '" '";l~IT>d. '~ To IV/zss King h.'.1 ~ '\II><" :Ma \ 'I'\ Ill b th.- i;:. ,. ... ( \.Vould Die, But He Helped Her to Recovery. or honur a.t .,,.~ .. r«l \<nth~ l> !" )r•· h<'r a ... parent» partu1 e f< r l uropc- " :h h•• on th.,. ~otl• "\!:--. \\ A t'-i rlt"'' 't\ Hl gh<' a Jun< hPO! 1" "' 1! ent<'r • ta111 To r·isitors '\fr"I H 1: '\rLC01 1 1dl! .. , <'dB. n .:it luncheon toda' !n rum»Jlmo;,nt t<> '14tss '1.al'!On Robert'l of '\fr"I .1.nno> .::;, lrlf n l tlea 't 1" Y and \\-<J.shln<r;ton guests or Mr'< lWiss Ellzs Entertains '11'<'- Ruth ~ IJ;,un f ' - ' " ' " ' 1, who ''"!llr1- "ll'<'< "1-l(l<'"n D<1"-.an wa"I .c p1ett} luneh<.On M1~'< Katht>r\nf> 11 lf<" Th 1 1rl\ or ten ..-.. ,..e sAat .. d "'t a I<; "°' ll:U.P.St of h ii gL'\·en )<'«t 1da.'- b• table p,..as pH :1u .tn(I .,~que tl11) ~ll with p!nk <'olor d!'la!ls <;WP<'t "''re plnk h<'<'Om1nz ;::own <'l"ePe Ut LONI n pla\t<-rl '\ll;s'l \•llson "'01r a f!i .... u ni.lte! .. s,;(' 1-o"'n 'lllth .,_ ""' dt hladt hat 'l\:l\.,~ 'I'nri'Oa1' '~ore black < <-PC d,,.. '.\!!«'< Flll'l • [ T r<:>n h -.;\O!f' \>ln,, a I I H&\.e ta.lk"'d to several or my lady and tiow they al:'e ta.kll:1li; tr cnd'!I Two Popular Specials Creamed Peach: lfalf .. u~ 1.. naoq .,.ling .,,..,,, b to11p .. d oil ...-Ith d.,-lkh•ll8 ~rl'aSI la~i..• on"r""~ 1•onlo11 1-aniJla hin8 <'lto,..rl'T ". Creamed Pineapple: Qn .. '""' ... i:i;•nutn.. ff11...-11Unn pln•appl<' 1>ortlon of .. aolll.,, I•.- • ~.. m1 lndJ.. ot .,....... b ..d pln ...nppl<' rlui"'h ..d 11 ltll "'~""'"~ • hlnu • h,.rry There Are Others at Superior in Freshn.,.... Quality and Flavor, to any Biscuit you ever tasted. Search anyw he rc. everywhere. and nowhere can you f i n d better, fresher and m o r e delicious crackers! They are so good that you can"t tire of eating them. You can eat all you want 'Without overworking the stomach. because they are easily digested. Every biscuit that g o e s in every package is inspected. For t h e y mu s t be absolutely good in everyway before they are sealed m the triple sealed package. Try a box today for luncheon and for the children after school or play. Cardul-i:ny da:agJJter 'for (lln•, arut 1t 1!!1 belplng tier Sh"' lis :? yea:ris old, a.Dd I am nearly bl CarduJ helped W'I 11.lJ I certa.lnly do I 'J,>ublh.•b i <::ardul tr you this letter ~erta\nly ,. know Cal'dut high enou.gh fl•l<lf<c You ma.y wish. saved my M'fe tor- a.ad 1_ c&nnot sa.y t-oo rnuell tor tt.. derful medletn• .. Cardui f!!I good. tor 70Qn8' and old. It cairtn but Utile to tr7. and may me«.n 110 much to you. • Get (L bottle of Cyd11I to-d&J" N B -""':l:'He to1 LBdle3 Ad~itl.;,r'T Chattanooga Medlcille Co.. CJ:l:&tta.noaga. Tenn for S'Pedlll ~ Dept mant tor Women sent In plain wrap- h l 5c Made in Atlanta by Built to Protect &bySold to Protect You For &b7 the S1dway Gua.nmteed ta the roomle!t currsge o.a the market, ha. the only spring that 1a ad1usteblc 10 baby's 1nerea~e m wel&ht, and ill Frank E. Block for rain or eunelune. For 't'ou 1t has. Specud Fabnkoid Leather guar-aarecd .ga1nat creck:Jog. pee.bD,g or tearing, Real Rl;lbber T1te9 inatud of compo- Company ~ed aition; every part Uncaaclitionllll,,r GalD'Clllh:al ;} '' :,1 ~j l lorT- Yean Yoo .Ul like tbm carnage tM muw:te you ec!I lt. you 'Wlll sc-. ccpt no Other when you bow itl -apprec:tate 1t.... Don baJ>r.t w.n ai_. u,J.eet you c:aniagc tiU you aee a SIDWAY t;UARAJt1TE£::J, Ma.ct. bSkbato M'.n:alllPos Co.~ 1019 J4tlti sr.. Dlilunt. ''"'· See the s~ cir T1Je;Je ~~ M. Rich & Bros. Co. Sten:bi Bros. & Barnes 1I ~ ' \ ~ Phone Your Wallt to Mahl 5000 Atlanta >ag 1 AMERICAN RECOGNITION II POWERS H_ESITATINC· · 1~~.;~\:-St~::~~:?i a~n:~:.:·~~·~:~:::~~ii(~ ._._.___==============~A.BOUT .. M.ON_TEN.EGRO ..· ......':.:!.:"w:;::::::r:. -::. . . ~~::..r:. .~-,:;.tt:~· FACTORY GIRLS GOING TO INQUEST 111 FOR CHINESE REPUBLIC ! - It \Vitl Be Formally. Extended Today-Chinese Assembly Is Organized. Taken V.'allhlni;::ton. May 1.-Berore Sec-retary Bryan lf!ft "\Va9hlr.gton f<>r Calithat Charge Wllll.11.ms, al PPkhiK, had """" Jsntructed to ex~,.ntl !ormnl recognition to the new ro;.publ1~ .,r Chlna a,,. soon a:<1 the ~onst1tu,.nt a><>1••mhly had bPen properly nri;;->1.n'.zPd In flll it>! branchP" and pro· ~·1,.l<rn mRd" f<>r. the election ot adlJllnl.'ltratlv., orttcers. At thnt t!m\" lt wa,. ex:peet.od that th"'"' prel!mlnarl+<.s would occupy only a low d.'1.Yl!I, hut party -dh·lslonB &'Prang ~1.:'r~.n ~~~;c~o;;,M·~i:~n;·,~ ~:r:~.~inl;g,11~1~~ Mrs. J. R Hardy, who was 4'nter· tained dt'llfl:htrully during grand opera.. th" guest or her dw,u;ht.,r, :'.l.trs ~- B. C<>w•u1. ha>! returned to her home at '-~·ill<trll, Ga, .\Ir". \V. <lnll>;ht<'r, t1.,·s;·ill<', Na!lh~·!Ue, QuillJ,,,n Is dslii;1g- her .T. '\.V. Jun•'"• in Carwill vi~lt h"r "0""' in Tenn.. beto:,-e r»turnlng F". M1·>1 Silt• home. New Mrs. M Ad<>,ms and M~s :\.imn Papy. 0r Atlanta.. arc at prr-s<·nt l~ York City. Wh<'re they ar" at'.the HO· tel v.--olcott. Mrs. F:alns. ~fr. ~·rancJ3 Ralrt!! and Mr. and Mr><. l.>, Q. Doo)(herty. Jr., have taken a.n apa.rtmient at 190 .fllni1'.JAI:" street. :i.lr9. John \\•. Rdd. nf Mac'.nt1. ls the guest ut :\ll'B. S1mmous !n th<: LJllan 1i.pa:rlments. Ml""' ROOyn You"""· who apent the week·en<I Jn (Hrm:nghnm. ia the r;ueat t""w da.Y.'l oC )"lr.'l. W. C H 'Jmµhr!.•s., b•~fure i·l'turnin::; to ht'r home ;,, V,."a.shfngton. [) (". tor a .Mr\!. r~o!ll a Kl rtlanoi Kl· nan recent illness. l;iaH rce•n·ered Mrs. Harvit'.' .TorU;HJ will .return from \\."nshlngton an<J ;>.:,•w York today. Mli;s !'Jen><. Hammond Jeft fO"r her homo !n 01Ldsden, A.la.., yesterday. art•·r a p\t'asant vt5lt to her slst.:r. Mrs. .lC>bn Staton. Mrs' "'· T>. ~'ood.. wlrn ~ut1'er<'<l se· >er1: injt:rles Crom a fall several weelts "go, Is lmpr<i~·ing. Mr~ v.·. C A. n .. nry and <'hlldren return{"d to thcJr hom" Jn CoJ;.irnbu!<, Ohio. S·.inda.y, ll.It\"r a vlslt of several we<1ks to '.\Irs. Fl,,m!ng DuBlg-11on. :a.tr. Wilson Hardy, of Rome, "l\·a.s Cn In Old Time May Festival School Children JY!ak.e Merry Th("rP. wa." a "!I-Jay <le.Y fct<> at tl;" for thn l':inililY sd10n! oag,.. :\.Jl1'!1 Bout~ Forrest a,·,,nu,. "rhool ~···,.tc-nlay and. W<•ll !l111lgl11~. -~'1(> wa~ r0qu1>sled tn e.i; it w&.>. Ow ftrat time in many ye-am wd~ .. rihont the :>lay du.~· fc-stiva:, and tbat a r"'e.l old-time May day f<:sti-,;a\ her atory Is told bdow·: has been held ln Atlanta. th(, o<:cas!on ··nn Thur~day a rnuat beautiful prr>· not ont~· or lmrn .. nse ph·asure to gra:ll was rendered l:>y th"' pup!Js of the lhe UttJ .. one1:1. b:.it ot ((rt-at !ntPrest tirnt ;ind seetond i:;-1·a11<•a .:- .. Jebratlng lo the gro~·n-ups who "l\·~'1·e presf'nt ~Jny dny. Many yea.re a!'[o ti.., f'lr·st o! Mci.y waa "f)n Th" pre,·inu.~ <lay t!"lP pupils mad,,. celebrated throuithout count!"~·. and I tn., bea~tltur May 1,v.skds, whkll theY the ~plr!t or th.-. !!ea1:rnn was manlf<>st, f11l<•t! w-th g"•Jrf':°~OU!I floWPH• at every in Atlllnta, but of recent Y\"ars th<:: dC-l'l<'rlpt!nn _on the morning o~ the eneu!!ltom haa b.-.en dlsl:'Ontlnuc-d. terta!nrrH'nt. The ('.hildren or the Fon·e>it av!'nU<" , ..rh .. pupil" mar< hPrl !nto th<>lr clas>< l!r-houl do>clded to have a May <lay fpa- ronm •••Jth baskets. uverload,~d with tlv><..l. 11nd it waa agreed th.al the i!'.tle flowe1·s. On •·ar'.1 11t•lP h,-,ad wa.R i... to!R ot the ttrst grade and &Ct'ond flow"r wreath, and .,JI were dressed gradA were thf! rlght peopl<J to CA.rry in whll(·. i:>u: the program, Th<>re were so many "°"ni::;"' Hy t"hlld.-.en. V("rY beautJ!lll tot"1 that the selocttorr ''lTpon .,nl<·rin~ thc!t· room the-.; Rang of a Mav queen b<0cnme to<'.> dlfflc-ult. ~P'l'"d ~w•·<.'I ;nr! a.pprupria.te ·aung>1. and eo they all he<:>,.,.me '"llt!l .. queen-'<." 7he n<'Xt. ln!Pr·i·st\ng o>vC'nt was when l'Jv.,.ry chllcl. !'!~Id In her arm!> a ctnlL lthf' 1!ttl•· )C1cls '"'"""' 11,., <lull >'on,c;, a.nil a ven· lovP.J}· dC>ll. .11.nll the .!lln1;lng oflf.llso t'X/,l<liri.-d how tll<>J' rocked tbern th" "Doll t:;ong" was th., most µleasing 1 0 slec_ii, 1'~old1'<l thcff. and how they numb<'ll"" on the program. , attcndwl tu th!'m In ,;.,ner"-t. Tt.e t.oni' On the daY betore the first or May: part h<ul 1n!l!tr11't ca.,t;•. ""d 1_hey s,,n.,; the ehUdren made bnskC'ts whlch theJ· lb~lr "f<uldl<er llv.1 ·· .;on;; w1lh flags filled with, gorgeou,. flowerfl or eve~y waving <1n<l ilrums b<"lttlr,g, much lo des<'r!r>tlon and which lent a "'ha.Ju ut t!'le d<'llg'.ht or the roomful or guests. glory'" to the Mny day "eene. Aflf'r" ~··w nior<• .!longs th~y adjourned As The Const\tutlon has a "regular to thP au<Ulor;um ror the f\nal en~nt. corr<>spon<"lent'• at the Forr,.,.t av<>n1lc whkh was a pi:-..tt.v <lriil, nwl a lltt!e school who writes lette>r!I ("ach week Ca.nc" <""onc1uder1 the e:<e .. :,-('ls;.,s," ti"' I ~ the dly WPdnesday, ,.ti r(!ut<' to "\\-a><h- lngton. D. C. Mrs. E:nma \'i'o"d will for a ,,islt to RnoAdll••. Ml"'"' Jani\' Laird Mrl!I. Cad~· .Laird for }.. av .. ;;oon l;i with Nfr. and the aumnrnr. Mr. Dan Car.,y lea.;·ea on the 8th for Next Time y I fifih Ave. fl t\Ry..BRJ. St., NEW YORK. CITY \. I ;E ;5 12,000 Yards in h!s molher. Mrs. v:. H. Barnett. who has been the .c;uest ot Mr. and Mrs. Martin for ""'ve<:al W""ek!I. Jn "Ihm Ann!" Alk.,n ls v\s!ting trieods ::louth Carolina M!sn J.ou!s" McGovern hrti< returno:d rrom a. vii:1lt of sev .. ral W•'eks to SI.. Louis. Mrs. ~·nuarn F.. Foster ha.s ro!'c-ov1>red from a recent llln"""· ••• Mr a <'! M G }<' ll 15 go 1;., ;.;ew ~ ~rk e~~~e mi~~;<>-~te~ "I\~ 1 manth e 0 t 1" I · I OU ~ I I ••• I Mr. !<p.ent ra.ce, home I and :!!.t:r,,, Albert IIoweH, ,Tr., who Uie winter at the Gf!or&la hav., mo~·ed out to th .. tr couotry o-n the w~terworks road fo:r the j Ter-1 ••• Mrs. Joh11 ,.. Ennis, aceom;ianled b.I' Mlltlred Thomas. Mary VE!rn')y and Ruby Le"' Eelf!B, lf'ft yestel"day !or Oxford. The'~' wtJI attend a reception ~!'"'"'"" ~~;;:~."' & A B ::~«rnH;-, °'Emo" ! !I MrR. John .T. Woodside had as their guests for <ltnner last nl"ght: 1 Mr. and :iit:rs . .Hugh N, Mell!o>e, who ara at the Pledm-ont, and :Mr-, and MrB. John .J. ~Voods!de•.Tr. Mr. anu 7'» .... Miss Hildreth 8urtQn ~mlth will give a. matinee Party today tor Mrs. Hugh VE IVA LokAy•s guest, Miss Vrlnn, ot Rlr:h· I ;;~~;';,.;~" ,.;,',~·;:"".o':';,.,',;'" b:~. ::::: - . ~ Martlna livrkc, ot: .:>-Iacon. Mias C11rolyn K!ul':" has invited eight young women for bridge this a.tternoon, the gucsU of honor to be Mi>19 ~ Winn. or Rlchmond. who ls vfa!ttng I Mrs. Hugh Lokey. a.nt}. Ml>1!1 ltobyn, Young, of °"'a!!hlngctr)n. D. C. thesyrupwiththeREDLABEL; andyou'llkeepon using itafteryou buyyoqr fiTsl package. Try Velva nett time you make candy. It makes great fudge, too, and you'll notice the difference in the first batch. Your grocer has Velva in the green can, too, if you like. Velva is ten cents up, according to size-and you never bought its equal. Send for the book of Velva Recipes:. No charge. Cooking School. Cooklng se:hool every day at Y. M. C .'\. from 3 to 5 o·cJock, Menu .tor F:r-l-da.y: Whlte lLlnir. Fancy Cakt:!!. Cuc-umber Aspic. Mny.unn.alee. PENICK t<- FC!"R.D, Ltd. NEW ORLEANS, LA. KENTUCKY WAFFLES Yesterday's record-breaking crowd in response to our silk sale was not a surprise. It was looked for. Because we hold this SILK SALE every May, and Atlanta women kno-w what to expect-the choicest silks of the season at Savings of a Third to a Half & More '!.'hey got such silks in this sale. Not choice of a few odd pieces and tag ends, but choice of hundreds of crisp, fashionable patterns, fresh from the looms. Interest today centers in the imported l<rench. $3 & $3.50 Silk Voiles & Chiffons at $1.29 & $1.39 More than 100 pieces-the importer's entire reserve stock. Dreams of loveliness. chiffon cloths and French voiles, exquisite dreams of artists made manifest. Some ha:Vedeep borders of charmeuse; some of meteor crepe. Some are overprinted '\.\'ith striking -:''-"·' Futurist designs in color com~inations that only the French w~uld dar~; others are in spac~d >~:?.t"~ floral desig:is and Dolly :£\.fadtson patterns; some-but one cant describe m.ore .. than 100 dJf- ~---_·_{.~i,_J_._ ferent fabric-poems--please come and $ee them. ,,;'f'.'0!;{ _ I Mr. and Mrs. Petf'r F. Clarke will Ro 1' to BaHJm1.1re on the 19 th a:nd Mrs. Ciark" wll! re me.In to attend the grac1-1· uat1-0n or :r.11s~ Frances Clarke, at Oou"n"r coliee;·e. --servethemwithVelvaSyrupwiththeREDLABEL,and know syrup as you've-never known it before. Velva is made , for table use, for making cakes, candies and other goodies. It puts new go in griddle cakes, makes muffins taste like more and places a plate of biscuits into a little world of its own. Good? Yes, ma'am, great~and its use brings the hi:ith cost of living down. Goes twlte as far as butter on bread, and costs: only a fourth as much. Nievier was, and ner;ter will be. any syrup as ...rood as J!. An Overwhelming Success Has Followed This Presentati'cm of the Annual May Silk Clearance I . ~ ~ NAME OF SIL: ere Bordered Chiffon Dress Taffetas Silk Suiting Kimono Silks Silk Foulards Silk Foulanls Mes salines Fancy Taffetas Messalines Chiffon Taffetas, Imp. Foulards Fancy Messalines Striped Wash Silks Pongee I monies here tuiius. 'l'ha t&.blet was the gift 01! CUm~rland ct.apter, D, A. R.. to the city ot Na.ah\'ille, a.nd Wll.fl: •.,,,..,,,.d on .....,, o< ... city "" •ts daY one of the show J)~ ot: I=;~:;::E:e :7::;;£:~a£:~ . •• "' "1l•\ . . Ar:o~::er ~plen:::T~rou7ALUE Nearly all Colors All Colors and Wbite All Street Shades All Colors All Coloni All Colors Black Only All Colors Street &: Evening Shades Double. 