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~~-~:=-=---.::=--- ·-· - -- - ---BA-··L-·Lrotlj_qsi(I:P- H IGi"f iclioor:-~· :Ma~ ;·::;_2 19~
Vol. 1 No.- ?
· I.
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1:,. :· ~-~y...:..::.·'··, ·.>':::·.: ··:::~:..~ 7.·.-· -':. .-;"::' .- ~·-. Girls's F reeINTER·:(CLASS . . ::.:.: ·. f~:?-:_:'".. ·. ·.· . ·: •'-< .-. :.· ' ._:_ .. · -· ;;;~-:..-:::-.••: - Thro'w Tournament
~- ·~ "": ~.::::-~~; ~ ::·_·,. :·-=~-n~ T-he g irls t com-,,(1.0.,s..,.. ' ... '-!IW~ . _;. ·· .. · :·· : t : :: . _ • ••·_ •• .• pieted their ;free ..
c'' ' u'>A;.J. ,~~~~\ .....
The Ju.JJ:t.trs
tJ •
:; ':wv'.,.., ••
· -·
::· .-: • •;:::· :. · · "-:: thr·ow tournament
• •
of Ball High
::·:'J /II\\:·.. : · 1·:: .- :. . r : :-·~· .:/. ·:••: '?'·- \'l edne*day evening
breezed hom_e w:t. th -~~ 4J.. \.\) . ~. -:...- ·. ·:: ··:.:'
~- =. after school (the .
the c~ass wurna- :::.:. //;~·: ·:.:.
:·~ •. :.. -· = - ·--~, ·.• ~- ·-.:· 19th).. Geneva Lard
m&nt h,onors.
::-:.- ·: f : :~: ·~ -. -~r.(:-1,~ ·--~·--..- .!-was whmer 'by mak·
Tney defeated the :·.:
~·.:·::'.: · · · :-::. ··,: ;. ~ .'-- \ :.
. -~: ·.·. ins a totAl of 44
·· fast- st'epping _ ;f-:~~ ~~·:.';;·_:_~ l ::.~: ~5piJ ;<~-<_;.: s.·.':_:-.: >~·: throws ou:t . of 15
SeniQ~ _five in
._:· :;. :.f'>-:--. ::.~··:-~ ....~~:1/V·G· ·;· _:·\·.'.· ~tlrows. She w ~ll be
_the f~nal game •
.... _... "_: ":• ... -.-. · ·. ··- ·.. · · ·· · ..·. . ··· ~ · .; awarded a girls 1 ath•
In the semi-finals · · ·.
letio ·tetter for a
the Seniors deffeated the Sopho,er~ r eward for ;her effo rte. There were
tearq._,ll t• 10. This ga."lle was
i ye girls that entered the contest.
clos~ and hard feught. The Sephhe hi ghest percent made was 44 out
erreres led most of the way but
of 75 and the next wa s 36 made by
failed to hold down the --Seni•rs • . rane e~ B~amlett. Ro~~Ileh McGil_In the second game .the Junlick was third mak ing 30 throws ,
iors had everythi ng their own Way 4&r16r1e LArd was f ourth and Anna while playing t h e Freshmen, The
elie Rishe l fifth .
Freshmen -were defeated 44 to 3.
In the champio'nship game the
Juniors and Seniors were at their
~rack Plans
best. ?he Juniors 'led throughout ·
Plans for track this seaso~ are
the game although the Seniors ~ho~' incomple t e . The track me6t vli ll b e
ed r.tuch' strength. Llcyd Inslee
eld 11t Auburn and a ll the scho ol s
ceunted the most points fo r thein Sangamon C&unty will compete f ,or
Seniors while Willard Mellinger
ewe.rds. There has b ee n some offer
led the Juniors. The game proved ·r invitations for dual me ets with
to be very interesting although
ur n"eighbtring schools • . Ball should
the Juniors won by a good ma .i ori -f:,y ave a good track team this year, f or
beating the Seniors 29 to 8. I n
Jhcy have some of the team back f rom .
the third quarter the score wa! 13 las t year.
tc- 8 in favor of t he Juniors.
