This Week
This Week
itfoen. VOLUME 49. No 18. This Week South Amboy, N. J., Friday, August 2, 1929 uwroni WorKmen rian I Scouts Local Streets Blocked i'or i^ew Kecortis in With Stalled Cars By Hatting iioay O Apciuent Prevention Again Last Sunday Drowned lviun in Price Four Cents. New Wire riant Wants Several Hundred COUNTV TAX BOARD ! 5 Acre Tt act Within j Local People Attend CUTS VALUATIONS I City Limits Of So. Amboy I Governor's Day Fete HERE YESTERDAY Monday Traffic More Dangerous Parlin Plant With 171 Daya Record Brooklyn Man Bathing at Sea iireezu Power Co. to Use $1,000,000 Yearly "Bill" Dey Secures Italian Boys Band Action On Appeals Filed By LocaS to Join iti Ivlove .With iU Otlier Lout Sunday—Find Body Here Than Sunday Because of High of New Concern's Product. And Bus To Head Delegation Tax Payers Mostly Heductiom Hants. Wednesday. Speed, Headed by tile llalian Boys' Hand, Tne local tax a;-i'ssoiv have been Representatives of the Port Jturiseveral hundred Smith Amboyaiis "Old Man Acciilunt" was interred Donald c'eistei1 and-Charles Iveov- tan Commission, the Lions Club, of left this city yesterday for Sea Girt, informed by Ll.e Cuumy Hoard ol! Traffic conditions here over the 1 with appropriate ceremonies by the ininn . lioth of Parlin, boU young lust week end were- almost its bad as this city; the City Council, the Jer-w::ere they paid tribute to Governor Taxation as to their action ill the apJ ul L.eboys, found the body of u di'uwnci. sey Central Power & Lignt Co., and .Morgan 1*'. Larson, uf Middlesex peals of certain residents oi Vhia the memorable Fourth of July holi- empiujucr; ut Uie i urim plant 1 Brisbane day week end. Kai'ly Saturday after- uui'oia c-ompany during t'lie noon man in a. bathing suit Hunting in HieMayor Andrew N. Kvist, met here County, upon the occasion nf the city. Their appeals were heart! at » noon the line of cars going toward nour on \\ c'Uiiesiiay. 1i'/ic ijuriui oi water as they were .swimming neai Monday night to organize for thefirst Uepublican "Governor's Day" to joint meeting of the local assessors the sea shore was so bad that people the elfigy representing injuries Lu Perrine's Dock near here Wednesday purpose of locating within the city be held in ten years at the State with the members of the county MAN DEFEATS NATURE wanting to cross the street at the in-workmen i'or I'J'JM initiated a driveafternoon. With the help of pusseio- limits here of a new copper wire Cninp Grounds. liird .-.eld in the City Hall several UguuuL tne seventy piuiits ol t'liu by the body was brought ashore am, plant. As a result of the meeting it CHAIN STORE GROWTH tersection of Main street and Stevens LlU'U The Italian Hoys' Band, in natty jeks ago. At a meeting of tha J IJU1 UIIL concern for a record of no removed to the morgue of E. H. Maaveriue were unable .to do so without developed that all that, is now reUP GOES WHEAT white uniforms, were placed in County Board of Taxation in New accidents throughout the montii ui son & Son. There by reason of rings quired is a suitable site containing now the assistance of a police officer. AB1RD BOOT1ECGER a bus, and Director Williuni S. Dey, Hrunswick, they handed down tha worn by the man he was identified us gusO. Tine i'urlin plant has opsome five acres of ground. Sunday evening the northbound of the Board of Freeholders, and following judgments: Tho Jersey Central representative Congressman Harold lloffniiin headMan consistently surpasses the per- traffic was stalled for hours during erated 171 days, up tu tVednesuuy, Abraham Cohen, i!8, of Brooklyn, That the assessment against Sum» who hud lost his life while bathing oxplained that/ negotiations between ed the delegation as it left for the 'I Lerner, block 7G, lot 35, land \ formancea of nature, the evening. It was long nftier mid- without a major accident. Tno iUeJrose Accoruion Band fur- near Sea Hrec/.e, Stuten Island, IKH his concern and the wire plant people scene of the festivities. $1,300 be reduced to $850, building; V Locomotive and automobiles out- night that the congestion had lessenruh-,#ie deer. Airplanes already out- ed enough to allow a car to pass nished music lor a parude or mock long after live o'clock Sunday a'fter- has progressed to a point where he There were many cars in tihe line, ¥1,800 bo reduced to $1,200, buildcould admit that if the nirw plant which joined with the Perth Amboy ing $1,200 be cancelled, personal fiy any bird, and will do better when through this city without stopping at luneral procession urounil the piuiu noon. Cohen, it appears, with hiH wife, located licie his concern would pur- caravan us it passed through this $200 be cancelled. they stop imitating birds and create all. During the early evening hours weunt'suay in wliidi Beveral uunureu a brother-in-law, Les- chase from it upwards of a hundred city. The local people were bedeckBroadway, Stevens avenue, Main employees took part. Tne procession Ruth, iJO, and That the assessment against Ceo. an entirely now plane. enuetl in irunt ol tno mam OIIIIT.I ter HchuniL1, also of Brooklyn, had thousands dollars worth of wire per ed in giiyly-eolurai ribbons, nnd R. Ueliiney, block Vl\, lots 1 and 1-2 street, Bordentown and Pine avenues Bulls of Bushun bellowed and were were filled with cars four and some- ui wie plant where a grave had bee.ii spent the day mu'.jring un the island month providing the Jersey Central were much in evidence nt Sea Girt. of 2, land $1,000, be reduced to $800, heard afar. The microphone talks time's five abreast. And even then prt'purutl in whiuii to lay ' Olu Jlan and enjoying a park. Late in the af- power was used in its manufacture. "Mother" Houlihan, famous local buildings $2,400 be affirmed. around the world. Man's latest de- some of the drivers were not satis- AcciUent" for a long, long rest. Tnuii. ternoon, as the tide was going out, Councilman at Liirge .1. Raymond political worker, was prominent That the assessment against .Meyer feat of nacure is the creation of an fied to leavo room enough for onewere movies lukun ol t/ie prucccn- they innde their way to the beach to Mulloy represented the Port Haritan among those who were greeted by lurber & Uros., block 11U, lots 18artificial ear "a thousand times more car to go in the opposite direction. intja,, the duininy, the cotlin, work- enjoy the bathing for a short time Commission; Chief of Police (Jleiison Governor Larson, at the "Little nd li), land $850 be affirmed, buildsensitive than the human ear, that •ig $0,100, be reduced to $5,000;. During tho heightli of the traffic men preparing the grave and later before returning to their home, lu and (leorgc A. Kress, the I.lons Club White House". picks up tho faintest danger signals congestion here Sunday evening one tilling it in, etc. me reiuiint wading in Cohen got into a deep hole ijouneilnicn Anton G. Nebus and The bus for the band was furnish- personal $1,000, be reduced to $500coming chrougui the i'og and tells the driver with a car load of people was oi me burial .service wie imnn pmyeu left by a sand sucker somo time ago Walter Inmun, tho city. Mr. Kress ed by the genial "Bill" Dey, while That the assessment agaitust Eddirection whence they come." taken ill and yet wanted to get to"1 Love Vou". 'l'ue purnuu ior a when the machine wutf used in filling was selected as chairman to head Kcrd Tedtfico, chairman of tho mu-mund C. Tomaszewski, biock 82B, Anything that men can imagine the Hotel Madison in Perth Amboy. nine inarcaeU to inu £)Li'iiins U, in land nearby for a real estate dc- the- committee. sic committee raised the funds for building $1,100 be affirmed. "iieartr My (Jod To Xhee . Tne vulopiiKint, lie wiin SUCH to titi'uggle .they can,do. The nuw plant representative ad- tho band through popular subscripThat the assessment against United Finally Officer Quain wus delegated gatnoring at tho oi'ficus was ndilrcss- and his vvifo in going to his assist- mitted that his concern wus ready to tion. N. J. U. It. and Canal Co., block 213, ride the running board of the carud uy H. K Forty-five chain store organiza- to Luctey, aaiea kunagor, uncu narrowly uvcaped the same fate erect) several large buildings if u 42.820 acres, land $20,050 be reductake, it through and past the and li. l&. MickeiK, empioymeiu niantions, in June, did $230,281,747 busi- and ed to $23,(150 (4.87G acres of tract Troopers • on the Victory ager, unu otlier jnunt OIIJCUIIS. 1U1. that overtook her hus'bund, tho bro- suitable tract could 'be uncovered ness, gaining 23 per cent in a year. State ther helping her to safety. Uefoiv and that the plant would afford emconveyed to State). Bridge.. The driver was reported by Latcnur, a lugmy skmvu paimc. (Sears, Roebuck stands first with the life silvers from a nearby station who ployment to a great many men, most) That the assessment against Unitofficer as appearing to beweuli diiys aim u gouil ptvuclivi' ol u sales of $25,747,979; Wool- very local honril the drowning man's cricB, got of them of the type that command ed N. J. R. K. and Canal Co., Block sick by that) time. Wc4rth next, $23,000,000; Montgonv Sunday, conduct*", lue uurini ser- to him, the body had sunk out ol comparatively high wages 111, 1.424 acres, land $G0U be canOfficer Ueiner picked George Ben- vices ami consigned the accident bo- sight. Grappling for tho body conWard third, $21,000,000. celled. (Property conveyed to> The committee, it ia since learned, nett, of Jersey City, from the trnffic gey to u warmer place than 1'aran. tinued ut the place until late TuesState). has located two, and possibly three, .^Newspaper publishers are interes- line Sunday for having no driver's day. The mechanical, cunslructioii und siteB that might be- found acceptable That the assessment against New ted in the policy of General Wood, license or registration card. The man powc-r dL'paiaineiits of luii! plant are Local polico authorities reported to the new concern, provided they Tabulation Of County Committee York and Long Branch Railroad! a, Wte'st Pointer, now president of was given a summons to answer here taking un active interest; in tne. 110Company and the Communipaw Centho llndiug of the- body here us soon can be purchased. The committee Voting At Sea Girt Yetterday Se*re,'Roebuck. He is constantly later. tral Land Company, block 11, lots 3 7 Traffic through here ia more dan- iicciauat, durum August drive. I'm as a (leBcriptfon had been secured by members are now endeavoring to building retail stores, promoting them Dui'ont plants in tne country have, secure options on the ground in quesOfficer Malis*e\vski. Coronor ilanuon William A. Kane, of New Bruns- to 40, land $2,100 be reduced t o gerous in the early hours on Monday with,. newspaper advertising. not been able in many years past 10 tion and another meeting is to be $1,890; block 13, lots 30-35, land gave permission for burial and the ; Sean, Koebuck, it is said, plan than it is on Sundays, according to operuti) for a month without an ac-relatives claimed the body early yen- held in the near future to go oveT wick, was the choice selected for $2,100 be cancelled; block 13, lots Census Supervisor when the tabulaKiveral retail stores in all big cities, local police authorities. The reason cident resulting .in injury to a work- terduy morning. the developments up to that time. tion of votes cast by members of the 48-53, land $1,800, be cancelled. lies in the speed at which the cars : one In Saab, smaller city. That the assessment against James The boys were among a party of County Committee was completed travel. The heavy congestion Sun- man some whero in the seventy at th© Governor's Day fete at SeaMaloney .block 10, lots 34-35, buildWhile the Government thinks days results in slow progress thru plants they operate. If the object ol about forty from Parlin under Miss Girt yesterday. Mr, Kane polled 148 ing $1,500 be reduced to $1,150. about it, Mother Nature helps some local streets. But Monday mornings the present drive, no major uccmeiiu Dora Forgotson. They will probably That the assessment against United! votes. His nearest opponent of the fwrtnert by injuring the wheat crop everyone is in a hurry and high speed at all during August, is attained, it be awarded a scout medal for the will be the greatest sufoly recoru field of five was Max J. Jelin, also N. J. R. R. and Canal Company, perhere and in the Canadian Northwest. is the rule. It isn't anything unusual ever made by any company or group find". sonal $5,000 be cancelled against of New Brunswick, who polled C3 , The price of wheat went up every- to see a car approach the curve at of companies. A major injury .s1 votes. Postmaster Robert CTTapman appellant and transferred to Patterwhere, Chicago, Winnipeg, London, Pine and Bordentown avenues at a defined by the plant regulations as served as one of the tellers in tabu- son & Hounds, of Xew York City. Buenos Aires, touching $1.36 a bush- speed of over fifty miles an hour. one which causes the injured man to That the~"assessment against E u lating the votes. Saturday Officer O'Connor issued lose time from work more thun tne el. The price was 96 cents a few Long Dry Spell Neccitatet Savings In Mr. Kane is 44 years of age; born gene A. Morris, block 119, lots 1-2, summons to Valentine Jurerig, of Dulanco of the day on which the injrmka agoSome Sections—Not Here Though. and raised in New Brunswick. He island' $1,600 be reduced to ?850. It is not so pleasant for those Elm street, this city; and Prank Sor- jury occurs, or which results in a That the assessment against Alex married and has five children. He farmers whose wheat is "irreparably onisk, of Laurence Harbor, as theloss or the loss of use, of some, memA notice urging conservation of was educated in the New Brunswick Waszkievicz, block 15, lot 10, buildresult-of a crash of the two cars on ber oi the body, such as loss of a ruined." potable water supplies was issued Public and High Schools and Wilson's ing $900 be reduced to $800, persona local street. At the insistance of W. T. Logan, Christian missionary the local man, Soronisk was taken to linger, or part of it. Cliffwood Beach Salt Water Pool from Trenton this week by the State Business College; employed by John- al $100, affirmed. returning to Buffalo, from the head- Dr. Eulner for an examination as to The drive has been in preparation Department of Health because of the son & Johnson over 25 years. He has That the assessment against ElizaHas Slogan For lti Brightneit, waters of the Zambesi, tells of a little his fitness to drive a car. Nothing was during the montii of July, tne manincreased danger of pollution and the been identified with the Republican beth and Mary Finley, block 40, lots bird that makes a hole in the river found wrong with him, it is said. Fi- agement having offered cash prizes The one feature of the Cliffwood long continued dry spell. The notice Party since reaching voting age; was 25-26, building $950 be cancelled. bask clay, fills it with fruit, lets it nally the damages for the accident for the best safety suggestions re- Beach Pool, which has attracted tihe reads as follows: That the assessment against Johra a delegate to the last State Convenceived from employees, slogans, ban- most comment . is the lighting at ferment and develops alcohol. "Conservation of potable water tion. He has been a member of the J. Coakley, block 48, lots 5-0, buildwere settled between the drivers. At the proper time the bird reEarly Monday morning the fire de- ners, etc. Any number of signs, ban- night This has met a real need. supplies because of the dry spell, was County Committee for 20 years, and ing $1,500 be reduced to $1,200. turns to its little clay vat, takes a partment was given a run to answer ners, etc. ,as made up by me-n at theTher« are,so many people occupied urged upon municipal authorities to- Secretary to the. Committee for 15 That the assessment against Celia drink and will fight anything. an alarm turned in from Box 32, at Parlin plant were features of the during the daylight hours with busi- day by the State Department of years. He will devote his entire time Oonlin, assessed for 1 1-2 acres, owns . W h a t coud our prohibition forces the corner of Bordentown avenue festivities Wednesday noon. 3-4 of an acre, land $400, be reduced ness, whose only leisure hours are inHealth. Engineers of the department to the census work. do about that? Satan, of course, and Feltus street. There really was a Every foreman in the plant at var- the evening. are making inspections of municipal to $250. educated that bird, far back in thefire—Suoh, as it was. The motor of ious times recently has made talks to supplies in the metropolitan area. That the assessment against Mrs. It is so difficult for most of us to Garden of Eden, very likely. Charles Kamps, land $750, be reducan automoble had got afire as thethe men under his direction dealing find a form of exercise that does not They report an extraordinary shrinked to $300. car stood near the lunch wagon on with the need of safety precautions involve considerable time and ex- age in streams and'reserves affecting That the assessment against Fred Bordentown avenue. The alarm was and telling them about tne coming pense. Swimming is the exception. the raw water supply. Allen Jr., personal $50 and poll t a x In the interest of water conservasent in at 1:45 and the fire was out drive. Employees were also require", It is one of the finest forms of phy$1, be cancelled. before the apparatus got to the burn- to sign a pledge card showing their sical development. It embodies more tion, the department recommended endorsement of the safety campaign varied forms of physical exercise the. discontinuance of lawn sprinking car. and their intention of co-operating to than all the so-called gymnastics. The lers. Some, municipalities are resortSpecial Officer Thomas reported two slight accidents near the inter- the fullest degree. All of tlia men are delightful part about it is that it is ing to the tapping of stand4>y sup- Four Clan Membenhipi at $3 to now wearing safety buttons as conthe one form of exercise that gives plies, which can be treated for do- $25 Per Year—All Should Help. section of Bordentown and Pine ave. one a real pleasure, after a hard mestic and household use. on Sunday. The automobile of Ben- stant reminders of the drive. day's work at business. , "Municipal authorities will soon be j ' h r a Dead Head. Got Budjamin Kubisiak, of this city, and that Local people, are said to be resScar* on Return Trip. of Thomas Davinno, of Matawan, With this in mind, especial provi- looking about, if the dry spell con- ponding to the campaign for memcame together with resultant fender sion ibas ben made for night bathing. tinues, for available emergency sup- bership in the South Amboy Hospital A profit of over eight hundred dol- damagos to both. The cars of Peter Overhead giant floodligjibs, each of plies in springs, ponds and wells Association. During the past week, lars was realized by Luke A. Lovely Hock, of Orange and John Green2,000 watts, pour their light down in- which have not been established as many letters were mailed out urging Hear Tklk On Accidents And Melrose Accordion Bind Play. Post, American Legion, as the result) wich, of Jersey City, also collided. to the pool, so that it is possible to potable supplies. It is in such emer- local people to take up a memberof the annual moonlight excursion to Hock refused to show his drivers' liread a newspaper anywhere in thegency supplies that danger lurks be- ship in this association, the proceeds The local Lions Club held another Coney Island last Saturday. The dny cense at first. Eventually the matter pool. These floodlights give a very cause they have not been subjected from this campaign to be given over rousing meeting at Cady's, Morgan, was ideal and over fourteen hund- was settled without recourse to the oven distribution of light above the to the established methods of treaU- to the running of the local hospital. last night, and greatly enjoyed a talk red excursionists enjoyud tihe delight- police court. Red Bank Man Here Tuesday Says water and also pour their lignt right ment for purification. Engineers re- members, $3.00 per year; member, on accident prevention by Harry ful sail to and from Coney and the do-wh into and penetrate the water. port that the pollution load has been ono may belong, as follows: associate Roseland, secretary of the Newark; Get Out of Beaten Pathi. festivities at the world-famed resort. Due to an optical illusion the pool greater in the emergency sources due There are four memberships in which Safety Council. The speaker urge<3 The trip was made without mishap, In a talk before members of the seems to be brighter at nijrht than to the dry spell. $5.00 per year; patron, $10.00 per his hearers to take prmiution* all although about thirty-live youths not South Amboy Kotnry Club ut Cady'e, during the day, because of the con"The department urges that muni- year; and donor, $25.00 per year. the time to prevent people getting: 'included in tho above number came Tuesday noon, Charles K. Champlain, trast afforded by the surounding cipal authorities notify it at once ii The local hospital has been run- hurt. lie said that there were more "Jicar spending the night at> Coney 1snoted stock company acior nnd di-darkness. Cahill Illuminators, which emergency supplies are to be tapped ning for a number of years, the bur- accidents in the homes of the nation, Ruid. Tliosu youths boarded tlie side rector urged that the/ service clubs of aro used at tho Cliffwood Beach for potable purposes. The state en- den of making ends meet, resting on due chiefly to thoughtless carelessoi\tjie ateamor "Sirius" when it l«nthe country do something to help the Pool, have been used by a yong list1 gineers will be available to assist :i few. The association is not asking ness than there were in all the n a dod alongside of sinno SIIUWB HI the aged who are in need, ih: Cluuu- of the foremost colleges in America lociil authorities in checking emer- local people to dig deep into their tions industrial ctUablisnmcnts. Barltan Mercantile dock in Perth pltiin, who was introduced by Presi- to light their football fields. gency supplies in order to provide pockets, but is offering everyone a Lion .Mnlis/ewski, who had t'hiirg« Amboy instead oC the city dock. Morgnn nnd Bay View Manor Body dent Robert Chapman, as America's It has been the experience at the the maximum protection to health." chance to do their bit, as this is a of the entertainment for tAe evenTo Hold Meeting Monday ot Fire most pnpular stock uutor, loved by