Chapter 4 - Memories of War
Chapter 4 - Memories of War
-{-tIY SceinF i,ewLshanr a;-iain $,aE lllae conin,, back a ho-!-Lday. ?erhaos the brer,k hadl bFen necesdary but tt wae a joy to lie bsck ti € r'cd bu9e6, Ghoppers, chLldrer,r dogsr dar\et tradersi and all tho ordinary life wo had t1s-egd. Tru€, the tidled-u! t'uin6 of hou6€s and dete:.Lct Dace6 a1l looked woase aft6r rortha awav but SpainC l,ed co-e ltc: er loor and r,/.eds w€le flouri6!:1n6 in caater6t I facs and filies in gardlenB. Tbe hospital hs.l a wounded but ordered look: pi1e6 of brick€ bo!'e a fO.l::l rjtTt iilljir Ol !' 6ign, the doctorBi {.uelters had been Jnail. h:bltai)1e a|atn, the Dispensary looked alnrost nornal and bla,ted tr.ee6 were irl ner, }e;f. In the llurses irone no Lor.,tier dtai b--et1e drlv,s anal 6peflint: bees foature on t.he notlcebosrd. tn6tead there lras a Vo?'l LI3OUR posler and t.e date of a unl-cn seetlrB. In !he town there $,ere pol-itl-cal pocters with picture6 of 6ervicemcni IIIiL! tj{iii. }ftiIS}t ,l;EILi JCr}. 0M fil!],:l ilo::f:; irti) IOn[:. I (ieneral !,].ection rras ini1lnent. !o ou. group, ali under tlreniy-one ani not allowed a vot6r It wa6 only of mild interest. ir gbbrcbiLl Detd a vi6il to LeHishsni he ua6 s l,F:.o ard no-on€ exp€;ted Labour to vrin ariainst hinr irut ttre:,' dici in a land6ltde vLctory. ije knew lrl:at lt oeant for hospitals. liven those of us no! interested 1n poLltics knew of tho 19tA ';l.rite laper which had 6et out nen health servl-ce propoBalsr :hen .ost doclor6 llad :ruprorted l_tr but that u,a6 in 1941. r:q'"?they .,.neurin jevan to contend uiHi. 'lut thzll r",r,s on1)' pol" and our intelet6 lay e16en,her.e. lior one thinu we !,ere back in ru1 s6sy roons anri now that $,a had nothlni" Lo dllrtract u€ ue were detefloined to atudy to pass our. linals Jnd be a cIediij to our patlent Sigter Tutor.. ior another we we.e back to dillcipl-ined lJaysr had our anrlual nedlcal and TD X-ray6r and rroae two atripes on our aras a6 befitted selrior nulses with Inoae corflc'lence and responslbllLty. l.etr t'e could even see sone pcint in lnstlllinf ti-,e rules ilrto nescOder6. l.rard Slsters w6re more oblir;infl in artan8l-ng tilne off I'i ine even a6ked .le vhicl: daJ/ otf Itd likelii saiC one - and nou and then a Genior doctor! otunneC girl pioud of an intereslin. ca.e, $roufd explain iteatmerit6 anal as lf he recomlsed that 're were on the last lrobfens fap to beconing grorthwirlle helpers. ione doctor€ had gfeut entlrusjLasir Ioy ne\,r tr'€ and for antique methoda be{nl revolutionleed. The tlve Leechcs in lh6 lectu.e roos h.rd been boitled ut as il^re of the 6u1pha dru!:s were no!., blr;toric exhibits. in use and penicillin, i;he acci-dentaf won.leri no!., ]-ay taeasulod in lrard r,.frid8eaatofs tea(;y to counteraot 'r,/eu,ere irl alre organismG a!1d the disoases tbey oau6ed. of thla :nagicaL rub€tanc€ when !.r€ 6an rrhat it could do (iiving it by a.d how rev€rently it was tr€at€d. inJectiob !^res a Geriou€ busine€E, oniy lo be done by aenlo! nursesi syrlnfie6 had t. be steii ised by fi|ling vrith oil and enptyiog then niri tineGr Leter e tooii to bollinnj .yiin{je6 and neeilfec for flfteen mln[te6. ile had 6 YD cllnic dttacbed to the ruin cai'ualty vrard. a diplomatic arrange:l]ent :ro that patlente coul"d be se.n tLan be 6ti$?ati6ed by a ijoinpl into Casual"ty lather VD cllnic. ;lefore tlre advenl of penlcillin ihe tr6atment niercuiy :rnd other wa6 for a long course ol alcenier Crug6, but now onfy a short eouli:e of iijectionE w6s needed. Ior this antlbiollc, whteh transfolnred lediciner the dlscoverers uere awardod lhe ;i^be1 piire. Lfl r,r.6 ar1 r,irae opttnlBtLc in bospital nofir 'iben ioDe6 for the plars future of i:edicine foared and a1l the Sociali6t for' chr,n, e r,,cro new. C u _ g r o u p r o u r h a d L o a t p l e w a r C c n o t q 4 - s r . d r p l " e d rb u t 1o6t thinijs now? iie nele ttolt surely we could cope uit giv1n8 nedlcinest !96.on6ible for writint repoyte, doind probationers complicateC tteatmentsr even instructj-l8 '"hoae pitlfuL j-nt. thic€;6 the lrnfledged routinea. I Na6 goinit to work in :illeatpe, which€w would be a 'Io whola new r./oyld)and :aher oa6 iloln{: to Casualty, our sutpriBe Casual"ty had the lt lerked her up, !€pirt:tior of a lli8 Dl.p?er, trhero you were {-'ither terrifiod lluker w's kcen to get therel or exhl.lar;ried by ii-e rrhirl. lhe n€6o|tnent i! would al"l ahe teltsbed of patlent6, be eo varleclt rot Like the emer't'ency casualiy wariis ln the borbt-ar. I'ftrG better thar al-f liio{je rr.rl end green fieldErrl I ' I t r s j u s t L i k o 1 l f e r y o u n e v e r k n o v . rw h s t r r , she said. roln.; to cone thrcuith the svrint .ioor:i." In :bFatre we ktew whaL v/r' :oln to con^ th: ou6h the swing doors and i\,hen il wao conlnf and hoi4 to d€al ldth it. ih ':lreatv6 It hacl none of the chaos oi aia6ual"ty. lveryore !,orked a6 a tean, I(nerr nliat they rnefe doins ,nd did it Unless an elnertency c:rrae in it was Xr, cnl:r and qulot. iscipline rnd qeticulotls hyfiene. e plsce of orderr , rltere $er6 tr,ro theat-er adJoinin8 erch olirerr oach wltir thel-t olrn aaae.thetlc nrd fecovcry roomsr 6crub a!6ar alul-ce6 anC Bhoser6. One wali of each !106 a lsrge lrosted glas6 nl-ndo$r anoihdr ws.r lined with dle66 instrusent Casear tho roct creBi:r-tl"lsd - aarl,ed dsily and ,tlal:l afte! j, s€nlor :nd Junlor Slster oere l-oDg opetatint .€s:rlons. l"n ohargc of tha unl,tr wlth slx tralned iurses sad probatloners of e3rious grades dolnt thsl-r stl-nt here. glEce the place uas alwaye Lept warnr if not tropLcal. t{s 6pent our day6 ln q,hite /ru6}Lne dressosr rubbe! boot6 and a!rot!6r muslLn squar€s to cover all hailr and ma5k6r Only tr8tlred tlu!€€6 f,,ere allo$ed to scrub up to wait on th€ Gurgson€ and they ha,] the bcat v{ew of operatlons. Iiv dsyn were.,D€nt 6crubbiqi dirty instruaenta and thee, fetcblnE rnythln8 neeilsdr naf:1.!C tho 6te.