27 in. 24 in. 27 in. 23 in. 23 in_ Fa~Colors 36 in. 24 & a7 ins. 24 in. 26 in. 42 in. 24 in. White and Colors White Only in. 27 in. Solid and Changcables Black Only An Added ~eature: :«¥;'::'.';:?' PRlCE $2.50 >.OO 1.50 1.00 I.00 .5g 6gc 6gc J.00 33i: 7gc 1,00 66<: I,00 I.00 t.50 1.25 1.50 1.50 32 g8c 5gc 8gc &11 :~9~/ ·x 59c. 59C g8e 6gc Sgc g5c Up to $ t.50 Remnants, at 29c For the second big day of the sale we take the season's accumulation of remnants -:~{ silks that have sold down to short lengths of 2 to 6 yards. ·.:~· About 1,200 yards in all, including the best styles and silks of the season. AU l_go:-,; on sa1e at 8:30 a. m. at 29c a. yard. Choose from -29·c· Polk Memorial Unveiled. Nae-hv\lle, Tenn., .May 1.~A me. morlD.l tablet mark!ng the site ot the homl) ot President .Tame-a, K110>1: Polk. waa 1.1nvelled wlth a.pproJl'riate c(lre· Lac.es., Main Floor, Right Aisle. Because these are Silks that Women Want to Buy and NOT Merely Fabrics that We Want to Sell k I Make waffles, Now shown in window. Sale at 9 A. M. ••• Ml!ls :\fade Maclntvrr>. who has t;i e ltl t St J h' ·r e 11 1 eon~ tose-pd"' 111 lr~ar;•. ls now 1 hum: ;~~~~ru:". waa ll le to return Y ••• M d M t r. an h rs. A:rthi':r .Jfow.,ll h:avs Paonen d a. uuse on oulevftrd, near llth . 0 e ~on, un,tll the c<.-npletlon of etr ne"I'· 0 n 1 e n Druid h"Jls. Ii Mr. Edward 8an1Ptt will spend the W<'ek-~nd In Clln!on, 8. C .. th., guf'"t of Mr. al10"! Mrs. Venable Martin. He 12C The laces consist of Calais Vats, Di.amond 1iesh, P_ latte Vais, ~uby at~d French V:als.. Beautiful patterns in edges an<l insertions to 1natch. Edges 2 to 6 tnches, insertinns 2 to 5 inches. Not a yard worth less than 2oc; some worth to 6oc; most , oi then1 worth 3oc to 5oc. Choice of the lot ....................... ·············" .· . . I Mast<:-r Ed ward Yan WinkJ,,. "Wlll Str•miJ the week.end with Ma.ster Cba.rle111 Pblnizy, J;;'. Jn Athens. .lirs. F::rnt>iH Dall IA has retur-ned from the country. ••• Ml~!l Marlon Hodgson wi!l corne over rrorn AthC>ns to he the guest of Mlss Lawaon H!no>s for the Ph{ Delta Theta annual dance this month, ••• ~fr. and Mi:-s. Geo. E, King >'l.nd their daughter, Mre. \\r. L. Lyon, ot Balli· i ~~------- mo1·e. wlH go to "Kin1nvood."' their l;\'aldo. T""-""· Wh'l!r<i hi" m1trriaµ;e tn countr~· home, at ClaYt<in. today for' ~lb.~ H,,1 .. n Hn.n• take~ JJlae" a [PW I a week's At"-"'· ~ dn.y 8 Ld< r. ill' wlll be n.·,•eompanled uY hi;; ~istf'r. Ml"!< .A•p1es Ca•"».\", and Miss L\ll!n,. Pratt, of TamPn. Fla.., his hr•Ah.-r. Mr. Paul CareY. wno will who was an attractive -.;Lsitor fol' the! tie lle~t man. opci'a, wlll return,,h,ome Monday. D 0 Thl•S NEWSPAPEnARCHIVE® ··-· I These laces come from the importer who supplies us regularly. largest account in the South. Off to Europe oµ Fall business, he favored us with his reserve stock. Sold it to~s for a song. Though these are usual 20c to 60c laces, we make a profit by se. ·ng them at 12c. Sane, sensible merchan ' ing this--the kind that has, brought Rich's the lion's share of the lace business in Atlanta. will he aeeompanled home Monday by w....,. ri~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!i~~!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!~il ---·-. I I .J-,-lfl. ~ Employees of Kational PenC"il company en tcnng- police station, , ..,here they v.:cre. sun1moned 'l'hursday afternoon as \.Vitnesses in the :\Ia;y Phag.an inquest. - - · - - ) >1Uri\11l<;1", . ' • We showed them in the window yesterday with a card announcing 1'.hat sale would take place today. Hundreds of women wante<j;them at onee--besieged us to take orders, to reserve certain pieces, to send them out of town. BUT, NO-The sale is scheduled for 9 a. m. this morning, and not an inch r-...-.r home Jn 1\[acon. .i.s A. New 20c to 60c Laces, 12c ... ;.;r,,. (". ''· H o T·E L c·o',tru_··.-.•. ·. < -r i Mr, and Conklin have returned. !rom Tate Spring, T..:.nn. lalon~sne~~ "" ~ -· , •. :Vlra. :Marl~ Graha.m, <'.I[ Ct",lcago. "·ho h..i.!! I:>,,..,, tha popular guei<t of Mrs. J,i.ck J. Rva!tlln.,, t·<·turn"d lo her home In L.bkai-;o Y<-<sterda:,·. . Mr. J1<ck J. 8pa.1tllng:, Jr, who iR th., guc:.t nf bl>1 p>i.rents ,,_t Deerlahd, wlll ba her,. tor t8n day>1 l>efm·a returning -to l' .. nn"~~'~an1a. · to t;!J.e..l'll;~n ot ~mMWWl'WWllWWl~ifm'WWWWNNNiiiWWWW~'!fi •, i::o~·"n'ru~nt. /I pre~ . atmosphere. The lmpr .. e11lon derived fr<>m the Montenei>;"rln note 11:1 that King Nicholas 11!1 wa!tlng tor the "compensation" which Is to he ottered hfm to quit Seu.· tart. The little kingdom tells lta big nelgbbors that It ha.1:1 the gNa.teat defer<'nce tor them, a.nd declarel!I the eaptur-e of Beute.rt lo he tn no way a defJa:rice ot their .11.nn.oanc.. d d«:let-0n to give the former •rurkleh fortrfli!l!I to Albania. At tb.e. an.me tl:rne Montenegro eug· yest•·r'1.AS th., c-ompl<'tlon ot the work or OJ"litH.nlt..."-tlOn. ~""'• however. with th" e>leet!on or Taro~ Hu.- f,ung as ,;peak<,r nr the ho-us,,, organl:zoatlon ls p.,,.r ... Nf'd Jn both branr-hi<s. th» »••nate nlreadi.- h1<"1n~ urganl:.:<•<l The Amer!· ran c)larg-..,, th,.refore, now will be able tn rarry o'.lt hla ln.'ltructlon,. trom Secretary Bryan. and Am.,r!ra will ba th" ffrllt o~ th(! grf'll.t power9 tu Pxtend re<:oi>;n1tlnn to the lnrant rei>ubllc. lt ls e>1:;>eckd th"t art<'r 'hi" recog. nlt1on a new ::"!l!td.~t<'r t<' China. accr.. oa .. d to th<> p•puhlh'. wlll be c),.,.lp;'ne.ted t" sur-,·..-.~.i :\tr. Calll<;uu. who I" now· '"' hJ>< wav home. Mr. C'h.anK, (hoe rf!Rl<lt:nl mllll><t.,r or China. probably sol.Jn w!tl r .. , . .,r,..., er("dPnt!aJa rrom Yua'h Sh! 1(1~1, th., provlalon.i.t pr<"sl· d"'n~ <of Chlua. !n plac.- or th .. cr-.d«n1l11ls l>1SU<'d to him by th<' lat" Man· SOCIAL ITEMS. ~in~~:::.~ Little London, May L-Tbe power• wHI not ta.kl!! 1Jtepe to t:oerce Montenelll'O for the prei!!enL The amba..11BQ.do"' at their meeting th/a at.:ternoon ca.me to the conclusion that tn view ot' tbc concl!a. tot'? &tt1tu.de abown by M.ontcnepo. ll wa..s ru:in.eceBsiu·y to proceed w:lth Im· mediate mea.aurc11 or coercion.. The modera-te tone ot' Hontenegro•a i:-eply to the powers has cleared much ot th" Blectrlclty out of. the dlplomatlc fornia h" annour.r:.-tl ,·hu _to Konlenesr?' No Immediate Steps Will B• 1 f'P.k~ng. May 1.-·Th., Unlt .. d State!!! wlll r"""!l:ni7." th.;> r .. publlc or Cl':llna t.o-morrow Th" Ch!n.,s., government Will t<':fftHy to !!11 appr<i"Ch.1.t!<:1n by an -'"\11horat<> rec.,1itlon anil JL1ncbeon to the legatlon trtatt at tho winter palace. 1 i...:....'l'be Polloy o1. d~Cf' WQ lilf,,lf Cl!lttln,fe. · Jfontinegro,. May i-ltuaata.n .JQ.lld11ter L 59c silks 75c silks 85c silks . .. . . -··.· .·· $1.00 silks $1.25 silks · $1. 35 silks Nearly all silk dress. patte:rns redU:ood tesS-tban half-price. ._.. Three big lots Of fashionable trinun:iD.gs at exactly half-price. ,' One table o~ woolens in short'J6tJgtbS, 2 to 10 yards. values to $2, at';'690. -,· . : . Mall ort!ers :filhid with' ~rqmpqiess and ,£?!?'~"?.~if~ ;;;?:1"..*••~'i: .......... _,,,ll.J,~!ta& ' - - , " '&r-~1{- _ .' ~.- _:·. ~·j .',;_: .·_ ., :"' _-; .•- ~ exactitu:d~··_\;·~i~~JJ:'.:~' -)~ ($llJC: A1'ft~M.tJt it1d0 _:;~._f "·. :_ -~·. ~-·'._ .· '·. ~- ·.•-~.- '.-•,.- · :· ;·'.~ P.~! ;~' .•.lUB_._· •..•·_.·_,.:·-· .... _'":• '·.· .. ____.•_·:.-_.·_-...-_,_B···_:_ _•._ •. •• Nr.wsPAI'ERRRCHIVE® ';..-' ·GWtert: Price ~ t1le ~ 40wnt-d nl'l!eer ~. af:l!d. a.a &1todted bT ~ ~ Ge11.ew ~ bl&l4er. 'l.'tlidr Nmbla-.!4 - r k 'tlulBed dte ~ CHANGED BATTING ~RbER IURNS TkICK EDlTED BY \ ,· " Dick Jemis~a · Crackers' New Infielder BAILEY MAY JOIN _ ' Makes Successful Debut CLUB-SATURDAY >·~ • Is Working Hard on Iniun;d Foot-He Will Do Pinch Hit Duty Until the Prop Mends Stop 'J'h~m S-'.Ll Y lengu" c.Juhs <He ; elllng help r .. rry Lip(' s o;tavaan«h Indian.A are c<1t ting ..i. wide l:lw <th Ju Uie Denn.i.nt race Th,,. cluh hao; ~~on t!•~ l«'<~. <>\i.:;ht ~.i.m"s Jt h:a::i pla:1ed • Harn. Bnn.,:i- the Cra<>ker<: -clean up hitter Is w()rklng Uke a. Trojan tl")'lni; to gAt hi« Injured foot tn sucrr shape !bat he <...a.n h<'ar hhs weight on the Injured member Ba.Cloy ha.s bt>en u"1ng hot o.ppllca t1ons "''"en hour on th<i lnjnred memh!:"r trylng to reduce the ,;welltng It ls answering 11llghtll to the treatment, 11.nd the speedy outfti;ldoer stated Thu?'l!lda.y afternoon that he hoped to be .able to Jofn the dub In Btrmtngbam Saturda)" Bailey wll1 nnt plal regularly whett h<1 :n,..,.t JolnB tbc club but wlll ~111 the Pinch h1ttlng rot,. for a. few de.ya. He hope9 to get act!\ ely ln the :l'ra.T '1!rll.ln thA first part o~ next week. .rhl' '"ntlre club m..il1rns the lu,,a o( Balle~ at thla Ume but l'lo oue teeha tbf' tbscnce :mora than Balle)' hlmsel! He ls wild to .get ba.c-k Into the pastime a gal n. EMORY FRESHMEN LEAD IN GLASS CONTESTS DICK RUDOLPH SOLD Isle of Champagne R. U. KIDWELL,. lIDulaftl'I. 15c MERCRAIITS LUICK 15c I~ • Lima De•n• steQm.ed Klee Sprlnc On1ons Hot lllmll11• , Isle of Champag11_e 129 Ji"•ria PQ-• !!It.. • Nl WSl'AP} RRRCHIVE® SEWANEE TIGERS DOBARD MAY JOIN ICOBB REINSTATED HERE FOR SERIES . THE BILLIKENS ! AND GIVEN_ FINE Nflw Orl.ea.Dl!I, Ma.y 1.-(Specl&L)-Ri'fusing to join the Beaumont ('!'exa.o1) league club, 1.o which hEI wa.s rolee.sed u1:1der a.n optlonn.I agreement, Leo Doha.rd, the lo~I shortstop wtl.om the Crack.cru &ecured fl'Dz:tl Clarke Grlttlth, Play Tech Yellow Jackets at Grant Field Today and Saturday-Will Be Interesting Games. ot the W11.sb1llgt0ll club. returned New Orleans Tuesday. Comm1· .,..;; ··1·on C eilSlllC$ Him for Past Act, . Comm.ends D • Cl b d J etroit U an SSUeS a Warning. "' t • Dobard wa.a out ln a. Montgomecy unlfora> during the pra.etlee a.nd tt ts nrob,blo he "Wll1 become 11. membe' .ot ,... -Jawn·• Dobbs' Bllll'kene, lf a. trade. Was One of Atlanta's Highly Head Hacked by Ax. Duluth" Esteemed Citizens and Well Man Dies 'While Be1·nu t:> Known Throughout South. Rushed to HoSpital. .Att..heaa. Ga, :Ma.Y 'l.-(Spedal.)-The U-alven!lfty of TeDDaSl!lee baaetba.lJ 0 I tfJ'a.m wUI be the cipp<>nents m: the Un!veratty Ot' GeoJ-gia here today and Saturday In a. two-game series. thte~ ."'•., . Qenoly.-gtlanhe"~-o".l'i'",,:.n •"'T'.'!hete!!~ .. """ • .,, ~~ .,._..., to defo:m.t to be the uudispnted southern college ba9e'ball cbanrp1onm One vk:t'Ol"Y tn thl11 serta11 wtll be t su t!ct.,.nt. ll!I the Red and Ela.ell: team def'ea:ted the Tenneeeee lads" tn the ona P~ played .rn Km;txvflle. 1 Wilmington DeL, May Warren, a 12-Year•Old heard players at the W!Jml~ll. Country club dl~cu8111ng ••high:.· b&~."·-( yosterday, gatbered th<o- ldt<& tba:t-:th~.;;, ~~!nkg:i:s ~:i.:O~'W!~t~~:~~e:~~~:'.~, the balls and 'found tt -ntled. wt.u1; ··~;,,:..., Edward H'UbbanJ Ro!>erts, S.l! years .Norcl'mJl!J,. Ga.. MaY 1.-(8.Peclal)old, died a.t hls r'<lBHlence, 'l Balttmore ms b ..a. ha !tea With an .., a. I ~:~: :~~ aI~~~- ~ ~~'.t""~-~~-~~ phM:e, a.t lG o'clo~ Tbur11da.y mo:rntng. " ~ arga Re ls survived b7 bis wlre a.nd four Seay, a. ta.r:mer, wa.s found tn. & dYlrtg found the Uquld In the b&ll wu"hlsliJ.Y:;, 1 tmpregnate<.1 with .arsen..lc. ohUdre.ll, Misses Ernrna and Kate C. con41tfon tb1t1 morning on the ta.rm of Roberta. F'redflriok. c. Roberts, of Jack-\ sonvllle, Fla.; Mrs Carter H. Page, J'r-., .J'aok Kno%. near Duluth, Ga. Be died UC!!!'U'A'Df' • 11.nd one b ro th er. IDcha.rd H. Robertl!I, e t ore •..e co uld b e ruehe d to- a- hospital. g.a,,.~ 01' New York City. •A negro employed on th& 'fa.rm UJ)On to ta.ke a picture theee tlne days. <tet:·. :i: .. .. Chio.ago, M a.y 1.-Tyru& Cobb to Y ":as fcl'riiia.lly b eball d tt relnl!lta.ted ln ftteorganized N 1 l B~eball a; ::o br (lecis~otnon:y 0 1 0 athletiea.IIY bert"w"een ca.n be arranged wlth tbe Cracll:ers. the comtnfeston, given out In answer ! r ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; i J \wboae- clothBJI. sp<tts of blood wMe n!.\ Dobbs ls cager to get Dobard, a11ll to the Detroit ple.yers• acipeal for refound h b t d b tb 1• ~ t'l<'"ll two Hchools a.Jway,. attracts eon- sooner than lose h!.11 claim on th" t Instatement, condemned Cobb aeverely. dletown, Conn. At tlui age of 17 be as. een a.rree e Y. e sher ... tr!p; $1·.oo to $65.00 Frel!lh :filn'!a al~-'.: Plric;M<blo Interest. cs'iJeCiallY in ba.se· EMPIRE STATE LEAGUE went to Asta.Dula. Ohlo, where he en~ deceased, While an eml'.IV.:.Yee on waY>! on hand at 4" NB ad St ~... -.. SE"wa.nee T1g~ will be the op~ the To-• ._,. Yellow J'o.cket" on Graut fleld this e.fternoon and on l'hci •nnnnt• .. ~ ~t Sa~urd;;;'~etlng ~,.1;~a"dndtr~·;, ~~di~,,.~~:;~a~rera":sw e.~~ ~u~~ez;;l~ ~sve~el::v~don~~!~:,.~.lth 1 sure to a.ttend these gamt'l.5 In a ~y. TA<:h w1ll prese.nt an entirely :uew lln<·-up. "V\o'!th the exceDtlon of thu h t 1 l ill t t t d ·s R~~~~r1 :/' p~~y:dm::e :am~ ~:alt~o~Yl.i II COLLEGE GAMES :~~-opening 9 wt!l II G. M. C. 3 • Dahlonega l. series Lhls year wllb ClemResides thr !lw\tcheo:i ln the llne-up, ,..-v,-.r.--..l new "'":l w'.ll hold down thr mn:it!: !;;e 1g!tr~~~lo;~~b w~~: ~~1:;;~!:.~e:uft~·; IT'S A IIM:.-b=n~e~:_e.dE.w~·aR~~r~r•~~e ~~~ Bnua."Wfek 6, Wa~ i. former 'PD.l:ll!ive Policy reira-rdlng Cobb. Brunswick. Ga. .• May 1.-(Sp .. c!al.)Notice wa..a served on other clubs A that ln case of their failure to dl.,clpP})roxlmately :l,OOO people sa.w Bruos- HS recant 1:1ta.nd and censured for Its ~~;~d .::!n~thc~:~le ri~~e 'C~llei1'e: t°oo~~et:rn·:o~. ~0~ 6 Mr·-··"'-•.•.x.·•-p.la•o•e•.•h••••-'.'·'·"•"•"•'•b•o•n•g•h•'-"·l•d•g-•(•a•d•v•.)