Whon the captain miw his error ho The local water department antici- public institution and is worthy of ing, besides 1'urnish'mu the speaker,, majority of pools throughout the HOIISO, ,pulled up ulonuBiilo ot Use, right, dock. millions, jf:ivi! niie ol Die must inter- country that where there are- flood- pates no danger of the local water cooperation. Local people should feel 1 On tho roturn drip, the youths wort' esting talks liejrd ny members of the lights for night bathing there is a supply running low under present proud that South Amboy has such a had arranged I'm- the Mi'lrosL AccorA meeting will be held at the MorUnable to produce any return coupon local club in some tune, lie h a far greater attendance at night tnun conditions. The plant is pumping hospitnl, There are few, if any,dion Band to furnish music, whichj they did through.nut the evening. Edenjoying tho sights ut Coney, They gan lire h (Use Monday evening under member uf t.,e Ked bank Kolnry during the daylight hours—largely about half a million gallons of water communities in this section, ward rowers, of this city, furuishetS ware at flrsti refused passage un thethe auspices of lhV> Morgan and liny Club. Some time ago lie spoke tu due to the greater abundance of lei-daily, with no indication uf the long small can boast of such a lino institu- a series nf ccunic sketches based oix i and had ulso spent nl! ut' tlioir funds View Manor Improvement Assooia. members of the local club when meet1- sure hours most people have, as well drought having affected the avail- that historical incidents between courses (boot and put to one side1 of tho pier. tion for tin' purpose nf informing the ing.s were being held at the Bide-a- as to the peculiar fascination of able supply from deep underground. tion. Anyone desiring to become a mem- of the excellent dinner. \To give thorri a senro tin gang plank residents of the section affected tho Wce, Instead of giving all to the night bathing under proper lighting It' there should develop an emergenLion Elwood Brown had us hia Vlli pulliid'Aboard and tho siRiml to lotails relating to the. now free mail crippled and needy children, Mr. conditions. There is no one thing cy there is still available the water ber of the s association, may forward B\arb given. "However, the bout did delivery service wihich will start on ChampMin said, we should give some- that enhances the beauty of a swim- mains supplying Perth Amboy from check or money order to Richard ffiiest of the evening, George McCnbo Mack, Mnin street, secretary-treasnow of New York City. Over a qunrot start and tho youths wore relens- Sept. lGth. Letters havo been Bent thing to the old people who are inming pool as well as flood lighting. Kunyon. The local water department I nnd a wild scramble made t« gotout by the association to residents of need. In every town, he said, there The sensiltion of plunging into a has continued in effect un agreement urer, and the donor may be assured tcr of a century ago Mr. MeCabe waa that his donation will be greatly apMclrose, President Park, Roses Cora local man, he iieinK then a shoe>onrd Wio steamer whi'ii tho gang were old people who were badly in pool of sparkling brightness has anproviding that this city may cut in maker here. lank wus put bnck on the dock, ner, Bay View Manor, Morgan ami need and while they are living, noth- appeal to the swimmer obtainable in on this supply at any lime. In fact preciated. 'robably next year, they will buy ther sections affected urging them ing is done to help them, but in time no other way. With (iooi'tre Kress as chairman 0.2 on several occasions in the last year HOFFMAN ELECTED PRES. to bo present at the meeting. .heir tickerts. the cnnnniMiT the Lions are preparnf death, flowoiw lire sent and tho or two, by reason of emergencies The Cliffwood Beach Pool is also OF 114TH REGIMENT ing for an outing mi SuUen lslnnii Iiirsidents in the section affected conventional resolutions drawn un by avifiing nt the local plant these mains 1 must havo their mail lioxes in readi- some club or organization. Mr. equipped with under-wuter marine have been used to keep the stand Congressman Harold (',. Hoffman, lo In held in the near future. Lt'» ilium.nation. These wutcr cooled ness by September 1st. Failure of n Chiimpluin said lie would rather reFornian will be in charge of the next pipe full for short periods. of this city, line been elected presi•iifficient number of resident*! to ceive all praise and flowers while he marine lights aro sot in the aidewnlls dent ')\' the World War members of meeting at (.'July's. of the pool. The underwater illmlhave their boxes posted will moan is living and able to enjoy life, and the 115th Regiment, formerly the old mUiiuii is the Uti'gesl installation of AUXILIARY TO. B. It. T. the los^ ut' bile sei'viee. Postmaster not after lie hus passed away. HAVE PLEASANT MEETING 2!Mb Division. • The election took CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS its kind in tho world in proportion to Hubert Chapman, of this city, will be place at a conference of the memMr. Chaniiilniu also briiuglit a mes- the size of the puol. OF AMERICA NOTES The regular monthly mceling of bers at Wen Girt on Sunday. There . After beinir away from his parish present at the meeting nnil tell those SIIUT to the local club, when he spoke Some, times a thing is so obvious p present of tilt;style of box required, Tiie ! ee;i]]ai' meeting of the Cath1 tlu> Lndies Auxiliary fco t.lie Hrothorfor two months due to illness, Kev. wore over fnundrcd in atcnduiiee, on the subject of "The. Beaten Path." that no olio tliinlw to mention it Zenon LcsniowsUi was welcomed uivck the posit ion of the box a.'.ul other de- He told tit' how so many business men specifically. Everyone knows that IIOIKI of Itailroad Trainmen was held aifd tin1 fathering was addressed by olic Daughters of America will bo held on Thursday evening, Augusts to Sncrcd Heart Church on Tuesdny. tails that are necessary for the rt'si- get in a "rut" and how few ever gel' light is cheering, stimulating; that it on iliursday afternoon at the home Governor Larson. Kt'h. There will be no other meetings of Mr*. Mary Spieker 1 of W'jlmot St. < .'Rev, Losniowski underwent u nopei'- lents to tnrry out. out of it. The successful man, ho produces n sense of warmth and hapThe new route will operate from snid, is always thinking ahend, is not for (hi1 balance of the run nth. It in Btlon at St. Francis Hospital, Ncivpiness, especially a light that is warm liusiiicsH of important !' was laken MORNING SERVICE AT he local post office and will lie eov(he desire of the Grand Repent lhat (trk, nnd upon hoiiiR released went to just satisfied with the way tilings are anil Hoit rather than one which is rare of and late summer activities PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IIIPIIIIHT attend. Husiiieps oS the. home uf his parents in .Stninfiu'd, ereil once a day, in (he niorninir. No runiiinir, and is always trying to bet- hard and told. To iitrmot crowds at voted upon. Mrs. Npiokcr tendered THIS SUNDAY, AUG. 4TH every notiiK'oment has been foi' M io,oniin?r \ inip'irtnni't' muM' be taken up(•he members tr lnwu party after the Conn., where hu enjoyed a rent. Hia ter conditions. nipht, as illumination must produce many parishioners and friends in this an yel, as lo n civil service examinaOwing tu the fuel that there has A 1number of b'inb: for the nwnrd olT llurini; the meetiiijr, a vnral seltrc- "An impression of sunlight lii'iKht- meeting, A hinehcon wan served and city nre n'lnd to know that; he in apjuin tion for n1 carrier for this route, tion was rendered by Muse Clink, ness" over the entiro enclosure. e,Tcntly enjoyed by all. The next been a elwni^o in arnin^ciiUMil^, there tin Kord .Seiinn (in Sopl, 24tii hav© Mold. A summer online; is bo» able to dike up hiH duties hero again which pay- $l,li'.!() per year, with Miss Retina Mi;(!ovont, at the piano There is no doubt at all that nik'ht nii'i'tinir will be held at. the home uf will be service this Sunday moniini: lici'ii 1 nt tin1 purinh where ho has been so .'hty-four rents a day allowance for and Kroil Vunileiimof, on the banjo, illumination of the Cliffwood lli'acli Airs. Mary Drum on Thursday after- nt I I o'clock in Miir First. I'resbyli1!'- int; planned, Ihe plneo and date to h$ i'usoline and nil, Ihir -im'cesuful apsuccessful for the past thrco years. ian Church. Rev. <;. K. SWillilcdc. determined at !hc meeting on Atlgi reudiTi'd a number of popular .•iolee- Pool lines ndded an immense incre- noon, Amount 132nd. plicant foriiiMliiiuc bis "WM car. fln> pastor, will be in rhnn'i'. It WIIK Bth. tionn. ment of pleasure- to its piitironn. The Mrn. MnrtfniTt Connors nnd (lnugb- previously anniiunncil tii.'ii there WHEN YOU NEUD A b'nr next TuendayN; meeting, Pres- pool well ileseneH its HIO^HU, "lirighl1 FOH SALE: Mrw Ililnitnlnw 4 rnomi I in Mary nf1 Oliini'd are visiting wiWi wnnlil be no nnrvii'OH iliirinii' Anjriet. .loHcph MoKeoii of John ntreat nnd Imth, pnnlry, I % lotB of srountl, ident l!oli (')inpm.'in has secured nit 'T al iii^tit than any jtuol in the Mr. and Hi :-. l,cwi:i Triuley of Plrnl All are invited to nttcml. HOME IS I HI,T SEE who recently nlli'inled the nntional ill Improvement*. I.oontrd on Mnin interesting speaker, lie is Ur. Dan-world". street fur n few ilnyi, while enronte (•(iiivciiMon of the Ancient Order Of Slrret, Morgnn llniglits. Inquire Win, iel S. I'riBCuU of llnlgura University, SULLIVAN S DOLAN through tilt1 Kn:it. on n motor trip. Ilibenilnns fit Minneapolis, will muk* A REAL IIAKCAIN It is hoped Unit, the members will H, PnrlBen, 105 Norlli Brondwny. They IIIE'I vHled wlMi their nnisiiiK., J!i.' ; <( Mnry Harvoy of Miiin nlreH n delnili'il report of his trip to thft A Finn 0 Rnnin llmni) wllli nil iin> Adv. turn out ono hundred per cent, 265 David St. has been confined h> her home the K. .1. O'Connor nnd fnmily of Broad- proyemnnts tt>r «nl«. Fr'vloridt H< rouritv iinBofilntion nti ita next conSiilarrlhr fnj>lj« I'ailcn. way. past wrelt (in nceiuint of HIIK'SH, Alllirtl»f IU lib" l»tlK>l U r , 210 Gvorgn St. Adv. vention. [• „, South Amboy William A. Kane Is Chosen For Census Supervisor Head Lighting Facilities Make New Pool Most Popular In Evening Drive For Hospital Membership Started: Appears To Be Popular Legion Excursion Good Old Coney i ToProfitable This Year Rotary Speaker Urges Club To Help Aged People In Need Too Improvement Asso. To Meet To Discuss New Mail Delivery Sacred Heart Pastor Returns From Rest No Water Shortage Likely Here: State Warning On Supply Lions Enjoy Varied Entertainment At Meeting Last Night THE SOOTH AMBOy CITIZEN FBIDA.Y, AUGUST 2, IfliJS MURDER COUPLE LIVING BEHIND ARMORED DOOR "Very Latest" By CECILE i A smart midsummer mode—and New York Police Suspect Reideal fur the last ilay.s of August—; venge as Motive for Speci s the tailored tun or ensemble made tacular Killing. sip in cotton in u;iu ui' the new mid bewitching designs. j These are lo be had in plain colur, New York.—A rat-tat-tat of revol- ; «or figured, croBsbarred or checked.' i'er shots whined out suddenly In a Jlfodern art and color have contribu- waterfront neighborhood ID Queens, j t e d much to the patterns, and gives Then the thud of a heavy muss pound .tis everything frjm circus scenes to ing against nn obstructing wall and < ^sky-scraper angles and vistas. the crash of the will I (riving way. The j The smart little suit illustrated sinister rnttlo of shots ngaln nnd si- I features pique in a sleeveless dress lence "with yellow and green printed calico The residents ot the nenrby ram <:oat and a matching hat in yellow shackle houses rushed to doors und and green. The cuat is quilted anil; 3ailor-stit>ched at all the edges. j ivindnws and saw 11 group of four or j Over the whito tennis ur j^ult' flock live men hurry Into a car and drive j m coat oi' quilted pique, in a pastel nwa.v. Police were called anil In p ! shade harmonizing with thu fay col-,[irst-lloor apartment they found the \ ored belt and scarf, proves extremely bodies of Samuel Sncco, thlrty-tlvo. | •effective, nnd present's one in trim nml his wife. Itose. tblrty-one, both J attire for less active moments spent riddled with builds a t the Country Club, j Evidently Feared Fate. .Succn lity on the foot of the bed- I Trouser Blouses Are in j room. In tits tumU was n revolver, i one who loves a smart touch—andj to defend lihnsult His svife, whom he i a safe one—is adopting them fori had married last September, was dead j •wear with cotton sports suite. It's) In her bed. I'.ulk'ls WM\ spntterinl the | fcecause they ar eso saucy, and also walls and ceiling and crashed through j s o convenient. They are attrxiied to windows. Snuie such fate Suoco had evidently panties, which arc also tailored. feared. The door to Ills apartment Knitted Silk Suits For Fall was covered with n thin sheet of steel Knitted costumes made of pure silk to keep out bullets. I'.ut, stool tint! nil, a r e to play an important part in fall It had been ripped from Its hinges nnd sports costumes. The new types are hurled to the. floor. made with oner-piece dresses and with Ft wns evident [run bullet marks on them usually goes a smart jacket the walls near the door that the murwith a notched collar—tailor-fashion. dered miin, wiiltliif; behind his steel reinforced wall, had fired back ut Ills ' Printed Velvet For Raincoats Another interesting departure for attackers until he died. The police scinched their records :£all will be the raincoat of printed velvet—a far cry from the old uitill- and decided that It wns u revetjgo massacre, going buck for Its motive to t y rubber coats becoming to none, "despised by all! Aren't you eager to 1017. At Unit time Sncco's brother. .-see these, dressier models'! RRILLAT-SAVARIN, ont oi tiw peek of washed spinach in a sauce*-* world's most famous epicures, pan with one and a hail tups of once said that the discovery of a water and OIK teaspoon of sugar. new dis-h is more beneficial to hu-G*;k for tv.enty minutes. Drain and nunity than a new star. The ma-press through a colander. Mix in jority ot American housewives, three-quarters teaspoon salt, oner:xki-d with the ik-cessity of plan- quarter teaspoon paprika, and two ning three meals a day for 365 days tablespoons butter. Heat again and throughout the year, would almost then press finr'y ii'.to a bowl to mold. certainly agree with him. Turn tlie spinach out upside down on a platter, garnish with slices of While entirely , lemon and hard-boiled egg, and new dishes arc serve immediately. rare indeed, it is still possible for Carrots Vichy—Cut a dozen young any woman to carrots in half, lengthwise. Remove find among the the centers. Then mince them 6ne rt'cipcs oi forand put them in a saucepan with an eign lands a vaounce of butter, a teaspoon of sugar, riety of dishes and a pinch of salt. Moisten with t!::lt will be 11 .w French vichy water and let them to her and her cook slowly until tender. Serve imfamily. A study mediately, and very hot. of French recNew Peas With Lettuce—Chop ipes, alone, will one-half of a medium-size onion. Cut provide her with ciief Scotto fine (in Julienne) one small head of ample means of lettuce. Fry the onion with a little escaping the deadly accusation of butter until lightly browned. Add the liK/Uotuny which, with more ot k s slettuce nnd let simmer together for justice, been leveled at the a few minutes. Then add a quart American menu. French methods of of fresh peas, a teaspoon of sugar, seasoning, including the use of a lit- a half ounce of butter, salt and peptle stiprar to enhance the flavors of per. Moisten with water, cover the vegetables, will enable her to nromc jrm, and let cook slowly When the envy in the hearts of less knowing peas are tender, add an ounce of cook". letter mixed with a teaspoon of Spinach A La Tottraiuc—I'tit a flour. PLUMBING OR HEATING PROBLEMS New Installations Alterations BRIEGS Repairs Troubles ANTON G.NEBUS 91 SMITH ST-COR.KINQ • PERTH AMBOYTAILORSCIDTHIERS-HABERDASHERS- Plumbing and Heating Contractor 235 CEDAR ST. SOUTH AMBOY F Let Vast down to Urge your friends to siihsccihp lor Tlie BUY NOW! " T " TACK NUMBER 1 >i M ° r e than twice as many motorists uio 'Standard Gasoline as any other brand in the localities where Standard" is sold. They use it not beotuse they heveo't tried other brands—but because they have tried them. TURNING O.N die ite box trst room to nart ilic thermometer on * ,!;>»„ T TACK NUMniill 2 "Standard" gasoline is honest in its claims—as well as in the way it is made. We suggest that you do what thousandshave already done. Compare It with an? other gaioline silling at neuiar prices, regardless of tkt color ill the tank or the statements in the advtrtiiitii. We Are Running ' a Sale of Say» That Old Form of Building Con. •truction Prevents Proper Clasiifi* cation of Prisoners. Tho Auburn prison system is criticised by Burdett C. Lewis, formerly o f Department of Institutions and .Agencies, State of New Jersey, in a n article in the 192U Encyclopedia Americans, in which ho says that the -Auburn type of building construction prevents proper classification of prisoners, wheh he regards as one of t h e fundamental bases of prison administration. From the beginning of the 20 th <aentury public opinion has been con.rearaed with tho shortcomings of pri.son administration, ihe says, which Investigation has shown to be due in mo small part to the antiquated and unserviceable type of building con:struction which the Silent or Auburn .system provided. • .Notwithstanding this fundamental! •vlefeci in construction in modern pii-, 30ns copied after the Auburn idea, commendable efforts have been made • So infuse a new spirit into the adminBoth Riddled With Bulle'i. istration of these pri.-o:is, the Amur-: icaana writer com iiuu.~. T.cse at-^ tempts to liuihi tip a new 1/p..- ui ad-j liisi'pii, wns shot and killed und a .ministration in tuc oiu t>VL ot jui- 'n»r. iminetl lie l.uec.i was arrested In .30113 have but I'lnp.uu-./uJ the lactv pipei Manhattan hy police. He was that adequate classification of pris-;'stioned and released. A short time nrienvnrd De Lucca toners is not e.....*-,, r u-^ ....iuut the.provision of different types or died fit the hand nf nn assassin and Siicco wns iirrpsted. tried, convicted of kinds of prisons. Alodern penolo.triste now demand that th'J modern second dpjirep innnlpr and sent nwny prison system should never place for n term of 20 years. alien and women in separate parts of Released From Prison. .the same prison. Wit ii time off for },rood conduct lie "A study of prisons, constructed wns released from Slnst Sins last sum-recently", the article continues, "in- mer, after linviMK served a little over •dicates that prison architecture has Id years. Ue miirrled last September broken away from its slavish copying of the Silent or Auuuvn systems. Pri- iitid took his wife to Astoria, away sons for juveniles, for the insane, for from the llnrlcm iielfiblmrhond, where petty offenders, lor crippled offend- lie Lucca's friends still lived, nnd ers, for the high jri'ade feeble-mind- nursed llioii pliins Tor revenue. e d , for diseased prisoners and for uli Search for the killers immediately Jbut tho low-grade feeble-minded, shifted from Queens to Harlem. iov diseased prisoners and for all but A stroiiin of about a dozen telephone the low-grado feeble-minded and calls, coming nlmost simultaneously at jperverta and habitual offenders,1 arc 7:40 a. in.. Informed the police that a mow frequently designed more like tragedy had occurred. Detectives reindustrial schools, hospitals and labor sponding found nn excited proun of -settlements than like tho old bastile Italian residents slintitlnc "Murder!" o f the Auburn type." They filled the street In front of the house and policemen were called In from adjoining posts to restore order. From the crowd It was difficult, to obtain n consecutive account of what they Imd observed. Digging further Into the records, police came on still another, theory to account tor the double slaying. While In Sing Sins Sncco lenmed Just Tell Steward What Day You're of [ilaus for n Jail break. He InOn—He'll Do The Rest. formed the authorities, nnd as u result four convicts were captured tryNew York, N . T 7 Aug. 1, 1U29: to mukc their Retnwny. This deed 'Those- who are traveling the1 elghteen- IIIK <]»y diet route to health nnd comeli- frotttl Sncco earlier than he would mona need not interrupt their rigorous otherwise have been, [fellow convicts "Dating schedule while traveling The had suspected lilm of being InstruBlue Comet route between New York mental In foiling the attempted break, mill police believed Hint they or their .•and Atlantic City, This nuiiouncenient is made today friends tmiy have committed the murhy Joo Ccrmaclc, who pnaides ovor der In revenue. Blue Comet Diner Service Now Fits 18 Day Diet Rules •the dining sorvieo of The Iilue Com«t, the new crack train of the Central linilruad of New Jersey between 54 Kegs of TNT Turns fcho Uvu points. Out to Be Plain Salt Beginning August 1st und continNew York.—The desk sergeant at uing ns long nt) the dieting practice tlic One Hundred and Fourth street seems prevalent, the menu curd liund«d to Uluu Cumet passengers in ad- Hliillon woke from lilfl duzfl wlicrj a pavance of munis will carry this notice: trolmnn reported extlledly he had •"If you are on the 18-day diet, Joo found (M kSi;s »r I'N'" In Eiriat Nlnety-fourtti street. The explosives sqund will tnke euro of your needs." "Quito a few people", Jos ex- tried to explode some, then to bum !j>laln.s, "huvo been coming Into the some, nnd tltiully a sutler,sleuth tasted •diner recently in great Ceur that tlioir gome. It wns pluln, everydiiy salt. 'beauty treutment would have to aufJ e r a temporary aet-baclc becauaa J>il Brealcr Unlucky they waro aboard train. So I decidLynn, MuB8.—lireulilug Jull twice In e d to help them out, I made a stu- line duj Is (li« record of Mike t'etcavd y of the (jighteen-day diet—not for etch, tlility, ol Diinvers. He was re •myself, I don't nood It—but for tho CBMtUTOtl the game iliiy nml now faces apublic. Peraonally, I'd rather serve trlnI on ii chnrKe i-f buying an unto Ahem a stea kdlnner, but if they m<ilillc with B worthless cheek. umust get along on combinations of such beautyJbuildors as grapu fruit, jtadlshoa, spinach, boiled eggs, molba Gat Uaed to Crumbier •ftoast, cucttntbora and lettuce, I'm The Imbltuul grumbler, strangely iready for thorn." I'liuugli, Is often a cheerful grumbler, Joe further announces that nil a lie Knitnbles from habit more than 1 passenger lias to say to him as lie en- from a real ciinse, anil people, while *ers the diner is: "Eighteen dny." To willing enmiKli to listen to him, sel•which he will reply: "Which day aro dom tnko him very seriously.