To r~ise the stanJa·Js uf home life. . 0


To r~ise the stanJa·Js uf home life. . 0
L: .{ LA:. .:.;
Article I-l~Lme -~ Ths 7<<-me ')f t~1is association shall
be the Harding I' ;l2:"ent-Te t'. ::he.:.' i~ssociation, a local unit
of the Arkar12a.l: 1.)r~-::nch o ~ t~ ·.:: Congress of Parents and Tear-i:-1~:!'~.
Article I I - 0 i)ject.s.. ~-' u ~ <:··.:Y' no t e the welfare of cp~ld­
ren and youth :i.n home , ~ c:, oo"'-• c~hurch, ana communi ty .
To r~ise the st anJa · Js uf home life.
'l,o sec;:::n:~ o.d ':";qnr:t :9 :1. ...n·. s :'or the care and prott ·ion
of the
of children and youth.
Orf anization
To bring :lnto cJ.oseP :;:·e ~ the home and thee-.
school, that r srents a~ ~ tee : hers may cooperate intelligently in tt J t ~~ inin J o ~ t ~3 child.
To devel~p tetHf.len e'"'l(., to:ros c.nd the general public
such united e:Torts as };::. J. l ;Jec , re fl)r every child the
hic,hest adva r:,:~ s:. c:~ €#.3 f ·., y,!•:_.·. :'c.· ... l, me.Ltal,, and
spiritual edu~ation.
Article II l -J)oli c :!. c!J.,
and Policies
associa~:ton sh E~. J . l
fjevelop .sJ t !: :,:;:>iJU~b.
S 2· tLrn 1..
Tho purpose of the
b·~ :; d ·' :;~:.-i; io r., al and shall
c~ .1fc "' i:--~c:3 11 coln.":'litt-aes,.
project a o
Section 2. Th 0 assoc ~~-~·,·ci ccl ::. hall be nonconl!"nercial, nonsectarian, ard 2:-'J unr.-artis :-.::.. .. No c o:mn0rci. o. l enterprise
and no candl e" ate a:::. all l.J e e ::J.(1 J rsed by 1 to Neither the
name of the Gssociat-:1 on nor ·:: he of 1 ts officers
in thei_r off icial capncit ::_ es shall he used in any connection wl th a coT..G:ePcia1 ':!o:·;eern or 1-~1 th any partisan
interest or for an;y othcn' p ·..:,:';lose than the rep:ular work
of the association.
Section 3a . 'l'ho associt..\;iJn sho.ll not SEJek to direct
the administ~!!tion e.ctiv:.tie2 o::.' the school or to control
its pQ11. c1es.
Section Lt. The assocL:·i;j_,, n may cooperate with other
orp:anizations and c.r:encie~: UL~ti ve ~Ln the cause of child
v:alfare and 't·::lth conferc:c. c <:: ~ ro··tps or· coordination
.uncils unitinc; for child ,, c<~ i· ::.:- :;;o
Article IV ~l'•lembersbi r' rend !)v.cs ~ Ssction lo Any person
~:he is inter ~· . t8d in th~ c~-.;j ~ ol::_ :.~ ~:r· l.hich the association
is orgenized :o:ay become :::n S.(·.tl· ·3 ncmber upon payment of
dues as herei~after prov10edo
_· c : __ · . ·
~-.i :_:r::. :. .
: .~ ..~·- J.J. be c..ll-incluslve for
membership :L~. the National Cc..ncr·ess t he state branch. and
the local un:1 : ~ ::UH~ shall amo1 : nt to -o c e n ·s e r m
The annual
cal porti on • t... ~'-l be 0 per cap i t a. The
annual N ti ona portion ® :· ur cap · r a,~~ and the annual stata
portion ;; ,. y;Jr c ,.1.pito., ~ ll b0 paid by the treasurer of
the asso c ati<.:m to tho st~.te treasurer of the Arkansas
branch as pro·{ic'!ed in th0 stat3 B.lld National Bylaws.
Article V-Officcr's ---~·h. ..,h '::; l :-:- .:;ae0tion. Section I. The
of'fico'l"s of ;~: _·; ;"J :·> suciu"C:i.on shall be a r:resident,
a '~ice -r resi ··- 't ·_ ,) :n G Y'-"' ,;'loPe ), a sec:reta.rj.-. and
a 1;, casure r .
~ he :. ;.) ·;} f~"'lcers shall be elected annual y by bs.l lo·: at :;h ~ r c, c;ul8.r Ivlarch meeting; however,
if there is but one c :.. '. .r~ : , .:~t :: roY' an~r o ff i ce, by mo tion
fr•ont the floor. the el. :,>': on ': a~~ be b~, voice. _ O.ffice ~_a
shalLae!'"7G fo1, a ter·ti' o:i..... -:>nG ;)·Gar (op v-Ihatever tem1 shall
be decided 'lpon) and :.1 1-L al l r ·;., in office until their
successors are electe c1 an:.' i~1 s '~a.lled. No officer shall be
elir;ible to the san1e --:.-f' fl c c.; ~~')r mo::>e t han two consecutive
Section 2 . l~o~ainat:. on::.: j_\: i.> o f ficers shall be made
a noruinatiLg COl!..mittO <:J ,)_:· ~~ l:, :..'Ofl .aembers. elected by the
as sociation at lanst or ~ ' nth ~ rior to the election o.f
of.ficers. The nomi n 9-t~--l~: ~ m:"' ittee s b all report at the
election meetinc; tho n G...-:-ls -J J: Tc.a can·::l~date tor each o.f'fice
to be filled. Adc1i tion al ~-to ~,: l::~e:::..tions ,;lay be made from
the floor·t and voting Lh u::. l T!J~ be 11 1-ted to the nominees.
