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( R€cG at6tfDec; -I4m-1i1"15. gECROIA, : - :- : - - ;- ;- ;- ;- ;- : - :- ;- :- ;- ;- ;- ;- r- ;- ; - Chethem Co.rntyl ? blr Indsature, Iado and sr$.red trrto thls Tfrbd ilay of Doccb@ ln t'lo yo.a of OIE tfd, El|roteen &rndr.od &nit Flftoa betrca The CtllstlaJl llegro Seventb Da.y Advatlst Cbsrat\ : pBrty Jf the flrst p8rt, snd th6 Psplsts savlnSs end Loen conpar5rr 6 oorpolBtlon c6{It9d by and i axletlng undra' the le'..rs C,f Gecpglal hsrelrvrfisr cslled Corpa'ny" ( a sevlngs lnstltuttorr Paylng lnteroni to doposltorsl rind ,.liro8e deposlts are not subioct to choek)r PartY 0i the eecontl part. Fherreas, ?h6 Ea1.i pe!'tl'o: the llrst par.t hus Dollowed fro!'l the salC Colqten;r tho sutl O! One dce$ berety &8ree to lBpay th€ san6r togatht wlth lntst'sE.. thsr6ot1 ft'on date, :tr the tern fl: ten yosrsr et thE I.st€ of fiYe p* csnt p€r arttl)ll' Ttrsrea'nd (1gOO)rci.r,o.s and lras egreod atrd t trenty conscerrtlve nfrrthly lnstalraont.3 o' Tre1v6 (1e1 Dotlcrs s,nd FUty (5{r) collla {rn3h, pnyr}16 a! ?,he ofilcrr of Bald C3;,panyr Ln Savannnht Caorslnr On or b8?mo thE tenth dry cf 6a3h nontb, eor.nencir.g lri J$rur:.), nert. llow then; Thts fndqrtulo Fl,tnceoetht Thnr. tho sald ln o::.e h.mtbeC psrty tl tho flrnr, par-i, fo! the FFI:ose of soq:rlng tha anrl thg !*tthilti pir;,zaetrt oi rald dobt ar ebove .sFeolfteC, llqrttFi'rrnca c: gach rrnd av6y the covellAnts fflrd a,Eraaqtts h6'rotnr oontalrrod, has gFent6.l tr.rgnlned, scldr allfn€{i, reule cdl relaaae<ir convcyd and Gcxxftrllotl; Rnrl by thctc prosentB door ttl:rrt, bap8nlltr Bol1r Rilonr rerlser ra1*sa aohvoy arirl osrflrn, unto th6 !e1d CcFper\y an{i 1tE aool6ns: A:,L thrt cortatn lot lr paro€r of }anrll altuate, 1y!i5 and bcln6 ln thc Clty rrl Sevarvrr-ht anld C.frnly anr! St,rtel snd iqro#n'Jpon the.urrp Ci mf d Ctty is Lot Nurnbo Soveflty nln* (,'!) i)r{nls Fard, tha !,a&€ havlng c S{ir*rCn fl3ntr,6e of thirty (:O) fcet and lilvo {5) tnetrns crr Thlrt;' slx.Jr sbcat, b6.,$ren lltroughr anrl Flormca .\trocirr arxl r r.oetangulal Cet.h ilSt'ilard:f tJ r. lraner 6ru'l Lourlod Otr ths'iArth b]. aald Lrrner On tho Eest by LOt Nunb* $cv*'rty cldh?, {7$) rAld thrdr orr thr sart,}. Fy':hbt3rs!,xth $tr6otr en(t on t}€ f,.st by Lot Ntun - bar elglty fso) lrild tsRrd. T)gotha wttl: ,'rl1 anrl slnr:u1hF l,he l,nlrovanentsr o^lerrntE, h6acdlt- a!.r:ta An''l epplar.e{lenern to tha aar6 belontflrt6 fr ln er\wvlg6 rrppcrtr.tnlng, lnd ail th6 crtRtgr rtghi.r ittlet :nlcre,rt, fopcrl;'rrnd poeaenntonl elnlrs ruirl ricranrl rhetnoavq., ln lcr or 1n cqulty part Q?1 1rr ct to thc aAnr rrn{l 6vo}:' p,{.t, *nrl palcel thsroof. :0 heeo and r.o hflc ths laltl popertg abol'c dor'erltcd unto tho rnl,d C*rprny and ltr aael,gna g? tha aatrl pal'i'1'oi the flrut !'JrFrq. Ttrl3 cft1te:rnnra ls tO tre cfirstrrrod cs paaslng ttt::o te sold lrloprrtVr errd nrt as e Ro.tgadot anl ls lntqrdo{i tc s€ouro tho paJrn€ni cl th6 ctebt berelBbeftrc descrlbed es apecif!,rcl bcolnr th€ pa':kllnnoo oi the covenr-ts |rrrd