The Sun. (New York, NY) 1915-05
The Sun. (New York, NY) 1915-05
ft THE STOCKS JUMP AGAIN VesHiiirlniilsc Co. ( $J7,r)()i),0()(l Worth Rifles. Supply Tells 'I'afi. the Secretary Kails to Hevciil Artttnl Niivy of Conditions. I'KOF IT JIAIMUX FOK JUG OMM'll The "war order" fever again look possession of the stock inatket yesterday repot t o" tlic s gmng of a con- - Manufacturing Company for the making worth of rifles, ortlrreal ' of f 27,BOO.OO by the llrltish (loterntiient for Itussln. The rush for stocks, though It carried Westlnghouse. un I" points ami tin- - Is- Hum of other machine manufacturing to new IiIkM nconls, wait. In the oiilnlon of stock market obscrvtts, not of the extiemc intensity of tilt previous wave of similar spei illation. Willi the llellllehelll Steel rise Incident. The "war stock" trading of yetenlay left th" general hinil.ct heavy ami apathetic "We reconed on Thursday a large onltr for a foiclgn got eminent, the dc tall of which are now being worked out,' said tiny l Tripp, chalrmaii of the board of illiectoiH of the Westing-- 1 "1 run nay house company. ycstciday. nothing further at this time." Pctalls of the otiler, however, were learned from other authorities In tho company The order In for l.noo.o.lti rifle. at II" .ii each, The onHnnry price The gnus for a Nile..... is anout ill. I. ........ n. pruiu " It....,!.... ni'.i .."..........." therefore estimated at about i:S.tioi). on. ,. . ,e... "Uo no! inn., jc .. Hill tnc ne; proni 01 ino comimny, a . a arce outlay for a new plant muMt . on cr. ,t was learned, was placed hrotiBh J. 1 . .Morpn .t Co. When tho .(oem lirmon neni amin rmes nrsi . plant, the leasing of 1915. . HBMaaaaw k IIK! ru'K - t mm ns.t-Ill- I 1 CopjrlHit by t'ndernoo.l . ,s Mrs- - 0n thc r,Sht ,., ,. - I mlrrwiioj William L. Colt, next to her is Mrs. Inez Milholland Boissevaiii, addressing Senator O'Gorman, who is listening on the left. SUFFRAGE ACTIVITIES IN NEW YORK , S TO-DA- !",. Federal Amendment and Is lleekled. I . 1 Y . ' V - , -- i"' I ' -.t nt I j ' ' ") , 1 el-t- en ) 11 1 pol-,i- f .i 1 1 HUI-KI- - 1 Ime'l rs '1' l.rttlsh-Uovernmc- '"' 'r. .." " "f ; I am-M- l .. - i i i tic. I Mii nKsPlTR alliance south-ernme- fr "Msed4 ! irr i l:ner,nM "'"'"" Sn nnnnnn H'l. Vler .S, "n"- Hon'S Zn , S Chlti.i-e-Aiii.rlci- i,d ir. l r ''""iry , I w- - TOST There Is a cross toad on the way from The Hoard of Estimate, voted yesterthe concentration camp to the officers' day to linve the city complete the sllc. quarters In the Hed Lion Inn nt Guild- of tho new County Court House by takford, Surrey, Unglatul. It was there ing title on May C to tint addition, it peveinl weeks ago Sergt. Henry property required. Comptroller j that ' Carlyle, a paymaster In the Itoynl Field vigorously onjected, but was opArtillery, took the wrong turn, which posed by all of the ether members. ltd him to this city nnd eventually to Tho Comptroller ha, mado up Ills the Tombs, wheie he Is now confined mind that tho site an hulldlng will cos' on a charge of using the malls In a at least J19.000.000. He holds that thlt swindling In which he assumed Is too much of un undertaking in thi the role of Sir Henry I.. Stirling, son present tlnnn.-l.i- t condition or the city of the late Sir John Stirling, part.. He said last night that bn donblMl I. president of tho legislative Assembly of any way could bo found to stop It, bit If tin-itwas a way ho would keep on Australia. lighting. The :oty he told begins on .Innuary At ycMerday's meeting of tlm Mstl II, when Sergt. Carlyle, with 7ri0 In mate Hoard Mayor Mltchel said: "On. of the principle reasons for tho testing I pocket the of his hakl blouse which hn the title nt the present tlmo Is that meant to deliver to his commanding of- of It will K.ivo a large amount of damages.' ficer, took the . wrong turn, forgot his Then the Comptroller snlil : "1 do not wife and two children In Heading, Ilerk-slilr- believe that the property not required b.. wild at a figure that will 111111,4 ntul the pos.lhlllty of winning can the cost of tin. needed site liwa than fr.PT.TSI .H". glory nt the front, nnd hopped Into an IS.filiO.000. The tstlmatetl cost of tho litlng current and defeirul building Is 51o,i)on,iir.s. That tnake.i the and $'Jt4,-:s- n nutomobile that took him to chaige accounts 1 outlay 10,000,000." tutal Flnallv he reached Lon:iu ltist.ilmeiit iiccounts, leprcsetltlllg President McAncny of the Hoard of sales of ulniui. "i wlng macliliie-- . and don, where he e.vclauged hi set vice unl- - Aldermen Insisted that tho saving In talking machines. Tin- actual form for mufti. foundation cost alio the cost of tho of merchandise and supplies on Apt II 17, change grade of Having purchased an elaborate wardtnarte possi'de by the adjusted by the application ol ptliehases shift In site would take. $2, i.oon from robe the btcaiiie "Sir Henry I ml cost of sale, from April !' to 17, the iippaietit figure of J !t,0ii0,inin. He to the amount f Inveiitoiy as Stilting." and yielding to a whim salted said it was Impossible for the. board to on April s. was for !la.gow. at the tlo-- e of There he met .lan Main letrace Its steps, an ?n acquiring a site $l.s77.i:i0.i'.s. The Hem of "plepald had acted under a mandate from the and married bet s'Pl unmindful of the ItLegislature. was jr.ii,!' IS.S2, which, the silj, Is Slllljlft to r.llUCtloll bf tilt ! deterrents to matrimony In Head"The site." he "will cost 7 the term during which iiisutance 1. ussd. ing, lie paid 30 for.lhe special license, 000,000 and the building J ln.OOO.lioo. Tinsum of .:.!. I. in eiresetits th nnd told As.lslant United States Attnr-ne.