CORLltS, The Clrthier. Fall Stoekjif Clothing 1 PattersBH, The Cbtlier,
CORLltS, The Clrthier. Fall Stoekjif Clothing 1 PattersBH, The Cbtlier,
BED BANK REGISTER RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1882. VOLUME V. NO. 19. CLOTHING. LAWYERS. JOHN S. APPLEGATE, OOUNSEI/HTAI LAW, KM BANK. N. J p . CORLltS, The Clrthier. H. TBAFFORD, COUNSELOR AT LAW, a>minlMloner for New York. B*D BAN*. N. J. WILLIAM PINTABD, COUNSELLOIt AT LAW, Urer Button's Store Stare. USD BANK, N. J. Fall Stoek jif Clothing 1 KT IXPXBIENOE Of TWENTY YEARS' IN TTKCUWHINO BD8INS88 IN BID BANK EN- •J1ANDOLPH PARMLY, ABLES Ml TO OFFKB A STOCK ESPECIALLY COUNSELLOR~iT LAW, 800 Washington Strait, ADAPTED TO THE WANTS OP THIS SECTION. JCT8JBY CITY, N. t. TOHN P. HAWKINS, | THIAH0BANOE I HAVE FBOH MY CUSTOMHtB AND T i n BALIS IB PROOF FOB1TIVC THAT TUE EFFORT ABDUUI PAHS-* n. I HAV1 MADE TO KAKI THI PBICE8 THI LOWEST, IS FOLLY REALIZED BY MY PAT- BOMB. wiAWNOwornBUia ONE or THE THOMAS J. POWERS, F. 8. TALLMADGE, LAEOMT STOCKS Of' CLOTBINQ EYKB PB8JOSEPH PARKER, JK. SINTCD TO THE PEOPLE Ot IA6T'JERSEY. 188 BOOADWAY, N. V. TAYS OH HAND A COMPLM1* UTOOT OF J. rABKKR, Jr., Counsellor at Law, New Jere»v. Nutary Public gUITlNSS AWArTINQ YOUB ORD1B8. A FULL STOCK Of rOBNISHIMO GOODS. I WOULD CALL YOUB ATTENTION B W C I A U Y TO THE sTooior SURGEON DENTIST, HUBIO UALL BUILDING, BID BANK, N. J, HATS AND CAPS, OOMPBIBINO ALL TBI NODDY STYLES, AS WILL. Over Nineteen Yoaru' Experience In Dentistry in all Its branches. ParlKuilar Attention Riven to the administration of Amutlictlo. | \ H . II. B. VANDORN, DENTIST, WIIH Dr. B. r. Borden. MUBIO Ball BulUllntf, RED BANK, rl.J. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. CIRUES, THE CLOTHIEB. NOi 19 Broad Street, Rod Bank. PattersBH, The Cbtlier, 09 Front St., Bed Bank. F.IUHD iliTEII CL0T16 T-VR. Q. F. MAR3DEN, MAR3D IIOH(EOFATHI0 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, of all grades, varieties and price*. O.H00 In Bonlen's Building, Broad Street; BED BANK, N. 1 nEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. A. M. MORGAN, from $i.w to tio.oo. DHIRABLE FIIOPMtTr FOB BALE OB TO LET. of all fradet, i t pricesranging;from H » to jas.OO. Hen's Trow«r> from 73c to ST.0O. BOYS'~STTITS, Price thaa anj ol eiualfinallti whkn b Flral-cUu InMirmnee Companies B«p- fore been' Offeree tor sale In Bed Ban!. reaenlod. In addition to mj stock of clothing 1 have a full supply of AND KEAL ESTATE AOENT, FKONT STnCET. RED BANK, N. •». I". l>. ll-Pl, 21. iMiinnoo placed In thi) b.«t OompanlM on moil n>u»nulili> terras. Cent's Furnishing Coods, I Klab in particular to call the aUenUon ol Uie pub lie to mjr very superior stock ot Flannel Underwear wtiiclil am soiling at prines at wnlGb goods, eliuiu In quality, have never before twen mid In Bod Bank. OAKl'ENTEBS AND BUILDERS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. WALSH, STEAM SAW AND MOLDING MILL, Incase any article does not give saUifactlon, Uui mooej will be reloaded If Uw goods are reiDnwd uninjured. Manufacturer of Saab and Dllndi. MECHANIC BTBEET, ItEP BANK, N. J. VV U. TOMPKINS, J.MARKS, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, TINTON TALIB, N. J. C. ORMEKOD, BOAT T H J I L D E R , Main Burnt, Astmry Par*, N. J. Merchant Tailor and Clothier, No. 180 C rtenwich 8treet, NEW YORK CITY. TITUS * CONRAD, Carnenters and Builders, TRENTON, N. J. Or EAST LONQ BRANCH, N. J. LARGEST ASSORTMENT, i LATE8T8TYLES, LOWEST PRICES. Everything in the Clothing TAtie. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. BOYS" AND O H D J D R E N ' 8 SUITS A SPECIALTY. JOHN CULLINGTON & SONS, Cugtom Work Promptly Turtied Outat Seasonable Prices. MANUFACTURERS OF FINE SEGARS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DIALERS iti ALL KINDS OF CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, ETC., ETC!. TUE ALMA SEOAR A SPECIALTY. FKONT STREET, RED BANK, N. J. We uuaraoteo all our Cuatom Work to be made In tho6oi* manner. Good UK atoo (ruaranleed. Farmen and tarm-lalnMri' tend doatre »troniraoN tlcalile etotMnrfor oat-door work will ana Uili tdc bun pUwo to oUaln Jutt what thor want. J.MARKS, , MERCHANT TAILOR ft CLOTHIER, No. 169 Creenwloh 8traet, NEW YORK CITY.l ESTABLISHED, 1840. A. OLOSE & SON, Greenwich Street, Cor. Fulton, New York City. Manufecturerg an.l Retailers of Men's, Youths', Boys' & Children's Clothing, SPECIAL BABGAma IX ALL DBPABTMENTS. All Kinds of Printing at The Register Office. mun, wraau,aa4»lrUto*itli»iirn UiulrownlaoallUea, AnjtonacaniloUiewoi,^ erlr from tho nn( start. Tliii taMom trUI WF n ttian tan, tlmea ordlunnngef,' Exuenafre 0 mnMirapldlr.1ToneahfirroS jwT""1»leM Itawntt,oronlrwuripmiitoimmiv: m i I maUon and all toMtineaiedniittn*., " STimoii» Co, Portland. Maine.' Fine Commercial Prin atthe ' Roglster f rlnilng HoUM.» ' ft-bont twenty-five yean ago, a band of desperadoes who had made their headqnar. era neat the Mississippi, became the terror of the contiguous oonnlies, and by deeds of daring and outlawry gained a notoriety which rendered them the fear of every village banker and the soonrge of the farming district. The boldest and most feared of these oatlaws, and indeed the ringleader in the nn> zaeroos orimes committed, win Sam Hoyt, an old river-hand, familiar with every turn and crook of the stream as well as 1th the people. He waged a ceaseless war against the law and its minions, making his headquarters on the banks of a romantlo little stream whioh emptied Us waters into the Father of Waters, a few miles below the thriving town of Beardsville. One balmy spring morning, when the deeds of the desperado of Missouri had roused the country to the highest pitch of excitement, a stranger to tho residents of that little village entered the place on horseback, and proceeded at onoe to the bank. At first his high top-boots, his slonoh hat and revolver-filled belt, excited some alarm; but when, with a courteous Inclination of the head, he greeted the banker, and that person led-him to his private office, the gaping clerks changeil their minds, and whispered the single word: OVERCOATS BED BARK, N. J. JINSURANCE «» "DeteoUve." They were right and wrong. The newcomer, a self-constituted exeontor of the law, while detormiued to hunt down Sam The price Is governed by the grade of material,* and Hoyt, hod, besides the motive of reward, ranges from a personal interest in the capture. Real Estate & Insurance Agent, Boys* Overcoats 41UMAS DAVIS, J B . , •»' A DOUBLE PERIL. A Large and Handsome Start of • 1 . 9 5 t o 8J25.OO. COTTAOKi ON RIVEB BANK TO LET. Toe parson preached with aaent ess* On Pharisees and Raddncaea. And as the/ Bonn ward alowlv walked, Tbe lovers on tbe acrnioa talked; And he—be deeply loved the maid— In sort and Under acceuts said i " Darting, do jon tbluk that w« Are Pharisee and Sadduteet" Sueflashedon him her bf.iH black ejea> In one swift look of vexed surprise. And thus lie hastened to aver He was her constant worshipper t " Bnt, darling, I Insist," said he, " That yon are very falr-l-eee. I know you don't care mdcli for me, Aaatbatmaiesmeso std.yoB-ses.* OON8TANTXV INOBEASINO ATTORNEYAT LAW, la Elnmontn's BulLdlni,ftiokiiuuiAvenne. AW OFFICES OF Pharisee and 8adusee. To eboroh tlie two tofetiier treat, Both doubtless on devuilon bent; • I wrote you I'd cuuio," lie said, as the door closed, "and I won't waste nraph of. yonr time. A week sinew, Sani Hoyt and his band drove rip to zny plaoe, Bred my barn and stole overy lollar I bad in the world. Wo were bays together and never agreed. Later In life he went his way, I mino. EnviouB of my eeenring for my wife a lady he onoo funded, ho took his petty revenge as I have described. I've now hnsiiiess am 1£B district of this man." "Bnt,Mr. Hay, Tho frontier farmer waved an imperative silence. "Iknow what yon wonld sny," he interrupted. "The peril, the failure of your own officers, nnd the like ,• but I know my own oouroge nnd energy. Twa days slnoe, those men drove up to yonr bunk and stole 150,000 iu bills. That's your sunroof tho anxiety, I cukultitc." "Yes," noddod tho bunker. "And you offer ono-llftu Ihe amount to Ihe captor of this uutlaw ? " Again the bankor nodded affirmatively. "Very well. Within a weok I will be here to claim that reward, or you will do me the favor to see that in settling up my property my family are provided for. The banker stared straugely at this singular visitor who faced tha issues of his bold venture equally. "You anticipate then—" "Bucoess. Bnt if Sam Hoytt and I meet, one will die or snrrendor before we part." An hour later, Tom Hayes was gallopIng over the broad prairie, whioh to the east swollod to an, irregular ohulu of hills, amid Ihe ravlnOB and forests where Bom Hoyt hod more than onoe evaded the officers of the law. Onoo within the densest of these forests, the frontier deleotive halted his horse, and proceeded to disguise himself from the con. tents of his saddle-bags. The transformation was neither unique nor olaborato, but itsuflloed tor uispnrpose. Tho long, dark beard hid the prominent cheek-bones and firm, resolute mouth, and the rough laborer's suit concealed tho straight, athletio form. He lod Us hone to the nearest trace of a road, spoke a few words to tho intelligent animal, end then, with a Bharp out of Ihe whip, had the satisfaction of seeing the praotioed hone start rapidly toward home, Hayes' eyes were watchful, almost anxious, as he oontlnned his journey. He knew the- fate of more than one offlcor who had met death while traversing these same glades in search of Ihe desperado, but ho kept on resolutely, with no well-formed plan of action in his mind, only determinod to locate his enemy, and then allow oiroumstanoes to shape his oourse. It was late in the afternoon when he readied the banks of a stream, and, somewhat wearied, sat down in a shady covert of willows to rest and refleot. Twioe he had been to this spot—onoo to carry offers of a oompromise and traoo to the man ha now sought under official lion; again, to recover a drove of hones stolen by the outlaw's band. He knew that ha was iu the very heart of Ihe enemy's eountry, and as he noticed moored to the shore a large fiatboat,' and saw upon its deck traces of recent usage, hsW-onoe'eonchded that it had been employed by (he outlaws in conveying their iplnndw down the river. It was secured by a large bawier to a tree, and swayed la i the/ strong current of < /the stream, whloh was muddy and swollen from heavy rains. l Such a thrill of intense Interest a n ! exeltoiuout as the gold-seekor- experiences when lio fluds lil« coveted treasure pervaded H.tyoK' fnuie aa ha glanced down the L.50 PER TEAR. Wrestling Camels. and twioe his revolver kept them at a disCURRENT M O T H . tance—a shot through the windows deterWrestling-matches between ounelslsai Meg then from swimming to the boat, as amusement in which Turks take great deA lady In Ban Antcnlo, Tttat, ka> ss*. they would have done. light, although they sometinos get a fins era! thousand silk-worms at work tahet "They have gone I" cried Hayes, finally, animal maimed in the sport. Many gentle- yard. with a sigh of relief. "And now to escape menkeep them for no other purpose, and A bottle of 60 gallon* oape city, a , k r g t * from the boat if it is possible." | one person In Smyrna kept twenty at one sver blown in this country, was lately Mde The old soow had entered the central ear- , time for tbe amusement of his wife, who at HOlville, N. I. rent of the stream, and was driven down the had a fondness for the sport. The cameti The strength of 120 iwandf is requhtd U river at a terrible rate of progress. , are trained to wrestling when quite young j tear asunder an iron wire one-twenty.ftfta they exhibit great dexterity in throwing He had not for a moment thought beyond Df an inch hi diameter. an escape from the outlaws. He shuddered their antagonist, and seem to take much Lady Ticbborae," wife of th« >i.i-^-< suddenly recalled to himself as his eyes pleasure in the fray. We had a young o n noted on the white, scared face of 8am onboard; only a month old, and, having ives in a workhouse In Southampton, Engbeen bom under the flag, he was christened -ud. She has two children with her. Hoyt. , A man over 60 years of ags b reported, He realized now the true peril of bis situ- "Uncle 8am." One of the Turke amused don. If he did not escape from the boat, himself on the voyage making a "pebla- by a British papar, to have made* 168 miles if some, friendly bond did not rescue him, I van" of him, and when hewassh weeks old in 21 hours on a trioyole. A younger' rival or the craft be stopped in its coarse, what he was more than a match for his teacher, did 188 miles In the same time. might happen} The (alls! He grew oold j using his legs, neck, and mouth with such A cargo of pig iron, rank in Long Island at the thought, and read in his captive's, dexterity, and exhibiting such wounderf ol jund, off Saybrook, twonty-seven years strength in so young a thing, that he boeyes the same terrorful emotion. igo, now being recoveied by divers, eomes But his attention was distracted as he came a very rough playmate, and frequently rat from under the land in good eondi30. glanced from the window. He had believed hurt the men pn the deck by throwing himthe men gone. They had only token a air. self on them suddenly and knocking them Artificial eggs are now murafaetmed fat -enitons ont around to a bend in the stream. down. This feature seems to be natural to German)-. A woman who bought a doxen the camels, for when two strange ones There they were waiting far him, andj of a peddler found them filled with water, sending a dozen shots toward him—shots, meet together where there are any females the yolk having been extracted and the hole they immediately have a wrestling-match and something more. Two of the men held covered with paste. Waxing pine knot* in their hands. These, far the supremacy, and the conquered one The pop of a pistol disturbed the congreever of ter acknowledges his inferiority by Whirled throdgh space, fell on the deck of the soow, and as it passed them the trium- not so much as daring to look at a female gation in a ohoroh at Gloucester, Moss, phant shonts of the bandits told Hayes that, Unlike the amusement of bull-baiting, this Little Johnnie Dow had brought bis father's though they had abandoned the cliase, the] wrestling is a harmless pastime, though tho revolver as a plaything with which to while had placed him in the most imminent peril animals sometimes get their legs broken or away the long hour of worship. are stiff for some time after with their A table-knife for the use of one-armed of his lite. irnises. Well-trained animals soldoni in- people has been inventnd, and may be found For, with two huge firebrands fanned to jure each other, being taught to throw theli it almost any outlery store. The blade a blazing mass by the breeze on the dry mtsgonist by getting his neok under thoii sdmeter-suaped anil broad, its curved deck of the scow, what would his fato be? fore leg (the right) and then throwing the md having five or six teeth to serve In As he saw a light volume of smoke grow whole weight of their body on him and )l»co of a fork. denser each moment, pouring from the deck bringing him to the ground.—Lieutenant A gentleman who was playing billiards In over the boat, ho realized that his predica~>orttr. Toronto happened to touch one of the bilment was a terrible one. liard balls with the lighted end of his " We are doomed I" he cried. oigar. The billiard ball immediately took Peasants In Brlttalny. Bam Hoyt turned an appalled glance upon him as he learned the situation of afIn this long whitewashed room tliero m a fire and burned rapidly. It was mads of fairs—the holocauat precipitated by his men, display ot toilets such as have rarely been celluloid. who did not know him to be aboard the seen. The girls are in white dresses, with Near Lawrenccburg, Tonn., an ehn-tree, boat. muslin or Ohina orape embroidered shawls. said to be the largest in the United States, "If you aro a man," he sold, " yon will The picturesque osp is of light laoe, made If not in the world, is growing. It is 106 give me a chance for my life." up with something lite a horn at the book leet In diameter and 329 feet in circaniferIn reply, Hayos ont bis bonds. It was of the head. The white dresses are re- ince from tip to tip of its branches. The life or death now, bat all their efforts to lieved by silk aprons, with bibs of the most izo of the trunk and height of the tree a n force thebattened-down hatchway failed to delicate colors—pole blue, sea green, lilao, lot given. and gray, mingling with charming grace. move it. So valuable and scarce has the black wal" The fsUs-the falls," cried Hoyt, in an We especially noticed one young recently iiit tree become that many of them in the married woman for the almost Easternlnxagony of horror at the recognition of famillountoins of North Carolina have been sold iar landmarks, as they shot by the shore ury of her toilet. A dress of white satin, it forty dollars apiece, just as thoy stand rose-colored stockings, ribbon of tbe same like an arrow. the woods, the purchaser reserving the He seized the middle post of the hold, color round hor waist, trimmings embroid- right to take thorn away within a certain Hayes dinging by his side. As he spoke, ered with roses, a muslin shawl and apron, number of years. they conld feel tho shock of tho scow, its lace head-dress, and silver ornaments. - She Before committing-soioide, at Lawrence, bottom grating over the rocks, a dizzy was pretty as well, with a delicate complexKansas, Misa Finneo had her photograph Ion and fine brown eyes. The men are hirl, a downward plunge, and they forgot taken,, and left directions for Bending ooples the flames which mured above them, as with much less oonspionous. Their coats are ot to her intimate friends. She was very a very sombre hue, and they wear broada orash the boat full over the oataraotand careful about getting a good likeness, and brimmed hats. ~ The two- violinists who into the basin below. was entirely successful i s assuming die orohes(re_p!ayed the old ail of They were Btnnnad. hrnlnfty ptensani expression whioh ]>botagraph the branie. The dsnoers took each other together amid the onuhlng and breaking Tom Hayes tore his beard from his face. waysrecommend. by the hand in files of twelve, and executed timbers. The flaming boards hissed as they " Sou know mo now, Saui Hoyt," he A wealthy English fannox says that he dance of the country known as the came in contact with the water. said, sternly, impressively. " S o long as has always selected bia farmhandsaftar putThe boat rooked and swayed for an in- gatottt. Each file, led by a man, gravely you let me and mine alone, I didn't trouble described half-circles in the form of the let- ting them through a whistling exercise. He you much. Yon roused mo at last, and I stant, and then parted at the prow. never knew a whistling laborer find fault Hayes was the first to realize the situa- ter 8. All these garlands of men and woeworo to oaptare yon. Before morning men move lightly, crossing, turning, gliding with bed or board, oomplain of extra work, tion. you'll see the inside of the jailor the grave, or be unkind to children or cattle. Hfl is "Quick! " h e cried "We are in the adroitly around each other, and never dewhich depends oa how dose you keep your parting from the most ceremonioiB grav- thoughtful, light-hearted, eoonomioal and log boom, under the falls, and will be mouth." ity. In this country manners and cus- good-natured. A sullen, wrathful sdlonoo brooded over crushed to pieces if we do not escape." toms are deeply rooted; nothing has It is no longer "cattle an • thousand Followed closely by Hoyt, he climbed changed; they dance as they did i s the dayB tho bandit's faoe as he saw Hayou louvo him, hills," bat thousands of cattle on. the' bills. ascend the notched post and uiiiu Uie deck. ont through the broken prow. Bat he did of Louis XIV.