VOL. I I . DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1872. NO. 11 UBO of more inebriating liquors. Instea AUMINISTllATOK'S The Dying Child lo Her Drunken How Rattlesnakes are Born. of (hut, however, it in niuv conceded id Father. [From the Kaahvillo American.] moHt universally by tho Engliiih yrcm, OHKHTER, MorriB Co.. N. J . PvabuuED Evufti BATURDAI DT m i l l ' : SuliB'Tihor, adininistrutor of the Enlatu o! I am irenry, Tory weary; como ei( Ijcddo my that tho "beer-Khop svhtcm" lias bc;iilht About the MUi of Muy laitt, Doctors Ijrcutc-Htpeatlo Eiih'lund, uudtlmt it hut X Jobn J . Crutcr, Into of tlm comity ut JTnrri BEN J. H. VOGT. Cad well uud Wcttuioilund captured, at bed, H, .1., uucmt'd, hy virtue of an order uf tin lnrjjelv iucrensed the conmiiniition of ilifi' Orphan*' court oj wiid d.unty, mndu on thu am And luy juur hand upon tao tlior<5--prtaa It on tilled liquors, ltucordurllill, of Uirniing- Prospect, intliG lower eclyo of Oiles counEDITOB IXD PltOEIETOIl. ty TIcar tho Alabama Hue, a. rattlesi.ako day of May, A. » . 1H71, will soli <m the prtniiwn my head. AdnVcEd ail that part of tho ilcid Ent'ito.-f which Mid Join And ibton, fnlhur, whllol nneak, fur BOOH I'm Jiaiii, olio of tlie liigheBt Kiigjif.Ii antlinri- four feet three inches louy and five iiichos O 0 M Cor. Vorrlt a n d Dlnckwell BtreeU. G. W. MILLEIl, 6oc., 8. W. GKOI1GE, Bup't., tit'8 that can be quntnd on thu wubjeut, in circumfc-iiiJicf, The timkc wns sent to going Iioino. TBIUIS OP BUDSCrtlPTION t 20 Ilruad St. Now York. Clou tor, llorria Co:, tsaya when epculung of the ii'iouda uf thai tho exposition, but tbe muungfru not Having recently muvci] to our Largo and EIoO h H c o u l d d i t i u u h n p p y . i f l llionglit that you 20-51* N . J . gaut TUESDAY, Mnrcli 19th, 1872, dcoiiiing it piopcr to rccuvc, it WRB aont IHTABIULIIX ADVANCE. Botnann tbo hotirfl of 12 noon nnd S o'clock li, would Rome. "Unerring experience lins demonstrated to tl». dniy Ht'^o of MciisrH. Hurry k Dethoa(tonioonijfiinidi.ny. Maid lto.il Kntnto tuiinu I'vehucrd tlio preacher toll you, DO drunLnrd O n t Tear, - - - - - - S2.OC thefalltioy of thuir expcctution.H. Mull uumville, wlm nl^o duulinud to give it pur uf tlio Furiu on whk-Ii ani<\ doc on sod liv^f liiuior ia no hnttrr than it was formerly, quavtcra. I t was then tent to tho djug thu tumtHhiPH of C'licutur und W; BU Mouths, - - - - - - - 1.00 Cor. or BlackweU and Morris Streets, altuatcilln Then, futhcr, ftlru ui>(lrinlilii(r, nnd pray to bo and tho anlc of npiritn luw incrcuncd J wJiUo store oi M. O. Cutton, in South Hafdivilln* BUHI emmtv, lxiuiirtfirt on thu mini I uhreo montlis, - - - - - - - 5 Wo shall bo nlcaHod to wutiomo our old custom- Ingtuu,ofin ltiobnrd Htniilionn nnd KliflElIockwill.. . forgiven. on tho other hand, the fstuljli.shmtnit • / wliuru it lias been hlnco tho lflth of May. ers, olid oil ..thorn iviiu may favor us with a call, Inmlu on tho ircut It)- lamiH of IJavid W. '1'lncr, nn til. MAlfUrHCTUBEE ASP DEU-EH IK LlOKT kVO aud ohooifully allow our the beer fihop, which wan to check them Whan cuplurnd it hud eight ruttlcu nud ft north by lumla of Joel Young, gn tlio eait bj O father I "111 yuu v I fro ovils, inopfmlivc to that end, hnn intro bult'in. i5incc that time it ha* not i«urthnt DEATTJlands DBKigned as dotver tt> JIary Crnlnr. ii E otn duced umchiofH oi ita own ; find indeed is tohen vi UJIO particle uf food, though it Ou tho land may ho found a R(>W\ '11 sib-» tbot>lGdgo and kucp It, liko undo John univLTaully dtiuouucfcd 113 a umse upon the IIUH been tempted with mice and other GEO. UlCIIAllDS & Co., linn douo? fliuull uniuiab, on which tho ruptila I» land," Wbieh for QUALITX, QUANTITY and TIIICE, TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE And, father, pray to Jouua to tako all your siUB SELL TICKETS FOIl TUB HIINCIPAL LINES Ev»»n Sir f'lifirles Euston, tho wen1amvitomod to feed, 'i'ha snake munifeatno feel nuuriul ton mi I l.s liiinwiwd by uny xtor And all ncccriaarv OuL-buildlngft, a goitd tipriiij Iu thu country. Our Now lliuniu being abuu of hater near tbo door. EngliKh brewer, admits nil this : and he cd no iiicuiivetiiencu fixim ittj conflnemeut OP 8TEAMEIISTOANDFHOM four times ihu ntzo of tliostiwo formerly iiL-eupiei Will jou, will you promise Ibis? Dear father, Haiti, afewyenrM uinco "Tlie Btniffglo of nor did it lose any nigus of budily vitality. Ari-Li, C'lciiAiin AKD A VAIUETV OF FIIUITB. enables Ui to keep a full iiasortmont of oil article Q u o e n B t o w n a n d JLlverimoI, ilon.t s a y n n j l " Thn IHIKI is In ngooditato nt culllvation, nm. the eehiiol, the libiniy nnd tho church, nil Its ttjwi uuntiuuL'd tu ^HHLI'U liko mii^uuconnected with uur huiiincs*, nnd which couaUt ~-" "-'iplnd for grazing D11AFI8 ON ioncllmlu united ngiiimt the Gcor hoiiso und gintie hteel, and its fuHciuntiug tongue was Iu part of hg or formintr. There E U . STREET, Tho dninkard bowed his Load, nnd the proralso pnl&eo, is !mt onft development of thiJ war mtdy tu protrude at.tlm iqipi'iuimeo of indlcatfoiiri uf Iron Or« on tbo ploeo. nro good Indicntf iiH of . Oroftt Britain, Xreluut, Oorminy *nd France nuy one near the enso. J)r. Gottou Tho Fnrm oniitai '"" " " • of t'ood * 125 At-rrK. &i iben was given, D r y Goods & X^nucy Goods, timhor hntl, Cli tuut mid Onk uetwciin heuvpu and hell," DOVI2II, N. J., tlioiiglit nil tho while that it was a male. And hiB dying child whispered;" I will pray for Cfi.50 to $5.45 per £1. Buch nu ILYUW fault ion iililo tires a goodu, all Vflrio Thnt lviniuhuble report of tho commit- Though Kmalt micu and rutu havo been 'flio Innd In n.timtcd about 8 inlloafrnm Cli Announcei to tho puiillo thnt lio Una received hh tics and (,'radett; cillcuca, niusliiis, BlicotlnitB, tickyou in licavcn ( Wiutor stMhofOoodfl. ntu! Invitei on omnilim- Inns, nliirtlii(;ri, towc!iiii;tt, houlcry, cut ton tlir.m.1, Itnllrontl Kttitinn, on tho road Icadini.' from Coup' YCB, thoro I'll not furgot yon. Oh! I hopo you'll teo of tho CoiiVHuation uf C.uilerljiirv, oonlhtud iu Din caso with tbe enalic until PASSAGE TICKETS tloii published in 17(ii), (and that itt of hit splendid neluctlou of sill, aud kid ijlovcs, drtna nnd cloak trlmmiugu, cr'B Mill tn Uuionvillu. their own hunger urged them to bite at join mu KOUU ; ribbons, Intun, HUaw.B.doakingH, Hounds, thread, coiibistod of arcbdencoDB three (1 dorum, if nix archdeacons, Conditions mode kuorni on day of Bale, l>y Kculy hide, the m>rjn'iit rofusod to givo TO AND riOX I feel that I am going, hut I'm only going hurao." Hcven canonH and two prohendurii nil it*. tliciii notice or to purtukc of food. On P H I I - I P J . C'lt A T E H , AdmliilBl'r. 7 two or three occasions it him tnken xninll "GENT FURNISHING GOODS, Tho child fulfilled hor miualun, nnd l u r goutlc men of distinuttoii in tlio Estubi H»lod Jnu. lBlh, 1872. Liverpool and Queonstown, Church til England), Bays : quautitios of water. On Tu.iirnd.iy. at 1 niiirit itcil, endi as cloths, caiiia-trci, natinctti, jcons, ilcn " Of tbe direct umnea of our national in- o'clock, un going into tlie back room of Inn, llm lim, Huou nnd cotton goods, collars, cravats, uccl on tho following Stnnublp linen: Aud that father wtpt Iu DQgnlsb for liis only com- temperance, GEORUI3 PIEBSON, one of tho forcmnst nnd most the store- where tho CJWO in kept, it was "IIDH, hui^ Lutlc, little, woo],cotton, nlllc and kid gloves, fort ilcad. Ubiinfiicturor of INSIAN, CUKARD, wmil and and cutt'tu half huae, silk uud linen haedkerprolific, na it appears to your committee, difscfivcntd tlmt tho ^nalie had (Jiveu birth IIo elgncd tho pledge, lint found i t hard Ills ia tho operation t>r the li'gisiliitive net which to four young rmaken. aud by three- o'clock chluN,Ar hiuN, A , ' NATIONAL, Bulumu vow to keep, culled beer IIOIIKCS into existence, nnd fihe htid given birth totliieemore, making Ho longed to tlrowu lito agony, and sleep tho placed tho power of lieeumiif; them in tbe HCVt'i) in nil. The'young btiukci uiado Itlrerpool and Grent Western. AND ndlcH uud uliililrcrn II II «1]OCH, caltfii«, huniilna drunkard's alenn. hands of tho Excise. This iuoi.m,re, their iqipeamiicc one ut u time, aiid in a H,iper«, ruhtjerx, Ac, Draft* on Eufflmd »nd Roj»l Bank of Ireland mi'unndboys' heavy am though iutroducod in 4830, fur tlie avowed coiled oi- Hlriking jioaitinu, their eyea a t the lowoit rites. fluo IKJOU, ehuuB, goite nnd flli[)]HTB Eut thiLl gnntia voico Boomed irliifpcring uuccas* purpose of reprtaaiug iiitcmperaiico by gliatcniitg and their rnvL-nomed tongucy E.LIHDSLEY, Agent,' ing In his ear, cuiuiternctin? tho tcnrptaMoiiB to the cx-L'ontinmilly dmtiuf; out. The young ones SITLL JIIIOOK, N. J . BUckwefl Btroet, Dover, N. J . OILS for Lubricating HnmciB, :ould dio happy, father, if I thought you'd CGssive drinking of indent spirits nlluriU'd nro each from nine to fifteen inches iu Tons, coffees, uugam. mulaaecja and syrups, all AIHO dcnlnr In all hinds of in public lionises, lias been nbundn&Uy /length, nnd in a htnto of perfect developmoot mo there; grade*, Tnrlciica and prices. Cnnmtl nud dried Ointment", fruits, onnenei!B und ltnvoiinff ax tract), pork, MINING TIM1JEK, PLANK Oh I will you pray to JOIUR, and seek t o bo for- l>rfynd not only to have fuiled of its be-'niout. Tb(*y aro rjuiek of luntinn, ai.4. i tact all thoBO ar nevolent purpoHo, biit to havo served pusnett-1 no urdiiiiirj'Hpinalvitidity.asj they given 7" • smoked liam mideliouldurs, ilrmil btcfnndbacon, i c , &Ci, nt very low prices. jian In tho proper oaro ofthat • BOVEII, N . j . , salt mackerel, WKIIIBII, lvliilolkh and herring. il his niigol cltlld nccmed enying; " r i l p r a y f o r throughout tho country to multiply tin'l crawl readily to the top of the case and Having bongLiCau unusnatly N. B.