Newsletter No.2


Newsletter No.2
NUME& 2 '
MARCH 1977;'
Firstly, a word of oxplanation. It may seom strangc to issuo two ncwsle'tters at the samo time. Howevor, issuo NO. I is intended primarily to send
to prospectivo members and, bocause of this, most of the information oontained
therein is not now to most oxisting mombers.
Those newslottora will not bo produced on a rogular basis but will be
published when there is suffioent information to pass on (perhaps four times.
por year).
I would like to point out right at the start that I have no botanical
or horticultural qualifioations. My rolo is to pass on information rooeived
from mombors and various authoritios and to kuop mombore advisod df tho availability of propagating material. Thoso who have questions or roquiro &doe-please aok; 7: wi12 attempt to find ou* tih.0 answer for you.
Contributions to tho newslettor or commonts on any matoria3 pubLished
will bo most welcome.
nrE cams BEAUFO~T~A
In line with other study groups9 I wilI publish in future newaXetters
descriptions of oaoh specios, Initially I oonsidor that a general dosoription
of' eaoh species might bo in order and tho list bolow gives brief dctails
extraoted from various sourooso
As most mombors will be aware, tho gonus Boaufortia ier a member of the
plant famil.7 Nyrtaceae an8 is alosoly related to %he gonus Melaleuoa, There are
sixtoon species (all western) and soveral varieties. Tho spooies aro s-anisandra....Im
x Img crimson, purpLo flowers in summer, autumn.
x I.5m; crimson to dark rod flowers.
x Imq red flowors.
to 2m x Bm; stiff foliago, soarlot brmshos in autumn.
+ ;'f
x I.5mq mauve,purplo terminal flowors in stlmmer.
oriocophala~.,.O,~~m x Im; smell foliago, rod brush08 in autu~nn.
hotorophylla.. ,.0.75m x Imp fino f o l i L q o obrilliant red floWoro in rpring.
to 2m:x fim; grey foliago, docp rod flowera in sp?hg.'
interrrtans.. .Im x Im; maroon, purple flowers.
to 2m x Im? doog rod flowers in spring.
x 01?5m; puzpfie, red flowers=
arbifolia.. d.5 to 2m x Im? red/green flowers in s m e r , autumn.
x Im? crimson flowors in summer. .
x Zm; flm foliage, pink flowors in spring.
x ZM; orange, soarlot flowers in autumn.'
x 2m; brilliant rod flowers in spring, autttm2p.
mentioned previously soed is mot easy Po obtain. Any manbra who have
~ o e a sto seed (even a fow capsules) are requoatod to make it avaiUble. Some
seed w s ~ lobtainod through SGAP B.SeWo regibn and t U s has been distribu.ted fiee,
I have obtained additional supplies through commercial sources and, as shown in
%he flnsncial statement below, have just about depleted the group's Funds in
daing so. In ordor to recoup some of th6 expenditure it will be nocrossary to
make a charge,for tho soed (a$. loast initially). Tho chargo is 20 celllts per
is mcH: loss than the cost price, When ordering ploaso enoloso
payment, a 20 oont stamped onvoLopo and list ordor of profororno.
available isrB. olegana
B. docussata
B. anisandra
Be schauori
E. hotorophylla
B. micramtha
Bo R P ~ B ( L
B. docussata is supplied in capsulo as it does not shed seed and the.
suppIier recornends just sowing the capsuxes on tho surface of tho seed raising
mix (1.e. do not bury the capsulca).
Members who produce plants surplus to their needs m e requested to make
them available to other members. Let mo know of tho surplus plants available
and I will mrango distribution through the newslottor.
Woulci members who have cstablishod pLants *om which cutti% material
could be made available please let me know.
I hope to build up a colleotion of photographs of all species and
vakietios. Close up photographe of tho flowers a r e required os well aq opera11
photographs of the p l a n t s themselves.' Would members who have e l i d e s op e o 3 ~
p r i n t s of any spooios o r who can &range t o take photopapha please l e t me bow.
B i l l Molynoux of tlAwtraflorn'l nursery wishcs t o find out if amone hss
a method of e x t r a c t i n g seed From capsules. S O ~ IBeaufortia egeoiss aro
en$ly q u i t e d i f f i c u l t i n t h i s regard. If anyono oan h e l p ploase Let me know. .
~ u i n f r ~ ~NOW
I roooivod a l o t t o r From David Wyman of Ringwood, Viotoria. David has
8 rpeoiar growing q u i C ~ruaoomsfully and h m eupplied tho following informationtClirnate....aold,
wot winter; warm, dry summGr but very v a r i a b l e .
Solla...150 t o 300 m o m loam over olay; many rained bode a r e used
to im~0~1XF~imge.
,-. .
, .
S P B C ~ Q 0~
B i ' o r b i f o l i s - 2 p l a n t s , 6 t o 8 y e a r s o l d ? no summer watering; doing well.:
B., sohaileri- 4 p l a n t s , 2 t o 6 years old; no a r t i f i o i a l watering; plank d o i n g : : *
well i n r a i s e d , we11 drained bods.
- . =-B. heterophylla- I: p l a n t , I y e a r o l d ? doing wolla
. . ..
Be deowsata- I pleult,.I year oXd8 doing wclL.
E i n o w - 2 p l a a t s , '1 y e a r e i m o planted i n r a i s e d bed? doing well.
B, s g w r o s a - E p l a n t , 5 t o 6 yeam old; doing well.
B. sparsa- s e v e r a l p l a n t s survived a fow years$ appears t o need'some shade and'
+water i n summr
B, purpuroa- I p l a n t , I8 months o l d ? doing we11 i n r a i s e d bed.
If any monbor would l i k o t o r e l a t e his/her exporionoes, I would he only
too happy t o hear.
:* '
. I
* *
I n t h e next nowslotter I w i l l publish a membership list t o enable
members ( p a z t i o u l a r l y those looated within a ronsonabxe distario? of oaoh other)
t o oontact-oaoh othar d i r e c t l y i f they s o desiro.
FIBIAIEIBL STATEMINT (Oot. I976 t o 28 Fob. x97'1)
Tho group has roooivod an Eetablilshment Grant from SGAPe~ae)hi~has
heTpod oonsidorably a s inoomo from momborship foos is very small a t preaent, It
i s ' o l e a r from tho atatomont below t h a t pcstago o o s t s a r o vory s i g n i f i o m t . Sinoe
October I have w r i t t o n a t o t a l of 57 l e t t o r s t o various a u t h o r i t i o a , S W
branches and individuaLa. It would thorsforo be g r e a t l y agpmoiatod i f members
would remember t h e stamped envelope when a rcpli is required. Aleo i t would be
a p b e o i a t o d if thoso who havo n o t y e t paid t h e i r s u b s c r i p t i o n s would do s o as
soon as possible.
. • ,-.
Eetabliehment g r a n t
8 8e77
Seod purohasos .
Membership f o e s . . . , h .
Seed s a l o s
, , $ 0.808 1 Duplioatirrg s t a t i o n a r y
- $2.19., . -
-abI 4.64 :
A study group s u c h - a s t h i s is a ' l o n g term profoot, gartioulnrZy i n ' t h e
onqo of ~ o a u f o r t l a esinoo propagating nmdorral i e s o hard t o oome by. There will
probably bo q u i t e R fow f a i l u r e s , but growing Beaufortias is n o t impossible . (as
evidonoed abovo)
.it J u s t roguiros gationoo on t h e p a r t of tho growor.
. .
Best w i ~ h o e . . . . ~ . , ~
Brian Wal t o r s
SBudy Qroup Leader