July 12, 1877 - Buchanan District Library
July 12, 1877 - Buchanan District Library
hr rim Jfa* R ecord. I T E R M S A. REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. p e r O P I A D ^ V E R T I S I N GS-- 2 JO H N G. H O LM E S. T e r r a s : - 8 2 d . £ ? js: £ x x r 0 5 .0 o 0 a §• a a a .P* 1 wen*! 1.00,1 6 0 ,.* o p ,2 5 0 (3 OOJ8 J6J S26|!6 0e I0 _ « 2-g’ba( l 60| 225| 3 00| 3 75( 4 2S[ 5,25i7 00( 9 0U,1T^~: 3 w’&a(X 76).2 75| 3 70| 4 25( 4'76( 0 00( 900J1200f S7 » i w’ kal 2 00| 8 fiO| 4 50( 6 25( 8 00( 8150(10 00114 001 t U 0 w’kaS 2 50| 4 75| 6001 7 00| 8 25(110011-100P9 00(11! ' 3 moa.| 4 001 0 DO) 7 50| 8 50(10 00(13 00(17 00(23 00( C M . OmoB.l 0 00(10 00(13 OOPS 00117 00(20 00(20 00(38 00(~60 t PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, Y e a r . E ttty Cents deducted i f piwtl Y ea rly in Attoawce,~¥& N opftpor continued a ftor tho expiration ©rone.yenr snleaa paid for. §£ 0 * $ e e m |\qm m YOBtrsfn BVCHAKABT, OTFIQE—In <4Itecord B rick B u ild m g /'n o r t h s ia e o f ffo n t S tr e e t .fo u r d o o r 8 e a a t o f M a in . MIOH.. TH U R fiflX iX '•.V J t L T 12 1877. 9 moB.( 8 50(13 00(17 00(20 00(23 00(27 00(80.50(30 00( 85 0 ( 1 yearpo 00(15 00(20 00)24 00 28 00-S3 00Jt5 00(60 00(100 0 N™ ” ® 22. BnBinoasCards of five lines or less, $5 per azmi23Bf Legal advertisements at statnte rates* Transient advertising parable in advance. Yearly advertlslngpayablepn demand. Matter In local columns, ten cents perline oro&rL insertion; but no local taken for less than ObitnaryNotices—more than the announcement^* iJ be charged for at the rate o ijivt cents for each line. Advertbements not accompanied with directions us t& time, will be inserted until forbidden, and charged to accordingly. Double columnadvertisementtcliargedntelioriqoluTnn rates. Bbortnoticesof meetings, 25 cents. YearlyadTertlseraallowedfonr changes without kxtr charge. again on some less disastrous occa store something I found of yours, sion.” dropped during the accident.” “ I hope so ! Rest assured, though, He paused, then taking from his M O V K l,. 1 shall never forget one who saved our pocket the caricature of himself drawn to n s no An i s v iv e ahattks . lives at the risk of his own. Will you on that unlucky day, he presented it, not' call on. us at number 162 with a mischievous' twinkle of the eyes, v o u d ie r. and added : street, that papa and mamma may M oon lig h t evenin g— shady g r o v e — thank you for all your kindness?” “ I will not keep this, unless you T w o y ou n g p e o p le m uch in lo v e ; H eroin e w ith g reat w ealth en d ow ed , Worth of a Mother’s Lot®. “ Why, Elsie,” interupted Mabel, present it yourself, as you once threat ITero handsom e, p o o r and prou d ; ened to do !—-Shall I retain it ? I before he could answer, “ what do you There is no human love like a moth Truth etern al— hearts u n ite d — mean by inviting a stranger so indis await your commands.” V o w s o f ch an g eless p assion p lig h t e d ; er’s love. There is no earthly loss K isses— quarrels— sighs— caresses j criminately to our home ? Ho, sir, “ Of course not!” exclaimed Mabel, like the loss of a mother. The older M aiden y ield s on e o f h e r tresses, eagerly grasping the paper, which she a man grows, and the more he knows you noed not call, but please give us To the trout in Low Prices. ■. Rhatadcs to bo surmounted ; your name and address, and papa will tore into fragments. “ Why remember of the world, the plainer this truth ^ S iT ival, old and stale, , JtThroears the tender tale. thank you by letter, and also reward such folly ?” stands out in his mind. And when Calicoes, 4c, 5e, and very best, you handsomely for your trouble.” “ We will not unless it be as a les a man seems dead to every other in l VOWME II. 6o. “ My address, Miss^ Mabel, is wot son for future use,” returned Mr. fluence for good, the recollection of a r n in g in the east lo o k s r u d d y ; Lonsdale and Fruit of Loom cot !fyejisyS; iip necessary, as I crave neither thanks Englewood, gently. Sc’one, you n g lad y’s fath er’s study. -mother’s prayers and a mother’s tears tons, 10c. oQ pieces 4-4 blch’d cot 4«%37!J?r0 with Ids hat in hand. nor reward for doing as I would be Turning then to Elsie and her often has a hold upon him which he h e r d itto to dem and. done by. One smile of recognition, mother; tho young man changed the neither can nor would break away ton, soft and fine, Oc, worth 12-Jc. A n g r y parent storm s— abuses, from your sister, should I ever cross conversation to a more lively Bubject, from. A n d a t o n c e c o n se n t refuses. L)ress Ginghams, Sc, 9e and 10c. M aiden faints ben eath the blow — her path again, I would, however, thus seeking to subdue the angry tu David, the man after God’s own Dress Goods, the largest assort M oth er in terced es— n o g o : gratefully prize. I hope it is not too mult that he knew was raging in the heart, could find no words which could S hrieks— hysterics— p rotestations, ment and the lowest prices m the presumptuous a boon to ask?” he bosom of the mortified and selfish express his abiding confidence in God, M ixed with old .ru an’s execrations. county. :'ti‘ * HxSffbVhi-i’nfiHs'tfthe din— added, in a low tone, to the younger beauty. like those wherein he declares, “ When H glv rival enters in., f Black Gashmeies foy , S icque^ . He was concious of having adminis my father and my mother forsakd me, lady. -jjfjo i.iii 40c, 45c, 50c, GO, 75c, S5c f>5c, “ It certainly is not. I shall be tered a bitter reproof, but he knew then the Lord shall take me up.” e, t. VOJ.iraiF. ITT. proud to recognize my preserver at all that it was richly deserved, and he did Nor could he find any figure of the |1.15, $1.25, | l,3 o *. ' ThmtJ-lnofehlferfr1d?g1ft, o n c e m o r e ; Setuui— outside tho lad y’s d o o r ; .times and in all places,” murmured it for her good. Hosiery, H o sie ry ' l v000. j mirs. profoundest depth o f human sorrow t o ? ,!ri w ilb :li.i!P In n k en heart, As the reader may surmise, Elsie more forcible than that in which he Elsie., in a greatful voice. Sivy ‘ is lie’d rnthor.die tlmn part, Ladies Hose, from auction, '9c* a are selling ChfftriaT, t 4 A few weeks after the accident, ever remained his favosite; and in a says o f himself, “ I bowed down heavi j tTsjVcrn— (Iqwcrs-j-pinJirageos shade— pair, former price 2 5 c . '5 f M anic accents— serenade, when the young ladies had nearly re short time the plain yet amiable girl ly, as one that mourneth for his moth Blots and Shoes, lima, Cups j t^iijtujipr .window, open w ide— Pull line- K id Gloves, in 2 but covered, Mr. Vernon announced to his became bis dear and honored wife. er.” When the glorious Son of Da g and Gem.H’ l-’nrtii?]:!!'^ Goods | Jh dm f o f expcctdnt, b r id e ; tons, light and dark shades. 75c, family that the son of a dear old It was a love match, too, a case of vid was hanging on the cross in agony, b u t n d o g m ost kindly m ute— B lower than any other house a T ea«— rr>[“ ' lad d er— (light— pursuit; $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. must not die, mamma and papa would friend, Ernest Englewood by name, love at first sight, and Ernest Engle with the weight o f a lost world upon in town. We buy lower and l Mali ot i u — too inti— niglib’s sq reen mourn1iifo *sn I’Dli.- *s'ifvh'’ fiib. '-first; So I'-Qli; -shvo' hie, --'first* had returned from abroad, where he wood ever prized his wife, far above him, he could forget all his personal S $1,000 worth ol Ladies Cotton T rlum ph— m arriage— G retna G reen. l had spent in tr avel the last five-years. rubies.— J7. Y Ledger. Old man’s rage— disow ns fo re v e r— in larger tpantU'ea than any F Underwear at a great sacrifice to suffering, and could turn, as it were, U gly rival— scarlet fever' ‘ fYes, murmured Elsie,, with Around the world had he been, and for a moment, from the work of eter close. homo in our Hue, and hy I ,4* , white from pain. “ Save her firsts— -now had just arrived from Gape Col | nal redemption, to recognize the ten '*A :ji: VOLVMIi IV. A lso, at a bargain, Ladies Linen 3 discounting our MBs wo ate t The Delights of Base Ball. no onb cares for me very much ! Use ony, Africa and wished to be present Q r derness and fidelity of his agonized ’ ‘.pill man sick ly — sends fo r ohiltT— Suits, Ladies’ Calico Suits, Ladies’ rnatdeil t« give our ciaimo- £ The only son of a widowed mother mother at his feet, and to commend all ’ ,you strength for her, both to ed to his family. ■- A ll forg iv en — recon ciled . Stuff Suits. e:g bottom prices on jrnods. I Y ou n g m an m aking m on ey fast— gether.” . “ He will call about two ; so, girls,” in the vicinity of Douglas Park, is a her with his dying breath to the faith ..Uhl m an’s blessing— dies at last— I “ Be calm, brave lady, we shall soon, We can and will 3tmdo y rices \ he added to his daughters, “ there is a member of an amateur base ball club. ful ministry of the disciple whom he .r Y p u tliih l cou p le, p rov e probate.— I ■trust, relcaso both of you; but I chance to secure a good husband. Ho On Saturday he bad his hair cut and loved. G o t she m oney— live in state— §, given by any other ho^se in i F am ily m ansion— jew els— plate. leave you not until you; are free, if I is: very wealthy as well as good looking oiled, and accoutred himself for the § our line. The Bible abounds with pictures of M other’s wishes crow ned with jo y ; perish while saving you.” R I V E R S I D E S and agreeable, and is the very man I fray, and his fond mother tied one of loving mothers and of a mother’s love. D o c to r —nu rses— little boy ; .IbESPECTFPLIY, Then the Dames' began to wind should like as a son-in-law. In fact, her best trimmed handkerchiefs around Hagar, weeping in the desert over her T im e p ro ce e d s— her ties endear— O live branches year b y rear. L. P. & G. W. FOX. ] about the car and the fire was. indeed as you know, his father and I decided his throat, and put a clean handker famishing boy; Jocbebeb playing tho B lessings on the g o o d ' attend— progressing; the men threw them- to wed his only son to one of my chief, with some cologne on it, in his servant to secure the privilege of I*. 8 —W . in w a iit i> i'nr | G eneral gladness— m oral— end, O T S S E S IE B , selves again upon'the; plank, and with daughters, if agreeable to the parties, belt and kissed him and ho went out. nursing her babe for the daughter of goeihnf tbol'osf liiutit, imi I mighty effort' wrenched it away, when you were both children,.and his About a quarter past seven he return Pharaoh; Hannah joying before God B^Tepr^oTitrtl. Btoru. thus .releasing both girls from its; hoy a lad of twel ve. It does not mat ed— that is, the most of him— and the BUCHANAN, MICH. over the treasure of a longed-for son ; weight, and they were soon removed ter to me which marries him, so that following conversation ensued : the true mother in the presence o f to a place of safety,while their rescur- the son-in-law is mine,” he added “ My son, where is the lace hand C .S . B L A C K , P r o p r ie t o r . Solomon, ready to lose her child that A BITTER LBSSOH, kerchief you had round your neck ?” erf returned to'the assistance, of oth laughingly, as he walked away. it might be saved; the widow of Za“ Here, ma, tied round my finger. ers. -In a short time the fire was sub“ Well, it does to me, very much,” rephath'and the Shunammitc woman Applo IV.io’a, 1’oar, Clierry, I.umJmnl PopB Y a iltS . KMXLY TIIORNIOST. due'd' arid the danger was over, while exdaimed Mabel. “ As, being the I picked up a daisy cutter. I think ).xi‘ an«l Rvorgi’ifon Tnvs. will be sold xviy securing the intercession of the proph the dead and wounded lav on the bank1 oldest, and I may as well add, the the finger is only out of joint, not oliean. Tlicsa trees trave never been culled and et for the restoration to life of their .Tho 10:80 train for------ was nearly in a c.Q.nfused.niass- • Many liad been are first-class. ’ « prettiest, Ifhasten to appropriate him.” broken.” dead darlings; Rachel weeping for nil of passengers, and in about three killed] and several fatallj’ injured. “ My son, why do you not speak N o T r e e s H e a l e d in . “ Of course,” returned Elsie, “ he her children, refusing to be comforted minutes more would be steaming from I MaBel andUiei;.‘ :sister were not as would never think of a plain girl like plainer. Surely, surely you have not because they were not ; the mother of the depot, wlicn two young ladies en iadly:wounded ah .some, but.each had been drinking ?” James and John pleading with Jesus K A K iV I It) K S tered seeking seats. One was a very a dislocated ankle and many bruises. mysel f. j t ’s all right, dear: for when Ho, ma, but in ’tho latter half of the I marry it must bo love, not gold, that for favors to her sons; the Syroph®. a ;u i >»tlu i sweet looking girl, not. beautiful, yet i?t w a n t o f tie e -; should exam ine seventh inning our catcher’s hands “ I see .you afepinjureH' arid cannot ti:;. to id . fo r e l a m e s '. nician women venturing everything, ftf far from homely ; tbo other, whom she Vralk, but there' is a largo.,house near makes the match,” gave out, and I went behind, and “ Are the ladies at home ?” asked a and refusing to be put aside, that she resembled enough to proclaim them by where you can-be- cared for. Per spruce-looking Colored, footman, who stopped a foul tip with my teeth, that might win a blessing from him wfcosisters, possessed a charming face, s ? s m mit me to carry'ypu there?" fTXTj had jumped from a gay carriage that is all.” alone was able to restore to health perfect features, liquid blue eyes and “ My son, your nice new uniform is Elsie looked up as these words were stopped before Mr. Vernon’s door, ■ j.% and freedom her grievously vexed waving golden hair. Hers was a beau addressed to- her^ andi-met -the hand- • [ /) B E I E M B I R all bloody in front. What ever can daughter; the mother o f Timothy, Sit ty that Would immediately rivet atten some eyes of the person'who had saved being answered in the affirmative lie you have been doing?” descended to the sidewalk, opened the teaching her son lessons by which the tion. -Both were-under tweuty=,thr.e§., their- lives, bent upon .her. - * ■ “ Nothing, ma, o n iy l was drying to •x W ^5 ' " *0- ef. *- :■ ' carriage door, while a stylish, liapdOUB. &XOGK. O F world is still profiting; and so on “ There, Mabel,” said the plainest rn xs* K , *“ Worifd you object 'to. my .carrying sorae man alighted and entered the scoop in a high ono at third, and the a, n & | :.s j through a long list of those who were looking one, “ I see just two seats, one sun got in my eye, and I muffed it, you,'- lady ?” =•-■ 'V Gi S house. representative mothers, chosen of God in front of the other, so wo can talk P3 and the ball came on my nose, but I “ I should he veuy-glad to have your >B| Mrs. Vernon and her daughter Ma ca .S B . for a place in the sacred record, and 111 pys when we lik e ” , L f l l O mSKrO.*! put it over to first and-got him out.” in that or any other way, if-Some ■ft! whose like are about us still on every 1® • I “ Yes, and just see^who |Jcenpies one'will also help my sister. JCcan bel— the latter looking exquisitely “ My son, your white flannel pants S3 a ?:* g t ,-® s beautiful in a tasty and becoming side.— S. S. Times. •each,!.—One a-horrid* bid coaato-y-mqij, not leave her!” g u dress—-soon appeared to welcome him. are all green behind.” and-the other negro Ho _ hM “ That, ma, was in the third inning “ Of course not! Oresar you follow Mr. Englewood greeted them politely, Golden Words, sithy^im^Elsic-^lrei is too s.. „ with the other lady,” he added to our and -entered into an easy and animat- when I tried to steal to second, and -f^iB.feqntimiedt' as lfer sister offer.edf|o colored friend as he gently raised Elsie Avoid a slanderer, as you would a had to throw myself down and slide conversation, but his. eyes kept con -■ S -^sv *?.«*«• y-;c '®bff^jfrith,s;'hCgr6,'“leaving A a.oth&r s ir in. I got the base anyhow, and came scorpion. t-o his arms and strode .away. tinually seeking the door as though m Great men are scarce; hut there G r l o v e s a a - d R i h b o & s ^ | ^ajwsaoii. “ .Stop !” , .cried Mabel, angrily. watching for another. Mabel was in on a two baser to left field.” T.-r svatzif^ r*' “ Alas, my son, I fear that you have are many great grandchildren. “ Cannot some other person carry me ? charmed, with the polished and elegant had an unpleasant day. Let me send A great man will neither trample 0 0 Bought at the recent decline in Dry Goods for cash, I wish to know!” ■ • stranger; and chatted with him freely ; CiYould you prefer to ' have this yet, when meeting his expressive, dark for a surgeon and a dentist, and get on a worm, nor cringe before a king. An ingenuous mind will feel in un gentleman? I f so, take.my sister and eyes, she wondered at the strong like some arnica, ice water, lint, raw beef *£>■ « KJ IV] -g a g BOLD FOB. G A S H . steak, splints, sticking plaster, vinegar merited praise the bitterest reproof. H- a s i-T « 0 V • I will go with Caesar.” • . • ^ S S -s ness he bore to spme person she-had P5 < 3 r* addressfed7^if3ffasiS>is willin&Sisf 0 A hate which we all bear with the Of course I would prefer any white met, vet she could not remember who and brown paper, Rad way’s Ready W £ $ $ ? a I UJ « O 2 Therefore we will; make you “ Change*seats,' certainly, Cmsarj — S o man. How can you ask. such a ques the person was, nor where she had Belief, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, com most Christian patience, is the hate UJ? I am glad there is room fo? you here, ” tion ?” replied the selfish girl. presses, slings, leeches, clean clothes, of those who envy us. f l I - te g r !s | l § «5 seen him. . O r | opodeldoc, and horse liniment, and in A desire to say things which no “ But changnig is impossible, as I “ Mrs. Vernon,” remarked Mr. J ; ;M W I 1 P R I C E S M g ^ a few days vou will not know your one ever said makes people say things shall carry the one I hold. Caesar :|3 Englewood, at length, “ I believe you < = t\ > Mabek to3S.eXl >h<ir hea’d>d;sfiai nfally, nobody ought to say. self.” assist you, o r . you must wait have two daughters. Can I not have o g ail game “ Oh, ma, it was the bulliest O It is to be doubted whether he will j uUtil I return. ' Wffiyoii wait or come the pleasure of seeing both to-day ?” fi lit a T H A I ' A i l STO R E . ! ! ,! whi I ever Was in— ten innings, and the ever find the way to Heaven, who de now ?” said the gentleman.......... R = ?E ! \f p q s “ Ob, certainly. I will call Elsie, if said to the negro : score was seven to six. I f I die I give sires to go thither alone. “ Oh, I cannot be lefo here among 55 ft3^ SS. if you will excuse me a moment,” E x a m in e B e fo r e B u y in g , but I am the dead-an,d,dying people 4 So 0 msar my bat to Billy Humphreys, and my Men are apt to hunt more patiently 3 R l g i U f p m ^ ipVlHjti tU|ilci.WJ iM_la UL^A U answered the lady. spiked shoes to Charley Gross.” [Exit, to discover a heresy than to find an S—Ts- ir a s je' must do it, I suppose.” “ My sister is a plain little body, Jb'el^ow^could you speak so to Harness SlakerlyBobt' Makerrj ' led out by bis ma. Curtain falls.] opportunity to do good. s. p , & c. a h i am " be and rarely goes into society,” remark Is p strangers?” she added in a low tone, Men will never know ua by ’our Manufacturers & Builders, as ed Mabel, a.s her mother left the room. to her sister as the cars moved o n ; :I faith, for that is within us ; they w ill find s ll Ittniia o f “ The rarest pearls are found be A Horrible Crlaie. relt sorry foiythegi both, for|tlijCyheard he lifted, li or .in his= arms and followed know us by cur works, whi eh are vis the.ateps of the other, neath tho plainest looking oyster LEATHER EyBBj|Kfff$DDS9 The Lebanon Times and Kentuck ible to them. jf-The house to which-they were taken shell,” was the quick reply, as the ian of June 20, contains the following: The hand which oasts into the wa prov.ed to he a country public1 house. gentleman arose to greet the young ti ich , “ Wo have just heard a startling ters of life a stone of offence, knows The-young ladies were placed, upon girl who now entered. o th e r a r o u g h o ld cu s to m e r fr o m th e H O U S E ,, G a lio n , M i d i . — piece of news from Washington, coun- not how far the circles thus caused Business Directory. g ^ AZ*L X£ .ERNkhdino l^ropcioror. Under entirely new sofas, in the- parlor-,: 'while, the, .kind, l^ropcion With a smiling face and kindling b a c k w o o d s , " r e t u r n e d t h e b e a u t y . -cv. It seems that a young man whose may spread their agitations. uumagement. Kvery-iwrangement jLi, v. j iurangeniGnt made for the convene D B . A . N . V A N R I P E R , hearted stranger stepped to the hall eye he offered his hand. ontond com foro f i^uests.. Charges reoKonable. .“ E p iS p e a k lo w e r . R e i s ir o t o jd name -we could not learn, married, Cheerfulness is like the widow’s -‘ H jl just outside the parlor: door, to- wait T . W H I T E , D r u g g is t a a d g A p o th “ Oh, sir, is ic possible that you are ’ n e i t h e r ’ is* lf c r o u ^ h ^ ;I-Ic-lia'& t f f e i f i n A a ocary, south sido o f Front Street, Buchanan, I f O . O . F . — T l i © r e g u l a r m e e t i n g s o f some time back, a Miss Bowls, whose measure of meal ; the more is spent for the landlord in order to. secure a here? How.glad I am to see you !” Michigan. ! e a t / a n d » m o s t e x p r e s s iv e -jiv e s , L e v e r family had at one time lived on the the more. remainB, and both the giver BuchauaaLodge N o. Tfi uco hold.at their hall,in room? for them. While waiting, -he exclaimed Elsie, as she clasped his Buchiumu. on Tuesday evening o f oach week, at 7 -s a w ,’ a n d t u o u g h . n o t i a s n i o n a b i y d r e s s o’ clock. Transient brethren-in good standing are cordi B . P33X 21TT. 33., H o m e o p a t h i c disti'n'otly heard the following conver •hand before her mother could intro-1 lauds of Mr. A. S. Mayes. The girl and receiver are enriched. ally iuvited to attond. 4 e d 'jf f I fiio iv h'e’- i s J a l t r u e f jjfe n tle m a n 1” • Physician and Surgeon. Special: attention paid to had been seduced, and,. before mar Public sentiment is the sum of in J* TV. Ssiish, N. G. TT. 1.1 Lisles, Sec. chronic dutoasofl* Ofiice and residence -with AI. C. Truvor, sation : .. ■ ....... ......... ■; duce her. “ I am so surprised, for I riage, had given birth to a deformed dividual opinions, and of course lie Bridgmau, Mich. “ O, Elsie;!’.’ exclaimed’Mabel;'“ how thought to meet a Mr. Englewood, and idiot child. Her seems to have who contributes to form this sum is you:'’ 'know, that, pray CoDSuUitig and Operating Snrgoon for BeafncaK, "Blind- } M , W I L S O N , d e n tist. Office first ness, anti nil diseases and deformities pf the hard ..it is "to be so detained 1 .1. fear who is a stranger to me.” X M O H I i EIT, star fou n dry. A l l asked the other, impatiently, as she: B * hindsofeasting,suchaaplowpoints jsngarkottles, been dissatisfied about the child,- and; responsible for a share of its result door north o f the Bank. Charges reasonable and “ My daughter, you.mistake. This salia’ficUan gnaranteod. turned her head'and stared'-boldly at; now-I shall notbehomeTwhen the ii’i.ch i-.aa»3a®© leigh shoes, &c. Iron turning: and joh worirdoueto had influenced his wife to agree to a; ing. evils or its benefits. dor. Oidmetaltahoxiino^changefor worlc. Portage c trayellsr, Mr. Englewood.JtfriyCSri1;'I is Mr. Englewood.” mode of getting rid of it. With this’ •aetiUearthe depot. 33 tt The owl was something more than T O H N W E I S G S R B E R , m anufheturer Oh, no, mamma, but this is our think so much of' first impressions, s?'^X^4iavo|R.iv intoroat tn tue, largest ..stocjv oi view a box was obtained, and the? an owl who told the butterfly that if ^ o f Lumber. Cnsleui snvriug done to order, nmlnt at bind preserver— the one who rescued 'youiknow. 'Even-if'we ace in time, J O IR D 'S -. ’B U S ,—George B ir d w ill ruu reasonable rates; Cash paid for all kinds of bolia. Mill child, while yet alive, nailed- up in- it.; his ’ Bus to and from the Railroud trains and Hotels,, on: South Oak Street, buchauau.Mich. s e e ih M £ ff^ s ^ ^ *sfiall:no!t 1‘odli half- as:pretty as usual, us from the burning cars. I' could But while this was going on a neigh he would keep from being singed he so to any part of. the village*. Fure only 2A cents, te iu tho northwest, an dilIts< & ±^ 'n 7bm **to<f£p oa'd . aiusn’ t even go near the smoke, much nding; baggage. when'.bruised; and lame... *-It is 'going- never, never forget him, although the with any size or color’nt'u roaSonablo'1pricoT a*J*L^ K"7 1 noWhinSt?t> &T H A M I L T O N , lieonsod auctioneer bor woman happened in, and, hearing less the flame. ComiDiinicaticiia hy mail promptly answered. barber has somewhat altered his ap to be-a greatdisappointmeht if. I dpn’ti VS 9 “Will attend to all calls, promptly, and sell At as “ In the kind manner in which he a strange noise in the box, inquired BA. NV V A N H IP E R , M . D ., rsasonnblorates as any other good auctioneer in tlio C. SM ITH * M . D ., Fhysicinn and It is only necessary for a truly no B » Snrgeon. spoke to the negro. He has a feeling captivate that m affand- marry, him pearance.” county. Roaidenconzid P; 0 .address.Buchanan.Mich; Office ovor "Emery «fc Smith’s Drug Storo t B n oh an n n , M id i. and found out what was done. She* ble man to grow old, to become more Residence north side o f Galien.M ich. also. ' heart, and a low, sjvcct voice.” , “ You are.right, Miss Elsie, and I persuaded them to open the box and charitablo and indulgent. I see no ■ g ^ S B D H O U S E , O . Heod, P ro p rie to r. “.Since you admire Hind'iio’ mUch^ am. delighted to see you. ffardon my take the little thing out. The nows, “ .Whether you love;’him'-_-or not; Herrion Springs, Mlab. Good ltvoryli(L.connecti(m p H A 3. C . C O L L I N S , dealer i n A m o r fault committed that I have not com with the house. •will draw -yoU'-his^ipictjii’ftb’iVHtsf^pc sist’or'? I hope you would not be so calling, Miss Mabel, when you bo dis however, of the matter got out, and a loan and Italian Marble, Monuments, Headstones. mitted myself.— Goethe. i w m i T O E i P f t i ; Tablets, Ac., ot lu tvs t designs. Officeand works, Murray jM'abcl, taking a pencil and' somq.p.at -'foolish as-to prefer •money.‘.to love and tinctly forbade my doing so, but your few nights after a mob visited the block, 2d street, lilies, hlich. Ton w ill find i t to your He who eats his breakfast and sup S T. BAKER,Millwriglit^ftndBuild-( advantage to give Mr. Collins, a call; H e is also prepared per from her traveling-satchel4 ; ' “ BwilJ fatlier gave me full permission, and I happiness.” house, and next morning the husband per at home, cannot get very far 0 e r o f Torbiuo Winter lfliools warranted In power to clean and repair marble, restoring old dilapidated stone to.itd originatibeauty and texture. 32yl’# •oiinal to any other whoeU in use. Residence, Bakertowu, ..describe .my portrait* ag^'it'progresses, “ I" shall be just, so foolish, little ■could not deny myself the pleasure of and wife were seen hanging . to a tree Post OQlce address, Bnchanan, Mich. away during the day; so he that be for hia-benefitj.foi’ 1 -liope. lie -'itfears. Miss-Prim.r Riches-for-mo, I-say; bo renewing my acquaintance with your in the neighborhood. This event oc; gins and ends tho day with prayer 1 23. G H U H C H I I i X i , d e a l e r i u C l o c k s , Eirst-,' a -great; «thick-skulled, boorish’, I trust Mr: - Engle wood’.'will ibei manr sistei\” curred about ten days ago." W'atchos, Jewelry, Spectacles, &c. Also,repairing & W . W .I S M I T H , dealers in staple will not get very far away from his S ° and clown5s-head ' is to ‘‘be B,draww^ -'■long, ageable.” ff >• ' ,■;' ' . done to order. A il work warranted.. Store, fourth door Fancy Groceries, Provisions and Croc leery.; “ O, Mr. Englewood,” stammered SSU.S ru jifriT u u is heavenly Father. north o f tbo Dank, Mniu stroet, Buchanan, Mich. Coniral Block. Buchanan. dangling, black hair, .moustache}1anc. The stranger’s lip ..-curled into a the confused and conscience smitten.; A s -.Cheap as., ‘ dlieaisest, ■ moppy, thick heard.” , . ".**,* The condition of woman -is tho best A Painful Story. | 'veryisoornful."expre8sion. as he over- Mabel, I had no idea that—-that—” , ■gnsE F I E L D H O U S E , B e rrie n Springs. Ha-solla-fficinro.. Uraincs amU Brackets ut reduced measure of the progress of civiliza $ 3 F . & C . C . H I G H , d e a l e r s i n D r y A -F This old and favorably known Hotol is still under “ 0, please .Bto.p,-:isister,-,ihe: does .,heard'\'these'%ords, which,did hot*van . ,.“ S.p'plainly-drqssed.,and boorish a prices. He is prepared to do all kinds of The -Wisconsin State University tion. - "Wherever the intellectual and,! * Goods aiuil N o tio n . Central Block, l1'r o o t Stroot, be management o f Mrs. BoFloId &Son,. wlto> wiUsparo Buchnan. Mich^ hear, and secs also; T fear . ■/ ish, until* he-had.-secured* a.room and ; clown could be’ the son of your father’s has been excited by a tragic event. *o offortstomaintain o.first class llo ie l a t the Connty E ' E Z P - ^ A i I E I ;ISr G -. 5 wit., on1 shore notice. Gall »n d ; bo ccnvinpod. Second doer •“ I ,am glad .of it,! Perkap'sff will had again taken Elsie in his arms' to old friend. Mrs. Vernon,” he con A. U. Dennett, one of the graduat spiritual rises above the physical, ■VTA-W H.YPSR & KIHMAFT, Attorneys west of'Xrom out Moaso, Bnchanan. Mich. / . 13Lf there woman is elevated, respected give him the pi.cturo-.when ’I',finish:? it, beiKheiCtfiftlierTS ^ ami Counsellors a t Law,am i Solicitors inChaucory. B . W . H A K H I S , D a yto n , M icH , tinued, turning to the mother. “ I ing class, has been arrested for smoth a, 1 , and revered. t CoMoctiomf nmdo nml proceeds prom ptly rem itted Collar turned down, dog-eared style : Office: Second iloor; H owe’s B lock. Buchuuan.M icb. “ 'Then' a-tender -sympathizing >smile had just left the vessel after a long ering and throwing into-.the Milwau .coat, alLrusty and out-of-date years' S i: D O D D , M . D . , p l i y s i o i s i n & B u r HI . , X , T ] l O m p S D l L ’v& r.O O ., *agog rhatJKCji’Elsief fi,id ^yovusee.^that havered-.arouridlhis mouth;-’ and 'alhalf itempestuous voyage, .We had been kee river liis child. Its mother was E. geon. Spocialattontion given tochrouicdiseases. “ Please make’ yourself quite at f wrecked:—bad -lost our baggage and Miss Cain. The child was born-about; Office first iloor o f “ Record Brick J’ Residence on Day’ s • ^ S r O O D L A N D H O U S E , T i i r o o O a k s , ’ome, General” observes the hospita DtlF.BoaareRSoirsiM, Propriotoiv This hqiiaaLmj \.Y6nuo*oaflUide,Buclmi>an.Mich. great,'broad-brimmed straw head prpmined the- clothing we had-been wear seven months ago, and'was .taken-to ,<'eye31'that’ ldokedintohisown. d m u ged pYopriutors,chnn^cdirs name,;.beon.tLoronglily ble British aristocrat to General 1 tectOr rep.osingipnyhis|knees ? See, yl vopatred and refitted, and every efiort w ill Lo nmdo byits ii«7 VV-e.will' -notriin'geri upon the,hours ing— but I had been kindly-furnished Milwaukee by Dennett and placed'in O o m m i s s l o ^ 'l l e r l i i l i a n t s ] 1 present manager to earn and sustain fo r it a> reputatioa “3£*- Rff. F L jlM F T O N , a t t o r n e y <Sz c o n n -Grant. “ Put your legs right hup on have it here exactly. I am only sorry as aUnri-oluHs h otol; Q.ood Rlablos ill connection with ‘dry,, comfortable, though old-fashion lM*J* selTorat-LawittiidSolicitoriaOhancery. OQicoon that followed, but "will "onlv~ say in charge of a German nurse.. Iff De F or the Turchasa and Sale o f hotel. . - 7-17tf oouth sido Frout Street, over Redden & OraUam’s ntofo, the table and spit hon the floor, just that I cannot see his feet, but I pre Biiclianan, Berrien Co:, Alich. Grain; SeeSs,- Etides, , Green and .Bried sumo they^arc as.^loii^ as the moha pa,ssing^thatia‘pJiyaicianJsoon attend ed ;and. rusty looking clothing by a* cember Dennett and Miss Cainwere .as you do in Hamerica. Never mind i --------------------- — ed to-.th,oirwants jOf^-theso. sisters, »whb. ■person on, board the vessel that res-, married, and then separated, ',she Prints,1Butier/Eggs, &c. '’ * * law* and'decked in/cow-hide boots;\Boi Hand by "all means 'gT’A G L E H O T E L , B e rrie n Springs. ;fafterrtheii’ 'ankles*,:were «i-eplaced; arid ■rcuedius from- the raft on .which we. ■•teaching in Prairie de Sack,- ’and-’ he. the carpet. (near the Conrt Oouso) having changed proprietors, .whittle the chair with your jacknife^lyvill put them in as a finish.,” J ?, JParticular Attention Given ito “ i Eruilsi sfiandgedj-ic.wiere ctound-vinot jitonbe.se- were helplessly floating. I would not going back to.his class. .About.-the’ bus beennewly fnnilahed thronghout. The utmost cure will.lie’^taken to providufor tlto convenience and com* :Hi .know you must feel like it—yon While thus this unladylike beauty s »-S 5 f> and _ Veqetailes. tarry in. New York long enough, to, 1st of last May he took the child', u : o f goests. A good stable in. connection with tho otel. OTlsKBEP.Vrooriotor. meet the parents from whom I had; from its nurse, smothered it,-; and all whittle your furniture in Hamer-1 9 ^ % . Chicago'S fchatted aM'iamused'harselfvatTtho expense o f another, the cars hid been been separated, so long; s a l .pressed placed it in a sack, threw it into*'the ica. I ’m sorry h i ’aven’ t a cocktail TUn'ERKNCESr “p 1 & A . M . Sum m it- Lodge No., 19S V Get man NnUonn l Raulc, Chicago. . on,-Us I ' was accompariied by my faith-. river. He then -returned to his col or a corpse-reviver to offer you, but ,,nyed safely ...... A , » holds a regular meeting evory^^Monday eveningon so .nalJ>*EattV»rB<n»'&yCo.TUnlon^StojkTotdarXJkicaBOjr. or before the full o f the moou, in oach. month.. 3 m„if) ur*7uStioffr ienditdia'diac co ihpaniec ■ful- servant,- *Caesar. On the way I le g e . and ’ continued to prepare! him jwe flop.’ t know ’ow to make.them ’ ere. Kdwi.n MoKaA.v. W. M. 35. !>►Ii.AnpxB.S&c. over/bridges- spanning running,jpl“ self. for graduation. ~A passing,tug. D o m a k e yourself comfortable and .ha'dripfo*’ :met y'our daughters— ’-’ t> ? ~"i r d J. F . H A H ^ l T i i c l ^ f t kl-j!" e |H; l a i D ’W J F . E B ' T - ! pling streams, then whirling into rocky & A . M . Tlio’; regu lar conuumiiaa“ And I made fun.ofyou, -forwhich brought the body of the child tq-the'. doii’ t stand him ceremony.— Boston* ■#U$ ** * t io u s o f BncliannnliOdgcNo&CSAreiieldatMasonjc . -;L ->{f-> r / } s *n £■; J h ff)kasms,fand through grand old woods, I <am very-ii'sorry;” : murmured, poor, surface ; it was- identified by parks' traveler..'i UaH in this vitlago^ on Friday even big on or beforo the 1 M htalic and -.Casket Coffins, tho train .thundered bn. ' | full, o f the- moou. in oach m onth. embarrassed Mabel. . upon its clothing; 'the Tather^ha* '•. s.tt.Sr.7-.. ‘ M RS; M t o l A D.UTT0N,. w -Seth , t J. p. S oc.' ilcady-mitUe,. constantly on kim'd^ojPmmlo/raVbzddr on But suddenly a-istrange j ar thrilled^ "“ While-ypureiste'r kin’dly .defe'nded abeen’ arrested .for* vthe^imurdd^ Jahdi T®BMtus2valuable only so far aB it is .abort; n otice^ jj ^ @ jj £Syi \D jW ff.FE , A N , D " N U R S E t every passenger—then thump; thuini TJL H . M o L I N , M . D ., h o m e o p A t h io Pilrilciilav iiU l'.nllonpiiii to t-liQ diaorisoi oCvromBaulil -confessed Ms.crime.'-.- He is' 27^|*irs: 'a;oontrait. Pursued as anjenH; it.be-, A F I N E H E A R S E , r/ 1 otililron. * Phyriciauand Surgeon;. Special atterttlon paid foi„j , . : ,, fearful orash^vilh gfoans itn( molts pitiable.- -CQu'dition.—“ chromedfteaaaij Office and.ReNiiisncdonJPortajreStfisl •bld> arid HaThbih' Veltifia hir^Bis'fel!*' idbinea . neBldenBfi 6ni,Vi;ont-sit«ot^aoiij.luo OOfDer o f rtn o g B Taffihiitd fa iu ta iSiwr no!if«, jscahd hoUsohouth o f Treat MrMK ^ -Shrieks; flyiHg.liijiintefS; find LfOketf i S e t t j UnsMiniii i M idii < 5 il lojv sliidsfitS; 1 -j- DRY GOODS fffl. a FGX S ai PRINTS 5 CENTS. p z- o CN Yi o 5 Denims i o Sc 14 Cts, B £ I a sli?9 || °s P oetry , glass, iprp,claimed*' an,yaccidont to - the. ill-fate.d train.., .. ■, A .bi;pken'-rail had. thrown it from, thei tracjtj-dqwn a B.tecp..embankment, and ‘iiOjW crushed, .^helpless sufferers took the place-.of the smiling,, hoedless travellers',that,a few moments before filled the sea.t^. jj-T-hp cap containing thc;parfcie.s <we/haye already introduc ed, was.a.dreadful .wreck.,.fortunate ly the.pers.oiv.Mabelliadstyled a “ booriahi clown,’ ’ and . the negro, escaped unhurt.,-.jyhile,.,the.sisters' were both firmlyt;w.<sdged.in,.,by heavy timbers, and .wiero’ p.ls.o wounded. ... < -<Q,.,-he]pJ,1.me( quick!” screamed Mabel,>as.^he saw the men stand up unharmed. s-r“:I a,m. fast.-.and hurt and wdll oc.buTiied up, for I-smell smoke. Save.me. save me, do, kind sir,!” hli^ill try. to .aid you .both,” retu^edjtho stranger. . ‘ ‘ Here, Caesar,, heip.me,” he.. continued, grasping a heavyiplankjthatday.across their feet. With all their strength, they pulled, but the effort was in vain. p3o.thAri£d Then- t/>. .p.uli .away.the gir].cffrom;'thVirdreadfur-j5ositibn,after haying dashed out the’ window that th A ? msassm The Berrien' County Record; Bueharian, • Michgan, Thursday, July 1^ .1877. Below we give a list of Agricultur STATE i nSiliS. Who Ate Roger Willians, , ROBATE ORDER.—Slate o f M ichigan, County oi ’ • J> ■ I . Berrien, as.— At a seaoion o f the Probate Court, ior SARAH L. EENHEDY, P al Pairs, to be held in this State the tho County o f Borriou, liolden At the Probate office in the Roger Williams was a nativeof Manistee's §30,000 court, house.is village o f Berrien Springs, o n Monday, tho 2d day of coming season. Those of our sub Wales, was a puritan, and the founder July, in tho year one thousand eight, hundred and " Homeopathic Physician. scribers who- have articles to exhibit well under way. Bevonty-Horen. JOHN C-, HOLMES, Editor. of the colony of Rhode Island. ' He Preaont, A lexander. B . L eeds, Judgo o f Probale should preserve this copy of the RiseTlve number o f births in Lenawee died in Providence in 1683. Many In the mutter o f ilio cstato o f Samuel Dempsey, O ifin c ftm l J te s id e u c e .n t t » e I r o i t S t .,« .v r I l i deceased. county in 1876 was 806, deaths 38S. years afterwards, the private burying ORD for future rdlerence: Th u r s d a y h o r n i n g . j u l y i s , i s i t . On reading and filing tho poHtiou, duly vorifiod, o f o f F r o n t S t.., m i n i h i m s c , o n s i s i U f t . Jared Chittenden, E xtent’, r of said estate praying for Michigan State Fa-v, Jackson, Sept. The Insane Asylum at Kalamazoo ground" where he. was interred was reasons therein sot forth tlmt lie m ay be licensed and empowered to aell’ certitiu rodl estnto ifi said petition de Special Attention contains 654 patients. The question of an elevated railway IT to 21. searched for the remains of himself scribed* Armada, Macomb county. Armada. Therenpoir it Ib ordered, that Monday, the 6th day o f givoa to' Diseases o f 'Women and C hildren; and tfie use and Wife', for the purpose of erecting; on State street, in Chicago, is being 260,000 pounds o f wool was sold in A ugust next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, b e assigned oT Sliecfricily by means o f the most modern and approvOct. 2 to 5. for tbe^ hearing o f said petition, and t-lmt the heirs at law ed lnstm inents.a groat curative agent in lUiemmulsm, a monument over them. Yery little discussed. o f said deceased, and all other persons interested in said Neuralgia, Chronic Oorobro-Spinal ileningilia, Chorea, Branch county, Coldwater, Sept. Lapeer this year. was found. The shape of the coffins estate, are required to nppear a t a session o f said Court, Paralysis, an.i other tln drod diseases. 25 to 28. then to be hofdon a t the Probate Office, in the Tillage o f A new newspaper has been started could only be traced by a black line Business -will R eceive P rom p t A t t e n Dr. Reynolds, the great temperBerrien Springs, and show cause, if any there be, why Berrien county', Niles, Oct. 2 to 5. in Marcellas, Cass County. It lias in the earth. The rusted hinges and tion a t a ll H ours: thoprayer o f i lie petitioner Mioulil not bfl grauted. And . ance reformer,, is now at work in IlliU is further ordered, that wild petitioner give notice to Bay county. Bay City, Sept. 18 to been christened The Netos. f, ’ . • the persona interested in said estate, o f the pendency o f nails and a round wooden knot alone ^ nois. 'said petition, aud tho hearing thofeof^-by causing A copy 21 .. A Gent’s Frencli-too Alexis Bnckle, $2.00, at They are having the small-pox in remained in one grave, while a single ^liis order to be publiBhfd in the Berrien County Jtecord, Central Fair Association, Ilubbarda newspaper printed and circnlatcd In said County of lock of braided hair was found in the Flint, mostly among the colored peo jjerrien, for three successif o weeks previous to said day President Hayes and party have aton. Sept. 25 to 28. jEiireka. 0f hearing. other. Near the graves stood an ap ple. been enjoying the hospitality of the g [t». 8.] ALEXANDER B. LEEDS, Clinton county, St. Johns, Sent. (A true copy.) 22w4 Judge o f Probaio. ple tree, the larger roots of which had A Beantiful French Calf Congress Gaiter^ $4 00. at New England people in extensive 12 to 14. • Nine cases of small-pox in Bay pushed its way to the precise spot .■clam bakes for the especial occasion City have proven fatal this season. ROBATE ORDER.—Stato. o f Michigan, County ql Central Mich-, Agicniuurel society, occupied by the skull of Roger Wil Stireka, P Berrien, as.—A t a sesBion of the Probate Court for The last was Mrs. Lahadie. Lanaing, Oct. 2 to 5. the County o f Berrien, holdon at tho Pi obato office in tho liams, and, turning, passed round it village of Berrion. Springs, on Thursday, Die 5tb day of A handsome Froncli-to© tongue hoot, calf, at$4 75, a Eaton county, Flint, Oct. 2 to 5. A terrible tornado passed over the July, in the year one -thousand eight hupdrod and William Conklin, of Grecnbush, a and followed the direction of the aevonty-seveu. Hillsdale county, Hillsdale, Oct. 2 prominent "Valley lumberman, com backbone to the hips. Here it divid central part o f Illinois and Indiana, Present,AlexanderB. Leod9, Judgo o f Probate. E ureka. In the matter o f the -estate o f W illiam O Ifermanco, into Wisconsin and Minnesota, -July to 5. mitted Suicide Friday. ed into two branches, sending one deceased. . Ingham county, Mason, Sept. 20 to Onreading and filing tlio petition, duly verified, of : 1 st, causing great loss of property A ll kinds o f new and atylisli Slippers, at The new court house at Ann Arbor along each leg to the heel, when the Colin C. Thomas, p ra jiog for tlvo probate and allowance 28. and life. o f au instrument in writing .purporting to b o t!ie Last roots turned upward to the toes, the is to cost §59,900. The job was let. W ill and Testament o f said decoa9od, and that fiettcrs Ionia county, Ionia, Sent. IT to Eureka. Testamontary niay’ b e granted to himself. to a- building firm in Columbus, Ind. whole bearing a striking resemblance Therenpoa It is ordered, that Mouday, the 6th day of 21. ' The Chicago Exposition will b to the human form. These roots are August next, at 10 o*ctockin the forenoon, b e assigned A ll lands o f cheap Slippers, a t Kalamazoo county, Kalamazoo, Ohas.’ A. Butler, of Cedar Springs, now deposited in the museum of Brown for tliehearingoFsald petition, and that tho heirs a'felawof open again this; year, commencing aaiddeceasod ,nml all otherperaous i uteres tedin said est ate, Sept. 26 to 29, is under arrest, charged with burning university. It was thus found that are required to appeiir a t a session o f BoidCourt^ them to be August 20 and will continue until E ureka. Holden a t the Probate Office, in the pillage o f B enicn Kent county, Grand Rapids, Sept. Barber’s mill at Ashton last spring. the organic matter—-the flesh, the October 18. Springs, and show cause, I f any there be, why th e prayer A Tcufh'a Oxford Tie, $1.00 a t of*the petitioner should n ot be granted: Aud it is. fur 24 to 2 S. Two hundred thousand seven hun hones, of Roger Williams—-had passed ther ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the per Livingston county, Howell, Sept. sons interested in said estate, o f thopendoncy o f eaidpePromiment professors of “ bugolodred and thirty-five barrels of salt into an apple tree, transmuted into ti tioii, and the hearing thereof, b y causing a copy o f this E ureka. order to be published in the B errien County Record, a g y " who pretend to be acquainted 25 to 28. were inspected by the state salt, in woody fibre, bloomed into fragrant neW8paporprinted and circulated in said County o f Ber Lenawee county, Adrian, Sept. 26 A Ladies' Serge Gaiter,* K5c, tit blossoms, and bore luscious fruit-, with the “ critter” say that the grass rien for three successive weeks, previous to eaid day of spectors in June. hearings hoppers that are making such a stir in to 28. which from year to year has been |X,8. } A LEXAN D ER B . LEEDS, Samuel Linsley, a farmer whose Macomb county. Mount Clemens, Eureka. (A trn« nnpy.j 22vf4 Judge, o f Probate gathered and eaten. Those, there this State are not the same as are home was between Charlotte and PotNew GoOsis. N o v Styles. Nr*iv Pi'iccs, at fore. who ate the apples from this found in Kansas, but are of the red Sept. 24 to 28. Monroe county, Monroe, Oct- 2 to terville, was thrown from a reaper, tree ate Roger Williams. A Restorer of Intrinsic Worm and legged variety and not so harmful. Remember that the Friday, and killed. One tlsat Pleases All. 5. E ureka Shoe Store. Hope so. Oakland county, Pontiac, Sept- 26 W oods Lri-novKD^HAiR'IiKSTORATiYR R ecord office has been The naan Burton, who was suspect First door norih Of Bank, Buchanan, Dtlich. 17w4 is unlike any otliei-, and has no equal. The ed of having murdered Mrs. Leonard, REPORTOFTHE CONDITION The celebrated Douglass-Rose Uni to 28. N. B .