- v We have the power to keep the l.i.ik alne of tin claims of the J. P.. that. We are required by law IMwIn M. Stanton ytsterday that to g" ahead," ilieenhut Compiny against the .lonph llesldes Votltl,' to take title to tll Iti'tiedlct Coiup.iu.t and the Manhattan ".lean was ,oll well worth that much, r.ew property on May r. u.. boanl ap. .ubliliaries, both poor la..e'" I. aboratorlei (' proved the In) out of th 1t prepared of which ale In rt celtt rshlp ' and bis liride llenij "Sir arrived The Item of "Investment" Is placed at In tin. ton on the Allan liner Pietorla by the Curt House Hoard, r quested ll.ttsttnetll", on February la. Then they c.une to the .Manhattan Hoiough Prt tt. lent to SsS,'!I2.'."'. lepte-entitmort.ages, (ollat.-ra.ecurltle. notes New York. For fout days they lived have teiupoi.iiy roadways construct! il mowing out or the lelatloti. between at the lllltmore, directed the Hiireau of Franchises A.c paying Jx a day for and negotiate to with the street car comthe .1. It ilreenhui Company and the tln-llipping waltem and loom, eomlui-tepanies for the liinkttr- ll nu whb h formerl of their track dining liberally on the lie.t In and s J. In tile stole tf Woith anil Centre stteels. A tilil bulne-,i banking the ltlltmore's chef tould serve permitting Comp.tti or the coit That batikln;: the II. (Ireeiihut distribution Then Carlyle began to run short of of the Court House liusiness has heen dl. continual and y.iars. ottr several pl'lti 'funds, so he muted with his hrlde to a so that the debt charges will not firm, the recelters have been furnished room up. 1"1 West U"th street. at Is now nearly Its of ror Mayoi all Itefnie his :ii d. iias pild It was some time after tills that Fot ture. Contractsthe clearing up i tin, (inn. with deposit, airu re- nfTlce Inspectors for the Mnjuillan and Schaef-fe- r preparatoiy to building are belli slt d lating $(.."."0,iMiu ), in full. J made the acquaintance of sandy by tile Court House Hoard. The value of tin- land, bullilltius and complexloneil, bald he.ded littlethei:ngllh-mat- i. 1). 3 5 After placed .li'.is.ii'J!. meeting Is the at Compttollet equipment Tlie wen- told of "Sir Ilentv" I'.ii'. 0.1. The three real estate experts .ml good will. A.c. at by a Ml.. A. .1. llnjle of DM We"t had told said 7'.','.o', 4.U7. him that the land to be distotal ii"set are 1 Klghty-fourtstreet, who had answered posed of as not ntcessary would brlni that. .ubstantlally un adtertlsemen: reading The tecelwrs not more than t3.iiuo,ouo ,ven nfter prope th.- .ntlre store and WANTIlIt t.t trtvst a. a subject lloue was built and propel ty blanket to are tie. and tia fronting tl erriturt ti. tii.tiiemHti , civic centre" had risen In mail.- to the Centtal Trust Company .f tiumi reiiulred inintnlun titled value This . tiie property which Is apply enrl.liiK tuple, uf testimonial.. New York on Deceinbei in. POO, to c. costing J j.oOo.noo. city the per A cent, The Compof i'..0io.uoo day or two after making applicatare an The-- e that the city would sriking furd mortgage bonds tion for the Joh Miss lioyle received a troller alo hoi. ds were Issued by the company unilf 'call fiom "Sir Henry" Then she got tpend K'n.OUO.oOO before the Court Hous a letter Informing her that her testi- was finished, Its former name of 'Ireenhut-Slege- l St. Andiow's Kout.ui Catholic Chuich Company Cooper The accrued lutein monials were entirely satisfactory find on this bond lsue as o' April s. l!'l... that she might hate the Jolt at 2.10 Is within the area needed for the Coutt amounts to I9.03n 'Thus the total a year, provided she put up a cash lond lloust, but it was excepted yesterd.i) ni'trtgages, with accrued Interest and of K'Md. which would be refunded at from the property to which title Is to Father of taxe. and rental", a the expiration So be taken in. mediately. of three months. agalrsl the store and ti an house propei anxious wete "Sir Henry'" and his wife and his friends have been tryig to lute chun-spared. The K.tlmate. H0.1 d tin. receive;, tepor:. ti obtain the sett-Ireof Miss lioyle the lle. innrtK.