—CBomiwj't Journal. Twenty-nine "cowboys" who visitedToA minute later, too, he saw him come dowu not descend. The fall of the soow, had peka, Kan., daring the late soldiers* rewith a quick leap- and a startled ejaculation started the choked-np water-way and its union, represented over 400,000 cattle, and freight of logs. of alarm. A Short Culde to Bankruptcy. $10,000,000 capital'invested, t h e largest Tearing along, churning the water to For as Hayes reached the deck, bout on While one of the Boanaio dologatog who number represented by one firm was 60,000 deoidlng on how he would bo ablo to re- foam, now rising higher hi the air, now waited upon the Emperor Franz Josof, at head, and the smallest number by a single move his captive, • he saw a figure coming omening a huge timber like a pine stick, the Hofburg, a few weeks ago, was staying Individual was 1,000 head. the boom, started by the falling boat, went toward the boat in Vienna, the owner ot the hotel in which At Greeley, Colorado, neeatly, a man It was one of the bandit's friends, alarm- roaring through the gorge, bearing them he lodged became, a bankrupt. Hearing1 of who had caught a small eatflah'was swinged by the shot, oomlng directly to the scow. down with teniflo velocity. his host's mishap, the worthy Beg sought Hayes had gained the top of the flatboat, an explanation of the term " bankruptcy," ing it to the.shore, when a huge pelican That he had seen Hayes, the latter knew; and a minute later a faoe peerad down the and dung to a-'jagged timber as it shot and having thoroughly mastered its mean- swooped down, gobbled the fish, hook'and over the logs, or was wedged hi between ing, proceeded on his return to his native all, and started to fly away. The sea-grass hatchway. Hayos sent a shot whizzing past his head; them. He started as he felt a cold object village, to impart his information to sundry line proved too strong for the bird, whioh, after a hard struggle, was polled to terra He hoped to frighten the newcomer away, pressed to his temple. of the Faithful, his near relative* and olose 1 flrma and dispatched "with a dab. The The money I" a hoarse voice muttered family connections. and then gag the outlaw and carry him bod"This, 0 my bird weighed nine pounds and a half. ily from the place before the other returned in Ms ear. brothers," he observed, "to the true and And he faeed a leveled revolver, and tha proper way to beoome a bankrupt. First with reinforcements, The increase of street begging In Paris Bnt the desperado, discovering the pres- fierce eyas of Bam Hoyt you must hire a shop. Then yon write to is one of the least pleasing signs of the Even in the very jaws of death, avarloe ence of an enemy) devised a very shrewd rich merchants in far distant oities, inviting weakening of authority ht France. The was mom powerful in the bandit's mind them !•> forward their wares to you for empire kept the streets under better plot to secure him. Lifting the hstohway-eover, he threw it than fear. sale, and pledging yourself to pay for them control, both by day and sight. The less Clinging by one hand to a frail support, within a few months. As soon as yon sbull frequented streets are becoming more inover the hole, battened'H down, securing it with its bolls, and starting on a keen run he held his foe at his mercy. have received sufficient merchandise j on fested by beggars than those' of Iiondorj, "Fooll " oried Hayes. " Think of your must sell it for cosh or hide it caret ally and they may sometimes be seen singling for tbe camp of his comrades. At first Hayes was unable to comprehend life, not of yonr ill-gotten gains. See, we away. Then yon must go to the Judge and out foreigners for then- appeals, leaving say to him : 'Boloved of Alba I I am a natives unnoticed, his situation. A sneering laugh from ore lost." Evon as he spoke, with a crash a dozen bankrupt. Here are £6. They are all I the quiok-wiMe&oantaan'twoke him to tho A woman was lately indicted In England logs crushed the after-port of the boat as have in the world,' The Judge will keep truth. | for causing the death of her child by deny£i of tho £5, and proclaim you in bank- ing it adequate nourishment. Investiga. " You're in a fix of yonr own making, though an egg-shell. He saw Hoyt lifted from the deck, flung ruptcy ; the otbor £1 will be divided among tion showed, however, that the mother. had Mr. Hayes," he cried, derisively. " In five minutes my band will surround this boat high in the air, and, as a horrified shriek those who supplied yon with goods. Later fed the child regularly on com starch, pierced the air, fall beneath the mass, on you will remove to another town and mixed with a little mUk, ignorant of the and settle yonr detective ambition," " Yon keep quiet, -or-nisare them the and disappear in the eddying swirl of begin this good and easy business over foot that itaroh Is unable to supply the again. Thus may the passing bitterness, of necessary nutriment to young children. trouble of rescuing you," replied Hayes, water. fast In time he flung himself from the insolvenoy bo converted into the abiding Under these olroumstanoss Ihe woman was, waralngly; ' His efforts to tone the hatch proved un- deck. The logs danced and shot forward, sweetness of a comfortable iudepenilonoo. ot coarse, aoqaltted. availing. In an excited despair he rushed their slippery surface driving him here Bochoam. Upon pay head be i t " The most learned woman, in the world is to the portholes and gazed anxiously oat. and there Ilka a feather. Nearer 1the said to be MissBamnabaie, e, young Udj ot They were the only outlets, bnt too small to shore, a fall, a crashed hand, and then, aa A L a k e In C h a n c e r y . twenty, who is now in Paris. B h a i s s n v aeooond eddy mixed the timbers together afford a means of exit for his body. Tha lake of Geneva has got into the la' live ot India, end oaa read and write and "Trapped! "he murmured. "Bat I'll tri wild confusion, he gained the river's bank, and sank to the ground, overcome, courts- it has b e e n thero for fire yean, and talk in twelve languages, betides being up fight for it." His face grew troubled as he discerned exhausted, appalled at tho wild seene before apparently la likely to stay thero as long as _ mathematics, astronomy, and history. if it had got into Chancery in England. She ia studying medicine and will go tola. the man who had entrapped him oomisg him. He reached Beardsville the next morn- The cause is one from whiok we are suffer- dia to practloe, w h e n ibe say* Uut thon. down the river shore with a dozen eompanions, and then his heart gave a mighty log. The finding of the mntilatnd reniaini ing at the present moment hi England with sands of her ooontrywomsa dl» itsry >vati of Bern Hoyt, tan miles down the stream, a regard to onr rivers. The lako is subjeot because they will not ooasalt male ptoslthrob as a brilliant idea crossed his mind. ; i • With a quiok movement he drew Us fow days later, verified bis story, and the to sadden flood* which, in the summer, cians. The bridge of the Northeastern Bsibosit hunting-knife from his bolt The next mo- recovered money eonvlnoed the most in after a severe winter, cause great destrucment he bad reached his arm far ont ol one credible of the truth of his narrative of hit tion on the lands of riparian owners. The over lake Ponlobartraln, I * , no**«faj» owners on the npper part of the lake aaart constructed, wOl be sbiaOM fft"^ '" of the windows and drew the koenhlade startling adventure. He received his reward and the thanks that It Is owing to the obstructions to the long, and will be the ta^hfrtsw., _. aorousthe rope securing Ihe boat to the of the oommnnity, for the river outlaws, outflow of the 'Rhone at Geneva, The known- n, Ms0m,U»ZmmMfl shore. Tho heavy hawser slmlned and gave, the losing tboir leader, soon abandoned Oenevese assert that it Is canned by the olnaur. of four, and, wl«;IW''WH.l»'.:! larrod strands parted, there, was a groaning the district which had been the soeue ot straightening of the Upper Bhons and deep or the bottom Mltf|h ' ' whir, and mon and shore receded from his' a brave man's struggle for life amid a drainage of the lands there. The Canton driven. All a; deVaud Is now suing the Canton Geneva flew as the Swift current bore the MOW donblo poril. before the Federal Court oa tlo ground" thai rapidly down the lueam. wiU,lw>irft?ihe4J*W early In the h i t oentmry the Canton of M w o o ^ ' w h s n ^ r " ^ Had he outwitted them t Would the; not ' .In youth, grief is a tempest whloh makes Geneva promised the Oaulon o | Benin to be able to pursue snd'orerUke him f you ill; in old age It la only a oold wind, abate an obstruction, which they ttevtt did, The blank, startled lookWkhe'fkoe df hii .wjjluli adds ono more wrinkle to your less Hence the evlL,. Thlsi stfigadon, is.somecaptive expressed his alarm ( t h i s oaptor*s •|inl,jno more white look to the others.— thing the same as -if anyone w e n sow to olever'ihof e; wtifle" thtf htrr/lng bandits in tinJuinge. anee*thtt * t f rivsrBooasiWareiosasedlj, Ihe di»tani* showed HSJBS tint they bad not ahwa«hi>«tb»t»jiioii»pMTWflO to Vm given op the-ohue, ' Ad exchange sayst Labor Is discovered to 'ODKW Bnt hahekrth&m.rt »• ttstdtwlsge, be the grand oonqueror, enriching and Twioe, Uw shot* growing rooky, prevented building tip jWatUiw more surely) '*tftn the them following U» bos*, without dhsrgintf prondsst battles. stream and saw a fata •dvanetsg, wfaleh he at once recognised. ••Sam Hoyt I " he ejaculated, s s U s hand rested oa Us belt, and his eyes were strained eagerly to watch the other. It was indeed the aotsd ootsur,- walking rapidly, but with an air of oonfldent seoor. ity, toward the flatboat • Tbe old soow was built with a large hold and a hatchway leading to It. Tho silent watcher had gained'the river shore and the deck at the craft as he saw the object of his quest disappear down the hatchway. A quick glance at' the shore revealed no person in sight. From a dump of tree* some distance away, however, evidences of human life were visible In the smoke of s fire. The outlaw, whatever his mission, had gone into the hold of the boat, and alone. Hayes, thrilled at the thought, and approaching the hatchway, sprang boldly dowu. There were four small, windows iu the front and rear of the aeow, so small that they would barely admit the passage ot a cat. The light from the- outside • shining through them, however, revealed Sam Hojl to tho detective the minute he glanced around him. It snowed him taking from under a loose beam in the bottom of the boat a Urge portfolio. The desperado started, turned, dropped the wallet, as he caught sight of the intrader. A loud report resounded like an explosion, and then, an a bullet whizzed by IN head, Hayes sprang forward and donched with his opponent. Sam Hoyt, depending upon his rapidity of movement In tho use of the revolvei for many years, was no match for the atbletio farmer. It wan auy easy conquest for fbe latter, his foe onoo disarmed, and as he finally bold him at his mercy, his knee on his brcust, he deftly secured bis hands, tied his njufflor around bis feet, mid turned his attention to the fallen portfolio. Ho did not heed the muttered malediction of his captive as his oyes gleamed murderously. Bis heart was exultant as he saw that the secret treasure of the bandit comprised the bonk bills sloleu from Beardsville, the portfolio bearing the name of Ihe hwtitalion, and the packages of notes, being still in the official paper slips. As to Sam Hoyt, he knew not who his captor was, only realizing, as he saw Hnyes bestow the bills about his person, that cither a thief or a detective had out wilted him. "Curse you 1" he raved, wild with rage amid bis^ helplessness. " One minute with my revolver and Fd fix you." " Your first shot wasn't a fair example, thea ? " remarked Hayes, sarcastically. The bandit started. . ,>",' > ! " w - . j , , , "',•'''' THE &E0 BAM f COMMENT* OP TUB » I ( U , uA Utfi mini liutruun. In &* fkrtOHM towosUp iMnm to wbich lie vm alected be fulfilled tbe datic* of toe podtioiu honestly and effectirelyud won the higteat enooniuma of praise from hta neighbors and fellow-citiien*. In the Lsgidatare hut winter he wag alert and active and was always in his aeat engaged in looking after the best interests of bia constituents and the people of the State regardless of party lines. To reelect Mr. Origgito the Assembly will be the wisest course for the people of thu District and thus show to the world that integrity of character and sterling worth in a legislator is appreciated by the taxpayers and voters of Raritan, Middletown, Shrewsbury and Eatontown townships. _^__________ Tbe first of aeerteg of 4taM«onoert» watglven but night in tbe Methodist Church. Alttu>u«nth««eatln(<!apao«ty of this church i» vgtf large, these concerts had acquired such a popularity last winter that at eight o'clock almost every seat w u occupied, including the gallery. The exercises consisted chiefly of vocal and instrumental music. The oonoert opened with a well executed instrumental duet on the piano by Mrs. Wm. A. H. White, the organist of the church, and Hiss Mima Allaire. During the remainder of the concert, the vocalists were accompanied on the piano by Mrs. White. The choir of tbe church, consisting of Misses Nellie and Hattie Hubbard, Mima Allaire and Nellie Corlies, and Messrs. W. Hill and E. Heisley, gave two excellent choruses, to the evident satisfaction of the audience. A quartette by Misses Hattie and Nellie Hubbard, and Messrs, W. Hill and E. Heisley, entitled "Come, Rise with the Lark," and another, " The Farmer," by the same male voices and Misses Mima Allaire, and Nellie Corlies, were among the moat ontertaining of the numbers on the programme, and were heartily encored. A vocal eolo, "Beautiful Girl of Kildare," by Miss Mima Allaire, received the like approbation of the audience, to which Miss Allaire responded with a plaintive ballad. A well-executed solo on the piano, by Mrs. Belle Knapp, closed the first part of the concert. " Bonnie Doon," an instrumental eolo, by Miss Lillie Terhune, followed the quartette of "The Farmer" in the second part of the programme, and to this young lady's skilful playing the audience testified its approval. The only recitation of the evening, " Mona's Waters," was given by Miss Carrie Field, and received its duo meed of applause. A duet entitled "How dear to me the hour" was given by Miss Mima Allaire aud Mr. W. Hill. Not the least of the attractions of the concert were tho cornot BOIOS, "Young America" and "Down by the RiverSide," by James H. Morford. Mr. Morford has attained a perfection on the cornet not equalled by any other player in this sec tion, and his second pcrforaianco was rewarded with au bucore. It is the intention of the church to hold these concerts monthly, and should the others prove as entertaining as the first, the course will afford the people of the town a series of iileasureable enter tainmentB at a trifling cost. The receipts last evening amounted to nearly *50. The event of Ute week was tlie marJ*<igeS«a44v refund UMCM to P. TtU4. Law bUaua for « I e at this offioe. : A Ma> Wfc* Ha* riage of Miai Georgie A. Pontin and Johnson Pw^faga to keip a DUDUO bar (frtn tat JTenwrt W«*1»J atSsabright. ,4 , John Kean, Jr., called at T i n RKfloV Obis, B. Field. The ceremony took The Republican convention held at the HrJB, MoCarty Mahler, Usjtad States • B office to-day. place at St. John's Chapel on Thursday inspector of river and 'tartars: is regis- 'anlion Hotel in this place, on Saturay but, unanimously renominted Hon. last at IS o'clock, and a reception was Mrs. Nathan B. Cook, of Chicago, is Hshri fa Atfsm JfonmMiaamiMy tered at the Packer oottage, Seabrigbt. BenjaminOriggs asits candidate for As* held at the residence of the bride's par- for a month. visiting friends in Bed Bank. ae-obly, thereby showing its approval of HOB I ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred a Pontin, imO. B. Bucklin&Oo., of Hatawan,,haye IU course, in the hut Legislature. Capt. The bi-monthly examination of tbe $160 mediately after. A gay company as- manufactured nearly one thousand bar- Griggs is a man that has been tried and publio schools occurred last week. 