Judith Katz


Judith Katz
Judith Katz-Leavy
Recent Development in Child and
Adolescent Mental Health Policy
Ju dith Katz-LeaYy
Sub<rt.taocc Abu.-.r and ~t r nt.all ll'aJt h Stn lCKAd njJl(!>I:n tion
l>rpo1rtmcnt or Iitaltb and Iluman Sf"
• How to make sure the se rvices received by
children and famili es are qual ity services and
• How do we interve ne ear ly to prevent or
minimize ment al hea lth and/or substance abu e
• How do we spen d limited dollars
The lead f ederal agency for imp roving the qllality and
availability oftreatment and pre.'elltion ervices for
substance abuse and mental illness
• Dat and Evidence-based Outcomes ~.~,!t.':~:~lr
• Collaboration With Public and Private Partners
• RecoverylReducing Stigma & Barriers to Service
• Cultural Competenc}'/Eliminating Disparities
• Community and Faith-base d Approaches
• Addressing Trauma and Violence (e.g. Physical
and Sexual Abuse)
• Financing Strategies and Cost-Effectiveness
• Rural and Oth er Specific Settings
• Workforce Development
Judith Katz-Leavy
Goal 6: Increase access to and coordination of
quality menta healthcare services.
Goal 3: Improve the assessment of and
recognition of mental health needs In children.
Goal 7: Train frontline providers to recognize and
manage mental healthcare issues, and educate
mental health providers about scientlflcally-p.roven
prevention and treatment services.
Goal 4: Eliminate racial/ethnic and socioeconomic
dis arities
Goal 8:Monitor access, coordination an quality
mental healthcare services
• Child en's Workgroup in SANffiSA
engaged in trategic planning to strengthen
and coordinate children's initiatives within
SAMHSA and with other Federal and
foundation partners.
• Collaboration with states, communities,
and key stakeholder groups.
Promote partnerships with public and
private secto a encies and systems.
Improve outcomes for children and their
families so that children can live in their
homes and communities, have health)'
relationships with peers, succeed in school,
and stay out of trouble witli the law.
Judith Katz-Leavy
Identi and promote " evi dence based" practices
a nd tnte rventlons tha t demonstrate posltlve
Colla borate with the ational Institutes of Health
for more rapid translati on of science to service
Promote information dissemination, techni cal
assistance and training.
Impr ve quality and accessibility of services
for chil ren and adolescents with cooccurring lsorders.
• Develop preven tion and early intervention
practices- how to address the window of
opportunit y.
Summary of evidenced-based pr actices and
recommendations for implementa tion.
• N d for scre ening and a ssessment , ment al health
ser vlegs, conuuunlty-based dlve rslon progra ms,
imp r o"ed system llrikages a nd pa rtnershl ps, and
resea r ch.
• Sample SA~rnsA Strategies: Sta rt ing Ea r ly, Starting
Sma rt a nd Sa fe Schools, Health)' Students.
• Imp ortance of pa rt nerships a t Federal level IncJuding
partnerships with th e priva e secto r and private
• SAM HSA supportirig Gains Co-Occ urring and
J ustice Center, Connnunlt)' Action Gra nts on
Evidence-Based Treatme nts.
SAM HSA partnerships wilh Office of J u 'enile
J ustice and Delinqu ency Prevent ion.
Fe eral p3rtnrnhip> - lUIS S«T<13ry'
Rrs poosr Work Group
SA.'>nlS, .Emrrt:rnc y Disaster .'unds
Infrastru cture drnloplUfn.! for stale rwrrr:tOl:)' planuiog:
lrchninl 2SSisl:lDC't
• SAMHSA is fundin a smaUdemonstration of
models of training curric ula and altern atives
to seclusion and restraint.
S . lionat Child Tr:onma lic Srrn. lniU. U.'r rorusrd on
lmpre ving treatmentandSf"icfS for aUdl1ldren and
adolescents who have u Pc:riroret! traUD12: National
Coordinaling Center, Ieterseauon and Denlopmem
Centers , Community Treatment and Service CrnCus.
Judith Katz-Leavy
• Supp ts Olmstead decision requiring
placement of persons with disabilities in
communi integrated settings whenever
• NFl includ es forma tion of a National
Commission on Mental Health - to
recommend improvements in the mental
health service delivery system for individu als
with severe menta l illness including children.
• Polici • Processes. and Infrustructure for
In eragency Coordination and Collaboration:
a. Addresses both System Design and
Quality of Services
b. Fa mily Involvement
c. Cullural Competence
e. Include Eorma l and Informal Servi ces and
Sup port s
1', In volve Familie . an d Youth
g. Emphasize Ea rl)' Iilenlilica lion and
Int erventl on
h. "Delh'ered" b)' Well Trained Ran ge or
Provi ders and Pra ctitioners.
• Expand knowledge base of child
development, effective treatment approaches,
and effecti ve training mode ls,