-Ordera left at Picrsou's Hat k F u r Stor< A'so, always- on hand, a Choice Article ol intensify tho very evils it was intcudrd t<* across and around it from end to ond. you in hcaron," • flnoouaoR To Fresh Butter, Cheese nnd Eggs. DoTor. irill rocdve pr»inpt nt tout Ion. reioovo. * * * *•» / What in most mngulnr ami contrary to nil Large Stock of Horse Blankets, the received notions coiuioriiiiig the repAnd BOan that prayer wos cnaworod, & coutrito The teHliinony on tills point, onlhojiitTt tiles, ench of tlicHO young sunken bad a hcurt nui) given; I am able to aoll at tnuolt jf tbomngistrncy, tlie constabulary ami Beren par cont Gold Bonui of the Ilotulon and And utjiv ho'n gouu to meet his child, and dwell parochial clergy, and other purKdiis inoat full button on tho tail, wbirh clearly refutes tho idea that they have to, bo eix Toxai Central Halliraj Company-Hon. IVin. E . B e l o w tlie Uiiiul P i lees. a flno nssnrtinHit—tnhlo nnd pnclfct cutlery, tahli with her iu heaven I competent to judue, iu iuof>t emphatiaund mouths old bufaro thu foimutiou of tho orocUoryntid glasH-praro, parlor, hall, dlniug am Dodge, l'roildcnt—for Ml* a t 00c. and accrued uimnimouR, and tlie moral failure of tho button. Tbo old ram^c was lying in her bedroom Inn inn. BEPAIR1NO Intsreat. Also, •oron-thlrt/ KorDitrn r*ciOc act ia, at this time, admitted to tlio fullest a in a lcgiirthie tituto, with Bomo indiBkllroad "Boa&t at par and accrued in tore at. j nnatly, aubRtontlally anil promptly. Call HARDWARE AND EDGE TOOLS. About Beer Drinking. estontby many who wove favoiublo to it ciiliuinj, as tho doctor thought, of increa"* "" Circulars and partlculnri furnished on applica- and examine inyRtock. l u n a r - ' 10 latiuractlou, Full sola of Carpenters' nnd other nicchauli Di*. Jolm Todd, tiiougli HUininonctl by at its first introductory. •iug the coiling family. Tho young DeotnnlKiraUu. 1870. 1-lyr tooU, of tlio boat mauufucture. Don't forgot that yon might POSSIBLY find tion. mtiktw coil lu'ound her and-under and tlio licoiiso party m MiuumcbiiMctta to testiIt is a fact worthy of record tliat tho BOMETIIINO dcalralilu nnd ACCIil'XIron, Steel) Powder and Fuse. fy for thorn before tlio Legislative Coin- lato Lord Brougham, who anticipated tho jver her, and tilie i^ciiiua to have for them AUJLIi in our HTOCE of A. a . P. 8EGUB, Danker. a full dBRortmcnt of Blnrclmnt Iron and Steel, fn mitluc iu 1807, said of the beer driukcra spreud of sober habits from the beer sliou the natural muternal nlfcctiun or iuatinot. uouua, at Teb. l i t , 1879. roda and linn, suitable forbkekflmltlis 1 nr minnrij Hyatcm, wno eventntdly so iuiprcHKOil with This Biiaho bun btu;n in captivity nearly ol KtteflcM: UHO ; nlso sportfiif,' aud inlning puwdor, and safety FHOM r p MUUFIIVS iM'inkto ao.y, in regard to boor, tlinfc its multiplied evils, that ho introduced in- four months, yet during a\[ that period tuso, gns pi1 pen nud fH linen, horao alious and r - " • A• FAJiniOJUBUS csmmlcrB nails and imTueii, blaokmiiitbg' ai wliilo I thiuk it in not intoxicating u-t to tho Houso of Lords a bill for the repeal KIIO IHIH jiartakcn of not a morsel of food, hud Lii'uoifcd her seven young. As to bollowH, vinoH, taps anil dies. other drinlta. it demoralizt-u awfully. Wo of tbo beer net, and HUccendiug in indu- ami HAIR DRESSING, exactly how long from inception iho prohavo a largo population uf foreigners with cing the l'eei'3 to luwcnt to a rcsulutiou i:css of grstutiou or inenbation bus been • h a v i n g mn«l flhampoolnfC Uitnbllnhnicti' FURNITURE, CARPETS AND OIL AND ItETURN. Cor. Blickwoll and Huiiei Sta., DOTED, N. 3. no, ami beer is their chief drink, I t makes afllrmiug the principle of hia measure." On aud nftor Aug. Dili, 1871, tho siibgcribor will soiuy on there in no meun» of caceriaiuing CLOTH. K, B.—Fartlnular atttontion given to cutting nay tlio iiABsagc, over tho M, & V,. It. II. from Tlio eonvoenticm of Cunterhnry embra- as we can only duto from her captivity. them besotted : it mnltcs them crosa : it »nd drawing U d W »od children's b>lr. Itazon Dover to MorrlstowDdtid roturu, of all citizens of ninlios their homo miploaBimt; it prevents —•a n territorj' comprisiug nearly half the this 1>ranol> of limitless, ivo intend hooping .... honad, lotand ground. 1-lyr Dorcr nod vicinity who will purchase of him a hand a full supply of parlor suits, bedroom nets, population of Euglniid, cud tho committhem from rising in civilization : it hhntu •nit of clothes of ony floBuripttnn. innrblo-top tables, dining aud extuuuinu taiilew, v Jtl. I I . D K V O U B , tlicui out from everything tliat la enno- tee addressed inquiries to large i mbr: A gploniltd and entirely now stooli of lloady- Hofns, lounges, -ioto-n-lcUm, ottt.maua, clinlru, of tho clergy, ' ' VHOtUALE A RETAIL DEALED IN bling mado Clothing h m jtist been put In n y newntu" rockcru, easy chairs, Imifaua, safes, wardrohei Dr. Cotton informs us he enco before in the old Irou Sank Hullding, fronting the i'n waBh-etaniiu, lipilBtearte, toWul rneki, A c ; nlst, Oliver Dyer, who lins reniarTiublo op- governors uud chaplainn of prisnim, kept in tlio uamo case a largo rnttle-Huuke Foreign BA1IUHL 11AM. 1'rcDcb Plate and Aiuurlvau MirrorH nnd Lookingg and Domestic Tobacco, at Morriitown. portunities for obucrratiou in tho city of tern of workhouses, &c, and, in res] fur three ycuit mid uiue imiuths, nud that GlasBON. Hair, cotton, iv.wl aud ntruw mnttrcsi to tbe inquiry, "What remedial IOPII UFF and OtQARS. AUo, ouuiunllron hand, CB and pillows; bed blaukols and linen, all kimli Now York, Buys in the January nutnbur of )m its various modca and changes. rreat rarluly of 8MOK1NO and CHEWING against intempcrauee can you kindly sug- Thostudied « J T Our lino of Pitriiutx aro wull uoluetnd, n u _ Packard's Monthly, 1870. unlike, lie says, did not partake of a TOUACCOfc Plain and fancy gest ?" tho suppression^! coosists of EugliBh and American JJntBsels. I n ilippi._ bcor-ehopit vivi particle oi food for tho first nine inontlin, BRUU and MEEHSCHAUM PIPES. Before closing the article, IwisUtomengrain, Hemp ami Ilnir, I'drlor Mats, tfc. ikmll itroet, Higu of (tie Indian 10 of tho first things to bo and but little water. He then gave it rats, Uoii uhat Bcoms to mo to bo u genern! falOil ClothB, all w l d t V ni'fp, iV-i'., puttins the snme i»to tho cnao llorit uf uur HIUUL uf yumitt Imvu hutM rcc lney ; to wit, that ltigor brer is ivn utterly douo. -mrAHSIOW iiotiHK. idive, uud it coinmtuiued dc%'oaving them irehased nt tbo present rudmwd prlucB, harmless buvcrage, nnd tliat tho substituA correspondent who dwells on. tho line voi'floifiualy. I t never would touch a lamo jvo bron a doc ltd frem tho ties I LOUHCH IU Nmv tion of it for whiuky is n great tfain. So - Corner of BlackweU and fftuiox Hta, York, withsreat ciro, nudwhiclnvo lutoiul todlsof tbo Erie I'nih'oad scuds the two p MORIIISTOWN, I*. J . iiioufjij or i. dead one, frcnh as it might bo. Erie far as iny obscrvutiou gooa, I am satisfied poso of nt prices nn low no can bo nflbnlcd.— DOVER, N. J. Wicn n youuff rutwas put into the caso it tlmt a German with his brain soaked to gr'aphs thnt follow: ''Quick nates find sinnll prolltfl," being our motto. Dualor In —a thoroughly would plant ila unerring fung into eomo I know nu old Wo hftvo engaged tho Kcrviccs oi sumo vuung gu stolidity in lager beer is us great a brut< tlomoa ns saiesinan, whimo reputation for In men., h honest old r.oul—Vi'ho, liko ninny others oi liart ot tho limb or body, and then wait 1 h ns an Irishman 'with his bruin net on fUi ind politeness aro woll-linuwii, who will dicer' hia rnco, wns deeply affected in hin "Lath: until it'died from tlio thorough inoculation with whisky. Tho pnvoxyem of tho whisliy Hone* and Carriiges to Let. lully exhibit our Btoek or gooiln, ami inform you fired brain IB more violent whilo it lasta, parts"—nnd parts of iipeech. He kepi of tho puiyou. When quite dead i t would JI tho prices, whcUnr you piu-chnsu or not. T Flcaso give uaftcall. but the brutulity of tho beer noaked brain cow3, nud furnished tho hyrtmto in con- turn it over, taliu it head foremost and SUITINGS, LYONS P O P L I N S , SAT- is moro stolid uud enduring. I spenl; from Ridcrnhlo qunutity nnd Btrenprfli. Out swallow it, evidently drawing nutriment WlUTLOCK it IiEWIB, TEENS, E5IPI1ESS CLOTHS, EPIKOE- personal experience, obtained by visiting day a cuatomcr of Ins caught him nt tho from the poisou its own fangs had infused. aiarcli 18-ly; . hundreds of fuuiilics of both classes, am' pump "clarifying" bin milk, and began to It abed KM skin twice a year—each spring LINES, * o . DOVER, N. .J. yot, so ecmurmod U public opbuoii ns t remonstrate with him, when tho tenc- and autumn—a new rattle appearing nt U n r r Miblei attaobod to tlio Ilotol Horsoi BLANKETS, PI.ANNELS, CASSI. tho hnrmlessQcss of lager beer, I tlo nolbrions sou of " Afncii und gokicu joys" each shedding, which explodes'tbo popr k,plkrthedaj,iiii<ik<iriTOiitli._ M E M H . 