- Community District Library
- Community District Library
M WHOLE NUMBER 516 TOBER 24, !8t>9t VOLUME SX, 4 0 . 48* —Subscribe for the JOURNAL. —Geo. t>. liason 8pai* Simday with AarTittge LJcen<»es* his brother at Ami Arbor. —Oa»h paid for apples at the Naitri; and Kenfdeixse. Age evaporator. —An addition is being bulk to^ the . ---Joa^ Boot,, of Cadilac, was in tbis Parfand It iSoImanOwoftso .30 at CarMargaret Apuleton. St. < hftrle*. .21 Owosso opera house —Dr. Cowlw of Durand Was in this city that week. of Skiatrwmre DanJHl W> W^itefs,Owtwiw ....,...» 6'«MM(|/. to </*e itttervnt* pf WinotiH A» v irejfV,ty, O ^ v o e s o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 —Count/ Clerk Kenuey went to .—Volney Moreau and K. P. Gilbert city yesterday. Owtwao . . .SS —Tha St Johns adioote are closed Fr«<iStewarr, Lansing yesterday. made a pleasant call at nor office last l O a M . S Jib* OWOS«H> .., ,. .23 on account of scarlet fever* las' .lalniev. i-^nt«iu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J & —Seymour Piatt has purchased the Saturday. HattJe Newell, C o r u n n a ... .31 flouring mill at LaiDgsburg. --The Wrens Saturday evening, .—*Bobert Quay of Venice died on Floyti B!<WttJ#ift O^rtsso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..£1 Hlla Farrdll, IWoasO. , . : . . . . 88 Friday last of pneumonia, aged 20. popular price*. Reserve your seats at —Reserved seats for the Wrens are Lowia " OiKidi^art, Kew Ffnveu .30 1 Kinne's draff store . —The finest eiitertaiiiiueht of tbeJen nie Hftrlrnan, Seyr Haven ^... 17 f J?«JM.—Oa* Year, Wets ix month*, forty selling fast. Secure yours before all Oeo Btirtfeel. <'a]ed<>nia. ••„...... .,.?£ cento, three mootbs treaty cents. are taken. —The Owosso Industrial University season. Saturday evening at the op* r>tlJn S f w a f t , Calvdf>nl»*..-. . MS Advertising rates m g ktiown at the o«c« Jan. Hlley.New H a v e n . . . ; .2* —Oscar Amsden caught a 5 pound is meeting ^ith unexcelled success; era house. BttKiO, C»lft(jo<ila. . . , . • . . . . , . ..28 eel in the washing box at the wooleu Already over 100 pupi^ are enrolled, —The handsome phiz of O. T. Allen Kittle Leonartl J\ M>)I«n Vetikw .<<..>,..,,.,. .'..£0 mill on Tuesday. —One light case of scarlet fev- of the Howell Republican, was seen on Mfcry Hollwea*, Venice. , . . . , , , » . , , , . . . . . . . . ] » Wns. H. Vatwtoe, i>fid. ,.,.,.tl —Mrs. N. B. Xdncobi on Monday er in town last week in t | e family of our streets Ust Monday. CoraUTao.f started to join her husband at Dry Jos. Priest, H was a mild case and —Mr. Leonard Mole and Miss Mary no others^yefceen reported. Hun, Ark. Hellweg both of Venice were married Ttie board has not done anything toby Rev. J. B. Goss at the M. E. parson—Tfee township clerk of Vernon —Theo. Chapin of the Duzacd Ex wards disposing of the county indebtage Satnrdtty the 19th. press msde as a pleasant visit last township has issued orders for the edness matter, beyond the appointbounty on S,S47 sparrows and 459 Tuesday. —Tbe Epworth league will give an ment of a committee which has not yet H.ftM. oyster supper at the residence of comi- reported. A committee was appointed —Eev. Bobert Wait delivered his Woodchtftdks this ttowe* Uura Detroit Tine. reankm of Co. D, 6th. Cavalry, ty Clerk Kenney next Wednesday eve- to inquire into the advisibilifcy of piss* far*well addrewj at the presbjterian chasing a burglar proof safe f o r t e All are cordially invited. will he heW in OWOJSO. Qet. ao5 asd it church \mt Sunday. 001*0 JUST. ****** Detroit Knoll has sold his state of vault ta the treasorcr^ bfftce a*4i» —The Union Veteran published in ^ es$cd»d ttat Co. 6 of that regtuiiscity was made the official organ osent w4B also hold a reunion at the clothing and dr^f goods to it. Hartings their ftporl they recommended thai OOIJKl WEST. tisfte. ton of S t lx>uis, afid it has been moved the county purchase of the Hall Safe of the U. V. U. of Ohk>tat Fmdl*y last .3C«wntnirBxpr« and Lock Co. snch a safe as was need—The shorthand depattment of th« to that plft«*. X o a , fttrougfa Mali, I**?*-* week. ed at a cost of S950, bat tbe beard sat No 5, Grrnnd ttapfds Express* - • Jf :te p. * . Owosso industrial is well attended, —A fire \n the grass in a field near —Married by B e v . C E. Benson at down № the kteai ^^ -—— No, t , Sight Fxpreas, - •** A. M. the M. E. puyonage, Perry October 16 fisweim! pupils have a speed of over 80the barns on the Wheeler form caused No. 4 make* eonnectictoat Dor«w! for * Chas. Holman was electedtosocceed pointsweston theO.&G.I* after studdying only an alarm* of fire to be given yesteidny 1889, Mr. Jones Palmer, of Fenf>n aad Words pet jninnte k l t l ; afternoon. It was stopped before any himself as one of the superintendents cat*--, tkefluaoo*CM*Mrs. H»t«e Xe weU of Coranna-^Pcrry fire weeks. ' . ' .. ' of the poor, receiving 17 of the 18 —ThOB. Cwcoran late postmaster s e r i n s damage was done. '-.. • • ...,. .,,,..'...•.•. ., . ,SV7vt«№lli»&Ur. AH other trains dally S a n . votes cast. d y e toepted. t ai Henderion; died ust Friday, f u n —Mrs Edwin Grow fell from a table "Oeo. Bartbel and Miss Delia StewA, J. Hug^ins w«8 elected county eral services were held at ih« Catholic and dislocated her knee on Tuesday art both of Caledonia ware united io chiss^h oa Monday and the remains last while engaged cleaning the pantry drain commissioner yesterday aftermairage on Tuesday Oct. 22 by Rev. deposited in the new Catholic ceme- Sfce stepped on the feaf and upset the noon, tbe erection being made a special Fr. Doman. We extend our taeartieal Av», order* tery south of tbe city.—Times. table with the above results.—Inters The jail Inspectors found everything —Tbe will of Ounmoey HttrRmt, of Like —John Wiles has on his farm in In good shape bat recommended some petroit, giving all bis property to the —Advertised letters week ending Antrim township, a colt was only two changes in the bath room and that iron Detroit water works which was con- Oct. 19th. 1889: M. Delaflor Domenico years oW in May and whichtippedfee bed steads be tubetltutod for the ones tested by the hstn, seveftl of whom in care of Batista, Chas. Schrnder or scales at 2546. It Is the Bank «f En*. now in nse in the cells. ; 4 * * B U this eooaty, has been decided David Goens Fenons calling for the gland stock.—Morrice Sentinel. The committee on equalisation win dfy, above will pay one cent on receipt of recommend that Owosso% apportion' of otteeri, and an oysThe F t t m s flf ladtwtry hud a letter. men! be raised $£00,000 and that of w»s enjoyed by the boys tf n Ow•HGeo,JE.. Goss of_ Vernon- Mdefit Corunna lowered $30,000. Eke Dart* Wmt coetatsnd U. V. ^ had a big brother of Bev, GOBS of Corunna fell Mr. Mabin askedtobe relieved from last Tuesday evening. Many feig 4toaeff 'fh#'^^^^^^^H#sAHMBn^flfa^taltoMAJi Mhp and old soldier* were present as gafttft/ mmtMnmwi by Geo^M. B*wey broke one arm, bruised his ttm badly Horsman was anpeteted in bfai place. A. *. A*t. —Wm. G»Uawa7 of Sciot* „,< Mr. Drake of Ewh »nd Denate €tfeeand injured him internally; a | last y some cabases belonging to a ttifghbor ran of Hew Haven. ''• news he was doing quite well. SHULTORT. and purloined 87 head of the m —Iteautor onr local eolnms are al—A large barn on the farm of Pierce for saur-kraut, but be got caught at U ways welcome and will be cheerfully The probable yield of wheat for Ju, M. Goodell, Dynes of Owcsso township was burned and will languish thirty daya in the printed. If we oecasionaUy print an Michigan this year is 28,127,050 buat»At to the ground on Saturday evening* county jail in consequence. els, machine measore. This estimate item of personal naentlor. and omit OWO88OtMICH. Loss $1*200 insurance $200. Sixty is based on the acres in wheat in May —About allfcUeemploying printers others of equal value and importance OStoe la H K K M S Block, Oppoette National tons of hay destroyed. It Is thought as shown by the farm statistics reHowl, jn the county were gathered in this it is because we have not heard of the that it was started by someone. turned last spring, tbe yield from 163,* city on Tuesday as witnesses in thelatter and not because we wish to alight F H WAT8OJT OMtL CHAPMAN - — T i m e s . •"• - v •• 897 acres threshed as shown by tbe case of Shuttleworth vs. Bramwell in anyone. VATS9N 4 CHAPKAN, Justice Welch's court. The jury gave —AogusUc Grostic, a rich farmer records kept by thrtafcers, and t&e —Mrs. Mary A. Grimes died last Attorneys a N C m m t o m t Law. Shuttle worth a V : diet of $60 and costs living near HoweH tried to cross, the yield from 51,110 seres grown on Friday at the home of her Over aeaond Katta—I Bank, OwnMD,Mlch. Detroit, Lansing & Northern railway, 8^18 farms as shown by a canvass —The Corunua oomuuuidry K. T, Mrs. Frank Deyo in this city, Emt place, Saturday afternoon, just made by correspondents. The averheaded by the Cornnna oand, went to years. The funeral was held at the PERCY EDWARDS, Bancroft yesterday to assist theu isas- M. E. chnreh Sunday morning, the ser- as a passenger train was pulling into age yield per acre In the southern Attorney end Counselor at Laic.onic fraters in thai village in a day statioo. The engine struck and Counties is 15.88 bushels in the ce» vices being conducted by tbe pastor, tral, 16.84 bushels; in the northern, spent in drilling. In the evening the Rev. J. B. Goss, and the remains laid kiCed him and both his horses. It appears that be attois^ted to cross the 14.29 bushels, the average for the Bancroft masons gave a dancing paity at rest in the Corunna cemetery. —&W.G00PERrtrack, hoping to get bis runaway team state being 15.93. to which their bretheran and friends Xttery Public^Real Estate AgenU —We learn that a resident lady of into the road where he eonld handle The above figures represent the were invited and ail bad a most enOOBUKKA, MICH.Bvron upon leaving her bouse for a tlem better. yield, machine measure, bat hwestig»joyable time. time not long since put aboot 9150 in tkra by the correspondents shews tfeat —A meeting of the Micln^an Board —A Tennessee editor gives his ac-one of her stoves for sale keeping unno less than eleven bushels in each —ATTORNEY AT LAW.— count of the difficulties under ^hicSi til her return. Some time later her of Phaknacy for tbe purpose cf exam- hundred of the grain as it comes from OttoeteMasonic Block. Byron* Mich. Slyl he labors: "How is it that onr readers mind nor on her cash she started a ining candidates for registration, will the machine will blow out when run expect us out here, twelve miles from ffre in tbe stove; $80 in sfWer stood beheld at Lansing Wednesday and through the fanning mill, and that the 0, 3, "MfNFR. Thursday, Nov. 5 and 6. The examinATTOESBt AKD COUNSELOR AT LAW. a railroad, twenty five miles from a the crucible without much Jostibut some average weight of the measured bushel ation of both registered pbannachists river, millions of miles from Heaven, $?0 in bills had to v*&is& iu smoke after cleaning is only 58 pcasds. It OOoeov*rl«t National Bank, Co*uana,Mich. and assistants will commence on Wedabout two miles from tbe devil and and flame.—Byron Herald. is safe to assert that no wheat crop nesday, when the candidates must reA, TT . only two hundred yards from a whis—Forest fires did considerable dam- port at Representatives' Hall. The ever grown in this state was of poorer ky shop, to get out a newsy lively inPHYSICIAN AAD 6UKGEON, age in adjoining counties ;last week. examination for registration for allquality. teresting paper? The tots! nnutfer of bushels of Ou many reclaimed marshes moek candidates will occupy two days. OOfiUKNA, MICJL —The 23rd semi-annual convention was b'irned down to clay, wood piles wheat reported marketed in August Ofncc OPPCWT* COURT of the Shiawassee Sunday school con- were burned in the woods and at —Tuesday morning the section crew and September is 2,249,343. FRANCIS R> BOSSLLT, veution will be held at the M. E.Bridgeville, Qratiot county, the bridge which works north of this place on the The yield per acre of oats in the church at Laingsburg, Nov. 11,12, p 3 over Maple river, one-half ofamOe T . A A . met with quite an excitable southern four tier* of counties is 81.97 Attorney and Counselor at Law,The committee having the convention in length* was burned apttte w«eks ago experience. It seemed that the freight bushels; in the central counties, 32.20 Ofltoe Over Kinne's Store, Oorunna. in charge want every Surday school and the one at Eureka neady as long from the north due at 2:30 s. m. was bushels; in the northern. 21.06 bushto send two delegates and expect an was burned last Sunday. If such it five hours late and the section men els; and in the state, 81.49 bushels. DOCTOR W. 9 . JONES. The yield per acre of barley, is, in Special atteotkMi ftron to Disease of T7onen attendance of all the pastors in thethe case there is s o bridge le|t over were not aware of this fact started out and CbUdren. at the usual hoar. I V morning was county. A splendid program has been the rivt*r between Slsie and l^ple the state, 27.97 bushels. These aver•FFKCOTtB KXOU.8TOXE. quite foggy and when about two miles prepared and an enjoyable meeting is HApids a disvfcace of soona 15 miieea ages are all made up from records foroat of town the freight came down on sare to result. niseed by threshers. 9 UMSMtt MOWAXD, GKO. —Tbe death ot Lorenzo D. Jones, the band car so suddenly that it was Corn is estimated to yield 47 bushJ HOWARD £ C&LJD. —The Lecture league of tbe Y. M. which occurred Mon^aj morning, impossible to got the car from the LAV. els of eurs per acre in tbe sou them 0. A. of Owosso are arrangfns; to giro though anticipated, was stil! a shock Circuit WUlawteod all term* of track and it was smashed to smithercounties, and 45 bushels in the centra! a series of six entertainments theeoif?* to tb/ community among whom be ha<? Court. eens. The crew barely escaped with and northern sections. The average ing winter for which season tickets alwaps lived. A long illndss from their lives but no one was injured.— for the state in the teii years 1378-67 will be sold at tine low price of $l.4b eonsnmption terminated his life in rptR*T BAHK 52-82 bosheSs per acre. The list comprises BosstU N. ConwetJ tits prime of manhood. The ftyfieral Frederick A. Ob*r, Chaplain MeOr.b* took place at the M. S. chofafc on ffM.MCKBLU)PS, J W.D.OABRISO1T, p Mre»C. £. KinTbe Sweedisb NationpJ Ladies Concert Wednesday afternoon the Rev. J. y. Present.) Vi P K t a Caaaler, A. T. Co., ex-Senator B. R, Brooe, and Le- teerfc oflkisMng and members of the Wedsstae to extend onr greatfo] yon'*, DttUKTTOBS. land Powers. The assodaHet! wil ar- village council, of which hs tbankstoall those who by their sym- —Cash paid for Apples at the CoM.i>wacou., I WM. range to rcseiye seats for any Conunna raett^er, iad ibe v pathy iwd aasJat*** « be'ped us through runna evaporator. A . N , MAOitUKKIT I W . D citizens bei<M»»f WMISOB ticket*. For ati pall bearers. 1%« borial mm L. W. ifnuoirs. , cbmnlle, fiiloselie, art the illn*fii and doaU: of onr mother, information eddress the secretary of afc the Lovejoy cemetery. thread, rope silk and bargaren Mr*, }i*s? A* tiMsjes. tiie aasocjuUoa «t Owosso. f ||rs. ?*ajDk Deyo, *t Mis* 0, B. Ktoyon's. THE CORUNNA JOURNAL, LOCAL P2AC00K I 6CB3UCH, FIRST iLflSS FACILITIES FOR JOB & ee/AMERG!AL PRINTING tffe ^L f Mate, AM Art * Kortb licl. Ef ^^a^^^p v^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^r^B^MB^IWISPlS^VIHISff'|SVV^^V' S ^ V P I N : '» " : > • ! ' ' • ' ' ' ' " • A QUAKER SETTLEMcNT. the' stiver communion chalices, for they know but I see on ths horizon th* first vrtli uot keep it back from your service. I and I shall direct it A Quaint Ketort Near the iighlands of happened to be in another building, and I gleam of ;he morning which shall unite have eom« faith in God, 1 th* Hudson take thst fact as typical that we are to be all denomlnations in one organization, toward the rebuilding of our new spiritual 1A communion with ail oliitsteuiiom, "I distinguished only by the locality, as in iiouse. Come on, then. I will lead you. Full of interest and charm is this SennOQ by Rdy, T. Do Witt Tal- believe in the communion of sainta." Come ou, ye aged men, not yet passed early settlement of the Quakers up apo&toUo limes, it was then the Ouureh of I think if aU the Brooklyn firemen and Thyatira, and the Church of Theasaiontoa, ever Jordan! Give u« one more lift be1 , D. D. all insurance companies should semen and the Church of Antioch, and the Church foro you go into the promised Jand. You among the breezy Highlands, atari altiI*auP* Assertion of Endurance in Titnoa among those ruins ou ttchertnerhorn street of L&odicea. Sb I do not know but that in men in middle life, harness all your busi- tude of over thirteen hundred feet. Wo they would not find a splinter as $arg« MM the future history, and not far off, either, ness faculties to thia enterprise. Toung haci heard of Mizzen-'Pop Hotel, but, of Great Trial—The Congregation S«the tip end of the little finget marked wita it may be t-imrly a distinction of locality man, put the fire of your soul mto this like the in an in the story Admiral WOT*;. inluded Th»t the Nt>w J«ru.<i*l«sm bigotry. And it is said that tbe 05- and not of creed, a* the Church of New work. Let women consecrate their per- den so cheerfully tells against himself* I* .Proof Affainet Flume*. humed bricks of the '.valla of York," the Caurch of Brobklvn, the Church suasiveness and persistence to tbia cause B&bylor heve on them the letter Nv at Boston, tho Church of Charleston, the and they will be* .preparing bentidictJoHS. didn't know but it was "some old sailor Dr. Talniage preached the fo 'lowlngr ser- I standing for Nebuchadnezzar, I de- Church of Madras, the Church of Constan- for their dying hour and everlasting re- boarding-house." Admiral Wordon, ono mon at the Academy of Music, JS'ew York, | dare to you that if we ever gat a nevr tinople, the Church of America. wards; aud if Satan really did burn tbat of the ''fathers" of the place, Called tho Jits first sermon after the destruction of church the latter we should like to have My dear brethren; we can not afford to be tabernacle down, as some people »ay ha highest mountain, which is on his owa the Brooklyn Tabernacle by fixe. HJB sub- on every stone and ever/ timber would bs severely divided. Standing in front:of She did, he will find it the poorest job ho over j e c t was "The Baptism ot Fire," and he the letter C, for that wouid slaud both for estate, •"Maintop," and when the quesk •'•-''..