NO. Ut. Ruler aud tlie Nation.
NO. Ut. Ruler aud tlie Nation.
ntbUm« ■ ■'!» —f■ nU ‘ * Jl ■ - " ' "" ■ ' 1 NO. Ut. T O M ’S K l V K U , N E W J E l i B E Y , M A liC H *-'7, 1801. il. illllifiiouffi 'j grandeur, generosity and utagnamlnUy ; harvest of fame, nr wealth or pnwef —■ fur a tingla mom*oi. rhoulil abet« one Jcru*«l<Mi! MV ihm* rríwffi vbeo Holo* ) funonato «mpriora oi Roline • What utaltere It If truth be loat aed freece'ffi ! to a than jut or Utla front truth and right, Ah I Ilionl's fi*iry bl«ut*it Adi) Ut • capii villas of; day.i nr for tb* del it sed kllags of’Fr%r gmid wood -aaayer there I», dum choked and (*o4 actuned 1 ib e j, t h e p io u s m i n d . Many i been nur*»«!Ihy ti*«i corrupt Hi«!«• they lhr«« were the reel patriot* ami devout lUby!on wore berne ; whon Ih* Mes'lah who could not Ite a carpenter or joiner, at laet, may hag tbelr game. Bach net, Una’« nnpport DifficnlUc* mm.true lover* of tbelr country and their e tmt* amit when, in Ila grainel clittiAvlirlOi wulvna like- R-intuías or c ridled Oft rock« , Hcarea a blacksmith can be found who are to-day against uompruielaaa to am. the till ini Anoint t tints•A lit feIl h*f<»r« th« Ito tumi tH)wer, Ruine too 1Ilk* !*ptrl* , proudly wW by C m w , (e w * | <;IH| | tld mah* òr repair a watch, MrV them, through tong »landing,a n d to mot 5 tun piled the .. o.on lint n rm the th e *es. * * » being In a I1U1»! Hut eren timo, among those ancient 1MW UlrBt*crUU«* when th«(fillio boni«** And iiArd*lhip of wsrfofri cheat* there are emutg i, who would he row for then, to make them, fhotgh rwrl Dui n Indo«trial I Ja v a , a) no er aiuonipu*. there were fe g y [prtMnula! , when the llepn Itilo fell, when benefit o( * tern little worth a* niiitl*¡t r A pound ma*- hated, If *o be they may the* by sunk * lite. bam!ry or ^•L . «i?«*, ] nuw p*«ce Artii of hu» Etn| tiro paMe«! tb« , ly to be (wallowed up by the fonti)-head*, and eonecrvatlve ier or pi Utili keeper ll ¡itigli elected and dragnet bring A»h Into ihsir Own boat 1 titeengib. ily the n ! chalilo* im. iieroelvlng tho courage of Ute I’1- heart*— for theen are not modern crea* wht•n CItrisilanily underinlmrd II, when ha« •uaialntd by hi* party must need* he a 'l‘be*e are hot fit fbr ruler«. They may ireit, Ilis rul II,) Fear not, for thou oarri**1 j |¡ons— wtu> cried out, "Oil. thy B abljon- Ihn Papia! |M)Wi*r k’Tt'W aiad when, In Rn 1Like Peter tin of a mUetahl* Pre-Id cut. t'elltfuggera and have mm b hsokbone, but It Is of lh<< Ih* iordeal througli ad elimaoteriu, the Refirrmtt Ion shook !tion* shout How truly may a^rautou* »pir are a rich people, their whale kind and rill spi log tad bend y* like him M b him* "f h*rru ttMr n hill*. Sa It wa< with Assyria* ly have some grit, ho' B0t?t*vl)*t / ! ,i(i il U in ri B* bird* swsllow to lr,*re»*i■f ». ihiir digestion. Tbelr firmnea* and thru I*Ot III *1 u titan to lu* fit ftthy let. Into bei ry nation of Ibi >4 ai»« uti'h uf ! person,! dow* of heaven he opened for a ' children die. lk-sides. they arc a mighty Will ndependenee, are too often for the wrour of lift* must in till).<4 to UIUHGffiUl»'d all ut Alluni r the fountain* of tho deep hro- , „„j a oiany people and they will surely ; Wineh will fall into decay , unless the re- I with theni, snd and against counsel, while they sway i ami j »rati l* through all thflr dry il^lai A 4 » V « their fhpplyhr a flood, alfllotlon* Irnm above, *invade nur land and bring bloodshed and novKing power of i hrlatiau trulli prevali» thefo paoniliar trials sml rn in * HuU? and bend like hrar.cbea to the change!el ; t It i i ho iw *vy Ivi ! c*l loti* ral want trora below ; yet God who *lt* (K,t tter de*olnlion,—why not submit to to ensure Its life. * eompr«* <wind of popular thought and feeling.Buuh an eapuilenee of toil make* * viliilr, bul that H« ttiuil May not it groat orlai* now await thl* ea will oot caat away hi* Son tbom for tho sake of peace,—why not henslve mind habituated in thought and They «re de».Ilute of k righifulftwa wbtefl ho Ilea* In me will not let me 1compromise with them for the sake of nation ! Hare we nut taken one *trp In man-active and efficient, lie acquire» furnished with ifuths and filets he must like a fire-proof aafe withstand» ibe Ine «wellingwaves, I know, are jtrade—why not make a «impact with Us pmgreiu I Like a great Oolu*«u* thus ItaMu of Industry, of promptitude, have a strung and ready pos of ap- fiantes of threatened ruin, or like è sloe** I menearerheaven, and tho (bem for the sake of our daily bread 1" ¡striding the coniInenl. we had reached a of al tent ion, of exactness and of faithful, art prehension, a personal and experimental built heaoombouae which move* notai. but U make me awake my ma* , . . , \ ev#r|" M|,l tbejew.aucb an one, culmination of strength and prosperity, ness. What more illustrious example peeial work. He nerd* th« atrong surge of a fiokle nation’« su ’rite thy Cbrtal ; they shall not wbo|u |nw tb„D M m,w ra)M u)t rw.s«lf- v«‘ elementa of evil, a* well aa of good. i f tbit can wo find than in cu r own j »dAptWlloo to bU a power of reason akin tu foresight, ajilen*, h« ; therefore they cannot daunt j w,|M fiWklieg| in() |H* a n e -" never!' have been working, and now the sore* on Washington, who lu his youthful »*• The World wants ruler« who bearaueh knowledge of human ebaraoter a* by Inwhile 1 sail with Christ, am we will not doll." Bn,the Babylonian, 'bo » tell ot tlm disease w ith in .- per'ence as a surveyor and civil engineer, tution, a forco of wisdom, planning with riglitfulneaa a* abreast plate beiore them land with Christ. came and be.elgcd and conquered and 1*> not ,h*’,u fur,’l",, “ niliou81 er" li and in hla maturer labors ua a farmer aa quioknea*. executing with «kilifuln and men whh would rather rot lo ohaonrlty . t |h*m Mv'rtlp lord of all. desolated the land, enslaving it. people, bmdlug toward* and ending in either a well as In his duties as a soldier. learned and poverty than ylelij their oonuch-n o l l h i rw talaei bumblj tail ¡ ml formed those habit* o f| i> u"hlnK " '" " ‘t?1 ' * ,","t of 8 tboiu Iriioni * Then the oppressor and with hint the '"B cr area of liberty and a truer lore to by a divine 'iocs cpt vietiona to Ibe aemanda of a ■pirit uf prudence coining V» «lulo I loot »«Uottae'* rwl, husinuas, which made him so remarkable Oil sail know that Utas art liwl. traitor «aid to the true. "O h I you are man, or else i tase servility sml a selfish a party faction or a pope Inspiration i nd a depth of counsel which , pri»»'* and efficient a* an executive and mlminia sa lint a Isle event, the In to blame fortdl this, you sie the troubles lyraBn> 1 l'" sees clouds where oilier men find only l«r outburat. Oaf natloa need* sue1, rn. or « h n n rtr Iluta »halt »mito. jin Israel, the destroyer« of your land and »ugurstion of a uew Chief Magistral« j irulive Ruler I Wlu-n the linanee* of a «tars, and sec» »tar» where others find meDi Ihoae who believe not only Id the o*n Ui« kl tul, 111 own Ih n right ; In chaos, from the caret ;t tiiulitrtieath Uir heatiwt Iwul, temple, because you would not «uhi»it,| prognosticate ProBn,,sl't!l either Ibe doom and gloom people are T L . , r ' only cloud*. With all this a Itulerto exlatenee. hut lb the guidance of a God and re« I,s attou . , a . I « K »na sail know that thou art Uwl. compromise and concede to our d o - or the gain and glory of the nation ? ^ ||)(1t.(.t| uw()< |(J gooi, po»- '»hose I’rovldvne* la Ibe guardian ange I make no apology >r liefen*« for. re« I «elf indulgent, utihuaiiiessilike lord* of mauds.” •lay. 1,1 ' «e*.-ing a moral parity above reproach "f our country a life, the prieal before -illuni in; aarthl; ( ferring to such un event or to the man Boulberii pknlation*, who can »pend il uh» botoveil mi :■lu ty ; Alas ! it is an old story, and yet there! K , und an honesty beyond suspicion. He our nation’s shine. « tin* rod, wilt my »(Mil rew i . . who is it* center, 1 offer no reason lint nmupy easier than they can make it, and Kay, more than this We need men i lie few who learn and profit truly by its 'm ust have a palirneu ami gentlenes* <d. iH, miti know dull ibmt art U that of a Chrislain patriot for thus Intro who are put inlo office for tbelr quatlfi' svl,luh t0 llra' r w),,t th e ! who,by that providence speaking through lessons. There lie many who league with j ductng into this pulpit such a theme.— cations in political scheming, rather than ;npirrnit|e, ani{ It« my tri»l* jrrwalor »mal'* it,, fn!lures and 1the people'* lips, and by that voice which tyrant* and traitor* to destroy good and j _kMir«? a flflpd-lie for ihom mII ; My direction for such utteruniiei» from for tlielr financial experience and ahiltly, I j ef„uiioni 0f wv-a.ktir and lesser ones | whisper* and Ibat light which shine* then charge all the ruin on those wilt) lei imi, !h*n, thy detUttg» I’ll ¡ (iod and my Justification is before him. do we not then need a man at tho foan« about hiiw. 'within every man'« soul, who ha* ah AitII, mill know litui Uioii ari lìtui. i.-ist evil. Nay more, they pride theim I When a man is tho »ought fur and tain-hrad of the nation whose former life \ybat man can he heller filled for the open ear and eye thereto’ have tliat pleat, selves on tho alliance. As once, with the mo not amrmttr, nor ropltw*. | fought for hone c( hull-dog politicians, of toil, whese hahils of thrift,, and whose p o tio n and duliesof govern^ 1 claim, full deep consciouar.esa that they 1.lew*, a man was deemed Imnoralilu and tiler thru«* trying t*tr«*ko»*of thlno : the game of lilnnd'hound office seeker*, knowledge of btisluo* »hull enalile him mfn{( tbah 0M wbo ||ot llu.r,.|y ])f| lare God seat and Heaven ootnmlaaloned i, wUlk* I w.ilk lite iiiottntfiil ntmI, felt it a dislinguisliing privilege lo fell id* name and plans rre honeath the no rightly to open the channel» and direct, will?, «ml kn«w th«t Un/H*ri lìmi. j limber for Ilio temple, hut afterwards cd op the axe of Iron on tree* of wood, dtvtriely ordained a* a Moses or a 1lice of the pulpit. Hut when he is taken the streams of national resource I Joyed in llm base work of cutting down but wielded the axe of thought on trees Joshua lo take the rule of a people,— II let litio enith support piy ialini, ] out of the political prize ring, and putln mi Oitn.el no! err or be uttkiml ; A man thus exulted and placed where of knowledge—one who, pioneering his Whoever lias such a consciousness will ; iis beautifully carved woik, so now with | the nation’s seat of power, i:e becomes u (IUttiHmny liinprovo Hit »«*«1. th* pressure of responsibility Is great way through the thick undergrowilis of also have a conscientiousness iu the.di-, 1ua, men who once went into the primitive •UH, timi kuuw timi tli'iu ai t (imi. ! subject of prat er and admonition and uml tho burden of labor onerous, needs a Ignorance, has cleared a field ol inslruo- .charge of tils obligations, will shew a forest of fundamental principles,and hew comment by the church and the Minis¿ylove t lM M. lt make In flmven appear power of endurance lo bear him up long tion for himself, and sown and harvested faithfulness in tho performance of bis ed down and squared out, for Iho funda', , .. . , . „ , ter* of Christ, wlm recognize him as a .ill I’ve boni** ami Mflfortd h#re ; aud well, stub as only a life of hard toll there a rich store uf wisdom, and built duties, will leei an earnestness and ti-.. lion of the political sanctuary, the huge , , , , , , n me till brought to that abode, . ' ............... .. . power ordained of (iod. If hi* eharacs timbers uf truth, liki oak growth centón 1 ,, , , . , and rough experience can impart. Wo therri a worthy home of prudenoe. and gagedness in Ids work which will item .•till, uml know that thou irKJotl. ! ler be pure, his work good and Ids ad hop«—nay more, wo do delieve —his planted there a fertile garden of sweet a passage of success through adverse iós old, bringing them together and build j ll|inI(ltril,ill(l jnil,, lhim | , t pu| plt. ■ro, when my hnppy noni shall rise ing them up into aitruclure of strength , ^ ||)o ^ u||() ^ ,hink( 0 ,l(, enemies 1heiriselves being wit nesses, that, humanities, the bloom end fruit of which waves of political «trifoj through stiffen), rbjoy« itit-1Jesus in the skit* ;, the nation rejoices in such n ru may gladden the great brotherhood of edioebergsnflegdlw rongandbrlngthv slnkll, ax rnnwom'il l»y his blood, and symmetry, adding Iho adornments of for hi* rulo ¡ but. if not, let that, pulpit. orever sing thou art inv God. time and experience, such men, I say, free from partisan choice or fear, omi. ler. Tho days of forest-work, which he ultlzens «round him Shall I fear lo say national ship safe out Into I list open bus spent, the fruits of toll wlifoli he has shall I liesilute io express the ardent j 1’olar sea of a true nationality, wherein wield their slmrp axes and heavy humi demri the man slid entreat of God (ogive harvested, give promise to us of all those hope ? certainly I may, at least, offer tlu- ,l'*> Wllvv!< "r freedom never congeal into men against this fair and beauteous work t m s t w i r p e n n o n . mansbip, breaking it down to th* earth, us instead a righteous ruler. Why can qualities of strength, efficiency and endu fervent prayer lo God, that our nation's toe-bands of oppression and wheye loe riot all see that, when one becomes an of ranee which tho nation now in this its new and present ituler may prove him- shore« of life breathe with tropical frag» when otherwise it might have stood ficer of government, ho ceases to be a trying emergency demands. God forbid self to be suelt a man; that he has inblooln wi h oriental Jn-auty anil all tho world's coming centuries! parly leader oi a political candidate 1— thut tho people should be disappointed deed cut down and hewn out strong tiim Ruler aud tlie Nation. through w' lb temperate fruits in the puriThey revul in this ruinous work and gloat Why cun we nut therefore, free from in this respect! Why may we not trust- bora of thought— thick beams of wis- H'- Pe8Ct‘, fellowship and union of a over its evils ; yet they impute it all to mere political prejudice or preference, that one who has met all .the disabilities j An lnausuraliun Sermon. dum, heavy rafters of goodness where State compacted and harmonized 6V the men, who, by words of truth and speak candidly and honestly of the qual of early necessity, who has assailed and rinclples which find their life arid form with to renew I he foundations and re I,,f (l,r Rer,C. H. Bulklky, iulhc Cun• deeds of justice for the ends of liberty, tional Church, Pntttnon, N. J *» A'uu- would prolong llie life aud redeem the ifications or impei feel ions of such a man? overcome the practical difficulties of life, suppoit (he wall* and re--arch the doni- in ev ery heart and head of ruler Arid peo) At the head of the government now, Jivening, March 10M, IHC5Iwho has bravely resisted ull the privative of our national temple, so that though 11'*" <lb- w'ie'1 «1 al the diV of* sijch honor ot their country ! placed there by the people and inducted blessedness dawn I When shall Always sneli apostates and traitors, inlo ofike under new and peculiarly try and tentativo circumstance of bis condi- the rude strokes of political Babylonians, I nn was fAtnoiiR acoonlini? tw» ?»