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. notleit [ OtOtawnt, anil tli* (wl'icnt ' i sffefalMl by Uio Ijimtmr rt state of aoubrinc**.— [ah spd mm, which hint . to tUs foot, una »l.(rU ' I hid b»rn cnmliVrtiUnf *urt«t lijr Ibn >ppllM1lnn I mention tlirte twor»> mjr immr'dlatr notice unit nl etldcnmnf t)»» rfflmVoftunrtmVaniloftiUtrs. rloAa, *nii of rtrry ll M«n*to ma Hut mnj * operations of this <>ii,tI *<Miflnttt«« reeomnwniiih, I am, §!r trrr rr, TAUA»EHBO._ hat 1 was far many month* iinljr with the letter upon p»nlngs larce atinagh I IriMt I'"that others, similarly »H •.!»(-« of so valuable a remniT. nOBKRT PULTON. . 16, I SOT. >.experience, for many yrars, tmrnt, »ftil being again eonI right, the nubile hate aright nit Imposition—and, In onli-r Io secure to them the genuine thought aiUiuMr, as above ithnrity (ranted by Mr. Sh*pit after the proprietor's own —.-be.hereafter attached to . JIRHim I\1TE.YT SPKJEJVT, (formerly JuOklns',). • *ale and retail, by |uN8. near Frederlek, Mil.' Kiitril the public, (the prqpric if. name «ill appear-tn bis owii I through the circle collide ' PHHKY KRYES, HAYS, Hartfri- roKVo, >. *'.' \MeffKILL the Public. CHARLESTOWN, JEFFERSON COUNTY, PRINTED AiNJ> PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY €»ALLAIIKR, NORTH A; I4ALLAHEH. ; • •* ' • , . ' -- ' : ., -,-L^mm-.m vot- an.l M.n,,. dayn afterwnrrlnentl , *>••»-•»» «««n««'« i nothing more important than the strirt I tr'nitn whirh'd'ratinguisHcd them, to bo »ik»-?«^UaRa*«.^^Jb'^XfiM5Ut. . ; KJjfGrWNr^WiiKfT^^ he was dead, and there .was been left in our office., for thai . >V«n Hit Jlltxtndria Gaitllt. virtue oughlftp-bc-im|)ress?d upon Ihoj We rind the" subject thafwc'hwo'-tamenu, hare finolly come to tlio conclu*. %» "Club's eoiine,tiro-miles' from .fjharlrsRtraVr-'iteeh in hi* dungeon. . U f t h o curious, a^small enamel minii mind of every liny- lie' oiighrto be'ke'n up 60 to grnw under rinr hftiidif'Utat APPRENTICES. •inn to elq§« Ibslrjproieot situation o/luiilntu tbwn, on Wednesday September 93A, 183,'.. I observed .a very decent looking tufrc of the most exquisite finish, whicl Flrit day'« purse 'JGOU; four miles nn'il reaught to tell the Iruih,'in nil possible! wo cannot continue its examination at at speedily tl possible, •» thli plare. They In ovrry 'community ,thcrO is a turned tip wllh ». .,, feet t h n n i i p l » t « t h a n k f u l tungenerotif public peat. *--'present) -without-.,encroaching upon Turk in one of the cells, who had bcVtt Was situations in which he'can•*--'-' bo'placed.-*alavc, on the farrn of ftlr. Villard, Second dij't pnn*-|900; two mllei arid argo class of young poreonr learning -There i* notli'nip^~m!rlcr,iTOthtng gnfer, for their put liberal support, and in rdtirn n-.ofliccr .in the .I'nrJift'*.droops-—.he ntroiiM-.tiily appropriated'toother or business TortiQ of the usoTuT oS«r, for c'a»ti. (jroceries .rineptcj,) ffiilr, omplained bitterly of hard usage—said morcland co., Virginia. Our curita; when wo were conentire splendid assortment of Merchandize, After which kiweepfteke* for 3 yenrohfr, vncnlioris of 'life.'" The nufht)0f, in e-vcn irt diflicultiei» r -iiinfl he will-swm .matters. ;We 10 was a i n i - i r i ^ f i ' i n e il;«y« lie hail it find thnt a. mai'ily ndhorcncc To; thiajfow hint? wo have thrown together •t COST PRICES. Those who with to nr.il t>nn mile and repeat. F.nlranee SO bltibeli xporiencO) nod. untcrtain. • fato of inly 'five paras' worth; and he talked themselves of in opportunity of piirr.haiing of wheat. Six entriet and cloied. virtuc'will carry him along triumphant' may not bo considered' .as inopportune judges had pronounced it an undoubt-. Third dey'i puns (300; .three mllei and lii!sr. youths, render thorn intcrcnting ly-r-when the shuffling' cquivocator or altogether, URGlest. If they auccccd iltogethcr.ta rationally of bis condition, noodlBargaias* will plena call on or before [ed«riginal.of,SirWalterIUJeigh, a pup- . lubjoct* for tha rc(Iectipn of tho .phirepeal.' .hat I expressed my" wonder to. tho the 3d'f)f September next, for on that day we I (Ul lie,..ca^is.Ut. in.liis.p\vji de.vicc8,,and in arrestingJhG attcrrtion or jxciting •hall .commeiico dilpoiinj of d<jr stock* of - Seme d»y m p u r f f c of 5KH); best three in anthropist, and -the unHrin^-exerttons keeper 'that lie was not'sufiVrcd to. go p6sition,'-which a moment's inspec- '. the leilertioti of one young man'how on-Mcncd to contempt or ignpini.ny.. Bte. . ition-of Ihft^ityle and features, served tu . good. at COST* wliuout fell. if all gopd. citizens .in their behall',-r-. _ . . -iii- • learning, ,,-._>j£ .t. n that i-J ibroafl. ThB' keeper Uojjhed-.iit- my to disprove. _it U the ..portrait of _a _ the f&Krtv...r'a ;aged The money will b» hunK *lp at the t»and f "the greatest happiness of 4ho (jreat>- '''Tniin up a cliilu Hi" flic \vay~-he enga Wo also iufurin those persons whohevn tinignorance: "You do not .know," 4aid e shall lie future .support, to be his milled account* of long •stancllr.n tint .the; on each Joy, rekdy for4be .f iiitor. man ofqualily of flic last century, •st niimbor," be an object worthy of should go, and when he is old be, •will, gruli.fted. WM. C'ROW, JC., TVMtunr. and . satisfied. > -We . profess, no, "that when mad people appear tli(i prime of life. The features fair irilLconfer e particular faror by closing the not depart frorii it,", is applicable in n our study and constant aim, there cermost quiet, (hey are always plotting i»m«rojr note, or liquidating,wllh cash Ihelr bringing up of next ta our anxiety for the general difJDollarti ainly can be-no better point • at which striking degree to tho occupations his assertion and- exceedingly handsome; the hair rrspcctife accounts. or fusion of the blessings of edticat Jon, to mischief;" He illustrated 1 drrsspd "n h}>trttkf-,">t.nd Jiighly pow.o commence our offbrti. to. ..accomplish boys in the mechanical RICWD fe JOS.. JOHNSON. 1 bv"tt strtryiTrhich, if cterlible.'ceria'inly - • ' '•• • .-nn, i — 4l_fteNflfoBfifccpry for MKS^welfnroJdf our tfatTesf Separated fibm jwreritotrnrrev Canp-Hill, Harpers-Ferry, Aug. 30. _ thin result, than the gradual iinproycu^u.-qjKn lini-opuity nf . fnnfinirift limn !< youthn MTiploynd in the «hoj)3 of ineAN A WAY from llie »ub,ctibar, living they* require" a'Constnnt •"tr«intrrg'- to. , . . . •nw Cft«rl»«townr-Jeaerioi> . eount/i menl oi^ iluvfrHnjK^flraTJBnjJL«arE! make up'foif flic IbsT'nf 1lltJTO-rfl" *•- -clranleir nnr! artTT-inrs^^Trr^enefit thtm r eft, h»w«v8ihA>ild-4U-thait appearance, Improyta with gold, and point lace, and the figure ngroen, the cultivation ofthcir rnindu, ' V*., a negro Man, named to their cells at night. wivdoso, no exertion on our part envel.ipe'd iti.ii rich manteau of yelT JEt ho grafting, of. wisdom and virtue in nature, would be most strict inthem . in •could TUOK, would be wanting. To make them use- A. black man, who -had followed .the is black , :t£ aub«otit«r» baring purebiied the about OS.yearn of age) lie 1* about fit* feet .heir hearts, and .(ho preparation ot ng over them' -and low satin tied in front with r trade of a butcher^ had been confined ( ful, •honorable, virtuous men, is what we life. Along, . full and eioluilVe right of making, ui- 8 or 0 inches high, terjr ilo.ul <riade,-itandi heir tempers, disposition's, and habits, their earlier .walks VL-lvi't bow, and splendidly embroidered In tb the Countlei of Frederick. or vr.nlka.wil.il |ii« kueea Very wiilo upart; ho for .the aciiye-sccnei. of life and their thcrcfpre ^wUh tht!,.jrpi)d example of would diligontly labor for — our reward there many years ago: ,he was allowed with black.«atin and .{tenrN, aii.hnral.dii. iagaod Tendta*; to . . . ., » 1.^: -j -_i_f^ ^« _--!!_ .1. ..!„ _..-_„ the rarige ojf- the ' • J«flerioti, and Berke' be perfected in tile1 hlastef^hiB Rood 'rriarVhcfH; tmrl would l> Very black, h'ai a iiurly look, end \i opt to own future respectability. | The; minia. three others, whose derangement was' would say," "enpAdffope." • Samuel & .flllcn's Threshing Machine, turn. the while of 'hit eyet when fpoken .to. • Of the thousands of boys who. i hit attended with no violence. .One night ture is about the size of half a dollar, HIMIIKI.I.ANV. » ere. now read} to funUh them to Ihote who He lometimei calla himieff liaao Tueklon, and It S probable he will go by thai name olmay apply. - «t, acting M agent for • joint -- -. THURSDAY ^ NO* »»r -..'11.. ;- A«-!_ .----,«^_ t l..ii.-rm-. i Tratth iii Egypt ilORROItS OF TUB CAIKO ASYLUM. . Thli Machine liai gainafl the entire appro- atlume «om« other. Hit clothing not exactbatloo of all who bar* uied it, br'wltneind ly known, but believed lobe well olad. I -JT- -- T • - ----- ------ - Entertninnienl, , iV, nearly iiv th« votre of to» - my esawetationt, I lake. to return my jrelafnl < and ' ehnnwledginenti to « g«ne- 'd at Ul* tame time anuro tr»en.lhal I thill not relaa iamake gdeitt, who may faI cull, comfortable. The bell riei ibe market affords shall r my Uble; my ostlor uoder- lMii; »nd I (ball not fail to of bay and oeti. The market »r • all .supplies in' my line, It «r» high. I thell, howoTur. •' ' '• ' ke'aeement, It was my Intenterslly a"Temperanee Hotel;!' eratlons not necessary now to ave -kept end shall continue to • liq/jpfa the country affords.— E l hereby pledge mjsilf to thn ere shell be no intamperanca iver which I have control. I re. done business far ready mo| by doing io, have found iwei. > p n o .. Ul I ever keep one. be expected; certainly nono Under ril the cireurasCances ' Qn«i o'rfne firiJ^fSc^ benefit, Cairo, wait the Lunatic Asyltiitj'. Mr. a For the most part, -they ere taken to masters and received by them simply, than the. perusal of useful worlcav In Sunir-i . ;Tanissary accompanied nic, and'solely to learn to work and do a the present age, emphatically" called and I believe no eye hath witnessed hertf BucK~a melancholy js'pcclacertainjjujmti^jDf labor.'" Hero the 'the "»ge ~of~iinprpvernent;"- there-« c-ljev. •-^•^i ^.»—•%!*!• .»-3t^ajti—n.Hi\rilu 'i-TPK<fc lil>««rtfn«* Tfiret;-error-is- committed, ""--Tric^3is£Pt iectionslomy"ad'm"isst6n pline then -adopted- has reference >eri..._ ._ ..... .. tirely to this ;:ohjoct alone, and contino die Eng........._______ of the hokkim of ued througli the whole apprenticeship, dnjiiastres to 54 ^'An\t "CoA3iiI-,*-aii(! half a dozdnjipiastre too, often ends iii turning out a yoiin> and- even—pleasurbV not here, also, omit i^^«nt<8^u^^f^^^^i|;>^--y^jM^l;? j man ujior) thtj woi-ld, capable* indeed of must ' '~ -"---••'•- Af I.^llli:,,., ,.;,,iri (».f . (n-jzi--^ . , . --ilf.-j. JAA..-,.„;.,,; ),;„ bread i,rno,i hy earning his by . nis^ daily -labor, 41i'«'. necessity -pf in*liHin^ -into the li-.l li i u'li.oili' passage to another,door afte but incapable in alli other respects~of mind, along with the dei.ie of gaining ! door wan unbarred,- the keeper-armed iujfprination, the wish u£ beinji, distill- hunselt.with a coitr/insti, whip-made of passing through-life, creditably. • It is true,'and norhoro tjiaiv iust,-that gu'ished for -virtuous anil cdirec't der one;olid thong of the hippopotamus; and one principal object of both master portmcnt. "A'reverence for' rciigiori— we at length got into an open court Frcdorir.k Oily, and Balllmor*, nt 7* and apprentice', should be, the teaching a respect for the.Subhath—a willing- round which the dungeons of the Itina o'clock, A. U ; returning, arrive at Harpe.rs. on the bite part and the learning on ness, to attend at stated periods, divine tics were tiituatcd. Some jwho wen Ferry, every day, between 1 and 9 o'clock the other, of habits of industry. To service—propriety of language 'and be- not violent were walking unfettered P.M. 'Aug. SO, 1835. ' ' but trip poor wretches in the aryla so.oonpletely portable, that the whole, resdy cured io that I got him; and all reasonable : for use, may ba'aaiily taken from place lu o *pe'n*c« paid if brought homo. place, 'in a common light wagon with ono - JOHN HUR9T borie. Io • trial, made some time since at July 93. 1835. | -. the fsrm of .Jebn IV Dulaney, Esq., of this •tone, thrasned out 15s bushels wheat In 30 minutes'; and Oil another occasion, a t ' the Middleburg, the same Machine, wilh twq borioi, thrashed out 158 bushali of wheat ID S hour*. This WM done With little or no'.fatigue .. «dth* borses. Thasa trial* were made in the pre««nee of hundreds of perions (mun^ of them experianded farmer*) who do not bnlta.t* to tettift I* th* great superiority of this, over all other Machines whose opsra. iioat bare over boeo exhibited la tbli country. ,'-' These Machines are simple In Ihelr non*truction, durable «nd cheap. We will furnish ttnm for 6140, aba leu if the oott will v SEMINARY. and II. 8. Powell, and John P. Dulaney of Loudoun, who have wltoessed tbelr supeHIS Sciiiinary : » ill be re-opened on Men rior utility in Threshing; but- immediately afday IK* 31st .instant, iu the large and > tor harvest, a Mschlne will be sent to Web commodious school rooniiately occujiiud by of llio above named counties, when those . j .,„.,,,._:.;,.7 . , ., ; concerned will h»»e an opportunity at seeing Mr. Hickoy. The subscriber acknowledges, with gral —and judging for themselves. tude, the liberal support he-has're uut.vH MCVEIGH & co. ceived from the'- citizens whli-h of Harpers-Ferr Middleburg, Loudoun County, since bis return to tbe;pUcB, end trusts, tba' in future, b e n n y merit end receive a eon T Tothelitcp S. CONRADT informs, the ladies .of hia services with an jassurance that no en '• Ilarpers-Forry and its vicinity, that aba deavbun shall be wanting, on his part, to pro ft nn thai Mlllinrrv and Mantua Maklnr ~+,i. it,.ln_^_:_^U_^r.,hi_lluMr«iV:WWUI B, the pride 'as t lie duty of every apprentice. Ho finds the advantage' during all his days of bayhopdJ pi pursuing this course, in the increased respect of hid master—rthc favor and approbation of hi« Bcriiors, 'ant)' the in'.voluntnry praise that 'is bestowed -upon him by nis companions, to. whom .bin conduct is an .-example. .But it is hereafter, tliiit lie IK to reap the fruits and gather ' hours. When lie arrives at' manhood, he will lodk back and smile at the re - cicty,' jnst as surely as. profanity, Sabbiilh-bi-calting, late hours, ba'd company, per verseneiis, indicate the 'young man following rapidly th« road to ruin, and soon-io'iirriveat its termination »n'miaery and "wretchedness.- - When w« see a young mechanic loitering about the corners during church ' hours' on Sunday -or arriving at home at hours -- oviil, nnd as a work of art .is pf- high value, the printing, enamelling and finish, being of the rarest beauty». .Tho nre_ delicate^^and - as fresh as if tho'portrait of a" Tyroneh nobleman in hi:i :,t-.ltc rolu-s. nn'l notwithstanding its.small si/e, there is an express.iam of character in tile-features which is alto- tho-l»>»»il-»" r.-portions -as- tfoyartfiif;'^ 'wls probaWy ' keeper was .disturbed by their.cannibal .of a fir:,t-rate ; rcjoicinps;" Tt «as flifc first full nitSSt they l«rt-by'ah- officerof Uiot.arhiy duriutr" the revolutionary war.' It. was foumi ay. ,On liad had for man attuning.'the- cells. lic iound one m:s!i witliout selling of any kind in the- forest .' - . -i/• -1.. i tlic bluc-k biitdi'eV it lttJ>d,"which:iflrn« then for tlieftwt (iiim miming; he asked lie had seen him, and he replied t(wt put under cultivation he had sold tho laj\ joint.of him. "SFnce that time," said the keeper, "we. look out better, otherwise they tlcmon ofl)uhYfrics,'wliild ojoyingtHo a«: • would eat one every day." ' I endea- muscmcntof fixhingatDolswinton lock, vored . to ascertain the -cause of the haVing expended their stockjof worms, madness of. the present' inmates; tbey- 8tc., had recoii'rse tortlic-wcll known_ex-^ the eyes of the wore thirteen in number, and all inah 1 .;; pedicnt of picking out " "- them to deatl perches,. and attaching pisVib plant; .live of them, had poison .administered to thciri, two of them in the shape ofjnvigorating medicines; .three w.cre religious- monomaniacs nnd- one -hod -passed his -c^f, 1 saw gone mod after facing, bastinadoed.. spat cnqck_ rfic keeper pull by the chairwajul knocki,..^.^ urk work i: his 'head head atrainst »n<> v e'never-senn a Turk against,tthei bars tift ijie SToodV".' (here was a jioi/ihility of his being idle issued frorr) his nose rotind as he would do in a menagerie of wild'beasts,1 rattling the clit iii at tlie window to 'rouse the inmate!, and dragging them by it when' tliey.,'»'.(ijce tardy in approaching. On« matjinnn""who posed of the I have nevi-r kern one stand, it l> '... . , any other.-1.' One of the porches caught in this Jijanncr struggled so much when, taken but of the water,- that the unseen .though.nol. mifell ;hQ*>k..,ha4 -no •ponct,. been loosened from its moiith thaa.it ' came in contact wilh ohc'of its'eyea; The pa}n-e«s— casioncd by this accident only made'' the ..fish struggle the harder, until at last lackamith siU cross-legged at the afivil, loose, dissipated or abandoned charac.-.-." ^r,-.^. ..^...-. the black butcher secreted a knife; he induced another madman to e n t r r his cell, prevailed onjiim to lie down, and tlieit «.t his throiU; he. ealmly.,rut hin.i in ti.i quarters, and distributed t lie joints about his' cell as he wa.iiin the habit of arranging ^his moat in his sliop. He solicited the" custom of his comrades; and • -- .;.-£_»i.l--J.^MlUia^.-^.KA-^lB.IBtJ . . . . _ --seats htmself -when table people pleased^tb dto'jroDjJay A—carpenter gitivoj adjusted it tin t or 'drives )ore"S" holes, 'as-1 I ' Anv " ' ' i n i t W B j VVIVOL »»vi«iff, v». • • * ' . , • a• nail, "i...,." _ , - , •-* -•—Tn-n'iVmi.-.'••.i.r , n, ...-J.. >....-... I iilnrrtl imdrr thr ban. of the.difiplcas'ihcommitlod.hisjine atid cdrk to the. to da" >• ^. ;t«.',-j_ 1_.;Z(-- '( --- -t-L'- _' T.TrL.m,,iniir-J^ttl'i.<i^:'_ as$8r4?aJ(j!£i^^ ber designs*to aGcird to young ladies iu the preparation".' for manly toil. pets of all kinds, Cups and Turbans, Ladies school, an opportunity of acquiring the orna* idle boy, is almost invariably, discon- ty. The inclination t preccdinginidrnihg.. latter substance bcgarT to'^oB. When" Hiding Habits and Dresses, after the latest mentaj branches lilf female educution think well of him is lost in the "deles Two wel dressed Turkish ! women pulling up the line, he was astonished tented and unhappy in any situation' in rity fatbions. Sh.« ml«o manufnctures and • Terniti stantinople. Terms from'^'J 5U to (4 00 per quarter of tatipn of such conduct, Ishd if he- re- brought inl'while I, was there, u large ; to find the identical perch that had which he is placed — he is made no, by keep* on band, fclostic Bristle Frame Stocks, 12 weekiB' July'J'J, IN.-J3. - -• • • eluded his grasp but a few minutes beof the latest patterns, and of every quality, •OHRBTBR and Fotoroao Hailthe consciousness of his own bad con- mains where he is raised, although his watur-melpn and two cukcn of lirt-ud; JAMES B. DODO. py -will, eontraot for a large which will be sold by Ibe single stock, or to Yellow- Corn.—-\ contleman was fore, who probably perished by *«•«/• duct', by the jibes and jeers of his fel- subsequent course.may give evidence these we^e broken into''pieces and Aug. 27, 183.rr.—31. merchants by the dozen,on reasonable terms. IHB WOOD, to be de lir1 oasing some time ago by a sandy corn lou.'infc fiis own eye! JQ»AJmd_Uje frowns or dislike of those of an alteration in his mode of life, it thrown to the famished cfdaf,urcs. 1 Stocks repaired at the shortest notice. ( Depots at Cameron's Spring 'and placed.Qve.r him, /.The IhdusUlous boy, will take" years "and "years-,-to remove 'he!veTsawinature subdued to!'such ~low- jftld^ where every~ thingToblce'd aTbar^ by: the delivery to commence by April 16. 1639.—tf ---,.-, — m£lEIAN SYSTEM, on the contrary, is jclieorful and lively; the prejudices thus excited and the uu- lincss;::they:-devoured whktfithey got ren as a^deserty-or as some places usod " TffT'ERES-ft'NG^F (September next, or earlier if f The wood is to be cut III' Ihf ..Millennial ilarbinfuf, t-'al. H, JVo. 2, winning the good opinion of others an J favorablc nr.pressions thus. created.—; like hnngtyAigersTSOme ofrMtftJn thrust- to look in old time-:, whcrn, as the story speaking of the/royal musical festival ilaJty thiJtcv._\ttifiiiuut <;»Hrui;it. - enjoying the- sflf-iatisliie lion- conse.- Iji-tho-Qstimp.te tliatlis made ofijnan'a tng-their-ITongucs throu|»h- Jthe bars, j}oesi"R~h'og WTjtild"try tcrptnck appear ~iit"WcstniinstcT Abbey in 1834, relate* [ feel, and to he corded up at tba Sl'LENDID assortment of Rag,, Cptlpn, • .1" --li •— for r— mot'c|.fa J_ll!