The Raby Wedding. War Items.


The Raby Wedding. War Items.
The Raby Wedding.
War Items.
Service of Supplication at St. Osmund's
Catholic Church, Cainford.
c h i l d r e n arc at
m i o l l h
i n the u l t i m a t e
The withdrawal of Britt'?
en successfully c a r r i e d o m
h i circles i n L o n d o n i t •
Khe reports o f t h e f n
po the t o w n a n d n o t to t l
On Friday Issfc, in accordance wl^h tho
f i p r e a a wish of Bishop Collins,
llex!»»m and
Newcastle, at St. Osmund's Catholic Church,
A Quiet Ceremony at Scarborough. Galnford, a service cf supplication was held.
Harcioia of Zetland celobrated bis 70th
Prayers were offered for v i c t o r y and poaco.
I,D Sunday sen.
A sermon was preached by the R<;v. T. H .
Knnokey, tbe priest-in-cbs/ge of the parish.
, Qlimis is c j m a u n d i n g his rogiraenfc at
Taking for his t e x t tho words from Deuter­
onomy x i i . , 3 : " When the b a t t l e is now at
hand the priest shall stand before the army,
, understood t h a t Bowes Moor w i l l be | BY TELEGRAPH FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] and shall speak to the people i n t b i s manner,
'•' ''teton Friday and Saturday.
'Hear, O Israel : yon join b a t t l e tbi3 day
The rasrrieprn ' • Captain the Honorable sgaiost your enemies, let not your heart b->
. ._ Riilph Frederiok Vane, of the 4th Harry Cecil Vano and Lady Enid V i c t o r i a dismayed : be not afraid : do net give back :
liuiu ^ ' ^ h t I n f a n t r y Reserve, i s , under Rachel Vane, daughter of the Earl of Westmore­ fear ye them not, because the L o r d your God
IWZ leavioR Wallsend.
land, took place very q u i e t l y at Scarborough is in the midst of yon, and w i l l fight for you
Pariah CburcU to-day. The officiating clergy against your enemies to deliver j o u from
M a i t l a n d , of tha Ctmaron were tha Rov. W. O Thorn i n , of Scarborough, and danger.'" Tbo Pri-scoer drew i n s t a r c - n from
Bon. Iau
iJJijjdsM, who speaks the French and tHeRev. R. O. W i l t o n , m e t e of Lnndesborougb. s c r i p t u r e tr> show t i n t though God wss p t t U * *
| £ a languages fluently, is now
i n t h e The bride was Riven away b? Iter father, the and h>rg-?nfi-> )ng, y e t when the enp of Bia:.'a
|i^i»«nce Department.
K a r l ot Westmoreland, ar.d M r D. Raker was i n i q u i t y was full God i n Bis own time struck,
best man. Amongst tbos*) present i . i cbnrch and when He struck He ettuck hard. A fow
f to the war the fancy fair, w h i c h w i s were B a r l and Cnnntess Londesborongb, L o r d weeks ago we we were at peace. Thou i n tL«
\\tiA by the Women's Unionist Association Barnard, Earl of Rosslyn and Lady Helmsley. East there rose a l i t t l e cloud no bipger than a
|>*f hold in Barnard Castle, on November The bride's dress was of silver satin t u l l e , man's haod. b u t i t wos tho herald of tbe s i o r m
Ij, 1914, is indefinitely postponed.
embroidered w i t h c r y s t a l and pearls, and now raging over Europe. Quoting another
sprays ot orange blossom.
The c o u r t t r a i n texfc from tbe same chapter Father Knuckey
y, R, W. Yonntr, who for eight years has was of ivory satin, trimmed w i t h pearls and said we had fallen i n w i t h the oommand of God,
11 jtwehed to the Thcrngate Mission, has crystals, and she wore a w h i t e t u l l e v e i l , w i t h and had rfforad our enamirs peaao before wo
Irined snd accepted a call to be minister of cap trimmed «wiih silver
Her went to war. We bad Gcd and r i g h t on our
drop Congregational Church.
ornaments wore a rope of pearls, the g i f t of aide, whatever rho ultimate ipsao. T'hero bad
L o r d Barnard, aud pearl snd diamond ear-rings been one man i n all the w t l d v<ho had stood
| . r y large gathering attended the Bowes given by the bridegroom. The servioe was out above a ' l others remarkable for personal
Mia P»rlf, on Thursday n i g h t , on the fully choral.
The register was signed by holiness : Pope Pius X . : one man specially
fan ot the v i s i t of the Stockton and Lords Westmoreland,
Londesborough nnd fitted by his position and by his v i r t u e * , l i k o
l£,Djtiy Male Voice Choir.
Lady Londesborough
and E a r l M"se?, to l i f t his h i n t ' s on behalf of bis p o o p l i
t>-hen they wore at war, and G >d hud chosen
J.fjli England onr jaws are sat," a B r i t i s h
at t h i s c r i t i c a l j u n c t u r e to tak9 even Lire.
Wedding Presents to the Hon. H. C. Vane
l^^at-msjor t o l d a Press representative at
Finally tbe Preacher urged li'm people to
Ifjjogno. That is enough—" they w i l l know included (1) from the tenantry on the Raby earnest and r>prsevering pra.Te*.-On SuncUy
l i t to expect from t h a t . "
estate—a beautiful cabinet of silver plate and mvrning a eolleetloa was mado for tho Prince
c u t l e r y , inclusive of complete s e t s ' t b n j v e a , ot Wales National Distress Fund, fcr^d the
J JM Lidy Barnard has oocsonted to c>ntiouo forks, spoons, etc., engraved w i t h M r Vane's satisfactory sum of £ 7 was realised.