0O11DDKOYS, i-o. itl Itctail ETC., ETC. fiiilijioEo tLnt nnyono will accept, my btnte-defended liis prnclieooneeientiilogrounrla ular notion that but one rattlo comes a Aud dnn't forgot tlmt ono of tlinHO "American meut as being even an approximation to contending stoutly thnt tho process was a year. Yesterday morning tbe doctor took .-lae!iClroBOrafii8illm" woulii malto nil olecunt purely chemical one, nnd bad to be gono tho cage und placed,it in the win, From ENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. Urcan-lio a Imiitlfiamo I'roBeut—HomotliLtK lliat tho truth. fcitUl I know that I nm right. through with, not for Uio r>ako of tho thw etlecta of tbo mm three- young snakes would Iniit tho rodiilont for yoars, and can do liad It tnkca longer, it is true, nud costs more MINERAL, WATERS of tUa AgentH, money, for a German to stupify liiinsc! water, but, na ho innisted, "BrcR3 you, died. Two others becmne stupefied, but with ltigw 1'eor than it does for nn Irmh mnssu, on do 'count ob do milk. I t aiu't recovered their vitality on being removed, or fill kind., Hy tlio WO or 1000, or by llio Quart, Half GalW. S, BABBITT & Co, man jess do \i*ntor, nor it ain't jeas do pump, to the shade. Tho circmnstaueeH uttrnct,'DOVEB, N. J. tn maddon liiinaclf with whisky; bin in and Gnlloo Ki't'R, at lnH Salo. attended to in any part or tlm country. aiorrfatown, N .J, _^_________ whether that greater outlay of timo ant dat tcctotcrs do eublime quiucc-easencra cd lni'gc numbers of visitors to the drug PrlnlecolleotlDDi promptly attended to, ami money on tho jiartol thoTeiitongivcshhn ob do milk ; but it are de berry pecuniar atoro to fioo tho venomoua family yesteraommlulon charged only npoa tctual cullucllnne. any advunbipo over tho Colt is n question conibuuticaiion ou dc pttmp-liundlo and day overling. i Blaokwoll Htroot, or dollrorcd. which it niiglit bo ivcll for political and do milk-can, considered ui do obtniMj 40-tf UOTEIt, N. J Eocial econoraistu to conoidcr, nud to re- agents ob do triinamolliflention ob do 'anil overfilling uimally round In a member ulso, as they do couHidei' it, thai milk 1" ADD M i S T E R IK CHANCERY, Tho Way of the White Folks. Are busy wlillo no many nro crdng " dull mem ,a y o Gould Huxley or Tyudall ranlte Offlo. next door to Ooo. Bichardi A CO'H Ktoro, buHlnosa, linril timcV' £?•, isljothing clearer ? And the pith of tbo joko the tmiisition from beer guzzling to caHiio they urit flclting drinking is short and easy, id constantly is, that tho old man beHcccU whut ho s-1-1 Sain Johnson, of New Orleans, was a 3EAOETOJ. ST., BOYEB, H. J . To tho Tory rcuponstbio duty of uumpouudlng grant authurity oh thu levee, and one day utarly i l l lUdt and dlipcinclng made. OVR«S Q M I T H , ho culled hia KntcllUc.i together, and n'fMr. Stocking, o nntivo of Persia, who droased thum on tlio importance of adoptPhysioians" Freaoriptions, , tho Gtnto Old Colonel S , ouo of t o o served in our lato war, described tho ecoue ing a lltcnl policy more nearly rusembling Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, loso poriouftl attontlon will bo given, and thi i of f lliimi Bouators of Minnesota, tolls this i as ahamcful: thnt which had raised to opulonco their eelf: (out core will ho Ukon t o iiisuru the Cor. Blackwoll and Bmtox Sta. Caucasian nciglibnr.ii. "Niggers," said '!\NTien a score- or moro of our bravo Ho was going ilown to St. Paul to join he, " i£ you want to got rich, you must boys Mould ho inarched, niter pnyduy, be- tlio flossion, whrn a train-boy pasted DOVER, N. J. UHITYAND OFFICHTAL CHARACTER envo your iimiioy. You uiust have a bauk. tween two flies at guard-mounting, many d D^t's do way de wliito folks does." Theso OF ALL MEDICINES TSEII IN if whom becomo intoxicated even to stil- through the car, and approaching t g his wares into bin lnp words fell ou a propitious woiL Tho pro,>id uiiconsciousiucss, on lugcr beer, oven colonel nnd shoving MSPEXC1NG. t uupont, ject went into tnvilfe exeeuticn, nnd tho Germans, to whom it is sometimes &aid to Tlio incronso of HBICH In tholr Dross Goods, O; I I . DALBIMPTJ3, "Bny p. deck of cards, Sir ?—Only half earnings of tbo week were promptly ho bnrniless." has oompolkd them.to enrrj' A a dollar." forthcoming. "Niggers," eaye Sun, "Fit Dniggist Larger and greater variety of Jnmes Parton, wlioso personal observa- Turniug to tho lnd with an expression ho do ca-shier ; you must 'posit do money ' ' ' UH1ON IIAl.Ii BUILDING, tion forced tho conviction; wrote in thoof cotmtennnPD calculated to impress him wid mo and when you want any you munt Styles than heretofore, STORE] Atlantic Monthly: with the enormity of tho offonco, tho col- draw unto it. Dat's do way do white folkn And am now ready with & Dover, N. J. tines." AH went merrily for a whilo, and " Close observers of the famous beer onol solemnly anil slowly Hfiid : —imtries, such as Saxony nutl Bavaria, " M y Bon, I never piny cards ; I am &tho depositor!) were highly elated about "dn bank." But-by imd by thero bopnu whoro the beer in pure and excellent, npcnli ncmber o£ the church," A . GILIiKIf, to b« trouble—not ^-itli tho doposiLs, but of tho delicious liquid as tho chief enemy "Oh !" exclaimed the disgusted urchin, Tho only Honao in which tho BOUGHT AJ CASH PRICES ! 1 ! of tho nobler fucultioa nnd tnjitcs of. hu ' 1 thought you was a member of tbo ;bo (lrafta. I t was found cosier to get 'tinda into thiii modul iusniution than to man nature. Tho BUI])1U3 wealth, th Legislature." And on I shall SELL FOIl CASH, I a m Gt them out n^nin, and tinm van coinrpluH time and tho surplus force vt those Jlqam^rAorgmg^ATO ' Is atlctly adhered to. Thero's something pleasant as well ns pullcd to fnoo tlio angry ciiNtoinci-s nnd mtiona arc chiefly expended in feeding ,Ui All priori promptly attended to: explain. " It's all richt," snye ho ; " da tho brain with beer." commondablo in tho following TKIBCH, BWCKWKLL STUEET, Dover, N bnuk's only Busiieudcu, nud in a few days 1 JUST HECKIVED, ' Cai'letou," tho well-known correspond' which wcro upwards of sixty years ngo she will 'again resume ; ' dnt's do way de IS SELLING inscribed on a boor-jug : int of tho lloston Journal, portrayed in A SPLENDID STOCK OF ])r. S. n . Johnuton, while folks docs." This expedient hinted ouo of his letters from Germany, tho fearCouio, my old friend, and tnko a pot, but n little whilo, however, suspicions of SURGEON I S TOWN THAT SELLS ul besottcdni'Hu of tho beer drinhing pen* But murk mo what I any : *oul piny day by day increased, nnd tho" AT 11 nnd represented their highcHtintercat DENTIST, Fairchild's Double & Twist Cas- jlo, Whilst thon driuk'st thy neighbor's itorm was about to burst ou the head of ns culminating in tho "prospect of hops ho great operator, when be found it exID WtalUoek * health, Comprising tbe Tory lateit Stjlos of simeres, Flannels & Yarns, ind tho prieo of bocr. Writing from .icdieut lo gather oneo moro bin infuriated r-v^jt^jx^rw-: Morris, new Blackwell it. Drink, not thino own away. England, still later ho miid that thoro v.-tm Call niid looU n t t h e m . depositor*), nud "fuce the inuaic " frankly. • Beautiful Seta of teeth for 116,00: 1< ' ono encouraging el«am on tho English " But it too ofton ia tlio case, K.RKoi.*a," said bo, " dar nin't no UBO a. Tooth eitmoted poattlrely without pain, by tlio Tho best Assortment of MINKS O horizon," bucauao "9,C00 beer hou&es Whilst wo sit o'er n pot, ionnin' ubuut it I Do money's spemt, and u s of Nitrous Oxide, or .Laughing Gas. offered i3 this City, havo been closed throughfiut the KiugdPni And whilo wo drink our neighbor^ dc bank's brnko: and dat s do way da IT WIM/PAY since tho change of tho ministry." Ho VALUABLE licnUli, A MeCRACKEN, vhito folks does."^ TRIMMINGS & LADIES' WEAK stilted also that "England, alone spends All wbo dualro to pnrclinBO Our own is qnito forgot." MAHOrACTDHEM Ever offered in DoTor. £^0,000,000 (5100,000,01)0), on hwr—that Domestics, Flannels, Shawls, sis out of tho native Euglwh women of Also/a flno Assortment of In 1704 a gentleman who noted ns editor FOR SALE. Cloaklngs, Cloth Cassimeros, he lower class—wives of workmen,-un- _J a nuwapn|K;r tcslilied in court that nil Tho Scottish fanner, though generally etc.,—aro dxnnlc nl loast twice Of Krery Deaerlptlon. Tlio Siitacribcr rlToni for ealo about Under Garments, Gent's Fur- Drtuuntefl, ho received for the dis- hrewd, i« not always pn. A Kincardine^ week—that the poo.* -wlio cannot find ft :ho remnnevatioit Cpr. DlaoknoU and Dorgcn 8t«, DOVER, N. J . I n such variety a t to moot tho wonts of every of Ins cilitorinl duties wns luilf :i hint hu&bnudiunn,, in o:,|)icKsii)g o : , | i g tohia hia nishing Goods, &c, ilaco to deep nights will have their beer." chnrgo . N.H.PIEEJUK, Oto. McCnACKEH. guineo ]ier wonk. And Willinin Hazlitt, iinintor iininto Bousohoid. iit ffavorablo b l opinion i i off his hi personTo Call and osamino tho Btncii of ano of tbo finest critics in English liturn- il virtues, concluded his eulogy in thfm P»rtieular attsntlon pda to repairing and With a valunblo mineral deposit, eituatud In t h e Ono half of tho drunkenness of England Luro eighty years ago, only received live louthorn part of Dover, iicur Chryntsl alrcct. painting. 