—W o have secured the services o f Mr. Josei-h moved to the Post Of O P TH E Improved has'new vegetable tonic propertied; Taj?lor, who will do al! kinds o f cohbling on short notice Sanilao county, Lexington, Oct. 9 and was brought from Ohio to Mar versity defalcation case is being tried and in a neat manner restores gray hair to a glossy, natural color; fice building, where we shall under arre3t on that charge, has again, this time before a Circuit and 1 0 . restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; Shiawassee cotfnty, Owosso, Sept-. been released. Judge. Nothing new is being brought •W'daiiA\AH5TAa exsioonua uav mz erros l-estroes, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; re will be pleased to see 26 to 28. forth, bat; it makes something for the •g^sixttaTj o x « o r > A iin t v p xiw r s o p o n j j ; Hi Bralev, a one-armed veteran B U C H A N A N , stores hair to prematurely bald heads ; ■re Saginaw county, Saginaw City, lawyers to do and the State will foot our friends. " s s b W ‘ jia .w oq ‘ - q q i ? a 3 A V ‘ 0 T 'j a who carries a mail route from. Sagi moves dandruff, humors, scaly eruptions ; re IN THE STATE OF M ICHIGAN, . l i to 14. the bill. aa aanvnaiM moves irritation, itching and scaly dryness AT THE Tail Bureu county, ,Paw Paw, naw City, had his horse, harness and •.Cinmml) Aim iu osn .noq; uio.tj No article produces such wonderful effects wagon stolen a few days ago. Close of Business, June 22,1877. Oct. 2 to 5. osiiv itco in.ti:q ou NqqnioSoA aiojiuI Try it, call for W ood’s Improved Hair lie The Czar of Russia has announced Tho Missaukee county jail is to let, Snioq ojItjAA faqin Oj quuscoid uiaqj RESOURCES, storative, and doiCl leput off v:iih any other his intention to march upon and oc so>[r,nt pan 1[s;jjj .ioao um qj soajos it having been built about a, year ago Loa.113 and discounts.,_____ . . . . 75,4110.11 Tho Secretary o f tho Treasury article. Sold by all druggists in this place -o jd gtnjuoa-jnSDS -iioqj, -Apoq.fiu: A'q cupy Constantinople, unless the Turks Overdrafts......... , ......... ......... .. 1,863.7-1 and never had an occupant, jCjojps I'niAJ uoqiu oq -fuw n^oqj gives notice that 5 20 bonds o f the and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied at shall sue for peacej upon his; terms-. U. S. Bonds to secure oireuktiou. . 30,000.00 ‘D'n.ip sn o a o jo p p .fin: .ion p m o p o manufacturers’ prices by C. A, Cook & Co., act of March. 8,1865, and coupons o f ■ During the month of June, 607,Due from approved reserve agents. 5,301.1!) This they refuse to do and. England .Toifjiou SumiBjnoo ’ sojjuujio ip: ui Real estate, furniture aud fixtures.. 2,743.52 Chicago, Sole Agents for the United States snoijjpuoo pun soSi: ip: o j pajdnpv is-now ordering reinforcements to the 1865, will be paid at tho Treasury o f 839 letters, postal cards and papers, Current expenses and taxes paid.. . 1,867.70 and Caundas, and all Wholesale !Drn— -ssoTiquo.n j o vjuoaroto oq i ta o jj jj Turkish strongholds, and is making the United, States on and after the 5th were delivered by the Detroit letter Premiums p a id .......... .............. . . . . 2,41S.7S S aioo.Ti j-Tq uwjsas o q j houjS'uojjs p « « of October, 1877, and Interest will Carriers, Checks and other cash items.......... 1,825.18 preparations to at once take an active ‘ pooiq o q i j o sinr.pimtl ppiA o q i q.D.'O.i Bills o f other. Banks................. .. . 1,666.00 close that day. Coupon bonds dated ,foi[X 'pontiqun ion o.re s p iv o q o q i •OWO ‘PIIBI9A9IG ‘'°01'Boiraeqo uomnr[ part in the struggle. There have been 81 enrollments for Specie (including gold Treasury cer «oi[Av niKfl oajS aoaou pin: •snATjulf.md July 1, 1S65. . The above dates are Aq p 3xcdw^[ 687.19 tificates.,............... the University class of 1881. A t the nounaoo o q j niujj s * q ipn u i a(Ii.tS .foqj specified as follows : §50, Nos. 11,Legal-tender notes__________ 3,880.00 aorjoi; juoi.Todi: j p q j A'<j -ao.ipiup The following:is the report o f busi 001 to 17,000, both inclusive; §100, same time last year the new Class Redemption fund with U. S. Treas•OO' S S SQlW oa 9 joj •OTS.fqtl jsoq pun qsojns oq j ‘oau j ■©IWOfl aed J B jioa QUO ‘ B O iiid nrer (5 per cent, o f circulation),. 1,850.00 ness of the State Treasurer as given Nos. 17,001 to 27,000, both inclusive; numbered only 47. 'ounws oqi jn vun A’o q j 'sjoojjo pijJOAVoa oonpoJrt A’o q j o[iq.\v *mqs tininuq j o by the Lansing Republican: The Michigan building at the Cen §500, Nos. 18,001 to 27,000, both in T otal,........ ..............................$138,044.46 •sisieunuo nv as onos !)s=0([ o q j poflioq o.vnq p iq i sosiiosip suo The balance of cash in the State clusive; §500, Nos. 41,001 to 52,- tennial was purchased by J. B. Lip-joSnnp pun oiqiqnuuoj osp: jn q ‘ .fpoq LIABILITIES. \rappi rCq j o tiosra d u i s a u iu lin i X n c jsavs Treasury June 30, was §668,187.14: 000, both inclusive: total coupons, pincott, the publisher, at Philadel Capital stock paid in ............................50,000.00 -.C.ioao j o fqttrniduUM A’np-.f.tOAo oqj o.i n.) .\oi[i op .quo j « x 'm oq; opUAO - in: o r p a scn p l c q p p io u s dav “ o ; s ‘ s p iB O g receipts daring the week ending July §7,000,000. Registered bonds, " re phia, who has removed it to Atlantic Surplus fu nd,.......... .............. 10,007.15 jo pmnsqp.u A'p.ntt uno osm u .uoqi Undivided profits.. ................. 4,860.04 ‘ s i u n g ‘ o i s i l a d s ^ a ‘ i|d.m}B 0 ‘ p i o j q i e j o s T were §45,522.24: payments during deemable at the pleasure o f the Oity for a summer residence. utipiAv su oiw iu jsqo ii:q; posoduioo Rational Bank notes outstanding.. 27,000.00 ‘ o u s m q d jQ ‘ u oq B U m ra p u i ‘ s u iB iq jiijo same time were §26,879.68; balance United States after the 1st o f July, os o.m pan ‘A’p cq o q j j o sangjo a.vij The Kalamazoo Q-azeite says that Individual deposits subject to check 26,115.72 -jqnnrssn puoAos oq i ut uotjou posno ‘ ssa u sn oA J O fi ‘a q otu u oox ‘ a q ou p b O H in treasury July 7, 1877, §682,779.- 1870; as: follows; §50, Nos. 501 to Demand certificates o f deposit.— l0,561.S5 in that town. July 4th, a boy threw a -sip JO3J.TO0 .CoiIL •-''•OUJItA .110q j JOJ ‘ B O !ra!O S‘ E !fi[B jn a M ‘ m s i j u m n a q y m o j jS u r 7 0 ; increase for the week §19,642.56. TOO; both inclusive; §100, 4,901 to viOijnindOJ opTAv-pi-TOAv n pouinjqo o.vnq torpedo across the street and struck a T o ta l................... ......... ........$123,044.46 -43JJUS a r e oq.-A a so tp Suoran S A I L V U .T .3 pui: ‘ a' jujuoo at j o jojinuT) n itmn ojoiu 6,400, both inclusive; §1,000, Nos. woman on the temple. She fell down, S t a t e o r M ic h ig a x ,) S tN O S A V Y U j o osn s q ; m o y p a a ija p a q o ; joj uAtoaq nnoq OAi;q srrqx sjra .vv The jury who found a verdict of 18,601 to 16,500, both inclusive ; and for some moments it wo,s thought C o c .y t t o r B e r r ie x , ; S3' ;y a u a q o q ; o ; p.mSa.i u r isix a s lq n o p .fui: j y -inpioq sn ojo I, A. F. Ross, Cashier of the above named -gi.v ojoiuojil pun snitSao oahpoBip oq j guilty, in the case o f the Lincoln §5,000, Nos, 4,351 to 5,950, both in she would die. bank, do solemnly swear that the above state • X T -'C ia v K -T -OM-f ‘ P - ™ St OHS tosj oi ojupuiiijs A'oqj ‘.fop o ipd ouo j o sosop UOSK3J ajuas 3ATJi[ o^_ "uosubtr pojqnpAi ©IJS SI tomb robbers, have united in a public clusive; §10,000, Nos. 8,701 to 4,ment is true to the best Of my knowledge and aaipisa *a\Ou Joq_ ss9X3Sip 3011 ssop pooj jojq; ' usuud ipnus til ’poojq oqi'nOAO pun -spAtoti Counterfeiters of silver half dollars belief. A. F. ROSS, Cashier. oa inud s iy pasnus po^oojip noA s c S9Sop card to the effect that they regard 472, both inclusive. Total registered, pun tpnuiojs o q j "atsunoio : po.uqctuio moj A ioA v oa\7 utsdsdsAQ; iptAv para^ns Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th have been operating in the vicinity of oq uno jn q j ou p ip tun oijniqjuo Sui Aggregate, §10,000,Swegles, the detective on whose evi §8,000,000. oils 'JaiqSntpM u ©AuS aAijum^ anoAjbiisj joj dav o f Julv, 1877. -qojuos pm: qiino.toqj p o u t o q j jn js o.m ssoujnj^mjtn A n ssaadxo o j ijSi.A j —uouiapns*} dence, mainly, a conviction was ob 000, The amount outstanding in Allegan. A colored man was arrest D. E. HINSIAR, Notary Public. . ‘ pZgi *tp£ *ao^ **o •ahivaaAsno Aoqi ‘ uoijn.P Berrien County, Mich. tained, as really the originator of the cluded in the, numbers above, is §3 0- ed with a lot of them in his possession, -do atoqi ui o p f Correct— Attest: and owned to having passed some of • ¥ 1 S d 3 d g A O -uoS qS n oiniv y conspiracy, and they think he ought, 000,000. ,1.’ D. ROSS, ) them. ■ O O ^ S 'U 'K 'M S to be indicted, and consider him en WM. PEARS, }• Direetora.JI ‘X V K X D 3 H O "T 'AiPBioodsoi-vio^ A. F. ROSS, V• •jtquoij^iAV ofl^duppiOAv In the State Prison at Jackson titled to three years in prison. Canadian Troubles. -nuiSasoni sbav ^nsax dqi pins *oipupC9jj sno.ud^ joj OAnuinQ jnoX p^sn sui{ sjiava j ^—ooinspnoQ there are 891 convicts. During the •pigi ‘ ipg *ao^ **0 Our Canadian neighbors are afflict BUCHANAN PKICES CURRENT. The United States Flint will com ed with hard times and they see no month of June there were forty-three U I XB U ^ O ‘ 3H O VCIVH H S n O A lig N additions, two'of whom were from this !juq o.ni mence the manufacture o f §50 gold immediate prospect of relief. Wednesday m ornin g/ or th e R ecord,by For a counSjf, which against the number O orrectcdevcry -CoijX 'PO.TOAOO S. (£ TF1 TF. SMITH,Dealers in G rocerietand P rooisicn • x a 'i s a i m r a - h t t l i v ‘“ “ o-1 coins as soon as the dies are complet few years they sailed upon the sea f r o n t S treet, Buchanan. M ich. ‘Siuouisii^snioApuof onaunoouuqstpm: -KTp JOAO OAIXUS Thcsefigures represent the price* p a id b y dealers, miles rspn9Uj Aiuoa 11 SufpuoinmoDSJhi ed. The coins are to be similar to of apparent prosperity and were discharged, escaped, &c., leaves an 8othenoue -anti iiimoSnoo specified. oAtq 'osuo Sui ut* os p^AOJd DApiun^ increase for the month, o f 7. \mv. O A lpD gO •otpsy *pi>Aur|wApjtifuo qsomp: sB.Mj Sdnuoui those issued from the Mint in Califor pleased with their political and com . 3^0111 oqa axy Aq pimoj* j fuopDOJtp jod sb 'rqSiu oqf Sut Wheat, white, per bushel................. .-......... . 1 75 nia in 1851, hut did n o t remain in mercial position. Now they find that G. M. Wilson, a prominent lawyer Wheat, -jn p ApiranboJj oApdmQ bqi Suisn ‘ P o o i a O'q^Supfji.TTid z o j .sJBS. 1 SO red, per bushel.................................... . Ijiav noA sb n o i uodn p3{juo j~3mnoA9 -t t r ( j u s*? i kt ‘‘ sh l io aa 10 00 circulation long, for the reason that their experiment has been expensive of Bay City, and prosecuting attor /lo u r , white, per barrel, selling.................. oiog qUAi Stna^yns sbav y —iiotaopttSQ ‘sxoum^r, cAsaoa(j c§s9usiiotxia^ 9 00 Flour, red, per barrel, sellin g ..................... " :*oq uosAMrj *sas®osT<xupjg ptro sno^du^g: ‘ icsu their intrinsic value was greater than and is daily growing worse.' They ney of Bay county, committed suicide Buckwheat Flour, selling.................................. ‘o 'g i *ps&*-\0£[ ?*o ‘aK'nacAa'i^ -‘Buruati^x 'SBXoatsA^gf Clover Seed, per bushel......... ......... .......... . 3 59 the market value, owing to the amount have a debt o f nearly oao hundred on Tuesday morning by cutting his Timothy cq 3B0ia: ^uopjssatpux Seed, per bushel.............................. 2 00 <90tptm*BD ‘ ssQttOAUjsoo S tru m a jo J *puo’ 50 , new , per bushol........................................ '•XV6 U H X o f silver used in alloy being in excess and fifty millions of dollars for a pop throat with a razor, while laboring Com l otsAtta ATnxnj.q; v jo sssofiauH 9-^3ifu jojt 35 Oats, per bushel................................................. •aXHoqtpna putioxi: 18 OO per ton, sellin g .................................... o f the standard amount required. ulation o f three millions and a half, under temporary|aberra<ion of mind, Bran, ‘ S I I M oiq.^8i|3'SO s sJ 8 A i t Pork, live, per hundred....................... ........... 5 25 SJV fnojp o a g qoo.np oat SB p a s n uaqat caused by sickness and overwork. Pork, dressed, per hundrod............................ . 5 75 or some forty dollars per head. 10 P ortliness, per pound...................................... autr) ifja.\a a.ma jpA t q j 's iu a p u d s q ; n o p a om M eal, bolted, per hundred, selling........ 2 00 h AltfO^TTn—'Afreiit'S ~r ovc**Secret agents from France are in This is becoming yearly a heavier The reported nuptials o f the Post CPiaster, -ssa.idrai A|i5noj;s o o ; a q xounno a n p tp a u t a q j 1aawhero. liusirn*^ ITtsl per barrel, s e llin g .......................... 1 75 nClass.Partleuinri? a<*;»i irro. Chicago contracting for all of the pre burden, because their credit is weak and Tribune are reported to he off Hay, tame, per ton..... ..................... ................. 8 00@10 00 j o a su q S n o .io q ; o q i j o a a a n jjo d iu i a q x J.^V ORTlitS: C O ,. Si. U-uis.Mu. Hay, marsh, per ton......................................... 00 served meats possible, consisting of ening and the rates o f interest are for the present. This may lead to a Salt, fine, per barrel, sellin g......................... 5J50@«1-60 • x A io m i *h s a i v v f coarse, per barrel, sellin g ....................... 2 50 •fDwtp noA so Apu^+sisjsd pun A pajj posn ©q compressed! beef, put up in packages gradually getting higher. Out of breach of promise case, as the atten Salt, Beans, per bushel..... ................. . . . . . . ............. 2 00 asmu ft anq "^AUianQ s<nosAv®fx oip p tC inspciu J A C K S O N ’S B E S T . 1 50 about the right size for one days’ ra a total revenue of twenty-three mil tions of the couple to each other were Wood, IS inch, per cord ...... ......... .................. -n©q^£ jo 05«pvC[©A© SADijuq Apiwg x prreiiiucl W ood,4 feet, per cord................... ......r ........... 8 00 UlOJJ OO.IJ SHAV I 3UIU U Ut p ar ‘UOlfODirp Siq tions for one man, and a sort o f con lions nearly eight are now required quite marked. It seems that the Batter, per pound..................... .................. W/, Jsputi ^ssanjq ut SApmuQ s q f SupCiddu psonswraoD % . 10 m i l Tiucn per d o z e n s ..... ....................................... uiuSu x •pwno.'uwq’ pvq oq.M suo*^q ‘ [uida qSnoioqi densed soup. Similar contracts have to pay interest. All this has occur question of dowry, on the part of the Eggs, Lard, per p o u n d . . . . . . ..... ......................, * • 11 Was-awarded tho highssfc prize at Centennial Exjm^jUon JnoX saiU 07 psptnisjad soai j Tallow, per pound...... ............... ....................* 5$6 for its line chowlng qualities, the t xocUeuco “.ml htsung •31 joj ojiio ou sthwoioqi uotsnpnoo sift o : citrus puu been made by other agents on the red during years of prosperity when bride is causing the trouble, the col Honey, per pound. ........................ ............. . 15 character o f its Sweetening and ftavoring. l i yon want oa punoj ju q ‘ sjuijio’ oqf Suoinu g.vnumQ Green Apples, per bushel.............................. the best tobacco orer made ask your irrocer for This, wml same mission in other places in this they had, peace in all; their borders, laterals having greatly decreased in Chickens, perpound.............. ......... .............. . •jo'-iusq pjnoo j soipsuioj s q v iF ^TB^Uftsu pm: . 8 seo that each plug bears our blue strip trade mark with ‘ luspoumgif^f b p c p g tpuvsipnouibAU JOjXpsnu;ut country, in quantities sufficient to and when all parts of the country value since the panic.— Slichigan B rick, per thousand, selling...................... 6 50 words Jackson's Best onit. Sold wholesale b y al jobbers. j •anrWdti OApu.m^ ^h° ajo fDsjjo oqi Sui Are you troubled with Leaky Roofs— Stoue, podDijnsqaammuqs Hides, green, per pound.............................. . . 5@6 Send for sample to O, A . JACIvSON »l* CO r Mamifaciurn o^duto; aiissp j —UDtuSptraQ support a large army a long time in were united in a patriotic desire to Parmer. H ides,dry, p erpoun d................................. . ers, Petersburg, Ya. 10@lft •g^S1 rq;95 *03(1 c‘0 pelts..................................... ,...:....4..................... 50&1- 50 • Wooden, Iron, Tin-—or other articles of the field. This has, a slight appear build up a vigorous young nation. ack erel,N o.l, p erpoun d,selling............... Of twelve Lenawee county farmers M •wsiJLVwnHHsg o a x v io g " a week ih your own town. T cn n sa rd iS o u in t x% W hite Fish, per p 6und,aeUing .....4............... ance of an: intention on the part of Now that adversity has fallen upon © D O free. II. IIALLETT & COMPortland. Maine household use ? I f so, repair them with who have been swindled by lightning- Potatoes, new .*.......,,,.,.,..,........................... . . 75 • 7 i a s s . a u x , , France to have a hand m the troubles them, the most prudent politicians •op pt.Vi. j^poinpj jnoA oAqtpq 03 ootrapij rod men, only two took -their county -uoo itiPAs x* "tpmA *lira5S.Cs s q f’ ihojj osc^sip now going on in Europe. This coun and writers are inquiring what the ofuoipHJO Ap:a[duioD o f jsipotrc u p 5 ucqs papers. One fellow paid §184.25 for B ueoial N otices. try will endeavor to feed, them as long future has m store for them. They anq fuiud j o pwno X p jp u s tire x oplOq ouo Suistt his stupidity. It would have been ’ OivauinQ jiioX *Xjj 03 poqnpat suav x j 3'*!3-1 as they may see fit to fight. do not see how matters are to grow money in his poeket to have taken the on ao opffi tpiAv *paspj?Apc a ic ipiipw soipauiai snoutxv o q i pasn joj sdpsnui otp. in any direction except: a bad one. Adrian papers, which had exposed MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. 36 eilpLmuu ipi/A pw agns S uiavjx—trainqpoaQ •g/gi •'osg *-q fvaaag; ____________ ' They call attention to the fact that The following is the division o f this the very swindle by which he lost his since, the war we have reduced cur T i m e T a b l e —M a y 1 3 , 1 8 7 7 . ‘snvaA Vioivuriaw State by counties into Judicial cir money.—Rvening Pews. JNigbt *‘ Mail. *Accoxn. cuits by the last Legislature: 1st, debt very greatly, and reduced our This is the common way of doing .Lv, 7 00 A .M . 3 45 P .M . 9 00 P. M SjUOSAVB-x JO a iqcA o q i JO je a n d a q s js o u i Lenawee, Monroe and Hillsdale; 2d, interest to the very lowest point, business. The lesson of experience Chicago................ ^*S*o i i s i f l o n n l I n Bickiit-as every |K»rKensington................ 7 50 4 05 950 a q j A jsqus p p io q s p in : saa jasra a qj jo j q u a d s fion o f thobouy sympathizes with tho sent o f Oleerder, 520 L a k e ............... . $37 10 30 Berrien and Cass; 8d, Wayne; 4th, showing a prompt recovery from the costs a little more but it lasts longer. Michigan Wheu the etonxach fails to perform its fuocti .nti 'the Oity............ 023 625 1115 X a q X -snopaas q n ruoaj SuiAiaaaJ /fp ireisu oa liver, towels, nerves, "muscles, veins, arteries. Ac ,arouUl 6 51 1140 Ingham, Jackson, and 'Washtenaw; disasters o f our civil commotion. Buffalo.............. 9 45 nioro or less affected. These delinquents reqairo a medb The Telegraph says there are 654 New a j c a,\v qaiq.tv jaqum B-oSm |; r u t o jj p a p a j Three Oaks................ 10 00 70S 1163 cioo, combining th e properties o f a stomachic, jiu altera l 5th, Barry, Eaton and Calhoun; 6 th, Without any such national stock, 10 32 7 46' - a s a jp .Caqj q c u i ,{[u o q u v a.w. o q q n d patients at the Kalamazoo insane Buchanan................. tive. a pureulivo. a tonic, ami sefotUvcr U> bring them their condition has been gradually 10 46 820 N iles........................... 12 35 A . M Lapeer and Oakland; 7th, Tuscola, bock to their duly : and all these ritmeptsi, ia tboir pur 1105 8 4S 103 a q j o j s ia j ja j S uuaojjoj a q i S a p n a sa rd n j asylum, being nearly equally divided DDowagiac................... est nuci m ost effoctive form?, -are u n ited ln worse. Some attribute it to their low ecatur-.................... 1 1 00 915 127 save cost and trouble of' calling iii skilled Genesee, Shiawassee and Livingston ; Tarrant's Ffi'en-csccut Seltzer Aperient, 905 between male and female. One hun Lawton...................... 11 57 217 8 th, Montcalm, Ionia and Clinton; tariff and some of their high, and dred and thirty-eight employes are Kalamazoo................. 12 35 P . M 10 10 the great Fulino Remedy fo r Indigestion, and its con12 55 com ™ taut oonsefinencra. Sold b y a ll draggiats. Galesburg .................. 2 37 assistance. Every man, woman, aud child Dih, Van Bnren and Kalamazoo; others to the repeal o f the Reciproci required in and about the insitution. Battle Creek............ . 182 316 'iir o u iQ s s x aiqBijaB'aduij u fl ty Treaty with the United States. 3 49 M arshall................ . 217 !l 1Fce,c to Agents. $10 OutM Tree. 1 0 th,, Saginaw; 1 1 th, Chippewa, can readily apply it by observing the lb io n _____________ 245 410 Not more than a dozen of the pa AJackson...............*Lv V 0 ° » & l < 1>. O. T IO S E R Y , Attsn-ta/MaiVe. 0 35 6 20 A .M . 4 55 Mackinac, Manitau, Delta and Meno The real facts are that they have not tients do any labor. Grass Lake.............. 0 57 5 48 ~aT at rittJla Agoats wanted. Outfit and directions on each package. G-uns, .R e v o l v e r s , m 9 ?tennstree. 616 Chelsea-................... 4 19 minee; 12th, Ontonagon, Houghton, the population or resources to stand & OO., Augusta, Mafno D oiter..... ................... 4 3? 6 30 the extensive superstructure of com A t Elmira last week, a brute named Ann Arbor.................. 4 51 Keweenaw, Marquette, Schoolcraft, 7 00 638 A N D C A R T R ID G E S , 512 715 , 6.55 B r a n k a p d S top I Baraga and Isle Royale; 13tb, Em plicated government and great public Clearwater, a farm hand, put a twine Ypsilanti................... Wayne Junction...... 5 06 740 715 Breech and Muzzle Loading Guns, 825 7 45 Q ,T . Junction......... 0 10 C« S B B I E S , liff, 3>, (formerly o f Boston) has a met, Charlevoix, ^Antrim, Lelanaw, .works that they have been endeavor cord around the tongue of a valuable Detroit............... - A r 625 840 8 00 harmless cure for 1NTE51PERANCE. which cnn.be given and all kinds o f Firearms at manufacturers prices A w a r d e d t h e F ir s t P r e m iu m , a t t h e Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Missau ing to sns tain and push forward. The horse that did not go to suit him, and •without the knowledgo c f the patient. Also ouo for the Sevan Shot RoTolvorp, S3.00. lllmb'ated Catalogue f r e t liv e n in g Accom. •Mail. Address STUBGESS & CO., kee and Cheboygan ; 14th, Mecosta, .undertaking they already have in sawed and jerked till the tongue came Detroit......... .......Lv. 7 00 A .M . 4 45 P .M . 6 05 p . M . (Successors to T7. S. Gan Co.O © P I U S H A B IT , A m e r ic a n I n s t it u t e F a ir o f 1 8 7 2 , -band will increase their national debt MoCormlck Block, 60 Dearhorn. St., Cor. Randolph, out. The man threw the member one G. T . Junction............ 