-·- - · - - · ' · · - - · · · ·- - . ~~: ;!'~~~oa~ i:!l.t~r:~o~~ ~~e 6e~~e;~ Vest Sale 1886 he came to Atlanta., going tnto business wlth the late F.dwtn F. :May. Six ye11n:1 ag-o Mr. and Mrs. Roberta The eomrnlsston :reserved nB'W?il ot lent plt.chlng o.t bvth Cates ancl Vanany other a.otlon lt may have ta.k.en, <1e:rllp, the t'ormer gettlng a ~ha.de the Now Get Busy ~~::~;~n=~~;~~~e~.~.~~d~~t:~~t~{,. ~!~:Ji:~~ ;:~r:;:! r~;1~~7~~~.-:~~~~tt ~!~f ;:l:!i:.t~~= :11~ ~~:::~ :¥i:~t~::;:~~ ~=~:r l~t ~~e t~~l~~.B:il~~w~~~;le~~n: ;~~ia~~~i~~r a;~1~~ro~1;.::\.h:~ aR "' of thes,. whn h"-"" ~~=~de~~''-' a~e tar r a- formal ftePO:lrt. :-:i.~~~g~pu::;o;~~ea.~n).~;;.,!'es~Jge.bntd lo.;:~ report on the Cobb ease folwill 1J.e ha.rd to dow-n. by preps. • Pla.yer Tyrus Cobb. who avers that R H F: lie waa no~ a.ware tloat h1" status was Moore, Donare the flr<it has a good tea.m and t.1ley hope to get ~~~a.~e~~nd~~,.;~: ';,~~ :•;:.,;:~: wT~~~ 1 ma.de 0 !_fu:;.e~!t ;:~..,B~;u~~~ ~~!d~t~n~~~~n:;: ~!-,~;t "t":S~~z:~:d~o result ft••e would-he 'varsity men we~~ ~nn~:~ue. "-l'!rra;:opv'' nld!ion. Poa~d ,..,.,_cl Fielder 'l'h8 0 the team ln g~n~;.n~~a.. ._-ggg ~g~ ~g~=i ~ ! do~~b;:e~and 11 :~~d~~~n~Cl~!V~~:e~S?Dll~:r.: ti~ couple of <n"rors.R. lJ, 111. 1 ·. • ·. gi~ gg~=! ~ E-atterlcs---C;ites and Howard; Vo.n- ii~~}~Cs:r!~k. :ggg ! occasion ;!'I" lzens, er .. a.nd 1 widely h -------- ~'Cemhers of the Metropolitan o~m1· tra p>i.uell a single . tribute to Me.ye Badgett, an AUanta, vlolln mn.ker, and three of tho opora artists have pur<'hase<'t ln.strumant.s for :1>rofee11lonaJ. II.St> frmn him. A vlo1lnceUo :!'or .Tullua Herner, tJ:rat cellist, and lnstrument.8 :!'cir F. Brtnkm(l,n\ cel\lst, and Frltz Shaefer, v1.ollnlo;t, hav<} aroused oonsidera.l:>le -Ol:lmment <>f membet·s of tho orchestra who ad> ml.re the workmanshlp of theae Atlanta-made vlollbe . Though a natl ve ot' Knoxville, Tena.. M:r. Badgett has llved ln AtlH-ntt1. tot thirteen yea.rs. He Is not yet 40 yoi;ars old. but ha.a dlistlngul>;;hed himaelt' among tlle leading vtolln makers 0-:1' the country. lie Is an honorary membel' of the Amorican Ft--deratlon of Jabor. I ~~ 1';!i~~sa_,!}~,~Idorll:~: ~-~:~erin~~l~e~o~~ DEMOCRATIC· SENATORS I be ATLANTA-MADE VIOLINS FOR OPERA MUSICIANS 0 Tenney. -------- his death wtn dating. Interment w111 be private ln weetvtew. Friends &l'lfl l'rl!lflUeBted not to send nowers. 1 V'."Jt'lr!n.i;ton, ca.tr.her; Eubank,,. and ~uotr;iheeil ~~ll~~~ m;g~; ';;!~::1 tb;U~g~; ~~°,:~t:R~,~~~n::~.011sdho~~=:~P: ~~~· t~r~~ ~~~:~~~:le-.-Oordon -~~i~ii~l~1~ B~<>l: 1~~Q~~~;esq~~~~o:~~c:~i1:e:d~:::dtb; ;.~~~2,:.r:,,~r; 1 ~~:t 1"';,~:t 1 d; Dunwooll,-, Today Only $ .75 $1 Vests .95 $1.50 & $2 Vests 1.45 $2.50 & $3 Vests 1.95 $3.50 & $4 Vests 2.45 $5.00 & $6 Vests 3.95 $7.50 & $9 Vests We could talk all day about this· vest sale, because we have something to talk about Wonderful values explain all. May we prove this to you in person, sir? Full Dress, Tuxedo, Flannel·-white and fancy wash vest. Only 2 to a Customer not announced. ~::c!~:rtb~t' ~~~ i:i~urPefln~oan~ei:.~~ ~~ Be';~~~ol~~~o ?:t•ht;';'.~.{~uc\-:-n':.P;~i~~;~~ ~:!~rl:~~:~~~nRte~a8rdoci!::~~ o~~ ° ha.~": was of~-la~~·~r~o~i'hf:~1:ce~ee~:: ~~~ derl!p and Sb.ums.n Tho ...aNvUle 1-4. Yaldo11ta 1::. :>ionLagu<'. Pound a.n<I Coach 9.,.1,.man , ..,.,_t th<l men from th"' H:...:~t e,'·'.'n~d HN~'.'.~".~iyo_n ... ud HuJl; ~ha Detroltb tea.,rn, 0 1' which he has 1•tolit to Tb.omasvllle. 14 to 12. thls «.ft'varsity !!-quad :..ft,..r their poor show.~ u een a mem er or Beve:ral sea.sons. on ornoon The game was repl<'te with !n:i;:. mane In lh~ gam..s aga.lmst Al:i.April ::15 nott1'1ed the comm1aa1on that! errors.· h1lB a.nd rt!Qls. I t kept ~he f11.ns ha:ma. lao:it week. Sewanee 4~ Florida Z. be Q.a.d eont.,r.,d the service of tha.t In an uproar 11.t e.ll ste.ges and was 'T'no much pral.~f! o:a:inot bf' given CapC'..a.ln,,-sville. ['"la., :'.fa)" !.-(Spflclal) ch~'t> with the request t..h.a.t ·he 'be always tn doubt until th., last man wa-. taln Montag,rn !<>r h'.s pluytnio:. ea!j Gordon held !''lorlda. Lo one hit to~ declared to be \n good atan<fh1g-, retired. B!erman'8 and Wl'll•.is' bat(~oach Hd~mnn. Plttf"' And Vl.'ith:rlng- day. aiut Sewanee won 4 to 2 . A ha.l"le .. ft appears t tat the player's :!'a.11-ure tlug wf're features: l<"'ln ;<ls<> d(·~.,1·v.-.rl tn i,,-. given inu.·n on lo;;lls, an ""rror at second and pa.>!Oled ~o rlepo:l~ltto ~he D .. trolt club was di~~ Score: R. I'I'. TI:. 0 ,.,.,.rlit for their Pl't.Ying-. b11l thf! eoa<'.~ hall "!:owed f·'lorLh•.'s onlv run.e. Ga.m<:> agree on t.,nn~ wb Thomaevllle . . . · ·· · · · · .. 14 ~O 7 1 t n~\ b Y S >""-Id that h<' <"oUltl not B&l-" rnuch fn:· oo.lled In sixth to allo'll: Sewanea to 1 ~a cu 'r ub~er1uently to t e e- \'a:rJnsta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 11· ~l 1 0 lh<' rrBt •!f th<:> bunch t:alt·h train. '2" nn t e Amerlc>1.n league "eaRattcrl1>s: :\f1>yer~. Roth nn<l DudlAy; The line-up a.., gi-ven nut by Coa('h ><nil, invrever, after a brief conference z,.11,..rs, Wingfl!'I and Vanl,tndl!nhan:. Hcbim:i.!1 for tnd:•v">< ~am.e ts: Capta,n S<·ur-: Jt H. E. wllh tho presid"nt or his ctub, these Time, 2;'3-5. Umpire, Rl'nnett. 1 PROTEST ABOUT TARIFF pasa tbe matter. TRl!o eor:nmlsslon. how .. ver, cannot permit the aonduct uf th!:<! player ln the pn.st to go un- ---·~ Washington, :\fay J.---Slx dAmoerat'c westflrn s~nators today carried the!T EMPIRE STATE LEAGUE 1 no.;~ed. 0 • , " c:o~~1~:d aa one ,,•.the s: reatest proteate against the tarlrr bill to F:re'<11 Sil1ary e. 9 tdent "l\'llson. The Bl:lnators wer-<> New. - Where They Play Today. · ..1P 1a..·er " g,.mc, W 11 hlgh aa at:iy In the profPsr<lot1, his ae- lands, Chn.mberla!ri. LanP, Tliompsr>n, '-"==============='"11 <'---ordele R, Amerl.,n11 4 :;o:sot o~nlz:ia;~y b;~~~,.[~~:.n w:~: :r~~~~ l.Rhat!'roth and v.·a1sn. •rhe sugar sn.:t Cordele. GI'\., M,._y 1.-(8pe<."lal.)--CorSoutberu X....nlJ"ll"'· th wool sch.,<'l.ule:s were prlnclpally und:r A1'>.llt4 I~ Bl:-mlnKti~m. <l1'll' do:'.fea.ted th" Amerlcn.ia teo.m ln of Ol!lcl;:tllne eBt bU h d b 1 b :\!Pmr>hi~ Jn :So..- Orh>on11-. In•' ope111lng g·ame at the Elnp!rs .State but hanntul' to ~hell g:rne•% lnter~s~s: cons!d<"ratlon. \1..-.ntf\"Omory In ~<>":lll<0. l<•R.,e:"Ule th!'!! a.fl<>rnoou by the a<:-o-re 01' Inshad Of ne~Otlatlng with his c:lub th:: ~~~ll~een:i~r~l~:~ts~ ~:e':~~;~;;:~Cg<"~ :';d~h•lll" In Chal\ilO(k">IP> s to 4. 'l'l1t> gam"' was wltnt>ss<'d hy on a. buslne><S basis llur!wg the early I t ls believer! that the preslde~t lls!'!outh Atlantlc Lo!'a&He. 11 0Q fans The af!ra.y e>pened with n sprlng, ha lsllltl'd utt!matum!!- thro\lgh t<'ln"'1 to the -vlews of the S<lnat<lrs In· 1t1mp and was fi;lll of l"!na.p a.nd ~ngc-r ("h·>rl~>lt"D ID Alba.Dy, ;~e hi:e;:vi!~ arouece Jlu'l>ilc sentiment stea,1 of ,.;lv!ng his. and wlll not com- WILSON'S DAUGHTER Su»<no.ah In ~nlumbtls. •·ll t!tr<J•Lg:h .,..dtJ• the flxceptlon of sev. ntlt himself nntll he has hAd A.fl (IJl. :lilaoon tn J~~k•<>n,·lJ]•. • 1 11 errors. Cobb Cen~edportunity to confer wlth other lf':iders IN SCORCHING TAXICAB Th.-. wildrst <l,..monstra.tlon 1'1-om ''Without going lnto detalls the comLater tho prpsJdent lssued the !'ollowNat"loruil I."'ai;;u ... Ii••' gr-and"Stand "nd "hlcr><,her.a markfld mlss!on I>< lnformerl that In the pa.st lng "tatenwnt; New York, May 1.-Wllllaro J. Green"'·~ton 1n :BNOklyn. 111• npen!n~ crrcmony, When ~Ja.y0r """"'" York l!l Phllad,,1t>hl• the pla.ye:r has been b"llilty Of freri.ut1nt It was not a .-,nutc.ren<le to arriv-"' P.t wood, a. taxicab chauffeur, WIUJ fined °'I. J,<>11!~ In P!UD'ourg !f,•"rl•·r l<>9><<•<l th"' flr-!<t ball to Fra:ik violations of essential regula.tlons of any conclusion, ))ul merf'l}" for th .. rrnr- $Ii today 1or driving Miea Margart'lt ClndoaaL! In Chlco&o. ·· ·:th,.,.lom'"W. pr,e,etdent of the Cor- hls club. Hls Publlc conduct In many poec of f.ffed!ng ,._ 1'no1k lnt ... ccC,an~·l Wilson, t h , pre,,Jde11t's daughter, &Ild f"'lub. Arn~c11D Instance;; Is too well known to pa- of views as to the p<:11<slhJ.,. ef!'<''-'t>< ,-,.{ her escort UD Broadwa-y at 11. IOIJeed ot 11,,11 pltrht•d a m!L.O:-nln,-,.,nt l!'ame un~ t:rons o:!' the J":B.me to rcqulro1:1 comment HeVf!ral scihedule9 of the tariff up<Jn th:< twenty-four miles an hour. ("]~•-1and !o ::l~. lo<luU. ' tlH' 1d11t11 lnr.!ng, \•.·hen he g-ot f1 thereon hy thP cumm1s><!On, except to tndustr!ea of tbA Rtntr:i" re])rE'SeP.ted lJy The pollceman who appeared s.galnst '"hl<,.,;o !..;t ::i01.,..,1~ : 11,. w1Jc. 1\'u<·d was hatted ,,_u· over serve not1ce on him and all other the !!Pnatore pre•.,mt." ~·~~hlnitton !n Bn•to11. r.r~enwood aa.td that when he S"tOPP"l1 rt> lHl<>lchl& In :-low y,.,,.~ ftr•ld. It 1'1• llkC>IY th:..t Amer!cu~ play<lra that a r..,_petltlon thereof wlll t\1n taxicab yesterday eve11lng Gree11n•o\d. not have scorrrl but f<:>r Cor- not bB permitted to go u~pun!sbe(l In woo<l told him that his passengel'ft Wflt·e F.mplre Stat., 1,.-aii;01 ... .1,•I<"" errors In the <>lg-hth !n.:iing. th" J_'.trei;i!dont'e daughter a.nil Bayd the futu:re-, for a rr-a1i.:at1on of the CIVIL SERVICE USED &<>re: R. H. B. WHy~r°"' lo Bnn'"''~• Fisher, manager of the aocla.l Centeir, 1 1 Am~rl"'-J.: \n r.ard..I~. .\.m.,rlcU<B .. 000 OCIO on---t 5 ~;:-::.ie·ath':e ::::r~:ta0 " ~ 0 ~: ~:a~~~~~ AS A SPOILS SYSTEM and that they wel'e bnrr:vlng to a hotel Thomao;vllko tn Valr'l""r.. C->rdPle .032 !JOIJ 31JIJ-~ 11 to P!Ok up a profe"!!sOr who bad to oa.tch player. howove:r great hla abtllty. J flatterie1;o-\'\-"ood and Boon.,,· Hall "Tho D-atr-oa club Is to be commandWashlnKton, May 1.-B(lttcr have ::i. R. trn.ln :for Princeton. Tbe POltoeman <'ulh•gc <•a~•· ctml Eubanks. " ed (ur Us recent stand a.nd conSU!"ed \spoils system than 11.n a.bused cl';!I eerY- let the ea.r proceed &ttlflr surnJ1)onlng T~ch ~ ~~"'R"'"" at. Gr,.,,t Fl~!<f In .'\llanla.. [;Pno·pa 1 TPt>o.c•""•, \n .\ \t'•"-"· for Its fnrmf':r passive policy ln deal· ke 11ystem. wa.!I the deda1"atlo11 or Sen- the ch,..uffcur to court toda.y. ~·Jn~~'"'" I' ' ~fer• er. \n lilo.con. \ns with the 'J)layor Ill matters or thls a.tor ,OVerman, of North Carollna, today Mr. Fisher was ln court today an.1 Kling With Reds. .\lab·""~ > 11"''""5'PP! ,\ a~<l ld . 'n Rtarkkind. and notko ill 1<erved on &JI elubs o:;n !he floor of the so:>nate, when h~ paid Greenwood's flne. TlllP. r·1·.wnµ:o -:\fay i -'.\taro>i;;<."' Joe that tn the event of fsllur-e on thfllr asked 8enator Pnmere>n<', ehalrman -,t \uh•""" \!.clnh m \uh~rn. Tinker. of th" ("""""m~ti team, today Gc>:-cl"" v B )f A . 'n u.1!n"".-lll• part In ihe future, properly to deselp~ the clvH s!!rv1ce cmrnm!,;:slon, when hJs ,.,io;-ncd J~hn Kll11:-c. th<.> <'atelier. who lln<1 the p!n.yer Td nH.' \". \" l' I 1n '.'•JThao:n. whoso a<:>tlona are t'<lBolut\011 for lnver;;tlgatlng ~e sen'ote·.,~n<> ' .~ < Pc('>.h,1;r!.1<t~. In c,,n(on will :r,,port :Cr!!' dlllY at C!n~innatl next d('t,-,rlmental tu the game, the com:mls- fre would b"' reported upon? Ho read BATTLE JUST BEGUN, \11" 1,...1,,,1 v ~Tlf•H•a~. Ir; t"1<y~tt.. ~llle. '-'uncll;;i.. SAYS GOV. SULZER s1on will of Its own tnlt!a.tl-v"' taka ac: a repnrt from Presl<'lont Ta1't's e:ITlclenl"l:r~•n1o. ' ''~h·. Ln ~~w Ha·.-~n. In .-,~cha.ni;i:e fv>l" K1\ng's relea.ae, tlon. " M C ' D><~lonop.. 1:-> :'l!lll~lli;e7ill" cy commls:<ilon thflt the Interpretation 'Tlnk~r gives C ::O.fcDonald, an ln1;.oo>r~NUWTI I. o ... kn~ll. !u W.:wh!ni::tQil '"Tllc player's re!n5'.tatement will be nf the law by the civil servlc~ corn· Alb<.',nY. N. Y., Ma.y 1.-"T'be llsttle I ~T !. ~ \Yes< \" qr;\nl&. lo Loxlnltt<>n. fidd,•r, ant! a ca.sh C'-'l'sider:i.tl<>n t•) ma.-J.n p<'rman,-,nt <lnr!ng goo<'! behavior. mis~ion had hefln imcll. a.s p:ractleally for direct prlmanfls. hna just bes-un. I >'. l". ,. T,_!.1<><•. he :S~w OTleO.u>. H<rnt0n. .\monnts were not mf>ntlonl..l.. on p>~:.•mf'nt or a. f!!le of $60 to the to d,..r,.at the law's obj<'Ct. 1'he fight will go on until the ea.use ,.,,..~-r .. tary or th., comm\ssion Senator Poml'rt>n,. d"'"lare<l it wae< ,,f tiH' people triumphs." --~---l!ta1·tllng th.e numbt>r of repuhllcan~ This was Governor SUJzer'a comnl-eIJt Schmidt Sticks. Lookouts Buy Pitcher. Meda.ls for Gett sbur Vet w'ho _had bPcn nppointcd under ttlt• eon•-, tr.tla.v on tlw_ dr:feat yesterday ot hls 1 1ml>•s.on. Y g S. ~tat<' wid,. direct primary blll by tha J t ,J 1 f<O "r\l rOl ;, \Vashloglon. ,:\iav 1.---Sena.to:- O'Gor-1 '"That·~ "Lrang» when th<>re ar .. tw.J ~c·natr>. Ue said he would Qetei-m1ne l..cllOPg.c \Wd;.:;-:-,r '>nm lhf> ~l t•<llli'1 • r'""'Jttl\' tnulf•d {r ltuii>UH1'10i<s (u~ man today 1ntrodUc<'"d 11 b:ll to n11thor- m!litflnt democrat>< fl.Ild one mild :re· "h<" to <:'.;di an e:dra.o:rdln&ry sesNallot1,Ll-'"' ;o ~'l'-.·t,;::-tho 11 !'.lbf'l"fl,.ld';; ·~'akhel· C'.lark ... will pru:11cbJy "lay lze tho Se('retary ot "l'\o"ll.r to give a med<W. p11hllca.n on the commission,·• sa.ld sen· sion of tbf' legislature to reconalder wohbly pih 11!.•::: st:lff Tl1·· (!UP.~tlon w1th th fl )-Iuhlle tf>:~m. rt>l Cl;irke has to "ach _s,,rYlv!ug union anc:t coufed"~ atur Gallinger. th<; b1ll after he J1a.d conferred wtth ,,f th.-. ma.1 wh'' "'ill;_,,. [,., to m«l-:' f::O.llE'd to ?"<'port. .1la.•1<.!1'c'r Finn :,, aa- ate s-o-ld1er of N1e batth• of Gett.V8burg. :5enB.t1Jr Pom.eren<> promlsPd to hav<> "!:r!onds o~ the :reform." ""''-Y for hlrn s "l"l<'n I•'·''''" l•rtv.