{li3lng toa and oountLn{t the bloodl-stained swabr. thai, fell" to th€ floor li;(e autuan Legves. It i{a6 beln6 a raw aecruit :.11 over ,,Caln and 1lte th6re corsl6t€d of a juobl€ o! lnstructlons. Donrt toucb anythr.nE! Cet the drlp 6tand, plu' l.n the trregtlett keap tbat spoclflon add 6tal. aw&y fro'1 hidr hers sTE?ILEI flurrteoEa would sn',tL when the wrong-sired glovas wore ln pack€t, o? the l.igbt-ai3ed glot.eo irele ia th€ rlght-dirod ths !'lo[ packot. or the rLltht-atlod Sloves neto ln the rlflht-BL.ed packet but witbout dustina polrdor. 'r:,ho the hell packed the6o gloves?rt I had sorae ghsBtly monentB: throld.n8 auay a vital Ball bladder in6t€ad of savin8 lt and h?vlnt to fetrr.evo lt f!o,:r 6 naus€ous wa6t€ drolptng a dLsb coBtalnLEg a lgnoveal ovar{an cyFt the eile of a footbaU atld havltlg Sul.georls took littla notice to chasg Lt und€r tho table. ot l,owly probatlonersr even lrherl we tled up thoir Sowncr although on€ dial beckon mc to hi6 6iale to whiEper in ay I thou8ht h€ bcd found 6o",e dr€sdful error but all esr. he saldt wa6r "Nur66r your alre.r] i6 too tl.Shtr yourre dietractlog ne.I' T,lks 6991y nurse beforo rne I socn becaoe l-unu!€ to surleons. ilo|,.,and rgaln one niiiht havr a noo6nt of ragc and bupl lnEtruoonts aad etplotlveE but nost lrs!'e qulet ald absorb€d andl would €v€n explaln whet they woro dolnl]r if w€ sholued And I $a6 intereBtedl. There was faBoinatlon int6ro6t. o! Ltr watchlrg th6 trspaniin8 a sl{ul-L to r@moves blood cloti to as€ de1l"cst6 6ltveis of skiD cut flom a thl8h for e grAft or a baby dellveteli by cae€arl-an sectloat or the rsdlcal da6tecto4ieer gastrectoaisgr the tranaplalt I leslrled alL the v lious pLecos of of uroters... and all th6 instlunents - the dtssectlngr boreoquipflent suttl!!8r nibblingr nosqulto rnd crococile forcepar all tbe Rcoops and ch16e1s anai cl.snps eni was 611otr6d to belp I+ was a chanfle frosr nopoing up blood 1ay up trol1ey6. andl carryin0 snputated legs to the lnclnerator. a, ,,t fir t l did nri66 contact witt Drtient..l I ca|| Llrcri nolr cnf $,hen tbey lrere unilel rnaesthetlc or r€crJverltlg fr'o01 itr bu:. I 600r becarie used to it nd e[Jcyed q,orkin8 part of the hosrplt:,l, away in this end cut-off flon the everyday hustlo. .'heatre wa6 another courtry. ,l?ter lonlj operatint aessiois we !,ouI.l 6m€rge as soLe6 ln ^tebruarlr, blinl.infi at a].1 tho ll"fe goln . on around u6 outElde our burroir. Otten i,e $,ere lote for nea16 and had to eat thed f,fone 1n a deserted dinin . roor0r b6c u6e we couldnrt leave 'lheat1.e uniil a caa6 wa6 fLnlshed, iher:eby r4iasin$ i,11 tbe go66ip. In tbe lloBe ug would stare at new nurses as thejr st€feal at usl r,;orks ir Tbeat!€r lleither of u. knew who we w€r€. rwo?ks tho equivllen! of in a Lepar colonyr. lf wo lrere late off duty fil ter would enter the time os,lng in a neat notebook so that nhen :iae6 u€re s1.rck lrc could Tlne6 r,,ere rarely recoup this tin€. slack and tro-oBe bolieved l-n thj.6 notebool!r buL I hever nlnded. !h€ worr( $ra abaorbLng, at tllles drai:.ticr and never dull. 'trht duty wa6 anotlr6r .1atter. lil|rht iluty prove(l r-rhat cow:]ri.. vre werer iie had to do tl,ro wccks o.! ni6ht6t uhen a {ltaff';ur:!e ena a junlo! werc on duty for any energency that ,rit,rht cone Ln. l,ihen that tLe place lrould be 1lt up and fuU hdppened 6f1 waa rrefll llut on qulet nlt;ht6 it !ra6 of p€ople. The tr,ro thgatres wlth the.':r narroo corridor's linking office6, chansirrtJ roomsi sLulces - no6t roonr. hi,d two doors leading ln and out - !,rot(] kept dark rrhen not Ln use. l,'lll-le $re cleaned stellLiae!€ oa patched punctuaed gloves lrltb rub ea patche€ befo.c packLn theor the t'aaliatore riaale 6i;range no{6es, outaide 1iit6 wheozedr tho swlng aloors wou}d people floo!. 6sish and foot. teps . ound on tl-e tlled comiag ln were aup'ro€ed to rlEt r, bell - we had even put a notice on the doors llll'(j '!r ll 3IiLL ' but doctor:r never In huntlnfi for rn intrucler f cou1.l Jurp out of bo hered. my ajrin by reeting ny iinace in a tlas6 ca6er other theLr were lu6t as ne!v:/ and coulclnrt vralt io flnlsh ,lnJoie could cor,re in the -Jlacer they €aldr nighta her€. s1rp1y snyone waiderin6 aboul the l,o!?1tal couLd coDe in andl ateal dluras. 0f |uralel' nu!, es. ,:ne girl lJe aU had our frighl storles. had fouad a nale rlulso strlpp.d off for 6n iL1e6a1 'rhorro!, anoLl er hed chaaed footste]]o and m€l a man In pyJalBa6 Looklna fox the Etatlon to Ei,stboulne. Baker had had nysteriouE phone rin8inss wieh no-on€ at the end of the line and another nur6o had Leard sc!6llos outaide In tiie grouuals and was terlified. One nitiht I HaJ al]. alone uhile t:,c Staff l'urse welrt to dutifu:.Iy supper. I wra 1! ttre nain theatre teEting dlovca rhen I looked ut) and r,svr a mcon fac€ wit| no6o and handa the o'rt6l.1e frosted wLndos. It was a squaEh€d afainst :t€l t_ who had heard irasUlt/ 6i8ht arld i re e'bcred t|e ri.l ! r.,snt lnto the corridor scroams out6ide.,. to flnd a phone, I srs6 olnil to ohonc lIe opDooite, and a "Lard wlLlto-coatod appatiLl.on cs.i€ out of aoiiio room and nado rrsortyr ne yell. 1 kDoi{ I yellodr but ho Baid cheerily! dld I stsitLe you? Ju€t 1oo inrj €lt tonorlowra 1i6t...rl {![herer6 a face r)t th€ windovr" I saidi but ho too. not the 6lighte6t nolicer ju€t 6aid: leahr that|t; lloriy.rt lie wa6 one of the I 6oon tou!! I out about iirrry. nl.ght porter6 uho on his rounCs peered Lnto all kind6 of place to see whatr if onythtn6r w:s goinE on. I made llirry h.hen l went of' duty and 6aiai! a point of fitqdi.I i.,u€t you do that ln t].a r1tldle o: t'.e nt lht? tourll qive Eodeone a he,rrl .,ttack.'r irDe what?rr he said" rr,lbattrr I 6aid. "Peering into wLndovsr l0aliLn6 that awful rle looked at oe as if I !ra6 a ludatic. riston€ t e c10!,6r'r he 6aid. 'r,;hab a thing Jlttery Perhaps I !ra6r but in l]ensible monents lh€ int6re6t of, frl$ht6 bedrable, once l kcpt the Job rad. a fevr ni6it the outer theatre door6 open and 6ot the nuases 9/ho -'ut pa6asd to weve to I!]e. I lovcd workinS- theie and -:be I)L$tef sug,.esteil thai wtten I Ha qualitied eaid rwbenr and not rift - 1 6hou1d coae back there to work. sbe 6aid this !o a couole ot oth€r nurses who ahudder€d at the ialea. I dldnrt shudderr thouEbl lt wr an appealinF idea. 