[.tie cilice ot President of the Divisional crest, and accompanied by an i l l u m i n a t e d
ILcinti.'n of Soldiers and Sailors, M r Norman album. The cabinet and plate were supplied
'^fells being secretary.
by Messrs Harrison and Boo, silversmiths,
England and the War.
Darliogton ; and the album was the work of
Ifijmjs Wright, from the Kppleby and M r T. W. Applegartb, Staindrop : (2) from the
To the E i i t o r of the " Tessdale M e r c u r y . "
district, rejoined the Nartb R i d i n g tenantry and workmen on the Upper Teesdale
S I R , — M R y I s a y through your columns that
:y Constabulary, on Wednesday, and estate—a v e r y baantitul, large, solid silver
I the statutory declaration at the Greta inkstand and pen t r a y , w i t h candlesticks to tbe bulk of tbe people do not seem to realise
iPolice Court, on Wednesday.
correspond, together w i t h a very handsome, what this war moaaa to Eaglaud, and to every
i l l u s t r a t e d and i l l u m i n a t e d album containing wan, womao, said c h i l d i n <uc l?.nd. l a tbe
ItBodifiel form of martial law now prevails the names of the subscribers, and a nuoib?r of trains, on the soi-shoro, and on fte c r i c k e t and
, tie Tees, and tho restrictions w i t h regard viewB of the d i s t r i o . Both these presents football fields, on Satu?day, were crowds of
i uTigstion are v e r y s t r i c t up to the have beon supplied by MeBsrs Clarke and Son, able-bodied yourjg men, inter.t only
rjy bridge at Stockton, special officers London : (3) from the tenautry and staff cf tho at j lyment and relaxation, while the r e c r u i t i n g
; on patrol.
Staffordshire estate—a set of solid silver sa't offices wero empty and d u i c g l i t t l e ; and y e t
cellars, together w i t h an i l l u m i n a t e d card w i t h L o r d Kitchener has not y> : obtained the
I lard aid Lady Londonderry have t l l a r e d tho nameR of the subscribers, both supplied by 100,000 men he asked for. I f the y o u t h and
uyjril Park for use as an emergeney hospital- Messrs Kemp and Wilcsz, Wolverhampton : strength of our country are u n w i l l i n g co fight
preserve our ancient t r i b u t e , wha'j is to
• fully rquipped w i t h 50 beds, and staffed by 14) from the tenantry and workmen on tho
(Voluntary A i d Detachments.
Northamptonshire es'.ato—a largo solid silver become of us i f t h i s war poea unfavourably ?
s p i r i t k e t t l e and l a n p , Queeu Anne pattern, One thi.-jg Is certain. Germany has been
|fH Westmorland and Cumberland I m p e r i a l together w i t h an i l l u m i n a t e d l i s t ot the preparing for our destruction eve? since she
Cavalry, i n which the Hon- subscribers, b >c!i supplied by Messrs Harrison began augmenting her ilaet, &nd the scenes
Uopher W i l l i a m Vane, second son of L o r d and S JO, silversmiths, Darlington : (5) from t a k i n g place l a Belgium show what we might
1 holds a commission, left P e n r i t h , on the tenantry on the Shropshire estato—a expect i t Germany were victorious. She would
rial, for Church S t r e t t o n , Shropshire,
specially made set of Coalport china, engraved t i k e over our ships, destroy onr trade, and
w i t h M r Vane's crest, etc : (6) from the mpose a war indemnity of at least £500,000,000
| ii Oeorge T i l b a r n , s o l i c i t o r , of Bastbourre, estates effioo staff and workmen employed on (£12 ner head on each man, woman and c h i l d i n
is i native of Barnard Castle, was i n the Raby estate—a Queen Anne silver t e a - p j t . thn Kingdom), and as she d i d w i t h France, i n
|Hpan wbnn continental hostilities broke coffee-pot, cream j a g , sugar basin, etc., supplied 1870, would leavo an army i n occupation ot our
IT. icd. of course, bade a hasty adieu to by Messrs Harrison and Son, silversmiths, country, at our expense, n u t i l these conditions
|tacDabd Blegiao a l i k e .
D a r l i n g t o n ; together w i t h an i l l u m i n a t e d were complied w i t h . This is no war cf r u r
album, w i t h the names o t the subscribers, seeking. I t had to come sooner o r later, aad
Jfaughmembers of the Society o f Friends designed by M r T . W. Applegarth, Raby there wss no escape from i t . Germany has
|slnot tight, y e t M r Ernest L i n g f o r d and M r estates office, Staindrop : (7) from the house­ proved herself tbe enemy cf mankind as
l i i i i d i B w g , of Cntherstoo, and
others are hold staff and indoor and outdoor servant*—a Napoleon was, and I t r u s t thftt when this is
Irisug in the attempt that western c i v i l i z e very large solid silver f r u i t disb, supplied by thoroughly realised the manhood of Eogland
Harrison and
Son, silversmiths, w i l l rise to the oocaslou, and b c ' o to email the.