«' had lifted upon the thick trccH. But iitiw they brciik snob preteudod saviours, hut real destroy aml tion so well,and com« off conqueror, will may cut down the carved work t h e r e o f | P®,itiottl Mil,®.nium he carveti v ork thereof ut ouue with axes ing circumstances, stands a man, whom ‘uuari!.—Paata Ixxiv—5,6. ers of their country, have lived. Absorb even, his enemies are willing to call sow, by tho strong arm and well-knit they shall not be able to destroy the hring the long.sought era of man s na1tional perfection and giury ? ed by their gains, their creeds ami their “ honest.” Time past lias shown this ; frame which the lifting up of axes upon fundamental life mid the potential sub Though indeed that day may ypt be far olatlon and defilement, had eotne stance of the structure. sects, their parties and their seel ious; or llie future is ye I. to confirm it a» tl* wHIX the (hick.trees has eiven him, ho able to e people and temple of God. line« j . a lime u«»«. » - i,„„,„r „r ]ij.e distant, still may we not liupe that. Ibe stay tlie bauds and cheek the violence otyearning after plunder arid power or en trust, and who does not ? Thut man has v n-oi* Reenzi of Rome and Robespierre or N a lnngca »■- and traitors both had joined in the slaved by pleasure and sloth, they can- become famous,not only because it was lit ruthless men who would break down the over us out of tbathlaek n'ghl which lius poleon of Trance, who have risen up egiou« work of destroying the sunot rise to the mountain top of truth— to erally true that ho bad lifted »paxes up. carved work of the political spnciuary rueture and foundations of the nafrom the people out of a low origin or an solongund widely hangover tfie nations; tho mast-head of history and see stretch on the thick trees of 1lie western forest, with their axes of hate and Iheir hammers obscure station, to the deliverance and, a night relieved but by a feyy faint starnd its religion.— Once it had been ing around and beyond them a wider but because lie had personally, socially of selfishness ?’ Will not God help that fundamental government of the!- r a y s of freedom. Are not the eyelids of ded a high honor and privilege for horizon of Providence, a fuller sea of life and professedly hewed his way through chief ruler with his strength to do this country 1ut tlu s however, that inorn now lifting their radiant lasbes il to fell the-forest timber, and hew work ? or a uoaring shore of rest and beauty. the uncerbush of poverty and obscuritytrue and on the world, pro; liesying the nearing t for the upbuilding of iho sanctuary But then the simple fact that a man have been devoid of They see only tho black and boisterous and cleaved out such timber of toil and principle. Becoming intoxicated with and fuller opening of that divine eye, the now they basely gloried in ruining waves close ..bout them and' tremblingly thou-ibt and principle as gave him strengh has tni'cd with his hands, that he has cut, success and power, they have been be« glance of which shall brighten and cheer eauty and strength thefeof: ltudefear to be swamped at once therein.— and wisdom to be set up against those down trees and split rails and wielded truyed into extravagances and excesses th e nations with light intenser than that cy broke down into splinters, indisi Like a blind mole they root and nuzzle whohad begun, unlike him,to break down the sledge does not prove his fitness for of Southern moons orsuns ? . even to (lie very lino ot oppression. innately they hammered at it,defacing and grub underground in a zigzag (ours the curved work of the polticul sanctuary any office high or low. This he may Is tliere not a Northern Aurora splendid work of years, A true ruler needs the fixed and etern , , arisi, to catch chance worms which they swal. indiscriminately and recklessly, with the have done and yet remained ignorant. It ,, ¡¡nl, nami ng he other wise darkened e Babylonians, coveting the wealth tlow with overmuch dirt. They cannot axes of secession and tho hammers of is not enough for him to have practically a 1po er-star of truth to guide him ; tho,1K|iy aFal" terror indeed to evil doers and to nvying tho prosperity of the Jews magnetic needle if right, knowing no solved Sampson's world-riddle that out riso of a sphere of 'sense into a sphere of hostility ! This is the ruler to whom the barbaric ruleis, but a promise of glory id to them, “we demand your sub» uf poverty and necessity, the eater, comes variations from that point, should he in lo the good and true, the rays of which principle. If other men, wiser, and keen nation now look« in hope. Tho theme ion to ns, we olaim concession from or than they, sec and act iu the ioroshad therefore on which I now shall dwell is forth meat, and out of toil aud hardship, his soul’s binnacle, the only compass by shall Converge toward the zenith with a ; compromise your principles, yield the strong, conies forth sweetness. He which he steers; and tHat too, amid tin©wings of large truths and great events, Ihis: crown of life and circle the horizon with your rigid s ; do it voluntarily and midnight, and error’s mist and j , may have slain the lion of difficulty in world’s they reckon those to be in the dark, for’ . . ,, , , , , U zone of cower, till the people, new born bcably or else we will force you to it; passfoil's storm, lighted up by a vestal a r.oneui P©«' ... L » , ■run Hulk a ami tub nation. life's way and from its carcass gathered sooth, because they themselves cun not p ,, . . . ,, . , i iind new 1 shted, shall shout and clap i we will desolate your fields, tear flame of U vbitty. Men in our day and m " "fc1 1 . The points to he unfolded are two; the honey which busy bees about him see. They canuot understand how others „ , . , their hands and bend their knees and n your palaces aud temples, bear off ,, have deposited their, but nevertheless, land are found quick as grasshoppers and th‘ >r nanQ; I. T h e R u l e r a n d h is q u a litie s . may labor from principle and not policy, , . ar ti i > » I «rive tbwir hanks to tlie uo a oi j mice 'our treasures and carry you and your shade, • b,vt5Ll,l‘ . he may slill be lacking in those nobler “ thick asleavea in Vallambrosa’s for God’s truth and not man’s selfish II. The Nation anil its necessities. i i ii a , ; <infl of love, for their redemption Jiud ex* idren into perpetual bondage. But if who by toil have risen, and by thought | -W 01 1 elements of character which make up tho ness. The first, essential quality and distinc will accept our rule, if you will wortrue and symmetrical man and const© have advanced, but. who are as destitute altation.[ T-J !>e ooncloM next week.] The signs of tho times tell us that we live characteristic ot a Ituler, especially p our gods and adopt our of principle a« an oyster is uf a fin — tute the wise and successful ruler. toms, we will give you some privileges are approaching a crisis, such fis often of one at the head of a llepublic and the To enjoy to-day, stop worrying about They never open to the suuliglit of t rut it lie may have strength of frame and |ve your fields unburnt, your homes occurs in the history of nations, when the choice of a people, is that lie should be firmness of will, gained by Ibe discipline or the air ot purity except when they lo morrow. Next week will be just as capable of taking care of itself as this roken and your temple unrased, even balance delicately poised, turns for weal a man o f toil.— Work is an element of of toil, but this uiaybo used only to want to fowl themselves ; they must be one. And why shouldn’t it ? Itw ii! ugb we may take away some of your or woe. Events, known to all, have ol power; it stimulates, strengthens and smitten and broken before you can get have seven day’s more experience. late come to pass and are now daily oc develops those natural forces within, keep him fast and strong in a dogged and er, treasures.” at their meat and substance. Such men persistent determination to execute his curring, significant of some great changes which otherwise would get the rickets, An Irish judge said, when addressing wait for high tide before they launeV or ut the Jew, the one that was firm and a prisoner : ‘ You are to be banged, in our own civil conditiuu and in that of become enfeebled and die out preniaturei own personal choice, contrary to the set sail, then they take the popular cur iful, true and loyal to his laud and and I hope ilia' it will prove a warning lv.—Many a man of splendid abilities, general weal. He may have boldness the whole world. rent and float easily into power. What to you.’ God answered, “ N o ! We will not and independence of character, born of ____ I t is believed by some that,, in human by nature born with wealth in luxury iugly obey and serve you ; we will hard world-struggles, but this may only care they to stem the course of evil or Tt, hue been well observed th a t advice i* not and on social heights, has dwindled tamely yield our rights or sacrifice life what Is called a climacteric often om lead lii-m (o ride roiu-hly over the opin stay Iho surge of wrong 1 I t costs too disliked because it is advice, bu t because so tew eurs_ a critical period when the consti away and rolled down hill through, idle much toil and sacrifice ; it involves the people know h-*w to give it. principles at your threats , we will ness into poverty, wretchedness and im ions and ibe rights of olher men wiser t prove traitors to our country and tutipn of undergoes a peculiar loss of property, position or reputation A pleasant and cheerful mind sometime» a,id better than lie; he may ht>Vi wisdom change. At special intervals each leaser becility. Many a man, otherwise with When patriotism, piety and pilfering- grow »upon an old and w orn-out mist ©states to our God. Strip and burn and a sufficient, knowledge pertaining to ordinary talents, born in a hovel and when treachery, toadyism, and tribula1 t'.etoe upon a d -a d tre e . r fields, blight and break our homes, change takes place until what is termed bound to toil, has, by the force of circum his special pursuit, but not a largeness the grand climacteric comes. a desecrate and destroy our Temple, if of comprehension, a breadth of view, a tion point, equally lo success they accept Yielding to im m oral p le a su re , co rru p ts the So it would seem that in national life stances been hammered into a beat of grasp ot thought, and more than a l l a each aud ail, the good and evil, the tares m in d ; living to animal and trifling ones d e u Will, and make slaves of us even thought and sharpened into a man of base! it. 1 evermore; for rather we would have, such climaoterics ooour, when elements It bad been well for the ef- depth of hearth, which gives aobility and and the wheat, for the sake of getting a u do all this evil to us than that we of good or evil ripen to save or ruin.— i power. A ffioal to» j S n m n n iv . •• ejflve.T m m - or,v s. v o n 111 IV anssr i n n c u O iu o o o » » ™ '\i—»~ F W » W O T - £ X J9 0 T 1 9 S r Congressional Representatives. c s h u o r naweil ka» ■teen appoint l u t n i H f p o r un h a, The Hi aie» which are yet *to oboe ad. an d re Delved bit comnil Raion, to ani r—Kbfiiawr J ohn [ representative», and their times for lb I iperlniriHlnnt i f the Life 8 ving I *»«n Cl ilk JtHtolhMi Unfein inn km the coast of New Jersey.— elet timi, are a t follows I— Ammwm'I • John K C layUpa April I I The •alery u fifteen hundred dollars a | Connecticut, ’ CaaHmüIAI T ifiti»# Tí Iism April 2 Rhode Island, There In no doebt but Ibal Mr ! year % )Utlgft of IK! c tlo tm Jofet C, Curtí*. May S3 Virginia, d t w i f n »Mer—deba 0. W, New II 1» fully competent lo discharge Aug. I Tennessee, C oridiIm Iov i"f Appeal—HeaitUk D im i itle« of the office, »nd that he will Aug, A Kentucky, ouheit BtMw Usrlil I. Il fewer |ierform these dulie» faithfully. Iluf we Aug. 8 North Carolina, Surveyor« of lll|k w e y s—tlenfMais jt, Sept 3 believe that hi» appointment will give gen | California, «irr, Jâmt * L: Ib rrtH t Nov, 0 Maryland, *<ral dlaallafaetion lo the liepublioan pan O i i u w r of OforgA Kansas. •tinty bordering 1v In eve he e Town»hip CutumilU^WiltiMi B Dii' Only two of the seceded Obrdiili ll«*rh«*rt. John Otfeort. The nera! leellng Is that the office | chosen Ibeir representative? i to the ne: l ’ttBilaWti-A«lnn JtMia, John M Gn should have been given to some one of | Ilouae— Mouth Carolina and Florida — ( h r r w e n of lligfe**ja-~D t ¿ft Ibo several candidato» who wore emin If (lie other seceded Stales get sick of llavcai *1 <il* W illiim ) f antiin# ; fed die ^ ently worthy and fitting, who Imvo never ; 1 tholr bargain this summer, and conclude T r u e l ¡ HU til*. J*w n* Q . Jobttaoe; M l , been the recipients of party favors and Ab. «ha Ortwrn » Utb dit. Caleb Milter. nd representatives, they will chom Hupt.—William K Drown. honors Republican» of Qce have K eeper«—Ft. PleaMat. WiiUa* I*i always nobly sustained the party, hut when thu efficea of profit srn tu be dls. I! «III«, 11 e"y mteil t r i b a l i tony ara atw . all Mississippi, J u t til . 1. from the han Hi ig well. and children Wi I in this Impel il by higher motives. Ihau the Nov. 4 clous l'Ilio!' «cal nsi LouUianr, Mutu’jr unirmi to bo rnienti—fc’wr Poor, and Trai or* of Chariest o r by ibe tit i'ly iGovernment. »polls a patrioti? love of Liberty and cted stand Schiudi, tÜUOi W ay* mid Mono*, *, Í The nieiuhers already el id r Wbil e r lisi W a portion iI Ibe aal ion of Mej ir A nukusox, B ucha A,N luoiioy tur ro»d*. Ih»« U* lo bo *f( «•pnatit 1 Right -the Republican party of Ibis Hut he bas been faithful tu I Is call of th u s: frati « w 'fk of a l l>r*-di) lorian M<r«»ing and Ids Tiraitnr Cabinet, had delibi ilcly oo Jtilv have always done their duty at j Republican office and to thu Conslitutim : and 10» | Democrats, _ 54 tu the u«« ol ncbiNil«, Nrxt elooltoa *fi4 h«««- * benc si H*eke DLJW*1, last Wednionlay, planned I aii’otiiig tu be h o ltfu t D urnvllle. Rubbing of our Ar 'nais | yielding lu thu necessity of the ease and j the ballot boa, '1'bis has been no easy Of those to he eluded, the Uepublb oîte iuf Ih» il mixers full upon lit« lu•ad of under the superintendence el, and with j listening to the cry of humanity, Slavery j tusk t TOHNMIIP OK J At KSOM. me ot our workers can tr u th .1cans will prolmldy have »even—four Mr. Ardrvw J Ay ers»killing him lii*lar.l the connivance ut the miserable fillow M m lrrutur—M imim Htrioklin. has had accorded to it Its last victory fully attest. Our /cal and the efficiency from Connecticut, two from Rhode ly T ow n C lntjt— Dlchnrd D elb'W !)'