SMSSEaster-2014_-11_Alleluia, Alleluia Let The Holy Anthem Rise
SMSSEaster-2014_-11_Alleluia, Alleluia Let The Holy Anthem Rise
Easter SundaY' ENTRANCE tlYrnn EASTER Anrlutn! Alr-rluttr! Lrr rNr Holv Arururm 282 l. Al-le - lu 2. 3. Al-le - lu Al-le - lu - ,. the ho - ly an-thomrise, And the ia! Like the sun fronrout thewave, He has ialBless-ed Je - sus,make us rise Frornthe Al-le-lu - ia! Let Al - le - lu A1- Ie - lu - In the,tem - Pie of the skies; heav-en chant it the dark-ness of the graveFrom tri-umPh up in the life that nev-er dies. To tion rup of this cor - 1. choirs of ris - en 2. 3. life Rtsr moun-tains skipwithglad-ress, And the joy - fui val-leys of end-less 2. splen - dor of the na - tions, He's the lamp of time me daYs the When por tion be our gt" -1. - ry 1. Let the He's the h{ay your ring With ho&y; He's the past And the King! - nas in the high - est To our Sav - ior and our to up - daY! var - y Lord of gia - ry $/ho is ris - en y blast! pet's ffiightdead strall be a - wak- ened By the frum - san Text: &7 87 D; Ed'rard Cas'+rall, 1,81u'1'87'6' tlusic: HOLY ANTHEM; St. Basil's Hymnal,l?:89' :G S:iffiffiS#ffiffi ffiffi:""11 Altreluia! ,{lleluia! $-et The l-loly ,{nthem Rise ,32$ *Trumpet Descxnt inC Vocal Descart ?. *l 3. AI lu - ia ! Like the sun-from out the wave, lu- ia! Bless-ed Je - sue, make us rise Melcdy - lu - ia! Al-le- lu- ia! Let the ho - ly an-them rise" - lu - ia! Al-le- lu- ie! Like the sun from out the wave, Al-le - tu - ia! Al-le- lu- ia! Bless-ed Je - sus, make ue rise 1; AI-le And the 3. From lhe a. Al-le He has Kbyboard 2. He 3. Fram choire ris llIe has this rie - err life en ehant it up in tri - umph of this cor - rup - tion of heav - -en From To In the the From the To the dark life - ness of the gr&ve. that nev- er dies. tem - ple of the skies; dark-ness af the grave. life that nev-er dies. Alleluia! Alleluia! Let The Hcly Anthem 8ise, p' z the,-._ sPlen- dsr, Z. Ilets 3. Your The tains elriP with g:lad-neae' And the dor of the na - tions, Hets the ry be our Por - tion lYlren the Lord of Hers the The dead shall be 1. 2" 3. sen Yer dead - n&s in v Lord shall ==r***i*::*-*a*;sru;;wxw*;€::aware;ilii-@ffi be the of glo - !y, - ened, wak high - est glo '' ry wak* ened A A To Who By joy tamp days tla prekld lamp time of is &y; past fxl val-.leye ring of end-less daY; of time are P&st t{ith hoHere the And the en to - daY" by trum- Petrs blest. sur Sa'r - ior and our King" is ris - en uP to - daY" the trurn - Pet's might- Y blast' tffi *tu;1i#{