Fouls were frequent an0 all were
Play Rehearsals
called by the off icials. Those
The Juniors are practicing their
officiating at the game were Coach play da ily and · arc ·~dvancirig rap idl y.
Honn and Mr. I(,orrison, Principal.
h e y int cT\d to g i ve th e ir pl.a y . very .
rrhe Juniors will receive a banner soon. The players are getting used ;
f .,r winni ng t he tournament. Gooj to their actions and th oy kn o'w almost
s portsmanship was observe'd by all all their parts. The Jun~Or3 prac- ,
cla sses throughout the tournament . ice durt~g the eighth p e riod. S•me _
·:HhHH'HHHHHHHH<r actice during · th.c per iods · the y
·~'O:rr~unity Club To Meet
~ave stud~ hour. M is~ Coultas, the
The Ball T ownship Community
i nst ruc t er has been doing v e ry good
Club will hold its montJ:.fY meeti ng coa ching
In . othe r. wo rds the Jun April 5. The pr_ogram w~.Ll be ver y iors a r o ·et'aing out or t h o ruts and
interesting, There will b~ a b~s- · it .won rt 'b e long ~ow ec fo r ~ t hoy
ket -ball game between the fats
ill be p~~fossionals ,
and t he ·11 leans ". Mr , Lard wi ll. be .
captain of t he 11 Slims" and Mr . She
H~no;-:~R:ii'::·;:; Fe[> •
pard wi l l b e captain of - t he " fats ."
A Ave r~ ge or Above : Ruby Bro a dNeither teams have had practice
dus , .- Lewie ~o lc l Rs ur c , Phil emon
but the game will prove to b e ex- Stout , a•d Claude Phi lli ps • .
citing .
. B Aver age : Joe . Leadabrand,
Fol lowing the baske t - ball gam ho lm~ Kce r1e , Lucil e Clayton, F r ed
Miss Coul ta s will g ive.a reading
Copeli n Frances Braml ett Earl
acc ompanied by Mi ss Phlpps qt the
Cope lii, Doll i e Redoford ; Le slie
piano .. Danc i ng will fol l ow . T h ere i mps on,· Taylor ·valson , and Geneva
will b e plenty of eats fo r all,
Eve r yone i s invi ted to attend .' Th ard .
entertai nment commi ttee i s wor k i ng
'K et e ~ .- ·'"Thi s is tho larges t list
hard wh i le the basket -ball teams
f stud c~ t s maki ng .thc Honor !toll
ar e making t heir plnns fvr t he ir
.hi..s y-c ni;'' Keep it large l
' __
..:. }. . ·
>< ._:· ....
shampionshi p game •
·.. ·
3 "'; l:' i 113 ~
l-l r.J \ ·c y·:;~ "v "~2. 1y s to pp0d to
Editor in Chi e f -Elbert Holl inger'
Assist a n t Eii t or-Ircne Coff~ r~ F ~ ~ ~J ·.:.h i :nk '-:r~~ :J ':,.1 ~. w,._.rc. s;:n·:.r.g means?
Bu siness l.lla ~1.agc r - !~a rl Cepe .L :.11
lt: b <-i S s •,ir::n .•_ (~~ f i:::o1. ~~ cns .
Athleti c Ed i t or-\'.'illa rd Me l l ing-:::r
nf t:1 cm Gi'': . ;: 1,; 0 8pri ne; , 11 " c o leap
Society Edit or- Juno St out
o:;:• .;u::J~') u._r. : t, 11 burst out:. t: primnril ~
Jok e Edi t or s- Lucile Clay tou , Lewis the rt c '; of s p ringing or l e aping .
Bale s .