'ouEd fully capable of ably representing sembled to do honor to tlie happy couple, rels of catsup this year. Joshua Bennett has purchased a lot of The project of a bank at Asbury Park this district at Trenton, but the most who took their departure on an evening ABTKBTOKKKNTB again Doing agitated by some of the sanguine Republicans know that he won't Robert Emory, at Oceanic, for $190. train for a wedding tour. influential business men of that place. lave the walk-over he had last year! that ShoaVl ao« meh u liter Uju W«dn»dar morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Chandler have The little Silver band from the Point , Geo. T.Cranrner, well known to Eaton- is, he can't capture a majority of the been spending a week in Washington. MrtrtiMnwa. adnrtMnmU tor a 1Mperiod furnished the music at tlie Democratic town people, has been nominated for the voteain his opponent's camp, Mr, Griggs as born and Drought up in the vicinity this tbne BMoUa. euh. The Presbyterian Sunday-school will mass meeting held at Red Bank last ev- Assembly in Ooean county. where he now resides, and has interested give a oonoert on Sunday, November 26. The 65th annual meeting of the Mon- himself in all affairs that promised to be ening. This was their first publio effort, N c n ana coirevoDdeiHe M all rabjwta o( load Input w» dorin. Communkstloni <lB«l»ni«1 benefit to the people in his neighborexcept some marching music on Decora- mouth County Bible Society will be held The Greenbackers will hold a mass w n Educational Hall, Asbury Park, on pti]b M for ludlrlduala or flrnu we do but. — ion Day, and they acquitted themselves Thursday, November 2d,at 10 o'clock hood, which, together with the people's meeting in Red Bank on Friday evening. leuen Intended for publication must be algned »iUi knowledge of hie general character, will rery well. A . K . - .. •• • have a tendency to lessen the Democratic tke m m tod MUrai of the writer. Seventy-five volumes have recently Work on the new bridge from Town The Classis of Monmouth met onMon- majority in Middletown township. been added to tbe library of Grace M. K. An Injustice to Us. Hill paper U on ale at G«o. P. ftowell k 0o'»., 10 Keck to Long Branch is progressing ra- ay last in the Middletown Dutch ReTo our great regret the case of the Sunday-school. A Division of the County Imperative. • Spruce Street, New York a t ; , wtere oontncu for pidly. This bridge opens up a fine sec- formed Church. An irrepressible small boy informed us State against us for libel has been post(FVoro the Aihury Parti Journal.) adTertlatnc mar be made. The friendly shooting match between tion of country for investment and imThe growing importance, wealth and poned until tbe January term of Court. the other day that the local chestnut the Midway dun Club and the Jersey provement. The resident property own- City Heights Oun Club took place last OFFICE: COS. BROAD AMD FRONT STREETS, This adjournment was made in spite of crop was immense.' iterest of the shore townships and the . . . Bed Bank, K. I. ers in the vicinity have contributed a Wednesday on the grounds of the for- growing disfavor and envy thereat of the opposition of Senator Applegate, The ladies of the M. E. Church will mer. The Midway Club was the fav- lie inland or ruling townships, mokes portion of the expense of construction. orite, and came off victorious by but he division of the county more iraperWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1882. our counsel, who' insisted that we were hold a fair and festival on or about the .Efforts are being made to push the three birds, the score being Ir8 to 118, entitled to a speedy trial, The excuse 13th of December next. itive each year. We hope that before construction of the shore road on Rumof the Prosecutor for not trying the case A Keyport clergyman officiated at the coming winter is over the* new The Presbyterian Church sociable will eon Neck from Black Point along the hree weddings last week. county of Oarfleld (or other suitable during the present term was that it was be held to-morrow evening at the resiSouth river to Little Silver creek, This Mrs. Theresa McKinney, of Keyport, name) will be erected out oi the eastern impossible for him to prepare his side of portion of Monmouth. FOB CONORESS, dence of Mr. Forman Morris, road will make a fine drive and increase is gone to Florida to visit her son. he case. Shu will probably remain there during JOHN KEAN, JR., The Common Sense View. the value of property along the river. Trinity Parish is negotiating for the It would seem that the evidence which tho winter. Of Upton Oounty. Warn tin Oeean Beach Crab.) The last of the transient summer resiwas placed before the Grand Jury, and purchase of the Joseph Applegate propMessrs. Vanaken & Stiles, of Seabright, But, Buppose the Ocean Beach aaso rty on Front street, for a rectory. dents in this vicinity have taken their have rented the Central Hotel, Long iation does permit Shark River to be n which that body of men based the Tor Mornber of Anaemlily (TWrd Dlrtrlct), flight during the week, carrying with Branch. Benjamin Urner, the National candindictments which were found against uwxl for drainage and Bewerage, and them golden opinions of this section of Fish & Garland, of Seabright, are the that this sewerage does destroy fish, BENJAMIN CRICCS, us, could have been, with as little date for Congress in this district, pubIhe country. Many of them have al manufacturers of a stove varnish that is oysters and other shell-fish (which fact rouble, placed before a petit jury. We ishes his card in our advertising colOr ready made arrangement to return next one of the finest articles for polishing we deny), do these honorable gentlemen ere and are anxious to have the matter umns. stoves or nickel work that is in the mar- think that in order to save tho lives of season. ket. P r o c l a m a t i o n » r t h e PreKldent. laid before the Court, that our character these lower animals, wu ought to keep An oyster, measuring nine inches in Politics is now the order of the day. In conformity with a custom, the annual ohserv- nay be vindicated. Work has begun on the new life-saving he sewerage nt home and imperil our length and five in width, was caught off anra of wMuh li Justly held In Iiunur liy this people, The tocsin of war has been sounded and station at Deal Beach. The structure will >wn lives? Are the lives of fish, oysIn tho indictments found against us Cook's point in the river yesterday by 1, Cbtwtw A. Arthur. ITwIdent ut the United State, the politicians are on the alert. Party equal in style many of the cottages on ters and other shell-fish more valuable ilo luwhy wt anart Thumlay, the 80th day of Nore a number of extracts from an editoriJohn White. vember next, as a da; of public thuituKlrinx, ties Bit loosely ou the shoulders of the the shoro. It will boot two stories, attic than tbe lives of human creatures ? Tho The bleailiunt demanding our irretltiiae are num- l pulilinlied in THE KEOISTBR on August and tower. The first floor is intended great objection to most resorts lias lieen Persons in want of law blanks of any erous and varied. For tlie peace and amity which people this fall and there will be lots of for boats and keeperg' rooms, Becond lock of any drainage whatever, and yet JOth. These extracts, it is claimed, are mlMlMt between this republic und wli Inn nation* of kind, leases, deeds, mortgages, bonds, independent voting. A Close and un- floor-forrquarters'of crew, and the tower this assemblage of wisdom objects to a tbe world; fur Ihu Irewloin frum Internal discord False, and it is further claimed that we etc., etc., will find a full stock at TBS and vlolraiv; for Urn lucraulng frii'iiOalili, bcltvccu supported drainage. Shark Hiver rises certain fight is predicted for Assembly- for watchman. tlie different Hictlmw of the land; for the Utterly, ublished them knowing them to be fnluo. REOISTER office. and falls with the incoming and outgoJustice, and constitutional guvuniment; for Uie iluman and Congressman. Rev. Father Spioring, of Keyport, aring tides, rendering it an admirable nd- • vutJoQ of tlie peotile to our free Institution*, and Whatever this Grand Jury (comprising The sociable of Grace M. E. Church Mr. R. B. Campbell is entitled to credit rived home last Monday from his Euro- junct for a thorough syBtein of drainage tbelrcheerful obedience to mild laws; for the con- as it dill among its members a large pean trip. He has boen absent since stantly InciuuloK blreugth of the republic while exwill bo held on Tuesday evening next :n Ocean Beach, and we hope the timo for putting up a street lamp in front of uly 1st. tending 11a prlvlli'gfK to follow men who come to umber of personR who either hold perwill come when it will be used to carry nt the residence of Mrs. Benj. W. Spinus: for the lmiirorfd meana of Internal coramunlnis carriage factory. His example is Thomas Gravatt, of Keyport. who was tlie sewerage of the whole place far out «atlon, and the lncretuted facilities of Intercourse sonal animosity towards us, or who arc ning, on Monmouth street. ikely to be followed by others and a recently injured by being struck by a lo- nto old ocean. with the other iwtlnns; for the gnneral pruvailliiK he near relatives of (such persons), mny IIMIIUI of the year; for tbo prosporlty of all our Insubscription will be started to raise a comotive near Little Silver station, has The entertainment for tho benefit of dustrie*. Uie Iltwral m u n i for tho mwJianlc's toil, have been led to believe, those stateBrighton and the London " Lsineet." affording a market for the abundant harvest* of the fund for'the purpose of giving light in recovered sufficiently to be out. Trinity Church Sunday-school, which ments are true, and we are prepared to husbandman; for the preservation of the nstional On Sunday night of last week nn at(From the Sanitary Engtnetr.) dark places in HUB neighborhood. Mill and credit; for wise and generoiu provision prove their absolute truthfulness. Tho WOH to have taken place on Friday eventempt was made to tob the parsonage of The strictures of the London Lancet to tnect the Intellectual and moral education of our St. Joseph's R. C. Church at Bfownsyouth; for the Influence upon Die conscience of a postponement of the trial is an injustice ng of last week, was postponed until in tho sanitary condition of Brighton restraining and tnnmfoniilns religion; and for the Died from Lockjaw. point, near Koyport. The1 burglars were England's great health report) have reo UK, aa it deprives us of a privilege ,ast evening. loy> of bourn; for these, and for nrnuy other bit* frightened away by the barking of a mlted in the town authorities employing About six weeks ago Thomas Winters, Ings, we should Rive thanks. which is granted to every person by tho Mr. P. Hall Packer has sold his hard. iir Joseph Bamlgotte to examine and f Navesink, while cleaning the driving Spitz dog. . wherefore, I do recommend that the day above designated be observed throughout tho country as u Constitution of the State, and allows us ware store at Seabright to Messrs. Erwin Ellas Bailey, a lad attending school nt 'oport on their system of sewerage, wheel box in his mill, had his little linday of natlouul Umnksglvlng and prayer, and that o rest under the imputation of having & Nesbitt, and will hereafter devote his ['hey have also instituted proceedings for frthany, fell and broke hb arm while the people, coasting from their dully labOnl find ger crushed. The flesh was loosened dimbing on a barn that was being built ibel against the' Ixincet. The Fatter ' attention wholly to the Packer Cottage, mertlnir In accordance wJUi tlielr M.>veral'f(irinH of committed a criminal act. from the bone, but the wound was tear the school. worehlp, draw ne&r to the throne of Almighty (iixl, novi! does strike us as n wise oue, since The adjournment of the trial will also and to bib uvwspapor, the Seabright Senoffering tn Him praise and gratitude for the manii« shown from the rejiort of Sir Joseph dressed by his wife, and nothing serious The shipment of brick from Mntav-an fold (toodiiaa which HB has voucbuulud to us, and tinel. • praying thut ilia blessings and Ills mercies may be a source of regret to a few ill-conwas anticipated. The wound refused to itation to points south, averages ten car ilazalgette, that the sewers are far from continue. kitisfoctory, and the stenches to which There huvu been several cases of maditioned Red Bank people Some of lieu), however, and the flush began to ondsa day. And ldo further recommend Hint tho day thus he Ixincet has alluded are undeniable. Tho station of the Central Railroad at appointed be made a spucuU occaitiou for deeds at hese people, particularly one or two lignant scurlut fever recently at Long mortify. A physician was then called We learn that a fund of £0.000 has kindness aud chanty to the BUfTerUiKiinU the needy. who have been the recipients of many Branch, which have bullied all attempts lanasquuu was broken into on Wednos. so Uiat all who dwell within the land may rejoice , and the finger was amputated. Short- lay night of lust week. Several d rawer* evil guaranteed, to bv expended, as we and be glad ID this season of national thank&glvlntf, favors from the THE REOISTER, have ex- of the physicians to cure. Among other mderstand it, in attemptx to defend tho ly nfti>r, Mr. Winters took cold, which ad been opened and ran narked hut qmtntfnn of the |>la<"o in n •' health roCintin-KR A. ARTHUR. pressed n, warm desire to see us thrown fatal cases was that of the little daughter Entertainments In Red Bank. W-ASHINOrOV, Oct, 25, 188S. affected him seriously. Ou Tuesday af- lothing WOK stolen but n few cigars and art,"—in other words, to pronecuto into prison, and have intimated that of Dr. 8. H. Hunt. Milton Gunckel, the business manager ternoon of last week, while in his mill, he contents of tlie monoy drawer, which IUMI-vvh(ii|iuiiti<ill i t s Kalliljlity. :mil i n imountod to only sixty cento. The iK'nrt- tlie piiMiniiioii of pulln and e n such will be the result of the trial. Tli We were presented a few days ago of Henry L. Slayton, was in town last To the Voters. fell, and was not able to rise. He was ickets were not disturbed. oiftomiiils. U wuiiUi ljc n i n t h inure "Votnra are scaimlng, ua tliey Invo a right to do, action of the Prosecutor in postponing with a quantity of raspberries of the week making arrangements to bring tho found l<y Edward Lufburrow, who lives Mr. H. H. Yard has disposed of the "liHibto if nrightiin'H leading citizen* not merely party platforms or party history, but tbe the case until the next term of Court second crop. The rasborries were grown companies and combinations of which near by, nnd was carriwl to tho house marble, which he took (rum a ship orinod an orgiuiizjiton to force tho nncnaraotan of tbe men who appear as candidates be- will be almost as great a grievance to nt the Locust Grove nurseries, the prop- Mr. Slayton is manager to Red Bank. iy Mr. Lufburrow and his workman. wrecked near Wreck Pond, at Mnna- lioritiefl !o takestepu to u-st'ertain au<l fore.them." erty of Jam™ Brny. The flavor of the The Slayton Ideal Colored Conceit Com- Lockjaw set in from the effects of which squan, a great ninny years ago. Thu "t'ni<>Vf the di>ferU tli.'it t'Xi*t im<l t>i " I Heartily agreo with the opinion now Raising them as it is an injustice to us. narble woe sold to a Philadelphia firm ;uiiuiii them when they mevt with tho rtrenirtb. tltat with $150,000,000 surplus revenues berries was equal to that of the fruit pany is billed to appear hero on Thurs- ie died. ,t $0 per cubic foot, and he will realize opposition the expeudituru of money ix Uie burden of taxation should bo made much lightA Queer Grand Jury. grown in its proper season. day, November lflth. The most attracThe Key port Enterprise says that ibnut $8,000 from the sale. sure to entail. er." The action of the last Grand Jury in tive features of this entertainment will A boat's crew of fishermen of Galilee^ Ellen A. Sullivan, aged twelve years, a Brighton's ttewci-Hund acwem;;o .-yi'teni Prof. ChOB. F. Woolley, principal of " I believe In an honest, Judicious and economical finding a presentment against the sanibe Sain. Lucas, tbe comedian, in songs lay bo no worse than those of nuiuv oue day last week caught seven tons of (rovtrnmeut, and In such legislation, and In suoh atighter of Mr. Daniel Sullivan, whore- ho Eatontown public school, died of tary condition of the Bhore towns of tho Snglisli cities, yet, unliko many OIIHT •onsumption a few days ago. *6niy7as'stair tend to tbe loitering of commerce, fine blueftsh. They Bold them on the and specialties, J. R. Brindis, the violin- iides near Oak Shades, died very sudmanufacture*! and popular education, and the pro- county has led to a close Inspection of Wm. S. Combs, of Freehold, has a Inoi'S, Brighton wants stianR n, in beach to a New York wholesale dealer ist, and Mitvf Lena Miller, euly last Sunday, from lockjaw, caused >im' there, and B|iend tluir money tection of all citizens In the Just exerclso of consti- its members. Ono of the most singular Besides tho above-named company, iy a rusty, nail,1 which she stepped on a umber of pear trees in bloom. for $850. Wo understand that the boat's here. It should, therefore, be borne in tutional rights." A banket collection of over $500 was features of the composition of the Grand Mr. Slayton controls the Litta Grand few days before. She had been sick hut iud that invalids nnd ploasuro seekeix crew consisted of three men, which We commend the above extracts from Jury is the fact that from five of the taken up In tho Catholic Church, of liavj littli' else to do llinn to notice Im i Concert Company,tho Minnie Hawk hree days, and her sufferings wero terreeholu, on Sunday of last week, to aid John Kean. Jr.'e, letter of acceptance of townships in this vicinity there were would be I283.33J for each man for his H when thoy vxist, mid they canno. Operatic Company, and the Remcnyi ible. he building fund of the new church, lie expected to visit ur remain in pl;i,< •; the Republican nomination to Congress a considerable number of members who day's work. Concert Company, all of which he exEli Perkins is to deliver a lecture in vlnre they arekniiwn to prevail. Th" The fishermen on the coast have been to the attention of all honest, tlioughtfu! either themselves hold personal enmity Death of Charles Woolley. Eatontown this month. pects to bring to Red Bank during tho u'.horities had much Ix'tlcr. then, nci 1 men throughout the Third District. The towards us. or who are the near relatives unable to catch many fish for the past Charles Woolley. of Eatontown, died Chas. A. Reid, the proprietor of tho wiuito money in advertising tin Laueet. These companies comprise some two weeks on account of the stormy sentinionts expressed hnvo the right of euch persons. iut energetically and pnrni'ntly strive t> itoumouth poultry yards at Englishluddenly at his residence loBt Friday of the best musical attractions in