·ec-n t'IOrity f,-,;· thr> sb-ct<'rll• '1l tlHtt th~ d .. al Tlrn bill would appropriate $.10,QOO tor his r~olut\on ready for report. next "The bill was not beaten on lte :Huorr. \'h.l[)Jl•'lk 2nd Troy. Js off the piirpose. week. merit»," sn.l<l th(! gQ'\l"ernor. "It was Uofeated solely by the J)RrtY la.sh and the blparti::u1-n caucn:!J combination, ;;lctat.,d by a. genius outside the capltnl. When the campaign begins th.rough the Eltabe thc..se •fa.eta Will he brought home to the voters.·· I 1 s1!,~·.:;·: do.u!';"bter ot'. Mr .. and Mrs. Frederl()k Carliale. In 1861 Mr. and Mni. Robcrts moved to New York, where tbey NtmB.infld until 1870, when Mr. Roberts %~':it~~11.~~~h:b::ie~'.:tl:;~~s ::~;~~;-;~ ~~~1r::a~~a:: 1e°.?~~n~roi;:m~a~fcr~1:: ~~n;;;~na ~arg~~.r ~~ ~;~:i~~~m f! u .. elt will aet. ~fllled,e;<'vill~. Gu.., .May 1.----<:.. M. C. I I" I Daniel Bros. Co. Clever Clothes jar Men •• i '' 0 II ,,. Premium Ham and. Bacon i .r'. ~II 'J/; ,:~:: :~:;·~ ·~~ .:~··~','.~: ~~~ -~·· '. .-.- -, h~·!°'\~'l~l~ ~~ ::<<'~l~l~~\~· .-:1~~-[y ;~:,t -~(~l~t~~~ I Won Its Favor Without a Flavor When you eat a breakfast cereal you want to do your own flavoring or seasoning. That's the reason you will choose Shredded ·Wh eat for your morning meal. It is a natural, elemental I food made of the whole wheat steam - cooked, shredded and baked a crisp, golden brown. It is not flavored or treated or compounded with any£./ __ L<'''······· .. -,..~ _ tthhing an.elk ihenthce kteepds idndefinit1e?' idn t' t: '"·- ·------. •-:· e mar, et- e s an ar cerea ~'00 ··,·~\,,~'. -·---····::;. -;;;'::.; eaten all vver the world. '--,,.·~~;.~ .~t:::i-:"=,.... For breakfast heat the Bis- cuit in the oven a few mo.menb to restore crispneu; then pour bot milk over it, adding a little cream ; salt or sweeten to suit the taste. It .is deliciousljr nourishjng and wholesome for a n y meal with stewed prunes, baked apples. .!Hoed bana- Wa11htngton, May 1.-'"The parental court of the United Sta.tea IB proposed atl7a Hobson, providing that judges o! the federal illstrJct courts ahall e,;:erclse the jurlsdlctlon of such a cou:rt. cxCf<pt In tho District of Columb1a., where the presldent would appoint 11. par an tal judge. The court would have jurisdiction oveo:- all cJilldr-en 16 years old or less In all matters rela.tlng to v!olatlon of fede?-al statutes; to sup-ply epeclal pa.rental ca.rf!, protection and education for all chlldrBn; to lteol'lp chtld:ren f:rom any court vf record; :!'rom comm'ltment to any Institution tor P,uIJlshment. a.nd to nx absolute reaponslblUty tor all persona who assume any pa.rental 11.uthorlt:;r over children. ----~~:'" distinctive Premium ftavor. You will lib them for th.ere .arc no others '"just~ good.. as Premium Ham and Bacon. Have your dealer send y0u a whole Premium Ham to bake~ . Corn Fed U. S. Inspected Sugar Cored · Hickory Smoked Carefully Sel=ted Pll.fclunem Wn.n-4 --1~ "Good Food" Swift 11: cOmpany, I u. S. A. ~I Artistic Upholstering & Furniture Repairin~~~i "Smoked in Atlanta" CUSHIONS for PORCH FURNITURE and SWINGS . ••ct · ;i;~., F. L. VOLBERC, JR. T2•t30 & FaP&yfh Phone Ill. :JO:I..' ·~-~<;?.~ ..THE bop WITH A REPUTATION" . '·:.'.rP~~ HURRYING THE WORK . ON THE PANAMA CANAL Wash!ngton.. <May l ..........Me.ny tJVl4en081!1 of a detormlnatton to hurry comple• tlon of the Panama canal are l!'leen In today's rt'lports from the l.!!thrnns. The nine mammoth steam l!l!JOTe1.!I dlggfng out Culeb~a. cut hav., been pUf on twelve-hour shifts, a-nd worklng at such a rate would have a channoJ ready for ships through th11 most trouble· some :gart o! the canal by the time the locks arc ready. Last official estlmatel!I of the ea.rUest day on which ships could pass througn the ce.na.l have been eom.e time ln Oc· tober, but the rapid progre.!11!1 ot 1.he work ma.y make it po:mlble tor 11hlp11 to go through earlier. BOY SCOUTS FIGHT FIRE IN EASTMAN SCHOOL THOUSANDS.READ . . nas, preserved peaches, pineapple "" other &uib. At J'OW' grocerya. .Made only by The S~ded Wheat ri>mpany at.Niagara Falls, N.Y. ~ ' The color of Swift'~ Premium Ham amt.--,..-~.~ Bacnn ;,, a bright gloso#,brown that-ts ·\; the appetite.. The flavor is always the same PARENTAL COURT ASKED FOR THE UNITED STATES In a blll Introduced today by Re-present- 'i:\~;. A nut-like flavor, a rich brown color•-~ '.,;., _:;~:i~ long keeping quality ,,;,. ,-· .'"~Y'ff , ., . : ,. ' .' ~ .. 'fll!l•Colllltitution•s. ~~·everj(~ay,'.. ~-'-!J:'i fook for rooms, .men; ,llOUllllS, pOSl~lODS,.-,UJ,1',~~;.ct.jc{ .·,c~~~~~~~!~i:~~~~l~Gl Greens.bal"o, N. C • Carlton ~ St.. Loula, a.nd J P Qutnl'Jl'l:,:. :1.r•• 1Vh0- -..rlll.~ OOZJ.t1n1u.1 to tra.Vel with the d&tr7 tu..• lrtrl,Jetlon ea.r ,·~~ """" ,. ' ,,_. ,..,_.ners lllpalrtd TYpowrftlln 11111811 Tplsls fllrnlsbod Al Yo1r Slnlao REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY " >- DELAY IN DELIVERY • • Spells Loss of Money To the contractor or builder Idle workmen increase your pay rolls. • f. Ci. WILLINCiHAM'S SONS Are prepared to fill your Lumber orders in the most exped1t1ous manner. Their heavy automobile trucks and improved methods of loadmg will give you the qmckest dehvery in the city. BOTH PHONES • LU LU "'\\.ho dread havlnF:" teeth eid.racted !llled or C"rowned should CJ.!l at 1nv o)Y!ce a.nd 1 wlil demonstrat<O to vour entlre satlsfactl<Hl that I ca.n do 1t painlcs;,ly sa.~anr,ah Ga. )I.fay 1-(SpOOICial) A9 the guest of honor of th<i n1netY fourth ,1nnlv.,rsar:; (..debn1.tlon b> thSav .. :inah Odd Fo;,Uows Gro.nd V.. ard<•n Locor~la of "\\ B 81011-n C.f Led11.rtow11 Flll111g111 ID lillh rr. Plat In11n• and Anu•b;nm, Mc $6 a Set ,._-a.11 '<!nt.:rlalnf'd Jn great ~t.1de today .l>.t a. largely att.,no.Iul n>eetlng to n1ght ).fr Sloan spoke !ntere,.tlngly o.i Odd .Fellowsl'.!p in Georgia. llo touch e<l on the rrned of an Odd Fallov.s home In THE NEW UNION SUIT Here are the th.,.ee fea:turea that make OLUS Union Suits three rim..., better than any others. I Ol..US is Coat Cat-a-all the way down. 2. OLUS haa Cl,,..,J. Crotch-no flap-, only one thickness of material 3. OLUS haa Cloeed Back-perfect fit from shoulder to crotch.. S111t? and gp~ at yoar ... Wnte for booklet.. He said tha gro\\th ot UallY Snndav Tbry o"'vrr "lip or drop I JJ;"Ullrante.- th .. - for 20 s4 .... 10 to "C LRdT Atten•lallt a D d [.nclle•' Rc-,.t Room do not llll.lllke the montb Grand Vi.ardPn <;loan was lntro<'lucei Te ms: Don't Worry \ hqve .robber • 73 1·Z Wh1tahall St DR. WHITLAW, Painless Dentistry I argest and most tboroughly equipped otftce in the Sout.h. Entrance 73b \Vh1tehal! Street fourth door 1rom J M lligh Co (Over the A~ lantrc and Pacific Tea Store ) Oppos1te the Vaudette Theater Reference 'i-ly wQrk and Central Bank and Trw;t Corporatmn Georgia to Debate A thens Ga May 1 -(Special )-<'<' iq::-la l';ll ha~·"' a doublt' ht>ader In d<'hata <>r> "l'ntnrda.y ~vcnln;:r uJ1en t•am<; from tllri Rt'd and Bl.l.lk f'lCc th~ \\ ash1ng!11n and r t>e team &nd t 1c. Tulant> bun<"h ill t1' o fnr.-n.,tc rO'l Tf'<;[S whkh form two flrtha of a To D.alen: Wholesale 0..tn~ ~.,.. M.de ODlJ' •..i- PorCPlaJn Crowns and J:lrldge Work bi. \111 lll!a.m G Sutl\ve The v!>1itor;i held the intereqt ot bJs audlenc<' throughout hls address 11.nd he wa.s {'!'. thnl!IRQtkall:, apµlac.ded TherP '"-"1-' a muslc.ul Progiam antl the evenln;1>>a sa mo!'lt rnjoyable on<:' During th~ day Mr Sloan was taken for a rid 1 around the autoi-11obll,. eourtie 11.nd wa!l gh,.n a lun.,,heon at 'l'hunderbolt You now •ear a C-t Shut. wh,. lllOt • Co.t U - Pn.ce cl OLUS m $1..00 tlds stat< !:! k Gold Crowna } the orde-r h><-s be .. n remarkable and h' exr>rP'lsed the b .. lle-f that in the nl'lgh borhood nr 2 000 Odd Fellows .,.,u1 at tf'nd tha state Ponvent!on In Ravanna'> later !n the mv11th He !J'a!ll Odd F'd \owi,h;p in tl\e stat<') Ii> 'i!-nja;111g th .. most pronoun~·ed period Of Pro>iPerlty in his m .. mory and he has be<:!n a member of tbe order for fUteen years I am tho Pelnlass Dentist pent<L~onal lntercollc-glate E» f'nt ".hkh ::>e.com~ an annual feature ln Athens the Gf'or;:Jans "lll h!lVe the afflrmat!'e "Ith \\a.<ihlngton andL"~ t"he queE:tlon b"'tn,<r Hcs9hed That J'i. Dor un;oni;. "'-'"' uilmlc-al tf) the lndu>; tri \] !ntcrc:sts of the counlrY Messr>• lra Funltcn'ltt'1n of Athens 1-nd rr J Rodg~.-s or ReldsvUk will ,_k[l"nd OH' honors tor l'.':f<org!a here hFLs THE GIRARD CO. 346 BROADWAY KEW TORK Thu abowe Cla.ecl CJotcb ' - . LU •+.$>!<•!• 1hf.$i'!;;?• 'l''!H'•$$•!• ·•· +•!•"'-"'-"'-'"-"'-"'-'',"" ~ • • • •6• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·•· • • • • • • ·•· • • • • -:e:'':'i:'':i':'':'i':'~':l"=':r: $ $ ~ -~/ $ $ /~ iii i m Ad<crhsmg Drwes , •• Wheel< of Trade m Shakespeare was m error. There is much m a name Kodak means more to the public than camera. K od a k is a tad r e name owned by one -~.ismg m ad e tins name so concern. Ad v.,, valuable that the right to use it could not be bought for several fortunes. Th e local merchant who advertises daily is making Ins name a valuable asset. Brown•. Jones or Smith, whatever it may be, comes m time to stand for the best in food or clothes, as the owner sells. $ To your honesty of purpose, The Constitut10n adds its prestige gained through 45 years' square dealing with its readers. ~ It's a prestige you can get in few papers in this section. ¥. ~ iI1 ,,, = "" ~ ~ ·•· m m jt .,.,. ijt !l! ¥. ~ ~ ¥. ~ .•. ,;.!< *' Phone Main 5000 for the Adverttsing . . M anager .=_'!. .,. ':'i?' ,,. Q *~ =N=o=1=~=F~11.~1e~ *i ~ I.' n'OSILSK-1ewE 1 ¥. ~ '-" +.¥. I\ , A long.lasting '1 ffi1 ·•· N hose-1--L- old $ Always soft and silky Wears Like 1160'" Looks Like "SO" Costs But 25 j ever "'""' "111 ,.., m '" ( = m j ~ ..•:.. = Luncheon Today, 12 to 3 P. M. Special 50c l •UJust Say'' $ ijt H 0 RItLICK' S *! Means 'm O lglnal d "--·I ¥. r an """""' ¥.1 MALTED MILK *fEmI ¥. t ht Fon-drink for All Ages. Mme healthful than T.,. := or Co&... ~-"'~':! =1 ----ll!l!!2>""'"= = .,., I .:.!.:. ~ #.:. Richmilk,mahcd • --···Lfonn. A. qokk laach prepiaed in a mimde., fakenosuhdilate..AikforHORLICl.'S. ~•• :~;p. :1: :1: :1: :i;a;a; :1un a;a::1;:1: 11;a;:Ji$:zunr1r :n :11m;if flllF 0t1aen ...... COLL.EGE PARK WOMAN FOUND DEAD IN BED Mr-s Palmer S Awtrey aged 61) years "as found dead In bod Thurs day morning at ner home in conege Park She ha.d been In the best ot health and .her death W<ts totally unexpected Bhe w11.s well known 1n Atlanta and had a wlde cirele of trlen.Us her'e Sha wa.s born ln Butler Gn.., Where She will be Interred Se.tu-day She is aurvtved by her husband, Palmer s Awtrey, and f<hlr chCldren by her first husba.nd-Jubn S Wallace of Chica.go Rei. }-lugh Wallace W '' Wallac" and M111s Sadie W1:1,1lace, ot Atlanta ! Cold Meats, a cut ear.h of Chicken, Tongue and Ham Potato Salad Celery Olives Two Bea.ten Biscuit and Cofiee, or Lactone Buttermilk I I I THE BALCONY TEA ROOM Jacobs' Pharmacy A "SEE" STO.,,Y. ... Main Store. 6-8 Marietta St. . Jn-a L. Movre & Sons aJ"e expert optictalll!I They ma.ke a. sPecla.lty o:r gniund-to-order glasses RRYJ?'TOKI blf:oC":ate, tinted len-ees and up-to-dat-e • • • imitati°:'4': :"~~ N. ,.,. ......... "' r G"".'. ) "-'"'"'\...,,." 1--:f ~i?·-· 1i~ :t,r ~.6 Kl' WSPAP~ RRACHIVE® COTTON MORE ACTIVE; SPOT COTTON MARKET. CLOSED AT ADVANCE ~;€'"'~·•• ••• .. No$ ~·~,;o• R::io~ R~,a ~lttlolt.I • • • • • • • • • • • • • the Nlarket Was Excited-Closed 15 to 24 Points Higher • SUM~ SU11d:r ::\cw York, :'l.1ay 1-The cotton mark<'t wa" more a.ct'vc today antl tlJ tlma~ "how"d constr.lerabla eii:cltement. 'Wllh tha cl<>S'l sl("Qdy and from 16 to l!• "'<:lints n .. t blgher Th<> op,.n1np;- was f'rtn at an advance of 11) to 19 po!n i; 1n r<'>rrrnnS• to h!.:'.hf'r Th•rP0'11 <ab!<'>~ prJvat,. rE' rortf< 'nl'catl11g that t11,. In r•a.l<f' ln acr.,ag,. this «nrlng w().l.llti h<> lP<lf! th«-n ,,,, ~ pf'r c,.nt and rumor3 t'.1.at lhP-r. "'"" a hi..,. "hnrt intrr,.,.t 111 J 1h .:-ontre.cts l\hlrb t'nn ,,.o, ld 1>" Vt"tho rt mu '1 protef" In th< wa> "r l0t ><I warrhOllM' ,.rrr-r •r('IP<>"'• ol ~h•pmrnt>< to l lv,.r·<>< 1 1h .. r" "''-'; h<'a>y rea\liln~ Jn ,.,..,..,.n h1n "r" ,.roun<'l th" \nit\a.l flg11r~s ~'111<' th,. ma1k,.t also met , on~ 1 ,i 1 ~hl~ i;<>ll•ng from south.;>ru an<l l'"''·T"'"" ""'-IrCf'" and price" <>11>1<'<'1 ofr "e>Eiral point.fl fr0m the be<1t <'! 1rln,.- tne f'<l.rl:. 1-11:lln~ Bus\TIP8B be<" imQ l< SIJ &< t1><1 <.>n t1'e >rnth.a<k: how~to k" """'l an<l a~!'r rnmparatl,.-.\} qul~t ml<l.dJ., ~cs~lon t'H• mark<>' d<'!VPlo;ied r• l'l"W• rl .. tr('ngth on.._ !TIOr" a< tr Ve dcmn.nd from oloi c roD "'hort:s "Ith bot!-i 'I.la} anrl l•1ly eontrac s niachlng the "'""'r highest J.,ve! of th.- <'la~ and ,.,bout 24 t• :'..'5 iiornts ahove tn,-, closing figure:'! or t <«t n1g'h "' lh< l •t. tr::tdlng ov.-1ng, prnhahh tr> rontm,,,ed '[a~ora.'::>le wF'ather ln th(> south nf'~ r<>n po~H!on" <lk! not fO!lh fullcw the olrl <"rop t>11t th .. gf-t1Pr.il 1 h ,,,,..,. mllrk"t <'lO'<<~ol w th n 2 or 3 ;:>o-!nts Jf th... ~. "'t Pri\at ~':>ro.i<t <ablP'<attnl to ti\" 1 ''.,,no rh•rf.' <lthra<l~an"" it rn' ,.,-Jn,;,; rh>Dlr' If\ ~borts of .,001 u:ter th•• ur r--111 •f).<':Jn r><i.11!1'<1.! •«l•"'"' The "'""'tr'rn hf'\• ~" e<a.i<t ror In· l'(d.,.lng ~luutlv W•1llh.-.r w1tti show "r>< in v.