The ~ o ~d i a henc e appl i ed in varArt Edi t or - Frank Young
ious scns ;:; s: to th e season of thG
Se nior Report e rs - He rsc he l Re ynolds , year in wh ich plant lifo b e gins
HRr old Hurst .
to bus nnd s hoot; to n source of
Jur1ior Reporters - Joe Leada branc. ,
~ & t c r spring in g or welling up frm
Rub y Bro8.ddus .
bolo'.V tl-~ ;:; ~mr f'n c e of the earth
Sophcmores - F rarlC OS Br a::J.l ctt) c :u .nt. or. rm d. :-:..0r.- i ng r;,v1o.y as a stre am or
DeLay .
s t r.nri..1. r•.g h l a pool; or to an alas·
Frc sh!nan Rcport o r~ .- f'hi l cn:c n f,tc 1J.t :
1: :.c. .Jr r c 3i:_i e nt -b edy or contrivClaud e Ph illips~
ru .c-r..; fC:L' r oco ivin13 and impa rting
F a culty Advi~crs - Miss · C ~ul~~3 :
ncr ~~~ ~ 8 n l powe r.
Miss Ph ipps .
1-I urc nr c t h e springs . T akc
~f';:-. -;:·-!~ ~} -)~~~ -:} ..;~ -;~ ~i- ·:( ~~·~~-~~ ..,, ..,, ~"'~~ ..;:·~~:-;(- ~~-:=-~~ 3~ . :(·-~;. ~~ -;~. .,, ..,(- ·~(- ..,,.·~~ -_.; hi ch vo u pr0f e r.
Vl o p r efer tho
11 0).,l.r Ap:bi l Fool Is s'.l. ~;r·
sunshi~.e which we' nrc having now .
_Apr-~. l Fool t
VJ o ttiought of maldri·g , ·n.1:.s . isstic a s p ring issue , b u t ga· tLe
wea the r cb anged so sudde nly ·. on tho
morning of March 25, we d ¢pidc d ~ o
Magazines .
call t his issue, "Th o April . F'ool
: YJe appreciat·e tho .new magaIs su.c ."
-, ·-·- -- · ----- -·
7.ines that have been coming to th(
***** ~**
school for the last few months .
Aprirl 1 Fool' s Day
Th e re are : Agriculture Leader s 1
Apri1-Fool 1 s =Day is ' the name
Digest, Tho Ill i nois Agr iculture
giv en to th o first 6 f April in a lMaga z i ne , Bpt t cr Crops with Pla nt
lusion to ' thc custom- of pla ying
Food, Curre nt History, The Engpracti6al j6kc s 'op fri ~ nds an d .
l ish Journa l, The Scholastic ,
n eighbors on tha~ · day; or . scnd~ D:g
Hyge ia, the Health Ma gazine , Popthem on fools 1 errands. · Qn the
u l. a r Scienc e , The Lit crary Di"gost,
first day of the month of · Ap~il it
Th e Ame ric an Cooke ry, The -Gregg
is not safe to pick U:p ·a bun dle
r:rit or . S ome of these arc being
o:r a purse f r om the pavomc nt ~ . for
give n . to· the school by the fac1.?:lt .
.if yoti do , you 1 11 find it worthles s .Br . Morrison i s h a ving the Illino'
and be called an "April-fool. "
Agricu l t ur e M11 g a zin o brought to· t t
The custom of playing tricks
· school . Miss Handlin donates the
on this day is so old that ·_tts ' orPopulnr Scic r1c e . Miss Nelson
igin has boon lost. India, '~ft'<?rr. ·:- -bring s th e "Country Gentleman to
time immemorial., ha s had its sp~ing- school.