-ices,decided to hate a conference with l'..r appear to amount to .ilioui $f.ioi.nnn that I'll" It'te: was followed lit- a Fat lev hefore detirmitiing th" fa fto-ond "Lady Stilling" uiglng her The :!ali'lltle, a" stated bt the expert of tli.s ouildlng. to accept the place c ountan's, aggregate 5 ;.T'3.3". I In the meantime 'Sir Heniy" and Ins txituslte if p .sllile claims for future TAXI COMPANY LOSES. t.tita'.s damage and tor! claims. Ac. wife had moved to another furnished room following at IP.i West 127ta street, nnd It the md include items' VJ'iZ.'i'i' total moitgages ,,tnl ac- was then- that post offl. e Inspectors and I t.iirt Mollis 'Mint lis chicle. crue. mortgage two i lt- detectives arrested hiui, fil.nliS.oSil lie interes'. 3,"i 7. f. I.'."., notes paval.l,. and inad" a full nf sslon to Mr. Stanton. 1. it. I'ttllle I utter Public Ilm-U!niK 5 thereon, .nt.-t- st w.ll ariaign.-ihe l $2.x..7.7IS 3. tiedltors C.irltl. hefore Tin- Masoi Seaman Transport.! .011 i 'oniiiiissioner United 71 Houghton $'i" Slat.s fir Coinpant lost testerdat it. appllcatio-dep.!t and advatiies, claims at 1:3ii .iVIock this morning to the Appellate Division of the Supreme of priorltt. The tales during 1011 were 13.27I..M! 11'. Court to restrain the cry authorities, PROMOTER BRIGHT IN JAIL. "As to .lie phtsical c ndltion. of th from enforcing the terms of the .. n.l store properti. the men haudlse publ'c h.t'-nmeiidiil ordinance, whlr'i mil and as to the staff of emplotee , Mo. I Itelllt'ii s;tllll,llllll securihe actual husine.s during will include the plaintiffs taxlcalst under ties 11 III inc. ItocUelellcl', the !. eiv. rsJilp," the recelters av, "w e the provision 0! the law relating to rtpoit we tli'. the stock of merchund ... who ha. promoted Charles n although the tn. hi g"sl londi'.on. the urgaii'zati n n ni.i'it i iitt rpi is.-- , m South Amerl, a, was rate", do not solicit p.itioiiage on the pub! e .xi .ompetent one. and we be tell! to Ludlow street Jail sp the record of i.pei liee Court Ju. alioue dunni: Davis The plaintiff unieiiiled that it the last thee,, weeks i nciiragiiig when .einpt of .unit. Ilright must there a ha. k business thiough inpared w th tti.. record of the hi . nnt. I he p.p. 2'.o tin,. i,r cotiieinpi nnd cnlv hav.iig cunti acts with railroads? rcspiiiiil'lig period the pi mg turn" ovei to the Tt.ins. 111I1hotels ,md clubs a' I I tail wat l,oml of ship onip. it., . vclin with puln the company woith l'iiii.oiih mid lon,. that liack. lie omp.tri)-.Iiu.luestt wouli 1... inn of the ciirnpatit ' stock. The Appellate Division iu'c Hriglil eald .teslerdav that Hi. .om-pa- u Injured. CANAL that the ordinance N valid alie.nP has the sto.-land 1)1:1! he atiiio- produce the honds liccause thct B0TCHED--G0RGAKill. Herself in Unci. Inn rhnlr. I' S ueie taken from h.s hou.c Hnglii hlaii es .lolin D. i;.i, ciellei for Fast (ntv..r. V .1. Apr I 'an - Afi Ins troiilil. , .put think- - the pla. Inn t I I 11. " an elitelop. r er interests :11c behind tlu llt.gatioii g.. It'll and it to a ne'clilm the law tlrni uf Miitr.iy llowlaud 'Mis Clirabetll Heck, lit tears old, ,,st Miami's 'iiiiinisi(i Head fur .v of win h ll Parinalee pien !ngl'l put i g.l. tube III h." ii until lt t'o. Uefelle: s tlce. " i o, i.g ill tit' 's a seated ie to Check Mii foi .'.c r nil .....I ...i- - soft pillua iiiuli" lle'iiiiel, or In i. .mil wa'el ... t.iiind toal ,i part ) f ir death llei l..,lt liaria in I'.HIi:. ' I'ren-derg.t- st . I e, , s. intt-nlor- t es Leave It to the States." Hi; Simyests. hilt Women Waul a Xational Law. 4Ch if Uui.i .or il'inoiKlratlui... In he lty three Asremhiy tllsirleti of n itrmlrr New Vork m murk the of furtraitf l)a The automobile parole of Ih- Ma.l-- b ittan W.inun ."uftraue inr:ulll rt at tVashliiKtxn S.pi.i .it .' I". II The parade will end 1 th" IMaia wltn c'.her' . 20.000.000 I Walter C. Noes and William A. Marble, receivers of the J. H. ilrectihut-Hlegel (formerly Company Cooper Company, Inc.), have tiled In the United States District Coitlt a prelim limit report, together with statements of assi is and Ilubllllm prepared by Wet Flint, certified public accountants of ill Pine Mieet The leport shows that he, ween April 'i, I'.il.i, tile date the reteitets iiualltlid. and th- eloee of business on Thursday, pr I 2!'. the .ales amounted to $s0:!,-.iti- K In the eorrespDndlng petlod In .' inil the ealec were J7i;t,.2l.2t'. Iledue-tuii- n in salaries made by the receivers will amount to Jlltio.noo m a year. An Inteiitory was taken at the eIoe of liusines. on Apni 17 ami the iiccoun-(tut- s matle a calculation of the luveii. of ,m is of April by a toiisldei.illon pur and sales between April : and April K leceit-able- " found that Ii tt.i Kingston-oil-Thame- itane. : "g SEKS t."ifl.-71o.