5 00 6 20 715 Muskegon, Newaygo and Oceana; Permanent cures guaranteed in both. -Send stamp for P. O .B ox 86. (6fo3) CHICAGO, ILT? W ayne Junction...... 7.46 6,32 6 57 to two" hundred millions, and make ovidonce. ABk Druggists for it. Address side, forced the horse to work all day, Yysilanti.................... 817 15th, St. Joseph and Branoh; 16 th, 6 00 '7:25 a g a in s t a ll c o m p e t it o r s . BEERS & CO., BiBiiDSaniM, Cons. . the burdens of the people greatly Ann A rb or................ 840 0 30 8 00 . and, when the act was discovered the Huron, Sanilac, St. Clair and Mc8 53 D exter....................... 9 03 8 22 E XTRA PINE M ixed Cards, with name, 10 cents, ............. 9 23 T 12 8 37 2 5 postpaid. L . J ones* Co. Nassau, X . T . Comb; 17th, K ent; ISth, Bay, ..larger than at present. The real next day the villian cleared- out to Chelsea........ Grass Lake............... 9 62 7 37 9 02 l, P, . 10 29 s 00 9 80 Ogemaw and Otsego; 19th, Benzie, Tacts must he evident'to those who, escape lynching, and had not been Jackson................... <6f> f n 4 > 0 ,n P°r d» r bomo. Samples w ortliS l A lbion....................... 1 1 01 10 18 It is a Chemical Compound, absolutely free from all noxious or injurious ingredients ; is q s a b U q x O U fr o e . Stix so x & C o., PorUaud. MMue. Lake, Manistee, Mason, Osceola and /will he called upon; to sustain the caught at last accounts.— Portland Marshall.................... 11 50 10 46 Justice of the very adhesive; perfectly elastic and water-tight; never cracks or . peels off.;, is not affected 'load, and they will become convinced Battle Creek....... ... 1116. 12 21P 7M . Observer. QpT FAX0\ .MIXED CAROS. 2to tu-o alike, v itli name W exford; 20th, Allegan and Ottob y frost or heat, expanding and contracting with the action o f the surface on which Galesburg............ . 12 55 1153 Z k J 10c. post-paid. N assau CAan Co..Kassan,N. Y . Kalamazoo............... 115 ' N otary PuM io, 5 00 A .M . 1216 A -M applied; will not burn, and has no injurious effect on water from.the moment o f applica w ay; 21st, Gratiot, Midland, Isa •that their troubles arise from national The Adrian Times says that Ool. Lawton...................... 1 66 5 35 10 0 " tion,-and is unequalled for pointing up., about'.chim neys, shingles, slate, copings, lintels Insurance 5 52 127 bella, Glare, Gladwin and Roscom causes, which their legislators cannot Robbins, of that city, inventor of the D e ca tu r.................... 215 Collection Agency T H E W O B L B ! Dowagiac................... 2 41 017 2 00 and bvipk.work o f all kinds; aquariunis, sky-lights,hot-house frames, tin’, wooden or iron -remedy. They are too small for what tains, Cataracts, Dnlres, Rryors, Volcanoes, Ac. A vast . Beprosents a number o f tho lending and most roliabl mon. Niles........................... 311 7 00 2 35 popular Robbins’ corn cultivator, of Buchanau................. fund o f information i n Chart Porm. Copvrigbted. Pres ware, oalkjng^ sidewalks, vaults and foundations o f buildings; ^mending or laying gas, Fire Ihsnrance Oompaiiies in the TJ.uited 8tate«. A l 7 11 2.50 b v mail for 50 cents. M. W . QtTAS.aiS ,K U tb S t , St. collections attonded: to aud ir.oaoys promptly xemlttod A new circuit was formed, to he they have .undertaken, and the soon which 5,000 are said to he in use in Three Oaks............... 33 2S water or other pipes ; water troughs, tubs, bottoms and decks of boats or vessels, ears, 52 7 30 . 826 Louie, M 0. Office n H owe’ s Block., x octk side o f Front Ftreet Buffalo.............. 4 OS 7 49 a 35* Ac., Ac. Skylights, liot-house frames, lintels, copings,“‘Siatc roofs, pipes, Ac., laid or mend composed of Alpena, Presque Isle, er they throw open their great nation the State, has taken out a patent on New uobaaan. Mich -2! it Michigan City.......... 440 830 4 05 al highways and become the outline ed *.with'it, remain firm and intact as long as the building, wooden or iron work lasts. ake.......................... 5 23 8 50 4 52 Alcona and Iosco counties and the a machine which is expected to cut LKensington.............. 9 40 6 03 618 It lies been in use -nearly live yedrs in the City o f New York, by Koefcrs, Builders, D p p p x *n QJ Q 1 for the Northwest, the sooner will should see the unorganized, territory adjoining, and 10 30 6 30 and shock corn, a laborious operation Chicago................ A r 6 55 JT ill £1 III JJ j j O w jm03t p0rfectftm] safe sir vc Stone ICaauns, Arcliitccts, Plumbers, &c , with unfailing success. perfect and safest they recover from their dilemma. •SnndnjB excepted.IBstarday sud gund*y .x cep [«d to be known: as the twenty-third Junever before done by machinery. It Put up in convenient five pound cans, for family use, and retailed at 75 cents each, one in tho world I t is sen? H . B , L xdvakd, W x B. grxoxo, They can only accomplish .this by keed; ng, and always pull can being sufficient for the use o f a family one to two years A fair trial is all that is nec ' ' dicial; Circuit, and an. election o f the is supposed to start a manufactory of jL sft Qau Sup't, Detroit. Gcn’ l& u p 't'd tica ,. o f OIL. Setul for circular essary, as it recommends itself with onco using H»kkt O. Wsriwoxtb, Gcn'l Pats. Jigmt, YZt'cw*. Judge in this circuit appointed to he casting their fortunes with_tho United the Robbins’ corn harvester in - OIL S p 0 c i aT inducements to Also put up in packages o f 100 lbs. and over, at special rates, for roofers and others. .I t States;— Chicago Rost. held July, 9th inst. Adrian. agents. Call or addross is far superior to Solder ; can lie used to much better advautiige for all the above purposes, B e r r ie n §£o. R e c o r d & . ERRORS OF YOUTH. Here is a family complication re lated by the Sturgis Journal: “ H i ram Jacobas married. One of his sons had previously married the new^ wife’s sister ; . another married herdaughter, and a nephew had done, likewise. B y his marriage the old gentleman becomes brother to- hisown son, and therefore his ownja^ ther; the son is made brother toffiis’, own father, and therefore his own un cle. The son's wife, being her sister’s ; daughter, is o f course her own:aunt. Tlu?-son's- children hear the relation o f nephews and nieces to their-grand father, and are each others cousins^ But, this is only one branch o f the t subject. The son who married his, stepmother’s daughter finds, himself, the husband of bis rister,; while: the nephew is made the spouse o f his.; auntr” . • ‘Th’e Coldwater. Republican tells a A Delaware farmer, discovering story’ of a young farmer in Orland townBbip, Branch county, who a few that bis little pigs were being disturb days , ago, while at work in a field, ed nightly by something which tore hung;-his vest containing' his watch their flesh and mangled them severe and some greenbacks, on a.fence, and ly, investigated his premises, and witha'short time after, he saw his vest and the assistance o f his dog dug'out and its contents, on the ground, and a killed eight large, full-grown rats that heifer devouring his greenbacks. Be had burrowed in tho yard under a ■ fore. he could' reach the spot she had rick of straw. sWaildwed: §27. The enraged youth killed: the animal without” ceremony, L amb Chops.—Fry them .a. light cut her open; recovered’ 'his green back!, only'a little worn,’ sold the car brown in butter, then add a .little cass to'h.biltcher, paid the' owner the water, flour, salt, and a dust of .pep fulf amoUnt received, and went on his per to the gravy ; let it brown’ and pour it over tffiychops. ... wdy^xqjoichig:. ? • 7 . ■Shad, half as large as a man's, hand have, recently, been caugfyfc in, lake Michigan near GrandTlavep* Fruits of the'fish commission. beside many other's, where Solder cannot be made to: answer. A GENTLEMAH who Buffered for y e a n ftomjNeirvbus. Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effect* o f youthful indiscretion will, for the sake o f suffering hu manity, send free to all who need it, the recipe end direc tions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex perience can do so b y addressing in perfect confidence, 47mG JOHN B . OGDEN. 42 Cedar St.. New Terk. STOVE. Fjbkrless Oil Stoyh Co. 75 Dearborn, street, Chicago, 111.' hS o n ’t d o a n y None Genuine unless above trade mark is on each package. Beware of counterfeits. S Huxuypapcror Rpapers, until Byougcjour fig ures it will cost you nothing and will sarcly save you: money. Address, St. X>ouis Advertia’ff & PubVff Co.a,St.IiOUi6*Mo. ADVERTisme; ROSS T he CRESENT II AND THE F or Sale by G eo. Chfirchill. I will mall (Free) the recipe for preparing a simple. Y sgetAblx B alk that w ill remove TAN , FIlSOELffS, PIMPLES and B lotohxs, leaving the skin soft, dear, and beautiful; also, instructions for producing a luxuriant growth o f .hair on a bald head or smooth free. Address Ben Yendelf A Co., B ox 5121, No* 5 W ooster 8 t*%N , T.' TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured o f that, dread disease, Consumption, b y a simple reme^ty, is anx ious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure; To all who desire it, he w ill send a copy o f the prescription used, (free o f charge), .with the directions for preparing^and using the same, which they will find a suns cu m for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, <£c. Parties wishing the prescription w ill please address, B i t . JC. A ; wILfiON, 47mG 194 Penn g t.‘ WiUiamsburgh, New York. g @ s*“ Lawn- parties!”. ejaculated the old lady as she* wiped-her specta - For fine job' printing, o»ll at tbs cles. “ I reckon the next enunciation Record office. will be. gingham piemics.” P E a U jI S B xcsr . ■ %. •:' Hardware arid-Lumber, - Buchanan, Mich. Liberal inducements-offered to live Agents in every City and Town in the , Address Country. ^ ■ M. c 'V a n d e r v o o h t , Flexible Cement and Paint Works, ' .aims :t 1 Offlofit ISO S . 1 9 0 th I t ; , K * w Y o r k . A volume o f ihoflting interest by .tlie eminent historian, Ii. D. BllOCKETT; describing the Russians aud TurJesi SOCIAL, POLITICAL; and RELIGIOUS HISTORY and CONDITION j their home-likcf varied .and ptcu h'aritfes. the pauses Of tho war, tbo.issnes at stake— ChrisHan against Mohafii edan—th e mighty interests o fo th e r nations involved; Biographies o f the JtuUrs, Statesmen and Generals; all RICHLY ILLUSTRATED. The booh MILLIONS NEED NOW. Wanted instantly, G.OOti agents. on very liberal torms, Address HUBBAltD: BROS, Publishers, 36 La Salle St j Cliicago, HI. 10w5 Your old Clothes! Gan be beautifully DYED oi- CLEANED and REPAIR ED; at tuning evpouso. Ex pressed C - 0 . D . C O O K RZc AIST, 80 Z) onrb oru s lrc ct.C h ica s o , 1 0 7 N o r t h S i x i l i S t., S t . I ,o u l H , i U o . N . B .— Ladles* Dresses, SacqUes,-.Shawls, etc.,, dyed andcleaned,. - Jr-fit . .> 7 liw-i A W ONDERFUL REM EDY. Try Dr. Woodburyifl Dyspepsia or Headach Lozencos, .und bo cured. These Lozenges tra ilio re&uUoi thirty* ilvo years* study and experiment in an extensive nifcoitwl X»racticc. and as far atrthey have been liriily tried tlu-y hive nevtr fdilotl to cure d^spepsiu in nil its forms stsgoa, such as Hoartbnrn, DistresEcd or Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, IHatulency, Oostiveness, Bad Breath, Lias oi Appetito aud tho lik o. They are pleasant to tho taste, convenient to take, and an invaluable r»*medy for Stomach, Li ror, Kidney aucV Urinary oomplaiuts. For stile by all Druggists. Atldress A . K . TINlCHA.5f, Chicago, 20w4 Book-keepers, Reporters, ' Operators, School Teachers, A t Great BXcrcantUo College, Keokuk, Iowa* MQBTEY TO M A H SUMS TO SUIT, on approved throe to five yoare, IXfrom rusl oBtate .ecurltj ALSO,- HEAL. ESTATE AGENT * A- - UXOS52N LEGOEE w u n ‘ %I-h ’ ,FI6“ . - 4Sf Bnou»b«i f •..£___ __ The company who word to futnish T iie South Bend Tribune says that thirty-two telegraph poles on the C, Hiles with water1 from Barron Bake & 1 . D. Railway, a few miles north find it necessary to build a standpipe, of that place,, were shattered by light in order to got "force enough to throw THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 1817ning a few* days since. Twenty-five the water from the hydrants to tho tops of the buildings, ,and', by order of them stood in succession. T o A d v e r t is e r s . of .the Common Council, will act ac Tho “ Record” is the best: Advertising Medium in; Sonth-'woster n Michigan, hav On Tuesday morning, while Prod. cordinglying; the- largest circulation o f a n y other "Warren and Mr. Schram were work paper in. this hart o f the Stato. M r . D. E. B eardsley is selling a ing, at: Mr- Wcisgcrbcr’s mill, the kind of toilet soap called “ Pino Tar Accent*. scaffold upon, which they wore sfcantling gave away, precipitating them to Soap', ’ that is a pretty-good thing for Goo. P. Eoivoll & Oo., 41 Park Row, N, T., S; M. PettizgiU; St Park Row, N. Y., and the ground, a distance of about twelve persons who work about machinery Rowell Si Ghesman, St. Louis, Missouri, are and get wheel grcasc on their hands. aur authorized agents to eontraet for advertis feet. Both were somewhat injured. It is rather ungainly lookings stuff, ing;, at our lowest rates, Lot, the> columns' of tho Bk r r is x U o v n s y R e c o r d : T he; corrected; time card of the but it will take off the dirt. Michigan. Central will he found in an other column. It has keen omitted T he Smith Bros., a firm of Hills two or three woeke,^ for the reason dale; horse dealers, shipped a carload that the company did not furnishus of coach horses to England recently. with-tho correction. Rothing like a business that will ■ -----•W liac.i S E L t .— work both ways equally well. A man in this place shipped horses from Eng T h e r e will he a basket picnic b y land here, arid thought he was doing the young people of this county, at B O O T S! SH O E S! Berrien Springs Thursday, August a good business. fifctu A ll o f the ‘young ladies and « f Actlcrst H I T S ! C A B S ! gentlemen of tho county who can arc Remaining la the 0lti.ee nfe Buchanan, expected to ho present, as a good ‘Wedbcsdoy, July tlth,I’ oafc 1877. time is expected. 1 * Horst, Mary Smith, Jfury lira. B e a d y -M a d e C lo th in g * ! Flint, A. 31. Shcrwine, John Weaver, Wnv.-~2 Grasshoppers are still on the war Gifford. Swah Hull, Nettie Weisor, 'Frederick G-ents’ Furnishing Goods! path on two or three farms near Ber Parker, A.ngiuta Tcigler, Barbara A. . rien Springs. They fiat everything Ritchie, Mary but the corn, which they do not seem This list is published iree for the information CHEAPER THAH ANYBODY. to relish. They do riot seem inclined of the renders of tin: Record, therefore them is no charge for delivery of fetters advertised to travel, but confine their operations heroin. B O Y S C L O T H IN G A S P E C I A L T Y . Persons \vill," li.owcver, in claiming to their first stopping place. any of the above, eill for “advertised letters,’’ p e r m it R eco rd IOBLE1 NOBLE! y . C A S H ! G 4 S H ! Capt. A , 0. B artlett was at homelast Saturday. L- P. & Q. W. P ox have a new ad vertisemenfc this week on first page. B ikglaus have been making a raid in Kiles lately. Miss L ura D utton is visiting re latives and friends in. Laporte. .Da v i d C o m l y , a former resident of this village, died: at Niles, on Tues day night of last week- D odd & S on now languish in the shade o f a fine awning over the front o f their drug store. Silas Y ork, of Mnncelona, Mi civ., formerly of Baker town is back on a visit this week. 'i'UE bridge at the foot o f Day’ Avenue is being rebuilt in a good and substantial manner. K ukUmders and kramp kolik -.magain in the market, "Will yon haw a dost* ? M rs. S alute H artman, o f "South Bend, has been visiting relatives in Buchanan for a few days. T he. St. Joseph people complinseriously of tramps in their town Set them to work. T he Niles District M. E Goi.f-r ence will be held at Paw Paw thiyear, August 2Rtb, 20th and. 30th. Huckleberries a* d milk wil* he a rarity this year, ns the hc-rry crop failed to connect. A dwelling house near Heath’s corners, near Benton Harbor, belong ing to Mr. King, of Sodus township, was burned Monday evening. , , ..i_. ,1^, ■|I -C .QgT»— . E , 0 . O utfits ' arrived home from California Tuesday morning, and will try Buchanan lire awhile now f o r a change.. Mu. and M rs. Cjiauncky S abin, a hoy. Weight, T§ pounds: Time, Sunday evening, father, mother and hoy doing well. T ee liquor dealers are now prepare ing their new bonds for acceptance by the authorities, in accordance with the now law. T ee heavy rains have made the ground in many o f the wheat fields so soft that it is almost impossible to use reapers in cutting. N . U , M k h r u .i ., P . M. The Michigan Central wood sheds in Dayton have been removed, and an effort will be made to have the pass enger house moved to where they were. It would bo a far more pleasant and convenient place than where it now stands. The hard times press very heavily on newspapers. Wo may soon find it necessary to prune our exchange list. The samo matter comes to us 50 times Over iu newspapers with one side pat on ted, while their other side often is not worth patenting.—Lansing Re Some boy entered the room former ly occupied aa tho R ecord office, and took from a form on one of the “ gal leys" loft there, a handful o f fine job typo. If the parents o( this boy will see that they are r* turned, they will render ns a great lav. r, as the few missing typo spoiled a font that cost §10 or §12, and that we use quite frequently in our job work. Mr . A . D. C heney returned from California on Monday evening. lie reports having had u fine trip. l»ut docs not think that is the country for publican. him to hvo in. lie left Dr. Myers at, R ev. J, «L R oe, o f this place, has Quincy, Cal,, where- ho was visiting a young swarm of bees that com his brother who is very sirfe, and as menced work three weeks two, and soon as he recovers- tftc Doctor will since that time they, have filled their pick up his “ grip sack" and return hive and the boxes and produced a home. new swarm. The honey from the T ub grist uuli at Dayi«»ii has boxes sold for §2,50, at 15 cents; per changed hands, being 'purchased by pound. Messrs. Pope & Tormey <»f Niles, who Q uite: a lively game lias been ap intend to m,ike flour to n'up In-ai-les ing on iu the vicinitv of Mnir.Wa doing their custom work. A, J. Glover & Son, who have bn-n running null, ■south-west of Dayton, at hunt ing counterfeiters. At last, accounts the mill, talk of putting up and op erating a mill ut Golien. all of tho gang had been captured ex espting one, and ho was in pretty T he Indt'pendeni of Three Oaks, close quarters. Another gang was recently bagged by the U. S. Mar after copying our" notice o f the early death of the Watervliefc -Journal,shal. a few miles south o f Lapartc. adds t “ The man who would with The Odd Bellows of Michigan Gity' hold the miserable pittance due a are to build a public hall, to cost §7,- country newspaper, is more dishonest 400. A firm in Muskegon has tho than a highwayman, meaner than him who robs a hen roost, and as devoid job. of conscience, graco and honor, as How is when wc arc getting our the public harlot, or midnight gravohot wearhev. When tin the mercury gets robher. I f there is one mean act up to 90 or 100 in -the shade, it makes that wo detest more than another and a man feci like working with his coat from which wo would most fervently pray ‘ Good Lord deliver u s ;’ it is tho off or not at all. murdering of a new’spaper and worse S ymptoms .of po’ aco rot arc beerm- than killing its editor and publishers, ing apparent in this vicinity, and i f by witholding the subscription when we have much more ‘ rain and Lot due.” That editor must know how weather this summer," there will be a it is, himself. Perhaps from sad ex scarcity that will make pretty high perience. prices in the fall. P rolific B ees.— Mr. W. H- Vin One of our subscribers, near Ber cent of this placehas a swarm Of bees rien Springs, informs us that in that one year old that has done some pret They vicinity the wheat crop is badly dam ty good work this season. aged by the Hessian fly. They will put seventy pounds of honey in the not work badly on wheat sown as late upper part pf the hive before the 10th as the. 10th or 20ch of September, of June, then swarmed. The next day they swarmed again and the third ry it two or three years. day after again. . Since that, thirtyS pencer & B arnes, are. now mak six pounds of extracted honey wus ing walnut moulding for picture taken from the lower part of tho hive, frames, that compares-very favorably and now the lower part of the hive is with that made in any o f the large- full. The first young swarm has eighty pounds of honey in their Mvecities. Theother two swarms are good, strong swarms and are doing well.°He started T he St. Joseph Serald puts in an in the spring with twelve swarms and appearance again this week, notwith now has thirty-one. lie has-sold 150 standing the total destruction o f the pounds of comb honey and has 150 office and material by fire, only a few pounds o f extracted honey now on days Bincc. The printing is done at hand, and there is now in tho hives the Times office in Benton Harbor. 394 pounds ready for market. JonN W eisgerber is .building a new roof on his "brick.saw mill on Oak Street, in place of the one burned off a few Weeks since. This is rather an H a r v e s t in g was done in J"une in improvement over- the old one as he is some parts o f this State this year. -giving it more pitch and building- it About two weeks earlier than last stronger:. • year. T hreshers are now busy repairing their machinery for the. coming work on the wheat crops, which will be t ready for* them, in a few/ days now. - Miss. Cora E plt has; returned ’frorp her school in Charlotte, where she-has been the last four or five months:. D r . B oyce, o f Bridgman,, informs us that he: expects to> get over five hundred bushels o f raspberries from his patch of about two acres, this years. One bov in this place still carries hjs? hand in a rag in consequence of a little experiment with some powder, a match box and some fire, on the fourth. So goes the world. 1 > The boys of Capt. Finley’s Bat tery," of Hiles, went to Marshal to spend. the Fourth," and report a grand good time. They say they couldn’ t spend any money, being told in every instance that what they wanted was paid for. -Than . H amilton sold several of the Wood Reapers with the self bind ing attachment, this season. Some of the purchasers seem to be dissatisfied with the machines and are returning them. Whether the trouble is with the machine or the operator is a ques tion. Yesterday one that had been M ean.,—M. H. Merrill’s valuable returned the day before was taken to bird-dog was poisoned last evening by Mr. Pears’ fann and there worked like some person who evidently has the a charm, and in places where they bump of meanness well developed in were sold last year they give good him. A man who will commit such satisfaction. an act is mean enough to commit al most any other crime:. T he Lansing Republican gives the following recipe for- a potato bug- an O ur friends will please remember tidote : Two and.o'rierhalf pourids o f that the. R e c o r d office can now- ho alum dissolved in a barrel of water found in the Post Office buildings on and sprinkled on: the vines: Whether Oak Street,, and that onr latch string it is good or not will be better known fa in the proper position to be pulled. upon trial: D ied.