B aking - New Jersey Courier
B aking - New Jersey Courier
J00RI1L DEVOTED TO THE LOCAL INTERESTS OF THE SHORE CODRTIES H D THE DEVELOPMEET OF THB RESOURCES OF EAST AID SOUTH JERSEY. I860. E S T A B L IS H E D -B U SIN E SS TOMS RIVER, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. AFTERNOON, JANUARY 22, 1891. card s .- JOHN H. WELSH, IMPORTER OF L B E R X O . M A R T IN . a fin e Watches and Jewelry A tto rn ey and S o l ic it o r in C hancery. OFFICE OVER THE BANK, Tom s R iv e r, N . J. WATCHES. HOLMES BIRDSALL, J M y Fine Watches, both stem and key winding, warranted to run within two minutes a year. Silver Hunting Am erican W atches, stem winding, from $15.00 to $20.00. A lso, sole agent for Greenwich street o f the A t t o r n e y a t L aw , M aster a n d E x a m in e r n r C h a n c e r y N o t a r y P u b l ic . OFFICE ON MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE THE OCEAN HOUSE, TOMS RIVER, N . J. and A lso, Pin and R in g ; patent granted August 26th, 1879. Also, a great variety o f different kinds o f Jewelry o f the Best Quality. W ould call at tention also to a ch oice assortment o f C ounselor a t L a w a n d M a s t e r in C h a n c e r y , O f f ic e on M a in S treet, Tom s R iv er, N. J. R. LEON D DIAMONDS, Especially selected for my retail trade. Also have on hand a fine assortment o f Sterling Spoons and Forks: Also, keep constantly on hand Rogers’ Treble Plate Spoons and Forks. Wedding Rings constantantly on hand; also, made to order in three hour. time. My GOBLE, D E N T IST , OFFICE AT UNION HOUSE, MAIN STREET, TOMS RIVER, N. J. Office Days—Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Graduate ef Penn. Dental College. WATCH REPAIRING 1AM U EL 0 . B A IL E Y , Is under my own personal super vision, as it has been for thirty years. I would respectfully state that I am the only dealer in Greenwich street who keeps no plated jewelry, and have no connection with any 'oojjsr except osy o'.yji. s i Dealer In FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEATS, BUTTER, LARD, MINCEMEAT, ETC., ETO. AT IAYINQ PRIORS. Corner Main and Washington streets, Toms River, N. J. 271 GREENWICH STREET, ip D W A R D W. SN YD E R , I (Near Murray,) NEW YORK, F A S H IO N A B L E T A IL O R , JOHN H. WELSH. |COWPERTHWAT EXCHANGE, MAIN STREET., TOMS RIVER, N. 3. H :7~0drments cut and made to order In tho best gniamier at short notice. | | J O W A R D D. Y A N S A N T , NICHOLS FIR BALSAM AND ARNICA PLASTERS. “ O h! papa, I'm so I glad you g o t one of iL, Nichols Fir Balsam and Arnica Plasters, fo r I GENERAL R eal E state AND kuow it will do you so much good. I will pnt It on your back. I wish everybody suffurlngfrom lame back or Bjde an cold* on the chest would these pluMers. They ar«. i nly 1 In su r a n c e O f f ic e , Island H eigh ts, N . J . OUIS P . B O D IN E , f try on# o cents each. C i v i l E n g in e e r a n d S u r v e y o r , R e a l E s t a t e a n d I n su r a n c e A g e n t , N. J. I s l a n d H e ig h t s , Maka in drst-claascoinpaulea at Low rates. J J L Y S S E S S. G R A N T , T o n s o r ia l A r t i s t , ! M C H O L S O R IE N T A L B A LM . The best family medicine in the world for Cough, Colds, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Heart and Kidney trouble, Nervousness, etc. Make your own cough syrup, take one cop of mol l i e s stir in 2 teaspoonful o f Nichols Orien tal Balm. It will enre when all others fall. Sold by dealers Id medicine. WATER 8TBEET, T0M8 RIVER, N . 3. ap,Kju every day (except Sunday) from 7:30 a. i to a p. m .; Saturdays, from 7 a. in. to 1* r midnight. f^ y iL L I A M I Are you insured i I f not go to SHINN & HOLMAN, H. W O O D , M A IN S u rveyor an d C i v i l E n g in e e r , S T R E E T , CEDAP. CREEK, OCEAN CO- T O M S R IV E R , N .J., NEW JERSEY. A n d g et their rates. THEY PAY LOSSES PROMPTLY I J O IIN Y E L L I S , C orrespondence solicited. K lP t l T BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT. HEPAIIUNG OF ALL KINDS IN WORKMANLIKE MANNER. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Burnegat Park. N. J. w N. D. K E N D A LL . M. A. P A T T E R S O N , C o w p o r t t iw a lt ’ s E x c h a n g e , PRACTICAL TOMS RIVER. S . 1. School Books, H AR NESS M AKER, Paneils, Pons k Pen Holders, s Water street, T om s R iv er, N . J. Note Paper and Envelopes. Lew Blanks, OHN Y . M A T H E W S , New York 6 Phila. Daily Papers, woARDiNa, S i l k a n d E x c h a n g e S t a b l e s Lsteet Seatide Library, HORSES TAKEN AT LIVKRT. larouche, Straw-ride and ail kinds o f rigs ready at »** times. pffice: J. v , Matthews’ Blacksmith and Wheelright shop, Toms River, N. 3. S o .. Sc., Sc. Subscription received ior paper, and magazines at publishers rates. I p i U N K L I N H A R R IS. A. A. BRUNT, HA8 ON HAND A T.ABGE AND | * KLL ASSORTED STOCK OP ---- PSALM IN A„L----- GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, PEED, AC. ^*ar the Raili&dd, T o n is R iv e r , N j Kinds of Lumber And Builders’ Hardware, Nails, Ready-Mixed Paints, Glass, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Brick, Shingles, Lath, Lime, ment, Mapes’ Manures. " 'H A S . T. H U D S O N , BARBER. E s t a b l is h e d 1877. O ppo site t h e O c ean H o u s e . am-i-L^'Hstactlon is generally given to cov vemeni. Ladies Sftontpoelug a speciality, dons by Mrs. Hudson, ll L COAL WOOD TOM’S RIVER, N. J. j h W . G. CONRAD, . m urphy, S h r e e v e ’s B u il d in g , * AND CHEAT FOE CASH, A w OFFICES. Ed w ard * E ast S t a t e S t r e e t , M A L E ! IK ALL KINM OF T renton. T UMBF.R, COAL AND WOOD, H A RD ^ B O M A S C. C U R T I S , r ware, Lock*, Hinge*, Screws, Nails, Glass, etc., Doors, Sash, Blinds and Mouldings, Shingles, A ttorney a n d Lath, Lime, ment, Brick, etc., etc. J Solicitor m It 4 M u t e r in C hnneery • See t a l Y a ri Lowest prices Bay Street, B a rn e ta t N . J . PO*l»T FISAS AWT. w. . U«a O N T IRONS. A f I- k i n d s o f c a r t in g AT r r e a s o n a b l e ^ Trank, carried for My wealth ia m o'tea of full many au oro, Dug from the sacred caverns o f the past; Stored where the present's quiet light Is cast; Filed lu the Promise-laud that lies before, All blent together, all of priceless w< rtn, All hid Just where the aiubow touches earth. And Memory, Faith at d Hojie Its guardians As bolding Love’ s stro ig band I make my way, Knowing I near a Uttle every day The one sure goal where, passing o’er the bar, I find, in all the glow of second birth, My treasure, where tho rainbow touches earth. —Waverly Magazine. P A T E N T IN LAID B R A C E L E T S . W. C A R M IC H A E L , |1 TREA SU R E . The flowers I planted in the flush of aprlug Have budded, bloomed aud withered long ago; The g n ln m y lavish lingers used to throw, Long since w as reaped for others’ garnering. Yet I am rioh am id my nature's dearth; My gold is w here the ralubow tm clios earth. r a t e s . (ie ) c o n e eac W M . H. FOUST & SON. M AR BLE C U T T E R S THE WORLD OF SCIENCE. A SHORT CHAPTER ON THE DOINGS OF BRIGHT PEOPLE. W onderful E ngineering Skill Displayed la B u ildin g a Steep Mne-MUe K ailw ay to Ascend the A p p a ren tly V e rtica l Cliff* of FJlcn’* P e s k » £ I e c tr lc a l Illum ination. INCE T H E 0 R gunlzing o f the M a n 11 o u and Pike’s Peak Rail way Company in the fall o f 1889 for the oonstruotion of a railw ay nine miles long, from Manitou to tho Old Signal Sta tion on P ike’s Peak, nearly 1,000 men have been constantly em ployed. The road is built on the Abt system , and, as regards grades surmounted, la perhaps the steepest and m ost im portant Abt line in the w orld. The exact length Is 46,158 feet, o r v ery nearly %% m iles. The altitude o f its station at Manitou is 6,600fe e t; at tho summit it is 14,200feet above sea level, the total ascent being 7,609 feet, or an average o f 846 feet per milo. Tho maximum grade is 25 per cent, over 22 per cent, of the line having a grade of from 22% to 25 per cent. Tho line is tolerably crooked, even for an adhesion road, and has many sharp curves. Of straight line th ere is 28,378 feet, and o f curved 18,477 foot, about 39 per cent, o f the line being on curves. The sharpest curves are 16 degrees, o f which there are many. The roadbed foundations are firmly secured, and further protected and sustained by wide embankments where ?r practicable. There are four iron bridges, tw o ol twenty feet and tw o o f thirty feet span, resting on m asonry abutments. At intervals of 200 to GOOor 1,000 feet, depending on the grades, anchorages are made by straps fastened to th e ties and carried up grade to eyebolts set in solid blocks o f m asonry. As the w hole track is tied together, not only by th o spiking, but by tho extra fastenings o f the rack rail, It Is thought that these anchorages will bo am ply sufficient to guard against tho m ovem ent o f any part down grade. The rack rails consist of tw o rack bars sot side by aide in ehtiirs. Esch section Is eighty inches long and the chairs are forty inches apart on each second tie, the rack bars breaking jo in t according to the usual A bt practice. Three locom otives on the Abt system each w eighing twenty-five tons, have been built fo r tho lino. T ho oub and boiler are m uoh like those o f any other steam engine, but the Intricate machin ery underneath Is w holly unlike that of an ordinary locom otive. The wheels bearing on the rails are m erely bearing wheels, not drivers, the plant differing In this respect from som e other Abt engines which w ork either b y adhesion or rack Indifferently. The P ike’s Peak line being all on rack grades, this double provision becam e superfluous. The engine is propelled by three sets o f gear ing directly over the center o f the track. On these are six pinions w ith steel teeth, which fit in to the tw o rack rails running along tho center o f tho truck. Tho pro* polling p ow er is applied directly to a drum above tho two rear pinions. The front pinions are moved b y a connecting rod run ning from the Becond one. The brake apparatus Is especially powerful. On either side of the pinions Is a corrugated surlace w hich a steam brako presses against w ith tremendous force. The engine is a lso fitted with hand brakes and Le Chatelier water brake, by which the cylinders act as brakes, which Is so effectively and largely used on mountain grades. Ono engine will push two care weighing 42,000 pounds loaded. The average speed will be five miles an hour. The curs are not tilted, but the seats are so arranged as to give the passenger a level footing. The engine. Instead of drawing, pushes the cars. The cars can also bo let down hill independently of the engine. If nocemary. From Its Manitou station, the line runs up apparently vertical cliffs through Engleman Canon until small but beautiful grass-covered parks are reached. About 1% m iles from Manitou, at Artist Gleu, magnificent views nre obtained o f the surrounding country, including th e Garden o f the Gods, and the vast plains stretching east. Sharp grades are first encountered on the second mile from Manitou station. All work above tim ber lino for 2% miles is largely In embankment to avoid diffi culty from snow. Below tho timber line It is largely in excavation, as ow ing to the steepness o f tho mountain aides it was difficult to build embankments— Engineering News. B eautiful Klectrical lilu tn in a tG n . A branch o f electric lighting to which attention is being just now directed is the possibilities which arc opening out In the way o f the artistic and decorative use o f small lamps. Fancy designs are m anufactured in wh.ch the lamps are Arranged in the form of letters, spelling words or names, or in the form o f stars, &c. W ith suitable sw itches the various parts o f these designs can b e lighted or t b i n m o f Music. turned off at will. The effect is Immense Lew H utchinson used t o be one of ly Increased by the lamps being made, Barnum's partners. Lew w as a Chicago where necessary, of different colors red. ty po. I k n ew him when he held cases blue, violet, green, and amber, and It on a m orning newspaper here. He would will be readily understood that ths com w ork aii w in ter and go on the road in binations that can be w orked out are th e spring, tum m er and fall. He was infinite. An admirable adaption o f these on the d oor o f the ehow or ahead o f It, new design* w as seen recently at the re and was one o f the best advance men in ception o f G ov. Hill and others by the th e business. In the w inter he was al Thom as Jefferson Association In Brook w ays at his case, and & m ighty good lyn. when the front o f th e new club printer he was. But if he ev er heard a house was brilliantly lllumiaated with band playing on the street- he would p u t ' •tars and lines o f many colored light, on a "sub” rig h t away, for ho couldn't affording th e finest piece o f electrical stand it to w ork when there was music. illumination ever witnessed. He said it a lw a ys reminded him o f the rastenr Is small, pale and limps when tent and th e o d o r of sawdust. There is no busbies* w hich takes such a strong he walks. hold on a m an as the circus business.— F . C. Barnard gets 115,000 a year fo* Chicago Tribune. editing L ondon Punch. H B C O M E T H NOT. Heoometh noli Oh, bury day I The leaden-footed minutes stay Thrice sixty eeoonde; and u >ttm» The sun shines only sombre beams. Their golden sheen all changed to gray. OL, nephyrs, have ye naught to say, No message wafted from away. But this refrain that haunts my dream* i He oometh not I The river singing the same lay. Winds seaward murmuring atway Of blighted hopes and broken schem es; Across the waste no beacon gleams; With tight of love to guide my way. He oometh not I A PAIR OF NIECES. " Y o u oan’t expect me t o support you In Idleness any lon ger,” said Mrs. Ubsdell, a tall, stout w om an with level black brow s, very red llpn, and a loud voice. The woman’s tw o young nieces sat by tho window, shrinking b ack a s if every w ord had been a blow. T h e y had been w ith their aunt a m onth—Just long enough for the grass to bocom e greoa on th eir father’s grave and th e crape trim m ings on their ’ frocks to g row a little crum pled and rusty. " And now," went on the p o r tly dame, “ It is time for you to d o som ething for yourselves. I ’m not rich y o u know.” m “ But we don't know w hat t o do, Aunt M atilda," said Kate. “ We are willing to w ork If anyone w ould show us h ow ,” murmured Ginevra. "G en era l Livingston w a n ts a gover ness fo r his granddaughters, six and seven years old. Music, French and Latin required. You shall take that position, Ginevra," said b er aunt. The taller of the girls changed oolor. " I don’t know much a b o u t music,” said she. " Papa taught m s L atin ; hut I m.quite Ignorant o f French. ” " Say you know it." said M rs. Ubsdell, sharply. "A n d do the b e s t you oan. General Livingston Is a t hom e very little. Twenty to one he’ll never find It out. A t all events, I’ve told M iss Jenks, the housekeeper, that y ou w ill be there to-m orrow at nine o’clook t o take the situation." " B u t Aunt Matilda, w ou ld n ’t that be acting a lie?" faltered the girl. " A He, Indeed I" alm ost scream ed Mrs. Ubsdell, her eyes ablaze w ith anger. “ How dare you use that w ord to mo, G inevra Hall? As fo r you, K ate, you are t o go as companion to M iss Ramona Ray. She’s deaf as a post, and you've g ot a good clear voice t o rea d aloud to her. She’s bad-tempered and exacting; but it’s the business of you y oung people to give way to your elders—and any way y ou have you r living to e a r n ." The girls looked aghast at each other when Mrs. Ubsdell left th e room . “ What shall we do?" asked Kate. "O b e y , I suppose," sigh ed Ginevra, " I t is very evident that we are unwel com e here. Aunt Ubsdell grudges every b it of bread wo eat. Oh, Kate, Kate, If wo could only have died and been burled with p a p a !" " W e must do the best w e ca n ," M id K ite, w ho was dark, w ith so ft, velvety eyes, and skin as fair and fins grained as a Bermuda lily. " P erh a ps thlB Miss R ay is not so bad as w o thin k. I shall try to be patient." " A n d I am to enter th e fam ily of an a ristocrat under false pretenses I " cried Ginevra. " I hope 1 shall earn my sa la ry.” Ginevra was as unlike as possible t o her dark-haired sister—a r o s y , dimpled, childish girl, who scarcely looked her seventeen years. Kate looked at her with tender regret. " T h e idea o f your being a governess?" exclaim ed she. “ Or o f your turning la d y ’s compan ion !" restorted Genevra. " B u t I do be lieve, Kate, we would g o as gypsy for tune-tellers, o r take situations as scul lery-m aids, t o get out from under Aunt M atilda's eye." M iss Ramona Ray w as rather deaf— there could be no doubt o f that. But Kute Hall bad a clear, d la tin ct enuncia tion, and found little trou b le in making her hear. And really, her temper w as not so very bad, after all. It was necessary to be v e ry particular In the care o f her parrot and tha daily 1a lb o f her poodle dog, th e watering o f her plants, and the prepration of the rose-cream s and the lily lotion* that the used for her venerable com plexion. But she conceived a d ecid ed fancy for ber now com panion; took her out In the carriage for a daily drive, and told her the w hole story of the M exican officer who had once been engaged t o her, and w ho went away to Cb a pu l! epee o r som e o f those four-syllabled p la ces, and mar ried a Spanish senora ev en while M iss Ram ona's wedding cake w m being baked. When MJs3 Ramona told tb )s story to any one, it was a sign o f a very high favor indeed. M iss Ramona had only on e relative in the w orld—a nephew—and he was s^naval officer. And, as it happened, he oame home on a visit when K ate Hall bad been a week with his aunt, bursting Into the room at twilight, lik e a cheerful tornado. " W e ll. Aunt Mona,” said he. "H e r e I am. G ot your letter at N orfolk. W hat sort o f a companion have y o u got now ? Regular old maid, eh? o r a widow In dyed bombazine and eyeglasses?" " H u s h , Geoffrey,” said Mis* Ray. " K a t e , my dear, bring candles. T his young lady is my com panion at present. Miss Hall, allow me t o present m y nephew, Lieutenant R ossm ore." " Y o u see,” said K ate, l a u g h in g ," ! am neither an old maid n or a widow." " I ’m sure I beg ten thousand par dons !" said the lieutenant, blushing mahogany color Meanwhile Ginevra had gone to her situation at Livingston L arches, where tw o bloom ing little maidens w ere sitting, up in the school-room, w ith clean elates aud spotlessly new school-books, wait ing fo r their governess. M iss Jenka wee on h*nd t o Introduce the stranger to her new dom ains. " Y o u ’re rather young m iss," said she. " and insigniflcant-lookiog for the piece. MrR. Ubsdell told me—" " I shah d o ray b est,” sa id GJnevra, with gentle dignity: " a n d I do bo% doubt that I shall succeed very w ell." But Eva and Ella w ere born rebels. T hey bad conquered governess a fter governess, and driven her off defeated. They liked the excitem en