• FtoVl), whose portrait now hangs so con* every freedom and the nslitutiou of | of our labor Is every where acknowledged la d, and one from Kansas. » A H ci mi r —Conover M athew «. Ellen Smith has rceoVi red : splcuou-ly in the ttogiie»' Call, ry of our ; y,,, g|„ eS. n h»y the party with which we act, and j The Senate, as now uonstituled, con C o llecto r—A lfred V sahlie. 84000 of Francis (Hemenston fur breach city Police ; and we all know, llrat when | The deed has Non accomplished ; the everywhere feared by our opponents.— sists of twentynine Republicans, to J u d g e o f E lection— D .rtiel Couk. of promise of marriage after twenty Major A m .krson took possession of Fort »aerino« has been made ; and the Stars ! While w arc thus mbvnd to work lor 1twentyone Opposiliou, having out the C heacn Freeholder— Jo h n E . Allen. yeara' courtship. Two hundred dollars Jitip.or, F u iv u demanded IU restora and Stripes are again to be dishonored ! the succc-s of our principles, and the T u w u .h lp C om m ittee—BeoJ. Iturljr, 1 Texas Senators, who will retire os soon i* a year wuiilt g nol extravagant. tion to (he Rebels, and B uchanan actu in the sight of the Nation and of aaton j triumph of suet) Representative* ns are as they learn officially of Ihe secession U eltow , Jo h n C layton, C ourtablca—Hr»« Perrin, Joe. c v m M t y Hon John Sherman ha? been ally yielded to the demand, until threat ¡shed Europo The flag of the Union to ' imbued with those principles, amlemin- of Texas. Missouri will choose another H u m -y o n o f H ig h w a y * -K li l i W« ____ _______ ___ ___ _ California _______ J o b iinoii Hill# elected United Slut»» Senator by th« ened will) danger» to Ills person, if he b t pulled ¿o»n, and the bloody banner | ently qualified to carry them out, wo ure | Democrat with Polk,_ _ and Ukrr*tH*r ol P o o r—T aylor P hifer, LewbCl] Legislature of Ohio, in the place of Mr 1vrnt jr,d ■j’0" muh a<;lo f trt'nclK'r> \ of 1’irales. Freehootirs, Rebels and Trah | not altogether in ’IITerent as to the fair j another with Latham, though probably Chase. Mr. Sherman Is a firm and sound l ll1' J° 0 stern aecesslly ¡ but in j tor», ¡„ l0 |,e riln |)p (fl wave triumphant and equal recognition of claims to posh | be will he of the Douglas stripe. »tripe Kan, M iller. ('<>iiitiii**uiii«'ra o f A|i|»eol—Jo#c|fh Vurhepl Republican, and will fill with honor (be 1 B*r hp dHerminod 10 *too‘m,l»Hsli by j |y or,,r nymi,ler all(| \,f prom |,„ni lions of prefit und reward. I »¡is will send two Republicans, which J«>»e|*h J . M ttthrw «, A ntrim Vaiihl*. management and finesse, what he h u ll,orvds of guns in the Rebel camp, amid We deem It a duly to give expression will make the Senate stand .'ll ItepuhIL Tow u*bi|t BuperiuU-tMleuI—H enry 1* i hair occupied by Mr. Chase. not the couiage to do openly. lie se11the cheer* of thousands whose senseless to the fooling manifested by Ibe party ! cans to 23 Opposition. bury. % I V I’ll* Shad fisheries »n Ihe Dela ■ordlngly refused to permit the to r t to' gaHoona(]e an(] braggadocio vaunting«,! not only in Ocean, but in every county Ovpr#eer# o f Ki^hw ay* - Jo h n I. Math#«i( if Prosldent Lincoln concludes to fol ware are y'ddifig quite plentifully, and do reinforced as it could have been In have long since disgusted brave men and ! oo tl.e coast, and we deeply regret both low the general public sentiment al tbe W in. A. M iller, J««. I lank in«, Chou. Y h U prices range from fifty cent* down to those days, with the necessary men and honest eitixens. And yet, me ,w ,ropf j the fecliug and Ihe duly of chronicleing North, and call nn extra session of Con (le a Vrauhi*. Maio-y ramed or rond», $I(K); Bchiod*, I thirty. Tbo markets are said to bo well store» to enable it to hold out for a year It. iht a d . A traitor President rendered gress, it will not be a full one, and it« N ext election «ii.i tow ii.ineeting to be lu-l^gj supplied. at least, against any force which could a ntceuily ; and humanity demanded i y T lie following resolution was pa»s political complexion will he determined, (be house o f A utrm i Yniibtae, (>o«bvn* be brought against it; and it was not that Ar.RAHAM L incoln should sacrific i y William Absom, the wife poison, d in the United Slates Senate,on Thur» in some degree, by the time at which It ’IDUMMIII* UK I'll XthTFO. until after Morris Island had been for all personal feelings, and gracefotly yield day> j,y a Vult) of 2 , to 10 . er, sentenced to he executed In April,com I* called, and will cliangu with tbe ac. N#W E u v r r , M arch Hfith, ISÖI. tith'd, that he sanctioned the abortive at- to that ntceuily and the deliberate plan mitted suicide last week, in the Hudson WUrn ti*. Tltf .eut* occupied by Mcshth. Drown cession of thu new members, a» fast a» i.KWIN SHINN, Km|.( tempt at suewor made by the Star o f the ned treason npon which It is baaed. His and Davi* ut Mím¡*0 Í|)|}Í, Mallory üf Fiorititi. Clay uf county Jail. The wretched man lafl.ctr lhar 6ir Tuotuln of (««Hircin, àliti JU-iijuitiiu ol they are elected. I V at; and even countermanded that countrymen will sustain him in this di*i Aliiluimi, lamiftiiina, its iiii iiiIkts uf lite Senat«*, bove bccuine When a new Congress 1« legally ca1 I fetid you It li#t of (ho |»riiici|iln vandide|«H ed a wound In the arm nnd neck, fro.n vacant ; there turo order before it was carried into effect. charge of an humiliating but an impera' Hrm inuit T int the 8ocre#iry bo directed tuoiult pablo of exercising its function«, and voted lor u t i-ur »wrniu«otic«, with the |«,lu¡. which bo hied to death in III* cell. From Christmas until the Fourth of Uttinuiiucft respectively D"oin ili«* rull^ tiveduly; but with him they feel, that may therefore he required in session by ;r"1 om,'l’lc‘ i,u "uu,lwr h* Dr. J . II. Rowe, supposed to have March, the Traitor» and Rube Is of This resolution relieve» the Senate national exigencies, its seats ought «II to 1j cucii. the account is row olosud with Treason. J u d g e o f cleothm— 3 . \V. Ituf-iuu, it-p. W n murdered at Oxford, Ind., three Charleston and the Cotton States, re There ¡3 nothing now to yield to Traitors from any apprebunsion concerning Ihe re lie full. As it Is now, we are without « ; Clerk—U C. Usrrett, Pern., atto; J. a appearance of the seceders. who,although j years ago, arrived there a few days ago ceived every countenance and support — nothing more to sacrifice in order to | full Congress till next November. The Sexton, ttep. l*t. from Illinois, much to the delight of u Irom Mr. Hiickanan which could be give to Slavery and thu Slave Trade the claiming to lie out of the Union, m ight, present cri.-is may prove a new Illustra, Judie* uf the pesce—T. O! I In,-Horn, B*. man named King, who was in jail await afforded them j and when he retired from odor of Nationality. In future Ihs Fresh have returned to vote, when least expect. : tion of Ihe import unco, lo the Fiale», Ï10: £. limi»''», Hep. ISC ; g, I. Ul»rh. Um I IS ; J . t i r gory, Dein. US. ing hit trial for the murder. office on tlie 4th inst., he gloated over dent of the United States has only Laws ed or desired. This act of moral expul- j named ,-iliove, of a change in the times | A»o»«,r—Sti rling It. Eurt, D»iu. Ifltïü thu conviction, that he bad fostered Re tu enforce and a Constitution to sustain ; sion, may have a beneficial effect on of their general elections. ">V. Ilo, hi I, ttep. UK CF* The Burlington County Bible bullion and Treason until they had be' some who yet remain. and woe be to them who thwart him in Fl eet older«—J. L. Hulule ltep. X.Ì. Society is engaged In the exp'oratlon of come so rampant, that they were beyond IF " Oar Sfltifhern tirethern arc get Alleii. H ep III«, the performance of his duty, and to hlim G T The School Superinlcndant has ils extensive field reaching from the the control of his successor. And the C o llecto r W . C. F inley, Ttep. self, if bo dares to shrink from the per published notice ol tbo annual election of ting desperate, uml seem bent on expe Delaware river to the Atlantic Shore.— one great souroe of his glorificaiian was, T o s iu h ip C om i.ittiie—T . \V. I D r t i U i ditions of vast concern and deeds ol formance of Ills whole duly. a Trustee for tbe village school, on the Seme ten years hating elapsed since the that Fort t'umpter was without provi Hop J J - ; J . U A bbott, lte p . U Ji ¡ T . J . l , first Monday in April, in place of T. W- wonderful results. The Oh trleston con| tVall nee, g'i3 ; W . E . K aru, at, 7s), ’ former supply,-muolt- interest is felt In sions ; and that of necessity, the garri. t y Much 1» written and said by men Middleton, Esq., whose iimo expire?.— respondent of the ' Richmond Dispatch Over«eer el Boaja—lot. dì«., A. H og-« the work. so« must surrender from stw a tio n be who profess to be Union men a* to the It is to bo hoped thut the people of the writes as follows . Hop. SUMI A. T. ljlirti*, Y)em. 149 ; i>d. da. fore it would he in the power of the R n terms and conditions npon which alone district will manifest a portion, at lea.»l> The prej-ot Vbici) I hinted at yes .1. S ingleton, tliiim i, sn-t ; J . C hsfee. lte p . m rs*” ft is reported from Washington pablican Administration to relieve and , the Union can be saved. All such are of that concern in the eifciion-ot lid. di«., H. •■''«««/ of «• an invading» army “■■•■y1* find o"u is now OU" "O "■ Bhinn, o»iun, Dem. «rem. 4th 11 ll di«., «I«,, W. Tilt* TilluM elcction-of a«Tirasrus tcrdttjr that Gov. Chase and oilier firm ItepubD 1Imposters, and more than half traitor«.- tee which tho importla n c e o f th e office tl,a u r‘' p r " f ,lle ll,l-v ' a n ¿ ,h a t 11,0 L nttlo ; Hop, 33 0 , 8 . Worden. Rep. Mil. reinforce it. can» in the Cabinet consented to the sup , ground will bn changed Irom South Can Hurtsyenol Itigli».y E. M Areher Uni Of course, A draium L incoln could Those men who propo»e this or that demand«. As a general. ... render of Fort Sumter under the belief al thing tho people 0,ina ,0 8nolhe, locality not ten thousand MT;C. W. Ru lie,,. 996 ; J H. B * 3 know nothing of this treason ; and when measure as the only basis for tho snlvi * are apt to be quite indifferent, idifTeront. in regard miles from you, i« in my judgment a liep. iitìd. that' the country will' be dtVidbd into two in liis Inaugural ho spoke of occupying tion of the country are unworthy the to this very important matter. Let us fixed f a c t. I f I w e re t o p re d ic t, th a t in Tuw u S u p e iju te u d e u t-M ille r W . Ileju.iè1 confederacies—one free and ibo other the public Forts and collecting the Rfcv- name of Union men. Those who have good school officers, und as a result sixty days the city ot Washington would ' /,'cp. S7T ; ll. Kirby Jr. Dein. !U slave—and desiring to consumate the in be razed so that a plougliu hare should eniic, he iiltlu dreamed that kis l ’rede, bave no propositions, no compromises to we shall have good schools. Cumt ible«—8. Leming, Hop. J. DtteMa*| evlfable result without- bloodshed. he run over tho place where now Lin Dein, elected. cessor had treasonably arranged to make make— who are satisfied with the Con coin nervously rests, and that magnifi | y Mr. Clayton R obbins, of the Overseer« „1 Peor—T. fj. !Ltrru«n, ftty| At the recent town elections in the abandonment of F ort Sumptor, a stitutlon a,s our fathers gave it to us, and cent monument of former greatness, the 208 ; Li. Archer, ltep. 9U; S. J. C'lsrk, 1)» firm of Gulick and Robbins, of Barnogat,, with tho confederacy as it was bequeath Capitol, would I e blown sky-high, I Now York, New Hampshire and other political nccetiity. Ho was soon apprised i u u - J — i«y* „met vvi'h a Mafi&o* •co'.dent on Saturday might not in «ueh a prediction ie a false 108. liastem and Northern Slates the Repubi however, th a ttlo Treason,pf his l’reda' ed to us are um>ohP last. Wo learn that he took liisgyii and prophet. 1, like many a Southern man, K«n<l money, $500 ; .School« $000. , -mmirgiy tie vised for him and true Union mon. ID*— ----1 — 1 1 *'■ — went into the meadows along tho bay Y«s will see that tho enclosed tid a t« ! c a fc >v cent.) mvcctcd id that other the vote lari"Fill! The reaction predic tliH Ruu't RDflotts mortification that-cotild tabled the nume» ut »II the cmiJIdste«, luidlkj monument begun years ago ta the mem' for the pu rposo of gaming, and while at,' G ?“ On First Page of to day’s paper he inflicted ; and that he had presented ted by Ihe Democral* seems to place lhat ory of George Washington, which mon ter« took the privjUiio el'crossing th««»wh| parly almost entirely behind the cur to Dim tlie alternative of permitting An wo commence the puhlieatioq of a ser tempting to load one of the barrels, ti e timen I, if left to Black Republican keep- they did not like. Tho election nut other being loaded, and both coped and mon by Rev. 0 . II. B ulki . ky , delivered derson and his command to starve or tain. ing. 1 hope to see rent in twain from top ilucteii on politic«! grouml« promptly to withdraw them, and igno, in the Congregational Church, Patter cocked, one of the barrels discharged, | to b.ttom. Son e of your submission Your* Uospectfully A. Vors«. The Mount Holly M inor says miniously permit the Fort to fall into son, on the evening of tho 10th inst., as tearing off Ihe thumb, fore finger and readers may call this . vandalism. It that Miss Sarah E. Paul, of that borough the hands of lha Rebels.. To reinforce we find it reported by the Patterson breaking the middle finger of his right matters not with me what they cull it; t y The following patriolic seDlimeikl that, monument, will never lie allowed to who recently had the degree of Doctor The wounds were attended to tho garrison or to supply them with Proi Guardian, on the Inauguration of Mr. hand. stand on Black Republican soil, and you we copy from ihe Newark Mercury,«f| of Medicine conferred upon her In Phil«' vision«, is equally impossible, because Lincoln. I t is an interesting production, by Dr. Hanlunson, and are doing well. ‘ pniy take lhat as another prediction.— dolphin, after having passed a few months commend Ihe spirit to earnest emulifiMj If you will look ut Ihe Courier of the J awt« B uchanan aud his associate and we commend It to Ihe reading pub in ihe Female Hospital of New York,will BueiNK.Si u P atkiison.—T h8 Pater Sth inst., you will see my invading plot of our readers : lic. It will he completed next week.— Traitors, designedly refused to do so take op her residence in the city of Trcm hinted at there. 