the ring; they state plainly the needs of the Some time before the meeting of the weather. As a result bluefish are very country. S. S. Sagues was largely in- morning. Ho was about 35 years of ago ;owu, has exhibited his poultry nt four remove the CUUHC of the evils now complained of. ' _ fairs this year, and has received $400 in country for nn economical administra Grand Jury it was vaguely hinted that Bcarce and the wholesale price on the strnmental in having the companies nd a young man of exceptional ability. iremiums. tion of tho affairs of government, that indictments would be found against us Ix'ach is 61 cents per pound. At this Illegal Cunning. for which Mr. Slayton is manager He was of a scientific turn of mind and Mr. W. F, LeRoy, assistant editor of the heavy burden of taxation now rest- for conspiracy and libel, and considering price it is impossible for the fish venders On Tuesday last a |iarty of KU">"'r» he Asbury Park Journal, has purchased brought to Red Bank, and will act as the devoted a great deal of time nnd re ing upon the people aud paralyzing th< the Grand Jury before whom the alleged to deal in them at a profit. rum Long Branch went to Middlrtmvn local agent for the companies in this and well to geological and antiquarian sub- i house at that place and will remove or the purposo of shooting rabbita Tiny energies and industries of the natioi evidence was laid, it was no surprise to us Torn Keyport. A Democratic mass meeting was held neighboring towns. jects, but he paid particular attention fihot yr>, but in the afternoon nn ollii-ir may be made lighter. The survey of tho extension of the was sent for to arrest tho men for vini.ito learn that such indictments had been last night nt the Globe Hotel. Mr. Chas. ;o collecting Indian relics. His collec- Freehold and New York railway, beThis only can be accomplished by tbi found. We do not state that the Grand I. Gordon was the chairman of tho meet"The Only Boy Magician." ;ion was the finest in the State, and at tween Keyport and the Atlantic High- tion of the game act, which prohibits 'If shooting of rabbitH prcvioux to the ti> -it Bending of men to Congress to maki Jury was Belected for the express pur- ing aud made a brief and creditable adEdmund Walsh, who performs umler ne time he had over 4,000 specimens, lands, has been commenced. of November. Tim g.iuner-i, it is s nd, laws for the people who are honest iu pose of indicting us, but we cannot re- dress. Judge Skinner, of Bergen county, the soubriquet of " The Only Boy MagiMr. Matthews and family, of Mat- Btnteil that thev had bwn tmiplnv-ixl by art of which he sold to the Boston Histhemselves, and who are in favor of and gard it as less than a strange coincidence, also spoke, and afterward Mr. Wm. Piu- cian," gave an entertainment in magic thews' Restaurant, Freehold, narrowly Ehmtban Fieliln to shoot tin- rulifiitx, n» ;orical Society. Many articles from his pledged to an honest and economical ad that when it had been previously inti tard addressed the peoplo present. Tlie ast Thursday night in Music Hall. The escaped suffocation on Sunday night of :>en have appeared from time to time in last week. Tho bartender arranged the hey weredegtmying iti-i trees nnd plant*. Tho ofllcnr was m-iit for at tin' iiiHtniicv ministration of the national finances. mated by a Democratic politician that last and best address of the evening was ball was about half-filled with an audihe local press drafts of a stove in the house, and the f tlt€i Middletown Unme PrnUflive AsSir. Kean is an honest man; he has attempts would lie made to indict us, made by Col. B. L. Trafford. ence composed in great part of boys and He was a prominent member of the stove emitted such a quantity of coal sociation, who will prosecute the gunmade bis money honestly! ho is shrewd that a Democratic Sheriff should select, The steamer " Vandalia," loaded with young men. Master Walsh's perform- Democratic party und was very liberal gas that all the inmates wero mode very ner* for the recovery of tho line of $•"> well-educated, and in sympathy witl as members of the Qrand Jury, sevon passengers, ran on a bar, about half ances consisted chiefly of those which sick. for em li rabbit unlawfully killed. in all his views. He had traveled exthe masses. He is pledged to reform members who, it might be expected, a mile north of Deal Beach yesMrday at have mystified and delighted audiences Five Freehold firemen had overcoats LMisively throughout tlie United Stales, stolen from th'e cars at Branchport, and is earnestly opposed to the iniqui would be prejudiced against us. What 12:30 p. >i. Life-saving crew, No. 0, from time immemorial. The tricks . Who was the Young Man ? nd was peculiarly qualified for tho po- while the parade at Long Branch was {fYu;ji the Jtdmrn I'urh Jtninwl.l tous measure knowu as the River and renders the case still more singular in the went to their rescue, and found she bad were well executed, and provoked apgoiug ou. rtion of Bchool teacher, which he A young ttiaii residing in this Inwn beHarbor Steal. All his efforts will be de- fact that the first cases called to the at- been running with reduced speed,and to- plause at intervals. The mystical ringB, >ied at the time of his death. He leaven came tirod of life for somo reason oi' voted to the best interests of the people tention of tho Grand Jury were tho al- gether with a high sea at the time was and the facility with which tlie magician other aud on Innt Friilny ho pinvlinKod an aged mother and a large circle of A Case for the Next Grand Jury of his district, State and country. Al leged conspiracy and libel for which we able to work off. The captain refused took from a hat a number of articles Homo nrseitio nnrl swallowod a dose. Thu (From tht Mananjuan Sen SUIcJ friends to mourn his untimely decease. H>i3on wof iio Htxiner down t!ian ho remen, Republicans, Democrats and Green- have been indicted. We know that wo are taking upon which could not by any means be made In his death the educators of Monmouth to give name of vessel or hailing port. ourself great risk in mentioning tlie fact icntcd of his rash act and hcggt'tl to bo. backers may conscientiously vote for to hold them aga n, were the best parts AB we stated above, wo do not nssert cuunty lose a worthy and an able co-ad.VIMI. Drs. Hctrick nnd Garrison wero that a number of our people, about town Tho six-day - go • as - you • please race, John Kean. Jr., with the assurance that that the last Grand Jury was, selected which commenced on Monday morning of the performance. A Punch and Judy jutor. nro afflicted with baa colds and coughs. summoned nnd by the quick application their ballots so cast will redound t Wo do this with a full knowledge of the of the stomach pump and antidotes they with a view to indict us for liboling the of la»t week, ended in a victory for Pat- show, followed by a jig dance by Henry their credit us patriots and praotica: action of the last Grand Jury; but then succeeded iu saving liiB life. He said he town of Red Bank, but had a jury been rick Fitzgerald, his score being 577 Jackson, closed the entertainment. A Chicken Thief. a newspaper man must assume responsi- would never try it again. men. selected for this purpose, what ix more miles, with Noremnc Becond, Herty third Mr. John McClaskey lives on Bridge bilities sometimes. Opposed to Mr. Kean is Mies Eoss, Roll of Honor. probable than that they would have and Hughes last. The attendance duravenuo in the western part of tho town, A Productive Citron Vine. uion who, whatever may lie his social found a presentment Bhowing that other The following is the list of pupils in lie keeps chickens. One day lost week In purchasing clothing for men or boys ing the week was very small, and there(FYuin tfie Kt\ti*>rt HTWrlM.) qualifications, him used his position as towns in the county were not in a good fore the men received but a very small the public schools of Red Bank taking ho found the body of one of his fowls t is far better, and in tlie end, much JameH Ejwtmoml,' of Harmony, nenr :hcaper to patronize a reliable house Congressman and an a member of tho sanitary condition, and making no menKoyport, has a citron vino from which first and second positions in their re- which had licen half-eaten by some ani share pf money for their week's labor. whore oyery article is guaranteed as Committeo on Cummeree, in the voting tion whatever of Red Bank. And the spective grades for the term which ended uinl. On Monday night ho was awak- represented and no deception. of any he has picked three barrels of citron, A Greenback Club has been organized away of teas of millions or the peoplu'i strenuous assertions that the alleged last week : Tenth grade, Rtttio Morford, ined by a disturbance among his fowls, kind practised. It don't, pay to bny and there nro about two barrels still ro1 money for schemes which have been facts iu regard to the-sewerage of the in Red Bonk with a membership of 25 1st; Clara Cooper, 2d, Ninth grade, Geo, He arose and colffid bis son Ogden, and cheap trash from Irresponsible parties mniuiug on the vine. condemned by the prpss of the country shorn towns is wholly false, BIIOWS on men. Joseph Ludlow is the President, Borden, 1st; Nellie WilleU,.2d. Eighth they both wont down stairs. While Mr. when you can get a good, well-made Ooean Fire Co.'s Hew E n g i n e . from the popular house of Dutton as wasteful and extravagant. What a what slight evidence tho last Grand and Robert Clay Seorctary and Treasurer. grade, Lizzie Lafetra, 1st; Lizzie Wilson McClnekey • was putting on his boots, suit & Rhodes, 00 and 92 Bowery, New York, {From the ScabrUlUt Sentinel.) The members of tbe club claim that at man has heeu in the past it is probable Jury was willing to base its action, from $10 up. And you can't afford to 2d. Seventh grade, Frank Parker, 1st Ocean Fire Company hold a vory inOgden ran out into the yard armed with the coming election Mr. Urnor, the that he will be in the future. Miles BOSB1 Bessie Valentino, 2d. Sixth grade, Hut- a broom, and found a very largo opos- Buffer with the cold when they furniBh a teresting meeting on Tuesday evening good substantial overcoat as, low us %"!, Greenback candidate for Congress, will tflt. Thin Company proposes to purrecord on publ» iilTaiiit iu known to tlie tie Patterson, 1st; Mamlo Brand, 2d sum eating a chicken which it hod and havo an immenso assortment of ele- ' hiiBi* Methodist Appointments. a new fire engines nt a cost of secure 100 votes in this township. We readers of Tim HEOICTEB. To the -best Fifth grade, Julia Smock, 1st; Annie killed. The opossum trlod to escape by gant ones ranging from $10 to $20. And $2,S00. They will open a subscription The following is a list of the appointof our knowledge and belief he has nevei ments made by the JlethodiBt Protestant understand that three-fourths of these Morford and Eddio Knapp, 2d. Fourth climbing tho fence, but tho young man your boyB noed not go shabby when you list and call on all the residents, both can get a good comfortable suit at 45, brought iu a resolution or lifted up hi Conference of New Jersey at its recent votes will come from the Democrats. grade, Walter Brown, 1st; Lillie Throck boat it to ground until Mr. McGlimkey and overcoats from $5 up, aud suits for permanent und cottagers, for subscrip\oioe in favor of oue beneficial scheme session at South Aniboy: QlaBsboro. L, An eutortainmont will be given on inorton, 2d; Third grade.'Renie Clinm- arrived with a club and killed the an- children, from three to eleven years of tions. D. • Btultz; Fair Haven, J. Leuppie; for tho people of the district, the State, Bridgeton, W, D. Stultz; Egg HarW, Thanksgiving.evening,.in Music Hall, berlain and Nellie Spinning ranked even. imal. age, from $2.50 up. Thoy manufacture Advertised Letters. all their' goods, especially- for the, retail or the country during tho eight years 1 I, McDowell; Barnsboro, R. M. Waplea} for tho bonofit of Allstrom's band. An Second grade, Lillie Bennett, 1st; Lester LlaL «f letters romalnlnit In the nod llnnlt Post A " B o u q u e t S o c i a l " a t O c e a n i c trade, and'the stylo aiia workmanship for IIKI wiwk imilnit Ocloiiur IHtli, IMS. has been in Congress. He Bhould be de- Union Valley, to bo supplied j Mt. Plea- important feature of the entertainment Hughes and Herbort Bray, 2d. on their garments is equal to custom I»ovin|H>rt, Ur. M. E, Miller, Mrs.Mar; K. feated by a vout BO overwhelming as to sant, J. H. Algor; Manasquari, E. D, will be nn orchestra of ton pieces? The ladies of the M. E. Church will work. Any article • purchased • from -yua, Mrs. Ellon Sumltra, Mm. F. Stultz; Honevilie,-T, B. Appleget j Atwls, Mrs. A,, B stimrt, Mr. John thorn that is not satisfactory in every sink hltn forever from public sight. Tc lantic, J. K. Freed; Clomonton, to be Several ladies and gentlemen of wellhold one of their popular "bouquet so, Polling P l a c e s In Shrewsbury, In calling fnrnny of tho nliovo lottbr«, plnoflo luk respect, after taking it home and lookdo this let etery beliover in a govern' supplied; Hardiugville, P. V. Petty; known ability have kindly offered their dials" in the large room of the buildln ndvfirtlwd iottere. The polling places in thin township at Ing it ovcrcarefully, .can be'returned forliul imlco d o o c i « B o'diwlt. : went for the good of the people vote foi Jliltville, W. li.Coxsou: Now Brooklyn, services. No pains will be spared to formerly occupied by Harvey & Riddle, and exchanged for other goods, or if de•:•••• WM. APPLEOATE, PMlmuUir. U. J. Paterson; Comden, W. M. Staul- make this a grand success, and we trust the coining election havo been located as at Oceanic, on Wednesday evening, Ntt sired the full amount of purchase monoy John Kean, Jr., next Tuesday. 1 follows: Eastern District, VanTine'a cup; Penrisgrnve, J. L. Watson; South be refunded.. Hour friends in this Tote for an l.onest man! Vote for an Amboy, O. 8. Robinson; Friendship, our citizens will give tbe afTuir a cordial Hotel, Fair Haven'; Middle District, JOB. vember 8th. Oysters and a supply ol will The attention of cranberry cultivators, section do not want more than a pair of good'things will be furnished. The suc- pants or an overcoat, they can save their milkmen, and others is colled to tlie fa, bonest and economical administration of C. S. PoweUon; Bridgeport, to be Bup- support. It. Atkins' Hotel,Red Bank; W«»tern l>lied; Eobertsvillo. D.Mollvaine. \ itheaflairsofgovernment! Voteagmutil The Chattle mass meeting, held at District, French's Central Hotel, Red cess of these' socials is well known and expenses by calling upon them, besides cilities of: THE RnpisTKR office for furhaving an unllmitod variety to select nishing thorn with a superior article of theBiverand Harbor Steal! Vote fc: Seabright, on Saturday evening, last Bank; Southern District, Robert Van the committee will spare no pains to from.. Tlie Third aynnuo curspass their tickuts, printed in the best style and at Why Captain West Smiles. make tho evening pass pleasantly for brought out a large audience. The Lit- Scholck's shop nt Shrewsbury. Polls establishment. By getting off tho ele- lowest prices. Wo take especial pains to IFmm the ScalnWtt HtnUntU vatod cars at Grand street you only have procure the bout and most durable cardtle Silver brass band was in attendance', open at seven o'clock A. M,, and close, at thoso who attend. Capt. Abnor H. West took from to go down one block, and, by making board in tho market for tbe purpose, >V ">' 'A flood Lawmaker, net on Wednesday over 11,000 pounds of and discoursed a number of popular airs. seven o'clock P. M. The dividing lines yourselves known--O-one* r b f tho firm Orders filled promptly.—Adv. Commissioners Meeting, f VOaptVvBeoJ. Orlggs, the Bepuulxnii blueflsh, and a variety of other kinds of The meeting was called to order by between polling districts were published you will receive special attention and Tho regular meeting of the Board ol be assisted fish. It took spicrnl tennis to cart them John H. Megill, and J. Howard Hal in THE BBOISTBB at the time they were in selecting garments, .that ' '" ' House Corlies the Clothier keeps a larger to his fish market, where they wero pro Commissioners of Red Bank was hole will be thoroughlyrellable in every waj i of condoi, paled for shipping. They are now sell' Bart was made chairman. Speeches laid out by the Town Committee. stool of hate and caps than can bo found on Thursday evening lost. Messrs, Joh —Adv. I business ability, on Ing for eight cents per pound. This were made by the Rev, C. E. Hill, of elsewhere. Prices the lowest.—Adv, Button, Wm. P. Corlies end T. W. ThrockH makes the Captain smile. Seabright, and the Rev. James Moors, of An Old Ulan)* Belief. morton wero present i No business was Scarlet medicated underwoar for tho Long Branch. Dr. Chattlo then came A>»sulpofMi(Ialetov.i und PsriorVijGuiBor Topic for ray Tlie largest etook of red flannel undortransacted oxcopt passing tho following inahSnofrSagoliaSlweiilrlliejcani. I fad ,..»..lanemorrMieoIliafliweiilrlhejcani. l . The Cause of an Editor's Grief. forward and was greeted with three 'i hWevsr since Welded olotlilngfn the county, at Corlles's the prevention o£ ooMsand lungdfsqases, nt JkeanoUwrmiia Unoe I IWP lt.i Am SHJIBUI put. bills: (From (he BeUnntovn AtlvtritierJ Clothier,' Broad street, Bed Bank.—.4dt\ Corlles'a tho Clothier, Bed Bank,—Adv, hearty oheeiu.' He made a forcible Belters It ittre to younger penwiu. A. Ornor, I'.natural "a -» r t. JVtu<J<xM|/Sf<»ul<ir<t, pruning 118.