t o f it, s a d did not like to stu d y ; s a d the natural sequence was that in less than an h oa r Ginevra Hail was in team . Eva had Imitated her French accet w ith s c o rn ; Ella bad miachlevoual rubbed out the figures o n the elate • often as Mlsa Hall m ade them. An when the hour o f noon recreation cam e, and th e little m utineers rushed ea t t o play on the lawn, poor G inevra hid self among the palms li to wedp without stint. TOMBSTONES 5 CEMETERY INCLOSURES. (,I f a n y th in g the m a t te r? ” s a id a YOloe. " O h , I begjrour pardon." M id Ginevra. reddening to the very root* o f her hair. ** I didn't m ean to be In the way, If you a r e the gardener, I just b rok e off this one jlt t le w hite orange blossom , I may keep " Y o n m ay keep lt -ce rta ln ly ," said a ta ll, fine looking man, w h o w m trim m in g the superfluous branches from a m sgnlfloent, w hite-blossom ed daphne, " I thought, perhaps, y ou had pricked y o u r fingers o n the great Colorado cactus a n d hurt yourself. You seemed to be ory ln g .” " I t w asn’t the w o t u s." fluttered O inevrs. " I t was the ohlldren." " The ch ild ren?" “ They w on ’t mind," explained Ginev r a ; * th ey only laugh at m e, and I don ’t know w hat to do." T he stranger opened th e side d oor, w hich, garlanded over w ith psesion flow ers, looked on the law n, and exiled o u t. In stern. Imperative ton es,— ** Children 1" Eva dropped her croquet mallet, Ella le ft off m unching strawberries. B oth obeyed th e newcomer a t on ce. “ Have you beendlBobeylng this young lady’ ? ” questioned G inevra's champion. “ N-no,” faltered Ella. “ We didn’t disobey her, we only didn’t do ns she to ld us.” “ Very w e ll,” said he. "H ereafter you w ill be a g ood little class, o r there shall b e no m ore boating on the river for you, o r rides o n the cream -colored pon ies; and nothing but bread and water for din ner. Do y ou understand?" " Yes, s ir ," murmured Ella, meekly. " Yes, grandpapa,” said Eva, obedi ently. Ginevra looked up In surprise. " Y o u are not General Livingston?" said she. " How d o you know that I am n ot?" " I —I thought you w ere the gar dener." " I do garden som etim es; but the gar dener Js a snuffy old Scotchm an, In a w ig and a pepper-and-salt su it.” " But—G eneral L ivingston ia an old gentlem an, isn't he?" “ Five and forty—If you oall that old. I see how it Is,” said th e m aster o f the house, laughingly. “ You are misled b y those little sprites callin g me g reod y*pa. m ? ia’- * wire w as a wmow, con siderable old er than m y sslf. Eva and Ella are her grandchildren, not mine. T his may explain some o f the Inconsis tencies that puzzle you, M ias Hall. And now , if y ou will resume the charge o f th e young Turks, I think I can guaran tee that th e y shall make you no m ore trouble.” He w as right. Eva vras doolie as auy k itten ; E lla sweeter than an angel. E vi dently som e mlraole had been wrought. “ You s e e ," said Eva, "w hen grand papa says a thing, he m eans It.” " A n d w e are so afraid h e'll send us to boarding school 1" whispered Ella. General Livingston cam e in toward evening t o see that the ohlldren kept faith, and then Ginevra m ade her oonfes-. sion to him. " I have deceived you, sir,” said she. " I don’t know French a t a ll; but my aunt told me I must n o t let you know It.” And then she told him the sim ple story of he? bereavement and dopes dence. “ And If French Is essential," she added, " I must go back t o aunt Matilda. But I couldn't keep on deceiving you, when you bad been so kind to me. General Llvlngton sm iled. “ You are a good little g irl," said he, “ and w e must try t o dispense with French for the present." After this, Gloerva found very little trouble. The children, wild and w ay ward though they had been at first, became attaobed to her, and were quick to learn. At the end o f six months Mrs. Ubsdell cam e to Livingston Larches, “ G lnerva," said she, ” y ou must strike for higher salary. E v ery one else Is doing it ." “ Oh, Aunt M atilda," orled the girl, " I can’t. The term s are too liberal already. I feel that I am not earning the m oney I receive." Mrs. Ubsdell, how ever, insisted. “ I w ill g o to General L ivingston m y s e lf," said she. " T h e s e aristocrats ca n 't ex p ect to grind ev ery one dow n Into the earth.” Poor O iaerva burst Into te a rs; bu t Mrs. Ubadell w m Implaoablet Ginevra scarcely dared look General Livingston In the face when she m et him In the garden, a couple o f hours later. H ls face w ore an amused expresalon. “ Mias H all,” said he, " y o u r aunt has been kind enough to pay me a v isit." “ Please don't think th a t I had any thing t o do with It," ahe Mid, alm ost lnaudlbly. “ I am t o o w ell aware that I am already overpaid." General Livingston look ed oalm ly at her. “ Miss H all." said he, “ I have been thinking matters over, and I have com e t o the ooncius'on to dispense with y ou r services as governess hereafter." Ginevra involuntarily elasped her hands; she grew pale. “ O h," ahe cried, “ m ust I go back to A uat M atilda? And I w as so happy here 1** “ G inevra," said G eneral Livingston, " I am flve-snd-forty y ears old, and yet I have been sanguine enough t o hope that I oan win the love e f a girt o f seven teen. I t la for you to decide w hether I am right o r wrong." “ For m e ? ” " I have fallen In lo v e with you, Gluevra. Tell me—will y ou be my w ife Instead o f the children’s governess? ” She sto le one timid g laaos at him. It was as If some strong, serens archangel had stoop ed from a celestial clime to ask her to nM tle under th e shadow o f hls gleam ing wings. Did he suspect how long sh e’d seoretly w orshipped him ? Had he penetrated into th e mysteries o f her heart? That glance, however, w m a sufficient answer. He p n t out hls hand and draw h er to big heart. “ My d a rling! my ow n d a rlin g !" w as all that he said. Ginevra Mail wae standing in the shadow o f th e tree fe r e s In the conser vatory th a t evening w hen the gardener showed In n young lady. I t was bar sis ter. G inevra," M i d K ate. " Aunt Matilda hM been t o see me. Burely she has net •ueoeeded In making y o u discontented with you r eiU etioa? ” “ D earest K ate," said Ginevra, “ I am going t o te ll you a secret. 1 am t o be General Livingston's w ife next week. Ok, I am s o thankful th a t I came h ere f I don't think there ev er was a girt so happy b efore." “ E xcep t m e," said K ate. “ I also am t o b s married to Lieutenant G eoffrey JBoasaore. And Mies «~*y is s o pleas ed Aid proud. And M rs. Ubsdell srrog xtes to herself all the cred it c f having s ettled her nieces s c well in life. “ T h ey ought to be v e ry much obliged to m e," ehe says, " I f It hadn’t be#* for me It aovur would have happened " M U ’ - M M I B THE MibSED ITEM. T k o Editor** Conauli-ise • W *. ICasy K r r n I f Hs Dili Gut 11Sooii|)?il N IIE CITY ED ITO R was excee llutdy busy. It had Vajau a (lay of convontiouB apd visitora and Ms bead fairly throbbed with the conscioueness of th e details he must l o o k a fte r . T h e prbsses were making the butldtag tremble ns they turned out the Sunday supplements. With coat off, 'he plunged into the m ass of manuscript nefore him and w as covering It with cabalistic blue pencil marks at a w on derful rote when tb e d o o r of his room opened. Angry that any one should In terrupt him at that busy hour, he whirled in hls chair t o snap out a repri mand. But a sight o f the v isitor halted him. A tim id, hrowa-eyed g irl stood ju st In side the door, looking beseechingly at him through the tangled curls that ha lf covered her tear-stained face. The ring lets fell, too, upon a coarse Jacket that made a thin covering in such a raw and blustering eveuing as it was outside. “ Are you the editor m an?" The v oice was sw eet and plaintive. “ Y os; what can I do for y o u ?” He had n ot Intended t o be even civil, but som ething moved him to tenderness ju st then. “ It’s about Jule. D ’you know J u lo?" "N e v e r heard o f him ," with a sus picion o f a laugh draw ing down the corers of tho mustaehed mouth. "W ell, he’s my brother, an’ he’s been took up. They said he stole, but ho didn’t, and I know it. Julo was always good tor me, an’ ho told mo be didn't steal tbe mittons—he found ’em.” "W ou ld n ’t the officers believe h im ?" The newspaper mau found himself grow ing Interested against his will. " N o ; an' that’s what I com e ior. You see they tried him to -d a y an’ th’ ju dg e said he must go t o t h ’ perform school, o r som ething liko that. Au’- a n ’ I thought m ebbeif you knew abou t It you w ouldn’t put It In tho paper. Juie an' mo is all alone now. Since mamma went away to Heaven w e've lived by ournel^, impure an l run orrannS- an we w as getting along fine. W e hail a lot saved, t o o ; almost two dollars. I’ll give it to you If you won’t print nothin’ about Jule,” her face clouding as she thought she saw tho shadow o f u frown ou tho man's face. It was not a frown, but an em otion whloh caused his oyos to grow suspi ciously moist,and ho turned away toh ld o them. A clinking sound rocalled him, and he saw the little one’s hands dropping tho w holo store o f pennies and dimes and nlckles upon bis desk—the scant savings o f weoks, or evon porhaps, o f months. "N o , no, my g irl," ho hftstoned to say, **take them back. I do r.ot want them . I will seo that nothing is said about your b rother." A sm ile lighted up her wistful face. “ I am so glad," she exclaimed. “ My aunt, where I ’ll have to go, now, though she don ’t like us, always takes your paper, an' If she don 't knoty what’s hap pened to J u le , m obbe she'll bo better to m * toU* I ettii liolp Jala out. Ho always so good ter m e." The presses were roaring and rattling •till louder, and, as tho child turned t o go, she lookod bewildered. " H o ld on ,” said tho editor, as he touched an electric bell. ” Here, J oh n ," a s a messenger appeared, " take th is lit tle girl where she wants to g o—and, say, get her a good supper a t the restaurant on the corner—there's a dollar." Tbe tw o closed th o d oor behind thorn and went out Into th e night. “ B e lt an hour lo s t ," ejaculated the w orker as he turned to hls desk. A re porter sent in hls m atter. It was police court nows. Tho quick blue pencil flashed across tho m ost Important Item In the Hat—a precociou sly bad youth sent to the reform school. " I t means a scoop, but it may make ths little thing’s life ea*ler,” thought the worker, and m oved, som ehow , by the spirit o f the m om ent, he softened som e criticism s to appear In the m orn ing* and now ready for putting into typ«. ^ "B ay, Matthews, bow ’d you com o to m iss th’ best police nFws last n igh t?" growled tbe managing editor as he came Into the officethe next day. “ I happened t o be in the court when It httppenod. Ono o f the toughest y oung rascals I ever saw was sent up for a spdll. Won’t do to bo scooped on such things. They touch u lesson, you know .” “ Must havo ovorlookod It,” m uttered the olty editor, “ som e o f tbo reporters got in i&te, you knoiv.” “ Yes. Oh, well, I suppose the w orld will go on as woll as usual if we didn't get It.” The city editor thought it might go a little better. E verything A ga tm t Him. The lute stringency in money m atters and collapse of banks has shaken the faith o f the cou n try people In banking Institutions, and t hey aro In a quandary as to what to do with their surplus wealth. In their dilem m a they are in a position similar to an old Southern darkey who, on being asked why b e did not save hls money, replied : “ 'Taint no use. Onct I gib J edge Handy foah dollahs ter keep fer me, an’ he done lo s ' hit on er boss race, an’ den I put five doiiabs in m et ole stock in ' au' de rats made er nest outen de hull lot. So dare ain’t no use ol er pussin try in ’ ter git rich .’’ A n E x p a n s iv e S m ile . H ostetter McGinnis—Did you g iv e thfl bouquet to tbe young lady. Sam Johnson—Y es, Bah. D id she smile. She did, sub. D id ahe smile pleasantly? Yes, sah, she sm led jess like I m out it you gives me half a dollar.—Siftings. An EpUoda of tha Polio- Geneva. Policeman X—“ Y ou r name, please?” De Pell—“ Charles Henderson Hicks Rhinelander de P ell.” Policeman X —“ A g e?” Da Pell—“ Tw enty-tw o.” Policeman X—“ S ex ?’’ De Pel!—“ I’m a d u d e.” E n co u ra g e m e n t. Young Doctor—“ I have never con fessed it to anybody, but I feel v er y in com petent to take charge of even the m ost trifling ca se." Old D octor—" O h , pshaw ! P ractice makes perfect. Have patients.” Tha t n a m t r . “ W hat's the m atter with your choir, anyhow? They w ere awfully flat this m orning.” *' Some orga&ic trouble, I thick. Th* organist was ra ttled ."—M um ey'e W eek ly. , _____ Jffghest o f -if in Leavening Power.— U . s . G ov't Report, Aug. 17, 18 Bpptsib IsflM t Cenetny IhMfirfi Ite J m ij M. M c C L U B E . JO SE P H H A C K E R P H O T O -A R T IS T . R EAL E STATE & INSURANCE » are o f s high order. “* B e t w xm h t h e B r id g e s . T o M s R trs i, K . OUR TIGER IIUNT. One m orning, while we w ere in camp on the B oora r River, In dia, a native came In a n d reported that a tiger had aelzed his o x . I t seemed that be had been driving th e aulmal b e fo re him laden with a large sa ck o f roots. A s they came to the river, w hich was hardly a brook at that sea son o f the year, but ran be tween b an k s lined with rocks and bushes, a t ig e r suddenly leaped out o f a thicket a n d knocked the o x ever at a blow. He m u s„ have so -n th e man, but he paid n o attention to him . Tho na tive described the tiger as a large and powerful anim al, and offered to guide us to the s p o t and act as <* beater. This was 7 o ’c lo c k in the m or.in g, and half an hour alter th e tiger had attacked. We had o u r breakfast, collected the beaters, a n d got off an hou r later. We purposely delayed our g o in g to Jet the tiger s a tis fy his hunger. A tiger who has just b egu n a meal can n ot bo faced "kW-V %*iaY^5v. ^ -h has /use g org ed aimneii. 11e x io ieJ quietly d o w n to the n eighborhood of tho tragedy, a n d "C h ris K ree,” as my native tiger tra ck er had been christened, went forward a lo n e to make observations. He soon retu rn ed with th e news that the tiger h a d disappeared w ith the body o f the ox, a n d wo moved down to the water to s e e which way th o trail led. This case furnished an instance of the great stren gth o f the dreaded beast. The ox w eighed fully 700 pounds, and yet the tiger b a d fastened t o his neck and dragged h im along over t h e rocks and gravel fo r a distance of h a lf a mile. He had then tu rn ed into the lett bank,which was a th ick et o f willows. We had no doubt o f h is being there, anti made our arrangem ents accordingly. I took a tree opposite a n d only 200 feet away, while Capt. W ooten went up th e stroam aud Major D a v is went down. T h e tiger must show to th e front, for behind him was a high bank. When we w ere ready the beaters m ade a circuit to th o top of this bank. T h e y had several sheet-iron tor pedoes, and it so happoned that the first one o f th ese dropped in to the thicket exploded b o near the tiger's head that he had one e y e blinded by the powder aud Bhot. With a r o a r which could be heard a mile away he bounded ou t o f the thicket on to a sa n d y spot, and thoro whirled round end robnd a score o f t-imbn. an yon have seen a dog do w hen chasing hls tall. W hen he finally stopped I gave him a bullet w h ich broke h is right foreshoulder, bu t he went o ff down tho stream o n th ree legs at a g ood speed. A beater, w h o supposed my shot had fin ished the beast, had sta rted to recross the stream . He got into th e open to see the tiger com ing. The b east growled furiously a n d rose in the a ir for a spring but the b ea ter took a header into a pool of water fo u r feet deep, and the tiger cleared t h e sp ot and passed on to be keeled o v e r b y the Major. The villagers soon a ppeared, and after th ey had ascer tained t h a t the tiger attacked and id le d the ox “ w ith o u t just cause or provoca tion,” t h e y com m unicated the fact that there w ere several others living it* the bed of t h e sam e stream a cou p le of miles above th e villago. Had w e appeared at the village and asked a b o u t tigers, we would h a v e been told that nouehad been seen or h eard o f for m onths. In the emfcller v illa g es there is a superstition against a tta ck in g the tig e r first. Even after s ev era l people have been carried off the liv in g hesitate to ca ll for the ser vice of t h e white man, b elieving that af ter he g o e s away the tig er w ill wreak a bloody rev en g e. In th is Instance the tigers had killed two cow s, several goats, and a boy, and tho villagers de cided th a t patience was n o longer a vir tue. T h e y exacted a prom ise, however, that we w ould not leave until tho last one had b e e n slain. If the w eather Is cool and cloudy the tiger m o v e s about b y d a y almost as freely a s b y night, esp ecially if hungry. It was n ow so blazing h o t that we had no idea o f m oving about du ring the day when it co u ld be helped. W e moved our headquarters to tbo village, however, and sent m en up to mark dow n the spots m ost lik e ly to be the haunts ol the beasts. T h ey reported close cover on both s id e s o f the banks, with three or four sm a ll creeks falliug in to the maiu stream, each having banks furnishing good c o v e r , and we therefore decided to take our stands in the op en . Platform s were erected in scattered trees between the river and the village, and a goat tied t o a stake below. I used the goats for tiger b a it o n more than tw en ty different occasions, and never w ith ou t a prick o f conscience. They seeinod t o know from the ou tse t that they w ere in peril, and their a ctio n s often called forth my sym pathies. On one occasion a goat found a hole d e e p enough to shelter It, and she sneaked into it and eflrled up, and a tiger p a sse d within ten fe e t o f her with out taking the scent. It was m oonlight, a fter 9 o'clock, and ire w ere in our trees w hen the moon showed o v e r the woods t o light up tbo field. T h e re was but U ttle wind, and that w as in my favor. I was smoking m y pipe and keeping a clo s e watch on the frin g e o f bushes along the hank, when I su d den ly saw a full-grow n tiger stalk o u t in to the m oonlight and alt on end and g a -o toward th e village. Ha v b i In a d ire c t line with m e, but too far off for a sh o t. The goat saw him as scon as I did, a n d ehe snugged down to the earth a n d laid her nose o n the ground. A l t e r a b o u t fire m inutes * second tiger appeared a female. T h e two began rolling o v e r, leaping around, aliasing each o th e r, and acting exactly as you hare aeem-Rittens, and tb ie lasted for ten m inutes. I saw that i f one came m y way the oth er would, and I got m y double b arreled ready. When t h e tigers finally advanced it was w ith the utm ost caution. T hey were a b o u t ten feet apart, and they took advantage o f every bit o f cover and lay ee flat th a t I sometimes lost them from sight. B y and by they sat up alm ost efde b y s id e and sniffed th e air. T hey were n o t over fifty feet from the tree, and I le t drive. The m ale dropped stone dead, b u t the female ran off and got a bullet fr o m the Captain w hich paralysed h e r hind legs. W o got down and ran to h er as sho rolled on tho ground, and i t to o k a bullet in tho brain to q u iet her. M y shot had w ounded her slightly. In some cases where one or tw o tigers a re killed in a neighborhood all others w ill leave it fo r a time. Wo had made su ch a fuss o v e r this pair that the na t iv e s felt Bure th e others w ould leave. W e were Intending to m ove for this reason, but on th e very night after our lu ck tw o other tig ers entered the village, and while one carried off a goat th o other knocked over t h e head man’s pon y and to re its throat s o that It bled t o death. O ur trackers found that th ese tigers ca m e from th e river, but across an oi l cotton field on w hich no trees grew to shelter us. W e watched one n ight in a deserted cabin, but had no lu ck. The nex t night w e g o t into a rifle pit, but wo sa w only a few jackals. W e found we m ust hunt the tig er out by d ayligh t, and b o w e went a t i t . The three o f us g ot in to trees along the bed of the river, and th e beaters w o re s<»nt up stream to beat dow n. They had fr rpedoes, firecrackers, and horns, and the noise was terrific. It bad scarcely begun when a panther crept o u t o f the th ick et opposite me. He w as headed up stream, and I fired itt such a hurry th a t I only creased him across the neck. He went off w ith great bounds, but d id not go m ore than 200 fe e t before he turned into another th ick et with a backing of rooks. We called to the beaters to cease th eir noise anil come a lon g down to the sp ot and d rop a torpedo. As it exploded a tiger rushed out, slipped, and fell Into a pool o f water, aud g ot a bullet from the Cap tain. He took cover, however, and he w as scarcely o u t of sight b efore we hoard a terrible thrashing and fighting in the w illows. I t continued fo r a couple o f minutes, and then tiger and panther rolled out in to view. Each hud his teeth fixed into the oth er, and they rolled over and over and shook each other w ithout Y\NViVw\Y TVy?