'I so lhe uoeks driftod on whl-l-G we waiteal for the war LD to como the l'ar Eaat Lo endr for the flnal celeblation '.te kDew l.rngn aLl th6 troop$ out tlrc,re would return. fiahting was goinfi on tlrere but not riany of us eiqve Lt palnfully a thou8htr it was all 60 dlitant, leal only or in to thos6 who hdd huBbunds or "ons flghtlng JapansBe prlson caops. lt lJas now tht€e months llrce t o Y+cto!.y teas ond of tho $rr ln i;uro ie - ih,.re wer:e stil-I parties tlLere on bul eas not auch and cirl.fdrerst 6oil11,' tdd ao did the cheer around and we all noeded chee!. io leave behild r:lonaoon5 and 6xlled seavieeDen lordin jundleE and oid eifflelda and leturn bone. ilere there,rere gfi psos of a tetuin to nornal life a ban;tna, hovintj t)lentJ of bread and althougL findln8 hores fof pecpLe without on6 buildlni: cl-garettes, i]ut evircuees anal it opean pl.isoners aerleined a dlr€afi. fir€denr civil defence !.torl.eia art-tlme of uar liere hone. -rnd s1r raiC wardens were beinf dir blnded. lieather renorts !.rere on tho wlreleari aI: in :rnC F.i$npoata that hdd 4- 7{ b€ad taken dow! for yoar6 to fo! iDvadet'€ nolo being put up again. Plcturo bousos wcre rc-!unnl!t8 Oli.vlarrs r8alry tt to spur u6 oB rdth eodr Bar.ry and St Cror8e to! tho JapansBc to Blvo 1o, dosnirhlla rhll6 rt6 taited krap aiaryoB6 kn6|' t.htt th6y had to dot keop rnlliu8, for our toodr kscp !.vttt$r keep di8ging allotdontr itu6t oatry onr ;{onrt be loa8 lot r Btvtng blood. !{€ asid. aJ Eakeri gl.b6on ard f ngr6 alsayo tryiDg to Bot our off, duty lorethei but only raloly did ue !1sn.g6 1t. ono dtyr though, we dld all hsve the se$e day ol! so $r !U oauSbt the treitt to CbarLttg Croea, lto l|t Lyon6 Coln6r Bou6e, ioaded the later hBpocted golf,rl-daalr lSnoloal Orforil Stlect apLva aad put 6tool down outsldo s thgatr€ for a seat in t-he gods to t,ltoh t larco. (tlo It l.a€ uploarlou€ 6!ld eqeD 8!ka! lreo seat6 nor). lau8bod. she aeaded auoh happler aon tbat wo *src back La lordo! t.ltb ih. ira! ov€r. rrllae€att wo b66n luoky?rr she 6aid to. u6. ulllhoa you tbiak of r:,1 tltatrs 6one on J.n tbe wsr..,J dLdnrt thLnk werd liv. to seo th6 snd of Lt.rr ws .tdrtoa talklng of what we &ight do wh.n traLnLng rraa flnLahed aod sh6 6a1d 6L6 would rtdy L! Londoai but rot J,n ho6r,ital,. {Ird 1i!e to do sob6tblDg l'trere I aoat a lot of ?eop1€. . . bealttr vLsLtor oaybc...thcn I could lr.r. at thg trlLlt on our vay It ya6 raloLnE $hod so loft eloni; 916!al,a8 .ttaqts hod6 enal irelkgd to tho hospltal that loolod varDl.shgd. Tha rald had a 6tcot aRall atter tbal a alry day and Bak.r lnLflod Lt and saidr! Sbe aesded a aliftqront 1,11y-of-th€-vaUey.t ar.rl. rrcen you bollove rftra ca.ualtyrrr clbao! aald. Lt? Sho lllres tho plaoo...'l otr st|oth6r of dy days ofl I weni horae. v,l€oka no!, paaaed betysen vL6lts, bul: not b€oaus€ f didnrt went to aqe dly feotly. t lraa elthor too ttlod or toc buly o! had a that day...60 nstly eaouaee. But l'lhan r dtd loct[ro llie Journcy thqr! go botn€ il ,as aleays s pleddule. than I od L6lalou ?lanoport bua6s lras brlShter tba greJrna6o. la!€nb€rldr |tltb suode! lun baaiabilE u61l6r prLgeig trl ned. psopla tlot lattles6 !o8o8 clldbfug tou could al@ost soq tho olil th€ ctro6t!. fu yrlkillg prc-uar ol.ty oonlag to lLle ag',ai! altbouStr thc !,at' scaro Daaageal bou6a6 r€te unrapdirad 16 there. Fara ltL1l th6ra $ere not enou8h lubourelB to gork ou thaor and tbore $06 sonothln8 6ed (althou8b tbey Foulibrt haY€ hrYt!6 to seotr j"t so) l"tr poorly dreasedl peopl€ stiU qlreu! at 6hops edth we'rry lto{ctsn. ,o- vq y :.other wrs '.ti11 copin._ with ihc :thcrtittjeo, lher€ thc lrar riras seened to be 'Le6:'rf_od .borii :tow then 'rl ah.r didntt kno'r lr|et arly coa]' rdould "nbe doliverecl on. anal was a1r€1dy rietttnlj rerrdy tor !rint.-'r by dtockpillnfj gorden twi66, o1d bits ot llno and wads of newspa rers erhl-chr r,,h€n rjixed ulth co61 dustr vrould ensute a fire. D0 ll0T lluRlr FURL Ui'LlrSS YOI] l3T ordered the Coal tsoard. I wa6 allost asha ed th;rt I Lived iri tbe ard hospltal tool( food anc Naroth tor granted. ,rivlleded ,.'nd where once it was the hosnita]- that waa stranger the dtsplaced. 6tr.an8ane6s now itras in the real '.?or1d, I felt rJe talked of frlendg and happenings in the district and liIac tieos dyin8 and when the Co-of wa6 ijolng to repa e! a roonr ne laughed as we reme:lbered pant holtda;r6 and for u6 all. shows on the ple! h'hen thc irorl-d was di3forent 3ut I felt that i belonged dore ln the !ea1l[ lrhero rrtle canrt fet 6i6ht6r aoundB and facc6 reiused to fade. I ' f t r 6 any suga. luipsrri $t &other sald. all she had lrade a .eed cake for. tea. Seed cakol I hadnrt ::een lt fo! year6 and 6he 6ave ae a 1u:'rp of It to take back l,llth nie. father asl(ed if I wanted soo€ bookB. rrThere!s Stevetrson and IJal-ter llcott in the cupboardrri r . l h e nl . a i d I didnt. eot:1uch time for roadin8 he 6ald. he looked dl6appointcdr snd I llnew I6oundad ungrateful, but I didnrt r.ean to be. ilh6n the caae to leave it tras al.ost a re1lef. In ncthini: much had chanS'-ed this house ewarminir with nostalSia y younger sLster had it ir l(llf. sinee I had lefl groLn a bit, i)ut the |a{e carpetc and curtalno w6re therer the 6a re llighland cattle flamed on a wallr th6 sano clock rrplnnin aofden brlLs and chiarinr every fifteen aibutea. Cven tile piato !ra6 open as if I wa6 gotng to ,ind ny parenta haalnrt core tn fron Bchool and play it. clldnged despiie the worrielr of !rar, only a fe& oore line€ lbe cat h.rd a grey whisker or tvro I faces. oD t;rsiler hadn't noticed before but he still 6at in the sarn€ chair r.rith the sane taiL dang':inj; over the ed8e. 8ut I had chanred. I had becol:e llorr-. vi6l-tor' tban aoceone who belonBed and ii grleved mc to feel thi6 ln the hoEe lacl( j.n the :iurJ:ea ;]or,1eothe! 61116 rvhere I hrd Broun up. ielt therer they 6ald !,,ilon like a stringer 6a1d the oale. 'L'hey think hoier worre th6 ssfle girl6 talktng of vlslts irad a1L drl.ft€d ftolr the but hon can we be? erho left "Ie iut coofolt ot old 1ive6..,oe!'hap ee bad ju6t groun up. 1t soeDed a lrind of trerchefy. 