-..st Te:< as folto,...,.d h< lo' t .. m1><•1atnH'"' m..Jy ha<o:- Lnlfp!11 ct some of 'h" b"v1~g but H1,,. <1<.ht1n<<' was m ~t g<'n•-dl• at•r1h11t<><l t'l •Pl'''-'hen!linn th;ot tn" n1'lrk• I h trl h• 'nm" o""r"old ani r... ,u ()fas pihz,. tn ._.1rt r:rop- .. ontruc1~ <'otton sp >t < lnse<J 'l It<''rntrl<l Inc': q>llllHS ltD5 (\> !;"HI~ 1:.)0 ="aleli S8 "QQ ---- • •• •• Mobtt.. •• 1.2 1214 s-d? •• • • y.,.... Or1cmui • • • • • • •• •• Gll.lveau.11. ~r1mes At •• • • ·• "• •• • t!teiu!T Chal-J.,.,Lan •• •• •• .. •• QIU<lt Wl/mJngton • • •• • • • )l'nmhml Xol"f<>lk •• •• Steadl' Ba.lt!more , • • , • • • • Nornl::i.al sew Y<irll. • • Qnl<lt Boo;ton • • •• • • • • Qul"t Philadelphia Ste11d7 Ten... City •• •• • • • • Brunewtci< • •• • • • • •• • • •• • • .I&d<socvlilfl •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Port Arthur :-;e,.ticrt !<I~..,~ 3 12 3"-18 ,_ 1~ SaVUln&b 11% ,, " lJ 2~1 "'' .w," "" H• <W '~ 647 " "' (!"" SS.,700 L~ !)(; ""' "'"' .,= ,,_ :2.l 981 41 930 ' ""' '""' ""' ··~ " "''" '""'" "'" '"" , "' ""' = '" •:.r• &,or.:::.': .., - ,_ "''" Were :\ew Haven llf)() 1l02 Ul65 19..(lfi 11Jfl2 11' 65 11J'(7 ](I 00 194:2 1~4:l 191') lll.07 ll>lli lOSS 10'[12 10 S5 1~> ~7 10 S'i •. ' Treasury Statement 11'\IO 11~() llO'l lt4<> 1oe2 Jlr,o 110~ 11-0!i l!Ob noo WMhtnirto1' ~l•y 1-C'<'l>hllJn of""" Un!\o<i !t::"~ tTMJ;Ulf 11.t lho l>e!1;htnln11" or bt.,,lne~~ tndBy 10!<1 11!)1 10fl2 llml 11'!0 """" "'' "' "" ~ 7i'{i 1~2 '-11 .,..,... eh1>,.,,1:>' h•I tl'ih >DI ni• ,t~nnnr ~ Ii! 11 u l " , Iv IM 6 •h~ r ol 72\.io .,~ 78'1_, 7ni.i; S.fl•, ouct ... , \llc a.' Hrst m, twn <ia» "IR'~ '"'f),"' "'··~ <m, 1'i ' Cotton Region Bulletin. \tl~:1 '"' '" """ "' SIP~ 11mon1~n• • 'I• 1 -!"tr tho ~~ wur~ 102'~ M .,~ STA'l'Jn'<S OF' 'iJ)'"' A1 l.\.:>."TA "* "' DlS'TlllL"T .. "' \"r1.\"r~-- .,,.., "I H t ~ f1a ,,,.,., I • (" "" r 11. •n ~lh ~" RECEIPTS AT CHTCAGO l Artl~l"" lT"\ Ont" ~""" !fob-,, '>ea l I ... ",..""~ 1~~~• ., tr 1~~ P >1n• ~• \\ clilpmU>'-" 10'!:1 OOIJ. 11.1111.!n•t f>lJ.I (lflO against !a~t Grain. \>. \,.,,,\ l.l.11@115 ~" '!! No 1 No 2 n<1rlh~rn 9J.,.;,@fl..'l',!~· Vfll?at d1<1lr 87@04 dQrulll. I ~oe'7:owNO 0..lll 56\,~~j''i!! whit~ 2 1\o 2 -..hl~ l\D~ No Slandard 31JV.. !l.'l':-{, 4fll(i.>70 'Tlmalhy ;!;2 Mlli'>'J $..'5 fluHr $li OIJ<!l!22 00!"t Lou1" Mny 1 <:!:u.h W'l:lut 'No '8 ,..d $1 09o<jl t2 Na 2 ho.rd !)',!.~~ '.<;, < <>rn N<> 2 :;~ No 2 wh!le 61 ()U.>• N<> 2 8f> No :! 11'11lt<1 llT -.::n ~ !lnrl•l' So 1 !,ar lldn'~I!-" '" 87@371-lo 1)~ st Loui~ 'fay 1.....-.Clo~ ~hoot M~y l'IZ"'® 0!'. Juh 8.'ll"{, rmn May lili'4.@ISl'i% .full' fi,;;*~S'ii 0ft"' Mn' 31'A> July, 84% Kan&'la t 11;]" Mai; J ---ca.eh V.'heat No 2 ha.·l SB1'i100¥,i No IUOO®lOll ro-n N11 :: cm~e<I GTV. No 2 ...-:hlto, lii'4 Odlo No 2 whlt.o BSt.;,@36 No 2 m!Ied, !Ji@ z...,.t ~~ Mrcy 1 -Clo..., V.'h<>at llh.)', 81>%. a:;l),>:ig.J"'!c ('~rn Ma> ~ Jul7 GS% o~ ~ Msy %\.;..rfi'•'l.>'!4 _,,,Jy .;:r:;@3;;1~ """' "i nrk Mor 1 -Wheat spol '"""Y 1'0n 2 red nonolnal- N:o 1 nnrthern Ou!uta $101'!:;. •;, b aflnnt Putt.1...,a ensler, ~losad May $1 01, July 1lll'J>;, ""Pt<'lllb<>f, 119 Bon6od ""heat 111111 a.nd July Jl -02'{, Corn 3,-,ot eney, "ltl)Clrt, 63;.;:, nomln:tl o.llnat Oalll epot Bb>ady ~tauUa.r~ "hlte '11'h !>lo ~ 42, :No. 8 ,.1 No. ,f, 4l}I;, or~lna.r~ <'l\!X>"'l white ,Kl'f.ilij:<l.1¥.t, r.a.nc:y >; 11 tc dlp!)od !::!'(l.-1-!!.'r.i., o.ll ~Inat<:>r Kops.., Cly Jul) ~( !~lUIR ;,_q oOCI meui... f lOHr Grain. 1 -IL!!.<>lpta !\l""'Y whMt ~orn ~ 000 R Q{IO ., h<>al, Flo11r $42!l:::!DG~t oorn 28 00) 'iJ {)()Q, oota 23 000 11 000, corn, oat• Wbeat, W,OOI), Sbll)Thenfll• 4 000 Wbofl.t, Groceries.• "!'>cw n .Aui:;u'ta eavannal:! Bf!l!:h.t l•k~buri;; The Hi:u•e::i for '"'~"llf/ 0 oif~burs~ n~nt:s Pan.,mo. """""' :-..;,.,. '" ~""" Lml" Ito. k Money and Exchange. ~""" York Ma1 1 lrlm1ev cin u.11 ,.i...,.<'l~ "'t ::!@3 11~r c~n1 nil!ni; rate 8 cro .. !ni; b!d 2'ft ol'rcr~<I at Z% 'rime l~nn~ nteady 60 <laY3 4. per c~nt 'llO d:cya. ~@,4,,., ~Ix rnonl'hs 4%'li'•P,I, Prhne m<orcantllo paP"r LJ@'>\{, wr ""nt. Sl~•llog •xc-hang" ~l~ady ...-\lh ~ lL>Ll tru~I~ In b"-nker.,,• b'lls at U S..13:\ for 60 d•y bll • oni.d Al f4 s~go ,,,_ dern~ml f'mnm...-~lal bl\IG ~!IS flOU' ollvar 60 Me:tl~"-n dci:lnl'f! 48. r.o .. ernm.,nt bortd9 ek<ad) r•llrnnd bonda 11',..,~lnr Mi.r.ing Stocks. B""t<>~ May l -Arl,,..oa <"'Onmwr~ al Ca.lum<>t and Ar!wnn. OS llrn<1T1e Cnnanea NarUI Butte. 2S% --- Foreign Finances. Lo1td"~ '.\lay t -TllB """kit Al1&l<>men! o! tb.o U..ak or &ri.;r!nnd "~""" •li<o toJl"""lng chltn!f<>~ Toi.al rooeru d<1rr~11eed UISS.{t<l0 Clrnilnt!cin lncr..,a.><>d f.'>.'2 000 'Bnll!on d~ereaB<>d £431) 074 Otho; .....,urlc!<>5 docrcas«d £M4 OOQ i~~~ro de,p::ie~7t.,1"';~~:~,.:1 1s°}i ~ nn,,,...,,, N<>tetc de~re,.salf £l IXll 000 Govoran1unt "~c11rH1"" uncheni;M! Tho 1>'!'<>1»l'Uo11 ur Ult> t>nnk 0 rw~r.-., to 11•· b!llty thle '"'''* 111 4~ 2~ por cent, la•t 11'eek lt "'"" ~till l)<Jr c~m ParU. Jo!ay 1 -The we-Oldy ~t:it..mont of t~ Bank of trraneo wh<>n 1""'1e<1 l<ltrl<>~ wlll ~bow decnm-.e &mci~ntl11i: tci 6 048 000 frnncn ui gold boldlng11 aod 1 411 (JOO ln s!h-..r hold. tlgl! Lon~nn ~ay 1-Dull on a.mnunllng to £314, ~~ w:ia1!'kell Into lb~ BBnk of !';ngl:tnc! on bal· 1 !lfnnM· 368'i<l per ~ant Dlseciunt """~""" Sho!'l all<l thceo month•, 4 ll!>r cent .,ai;y al fli ~~ 6ll Antlmocs d11ll r.ook•on s $9 09 Jron steady un.cbnnge<1 C<lpper ~:tp<ll"t.!! thlo inonll!. U.1 024 ton9 Lon ~:n6<1. copp,,,. llr!n, "flt>t. £ll1 6d, tutnr'C:'!, £OT Ltondt111, dn ilhn, "Pot. !282 lnndon, 1"'"'1 U7 12,; &I I..o:>ndon, ..,...nor £2'} ]Of; lmn, C:l&,..,lnnd wan!lJJts l'IItm·.. o, £..":la 61a Jn Lonc!oa. ~lay Clndirnatl ~19 62~ l ---i'ort Lo.rd .!UO 97'1.o S7t~ l -Pork dry .ra!t ....,,.ts anoi Mar .l -llulk tnqt.e, \!aeon o.n<'l lanl We Oller. 50 Shares Country Produce. SOUTHERN ICE CO., 6% PREF'D STOCK Liverpool Breadstuffs. 'T.,r th~ '"''th O..lt s.n<-t "" N~w Mobll~ ~o...,on.ablo t"m:;i~ratur,,. Vil Bo~tou ~l•T 1 - ( oLt<>u 61"'' s c<l<l1 m!d<Jlini; mo<!oro.t~ bw;•- fall 7 H !\Y":o.:( middling 6 ~ ml Mlln~ Ii 60 lo"' m'<ldllni; e..,111 go<od ordinan G 1~ ccd1uo.ry :;. -., &le5 10 OIJO \ncln<llni; "~~) 'or ~.,..culalion ~<l<l uiport a.11d 8 tlOO AmH!e.an R~~o!p $ ::!S Ono !ncJud Ing 25 71J{t Arnerlc>.n Fl>tur"" open<!d stcn.d" and f.m> l'r~ .. AprH April J.la;. l'lar-.1uno '°" ·- , - Jull>J.J1J.l~ :.;rnJy.Auil" ~ ii; - g Sap• Oct. pt Oct -Nov ~"" D...:: '.D<!e -.Ian J;;,.Q..-!-'pb lieb ·:Ueti. '!"l f[: 111, fl M. ti Ill'<; 6 t.: 6 fl -6 :>\1.11"' I l>L 6..::!1 I) I}!, 'I Ill>>:, 11..32 a !IS!.!. 6 011.f, ~<>fl _., 11\l .. !>,") .;i !l'j"~~ ;.;11-1..,,;;1r¥., ~l'lll&t Thtitlmo:'<' f'l<>'<e. 6 '~ 6 \!:I 6 :11:1~ 614 6.~! 6 10 60!1.!. 6 00¥., C'I.= 6 I!. t1 !~b t1 !916 6~T 0!4'~ 6 [I.!¥., 6-0~\., Ii Otl ti4Jl "jl! S.fl\ t,:. <>.9:lh 11 400 !>!OV!"~'<T .\ugut;:,a ..l<-mPhts <:L l,nul1< Llt~la 77; Dress Poultry ~ ap;alno:t l 306 last: MeMIUA.N PRODUCE CO. REC!':IP'r.3 l OCIO to :? 00{'> "'' " • J 018 ro;....- Orlttna ,~ :'::!1 '"'.,. Roek ESTOl"'l.T'ED ·~· 19t3. '"' We are the largest handlers of Dress Poultry 1n ctty Only firm that does it own dress1ng-w Try us: Totai. Ga.!vsslt!n 191:::; ! n.:n l!!ll lf<>dnni,.! ,; !:I:•'?, '1191:: ; 93 :> 00 Assets Realfaation \a:lou:s H<J'1Sl1>n M<tUlder~ r~ooo O<>:tes l>utter 1 coo ~r.e 2.llOO u.,...cm1 cit .,nm:, W<lfltsm &team aud l,930 toM ol' othl!T lc!nds. Pert AM!t:ur '<@'"'""nt1. N@"<V5 'To\&lil Phone Mala 3Z14 U~I cb'tese. 19,40 ~. Jnrd "" ..," '"" ;o.;orrolk """ York ?..,-!"" Liverpool Cotton. l>O'.J:e>1 111011 mJ,,gron May 1 -Fol!1>w!nl!; am thci otocka of and JlrnvklciM In JOHN B. WBEAT&CO.: mrorz·c~;,C:Ols 11 ~n wir"~~:!. ch:."~; ; 0~ r.12 ~" ~nnnab. C'bo.ri...ton ( J.' Y<ln HKERMA:-.i'l Dlr,,.,tl>l' Wca~er HuLO&tl bt'and1tu1r~ J .!.'lt Or enn:'I "'"a•b.~· I.tv«TPOOl ""' G.>.lv@i;ton '""~"d Linseed. p!IM!<' ~tr.o.<l.r ffooi.t< n pd"°" flno 11. llu~p! and 011.fah<>rna Ll...,"!lool bOTH" 16~@Ul Provisions. [ hleai;o fl: bs $lt 121,.,,ig,n SI Lo~I· ~fll) be< o~ unchani;eri ~l•>tn~hlu :q~"" ll!ay l -Wo<>! BtrnnQ", m~d1Jlcno; '"'"' JITt..>;'I\~ )l<>ttl6"'1><''7 llcl:>ll" Felr L!>U..,, Mo;i 1 -!'lour Bt~ad; i::; IAu!.< M..-r 1 -P'!0t1r •foll Clnemnall Mo., 1 -il'lolf<" <;ulat '\"\Hm ngwn contlnu.., l.'lt wesh•m $1 :'1::!3 ~ and oJ .. n, It ~xrlu<\o debt tritllfin,t1ell!!I s~"lt'r 8 000• p"'ta "4 006 Ship 101 000, COr1t. 31%- osta 36 (1()1) Kan""" C'!\y M"l' l -Recelpt,g 000 l '""'ucv $ 41 O:J.:l 04.1 f>.'ll :iu Metals. Movement of ~· <'t!.o~'""t :s~ 'l'llr •u:-pl Jo n1~ ft~r•l )""' w '"I '.l!l<l ~8:!. 33 ni;a!nH! a d~H~1t of $U t~l -t.'li ,..,. ><'U ll»ot 441) 000 <"'hlea;;o )lar 1 --Clo~lrJi; ra>h r«'I ;!;l <Ht.;,'l,N {l"f'~ N"<! :l: hoN] !\..'>r•Lfl9 y~•terdo) Jll"~"'"""'m~nu. Waol. $7:1,071) Hil l'l!\11p~tn, and gen.. ral tund nee~l,>t.. 000 S83 OOCI n<1l"lhe•n ~:?~(.;-,14 1 ~ );o 2 spr ng- lll(ij'llJ ot !JO<.), ..g111.,..1 154 100 1...... c H<tf 2 ban~" 'l'o"Rl ll"u 1 -W{Jcat Bpot atu.dy Nn ~ 7s Jld No J do 7s OOd F\JtW"OIJ 7s ::Id .July •~ 6•,;.<! October. 7& 4%d corn opot .. t~&dy, J\.mo~1can m!:i:ad, !law, ~~ ~•" On kiln dTi"d ~s l~d Am<lrtca..i mbied. N~w York J<fo.r l -<A:>pper nrm "1.&n.tnn'J "ll<>C old 6s d<> 'la ua1v ... t<>n !la B'hd ll'utuvee bl- .Tuty, $14 7:i@r 2'1 eleclrnl71Jc $16.7:'; lake ~"-"Y :'Jay lAm"11oan ml;>.ed) <Iii 111)\<'1, Ju11' [Ls $Jli 81 "-""tins $lli 50. ' Pla,n) 59 1'!1.d Ttn qu.et 111>1>1: :U'll T~~\10 1Z¥.i May $4B fl"® M $ June ~~'\ 8T"1:4U ~~ Jub U8 06©'>J8 ~O L<>a<l nrm at $-J 4.5 bid •I~ Tai lap<>"-'" ~h!pments S6<i K<>~• !1>1" l'Ora y..,.r balan• ~ W<>ckfo[{ ln ~la!l!\e>ba "a~• M•"; ~ " •.r.o n., e!pt., ·wh~> ·~· ~LY I l•<'rpon do.:.l \to"'' ~110 ti:.;~"~~· n.-.,, ,," E'part~ot> VIBlBLlll :;ear -·-,.," Eatlmote" Liverpool Grain. 1 , uu 10~ 0 lOoS'i 10 00 '" 1n1~n~...,,1~"••krt~ar~ Bonds wer<• 1rregular T<:>tal 11ales par ""alu,., $'.! 2'.IQ QOO llnttcrl States bond& we1 e unchan~d ori call lr>81 ·~{I Dry Goods \'lolPnce 1<187 "' .."~ ,..,., •• ·• " 3~ and Ohl" New Ullnols Central While this movement was In progr,.ss the mark,.t 'l\as unsettled some stocks mQ,,,1ng back and forth v;lth 10 ':15 6-\~ " which dropped to 1Q2}L Baltimore York C<"ntr»L a11d D,h ' ' w_ .;-o.qP\ ' """ ~~, Th ... Live Stock. 12\4 1" 8 V•• "" g~ ~ ~;:-;_:! c>.~:e ~~ I~ .,;..r 1>tc1ci.. DI~ ""~t• • ....,. :"I 1 I 11 till!. ltilllio Mir, !>lo " ....,, 2"*' !!tr. ,. ~o 1~ prl, I -ol ..., 0 ""' '"' 1-" "''"• ~>\sine•• , o.... lU<l\,, "'~"' ~ lnv.n "' . <w !n <!>ll ~ 11n~ i" Fl~ well on J >I b~r a < 11 t ~ & 'a.Ir ... ,,,"""', l<>•!-1.1 l~I .. .. '"'" --~ ,,, ~1 e;- 0 ~ll'-', ~ =I 1 4 I toll"' ... 1 I 1 '"'" qu\M = New York Ma,:y 1-An outburst. of Chica.go ?l(ay 1.-Report3 that 11evo;oral large flour mills were aoon to strength, such as had not bean witclose, because Qf poo:r trade, weak- nem:ied for 11everal weeks. radically .aln oo -ened wheat toda;r. Cloiilng p'!'lcea were tered uie appearance -of the »tock mar6-8 to 3-4 net l<>Wer Corn bad e. ket tolf'ay, alter a. long period of hea-1F~ ~J ':.·!l?I~: ~u&hel • ' .·: • • $l:i:l;t~dl~rnT~ common co...., it ~t. too tl> 800. I 08~ net <ledine o~ 1-8 to 1-4@3-8; oaU. !ta.CJ.on amt decUnltJJ price~ Such ii"'llfO-NJ:! bo::i: • • •• • w oo $4 .'ill to $5.GtJ , 'lct11l totay tint.abed u:ncbanged to 1-8 @ 1-4 ot'f, ma.rket leaders as Refl.dlng, Union Pa- EGG PLA.f'lT, , ..e.,_ 1fi 1Tl • $2 ~@~ !ill :mx~d ~mon 6ilO to soo $..i 2."> t<1 ft,~ do S do~ 72 g1~ but provtsiona ms.i!e a net upturn of clftc, Bteel an<l Amalgamated 1"{,'!jC 2 Lo 'J'OoMA.TQES t:.nc1 c:r.a.t<! Flo.. •t<>~k $3 :23~3 00 I G<!nd buWhM l>uUn $3 :IO le $il.W ~" ~fnr:e S<>r>•~mt>er I 9 z.,g Z"6 Z 1 Z io JS cents ll poiiics. Ca.nadtan Pa.cU'lo scored a 6- ~~~4i:"B1'Jfl:s ~.~1~~me ho&a lOO ta ~ .. v..,.,,1>n $SOil UO Advtcea that the clo1>1ng down or 11-0lnt advance The tnark8t ,,.as brond 1.,1n''l'U(""'.F.1 drnm $2: 00 -""r.ort.<i-To Gr~o.t Brlldn tram. Git ~6ton u.~~tl rrmn ~ew Orl68.u r;<i rrom Tuas C1tY, 4 Olm T'>llll IS 6 ;f< 11:1everal big r'IOrthweatern flour mlns am;I \"llgorous oo t.he upturn, acdlSQUMra, Y<>llow • $2 (iO'ifS oo Good b01tch~r h<>p, 140 to 100 ~l!..1~ t.:i ti. Ta Contrnent-~m Sn...... nnsb 8.716, !rom Hoaron 100, trom Port Arth~r Z 187 Tot:aL wh!t~ .$".! ~ T:I G<>tta butcher 11Ims, WQ co NO, $8.U to f&.1'~ was Impending, waa couplcd,.:.otlth more wh!le the dernac<l waa kc.,,cest for the 11 llf.3 -rn:iora.bhi news as to th.., Euroopean sDecuJattve tavorlteii an classes of 1 ~~~R rrs~..-~t .,rctato :; ~ t~~~ 11;~ 8~0::. ~ ~toJ8~o w is,..-T(i 'T<> Jl'r•oM-El'mm Port Arth"r 3 OirlT po!\tlca.l situation A prompt weaketi.- steck1l benf<fltcd bv the mnYf<onent .Abo.-e quotallollll •l'Pl:r to """'fed hogll,' m•"rt < <>BM'"i«<l Gsl-.«•t~n 3 <J?J2. N~w Otl~on~ ~, ~l<lb!l~ 32-S Sn"•no<>h :U-l Nortoll<. 11!-l.'> :-;~,. Yark lOl i'f.-WJl<>rt NEWS l 082.. lng of ..,, heat values took pla<;:e, and The T"'&son commt'.lt11y allcr1b.,<l tor POUl/l"RY A.,;in EGGS, I .a.nd ""'annt-f~«oned. hog1 le to 1¥..c 1iuder.' the market closcd~ear the low 'P"lint the change was the <:!ec1<le<lly hopeful 'l'URKEYS 11T.. l&t ri...,..-d 221Ailij"2.~a ,.,,,,,, _,,,,- ,,,.,-::,•• , • .,, _,,, , •••:,. ,,.. ,t ' INTE;JUOI\ MOVEMENT. dre"'"od • l'l@tS-:: v • ~ 0 of the day I.ower cables, base¢ on tone nt cable ad' lr:e!!).. following th" \JENS HY<! Uo iiound Gro"" ~hip '~ f f ll'IU!tRS llv" :We pound d""-1! 27Y,io titM<b and uudl<Uli;~d nxco11t f4a.t g""'1f h$~ '; ":::fa.vor!l'ble European crop newi1, fOrtJl:>'I 11..R.!U>TS To~o Be .. tpl~ R,....'>IPt<> s..1 •• Sto~lt ll!<'"-1-" ~?TI ",ranee ~ ambas&a.dors In London DUCK-&, uoh ••S(!o ~,·,•- ""'::..&""s,!~a!',~',~oo ~--~'"'•~~ }S::-R.~·-';. ~, }lot<nt'" s ... a<iy 1 027 1 ll27 ed an additional bea.rtsh factor, as on enegtOi9 reply to the powera was -EGGS, rreeh [email protected] ·~ ,, e-w_,._ ""'""' .,......,. _ """'""'_..,.., ~ '~ AUJ;U~tA Bttlll.<\r ~"'" <lid the retteraUon o:r entbusla!!ltJc crop ... ) (K; bellevcd tf>I have done much to clear b~tcht1r cow" ,_, ' 1 MamphlB • • • Qul..i :ll:lll S> 41;; '~ • PROVISION MARKETS. v; \ckar :a.