> \y?> “ veu at diem un i noon u iop p e i, the lig'Pi- shot through th:> •heart and the panther with a bullet in his brain. The M ajor und Captain both got dow n and, w ith the beaters, ran to the sp o t. I had caught my cloth in g in a branch o f the tree, and it to o k me some tim e to extri ca te myself. W hen I was rea dy to de scend I looked down to find a tiger under m y tree. In h is excitement he had not noticed me, b u t was making to escape th e others. H olding my gun straight up and down, I s c u t a buil t through the t o p o f his head. The tiger n ever acts twice alike, an . th e hunter m ust be prepared for all changes. One day in the G w alior dis t rict we reached a small v illa 'e just after a tiger had carried off a woman w ho was w ashing clothes on tho bank of a creek. T h roe other women hud seen the beast drag h* r away, aud had heard her screams as sho was can led through the thickets. I was then in company w ith one other white man, Col. Purvis ol a native regiment, stationed at Ragoogurh. T u e lair of the beast was known to ho a m ass o f thicket and rock about a milo u p tho nullah o r creek. He had been there for soveial w eeks, killing live stock v ery freely, but had not here tofore appeared during the day or at tacked any o f tho people. O ur trackers found the tra il and follow ed it to tho thicket* but a s a heavy thunder &Un-m cam e up w e could do nothing further that day. N ex t morning, how ever, wo arranged o u r plans. Beyond the thicket w as a shallow ravine, loading away into tho thick w o o d s. If disturbed in his lair the tig^r w ou ld probably m ake off this w ay. The C olonel selected his tree and I took another, and the beaters then set to work to d riv e tho beast back upon us. It was a hot m orning and It to o k a great deal of n oise to start him. I finally caught 6ight o f him as he sneaked into tho ravine, b u t only got a glance. As nenr as I co u ld make out he passed mo under cover o f some bushes, and I called to the Colonel to look out. li e failed to soo tho game, however, and w e called in the boaters aud descended from our perches. I w en t down to the sp o t whore I thought I had seen the tig er, and was standing s till and looking about, when he suddenly b roke cover from a bush fcesido me and went off at a gallop, T had been sta n din g within three feet of him , and he cou ld have, finished me had he so desired. Ho took refuge in a mass o f creepers a t the further end o f the ravine, and a s he was driven out the Colonol dropp ed him. He was a fullgrown male, a man-eater, and yet he showed no m ore spirit than*a cur. A radical coutrast presented itself a week later. A calf which had been tied in a ravine w a s killed aud devoured by a tiger, and th e markers sent out to find him located him in a tangle of vines on the left bank o f a creek. T o approach his lair we had to ride over a quarter o f a mile o f o p en ground. The Colonel aud I were riding an elephant, and the beat ers were m aking a circuit to get behind th e game, w hen, without a shot^having been fired or th o least noise made to dis turb him, th o tiger canto charging full upon us. W o saw him when he broke cover.. Ilis tocth wefe showing, hlsear9 were laid flat, and it was plain that he meant m ischief. Our elephant was a stu rd y young beast, but n o t experienced. The tiger roared as he cam e on, and th e elephant turned broadside on in spite o f all his mahout cou ld do. His m ovem ent so discoucertod o u r aim that we fired and missed, and next moment tho tiger pulled the m ahout to the ground. While lie was dragging the man off I struck him with th o barrel of my gun. We saw him shaking the poor follow o n t ie grass as the elephant bolted with us. He ran | for half a m ile before we cou ld Jump down, and th en we ran b ack t o where wa had loft th e tiger. He bad killed the man and retreated to cov er. N otice what a change took place in him. The beaters had scarcely gotten to work again when h e attempted t o sneak off liko a fox. Detecting him in this, I fired and broxe on e of his hind legs. He sought to skulk in another direction, and the Colonel b roke his^houJder. He was now pretty w ell disabled, and we went up to him w ith ou t fear. W hat did he do but whine and cry like a pup under tb© lash., and it was with disgu st tt e tw e gave him the quietus. V O L U J. Iy 8 m an »jsu sn ,u •* t i or rent Agent for the sale o f Lot* A good stock o f envelopes. b ill head?, &c., at the Ii you w ant cheap A d vertis- A ll kinds o f Job Printing at ingyou can get it at the the office o f the For all B a k in g the County N ew Subscribe for the N E W J E R S E Y CO U R IE R . N E W J E R S E Y C O U R fE R .jN E W J E R S E Y CO U R IE R . N E W J E R S E Y C O U R IE R . J& & & ® P o w d e r A B SO U tfE U r PURE 1 N ew J e r s e y C o u r ie r CO W PE R TH W A ITS EXC H A N O I. OFFICIAL PAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY. N E W JE R SE Y COURIER PUBLISH ING CO., P roprietors . JOHN CLOKE, E d it o r . H. M BUNNELL. A ssistant E ditor . Subscription Price, Two Dollars per year ; One Dollar for six m onths: Fifty Cents for three months, strictly in ad vance. The paper will be stopped when the time paid for has expired. Advertising Rates the lowest— circula tion considered— in the County. Kates made known on application. STE A M POWER BOOK A>*D JOB PRINTING. With neatness, Cheapness and Dispatch TOMS RIVER. N. J. T hursday A fternoon , Jan . 22, 1891. Y O U C A N G E T 5a N U M B E E S O F T H IS P A P E R F O R T W O DO LLARS, OR LESS T H A N 4 eta. A W E E K . C A N T Y O U AFFORD TH A T FO R A L L TH E HOM E N E W S ? T h e S u n d a y trains o v e r the Southern railroad, are certa in ly a great convenience. claim ed that in the nom ina tion o f Freeholders no politics is al lo w e d to enter. T h a t m ay b e but the board themselves p erpetrate par tisan -acts. It is T h e B o a r d o f Freeholders is now R ep u b lican , and it behooves every R ep u b lican member to b e present at e v e ry m eeting o f the board. a D em ocratic B oa rd o f Freeholders, T h e p arty must stop letting this im p ortan t n atte r g o b y default. I t h a s been th e custom in m any tow n sh ip s for th e Dem ocrats and R ep ub lican s, w h en it com es t in e to n om inate men fo r offices, to g o into U n io n caucus, an d nominate on ly on e tick et. T h e D em ocrats craftily g iv e m ost o f th e sm aller offices to the R ep ub lican s, w ith many boasts of generosity, an d tak e the F re e h old er them selves. I t is a b ig gam e o f b lu ff, very sim ilar to the one the w h ite man p layed on the Indian. T h e y w en t gu n n in g and w h en it cam e tim e to d iv id e th e gam e, there b ein g on ly a turkey and a buzzard, the w h ite man s a id : “ you take the buzzard and I’ll take the turkey or 11 ta k e the tu rk ey an d you take the b u zzard ." T h e p oor Indian couldn’t th e point. A l l that he k n ew was that white m an didn't say turkey to h im once. A n d so the Dem ocrats p aw n o ff on us the buzzard w h en 01 n O I LETTER. TH E SECO N D W E E K O F TH E S E S S IO N . MANY BILLS INTrODUCRD— THE COMM1TTIES THAT SENATOR CHAN MER AND ASSEMBLYMAN ERNST ARE ON. Special to the Now Jer«ejr Courier. T h e second w eek o f th e session opened on M onday n ig h t. A m on g the b ills introduced w e re th e followm g: M r. E v e rett. F orbids insurance com panies tojissue p olices on children under 10 yea rs o f age u n d e r penalty o f $500 fine. M r, W in to n . E n ab lin g the gov ern in g bodies in any m unicipality governed b y a com m ission , to e x pend not exceeding $25,000 per y e a r for h igh w ay im provem ents, w hen a m ajority o f th e voters ap prove. M r. W erts. M akin g it unlawful to catch b ro o k trout, ex c ep t from ev er th ey can. I f there is a union caucus and the M arch zst to J u ly 15th ; p en alty, ten D em ocrats w ill n ot g iv e us the F ree dollars. h older, the p roper th in g then is fo r M r. F o w le r. R e q u irin g that a the R ep ub lican s to h old their o w n license be taken out b y persons ship caucus and fight it out. p in g o r forw ardin g fa rm o r other T h e election o f th e County C le rk , products to com m ission m erch a n ts; S urrogate and o th e r county officers license fee to b e ten dollars per year. lo ses m uch o f its im portance i f the M r. W e r ts (for th e P residen t). B o a rd o f F reeholders is lost. T h is P rov id in g that indictm ents for mur b oard can g rea tly interfere w ith , and der m ay b e tried by th e quarter ses harrass these officials and m ake it sions in counties having a la w judge. v ery unpleasant for them . M r. E . C . C ole. G iv e s County T h e Dem ocrats h ave been “ w o rk C le rk righ t to issue licen ses without in g th e Union cau cu s" for years w ith w h ich no grouse, partridge the sole object o f getting control or other gam e shall b e allo w ed to o f th e F reeholders. R epublicans be hunted fo r by non-residents. throughout the cou n ty, judging from T h a t ten cou n ty gam e com m issioners recen t expressions from vario u s shall b e appointed by th e Justice o f sections are just aw ak in g to the the Suprem e Court p resid in g in the n o t Not a solitary Republican con gressman in the entire land was defeated because he voted for the election b ill; not a solitary Democrat congressman was elected at the North because h e opposed it. Does any right-miaded man suppose that a majority of the voters in seven congressional districts in New Jersey believe in Southern political methods, or in their future toleration b y the govern ment ? No, and we tell those Democra tic editors whose heads are light enough to be turned by an off year victory, won on other issues, and w h o are raving about the Republican p arty being so terribly discredited that its congress ought to pass the necessary appropriation bills and then run home like a shot of trem bling culprits that, on the principal that the American people are sane and con sistent, they will sustain it in redeeming the very hrst pledge in the platform upon which Harrison and a Republican con gress were nominated and triumphantly elected, and in keeping a promise made in response to their repeated demands and accepted by them in the solemnity of a great Presidential struggle, when they are quite apt to know what they want and vote as they ought to. Senators should remember that Benjamin Harrison took the nomination away from others at Chicago and carried every Northern state but two of the smallest at the polls be OUR STOCK TAKING Occurs in the latter part o f the present W T I B * L A B R E T j MAIN AM D W A T E R A L L KINDS O F FRUIT*. W17T * j i M 7> M A U A 2 INRS, BOOK •DBM N O TB LNO' N IW B P atL C IG AR S , Ac. TIES, TOBAI G month; and in order to receive stocks our Junuary Reduction Sale has been pushed with vigor. It has been a Grand Success. The great cut in prices was eagerly taken advantage o f by thrifty buyers; and the delighted multitudes that have thronged our counters, have been in themselves the best advertise ment we could desire. W e are offering goods at the very L. DO BBINS, 15 E A S T . S T A T E ST., TR E N TO N. N. J. H ERE YOU CAN F IN D ALL T H E LATEST S T Y L E S IN M EN’S H EAD W EAR. CANES, UM BRELLAS, FU R S, Ac. R lowest prices during this month, with a view o f further reducing stocks; and it w ill be to the interest of every one de siring to purchase Dry Goods either to call in person or to write for Samples and Information. cause he was known to be in favor of something more than idle denunciation of Southern election frauds. They should remember that he and every Republican congressman and state legislature like wise stood then, and stands to-day, on a platform the most sacred and conspic uous plank of which demands, for the first time in the recent history of the party, effective legislation to suppress them. And they should also remember that, if they want to advertise the party in general and themselves in particular, as pledge breakers and ccwards to principle, as a party that has lost the conscience and courage o f its youth, that has lost the hatred o f injustice and wrong, the love of liberty, order, and fair play, the practical political wisdom, the genius lor statesmanship, the enligh tened patriotism, and the fearless leader ship, that marked the days o f its early promise, popularity, and power, if they want to deal it a blow that only friends can deal, that will weaken it worse than a score of Democratic victories, then all they have to do is to adjourn without passing an effective federal elections bill. civisi STRAWBRIDGE&CLOTHIER M A R K E T AN D EIG HTS STS., J oseph G rover , P H IL A D E L P H IA . N E W STORE. NEW GOODS. AT B . POT T E R ’S OLD STAND, WATER STREET TO M B RIVER, N. J. GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS, FL O U R AND FEED , C H IL D R E N ’S YO U TH S’ W * u n d e r s t a n d that o u r Senator A N D MEN’S C L O T H IN G and m em ber o f the A ssem b ly were not present at the opening o f the situation. county for w h ich such com m ission er hotel L a kew oo d . T his is an inex AT LOW ER PRIG E S is appointed. T erm s to be three N E W JE R S E Y N EW S. cusable m istake on the part o f those years w ith o u t com pensation. h avin g the disposal o f the invitations. B ass R iver tow n sh ip in B urlington THAN A N Y W HERE M r. V a n S y c k le . F o rb id s shoot cou n ty has voted a $1,000 license in g o f q uail for five y e a rs , under I recommend legislation to pro fee. penalty o f twenty-five dolla rs. vide fo r the building and maintaining E L SE IN T O W N . J ersey C ity w a ter loan bonds, 7 M r. V a n S y c le . G iv e defendants o f g o o d roads, under a thorough and S A SH , B L IN D S , D O O R S , per cent, due 1904, sold at auction a j o tw ill. UIjpKvVJtVS and M ouldings. Scroll S a w 1 all crim in al cases th e rig h t to at on j. u tsu a y ac rau, in g and T u rn in g o f all D e are fo r the benefit, not o n ly o f local least ten perem ptory ch allen ges. C a p e M ay cou n ty merchants and scriptions. com m unities, but 01’ the entire public, M r. B urns. A llo w s a ll counties Cranberry C r a te s a sp e cialty. fisherm en say that their recently har and the State might reasonably having no county h o sp ital, to ap vested ice crop m eans a saving o f N e w B oat. assist localities *vhich, b y thsir propriate $2,500 to w a rd s the sup $10,000 to them. Ephraim JRobinson is building a large action, show a desire to secure such port o f p rivate hospitals w ith in such A n effort is b ein g made to abolish advantages.— Governor A b b ett. county, such amount to b e applied yacht at his boat yard, on Broad street. H ats , C a p s , S hoes and D ress G oods , and a finer turn p ike roads in B urlington county It is being built for Oscar Brinley, of tow ards the m aintaining o f county I t i s an old saying that their is on w h ich toll is ch arged , and have Cedar Creek. It is twenty-five fooj lot has never been offered in this town patients. keel, eleven foot six inch beam and two n othing sure in this w o rld except a ll roads for the free use o f the trav M r. U sher. G ives m arried wom en foot ten inches hold. She is designed death and taxes, but we th in k there e llin g public. l ight to dispose and deal w ith their {ior parly business next Summer. Mr. L in co ln D ivisio n , Sons o f Tern is a t least one other thing that can be real estate the same as i f unm arried f Robinson, as soon as this is finished, counted o n w ith equal certain ty, and p era n ce, o f E liza b e th , one o f the I and attaches no liab ility to her hus- will build one lor Mart McCarty, of U m b r e l l a s , C a n e s and a variety of useful arti that is the stomachic cap a city .and oldest organizations o f its kind Cedar Creek. It will be about the same band. unconscionable capacity of the Hud N e w Jersey, last w e e k had its silver dimensions. cles too numerous to mention. M r. U sh er. P ro v id e s that in ■AS HOW IH STORE son cou n ty Dem ocracy. J u s t watch anniversary, A L a r g e and w ell selected stock o f Stoves, mates o f jails and p rison s shall b« T h e farmers at Pequannock have E n te r ta in m e n t P o stp o n e d . Dress Goods and all sort* of things at prices that them this W inter. H e a te rs , R anges, H o lly-w a re o f all kinds. divided into three c la s s e s ; first, T in w a r e , W ood an d Iro n Pum ps, S in k s, etc** b rough t suit again st the Lehigh V a l To the Editor o f the New Jereer Courier.! I t h a s been suggested to us that will astonish you. those ot tender years and others, S m .