I t i i i making to p u t an end to Qerman Messrs
Darlington : (8) from tbe teaohers and scholars vampire of German militarism, which h.-.a so
| i t v y autocracy.
of the Staindrop mixed m.d infant schools - a long ovo;-shadowed Enrops, aud caased such
custly armaments.
Every man capr.bls of
Inreceut Sunday afternoon the Siartf j r t h silver breakfast cruet.
bearing arms should s.-© to i:> that he is d r i l l e d
In:: ot the M o t h e r s ' U i i o n met i n the
Honeymoon to bs Spsnt at Raby Castle.
and tnught bow to use a rifle, aud to defend his
lingg gardens, and listened t o a very
Ito::address from the Rev. W. Learoyd.
Later in the afternoon tho happy soapts lefli country i n her need. We c*no'ifc peer i n t o the
Scarborough by motor-car far Raby Castle, future, b n i i t wonld bj better for everyone ot
i W a y morning, at S o'clock, a solemn where the honeymoon is to btt upe
the ns to be k i l l e d i n the trecchts than tr, come
pKtmass w*s said i n St. Mary's Roman bride's going-away dress being a blue and Bodei the German heel. I am t o l d on good
FMbCbnrcb, Barnard Castle, for thn repose w h i t e striped coat and s k i r t . BotT the bride authority t h a t since war was declared no
J^i-.i of His Holinesss Pope Pius X . The and bridegroom have been the recipients o t ? 9 c r u i t for the regular army he« iieeu f o r t h 1
Darley was the celebrant.
A large maDy handsome presents. Toe bridegroom <^>roiog between C.-ckfiold and H i r w o o d .
|®«?v.ioo, i n c l u d i n g many of the sohcol- was aide-dd-oamp t • Lord A m p t h i l l i n Madras, hope this is aa exaggeration for the hon'iar of
|*weo, were present.
and is a captain i n the Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y i'eesdalo. W i l l oot som^oue of a u t h o r i t y como
(Special Reserve). There wero no festivities forward and endeavour to rs'.s-t i a Teesdale a
of any kind, although later oa tha event may corps w i i l i o g to assemble and lt>srn at least
fcSev Herbert F. T i l b n r y , V i c a r of O r t o n , ba marked by beoomiog celebrations.
the rudiments of m i l i t a r y d i i l l >\.v\ the power
p o t the late Rector of Brignal, has been
to act In a body for what may be before u » ? I
l**td the living of A instable, near Carlisle,
f j r one, although rather too old, am quite
IT-ie patron. Captain Aglionby, and has Congregational Sunday School Treat, ready \ > do wb i : I c :>i. There are Beveral o l d
•"Pled it. The l i v i n g is valued at £300 per
soldiers who would partially t r a i n ns, amongst
Barnard Castle.
Mr T i l b u r y has been at O r t o n some
whom, i s the CntherBton p>lic"m»n.—I am, Sir,
On Thursday last the teaohers, friends, and yours faithfully,
|*"-J'ats-ar.d-s-ba!f. and has j u s t succeeded
scholars cf tbe Congregational Sunday school
|<ni»icg £570 for bis ohurch there.
23th August, 1914.
had their anmmer t r e a t , which was enjoyed by
M Monday n i g h t , at the V i c t o r i a H a l l . the k i n d permission of M r s White i n a iiald at
17**"* Caitle, a floe set of pictures were Mount fit!. Tbe school was w e l l represented. Promotion of Quartermaster-Sergeant
|!? °*d tn » good company, the star film being Games were freely and j lyoualy entered i n t o ,
J"** Cloud," w h i c h is 2,305 feet long, aud kept up w i t h animation n u t i l a call was
" of last Monday's
Ikw* " '
' * sister's love
l ^ ' O e z e t t e , " was also a special feature, welcomed and throughly ecjoyed by the young date shows the following iutoresting announce­
people. Afterwards tho various games were ment : "Quartermaster-Sorgeant James Patrick
wtu'g scenes ot the previous week.
Cherry, Durham L i g h t
I n f a n t r y , to
|.^; nt-M»jor O. Bodsworth, of the Durham again indulged i n w i t h undiminished zeal t i l l Quartaroixster
Honorary Lieutenant,
IJr'-. ' » n t r y , has been given a combatant
gave expression of t h e i r 25th August, 1914." Quarterm.astar-Ssrge«.nt
aecond-lieutenant after only they
gratitude to M r s W h i t e for her kindness i n Cherry enlisted d u r i n g t h e S j u t h Afrioan War,
I?* JWis^jeivice as a warrant officer.
three hearty cheers. The juveoile chorus was 14 years ag", aud after this campaign wss
l u r ^ W f c w i t h the Special Reserve i n the kept up d u r i n g the way, and one feeling drafted to India, whore be romained u n t i l
posted to the 4 .h Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , 1\
I^HernWtorxiand. « The Faithful Durhams " seemed to predominate a l l , and that w i s
He is an all-round sportsman,
IW' ° ' - ^ regiments selected for an e x t r a ' We have a l l enjoyed ourselves, and no years ago.
having represented his regiment on
be connected w i t h the L i g h t Division misfortune has oocurred to mar onr plen.sare."
football, hockey, and c r i c k e t fields, and i n the
Mr Bodsworth's appointment is
boxing arena. His capacity for organization
»9nal one, as the commissions granted
Tbe Langleydale school-children had their and bard work is w e l l known i n bis o l d
l^ita " » i " ' B have h i t h e r t o been qua.rter'
annual treat on Friday, when tbny erjj j j e d a battalion, and this should help him along i u
his new oorps.