—«-j "VI "In this age of theory aud expe'ritneiit In \'enitia'n, and imported Carpeting, for he contractor. , •., character by those amongst- whomJio others screaming of grass, and fall over upon his.back the following. It has a touching in-f r|-cad. all departrients of so«iety—iu politics, me- quent upon the pcrformante of his du- was iaiacd, it.invarialily happens that sent fo^ifew.piastre's woSrthJ pf bread, during the operation, unable from i--.- tej-cst. Inc1edoo,..il will be recollected, »-wishing to contract, will pleasa *al£ab______. J{. &.. JOB. JOUNSON'S. cliunirs, agriculture, luw, physic, and theolo- ty ll, Aug. 90, 1835. pubicribor with bit proposition, We Jiavc said that ,-it __waa. the. mas- an account is taken of his habits while da|es, and sour' milk; its , yHval was hatistion to ire. He was-struck vwUh w>i-; one of tho performprs at the festiCT,nothini; seems 'des{l)n«d to stand, that can l.th« 10th of August next, slating Cofltjc House & Hotel* be 'shaker. In the theory and practice of ter':: duty to instil the principle of in- boy", and" a deduction or addition hailed with such a yell if_>ecstacy as t|ic meagre a)/]iearahce of the corn.— val in 17S-1. There were eleven'hunnount he will furnnh, the price msdiclne, ss In every thins; nl>i>, nil. things dustry into tho boy's mind— and thin, pif-ivcd the very soul. I Ui|iitglit they IhsfeUTd of 'being gi'oen and flirivin<;, it .!ied performers in ail, vocal and intitrujdu nncordinply. I the quantity per month, are afloat. One schuol curqs every tiling by r information apply either pernot so much because it is his own. <»- Tho stale of apprenticeship is un<- would Inivc torn down tin- iron bars to had'a ptile, sickly appearance. A lad thental.Ncnrlr Optioxilo llir Court Iloil-r. calumel al d the Unce.t—snothur, by .steaming Ale subscriber on the lino of the Immediatclv catiie the Introduction .)HB undersigned, having removed to the and sweat ng—a third, by purging in a long tcrmt to 'do so, a*, becbuso hk regard only of preparution.l It iaJhfiJschob} get ut tin; iirovinion; • and in|Lp'iteofthc was trying.to keep l\ ulive. by hoeing i by letter addressed to him af of ilayden'M ('i<-atioiii.ui n Solo Kocin))<iva wi'll known Establishment, is now list of cathartics—a fourth, in imitation of for the welfari! of his "ward ought to of active life; It;is to truin the boy for courbatih, their eogerncss. to get their it. prepared to accommodate those of bis (Meads, Upctor Nijtiiro, sometimes bleed, sometimes make it also Ai* pride and pleasure.— the iliitii-.i lit' niiinhoin). II' in thiu Vo-' porttons rendered it n rlillii-ii.lt matter to makes your tativo,- by Mr. llellainy:.J'la-Uia begin"Boy,-what—on " w. n. and tin: public in general, who may bo disposed .sweat, sonietimes'purge, as the patient. may To make Us , teaching effectual, he calipn he pursues tin- p;\th of industry get bur huiidaTout of tlii-ir.-'cl.iili-hes. It corn look so.yfllow?"' ning God created, tin; Heavens and tho. Engineer W. & P. R. H. to call upon him. Ills TABLE shall io_fur- seem to require— and rectitude,.he compltites~&nc Ktagc was' huiiiiliating to hunuiirity to sco ' Why you fool!" naid 'the lad, "it earth, and the earth was without form B35-tf. uisticd with tiio best this market can afford— Non naitrnni inter vo» tHiilns eomponerc litcs. should himself set the example by 'diliand honpnibly. thyjio.. ravtiiipus. poor.wrelchcti te.ariiig w_as.yt'lfow eifti\ vi<* plHnted." and void, andjlnrktteM was- upon tho . Ills U.Ml is, and shall continue to. be, blciitl- '•• Who can deciils w.lJeli Boetrsrt disagree > gent application in hi» pursuits nnd a nvcn ul cl.a- their loud \\itli their lillhy lin^i-i-:,; aiune ' The -traveller whirled and drov« <ni-.' faro -of-the <ie«"p''-! ~ . . . . . . . place fiilly supplied with the -best. Liquors. - T h e Hut n» our iiianim ti« been,' Bring -all thing* constant^ attention- to his business!.— lie jsciber has just burnt, opposite . ; • I Una-Mr, iioiiaiuy took toox 'part parv in ILo 6TABUNG {which > extensive) 1» unacrgo- to the test,'and bold fast that w.hirli is goud,' Having, thus, always before, his eyes, racter '.as himself a in-aii of character. of thcir..noils were so long as.to rcsrm[Ferry,a kilo of first-rate LIME, .aogrepairs, and. will,.-inaTew days, be in good we • ha»» tried in our own huuscbold and the Hvmg"pfoof of .1he -good etl'ccts c4' He 'comes out into the .world, with I he hlc.'ihe talon* of 4mvk>i.. Aiu-1 i-an'.-.uch Dr/rrrffinj?.—-TItcrciVnot ab*tterr.XT '.pcribrmances at th« fcsrtyaf «f (W I i so Id on re asonable terms. iinlcr, mid.atU-nilcd-by a careful Ostler, llii amongst our -friends .hud neighbors, with Inn t'ite.r I?boys leconunendution. .»n'd fnvor of bin uld be the condition of ."man, so noble in pjanation of a word in the Aviiule^offHu-wajionc of the king's^ cchorister LEV! WELSH. frleiida and tho p.ililic may rest, assured .that great pleasure 'and success, the Hygeian sys- what is held up as worthy of. hia atten- master-— thc'good wbliea of his ftierjds— rca.,oii. MI i n f i n i t e , in I'ac.illtieN, in form li.-eti de—' ^Jolinnon's Dictionary than'the follow- at that tlino, and hU nfo has been every exertion will be used to give general sa- sem, sometlnfes called • Morisoniaua,' or 'the tion, it will aigue a radical defect in . inn!iiin |,o express 11 iid rjg: . I voted to tho- profession of tnuajc. .Hq tiifuction, .*-•' ... ' \, • • Moriso.n Fills.' .Such have been.ouj- fe^pe- Ilis disposition, if the .pupil dqcs not at the hopes of his family: and it' in his and » r : i . _ , . , _ .._':..! ll._ -Tjf H'M~m.n/ff.s a •:f!entlrmn*t-''riA* qu««T^»«bW»tna»i^>t^»igo-<JMtt8^«r. In ....-- tie taitys this bccjiiioh (o UnJ«r hUlilocara ricnce and observation nf th» innuqenru, loast' attempt . to imitate thu muster, own fault, . jiiUfrwardir if '" Tie doVs not Vain hoa -I! JJK paint the faculties of this maintain that- 'standing \\ hie.h he has "paraKoi) or aniiiiaTs" iti llho i dungeons Uon'ia olieh answered in a variety; of] the doing of this part ho was evidently. thanks Tor"tbi liberal encouragotii'ent which mildness, and .efficacy of this composition, in what is so easy to acquire, rer Jr WUyrtte '- ho received whllo he kept si public house'in thirl from the mp^t disinteresled'p'rihoiples of '.'f. tlmve de»ciibod; and wjien you have ways. Tiro stud, the wardrobe, the | oinbiirnusod,' His situation was pccU« jpared to receive and will forBat there are olherthings that should thus acquired. . . StniUifield, and Trusts that through renewed benevolence we must recommend them to the • VVe have spoken of the mppriety of j studied the institutions'o| the 'I'mk. Vit bijouterie, the table, or. the bank ac- liar. He wau the fin>f that appeared in wltb promptitude, either to tb* be attended to in the management .of oxertious, attention to business, l»w charges, afflicted who have tried many things in-vain, 1 "10 Cailal, or to Baltimore by tba and, n strong desire to please, a liberal sharo So many obdurate diseases of the stomach an apprentice. It would 1m. but a iiiRtillingliigh arid honorable principle* ilouii, if{ you'can,, with ur| exalted opin- count of, an individual, arp-ia Ihcir u solo before this,imposing assembly, on into the mindiof boys learning trades. ion of human nature! turn i-.in • irle i ed by the marry, as the in - an orriislon, whicli, hcrutofdre, has ocof public patronage will bo extended towards and bowels and of tho wtiolu system have small point gained, indeed, if we -one: thing vvjhicti There was-one: id I could dicutionti of a geifllejtriQp. The follow- c i i n e i l but once in an age; and leadiji him to his new situation. ' , been relieved, or perfectly .cured by them, should succeed uloiic in making him Nor do we now nanow or contract the . —~^f. ^ --SAMUEL STONE. that they are worthy of trial, especially in it to b ^:l.UIt;;..liie. . J l ilK*»i~~ August W, 1833, all those bates 'hi wnich other rein«die« have pl«tt»ed •witli-useful work* - Coimoctud n i pf i{ui clittra'ctcf w;a(i the. .riapcr.i:r~iUa._lfl£. N.;B.—Boarders taken by the week, month, failed. : Being a vegetabto'cbYnpbsntbB. they with this, h«' lihnnld b« Kurly Inujjlit- ti» country, .the 'industrious merlmiiic is !! se|-\e<l t'ven in- insnnily- 1'Pile man true defuiiliqii of a gcntl<*inan it in nut byj in good voice. " Thfre wcr» 1110 •intry Produce or jcur, on reasonable terms. , S. S. are> perfectly innocent, which is saying a be frugal, careful,.honest and attentive. lino that would be----in- , ral •consitlnralitJiis, wbieh rendered it > them for either place, and will, - ' spat meant to. ( great deal iii this guilty age; and being a very While he studies his master's interests, as honored mid a.:, w o r t h y of honor'as who bcffgcd'ine to .give himn bread, d. make sale of the tame. 'iijj.' Bifot>ther, yidioui between hijtli aud low, rank next to iinpoiisiibln that he .-Ji'mlil Iii; Farmer*' Warehouse.' happy combination, they cap injure no eon- and benefits him in' these • particulars, the professional man. Upon him, tie* upon nje when ' lie -got •itS: 1)8 of MerehanU and otbar* ee» . HE subscribers nurooto entatint In stitutiori when JU-VeU nccorrfiny to the printed InrrHaying the foundation of his own I en48t as one of the largest' clans MI all I y',t^ ihb eagcrnesa of famine, abihiinlhatinn, 'j-iebca and povrrly. iyi'i-rt'ly Kelj"-p.o8»diiKfdf."- lie could not icr market will r*wlT* «wv«*t« directions. l.DIToll ^ usincHs communities, the ta»fc, main( i,, azo» from eating it— Tuiijigry'iw' lie The distinction in in Me/m'/ir/. \Vh,)-| leave out of night tho jiurt ho to6k in . 8 tt t >ve character—he in strengthening all hi*' n BV8ZVZBU<~ » '•I'SDthe spacious Val•• ' ' band ' ' '•» larga ' <j«- The subscribers having been appoint ly, pf protecting, and- preserving the was, he|.'preferred |nave-eonslanMy_" .ever is open, . gc-riflrous and true.; that very plact! ."ill yi-urs before;' it'was low. Warehouse, B. E. corner of South and ed sole agents for--vending the celebrated own correct principles—and cleansing institutions, of his country. There, i , of melon lie had jut.l ..received.at a' whoever i?of liunmnn and affable <!c- natural for him to tfiink, "where, shalll. LT and PLAaTBK. Piratt Streets, BaUimers.and a fire-proof ware- llygtian .(/nil trial In the Slate of his disposition from- many of the vices no barrier to his access to the christiati's head, ratii,er thati satisfy his ineanor; whoever isjionoruble in him- liu'fMljoaw to epmer" Ho fuultare<l; house on Commerce, street, each on thtrtrcck Virginia,, beg leave to notify the public, that and follies too often found in youth.—' 5.— tf. stomach. He i-oncealed" h i - i M-If. and canilid in his judgment of I wns atraid In- would ulo)>. TIlC- au'iliof the Hall Road, where they are prepared the genuine Medicines can 'only bo procured The relation between master and ap- stations, .I.Iu can compete and t _,,.. ...„., _-...-_ ... ... '"Mf*1*" consignments of. directly front them, pr sub-agents duly au- prentice is a very intimate one. A fully compete with any opponent.— missile for nearly a. quarter pf an hour; oihei.-i, and requires - no law but In i i.'iiri- syinpailii/tiil V^ith him, and lie, *Vr«in, fl'ool, JT>r«- thorised by them, aud that as a further secu- good mauler will treat and act towards JUc can strive fur, • and win too, tin- till I was opposite hi i windo'w; -ho then word to make and fulfil an cngagcmerit. notwithstanding acquitted bjnisolf welfe ..- 1 AKSNUpD¥-Ul!l-»4L"flt' rity against counterfeits, i«» auktl of the w r e a t h with which M'icncr anil lite;;-,-. thrust liis naked arm through tho bars, hiii h a man is a guiitleinan, and such a •In his nib»e<|ueitt | , . u l , lie had mure bsr, about the Jisl of July. a» Aniline medicines 1s signed O. Henderson b an apprentice as a father towards a son, Mtray MABE-, sb. J* »b»u» « upon* which t h r y will make liberal advances Son, Stale agents for Virginia, and also, by or a guardian in behalf of h:s ward,— turc and lepcing ndorn the nuine.i of unrl took <Tt'lirberatjo wm at me.. In man may DQ fotiutl otiiong the tiller* of nerve, and vvu.-; linn. ..years old—bright bay co\or, Vhen required, - • '. th» i.ib-ugeiit for the respective. Ion li , Thp gratitude of tin- hiltri for protec- i heir yotoxics. \VJiy, tticn, should not <pite_,of mv-eiftrealies, he jfot the cour- the eartf|." "orehead, white hind ftet. and aTheir gener*! acquaintance with shipping • ypun^ m . - r l u u i i i , 'puViiuing tho h',i h 11 'tnnl his uncovered slmnldei a.r— county where it may be offered for sale. nds high-appraised to the SUB, of tion and kindness will beget favor and the It in t,iid the vpung tiut-un of 1'ortj^ merchants and manufacturers, end 'their loIIIMM-I,.;;J tenor of his way, learn in his Hut there 'was oi\a t>ld man w h» moVed D. HENDKKSON -fc SON.. IMUid BtUtt ! Tha owner is requested to com atTcction in the former; His senso of cation being In the immediate vicinity where gul pcrtinacioualy intuU Frederlcksbqrg, NOT. S, 1834, • workshop to pl.u-e a proper .value upon not when the food v. ai .listiiliulintr, and rots property, pay, rhargei, ana yi-isrl* ukc in cargoes, will enable them to jnstici:. iint) thv. lion.untile principles inSIMPLE R»MKUV-—-Mr. Clianilij r.-^ Ne.iinuir. l'"i- a, ttt'iicl advantageous- sail* and mako speedy ' N . D. Persona, wishing IA obtsln tbe ngcii- culcated by* u judicious muster ought hill character) and alt those, principles an I loffkcd iri|6 "hi» celj, detililtitu of The public will li'i indebted to you, is naturally averse W WILTSHIRE. c> for. the i.alo of. the above Medicine for ' '' JOHN every'thiiifr, wilh n. ithrr utraw nor rug, which, combine.!, constitute, that cha-, tlcturos. |183.').—31. W.-'Ii: BEATTVt C(J&" any town or county in the State, will yleaie ever io induce the loy! to act, itj all ractcr ? Why should he yield to others I could barely distinguish an emaciated 1,'lmuld yi'Mi he |ilru-.. <l to ^'ive, notolicty liunco with' this haudaome and Dallimohe, July.S3, 1835.- -3ni. . ' , adoreis (pott'paldVto D. llciidersori It. Sou, that concerns lili matitcr s intcrcHts ay in curly forming his mind alter thv form lying <>u the bare earth) with hardly to the fart, thut L'uffet made strong and admired youth, »s it would Uk> tVederlrktbUff. D. II. * B, he would in all' that would concern _ as possible without any. addition the inlluenee of Loui! i.ii.di-l-,.- lie has i l l u - . t i i m i n-rug upon hi-, body. • lie could not 'clear OaUSHCP, TgltajLT, *T Authorised Agents are of sugar or milk.Si. an excellent remedy lippo 'his father's interest*. He should ncv- bi-i-JitV-.-il Mr. Jarob Senseney, II Vnc^ulrr, lie (town altogether, for he was chained eiamph-s of what -can be accumplith(ieorfa II OXJLARS ft F11"1'V O TS er,wrong him hirrisulf, nor suflvr others ed by talents «iid \ i i t n e - llr known hy the neck to the window; he was against the vomiting peculiar Io Cholera Prorrtu of fitemj, —A*leam'en J'Ktt JIMfUM. J. C. Hw.n. ,l>€lertlnirg. towrohghiin. He^ should jQevcr waste that Jtpgcr Sherman was u shoemaker's \\orn "I» it kkvlcton; and whether it Morbus and Cholera InfantumC For •of 1-J hor»e power-has been s«nt o |l t Mtsirs. Wilson It Anderson, Jf»rH>ul»rg, tl. Hall, A Aalf yearly i but'Tw» lP«>*» * or destroy his property nor allow it. to jp|ii'-iiti( i ; that Nathjuiiel.Greene w a , wad the picsmic of the chain that im- i>,ii adult tlii- oiiaiitiiy tu be gfiveii is a Van Dieman's Land, tabe placuil in " Ab'm 8. IthodM fc Co., MMliUUH, rived as payment In full, "Hr*"* tabl«siHH>it full, mill to an inluiit tt tt'«In- neglected to hit injury... If ha wilt;<-o. I*. Kiiiiift", FaimiUe. ' Mr. Uuorje llumpbreyil, CAarl«i<*im. 'advance. Whenever nmymerit ur "' ulacksmith'i iaiipreuticcr"iha*" Ark- peded i i - |>ir.itinii, or not,' I cannot ,tqiooji full every ten minute*. Tho Umnt k K. lh . C/Mrhlten'll'r. lingly or wantonly goes that against a'wrighl jond the expiratioq or the J«» ' WM a barber's apprentice'; that -ay. but l)is stcoiurkMt*breathing reJ,. tut II. llrrralnriifn''* Stauitlun. u hirii ho is here caulioneil, lie com- Rit'.enhouM! was a. watchniake.r's ap- • (iinhled that of a person ill the last writer of thin communication hw, with.. •Woticr. 1 be charged. Ili-nry I*. W«rt, H i n c t l f . a few •days past witnessed its el'litui-v • Ifc thut can f hartn a whulu i <• mits an otfeiice which, r \ c n if not de- prcuticc; that Franklin witu a printers convulsions; l.l. persons having claims against the rtptlofts fpr sU months, fl »5, to John T. Coo on inquiry I found in \ ««lttte of the let* Capt. Jacob llaynes, in tease of inveterate vomiting wbicli ny by ninj<in^, and at the ago of thirty tected now, will carry its own"puninh- apprentice. ^ And with tin <• tnen in this wretchedmid Wm. l rlably <« s4r«nci. •• creature to bit really ara rcipriud to present, them, properly auIt. in.-iit with it hereafter, in the habit his recollection, and the remembrance /Ijins;.' .The srnull after having resisted a variety of usual- has no cuu»t; to regret w> d»njtroii» » r ADVERTI8INO. of. (he apartment ly effective means, It l». Suunilcr*. Ueallealcd, to lhd-suli««riucr, and all perwhich Inwill.lmvc acquir'.-d. and thu Lpf advertising, are or a squsw W. yielded inntsntlv Io gifl, is u. very extraordinary, and, I Wwai tt Utllctoii. . if what they did for tin inselves •''"'I w a - . Imrriblo. I had some dilliculty : to son* Indebted are ootiOn I that payroehtmtisl may (KM, a%ery fortunate man. Tor three insertions— larfsr Pf<« useless waste ofhiiown earnings. To 8hlrl.lt It UUoo. Mem. t« ms'o without delay. T keeper ta take on his one tablesnonn full of strong clear, ('oftheir country, ho need not suflcr' his prevail on the ... I '••' • K, proportion. Back e«itJ»u«B«« J.i. W, !••) nc, It'amnlonr contribute-to the formation of u lineal, fee. JACOI HAYNE3, in tlioM-| |, i . | ( a M ; i \ i - r>me piwtrM t» buy Juiaai M. NalU, Ctdftftr Co. ambjli'-'ii to careful and honest disjiosition, llicic i.n 8»pt.S, IBM -« T V'm. T. JHM«, LanctMtr louM" Inrtbs'manu i>ot ortl#r«ai %» -—'. IS" i will be continued until forW. jgjjggjjjjjjjg^ggggfgi^ at*aajli|ssj|| e*J»al MI »_-jjj|ia.tesii.ai.ij..^.,|,a^gat^tM.a... -; TV -.--—-.•- perhaps, to'boTrlTsolmeJabori-Wt-w den's st«»>here she is prepared to execute, - A « " •' • • --,-.J*-: I j .J »T__ jcr ' 1 tronstio*. chute/and then I was dashed through tho air to a level on tho opposite side; thnsxtascriblngan arc of nnarly a semithe Trenton at ' Bbnton, letter* circle, the rndiiH of which was about 50 foci; nnd nt the name time I and my* „, inz of -July 23 were whirling with sickening veloThe debate in tfftf House of Com- car city. Jn tins situation 1 succeedmons on thetrish Church 'question was ed hi While dashlng'ovefboardi.«ll my bags of rioted lit half pas^ three-, on the night of the 23d, and Mr. Peel's amendment Imllant, Tvhitsh weighed about HO lb«. In four miiiutc.s I descended about a was lost by a majority of 37, yeas 253, reached the region of dense •ifttlfllS.Jtfr. Jackson JUM! Lord JU«ftL mile, jnd At thin trine I untied llulev sttdko In .favor of (lie amendment, nor .end of my cable' and held it irt my1 and Mn Ward? Mn Shield, Mr.OCon. ImiuU, threw aver my anchor and nl, my ^iicll, Lord Morpoth, and Ixiftl John Hu«olJ against it. Lord John Husu-H lovvcd it to s\f ine at the ftill length bl it was thrown nl "d in reply to a question put to him, the rop«i (100 fottr) nbovo thc FROM ENGLAND. tkt Ktkmeni BRRR/.R IN niCIIMOND. T)n Saturday, Judge 'Clopton then holding a session of the Superior Court of Law for HBHrlwr county, wtaiirtplied to for i>.,Uerich warrant for the; Mfc'flt'of two or; father » alleged to be gamblers fcssion (of (of great wealth,) who.pruJ<J Cession vi'sil to.\l.cir relations In If onrico counS l¥l bad been gmUy.as alleged, of aif , , oflcncc. «(tt,,,rn J A A vn,,™ enormotis young ^n.ifll g*nt man by the name of Drown, who pi fcrrod the complaint, stated that tho dcr;"Pripr had married his aunt—-thii hc.harl appeared a few dtiys prevJou; Coltncilhavo made .an opprppriMion of :{io,000 dollar* "to meet any eiftrrgcn' m may arise." It was time, cy (which . thuik,, to to make a change in tho exwcj ccutivc hca6L of tho Territory, when subjected to the swaying*, of sticnibrilligcrcnt Councils." We hope that tluif-o, both in 'the. Stale and Territory,!''who arc so nnxiou* to precipitate ..waiters to extremity, of < ! > < ;»y. and «"< apparflnlly i ' ; reckless ' iofar ta* thci their patience bloodshed, wi " so far la* in .(!' Coili'li"; W **X$M J^ffi? ofjP' In. i r winch c»» Fa Hie taiy only bod the question. Tno people of Michigan are for going ahead, in every lhiis£.: They '«rt taking measure* by anticipation, for <m zinst a '.'STATE Government, as Bj the following, It ginia Gnxelteer has bc«n puWlshed s Wo have received tho "Oatettcer of Virgiftia," published by Mr. Joseph Martin, of CharlottesVillc. Il is neatly on plaintope .arid[good paper, *pd comprines O.W pages octavo. Ihn hasty examination wo. • ha^e g'ivn ih''' wojk MmmgsttliemotL valuable! , books which cotild bc,oflbrcd to a Yit1' giniari. Tho articles wo have rend lire tcncrally well prcparedi and consider, mg Ihe tliflh-nKiM"of t^itiidf'rfnkinjf,' Oie information embodied is as extensivp and particular as could reasonably Rit'cr anil Knnawhn Rail n and. bffTfipectcfi. •Th«T'publishcr certainly It is proposed in some ilf the Virginia deserves much at the hands of his fet" i ex- AtABAMA.