fosti val' in which t r icks ·.and .pra nks
play a large part . In ~ranee such
Lett e rs to Be Presented
a custornwas in practice - in the
Tho basket-bal l season is nm
16th century . Thoro thc _April - fool ove r and the pep squad can now cw
victim was .called an "April - fish.u,
the ir sore throats. Thi s is one
Th e most natural explanation for
· the most successful seasons i n ba
this would . seem to be that the Aprilk c t-ball that Ball has over witne
fis h wou19- b e . a young f i sh and
s od. Tho t e am won 14 game s and 1
t herefore easily .caught · In Scot7 ·. Th o boys arc now looking forw
land tho custom was known a s huntto the annu8.l banquets and the pr
ing tho "gawk " , the C'l;lckoo · Th El
cnt ing of lot: tors. Ma ,;or and Min
A~ril-fools ·we r 0 · "Aprtl:-gawl{~ll , · the lett e rs wiU. b e given. The boys
cuckoo being t~cr o , - a ~ l~ mo~t
and students give most of the cro
lands , a t e rm qf contempt •
for the suc ce ssful season to the
Tho Lat-· i n, word
f6r : Apri~
. dcomos coach 1 Ur, Honn.. He was v e ry st~
· II
• from one mean1ng _ to · ope n,_ ~It .
· in k c cpir~ g th o boys sticking to t!
true to its name, the month opons
tr a ini ng rul e s.
the g ates that §Ummor may _ent e r ..
'rho J un iors will r e c e ive a br
Tho v a riable we athe r· of j,ts thirt y
n c r for winnin g the c l a s s tourmur;
days , with dir e-- -sudde n showe rs ..a nd. Th e b a rmor and l e tt e r s will probsunshi-oo , ha s an a dde d mca.n~ng ,
- ··a bly b e a wa rde d at the b anque t ,
a nd April is s om ~ t imcs . a synonym
-:<- -::--;;-:HHHhHHdd~~
for f ick l Eme ss.
St af f Works Ove rtime
· Du e t o the b a d ro a ds, n a ture
Cla ss T ourrioy Promot es 'Pe p . ·
lit t l e April fool ,iokc , t h e staff
Sp eakin g •f Pep, 'wh ~t did you of t h o Ink Spot wa s somewhat r e du
think of th e dCsplay of c l as s s pir- c d fo r ' t h e publication of this b
i t s hown a t the i n t e r-cl:a ss -tour sue , Howeve r, thos e who were abl
nament? ' It r e ally s e6mc d a e l f
to b e p r csofit worke d ove rtime in
the c l a~sc s had mor c - c nthusi a~m
d c r to got t h o pap e r out on schcd
tha n t h e y h a ve shown -in some of_ .
t ,imc . Th e st rt.f'f t ake s this oppor
th e big game s • We belie v e· -tha t i'. "·'ity of thn.nking tho students, not
the cla s s to urney wa s a hugo ·su~·or1 t h e r ogular st aff , who so ably
c e ss, n ot only from an athlotic ;
a ssist ed the m i n th e a bser1c e of t:
s tandpo i nt but a lso b e c aus e ~it ) ·
r egu l a r s t a.ff rnc rr:b c rs .
~rsught t o t h e front 11 som~ 0 ~ t~~
We h a:vc f oun d s orr.c ve ry val·
b a?k your own class splrit •
r cp Gr t.er ~ wh om we will be a
J~n 1o rs c a rri e d . off the ba-nno r,~ut tc: '..l. SC' YWY. t · · ca r.
(~\~ __,")
?;~~;-~ -jr~ ~:yr_
J:· s~ ~
"" 'l:; .
. I
II ,
- ~~:>
.: A_G_fi I L
L~ fi'~
.0 1
~!·tC.:tl-!.faJ:s0 s#MT·If'r:i.Mc~s\ E·~x-~p~·c·r;.,
i·, mc·,,n"t.. . !~
Wi th Rats
Ag. Banque t-April 2
The Gene r a l Science and Foods
The first F::tth c r nnd Son Is
: clas s combine d, unde r Miss Handlin
Ban qu et of ~he Agr i culture ~lub of
Supe rvisor, conducte d a!\ e x peri ment ..