The ce>nsent of Gaeh c e.ncJi (. t e w1st be obtained before his
name is placed in nomic.':ltion.
Secticr.. 3o A va.ct'T " Y o -;'-: l:r-rinrr, in an office shall be
filled bJ' " ~;o ~ G of t '--, rr,, · "-,. T:-: of the association at the
next regu:.[1 r ~,leetinc, (··:.e: r.o.o t:. cc '.)f such election having
been r.:iveno
Article VI. D.1tie:3 of ·)f £' 1 -~ 8:~-, 8. Section 1. The president shal:. preside at s.ll -r-J. e , ~ tin ,:: s .)f the association and
of the ex e_ uti7~ cora, : ~. t l~ ee ; .'l·:·'.'? l l be c member ex o~ficio
of all co :.-.~;~"~~ t -~c..3 e.:~.:; _ 1 ~ t_- ;;;; .. ),,.J.L.,jt:L-_e.:, com. .•ittea; and
shal1 perform e.ll oth s~:· d: . t. i s~~ n~'u,ll J pertaining to the
Section 2 o The vi c.:: -p :,>) Si cient ( s) shall act as aide (a)
to the pren!c:Jent and ~- ~ ·..:.P . perform the duties of the president in i;':e absence ; " · ~ ._t office!'· (in their designated
Section 3· The sc cT o <;.- :.';; e'v\.11 keep a correct record
o.f all rueotinss of ti-~L- a ~· ·)cl Ld: lon and of the executive
corrir;iittee :::-.t: sl"lall ~G ~c";~c :. -·: s ·..:teh other duties as may be
delecated to him.
Secticm ~1· 'The c r~~. : :-_- ;:.' s ~:c. ll rG c eive all moneysof
the associE".t:ton; shal:. :_r c ~- . ' ~--·1 ~•.:: :J.t·3 record o.f receipts
and expEm.d:i.c 1lrcs; S:.fld ,' ;'1E..:i. ~- ::_:;.1.;y· Jut. local funds only as
authorized by the asso-:::ia: · .. ·J~ .. .. ? J.~ e, treasurer shall pre- ·.
sent a statement of ac r.- :.:1;.~- _ :.; at v::-: ry lileeting of the associatlon and at other t :~_ -:les 1-:::en :t'equested by the executive
committee. and shall 1 ::-::.~e ::1 L 1ll r cr. or-t at the annual
trc1..1.surer 1 s n ee \-,-"-: ~ ~; ::o! ..J.l "_ ~_::,~ examined annually by
an aucUtL. _: colil:··d-tt.::' . ;
' :.:.t J. 3 :: ... ~~- hc:c:~. ~.;h:'eo rne~bers.
who satisf :". 3d that t~: E; cl-·- .3 !'· ' 3 unnu 9.l report is correct
shall sign a state:nent o f · h e.. ~~ f act at the end of the
·~ ;:,~ _:;_ ~.
. · ..:. ..:.•h: : :.--rr,~
_- ~; ':-J ,;; .::. :,all ~Je appointed by ~he
executive·:ittee at 1\? ~. ~ t t >.: ') i·.' eek s before'the' annual·. ·
. . . ..
: ....
tre ,•~..lSi.l'.
/J hi:'?.~·-
t~ ~ ~s~r~~
sh ·-, "!'
i;- ,-
. . ..... -
:'a ..,. 0. n:1
at 3~~h
; ' ::!;; r:;..)ne:ys in
stste 111one:vs to the
c ·1. :::t. n1o.nner • as the
r: ' ~-
i r ._.-·ics.,
1:! '_-r:' I I . -~
Article 1,1~C-~Ncetinr:s ..
310;:;; :;. .-~-:' lo
A meoting
of the e.ssoci9'· ::.::>i'1 ~Jbnll. o ..:;
ld c; Jrd. Tuesday of
the scho-:1 ~ .; .-; · :~;
·.lnlcs c-. o therwise provided
by the nssvc :-~. '; ')!" ~:!
r ·t~
comn.i t t ee. Five
day 's notic
$.. ,.e of d ate.
. :: e
~ cut ve tee, five
da:y 1 s no tic~ 1--:E:.'.<.. n ~~ ;.; e .;;n ~ .-1- ~- ·.L .. '.i. ' h e l ast regular meeting
of the ~chDol ~ 0a. r shal l .Je t· :e .mnus. l meG ting , at -which repo.::'t . ;:~: all ·Je r 8c ·Ji 1~ Jd and now officers install e d.