—Thc news from Alabama I6avcs no doubt of the elcctipn of C,, C. (May, (lalo Representative in Congrass) to bo Governor of that Slate, Previous' to tho election, ho haddtclsrc d bin pfcfffCttcr. of Judge Whits- for the Presidency, UtotiBh rmtny of the friends of Judgo While voted Jfot his opponent as being more decidcdly-so. TilB Him(«vill6 .Advoicntfl imys! "We have every reason to believe", that * large 'maiority of the next legislature will bo. for While; and tho entire Con-. jjri'ssionnl 'ticket will l^ Of tlln ««nie political complexion." — Ball. Put.- • OHAH1JJ8TOWW. the- talim 'of tin maJ>, »n"tVftftrrws: If not dUrepir long nftcr HIP *pet1 VIADUCT 'AT 1IARPEHM FJUIT, -A inF»i»lpl«!* of -workmanship i« .nlimit In » ermim«!nf cd ai llarj»rrt-t"*tty. 'rrofmnli tab* rcp.eiTfd .,ta.a.fi.w jl»j« .fi.r^ lh«- m,. i i i<1 w1 1 1 1 ffpr)!,vl^ '.V ; t?« ,. l ! ; : . .*.'. ,'': '" • "• .U»»of . poiutmont to moelJ . are oblige-lo walli dfr that heh^idefj itnva, wl.lrh I', i In connpt-linii iimiition llt.it sontl ring, almost too In lofWr/'NOTl tructcil acroM'tlic Pptomic. It >•< to ml nn B»rti mibntsntlal plcru an<( two'aluitim-nS— tin whole to be erveted \>J the llnliim.,i, lnd Itntl Ronil Cb»|»trj, «B»T»t IU.,' nrnt on tllhi iNfo.'wIilrn Ti to bd'talWil \\f \\y> Virginia Company. Tlil» 'ttnicturp, when r<>m|ilcted,*IU.beregard***ith f : rut. It will tWrte two friiir woTEe'of • iitl Irorrovrment, and oomtwtj with boiiil* of tors bring-in, a hill on tho subject of pn.pasnoR btneath the cloud, I saw' nado base overtures to'his sister, fi tilhei in England at the next session. -)ji'i.\jv;i;;/ ••;•*• .,t...j.vi.-*.:^j >r>i.j. »^-»~ • •>'»*^itr«w» to tin- 1 Union. K-MSxS**^*** to it.'stiir iriuch has" Iron, two fiwlcpaideot sfewflSrOTT' ' 1SFi*i»v"> It was asserted, on Ute authority of the town of Athens a Illtlo to4hc South- , niece of'Pryor's wile,) * man-ion the commencement of the great; lino of pVrfcctioiis attach of our exchange, papers, .tliaA. .J7 .. ... . JJJR j^. [irnoff/ftnjl nonil Cornpahy mojr ttildrtx lho«o west of me. In five minutes more I ly of the name of Anderson-—" ^ letlcrs from Germany, that the NorthConvention was hi-ld nt AmflTCroW ern governments were preparing to" ac- reached thc eround with a pretty severe IH-M- had been urged with great (Michigan,) last week, at which Ste- wlych is (o connect Iho Ohio river and bors—an.. —,shock, sustaining no injury worth menicitation, backed by the offer of "Connuliio Jungam »tablll.'V-- .•• . J nekton ha* been I knowledge Don" Cartes ar. King of phen Thompson Mason wnajpm|m>too[ the Chesapeake Bay, through, the vol- have been expccteiT from an elforl. ol tioning. The whola balloon, or paraicy to a large amount, which was individual eiitcrprizci.^.^o^jincerely Wo_rofj5r_oiir nation, for farther parlieth Spain, and that Count Alanlia, thc • alletge. Our veij Tnyr&niTtrJtimcs tind-K-anaw>» rivers. for Governor. Perhaps his displocc: agent of tHc latter «t~Vicnria, had. al- chute. was instantly flat on the ground, e rted—that in -her husband' 6 and bit tiieji>t as acting- Governor" may some- The Charleston (Knntiwhsi) Banner, hope, therefore, that the small edition Ian, tyiVlr. Wcrer"* ftdvrrtfe«neirt,wfitcrr .,... Jnost daily inlcrcourso w'llh Prince a inass^ ribanrls: " A" tcW dark fa'ees ir's absence, Mrs. A. in tho powci rharge for m'bro I what cool the anlor of his friends? iri su«rge.8ti, that a Convention o,f tho -citi- which has bnon prinlod—scarrcly sufli- will be found in another colnnvn. (negroes) npivearcd nl a short distance 'ryor, and alarmed'' by ih|s violeni Mt'ltrrnich to seUlo the terms. It was the itcttral state of IhingSr whori lh*£ itvn« ..«bould be,hcld,, fl.l Bpnii suilablb cicn] lo dcpray expensos-r-wiU he taken ' '/'-' t«thePi»t Oflirii i trom me, with outstretched , hands, had ,eemin.g!y —,,, .i/..; supposed tlr.it thu defeat of Don Carlos come to learn that .fact,' air thcY have point bi-lwrrn Hichmoiid and Lynch-. up speedily by 'S |t'n«rour•*""'in hiaiittetnpt toget possession of Bil- screaming, frightened to death al the mated that a future time would [Staunton liur" and adds : • > TlitTP nro but two part|es In thhWunlry-* • learned it by this time.—-Bait. JrnfV huge machine that came whirling over nor* propitious for hispurposes—tfrat WaililnBioh, '\V bos., would operate .unfavorably forhis -•Let ..Mr. Madison, the:most suitable Democrat!! nnd Federalist*. So says an emltheir heads, and still moic. frizlvt&aed iihad;yielded to the delay (tak wiih to knock off | of opinion iTlie' foflowlftj? interact!) abroad. .'• person now remaining among us, '-be DAVY CROCKETT. nrnt gentleman ot the Jackson Party, 'for Vowevef, 'many liberties,) and swdarotnint, .10 M til rrd LONDON, Friday eve'ning, July SJ4th.— when they saw- mo spring out of it. .made by the late John Randolph, nfl«r hi* rebrought down iii his corriogc' to strike WF.AKI.F.Y COU.KTY, whose niimcroni excellences we have a high The spot on which I fell, was on thc _ he was never foiled In Kvhat ho ibnIt has been generally reported to-day Wa* the Crnrr turn from Russia, lie was well qualified to the first spado,'' and pronounce his blessTcnncxuff, .luffitxt 10, 1638. regard. ' The iupporters.fif -VaijJBuifen are all that tho West India loan is on the point farm of Thos. Ap Jones, Esq., in;Clarke dertook—that in lherinlcr|val,. she jjtn allowed the Colon ing on the good work. Let Chapman / <5o/er ^ compare the slaves of our own land with the of being negotiated, and also that it.is county, 15 miles in a south-east direc- carted what had oecurre'di to her 1 jiis- .closed my canvass, and tho result is Johnson , the steady and pbwol-fuPfrirnd • lower cliwei'Iri' othe'r' CountrtWJ tap be- him {•jpod Democrat* and HID residue are all FedcHe mint hare eo ^intended tu contract —for—tho -Whole, tion from "toxitfgtrift', ToiVr or ny<3 irrihss lalio", who armed • himself,- -and .w i'en. k'npwih'T, BtfV5"£6iVcliided to drop you of- thin improvement, through. fiviV«a'rtd••en,,for lumscU, tlio.^crfi.of HusMa mul Ihr rallnts. What part of the country T»"lft8"*lroftg ferlri;"' 'Or <JMlii south onh'eVVihclicsteT Toad,nwd oire Prjor again presented -.h m»olf . i red r uri'i nifty >iNiyi ii '^1 1 i twenty millions, at once. Jt is supposed aTTno" ttTinCrm you' wliarl hltd tO'TOrr^ pjod icporl and- tho'.- Ajax .wlu> bore its ne»erT null that in order to prevent the operation and a half miles from Comb's 1-Yrry on upon him, lodging many shot irj jhis tend against...! had Andrew Jnckton linking interest in triumph through the htdf-irtirrcd-laberers-of- Ktiglamt . though sbe be, »li* U gulllg of *r tu -the—Van— ~ fable fillinB off IniJ thc Pryors thc -eupon t. >shfrom pressing -with any undue weight the Kentucky river. Mr. Jones and openly franking documents,, and wri- last Legislature, address the multitude ' "f-pronounce fearlessly, that _ tho nurui j-ank.i. Her electoral vote* will probaImbcrillty which, i neighbor, came to me-, ed.armed into'Ihe house driving i its several of his slaves of Virginia and .the Carolinas ^ upon the money market, the instaland animate all to diligence and untirting letters into' my district. Ho even d their a-isistance in occupants before them, ste bhine a (jihtis of the country, < are the beat lawett class that I know in Wj stand, in solid column, for Van Btiren; jet, . ing effort, until Ihe whole shall bo comhad my mileage and pay as a member without any change bi her principles, sin) in high utiition, and I cacli other as to be spread over a period securing the females of the "Sttur *of ih*df the nafrne-of "JBrowi and' taking oTCojigress^dmwiV off, 'trwl- franked -ta j)l«le'd. . .Let ther«! bo. bonfires and. illu • thc .world., Thb Scotch arc. the only accoirofcjd to be. Democratic. Hubbard, of the IT. CLAYTON. jvosscssion of the house, and .splitting people that can .enter into.compctitiw ' u'ally In matters of two year*, before 'the; whole of -the. the west." initiations along the whole line, from* the district, when; it was published in Lexington, 'Aug. 25,1835. the 'furniture' from cellar .with them. - They (the.slaves) are bet U.'S. Senate, wn» a 'mrmbrr of th« HartfonJ payments arc completed. This rumor a newspaper. . His object wati to hold Richmond to the Ohio, and a This we understand t| have tcr clod, fed, and labor'fess than ah^ donTOritimi; ybt nk prinYiplej arw nemorratlr % lias caused some flatness in thc business ' jubilee, as if. at the birth of a new naout ' Ihe: idea to the. People that, 1 hall Trtigtetd Indctd!—John L. Cartlifac, tho amount of'tile complaint, 'other laboring, population in the worM because, forsooth, he support* the .''Powers' ttfat L"._ of the English market,' but prices have Thrr* W a fahli tion. •' : ' taken pay for the same mileage that lising youth about 17 years ol being ])Ublicly told, crca! d a More free from vice, more tractable be." -Tuney, 'Louis Mcl.arie; and Woofllrory and which ap Mr. Fitzgerald did, when- it is well . ,«. the,, and where the ^master docs his dut .are, we believe, all 'Federalists-, yet they are The Toulon journalsof "lhcl7Hi irist" Jiri-fl^'fty slharci'.tbrj.niiitrict. that Mr. lowing, to wit! thc vicinity of Port Republic, in this it was sai threatened arm'cff' trot-jinprofitiable^ A^~ .Ot^JS state 'that the diolcta had been evident-, county, , Fitzgerald charged pay for ._ thirteen was-killed on Saturday last, by ance, it was' thought ncrSs&ary t people thill fools and andTaii8tlCi"wa ly on this Decline there for Several days, Uiere bo but two hundred miles, and I Charged for one Ihe Norfolk Herald of thc ild Sepbut that they had received accounts of his own uncle, a Mr. Brown, of Albu- mon a posse to execute the wa: nil, bow ronics it that the Democratic States thousand. T h e • • » * _ , • • U.-mbcr. Whale oil may henceforth to bo rid of." eepting it. marle, who at times was subject to fits thc court, and those rapidly aJv; its having increased atJQrasse and Freof North Carolina, and Tennessee distent from staled that I ought to have charged but be enurricratcil among tho resources "arc you afraid to the spot of the out rige-, met Wo learn from Fauquicr •- "4OTpand-aa5-53»o^T(ol{oii- ouT"fin"b?!ttrd' m i• f m of our State, and n company bo. immcthat piebald moss who think thrinsrlvrs the _ . . Linn, "you „ 'h'the extreme. -The (ncIJeutjiT /Y.aA.that M^JHickerson. (AJm.) hM of b,ulk,s-at Nice,-in' consequence of. Tact '•Uifitlife'rn'UBt knoW',-cvcry wanTTroT «lVBM)*ra»j> -\Vluito.u-CalUuiju aud tiavlrit ___ err elected to-«h«,HoUsc4DllJelcg5!cs which the cprivicls" had be'en 'sent to as we have heard th.trm,Tire .briefly tjiesct Turnpike^on their way.Jlo the cjtyi'm with thoj district must ''distinguished 8trangcrsi"~sh6uJd any be ' State-nighllf'ineii'whu •Lion whii«.«' Brown was on. a visit at Mr. Carth'rac's a carria'ge ian'd four, 'wiui a traiellhtgr in the place bfTbomas MarshaUjdec'd., _Viljefrancho. At Toulon,' frqm being i r i o r e ' " " " know^ is untrue. "'. ' are si a¥%ndb~n'od"Uy "Ihetr colleagttes, three of and on tho day alluded to started out, carriage as a tender. 'Iflioy surr|ndcrr. . T h e truth is,,I dobolicvo ho is ilc'Very like a W/iale.'—WtT-have been, by a majority of ninety 'orjd'ovcr Mr. should become too itrong.und who would, in • accompanied py. the unfortunate young ed Ihcmsolvcs withoutfidifficulty|; and 'VValden, tin? Whig candidate. the Municipal Councillors have died r Htm* C., his father, and probably spme_one being escorted by wha't had grown a 'tenninetl. to-qxpond every dtlllar of the .waiting more than a-week for some, of their teal, 'disrobe Iho Voderal Govtnimcnt of .fromfatigue. ',. ' Treasury, or make "Van Bu'rbn'his'sail:* IhCf Baltimore editors to give us an ac; else, on a.hunlinp;excursion,—1!. bi'ln; troop, were carried before Judge-Clapeten iLsnj«mtrj tlgor? TIwiM men, .abhor • " From the French papers we learn ij count of the cnipture of a wliale^in the ccssor. . I; am determined* to lotthe 1 — over -'—-'J '-•'-to the OF -MoBS.TT-One of the genuine Federalism. Of cowrie, then, they .that the want of money is severely felt permitted, although, known to labor un- ton, and by him turned tipper waters of the Chesapeake, which world know tho moans that have -been Their Upu jhey . . . „ . woje exin the Carlistarmy. Thenost supplies der derangement, to carry his gun.— county magistracy, resorted to for thc purpose of defeating took place as j'at.b,ac.V^s_.the IStth of_Au- •greatest "dangers to be apprehended from are bemoeratVi yet where are'theyf • Do they fli-cim-ii rainii'tt)^ of cattle by the'French purveyors have After "taking their stands," as hunters amined before Messrs. John Shepperd, me. 1 had tb contend against the whole gust—but it appears they pay no alien™ the frequency:of mobs, arises from the "*th"em a not been paid for, and the troops are express it, and while they were waiting Jesse Sneed and Isaac a, Goddin, Jus- popularity of Andrew Jackson and tion to such imiill matto™, or perhaps fact, that people who (have much at li TazcwclL' Where is Tylei^ IVhere is Man. dead, appalling't still in want of provisions The in- for gumc, B. IcA his station, vfrcnt to tices of tho. Peace, upon the evidence Govcrnor.Carroll,and the whole strength tho imws has ,iu>t"yet reached them.— stake would rather trust; to a strong go- gum, and a score .of others, of Ihe re'al JclTerhabitants of Navarre are again under where the young man in question was of young Browiuand others, (Bfrs. An- of the Union Bank. I have been tol.d It-is certain, however, that a «.7«/fc was vernment that could protect- them and sonlan school, that mourn over the inroads uf tmirage. which standing, and without provocation " derson not present,) H|T. Danipl, Esq. their property, than encounter the the country. acting for -the. CointihonNvcalth, and by good men that the managers of that captured on thc day we have named on risk of losing all by the-reign of anar- Federal power—inroads of the very party who ticoofatitbai Walls' Island shoal (off the' mouth of Jank-ofTefed tttehtY-five dollars a yolo f 1 profess to be the Democracy? "Who can full to TtTiyvviitfl i ••• i i fc.jvili *my"fcB^t%ETa&f irsohs in.all dcspolaw, coming in 1 a lew moments before, at some gentler Esqrs.'for the prisoners, nn. have almost wholly disappeared. , ._ -•fr'ftf'jil'yHBftJ&tBjj^ old me: I expected to havo.a fair rtute: *&jt*>£B^y?fHi!?i}$£St man whom he very fortunately missed):* tb bail in the sum pf| $5(H)0%acli.^ a bul a name--a Rai standing armies, i.s the rabblet that "is, Party, Democracy . Gen* Mina arrived at Toulon from but' -vyhen the time came, and the polls Die lant number i thc class who make mobs and riots, catch the ignorant—a .favorite tcrin, "ail cnp; Moatpclier oh tho 17th ult'., his wound and continued bis blows until hu de- Either'(w.liich. is-not probablej unable opened, I found all Huntsman judges,-, states that he lu prived his victim of life; after which, to give the bail, or uiinkihglthe jail and the' natural course of things .when being completely healed. t.-indiun vulguif" It u In the mouth of thouand in nearly all cases, 11 mi turn an officers po'on. The'monster' was 68 feet iri woeju, "cut outl LOKDOK, July.25,—The French mi- taking a knife from his pocket, he seVer- more'secure for the present", they were to hold the election. In fact I.' am as- length, -and -yielded,- notwithstanding they get too strong, is for the rich - in sands who arp Ignorant of Its Import, and who,' -paponLflL^fedjiesday night ed.thu head (which was mangled shock- conducted thither.acr(ir(lingly,4iit! there" tonished that I came as neat boating Capt. PajrkerVlimited knowledge of the self defence to enlist a part of them If nskcd' to define its meaning, Would loot -a l^ ilie.cvi-. . menb," publi.i ( iB-^Jdejr^teJkeep_down the rest^ -The contain a telegraphic, despatch from ingly-and from which the brains had cd if Innocent, hinfas I 3ia-r~Meh that were 'out ol process of procuring-it^eighteen bar- alliance 'between""the very rich afia"lb7o~ thoiigtiiiey'.coulil creep down an illjpwjfejlo" said that locictj Bayonne, 21st. mst.,- which slates that been forced,) •''entirely .from tlis body* dcjricc— to be the County could vote f6r Mr. Huntsrels'of-oil,-fourteen of which were sent to hide their confusion. < >' and that the Don -Carlos -retired on. the !V7thvto Ar- Hp then killed a -dog belonging to the nnd punished if guilty. It w isrumor- man, and,at the same place-, when they to Frcdcrlcksburg ' and sold. What poor is much closer than people gener\Viv could give .ninny Jiiamplus .to illu.iti-.tlideceased, also cut ting otl'i/* h«ad... This ed 'onSaturday niglft, that having deally imagine. How could a handful ' jfcs«'_ hat been lot 1 the ignorance which presides, generally, otcr posiififl. the. amount 6f thoir (ail, .they, vwuld 'ofler-to- vote- for mo, - they were CouW.have brought this 'distinguished ••the refuscd-b,y tfcc. same judges. In fact,,! stranger^ to our \yalcrs"is ' a" 'rnystery ether, a coat .or cloak thrown, .over would be" discharge^ "without farther see' no hope. .The pcpple have al- to us-—^possibly'"Htf 'might havo been maintain their aristocratic ascendency, men who are"protciidin6'' great number •UM»LLLiLjIj'"'^^"^^i<i"mWii'fnii i 'r* ' v ; occasioned nol piec CO of part of the Avounded. The princ Jackson has fraiSed^Oads of __ ; .had butchered'his victims,, pliiced on tie '•• officers of • excitement. wouicTTh^yZ\b^;^^tGour»todln^' '«n^ am Globe to every Post .Oflicc in* this Disrmolc&taTion inies? ^We.do noTj-un" flic .samb risk arc' grossly ignoruiitpf tho'natuni of tl».|r'owu -flirthe cd.bleeding, dpad! that the*fpBncr iWW,,hUt the.JGth. . "bcrs-for it. • Now I w'SlT to. ask scssseBW^fesaaSsSi come, wl The illness of the President of thc youth, a few moments after the tragical but that the prisonei i shouldj be tiun, uttrm;it .to direct world a question, or the oldest man ictims annually on our shores. Chaniber-of .Peers, had prevented the occurrence, was colled tolook upon his coming to meet the clurgc or at all living; if they or he ever knew any will produce like effects. to give homilies on constitutional law. They about 15 feet I son. !|lis horrror and distress at the ' dischai *ed, in the events discharged, -it-i. -,..:. [Phtlad. Gas. conclusion of thc trial of the Lyons President to serve out his time, and have 'looked wondrous wise, unQ have deRICHMOND, SEPT.' $. sight cannot be 'described. It is stud daytime. 3 i,r 4 fvct b 1 priaoiiers, on Saturday.. The Abolitionists have proved to be It would-be- in< r.orous ! ,nd unjust then ict down -to open - electioneering dicular, and, »H JS'Vgro picked up at Sea.-rrA. letter re- scribed the path wMoh Democracy JBy>an extract • from the -Gazette de that Brown was most fondly devoted to 10 worst enemics-of-llKreolored-race, for his successor? The very paper ived in ~Boston froirrPorllarnlrsttttes -her notaries tn-ttead;'. Zaraof the 2d insl., it"appears"that the bis nephew,- and • has frequently, since, lo say a.word upon the. probable guilt franked by him, states .that Judge White y tlifir.ill-judj;ed interference. Every ceive flourUhing cu insurrection at Scutari had derived new the distressing: occurrence,., when rea- or, .innocence of tliese men. Publrc has. sold himself to the Bank,, and that vhere in the South, tho discipline has that a Guinea negro was picked up at . "But, like an index on tho road, strength from TBe~dcfeat of the~Pacha's son has been permitted to return, bro- opinion however,categorically demands there are no Jackson-\Vhite-mon; that ccomo more rigorous, and'the conli- sea, in the. gulf stream, .by the schoon - Thoy nerer we'hl lie Waj^ttwy ihowcdi" > \\Vsiiy we coutd give many iUustnlions^ but • troops in a sortie made on thc 13th ult. ken forth, in tears and lamentations the lhal,if guilty, they shall not be permitted all. must be JackBon-Van Huron-men. lence which a little while since was er Emelinc, at lion one that \ escape., through^ the length 'of their . . _ . . . one >liall suffice. "Qeorge Wolf, nil will admit, BRUSSELS, July 21.—The. escape of most violent for what, he has donetown Times. I have come to • the conclusion, when iniformly extended, .is rioW with-^ •*e—that if ten jbousand dollars bail totliat port. Hd was'ih a" small it a good Democrat, and ho ha (ten a goodl the St. Pelagic prisoners. was made Brown, of course, was immediately .eurtfcrenco i the People will! sanction, the" HKo" of nuvn. The citizens of St. Franc is- brought secured and is now iii confinement. bo not sufficient tb secure their pr«canoe, amf had left Cuba to escape Democrat from the time whereof ourmemo. known .by telegraph, several hours bc. [Rockingham Jftgitter'i'~ siiiice to meet their--trial,—tho bail be this, -we nave but little to hope for.