-'• great foes cf our vomraoh Christianity we undertook. took for bis text the first part of the twentlon of naming' the new hotel arose, ho Good-bye, old tabernacle. I put my ty-fourth verse ot the twentieth chapter of Christ and for catholicity. Ta<* last two want to put on the whole armor of God aud Acts: "None ot these things move me." words I uttered ia the old church Friday march down jr. solid column, shoulder to fingers to my lip and throw a ktss to the Buggeated that if the other mountain eight, some of you may remember, were shoulder! One commander! One iriuuipc!, departed^ church. In the last day we may was "main" this was certainly "mlzThe preacher ?aid: "Hallelujah! Atnenf" be able to meet the songs there sung, and ze&," and a more appropriate uamc " The trumpet gives a martial strain, But, Paul, have you not enough affliction The two words th«t X utter uow as most the prayefs there offered, and the serO Israel! gird thee for the nght; to move you? Are you not an exile from expressive of my feelings in this our first mons there preached. Goodbje, old could hardly be found. Across tho Arise, tte combat to maintain; yoar native land? With taei raoat genial service after the taptstn of fire are Halleplace, where some of us felt tba Gospel broad piazzas and through the airy Ariae, and put thy foes to flight." and loving nature have you not, in order to lujah! Amen! "None of theso things more peace and others heard tha last mes- balls blows as stiff and cool a breeze a-» Wo also feel reinforced by the thought be free for missionary journeys given yoursage ere they fled away into the plays through ship's ri;jing; heal un<t that we are on the way to a Heaven that self to celibacy? Have you not turned skies! Good - bye, Brcoltiyn TaberWe are kept In this mood by two or three can never bora down. Fires may nweep away from the magnificent worldly sucnacle of 1875! But welcome to our now discomfort are entirely forgotten, and considerations. Tho first is that God rulea. through other cities, but I am glad to know cesses thst would have crowned your illuschurch. (I see it as plainly as though it the extended vievr of soft-rollinjj countrious genius I Have yon net endured the In what way the church took fire I do not that the New Jerusalem is fire-proof. were already built!) Your gates wider, sharp and stinging neuralgias like a thorn know.* It has been charged on the light- There will be no engines rushing through your songs more triumphant, your ingath- try reminds one of a summer sea. vvhilo In the flesh? Have 50a not been mobbed nings. Well, the Lord controls the light- those streets; there will be no temples erings more glorious Rise out of the ashes I as far as the eye can reach atrotches tho on the land and shipwrecked on the sea; nings. He uiAuaged them several thou- consumed in that city. Coming to th« and greo* our waiting- vision! Burst on oux blue line of the CatskUis. the sanhedrim against yon, the Roman sands of years before our electricians we*e doors of that church we will tind souls, 6 day of our church's resurrection! Spots of historic interest are not Chjvtrntnent against you, all the world and born. The Bible indicates that, though them open, resonant with songs, and not By yoar altars may we be prepared for the they flash down the sky recklessly, God cries of fire. Oh, my dear brother and wanting in the neighborhood, for c ail tell against you? hour when the fire shall try every man's builds for them a road to travel. sister, if this short lane of life comes up twenty minutes' walk brings w to tho "What of that?" says Paul *'None of In the Psalms it Is said: "He wade * so noon to that blessed place what i* the work of what sort It is. Welcome, Brooklyn these things move me!" It was not be- way for ths bghtnio? and tho thunder.n door of the ancient rieeting-house of use of our worrying? 1 have felt a good Tablernacle of 1SW! cause he was a hard nature. Gentlest the Friends, built in 1764, and used woman was never more easily ctissolved Ever since tho time of Benjamin Franklin many times this last week like Father Tayeleven years after, during the war • I into tears. He could not even bear tocoe the world has been frying'W tame the kw, the sailor preacher. He got in a long tRAlNEO TEACHERS. sentence wb<le he was preaching one day lightnings and tttey seem to be quite well independence, as a hospital for Revoluanybody cry, for in the midst of Mi sermon That U Bec*Mtmc *• B* 8*rioi*«« tionary soldier* In the year 1775 when he saw some one weeping her sobs harnessed, but they occasionally kick or*r and lost himself and could not find ly Felt Everywhere. aloud: "What mean y to weep and the traces. B i t though we can not muster his way out of th« sentence. He stopped General Lafayette had his headquarter* and said: ."Brethren, I have lost the g n a t natural I'orces, God can and doee, and The absence of any proper and adequate to break mine heart? For 1 am near by, and not far from the fountain nominative of this sentence and things are professional training in the past—of over xeady not to be bound only, but also to die that God Is our fatherand beat friend, and ireneralrjr mixed up, but I am bound for the three hundred acd twenty-five thousand spring of the Crotocv which rises just at Jerusalem for the name ot the Lord tfli* thought gives us confidence Weave also reinforced by the increased Kingdom, anyhow." teachers in the United States, but a fcw*ll above the quaint and artistic summer Jesus." What then did Paul mean when he And during this last waek, when I saw proportion are. gmdsstes even of normal residence and studio o* Mrs. E. M> Mid; >lKone of these things move me*" consolation that comes from confraternity He meant: "I will not be diverted from the of sorrow. The people who, during- the the rushing to and fro and the excitement, schcdls-—hat mode itself felt, not only in Scottj of IJew York City. We drove -work to which 1 have been called by any la&t sixteen years, sat on the ether side of I said to myself: "I do not know Just where the schools of the United States, but in the aisle, whose faces were famlUar to you, we shall start again, but I am bound for the those of Europe as well. The work of the over to the old Hicksite Church aiw3 and all the adversities and calamities." but to whom yon had never spoken-you Kingdom, anyhow." I do not want to go schools, speaking broadly, has beeu poorly entered within its quaint doors, witU Ithinkthia morning I express not only greeted them this week with smiles and diay own feeling but that of every man, tears as you said: *'Well, the old place is just y e t I want to he pastor of done and tho mass of the schooF popula- their hug-e iron locka it feas a largo ^roman and little child belca*tog to Brook- gone," You did not want to seem to crj, Ehis people until I am eighty-nine tion has not even been properly instructed, seating capacity, although the modem lyn Tabernacle, or that wae converted there, and so you swept the slcevo near years of age, but I have sometimes much lens educated. It ia not meant by mind pauses in wonder at the narrowness or comforted there, or blessed there, when the corner of your eye and pretend- thought that thex* are such glories this that the common school, th* world ahead that I may be persuaded to go a little OT&T, has accomplished nothing; for the Of tLe benches, until the simple and unI look toward the blackened rotas of the ed it was the sharp wind irade earlier—for instance, at eighty-two or history of Scotland since Knox. ot the obtrusive dress of. the worshiper* «T 4ear end consecrated spot and with an your eyes weak. Ah! there wa? nothing aroused faith in a loving God, cry out: the matter with your eyes; it was your eighty-three; but I realty think that if we United States under the constitution, of that long-ago period is remembei'ed. could have an appreciation of what God Prussia since Jena, and of Frocca under •'None of these things move me," soul bubbling or^r. I tell you that it is has in reserve for us We would waut to go, the Republic, J«lbi a far different story. Many a story attaches to this edifice, When I say that 1 do not mean that we impossiblr to sit for years around the same stepping right out of the Academy of Music B i l d i l i h d -built of oaken timbers to withstand luo p p p have no f6« ling about i t Instead of stand- church fireside and not have sympathies in into the glories of the skies. all the results hoped for, simply because storms of another century. According; tag here to-day in this brilliant auditorium common. "Somehow you feel that you Ah! that is a good land. Why, they tell popular education does not as yet exist to the records' it cost to-i>,uitd~£28(k It would he more consonant with my would like those people on the other side feelings to sit down among the ruins and of the aisle, about whom you know but llt- me that in that land they never have a The framework, constitutional and adminis- and there is enough material used upon weep at the words ot David; 'If •! forget tle. prospered, and pardoned, »nd blessed, heartache. They tell me that a man might trativ**. is generally provided, but the it to erect f6ur modern structwreti of thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand for- and saved You feyl as if you are in the walk five hundred years in that land and proper supply of the necessary agents, get her cunning." Why, let me say to the same boat, and you want tc glide up the never see a tear or hear a riga. They tell ihorpugoly trained and equipped teachers, it© size. During the year 1778 a constrangers to-day in explanation of the same harbor and want to disembark at the me that our friends who have left us is not yet forthcoming. Reason may siderable detachment of troops- wa» and gone there, their feet are radiant doubtless be given why this ia so. The stationed at Pawling, and for a titno •deep emotion of ray flock, we had there same'Wharf. • as the ann. and that they tako halg teacher's salary i* small and his tenure of 1n thai building sixteen years of If you put gold and iron tad lead a»A of the hand of Jesus familiarly, and office is insecure, These obstacles are not General Washingtoo hail his bepdreligious revival I believe that a hunzinc in sunident heat they will melt into that they open that hand and see easily removed In the United States tha quurters there. There seems to \-o dred thousand souls were born there. a conglomerate mass; and I really feel that in the palm of it a healed wound that absence of aiiy Niitloaal sysioia of educa- good authority for the sta:cmcnl lhr.t They came from all parts ot the earth, last Sabbath's fire has fused us all, grosser must have been very cruel before it was tion makes their removal a matter of ex- he took up his residence at the old and we shall never see them again until and fluer natures, into one. It s ems a« it hm'J&L And they tell me that there Is no treme difficulty and one Involving great Kirby House, at the foot of the books are opened. Why, sirs, oar children were there baptized, and *t ttaee we all had our Aauds on a wire connected winter there, and that they never get lem of time. Public opinion—which, as our Hijil, and Mrs. Akin, itKHbor of tho Altars our young men and maidens took With an electric battery; and when this hungry or oold, aad that the sewing-girl latest and kindest critic, Mr. Bryco, says, is the m&rriEfe vow, and oat of those gate* church sorrow started it thrfl^*d through never wades through the snow-bank to not made, but grows in America—ura$tHlm • Judge A cin, used to teU tbe story of ilsauthor- occupation in this way^ we carried our dead. Wben from the the whole circle, and wo ail felt the shock. her daily, toll, and that the clock never ulate State, municipal awl district ! oof of my hoo*e last Bund >y morning at The oldest man and the youngest child strikes twelve for the night but only twelve itie« ifl turn before any apprec al>la tesulta "Ou© da; two aide-d(» camps rod© up* can bo secured. The process is a labortoaa throe o'clock I saw our church in flataas, I could join hand* < a this misfortune. Grand- for the dj^y. father said: "I expected from *4*oa« altars to-the •doer'aad-iHKjuinin* for Mr. Fee— •aid: 'That is the last of th* building from See thaji light in the window. I w>s«!« and uncertain one, tor the name of these to be burled;" and one of the children ris, informed him that Ue&eral Wiishwhich we buried our De Witt on that cold who set U there. -Oh," you say, "my authorities is legion Because these obstaDecember day when it kerned all Brook- fromlnst Sabbath cri«d: "Grandpa, that fathtr thiit went int glory must have sot cles are not removed, the profession of in gton would like to make his homo lyn wept with my hoaseliofd ** And it ww place was next to our own house." Yea, that lif h i in the window." No. Guess teaching involves a sncriSce wiilrh the there fora few days. Mr- Fer:is conjust as hard for you to give up your loved we are supported sad coafldent in this agaf a "i|Cy mother, who died fifteen years lawyer, t!w physfclan or the Man e< tu»lsented and to notify all intruders iliat ones a* for us tc give up ours. Why, like time by the cross of Chrlat ago in Jesu*. I tUJnk, must have set that ness is skot ca<led upon to make; this was the homo of the-Comni£Ui<i«rThat is u*ed to the fire. On the daak day the beautiful vines that atill cover lightthera." No. Guess •gain. You say: Another consideration, and a very Imaoine of the fallen walla, our affec- When Jesus died the lightning struck it "My darling JitUe child, tha& la«t summer I portant one, deserves notice; The fact in-Chief tliir officers fastened a paj>«r Un tions are cfcur¥V*r'ifcg an QV6I the ruins, from 4bove and the flames of hell dashed put away I for the resurrection, I think she that the universities hare very generally the front door reading thas: "HttiuU mnd I could 1 m the ashes that mark up agttinfttit from beneath. That tearful, must have set that light there 1n tue neglected to provide instruction in tho quarters oiGeneral Washiitgton." Mist. the place whefcee it once stood. Why, painful, tender, blessed cross still stands. window.'?; N*. Guess agabi. Jesus science of education has had a powerful now that I think of it, I can not think of On it we hang all our hopes; beuaath it set *.t there, and He will keep it burning influence i» retarding tha progress of the Ferris and the girls at area mt themi t as an Inanimate pilev but aW a soul, a we put djwn all our sins; in the light until tfc.e day we put our finger to teaching profesBton. In view of t i e rela- selves at preparing the b*wt chamber soul, an indestructible soul l a m of it we expect to make ' the rest the latch of the door and go in to be at tion which m any sound system: tse tod' for the General and the second best for majestic organ had a soul, for we of our pilgrimage. Within sight of home forever. Oh! when my sight gets vexsWes should bear to the school* sod to Have often heard it speak and sing and such a sacrifice who can feel he has black in death, put on my eyelids that the State at large, tius negiect is aoduag the staff officers, and soon* their illus-* shout and wail, and when the soul it bard? In the flight of such a sym- sweet i^iutment "When in the last w a r i - less than eatable, and the efforts n«w trious gxiess Hrrivcfi and.w/xa shown to the south ehamber, e^er More to be* • of that organ entered Heaven I bol who can be discouraged, however groat ness I can not take another step, fast help it come too late to-preg t o impair p p think Handel, aud Haydn, and Mo- the dukud&s that may com* down upon ma put my feet vn ttiiat doar-sSU. When l known as-Washington-1 * ucam."—Cor, xartj and Mendelssohn, and Beet- him? Jesus lives! The loving, patient, ray ear catches no more the volts* of wife vent serious, loss to the cause of popular Chicago J«turnaL hoven were at the gates to welcome i t sympathizing, mighty Jesus! It shall not and, child let me g o tight iti to- have my education. At least nine Germanianivezid£0 I do not use the words of my text in a be told on eftrtk, or in hell, or in Heaven, deftness cured by the stroke of the harp- ties, two Scotcb aniversities, and six ef ««r Queer Place for-a. Hest heartless way, bat in the sense that we that three Hebrew children had the Son of ers, whose fingers fly over the strings with own lnatitutbms of first rank have recognized the claim of the science of education must not and will cot be diverted from our God beside them in the fire, and chat a the anthems of the free. On the arrival of a*, passenger t o a p l a W i n their calendars. It- teosrfya work by the appalling disasters which have whole church was forsaken by the Lord at Derby t4ia other day the cari-iage* Heaven never burns down! The fires of question of ttnse when the English- noil)«f&ileh us. We will not turn aside one when they went through a furnace about the last day, that are already kindled tn verslties sad the older a ad more conserva- tapper found in the springy tof a hoi-se> inch from our determination to do all we two hundred feet wide. the heart of the earth, but are Milken be- tive of ocr Atterican colleges wJil totbvw boz & thrush's nost full ot «ggs iu pro•can for the present and everlasting happiO! Lord Jesus, shall we take out of Thy ness of all the people whom we may be hand the flowers and the fruits, and the cause God keeps down the hatches— their *7MmAa.