—Ex;you on?" And the passenger will •jhnn),'t). «hen be served exactly according to She dietary schcdulo for that tiny. Our subject for morbid wonder la 4tl follow!,: A Welsh sp«IUng beo.— M>etrolt News. T V MODERN \Un '- ^'..]i !},•••««•.•' •.tif' AUBURN PRISON SYSTEM CONDEMNED IN AMERICANA ARTICLE Horrtblal CALL 503 When You Want To Know Anything!!^ About Your |jgj Arrangtmant t o o enn «xpect a condition of un r u t tn a home where mother npondu IT.W) at the b«nutv iihop while futher nhnvpR himniilf, on Ori'jton pilltnr nnge ly rcnuirlts,—Clipper's Weekly. T CUSTOM MADE Clothes • - p TACK NUMBER 4 / I "Standard" gasoline is made by an or<sniz/-' lion that knows how to make gasoline. Practically e v / r r improvement, every new discovery that will improve the quality of motor fuel ia brought to this organize* tion. Back of every drop of "Standard" Gasoline ia the prestige of a company that cannot afford t o mike anything but the finest. BRINGING DRIVING CONDITIONS i o the laboratory l>y means of a wind tunnel and a rolling platform. 1'rom Florida to Che North Pole In ' With Extra Trousers Free! k k •taiuly at the ".Standard Laboratories The only one similar la at the lliireau of Standards In Washington. LOT 2 .LOT 1 TACK NUMBER 3 lluok of "Standard" gasoline are the greatest gasoline-testing laboratories in America. Only the Bureau of Standards in Washington oan give gasoline some of the tests which'' Standard"' gives it. "Standard" his the) . facilities that make tbo fioeit gasoline possible. $30.00 I $35.00 OUTDOOR ROAD TEST—with > | omttertluialwa the truth. It Kiv,i a accurate picture of th good mileage securci with tmprwfj "Scand 3rd" Gasoline. Special Lot $25.00 STANDARD* Improved GASOLINE Values up to $45.00 PURE VIRGIN WOOL READY TO WEAR SUITS $15.00 TRUE BLUE SERGE SUIT. . T B $22.50 Doyle & Cunneen 155 SMITH STREET a PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Phone 803 803 S Ylymouth swamps old Standards . . x Wake of Progress It ia a p.leaaur* to the meat* to be terved at your table today whta you select them at oar counters. We adhere to the strictest rule* of tan. Illation. Our variety in meats is the largest in town. Our prices are low. Frath Fish Every Wedneadaj and Friday "Shop Here and Save" STRATJB BROS. CHOICE MEATS 110 N. BROADWAY PHONE 148 i T O D A Y ' S improved Plymouth cornpleteli overwhelms all the old notions associated with low-priced cars. For years tradition led the public to believe that all lowpriced cjrs had to be small in T HE KULI.-SIZE DE LUXE COUPE, •with nunbltuat, i695 Special equipment extra stature and abbreviated in seating space. Aionijcomesthe_/u//-rtt/, comfortable Plymouth. car—demonstrably finer in basic safety of Chrysler weatherproof Before Plymouth camw, it quality, smarter in appearance, internal-expanding four-wheel was the rule never to expect more advanced in engineering:, hydraulic brakes. a low-priced car to bt really livelier and more competent in In a word, Plymouth ha* smooth in operation — but performance at all times. revolutionized and made obsoPlymouth. wipes out that idea Plymouth is the only low- lete all the old standards. / with imoothnes* and flexibility. priced c»r .vrith.the. .modern Another old impression w*s stylishness characteristic of the Ceupt$655; Riadittr (iitisJi rmmblt itat), {67Sj 2-D-r Sedan, S67St that lttW-j.rieed Cars could not Chrysler art of desientng. haiye 4j"»litycor(structjoh—until Plymouth is the only low- Turing, t69S; De Luxt Ctnf* (tuiti nimble itat), WJi 4-Dttr Stda%, Piyaioutfi'proved "tb^r^^± priced car with the efti- $695. All trim f. i. i. factor}. wije with jt»,lieav(ly forr cicntadvajitaEcs inherent PljmtUth dealtri extnd tlu anvewitilled c h m i s , rugged in all p r o d u c t ! of ence 0/time f body and stout axles. Chrysler enBineering. Plymouth all the way pmmrd Plymouth is the only /. ». b, fat f through ii an entirely low-priced car with the new kind of low-priced quick-stopping, sure A U I R I CtVA ' LI L 1LIOZ IWCU *T »- r H C I D i $ Models 91 and 92 655 t / • * 0 CHAS. F. STRAUB CHRYSLER DEALER Broadway Radio Shop A. G. Jacobs, Manager 143 N. BROADWAY SOUTH AMBOY 348 Bordentown Avenue South Amboy Telephone 441 47 Smith Street Perth Amhoy Telephone 888 THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN Amerka in Lead as User of Labor-Saving Devices ON TI1IC NKW ALWAYS SERVIiNG BETTER "Radio's Richest Voice' We don't have to point out the merits of these electric dynamics. Word of mouth has carried their virtues far and wide. They really cnahlc you to tune in on the world—getting stations both near and far with absolute clarity of reception. Free demonstration in your own home. Time payments arranged. JOHN S. DOOLING ELECTRIC CO., INC. "Whore Service Really Counts" 216 First St. (Just Off Broadway) Tel. 292 Bmd-fasks Still Popular in \ Europe; Continent Has | Yet to ice Its First Suej tion Cleaner for Heating \ Plants and Chimneys. AN AIRPLANE MOTOR WITH 400 LESS PARTS By Erwin Greor (Prosltlunl Urotu1 Colleuu ut' Aviation, Chicago, 111.) son of her senility. But she was a violator of law, nnd knew she was doing wrong at the time. If I do notforget, she drew six months imprisonment. She went to jail delimit. A (lucstion as to the justice of the law arises, but it should not. There: 13 no extenuation in violation of law by rich or poor, young or old. The so-called crime, wave is appalling; the law must be> stern mid prevail—or, tall flown in iks impotence. H must not j'all down. Age nnd condition are no excuse for crime. Ignorance anil self-will arc t!lio causes of most violations of law. Even poverty does not justify a man or woman to rob, or to enler into unlawful commerce. 1'. :ie.'tr puy.s, oven to violate an unreasonable law, Kucli laws nr<) not di iv nwi.y willi by that, method. Knlightenmcnt brings nboiit better conditions, ignorance and crime never. I wisli we could think of Amerii-iins as a happy, law-abiding people. We can only reuli/.u this when our people universally work for It. (.'iiniprcHsinn ratio is; !> I-:; to I. Tho weight ininiia starter, is il'Ah IHHIIHIH. tice. Hotter still, plans are now be In this mi>i"i' Hie four cycles of ilcsiiius iii aii plane power-plants, The Ing carried forward for lt« Dicsellzn mechanisms that have proven the tho usual utundurd type cngino have been :plH lid ween :t Miipei'-eliargi'i" nml a Tlriiuv cylinder opcrnlitiK in pairs, and 1'iu'li pair functioning tin n comp te motor. Bucauso of. this uniqu "power tandem" n nwlicnl if mailo uver present standard driving force that urges us on to greater effort. To see depositors happy, getting ab-.-ad in life and securing for them• / Ijf.'i=t life affords, means •'MIS. ; % =3*= Americans traveling In Europe, nnd residents of this country whose early lives were spent ahrond, tlilnk of tlio .Old World as more tlmn the site of •Uperb (nuseums and art galleries, historical and religious shrines mid magnificent pleasure places. They also dwell upon Its quaint and picturesque/ (ways of doing tilings, nnd the prev(1) The typical Engllih chimney-sweep, and (2) here's one not so typli alence In everyday nffnlrs of survlrnls leal—Mrs. Hannah Poole of Hollywood, Worcestershire, (not California!) the t medieval manners. only woman who ever took up thl* anolent craft; she does It to support herAncient cottages nnd manors—such M Hafldon Hall where Dorothy Man- self and her aged father. (3) 8wlsi sweeps wear silk hats—Just becaun they always have. (4) This Is the giant vacuum cleaner, modern America's ners lived her high romance, and tho Improvement upon the old-world sweep. (5) And this Is how a crew of Gerdelightful farmhouses of France, from m?n chimney-cleaners appear as they set out for a day's gambol over the ibe crevices of n-lime thatched roofs, housetops. i moss and wild flowers grow—present a delightful contrast with the median- winking through a "snake" formed of. States. Suction cleaning removes obleal-looking, "slick brand-new" dwell- several sections of pipe attached to structions, brings to light defects In ing house'In this country. lii st one and then another of the heat the furnace, smoke pipe or chimney Wood and stone still are carved by Ing plant openings, draws the necumu- and discloses any Hre danger there. hand, and the smith still bents out atprl dirt and soot out of the heater A thorough cleaning of the furnace '. graceful shapes In Iron, for the embel uto the huge bag, which Is then taken puts the finishing touch on the spring llshment oif the home; nnd, despite the to (lie city dump nnd emptied. The sue houseelenning. A dirty and sooty encroachment of the machine nge. :lon method Is the best yet devised for heating plant makes a house difficult man; things which modern America denning both chimneys anil heating to keep clean and raises the cost of accomplishes mechanically still arc lants, .because It reaches the many cleaning It. In the ordinary house arts of handicraft in Europe. nooks and crannies In the modern three-fourths of the dirt comes In from Old "Sweeps" Picturesque. healing system that are beyond the the outside atmosphere through cracks But, while all this has the great ad reach of human hands. But one of around windows and doors, and onei taujuge of age-old plcturesqueness, It he larger types of cleaners should quarter from the heating system. has fllsndvnntnges, too. For instance. be used for best results, since a small, Lightens Housekeeping Load. there la the matter of chimney clenn- improvised uffalr may lack both motor When the heating system Is defec, Ing. In America the giant vacuum- power nnd suction to do a spick-and- tive,'however, the amount of dirt from cleaning machine has all but supplant- span job. the heating plant Increases until It ed the old-time chimney sweep, whereAlotor-crented suction not only equals the iimount that comes In • I In Europe this dirty but extremely cleans the entire hentlng plant more through the windows. Cleaning of the •ecemmry Job still Is done entirely by completely nnd thoroughly tlmn Is pos- heating plant saves labor In dusting, manual labor. sible by linnd, and does It In a frac- lowers laundry costs, preserves hangAny morning the American traveler tion of the time required by the ninn- ings and furnishings nnd reduces the ID Europe, be he In England, Germany, ual method, hut also does It without necessary frequency of changing wall Switzerland or anywhere else, mny fuss, muss, dust or dirt—even while and celling decorations. •ee one or more of 'these strange fig- the decorator or laundress Is working Spring lalns seeping down the chimure* In blnck hood, silk hat or tall- If that Is desired. ney onto tlio soot-laden smoke pipes peaked cap, with brooms and brushes, Soot Proves Costly, will corrode nml ruin them. Removrope* and rods over their shoulders, Dirty and sooty beating plants are ing the sont by the suction method ladder and soot bug under arm, snunIndulges this damage. j •rliig down the street, calling their fuel wasters. With hot water and steam boilers, soot covering the boiler An erroneous, though popular, lni- i -ado to the housewives. Elsewhere on this page are shown heating surfaces means loss of fuel. presslon is that a heating plant In j plctdres of chimney sweeps of several Soot-covered surfaces keep the heat which some other fuel than coal Is Europeun countries, By way of con- away from the heat pipes so that It used does not get dirty and dusty. Oil trnst^also, Is printed a photograph of Is wasted out of the chimney. Tests leaves a greasy anil grimy deposit on ! one of the thousands of mechunleally- by the United Slates Hureuu of Stand- the Inner parts of the heating plant, operited giant "chimney-cleaning arils have shown Unit one-elglith of an utnl so does K;;S. The vacuum pi*oc- , is effective* in removing these i blimps" used throughout America, Inch of soot nn the boating surfaces which docs everything that any chim- of a central healing plant will reduce drawbacks to heating-plant efficiency, i I'lius. on the score of economy In | ney iwflcp can do and a grout deal the plant's etili'lonc.v 'JS per cent, wlillo one-quarter nf an Inch will cut ii fuel and labor, ami as a llglitener of. more quickly nnd elllclcntly. The Holland Jimtllute of Therniol- down fully 'IS per cent. So a thor- he housewife's labor, the modern meOfly describes tlio suction eli'iiner for ough cleaning of tlio healer can easily chanical healing-system cleaner repres s the inuivli of progress away heating plants as on enlarged edition save one or (wo tons of con! In the from Hie hand methods of the old 0 Of tlio household vncmiin cleaner course of a winter. Mont anil ohsl ructions In the heater country chimney sweep. That Is why adapted to tlio hentlng Held. Usually unless American women have the It connlstu of a 40-horne power iniilor, and chimney interfere with rlllclent IIIK and are a source nf lire linz- suetliin Homier spend tin hour or so mounted on a trnelt, a huge canvas on their premises and then dismiss all Defective linos anil hrntlng | bng, and whnt nppi'iirs 1(1 he many sec- nnl. plants coinprl-ii' one of Hn> chief worry alinnl tlio lienter until the next tions of flexible nlrtveplpe. ics of lire lens In the 1'nlii'd fall. fun which, %Th8 motor opcnitcs Operative Number 20C4G, my Portland, Oregon, correspondent reports Bomutliing decidedly new in nrronuutlcnl progress—an nirplaiio. mutur •.with 400 less pai'U thiin now in use; n motor that ilues entirely THE BRIDE OF SIGHS Hway with viilwa nnil the. intricate Uecently u very rich and nation•\\ faulty assemblies which bring wn ships today. A motor with hut ally known w,ifi sentenced to j pounds per horsepower, in units serve, u term in jail, ami was iinully 150 hursi'powcr anil above. Where placed there that justice mi^ht preil major adjustments arc made by vail over all. .lust what the offense amoving but one part—the i'acc. of was, that brought 111i 14 punishment, 'loes nut eniivcni me particularly'. .ho cvankcasc. "About all that has been done 0ms j Llnilt must, he assumed if proven hiiil doubt. I did notice that the fur has been to provo that we uun fly", Buys Ucnry Kuril. "(If the term was comparatively shm-t. Almost at the same time, a poor specific kind of origino which aviation must develop there is nut the Id washerwoman, living in a o;reat Ity near me, was arrested "witSi tinslightest! sign yet." on her." S e had, 1in her squalBill jyst such a motor is completed id;ooils snmuthtim like a gitland ready for quantity production, on apartment, of corn whiskey; she admitted and in August will be put, through li-pensinL' this liquid from time to seimntional and gruelling tusln by time, in order to ease the financial Colonel Arthur Gocbul. going; she. was XI, and not able to The Acrobat, the first motor of tho turn out was inn' us in bur younger aircraft series uf Aero-Mo Lois, Inc., years. Is an eutlit-c.vlinilt'i', split cycle, niliect'nt enactments made hers an dial air-cooleil cngino, dove-doping 160 horsepower lit 2,1)00 revolutions almost cnpltal offense,- The jurors per minute. Tho boro and stroke kind and heartful men, were puzzled; are respectively ,'l 1-2 byy 1 1-1, giv- had this very old woman exerted her i h f litmus.!, strength, she could not linve ing n totall piston ilinphu'enu'iit done much harm to anybody, by reaalii) I'liliii' inches. That's our "ideal, and that's the Waterloo of so mnny fllfrhlu—'the tlon. huniiro'ln of sniaU parts Hint go to Mi.luut Fiih make up tho vnlvoa nnd their annnmTho I'hlllpiilui! gnhy I" tlie snialli'Hl blies—are totally eliminated. Fur the- Ae-robnti constitutes n completn fish known, li|l>iK only about one-thin! ttpsut of existing- engineering prac- of nn Inch UnW. COAL GOAL COAL FIRST NATIONAL BANK "Nothing But The Best" SOUTH AMBOY.N. J. JEDD0-H1GHLAND KINGSTON OLD, COMPANY LEHIGH —and— The Paulus Dairy THERMAL SMOKELESS ALSO PURE MANUFACTURED ICE ESTABLISHED 1890 Main Office: 189-195 New Street, New Brunswick, N. J., Swan Hill Ice and Coal Co. Phone 2400 Yard & Office, 146 Henry St Phone 340 PAULUS'POSITIVELY PERFECTLY PASTEURIZED MILK Walker-Gordon Certified Milk. Wendmere Farms Raw Golden Guernsey Milk United States Royal Cord Tires and Tubes 30x3% Eeg. 30xS% Ex. Size 30x3% Ex. Oversize Straight Side 30x3% 31x4 32x4 33*4 32x4% 33x4% 34x4% 30x5 33x6 . 35x6 Royal Heavy Uieo Qny Cord StrviM TnbM .....6.05 4.40 1.20 6.35 10.05 1.20 , 7.50 1.20 8.85 10.80 11.50 12.10 15.56 16.20 16.70 19.80 21.15 22.70 BALLOON TIRES 7.00 ,. 7.40 7.95 8.25 9.15 9.55 - 9.95 9-90 — 10.20 10.65 -11-75 ___~ 11.10 _ 11.55 11.90 12.25 12.30 _ 12.65 _ 12.90 ...._ -13.56 . _ 13.90 _ 14.35 .._ .14.80 _ 16.30 27x4.40 29x4,40 29x4.50 30x4.50 28x4.75 29x4.75 30x4.75 29x5.00 30x5.00 31x5.00 32x5.00 28x5.25 29x5.25 30x6.25 31x6.25 28x5.50 29x6,50 30x5.60 30x0.00 31x0.00 32x0.00 JSDxO.oi) 34x0.00 36x6.00 30x0.50 31x0.50 32X&60 _! 33x0.50» 14.20 20.06 20.75 21.50 25.55 28.25 31.05 10.36 10.70 11.05 11.80 12.15 12.55 13.05 13.45 13.80 14.20 14.70 14.60 16.15 16.05 16.15 16.G5 10.95 17.55 18.25 10-00 10.05 19.65 17.05 20.05 17.40 20.80 17-80 20.95 OTHER PRICES ON REQUEST 7.10 8.90 9.50 10.00 12.86 18.36 18.80 17.46. 18.7!> DISTRIBUTION COVERS New Bramwick, Hjfhlind Park, South Rirer, SayraTJlU, P.rlln, South Amboj, Perth Amboj, Woodbridf*. Carteret, Fordi and Metucheo, N. J. 1.20 1.60 1.66 1.75 2.10 2.16 2.20 2.80 2.65 2.76 6.80 1.40 6.96' 1.60 1.66 6.60 1.60 1.66 7.90 1.70 8.20 1.76 8.15 1.75 8.40 1.80 8.80 1.85 1.90 9.15 1.85 9.55 1.90 9.80 2.00 10.10 2.05 2.20 2.25 2.86 2.26 11.45 2.30 11.85 2.40 12.20 2.55 2.60 2.66 2.60 2.60 170 2.80 All Kinds of Fiasco Paints, Oik and Varnishes Brushes, Bronzes, Gold Leaf, Stains, Etc. Ready Mixed House Paint $3.00 Per Gallon Anderson's Garage and Battery Service 204 So. Stsvjtni Airs. Tnl«i>hon* 302 Suydara's and Rutger's Special Raw Tuberculin Teited Milk THE SOUTH AMBOY PRINTING CO. 211-213 First Street "• - - - — - • - — - • -— Quality Meats of V. J.NEBUS PURE, FRESH MEATS ARE ESSENTIAL IN EVERY WELL-BALANCED DIET. WE OFFER THE CHOICEST MEAT CUTS AT LOW PRICES. V. J. NEBUS ( 23fi Feltun St. Tel. 226 Free Delivery Double S. & H. and Elk Stamps Given Saturdays Only. I THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN T H E SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN VISIT RELATIVES HERE Charles J. Weitcek 211-213 First Street (Near Broadway) Lieut, and Mrs. Daniel Cashman and Detective and Mrs. Deane Burger of the New York Police Department, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dooling of 341 Henry street. Mrs. Cashman was formerly Miss Anne Dooling and Mrs. Burger was formerly Miss Hegina Dooline. After an extended motor trip through the Adirondack and Berkshire Mouutains, Lieut. Cashman and Detectvie Burger spent two days golfing on nearby links, and left for their homes in Brooklyn on Wednesday. World War Veteran Pneumonia Victim , Published Weekly By THE SOUTH AMBOY PRINTING COMPANY Died Sunday In Local Hospital Telephone S. A. 4 Age of 34 After Short Illness. Charles J. Wencek, thirty-fou years old, a veteran of the World Subscription rates: In advance. War, died at the local hospital Sun ssones 1 and 2, $1.50; zones 3 to 8, day night after a week's illness o pneumonia. The deceased was born ^2.00. I in Jersey City, and Was a retired Entered in the Post Office at i railroad brakeman. During the war South Amboy, N. J. at second class he lost his right leg in one of the natter. first battles t e American soldiers took part in. Funeral services were held t'rorr FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1929 his late home, 330 Cedar street, a 8:30 Wednesday morning, thence to Sacred Heart Church, where at) 9:00 AN ASSOCIATION WORTH j o'clock, a high requiem mass was WHILE • . . ,'celebrated. Interment was made in Here ie a ciyic association worth |S a c r e d H e a r t C e m e t e r y The'pal the Morgan and Bayview; bearers, all ex-service men, were 3danor Improvemtmt Association.;'John Connors, Jr., Aloysius Leonard Several accomplishments of this or-1 and David Quinlan, Jr., of the Vet several uu.umji » j erans of Foreign Wars; Louis Rosengamzation, in its short period ui s u - ^ ^ j B m e s T u s t i n a n ( 1 William Emj i f d tt i t •vice, have entirely justified tlie exist- m o n S | o f the American .Legion. A ence of the association, and the cit- firing squad from Camp Raritan fired izens of South Amboy, who ihave so a salute of three volleys at the grave as the bugler was sounding taps. often failed to appreciate the value Besides a mother, Mrs. John Jaken, o the deceased is survived by y three of civic cooperation, may take a "leaf sisters, i Catherine, C h i H l and d MMaro u t of the book" o£ this live wire garet, and three Helen brothers, Frank, group of citizens in the Morgan ana Stanley and Antone. .Bay View Manor sections, The latest achievement is the ""putting over" of free mail delivery service, ac iong needed by the residents ot the outlying sections <£Sayreville Township. Ana what anore btte Association, not just consent to rest upon its laurels, is holding meetings and advising just what i s necessary to derive the iull benefits of the contemplated delivery serUndeT-inflation does more to shorwice. Information is being given to ten the natural life of a tire than ithe residents of the territory affect- anything else. Every tire is made to its iongesli service nt a certain e d upon the proposed service; ^tho give pressure. Keep a gauge and check it iype of boxes required, location oi regularly. &oxes,vand all other details that are When driving over rails or other essential. Our prediction is that this civic obstructions across the roud, take them diagonally. This lessens the jar. spirit will go far toward the future development of dhis section. The mot- When one of the rear wheels is Jlo of the members of this association spinning in sand or mud, you can often pull out by blocking or tying seems to be "watch our smoke". it so it cannot turn. The traction obOur hats are off bo the officers tained by tho other wih*el may do the and members of the Alorgan and Hay- work. •view Manor Improvement AssociaDon't forget to have your oil filter tion! May their success continue, cleaned or replaced every 10,000 and aid in bringing about even great- miles or so. When it becomes clogged e r progress than these men and wo-with dirt/, it ceases to function as a men of vision and energy, now anti- filter. JTMELFORD ROLL, EDITOR cipate. NOTARY PUBLIC PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Typing—Mimeographing Agent (or "Darwin Razor BladW Agant for California Parfuma Co. MRS. M. E. FORD Phone 352-W 145 John Si All Sorts of Sandwiches (73THE fun of a picnic »tarts with Peanut Butter and Pineapptt VJi- the making of the sandwiches Sandwiches: Cream one-half cup of if you go about it right. peanut butter, one-half cup of Don't retire to your kitchen and do drained crushed pineapple, two taall the work yourself, but invite blespoons of chopped maraschino your guests in and let them .have cherries, one tablespoon of cherry a foretaste of the good things they juice and one tablespoon of pineare going to get to eat by letting apple syrup together, and spread bethem help make the sandwiches. If tween thin slices of buttered white you're going far put your fillings in bread with a leaf of lettuce in each glass fruit jara so that the sandCheese md Fruit Sandwiches: wiches won't get soggy and limp Mash two cream cheeses, add onebefore you arrive. If your picnic fourth cup of crushed drained grounds are nearby, put the sand- pineapple and one-(ourlh cup of wiches together right in the kitchen, strawberry preserves, and cream and wrap them in oil paper to keep well. Use between thin slices of them fresh. buttered bread. Pineapple and Marsltmaltiitv Sand, A Few New Kinds unches: Melt twelve marshmallows They say that a new sort of sand- in a double boiler, add one-fourth wich is invented at every picnic, cup of drained rrnslieil pineapple Here are a few recent inventions cook len iiiiiinics. Cool anil wliich were ail eaten up when they ami iiT.