— illo and Donaldsonvillc, in Louisiana, fr'fth slavery undcri a hanl master.* 'lie fortr the fact was notified to the public. ry runneth not to the contrary—•whirl), for to .tho stalk. nd'thuir vicinities,, have held nu-ntFdo believe Santa Ana's Kingdom will increased—and tl ut if innocent, they Congo in-AfriCa only A convvnienec1 sake, XTO will date Iwcl v« nmiitli i . The Belgian police had received orders for the purpose of instituting a Jiad beca.frdrh be.a paradise, compared with this, in a i.—We" "are pleased to find shall go foi111 unhi\rmc.d, uiul with, thc few years. The^TFeopIe"" are nearly tricler walchr throughout»-thcife.-*e«-- or 0 mont IIK; and was almost exhausted to lay, hands upon these persons, and Some of I buck. .Well, In July last, oiw.af 'these lighu to deliver them over to the French au- that the State of Tennessee has passed rcgrcU);flf.,'all that hey havo been sub- ready to take the yoke of Bondage and >ective parishes. • The slaves are not when 'fallen m wifTfB Iho schnr/Gen; of Peiinsyirtnia, a Somerset paper, said that it jccted to the inconvenience and the thorities. No such orders have been an«ct to encourage tho emigration of say "Amen! Jackson done it—it is all iow allowed ;to leave the plantations' Fcssenden has taken him into his faini- could not lupport George Wolf for Covcrnor, isalt~ great tele issued to the police here, and the go- free persons of colbur to the Country injury. - If inrioci tit, they have -noth- right I" vithout an express permit, and patrolcs tin' kppcoran , itcfuuw h'u praeUces were "alt deeply tainti-J vernment is resolved that Belgium shall of their Fatherj,.' where they^may. en- ing to fuar, for no people ever curbed ~ I have spoken what I thought, re- re establishcdr to be in conslanl rca. Bonfire /—^The incendiary 'publi- with Federalism." In August, lets tli:m a nol be converted into a harbor where joy all tho blessings, of a free Govern- their indignation more completely, or gardless of consequences, and have liness. Persons exempt from military aJTord tulDcii thoso accused of .slate- crimes in .France, ment, in preference of remaining here, manifested more regard for .the supre- submitted to my (ate without a mur- ervicc »»•« requested. to keep, in good cations remaining in the Jlichmond month after, the same paper determined to nup. 1* North of or aby other country, may find-refuge. where they must always lie'Ttjhsldered macy of thc law, than: did the People of mur, and rejoice that I live in a dis- order t' <r arms and accoutrements; Post Office, were on Saturday taken port this man, In order to aid in securing "(ho *crtex of iui i an inferior and degraded 'class.' .Ten- Richmond on Saturday. If innocent, tricl that has so near a majority of free- nd all i ..-j/ieious Btrangera arc- to 1m. out and publicly burned in the. main n.h of Jhe Denicriitlc Party." _ The foU ; nessee baa done this, by simply provi- they will not win.h -to -depart until that men in it. From tho best information slrect, under-lhe Supcrin.tendenc.c..x>f lirwtagire the articles: ' '"th'oiie two i expelled, Preachers ore forbidden .to ding that ten dollars be paid to .the A; innocence be' avouchud to the world.— I can get, I will be beaten,\ few votes the' Post Office Committee. It is prpb- July 17.—ln our SU'.Ui aQa!nW*e cannot relyj AN AWFUL SUSPENSE. '^wlll rem^mb mei-jcan Colonization Sopibty, or any II guilty, it .is -not their 'wealth that over two hundred, in near ten thousand >n;uch to slaves, and any whilem'an ublu we'.think .that the Abolitionists- 'upon Qitrgt K'o// to pursue thU. •dtllniblof 'a Stranger) found in 'anynegro quar"mialmfaUuimi"tK€rt,myimaarymtn!" other, for every free person of colour should purchase their impunity, (restore genuine democratic principle*) procure a U-li votes.'""lam yoUrs,'"<Scc, ' ' " , Mr. CLMITON, th'c • indcfuligablc aeronaut, crs, or conversing with slaves on the will surcease their labor of love in couno, (brita -practices', are all ugalost it—all which ; they shall remove from'that '. «laj..«P *Ti*h I " _,_ DAVIUICRQCKETT. road, will be, considered as a vagabond, sending those publications tb Southern tuinit d \cilh ft Jiraliim._ ^ made a beautiful asecnaion at Lexbgton, Ken,, State to a Colony in Africa provided From iHt ttlclimonil WTWg tf SifitaAir I. Pcople.-^/?i'cA.. W-Mg. in;;, anil then i P. S. Correct errors, and-, publish and treated 'accordingly. on tho 91tt ult. It was near proving fatal to for their reception. We * snail be • The 'Pryors were yeslerday admitted ,7uf . .19. —Thi question now preMnta ilwIC, ' this letter; and' I take the responsibility. These we afew.j}f the . 1 hliall we continue tu »upport Mr. Mubl«nbcri;, . -his life. Ho went .up ut & o'clock in the eve- glad to hear that all- the . Southern lo-'bail by. the Examining Court of [The good Colonel is so indignant at he "philanthropists" have .brought to —f/»r/'«//'ui/ii a<io«.—It isunmmnced and thereby imlirei tly astiit in the eletiitiun.of U hiouelf, ning; his desccqt b - narrated as follows by States follow thc example thus set Henrico Countyr-thc father in in the Baltimore Farmer and Gardener, Ju<%i-|ih Kiliii-r? or thalf wo abandon luht utiJ he arts by which his defeat -lias been he liitherto contented and happy slaves. great cuflojiltl the son in $4,500. .".The prisoners them; but as it is estimated -that evecflbctod, that he is 'not .sparing of his Well iniplit they exclaim, iii the lan- that the-proprictors of that paper have by going Tor Ueo. Wolf, aid to secure the in- 1 ,At 518 minutes Jifler 5, when at an ry adult emigrant carried''to Liberia, expect lo give lh«: hail Ihw daV at 1 1 rebuke of those who sit in high places. ;uage: of .the poor Peruvians, • when now in the press, a SILK MANUAL, de- urnpb of the df «oer«li'c purfy? including his muiiitcnuucu .for ,«i^ picjack.— Messrs. 11, T, Daniel, Scott ' ^ ^ Tliii b a fair specimen of the iiitelligoncr, I signed for the use of those (now we ; We have vftitured4i>d6ed-4o soften his 1 ..bloody^ ^Pizarro, .proffcrfld. that the gas .-had completely filled the months ui the, QoU>nyL costs eixty dol- and Mayo appeared for the 'Commo ri- janguage in one or two passages, whero. ho triiiit a'rn^n>erQus.:clM«.-ftlld . d^stinad riendihip: "We want cellctitri • balloon, and that tho neck had become lars,' it would seem proper that the wiValth; Messrs. C. Robinson and Car- it was rather too 'ienergftlie\~~fMr.'tke (specially such changnfas' you wou 4o-becem«~ i D « l : t o ; ^^or entangled between the cords by which State of which such emigrant formed ter for °tiie prisoner*. The-- evidence main fact staled by the Colonel is con- >nhg us! -[ Compiler. tum their .at^htion to the culture of „„ „ aududvicu, u| I was suspended, preventing tho sur- a part might sustain a laiger "portion was .full and decisive, we- understand. firmed by publications in various Teni.illc. '.''his useful and well timed work limy" Iw plus gas from escaping, and confining than one-ninth of this expense. In will, we understand, .comprise all nc- . tf' for furtlxr proofs »? UK Pn»ldeur? innessee papers, and has indeed been adENGLAND. " the valve .cord,' so that I could not open the year 1833, Virginia, passed an act .ggsmyjnfojjgatigtt in .regard to' the terference in elections, ae« Crockett's li tl«. ' allowing, 'we t bclwfvey twenty-eight Our readers arc aware that President President of the United States has used " Tlio following remarkable paragraph bj difTcrent departmenis connecicu^jffhh~ and die remark* of Ihe National lnt«Hij{c!ic<r the valve. . . ' •'.• • I immediately busied myself in libe- dollars for the removal of each frt'e Jackson has iiiiperseded'S. T. Mason, his. frank, for tho circulation', in the 'rom u 1'urii paper: the. culture of silk—from, the sowing The English ball which struck /u- of tho mnlberrv seedi to the manufac- The Qlobe7 it U true, wtu-iupU to justify uV Hhodebk rating the valve cord, and while in the emigrant from that State tb Liberia; in his ollicc of Secretary and Acting late canvass numbers of the Globo'in act of doing this, the neck and cord were but the act -provided that • the emigrant Governor of Michigan—by the appoint- tho State of Tennessee. To this offccl malcarrcguy, whom the Spanish balls ture of the silk twist. Such u work act; but-It U an awkward attempt. Tho matched with violence from me, the should have been -free at the time the ment to that office of Judge Shulc-r, of w« find, very direct and positive uvor- spared, discovers the fatal hand which cannot-fail to be highly acceptable '" Globe lutumet llr.it all Uie eitUen* of the t' , again*! I upper portion of the balloon bunt with law pasted: The consequence bar PitUburg, Pa. Tim change was made ments in an arlirl,<l in the Nashville is tli4i secret cause of all the. "revolu- (ho public at this lime; and we trust titate* are lien. Jackson's vuiwtiluvnt i, acel a trcmendbus noise, and t and the whole been, that few claims have been made for reasons which ore set forth *t length Republican, of the 16th inst., from tions. ' It ijthis hand which displayed that thc cnterprizc which was directed tin- li argue* that Ift has • light to frank to Uwui fabric fell two or "three hundred feet, on the 'Treasury. Good policy, it in the. Globe, and have'been alluded to which we extract the following: "It i itself on the first day of the crisis of to its production", will meet i. prompt H Ii.ii he pleate*. The fotuuit* <>f_a i inlit i«onc thingi a thamelbM, partUan, eloctlooeci- • with the velocity of a stone. The rapid would seem, to make the provision ef- in this paper. The President had, re- a fact susceptible of proof, if denied—t July, by striking Iho spark which kind- and ubiindunt revvard.—Ball. Pat. descent was tho n .a' little checked; and fective,' would " extend it to all emi- coii)meuded a pacific and conciliatory fact within the knowledge of the Peo- led civil war in the bosom of the capiiug'Vxc'rcht of Umt'.tighi, il another aud»tc. » ' . ^ _ ^ piilit'y to Mr. Mason>ju tho best under ple iif a whole State—that numerous— tal. 'The genius of Great Britain hai \A Jiiiwliiiul fiii- an- Gliver..^-\ rncct- ry iliiUTi.ui,iiK.tt.-r. now the, most' critical moment of ray granls.—JVo/i'Int. " , • . A T . HUN| life- was at hand—a moment , that reall circumstances, and as in no wise not a, few only—that hundreds, we bo fanned Iho flame of disdord in the first ing'of the citizens of St. Mary'sCoImtho L' BOOTH THE quired calmness, presence of mind' add irrrpairinfj the rights of Michigan," tu lieye that wo- might lately add Mou revolution, and sustained the dettruc- ty, Maryland, having requested Ihe We und»r«tand that thc offiters of the Abo fl at Cinciar following Jetter from the eccon- the Territory in question, until the »anJ», of (ilobes, containing tho foules tivi: party which oyerthtcw the monar- Icthodiit Kiuscopal Church in that litioii' Koriciy, h»v« published asUVsmenl, do- " activity, for ah awful scene presented tho Kurmc itself. - The lower part of the balloon, tric'tragediun Booth; ha^ been hai.ulrd inettting tif Congress,, w hen tho vexed slariders~againB.t Judge White and hi chy, uiul covered Franco with ruins. county to "d'ucontinuo holding Cam nylll^ tint IM hirendlary; publlcaUuiK, whi'th upoii real i by the violent reiUtanCe of the atmos- to the Editor of tho New Orleans A- question in regard to the boundaries of leading friends, have been circulate^ England it-was-that- originated thc Int-d by mi>(] in', the county during the pri-J bavw cauied the dUlurbauoei at the Bouth, phere,' in descending;' had been pressed 'riierican, by Mr. Caldwell, for publi. this Territory co.uld be finally deter- in this State, .under the President' fernal Machine to explode in the mosl sent excitement" in relation _lo tho col- were biucd by them. T, IK y say that Uie 1.1 •;• • so drawn against the surface of the net work, and cation: * inincil. hv that body. This wholesome frank/' Not only, we believe, hi populous part Of 1'uri*. At all periods, ored population, Ihe Committcw then ly ..l.j. • tiunable pttliltcaliulik wvre mutt |>i-'.• merw lena (M'D.) all countries, whatever party govern making arrangements for holding a •formed into a parachute of about twenadvirv Mr. Secretary Mason thought such' -a} tiling, never been done by an; .h not mad •Uy publniiud i,-Undr*tiii':l); tlml'lli. irv i' My Dear Sir :— Your Uturs I have proiicr to disregard; uin) .he declared former President, .but never . has an in London, we are sure to find in the Camp Mi-otingv-iinmrdiajuly met and; ty-five foot . in diameter, but through pleasure i genuineon««, kf»-«rt«up«ri»tiirelj iunoccnl, lu the centre of this imperfect parachute received • but would not reply to for such in be his intention, in. his Mes- thing like it been done by any PresJ English spirit the principle of every unaiumously resolved to accude 'to this tcr ,lhe calamity. That peace may be restored request, concurring ift opinion that all Wt.ll, It may be so,' |eoUemen; bul, «.-'»»'•'• and ex I could behold the naked valve, toe reasons I wish the public to know- sage to the LegUlati ve Council of Mich- ilcat, or by his procurement. to the world it. is necessary -that this inpular aiseinblies are at this time ratlmr have none uf your- M«(WIU, Uuwcf'j small meshes of the net, and a great viz: a certain Law has been sanctioned igan. That body, too, follows the belgranted i IJfat. Int. evil-disposed state should be deprived lighty"improper," andconcluding with portion of.lhe silk on each side, which by the -Populace t of New—Orleans 'to hgerent lead of, their Quixotio Secreinonied lit of tho power of doing harm ; but tliVi a resolution that, tiie citiceus aforesaid tunned tho risiating surface, hung in detriment the interest of Gamblers, in tary, and both of them deny the pow"Tiuic.o Dkliao*, 11 iloua fun utr 1 " FAMILY SPOILS. ribands, dashing from side to side, und consequence of such a law being ap- er of tho President to interfere in tho Amot KendJI, p. M Q. broken That to, in plain I'jiglUh, we will uiiutl' |0,OOC result cannot oo obtained until France be, on their part, resjpectfully requesthas regained the position in Kurope ed to decline holding Horse* Races, uwa buiine«s. We rauiwl permit )uu, t> iectton producing a noise like the shattered proved by the Mob I shall not condes- matter. Hut tho Council' go a step Alex, Kyle, (fiillier-iu-Uw) paper wareta ' IIOUMI , Qt which Providence has b store for her. Tre»U tnd Barbecues.7' The "Com- innocently, in SMddlo w*tb it. kwls of % ship in a tempest. This hur- cend to degrade myself by' acting on further, and declare, that any attempt Do, do, • luperiuUiiMUtiit Si [Gazelle Jt Francr. r.cane noise was not produced by the the Stage .when my patron* have and to wrest the disputed Territory fioin mitli<e" had the "Citizcus" "on the jun. 4th auditor's r»jad descent alone, but by the violent do suitor persecution. I therefore de- Michigan, will be regarded as an act of Amo» •Kendall, T»ppan,,«re prcwuue, has not WfroslH hip."—Jilt i. 6'or..., ufui-u I .(Ml u »tillutory and rotary motion of the pa- clare to you that I break my engage- usurpation, and resisted, until resistance Alex. A box of incendiary newspapers, 1,01* coiintryi for the rumor knot «unAriu*<l I.J»'!| a 11 i ' * • s fin ^ f- _»f iV_ Al. I.pamplilets, t(c. has been publicly burut Hac'kett U now iM-rlorining 'm the uf uur New Vutkp»|«Tt. [flltl fy them . mm i * . . « _ !_'.. *!•_._ _& 1 fiLJil.- _..! ' t *'J^ "*'-•" •^•a^Md^'fllsl^v PRE8&. ( workmanship 1* nlimit to flarpcrs-Fcrry. Fmpotalt day* II I* io rrXt on en anil two abutment*—. tcd by tlin naUimoro. and XOpl ItM! abut•hlcti Ii to be raised by the Tli)* structure, when IrcRnrdrd with prrnllsr Intof two grc»i "work's of Inter. i of. Virgil: l stablli."-^irther part rcr't advertisement, which other column. • •UMNO**— SIMCY. Hwo parties in this ctnintry— •lilts. So taya an emiof the Jackson Party, for xccllciicea wo have a high orten of Van' llurcn are all Uhe residue are i it going orer to the Van per electoral votes will probat column, for Van BUnn; yet, her principles, abe to , a mooibev of U\c Hartford . hit principles are Democratic^ [i,hc support*the "Powers that uis Mcl.anc, and Wooubury crats. On the other hand, if ' > parUcs.ncmocratic. and FcdeI it tliat the Democratic States a, and Tennessee dissent from who think themselves tho nid to jealous, lest FcileralUm strong, anil who would, in ; ... • the Fodtral Gaycrnrnent of 4(5 vigor?. "Ttjyso men' abhor " ilism. Of courso, then, they 1 whcrp nro they? Do they >«Dcmo«rnlic.corp»? Where ere is Tyler?. Where is ManB of otlien, of: the • real Jeflbrat mourn brer the inroads of t—Inroads of the very party who •Who can fall to cy is but a name^-a bait to nt—a favorite Icjrm, "a<l cXp- • U Is in the mouth of thouflgnorantof iu importrauilwho, ...' > iU-mconing, Would lofilc. a* oiilcl creep -down an auger liplo L " "•'-• ' JTvc many examples to illustrate : which presides, generally, orer. e^jfggjd^jnjoint'to ^^tjngyj^^' |)TcniOTcrrt,-while they themselves nt of tho nature of.thcir own flo direct popular seiitiuicnt, and ion constitutional law. They : wondrous wise, and have decfacy'Tre'iiuirei' i Ire ad; ii index on tlio road, rwent the way'they ahowed." ild give many illustrations; but' tec. (Jeorgc Wolf, all will admit, nocrat, and ho K*t i«in a good om tho timo whereof our memo-, put to tho contrary—which, for t take, we will date twelve month! I, in July hr.t, one of these lights ftilai, a.Somcnet paper, said that it I ,(irnrgo Wolf for (iovcmor, etlces were "all deeply talhied ilism." In August, lets than a > the tamo paper dote rmined to sop* n, in order lottU in tccuriBg "the > Democratic Party.?' The fbl3 articles: -In our State affairs-we cannot rely ir«'/ to pursue: tliis desirable e genuine democratic principles) ticct ace all ugainst il—all " .-The,question now presents itself, btlnue to support Mr. Mublenberg, [indirectly assist in the cluvationof er? or thall we abandon him and Ceo. Wolf, aid to secure the tri> ilcinocralic party? (fair Hpccimi-n-of the' intelligence, nilni. wiUrvrhich IhecEttB^e* ily rung upon (ho word "Democraf urlbcr proofs of the PresUcnf* in- . elertiuus, toe eroeheU't Utternarks, of the National Intelligencer. I, it is true, attempts lo justify the |t is an'-awkward attempt. The i that all the citizens of the U. (jeii. Jackson'* vofiiUluents, a"0* I that he hat a rigkl to frank to thcui catct. The pomiiion of a right is i a thamelcu, purtltait, eleoUoneereof Hut. right, it another and• »(St iiiutlur. * ! . lerttand 'that the ofliccrs of the Al»o, have pu6lb)Led a statcmeot, de[ th« incendiary publlcationt, whlcU tlte distqrbattces at the South, I by tin-1 n. • They bay that the highable publications' were most probihcd clandestinely} that'theini, UM et,are comparatively innocent, ttt{lay be to, gentlemen) but, we wouli I n«nu of your iiolioiu, bowenr | ey be. > Danaos, it dona forcnlet." j inpluiu rUigluh, we will ratadour l penmil you, ev*o ^, to meddle with it. , we iH-cturne, IMS -not tod, fre* Ik" j * knot «oo4rmed by n>J An admirable hoaxbnsbcon played off upon LOST TIMK. llow HltlO'dOsOtne Inillvidunls rcflr-rt upon tin- f:»<h,Mn|tri, rrlilltiR ID prime wonderful the value of time!, Appointment* are often discoTeriftjt th the moon, by Herschell the f, nml_Aft«wanl» nitlroly disregarded; 6r, Younger, who hn«nn observatory nt llmCnjw if not disregarded, Itiry ant attended to M> of Quod Hope: • 11 dc«crlbed with extreme 1'iiiR after thr »p«r-iricilllme,thal the individual minuteness, tho Lunar Inhabitants, their anilimbing tho appointment shows that he 1ms no main, trfc*, plant*, fcr. Jt purported to bn desire to acquire the reputation of being punctii- an extract from(a foreign journal; and thcrrliialjio likewise dlirc^inls llio precious fare tlrc'Roml peopfcj whi^ -they- £iir*d,-*nd tiruc of others. When a mnn makes tm np^ starcd/iii'iil woiiiTcro<l',''toi)lk''!T'i!1l lor It-nib. polntmant to meet Us at 'a Mated time, aqd wcj I.O«MI. .llK.TlultANIDA. are oblige to wall for him an hour; we cons) . Sale by O. W. Sapplngton, trustee of David ilrr Unit hnhntili'rr.iiid'ril ii« - rirfraildflil nil of . • • - • • ".: . . . . . . . lime, whlcll h more prccloui limn monr'y. 'Bale by A. II, Knydrr, truttoo of (ieorgo • In connection with* this subject, .wo would Ktlchner, next Saturday.' mention that some of our frteipl* arc d*efer> Rule by Fjah-fax Washington, Monday nqxt. ^mSw^^-^SS^^- »*™°' ¥.?