~ Century. cess of insubation. Thisvia aiflinstuiic* .able to meet "None or these things move brightaers ismd the joys, and then turn away those internal fires will alter awhile of the migration of birds which even; break through the crust, and the plains, HOW TO GET ALONG. me." None of these things move you. because Thou dost give us one cup of bitter- and the mountains, and the sea» will White, of Selborne, had not the opporness to di ink? Oh, no, Jesus! we will drink be consumed, and the flames will Work for On« End, Bat Ke*p an Kjt* mm tunity of. observing. Th& passion for When I looked out through the dismal It dry. But how it is changed! Blessed JeThins* Around Too. travel hns been hitherto supposed to rain from the roof of my house and saw the sus 1 what hast Thou put into the cup to fling theii long arms into the- rides; but all the terrors of a burning world will church crumbling brick by brick and tim- sweeten it? Why, it has become the wine There fe a gain in doing one thtagr •* * confined, to the featherh?a* bipeds, ber by timber, I said to myself: Does this of Heaven, and our souls grow strong! I do no more harm to that heavenly tem- time, astd ia giving one's undivided atten- even among them it is usually repr luviui that my work in Brooklyn is ended? c&irih now and place both my feet deep ple than the fires of the setting sun which tion to chat one thing. But iu order te> give Does this terminate my association with down into the blackened aehes of our con- Kindle up tha window-glass of tho house ona's whole attention properly foooe tiling ed whea they ate e&gd&ting an ad illthis city, where I have been more than sumed church, and I cry out with an exhil- on yonder hill-top. Oh. blessed ian«iI But It is often- tsece«Hary to have ens's TZ&OA on tioii 10/ their families. What couid twenty years glad in all its prosperities aration that I never felt since the daj of my I do not want to go there until 1 see the several thing* at the same time. A man have baen the train, ol circumstances. You eay: starts to eto^tn the street ia- at e»**rded andftad*n all it? misfortunes? And a. still, soul's emancipation: -"Victory' Victory! Brooklyn Tabernacle rebuilt "Will it be?" You might as well ask me if city, where the cable cars are rui»!ng which.Led the bird, to build in a niil.way voice came to me, a voice that 19 no through the Lord Jesus Christ!" the sun will rise to-morrow morning; or if quickly in both directions. The only/ tiling train?; It is possible, that ihev. r still and small, but xnost emphatic " Your harps, ye trembling saints, the next spring will put garlands on its he is living for just then is to> reach the havo been deoeiyfid by the c;uu and commanding, through pressure of Down from the willows take; head. You and I may not do i t - you and I other Hide of ttoe street; but cnless-k* looks tappe& "The woodpacker." sava- the* h i n i , and newspaper column, and teleLoud to the'praise of love Divine may not live to see it; but the church ot at least three- ways—across the- street, up poet,, "makes stiller, by his scand lh&. gram, and letter, and contribution^ saying: Bid every string awake." God does not stand on two legs nyr on a the Rtieot and down the •treet—an** m&kt* **G© forward!" inviolable quictBess," and perhaps ihey We are aUo reinforced by the Catholicity thousand legs. sure that the way will be cleat far him 1 have inade and I now make appeal to that I have already referred to. We are in confused his njate with, that of tl.e rail-* How did the Israelites get through the without interruption from any oa» «C those .-all'Christendom to help us. We want all the Academy today not because we have way. official; '>tho, sjyiiig" of t i e Christendom to help, and 1 will acknowledge no other place f o go. Lant Sabbath morning- Bed sea? I suppose somebody may have directions, ho may not reach th» other side the receipt of erery contribution, great or at nine o'clock we had but one church; now come and said: "There is uo ne*sd ot trying; of the street alive; and so he wfll fail of box. may also ha,vo. eoatributed to *ma)l, with my own hand. We want to we have about thirty, all at our disposal you will get your feet wet* you will spoil accomplishing tho one thl^g he' was llvltoy mist*ko. Perhaps tJxo natui-ulist, build larger and better, We want it a Na- Their pastors and their trustees say: "You your clothes; you will drown yourselves, for, tbougbi bot having at least thcee things e%«r, may have SOJHJ*; other tional church, in which people of alt creeds may take our main audieQc® rooms; you Whoever heard of getting through such a in mind at the same time. So. st ift ia well —Psdl Mali Gazette. and all nations may find a home. The con- may take our lecture rooms; you may take Bea as that?" How did they get through it? nigh every sphere of litev.hft ^№0 would tributions already sent in msko a small- our church parlors; you may baptize in our Did they go back? No. Did they go to tb« coneetttrate his attentioa.and efforts on the A«, E'iitcwr's Epitaph. "hearted church forever impossible. Would baptisteries, and sic on our anxious a^ats." right? No. Did they go to the lirfc? No. one-thing-be has to da Sot tb& moment, not 1 be a sorry Bpectacle for ang-els and Oh! if there be any larger-hearted min- They went forward in the etrrogth of the must have in mind the w-hole sw««-|> of the WeepingWTido*w (to wen if. in a cburch built by Israelites and isters or larger-hearted churches anywhere Lord Almighty; and tDat is the way we circle which Ms point «t view eaaoentr ate a. I want a suitabW epitaph, placocl vxx my Catholics, as well as all the styles of people than in Brooklyn tell me whore they are, mean to get through the Bed cea. By go- —.S. fk Times. couitfonly called evangelical, I should, in- that I may go and see then* before I die. fog forward. But says some one: "If we husband'* grave-stone. FOCP man, li« stead of the banner >:>Z the Lord God Al-The 7z:illennium has come, People keep should build a larger church would you be Opposed to Viid&w** was kill«d by having a safe fall on him. mUrhty, raise a fluttering rag of small wondering when it ia coming. It has come. able •with your vo<c* v*y 511 it?" Why, I. Ail thst i» most osiecticsuible: in Ci*u ju\i sug'ge&t one? sectarianisms? If we had three hundred The lion and the lamb lie down together, have be^B wearing myself out '№ the last. ing reaches its clim*x whea it comes Mar ole-Cutter—Perhaps so> madam, thousand dollars v.\o vrould pus it all in one and vat. tiger eats straw like an ox. sixteen years in trying to keep my voice i * dress of a widow. In aU cafte* the nearsr j^ranu monument to the mercy 01! God. I should like to have setn two Give me room where I oin preach t^e l>i» relative the xaore «amhit»us bocot*«e What wa3 your husb&ud's business? People ask on all sides about what we of the old-tiuue bigots, with their swords, glories of Christ aad the grandeurs o* the dress of the f#mal& -^uourner; but the Widow—He was an editor* •hall build. I answer, it all depends fighting through that great fire on Henvtin. widow's dreR3 positively amounts to a saiid .vnd the uai biocutter chiseled on tho ou the contributions sent in from Schermerhorn street last Sabbath. I Forward! We bar* to roarch on, break- form of suttee astd notifa ee«m to hint that <J Gone to Press.'1—Lawrence here and from the end* of the earth, am sure the swords would 5<we melted and ing' down all bridge* behind .us, making re« the idea underlying various heaihen rites toaib: I may now to all the Baptists that *e sHail they who wielded themwouli have learned trAAt Impossible. Throw away youvknap- as to the conduct of wo aan is not abso- Anjericaiv t).ave in it a baptistery. I say to all Eplsco- war no more. I can never say a word sack if it impedes jour march Ke«p your lutely extinct auson^r «s. There wooid still Remarkable FVesenca of Wind pAlianu we aball have in our nrvloe as ag&Sust any other denomination of Cbrix- sword aria free. Strike fcr Cbrisr, and His seam to be a lurking' feeling that if a iunu heretofore at oar communion-table portions tians. I thank God I naver have beeu Kingdom while you may. No r«*«j>Jc ever dies it is desirable tn^t some m>rt of punLaura (innocentiy)-iJoesnH the ixtdn ot the liturgy 1 ^ay DO Catholics we shall tempted to do it 1 can not be a sectarian, had a better misaion than yon are-neat on. ishment show id titll on the v ife^ or that at have a cross over the pulpit and probably on Ihavebeon told X ought to be and I have Prove yourselves worthy. It I am not tit to least she should bo sacrinced ia some way, go thiougliu icujg tunnel soon, Georgtj? the tower. I say to the Methodist* we mean tried to be, but I have not enough material | be your loader set mo aside. The brightest so tar tun it is prssibie without Eyeing Geoi'go—Tunucl. just ah*ad, Laun., 1 -to zing there like the voices ot many tkun- in me to make such a structure [I^eana forward and whispers to boy on JVexy j yoalon earth, that I can th'nk. of ia a coun- much OQt ot keeping with tho derh.-gk I say to all deo mi nations we ting 1 £:•>? tha thing most done there cowes [ try parsonage amid the mountains. But liberty oft e «ge, —Womaca'a World. I seat in front.] Johnny, I want you s i ^ to preach a r«ligion as wide as an; cot afraid to lead yo a 1 have some a fire, or con.mi.Liug else, and all ia gone. to cough with all your mig-ht win o Heaven and us good as God. Wa have said , tbatno we're going through tins tunraL. LIST tfcic be yoiu-we had a total lorn, Bvt there wan one ex- TLoan^oU of God shake f>ut ou. this air, doilara; tfcsy Are at your disposal. X hare to neglect * *Olcry to God in the highest, tn.d on eirtb good pltygictl strength; it is yours as long tuan t an he good hdl a doiucl—Chicago Tribune, good will iawaca msa,' ; 1 t o no« m it test*. I have enthusiasm of aoul; I ' rules / f prudenc«. — we. saved THE BAPTISM OF FIRE. me." ..' , - - •••;••• f • USEFUL AND SUGGESTIVE WASTE BY DIFFUSION, MISCELLANEOUS MENTION. Scrofula Humor HowscirTKfl y d<m»tyou use HaleTs Honey of Horehounv-and TSarjf Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. TUB* That F/Jrerts Strength £«• persona drink too much and "Mr little ci»u«bter'a life w u «ved. as we !>*• BotrU *aid to tterive itc duet* a Man's Usafalaesa. too fast A small* quantity of water Ueve, by UOCKI'6 b«.r»upiu't!!a,' wouW uny that b*' ttomrottirm (German), to muster. A CASAL two hundred and fifty tniies 5 f o « s h e was six mo&ttis olU scrofula sores began We are not Ouly in too great haste* tipped slowly satisfies thirst as well M TRJS Beile Veroon gM fteid in Fennaji is to be buiit for navigating purposes to appear,&ad In a abort time she had 7 running but we are determined to do too inarij yauia b twenty-two miie& loag and tvrc New Mexico. It will be thirty feel wide. sores^ On? pby»icUn advised the amputation of a pailful swalipwed at a draught one ot Hot fingers, to which we refused jws«nt. We things. We overwork ourselves aud mile* wide. There are tbrse we&te> ia this —Use great care in aervuig food for Fosany case.ol nervousness, sleepless- b*K*n giving her Hood's SaroapartHa. Anmiltwct we dissfpatf\ our strength at the same field ttat yield 46,0-J0,000 feet per dai'. ness, weak siocjacb, indigestion, dyspepsia, improvement was noticed after she had t:.ken only th« table, &g the smallest spatter of time. # Sous years ago Hon. Franciis I>. Eernaa relief is sure in Carter's lattie-liver Pills. on» b.tMe, anrt b/ a continued a?e of U-lior regrease or gravy changr** the appearcovery was complete. Anci she U no(ybei?tg seven Every one ought to have some inter- had an eminent Cbioaman for a client, years o.'d, strong.aad hcaUby." B. C. Jo> ss. Alas, ance and spoils a& otherwise pretty and won his case. Ever ainoe tfce lattet TOHN CocKERrLii Is paid -f 30,000 a Llncoln.Co..J*e. C est in public matters, outfht. to give a dkh, d has scut, several times a year, a box at year Xty the New York certain amount of time and strength to choice tea to fiV lawyer as a token ct r» — A London medical man says: "Be the general interests of the community THE best cough medicine is Piso-» Cure carfjful In your dealings with horserad- ic which he lives; but the highest obli- membrane*. for Consumption. Sold everywiie re/ 25c. THS tan ahoe ma? have & permanent Rold by all dm^jfists. II;-Biff for |">. Prepared onJjr ish. It irritates the stomach far mope gation which a man owes to himself, to future after alL One of th» fesulu of th« THE late E. P. Roe found no difficulty in hy C. 1. UOOI> Si CO.. Lowell, Ma*8, than spice, and • i overdose will brinff bis family and to his country, is to se- recent maneuvers of tue British fleet haf writing $50,000 worth a year. IOO Doses One Dollar On an unpleasant sensation for days." been the suggestion that the marines should cure the most thorough development wear MAST imitate "Tansill's Punch" 5c Cigar. tan or brown shoes henceforth lit' —Felon Cure. —Take the yelk of an and uufolding of whatever character Bteadof black ones, abd brown gloves in^ HAT . HAZSLTI^E receives tl73 a week egg, an equal quantity of soft soap and and power he possesses. This can only stead of white. same quantity of «alt, and ODO table- be done by concentrating his energy LAST MACABTN^T, wife of Sir Balliday from the New York Sun. spoon ful spirits of turpeatiae. Wx and work along the line of effort which Macartney, secretary of the Chinese EmHATTITEWS averages au annual income from literature of about $3,000. well and apply poultice at bed time.— nature marks out for him. If a man is bassy in London, was recently fined twe&» dollars for Ul-t«eatin^ her femal« Good. Housekeeping. to paint pictures, let that be the su- ty-five servants. She ^a» in the habit of tearing —A Swedish Servant maid, finding premo interest of bis life, and, while he out handfulb of their bait whenever thej that her distress was troubled with holds himself in ready sympathy v ihdispleased her ladyship. sleeplessness, told her of a practice of his fellows and identifies himself with LISTEN-*, con* of rejoicing. the people of her country who alt good causes, let him see to it that Her rt» tb«t were b « V •»•**•*• Women, look KP »nd behop*fT;L . •are similarly afflicted. It was to take his art does not suffer by reason of his There'* belp aod th«ere'« bealU; to be bad. T»kc c o u n te, O we*k <MM« 4eaj>094*i>tl a napkin, dip it in ice cold water* mombenftiip of innumerable commitAnd drire 5>*cS the f«e.tta*t TUU fear With tb* weapou tkit n r u *U1 fail TOIL. wringing slightly, and lay it across her tees. He may do well for his country O, tw of good cheer, , • . eyes. The plan was followed, and it by serving on the school board or hos- for when you suiEer frou1 any of the weak> ''irregularities, ' and ^faocitioaal pital board, but he will do better If lie nesses worked like a charm. leraugementa," peoiliar to your aex, by EALERS BYTHE —Eice Jelly.—Mix enough water to make himself an artist of the first rank. the use of Dr. Pieroe1* Favorite Prescripyou can put the enemy of ill-health and two heaping teaapooafuls of rice flenr There are thousands of women in tion happiness to rout Ittothe only medicine America whose energies &nd strength to make a thin paste; then add a coffee for women, sold by drnggfet*. under a poacupful of boiling water. Sweeten to are like water spilled upon the ground itivetfixtra&eeef aatiafactkm m every case* taste with loaf sugar BoU it until it is because they are given in so many di- or money refunded. See botUe-wrapper. transparent. Flavor it by boiling with rections. It is simply impossible to ao- For all derangements of the liver* atom* It a stick cf cinnamon if the jelly la in- complbh thoroughly a great many aehaad bowela take 3&r. Pierces FelteU. ^__ . ••_ tended for a patient »£Hctod with ttna- things. What must he done to secure One a dose. really good results is to ©lest the specIT u said titatttM great oil fields of New mer-complaiat; o? aid, instead, several York and Petuuyjvania are rapidly becomial direction in which one will serre drops of lemon juice if intended for a iagexh&nsted. The supply b*» faueu from patient with fever. Mold iV—Prac- one*a community, and then hold to that. 104000to43,000 barrels per day. &?atcu i» ,•.«-№-• If one has time for charitable work— beinir made for new fleks. tical cook. and every one ought to have some time L'ArtDoUM W —The care of the finger nails should Cotvfe Regulate The Bowels. for such a purpose—one ought to de1I£TKS U T O I Pans MXD SudoJpn lronwm** Opera. Company not be neglected. ft will not tafco long AeCKOo, Kew Tfl«k, will present T cide where one can work the inofit TOSS larOrder it olMflKtaa your News-d**tbefore a child will feel aa conscious as Brigand*" to KcYteker's Theater for toe e» ur s*nd * 5 cent* for l t s f r efficiently, and then put all one's ftwt tteam In tbta city on Monday evening a grown person of unclean nails. These strength on tLe objective point CaOctobex Wst No changes have been ntade trifles show the difference between the pable men and women are sacrificed in in tbe original oast, and the uroduetidfi child of tho^htful parents, who think every community by having too many wiO be given exaetbr as fn New xork with i* Pevera, Kidney JUmimn, great chorus oi1 sixty, ttt magnlfloent 9 of all the good they can do their chil- different kinds of, work thrust upon its •cenery and oostnmes and perfect appointGold Hunters Adventtiree ssMt mi XS A U » T l t A l i I A . , t>y WM. H. THOMSS: J t o o . dren, and the careless parent* who them, and sacrifice themselves by sub- menta, tos^har with a largely inoresaed C « 4 P i n t , 4» full-page Illustrations, A KirrUnr think it is too much bolher and that mitting to an unreasonable demand. X b W ttr^. itoryotA*remtwre among Bnshrangersf mnd Ont* LtlUan Bnssell, who beads the cxJ t f e n and fce»' Bookni erer spM ,S T ^?r5 the children will learn these things tor Except in great crises no community oeptional casts has fscored the SUOCSSB of Sold Everywhere. SUtceat*, postpaid. Address A t x z T. themrelres when they go out in society. has the ri^ht to demand an entire sacHfMflU'V ^ Lakestde bide., Chtcairo, III. GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. — T h e Housewife. • — rifice of self from any of its members; Fsaaw vie* beter* i% g«t« within your # V E # A C O R A A H O X T H can benaAcwork* —Light dumb-bells, osed jndiciously, but this is wb&t a great many com- trenches by avoiding thoughts leading to f l O l l # £ w U Jngrorus. U t d l i * it* aod your victory will then be comparaMwfamtsbakorw famish a korw awll sive i their wr»H toet» will strengthen the muscles and thus munities practically ask when they lay tively easy. '" " IBCML Span moment* mar be prostafr' also. AtewracHBcie* ID towns tart < eaiarge the frame. They should not upon the shoulder* of men and women, HKSOffftOa, J • • • M a i n " ~ " g BREAKFAST. JT.B^PKrtfe»t«»f« age and tm**nt*m • » « ( » » v e be hearier than one or two pounds already heavily loaded, burdens to BREAKFAST «TP**> A *"• ^ # Hfld, equableclimate, certain and abundant or«ntti« each, as better result* can be attained heavy to be borne. Remember that aropa. Best fruit, grain, grass, stock country tadto?m c u * m l J at well <.