2-1y liko your Rtcr1 created and Tjcrpetuatod on beer, tho shillings per column, small type, from the ifordfl : " An' I especially jovoralehnftn have been sunk nnd considerable 1 nro taken ont. Tho property-Is nlao very tlcslraicotjlo being too poor to jrarelinao distill- London papers for -which ho then wrote. Jir.g independence , Sir. I have alwnTB The lateit dosignu and finest workmanship, anid, (Sir, that yo neither fcatod God nor -d liquora. A largo proportion of tlio aa well us tlio moro mbutantlftl Tbo topic in an nttrnctivo ono, nnd \vo man." FOR BUILDING rTmpOSES, A N ctccllcnt Hotel Property la offered for salo, ivlnsky drinlters tliero created nnd nurturartlcloa l a this lino. 1\. nitunto nt Btnnhoim, just over (bo HMMLX ed their appetitea on liter. Hcnco tho ..ill closo with mentioning that Daniel Thoso cniinrnt. nilvoraitea ot personal line, 200 yds. from thu Iron Works nnd within fnct that morn dHillotl liquors (in addi- Defoe, author of " Koliinwn Crusoe," _ liqty, I bAToJniit opened, find Invito tho citizens of Hiy "" D.Draorratic" t i " newspapers, am 'lint distance of tho depot of tho Uol. Lack. ,t tion to malt liquors) are drank, per c.npit« started n weekly nowspnpnr uuder tho iqy, tho over to como aud oiamluo tnj goods and prices. ._lldiuf sit OH, equal to any other proporty ii. •andalixed tilized IIOCJUISO IOCJUISO thoro has boon " t. It-It. Tlio building him Just hoein repaired title of Jiccicir or (he Affair* of Slate, In greatly scn ' is la a good condition—plenty of Trnlt Trees "in England now than wcro drunk forty thin bo rmbUt.li.nl » pnatieal Fatireunliticd n row iin a "colored" church in Savannah. Under tho Inox EIIA. OJlko, corner ofBladnveU rlciiiityoflhotown. rears ngo, when tlioido and beer act was i tlw lot. Tlio price 1B Flvo Tlionmnd Pollars. and tho lo ]iorfe<!t. Tcruin uuuttually gnoil for nuch passed. That act, which licenfitid the nalo "Tho Tmo-linrn Euglinhuiail," tho open- The minittiT, it appears, was unpopular, Office o n BlackwoU Street, n o a r SUSBOX, li Morris StrcotB, Bayer, N . J . trms ns liberal an can Ui- dcuircd. mil Hie lluul; fiutiK hymn-bookfi nt him, Alsn for ealc siivonU building lots la tho neighif malt nnd fermented liquors but not His- ing lines of which nro: FUna, SpecifiOJitions and iupcrintendonco of bnlld Liid uuiitiibiition bosos, nnd uvcu Bibles. bor'nood. .illod liquors was suppurtoil by HOIIIG tarnWherever O<M1 orfctd n hmiRO nf iirnyrr, Ingiof orory olaai. •dojiR irhhlnfj to T\OVT tlio premUcfi mny call perunco men, who believed thnt tho use of; Tlio devil rhvayB lmilils a dmiwl tbcio j Htn'nhriwj'N. J.Vor" upon 0.' I[, Miinnni], in Wnrrcn street, o r Chic.iyo ban 1US7 Baloona, of which 800 Bnrreya; LVTBIK, Qradeii, r i a n s , &c. for pubUo MAHLON MUNKON, nn the prcmiaef W. T. T.BrOllT, ho lighter, intoxicants would prevent the i And 'twill l,o lonml, upon cxniniiiiitiuii, iiwe no liccust?. and prlratoimproTcmcntB 2 TJovtr, X. J, I than the CHEAPEST. •, K. J., Nor. 23,1971, 13-tf. Tb" latter hua the largest t-oagri'Sfttiou. The Iron Era, SAMSON. MINING Co, WIUTLOCK & LEWIS, Miners and Shippers of Iron Ore. A. TAYLOE, Cards. HARNESS, New Store! Sale of REAL ESTATE NEAV GOODS ! PRICES New Store Itooin, NEW AND SELECT STOCK OF GOODS ! SADDLES, &c, Buffalo and Wolf Skin Fancy Lap Robes, Horse Blankets,' Sielgh Bells, Whips, Brushes, Combs, BOOTS and SHOES. Choice Sweet CIDER Pure Cider VINEG-AE, Groceries and Provisions SEGTJR'S BANK, Crockery, Cutlery and Glass Morristown Advertisement* Ware. STILL SELLING AT HOLIDAY PRICKS ! Tlio Union Bank at Dover. Free Passage Tickets S HOLIDAY PKICES, Dover to Morristown Elegant Paisley, Brochc Silson, Long Branch, ISonita, (JiiccnsIiiiHl, Snratogii HoYorsiblo Extra Bengal Stripes and other styles oi W C. H. D.lLUYJn'LE. DRUGGIST, I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, THOMAS BOLITHO, S' A.T Licensed Auctioneer, ' Counsellor at Law, SHAWLS. FURS, •PUBS, EUES, Russian Sable, Alaska Mink, River Mink, Siberian Squirrel, Furs for Children, &c, Dress Goods! Dress Goods! OVSTEIKS, FllESH EVEItY DAT, T O I L E T ARTICLES, Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery, SALOON, First CInss Drug Store. Astonishing, yet TRUE The Reason KING & JOHNSON STOCK OF GOODS LAST YEAR'S PRICES L'AW OFFICE, NEW GOODS ! ! 3 FurnisMng Undertaker AFFORD to SELL CHEAP ! Dry Goods and Notions New & Splendid Stock. FERINE SMALL PROFIT SYSTEM THE HATTER Morristown, N. J. THE ONLY HOUSE CHILDREN'S FURS $S Per Set, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, SHAWLS, D' Carriages and Sleighs K I M & JOHNSON'S. Mineral Property FRESH GROCERIES Twenty Acres of Land Frank. P. Antsden, Architect CIVII Crockerjr& Glass-ware ENGINEER, J O H N F . WOOD. La<Hcs' and Children's Shoes KING & JOHNSON. A Rare Ohanco. BICHAItD FEARCE, THE IRON ERA. -^'-i-^—- r v ?VI!¥ • I l\^ - ~O"R i r» • ; . : i ' - J . • ' • - : • ••:•••: • - " * < • ' •. i l l ! R. ^ i t <jf (.!! PiesbvUrian Cbarcb, Cor. 3:ackwe!l & Prospect Sts., Oj Dover, N . J . Dw 5?" ALL. ) Packages of Lard • - -'..V ~-V. : . " " % = ' L* :_-.•. ' i: : ;1L:I ^o r y GLAS S-V/A R E. K 5 " JX !i;y (.«n lad-iog, and UiO, , ; ^3<1 U Bar Hated to be ; Pure end of the Ecst Quality. COIHT- ||2:l^| ,- .SmntolToiiOTCS, Unuis i i rncpn, c. Pur; Coai?jnonery c?.iAT BARGAINS!!! ! AT LOW PBICES.*, : ;«3,;^i-,;;^^7^^\-l:-^ i=iiMj:Kiic.-7j:i:ji- -.., .._ _ _ ' - ._ - : VTAICTZD. ClIt>lMl 4 iLaUr.K. ^ - . = - , - - - - ~ ^ ^ : OEKTBAL DRY GOODS sioan. ^ , ;--:=»»^i:i.-». -fe;t3-ri'*-. '' — , ;•; . " t —- : S u i ' S . S. J. ,;,..', , !.-d to f .11raliuunino my Slock. . . . . . ' ; . , „ , , i >nai r ^-jT^firjyZ^-r^^^-r; ''^'r-'%^iii ~— T r s g y ^ v ^ - ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ i S . - . _ , . „ . . . , . ^ ^ - ^ ' T ^ t ' i i A H T: ;Ir N DOSD & rCo. ^Sit : l^.r-"*~ " ~t ; *"'' *: "TEMPERANCE- HOTEL,,;. I.i^.~iraT1irJ_^!^.r,/"f-*i~^iJ- _.^"_?'^::2r;!:~i':~rir;-.~;:f:'':?7,rr ~'-T--i---~". ' ' — —_^-^v""* ' -" —- .vJf/i-?5rj= i : ' -S;j.V=;;Ti*:S-;'. -''•"' :i " "•"" " \ s . j . si:.1.KIXG, Proprietor, S r - ^ S t ^ r f i ' - ^ i r ^ r . v . ^ ; --•~:.>-/:;"-i;-3<. ^ ~ i ' ^ ' ' ' ^ ^ I L ^ ^ J ^ I 1 " . 1 ' . f .'fi^JS-' Somediini? cevr a^aixi! . w • ±:<o TTLSTEK * ~^c^s?. >!.~-': *:£-:-"rL".H,.g"tf I Sussex si., Dover/ W.J. hL'.z~.zt'^J>Z-J:£ it ±:v7^ -7 ^... L :t:-^:;i..—I!_!-- ..7- :-f":Lr n " ^ f F •S Z:-t-JjLc,.r.}. P E R 1 N E \ro.it«.-J"S^riiIr"r' lr=-—5-J=3--.....i.vir».-r.-lM ; tIVl!]IT..S,I THE DOMESTIC MAOHINE - - . - - =:« » VLJ=;'^. a-sr ;.-! :•_- ; r j v^; 7 ^* = i = i i "~ 7 ^ ^ i : : - i i : i " Dsrk Brzhniis - - - S2 par doz. ^ ^ j ; Cor. BrtksiS ami tTe«t Park St*, • For $5. jf;; v ^.^;^^_^i;j;:5;JS:i ^^H,,.^ ^ v ^ ' t T ^ : ^ ^ ! ! : r i Z r s ^ ^ ^ r ^ y i LADIES" CHIGSOXS «^«i«»=^i^-^^S^Sc'^?£vJ?SiS^ ,CHASE'S T O DEPABTMEXT «*.*-& n u x LAST SEASOS. SO _ *" T - " - * ' ' " s ™ 1=_ . .J , K *-7 i=d try the lioulSTIC before buying any ;Ci IiLi.«.^».i e. inoto'ttmli1'- 1 GREAiLY EtCUOED PRICES! / <•"«• la>m f«t.«J or sl¥»,eoHofr7T.u!on. S rr^T H a t & Cap Department-"^»<*^p"«r<rf"ifais£ ": _ _ 13V . ' I s the B e s t of a l l . : TJ.IBTBM Ji.:rinc lo pnichuo SKWIXO JI*. • _L I'mXil^ fliil ilml it to their adrftnUee to i V/±T-ri'Ji.H G O O D S SANDERSON I ' " A^-Prices ^ u e r cent: LO¥E3 ttE Red, Wnite and Blue " -" - ^ ^ ~ ' — GO r 1« S'SJ.TTUC:- :T,.,a=f ,^p,.. I I iTOYlSIOllS. matin? tliis hraaeli cf IPi .0 to Ri!t om.of • c - : -——ij ]r : . imtiiber of pari» ih . o : _ i ^ - h i , M iviuu of topBTtarity Ota out on r^n<l Bake Alexis,' ^ Tr.:3e a Specisitr. : TOE SJLIX BT SEU, ASTRiOAS ASD CLOTH G. W. GBEESE SiLATINS CAPS, j moiiisisTows, ^:i.i HAIL ROAD & EXPRESS CAPS.'5- • ^ Boys1 Eats and Gaps '; «t=asy c-3 Haad. b t P AT CHASETS UHSHELU3. etc., etc ^ ; z 7 ; ^ ^ ^ S J £ uxt^tJ^ntNIT UOODS. 's Xci? Store. - .KEHHEtiY,-.-"-"'-'---'"'.""/.'^ DOVER,nr.J.' A FIXE BUSINESS ForSal4. - T p i t i i V ? * ' i i IQTTQ Q & T r t l C I e , T ^ T P=br.;~S-r, &Ab«tt< of nttrtag from batl i t w.i i>Wi t r t u l C C u . CAI irflELO, ; A iaf-t*,.v:-'i £jr,ii, of tus & ! "^o Real; or F o r Sale. "; " ..=rit-a a fag.^Tir» I jait t r i CCE* =? i=3-i s i * »35f c : z^.