iennanu ag co.
iennanu ag co.
:re rr \i Weighep On A Loadmaster Scane , AG CO. IENNANU U SAMABIA, MI fI HOWE, IN 9uFeWg ?dlSt6O ina ;r?-FT .frfr'?**t;u*i*,,_ 'Ff-:*,tf,{ 1..;, tjr cst :53c+;*t]t i,i Teir d$t,I ..*rlj iir :r*r. ,il:iQ | 'eYno t r.n :;i l"t]+j i|: LADING 01t14t16 135276 4503032902 01t15t16 07:00 A,M P.O. Box 369 Springdale, AR 72765-0369 Phone: (800) 643-3604 ORIGIN: HOWE $rsilc::).:,fn'1 lN CARRIER:Lennard AG Cornpany (.. TRL t-lC: ir) d:;"c C, c.: SEAL I ,"tctLtb, ;JK]1 #: REC #: l3ill 'l o: (]AMPBELL SOUP CO LLC Delivery Deistination: CAMPBELL SOUP CO LLC EAST MAUIMEE ST NAPOLEOI\I, OH 43405 Ph: (419) 5el2-1010 Ordered t)o Box 9193 ()AMDEN . MA 02021 Shipped Description 500 . . Weight Russet . bulk USA TRAILER MUST BE SEALED TO A\/OID REJECTICTN MLJST MAINTAII\ 48 DEGREES diritrict unless delayed for re.isons beyond ilis control. rHESE ARE E,ssENtAL t roou,&8iil,oJ.t tjlS&yhfFo"t ooo ror"n,rf, pRoDUcE the driver reason of his contractiSmade.CLA|N4R|GHTS-charges'Jfdamage'orde|ay.andd'sc|almersiherefore,oeconemattersoffacttobep.oyenivitnaoequateoisinieietJJ6ioiide'uson in!;pection repofs should contactSmade'Fai|UretoCon|acteitherShipperorreceivermayreSuIlinac|a|m'ThebUrdeno[proVing''condition'.damaqestrailiiewitn a fesult ol in transit delay. ClErim must be suprported with proof of the alleged damage and equally s;ubstarrtialbroof of the real loss. RECEIVED from the snipper named herein, the perishable propertv descnbod in qood oood order and cond'tion, except as noted. marked, consigned and destined as indrcat6d, orderand.cond'tion,exceptasnoted..marked,consignedariddestinedasindrcatdd. pursuant to an agreemeal (atranged by the kuck broker. name herein, if anv), wherc:bv the carr,er, in consideration ofthe transport,ation charges to be paid, agrecrs to carry and deliver said property to the consignee, subject only to-the te,rms and cdnditions of this contract, which may be printed or written orr the face or back hereof, which erre l]erebv agreed to by the carrier, shipper, and the truck broker if anv. | ISHIPPE:R / I,jr?)ltr{!' CARRIE:R CONSIGNEE DAI-E: J :vl .'"V" ilnv ilpv