**•"' T"<"(!l* "«" Lately in Shpphrrilstown, Mr. Minion, F. have for sale, 300 tout of W. Poring jr,, to Miss 8»K»n H'IIUMAI i., daughter Tfcll, jvhlclj we will tell lu« of Mr. l.otili Wiicnall, all of tliat plncc. CASH only. FeTtons dcsirlrfg to r'nKSg«.ltsere requetlcd'tnniako Imnjedlslleiipplinttlon. V A t l K K fc O'BVIINK. On Sunday W, lUnmsoH, «on of Mr. John Harpers-Perry,. AVa. Kept. I'll, )B35.~.4t .SIIMIII, nf |n; '. nir/d 4 yrars. In Marliml" ISth oT AUfjiiH InM, to'~ dtuchter of Willlnrn ltofO(Ml^lw«IH>» waived ; bj th« ^,.'of Ui^s cimutv I-V. subscriber, at ll(ir|ior«.|>rry,'on Satyear nnd tw ' , . li 'i* 1.7th year of her urdty the Itllh of this Month, lor Ihe coniu .4.1 LINO, teroml ihtugh- »tru*t'lon of ;the MaMriry of tttfc vtniuri.-teai, lh»l lerof Capt,Thnn llarnmond, late of Jef- be built aerdsi the Polomkc River >ltc«. The ma>onry will con 1 Ut of one a'\Mi"Mit *n,it se'ven.JrifH. • TUn I'ttee of lh« vbutmcnl artil'plp'rs Will he <j.f'rarlged rlistld before the publlration, of oiir ln«t' paper, but uasonry'extending Inwards an average of at least two feet from th« exterior— Ilia filltoo late Tor Insertion:] . • ,. In of six of the piers and the backing of I).-|KII led this life, Aiifrust 39th, 1H3."., JDIIH njj . , of he abutment t In be of the brsl rubble ma8i>10N,ton of F. A:*tMl Marjr R.-McNclU, iole Inld i h l h e beivmnrttr. Bxmv P rwrur.ivN.9ijK. .I. bo until. «t unction, on Monday OIK 14th day. of- Mptembtr, nil the 'rrsonsl Properly I have upon the firm tii-.re I live, about one mile below ftaevciVn ' on Ihe road from Winchester to 'hnrlpslown. . AUo, Ihe growing crop of Corn; lloowhnld I'urnlture of every 'dcterlptlon, fJiind nnw tlrdt and MatlrvMtt, Mthottny Huretui. Dining Tablet, Cani "•fclstiW,'***;,- - . . . . . . . . Two gloves, Kitchen Furniture, tie. Also, On thr .nanin dayj • • i*v*'*i A'^iiwt JU Jt»«* 'in m 41k JHATAf • 313 acre's of good llmitlone Isnd, EDUCATION. Grant! Consolidated Lottery I4>, IS. _ thV last number 'of Nilcs'.i Itegistcr, the Editor states that he had, during tho preceding two A few years since, at the celcbraweeks, "cut out and' laid aside more than five' onof our national anniversary, a poor hundred articles, relating to the various dXcitc- cdhr who was present, oirerc'dthe.folments," public and-privaie. Truly lms.il be«n )\ving: "Here is a health .to. ppvertjrHt f:iH that society seems every where unhinged, icks to a man when all others friend and that Ihe demon, of blood'and slaughter or.sa.ke him." hat been let loose upon Us. engaged in an cflbrt-lb close many accounts of .long stuinling with this csv tahlishmont. Those persons whrt know themselves Indebted, wlll,upon~Vcry little reflection, \M)rceivothoproprU'.ty, if not nccossity.of cxtendlng a: helping hand— and nsic i'< tht time when true frlttub will br, Intnl. JBngagod in an enterprise" which it cither ta "....—_ make ...... or to mar," every thing- depends, upon tliii Kcncrous, Ihe prompt, Ihe just,action of those wlio rcullj' wisliinnvvcll. I cannot permit injsclf to doubt their ready response to this call. . '4«^.3=tolin. JOIIN-S. fi^LAJjf^L^ .• CATTl.lS.^-Theftttrket.js bsttcr supplied .-.JP.-S. If 1 should transfer claims .to'others' r.Dr. Lancaster,- one of.the subscribers ho designed this power also. Wherever loy'lmvc been iplroduccd, 'thus improved icy liavu niaiiilaincd 'an unrivalled rcpittaoir for speed, safelyidtirability. (ind-.cleanESI of operation. The machinct are maifb f different sizes lo suit purchasers, foi woiTWeeraitdrfinirhorset, .and one hundred ushels of Wlical to Ihe horde, per day It ommori and 1igIil~bUllneis.—One-hundret hnthals of wheat irr one hour, and ono buthI per mltiule lo each horse employed, have teen repenle"dly_lhreihed perfocllj clean.— [hot the public""may'"be tatlsded Uiat Will r*t>i\c *,,ic. tubtcrllwr. Intending Iq rt»o'te W the West, will oATtir. at public eato, on "' ISWA •/ litflimltr,. *1 bit rellmrwS^wHSI h*t>>»v '1*41 • 1>* '• • Properly, contisling, In part, o'f Ihe fetl*«>-" € T __ _^_ _ -,_ -_—,^l7-^ H .talker, I . «I/JC«J?O.V, fill, Ismhirii-M. Itnttlihtrt, AS returned to Ch»rl«slown for the pur• posn of fulfilling hit er»gag«im*nlt and Inlihlng Ihe several cists which be had commented, tnd trusts Ihtt hit numerous ormralons during hit previous visit have proved so mcleiii nnd »atl«firtnry Hist bin lime will • B«in be much occupied in attending t<t those i-lm-pi r.l lilt strvlmt. Thos* who Intend to vnil themselves of Ibis opportunity will please lo oiake -an curly tppllcsllon, that ipfniMhMnla tsKijrb* made lo. accommodate u rognrd to lime. ' trucNOiu . 1 Prlxeof1 do. 1 • ' • do;- ••• ^•»55-~~tiol-~ 1,'JOll t,ooo 400 .300 ' 900 ngi Milch Cowt, I'ui Ckllle, 30 head tshrep. 40 or .r.t) hr.ad Hogs, *^-T*/»y • • JPHblle'Salc; . WK subscriber, intending., to retno.Ve.ta the West, will offer for tale, at hit resiTdence, four miles from Cbarlettown, near I n'm.-^. k MfCKiral T 'HE subscriber '.withes to Mil abuul40 Ihe iKoar llce'lmg House, nn Tuiiiluy Iht lil/i" , AORBS Or LAND, lying near Siptn'ititr, tin: follnwinn property: CharUtlown, adjoining the lands of James One -ci Blaoksmllirt Tools, stonrroal, Iron, hairs, James M. Brown, tee.; about l f ha'friflreanf wh . . HoiraehoW and Kitcheir-Furnituror among nnd runniing water, mioqld Ihit properly noi which are— "-*- -- "'.- " • - ..— bo diipoiictf of before The first day of the riex1 Tito Bureaux! two Comer 'Cupboards, September Court, it will Chen bo snld.at pub I"' iliftion, in front of the CouFt-house. In Bells, t'h»r|rsto>vn Tlir Ir.-m. » ill bo «ccomn.oAnd bthtr iirlie1cs''too>tedious In mention dallnif; . Tim Utle is ind^aJflWW*^', ;; . TBIIMS. —-A -credii of six moglhs will In Application rnaj; be .made In J. T. Diugbgiven on all sum's of 55 and upward*, the puf- erly, who is authorized Io make »alc of Hie chani! r- giving. bond and sccur it); under lh:< ihim, cash. Sale lo commence at lOo'clock' Aug. 27, when due attendance will be given by • WM; MAQOWAtf. Sc-ut. 3, 1835. — .-. ' • wiSH lo purchase WlieAT.for which • Gramitl Mum I will pay the cash on delivery. nOR tale by ••--V. IIRCKIIAU. Harpers-Ferry. Aug. 13, VS3fi. Cash for Wheat. r BBV authority of two drcdi of trust, one M9 executed by Jubn It.- Iliyden lo John Janncj, bearing date on the. 'J-ith J a n u a r y , Id;U. lliu oilier exriMifod bv »:iiil l l n j d u n and wife to Ihn »nhue.ribi-r. dated SDth December, 1834, for the purpose of securing i'> Amos Jnnney the payment of certain debit In -thVOTriitd»«dt-m»i>liiinpil, I will proceed In sell, Iu Ihu hi^besl bidder., ut.riu-.imuious'a H6telrin-thB..*lllai{,«LIif.JltarpersiFcrryI on ' »/»'• o/Ori,,li r r, ct-rtnii. I.ANU a'xJ.iSV/, i wiin tlie appurtenances in the town of $ao,ooo-ao or BOO. t 1 Y virtue of » deed, of trust executed to B the lutMcriber by IDavid Polls, dated on lie Sib of August Ig33, and duly recorded n the clerk's office of the county court, to icure a certain sum of money therein m«nbued, due ,lo \V. fc S. D. Anderson, I will • elf, al public sale, f(ir cash, oo the 10(A <^ tpttmtitr ntit, at ;the- house of laid Pott*, ihe fullowinf property: : QneJButsau, a . 4 feather Dcds and Bedsteads'. U 0 Windsor Clitilrt.a Stove »»<l*'<SOV-.-S fi Folding Tablet, a Carl and :j.=^ ^^^,-»^__,. ,l__.^._ := A Ciipbunrd and lot of Quc.cnswsre, A I.onkinp; <ilo»s and i Ini of Tinware, IJnniJcs Household and Kitchen FurniMirsi Anfritt 27. 1835. . Trttst Sale. » V virtue of a Deed of Trust executed la meby George Kdcbner, fur the benefit.. f Beni. Mclyiii,'! will n'll, at publie tale, to i« bi^best bidder, for cash, on Stttiirtlay th.» "ith Scpltmbtr, nn the premises, in the pot* ession of said Kclclmcr, one mite Wett of i .cnlown, and near Ibu lurnnike road, all the) ollowlng properly: One Man Snihllu and Dri'lIc,.. One Milch Cow, three feather,Beds, Vcdtteadt and Bedding, one Burrou, tine S-l hour Clock, one Cupboard, 8 Windsor Chhlrs. 9 Tables. One Worksland, 1 Louking'Chtii, One pair of Saddle Btij*, One Wheelbarrow, an J various other arti- ' elts of properly. A. II. BNVDER, 7VMt«. August!}?, 1835. $r ,060—ao or $400. Delawnrc State Lottery. S roa BOOS AS WELI. AS JOB T C 1 T W A MI ^mnrbtity, •up Jon Oeiirt for I, i S yoart old. 'fl'ha owner It iletlitd to eome .1 Carl and Getrn, forward, prove property, pay cliarget, and Farming Ulentilt-of every kind, including • lake her away. Bar»hare and McCormlck i'loughi, donbl* 'iANE and tingle Shovel do., Slifpli«fil«town, Sept. 3, 183».—3t Large and Small Htrrown, Or tin Cradles and Mowing Sey tbei, Forki hhoveltTpinWTTTreSlH«*, lir. luhscribor r«iperlfully informs hi* 1 Ro«, Grind Htone, hc<, ' friends and. Ihe public generally, that rlckt Clover Hay, l ie hat removed his Store to the house former- 9Corn on the ground to be delivered, ly occupied by U«iit. William dott, where Hsryn tnd l.sid, ." lie hat an extinilve aitorlment of M»i, llnn«<-l,,,ld and Kitchen Furniture, It »•»/ f.'ooff«, tiroceft«•, n pin t as follows: Durcau*, *i . Hard-ware, <liM-rnN-warc, Aedtleaitt, Chairt, Dining Tablet. EOOTS&SCIOES, Wash Stands, Brass Andirons, Shovel and-Tongs, II ATM, &c. Ac And numerous o:her article*. <*hii:h .h« will dispose of .on as liberal terms ;v-Te»«tvr-l''or;>h«^O»n»i'.|t»t..C«uk, aslFiiyxinTre'noupXTirfTits*:}ITi5£eT and nil tiims under Klvilionar^'niecB He lakes this opportunity to return bis tin ic required; for tbfr remaining turns of snd tcro thnnkv to his friends- tnd Ihfr publio in abme ftvt;-BoHaTt-sr-cT«diir-ef-st««»B.>i>— general, for the rery liberal palron'aga ex- will be clveo/lh* purchaser giving b6od ••* tended towards him, and hopes, by unre> approtfd tecurlly. milted attention lo business, andIt disposi'. THOMAS K. MUMrilRF.TS. tion .to please, to merit a continuance thereof. Sept-3, 183jiItKJHTK.It LEVRBINO. Harpf.rv-Fi-rry, Bcpl. 3, 18354—81. Tn .S'jiorf NIMCH. N. II.—Formers andothcrsfrom the niighTill-', subscriber jitiitn'.b.nne'double-barborlni: country'arc invited to calland'cxamIne (ils-Stock before they purchase. He will relled GUNS, which be' wishes to tell at * ' lake COUNTKY PROUUCK of every ,de moderate price. • Tiins. RCSSELI.. script ion \n exchange for goods In his line. ' Harpcrt-Ferry, Sept. 3, 1835^ are'in this place, t\yo of ..... f pcculationt 'of; NatiiralisLs. T/|ir.y ore grow. •e <juoto as in quality nt f5a|6. Hogs arc sure ho blame can" attach to .me. 1 have lii- lu and mode of operation, from those how TlcJtel :i.5U—//jl/ $1 75—<iiiailtr §() 87J. jrly dcBtiiticil in said deeds, 'or to much, . ing Upon locust trees in uilTcrcnl parts of .the carco', and prices have advanced to |7at>T,- dulgod, Unlit indulgence has ceased to be a n-Ute;,and .that they OAayhave'^a lesi by icrcof as jnay^be. necessary 16 "satisfy and which they can determine too compaftil,v virtue.. ay tbo debts Intended lo be tecured at afprc•^"-?*^Rs«Sfts8)(W^^^ ' pnsiicd (tiytome "bin! perhaps) In a crotch, rom,storcs continue lo bo made at (6; the aved- fron>4»posilion iirtliirpurnTioie S The said land it lh« tame which; was con about 15 feet from the ground. The stalks ore vagon price continues at |5 75. Sales, of The Rev. Septimus Tuston, will preach la eetirt ones, we -hereby promise, and bind 'or Inti-riiul improvcmentt,lJler»turesnil Chtri- eyed to laid llayden, by Amos Janney Slid mall parcels of City Mills at|6, 'on j) and 4 urielves,'t6 pay to any .perton who shall Charlestown, on next Sabbath at 11 o'clock tl«l in the Sl.itrs nflMt wurv. North Curollim 3 or 4 feet hi length, growing nearly perpen- months credit. We. note, a sale of Susquchauwifo by deed dated 8th December, 1831, iiuko.animprovomonl on tho operative parts *.. and South Curolina. A. M.; and at Kablotowh at 3 o'clock P. M. hieh, ( w i t h the said. deeds of trust) is of dicular, anil, although the earth must bo very a at |5 94; sales by the dray load at 61.' f our machine, orproduce one superior to I.ASS No. 32 for 183S, lo be drawn at ccoid in the oflice of tb'e clerk of Ihe counly scarce about ttlclr* roots, they are in a very . in tat.—There has been but a. moderate I," the Slim of" ourt of JcHiirsuncuuiily aforesaid, ' K n r l i supply of red wheats at market, and prices t ' l n t v i c , MunORtTl. Nourishing condition. THE - ..•"2000 DOI.I.AUS. tie at it vetted in tlie tald.Uuiteei will be OltANU SCHEME : aye-been pretty uniform throughout tho week ouvnycd.lu. the -purchaser. For to much us While speaking of sunflowers,- We may men- t ft 80a$l -M for good to very-prime, and at $40.000 In consequence of this "premium. Which 1 PriM of OAHU3I.E HEHAZ,I> may be necessary to satiify the balance due J.OOU do. n been ouajrod far teveral years aiid.ihroujli tion one that we see noticed in tho Frtdorlck- 1 ISafl 20 for fair to good.- We quote rrimiuff U«<ahlIAhmcnt Jiqny.ttafot n thu former deed of trust, the cosh ih 3,000 ilb:' of the Union, the machine bus 'town Times. It it four feet six inches iu cir- ibte rates to-day. Two sales of family flour 2.SOO ilo. and will be required— (or so much as may I een more. extensively tifought intocompotiwhite have been made at $1 35 per bushel. cumferenee and about 17i Inches In diameter. 1 . do: ' Mi afterword* sold to talitfy Ike debt Inlcndion with others, and more thoroughly tried Corn—Sales of whim, in Ihc early .part of SOU N consequence of the decease oflleury -L. liaii any uvcrhilhoi to ottered to the Aim-ricati ...;'. «> il to bit- secured by the deed of Hie 'Jlith D« It b of a species which produces but one flower lie week, at 75»7G cts and of jellow at 77 cts. 200 so Ik). Spiser, late Editor and 1'roprictor of the armcr. In coiitirmation o( tho above stateember 1834, one half of Ihe purehTue mo"'o-day, we quote both torts nt 78 ctt. to the stalk. 1511 so do. > Carlisle Herald," Ihe establishment will be ey will be required in hand and the other nun t ic' nee ling the power of our machines, fiyt.—We quote to-day at71«73 ctt^- . . -too 33 ilo. ilfered for tale on "•-=•-—— nl If in sixty dajtv so Oat*.—No change in prices. . \Vo quote at w,e can confidently apperi -to- Ihtt -testimony . s« do. . Some of the Professor* at Vulo have.viewed n quality, , Tutsility, the AW of September inst. JOS. T. D AUOH EimfcJVmf« 40 at 30a33 cts. if hundreds who have (eon them in operation do. 58 n tli» Borough of Carlisle. Jmt nXnrnru in fact for J"kn Janmy, Trustee. " I lallcy'ii Comet," shewn to them in Clark's .10 ALBXAKDRIA. ICP. 3. do.l i t h e neighboring counties. And let it be -—rt-.ThU Esl»l)ll»bmontitoni> of the most oxTiS -8e:ptember'3.;Tg3g:'-4r_ .....TV-::.-::.,;,.I'l.ollU.—Wo quote at In" our latt; (new thnf\vi) do not wish to make a —t - -5B • do, great telescope; and find the [same'to be ol cnsivo and flourishing, out of the City, in the ecolleclcd, ^91" do. 112 sale to .any individual who has not tlie appearance of a dim clou 1'or halo, uni] wheat) «4i7S a 5,80 do (old wheat) |5,5u. (HBO. W. 11A.M.1IOKD 10 State. ) Tbo Herald it one of the oldest p»- Ingle do. een our articles fully and fairly tried, and '..«.. 8 oow.roceivinjj and opening a large end visible iu sinal(or telescopes, "provided they do; .'pors-in the coutitryj^having been.estaklisbed who is not beyond a. doubt convinced of their .ISilK) very general attorlmeut of ipwaidsofifcirii/i/eari. II lias recently been ntiro superiority 'over every other in the , afford sufficient light." The -aforesaid cornel o .. $101,736 enlarged loan _>: Seasonable €Joo«ls, .ourilry -,'aiid that we detire all rigidly to ox19 f i 50— IlaHxi f«, US— V«u is North of the BnU's Hornt, a little below the FOR SALE. mine, and untparlngly to criticise, each and EXTRA XMPBBIAIs BVJflB, which ho invitet Ihe attention of his1 cut' A Vertex of an equilateral triangle formed with HE subscriber offers for isle • tract of and is now among the.largest In the State. every part, so that it may be improved, the omen. LAND.of about 1S4 «crts, wtll timber- rii.«re arc sulBcicnt materials eonnecled with ireoiium obtained,' and a deserving conimuthose two slan, which, the scientific reader Sept. 3. 1835 , will remember, are Beta'and Zola of tho con- ed, and watered with a. spring of excellent hiiettablisbinent,io carry on thruc papers— rity prceoiitcd with a belter article/ provlimostono water.. It has 3C acres |o cloyer, .hern being three Suptrftvytl Frestet^aud one Icd this it nut already perfect. ,1 , . : ' , 5 MfoUarH Class No! 3 for 1885. BteHation Taurus, if any of'our readers wil and is, 16 every respect, in, a high stele of rol JIN. from the Camp Ground, near - --Mi I.ANCA8TEH, To be drawn at Wilmington; Delaware, <». procure a telescope of sufficient power, and cultivation. U has on U a fine orchard, and new Suii'l/i'j J'lilcnl Duulilt Altilium Iran I'rcii, lialltown, on Sunday last, a duck brown I), RICIIAItUSON, Thursday 17th Sept, 1835, ». . | ou.which Ihe Herald it printed. .There are IUKHK, laine .in one bind loot, blind of . .... . J. NIC100I.S. . euiy up with it till 9 or 3 o'clock in tho room tolerable buildings convenient to the water; nearly <mr Aunjrnl /ounl.i ot jub-and ncws75 No. LptleryrriU Drawn Ballots." 'jo, and very poor." s we desire all to examine anil-judge ip3,and then tend for us, we will 1>« very ha[i- It lies about one mile from lialltown, ad- rtper type, extensively assofted,, and tome i. GRAND SCIIUMF.: ioibing the lands of Win, Moore, John' PeTho above reward' will be p.aid to any one roin their own observations, wo refrain from prize of"-' ».7,000 py to visit him and point out, if he cannot fim ler, Adam Holer, hnd John llciiklo's heirt. if which are jutt' new, with abundant mate- appending who will deliver, taid horte to the tilbtcriber, any of numerous letttmonials-pr«a.ooo, . it himself, the spot in the ieavons where the It It convenient to the Hail Itoad and Canal, rials near Mr. Jeri-mial'i llarrit't, iu Ihe neighborui.itcd in (It favor, but atk of one and all, to and 'it now in Ihe occupancy of Mr. Holier t hood of Kabletowo. . _ _ great curiosity is to be found. _I*llLQO_ _™»_^_ ADAM JACKSON^-— nidenour.i call and give it a purionai examination AND NEWSPAPER 1.088* One fourth of Ihe purchase money will be Sept. 3, 1H3S. JtCutmtt M.n. TO YOUNG MEN. , IMt I,\TII\C4. required in band; the remainder in three We, theunderslgned, having purchased, llio will be found an ex ci|iial annual payments, with inlereil. For i'alnuble -Meat K*tatc Tlio subscription list of tlio lleruld nuiuentire right of uilng and vending Ihe 'above IN JEFFF.UHON COUWTV, further Information, l«tlrr» maji be uddrut- jcr« upwards of :.Coi|ti , post p"iia;"lo"lb"e iuTnfcfiberrriv"liig~rfc4r —' .-L^^-^JPOH^11;^]^!?" •—^--000 Sulih. lib, r-s, jinia, are now prvparei ttttf K«J.—U contains reflections Ililliborough, nilt. Subscriber, as agent for the ownLoudoun county, Vs. •ighU to any perton or persons whu may wi.li and its j>,ii and aJttrlMng patronage It e»« and advice, by which any young man of sense 1 n», oilers fur sale, a tbiall but very OEO. BACKHOUSE. tentlro' and valuable. The politics of the o purcbste. -,'•-'• valuable FAHM,conlai!imeONF,HUNI)IIEl) Sept. 10, 1835. may .be, profited, whether ho be qualifying At to the performance of Ihe Machine we Herald are Whig, and it sustains Mr. fritter AM) FIFTY ACUB8, ofgood Hue 8lune P. 9. If not told before, the above Land himself for the life of a mechanic, a merclunt „ „„„ tor It it published in u flourlshin)s deem il unneeettary to comment upon HI we l.mnl, fitly acres of Timber, Ihe. balance will be-«ffiw«lJU..pul»llaJsl«, :aUItiUaKJul|Q .r Governor. °*r!^ TTT)Opul«tion-of-aboul-4000 rae3 *lILonlti»y_thjtliLyire«hcd, uptm the farm u farmer, or a. professional man. Imrjid »ud well laid off Into tmall fluids ul the County teafof Cumberland Couuly ol Wwls Vtfll, two hundred tlieavcan livo 35,«6I prizes, e .wo of wbieb are now well set in Clov«r.— minutet, by the watch, In the presence of a one of the healthletl and richestoounllet o |3 5U— />»*/• V15-s>nr{«r|0"09|. The iaiprovementt»icontitt of en excellen Rhode Island hat elected Van -Buren men lo Wool! Wool! Wool! lumbi-r of persons, which Is at the rale ol the Htaie, Dwelling House,Kiichco tnd Meal House C'ongrest—Fierce and Sprugue having succeed HE subscribers have on bsnd a'quantiThe above eitabltthment wilt be told wfcoft UK hundred and twenty buthelt per hour, ill. nearly new and well arranged—a Well, in e $30,000-26 OF $1,000. lowing live butholt to the hundred ihciivet, cd, against 11 urges and Cranston. ty of PULLED UNSKVii and FLAN- or uftriftfty, as mty suit a purchaser. fow-yardtoMbe Mouse m-vrr known to fall NKI.S, which they will barter for 'WOOL, or The i^rms of tail will .be mi kalj In- hand which it a moderate •llowanee, ateve'ry pran 13 llratru llutlvl* IK tach packet of St5 Tul'li mi which hat, during Itie drvett teaioni, uf Virginia Stale Lottery, fordt d an abundant supply of llir purest w« sell to punetual customer! on a abort credit. and the; balance inlio* (etisu annual yayiwnli lical farmer will admit. I.F.WIS Nr.ll.L,; • A whale, il will be teen, hat been caught In IIKNHY P. 8CHKNCK t Co. The eitablishment insy be teen, by making rortbuWutfilof tho Uism.l Hwrmp ler. J 'I'liis furot 4let 3 uiletBuulb uf ttmith (iKtiiiiir. LAY, tho Chesapeake, near Point Lookout. N.' II.