'The Soullu-rn hearl is “ Let us not, be unmindful altbistiwl while: it was in their power to doit,- On (he Fourth Page will also be found son Guardian states that in that city, fired now, and that fire will not be easily ton for the practice of' medicine. will) the exception of locomotive build of Ihe neoesiily of cultivating a spirit» eou and compelled (ho commandaut of Ihe two columns of choice selected and ori quenched, nor will it bo, I fear, unless duvolion to Ihe Union, fur upon lbi»*.l^j|j i y Between one ami two o’clock on Fort quietly to permit tho construction ginal items. We are glad to know that ing, the shops arc busy. The Machinist it be quenched in blood.’ must depend as our sole hope in th# «»L last'Wednesday morning a fire broke out of works in his immediate vicin’ty and r.liH public appreciate the improved ap- Associai ion. J. E . Van Winkle, Todd & ing differences of Ihe country. Tlw| in «.large stable, belonging to A; Die. under the range of bis guns, which would pearance of our paper, and shall endeav Rafferty and others, it is said, have or' The boy murderer, Philip Ilerlz, ahiis limbeck proprietor of the Union Hotel at effectually prevent liis being relieved or to merit the approval of a geperous dors months ahead, and thu mills are Henry Dow, who killed Samuel Hall in Union is the protecting shield vvlw’ busy \vith one or two exceptions in the guards us from every danger,and howho Elizabeth. There being a considerable when an honest man assumed the Gov. public. silk factories. The silk business has ibis City last December, and was sen« would neglect its preservation can |»#| quantify of hay In the barn, the flames eminent on tho 4th of March. Buekani teutenced to be bung on the 4th of April Gy* Every person who owns a foot of spread rapidly, and the firemen wero on an’s final act of Treason has been con earth, or has the lease of a southern wall been depressed for some time ; hut it next, had his sentenced commuted by but little knowledge of the evils wbif^j is thought the Morrill tariff will benefit threaten us. Upon the maintenancefli ly abhS to-- savo some «wagons, carriages, summated. lie prevented the late Coni whereon to let a vine creep up, and lets the Court of Pardons on Monday to im sleighs, See,., and to prevent the spread gross passing a law giving power to the tho present Spring go by without improv that, branch and onlivon it within a short prisonment, which they havo Hie power the Union depend the hopes of Freedo* j», time. everywhere, and it should enlist the Wr< of the fire. Four valuable horses wore Executive to call for voluuieers to oc ing the opportunity of doing something io do, this sentence will satisfy many of burned to death. cupy and recapture the public Forts and for their beautification, should be consid' B T T he building of the American our citizens who believe him to have nest efforts of all true friends of fre* ^ And by the Union we ffl«»® Arsenals; and ha designedly iefr, Fort ered remiss in a very important duty.— Hoop fcjkirt Company, in Brooklyn was been justly tried,convicted and sentenced stitutlon. f y A large barn on the farm of Mr. Sumpter in a position which renders re No matter if you do not own the house destroyed by fire on last Friday week.— to death. There are many, however, of the whole U nion , such as has give»! Jo nah W istar in Quaker Ncek, Salem lief physically impossible without an and yard you occupy—still plant flowers Miss Susanna Wilson, a daughter of tho our citizens who think ihe murderer strength abroad and Nationality at bo®,'J Co., was burned to tbe ground, wllh army of from ten to twenty thousand and vines, and shrubbery, for your own janitor of the building, jumped from ihe should never have had his sentence com We cannot surrender it without ah*j| about twenty tons of hay in and adj jin men, and tho employment of a naval comfort and your own heart’s sake : fifth story to the ground, and was instant' muted at all, and that tlie original sen* doning all rational hopes of the d w ^ | ing it on last Suaday week, about noon force greater than we can command; and 44 Let the flowers look upward in e v er/ place, iy killed. Miss Anna Trainor was taken tenoe of death should have beeB enforced ¡nation and establishment of tbatgrt*| Tbe <irg, it is supposed, originated from Through this beautiful world of o u rs; he and-his myrmidons now exultiugly out uf the building in an insensible ccndi in his case,—N. Brunswick Frcdonian. principle, Self-Government. In tins®4 For tloar as the smile on an old friead’s face, one inade' a little colored boy to i. „ . «* peril, when treason is rampant, when lb*J and tauntingly say to the Republican 1« tlie «mile of the bright, bright .«:....... lUiwor»." tion, and .her recovery is doubtful. roast some eggs. The loss is estimated timid doubt, it is almost im possih^f President—'' Do your worst. We have The I'reach government has dotermin’ at $800. T he barn was insured in the EF* The Missouri Convention on Fed' The Warren Journal inye, that a child mark tbo true Hue of 'duty unless tw| ‘ designedly withheld from you tbe ed to take the entire business of manu Farmers' Mutual Inonrsnco Co. of Sa ‘ means of relieving and holding Fort eral Relations, seem to entertain about two of, three weeks old, which had evi» facturing friction matches into its own spirit of patriotism is strong. T ji* is | lem. ‘ Sumpter, and we invite you to the the notion that the woman held when the dontly just been abandoned by its inhuu hands, expecting to realize 20,000,800 greatest safeguard is in cherishing » (OF A paper mill belonging to Daniel ‘ pleasing alternative of permitting An- fight between her husband and the bear man mother, was found one day last week francs a year from tbe chips. The dan of the Union, an attachment to tbespl took place. The Convention passed a reso tying along side of the road near the res Conghlin, three miles below Morristown, • derson and his command to starve with' ger of fires and the poisoning of ohiidren la which it was formed, and tothe livlT | lution that Missouri will " never coun» idence of Jacob Pace, in that county,— dM r ‘ in fifteen days, or of ignominiously was entirely destroyed by fire on last are the popular pleas which tire French and eternal principles which it repre1 teuance or aid a seeeeding State in Tlee little “ waiP’ was taken up, unbarim T hat Union has in tbe past been pr® ß Saturday week. The mill was a very • abandoning it to a nest of Traitors and financial chief offers for the change. making war upon tbe General Govern ed, and conveyed to tbe oonnfy poor ed by tbe valor and patriotism of so“8 f old building. A bout $10,000 worth uf 1 Rebels whom we have nursed into ex, ment, nor will, she provide men and house, where it will no doubt be kindly Mr. Henry Minton bas been so success, New Jersey, and it mast be in .Manufactured paper and material wua >istence as the only certain mode uf dei mofiey for the purpose of aiding the cared- for. Calloused, iodeed, must be ‘ stroying the Republican Party.” ful in raising short staple cotton near ture. W e call then upon all destroyed, and the machinery greatly sera! Government in any attempt to the mother’s heart who could t,hus deltb the spirit ot true men to rally urouiui i f nm «*• Vw l o •H M • •* l ' m f t . t r feel log of li Miztli wlilrh In ninety aya would b r Tb ir« olpaieJ every »1»«« on lha Cut T O M ’S K IV K R , M A .H C II ” 71 li nml driven ihvir inaaloraInto the* if ne IK Vfn>iim K. W |in, -M Now p,.p| 1* MU mdivKhi i wh» i «r un (bla I he—bo hail only lo hi M the lid : P fuw K i lili rated. Th« aw. or garrison of Fort $*r> r |)m Om»«i JMtfam. duty do i !» of J I ralhsr II re and perish Iranealh lla walla ; a tV * T b » AiifericM 1tibie Rodsly tv »pool, N • I he sor. amI Ibo ein ca' beads of the Tralturs and ltolie of thu >ivp<) (re m Ibis »1 ale •1.180.0? ln Ihr aalliy in lb rye* oí .Slavery propagandist t be Ihr oo Me* 1. >o uf Dur ni moni h u f J moi fyall den h old rei J •joenoea ** I that l in pua centón A rt ! 1 ~ i bank* lu Philadelphia al any Hut Mr. I.isi oi.v desired to rouse i ml uve In Ibi» ] •tu b feeling of revenge among the pe M rriPi >I and no n ed »peGr payment on Monday d.v f 'J Ialien eased with pie o f the Free Slate» week. Th Tremoli Banks reatini llo k new— : ,ri*r ituunt inijH " to doing, laut werk •n new N iter—iltal ad lu bold i I ban la ,Animi vM Lim MM, i ho Boni the | ÿ 'i h* New M. B. Confer i dent of the United Siale», llo feoli on to Fort Snmptn agreeably to plainly expressed will of the people annui »Ion to and rri'ii k’iii/e» bl» duty In ibi i promis«* ! ■ eneo conino neos are Ila gallai ion to the fai pre* Uordentown. hut the 1jiw of necessity »teps In. pi al ired for I Item l.y rol bI&An.I traita «, to eli would tl < íh r ie rra n (íin M c m . m >r t » i .'M p r n i JL. c m a B Y A U T H O R IT Y . of 0*o coanty of Kwr* «I facta «minty ¡ •*»<! «ny person, la who*« UmU or ousted) any ! «tiff U # t i n » aro hereby r epoi Iod, and Mita ori | physL U Io 1*1* Ih r in t a t a ta o ao e la rtrd » «Il omit ili o r afllnuatloa herein raqui reff, t r «lall dio rralfO , o r Ila o « . o In any u lto pplomral t« an »et putitimi "An art uditivo InMMM ta ra n t. O ita during stAilt fallarp ta ì wo »drorh «halt Im fourni, (bot «bell bat« U r o | U l t otoH iw*ttM*iUltIJ 1 la lj MASTER’S SALE «Ori repeal alali, In **« wt#e. a (fort any autt l i Iloti contrary lo I la provision of Ibi* ari alali proemHiittff n*«vt pending, l o t an al «nitor ¡Ml' I ■ (<-(.,{¿ni I Dm M l At* p d f1 , l a domimi, U ltra an«1 «»IjmlgMl lo bo i l a l l l l r t mat be emit Imied and p*afeen led ee if a r Made, | a ml ilN ln iy o r of asti) faino, and Habla | o i | o Ibis act U n m*I beam paasotl. Approved M aral I J . Id d i, »(la «ala and (Upo si Don al Ilo raal Miète olool* or Wili orni séton or vacancy o| thè office, i penalties aiurraaid t í a coronet * ami ju stices wf th # t ^aoo In Essex I * 1 ba it an act ad T b a t Il acta I id parta al lofattta,** àppiutoff H a i t i uìhoLh-uUj , j M A M 1 A Q S I «onnty «tiara tiara alai ! nty physic- I acta inconsistent* (Vili t uv »ion« si this I w fci Ivndrod and torty fi»«. i n'rtitk Iti ta* «1 ta, bo and ( l a »«me e hereby repealed, At Tasi) Itlwr a« ita*» STtto «IL, by Jv«(|tli t^s« i «I Utr h*5t* l #1 f. Moti»« l-ippt II. Il cn.C r-I b , i h . feruti, tini (.ouertl *» “< ,b » «••*•• l u i n trao j. .hull (ran renrf tir. Ut 1 % A l,IN R rtR M IW la M iss. Ilxsf 1 ity of tturbo 1. 1 ,n |> , in iht ( u « ii ¡^ » 3. And be It Marte« M at this act alali ta la nbly of »1# Stato «*f Hew Jersey, Thè* If I form I l a d alla« and exercise iho powers pre lux . •Im«Bulfttou litio»• ul I Jtwl Ml i «eversi cwiU)t»«w traets «w i* arribad lp I l a a rt to « ilic i tila ta a sup piè! ofloct immediate! \ . Hit of Or i rao) patato of any la faut or intinta, or any ¡ ln Uh»tit»u«hi|o «rf 1Krvrr, tu 11» uh ut. • Appro*c«l Fehruvry ibi, ISSI. u n to . t t o f It loratofore ot»M, or t l a t h**raaft«r ILAWS OF NEW JERSEY. H AV EN S * Have • bts-bratg im s trf Iby <b*»d*. ¿4 .r tWn,' * ■acumi addition •f New Jeraey, aa liner and N ixon. N •»* «Mè « ! -»ml t'n ‘ tr o tini TbltlUps Pt lietnf.ynaiMeud flaunt t j t o »**U*. A». )U«4^ o« 4 t i l H w l . w a Miti t ÎU#, ff«I* and tb ) », U Q R C E R tE S , ft«*«.* i i f ben New t#rtt«nw ta mp b v n Jgeto, per pit* **, p « r , dtW«, IV n , MBitf ÍA té M s d n i IN if|V tie > • Hñtlri «fila brat quality Ü¡ 5. And fio U anaetad, T l a t i n esse «nid c*mo f I« aotd ondar i l o previ« Ion« of t i e act to Ute ?M In* " i An act io a u thorise a an) •m t i e port i iter of nil I r t ilia il i muent, ba, or alali la r« t f physician «hall ba f ie l or fottìi any enti«« of (bia Htato to a nc edile' ol Nuoti’» , t munti* i at tlo timo et >neb «ala, to an mu a la li ba unabla tu a lte a d b> tunk•*auch view and D ifeat of d o law*. miI o r jro .»w vrtom « ttr a lu tilu ii,o r (Uno) I. Be it enacted by lit «Senate an«! 0 ral by tlo cortoay. and I b . panttu euliU N E W . A D V X U L T Z S E K n z rT B do «lati couxaut ia writing to receive a »• Kny InquM t or p or (bruì any a r m e r <ti t . I Assembly o f th e Mat* wf N«> Jrr» a y . T h a t th e , U> l»o approfid by Ilo court in lieu o f bini by ib i. M l, It «hall Ira lawful lut bun t„ Secreter* ot* S ta te be a u lì» ixad to aubaprthe UTtfU. -T M I HD.tllli u p CIliHtLS P R » l a n d pe ta te by th e Piirtony, t | e chancellor I «omliiato ria l a p p aiai ia w riting under 1,1. lor on« Ihouaaod baud, any ot rat IleenaaJ p b y d rU n ofaald outio j , a fte r auch cuneetit In w riting baa been of Nix >n* Dig«*! of the I« M p .rr,.ru i th e d a rk e M . dn 1 l i e paytn n t of fd to be pu M I« feaeu rf end **Pi >DMe,«Move, W.« n| m l Wil!«**» •« «i«, I im e,i i*n fctpf » ««d IÎU** *. kel i'vllrrj', alevrrlvy r f f t l Nun««*, IbMjfte amt AbwÑ w »' it HnmlwMU w w N»h m ' «IdttiiN iTvpnrad Ulne, all or '«»»,'ha*« <t at vrry loar g^nrr» lit • , ami can ba writ at the (i4* On* m u g to l*a riia*M«r#df i lia «tíme bn*)»*** tta«btW e4 L, t.,,ld.n, ol ite O t H H t y u r n , w,ll te l t ,te, >•! 7 pnJ Charge« of «aid pliyaicis ap|M«i»teJ fwr mucIi «orvieti rv ud er cd white actiug under atidi ap> »«me at th o ra te of live dot H A R D TIT û j l S M A U € E A S Y l ail arid e And fw) it (N.aeted. T ml lie «util of Ave pointtutiui, «bnil be paid by »aid county pbyai* if pa t »alkdVi t**l. thouaand dollars U hereby appropriated to pa* idi. dnn. for the said copie«, w hen th uno «ball be de« I Ö. A nJ tra il .u n cle d , T h » l in all o u t t wlrare S.w . H iX K X s, Hi «rod com plete • L\ B. UAYJCNh. «•Id euunly y b y.lciau ,h ,l l be elected at d quulM.—If. 3 And be It enacted!, T h a t the T rea su re r lAed und fulliUlug lilt office a , alurm uld, he deliver to Ike G overnor, the Hocreia*-y of S ta te , •hull have e ie lu ilrn rig h t uu.| p u w .r to m ik e th e trenaurer, tb e clerk« of th e Suprem e C o u r t! that ntiintroai N u sn ali) the all » l.w a and ltu)a’r l n h rrrtu fu r« ma le by c o r. WORTH o r and C hancery, tbe justice» o f th e Suprem e i t*ea in th« habtl of ratUuc ouer» end Ju .tlo -« o f the p t- ee, end th a t no vu* tran-tran«-! " »«• s»*| C o ert, tho A ttorney G eneral, th e C lerk, Surroi h* cenarsi p r r f»1 |>proved Feb. 115, 18til. Pv<T,e!!‘ f0r„U,e.‘'",U',,"".i‘1* » J“r/ uf luqu«t I gâ,„ u„irJ uf ehl on freeholder« of tb e J»1 tracts nire no longer varani. tj«t be ae* i to 1 Harker . Tini, t» to (ivo j sh all hereafter be issued by any Justice o r c o r v»«.# tbt“ ni veto ttrojpw tf a t to n a o*w»«r the tndvc several counties, tho Judge« of the court« o f All|H»r<4»ns com enteil Ui»t the irtber aupplem ent t«» an a c t en title d "An oner o f «aid county of E ssex, except by tho writ* •«-rsoiw arulw rtby wanted am nitor oft sul t'b irld *'4htifr«"'lAreM, tit •Ign«d Ütefef-*rc *11 1* common pleas, th e clerks of the respect far bkl enti mg or M hiiv iw » rm panili I to reorganise th e court« o f l a w /’ ap ten request of said physician made aa aforesaid \ ;’ *•’ hoW-r» SI J In*!