-pv^Tzjx vv : Store. Stock, Fixtures, &c., ~ "• j Business Stand in Dover. : fg.E IRON ERA, LVuias Folr-y, Jlidmtil'a brother, is aUvjtJi wliot upiicurca to. bo dried blood, .ingle man, ^ yoaru old, and,_\ras the uup- jThn imifVivasinn uhfatlii nud l<»ikod port of liiii'widowud muthcri Tliuluict "is if It huil been •worn t{\\i[o a^oud deiil: to have a good disposition • uataAna Kerry, Jr., sworn, mid Ii illy, but beiny a powerful mull physically luiiinlal will; 1)H!IIIII;V ; w him -Huudny noruinc uomiiiK from* JIUHUH Ui'iidwuf ••'• Lli, -N. J. (i^'nril my Iujv.f.n ; iio wuiit u])<.u n. en out of whicb lia generally come:j a viotm-, | and ei>usot](u«ut]y lnisoneniicB as well n\, ••ijtht l.j- him j af^nvhulHuw^ulaui'y'fi bur Uajlortowu. (.unesnondcuee fiiuiidf*. Ha ia, iu foot, qiuto noted Jvi ,1 ton kid for tins » r d i a J'-iu. staiiily luiruabutila for hiii fo.its ol ilslicuii^, i.iid husu I'll elvo attention nest MI t It , • it iittrliaahaly unt^d foe having oniiu iviir; foimad,--nrd ;I>L-];U»V was r.t tbnLtimc n-inotinnhiinh i!"r.i! ;'hi) a])j(m-.v(l to be weak or l'ctdiitg I Q ^ Mnrslml A-inttogt aum\ tin wisty]'ijritici>,sii!iiLBui(jii ami (jciitltnM'n ut leisure; mdffll on a lurpro stoiro -witU his brentt .vill liud it to tiicir inLinmt ti> call iiuriiiinc<-itl.fT| flve p^ tho "<lcvl a pool nt tliGEtitlioii ucltuowIedRfi Lobo " hard to beat" in thij Jr-''iinfJ-t it nnd "with liin bend ^'hi^ovorit, f'ir the [mrchMu or BHIU ut Ilorwn, in: I liutuuuicei Hint tln-y rind! be ti!tihfi'Ptor!l.v dealt with. 3 town during tlia uinnth uf '''tthMiiiiR'XhmiiiiH and Mk-hnd F n l •'line (j£ defence." I'nriiesivluliinjr t(itU«p'JBO ut tliS H C " ' niu John Kelly wore about uiic lmiidn u BO tiirimyli t:\j nt n roii<ii>iiablu Tlifnias Polcy don't nppcnr to hnvc vurdtt RHOVC jmd buhind D c l i u ^ . al fiienda of Mr J IF Ilicsrll, made a reputation fcr miytln'iig iji particT. P. t f.in i-ieaame direction of tho M E Obnrt,littt Stinliope, iiutuu « ii.fiinvi.jH ii-i. niijuiiiu^ J.I |iuim.-. touwift'.in ".jieaamc uirRctiun llintJJrlniit'y Chester, K. J* iiffieunb'o Biirpnsn lost Friday ulnr up to tho time of tho affray, but not.-[wn-i taking : thuynpiwuved to be iji a hitrit liio residence A Iiupo miin- Htunds'hoad imd shoulders abuvo hia bi»i ry ; »£lei'T)(;ianoy IDII I did'nut him him account of life exploits I "V™ . ^ ' 1 1 ^ , 1 " M i c h i B ^ - h d ^ ' T l i ^ l t u nud gflntlcinea spent a very brother if tho o true. M|i to M'horo X>olimf-r wan lying ; I intng and thon miihlc nlj pciunoDa Suturday nigl't, tho 2-ith iiwt., lliei-a [ Ih ight I PUTT ThrjwuB. T.uKv, when lie eft gft'jpjji with a mibaUmt'ul tolten of (.heir wits r. flaucbut tho houeo ot FitUiulc I^iu-, utimuiip tuDtiluuuv. wilhtt luiifu in lita htiiiil tinft Ktrikftoruinktxmpmotiondow contixiningiuojicv nc.v, ablhe AVi'ldoii Miue, which accmn to v.-anT. towiirii IVlnncy ; iti% iny unini Fofin H\do, ono of the luutiilawn have boon well utlcndod. .Liquor wus Hint 1',,1,-v fctnu:k him thca with it'tuiifc by ^bj&t of dualm iiowilt-r m tlio Fvixi titles" tboro lg" scvoYiljMrticJSj nnd among Thomni !hi;u Ji'ft Drhiuuy nnd cim i$bout thrpo months npo nud vlio tlniHo jwescut wero John Dolanoy nnd uroiuid the uomer to Hie door of my house, which in uboul iitty or sixty yards from AT THE ornci: or Tim ' J > St7 MichnsI H HOHJ itttl, Keiv- Michn'.'-l l-'oicy. Whon Dnlaney left homo whi'voDi'liiiii'y mis lying; from wUoro i lnut7Wutlutnday night of the to i;o lothodiinco{adi8touccoftwoiniloH,) wits fitunding nuil witnnsHiiiff tho nbi>vo to »F.r I U K t MI NIL i i \ n a s s , BUri3i;X (ST., KEA.lt THE l'Ortl1 Oi'FIC^, received en that occi^nn Wo his wife risquestod him to luuvo liis dag- v;hsre J)(:hiney vuu\ lyiiiR in about double tho diHiuiit'G i wlieu Tlinman irns standing DOVJJH, !V. J . id tlmtho wiUlio hunod iii St. joi-h'-'hiiid, but ho would not, tuyiug tlmt v tluj luiifo in Im hand A IX liindu of KTjireM Jolibing tn any part of ibtery, near this ton n ' Hyde ho nyBht want to use it. I t is nlhtgcd that it my dt A th-) city ur Htirnnuidluff TIUIHM. I'taiMffl, vhfiii 'I'huinna camo to my door ha nnd tbo dance was kept up to an early hour on' Kolly vava hdi>iii{! Michnul X^iiny-hlmi^; •i'llrnltiirn, i c , csrufuLy nmiovod, Qbd lToujht, a ivifo uud J^\ o ntfixx.cJnhh-Lii. Sunday morning ' aud that a iTrradful T.Iioliac'l npppuroil to bn wenlt; thoy ttop- Baggatjo, Ac, promptly di-Iivtrctl, Onlom rucclvod nt t!ie KinruBB Oillcc, or liy is County Courts .. • . . flylit took pluco thero between DeJuiipy 1>i<dnt mydonv nnd thon pnwod on to limit, Iioclt Him i$, llovcr, N. J. I u t l i e l i s o o f tbe Stnto \a Ijbcnczcr and Jliclinel,' the rcmilt of nn old feud ifntiii Davifi' j rtliuu went to tnyowuhottna nnd sn w'X'homan tioino bn«k lo juy door foi USBMIU and bat- idi(mt a.dog. After tliia tho soveml imrmid pn«a on in tho (Tirpctinn to where Ucdotendant a rnim al linviug lies wont their ways, but aoiuowliorc nbuut lancy viw lying, hut wna tlicn out of'niy moved the caw tltoFiouccutoi entered n niini tj'cluck ou Bundny tnoruingDuhincy, Mjfht, 'i'tiomaa retiu'nnd blmrtly uflcrwurd iu tin; ilirrutiLin tiiwiinl Uavih' ncniu ; I REDUOTION OF PBIOiiiS, 36 KOBSES for SALE! .; WM S WBIG-HT c "'~ TI) - ITDBER1HD BEPAIBEB : Livery & Exrluuigo Stiiblcs,! A.'.'l> , MAKE ROOM FOR OUR KPRIKfl GOODS. BUYING & SELLING HORSES.! A FULL I^IXE OF D RE S S Fruiu 25 Cutita u i i . Paramattas, very wide, At U7i C'oiits ]KT yard ; c-lioiec ctjloss* JHDosicaUnstrnraonts Bonght &SoMt Empress C!lotli« and Merinos, Piano Fort33,OrgtuiB4;Melodeim% rruuiXSXiallurato I&OO SlttlUr*, Very Ctai>. ladies' Yosts and IJraweiv,. Men's Under Wear, Seed for a Circular nnd Price*/ A&rcsa, W. EJ. V . ' R i a i l T G O O D S , Black and Colored Alpacas, ri for Tuning and Repairing of Tlano Fortca, Or^ma, JltloJcona, or.d othur Ulads of Huelcd IsLstniuioiiW, ia New Jersey nnd NcwVork City pninptly attantlcd lo. I'lanos kept in Tuna by thu year fit Hit Dollnro. uoVEit, V. J. Sliobting Gallery, ALL Old Newspapers TurSul'iet thiitOMco nt.WfitB. per liuuilrcd. ORJMifi, ISTs S". KL-I'oy,^iot arcidDntnlly, id nn nfl'ray iU!,i i'oturued ; I iio not know tvhat tinio in Uio morning itwns estictly, tiiLil; iiliTco, which resulted in (Iio C itvM .rii'litcr, ulxtpe ypurs of Dt!<ni:<7 fit tlio tii o and tho mortal v:oini(IMI pnid that ho l'.ne IJolnnoy only • . j JusUeo Win. _;, o f Jafftiraoa I luwiishiit \vm nutiucd of Hifl dottth of Un- j lxiokjnudNiw2}o!niioT wlisn he foil huiry, nud (Jouatr.blo AriiiUo^c, of Dov^i, ! hin fti.!,»niidliiii>ei<, mul Inland him wero enninr/Thmnn-'i mid IJic-liaol FoJt'y i wiisBi'iit for on JMoadity uitimiug, but ii Xully ,- TJKHJWH H-JW nlii'iid; TJIUIHIIB en.. Hp.cma that Tliomas Fo^y'nml Kelly 'had uptiMvhui'c'Uolimoy was. tying; Tliotnas bad a ];nifo in bin hand "which ho ruined absconded, to' jiavta unkuown. Ui previous, • iuul wero consequently not nr- and atmi'k ut Udiinry in the bnek; Kelly Ihomus Van Ordi.u lndielcd n-.=l:!d. In tho-nft'Tiioon n jury having mul Jlidiitt'l Folcy wi»ro ulfisi) tofjiitliuv : aftoiwurdu Kiiwnll three of the men go CONSTANTLY OS HAM). : Hoot irony Doft. limit a:;n- tiLPii procured, In tho itijscuco of tho cor- on toivfirtls 1Dttvit>, tfince3/|p jmj a finu of £r5und 15 ilnjo in oner tha Gvtdoncd vr several witncHseswai Mnrv Coniiolly, sworn, pnid that all bt'forp JusticG IJuiuitiug. nl the vc»i didu'tkuow that i4io had over sueii Doli. ALSO, DEALER IN Tho jxtal of appoali hoforo Jiulgt B (i>1ib, ii:i!i! of Dclwioy and.iu tlio room' when noy before Saturday evening ( I saw him r.#iin on Bundny morning bi'Lwcen niuo Dellickei! nnd Timohcr cuimucncod on in body was lyujg. uud tru n'olnck ca nour nit I chbuld tliink; Tiro following- aro mines of Iho jury, 7na\t him then btftndinjj in Jlcndcrsim't Tlie first c u e oill d vn.i that of Titnii id tbo o,vidouco takca ; door iu front of my bouse ; hownllted fron1 ByeraonTs Andrew J Hlm^ jrlund Thu Jiuuea iiu'vbrp, John P. "Wood, ^Vm. H. there nciors the meadow up to John F.ioh appellant liming failed to m n c , tho Fichto^, Edwaril Allen, Himry. Straway, tor's door; HuudiM'sun cnino out and iieroH: Court4umiiH8cd the LUO, uilliu tiinbp- """ viudU. Iltii-d, Win; S. Qoureko, Jos in anoiiicr direction ; they wovo toguthei Great Reduction in Prices at the NewTin Store at Port Oram, •when tlioy (tut to my houso iinrlproei'cdflc U K of feppdlro Ituii, Lowia C. Hiird.; . , o;i up a crosa-jjutli towurdtt Sirs. DnDfy'u Having jnit rwclvod » largo Block or Moves o every iVetiiptltn, w ir.'JbhuTJ.'How, nworn, naid that h barn ; tlm path kada out tu tlioinaiu road JJ Eecfiu\B T'odntklv Stone; called oii Sunday, tueSCthinst., nbrnit thu nost I haw oi Dulnnoy ho wits l,ringat * " h 'dLotmou ijf Juntas Cook. ttic oud of iny hoiiHo on lii^ faeo dead All UIKIH of «IO wry ltlcst H> tlra c-f Xho ftj/follnut liming f uled to JIJSCCHIO iinun, and arrived at tha Wcldon Ulino thorn wat iio ono with him or noar him lnv.it 2 b'eloek nud liroccadnd totholioiis. lib case in tho niimuor lequiixd liy law vhora Ddnnoy was tying and found hin but boforn I mv "Deiawy Michael am" the Court ordered tho ciise to bo ihsmifis- <n hla fncii on tho floor ; uiado r.n .cxaini- Thomas I'olcy aud Kolly camo to my door, mtioii nud ftimtd pix wouuda, . ovidcntlj but I bugged tlioia not- to nnd they- pasAod od, onSiotiou of appolluo } they went tu Asa- Ik-rry'fl door, the i Jwnes Shuw vs G W nml A .T Alli- .aiido'by uomo ohorp poitiied instriunoitt ond from mine, nnd attempted to goii thico.iHhum l«id untwed tho cheat o: L? troupe Tiia tiiipi.il buu^ moved tlio plural cavity ; thootlier thvco wouud-i there jThomns, ns they left me, naked me rt —-* 4ocj0ei] tlmfc the ea.s Lad !JP«« .?;<! not ttaunirtita tho €:tvity ; Hi» lowiiltwi to take hula o! AUouacl's nru to holjj him -. . • • A very fine nsortment of brought nud gnintui ii uou* wan on lh<j rifjht side of tho bnuk' bouo ; along ; I did so ; Thomas' turiiud back ut thu Inrgost.g.aah wasbatweon tlio sixth nut tho ond of my housu; KoUy and myself wont oa io Davia' house, nnd Tliomas sQveuth vi\m, clnso to UIQ back bbnc t aud 1 r DouglnrMs Ctcnrgo and Tho- tho n'oxt largoat about two inches from the shortly returned and helped ' to tako Ami a variety of olhor nrtlt-Iru aaunlty liopt In a well uoppllwl Tin Storo. fnlaitr. appeal from d lit Venlli linos bonu liulwt'L'ii tho ftnmo rib3 j tin Miehnol in ; Tliomas said nothing: then ; HiiM had uouctVAtcd tha chnst ttt the low ho litul n knila iu hit hnud winch mi» plaut of $17 an I castfl 1 bloody, (knifoproduced whii-h sho thought oi" point of tliij shouldei blade j the othei aFordiVs. Abmham 'Itiers; np- thrtjo woralleah woundo, very near the wa«! tfio ono;) Thomau' liaud nud Neatly done anil piomptly ulttmiM to. Wo cnArntitco to give HitfBfa-tlou: . ..