aFoelrurntg hereln agreerl .o bo kept, and paF]rraed by ths satd per\r o: ths ftret partl and the trxrynent c3 6ny otht acvElrcoE o: 1o€n! thet nay bc Erds bl'aaltl cGip*rp'!o the sairi party of tho fllst part. And th6 s*trl pnrty ol tlr6 fbat pa11,, !'cr hr.d ln c&,sl.l*a?,lk o: tho loan oi t\e entrl sun o! rlonoy ur&o lt by !a1d eorryarv, doo' htoby 1rFurceably aconstltuts and a.)i)olnt the presldent of Eald eol|pa^Irl, ftr t,hs t1u6 bslng, Its Attorney ln Factl :cr lt tho saldptrrty ol the flrsi par?, an.i ln lta anae, p1aeeand stoad, ir-f, : u!fii defuu1t la the payaent o:*rv ol sald Lnstalnente, or ln the palnaot of aay ter, .slcalarnt cr btFden lryolai by lerr uPon s8lat lroportyt or upon falltEe to kcq) E4td rrropaty !rl6u!ed e! hce:.n trrovtriotl, b notiilnate er:d ce,nstltuta e solB trust€a, f,t. thd sale et publlc outc"y, ln ths usuei n*'rEr@ oi bust€as? snlesl wltlsut orda ci dry court, and firr th,, g9nv6!.*1ee cf tbs herslnbefee Prc?nty descl'bed elrd of the erplty c: ths eel.d pa31,y o!. t$€ !:lrst part tbor61n, and for lha dlsbngfi:otrt of the p.tceede ther@i' end such trustee so eppolrttcd sltll heve elI tlto po?tt err'l arrthorlty neceasary to Folrerly flrocarte aJrd pgrs!tr h1s d'tles a,s Buch trusteorlrF clud!,ng the pow€r to se11 sald proporty es a n.hol-e or ln pancelgr et th€ seng tlne Of at dl'f ldr€nt tLuee, as he pey desn best for th6 pu!tr,o'e of peykrg seld d6bt, or an$l part thereof, anal to nake to tha purclu"s* cr trnrlchas*st good ald sui!1c1ari tlties, w.r+,h or slthout raareuty, ..o eaid pr'opaty r and s{rj'd trustoa s}re1i be outhortzetl io €r{r10y aD 8drat,lone*, upon the urnal and j|atOrtry ol$ges, to sell seld prop*tgr ;: and rha1l rooalve for b!,s sq.vlces ln relllng ald oott_ feylng sald lrcpcty, dlcbrnslng tl-e lroeoodr and Cceutlng rald trust, terr par ceatr aroluslve oi auetloneqr'6 qh*r6ec1 cf,st8 and advailrolsrGs, ulron ths !rooc€ds o? such sa1e, rnrl sho|trld ths Eatrl indebto&ross bd d1lclsrgerl antl pald bolore snle a,nd truetae, s8ld trustae glr1l recelve ?1ve pc-. cdnt, upon and €trp€n8€s lnaurred by hlrr la le?Qqras that et to salcl af-ta the th€ auount Fopaty cn<! appolntnen+. o:. 01. ERlil r||ld d€btr an.l elL costs *altl trust. Ard lt k flr+.hc. rala, the aaid Co:rqnrly nnil lts arsl6ne sh*1f hnve the rt6bt tJ btd cnd ptrcharor cn.l ln tho lvoEb Of such ra:!r ths srtd pcrty Of tho llrst pnrt rtnd lts t,erantr a.rrt]1 hofr! the a*1d;r':psrty as terrrnts ai -cur.?Acnce o. tho Furolrr.ie ttt auch r Lo ond ds ltver launedlato polles6lotr th6rec: to cuch iu!ch4!e. lrtd tlre crild perty of tho ftrrt pArt covr nantc anC eg66s t,c poy all tnless rr(ter r€nts, trrrd ail lev1co (ts t!t!sanar.'