-T h e re having b een a death in w h ic h h e offers at reducedrates. “ Q u ick le y R . R . for dam age to their lands . family o f Prof. John H. Ling, who S a le s andSm all P ro fits ." W ashington S t ., according to grade o f c rim e s . jI the T h o m a s G raham , Postm aster at b y overflow caused b y a dam o f the n r a b M ain , T O M S R TV ER , N . J . Senator C ranm er h a s been ap- was to lecture to-morrow evening for the P oin t Pleasant, w ould m ake an able com p an y pointed on the com m ittee on R«vi- j benefit of Burnside Post, that emer m em ber o f the A ssem b ly, from this A t a revival m eetin g in Randolph cou n ty. T h ere is no doubt o f i t tow n sh ip , B u rlin gton county, tw o o f sion o f L a w s , R ailroads an d C anals, tainment will have to be postponed'to a M ilitary , L a b o r and In dustries. |latpr date o f which noti« «'i>l •* H e has got more good common the deacons b rok e u p the services by A ssem b lym an Ernst h as been apWiil YOU P1' 35' * ' v' noli“ *° sense and solid w orth than m ost men q u arrellin g and sh ak in g their fists , , , this effect and oblige, Yours &c. A ^ Irons yo u m eet w ith nowadays. H e is u n der each others noses. T h e cause pointed on th e fo llo w in g : S in k in g , b ashfu l o f course, but if h e really o f th e trouble w a s an altercation over F u n d , W a y s and M ean s. Com. Post. M r. L an e m oved th e H ouse J o in t ! w a n ts the nomination, our kn ow ledge a c o w trade. i t lead* them all," la the general reply R esolution N o . 1, protestin g against o f th e man convinces us th at h e will T h e Second M eth od ist church o f o f the so-called F orce ! ®f dru« ,9ts when asked about the merit or go in w ith such energy an d vigor R a h w a y , has been aw arded $7,500 the rpassage * 1 ealea of Hood’* Ssraaparllla. that h e w ill outdistance al’i com pe by a com m ission appointed b y the b ill b y C on gress, be p la c e d on the calendar for second re a d in g without titors. U n io n county co u rt for its property reference. M r. Potts maintained condem nnd for th e benefit o f the T h e f o r m a l opening o f that tliaf the resolution should be a con Pen n sylvan ia railroad. p rin cely n ew hotel, the L a k ew o o d , current and not a jo in t resolution. B rid g to n is to h a v e the first street is a n even t o f considerable im portance M r, L an e held that he h a d intended ra ilw a y in South J e rs e y . It is to be DESIGNER AN D CONSTRUCTOR OF to J e rs e y m en. A s G overn or A bbett to m ake h is resolution a jo in t one, so five m iles long, w i t h . five cars, and says, w e can cordially w elco m e the that it m ight go on th e statute for electricity is to b e th e m otive p o w e r. p lan tin g o f these millions o f taxable future reference and th u s show that F o r several ye a rs the various -OFIN G R E A T V A R I E T Y A T A T T R A C T I V E P R I C E S cap ital b y the millionaires o f N ew N e w Jersey had entered its protest | A ll Classse* of S A IL IN G A N D S T E A M Y A C H T S classes o f Prin ceton university have Y o r k , on Jersey soil. T h e Lake* laces, Dress Goods, Handkerchiefs, 1 rimming* o f all kinds, Urge line of against the vicious b ill. O n motion o rgan ized orchestras. T h e members w o o d is the biggest and finest hotel o f M r. C am p ell the m otio n by M r. Merino and Muslin Underwear. A full line of Millinery Goods, Hats and Bon o f last year’s orch estra have been in N e w Jersey, or anyw here in the L an e w a s tabled. Constructed from the Latest Designs. nets, trimmed and untrimmed, Feathers, Vslrets and Plashes in great variety. p racticin g and h av e organized a cou n try outside o f F lo rid a . This u n iversity orchesira on a perm anent Cloths and Cassimeres, Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Floor and Table Cloths. Boots m agnificent structure, supplied with T H E E L E C T IO N S B IL L . TOMS RIVER. NEW JERSEY b asis. T h e first p u b lic concert w ill and Shoes, rockery and Woodenware, Stoves and Tinware. all th e appliances o f m odem civiliza b e g iv en at the m orn in g exercises o f T H E DEMOCRATIC T ID A L W A V E WAS tion, seem s like the product o f some FINE G R O C E R IE S, W ash in gton ’s B irth day. NOT A VERDICT AGAINST IT. m agician's w and, amidst the sand and F red rick G riffith , 20 years old, o f To the Editor efthe New Jersey Courier. G. W. COWPERTHWAIT. C. B. COWPERTHWAIT barrens in w hich it is located.— Sir:— The recent election, whatever it N o rw o o d , w as sentenced to three S tate G a zette. yea rs in State p rison b y Judge L ip - was, cannot be considered a verdict T h e r e is a world o f truth in the p in cott, T h u rsd a y, for the theft o f a against the house elections bill. Every state but one that held its election after fo llo w in g paragraph tak en from h o rse and carriage. H e hired the the bill passed the house, but before the turnout from M r. Jo h n C on klin g, o f G o v ern o r A bb ett’s m essa g e: misrepresentations in regard to the tariff “ W h ile grain farm ing, as such, J e rs e y C ity, on D e c . 3, saying it w a s bill had had their baleful effect upon ( m ust probably be abandoned in this w an ted by the R e v . D r . B rett, and voters, went Republican b y overwhelm Is not merely a superior school on paper, but is in reality S ta te , N e w Jersey is destined to be, sold it in S p rin g V a lle y for $95. ing majorities. If the Masses arc so j school of exceptional merit. It has brains, energy, expei C h arles V o g e l an d all the m em bers fiercely opposed to the measure as the agricu ltu rally, a great m arket garden. fence, superior teaching ability, and the ambition and skill i T h e S tate is w ell adapted to raise o f h is fam ily w ere overcom e by coal opposition would have us believe, why j do the very best work that can be done in its line o f educi horses, cattle and p o u ltr y ; her g as fum esjtrom the heater, in J ersey did they in Maine roll up majorities untional work. This is an emphatic statement, but it is a faf T h ey w ere pa railed for their immensity for Speaker p eop le raise large quantities o f fru it; C it y , Tuesday n ig h t. Reed and his colleagues who were ‘ Its facilities are distinctly and emphatically first-class. Th she has important dairy interests; saved b y a friend, w ith whom V o g e l mainly instrumental in driving it through . her cranb erry bogs are f a m o u s ; her had arranged to g o hunting W e d English branches, Bookkeeping, Banking, Mathematic the house, and roll up majorities unparad jacent waters yield y e a r ly food n esd ay. T h is frien d called before alled for their smallness in Vermont, Penmanship, Stenography and Typewriting are taught b p roducts o f immense value, em ploy d a y lig h t and succeeded in restoring whose senators were responsible lor its successful specialists, and the highest satisfaction is guarar in g la rg e numbers o f her citizen s; ev eryb od y to consciousness. delay in the Senate ? W ill any one who teed to all. The Principal of this school devotes all his tiffl T h e Veterans Z ou aves o f E liz a presages disaster to the party if the her m ining and tnanufactoring and energies to the interests ot his pupils, and being a skil industries are extensive an d import b eth W edn esday received from the measure becomes a law, e.n|wer this ful, conscientious worker, and exacting the same servic question? In view of the fact that the ant, and no State presents more m an agers of the Lin d en race-track from his teachers, accomplishes the most gratifying result tide of public sentiment was setting diversified industries for th e enter $200 to help p ay the expenses o f the Now for bargains in all Visit the institution and examine the w ork and appointment heavily toward the party in the early S outh ern trip o f th e Zouaves. The p rise o f her p eop le." K H lines at part of the campaign, after the house 450 distmCt individuals attend this institution as studcnl “ T h e energy the G o v ern o r has N e w Jersey J o c k e y club has g iv en passed the bill, and was turned away during the past year. d isp la yed in advancing the interests th e veterans $250 fo r the same p u r only by the most stupendous lying in Term began Monday, Sept, i , 1890. Send for ot o f th e agricultural and ru ra l dosses p ose. T h e c h ec k sjw tre sent to G e n . regard to the text and effect of the tariff handsome Catalogue. T H O M A S J. S T E W A R T , m ust b e commended. N o w if he D r a k e , the com m ander o f the Z o u bill, it ought to be evident that the defeat of the party was owing to something else c o u ld only conceive of som e scheme aves, Box 5*7, Trenton, N. J. T h e w ill ol th e late John L a m b , than its grand and heroic determination w h e re b y the thousands o f acre s that College Roooms, 10 and 12 South Broad treet. to stamp out fraud and force at the polls, Preparatory to taking stock ail goods will be sold at a are ly in g idle in this county could be a w e ll known b ro k e r o f Jersey C it y , Morever, the Democracy made no cam has been offered fo r probate. I t w a s u tilized , w e m ight w ell p raise him. paign against the N8. T h e cheek that dated in 1873 and devises all o f his could grossly and willfully Misrepresent T h e B o a r d o f C h o se n F r e e -. p rop erty to his w ife. M rs. A n astathe tariff and all other Republican legis h old ers o f O cean county is n o w m j s;a D om in g. a n eic e o f the testator, lation failed Its orators when they under tins control o f the R ep ub lican s, A n j given notice o f contest. S h e took before a decent Northern audience article in another part o f th e paper ; c ia ;m# that the w il l produced is not to attack a measure so evidently aimed IR F a ll and W inter Styles o f Derbies and kinds Ready Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, •hows p u t h o w it stands. ^ T h e relatest one M r . Lam b m ade, at political scoundrelism only. Every hats. He leads the Trade in Trenton, and you will si c e n tly incorporated borough o f Beach estate is v alu ed at $1,000,000. intelligent man knows that the proposed money by calling on him. Large stock o f canes, umbn measure cut no figure whatever in the Haven sent a Republican to the! ------------------Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. las, etc., all in the latest styles and at the lowest prio campaign in the West where Democratic b o .r d -n d ^ rt. gains were so manifest, and that could it D S. th e racancT caused b y the death ot t— — M n M im e be submitted on its merits to the voters ST Y L E S. BIG B A R G A IN S IN R E M N A N T S . D r . H illia rd g ir t* the R ep u b lican . » *h«aw a t e*«Hc! the land the Republicans -reuM carry Sample copies sent tree on ap PRICES. T h i t i . aa it .h oeld e u - t a n w * * ^ - * * * « n » rk j A | . cb, a joed every Northern state simply because plication to any one. Get L *r jA^aad dyspepsia : honored men are in the majority there, Give us a Call. party govern,, a and there is rafiered, scrofula dared A d *H e ith e r p arty tto o govern n d tnere flfcd a ll A A et bad and can vote only one w ay when the D. C. VAN SC H O IC K -. F. LIPSCHUETZ, S U IT S A T $3.50. J EDW ARD A.GUL1CK F. LIPSCHUETZ, BRICK STORE. 1856. (J)toneer QUtoepajrtr (Bcean C 0 WPERTHWA 1T EXCHANGE. 1891 COWPERTHWAIT & CO. Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, WILLIAM P. KIRK, YACHTS C o u n ty . The STEWART & HAMMOND Business College CLEARING SALE. SACRIFICE. c trc u fa * (ion i n county G eorge W- HOTTEL F NEWIk no reason w h y s u c h a r tro e g ty R eas this shotild have jmbliauj cou nty ST * * ” raised whether political viflamlv shall triumph at the polls or one and take it home and show it to your wile. G W. HOTTEL TRENTON, N. J ' CEIT«W ORDKPAHTMEKT, m 0 LET for h u koep. Nice family hors Apply •* tmaoffleo-_____ *t_____ G V b I t W A B L IB R A R Y .-W a n tod sduattod O o « m C o u n ty M a r in e R eco rd . Bella?, Cortli, Olcott Wi F W F A FOREIGH REPORTS. PARA, S. A.. Jan., 1st.—Arrived schr. Anna R. Bishop, Rulon, from Now York. S a v ed m y C h ild ’s Life. J. 8. Weaver, Secretary Iron Steamboat Company, New York, says: I wish to say to the public that I had a child about four years of age, lying at the point of death with sum mer complaint (diarrhoea), the doctor and ail o f us having given np hope Tbe doctor, however, advised us to get some of Speer’s Port Wine, and give her. a little at a tim eMAILS ARRIVE FROM very little, but o f ten. As a last resort we New York and Philadelphia, 8.10 A. M. Philadelphia, Camden, Island Heights, etc 10. did so, and I say that Speer’s Port Wine saved j. i; A. M., 6.62 P. M. her life. She Is my only child, I had never Whitings and Tuckerton, and points between teen Mr. Speer, but with tear* of joy I went 1 11,17 A. M. and told him that hia wine had saved the New York and all points north, Forked River, life o f my only child. | Bridgeton, etc, 11.17 A. M. New York and all points north of Manchester, 14.08 P.M. New York and points north o f Manchester 6.41 IP- M. Silverton and Burrsville, 4.30 P. M „ Tuesday, |Thursday and Saturday. Registered mail, 11.17 A.M. ■corrected December 22. 1800. W. B. SINGLETON, P. M ■ LO C A L B R E V IT IE S . The shoe factory resumed business on ‘Tuesday la st. E. R. Pearsall, of Westfield, N. J.( ■ was here on Sunday. It is rumored that A. Van Hise is about |to build a town hall, Mrs. Lewis Shinn had a stroke o f |paralysis Friday last. T H E P R IZ E B A D G E A W A R D E D S p e c im e n Cases. M u st C o n tr o l th e h o ld e r s . F ree Pt . P le a sa n t , Jan . 13 , 1891. To tho Editor of tbe New Jersey Courier. W ill you be kind enough to publish the list o f Chosen Freeholders whose terms expire this Spring. D on ’ t y ou think it time that we make an effort to secure the board this spring, D over should elect a Republican and the HER STORY WAS THE BEST— vacancy caused by the death o f D r, W HAT MISS GOWDY THINKS ABOUT Hilliard, makes it possible to gain one IT. from his district. Berkeley is good Th e badge that the N ew Je r se y C o u r lighting ground, and our Borough will i e r offered some time ago to the best probably swing into line. in e a r n e s t , story writer in Ocean county's public The Board of Freeholders is Republi schools has been won by Miss Ethel Gowdy. The contest closed last week can by one majority. When the Town and Prof, Dillingham, who was to have ship committee of Stafford, which is R enoted as sole judge, called in County publican, appoints a successor to Dr. Exam iner Tilton, in order that there Hilliard, the Board will be Republican might not be the least s jspician of parti by two majority. Here is how it stands: B o r o u g h o f B e a c h H a v e n — T h om as ality. There were a great many scholars in his own school competing for the Blackman, R. B e r k e l e y — W illiam Jeffrey, D . prize and he felt that some one ought to B r i c k — Charles LeCompt, R. help him select the winner. The two D o v e r — .R. L. Disbrow, D. gentlemen put their heads together and E a g l e s w o o d — Joseph B. Cox, D. decided that the story entitled " A Glimpse J a c k s o n — E p h ra im P . E m s o n , D . Into the Future,” was the best. Now L a c e y — H o w a r d Jeffrey , R . none ot the authors names were published M a n c h e s t e r — Samuel Sutton, D . andl the only person who knew who O c e a n — Jacob Birdsall, R. wrote the stories was the editor o f the P l u m s t e a d — Walter Cottrell, D . C o u r ie r , and therefore, this method of St a f f o r d — selecting the winner was altogether fair U n io n — Edmund Bennett, R. and impartial. P o i n t P l e a s a n t Be r o u g h — L. D. It was thought at first that it would be Vannote, D. appropriate to have presentation exer B a y H e a d B o r o u g h — Jo h n J . F o r cises, but on after thought, this idea was syth , R . abandoned and the badge was mailed to I sla n d H e ig h t s B orough — John CM iss Gowdy, with explanations as to what it was for and why it had been Page, R. presented. ceived : L a v a l e t t k B o r o u g h — George A . Wilt, K. Republicans, 8 ; Democrats, 7 ; Vac? R i v e r , Ja n . 15th, 1891. ancies, 1. Here is the reply we re Toms M r . Jo h n C l o k e , D e a r S i r : M any thanks for the beautiful badge received this evening. Your generosity in offering a prize and your interest in the school, I think, has been an inspiration to us all. I feel greatly honored in receiving it, and am sure that it will give me a new interest in school work and help me to bcilcr things in composition. Yours Sincerely, ETHEL GOWDY. S E C R E T S O C IE T IE S . o d d fellow s’ h o m e . There was a love feast at the Odd F el lows’ Home, near Trenton, on Wednes day last. It was occasioned by the meeting of the Board of Managers, com posed of representative Odd Fellows from all points in the State, who wanted to feliciate each other on the completion of their new building and thank a num ber of gentlemen, also invited to be present, who had donated time and labor to beatifying or pirformng some service for the home. . H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis.,was trou bled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was affec ted to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced In fleBh and strength. Three bottles o f Electric Bitters cured him. Eeward Shephead, Harr isburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg o f eight years’ stand ing. Used three bottles o f Electric Bitters and seyen boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large Fever sores on his A dinner was served, the first eaten in leg, doctors said he was incurable. Oue bot tle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's ar- the new dining-room, and judging by hica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at C. B the remarks after it was eaten, never N e w M a il B a g . The new mail bag invented by Post master Williams, of Long Branch, is likely to prove a great success. Clay Woolley has applied for a patent on the same, having bought an interest in the new invention. A description of the bag was sent to the Scientific American last week, and on Monday Mr. Wooley received from the editor of that paper a photograph o f the mail-bag and a letter highly commending the same. The paper will undoubtedly publish a full description and cut of the invention. If the government should take hold of the matter Messrs. Williams and Woolley will realize a fortune from their enter prise. P e a n u t Soup. Take about a quart ot freshly roasted peanuts ; shell, taking care that none of their inside brown skin is left on the nuts. Now pound them thoroughly in a mortar until the whole forms a cake. Boil steadily in two quarts of water or a litllc more if found necessary for four hours, using for slock, a liambonc and, if available, the remnants of the last pair of ducks. Skim off the oi 1and serve were so many chantiably-disposed peo P'P*nff hot. 1 his is said to be a cheap M A R R IE D , ple assembled together. They were, in and most nourishing soup. fact, as proven, not only by their words Me ULURE-JOHN SON.