4 I erl:aps ou!' ci-,orjetei1 lile ,lid Lrai.r us :.e ot(-. :tnd even vrelrd. )uril1j:r the war eveni:i 1i.1i sei:xed str.rnger tbar ,eopl"e buL nor', t::at there r,ras tine to nolice thgre vrer'e 6or1e odd ?eor,le i?r hos,rit€rl. lle ray hsve been pecullar ou?Gefvear of coulse.r.but we noticed tile nurso fro wben off duty 6poke notliinit but backslangr tlre male nuls€ $ho 6pent his days off si.tting or the end of Southelrd pier, a Baid rrho sanJi hy$nF a6 fllre oleanedl s alocto! so ri,ad on !'esrearclt that he r\,aG a cnarlin8 beast if prise.l out oi tbe leborotory to €ee s patient. rltrs rrh'erre iro€pita1 kiddosrrt 4llbson said. all dobty. .ir.rrit :Look at the :lister on my wrrdr'l :ie kner'i aboul thli il6ter. In turF ne all orperl-encsd her - tireless, .rii:Lini" ca-ftly l"hiough each day ?leasantr and treatin"r e1l he chronic clderlly maLes hrith care ijE.i bed been on thiE (.rsfd fo! nineteen and klndne.6. yerr6. It took ou! b?e::th away: ni-neteen yoals aoonll old 1"11 r,len, feu of lrholl tecovered aald went hoae so th;t death wtrs as regular as the b:riber !0ho cane in lo €have then0. :lo!.r seird coul-d anyone 6et9 ilut 6he w.ruld 6ay that she r"rantod i;o 6tay on tlli. lvsrd until sho reti!'ed. rrlt is a rreat thinf in li-fe to "ind your nicherrl she aaid. Iiie v,ouldnrl be here in nlneteen ljeU, it Cocided u6. yea!.sr or even tenr ,Jut tiere were o|lier Sisterg with 6ini]'at dedLcatjonr a,:teinfi eJomenwho would go on untiL lufrour hed it that onc had Lo6t her parentG tbey dropFed. when yourget and hsd njde the ho, pital her boriie, thst rnother hr,d lost her fi.rnce ir the fir t '"0orl-d war and h d choeen a life lfe 6ii1eA obout lhe.n buL of r'luty. it aad to 6ee rlat 1o$s could dor An.l they weae a r,ralnlng to uar i.'eBenber the iihr:istna6 treer !,re saial. the Chrigtna,i tree, .ut '"r! ln the lrur.jes lolxe every prese.ts Decenbe!, alrols had tied to its branci!e6 llttI€ tea cories, ruched satlr 40 t hargersr $cented $oap papeir a cirlendar fu11 of kitt€ns. fi,.y $,rapped i.r preity nere to 5e given to the hospj-talrs agod !'etirod l1urse6. Iie used to look at these objectr in ho!'ror. A lLfetlxre of ward dutj' for a rreeBre p.rn.ion and a nrcheal coat honger? It !,,ss too f"i,.;htiul to conte.plate. l'le ,rere nob ljolnl: to ]-et the l'!o.pital Yi6its devcur. u6. {ron the world to oui llolree aele v,'!:rrnir,is of hcw isolated outsiLle fi,e couid bocore e)]{1 no1,/ ll|at it r"r.s th€ dog days sit i.n a parkr loll of su!!de! we u.nted to be norllal , in the sun, r-o on hollda_r....that waa l,rlet reo?le diii in nFr this ye{rr ou. ,jroup were week6 off in July Ju1y. lrebruary o!' i.ovenberr so w6 lrere 311 in€tead ol freelin:; I! ve1 ready to 6et avray, allhouith no-one was going fnr. and holidey at .r1 the rage. !r:6 stj-ll diff-icu1t ac 4. 1)r one of our cvGnlncs toUotner.isker 6nd I {rat 1n . to her tl-bsonrs roon ty now S.a:rnhone. rThls 16 che had forsaken Crorby lor Irank Slnatra. ,i Lov€Ly .ray io Spend ,,n iiveninii he lrould croon and we al-L telt lrorset because evenin66 of h3lr-uashlnBr dlarnlngi wrLtins up lectu!'e notes or t.ehe6hl_n8 ou! wald day were far fro.t lovely. llEcape beokoned r,nd thla evenin8 re t?lked oi rrliat l.'e wouLd aio. ltothtne ''ot ln{- or-tl1la'.. cxcltln8. :Lerc I"a6 11!t1e €xci;ino or orlglnsl to do, Lhe lrer -{.:ht be ovor but at t1fle6 it waE hard to Baker had nade up her .xlntl lo r.penC a week l"n Sui6ex ulth a school friend. rrBut you donrt llkl1 hc cour,l,r/1,, v/o 6aLd. rrOh, tiric i|j dlf,ferentr'r cho s:ij.d. ")Jy friendr6 nother i€ a Bediun. r' l'Ie fell abouli lt sceucd the funniesi tllin8. tje h&d seen i;oe1 Cowardrs t,l{lthe lj*irttt. ::o vre sent llsk€r on hef nay to the Suss€t. iladaoe .'.rcatl vLtb 6obe!' advice. 'rDonrt traval on Frldayr,' rve 6aid. "tonr. nea! Ctreea.,.beware of crosE-eyad oo!...r1 Before aha left she did lrhat Geened an odd thlnJ,r. She slipled under the door6 of e!€ry t1urs6 Ln our. group 6 arapEhot of irerself taken'jn th€ rockery of the lioner tJust the and on the back of eac[ one 6he had wrttten: neilrory of u pal.r ;oreover she Gigned oach olle rliar'Eare!t! a name we harCly ever c.rllcd h6r. nJtts ao lf shet6 not cor0lna backrt' s aeone 6aid, but v.e didnrt bell-eve thatt :Jaker wouldrrt. Io off forever without tellinF us. lut j.: puzrled usl thls curiouE ?I ssage gi!l. :lut sure enou[h when the lreck fr,.D a stfanle wae u! lak€a did come backi loohing tanned and hoalthy, She had been lyinil .id beacbc€ and even walktng on the downs and no, she hadnrt b€cn tc an.t' scances. r{aal lhe photo€? iJu.t thoujht yourd liice thenr" sbc eald. :rib6on and I clan,rted to fet tlre jsre we.:li off nnal vre decl"dod to fo Eorxe,.lhere to5ether. rhce 1i had to be ch6ap re cho6e a youtir bostel in ilarrey because lt lras neer to filondB of Cibsonr6 lairlly r.rbo rrrornieed picnics ;nd all klnda of trelt6. irnd lt l.,.rs an enloyable ti&e! out oI unifor.l anC into su:'ne. clothesr wall:Inr ln trooi6, vr'iti..t t:.cse f:.1(::js, flaylnL olock golf on th€ir laun, havinX les6ori6 ln b€o-keepin6 fro: a etra!/-h'.ited vLcar. licre iiore a coupli of &ale atudents wilor like usr had drlfted into this ho, pit, bL€ fsml-]-y. ie llayed tennls with lher.l j pr]vrl-ed in deckchairs ricke'l r', pberrlcr;, dranl( cldrir .nC free 1ove. and a"8ued;,brut Iociallc! Ior a neek ,ivo ihe hospitaf a tirou[ht an: we leturned lre didnrt .eariy for anythint. c1l & .ly non it wa€ all alyone could t:-.Lk about, the ore topLc to ousb goeEip and one nild with $leculatlon. :lo-one told ui. anythinfi and rurour|! lcore f1ying. :de had only to thinh of al]- th6 peol)le the victies had been in conlact wilh...were there nore case6 and Lre nc|e lie turned ;;o!r :lore? not beino told? n3ny Juet textbook page6, oeno?ised synltoo$, at every lanicked cold o! hea(iach€ al1d I, for one, could trake in ths nlght and feel Leit6 goin6 stifj. It was an agoniBlnij tlne of gr.j-ef and die.d and it wss only ELor'rlyr a6 !,re heard of no ftore casas, that fear rvaned. lhe nulse !,ith iha echea anil ,ains Goon tecoverc.l ftom 'rllat wgs e nild *rfection but :hc doctor: ua6 111- for nroDi;h6 a:1d never r'egainccl the use of hi$ p.iralJ6ed l"egs. cur gra!1) '.ras ijlve| ire off tc ;-rr to i&k.rrs fr.tnerall brother vJeLlad n.,vef lrhere oe net ber lar'ents and: linDl.rn about, lh.y rierc .listdn: rnd retj.cent and toLd onl.y the:r ca1led hcr I arijaret - hadl uF that llaker never ]ijiedl : u!:{rin6, ahc had been urh€rppy and r}arted lje had ]l\oy sa::d :iu8slna h3d jrj-lfed rre!. to leave. rev.r: thoutiht he!" unhappyi sbe hadnrt liiierl the Southern but leioly on Casu.ilty sile lrad b€en ro6itjvely che€r:l 1...dld ue rot l{norr her at al:L? 