He leaves for Aldershot i u a l l
I " ' I ' dd honorary
h o n o r a r v llientenant
pleasurable char-a-bano tour to Alston.
probability, to-morrow (Thursday), to is ke up
w. Malcolm Bowes-Lyon, who has
M r Joseph Waterman (whose name w i t h t h a t bis duties as SB officer in the 10th Battalion
purchased the Uorrioger Court of M r Railton appears as overseer i n o l d - t i m e Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , which is a n n i t of
• Kitohenor's Army." We j o i n w i t h Lieutenant
Pal! *8<hy given a commission as captain i n records), farmed a few acres ot land, adjoining
tbe r i v e r Tees, under M r Maire, of L a r t i n g t o n Cherry's msny friends i n wishing him good
j ^ ' i l r ? of the General Reserve of Officers. H a l l .
To mend some of his walls M r Water­ luok, ben voyage to Germany, and a safe
of the Earl of Strathmore, he is w e l l man excavated tbe freestone at the waterside r e t u r n .
'he Barnard C s s t l » d i s t r i c t , and was near where the L a r t i n g t o n Beck joins the Tees.
n mm.,<
* L . O . J Durham L i g h t The r i v e r broke i n t > t h i s excavation i n the
l l C . (Bsruey M i l i t i * ) .
He afterwards " g r e a t flood of 1771, and. continuing i t s
C ^ i o t u the 2nd L i f e Guards, became destructive career, wore for itself a second
Ifa p '' » ' oorpp, was attached to the channel, i n which i t has ever since run—the
K i ° * ' Hnssars in tbe Boer War, and low gronnd, severed from the rest of the land,
The appended versos—so very appropriate
U I ' ^ e Northern Nigeria Regiment in and enciroled by the r i v e r , being known as
at the present
, '
Frontier Force.
Another Waterman Island.
Montreal Sun " over the letters, '• A.R.M.U.,"
• ,
»a family, the Hon. F. Bowes-Lyoo,
at the time of the Boer War :—
"ver four years i n the 4th
A l l ceremonies are i n themselves very s i l l y
Der Kaiser anf der Vaterland
E A "
K''n>ent and the 2ad Black
Und Gntt on High a l l things gommand.
y'ghlauders),has been appointed things, b u t yet a man cf the world should know
We two ! Aoh ! don'd you understand ?
i S ^ J ' ^ o a n t i n the I n f a n t r y ot t h e them. Thny are the outworks of manners and
decency, which wonld be too often broken i n
Meinsolf—und Gott.
upon, i f i t were not for that defence which
While some men sing der power d i v i n e ,
keeps the enemy at a proper distance.
I t is
• a ? * * " ! " of the Malakrff by the French, for t h a t reason that I always t r e a t fools and
M e l n eoldiers der Waoht an Rhein.
Sr. »
t i s h to take tbe Great ooxaombs w i t h great ceremony, t r u e good
Und t r i n k der healt, in Rhenish wein.
Auf me—und Oott.
I H bn^if'
e s s e d by men who spent breeding not being a sufficient barrier against
""Jiood on the banks of the r i v e r Tees.
Der'es France dot svsggors a l l aroundfc,
The customary manors of Colherston and
She auggespielt—she's uo »{tgroucdt
K a f ^ " onRht to aim at eminenoe. not by Hnnderthwaite were for centuries held by the
To much, ve dinks she's don't amount
' raising himself ;
old Saxon family i f Huddlestone ; and, at the
Meinself—und Gott.
Jnthe, i
Pleasure of his own superiority, time of the breaking out ot the C i v i l War,
She w i l l not dare to fight again ;
°* » J . w i t h o u t i n t e r r u p t - Ferdinando HuddleBtone was lord of the manor,
Rut, i f she should, I ' l l show her blaiu
same f e l i c i t y .
and proprietor of many a broad sore beside,
Dot Elaass and (in French) Lorraine
He had a mansion i n Cumberland, b u t lived
. - J Of *K
O —
Are meio, by Gott.
R'eat secrets of success i n the principally at Thwaites H a l l . He was not
Dare's gran'ma dinks she's kein shmall beir
London Lead more devotedly attached to the Catholic faith
M i t Boors und dings she interfere—
'fcl™t ZV
PO'eeverance^andTby this —for the Hnddlestonos adhered to the ancient
^l..i:. iaently succeeded where others r e l i g i o n - t h a n ho was to the Crown.
She'll learn none owns dis hemisphere
Liu; me—und Gott.
f m e well-authenticated cases,
M — | l > * tt» g W — d before
The E a r l of Strathmore, of Streatlam Castle,
She dinks, good frau some ships she's got,
*»teD« f
despair, were w i t h i n a
Durham, and Glamis Castle, Forfar.--John.ninto
Und soldiers m i t deer scarlet coat—
acquuing a handsome fortune
Earl of Stratbmore, born i n 1737, married 14th
Aoh ! Ve eould knock dem —pout—like dot
February, 1767, M a r y Eleanor, daughter and
Meinself—und Gott.
' u e i i ° ' „ 8 ' c to a physician, nor of sole heiress of M r George Bowes, of Streatlam
I n dimes anf peace brobared for wars.
« ""less the fiddler should Castle and Qibside, and died i n A p r i l , 1776,
1 bear the helm und spear < I Mars.