Ball 'r ovmsh~p tJ:ign School w~l~ be \ with six wh i te rats to s how the
given April 2, 1930. · .Th is p c 1.n~
l nutritive v::tluc of food .
the firs t bnnque t to bo given , ~t
is rathe r difficult ·to complete
Thoro we r e six r ats, with two
in a cage. Th e y wore number ed
This banquet ~s only .. ·or ,
t 0 d' 0 t CRgo
· th I wns
'lk onh an ado membe rs an1 the ir fath er-~:(. The r e
· qu"l
' w~
' c coso , eggs ,
. · t 8 . 0 f honor ·
pot a to e s, ontrnen l, l ett u ce , apple ,
11ro to be s evcra gucs
b r cnd , butt er , crnckc rs, dnt e s, and
Dr. A. V! . ·Nol an of tho UniV:?rs~ty
yplllitw corn for t h e ir food•
of Illinoi-s i s to b e the r·Ia ~~ spe"lkj- II wns snmc ns Cage I e xc ept i t had
or, Mr. Taylor, Count ~ S~per1.ntcn - i ti6 mi lk , egg, or chees e . Th i s
dent of Schools , Mr. Edw1n Bny,
proved there h~d t o be p r ote in i n
Sangamon County.Farr.1 Buronu Advi~: I t~c diet . Cnge I I I W A S on a ri?
or, Mr. J. E. H~ll, St::ttc S_upcrv ~ u -1 m~llc nnd no gre en vegetables d1.et.
er of Voc at iona l Agr i cultur Rl Edu - . Th i s showed one could ga i n without
cation, wil l a lso g iv e s h o rt t a lks ·l prqt c i n , but not f,l.S much as wh en on
The committ cGs th::tt h"lve b e e n . ap - j the ndequate di et . They were op
pointed by Lloyd I nslco , Pros 1dent I the ·s nme diet as cn.ge I e xc ept t his
of the Futuro Farmer s · Club a r c
, hnd no lettuc e or milk .
he a ded by LaRu e Re d eford, He rschel 1 The gnins for c !l. ge , I nrc as fol Reynolds , Harp ld Hurst, nnd Lnw lows:
r enee L e nhart~ ·
Date ... Y't s.
Gnin G%
The program for . th o e v e nt is · Peb. 2l-4'7, 15G . , ..... ..
a s follows:
Fcb •.1 ,.~Ji!"~.P..•~g~s -am6:r.M%-._.,. ,1··m~~
To astma ster-Ll-o yd• .Ins lee
Feb. 28-74.4-10.7-17%.
~·e lcomc-s~m Stout
' Ma~. 4-93-18.6-24%
RcsponsG -r:rr. Phil ·.S~out ··
M~ r ~ 7-110 . ~-17. 8 - 19%.
Intr oauct1on of Vis1 tors-. Mar • .10-124.2-134:-13%
r,Ir. R. R. Morrison
14-143 -.2-19-15%.
Project ta lk-H e rsche l
Dntn fo~ c~go l i is:
Reyno lds.
9Th c Project. nt HOme -He rFeb.21-12 2 .
lds ·
Feb'.25-l26 .6-- 37_-#3%
sc c
c yn o
F 0 b 28 1 2 0~
The S t .n te Dept • nnd Local
•- •
• .
Agr icul tur al D~pt .-Mr. J . . E . Hill. · Mar.4-l ~ 5. 8 -9. 8 - 8%
vocntionnl Agriculture
Mar.7-l,:,9 .4-3 . 6 - 3%
and Far m Bur cnu- Mr. Edwin Ba y.
MR._r.l0-64.9- 0nc r at d en d.
Address-Dr·. A. ~ . Nolan
1Mar.l4- 95 . 8 - 30 . 9 -47%
I nit i a tion-Members
Datrt for Cage III.