'fhen ilibson the hospital rone'nber.,d that on the no?nin$ after hLt Rakei had Eloken oi Bivin: up, and thst wo had tal-ked 'rlf H^ hadnri .herd still hc. ou' o tt. he rllver'l tlbson .,aj cl. A few dnyc Later llat:.or'! call,.d aib.;on iind txe to her ./ffice tc asl{ If we nould go and buy a Inlca sultable ',iintr to be f:.roerl and hunl; on the sittl.nir roon wall i-n nerory ol Ijake? snri the nur6e klllad in the bonbinf,;. Ilo IJe $,cni--to 31Ec<he,:th, v/:rcr'a tiere ShoF. rvss an lrt lre dldnrt knor{ nuch abo t jisk!.rr, ta.,te in i,it - toln6 to the ga11exie6 6i'!e had preferred the cafeE to to the - aEd vre kne\.r even lefs eboul the olher nurse. paintings ilul a!onFj the oLd views of ftreenwich park, birde over 6panleL6 at s cottage 6atei there lrae a estuarj-esr visioi! of beechwoods in suturn, Ilt could be ;usse:4r'r cibson Eald rrer.l she alid enjoy her last hDlLday there.!l .{n(i lhat som.,hov.'lraa the real .oment of Srl"eft when tre sald! IiFoor old 3akeirr and nearLy vrept. ;lut the 6i1op .rssistant r'as r,raitinl for u., to choose and 60 lftefwa?ds beechlroodg in autu6 i,,as the one we boughl. roon nalL l ui: hgd whe! I looked at it on the sittinf we had been anoae adventu!'ouat a'r lea6t we r,houl"d have gone io rielfrlCees to see vhat they aad to offc . a1V /5 q+ llut then desth as we expetienoed lt rje€.red al$o€t nothlhg. cne morlrlnB et tho of Augu6t I woet lnto thc sulgaolgt rooo ln 1u€etlo to coUect 6oBe torral! 6ad looklng aa lf h. hrd foulal a doctor slunpod Ln a cllalri lHave you hesrd the ners?rr he Bald' b6€n there all ntAht. I thou8btr oh qodi nhat norr? sinoe 61]. I hsd thought about Th€n he told oo the nqn6. for alays elr Bak€i 6!td pollo. 'rDroplCd trtba tanks hav€ ilanneal sr€ll done Ltrit b€ sald. an 6ton boob oa Japanrrt 116wa6 fiorrnlng aa lf ho wta how aaay dor6?rr 1! paLD| Atytng ll9w nany rior6 strocitieai Tr,ro dey6 lator snothc! atod bonb !rl.!od out lid8asa.kL. tbe ld€a of rbat holror !rs6 eaorooue, although lre b8d Llttla soE1solteaaid it r,ould ond the var. had beeD unleaEbod, It dld end the warl a fe!, day.s 1at6r ildpan Burt€ndleroil. vrt Det' tho cn /1uglr6t llth we had a alay of .ejolclng! Faa Eeat. the ir the It a14oat frraklshr of $rar iras end th6 perties snil dlancee aDd lonalon full of Joyoua crot,da uhLle on the othsr sld6 of th€ lro!.Ldltho?o r,',aaatool,o tsut het'e people had ldaited for thi6 rar devadtation. YJ Dayr thou8trr ras aot tb6 to endl fot a long tlne. sane as VE Day. i'iith the t6rr{ble end to aIL tbo fl8htinS ou! r61L€f ua6 ovelshadordad. ilut at lea6t lort all our troops would be con{nq hotrloandl prisonera in th€ Japan€g€ ca4pa r61eas€d. ft wa€ a dloy wlth no Bchoduled css€s in lh6rt?6 altd ua - a 81a6a lf r'rino BDd a oake hed only a modl€at rololcing untll an oncrgency arliv€dlr a man who had beea eeraymal(1n6 too Fell snd had fallen out of a rindoni btoakia8 h16 legs. lhat ds)r oome of us tall(ed of the futurcr becauGe i{e had a new BovorBoentr Lt €ec&ed like 6 nol,, sta!.t. we had ?aaoa. Oaly one glrl wa6 Solng to leaya - sbo wanted to stay but she also wanted to naary a returnlng soldt"r. ft wss a proble& 6evernl. ot' u6 xoulal latet If a nuF6e uanted a hu, band thg! gbe had havc to fac€. to leave the profas6lon. lly eeek6 ln iheatre ended then ald I L:oved on to tha to ne. gntll uov Cynae neldr and it $rss a lovelation nost of ny tlide had been spent on ualo 1l|ard6but hela uelo Hodcrrr all young o. rLddlea8edr ttr for tfenala problorlBr a8 they cal1ed theB. It was a ouch r!o!e 81adolous wald tban othelsl the patLents patted on lnske-up anil fuslad ovel tbeir h.1! o:. wole pr.tty bedJEchets r.rhl,le chattl!8 to aach other about huabands o! childron or Eboppi[8. I becaae ulcd to bgar:ng thelr btash detallg of oafrtod 3 t beln8 fe6o1e gave the€€ e,oDenpalnful 6Bd ltfo. distresaing probletng and th€ daya w€!€ a €6riea ot pr.o1a!6ear fLbroidsr renoval,er of ovalies or ut€luBail breast ibtectlons! dlsplace,nontsi bladder lntoctlorrsr carclnonas.. . a> I j r.'hile .orxe of the lromr;n could be der,lr,rndint,,others, Bl-ad of u neek or twors rcst flo,lr iteln€s snd f"iesl wero ouly too thankfrrL to be in a ltospital bed b€tng loo,|ed afte?. aone were l-1,1 becairBe they r''ere lrorn out wil,h ua!, of alwa)s beinf in dan6e!, of tryin to feedl f.r4iiies and often goj-rg uii.hout bhemscl.vesr of br.oke_, ni,a11o in 6he1ter.s and endLe$$ queueo. Tbey never had any red,16, they neve. ..arl 1t a6 selfI;acrlfl-ce I but 1t $as. One of the con6ultqnt.: would co,,ie down from :Iarlef, street and bellow at theso woroenr L h€althy dl"etr no{sn, thatrE wirat Jou ne6d. :iholemeal- blead and cheeBe , , . whol-erneal bread' not ju6t, brown!'! fie nas a joke oo the wardr !l,en bres{i wasr ral,ioned and nany lronan had to buy il,e cbearest. thoujh/ to "ak3 a cat lauJh, they 6sid. Ihey all pleferred tile fenaLe bl-onde gJmaecologi6t ."jho was lolifh and r',aodlooklnfl and LiabLe to fiahe every doctor bftnjr !.rhen she appeaied. Ibe pai.iedtc diJnrt resent.-Lrer fjcod lorh€ lrhen they often looked t|eir wor$t. 4..: kneu wirei .;he was talkilg aboutr iheJ 6aid. iihai di; flen kno$? iiou and a;ain wc had.ld:lii;ied to t;re warl younti girls who haC hal a niscr:rrriage. ione of the'l we!6 unmarried bui lt wds. l,a!d policy never to l6t it tre knovr[ - $re Hould lut a curtain .ing .,1. tileir fin66r, Sl-ster kelt a bor of them in Iler de6k - and to tieat then a6 any other .stientr llever to refl"ect aDy noral view. rjut 6l)116i./o:ren on lhe \vard! with fcrrlnine $ueesworkr knew they $rere unri!