-,,a., &nd"""'•·nl-. ~ ~~ nf!IWll from the domeetlc ncld. .A ltt· the atmol!lpher<1 St l..oula .. , •• • • •• • Qu1Gl 0 C'1ne1nn•tl • • .. •• •• •• The princlpal Eu1 opea.n markets beCorre~tod bl" White Provlolon Ca. ~~:;d ~~...otA.cat;-\e ~:.,:. 8.::'t c; ~·b~~ ~~ 21 09.S tt.i upturn, a.Ue!' a week opening, ocLltUe !loci< D!:l!l on act:ount of a holiday, -CoMifle!d hanuo, 10 to 12 averago • ... 19c wa!! "-.l:;o 1n 7 Jth iwo l~ ot ~ from bl9 2.!! 157 curred on account o:r the fa.ct that lng clo111ed Groonvllle ••• ..Qu1<>t 1 896,000 t11.isheb1 of wheat delivered traders wel'e deprived of the usual b11s~,j~ 1i,,m~ ~! ~or;;o a,,-eragoJ~ !eed lciuc 18'1.i ShlPP'Qlll In thle lmrnedl&t~ tcrrltmT ~ • on Ma~ contract.a bad mainly gone into rometel'" of conditions abl'Ost.d. but the Corn!ldl! plc>ilc hamo< 6 to 6 11.verap Total today 3016 3 B.!:l: 3l7087 vigor wJth whlch th() Ust responded to {'ornfleJd b,.,,...kla..C l>aOOll , • tead let!. =i>o!:r about e>:hall.Gt<id. '""" strong hands On the swell Chere will! ~ • consldl.'rable prqtlt ta.king, and a tbe London cables showed that therf< Orocure etyl~ bacnn i11'\d~ and D•UTO") 1&¥.. tl1>~ .';!.';'J~u:..i:'i.et;:"r ..!.;_~ '::~tcHI..Muket eOa• Cr:or11fl0Jd l'.rouh po•lc u11sa11e, llnli: or ht I 0 .. downward trend wa.a a.Jrea.<ly tn evi- WM :no hesitation here in pla.dng a bn111 In 25-Jb huekllt8 • 12'!4 1 co.~l!< A~r !el..: $,{1-~oo!J:'l. f8~ RANGE IN COTTON OPTIONS. dence when tllj) milling Bitua.tlon 'ag- bi•lh6h llterpretation upon them. Cornlleld l'rankfort.. lO lh bo1"" • 12 ll1!.ted, 'fl.2:)®~!ll'i hea.vY, f&l~; 800 gra\ated bea.1lah conditions.. Primary It was Drob:ft>Jy tru ... however, that ~~~~~\~ 1j'~~~ ""\"!!::' l'b~ lb~:'"" }i~ roogl! ~l("tJS.~ p!g.o.. '6 40@8 60.. .,... Co.t!l-R<>e~lpt.e :ii 1';1)1} dull "t 1 ooc~~• recf<lPts of wheat today ._ere 1666,000 the techn!C':al condition of the warket 1 10 ofed/n~ b""V<l:I. 81 20@8 00, 't'aua 11te~n1, :$8.'l'O' ~ bushels, last ~ea.l .f.64 OCIO Sea.boa"d was largely rAsponsibte for the .. xtent g~::;;::~~ "n~~kk~ ~11: "':"~ 2f;;lbplc~~!"" 11 clearances of whMLt and flour equal- of the. movement Selling had gone o!l co~':."~if'1i:11.n1c~i~ tn IS-lb. .kltts' ~ ~ ~7t:ihel;:~k~s;~ JS"dec":i !s.~@~,J°"'' led 143,000 bui;;hela BO Ic;ng th11t the ehort n.ccmun.t ap- Cm"D1l~!d J>llTt> Jgrd tl~rca l>lu;la i5h•ep-HA>.-.et1>ts l. ooo :>r:!}IO.. lotHt' ~ 12 "' Poo1 Uemand for American corn at Piirentl) was lnnatcd to an abnormal cnuntrtyt 6tyle pun: la.rd liO-lj tllll! only 1:'.!;f, v""""Ma• ~ cl'°"o nnllv<\ $l'i l'lO@T lG ~ltqp, Jun~ Th<i ~t".nigth of the lea.de rs a.t Cci)nPciuno! lar<'l t1e,...,_ ba&ll:I •• , , , r.i\erpoot helped weaken this market degree 8 ~ ~6 40!f!,'1 Bli • lam be native $6 00@8 75. July 12% There wer"' '[lttul rallies on buylng times P'•aterilay ii:nd the~r reaillem;y D S E:ttrq ribs A°" (!arly today before the receipt ot the P a rib 'be11"'°' rne<'l\um ncrage • 1314 !;ept spurtB, b'llt the .gener.QJ. tone "l\.a.a h<'av' 5 rib b<!!lloa, l gbt u...-a.ge • .UY,. Oats, after a. flrm start, w<':!.a.kened news from London, indicated that the D market would bound up <:>n any favorwith r'>ther gralna GR.A.JN. Ja" Small hoi; receipts a.nd a con1rnquent able dev'CIO[)ment Of 11:1ufticieot inl!>L'r- Nn 1 m':red oats • tanca to glye bull traders an opening Cl\J>p...-J oaU Upturn ln prices a.t the ya.rrhc helued 'f't::c:o"' R R oat:. (Dl!"W) C'J<><>e<t st""<ll' provlslons Improved cash trade also "\Vhen the turn In tt:i1' m1nket came, Wh!to corn • • • bear traders ""'ere comP<>ll"U. to c()ver ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-!aided valuea CottOn&w•l ITlt>SI li.ast\ly blddlng ai:;-a.lnst f'al'.h other :fo:r No ll mld<tllnll'. J:ltod<8 and ru:1n!11g u'-' prtcee on them- !lr:in • CRTCAGO QCOTA'Tl'ONS lllown Bhorb L"oll<Ytrlng w~re Iha quob.tlona "" the Cllkqo selve11. Tennegn.ee meal e:>: hang~ todo:y The upward tendency of the leadPrs Gcor&!ll Jn~QI • JOl,l\(,, was held ln c::he.::k du1lng the <'>trh • lll2~ part of the day by ren"wed Uqolda .:W~'N !121{, .OH., tion o'[ the recent weak :foatures. Ovc:r Jlli~ rr.?l!f. !I!"'" thirty new records tor the ) ear wer" 116\l:i 92b 111\i • J\l_,,., ma.de durlng the t'orenoon Jn lhe list 2 SlJO 13,49!t "9:2 ~lo ':i:'(t1 BEANa, fll'i>&l!I dl'ltm .: ••• :.:··. $2.7~@3 I)() ~fodl<1m to good llc&lfcm, S.'iO to 150, f-l.25 Wu •• • • • $1 lS0@2 CO tn $4 •l'i ¥ OKJON, n'd ftlWk • • , .. •·· •• ' $2 00 ~,,_ ~~~- 'Nl'r,~~enl!I rullns; prlcer Qf ;ii:ood "'hlttl bu~bul • • • •• • • •• • $1 l'"oC q.u .... " "" '-"'ft =~e IJ:t.fer\cir cn4 da!IT ~ CAHBAGJ;l. Flor11!11, ~rnte •• •·••··•· ,. $1.'fl! J ~dUna: lower CEUl:Rl", .t........ •• •• • •• , •••• l FLORIDA ci;:LERY • ••••• • $2 11:1@3 oo lllccllum tt> eoi:nm= g.,..,.., It rat. !3IJO tn 9(11), 0 \ """ 12" 064 New Orleans Cotton --~winol .u-=. II (By W H Wttlta. :h ot Wbl'-" l"r<mB'iOll: Cc.) Qun~11.: ton11 bue4 on ~tu•l purQbQes dlli1 <:tln'<'nl -10:• $O to ch<lt"" 1te1m1, 1,000 t<t l:ZOO, 48",~-:_ "~ Market Oosed' at About Lowest l\ilarket Strengthened by Cable n~.cr:. ~ .:· . :. ·::·:Ji g"of! ~ ~.;:ee:- ::U""at!e~ ~ ~ ~ i:i.s ~. PlNEAPPIES, ,.ed. Spa.nl6b . . . . . . . [email protected] tr >1>5 711 ~~· '~ of the Day-Corn Also ~l\.dviceS Regarding AmbasAbulus .._ $'> [email protected] Good to eb<l1NI bctd C'OWCI, SOil to 90(}, a t. Declined. sadors' Conference. ~~Afll~a&'~~ w;ey·: ..• :. ~ ~ lfli.(":!d to.,;.:"" belfonl 7.W to s:ID, $5 to~'(;, 1\) 118.'I 616 COUNTJ:lY PROD'Vo&. 'tQr Fldollty Fnllt jllld l'l'o4uce O>lll.• V>!-1>¥ a1 Scmt.11 Bro"'d St..J Market <:1notndo~=a" PL'odlit<l&; 150 274 676 ,.," ll!Jii l!! :!O (Cott.,c~ '->o•. 32::1 812 11 ~ • Namlno..I WHEAT WEAKENED ON PRICES OF STOCKS ATLANTA UOOTATIONS S~>o REPORTS FROM MILLS ADVANCED RAPIDLY I liJ l 7AA FRIDAY. l QOO to 1,500, aplt\nt l GlS last 77 s. Broad ~lreet Company CAPITAL AND SUllPl..113 •t 1.ooo.Ho Investigates, finances and supervises propertiee anywhere in the United States. C..-1111 Bonds for Investment High-e:rade municipal, railroall and public service corporation bonds; Seat! for I.Isl of OlferlQgs Barris. Forbes & Co. t NEW YOIU< 25 B.-d SL NEWSPAPERRACHIVE® ATLANTA'S STRIDES DAY BY DAY l.,,. rt f r t .. lnML'2" P<>-i ht-rce "lr.,e-t sa.1 th r " r , r1:;ll\ ..tnlltJil!lCI:' m nt" rh ir'l<l'-'} ,r •n~ p.i.rt\t-ule.r 1 s1.;11lflr..1 Thi-;..,d r'- ~J !8£<. htF<'P UI ,.,j h• th slre .. i h 11\dlnM m d.,.. ... ~ In l\lltch•ll '\l t r r:J t~ -.tr t J. id th., bl<C'I< I I<>. 11 <k Pt>rt• r 1- la<> 'IhbJ•'-'l , 1 ~<,lJhvT mtn Bla k .?. t "- h fo1 "'- l' .J n .. -. of lI 1 on tu \Ir« I r rrolln~l n" tor lJ. , 01 -.11<> J.t , [ ~R OQQ 1 J. ~rant r ~1 tot 1 ' Tl 10 I t < l "Ith t" I " ' '' I -<l ,, ' ' \l o! ! ft\ 1 ti• r" J'IUt"l"r S 't ' .. l 1 d~•lrO)I> U!SI"IF!;:CTA ... T 11"" and mlt"" and "':'!,__rl~ ____!_~':_ Q ~rt LJ'<8 [..! Boodie~ of nak~~ " $1 i;:a Ion ('~pl @r • g.,,.mc; ~T) !l.lng and !no>ubatorn ~ --- mado M ""lid bn1 .... tor fivt> yoeara good tar 111!.lte d1«1nr&et.1ng fl oa~h ~TAVD .. RD SPf!_AY PUllP guaranteed """""lllng and POME:RA 'i'U••'i'O. FQR s..\Ll:l thOr<>Ugbbr-..l Wl> lo P01uon1nlo.t1 ;>'1pll sa\41 mt Mdt:l!U&n &..d C<t .. 12 Snulb Broad Frl<lay '\l:cy 2 f'..n t>e nigt.<tol'Od 11 "° TWO at _h; tS3Z. 1o~oR S '\.LE-PO\J LTR Y FQR 'HL"E---OM :pen tho;>roughhrf'<l S ~I~ r. 'Wb te henf! "" r k Qt ... Jy lR)O:'>l Pl one 'l.l"ln ~ L t.1~5 W""I lS ~UR 'J'\.LE-ll:ISCl!:LLAYl'!OlJS SECOND HAND modarn ""'h fountain l~ lnr; order ...he..:p Al:><> opl<mdld l.Ol' =rbcui t<ir II.lid ~uppU~u Addresa F M?:'i M.r<> C<>lU<l1 tti.Uoo 19 WE RENT p>ud piano• '8 por lllOnC>.UPw"';; hlJ gQOd p!otnOB 4'3 per tn<111tll up (Jund Mn<\ J> anoa $\()0 and 11p R P BECHT CO~PA"'IY lO'l 1(18 109 1'1llilpl~ Catlrt !lldg llalD llSi C'R.EOSOTE In all oolor<. and reo.dy 1 !~ d to •PCdal ordon'> !:u;Jd., nnd ou "Id~ .Addr"'~ ( F' Blml<>r ~ Son J.<li;<o•ood S\at on 'Ltla ~ Ca. ivy u!'.12J 11) ~U>1nB Burlap Bags ::;rr4 11'.~~d. ;;,_:ta.i.-::National Cash-RegISters$00 ~ ~ATJONA!'.. THE ron. Deen ur "" ' ' • " "' " ''""' ' "' ' ' 1 FOP.- s'A°Lh--1 ':~ !''"~, ~ I "'r ..., 1" \o I< o '' '" "'" " H•• . ' "' $<-al' ~I " r~r "~~ "n ' ' ' 1 I)) pr p ~~ la n 1 ~(XJ '-,tovc 2 :\ ' ' Ru!lFLI lP ( I socJ.u.t u WILE:"P'< ""\ 5 11 l l n ~Th ~ lmpl r t> ' I f ho 1ro. '< 1<1.rf;"t- dL IL h .. a•} < irtall t 1 h a.d,,ertl!;ement accoeptcd for two 11n<>s Count seven v.--ords to e1tch line Discontinuance of advertlslni:: mu<;t be In wrlt1ng It will not bo acc~pt.:d by phone Th!" protects yout interesu e.s well as Q'-lrs.. h~l<'r fr d-\ rklri~ No le~~ A.S r"' l t .dt rf' ll y tail m< u t I ,,tr!k '"' 00 nH'n wnm• n dalm l th tt ' out 'l here were bOV'< .U<l ;..lrl~"' no s"r <' '< l rt f'Jevf't \.-p ll t1 t i,tor <; 1n the !{e tal 'Utl hat-< ..,_ >; «tlon atnouncel Ind c• h"' f\,-. t'H•\r '!tor " ,,unld ':le t lo<;f!d .., t 1 ! v 11-lile, ll " .., )n<., of tu· "m 1 rl h <>tnk '"" Th dr l ,nd ~ f r min n 11 ' ' 1g< of$"'f"'"' m 1 r><'<.-<.ni$1 formtn c]f'Jko. \I h A mtnlmurn f)r b \:S o,;.f ~~ an i f<> lr > en l C'ha t!ft ' ' " ()f $18 per "'""k 1n.-" plnc<»• al>10 dem><r<l an eJ:::;-1 1 I 1r ' rk d • Saturda) half hoi!d"' th full Jhl." ln June Jub AaB:U»t and 'if'ptember 1 ( hlldr<'n to 1 al.., .. Parnde ""''' \ ") url' puit.i.nt " th r l. > k -..1a, l -L.Ubor In Ne..v 11'< l f <>.t p .. acf' In all 1m tr• 1 ~d<.' rate] \1'1.) day 1 n • I I h bt lk<"r1< fr<: ll fPi.te" 1 '1 J th "l\;per 1 "~· «" silt uniou then,,.i:;-lh 11n;; t put!<:l1 <tecl Ir "'"t side and t ,. workers or n<' L lv f'\ !"v tr 1 lt Joln d tt> -proces!!l<>n~ which ,~t r 11 Rreh1n<t t trough man) 1<t t" o::un,eri.;•d in \ nlon '-ql!dr 'n,,. e lt<,;.c ., tddress'd thui '"'' c!-. t \Wl'>f)n'< l1 s-.:.~eral tPngu .. ..., c:: r ti r '1 [lag,, rlutter J .,. 11 n~ ti mu. ~ "n 1" trn .. a t :-t \ l ! ._tr h 'P<? it 'e-, Jf ti" ,.1l>.. 1 l t J hi"'- l L tract ct c !1l I 11 t 11 I \ 1 i t "! l 1 1 I k ,o~l!al1<1. ..,h .11 ! h o s 1<.!grl>< b10 _lit l n tn ' ' Jo:., b) \ .l-d<r !"I<' J I t!"lt \\<'r ( f t \\or I n • '<m 1!1 n.l h <:; \\ele t\\ r1t f tl Httl one" T"he' v. e 1 t th h ! I b, th<.. r1Lrch '" t 1d ' r n n ~natlO< lj ~, ~ upn f'thl•1:::-tn1nqu p rd.~<> th, l l<lr"' dnn I l l d "" ni-::.., ' ' \ < t h fen 1\ ~ 1or l<.~>-'I l 1 t l th I ~t r" "tr I. end« on~ of th pt al" tol< 'a" )f Si."\e!.J.l tho" n t lt,.n Jf ''<hoots Jn tl e f >r<> ..;1 qu \rtF>r~ uf tl s lt~ NonOr"t>>'Uk ~lLll.<.p..,anl v;hen we ~ro\\ up V.P ~ 1l joln o \.f t ,~ fil J .. '· "' ~ ri '$ " I<' splnt of thh 1 r~ • ,;!Jn H!.ot .. t Burllngtoa ' kl l Hnrlin~on T Yl'.L\ l - Hi <Hcurr.;,d ,._t th 1 a<, Buri\n:z,:ton mtHl:l tni~' when 1.:.0 \ F» kH. " men und<'r p<.> 1ce ,,:un.rd torce<.l v.a)" J"-<; a L o' l O[ ;.trlk!ni-, t n~ 1r he•r 101 clgneri. "ho t1 ed h> pi ,.nt t1f' 1 frDm en "rlng th.- "' rk'< The strllH»s h.ad P >t td '~omen s(Ul'l.C o! th<?m \\ith I .J.b" in tne1r ~ ~ms In th .. front '"-'I tJ lntf"r<'f"l l ~/ t¥ workmen i;.,. hit '><Hn<t th..-. ..., ?UlCD trwd to drn.g the l h H;b.,i.nd -~, ,,, the ~ thnri USE TttlE WANT A[) WAY IlT'§ .SlJIRE 110 PAV 1! ~;o~ houaobold furn tnre :;>Ill l~ J<>11\\ni; ~gpb :.t6 lvi •lr""'t Phon" hy -l01i i.. r<>hMr~ t1r.;-p;;t0nyou-r;;:a~ csm"O:i.. !tor ~c;w Ro~o.Jred r~palnted Rn-but l>llteh"\\ a!ld re._.,T.,red. :Z20 E4"•<>00 AYC rcy 3076 10 ATLANTA SAFE CO. RE'YOOELThQ repo.lotl"I: ..aconil b 11 nd. ee.f"'I and Phone !lfa\n and :ro~lr1Dg ~ 50 lt:ladlsO:n •"'""""" 4001 8d FI001' •>::pre"" t."<>mpaiey o!t.l]HJ:O=t. tCO SPTl11J; 20 hnv" tha rcillowL ii -u~ad car11 all 1n A l condition ta ott..,,- at ""ry atl:a.oetlve pl'l.ca PREMU,R 6-PAB"l!l?loGll:P. 4(r H. l" CADILLAC 4 l'A.S::!!P>Gl!:R 80 H l" F Q L. ROADST'l!:R ff U p Rl'lGAL 2:i-H. P' 't\ A\ ERI,Y t:I lllCTR!C It ... nt oo to ynur JntQr&.st w ...,., Ui"!lt> CllH he! r.-e pur h"" '1<!' ,.It.her & naw or .,ar C'nn b<' ~._...n at (.olll<> e Ga:r~• (..Ono aod Joma ~lT~~"' 2() .,.e<l HBPADfTED. AU'l'OMOBILBS ,,. nvere<l and ..1,.,,a C phols<erlni;: TOI'<, Blp"°"re ,~,... """ h...,( or~ rrudro' Dk"" L!l"(l'l A\TO CO ?0'\<..:f" J:F1 I FO'>, PL.A('r nv .i~i:;J J SA\E vol!r tlr~ trouhlc• and e:i:pe""a b~ t?rtl u~e ot Pnn '"'~ f'ure We ~p tha •l• &ud soo!~d punc<<>r°" '"I.to natlcall1 up lD 20 J>1'11l1$ ~;>!]["" wh!r.11 3!1V"" ' m cu16 and blow <>DUI by kw!Jlni;: tlie 11lr ~6 \uhuTn Ave ]\tlanta "-n~ Ba.111br\dg-e (;a.. 1(1\{t.. flb. ~l .\GfO PGNCfORE CURE CO Noa-R PRYOR G,!.ll.;!!;J!i Ga. Watcll Dao t boll !coled. Prtee,, P<"<" <r&r Phoao 1..-,. F<>ctory A la.r.ta. 11n<1 Ba1nbrld$e ru~ Trade mBrk A s:i oo . C .t•o oo o.h~~I I"'• .:;GOO I ~~-;;-t "" P :m u e t!i~ want &'1"'Wa}- tt a Joh PbllSO~AL Pl\.fPLL-.., bl..iT~.1 ~~r~ h •ho 1 > 6 f'ur •0-n vu c <'Uri g,,ar an\"'e<I .tbs I -'" F'<>r part! u nr.>< wTl1'1 o '1 ~le ci1 "I~ ..i ...,.t•) p B~" ,go m,.mlnghotrt Ala Z'I WEM/l.K~ "wltcil""' rrurn. <:<><nl>lng,. $100 70"1. Pea b rO(' ~ r<tat ~ns. Allla C.allallo.~ Coll l~y 1900 J 23 D~ i:.11.GLT S A'<rl~FTIC J'OWDJi:~- i!'OR V<0'\1P"1 It kb ca=lno; c<><> Ing IL.lid non !rr!tat ni:: o IP \!Pd ..,, a ~ou:.ho ai anr lltno w!lh ~ar~tr a hw "~ ~1111111 Prlll'l U par ~ox po• oa 1 J T \.>• !l r..heml..al {..<) iU3 Au.ot~!I h ding Atlan ~ lla 23 ;;:-..,~Q'lE "I h '~--; o m !lln.P'"J' ,.e&;"~ II Dn ""' \fo !<>• -1 \\1JIJn;n,; ostr•~t trim mer 23 l.l\TER'\ \ 'f\,1TAR IM Pr\Y'11<> "1il.11Cd hn dlke 1 I< <l u.umher of na 14'n1'1 ca......i..t"r H<>n'i"" pr v!l~<l r1r ln(a""' In!11ntt; f<:>r ACJ»p... tll>Jl. lo!