!.JOVEN' . Srioty HrltarotuoFF Swltch It ls lndmo€ted wih lha shomr otUOFF Button as s $da sfuty d6vl6. Whsn th€ Ghdfler starts, lt illtdrs oin ths h€aiar and vhan th6 shmr slops, lt dtidlG of the h€8lEr. lt 8ls sc18 88 a sefev bac*op dwie ln es lhe iqi snsr illt€fi ls ,am. Thus; pEwntng s€ldlng and hsatsr bnk fom dry bumt, . BulhJn EEL9 Wm utlh Surge Prctactor (Fc ?0e & i70F only) snt of Thls ert-a sbty fuatJB wthlomAsNitivity will on ofi the olectl€l supply to h6 h€8!sr ln iha drmnt lo8kag€ frm lhe hmbr, thus pcwnts tho u86r ftom fatsl ol€cfrl€l shock lt als ln€rporate a ot suddBn pomr 8urg6. su€B pmtec'tor b pMnt damag€ b th€ elBctlnlc drult ln a$ Es . Eullt.ln Ii{\TERTER Pump (ForAoP only) ThlE lB Gp€dally d€sJgn to oemme the low wateir pc6€m pmbl€m br &64 dlE6-t mneclJom to the gwtty mbr tenk tt boosb ths outst mter to pFvide you en optmum lnvlgoEfing ifl . Slidar Plug It ls daslgnsd aB a 'herd'8 frBs- sho.ror 6n6pt ior the mwnlone of th€ wsn The helght and diEction of Sllder BEckEt end Hdrd Shircr Holder €n b9 uslly sdjust€d to your deslBd posiliq' . Doublo Rall Snder Hand Shwlgr (5 Clid( sft shmr Ddbla RlllSlldlrSd Shffi 5 Clld( sohc.t Luurlou! gpmy Hlnd This 16 8p€dslly d€slgmsd .b pamp€r tlu with 5 dlfiotant lnvigoratlng spEy6. Wlh asslly gulds you b ho dght 6prsy mods and shwer lo yow gmd h€slth. lb 'Cllck' ssl34 it / EELS Lamp Lsmp FllterCup Coiltplloo'b stffirOr/Olf Butbn Button (Fsa70P Only) Slldd BEckst EELS Tost Shmr Hend S Butqr l: Rsffi€ths ffi (Forl70e & i70P Only) Holdar X Y&Z Gandy llfr uptheffii Rsst (Fori7os PRESS Button & noP Ouly) FCF\6hE endwbshs t .\t 6ult8bl6 Dosltiq ln ih€ bathffi, mat* ths polni8 A d & C m ttre mll wtth tho hester and emw poinb D & E br double Ell slldei I 2. Select aw ba* t VC Hco End |ffi Wbsh€r tDm nFmlCulout Boad PPS (Fo lT0Pmty) 3. U$ rsmm ddlland 25mm deplh. lnsrl mak€ th€ mll ph.E tho mll plugs. Efum' Coitol Bosrd IiIVERTER Pump (For lfoP only) Potsntffibr EELS wtltr'tredff. HatErON/ OFF SY,ldr hldwnh holsb 6t\, 4. Mounifiohaat€r \*6??i fimtuturoltidn f dl---ar (Fortoo& f/oPonly) :: wliBl '//p-zsmn ,r-FW T--t- Bas Scm lnd 5 Plugs should be al minlmum 1.5m snd m61 b€ ln I ffd . For dk8d @nn6c{on lo tho wabr tank , he heat€r nusttry€ I minlmm of '1 .0m (3-3fi) beltr $e El€m€ilt 5 n"rr", *ititE b8$ffi posldff. ffi-\ Hfp HffiV ' ''- .FltrS€mrSdUl 1. Sw th€ thiltle Rs[ Sllderto th€ pcldon 'D' 8nd E. Follil ths 'JOVEN' logo b dot€mtne ths oma Double RallSlldtr posruffi. Z lBart lh3 hthuak SfidgiPlug sffiMs. 3. To sdJust the Slld€r b 6ffid ths BEdGI b your dslEd h€lght J$l pcs t's PRESS tt x.na I shmrl FEATURES . El.c'tDnlc . U Pmr Contol Thb 6n0nuou8 wiabls glsrfronlc po$rer @ntrol lvlh tempeEtlB entrol lmb mlsdm fFm OFF, onabls !6u to s6l6ct b )Dur ldeal shmr tomp€EtrE. 