« i township« for th e u>e o f the tow uskipa, and to penally of Up» law, «nd ml rvribo eoiintv < »f oved F eb ru ary m uth, eighteen hundred and th e reqnoet In arritting so m ade by auch •a» «buvr i t i v i r ji will be paid for th« detectI«*n dV of Ifiv next to <|*-Ct re n fit)th e m embers and d o rk s of th e present leg! AND ■ « JP Aftydtva. ny perseti er persoti« ao tre*physician, shall be annexed tho lu<jue«t made tu re each only one copy of th j said Digest. I pa^ni Be i t enacted by t i e Senate and G eneral and retu rn ed by said coroner or ju stice. tm iv m -rm etiFom », A tr m f » * u ) i» m g r r n ., A pproved February till, 1861. nbly of the S ta te o f New J e r s e y , T b a t AN Dll «11. t u n a . 7. And bo it enacted, T h a t all act« and parta JA w iw n. T t o a e t n n u w * r )F tfu s iU (T . W IL L IA M gU IO K H K IJ i and a fte r tbe passage o f th is act th e re - of a cts repugnant to o r inconsistent w th this An a e t to au th o rise tbe onatnn tion o f a doch trat. mv,l<M0 M ac h filli imi! -If. or w harf ou Turn's K lvcr, in th e county of • term s of tbe court« in and for tb e county a c t a re hereby repealed, nod th a t tbia a c t »hal1 AN EN TIRELY N EW Ocean. ludtfon shall com m ence on th e first Tuesday ta k e effect immediately. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate omW ieneral la y and O ctober, uud «m thy th ird Tuesday A p|»‘ ived March 8, I860. Assembly of th e State of New Jarvery, T h a t la iiu a ry , lu each j,ud every year, OF a n Jo h n B , Morton and C harles L Davis, bo nnd An a c t to Indemnify c ertain Juatiooa of the Su they arc liereby^authorized and empow ered to Hereby informs Hi Hillh tin t lie hua leceutly ao i And be it eiiMctod, T b a t the regular tonus e re c t and innintain n deck or w harf, in front o f M|.r »viueut», tu hl» premiuei, fr preiiie C o u rt for additional services ren* K» M W ta in and for th e county o f Bergen f travelers sod all whu Javur th eir land on Tom ■ K iver. in the township of dorad. nt to an order of the Oi ilm n' Court ol •tum. Th« I«cation I» ta tbe e t» AII perx D over, Ocean county, snid dock o r w harf to be dtijtirlou.4 of a,curing un Agency lu I coiiiiiieuco on th e first Tuesday in April y •»' ib-ean, will be expo* d lu »ale at pnh W in ; a las , th e la bo« o f th e Justice« o f th e 8 u . built six hundred feet o r more, a t the option of thin t irt uf village,—U»« house I« ampi« 1« Il B >eceuiber, and uii th e last Tuesday in > on Tlmrwlsy. 1U t day » Mari ti next, ut Binent entn ta in a largo nunitn ru f ttei prem e C o u rt assigned to five of th o seven the proprietor«, along th e channel of said river, Uu* hoiiM of Joseph It. Wilkin.1*, in the vi ■« »he <>t nt »tabling» are »affleknt to atmr»l p i , in each and every year. N E W E X T E R P illS E Mutin di i trklu, a tarni cuuUiuis judicial district« in tho S ta te w ere much In’ and extending inland tw enty.five rod«, or aa far •( a uu tuner of horses. Kvcry «I as may be necessary for the im provenioxt o f Ami bo It enacted. T h a t to much d f tbe acrea. almut on tw entyll ,*« «ini u u»tutti win bc nm (1 his gnoata Ut make Oirn* creased by th e ir perform ance x»l the dutiea of half mil» from the village of Muiinul-uw Li u.late Bi“ I romiortal'le. «mi ui the property of said proprietor« or tbo benefit liould (Wiul uii their nnitifN ut olici*, eiM-loaii ider vhrir vial»« agit cable. fsection o f th e act to which th is is a sup« th o Ohio! J u stic e during th e la te vacancy lu of ooiuiLcnoe. cent »tump tu pay pontage, und receive by property of luniel JohlMUIl dec'll. Tin • IftU 1 ti : New ICyypt, Mai' Wfi. 1**W.- !y. put a« ia incoiiiiatout w ith th is a ct, be and f 12 ami.» ertv will be »Id beta Si. And be It enacted, T h at th o said John B- uf mull th a t office, fo r which additional services, it 1« stteiidAiire 1 1 \ ì SGOLI ÎTIOV O'tiltM-k III the *tt«-miHoio| -,<*l. hm e ia Itoroby repealed. <>F t OFAKT.VKHHimV- The p roper th a t they should receive reasonable I lo r to ii and C harles L , Davis may bo and they Will be given and cuiidition m i i by. i*re hereby authorized and em pow ered to col., I j c u . W|p foriiierlv existing uuder th* A 1-liEMIUH (And he it enacted, T h a t this act shall tnkv llEOKU JOHN* miV com pensation, th erefo re, lect w luiriage lor the use of said dock o r w hari m ine A firm of C hivfr, Head A Abb«, ia thD d«v i.Ainod lately, 1. lie it enuctod by tho Svunte and Geuerni Nfid »IntiI be entitled to nil th e bmu tits accruing dmolvud by mutual ronmmt. . Jun. so. i si; t i», proved F ebruary ‘do, I SO I. Tho husmo»* ixill b* eonlinttfd by Bead A .AbbAssembly o f the S ta te of N ew J e rse y , T h at the Iroui the same, and to hold and enjoy th e sam e who ar* hereby U uhoiiicd to »etile all accuutiLi ot to themselves th e ir h e iria n d assigns, provided CetalUtoHig N o t lut" n f S iitli'H U JIlt. c t to defray th e cxpen»e« of building » n S tate T rea su re r be and be hereby is authorised how ever, th a t no «uch dock o r w h a rf »hail be Notice is hereby given that the account* of Ihc the UU) firm. nnd d irected to pay uuto ra c k o f those associ constructed on «aid *ivor by v irtu e o f th is act R. B. GOWDT, subscribí r, Administrator o f Thomas U i'ivuubcrJ iitio a d wing to th e S ta te Triaon. H. V. IIKAJL lin. (lecci iod, laic ol tho Towusbip of ITnloii. in(B e it enacted by th e S enate and G eneral ate ju stice« , one fifth p a rt o f th e salary which ns may interfere w ith or obstruct tho naviga :W. C, ABDK. lends i* xhibit Id* ne»'*mut» to the Judge* of (he tion of said river. " hick would have become payable according to Tom's River, Mach IS, IM l.—tf. pnbly o f th e S ta te o f New J erse y , T h a t the Ilio Uuiinty nf Ocsuii. a t the term Which uflorff Ot-plnnn 3. And bo it enactcMl, T hat this act shall take I Muy next, lor final settlement and allowance, the h irer «f thie »tat * be a id he is hereby law to a chief ju s tic e , d uring tho tim e th a t of effect im m ediately Nal ico of »Stittltiinent. sumo hciiig tirât audited and statini by th« 8urru fice was vacant. A UARE C i f AN CE Approved F eb. 28, 18GI. frw«*bto pay u n to 8iU* ![ K itc h e ll. W ilNotice in hereby given that tho accutinU the nf -• And be it enacted, T h a t this act shall go J.1MK8 EDWARDS. TO fifAKU Niih»crib*r, exwmtur of Joshua Woolston, laten t . W ard William F..M cM iehael, Jo n n tb i Adm . A .Supplement to an act entitled -‘ An a «t to au ’ into effect im m ediately. tho townnhip of Union, deceased, intends to exhiL ic k e l, Joseph C unningham , coininiMioncru March 2d 1R51_tc. it his accounts lo Hie Judges of the Orphan»' Cu'iri thorize tho partition of lunds, in c ase s w here |n t" d by an a c t o f the legislature entitled A fu rth e r lupplem ent to an act entitled “ An of tin-county of Or can. nt the term of May next, p>»rticular undivided shares therein, are lim fir li.ijl »utflenumt and allowance, the sains beiu;ited o v e r,” approved M arch six th , cigli* ^ e t making nil appropriation to enlarge a c t respecting conveyance«,” approved A pril first Utidiicd uiul t luted by the Snrrogat«. to*u hundred and fifty two. »lute P riso n ," approved M arch tw entywlthuiit rink, tirj-i'tlicr «itti fifteenth eighteen hundred and forty six. JOHN AUM.U’K. Having arrangements to keep a stock « I. Be it enao’cd by tho S enate and General K u tu lo r . ill AM). DUNK D irsi'. roUDRKrTE, h<l, e ifb te e a hundred and aixtv, o r to the ;KTTK, MUPKlL SliPKlL 1. Be it i »meted by tho fcenate and G eneral At»aeinh|y of tho S tate o f New Jerse y . T h a t in 1* 1 M ISP 11 VïT.ol I.IMK. I, A N I) PL A STKB, Ac., A e . M arik Ctk 1861 . —tc. of a m ajority o f th em , upoo th**ir ex h ib it Assembly o f the E late of Now J e rse y , T h a t any all proceedings for the partition lands, w here eoiwUiiUlv ou hand. I am able to cull In any quant him the p ro p e r voucher» therefo r, the consul o r v icecónsul o f th e UnIGM S tate« for «11, o r any of the undivided shares th e re o ', i \ ity, and a t r.uwKHT X uunrr kxtkh for (.-ash. líela live to this Evory D y Bun^. B mc tiling Itfcoi tiliXntOK C. FBKKIJOBX. ltd two thousiiiiu tw o hundred and forty- the tim e being, in any foreign c ity or country (•*• nro limited over in th o m anner specified in the first section of the act to which this i n 21.1 Oreen wich Streets i tlollnra and (fie re n t, heinx the »mount •h«»l have th e sam e pow ers at tbe place for supplem ent, a sale th e re o f may be imulo, up n l*. I'nyrro A Do., Hardware stoic. Now York, MmivIi 20, 1WL dm. c««ary and net uni « xpenne« incurred by wh ch he I» appointed, or w h e re he may bo ac uii. outer o r decree of th e c o u rt of chancery, THF M rlbci liu v jjtu to m M iljittto r M « lit foul's Kiver, a large ana well sulectcd »took «0 To iiHinn prompt und , atisluolmy dialings, In the co npJetion ol the additional wing ting. aa are given by this a c t and tho supple, when such proceedings «hull have been com* im-need in th a t c o u rt ; but no «uch ra le «Iml! bo roetull ol d r.s to STAPLE AND FANCY DRYGOODS pined. menta th e re to , to an am bassador, public minis groceries, I’rovMoiTa. Flour and Feed, Hoots and ordered unless a division o f «aid land« cannot bo UHOtfHKC. •:VAN'S Take Notice the undvr-igned iHsfgnies of Shoes, Hals and Hups, together with a large stock ul And be it enacted, 7‘h a t this act «hall take ter, charge o f affairs, sec re ta ry o f legation, or made, w ithout im pairing their value, to the e x LL) ( lie • Street, (•corne ( Wnidius, will present thèir final »(-count to / /: v L u r n iN Q ' Fhiiitdulphin. i immediately. (he rep resen tativ e o f tho U nited Staton nt » tent of at. least ono fourth p a rt thereof, and tin- ib-cnn t uimty Orphan»’ Court, on the l*tTuca- Oil cloilia, Ca roe ling and Ungs, Furniture and clocks March 27th, 1H6J_tf. «hull he so reported or o therw ise made appear, ds.v in May |si»| fur allowenre, Kollh-nient sud de- Woo«l ami Willow Ware, Brooms, Brushe#, A«*.. proved February 1C, 1861. foreign court o r governm ent ; and th a t all pVcofs 1« the satisfaction of tho Chancellor. «ree AMOS FAI KKiYBU'.fiH* Farlhcn, Slone, Crockery, (ij;».s.-.war«, Ac.,Ac., Iron »ml acknow ledgem ents taken by Virtue hereof 0MUI8TIAX D.lvMsov. ?. And hr it enacted, T in t in all such p a rti steel onil Hanlware, Floiitrlia arid rlyugh Castinffn prn u ien t to au nut en titled " A n A ct re March «ilIt 1801 .---tc. /h all be certified un d er tho official seal of »uch tion proceeding« when a sa’o shall ho made an Manufatti urn- ol tlrav L'Mich und Moniiiueiit»l!i Window Sash amt (»leys I’siuts^ttdGJip, Drug }iu»l spec ting C o rn ie r« .”. Medii-iin-s, Mastering tla ir,,Lime,Lunibor ana Humi a Ole-aid, spell vale and da»d to th« purchas -r Oc»-an Port, X. J . Deli» red ill any part <»i Oee.i coieul o r vice consul. ing Mat*»riiil generally,.all qf which will fi-r «old low shall convoy the title to such lands of all tenants, or Monmonth Couiitjes. Satishietioii giiaiaiilci ■)e it enacted by tbu Senate and G eneral 4- And bo it enacted, T h a t this act shall tak in all i-asi-s. fur CASH or Its equivalent. eith e r in possession, rem ainder, reversion, o r pibly ol the S ta te o f Now J e rse y , T h at effect im m ediately. lake notice that William Van Clear» interest in j . a r . s . a r:HACK. Ocean Fort, March 20tb, lftfil filli. expectancy ; but the net proceed« ol th© sale of the «-tat»» »»I Daniel Van (leaf Dec«H., Toni’s River. Nov. 7th, lfifiO.—ly. filter tb e num ber o f ju ro rs to bo|ijinuioned Approved March 5. 1861. any share not held in fee simple, or limitedadvertised as lot no. I containing eighteen acre* SALE FOR TA X E S. le ry coronor or juatlon o f th e pence, foi th 6 .in»l ten hundredths of an acre advertised l<» ho »old over, shall be invested and kept invested in the OTICIO i» hereby given th a t by virtue of a atölieriff» - d'- on Tiiursday Aj r l'Jfitb; imji , he onjc j« e a and in the m anner proscribed in tlic An aet to fix tb e salaries o f tho officers of the name of th e state of New Jerse y , under tho o r to the Nulmcrib'cr. der and d ire c t’on of the court of C hancery, for w, a rra n t ................................ issued by William It. 11111, K»q„ S enate and G eneral Assembly ol the S ta te |h section o f th e act to which this is a supANNAN1AII J . WILBERT. the use of tho person or persons ownnig «uch to make the f ixe« laid on iiliitnproved and mi of N ew Jerse y . eut, shall not be more tlinu fifteen u o r less M arch fit h 1861. -3Wshare, upon bond secured by m ortgage to said tenanted Inml, and loud tenanted by peint»iia not The utnlerslgn«-«] Mvjng .¡.ust filled op tho Store r a [niue, and w henever uix o r more of sni«H 1. lie it enacted by the S en ate and G enera’ ■State, e ith e r upon the property so sold, o r any the lawful proprietors, who a re unable to pay cenlly occnpilid by E. W. Ivin*, and Brother,tin tho T o F a rm e rs s so summoned shall a p p ea r the coroner or Assembly o f the S ta te of N ew Jerse y , Tha* part th e re o f or tbe free uinmlo o f o th e r unin their taxes, in the township ot B rick, county o f South Hide of the river, with a frc.-di uiiJ well select th ere shall bo p«tiJ tu ihu u«rmt,ii-y of tho son1 cumbered real esta te in this S ta te , w orth a t O cean ; the lUitMcriimr, ono o f tho Constables 80.000 Barrels Pomlrctte, ni ado by the Lodi ed assortment of |ce shall sw ear o r affirm them as in th least double ‘ he principal S,H1' ........ -uw .l tluirei Mamtfffifhiving Co., for «ul« in lots to suit pine 1m S E A S O N A B L E GOODS, . v , . . . . . ____ p ith section of tho act to which this a sup' ate an annual salary o f one thousnifc in re o «Tin-" Oil; tWO tlKrtio i t f.t.ivU *ufU«* nbafl DO 111 tflM ul •W'rt, MJJj« i lien peat fertilizer inf iii:irket, *:t dred dollars, and to th e clerk of tho house of as Mnd itself^ indendenB*' -*t toy building!« thereon; at the house of l-ldwhi'il G. C layton, Bin if-vfl!*“. crop ftóin o¡i.