«h.cw4 than when heavy* * clumsy ones are your first duty la to make the most of !& tbe world. Full buorraatum free. Address <»r b bt«*kfM* k f * ttv^btw «IU a ««ll»<«lr used, sad there is no ri«k of straining yourself. Every thin* that diverts Oregon JmaoigratloB Board,Portiaad,Oegon blU*. U s by tfc* J«dtaio«» w j of MH* tike muscles. Another excellent mode strength and dissipates energy reduces • cinrBca wedding, where tbe groom bride thirty-ftve years old, IT bollt p «DUI atron*;TOO«CBinJf«* V1SL ' of exercise it swinging light weight your power to attain your OWD highest £ksyafia tbe a quiet ConnecUcut village r*v HOLL4XB, F.O.Em 120, Indlsa *iub!i—two or three pounds each good. See clearly what that good is* w¥mriwiMi lv«-> well fortiieA jaft —for a period of five or ten minutes* &fiu pursue lb v» Uii a resuiuU} CvSCSu- T i m !s iuOOng (unless № be the stowing A VOXTUt and more MMnied' graduate* who spent »lx n M l i three times a day. These are indoor nutcbuie) toai hs» l%uUru6u TOSt^n's labor QmmUe," or le»» at the College. Send luidiv**much •* Dobbins' Eleotrk Soap, cw«- onb lit h*]fix>UB<l Uiu, hjAfawn, I p ot *» frlendt ami set Circular and appliances, and should be supplemented tnUion which will not be impeded, de- as htfv *<t*U* sold since 1864, All grooftrs have it. JAMES EPf« A C0. N«««<»|ra№ie C r SHORTHAND 'i1 A GHT BY MAIL.. by walking, running or jumping, al- layed, or dissipated by the temptation Save you mads iuacquaidunost Try it. U ^ E i d >O I X>LIEOK T — *' —~ ways taking care not to, overtax the to do to many thiags.—Christian If is d«attt to any person in 81am to menstrength. All forms of exercise should Union. tt tion the Kind's name. Tbls Ls a custom be taken an hour before or two hours that many other tribes rigidly adhere to. —A Chinaman the other day strayed toller each nteaJL into the Mechanics1 Fair wt San Fran- WKY don't you try Carter's Little Liver —Many seemed to be possessed with cisco, and at once became interested Piiisi Th*y are a potitiv* cure for umk the idea that a man can not take care iu a number of phonographs thai were Mmdseim, mud all the ills produced by di&ol his health without worrying about it on exhibition. "What for stick ho*e jrdered liver. Only one pill a dose. -sd making himself constantly unhap- pipe into head?'1 he inquired of a by- A LKADVTTJUB (COL) man has invented a which, he claims, will do away Wuiicd IB vftrj countT. SkrMfdmtrB ta Mt ondffi lnitrnctiou.. py for fear that he will do something stander. When the thing was ex- device la our Secret 8*f »i«. ^Tp«neDe« noi n«c«fsmrj. Atod 2c. wholly with buttons and buttonhole*. he ought not to do. Never was there plained to him he* decided to try ;it 6ranaaaDttectUe8ureauC6.44 Arcade, d i DCTILBT W A R S KB Is paid $1,300 a more erroneous opinion., A person himself. He was assisted to adjust the PATEtTS AMD CLAIMSfor bis department in Harper's Magazine. pn№«cat«d wrraorr I>Ewho takes rational care of his body tubes as the instrument was giving I.AY. Alt L f i T T E K S . . „ J r * « ^ ' COMMISSION TO AUJCNTS* does not necessarily become a crank or utterance to a laugh followed by a established 1876. C.S.CHBSNBY.Washington B.C. so notional that it makes every one yell. With a wild cry of alarm John •ancomfox'table to live with him, but jumped away. "Do you want to spoil just the reverse. He should become the phonograph?" asked the attendp»«>d circulars fnw. more interesting1, more intelligent and ant. t4Nc can spoil him," he replied. iDQd climte, ariety w I W K 1 BOCK, AKK. T H « k ESSEX. LMMI 1 inspired by higher ideas, and bo a "Heap big devil in him; no good. ' «*^f AMt tHIS PAPKl «^«r C» S^t^Hl* more delightful companion.—Herald a a t e * to Leani TeJwaphy. VAttsifi HCH W Waate* T Situations furni*b« 1. Cireutart —A little negro waiter was sent to of Health. BBOS^ JanesviU«, Wi*. d T free. sail a gentleman to dinner, and found Mam 1— «fii* him using a tooth-brush. "Well," said TRAVEL IN EUROPE. and TumorsCnr«d, nofcntfe,book: the landlady, when the boy returned, free 3>r», Orwtisny «fc B n h , S o w Baggage i» Handled in th« Coauts-I*s Street, Clacianati, ••is be coming-?" **Yes, mistUa, or the Old World. i'rec'ly: he's jes sharpenia' his teeth"* T BRO-J., 64 Waitwa. e t ^ ft day Horse owner* boy 1 t o ft. Sum. A familiar subject of American com- - N . Y. Ledger. 9 1 W HOI.]>KUCO H l ) plaint in Europe is the want of the bag«3I-BUX1 IBIS r t f l l «IWT tio.yw wttt*. paiaphleton Pension And gage check system, but this has the alDou&trLaws SKtrrntKK. STT9T. Boob-keeping, {*«nnV&a»trip,ArtthTHE MARKETS. Address p . BL I1TS<JEKMD, U. S. metic, Shurrit&nd, e t c , thoroughly taug-hb. ternative of a very reliable parcels de• ..•»••• V. H L Afrency Address for H'e«t«rn soldier*, iudiatutpoiie,lad. by rasit- Circular* free. BRYiSTS StiUXBt, BaSmto,!!.T.. Oct. 22. livery, each railroad undertaking to LIVE STOCK-Natirss N E W YORK, a HSSX * $3 10 <& 4 70 Sheep 4 00 @ 5 30 A. N. K.-A seek and deliver parcels at no great F « TNVtNTOBS. 1262 Hogs... 4 50 @ 5 10 BOOK FBXe. A44iw« Both the method and results when expense. Ten or twelve cento is the FLOUR—Good to Choice 3 10 <§V 4 65 \ W. T. Fbx|«r*)d, Attorney WHEN WRITIAe TV AbVERTISEKS FXEA0K Patents 4 25 © 5 55 M Ltw, Wwfei&ftua, D, C. •t»te tkat fmm aav tb* Aitvcrtiaetoext lm Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant common price of getting a trunk or WHEAT—No. 2 Ked (f, o. b.)... 8354© 84 vi •aid refreshing to the taste, and acts taking one home in England, and in October. S2'/*© 83 CORN-^-No. 2 Wfcite 39',@ gently yet promptly oa tbe Kidneys, France you see the little Voitures de OATS—No. 2 White 27l,S/3i. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys49 ®, Correspondence meeting- the trains in RYE~Western.... 11 ?5 ®12 50 tem effectually, dispels colds, headthe country towns, and even in the PORK—Mess LARD—Steam 6 $iyt% 6 70 CHEESE 7H<?4 10 aches and fevers end cures habitual cities like Paris, going to boarding32 <& 39 The Braid that is known the wo*ld around. constipation. Syrup of Figs is the houses and hotels to get passengers WOOL—DomesticUH1CAGO. Stee*s 94 00 @. 5 05 upon order. The chief annoyance in BEEVES—Shipping only remedy of its kmd ever proCows 1 50 @ 2 75 Europe to a* American traveler is havduced, pleasing to the taste and acStockers 2 00 <& 2 50 Feeders .. 2 S O @. 3 00 ing to pay for any trunk, however ceptable to the stonii.ch, prompt in Butchers'Steers 3 00 @ 4 00 small. That is a country—and the Interior Cattle 1 SO ' @ * 75 ite action and truly beneficial in its to Choice.. 3 SO (ft. 4 35 same can be sard of all Europe—where HOGS—Live—Good effects, prepared only from the most SHEEP 300 <&4S0 9 <# 2i the boxing of goods is alvrays charged BUTTER-Creamery healthy and agreeable substances, CJood to Choice Dairy 8 ^ # 17 for, and the carrying of personal bag- EGGS—Fresh its many excellent qualities com18 *@ gage other than mere hand baggage is BK<OMCORNMend it to all and have made it Self-Working:.. 3>/4fA 3 a matter of perpetual expense. All the most popular remedy known. Kurl 3 ® 4 Inferior i ^ a over America the traveler has about POTATOES-(per Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c ba.) 10 <$. 30 125 pounds free, which accompanies PORK—Mess 9 45 #1100 and $1 bottles by all leading drugLARD—Steam 5 SO @ 6 40 him on. the train; and it is no doubt a FLOUR—Spring gists. Any reliable druggist who Patents 4 SO @, 5 00 Winter Patents 3 80 ®. 4 00 friendship to check his baggage so that ixiay not have it oa hand will proBukeV.V 2 90 @SfiO he can be assured of its safe delivery at Straights A 00 © 4 25 cure it promptly for any one who 7^'^ § his residence or inn, though I think that GRAIN—V. '• ""t. No. S wishes to try i t Do not accept; Com, No,J{ 3O'ii@ tne prfca is too high for baggage deliv. Oate.No/-J . 18VM *vny substitute. Rye-, No. 2 42 fa ery in the United States. In New York Barlev, No. 2 , . . . 60 (ft 63 In next week's issue of this paper will be printed an CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. it is about forty cents per trunk, whish L U M B E R . ^ SAH FRANGMGO, Common Dressed Siding.... 17 00 ©17 50 order entitling the holder to a Pattern of thi» &TYJLis two francs; a trunk generally costs LOUlSVfUB, Kf. HEW YORK, Fiooring. 38 00 @Ai 00 me in Europe about sixty cents to $1.50 I3U BASQUE FREE, with iUiKtration and full deCommon Boards 13 00 @13 a> Fencing..,. li TX) &M flO between all distances. 1 carried only scription* Jt can be made as illustrated or by leavL*tH.. 2 00 © 2 10a steamor trunk, the smaUoat possible Shingles...... 190 (^ 3 30 injer off tbe revers a perfectly plain basque will result* contrivance for expeditious moving, CATTLF,—BestKANSAS CITY. J385 (^440 The PATTERN is worth 25 cents, and win be glvaxn FairtoGood 2 2r> % a CO and many a time I wished I had nothHOGS—Bopt 4 00 (&4 2O iug but a woolen shirt on my back and to ^aeh rufchaser of next week's issue «f this paper» Medium 3 90 <& \ OS EP-Be*t , 3. SO ®.4Xi a pair of heavy-soled shoos, that I S H EMedium as a »»mt>le of those given FREE each month with a 00 <& 8 50 might walk through custom houses and OMAHA. jfciVv"s- -Ait P A - . v v v-'<'.A- A 13 80 (ft A 30 ovbe baggage scales like a Jree xauru — CATTLE—Ce«t.... Hood's SarsapariHa - . ' — - - — - i — • • - — • • • • ' • ' • .. UTEST STYLES Siek Headache, EPPS'SS COCOA t i; tBn SIOO MOTHERS FRIEND" FRIEND mm. DETECTIVES PENSIONS CATARRH •»• • 7 ••» CANCER L »••• PENSIONS c t f r e e K E l N PATENTS : Gath, In Cincinnati Enquirer." H0O5 370 1 3 9 0 't Coogh Sjrop DEMQRESTS FAMILY MAGAZINE, , A m cr © f CORUNNA JOURNAL, GOBSUCB, 9N«tH«*«r. BAKKEES, TAUGHT UPON THE MOST Lris of Portugal died Oct 20, IT is reported that a plot has Iteen -discovered to rescue two of the Cronin suspects from the'court rooia 'during' the trial. APPROVED^ METHODS. CotteotlonRmade and remitted for ondayof payment. . Draw DraftBoi* all the principal cities of Europe. FUR PAKTICULARS ADDRESS Also?ssue Ban* Money Ordere, payable in for ei^n countries, and the motwy la delivered at the re«td«Kice of the n to whom sent. MISS NORA COLLINS IT ia said that Conjrresman Whiting *«>f Sfc. Clair would JiK« to head the Or Oakside School, Owosso. democratic state ticket in the neit campaign. t —A colored man who {entered Har- T&rd college poor and supported himself working at odd hoors as a barber, until his work in college brought him beneficiary money from the college, has just been elected claso orator by the senior class of that college. DO YOU KNOW? M. L STEW ART & CO. LCHASE # KELLOGG American Kxehatiffe National Bank,N. 7 Commercial National Bank. Detroit. ARK MAZING A BPECIALTT OF TEAS AND COFFEES. Come aud Try some of the Brands we «re.earryingT we know ^ve can satisfy you in both quality au«i price. CORUSSA PRODUCE MABJECT. Schedule of T**eher « BatftminaUom toe th« years 1889 *ndl89O. A CHINA CUP and SAUCER Craiell, Greei I Ci.. asi i . Jeies, Spec&l public examination, Bancroft high school room, Friday, Oct. 35, '99. Regular examination, Conmoa. March • and 7, '90. Special public examination, Vernon high school room. Friday, March 28, "90, Spacial public examination, LalngBburg high school room, Friday, April 35, *90. Regular examination, Corunna, August 1 Apples, Otied,"per » Beans per bu Batter p e r » . . Bran per owt . Chickens, per ft" Corn, per bu . Ciorer Seed, per bu Bpirftperdos . THE anxiety of a great many to 8pecial pubBc examination, Owotto talfh Plqur, per fcbi room, August &tTW. feed, per cwt . . know who would be the next pension school First and second grade certificates can be commissioner was relieved last week granted only at the regular examinations. aooey,oap,t>ecl> "by the appointment of Gen. Green B. The schedule previous}/ published is hereby Huy.pertoo . . countermanded, circum&tadcee beyond the Baum, ex-internal revenue commis- control of the board of examiners rendering fluff «,dr««»?aVper evt. sioner to the place vacated by Tanner such action neomfevry. Orion*, per btt . Gen. Baum entered the army as Maj- By order of the board of examioer*. usnipB, per b« D C . COOFRB, Chairman, Owwwo. or of the 56th Illinois Infantry, and Poathoa, drtedt per J AS. N. MoBKtDB, See'y.OwoMO. Potatoea, per bn HUDSON SHELDON, i served with such distinction that at Owos3O. Oct. 7. law. tie close of the war he was brigadier* 8alt^nerW»l . . . Ctezend. «e«erv«««-?enUAenits in Timothy seed, per tm Wheat, per ba Congrats w d i r u Internal rev<mue STATE OF MfUBKMUt, Comrrror SHiAwattsk.} * ^commisskmer from 1876 to 188*. Since Notice I* hereby given, thattoran orderot then he baa been practicing law inthe probate court fivtbeeovnty of SUawanee, 3a 100 to Goes with each half pound of Baking Powder. We woiild also call yoar attention to the » 1 S5 O »a IT ^ 125 Q s 40 io ' • • • . Sotuethiug new and Just the Bight Thing. Everybody should see them. We are still headquarter^ for tine <X!GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS^ Oar Stock is Clean and Fresh and Prices *s Lov; 5»s anyone's* 8 00 ^ 5 0* © i GARDEN TRUCK KEPT IN THE SEASON. 40 d If yon want Fanning Tools go to ''; • !• • 18 GREEN 2« O 74 made on U№ 17th day of October, A D.1W*. sbcmtlbtha ftom that Ofttewvie allowed fur creditors to present their claims again** the « w estate of Martin a Hvbtwll bte of said O%yWvORv9ttBBttSPBEElSHal4NW9V -cessfal candidates who drew the senatorial prizes in South Dakota. The vote was B . F . Pettigtew 10ft,'BartlettTrrpp M,M©wly 1^7. -In the senate irottigrew got 41 to Tripp's 4, and Moody 41 to 4 for day. The legislature in joint session will ratify the election. Peltsgrew is a banker, politician and heavy land owner at Sioux F^ll : and has several times represented the territory in Cong*«£-Moody is an iiiflue»tlaU)eadwood lawyer. •Jf" THEY HAVE A BIG STOCK OF- MI deceased are requested to present their olafaas to said Probate Court at tbe Probate oHo» iu ^ d ^ f mination wnd allowaneeOBOT before tbe 17th day of April il next and that raeh cblnts wiU be beard before said Court on Monday tbe Sfttaday of January and on tbe 17th day of April aext, at ten o'clock of each of those day*. Dated Oct. tt <*,«*». _ _ _ _ _ KA'l'I'HBW BU8B Judge of probate. Spring Tooth Wheel Cultivators Plows all kinds of sma!l F p HASCBKTSALB-8t«teo7 Michigan. The OCtrwrit Court for the County of 8hiaiwnrte* inCfaanoery, ' . •• •, , Lewie W. James —»John H. SUek, Margaret 3tafc>k, Phoebe J.Shlck, OMM- Qieea—an, Ah toe i.Sbkskmai Benjamin H. Warder. mpttaHsukoeanaby virtue of a decree of sold court. madeintfie above entitled oause, ontteSKaday of Iwbtttaqr. Wjj, notice to berefcyfflTetiWMrt T, the 'tinderataue*, e s s of the o circuit courteovnfcaioae—for the tm c ort c o w w f the eounty tty FOB SIlIAWAfiSEE COUNTT, TUB EMULSION Mm I att 0»h« X e> +G* for avSteML and th*a hare PAXXZVG A c r to- MMES MEANS & CD'S BOOTS AHS SHOES. nexsress. MEANS' JBIHESAEUIS'i 3 SHOE , $ 4 SHOE I —WiAU«r»«wyo tettMl Is soraasooforMM; nowrsosinar a core £«Bd at OBC« lor a ireatine and* FKKU u o n u i of at* IiirAtUBLE BXJaor. Give Expreu and Pott OOk*. It co*t* jou nothing wr j; txiat, and it will ears jou. Address RFCCTION ,ftOOT, M. i W M TEWH5ftCHOQUET SETS TROUBLED W;TH PILES? Wer Still AheAd. With a full line of Fancy Goods, German. Knitting Yarns and Zephers. Stampingdone at short Nottce. P THE HOST * * annual report of the commish sioiier of pensions has been made and Almost as Pajatatileas Milk. bwt —uMa at lowett from it is gleaned the following statistbtu tt « M ke ta*« I BODS, TAB tics: There were at the close of the ttonueb, —ben, the pUtim «tl jUloodeniflCriwaftd • ««l«t*ted; aad h>y «h* »>» M t •vt-ar 489,726 pensioners. There were of tk« *ti with U * nypoph—• tit rns tbaa nrtmatmcttsrem' price.. :ukie<! to the rolls during the year the •attM is oaacifc laore CUM CO., CMMgO. . A _CCltAHAM CltAHAI tl awl m a t forOtaiOKBe.i es of 51,921 new pensioners and gate tayMly wkfle takfea? at ^ names of 1754 whose pensions have SCOFFS EMULSION is M&novledgedbj t>een previously dropped, were restored FhTsieiaos tobe the finest and Best prepa* to the rolLs, making an aggregate of xadon in the world fox the wiltf and euro of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, 5^,675 pensioners added during the PKCK'S EUKKKA PU.fi OINt UK NT ts GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING year. Sixteen thousand five hundred a p<"'.-a«f ptiut • I'wh it (piAtttuu O: l'riuity ^ o i . ^ e , D18SASES, EMACIATiON, and seven pensioners were dropped COLOS and CHRONIC COUCKft. Dublin A sujfirttpp;icuti«>nieiiev«*8, and it*t i*t?n from the rolls for various causes, leav- The grent rtmrdy for Conmemptia*, and h\% a net increase to the rolls of 37,- - I-- in Children. Sold bit all DruggUt*. JOHXSON & K1NNE. CorunilA. 168 names., llie average annual value OL each pension at the close of the year is shown to have been §131.18. The aggregate annual value of pen.sions is S&4,246,5f>2.36. The amount paid for pensions during the year was $88,275,113.28. The total Hmount disijursed by the agents for all purposes wa» $89,131.906.44. Amount paid as fees to attorneys $1,863,583.47. There was a disbursement of $14,515.72 for the payment of arrears of pensions in c:t.ses where the original pension was Don't forget that we carry a full line of granted prior to Jan. 25, 1879, and the •late of the commencement of pensions was subsequent to discharge or death. oranges and lemons always So rtonk «t M!H.trdfi. IH»*<? and FlcrJuu oranges junl And the fact that they keep a first-iiass line of ODB« tbs wont «ascs, Bccaasa others haro THJE • —X, iJ. Lincoln offers for sale all (fa* tools in his machine shop at a low figure. They compdse a six horse power engine, threshing eugine and a of blacksmithing and wagon tools. Call at residence north of *r«r» or iaanireof Thoa. Campbell. 