__ jhirt rom judgment of S^uiro 12^stnn nratthi'QO innutloticd ; from the amount o slccvo wero bloo" ipolloa having failed to appear tlu hemorrhage I would Mipposo Hint tho in- with tho knife ioodv; ho wnlliItocl around ho «aitl nothing uwhile his hand ho for some ti: itriimtmt hnd severed Iho pulmonary • ar3 ired a nonsuit II the lioin erybfentorcd tlio hoftrt. Thoro ia ecip<aO ptmlooMJ DtuidT Douglass ' " Jmafnro of tho Hkul! uoor tlia; lolt hut ufjurwiu-ds wlien ho went out I r,n\v in ruae Jndgutsut fur ] lain till' duiitlv a Jn lithcr ono of tho tliroa wounds him moot Leonard Taylor nud toll him templo ; oi something ng nud nud telline telling hia hw thing nboufc going i i i; fii\it mnutiouod would produco do:ith ; tho nu that he had " edfisi . him "or_"itiiiBhthat irt O TliompHou Honrj* W. frnctliro of tho skull IIM been cfiiifod by n d him ;" h I cannot tell exactly tho blow from nu iron, r. ntick or tt full—by W dia Buy ; I could uot tell how. long i t Of Ju iko J r judgment iu fa\oi ot a\ Kuuia'lJiuut iusU'iiincut; do not iU'mk the yas from tbo time ho lutt tho IIOIIHQ ami fracture suQiciL'ut to produco dtmtb iui- and' mot T.\ylor till tho tiiuo ho again roit SSoaufiei * ( * Ui J medintoly ; found a cut on tho flngor of ''irnea to Diivis*. • les Shaw, y& Elwaid Ch^mborlnit tho right hand, by some sharp instrument. Chas. A. OusLoii, sworn, said th ut ho DAILY INVOICES OF frcuijudgluoafof Just cJ IMjjFili Tlio left oyo of tlio deceased was "black,* Eaw Di»lane.v ctnniug ncross tho meadow nitfl tha c(ip[)osifion ia thnb ha received i t from Hendcrrfon's; uoxtsaw him enminj on the night of tho fight. The forehead down tlio path from tv-hco allfjht had been, sw'va Tliomas K Nonnan, 1 ilso Gcrftteh'cd in many plaeoa. ' wont lo near tlia ewner SIi-s. Coniiol\ from judgment of Juatico I\Iclrurriius IlendoxHOu, BWQi'iii said ho ki iy'n houno and foil down; 'i'liomas and 'Nonsmt In fivor of appi limit1 " _ ....ney ;aawluiiion fiahirdiiy u'iKht nt n Michael Foloy anil Kolly. wevo coming a Deokor <r% l l a n r ^ l OtVuboak ; (lanes at Patric'i Imrnoy's; know Bficltncl 'lL'—t distauco behind ; U'homai nlieiul; JH.J3 caiuo to whurcs'-DelancT\rna lying, fiAndtiin k)y appcUoo a dujnusB; and Thnmns Foloy and Jnhn-Kully ; they 1 Enw ii knifo iu Iii» linuil which lie had it dispiitjnt tint tiaia-j^Dt'lanoy staid Ot'tha appral was granted id and jabbixl flown toward Belnnoy ; ai( my houHu from haU-pinit Ii o'clock iiunV3£i IJ Keeffo \ S I*rcdrn,U Stone Cn* day v ni6rniti« till hnU-imst 8 Iho name ulduotsL'o wliythor hu cut Mm or not; Mjournod to Miiroh % 1" did not ooa tho knife afterward or Thomas moruinp; I went out with him then, and 1 ficr Iio went away ; X was in Johu Fich^SilaaDollvH John Class. appoa from as Roihg to his hoiwc ; saw both 'Pole lir's hvtt-iQ looking tlnvagli a window; id Kolly about-ono hundred yarda frc jaclgmont of "Squiro tinge Judgmer was about two roda oU' from where DelaJuinc3 OpinioilyXhnuso ; did not appimr jxttx\Qi,ol App^lloo of ^120 i , JJ* Wna lying." to ->a orit of liumor when thoy mot; tho A. Stophuns-\H Anthony A Dml» first words spoken were by Dolaney, who Tlio jury rondorod a vordiot Hint John 'rom yidginont of Justics C wlti'j laid to Michael Foloy, " I uupposo, Jlr. Dcliiuey had coiuo to bia death by wounds ijjvlj&np hoping tmlep. to l> ij ilitj fees L'olyyi'you hnvo oorap hack to iiiiinh your initialed with a dirk Juiifo iu tho hands of Thomas X^oley. tenng the appeal, tho caao was disit night's work'.7" Fcloy replied, _ , writing Iho IIIJOTC wo Lavo tbo folli Xlinro not,!* uud went uu to eny that hn Hornck ve J V Hoyer ,-ctwu, dojil(l,,ivhip Duliinoy the be3t day ho ever iidilitlonal imrlii-ularB: -- " saw, ur nny" of hid frlcmK ' When Foloy Zilichac] l'oluy b bUU KHVO antl Iiojice. w UP^or^icUun. said this ho threw his noat and hut'and ertaincd by h)n frieiida Hint ho will recover. In nTucaJny tUs Court a(b told Delanoy to .draw hw lttife and come Uct hla cane ia quilo Giicourn(;iiig, Dr. BOPB, 1I!H on. Dehuusyuww his knifo aud inado a )liydicluu bciuc constmil In hiQuttondanco upon luti^o a t Michael and hit hiia iu the breast; Wolaney thon nwdeasocond Mroke It BJcnn tliat Tliomns Foloy eliid aliout liomo _ ABLOCDY JilUBDERPAETIODLAK ATTENTION IS QWEN TO OUR with the knifo which aiirfutcl "wirfloil off mlil Jloatlay morning, when lio ctiangca his of Jho most bloody nnd forocii nud (lib j)low W£?nt over hia shoulder; I Mi jTrftt^'^iTniiiationi that ever r_i«l to Krtly nud Tom Foloy to" tako (ho knife ruvay from-Deiaffoy; Tom Fnlrty iis biMdicr, but instead ha otnrtud, far fiiiijeos uur.tj, CJIIV wliilo uu ii*i> juiul-fi'tiin Sparta to about tn6 miles beyond *U!i»pr.t11)ii5k auJ Dviuaoy stubbed MlT.Lat.-l "ranlil.'a liQin.B ricagnhxA by n Imtcbci- from in tho left sido under tlio ribs ; Delimoy ightfcom tluii Utvm, on Ncld tho knifo thcra foi' ft few Bocniida r.nd i^nrtn, lvlta un r.rrlving homo ineiitionetl that ho [ Iaat^ probubly betweon they-, ptvngglcd nud hoih foil together} .ml nt>i>n TIiomiB and jiurauit. w.aH tjieu Immo'l lyliilCdowii John Kelly uiiitle nn effort to .tcly conimonoctl. Couatshlo '.ltolwrt M&ma uf|^tenxi!elock got tho liuii'o ; I .looted bncls'over my etod foloy'd arrost nt Franklin oa Tiicsdny, t tho parties arc bliouldcr nnd m » Tom Folcy coming willi i:l on Wfiiiiicsilay he wne tnUon to Kowtnn aud A GOOD PAItT IS OB OUIt OWN IUTOItTATION. ^^ _j brothers, and Joii: a stono'in his hand j then I ran away down 3RCI1 in jail. Tim (intliorittoH bnro wero notified to Jotii Fiolitor'a for help ; Iftlniiootl back >rtUer,rrcHl !»!•.<! on Thursday CoimUbla Arm I| Dohuioy, all miners nnd fjtw Tom JToley with Ms linnd ovtoudliroccrilcil to Koivton'nnd Li-on(-Iit l'aloy ed .is if in a-position to thro\v tho stoiio: to ^lorrbtown on tbu nftcrnoou mail train height, niiil weighing' g g I do nut think any of them wero intoxien- .ndlw was Iniib'cihi tbuBIonlH Comity Jnil. On WILL BE1UIN AT LAST SEASONS PEI0ES. l iilesh l h ted ; I saw nothing, more of thorn, afterHiifticfl to quarters TlimnnH cried Utterly, withoutt ^any, Biirplua ward"<lio fight took placa near n quarter atlant to TCBWY.C IIIH tcrriblo position. fl looking Ho -nai 4 of a milo fiom my houso ; when tho woril'' In wintioa *o Kelly, Iho pruiripiilinlncM or tho were tlrsfc Hpokon between HHchnpl foley 1 him well that lie was a man of Moluitimd met Dclanoy-ttioy wero within an nrm'u off-tir, tfJionins conlil uot or would uat givo kii.v NOTWITHSTANDING THE HE0ENT ADVASOE. ifurnmtitin, and bin whcrcnlxmtB nt this writing [ 'jWd^gofnl pwsions, fond of fighting, nnd Icmgth o£ eu^h othor and Delnuoy utruok is mi1:.,nwn. h ad^KJtM'to drink So much was ho fear- :ho first blow. / !io SoirionJnilFolpywanTlBltndby ft ^J34ItlJ^ o3nununity thiifc luscounoxioiis Ldonhi'd Taylor, .sworn, "said Dolutipy i-oporkr, ftnlitia eaicl mado tho following 'tlaiocboutiwo years ago, prmmlcd upnu him wan hia nfap-fatlier; anw Dolanoy about Califortits nod rcy Imd h jtp go tofCalifornia, nud sent liun thither ilftcen minutes before ho was hurt; ho "Will continue under tliB uuccessfiil raaruigcmciii u£ lln oudmv broiliur th ciiiiio to my houso nest door to Patrick e of ridding thcmneh oa of a lintoftfiiiliL LarIiurnoy'H ; imw Tom Foloy nt Diwiu' door unil mtghbor About two mouths nbpiit 200 yards from wherOj Dolnucy w. w o ho returned nnd ngam prot.ecdud to fotiu'd dead; Foley Imdaknifoiuhishanu', " aono of iliominea S^Ino tunongo and when ho saw mo ^ho eaid, " There's AJj goods said at Miitorta yicc.% nnd narticd in plnin fiffurcj, from ivlueU thero vith ftmi cliil- your, father over thero ; ' I lixctl him ; you mnrriod.fi ,„„, _ ..io«»lit jio liml onmipli, nnd can co'nutl drngluui away," I saw blood bat In) ivftH RoinR over to Lnrnny'd Mtev uiB tlOR. ho had two Wlnlo in on tlio knifo, on Iiin hnnd ami shirtsleeve; Drfnnthr . . . Eild he ululit aswnll fliilub it thon no at tfomift ho foruardod money for Uio ha tlicn enmo toward mo and said*. " You my oifier tium. nntl drew hit* knifo ntiil ntatibod '•'lui;l three timefl. i 3IWni.il gat thu knifo nwny •fc i>f his fninily, liud it seems alwaya md Tack Delnncy took Miko Foloy into him am ami istalihea h i i l lhvuo h v o or fou four titiiou him N.-B.—U.B. TrftiiBfcr'Cocck will convoy i>aa3cngora to nntl from tlio Depot to .•our homo togethini drunk ontlto whip Jc fi?]), J l ivc i il ilicn tlnmi. ^ tlmifjht to Hawsoii's, and tor iiii l«iiiis on D. I J . A; W. It. K. fi?]), Jlotli id for them His nife, JioworeV, him."