>’i«ilf, aud is»ì* »•(•■.n'v.wij^^ conr>l«tlng of Ktaple .ii.d Ikuicy Dry Cuoff", TTarff* c u t. tew thirds o f which val^o shall be in th e land ann r e ^ i, AXt-tu^u., Proyismiis, Flmir weeks earlier, Price over seven Parrels, per Brick tow nship, betw een the hours of U aud sembly an fii.m al salary o f one thousand five Ï And bo it enacted, T h a t it shall bo lgw f til barrel. A pamphlet, with «ftWslaepary ovldenoo es. Window Class, 1’ imts, Oil, PuLty.Ac., .vc. n > 4 , itself, iiubq o idently «*1 any buildings thereon ; hundred dollars, ai\d no o th e r compensation and such bond and m ortgage a fte r being duly ,r>o’clock, in the afternoon, of said day, sell the and full p u-ticulni-H will bo Kent grhtis to any one nfirni his friends ainl tjie public generally, that li-i lie board of (¿boson feroholders o f th e coun T im ber, Wood, H erbage, and o ther Vendible is prepared to null them goods a t tlie . w hatever. recorded, ehall be filled in th e office of the properly loiind on the p renrses taxed to th*' semliug iiildi-esM t » ■ F hsox w henever said board sh all deem it 0 BIFFIN«, BROTH Kit A C 0-, Lowest Mavktt 1’i ieO for Cash, 2. And bo it enacted. T h a t th e re shall be clerk in C hancery, aud there remain a s ‘of ro undersigned person«. I»» m ake th e tax«» and (>() Cotti'tim idt 8 t., New York. Is o to do, to elect a t any regular or sp ecial cord unti duly satisfied aud » iscliargod ; aud costs annexed to their respective names : or ¡1« c,iniviil<ml,Having inirohascilhiv ooliro »too'; paid to an assistant sec re ta ry of the S enate nnd G e m ili Agents for tho U nited títatea, said clerk shall be authorized to certily copies (ting of said hoard a county physician from for null. CI.AVTON’ li. I.AWKK3CB. T ax. Coat. Feb. 15, 1801.1 0 -w to an assistant d o rk of the house of assem bly, th e re uf under tho-soul of said court, and such Toni’s River, April Wvb, 18U6—ly. hum h e r of licensed physicians i (-aiding in E lizabeth Allen..............................$2.67 23lj an annually salary of four hundred dollars each COpUt os certified shall be evidence as o th e r re Jam es R ankins,................................0 3 > 230 Ecounty, and to pay him such yearly salary cords and filos o f said c o u rt are when so certi and no other com pens io j w hatever. ADAM JO N FS. Countable he services reuderod by him as to said b o a rj Tied ; and th e in terest accruing ou such bond, BiirrisviPo, M arch 580, lri‘>l.—3w MK-N AND TEAMS' W.VN'L'RI), 3.. And be it ennetod, T h a t th ere shall bo shall bo paid yearlo or h a lf yearly according to (seem ju s t, to be fixed from tim e to tim e lo work on the above Railroad between Bergen and (ch elections »ball be m a d e ; before e n te r- paid to the engrossing clerk of tho senate six tho condition thereof, to tho person or persons S H E R I F F S S A L E who would been tenant o r tenants of the p a rtic ' bovver /S'qtimknm, The subscriber, having taken the establishment By virtue ot n writ ot ft■ fu . to me directed Ipon th e Unties required o f hiiu by this a ct. hundred dollars, and tho engrossing clerk o f the ulur estate of such share, if th e re hud been uo heretofore occupied by John B. Cowdik-k, in the QOOD W A G E S P A ID issuer] out of the Aiipromo Court, of the State of ¡bounty Physician «hall take and s ubscribe house o f assembly seven hundred, dollars, and such sale thereof, his heirs, executors,ndm inis village of Torn’s River, w u ld announce to the citi New Jersey, will he exposed to sale a t public ven tra to rs or assigns, and shall bemo secured by due, on Thursday the 25th ilay of Apul next, be Feed will be fiirtiisljml a t reásonnlile rates. Npply zens of Ocean county that Uo is prepared to exe i o lth o r affirmation before tho clerk of «aid no o th e r compensation w hatever. to A. .I. LAUUAMFI»?, a t the (Ajntii acroie Si-otiti, cute all orders for 4. And be it en acted , T h a t th e re shall be i he condition of such bond and mortgage ; nnd tween the hours of twelve and five o'clock in Uv* near Lower Squaukuin. Bty, faithfully and fairly to perform tiie tbe principal aud the in te re st also w hen not afternoon of su id day, a t the house df Joseph Par H A U NE S S S W. A W . A. TORIÍRY, foa of his office to th e b e st u f his skill and paid to tho sorgoant-nt-arm s o f the senate and paid as aforesaid, shall be collected under the ker, a t Forked Itivvr, in the township of Union, of every description, nt ali-jrt uaticc«, , IJoLHC^Ing Contractor;!, in the county of Ocean, nil ili<- following described Irstauding, which oath o r a fiiriu atio j shall to th e doorkeeper o f th e house o f assembly the order and direction ol tho c o u rt o f Chaui property Feb. 20th, Moi.- -tf. practical knowlcdg'- of the bustqcsk i,a feels imnflto w it; all the right, title, and interest, sum o f tw o hundred and fifty dollars each, and eery. dcnce in assuring the jmli’fic fh¡,t, satisfacliun will ■led by said clerk in his office, which the defendants have to all iho .e three cer 3- Aud be it enacted, T h a t w henever all or tain tracts oflaiiil. bo in ¡ill vw?iu ‘ ’s - lu tl>ose who m.«y favor no o th e r compensation w hatever. Cunnintrham ï\ro 3 t ài T .u oclii»«i t a s him given, f And be i t enacted. T h a t it shall bo tho any portion of the principal sum of iimney, so with t.lielr cif«tonv. U'- lets on hand a good tut No. 1. Situate between Cedar Creek and Fork . 5. And be it enacted, T h a t th e re shall be as aloresaie secured, shall be collected, it shall ed River, in the township of Union, county of Aortment, of .Whips, Mv Nett-, callara, und collar J.MFDIiTUIlS AND JOJIllBliS IN ! ol said county physician to m ake all post pads, ISriiTf«, Hait* »'s. Llhcs, A «-. Jobbing of ul! paid to each of tho assistants ol the pergeaut-at- be paid only to tho said clerk in chancery, and Ocean, containing eighteen acres and ten mu-hun |e m exam inations now required by th o ao1 with neatness and dispatch. Light F O R E IG N AX D urms of tho senate and of th e doorkeeper of the when so paid, it shall be considered us in that dredths of ail acre, more <»r less, being the same or heavy, double and single hai'iiess.nmdo to order, ehich Ellis is a supplem ent, and generally to court, and hIih'I th e re remain until paid out, or conveyed to David Yunelcaf, tbe'd. by Jusiali Gil \HLE?i CARSON. house o f assembly an annual salary of one hum SV'-arman, by deed dated Nov. 11, 1818. reinvested, under the order aud direction of brui all medical services contem plated o r Tom’s River, Mar di 2lst. UGO,—Ty* No. 2. A lot of land containing sixteen acres, dred dollars each, and uo o th e r compensation th a t c o u r t: and said clerk, and his sureties, more or less, situate in the township of Union, Co, (irod by th is aet ; it shall also bo th e duty f i ¿e Vù W o r t h S li o è t, shall bo responsible thereof, and no o th e r pay» of Ocean, belonging jointly between the, lu-irs of w hatevor. lid county physician in all cases o f death8 l'kvtwi'c.ii Broadway find Church St 0. And bo it enacted, T h a t hereafter it shall m ent shall discharge such bond and mortgage, David Vancleaf dec'll, ilnd difliii Homer, adjoining ¡risen, and all violent, sudden or casual or authorize any county clerk ot discharge the lands of Amos Falkeuburgli and others. Win. ,1. t 'lUininghiiin, \ not bo necessary for tho secretary of the senate registry, o r record th e re o f; and the said clerk No. J- Ono third of a lot of Land belonging Ezra M Frost,, ( w ithin his county, to ta k e a view o f th e NF.W.YORK. Barberi«.* Tln-o« kniortoii. ) or th e clerk of tho assembly to prepare enroll»' in chancery, shall ba entitled to one q u a rte r of jointly between David R. Parker, John Horner ami The subscribir !having juat completed n new atut f and m ake all pro p er inquiry respecting estate of David Vane’eafdecM, containing one hun Chas. D. Throckmorton. Í roomy addition Lilus revidcncj in Maiu/dreet,would ed copies of th e proceedings of* th eir respective of one per cent on all mouies paid into said dred and eight acres, more or Less, lying between Feb. lililí, I sfi I . tf. inform tho public iLnilio is pivpared to receive trau ¡cause and m anner o f th e death ; and all th e houses; and th a t so m uch o f all acts or p a rts of court and reinvested or paid o u t, under or by the middle and north branches of Forked River, in siriit and perm.'mont hoAi-ders. Airy nnd »Joasunt virtue of this act- to be taken o u t of tbe income Union township, Ocean coilnty. le s now required by law to be perform ed by rootUH can be obtiiined for Jautilk-s, togotliCr Willi acts as are in co n s'stan t w ith this act, be and or in te re st, and not out of the said principal : Noi ion of Settlement.. Seized as tho property of Joseph Vancleaf and Lot»i«’, nt mod- rate pitees. p ie rs o r ju stic es o f th e peace in m aking the sam e is hereby repealed. and w henever the (m rtloelar e sta te or estates, William Vancleaf, and taken in execution at, the Aotlce is hereby given that the accounts oj the sub Roomy ^tabling ba* been n recti**! in coimcctfon i view and inquiry to ascertain if an inquest suit oWDavid S. Parker, and to be sold by in such share of said lands, would have been v. ;tL (he nbnvu limTsc. for the benefit ol transcii u s'Tibrrs Executors of .lohn (Jollín ducett*>*d A pproved Feb ru ary 2 5 ,1861. B. F. AIJMACK. Sheriff'. kildbeheld, «hall h e re afte r be perform ed by vhn m »y want such «ccommodation.determ ined and th e sam e become vested in fee late of the TiWuship of Plumstead dec’d, intend to March 20th, 1801.—ts. vei v .'.Ltrl, luiil convenience possible, will -b«* exhbit fimi*' fleount r to tlie Judges of ttie.Ofpasu I county physician, and not by said coroners A supplem ent to th o a c t entitled “ Au a c t for sim ple absolute, if no such sale th e re o f had Hon« Who desire to spend the sumnuir Court ol Iht- county of Ocean, nt the tenu of May after been made, then the said principal shall ho the preservation o f d ear and other game, and (ju stic e s of tho peace ; if upon such view iliÌH piare. Daily eveamions will beinole n« x t for final ssttlcniani and allowance, the aapie mon paid, or such bond and mortgage assigned under ffriìgiiUri ifri*r to the seaside, for battling heing first audited and stated bv Ilio SnrruLaie. [ inquiry said physician shall be o f opinion to prev en t trospassing w ith guns.” approved the o rd er and direction o f sain c o u rt of chance» .nl r«cr« MUisement.. CHAUCOLLIERS, Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned, A pril six teen th , eighteen hundred and forty ry, to the person or persons, in whom such t th e re is cause to suspect th a t th e person TAMEST. GOBLE, Joseph k . hulm e. that the subscriber, Administrator of all and sin-' •h sro would them l i v e become v e 4 e e J , in fee iiiter, Tuno 20tb,l8ßti>tl. Tom'; lose body he has been called to view cam e to six. Feb. 2itih, l8fiT. tc nm vdors stilar, the gooffs; chattel, rights, ami c re d it, which simple absolute, had no such sale been made, were of Thomas E . A- trim, late of Plmusfed Tmvnor her death by m u rd er o r man slau g h ter, J. B e i t enacted by the S enate aud G eneral his, h er or th eir heirs or assigns. abipin the County of Ocean, deceased iiiii-inls to 1 the contrivance, aid in g , procuring o r oth- Assembly of th e S ta te of N ew Jerse y , T h a t 4. And be it enacted, T h a t if any m aster in exhibit his account of the estate of snid «!**» «a-ed. nisconduct of any ÿô'fsctn o r pesons, th en i l hereafter if any person ol persons shall kill, d e chancery, clerk, or other person shall, willfully, to the Judges of the orphan's court, of said county. ]J ¡t j) <’ r , S t il t i « il a r v . & c . , TH B N E W G R IS T MILL, in the term of May next, for their fìnto sett,foment IU be his duty to call upon one of th e coron stroy o r tak e any w oodcock, except only b e embezzle o r convert to his own use, and money and allowance A t T o n i’s K iv e r 1\Tou; J e r s e y , ftaafc shall come to his baud«, under or by virtue T R A N G ÌÄ 4 N B LO U T R E L RICHARD H. CO^OTER. J of the county, o r if such coroner cannot be tween th e fifth day o f J u ly and th e first day of of the provisions of this a ct, or tho act to which A dm MauuLi'.'Uiriog n ta tn ti« id im p o rte rs and Be,toar» Ap[>ly to A. t',-.SIAN ft).\ , upon a ju stic e of th e peace of said county, Jan u ary , yearly aud every y ear, he she or they this is a supplemon, be shall be guilty o f a mis» in Foreign and Douiebifo stationery and Paper, New Egypt Ma. ell (ith 18Gl.--l,f. Kept. 31, isiio.—Iy. I request him in w rittin g to issue th e p recep t so offending shall forfeit and pay for every wood dem eanor, and ou conviction thereof, shall be N o/ 45 Maiden ] an« punished,by im prisonm ent at hard labor.or other ï summoning of a ju ry o f inquisition, to cock, th e suui of five dollars fbr each #tul every Country mere 'aunts and others supplied with every wise, not exceeding tw o years, or by tine not l»i«t of th e Hijjjber herein provided, and to offence, to be sued for and recovered in an ao style of account book^. writing paper, gold ptms, Notice is hereby given that no cattle will be t exceeding one thousand dollars, or both. Qa last Friday evening the 22d inst., a IB,Uii portfolios, scrap books, copy aud puss .bb«k», rasth ken t,o jnsftirc on tlie Beach owned and held b • l an inquest and m ake re tu rn of th é sam e in tion o f d ebt, w ith costs ol suit, by any person 5. And be it enacted. T h a t, tho second, the subscribers this season; ftbd any cattle foun SHAWL, either in tiuH village or on the road loadbenk.a, slates, epra eases, t‘bo6mii«?Q. £■. respects as required by said act, e x ce p t so who shall sue for th e 8am«, and on nonpaym ent third and fourth sections of th e act to which tresp issing thereon will be impounded. igg fro d* Tolu’s Itiver to Goshen; Tlie Under will Books mini« to pattern, pngeal, ike. '■ be-suitably rewarded by leaving the ; a me at the 1 EDWARD JENNINGS, Proprietors, of Francis celebrated Afanif^d writ be com m itted to th e common gaol this is a supplem ent, and, also, th e supplem ent | as changed by this supplem ent thereto. Hotel of George G iavait. pi .-, by winch letters <md copies fire written a t th« AMOS GRANT tLereto, w hich was approved on tho fourth day And be it enacted. T h a t in case no elec* of th e county, for any period not exceeding» Tom’» b’ivn, Feb. 27fh I8*U, -tf. 3«ruc- tune. •Innr 2d;T8oti ly , . Island Beach March 13, 1801. tf. of M arch, eighteen hundred and fifty th re e , be, cost»* are maid... pCchoMcu fee«;. UCl LUDJ” — ---------- • ----------------i DuiK lo n a tv , *• « e v e r ro m a - d o v s , y o u U tiy a iM H tun» uum m i take Ut of v h tc l aum, ►pat I proceed» ol th e ante o f th e renl e etate o f i of «uch infant oMnfkut*» ao subject to «aid kte by th e enrteay j provided how ever, beI any auch aunt (ball bo pnidg tb e cbanceU1 all be aatiafled tb a t an effectual rd e a tc ol i estate by t i e corteay, haa be-u executed | delivered. And be it enacted, T h a t thin act «hall ta k e bt lininadiately. Oood tiown fbr the tTocmploycd. 1000 C hattes lo make Money ! NOTICE. Ouo Million of Dollars $50 REW ARD. W A ÍC ÍIfc S . JEW EU Y to SILVER PLATED WARE« ORI GI NAI . r i . , 2,500 Agents Wanted ! ! ! "ADMINISTRATOR SALE, HOTEL IN NEW EGYPT. DAVID CirUiCH. Proprlenr, REAL ESTATE ; CATALOGUE OUR INDUCEMENTS, 1I O N E Y GUANO F U L L P A R T IC U L A R S NOVEL CHEAP CASH STORE- PLAN! NOTICE John Buckingham, NOTICE. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS FOR CAÖH N RaRITAN AND D-B, RAILROAD HARNESS MAKING TOM’S R IV E R DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, TEMPERANCE BOARDING HOUSE NOTICE, FOR SALE OR TO LET- NOTICE- LO S T- BLANK BOOKS, H ew V «rb JU * « rtlM n sn t( flit «litan límMnn. fa titi GmBtlt* dkt( kàtm. k«t WoMil I1UÍ* UM Hauon ***/ ***'" * HI»* I Ani h it 4*U Uh- *■»« U^». W ith tfcetrtray. #«i¡* >'<>l •U**"1 K*ri eaOMefc. tm iImQw ii TmN RRAVVT. W w n **’ U m 's feo* I iHl* Mu»*» H’t*'« m f cmwIi». profit»** lè i M in ib i twilight. f rw y In lb* w* V i, *4 wind of tutuma fo * ***. HIM» e u i'l b tt tn low with iw i t|A l I ftlw*/* kwp è« »»* Aml. »«4 ln*b'«'«l. 1>* 4*V» ' A* MU* Irl, l»n taci i *M>< tNNtN "» * EM . Wttv 1» a lover like * dog I -U«c»ui be bow* «»d ho wows, O r wbat color In pr *<*, wlion oov e n In lb* cbil f WIaU i V tototb, 1» Ul« f*dltt| Irif «I Ant«*»** T btr*1» hi mil e*W Üm !*o Hut »b! a H** We I* r fee« Ami we O’er t »n# »1 O A H Y Ü H E Of STAGES S '-Ä T K 'f “» b 4*»*** Wf wai dl«r fey ife* • tli* pebbly <trend. W« Rtf \Yt*i T W &. A MARSH & CO- I MF OKTANT INVENTIONS. W h o le » a lo » r o c c i a A FAM ILY N KW SFAFLB, III. u h «*jilrff ittviH« lb* «Menu«« ^ » •It b« ha* fre e h o ld a n d H Pit*»»», f* U i* M tn i» wkiwiMI*** «**«!««.•« In | | | JuUu« *» IMPORTED WINKS A.VD LIQUORS tii* m4* •#*•* Alul Wu'ioMtfabaU Whmhoy. t o m s R iv e n t i J. mu o44 Jpffeól H Í^R RO O K ^1 LEWIS SHIR H. Editor à Pab’ «her. 7 A T B W * B U T T » » » « IL L tttjr, •«*! * IÔ3 W w t Hlrrot fill« being IM tM*!»1|‘*P r m i pH i t UHal1PB»W. . H dH«, <*riaUt>f) riuw*« »***> r ||rn<H .,h*4'I» ibeji « IWtweM ItaratoJ »lui IMihw» * n e w ü k ä a w t » nU ot» grimi* *«4 aAoktrabW’ l Itb* l u l l « TUftub'it \Y. M*r*fc. I eowvofw» * *» *'**’ r"1 . ,»Hb vaIImUi I tholl » • ' lulkBäl'i Ne« Verli.ÿN. II.V**. J FIYEMIN AhitawI«« Marah, i *«4 HMiluMlÄMli W lHtll*« I* Ww Unnici H AppWg lw « d«*T ; I I'Ttt», ta*<«> MIM. E U toi of A d fo rtK ln r. ta* in ,Ul¥ ANTAl E E s e t i r g w T O c . S. WYCKOFFÄ l CO,, IW I j | . | Iteli*.* EwAwt IBwf ***1 "'«e . Im». Imt »'.'ami L . ! i.fher pfoce* T« I » » U«c»-a»l ^ dill «fit **»|»ienj Wholesale Oiocera. Jrwi-BuU*’ mormtif, »»4 *mee »*5JT T ln Un» le MA*« I Uwe i»i ItW. moey m 4 Irtrabl lint* • Im p o rten ,T in o w tao t. »ram dlr« ■ IMMmtna, li . , .*»• io buy or ele * II»**» |ioÌ4,tUily,uft IN1»n»Te« « Um« nlWrÜMM 104 Murray Street. »wl «rrl**-* »l U**"***} NEW YORK. !.. VlaimalwwAll* Tn«-***! «r «iinpler. w< u u, u * —ly* Mh T ki IM M * ,,„l l« » r M«nn»h*«kM , e»«l mat* K tu j w T e n n i, Pt t tlrâl. tnofe Mr», »t » «’uiw» t« u»_|»op*|iiy ^ X lue that can he * $1 30 rivancxl. UaUl M f o i ber •( ) TOM I r.vitfc ■ I I 'm ! U S A LTI S A L T I ! lo U *fU M *t,,,. »*00 I tiF c u tf iltu «ain»* work rA*n»4. ri,H .Th# milk. ab**? W1 Io M«nn>M«kM »betfe. Jo b W o rk K*% .»»eh M liti Ilill Ile itU. 1'iMier». Hi 1 |,rrf«.»lj »««*!, B«ij booi Mbl« an*. ur for uKttnM'y H I 1 Milliett, mit U 1 The Butler Vlllt t>* Ctw r i i BUM«*** w i t h enow I — I n v is ib le BO a * GORGE W. MANN, IP H O L E S A L E H E A L E R * ' 201 Wàshington Street. |,.|.nne*tt*iM pUrml 1,1 . . . . itutnud-P Kt.i.lllr *l''';J"t HENRY IXHIPKII rofUfcLfwK {'(fi* rminc. ** » T O I f ll T A M * M I L L Ftewore i* the g m Blank*, CAMDEN & AMBOY RAILROAD. »ir nt Ihr America» | Ihe very fawmH Of of try J »«rtpHtui far *'»1« at vm vimm. j» .„ j f^f1Y pine»* bt*. Anu « im tr*«n tloori X*. «ttating *lu part of A»btoii*» celebrai*’»! hrinà far »re but two limi'* F o lly end »egfr rITV.y *ud Itarey’e Mwriiall « T«a\ i»m*vt A•»' nTM UUon and Joa W4,W4 n»u out Ftato». It I. tho !>«|*ert Tabla ami Ihilrjr fhciv » b' uty in U»« lltavow b# pAiil lor when ortfaltd. ___ ^ i tmU ovor oflkrtsl, «ml Gridili g Middling*, tt tar Hrvwtwlow’*» A«?., mud 30 son loi.hel» T*u K. Island — (or the »tine thing. Anthl Ú «Um ntt high, „rv.|**l.' «Il BntJtrtf. Cw*00â,H4 libes. IN-hint. t'idta. HI**, 1«Optmcuc au IllHl r Mills. h «en he «olii «t Iritgtai* prie*« I t 1» not »lw»y* the inr»t rag vil m ao Tbere*» I« TIME TABLE PA88EBCM t. n o m su o N A X oaabs i hum reuueU, -tore*1 ni «tur idmi»«>. Thal teil when »U»rt» that I* the mo»l ihibby fell«». F«r • Mill with Holt to in« 1« III« !» VIA. CAMDEN t AMOY. Any pureh*» .»I I In the h**t orderA «k"ll without* tonpueoften (>n»th ,-euon 1 -» « fijS Ä ta « m n j-rjo f IjntKfJ SOMfll. lu Ihr «lai k »tut rolling UititKler, 1Tl*e Millie RiU tor M«*t Bil I Feed . !. U n ti II JOEL PARKER, Jiïiid Vj>‘ .4»»«l thi ' flghtninjr» lorid glean ea belter tb*n » **kull that but oue.' A. H. r. NANDI HI* I*A I «i NT. P, M . * 4 * M . stoiitm* Counsellor at Law, »ely tnhlnlgbl’a boar In Ih« toi ln ¡i»*rt.ho««*. pol »I» oo*1 f‘*r «*l« Oy U»e qnuottly » no 1Ó 111 Arrive «i New Yu'h- I***»* * 8# 1 Uunutng account* will run away with | A L i r r K C T l O N H O R S E P O I * f r e e h o l d , n . j H**«th Amboy, There'i beauty la a dream. 4 U in cane** of #* *down* ««h. _ .* 44 «014« Rpokwoodi a person* credit more rapidly tbuu any- j .............. . ’ i « no * n April UUi, 1*I0."*>. ______________ Attend* «he Ocean County Courln. » It 4 U ER. •• JAMIShBUKG, Tli«t*V W-autr In r«*liljf I J ST » 11 K 30 4 39 r d© i»lgw Hl(kta*o««e thing else. M»>- Uh, MWI.- ly _______ ________ __ ! Till* num ide In-pr.i'emeilU« X D 7 Sl Er« hop« I**» uk«n 81*1*1 »•it« limfeiiBW, BIÜ h T g ALE Äc ROBINSON, e.l for driving Thtwhl»* Mudili*»«, huno [lila, »ml .1111 10 T tirt* '. Iienuljr ln U » l*wl«*,*p« Here U * very good domett! lo lo eat;; T m tH i üier uhor m rt* « h m n tk » * . F arm er, «muid by .» m io io g Ohl. Hon« I m pô t Kits anu ' HUI. K 8ALK DRUUUISTS, | * ¡ ¡ J “ •»»» HuritaflMi A C~ M’LEAN* Will. v*h«d plclurr« brighi. •‘May your coffee and »Under* again*! 1 }*,,*r«r b*i**re |*urelunlng «* It M •chnowledged. ijf i . , s 10 . ; IS » « S on 11 4« DUO l^••s v e CURdM Attorney nndrounselloral l^ w , No. 186 Ureeowioh Street, i l * b « t lodge« of mmhlnerv, to lr tü * « diupl «I FhlMdelphl*. srrlv* 10 Jd * U ita Deel pullt' you be ever »like—witbeat ground* ” Thtra'a bewtrr In D>*>«>"1»>">»“• In m J beni HachiH a of Ike kind n 1] «mie North lü rer eld* of tk» City belweeu, Fulton *nd «nt* «»«nt* a* d BXAMiNaa IH ClÀHtiWnr, Via. Trenton and New Brunswick. or County T here'«h**ulj tilth« mind, A lady's dreeetng table is perbapa catl* ...... will ... MT Tbfl aobw riher Dey streets H u removed to Freehold, *nd i>eeu|de» Il o«e. nie of *11 the above <• In thought* of h««*enlj pori./ uni un n o rr e . formerly of Judge Vredaiihiirg, Kw|.,»ii th* comer right* for the manufacturo «od TIIB OLD STAND OF BUSH AND HIIXYKR ed » toilet becauau It I* there that most A M. A.M. A. Me P. M. PM. I dencribed timchl ‘ W* all nujrlm w ljr Und. Blotto«*. Mein «treet lending to the Depot. s « 4 1« n no t) H O (EnUbtUbed In l-î",) ¿eilt’# K. Yu k 7 » of her toil Is generally performed. of Freehold, July till, 1*08. iy . M P A R T IN G S •• S Ur’iwwl*A n.Vi III 09 19 10 3 ît» t>■ N EW Y O R K . The poetical youth who stole a Joy " l*riiH‘l«»n, 0 w tl 0Ä I ON « 11 ITEMS OP N E W S i » G 40 I 31 S e w in g M ao h io es II 40 Hirer for rale by the p*ck»«». « t» •• TrntWm 0 30 T o n a »Livor A dvcriacm cnts. . S0 from fate, ha» been arrested for robbing lily ana accuv sull partili«*«1*»» c u i p l o l e f c - o r t t a e i i t £ " ll’rd’htnwil 0.49 U 41 Celebrated fur ('lii'«|*ne*e, D urability «»*> Accor ,.» M 1Ï 07. At the charter election In Onmden on " Httrllnftoti lo «te ttewlne. Delivered I* »«y l*»« « U ve:y D y B ing* B m otRog N o w anger of her frown. 1 04 7 U. •• HrUtul................. or Uceen l'ouiiiiv* el New Vor« prie««. 4ii»tr*» 7 49» Friday, the Uemocrat* were »uoctwnful .3 34 u»ly. Fur lurUier yartlcuMn* *• T icoajr............ tlun rivali « n tl F bw young girl» ere so inconsidera *• KwiniliBton, . . . «.. «• • • CHEAP CASH STORE* In llordentuwn and Burlington also, they »Ü un, or niblrcM figéthe* with e very »rtl'clc embraced in tbelrlloe ui *• l*»ni4ei»,. . . |0 4*» II 4*^.. •tore JOHN MelNTIRE. ble that their hearts cannot be kept Til E «ubwrilH-n* heve jiiet m*ei*»i1.»tüi«ir 15 R 30 9 M burine«», «» »h« lowe»4 uiurket priue. I .rnig Hr(inch. N , l4*d »livt'k c elected moat of their ticket. Arrive U b B ». D « " 1 00 3 A p r i m , l« B .—tf. in Tom*» Uivrr. » lar*«* «nn wrll afloat by a boy. M A N U FACTUREE OF linlKfl MOBTII. Mr. Wm. A. Torrey ha* recently visit STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS n,i»h Osle A Koblnaoti’* Butierlnr Water proof Frie a tn \iim f, A. M. A. M. 1*» N. B bnkfit your friends, that they may r .l 'M .tb e s , “be aritele. « long « n i Uvurably Lesv* IM.Il«.lelphl*b DO It '»• « "® SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES. ed Washington and received a contract n n known a» the itnali and Hitlyer Mai che». love you still more dearly ; benefit your ^ e Z T ÿ .W Î oY c L Ô T H i ï n ? , UICIlBIUurocKD 10 “ Camden n ................... • ITS, »'JO «»A »m e for carrying mail* over the rt ute, and or* o u «loth*, (’Ärpellng: ami Uuç*.* «nUtnr« «»4 etoej* ______________ Feb. Id. Dall.—I y* *• Keindugton, enemies, that they may become your 4 33. 11 33 The plain reason why Hlnjrer’s Hewins Mai'Hluo* *• I ilt-UUV Friday last they came from New York Worni «ml willow IVftre, lliuuiu*. Ilruahe-, *Yc.. ha\ 5 13 12 13 e « I n n sold readily st « hi* n r .verone Itrio» Karthen, Hum«. i 'rockury, l * la - war«. 7Í‘j»Kl 1104 friends, WLLIAM A* MARTIN &- C0-, *••• lirlutoi.......... in oft............. 7 (Mi 1? lltirliiWtóii ' for tbo first limo under the new con sil fi nuil ll.irtlwart», I’loufhB »ml I lough ClitUHg** han any other, » re Ih*» they jsre b e tte r; U •• Itordeiitown IO ..................... 7S 23 W i n 'i r l i l b «n*l til» » . I’»taj» « n i Olí., Itroo. «n; ble. inure re lia b le ,capulda »I doing * nan h gre*»“ You want r.ithing, do yon 1" »aid 7 U 30 W HOLESALE GROCER, Ill 43 12 43 •* Trenton tract, Meillelne». Pluaterlii* M e . I.ii»'*.l*u»i{»er a«*t Duri*! er variety of worb «iid earalng iunre nmiiey. I*«« 1 01 fi 14 8 »7 I t 07 I 1« " prlnct'Mi l’at. “ liedad, an’ if it’s nothirg you C O M M ISSIO N M E tiC lIA N 18 The Governor has appointed the fol- lo* ílter U I p. m'rùiVy. «II i t which will be sold tow the pareh we of wbat are called obe«p Rewiai<M» • . no H33 1 ■» ** N. Hri'u^wh'k 11 A3 3I 33 fur CASH or It* i"|Ulv«lmil A»[l U K 11.mi« tx 1 .1 n 30 10 O H 3 14 want, you'll find it In the jug where the lowingnamed gentlemen to be trustee» J. ft ft. S. AUMACK. Arrive New Y<»rk 17 13 chin«», have been deceived aud * »«F T ea, Tobhacco. Cigars, Oils, A c , Passenger trains Leave Tom's River. Nov. 7th, H t i O . - l y , __________ pointed, but with S inger» Machine* then) 1» never whiskey was.’’ of the State Normul School.—G. Fany failure or ntletuke. Burlington for Mu Holly a t I» "" ? j® 1 'i* CD Cürilandt Street, Mt. Holly for Burlington a t « « 1 „ Singers Now Family Sowing Nnchino. ru u s iN u .—'The power of pleasing is fo rt for the Second Distrlot, In place of Between VVnshlugtu* eud W e»t8treels, Ticiitui» for Ih'lyhlcr*’ * 3*¡ ^ 4L» NEW AMD CHEAP GOODS The «rice of which 1» only 4'*0,1» a light and eh* Ik’lv itik -rt* lor Tretiloii at 0 20 3 founded on the wish to please The W. M. Force, declined; Peter I. Cla fk, IVm. A. Martin, cantlv deewrateil Machine, c»p»iilc ol perforutltig Dec. 14ÜI. ^ FOR C A SH strength of the wiab is the measure Of for the Third district, in place of F. 8. fo H,eyb « U « rie . all the »awing of » >">Y* £ Havbt M,irtlnrtfi'rmeriv «fis Wr' J t’ NEW YORK. h-1*. a.» Is ,l. - ly . _ Tba nnieralgnot! b»vlng juat mimi mieti up the Store r* It I,«» »«care.I a «real The undorulfrefl Im ving up ™ FREEHOLD AND JAMESBURû, Kinney, resigned and J . P. Jackson for the power. ntiy cm*otij*it*»111,YK. w. Ivin* Mid Brutlmr.on the mouth» rinee It *'»> brat olfered to the I'nbln ■ ceni utl’i Rill.- »1 th«* river, with u frenh mul well «ehi-t S in g er» T ra n s v e r s e S h u lllo -M a c h in e . Afi HI CULTUR AL RAILROAD. South A mbition.—T he road ambition travels the Fifth District. PETER DURYEE & CO,, od amartment uf to he sold nt »74,1« • nmehlne entirely new In It* Among the numerous designs for a Is too narrow for friendship» too crooked Im jioTleiii n»«l I» S E A S O N A B L E GOODS, for love, too rugged for honesty, and too flag of the Confederate States submitted eonriat log of atoplo »ndFuney Dry «jo«4s, Hant and very eariiy, «nil. f**r family use »ltd light manHardware a»d Cutlery, brat *nd *' ^ 1 ; Wooden Wure, l.rocellt-, I vovlaloii«, U ™ 1 c uriflgTon»--», 1» the vorv to tho Flsg Committee of Congress, was wuie, public. llie»u iiinciiini * dark for science. ,11**1 Feed, Doot». Siine», Hata, t a|>». Brt.ntiui, Urneb maclilHO ever olfered tn themher A G IU O U L T U /ÎA.L IM PL E M E N T S. a - t1"*»'- rapidly --. „ m Wlndow tìU-a,Paini», Oli, l’utt.v.Ae., A*!.,wonld hi p huiiic iucrert^cd In number n* L a d ie s w h o have a d isp o sitio n to one representing seven rattlesnakes, tied Tif’jrin 111»friend» inni Ilio poblie generally, tliut he Ide, ami y et tLe demand fur them cun nut he fully W IN TER a r r a n c e m e n i lUIll.HF.IW AND On »ml »Rer Thursday, Sept, » t h , trata» »I» rw punish their husbands should recollect together by their tails, with a bale of cot* I» prepared to »eli tin nì ? >*>d»*t thè IIOUSEKEBl’lNti H A H D W A D K , BJNGBB8 NO. ONE I T t.M ! A 8 |i SIII T l l .E dall, Sunil.iVK excepted, uni»! further nolle« J.ewcst Market Price fer Cash, ton on ono side and a jug of whiskey on U1 lovü : l*KAVBFKÉKII0:4»at t 216 Greenwich Street, that a little warm sunshine will melt an 31A I'll I N it. , :io. n. m., connecting a t ./mneHbnrg with n p Corner of Vcr»ey etreet, New York. \ in boy Railroad trami* for lorn, icicle much sooner than a regular north the other. A Montgomery paper thinks tor^h\U*Val' n*,baVIÌli,YrTONCH.'!wwYììlSÙB.0*< formerly J.ol.1 a t »134. l,nt now reduccl to M A » ilei*,hi, and Intermediate Station». too well known ull over tin- world to nm l a.iy Peter Duyree, _ { May i d , l»bO- ly. the author of the design is a genius, and Tom'» Itivcr, Aprii ISth, lsy»— ly. .....»Pöting at wit" r\.*, ........ . •ion n hi. 4* ouueothig at Jnniosbiirg ». rti'tlun. Every »ort of work, coarse or can caster. Andrew (Jurslinc, Jr. # U. k., traimi for New York, York Philadelphia nudi ought trf have an office. he done with It. „ , , ... ... A n old hachelor probably wrote the Urmcdiatc station»» Singers Nu. Two Standard Sliu.lle-MaHARNESS MAKING According to the Gazette of Baldwins* GASH1RIE & DAVIS r e t u r n in g . following - 'T w ist woman and wine, chine.' ville, N. Y„ at a mill in that, place the t o m ¡s r i v e r Istnve New York from I'ier No. I, N, t!.,li Till» I» the favorite niaimfaetnrlng nuHiine every IM P 0 H X E R 8 Sl W H O L E S A L E D K A L E H 8 man's lot is to sm art; 'ils wine makes steamer Ki-lmrd »toeIrton, 8 ».tn., and two ,*. * The size of th - machine gives ample »pace Juws of New York are having 2100 bar' The subscriber, baviug taken the esUUhiMiracnt when* IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC for almost every description of work , which togethErnie Philadelphia Doom Walnut Ht., »I o a*l his head ache and woman Ms heart." heretofore occupiedby John 14. U w driok, in t«u. « rela of flour ground for the purpose of village of Tom’s lUvcY, would announce to the cltl e r/w lth it» admirable working qrauitlea, gl decided advantage, l’ricc, with table coniplcte *"iVòvo Ÿrenion nt « .in ». m„ *nd 2 30 p. m. DRY GOODS, A German being required to give a r e making unleavened bread at the coming 7.0a* of Ocean county th at ho i» prepared to lkcI wave Jaincsburg at H 33 a. «*., and 4 la p- m. ' ’ Since tbe m a t redaction In the prioe of those No. 121 Chamber and 103 Head streets Passengen* will be rarefili ta proem* M. k.