C »P«ai« *. P J8»cian at a concert.
» - aged 39 years. Tbe Earl reclaimed and planted
Und care n l c h t for ten dousand Czars—
»; "toK:
<5h subjects as .are large tracts of ground on his English and
Meinself—und Gott.
treats tbe company as the Scottish estates. He was a liberal landlord,
J " to hin, • 0
' Presenting an entertain
and his name has come down to ns as that of
I n short I humor every wbim
^u'reV ,? P Pitcher, o u t of which " a friend of the farmer." Tho improvements M i t aspect dark and visage g r i m ;
fcjT ° ° W feed bat a long b i l l e d fowl.
that he i n i t i a t e d were further extended by bis
Gott pulls mit me, und 1 m i t Him—
son and successor, John tenth Earl.
Meinself—und Gott.
^ *°
» » t o o t ot next column.)
bstrsot grouse are reported from the
m g our r e m a r k s o n
ire, were a r m o u r e r s ami
seeing t h a t
" T h e con
l / e a r l y , at the head court"
b r i n g the
l-netts, and a l l o t h e r lit-Itollbooth, to be viewed bv
•There had been a prejudice
l i s , perhaps u n d e r the id.
lioned Y o r k s h i r e m a n , that
Has to be accounted a 'rog
p v e d to be honest," for it
the i n h a b i t a n t s t o enteriger or foraiuer as inmates
ers," and a l i s t o f subbe supplied t o the court
such persons as are not
Itain themselves may be
:h order taken as the town
jay be eased, a n d no way
jiyne 3s. 4d." T h e r e was a
1 against the too-prevalent
awing weapons on slight
Its " N o constable of this
| m a k i n g any affray, blood' weapons d r a w n e , shall
irson to departe forth of
house, u u t i l l he find
eace, and find a sufficient
his H i g h n e s s ' court for
- I t wa.s_ u n l a w f u l for the
provoke each other by
lage, as " N o n e to call
r o g u e . v i l l a i n , o r words of
lat w i l l bear a c t i o n at
j>ain 6s. 8d."—Trespassers
|nds of the castle and the
had been h a r d to keep
.requisite to order, on the
sr. 1053, " T h a t , w i t h the
Rt. H o n b l e . S i r Henry
ler o f the m a n o r J and as
rd, that, whereas there his
out o f B a r n a r d Castle
ray made w h i c h h a t h not
tfnto the F l a t t s , and the
irmers of t h e Flatts is,
inified, whoever shall goe
in 3s. I d . , a n d I s . for a
le preceding e n t r y exhibits
ite of the castle i n this the
j Protectorate o f Cromwell,
that the edifice had long
T h e f o l l o w i n g also
Mne s u b j e c t : — " Sept. 20,
>n shall make any building
)idge that may doe harme
[ w a l l , or t o t h e ground
alls; pain 2s. 6d."—The
zr w o u l d n o t n o w be iuap. we should be g l a d i t the
ties ol 11)11 w o u l d , h i this
ireir predecessors o f 1676
kail keep any
8 1 u
& a
t h
t h
p o f the c e n t u r y , a n d
the waste l a n d s n ^ ' g e
kd supplied free p a s " ! ' ?
sheep, and horses D ° »
i d the f o u n d a t i o n 0 1
m rairs.
' - w h i c h , no
Tthis " R o l l
kbles, in its regu 1**°^
1 others
• e e l impressed
w u
of E n g
lanorr courts
of much of their t vvef
A c t s o f Parliament..
t h e i r s e v e r a l K>c*
for t h e duties
Bo f u l f i l .
t n c
b c
o w e r
> a
r y
t h
| J
i l l he seen, f r o m the nex
[tanners o f B a r n a r d t a s i
of losing t h e good nam
red.—-' W h e r e a s the tovv"
• t i e h a t h been anctenjjg
| n i n g o f g o o d leather, «
fcf the same, ordered t n .
Hi, stall, or expose
|>s o f hides n o t w e l l
b e d and dressed, P^
I order is made i °
[fine o f 13s. 4 d . u p o n e »
reveal the secrets ot
such an offence "
of t h e i r o a t h , but o u
»urnings among
„ ° ~
rreat f l i r s o f the t o w n ^
I or mastiffs u n m u z z l e d 1 "
_ 3s. i d . " — T a n n i n g was
trade o f B a r n a r d Castle,
a score o f sites o f oM
et pointed o u t i n t h e townferal i n the m a r k e t - p i " * '
J t h e castle-moat, the PJW
Bth water f r o m Bartholoiranch from w h i c h
Ice at the n o r t h end ot
, l c , a
0 1 tl
d o w n
the,^•Jg^o* »«
HU »j £
r o
t h e i r
IK S»"1
HI are »o
„.„*•» aT*
m n
d l e r
l i
Barn*rd f ^ U l i " *
b e Chemist. » o e * P « ' , p l a * *
HTl-o fresh s t o c W ^ ^
r photographic m *
\ Barnard C a s t l *
6 0
1 C r "iu" the
' ' — #-u»it-
1 0
Man or Women Nurses Wanted.
Ck rk to the Teesdale Cu&rdinris Thanked.