— Sanborn Tennv, Professor of Geology, in Williams College, Mas sachusetts, died in a congestive chill,at his sister’s (Mrs. Hudson) residence, in the Bend of the River, on Monday evening last. Mr. Tenny was one of the leading geologists of the world. His remains, were sent to" his home, byexpm s, Tuesday-evening. The authorities- of South Bend have Tom: Cottrell in limbo again. This time, as before, for assault with intent to kill, and with a fair pros pect of sending him‘ to Michigan Gity again. L S ecord, the man who' started the M r..anD'Mrs..Jesse:Hemmingway, Bloomingdale Tidings, is publishing .near St. Joseph, celebrated: their a paper iu Ypsilanti called^ the Sal golden wedding July-2d last. Those ine Oracle. He has started two or who -celebrate this anniversary are three papers since but is always lucky very few: . • • enough to^scll .them. A purse of 8100 was made up in; „B ast week Marshal E vuds got on St: Joseph for tho Benton Harbor firemen for their services- during the track: of a gang of burglars, in this late fire in that, place. Rretty good place, and on Saturday evening ar rested- onc.of them on'-suspicion and pay for a short job. put him in tho “ cooler.” . H e had an examiriatidn Tuesday morning, -but r4r We have.at last got our* traps mov there being no cause for action, he ed to our own building, on Oak street, was ^released.. ..'JYh’en.arrested he'had , and are now better than ever prepaf-^ ,a revolver , and a knife, about a foot ed to’ do " all kinds .of job printing^ long- strapped 'to-him-, which, looked: from a.small’ label to’a fullshcetfpost- ■t r J oseph B rown and I ra M cManners, of Marcellus, Cass county, are: now resting in jail ,.at" Cassopolis, awaiting trial for stoalihg eighty-six lichees of wool.from a barn, near Gassopolis. A Mrs. Brown V a s arrested for receiving the stolen property, and was released, on- §000 bonds to appear for trial:. -■ • • • .V r .. -,o i'." W " . . v - - 1* Locals. M r s . Smith Was tjWined i™ r .* : -:i . r- . : Good Jap tea, three pounds for one' dolltfr,.at Smith & Son’s. B. P. JB.-.-B! $20,000! In Solid Casli! Given Away! uncon For u se in bathing and sponging scious state dur'Rbi^^^^f the night, - ffliat the Bilious Require. the sick, especially in all eases o f Slio will probirPy recover. Both : Since loipidity o f flie liver ia'tlio cliilo bodies wore- recovered on Suifilftjfwf j cause of disorder,s it.ia.evidont that whaf• fever, Terry’s Salicylic Soap-is inval B', P. B. 3! $20,0001. In Solid Cash! Given Away! Lake Shore.2fews. _ • ■*- •’ ' J.’-, ; the- bilious require is an alterative stimn: uable; cooling ioothing, -refreshing, 1i lb:S lani; which will-,larouee ltito-activitv, an- at the same time 'purifying ‘‘tlie’i'air of AKKVA!. SOHOOT, HSE'ITSn. • ■ effect that, is followeiljby-" llte.- disappear: the sick-room.. The annual school meeting, for this ance . of the-various symptoms indicative B/P. B. 3! $20,000! In Solid Cash! Given Away!„ district was held at the Hnion School •.of., derangement:, •llostetter’s ’Stomach > : S 'C k 'U V la U . S j - l 'l m V S . A l c n l l o l i C 'I'O IliC M , It has' boon a' desidoratmn with the House on Monday evening. As but Bitters invariably-achieve the primary re few were in attendance, the business sult -mentioned; ’besides remo_virfg,:the con- ■medical - piofession to procure, a prepara was done up with dispatch. The Di slipation,^-flatulence, heart-bmrn, yellow tion of iron leso objectionable, than.auy of rector’s annual report shows that ness o f' th'e.skiri and whites of'Jlio eyes, those now in use1, which often produce - unfavorable beffects ,upon ctlie .system, ear: there wore paid out during:,tho year, ■pain irfthe right side and under the;right; ;then b'Oy i v r r r t , e r b j e i o s . ahoulder, .nausea, vertigo -and siclc head- : pccially when; prepared with./alcoholic for teachers? salaries, §2,*869.75: on ache, to which bilious invalida aro pecu-- fluids.. . the bonded indebtedness, including all liarly • subj ect. As. a remedy fo r, chvon ' ■ •Jn many. ;cnses; of debility and :Conva-- aslongaa.iiuyotherpalnt. p M II P A BBIS IS T0 Isprepared ready for n « I, u T l rt 111 I . fIIt !1 fP U lii’WhxUot-jany color de* . w -* ..•■•“ --W Ft .fat B Jrl ■ ■ ■ H sired.' Is on m&ny thoninterest -duo, §5,189.19.: incidental ic -indigestion, mental despondency-mid lescenco from disease; whom a tonic is in, eand of tlio finest bulldlnea ot the country; many of:’irhlcUhave been .painted six years, and nowlook-as 'woU'&g when firstpainted. ThtsOHEMIOAL P^INT Uas taken i>Yrsti?remitims at iwonty of tho State Fairs of IhoXfnloa expenses, $285.80;: cost of wood nervousness: 4ho 'Bitters aretequally effi cheated, Twinc,’ ' brandy, porter, &c., have S amplecards.ofcolorssentfret: Address, 33yl " house. $117.00: cost of, fucl, .of which cacious, and ns' a renovan I, - of lost vigor, ' been recommended ; blit’ these are of very FILLER BROSij 109 Water St., Clevelandj 0. or IV. T. ENAAIELPAWT C0.> 103 Chambers fSti, iSVY a good share is still on hand,<$443.- ra means o f arresting premature decay,and i doubtful efficacy; to say/the. ledlfc:/ Alco 25;* for trees, and care of same, $85.-- a source" of relief from the infirmities to hol is never digested, is ranked abiohg 1 0; funds now on hands, $2,108.98. which, tli'e. gentler- Sex is peculiarly sub the diffusible ’ stimuli, •and jb incapable 'of Tho meeting authorized the school ject, they/ may he/thoroughlyqjelied u])dn. affording nutrition. It-creates ' generally **v' ^ **• ^ a n 1unnatural excitement .and derange hoard to •raise by taxation for the H6^ Bi~Here.isfter::p'eraqna; visits ment of the circulation; irritating the A ll first-class machines and fully warranted: I f y ou want ;a good coming yoar tho sum of §2,000 to pay ing myiplace nights>~fqr ;the ’‘ purpose ; whole .system,-’by preventing: the; blood' Machine, I can sell you one cheaper than you can buy a p oor one. I t the school hands due next January,/’ of stealing hacl better-bring ;a surgeon from losingi-its carbon: Again;- fiow difliand the sum of $2,600 to pay interest with, them, or they may take away pult-iti is to obtain an; -article approaching will cost y o u nothing to try one. A ll kinds of repairing done. .Em ori-bonds. The district has now ,out-: more than they intended to,. to purify, almost all the wines, brandies, broidering, fancy stitching and stamping done. - Address standing a bonded - indebtedness; of. -H. H. 'ICinyon. ;porters,:&G.,. being more or less adulterat-. F. B . E A G L E S F I E L D , Ao-enL §26,000. Tho total expenses of the cd. :• • :: _, - ■ P. O. Box 881. Front Street, B uchanan, M ich. Any person finding a breech band ■’ Such being the case with regard to the school district for .the past year-was to a(single harness, between Rough & spirituous preparation of iroD, and the al-■ imported at $9,806.10, and tho total Pears’ griBt mill and the school house, coholic drinks, of which any ope can satis monies received at $11,410.08. I f will oblige by'leaving -the same’ at the fy himself by investigating the subject, an was voted that, there bo nine months “O Grange store. - Geo. 'G il e s . opportunity is now presented iii' the B er school taught, by male and female uvian - S vrup, for the trial of an article T lie n B u y th e N. Y . E 1VAM EI, S'AJNT CO.’ S Bargains, Bargains, Bargains, in teachers. Mr. Win. Pears and Dr. in general practice, which has the very J. M. Roc were re elected members Dress Linen, at’25 cehfs; at’ High’s. strongest: recommendations from medical . . . ....................... .9. o f the Board for the coming two years. and. scientific: men of the highest character, AND SAVE ONE-THIRD THB C03T OR PAINTING, and g e l.a paint that is MUCH: HANDSOMER; and will: L ook ! L ook ! L ook: ! last-TWIOE, AS.TjONGasany.other paint.. la prepared ready for uho in -WHITB or A N Y COLOR desired. .I s o n Hear the close o f the meeting the fol-: A t T. M. Fulton &" Co’s before you. — a preparation .which.-so happily- com- ‘ :niuny-tlioiiBand o f the flnoBtbnildings In tho country, many o f .which.have beon painted eix years, .and.now louEns painted. . This QH BiflOAL PAINT, has taken FIRST PREMIUMS at twenty o f the State Pairs: louring resolutions were offered, ex buy one 'dollar’s worth of Dry Goods, hines*-; the- protoxide •of, iron with the welliis.when.aret o f tho Union. SAMPLE CARD OP COLORS SENT PRBK. Address. S3yl pressive of the sense of the meeting as we are selling out our Summer oLher constituent parts that the effects in IV. Y. ENAMEL.PAINT CO., 17S Prince/St.rlf. Y. or M U ER BROS., 109 Water St., Cleveland, 0. cident to the -use of iron salts are entirely on tho a death o f .P r o f S. Tenny, Goods at a greatrrcductiori. ■obviatatec). . : , / llio celebrated lecturer, with whom Parasols, Parasols,. Parasols, at ■ B’or all cases In which iron or any tonic ■ upi'iy of ouri citizens were acquainted : prices that will astonish you, only is needed this preparation is confidently W hereas,. . ProfS. Tenney,; found at High’.s.believed to-be far .superior to any other.•_ ,J: .. aj .. .-h..s during liis brief visits-among us,’lias It seems to purify the very fountain of F a m ily 1 S ew in g M ach in e, K o . § . endeared himself to us,’ not'only that; j ■Linens, Linens; at Noble’s, health. '//' / //■;/. we have been greatly benefited' and : •$2,000 to loan on good farm prop instructed by the intellectual _■feastsv Figures are Wlial is llanted. j. erty security. - Apply within ten spread before us by him in his lec ’ Not election majorities, but such as' in W. E. P limpton. ’d ays. tures from time to time, but also, that' terest the great, army of American pro ^notwithstanding the height to which t A large supply of Straw Hats, at ducers. Twenty-five years ago; the eight -he had risen, in the Scientific world,' Noble’s. counties o f Missouri now traversed by,’the Old Reliable Hannibal & Sc. Joseph Kailthe scientist was merged in the broad “ To be. or not to h e ; that is the road were nearly a wilderness. To-dav, /catholicity o f •noble Christian man .questiou.” To he supplied with Ter by a late . census, it- is discovered that hood, and ‘ ry’s- Salicylic Soap i s ' ;a consnuifttion these counties produce over ouc-fom ii-enih. WiniltBAf It. has pleased Almighty devoutly to be wished.” It is easily of the cutiru wln?:ii, crop of the Stan-, ovpr God to remove from earth Prof, ■Ten iibtiiiiled as nil the best druggists and one-l,wf-litll o f the corn crop, and over ney in so sudden and ..unexpcctcl aojiR-riiiiili of tho-oats. The same nr.iwili grocers keep it. ...' wrtnner, to-day, while u-ppairovtlY so ol country--s,now beimr repeated in Kan, B. B, Monroe, cheap picture fram many years worn before Jum in which Nebraska. Colorado, and New Me.xi to enrich our knowledge by his vigoiv er,. and dealer in chromos. Dowagiae,: co, and the immortal Greeley, luui this ons intellect. Therefore; by this an M ich.- Orders promptly att-uulod to. :identical rouii: .aiBl seciion of conrury in All goods as represented or no sale. mind when he breathed tiiose .-‘i.irring nual school meeting, bo it words o; wisdom, '-’Xbuvg mav^. qo n'c-s-f/-’ ReSolved. That whip- wo deplore Agents Wanted. Therefore, it, is but natural that parties/ : B. B. Monroe, the loss to tho educational interests o f taking this advice, should desire io pass our country of so great a mind, we Look Out for Hut.— One B. B. .over a road that has done so much for a reverently submit to tho will, of Him Monroe, who canvassed this place .Stale, (especially as it offers the best fa who doctli all things- well, and we selling chromos and frames, arid: leav cilities) and see for themselves. - B y the would extend our sympathy: to his ing his cards, representing they were Hannibal & St. .Joseph R. it;,/ through NO SHUTTLE TO.TJIRE AD. A NEW uiftchine with STRAIGHT needle; # bereaved family in this their hour .of manufactured by him at Dowagiae,, cars are run from Cleveland and Toledo, Poos not oil the thre&d or goods.^ Tlio work runs back-from/tlie operator; sad afilictiou. B eit further ’ ' 'and through connections made from Cin No expense, from wear-brslinttleB. Mich., is an imposter. The goods in I t has a tako-up, preventing the thread/from break Resolved. That a copy of - stbese question were from Richardson’s steam cinnati and Indianapolis, via, Quincy, to ing. • I t is the simplest and^euiest to handle,*;cuu3 hMlly V.; : resolutions bo published’ in tho B'erJo., Atchison and Kansas City, and : It W ill sew the heaviest or lightest goods, and fronR quio^y and rapidly;. I t is w iaioat a rival fo r the family, power Picture Frame Factory, Kala •;St. cr the^workriipp, . front Chicago to Kansas City without one to tho oilier without change ot tension; rten County R ecord, and also that TH15 NFdWWHEELER & WILSOX NO 6 S f A C Q I N C is recommended for Leather w ork' mazoo, and Monroe was working for change. W e are about to issue, in con a copy be transmitted to tho family CK1? fcrLaather work and Tailoring—^t^pecially for Tailoring, iwages.: D. M. R ichardson. nection with our ' own, a county-' map of of the deceased. Buchanan, June 19, 1877, 19t4 Colorado and/New Mexico, giving valua ' F A R R A R &, W H E E L E R , We regret tho fact that so few of ble information as regards time tables, 1 5 5 State Street, Chicago. Toilet soaps of all grades, from Luthe tax payers and patrons of ■ our i routes, distances, altitudes, &e.,"which we General Agents for Illinois/lndiana, Iowa> Michigan) Minnesota. Nebraska, and Western Territoschools take any interest in the affairs bin’s down to common, at Dodd’s. will be pleased to. furnish free, upon ap-’ ; nesi of the district, and absont-thomselv.es i L etter H eads, N ote H eads, etc. plication in person or by letter, addressed from tho annual meetings. Some, — We make .a,specialty of this 'class to " T. P f.nfiet.d," Ct . P ; & T. A., GOOD AGENTS WANTED. through it mistaken notion, think ,that- of work, and claim wo canndt.be beat-, 48tf Hannibal, Mo. : their presence will make no di fference, either in .quality of work or prices. $ 7.20 PER QUARTER FOR TENQUASITE13S* . It lias btopd the Test. W , H . TALBOT, and through their ignorance •(it can Gome; and see us when you want work M a s o n & h a m l i|( If you doubt the-wondei-fuh-success o f bo called nothing else) will telhyou of this description,, and we will guar ,S hi . l oh ; s C onsumption C ure , give it a CABINET 0BSANS. ll that a few will run things as thriy1'de antee; to give you complete* satis M A C H IN IS T , trial ; then if you are not perfectly satis HIGHESTAWARDS AT sire, anyway, so they wifi stay’ away. faction-. —AC.KNTTOH— fied, return the bottle and we will refund I f .they but .attended these meetings, FOUK Send to Dr. E. A. Curtis, Dowag- the price paid. -It lias established the and took a littlc-Rains -to infofm-tliem.fact that Consumption can be cured, while The Haskins Engine, iac, for his_ “ Open Letter to the Pub selves, nq such exaggerated ^reports 'G R E A T ' for .Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, W hoop as ,wo hear, upon the’ streets'wo uld »he; lic,” sent free. It tolls you how to ing Gough,-.and all Lnng or Throat troub: WORLD'S SXFOHITIONS circulated-. -We have/ah' efficientrand preserve arid recover your health; and les, there is nothing like it for a quick and economical .School Board; andjlwcrjie- how chronic disease may be oured in positive cure, and it. seldom fails.: 10 F ans, TOemia, Santiago, licve-it would please; .them 4o meet a short time, with but little trouble i cents, 50 cents, and 81.00 per bottle. If 1867, Y 1373: M t S 7 3 l 'CJ f and ofa trilling cost. your Lungs are sore, or Chest or Back every "patron, of -the school 'at'il\e.’anP H i L A D E L P i 3/1, i s m . assi<i*T S>Fir-TRank *r rt*.Tt.vj.rAL. ^ lame,; use S hiloh ’s - P orous P laster ;’ nuai meeting, the.timofwhen thby-ren How It Is Done, r.Wit,* r-j.-tVlT Z’uht ti! }-t-rr+i ir?i & >r-n'd tt* > « s p e t.ici/rU-itfurM -.it r*.‘ Price cents/ Sold by J. H! Eoe & Co der the account of , their stewardship.: The first object in life with the Ameri r;. A/-£V.* "We ask ‘all to < resolve, to," "attend -the can people is to “ get rich the second;/1 liow to .regain good health;,. ■ The first can next meeting: ' ! *. r » V” . D r . Sim,oir’s S ystem V vtalizkr is no be obtained by energy, honesty nna sav doubt the' iiiosi. successful cure foi^Dyspepe>r-ir »tt rH^rdvtru( reft •‘iu/K'n*.*•:> s> t-v ihe in g ; the second, (good health),-by using Sih/ and Liver C.Oiiiplaiut wo have ever A re V o u G oin g ' to P a in t I . S e w in g M a ch in es f o r f ii’e Vro n Croing -to P a in t THE NEW WHEELER & WILSON » jr TH!i (JOUSTY PRESS. |Niles Democrat.] - G keex’s A ugust F t.owkr. Should you be a despondent sufi’err-v from anr of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Itn ; digestion. &c., such as Sick Headache; Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach; ; Habitual Gostiveness, Dizziuess of the Head, Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits; &o., youneedpiol sufiei an otheriday. Two doses of A ugust F lower / will relieve you at once. Sample Bottles 10 .cents. R eg-i ular size To cents. Positively sold by all; first-class Drusaisls in the LT. S. kaown, otherwise wo. could not guarantee it. In cases of Consumption,, where. General- Debility, Loss of 'Appetite- and Constipation.exist, it will restore and fegidafe the system, while S hiloh' s C ure allays the infiamalion and heals the lungs. Price Ja cents. Sold by JZ 1L Roe &: A bald eagle was killed- a-few weeks ago, by Ilcnry Perkins, 'at' Miner Lake, in this State,'which measured 3even. feet from tip to tip, and weighed twenty-five pounds..... .W. L . . Saun ders, while in the act. o f cutting ■or hewing a-piccc" of timber, on Wednes day last, inflicted a severe wound- in II A.CKJ1]?TACK,.a rich and -fragranl perfume. Sold by J. H. Roe.fb Go. his right arm just above the wrist joint.... Two boys— John Piynn’s antl j of Beauty iVcrvous DoDHIty. . \ f u U c o i l m i dA.Thing F. ASchmidt’s—living near the depot, . T o y F o r e v e r s i s t ix o N e w a n d . got into a quarrel lastiweek, which.! V ital weakness or uei -ee ssio x : ,_a- , S a p c r l > < £ i U t i m i o i M S x e K o c U y M o n n « + > * *. resulted in the stabbing ’"of- 'Schmidt | 'weak exhausted feeliDg, no energy or , U i i « i . T o u r i s t . So remarkably large has been the courage; the result of mental over woi!K,_ by young Plynn. . INDISCRETIONS OR EXCESSES, ',01 Some, demand for tho widely'noted work|JBcrricn,Spiings'Journai.i. drain upon the systom, is always cured by. the Rocky Mountain Tourist-that an The dogs made havoc with vHenry, H umphrey’ s H omeopathic S pecific N o. entirely new edition'has been necessi G: Ford’s and Isaac Lyhrook’s . sheep; 2S. It tones up and invigorates the sys-: tated,, and is -just 'ready for'issue.. in Berrien township., Mr.,. Fords had tern, dispels the gloom and despondency,'- While the first edition was an elegant 2S sheep killed, wounded and missing. imparls strength and energy,— stops the thing, .the second is really superb, Mr. Lybrook had 15 killed and wound-- drain and rejuvenates the entire .-man/ and the Rocky Mountain Tourist in: cd........ While the Hon. A. L. Burke- Been used twenty years' with perfect /’sue-, its new -form, royal octavo, -thirty-, wa3 leading his horse, around His bug cess, by -thousands,' - S old " by, -dealer's., two pages; printed on .tho finest of su gy in the passage way to. Burdick’s Brice,..$1,00 ;per;single vial,or.:;|io:0pi :pdr-- per-sized, calender paper, handsomely stable, the horse stepped on me, cellar package1 of five vials, and §2.00 vial’ off bound "with engraved cover is without powder. Sent by mail on receipt ofipriceis door, breaking it through,‘fell into theAddress . H umphrey ’ s /. .HoMEgEHTHio: the slightest:questiqn tlie xiehest -and. collar *>under Wolfinbager)¥ -.'saloon,* M edicine C ompany , 109 F ulton S t./ most .attractive' .book of the. dcscrip-j carrying Mr. Davison, whoswasrstand-j ..New Y ork . • „ . Id yl*' tion" ever issued. All who coriteming on it, with Kimi. *Heither Mr.) vplate ia- trip through, the" garden of-1P arasols ! ’P arasols ! - P arasols !•:. Davidson or the horse were-’ injured. SifaiMER-'-SnAWLS! S ummer S haws !?; the ,continont— south-western-.Kansas ■ v : Traveler and JIeKild. , at cost, at, .T.'M. F ulton & .Co.’s., £ — to the Alps of America— the Rocky; ‘T hc body, which one of Zarcmbas’i Mountaiins— will .commit^tho.gravest Wei will sell you a bill of goods - or> 'of mistakes by startings before, secur fish boats picked /up" "in the Jake on the :4th day- .of June;and - afterwards, one article for less than-'any firm in’ ing the Tourist, San Jaun .Guide and ’ . : H igh’ s.. buried. in. the. Potter’s ^fieldj.^was son town, at accompaning maps. Simply the mere/ Friday identified by^Mr.^Amos’Fish'er,5 Your Fortune told for 75 cents-by request:.by postal-card -or letter ad-, of .Union Pier,- - ari-thafc of; hjs - son! aiFan. Fans from 5 cts. to §1.25. dress to T. J. Anderson, Topeka, Homer, who was, drowned- while. out' Best'line you ever saw, at'HlGn’s ., ■ Kansas, will insure, by return mail, boating mean that point ;on.-,Sunday Job lot of lady’s and gent’s hosiery, absolutely '-free, the receipt of ^tliese -May 6th. .A bunchmf'keys, a knife,v indispensible - auxiliaries »to travel in and clothing of the-boy, was what led’ just received, from 6 cents and up,"at, the-tGreat West. -tov identification'-'/" irTlTe.' hoy:-was 15, the Chicago Cheap Store, first doorj . ; 'years o f age: \1The’ fathei**willyfibt"reTi east of the Bank. "move the body until cold weatKerLsets, A box of Glenn’s Sulphur "Soap,,! in .--- * - -V i,•which contains -.three •cakes ■and costB! KHOWTHYSELF.' *- ■ ■* '[Niles Mirror.) . ' - only sixty cents, .ie sufficient. tO'sup ) | T h 0 .P h y o io lo g y /o fM a ir ia g a . j ; rA reliable Guulcfor thc^niorrieil, • Daniel/ J ./ Robinson, Ihe.nian/thatl ply material" for aVleast twenty :Sul-l i RRrt those coiitcmplatingmarrlftRe, I oo its dutica.-.und diequalUlcatloos. I tJio; 6acnccvOf.j reproduction,i and sold toy balloons in-this’ city circus- IphufwH aths, whichvwould verridicate.ia; I;theitdect>.oC- earl;/ abuses aiideicl .cesscsfAs'itli an extansive treatise on day," attempted" to steal ride Sunday- wh'dle vo^talogup: :of- rheumatici^and' . ................the various "Private a n d O ljroa io lis e a s o s o fY o ’ a th .j'ila n h ood and’S V om anliood, .'morning ‘ on.