-nl lic-n-ivn |,iitt,.ri.,| rounds of were made: • J V . P : I b i . . . !,• Quality Trenlliig Cri|,|il,,| Horsa ITHIIIIIIJ no iitlimipt IH iniiile to cure j Olio Iniikcn IC);H nf homen IKIOIIUKU It IH j oxpeiiHivo IIIIII Hm viilm. ur Ilio homo j •does tml wnrrmil ilila liMiiillltiK, If n fdHW IN very tiilunlilii ffm u<n fiin lie j • •uri'il hy the IIWH or •fte, hy ii n'li'tiniirl.hi money in your pocket. Alio "The Mystery Rider" You will feel all the time as you do now on Comedy "Delicioui and Refreshing" pay-day hy saving part of your earnings and bank- TOMORROW ing them here. "SEVEN FOOTPRINTS TO .SATAN" ' Starring CREIGHTON HALE and THELMA TODD . Come In and Talk It Over With Us THE SOUTH AMBOY TRUST CO. South Amboy, N. J. BILLIE DOVE in "ADORATION" We Pay 4 Per Cent on SavingB Alio Billy Dooley Comedy "Of The Deck" Empire Newt There arc a great many ways to do a job of printing: hut quality printing is only done one way—THE BEST. "We do printing of all kinds, and no matter what your needs may be, from name card to booklet, we do it the quality way. UNITED SERVICE - GROCERS Always Better Values atU. S. G. Stores Aug. 1 to Aug. 7 THE SOUTH AMBOY PRINTING CO. • 211-213 First Street H. WOLFF & CO. Final Reductions on Tinio was when a woman was req u i r e d to know how to sew, cook, and perform several of the duties .^rofesnor Peters recommends to men ibeforo being considered an ideal 'vvifu. Now thu burden is shifting. ..Mou no longer care vilry much about tfcho domestic abilities of women, bec a u s e of the reign of labor-saving devices, and if they did, it wouldn't do tthum much good us so many women Oho country uvur lire devoting thenioelves to bu.sijiras and social rubber flhiin the domestic arts. Now tho women are liable to tako (Professor Peters seriously, in which Casu a lot of young men had belter b r u s h up on their knowledge of tin1 Useful a r t s if they don't want to rotuain biti'lii'lors. dent of yourself? On pay-day, when you have FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN in "MIDNIGHT LIFE" SUNDAY 3 PERFECTION IN A HUSBAND Times change. Hero "comes Profes isor Charles C. Peters, of l'onnsylvunaa State College, advocating the l'ol -lowing1 type of husband as tho ideal i o r whuin women are to look: Out1 will) must lit" able I/O repair ;gns ur water pipes, llx tilings genur.ailly, iiKiiinivu the furnace, know how tlo drew null cure for children, keep -iiho home sanitary, maintain pewec.-and hiii'iiiiiny, It'll sturies, answer •questions mid "bu prepared to sell at .:i maximum advantage old clothing £.111(1 old ftinillure." These- are pretty stiff requirements for u man. When do you feel strongest and most confi- TONIGHT Alto Comedy "Chaperonei" Aesop Fables SUES BUS LINE John II. Ashby, of Asbury Park, THE HAND ORGAN PASSES seeks to recover $25,000 damages The latest thing for which the ra- from the Marathon Bus Line, of this dio is blamed is the end of the old city, in a supreme court action instituted Wednesday. He claims uegJhand organ form of music. ligence on the part of a bus driver 'Once the hurdy-gurdies were in causing an accident on the Vic.•among the most popular institutions t o r y Bridge on June 12th,"of this an the land. Now a prominent manu- ye:»r. Ashby claims he was severely iacturer of hand organs, ueuige IUOI- injured in the accident. Notice of t.e suit was served on James Douinai'i, ciias this to suy: kas by Edward J. Peterson, of Sher"Business is dying, h is all due •;f Hannnh's ffice. ito too much movies, LOO many radios SAIL FOR IRELAND and too many niccnanical pianos. 'When such music .;> jn'uuuaa u u-j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKeon Jr. as it any wonder that the kids fail to of Louisa street sailed on Saturday .be attracted when they hear the last at midnight for a tour of Ireland and other European countries. They sounds of an organ on a little carou- sailed on the S-. S. Leviathan. A sel coming down the street behind a number of local people accompanied Mr. and Mrs. McKeon as far as New .horse? York and had the pleasure of inspect"The monkey organs are not wun-ing the Leviathan. Jtcd either. It takes too much time to &rain the monkey to tifl his hut and i h e expense is too great." A few years ago when sunuiuT •came no less than u .dozen hurdygurdy outfits left New York to truve all over the country: As well us givdlancing. Now the barrel organ is con .ing concerts, they provided music for dhiad to certain small sections and the owners do not make much money. lha backyard singers of yore, too, Jiavu almost faded out of the picture. Verily, the old order passeth away I PIR E 7 PAY DAY EVERY DAY Bathing Suits Men's AH Wool, former price $4.50, Children's One Piece, former price now $3.25 $2.25, now $1.59 Men's Speed Suits, former price Youth's Speed Suits, former price $4,95, now _ ...J3.50 $3125, now -$2.39 Boy's All Wool, former price $2.95, now .J2.25 Little Tots, former price $1.50, now 98c Men's White Jersey Shirts, former price $2.25, now $1.49 Ladies' Suits, former price $3.49, Men's Blue or Black Trunks, former price $2.00, now $1.49 Infant's Swim Suits, former price $1.25, now 95c now 1 ..$2.49 Ladies' Suits, former price $4.50, now ..$3.25 Miller Bathing Caps, former price Miller Bathing Shoes, former price 50c, now ...37c 65c, now — 45c 17c COCOA Post Bran Flakes, pkg. 10c Walter Baker's: V& pound A§tor Coffee, Ib. - 4 5 c Octagon Soap, 5 cakes - 29c 1 Baking Powder 2£ -__J9c 50c Ginger Ale Canada Dry: Hostess package of 12 bottles, $1.95: 3 bottles GOLD DUST, large pkg. 23c Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 23c 29c Grape Juice Krueger's Special, 4 bots. 25c 39c COFFEE U.S.G.;BestBogata: The very best you can buy, lb._ 49c As has been our custom for several years past, our store will close every I'viMiin*; except Saturday during the month of August at 6 o'clock. We ask your cooperation In the extent of shopp'n:.' enrlier in the day. II. Wolff X Co. Feltus and Washington Sts. HIIUK grMajajEnjajBraHeraBrarararajaf!^ Phone 112 D. GREENSPAN EAGLE TEA CO. 126 N. Broadway Telephone 19 138 South Broadway Telephone 206 S. SUDALTER JOE A. PRIBULA "J 01. N. Stevens Ave. Telephone 454 Pine Avc. Cor. John St. Telephone 22 THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN HUDAY, AUGUST 2, 1929 It Will Pay You To Do Your Buying SBsassgjsgsassB&iiflSSisr Quite likely the Impost private home owner in this city is Fred H. Lear, whose real estate and insurance headquarters aye shown herevrji. Associated with Mr. W. E. Slover in the grocery business for some twenty years, Mr. IA'UV for the lu^t ten yeurs or so has carried on a real .estate development and general insurance business, fie is secretary and treasurer of the local Y. M. C. A. Board of Managers, ami a director of the Investors &Owners Building & Loan Association. Besides being: a heavy investor in Perth Amboj' property, Mr. Lear has rebuilt eight houses here and built "fourteen new ones. He is interested in other ventures elsewhere too. Born in Ford Kdward, on Lake Champlain, Mr. Lear came here as a boy of four years to make a home with relatives. Educated in the local schools, he has been here practically continuously ever since. He sees a very promising future for this city, particularly as the result of the location here of the huge new power plant. Issue of Augu t Jrd, }'JOb Sliss Ellen Paricui is. aoouimng Lambertsville. * * * ** Mr. and Mrs. Cnuiles btuait jw a visit last Sunday to tneir cuusiti in Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. J. il. Willett' have gone to Boston where they expect to make an extended stay. In South Amboy There is really not a thing you use or need that you can t get from your Own Home Town Merchants. They will be glad to serve you if given the opportunity. « * # • 9 Master John Triggs is spending his vacation at Liover, H. J., visiting his aunt. Mrs. William cowards returned home on \\ eiinesuay alter several days visa with mends at Alt. Holly. * m• • • Miss Emma Uompton, one of the popular salesiauies at Ai. Kaufman's store, is enjoying her vacation this week at Branch and Asbury Park.- 50,000 GET COMMUNITY MINDED That is no unusual record for Goodyear All Weather Tread Balloons—see the samples we have. They cost no more. attitude toward the place where you Replacement Repair Parts For All Cars. Raybestos Brake Lining Station. Timkin Bearings. Stone Rim Parts. Sterling Ignition Points. Stuart Vacuum Parts. live, creates or destroys public opin- Broadway, Corner Main St. * * « • * —fresh every day. Mmle of the purest in- 1 Jeriay Central U Retrained Sarah W. Heslon, through her attorney, George K. Silzer got a restraining order from Vice GHaneelor Bergen Saturday against the Jersey Central Traction Company to prevent that company laying1 its track in front o fthe property on Kklgewuyj avonue leading to the Amboy bridge.; Mrs. Hcaton is one of the. heirs to the estate of Mrs. Cornells Fouratt, which holds the key to the company getting the necessary consents to allow the. company to secure a franchise from Snyrovillc Township. : Robber Cad in Daylight On Wednesday afternoon about 2 o'clock four men entered a car of tho N. Y. N. II. & H. It. It. Co.. which: was standing nn the sidinj; near I'Vr-; ris street. Tho men broke open a number of boxes eonlnininjc elnlhinjr, shoes and Kcmtlcmi'ii'n furnlshine: goods. Each ninn apparently e.xerciswl conMdcraMo earn in selecting the size and material they rcritiirt'il. Thny finally departod, lultim: alnmr with them cnch n milt of clothes, and such Ihinits as they lucdwl. They o,ienpod before the police c»uld gol on their truck. The. car was In n terribly disordered condition when it was drilled Into the depot for Investigation. 104 North Pine Tel. No. 1 SALE STARTS AUG. 1 community. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Other people look to you for an example—if you do not speak well them once and you will ulwuys serve them Motorman Ran Wild On Sunday night a load of travellers on the trolley car leavipg here a few minutes past nine o'clock, had quite an exciting experience with a drunken or crazy motorman. He brought his car in ±rom New Brunswick about nine o'clock. It was noticed that he swung ihis car around (the curve at iue corner of Main St. anu Broadway without slackening his speed. On his return from the "Y" a crowd of peopie were standing on the corner of Bordentown .venue i'i u Broadway and they signalled him to stop to let them get on but he paid so attention anu swung ihis car around the curve at a rapid rate. His first stop waa at John street, where those that could catch up, boarded the car. At Barisen's drug store another brief stop was made. The motormun again starteu his car at full speed, not stopping for anything or anybody. The switch at Main street was passed without notice and as the wild running car approached the curve near the deep cut bridge, the conductor triod to assist in controlling the car and it was slowed down som« and u number of passengers left the car, not caring to risk their lives further. The conductor found that/ the motorman hud by this time become, next to a raving madman, und (he dared not iiiliurforo with him further. Tho cur was run at a break nock speed past Stolte'a Grove, und it cleared the first switch all right, At tho crossing of tho Knrittm River K, li. tracks tho madman balked, and reversing his power ran the car back to tho lust turnout und hero fortunately it jumped tho track and prevented an accident that only good fortune could hnvo CBcaped. The motorman was kept inside the cur Until another enr with the Superintendent and an officer arrived; then ho \vaB placed in the Wells Memorial Hospital, ^ ' T H a 1 ' ff.'.iL -*•*" JOHN SUTLIFF ion, prestige and good will of your Tel. 322 On Friday morning of last) week the stork lelt a little girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Dugan 01 Fourth street. • • *•# J. T. Dill sprained his ankle Thursday afternoon. In stepping off his train he set his foot on a^ piece ot coal that turned under his loot giving his ankle quite a twist. The contractor for the MorganKeyport stone road has "thrown up the sponge" and the bondsman have, appointed Watson iitillwagon to complete the contract. Marshall Magee who has been •working in the freight office of the N. Y. & L. B. K. R. .for the past two or three years, has resigned anu taken'a position in New York. ' * * * ** Several parties spent last Sunday quietly resting in the shade on the bluff near the beach at Morgan. Tiaey took their lunch with them, and rested and listened to l>he piping music o f the birds, the chuck chuck ol; the motor boats and the lapping oil the wavelets on the sandy beach. ***** A close watch is being kept on pa-; rents taking their email children into the saloons and keeping them there, until such time as the said parents quench -ir thirst. It is strictly against the law for any saloon keeper to allow these little children ill their places of business; no matter ii accompanied by parents, a i d this hint is thrown out as a warning, so tibat none hereafter may ibe caught napping and perhaps lose their licenses thereby. THE GREATEST SALE OF LOW CUT AND SPORT SHOES IN THE HISTORY OF SOUTH AMBOY What you do, what you say, your BRIGGS AUTO SUPPLY • * • * * Augustus Chevalier and John C. Jotason have become yatchsmen by purchasing a cat iboaU They are now enjoying saling over the waters blue. It is very evident that the battleship New Jersey will not be presented with a silver service while lying in this port. AND MORE of the community, if you do not do RIGHT FROM THE OVEN! Tho best buns you ever tasted. Servo will do likewise. can expect to Jjecomc a better, more Try a dozen today, interesting, more uttructive place in the high qunlity of our cukes, pies and bread. We can show you how youstop paying rent and become the owner of your own home at no great immediate cash outlay. Just consult us and let us tell you about our plan. No city, town, village or hamlet, Ki-uriienla by expert bakers. We are noted for OWN YOUR OWN HOME something for tho community, others which to live, work, play and prosper Everything nt ecenomy prices. unless everybody does a .little some- HESS BAKERY 134 South Broadway, Cor. John St. thing. It isn't* Telephone 195-R necessary to spend days or weeks on a drive of some H. LEAR SAFEGUARDS FREDERICK Real Estate—Insurance FUTURE/ 210 George Street kind; you don't have to get out and make a show of yourself; nor is it necessary for you to be one of the big toads in tihe. puddle, to be able to do something. ) i tror - I T HIGHEST QUALITY HARDWARE AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN Hardware that stands bard wear—the best on the market—on sale here at the lowest prices ever charged. Everything from a nail to a washing machine may be had here at a real saving. Make up a list of your hardware needs, and come here and eee how afficiently and economically we can fill them. SOUTH AMBOY HARDWARE CO. 101 S. Broadway _ Tel. 224' And don't think that when you do do something for the benefit of others, that you are a martyr to the cause; nor that you are donating. Get it out of your head that you "HOOT, MON! Even I Wai Convinced!" So would any man say after >eeIng the values in this Floriheim Sale! The same splendid shoes that have sold all season (or $10 or more— Florsheim masterpieces—both in style and wear—now they're on salt at 18.85. And all men, Scotch or otherwise, are snapping them up. The Sale Of FLORSHEIM SHOES $8.85 Headquarters for Women's Hosiery GREEN'S HABERDASHERY 104 South Broadway are doing something charitable every time you go a little out of your way to perform a little service or dig DOUBLE THE LIFE OF YOUR SHOES down in your pocket for a few dol- Repairing a worn shoe often makes it as good lars to make possible something that a« new. And always more comfortable than a the otter fellow will get some good new pail. out oi. will double the ordinary life of a shoe. So be- A very modest expenditure with us fore you throw your old shoes aside let us exa- FOR QUICK TAXI SERVICE mine them and give You can't make money unleec the Trucking Anywhere Auto Accessories Towing and Repairing ' . THE ONLY PAN AM STATION HERE . APEX GARAGE Pine Avenue at Feltus Street' an expert opinion. other fellow 'does. What profits the community profits you, and there are MODERN SHOE REPAIR CO.. no "if'8", "and's" or 'tout's" about 117 North Broadway, Corner Augusta St. it. If they're worthless, we'll quickly tell you so. , Do something!' You have a dozen DON'T NEGLECT THAT PLUMBING JOB chances every day to do something, to say something We Are Already To Do It Now! Let us give you an estimate. Don't let troubles pile up until you have a tremendous job. Attend to your plumbing needs now. will build. THE BEST OF "EATS" IN SOOTH AMBOY You have as many opportunities to put your foot on what others say and what others fail to do that We are ready for big or little jobs—and give everyone the same prompt, courteous service. G. T. WILHELM 228 First St. that (Bet. Stockton and Broadway) , K •,, GIVE US A TRIAL ** RARITAN DIN& tears down. Get Community Minded 1 It is good business, and plain, every-day, com- James P. Farley, Proprietor Bordentown Avenue - *' Tel. 171 mon sense. Why Are People Buying Homes At President Park? GENERAL INSURANCE AND BONDS Automobile • • •• Fire and Theft Trams Liability Public Liability Elevator Liability Contingent Liability General Public Liability Workmen's Compensation Fire Life Marine Bonding Tornado Burglary Plate Glass Accident and Health This Town Doctor Article, on* of a seriei of fifty-two is pubUdMd M*k week In cooperation with tb* Sooth Amboy Lions Club. Copywrlght, 1929, JAMES J. GALLAGHER _ Insurance Of All Kinds 103 Stevens Avenue Phone 526 A. D. Stona. THE ANSWER—lU'i'RURc they can buy the- homo of their ilmims within their means. WITH THE FOLLOWING FEATURES: Built in liHI. Tub ,u,,l Shower; Apron Lavatory; W'liito Apron Drain lin/ml ami Sink with Combination Faucet; Asbestos Shingle Roof; Copper Flaslmu;; Lath nml Fluster; Full Cellnr with Cement Floor; Hot. Wnter Boiler und Coil connected with henter; Electric Fixtures; Kluwev Itoxcs; LnttiiH- for Hope Hushes, Etc. Plot liOxlOO Feet with Sidewalk, Curl) and Improved Streets. See Rcinlinril! n<ln Kurow.Uy F u r Financial Amusements Reproduction prohibited is whoU or in part. REINHARDT & KUROWSKY 147 North Broadway Phone 545 THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN AY, AUGUST 2, 1929 A Typical Small City Airport CHEVROLET ANNOUNCES ! TWO NEW MODELS Bounding out its line of six cylinder valve-in-head cars, the Chevrolet .Motor Company today announces two new closed models—the Imperial Sedan and the Sport Coupe. Officials point out that despite the scores of' improvements incorporated in these new models prices have been kept; ii tile low Chevrolet price range,; the Imperial Sedan listing at $ti'J5 and the Sport Coupe at $045, both f. o. b., factory, Flint, Mich. j The new Imperial Sedan is intro-i u duced because of -a widespread ^ '\ and for a style car in the lowprice fa-i rice field. Iieiu. On un this unis model uiuuui the mt; ia- Thousands of prescription! tor this A-Vol ptops pain In headaches.neu« remarkable formula were filled by ralgla. dental pain, rheumatism, druggists last year, over 10,000 phy- A-Vol now comes in band; tubes of •lclana, dentists and welfare nor»es 18 tablets, Z6c SO tablots 6O0. medl* recommend and endorse A-Vol as cine cheat f i n $1.00 at any proa harmless, sate, rapid relief tor scrlptlon druggist or on receipt of pain, depression, terar, cold, flu. price from A-Vol Co.. Holton, lina. Contains No Aspirin or Other Heart Depressants. It is just common sense to use can get the best food ^package foods whenever possible. .Dust and peiJunal handling;', gurms j 7 • T . whatnot are kept from these Headaches! Colds! Neuralgia! Dental Pain! .lous Fisher Body designers have la- j served anyivhere in the city where it is impossible to give vished their skill with very noticeable Voxk. . k i t gktmad M a. 1MB tiport m located at U Bo* .Aulk foods the same protection. This success. It has smart concave front vhen you eat at the . • • • • • • • • «*JF w y n is one of the so-calied "food 1'ud.s' pillars with a rakishly molded visor -that one may indulge in without leyr fortress of national defense, taking and in the back the rear quarters are • of cuiiU'adictiun from uny source, for AIRPORTS FOR iMALL YOWiNs stylishly fitted with Landau bows, Jn helping to keup foods fresn it conARE SEEN A3 ESSENTIAL lilt" place in part, of the forte of tho deep tuvfted pluah, and the car is liust century. In time of war, key tributes as much to economy as it with an adjustable driver's As Necessary Now As Raiiroad Sta- airports would bu transformed into equipped 225 Smtih Street •••Joe.s to health. sent, and other items commonly military units. tions Were In the fast Anther so-called fad that is acfound in smart cars of this type such Former Postmaster General Hurry -kuowlcdgud to be gooci pructiee is tin Any town ,n LJ:U Uniu-il .Malu* us completely equipped instrument, Perth Amboy Greatest Value Ever habii of choo»mg loodrs that are notwith a popululiuii <H'J.KIMJ or muru S. Nuw, who hits madt; an intensive panel, smoking set, etc. It is finish- j study of aviation, believes no town Near Railroad Station '.ovti-rehned. This applies ehielly to can iliave a llymg held, uccurdiiig lo ed in lystrouts black with molding in .cereals, corn meai, Hours and IIL^,the I/i'high Airport Compel.tion. I'm- should be without its Hying field. It Saginuw green and striping in tusk Price Now Reduced to $782.00 Delivered may ha difficult for some communiiwhere the most uenehc<al substanct i'rogram Committee, ties to see tho value of an airport* he ivory. Exterior bright work, such as( ia i'uund dose to u.v outer hull 01 cumpi'tition's radiator, head lamps, and landau J composed of H4 oi Lue country s OLU- says, but if aviation develops to a ilie product, and is lost tluougii ovur- standing architects, engineers, city poind of universal usuaKe, like the bows are chromium plated. <bleaching, bolting and polishing. Tin' new Sport Coupe is also ofplanner^ ami aeronautic experts, railroads have, then those towns with143 New Brunswick Ave. Perth Amboy i< a Prescription for poiiit-s out that hundreds i>l Aaier.