George Baiufcrldge (clerk to tho
Guardians) boon thanked by the central
rellsf committee
at Durham
for aptly
suggesting t h a t the Teesdale Union be divided
into the three relief d i s t r i c t s , ss represents j
by the respective rel'.eTirig officers, and not
apportioned ifS parishes n>< set nut i n the
original draft scheme, i n the m'.tier of i h e
subsidiary committee.
Coiharsion and t*"e National Relief Fund.
0 n l 7
o f
f o x
d e e
A.C. 65, f n t b b a r t ' i " Cburch the collections >-n
Snadsy I s * ' , rue 23rd i n s t , foe His Roya'
Highness the P r s u c of Wales's National Bftltef
Fund amounted to £ 7 Ss., and it. is understood
tbofc spnietbing nver £ 3 0 hss been collected
p ; i 7 a t e l y i n l.ho v i l l i g e , »nd sent to tho fund,
Donations by Local Waaleyv. MsthViet
f >r the PriDCe e l
National Relief Fund w e r e made i u several
local Wesieyan chapes on Sunday b u t , As f a r
as h a v o ht present' been ascertained the.
aaioucts are an follows :—Barnard C»st'.a, £ 1 0 ;
8 * R i r d w p . £ 2 2s 8J. ; Lartlngfccn, £ 2 7a. 0 1 ;
and Woodl&tid, o v e r £ 3 .
Peeing as a Sccutmaster in Scotland.
A e n respondent i n the north of Scotland
" T h e r e is a delightful Germ;a ppy
knocking about, who puces as a scoutmaster,
and riaes a hicycJe. Ho a've sweeps, etcetera,
to the pec-plo ho meets, aud these are poisoned.
The police want him t a d l y . "
The Relief Fund for Our Soldiers' and Sailors'
Tho b i s t o r l c a l play, i n four acts, e n t i t l e d ;
" Throupo tbe Storm," which !3 to be given i n
i:he V i c t o r i a Hall, Baraard Castle, on Thursday,
September 3/J, w i l l be a performaoce of
coosiderabla merit. Mies J. Rtes'o, R A.H , of
the School of Dramatic A r t , Lonrtoo. who has
trained the p a r t y of yoaog children, holds
ocrtificatts under. Messrs F. R. Becson and
Lewis, Casson. e t c , and the entertainment is
under the patronaR- of Lady G i a a i s and tbo
Lord B i r n w d .
Mias Stobart, cf S t a r t f o r t h
Hall, w i l l take tho chair, sod a largo and
sympithowic audience w i l l no dnubti rissembleThe proceeds w i l l bo given t o the families of
tho soldiers and ssi! J- a of t h i s town.
Red Cross Kit-Bag and Other Articles.
To M M B l U V o l ths •' TorWdate V e r c u r j . "
? I R . ~ I have received t h o followis,^ ! c t ' « r
fc-wM M r H . G. S l c b " S :
' Witboo Tower,
Witton-le-Waa*. Aognr.r, 2i .
1914: L E A R
as t h e r e ! « a poeaibitUy, t^ou^'n I hope
n o t t h o p r o b a b i l i t y , «.f euJori-j bro*kir\{ out
among onr forces, I Bhonid he g b d i f y u w t l l
k i n d l y inform me, at tho earlios' [t^eslble
mument, particulars of any rr,ea o r wom^n la
y o u r d i s t r i c t who a r e qualified to riur«« saterta
patients, a i d at the wr.mpi titr<o sro wiliiup; to
place tbeir services, i f oeossion R-ISS?, at t h e
disposal t f (ha m i l i t a r y authorities.
I am
unable at Mao moment to state tbe a.?-. 1 • of
remuneration which would bo paid.—Yours
t r u l y , H . G. STOTURT." I r m w r i t i n g to M r
Stobart to otqoice vibethet - i e nursing w i l l
be H I home or abroad. I f anyone Is deslrcna of
cifeiing bis or her services for t h i s w o r t h y
objact, I shs,ll bo p.lad to receive t h e i r names,
tnd to furbish p a r t i c u l a r s . — Y ' u r obedient
C l e . k t o t k u B a r n w d CssHe U r b " ;
Dlatrlet C u n o i l .
feSth August, 1914.
Mr Samuel Storey's Views of the War.
Tbe Red Cro&a agencies also at present
assist by donaUoss of cumey to provide
material aud
procure comforts for the
sick and wounded SQldicrs.
Working parties
boiog organised i n each centre, a
committee of ladies g i v i n g out patterns of the
most needed garments, and g i v i n g advice to
tho many willing helpers.
Girls c m k n i t
soarves, caps ttnd socks, w h i l s t their brothers
make stretchers, bed rests, splints, soft
slippers and oauvas kit-bags.
Work can be
placed w i i h the blind at Bradford, or other
charitablo i r s t l t u t i o n s acd industries and
convents, also w i t h women r e q u i r i n g w.nrk to
support their families. The wealthy in placing
these orders can help tw<-lold—both tbe Rod
Cross and tbe workers. Vl&nnelelte should be
avoided, men's day shirts to be m&do of bb'-ki
or d v k grey ; also tbe k n i t t e d scarves. Hooks
should be i n natural wool t o avoid tho dye
staiDirg tbe feet.
Tho Japanese d u r i n g their
war asked for socks w i t h o n t heuls, »s heels
wore c u t quickly. A s t r s i g b t piece shonld be
k n i t t e d to the toe.
I do not know i t English
soldiers prefer adopting this. A few well-made
garments of good material are better than a
quantity of inferior make.