-ji.freight,. west.” ;Upbri' cutaneous maladies.' Sold by ^ all .. ith’thelatest treatmentithe o n ly -w o r k e i v i n g p i ^ | . ec r ip tio n s "lnsfullj^.embracing; everythins-/on/the I reaching Hew^Buffalo he fell from the Druggists/" - Hill’s Hair & Whisker I G euorattvo system .w orth knowing* and worth all I the cheap books combined—250t-iarge-doubla:column .'ti’?iri .arid/hadrboth leg’s "cut-off. He Dye,:bla6K--or brown,'50 cts. 20yr4’ ■ I pages, and’ SOO/platcs and eugravmga sent'under sehl iYIASON Jt. ^ i : r c j s U CO. K _r >, *„ V ■vrf.ffyyhA«>- DtHiJAGUi T H E a n X IV A T T K E E - Gardner Governor, IJtica Steam Go age . MICAL SSM6ICAL IHSHTOTE. ■EfftaWlEh'cd 3S6f/end Chartered by theState HogislaturQ - for the improved treatment , o f all p r iv a t e a n d C bxonio / 'D iseases mentioned in' this card.-Just published/; ^W rstfwt “ THE SILENT FRIEND!” T JM I u BWa . AconfidcntialAdviserfortheyoung md 1— 8 ,B ■" middle aced o f both sexes ,on all Dn-cas*' i c of a P r iv a te M’a tu rej arismgfkoin _ P a r ly A b u s e s orL n fection , Seminal WcsKness. and Doss of: Manhood* and., the best means oteuTerarith \oluablc advice to the M am ed and tbocc poatemplating M am agc; including a treatise on P e m a le . ulaeasee, and CliromcAffections ofth e Throat, L u ngs indSkin, Catarrh, Cancer, Rupture, Piles,Tistulo,thc Oju■uni Habit &e* It contains 2601arge pages and numerous e a - «: gravin?i, mailed under 6&&1o n receipt of 50 cts. A C L IN IC A L L E C T U R E on tne abo\ e diseases, and the principles o f medical practice in their treatment*. Price 30cts. Address. Atteodin<rPhv6iciau, Engines, Threshing Machines, Sawing Machines, Horse Powers, Mowing, Reaping and other Machines -repaired. w * M .&S. INSTITUTE, M T L W A U K E B .W is . Cider M ill Screws, Saw Arbors, M o. 4 3 5 W a t e r s t ., &c., &c., made to order. Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Couplings and mill supplies fur nished on short, notice. JU DSON C O ,, * (over CUAS. 00BS&6Ka co.j Shop on Chicago street, near mill Stato and ‘Washington Streets, Chicago race.. _ ' . .10tr - W ood NEW CARPET STORE. * A Groat Roduction inv Prices of GUNS,REVOLVERS,&c. ^Pncefl’rcdncod-froni.20 to SO per cent. Writ© for Tllus tCAtQtl,Catalogue£wlth:.roduced;prIceB for 1S77.; Addresv * "GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS. ^Ol Smithfield/StiV.Pittsburgh, Pa. ■; AN ENTIRELY New Sto c k of Eve’ry G rade of /C a rp e ts, O il Oloths, Etc., * ALSO "’■CURTAINS A N D B E D D IN G . *•Iktr. Jndaon:has boon associated with -tho CannotbueineBB ofChfcago for tho paatififteenyears. ' - *1 SPENCER & BARNES - Keep on handV complete assortment of Saturday night, .Mr. 0. J- Smith; of Hew Troy, accompanied Toy bis Spencer- & Barnes "do a' -General Business in Manufacturing wife and two Ifttle daughters, Carrie and Lizzie, went to bathe” in tho Ga llon river. While bathing, one of the TABLJES,' . . B O O K , OASBS,:.-, M ATTRESSES. ' little girls waded o.ut into the river, - , LOUNG-BS, •- ; - MIRRORS,* B E D S P R IN G S when the treacherous current/seized DESKS, ; - BED STEAD S, * 'PIC T U R E FRAM ES, and bore her "beyond her depth. .Her BU R EAU S, J ' CUAIRS, B R AC K E TS. eldest sister, first noticing her strug- "dieclim m ediately,.;-" He/had,hi_s trunk", _ 01^ J 'r ^ a t fc^Nte(irottlLTreatiBO:OA‘/SerTial- and Misses’" and "Women’s Side Lace I C h ron ic Diaeases/SeminaLWcaknessfr-Iiupotcnce, .gles; rushed to the-rescue, - supposing exp ressed /;ah ead ..o f.’ him. ,§ 60. was I CatarrhJ.Cancerv Rupture,*thQ^Upturn IlttUitf&OiVawt I under seal forlO cts. > ^ JShoes, a new supply,‘at ‘ N oble!s., .. I *•M e d le a lT r e a tm e n t and advice, personallj--or;by •by hor . superior height - she"; would be; i c t e t , ■t g iy in g dyidence^ «vVv ' J * V . Spencer & Barnes are prepared to . I letter st this old axuLreliablc Institute^ which liue been n rTTft’fll ’VLnt'l+L'ftl TTTnV» ATIftlTi. A Blessing for ■Needle-Women and’all I operated m anyvow s under a Cliarter.frooijthc-Stato I able to-keep her .feet." She too walk; iLegielature. A u dress,.;' ,•?:-•... in. ^ -. *.J > Others-Eugaged In Sedentary .’E m •ed. off *the h.ar. into.-the deep engulfing T h o M ed ica l a n d S u r g ic a l In stitu te;. a f G r W i s h b u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l . r./L'bfc^riMiiwnukee,/Wiso. j ■ ployments." ,l' -L - ? " hole which had the’ sides w,orn nearly'XTradcmark: > . rt -1 L - - ‘ - ’ J. J "perpendicular by the current,.and the ./ A.largo proportion of the' female DOORS-, M OU LDIN G, 1 - - . 'BLIN D S,. water-" closed over' her head.-1 Both sex mayjtrace^tho beginning of incurf l o o r in g . ^ d :iS A S n ;;;.:u ... *-~"--r:isrD iL the agonized parents, seeing "•their- ■ning^at 1/fg^r conj^ry To" l a ^ within t i +* children disappear beneath the’’,water, ttheiincovporaFed Jimjts-ofA/thetyilla'ge Sp e n c e r B arn e s; c a n ^ n d ’; w.ill> S e ll Furniture just^as,/, AujlOOE^OP-' made-’the' most-frantfe/efforts ..to Teach.-’ of Buchanan, four'white fiogs-^—tHree^ lievbfifbStK'^BeruYianlSyrupj'whicii' VALUABLE RECIPES;. r *I~ ".r: ' ’' feheap-as ca’h .be?, bought’ in -M ic h ig a n . f /themy-only'to-find; thomselvesi:rinwfap>-i Knrrows"and one"'8dw-//:which":Ifshall HOUSEHOLD,v/L.v.-.FAIlIIIA,^^ ped in the same treacherous gulf.: ’ ..h :th e . o n l y j f d r m f F j ^ h i o l L t h i s : in d is p e n | , iDOAIESTIfif/ ^/MEDICINAL. 4SDender-y&EaruleS:enn'a7ld:inii/J.rB-fii.Yiiiah:\fBn.f7j ' Mr.-Smith saw his wife"; sink-near; : s a ib le S e le fiK n t V b f| -h e a it h / c a r iv e r it e r -it K e him, and turning .his attentiorf-toMier',". loiiiTHursday, the’ j l 9 tHyday -o|-vJfuly;/- ;bloodyAl/e.warit’:p f/"w lii^ ISinecdeaun-fOTerr .only,saved her by the most; strenuous’ AST?, at'9i.o’ clqck in’the^forenobn^jL- fife9s,rM izzihes8>fih"ead^K efvdebili^ btomalLjPostpRld'for’ SSr - I.,n/r f .I'YAi.';-!. l f •V ' ' r A mos E vans,' Marshal en i ihA tlftt^me TMme *3?tsaslL ASJdasm )% feAil* -AHland •wery.'SfomAL'ilLliSaUh.F1Soldi ...St.*.- ■SBBBiajfiBtMS The: Farm: and Household. ^: filei&od o f Tanning a Lambskin With t5lfi UOftl 0El* ' Make a strong soapsuds, using hot waier; ■when it is cohl, wash the skin in it, carefully squeezing it between the hands to get the dirt put Q? the w ool; then wash the soap out with a m cold water? n-xc, dissolve'alum <>t *1 salt of each half a pound m a little hot water, which put m a tub of ■ Id watei sufficient to cover the skin, ■aid let it soak in it oyer night Qr *welve hours; now hang tha skiaaver :• t ole to thain, v. her well drained, *■>*ead or stretch c-rifuKy i.n x board to dry. It need not be tacked if «;-awft out several {?-.•,e- with the l end while drying. When yet a lit tle damp, spri..kle pulverised saltpetre .1 alum (au ounce each mixed'’ to; gether) on tho flesh side, rubbing it in well. It is now to f-irq in the shade for two or thru* day,*, the flrsh side in until perfectly drv. When entire ly dry, scrape the flesh side with a, blunt knife to remove any scraps o f flesh. Trim off all prop enng points; ami vub the flesh side wnu prrnace oi rotten stone, and with the hands. Prepared in this way, iris white and beautiful, suitable for a do ox mat, ami also nice for the feet in a s-h igh. or wagon iff cold weather. r iMOUTGA'GrE S A L E . H aK K ni Berrien ’Gouiity. G rO T O D »*■ ’ A Perfect Anti-Septic ancl R Y SMITH & SON F'or theO R oUta ryNPlowD, South B en d Ohilled Plow , and Kalam azoo Iro n ' 3earn P lo w ,. Plain. P oin ts, ground, 50 cents. Cutter Points; ground, GO cents. H ave removed their large slock of e ^ A N D N o t ic e i n C h a h ce r y . S TATE O P M IC in G A N , Second Judicial Circuit, in Chancery S ait pending in the Circuit Court for tbe County o f Berrien.in Chancery, June ISth, 1S77. Della E. Smith, C om plainant,^D uuiel Smith, Defend* •ant. '*■» ■* Upon duo p ro o f b y aflidavit that Daniel Smith the de fendant, above; named resides out o f the State o f Michigan and in. the* State o f Colorado, on motion, o f L . F . CopelRTid. Solicitor f o r the Complainant, i t is ordered! that the eald.Daniel Smith do appearand answer tho bill o f ConipUun&nt in the svid cause within three f3) months from the date hereof. cl4.e eald hHt ho? taken as c.onfrsaeiI. And it la further ordered,; that thvf order ho published in the Rtrrlen County Record a newspaper printed hi said Berricps.Conntyf once In each week for six successive weeks orjLhnt; rt.’c op? o f \thie, order bd served on mid Danie . ^mitlLnerahijally atjeaet^ twenty daja before the time Dvescribwl for his-apncai'ance.^ „ J a m e s , a . Ke ll o g g . __________ v , Circuit Court Commissioner. Dated „ 2lw7 $ 1 A ir ■” . - Vibrator” Old -fashioned demon pie .— T o the juice of one lemon add half a cup ful of sugar and half a cupful of nice molasses. "While the sugar is dis solving, chop the remainder of the lemon (after removing part of. the yellow rind) very fine. Add to it .the ju ice; cover a very large bakingpla-te with a good crust, pour in the mix ture, shake over it about a tablespoon, ful o f flour, cover with a short crust rolled pretty thick, and bake in a very quick oven. You must stick the up per crust very carefully under the lower one, in order to save all the juice. G e r m a n C r e a m B is c u it s C o i i i p l e t o A f o ^ e - P o u e r J v H f t i b l l ^ lu n e i i t , with i-t-incIr.-SS-ii^h and 32-fnch, Cylinders, and 6,S ,10 or 12 Horae Power toonalch. ' T w o M y le s o l J h b n n tcd H o r s e P o w e r s ; on fim p roved ‘ •Triple^car” and improved*‘ Spur Speed” ^AVoodfcinryAiylii.-, -'both kinU^ nionuted on four wheels, »ndfipecSusizcsinsdexidtp6,’ 8 ,30 or 12 horses. C o i n p l o t o S te a n X ; l ^ o w o r O n l i i l s , our unriva1 ed ^Vibrator” Separators, made expressly for Steam Pow er, with 32 inch Cjflinderand-l-tincli Separator, or 36- inch Cylinder and 4S iuch.Se"p&fating cloaning parts, with all ttto other parts ""proportionately capacious and full, o f “ business;?* also, due "matchless S t e a i U v T l t r c s U e r E n g i n e s , o f our owd-miike, beyond rivalry in Bower, Durability; Easy FirIug;Boauty o f Design^ Perfect TVorkluanshtp, FHcgnDt fmiah, complete in. every detail, and in alt respects a: d t companion for our celebrated Steam Separator. \ O u r i *'ViDi*Atbir * t 'S e p a r n t o r S “ alone.” made expressly for Stekm Powep and: to. match to any and all other roako o f Eoginos, also, perfectly adapted to go with any and all other make o f Horse Powers, four sizes, ranging frout 2 k or 26-inch length o f Cylinder, ami G6 to 4S fuches width o f Separating ports. 'JPlic W o r l i l - W i l l e 3 t c ] > u t n i l o n o f our match less “ Vibrator” Threshora for rapid threshing, perfect saving,- admirable cleaning, no wastage, cleanliness economy in repairs, durability, ease o f management, ant a geueral superiority iu various other respects, is now fully established and generally recognized.. 'T h e A c k . n o %vloU^e<i X S cn tI a u d F r o u t o f Grain Threshers, and especially superior if grain bo damp or wot,,w>ilo= for F l a x , T l m o t l i y , andlike Se&ds no other machines can truthfully claim, any ccwapariSQtt. T l i o G e n u i n e “ V i b r a t o r 1’ T b r e s b o r s ARE MADE OXLTBr N I C H O S iS jS H B P A U O ; & C O B a t t l e G r o e lc , M i c h . T hey o r any o f their regular authorized Dealers, fur nish Illustrated Pamphlets, Price Lists and; fuII parCfcn lara, free, omeppUcAtion.. - 16m2 Y ear S ausages.— Take fat bacon and lean veal in equal quantities, with a handful o f sage, a little salt„pepper,. and, if at handy an anchovy. Let all be chopped and beaten well together, ibured, rolled and fried. Veal sauwgea are better suited for persons whose digestion is not; very ^strong than those made ofipork..vvjt : THS'MILD’ POWER’ S O U R E -S i ETJM BHEEYS* „. . . . ___ ryet . E - v e r r w U c r e p r o v e d t h e m o s t S A F E ,. S IM P L E , E C O N O M IC A L and E F F I C I E N T » ic d ic ln e s k n o w n .. T l, e y a r e J u s t w h a t t h e p e o p le w a n t , s a v in s : t im e , m o n e y , s i c k n e s s - a n d s u f f e r l n s '. E v e r y s in g le s p e c iflc t h e w e l l t r i e d p e r s c r ip t io n . o f a n e m in e n t ifliy s lc la n . Nob. Cures. Cents. 1. F evers, Congestion, Inflammations,. . 25 2. VI orins, Worm Fever;,Worm Colic, . . 25 3. - Eryln s-C oU c, or Teething of Infants;. 25 .4,Hiarrlicca, or Children or Adults, .. . 25 . . 25 6". -Cholcra-Morhus, itiDg, . “7. ’— — Vom ------S3 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, . . . . .«• |*/J OVS*WVAj f G uupuij. 11UUU3 Colic, VUU 5. iWysentery, riping, A Bilious 8. N euralgia, Toothache, Faceache, . 9. H eadaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo, 10. - D y s p e p s i a , B iliona Stom ach, . 11. Suppressed, or Painful Periods, . . 12. Ttmltes, too Profuse Periods, . 13. C rO il]!..C o u g h ,-f)ifEir.nltB reathing, . . I d ..S a l t K h e u m y E i r s ip c I a s ,P r u p t i o u s . . 1 5 .;I I H e i u n a t ls n i , H h eu ih aticP a in s, . . l ( } .'F e v c i - .a n d -A s n e J Chill P e ver, A g u e s ,. 17. F iles, blind or bleeding; Hens’ eggs(hatch in from 19 to 21 days: turkeys’, f r o m . t o 29 days; d neks’, 28< days; guinea fowls',’.-, from 25 to 27 days ; pea fowls’, 28 .to „'30 days; geese’s, 20 to 32 days. Fresh eggs m il hatch one or two days soon-, er than those two or three1weeks' old. — swi $ % lr wounds made by cuts opbruisee^ are covered with- sticking plaster the pain will he. lessened-and tho wound will soon heal. I f the prepared'plas-, ter is too costly, a; plan as good is to keep a mucilage-shottle ’ andi enver aj piece of clotkwitK -thft smupilage ,and^ apply. Those who use glue williind.. iir>as handy sfs anything?. l■’ ' ■ •' i, ' .■? .ran. t;i ■■ ..■■-.mi'u.> r -.r •. 50 . . . ; . . 50 18. O p h t h a l m y ; a n d S oro o r W e a k E y e s ,.. L ight Tea-cake.— One- cup of su gar, two eggs, half a cup o f, melted •Lutter, one, and' oineHouttlf icupf^f milk, two teaspoonfuls of <,crAiam-'-of tartar, one tcaspoonful of soda, and *■efficient flour to make a stiff “batter. It will bake in twenty xninutes if the even is hot. , , 2525 25 . . 25 25 25 25 25 . 25 19. C atarrh, aenfo or chronic, Influenza, 20. l V l i o o p i n s - C o u g r l i , vio le n t coughs, 21. A s t h m a ,* o p p r e s s e d B reathing; .. . . . 50 50 50 50 2 5 M » r o p s y n tfd -scon tjrS ecretion s,. . V’ '. 60 26. S e a - S i c k n e s s , sicknesB from rid in g , _ ,5 V 27. K i d n e y - D i s e a s e , G ravel, . . . . .- 5 0 28. N e r v o n s D e h U l t y , V ita l W eak n ess,. 1 00 .. 29. S o r e M o u t h , Canker,. . , .. -50 ■ s a - i U r i n n r y W e a k n e s s , w e ttin g th e bed,- 50 '(“ b p l l . . __^ ( * - __ . , __ ____ _ _____ . &1. D i p h t h e r i a ,'u l c e r a t e d s ore throat,- J . 50 ■S5. .C h i - o n l c C o n f f e s t l o n s and-Eruptions, 5Q FAMIIiT CASES.* . . 1C a s e ; -M orocco, w ith a h o v e S S l a r g e v l a l a a n d - v, - f M a n u iilo f directions,* , StO.OO ‘ C a s e M o r o cco ; o f ^^20large vials a n d B o o k , 6 .0 0 • T h e s e y e m c d i c s 'a r e s e n t k y t h e c a s e s l n g r l e .l i o x o r y l a l , t o a n y p a r t o f t h e "■ c o u n t r y , ' f r e e o f . c h a r g e , o n r e c e i p t o f p r ic e . A d dress ‘ l iiiin r ilir c y s ’J l o m c o p a t l il c m e d i c l n e C o . -‘■'im " tfa n d D e p o t;1 0 9 F n lt o n 8 t. N e w Y o rk . F o r S a l e o y a l l B i- u g - g - ls t s . { / ^ ^ J t t m i p h x e y s ’ '.S p e e ifiii;M a h n a l o n d h a 1'iC are’ B iic lttre a tm e n t o f f l i s e a s a 'a n d i t s x u r a , p e n t F R E E o n a p p K o a tio n . • -fr». a.1-* •Xs- *■ • ■■ MARSIAGE .. ’A N ’S ustmted •aviogff ptbeiu___ ______ ? uisitive should, know ou; tourtship; Marringe, the •^'TPbysiologlcai. Mysteries ■ .and. RevclftUoD® of tlie - Sexual system .hoivto.furo .• ‘-T7 _ . 7ocxyaj ..1. _SBjaicui.iiuw '__r__ Lt. ... aIhI. 7iuKhu\J>f Dlacasifs^'with hubdreds;Qf valuable rccelpt®i -who shanlil iii MawiaM- tliaSr nl. ,vauqewti*yui|»uai8 auu means [Oturcrnififli y«ty scientiflov'work'otthc )dnd ever publishedand la complete; . ikiacvciyrespect* Stfnt securely sealed on receipt ot 2U cts. . ^'Address/ pr.' C. 'A. Eoiiattnatj» 019 North Fifth street; * St.Xeuis.-Mo. -Dstabliahedin I827. v, M IL L , ., M a n u fa ctu red f r o m th e JPuresl Vegetable with the addition o f that G rea test K n o w n K n ti-S o o p tic D is in fe c t a n t Oils and S A L I C Y L I C A C ID , 7 to Itoouis in I am also agent lor Cooper’s Farm, Portable, Traction and Sta tionary Engines, Saw M ills, Corn and Feed Mills, &c. A p p ly for Circular. iv e T h em a G a l l MARRIAGE GUIDE An jUuP'.te^ v* pdges, a privtiu i » to the marfuvt a riageuble on tlx--* • o f the sexual systean *•-- - The following isj u llet of Valitablo Books, which will be supplied from theOtilceof the Berbibx CounttRxcord. Any oiio or more of these hooks will be Bent posf*j>aicUo aiiy ot’ onr readers on receipt qf the tegular price, which Is named uguiust oKch book: - -v. ’rice SOcents _______ ___ _ _________ votiallyorby mall on any pf the subjects mentioned in his.work.Address I>r.JLG . O L IN * 137 Washington st* Chicago, III. U . s . M A IL,! A ll F c r s o u s a t a i!is ,a n c e lr c a le « l h y M a il w i t h F e r f e c t S u c c e s s b j- t le s c r ib iu g t h e ir S y m p io m s . (Send for our large and heantifally illnatrated paper, sent free to a njr address.) O X T R E Allen's IU L . A L. P ) New American Verm Book, $2 50 Alien's (L. I\) AmoricHn Cattle.*,................... 2 60 Allen's (K. L j American Farm •Book..................... . 150 Allen's fli P).Rural Architecture............... ....... ........150 Allen's (R L ) Disease* o f Domestic Animals............ 100 American Bird Fancier.................................................. 30 American Gentleman's Stable G uide*........................ 100 30 Amerhan Rose Cultnrist..... ............................... . 1 75 American Weeds aud Useful Plants............ . . 160 Atwood’s Country and Suburban Houses...,!... . 3 60 Atwood’s Modern American Homesteads*........ 2 50 Baker's Practical and Scfontitic Fruit Culture' . 1 75 Barber's Crack Sbot*....................................... . . 2 60 Barry's Fruit Garden.................................... . . 5 00 Ball's Carpeutry Made Easy............................... 30 Bi-meutV Rabbit Fancier.................. .................. Bickuell’s Village Builder aud bupplement. X T o l. 12 00 BlekneU’a Supplement to; Village Builder............... 5 00 Bogardua'Field, Cover, and TrapSliooting..... ...... 2 00 25 Bommer'a Method o> Making MaunreB............... . 160 Bimssiugault’s Rural Economy............................... Brackett’s Farm Talk..........paper, 50 cts. cloth....... 75 Brock’s Now Book o f Flowers........................... ........ 1:5 Brill's Farm Gardening and Seed-Growing.............. 1 00 75 Rroim-Coru and Brooms..........paper, 50 els., cloth, Brown's Taxidermist's, Mauual................................. 100 Bruckner's'American; Maunres.................................. 150 75 Buchanan’s Culture o f tlio Grape and Wine Maxing Buel's Cider Maker's Manual..................................... . 150 Huist's Flower-Garden Directory................................ 150 Buist's lam lly Bitchen Gardener................ ........... 1 00 Burges’ American Kennel hud Sporting Field.......... 4 00 1 00 Burnham's The China Fowl............. 100 Bum s' Architectural Drawing Book..................... Burns' Illustrated Drawing B ook.............................. 1 00 Burns' Ornamental Drawing B ook........................... 100 Burr's "Vegetables o f A m orira........... .................... . 300 Caldwell’s Agricultural Chemicat. Analysis.............. 200 75 Canary Birds. Paper, 50 cts ; cloth............ ............ 75 Chorlton's Grape-Grower's.Guide........................... 1 50 Cleveland's Landscape,ArcliUectnre........................ Ciok's Diseases o f Sheep.....i......i.............................. 1 25 Cobbett's American Gardener.........,..^......... 1> 75 Cole's Americati Fruit Book............ ................... ...... C oles Auiericiui Veterinarian.................................... 20 Cooked and Cooking Food for I’omestic Animals ... 5 00 Cooper's Game Fowls........... ..................... . Corbet's Poultry Yard atjd Market. P a , 50 cts. cloth 75 CrofiPs Progressive Americnn architecture......... . 10 00 Cummiu ga' Architectural Detail a ............................. 10 00 Cummings AMUler’s Architecture............................. 10 00 Cupper's Uulversal Stair Builder.............................a 3 50 Dadd's Modern H orse Doctor, I S m o . . ................... 1 50 Dadd's American Cattle D o c t o r ,1 2 i n o .,................. 150 Dadd's Ainericau Cattio Doctor, S v o , cloth............ 2 50 Dadd's American Reformed H oneB ook, S v o , cloth 2 50 Dana's Muck Manual.......................................... 125 Darwin's Viiiiat'ns o f Animals&Plauta.SvolB, new ed 600 Dead Shot; or. Sportsman’ s Oompleto Guide.......... 1 75 Detail Cottage and Constructive Architecture..... . 30 00 Do Voe's .Market Assistant..*.......... ? 2 50 Dinks, May hew, and Ilutchiuson, oil tho Dog.. ....-•• 3 00 Downiiig's; Landscape Gardening....... ............. 5 50 Dwyer's Hor.'-eBook............................... ................... 2 00 Eastwood oh Cranberry.............................. ............... 75 Eggleston's Citcuit Rider.............................................. 1 75 Eggleston’ s End o f tbe W orld.................................... 1 50 Eggleston'sHoosier School Master............................. 125 Eggleston’s Mystery ot Metropolisvillo............... 1 50 Eggleston's (Goo. C.) A Man o f Honor.................... 1 *5 Elliott's Hand Book for FruitGrowers. P a .60 cts.; clo th /........................ ......................................... 1 00 Elliott's Hand B ook Ot Practical Landscape GarElliott's Lawn and Shade Trees..,................... . Elliott's Western Fruit-Grower's Guide.................... Eveletl/a School 2Icu96 Architecture................ Every Horse Owner's Cyclopmdla............................. . Field's Pear Culture,................................................... . Flax Culture. [Seven Prfce. Essays by Practical Growers.)......................... .................*.................... Flint (Charles L.) on Grasses................. .................... Flint’s Milch Cows and Dairy Farming..................... Frank Forrester's American Game in its Season..... Frank Forrester's Field Sports, Svo., 2 v ols,...... ..... Frank Forrester's Fleh and Fishing, Svo. 100 Eng's r Frank Forrester's Horse o f America, Svo.p2 vola... Fnvnk Forrester's Manual for Young Sportsmen S TH E ANNOUNCEM ENT OF TUB M u rray Hill P u b lls h in g C o * Farm, Garden and Household. eb., late.4 uiscovcr*.