47 ES TtaMfey urfctenr SM4 OF PURE GOD UVER OIL TINWARE, IN THE WOXLD. poixt Itorget tlxeir lime of I CURE of Bhlaws—«T wiflseB at pvbtie aoetton or veadu^totto htetast bfcUer, at U i c f m t doorof «»*n<wirtKoroMj fa t h e d t r of Comamutnsaidoo~ity,on PrMayv the 1st day of No—nber, ttm, at on* o'doek In the «mra ^ d H b d l d d t SCOTTS »; Tools, -We are also Headquarter* for- winter the Kansas Legislature passed an net against usury, the ti» north thirty fart of lot "penalty being a forfeiture of th« en-ee*,«b-w1t:allof nine, la Mock tewentea*, hi the vfHa|9t (now itonsaaw, otMHity of tttewaMee and tire debt. The nfst case, Booge, vs criytof Ma*e of iffcAhna,a~o«dinf to the r«oonk)4 oaM vOafe, (a«w «ity,) , atf Hutchinaoii estate, wai tried this plat plat of sa MlohiiM. aaMtotlaair—asthirt: Bsid a « r n as thirty n MlohiiM feet fkmt and ope hoadredaod forty f*»t -week. Booge loaned Hotchinaon $8t- half half feet b t o the M M land and nd John M. shlck and 000 taking a real estate mortgage for deep, bstof of David W. Wheator, Jacob f*kk rohMn te oftfDavid Weator, J G U b t. B itf J. GUbert Bryon, J, Ilutchinjon died, Booge sold Umi Hj Ountd W. Winter and the said Bryoa «T Sarah H, Klanl—. the mortgage to Hubbell of Iowa and Dated, Sept, tt,18«9. CUSTIflTG 1UB, Ciiwlt Court Commiemkxtm. the latter began to forclose. The de-BeMeu S. Miner. BoUcttw for eoMpiaiuauL fendants pleaded usury and the jury wiped out the entire debt, including S8,000 acknowledged. If that law sUuids the millemuni can't get a bigger boost than by introducing i t into every state legislature in this country on the first day of the next session.— Lansing Republican. LAST 6 JAMES MEANS'BOOTS and SHOES _ M , Are) Unexcelled In MeHt. TmmMv*ir none eeaulu* ooieM b*viB< oar soaped pMJuly oaUetotea. . Tour retailer wiU noouxaa onoe« ao scamped u yoo uutM oponttuaoltqrio; if yon ddo aot iasiat. MMBeretaOHii will ca*x yoa futo buyioK inferKw cotxl* QpMt wiitciiehjiywakeatorRwproat Oortar«tbemightaI0aBa to compete wfta u» i s quality at fact™?—oducte. In ^ ~ ~ * we are the laty«ftt maacractoms in <^№ Imited States. yoar boy d w w « a r oat his *Lotm I JHow a J a « w N e M i n 1 1 9 t№«ra for B o ~ wfll ontwear any boy»' judA, You can attv& Ia<№ or ^ntrwn 13.60 Bi~a the BesiFaimen' JAMES MEANS' QUARTER EAGLE BOOT A Reliable Kip BootforFarmers. 1 0 31ili» Make « a e Centt 1 0 Ceacs awake ••• Diiaet ! • Dime* maJie *a« Dollart And with a Quarter Eagle any Fanner la the Cuusitry caa naz?fcays boo*: sfeftt «*ii! **u*fr i»»n», Fsriuers have been looking for web A bout for a long time atwt now tt baa come. Boot* u 4 «a««» fr»m *«r etrlebraie^ factory are M.I<J by wide*awake rotailrra • iu all pm.rt» at the c*««rry. We wfll place them easily wltbla your reach in any State or Territory if you will lavw^ one cent In a. povtaJ icanJ and write to O4. —-waa^ —•• Special Offer on ths James Means ftaarter Socle Sip Boots for th*> ^ united s £States, T Jw e !w<»^J*radi toem i r|>y ezuressor ? k p brr mall, ^ with r oall ct-jm*** ^ ^ furttr»n«4a«^ toe i u ^ 5 r t O T % ^ ? S 5 3 i S « f ' ^ b * ** ^oceptUnlied States poM*e« Mauii>=,.\.r the od*l Ualf (Jo(W. Hi order to get a perrectflt,take a piece of pacer and slace vour t(un. IIUAH tt th,-»« t »,.-r ' shape of yoar foo<,kee^wcyonrpencil ckwe w t f t r o o t i l f S e MVaro^n*" Ti^'nTake yhfcta joa wore, and mark cmt ttif sbape of that tn the same way. Wewill fill 1 ^ X county «id State or Tbrritor?'. If we u»»« » denier handling oar gooa» in vbur town we want > cut i<> bay o* hiio, we do iwx want yoo to send to cs M W* will notTncerferc r/ithi" the deaterK wtoo selrii-r -oorts.but we are Rlad to supprty you if your dealer will not. Any SooTand^ahwr«StlS*ww c-ouimy JAMES MEANS & CO., 41 Lincoln 8t, Boston. Mass. RE, SRQ8KERY AI2D 20TI0NS, UNDERWEAR AT COST FOR 10 DAYS. Underwear, Hcisery and Mittens going at Bargain Prices, N. CX DIWEY A; CO. . : • • • / * • f Childrw Cry for Pitcher's Castorta. CARS A * . «w* mnd Ctrcttt Tmrt, »TS. J . i T W, C. T. U. COLUMN. SftfatJ W. & t, U. Prenfdent, C. v . Wftldian, Perry; corsaponrii aeoretary, Ifi*. Dr. Witioushby, Owoofio. . McLeod preetdent, Mrs. BUa PhilUp* oorrespomHuff •ecrotary. Banc;oft-Mra. A.T. Watea>MD pedei&ttt, Mrt. T. M.Buter eomspoudiiia; secretary. Petty—Kn. M. 4. Ladd president, Mi*. Mary i> K ! * * s e c r e t a r y * . J. Colby |>re*i<2eut4M*tf, & C. Smith oorranpo&dtaff secretary. Byron—Mrs. C. Gibbs president, Mr*. Carrie Bu ritagame corresponding Secretary. Benoington~-Misa Ida M. Hill POWDER . Alkwtoii preaMeiit, Mfe« Mlna ParehaJloorrapouding secretary. Owosso—Mrs. M. Miner president. Mrs. Dr. Willoughby corresponding secretary, Oorunna—Mtss Brolly Weteaoro president, Mrs. Kmlly G, Kelisy corresponding secretary. Absolutely Pure. Thta powder marer v&rte*. A marvel of purt- strength and wteoteBomenesa. Mcre«oaoo1 than the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo •old la competition wtth the multitude of low tent, short weight, alum or pboepbate powder*. SoWonlyincan* ROYAL BAKXKG PLWASB Co.. MS Wail Btr *C N. Y. S4« Why wear Pants that do Sotfctor wear aattafactoriljr wh«fi yttn Man ktiy tkn DfTttft brand that are perfect it* styto,fitand worfc- The past year has witnessed no disaster to our cause like the mildew of the "High License" fallacy. Oar temperance army was advancing in solid phalanx with fixed bayonet. The blast of its bugle gave no uncertain sound. It demanded of tbe saloon interest absolute, oncoaditkmaj surrender. That was a war cry to stir the blood; its impassioned vehemence had the elements from which victory is wrought aed oar temperance lesions "marched with tbe swing of conquest." But a halt was osltod; a parley followed. "Of two erite choose the least,'* becaste tto compromising i»otto of welUaieasteg bat unwary traffic, only more so and, gu in for a cftMfie because it i» high, they stand eonvicted of poo* logic, worse con. science, or else no braias at all. Let us cry up licence on the streets, at tbe dram-shop, but I should hope the wails of this church dedicated to the worship of Him wLose chief doctrine is the Golden Rule, would never echo to sentiments that sorely wound the great Teacher in the house of His friends." After that speech the high license leaven of nnngfateonsness has not a vote to give it currency! Dear sisters, let us not speak harshly of those who have not seen BO clearly ai ourselves the heavenly vision, but to all aspersions and reproaches because we will not worship at the shrine of high license, this dece:tfnl Diana of an hour, let us make brave Luther's answer: "Here I stand—I can do no o t h e r God help me—Amen!"—Frances £ . W i U a r d . . Steal Estate Traasfers. •••% •1 I The following are the real estate transfers made in SbJawassee county' during the past week. Beported by W. H. Bigelow, Begister of Deeds: BKNNINGTOH. JOHN ANDERSON, MY Nellie £ Edgerton to Justin F Stone, John Anderson, niy jo John, w f of w> of s w I sec *«, $1,800. When first 1 was your wife, A Kate Cook to F A Millard, lot 12, On every washing day, John, I wearied of iur tife. bk 56, $76. It mads yon cross 19 see, John, era* and down tbe winding by-pmth of W n Barker to EisMField, Yoor shirts not while as snow, I washed them with oar home-made soap, high Ucenjie mmf detachAietit« of the on secS, $450. John Anderson, my jo. am ; went their way. Not so theW. COBtTKHA. Ah! many a q»H|rrcl then, John, Had you and I thegither, But now all that is changed, John, We'll never have anitber; For washed with IVORY SOAP, Jofari, Your shirts ARE white as snow. And now I smile on washing day, John Anderson, my jo. C. T. U! 'K>f *wo evils choose nei- Mchael Donahoo to James M Smith, A WORD OF WARNING. ther," was oar watchword, and with as stood the Good Templars,firmand There art ma? wfcit> toaps, ncH: represented to be M just» good a$ the 'Ivory';" 0WO68O. unswerving in their loyalty, with us D Shaoafelt to 6«o W Devereaux, they ARE NOT, but lite a* counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable (patties of stood every expert and specialist in ii pt of n e f l j , sec 1, $2,000. tfce gemiifw. Atkfor" h w y " Soap and insist ttpwi getting H, the land—men who have studied the WSfi, by Procter A O*»We, ( CK Andrews to L J Kingalej, 4 reform in all its aspects and invested rods by 16rodson see 12, $460, their lives on its behalf. We fcnow UAZXLTOH. the people will not rally to half-heartHe&ry 3 Nye to D P Paruswortii, s ed measures, they Will not follow tim- J of e | of s e } M C 8 , Si 475, id and apologetic leaders, but when re1 owcMso crnr. . , fotmars wave the Hag and sound the Sophi* A WlUlams to Lewis W Bajbugle far up the height where thrilWORTH l e y . e i l o t 2 , b k « . A X . * S O WU* AVMKW, Baat Saaimw, ling voices call "Excelsior!" then the of *ta*C limms' Add, f«00. Gradaatod army of humanity marches tc victorMany year* to the *r Charlotte S Lat» t6 Ffctfft Lshman, e - --*~ FTCIA I>f*KA»K», TH* ies certain as they are sacied. Hot ao, M L Stewttrtit plO, «MM>, er tfcla oitea ia a graduate We also know that what is false in . the leading; cotfege* of the United Wm If E&gi«Dd. to W ^ i c W Abel, tttataa, «np is registered i s both heaitoptmr* principle is always unwise in policy, ;i *»*n M.D. tula enabSe* .then, to treat aU t«r<vata troubles with exoelieut renilta. All and we saw that under high license *^ t**(F'B 'I lot 6 t lsl| 1, flBtrvrtbu^S'iHib auolytBw to ttM wiU native tiMlr oots IS a&d 18, JHKel|3gs«dd T ^60. ioifto of their w p l a l Q t No exper* laws we should find ourselves confMereury «aed. They wftijruar* M A CitipmMt to G«rr«U Burry, lot a »naiiivo cmn m mwroaae they under* fronts* by two redoubtable enemies 7, bk Ii, iUry A W p n i U ' s add, taO*, or forfeit $3«, Their raaaoaa for dolita; POfcth.i»~-wh*t'ethere it ao or*a«Je *laaa?e, instead of oil*: the business instincts 9120.S7. n w* iHiUilna- but an luoriraMki trouble, or. in «cfc*f ffafda,a ooogtiiami afloat of «ynf4MBC of the better cuuw, anxious to decrease A G WilliamstoJ H Laverock, s 8 prKl'kOla c oecpa. ,iu rcaolta, theretono raaaoo the tax rates, being thereby added to «*y Itoannot be retaovMl £f the prefer IWMS. rods lot 22, A I, A B O WilH«ma' sub dkw are applied, thcramre the> miamntoe. the avarice of the dealer—our ancient Of all kinds done promptly. Special attention gived to D 'ftaey wtstt U dtotinoUy undentood thar ta^y oat lots 8 and 9, $400. dn mil dtaim to perform ImpoesiMlltten, or to mid most relentless foe. As an old, havemtn»culous powers: they nolr cialm to J II Laverock to W E McKe»*ie, pt l»« aPillfnl and 8uect»(»fuBjby»kslaiw. tbor- Ohio farmer said, speaking of nigh lilots 22 and 38: A L & B O VVilUaina' ouvblv informe<l informe in i tftt b ir «p*eiHUy-<:HBONIC p y *nd SPECIAL UE8KA8ES of MEN and cense, "I'm in favor of it every time, sub out lots 8 and 9, $2,000. WOMtiN, People residinir at H distance can. hy explaining their trouble in detail, be treat- for hasn't it reduced the taxes in onr A Share of the Pul»lic Patronage fe Solicited. Good PEKHY, county fifteen thousaiid dollars alwill iidt in tny way Intsfere with tbelrbusiiM*-* Matthew P Tews ley to Thomas FulWork and Reasonable Prices Guaranteed. Absolute secrecy in all cases. Charges mod- ready, and my share of that is twenty erate. Address; Da. EJLKBI.IK A Co.. Kttst ton, s * of e J of s e $ sec, $oU0, 5 (*H^iisaw, Miebl^nn. Office ttoucs, 10 r-> 13 a. dollars." W6 saw this "shara* wj»« » VEUNON. ni.. 2 to 4 an«i T;•**> * p, 35^ srecA c«iyi only, delusion, making men err in vision I and 2. and stumble in judgment. "-The love, Henry Gibbs to Sally Hopkins, lol 5, bk 7, $475. of money is tbe root of all evil/' and we were unwilling to turn the mighty Baltimore oysters ut>filg'ins of that relentless love against lard*s, received direct from Baltimore. Cocaar J«ha K M m t s a « Willis betroth fclrti. the sacred cause of prohibition. MoretWOystt*"% served in any style at >rib*,r«*p*,to««fw1 tnatawnt or «urK**»'. 9|**cMilMU in «aca over, wtiile we would not assail the MillardV €3? » i tennis uuili on «|iru vini« ol t t e |i U motives of good men bewildered and CATRRU. deluded by the prefix 'high," we could have (tircs ; jivimy or tbeir noVafter yeiirs spent in proving to CaUrhtl Deafness. Hay Ferer—A New prirat* rooma trotu d aurjeaous o the people tlie iniquity of the license Hone Treatment, in |*iv*ir rooms. Tw« ivrt tmtber i principle, turn about and defend on a Suffered are not generally aware The Spring of 18S9 finds us still in the Swim. With our large purKOttttfcT H. (ULUUA, Has«riBtea«sat. large scale what npon a small scale we that these diseases are contagious, or c ha«e of a )3ankmpt Stock at 70 cents on the Dollar had anathaniatized. At a temperance that they are due to the presence of from Ohio. Hrre i t » we are better prepared than ever to |K>rmi« at Mr. (;«rri- convention I took this position, and living parasites in the 'lining of the •on, of 8«l«tt, Ohio. I* writoi; Wa* M woe* ou s b m for while the majority were in sympathy ii/r nose and eustachin Lubes. Mieroscop_ u, m«ntk; I BOW have an agroey (if K. C.JUlcn 4 C o s albsnw aad pnbti 1^1 MK with my view, • as always, "sosne doubt- ic research, lio'vVcver, hna proved tliis a >*l*a5SM» m. Oar, U l »J ed," and these last called ouffi for- to be a t'^et. and the result is that a William K1IB«, _,, _ Never before have we liad such an immense Stock in all Dewrite*: "I taf* acwrr known saytbinr l/> ••!! Ebm Juur aiiwm. mer judge, now a retired lawyer, who simple remedy has been formulated, 1 «»ttritWiy I toot ordrr* rnciDfrh 10 partments. We have move goods than we can crowd into me ovrrmStS." w. J. El- did not claim to be either a Christian whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness wore, B«o)ror, Me, write*: "I (Hir Stores and have to use room outside. Just received •nonter for your album st or a total abstainer, but •who was un- and hay fever are permanently cured n o t l cv«7 IMOM; I W»it. My profit U vttcn a* mactuu V S w questionably qualified to give the in from one to three applications made or a t i n p l e da) * work." Oth«r» *rt dom^^uitv m* well; church people the view held by drink- at home by the patient, once In two ers and men of the world. Brit the weeks. JS. B.—For catairhal dis«K« who t*ke» IM>M of ibisimuKl bullonl pilra n S h a l l w e s t a r t Y O U i n t h i s b s n s high license movement had ''reckoned charges peculiar to females {whites} Writ* torn ftfwi !«•.« alt abool i» for yourwlf. W« K inauy; we will Matt you if you don't d«!*j- until A pamphlet NOVELTIES IN BOOKDASES, CHAMBER SUITS AND SIDE rg<ct* alirad ofjou ia your part of lh« cooutrr. Ifyr,u without theii nose," for the judge this remedy is a specific. tulle bold y<Ni will t«t abtelo pick up «vld f«n. u ^ J K e u d — spoke to this effect: On account of a foir<-d manufacturer'* ial(. 1 S r . , 0 0 0 t*-a explaining this new treatment is'sent BOAKDS. ALL DOWN PILLOWS, SOMETHING NEW. IN d o l l a r nn»to-trfi»h A. I b u n u »r« to i» » u to th« |ir«t><« ftw V 9 «wcii. Boond m Royal Criuuon Silk Vtlrrt on receipt of ten cents by A. IT. r'lu*fa. CTwmiioJilj' decora led intid«i>. tlsncuuineirt albumiin I ho "My friends thi.s high license moveworiri. l^irfE^w Sl»<\ Greatest bar^ainn ever known. Af^mt wauted. L4b*rnl l>'nn«. Uig mftury for airent*. Any one out ment does very well for polii itions, but DIXON & SON, 303 West King street, IHWWW K «wc«Wul a(r™t. Sell, itirlf->« tifbt—Hrtl* or no talkiug wecrmnej. Wbrri'T«r itiftwi!, tvrrr on«waul> to ]-Mwhen ministers and Christian people Toronto, Canada.—Scientific AmerCUKM. Aipeatt take thouundi of uf.lt?r* with rapidity ncv«r be fun kn'jwp. brmt profits awaik rvrry worker. Agtali are nvakiuf ftfttatm, Ladiotiwak^im mucU i t ID«R. Too, reader, who all their lives been saying "what can. Dr. Elmslie&Co Started in CJoraiuia by Formerly with L Hathaway. ^INTERFERING AND BAD FEET.I» Shop east of Sloan's Agricultural I Implement warehouse. The GRACE HOSPITAL WOODARD # NORTH,. . OWOSSO, KH6H.. VOICE nni?-nTT5TnMW s HFNFFIT r 100 CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES 100 ran do • • well A* a*j on*. Pull iiiformat>ou and Imni f r ^ e , to tauM «?fct -vrtr*forM<M. wttb p*rlicnl*n fad term* for oar K » T W U « , U . k « « « i Pcrtodical*. After>ott kn«w all, r«< cooctad* t» g v ue Ainker, why no b a m |* doa*. K. C. JU.LE* 4 CO, AD«v*aK IULKB. we'license we protect" (a correct .principle ir. law); "the partaker is as bad as tbe thief" (equally aoupd): "tbegovernment makes itself partkeps criminis, by accenting a sort of a bribe, hush money, retainer'* fee. in return Corunna, MicM^an. for throwing a cloak of legality around CLARK U. SMITH, PROPRIETOR, the most accursed traffic known to modern time* (also comet); when ussnisters and good people, 1 say, turn wgrfy has beam parooaaWl themselves around ana begintodefend The old Bi CENTRAL HOTEL Ttrti|j.«t. d ***a, to b* n w ia oa*> B Surely Cared. PARLOR : Wo have an «»dles« variety, from the cheapest wool plushes to the fines., To TKK EDITOR—-Please inform estries in all the latest shadeu. Kever before were they so cheap, so feeantireaders that 1 have a positive remedy ful or so durable as now. In short, if you <lo not see what you want, ask for-^ for the above named dlseaoa. By its SPECIALTY. Thanking our many customers for their liberal trade, n e are timely use thousands of hopeless cases Respectfully, have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my romedy FRKVto any of your readers who have consumption if tbsf will send me their «xpTe*ft and post office adds***, T. A^8I^€UM V M. C.y WOODAMD & NORTH. WSIOWSL MYMMT. MMHMCAH. ^ - • .• t i TANNER'S j5TATf.MENY SECRET SERVICE WORK, g of the Navy Dep»r?:ment; Tire total receipts from internal revGeorge E. Neal, to be United States enue during the first quarter of t h e Has lieen Accomplished Durtug th« In Reply to S««r«tAry Nobl*'» present fiscal year were $84,634,520, or District Attorney for the Western dia* What Pa«t Ye»r-Nearly •I.OOO.oOi) of Oowathe Subject of Xe-ratlm $8,778,805 greater than the receipts dur- trlct of Missouri. terieit Kot«« and Securities Captured. WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.— Ex-Commisthe corresponding period of the preceJOHN CRERAK, senior member of the WA8H*N<*TO;N, Oct. 17.—The annualresioner of Pensions Tannor is out in a> ding fiscal year; great railroad supply firm of Oerar, portoi' Mr. Bell, Chief of the Secret long statement in reply to Secretary CORUNNA. i i : MICHIGAN. Adams & Co., died at Chicago on the T H E Jackson (Tenn.) office of the Service division of the Treasury Depart- Noble's letter of .Tu(y M, on the subject Southern Express Company was robbed 19th. on the 19th of $3,195. No clue to the B, T. BABBITT, the well kaown soap ment, was made public yesterday.