.r,, oFrltgurr'y c[. cI traor{lnar$r ttret Dy bc adc On setd prop*tuw by Er\y s+.rtor c(runtyr rJl1lotp61 e: othq. auuror!.ty, al the !:rna bocQr:a drtgr nnd to keep aald prQptty ursr.aod l')r tho botldf:.t of r6td Cmpart| (F lts aertlTur in sush lnguranco ools,any nnd fcr $uch Bun.r n y ba doslgfzrtql by lt1 and tO pay all ircnluru of !ns'.l,rnrc theraon, the'tolrr 1:'anyr uula:r anelr pgltcy of lnsr"Eenoa to trc pqvAblorlurd s.tch po1lay dollvclad, t I lali Cor.Iklr|.vr i,nd tha Prcrldant Of aeld COrqaly-, !a. thc ttt're batrgl ls h.taby rippolnt.c! lttQn6-e 1n paot' for the actd palty O. ttr. llrrt pcrr, tO ruk. prOO?! Of losrr co:1act lnsrEanc€r a.:d glve propc rreclptr tholstor. lnd tt tl| fuFthi thatr ln o.!s ^CF6cd, tbo bul:,llry{! *r sslrt lbopaty be d6nu8od F do.rtloyod try itre, ralrl Corqrury 3t lta optlcnf sh.1l hsva tha lrtellega 0? eolleettnE thc lnrrlancc thcFcqrr erul applyln6 tr,. sarao tc t!?o Grnp oollatlCn Qr lo:trotloa Ol ral4 dab^", cr can:"c1ulrr tlu? rald hrlldlr;,g, bc r€pafu.a, Or rabrrllt io ihe crtFnt 3t tnsurAncc ntne}. rosolvod sr Booernt o? ruch :1r4. lnC lt ls furtha ag.c.d, thtt 1n orlc, ior arpr loaloor thc lnnrranca On thc 1ntrFove:abts sr lekl IrCpaty ls crrooc'lIallnad otht lnsurancc th*ecl antlsfae+.G)|'. to !f'ld Co4ary 1r not obtabcdl rald Cmpaay ebrll baro &gr|red, li I such tru6ta6ro tl€ht to hcid ths rlrtllo ladcbte&rcss ovrlqr to ltt e::d snc:.rsd by thts drcdr 6r. RnJ peFDl.at ,rrc cilr iFlc6od tc oJlloat the sAri6 by ary lrooclr o? lar1 a unda tl d porar hcrctnDefco aon tl,tlcci. Arut tt ls finthe ag:ecdl thnt, ln oaro 6rtJr logn1 tracacad.lng bo cor$cnoad f3! ths co1loF tlqr ci tho debt halebS scoredl gbhor than by ral o es hei€l,n Frttid€d & sbo.rfd thls oonvc5roor b€ pllicod ln tho lrands 0i Arl attqrnolfF sult G ooll.ctlont sald Conpatry sha11 b€ €rtlt1e.t to r6e0vq. ton pq! cont. Eddltlotbl ?oa ettGnsyr! f.aal erd such !a€! sh6ii be leoF.d hercby an{ bo eonstdaod a pJ|rt o! lald lndobtc&ros!. Aad tt ts iurthe agFeed thst all notss Etyql fct n$lth\'lnstalluen!, a:id e1I sux0r dlgb',cced by sald Coryanyt at lts optlonr for lnsuranco Sncaluxrs, ta5es, osscsslants 6r.'l hrdtrs chal1 be aoeurod barebyt urd g':ch ilrns rD dlshFsed sha11 bcar fntorest SOa tho tlns cl sueh dlsbrrco!rcnt 6t 81$tt pt c6nt. pB erurl!1 ard sha1l tho wlthln thlrty dayE sfter sudr dlsburc@entr rulrl sald Colqra4' sba11 bavc tlr r. lgltt to epF\'all iE:,.aonti Eodo:lrst to tlrerepstrnent of suclt dlsbr8seuotr?s. And lt ls furtber etteo$, ttat, !n c{rse deiBult b6 mad! ln the pelnont oi arry oi gal-d nclthly lnstabents l(E tbrce Eon+..h!r Q. doi8ult be asde ior thlrty dap's ln ths pdyaor.t o? Bnt lnsrcence prqttusr taxt EEa€lsEent Or hrr'd&, the gald CO!{|6nJ' shal1 heYe thFl6bt tO bOlC the €rltlre d6tfi hsteblr sceut:od to be cu€, lrayable 8,nd entorclylo, a14 oall iFoco€d to couoat tDe ca::!o by ar{v Froc.EE of 18r bsoe:ig due *I : .-: ..-.!+- or by s!4rolntrrent of Qustgd ehd salo as heraln plcvtdlod. tn case defanLt' ts lede 1n t'hc pey reut Of any Of sald rcnthly paylent,a CE bDc.ob be rsde by ratd ptsty of ttto fbEt Part ta ary I I i I doEt heeby seourodrelthQ' of tho ooysnants harelnl and sald coryany shall proc€od to colfoet tbe by the appclutuerrt ct e +,!ust€e as bereln Provld€dr Or by 8qy Proeeaa Ot latt the l8'1d COqa4r gha..l be *rtl',led to tacov.rr tho alnqlnt borotoi by oetd party of tho :t'st partt wlth lntacst et 61ijht por c€nr, psr BIu!.!.