— I savudtliing (if tho. tpiiulo and illll Jic rry lluy rtt thorn but mniil not. I helped to to carry ITiim to rotum, notwithstanding did not know my fathct wns dentl; Foloy .titbernnd t t b e n n d th tho hnifn to'John rnvia* llioiwo. ltnvcd. tberu ncarlr nil UIU flny nml then went to ,or awav '•• ' • did not draw tho knifo at me. L'miliii :i a ntamed mnn- / I h c luiifo or tuiffgor. ivntt horoiuroducod, .nil recogiikeil by Tuylbr. Frbmthehiit Ilohadonocliild JB@- SoniitorA. W. CutJur will plcuso Sfiirn prr CPUL Gnlfi Unncia for sale, Interest aud Principal imyulrfc iu Qpltl, Price s Ilrat and his second wife will shortly nt offHiobliijo itincmmcii ssvon j ncoopt onr thimls for iiilonatiag- public Sn S l acL-mctl interest j oonfiDLd Ht, 13 2S iciiii of age. AT R E D U C E D P R I C E S . Iu fnut, wu cITor grcAt ItiOilcutuutts lo C'SNII Cu^toinurs In uur WlioloBotc liuc- ur auudi, iilduditij,. At ih<jT(!iai>™m.'u HutL-1, KUHMOI Blreet, Rnvor. O R A I , HANOE & CO. Iq"tU6 enxo of tlm State \<t tho Inhabitants pf Kocknnni, indict d nul foinul kocniug bad KHUIH tlio Court, on f Proftecntor, anli led judgment(jind (i^tonced dohntlantf to j y tt Una ?f A " "^costo J o h n W "tfaitm indiilod for batterj D( fuitlnu t nonluuc^il lu tlio workhouse nnd costs, _ Patnck Dukn buigtnn , Do- CLOSE OUT OUR WINTER STOCK - Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Furniture, . Carpets, Oil Cloths. DRY GOOOS, GROCERIES, PRGVISSONS, HARDWARE, Iron and Steel for [•.•lining Purposes, and Jessup's Axe Steel, Powder, Safety Fuse, &c. Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Mr. KIOTTON'S EO0KAWAY AXES. CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILL0Y/-WARE,. E. LINDSLEY & SON. Mining Materials of all kinds. GREAT ATTB ACTIONS STEAM AND GAS PIPE AND FITTINGS POIl THE •FALI AND WINTER OE 1871-52. Lime, Latli, Plastur, Coinent, Brick, &c. L XT 3M: B E J K M. H. DIOKERSON JHUXSCXS G O A L . STOVES! STOVES!! Has Use Largest anil JEost ExIwiKive Stock ot Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods COLORED DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS. FRENCH POPLINS, EMPRESSES CooViug Stoves, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Kanges, &c. Tinware, plain a n d j a p a n n e d ; Tin Roofing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Worsted PlaidSj Delaines. Sliawls, Flannels and Worsted Goods. A tjAIiOE AND EXTENSIVE ASSOETMENT OP LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, LANTERN'S, &o. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S FURS. PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRING FALL, Special A t t e n t i o n . BUFFALO ROBES, LENEO AND UNLiNED, WOLF ROBES. LAP .BLANKET, WINTER BUYBES OF DEY GOODS White and Grey Blankets, 11 J AT HEWSO,, v, Jor. VanHouten & 146,'148,150 &152 Main-st. OIL, CLOTHS AND DOOR MATS, ALSO OUR DEPA11TMEST8 IN HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, WALL PAPER and'WINDOW SHADES Cannot be Excelled in DOVER. Lister's and Allcntoivn Ground Bone Supcrpiiosphato ot Lime, Clover and Timothy Seed, Lime, Cement and PInstcr, &c. !T!io Ladles nnd a.'utlamun will p]cano bent- in Iiiiml tbat It. J. ItoWla* Tlie Slock is the largest and most varied in hind and quality n the STATE of NEW JERSEY. ORESS. GOOOS DEPARTMENTS, Mourning Goods, Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, Trimmings, &c.. Domestics, WoUens, Table Linens and Blankets 3 Tho Dross and Cloak Making Department ! NEW JERSEY MIDLAKI) K.1ILWAY t ndins'uuA hiWo «1B«1. It v»scormrf j iliniiunimts. | ?» ParaKT PARABOLA N E E D L E S , •rfgSQu "TUo \cry best U tlio World," silvery lu iwilisli ond Gtnoeful In ehnpw ; BJSO, Re>b«rtB.> FINES*- HAZOK STEEL POCICET CUTLERY, SCISSORS AND RAZORS, Elegant of rnieU and llwa ot Kilflu. Giro me «. call, 1 nui tiniid IJ SELL for hV.SH W.OFIT tlrnu any other lion*o In Urn d l y . Blackwell-street, Dover, N". J. '.E.-'Hairhouse & Bro,, Watcher CLOCKS, Jewelry Alwiiys on Iiaiiil, a !Finu Assoilmcnt ul GOLD AND SPIER WATCHES, GOLD'SETS, & C F K B 1SU PLADJ AM) SEAL RINGS, GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES, And Jewelry of Every Description! Repairing Executed with Neatness 6E0. RICHARDS & GO,, GEO. DENTISTRY. P. H. Hoffinan, W. DRAKE, Thu largest AHJ nioht bucct-Luful Dealer ID Con. BLACKWXLX AST> E v r o i Sirs, D r . AV. I I . 3 I c D O N A L D STOVE and TIN » STORE, Morristown, N. J- BOOTS AND SHOES MOBBISTOWN, Hai juit flnislic-d itwkitu,' 1ii» Store with WINTER GOODS, GARMENTS OF ALL KINDS GOODS, Dr. Mi-D.-naM bos iho rx[M.Ticn«! of twe-Ji years' L-I'.CP a]']i!u'ati"ii in tins {iractkcuf Douliitry, r.ii'l fi-itlN cii^tl-U-nl iu tpiarauU-ciu;; *u the I'tililic (-iiiin->atiff.i'-itiwi1 Uiiiig sll thu litest IniI>ruv. mriitsi in llif nil nndedenco at Urn tig try, i» nM.- t ) i:is-.rt !<.'•.• tl» from r-io to nn r-niirp set I-irary f.;N. All tlU 'iis'r of the muutlt cud tc-.-tli tn-;itt'(l with ilic utinuat rare. TVitii cxir.ic.cO Groceries, Hardware, Eating House, THOS. I10UTIIO - - 1-roi.tlfinri Merchant Tailor, WUieh surpass-', anything iu tlic lino, made up In tbo E*cr I'cfcru" offured. Fashionable Styles, COOKING ST0VES, f ill kinds and dcscrii>lions; alas a largo "sortiiu'in of •I very Reasonable Prices. Ladies, Misses and Children's A largo stark of HARNESS MAKING ESTAHLI8HMENT At the Dover Book Store and most TUB L'ULKBRATED 1 Hot Air Furnaces, Superiority o f .Ilnterliil, E. C. BUST'S ^ It A X G E S , BEST MANSER VARIETY OF MAKE & STYLE, Oysters and Clams Next door to the Toat Office where inuy bo fomul In Morris Ginnty, <• at GEORGE GREEN'S, IN MOllMSTOWN, TDf, JAPAN AND S1XVEH •WARE, WLfro can bo fuaud tliu largest SSKrtnenlt 191. Horse Blankets, Iiufliilo-Holies, Wolf Itoto Tin Iloolliig, Kaves, Tionclis, Provisions, SHOES, Cloths and Oassimeres, lenders, &c, Fox Bqbes, B S PRICES TO SUIT T i l l : TIB1EF} Lamps Lanterns & Lamp Fixtures E. L1XDSLET & SOX, Rubber Boots & Shoes, O H Guns and Revolvers, TrniikH, Carpet UngSjValihci *\ As Cheap as the Cheapest, atclicls, &c. Drawers, &c. O and O P. H. Hoffman. All Kinds or Hardware. SLATING A SPECIALTY, W. II. .MtDONALU, Dentist, j T E Peter Many. J. W. SAMMIS. Morristown, N". J . F R E S H F R U I T S , H. P . SANDERSON, S S, Oranges, Lemons, Mrs. A. Beemer, Figs, Stoves. Stoves. Sole Agent for Dover, Chas. McFarlan, Fashionable Carpets, Apples, Raisins, THE OLD STAND, City Ma r k o t , Furniture, MILLINARY Rice's Celebrated UNION HALL BUILDING, MINCE-MEAT! Mining Materials Fancy Goods, riill .• i (-r t,-. id. ui'i^r anil lower, <-n the latest ShlTlf, C o l l a r s , T I M , C l o v e s , Sun. All work warranted to fjif'J entire sitisfactiyu or u.i charge. GITE ME A CiTJi HEI-'OIIK rUItCIIASLVQ EI-SEWUtllU. « u Act; competition either in work or prices. HsviDg mad) COTTAGE H O W , j Morriiloitn. Jin. 1S70. A sp.oudld~iiior.ment of utlyonliaiid. lnfnctcvcrj-thiniifoundiDft 1:IJLST-11J6S filOVt AMI TlS SIWHE. p o n d e r s , TJiiOursliirtt, I have tiil.ui iiparimtntH nt the Sti'.-lils House, idicre I *hal! rrniniit until I etui iccurw en ufll«>. Stiver, Dtr..•,(), 1571. and in toil always I Jfit,urn to be found ia lio Kiute in* tin- i:r« islcst profusion of stylts and iin--a3.u-cmiji.tp, eons!antlr m l.anil, wli .t-h will l)f retailed l>r tlis pol up. and J*14n J o[ all kli.d« iironiplhr .tttnded to ; alsu, a bjikiulid slock of Clieaprr tltnn at any other Store rnnl vcr/tliiap, aud c l for tlicwi ^:lia wi«li Trw bf L-hart-c. Also, iu .Morris t'oimlj". r!n'tu.-ar.---t i.j jiausrtr an.l the uinct natural t.. ihu Imuiau .•»y-t.-iii of anytLInf; ytt ..IV'JVL ru), f.ir thirtv-tivc il• .llnis. juirtul Eft» in [jnportiou. Twtli till.-! with ).-..!•. frf.sii w ili-lkr unU np ; ami silver iifiv d....* tu ono dollar. Wir now pmiurodtOslnturoofiirfBllkludiliitlK mtuncr,ftttbc sburtott nutU'C. Next to 'Wasliuigtou Hall Building, Dovrr, Jon.V, 1871. Molalllt Cart ut, I » l SpnrtlUK r n WadB, Ar. C*|)F, Gu CHE.U1 lull <.'.«»'• Next Joor to tho MatiMpn lloiu:, DoT^r.N. I Rruihai, Carry-Combi, Ctrdi, m d HMH Boripern, Bpongci, Clumolg Sltini, »nd I'ostlior Duiiera. p, Agnnt for ItochwcU'fl TralnlnR npptntni OCt ) and Vnralsli for Hr»mtB«, Anulngi tnada lo nit and put up In t workmsulito ( R n w m r lo Lannsn & fiamm.K,) OP CFCRO2T, r i t T J N E S , P E A C H E S , AND Kelt door to HiiiriiouBo'B Jewelry Store, The Uest in the Market! Blackweil Street, Dover, N. J., OF ALL KINDS, Is tatwle at tho Tnkcs plcflsiiro In nottMnglicr friend nnd tin piihUc Hint Eholms tlieWncst stock and muni ink to a6»ortment of MilliiiDrj and Fancy nil to hv found in Duvcr, tbc tnuat btuuliful STEAM Best Selected BEEF Fall and Winter Styles And tfco ASD GAS H A T S ! Choicest New Fruits ! A full lino of This eclebrsU-.l MInce-SIeal has bcea tborougliiv tritil by Bomo of ttio best famlllcB ! • till! CilJ, mud ACT TRY I T ! ! December 31,1370: Ladles' Furnishing Goods, L 6-racerf noxl door to %Tbltlock & Lowf s Hlore. N. J., T. P. Skellenger, - - Prop'r Ilia constantly on hauda Cae stock of Cloths and Cassirneres, or tbo most fashionable ntyles, and clotliB of all gradta of materials. C u t a n d Made TliflBiilKpritierrDRpoctfully announcer, to bis ondK nn.l the public (,'L-ntrally, that lie lisa Very uch unhr-.