Arrangement Committ e e-Lawr ence Len- Fob.21-113. 6 .;.
hart , Chr.m ari, Lc s li e Simpson ,ER rl
Feb. 25-136 . 2
Feb .28 - 135 . 8 .4- 3 7%
Cope lin, and Lpw i s B nl o s.
Prcgrnni Committc,e -LnRue Redefor<;l ,
M11r.4-150 .5-1 4~7 -l l%
John Smith, B ~lly Cla _rk c ; a nd Chas . Mnr.7- 154.l - ;;,6-2%
Br unk .
Mnr .l0-151. 8 2.3G- 2%
Tickets - F r e d Cope_lin ,Elmer Tuxhorn, ·r:rnr .14-175-23 ~2-15%
Calvi n At chison , Gone I ns l co ,
The e xp e riment; prove d very
Banquet -H e rschel. Rcyn:o l ds ' · Alfr ed . snt isfact or.y nnd inter e st e d tho
Pulliam , Jr.mc s Peol_, and 'F r 8,nk Youn pupils g r cn.tly .. It real l y gn.ve
Printin g- H:!rold Hurst, Clinton Do
·the ··pup ils ·n.n idea how food c f: !l.y, Roy 'F crd. _,.
fect:cd mnn . ··.The r 11 t s we r e given
In Char,gc of I ni ti nt ion : Pre$.to d i f.fo
r on":; pupi l s . to tak o. ..c~Q..
•'·t " t' '· t•····t' . ... ~ ~ ~ ·';-.~ .,
. >
Ln.Ruo Rcdc~·ord; V. Pres . - Sa:m Stout; o f · v,rlicn
-~t1C e xpe riment v~ n s: ove r.
Sec r c t nry- Pl:lil emon ,Stout - ;T r cn.s .: · Ellen ..Mur r n. y , n food~ g i:l ,
Her,ry Burt l e · Fnrm 1r:n tch Dog-JohiT .. · ~ 1-s . . .cor!duct 1ng ~n, . oxpcr i men t Wl th
~mi th ; Report ~ r-B ill y Cl nrk e ; F ir s t twcl ~70 'l,;.J:JJ. ~: l' i"<"i'£3ht pup i ls t r y ing
Col:!<'iuctor-Lesl i c Si mps OI! ! 2rJd . Con .- t') br·i ~"< g t h ··:n ur t o nor1w:~. l we ight .
Chnrle s Brunk ; Ad v i s c r- rrr. Thrl":t s ~)! '~'~l c .Y ·.-; ~- :-:· 0 cho son fr om tho F..oods
l rtr.d G·,r,u x· ·}. Sc i ow~ e classc·s .
Arr: :lJgen:cn ts for Fn.rlll Vi s :i i: -Fr· cl!.
Cc:;;cl l n , Enrl Cor,elill ~ RL•:1c r '.L' I) x}'; oC lJ.
.. i
1. . {':7~?:~-· .
- ~ ..'-·!:,::·\Q
·..-'_ ' )· .: ~~:~·- "'
~- ~ \,
-. .
t ¢·
-:,.,. ._.,.·., ,.~~q'"""~ ~-~ ~~'jf;s
-·~- .
. 'J,..· \Jt.
\~\ . . J
.d ..:.... ,_J.-~. . ... _;
.· •
~~~ - :
-.r~ / 1 . _.:·.
Jt~": lfi
-.~~ -
. . ;·. . § .
.. t
A~r'ii~~~-0~ ~
_ .. . ..