-. Th« of re-rating pensions of Peusion Ofllc^ manr.factyver and millionaire, died at arrests by agents of the division, to employes. Mr. Tanner denies at the outrobbers. A CONSTRUCTION train with 200 labor- New York City on the 20th, aged eighty j 'gather wi+,h those made by the local offl- set that ho defied Secretary Noble on ers on board was wrecked aear Conflu- years. j cers for which a reward was paid from the subject of re-rating cr on the'quesGathered from All ence, Pa.; on the l&th. Two men were A CAPr.BO.nAM to the New York Man- , t h f d f t h c a j vision, number 487. tion'of-dominant-authority in. the adinstantly killed, two fatally.hurt, and a time Exchange on t h s 17th announced ' these 81 wereior having in possession ministratioii of the Pension Bureau.' Mr. DOMESTIC. score or more sustained iujurtelrrnoro or that Hippolyte had been unanimously Of and passing counterfeit coia. and 97 for Tanner commenting on the great stressT H E annual meeting of the directors less serious, .Tbe cause of the accident elected President of Hay ti. passing counterfeit coin, ,01 the 437 per- laid by Secretary Noblo upon section . of the Northern Paciiic Railroad Com- is unexplained. MRS. LYDIA D«AKK, a descendant of sons arrested 8(i were convicted and sen- 4,69SK of the law relating to the re-rat1 pany in New York on the 17th resulted A BOILKIJ explosion at Anderson, Ind.> Sir Francis Drake, died at Rockiord, in a complete victory for Henry Villard. on the l»th killed Horace Kuhn and 111., on the 19th, aged ninety-seven. She tenced: 60. pleaded guilty; 68 wore dis- ing4iItsays: tnat I should state that Kobert Harris U retired from the direct- Walter Mingle and seriously injured five had fourteen children, eleven of whom charged by United States commissioners; when is1proper toc»k office as Commissioner I 47 are awaiting the action of grand ory and so are Bray ton Ives, John U. others. are living, the oldest being seventy-six juries and 44 were acquitted. The fines found that on the question of re-rating Brookman, Frederick Harris and John REV. DR. TA.LMA.GE announced to his years and the youngest fifty-two. Mrs. office was and had been since March C. Builitt. Henry Villard cast over half congregation on the 20th that a site had Drake had 120 living great-grandchil- imposed by the courts .aggregated $14,- tUe 23,1886, operating in accordance with athe stock for the new board. been purchased for a new edifice to re- dren and eleven great-great-grandchil- 848; the sentences aggregated 372 years, decision rendered on that date by Hon. six months and twenty-one days. In all ON the 18th the brick wall of a Mil- place the burned Tabernacle. The site d r e n . . ' '•• :•-•••:••••••/,•:•••• •••- '" George A. Je^lcs, then Assistant Secrewaukee (Wis.) school house fell and is at Clinton street and Green & venue, Tira senior class of Harvard College 183 person^ were discharged and ninety- tary.pf the Interior, who in the case of crashed P. Seoger and F. Summerfleld 150 by 200 feet. The price paid is about has elected Clement S. Morgan, a colored five cases remain to be determined. Of Charles A. Watson, in broad terms deto death. 8135,000. Dr. Talmage will break ground man, as class orator. Morgan entered those arrested during the past fiscal clared that 'if, in any case adjudicated thirty-eight had been previously under the act of Ularch 3, 1879, the arTHE convention of •boiler makers con- for tiie new church on October 28. the college with little means, and during year arrested for offenses similar to those for rears of pension were not graded accordcluded a four days' session at Pittsburgh T H E Newark tan bark works at East his freshman year worked in odd hours on the 17th and adjourned to meet m Newark, N. j . , were destroyed by fire in a barber shop. Last year as a com-; which they were arrested this year ing to the pensioner's disability, neither New York next Jnly. The convention on tha 10th, entailing a loss of $100,000; petitor for the Boyl&fcon prize, he carried j Of the 437 persons ai rested, 208 were section 4698^ nor any other provision of decided to use steel only in the manu- insurance light. prohibits readjudication of the his audience by storm and won first 1 of American nativity. Of t h e 165 for- the law facture of boilers, which will be staiaped •• signers arrested 76 were Italians. Of tire case.1 FRANK CUPRIHS, J. Paul Mark and an place. with the trade mark of the association, unknown man were drowned in Lake "Mr. Jenks'ruling was law througk counterfeiters captured there facwere &iss WIN'XIE DAVIS, daughter of Jeff A. a. a. A* • Superior at Peninsula Harbor recently, Davis, left New Orleans on the 21st for similes of United"States securities to the the department until it was revoked* IT is generally believed among ship- by the capsizing of their boat during a New York, whence she takes the face value of §477,031, of which $4#4,974 and I mv,st say that in so far aa it pertjingi&en in Philadelphia that Captain squall. ; steamer for Europe as the guest of Mrs. were imitations and fac-similes of notes, mits a man who has been disabled iu the feigal and his crew of eleven men on the KixcK WEST was arrested in Indian Vulitier, of New York. and 928,000 v/ere imitations and fac-sim- service of the country to prove tbat disGerman bark Buppel has been lost The Territory a few days ago for the murder iles of coins in miniatur*. There were ability and receive the compensation the Dnppel is ninety-eight days out from of A. D. Martin *n Hill County, Tex., in thirteen plates, twelve dies, eighty-five law provides, I am in hearty accord witb Liverpool with a cargo of salt. 1870. West was one of the notorious moulds and a quantity of misceUaneoua it. If -Secretary Noble sees flt to conT H E Paria Temps, in a resume of strue statutes so as to make them less JOHN T. LYOX, of Abbeville'-County, Quantrell gang during the war, and for machinery captured. liberal to the soldier than did his Dem8. C, who murdered D. -L. Mabrey in the past eighteen years has been living financial results of the Exposition, saya Since the early part of the Civil War that before its cld.'^ *he number of peo- there have been counterfeited thirty-one ocratic predecessor, the responsibility May last, died in jail on the 17th. The in the Indian Territory. court which was to try him was' in sesWILLIAM GODDABD, a Bement (111.) ple who will have visited the great show United States treasury notes, four bonds, must rest with Mm; and I am not willing saloon-keeper, was on the 19th fined will have reached 36,000,000, And may two coupons, four compound interest that while so doing he shall, unchalsion. notes, eleven silver certificates and 110 lenged, arraign me as operating without T H E Olive Bill, which has become the $8,000 for selling liquor in violation of exceed that figure. THE Sultan will present to t h e Get~ national bank no+^s. Of the 103 plates reason and beyond the pale of the law.". symbol of anti-railroad legislation in The report ot the«munltte©appdint*4 WILLIAM CAKEY, a farmer, died at man Emperor on the occasion of his visit used in printing these counterfeits 124 Georgia, has been killed after a fight of to Constantinople, a sword with hilt and. by Secretary Noble, aad which Mr* Tan.-, Altamont, I1L, on the 10th, * supposedly were captured, thirty-five not captured several months. , sheath covered with brilliants, and to fier sow gives to the press, is sigsed by from effects of poi^>tt placed in his welL and three wftTft destroyed. Of the plates A VEBDICT for. 018,500 against the Chithe Empress & diadem with a center Messrs. Ewiug, Campbell and Brace* His wife arid child, *na Mrs. Durban twd captured thirty-one were of steel, four «ago & Northwestern Railroad Company stone weighing fifty carats. tiie special board of examiners. I t preher children are sick from the same of German silver, one of brass, one of waa rendered on the 18th. I t was for the sents a tabulated statement sbowiag the EXTKA3>ITIOX proceedings were begun copper, five were electrotypes and two loss of two limbs in a railroad crossing cause and some of them may die. total number of pension case*) re-rated, in Toronto. Ont., on the 18th against were lithographs. There were made SECRETARY PROCTOR has affirmed bis accident in Wisconsin two years ago. from and including Deoeoiber, 18%, t o Wilson H. Sherman of the firm of Shereleven plates for printing counterfeit rejection of the plans proposed for tbe JAKES M. JOHNSON, general w e n t at July, 1889. The number of re-ratm?* man Bros. & Co., of Buffalo. The charge internal revenue stamps, of which nine new bridge across the Missouri fiver Minneapolis of the Michigan Mutual for each c^ tfecse months wa» as follows: were captured. Life Insurance Company of Detroit, was within a mile of the mouth of the Kan- is forgery. 4 December 97, January 138; February 237, THE miners strike at Lens, Prance, is arrested, at Chicago on the ISth, charged sas river, authorized by act of Congress March 135, April 170; May 315, J a n e 315^ l of October 12, 1888. The action is based with embezzling $1,ST7 of the company's upon the fact that the location selected spreading and on the 18th 0,000 t? en HURLED FRHM TH£ TRACK. July 183—a substantial increase, the rewere out in that district. Scones of viofunds. port says, from month to month, indiwas not in accordance with the terms of Fifty Feraons Injured* Some *»t»lly, *nd lence are of frequent occurrence and the THE American Board of Foreign Mis- the act. cative of what is apparently aft estab» Tr»in OemoiJuhed by » Coltitilon on m police and military are powerless. sions concluded its annual session at New lished policy of th© bur**u, the result of TUB grand jury at New Orleans has Ox the Sultan of Morocco's journey to York on the l&th and will me^iai Min- found which, if continued, will be to readjudi* six indictments, three against Fez twenty members of his guard were OMAHA, Xeb., Oct. 17.—A collision be- cate and rerabe a large per cent, of the* neapolis in 1890. Major E. A. Burke and Maurice Hart T H E American Cotton Oil Company jointly for publishing forged bonds as drowned while crossing a swollen river tween two trains on the Burlington <k cases in the admitted files. After exnear Larache. , Missouri River railroad at Gibson, a few plaining the mode of procedure generfiled ac application at Trenton, JS. J., and two for forgery "and one THE King of Portugal, who has been miles Omaha, Tuesday evening; ;?e- ally in re-rated cases during this period* on the18th for permission to increase true, for embezzlement against ex-treas«rer ill for some time, died on the l&th. The sulted from in Injury to at least fifty passen- the board in their report say: "It W its capital stock to S3O,ooo,ooo. Burke. Mr. Hart, who is a prominent THE American Forestry Congress capitalist and broker, was arrested &nd Duke of Braganza, eldest son of the gers and the complete demolition of two comes apparent that, so far as any rule King, who succeeds to the throne, will engines, a chair car »»d a combination of action prevailed, there was not, gendosed Its session at Philadelphia on the furnished bonds. : assume t h e title of Carlos I. 18th, after electing James A. Beaver, of oar. Gibson i* the meeting poiut for erally ^peaking, a wide difference beHENBT KTLER was on the 19th conAT St. Johns, N. B., the coronor'8 jury- the two trains, but the westbound train tween the principles Which governed rePennsylvania, president, and selecting victed in Whitefield County, Ga., of the tiioae Wafthingtoa, D. C , as the place for hold- murder of State Senator Samuel Field in the case of Catharine H. Me Re*, r.ife was slightly behind time and had jast rating in Etecombftr, 1888* and ? which governed in May, 1,889.' ; of Rev. Donald MeRoa, who died from ing the next convention. crossed the spur when the eastbound and sentenced to life imprisonment. eating poisoned candy received through BILL MATtos, the oldest moonshiner train struck the rear end, which was Mr. Tanner also makes public i•perTHcS weekly statement of the New in southwestern Kentucky, was captured York associated banks, issued on tbe the post-offics, has returned a verdict of Million the mainline, hurling both en- sonal letter addressed to Secretary Norecently by United States officers on the 19th, shows the following changes: Re- willful murder against William J . Mc- gines and the two coaches from the ble oa tiie 5th'.of- -last August in refutaTennessee river. West Tennessee offi- serve increase, $1,325,275; loans decrease, Donald, who is accused of having mailed track. Tav> combination coach aud the tion of the Secretary's assumption of incer* have been searching for him for the $5,434,100; specie increase, ?&,dSS,500; the candy. subordination on his part. In it he exTHE strike of tbe miners at Lens, chair car were both crowded wUh pas- pressed a desire that their official relapast twenty-five years. In 187* a posse legal tenders deci^ase, Sl,56il,l0p: dewent out from Mayfleld, Ky., to capture posits decrease, $2,211,000; circulation France, was settled on the 10th, the mas- wi'n'jj'ers and the chair car after being tions should be relations of confidence Matton. lie turned the tables, ca-ptur- Increase, $33,800. The "banks held «0W»- ters conceding the demands of th«« mon, ovf'rturnoJ caoght fire, many of the pas- and co-operation, and declaring that if THE Russian revenue for 1888 was sengers bein^ burned in addition to his operations as Commissioner were not injr the guns and routing the officers. 650 in excess of the t w e n t y vo per cent, 34,000,000 roubles in excess of tho ex- their other injuries. an a line with the Set;retary's views of IJCSISEHS failures occurring through- rule. ' •;, '"::•;"' ' penditures, which were 13,000,000 roubles The exact number of the 4n3«red has the oil minis tration of this great offt6e o r t the country during the seven days T H E Albany Stove Works at 3S>rtfa not as yet been ascertained; Peter Reu- that his lines would be maiie to conform. caded October 18 number for the United Albany, N. Y., were destroyed by''Are on below the estimates. land, proprietor of tho Tremont House with his chief, tho Secretary. States 182; Canada, 41; total 323, as com- the 19th. Loss, $30,000; insurance, $13,in thi» city, was so severely injured that pared with a total of 214 the previous 000. he died shortly after being taken to tho week. TANNER'S_aiUCCESSOR. THE failure of James M. Carpenter, GOVEBNOE GEO^GK L. h. ,^i\ of Idaho, In TIIRKE carpenters were at work on the proprietor of one of the largest dry goods hte annual report on the 21 xt gives the im- hospital. Mary IJutler, of South Omaha, roof of-a box factory at Elkhart, Ind., houses at lleloit, Wis., is announced. portant proviHions of the constitution had Ynir head crushed end is badly General O. B. Raum Appointed CommU»ipu«;r of Pensions—The Selection MeetM on the ISth, when one of them iost his Jjiabilitiesv 8<5O,OOO; assets about half which will be submitted to the people on bruised; She is in a precarious condiOrner»l Approval — Tlte New Official** tion. Charley T^ure, of Craig, Mo., had footing and slid down the roof, striking that amount. November 5. Idaho, he states, claims all an ear cut off, his face severely cut and Past Career. • the others and hurling them all tQthe TI£E sixteenth-^jinual convention of essen tial q aaliflcatious for Statehood. The his body and lower limbs badly bruised. WASUIXOTON-, Get. 2!.—The Presidentpavement below, nearly forty icei,. x-wo, the National Women's Christian Tem- population of the Territory is 113,777. named John Pansost and George Sinal- perance Union will be held in Chicago Polygamy 1B not at the present time openly He is in an almost hopeless condition. settled the long controversy over the Engineer (Jillespie, of- the eastbound appointment of a Commissioner of Penley were fatally injured. " •, from November 8 to 1.2. The programme practiced, and under the new constitution train, was badly bruised. Harry S. sions to succeed James Tanner, resigned, Ax immense prairie fire, many miles includes the annual address of the presi- it will be entirely prohibited. Weller, of Omaha, was badly cut and by thejippointinent of Green B. Raum in extent, was raging on the ISth within dent, Mrs. Francis E. Willard, an ad- , THE report that the English Government oruised about T ihe head and shoulders. a few miles of Bismarck, N. D. A large dress by General Neal I)ow, and a large had refused to assent to tne Canadian exof Illinois, ex-mcriiiber of Congress and. number of farms have been destroyed. number of papers and talks by promiex-Commissioner oJ Internal Revenue. law was discredited on the 21st The village of Menokea, fourteen miles nent members of the Union on temper- tration In none of the speculation about tho ARTHUR'S ADDRESS THS funeral services over the remains of below Bismarck, was , entirely swept ance and allied topics. succession to Commissioner Tanner has General John F. Hartranft, ex-Governor of To the Brotherhood of Locomotive Enaway and the people art reported destithe name of Mr. Raum figured promi' A DisPATCir of the.^Oth from Ishperntute. The city of Bismarck was envel- ing-, Mich., ysv's there is scarcely a city, Pennsylvania, took place on the 21st &t . ^Ineerti C»n«ed DUsppointment »ec*u»e nehtty and bis appointment as CommisN orris town. A of Its Omissions. oped in smoke and flying cinders. town* or village in the Upper Peninsula Ox the 21st General Green B. Raum asDEXVEU, Col., Oct. 17.--The Brothetv sioner of Pensions came as a genuine AMONG the passengers on the steam- where there is not ail unusually large sumed control ot the Pension Office in Washbood of Locomotive Engineers assem- surprise to most of those interested. ship Wisconsin, which arrived at New amount of typhoid fever, and in many ington. Mr. Raum was born in Golconda, 111., York ou the 18th, were 1S5 Mormons places the disease is epidemic. At IronTax exchanges at the leading clearing1 bled in annual session in this city Wed- DecemborS, 18-iO. He was admitted tobound for Salt Lake City. They are wood there have been as many as six houses in the United States daring the wook nesday morning, Chief Arthur presid- the bar in 1S53. In 1S56 he removed from England, Wales and Holland. deaths in one day, wliile kt>... Neg&unee ended on tha I9tn aggregated f 1,213,- ing. After welcoming the delegates with his family to Kansas, where heDE. EICSLIAKI> H. MCDOXALD, who there are over one hundred and fifty 989.289, against *l,247,072,(»3 the previoug and assuring them of his beli*>r in the made himself obnoxious to tho pro-slavmade his fortune out of vinegar bitters, cases and many deaths daily. week. As compared with the correspond- satisfactory results of the present con* ery faction. The following year he rehas brought suit at San Francisco against A WIXOSTA (Minn.) dispatch says that weak of ISSS the increase amounted to vention, Chief Arthur aduionished the turned to Illinois and settled at HarrisSenator Leland Stanford for $1,300,000 the administrator of the estate of Miss ing 11.81 members to keep their personality in- burg. He entered the army as Major of whieh he claims Stanford owes him for Lena Weinberger, who committed suiTHS citizens of Johnstown, ?