> t. »l <• ____ _____ ____ iwrieiice ot*reproduction; bo truly happy iu the married rotation. Mate ami tv^ young oua middle aged should, read and preserve it; it conttHUs Inlbrmution, whicii no one can atEml to be with out: on how to preserve the health* and complexion* and ' ...... ----------*ir the bestaud CMoago, 111. R E A D for the MORPHINE and INTEMPERATE HA B U S .speedfly cured r painless, no publicity, at. home find without inconvenience. A n antidote that stands on iu merits, Send, stamps for particulars. D R . C A R LTON, i &t W ashington Streer, Chicago, li . B E V E H L T C O ., Polo Agents for tho Trade, Snili GOOD BO O K S . In all cases o f blood poisoning whefchor nrislng from mal aria! or miasmatlo exhalations, "dofoctivo sewerage, or. any other causes. Its constant use prevents the confrac/in^ o / confa^eoMS disiases; typhoid, Scarlet and all malarial fevers. Ifc is invaluable, and should bo uHofl in dhtriots whero/etier and ague prov.ail, as it istho greatest known pi'ovontatlvo to that (Hrioaflo. It is o f immonsc valuoiu (ho cilre o f all skin diseases.; a trial proves it, a ud its uso prevents con tracting therii. It is u special boon to school children who urocoustanUy exposed. I t is TH E MOST H E A LTIIFUL JnA TrrS O A P FOR IN F AN TS , worth its 'weight in {/old in tlio nursery. Jt is no mors expensive tlmu other toilet soaps o f good quali ty. I t goos fnrthor and Us great superiority is bringing It into universal use. I t lias no disagreeable odor and .absolutely pure* Extensively used in hospitals and sick rooms by order o f physicians. F o r M ule D y j> » u ^ i s t s a n d G y o c e r s . Sample box containing 3 cakes sentpost paid on receipt of 75 cents. Liboriil thrniH to tho trado. TH E B, T . M O R L& Y , Buchanau, [Mich. BARER! G 150 ISO 150 6 00 .3 75 lw25 30 2 50 2 50 3 00 000 350 10 00 3 00 150 French's Farm Drainage....................................... . 150 Fuller's Forrest Tree CuRirrist at V 1 50 Fuller's Grape G uitarist....^.....,................................ Fuller's lllustratf-d StrnwberryCultiinst.................. 20 Follet's Small Fruit OuUuriHt.................................... . 1 50 Fulton's Peach Culture .................................... ......... 150 Oardenerid Carriage Painters' Maoual.................... ... 100 Gardoueris H ow to Point.............................................. 100 Geyelin’s Poultry-Breeding..^..................................... 125 Gonld's American Stair Builder's Guide.................... 4 00 Gould's Carpenter's and Builder's Assistant............ 3 00 30 Gregory ou Cabbages............................ paper....,...... 30 Gregory on Onion Raising....................paper............. 30 Gregory on Squashes. .............................paper............ W hy? for the aatue 75 Guenon on Much Cows............................................. . reason as given above. Guillaume's Interior Architecture............... ............. 3 00 The Bronchial Tubes ICO Gun, Rod. and Saddle............................................... are simply conductors Uallett’ s Builders' Specifications................ ............... 1 to carry air to the Hallett’s Builder*' Contracts..................................... 10 ALL PERSONS TH AT R1LVD Lungs,lienee inhalation Harney’s Barn*, Out-Bulldiogs and Fonces.............. 600 this are invited to send for onr must go direct to the Harris's Insects Injurious to Vegetation. Plain, largo and beantifnlly illustrated. seat o f the disease, and Colored Engravings........ ......................... . 6 50 Paper,.sent free to any address. if you w ill follow our Harris ou the Pig.......................................................... 1 50 directions, we guaran Hedges' ou Sorgho or tlio Northern Sugar Plant..... 1 50 tee to cube Bronchitis, Helnisley's Hardy Trees, Shrubs, and Plants.,......... 700 Uenderson’s Gardening for P.ensure......................... 150 W hy? because Asthma Henderson's Gardening for Profit.............. ............ 150 is a contractlon of.tb e 150 Henderson’s Practical Floriculture ....................... Bronchial Tubes, caus 175 Herbert's Hints to Horse-Keepers......................... ed by inflammation and 50 Holden's B ook o f Birds.........paper, 25 cts.; cloth irritation o f the mncua Hoopea' B ook o f Evergreens,.*..,,......... *..................... 3 00 membrane lining the 60 Hooper's Dog aud Q ua...........paper, 30 c ts .; cloth TVE GUARANTEE TO pURE Bronchial Tabes. Use 150 Hooper's Western Frnit Book..................... Coughs, Colds, Diplheria* Pneu- Oxygenated A ir as we 30 Hop Culture. By nine experienced cultivators.:...* mooift, Neuralgia, and nearly all will direct and we will 125 How to Get a Farm and Where to find One...... . I'ther severe attacks when all warrant a Cure. We 50 How to M ik e Cendyv..... ......................................... . other: remedies fail. bare cared cases o f 20 50 How to Use thoFistol................ ................................. . yesra Btanding. llim ter and Trapper.*.......,..i...............................L ... 100 150 H usman's Grapes and W ino.................................. . ■Can be cured Why ? 6 00 ilossey 'a Home Buildings.................... ................... . becauBe we have cured GOO Hhesey's National Gotinge Architecture............ . hundreds o f coses, somo '‘Jacques's Mauual o f the House........... ................. — 150 o f theni. being given Jocqneti's .Manual o f the Garden, Farm urndBarnover to die by alt phy .175 Y a rd :............................... ............................ sicians o f other schools Jennings ou Cattle and their'Die eases...................... . 175 of practice. Consump 1 25 Jennings? Horse Training Mode E m >‘. ...... ......... .— D Y S P E P S I A W E CURE. tion is a disease o f the Jerioiuga on th«Hor>>e.and his Diheases........A........ . 1T 5 Air passages and over Johhipgs on Sheep, Swine, and Poultry................... 1 75 Liver and Kidney mplainta are two-tblrda b f the cohos: Jersey,' Alderney: aud Guernsey Cow..:......... ......... 150 effectually reached b y Oxygen: iiro oaused b y Catarrh. John A n d ros (Rebecca Harding D a v li)................... 150' We guarantee a cure ' 2 03 Johnson’ ii How Crops Feed..... 1...:................. ...... ated.Air. you* will come in sea Johnson's How Crops Grow......................................... 200 son* Johnson's Peat and its Uses............................... ...... . 125 Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry ........... .............. 175 Dr Townsend's Oxy . Johnston's Elements o f Agricultural Chemistry ....v -i'5 d genated A ir will purify Kern's.- Practical landscapeG ardehlng................... ISO the. blood in one-third: King's Beekeepere'. T ext Book. Paper, 40c; cloth . 75 the time that any other KHppArt'n Wheat Plant.:.-...:.:................................... 175 known remedy o a n. Lakey's Yllloge and Country H ouses..,....,..:........... 6 00 Why? because to in Leavitt's Facts, about Peat............ 175 hale Oxygenated A ir i f Leuchar s How to Biifld Hot Houses..:.'........... ........ I 60 goes direct to the Lungs; Lewis’s People’s Practical FoiiRry K erper.............. 150 — — a iw And passes through the Long's American W ild Fowl Shooting.....:................ 2 00 tissues, and comes in LorlogV F'arm-Yurd Club o f JothAm....... ............... 3 60 direct contest with the; Loth’s Piftctical Stftir Builder.................................... 10 00 blood.aa It is forced inLyman's Cotion Culture........... ................................... 50 e Luogs by tho Manual o f F l i x Culture............................................... - 25 action o f the heart., Marshall's Farmer's. Hand B ook........................ . I 50 -•.iNDAll the blood In our McClnro’ Diseases o f the Anu Horso, CaUI* A Vhrop 2 00 veins returns to the Merrick's Strawberry Cnltnre...:................................. 100 Uoa*t every four m ill- Mllts ou I he. Horse's F oot....,...,,........................... ** 76 vies i f the blood Is good, Mohr on ti e Grapo-Vine......... .................................... I 00and forced from tho Mouckton's National Caijwuterand Joiuer.vt.:........ 6 00' heart-to tlio lungs, aud MouckbmVNational Stair Jinilder........................ 0 00' the more Oxygon^yon Mrs: Conislius's Young llousekeopet-'a Friend.:...,.. X 50 Murray's Tho Perfect Horse................................. ..4 00 CURED without cutting or inhale Into the lunge My Vineyard at Lakeview.......... ................ ........ . 1 25 drawing blood, with very little tho more you purify the; ornopiuu. A ny person troubled blood, when Oxygen with Cancer and Tumors will comes in contact with.pleaso write for testimoninlH, Ac., tiie impurities in the from: patients cured. W e war blood it carbonizes Aud. M anhood: H ow -Lost, H ow Restored! burns, causing t h e ; mnt. a perfect cure. blood t o . be 'heated eo *. v « r « w Just publlfhed; a now odltfon o f l>r. A l / I S ^ n l v e r w e H ’ t » € e lc b m l« d K *»a y that It warms evory lhe->*udfcar cu rt (withvwt medicine) ol^ part o f tho body, as it goes on its revolutions H U H v Sprajli-TcaasaiA. xor Semi&alr Wctikaott? through the 'system*] InTolantMry^ Seminal Louie*,- Im poteney; Mental and! I f your blood is pure' Pliyiloal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.;I Xato o f tho also, OonaumptionJ Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-’ yon cannot be Bickf ; Wo drive Mercury and ^IndulgMioo or sexual extiavAgance, ii:c. MCCLELLAN U . S. A H 0 3 P I - all other impuritioa out K^*Price,'in sealed ^envelope, only s ix cenfs. .) TALj Philadelphia, Pa., who hae o f tho blood:' W oguarThe calebraiediauitior. in this admirable Bessy,-cJeai> been: so succesalul throughout AUteo to purify the ly demonstrates, from a tbiTly years' successful practice* H ew England In tiio cnre o f Con blood In one-third the Him tiie'alarm ing consequences o f Belf-abnse. may-1)«; cent andTum ors, takes chnrgo o f time o f a n y - o t h o r . radically cared w ithout tho dangorous use o f Internal this department. known remedy... „ ‘,medWnoi.ov theLapplicatlon’ o f the knife; pointing, out a mode, o f cure at onoo certain and ofloctual^by-; . which every sufferer, no maiterrwhat his comiftiorimay? be, may cure him self chcaply/privatoly and radically. • ..*a®i.Thlatilrectarefshould be in^^Lhe LhHncU o f every Address all letters as heretofore; . youthand”fevery-aiah in ib e la n d . . * H [ « :Sentundar'fleal,'in’ a plain ebvelepe? to aay, addvess. po3^-iW«ti,on receipt o f six coots or two postage, stamps. Addvcss the publishers. E. P. T O W N S E N D , M..- D., « ^ TH E OCLVERHf ELL MEDICAL C0 * rost Office Box 4586. -. ' yi-'Auojfi£:,H©wYbrksipc ! '■ ’ V ', /J W hy? because Inhala tion is the only w ty that tlio A ir PaBbage can be reached, arid Catarrh is a disease, of the A ir Pnesages o f the W E M AKE xV SPECIALTY Head. Dae this Treats o f treating patients by? Moil rnent as wo direct* Please w rite and describe jo o r which is ea3y and pleas ant, and we guarantee symptoms. a perfect cubs o f Ca tarrh. G ATABEH ! Bronchitis l ASTHMA! CHRONIC D IS E A S E S C u re d . N ew paths mnrkod. o a t to r --------------------------‘ Health b y that plainest o l all books—P l a in l i o n s T a l k a n d H bdioad C o h xon Sxnse ,w hich contains nearly l,000pages o t original matter, aa entertaining as nfascinatm g story. Health and lon g lita made easy t o r the learned and unlearned. Crammed fa ll o l brand n e w I d e a s , which are cheering to the side, and intensely entertaining to those w ho aro fortunate e n o u g h to escapo disease. I t guards tha reader a ga in st‘tho pitholes o l human suffering, and points tho w ay o f delireranco to those w h o are already engniphed. B y ail means, find ou t all about it, I t i s l ’o r y o n . I t ’s author, Dr. E . B . F oots , o t 1 2 0 L ex in g to n A t e n o s , H e w Y okk , is consulted by Invalids at hom e and abroad, in person and b y letter, ond has bad tbe experience o f nearly a q u n r t o r o f a c e n t u r y In tho treatment o f long standing and difficult dis eases o f every character; hence h is ability to write practical truths f o r tho invalid reader. H is consnltations are m s s t o tho sick everyw here; hence hisim m enso correspondence w ith tho sick all over the globe, Y o n , e e a d e b , arts a t m ERTT to consult the abls author o f P lain H om o T a lk and M edical Com m on Sense. W rite to him and yo n will ha struck w ith his Com m on Sense. W hatever you r malady, yo u w ill receive light w h ich w ill d o you go o d , b y Investing o n ly a postage stamp, and writing t o D r. F . w o w ish to interest yo u in b o th tb s d octor and his Im m ortal b ook . T h o B o o l e itself, w hich gives satisfaction to all w h o read it, can b o had o f agents, o r o f the publishers direct. P rice, $3.25 fo r the standard edition. C h e a p p o p u l a r e d itio n , t v lt li a ll t lio m a tte r a n d I llu s t r a t io n s , n o a t ly b o u n d i n m u s ___ _ .................ays fe lt that y o n were ‘ physician Of tho w orld, fro m th o fa ct o f you r .. w onderful buccobs and original id ea s." One reader soys—“ I have fo u n d it to b a o n o o f the grandest w orks o f tho a g e ." A nother says—“ X w onld n ot bo without i t f o r tw ice its cost.” Similar letters reach tho author every day. C on tents table free. ____________ SCIENCE I N S T O I t Y ; also b y D r . F ootk . Cheap edi___________________ tion . B vols. in 1, n eatly bound, $ 2; in 5 separato vols. a t $5 and $7.50, accordin g to binding. Sent b y m ail o n receipto f p rice. Just the th in g fo ry o n n g p co p le . C on tents table f r e e . ____________ BLOOD DISEASES! tiiiri CANCERS TUMORS! tyMl W, M, PARKE, M. D 1 2 2 H i g l i S t ;,v P y o v i d o n o e ^ R / i ; ‘ P rINTINGPRFSSES^* sir J 5 fl ; i ‘ -H®SEND 10 C T3.TO 0 - Fhyaioians wishing, to locatp/ in some town o r : idly in this business, can b e furnished, with territory ond our illustrated papers for advertising the:samo^by addrossing • * *t -*«- ; P u b l i c a t i o n s . W e can fur nish all o f D n. F oote ’ s popular D im e Publications on health an d kindred topics. *’ OLD E Y E S M A D E H EW tells h ow to restore the sight anagiye up glasses, w ithout tho aia o f D octor o r M edicine. H a lf a m illion have been issued already 1_ “ Co m fo rt AN3> COBB FOB TRK RUPTURED" is & Y&ln&ulo m onograph f o r those w h o are afflicted w ith R uptnro o r Hernia. “ P sysiolo g ioa i . Lmpeoveiiert o f HuiLLRiTT." relates to the subject o f having people b o m right. “ P htsiologioal M a r r ia g b " gives’ the latest researches regarding the laws governing tem peram ents adaptation, & c., & c. A . S ra p B a c k w a r d , reviewing inconsiderate legislation concerning the Prevention o f Conception. “ Spbrkatoebhcea ,” o r Sem inal w ea kn ess with, evidence o f its curability. 41C roup , its causes, prevention and cu re,'’ Inval uable to every m other having tho care o f sm all children. “ C ord F e e t ,'* causes, prevention and cure. A n y one o f the foregoing D im e Publications w ill b e sent b y mail, postage pre paid, on receipt o f ten cents. I T I o n t b l y , 15 page royal octavo, d ouble colum n. E dited b y D ie. F o ots , Sen. and Jr. $ 1 p e r year w ith premiums. Sam ple c o p y free.____________ FREE P u b l i c a t i o n s . W e w ill sup p ly D b . F oote ’ s F ree Fublicar _____ S o n s. “ Gratuitous A d vice to the S u ± " abroad as w ellasa tlu rm e ; a chm fiaroit value t o th e sick . “ E m dawes o/ JJr. F oote * Sutcess ; ” a sixty page pamphlet, f r e e b y man. —Send fo r them. 5 ,0 0 0 g o o d A g e n t s chn find employm ent. Ad* _ ________ __ _ _ dress, T h o Murray H ill Publishing Company, 1 9 9 E a s t 3 8 t h S t r e e t , J f i c X o r le . n t i GUARANTEED Mill on Portage Street. 19tf . P . II K IN N E Y Miller. BUCHANAN FLOURlKG_ MILLS. -m : A gallon o f warn, water poured- :on; - " : ; ^ VTV ; T~~ -Thera are nnprinoiflledpersons in Bcston s nd elsewhere * ^ :T n ie n -y.ou^ wanfc ^yonr: flame that are puttie*u p a BOCtflB LIQUID and trying to palin a pailful o f walnut leaves, i t is said,' off as M l X u i u z t i T , or Oxygenated A ir, and claiming will make a safe wash for'.horses1' and ijnnWdfbht~dard8,-S‘in^first^U«w-s^lef itit to he ilk : mine, " None gennlne unleM the words “ DR. SOyrNflffHB'8 OXVQXKATSD A IR ” i S i i'tOWR Of give us a call, 50 cards for 25 cents. cattle,andfsave the annoyance, of fiies.t sentaitKfo*ma.*titi*ti>i : lyi [J urivataS ofboth private ^:trmt°/r< t r e a t y ^^y ^ye flJCEK,XS r e s , particularly ises, hut a r e /^ p /T a ra ly sis ,A p o p le x y , i n t e n d e d /Q y jE p i l e p s y , and all nerfo r ir e n - A S a ^ous derangements ; ■ /th e ir Cause and Cure. _„ . Tills Essay w ill he found e u la r A s S y d e e p ly interesting.to all tion. X -5 v /n e rv o u s sufferers. BO TH : E IT H E R o f the foregoing 1-BOOKS sent f b e e to y ^ ^ - A a n y address. Address, "'with f ^ /s ta m p ,I ir . Y .P . Co. .Bedford,Mass. a x M js r m s S U L F IIT J J R SO A P. A Sterling R emedy for D iseases and I njuries of tiie Sk in ; A. H ealthful B eautifier of tiie Complexion ; A R eliable M eans of P reventing a n d R elieving R heumatism a n d G out, a n d an U nequaled D isinfectant , D eodo rizer. a n d Counter -I rritant . Glenn's Sulplmr Soap, besides eradi cating local diseases of the skin, banishes de fects of the complexion, and imparts to it . ’ gratifying clearness and smoothness. Sulphur Baths are celebrated for curing eruptions and other diseases of the skin, as well as Rheumatism and Gout. Glenn's . Sitlplmr Soap produces the same effects at a most trifling expense,. This admirable, . specific also speedily heals sores, bruises, scalds, ■ burns, sprains and cuts. .It removes dandruff .and preyentsi the hair from falling out and turning gray. Clothing and linen used in the sick room is disinfected, and diseases communicable by contact with the person, prevented by it. v . The Medical Fraternity sanction its use. Prices—25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box. (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1. 20. ' N . B.—Buy the large cakes and thereby economize. . gold b y all Druggists. ' ‘ HILL’S HUB ANI) WHISKER DYE,” p- B l o c k o r B r o w n , '5 0 C e n ts . C. S^ITTESTOiY, Frop’r, 7 Sixth Av.J.Y.- W.Y. EDVMfi DS. 3 6 CHURCHS' N[WYork E M im W XM - DuranV 4 rJM . I T c w r R e v h ic d ! E d i t i o n ..— 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 .articles, - S.OOO’eDgraTiugs, aD#-.‘l S splendid, maps’,- .The'BKST -BOOK of universal knowledge in the language. !NoW in course b f publication: -Specimen' with map sent tor SO cts. AOBNTS WANTkD. , -. OBAI. l i ■ u, Cash P a id lor W heat, C orn, &c YI& ITIII emedy L I J . J . ^ . 'J N E f l N A L L Y , A N O -P O e iT IV E lY -.CURES R H E U M A T ISM ,jG 0U T .“ NEURALGIA A N D - LUMBAGO.; ;S010 B T im U G G IS T S EVEBY.W HERE. S EN D FOR CIH- MtlpHENSTlNE & BENTLEY, .. r- - - ffRUG GlSTS, W ASHING TO N ; 0 , C l Strikes nt ibo root o f dtacase by purifying tho blood, res toring- tlio liver and kidneys to hoolthy nctioo, invigora ting the nervous syptem. CUSTOM WORK jJAUEFULLY ATTENDED TO. he V Is not n vile, imuBeonu compotind which sliupty purges the bowel*, hut; u sufo, plonsantremody, wliich is tiure to purify the blood, and thereby resloro thfl health, i Dr. I Clarence .Price V e g e tin e Is Moir presetIhcd, iti cases o f Scrofula and other diseases o f the blood, by many of tho best physicians, owing to ifs great success Tu curing-all diseases of this nature. HAS V e g e iin e VISITED NILES Does not decoivo invalids into falso hopes by purging and creatiug a fictitious uppotito, hut assists nature iu cleariug and purifying tho whole system, leading the patient gradftll? to perfeothealLli. TWEMTY YEARS. . with unprecedented success in thb troatmont all HASof met C iir o n ic D is e a s e s OP THE THROAT, HEART STOM ACH , , V e g e tin e Was looked upon ns ftu experiment for somo lime by gonio o f our beat pby&Jcbins, but those most incredulous iiyrogard to its merits aTO now its most ardent friends and supporters. Y e g e t i ne, ‘ ‘gliakes.2’ I wanted to ask your opinion,” whispered a young peanut peddler aa he beckoned Big English into Justice ally yesterday morning. ‘ 'About war maps ?” inquired the big boot black. ‘ ‘No, hut about drugs. Dad has got the shakes. He gave me a quarter to gee quinine with. Now, sup pose I get 10 cents worth of quinine, put in enough chalk or flour to mako up a two shilling package, and we lay out the other 15 cents in dates and gumdropB and things ?” “ It were well, my boy,” replied Big English, “ Yes, hut would chalk and quinine mixed together huit anybody? ' “ On the contrary, they would soothe the nerves, tone the system, and recuperate flagging energies," was the dignified reply. “ And you’ll get the chalk and help me mix ’ em "7 “I will. You will find me in the barn when you return. Say nothing to nobody, and your dad shall be made well again and we shall be made happy.” Tnfjfcoid of being a pufl<*d-np medicine, has worked its way up to its proaoDt- astonitihiug success, by actual merit in curing all dtseasos o f the blood Of whatever nature V e g e tin e , LIVER. iti-Hd, ner'T6B, kidneys, bladder, womb, and blood. Affecttout of tiie urinary organs, gravel, scrofula, rhemnatism, catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, dyspepsia, Ac. Hr. Price’s reputation has boon acquired candid, honest dealing aud years o f successful practice. My practice, not oue of experiment, but. founded on the laws o f Nature,Avith anrs of experience and evidence to sustain it, doos uot tear down, make sick l-o inake.well: no harsh treatment, no trifling, no flattering. "V^e kuow the cause and the remody needed, no guess work, but knowl edge gained by years o f exporieuce in the treatruont o Chronic diseases oxclusi vely; no encouragemen t \vi thou ta prospect. Candid in our opinion, reasonable in our cLui^es,claim not to know everything, or to euro every body,but do claim to reason nud common sonse. We invite tbe sick, no matter what tlioir ailment, to call j in vestigate before they abandon hope, make interrogation and decide for tbemselveB. I t will cost nothing, as con sultation is free. Visits made regularly. Dr. V . Clarence Price can baconaulfced at Niles, Ifond House, Saturday and Sunday, the 7LU and Stb of .Inly. At Laportej Ind , Myers TIouSo, ou Saturday and Sunday, the Oth and 10th o f .Tune. Patients will address ail letters to Dr. V. Claronce Price, Waukegan, IU. with stamp. Saj's a Boston Physician, “ lias no equal an a blood puri fier. Hearing o f its many svondorJul cures, after all other remedies had failed, J visited tiie laboratory, and convinced myself ol its genuine merit. It is prepared from barks, ro:»ts, and herbs, each of which Is highly effectivo; and they are compounded in such a manner ns to produce osbmhhlng rcBUtts.4* V e g e ti ne Is ncknowfodcod and recommended hv physic^ns and upoihecarife8 fo bo the best purifier and cleanser o f the blood yet discovered, ami thou>anfl'3 speak in its praise who have been i ostored to health. PROOF, W H AT IS NEEDED, IfoSTO.v Feb, 13. 