· La$t· yc'ar ·there wasn't any
1 ·
Be lieve ~~----~~N~-~t : . · ' · ~ :·_..-·· : · ·
I :-'~c-hoo.l~· the-' d~y · v..f .t.or. .Apri,l - ~ Qol
· ·. ~:·;·. ·
.; ··oocpu~o : c v criybody wore thcrns c lv
Ol_sic Fcc __ h fl,~ .. sworn· off· ¢hel!~in.g
out· ·tr:Y·i .ng t.q thin~< tt.p jokes t o
~~ Ins~co is t~,· 7-lcrr;.-~~~.et_:.t~·i{.' . play-' !'.fl · p6c plc, ~lo"yd suff e r ed
, vr d · boy t home
· · ---~·.
ft'~f.'l-·,EJ. . s.tif_f ·-neclc for· two weeks
· · -t·· oid
bch,,, · " - .,. · ~"~· _
, . •· ··· ·.:· . ·:· · .. .. .. .
bc cn-u·se ··GonG:
'h ifn to look o:
L t~ rtO:lnc ! BJJC.r1 sc n e d
k o s · :gfrls •·. . ;the w1.- ·do · ~·t th • · 1
v:c ;;at
of soh·)C'l '1- dl_1 ~' h~d' rf ,-· · 1. .-_ ·;,'d I1 V.t'/ ~ '.· f· e htnr>pf • a]n1e ~-tn :
:";"'• ·
.. · _ .. 9_ fl;I:t~ 0\l._ '~:?O·.n,r e,C .. Ou. a
P;rm~ Young :is t_},lc i:ng
r.; ooto ki1~ ·.1.i~ ~~.o:n )1 i_$: _:h o~d . J 9'nn7 _LArd gc·
Hiss coult t~e losr _ ·t 1 0: f ·b· . · .: ~ -'t:.-f9k_on .f.J.ngcr b ccn~s c when sh
.. .r- con rG
.or ... · t r ·H;d ,to shut· the· cnr door on ·
d n y !1.nd· s11c·' s -·st i~J..J
· ·· ·'s
· ··· dr e..ss
. ···-· s he shut
. · ~t
.. on her
. tho other
, · · ·-June
wcflrlng so~e. of the sc nrs. .
; "': : 't.in 0 :r· -vTh
'1 _..·. ,d p 11·
~~ -"--'• -·c~·•••c.·c~~JC."-~<-·~ J<>.•c.'"
I .
.... en .M. J. r o
lAm pu
""' '""~ '""""'" "" ""
.; • 0 i s c hc\'ri t.g gum on·· Ea r ·1 Copo.lir
"V.'hy do th e y p!1. int · Ch.ovrolcts
I ' eh~ ir · h e u-nfort1l'. mfltely forgot n
gr een?"
bout-· it t~ nd s t~t on · it himself .
" Go they c n.rL hidG in t he gr f'l s~
\r.thc~' Fr a nc e s Br nn let· came to sc· ·
while fords g6 by.'' . 1 •
but when she
: .! • 1 , "She · yelled · f ir c
~HHH~-::--::--lH:--:HH~.;c-:hd~ '
· .., :
· four.d out t hfl t f i vo others be for
·her h nd tr i ed the sn.~c t ri ck st
. F. cr schcl ; Gc. ~ up Ht~rold the shi'P;
vmsn ' t surpris_ed tht~ t 11obody· r ·
i s l ertking 11 ·
. .a d fro m the· school l10usc nftcr
Hflrold : "Oh ! Put t~ pf'ln under i.t ~ ,_r :· or ~ . So man_·y· people told Ralph
nnd COI:J C On to 'b e d: 11 \ . ·•
.... J~~·J'-~'--::•• ~, -"- oc.,_.._ •.__,.
, _._ .l. BJnlcely his. hors e wn.s loose thn
........_...... ~.< ... .. :... ~....