(0 "We axe grieved Jo learn that a coterie speech, representing tungood that'would rhe fau J. Frank Patterson 8.00 TBK RED BANK E M I S I W lias-atl tho of,guublani ate worklng-Eaiontown, me latter-day philosopher her said) aoonw to the State from the pTohibitien Bond me,i>U,the^Wsi»<,aiBw0m|n has uw tuinkna beaatUjrlnjr It vrton U K ptuunctorr u fwrker'i BMr .worn in the course; pf hef life and I ' will REPUBLICANJJOMINATIONS writeher • " " ' MOMMOUTH oourrs, B o o n Hon. *umu> W m a u i , CM «L-A*bu»r Bailer, ttro todHU w-wnfnr i»*niltmill--VWT Trial postponed until in'ttiaMMfiCBUta Tidflobacl Hankm, Indicted, for breaklni and enisrtwr with intent la npe,tna JatTfoiudagleulaDlnlltr. Souleooedetank. A n d . Wooden, indicted with her buibsod, Joseph Wooden, tar stealing • tune, the property of John 0 . Hathaway.of b b u n P u t ; pleaded not cnllir. Tri»l Nor. 10; remanded In default of ball. HUOOM. Ut. (hx*gfi C&xtg. who *id«d In Kawport. W n e w o _ . , . hMunderTKiuperrkson M drfl neeratAtUntio Highlandt Ai ' Hnbbswd ncopertj, ^ ^ ,.lM»r»jflBo»«» property, Hillside Park property, Olenobb property and Edgar BowneBrotpexty, miking seveutnota v h i o h h e b * * laid out into lot« and •TBnues t h e past year and • halt. Mr. Cooper was i n Keyport k i t Friday makdug torreyt of ocriaui tract* of land near the Oyater Creek, for whloh applicatioiu will be made (or the riparian right by some of our oyrtermen. k** U«v Thetru»tB«« of Centenary M. K.Churob, of Long Branch, which organization oeatwd to exist some two or three y e a n ago, have been stud o n . . . _ note given by them in their coi oapadty (or the beaten lhat were put in the caurch daring the pastorate of Dr. Oraw, twelve y e a n ago. NATIONAL PARTY STEINBAGHS. J * * * » anUMI i f i i . •••iiwUe» r il,||aj nrm vary tmSaatfraVaul l'tarilj M ^ ' T MAW RTOBK ON MAIN 8TRI1T. The Largsat Store* In the State. Ready-made clothing, scarlet underwear, dreai thirtt, eoarfa, neckties, hats and cant, gloves, cuff* and collars, etc. A greater variety of these goods at lower prioea than anywhere else in the county, at Corlie*r. theCUothier.Bed B&nk.-A<h. vuwm. KiOKG BRANCH. MAIS BTOEI ON HAtH 8TBKT. 18BCBV PARK. NOMINATION. naaa *taystlmof aorttenltnriau bald <a tke JameiMcCorailck, assault tod battery an Officer All Strictly One Price. JohnNeane: pMdsdjuUtTUdwulUHdtKlTufusDit u t n g D i t , Oct. Oct SO.—State sflBU» n vs. Bchanck Bcbanck Sl Sloktes The Main More Oeeupjlua; 18,000 and Charles BicUos. The defendants were Indicted Square Feat o f Hoortna:. for an atrocious assault and battery on Bfchard B. HulickandMarganiiB.Hullckhi*wife. Tbefact* developed at the trial were briefly i s follows: Hil• • * • licit was In possession ol one of the Philips farms (THUD DISTRICT.) I, Have sold It at » cents per pint. IsMpaadK between Klbenin and Deal Beach, under a verbal Real Cttats Transfer* Buy your butter at headquarters. A t lease. He had received a thirty dayi' notice to quit, Tlie following .are t h e transfer* of the butter depot maw be found all the men as IUUstory.rwnrdogUMawtM,rsO but claimed mat He WM entitled by Ibe agreement Invite tbe attention ol tbe public to their new benjUedloaUappOcanii. to alily days' notice. The molber of defendanl* Monmouth county real estate for thefinest grades of creamery and dairy butstock ot having rented the farm and received a written lease week ending October 28th, 1883: ter, and positively the lowest prices in lor tbe same, the two defendants went then to take possession. They were proceeding to plow up a MiryO. Murphy and huiband lo Koah Content. Monmouth county. S. S. Anton idea. also Introducedttecatabert wild, when Hullck came out with a stick and struck Unus at Long Branch. UJO0. Broad street, opp. Adlem & Cole's.—Adv. Mary a . Murphy and Tmabsnd to JuHu* Beer, one of tbs bones, gchanck 8lcklea thereupon struck Hullck over Ihe nose with a wlilp, and (ben they lands at lung Branch, $S0,»M>, DRY GOODS, The Ocean Drove Usmp Meeting Association to clinched In a rough-and-tumble Bgbt. Mrs. Hullck Hope for Drunkard*. NOTIONS, came to Ibe asautanee ot her nuibaud, and tbe Ellen A . Matthews. Lois SW and MM at Ocean My husband bad drunken habits be oould not overStale claimed that aba was also struck by one ol the Grove, ttOO. FANCY GOODS, Wm. w! Oonover and wife to i l a i . W. Hsvlland come until Parker'* Ginger Tiralo took away bl* defendanta. Tbe defense claimed that tbe Uullcks IblrK for sUmulaals, restored bla energy of mind were tbe aggressors. Tbe Jury found defendant* * a l . Lot U Long Branch, SW0. OF ELIZABETH. CLOAKS AND DOLMANS, and gave him strengthtoatteod to business.—01alaq* avmk guilty, and they wwe each fined $ » . Mr, swart* Joseph K. DtiBow A al-Ex'n, tolStrali I . lousy, rtnaaU Lady.-adr. . Jentu Oueen, Jfufr's sudliiia, snd IMnui Sttatcherrle*, t Shf MILLINERY, For stats; .Bobbins A Uartabome for defendants. a acres in Millstone township, Wo. CMomiandi Saras aWmlayand husband to Robert C. OraA nolle prosequl was ordered to be entered on tlie STATIONERY, Indictment against Blchard R. Hullck and Margaret ham, «acn*lnMlUatoneU>wii*lilp,MO. Walnat Leaf Batr Restorer. MixmLongstreetandwIfetoFaSlcitNafle. Lot CORSETS, hi* wife, for assault and Battery on Schanck and It is entirely dlflerent from all oihen. It U u In Matawan township, (MD. tliarle* sickle*. at water, and, as IU name Indicates, Is a porSHOES. J. T . I.OVBTT, " 3TK smali fruit Princt," 1.IUH Mirer, Hew Jewey. Thomas (irefg to»ht«al. Deed of elesr Jureinlah t. Fine, indicted for setting ore , to his ted vegetable Hair Restorer. It will Immediately SILVERWARE, house at Asbury Park, for the purpose of defraud- assignment forbenentof hlacradltors, t l . " Uw head from all dandruff, restore gra; hair tu Ei'rsof N. W.Morris.deoeased,lo Kw L-Jack- free ing creditors; retracted his plea of toot guilty Its natural color, and produce a new growth where WATCHHS AND JEWELRY. CLOTHING, : aud pleaded non vult conteudre. Hla oounsel. haa fallen off. It does not In any manner affect l i ' n o f H. W. Morris, deoeaied, to Mark Brown. It Judge Bobbins, stated that Pine bad suffered the health, which Sulphur, sugar of Lead, and NlHATS AND CAPS, onancfal reverses which had so wrought upon Lot 187, at ge* View, v u a Uito of surer Drepantlani hara done. It will I x ' n o f N.W.Morrthdeotaaed,to Margaret O. change CARPETS, his mum tbat, at the time of the commission light or faded batr la a lew days to a beauof Uie offense charged, lie was temporarily Insane. East, L o u « a n d 118, at 6 » View, I486. glossy brown. Askrowdruggist for It. Each OILCLOTHS, Archibald O. Vorls aud wife to Cbarla* W. Henry. tiful Several high testimonials to the previous goodcnarbottle Is warranted. BMJTH, KLINE ft CO., WholeOPP. RIVERSIDE AVENUE, RED BANK, N. J. actor of the defendant were made, lo view of theMoflolall, 11 and 18. In Block « , at W i n g Lake sale Alenu, Pauadelphla, and 0.N.CUITTKNTUM, FURNITURE,' circumstances the Court imposed a light sentence, The finest assortment of Watehea, Clock* and Jewelry ever aeers In Bed Baak. JSUUIT Beer and wife lo Morltx waller. Lot at nainoly a lino of |100. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. " Unexcelled In Quallly, VarivaUe4 In Prtee." Arnutead Bollug, colored, indicted for atrocious Long Brandt, tB,Q0O. Err* of N. wTMoms, deceased, to John TlebouU assault and battery with a razor, upon Joseph H. "ST. NICHOLAI la above anything we produce In Every person wbowlsbes to purcnaw a ring, a pln,a tangte, a vratcn, a (lock, or any article ot Jewelry Lots TO and Wt at Sea view. *W>. Oonrow, superintendent of Jimuph U. Holmes'e Iha same line."—Jjondun lima. NEW GOODS ItECEIYED DAILY. sU'rsof M. w. Morris, deceased, to Join Tlebout. sann noar Holmdel, retracted and pleaded guilty lo assault and battery, sentenced to Imprisonment at Morris Place at Be* View, WM. VANDERVEER'S JEWELRY STORE, Samuel Sberburne and wife to Jane * Cariuu-t. hard labor for the term of six mouths In tbe stale, Lot ton and east H of lot a « at Aibury Park. »a,000. prlton. Phebe Johnson to gsrah A. Bojers. LotloMldKiumr, Oct. ST.—Julia BulUvan, asssult and battery. Trial postponed until neit January term. dletown township, MO. rort Walcheai, C l o c k * a n d J e w e l r r B e p a i r e d at abort notice and In a super John I. Thompson, BberuT, to Abram L. King, LONG BRANCH and ASBURY PARK. Wateb . Klluu Anu Sullivan, amault snd battery. Proseclwnlng and cluck repairing a n swdaltles. gliteea years' experience ID repaMnj. cutor unnounctid that defendant had died since tbe Lands In Ooean township, sold a) property of Isaac Remember, | | you want artlclea ttat arejruaranleed eiactl) as represented, and al me lowest prleea, O. Ung, deceased, teoo. Indictment was found. go to VAWDBftyjgBW»8 J B W B U l V 8 T O B B , O p p . HJlTeralde A T * . , H e d H a n k . HARDWARE, STOVES & PLUMBING. James H. Leonard sod wife to John W. SwackJoavnh Curry, cnibuzzUiniont; pleaded not guilty. Trial Nov. 14; bull JSJO. John H. Jacluun, wcurl- hamer. Lot*)at AUaotlo Blghlanda, on taapof PARENTS who desire entertaining and wholesome1 Uubbard property, two. BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS AND PRINTING. ty. reading for their children, and young folks who enWUlUford Eer a all to Jacob A. w . Hetrlck. Lota Iteuben Ttavtsoo, assault snd balUiry vrlth Intent joy accounts of travel and adventure, historical In17tindl%*ectlon B,atMt.rro*|»ctoemeterr.|ov. cidents, stories, pictures, household amusement, to kill. Trial postponed until Nov. lfi; remanded. Bute vs. James Kfflngluuu and John Kettle. De- Allentt.Oook to David U. Wilson Ami. » (oil In and harmless fun, will and tbesB In Si. NIUHOUM, and fendant* were tried on an Indictment for assault Wall township, $5,000. which is recognised by the press and public, of both iMslopberWerti and wife to Wm. 8. Yard. Lota England and America as t n e B e a t a n d F i n e s t and battery on Alfred lirovcr at Neptune City, June at, iSS: EQuiRbam Is OotnmlMloner, and Kettle 83S and m al Ocean Beach, »l,20o. n a c u l n e for children ever printed. The nuw Frank P. Paullln u> Uwrge W. Pauuln. LoU 710 volume, which begins with the NoyetntKir number, Mayor of Neptune City. On the aim of June last, at toe new store of Olteur Uulsehart was given a warrant to arreal a and 711 al Ooean Reach, tljOOD. and opens with a colored rronttiploce, will be much OF MONMOUTH. Samuel Lodlow and wife lo Alfredo. Mead. Lot the Onest ever taiued, and the attention of all [«irmun named iteynolds, a bartender In the employ of Uarzllta lirover. He weut to uruver'n, fouud Bey- 5 on map of Samuel Ludlow at Sea Plain, $1. eata and all reading young folki U Indted to Uie nolds and waa preparing to coine away when Alfred Mtoberl Uubbard andjjifB 1 al to HanunSlocum. following partial list of attractions: (irovir lulil Iteynolds be need not go with tbe offi- Lot at Long Branch; taw, T h e T l n k b a m Brotber*' Tide-mill. WEST FRONT STREET, RED BANK. James A. Bradley and wife to Taylor Mount. Lot cer until a warrant tot ills srrost wan mad to hiui. A new serial story by J. T. TrowlirMin', formwly Tho two diifHidaut*. who were present for the pur- at Anbury Park, SI.400. James A: Bradley aud wife to Bridget A. Bmylb. editor of "Our Young Folks," and autbor of "The poso of usulmlug the officer, Iiad some worda wllh Allrod linircr ami then, an tlie Bute claimed, struck Lot 789 at Anbury Park, %ljsto. Jack Hazard StoriesT* etc him several times. Tlie defense was that Urover James A. Bradley and wife lo Aiford C. Walton. •• — AT — T h e Story o r V l t e a n , resisted the arrest ol lieynalds by the ameer, and Lot at Asbury Park, II.S0O. Rlgg's Gang Plows and Furrowing An historical novelette of girl and boy life In the therefore the defendants leot their assistance. Tbe James A. Bradley and wife to William Applefate. Sleds. 18th Century. By Frank It. tjloc«ton,foraeriy asJury rendered a verdict of guilty. Mr. Bwartl for Lot in Neptune township, 1400. sistant editor of ST. NICHOLAS, author of " Rudder the 8tal«; Bobbins snd Uartehtirnu for defendants. John E. Bowne 1 al to frank H. OlUet * al. Lots agent for the Judge ltobblns moved for a rule to show cause why S2 and 88 on map of lots of John E. Bowne, High- Orange." e t c a w w trlsl should not be granted. Tbe defendants lands, $000. T h e Story or H o b l n H o o d . ADJOINING LANDS OF ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Champion Mower and Beaper, were released, each on $lOi) ball to appear on OctoTbo Ooean Beach Association to Ben]. P. Miller a ASSOCIATION. WILL BE SOLD VALUThe Best in tbe Market. An account ot tbe famoui yeomun. By Maurice ber aoth. al. LotaiD3andl,l«latOceaaBeach,$085. ABLE LOTS, ON The Improved Water Elevator William H. Oooklln to Oertrude H. Beynlger. Thompson, antboref "The Witchery of Archery." On motion of Judge Bobbins, the Court granted a T h e F i e l d o f t h e C l o t h o f O o l d . new trial In Ibe case ot State vs. James Efflngbam Lot near Ocean Beach, $100. for use In well* and cisterns. John I. Thompson, Sheriff, to Mary C. Palmer. 11 A story by E. 8. Brooks. To be Illustrated with aud John Kettle, and tbo defeudanla were released AT 13;80 IV M. on $100 ball, Uriab White stxurur, to appear next M-iOOseres In Neptune lownthip, sold a* property many remarkable plctuiea. All kinds of Carriage material, and of Devina AUgor and wife, $S00. Monday, to abide titti further order ol the Court as A Brand-New Notion. erenr description of farming impleSophia D. Oook and husband to Henry 8. Wotte. to figuring the dalo of now trial. A capital and novel play. By William M. Baker, Grand Bay and Ocean Land- ments on hand, or ordered at snort noStnlo vs. Elwood Hlnugh, Jsnies si. Bllnugh and Lol al Bed Bank, $1,000. scape View. WUIlsford Dey * al* to bate V . Richardson, author of " ilia Majesty, Myself," «to. William Williams. Tho' defendants were Indicted tice. Swept A m y . for assault and buttery upon John II. Mount at Sea- Lota ltoil and ISM section C la Mount Prospect Tiila estabUtnment Is the Omst PrlnUog Offlce In ihU soctlon; It 1> tbe best equipped and baa better JOIIS C. NOBLES, Agt. T. B . MOUNT, bright, the aitli of Btipminber last. The evident* cemetery, tit. A serial story of the Mississippi ttoodi of 1888. By (MUltles for tumlog out nrat-clsas work tnan aay oilier. EUzabetb R. Tracy toTboma*Leonard* al. rarm 1.8.IUU, formerly editor of ^uoldenDays." front street, nuar Riverside Avenue, Bed Bank for tbe State was IU eiibxuinro thst fn June lost, Uw Jere Johnson, of New York, Anctionecr. In Mlddlotown township, $ffl,OW. complainant; Mount, liiul tilral wllb Jsuiw it. MinElizabeth Thompson. Isaac Phllilns and wife u> Henry Haiti. Lot 8 of ugh for une year, at $30 a uiumli tlie, uae of Uire« A bkttRipnlcal paper remrdlnR this celebrated rooms; ln> Beptemlwr followlnjr, Mount was dis- Hem told Block at last Long Branch, $ m Edward Cuttrell and wife to wTScott Hopkins. painter of battle scenes. lUuitrated with pictures charged, but still held lAWHunltill of the rooms, which be and his family bad l*on occupying; that LotalKernort,$X50. prepared for ST. NICHOLAS by Miss Thompson, Now-a-d»Jl It U a uslvanally aooepted fact tbat bosUaai men need printing. There Is mrdlja merJames £ Terhune * al, zx'n, la Bunts Ogdeo. on tbe 26th of September James tt. Mlmigb's two FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N. J. cbant, dealer, or profewloual man but bis tils bill beads, note bead*, letter beads, statement*, lags, enWhere wsu VtUlenr •ons, Klwood and James M.. together with William Lot at Kerport, $»,««. A thrilling story of the Russo-Turklsh war. By Dealer In Williams, violently and with force, prevented Mount Myron 8. Oould Asia to Joseph 0. Wlnsor. Lot velopes, card*, etc., etc, printed. To bare them printed nicely, so that they will look well and reflect ESPECIAL BARGAINS IN Archibald rorbes, War-Oorrmpondent. from enuring Uw rooms rented by Him, oommitUKl 11" al Ooean Park, %UO. credit on tbe establishment coeta no more Uian when less care la taken. It Is, tben, manifestly lo the Inan asstult and hattery upon bun, and threw his MyronB. Ooulda alstoLUUeOleuon. Lot 81 T h e B o y a t t h eW h i l e l l o n a e . eren of all to have their work done at THE nealSTEH 0fflc«, where satisfaction In regard to the qualfpixts out doors, at Ocean Park, $!M. An account of the life or "Tad" Lincoln. By Myron g. Oould* sistoJutta 8 . Bsrfgbl. LoU Noah Brooks, author of " Tbe Boy Emigrants." ity of Uw work |a guaranteed. Tbe defense was that James I). Mlnugh hired Mount, not for any definite time, but upon th*1 17, SI, JS. 31, J3,08,151 and IBS on map ot Ooean C o m e d i e s for C h i l d r e n . Including Apple Trees, Feuch Trees, renr Troo, understanding that Mounts term of servlon -would IK. Kipwlal attention called to the K e K f c r Anna B. Thompson to John 0 . Morgan. Lots A Hoe series ot Juvenile plan. By E. 8. Brooks, depend upon hla good behavior and upon bis workauthor of "The Land of Nod," etc., ami including! P « a r T r e e . All the leading varieties of Urapc ing satisfactory: that b e w u tonave ibe use of 1,099 and I,OH on map ol Ocean Grove, |l,0M>. Vines, naapberr; l'lants. Strawberry Plantu, IncludEiecutoraof N. W. Morris, deceased,toAnnie M. a Christmas Masque, " The False 81r Banta Claus, rooms over MIougtTs Uvery stable during tils tenn Buslnea men frequently need prlntbig at very abort notice. THE B.niISTKR'8 fadUUea tor laming ing tbe M a n c b t n t e r , and otnor latest novelties. prepared expressly for holiday times. of servim; tbat after working some une. Mount Zimmerman, Lot IS on map of Saa View, $ » » . Roots. *c. All t i l l l t l l d a l ExeeutonoT K. W. Morns, deosaied, to James a out work la nnsorpaawd. With a suffldett force, aided by steam power, and wilb an abundanw of matabogan drinking Heavily tu Uiat he neglected bl» There will be abort starios I ; Louisa M. Alcoit, Asparsirm Pi work, and then Mr. Mlnugh discharged him. Hudson. Lot 19 on map of Sea Vl«w, $915. and many other well-known writers for young folks; Prices. rlal, prompt aarrtce In eiocutlng elUw large oramall orders can be assured. Laura T. Pearcelind hatband lo Robert White. papers on borne duties and recreations, out-door Mount refund to give up ponesstonot ihe nxrau. JAMES BRAY, occupied by him, and therefore by direction of their t acres In Neptune township, tjtt>. sports, occupation and instruction for boys and girls, AndrewetUS. Brtnlerta otorge Clarke. LoU with popular featum and depsitmenls. father Uw Mlnugb boys entered the place In Mount'* J Locust Grove Nurser/. almncv. and commenm*! thmwing out bla furni- o«l u d ow at Ocean Beach, $x,«n. Price. $9 a year; 25 cents a number. SubscripP. O. AdilreSB, n t » BANK, N, J. Henrietta Newman and bosband to Tabor C. Pol- tions should begin wllh the November number. ture. Mount came up tho stairway while Ibey wennemus. Lol In Wall township, near Ooean Beach, ilultur tills. James M. Mlnngh ordered him away, The succeeding Issue, " The Wonderful Christinas THB BgUISTtBU especially prepared to print Auction Bills and Posters of every kind, rarmera FOR SALE AND TO KENT. but Mount nevemieUM endeavored to go up ttav Number," wufnave, aim, i colored frontispiece and wbowlabtodltpoHOlttielr slock and fuming machinery! persons desirous of selling their bousoslain Into Uie rooms. Williams gave blui a show JobnCTUton and wife to Uward 8. Vanleer. many unusual attractions. back. U« naa UM only ouo of the defendant) who 3 acres at New Bedford, <«,oaa boldioods :and those who Intend to dispose of property of any kind and wlah lo make their announceTHE CENTUIIV CO., NEW YOKtc, N. T . Uld bands on him. May B. DeForest toTbomsa Davis, Jr. »lot» ID ment* by means ol Fasten will find tbat at TRK REGISTER Office they can obtain showy and tltnkctlre Their counsel maintained that the use of tbeMiddletown township, jl,400. Perhaps the most Judiciously edited magazine bill* at very reasonable prices. Persona woo want Posters for entertainments, lecture*, concert*, e t c Ecekiel J. Bogera and wife to Juris J. Holmes. In"the rooms was a part of Mount's wages, and therefore worid."