- - I CHAItOKI) MIHI'SK t, s th, I Pren-der?ns- s e. oui-ttil- s ASSKTS'MAIL 01' IX He Stole Itritisli Kstlmate Hoard Votes for Ae Army Funils, Deserted nnd rjiiirinir Now Land Then hurried. Objects. Colfte.N-se- N r. "I assume that l'leslilem flinil.l the rest of n. would hate been More than 200 enthusiastic women. to efcip.. the Issue" The income tat , ......... ' TV" .. '"" "vy com- - ,,.,,,i. ,1,. " ami the direct election of Sen.itoie wet'o " "ttfiiRih with forelttn , :;,:7" not subjects for States' rights and yet doubt very much whether ho 'determined MilfinKlsts. maiched upon 1113 IllertllllC. v woman's suffrage Is sniely as imporInterest In a comparl- - Wall Street yesterday afternoon, aimed The KiiujI Fntnihl.e Society will as these." "l, " " I" under with banner". Hags and automobiles In eelebruie Snirm pay with a dance tant ..... "These two amendments could only be at the strnh.1 rouf curdMi ' "v, ...VV.... L i."!',".' .'.'"J "llr ,n: se.irel. of seemed by a I'cderal amendment," The Senauouer rresineiit inn, or even mule- piinl th.. Senator. "Thete w.ih no other " " ''re'ldeiit Itoosevelt, jet that N all th r being late, the w I10I,. delegation took a Issue. The eleven States way." 0," wlllh "as vouchsafed building this in the stepi of the that have WOlllllll suirr.ll!n ndooted It 'It Worked .Insl llie iniii., 1111J much of the surrounding .... sidewalk without or loerclon comtnilslon. Why ' rliPM President Ourtleld might for speech making. , I state- Itenltlnic to Mrs. In marked c 011- - cannot the others do the same': . have been Inter.. .,i .tir.o,-,. also nut feel Justltled ill supporting mi nt that three States had the direct our natal experts think' ,rn"1 " M"mn f lu former Wall street snouid comtuny of Kngland. Is in tlila country "m',,1''" this measure unless mj .onstlttlents election of Senators prior to the Kuleral to livc dlrtc9.on of the making smtl our nvy mirTlcirnt for our defence. That meetings, there was not a hiss or even deni.tude l a. Von, ladles, do not rep- - amendment. Senator O'llortiian said that really seems a more Imixirtnn. ,., . .11., .......... ..1 i.. , ,.i,r. tho testing of the rilles. I touhl till another ... ...k-- .i a majority. resent "it was not sanctioned ly the Contl-10011- 1 ti. ....... ur orcein uepiorahle con crowds or newsbots, telegraph bovs. It W understood that all of the work Just as large ns this with women tutin " of .Mr. Meer or Mr, stenographers and capitalists. will be done outside of the present ditionl Is the., fault . me to do the npposlli thing. who wanted "That may be. Senator." replied Mis rch.ingel (iabrlel. plants of the company, thus leaving u'.n,ie!!"', "r If the- suffragists expected to get any you snow i.ick 01 miitiiienee In. iioisk tain, "hut It worked Jut the KH" n"u " ,v""d In the Secre- - satisfaction it unhampered In Its ordinary business.!, from UV.ormau iilre:,.K' tile Wllich method .am.. has ilv..ti If thc company makes a net profit of lr- - 1k',ttrr wnlcn reveals the fact that ine were mucii nusMKen. fir they left .ton Why are you In States? Thtie was considerable dlsatlsfactlon lfi.MOO.000 on the first order, which is1 i' ornclal council of advisers, the Ms oltlce a saddened and r.uher (rate Mich a hurry, ladles?" win the Senator had Mulshed. n',v"- solemnly group. J?1 ; conservative. It wltl liavo iieiietp nuve sucn forty inatierN snouid waited "J list the white woman of tli.. Smith cried tears." "'at our lack of naval earned Its present common stock Uvi- -, warnw' 1. woman, o. 10 me ann negro for a tote"' aked miv tne "ne .xir sain ?enuior ask the Moisevaln Icy has iilaced us n a t.osltlon of inf..,i. after .Mrs. Crystal Henedlct Kastman, torted. "Can freedom .1.,,.,- t..r ete- - come too df.egate. and eterybody laugh.. when I . .. 1, I1UIIOIIS. Htlll II... It t nez ...... .. (n.rloM fi..niiuuic Thn ....I.I.I.. r.flnn. n, a "'"J ...v .....w...i. e. uictnjsjild, 'They have Jut as uri the ..irf. Jii". onii' ii .tllllioiiano lnfwelnellv l '"'"I"!!.' ha contracted to supply shrapnel . f"n,V nl,J lioissevaln, Mrs. .John lto,-eJ. Vn m."' and well." said M"Ah. Mrs. "pen- - ItiiRli Inltueuce ,te though thev had the Henedlct. and 8 '!K explosives to the amount of nbotit . " '.," P'c seem to forget that we are not en- - vote " re" William Colt had spoken. , , ' learn OUO.000 to tho "1 am opposed to uunece-isar- y .ViJ.T K This wh',hHJ ' changes "rely without a weapon. The enfran. . "That is an old argument," was the order, until yesterday, waa reported as ; "f'n" women of those in the Constitution. We have lit, si and States answer "We can't ! fuoled with that .till pending. The American locomotive prospered under It for more than i:.1 I""1 to our aid. It Is onlv a any longer." ' Company will till half of the order. Tho "". " L in- - i'1r ,".'Cf' ,W.Vh It was nil over whtsi th- admonishes iih to inestlon of educating them and when " I'rudc-neconother half will be divided equally be- - ' 1' r, "I1, ?h"niT"?, In 1 T ow about removing ancient lanj.'",p' '" educated t know how cluded with ''Nothing thatSenator has he,.n ' """?