€rrfieii dnd refused to ia:Lk to such glrls. thr):. sirultned ilienr as if they had bfoken th€ ru1e6 ol a c lub. Cnp such ajirl uas adri:teC with septicaeaia t e after botched ef:orts of a neiI lilouriiood .,bor{:ionisjt. Slhe w|,s till-rtecnr a 6ch olrirl fr:i{.ibtened and bleedlng '.nd c"yin,. il.lde a iluby viith i,er fir$ei€ stuck lrr her rrouth, Tire doctor who oxaninc.l Ler was vounf; hinself but such r{ght6 ;Aed hin. Iie 6aid a hysterectoflt. would have to be dooe and i;hai lie wonid probrbll/ die. 11 hyaterectonry lsa€ done arid for irours atterwardB !,16worLed hard lo kee, her alive, tiiving ii:rood and glucose anal rlninrisinL $hocki Lul 6hc did die. Jhe!.e she l-ayr tl.1s Joun irf, or,e of l) e ci,.es ue wer, JII 6up:oced to i;et useC to but nevor did, !,/liile :jleter breathed a feu l'ioly woids over Ler and I 6ot evelyt lng ready to lsy her out. r'.'hirteenr for Codre sik6rI' the docto! 6aLd. {r{hy I'ioul.d lhe7 do it if t;e do theJ do j,t? kneh, llthat the Conse.tuenC€rsl.tere?rl lie loohed deprasoed, and even !!oae eo al the thou8ht of havini to ;ell the gir,lr6 pa.entsr but Lre luckJ ihcre. They l,as had nevef onc bccn to see herl jt E(-ened the unaoriun3te ai.1 i,ra6 a ohaiie to .r11. qb 'ieitbr .lrc?e was anotLe! rurse on thi$ wardr and we 'ire both hEC days uhen ue long€d to bo becade friendE. to taklng ,ooeB on 6ome other rardi tlrerc r.ras a lintt to l'heatrc fo| D aid crs, seeinl: foetu6€6 $crapeal out tnto a di6hr douchinEr caiheterisir g.,. but fottunately there wa' ofJ duty. e nana "ed to get some houra off togethet' when r,,e lau€ihed ovcr a ,anny iiaye filmr ot 6te sarsaSie gnd $ash in a Gr.eennich pubt or went to Bronley ultra smBrt shopa arrd an atternoon fot a look at lronleyls llut our teal link wa6 thatr tea ln s pink-carpet€d salon. (ss of ccur,.e wo would) both once !,€ had qualifigd wanted to lrork in I batre. -(o lre vrent throut! 1916, I did sol]le weeks on the childrenst wardr a srnall. roDo fu11 of cots in6|eaC ot bedst wiih doL].s :r_ot nany of the and teddy boars Ll-ned up on shelves. patients j,ou Ihey crlod anal te11 wa6 1rron6. could what the bars of their and upside do!.,n or raNt-Led screanedl sle:rt juGt and pale. oi lay silent ltke aniqa]e cot6 Bav6|:e :oost oi tbese Enall tatlent6 went hone aflier a i.l)rt'rnately but shoft stay, nlnus toh€i16 or !,ii lh limb:, in pLastert no&ents. i,re awfL] had uo sofle nofo 6efiou51y ill Save incubators and one !16:r a spina two prenatute babieE:n biflda. one of bhe worst caoe:: I ;raC seenr lrith protruding 6,ins1 cord and me,.1brane6. O9e oorning when I went to feed and the docto! wets ::tandjn{, by the this baby slster lltto noL tiae for a feedr nurserrr Sieter saldl incuba€orr ?he understand because it !,/a6 the tiore. an.l I dldnrt shoolc he? h€,ad ani 1 irnew doctor stered at ne and Sister liotbinS was i'toihlnr' lt6s 6aid. then lvhat rlas happening. 6he died. cv€r said, but the brb:t itas fed only water until llot Lhsn nor afterurard$ dld it 6eer the vrronc thlng Lo dor Lt r,ra6 a compaEslonate deciElon by tlio doctor. '',gl wardt d then it was changing !.rard$ agrin - the fractule neared ite inel"e chronic - and s1l the tid]e our trainln{t ;r" still $ent to the occaaioaal end alrd finaL ei{a!06 looned. doctor caoe dark-eyed forelgn ati.i a dsrk-halredr lecture gurfiery. l'l€ were to te1l us the 6ectets of genlto-urinary he waa 6() in hin than his subiectr all- oore intereEted llut then he lras alsc naraied. hatdsoure - unioriunatelJIie tol{i ua eiliier. he N.Entt too keen o! his topicr - lhe t{harveg .London dock6 lrith the about his fascination junll"nl uitil the tide_ Lri[nouE abour andl g!€at sillpr, and 'r,'.ve you Ii6 threv, to Llnterouse?r' been aad Ll4ebous€ iopiu$ of ol"d who Ile told us ladlea deDsl" up hi6 hand6. to cure oli the curl-s a 6nd useal bruiGed woodlice 8ra!,evine anci chlldren who rode fac'r to t;tjl bladder ploblen6! their otr atonkeys !o ward off Jleas].es. rr;lers ouL ol the ari rrl or enterL3jnluent? ?Jas Lhls a surt,jical lectule we said. :,'e ju6t hoited the exari papers uerentt ._icing to nenllon arY FLtrgerY. Senito-urif 'z q1 I. outsii:c r.rorld LhinA$ didnrr look very nuch different "he liotlrin,. had changed duch in to wartine. o.dinary SR nany lives. leor)1e i.rere honeLeser aridl i,4ary had taken to sq;attln8 in enpty f1at6 or' old arny ca&p6. ilationinf of food was r:ttll ltoinS oni lre were told to eat less and have a bor,1 of soup if hungry. llut by now $en !rer' bein8 deflobi1ised and tlre ?llF ha'd bro;ght hode gervioeden lron l]urra snd ffldi:. ?he nsn f had been 'rrltln6 to r"as bacl! and 6tatjored ir lorl{ehlrei we were noae ofien ond plarnlnC lr?iting !,rhere ire i'Lit_hi; neet. I had a spell of nllirt Cuty coni4:uij sc T hoped a 'n€etlng woDl.dnrt her?c? until I had flnished it. llt6ht duty not only linitad ioul free tir,e bui grve Jru a belfe face an, hol:Lov eyesi you look.,.rl in reed of a blood tr)n6fusion. Alld he had l-rst seen !e when I waLs I {lidnrt lool'- cr feef eirtl,beon 1ny rore do eightecn. it would take sone effort to lir):'ess hrn; buir :hen he uaanrt elqhtean anydrre, either. iour years is a long tine to find lrordeone arrain. a . iJlght dut:y nrhen tt cane waG on 'looen6 edicaL anal aithough I preferred sLrt:.ical war.r'is I erjoyfd bcinil on this o.e. tone of trre Datier!3 1re:'e in for a loni; ti,1e irn.r I calnel to i.:no,r anal 1l!re tharn. 'lhey tal-1.:.d ao ne lf tlLey 6eu16.'t : feep, or uh6n I tooh r:enl eraturas anLl nacle bedei I hearat about their fanil-1e6r their job6. "lle1lo, da.lLngl'r lhey One wofia!! crocheted woulil 6reot n€ wben f rent on duty. l8e a lsce co11ar for a Cie6s andl another gave ne a poetry t int I r,reB younij and Jool{rih, :lnC noh' an book, quotinflr t fulL of t6ars. I'I kne!'. 'l11llic Yeat6, i!