&-, had on Fifty-sixth Illinois Regiment. K » twenty-five certificates of the original cide a few months ago while deranged, the 21st raised $5,000 to continue the search tact and not allow false motives to in- •the was n?ade IJiig'adicr General of volunduce them to subscribe to laws which as issue of Central Pacific stock, made has found in a false-bottomed trunk tlie for the dead. eoxA on 'February 15, 1SG5, which comtwenty-five years ago. This is the stock sum of $12,117, mostly in gold, which she soon as passed will make them cogni- mission PKESZDENT HABKXSOX on the 21et aphe resigned May 6. In iSoo ho "wuich Stanford purchased from Mrs. had secreted. sant of .the necessity for appeal. pointed Oliver F. Williams, of Rochester, obtained a charter for the Cairo & VinClara Belle McDonald, the complainant's He reiterated with emphasis his former cennes Railioad Company, of which he N. Y., to be United States Consul at Havre, business buildings and a hotel wife, who, i t i s alleged, stole it about were burned at Escanaba. Mich., on the France, and Nicholas Smith, of Now York, statement that the organisation was law- was the first president. He served itt two years Ago. abiding, and said: "To-day I clearly de- Congress irom March 4, 1867, till Marck 20th, entailing ^n aggregate loss of to be Consul at Three Rivers, Can. SracE tiie demand of their men for about $50,000. Several guests of the AT Ottawa, Ont, a ft-o on the r^lajc de- fine oyj position toward railroad corpor- 8, lSt>9. In 18T6 he was president of the higher pay, several days ago, the lock- Lewis House escaped with their lives, fttroyed a block of small dwelling's and ations when I say that only as a last re- Illinois Republican convention, and in out by the edgar manufacturers at Key losing all their personal effects. sort do we sanction a strike." the sam* year a delegate to the National stores, rendering nfty famllleB homeless. West, Fla~, Iras Taecozne general. Eight Mr. Arthur said the membership of convention of the Republican party a t FKANX J. BOWMAN, a lawyer who had for OSCAR MATTOX, John Bullock, Albert thousastd employes are now idle, 5,000 of Norton years been famous* in 8 t iiouia, Chicago, the order i9 26,000. Benefits paid during Cincinnati. He was appointed Commisand James Manahau h$ve been them being Cubans. arrested at Sullivan, Ind., for the mur- \Wwhlngtou and New York, was shot and the year, 3S06.000; total since organiza- sioner of Internal Revenue August 3. Ar a meeting of the barb wire and der of George Farmer, aged seventy-five, Instantly killed on the 21st by B. M. tion, $2,608,169. He urged his hearers 1876, and retained the office till May 31, wire waal manufacturers at Pittsburgh who kept a small restaurant at Shel- Chambers, at Ferguson, near St Louis. to save as much as possible and dwelt 1888. During this period he collected on the l£tk, the price of barb wire was bume, that State. The killing was the result of a long unset- upon the advantages of property. The #850,000,000 and disbursed §30,000,000 advanced five per cent and wire naila address contained no referonce to feder- without loss. On his retirement from tled controversy. AT Baltimore, Md., on the 19th the from seven to eig'Lt per cen't. Tbe ad- Druid ation nor to the Burlington strike. the Internal Revenue Office General REVA&KABLY cold weather prevailed In lacrosse team of thau city devance goes into effect immediately, feated the These omissions caused much disap- Raum began the practice of law in the Brooklyns for the Oelrich Arizona on the 21st, and the mountains pointment. .About niaety per cent, of the manufac- cup and the championship District of Columbia, which he has coneast of Tucson were covered witb snow. turers in the <eonut.ry were represented States by a score of 3 to 1. of the United tinued until the present day. IT was reported on the 21st that in Nelson, :ai the meetingJURY BRIBER SQUEALS. YTalsh and Ramsay counties, in North DaRaum took the oath of office as Com,A UROKKar rail causeft t i e derailratent kota, there were not less than sixteen hunmissioner of Pensions before Chief Clark On« of thc Cronln Proof Positive That PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. -of -a portion of an east-foound passenger dred families who were nearly or entirely Dawsovi, of the Interior Department, a t Heine KeJeased Gang Confessed 'le DR. IRA HA.WJ.EY BARTHOLOMEW, well destitute of tbe nocess&ries of life, owing train on the Santa Fe road neur Dodge noon Saturday, lie was then officially vCity, Kan., on the 18th. A baggage ear, known in the medical world, died iu to the crop failures. introduced by Secretary Noble to tho CHICAGO, Oct. 17.—Kailiff Mark h. two Pullman coaches, A tourists' and a Lansing, Mich., on the 18th, aged sixtyCnomit.i was still m&k ag frightful ravofficials in the department. After soino A Pullman sleeper went down a ton-foot oae, of bronchitis. ages on the 21st in the vallejs or Tigris and Satmonson, one of the alleged jury brib- time spent in receiving- tho congratula•embankment. No one was killed b u t * AXTOXIO Moucci died on the 18th in Euphrates. There had been seven thou- ers, was released from jail Wednesday tions of friends, General Raum proscore «r more persons were bruised aa4 Ms home, the old Garibaldi cottage, at sand .deaths in three months. on $10,000 bail. His ?aco was thin and ceeded to the Pension Office, accomjaore or less injured. Clifton, S. L He was at one time a partTstE steamship Brooklyn which called showed the severe mental suffering he panied by Assistant Secretary IJussey. AT Shelby ville, Ind., on the 18th Da- ner of Garibaldi in the manufacture of from Darted, Oa., October IU for Brooklyn, had gone through. Salmonson said: " I .General Raum will assumo charge tovid Sills was found guilty of murdering soap and candle* at Clifton, and Banker was on the ?lst given up an lost with all on don't think I shall stand trial." This day. Secretary Noble, speaking- of the E£/v&rd Stanford, his broihei-in-.law, iforosini worked for them. board, eighteen persons. admission is probably proof positive that selection of General Raum, said he was &nd his pu»i.sI..-Aont was fixed at ixnprisREV. Dii. T. F. DAVIES was on the 18th AT Larabee, Pa, a nre on tbe 21st de- the erring foailitf has made a complete chosen from a'number of excellent men *maaeni for life. His brothers, Joe and consecrated Bishop of the Episcopal dio- stroyed J. J. Newman's Kawvmill and three he thought would make a Commisconfession and will not make any de- and Albert, indictt ^ for complicity in the cese of Michigan The ceretnony took million feet ol lumber. sioner satisfactory to the country. fense when he comes to trial, but throw crime, pleaded guilty of manslaughter, place in 8t. Paul's church, PhUadelphia, GoT^nxoB WOJ,7BBY, of Arizona, in his himself on the mercy of tha court. Among Interior Department officials "Bzxd were sentenced to fourteen and .jf which Dr. Davies has been paetor for annual report on th<) 21st urged that Con1 the selection is woll rone.ived, tho only Free W. Smith, another of tbe alle^^d criticism twenty years respectively. tnany years, in the presence of A dis- gress re-enact the law disfraochising all made being that Raum has not TUK business men oi Johnstown, Pa., tiagnished ccmpATiy ot church dignit&- polygarnists in the Territory which, was jury briber's, hoped to secure bail yes- in recent years been in rvof.We political terday, but his expected bovrdsman'did •'• ' • ';• ' '., ; have subscribed 31,000 more to continue ries* repcrtlad U^Hng the term oi !>is prede- aot appear, lie refused to $>e inter- life. With the appointment of General tho search for the dea^.. PBE^mexTiAt appoictments OT. tfa* ccr>sor. Ho uuio. taere were 8,000 Alortn^ns Raum as Commissioner ineramor is reTi ?»th: Grcckj B. icaum, of Illinois, at In ArizohSL Th« totft! t&xahii property ot viewed, but his lawyer strenuously de- vived that Deputy Commissioner Smitb oi Curtiss. Win.. nied Uiat, Smith had oottfeft&cl, or has will either l>o allowed to ••resign or else Commissioaer of Peaeio.»s; Captain Franon the lSfth whicl ToTXitory was gi-^en at " anything- to confess.. cis M. Ramsey, as chief of tho bureau of property t,0 tho value of $100,000. be i,rau»fer£cd to'somo other field. THE JOURNAL. t "A NEWS OF THE WEEK. l a w . .,• •• , • •; : Vv " ••• / \ i very -aitf and motU^i'ly. Jims down he said to h mself, for ho had determinon his arm, but on account of RELIGIOUS'.AND EDUCATIONAL. stairs, a stout, hard-workinjj. servant, ed in his oivii mind Lorrie was no more childish voices coming' through..tiny Thcro were 516 conversions and acthought sho was thu head of the house, than a cbUd. windows up there under the eaves, tit.4 cosilons in the mission churches: served and drov'o the refractory Irish girl ••Cockles, air?" muttered old Timothy, Lorrie" a"dear tones answering;: about without mercy, but was very sub^ partially coining rounds "Yes. clears, it is sure to he fine t > by students of Garrott Biblical i us Lip lute last year. COBUKNA, missive to her youn<* mistivss without | "No," «uii<] CTnys kindly, "we don't morrow." " knowing it. Dr. Meredith got much waat any this afternoon. Try and drink •'Another one," shouted somebody, N — The Polytechnic Institute at Wor? innocent amusement out-of this hcuse^ this, old boy." and Gilbert distinctly heard'a resound- cosier, Mass.. has introduced a n3tr THE DOG .'RAMP. hold, as much a-s he couid seo through He raised the silvery headend put ing' kiss in. the warm air, followed by a course of electric cnjjineerin'sv Ion-dIn a dingy Aspot wheve ycopio come and ffo ing to-the degree of bachelor of science its winuovfs, or when aay of those wild tho cup of tea to the cold iips, bu_t they boy's noiBy laughter. T«? andfroon mission* io ac eatitess flow. - T h o Moravians, though small ia. Percied upon the corner of me seatapuppj young coit?; happened to half-kill them- failed to drink. The doctor g anced As he said "Good night" half an selves in some escapade, aud.be was up quickly at .htairtohd for him to take hour later to the reluctant Maria, a hot numbcrs anti wealth, h/ive sent out, Cocked bis little bead and wondered; very suddenly fetched across. uii place. blush surged over his face. He could due ing- the last etjntury,25.0*) mi*. queer is that! • v It was Wednesday afternoon, conse*Til run over to the surgery," he not tell the reason whv aW looked up sionaries, and expended £60.000 yoar"Was he strayed or stolen, or had some comer late / • quently half holiday at tho exceedingly whispered. at him half questioningly with her ly. They have nine mission ships. Jamiitfil aboard the train and left the puppy to —The greatest work which the teachproper establishment called the Gram"Is he dying?" asked Gilbert Cut hand, in'his, but Gilbert appeared to be his fatet er can do for the pupil is the work: Jl ho had a human tongue a tale he could UD- mar School, and two boys were per- Guy only frowned, and Mr..Rowell low- occupied with, hia owii thoughts, and . • ' t o l d , .. ' • . : : forming like .acrobats iii tho dluiiiiig- ered his great, lazy form into a kneeling went off down the path again, instead which' Cardinal Newman says Dr. :£ut puppies are uot overwise, and so lie IMT«T roont over the way; another was pulling position by the sofa. In another mic- of up towards his own home, when he Whately did. for him: he "taught mft told. to see with my own eyes and to walk; himself up the Venetian blind cord; the ute he was startled out of himself by a left her. Just a baby pappy, aw*ul lost, t guess, with my own feet./1 lieady to oe takea care ol without no or yet; youngest, a fat baby of thrse, was burst of passionate sobs, as Bobby He soon reached the cottage again. Wants ft Uttle pettiiig or a tender pieoe of lustily screaming because he could nob —The Y. M. C. Associations are flung himself over the old man's body. Lorrie was outside now, leaning on the - meat; . "Oh, Timothy! Old Timothy, do lor- rugged garden wail, gazing over the not making headway in Australia. Not JL saucer ftlled with milk, perhaps, or some- do likewise. The firelight shone brightly and revealed the tea-table all ready. thing else to eat. give me; say 1 haven't killed you, do. glory-flooded sea; her wida hat was on long ago there were seventeen associaJH«*6 longing f< ? a master, whether lotft or Sister Lorrie had not yet entered the I never meant nothing, I didn't" the ground, and her short curls all tions in sir of the colonies; now there; whether scamp, are oniy fourteen, and of these not The faded eyes opened, and a wan careless upon her forehead. one seems to notice him and so he start* room. 4 his iramp. "Gilbert, my boy, would you like.to smile went over the pale face. "Mr. Rowell," she said, with a start more than seven were represented at 1 i Vci > «usy for a baby dog to find "Bless you, poor little motherless and an uneasy laugh, for this was the the conference recently held at Sydney. be transported into yonder BabefP way among the crowded thoroughfares of —A Mormon Elder- who lately arTb,a* youngster's mouth bespeaks a ter- bairn," he murmured, and his withered third night he had arrived exactly at humankind. fie isn't old enough to fight, he can not hold hi* rible row, if the blast outside did not hand rested on Bobby's rough curls. the same time. He looked at her rived at San Francisco from New Zea" outdo it," murmured Guy to ius sicspy LorrieY eyes were brimming over with rather strangely, she thought As he land said that he and othe.' Mormon J&atost the wicked dogs that steal away hi* tears, and Gilbert felt that his eye- took a seat on the low wall, and swung missionaries had been at work among friend. mutton bone, fio sad and dirty on he drags along hia lOAsly "No* thanks; Z may have a vocation lashes were troublesome. one lazy leg backwards and forwards, the natives fo? three year* and a half. way, "Timothy never felt the cruel blow, he made a picture of indolence, in his and that they had over 3,000 members somewhere awaiting me, but I'm pretty Bi* eyes am blinded by tlie rain* his feet are sure it is not that of a caretaker to the Bobby," she said, lifting the boy up boating flannels ard straw hat tipped la their churches among the Maoris, cK»ffg*>d with clay. f —A Christian tribe, surrounded by fie flnd« * nook to shelter him botwath a stack young1." rom the conch. **I was angry with back. ot straw pagans, has just been discovered in the All this time the monotonous cry you, but poor Timothy did not feel it, What comparison was there between AaA there he curls himself to sleep while nunwas drawing nearer. Church-lane peo- dear; he won't suffer any thing much Maria and this girl? Why, one had heart of Africa. They bad never beg«r h u g s his JAW. Jt dogs nave dreamy visions, thea the poppy ple might have set their time-pieces by longer." Dr. Meredith cast a swift dresses without number, and wonderful fore seen a white man* While their re, sleeping there , poor old Timothy. For years he had glance »t the wfa, upon his return, then bewitching artifices, along with wealth ligious ideas are crude, still they Partook ot rarest viands in the night of bis have a priesthood, the cross and other come exactly at five in the afternoon, said: despair; and worldly knowledge; the other, big emblems of Christianity. They are bewoke up with a whimper and be looked if not with cockles, then some other **Go away, youngsters. Go down to gray eyes, rich red lips, tumbled curly arouBd to see lie vod to have been exiled from kind of fish. To-day his cry seemed to Jane. We can't do with you here." hair, three dresses, just enough of this fairy god had brought him—butit was have & very mournful cadence in it; They trooped away slowly, Bobby world's goods to get along with, and Abyseiiiia about eight hundred y e a n * dream, poor he! * age.—Catholic Review. Over fields of greenest grass whew daisies lair tho tottering form could scarcely stand still sobbing. six unruly boys to mind, which nothing and white • • .,,, before the shri&kiri£ gale. One more The twilight bad gone, thefireshone would make her leave; no, not the —In Persia Christianity has had great Lift up their pretty heads to bis muzzlo with success during the last three years. In call, which was not "Cockels e-live," np bravely; outside the wind howled on, King of England. delight, 4?<tt|f the dusty road that passes by the school* and Timothy sank down on the yellow as it had howled all day, and blew the Gilbert swung his log more rapidly Western Persia there aye now more bowse door, steps before Hindle'a door, and seemed cockles into crevices and holes about now. After a long silence, Lorrie said, than 2,000 church-members. What is "The baby dog be Wanders 'till his feet are cut still more hopeful, much of this progto be quite unconscious of both pierc- the yellow steps. '•' and sore. . . gently: ress is made through the efficiency ol ing wind and cockles. Hia silver hair The children want to pet him, but their parents "Light and res\" murmured the old "A penny for'.,'$№?