.:~ l h e got ip t h e h n.bit of sr-,ying,
Eve r y r e port e r -mus~ · h nvc :two · cnr~ ,j "Y9ur h~r~ c i~ 'loose," u nt il h.c
one for humq r : ~nd one_. fo:r t~ p e n":! 1 drove. h~s f 0m1ly nutty . The pr
·cipnl wns told b y ;43 d i fferent
• -~ ·:HHHHHHHH:-•.<-i~·:<--;~-;:·. ,)
pup i l s th n t h e ht~ d q flt~ t tir e
The col l eg~ ~ scin _ w~s t~t ho~ei
e~c ryono of tho forty - t~rce tho
fo r 'l'ht~nksgi,vin g · dinne r~ Tv!O · 1
sure, . they h~"~.d him fooled o · ·
to ast ch~ck C:r! s !1.dornc d .. the t t~b ic\.
' :c .hope 'th!lt no ·s uch cntns·
John snid to D!'ld ; " '.:'h e re t~r c tv-lo .: · troyhic.. hnppens this yonr b e cnu
chickens . 0 r1 tht~t pl-1£ter , but 1 ·
-it .took some of t h em qui te n wh
cn.n pr ove· :to_ you ·thnt· thc rie t~ r c:
to fullY. recover .
I '· '
•I. .
' •
- .
th.r c c ~ ,, .. ' . .·
.. , • . • .
Thfit... · seemed i mp os~ibl o t o -''
but this is _th e :r:0y ·hc did -i 't. :
.. ·
"V.' cll , this . is, . one '.' chicken
l'lpd 'et i s _one mn.k e s ~vlo~;:.: so _tvio
"1nd one n r o thr cc .- 11 . • ·
· 11 VJcll , mo.thc r ·yo_
P:,'c rm · hl'lve
one chic ken l'l no I will ~t~kc .. tho
o t~ c r qnd ,John,.·_you .·c_rm ·ht~v c the: 1
t h>rd," F •tt h c r so i o.,r•"'
·· · ~
ft~ thc r,
-- .
· · 'I!
~fo~~· -:~ -~~~~-~~ ·~ -:~-~-
. •.
.;;. .~~·-:~
V.lho s V/ho At Bn.l l:
Jo e Lc '1 dt~br n.nd is t h e boy
stc iJ.l s ever yone 1 s pencil . ·
Jun ior Po ol go t s tuck dm f.
s nowdr i ft m~d Eli had to pull l:i
out .
L t~Ruo Rod efo r d is going
pole v"'ult 11t t h e r.1eet o
Imo Se xto n is tnk i ng u p t
dancing .
t:~:1l~ J~~nio~~'~~l~~~ut smoke~
Mi ss
fl pipe
me v:ht~t boct~me of Nonh l"'.rLd tho
lf.ist<.: r L endt~br nnd -br.ts dc vc
Ark? 11
·· 7.
' opc:: d . it bt~d en sc of h1.mbn.go scoc
LfiM_o inc : " B!lby .suc}{ cd; t Q-·9 pr1 i nt
ing sr.ow ou t of the dri v9. W~"~Y
off of · ~o rth nnd Dnd ste ppGd on t h e : r.'!n.k i ng pr1ths f rom t~11 the door•
Ark ."·
Elbe rt !Tel linge r is t he B·
-:i--:~ -:~-:i--~~~:~ -:i--:~--::- .::- -:~~~- .;i- ..,\.. .:;~High crt v c mnr1 •
Lor or~c : 11 ~;'lcili e , I r c~tlly · t cl :iev<;
Frt~r:cc s Br•rtml ctt is · tho tn'
m1m docc,:r.(}.Gd from t~pc s
r}r.:r .•.d .l h> ~n1 c r . ·
" ;_
j . l ] . 0 : I'J~
i..t" · t.• ~~ l1.
-i· •
· '<i:l.l•.
.J.fU..C::, . n t '..(:0'.'1 1: · ._y')>.ll"
f(~m i ly
.. . .
' .
.1 '.·.""' · 1".',.~ · ~~..- , '.;~_ ,<:::~< -i.L"'
.. ,
_· v - • ·
~~ ~-. ,s::: · .::ooy_·cr .
u ... Ll
1> • < .
' "'•• pe' rt"'•·