—At Toms River Jan. us, by Lev. E. M. Ogden, Mr. Win. I ' but by thei** deeds, veritable good $omA G R E A T W IN T E R H OTEL. McClure and Miss Sarah R. Johnson, both 0{ aritans. The Lakewood four horse coach was | in town on Tuesday. Toms Rivr r. Mr. and Mrs. Burr, of Brooklyn, [spent Sunday in town. Very O bl.gn g. T h ere is a tradesm an in this village w ho occasion a lly g e ts o ff a good thing. T he fa ct that he is innocent of any Edgar Decker, son of J. E. Decker, Intent to joke adds fo r ce to his com ical sayings. The oth er da y a lady oalled at jipent Sunday last in town. his place o f b usin ess and a sk ed : “ H ave y ou sp itto o n s ?” Chas. T. Patterson, of Philadelphia, “ E h?” said the m erchant prloking up |spent a day in town last week. h is ears. " Can you show m e a spittoon?” re The protracted meetings in the M. E. p ea ted the lady, in a high key. Echurch are being largely attended. ’ ’ N o ,’’ said the m erchant, "I.-h a v e n oth in g o f the k in d :” " b u t . he added William P. Kirk has just completed h osp ita bly , " You can sp it in the coal |his 14 foot yacht. She’s a beuaty. h o d ," T h e listeners chu ckled audibly, and The pay train on the Central Rail- the lady sm iled and to o k a hasty depart Iroad passed through town on Friday ure.—R ichm ond, M aine, Bee. Dr. I. C. Schureman, is very ill at his Presiden.ee on Main street. I last. The matron, Julia A . Wert, assisted b y a number of ladies, served the din ner in as satisfactory a manner as could be wished for. It was a dinner as would be expected in the home o f any comfor tably situated farmer with a good ap petite and the means to gratify it. It was greatly enjoyed, judging by the way it was partaken of, and at its completion, George W. Ilammell, the President of the Odd Fellows’ Home A ssociation, addressed those assembled and took o ccasion to thank many of the number for favors bestowed. One of the features of the home is an enclosed veranda with a southern expasure, heated by steam, that is made b y the inmates a common sitting room these days. It is inclosed with glass. When the home was opened it could accommodate but ten persons. There are now twelve inmates, and six persons have only been awaiting the enlargement to come there. The capacity since the enlargement is for forty persons. Both Mistaken. T h e tw o men had oooupied the sam e There was not one letter unclaimed in sea t in a railw ay coa ch fo r half a day, Ithe Toms River post office, week ending and th e train had reached Its destina ■ Jan. 20, 1891. tion . ” I am in debted to y ou , sir, for an agreeable conversation that has greatly Rev. Mr. Cook, of the Presbyterian relieved the m onotony o f a long Journey. Btkurch, preached in the M. E church M a y I ask you r nam e? ” ** Certainly, my nam e Is Sullivan.” (Jocosely) “ Not Mr. Tuesday evening. Sullivan o f B o s to n ?” “ Yes, I reside In Jack Grant who has been ill, is able B oston .” " W h a t l N o t----- ’’ (Haughtily) “ N o, s ir ! I am a co lle g e professor.” On the 5th ‘instant, Mrs. Henrietta .0 be out again, and his many friends “ B eg pa rd on . P erm it m e to introduoe are pleased to see him. m yself. My nam e is C row ley." (Smil Otis came to the home. She is the first in gly) “ N ot Mr. C row ley o f New York? ” Rev. E. M. Ogden, pastor of the “ Y es, New York la m y hom e." " W h a t ! woman who ever was admitted to an Odd Fellow ’s Home. When a man becomes aptist church, preached in the M. E, N o t ----- " (H otly) “ N o, s ir l I sm the president o f a bank , e l r ! " (Coldly) infirm, and is a member of a lodge that church, of this town, on M onday night. “ .G ood-day, a ir." (F rigidly) " G o o d - belongs to the Odd Fellows’ Home A s A large oak tree that has stood for a d a y .” —Arkansaw Traveler. number of years just the other side of E, A. Gulick s tin store, was cut down on Monday. Itoaa! Pride. . / ‘ W here are all th e prominent citi zens th is m orning?” asked a tourist o f o f tha Oklahom a H ouse. Theo. Ford, the Water street tailor, th"e Ilandlord dunno. p r e sla e ty ," w as the reply. has put in a new window in his shop ; it “ Y o u see, last night, th e boys took a is in two pieces. The upper half being hose th ief out t o the tree where th ey alius hang 'em, an’ lo an’ behold they colored glass. fou n d a new com er had cut it down. Rev. D. C . Cobb, pastor of the Silver- T h e hoaa thief happened t o know w h o d on e it T hey’re after him, now, the ton church, preached a very able sermon h oss th ie f leading th e pursuit. He's ^ 2 large and attentive andience in the got a heap o f ioca i pride, even if he d oes steal. I f th e y ketoh the fellow h E. church Sunday morning last. th ey ’ll be apt t o str in g him up an’ turn List Sunday was a peculiar day. the h oss thief loose. W e air a people here were as many different kinds of who like t o encou rage piiblic spirit.” — Colum bus Press. leather as there were hours in the day, *nd not one of them agreeable. There *as snow and then rain and viceversa. We lflth— Balled «ohr. William T O M IS S E T H E L G O W D Y . n r £ r?ri* m™ ' 1?thcalled schr. Graoe Seymour, Holmes, New Bodferd, 18th. *rriJ®d sobra. Kate B. Oadsn, Edgell, New COUNTY EXAMINER TILTON AND 3Shk I f i S 1 * Southard Prorldeooe *sf*jr*r ? * * & • A- Holme*, Hluto, PSON. DILLINGHAM THINK THAT wd «»erf*tlo »en to teks orders for tbs work complete In ten volutnss and aold »b#v® - monthly payments. Costains the «nrii*of GansraU Grant, Bbemao, Sbaridan H»neoek, Crawford, McOlallan and Cnstar nhural tanns* Grandest thing in raean & * t e K 4 T h o S ^ ’4o P,0,11*n0*L1^ , w 0 hara several salesman at w c ~ BBBMUIJi. HUNDRED V s . J.n. 14 clear fifty dollars weekly. Ob as. Bsllad « t r , J. J. Pharo, Bhaatsl N.ir lork. * Co., 8 East 14th 8t.. Kew York. n N2 2 £ ? I? i IB-Anrlnd Fsunle H. itiw srt Laa. N«w Turk. Doth Arrlrud w n*T —Tueeday morglngon Main or Water •ckr Henry U. Grant Sutpbln, Perth Amboy, T i s u 'a red s\Tk hankercbief. with white Sailed echr. H o n r d . Willie ,., Bridgeport. MirVdota. A reward is offered for its reNEWPOBT NEWS Ve. Jen. 17-Selled •chr, Herman B. Odgen. S S t o S S i. N. S.ROBERTB. HARRINGTON, New York 90th. Sailed or SALE— a Shipman steam boiler, 2U •chr. John Brown. Brown New York. NEW HAVEN, Jan. 14—-Sailed •chr*. horse power, with atornizors, oil tank and .wrvthlnif complete. Will be sold cheap Nellie W. Craig Holme*, Philadelphia Agnes* Manning Blrdtall, Perth Amboy 15th. Apply at the COURIER OFFICE.______ Arived achre Hattie V . Aeleey, BrJgga, Nor t mRlCYCLES ann bicycles for sale at a liber folk, A. A. Shaw Morgan, do. E. e . fiirdsail Chamber* do. 18th. Sailed »chr Hattie V. X ttl discannt on wnolesale cost prled; ^Ap Kelsey. Brlggi. Norfolk 90th, Bailed *ebr f ply to NEW JER 8EY COURIER OFFICE. A. A. 8haw„ Morgan. Norfolk. BRIDGEPORT. CL, Jan. 14-8ailed *chr. A POUNDS OF PAPER FOB SALE D , Chamber*, Green, Philadelphia. ! 5 0 0 AT THI8 OFFICE. Will be sold CHARLESTON, 8. C., Jan. 19-Arrlved. cheap by the single pound or larger quantity. J' bewta, Townsend, Baltimore. H. «fc T . Blenderman, Row, do. 20th arrived ANTED.—The people's Building, Loan •chr. Elizabeth A. Balzley, Townsend. Balti and Saving Association requires the more. i MrTice o f a Reliable Man to repreaent them X a,» ^an* 14—Sailed *chr. ! \aour'place. Thu u a good position for the Ellen Tobin, Hankins, New York, PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 19—Cleared schrs. I ritriit parly who must be able to famish anez coptienale references. Write at once to. 9t James G. Beecher, Rnasel, Providence; J. B. AS D BEEBE, General Mgr., Trenton, N .J Cairing ton, Anderson, Bridgeport. 30, ar rived schr. Nellis W . Craig, Bmith, New ORSALE—The highest grade of Wondoes Haven. blood phosphate.^ CHEAP. PERTH AMBOY, Jan. 14—Arrived ichrs l„p ,,io rto rjrM. . nd ^ a c r g ».iBLDi Howard H. Han*eom, Holmes, Bermuda Hundred; Henry H. Grant, Stupbln, New I ? r-k * u ! 7', arriI ed “ hr- Agnes Manning, COMPETENT, reliable lady wishes poai Blrcsall to Joad for Portland. Sailed echr. Henry H. Grant, 8taphln, Norfolk. tion as house-keeper. Reference PROVIDENCE, R. I., Jan. 18th.—Arrived | dunged. Addbkss, Reliable , Box schr. John B. Manning, Blrdaallr sailed fManasquan, N. J • schr. John B. Manning, Baltlmere; 19, sailed schrs. Carrie 8. Hart, Southard, Balti | to m jl r i v e r p o s t o e f i c e . more John D, Williams, Curtis, do. RICHMOND, Va., Jan. 17th—Arrived schr. MAILS CL OSE FOR Peter C. Schultz, Lewer, New York. New York and points north, 7,86 A, m . SAVANNAH, Ga., Jan. 14th.—Arrived schr. New York and all points north of Manchester Harriet C. Kerlin, Shaw, Baltimore; 17th. arrived echr. Sarah D . Fell, Loveland, Port [ ».55 A. M. 3.06 P. M. Manchester, Bayvllle, Cedar Creek, Forked Royal. | River, Waretown, points between Manchester I ami Bridgeton, 9.66 A. M. Philadelphia, Washington, Southern and [ western States, points between Toms River and [ Camden, Island Heights, Trenton and Southern l Jersey T.30 A. M. 3.46 P. M. Points between Seaside Park and Point Plea\ s»nt,8.66 A . M . Whitings and Tuckerton, and points between, [ 3.46 P. M. SUvertonand Bursvllle 8.00 A. M., Tuesday, ‘ Thnrsilarand Saturday. Registered mail, 9.80 a . M. HE IESI MOST STORT, A D octor's L t p m i U * | * a F air patient—W hat Is the matter w ith me? Won. E. O. Chapman, State Superin Popular M. D .—L e t m e see your tongue. F . P .—W ell 1 tendent of public schools, has declared P . M. D. (a b sen t-m in d ed ly )-! think It 1 at children are not compelled by-laws needs e good, lon g rest. Dr otherwise to draw water, haul coal or F . P .—W hat d o y o u mean, sir ! P . M D —Beg pardon- T mean y»*t tweep out public schools at the command seed a good, lon g re s t.—Pittsburg Bul m their teacher. sociation, he is not separated from his companion of a lifetime, but she may ac company him to the home and share his company during their declining days. T h e home people do not believe in separating those whom God has joined together. AMERICAN FREEMASONARY. Recent investigations made by the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, Free and Accepted Masons, bring to light facts which go far toward substantiating the claim that New Jersey is the "cradle of American Freemasonary.” The first commission for an American organization w as issued to Daniel Coxe a large prop r it tor o f West Jersey lands. This com mission was dated 1730, but there has been found no record of any lodge being organized under its provisions. FORMAL OPENING ON SATURDAY O F TH E LAKEWOOD. The famous new million dollar hotel, "T h e Lakewood” opened with a banquet on Saturday evening. The Lakewood is the largest hotel in New Jersey, and one of the largest in the country. It is built o f brick and iron, and is perfect in all modern conveniences, electric lights, artesian Jweil water steam heating, elevators, &c. It is not only the largest but the finest and altogether most magnificient house in the country, with the possible exception of one or two at St. Augustine, in Florida. The furnishing o f the house is in keeping with the build ing. It is; one of the costliest and most superb character, but pervaded by a chase simplicity. There is no where any sign of garish display. Everything is beautiful and artistic, showing the most refined taste. The main building of the hotel has a frontage of 465 feet, and there is a quarter of a mile of glass inclosed and steamheated piazzas and sun parlors, embel lished with plants and flowers. A large number oi prominent people were invited to the opening banquet Among those present were Governor Abbett, Hon. B. F. Lee, General Donnelly, John Moses, J. L. Murphy and Wm. Cloke, of New Jersey. Among the distinguished New Yorkers present were Mayor Grant, Colonel Fellows, David Bonner, St. Clair McKelway, Cyrus Edson, H. H. Boycsen, Nothan and Oscar Strauss, Alex. Hamilton and scores of others. The banquet, of course, was a very fine affair. The causine of the Lakewood Is under the charge of the late chef at Delmonico’s. The dining room was a sight. It is probably the handsomest hotel dining-room in the country, and was specially decorated with flowers, &c., for the occasion. Mr. Thompson, the Vice-President of the company, pre sided, and responses to sentiments were made by Mayor Grant, Governor Abbett, St. Clair McKelway, Prof. Pockway, and Colonel Fellows. These were all of a high order, and were warmly ap plauded. Governor Abbett, was partic ularly felicitious. He promised the most cordial hospitality on part of the State and its citizens towards the invest ment o f millions by New York capitalists in the waste places of New Jersey. fflg m Surfman Lewis K . Crane, of Bay Head station, had an encounter a t the Inlet on Sunday morning with a seal. This animal has been seen here several times, but lias evaded capture. Keeper Charles D . Stephens, o f Corsons Inlet, desires to express thanks to Miss Mary Scott B oyd , o! Newberg, N. Y ., for a quantity o f reading matter which was received onj^ie 8th inst. Capt. Joel Ridgway and Alexander S. Chandler, of Bam egat City station, were called to New Y o rk on Wednesday to give testimony in the suit of owners o f the schooner Francis P. H allockvs. schooner Vennor. Last summer Capt. >Vatson Irons’ sloop was damaged while transporting shad to market. H e received notice on Wednesday that his case would be brought up for trial at ten o’clock on that day. It was impossible for him to reach New York in time and the case may-go over. Capt. John W. Edwards, of Spermaceti C ove station, received word from the Or dinance Department on Monday to get out of the range o f a 12-inch rifled canon about to be tested at Sandy Hook. T h e music of an 8oo- pound cannon ball whizzing through the air was b y no means comforting to Capt. Edwards and his crew. 1•» * * BAT HAD. Dr. Mount returned from his trip |o Colon 00 Tnusday. Novel Set o f D om in os. Capt. Stephen F . Bills, of this town, has in his possession, one of the most novel set of dominos that we have ever seen. They are m ade from pieces of twenty-eight different wrecks that hav e come ashore on the A llan tic coast between Barnegat Inlet and Point Pleasaat. They were made by Capt. Charles Tilton, oi Life Saving Station, No.— . It has taken him ten years to collect the lot. They have all been smoothed off very nicely and the spots put on with red paint. Th e pieces and the wrecks, they are made from are as follows : 6-6, Aryshire ; 6-5, New York ; 6-4, M inerva ; 6-3, M ary C . Town ; 6-2, James R . Buelly ; 6-1, David M . Smith ; 6-0, R . Carlos Alberts ; 5-5, Eliza Jane; 5*4> Clara C. F re y ; 5-3, James H. E lm e ll; 5-2, Porter; 5.1, Meditator; 5-0, D avid S. Tollick ; 4-4, Magdaina; 4-3, Margarette and L u c y ; 4-2, Five Sisters ; 4-1, Martha J. Grang e r; 4-0, George Tonland ; 3-3, L. N. M cKenzie; 3-2, James Jones ; 3-1, Albertina; 3-0, M eta ; 2-2, May H aley ; 2-1, Wentz; 2-0, John Sherwood; 1-1, L . & A. Babcock ; 1-0, A. H. Edwards ; 0-0, Formosa. We were not able to ascertain the captains names nor the dates. The Eliza Jane was partly owned by Capt. Bills. H°.r8crcu R E D H o o d 's Sarsap arilla turned to their home In New York City, on Sunday last. The.storm and thaw of last Suuday ieft the streets in a delightful state .o f mud and slush. Later on when they froze up they reminded us forcibly of the fact (hat this life is full o f ups and downs. D o es E x p e r i e n c e C o u n t ? NEWHOM E 9 ./TWOlNffiBWli *TS*i|Ni!£5T! »W PW W M ° U’ N' J* B" at ^ 'LeaVe iSATONTOWN.at 6.60 and 10.08 A. x „ and 3.03 p. u . Sundays at 10. r.o a. m . L a k e w o o d , at 7.35 aud 10.42 a . a. j .sb and 6.06 p. a . Sundays at 11.90 a . m . «iu?«nS MANCHESTER, at 7.65 and 11.00 a. m., SA8andO .tor.11. Sunday a at 11.88 a . m . BARNEGAT, at 6.65 and 9.80 a . 2.40 and 6.10 p, it. Sundays. 2.10 p. w J. H. OLHAU8EN, G on ’l Sup’t. II. P. BALDWIN. U ou’l Pass. Ax :< n . o w t o P IS UNIOS SqUASLXY •»< o s FO R SALE B Y sauM.uk. D AYS Q U E E N & CO., of Philadelphia. MORE w ill send their Specialist on the oyo * T O T O M S R IV E R , rjp H E COLDEST part of winter is yet to come. Some merchants think the best part of Winter is passed because the holidays are over. me. Not so with The time to sell goods is all the time. Acting on this belief I announce a special Six Days’ Sale of STORM COATS, UNDERWEAR, He will be at the OCEAN HOUSE, S o n k M A. M. to 5 P. M., and will make 9* " O CHARGE to examine your eyes. 9 Messrs, qttrew a Co. com bine the skill of the oculist and the mechanical ability of the optician it* one person, nnd thus secure to tnelr patrons unexcelled optical sorvico without the usual expense. As an oculist their_ representative correctly determines the cause o f any eye trouble and prescribes tne proper treatment and glasses. As aoptic mu be adjusts the glasses prescribeIn such a manner that they w ill be In the correct position before the eyes, that they snail not cut or Injure tbe face, and that they shall present a neat and Inconspicuous a n d ewt r y pair 0 / olosse* ortUrrrd Is guar a n teed b y Queen dS Qo. C to be * ----- — satisfactory. QUEEN * CO. P L E N T Y o f other seasonable garments at prices (hat will insure their speedy sale. W E D N E S D A Y , J A N . 2 8 , ’9 1. A R A R E O P P O R T U N IT Y will thus be offered to those whoso eyes re quire attention te have them cared tor. T h o w x t m ln a t lo n la e n t i r e l y FREE. CHILDREN’S SUITS, JACKETS, Don’ t fail to drop in and inquire the price of any thing you may ^* 0 . 1111.#, a.nnil ll n t l.l Otmllsta d O p tic ia.n n s. , 994 Cl-ESTNUT 8t ., PniLA. p U B U C SA LE ---- OF— STOCKS & FARM IMPLEMENTS want in my line. The follow .o t stock and farm implements will ne sold at public sale at ths farm of Enoch Jonea, situated about half u m lle from Forked River, on MORRIS COHEN, W E D N E S D A Y , J a n . 