—We are ready to execute t'UI..- ipplicatloo lo die subscriber. LASS No. 10. for I835~lo draw »t A- Held, ten miles from Charletlown, md nhiJu A I I H A I I A M 8NTDEH, JOHN COItNMAN, iBitudtio, D. C., Sutiinlty, St-ulerubcr two miles from the Winchester und " LINOS of all kinds,which,shall be done.lo nr.Miv INVpKM, Mmlnittralor Carlisle, Sept. 10. J—"S No. l^>it«ry— 13 dniwn btllols. the neatett-manner to order. At we have ID, IMS Ferry Wail IUaJ. ' ISAAC HINKLE, A TBW»f COMPANT, we learn from engaged Mr. Jonu NUaKwuou to tuperin< uatxn tciiKMB One third of the purchate money In (WiWILLIAM 20,000 1 Prltttof rji.i»»i the' Louisville'Journal, -is cstnblUbci lend our Weaving Shop, we will receive mm th* balance In three or four auoual paynienls, 1 1 Sept. 10,' 163S. , M'liblir Sale. V .'"' with ioleretl from sale,andgood.ueurlly reui Cincinnati. It is ramiliorly callc execute all kindt of CiiUNTHV WEAVING fi.il> 1 > WIf.t ofTer for sale,- pn Saturday Iki 19IA quired for Ihe after psywenli. ' the Farmers' Hank. It lends .mono] to order with neatness and despatch. {ml.,MI my residence, n«»r Cjl. Hile's II. V. B. ti Co. If th« farm should uot be told before Ihe upon real estate at fiairiu value, tocnr all my pertonui propf r!yi consisting of HE tiibicriber reiprclfulljr infonni hi Frederick Co. Sept. 40, I83&.-31 8,500 90in Jay ul Octolw itcjil, it will oil Ibaldty be cil by mortgage; and the mortgugo friends olid itie public generally, lhalnol . 1 JUnodtd ril/y, ~ rud el public tale, Iu the highest bidder S,*|«J 9 first rale Milch- Cows, ' istuuilliiKliu hat engaged In k«epli>8 Ii «o drawn a* to inake (he. mortgagee 1,7*7. ... which day VIM ul»o be" vM the Blotvern, hU TAILCUINU HUslNK.SS will b, 9 Urge fattening Hogt, 30 aud Panning Utensils belonging lu suld Itrw mere tenant at utilli-riuice. 'The loan E expect lu a few dayt to receive a IS.KIU 1 Cherry Bureau, (nearly-new,) " coiikmuvd at usual, -in tho room fiirintrl] oc to wit: bout 3000 Bushels of SALT, whlcl is nut iimdu upon timi!, but 4urinR tli cuplcdbi Mr. Htnne ts a bar-rot-m,' w h n e hi aou »,**»> 3 first rule T*ble>, ••' 3 Horses, 4 Colts, 6 betd of Call!*, pleasure of the lender. By it* «'har will be disposed of on reasonable terms, .. -•"•' will In; tliunkfnl for a coiillnukbce of cnilon Feklher Bed'and Bedding complete, 16 Sbpcp, and 30 llogt, of which 14 are /• WAOBR fc 0'BVKNE. 0,91)0 I'" from (tit friends and the |>ublio. He return ter tlte Corporation has many nove and « variety o,f Kitchen Furniture too nu 30 barrels of Corn, 900 bushels of l l > e , lltrpen-F«rr^, Sept. 10,1B3S —4t 4.06U 6-4 so mrrnn« to pS4rlicultrize. A eredlt of twelv hit thanks for patl fnvort, and hopes,, by and exclusive privileges'never before Plough! and Harrows, 1 Wagon and Ueart S.7W ft) fill 'IUOUIM will'be given upon ell turns of fiv ttrict attention to buiiriefi,lo receive furlhc 11 stands of Beet, Uraln Mk. ground, fce 3.100 granted as,the Journal believes to an; in Four Year Old dollars; ull under, cash: Due attendance wil "~ Ttmucftbl ptruml friifirty—Nine mi,nil *.««<> *> , monied institution. It possesses er A IIAUItl.l. of four year old Whiskey foi bsgivcirby JOHN H. A. RF.DMAN. SILAS II. COUIITNI1V. credit for all p.ur«h«ees sbove five dull n. ' JW »,'*» advantages over ordinary creditors A. aale. .Apply lo SmllhneM, Sept. 10. 1835.— 31. - i Sept. 10, 1835. 80 of ln>l sum eod under, c«». Bond end »i> , -., II.'N. UALLAlir.ll. broken and "monuy lenders, in the col 10 «*».•»» proved security will be required bafore an fault lor Hour, l'» lion of its debts, which are. liabl . Sept. 10, 1835. property it r«moved. , Store JRodif* fur Rent troiiunliiig lo V97<U The tubtcrlber will thow the Farm to m> K with to purchase 1000 bblt, 0 k » u t ahuse. Though established a $|6— JhfcM fS fV\ II AT large and commodious Store Houte person dUpoted lo purcliate. Flour; for which we will give Hi ncinnatij it is co-extensive in its Uckelt and ,there* In ( Ihe greatet Ultan addressed lo me at BtlllclowB LL persons ioterettid I n ' t h e Charlet- •*• crust cuiner from the Valley Bank, U»H. piice (costs of TraiKporlHtiouuff,^ fce varioly ur tra of numbers, address the lucky offic Frederick coutily, will tw attended lo. n*»ciious with the state. It has o lowo Library,'tre requetUdto meet a offered for rent till the 1*1 day pf April nex subject Iu the U»ltimor« iotpecliun. jrnsy Inve a bronclj irj caojt county.— Carter'! Hotel on Saturday oe»t, at 3 o'clock and can be had longer. For further purlieu MANN II. I'Ai;.:. WAtiL'H t* y'UXRN.E. tart inquire al THIS OFFICE. rue Journal predicts much evil Iron ANDREW KENNEDY, lUpt. 3, IBM. Anril 10, 1635-Gui. «»jK. 10,1935. Sept 10, •' Sent. 10; l«J^ T Ar OFFF.R for tele 169 ACRasIM «*" rale BUVO ZUUfD. ' woodtn* and watered, the llalHtfWB SttW patting through, on which there it e tiill teat and a fine rfprlnf ,Hter Ihe turBJiik*. ll is said by connoisseurs thai this traei w •nd pesiestrs superior advantage* lo eny other qf the tame qirnnllly In the country; It t « "Icrifii pnrt of William Hall's orwMel reel and adjoint lialltown, four mlW enofl rp»r«-Ffrry OKO. IH)MPH«ET«. lit) llafpvn-Ferr-r jharli'tioWn. »«|>l. 3, IMS. and nude known on the day of AMB upon the nremlset ate. Thoia who with » narcaln In landare of Ihe subscriber, seme nvilcd Io view the premtiet befor* the day imp In June last, a red i f tale. ., ' COW, with a till in tbe.r Xh« ptr»tin»l property...will be ,»»M small ^SSW^sS^rrW^Sw^S ^r^^^fi^S^ ,f ^^ o'f (^iveVbT^hVowjin.; cannot remain much, longer with-us. of the I'riitco of :Oraofrej;. -_,_ A:-.«on-;ol, thjrearofhisat ! rore th«.removal of-tht property. ing ,'>•";'stone. " the Pnhcc do.Toinviilc, very h.«d,and^Sn^«tg^h?ht '- world. '•• The'word — ...... crsliccs .belwecH them with tmaller Thn above aale will he positive' and wiili"According to Col. Crockett'i letter, lien. s daily expected at this ^port.-^-Vice his iinri-rluIn of God, f X- I'liis.foundation be raited from the bot- ut renerve, at I an about removing from Jackson has been rebuking him on tho score of \diniral Sir George Cockbtitn, Lord irru'iirV' niiij olnervatlnn unite In testifying om of tho river will to wlililn two f t c t n r i l i o he Sltte. . hat maA "i-onirih forth ns a flower ntiil Is cut turface of low water, •A rallntgpv. Onr venejableajiU economical Prg-. at which Invel thn _ F'X WASHINGTON. iotfu.'t Him lieautlfiil III eenmence. Unc of ib siiliMit tays (hat the-Coon Hunter ouglit not to Liord Josclyn, Miss $iminii,4iitd n BC appropriate in Its application to, the subject of will stand upon -the low pith of thu I'liarRi* for more tain 731) miles. According cct |i;vi ty . of fajhionablcs, ara hourly ho following lirh'f ohiliwy! VI n hrhrl'd him, ilert .hnsapeake and Ohio, i - a n n t , will be .bull! unfolditifc his beantn the Pott Office BooV, -the Court House of expected at Quebec, from Halifax, to ike the flower of (ho field, lilli'd with dry nibb!u ttulio and Mil. FEMALE SCHOOL of the subscrl. y nnd hit many nmlslih1 and most endearing itillnw and The foiinditlon of Ihit pier will be Weakly. County, -Tehn., -it 834 miles from make a_lour to Niagara.—.A/". Y. Gas. qualities, as tluys .nnd monlln Incir.ivd. UN w i l l be rn-nppiied on Monday the •f ranged wo»k water cement, and 4th• • hofe rKpplembcr. ' Washln'gipn. Why then did Ihe. old Hern ilayful and" innocent gambols, his broken nc- he lower course laid-in In n d d i t i n n tor his own will retlon puddling clay There arc <i thousand •anecdote* told :cnt«, the gradual expansion of hi* mind, tlio nrsonal illention of .from teven lo eight wish to knock olT 84 .miles from Crockett's acabout iwo feet In depth. The thickness of ofW51lard,'of the City Hotel, bvit wo continued acquisition of now Ideas, lib marked Ihe wnlls of the solid part of 4Mt pier will ours a day, the aid of a female assistant it count, so as to reduce it to^TSd ? can nilil another that has.nevcr apnsar- tobriety of manners, his uniform and unwn- 10 six feel. The six plert in (ho river will \piclrd. • Wat tho General ignortint of what the Une I', very ml vantage-fur. Iho help of teachers rcspret for parental authority, not only cd in type:— A tltoosher from Indiana, vorlng .Ion feet thick al bottom and eight feel at allowed the Colonel? Wo cannot believe il. walked into tlio Hotel ono day; nnd 'involuntarily fascinated nnd allured the nfTec- lop, twenty-five feel high and flfty feet long, nd ncholo'n Is now provided. Terms Ihe ome at usual, J20 per yinrty session, Seholons of Ills foml parents, but rendered him, in HP mint Imvr committed nn error In his " tyto the- tar, caltad for a :lm nvnt endearing senM of thft-ierm, fifikvor- with (heir ends, both up and down sircnin, art will be received fur a (ui lime thin.a of Til ^eurtod; form, rnsemMing; ,""._„ _" <.»r with u previous undrrntsndinjt to that WtHartl; irch.'""'Nie abutments will bo built "ng'iiiiis't MVcl. subject but ono sentiment: that In —nevtrl TUthef-leUt-oe set down-UihU Imnon- witlv -hiucanlnitiary suavity, i in nii'di1 mil united to lite >viill hntwren the ('anal ' Auitust- SO. 1835—4t Al.KX. JUNES. d-ffll ItroTO rmbhsiiridennabllntt-qun ttble fulling off in his intellectual powers"—that itcly handed him the decanter and a itlrs- whli-li are so ntlmlrably adapted to the »n«l Unil IfSiVuT" it is bellpveO' imbecility .which, unfortunately for the dignity lumpier, and tho gentleman helped mrposcs of lifo. In the opening of Ihe bud of .cr, in" which tht< piers will be foundpil,'till in case exccVd teven Wet In. depth al the saw much .to .cxrito 10 NEAR HAKPEIIS-J'ERRY. of the country, unfits him for tho duties of hit lims'clf. , lie filled the tumbler nearly- his "flower," Ihe' father 1 low sttge of the river, nnd fur most of the and -the mother saw with delight Uie HF. undcrtigned It now ready to receive "nil of.'.'.strong water" with but.a small high station, and Impels him to dabble contin;>icrt will not be more than four to five .feet child of promisp; but alaal OHA1N, and lo grifid in n tuperlor Icep; tnd that the lied of (he river at Ihe ually In matters froni witith he diquUl keep sprinkle of the Manhattan, and cmntiod He will give nno barrel of Flour for "N ipp'd by tha w hid's unlifiiuly .hlast, ihefwnblo nf n draught. \Vitlard looksite (if the brtdgn, it entirely uf ruck., ./CCr tyle. SOU pounds of nierchatirnble -.Wheel, 'aloof., \, • „ ' ' . , •--.Parched by the sun's dlreclcr ray, sons disposed. Jp cpntrac,! for. ihp woik' will, *efy' ed aghast. - Th» llooshcr forked up, nd w*ll the Intpeotlon ih'any market ...-,v ... «*»»—— The momentary glories w^ste; ' : of "course, okaiuine the site and Judge of o whichtland liifi' shilling, and WM- ostbnuhed when it may be tent.; Prom his expertThere Is a fable which wo greatly admire, Willard returned him a sixpence and .' • The dhurt-livkd bvautlet die away." thets matlvrt for. them«elvci.. miller, aud the excellent order.of Kec'ommendatibni for charaoier and capa- nice'asn In the death ol* this pnrllculariy interesting and which appears in the words and form foL three cents change. mill at present, he. feels great confidence city will he expected to accompany the pro- nhebeing child, wo are tnughllho utter vhiiity of nll huable to produce first-rate Flour. lowing-, to -wil: • . „ - -•-•• - •"Hojlcv~stnmecri- You ddn-'-t- • ga - to- nran hopes an* human cnlculations. His fond posal* of such us have not been contractors He will buy Wheat fur' c<nfcv *V -fati«-priASRuTnfonbc ehoTTeirgcd s 'LtartD iretgrHflO say, tney^Bttly*charRe thrwr jtitrentT'tvt'fc"ai l eustiiniril;'Wilh.1cclingsi)f pe- nn -the works of .llie llultimocc' »nd Ohio ceiT-and .those who wish to gel rid uf the single combat. The Lion declined ac- cents .a glass for liquor/at the City Ho- culiar nleasure. to look forward when, having Rail Hoad Compiin) rouble of sending ihelr Flour to market, No ardent spirits to bo used on tho work. arrived nt tho vigor of manhood, all those encepting it. ''How!" said the skunk, tel?" Tho subscriber will attend at llurpert^Fi\r: can be accommodated by him at the lowest nobling qualities which possessed lib infant Vare you afraid?" "YesI" replied the "No," answered Willard; "we retail soul would shih'o- forth with' peculiar and In- ry on Friday the ISlh and Saturday the 19th lOHiible rate. •;';.... . During the PlalMer season, he will always .Lion,"you. would • only gain.. fame by it at a shilling a glass, but when we sell creased lustre, and prepare him to act honora- of this Month, for the purpose of giving fur)e ready to grind that article; and will genehating B»*jrr4W tiontir...ta.JfiglillivLtU_a. .\vc-makq n .discouiitj^ bly nnd usefully his part upon tho'grpat thca- tficr explanation nnd receiving proposals. rally keep a supply.on hand for the uecom. "-Bypt^er-of >h« Vmljtmt. and tlttaclopi ' * . , " , >TOH^*i!>lr!^^te-l^ ipnth to como, "wbul3 " JSioV "fliai'T loveliness, "with a stroke'.* he-is cut down, ny. li.Vljf.pn iricompanywitlin SkunV."' } .Times.— his and his fond parents' loft to mourn over the <{ ji..\n nrrnngemcnt having been made with wreck of all those hriglit hoiws which were OfTice of the, Sond.'r. uftiraiPn andMatonry. the.Tunipike Company, nil Wagons. &r, iiaiil• •-'•''•-• .--••• ".• . --^—^__ . .Them has been-a inob in'Suint Louis. . .f he ..'^You. may-depend upon centred iu him. Vet wo murmur not, nor. do • "• ; asUrain to this mill will pen wHlimit Ml, $2000 PRBIWIUSW, :iic ncgroAs were the unhappv-objccts of violence jt, religion, is, In its .very essence^ the we repine,'aUhbush "the 'design ofTroyWcrice subscriber bearing aH«mpens'e wfthsrt sort. 1 Their nouses were' set on fire, nnd when tho most gehtretnanly_ thin^ in-the world. in tlii» severe and afflictlvo dispcnsallbn, is JACOB 8T.AUB, SOBSCHIBEUS hereby oftur to the wrapt up in the deepest and prbfuirhdcsl rny*citizent of Virginia and Maryland, a firemen-fame to extinguish U, the mob forbadi .It wilt alonc^gehtHizo, if unmixed with _ _ _ Capital " " thBiB-Sna destroyed their apparatus. U is,' in cant;, and Iknow notliifig"clse "tl^al. W1117 are comforted with tlie insurance that flieif loss, though heavy andncvcre, is his mfinito ', . deed, appallinff tct contemplate the scenes o alone. and eternal gain. To his mortal remains wo : For Inti-rniil liii|irovi'iiii-iit, Lllertture and Ch»ri> outrage whlcll. arc occurring iu every part o AMD .tics, in Ihe City ot WnsliiiiRtoii, nnd in the - Country.-—I for ohe, do not call the tay "pttttt," unlil UK shall bring it forth, "all '. the country. AVuro we to give but a brief noglorious and divine." F. Slstet of Dchtwtre, Niirili CWulhia, uiiO POUT ABLE HOBdfi POWER* sod under my Feet my • country. Bui South Curnltnt. tice of all the acts of violence and disregard o language, religion, laws, government. for their -examination and (rial. The' maExtra Clutt No.0, for IRIS. chine it the one known iih the south at the To-be drawn in -Wnslilnglon on Monday 8c|it. 7 ' , rat* E. NOYBS, W T A K K S thlt method lolnfo'rm the inlubl- . laiils of ll»r|icri Ferry, JcUi-rioti couuy, he,, .that h« has commenetd ihc abovo business in South Bolivar, next doorWUr.'. George LilUe't Tuvcro, where he will be ready at alt times to wail oil eentlcmen wo« may feel disposed to favor him with their. custom. From- hit long experiene* io bos]*. nest in Philadelphia, Balllmdr* and Itkhr.ond, the neatness of his work, and his pune. ualUy anil ilTtpili'h, 'he bffpre he will fail st> itled to a share of public patronage. Aug. 27. 1839. —Jm. . ' N. 0. Ladies' Hiding Dresses and lit .end mndess tbove. • ' T HE subscriber, thankful fur the fibertf palronsge- he received, brpis hjeve to nfiirm the citizens of Htrpers-Ferry lki)t ' fiat re-commenced the tailoring business i,ho shop he formerly obcupled, netrlr ^**^e^ti•-Wltlnn.^rt;1^ote^r-wll*tr->J#^^IV-• tenilt 16 carry on Uie above butinett in til iu vtrlout branches, and hopes, by strict «lltntion Iu but|nest, to receive a liberal there uf • the publi» liatronage. -• 1'IIAIII.H FK.RREL. JUrperttFcrry. Aug. 27. ItOS — 3t T IIK tubsr.ribtr it receiving and ep«aiM u freth supply of ,. DHY OOODBi *• Qroftries, Mutt, Shoe*, Qwmnmrt/ Tinwirt, «Vc.f »o which he would, invite the atteMbhi uf hia cus,tomert and lh« |Mtblio gcntnlrj.—. Also, • few barrels Brine Mscherel. ' . JNO. O, Wit llarpert-Ferry, August 90, IIV»ru». Siy»*MJ*. A FBE8II tupply of ih. above v medioioe just received, and for the Chirletlowu Apothecary add Bonk Ma* JA.MKI Auc. 11. 1B35. Corn, ilye «n4 \Vnittt-d. W K will give catb for 100 barret* of COMN, U* bukhrteof HVE, w,4«, few lorn of TMBolbvlUV. '. WAOF.H h O'BVBNt. llsrperVrf try., Jhw« 4, 1W To the Pnltllr. To <hp .1'n'riMcr* Notice. V I H I I 1 N I A , TO WIT: ()f jtfftrton'^nd Frtdrrirl: OOOt)8 ttetmilileMrUhaermV Offlw nf. i' i i i U . hi>l<l«u inlUeJGIctt't Offlcn iif - «..r- At ' oora T t of.l*waiulOM«««rJ ofl*waiulOM«««r fur ,„, ,|, , me i IfrkV Office of tho A lentbSupvrlnr E return oiir ttecere.«eli»i. Cniiirt nf l*w mill Cliamerv for J mill Counly, Ihu flr»l Moudajr In "'3> for thtrlihcral enco-nragenient w*h»v* Cfarkstown, Jtfferton Count yt 1'irginfa — A . Hi-mi m-iior Cmifl of Mw *nd >'">"• j.ir.-ismrCimnly, ll»u m»t Monday In J.uly, .Irfl'. FINAL < IMS: ,-i > i ,• i. iiv-i .mi euuniy.thn drlii M IS. I I -.' '• , eroinfote rnrelvcil at the Illoonicry Hills,unil iliinlnnilii T. Tnwnrf anil Thomaa CJ. flonK, hi Charte't ttuiirmnii nnil Nnhtrt T. limit-it, ill tilgu-it, I83A: ow take the opt>ortunlt)f to Inform them,lK*t l«U-lv i-r>-l;"'l»''t* "fading UfnJrr the ruin ( trriof IlitKiun VlfAtanH, i*r l)l<xxl' nnd sinto Samuel Slrldrr, n tddilion to the njooflterv MHlti w* have T«w«»r t« lUrrfi, AfJAINST an- »lrt*>W«, ""I sntrttinllnl thing*; mreha»ed • mill on llutlskln, Yformerlv the AtiMNSl' Chirlnitc liall, John Kli'Uler, Unar I•«»'«*. i mi :ifi'i"!ir ;i.yiit[->l fnlei l/iwUClii.kenbriird and Bdward LMtt«atn,i irttperty iropcrty "f J«*n llalnen.) '.whlell h«t f»r and William Slrlder, DSMtjBium, iii U;» his try ii-.ijiiU oii.kmK* i N January last,*elint;at *g>[,t for*joint by Mr. Hugh funome ye'ari .wwi.hw.fl' ., • Mrrfw*.»*4<Mw»»« IN I ' l l . . . ttoek company, I optncdji . • •. y VW* ClUNCfiRY-; to if'oe'ivb'WJieal,. anil are; iiow'prfp ' a r . l , Churlollo Hull. mil nlf Min iHr.WJWreiii.T.ei und nKkfnili 6f »tat.n it I onwc or K n tertnin m r nt, ilim iiiierrd Ills npiu-nranee aii^gl'im Wo- wlll,.at all »!rae«, ,nay the hitthert ln« . Mwilhtltlnlhe-irttflraaaetnWy imillli* .. . t *a ',.!*)!*** , f-^. Hrr>«.^» L^kuii«u.< I tn I security arr.nrJIinff ••.!/. <;•»:.-, n'liiini'i .i/»)/>Aw, Vlfi*. inle* nhhls rinitl; and II appearing hy sullufnctory nndth.i i - u l n i i f . h i * r o U i i t * n d It appenrlntf llffu'l, ll-»i<t>»in'i{*<lft<r)r, Mi* ,.t,,i-j piil, i...- that sli* .Is not an .V,i'/«.•'"•". i'l-ttlnt-i- MeCirmttk, Hmrii It kv'dm** that lie I* not an livliiiblliiiil "f this far lii-yonrt 017 •>p*erkll n mml l m m woo ' • ' . , " •• ' .''. iil--'\ 't.-HfOHHH /iw-rf, ;'"'nf"•«'.» ' II I* OrtertVd, I -lit IHtHf/mtr':(). .f/iiwutt, M.n Thai the sni.l drfcnvlnrit do' npp»sf «*t* « ni ins f,(r p»t\Jlt- »t Kfnlietty, PMliji 'K. Ttiotnni nM fl'Hliiim K. Iho first day of the next term, unil nn*w«r Ihe. •nihlli: tilfalrs a"ft" the people of Virgin! rout public, and at the »am* ltfn»"»<Mirp ti». (ieafftt m.-rcliunl»unilpnrlnfrt irmllnif iiinlrr fanners; and wo Invile all those who have bill of Ih* plaintiff: nnd that a ropy,of l arnljilhrri, that I thai! not rtUa in. thr /Sri* nf 7'Aofflrti W Uetrfe, Jurofi '/Idtlzcll grain to dl«poie of to .jriva us a etll before v(-Krr« ""Richmond' is liwkcil'to as Hi* etntfe of the P foilhwllh Inimltd In tome newtIwo months"sijceesstvrly, and posted al tin-n-oni W. plfl'i Ail>l(t<im'//i<Il'(Mf'« making a dispoiitlon of the tame. To any my exfr.llnnf 16 make gueil'i, who may \. IJIieint .tbo nolntv/hert'. at li'»it dnr-imW nf -imj-fcoutMioii** ht - thn--Mia lo»n.m iDcir Duolisfctt "'Iff ChMlntnwn; f«r two vor me Nvlth. a call,' comfortable.. Thh t«it ti-ti<ltnrr MHiI'-r ihf /inn t>f /rtroA *ale «apmi>j erwp-tuiUsAUi. f > of our euttom*ir*th*t prefer . t ~ na>-,Qft itliii'll iini and luxuries IK* fnatVtt aBofdTimjlf" Hjtft«(lv3$& "M 'i ^^ypi^W^.ttA.JMdll. »nd alrict attr.nl & irK^^-SB^-"**^'^ flnm^w^l^ylSm^m^w July 30, I H.I-.. at all tlmtil p-... . ... • ef 7'Aomm V J'fiUifi Hiilltrlf, '•I'/imliton C. . '. . , Then b<f:i*>t n» more your nil, part i l« C<n»mBrt*e«lth. l the Illoomcry Millf,. • miller itabdt hit bu*lne*t| *nd.T lhall not fnil.i llnnUri/, .1bratuun^*Vun Hunt, Thomai H.