- out airports will be left behind in thefered in response to a demand for u Special Menu stylo ear for two passengers, and Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Telephone P. A. 278 march of progress. can communities with less than IU,~ Clam broth frappe AmonK others who have stressed includes a comfortable rumble scat Bilious Fever and Malaria. Spanish chicken Buttered wax beans 000 population are among the 1,32-i towns which already have aipot'ts. 'he value of airports to American in the rear and a rear window that It i« the moit ipeedy remedy known. Stuffed tomato salad "Hit*., me smaller cities the prob- communities arc William P. McCrac- is easily raised and lowered by means Cheese wafers lem of acquiring land is less acute ken, jr. assistant secretary of com- of 11 convenient Tornstedti regulator. jPineapple mouse Oocoanut cake Introduction of these two now tnan in tne great congested areas," merce for aviation; Colonel Harry II. Beverage the Program Committee says. "Suit- Dice, chief of the airways and air-models come... simultaneously with aible land is usually close at hand, port* division of the Department of tho announcement that more than Curried Halibut of the new sixes have alMelt 1 tibl. butter and soften in it and sufficient acreage may be ob-Commerce, and Harvey Wiley Cor- StfiO,1)1)0 ready been delivered into the hands LI tsp. minced onion. Add f tsp. curry tained to provide not only for im- bett, general chairman of the Lehitfh of owners and that Chevrolet factorpowder mixed with 1 tbl. Hour; stir mediate- needs but also for those Airports Competition and a noted ies ura operating on the biggctft sumi n I 1 cup milk and l-'i cup cream. which can reasonably ibe foreseen architect. production level in the history Mr. Cornell has issued a warning mer When creamy, add 2 eups cold boiled in the inevitable growth of Hying as REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE UNDERTAKERS COAL AND WOOD eax baked halibut, season and serve an accepted means of high speed to American communities and a pre- of the company. Production of the now models has diction, lie has warned that unless inivery hot. u-dUie. "The history of the typical Ameri- telllirent planning is combined with bisi'ii Underway for several weeks. ANTHRACITE BITUMINOU Adequate Insurance Takes String Bean and Egg Salad can airport is about as follows: Tiho airportp construction, tho cities and Meanwhile thousands of the new To 1 pint cooked string beans add Chamber of Commerce or some, other towns of this country may lose mil- cars have 'been shipped to dealers. Most of the Burn Out of Fire J.-2 cup chopped celery, 1-2 cupcitizen's association get enthusiastic lions of dollars through the buildin« OfCiciuln prudicti that the entire n«•chopped nuts, 1 tibl. chopped onion. about) the idea, holds u meeting and of flying fields which will become tion-widu dealer organization will be FRANCIS P. COAN sampled with the new cure in two -Make a paste of the yolks of 3 hard appoints an airport committee. This untiquutad too Boon. FUNERAL DIRECTOR INSURANCE Sjoiled «ggs, add to French dressing, committee then obtains from the De- Mr. Cornell's prediction is Chat wooks or lens. In many of the larger Centura, the new cars are already unix well with the ibeans and setpartment of Commerce the general uvery airport, however small, will utla RellabU Compaaiai Placed for AND EMBALMER -away to become thoroughly chilled. requirements for airports, and it niiiy tract sufficient business to muke It on display. Fira, Automobile, Teraado, Rent As n result of tho introduction of also sei»k the advice of luciil pilots. a profitable enterprise, "Even though Uie aa<j| Occupscj, Tewritt Baggage Raiberry Squaih Res: 350 Augusta St. E»ploy.,'. UaUUty . . a Ufa A site is chosen either .because of its it Is not on the main transcontinental passenger car lino ombraces seven In a saucepan mash 4 cups red cheapness or because of political come a branch line station in « short these two new models, the Chevrolet Broadway and David St. ^raspberries, add 1 cup sugar and cook pressure. Funds are raised by public lines, tho small town airport will bo- cars, five enclosed and two open mo214 Pine Avenue Telephone 624 Tel.ahon. 384 *og»th'er 15 minutes. Than sift over Subscription or through a municipal time and thus will justify its con- dels. *th«1 berries 1-4 cup of flour. Cook for bond issue, and the field is developed. struction." S e a * Aaabay South Amboy, N. J. an additional half ihour, stirring fre" I I It's lasaraaea 1 Salt I t " In actual fact, an efficient airport H.lprul P«| n triM« quently, When stiff, pour the mix-is a highly complicated product reBoy« Find Alligator iture into molds and when cool set in quiring for Us location and construcThe florist should be gnteful tot Saranac Lake, N. Y.— A ten Inch CONTRACTORS irefrigerator to become very cold. Re- tion the specialized knowledge of u alligator was captured by boys In the the pedestrian, whose famlr always move from molds and serve with toohnidal expert. Ausable River near here. It is sup- !• • prospective buyer.-qClnclnutl whipped cream. '< AH'forward looking towns should posed to 'be several years old and ap- Hnqnlrer. REAL ESTATE—INSUEANC« have airports in order to handle the peara to bo in perfect) ihcalth. It is Canton Punch said it was sunning itself on a rock Carpenter and Plumber Boil 4 cups water with 1 cup sugar high speed traffic of tomorrow, just whin captured. There is no explanaMiracle 210 Gaorja 8 t OONCRETIS I3LOCKS j Jobbing of All Kinds Promptly sand 1-2 cop Canton ginger cut finer. as In the past they have built rail- tion of hog? jt patne to be in the river, Religion may help yon to 1 Hidt cool about 20 ininutijs; strain road stations, according to a consen- which is one of the coldest streams Attended To sus of expert opinion. your enemies, but' (t would., ta(n., •., PORTLAND Cf MENT sand add 1-2 sup lemon juice and 1 in the country and ia ice-bound dur- miracle for a lot of folks to forgive '< X4S Bordeatewa Arenaa F. Trubee Davison, assistant secre- ing a large part of the winter. •sap orange juice. Chill and when the iuccess of their frlenrtg.—Cappert iready to serve, add charged water. tary of war for aeronautics, points Weekly. r to B. P. Maunl Pour over crushed ice in tall glasses. out the airport will be- tomorrow's <ii!*crll.i- for t t t Oltlnn. PLUMBING AND HEATING CENTRAL LUNCH SEE THE NEW DURANT SIX JANAS MOTOR SALES The South Amboy Business Directory LEE J . THOMPSON EDWARD McDONOUGB COAL COMPANY MA! PAUL BRYLINSRl FREDERICK H. LEAR ALL KINDS OF FEED AND GRAIN C. T. MASOJS CONSULT — IS — Old Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Gas Heats Water for All Purposes rv NOTARY PUBLIC Center and Elm Sts. Quickly Conveniently Economically Reliable UNITED STATES Companies {EXPLOSION INSURANCE COAL 231 first Street Phones: So. Amboy 7 So. River 8 ROOFER 1CHAEL PHILIPS South Amboy N PHILIP J . SULLIVAN —FOBLOWEST PRICES ON PLUMBING AND HEATING Ettimatet Given All Work Guaranteed J. M. PARSER, Insurance of All Kinds Fire, Amtomoblla, UifeilUj. Cttiajtr MtB. Surety ana VUeUtr Bonds T«l»ptaon« m-1 SLATE AND ASBESTOS JOHN C. THOM t t t «AIH ST. 1OS SOUTH STEVENS AVE. Phone 217 G. T. WILHELM Sanitary and Heating Engineer RICHARDSON & BOYNTON VAPOE SYSTEM SOUTH ROOFING MILK AND CREAM HOT WATER AND STEAM REPAIRING R. A. CASEY BUILT-IN TUBS AND SHOWERS Of All Kinds To Roofs T*l. SU 315 Raritma Si CREAM MILK Phon« 267 347 Catherine St. HARDWARE ESTIMATES GENERAL FURNISHED, Telepho.en 2S2| R«. 3M 228 FIRST STREET (Bat. Stoaktoa Si. and Broadway) SOUTH AMBOY, N. 1. Telephone 384 W. HARPER LEWIS HEADSTONES ALBERT JEROME ' High Grade Granite and Marble JL HE ease and speed with which gas heats water make it the favorite fuel for this purpose with the home-maker, restaurant manager and plant superintendent. Gas lends itself so well to automatic regulation and the performance of the modern thermostat is so accurate that forethought and work in connection with the hot water supply are unnecessary where the gas automatic water heating system is used. The restaurant manager who relies on gas for his hot water supply experiences no delays in hot water service during rush hours, and the home-maker who has a gas automatic water heater in her home finds the many demands for hot water filled promptly. {Manufacturer ot |j Saws, Planes, Hammers, Hatchets, (Successor to Qtotfr K. ; Levels, Braces, Bits, Chisels, Drills Plumbing and Heating Tools for all Meonaivtes, Blow Torches, Soldering Irons, Emery Grinders. 189 North Broadway Agent For SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS SOUTH AMBOY PAINTS, ETC. HEADSTONES Painti, Otli, Varoishei, White Lead, Telephone 435 267 First Street Telephone 250 South Amboy TAILOR Recent developments in water heating appliances both for commercial and domestic uses make available to nearly everyone convenient and dependable hot water service. The gas rate recently established by this company of 9'/2 cents per 100 cubic feet for all gas used over 1400 cubic feet adds economy to the many other attractive features of automatic water heating by gas. EUGENE A. MORRIS (Successor to A. T. Kerr) ACETYLENE WELDI Paints, Olla and Varnlihc^ L. ROSENTHAL Tailor JOHN J . CROSS WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED ACETYLENE WELDING BruahM, Glass, Bronzes, Gold Leaf, Stains, Etc WALL PAPER 2S8 First Street South Ambo) Phon. 73 Scott Aranu* TRUCKING 103. South Broadway South Amboy, N. J. ELMER S. PARISEN ELECTRIC AND Canarad Repairing South Amboy Telephone S. A. 2B6 RADIOS AND PIANOS ICE AND TRUCKING WE SELL RADIO, FLAYER PIANOS AND PIANOS —«!.«— FORD DUMP TRUCKS J ' u n h i K a n i l l t D | " U M n u t U Klulit 1'rlion PVBLICQgSSERVICE Enanela, Stains, Putty and Clan C. I. BERGEN, 173 Stevem Are., corner Firit Street FOR HIRE 1'hon. ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY PIANO TUNING WM. H. MARTlF HARRY PARISEN 327 David Streot CARTING OF ANY KIND CRATING AND SHIPPING 313 David St. South Amboy Telephone 313 IJtU 509 BORDENTOWN AVE. South Amboy, N. J. T«Upbon* 095-R ft-10-01 PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED ZG4 Firit St. South Amboy, N. J, Telephone 138-M THE SOUTH AMSOV CITIZKH George Click, Jr., recently purRobert, 8 year old son of Mr. and Sunday evening the Chevrolet sechased from Sullivan & Dolan a new Mrs. Koloff, of, Stevens avenue, was dan of Martin Ncbus, of this city, home in che H'hit-ehead tract. The knocked down by a passing automowas stolen while it was parked in OPOPRTUNll'iES FOR ALL local real estate men are now ar-bile on Stevens avenue- yesterday. Perth Amboy. Early Monday mornranging to build another modern The cur that struck the boy stopped ing the car was found by Officer home in this tract. and the driver took him to the local Wisniewski, of the Sayreville police FOR RENT hospital. There the boy was found force, off the road and down in a John Brennan, of David streev to have a sprained arm and a lacerFlats and Apartments to Bent. Killer Confesses, Tells How gulley near Bordentown av'LMiue bePlans are completed for bus was a Philadelphia visitor over thi ated knee but no serious injury. He Johnson, 324 Main St., Phone 21. yond the city line here. The cur had p Monday evening while coming week end. Victim Refused to was released from the institution. i to t Coney C IIsland l been extensively driven and was 3-lo-tI excursion on Weddown Bordentown avenue, Thomas damaged Dr. Meaeham attended him. For South Amboy Real Estate or "Charm" Wife. nesday, August 14th by the Ladies Steve Andros, of George street Detef, of Chetsequake, reported to gulfty. somewhat in going into the Insurance see F. H. Lear, 210 George Auxiliary to Protection Engine Com- spent Saturday in Atlantic City. Dr. and Mrs. 'Muhlon Atkinson, of police headquarters that a young boy v Street. ,12-14-tf Officer John Dooling, of the PennBirmingham, Alu.—Voodoolsra nnd pany. This is an annual outing and Catskills, Y., passed through here ran into the roa dand into the side of \ FOE RENT—Flat, first floor. In- witch-burning is still practiced umoug greatly enjoyed by all who attend. John Muska, of George street, was yesterday N. R. R. force brought Kugono enroute to Sea Girt to at- his car. The boy was hurled to the sylvania 8-2-lt quire 122 John St. Salario, of New rBunswitk, to poa New York visitor last night. negroes of South Alabama, It Make your reservation at once to the tend the Governor's Day and greet pavement by the fenders hitting him. lice headquarters FOR RENT—House, G rooms, all some charged President, Mis6 Marcella Ryan of Governor Earson and Congressman Deter picked the boy up and rushed with taking lumberSaturday improvements, gas, heat and electri- hos Just conn; to light by a cnse be- Henry street. Miss Catherine Dadio, of the loca Hoffman, out of a box car him to the office of Dr. E. A. Meaehing reported from near Cumden, Ala. both old friends. Mrs. L. city. Inquire 246 South Broadway hospital staff, was a Manasquan vis- R. Atkinson, of Canajohrie, N. Y.,am, where no injuries of any account at the local yards. A hearing was 8-2-tfj It wua near midnight in a little Mrs. Laura Sumers returned to her itor last night. fixed for Monday night, b u t no one who is spending some time at Mor were disclosed. The boy refused to showed FOB RENT Flat of 6 large and j negro settlement eighteen miles easl home in Trenton on Monday after a up at that time to press the airy rooms. All improvements. Bent! of Cnmden. Brush was piled against three weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Celia Jesko, was a Philadel- gan each, and her daughter, Mrs. I give his name or U) permit Deter to charge, so tho cas ewas dropped. Richard Kemmoran, joined the coupI take him home. Michael Sergei of Fourth street. phia visitor over the week end. reasonable.' Pine Avenue, corner-the rude cabin of .Mnnse Hunter, an le at Morgan and accompanied them Henry St. Full particulars at A1-, nge(] negro, and the brush set on Ore. The regular montnly meeting of William MeKeon, of John street, to Sea Girt, The family once lived pine's'Store, same address. Y-2-tf | ,| | i commenced to shoot As le ame3 A the Ladies Auxiliary to the A. O. H. lias resigned his poeiMon with Ander- here and have a wide circle of friends FOR RENT—Six room fist. '» I skyward old .Manse, budly hurried, lied be held on Friday evening:, Aug. son's Garage, and is now a salesman who are now renewing acquaintances improvements, 330 Henry Street. In-1 f,.(im t | | e ca |,| n . gome one. concealed will Uth. The president, Mrs. Rose Mc- with tha Sayreville Sales Company, ad every opportunity at the cottage quire C. McGonigle, 334 Henry St. jh) ( [ ) e dnr i( DCSgi si,ot the old negro Neil, at Morgan. urges every member to be pre- Ford distributors. 8 (J 1 . , , " " ! dead as he ran. sent at this important meeting. FOR RENT: Two furnished rooms, K o r s e v e r a , d u y g the crime was a John Nilson, of Trenton, is spendil Mrs. Margaret Munn and sons Ed- ing a few days with his daughter, housekeeping conveniences, improve- mystery. Then Will Cook, a neigh' ments. Trolley and buses pass by the boring negro, now held In the Wllcox ward and William and daughter Miss Ruth Nilson, of Henry street. 125 North Broadway door. 230% Bordentown ave. 8-2-tf county Jail, confessed. fie related Catherine loft this city on Sunday Kev. and M:re. Charles E. Kennedy FOR RENT—4 room ihouse, part n most weird tale c.f negro sorcery, morning last by motor to spend a week at Quebec, Canada. and children are enjoying a month's improvements. Inquire D. & S. jealousy mid vengeance. IN A HURRY? vacation at New Canaan, Conn. They Bottling Co., 151 David St. 7-2fl-tf Manse wns a conjurer. A voodoo Mr. and Mrs. John Sutliff .Sr. re loft for their vacution on Monday. FOR RENT:—£ room house, bath, Call 149 And Have II Delivered turned to this city on Saturday last all improvements, stationary range, doctor. Mrs. Raymond Erlckson of Main AIio Pledge $800 Toward Permanent Cook wns a believer. Since yea.3 after ii two weeks vaaction at Atlanat 527 David street. Inquire John street is a patient) at the local hospiBuilding Fund For Camp Dugan, 528 Henry street. 7-18-tf ago. Manse hnd gone somewhere to tic City. tal. Heinz Rice Flakes, 2 packages 25c learn Mark art nnd had returned with The City of South Amboy has The regular monthly card party of a "diploma," a talisman of metal recontributed $150.00' to the annual Certo, bottle 2 7c Alterations to the home of Mr. the Ladies Auxiliary to the Ancient FOR SALE sembling a watch In size and shape. Order of Hibernians held last Friday nnd Mrs. John Oliver Jr. on Second maintenance fund of the Kiddie Keep (Jock hnd seen the power of Manse's night was a marked success. These street Pilsers Malt and Hops, can -65c t ll underway at this Well Camp in Metuchan, the County are well FOR SALE: or RENT:—New 6- charms. Camp for undernouri»rtod children. time. partiea will be continued monthly. rocm Colonial type house; 3 lots, all Royal Scarlet Peas, 8 oz. cans 9c Belief I* Firm, This is the fund on which the camp V improvements. On Upper Main St. Cook's belief was unshuttered. James E. Planigan and James Nois actually operated. The permanent Work is progressing on the I'faffar White Rose Grape Juice, bottle 25c .Apply B13 John St. 7-2C-lt apartments on the corner of Muln building fund for which a countyFOR SALE—New House, with Manse could do anything. Be had lan have returned home after spend- and Stockton street* ami before long wide campaign i» being waged is to Tctley's Black Tea, % pound package 43c one or two lots, 6 rooms and bath, opportunity to know, for since 1024 ing a wook at Culver Lake. insure the permanence of bhe instituwill bo offered for rent. lie had hired .Mnnse to keep for him all improvements. Hardwood floors, Capt. Thomas MlcKeon of John St. tion as soon as a lease may be ob1 large Octagon Powder..:,. 25c on / John Street ' between Ste- the love of his wife, Eula, whom he has resumed his duties as superintenRelatives from MJIlltuwn have been tained on the site. yens and Pine avenues. Inquire D. suspected of going with another ne- dent'of the ferry activities of the visiting with Mr. und Mrs. Clifford 1 box FAB 10c Pledges amounting to $320.00 7-26-4t gro, Gene Davenport. F. Ryan, 262 Henry St. Statem Island Rapid Transit after a Clark of Second street. have been reported from this district, FOR SALE—7 room house, nil im- Frequently, almost dally, CooK saw vacation spent at Niagara Falls and 4 cakes Octagon Soap 26c $600 more anticipated in tho provements. Inquire 113 George St. Manse. Be became Intlumto with Canada. Mrs. William Diehl of York, l'a., wibh near future. Of this sum, the- South 7-28-tf him, reading to hlin and watching who has huen veiling with her pu Amboy Rotary Club is responsible for FOR SALE—1 house and 1 house him at his work. ta M L. D. Green, of George street, at- raita, Mr. midd M Mrs. W Win. K Knimons of. $260.00, In grtitubdo for the genTotal value 61c and store, corner John and Feltus "He could kill anybody he minted tended the mooting at the New Jer- Second street, has returned to hererosity of the. Rol/arians, the camp Sts; also 4 lots, corner Feltus and t o ; he could run mules cmzy; and sey State Printers League nt Atfantic homo. hopes to ontortain them at luncheon ALL FOR ..:_._ 50c George St. Inquire John Grynkiew- he could make any whits nmn or City last week end. Leo Shiinonhy ,o£ Jersey CiOy, WIIH some time this month. icz. 325 Ward Ave. 7-26-4t SAVE l i e . Ninety-one undernourished childMr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh and Wie guest of Miss Murgurct Gulugher FOR SALE OK RENT:—A 51 acre daughters Miriam and Olive spent of Augusta street on Monduy. Mr, ren from all over bhe county arrived farm, all of the best tillable land, last week end with Mr. nnd Mrs.Shnnophy, a farmer ocal resident, re- ut cump Thursday to spend the with ten room farm house thereon; Howard D. Littell at Choir cottage at newed a number of old uciiuuiritunces month of August, and nre already near Spotswood's new factory. Just living strictly according to camp Culver Lake. while hero, .Hie place for poultry or dairy farmroutine. ing. Apply Harry Forjrotson. fiR8 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Caahman of KoIatlvcH from Brooklyn were the Washington ave., Tel. 282, South Brooklyn spent week end with Mr. guests qf Mr. and Mrs, Hichard Ntil- Arctic Owl Attacks Anvboy. 6-14-tf and Mrs. Edward Dooling of David topp Sr. of Ilaritnn stret on Sunduy. FOR SALE Child in Daylight street. Kirv. -Robert Muron, curate ut St. • Suranac Luke, N. Y.—An Arctic owl v _____ - Fourth St., -two very deslraWe Mary's Church, visited with relatives Rev. G. E. Schlbrode, pastor of the of record size swooped down In broad lots. Sidewalk, curbnte, sewer, waFirst Presbyterian Ohurch, Is spend- in Brooklyn on Tuesday. daylight nl the home of Mr. nnd Mrs ter, itas and electricity. Johnson. ing, the month with his family a t 854 Main at.. South Amboy. 