When ready the contributions cf whatever
k i n d of work should be t l * titled, tbe number
cf garment 3 marked cut side each parcel, and
tbe name of the centre and tbe workers added.
These should be, sent to the d i s i r i o t represen­
t a t i v e , who w i l l forward to headquarters
every t b i o g not needed by tbe local detachment
lor i t s work.
The St. John's Ambulance
Brigade are organised i n the same way, and
they are w o r k i u g i n harmony w i t h the Red
Association, for which Queen Aloxindr.n also
anpe&lo, has branel-es nil u » r r Ecglar.d, each
district) i<avii g a president, -. ) » - w t ^ r y , a
treasurer, and a committee < t ladies.
too, ask for garments for mothersaed c h i l d r e r ,
t n d it is worked on much the same lines. Tbe
garments should be sent i n classified, and
labelled w i t h tbe name of tbe centre and the
worker, and tbe tho t t i r . g s not required
locally are sent to he&dqu&rtera, to bo
distributed In more populated places as
needed. So those who wish to help their
country can either crochet a baby's socks or
k o i t a pair for the father on active service.
Youts faithfully,
E. G. B. 1.
August 25tb, 1914.
Barnard Castle
v. Kirkby St ph.n.
The above match was plarcd on \hi P.alij).-' n .'t grouiulThc home team batted first, but started badly, losing
Docicrill and Southern with only 3 runs on the board. Upon
Sayer and Appleby eettinp toirether a (rood Hand waa made,
and «1 runs was added to the score, when Sayer w.13dismissed
for a nell-nlayod 5". With the score at Hi) Appleby
Wtl uiken in the lonr-field, having played a fruitless innings
of «9. With \i>! for t wickets the home side declared. The
visito-s commenced their icnincrs to the bowline; of Oal»ert
and Appleby, the latter dismissing; the first 3 batsmen for 11
runs, the whole side being oat for 59 runs. There were only
5 minutes to play when the *ast batsman came in, he being
dismiss d lirst bull. Appleby took 6 wiokets for 27 runs,
Calvert J for 23, and Saycr I for 3. Be ares :
Dockrill, c Bowes, b
Sayer.c Crag(rs,b Warwick 53
Southern, run out ... ... I
Appleby, c Bojnes, b
Calv. rt, b Warwick
... 0
Parkin, 'st Bowes, b
Arrow-smith, c Balmer, b
Watson, c Ba!mer, b
Hunter, b Boynes ...
Allir.soa, not out ._ ... 5
Wclford did not bat
Total 'for "J wickets) U2
Innimrs declared.
Wilkinson, b Appleby ... 9
Bowes, lbw. b Calvert .. I f
Warwick, eArrowsmith,
b Appleby .. .- ... 0
Crixzs, c Sayer. b Appleby 0
Boynes, c Parkin, b
™ 13
Harrison, b Appleby ... b
Gibson, c Arrowsmith,
b Calvert ..
_ i
Balmer, not out
Williamson, c Watson, b
Balmer, c Dockrill. b
Gibson, c Southern, b
Lxtras ... ... „. 7
Total 5U
The following is a record of this season's match played by
the Barnard Castle cricket club:
M r 8affit!2l Storey's views of tha war may bo
gathered from the following exicaisli trim &
letter of his, dated 12th Angast, 1914, w h i c h
probably acme of our readers may endorse : — I f
Property and Furniture Sale at
the country h i d listened t > L ^ r d R-vberts ; i f
the K-.'ise* hr.d kanwa f hac s liricic-.U ft.ciy *»f
500.000 trained and d i s c i p i i - e d mets c j n l d aud
The KaManae, w o coUages, paddock, etc.,
w.iuUl at ocoo htvfl ba*:a laniiod there, wonld
bare beets no invasion of Belgium, and n o g r e i t kuown ss " Wo >ds;-:d," Esgloston, were offered
war. I w r i t e t H s uofc a s a repBOftfth for the for sa'a by ftoetioa at the J.^use d a r i n g the
pasl, b u t f 8 a iescoa for the fntnre. I t is tho sa'e of f u r n i t u r e , which W M c;a lacked on
strong ra*u armed who possepseth his goods i n Thursday last by M r R. T. Handley,suctioneer,
Tto present crisis I n tbe
tiesco. A o d to p u j rasttwrs on the moa^esi of Darltrc.-.-ju
basip, i t it cheaper to expoor: stm-i millions to country i ffscted c i n s i l e r a b l y tVe competition,
propi,ro against war thaa to pour onl: U o o i which would o t b r r w i s ^ hava boon (^i-iacomlne.
Bi:d treasure ;,&d tears i n w ^ g i c g h ,
I do not An cpoiiiog b i of £300 was m v i e by M r
s h i r k this w i l i bo a seven weeks' w s r l i k a the Barkor, aad the p r o o s r t y was, therefore,
P?Ufr8o-Au8tri»t. war of 186C, or a seven mnatiut withdrav.c. The house commncds extensive
war Mko tLe Franc -Gatra^
war of 1870, i r views serosa the Tecs v&lioy, aad Is beauti­
even • throe years' one l i k e tha B?er war, bnw ful! v s U n i ' . i - i jas*. oat >t the v i l l a g e o l
a war of many campaigns. I p.3«aao that, *s E g - i c s t n u . For m v y year's i t was used as a
agsiost Napoleon i n the o'd days, the A Iliad summer res'Uerc • by tha late M r James A.