\ \Vr irndl, thvnfort, take a decided, keep a supply of liny and oati, The mnrktt I . K . H ilMlhfiiiuJrple alliir nuw • i.mnvAriHif nnrfl 'VIRGINIA. TO WIT! deeorons part In the pollll«« of the day,-'lu uur Who I* illpntlve and understand* bl« buslneti, • Hep wliere tile vlctor7Victln)lilti6d»i purtntrttrailing lillitrrllir Jlrja-ofMalthftft (J Al-Itnles hiililrii III Ihe Clerk'* Ufflee of the Clr- nain-r' for Iho cnnnlry, which .we iirvti.-iil under and D. Ko'rd will be very frequently In «t- •t tbii time, for nil supplies In my line, Is All head* mutt romo IhpMiu. nm/AVwOR IM')/. Dar'tn, tiuit Superior Cnun nf. Law and -Chancery for ihe liile «f " Ttm Ilichmmiil C'twlcr nn't •>'™- IcndauceTor Uic purpos" of _*tltnrl|nB to the. known to' lie very high. I ihlll, however, To the cold tomb: • IX CHANCEHY. ;.i JnflVraon County, the first MoniltyMn July, tl'tcli-ty Compiler,!' W« shall, «s we have alrea- wl»het uf tho customer* of that mill, and any for the present, mate no chnngo in my ututjl _ilBUINlA. T O WIT: . . . . . lhaarliooil.tif-t>>»yr<f low ehargrs. 1831: At Itulcs llolJen In the Clcrk'l Oltirc of the ' • ' I IK defendant*, Philip I'.. Thomas'and dy sluled, bantu for Iho prlnaTtilct of Virginia I , WilliamIU.George,mtrahiiiiuandpai'lncrs Danlft Cnmeron nnd An I,il,,,1,1 Cameron, eo- and a Cunsthulloiml Union. We IK ll<iTe Mini order*'loft with tha miller, il> hit absence, • At the commencement, it was my intenSmellswcel, nod blo««om lit Umlrdidrt. Cireult Superior Court of Law and Chanwill receive duo attention. We will atto iimliiers trading under llm llrm nf O. -k A. bMh are no.* lmperille«V and, under ih.,1 belief, : «ery fdr Jefferson Counly,the fu-kl Monday trndltiK. under Ihu firm of Thomn* k lionrge, --thmicroB, in attentive miller at tfir D'ulUkln Mill, tion to keep literally a"Teraperan.ee Hotel," , ,. I'ttlKtlVM, J«,-ebMalWidl and Ch*il»allHll*Hl.merih*ht«M«l we shall raise a warning voice sb tons at we bare hive Tijuni l.v-i:. DM tCGu*. in July,' lc)35: nnd farmer* m»y rely on having .their work but for ooiitiderallont hot necessary nov to .. AOA1NST iiliipvstrsdin^iiiiilrr tlitfirm of J»ro|i K (llmrles «ny hnnc that our countrymen ean he awakened PLAINTIVr, mention. I have kept and shall continue to «ll«<ll,Ttiiii(nis Hull n i l and t ' l i i l l p II ill'.'". John Mtl'herson llrim, administrntor of John from Ilio full,! security In whltli they now *ecm done, and butineit^ttendcd tn, In the very keep the betl licjuort the country *lTordt.— llrlen.dci-easi-d, John Mcl'hcrson lU'ivn and o he reposing. nirraliunit and nnrlnrr* trading under the firm of best manner urn'at Iheshnrlesl nnllerj—with 'g . — IO< ',A GOOD STOHY. fMin llrlen, admlnlitralorofJohn Thofni*-»fU)-riitllp-.lt>1txrli> •*" -'Fhomaa- H Horuiio. Mil'lnTSMii, uiolvoraot Juhn Hrien, With tlii* brief rxuoillloo of our. vl«w* ami Ihkdetefmihalion, on our part, we loive .the. Nevertheless, I hereby.pledge myself i n t h « Ililvnaiid Horatio Metlier- purpose*, wu Invoke lha support of a generous llsue lo a genernnt public who have hereto- public that there shall ho no Intemprmnco A Scotch Major, who had >ecn «o Brlon, Jeo'd, y*,h8 w»» the survivor of.I nlm M»ilhewa and. Baniuel .llo|,kjns, merchants and. John.Mallterton Son, tale co-partnei:s Urnlin^ under Ihe firm of a hnutc ov»r which I have control. 1 omf.Mm Miru'ii, cS-pSVlneri partners "trading under Ihe fiir.i of Mullhewa tt ihlU. 'kucccssful as lo. figUl,)iw.yftral. ducla, Mnl'hi-TMir. fore enaournged us and l*fl ut no reason to in have heretofore done business for i*aily ran- . the nainb of McPherson and Helen, Hopkins, not having enlereil thrlr apptaraner, The Dully Coin|>Ks>P%Xf'-ks> a icrarnio con- doubt a continuance of nice**'. with repeated success, and who; on • under llrlun, survivor' of John llrien and John Mcnry Only, and by doing to, have found, reciand pursue- thu course whlcli It has adopted nnd the laid John MePherion Brlen, »\ heir and [;iti-n svcurity iieaiirdlng to the act of assrmUENJ. FORD, I'hvi-fton llrlen, Inle en-ml'IniT*, tt-mlinrr'nnder' cern, acfr»unt of hi* 'cxtrefne desire for* qttar- 'uf John MrPlirrsnn and of John Urien, lily and lha rule* of this «mirlj and U apprmii.g 'the lla present nondiiclnrs. procity of interest between ny patront led , DANIEL^SNVDER, liein of llrirli (i Mcl'lii'i snn, John.Mel'her- under by aallslaetnry evidence llmt they M I not fnkthllThe pVlr.K of Ilic Courier and Semi-Weekly* myielf. I keep no booh at my bar at thai Juniui 3. McVlibraon, Wllllaqi S,M«rhcr- aiils of llils'uoinim^ TrlroHtfrevt; ihwtha- wild -rclwgr-wh^it -• .littto intoxicated, ;and »,in Ili-i' n unit Henry A. HrliMs-laleeoianlner*,. ompil'iT, l-'i> i. Dnlliii • per niiniim) hill %«• In ' u 18 csc son, John McPhenon, Horatio MoTlieraon; tlme,'nmr«h«lt I'eret-ltwp-im** --Of eean* truding null, r the firm of llriun aiut M i - I M n i - advance will be received a* payment.In full for ilvlVndnnla dnnppeiir hern on the firtt .da* of the far..^ Jjpwtfid .<-9 ™*8<V ..J* ' ? ,v '}?_ Br-Mc Mnmrm-.-HtjIwrMJr BO credit will b* eipcrtcd; certainly none Und ui'sjiisci)t l>y TKa brofhor 'btficfcriT JVot i€*..to, IN CUANKER^ r.np/.afihla.iinlLiLluLLiitllntJlU.iiLie'rliui. H ~a«HN-»V"a cattle ono «fv iifllli|?"lntrj n'lurgp conipa- •Phcrton, (daughter lif.R'ohprt O. McFTicr- juiiUtbota uf l Before ttaleoVt ttsv and-soilcll a continuance tlila uuocrlbei In same newipnper p'ddiahed in •( Him In-town, for HE dofcndanls, (except"HTiKarJ '-15;" •Richmond, April SJ, 1H.15. ny. There happened t o b o a Yankee, S.MI, drr.'d,) Catharine McPherton, (daiigh- wo uinnlha moressliely, and pulled nt thofronl forming the cuatomcn of Uio I'oliD I t y n l . J n n t having entered their, appear-' of public patronage. . • ' JCj" Siilisrriplions received it this ofiice. and fiirmiTi (;cnc,rally, that they have entered loor of ,<ho eourt-hoiiM in Iho said town uf and given security ar«»rdln.g lo thu act of tin, officer stationed in the 'name regi- ter of Alexander McPherton, dco'd,), MatilISAAC;N. CABTER. uisembly ami Ihu rules of this e.mrli and it Hp:|ntrlcsln«n. into partnership in the Millini; liuxincu, (;it Ihe Charlesfown, Joly 3. " ment at Montreal. This.Yankee re- da MnPhorson, Jolfn MoPhotrton, Henry A. A Copv—Tcntif., ... neai-ing ny tulisfaelory eviilein-e that they are not AND CHEAP-BTOBB. I'onl Mill*v on Khcii;imlu:ili I l i i e r , iirarKeyca'a Brlen, and LuUo Ticrnxn Bricn, li«ira of lated, among ollitir things," the failure HOIIERT T. ItltOWM, Cl'k. lidialiitaiitt of rhii i-.i.iiuti v: It in i,rili-rril", llmt lln' Ferry;) ln tho name aid tmdtr Uie firm of H*inr!if*trr and JPotamac .._ undtrtigaea U oow opentmj « »ery John McPhcrson.and John Hi-.ien, Jlil; rHl.JM3. ' »ald dolVnilanH fin appear her* nn thu fit si d»y of . . ; ' --'lll.'M : -^—TT—.hfflidjqms «nd extentbri ijiurtuiont of l>AN^i:i. 8NVDKH t SOS, com'menchiK wrj Il/VIL HOAJD COMPANY. •the next term; and .answer tfie -bill of the plainhad jlic. misfortune to be woundod.— hl.day of • the present month, (August,) ."'. . ' Jalr'J'J. IN33. VIRGINIA, TI) WIT IN PHANCERV. liflti-an'd that a aopy ;*f Ibis order, lie fortliwiih Sjiriaifi ttntl. Fancy UomlH, the : and ipni'iliey. nro now reany to do bdsIiicM on THE -\VINO II ESTER »W rolomaollaUThat \v as because you were a rascally Orni defendant* not having entered At ItiiKiliiililt-u in llieClc(lf> Ulli.'p nf IhcCii" illserlrd InsiiniP news|'iiV|-ierpiihlivlied In Chill l i s . At the home recently oocupi«4 by Mr. John rbad Company will .contract for • largo eull Superior Court of. Law Hnd Clmncciy for such tcrmnu cannot fail to be tatufactnry nnd ict of cowards,, observed Ihe supercil- <JL their appearance, am) .given iccurlty .trlfi-non Countv, llio'fii.t MoiiJjj in July, tnwn, for two months sitcccitively, and posted fit Pitztjmmont. •* n tavern, on Bhenandonh advantageous to farmer*. From the- advanta- o.uantity of PIUB "WOOD, to be delivIbe front door of Ihi! court-house In the aui'd lu»-n Slroet, which Im flatter* himself he will be according to Ihe net of assembly .and the ious major. /You are a liar, replied IMJs ge] wliidh this mill posseuei, In point of pow ered at their Depom at Cameron's SprinRtnl of wChtrleslomn. . " futei of this court, nnd it appearing: liy latis Jan,!.-. able lii tell it Cheap a* any cap bo sold In The company »tared;Vl).inem»nn nnd• Andrew lluntrr, Ini.trt. " "the Yankee. IT nnd. a •utlicioney nf water at nil time's, ns llnrpprr-rerry. Ihe dellvnry to *onmenet) by i—Tote evidence' ttiat"lh«y -»ro -nql-tnh»hl thi* section of ooiinlry. Ill; an.l D,mc:inio7iT — aown .upon 'factory" jiUa-llioeaiy triiiiportaliott.of,; floor Troiii tin: tte I»t of Septemb*! b.»r. or. »irHer If r.«Sfe(> tanttr-ofrttrM country:. It in pnfc red, That i»Ms, in port, AGAtiWT ~ "'•July 30j1S3S. door, wo nro Induce^ (o Beiievt that Wc.cdli pr»c|icable The wood "w ta bV" eiii'li":' him witli witli-tci~much contenipt tlio' said ilrfenilttim ilo n p p e j r l i c t u on lliu :aleh.Wall^and.Ei' waritrlrUiiii««ri|iQn rT Tyarllcles, viz.| > slbiof 4 fnct, and to bu corded up at the liali did upon David,--and immediate- fir^t tiny of the next Icrtn, nnd BIIMVPT Ihe •mi, ailinlnlitratoi'of Nulhnn ShephiTil, .n-,y u, Blue, black, lirovvnlndolBydt,"?.p|7i;.V,1,~ nayaibiRb. prices f«ir wheat, at all timei, at VIHUIMA, TO.wit: rliiinlill'j nnd that a copy »f itii 1'. Alliiir.n.l'ImUhi (cCo.-, Joues b Woodniird. At rules bdlden In the Cloik's Office of Ihe Olive and Ml*ed JWy»- any other millers. Furmcrs ^genernlly' will ejiriente.of the contractor. '. ly asked, are you tlm man to meet ' Anyporsoii wishiogtocorilract, wlllplatlo ooaiult their interest By giving ui a roll wlich Alheit K'?K|,'I-,- -An.,In I 'Westnn, Jarvir and ' "Circuit Superior Court of T,aw and Chantiowipit' Do. do. do. do. do. Coti me; Yea at any time and. place you ordor he'forth-ii'ilh inserted in,fnrsome f.irni.k It.. .iil».'^rlh«f Wlt>i hil •" l tiny are rvt-'j Vr i1ii["-f "f "••*'•• twn iiumiJi' do. Utfi^WBnf du*. CttthUD tl>, lOUI/O. UO. ^W. ' UU. (ur juiiKf.un toanty, ibu" ir*i M6By.mit/_Jv\iULthia |)io»»iua that{-P llnrke, CoiAliy M llothrkli-r, Newklrk tt auccewively. and pooled at the front door L . Vekel, Bilk, Vulcucia, Toilaett and'Mar- jiir'old niistoniera we luy, that n -coiitiniinnee, on or before the Idlhof August ne»t, slat io{ •inp*;i:'^'i-'-^-li -i,*-;^.i.-i.;-rt:ii 1,1:!_»• f»ffe*rVrf''/*t«rt4«f*^' ..._ m . ._ __ .jatt,|aiti.l llic w.hpjo *m«wulh.e.; w)l|/urnlsh, the.pric(> ?•"'—•-fortTeirVfSilMrirr'"—'-^—•'•r—-"~-J-~'~-<~<~-~~^- ot... (leorge Goln», , J3ilk;-::,*i^.J?teidjJNUrlnol'.-CpUop, Lamb'* Jill&U-bi). Ppjrs(l,_l.n. Hcoommrxlalimj them.— per cord, and Ihe quantity jier month ' ,.','", ^$^Sf^jm^i^^^^^'^atAe^ r Those who-grind UieirwheiitoutiJI, and WLsii C»n*r, . -ROBERT T. Agreed! The company _lpfcseiircnnil 5t Co.," Johnston, I'rico lie Co., Carey Ifm". n. Majjpudir, aJminittralor icilft Ihi will Wool"liote. V ' lonally to the subscriber on the line of ih» , .advance*, ahalt bo feccommodnteo*; anil the 0, 1835. llhered, JollttJI. tlulhiher.nnil —." And half llote of every description, tnncxtdff. Jamil A'l/lon, tleciaitd, Hrnry deavored to.dissuade the Yankee, telltrouble of sending their flour lo ftarkcl. need Railroad, or by l*M*r'1rddr*itcd to him tt /.Figured and plain Kronen and English. MeI [runt, inilinlil f.Vanf'i«m .o.fmiiii»(ralorr/ ' " l I :ev,r-ry IA, give lliem.Do . Uneasiness, as we will attend-to. Winchester. Al nili-t lioi.lfn in the Clevk'a OIHc* of t)it Clr. Jamil Kiiirlty,Ju». JcetaitJ, Ihriitl llirry,. rino of every color—do. Circassians, whore'ht fiad'nouc, ' ^ giving u* . It at iinj time when they iisinril defcadaiits,* except. John Super now stylo Calicoes of-every -color cnitSuptriorCoiirraf Uiw ami Clitnrrty for JtfinuSrotktl, nnil Oeorgt IliJman, '''':,.- • . r.ngineer W. t P. n.. notiro thereof. Plaistcr, suit, fish, fcc. &c., ^ would . Jeffi-Mon I'otltrand JuhnS. Unllaher, not Iwvinjfenttrbetter compromise matters, or be County v ilic firsi Moaday ia July, and price, -.- . ' .-'' " r'd their appearance, unit given aeeurity. accnnl•when >vnnti>'d, will -be .furnished, at colt. A 'July ?b, 163S—iftv.. ..;.,-..:.;... ^ . I'lnlh, ligurcd-and nrots-barrcd Muslins IN CUAyt;i;»Y. * lug tu Ihe i>«t--of~a*»rmfaly~aintt--the-vii(ea-of-ihl»Adams, Admlatitrater c41 r >i< Bobinclls, Tlirqud-and Bobiiietl' LacM and' few dsijV niitino,. previous to ,Uic timo it 'is he still persisted.' -The next day be Jos?P>. eourtf and it appearint; by nlisfaclqry evidence |FinilE. defendant*, ~Jnmet Brooke* and I|ORW wiabcd, will bo necessary. - —7- , ..: Fi. ihatthey *re not inh.ihiliints of Ihls country: It 1* _p* (,'eorgc Redman, vol having onteruil ll^elr Edgings,. repaired to.. tEo.". place somewhat before llton, dw'd, AGAIN9T DANIEL- SNYPF.n, ..-.-•- ,,,..1 «* jr/jjyf/jfr^Vrry*-: .• •*•_-.- • ' appeal-ante, and gtven'-secUrlly iccordltig iothe Intertingt and Footings, .. ariloreu, 'l-'hiil the *aid dufendaiita do appear here tha appointed hour, aTmod with, a large Jaeobina Baker and James U Riotbn. D*>*n; on tha first day of lha next tcim, and answer the act of-assembly and the rnlc» of l!ii«.court; and 'Merino, long and s<iuaro Shawls, a good ......... —._:. -DAVID H. SNYDER. ~ TMager *f* O>Byrne IN CHANCERY .: : August aO,;J835.— If ' .the nrnjof made , shortly •after RE prepared to tcceive i *nd will forr nlalhlifTif rtinl that * btipy of thii or<ler it ninieiirini; tiy E:iilsrii|.tnry vt idenrr that they are •tsortment, „ • HE defendant, Jaeobina Biker, tot havnot inhatUHuU of Ihi* country : H in ordered, wltnin*etted In aome newspaper fiiiblishward, with promptltud*, either to th* Embroidered and Thibet Jo. his appearance with a brace of pistol That the laid defendant* do vpocar tun: on the inCharlestown.for two months tucceaiUely, thstricl by the Canal, or to Baltimore by Ih* Italian Lutlrlngi, Grot da .Swltt, Gro* de and his sword.. Before'he Jiad ad van seeurtly according to the and posted 'at Ihe front door. eT the *ourl-house first day of iho next term, and answer the bill Naplbl, figured and plain, all colors, •". Boarding «f* Day School. Rail-Road, Irsof thiaeotirtt and It appeal ln| 6f Ihe ulaliilllTi and Unit uenpy.nf thin order be ccdfar, the Yankec-ia-on austere toite in the ssld tawh of Chai'lastowu, :' ' • *_^t_.J-... i..^-._i.j1|jjHjMi^..a^tnMOjtJsdj'iihf-' -y«rUhi«Da and.0*kerean». new Hylegoodt 2" TO- wit: . VAZ.X.EV IIOTBZ., W i K NO. 31 tabtxrti -ty of-I ! to punctual I 11 KM .KB.—Wo LINGS ofall kin th* neatest ml engaged Mr. Ju tend our W«a. **Bciite all l.ind* uor*kr wlih ne rre4*rl«k Co1.1 Ityle. H o w ill «| every 300 pound a n d - w i l l »lainl Ui I., whii.'h il-rnny I once as a miller, ' the ojlll.at preted 'in living able top lie will buy Wt ccs, nnil those w| trouble of send in 'dart : he,accomn«i .Durlnttbel Im ready to grind tally ketp. » tups rnodation of hit g: 13, Afi or :-lhc Turnpike .C'.'(ii •tlio subtcrlljcr 1 ._ ^ ' ,-•,,- RT r| I'iE snbicri - I' friends and.] iie.hu rumovcd I ly occupied by -tnrhi* mi cxtciiklj A " ^t&s&r^SSas Sw P*"'»'P*PP*s?»a»ss»^f^*^*'«JP*t1*"**»>"*^l|LlJ^^y W .... BOO IBV1 r *'u'"f*«-J*"ti*MiiM»UJ | braini out." Upon -which the major, _ .the firtt day of ihe p*»t term, aiifl posted ui Ihc front door of ihu eoiirl-houtu in the Twisted Silk Shawl* ind Ikndkerohlef*— .•r the till of.the plaintiff, and. thai, a *apy of -ifuly 30, 1835•aid town of*Charlustown. . . .• ; struck, .at. tb'ia unexpected stratagem, Blond liauxc, A .Copy—Test opy—leL -Dor-buonidos, do. .Crapet, Silk and ManVIRtJINIA, TO WIT : lan'tly. obeyed, but c: IvOUEUl T. DROWN,Cltrk. dariant. At K u j e s holdoii in the ClarU'j OlTice of the him wpw. the -:.4ii|.u«U WsBt*l«*lyj'*«Mllio*t«da lh*/ron July S3, 183i. Do. «llJirict. BloodsVJtu?* Veil* andfir CiruiiM .superior Court at taw and ChaneOU/t-houte, In the said towa of Charlastow*. . Inrcans, ' • . . :c^ry.for JaBersor) County^ the first Monday TTVlltGINIA.To, WIT: ' A Copy-—Ttata. kco U'a:) Implacable, and determined^to Super new'slylo Glnuhamt,' in July, 1835: R<iuiGitr At rules holdcn in the Clerk's Odlce! ol" Iho Cir-punish him for the 'insult he had re-.. . July 30,1»^5. A pood assortment of Ladies' and Gontle Bunbury D e n n e t t , ' JpLtiMTtrr, cuit Superior Court of l«w and Chaneery for .JeifVraon County, the Brit- Monday in July, men'* Kid, Beaver, and SHU Olove»)' _ceivcd. Lay downlBBU^-istnla and ^- VlRGW«A,...; • •. AGAIXST ____ —IHM-I•—•**—,r "".'•' "•' T*-. <- T HE ertrTeitfoB of thit institution, de. voted emiilunively to the education of jounn lauiea, under the. care of the Rev. Mr. Eicbelbefger, -principal,. *sslsledja»-U«re- consigned to them for either place-, and will, j tofore, by Mitt Henry ani Mis* Polk, wilT ^jhen desired, make sale of the tarn*.. commence:DnTtt*«d*jJhe_.lttj)f September ^The ;GQOpS of Merchant* end other* «omneat. The course of Inslrueiion, accompa- tn'B from' either market will iiclttathtVgreat . • nied by rcqu'itlteeiplanitioni In'every *ug« •tt attention. of Ui« learnor'ii progress, comprisri »ll the —4V* *liall have eontlaotly on haluLl_ll *upply_of SALT and PLASTER. Jamtt Ilitf, lute Skerifofjr/g&on county, : Hutt,,Hool»"ind Shoet. Te>y"pe»pr. .,^1 branclits cif-Biigli»h, Classical and U«iam.c'u.-. 4al seminaries. In thu government c f l h u iiuli AGAINST—. «' liilo and brow:i siitWiiiicy- Df iUingi,. tu'tion, «fcV»irictet» regard "1* 'paiiTfo' moralr * nn,.Jlbcrt Humrickfunti; RuiAm Cbrca^TiTatt7 ^ ,.. . , adininiitrator of Mm WMpcr, A'foo'fl assortment of -Hardware and Cut ments, simplicity and economy, aa^eiientia Hygeian1 Vegetable Uiiwertarjlleilfcincs cetacrl, ..••:. 'llitf *i features, are required lo be observed. By Of the Rrltlsh College of Hcallh, London. :,. lery, . :>: •"• '-• IN CHANCERY;'the constant attendance of teacher* residing ' "Hlf'H have obtained the*approbation A good assortment ef Groceries, nUE. defendant, JMm Jeekaon, not hiv' and recommeodatloa of. thousands., itlt almost every article utuall in Iho seminary, pupils have peculiar advanJbC.'nK.e'nlercd Ids ' €oUniiT Produce lie lake* tbii ( cere thanki to general, for the j tended Howard* I milled attention " llarpern-Ferrji •y. u.—PU AtRolohnlden mlhc-Clerk'a-Oflree of-lhe Ch* Hichatd \Viillams, admlnUUator Jj-toniinoiv boring count kct, and U>.«ifl4ill»t.about face,' march. mil Suntrlar Court ef Law and Chancery for with the will annexed of Smith Slaughter, ' Ji-ITcriuii- County, tho firtt Monday In July, Richard ' The poor major, wa3_ under.the netTcsionl.i. noft of Hamilton JelTerton, - **rf* f rjKSiiiimrtfi^"if *^iil*i»r»i«».tt^ltnlloic ' in exr.li of curses. against -shis stars,rpajsivcly Wager, Slaughter, duc'd, who was tlie admlnls AGAINST trator lit »«ni< m>n of Mason Bennett, sijbinitlcd. The Yankee ijuictly took I'hilip \V. Ward and 8 now roeelvll Yalta Sc Mcliilyre, dec'd, ind j.yrlla Dnnleli, executrix,' and .- . very general] possession of his arms,.._Ii,!3 hase, it .is 'John n. Daniels, executor of John DunHANCERY.; 4easof lin l ~ BenneTr/q^rJ ? re^thtWMilwwy* • under-lh appearance' and' given security ilTe'"'i ule* of this court V t and the publio speettully <olicil his .fellow combatant,' .1 will .deal hon- lag to tue act of awembl* and the rule* IN CHANCERY. tomert. e v i dunce Ihit he i* riot an" Inliuliitant generally lo call and examine, nnd judge far notlco of the-principal or a-re«ponilble atsis ternallyi Djspeptia, Severs, Ague-, IndigesBepl>J. t83a. orably; there take my musket, throw- court! audit appearing fiy a«t!*fa«lory evidence •yill'. dufcudants, Mason Donnell nnd W i l - salisfactory of this country: It I* ordered, That tho said themselves, 'in he doe* not make any charge turit; whilst Ihe location "of tbo seminary, In. tion, Biliout or Nervom AOectioni; and all dlov thnt they arvnotlnhaliltaiitsof ihlt country: It is tho immediate vicinity of Winchester, cont- rasemf the l.iver, Yellow Fever. Uout, Hbeu-:-ioB it toward* hitn, and defend your- ordered, that the aald defeniUnts do appcur heru liam Dennelt, not having entered their up- defendant do aumwr hero .on Ihe first day of for allowing lilt Good*. ft Itt next term and answer the hill of Ihi: plaint i f f ; bine* every reqiitiite for noceitary and matism, tunibago, Tie Doloreut, Dropsy, St. fclf. Ho, quite incenacd, seized the on the (lestday of the ne)il term, and ans*«rthv pcaranee, and given security according to the the JOHN 0. WILSON. CJTULEN, fn of aicembly and tho. rulu* of thii court; und Iliul n cnjiy of iliin tinlri- be foi-thHltn InsertbeaHhful.recreation. Parent* in*y feel o.s- Vltut'sllnnce, Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Parnlyilf, riLSv*. 1835. .musket with a mixture of exultatiftn bill oP Ihe^plniiilirTsi and that a copy of I til I '«f- act ed in some newspaper piildislied' in"Charlestnwn, t tti f « on the part of the principal, no r»l«ey.