~ l.I T :.flt ~e!l 6 "-lndaor :St 2. i't.Y~FK'>IB fly •••:r••elll> ,,,---- ...,,..,~ Wood fl5 ~PD .. <Jl"IJ rJy "'"''""" hud ...ood. llaotTI,. 'li<mO'tl4n bU11d1; mct'1l ..,.,.ta .. r &trips ttanilillalld. lo tbe •<>uth WM-.... or pborle W B.. C..llnwa1 l>l~na~r H.03 Pourtll N.UfoUtl Ilalllt; .....,z;- • --;;;;rll: • llilJwhBU STEW ART & 1I•u•N=T~--·l:~:~~'4 ~~~!.!~S'.:_"n.yai:i;n:~s - - - - ~ PLu::.!BERs E HUl;'>[TER BT PRKE &. THO\! \t,--ICLY -,.CaELSS.. lG ACID PHOSPHATE, POTASII, ~~F~ ! ;g~g~z~!ti ~~~~ NITRATE SOD.~ Pml:~.&.NJ~~;·~~~rLi:, ~~!:.;'~I_.,. ~~IQ a~t ;:~~!!~:~e rna~.,tl~I!; M.C..C.~1a 1n1~lllil~ -- 28 LA LT ND-RY______ BJ:::ST w<>rk Jn t.owa., l>Ol.h lri. clermllll... and l!n1sh Gin u.o a eall All 1'0!'11: gum:r-'""'""d J"f RooY & We.Bl Peac.btr"" St. At.. n8 11~ N<>rtb Pry<>r atreet. 111 lanlll pt\on<> 6~8 :ill - - - ----FURN1WRS. ROOF LEAKS. call llo<lt Iii' WE Sl!lLL for c""h <>nly a ""'7 ...., aall eheap ' W l!_!l•rn11tt Malu 714 ::3 Bout11ern Wt'"1;l<&g" Co 114 S :P01'8J'tb BL LO sWH fo!T atlr~ UYO young lad7 de"'""' to IC' roRQuJc-K SAI..~c ~ 1.;;t"U<1 o "lo-1001 urn 1~<1 ' one<> Tlu•bo.m1 muat t>& 11.ble tr ahow cA.•"' in F:Oml 0<>nd1tlon $12 I ~ach ke<'p Lh~ 111~~ off Prle& & Tbnm...,. ~ wtll Kaplo.n Por 1</: f'On;>o.lll 041.i \llhl1~h"!I St l9 d" 6 V l'ryoT ~t Pllo:io Jvy 4203.. 23 FOill1AL&-I..l11ge weil hu1!l dra1 11" s A BAT' L!<-r ~Art~ ~~nrv~n iour e~et.)'-r=or bladeA et, G~!N Mo.n 114.'lo Ht Tum In Bro• ...0 "".: Br<>Jld ,;tr@et <>ve,.,. t>lad9 SODA FOL'VTB-S..rgnl= In n;;;--;-nd -.:nod B'Ua!a~ ~NI Lo !>« "ll~T£..___ 2" halld M>4ll rountatn.. ....,, t...-m<> Wr1t.<> ror TO SCHEI v 1 OOQ bo"""" <;tt]!Jl. K&:ia Kwaltt? prlc.., p O Box lOZ! Atlauta Ge door o. 1<1 ,..lnd<>w flf ac..-11a1 Get ollr prlces ~'JKER- ~R-lP <lnd l:IUS! ll:nM B Ind R d ~ reon <:a l>lo.ln. It: G B gv.,.. Vl!lSS MA""' >hould hav" i; A>; ~ J ! S GA. "'o.d 4'911 S"l>ll Jlou!Har<I 23 i"ORM BOOK n~w P{X'K!"1' fDlTIO .... $600 d~llv...-l_ _TI-18 Fl \RR !>ON < 'l ALl.!t.n:.a.. lU "fl'LY SCRE!J:!<.S MADE TD O!tDB:R--Co.rpe:nter a.Ill ~JP. SAi l nlJ:::,\r ca.h1u'"t wur~ a ~pc !alt? Co.JI W-t ~L 0'F. parl11.ble h"-•<>H l~ wcod a"' lo g<>nd rand• .\l)jnta ;>hone l8 c F Dlc!<ey Mg:: 23 11 l!on s "" Tf"'ll' i.. "" \""J:i.:TFR'\ITY SA. ... lT\Rrinr-=r ......atoo ndl~ 41!i Atlanta N&t1on11I Si>nk bnll.<Ung 111 SAl'TiB lllH cablr1eta~..-..,d-•o;;QDd-IM.n<i Goal<ln Ballek and Otrlce Eqn1pm""' CnmJ>11.nr THE IF-YOUR I Oakland City Repa.ir Works FOR SA.IE-Al rO'\IODILE.!l. ln>lt~d oumb~ bom•J!k .. of J!Jltlflnts e&nrd fQr uv~n pos,.,.11~ !i~~ ""M1;!'0 '1 ..'\ f"~1~~~:~i1'' :zs ~~~',:',./';!. a4~ C:~~~ \J.~'!""a~""~:i" ~"~,;o~ll~m•~~d~~~ A'l 0:-1' ...-\~hlng a =O<l Hporl..,1>c"<I~ lVILL under prloo 81~ 1 tr4d4l ?rl trhBll my 11 guuLl!t<'e will 81cb&no;a at rvasona~ ., iJ A JJ01ntchemp W '.; Bn:>ad St. [vy .?O Osgood-Turner Auto Repair Co TH>E '151'f vu~ GED WITR EXPmt!E:NCE cALt. A:<ID i;ml!l us. Rea.r 4~ Aulmrn Av~ Ivy 62!0 ~ all klttdB wt-.. ....., ,.p!n~l;. !l(I ~! :~~nk.lln \rtl~k n~., r n! j l>'l-lnte<!. around ('"st $~ 4-0ll n"w For q l Cle ""le w!11 tal"' $&10 8' andard Auto Co Z'.lo P<'achtree ,.,,_, Pllon .. Ju 7'6 21) tlr~~ &ll - --WINDSHIELDS - - lampoi tenW.ra, repalttd U sood all 'tlnda obset - 1 , , _ Vo.a llrk Sb....t x~tal Co 2-UI E:~•ood. 20 HIGH Ci..A&s vukanlzlng ~'>lo tire ~ $8.10 tube nopQlno 2'k: up Southern Rubb~t c:aU2S~th8t. ..0 RAotATORS U DIOW ~ METAL WELDING CO llU"Klr..E'NOUS 'W"E'L.DISG OXY A.CE:T'l'l.i;J'F. \l:!!:THOll AL TO)fOSILE A "ID '1.A. 'l'!IVE Wl'!LDING OF ALL K!,""IJS M (aJL.YE:'l'T S'I'REET PRO"JE \IAJ'I: 8013 TWO CYLIVU!tR HABY ~llXWELL In ---;;l..ndld ondl!Jou P,.h::o $1~0 Add..-- R. :&. !lie Klemy R F D ~ C<my- Ga - _ _ _w GOOD USED CARS REASONABLE PRICES IPord Runabout 11ood ti"" For~ \n ;uod cond \Inn ~{)() 1rlng car ,. tb top gO<>d col!<!ltlOh r_.o11rl~r !toad<rter ull) e~ulppecl eJ .. ct1 le 11i;h'-" Bul~l.! \l'.ode) JO Roa.d:slor clec trlc llghtB zrn no 3"-J 00 d""trk llght• 3R ()OJ :Mo.x~ll T<>ur1n!! \lode! li rour pe,.,, ..as"r t dlT ,qu pl>@d -WI! oo Overlnnd ( Ohf"! lUH !u r, IO<l.DIJ ped i.JO 00 CoJumbb. Jl)ll loHr J>QSS<!lJ.SOT n.._. toi> aod brru<h~r and vr""""' OT ll~lp !l! Wlorlng Ji: or of ltr Wt'! e r Daniel Ks<t S7 DcK4lb A h. rkwood Atlants 0o 23 1110 Robins IIa1r-Dress1ng Parlors MA ... (, H.('\<, !or \adl"'B and gentlemen ch1l dron ~ 11,.1, ~uttlng "' d CQfil ngt1 ?D.&d<l to o!'l'l.,r bf!&t .. orll- n I ~ ~ 1:1' 40¥., Whlt<:lt-al! M1t.tn S!l2.li SHOES HAL:P SOL<EU el~ctrlc Ugh.ts •J:;O 00 Tla"'"c ca.Tl! 'Bra In good runri1ng cno dttlon and W<>rtb ""'"" llul.<>. the prices ". <l'JO- abo.,.~ SEWFO 50 CEh TS OP~!1 :,..11 ~;d':,,:~r tt:11e~P 15a~~k;,;.,,,~;,._ !?S ACME HATTERS HAVE llfOVED TO 20 E. HUNTER STREET. OLD HATS MADE NEW. 23 - -Bl.'.!!J'li1'.!!o - - - .. Ol'PORTl NlTlE9 BANKRUPT SALE. do111us ottt h•nl-rupt ..tock ll.lll<>lll<>b11• and •u~plle~ a.t greod:r ~11cedl aeb Muon!~ T111Upl• bu.lldll'S.. 2'18 211 FOR SA.L~p to date drugbu."'o"""~ w"11 ln'l'He 1nTest\ga.llon Drug~ Ba:i: D Co WE ar• ~~c•RO<>r\es J>tk"• !or ?""-obi,.,,., ]1.11::11>=. !:. ..... WAN'l"iW IDE:1<S:::::W-1t4lro;:-- ;;:tz.;;-..niliStOt wu1l<ld l>Y 11111.ouractU<l'rt'! 1!'Qv bool<• (rec Ran <> ph & (a Patent A.ltorll11y>1. w .~1~g«m n c 2' Pho'° Ur v.an,-...d~ '" or Atiiiiii ln~~otlons Matnoooo '" P7i<Tl" .. ~ '~~~'::~..~:,~:~'~,"~.~."--~,~-or <> bu l<l l>nalnaH hous.,.. o-o <""'"' propo~r p """"' ~'"""' 111 to _,, ..... Th• )lcr<hant.o and :.i ... nu 4 11&,,k!11i;: at1d -Loan ~r ~ ~O!) QHrland four pa""'"nl':~r ;newly painted n@w top 8.>0 00 Primo Touring :-at D w t~ ond aeat coven; 400 011 Ma~w~ll R.oarl•tn Sportom~n type )lod"l Q rull~ equipped ,....,~lnl.fl<J- au ;;;;:;:,~ S:~t= A11:,,.e:,,i;e~qu~;we~1,1 C~lnd1:z ~pa~ t'1 1, 1;\ tif::;;,:: ~v J ~:~en~:~~ .. :h~ ;ig~ 1\ 1 ~r ~ib.,"/t~;p~~: ~~ l9 :rAlN~ on<t otlli! o dfnary strikf" le,. .. f partm<"l11 m .. It >1'>y 1 & cl~"" Jam..., St WE Choo."P Do.olcl &: Co FO~.-.-,-,~,---O~~~:~or:~~:an-:::.,~ IPliJONE MAilN 511>00 I ATLANTA 10<1)) \\orker" {)ut ctt Buff i1 )-Bu..,1ne-. ... ls (11c;i.tlv C11rt,uled ()\(r filQNSnaOWNSiG"< 1 1 ...... rHon UTc • line> S Jn., ... rt10.,,. 6c a ltne 7 I.n11ertfon" Ge a Hoe DEPARTMENT STORE CLOSED BY ASTRIKE Cad111aa v&cuum eorp~ ,......,P"'L C. J t<ourtll N"tlao ..1 flank hul[dllljt: Cll..A§§ll l"il!EO AOV!:ilRlril§LNG IRA.TIE§ .,...,. ><l~r ' OU'<'TLEY T&cuu.m cle&llCN I Iha.or 1 \\ " :t : Irle a) <; 'I ' l r ~· 1• , "' ' p<ilU ofo11t11lde l>l nil.o Phonn lD II ownln1r oWi! ;a;IL;> neDt doslrff tD get b. l<>UCh wltb u~vsrat eonc.or":l~ with ~Jew of !UU)dl ns U<~lr •nrm l<lt er. and 4ddr._ln• Prleea reiu.ooabla and W<Jrt 11uara.<lt..ed. P 0 II= 83&. Telspltone 117 ·011 19 O"'IE ~ou.blfl hM.d •te&m bl.bl• 'I' COlUm11 ll-t .,h3v1DIJ WllO::bl,... Barga.In C'<lnatltutlan Publ chlng Coml'9Dl' llil I :'· ~ I -, '00"1~.. ' " ' ' l I str<ttl'l 44'; Sp 1ng "'"'At i°u0lG!tA:PJl0PEHATOR l ~~ j 19 11.u~Uoo li<>UMo 51 DQcatllr ::!/;..> !fall ~bin lt.llf brok..;,r 6 AtJ.an a I1 . '' ~' ~lr""t FOR SAJ..E--Steo.In U..ble tQr reatuiraot Ul!e at,;n lot or metal cltaira for A<><l.n. founLain """ Pnwn u! ' "" .. l I; ,100 •n~ up •errns <11UQ' CASH REGIS'l'l!.'R CO 80 "l<>r\h Bro&d Bt...,rrt. 6AL&-S~t<>lld hand oak ;cut ~unter - 1 8 ~ ~6 --VULCANIZING- - lP R.EN'r~!:B~~--::lgnn;~ ;:cll:ll~L 0. S. Hulls I ~ll= &"ag,wh"r,l•n•! ""' Y. o do n QWok best. 7unlr.. ror tho 1..... 1 rnon.,. 'o Job tGC bl.8" t<>r TRAVIS & JONl!l.s PROJ.l'.PT attont on g •En Sanden Speer Vul=n\~ q SL AC!o::illl Ga.. Pnc $10:? h>gton atr""t 1 We Repair Automob1lesf wm do It right- S'l!.E'ET-----roTAT0 plan~orl<lli.!c~J.,.;;;;,~,..,y f!all a.nd. lla<l J'rovldon"" $1 1iO p8r 1 000 rob Lako nnd FU> G L SI'Y.t-l:H 17 L~gh<>m• 1 4-PA~~F''H>'E'R 4oJ or"" {>O""r auto jn gGod nndlt!rm 1 •" tlr., "! I e:<cllallge ror real ~~tu<o o0r ""' l'<>r .j;"-. ul>1<1 giu-aga O<ll'lt $61) wi 1 ~•11 t<>r .i: ..m ca 1 l'Y !Jl&l 'i'<> rt.!"' ue.ndlur b'l l<tlng 00 ~<> mol>~Y • .,.. Gni.n>- I> LQA'>,S..-YIOtl•Y <u; "' ~ctll ~ r~1ep1>0110 l~y /tJ ~1n Jail! Qn"Auam... .....,, ei<tata ~om.a ol J2 000 !o ;... 000 .; per c.mt f2 1100 •t - per Mnt and f2 000 ta $2 ,,;oo at 8 )l•r oonl.. We boy purcw..oe monoy co1ea also. Dunsc. 11 Ii GU 409 F.Qultll.hle 1 Cormnnla s..~lng~ 2'I Bldg ~~,;,! "".,!,, 1 ""~"ob~ c~ 2~:0h~'i: Bank ::='t: (.._ ::>PECIAL l:l=O-M_E_F_U_N_D_S_ TO Ll!>;D Prfy u-.. o:i AtlWl.ta boms .pr bualul!M &t IOWB5l "1.lk )11..noy IU!VU>~ UI F<>P" t:lilJ.14. Wtlle or call. S. W. CARSON, 24 SOUTH BROAD STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS ~:'f sa°~eth1 ~ 5 ~~~~..~ ~~~.~r~ ~ter~1n a~~~ who- were con1pelled to ''"" their du"b5 ;\. g .. nl'r.J.I strike of emplo~ etc>s at the Thomas De' lht rron Manufa.ctunn T>la.nt -...-as decla.rt-d tod.a~ v. lI"n the. <:ompan;i.- reflis"'d a dcro.,.nd tor a 12b TURMAN. BLACK & CALHOUN -~ :per oe:ent 111creu:;ie in "'a.gea. :'-JEWf'PAPI: RAHGHIVE® Nt ~ SPAPJ:cRfiRGHIVE® UO~EY TO Y.0.4.!'li PA.RX LOASS---We pla<e loans on lmproyed Soua...a. !arm l•r;<h :ll<rrtgap C<>tn?*l!J 1:1 ltl an1 <IDIO<lni Oeorg!L G°"ld Tba bl!Ji41~ -Pr.....l:=~l~o Tre~w..--c:-E" b<l.il<!.ln&.. HONEY ~I) lend "" •cOob<'le. JT. 1121-<t'.15 $37,500 PROFIT NOS. 316-318 PEACHTREE h.is just sold at a profit of $37,500. rrhis is not hearsay·, but fact8, and you hear of these enormous profits being made almost daily on Peachtree street. DO YOL" WANT TO REAP SOME OF THE PROFITS OF THIS NORTH SIDE THOROUGHFARE~ HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY- $6,500 CASH WILL 'l'URN THE deal and put you in possession of a lot on Peachtree street almost adjoining this property. A PROPfT IS SURE TO FOLLOW. SEE 1. R. W. L. & JOHN 0. DuPREE J, H. REAL ESTATE. 501-2 E~iPIBE BLDG. Bell Phone J\foin 3457, Atlanta 930. SMITH & EWING RE.AL ESTATE, RENTING, LOANS. 130 PEACHTREE ATL. 2866. GEO. P. MOORE 10 AUBURN REAL ESTATE AND RE~TING. A VENUE. ON BEAUTIFUL PONCE DE LEON, in Druid Hills and just opposite Mr. Geo. Adair's fine home, we offer an ideal home site for $77 .50 per front foot. Property in this bl0«k has been selling from $100.00 to $125.00 per front foot. This is a bargain, and is the cheapest thing out there. Around $2,000.00 cash payment will handle the lot. THE VERY PRETTIEST PIECE of acreage on Pace's Ferry road for sale. and cheaper than the adjoining property sold for over a year ago. This is a beautiful home sitet or is suitable to cut up into small tracts. 'This is the only tract out there that has ._ not been traded on. Present owners have been in possession for 50 J~ears. The~,are 28 acres, alL together,,,. and it is on the cool side of the street, between the Maddox home and Howell Mill road. N:cwsPAPERARGHIVE® ,~,SCHOOL GIRlS RULE ATLANTA FOR ADAY Wi:~::~;·'~t:~~::&~£;~EhlBtf,''A!i u'!nni'CC>ttHri'i!e :Figtit ·.- ·• i TECWS ANNJ'iERSARY. MAY BE CELEBRATED BY BUSINESS MEN c9miiw•d From.Page one. ·1 · For Interco'tfegntte · Sports'\ the oresJdentinhbs speech at ~ewark. "to think that ;t WM to CQI:ZSC to 1tb1s . · · - grC'at county <>t Ease~ tha.t want11 ti> Seniors of G. N. and I.. on Annual Visit, Get a Rousing \Ve1come at Tech. . 11.a.vel gOVeT:D. Itself, but does not. I TbQ Emory Colleg"e Alutnnl 'held a. come therefote to speak not to Y~U. rousing raunlon at the Ulliveratty club but for you. I ha.Ye exerclaed a. grEia.t Ia.at lllg})t and entbuslasm reached lts self-denial about New Jetiiley. MY high wa.ti:tr mark when the subject ot gr<iat tP.mptatlon lri chonstng -a. sum- tnteri::olJ,.glti.te athletics was bro,aahed. mer Jtome was t0 it ;1:1 m tents P <: Y -COllf'ge !l<JngB and rousing 1rpeecll~s. where l Ul!L'<i to. l'"eflected a strong l!!enum.. nt !rom Ag.aln-t "'Cert.. ln Gentle~,. alumni Ci.-.,rywhore In fa~·or ut_ atb~But there ls gu\ng to b,. 11. e,onte!:lt) letics. !or gol"ernor 1n New J('"r!ley ne:ic;t 1:<Um. mer and I did not want snyt.oQy to <::harged 'that the :1:1:.-stem ba.d been 30 think I 'l\•anted to boss the job I ha-,.-,•.::orrupt as to pl"rmlt grand juries to no tandlda.te for gn-..·ernor, but I am ln<llct at ati atetegl<:" mometn:< and oppose<l to is. de:i!lred by "'tht>y can wlthbold grand jlll'ies from cei:-taln gentlemen. I tion:t want to indicting when all ls quJet. and you know' that the mastery <Jf' eerta.1n gen· isee any gov.,rnur prl'l'ately owned. 1 1 m golng lo Now Hampshire next ~: ~~nt~~ :~:~g~t~i;~Y , ~~dw~~./'::~;:~t whomever ~~1m;;.:~hi~u~ 0 :~: 111::i~~sh;~tb lsNel; ~~~~:...d!epe.selonate ~ ' ' ECLECTIC SCHOOL AWARDS 48 DIPLOMAslr.========"=====n I WITH THE THEA TERS -" 1 0 ' iiiiiililiiiiilil See America's _ . _ DBICCO HABIT!:°:,/~~~·:' ~ 1 ;;:it~hr:c 1 1;,.~r;:"~';:.~d'"'~[\~'"~:,'.·e:a~~~ T 1 _.,,:y~u•b..1<b,p ....1.<t,...,.,.,.,.uro. Jl~m''°"'"""""" s .. ats :ire now o,, ~al» fur ne:oot v.eek. .,. 1 """':"~";:."~';'!.!:"~i':::'.;:',.'...'.;.',"!";,~.,,":",:!'.':* wht'n ..The CF!r! fiom Out ¥.ondi·r" Wh«h ... ;o.,,.... ..,oromot<plr.: . ..i~ ....- -...•.n.ie>n:~o will he g"•"n l.Jv the ~·>mparn:. This ,·.c•,,l'~~-~·si:U:A:IJ"'."•'•"71"._"°~e."Y!~t1.N.1 ls a p.lea><l11.11; <:"r>m<'.'dy and Ml811 l..uni::; Y• ....,... " l" ex:iecr"<l H• ><c-or.;, tfl.:, !Jll!''-l"<'»l hit ~.--------=--·"·~------=-"iof the .:-ugoa.g<m .. 11 t 111 It, u;i ""c flrst ao•J)<'"-'"S iu a ))ov -~ l'oet•UlJf' ·r1w ,..,,...,}. -.. ' FOR SALE ONLY I Geyserland i·~ r i ~: PARK and PACIFIC COAST TRIPS Northern Pacific Ry ~ 7 K.r;i; 1;;•1:;~ \~~cs~~~; e.ast and =nth. $54.so $g4.so 5 1 ~~~. h.ir~ t~'!'