1R71. Mr. H. 71. STRyssfi. B ear Sir,-'M y only object in giving you this teatimoT.btl is to spread valuable iDformalion. Having been badly afflicted with Salt Bheum, and the whole surf.ico of my ekiiL being covered with pimplo* and eruptions many ol which caused rao groat xmiu and auuoyuuce, and kuowing it to bo a biood.disease, J. took many o f the udv^rtiaed blood prepHi atfons, among which was any quant ity of SaraaparillH, without obtaining any bonefit until I commenced taking the V eosxijie; anil before I had com pierc*il tho first bottle I saw that I liad got the right medicine. Consequently X followed ou with it natll I boil token seven bottles, when I was pronounced a well m an; nud my skin smooth, and entirely free irorn pim ples anti eruptions. I have never enjoyed so good health before, and I attribute it all to tho u-se o f V egetijje T o benefit th o 'e aAHotcd with Rheumatism. I w ill make meuliou also o f the V icbtisk ’ s wonderful power o f cur ing mo o f JIih ncult* complaint, o l which I have suffered eo intvneela C. il. TUCRElt, Hass. Agt. Mich. C. B. lt., No GO Washington &t, Boston. A Gamin’ s G en erosity. There was crape hanging to a door on Beaubien street, y*-.vrd *y k,renoon, and a. li q- t> i • 7 ye«=s okl Stood at tbe gale Vi’Ut: link- f.HU and red A ragged, w.u.uio t*iu wing imp, nb-.-ui 12 y uis came .-faaiming alonv w»t,i he w .s u.aki>i£ i cany to stick his finger into the sm-l-. buy’s eye, thmugh the bar- o f the gate, when i.,- rHUsb't Sight o ! *lie C'a, e. “ H '.who 1V ,k‘. r i hea.»kt d. “ Y .s , • u.v pa J” ga-•pHI i ’he little one. ex* “ I I A ev : if‘U< f ’-:i '■'S M:iT cl aim vi] tU iim>. ii d he’■bea fill search' ii.ji hi-» po-l; (*!>4 A fter u :-;vcring thar bis p^rsoTtiH P’ -'P s;y amounted rt! : i"if r ab7 ami to three- nails a clay pii-c, ht* aa i l : 1 i Hive “ See here. bub. “ 1M h you camlv, or a kni.e. --V -SOHu.*:iV i-» kinder make you feel tftilr><*.. but I can’ t doit. I ’ro d ead iirok ti t*n\ ft'cl* in’ half sick, but n i t-•n V*' ii what I ’ll do. I could -chaw ■1-tiU ih l.l ‘flit* m? hiHrt minute, bat you can (' >”» «* & .? ,1-V j and I ’ll. let you tflkv. maul me, and I’ll holler Ilk-- » aud all the hoys will think y.,« are the wickedest fighter east of : V ave nue.” The small boy might ha'-c a T>ri-ri ated the motive, hut- he doio't n c - O ’ -L the offer—Detroit Free Pnss V - K G K T I W 2£! tlx-C-i.. Prepared by H. E. BRADLEY, H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass A i - f !? :rl. whij had -n imfor » baov eom eatv. who -nkfast the otuer m<-1-ning BortaM c n wit-it a s asuen nnri irnnon it. air. she to her moiher “ I nrue « c II iave one pretty sci n,’ ’ ••tsave -i i t ' asked the mother. “ A bah promp ,ly replied the young “ L pruvea to tne Lord tnnocen last mgnt to sen ! us one: out of all things, not to send a- red hairen one. for we all hate red hair. Breakfast was resumed amidst a profound and solemn silence. N. B.— The prayer is not yet answered. N )W Vegetine is'Sold by All Druggists. T aph er IIAS REMOVED TO MARKTHESE FACTS. Cathcart5s Old Stands The Testimony of the Whole World. H o lI O T v a y ’ s IP ilis - Six Doors North of the “I bud no ajipotite; Holloway's Dills gave me a hoarty oneJ' “ your pills are marvellous.” -“I send for auother buX, and keep them iu Jbe house.” “ Dr. Holloway hns cured iieadache that was chronic “I gave oue o f jour Pills to. my bubo for cholera mor bus, The dear little thin^got wellin a day.” “ Sly nausea o f a momiug is now curod.” “ Your box oi flolloway's Ointment cured me o f noise* In the head. I rubbed soma o f your Ointment behind the ears, and the noise lias left.” "Send mo two boxer*, 1 want one for a poor family.” “I onoioHQ a dollar; your prica Is 25 oor.ts, but tho modicine to m e ’ S worth ft. dollar.” “ Send mo five boxes of your Pills.” “ Let me have three boxe>t of your I'iiis by return maKj for CSiiila and Fever,” llm ve over 2G0 such testimonial* as these, but want of •space compels me to conclude. Buclianan, Midi, T h e Liadles9 H a n d -B o o k Of valuable information to everyAC^woman, OLD or Married or Single. LADIES^ w ill thank us for H a n d - B o o k , and no m o t h e r w ill o b j e c t M C D »to placing it in t h e y ^ / _ 1 hands o f her daugh \j y V ters These Hand* t . r - Z E L L ’S. a SATISFACTION DIME Consumption aBabove.^ Orders for Flour, Meal, Feed, A c., for the Wholesale and retail trade proroptlj’ filled i£g?” Special attention paid to custom grinding. SCH EN CK’S S E A W E E D TON IC. In tho utinospheru experienced hero duriug tijouumnier motitlis, theleiliirgy ^rodncod hy tho boat taker away tho doairo for wholesome foefl. nndlreqnentperppimtionB rydneo hotlfly energy, partfonlArly tlioao BiijTiTjjig from tho c1fleets o f debilitating diaeoaea. tn order to keep a natural hoftUhOil, activity of the sj’ntem wo must resort to artificial means, For this purposeScbonck'fl Sea Weed 3?ouic h very effectual. A few doses will create an appe lito and give fresh vi^or to tho t-netvatotl body- For dys 3foptia, it la iiivnhmble. iRTany cnioont physicians have doubled wlmtht-r dyspopaia c n l»o permanently curod by the drugs Which are penoraVy employed for that purpose* SDhd Sea Wood Toatc iu its nttiuroJs totally different from such drugs. I t eontivii>& no corroBivoiniuernla or acids; in fact it askiete the regufor opemtirnfl o f natnro, and supplies her deficiencies. The tonic in its si itnro eo much rodcmbJos Iho gastric joico that it hmlmiti identicni uirh that fluid. Tho gastric ju icei* tho nalurnl soivent which, inn healthy condition o f the body, causes Ibo food to ho digested; and when Uiis juice is notoxcroted in sufficient quantities, indigestion, wilh allits distressing symptoms, folloiva. Tin* Sea Weed Tonic perforins the du ty o f tho gastric jnice when the laticr is deficient: gchendc's Sea Weed l ’om'o sold by all Dmggists. rough a pearT proprietors, DR. TOWNSEND'S i.cosaisrixa or .— T a k e four ounces of butter,“six ounces of powdered loaf sugar, seven ounces of flour, one tablespoonful of fresh cream' and one egg. Make the above into dough, beating it well; then roil ft out very thin, cutting it into square pieces two inches long and one broad. Bake in a quick oven, and when done they should be a light yellow brown. 'O 'Daily Use in the Family. ^ statntdv B read B udding,— Take the crumb o f a penny loaf and pour on it a pint of good milk boiling hot? when it is cold heat it very fine with two ounces of butter? and sugar to your.p4ilate,;: grate half a nutmeg ifi-it, beat itrnp with four' eggs and put them in, and heat all together nearly half an hoqr,; tie it in a cloth and boil it an hour T H E ,0 -B I G d H A L A N D O N L Y Yon may put in half a pound of cur t;.■. --ts^EasriDnasasrants, for change, and pour over it a white wine sauce. F ricassee of E ggs.— Take some hard-boiled eggs, cut them into quar tors, yolks and whites. Heat some gravy, seasoned with shred lemon peel, parsley, thyme, and grated nut meg. Pat in the eggs, together with a piece of butter rolled in ilour, shake it gently over the fire till properly thickened ; garnish with artichoke bottoms, sliced thin and fried, anc yolks o f hard-boiled eggs, chopper small.. Takes the Place of all other.Soaps for Making the m ost healthful, the moat perfect, and the most economical h a t h ami t o i l e t soap ever offered to the public. •Indorsed b y the medical profession anil attested by thousands T*EPAULThaving beerejuaffofa. tiie'poynitmfcof acar JL* t*viwhqmQt moneysecuredto bapHd. byRniodent n «•«* imutaao<l executed;liy Jacob- McGmber at .1 MrOjpberbis nifo* ofjlurrien County, Michttf\*f tbwftrafe to“WilliamJ Oloaaen of thesarao o* tl.f*a<>ctindimrt, andVvectrlugdate ibe.l2thday **j A. T>*1^7oml recorded In ilia officeor tbe ft ;»*<•.r i»l I vedeottbo r<mntyof BerrlomIn.BaldState, Thereupon i t is ordered th a t Monday, the SOth day o f July instant, a t 10 o ’clock in the: foronoon,.bo assigned fo r tho hearing o f said petition,and. that the heirs at law o f 3ald deceived, and all other persons tutorestodiu saidcstate,areroqairedtoappearatases3ion.ofsaid Court then to be holden a t the1Probate Office, f n Ibo village Of Berrien Springs,anilshOw c a u s e .if any. there bb, why the prayer o f thep etitionor should n otL e granted. And i b fir furth'pR.orderedv .tha t said Petitioner give notice to th& persons interested 3n said estate, o f the pen dency o f said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a, c o p y ' o f.,tM $ order to. he published iu the Berrien. County Record^ a newspaper printed. and cir culated in said County.pCBerrien, fo r threoguccesslve weeks previous to eald^day^ orhearingi. • tL .S .7 ' ALEXANDER 8 * LEEDS, A true cop y ^ 2Lw4 Judot o f Probate* CU STOM 877. The mill has recently undergone repairs and is better able than for years previous to do all kinds .of work promptly and in the very host condition. Disinfectant Bath and Toilet SlORTliAijE SALE. C onntyof Berri«»n;, holden at' the Probato Office In the vilhigo o f Berrien Springs', on Monday, the 2d day o f July; in the year one thousand eight hundred and aeventy*aeven. v . Present, Alexander B. Leeds, Judge o f Probate. Tn the matter o f the estate o f James L iVratson. deceased. On reading and filin g t h e p etition, duly veriSed, o f Mary TVapion, made as:.,widow o f said deceased, praying that her dower in the real estate o f said deceased, in said county situated^ may be admeasured; to her pursuant to .12, P r o p r ie to r s . - (PATRSfl APPLIED FOR.) To OoOK P ea#.— Peas aio cooked without; water in Preach. kitchens. Form erly occupied b y J. W . Smith, Put the peas io a saucepan, with a where they will continue to supply good piece o f butter— size accotding the wants o f their m any customers. to the quantity of peas. Place two or three lettuce-leaves over tha"~'tk>jK Put on the cover, and set on the back of tho range. They must cook very They“wil^conclucc a“ First-Class slowly till tender. Take out the let' tuce leaves, and serve. I f peas, arecooked with water they must boil.Let there be only just sufficient to cook them. Add a bit of soda.-the JACOB J. VAN RIPKR. size o f a pea. When tender,: do udf r-^. Receiver of the firn\ot DayARough. D. H. Uiniia A11’yihr saidReceiver. 20wl3 drain them, hut salt, and add thrgft or four spoonfuls of rich cream— or *■0^05X3111; ORDEK.—State o f Michigan, County o filer* butter will do. J r 'n en i.is^ A .t a Sessron o f the Probate Court fo r the I n conneotiou with their G rocery. D iseased P each T rees.— The fol lowing is said to be a sure remedy for the yellows in peach trees: “ One part o f saltpetre to two of salt, placed close to the body o f a. tree before a rain. It seems not only to destroy any fun goid growth o f vermin which maybe infesting the roots, but to act as an excellent fertilizer.” Used iii JJealth Prevents Disease.- T H E July K IN G E R Y & M A R B L E , n •i. H th day o f April,. A . D-IS78, at-l)jJ o'clock , K -*>* f'r 7 o f Wortsivpcs, on page 164, vh lcli Bnlil morty;v# o vrtvr, ou Uk« 7tli day o f August, A . T>* 1S73, duly as^ t o . tb.0 Buchanan Wagon Mamif iptiying Company, which said assignment was, on fluvyghth. fday o f Septem bor,'A.I>. 1S7S, dnly recorded rhi' snivt Rcgister'a otBce ut l ^ o’ clock 1\ M., In Liber 9. o f .teArfg*jffP8von pagaloS/ ana was, on tho 12th day o f Jnne, A . D 1S75, duly assigned by said Bncbanan Wagon Main ■n:attm-ii3g:7 Compauy- •to--Audre\y C. Bay and Solomon Bough, ui* said*County, ‘“which said assignment was. on lho *22d day o t - J u n o , 1877;,! at 9- o.’clock A duly recorded, tusaid Rcm stcrVofflce, ia Llber No. 17 o f Mort* gngos. on pngo 2S6, fin Ayliich said “mortgage there is claimed to be d neqnd unpaid, at tho date o f this foreclnsnro tho- sum o f two hnudred Blxty»four and lBIOO dollars f5264.10) and^^uo ?uit at law orproceedlng la eqal** ty havingbeen tnshtuted. to recover paid sum o r any part, Mioreof! Notice fs thcretcre hereby' given that b y virtue of-ap ow er o f Salo. contained in said Mortgage and now J tm u a e xxicriv'ivii^aiu.Un pursuance Qf the statute in. such case made and provided-,- the laud descrlbod in Said .M ortgage .to-wirr L ot -nlm> (9 ) In. Block No. seven'^7i-i,UfO0' ri;o A.TUftkeRree’a plat o f theVillnge o f Galien, .RTiil;beiag1n section N o, three^f?) in tow n No. eight (8) &;>hth‘ riingQaniaeteen (lO^west.lii Berrien Ccunty. MicUig m . w ill be fiold at public auction o r vendue, at the front door o f the Court,, House, in the village of.Berrien Fpriugiqifk ei^Clpunty o f B.errienj t i ^ t h e ^ i t h ' d a y o t ^ S e p t « n »l> e r, A .i > * 1 S 7 7 , at 11 o’ clock A. at .tosatisfy the auiouut Avhich shall then bo dne on said Mortgtigev together with the costs o f such foreclosure and sale*, prtviJed foriln eald Mortgage, Dated .1nne 2Hh, 1877* iv For ridding lawns o f unsightly weeds,, such as plantain and dandeli ons, the following plan is recommend ed by an experienced gardener: To the end of a light wooden rod attach a small sponge, or better, wind a few thicknesses o f cloth around it, dip the sponge in oil of vitriol, and with it touch, the heart, of the weed. The oil of vitriol may he carried in a wide mouthed bottle at the end of another rod: Thursday, I t l ] C IIA N A -M j T h e J^Qth < !n y o f A n g u s t , A . h i 1 !» 7 7 „ at cloven-o'clock id. the forenoon o f said day, to satisfy thaauiauat.\\duclk.fcludl theu.hu <Uul on.Aiid, Mcrigege, together vritlrtittnnstsrof snch foreclosure mod sale and &hwtAU attoraryfeo provuled for in said Mortgage *T ; AT\ r t : » ; JOHN Iii^fc;LVlI.LE " Mortgage*, iW A trorney for^fortghgeo; l>Ated May 21 IS7TT *r~~~ *" 15wl3 : :M ich ig ^ ? 1 EFAULT lmvU\g.l>eeninafla In tho payment o f a cerIftlu suyvol inonay secured to bo paid by an indent* nro ot M o r t i c e , mado nod executed by Peter ZiogelmeU*r cuffiMnvy Ziegelineter, his \vUot o f tho Comity o f i jercieu, ai\d b tito ot; Michigan, o f t|io iiratpart, to John 'W ie lt illg , o f the^ sc\H>ndk^rtf* au<\ bearing date the twoutivlh uav o f Novvu\l>orv 1S75, "und recorded in tho oR lcoof ti e KesiiUcr.or D eetU ofth o County o f Berrien m«*utl S t a t io n the tenth day o f Dccumbor, 1875. at 4l<, o’clock C. M.. lu Liber oluvou o f Mortgages; on page 395. therp la claimed to. be. due and tbib'Uirecfo-sIiro, tho sum.of oqq oibirst nud twonty-tvro cents ami u o s m ta t la w o r proreodlnfia; in equity having boon in* stvtujvd to recover tho sajd sum oi money;;or-any part. -^Therefore.' mttiee-ls h e r e b y - t h a t b y virtue o f the no\v*r o f sale contained lu said Mortgage now Tipcomo operative, a n d in puVauauce oCthe statute ml ^uclijcufto ruakA undTpr^vided? tho land described in irndrMoftgaiio, to*w H :/ AlDtlmfecerbmi plo6o.or.pnrccl pi U nd mhnto in tho Courtly o f Bercieu aml State o f At» desQiibedas toilowa. The south half i ? j ) o5 the souXha^t. quarter section tbirty*tivo 1’TvffuTtvwnfrhlp Hire.* 1;$) souin o f range eighteen (IS) N N ’Vht.^Qd tbfrty-bcr^ ott lliq east end oft the sm th baH tliq:8onlh*wast qn irter O n) or said section thlityiivo ih the! tp\vu§lnp afofe^aid. w ill bo sold at public auction «r“voiyhfo.*at the front t^oor o f the C oart House, In rl e vllfctgp o t Ifonleo Sitings, in said county o f Ber- r.p'l Pit ** SIM Dr. E. A. eURTiS For Outaneoifs Disorders, T R E A T S A LL C H RO N IC D IS E A S E S OF T H E L tm g s , H e a r t, h ir e r , S to m a c h , B o tv e ls , K id n e y s , mid B la d d e r , Fem ale Weakness, Cancer, E pilepsy, F ever Sore, F ervous Weakness, Scrof ula, Aslhona, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, ete. D r. Gw'tis' M edicines are selected principally fro m the vegetable king dom, and are devoid o f the, injurious effects o f Ccdomel ancl other poison ous minerals. J its repataiim t is founded upon years o f. successful practice. Me cu/res speedily tohen a ew e is possible, and never gives en.couragenient unless there is good redson fo r so doing. H is remedies nev er depress, but: sustain,' the vitalfo rce. D r. G. cordially invites all afflicted • to consult with him, as there is often hope under change offrea lm en t, even tohen hope has 'been Abandoned. Forfurther advice call upon or address J )v ; JE. A . C u rtis, D ow ngiac, Mich'. Andall eroptions o f tho skin, this Ointment Is most in valaablo. It does uot neat externallyniono, bat pene trates with tho most searching effects to the very root of tho evil JrJ o i l o w a . y 5S P i l l s : Jnvarlahly cure the following diseases s Disorder of the Kidneys. In all diseases affecting these or^aiiBj wli :tber they se crete too much,or too, little water; or wt*ether titey bo aflticted with etono or gravel, or with aches and pains sotrles in the loins over the regions o f tlm kidneys, these PIIIq should bo taken according to the printed dfrecsions, and the Ointment should bo wel! rubbed into the email of the back at bedtime This treatment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have foiled. For Stomachs out of Order. No modicine will **aeffectually improve tho tone o f the slonmcli as theso Dills; they remove all acidity occasion ed either by hitomporanco or Improper diet. They reach tho liver and reduce it to a healthy action; they are wonderfully efficacious in cases oi spasm—in. fact they never fail in curing all disorders of tho liver and stomiwh. B 01/bOVrA\r,S DIL-TjH are tho l)ost-lcnown in tlio world .for the following diseases; Ague, Asthma, Bilious Complaint?., Blotches on tlio Skin. Bowels, Consumption, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Krysipeliia, Female Irregu larities, Fevers of all hinds, Bits, (h-uf, Headache, indi gestion, Inflauiinalion, Jaundice, XJver Complaints, Jjuiu bago, 1?IU*S,BMuuiatisni, Rotcntion o f miue, Scrofula 01Kiug’s FvihSoreThioafs Fhmo and Gravel, 2 fc-Douloureux, Tumors, Ulcers, Worms ol *tij kimld, tVeaknoss from any causes, ore im p o r t Am v G A u r m m , None aro geuuioe nnluss the signature of J. UaydoCK, as agent for the United States,'surrounde Qach‘ bpxoi Dills, and Ointment A-handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information ns may lend to tlio defection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vondiog the same, knowing them to bo spurious. * «*?old atthe nmnutactory o f Professor floi.LOWAT Co,. New York, an cl by all respectable druggists and deulors iu meduune throughout tbe civilized world, in boxes at 25 c<*!«fe. 02 oonfe a«d each . , csSr There is cohsideral-lo saving ■by taking tlio larger sizes. • ' N: B.—Directions for the guidance o f patients in every disorder aro affixed to each box. Office ,112 Liberiy Sireet, Kotv Vorfl, DE. JAMES g@=”A t a Sunday school a teacher asked a little boy i f he knew- what the expression “ sewing tares” meant. “ Oourth I doth,” said he, pulling a part of his trousers around in front. “ There’s a fear my ma sewed: I teared it when 1 was sliding down hill.” [email protected] Turk', delight t-. howl and fight, for ’ tis their nature too ; let Bears and Lions growl and bite, for madness made them so. But Yan kees, you should never let your an gry passions rise -, don’ t ’quarrel ; trade, work hard, lie low, and for ward the supplies. XJSL.A lady said to a neighbor, whose husband was a hook keeper, “ Your husband’s occupation is a very sedentary one. He must s-ufftr for wan? of ex.reise,” “ Ob, I don’t know _iiho-:t that. He’ s always talk ing about limning up tho. columns,” was th. reply. jggp'-‘ fW:eil,” he complained, pull ing on his pants, “ when I die I shan’t go pokin’ "about cold mornings build ing fires.” “ No,” wag her cruel re ply from beneath the bad warm cov erlids-—“ for if you get your just de serts, you’ll find the fire all burning redhot for you every morning,” ‘News mama,” is anew spe cies of insanity. The persons afflict ed “ heat” newspaper men, bore edi tors to death, never pay; their sub scriptions, spong all the advertising they can, and generally die a misera ble death, cheered in their -last mo ments by the imp and his band of angles. Lock llosflital. C. B . C H U R C H I L L , Has a good assoi’tmQnt.ot Time-Eioces, .Towelrj’ , SperAs closj &c., cheap. Special attention given to'repairing Wooden, Ancient andMarine Time-Pieces A ll work i his line done with neatnesss and dispatch, and warranted Store on Main Strooti three doors north o f the Bank, Buchanan. Mich. C0JIXER W u s h in « ;t (in c & F i’a n k l i u , , GJ&£*X&G4>Chartered b y tho State o f Illinois for* the ox* press puti>pseofgiring ■ iiumoUiato relief in nll cosies o f private, chrou* Ic, and urinary diseases inftlltheir.complic3tQd forms. ,Itis well known w«* a that Dr James has _______ ^ i^ B to o d a tth o lie a d o fth o proioHsioti lor ihb piSt thirty years. Age aud experience oroalM m ponant, Semins! Weakness, night losses by dreams; pimplos on the face, lost manhood, can positively bo cured. LugfoR w auling tho most delicate -attention,^ call or write, TJaaiuint homo for patieufo. A .book for” the million Marriage Guido, which tells yon all about those di-soitses—who should marry—why not—10 centa l o pay postage. Dr.-James is 60 yours o f ago, and has 50 rooms and parlois. Consultation lfr.eo. Y ou sto no one but tho doctor. Oifico hours 0 A .M . to 7 1*. ,M. Sundays 1,0 to 12. AD bijftJnoflS Rtrictlv confldonlial. - 20vl di»y,i«cfc hmde b y Agohts BftlH'gourChromos, Crayons, >and BowsTd, Motto, Scripture Text, Transparent. Pirturojaud f:hiom o Cards. 100 sam ples. worth $4.:sent postpaid fo r '75c; Illustrated Oataioguofree. Jill.B U PPO R D -a l?0NS, BOSTON, listabliahodlSSo. : ‘ ' -- 72m6 $ 1 0 5 $2 '5 MERpHANTS, Sliumfnetm oi’S, anti otliui-s «Tip use F,etl.er Heads, . IVi 11 Heads, Envelopes, Cards, Civculais, in 5 fact any kind of - ■ Printing, will find . f 'the ’Record Steam •\Voirid.respectfully, announce tos the public that she is j - : Printing H o us e ' H 'ii O •• nowprepared iodoir.^■ * • : . , . Supplied with ma- /Mrs, Miranda Badgiey- ■_ class w o r k , and, prlees will be vfoUndjaa low as 6nti be obtaiutfd aiywbefe. ’fjy.irtiMAjbrcOttrlieear' - • ■ braiding and Stamping/ ’ ‘ ' In any doslrod patterns! on t h s - M ost- lle a s o u a b lc Tei'ihS/ g ggfA dear old lady presented ■her son, on her-departure for the Fea, with the Bible. On opening it duriag a gale, it fell from his bands;’ and out dropped a fine tooth comb and the admonitory book mark, “ Search daily-” * g @ “ The court, sevevely: “ Prison • er, this is not the first time you have been here. You have been convicted six times of vagrancy, twico of theft, once of------ ” The prisoner-: “ ’L et’s omit all those irrelevant details and come to business.” . ___ . . . .._____ \ • ggg“ A Miss Joy was presen t at a party recently, and in the course of the evening* some one used the quota tion, “ A thing of beauty is a joy for ever,” . when she exclaimed, ■“ I’ m glad I ’m not a beauty, for I should not like to be a Joy for ever.” B @ iA little girl seeing the*Punch and Judy ’ show for -the. first ' time, asked her nurse:, “ Is this Moody anii Sanliey ?” "