2-8-tf Duvid Quinlun Sr. nnd family of Fred; Npssen, near Potsdnm, nnd atChautauqutt, N. Y. George St. 6 room house, good upper Henry street entertnined rela- tacked Phoebe, their five-year-old condition, part Improvements, two daughter. The terrified child wrapped Mr. nnd Mrs. George Geis spent tives from Jersey City on Sunday. lots—$31500. her nrms nhmil her head a n i screamed the week end visiting friends in Bay View Manor Bunealow, four Aaron Meisonberg, of Fourth St., for IIPID. Bridgeton. rooms and bath, all Improvements, visited with friends in New York City Her fin her readied her and snatched two lots, one car garage—$4500. Miss Marion Munch~wus a week on W«<lneaday. Her icwiu lusi us lice uiinlly dug rushed Inquire Johnson, 324 Main Street. end visitor at the home of her sister, Electric service can make hot weather comfortable nl the owl. 2-8-tf Edward Lucitt of Fourth street has Mrs. J. Probasco of Bridgeton. The (In^ mill no clmiice with the Electric fans, for instance, noiselessly circulataccepted a position with the Railwny Moire bird, which sm.vcil ubove him John Wnlczak, Democratic candi- Mall Service and started on a regular and raked liltn severely wilb heab and ing the air, creating cooling breezes. Do' you MISCELLANEOUS date for Councilman in the First New Jersey run on Thursday of this tnlmis hefnre It Hew uwny. The dug know a warm and lifeless spot where one is week. j Ward, was a New York business visicould KCI mi hold In rhe i;rcal , NE TO LOAN on bond and tor on Wednesday night. needed?' Or, there is the Electric Refrimorteairp In s~m<! nt $100. 8200, $R0O Alex Zdancwicz and Joseph Mc- mass of feiitliers and was bndly gerator, with its cubes of clean ice at kiuickefl about. »400. JBOO and up to $10,000 Office Keon visited with friends in Belmar Morris Rosenthal, Broadway taiVi nv.*'» from 8:20 a. m. t o 8:20 p . tn. Two years ngo the Aillromlneli relor, has purchased a new car of the on Wednesday night. all times for cooling drinks, frozen •Wednesdays and Saturdays from fiedan typo. gion sufl'ered n regular Invnslon of desserts, making your kitchen °*20 a. m. to 6 p. m Tnrtuirp Jnhn George Monaghan and Everitt nwls from the l''nr North, most of K. Lovely. Trust Company Building William Daniels of New York is Armstrong visited with friends in which hnve been killed or have left cleaner, more inviting, keeping spending the week with Alex Zzabol- Brooklyn on Saturday. che mountain country. food at an even temperature, csky, son of Mr. and Mrs, S. SzabolWm. J. O'Brien spent the pnst HOUSES WANTED TO RENT csky of Broadway. guarding health. The coat Cook Shot H i m Dead. t/wo weeks in Atlantic City and at Wife Loses Election of operation is very low. John Zdanowicz of Washington present he is spending a week with •WANTED: Houses and apartments negro mistreat his own family and love avenue is to return to his his mother im Red Bank. Argument, Sues Hubby for Rent. Our service quickly se- some other woman,1' Cook said In duties at the DuPont plant after boCambridge, Muss.—A nuiisuiipiirt cures desirable tenants. Properties his confession. Lawrence Furman has purchased a ense which gruw mil of the lust I'real ' ingg confined to his home with inmanaged and rents collected. InsurEula, Cook thought, was fnlth j i id in i an auto t accident new Jordan sedan. ilentiul elei'tlim rnilrd In cnurl here juries received ance of all kinds. Notary Public, fulAnd to him only through Manse's In some time ago. lu u victory foi the Hoover forces Johnson, 324 Main St., South AmMr. and Mrs. Wm. J. O'Toole of boy, N. J. 3-15-tf fluence. Second street are the parents of a In the elect Ion. Stuart K. Slmiforil Mr. George W. Thomas, of John Recently Manse's charms failed. fnvored lloovei while Airs. Slmifcinl baby boy, born last Sunday. Cook's wife was again going with street, is spending a few days in supported Snillh. Knllnwliig u poll! Hightstown and Camden. Davenport. But Cook went to Manse INFORMATION WANTED The trees along the Presbyterian it-iil argument. Mrs. Shmfiird hud ln>i again. His wife had run away. Tho Browntown Harvest Home will Church property were trimmed dur- husbnnd linleil lutu court. The ju<l«e found I I I in MMI iriitlty Cooks' faith In Mnnse remained. be held this year on Thursday, Aug. ing the past week. Information wanted concerning the HeButbegged, lie pleaded that Manse 15th. Many local people usually atwhereabouts of Sol A. Herman. Last hrlng D. C. Chase of Pineavenue has Ills wife bnck to him. Rut Mnnse tend this affair, which is noted for heard of was living with the McCarpurchased a new Lincoln coupe. the. excellent food served. thy family at 419 Raritan St. Lived refused. In an extremity of despair Cook there for about 4 years. Age about Mrs. J. M. Roll of Church etre&t Mr. and Mrs. Win, 3. Evans have 54 years. .Wears glasses. Anyone accused Manse of double-crossing him moved visite'd relatives in South Orange on from Broadway to a new ad—of working for Dnvenport Instead knowing of his whereabouts, plense YOU TOO MAY GO— Tuesday, dress on Second street. communicate with his wife, Mrs. i'f against him. Sol A. Herman, 121 La Snlle St>., G*orge Abel of Portia street spent And Mnnse ndmltted It was true. The Misses Elizabeth and Ann week end with relatives in TrenNew York City. Wns at one time Decides to Kill. Murtha visited with relatives at Lake the employod as executive manager with ton, If so—what of those For a few days Cook brooded. Then Hopatcong on Sunday. the Sarnoff-Irving Hnt fnctory in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oppenhelm of Perth Amboy. 8-2-lt lie decided he would kill. Walter Peterson and.Ralph Stuarb Broadway were visitors at Camp BurBut Davenport or Mnnse? Should you leave behind? he kill the man to whom Eula had enjoyed a fishing trip at Barncgat on ton, Allaire, on Sunday. Wednesday. They were the guests of Kiine? Or the conjurer? James Housel, who is spending his Mbrgaret Maliszewski of Melrose NO ODOR TO FISH Then he decided to strike at the vacation there. and Mary Reskowski of Elm street mot of the evil, lie took Ills gnn alCOOKED WITH A You won't miss it— left Sunday morning on a Hudson though he hnd planned to burn Mnnse John Dooling, Theodoro Wilhelm, PRESSURE COOKER alive—and, walking seven miles to Howard I). Littell and Oliver Welsh River ibont for a two weeks vaention in Albany, Troy and Schenectady. the small amounts nowMiinso's cabin, built a pyre of brush- witnessed a baseball game in New *. Tlie sensible woman gives her fiun- wmiil nbmit It. York City on Wednesday and in the Leo Ncbus has equipped his new >• lly Hull 111 lenst olive a wool;, botb In When Mnnse escaped the flames evening iittcnded bhe boxing con- meat market on Pine avenue and the InlercHls of vurlely anil bi'tMiHi) Augusta street with modern equip('(ink shot him di'iih Then Cook went teslK at Ebliets Field, Brooklyn. It Is rich In niliiernl sails, phosphorus But they— ment. Tho store opened during the home nnd to hed. nnd eiiltitini, which nre liiilhhira of The Lmlies Bible Class of tho week. Cook's conscience is elenr. he told bom' and trelli. l''nim the limiHOMethodist Episcopal Church nro alwlfe's point or view the thief objec- SliorllT F. F. Til lit of Wllcox county, ready engaged in preparing plans for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bloodgood tion to cooking flub In the odor which mid Dpjm.y Klre Miir-shnll George N. their nnmiul Harvest Home to be and daughter Eliznbeth are enjoying Let me tell you the eld in Se-ptcvulu'i*. she Is nraintoniod lo associating King (if CniiKlen. In his confession he wepk nt Atlantic City. FRIDAY, GUST 2, 1929 Boy Hit By Car Here: Local Man's Car Stolen-Eound Here VOODOO DOCTOR SLAIN BY MAN HE DENIED AID So. Amboy Contributed $150 To Kiddie Keep Well Camp This Year MAHONEY'S M E M S YOUR POVfERCOMWWCANSOlVE IN COMFORT 'Borak's Meat Market with I t Thorni dllllculMes, according to tb« I Motional School of Pressura Cooking, k r o overcome by cooking tho fish la t prcsiuru cooker. There will bo no odor, either escaping Into tho room or . affecting other food In the cooker nt tha n m t tlmo. Furthermore, all the delicate flavor Is retained ns well us t h t {life-giving mineral salts, and tho flake* Will b * solid yet tonder. Much of thlf U d u e to t h e brief space of time r » quired for cooking under prosturt, .which also means a considerable fu«l •eonomy. Again, many of tho tlnjr jfconet which a r e apt to make fish sating a wury occupation nro BO gelft'tlnlscd by being cooked In this w a r 'that they can b« safely eaten without 'noticing them. Any fish which r " « could normally bgbe la better dimo In your 'preswre cooker. First see that It la thoroughly clean. Then minion and wrap In a strip of clean eheesecloth and plnco In the Inlet dlnli of the conker. Peeled potatoes may bo put In tho sumo dish. 8*111 tb« fooker with warm wnter up IB tlin nick, put In Hie Inset illahai and fiifllcn the cover properly In p»tttlon. Knr three pounds of llsh cook IB to IIS minutes nt lli-lbs. •nd your nan I« perfectly it"ii« reilil.T to servo. A coinpletn and wcll-biihinced niBal Of (lull. putnloM, buttered bentn and tlttpmit'l nppl* [IIIIMIIIJ; cnn ho pre2PA?IH1 In it [treasure t-o(>l,*ir nt ")io tltrtfc. of the crime tn them. Manse, wns n power nnd he ustid this 8tnmge power for good or evil, nml In killing him Cook snys lie has done n great service to the people of Hint section of the state. Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday Mr. and Mrs. George K. Delancy Rev. and Mrs. George Naylor of and children «f Fourth street have Second street are spending Hieir vabeen enjoying an automobile trip cation at Clifford, Pn. through New York State nnd Canada. Raymond Cotnvay of Second St. Dr. E. C. Griffin, pastor of St. has been confined to his home the Mary's Church, Is enjoying his annual past week -on account o{ illness. Seattle Retains Ban vaention nt this time. He ie touring The Misses Mary, Margaret and Against Firecrackers through tho Wdst. Anna Donovnn of Rosewell street Seattle, Wash.—In tho face of oppo Howard Dillon of Main street spent have returned homo after spending sltloii by cities of the. I'ucltlc const., Ihc pnst week at Spokane, Wash. their vacation nt Niagnra Fulls. Mils city will not II fI the bnn on firecrackers for Fourth of July celebration. Numerous communities lu the West Imve repealed the law on the ground that the Hrlng of gunpowder aids In uulidltiK up n respect for pa'Holism. • To prevent iinnecossiiry lire nieiimje mill the physical ilnngcr to children olllclnls here will not permit I he Bale or use of firecrackers In IU>/ form this year. lianmrnfflnBMijpHggWB^imqKiMmMEmMH^ story in person. A. STEINER SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. DANCING! Avoid Procraatinatfon IVi It n o w iiiMh'jid of w n l l h i g for to nuirruw, n r n e x t wt'ek, nr in l xi immili. Nino d i n n e r s mil of l e n you will Illid prominlliintliiM m i n i you. Itcineiiilier, mi iniiice of liidiiy IM wurlli n pinind of \(^slfrtlnyji tiinl ii ton nf inntnrriiWH.— •Irlt. Siiinll l.*.uriiprnii Bird t'ri'tiiil'ly In Hiiiitlli'Nl lilril In Ku i'n|ie IH DM1 tfoMcreHt, or Mii^lel. Us iiilnl li-iiKth hi'liii; iiliinit three mid » Illllf llll'lll'H, EVERY EVENING EXGEFT SUNDAY Cliffwood Casino On The Boardwalk LTND BROS. DANCE ORCHESTRA POTATOES, Basket FRESH CUCUMBERS, 10 for LEGS OF LAMB, pound FRESH CHICKENS, pound LEMONS, Dozen SUPER SUDS, 3 boxes FRESH HAMS, pound STRING BEANS, 3 pounds 95c 25c 38c 35c --40c :20c 32c 25c JERSEY PORK LOINS, pound 30c SMOKED HAMS, whole or half, pound 32c CORN FLAKES, 3 box 20c FORE QUARTERS OF LAMB, pound 25c 1st PRIZE MAYONNAISE, rcg 25c jar 23c LOIN LAMB CHOPS, pound 40c CALF HAMS, pound 122 North Broadway .-... 22c Telephone 261 f •Via. SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN W H - H - M I I !•)>)• I-H FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1029 All Alike Under the Skin B1ELR0SE NEWS Eugene Huyden ha.- I-I;IUIIKJ ig his work at me iiitt't'naii'jiiai -vlutors Company in -New until enjoying two weeks vaciLon. After making a line eateti »l ::iQl crabs at Ijanjcyat on .Suiuiay, Thuinas and Bill Eriek.^on .servul a hard crab supper at the hitter's home Liter- J I By CORONA REMINGTON the brow of the said hill in all its J Big Time Race Events courses and windings but crossing straight over a email wash or gully and passing on the north side of :he To Be Staged At two'chestnut stumps standing in the said wash or small gully in all about and 73 links till it strikes W'bridge This Sunday !ithechains | dividing line between the lands ' !• •l-H-H-H-t-l-H-H-M-' Trade in Your Old Water Heater of the said Leason Chandler and the premises conveyed; thente along said line 13 chains and 17 links to the n i : i J C V I'.IXTUN lived In n f-ci-Wifn * of Wcslwii.v where iii'l^'liljnrs were U'dudbritlgo, X. J., Aug. 2nd—Liig l )I:a ' e °f beginning. Containing three They gave Hiile pm-li.-a time autimnibile racing will once aacres and seventy hundredth? of an t re o r ,1nM. for n ln-iilnu on board ' thereabouts. To which piece ,1nM. f o r themselves t h e m s e l v e s tla-.v t l a . v had had n l n i i l n u swain swa fflourish s h o n tthe h e lliali'-iiiile ialiiiiile b oard p f J l the th said id James J G GoodhtJort d h Huh, they ext-lianiieil recipes and dress .speedway here Sunday, when the ,o f Jimtl ii S d A i t i claims title by virtue of a d e d from ((."ul'l-riKlit.) uiid their fras and eleclrkity turned n hefore callers came ringing their r. and Jlrs. John Garry of Jersey! ^^ n ''" St T Umnl:M f'la(e o f h o t !''« cult51 l l l s s l l m l l v i ht>1 f r " G" | 0''»'<"• j - ^' " v m | ||||V| , n . ( ,"m ( , | I m e|Hp] . Speedway to See Lou Moore Perform Aeain If H e Survives Testa. on a GAS AUTOMATIC [ [el{ nothing undone to insuio success chains ami -10 links to where a white ' uf t . ne event. \uuk tree formerly stood; it- being: ile lias whipped together a field l l o wt h uWilliam Morgan's corner, and notable fur the many big names on '"• "••• highway leading '-•••'•leading from from Mou Mount it. Heading the guluxy of stars jai-Pleasant to Amboy; thence north i57 Lou Moore, who, when he rode ovt ,,- : degrees and 15 minutes west C ehai us and GO links; thence north 23 deliad must hei'f ; the same track early ill tae •reor; and .'JO minute.-; * 1U lii-IO »*H'J/]'V-** l<f^LlllVi li 11V1'< . c;.----— '— J 1 ET us tell you how c.isy J it is to have a dependable hot walar system in your home. Well take your old heater—no mailer liow worn it is or,what make—and we'll make you a liberal allowance for it on the priee of a new gas automatic storage water heater. -'- again down since it was swept by fire several months ago. The plant is being operated three shifts. The new buildings are of brick and iron construction. All streets in Melrose were crowded with traffic Sunday due to the tieup in Meehauicsville. The curs used Oak street coming out at Bolger's Stand. doorbell It was answered by a tail, the sensational rhiladelphian Containing ;} acres and fifty-eight blue-eyed young nmn who held a ham- finished second to Moore in tihat hundredths of an acre strict measmer In his hand and who seemed same race by dint of a spectacular ure. blissfully unconscious of the ridicu- finish, Said premises being the same as lous smudge of soot across his left by John Morgan and Sarah, Alany other stars are entered. conveyed s check. Among- others they include Dcacunj''i wife, to Esther Lambertsun, by ' 181), not yet re"I'm ,11m Harrington," lie said wllh Lit/., Herman Church, Zeke Meyers, deed dated June .S mi engaging smile. 'JMother'll sure ap- Fred Minimi, Mike illckson, Lary corded,- from which deed the foregopreciate this. Now, let's see. Where JJeals, Gordon Condon and Bill Al- ing description is taken. The said John M. LanibcrtMim claims title do you live? Fine I We'll be over soon. bcrtson. fifteen are entered.]1'111 above premises a« a child and Thanks a lot." Altogether Only ten, however, will be included | heir-at-law of Esther Laiiibertson, And they came soon, Mrs. HarringVincent Yanas and son Johnny en- ton nnd ,7lni. in the stalling field. Trial races, | deceased, and also by quit claim from joyed a good day's crabbing Sunday Henry Laiiibertson the only other "I declare this Is tho sootiest town run before the main event, will rc-| heir-at-law at Barnegat. which quit claim is I ever saw In my life," said .Mrs. Pax- duce the number of starters to t/cu. corded in the Clerk's Office of MidThe men behind the promotion of A fire at Wagner's Restaurant at ton's visitor. "It seems to me 1 have dlesex County in Book 00 of deeds, Morgan Creek.called out the Sayre- to mop and scrub nearly all,-day and the races lire ull highly optimistic as page Ml), etc. future of the sport in the liL lll UlL> s 11 ville fire department last Friday. every (lay and I've had to change my to the Dormant since l'/lU, the sport 10 Lnu ' K lrt »» t-' promises conveyed The eng-ine from the Sayreville Com- whole life. Up norlh .Monday was my Kust. l" y «' ''<-' lu-nt part by the had its rent rovivuly Jiur curly this! )lirt pany in running on the old dock near washing day, Tuesday Ironing, sea.son witn tho iUU-milc nice in!l y ui the second part, by deed of the scene of tho fire, to pump water Wednesday linking,, mid then of mark. I even date herewith not yet recorded. from the creek, became stalled -in course my rouulnr cleaning days. Now, which Moore net up a new resent AH that lot, tract or parcel "£ the soft ground and it was necessary I luivo to not in .1 woodwork washing Twelve thousand people were pn I land and promises situate, lying - and for a wrecker from Htilo's Garage to day nml a wnll-wlplng day every week. the-n. i ntllc It wus proven that sporting cti-i.•"-'"'« Township of Madiaon, tow thy truck buck on the paved It's awful." tne County of Middlesex and State tl lusiusts of the East uko to Hie "> road. The Melroso truck after reach"You inenn you are going to wine B|K>rt, pointed out Mr. Kvnns today, of New Jersey. ing the fire, was unable to help any Iieginniiifc at a point on the northa ? the water could not be reached. all your walls and, wash your wood- when twelve tihuusand turned out at This truck suffered a burned out work every week?" Mrs. Pnxton In- the first race. And, Sunday, with u erly side of the public road from far stronger field than that which Mutavvan to South Amboy, Middlesex clutoh, but was ablo to get back to rpilred mildly. the fire house. The building was to- "I should sny so. Why, this town's competed the first time, u crowd of County, New Jorscy. still larger proportions should be on , Said point in road being distant tally destroyed, although there were so filthy that, If I didn't no one could hand. 51 and one half links on a course four engines at the scene, all unable live in house." south 48 degrees and 45 minutes to get near enough to the creek to Mra. flnrrlngton soon became the pump water. Old Silk Rewovcn , •west from the southwest corner of terror of Oie neighborhood. Her winthe brick foundation of the house It Is ri!|">i'"'<l tli'!i >i process lias standing dows gleamed, All dny Ions she was on tho premises named; Mr. and Mrs, Louis Nelson of Me- busy chasing dirt. He^ home was her nccn perfected In (lie Iniperlnl Ite thence (first) along said public road tuchen spent Sunday with Mrs. Le- life, her nll-consmiiing Interest. search Instilule. Osaka. Japan, where south 53 degrees east 72 links; Koy Coddington of Kearney Koad. "Lund, what must she think of my by fllscnrdcil silk may be pin through thence (second) north1 88 degrees Mr.jand Mrs. Joseph Marshall of house," gronned little Jfrs. Watson one a chemical process that changes It to and 30 minutes east 96 links along New Brunswick spent Sunday with day. "Jly boys keep everything tepsy a liquid form, then to a Jelly, then to fence line to a corner; thence (third) a plastic substance that can be made north 24 minutes west (which is the Mr. Marshall's father on Oak street. turvy." old lino before any exchange was "My sink's stacked high with dishes into threads for weaving. effected) 2 chains and 30 links to a Clarence Ellison is in charge of the right now," laughed Mrs. Paxton. "I stake; thence (fourth) south 23 deremodeling of the old Tice nome on guess she'd mnke .Tim break off with Hulacrlbt for t»« Q t l M . grees west 2 chains and 83 links to Kearney iioad. Peggy If she knew It." 510. the place of beginning. To the other neighbors Mrs. HarSHERIFF'S SALE Judgment amounting to approx The- residents of Melrose are anxContaining about sixteen hundredrington's mnnla for cleanliness was MIDDLESEX CIRCUIT COURTmately $3700. jously awaiting the start of tne free ths of an acre more or less. something of n joke, but to Peggy It The Matawan Bank, Matawan, N. Together with all and singular th mail delivery service. Being the same premises conveyed J., Plaintiff vs. Morgan Lambertwas a tragedy." rights, privileges, hereditaments ar to Jacob and Mary Hochberger by son and Irving L. Reese, partners appurtenances thereunto belongin Residents of this section as well "Whnt'll I do after we're married," trading as Lambertson & Reese, Joseph M. Wenzel and Anna M. or in anywise appertaining. as Mechanicsville are making good Peggy moaned to herself. "She'll be Wenzel by deed dated May 20, 1009 and Cornelia A. Derats, Defendants. use of the old bathing beacn at the always snooping around to see If I've WILLIAM S. HANNAH, Fi Fa for sale of premises dated and recorded in the Clerk's Office of old Kearney brickyard during the dusted1' heldnd the empty fruit Jars Sherif: Middlesex County, N. J. May 25, BURLEW & CURRIE, February 8, 1929. warm spell. In the cellar. Bet she dusts hers every 1909, in Book of Deeds 431, page By virtue of the above stated writ 7-19-4t Attorneys. $87.3 to me directed and delivered, I will A very pretty wedding took place morning." It was several weeks later that expose to sale at public vendue on at Our Lady of VictQries Church in Sayreville Saturday night, when the Peggy wus sitting alone at home read- WEDNESDAY AUGUST FOURBey. Joseph McGrath, pastor of the Ing. Glancing out the window she saw TEENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED church, united in marriage, Miss someone rush up the front stepa of AND TWENTY-NINE Ceina Bowie, daughter of Mr. and the Harrington homs and pound fran- at one o'clock standard time (two Mrs. WUHe Bowie of Sayreville, to tically on the door, o'clock daylight saving time) in the John Marshall of Melrotse. A sister "There's no one there," she colled afternoon of said day at the Sheriff's of the bride, Miss Ruby Bowie was through the open window. Office in the City of New Brunswick, bridesmaid and Alex Palko was the "Well, the house's on lire." the man N. J. best man. After enjoying a honey- called. I.onfcins up, Peggy snw two or All the right, title and interest of moon to unknown points, the couple three sninli spirals of smoke rising the defendants, Morgan Lambertson will reside in Melrose. and Irving L. Reese, partners trading from the bpfck of the roof, Hushing to the telephone she called as Lambertson & Reese, and Cornelia A large delegation of property the firemen, who came dashing and A. Deats, of, in and to all the followowners will attend a meeting at the ing described premises, to wit: Morgan fire house Monday night rattling down the street In an unAll those- lots, tracts or parcels of sponsored by the Morgan and Bay linllevnhly short time. land and premises, situate, lying and ModtlAASlaht-typtbtdy " "Just use the hnnd sprinkler on being in the Towwhip of Madison, in View M'anor Improvement Association for ,tne purpose of informing that, hoys." snld flip ehM when he the County of Middlesex and State the residents the details concerning had examined the roof. "We'll have of New Jersey. the fret? mail delivery service which to cot Inside nnd RO up In the attic First Tract—Being the same premstarts September 10th. tn sop It's nil right In there, though." ises conveyed by Leason Chandler THE NEW FORD H 2 -TON TRUCK The house was securely locked hut and Elizabeth his wife, to the said Clark Hams ot Kearney Koad is n10 chief hrnke n pane of glass out of ij o hn M. Lambertson by deed dated still conlintfd to his bed, after receiv- HIP kltfhen dnnr. sllppcil tho bolt and ! April 1, 1863, not yet recorded siting painful injuries about the head I'csiry nnd tho men went In. iuate, in the Township of County and nnU body when lie was struck by a "Xn need for coupling up tho hose, i State aforesaid, being a triungular car while crossing the Victury Bridge Fill the spi-lnk-lcr nl the sink. Ttint'll [piece of land adjoining the lot of land Mondny morning, lie had finished ! °£ the s a ' d J0'111 ^ Ijambertson, and his night's work on the bridge and do It." he told the llrotnrn i. u-ii<i limn Hi". n....,r,. ainr.nn.i .