Section 2o rr'ne privilG, ·r:; - ~r lloldin£; o f fice, making
motions • de;, r.LC'.d ·i.:o ~ .:;..i.J.,·: sbe.ll be lim.i ted to members
of the :Jssoci ~~ 'tion i :•.jss J~~~Y''') not L1 B.rr-cars.
Section :;., •.1.:.: l:''f0,:lio::.,s s:. 11 constitute a quorum if
the mem':Jers 1 ~ir: ~3 JO ~ "" f -. s . , I ::· L; :·.s more than 30,
esfie flft"J) o" •·· · :_ me~ ~ b __ ~
c::: . ~ . ;U ':;uta a quorum.
of the
~ and the
Te appointed by
~·_ctes shall serve
1 i ~·t-or-1an t·:ill be
-::- !:eep u record of
S c·~·': ::.or.
(a) ~; ·'
·-· s
· ~ ·:.:.. -.·~
~- ci {,s ~, c ~ ~ ~;_. ce. ,:
: l:c;'.; e a shall
the intervals be-
· -·
tween assoc.'. ec ': :~_ .:·n &;:.-:;.:<~ ·1" - ~
;"' :'Hwr business as may
be roferro(~ t : :. ~ t~- -~- "" (; ~- · ·::.-:-: -"' ~ . _ r; L-1} ·to approve the
plans of \ . 01··:~ ~)~, thrJ s tunc · .:· C) ~. .... ·_. ~-.: :)s; (c) to present a
report at toe r·; ·::'.:. lar rr. G ~- ·_,_-_ )f' ":.' n c.:~so::iation;_ {d) to
appo5nt a co ·>;, ~ -. tu...:: or n--:;'c. ~- J tl >ar:.. ~': ~ r· .; ~ monbers, at
least tw~ ·..;33~ rs L-6fon: th::- .. ::-: . . :t-:-.1 mc3t.Lnc. to audit the
tret:~s·..:tre! ~.:: c. · .:c:~;:l-'.:.:::; C.!l.~-~ ,
;;,:: [:£ ~p!).:.:·o :;nd SUbmit to
the associc.U. ..n !.'or ~.i.Jp:~c- ; '.
'_ Lo:; .o· t c>:1s shall include
tho necessary c; ~ :; ~l ~· •: .) -' c::;.r: .; :e~~, tr.e corn;.,;ittees,
and a presc~c r)·~ scc'.·.ioE i~ ..: : . '--: :~ s ·:-.-::.t::;:.'.Jn is formed.
Section J. ···eGJ.18.r ;;·,eeti >.~s 'Ji ~)Je sx9cutive coiTLHittee
shall ":JJ hdld ---. rmthl~' ~~-~P1 ·: h~ sc'Jool y.:-ur, the time to
be fixed by t1:.:-, cmr..:.~ittec
t::. !.'i:t'st meetine of the
year. t. !'.82·:-> -- :.~:" ::;h6l1 c, . . :: ·_ ,·:e ,: q~~-or~J.m. S:recial
meetin~s of t. ') -3~'-:.2 1 J.i:. xs , .
5.~~':eo .. •ny be called by the
presic!en~ :J .i.' : ~- c:_ .::aj :JT .t t
·;;. t: _J r: .·:~1~'c::.·;:; of the comt..itteeo
::. \.- ~-3t ['_~-· ·.Ji:::::
intarests of
.-::: :
s s:- :.'> '- L;_
~ 1,
1 ::::
~2 soc i ~ ~ :
[ r_ i J
- 1
lo Such
execut ive
0 b j e c t s and
of the stand -
'Je ·.] n~~3 ~is
Their term
.. -·
Se::::t:. ·Jn 2"
shall 1Jr· Gt .~~ ·1!~t
and no
: ~:-- ~
j·:·: ].~)rl~·
Co ••,... ·t.J..V"v;
c~- .J..::. : · - · ~
•1 \.l.i.H
..., .....~.
:;.) 1
1~:.:,., - t~
<,', .... · -·. .
._, .l· .. •
approval of tLo )Xccutiv:=::
c_: ( '
·. ...·
Ll-:.c \.::~\ec Com~nittee,
_,·.:.c. l.o •.J."L..
_; itteeo
Article X-Amend:•.0nt~ o ·~:t :;.; :~0 Gyl:::..'vvfl ;.na.:> be amended at
any regular meetl:a.1r; of the v s soci2t~:.o~ by 1 two-thirds
vote of the members present o. nd votitle:, pr·J vided notice
of the proposed a."l'l.endm&nt bB- ~' beMl r~l ven r::.t the previous
rer,ular meeting.
Article XI-Rt. lles of Order . The rules c ontained in
Ro bert 1 s Rules of Order Revh ed st1all r:ov e rn this as so•
c i ation in a
cases in l .hic - l .ey are applicalJle and
in \·Jhich they are not incons l !::!t e nt v:ith ttese bylaws and
those of the state branch a.nd the Nn.tiona .. Congress.
Approved: _ _.:.:
• ....:l!:.-'l9~
1 _:-~
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
11, Parliamentarian
Arkansas Congress of Parents and Teachers