-I7ie Jfatton, N. ¥., Sept., 18SJ. wbttn Uie service tralnl, Mr. Mlnugh hud a right to Lot at B3d Ban*, X30. will also find Hurt at this offlce they can aeenre what they need. Lewi* J. Phillips to IauoPaUllpa. Uadsatlong Uw rxwwlon of tho ruotiu, and was Justified In Branch. $1. for rent for a tenn of years, adjoining Daniel Robkwnmg Mount out. Executors of N. W. Murrls. deceased, to Conrad erts and a. Fly Oinovcr. nenr Leedsvtlle. Tbejury found the .... Atoo, H0U8B AT M1DDLETOWN, (or one year, Mr. swaru for tbo State; Mr. John 8. Applcgatr Opterman. LoU K and » al Sea View, tMO. Kmlly Meyers and husband to Tbomsi O'Connor. adiolnins the Episcopal Church. for defendants. WU. H. GRANT. Treasurer. TMSUJLV, Oct. St.-John Mount, Indicted for em- 177-100 ar-rea at Long Branch, t»,SSO. During the past year THE RIOISTKn Offlce has tamed out a large quantity of printing of Ihls charO. WJJIwr Tnltleand wife to Weltha A. Neal, beuleinent, retracted his previous |iloa aad pleaded acter. Ten* of thousands of fruit and nursery catalogues have been LHUMI from TUB ItltilaTER'S guilty. His counsel, 8. C. Dowanmada a statement Uim,«,10andlllnblock B at Ludlow m o t at Ttw twelfth year ot this magazine—the flrst under prases for dealers wbo nave been In the habit of joUIng their wort done In New York and elsewhere, In the defendant's behalf. Tbe Court imposed a Norm Urfghion,$I4M). the new name, and the most successful In Its hisRebecca E. SSSSBIUIW to Susannah L. Johnson. tory, closed with the October number. The clrcuUnlit sentence, fining the defendant (89. and our prices tod quality of work .bave gtven satisfaction In every can. By-Lawa and oilier work of Mr. J.C. Oonover, oounsel for the defendant,!!! Ute Lotfflon Map of Brighton, $!,«». lauon h u ibown a large gain over tint of tlie pre- A bnndsninelv-appolnteti nouse In Summit Avenuo The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association to ceding season, and Tin CaNTUBT bcglm Its thir- (on tbe UIU), Jersey City,tooffered tor sale on easy Heaters, Ranges, Tin and Iron- that kind can be obtained i t this office at equally low rates. case of Uie State vs. Mlehael Utnlon, convicted al breaking and entering with Intent to rape, moved MargaretHulse. LotWatOaeanOrort,$!B0. teenth year wllh an edition of tvniu. TheHoiuoUtwo-anil-a-nalfstoricBlnhelgnt ware, Ac, <6c. C, VVIlber TuUle ind wife to j2ius H. Annlbaldl. for a new trial on tbe ground that tbe verdict was and abasement. It Is provided with gas, hot and 140,000 Copies. contrary to tbe weight of evidence. The Court de- Block O on map of Lndlow tract al North Brighton, cold irater, bath-room, ranges, electric burglar clined to grant the motion and Hanton was than alarms, and all modem conveniences. Marble man- A large variety of Stoves ot all sizes, and The following are tbe leading features: U u i » 8 . nouubtontoMiryHourttonaal. Lot sentenced to onnmioniimt In the Suite Prison, at A NEW NOVEL BY W. D. HOWELLS. 10 succeed tels. This house la a perfect gem. It b located In at all prices, constantly on hand. W on map ot MonmouUi Beacn, $iooo. hanl labor, for tbo Uitm of one year. this author's "Modern Instance." It will be an In- the beat part ol Jersey City, and Is a desirable resiTHB BED BINS 1UMIBTEB bat secured a leadlDK position foritself u a local newspaper. IB etui dence for any one dolnir business In Nenr York, Ou motion of Judge McLean tbe trial of tbe In- EieculonotN.W. Morris, deceased, to BenryC ternational story, entitled " A Sea Change." ton of pubilalung impartial an* reliable accounts of local happenings hugiren it > circulation amooi' Applj to ItANDOLl'll PABXLT, We keep In stock a large quantity ot dictment against Robert Holmes, colored, fur as- ritrucron. Lot 147 at Bea View, $90. LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES, BT EDMary W. Sharp and husband to John 0. Lucas. sault and battery, was postponed for the term anil WABU KGCLESTON, tho leading historical feature 250 WasMnitao stroct, Jersey City, N.J. allclasseaand an Influence seldom attained by a country paper. Tho paper on which THE REarSTTEB Is the defendant was released on $100 ball. Gflorw Lot 10 la block » at Boring Lake Beach, $1. of the year; to cnnilst of a number ot papers, on printed 1* of such a good quality, and the typographical appeamnce so bandiome, that It Immediately I). IWUngtll, occurlty. The absence ot material Lout* H. AnnlbandTand husband to 8. Virginia such topics as " Tbe Itoginnlnir ot a Nation,' " *>MlLUNfcRY. Mourn. Lotas* and Ml at Oonn Beach, H.80O. recommends ltseU to the reader. wftnesMw for tbo defendant was Uie ground for dal Life In the Oolonlea," etc, the whole forrnlnu Doptua D. Oook and nusbandtoIdwird D. Webb. a complete history of early life In tho Untied States. In all sizes. Btate vs. Julia KHVensugh. The defendant n i Lot at Bed Bank, K » 0 . Capedal attention will be paid to tccuracyof IlIndicted for keeping a dtbonlerly bouse at Long lustrations. Ilranch.lnihe'roar of UioWest Snd Hotel. Tuo A NOVELETTE 0 » MINING LIFE, BY MARY State cIMTOvd lhat tho house was tbe resort ol HALLODK FOOTS, entitled "The Led-Horse To Uie advertiser them point* are of especial value. The same reasons which combine to make (Irunkun, iKiuiy, dlaorderl; persons and that liquor BAULDAUr-DEOKEHT.-At Keyport, OOSaluf- Claim," to he illustrated by Uie author. THB RKGI8TKP a good mwjpaper raiders It valuaUc to tne advertiser. The paper which la (outfit as a waa sold Uiere wltlinut llounse. Tlie Jury found day, October ilit, by the B«r. C. J> Peace, Miss TBE POINT OF VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES, JR., All orders for Tin Roonns will receive prompt attho defendaut not guilty. Mr. Swam for Uie Bute; ITancIs Bauldaut and John a . Decker!, both of a series of eight letten from Imaginary persons of newspaper, and present* the news In a readable and attractive manner. Is the paper of moat value to tbe tention. Messrs. Hobblns and Arrowsmlth for Ihe defend- Glirtwood. various nationalities, criticising America, IU peoadvertiser. Tnese objects a n attained In THE BED BANK BE0ISTER lo ah eitoit unsurpassed by any ant, ple, society, manners, railroads, etc BROWER-CLaTTON.-At Mount HoUv.on Wedother paper In HonniouUiOounty. TopreaectollthONCiMandtopruKntltliniKhainttnnertbatttsread8U1U1 vs. Charles Holmes and David Miles. Tbt» nesday, October I8th, by Uw Bar. A. liwriiioe, THE CHRISTIAN LKAODE OF C0NNECTIG0T. en will enjoylbe perusal of the same hasererbemllj aim. ;, dttfandantfl, two colonxl mtm. were Indicted forMlas Lydla A. Brower and Joel B. Oarton, botta of b j the Bev. Washington Gladden. An account of breaking nnd entering the house of (leorge Conk, at Asburypark. FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N. J. practical cooperation In Christian work, showing itcdllsliV, v,-|Ui intent to stoal. The defense Is an bow a league was formed In a small town In ConBH0WN-4M0CK.—At Asbury Part, on Wednes- necticut, what kinds ot work It attempted, aud now alibi on Uie part of Nllvs, and a claim on the pan of HoliticM, Uiat he had been nwuuuod by Mrs. Conl: day, October 8Mb, by the Her. r. A. Siaur, Xla» It spread throughout Uie whole Slate, tn bring her some whlHioy; tiiat be procured the Kmma Brown, formerly of Mitawan, and Charles "BUDDED GRANOB ABROAD," by Frank R. Tto subscription price to THEBBGIBTBBI* »1.» per vear.orTSosntaforsUiaontti*. Thaadver Smock, of Aibury Park. liquor and enured tho hounv at tbe auirgostlon' of Stockton, a contlniuiUon ot the droll "Rudder Mrs. Oonk, by clImbinR up through a second-story COMSS-MOBTON.-At Aatary Park, on Tues- Grange " stories, tho «rsni> being now In Europe. tltlng rates will he made known on application. All cownuiuciUotu of a bualnaei nature «houW tie vrliuiiiw. Tbe jury found both defendanta not day, October *Uh, by the E«T. Tnos. R. Taylor. TUi NEW EBA IN AMERICAN HOUBE-BUILDaddresKdto ' • . •' ., •••••. ",-, - . ' . j Rullty. » t s» ' Miss Anna J. Combs, ot Spring U l n , and Judsno H. DTO, a series of four papers, fully Illustrated, devoted to ID City Houses, iai Country Houses, (3) Morton, of Aibury Part. Ihiuvlm, and m Public Bulldlnn. CONKLtN-WAUING.-At Holmdel, do WednesIs Thlt True? THI CRKOLSS OF L0UI8IA?A, by Oeo. W. Ca-ATday, October SOlb. by Iha Rev. a . O. Stanger, Miss (F>(»it Die Ailiuiy TVir* Journal.) UvenlaOonkUn,at&olm*J,and Joajphlf. Wil- ble, author of " Old Crenle Oaya." etc.; a fresh and Rmpblo narratlTe, richly Uluiiraled. AND A liquor dealer of Bed Bant owns a ling, of Keyport. MYADVKNTUKEalNZUNI. by Frank B.Ouahtract of lnnd on the Duck Creek rood in FABDON-WIL60N.-AtRoltfiuel,oni Thursday, Ing, government oWnologW, an adopted member Noptunu township, about i\ miles from October Wo, by Uw B«v. a. 0. Stuiger, M(• Amanda oT Uw ZaU trtoe of Indians. Uliutntod. rardon, ot Uolmdel, and rroaeSck u . WlUon, ot ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NATIONAL tho Ocean Qrovd Oatee, About two and D. Keyport. "The Capltcl," " The Supreme . <OT,SN N e w a n d OM B o o t o . A half years ago he sold lots to a number moST-SMITH.-At Nsvwlak, on WMneadiy. OAHTAIUncludluR Court," " The White Bouse," etc. of colored people ostensibly to begin a October lllh, by the Bev.O. T. Bougnta, Ada L MISSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, by IIIONT STREET. SD DOOR WIST OF BB0AD. snore AT BEAimianT AND RKD DANK. " B, II."; three or four papers of an exceedingly settlement, but really, as tbe sequel Frost and Wm. H.SmlUi, both of Leourdvule. Orders tiv mall will receive prompt attention. shows, to get the labor and improve- HABBJS-KENNKDT,-At Mattwan, on Wednes- Inlerwting character, r l W y l l l u J t r l i Hew Catalogue rree. Seod ataotp. tauaan*. All kinds o( plumbing and gas nttlng executed by day, October !5th, by Uie Bev,G,c.Maddock,Mla ments of these poor people for nothing. Sarah A. UsrrU, of iutawao, and O. W. Kennedy. Prices Paid for Old nooks. aklllMl mechanics tinder my own supervision. A 4-PAGE PATER, M COLUMNS. The facts in the matter have been ruruior work la eipected from E. C. Stedman, BAKERIES. H0WLAND—ALLEN.—At Honenilc, on Wednes- Tbmnas Hugnea, Joel Chandler Harris ("Uncle ReSewers and drains of all kinds put down In tlie beat fltatod to us, and the jaiiors go to them, day, October IWD, by tbe llov. r . B. AppUaet, Mrs. mus"), Uiann Dudley Warner, join Burroughs, prove aresubutautially these: John Car;, Lvu|»HoKUnd,of llopeville,sjid Joan g . Allen, E. V. Smaller, H. H. Boyeswu, and a long list of By an appliance of my own conof New Bedford. BcipioL. Prico, Joseph and David Forothers. Entertaining abort stones snd novelettes 81 Chamiiera St., wort ot Ctly Hall Fart, K.T. be among tbe leudlngfeatures of Tux CVNTURY struction I can wholly prevent man, with others, purohnscJ lots of this IVIN8—BltADLBV.-At Cllltwood, on Wednes- will as heretofore, snd the magudnewlll continue Its day, October soth, hy the Kov. J.O. Crate, Mlas lied Bank party, agreeing to put up im- Hay Ivlns, of Ollifwood, and Cbsa. A. Bradley, of advance In general eioeuence. A Wtil Printtd, Thorougldy Edited the dogging, tip of Hewers provements and pay for the land in from Ttw subscription prim Is S4.00 a year: 85 cents and Drains and the number. BuhscrtpUons should begin with the NoWeekly Neutpaper. three to five years according to size of KELXOGO-HUNT.-At Oman Grove, on Tues- avember number, and lo enable new suhjcrlhcra to coating up of Ce$slot. Cary took one acre at 1350. and day, October 18th, by the Itev. Joseph A. Nock, Miss eommenne with Ike new notes under Tin MNTOBY Fancy Uread,C«ke,Ple& Cracker Baker A. i. Kellogg, of Ocean Grove, to Hugh J, Hunt, at • , poott. Prico took a lot 80x150 for*8fl. Carv'a Alpona, Mlculgan. name, we make the tollowing . . house is worth $800, at least, besides the PEAB80L—MAB8UALL.- At Fair Haven, on PUMPKIN BRKAD A BPB0IALTT. SPECIAL OFFER. Sped*) attention l» given to the venUUUon of vast amount of work in grubbing and 8tmday, OctoDer lit, by uw Her. 0. T. Douglass, A year's subKrlBtlon from Nov., 1888, and tbo pflimbing In buUdlngs, thus preventing sewer gas Comer Watte Street and Maple Avenue, preparing the lot. Prico nog 'expended H a n £ Pearsol, of Fair Baieo, and Wm. iullar. twelve numbers or the past year, unbound, (6.00. from eieoplng and poisoning tho air m bouse*. . RB) BANK, N. J. A lubscrlpllon and the twelve hack numbers bound PlamWng work, sewer drains and grease n o d v e n 8UBBCHIPTION ONLY t l . O © PEB |208 in lumber, and $28 for' carpenter shall, ot New York c l t , , . In two elonuit volumes with gilt top, J7JS0. 8LO0OM-B0FRB,-At Btanchport,on Tuesday, Mr. WUson'a bread mar be obtained at tne lollow- laid out, lupurinttnded, or Inspected by the day or work, besides his own labor, Tlie party ^ H B CJNTORY CO, New YorK, N. Y. Win. Miss CuaiceSlocam, of Branabparl, YEAR. Ing pjaces: Bed Bank: J . « . Smith's grocery store, Job. 1 a b o u t up green-iioum with SchooJay's was to furnish contracts, but always October andr.H.Hofler.fonMrly of Long Branch. m r . r n o t street and Maple avenue. . , . patent Heater, forwhuai lamsffcnt. Alao agent had an oxcuso for. neglecting- to do BO, A N T E D . AgenU.-Now ready for 8ub- Fair Raven: Eldurd Slcklee'»,Sidney8raIUi'san4 for American gaa maohlne, eloctflo bell*, bnrglar BHITB-B0BNS.—At MaUwan, on Tuesdiy, Ooaumu, and sneaking tube work of all descriptions crtbera. The reading booiot the oentury. when payments were mode, and recently tobor iMth, by the Btv. L. oTHancMstOT, Mlsa Oapt. B. L. Brown's froasry storaa. Oceania: I . . promptly attended to. £VE'8 DAUGHTERS, LongitnM's, Cnrighl Bros-'s and Harry Patterson's finding he could get more money; out of Eleanor C Smith and derate T. Bunu, both of Oenor, "COMMON SENBsV FOB MAID, Wttg a o j mnery atone. SeabrKrnt: tnrlgBt Broa.'s ami the property, refused farther payment Oontaua an Uw Snapp* Wests grooeryBtores. gatontown: J. W. Long Branch, on M0THEB." By Marlon Harland, Author o t " Comand ordered them to -vacate. Last Satur- VANDKBVKB-BROWtr.-At Oooanport: At tbe atora. Amonj those (or whom I Inure done wort, and to Octobsr lSth, by too Eev/C. J. Xoungi mon Senas In the Household," ei«. A book whloh iHaSoVtBamtlari. of D. 8. GlBonl, Wn. Oayton, and Williams > Orls- v t o m l woall refer an wnoMIre snylnfonSoop day the ownor was visited again and Thursday. NEWS OF THE COtTNTV, Wat anna 0. Vandervagr tad George VT. Brown, ot com, Mr. Carty tendorod |t5> Which was re- Long Branch. QENBKAL AMD LOCAL NEWS, Mr. Wilson Sis eaabllsned a dally route through T,B0l0Mn|a,T. u. warii w . w, waui, a m fused. WAtUHd-rrAU.lNCr.-At Vwaulonilte, near will be eagerly sougbt for by hundred* of thousands Bed Bank, Bhninlwrf, latoolown, Long Branob, SdnnelaclToen. Clinton U. fUk, and Olougnlv Bmt, Keyport, os Wednesday, October 18th, by tbe Bev. wto MS familiar wllh her other popular work*. and TlntonraUi, and another through tno eastern ResbrUht; Mrs. I]. 0. Hotter, lloatKWUi Batch; J. POETBY AND SKETCHES. W. Woodward. Mlas Bwto Wsiling and Ames WalW. Borrow and John W. Blout, Bed Bank. "A standard and Indlspensabb book for all women Una.bothof Kevnort. ^ ^ A Keyport Oyster'* Anehor. wno seek health and (applnest."-N«w Ingiand piled with fresh bread evetr (rYoni Uie AfonmouUi DemomU.) J °'?W» commend tbU earnest bonk to her wide d r . • nbnrlHr.or the drirars DEATH*. Aaron Bedle, of Keyport, sent to Joe)«of American itttora, to wbom It li dddlcated."- FOR CONGRESS. STEINBACH BROS. Benjamin Urner Fall &Winter Goods. MANCHHSTER. BERRIES CRAPES CUlfl?ANT8. — _ _ t t P L A N T o indndlmaUiS INDEPENDENT Vanderveer, Tlie Red Bank Jeweler, Democratic Candidate FOR CONCRE88. ST. NICHOLAS STEINBACH BROS., YOUNG^FOLKS, Third District of New Jersey: Wm. Louis MacMullin, Carriage Hardware Farming Utensils T. B. MOUNT, Another Great Sale of Lots! Mart's Pafertiiy Plows, Hill-Side Park, THE RED BANK REGISTER Steam Printing House, Cor. Broad and Front Streets. Thursday, November Oth, Headquarters (or Fruit Growers! Joseph Sabath, Trees and Plants, Parlor & Kitchen Stoves, BUSINESS MEN NEED PRINTING. THE RECIBTKR'8 FACILITIES. PO8TER8 AND AUCTION BILLS. FORWENT. House and Lot of 16 Acres THE CENTITRY PAMPHLETS AND CATALOCUE8. FOB 18S9-'83. FOR^ALE. THE REGISTER AS A NEW8PAPER. TERRA COTTA DRAIN PIPE THE REGISTER AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM. FAtL Millinery G-OOIDS TIN ROOFING. JOSEPH 3ABATH, Wm. McMahon, PLUMBER, Steam and Gas Fitter. ERGINEER, Mrs. E. WEIS, SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING RATES. JOHN H. COOK, Publisher, Red Bank, N. J . nyrinroT BOOK STORE Sea Bright Sentinel. UflUlTOl IN THB WORLD. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. niiccllanooua. LEGGAT BROTHERS, TTp-TownJBakery. WM. H. ^ILSON, Pine Commercial Printing at the Register Printing House. W seph C. ArrowBmlth, ofFreehold.on Monday last, a large oyster taken' from Keyport Bay, which had firmly snoboted Itaself to a medium-died carpenter's hammor-head, towhloh a Mrt of the handle it still AtMorten. It it quite a curiosity, and has been presented b)r Mr. Arrow<mith to Prof. Lookwood, by whom it will be preserved in his museum ot natural history, ,-i Oorliea the Olothiar, angl, dealer WM, H. WILSON, l ^ l n hatrtUr endow yreiT word altered or I e a U o n of itV-Beoeon J, Loaalng. •D Cumberson & White. F. BONO, VETERINARY SURGEON. Parlor DO mother or daugtlm can iflord to be Tne Start, no 10.000 MUSH oMand *a igeiU In advance tt Horses lakes to boardon naamable tennrby reea,dajornKmlh. toundei_» sjoBlilty, romoved CUMBERSON ^ WHITE'S, If) ft ««rt», WfT AMtt VfttWU*. pair, who *nrtv«d <M TOWS )JJ0YD, Jz., Bukjkte Stire. Kew Yorki wwotpaa&Bt o f the floehesur BCD B A M ; K. I. Dtmoefk,'i§!iUt»tM, ta&'jet ezperisxtof F M S U a a o M«»o«*Hanto'iO SlsUreai proves that they are a neoMsaryeva They r liMUnmenti afScturr prices by JOHH hurrb, nu SOLS l o a m , Inn. have mad* Trinity OhnrchjarJ their midkeeper in otw of his bitltj.