28th, 1891. FAM OUS FOR L O W E S T PRICES IN T O W N . LIVfi STOCK. One gray horse, good work and driver ;oae bsy •asre. Use driver and worker; one colt, nlue months oM ; four Jersey cow s, heavv ia caif. two hetfer cslfa, Jersey stock; so nice shore. It does, in ovary line o f business, and es pecially in compounding and preparing medicines. This is illustrated m the great superiority of Heod’s Sarsaparilla over other preparations, as shown by tue remarkable cures it has accomplished. The head of the firm o f C. I. Hood A Co. is a thoroughly competent and experienced pharmacist, having devoted bis whole life to the study sod actual preparation o f msdicines. He is also a member ot the Massacbasctts and American Pharmaceutical Association, and continues actively devoted to supsprising the preparation of and managing the business connected with, Hood's 8arsaparllla. Hence the superiority and peculiar merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is built upon the most substantial foundation. In its preparation then M represented ail the knowledge which modern research in medical science has developed, combined with long experience bralnwork, and experiment It Is only nscccfsaiy to give tbii medicine a fair trial to realize its great curative valne. ATLANTIC CITY, at 8.06 a . u . t.fO P. M. hB D BANK, at 0.40 ami 9.66 a . a. 2.66 M d S M p , wr Sundays at 10.40 a . M. SIX BAYVILM . Messrs, Howard and Fiuu Potter will build two handsome cottages on tbelr lots near tbe Town Hall In the spring. Wm. Ellis who was taken suddenly 111 with ia grippe on Monday last Is improyinK-l Mrs. Laura Brockaway, has returned home from a two weeks visit in Newark. Mrs. Annie Taifhorst, o f Bay View, N. J., is visiting friends in this place. John Allgor has rented part of the Johnson cottage and will more soon. Mr. O. Lawrencs has returned from an ex tended trip on Long Island. Miss Jcsiie Allen has been visiting friends at Forked River, Mr. BenJ. Irons Is visiting at Sea Bright. Miss L. L. Lawerence has been visiting friends at Bay Side, L, 1. SCROFULA Mr. Cooper aud fatully^are occupy lag their aotteffu hero while superintending some repairs. M to tltit topmll, lo uw blood, uUt, V. R. Krrlcksoo u A family have moved ram-jlating in u ,. H u d . ot u>. n«okt | lute u Portion of Mr. K. B . Chadwick’s lump, o t iwoUlo^,' M ia •aosoo painful running sores on the arms, ° f last; which developea ulcers In the Mr. Julios Foster has a gang o f non at IMPORTANT 1IAPPMHNGS FAITHFULLY work ripalriog the talk-beads ami board •jos, oars, or dcjb, often causing blindness or CHRONICLED-—YOUR FRIENDS AND doafneos; which is the origin of pimples, canwalks on tha front. NEIGHBORS— WHAT THE “ COURIER” Work 00 Mr. J. M. Chadwick's new build- •«rou» growths, or ths many ether nuubtestfr ttona a n a lly ascribed to ” humors ;•» which, ng is programing favorably, and the frame Is fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption KNOWS ABOUT THEM. already endosaed, and death- Being the most ancient, it is tho The orow of the Bay Head Ufa-saving most general of all diseases or affections, for [We have correspondents tn nearly every town In Ocean county, and we are almlnt to eatab lien ■tetlon enjoyed a visit from the Rev. J , H. vary tow persons are entirely free from it. correspondents in ovei *'n r y *town, village and bam- Magee who dined with them on Thursday. let in the county. If there are any places not — — Ths foundation for the new boarding represented tn theae columns we won: would be pleasoti to receive news from the same.r house is being laid by T. A. Newman, of Point Pleasant. ,A portion o f tha lumber bbnnktt ' b mills By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by tho remarkable cures it has accomplished, Miss Annie Layton fell on the ice and is already on thogronnd. often when other medicines have failed, has bruised two o f her teeth one day last week. BABNAOAT. proven itself to be a potent and peculiar Mia* Emma Ad?tns, employed in the George Peak, our single policeman now medlclno for this disease. Soma o f these family o f Conover II. Clayton, o f Harmony, wears a uniform. •wos suro really wonderful- If you suffer from fell on Wednesday of last wock, as she was Squire Ktmuor R. Wilis Is convalesclug scrofula, be sure to try Hood’ s Sarsaparilla. stepping from a farm wagon »ud fractured from his recent attack of typhoid fever. " daughterMarywas afflicted with scrof her arm. Manners Lodge, No. 180, F. A. M., elected ulous sore neck fromthetime she was XImonths Last Sunday was a very bad day for our and installed tbe following officers, for the old till she became six years ot age. Lumps long distance beaux to turn out. It afforded ensuing year: L. W. Bugbee, W . M .; J. C. formed Ur her neck, and one o f them after a good opportunity for the girls to utullze Bennett, 8 . W .; E. R. Wills, J. W . ; L. Fox. growing to the size of a pigeon’s egg, became their second beet youug men who lived near Treasurer; J. a. Storms, Secretary ; R. M. a running sore for over three years, Wegave by. Collins, Chaplain JW. H. toast, 8. D .; D. Van bar Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lamp and Borne of oa r residents got quite excited Cleaf, J. D.; W . O. Conrad, M. o f C.; W. F- all Indications ot scrofula entirely dii. appeared, and now ihe seems to be a healthy cencerniug the opening of the Hotel Lakewood Randolph, M. o f 0.; W. W. Fonst, Tyler. A shlld.'* J. b . Oabule , Nauright. N. J. last week thinking their presence was indls- collation was served after the installation, of N.BL Bo sure to get only penslble on that occasion. Those who were which many partook. FOURS RIVER. the most "rattled” were from New Prospect. With much regret we have to report tbe BoMbyaUdragslits. fl; sixfor #6. Prspandcmly WABBTOWN. by O. L HOODA 00., Apothseartss, LowsU, Mas*. dangerone and sadden iUneas of Mrs. Joseph Miu Lena Birdaall Is quite 111. IOO Dote* One Dollar Parker, wife o f the well known and popular Miss Katie ylslted oar place last week. proprietor o f the Layfeyette boose. At lest Rumor u a ball Is to be given in Red Men's Hall in the near tntnre. This is pleasant news. account* her condition seemed slightly im- 0 B N T B A L R. B. OF MEW JKHSK1. pioved. The roll o f honor of the primary school for NKW JERSEY SOUTHERN D1VIMION. Mrs Jane Bunnell met with a painful ac the past week Is as follows: Maggie Jones, cident last week. By an unlucky step she Throuarh Coaches to New Y ork -R edu ced Mary Morse, Jole Pradmore and Anthony Mmtes, 4 ulck Time, w ith but one sprained her ankle badly. cnaiiKC ot Caro, to Bowker. myhti .b . Philadelphia. A "Chowder Bnpper" Is to be glvsn it Fr. PLEASANT. Parkers Hall on next Friday evening. T im e T a b l e In effect D e c e m b e r 1 2 , l g y o , Who stole, the turkey ? Miss Carri* Tilton has returned home from TRAINS LEAVB TOM8 RIVER Ask Councilman Lower bis opinion. her visit to New York. Edward Lavance has ths foundation up for r*n°ot1^ J V« YOvK,1Ellza,,eth and Newark, all With pleasure we sanonnee the advent of s a* T-8® New York only, ami 10.07 a . 3.16 Mr. William Cnrtls’ new cottage. and 6.48 r . u . Sundays B.21 p. u . •on m the family of John Jeffery and one to .J 5 ° ; ARNEGAT, at 8.10 and 11.17 A. M., 4.03 It Is reported that there was a railroad and M l r . i f . Sundays 11.66 a . a . ’ ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrews. spotter in town on Thursday of this week. MANCHESTER, KED Tbs sapper given test week by the Presby BANK Mr. Albert Moss, of Trenton, was In Point *■ M- s.“ ' “ «»•**.. *• Sundays 3 zi p. m. terians was very successful. Pleasant on Thursday, looking after his new For EATONTOWN, LONG We learn that Mr. Stout Parker is much 10.07 A. M.. 8.16 and 6.46 t\ M. ' BRANCH, Ac., at cottage. .For ^ATL a NTIC CITY, GLA88BORO, WILworse ogalu. His daughter Mrs. C. Bower, Harry Dickson is vislllug at Long Branch v t m i .a^7-!1®A- “ • and if.fiTr. m! of Point Plaosant U with him. this week. He expects (0 start for WilkesndLmi1?ttiL 4NDRiver ,’, 1BR,!)OEToN' Ac->avmbertend a____ na and Maurice Branch, at 7.86 . m. and HORNEBSTOWK. bare, Pa., next week. 3.16 P. K. David Occdcrham, of Trenton, la now visit All the ico houses in this community have a ,^ °L PIIILADE*'PIIIA: vl* W inslow Junction at 7.35 a . m. and 8.16 p. m. been filled this season, so there is no prospect ing with Albert E. Barker, o f this place. RETURNING Lost Wednesday, Mrs. Robert Black, of of an ice famine in Point Pleasant next sum Cream Ridge, spent the day with her mother .f*®ave NEW YORK, foot of Liberty 8t., N. H.. mer. „ a rail,at 4.45 and 8.16 a . m., 1.30and 4.20 p. a. We are pleased to state that Samuel Max- Miss Hannah Crsnmer. Sundays at 9.00 A. u. gg. l.&o Tbe widow o f Daniel Hopkins had s slight I fJ T J NBWARK. Broiu, 8t>< at g 2a son had so far recovered from his recent in and 4.0S p. U. Sunday 0 05 a . m . juries as to be able to come down town on stroks o f paralysis on Sunday last. 8bo is Pier 8 South Wharves, now much better. lYodnesday. Delaware River, st 8.00 a. u „ 4.00 p. m. NEWS FROM ALL THE TOW NS B Y SPECIAL CORRES PONDENTS. A Sad B e r e a v e m e n t. Otis K. Carmichael, eldest son o f I. W . Carmichael, E sq ., died at the resi dence of his parents, on Main street, in this town on Sunday night last. He was born April 16, 1868, and consequently was in the twenty-third year of his age. W hile at school at the Eastman College in 1888 at Poughkeepsie N. Y ., of which he was a graduate, he took a severe cold, and came home staying all Winter. In the Fall of 1889 he accepted a respons ible position in the ticket office o f the Pennsylvania Railroad at Philadelphia. While here he was taken with the La Grippe which he never got over and it eventually developed into consumption. H e was a Christian young man and much respected in this community: His early death is a crushing blow to his bereaved parents, who have the sincere sympathy o f the community in this the sorest of earths’ trials. Th e funeral services, which took place on Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock, at the residence o f his parents, were largely attended and were MANASQUAN. the occasion of the manifestation of much The tace» o f the ice meu have a weary luuk sympathy for the afflicted family. The just now Bey. J. Lenpple and family spent tbe great services were conducted by Rev. R . B. Stephenson. Six young men,’ friends ot er part o f this week at their old home at Fair Haven. the deceased, acted as bearers. Inter The Misses Hattie and Jennie Osborn, who ment was made in Riverside cemetery. hayo been visiting friends In Manasquan, re T h e orginal New Jersey lodge was the S t John’ s lodge, which was formed at letin. New ark on May 13, 1761. The second IodaotiTo Boa*— tag '* ^ome °* our street crossings are in a Pr>’ bad condition, especially the one in l G lbbe—“ K ickshaw Is younger then w as organized at Elizabethtown in 1762. kin w ife. Isn’t he?” B-Qnt ° * the residence of Mrs.Russeti. Russell,onon D lm m lck—” Y e a ; b u t he doesn't like In 1763 a third lodge was instituted at Mrs. Princeton, while in 1767, a fourth re am street We iaw a young lady step It know n. H ow d id y en fl«4 It out?" There ia more Catarrh in this section of the G lbbe—" F r o m K lokshaw him self.” ceiv ed its birth at Basking Ridge. n one of the boards, which was loose, The Lakewood company owns about country than all other diseases put together D lm m lck—“ Im p ossib le 1” T hroughout the Revolutionary w ar the l"‘1 «ct »" Ufly fall. This should be Gibbs—" Y e s; he told me that e man * nntU the last t e w years was supposed to 1000 acres of land around the hotel, and ttended to. ought to merry n women six years kin ord er in N ew Jersey was w ell represented be incurable. For a great many years doc Junior."—Judge. am on g the officers o f the Am erican army, there are between 10 and 20 miles of tors pronounced it a local disease, and a regular meeting of the Toms and three o f its members were signers o f forest drives throught the odorous pi nes. prescribed local remedies, and by constantly - >ci Cornet Band, the following officers failing te core with local treatment, pronoun the National Constitution, namely ; G ov Customer (looking at some neckties). L i f e S a v i n g N o te s. ! re e l e c ^ Pres., Daniel Hoffmire ; —A dollar. Can't yon show me some ernor William Patterson D avid Rraarly ced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh •ce-Pnes., John B. Cornelius; Secro- thing cheeper? The new boat wagon from Shark R iver to be a coosUtoUotial disease, and therefore „ and Jonathan Dayton. Hall's Clark. Bat you ha^e always paid H E station has been transferred to Harvey requires constitutional treatment. lrys Samuel Williams ; Treas., Ed. E. Catarrh tnre, manufactured by F. * . Cheney before, sir. Cedars station. ltteon ; Leader A. J. Grant ; Trustees. ■CuaU>niei.—X T h e P u lp it e n d t h e S t a g e . am getting these for m y A Co- Toledo. Ohio. Is tfwonfy coostftntfona! Surfman J . V . Sutton, who recently ph Becker, George S. Bunnell and wife.—Clothierlnnd Furnisher. Rev. t . M. Shrjat, Pastor Utiled Brsthrsrcure cu the market. It Is taken internally arT7 T . Hagaman. Cbarch, Blue Mound. Kan., says: "1 feel it lost his wife and a son, has again been la team from 13 drops to a tesgpocgfci If a y daty to tell wbst woedert Dr. King’• New called hom e on account o f sickness. acta directly upon the blood and ancons snrS . Johnson Jones fa* the theatre)— D tteoxcff has dose for ms. 1t j Lasg t ww* They offer cm Imwdred Surfman Charles Rundquist, o f Long fac*a at tx* W k y d ^ t von respond to the mils for C2ESS. dona?* for any ease it fails to care. Seed for ind* warned 3 iarrs “ Author?" TVt could Bye only a few weeks. I took five bot W . Shakespeare Smith—Oh, I only o t e if K , . *•* W“ f0b*dly b «n *d is the steamer that was running dangerously tel stable fire, was shot on Monday. wrote It. Where are the upholsterer, tles o f Dr. Kings New Discovery and am near the beach. F. J. CHENEY A C O . , Toledo, O sound sad wefl. gaining 98 Ibe. in weight... it ' 'T****— on Moods? te beBd end the dressmakers, end the i by Druggists, 75c. £4 50 h a s been received fro m some o f Arthar Love, Manager Love’s Fanny Folk* ^ w b a m o n ft a O a k Grove Hotel prop- painter, nnd the « Combination, writes : "After n thorough trial the Kfc-«ave?r*g cre w s toward a fcn d fo r Eva. G nat and convincing enienes. I am confident Dr. tbe purchase o f a testimonial for the j w tbe recipient of a -Ummummommummuo. W alter G irl.Rise's New Discovery for Cownapuen, beus widow o f the late S. S. Cox. P*rty Saturday '«■* ail, ami earns when everything ntes fail*. Gneet-Um m um m om * C a pt J. H . Mulligan, o f Monmouth The greatest kindness I m a do a y ™aay aou rw tbs Has of a thousand friends Is to urge them to try k. Beach station, reports the loss o f the " * « - * • u*> tight for tfc. Waiter Glri. W het did yon say, sir? spar buoy from the Shrewsbury Rocks. yon did. Bring ’em Free trial bottles at C. B. Mathis' Drag Store to eat off Notice has been sent to Washington. A k A * .—Good New s. k [VEITS IOCEII MTV, WAGONS, IMPLEMENTS, ETC, One light two horse open wsgon, one hors* carryall wagon, one falling top, one rosd care two nerse plow and one horse plow, three cultlvt; tors, one new sell damp hay rake, hoes, seyklesj etc., sc*, of double work harness, nearly new, tWm s e ts o t Slugla ha, u cit, ooliats, i/iiJiet, in te r s t fly nets. Ac. Conditions, under $*o, sssfe. |«o and over a credit of six months will be riven on note In hank with g ood approved secur ity. Sale to commence st I o ’clock P. M. W. C. APPLEGATE. CHARLES McCLEES, TOMS RIVER, N.J. E A L E R in hardware, Furniture, Clocks, Car D pets, Oil Cloths, Glassware and Crockery, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Oils, Agricultural Imple ments, Eertilizers, Seeds. E U R N IT U R E o f the latest improved styles and patterns. Parlor aud dining room suits. Chamber suits in black walnut or chestnut, or imitation oak maple or fancy colors with black walnut trimmings. C R O C K E R Y , china and glassware, in great vari ety, consisting o f dinner, tta and toilet set*. Car peting, mattings and oi! cloths. P A P E R hanging, a large and splendid assortment to select tram. Satin and plain papers of the new est designs and patterns, Picture frames. notes o r mtenesT. IN C1IANCMY OF NEW JEKSKY. T he Queen tuu h er b ox f o r th e present eeaM n at Govent Gardao a t a cost o f six guinea* a night. To Ellin B. Lxabnso and Sana* X. Cc u m an By virtu* of an order of the Conn of Chancer; ■ of Now Jersey. maue on the day of the date here of la a cause wberrtn Mar; JC. brail is eeinuteinant, ami too and other* are defendants, you are “ Carmen Hi.v* " s a p s t h it “ m enstudy a woman a« they study t h i tm. o u s t e r ; bu t th ey do not undar«tend till the day a fte rw a rd /’ II un nr before Ms twentyflfth day <f Janu -ry oexs, or in default thereof a*Ml h.fl will he takt-u a* c »i!fes«ed against you. Th* *ald Mil la fll>d to forroio** a certain mortfaff' made tty th - f t Id Anna M. FWueko- r to the com.' ainanc. bearing dale ihe t •e.,ty.«f h d*v "f A unu- i ' igh'een h ml.nl a> -j eighty Dv.- uml covering'ai d*in hn lownnhip 01 Dortr lu the County of Oct-Auand elate of N< w *ud youin«Kuid E!l*« K. Learned are made a party defendant necau^e you reu *vereJ a judgment u the New Jer*e Supreme Court against the Wi> trsy’s Point Land and Improvement Company by virtue thereof may have or claim to have uuine lien upon the premlaea mentioned and describe" In the Mid bill of complainant, and yon the Mid Sarah B. Cushman are made a defendant because yon own or claim to own a portion of Mid raort(r*god premise* and alao because you recovered a judgment In the New Jersey Supreme Court against The We*traySi Point Land and Improveincut Company and may by virtue of said jadg- Some one , ba* >>*eu lut -t vi« w 'ug 1 country bookaeti r In Emcisn-I with an extended busine***, «u<l i a rued lrom b in i w hile the la ilea are reading a more serious line of boohs, A rn old , Fronde, and Lang, the m en are ta k in g t o novel reading with a vengeance. T he German Empress w ears J.-ivksta g d dresses with a liberal display of ___ J, not only because o f th e ir beauty b u t she hopes, b y pop u la risin g the fsehion. to com pel m anufacturers to g ir o employment to largo num bers of export needlewomen who a re now un em ployed o r w orking for tow wage* at lesslatrloete work. Jfsw Turk buys more la ce than any W e have secured property adjoining our new Store at oth er city in the world, and there are •aid to b e scores o f New Y ork ladies Thirteenth and Chestnut streets, and will begin the erection w hose collections o f lace v a ry in value o f a large building. In the Spring we shall rem ove our from 123,000 to $80,000, T he Vanderbilts possess Isoes which rival th e Prussian business in the Ledger Buildii g to the New Store, which is and Austrian orown laces a n d are valued Great Bargains a t $500,000. The late lire . A s t o r bad s the most centrally located in Philadelphia. laoe dress that coat $15,000, and another for Men and Boys before removal. This large stock ol Suits w as recently sold to an Am erican lad# and Overcoats will be sold at Great Redu&ion in Prices. f o r $26, 000, In the Pocket Magazine fo r 181$ It w ritten an article purporting to look forward 600 years, snd g iv in g among s list o f inventions then to bo completed 1 3 & Chestnut. ' ‘ a machine to im itate th e hum an voioe Gth & Chestnut. Ledger Building. New Store. which w ill be w orked by m achinery in th e manner o f a barrel organ. I t will be called the vocal instrument, and w ill b# used in the oburohea to ren d prayers." W e have not waited the 500 years, but the phonograph Is perfected, and though it has n ot been used to read prayers in tb e churches, It frequently reproduces serm ons o f notoriety-loving pareone. Miss Julia Bapploourt, o f Melbourne, Australia, three years a go passed the matriculation examination a t Melbourne M 4 V mil Lacol Uraccfeu. U niversity with honors in Greek and French. She w as then o n ly sixteen years old. At tb e last exam ination for tb e clerical division of tb e V ictoria olvll service, when 1G7 candidates presented them selves, Miss B appicourt took tbe highest marks ever achieved in arith ----------School o f--------m etic, securing 492 out of a possible GOO. The ambitious young w om an Is desirous BUSINESS, SH O R T H A N D o f taking the M. A. degree, aad It Is prophesied that she will em ulate Miss and Typewriting. B llcesco o f B oum aniasnd becom e the first woman barrister of h er oountry. Undoubtedly the most thoroughly equipA band of energetic P arisian ladiss, ped, the largest and most popular Busibeaded by Hmo, As tie ae Yaleayre. have form ed themselves into a league for tbe ness Training School in New Jersey. emancipation o f women from tb e differ There is no better anywhere. Its advantage ovei all com ent kinds of eooial thraldom u nder which petitors is in its Course o f In th ey live. Tbe leaguers have declared struction-Patronage and Pop w aragalust the priests because "th e priest is a mortal adversary o f the im ularity— Method and M anage provem ent o f the condition o f woman, m en t-Success o f its Graduates and that every female w h o abets ths — Building and Equipment— abbes is an enem y o f h er se x ." Th# and Satisfaction to Patrons. w orthy wife o f an artillery officer has A course at this College is been reoently excom m unicated for the best investment o f time and founding an undertaking th e ob ject of m oney, and sure to bring sub. which le to make the career o f the easleLadleu, etc., arewarsiantial returns. slastk-al student as pleasant and oom-------- tom. AtUireiu 36th annual session begins foi-table as possible. rockton, Maas. Held by Sejjit. 