{rarr'r Fhe 6ajid. rilou reed hi' .... nj hl or hpr rorrnd i I.L 'Jj:fpr rci ed .:c rrl'st I !.ras r - r r: j r ' . Ioin- to do \.'l,enI l.rC :i' j.h.n I'lrot l€ t:re hasrrtill, I hopel-_ So marl do.rl ''-hcn I bold l-er 1 !r '.ll. Ljr,c lo !'c:. i. faetrc rhe vss tr:lut .,rorrrl.r, n(:ver Fcc nny ai,i{,ntG t}i.r.eltr shockedr /,nother ni'Lt t h o h o u s e a a n a : . k e d l l 1 et h e . a n e q u e o t l o n : what w.r6 I Coinf to do? I' hc said ae Lf the vrord had a n3sty tarite. ri othing to beat r'edi.ciielrr i:e irent inio rap:ure6 about all the nee dtug6 that v,ere tr:nsfornlng c1i.6ea6esr all the 6treptoEryecln for T3r the nev.' sullha Cru8s, pen1ci11in. ',ihat wl-th that and the lropo$od new herlth 6e.vice lhes€ .:xcit{ng tirne6. were I w a E l n c i . a . g e o f t h i - v . , F 1 4a : n i ! L t r n : r t L l : r e a l t u , a 6 pl.acc to be. O.i nllht Nc h:d adrrtirtdd a a satiefyirq "hl1e kre r",ere bust1id8,' ei:ound noxren in a dirb.tlc con6. geti.ln6 her tnr.o bed,nd teettrg urlne and ilie doctor r,ia6 eail.nratinia blood .: gar lo put up a :_lucose and Galine drlp - $hile u,e r,rel'e Coln$ i:hat arother:ratlent had a ',ie vorniling bl-ood and noanin/Ji \iilh p,rin. baeaoptyaist kept her u,r:. anl c11:' r1C put rn ice foulLtce o ::et chest l,,hile tl..e doctor Gaye norlhia..rlhen the phone rat1lt ,5 :lne tire day wc ca.:e baci( xe fruad ilai(e. in bedl tJLth a f€v.rr.6h 6o1d. IActusllyr f lhtnk ltra 'flu,rr she 6ald. rtlu rut how coulcl Jrou Bet ln JiIy? 5b€ bsdnrt fclt weII trad Eed€ h6r atay in enough to Bo on duty and lloEe slat€t bed. w6 6at on h6r bod snd prattled on about our hou-day ploasures but 6ho ahow6d no Lnteaoat and latcr Ln th6 day Boaq sl6ter .(lturneal $rlth a B€nior phyBlcLan who ordlarail Baker to elck bay. l\1l hor beloD8in86 wera then rcdoyod faoo her roo,x snd a aan caae to .fuar.Srte IJc aeldt tr8ut hhy? Ltl n. were told not to vlslt he!. Wbatrs $rt'ong?ri /16 lf it t/ra6all obEcene rrord IIoOc St6i6r yhl.spor"d to us: the day after that Baker ta6 Ln an lron 1ung. oJ C Early !n ou! tlaining !,re had been t6ken to 60€ on€ of the6g oaorfloua Eachlneo at county !1a11[he!e Lt punpod aray and It ',a6 explain€d to u6 how t!r16 took up ao6t of the roou. iron llng could k€eF a patient aLive until paralyBod It hras bad e[ough that Baker wE6 In mu6clds r6covcred. otre of theec dachLnes but :,he |lolld be lGolsted lltd elon€ llle decidod to buy aolle and ire couldntt get to 6ee her. f1os,cr6 andl 6end a bflgbt notc to ].el her knot,{xa would cibson was goin8 into come alal see her Lf we coulil. l€wl6hal, to buy the f]-owe!a and ,e ln tho aitting rooq eer€ out our noney when Hoeo sl...tot caira !n. l,tltt:out prarDble sb€ seid! rrTherer6 badl Doi{ar nirlr;c6rrl '!{s looked tt hr! and knel., what she wda 8ol,n€; tt sayr and I'fra gfraid Nur6€ Bake!' ira6 she sald lt. (I canrt bell.eve ltrrl rrI canrf bell€ve Ltri eibsotr sald. ft soeoed 6(' unfalr I sal.d. llone of u6 could bell-eve lt. thst havlag eurvlvodl all the boob{nt Beker hedl been d6dlt th16 bl"o!r. It eas dcathr but lro dldnrt cry anydoro ovct then 6on6on€ Eald desth. It just nade us urctcheal. 'Do you thj.nk she knee, sonethlng ].Lk6 this tould happen?rl andl ue ronelnbe!€dl her plomonltioEe and the photos wLtb aut it w6a too fancl.tul the r!€ssa6c! rJu6t a nenory...r lor us. we had bEen traineil to be1l.6ve {n aoioatillo she w66 Ju",t unlucky. evideace r Bot 6orccty. Thstr before wo had cono to toflis wlth the nc$6 a boy A Bu!6c t{ho had cared oa otro of thc t'ardl6 died of polio. ache6 aBd pal-Bs. to! hL6 ra6 tske! to sLck bay sufterlng A tsw drys afte! that orle of tha hou66 6u!.goon€ uaa takoD ho had Lal"n ilown on atr l11 Nhlle doLn8 a cllnlci eia[tLaatton couch snd r€fusec to get up. l{u!6c6 haa But he \ad a hL6h t€dpotaturor 6ore thought hLE dluak. ?broatr achLn8 lLnbe end na6r lt l.ls6 soon rdaliGoalt inothcr vl.ctln. i a'tv c4' to tell u6 that a coroni,ly th.onbo6i6 \ras co|di!!t to the watd. It was one of those ni8hts vheB :1eltl:er 1 nor the JuDl"or nurse could get to BrlpFe! oa the Co.rtor get to bed. But tt we6 erxhilatatlng, wh6n aL1 throe €gpeclally pat{ents were alive ln tbe lnorning, and shen th€ housenan aat At the d--Bk wrLtlng up notes he iaugbed and aai-dt {Thl.a l-s the 1i3e.'r io" a monent I ahiost thought it }rao. pstient6 LookLn$ after w?rs enJoyable and roiurdirB and nig|t€ ltke thi6 lrhen wc nevet stopped bsdi r6$t. rJut there ,rere other nl8hts when the quiet routlle nade the houls long anal tane ard then the corrplex acttvl-ty of ourfery appealed sor€. It .iras wintei thenr one of tbe colde6t, rartegt nintors nade wors€ for io6t ?cople by ghorta es of coal and bread. other foods stll.l clothes Dot pl.entiful. I{oneg rationeCr fot retulnirlg troops were so acarce that piefabricat€d onea serc bein: built. llul ti,ere rras nolhinl t,o d,) about ,\fter tbe f1!et tt. beautiful flurrieB $rherr sno$rfLakos turned grey 5tr.,€t6 l.nto v.rhite ;antaBies everyone had to make do and freore. Snow lay in tuucl.y heaps for what segm.d .nonth6 erhl1e we al.I waited for beiter times to cone. Of cour'e thoy would-comei q,€ had vrolr the walr aftcf all. llrt not yeL, Nor,rwe had to put up trith a wor.l.d of spiv6 and drled ecg and snow turninii l-nto fLood6. ahly for $e Lt waanrt haral. e had walBth and food jn p i c t u r e s n. had the hospitalr to cheer us, alrd sodel;j.oeE rilbGoh nould joitt Sniih and fle for an ele€iant tee in rlrooley. The 6a1on thefe i, d w91tr€sse6 in lailly apaons ,rr.,tc:realtlre carpei. and the oink tableclott!., Oibson wa€ tsker nlth all thia! 6he 6aid ln.ons had 6one downhiLl. She was ta(en with lulte a 1ot juat then, the waad sh€ rD for G{bsonr6 rdaa on, e party her nother lraa layilg biiihday and.,an onaestheti€t twenty-flrst lrho had a lIttle red sports car^. 4 d for m€ there wa.j the pleasure of a.e1n6 the RAf man-now bsck in clvvy stleet and Il r,ras a happy tinet worlclnq ln l,ondon. after four yeai.s we lad a lot to tafk and lauBb about. sLnce .l lras slways , tarvLns he lrould iake me out foa me916! often et a cafa ln Ler{lshar ?un by tro lsdies. It had lanps and end check tablecloth6 cafe curtslns andl bentwood chalrr and lookad rot so dlfferent froi those lrencb fllma re 6a!, wherer j.n the din{y stre€ts of ,alisr ireat rom6ncr:g 'Ihen cane our }lnela, a ll:!e to r€stock e.:pty baalnE for fle sat the hosDital tho6e vltsl tests. exaids run by the London County counclLr rnd t!,o vi, ek. later the stat6 ior ttreao l,le had Counc11. er^fis for t!e CencrsL llurEini (he ir1 who said to llo fc another J.