„ ! is a part of the tract which the This system is so thoroughly self-regulating that the hot water supply throughout your home soon is taken as a matter of course. Hot water is always ready—at the turn of the faucet—for every houseneed. Small Sum Doivn 18 Months to Pay Balance PVBLICMSEKVICE II rtiik< J i l l £1/11 l i . Mt>' !i;ill ll-lljll 1 I'JI^inilT^ . . J . _ .. . 1 * «. char struck him was in a third line. The driver lost coiilrul of his cur and ran into tlie draw. Witneses to the uccidenl. wen- of tlic opinion that Clark liad been killed, until they picked, him up. |)r. Wi'hi'i1 is in charge ul' ihej «"»> '•«. «'«'• »l h ,lslies ho sink «,llk|I1B w,, S ool, piled ,„,,,, " Beginning at an old lied Oak Tree, a monument in the tract referred to «l"»«l ^neath It. on tho r » n w of HIP above, and which is also a corner of Milieu tiilile wns n iHI-tnh- r-s^.v plate the said Lambertson land and run wllh n knife nnd forl; tin-own cure- j n j ng -thence as the needle: now points, l.'sxly across It and hoslilo It n cup ! nol -th 80 dug-roes and 24 minutes ilmt hiid oiivc i-.mlnlnon con>(\ j east, 4 chains and ati links to a Just ns Hio ilriMiiiMi were lonvlng .small gulloy, near its head; thence Will. Kllisun, (ieorge Hvignn, Hill Mr« Ibininulon hurst In o\Wtcdly. i so uth Hi degrees and (4) minutes Kosonvinue and Wm. Clayton enjoyed "My dear. If Ihe neighbors over \vesti lu chains and 85 links to a the fishing at llriich Haven, Tuesday found tills nut I'll hp so hiiinllliili'd point in the old line of. the tract of night. caught ii a nnice niglH. Thry n i c y I'liughl i c e mess m e s s ol ' •"" " l l 1 1 " 1 1 " " " ' , ., , , , , ,, ,,,, _ „ , , weak fish, weighing from :! to t, '''' '""•" •"'»' »»"• '»''• '»'•« red will, ..||ibnrniSN,i,en|. "Hut 1 lust Had tn no to town this niornln, on ,,rSi>nt httslMrs. Kosi' Zalcsky was a New York! IH-KX. Promise you won't toll nnvnuc I he said, Leason Lha id lei, thence .along this lint nurth 1 degree and 4 j 'minutes west V chains and 71 links I t 0 t l l e teS""lln|f' OoiiVaininu i acres and eleven liundredtlis of un acre City visitor yentordiiy. fVfrcy. f i n so L'IIIII It wus you who Second Tract—Being the premises I'liinc In hecuiis.' you'll soon hp In the conveyed by James Goodhear and Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Kllison fmnllv." Fanny, his wife, to John M, Lamuertyesterday ul Miiltlletowu. III promk..." s,,l,i 1',.,,-y evenly. ; s o n b y deed dated April 23 1884, •If you II slop tnlkiiiL- nhnul your ever- a n [ ) r e c ( , n l e d in the Clerk's Office At Ml A..1.J liisllim liuiisfelcMiilin; to cv.'rybod.T - o r .uidaiesex County in Book 201 of The modern baby ilnesu'i have I. mid If you w.iii'l miy n word nbimt (ho- bleeds pages 032, situated in Madison age much hel'ore It wnnls lo g.i liu\ -.v:i.v I iiflor wo'rc innr .Township, Middlesex County, New buy.—A Jersey, containing'Aacres nnd sevenled.'1 ty htiadredths of un acre, or therc"I'll pivimlsp niiyllilnc." snld M r s . abuuta, Ui which isuid deed for a more li'i-rliiu'tMii i h ' s | n - r a t i ' l y . " I ' l l i i . i K l i l v c l y ADVERTISEMENT particular deseriplion reference is „ , i die II' II over L'nf out.' benled bids and proposals will b e | "\v,.-,-(» nil alike ndi-r Ibe sldu." liud. 1'. S. following is a description hnonlly. "I hud really bo- :of deed 201, page 0U2: received by Hit- lluiiid of Public >dd l'o!:".v hnonlly. Works of Hie City of South Amboy, • in to ihlak tint voi, tvcf.>«<imp'l;lnd ! UcEi«"iinK lit the red oak tree be1 N. J. ul tin City Hull, South Ambuy, i, ... ,,i ing an old monument in corner ol , N. J., on Tliimidiiy, August 15, 1DU!), r 'land now Liiauon Chandler's and runnt 8:0U 1'. J!., Daylight .Saving Time , , , i lung thence along tihu rear uf said j or as soon thereafter as the lioard Morgan Lnniucrtson's land 1 chain j can consider the same fur tlle fur-HP HA1) fONSTIPATION and 0-1 links to tliu middle of a small i llishing of material and equipment llU litXU ^ J i } ,inTrni gully; tinmen down the siiinc as the f lI i l YKA u'iitL'i' runs th(.' several courses about] 1)0 i,iuls "Chronic trird' landing at, the mouth of Huhl gully! for 40 yeara. '"^•nni hnppy to i ^..t . . . . | ) 0 W E , B r when, it joins thc mam or large g u l u ly; thence down along tho base ol , !now very regular."—Goo. A. Allen. t'h(! hill :m the needlo now points IM degrees nnd a hiilf (.'list 2 I h o Board ot l u b h c Works r e - j t l ( m ,„ T W 0 h o u r a | u r j l | ( t ,,, I'linins; llii'iicu south wvunly and thirserves tho right to reject any or all; w n ,, U s ranW,,r V()1 , n o v l } 1 . ihl)UBht ty minulcB oust 2 chains anil lit) links, WM bids, if dcemml in the interest of tlit'|| M v o u r system. L«t Adlerika giv middle of another small gully run- 1 City so to do. ;yml-r Btomnch and bowels H UKA1. • nlng out of Urn promises lu-rdn conBy order of the Board of Public idenning nnd SOB how good you feel, vryed; thonco running directly up Works. ll'otcraon'8 PlmrrnBcy AdvUho fuco of tho hill to Its brow uniith Specifications fur tills put station on . . , aro ,<,, now • file in, the t n na iy ^ b t t - '8-2-2t ^ ^X^M G. PRANK BISBKOW, I Clerk. X^'Z^ »--— 52 dugrmis anil 45 mlnutfn onnt I chnln nml 10 llnk«', thence fast.. .powerful... rugged ... economical THE chassis of the new Ford truck is designed for reliable service. There are forty different kinds of steel used in it, each made to wear longest under the stresses to which it is most often subjected. The threebearing crankshaft and the three-bearing camshaft are of Ford carbon manganese steel. Valves are of chrome silicon alloy. Transmission gears and shafts are of chrome alloy steel, heat treated for hardness. The front axle is a chrome alloy steel forging. Stee'... for other important parts are equally specialized . . . to make certain that the Ford truck will give long, economical servk.\ Many features contribute to the splendid performIIIKJ of the Ford truck. Its engine develops forty horse-power at moderate speed. Ontilcver rear springs reduce rebound and lessen unsprung weight, A Houdaillc shock-absorber at each front wheel increases stability, decreases jolts. The fully enclosed six-brake system is long wearing and positive. A shatter-proof glass windshield increases the driver's safety. These and similar things throughout the entire chassis give evidence of the thorough care with which the new Ford truck has been designed for long wear, reliability and economy. aJ^tt^i'^aiisflit^iMatMaiMavpMBB^'i^^J NEW Thor Washer AGITATOR TYPE Only $99.75 Ask For A Demonstration In Your Own Home Hoover Cleaner (Model 543) Now Only $59.50 RADIOLA 44-THE NEW SCREEN GRID RECEIVER-OPERATES FROM YOUR HO>USE CURRENT. $110.00 (Less Radiotrons) DOLAN BROS. ; W Authorized Dealers 130 N. Broadway li7W^li7Ttl^l?7smrai??WBI^?sfl^l^ Frank's Meat Market "The Service with a Smile" is the service worth while. Frank Packoski, Prop. 631 Bordentown Avenue Phone 277 for Prompt Delivery FRESH FISH EVERY FRIDAY A Full Line of Fresh Meats and Poultry Also Delicatessen Articles Come in to see the Ford truck, and let us help you decide which body type is best for your use. DORSEY MOTORS, he. Td. P. A. 3500 ADAM SEPKA ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Radio Repairs 12D Feltus Street Estimates Furnished 347 Maple Street Perth Amboy, N. J. Phone 294 Battery Charging Telephone ill! §outh Amboy .Tobliini? Promptly Attended Tn THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1920 Ascertain the Fact* Some people. If they read or heai { about the symptoms of a given malady begin to think they are suffering klen tical symptoms. Such persons should not keep on wondering and worrying They should consult n doctor. j Nash Versatility | Demonstrated Anew Throughout County \ ^ e w Ttyle "400" Model, Get Wide- i spread P»Ue._^_ w Daily Thought No man ever lived a right life ivho fiad not been chastened tiy a woman's love, strengthened by her courage and guided by her discretion.—John Hus kin. They D.d Right Well What :i ixia.-k in scholarship those ancient Greek philosophers would have uiaile If they had enjoyed the advantages of a liberal education.—Louis ville Courier-Journal. It't a Tottup "A persistently silent man." said HI Ho. the siige of Chinatown, "gets an even chance In popular estimation, u to whether ha Is very wise or very dumb."—Washington Star. H4D VISIT N"ew York And of course it is beautiful to look upon. The side stroke, in which the LEADS THE WORLD IN MOTOR CAR VALUE SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 Kenosha, Wis., July 24th: While; LEARN TO SWIM arms are never raised above water the biggest vacation touring nuiveg f l m fir Round is also graceful and good for one who "J0O" .Idrancett Six .Imbastador ment in automobile history surged; If I were asked to name the onetires quickly. Back swimming and *rP • « • ** Trip over national highways this week, of-: sport which man could least afford ficials of The Nash Motors Company! to give up, I should unhesitatingly floating are also important because SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES received reports from every section! say: "Swimming." Swimming is the they afford an opportunity for rest. South AmLoy 7:16 A. M. Once you have gained confidence of the country which indicate that. I cue form of exercise in which every Delivered, Fully Equipped, Returning leaves New York West in the new type "400" Nash models,! muscle of the body is brought into and do not take at every drop .llore to But/.' ^ motorists have found a car t.;at over- play, anil also many of the major of water that gets into your mout; 23rd Street fl:22 P. M., Liberty comes any and all driving conditions internal organs. As a beatitifier of lhe next important tiling to remem- ! Street 9:35 P. M. and whose utility is unhampered by the human form, it has no equal, for ber is that the really good swimmer (add one hour for Daylit'ht Time) the old time problems of changing it takes tiff flesh in the wrong place does not' hammer and pound the waFor further information secur 1 temperatures, altitudes and ruad*. and puts it back again in the right ter. His arms cut the water with sur- handbill at Ticket Office. prising rapidity and few splashes.. Assurances of this versatility lie place. It gives symmetry 1 anil grace Really scientific swimming involves in official registration lists, which to 'i:v figure am! earringfe . Aside from its highly beneficial n - rwiiiiiniiu' 'v;th the .end under water show an unusual equalization of tliroiArh the niuiith on the : swimming indispen- —inhaling Nash "400" sales throughout the suits, I consider 1 1 United States during the last five sable to tin prolongation am! safely icvei o; tin* water ami exhaling thru the no.^e iielow. .\Ian is a laud-animal months. The national maps in which of human life. If I bad my \va the'motor tourist sees endless trails would be1 ;ati;rht in all schools righ'; and sometimes lie experiences diswV.en trying to adjust himthrough the prairies woods, and !r(''ii (lit beginning—along wi'i th<'comfort. to a difleii'iit element. If the mountains of his chosen route, pic- liirco L"s. The t-inu' to learn to .'/.wim self lefoi s.ime older person has h.iil constant submersion bothers your ture another vital Nash achievement chanc to tell you that you "in ears use small rubber plugs, which when spread before experts of the can be bought at nil athletic and sales department and shaded tu reIf you have any choice in the mat-drug stores. veal the registration percentage ratio Swimming holds out one of the few ter, learn to swim in fresh water, TKABOSKI of new Nash cars. Beginning with'the Pacific states|rather than :-i>lt. Also ib is better to encouraging inducements to fat, peo'"THOUSANDS of people who ture is the "world's easiest steering." they show a heavy block of shaded j learn to Jinn in warm water, be- ple; they learn more easily than thin! -*• drive theTwin-Ignition-motored ..tftrritory which covers California and cause in warm water the muscles re- people because their flesh is more Nash " 4 0 0 " Ambassador have dis- And the Ambassador is one of the REAL ESTATE AND th f y t tt h l l : i x a n d relaxation is is one of the buoyant, and While they are learning! 1 covered that the most luxurious easiest riding cars ever built. The tho far western states, where large l:ix-—and relaxation goo<l swimming they are also reducing. So if you INSURANCE type of motoring is not necessarily wheelbaseis 130inches.Thesprings have, not already learned to swim—' counties and vast distances in sparse-,chief essentials to 107 S. Pine Avenue prohibitive in price. ly settled country makes automobile! ami endurance,the breast stroke first. do so now, this summer. You will be are built of special process alloy Telephone 178 South Atnboy merchandising difficult and where jIt Don't t steel, individually designed for Aman learn awkward position for the well repaid in increased vigor, build and general health—and I might add) cars are called upon to meet the body and forces the beginner to Obvious to every eye is the style bassador size and weight, and outin social attainments, for the man or hardest kind of driving tests. This screw up bis face, squint, and "ship" and thoroughbred character of this board mounted Houduille double acwoman who doesn't swim nowadays shading extends to and through the charming motor car. There is beauty tion, hydraulic shock absorbers are unnecessary quantity i of water. BUS SERVICE great divide, tapering off into the western plains and spreading out The first stroke to learn—the easiest isn't—well, he just isn't "in the in the purity and grace of every line regular equipment. heavily through the praries of the and the simplest—is the "crawl." and curve. There is luxury in every SOUTHAMBOY middle west. The heavy shading item of interior dress and decora- Other features of convenience and NEW nitrXSWlOK-SOUTII covers Wisconsin and Illinois like a tion, from inlaid walnut panellings quality which Nash volume makes blanket and sweeps south over the • AMHOY—a to the deep, overstuffed cushions, it possible for you to have at Amrich Mississippi valley all the way South Hlver mid New Brims, upholstered in fabrics restricted to bassador price, are Bijur Centralnick. fiom Itaska in the north to tho dellliiKm lenve Ilurcli>iitown Avenue ta. fine car manufacture. ized Chassis Lubrication and Chronml Cilj- M n t — mium-nickeled bumpers front and This equalized distribution is also , W e e k d a y s : M o A. M.. 7:00 A. M., And equally obvious, to those w h o apparent through the 'eastern mounrear—at no extra charge. 7:25 A. M., 8:00 A. M., nnd ,.v.,ry half h o u r u n t i l 10:00 i \ M,; tlu'ii 10:41) P M tain states and across the old south, know good motor cars, is the high nnd 11:30 1'. M. •with heavy sales records featuring quality of " 4 0 0 " engineering and Voiume and its manufacturing econS a t u r d a y * : (l:S(i A. St., 7:00 A. M.. the banner Nash territory of New 7:25 A. M., 8:011 A. M. nml e v e r y 30 Ambassador performance. Here, in omies plus Nash engineering skill mlllllU'S until II :SI) I1. M. York and the Atlantic northeast, this moderately priced car, is the make possible this value. More Sundayn: fi:30 A.M., nml every SO To Nash engineers the fact bhat Twin-Ignition motor, the year's than 168,000 Nash "4OOs" were built minutes until 10:30 1". M.; then 11:89 the heavy sales demand this year hus most notable achievement in power. and sold in the 12 months (just ended) come from every type of driving BUSES fOR HIRE Another very attractive " 4 0 0 " fea- since the "400" introduction. country proved that they have proPure white or silver hair can be Be very careful to rinse* out the Puttie Service Dc Luxe busct ducyl the ideal car for American use such 'beautiful 'hair! Soft, gracious, sonp in several clear rinsing waters. afford a splendid means of carryDelivered, Fully Equipped Price Range of 23 Najh "4OO" modeli* 9 7 0 ' ° « I 2 6 and have contributed greatly towar* becoming it frames any face in the Then give the hair a final rinse in a ing parlies to the seashore, mounlnclu<!ej Touring, Roadster, Coupe, Cabriolet, Victoria and Sedan Model* tile increased safety, convenience most friendly fashion, It dims facial basin of water to which a few drops tains, theatre, or to athletic or and pleasure Df the touring public. lines almost magically and brings out of French bluing have been added. other events. They are ideal for "The blanket demand for the the rosiest tints in the skin. But take care not to get too much picnics, outings, or tours. '400's' and the fact that more motorPhone: Emersot^9700, Ext. 86. Just now it is extremely fashion- of tho bluing in this water. ists than ever before are taking to able to have silver or snow-white Recently I saw a very pretty young the^opeji road this season, is signi- hair. And it is often worn short, ap- woman whoso prematurely white hair . PVBLICCllsERVICE ficant of continued prosperity for the waved and dressed, with 'had evidently just been given a blu252 Madison Ave., Corner Market St. Phone 1018 Perth Amboy A-174-D automobile industry," C. H. Bliss, propriately ing rinse. Under her" bright red hat general sales manager, pointed out very lovely effect. it looked distinctly blue in color. But short or long, the white or sil- The effect was weird and not at all today. "It shows that people' Interest in automobiles and motoring is ver gray head needs more than or- attractive as so many startling efincreasing rather than decreasing dinary care to keep it lovely. Unless fects may be. year by year, and that the motoring it is properly shampooed, rinsed In drying white hair avoid strong luxury at moderatte prices which dried nnd waved, it often becomes heat. This rule applies to all types Nash offers has a permanent nation- dry nnd yellowish or streaked. of hair, but for gray or white hair, al appeal. Here is a particularly good sham- which is usually inclined to be dry "All of the new Nash modals lend poo for this type hair: Slice a cake or brittle, it is doubly important, T themselves perfectly to touring re- of pure Castile soap and mix with it dry it well, gently rub the 'hair an quirements, thanks to the engineer- one-half ounce of potassium carbon- -scalp with soft, warm, Turkish towel: ing achievements whichhave brought ate and three ounces of water. Let to absorb the moisture. about increased power, smoothness j simmer until thoroughly dissolved, White or silver hair should neve and economy in the twin-ignition jthen add one ounce of glycerine. be waved with a hot iron, a s ' the high compression, valve-in-head mo-j Blend and add more water to the action of intense heat is yellowing, tor; the unequaled steering and op- mixture if necessary. Shampoo in the Instead use a warm iron, or wave erating ease of the '400' cars, their usual fashion. with "water wave" combs. complete equipment at no additional cost, and the added comfort and Health Hint England Honors Americans luxury built into the Salon bodies. In buying toys for children, lienr In No Americans are burled In West "We feel that the announcements by motor clubs, touring bureaus and minster abbey. There Is n bust ot mind the tendency i^ young children . other agencies which show this as jHenry W. Longfellow in the Poets' cor to put everything Into the mouth and the greatest touring season on re- ner, n colored window nml n tablet to that older ones can he educated with cord is a splendid sign of continued James liussoll Lowell nnd a tablet to toys. Too foni|illcuted toys hore children. Expensive ones do not necessargood business. Nash dealers and Walter nines Pace. ily Increase pleasure. distributors the country over are ajjiply prepared to care for all tourist Nature's Forethought Jleods, and the motor pilgrims will Can You Pronounce It? Even Nature seems to be interestjlnnd a warm welcome and prompt Perhaps the most , unpopular ship * ' attention under every Nash service ed In food c'ontiilners. for she provides for fruits and regctnhlps containers name, at least mining signalmen and sign.' of the most efficiently protective nn- underwriters who have to write it JOHN ST. METHODIST ture possible In the cn»e of prac- down in a hurry. Is surely the Ven EPISCOPAL CHURCH tically nil fruits nnd vegetables, the uyngasowpuklnletcheuiy. Happily there Rev. Elijah K. Reed, Pastor skin or outer covering la a great help is only one ship .of this name—a Phone 764 In preserving the wholeaomeness of barque registered at Jaffna, a port in For reasons of citizenship come to the pulp. Ceylon. Church. 