2d , 1890. Something o f the natural sim plicity of Students Hand Book and the Queen of England's taste may be known by the plainness of h er attire, fur ‘ •That Boy o f Ours," sent free T O M S R I V E R , N . J, niture, and surroundings, and by all on application to m atters connected with her table. A m enu of the ordinary dinner served up A. j. RIDER, Principal, at the royal table contained a soup which, translated from its high-sound Xaionio Temple. Trenton, N. J ing French menu, proved t o be simple old-fashioned hotoh-potoh. Flsb, en (N E W Y O R K . ) trees, only two In number, ohlokon cro quettes and collared veal In Jelly, venison for 1 8 9 1 . and roast goose, with oom pote of peaches and ohoeso straw s com pleted the bill o f faro, which Is equalled in ele P R A C T IC A L gance and variety by hundreds o f dln1 pugDH 1 ct. VOpagpg 4cts. 8 Ol to pages Vct*. nors sorved every night In New York to people w ho haven’t even a grandfather, T IN N E R , or, even If they havo, w ouldn’t acknowl The Agres3ive Republican Journal of tho M an u facturer o f T in and edge him. O n e side table th is daughter Metropolis. o f a hundred kings has served h ot and Sh eet-Iron W a re , T in R oof A HEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES. cold fow l, tongue, and co ld beef for ing and S p outin g. A lso, viioeu o f h«* ultimo who p te l e t a piaiuot dealer in S toves, Heaters, Founded December 1st, 1887. dinner than the one just described. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. ftlO T IC K T O ABLEST DEFENDANT* DISAGREEABLE W OM EN. C^ALESMETsT WEEKLY. C H A S E BROTHERS C OM PAN Y. R o c h este r N. Y . R e m a r k a b le H e s c u e . Mr*. Mtofeool Cnrtsh, FlaisfleM. HL. s a l s Ike autemont that eke cangkt cold, which artI M o n bet lu g e ; ahe was trsstod Hors ssoeta by her fsaaUy phystoaa, bet grew X «k M l h m wefl asskeevsr MSB.—Wes trill boitia of tkk Gnat WEBT POINT PLEASANT, N. J. THURSDAY, JANUARY, 29 1891 . AT 9 O’CLOCK r . M. All of the Real Estate ot Wild m M. Bennett dec*a-ed, ts follows: LOT NO. 1 All that property situate north of the Beaver Dam Creek, adjoining lands of John L. D«r»e«, Garret D. Bennett, Nelxon Bennett aud other* being about eighty ae'e* c liaising " t cleared trucking land, excellent natural cran berry iHigs, umi a large quanlty of meadow s-ily cove ted In o the best of cranberry beg villi little little- Iiilw.p e with labor. muldlng* on «ahl tract w|M be used for st- r*» •or covertwl into a dwelling. There U also a ytHMI barn LOT NO 8 ||. f.h e two c ruin loir c o t Win H Brinu »t by Riley ,'uljnsoa mid wile sdJ.iln'Dg pn.in>it> o f sob.ev Herbert and -m i .I .i'Uhou ai llano '* Corner, v Point "lea-ant, N J. ining the pn-perty occupied bv «i.l dcccasoii at hi* ■! hiu, ct-inp iking a. excei:enf Dwelling Rouse, hj.ru, Run o. Waaoi. vcxihI to I PC*led ftstk k ’ fltere, targe ta ffiw s$t. D. **• HAVBSS, tdnil d-trafor Dated Dec 16th I89»i. 1 r'a fee g; 7» R m x , N. J. ally enforced, alike In the interest without discrimination. F. E. MORSE, Mansubr’s Okkiob, Manager. ISO Broadway, New York, January lat, 1891. American Protective League. No. 181, Trenton Street, Boston, Mass. RUPTURE. iUARANTEED M ONEY W IL L BE REFU N D ED In every case whore It fidls. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE, 150 C E N T S . Br. A . J . Sh erm a n begs to Inform all thost who sre afflicted with rupture that be has reduc ed bis charges for tresuneat In order to give persons of limited means an opportunity of re ceiving his celebrated treatment. Of the tens of Seat by mail on receipt of price. Bend for liXQQMSda he has Moated, dating, tjve lis t o f t e s tim o n ia ls . je e r s 15 per cent, o l tutm hare been rsuUcg.lty E, N. J O K N E O N . W abukksbubo .M o cured, and 90 per cent, although cured, continue to wear his appliance, and 6 per cent o f them, althongh nol radically cur-d cured, are safe from tha danger of strangulated rupture and as oomfortable snd able u> work or exercise as if they were never ruptured. Hence 'ho afflicted should lone no time In calling at his office, 2 0 4 , Brandw sy. New Y o r k , snd be relieved tr o m th e pain and annoyancce of rapture and trasses Bend stamp for Dr. Sherman’* pamphlet on rup ture. WE EXAMINE EYES FREE! OCULISTS' OWNERSFttiEO? YOU THINK YOUR KYE« ARK COODJ If you have them examined youwUl nronsb. find that there Is something wrong will TH E D IS C O V E R Y OHMY BACK! Weu; Of the partlcul .r Herbs for curing and proven ting disease by disinfection and dunging the uaturo f Imput e air aa breached in the lungs wo* d is covered over 60 years ago by Aunt R acusl Spkbk, an old noted uur*e now o v r 88 pears old who, from her youth up has been the most suc cessful nurse known. She always has and still does go through rain or shine to freely answer calls from the sick. It was a labor of love without pay and without price. Acnt Rachel has gathered the Herb* and made and applied tnou*aud.-i of these pad* to rich and po w, without charge, ond In everylnatance the effect* were wonderful. The Pad i* nude t>y qutlttdg certain herbs and medicine In tween flap* o f muslin, and when worn they are made wet or damp, at frequent Inte vaia, with a tincture which accompaniesthe Pad. TLJstiDcture combining witn ths herb* in the Pad is absorbed through the pores o f the skin aud the aroma that arises belore the nostrels purifies the air you breathe. It is a prevention and cure. is a woutlet iui dlaoovwtv. Admen*: That generally means pun and suffering. But why suffer? Dr. Groavenor'a Bell-csp-sic Porons Plaster will relieve you In one night, sure. Send a penny stamp to Grosvenor & Richards, Boston, Mass., and learn how to remove a poroas plaster scientifi cally— It will pay you—and don’t forget that the heat porous plaster in the world has the picture of a bell on the <t t» called DR. back-cloth, 8olld Gold Speetaclea $ 3.0 0 ; usual price $ 5.00 Steal Spectacles - - .50; usual price 1 .0 0 ‘ "‘ oUE;— * “ *4.0 - -----------Artificial Eyes *-----Inserted 0 ; usual price 1 0 .0$ M. ZINEMAN& BRO. 1130 S. Ninth St •OPTICIANS. IPHILADELPHIA. Between Cheatnut and Walnut Streets* "Seeing is Believing.* B e ll-c a p -s ic , O p e n Season. ------ FOR------ C arlyle’s R u den ess. IN THE Aunt Rachel Pad Co., A. Speer, Pres. Passaic, N.J 1891. S T h e R o c h e s t e r .” EPPS’ S COCOA D RICKETTCOLLEGE "COMMERCE n W*RADAMS s raitri' iLAH* fk^e. Aad«i M JJIf..miascs * to., rutTuaa, asu,*.* KILLER CURES ALL DISEASES; TUE G REATEST MEDICINE O F T H E AGE. T PURIFIES THE BLOOD DESTROYS MICROBES, Leave Mannahawkln. 7.98 A. M., It *8.' and‘».47‘ p. M. Arrive at Wnftfnga, r — *. — 9.06 and 4.18 t. it. RETURNING Leave Trenton, 7.41 A. M., 2.68 P M Leave Wktttngs. 10.10 A. M., B88 P M. Arrive Barnegat at 10.49 a. and "um.hawWn .1 l o . i i " 4 io r u Arrive Weet Creek at 11,08 a , m . and i n * ■ Arrive at Tuckertos, ll.lt £ * . . tad s S r ■ A m ..« m e m h y , u J « ij im w M B M c * H u e ,, t u r n u u m Hill* l'i>r1iiBr<ki»W.. ■>. the cause of every disease, and U a wonderful Ort «», b. Ann. F.er A> . ••MJno. r.nnn. ToM., Oht*. K K- K Leave New York — . _ . — , ______________ S f t it*, inu riudt ib. wwi mmt (It. P.M. * home, whenrer Yn. m . BsSBto--T » in « in » s m h f from FI to Book giving history of microbe* and the Microbe esy.Al! «,r. Wchoir too hew Killer, FREE. Aderesa, * L . iuht St., NEW YORK CITY. ' or all 1hr limp. hi( NOTES, Prom Beach Haven l a n M , , n i„ «•*. F.iiurr ukwntr .OH U otker Botsi* os Lone Beaca w t ^ ^ lr£ V T: NLw on*wnodrrful PtnV, Tonic and Antiseptic. ;rsar landing, Tom s C o s t o f E ducating n Nation. U u derlylng all oilier p u b lic questions, pressiag, persistent, commanding, j| the s u b je ct o f education. Important In every civ ilized nation, it is in America of param ount interest. In America we have 12,000.000 ohildren enrolled In thi public s c h o o ls a lon e; b o w to IncreaM this attendance, how t o low er absen teeism. h ow to waste n o money, no energy, no tim e, but t o m ake every ef fort t o ll ; w hat methods are b est; whs! studies are essential; w hat iniluenceil are to b e stim ula ted; how to reach thiB hearts, th e minds, the consciences ol these c h ild r e n ; what ideas to put before them—t h e se are m atters o f most profound con cern . Our pu blic schools require 317,a teachers and cost annually $122,155,252. or did tw o years ago. T hese figure* sim ply show the m agnitude o f the sys tem, and are staggering even to thi Im agination, but it is to be remember? that th e United States p en sion list cal for m ore m oney than th e schools re celve. T h e future o f th e Bepublic 1 com m itted to these 12,000,000 children and t o tb e hundreds o f thousands It private and seotarlan sch ools, to then and n o t t o one or the oth er o f the polltl cal parties, to these and n ot to an) church, n o t to any organization what ever.—Courier-Journal. WniA Venturi, the Egerla o f MasrM has pu blished an Interesting and in parti derful lamp!” A lamp am using paper of rem iniscences o f Car n usolulely n o n State o f New Jersey explosive and u n lyle In th e Paternoster R eview . One o b re a k a b le, which her stories o f the sage is t o the effect Five* a e lr n r , s o il, that a German called upon him one At brilliant w h ite light when he was particularly ou t o f sortJ o f 85 candle power/ S lr d B . Lawful to K ill . Penalties tor Rarer and brighter Infringements. and being admitted to b is den at the to; then gn« light, softer nail, Nov. J to D«c. lfi^Yncf! •L »OT 00 o f tb e house, was treated v e ry rudoiv than electric light, nffled Grouse, Nov. 1 to Deo, is The " s i le n t a partm ent" w as octagons mfire cheerful than thcrl That lamp la in shape and lined w ith cupboards hav Woodcock, | J U l , , t 0 JU,y*'J . lng d o o r s similar in shape t o the ea ( Oct. 1 to Dec ] Rail trance door, and, w hen shut, indis Reed > Sept, 1 to Dec. IB tinguishable from it. In his hurry to if is no smoke, no smell, Marth Hen escape from the enraged philosopher, . .. rJ, <}p|*.f«l»g, no «w»sHsgi bing an c f ihe name, no •‘ tantrum*’4 X -tlM D olp . {gSSJt1^?AS*-“ } the unhappy caller seized tu e nandiesoi '.m.oysoce of ar.y kind, and it never some o f th e cupboard d oors b y mistuke, tJlmir.ini-. Ita founts foil reservoir*) Upland Plover, Ang. 1 to Tec. ib 90 00 and a ctu a lly tore them off. •"'•J iou,;h •olic l scandcaa hraaa, with cen- Fralre Chicken, Nov. 1 to Dec. 81 S O 00 - U draft, it is t. »,* o' uti ly u n b r e a k a b le , W hen b e had left th e bouse, which Wood Dock. Be#'. 1 to D jc. 81 “ B 00 was n e t a v ery long tim e a fter he ha. ) K U Ilo„ro„ M , „ Only f vs years c! I, and over t-.vo million o f European Partridge entered it, Mr. Carlyle descended to th ■■■se/"• '/» i u < Jt must be a QOOD lamp to until 1892 . 26 00 Grouse drawing room , where his w ife and Mint u' . Vt tch a t.llir.g success. Indeed it i», s n a y com e and tempo m ay go, but X z v lm e L ls . V enturi w ere talking, c a d bursting ii Rochester" shines on forever^ W e rabbit Nov. 1 to Dec. 16 Inct. 20 00 upon th em in the m ost tra g ic manner, ■nsU; ever a.ooo artistic varieties,—Hanging Giay Squirrel Nov. I to Dec w “ *«ooaskod w h at ho hnd done that "Almightj nnd Ts 'jIo Lamps, Banquet, 8tudy, Vase and Fex Squirrel. Bept. 1 to Dec, 81 » n 00 I’ianoLam ps,-every k in d , in oron Bronxe, r y r r j ninn, n , Porror- Black Squirrel Sept. 1 to Dec. 81 •« BOO God sh ou ld send a ----- G erm an all th -laln, Brass, Nickel and Black Wrought Iron. Deer. Oct. 81 to Dec. 1, <no.oo and way fr o m Weimar for b o earthly a Ask the lamp dealer for It. Look for the _____ • moo, Imprisonineut human purpose but to w rench off tb trade-mark stamp: **Taa Rochest**.” I f he SH aki. the rtnuint Rochester snd th* style you handles o f his cupboard d o o r s !" Tb " W om an , H e r D is e a s e s a n d T h e i r hasn’t May lo to Nov. 81 IncL 90 00 want, or if no lump-atore ia near, send to us g > ^ io00ladles Were unable to con trol the! for frea illustrated catalogue (and reduced Brook Trout April i to July 26 « T reatment . " A valuable illustrated price-list), snd we will boa and tend you any The penalty for irapplug or anarlng any Game, laughter at Mr. Carlyle's fu ry, and, t Biro* or Animals, at anf time or place, either on his cred it be it said, he realized itsab lamp safely by express, right to your door. book o f seventy-two pages sent free, on - .own pl?ce or on the property of another, surdity and joined In the laugh himseli U O C U E 9 T E R L A M P C O ., is f IBfor eacn and every offence. receipt ol 10 cents, to cover cost ot m ail 4 3 P ark Place, Mew Yerk . O H A S . H . B A R N A R D ; S o c ’y Ih n n /z c lu re rt, a n a t o ll O w iu rt o f R o O u t U r P a t e U A Governor'll R« Joinder. ing, etc. Address, 1*. O. B ox, 1066 _____T h t Larqett L a m p store In the VTarle. West Jersey Game Protective Society. G enial Phil MrKtnney, Governor d Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Virginia, is a master o f repartee, as thi law yers w ith whom be has practical BOILING WATER OR MILK know. Several years a go his opponent In a ca se was one o f th e m ost distin guished attorneys in the State, and v trying t o prove that one o f tb e witneseei HIRAM* M'lLDINQ. ■ nr«*'t Mid rhrttnnt Si«., wag, on a certain occasion, to o drunk M | PHILADELPHIA. attend t o business. It w as a scorchln G R A T E F U L -C O M F O R T IN G . THE LEADING SCHOOL OP A ugust day, and B erkeley had taken o his co a t, vest and colla r, snd had b shirt op en . Finally, when Berkeley hid in troduced what ho con sid ered conch sive evidence of the w itn ess’ drunken LABELLED 1.2 LG TINS ONLY. ness and Inability t o a tten d t o business, M cK inney said: " O h , pshaw I tbit'1 nothing. A man in that condition coui '• r a n i n m u u m u . transact busine.ss." "W H i th e Donna on th e other side please explain to titf T s ta k e effect Oct. $ , l i t s C iu rt when a man U t o o drunk to at rridna from BE A CH EATEN, BA RN KG AT CITT tend to b-.isinese?" naked Berkeley, ABB PO SITIVE LY CUBED B Y and TUCKKRTOii to PHILADELPHIA with hi* bland, sarcastic tone M* and RKW YORK. smile. Pointing to R»rkf>1ey ’« open collar, L»avb p*scii Haven t.aa a m s. c& f . hi At K inney answered i ** W hen he hMk bl * “ PP1* toy * T L«*Te I'lty. 6.M A. m '. 19.00 M. ' open his shirt collar t o .sp it over bil bjnaU(or» 0c .p S L a . Uare Tuckerton, T09, A, M s 16 P M Novelty Plaster W orks, Lowell, K esfc Leave West Creek. T.io, A. M. P P m chin.” —Buffalo Express. 7 sia* r. e so r t -— GAME AND FISH And the beak lamt t» »sr p*r' of **• ---- nit. onlvi - I .B a llr t l S I 'm .,B o x S SO P orllaag,; utes wals to R. R . station and post ^vA'jOiw'vwg 3,o\s.cu.'oovV. T ow aLwauimritifeij i.bw and oeurabii . system has boon established and In force at s number Important points for some time with advantageous results, both to shippers snd rsllrosd companies. Th# territory covered by thin Association is deflned as follows: To Include all atstiene In New Jereey and on Staten Island, on all the railroads parties to this agreement, except sta tion! on the line of snd the terrytory south of Camden A Bnrllngton Connty Railroad snd tho rnuaueipous urauen B»ur«au,wu«m Philadelphia 6 Long Branch Railroad^whioh •»extends from Camden to Seaside Park. Note .—The Ton’s River and Barnegat Branch of the G. RR., of N. J , to be included inthla Asseclation. Delaware, Lakawanna * Weetern Railroad, Lehigh volley Railroad. Pennsylvania Railroad. New York. Susquehanna A Weetern Rslirosd. New York A Greenwood Lake Railroad, New York, Lake Krie A Weetern Railroad, New York A Long Bruch Railroad, Western Shore Railroad, --------- Biver — r Railroad, Raritan I.......... . Baltimore snd Ohio Railroad, Central Railroad of New Jersey, Staten la and Rapid Transit Company. Lebig A Hudson River Railroad. ENERGETIC MEN can make .............. ........... money by organising lodges of of the Best E n d ow m en t Fraternity. Payee ■ accident, — ali*— “a - — 890.00 week ---------------------for Sickness and Funeral benefits. Perfectly safe, as Certificates have a surrender value. The moat liberal commiMsIon paid for active work. Experience an ad vantage but not necessary. For papers contain ing full Information, description and terms, write miles from Island Heights, 5 min T H E E L E C T R IC C U T . Tff-y s t U . B yacht R ^.yo^ranUheTestMedTcsTw^^ publlu----Send 8 2-ccnt stamps to A. P. Okijway &, Co* Boston, Mass., sad receive s copy, free. TbeNcwJeree* Car Herrlee Aesoclstlos hereh> gtrea notice that os and after Monday, the Sd day of February, tflSi, atlioi a. s . to o MisImuiB charge ior the detentioa o^qw rof dollar Mr car per day. or any fraction thero3 ? UnitKadod v u t U n h o u r e a f t e r oeins placed in poaition for loading, or unleaded within fori y-eimt hoars efter irrlval Tm amount tnne charged la not •ufficientlv to rooompenae the oompsnlee for the use o f their care and tracks for warehowe parpomet, M d U not collect*! as a source of revenue, but to pre vent the the nnnecesnery detention of oars, snd 1 •' U .M U , .1 u . n . . . Tw 1 ? r. “ r“ **??