(ireeiiSlfkiii-s»,andallobstruetion»to bcforlhwitli iusertril In Miuunuwspaiicrpuli- nnjl It appearing by laljsfactory evidence for two mouth* lucce.imcly, and pustcil ut the. IIUUMK, tame aitil prccipilato"vengeanc:eI;rushing-,iFor-' dvr pain* will -be «p»r«d lev pramotc'llxe. butt in whieh the Temale form u ao:iIGn7eaaln«lj Jl-~ lithcil In Charlcslown, for two months siicevsslve- Unit they lira lu.,l inliiihltants r f tl.is country! front door of the eourl-huuscii. Ihu wid-town of y»,-»nd»ery p BPEUJTOg. warn, demanded his arms or he would ly, nnd poUed at tho front dooe of the «ourt- It i* ordered, That tho said defc^diiiits do Ctwrtehowar lerctla of -pupilji r.iinmitli.d to hi* care. alile, nnd which eeodt 40 'miny-nf the fairest The abovu rel bflaiitiful" csUb'!isJimcril, • tiluat'cd •wblhit-hlt BTraBBemenlii^will be eontinuml portion of the ercMran to their untimely appear hero an the firsl day of tlio next, term, Wow him to h—1. Blow away, says houwinibetaidJaarn of CharUalown. ItOfll'. T. BROWN,who will deliver1 in Jefferson County, -Virginia, about 10 tueh as to merit-'the inereated patronage hl< RTireir-Sosall P«nts=-MtBiiu5tr— Whooping _ A Copyr-Tntu, and imswer tho bill of Ihe pl.iintill"; and .that July 83,1835 the Yankee. Provoked by such uuluarMrrJorBiBaj mile* aoutbrwett of llvrpen- toralniry hatrccelved. Term*, per.•ession, CouRli. Searlel Fever, AMhma. Jaundice, .ROBEIiT -T. BROWN, 'Cl'k.. • copy of thii order be forthwith inserted In hood o( K-ib'lclo • July 30.183j. -»->- — .,.- - V. ,' Terry, and five miles I'ruui'thii payabltf wheirlhe telslou It half advanced, Gr»>el, Sliine, ard all Urinary Otmruetinns, tome newapaper-published in Charlettnwn, KEoucy he drew the trigger. . But alas,! .the VIRGINIA, TO WIT: county scal,.(Charlcstown,) is f.ir .luuirdint; pupil*, including, boarding, Flaliito, rile»,)Strtcture», Huptures, and 8yfor two. months successively, and potted.at : Sept. 3, IMS.] AM much in want-of mohay, and must' again open for the reception of jodging, wanhlng and tuition in all the bran- pl iii i r . i n -nil Its ttagea; Constipated BowCll, •.musket bad not "beionj 'charged. T'le At rule* hnlilnriii the Clerk'* Office of Ihc Cir Ihe front door of the court-homo"In the said have il. Many of my old friends and visitors. > '.. c'lit Hupcnnr Coin-t of-1.»w and Chancery for town of Charlettown,; ' ohe*-of English and"CltitiTciif ediioa'tton $C.ri; -Worms, Scurvy, Uchinira of tha akin, Ktrig't glory of the braggadocia, was HO sullied, Titiiot cutlomer*' 6we me debt* of long standing.— Tho' valuable qualltiot of th« water -ore fuel, light «nd stulionory $5. U«y. trholiiri JelTerton County, Ihc. first Monday, in' July :. . • A Copy—^Tetle, and his feelings so mortally wounded •1835: flJ^tlE aubic I have wailed with them year after your, universally known and acknowledged; and from (3 to A12; lan'jtungv*, l.nim nr I'n-in h, I'.vil. and all C!utaneput Diaordw|i In thorl, KOlir.IvT T. BROWN, Cl'k. JL patronage] -liy this indignity, that he sold his com- •George Ei.ller, and atlll the money-teem* at, f*r off at ever. tho faclllliet now alfarded for reaching this in- connection with English «/ta.- f«Iu«ic, every eoiDplaJJit. I" which the human frame 'July 30, 1833, I n f i r m the. cllif AGAINST mission in the regiment, and 'ted the Now,-1'put tho qursllun to them, whether I iileasant retreat, by Ihe flnil Road end Stages, with u«e of instrument, |18. Orawing ind is so lUri-fully sirbjucA i«>der-«ll..th,,«lr varied lie bus re-commi JnhiiT. Cookns, exeeutorof Anfon Jcrrlt, dreM VIRGINIA, TO WIT: .• . . qught to Walt any longer. Cbmo, friendi, will render It a juunt of ploawire and health painting (10. A reasonable deduction to pu-. forms and names', ai thejlygolan conviction place. in Iho aho(i he'] who was rx.-cutur of Juhn Wincerif, diic'd At Kule* boldcri In the Clerk'*' Office ofthe let ua at leat.t have • a consultation, 'and BCD ful.rcereutio:i. _ Tbe.heallli of Ihi he nejglihar- pll* front..the neighborhood r e t u r n i n g home ft.tbit Ulan U aatfcjrct t« nlr ,, John P. Wingcril, .!«.,!, Wingrrd, Catlmrin oppotltil the Nl Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chanwhether wiyt and meant cannot he devised jibodhttbeen moit,o«coUen.t for many year*. ' -WiiiKi-.l-d, .Alarcellinu Willgrr-l, Cieorgu .11 on Kriday evening, and |5 to boarding pupil* OZffB ElBAOi OfiSEJASET, ''-.!"'' to carry oij for obliging mo, without' distressing ybureery for JerTorwa County, the first Monday Two line* of. Stage* run daily from liar-. CashWi'ngerd, H'. R. (iri;iluim tiu.l Miii-y K , hi under 13 yeerrof age; The *e*iloiit coniivuriout branch sulvcs. Call and pay up, if possible, and pen-Ferry through Charlestown, and accom- iiuu from the l»i of September to the IClh in July, 1835: . 'U TIUT I",' wife, late Muy-B. Wiiin'ril, 'Dunlcl Buffer in MI li> bua .A HOUSE FOB. TRAX>£2U&~ tliat speedily FLiiMTirr. modation carriage* to llie. Spring* canbelmd bf Kebrnary, and from Ihe l.Mh of February The Ii«i»urit.v oi'thv Bp o«l, surviving eieeulnr of Calhnrine Mnllrr, dcu'ii John Uaik, the publie patrol Thbte whose open <*ceountt are. running at any lime. M V hoiwo*n'd yard i» now re»dyfor «m AGAINST the tald Daniel Entler us administrator of Hetsi to Ilio aSth of July. No pupil* tiiknn for from w hence sprlugt every, coffiplalnlth*,! can NnfliinRcr, dee'il. Hnnmrl:' Russell, Ci L rocoptlon bf boarder*. My ettablithHrockenlirough McCormirk,.lnmesW, Kilny, on, are likewise iwquentod to cell and pay up, The *ub*eriber«:-wlll endeavor to requite, Usl limn o sctflon, or that patt of the ses- possibly assail hit complicated fraine.nrrtllliut ll-irpera.r'cr Willis,.1ale nil. rilf of JetTersan cmin1v,-aliri ad . werit for Iho safe keeping of NCOBOBS executor of Alexander. Ililoy, dee.'d, l'ri»- or give their notes. In the tno»t satisfactory manner, all those sion rein-lining whou lliejf r u l e r . ° v)iiartcrly It it the perpetual tlni|-gle of tbit vital, pure minjiilnilor,of Hubert C. Ixr, dec'd., Raker Is I4rg«' and substantial, and situated ia the. JOHN T, COQKUS. ollla ttiUy, Jamct W. Hiley, John P^ lliloy , wbo-tomy tojuurn w.lthihern. re potts are fnado lo parent* at a dlsloJiee rfc ttresmof life, (thenif l of Almighty power,): J 'WJK Tupse.iit, execular of John linker, di-rM, Thu. -B)mph.atd»iown, July 83, 1B3S; • . most plettant part of the town. I will board -George H. Rlley and Edwin A. niley> .. ' THOMAS COCKilF.U., -' specting health, conduct, tc ;.und at tho'rnd to <li»encumber Itoelf of it* rltcout. acrid mat Likens and Joseph Enller. . llai-'M.. I fm^M .ubscrlb avrvanti at, aietntt per day, and. "ill (jive -JOHN G. COCrfHELL. . ; IN CHANGEHY. .of each teuton circulars, listing the tchohumor*.with WbUh it ha* become.ee-mn.i»ed,™-•—!; ::--,.~.. VALUABLE LAND them good fare, and-.bjure islrict attention 'jj'ill. dcfeiidiuits, John T-. .Wliigi'rd, Jsaol> IN CHANCERY. ' ' . —t f . v ' , • - • • . Iurt'deportment and progress during the. W»- through,, the negligence of pirenUrW-4h»- • bald tii«m. There will be no poitibjo chance * \V'iii((eril. C»llnrine Wing.rJ. M-rccllina r j['IIK defendant, Ilroekenhrou/.h-XleCor' .i '_.,... " FOIL DALE. _1_;.. — ' onensitlos of Ut vicious, orevruittiiduing propeniilloi ua H w. —-i-. :- . TT. of escape. I will at all limes pay a* high WliiRv'i-d, Gcorgo 11! Wliigcrd, H: R. Gresham mlek, not having entered hit appearance, and WISH to dispose of th'roe hundred acre* Bo'ard of visitors, together with the parents [-•• Gr«c«ric«, J prices lor negroet aaany purcbatert Inmark- and Mary E., hit wife, anil Samuel RnsKll, not given leeurity according to Ibe eel of asienu Of Shannmtlalt v*ltr, nttoriKng ta~At analytii of my Jeflertgn Land; It being pajrt of a of pupil* Renorully, referonco may b* ma**, Thit valuable medicine, being composed _«|,Jind buy from the agos ol ono to forty having entered their appearance, and given *ectl« lily and -the rule* of this court ; and it appear- rarger Jract lying on and nearjbejriver Sheonly of vegetable m»U«r, or medic liial -herbs,— I ^U: John Br'lce tprindpal JVInohejlejr-JVrily according to Ihoatl of uitrmlily and the* rules year*; Thb«e having servants ter sell~wljl ing by iititfactory evidence that he is not nandoah, three mile* distant front Charles to which be < Helenite, or781»lph"inre"of LIm«r| cademy) president, Dr. J. R. Conrad, secre- and warranted on oath, at containing not one find It to their interest to give me a call, as (>f this court) aiid it appearing by »..ti»l'ii.-i'.ii y Evi- an inliabitai'it of'lhi* ronnlry : It I* ordered, Town, and not more than, seven or .eight bia customer*. CorbuiiBlB of Lime, tary, Rev. J. E. Jackson,'Rer. N.'W. Ueort- particle of mercurial, mineral, • or chemical ihui the) nri-not iululiiiKnimil'.iliisconiiiry: Uiey will find other purchaser* at my bouie; ili-iii-,. Kiilphatu of Moeneala, (Epsom Salt,) ' Alto, a few bartj ner, Urt A; K. Baldwin, Dr. J. It. Mrlilin tntvslvncet, (all.of which are uncongenial to is nrilfn-il. Thai the said defendanll do That Ihe stl.l defendant do ajipcar hero on. .frrun Harpers-Ferry. About one third o which will at all lime* ^enable them lo got tt this Iruot I* heavily .clothed w i t h .fine, thrifty Muriate of Magnesia, appear here on thu first day of ihr next lei in, and ifni first day of the noxl lurii),- ivnil i Hollid»y. I)r. II. Mcfjulre, W. L. CUrk, T. Ihu nature 'of tiian, and therefore dctlructive . ll.e best of prices. All comp»yiiloiitioris *d- uirWLTtlji«iUillttiiil.«iiieuiled.biH IbeLbJUjnl.pj.t.WojiofJw.pIjlMffi.aiidJIial cJjoarfd,.-V<cll.. - . .fenced, ..MUi'iate.uf Siidi. ., A, TldballrR. E. Bjrd, R. V. Conrad, 0. W. of the human fr'auie) la found to baperfeclly ^rcSe^^rwo'WlttTnrtt-WTtir prompt-att roOprrt>f-^tii^iniier-bo-fwft^rrfrTnaeTten'--iir TTiitf-ltra-pTCtty' guud ' »t»te-pf • ciilliVutroTirTrt: Sulphate uf frntrj -*~ ^ -«- — r"*-^-f hB^^T»~rh«~rn«JlrTlDW06oTTr*^WitT' «l lr>|,,** n, '111 s ii sonie newspaper piihlishtnl In ('hnirlolown, leusl Ul(( acre* thereof being u ell tc.i in Clolinn. Carbonate, of Iron, " '. ...•..••,.;.:;. r .,'.-.:'.,.; f raniu,- under avatf «Ug a. of human suOl' r ing; .. I! arthx II-OHI fprtwp month* successively, and patte'd at v e r ; the. improvement*' "nro two 'Dwelling . Siilphurotted Hydrogen Gas, • I ivill uiitt all purcfaater* wha m'jy.^l";* 1-^,i in.n,Hi-. «ui.i-.-«ii>,-ly, and Ihte most ,ilcn«anl and benign in iU operation, l ItKHII wall me in buying, and feel BSjju;cc|Hhat I •four nf ihe cnurt-buase In the -a.iid i-.mn ol' the front door of Ihe courl-houie In the said Houses, tw'u U'itchrnt, a good nuw Hum, »jilh Carbonic A«Ki Ga*. and, at the' tame time; the moil. certain in medicine! CbailuMpwn. ' 4 will give general *all*f*etlon. .,—about fifty-Gee degrees of town of Charlettown. stabliag and oilier out beutet in abundance ; scsrchinic Wirr^»»Sf»6t of every complaint, tb* Cbarlustowl ''•'" -. ACopy—Test«V ' HENItV Q. DANIEL. Copy—Te«l«, it is well watDrod, (Kyil's.llmi.) a. fine b,old T u h i e i i l i c i l . however deep, and of performing aoure, that HOUSH TT. UllOir,\; Cl'k. — • '• •• Bimtfa-enrr-f.oudounr^t^ , Jidy SO. IBM. •tfearn, psistng through^ it, bcsldtr havlitg wai ever orTereiJ"TO^iffr"Worli|'- Thb won-Wineh»tt*r, Ang. 27, 1835-3t. July 30, 1835. laxative, in proportion to thu quantity taken teveral . •never Uerful effect, too, it produced •by.tht) least i_ .oijo, * ' failing . .near.each . .springs . ».^^ „of...limestone . 1 VUtfilNIA, TO WIT: • w-utrr (in it, awelling house; into thu st'iinueh , or condition <1 the system A. O. BIVSITII, PIUMOIPAL. trouble to the patient*, by metety twallowVIRGINIA, TO WIT: Al ({idea holder! in the Clerk VOflicenf the CirIIK underilgned, having ranted from ing a certain number of pill*, with the least . .cult Huperior Court of ,l^»w and Chanoery for Al Itnli-i holdeiiin Ihe Clerk's Offii"- of thrCir- possession iri*y bef had at anytime, term* —Tonic— nlurelic— Dltphorctlo; -.^ " 'couimudating, and'price low,... i-iin Superior Court of I •» and Chancery for possible le.otatlon 0(1 pain, exhauttlon of Win. I. Clark, E«q., the large and TAUGHT IN SIX LESSONS! J,l)'i-i«on County,, on the But Monday injury, Valij:.J»l<J'.tl'i-rsan County, ,lhe first. M,.uil»y in .July, r.iimmodiuua houie on I.oiuloun street in bodily strength, and without the fear of • 111.1.1: - K will i S.NIVKLY- bo* comffleoetd a course r.harlodown, Juflcrion County, Va. 7 I83J; - •" • "; Tlwmui llammmil, I'msTirr, which lie hat heretofore resided, and alto catching cold,,or attention todrcit or dial, in Cdlt a) of tiulrunlioii in th' art of llutsrr' Ta|it*oU, eaeciilor of John- Ilaker.' 1deMarch. 10; 1835—If •"' " ' f AGAINST the bulildingrreuted by him opposite his any.way different from tHeir acctutomed h>few ton* of Till If NTENDINO to remove to the West, I ofceuied, l'i.*ix riri , .. *1nthony Hove, adttunliti-atoi' of ^(urtfut f'itn~ '1 fer for k a l e , the Farm upon which I live, d w e l l i n g , will resume the cuereuti of tils in- blts. ACAINST .'* fresh sum, ilectUKil, Itilliiltn A". l\rwnun>, Htrf/,tn The above for tain by llatpert-Ferr; lying near Ihe Khenendoah Klver, in JeOer- •tiluttoii on the lit of Sepii u.li'Jr, on fort l» 8hepheid»town, on • thrilling, lauitu Havre, H ilium .ittlatau, |l«,,'rl r...l|. r, vx.-.-oi. r nf.l '..linn iin- .M"lli-r,ili at NE caik freth Xante CurraiiU, l.l.oWir. lllfMI'llnF.Vti, CH^rltHown. son County, V*., about three mile* /from Ilill. The rooms apprnpriateil 'exe.liisively 1 1 . . , . . , I , Jiilin T. Itookus, exrculnr nf A ..run anil tiuian H., hit wife, late Siuait uVnorium, new *ysli!tn7"by which, after tie lessons, One c«sk TAMAItlNDB, JII.IIN T. <:0(>Kt)8, lo this seminary will acoQtnujadBla one hunrtmrlr.stown, and seven from H*rp*r*-Furry Hint H'tlUtim Rvwe,Jiiniet Howe, »Wi»rffin He- ' Je'irtn;iletM,C«rvt i-Willis, lau Hhi-rlrTof1 Ji-f. fit-si pupil wlUundenland. perfectly, the reason It boiet Mutculel Raitliif, — U. IjKVKHINli, llitrfrrti..-i • .n eiiunly, adininitlrktar of llnhrrl C. 1.« •-. dred p.upM* without incvnivenien.ee; whilst llr.iiii'luiim of light *nd thade, Ilia mixture' uf color*,, II..CH Hoim.Muri/ Ktetchrr Hour, unil fianil o r i - K H lor) WM. l-OSti. Jlturliiubvf 800 Ibs freth I'ltiS, itre'i), tiumili I llujiwll, Thoinns. l.ikrns »ml ' Jane Mitllila Hove, tlahlren tf Mary JU the bout* occupied by the undersigned lioMs ilrawiug upon correct principle*; and will be HKNItY, 1*. WAHO, H'mt 1 2 barrel* *bfl shelled Almonds; ."«« F4O, M), Id, Omt'Tti ' iA)inStone Hrat,Jft'J, ., -Uiurr't,. out the hlghfat attraclloni .fur tho comfort 1t. <!. HAHNUI'.IIS, Ittifi uble to prwoeed, without' diBloulty or imileJlwooded and w»| IN CHANCKKY. Oranges end Lemont, -JN CHANCEHY. une fourth of whirh it in Timber,.;. and the and health of such young Ladles at may be WKKKH Kt I.H"I I.KiOS, incut, ia palulin,?. Wr!i»..Jf*cr*( inlmals, The tame, i l e k - n d , , n t « , Himuel HutteU tnd Jioda, Sugar,-Butler fc Water Cracker*, cleared hind in a high tt»te of cultivation.— p|»ccd at boarders In hia family. No situaI'mimi SIllKLUStc IHXON, Sottm. tic.! itid copy accurately. «ltbcr from n*I talll wal and a I JUitI»l,ll,T M l I I ' i i . i l i l , Illll II..UM;; . l , t , I , .1 AI.MNSI A few cannliter* of Plckl.d Oysters, It it watered by a never-failing »trii»m,(lho tion any where can present superior Ideal JAS. XV I'AVXK, Harrenltn.. Ihvll' apimiraijM4, and |'i>i-n »i ruiiiy aeroriliiigln warranted vurjf .fin*; tuie or oilier drawing*, md apply oolor* with IliUiam JNetmum, Htef>heii^ [U it aald fay co iknnlug, /•» Chailesluwn r u n , ) uud hus 'upon it aeverat charuia- lo that now.tclvcted for tbo protno-. Nov. C;1834. . a facility never lo be.«qu»lled upon Jho old Hii-af. H'iUiam .lli-hit<"i: ami .Vuoin // . Ai ..-- Ihe act of atscnili.ly and 1'ie roles «f Ihlt •oi»rt| . pussauat Id.uOO supi rior Spanish Clgin, *om« of ••tiff, ttitr Sutan .Vfifiiiim. Martha .1 1'iin- •III! it »|.Ill-Jill.);'.} Ulinfilliliy rli.It-nil-Iliulllll-y Cadue'i manufacture, just received and for line Springs, one of wliieh i* near Ibe UwrSl- lion of that mt»t iBiportant und yet lu'much system, md in a *tjl« f»» «<"•« beautiful— r of tjxo. ami ling. The tniprovemei^ti are a comfortable neglected ubjucl — female education, lie, niiit, H'HUam /laUe,\ Jittutt Have, ,Wurttu 1.1,-ni.t Ililiabltanlt i'f IllUtonilllJ ! Il ii-oi.leiril, lit a tcl.clBd pa TI.IIMS, |5 00. tale at • , ADAM YOUNG'S URICK DWELLING, with three roumt betherefore, eonfulf (illy trujti, while he deHtoercu H*T*r, Alary Milcher How, Sttrul thai the ».ii.l iteH'iidanU do' «p|»'m Kera <m Itie MEZZOTltfTOt a bfiutiful atyto of llraet ainJ udjoiiJ fruit SLon. low, and.twu above, itlsei- » Kitcl.un, Snoke- vot«« all Hi. e i e r l i n n s to thit object, that TWO DOLI^ttllS t FIFTY CITS Brtt d*y of the otll trrm, alid answer.the bill , June M™II/I/<I Hove, hein at lav of t drawing Undteapvt^taufbl lu »i* 'lv«»'"'«|IUn>*ft-Perry FEM ^VA"t%W. ' Harpers-Ferry, May 88, 1835. uf I!M> i,l.ii|ililfi and ihst» cop) »)' ibis order tut •faiaanl, lot* of Jeferton tgumy, it,, houie, roru Crib, and Stable." these exerliont will Oieet a corrc»pondlng Au(iist9D, 1«»5. ' f_' fmlliwTlii 'iiix lied In uime nuwspaper j«ilill»hoi|and .inlkany Hove, uJtniniilnUvr .of Payable half yearly i but Two There II * line Merchant Mill *IH| Saw patrbnage at the hands of alt enlightened 1 illCh»rtelto«n, fiTlwO ni.ii.llis wi • i - . . » - i r < l j , >nil Mint/in Vamanl, iltcruwtl, Urtindy, «r«. Mill, w i t h i n IH-O hundred >aj,df 0f the Farm. public. At this seminary will be taught trip will be received aa payment in full, .if r'|l! |,i.>i>-.l HI Uie >'r»nl door, of tha court-hoiua In IN CHANCERY. T the rcqueil of »ome uf their frlcnd»,- AS perton* detlrout uf purchatliijt will duubj- Latin, Creek, I'reneh, Kpanlih end llalian enlirely in advance,. 4Vhene»er-pa)ineiit U... l';i *sid I., n of Ch*rli stowjt, TI^HE defcndisnt* fu'llie above named suits tUWH. | VMMI to pj iho und«rtl(ped have procurvd from Icss view Ihe premise*, the term* uud fur- laniuaget, tontllier with a complete course .lefi i i-ij.l beyuiid Ihe cxnlrativ>u of ll.e yctTi AOpv—T».*l., L uol liavii>g euicred their appem-aiior,oi.il KIV • StTWlE lluuta and l.ol no* Ih tl»e OCCUP»MI will pay una of the Eatttdl cltiei, and iiuur oHi.r for ther particular* will be made known on ap- of r.ngll«h eilimiillon. Ttirwt, f*r classical |iitiir*i{i will bo charted. -, fiuiiEiir T. uuowx, m. en security acc<irding 'la thu act of AaM-rublj U cy uf Mis* Elu'belli Lull, ufor sslc— und the rules of this eourti and il appearing by pupil* (I) «U pi-r sKiiuu, for Knjjluh f 10 fit). July ;U), U.il. ."^^ ' i. tale, »oino of the purest aud bett llu,uor» the plication. .f|kBubscriptlont fur si» montln; Jl -•', ' ' il is a/eunvdiiitnl slluuliou, and will be eold Ulitl'actory evidence that Incv *r«! not inlikUlmil MATILDA DOWNEY. cbuutry can afford— amutig Ihcru are ('or modern lauguiget, music, and ornanien- bo paid invariably in •Jttnfi. oo mod«rat« terms; If not told before Ihe of tliis touulry: It i* ordvrcfl, that tbv.aaid iU CVf«fMt* Market. , March 36. 1835— If '' , Very old I.. V. Madeira, lal bra nelie » a H- pa r u l e ehuri;* »'" be^iuade. ADVERTISINM. 1st of Oolobar, I will lease il for a term uf f'i-iu)*ul* 'lo appear bore ua Ihe firtt day of the Very olil 1'jle Sherry," WISII to nurr.hasna number o f - l i k a l j The tcrn» of adv«rluilng,«r« or a oquare in • l.MON 8*HUI', flue Apple!., Bwett Ur- Buiirdcra will be charged for board, lodging JOUN,MAGOWAN. V'lt »4le b jaort. nral li-nu, auil anawer tbc' bill ul thu |>lniiili Port Wlnet In half barrels, 1-eiglh ,«»«•. M-4 migea, Lcinoni, Flfl,Trunfti..nd Hal and tuition, f/15 per ae»sion, oue bulf paya- or l«a«, »l,f»r tUrte Insertion*— larger OM» Negrue* i for which I will pay Ibe high M , , . l l l , . l . copy ul' tkU nJir be lorthuiili' i barrel*, and quarter catkl, ble tu advanre. A gtntleman of blfhejw *»t market (itice, Inoasb. in the same proportion, Each c«nliftua«« xiu-d tn *ouu! mitupcpurtiuLlittuUiiiCharlr slut, Ooooe, Palm aud EnglUh Walnuts, I'll- sical Bttalmnenla will board In Ihe family ol Tl.osu h»iin< Nptroos to dispose of, w(lf Alto, Fourth Proof Cognise Brandy, t.i.n, for two iiiuiillu siiGLcatitely, kud JKJH.I-I berls, lie. &c. just receivod" and fur sule at ptr w,u»re. , Herring, «t*r. llulbnd Gin,— t. I*. Tencrilll- Wine, all Ihe Cliarleatowit Apolheeari and Book Store. the subscriber and gi»» InsltHeUoua lu the ui Uie fiui. I door of Ihe Com l-bciusn lu the Btti pica** lo give w » «*ll. Letter*, addressed I adverlUeioenl* not ordered for a Kpauish and Italian languages. EIU1INU, ,i'irie-*iAplo Chitsc, Mvuld tu inn uu tin tul'jeel, will to promptly at- of which will te iold on accommodating liia«,»lH IMI eoaltn-ied OBlU forbM, Urata. \VAueKkO-tlVMNE. WM. tlUOW.jr. A. i; BMITII.PfiMCJpal. II <-'»nille», (mad* for auoiiuvr usr,) lor A CobV— Tettv, • J u o e l l , t»35 *>J ItU.Mt'UjvlEV WUJlEUl 1'. I J U U U N . • y, MJJ yc1, Au ST, 1839--*ow3i J..K t 4>V)^«^ ^r^&taywiir'js'W 1 WINCHESTER MJrrueir n&fati, 0 T FOR ..... A W 0 I ffl (hoicc lluiitte and Latin Char leu- f jAM