-ta I ceipt In full, after much montial effort, Passover. Each barrel as it is filled is cute uli orders for h a r n e ss the ofilet in Freehold, or ut the Captain h omcvi standard machine», on the 1st of Oetohar, D«H, the tog leave to call the attention of Buyers, to their I ish fall.— produced the following : tbe boats, or they w III b« chargrd r*«r*. sealed with the private mark of an agent of every description,»! abort notice. I’osaeflslnp »ale of them has Increased foi.rfo d. large nml wotl «elected stock id Hood», will baaril Tho bell nt the Freehold Htatlon will ring pi All of Singers macbincs make {Its '" ^ I 1’y 'l à always be oliere,1 nt tho lowest m u k u t prieee. knowtedge’of the business ha feel« conlt; I vanta no more money. J o h n S w a c k - of the Hebrews, who is present during ïpractical minutes previouiLUi the departure *>f Mie Unin. -fitch will, two threads, which Is »be best stitch “ c - *in• assum ..... lug th will deuce i# tlic nie publie «-*a»»t•> naUafaction , New York,April Btttt, ta*».—ly. 1puum. . ato. «i__... 1 1. if. BUCKEiiEW, SuperiuU’iident. bo given, iu all. °respjets, those ...I,., who mov may favor fuM» known. HAMMER." Ilie whole process of grinding. Every person desiring to pro,mro full and rohabUi Jamenburg. Dec. 2Htlt, 13t>0.—ly . ___ him with their custom. He has on hand a good us A correspondent aiders his services as about »uwing " '" ''¿ 'T a U m a th o iS of A b s o m ,.tb e c o n v ic te d w ife poisoner sortBicut of Whip», Fly N'lar*, and collar Infermatimi &CJ * . J. B, DAVIS, prices, working capacities, and ethods ot, ng V(I*IM »V-*VSV", — —- th^bratm —- pad». Bridle», Halter», Unes, A u J °b b i"g o f » J a letter writer, and warrents his epistles in H u d so n c o u n ty , w ho is to be e x e c u t kinds executed w ith neatoeu» ami dispatch. IJgnt imrcliAsing, eM obtain it by «endino for a copy o Commission Merchants, Raritan & D.B, Railroad I M. T irvrr, * Cip» Gavitc., which 1» « he.iitHW to “ start a parent’s tear, stir the expir ed on the JOth o f 'A p r il, m a in ta in s his i n or heavy, double and ilngle^m ruesa.m ade^order. pictural paper, entirely de vototi Ui theaubjeet. It AND DEALERS IN WM»* ing embers of waning affection, and d ifferen t d em ean o r, an d p ro te s ts bisinno* will bo supplied gratis. ^ y R nf0<R ,t CO Tom's Rivor, March 21«t, HOO.—ly . _________ F IS H , PRO VISIO N S k c ., 458 Rioadway, New* York. awaken the full ecstasy of a lover’s IHM I. IIis four small children have ... iin.TsiiO.—tr ifu. o<jü Fulton Strwitt. heart.” Between Greenwich anil Washington Streets, JJU . From New York In Long Brandi, *y ^!iJ?inft?pnPncnnsnme(l iu N E B i u n la. Tho subscriber, having just completed a now nnd r .A co#'to-i'W 'ifnpftiiY , 'Mfgih'rt a“' rc t> bis legal defence. Arrangements for the 'ntll further notice tbe pawengcre train irillta" roomy addition to his loaideuco in Main.S'trect,would Oct., 12 18G0.- -ly., Long Branch daily at 7 a. m., ami Euti»,it»o*»u cently, and the groom called for some execution are being made. inform the public tliathe is prspared to receive trail Dr. Darius Ham’ s Returning the »tenmbnat will leave N«*v J a r « “ siciit ami perm anent boartlers. Airy and measant wine. When asked what k hd he would l>. in. The freight train will leave Ixmfr B un«" BLANK BOOKS. The Southern Congress lias passed an rooms can be obtained fôr families, together With Aromatic Invigorating Spirit. 2 p. m. fa r« will run regularly te SipinnWi».*"* at moderate prices. have, he replied, "W e want that, kind of Army bill which has been for somo time board, his meicine has b ‘on nsfld by tho jmblic for six of which due notice will 1|P C . P a p e r , S t a t i o n a r y , & C ; t'bristinas Roomy stabling lias been crrected in connection ars with increaning favor. Jtirf recommended tn Freight sent by this lino will have special «>»”"" wine where the corks pop out; and the under discussion, and it is expected that with the above house, for tho benefit of transcient ro Dvspenia, Nervousness, Heart-burn, Colic- F R A N C I S A N D L O U T R E E and will arrive in Nrw York same duy at “ mtK boarders who may want such accommodations.— rains, Wind In the Stomach .or pains in the Bowels, liquor boils up like soapsuds." May 30th, ISdO.—ly . Every comfort and convenience possible, will be Manufacturing stationers, Imperten* and Deniers the Confederacy will soon have 50,000 alforded those who desire to spend the summer Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints, Low As daylight can be seen through very men in the field. As that number of months at this place. Daily excursions will be made Spirits, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance. It stim in Foreign and Domestic Stationery and Paper, No. 45 Maiden Lane JY1GNM0UTH CO , MUTUAI» our delightful liver to the seaside, for bathing ulates, exhilcrates, Invigorates, b u t will not intoxi small holes, so little things will illustrate troops in active service will cost fifty over cate or stupefy. , . fishing and recreative amusement. Country merchants nnd others supplied with every P IR E IN S U R A N C E . As a medicine, it is quick and effectual,curing tbe «TAMES T. GOBLE. style of account books, writing paper, gold pens, a person’s character. Indeed, charaoter millions of dollars per annum, the Con’ most aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Com Tom's River, Jan e 20th, 18G0.-»tf. portfolio's, scrap books, copy and pass books, cash Vili Inauro tliroughnnt thè Stato, l.iiii'lings, Mtr plaints, aud all other derangements of tbe Stomach consists in little acts, and honorably per federacy will find the question of revenue and deed bcoks, slates, card cases, chessmen, fez. clmndize, Ac., nguinst loss or datnugeby r ■^ and L’owels, in a speedy manner. Terms as favorable to /he insured as any It will instantly revive the most melancholy and Books made to pattern, paged, Ac. formed ; daily life being the quarry from an exceedingly sericus one.* Proprietors of Francis celebrated Manifold w rit similar institution. drooping (spirits, and restore the vreak, nervous and ers, by which letters and copies are written at the which we built it up, and rough-hewn sickly to health, *trength and vigor* DIRHCTORS* Accident on the Camden and Atlantic June 2d, 1800.—ly. Persons who, from tho injudicious use of liquors, same time. Charles Butcher, Joseph Combs, t he habits that form it. Railroad.—On Wednesday last, as Mr. have become dejected, and their nervons systems Charles H.Conover» Horatio Ely, shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject Win. P. Forman, Joseph J . itoseli, National to that horrib le curse to liumanltv, the Delirium FURNITURE, FURNITURE, A ragged little urchin came to a la- Tice, who resides at Cooper’s Point. James M. Smith» John U. Haley, Tremens, will almost immediately feel the happy John N. Conover, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, day's door, asking for old clothes. She N. J., was returning from a funeral at William D. Davis, and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ham’s InJacob Herbert, James Cooper, brought him a vest and a pair of trousers the Cemetery, the horses took fright at Vig0^ ^ w i l l i T n Q DEGRAAF AND TAYLOR Peter S. Conover. JOSEPH COMBS, V ruM * which she thought would be a i . mforta, a passing locomotive, on the Atlantic Dose—One wine glass lull as often as necessary. 87 Bowery (Wholesale and Itetail) Ware CHARLES A. BENNETT,‘Secretary. One dose will remove all bad spirits. House. ble fit. The young scapegrace l*.ok the Railroad, near the Newton Meeting « y Applications-for insurance may d' “ gKi One dose will cure heart-burn. the Secretary, at the office of the N E W YORK. Three doses will cure indigestion. garments, and examined each, th n, House. The animals became unmana FreeltaM,Vo 7 ¿ ’either of tho foBowIng One dose will stop the distressing pains of DystßF Bill» of $25 a t Wholesale p rices.“S® with a disconsulote look, said, " There geable, and despite the efforts of the pepsia. Rosewood, Mahogany and Black Walnut Parlor fur- to William P. Forman, Ks<|., ne dose will remove the distressing and disagree niture. In Brogettelle, Delaise and Pluse. Cane Conover, Upper Freehold; Jacob urn driver came in collision with the train ain’t no watch pocket." hipan; P eter S. Conover, Holmdel; Wm- V ^ i . able effects of Wind Flatulence, and as aeon as seat and common furniture in great variety Also Long Branch; «/ames Cooper, Ho we lb the stomach receives the invigorating spirit the dis S umptuary i. aws.—I n England in 1358 One of the horses was instantly killed tressing load and all painful feelings will be remov ENAMBLED CHAMBER FURNITURE. Haley, Freehold; John B. Gifford, Howe L ^ In sets, from $‘J2 to $100. Spring, curled hair, Pennington White,Red Bank; Wm. E J* ; '¿«*W it was enacted that " no lady or knight’3 and the other so much injured as to be Cliarered by the state of Pennsylvania, ed. River; Jam es Rodino, Barncgat, Ocean L One dose will remove the most distressing pains moss and whalebone RULES. useless. The occupants of the carriage to any ol the Directors. Colic, cither in the stomach or bowels. wife should have no more than one vel* Money is received every day, and in any amount of A M A TTRESSES. Freehold, june Gtk 18fi0.—ly. few doses will remove all obstructions iu the large or small. vet or damask gown for the summer ; that, providentially escaped serious injury. Also, feather beds arid beddings, premium sofa 2 FIVE l’ER CENT interest is paid for money Kidney, bladder or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kid bedsteads, and patent pelf-rocking ©radio«. John George Nicholai, the private from the day it is put in. all ladies should wear rufset or camlet ney Complainauts are assured speedy relief by a Dealers will find a t the above store the larger,t MOUNT HOLLY 3 The money is always paid back *** gold, wiicn dose or two, and a radical cure by the use of one or and best assortment of any establishment in New three days in the week, under penalty of secretary of President Lincoln, is a Ger* ever it is called for, and without notice. two bottles. York,and can buy either at wholesale or retail cheap F IR E INSURANCE COMPANY, 4. Money is received from Executors, Adminis ten shillings par day / and that a survey man, and was born in 1832, in the vil trators N I G H T L Y D I S S I P A T I O N . er than a t any other house in the city. Guardians and others who desire to have Will insure Houses nml otlior bnilibuBjb *]L or should examine the ladles’ wardrobes. lage of Essingen, in the Palatinate. In it in a place of perfect safoty, and where interest Persons who, from dissipation too much over June Dth, 1800.—ly. night, and feel tlie vil effects of poisonous liquors, sonai p'roimrtÿ; agallisi can be obtained for it. . . Ju st fancy such a surveyor in these 1837 he came to this country with bi 1 Tho money received from depositors is invest in violent headaches, sickness a t stomach, w eak GEORGE HAYWOOD, Secretary. RIDGEWAY HOUSE, in BEAD ESTATE, MORTGAGES, GROUND ness, giddiness, Ac., will find one doBe will rem ovt parents, who settled in Cincinnati. In ed IV AUMACK a TTMACK, Agent for Ocean Counv days 1 , , ,_ RENTS, and snch other first class securities as the all bad feelings, JOHN P H I L A D E L P H I A . , Ladies of weak and sickly constitution, should June 10th, I860.—ly . directs. , , F ingers in squeezing order .— A 1842, bis mother havmg died, his father C harter 6. oracc Hours -E v ery day from 2 till 6 o’einck take the Invigorating Spirit throe times a day; it N. W Corner of Market Street and Delà* on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o’clock in the will make them strong, healthy and happy, young lady, in reply to her father's ques removed to Pike county, Illinois, where and WM. T- NiCHOLSONremove all obstructions and irregularities from the evening. HON. HENRY L.BENNER, President, ware Ayenue, young Nicolai was apprenticed to the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health ROBSHT BlilaFRIDGE, Vice President. PHILADELPHIA. tion why she did not wear her rings upon and beauty to tho carew orn face. WM. J. REED, Secretary. The above House odor a pleasant home for Jersey Practical B o o k b i n d e r . printing business. He subsequently pub During prcgnacy it will bo found an invaluable 4ften,visiting Philadelphia, ©pen day and night,ac MBKCTOHS: her fingers, said " Because, papa, they Aediciu« to remove disagreeable sensations, a t the commodation» for one hundred and fifty lodgers.— | F. Cbrroll Brewster, lished a paper at the county seat, called Henry b. Benner, hurt me when anybody squeezes my ■ A n d B la n k B o o t B®anuf‘iGtoref' thimach. Edward h. Carter, | Joseph a . Barry, surpassed. Rooms ventilated. Meals a t all Beds unsurpassed, the Pike County Advertiser, from which Rolatrt Selfridge, tlea,U the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce hours. I supplied w ith the best hours. Tables always well supplie hand.”— ” W hat business have you to ms, he 1ms put up Invigorating Spirit in pint boi- the market oaa afford, with the Market at th e door. W o.2 2 E A S T S T A T E S T ,BÍ Í i Joseph Yerkcs, Samuel K. Ashton, he was called to & position in the State If. Ladreth Munns, I Henry Diffcnderfor. n at 50 cts., quarts $1. We flatter ourselves that all will b e satisfied that have your hand squeezed Certain trek toü. General Depot, 48 W ater Street, N. Y. Over Hicks China Store.) Treasurer’s office, where he took an ao< « „ . O F F ICE, General Agent for Philadelphia, T. W. Diel & the above is true. ]y none ; but still you know, papa, one M. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. live part in ferreting out Gov. Matteson’s S on, 218 A orta &eooa(t S t / Walnut.St. S. W . Corner of Third. (January 23 Ì86lV -ly* Sept. 12, I860.—tf. would like to keep it .la squeezing or ’J a s . 6th 1861-dy. A prit 13th, 18*0.—ty . delinquencies. der.’’ -ISSP ä rara fTTfT ■■mninnî r KM sd u m ^ vs Dyspepsia Hemedy SAVING FUND. . .:t^AkiLb. ¡