^il^-'miadta night rtiorV and the "iton would be glad figs, tie., «sobuiv« of freah fruit*, whiob rBOHT ST.. OM>. Globe qotel, RID rUMIC H. Jhd " Staltrin Of tha night the tumaa wa#iliaSaW by load V p thorn, but? that Uimpowble. They an'Wk*ab>|t'«T«T porlj o u thousand ' kM'BaurUgw in parior-ear* t ,'hundred ponnii of Jams arid>lli«., six are now kept in most of our publio baildBhriatapTOoeedingfrom th» nuptial chamand M roilroad-tiM>— Tht Judge. ber, ttlwi «aa"tha matter'r WBIL this. iiigs as a ptotootion agtdnst n t s | Trmoh a n thousand poundi of tinned meats, one thoulWailtiuted Ho longer aaU it baah. Ito- The yonng bride, wishing to ring' for a so very oostmotive. Walking in the Treas- sand pounds' of dried beans, three thousand BEOAD STEEET, BED BANK. ; •aie nutriment b tbe emmet form.—.'' ' ~ maid, bad caught bold of what she sup- ury later, I noticed a flneJooking sat, and pounds' of rtoe, five thonaand pounds of Tnntaript. inreply to my inauiry, the Janitor «»Id that onions, forty tons of potatoes, sixty posed to tx th» beltropi, and pulled it I bare on band a full Mock of Otta a n mnrietl became their ioridai thousand pounds of flour, and twenty thouPI are eompaaod moitlv of fiddle-strings.-r unartly. Unhappily for" bar and hei they bad procured two, one of each sex, Fine Shoe*, Franifurd Bcraid. iponse, it was tin oord of the shower-bath and were determined to keep qp the breed. sand eggs. Fresh vegetables, dead meat, and live bullooka, sheep, pigs, geeae, tur. CenRreM daitert, It fa the nun with the kidney complaint over their heads, and' forthwith dawn Th« cat and kittens, he said, * ware leu who doesn't like to look on the Bright aid* pinniped such a deluge of oold water as trouble than the rats. I asked him how keys, guinea birds, duoks, fowls, fish and Mlppen, of thing*—an. Bat. Night, would throw a damper upon the moat de- the latter could get into a stone building casual game are generally supplied at each port of oalL. or replenished at the further which has not a crack and where aewer Bnbbor Boot*. voted of honey-mooning couples. Her A Boston burglar stole two forkis from » 1 •ouoouna'am, who ooinpl&inod of her loss to husband, in dismay, caught .frantically at commnnloation Is broken by" "traps. ; end of the journey, BO that It iidlfflcultto Iho police and designated the thief i i a "bi- another cord on his aide of the extemporised "Oh," said he, " I can't tell bow they all obtain complete estimates of them. Forfurcated midnight marauder." touch) but lbs only* response waa an equally get iu, but I saw one at least enter the base- haps two .dozen bullocks and sixty sheep An excited exchange eluieka, "Wlere aro lrborAlddngeor1 water; this Mae it being ment window in broad daylight. As loon would be a fair average for tbe whole voyI wtan fo asaure the wblk that I itlU do •—the meu of'76 f" And up jniupt Bnrdelte, nearly boiling hot. The unhappy pair then OR he was inside he oonld hide among the age, and the rest may be Inferred in proof the Havkeye, with > "Oh, to Halifax CUSTOM WORK portion. The writer has known twentyThis Unrivalled Instrument is for sale by boxes and piles of paper. The basks have vith the men of '76. Give tie the women soreameainnniaim; and the bride, in the can Mve better aaUatacllon than ever before. excitement of the moment, uttered seuti- ili'e same trouble, which is muoh worse in five fowls sacrificed in a single daytomnke AU.STROM & MORFORD, and . of2S." Jooji«M >aa« (or Gentleman ant U d h x made ot ihicken broth. We, therefore, shan't hebaitm»torhU,In t i e bort uauwraiidatUITf When a great man dies the world mourns mania anything b'aioompumentary to tbe the Post Office', where such supplies of PBIOM. B«|ialringpeai>anaproinDUy4one. starve, even if we are a day or two behind] wno kaspoonitantlyon badda largestock of food arc found in the bags and leather and the foreman of the composing room fond sponse. When tho servants came, . heaves a algh of relief as he damps into the they'were ja'stln 'time to reeooa the unlucky pouches. One might suppose the Poet Of- time, which Is oonsiilered a great^euormity 8. KIILLER, BROAD form the obituary' tn/it bos been in type for pair from drowning, for the room was al- fice to bo rat proof, and yet these animals now. The mention of chicken broth sugL. HEBMANN, yean. gests sea-nicknesa, and Boa-sickness oon8 H E E T MU8IO, E t c , feto. ready half fall of water, and the wife was liavo become a perfect nuisance there. A Pawnee Indian always asks (125 for perched like a monkey o i : h j r hnsband'o I lento tho item of disbursement for "sal juros up the doctor, and with the doctor la his pony, and alwajw oonioj down tonoren food" which is BO regularly audited by the associated medicine. His dispensary is aa Instruments of all kinds repaired. would nspastfnllr Inform tho people of Bed Bask dollars and a ping of tobaoco before any back utttiriug the 'most lamentable cries, weUifurntabed with drugs as any chemist's and vtanltjr that be nai opened a " dicker " is effected. Vor/ eoeentric, those while her good man was fumbUug about in Department at Washington. Oat meat hi l/STOM D 0 0 1 ' A N D SHOE 8 T O 8 E , shop in a country town, and when we obl,o dark, trying U s Vest to'flnd Ws'dbori— also a specialty in our markets. Speaki t b o b u i l d i n g a t t h e foot o f Broad street ALLSTROM & MORFORD, serve that, among other thingB, it contains ing of cats, It may be here mentioned M a A Ban Francisoo paper says that ham Exc/tangt. formerly occupied a s a n office b y BED BANK, N. Jcarious omission that this annual is not twelve onnoet of quinine, four gallons of Mr. 8 . Ketchrtm, BaudwicUos ore exported to Hpnololn from nioutioned in the Bible, while the adg is so blaoKdraught, twenty pounds of Boidlitz California. From ibis it appears that the where he hopes,tarinanufaotarlug a good artlcto, LEGAL. Cigar Etiquette. tonerltasliareof the public patronage audnipname of tlio Sandwich Islands is nothing frequent. This IB the more remarkable powders, a gallon of castor-oil, and half a jjeirer Ugnt your' ofgar with a match borbut an empty title. tho cat -was an object of Worship In a hundred-weight of Epsom salts, it is evi- A DMNISTKATOR'SSAJ^EOFREiVL . Th«cu»U)mU»aeof Mr. B.MlUer.of Broaditreet, ESTATE. • The Japanese do not believe that Adam rowed from one who smokes aud who has country whero Israel was held in bondage dent that if the siok people do not get well ii. la whose emploj I nave been tor UH past two years, virtue of an order ot the Orphans' Oour{ of will he named un bj me. Fmviaui lo myeiunmwas the first man. They claim it was a bo oigar.Wess you can.offer him one. If fur 100 years. It is from ni> lock of physic. Four thou- theBycount; or Monmoutu made on tlie twenty-ant TOnt wiuj Mr. ¥Uler I WMemploTed (or nlns ; e i n chap named Ha-uiug, and that he made his yon have none' to offer, suggest that yon sand sheets, two thousand blankets, eight day of tiupiemDer. A. I)., into, the luswrilier.jad- InxiiimuIUia Inding NewTcrK House*,ana can Kllni lintanl; ilcct-jiMl, will eipum a-uamwi' to glvo aMMaeUoo, wife of clay, and baked her for forty days would giv* him a very fine La Antiguoded— thousand towrtls, two thousand pounds of ilnMracorof i sail! a t public vendue to the hlimeat bidder, at . " ^ L . HEKB1ANN. before Bhe waa doneif you had i t various soups, two thousand pounds of can- the Ulolw Botol, In Uiu town o( K*«l Bank, litlie A Word to Young Men. One of tlie sweetest looking girls in the township of Rhrowsburr, Nonmoutli Oouuty, New Always bite off the end of your lost cigar dles—except la IIIOBB vessels which are fit- Jurat,')', on BATUItDAV, DECEHUER 2, lSCi,"al* HA1LE0ADS AND STEAMBOATS. State of HisBonri dislocated lier shoulder Hardly a day passes by but we see eviIn the afternoon ol said day, all uwwperthe other day by kicking at a cut. Missouri when in oompany. Then no one will take dence of the folly of ouryoung men, scat. ted with the electrio light; one thousand o'dixk tnlu l"la, Iruila, or parcels of land, viz.: AU tooao : EW YORK AND LONG BRANCH girls caa kick lumber tliau any other brand it if you proffer it. six hundred knives, two thoiiHiiutl two three lota oriand, situate in Bed Bank, In the U*ntcred here and there. They are In quest of BAILROAS. of Phrewibury, umutj of HonmouUl, New )er ol girl that we kuo* al.—Mye. Don't pnff the smoke of a " Straight flve- something to do. They are willing to work hundred plains, nine hundred cups and ship sey, and which on n nia|i of the town o[ Bed J)|uk, by T. Jt J. 8lutor, survuyora, are knownand SUtlona In New York: Central R. It. of N. J., foot "How have the mighty fallen?" Well; cenler" Into" the fooe of a friend aud ask for about half the pay they shonld be re- saucers, three thousand glasses—fancy what -\tuUi ffijlgnated us lots Number 8, to, anil 31, and alM> Liberty Street: i>eunsylvaiilatt. ft., foot of Oortsome slip np on a Imnnita skin, some use his opinion of the quality. He will always ceiving. If you ask them what their trade a handsome income tbe amount roprosontod A t r u e nf land ID Rod Bank, on wast sMeof west ol landt Street and Uabrpaaea atrtet. reel, iMjnwtetl by New Juraey 6outheru Railroad the money of the bank (or speculation and have a suspicion that you have your cigar! by anunal lost, froiu biertkuge would bo I— anthewwt, landiof JohnJ. Antonldta and olbun is, they will reply they have none, and in fail to connect, and othera fall in coal Oommendnlf.dIJtolier Illb, 188!. mado for you from some of last year's whiU these days when skilled labor is in demand BOO table-cloths, two thousand gla.w cloths on the south, and lunits of [Imrlra a. Allen on 'tho chutes in tho dark.—The Judge. belnir the same pnipert j convcjdl to Ihu Mid —all those arc figures oxhlbiled in the pro- north, rott RED BANK. rests. Eliza Iiutard, by deed from Cbarles (i. Allen and Leave NewTRAINS it is a shame and outrage for so many York, vl» 0. B. It, of K. JH 6 00, 8 IS, "What station is thht" asked a lady vodoriug of one ekip nloue. Think what wife, daud March 11, liWl, reoorded al Fn-tluitil In a.m.; 1 4a, -400, 9 00p.m.; via Puma. It, U., pasaenger of oil JSuglisU toorist near by.. Thore is no dangeV of offending tlie ma- bright, promising yonng men to be loitering Itook N'5 of Dewb, In County Clerk's onloe. paira t) 00 a.m.j 1» 00 m.; 8 SO, 6 00 p.m. Looking ont of tlio wiudow aud reading a jority of ladies by smoking in their pros, their time away either for work, or, if they they would 'amount to when multiplied 4tx), antt a deed from Sasan HuUird, diiu^l Jult lo, Newark, Broad Street Station, at 8 IS a,in.; recorded In said Clerk's cOlco In ln»k 111 of sign on the fence bo roplied: "Hough on encc. If you have a fine cigar do not hnvc it, in a position whore their pay is by the number of ships in each company's 1851, 13a,4H), 6 07 p.m.; Market ttireoi BuTlun, DBwlLpaito IS, 4c., and also ' 0%!a.m.; 1S80,3 57.5£}p.m. Eats, 1 guess, main."—Tlie Ei/e. AH sulddweasod's undivided one-sixth part of indraw it as if you were a steam engine. nothing. Wo have seen too many euch fleet; and then try to realize the fact n^st Boulb Amboyat « « , 914,10 12 a.m.; 112, In a trart of land situate at Itumson In M1<1 " There is not muoh Heasoning in Ibis Bmoko slowly and make rings, That will who expect to climb np the ladder of fune that this department constitutes only ;ownsliipof ghruwahury, iHiuntted by lands fivrmerly " Long Branca at if 85, ! 23, 8 00, S15,11 M ouo, aud by no means tho greatest, of f llanco Brothers ou the north, east and south, and dreashig," said Browu at the dinner table* amuse tuem', and be a good txcuse for and fortune without working fur it. They BJD.; 10l,4«n,SSBun. y land of Wlllluni l^ar&er on tlio west, coutalalnff "No," replied Fogg, "Mre. fiorimpen haa their incidental expenses.—Chamber*'* >ihuut " Ocean (Iron at ovl, 711, 7 40,000,10 M tlvo acres more or liws, and also smoking. are looking around for pins to pick up, and a good deal to do, aud xlio tries to save all am,; W47.4 All »u!il diHieaflwrs undivided ono-slxUi pnrt or Journal. •• M n l Pleasant at (1 uo, 6 BO, 7 SS, 8 40,10 35 tbo tbyme she can."—Button 1'ranteript. Nover smell of a gilt cigar. It denotes a then be folded to the embrace of some Inti-n^t in u tract' or lot iti-resl *~ - - tif- wood-•land, situate BOuth ^f Eat" Eatuntnwn, in Mild township of Stuwttbirrri beof wealthy bank president or philanthropic Inir Lot NV. 5 In Division ot. t|i>al Estaw of Jnhn Tho other morning aa a train on the Me- uUKi)icioiiB mind. TRAINS UJAVI RED DANK/ lnirLot . S^iitt, dfujiued, hi Momnoutli Oriihatu' Court, 181H, ror New Yort at 8 47, 7 4 0 , s i s , 9 3 0 , lia8a.m.; tropolitan Elevated ltuad arrived at Orand It is not pretty to expectorate when smok- merchant, made a partner and finally marry and one-half aea>s. 117,4 « , 010 p.m. street, before tho gunxd could call out the iuy. You might as well ohow tobacco, for iuto the family. Buch cases are not to be Porsom in want of law blanks of auy mtnuilnlngiflffht conillttiinH made known on duy of sale, Newark at 0 »7,7 40, 815,9 80,1128 ajn.; 117, name of the station a fresh yonib yelled llalul, ScptumU'r S3, 18K->. fcuud every day in the present time. We kind, leases, deeds, mortgages, lx>n 449,010p.m. out, "Jerusalem! " and tbe Israelites lit it adds to the vilenoss of tho habit. WILLIAM I'lNTAItD, South Amtoy at 0 47, 7 40, 930, 1128 a.m.: AdmtnlHtraUjr. In order that your friend may get the read MuuohauBon tales of years gone by, etc., etc., will find a full stock at THE out. 1 17, 4 45, (1 It) f .UI. full benefit of your oigar, smoke it until that have an ending like this. But to-day REGISTER office. Long Branch, ucuin Grove, Sea Girt, HanaA DMIXISTRATOH'SSALEOFRKAL Tbo Austrian army is to Lave a railroad »iuuu aud liilnt rieotant al 7 40, u 47, lu 37 the merohant who wants a yonug mau wonts It burn? your/ moustache. Burned hail -TV KSTATK. brigade familiar with putting up and; 140, S13,4 30, 5 ss, B 40,7 31 p.tu, EXPRESS. »>' virtuo uf an onlur of tlio On>t»iT* &»urt ot (li« " Treutoa aail Pulladelplila, vhi " Sound Brook stroying railroads. The Austnau oraiy may be a sweeter perfume than your to- one of charaoler and ability. Learn a r«iuuty ol Monmuutli, doti'ij Sfpttinbt-r Till, RW3, Itoule," at a 47, K 13 a.m.; 4 45 p.m. should iiave a Texas steer or so if it wauts bacco, and it shownB ah economical turn of trade, yonng man; first become proficient the rHiWrflH-'r, tulitimistrutur ol Charles H. Yuiiitlei*, the upholstering reared out of a railroad.— roil FBEEUUU) VIA. KIIEE1IO1J) AND NKW in some industry, BO that whonyon go forth itren^'tl, will M>*I1 ut puMIr vumliii*, mi uiiud. YORK RAILWAY. Eye. Monday, November 27th, 1882, to pastures new yon know within yourself liMO Rod Hint a t « 15 a.m.; 4 P., s to p.m. AM) USv'Cluck, i'.M.,nt lbti(iIolH! UottiljD Utt* Utwn li»vn fm-hciid «t II JU,« on, 11 li' a.m.; 4 a p.ip. that you have something to fall back on for Inquisitive boy—"Say, pa, what is a Hay a * F u e l . if H*tl Hank, in siddeuiuiiy: i n that tract, l<i «r For riirtlKT parllculan aoe tlnie tabla al auijonl. bankrupt Bole?" Biro—"Why, my son, it a living. If the yonng men of to-day would pmYf;l nf Iund, sliuuui I j1np ami Ix-ln? In tho Tu»-nF. ItANUOIJ'li, Suiwrlutaiui'nt. A Dakota letter has this rathor surprising is just like any other sale of goods, only tbo Hiilp f>r MKMlemirn, r«iiniv <>f Mimmoiiih, HDU II. P. IIALOMTIII, O. H. A. (!. It. R. ot N. li (uk some of our old and successful merbiHte of New Jersey, on (lie bank nf tlie Kbnh things sell for a LigUur price and the owner statement concerning the use of hay ufl J. It. WOOD. U. P. A. P. II. B. blin;wst)ur)' IlJvvr, at UK-USI l'liim, niidnt tlie Mutli genorally gets rid of payiug for them us he f liol: The problem of what to burn, no loss chants for the seoret of their sneoess in life, EW JERSEY SOUTHERN Rj5l> side of the mud leading fnim 1/M>IHI Poltit tolUtl PACKAGE EXPRESS. they would well be astonished at the storieB agreed to."—Toledo American. Bunk, wiJulnljiK laixlH nf wiltliuu llunl^u and WAY. 1 than what to build with, is one of tbe first ! Hcnr) Ainy. A Wilkoabarre man took hib seat in the whloh inuBt be solved by tho settler. The af early hardships, trials and privations Ba;;ag'o Ilollverpd to-nnd fnim Itcil CuiiUUluus mudt) known on ilii/ ot wit}. Comnieoclng October al, l o o . tliey endured. Fathers, mothers, is there barber's chair; Le asked tho barber if he Bunk anil Sealiright. WILLIAM P. YALLALl*., LEAVE RED BANK. , had the same razor he bad used two days Creator has kindly furnished a fuel unsur- not'S lesson to be learned from this? b i t Bi'1-lcmUir 18, KSJ. AduUnl«tnitur. ll 50 a.m.; 813,5 20 p.m. for fannlmrdale, Manbef re. Doing answered affirmatively, the passed in virtue, abundance and cheapness. not'ydnr duty to see your boys educated to K ( g , Cheeka, and onlum left at C. H. R. Tutu* Itlvtr, ilarneKiil, Ac. \ UMINIKTUATfUrS HALKOFVAL- Ich<»t«r. putient mau guid, " Theu give mo ohloro- It Is hay. Thefirsttime I asked a uottlcr Depot or (imeral Delivery Ofllce on Fnmt 8tn*el, VJ p.m. for Mliulu* Junction, Vlaeland, Url<K«mifflS; their living, so that when they come Red tluuk, vrtU meet wltb prompt attention. u>u, to. tana."—J'!aladelp/iia Quit. \ fAHLK ItKAL ERTATE. what he burned for fuel and be told me, I to man's estate they can bless you for it— Trips made dully between Red Bunk and B Tlif subscriber, lulmlnLttniUir of Wilson S p i n s 4.1, i X p.m. fur I'urt llontnuulh. brlfrht. FurrJuiMs and Collertl'ins nnidtt. Hunk win, deceawii, by virtue of an order of the \Vo read frequently of some person whose said: "Why, how can you get enough to Boot and Shot Reorder. FOIt RED BANK. D l t a &i>ocJaUy. Onilums" Cnurt ui Mniiiuoutli Omnty, UateU fn^phair has turned white iu a singlo night, do yon through the winter? I shouldn't Ttli, Insj, will I'll"**' U) &tlt> ut jmlilic TtMi- U»ve l'on Montnuiiih at 0 01 a.m.; i 47 p.m. J. W. CHANDLER, Manager. U'tiilmr " Katontmm, SOS, II l»; 4 81 p.m. through grief or fear, but tho white-haired '•'% t*i tbts lilKlitwi, nn " Farmlngdale740, li(Ua.m.;4 10u.iu. man who gooa into a barber-uhopnud comes think a Btack would hist a week." Since GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED. Saturday, Novvinhfr Wtli. 18H2, " TtinmuverOM, iouin.m.; a Id p.m. ont iu half an hour with hair aud whiskers then I nave heard many other persons make 1 " Wlnalow Junction U(nu.m. The Sand Blast. at tti* frlohp llnl.