-. !!.o:'. thls date, 16ss the pP..\1::€t.lts trrtude h' seLit Paaty of the fbst p&rt. Anal lt ls itr:the agFeoc thnt 1n c8r6 ilef^uft 1s aade ln tha ptr]t.'!cnt o? ar{r of 861d lonur-r-y j}or the datc pay'ron?s' f,hon tbo rcJao bccor.6$, fue1 sald nonthiy i'&i'':ents shRfl b6er lnt*est O? srreh delhu1t untl1 paLu, &+, elfht per cant. p€r ent].I!i. &td 1t ls furth* agrcodr thst tl.a tr:uEt€r, F.ppolntsd wrd€F tho pgr{q. horeln con bo an OfiLcar Of ealC eornpf|nyr entl lreh trustco o.ur appol.nt cny ot;.iccr of 341rr CSrqF^ny atuctlitsleq. !; geli aald prcperty; th*t the pon€as har.atn t':!.een tO tha sal,rl pLrty O: thc sacond par+" ln(l lt ls furthQ| ag.Bodl sha'L-' not bo .|ftcot,r(i 1n rUy the de.th t. i.cir,bl':1ty i): t}e rF.ld perty O'the flre+" Pettr or oltbt Ot thtt. And tha raid p$rty t- tire ilrat i:art firthe covcnanttr dnll qJ.e6$ at.tl htfcbrr €trP!€srly atrita! th&t lt has lriy b_{ to arl,j p.cp6ty *nJ that +-h6re Ara n3 L€rt€hg+st .l,rd88cnts or eny otirr llens i{inltut the a&!ie ( exoept es h*eln statel) whergby th€ 116n o:'?hls deed oon bc 1r:, nttgnvlrc chrm13od1 goJd Utlc to sald ptopqrty . ag!.s€d, tha": tlrl,e deod:rhall !oi:r!ro Br\y !\lrtber adranccs cr! 10r'rs nndo by oold cfi.fEorl r.lr do:a..-6d, r,rrd lt docs hereb;. sarrant and fordvq'dsfgnc the tltlc it ls irtht c,r4.1lv, at, 1ia optlonr to th. aal'l party of r"hc flrct, p6rt rst arv tlnct notwithltflndln8 tha snlo by tle nllrt puty :l t"s !'bnt per'" c i lta cclut',y ln antcl Frcp€rtyt rutl: actua] mltt*r nJtloe c: {nich r4L6 shal: ba roc€lvad by seld ec:E{,aqv, '"r prlnclpal 3: r,rn!': cdvcnccs 01. lonns nct to exo€i|d'"ho.ddttlonal rrn ot ltJ llunrirerl anrl Flfty (250) tot:,lrr Antt tt lt furthn agodl that r',1 the plrct 0f .A1"1 C0r.p{.r\}'. lureln 6lvcn to r61,i C3rpaw anC 1+"s Oflloas oa$ be tr*o!!od by ony rsslcn6 Thlg dee'l ls Frrl6 1n irlr$rnnce Of a FosC:utlon passerl b]'thc oon6regatton Of aalrt C}elctlcn lToryl Sovqnth lry Adventlst Cll.rrchl ln rc6.rlrrr ccn'C.orlce {rrsqlblgd, R ccpy o! !a1'! 1g9)lut13n bcJ.ni heFc,o q,t',ncltoCr;r nnC rnCs a part }.erdC:. In !?ltneas \?hereo!., tho nnld party partr ha: b;t vl.!+nre of sa:.i resoLutlcns ccusd thgso ples€nts tc bo stglr€d by tts hostil,ht an.l Secrskryr the drlw rrlrd yeF.r flr.st a'lrJvo wr"t?torL cf tre:1r$t S16nnC, Saaloj cg:d DelivcreC Lr. the lr:esence of us :Chelr'"lcn liq6ro Seventlr Day Adventlat Boitrleo h lnlernr, Chlrch C. A. tiln, SOt. Pu.b. iE.l Bl':- .irhn T. Ci?rr.t!rt.;. :o. 0n'. 1 NdrnE, preotdart; L. A+,t€st:- Ls118 (L. s. ;ohnson, seoretcy; 9GIA, *$tha:l COrnt;1 I?s, .;. i:. liarrns, }j. tlolt\ R. !i. Tliscrrs tust.res of the Chrlstlan Bnd con:l.l:i .!he foleSoln$ d€od. anC C. toqJteC l5 tJre preserce o: us:Beetrlce blrri*r,n, C. A. Ulrri, !I3t. Pub. C,hc.Jra: Coin+,y Ge. .r. Brownr S. Anakerr A. N€gFo Soventh Day fr. Battlst+.r J. honn, (f,.s. I s. L. Anatce, (f,. S. 1 John w- Menn8. (L.S.) s11.$n, (i.s. li. ]{orth, o.UcKF,na Adverrtlet Chrrch; hereby .P.. C. E. __l Ir. I I'r. c r ratlt;r