• “ t e ik io ., kbs old U w salts tbs oth er day one of th o old oet m em bers of d Iansp oils b a r remark od :_•* v U the Perry townahlp pig case . , o o d p w t 01 o n . t ,r m o f court V * log o o m . u p thK m ch . lu »U o,?irt: i ‘ '' Tho osoe w a s tried, I believe, bv l ^ ernor W sllsoe, father o t ou r p o « t £ .S 0* and there w e re o t least tw o S S S f t ^ t ____ . . k .aide, 1* . D r* s C o JOf Uk; era on .esoh film u l^ .'homos W a lp ole woro fa th o osZf •o far s s M r. Golioy w so he w so th en in tho full P ow or°o?<S j lS nown. T h e o s as tunity fo r t h o die] roUertea he Infused It long fu rn ish ed matter o f lsuKhUr . the bar. Mr. CJolley, how evor, ^ w —,13 how a bsu rdly droll «----------he m ight b iS i!? never los t sigh t o f the best interest.01!!; his client, and certainly n ever W .i-u of his ow n in the shape o f fa* . it was p o s sib le to obtain. •* “ The q u estion was about the Identb o f s • h o s t ,” continued th e l a w y e r s ? reporter. " T h e w itnesses on ou«r«M swore It w as a pig in a barnyard, and h.5 never been o u t until it had been nut i* pen fr o m w bloh It w as taken to l slaughtered. The w itnesses on al thftv ha* knows w -■ «»h other sid e sw oren that that th ey had irom vns iiw #e it u. was waa a suckling u, from th e tim suckling. £.!! the great p oin t was the p r o o f o f an mark. O ne claimant, sustained by oai set o f w itnesses, said he marked an«*! of the ehoafc with his Dockntkr.iL, r*. the cut w a s explained at great length t! the Jury. ^The other claim ant said th* mark o n th e ear o f his shoat was torn h! the teeth o f a dog. It w as at this sta*. o f the testim on y that a sensation*] sensation. feature w as introduced, One witne*!, having b rou g h t his testim ony to an citing p oin t, added a clim a x by pullhfi from h is p ock et a p ick led pig’s which he declared to be th e ear of thi shoat in question. This created &grei uproar in th e court room , as the e9W of this p ictoria l testim ony upon the jun cannot b e measured. T h is witness, with the ear w as, however, measurably % credited, a n d the case w en t on. Medical experts w ere called iu t o testify aa to what t h e difference iu appearance would be betw een a shoat’s ear cu t with a knlfj and one torn by the teeth o f a dog. 'jv experts did n ot agree and the jury dig. agreed, a n d another tria l was held, the second Jury disagreeing a s the first had done. Charges o f perjury w ere made on each side, and a num ber o f assault and battery ca se s grew out o f It. The cost* of litigation were betw een $400 and on each sid e ." “ W hat w a s the shoat w orth?” " A b o u t $1.50, but th e litigants wer« fighting fo r princip le."—Indianspohi Journal. N o Low on tlio Transaction- In a village in N orm andy a peastft called at the chem ist’s, purchased a e** tain d ru g , and went aw ay. The oosJ1 taut to o k up tbe coin wbloh the tom rr had left on the coun ter, and tow that in stead o f two francs, tbe price <* tbe b o ttle , he bed le ft o n ly e ptac*Jj tw o sous. He quickly reported this •• o f rob b ery to h is em ployer, whe, after* m em en t's reflection, answ ered •' *** We d on ’t make e profit on the tranM* tion . still, we-don't lo s e b y It 1" )ENNSYLYflNIfl RAILROAD. Philadelphia ana Long Brattik D Tim e T ab le Adopted October 2C River, 8 miles from LaLewood, 3 SOUTH LAKEWOOD PARK, J. H . IR O N S , Love in t e r DMINISTRATORS SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. D O V E R H O U SE. Dunham A m ost beautiful site for a W in ter hom e. T h e land is dry and eievated, offerin g a m agnificent v ie w o f the surrounding country. An « W r i c to w e r, 200 feet h igh , is c o w in process o f con suucllo n , and w ill be b uilt oti th e highest point o f this pretty v illa g e . E le d r ic sre lights o f the latest designs w i!! light the p lace froui its h ig h f e w e r , m aking a m ost ch arm in g p ictu re, snd an ideal little W in ter resort. F o r lot* inquire o f NOTICE TO ABSEN T D E FE N D A N TS , Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Courlssu.ll December loth. A D. The sniiscrtbe — wl.I sell at public auction t llanee’s corner, W ARE. ^ W md your flesh f r y BVLruuH B _ I health, who are all ntos U>-night, andII Irnndown.ahoula ua' you will sleep welll md feel l>ctier for It. If ISU^Htl^BlTTBBS. TM aelfstion .1 « n 1. A » 1I«I of fretiht has t .-un tbs ososa of sertona loss soo WANTED. ------The Most Rabat People intheWorld.------- A Send for the Press circular. Sample* free. Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal commission*. Addre*s TUB PRESS, Potter Building, 88 Park Row, New York. u m m er I will not regret It. FO R Estate of Samuil Oakkrson, deceased. Solicitor i omplalnants. Toms River. N. J. Dated December, B.'h, 18lk‘, pr’s fee,— $----- Pally end Sunday, one year, fn.no, Dally and Sunday, # months, $2.8<i. Dally and 8an,iay, one month, $ 146 Dally only, one year, »S.oo. Dally only, four month*, $1.00. Sunday, one year, $9.00. Weekly Pre**, 0110 year, * 1.00. S _______ r B itter* B will build you up andB latlain, use a bottle ol‘f make you strong andg IS clphur BrrrEE»i lit never falls to cure. Bclviidr Bit t e r s I TkroTT^rltEouT will make your bio r TUB I'HKSH. EVERY ARTICLR WARRANTED. H O I.L A N D D U T C H HALF A CENTURY'. IN CHANCERY OK NEW JERSEY. TO WKKKB W. CtJLVKB, ANNIK I). ClJLVKK Uknjarin W kiuut, and J bhckha A. Whioht. By virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery, of New Jersey, made on the day of the date here of in a cause wherein Win. Cox, John Predmore, Hr., and Joseph Predmore, Administrators of Augustus deceased, igt------ M. Cox, ----------------- - are com -----plalnants, and you and others are defendants, ----------------‘-"HI f------------------------------------------you are required to appear aud plead, answer demur to the complainant's bill oil or belore the second day of March next, or in default thereof said bill will be taken a* confessed against yon. The Bald bill Is Died to foreclose a certain mort gage bearing date Bept. 16. eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and covering lands at Long Beach City Ocean County, New Jeisey, given by yon the above named dc/endaats. to the above named complainants. And you the said Weeks W. Culver, and Benjamin Wright, are made defendants because you own said land, or some part thereof; and yon, Annie I). Culver are made defendant because you are the wife of said Weeks W. culver, and as such may claim some Inchoate right of dower fn said lands; aud you. Jerusha A. Wright, are made defendant because you are the wife of Benjamin Wright, and as such iua\ claim Borne Inchoate right of dower lt\ said lauds. J, UOLMEB iliULd.VLL, Solicitor of the complainant, Dated Dec, V9, 189o. Toms River, N. J. Pr’s fee, fio.eo. 5tl5 Withln (he •avh o f all. The bent and cheape*f Xeienpooer published in America. Watch Repairing and Jobbing of all kinds. not then tie weak and NOTICE TO A BE N T DEFENDANTS, A Special lloe of low-prlceS, a ibstanlial farcy O W A N T E D IN LO CA L OR T R A V ELIN G , to sell our Nursery Stock Salary, Expenses and Steady Employment guaranteed. BY TH E RULE TO LIMIT CREDITORS, IN CHANCERY OE’ NEW JERSEY. 77/o m ost rem arkable G ustav A. Muller, Mrs . G abtat A. Mbl ; iVetyipa/>er By vl tue of an order of the Court o f Chancery Success in N e w V rk . of New Jersey, made ou the day o f the date h i. of, in a cause wherein Robert N. Valentine, t u b m a s s is a n a t io n a l n e w s p a p e r Mnlford 1). Valentine, Janies R. Valentine and Cheap now*, vulgar *er Ration* and tra*h And Howard Valentine nr-* cuiii|ilaiuants. and you no place In the column* of the i’re*H. plead, answer or di-nmr to the bl'l o f said The l‘re** Huh the lirlahte11 Blitorltl page In piuinanUi, on or befoie the ionilt day o f F cbn u ij next, or the sau» bill will be taken ss confessed New York, It Hpui kle* with p< Inta, against you. The mild bill is tii'ml to foreclose The Press >undny Edition contains all the good a mortgsge glv®n by .John O’onnnoll to suit) Robert S'. Valentine, el a *. dated August Both, thing* of the <1rIIt and Rnnday edition*. Imniited *!id r lg llfy -e lu lll. On Und* III For tiioHe who cannot afford the dully «r are eighteen Ocean Township. Ocean Cuiiuty, 'New Jersey, prevented by distance from early receiving It. snd you On-tav A Muller are made defendant, '“■cause you own ssid land*, or some pan Ibereut The Weekly Is a splendid substitute. and you, Mrs. Gustav A .Mulier, are made Me fondant because you are the wife o f said Gustav A. Muller, and as *uch may, claim some inclioati AS AN A D V ER TISIK U MEDIUM right of dower in said lauds, The^Pre** h** no superior In New York. J. h o l m e s b u d s a l l , goods, suitable for both ecro*. _ -'linples, IJlotchca. "(SJwratT Bores. R ely on closely cououed in and lOtfHDB B ittehs , the mills and work snd health will folshops; clerks, wlio do not procure sumclenl exercise, and nil who Buu-tiuaBurEHsn are confined In doors,' rill cure Liver Com-B ahouM 11so fivLPBua lialnt. Don’t be dla-H Bitters. They will ouraged; It will cureB Canada and U'xieo. Application will bo made to tbe next Lcgi* Is lure to amend the act relating to *viiuc fish lug in Buruegat bay and its tributaries. JOHN HANCE. GEO. W . W E LSH , PLATED Jleanse the vitiated ilood when you aae - Impurities bum 00 N REST FOR THE WEARY. AND e r fu lls . P er Y ea r: O T IC E . Woman who wear diam onds w ith ealloo dresses. Sneering woman, who sn a p at your rnormirrom or clothes, your fam ily and y o u r friends. W omen who can talk bab y talk to eaoh MITRIS' (UIITM 001UI FiUlLT LIIIMUT oth er and ktea each o th e r on all oc casions. This you are sure to T O M S R IV E D , N. J. Women who gossip, a n d who never find if you go to the fall to te ll you disagreeable things aald o f you. UHI 0 H BOOSE, TOMS R IV E R , N Simpering, babyish wom en, who haven't brains enough t o know when W hy ? Because it is th ey ’re hungry. u n i c e , homelike, W om en who wear ra in bow gown* on tb e street and a whole m illinery store on quiet place, where th eir heads. reasonable rates are W omen with voices as s w eet as a tur tle dove’e 000 in society and Ilka a boss asked. If you live in Greenwhich St., com er Barclay St. saw In the family. the hot, dusty city and H ysterical women, w h o b u n t into NEW YORK, floods o f tears if you cross them la the want to stop at a nice slightest particular. invites attention of seekers.for place in a pretty sum Beautiful wom en w ho think their mer resort, drop a beauty entitles them to a ll o f the earth W A T C H E S , D IA M O N D S, and a good share o t the planets. line to Worn*® who lug dogs around In their JEW ELRY, M. n . I.R W IM , arm s when there ere m illions o f mother less, homeless children In ik e world. I'nlon Hon e T a w R lrrr, X . J. S IL V E R HARPER'S PERIODICALS. ... uci LiBiiu. uuuoi uuiu oi umiiniiinm, wiima the time so limited, will be forever barred of his or her action therefor against said Administrator. WILLIAM v<UICKSILL, Administrator. Dated Nov. 518, 1890. Pi’s fee, to. 2miu Tbe Prei I* the organ of no faction ; pulls no Wire; lias >animosities to avenge, nishes and Dye Stuffs. Physicians’ Prescrip ions Carefully Prepared at all flours. ittbhs not assist or cure. It aud any ClllCULATlOHkT£&100,000 CGF1SSSAIL! Shoulder braces, Syringes, Paints, Oils, Var piiub It will cure yon. uv. uu.ueuu, MCtt/OBCU. lai* III IHtJ cuuniv Ol ocean, to pre*ent the same, under oath or attlruitulot, to the subscriber, on or before the Ranges, H ouse-F urnishing C H A S . 1 . M A T H IS , TRUTHS FOB THE SICK, For {BOW ‘ loathly! T O n i r o m Ii>&giJLi*mniDrn— Billon*Spell•dependIfora case where HULB will Pursuant to an order of the Surrogate ol the R o b e rts, A Judicious Bllcnoa is a lw a ys better than truth spoken Without charity. It is, probably, because lo v e m akes the w orld go round thf.t It m akes so many peop le s o giddy. Make all good men your w ell-w ishers; and then, la the years’ stea d y sifting, som a of them grow into frien d s. Frieuds er* the sunshine o f life. F R O N T STORE, G old is in favor. There la 's rage for BLU E gold laoe, gold braid, g old passem ent erie, and gold rlobo-is. a Id coins have M a in S t r e e t , T om s R iv e r . lo s t none Of the’r worshippers: Mental worry o r disquiet, arising from any cause, la tho strongest' agent *ei ''a g e in g ” men o r wom en. I t l e a n In cessant source o f exhaustion t o the vital forces. " I t is very sa d,” she m used, " b u t Charley hasn’t g ot a blt o f royn*nc» T<s*»t night I said to him, *M y Irlojr,’ and he turned suddenly, and grow led out, * Mike Who T " Mater ; "Q lr ls, wo m usn't w orry your father about going away t h is summer. WHOI.BRALB AND RETAIL DEALKR IN H is finances are extrem ely low , I know. 1 look ed in hie cheque-book yesterday, DRUGS, MEDICINES, and he had only one cheque le ft." CHEMICALS & PER*UMERY, M on e y to a m sn is like w ater to a plant, on ly useful as long ns it p rom otes and FANCY TOILET facilitates grow th—like w a ter in ths fountain or water in th e tank, keep it ARTICLES, flowing, and it b lesses; keep It stagnant, and it injuree. TRU SSES [German Remedy.j lay of November A. D. one thousand eight naudred and uluetr, netlce 1* hereby given to all The P ress. G ood s, F u rn itu re, C utlery, L a m p s, L a n tern s, G lass w are, Q iieen sw are,W oo den and Iron P u m p s, etc. A ll orders fo r n ew w o rk , or re p airin g ,o r rep airs and bricks for’ stoves, stove! heaters, ranges, e tc ., p ro m p tly attended to. P lease g iv e m e a call. TH* CHEAT HAUFKH’H BAZAR........................................... USED cannmt i s m w iai w numr- ti MEDICATED HERB PAD F .L I P S C H U E T Z M'MilY. N O T IC E . U a r u n Wsbslt ha* never failed to justify title as a '-Journal <-f Civilisation," and It has *_ ». a## as with*conktaat regard o eslsrgsd pas* albilitifi of neefulneoa and a higher ■usdardaff urtlaue and literary exeeronee. I t ___ ______ touched no Important pSaso o t tho world's pro gress and p eaenu a record, equally trustworthy and 1 .tereatlng. of the notable nots: .. events, posaoas. * «Un*. ofihe and achievement* of o«r time. Special supplement* will be continued la 1SSI. The will be literary, artistic, historical, critical, to|iogr*phlcu!. or descriptive, as occasion may demand, and will c,,ut!uue to deserve the hearty coumeadatloa which ha* been hmewed on na*t ls*ne* by the pie** and the public. As a fwmllr J-Tirinl, UAKrsB’B W vzklt will, M here tofore. oe edited with a sir let regard for the qualities that make It a safe and welcome visitor to every home. iw IN CHANCBKY O r NEW JSUSKY. The voluiunes of the B azar begin with the To Theodore D. W ird, en tries Ward Ifillvua M. Howe, Jacob P. Howe and Benba L Numbers for Jane and December of each year. When no time la apeoided, subscription* will Ward. begia with the Number current at the time o f By virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery of order. of vew Jersey, made on the day of the date receipt Bound volumes of llAKruNa’s Baz a for hereof, in a cause wherein Chsrlea 11. Dix three years back, In neat cloth binding, will tie lb complainant and you and others are defendsent by mall, postage paid, or br expreta, tree o t or demur to the bill of said complainant* on — expense (provided tbe freight does not exceed one d -liar per volume), for t< no per volume. before the Win day of Jan. next or the aald bill Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bind will be taken a* confessed agalUHt you. TheatlJ The*t;J bill (allied to foredoae foreclose a mortgage ing, will >e sent by mall, postpaid on receipt of given by Mary A. Ward to Leulae Louise A. Page $1 00 each. Jven br Remittances should be made by P*8t-offlcc “ lands ’ id* --------------on la toe towuehlp of OrIrk la the County tic-eanandatateof New Jersey, dated tbe third Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. day of May A. D., IMW., and you, Theodora D. Aewtpapert are not to copy this advert'evnent without Ward, Chaile* Ward, Hellena it. Howe, and the tzyreu miert o f HABriHS A BBOTHBRS. HAKPERA BROTHERS, N. Y Bertha L. Ward are made defendants because Address: you claim to own aald landa or some part thereof and you Jacob F. Howe are made defendant r>ecau*e you are the hnaband of.Hehena M. Howe and may claim a right ot curtcss m part of aald -A .T j.n t i F L c t o H e l ’ s laud. A. C. MARTIN, Solicitor of Complainant, Tom* Hiver, N. J. Dated, Nov 16th 1890 I*r’afee, 1?.W W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE DULY. vice Association. IL L U S T R A T E D . tIAHPEn'H WEEKLY..................................... . HAUPER’8 YOUNG PEOPLE .....................t OO Pottage Fret to a ll tubter Hurt fn the United Star TRENT0N?SlS Thom as HARPER’S WEEKLY. HA RPIlfM MAGAZINE..............................U I A. C. YATES & CO., THOUGHTS. N ew JerseyCar Ser NOTICE TO ABSENT DEPENDANTS, office. j , j j j ' Cool as Island Heights in summer; warmer than L a tew oodin Winter. Select hoard at reasonable rates- reduced rates for the full sea- j son. Send for circular o f full infor- j mat ion. Address, R IC H A R D B. P A R K E R , j T om s River, N . J. j B u c k l e n ’s A r n i c a S a l v e . 8 orea, Uteera. Salt Rheum, Fotct Sores, Tot ter. Chavpsd HanJ*. Chiblian*. Cores, and oil Skis Eruption*, aod positfedy ecre* PRm •r bo pay rcq.ired. It M guaranteed to fire porfect rnttafocties, or money rdnrde Price 9 5 crrrj* — tax. For aslo by C. B. Msrkta SJMO.gK W B W ----------w S- K S FHICR. liiiif f a C. U. iTIiD LY. StSmSJVSlSS fro* * SS « e 1-1 .neh J A M E S S. H U LM I, T B I E A t o ., Manufacturer of flUMAGK’S YARD BCRO FO R O V R C S r « t O « t f C s M PR ICES Opposite Pailrotd Dep.t, T om , R i-or ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, IN O IA N A P O U S . IN D . U M B E R , C O A L , L IM E , B m i Bo u O End F1» V . S U S S iS S ^ .^ j Blacksmith’s Coai. •" | lowest prices for ca«h „ ^ ~!afc .. „ K *“ • w C m * * -* a c « * « H f t i w i i n o n , o n m .......... r u n * B hB W ra, YmprktM LEAVE BERKELEY. weekdaysK B K aaa s t n a s y i m bs' * '" * For PatiadelppiA, via Toms River, J Saturdays only, 8.89 r. *. InefaBoErda, n-d K oine S i H J » lo t h . PkkeL LEAVE POINT PLEABANT Fencn Port, u d lU lin r. Fnnoe B u b „ ■d d Staknn. _____ r,t snd RrirlS.H and Blinds: CEDAR LUMBER. TRAINS LEAVE TOMB HI* * 1 For esmfles and PkiladeipMa, T.48 e r . b ., week .«ays, _ For Berkeley, Mondays sad Betsrdaj* v.-narf t,e* r, s . week dare, For Island HeigMs, l i f t A • week xes aays. days. . For Mew York, ?,» Berkeley •«* B Junction. 1.40 r. ■ „ week days. For Point Pleasant, sea Girt, Asbnry Long Branch. Mondays aad Saturdays, K “ 2 Loop. ■ „ week dare. For Tsckertoe, v i*w k it& ffs, T I* *• .Oft r. V . VMk ifawa i* n t£ * e e n u d fi u a - t W w H N a te S a wre* days 11-48 a! I only, X K r . u. AYE PHILADELPHIA . Toma River, 8AS A. I . , A S ?• dare. LEAVE NEW” YORK M a c h in e S u rfa c e P la n in g . SKI w 4 S o i a p rtrortU. h t t m a (a iln a o . H iJ D U H A V IO f. X J. 31 IK For Toma Hirer and interanedtaie • •.!« a . it,, week .lays. J. SL WOOD, W . K. frA>