-l, Itti! Itnnk, N * . J., In ttlli TiMrnblack aa the raven's wing never gets a line a blmilar remark. The fact is, howotor, W. W. 8TEABN8, II. P. BALDWIN: Hhlp of BhreWNl.iirv, M«i;ia<.ii!!i < •iiuty, N. J.. bt>Among tbo wonderful aud usoful invenGen. Supl. dm. I'an. Aiji'nt. iu the papor.—t'in. Sat, Xight. twet'ii tho hour* >J l . umi ii nVkN-k fat ioYlDck), la thai it takes about the some amount of hay tho ofUTTiooii of that duy, tho f"Ilnwlnff tract of tions of the time is tho common lilitst. p & NE^V~YOHkniAit A Norristown man who couldn't live to run a stove through the winter aa it does lunil and pn-mtirt^; AH tliut tract of land frith Wholesale uiid retail duulur In iMiiMinj? thL-rti>a. (•ituntt^l ut Kuir llavt'ti, lit the within his income wua advised to diunutiHO of cooL The grass out for fuel is not tbo Suppose you desire a piece of nmrhlo tor a WAV. TciWiifJilpof Slin-ivslmryi Moiitnmitli Oiuuty, New gravestone, you oovor the stone withn sheet with a few luxuries. Ho immediately sold NEW I1OUTE TO FItEEIIOLD. JiW!)', <»n thiM%-wtt*rly side ut a Htrit't, iitmit'Dot ue aa that used for feeding, but is token T1ME-TADLE IN EFFECT OCTUBEIl 2, I8JA. his gun and hunting dug aud bought a known, iH'tontfiiw u> naitl WliBtiii Sprlnffbttit'njdoof wax no thicker than a wafer; then you (^amHl, anil adjoluliiK lundu of A. Allen uu<| L. eharo in a yacht. Hauy a man would have from the low or marshy lands whore it is out in the wax tho name, dote, etc, laaviug Smlti) on thu1 u t t e r l y sides and R> Quuro on the Traliu leavo via. Central Ilallnad nf Now Jiliniiy C O F F E E S . smoked a cheaper cigar aud made bis wife long and heavy. It is stacked, and as it is for Freehold, Marlboro, lUUadalu. Uonran tjuutliurly nidi . 80c. per pound. villa, Ac, IU below: wear her hut year's dress.— HorrMimn seeded is made into twieta about twelve to tho marble exposed. Now pass it under the Fine Old Mocha, JOHNS. IlURUAftD, LEAVE ltKD DANK 2«c. blast and the sand shall ont it away. Be- Best Old Govt. Java, Datul, K4(>U'iubiT U, 18KJ. Administrator. Jierald. At81?, n a i a . m . : 445,«10p.m. Cftncn inches long, weighing from one-half Best Old Mexican Java, 25c. 1 LEAVK UTTI.K 8ILVKII They have a new bell boy at the Woddell to throo-tjuurters of; a pound. About five jxove the wax and you have the out letters, Best Old Maracaibo, TO BAR 22c. Q NN RULE TO BAROUEDliORS, Al S 12, 11 23 a.m.; 4 3H, 0 03 run. Tako a piece of French plflto-glase, say two Best Old Santos, House. Ho is an original pieco. He was 21c. LEAVI MIDDLKTOWN tout) in put up for consumption in a Urge AUMINISTRATOirS NOTHIE. tout the other day for tho tint time to show by six feet, cover it with fine lnoo and pass Best Old Rio, 18o. John S. HulilKird, odtnlnbdrahir of Wilson Spiinff- At 7 48, 11 SO « jn.; 4 Si, 0 U p.m. a gentleman up to Liu room. At the door stove during the winter. It makes a very it under the blast, and not a thread of tho FKEF.IIO1.D Don't loiuc't tlial wo roast tlnwc niffim frcati dnllr ^M'.n, divuiMxl, liy (inlcr of tlio Kurwinitti of the Fur Rwi HKTUHNUJO.IKAVE B a a l . l c . i c , »t6iU, SOU, l i ]|)a.m.;4 15 of the apartment the guest asked, "Have hot fire, and is preferred above all other county of Monniouth. hereby clvex uotlra Ui, tbe In our store, where it am he «een by ull. cralltuni of tlie sulii decuusud lobrlni; In tbclrucbta, you got any mosqultoeB horc, boy t" Gluin fuels for baking purposes. I have a friend lace will be injured, but the saud will cut Pure Pepper KSYPOnTCONNSCTmN. 7e. |wr quartor demands and claims atr.iliut Diu tsuilo nl the nalil doep Into the glass wherever it is not aov replied promptly, " I doau kuow, sur; doau All trauu of Cvntral ltallrotd oonifertlng with " Cinuamun lie. dt3ncdeiit. under oath or aOlnnntlon, within hinu now railroad route to Koyport via. Matawan. know. I go right down to do office an' see. who twists enough before breakfast every oiod by the lace. Now remove the hue month! from the THIRTIETH DAY OK JUNE, IKKS, Ginger Sc. •3r/"By the line leaving Ited Bank al 8 IT a.m., ' If dey got any, I bring 'em up, Bar."— •noruing to hut until tbe next day. He and you have a delicate and beantlful fig. or tuej will IHI forever barred of any acthm therefor Alltpice 7c. connection U made with thfv JamiwburK Drandi <if npalnst tile uald aninlnbtruu>r. Cleveland Critic. Ibinks itis'OTii £hMp«at"and' ntolt satisfacIbe IVnnnTlranla B.R. for Kngluntown, Jamesljurir, Cr. TarUir 8c. moraiscd en the glass. In tbis way fig' J0ILN6. IIIIBDAHI>. Trenton, 4 c J. E. RALPH, Baking .Powder.... lie. ... "Wbbt the country needs," bawled a tory fuel tho world produces, urutj of all kinds ore out In glass at small Sept. :*>, 1882. 8up!l und Truuurer. N KULE TO BAR CREDITORS^ political orator, as he placed one hand expense. The workmen can hold their melodramatically betweon his coat-tails and 8oclety M l s t n k e s QCTOBER, 1882. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. bauds nnder the blast without any harm, pointed toward the oonsteUatiun of Perseus A liberal dhtcount fn>ni thv alMivu nniniH] prl WlMlnm PintAH], uxavutor nf Arabia M. Pinturtl, (Umve New York, foot of Franklin street.) The gallows, the penitentiary, the Intl. even when it is cutting away at the unrdost- will bejdVMi to all [lurc.haslni: In Inr^f i|iiaiitlilr with tho other, " what this oountry needs " l,, l)> > ordur of tbu Surrrtsutv s u v of Uie U county y Our TEAH are ol the very linen! imiHirtat^ni, and THE STEAMBOAT SEA BIRD. —he continued vaguely, as in the aduiira- are the shame of our civilization, and tuo cntting glass iron, or stone, but they mast MuruiKHitti, tt ttit'ivby b jrlvtu* l notice ti tto tl tlie creditor. cdit weiniaranteed them lo Rive \tnrtcd mtlsfuilliin of uf the wilii tifjccawxl to bring la ttwlr duliu, demands tiou of bis attitude be lost the skein of his society that neglects its children and lets Leave JVmt) Tntk. tMm Rat IUmk. n u k e » • p M l a l i r o r o n r fiOr. Ja. and cliJnLtugalmt thei^Uittiuf said decedent, unlookout fo' Hngor-nails.jfor they will be We Thunday, anth. .2 ao p.m.lThhmdar, ami .7 no a.m. thought—" what tins oountry needs—is—is pan> and Oulons, der ofiUi or altlrinatlun, wtthlo nine months from Baitirttaj,a«h..lBH)a,m. Knday.57th....7 3O " —is fewer men end imore of them." Aud them grow up iu iguoranoo and vice is ro- whittled off right hastily. If they put on the TENTH DAY OF AUGUST, I8S2, or therwlll Tuesday, 3uu.,.Btw^' Monday, aotli..8tw;" lie rnniri>r barret! of unr action therefor aKfllnst the then he sat down amid a tumult that sotmd- apoubiblo for tbe goliowe, the ponitontiary steel thimbles to protect their nails it will I Tuesday, 30 | saiil eiecutor. WILLIAM PINTAKD. cd more like laughter than it did like up- and jail. Society ignores the child ofpov. dd but U'.lt (lood, for the sand will noon given to all puruhasuni of Tea and Coffin. THE STEAMBOAT HELEN. planse, and pondered over his last remark erty or misfortune; friendless and guilewhittle 'heir away; but if they wrap a N EULE TO BAB CREDITORS. till his feet hurt him.—Springfield Hev>i. Will leave N0» York from foot of Franklin Street, F. S. BOCKIFELL,Manaaer. less, he is left to work his way through our piece of soft uotion around them they aro Pier 10, N. It., overy Tueadaj, W«lne*lay, ThuniADMINlSTKATOIt'8 NOTICE. dayand Friday at,, and every Saturday at Two men applied for the position of unfeeling world. He hi lured into the Front St., opp. Broad, Hed Bank, N. J. U'llliain pinmnl. itdiulnlmrator ol Alice white, l».00iu. tilth: You will at once BOO the philosophy traveling salesman. Tho merchant seemed dcociwwl, l»y iinler ol the 8urroinit« of tlio oeuutj Leave Seabrighl (foot ot Church Street), uVery to be pleased vith both gentlemen, and haunts of vioe—leama to steal, to drink, to of it. The sand whittles away aud destroys of Monniouth, hereby give* nntliv to the creditor* Monday, Tuesday, Wedneaday.Thunday and Friday fthuwild deceu-Hcd to hrlitK In then1 delta, t]«- at J.uo p.m. was at a lass to decide. "Have yon trav- murder. Then outraged society seizes auy hard subslauco—even glass—but dooa in:ind.4 mid clafmH ugalnst the ejdatu of siild ddcedeled niuch in. Atkansaw, Mr. Hioklo?" him, jails him, hangs htm. The neglected, nut affeol substances that are Boft and yield' out, unileriiulh or nnirniallon, within nine miltiths "l'es, sir," answered that gentleman, abandoned child becomes (his wicked outWINES AND IJQCORS. from tho FOURTH DAY Of 8E1TEMI1EB, l s i , or . AT ing, like wax, cotton, or even the'bumou •~ they will lie ((inner barred ol an; action thefofor " more than auy man now in the oountry." law for whom prisons and scaffolds aro* [gainst tlm Billd admlnlntrauir. huud. "No, you haven't," exclaimed Blumplo, A. FRENCH & CO., WILLfAM PINTAlfD. tho other applicant. Hiokle Insisted and built. How much better and more credit finally Blumplo turned to the mereuaut able to our Christianity and olvilitalion N CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. A° Montana Munchausen. and said t " This man Hickle is the. blggeHt would it be if the millions that are annnally liar I over saw." " There," exolaimcd the A resident of Dulto City, Montana, re N o . 1 3 B R O A D S T B K G T , B E D B A N K : TO JOHN CAnilAnT. merchant, " I want him. Mr. Hiokle, yon spent In watohing,' 'prweoutiiig, pdnisbing lates an adventure in the Yellowstone Na ny vlrtuo of nu unlur of th» Court of Chancery of Inform the pulillc, mid I'nrtlnilurly tho Now Ji^rw7, moilu on tins day of tlm date ht>rcof, In , may start out to-morrow morning."—Ar- aud feeding criminals were spent in look tioaal Fork whiob would have exelted tha I would FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS, IH»lile In the rlclnity of lt«l Hunk, that 1 a aiu.w wlii'relii Adnllii Duntley In complainant: and kaiuau Trattltr. bale made aminKL-incnu with two iug after and caring for the unfortunate, you aru ilufeiulant, yon are ;rwiiilml to envy of Baron' Munthanien. While' examol ihe aMiear anil plooil, tltiinur, or unswrr to the com- FOREiaN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS, It is related that a Buffalo man who had outcasts from whom the criminal chtss ining a geyser he fill In' aud; disappeared nlulmnt'a bill, on or buforo tlio SEVENTEENTH .been in..the coffee business for several years mainly comes, and for whom nobody eoema )>AY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, or Ul« said 1)111 Will FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS, frolii the sight of Ills horrified edmpanlons. Ui (41KUU an c(iiif(»su<I atfnltutt you. . ' ' was led to believe that ho was a sinner, and (<tno In Now York State ami one In Tho salt! bill lsuled to compel tho specific !perThey looked into the geyser hale and con. In UUa bemhtrr lo come out ou the side of religion.' 'The tlio went)', whereby l a m to receive tonnmico of a wintnict niartH on the twentletll dar morning, aftor Le had token this step, he jooturcd that it wal about fifty feel ot April, A. 1)., ultflitwn huudred and elslity^one, hj you, John Curium, with tlio said Ailellu Bontley, A gentleman with two little boys jester, depth. They then threw in pebbles lo reached his factory to find business nusto cuin-i'V to her n houwi and lot ultimo in the Uwn' pendad, and upou demaudiug an,, explana- dny attended divine worship at .Uoinnder ulilnnt JlldilliiUjwii, ID tho county of Moimiiji «0TTLI!It8 07 tion bis son replied. "Well, father, I Presbyterian Ohnroli, Westminster and learn if there was say water in the hole Into anil Btattt of Now Jcrniy. luljolnlra lands olimjwhich their companion might have fallen. Having Uio Hour shlppod to me dlract from the tliony F.CuiiiiiMl and Johu W. Minns, and the didn't know what to do, I didn't suppose Itarlun Iluy, rxmlalnlnttono acre more or leas: and Green streets Each of tho youngsters had a milla. and buying In such larvu (iiiuntlllt'a, I aro enafter what you _naid last night that you would Water waa discovered, but there cam? no to purchase at tho Imuat rash prices, and you are made defundant liecaiue you are a party to ALE luVQGR BEER AND MINERAL mil any mpr* beau" vith the ooflea. 1 pre- penny to drop in the contribution basket, call for aid from their companion; After abled can sell at correspondlngl* low rates. I liavo at said contract and a dixirue for a «|wclOc performana .' WATEBS. ; »adifiA»utlon of suld contract by you Is prayed tor iratued it_would make • difference" •' Yes, and when the time arrived to do so, little nraent about . , .1 < It will male just»little difforence," calmly fellow Ho. 3 had no sooner dopositcd his hoars of anxious waiting ho was' gives up 6 0 0 Barrolai o f F l o u r o f A l l G r a d e s In saw bill. JOIUfB/AlTlEOATE; us lost and the party departed.' The fol- whloh obnerVed tlie, eld man ''We have heretowhich I a o n nlluur l w at in CENTS ll'ER E R DAItltKL Bolldtor of complainant, LESB THiN T H i N NEW NEW TOnK l'BICES. lBICES. From From thoae pated Sdptninbcr :oiti, imt,; v • Iteil ilank|fN> J fore Wen mining one barrel of beans to four ooin than No. 1 called out, loud enough to lowing day the missing man walked unhurt LESB t I reprd l l b l d i t rates I am prepared to offer a llbural discount tv 1 of coffee, haven't wer" 1 Yes." "Well, be heard"OTor the ohurchi "Oh, Willie, into tho camp, tte said lie fell into the parUMpunbaalngavi) or ton barrels at onotlmo, LUMBEB, COAL AND WOOD. " a few of the beans—about two your penny's gone now, mire." A titter ran DOTTLSM Of THEO. F. WHITE. water and was not harmed, but did not around the assemblage, bat the pastor, iuve the strength to call to his friends. ! H« At Wnlta's Orocerjr, No. IS Broad moot, Ited Dnnk, 'IELD & BTJBBOWES, couldn't Imagine any ennso for it,—; ALE, LAOER BEER AND will be found at all timea a dang to a rooky till, In M«own word^'snd. 1: ''AVeH-knownnatlre of Bombay offered . - Dealers In WATERS. denly I discovered that the water was ris- : C H O I C E STOCK O F q i l O O B B I H S , (o g(ve • n«i(r olo-ok and chimes lo tho UnlLUMBER,' LIME, ^ both stable; itad fanBr, and Bt New Vert prices. ing. : This 'gave me bopb that I' might bo oad dopoiited't largo Comeiit, Drldu ana Drain TUB, llullden' Hardware, Bir W. Vornon Harconrt la one of the unua£oad,&c. Mired Paints uBpoclalty. Atoo le to keep afloat nntil tho surfaoowai Ut«iiKt» pine, ABh. Whltuwooa and Walnut tow inslauoes in England of, a man mak! icUei The water ooniinuei *b!rWnibre; idimber ' •• - > : ' , -, • idimber. Near Railroad Depot, BKO BANK, N. J rapidly, and I at last found myself at tht SOLE AGENTS FOB TH^! PAMOpS p p , point from whloh I had fallen. Allhongh 1807. MBTABLIBBBD S. KIIIIEB, n n BOOTS AND SHOES 3 o s Gwrw 8wts_for Firm Wort The Estey Organ Is tbe Best! Musical lostrvrnents of all Kintfs, Prtctteal Boot irnl Shot Hater, N IU, 155 A li? CHATAM BT, NBWY0BK. Whohmle and EetaU Daalarilo FURNITURE, CARPETS. BEDDING, ETC. —THE— LARGEST ASSORTMENT UN THE CITY OF Furniture, CarpoU, Bedding, Oil Clotlia, Window ShadeB, Curtaina, CorntceB, Lambroquina, Lookinjr. OlUHsea, Stoviw, Clocks, Etc., Etc,, Etc. In rant everything niwriod for !I<iu*jki«'i>lnpranhn found IN ENDLESS VAKIETV In our large and convouient Bliow IKKIIIIS, and Ht tl» very LoweatPrloM-elthcr for cash or on iu»y terma of credit.. All iropda sold by ware guaranteed tn be iu rep. , f call will «Uafy customers that wo can make H to their Interest to purchase from us. C0WPERTHWA1T CO., 408,410 J 412 FULTON STREET, COR. OALLATIN PLACE, BROOKLYN. DRY GOODS. Riverside Grocery, OCEANIC, N. J. Patterson & Son, Dealers In DRY GOODS, Plain & Fancy Groceries, PROVISIONS, &c. •1 hirye ami Firnt-elase Stock of Climh at lleammable l'riwa, Patterson & Son, OCEANIC, N.'J. 'SEWINU JIACmNES, CENTRAL BAGG&GE DELIVERY Red Bank, Oceanic X Seabright N New York Tea Store. t Teas, Coffees, Spices and Sugar. o Crockery and Glassware o Flllti! W BARREL LEADING FLOUR MaNllFAGTUREHS Flour bythe^ car Load. F U v o b a t n o t 1B t h e U n 8 w U ( > h - wellnlgueihatuitedt— >—^--'-- " ° f ( h < P " * - " * - H a n m d B • B™»«| _ T i n e V b l n i j a 1 ^ inAaoa^ Thij ! mo»>«y.'o»fl!W# aewna wife, Mr»C reaohodl 1 uianaged to S»wrsomo*TlfiUnc« " I U" (•"•MoUo»'>' »«• » ««g. Hie income. T > Hu-WHttnn'ip»trimoBjr wai under »1(W,', •way from the toWth of the crater, where h nOr ° 00 1 onI bl0th< U u ° ^ » " % ^ ' < » •howna i l l r lllllfll W!.°'??' ? ? ?i .! w u being oare< !» l ha* aU the •«**, Ml «a ; = 1BQ0. ^ At TIIB ' ' LACrEB B E E l l DEPOT. > ,|, OT THB'oiu MJAHiptt'TON AT ItKD HANK. Cdmmiislbn Merchant, .'- • ••. . • . • • . • • • . • • • . • . • • ! : i : ; . ' p n i o « g . • : • • •'••-•••;•.,., ,apd dealer la K.T.WILLIAMS, onHnBu LAW BLANKS d Feed, Wl.Y.1 r I W1I1TK * SMITH. llhU) BANK, *Tt ,, -yr. A. PRftNOH & CO. 00B.BB0AI> ANDIBONTSTEWfre, V , • J.n . J. ,t S.I. PATENT MEDICINES. PARKER'S tv BALSAM. Thti elegant drtuinf b inferred by thow h l ftrticle, d i en to[i!mtlar »unt of i n gupetta :)eanKneii mid purity. r Ik contains materiaU only that a n beneficial to the icalp u d bale and a l w s w. Theodore F. White's GROCERY, a e a l 9t NEWH0M SEWINGMACHIMECO Pulcr'i Hair Babam I» nnciv perfumed am) b warranted to prcvfcntflttllngof the hair and to re* BlovadandniRandltchlnK. HtKox ft Co.* N.V. PAHKER'S ymm <\ • atptrlttlvt Ktilrh inlllrMgtli Rattonf. . If yiw are a mechanic of farmer, worn out with overwork.* or & mother nm down l>y fanlry or bouiOi hold duueitry pA»Kiui'»niNGB« THKIC. . f If you «ronlawyer, minuter or tuilncti man M hiuited by menial itrnln oranxbui caret, do not ukfl IntojdcatlaistlmulMU,liutiiKi Parker's Glnin Tonlo « If you have Coniumption, Dnpepila, Kh«uma> . Urn, KldmrO»nplainu, orinyduotderof tlolungl, ' atrunieh, bowtli, blood or nnrtel 1'AD uia'a Gl»ci« .TtnncwilUnnyou. Itla the Greatest Iloodpiirifiai •• AU M UAni Burnt Cotjli Or* C«W tut. «' W*irttar«-*aituit aw»» from ««,' itiialpitlon « U y dUMM Of wcaVncu atnd renulro a allmulant tab ,OlNOuToM«*tnnc«rltwlUlnvi|onle and build Jnu upftoraIho fmt iltw but will ntvtr Inttnkau, I l i n a u K l b i u d r e l l i f lite»( it may JUHI troun, \ cADnoiti-a.fiu.Mi«>i»in->~r«k.r'1piH.f«i.i, LORES TON