^ndor rot oltrl. '.he v,,rong bus and there ve ahe know ti)e wry led ur onto re!.e i. the nL dle of Canbert{,ell tr'yi)ra t. find a taxl AtY t )6'qq io 6et us t: the exr'ninatlon r om ln tine. iour of us 6at Ln the back of the cab countln. ou'r noney - we had Ju6t enougb fo. the farer a cheap lunch and a bu8 backr irsoiryrrr ue said. rworr€ but not cnou$h for a tlp. ^'he drlver took no pl.ty oD u6 Ju6t hatd-up nur€eB.rr and Bave ua a aouthfuL of Cociney curses as he alrovo People arenrt as nl-c€ now as they $€:.e 1n the offr warr rt Gl-beoo sald. Por thtae hcuts that norntnt ue sa! paljer6 on llediciner Surgery arld Cjfnaec.lo8yr and after a bean6 cD toa6t lunch ln a neaibl' Lyon:r we 6at General Nulsin. ir tb€ afternoon. Bti the tlne lre resched Lewisha ajalo we h,ete cold and tlred anC - after conparLn^ ou! al|svrerE - degr,oddalrt. I+ had beena day lrhen re sfiiokedl too cuch arlcl r,r.rL€d too tuch aljd lf lre had falLod lt clidnrl iJear tLLnliin8 about. '.'fhat roulC we do the!? SL! th€ exao rgain? Say goodbys Eut ',e dldnr! to ho6iltz1? beve to do aDJtLitrg buU Bo on beln6 nutseFr as ".,h6n thc result: cam€ throqgb we hsd a11 pa6sed. lualifled at last. It wa6 Flsrch thEi tsul ra Cldnr+ notice the €till Lcy rulntet that day. It wa6 S?ring ond ue had to celebrate. lut nole than ;r bun l-n ilon6. how? It requlrfd Soeeole flna one for whlcb 6rggested a shoe, but we couldnrl evetyone xould pay non€y! and soneone 6aid the plcturesr but tho cl.rlena rrs6 lnundano. then 'rhere w,a the piobled of u6 al-I belng ab].e to 6et the same evenitJ off. dlalnrt a.rtla:e t. get togethe. fo! ovei a (eek and than Lt itr a transport c6ae dodr to a chea! andl tacty iry-up cafe (Dog raoln; near Catfo.d dog tracl{. banreal to save fuel). o It .,{a6 a -tear."ry den of Srea!'€ snd s roker with football girLs pasted up on flxturea altd lonC-1cg8ed ci0oret,te lorry !r:'!C bus drlver€ who atared waL16r and claI!'led rith at u6 a6 lf r,o feaalc hail evor before ente!€dl tbeit 1air. Clro hursc But after o;re look they 1o6t interest. fo! b6lng too arrlved 1ate1 blaftlna a n€h, pf,obatlono! cib8ont dLfi to l,lrlt.i un 3 chart €nd calroing d€Iay. and hair fluffed out, had to Lrav6 r,lth brtrFbt llpstlclc aerly aB slie hrrd a date with the rnaerNiletist. 'rstill looking fo: itlr l?lcht?I we 6a1d. illerIf be arounC sonewhererrr ahe lle tlUied, of cou,rser of vrh:t ve [ou].d all do nolrr no!| tltst we lrere Staff llureeE lrith our bad6e6 anal bl,ack be1t6. one gi!l- w s 6oing to A new uorfdl hnd opened u: o us. prel'rC.e Nur6L!8 llldrrlfery to li6t:'ict at Lanbeth as I ',nother liursint. tet fancied Induotrlal aaothe! andl $as toying with belnc a nur6e on :r cruiEe 6bip - rrDo they still have ship6?" - or even ioanin6 the Navy and seeir. the Bea. 6-n rc4' ( 'y fate war decided. :inith and I had Jone io iatron about yacanciee ln i'lieatre and for onc€ l:atron snl"led. 'Ihe!€ ln flndin sere always dlfflculti66 6lsle to work ln ibeatrei 6he 6aid, not everyone 1lked thc workl but there were vaclrncLes and \,re could 6tart at once. iLnd so thi6 nlght waa a dou)le colebr,rtlon ss in tha fl-rst week ln Theatte 516t€r had citonn ne hoH to wait to haDd, a:ril iratohed on a 6u1'8eon, vhich inBtrunonts case - a routlne hernia. over rne \rhlle l took ny flrst I founC the expcrience ne:'ve-sha t tering but afte..$ardg the Eurgeor 6eidi rrThercr n'rriie I that was)'!rt 60 badr wa6 lt? J cridllrt l'-notf wl,o u6s nior. relleved. 5iB or r0c. C qibson said Ehe ,.,ranted to ro.k in a priv::te londoD clLnic 'r1he one Nher. the rlch anrl f nous goir 6he sald. ItThen ',ihenfrr ti?eC of that Ir11 nar!'li a rich prtienti livq 'ie leujh.d snd ln a blg house ,'?d ttrke up :ottery!'r lut Just over a Jear l.3ter we rnet d{Cnrt b€lieve her. and for a brunc\ ln l,yonE Ccrner iiouGe in lLle:trandt rarrLed a rlch property 6he had dolre ex3.itly tirstr developer she h;d nur6edr had a houss i-n li€nainglon and yictorian pottcr;r, sbe seotled h d taken to colleclliri ' r l X d lletljcr than I ent 1(1(ldor' che said, happy thf:1. r:logglng o'day .n tha worla.rl hov, dJ-d anJt of .rs kno!,t ';here bre rdere 3ut this evenin nnd t{ete even ;r:e bad ended our trelii'1J Ioing? 4ry d.nrt we, Ee said, in five abour lt. ee.tl1.1tal y6ar- i:i-4, al' 4^eL agajn in lhi. 6h iby c "e for a r ) r l 1 l l 8 n t l d e a... br:t of cou!6e Ii s.unded a reunion? l;hile i:r touch for a ept we r{ou1dirt, 9o'ne of u. hospital c,r1leag!e6 to drift of lrhlle lt !.ras tbe lattern placegt irlth {. clfferent only tobins 1lves l-nto different rer({r1d us cf our tl?e to8eth€t. on chri6t:xa. cardii to ,'nd 1n five yearr: where wDulr we $L1 be? l,'heae woul-d for bfave n€r, 6hops? this cafe be? lione uncler bulldorer6 Lhis lrere dlunk on happl-ne$a It was Just that evenin8 l,te tea. an(l 1o!.ry-drivots! sairli tilttr a1'1. Itoing to be a blt fLat now.,. Tlien ono glrl !.{e knen uhat she peacetl,ie €|nd or our own.[ It.s lr€rre ?hose us. aad beady yearo bod ?hs ha.J spolled $eant. war peoplg ne Ehared Lhe forget il6 bu. lrou1d bbver changed we rr?he best yesls of out -rr soneone starteal lheir wllb. the cliche for let ller flnlsh tc say but we dldnrt at tbo I a. .e er:bered €cofflng and scoffinsr lau6hln; house Eurgeor h'hen he ,"ladc the siane ren,rrk '"tbe! butr-bomb€ I. rre€ried Jusl as absural nog. l,|er]e c}rug8lng i'verhe.Id. - 101 Thoao dangerouBr sor.owful-r hsrd-workLng could they heve b€en that peak of, life whlch nothtn8r NOTIJIIIOI would ever Bulpass? Th6re hsd to b€ bett6r' tl-ne6 ah6sdr lre were aLl tnentJ'-one nou and the futuae 6tood brlsht ond bappy^.. llut ',rhat L' tlrose years ha4 Leen the peak? lnd ./c hrdn t i know!? 1,'Iellr atidnrt dwell oh lt. Ir was EettinS l-ato a n d ao:to of us ueie on ni8ht duty, so we ate the chlps at!dI draik tbe tEa and walked bsck a1on6.tbe chtuy tl18h -1. e6t to lhe hosrttal. \ c