0:45 A. M. Sunday School, Wm. M.,Emmons, Superintendent. Did the Sunday School over help you? Are you 'helping tho Sunday School now? 11:00 A. M. Divine service. Tho Sacramont of the Lord's Supper, Any of other churches not having service § are Invited, as well ns visiting friends In pur City. '7:80 P. M. Song aervico and short aormon. America has taken this new Buick to its heart. Million! spirited behavior on the road. Its new and biftirer Wednesday 7:45 P. M. Devotional have thronged to see it . . . tens of thousands have Valve-in-Head engine-developing 1 99 h o r s e p o w e r rvlco. Don't drive your childron to already placed orders . . . other thousands have reprovides matchless new virility, pick-up, swiftness and hurch—limblo that way with them quested demonstrations . . . all have found that in the flexibility. A single drive will prove it the pacemaker and the good will bo a 'hundred fold, five major elements of motor car appeal-beauty, Keop your face always toward tho oj performance. And the same drive will disclose performance, comfort, safety, value—this new Buick sunshlno, nil tho shadows fall bemarvelous new handling ease, comfort and safety, due with Body by Fisher strides far ahead of any other car hind you. to a new and improved steering gear and new road in the entire quality field. Thoro will bo service at the John shock eliminator; new double-acting shock absorbers St. Church nil vacation time, ouch which check both bound and rebound; and new conNew Fisher Styling Sunday, trolled Servo enclosed mechanical brakes, the most The new Buick Bodies by Fisher are longer, lower, effective braking system on any car in the world. more luxurious. They reveal new Fisher styling— new beauty of line and appointment—new colors — See, Drive and Own This New Buick which have won outspoken admiration. And they il Roso Downn of Ruritnn street Bear in mind, this new Buick with its many advanceintroduce a host of new features including the new ent Sunday in Lnkewood. merits is offered at new low p r i c e s - in three new series F^her Non-Glare Windshield for safer night driving; and three new wheclbases, with only one standard of Friends from Aabury Park visited new and richer upholstery; and new fittings and quality throughout—the finest in its field. Come see rn the week ond with Mr. and Mrs, appointments of princely luxury. hrlstophcr Doyle, of Rarltnn street, the new Buicks and arrange to drive one. Among the Orange & Tomato Juice Cocktail—2^ 14 attractive body types is exactly the Buick for y o u Pacemaker of Performance Fried Butter Fish—9Of . Baked Potatoes—12j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conovor httvo git ! Moreover, Buick for 1930 reveals this same marked Lettuce and Peas—27^ Bread and Butter—Wj noved from Fifth street to Rarltan " '" l h e 1 3 2 ; " n d ^ ' n d " wheelb »rlei sttfeet, ttiis section. Cottage Pudding with Fruit Sauce—3,ty supremacy—this same increased leadership—ij fleet, orsepower. * Demi-tasse—S# Mrs. James Wortley of Rnritan St. Total cost—$2.00 spent Tuesday with friends in New NEW LOW PRICES — 124' WHOELDASE >?ork City. jtOR the orange and tomato with one-third cup sugar, and add 5 Paaaenger four-door Sedan, Model 37 juice cocktail you will need one well-beaten egg, Add one-third .J1493.OO US' WHBELBASB Thomns Bonder of Raritan street _ . one No. 2 can of tomatoes cttp milk alternately witli one nnp 4 Paasenger Coupe, Model 58 . 1463.00 visited with friends at Camden on S PatHngcr Two-door Sedan, Model 40.. wliifch costs U cents, two oranges Hour, t.vr. tablespoons baking pow,.^1235,00 H2' WHEBLBASE Tuesday. costing 8 cents, two teaspoons sugar der and one-fourth teaspoon salt 4 PklKnger Sport Roadatitr, Model 44. . .. 1273.00 7 Paasenger Sedan, Model 60 IS43.O0 and a few grains of salt. Strain sifted together. The ingredients 5 ir'aiKngcr Phaeton, Mtxlrl 43 MT. and Mrs. John Stolte of Con,. 1275.00 7 Paaaenger Litmiunine, Model 60-L !.'!"' will cost 11 cents. Bake in a Imt1993.00 the tomatoes, hut do not press the 2 Paucngcr Uiuinett Cokipr, Modrl 46., over street are the parents of a baby .. 1225.00 '4 f " « n * « 1'our-dnor Special Sedan, Model 61.. 1693.00 pulp, or the juice will be cloudy. t( red flat cake pan in a moderate 4 Pawengtr Special Coupe, Modrl 46-5. 12«T nn Paa.enger De Line Coupe, Model 64-C 1623.00 boy. Aild the juice of the oranges, the oven, .150°. for about .TO minutes. 1673.00 J Paucnger Four-door Sedan, Model 47. Cut in squares while still warm and sugar and salt, and serve ice cold .. 1295.00 utO.UU J Paaaengrt Coupe, Model 6B 1323.00 Mf. and Mrs, Charles K. Freeman serve with the following sauce: in small glasses. Tlifie pricea f. o. li. factory, Serial equipment e.tra.7 Paaienger Phaeton, Model 6 9 . . . . of Ridgoway iivonuo visited at AsBulr* delivered price, include only rraaon.ble Mix one and one-half teaspoons l'or the lettuce ami peas you will chargr) fur delivery ami fin JKH,||. Convenient lerma ran be arranged on lhe liberal f J M A C Time bury Park, Monday evening. foruslarrh with one-half tup water, nerd two tablespoons butter, one Payment Plan, t.omiilrr lhH y y o u SHQULD $2061 NEW JERSEY CENTRAL /ETfcLA-IZE MBASSADOR $ r NASH TWIN-IGNITION-MGTORED FRANK AGENCY PEKTH AMBOY NASH, INC. 1 • » • «• • * « a n n • i l l Two-Dollar Dinner for Six JVffl fisier styling...NEW 99 Horse^wer Valve in-Head Engine* NEW Controlled Servo Mechanical Brakes -NEW Steering Gear NEW Road SKock Eliminator -NEWDouhle Acting Shock Absoroeis JKZ^NonGlaWdhild Mechanicsville Miss Knthryn Mulvoy of Wilmot street onlorlained frlirnds from Ciirnden at thoir home, Tuesday. Spelling Vnricd Tlio Old Tosiuineul WHS written In the Arainnlc nml oli!i>r Hebrew, flio New ToHtntnpiil In HIP Inter Hebrew •11(1 poBfdlily to Homo extent In (Irtielt. TIIIH na'dUMR for tin; dlfferenco In ipclllliR III tin; IninnlnlloiiH, medium onion, one No. 2 can of peas, two taMespooRH di'ipped parsley, two citys1 shredded lettuce (about half a head I nml one-fourth teaspoon sail. The pnas nisi 15 cents and the other iiiiriTdk'nf'i !-. Saute the chopped onion in butter, then add the peas, lettuce, parsley ami salt, anil iwl< until Ibe liipior from the peas is alinnit rooked away. To make tlie cottage pudding, cicam three tablespoons sliortciiiiii! add to the contents of one H ounce can of pineapple tidbits t 10 ccnis) and rook in a doitMr lioiler until slightly Ihiekcned. Cool. t'ttt half a pint box of strawberries (13 trills) in halves, mid onr-third clip !=iigar and let staml until sugar is incited and lierries juicy. Add to the pineapple mill M'rve on the eotlai;e |iiidi!iiu.'. T h e alnive prices a r e , of course, approximate, am! will vary slightly in different localities.* delivered price a. * r | l „ , , ( „ li.t price when comparing aulonu.bile value. New Brunswick Buick Co. 68 French Street Telephone 898 New Brunswick, N. J. W H E N B E T T E R A U T O M O B I L E S A R E B U I L T . . . B U I C K W I L L B U I L D T II E M t— THE SOUTH i 1928 Good Farm Yekr'l i Energy Mayor hvist Attends Birthday Shower I Washington,—Owners of good sizten't everything, and iim> ed farms had the best year in 1928 notEnergj of necessity guarantee success the big farm slump of 1921, ac: 11:11111111 M 11-1 Council Session For since Honors Mrs. Edwin cording to a Department of Agricul- in life. I* fan be so diffused as to be wasteful, or so Intense as to tire. The The Serpent Good " ture report. They averaged $1,334 in First lime Tuis Vear Scully Saturday Eve. cash return* against $917 for the low best work Is that wliirh Is done Quiet Luck Charm year of 1H22. Food raised on the iy and thoroughly, without hustle. FEIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1929 - Anniversary By KATE EDMONDS $ •t-HH-H-H-i-H-H-i-H-H-H-H-H-J'* Obicrved at Barents on Fifth Street. Hom< oi City Fathers Complimented By farm and consumed at- hom-_> was es| Health Hoard (or &each Cleanup. timated worth an average of *2(ii'. The cash returns included tlit' return on the labor of the farmer and his family, estimated at an average oi' STiiS at ordinary farm wa^'es. [ Expanses were higher in li'^8 than in 11)27, averaging .-? 1,518, t-he department found. Increases in income were, the greatest in the Central, States. Reports weiT received from 11.8U0 farms, averaging- 281 acres anil representing an average investment of ?15 .A iMiliday snuwcr was tendered . Tuesday evening's sesbiun oi tin .Wrs. 1-jiiwin .icully at tilt- home ui' her Cuiumun Council ui tJiis cuy, wu. ..unusually barren oi business OL inH E I l lliree y e a r s in t.'hiiiii, pait;nU, -Ul. ami .Mrs. \\ diiam Jjuyail n in. s i r e d Jam Saturday evening; tereat. The session iutstuu uu: r c n e o rani'. 1 limm.1 w i t h a few lilies mi rii'Lii 1 minutes and it ',vas i..e lii'si1 mceuiig of c a r u in tils keen fai-c, Sf-allered 1 in. evening was a duiig.iil'ul one, ol thu y . a r a i '.vnich Muyur . i m iaiv t h r e a d s of s i l v e r in h i s d a r k liair a n d UK' m a c being- spent n; .singing unit i:upi~ aalKini';. inc. loums wi-t<- eiaooratt'iy A. ivviai was in aiLem!aia-e. (in a n x i o u s loul; In liis cyi;. i decorated in while and yellow. Tow- duiitly ii ivas also me i i m tins ;-IMI H o took Ksli'llf's small h a n d s In h i s ard the close, oi tiie festivities, dainty .ab wuiuh Councilman \valter inman, big o n e s a n d looked d o w n i n t o h e r rei'reshment/S were suned. Air*, i oi tho i''ourin Ward, was not JJIUexpertant face. "Failed, dear," was scully was the recpieiit of many | sent. all he wild. j Tne city auL:iuriiies were coniiMboantiful and useful presents. "Failed':" the color drained out o[ Aiming those present were Mary, j mealed in a letter from the' Hoard oi" her checks. "You poor old denr," she Anna and Catherine Grimley, Cather- j Health for their action in .Hiving thu Does It? added, putting liis broad shoulder. ine lUunn, Lalu Ureen, Mane Cun- I local beach 1'ruiit cleaned up auu Showing (be while feather ends In "We will he^in over npiin." way, ilr. and Mrs. Joseph Dugan and made i i t lor bathing purposes. "Listen, dearest of girls;" be sat daughter May, JUrs, is.. Thompson, I The secretary of tlie M-cchumcsvihe showing red.— Forbes Muguziue. flown nnd drew her to ii seat beside Mrs. Anna Dugan and daughter An- Hose Company advised the council ol him; "1 had excellent cluincen out na, Mrs. Jusupn Quinlan, Airs. Wm. two iu-e liydrants iliat were useless by reason of broken casting's, inisoiny j there—senior dork In the Detson bank Weiler and daughters Mary and Uoraq>f., c k \ Tlie letter tliun went un ; with a fine chance of being sent to I lie othy, Mr. and iirs. Win. Dugan, iiir. to speak of the needs ui the lire \ New York house. And I lost the and Mis. Edwin acuity, Mrs. Virginia truck in tne way ol hydrant wrecu- j chance. This Is the way It happened: Manion, William Munn, William ilul- es, an 18-inch Stillsoii wrench now I I took a short vacation lust summer— nian, Philip Sullivan, Chris Grimley, buing carried with which to open i a c .Urs. James- MunhuHun and daughJust n few miles up the HiianK-pu riv- ter hydrants, fire hose, there being only er—good lisliing anil did my own cook- le, 200 feet of hose on the truck, etc. ing. Along dime a rich Chinese merTho council moved to refer thu stateCarmelita Lueitt, Mrs. John Kerments relative to fire hytlrant concliant with his triiln of servants; somehow he managed to tumble Into win, all of this city; Anna Hayes, of ditions to the Board of Public Works, Keyport; Mario Boylan of Jersey the river and would have been City; and Grace Ringwood of Wood tiho latter part to the fire committee of the council. drowned, only I tlsbed him out. But bridge. I somehow toolc -a beastly cold— Notice of hearing by the Board ol couldn't get rid of It. Had pneumonia, Public Utility Commissioners on the and was In hospital for months." complaint of the Uorough of Keyport against tho Marathon Bun Lino for "And the man whose life you saved? ratu of fares adjustments at Newark Did he know the result to you?" she on Sept. 11th was read by the clerk. naked ufter a while. After but little discussion thu notice He nodded. "Came to the hospital was ordered filed, tho council decidto see me and mode a long speech of ing it was not interested. thanks. Also recited a poem he hnd Other notices of hearings by the composed on my heroism. The old Plan Beach Party For Thi« Month— Commission on bus line applications beggar gave me this as- a keepsnke. Have Pictures Taken. that intend running through here It Is Just n bauble; let me put It on The officers of Raritan Council were also ordered filod. These wore your wrist." He opened a lacquered tho Safeway lius Transportation Co., box, and took from It a bracelet elab- No. 21U4, lloyul Arcanum, held a Pennsylvania Girnornl TrunsnorUition IS CHEAPER THAN orately carved from red coral. It was special meeting in their rooms in tho Company, who' proses to operutc beIn the form of a serpent, delicately American Legion Home on David St., tween Jersey City and Atlantic City, SPOILED FOOD1 Monday evening. carved with the fairly touch of n masand Jersey City, Kcantsburg Bus When the thermometer atarts riaA number of visitors were present ter carver. The 'elusp was of solid ing and the warm dayi let In, Food including William Cowan, Regent of Line. gold and there were Chinese Ideo- Coronal Council of Keyport and DisThe report of the police justice for will gpoil quickly—and that meant a graphs scratched upon It. trict Deputy Grand Regent Charles Juno showed collections for fines) costly waste—unloit it ii protected etc., amounting to $80.00. by Ice. "It Is quite wonderful, Donald. Did Metz of Jersey City. he tell you the meaning of these charA committee consisting of Henry Alwayi keeping your refrigerator acters?" The girl's lovely face was Nilson, Arthur B. Chapman and John •upplied with Ice ii inexpensive when wistfully curious. She so wanted him Kisko, were appointed by the Regent you consider what you save—and the way in which it keeps your food fresh to talk—to act like like Ills old self to make arrangements for a permanent home for the Council. This and palatable. once more. This stern, white-lipped tnnn, with the thin face and graying committee will report ut the next We deliver Ice daily right in your hair was different from the stalwart meeting of the Council which will be neighborhood. young lover Vho hnd sailed away so held on August 11th. Orator Rudolph Foreman was inbravely three yenrs ngo. Lawrence shrugged his shoulders. structed to make arrangements for, a Local S. S. Bodies to Join In Train beaoli party and dance to be held Trip to Asbury Park for Outing. Phone 10 "Something about seven years—and some time in August. Office and Yard: gratitude—I skipped all the rest. I All arrangements, have been comAt the conclusion of the meeting was pretty bitter about the future." the officers were taken to South Riv- pleted for the excursion to Asbury David St. and N. Y. & L. B. R. R. "You are not sorry you saved his er, where a photograph was taken. Park next Thursday under the auslife, are you, Donald?" This picture will be used in the pices of the Union Sunday Schools. "Of course not," he declared, and monthly bulletin and also in the local A train will leave the New York and Long Branch station at 9 a ,m., and the knew that he spoke the truth. paper. on the return trip will leave Asbury There was an echo of the old confiPark at 8 p. m., daylight saving time. dent ring In Ills tone. "But Estelle— Transparent Toada It is expected that many local we've got to face the fiicts—I'll have Plpa toads, which have recently ar people will bake advantage Of the opto go away Into the mountains some- rived at the London zoo from South portunity and spending a day at the where—a dry climate and work my America, are so thin that one can see way out again. I may he an old man through them. The eggs, numbering seashore. There will be a baggage by the time I earn enough to support up to 1(M). are taken by the male and car attached to the train to care for the baby carriages, etc. The followus both." deposited ID cavities In the mother's ing Sunday Schools are participating "Then I shall go with you and we back. in the affair; Methodist Protestant, will work together," she said. Methodist Episcopal, Presbyterian At last he gave In to her pleading and Baptist. Good Advie* and they were married and went Into Wm. M. Emmonfi has been general The girl waa known for a few harm the mountains together. Lawrence less antics. A garrulous young fellow chairman of the affair this year, and took charge of the palatial "camp" of asked a dowager If he could present he has ibeen assisted by members of a mllllonnric, nnd there were many her, and then started to tell the old the other schools. The Pennsylvania months of Idleness when he bemoaned woman all about her. . "When yon Railroad will furnish the train to their exile. present a girl," said the dowager. carry the" excursionists to the shore She smiled bravely. "If you were "Just present her. Don't give her resort. In my place—wouldn't you count the away." balance on your side?" They Must B* He could not be gloomy after that The Hawaiian Islands are said t< Thi. Is Nothing Naw and she could see that he was getting A mental expert says that there Ii have the same temperature all thi better. Another year might restore year around. But the Elawallang are him to full health. One day he came very little difference between the man a clever people and have found othei upon her sewing on the doorstep In who Is sane and the one who Is In- •vaye to start conversation.—Detroit the pale spring sunshine. "Why do sane. As in other cases, the big dif- News. yon always wear the red serpent?" he ference Is In irettlne found out asked, looking down at the bracelet. She blushed. "I am so foolish, Donald. 1 have thought the old man was grateful and that perhaps It Is a good luck charm—so I have, worn it often, but the clasp Is out of order. Can you 169 North Broadway Bet. First & Church Sts. fix It?" Open Sundays lie took It and sat down beside her. Tho gold clnsp was loose and suddenGroceries, Delicatessen Articles, Potato Salad, ly enme off In his fingers. He looked Stupidly a' the exposed end of the Stuffed Peppers and Red Beet Salad fresh every bauble—tho bracelet was n hollow coral tube and from It poured a little day. stream of blazing dlnmmids, seven In flll. Further search revealed soft paper with Chinese diameters brnshe-d upon It, Lawrence slowly read the iCuijyilKht.) A Royal Arcanum To Seek Permanent Home: Hear Visitors Monday Annual Seashore Excursion By Sunday Schools Next Thursday U. S. Copper Production The eupiiei outpul ot thin country lias been climbing for some lime and now It lias reached a point where the United States supplies more than half of the world's copper demands—52 per cent to be exact. Cotton Fiber in Tires A 30 by 3^2 auwwnobily lire con i a l n s 1.72.4 miles of coilou fiher. 1 Poise and Purpoie We Invariably find Hint the mm. n ise Is :i man with n purpose. American Magazine. — THANKS ELPERS Mrs. Mabel Mundell, chairlady of thsr card party held last Friday night at Christ Church , Home, wishes to thank all those who cooperated in, the affair, particularly the local people who donated prizes, etc. The proceerds of the affair went to help defray the cost of the now cement driveway recently constructed from the- street to the rear of the home. SuUcrll^ for Hie OHlzcn. — -—^r INVESTIGATE Without delay! You'll get a fine looking car, that will deliver the mileage AT LOW COST. Cars in good running condition can be bought on easy terms with a small down payment. Also a week's exchange privilege without loss to. you. Come in and look over the following: 1928—Chevrolet Coupe 1927—Dodge Coupe 1927—Dodge Sedan 1925—Hudson Coach 1926—Ford Roadster 1925—Chevrolet Coach ] 927—Chrysler 70 Coach 1926—Dodge Sedan 1925—Ford Coupd 1928—Pontiac Second Series 1926—Diana Straight 8 Sedaa 1925—Special Nash Tudor 1927—Ford Tudor 1927—Chevrolet Coach 1928—Chevrolet Coach 1927—Whippet Tudor 1925—Jewett Coupe 1926—Studebaker Tudor Ford Coupes, Coaches and Trucks-very reasonable. Fayette Used Car Mart Open Evenings 74-76 Fayette Street Phone 2703 Perth Amboy HOWARD D. LITTELL NIGHT BATHING! EHRLKH'S STORE hidden uiessii«e: " T h e gods have d e creed t h a t I am to live seven y e a r s lotiiior—you have given me. buck these precious seven yeiirs iind I give to you seven previous sloni's, o n e for ciieh your of t h e lite you siivml." Rstello kissed (lie red serpent willed lilU^i'tilcrod Ihelr pliiee of biiiilsliinen! Imil turned It Into uu lOilen of new found hnpplih'ss. "You a r e sure Mini t h e r e Is no mis t a k e about IIV" asked ICslHIo, still un believing Hull lids good forliino could be t h e i r s . " W e will wrlle to the old fellow," j declared I'onnlil a n d lie weiit In nnd j But down at his desk Months ufter j ward there emiio all a n s w e r from t h e ! Chinese nierelianl a lilji box covered with stniiiL r e Chinese c h a r a c t e r s , and this, when opened, displayed a heau tlful Chinese in.; and rich cinhrnl dcrles. " F o r I lie lirlde a c r o s s [lie sen," was i the m e s s a g e it contained, ! " T h i s is indeed tor us.' said liapp,\ i Kstelle a s she ulaneed nround t h e I pnclilii!! e a s e and once more she kissed the. red serpent, which had IH-OIIL:!I| j them h illli IIIIII uenlHi and a I;OIU! ', PAINT UP DEVOE'S PAINT "There's No Better Yet" For Inside or Outside, Extra Special, Per Gallon $2.50 rse Hd Ii was renlly II," s h e a l w a y s Well Mixed, Made of Good Ingredient's and Linseed Oil. Good for Inside or Outside Work, lulil Uncln Eb*n "t)0 man lint In |iul<leltly Mitlxlleil wlf hlHSClf," milil tlneln ICImn, "|H inon allui (toi)il company, lieruuno li« nln «O vary hard to plunno."—Washington •tw. $1.98 yoin Arcllfotogicnl Find ITouitdation of a Thirteenth century ItlonilHlcry hiivc been iiucovei'eil In HnvetiBtondnye clmreliynnl, neur Kli-Uy Stephen, t;ni:liiml Brighter at Night Than Any\ Pool in the World Five Giant Flood Lights power 12000 watts of light over entire pool enclosure—the light pours right down into the water. Twenty-eight underwater projectors of 400 watts each, make the water sparkle like a living thing. EAGLE PAINT friend. "I'.ut of c heroism Ilia! her h u s b a n d . Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Swim atNight forPleasure and Health You'll Feel Like a New Person ! Per Gallon ALPINE'S Pino avenue Td. HI cor. Henry St. CLIFFWOOD BEACH POOL Mf^^ Y