-d and greatly improved Trhat was 33 th "INSTITUTE BTJTLDIXG," nnil in n w lircmreil to reetlrf rfgifflrf. The »cc>mtiiiH)atiiin« for ni'mmcr bnaracn Is the most ample of tmy oilier ustnl.lHiimoi.t la the Cbc'ntor In eltiuited ujmu tlio HIOBI elevated ormuid In MnrriR irour.t', end ccUFuquontly tu a plftpe or Kiimmcr resort for licalth is nnuqualcdiu this ML'tinti of cmiutry. Kxecllfnt • tables ins atfnciifd to the promiics "" "'-'""•t"n""n" M B S S S G H I . CbeJter, S. J., 11- Witli tho best malflriiil anil tnost eompetcut »nKiettni.n, nnd a IOIIK nmcrience in tbo biiBincR* woflatU-r mirsL-lvcs fufly prenaroa to moc* tho demandsof ourpatrojiaiimniptly and iKti.facto ily. c cc o oo ; alanafactorcrs of of ctciy description, HATS AND CAPS, &c, &c, &c. BS* Sly prices are the lowest, and I Aetj competition in t h t loalio and s&to of my goods. GEO. i J:DEII. I ! M. & I. Searing, 2O Building Lots Jobbing iu General. Docemltcr 2Kb 1S70. 1-1JT- LUMBER and of. all ilcscripIIonB ftunished protniiilj. Particular attenlkin given t o tor. Blackweil nnd Sussex streets, opposite the Mansion Huiiso, Dover, N. J . Conntantlv on liand ilnil.v uud weekly papers anQnll (if tlic leading Monthly Mapaziiieg scot ly mail to nnv part nf tho Utiitud atatce all order bjr mnil pmini>t!y attnniled to. Bubscriplionfl received by tho weok or month. HaTini; nlnrgo anaivrll ucU'ctcd Block of Sctiool fkioks, Jtlnnk IIOOUR, nud niificelnncous piiMica* Uonn, nl»o, VTMHK paper of every ileucrlpilau conmriHlnK Xoto I^g"! W p , IHU Cap, Fool Cnp, Initml nnd French in Colors, would respectfully ml] TOUT attention to tho fact that I am-ielH th at greatly reduced prices. Music &3lnsicAlInstruinents TIMBER, A Specialty. fir Iks Slate, or NemTork UnaSow Jcril.r. and Mechanics' Tools, which aro fall? warranted to be tbo bed, CHEAP FOH CASH, niadnrcl] utroit, DoTcr, X. J . SOtf DOVER CITY COAL YARD, LEHICH & SCRANTON OQAL, At the Shortcut Xolice, prompt lj siccnW. l)ecemWr2Hli,»7Q. wltb ua 75 Acres of Land, T7HDES C I T Y and Uannfactnrcrs 'Articles Renorany, Lime, Cement, Plnster, W, H. McDAVIT, Houso, Sign and Ornamental PAINTHSTGr-, KALSOMINIKG, DECORATIVI: X'APEH H A S O I K O , &C, done with neatnens and diip&tch, and on tbo moit reasonable tenna. The New Empire VTarrcn Sited, opposllo tin D , ^ , DOVER, N. ,T. Tha subacriber baa recently fitted up a First-Class EATING HOUSE, which hait hcea needed in Dover for a long tin and aowlnforma tha traveling pnhlia that ho In lully prepared to furaiah a Bill of Fare DOVER, N. J., Hot Air, Gns & Basc-liiirt ing Cookins StoTe, THE BEST BAKING STOVE BEST ASSISTANTS Every Convenience in8 Btotcn, IU.6««. r « t o t ' OPPOSITE THE DEPOT J o ' , , \ FOB SUMMER & WINTER US Hardware, t i t Cutlcrji OU.,, Wooden, Copi>=*. Main and J > r TINWABE. Oilcloths. Carpets, Lamps, Fi DEAtEK IN COAI- J. Itooilng, Plumbing and • Mannfaetnrer of Wort promptly allanaoa to. , JAB. H. Un«ES 1 BOS, Itoeka"! ' M. SIGLBB'S TAItl), Ojr B n o n 8T:, KCUI B u i r.om: December 21, IS70 1-lJT IN TBE WOBLDI lh8 B t n Street, POVEIt. FlrtJ Briik »nd Clay eonalontly on hind, t t J r December US, 18 JO. RESTAURANT, FBED. D03fAliBSOS, Prop'r Con. DLACKTTELL AND B CBBEX BTSECTS, Under Gco. Iticbarda £ Co.'i 8tor December 2ith. 1670. " i-iyr Hoar Raccaaanok. Oyster House in quantities io snit pnrciiisera. Also, BOOK-BINDING Dover, N. J . UOVEH, N. tT. OIX.S, Builders' Hardware. MELODIOUS MOUBIKG & BRACKETS At Less than NEW YORK Pries. Orders for Sawing and Planing Hardware Store. Liverpool & London & Glob Insurance Co. Voorliees Brothers, Royal Insurance, Lirerpflol,! Franklin - Philadelphia! Hardware, Iron & Steel, Hudson - - • Jersey CltjrJ People's - - - Newarfc| Builders' Hardware, 22y GDObALl-. A YOOOHT, Dorer.TS. J. MECHANICS' AND FAEJIEES' TOOLS Homo - Columbus, ALEXANDER ELLIOTT, AND CARBIAQE MAKEK'S GOODS, Mutual Benefit Life, Noivart Cou. WABQIKOTON & SixK STS., BKASS M o r r i s t o w n, N . J . Choice Lots in Dover, IRON FOUNDER, A complete stoek of for talc, cheap, alts aarml Wooden Wore nnd MACHINE SHOP, Houses nnd Lots, SAW ASD GRIST MILL, Ilousoliccping Goods. Alio,ftr«ry Una And alio dealer Ia Ore, Ore Lands. Irnn, Coal, 4c. DWELING-H0USE Soft Coal for Blacksmiths, ' with neatness and dlapatch t n d In Any •tj-Je cd. Alto, & choice Tarioty rf Cigara, Tobacco, Fancy Goods, Pniit ond Confoctloucrr. r l u n nceivcil for tnnlnp Hanon, Orpuna and iHons. an<'i repair!n e Mtittk»t Instrnmonts.k perfurmed hj a. tuUnblD and cipcriedend viDK nnt-eliM[; MHO, SASH, BLEND, DOOR, Solo MMatiTaettircrg of Patent Car-Pushers ConnlanUy onbaniL DOVER, N. J. w Bhnlts of tbe latest Kow Jersey Housed Serened and Delivered form ill great variety. ALSO, WORK. ion noiisi:s. A. BEEMER. Book, Stationery and ,S INXJRANCEAGEKT, W I L I , c n . E niNGm»T., SWEI;NV, srAvrsp, TKSDi:U FEET, r"l IUM)Kll, KTIIT JOISTS, BI'IUINK, GALLS. IIULISLH. ASD L.OIENESS OF AI.MUMJK. FRUIT OAKS, Ice, F I D - S X — I t i s cmu|»»sed o t tlie FID-S moit p o n r . n m tlie m ndd 1'E. 1 E . s n T B i T i s o liqiildx f I l i t TIN HOOFING, N D C b i r.l nitli ini In itxife i i > UiEAVES, TROUGHS, DICIKALOil., iniuli! __, l Ihfl tbft IJniratni, tnd mixed b j an eatiroly nc tut i. m THIKDs—TtuMwonftlie v t K ilandiwnetrt. manner aud at tho Bhortoal ttug ingrcdtt'iiti Ii to ilrive nr fn In (bit lictu> I . Higlint prices paid fur old Iron. tirul MrflMiu. oil, irhlcli hiliricalcs IhoJJoinli i l CimMtt lead and [mirier taken Iu eichanfio fur and iDiiftelcB aud imtiiri al.AtcIv tlirottlciIh tho dii^ Goods ' oiso and compels it to loosau iti tlcithly and i«iALEXjiXDEH W I G B T O N . FOUllTn.—TbiiMptifcltulOlHi mod hi «ir ••me reanon ttist r. EOCJ ln-.chanicaliraVBuatibin - to mate liis niacbinerj- ivnrli with catb and mo-1 A g e n t fo: eiilon.fioJn tlio tamo war the miiKlui auU jimitt THE of our animaU should l>c mtiricatcrl if we irUh to have them Invvel niili rapidity and raw. | FIFTH.—lit i« xerv inatliiiiR in ila ictlon, nil! not burn <n Wi»ter tlir> animal like molt of tliu " red fact" linimciiti of tlio il«j. SIXTH.—Not ono drop nf tincture of citenne or rrd pepper can 1* found in Iu compo*ition ; Tor wo [mid th.it no liniment ran be efleetire wlilch burns and lilUters llifr animal until the mu.de. 1TUOLC3AI.E A.HD HCT4II, DJ-1LCM IM am hard and dried almost to a frigp. , BEVESTIL-Evcry bottle ia iriniuuTEn to! givo cood MtUfractlti) or your mouet will l « rufunded. Ihti shaits cnudunlvelT tiiKt tha propribtonUro fuU eonfideituo in Uita i.reparation, and iirovc* for the wvinth time that G. E. 8.8. ii tlio bent liniment in the irorlil for horsei. •Sold Iiy all UnipgistB, aDd IIT Bono Dust, Super Phosptiate of Lime, and all othorFcrtlltzer For particulars inquire at the Heal Estate Ac fine; of Hirge E . Voorhc.*, J a m s I t . Voorheas Wo rtould partlcalarlr call nttentibn t o our o i - MorriBtoini, Dee. 21th, 1670. 1-ljr teniiTO stock of Dover. Oct. (!, 1871. " Seven Reasons M'liy B1UTTAXU •WAKE, rP II3FSL E3 E3 E. LINTSLEY & SON, HOUSES AND LOTS Sealers In FOB SALE. House Furnishing Al«o, NEWS DEAlER, Ga. plpo en* and fitted to order. MIKIXQ MACHINEBY A S D E E P A m Carefully compounded at all liotira. Sweedish Leeches All Sizes Coiisluully onllnnil. Abo, DOVER, X. J . Inns and Specl£li--ationn fur buildingn, Conlractt taken anil tuatcrinis furulrilieil. GAGE &>BEACH, :,..."• Ice, he. Physicians' Proscriptions Scraiitou and Loliigh BLACKWELI. ST., Xngines, Boilers and nil klnda of Ma- Iron and Brass Castings And Fancy Articles A AA L L L Mncliincniul Iron Company, CARPENTERS, and BUILDERS, W. 0 . DONOGHUE. DOVEB, KEW JEKSEY, PERFUMERY, TOILET Real Estate Agent. SUITS F O B MEN, ^. Ortcra received at nij offlcu ou Boys a n d Children, Blaokwell Street, Gentlcmens' Furnishing Goods, , N. J. December 21th, 1870, srascx, si'rABLAS ASD aiowus GinixTS, MEDICINES, Wholesale and llctnll. Ready-Made Clothing, In Rrcat qimntHiL-s, uf all etTlca &nd price I, from wbidi can bo selected and Orders tor piMi'trj rowi™. iluriug tho en«nlue «»Bon. 13I.T TIN & JAPAN WARE, CHEMICALS, O «O -A. Z J , Xt tbo Lotvust 3Iarkct Price. t o Order. and n goodfitwnrrantoJ, *I THE MORRIS COUNTY X full aBsortmciit at PATENT POULTRY. 4 EEEOSEXE OIL, PURE DRUG , and tno utual variety of Merchant Tailor, CHESTER, K. J. ZJ JS. Ba: Xs s , Sash Ribbon and Bows, Zephyr Goods, CHESTER HOUSE, George Feder, STOVES, RANG-ES, Dlckerson Street, Opiiositc K. II. Depot, Real Estate any part ol tlio city, F R E S 11 M E A T S , Ac. AIBO a. variety of Alia, iBiutTidolrof 1-lyr Hot Air Furnaces, of tho liliit riud most ImproTttl atylce, for wanoiD(( publia »ud prirat« buiMinfin. A .tree aisortCornoJ urn! Tickled Mc»t», Freih riab ind til Dicot of Stovts, choap for caih. kinili of TcrjaUblci ID their srs<.un. COOK, PARLOB, HEATfKO Also, til kind* of LAKTEBSS ASD Braids and Rolls, Constantly on Hand. Apothecary, Comtuntly on tanil, nna deliTered to Feathers & Flowers, of llic Ulcst ulyles, nud n flue nssurtmout of SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Dr. H. B. CHA3IBRE, UOYEO, S . J . Opposite tho Poit Office, Dorer, OITeri for B&1Oftwell iclccted itock of FITTINGS Chignons, Switches, Pronounced Excellent! Comer Illactaril and Morria Sttcot", I>uro CoDroctlonario*. Xntacf allkluils, Bird fked, Clioloo UrandH Seganr Faiutlj MetUcinci, Filli aud Flatten, at D.A.DEl:nvs. 1-13 OO BOOTH ST., Falrbunk's Scales at man"" I turn's prices-, •' I Jia Irnn. Copper, Tlrass, lead, >Uf • • ' Z \ I'Bckfll.liriilncitbanBerorgoww. \