~d Supenor. ~;'l:ouW-- Ta Yelfow11lo11c P1>rk and n:tum. via Gard~, Mont ,w•ili=mple...e U'1J"Of 6 days m the Pa:-k. •nduclU><; A1"&1' tr~porta~on, 1 7 meals and 5 rnghl;s lod~ at Yellowstone Pw-k Hotels. $!04· 75 ~h~~(IO---· sg7.ss i°fi'n~~l~s~ aod $1 OO·GS ~:.O~ri:_uth ond $102· 25 ::.oe.w. - The Splendldly constructed 3-story Brick Building. on lot 84x200 feet, more or less. Jn the heart 01' the Wholesale District, within a block from the water front, suitable for Factory, Warehousu or Slores Excellent shipping facllities. Fronting on three streets. occupied and To Ydlowmlo""' f><u-k vi.a Gardu>cr, Montane. r~urnl>lg vk• Ycllow$t<'.l,,.., Mont,.na (w=tern gato:wey), throui;;h C<iknado. w•th trip of fuur d"ys tn the Papk, 1nc'udmg atage tr;m•pnrtal><m. 1 1 ~w~t~i:; ";~!'~ ntf!'t~;:-""t;;~l~c~t ,;,:~~ nt '>m;1ar!y knv c"tcs. sss th~~go- as Candy eludes a Factory. large Warehouses a\iso two Elevatol"S. ANY PRICE LG'h t!On 111,.Jodra.mtltH' s.t.iai.lom·• ll>J!l "'I•'?<•. hold,; th" r{'<::Ord inrl u ... ,.., !~ ., ....... r a ""'"'1" fr elm curtain tn "'" · ta\n wh<'!l th•· :.tu•lll•ncc ls not 0'1 thP f!lll >lVe awalt111gc thL• ,,tirrlug ""1d<":rt!' In tb<> plo<J" t.J1rt>c remainlng perf'ormanc«·.i Will d.-.ubtl""" di.aw ;;o:aod a,udienc .. s to the Lyrir. "Fl,.. ar1"'""nccrnen1 1~ in:ad<:- that a..ttr0..(·tion will "'h""" th" rc'gular theatrk•a\ :"""'-'"'n and thrtl a- "'lor'k cnmipany will -,,·nbnb~J ,,.,. <W.'l"a.ntzc<l to furnl•<>h ~·n~ t<'rta!nm,.nt JH<.tion~ of th.:LJ·rl"O durlJ\).!. tho:- Sll'Ilml'i rnont.h:i. The thJ,; to PROPERTY lS A PRICE:. Address: college G 0 r4, ~1,~ 1 ~~'!- t~luc~,~~:t•~\ 1 ~~~~.. /\:~~ 11 will b& held hi ~lo ~·,:~ ~Pie, tbh::i (Friday)' oe.v.on...;:~~ - alumni. 1 b.e-1 4r that many good m<>n avoid Emol")• DAVID~. SR.mt:AK.Ell, s..'i;ir<!!ttl.rY.~· ~ ~.;' <."ause lutercolleglate atbletka are D<Jt - - · - - --- _ ----- c allowed A regular commuiilcat'lori .::, p.,ell~g Is high among tht' \>nder"1)0 ~ ~- J;·_,"!::uit,l"'w~h~°d- :..~ ;;;ra.duate-s who clethn that the athlt>UC in l<Jdge room. cor.n~r Lee' •. ,; ban works au tnjuatle<o and they hav.: and G<Jrdon strt'<:!ts. Fridal"" ' 11... 1•t lett .. rs to 1,::00 alumD! to get "'-D o:;venit1g, May :'!. <o1-t S o'clpck,_• [ ,,:.;prci-;>1lon Qn athletics and the re'All '1.!.IB.Ur:h:•cl b1·.,,.thr.en cor~ • '• ph,. re oYer ti to 1 ln favor of in-1diQ.]l~ lnvlted Th., En.t••r.-d A.ppre.nterc~lJ~glat<' !ll'll-lll"" , th:e d~gj~H';}l~es~Afd.f~k. ~ o~ot" ,; !t 9 G J-. M HU~NICUTT, Secretnn;. ; I Grogan. 'P,.a.chtree 0 R. .w. B. Cheshire. •93, v A D esj rable H ome N ear T enth SL FUNERAL NOTICES. C'\SIS--Th ·' e C!?.ss, Mr.s. gene Ca.as. Dr. Evnna, Invited to "\VH!lam B friends of Mr. WJIUam B. 1\-'Jlllarn B. Cll.Sl!l, Mr. muMr. Stfllwart Cn.ss a.nd Mrs' Of ShetUeld, Eng11U:id. a.r~ attend tha filneral or :Mr. Cass this (FrJday) 11.:l'ter- • ~~~~·do~!& 3cb:·;~~c~.46 r~~ 6=~ln.., I 11 J t h Olli€ ~~~.:_at TblS lS not a rented-out p ace. b11t a We - ~ep We.it View cetneter.y. 1 0 ~:'i~q !~~d~~d c~~ \~~t~ 1 g ;:~ ~~~d occupied by the O\vner. •1t is a house that is new ~nd ~od- ROBERTS-The friends, aJJd ~latlves ruu It, but It ' 11 d not" €ffi Ill' i'ts appointments One that has been maintained Ill a ol' Mr and MM>. EdwaM Hubbard Rob~ The sepca"ker said that v.hen he wa~ 1Tri . th b t erts, Ml.is Emma Roberts. Misa Kate prE>pa•il•K· to go to Washington from hlgh State Of effiCleilf'y. 'l.116 loeatIOil iS C Very €8 • Roberts, Mr. and 11.'l:ra. Fredfllr!C~ C. th •• 0 1 i • t Id th t , Roberts, or .TacksonvJJJe. F]a., and Mr. 1 .. t~,. g:;1 ~eru;',., 1~;' ~· 011 ~~ "':'~~ b':ck.' "' Price, $9,000_ Reasonable terms_ und Mrs. Carter H. Page. Jr., at<e tn- •=,·" r . • I I. tha.t "I d!d nut '><'li~~" lt," Ile "Qntlnui•d u11til l. >;llW ll (l;i~ .. mor<' bulky forin of th•· !'.'<'ntl• •nan who llS<'d tu pf'r~vnalb lead tlJ,. :-;-,.v; .J .. r:sBy l<•gi,.laLlllr Into 0151~-r.ce.-.. ieappe::i.red un the ''"'T flnor <>f th.- l.<g!:<;lntllre; th.at gr,.,at "~stem with a lJlg i;nake-1\ko ·s, that great sn(·akrnµ;, v. h!spertng syaten1 had e>1t11,bll,;tu'd lt,.clf in TrE'ntOn." ThP. pr1·.-.ldr,1t used a quantity <Ji: adJt'-Ctl\'!S tu der<cr!lH' !hf' .. gang" aiJ!l . -\. l'<il!l'V I I .. ' Forrest & Ge - 0 rge Ada1·r _ "°" ----- ~ STORAGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS h~""" '~m•.ll a1n~1rnl or!'!)"-~• ln ..,.,11 «f uur tw<> !nrn!ture wa:rehMW<--"" lL 11-repl'll.rf blL1ld "I' ,,.,d , 11 ,. <>t'!t<r. " ~ 1 .,,. bl'•=>tn1< bu!l<l'no;; u Y'"' aalfrltmlo> st<>Tltll': nmr gou.i.. tor the •umm••r yo•i "". •nvlted 1., ln~pe•t our war~".OU<H••'. ""I.hat ~oil may""" lun wl•ere your g<>~d~ wlll b<• ,.....,...,d and ,11 0 =m tl1•y.., n be l!:>V<:t> w_, lJail~,s "" ue bf!tla~ prep,.red to tall.<> Mr~ of your i;w<l.. •ha" an!. ur onr '"'">H-Ulor~ nur h11t111ini;:.. were \>Uill ror taic PU.t-v"""' o:r 8t<ll'IP 0>t hou>ehol<± ,.o<>'l• "'a pi•u~• .JOHN .J. WOODSIDE STORAGE CO\IPANY Phones: B. 2037 \vy, A. 1113. RED MAN 1 • ,• °" G No 269 Jun1·per Street I .. "!:.,', , i:!I n. 11choo1 • by '.e:!.~~:, J ~~=:,;n~tf'J1nD~:i:!• 'j~" teacher ,.in G-eorgla fa~Ctr compcUtlvel 7 o'clock. The Uegl'ee of :Master·-~~:::::-, ~ , son will be conferred ln fuU fonnp Mt ' ' a'thJett{"s and many- I·.mory gr-aaua.tee duly qua.Ut:led vtaitJng and, t:'e§id.@t ,,,~ are principals and pr.. p school teaeh-1 br"'t11ren are frat..,rnaUY. lnv:ittl:d• .J$'Y "~,';,. ers. The consensu,. o! <.:>PinlOJJ Vli'US) order <::1( HOWARD S- COLE •W.,J.G;, :?~2 and ln I amt FOR Emo:rY w ... ·re not tomorrow mglit. The Prt'»ld .. nt applied h!11 rfllf.er, iice _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ to the n;itJ<mal r'1t'etlon to tbe ate.to 9ltU.atlon lnducth1g that It the d"'muerat•~ T>flrty ln the st11.tc d1d not re• d"' m 1cs ril .. d!!;"f"S, J1w!ud1nig jury re· fo,m, lhe µeu.1>1<' might try a.nother pull ti("&[ l>ll.1 LY 111 thP r,exl election It' "·"" in- PAID NOW m€'lodrarna Is hr.· thoe u:I' grand <:h::ri;a~e~;"\:! ~!e~l~s ~a:sJ-.w~~ ,I Biscuit Property lngs, popularlt~ of l.ng demo1111tr.a.ted this week a.t the Lyol.c. whE't" "'"R!!h. t'h~ Kid'" ~s draw· Ing ,;plenil.id a1Jc1wne~s ~·m tt11 Ill& ,ind amoni; ~ea.-rly •h"<'.'J')" a111m:r1,a.., who ,.;:i ...'\. :te!fnliu commU:nlciUG!f,~'~r-i · ~~e~~::~n-~c~~~ ~:~'!_-.~·-,:::, .Mathews, df' the senl<!'i:- ,..i,u;'5'. preal-, • · A 11peclal (:Oti:cJa.ve· de1~t of the Student Government as~\ ~/./ of _AU9.lltu. Coolt'XlQ.Jld.~ ,_~,:;oclatiou voh:ed the o.ppea.l of the ';:/"/ f't"), No. 9, IL T., will-. :<:itudent body to the 11.Jumnl f'or con~ ~;r~:~d J~a~~t;i:: 1 ::a, eerted action until lntercolleglll.~e CaJn '5'treetl'J, this .sp<:>rhr are a rec-ognlzed pa.rt of El)lory (Friday) evenlng-. at S Q'di:ook l!l)la.rp v etudent llfP Thoiie present at the 'l"he Order of th1; Temple w!U be con~ A ud Sir I<n1ghts ar.e -court&reunion Included ttre following; ~·eu•,•,·ffiy • 1nv 11 e .... ~ ~ Arthur Field. '7!, Marietta; '" ' T• 'L BLA"K"HEA Austin, . 99 , l:iawkinsyllle: ·'[I'. 1-::,_ Land, Attest. H '\Y DFfNT~ Rel;."!·d;;· C. 'Ol. DaWa"n', Jud-e ,'l', Al· I==:::-~-=='°~-:=;_,,;:,;;;;,;~~;;;,;;;;~=-· y <> M Cul berton: A. D. Thomson, '98, I. · - ~ A regular communlcatton 1oway, ·oo; "\'ITalt<·1· ('a.ndlcr. '07: ~;alof E A ?.Unot Lodge, No. tar MartJn 'f/7 \V. A Ed"WardS, "'· & .\. M. Will tie held. 1'n 1hF " · G F~ "l!Temrile li::ll.StAtl•• EdwurdRburg, hlal10; Dr A · ~•.., ta, Friday Ma'.v :l l9J.3,,-ut '!)9; J'.L T.. Thrower. '.16; W; D. Thom8 P m Ah quallded bretb:1<011, '95; A 't\' Whtt,., O~. G. w. [ n•11 Jn"1ted Take SQldl(lre• Wrl"'ht ·10- T J.1.1. Cllf>atham, 96; Homl" r-ar, and Deeatut' Hende~on H<i.'llmun. '!l:!: o. 1-£. V.'esle~·.) f<t!'f<.,.~s. to GltinTJwood avtir11.1e. :Sy or• '10; 'l'hom+l" ..-.-. Conn,..UY. ·02. Flo>nlotd€J ot Le<" C'n:iw. '00; ,J.P.. Matl•eW':'· "!<I: Jo·l H H. CL·\RK~. ~<.c;'.~;t..L, W. JI.I. Mallet, '13; rH Da.l'ls. 10, L. B . ----~Sandiford. •a;; Horace 1:3and!ford, '09. Now Yard: Boilers, Engines ;;1nd Shaft· CHARLESTON s55 ~~Jt~"S~p~.'i~"""po11s. se;2.so ~:_o~""- Wholesale "B1"Jly, the Kid." (At th¥ L,.rl<:"-~ '1',>'' ~ . ~The most sig-nl.ficant featUre Qf .the .· melitthg was a. report of the ea.nva..:ss Jersey Auy one ..c-110 wants to know-I The presid<'.'nt wa.s unsparing In hia what I can lettrn by a1;1klng. a.tea.ck on the ele,,en assemblymen "But r want to 11a.y a few words frQ;m Es.sex county- wlio wera opposing about the d( rnoera.Uc party. I ·wu.nrt jury i:-eform. "'~"rybo.dy t" reall:<,. t.hat r hase not ~u .Is a disgrace.." s11.ld, amid ap~ lt1 b~- the results of th-c plaul3e... to the Judkla.1 system of the be<rn l>l..!;t natlonal <•lectlon The l"OuntrY did. state a.nd th" um<Jn and 1 come here not f;n d<>-mo, ratio• Jn Xovemhtlr to protein .as a re~te51>ntat1ve AmerllrnPa><>;l\oJe fnr 1t to go rc1pHIJl!\•un can c1th;en that the5e things should 00 b<'caU!le it c·ould nnt tell v.hld1 kind allQWPd to e-:oi:l>Jt" "f n9ubtu.1.n lo !;<! The onl;• h•~lJl"-1 llll nu.:l unltt>d ,,,.,t;·ument th:r•Jugh Wll~n ,,. Gu.11rd...t. wtd<'h n could a.o.><omr>l!sh its purpos"" Prcsldent '\\11,,~rn \.,H to 'lPEJnd the night Now rork >•ft<-'1· Ji!,. two wa...tlwrl<'"m9,.rat1cP,artY Th(!ruw .. re UP••"h•atnN••"'J-•a•"··· '"'<•ao~t,,~ ...., v n ~· , "'.,. • '" ....... ·~~rt.dn \ ' ngs .;h1c.1 wet ~a.nt don"• arran~einents W<c'l"' ina<le to glve him (' cu-:in ><a.L ' l!"t ee1· .a,n persons protection whll.-. ~·ampalgnJng Wilele•d.t<'" · her•· weir Cli'•ta P thini;;-s llarn Fly hl.·f of the U tt<n) States ""' want dem<>nst1\lt.c-d su<>h a>< that serrct "e~~:1 c: ~Peratl;e,. nwho were .i10' ~'"t'Jllll!t'll1 uf ll"· Unl.ted Stat.-s distributed in the ('I'Uw.,..h every~ho:.re caJ. 110\ ho> cuutrull»d \,y 11rh·11.tf• ln· The preoilden! will Jl!Pet the members l<l"<'>'ti; :-:ow t11e ih•mocn:i.t!c l)<Ol'"l} 1'I of the Jegislatllrt' .~t .Jer1:1ey City tQ-Zuiag to ''"'"' a t:':, at making thei;e niorrow and mak .. a r1aal SPE'CCI) -there pan•· ha." );•JI :'!llld<> now an d !ln" Unrkd• •,1u.· d•o11dh 1G h performances a.r,• g\l"O:-!l e.ur h n 1<!'ht ··~r "" son ,.e ur<• a. W en t " -- . d('-m1JCratlc party ln New Jer8eY th1·ee YELLOWSTONE ·,, I Fo•tv-elg-ht giadunt1~ !1om fourtreu ., \ 8 tato•s ,.e<><'"l'"d th,.ir dipl<:>ma.5 from the Atlanta C'obegeofJ;i·\,•<tH'Medlctneaud "'Butterfly on the Wheel. Atl t th ' h h t<l t c ~" 1 i::;"l'<" l«>'I '•!>: ana e(!\t tile -\tlan«a.l ' tl<'r r,1 H. M fJ1,B(1sr, of th"' Ffr,.t ll-I<'tb· t Ton1p;-b.1. 1.11,.~ l:ldllv Long .l.1'~! the 1><ll~t chur<.:h ntf.,rNl. the 111,oc:at'ou. nw1nbcr1< of her tiII,. ··omrm.ri,;- w1 returl3 t<:J Atlanta an•l ]'rt'Sf"til ·"' R.<ttt'r· "'"d 1kl1Yf!r;i.1 lrl\l ~i·aJuatlng add:est< fl« ,,11 th" "\~"h<>el" agu1n at th<" AlhyhT1~ r~~,;~;:"R"t'T~1~;~n~::'~,,~e~~u;,~~l~ lawla -~h"'~_Pla: •'111 lH· ~\V<'l: r.·t~u:1 . , . da.; .,t ,1 ~,,-r,r1t nm.tin•~ anl a,_,.11n !','.'~~ 11 · 1 ~~~·:.M![ \\o"'l d<>lh<'nd th• "'- ""alur<.I&) ni~ht 11: ha,:.; wor1 •11ud1 a.pplaus< and " h1g ad,·an<e f>.,tl·· r.,, 11 ," think taken 1 jud!!nient .. ., ,.o·r ., . MEETING NOTICES.. ·-'"; ·:,"i - Office and Warehouser;: 23941 Edgewood Ave. vltcd to attend the funeral of Mr. Edward Hubbar<l Robert.B today (Frida.Y). "l\l>ty ~. 19 lS, at 3 P· rn .• 'from h1s late l"es\d.,nce, 7 Baltimore Place. Rev. Richard Orme Fllnn wUl Otflof:e.te. In.termcnt private tn '\Vas.t View ee1n.etery. The followfng named [email protected] will pleas,-, ar:t aa pa1lbca.rer>1 and at1semble at the office H- M. PB.ttar~~Tl & SQn at 2 ; 3 0 o'cl9ck: Mr. E. Stow,· r. J. D. 11.lcCarty, :!l.1r. Arnold Broyles, Dr. C. T. Brockett, Mr. At'cb.Jhald- Ds.vis. '.Mr. ,fame>' 'P. Fteld, 1\.tl', ;r, T. Stephen1;on and nr. M. w. Mana.ban. nt P•e~" omit now..-.. LY.:>ICH-Relatlves nnd friendfi at .• ,' Mr& 1~::::::::::::;:-~-=~-:--:-:-:-:-:-:::::::,:::::::::::::~;1Sophla LY:nch. Mr. and waNI. J.B:e"'ry Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Mnl. J'obnEd~ H. Lynch. Mrs. Eilz.a.betb Blggen, lili:t"S. W E Y M A N & CONNORS Ma.ry Urquhart. Dr. and M:rs. Mell 'l'· JohnsQn and !I.fr. and :t'.{r!'l. Edwa:rlf MORTGAGE BOND BROKER S Our Peop'e Are Always in the Market '"Quiok Action-No Red TaPo" BRANO EquUabfe Bbildlng Estab11•hed 1890 Da.nf'orth are Invited to attend the !Uneral o( Mr>1. Sophia Heery L:vnch tomorrow !Saturday) tnO.t"nlng at 10 o'<·lock from th<'! Se.ered t:reart cbul'Cfi._ Interment at Oakland. ~llbeare=, to· tw >Ulnoum·l"d la.ter. will pJeaz;ie meet.' ~i ~fl':ia~e ,;;,_r P J Bloom~leld Company, -ro North Pacific Coa~I aad reuun on cen:al11 ol.at.cs in June ond July. NORTHERN PACIFIC is only line to Gardiner Gatrway, onginal and northern en1:.l'a.nCl: to Yellowstone Park. _ . P~rsoi:tcl~ cmtd<>dt!d nci::,slous lo '"'d ~°':{~~~po/f;-;~"::.,.!;.~t<Tf,';..,%/;s~~~ hie- ta1'& Mak res...n·~twns eArl;o. Booklets fr1'e. Ld rne help yC'u plan lfOllX tr>p- 1:0~ Funeral Dlrectora, aro now located h't, their new home. 24& Ivy atrcet, COrMr Baker. · Private chai:iel. ambulance• and private Se'll phorie8, Ivy 798-168. Bell phon• 788. West 285; Atranta phone FLOWERS, ':f" ELORA\,.", DE$1QNS ATLANTA FLORAL CO. BOTH PHOllE3. Our bhaleoone fl ate ' I• ··~ Ii ,_, ,l) ""i""'"' , "l" ,., •'u ' ' •' .. r ,, ,-. \ I ""'I 'f I'" · "' '> u•J> r• ... oL-'> ,., '"I '"" >~J~·~ \.t "" ''"" '" ,,~ :t.1> '< o 'm1·-·~·1 '"' ~1 •"' '"~' 11"<' tl1~ ~Rll" ~;:; k~Pt ,,11~' dn J, '\.ll ~r·n~•" ll " " " ~1'"-1' "" 211 , , , . , ,\ "''~ ff•. ~ ,•1 PE.a::llftU '""'" , .... ~~.,,.. (~:.:-kl i.o::c.oo llrl•l~•· '\\ OJ'k ••·1trn h<"n\yl. :~.IMI .... t 'l'N•tll l~"\hu.Jeh ....eJ ;J.00 Fllllnwo 2l'h· '""" 50c •SIEE···A COLD F'WllC OM YOUR PLATE- FA,E Eastern Painless Deniis Is Ovw llrcad'e Restaurant, 381-2 Peaclrtn!e St. NEWSPAPERRRGHIVE®