-" we I'.nstrrn women are Pound they will : " ..i noi marky. tween tho New ". , ' ork Air llrake Join- ald to. day here my has red opinion alt. mines, torpedoes nnd ammunition pany and the Westlnghouse Air Ural;.) uaiiii toKetner and refuse to senil hack that It is purely a State question l.n-- ! asiilngton ConiDanv. The order was t.laced ltv J. are-,. sufficient in the Judgment of the ltepreentatlves and '" Mhiki-.I- i turtainlng I tppetal tniii-a- . in views hee ' nance or itirr.t that I ... nav p inrpn a. i the SploitorM . onictrs Will. "" t n,.f in...... c'.inunt an .lecoiiir adticate of the plan To permit the Federal ilovemmtlit ral amendment. The l'rraseil Steel Car Company. It to the Federal Constit.iuon I to Interfere with the suffrage l to d- t- I . ot m Word of . A t.n.. .fl was said jesterday by a representative I'.!., - as ver ii. ':a.l as i.incuti ,n t'e Sen-at- stroy the fundamental rights of the u olwlnkeil with thlt, tale '.f Stte,of an official of the company. Is nego- 'Vet. unless I am very much mistaken. p't-ndv.icate ,iov to .inn nl tiie . . . ci.ti.- - i.ui auiipi ignis. r,,ti you lilanie us for think- - t oust" i'. oil j .... :.r the Secretary says not one word about ....... ., but ha not yet completed to do o litng that ton adopted this slogan merely mt tin., contra, t for 110,000,000 of freight cars the all lmsirtant nuestlon of the speed. nooutu uurage i see no reason to,.' 10,lor uussia. The contract calls for lamer hick ot sjieed, of our lighting shilis. '00 cais. chinese-america- n II A Hro vn. "Tlii question of our readiness for war HINDU of the Crucible Steel Company, denied yester- - wltl1 n" efficient enemy is worth discus., day that his company had received .i '"K nt some length. The !ecrt taiy's Wilson'-- . I'nnk, Onu Ivoou, I. el. no tSS.noo.DOO war order. He said, how-- 1 ""re assertion that our ships wete In a POLICE AND COURTS ever, that the company had received ' position to make a brave showing nier lean tlrlde. SEEKS SHIPPING AID an order from tho United States C.ov-- 1 against the Mexican navy nnd the W'tstllNiiTos', April 30. If the g oil for armor nlerclnc nroieetlles west wind at Vera Cruz will not stand thing" to eat on the President's taelit ami gun forgings. To take care of this " moment against the positive order the company Is enlnrglng Its are not quite so goo,, now),,,,,, Twiee , Haeed at Harrison, N. J. to At- i Operations of Flske. of Clef 011 .Jdinlra, to . menVa Kimull Pa,,-.e,,d l Ti t nil Tr niisUlU.v li tV.Ht UKUtsKZ,. "Some of the particular assertions will have to eercle a little foiheai- Outlier Oasli. ein I Coiiutpss. which I hate heretofore made and ami'. llnue Total shoivii li- - liiiiiute ot which the Secretary entirely paves un Foi 4. ling as a married pietty Amer....... answered are tneso ""' "' J"e''- "I Invite your attention to the fact Having heen twice placed on board inn girl ami after a week on a I'on I.uIh Izqulerdn Chlleai. delegate William 11. Joyce, president of the ?Jil,"n ,," ,st "f. '"'v' ,.9M' honeymoon he fears It may to for India and. it was Flnan-.aiVi. C0,,""'ny- f"ur.hbVdace.0,::;:ringl to' -.- ng been finally taken into lake a stilggle to get down again to gre.s,the J', "r0",!W"5"-who arrived yesterday by the est supplies puy that figures. At that time custody by the Immigration authoilties the commonplace of preparing dinners United own official 0ur Fruit steamship Carrillo. said in us lotintry will aggregate ono billion the warship tonnage of flerm.iny. built ror deimrtatlon, Mahomet llatsu. a for tin. President of the United State, the main purpoe of lii mie.ion was t.. building, had grown to over one ii,i,io .,, land 1" ,.,.r,i1,, for the mil his Cabinet ndvlrrs "csu-The estimated amount of wur contracts; million thre hundred thousand ton- -, advocnte the e.talillslnii. iit .if n..i. ui, for begglnK. ler which bonds were applied for to our w!'11'' 0,lra w"" Mis. Florence Ai.p.M. n yeaia h,ea between the United St it.", mil the tlla" nhn hundr?d r""rth l"n" "lMl" ,,y Ml'l',"'',le lundiy In old, Is the American girl who has t:,ken "" w,i omimny during the last four months " ho th"1",an'1 , ' "f S"U,,, A'"'-'- ' "M':lwbllc the waiehlp tonnage of Yorkvllle. court In If.Ou ball until tint the President's Chlne.e cook as a life Mld."aggreeates considerably In excess of w,y" '"lh down the b.iv ! a icv- two The were ,married the ' , KOConotaking" "nm.gron otl.clals could be not.t.e... m" ,7" e.lrer pastor of th" Wilson Memorial Metlioillft eniio ciittet. aboard of which wet,. Sp... into consideration tlmst tluit were declined -t u. wnm '"ooinaiMi iusi hJldscopal Church King iiiflcd on tlilM .lal Deputy Collector Cerniany nnd the United States com- well as tboso that were ueiepted. Martin Filthier Jl en France was a little ahead notlc of thu police when lie was brought "If other leading companies received of Ma.,.,,.. ,,.., ., hl. iU.hM Into the Tombs court for vagrancy. M,'nr PPlicatJons in tlm wane iiroportlon, it ' t of edged the night Is 'traft nat,, he happiest ,., the ,VT"i,I niufsent- chinaU".0?,l.,.,.i"..5 t1'?- "Vl" "boeless. Mocklngless. clad only an ould indlcntt) that the iipproxlimto .".'