't' b 88ftty lhcmo*lt, Thcmd Cutout h€atar fom ffihffiIng 8nd thu ailmlmts pMntB lh€ th6 dsngsE of sldlng b lhe lH. Fldcontrol Fllbr(FcR\l!hr Thls lnndatlve dslgnod FCF \ratw helpE b fllbr and' Egulab'tho vdum ot lnl€t mbr llor. Thls adlusbnont 18 to b6 dore only at lhs 0m€ of lndtsllaton ffirdlno b th€ ln@irlng wt6r pBsm. Tumlng n docla.ds (+) lnFlrs tho wier thu6 dmslng h€ shsivEr tsmpmhF. Tmlng ft anlidocks,lss G) lhs wa16r lhu6 lnmaslng lhe shmr bmp€EtuB. re . Fllbrcup@ @-wasrrer--@ I' It . i I dffiuts thomrOIUOFFButton -Thl6 innmfw shmr OlVoFE llfl tlfl hltbr mkss 6lng lh6 ahffir much ssl* Just push lha .onE trd lh€ shcnisr aEia and Efiei uslng; push h6 butbn oicg agaln b sbp th€ shdrer. @ W hdion . , @ HJOVEN.. llwle-gelecl -; sprsy sslec-ior or entl+lmlflls unfl you got the d68lFd ffow. Tum the FCF Valvs to lh€ mt€r lnlet by Ning ths nut 8nd ushsr pmlded with lhe marklng faclng upward. 2. Us th€ @rect lmls to {ghten and b€ creful not b bmk th6 pl8sflc nut' . I . Connecl dodfll$ fF alw 3.conngctlh9lnmmingmainwaterplUmblngdldtoth6FcF-valvb(l/2.BsP). 4. Tum on lh€ Hbr maln stop wtva and tho FcF \&tve dodflis b ma;rijmum (+) vdume. Push ihe shwer ONTOFF Butbn to allil wabr to f,w lnto lhs h6at€r bnk and thmugh th3 ouuEt b d€ln ottt any plumbing penidG 5. ConnEc't ths PVc hoEa b thE mfsr hoabt ou[sr snd th€ hand snoGi. Be sue to insrl lhE wsh3r lo lha oufls{ mnnscton and tha ilt€r ep to lhe hand ;hilsr, otheilis mter wlll l€ak at Sr€ onnectorends. 6. H@k lh6 hand shffir b ths hand 7. Ch€d( br sny wster leakago. 8. Adjust th6 3,1 -Eo.filv€lvsrc{c,lsi8e shffir (+).to hold€r and adjuBt b your ld*l posilim. l|mase and an&clocl$irs F) b-Dduco lhB ffolr io:your ELECTRICALCONNECTION On OF Button (For i70P Only) o q EELS Tst Buttfl EELS Rest Eutton Hos to Tost EELS? L sudtch On ElecblEl supply, GEsn Llght'EELS'willtrmsd on. 2. Pm TEST Suttron, GroBn Llght will lum6d off' 3. HEATER (lh.e) 2n 50/a0Hz 50 / 60 Cmnt Condraid (krY) (Al 8be(mltf) 22 t0 2.6 3.3 3.6 4.4 t5 z5 18 20 4.0 4.0 7 62 2, a_0 7 t1.U t5 2.8 4.0 7 lo.st Pffi lft ZN mrsHz 3.6 4.8 d.3 16 ai 2'l 6.0 13d LA t6 CondultClbls (No. (ilo./mm) DOUBLI XRCUTT BREAXER (A} ' POLE UXKED 8YVITCH 60 / 0.25 t6 50 I 026 56 / 0.30 / o_30 m 5010 56 /-0.30 m m 025 25 29 rmm) /0.86 7r0.85 Llght wlll tumed on sgaln' Ths Fllt€r inslds th€ FCF Velw should be cleaned whanever thsG 18 a slgn of inlst wl6r blockags, Thls €n be donii'bi Fm'ivirig m! eco*' and pulllng out th€ flltsr trcm lh€ knob and dun 7llM 50 / 71n47 GEn 2A 25 * 7,10.85 t4 'RESET Button, RA1ED CURREIIT FOR Flsrlbl. Crblr 7 10,67 7 I O.A7 RrffiNpdod Eledtd€l s lt wtth e 8oft bru6h. m 1. s\rttdr ofithe slec'trl€lm8lm' Refsr to Tbbls fur 6tEc{ cable 8tse. 3, ln$rl ha €ble thDugh A br sldo enty or 'B'torwll embedded €ble by cutdng I t o-25 2. Connrcllon IrrcB gtrE *NiluM co[DucroR EIEC'R'CAL LOADI}I€ \rbtt g. PBs /uccB 4. lOmA ELCB, RCCB holg thEugh th€ wlE gDmmst ot bEaldng the 'Knock Out pohn at heEt€r bsse. Conred elBctrl€l wi€ $ tollos to (LIVE) Brcwn to N (NEUTRAL) G€6n Noio: l) L orRed BlulorBlack 11} f,lake 3ure lo tum odf lhs lmmlng *ater 3upply b€fotr tfte opeE0on. Thls ha8 to bo dono moE Egularly ln aEas wheB th€ lnletwatsrlupply lr dl*y. orcwn/Y.llwro @ ftARTll) Itouble Pols Llnked Swltch '1. Ch6ck tha lollowlng polnti loibatt€r p?rtomane: t'auFar FnE EtsUEnY Cheakwti6th€r all slop wlres aF opened' Ch€ck whb0iei tle wbt€r supply lB th6€ Ch€ck and dsan tie filt€r sJp and spmy salec-tor ol hand shower lf lt ls dogged by dlrl Check dnd dean thr FCF Velve and ffltBr lf tt ls dogg€d by dlrt ;.:. irlii:i:l:, ii A. Nowat€rcomlngoulof SYMPTOMS .ttr€hdator ,-. pwsr Eupply 18 oN Ch€sk whsther wat8r supply ls very low pBBsuE (HeEier EqulBB pr€$urs of l.45psl or water iow rsta of 2 lltt€s p€r mlnute) mlnlmum ChE6'k s,hether C. Shower.nbt hot enough 5. Check lhgt th6 wlllng @nnEc,iion 6. snd pmpsrly tight€ned. Repls€ lh€ 6ver. i .- ir- ' 18 :1. :. ::.1 comc{ :, . - ; r:l tempirtuii 6ntpl to hlgher setling Check ifiehBrwater fiet 18 tlo strong, Redu@ th€ mter fiow to g€t hottar stibflen (Les wabr, moB hoi) Shirwer abuld b€ Et Combo spEy, tum b Dlmplsx 8pBy. Adjust.tre rnt irf thi ionoiln! alndriiiittfler arc to yo{ ot yorr agoirt lmmedlatolyl 2. F sls pesnt HEAIER LEmp T€mp€EtuB Contol lfiob Push Shffir ON/OFF Butbn Entrct neand POWER / EELS and HEATER lamp dods'not light E. EELS @nllnuously trlpplng (F€r il06 & a70P only) B,lnsuffdontwatErrunnlng ii;ir ::.. !: C, !/V€ts tsmpsEtjE.Slno! bs.qgntrylled; FOWER/ loills '''D: A. Wat6rlgakag€ EELS Lamp durlng urlgo, @niaci out !p 1. sw:ut on the slec'tric supply. cEBn:PolvdhiEELs'llght wlll tlm on. trough 2. Push the shfliii OiIOFF butbn and mt€r wlll ths hand ...;,: 3. Adiust th6 wt€r vdlm bv tumino lh€ FCF \&lve knob (+) or h. Tumlno it dockwis-(+) wlll-lnms8 li€ wl€r fldi end iumlns lt-couter dshii!€ G) will d6@886 ths wtsr flil | 8howtr llil. shffir. tum on lhe l€moeEhm mntol bob'Rsd 'HEATER' llght idlll tum on. Adjulit the tsmp€EtuE loob to ths desiEd Ehwer tsmpeEtuE. 5. Fd modaliToP, tho II{VERTER Pump start aubmatelly when the Shwer ON/OFF button 18 pwhed on. Th€ pump to pDvide an . optlmum b@sb the outlel waier lnvlgoEtlng hol show€r. pump on/off button lGted m lha rlght hand Thls additlonsl Blde of hgater edng 18 to snablg lhe pump to b€ 8wltcfi off 4. For hot iil wheEvsrih€ 8. Aflsr and shffir, shMr pEBUE 16 suffdent push thE ON/OFF buttm lo stop th€ ffltch ofi the slestlc pd4,sr supply. shmr 2 ' H s E a E tE t o Mahufacturedby Nole: Refvlo youiloaal dlshlbulotlothmnty ffiffififfi1# ffiif,l fElHl mm GE5@'G@GT@E f-,r ffi |f,ns & Mdllions I t*'*l