•• thoughts," and native pastors. Of the seventy-nine Urtreaway was blown over his wrinkled brow, his man; "sunshine; there's no cold river, looked into Gilbert's eyes; then blushed UtUe dog because they say he i«a*t fit to eyes were shut, his battered hat was us folks say. Where's the basket?" he fiercely at what she saw there, and students in the college at Oroomiah, seventy are Christians. There are going far down the street, and many added, suddenly rousing. Awi'uiiy unkind be thinks It is to be a tramp. moved a yard or two away from him. 1 And be is just a baby dog and not a wicked cockles rolled helplessly out on the yelmany village schools established by the "Done with," said Gilbert Rowe V In the corner of the little garden, on missionaries, and Dr. Labaree reports stamp. . putting his warm, white hand, that had a summer seat, made out ot the end of IWt whimpered at a dozes gates and begged at low steps. ThetwoJasty men drew nearer the never worked i» Us life, geatly upon an old boat, sat Hal, the eldest, of the that the Moslems of Persia aro more counties* doors, .But no kind sot?l will shelter him, however baa window in the doctor** housfi to watch, the brown, horsy one, growing cold in accessible than those of any other six boya Ho was too old to retire with land. he'plores. "You won't have to carry it his brothers. He was finishing a terri1 1 s very bard to be * dog. especially when and the two boys in the opposite win- death. ^ T h e JTew Britain, Ct-, Toung Womdow dropped from the sill at so unusual any more,*' young; ble daub in water-colors of the (pottage, an's Christian Temperance tjnion has Bow gladly would tee tell his tale if he bad ha- a eight as Timothy taking a rest. Then "That's well, that's well? it was v«ry min-tub and walL The rain-tub in his nan toagae. the bold and dauntless Bobby drew out heavy, very heavy." < picture looked more like the cottage, organized mission work among the A. lfeBiue with many windows looms before his a catapult from his jacket pocket with Gilbert failed to suppress a sudden and the cottage like tbo tub. But Hal you eg girls employed in the factories. weary way; From the small nucleus of one room jPertup* the people thc»:a are kind enough to wild exultation, opened the window, sob which caught his breath. Consewas satisfied; he went on some time and twenty or thirty girls the work has let liiux stay. letting in such a gust of wind as effectquently being much ashamed, he quite happily, not giving any of his *Tia a paradise of paupers, old and young, the ually silenced the baby's howls, and glanced up at Lorrie, hoping she had valuable attention to the pair on the grown rapidly until now a tenement of blind, the hal*V. seven rooms is required to accommoThe mfedsire wrecked In lite who **n lot earn straightway "shot at a venture," hit- not heard it. and he thought she had Wall* and perfectly unnoticed by them. date the large number oi:''"reg^il'ar''..'c't^iV 1 hiiiuit. tiug poor olc , Timothy's brow with a n o t uorit; TtDb After a time ho became aware that The tender-hearted ssaldsn and the rugged lads stinging piece of paper. But it had no "Kest aud sunshine," muttered the Lorrie was sobbing; then he both tend&nts. The rooms are open four who 6cofl~ They do not turn again it the tramp aor drive power to rouse him, old voice again, and Timothy had gone stared and listened intently. The o).d evenings in the week and two hours on the puppy off. . „. ..,,. , Dr. Meredith had drawn up his away from the shrieking wind, tho tale. "I love you," was repeated once Sunday. Ther-e aro classes in dressThe little p;ii«i>er babies they divide their milk breath to laugh, but stopped to see heavy basket, and the scramble for life; again, Gilbert's arm was around the inaking, penmanship and singing and with him, tJntil he is quite satisfied that life l» not so what would happen next and down Cbur«h-iane the well-known whito muslin, the curly brown head reading matter is supplied by * circudim. A girlish figure in black had come monotonous cry would nevor be heard waft resting at last on the white flannel lating library. He plays among the paddlers in the sand when behind the group of beys, her largo any more. WIT ANiJ^WtSDOM. sun is bright, jacket; the old, old sun was going down * * • «* # eats and sleeps nmong them, and he is a grey eyes were like some avenging anin fiery gold once more, when Hal pauper, quite. —There is one thing about death; i i gel's, her sleeves were short and showIt was the close of a perfect day, so burst out of his corner and stood up never complains that it doesn't know —H. S. Keller, in Yankee Bind*. ed a pair of pretty round and little hot and calm the soft ripples on the like a young warrior before the startled how to take some people. white hands. She appeared like a shore scarcely moved the pebbles, the lovors. —Happiness is a perfume you cannot HIS VOCATION. Spark of electricity for the moment, the red and white sails on the blue water "You can't take away my sister Lorpour on others without getting a few two white hands made Bobby's ears to hung helpless and slack. All day Gilrie, Mr. Rowell." he gasped, *T11 tell yourself.—Selected. Wfclclx Was Caretaker to "Sii TJh- sing for half an hour afterwards, the bert Roweli had basked in the sunshine you that; I'll fight you before you drops —Occasionally you see a very rick ruly Boys and One Pretty GirL window went down with a sharp report, of Miss Maria Holds worth* s society, aa shall," and his dirty fists doubled in- man who is so economical that he and the two lazy men across the street well as in the sunshine of the summers would enjoy being poor.—Atcbiaos day. Now they were out on the shining stinctively, and Lorrie sprang up; The wind was shrieking down Church- murmured simultaneously: "Hal, dear, don't be rude. I'm not Globe. • 'By Jove, sht* looks pretty when water of the bay in a white boat lane with a fixed determination to tear going to leave you. Mr. Rowell is —He who comes up to his own idea Maria was considered a beauty; she tip the flights of yellow steps in front of she's mad." Another minute, and Lorrie camoou' knew it, and thought Mr. ftoweil knew going to take all of us. Just fancy, all of greatness must always have had s> the somber^looking houses on either of us, and old Jane; and we shall live very low standard of it iu his own mind. side of the narrow, old-fashioned street. of the dooJ and ran down the step3 to Ualso. Many a wind had tried to accomplish bend over old Timothy. His wide, old bouse was somewhere at his house up there, where you can —Hazlitt. —When Death, the great reconciler* The wind blew her short brown curls i t that green hazo which betokened the see the light still lingering in the winthis feat before, without success. They dows. There, are gardens and trees, has come, it is never our tenderness were very firm steps. Every morning wildly about and tried to tear off her shore. Its clustered chimneys were and, oh! heaps of rooms," and every that we repent of, but our sevarlty.— servants performed wonderful opera- dress as she spoke to the deaf old ears. di&cernable oven from the boat Miss thing-; and Hal, jpu must be good. Xou George Eliot, tions upon them with water and clay. She looked up and down the street to Ma.*ia liked that bouse, and thought if will, I know." —Wbare you find one man who is a see if there was any one to help, but no Poor old town, the aesthetic craze has ever she became its mistress, how The boy turned a bewildered gaze at day ahead of the time in which he lives one was in sight, until she glanced casify the wild desolation of quaint not touched it yet Gilbert, speechless for a minute, then, you will find a million men who are ten, across at the opposite window, and fie war gardens and scented orchards These steps led up into large, highlyseizing hold of the man's large hand in years behind i t respectable houses. Those who dwelt both men obeyed the little peremptory could be swept away to make lawns —Flattery is foolishness, and whosoThey and respectable shrubberies. This both his own, said: In them were termed "the gentry" by nod of her head instantly. "I always said you were real bully, ever ia deceived thereby is not wise; reached the yellow steps together. thought w.ie lingering in her head just the poorer people. Dr. Meredith passed his soft, warm then, making a little frown flicker over and you are regular bully," and with a nevertheless the discreet woman may Within one of the diuing-rooms sat hand over the prostrate man's haggard her eyebrows a» sho glanced at the whoop like a savage, he cleared the in- use a little of it for her husband's sake. two lazy individuals before a large fire, —It is better to use money in one's handsome sunbrowned face before her, termediate space between the wait and their easy chairs so turned that they forehead. cottage at a bound, mounted the narrow lUe-time in benevolence, and have the "Well?" asked Jjorrie, eagerly. and she wondered what was in his mind. could watch the hard pellets of snew staircase, and went noisily into his enjoyment of the giving and of its re•*I must have the poor old Mlow Gilbert wo* straining his eyes shoredrive through the air down the street 1 brothers' room* Awakening them, ha sults, than to devise it by bequest.—Adtaken to the surgei-y; he seems in a vmrd, trying, if the truth was told, to *'Guy Meredith, M.D.," was inscribed began to relate the good news, with vance. make out thd red tiled cottage clinging upon tho bruss plato on the front door bad way." —There may not be any such thing "No; please help me to get him into half way up the cliff, where eight souls great elation, from the back of a chair. of this house. The darker and lazier Lorrie looked up at the handsome as the elixir of life, but the youth thinks our dining-room; there's a great fire. (and bodies) were stowed awjiy every of the two men was Gilbert Rowell, a stranger to Church-lane, visiting his and tea is ready; it may bring him night in such an incredibly small philanthropist on the garden wall, and he has found something very near it amount of space. Lorrie Hindle had said, with a sigh: "They will be a heap when he kisses the girl he loves for the friend Guy. For some years he had round, poor old dear." first time. —Boston Courier. Gilbert Rowell tugged his mustache brought out hor Bix brothers and old of trouble to you, I'm afraid," been looking out for his special voca—We do not all of us learu wisdom in a bewildered raazo at the eager, rapid Jane for a holiday of two months by "Never," said Gilbert, bravely. tion, bat up to the present had either as we grow older, but some of us learn passed it on the way or had not come movements of the lovely girl before the sea, and had taken this little hut, "What are the whole six of them up to it; therefore he spent hit time In him, and in tho whole course of his life squezing her charges in with much thrown in, if a fellow gets such a girl how to look wise and say nothing, and ia most cases tuat serves our purpose he could not remember ever to have contrivance anyhow. Four always as you?" *'vvai-lr.g round" very comfortably. So it was settled, and as they ram- quite as well.--Somervill? Journal. They were both silently smoking. heard1 a * 'cockle inun" called an "oldrushed out very early in the morning, —If a man only does that for which dear.' waiving bathing towels like banners, bled along the yellow sand* in the gathOccasionally the c»/es of Gilbert closed Guy wag seizing the oM man under down to tlie shore. ering gloom, they talked of old Tim- he receives credit and gratitude, his in slumber, and once his pipe fell out tho arras, and said: "Here, Gilbert, But Mr. Roweli couid not see the cot- othy, whose death had brought them benevolent work must be very smaii. of his idle white hand, causing a subcatch hold of his feet," and with a start tuge now, and with a sigh he turned together that cold windy day, but thej Tho rule for ail oi us must be to do our dued laugh to come froru undor Guy's mustache. That was all the sound that pffntleman obeyed, and Timothy his attention to t?ie beautiful Maria thought not about Maria Holdsworth duty without thinking cf the compensathere was within the room; outside, the *.vas very soon resting on a >*arm sofa, sgain. How swan~llke she looked, he or of the old saying "Men were deceiv- tion. —Be good natured, my boy. Be lovhowling of the wind, and the monoton- after sundry picture books and toys had thought, as he helped har out of the ers ever." The white boat was lying been swept away by Lorrie. ing aim £tmLle with Lhe world, and on its side now, on the bare shore, and boat a ilttie while After, and walked ous cry of "Cockles e-live, all a-live," The six boys stood silently looking with her along ihe smooth sand to tlie the pair of lovers sat down on it to rest you'll be amazed to see how dearly and far up the street on, even the eldest, who had been read- narrow track leading up the clLS. Gilbert suddenly realized that it was tenderly the worried, tired, vexo'L. In the house, straight opposite Dr. Meredith's, lived Lorrio Hindle, a girl ing "Tho History 11 of a Vviiu Imm, «a Tittup wits a. ra.iiLu.sUu liOiui up youuer, only th&t very afterr.cen Ms-ria and he harassed old world loves you.—it J. of twenty-two. She reign ed supremo related by himself, all tho afternoon, fortunately out of sight of the village. had wandered on the cliffs, and only Burdette. --Friendship has a noble effect upos over six unruly boys, her step- broth- had flung that interesting book on thoi It had beea built » fetr summers .before two hour* before had floated in this all states and conditions. It relieves ers, left to her caro two years before, floor, and with h&nds in h?s pockets, I by an enterprising stranger. Mari* and very boat together oa the blue sea. stood with his brother*. Only Bobby An; well, he had found hi« vocation our cares, raises our hopes, and abates j her mother had 'florae to stay a short •when tho ship went down, taking both <it l « i , and aitec all ;.£. w&d to be care* our fei'.rs. A friend who relates his parents viith her, into the stormy occasionally sniffed mournfully, unno- I limo at this unbeautiful au-uduvc ticed by all, however, but Mr. Uowell, taker to six unruly hoys and on<s pretty success, talks himsuif into & new pleas* Gilbert's h^art. beat loudly as they Tratei*. Poor Lorrie! What a charge who smiled to himstIf. wandered past the n>d-tiled cottage, girl, and, strange to say, he was «&Lv? iiiO, and, by opening his* misfortune^ she had! She loved those boys more a change for a girl of twcau»w Uia ooXt lifted of Maria tied* —Flo Jackson* iu Lead's Mercury. wave* \i6xi> ot them behind Jum. than herself, but she had grown to feel THE JOURNAL.. ' ,.;•< Has Received thefinestLine of • _ ' : _ • FALL& WINTER C IS NOW OPEN. EVERYBODY Overcoats, Hats And Baing your friends and sue the largest line of Got UNDERWEAR, GLOVES & MITTENS, AND 18 SELLING AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL$18 Suits for $16.50. 14 Suits lor 12. 8 Suits for 6. Overcoats 13.50 $16 Suits for $14.00. 12 Suits for 10.00. 18 Overcoats 15.00. 12 overcoats 9.00. AND FLANNELS Ever brought here. In addition to our already large stock vre have adilcd CROCKERY & GLASSWARE Everything HewraidFresti, Prices Lower Han the lowest. Ask to see our Madrid Bant for $3.25. Be n to get our PriGBS W. A. MGMULLEN, CAPS. HATS 3.50 Underwear for $2.75. 60 cent unlaundried Shirts for 45 cents. Thefinestgents kid gloves for $1.00. Boys' Sqnool Suitsfor$2.95. Ask to see our 40in. wide, flannel striped suitings at 25 cts. A yard. In TO PHOENIX BX We do take tlie cake on having the largest Stock and Lowest Prices, E. EVELETH. \ Afartk A great many people from this vicintty attended the picnic at Owosao ov Thursday, the 17th. Mr. Isaac Middle ton, 8r.. is very sick and la not likely to recover. The L. A. S. will hold their monthly meeting at the residence of C. Pelton on Thursday, the 31st. Mr. L. J. Mole and MUs Mary HelU weg were quietly marrtad on Saturday last. We wish them much joy. Mis* Mary A. Wriggles worth, of Hemlock, is visiting at the residence of her urisie, Mr. John Wriggleiworth, of this place. H^>bt. o*!«y died on Monday night about 11 o*clock of inflamatioR of the bowels, at the residence of his guardian, Mr. G. Wilkinson. The funeral services will be held to-day. L. The undersigned beg leave to announce to the people of Shiawassee County that they have just placed in stock an immense line of the bast grades of Off all Descriptions and invite the the Public to dware on us at the BLUE FRONT, CORUXWA. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF OVES constant complaint of dry weather Ss no news but a serions faet, wheat that was sowed weeks ago has not yet germinated. Several new buildings are in course of erection on the Bnnnels side of the village. Fires north of us and very smoky. The marsh is also onfireand no water, everything as dry as powder. The most of the wells are dry or nearly so. The Mistigan creek is also very low. Dell & Gastin are putting a new —AM) KEEP IN STOCK— boiler in their saw milt. The sparrow fever is at its hight and the small boy from the hight of * clotre* pin ap, is oat with the deter* miration of exterminating the paltry nuisance. The man who wants his town to be boomwi and puffed but goes away to «io bis trading, I will leave others to say what he deserve*. A bear has been seen lately three mties west of here husking on shares he leaves Uw husks for the We respectfully invite the Public to give us a call when in need of ate grangers. anything in the line of hardware and we guarantee©yon Good! Goods, At this season of the year you can buy what yon want in the Shoe line of <x\M. & J. CARLAND,t» Cheaper than at any other place in the City and we sell the best goods that are made. PINGREE XSMITH, MCLURE, BLGESER1EGGET, H. 8. ROBINSON IBURTENSHAW, |G. Ate the kinds of Goods we are -^LADIES FROM J1.75 TO H.00 THflT CflNNOT BE MATCHED. M. & J, GARLAND. Either Coal or Wood, Heating or Cocking, Good Rubbers for Ladies for 30 cents a pair. We oanftirnish you with the same. $10,000 veRffi PUMPS and COUPLINGS We also have a Large Line of OF BOOTS &© ESHOES l LOOK AT THESE PEICES. Eta;, and if you want any Ladies1 Shoes w o r t h . . . . . . . . . , , $2.00 $©r$J.5O. Ladies' Dongola Kid Shoes worth 2,50 for $ 0 0 . 44 "' " " 'u•* 3.00 | » S.00. " " " 3,50 jbr 8,00. " " " •' 4,00 «j# 8.50. Men's Boots worth , 3.00 fear* u " *' • LfOft* Boy's Boots «« 2.50to*&0t>. Job Tin Work, Call and see usforwe warrant our work and our PRICES ABE REASONABLE. T^w Prfe™. jjucl Perfect Satisfaction. style* in Millinery and lowest prices at Mil* C. E. Kinyon's 0 * 0 . A* Millard has just received a large stock of flee freah confectkuxry Harpejr Han ** 1.50. *' Misses and Children's Shoes in Proportion. Now is the time ta htiy fall goods and get the benetit of c\rm htfvfatr. K^m^Ttrber tbst these goods are all sold regaidlege of cost J COLLINS i