.!, i" man wno ever worked for a pr, deiit "''.ir Ailnilral Usher, and i.'apt. Hal- lagged a of trouseia umlerhlrt pair and defence! mount of miterial to lie purchased in this quati) for our ,.d illllllllll l Wllf Doiot M.lJol-(!eiIcplesentllig country for foreign nations would reach 'Ah to submarines, Admiral Vreeland and almost frozen lie could speak on!) Wood. the stupendous wnn of one billion dollars, testified that we need one hundred suba few words of Mngllsh lie was supDon I.ultt said thejiced of a t If posed to hate deserti. t from the steamIf this is true, it does not takn any great marines for harbor defence alone. n reckon the which is at the hot- HUSBAND marine heen impressed upon the atrctch of Imagination to neurit uhat u oi of the sea, and If you reckon all ship Clt.t of Newcastle, which arrived ptople of Chile, and South America gen- wonderful impetus it will givn to the in- ... 11 ,1,. ......... l.n.. t,... 1...II.. .... ul.1t..ilriAU ,,. HER cr.iuy i tiie withdrawal of Kuroiiean ought to be In those which and mr"l,s e tluitljieap Magistrate J1 llou-(.""",r:.. for his arranac.l h inrirndanr Ii f lit 1 ia ..II nsr. .1 i d ill lirt'i ti am fit at shipping from the Pacllit tiecau-.of thc wxn",r ha",B f,"m th.i-,n- d, - submarines which are building, yo-of mechanics will be ployed.1 tie .t tfiioiniw win nnn inai we nave just imy-nincountries of the western part of sorry lot they are. many of them at posed to be safely on his way. when on Marirarcl C. Cnrrnt hers Centre th 'Thenilneiit," Don Luis went on. "must BIG SUGAR WAR ORDER. ''""V 12 he appeared again, this time Continent," March Don Ltil. went on. "mutl the of Dinner Time o at "One of the most significant state- - 1,1 hate a merchant in irlne of their own. th" "ofrlsatita courc having added which I have called again and Federal Compii,,,- - p, Make :t,OOI),. ment and it will he in) finleavoi- to get tho Hotel Seville. again to the attention of the powers shoes and stockings and .1 coat to his eoopci.ttlon of the people of the United HIO Milpinenl. that be Is Admiral Flske's tchtltnony apparel, lie was placed In charge of States In building up a merchant murine i'.',1. .K',U",", I'rolmtlon Dlllcer Ilamll. who saw him ZXlW ,nk" '!Ve which will tafeguard us against future ToNitrns. K. y Aptil 30.-Federal navy ,.,.. .v.. to condition ' What ,..i,i, t.i i,,..n.i you doing here with my disaslei arc H'liar Itefining Company received a f .l.ono.- - till luiriKH iif. rilHiriu nga, sailing Kast steamer " on for India wife-war order for sugar shouted a man In the lobbv of I "I am in favor ol mutual subside and It Is "If by any ohance you still continue .... ..i. . mean by that the United Statis to t, the laigesi order for sugar to think that the navy Is prepared for ' Hut on' March 17 "0t"1 ""' lvUlW' Twenty-nlutstreet and chile, and both re; a red once he perhaps South ever received by one concern in the Madison avenue, to another when American countries, shall, other United war he explains that much to hi- - sur- mure, charged again with tagtancy, and hy' Mate. It means that 2.1,000 tons of granu-te- d prise lie has discovered 'an alarming Yorkvllle sentenced in the to hotel tourt watt aid. In patrons crowded the attlst with establishment of direct at of ofllcers nnd men In ids own thirty d.i)s cm lllackw.irh Island, s.igar mint be delivered in a little 'steamship services. Let the Unlteii the dinner hour last ntglit '"ore than two months. The sugar Is to fleet, Meanwhile the limnlgiation authorities .States and Chile ... , Mart the niotenient. you "Have been able to fathom tht were t.otlllcd and said that they would '"",w,'r "r ' shipped to Kngland ''""' other South America,, countries wlsli It was purchased reason why Congress continues to reh an Hngli-make arrangements for deporting hlni accompanied by a handsomely gowned our tihlps to call at their ports the) nnd French syndicate to build thefl dreaUnniiaht when his time win. expired fuse woman, clinched with the angry husband ''an bear their shin f the burden Louis stickel., superintendent of the crulseis which all the rest of the worln The term .xplrcd on April If, Yestei- - ,1I1C the two rolled do ., "Tl"' N'"1 ,'IT"(, adoption of Hdrnr 'oirpanr sV. that nhnm !trssl Is it uieiely because the hotel stens is hulldlng. i.... tt'jviid work night and tlay for two dreadnought cruiser costs six million . ..... ..... ... months ...c ..w. rqu.tii ,,,,0 rel.ltllillK between tile I l.iteil o fill the order ot iionam more man a iireadnougnt r on lower rtilrd atenue. still ill scant nt- - traded by the ciowd of men and women StatesMinn and South American couinrlin lln. w.i, re, elvetl with iy hepj y He had Ml i ents in his pockets, tire who had left the tables to watch the Valparaiso is jiow iw.nt) tlucc dins 'he workmen of the Mahomet way of begging was to rub light, lushed titer and separated the steaming from New York. ANIMALS DINNER GUESTS. ror S0Ine VVV would his stomach, wall htH eyes, and mutter, pair , t that time down eoiiHlderahlv by (wMi! !w.,,nini' ll'1, '""'i, running onlv on wo days, 1 ' 11,1 runt eying the Idea that man The lind who th,. I"1' in been lobby putting "f 'be old I oil so n I llniipe iiIiik ships in swifter the Im ii. ""! I '.' or,'1''1' service" When l.nily it had been two da)H slnco he had eati n. and who uavi. Ills nmnn ns ll.,rv i ark again on full time. Th.. n,..,. t.,.....i...... ...I i ..I. .nil... , iMiKicsa ....... u ,.1,1 lu "O It., ... ........ ... ...... ll ..-ij;- oi ...,p ..... tliicltenrle K MiriM.i. etiilliilertltlns. ii,., ill ii... loiineeit Wasliiiiglon meet lu on Ma) 21. AID FOR AUSTRIAW0UNI)ED. ployed by the News Asso- Ilesiile.s the half hundred exploteis, insisted upon the mrem of his hunters, natiiiallsts and wrlleis, Hon BANKER GUILTY ; DUPES CHEER. Hb ship,,,,,,, opponent tor assault. Hertz's hum, was NEIL FORSYTH DROWNED. culis, o young leopard, two vheetalis ami ,illrIllr1( bleeding and Ills clothes wete lorn. The a hlack ape attended a jungle dinner Crotvil of .Hill In l He itfiif To., I,,,. l'p roar When tllo wete taV" before Lieut. Selfert M given at I lelmoiilco'.s last night by Lady Hummer of llonl Opera Loses Life '' ' ' 300 cases mid bale tlit. West Thirtieth street station. Ailolpli Xlinidel U l oo vleletl. Palm trecH had been of iliace .Mackenzie i! Mrs, Hertz, according to her bus. garuieiitH, While Siiliiiiiu I'lsliliiu, weighing fio.onn placed along the walls of the loom and Adolph Mnndel, a private banker at baud's story, Is a writer of llctiou, irids Hi.. ...ill.,,.!., iia.. .....I.. ....... r. ..!. 'i tauieii it fin .lin ...Ill l. L"5 Itlvlnglon stlect, was convicted flttrlnl ('ah)t Hrihitc, to Tin: Si public the .Margatel ns known C. t" platfinuis iimlei ,. a ' ' ""' tiiierli an lied Cro on the nill of accepting a deposit when he CarrutlierH. He asserted that sin, t lalNPOK, April 30. Nell I'oI'Mlh, ,oi ror dlnilhiitlou lit- foliage. (' knew h1 bank to bo Insolvent by a jur) his hotlli. three weeks in ml'o ntul Hint I,,. ' i.f llcral inaiiairi.r of ,1m i,u.,l .,.... '... Among those lied Cross at attended the annual nciore .nisiice imvih in tht Slllireoiii 1.....1 . i u..,,.i,l,l.,., r.... i greater part of the ship- - banquet ami had set Imfoie them as part was iliowned yesterday i"' , . Wl Court. the verdict was an. i rinL ,"n,,"",, "f specially ileslgn.iteil uf the mum slull'td caales' eggs, ro.isl liollliced to f,00 men ami women deposl,lln tWry l"' '" - 0f Ulanlown, Scot- ' K3 lliglilleth West street a hotel .. n. n hoi. loin- - .... i ' HOIKO', l,gyl- - .u,n ..,n,.. yl(p.. !,. loom uoor mere clerk. While her husband was inakhiL-r ' he rlf,w,. co,,trll.uUon-welie was Sal..,,,,, tlshlng ''""'I''"'"' Mrs. Hert,. or Miss Car- do,',',!' re-- i Uailng, Tlieodo,.' Sturgls, l':. .VI Sl'iel. Miat jus' ice" ill d ilh ,,, ti... MA HO COURT HOUSE SITE t I - - SENT TO TOMBS liocclvcrs Ifcpoi't, Tli lit April Siili'S Kxcccil Tliosn of Sumo IVrioil I, nsl Year. JL ACTS TO COMPLETE ; BIG IN BANKRUPTCY ,ililllllBIlll"P' f BOGUS NOBLEMAN I , ,. plant, and the imyme of new ma chinery. The westini;noue company lias pur- ch.u.ed an entire plant for ue In tlllliu: the order and has leased others. The order Is to be completed even though the war comes to an end before the, lilies are ready for delivery. ...ot 1.0 i.r .,..1,... aid. The understanding was that 'll Mcond order of the samo size would 0011 be concluded. Sir Trevor Dawcon. one of thc man- - GREENHUT BUSINESS ' IMJKS A on the matter, they replied that the ounrnvp, m , "- , company would expect compensation, continue to Fo throuttl, increased price of the rllte. f,r. contlnnes t . appropr at. foi the", the cost of preparation to till the older, including tho expense of aildlnK to the WUIir. n t'liuiimrlsoii. pres-en- t 1. p, . ap- - - April .10. Congressman ' of Massachusetts has , "'It" to rcspm.n Id the latter' request ,;,ft tint In- comment upi.n the views or or the Navv Daniels In hi . .. . , published April . to 1'rcsldent , t!u of William: CI lege. Tintec In part s.tys: "Alv Dk.vii Phuc. .'.trr It .ippea.s I'lcsideir liarilrld of Wllll.l ill- - Co), lege recently wrote to Mr. Daniel g (or mi authorllullte statement .10 that he might ho In n position to "mewl the statementi in.'ule by ltepreentatiti( C.uriltier of Massachusetts a that tiie rutted states In at present utinre- ,.ne,i ror military einei Heinle If Presldflil llaillelil of Wlllf.tto. was looking for an answer ti my Inwas disappointed, in th of his wry long letter the Scere-ttdid not undertake to meet the1 - rtiuiin which I lime made, although ' lie iKvemfiilly i,iet n (rood many as.-on. whli'li illd not make, ansertlono. ! the way. which 11,1 one lunaue nsynim won h he kHv to make 0. the Seoretaiy trlmn .is.,.rt!. ami n erw helmlncly Im iiroMv that the Mnerloin lmi more'nuumt.'mtiv equipped tnan ev'.r ", as me lu.iioiui'ii American navv ! , .,. f,. " "" . c,t, ll(J , Known , u: o.lllt.nv ,..u, i, .11 WtsiflN'o-roN'- , uVt bj the Wcstlnghou.e Klectrlc and " Tho JOGGED BY GARDNER j MAY SATURDAY, 200 SUFFRAGISTS SAD AND IRATE WHEN O' GORMAN DENIES THEIR PLEA DANIELS'S MEMORY NEW WAR ORDER ON SUN, r. ! - -- - ' . r- l , r I cham-I't-nnii- . 1 1 1 . 1 $;... Pien-ilerg- - h - war.-hoii..- . : lue s - 1 - - I s 11 s i I ope-atlo- -- Mason-Seama- et-f- s r". .1 . -. l.-- s 111 . SANITATION - 111 Pn-utn- W i l. AUTHOR'S FIGHTS F-- tl. ".!' men-hun- ESCORT i uu.-im- . , The l. ' w.-u-s ' ''' 1 h 'Ml ' , pt. H xx n,,,,,,,, -- I lo-d- - iicar-Jiing- le , Z,' : , , " 2"Voir, '( ( Vp in National I', I. 1iff.1t ,.r it. . Wur total .Vf, ' ,nl1'' ( H.fii.J.titl rnd, io!n".r':: uc.asrii" ,,l ' f.r(J , "'32,! ?,,r.o. ". total. ll Mi n.lel' bank was c "Hed by lHt All- ,Hln''l'U'Vr,,;::' ,tl,(,1'i"-'ldepositors The books showed their total depos lis to 11.. xi .i.ui have been I'.', 10(1, non, To Kin, ICfforts to release It W1IH IthoW'll that .tfnndel bn,1 In it Ihe o.J nil.. ....... ' lvr.11 inn. I.. .0.., , , . ,.w .. -v r aK.ound a t he en ra tii.iiiK.--Japan since Apill II, are still unsuc- - ,.u ll'H Mnndel opened a .I.' new set of 1,onkH ,jeo, nt,cm,t" nn(, mive CtarlLU """' them to show Inflated real estate valuta for 1900,000. l ) Tn w. "rate ami W " c ! '"" tiiiiin-riiir- to n; Itolsrts, J W f r , ; , 'V" VVhen '. i .;....'.'. '.: "l'-'"- Mrs. WII,I '''I'"1 Turning to the ciirjous pels,,, s ' who had gatheted ehe criedashore and her husband followed her, "My husband was a brut., to me nnd ,10 .,im four yatds of the bank, when. I left him several w.a, t. i t "'M,, ,,own""'' gamekfeper was never, never go back to lilm " . . ... 11, dear" A v , I,. " " '" '..? .1 , ll' ,1) l,lu..wl ,i.,,l "''' n ,,1,,., u., e.,,,- 1.1.. f,M" I'"1. " '""t "r. " nwi ens. ncris lesiineu tor mill lie Noll Forsyth, medallist of many only had $7 left after the trip to the Seville and Mr. Herts promptly paid trlea and fellow In many ocletle, was the balance. born In 1S66, Stern Brothers neanc ?3rJ Streets, y e - ''(;-(- Salurrfmj, al (, 1tst at Ftttt my ivt 'nut. tlccitiid ictlucttait, Two Splendwi Ctrou)? of Alen's Silk Lined S)rini Overcoats al S .16.50 and 21.50 n .iim-iiial- - .Men's Light Weight Suck Suits-- . . at 318.50 . nt $9.7.') RoKtihir Value $25.mi I )ait . acimn-pllshe- il .x y if Si. Lulls. Aprli "0- - That Ida ue for the failure ,.f the I'.inanii Canal '. ne'v itil'.ait authorities to do away with was due to the chairman iiialaita th.-'f the coniinislon appointed in 1907 ' was the clt.i'ge made bj Dr. W. C., Surgeon-tienera- ! f the United ' in an uldres States army, VV'.ishliigton University Medical the Sell, ol dedication Dr C.orgas told how at the end of his tlist four tears work, in I!",', the iiiala'i.i rate had been ledilccd from 21 pet- l.nOii to 22 lie t ii of a Hew tonmitssioil being' continued: lilt in tiowe- - in U'07, 'In 1'iHx all power on the Ist!imu wa. i out eutr ite.l In the hands ,f n .ingle man. the! or the commission. This otllcer tin, light it ndtisa-lilto make radical changes in the ll, 'til, ',1s of sanitation These ..'innees, ordered lit- the clialnn m, totk work out ,f uf the tin- hands of the s.iiili.ut' authorities and placed them In the hand of men Mini had tin special knowledge of aigtlcd against tllete win I,. i haiiges. but lu no at all " (I Dr. told of his ilfiein expeileiii e in tr, plea I H.ililtatlnu. especially In Cuba, am! said that could lie hate continued his woik In i'anaint the tesults would hate been the same a. In llatatia. am) i:e canal workers would hate been entltely free from ui.ilaiia, as w.te the cltiens of eel continccl Unit II oui .ban- "1 in. in of Pius bad been able to put tit t effect lu Hull the methods ae fun nl on me in pin we could not hati the sanitur) success at Panama , which wo had acco'iipusheil prior p.iOS," said Dr. (Joigns . ItcRtilar Values $111.50 ami 15.0(1 Also in our Men's Custom Tailoring Department, ( tnh rs irill he taken To-ln- if Men's Hlue or lllaek Suits. ,a(,. Hfgtilar viilucs .fllO.OO, il'J.OO iind ;i,r,00. for to nuasure; at $5.00 The Men's Shoe Depart menl CAPTURE OF HANEL NEAR. llclcclltes llelletc tin,, Wiiuleil for tinnier Is With Circus. New Vork detectives sea: dilng for Joseph linn, I, wauled for the minder of .Mis .lull. i llellner, Pollc.i Commlsslonei Woods fron I'lill.nlelphla .lestciila) that the) e traced llauel to that cil.t anil eNpici to h.u c him under ariesi prnbahb t "dav. nut l.ili tn. in .Momlav at an) ct tit Thm sa.t the) le.n mil that llano b "I applied for a Job as cook ,,, the Halley circus nnd was to llarnuin eiilot, op hat. Joined Hie show in Moud.i) With lids It.fnruiatioii and additional clues the detectives .say the) are positive they can reach the fugitive. I I Long I'rouscr Suit?, Months." On the Main 11"' o( Fluor, ti (ith Avenue Itiijhhj nnd tllrd important sale Men's Oxford Ties, .v Nery specially priced al .PO. Strr-r- t To-d- ai Entrance uf r pair Tlipy arc miuli' un the favoritt' flat last m liltick anil calfskin anil liave tho apjicarancc (if a IiirIi cost runt inn nupio ,hne