Powers w i l l pledge them?oives, none to make Hawsrd, of DarltegSou, aad I t bad been
a ecpsr&t* peace.
I aP3nroti, too, t h a t we, cprisider^.b'.y impr -red from time t o time w i t h
b»vii)g been d r i v o u to a most rigiitucus actio.), the result t L & t i t is cow an up-to-date home
Tho solicitor
w i l l b • • rue t-> the La --'t >.f :u- race, and not w i t h
desif.i ti'.I we. biiva r e n d « ^ e c Gormany p'jwer- sctiog or. behalf -ot the vondor wss M r J .
)css for miuchitf for fifty yeaT3 to o:me, or t i l l Iagraia D.^WSOP, B. rnard CasM».
our i l i g has gouo dov. n i t i blood and defoat. I f
t h i s bo ro* out solou-u parpos? "it w . s w.-rrso
Thorngate Mission.
than l o l l y to bJgiti.
The Emperor of Cu-nv r.y's Hcrisccpo.
A oorrespondont says: I t m i y icteresfc your
readers to know t h a t «;ar K i n g ho>s tba best
R o j M horoscope. Tho Etnporcr of Geimany's
horescopa foreCftStS U t t t he w i l l looo bis
kingdom avid die ^uddaoly, and t h a t t h o
Empress w i l l dla before him. V e r y f^w people
believe i u horoscopes, bat I give i t for what i t
is w o r t h .
A circular sens to d i s t r i c t representatives
by the Red Ctoss Society asks for kit-bags,
which are made of strong canvas, w i d t h 20
iocbe3, depth 21 inches, i n c l u d i n g t b p , or 15
inches vrcen closed.
A k i t - b t g should be cut
A very l a r g e l y attoniied meeting of t t ^
iu t w o pieoes—one piece 20 inches by 15 a g r i c u l t u r a l soolett's c c m i t t e e was held
inches, and tbe other 20 inches by 21 inches. on Saturday n i g h t , av Middloton, to minsUnT
I t should be bannd w i i n strong braid, and tbe this season's stow.—The Secretaries bad
flip tied i n t w o places w i t h the s i me braid. obtsicod informa'it'n ffo:n the North-Esstetn
Patterns may be obtained from M r s Carr Railway Company, w5o Here prepared to r u :
Ellison, 41, Prioco's G a t e ;
Selfridgo aud tbo exenrstocs as w s a j , and i t was decided
H-.T'-'tS, or tho BrUish Red Cross Society, to hold the :.• ".o-.v oa the
DavoiiBhire H mse, Picoadiliy. Particulars :— (September 5tb). There were c M a i n safeguards
Slippers (soft), socks (ono pair), p j jamas, msde for preserving tbo fuccs.
The. workiug
handkerchiefs (two), s h i r t , w i l t i n g paper expenses w i l l be c u i down to the I t ' ^ e a i
(iwolve sheets), envelopes, and indeltb'o possible item, r.nd tLe prize money w i l l be
psncil (in rubber b t u d ) , towel, comb, tooth subjeot to a reduction v>ro rata i f the reotirite
brush, nail brush, f . d epongo (in ?. small f a l l ; b n l , o n ' t o other h » i d , i t the t i t i n t ; s arc
spoug« b i g ) : i n packets of not Ict-s tnau six up, tbe surplus is to 1M; likuded over ;o tbe
to Red Croat Stores D e f o i , 83, P*ll M a i l , W., relief of distress caused by too war.
to ba marked full.
Specimens of Red Orvsa
pattarnr, made up, o.\u be seen at tbe Teesdale
Ac the P r i m i t i v e K e i u o d i s t Chsps;. H i l l Top,
Eaoh worker can Bead Egglestut*. an interesting children's o a s t s t i ,
garm^uvs or kit-bags when t i n e . - co ber e n t i t l e d •» Nature's voices," « u given
dlatries itpreeeutativo in her own centre
Suitda'': aftercooii by a n a n b e r of ebftdrea
from Mlddletoo P r i m i t i v e i ' f t t h - d l a f
M r J. W. C a t t l e w e i I , o t R f o a l J k i r k ,
The Work of the Red Cross Society.
presided. Too s ' j ; i o r i soeg.i w : r e w e l l j-.ccivsd.
duotih, ar.d choruses
To t i e Editor cf the '• Teesdale Mercury.*'
were also rendered by the }•«»>• g pecpi" i u •
DEAR SIR, - I am constantly asked to e x p h i n pioiisiog r a a n n e r . — i l r J . W, T i m p l c , of
the work of the Red Cross Society. After tho Boirleec, was the preacher a: tho e v e n l r g
essens 'earnt i n the South African War the service.
Rcui Cross Society wss organised in Its pieucut
I c r m to give sapflementarj aid to the naval
A pubic
eras aeid
and m i l i t a r y authorities for t i e sick and
Tcmiie'sr t a H»!;,
Middtatos, h s t IToflsrsdlJ
wounded i a time of war. Queen Aiex%udra
Lii'thc, to consider w h i t shcnl:> bo doce for tbe
h?.s alwajs taken the greatest ioterest i n the
soldiers and sailur3 ta active esrvico.
work, and men acd women have been patiently
chair was occupied by M • Watacu, and
t r a i n i n g for some years in first aidand nnrsing,
there w.-.a a fairly good
and the handling of wounded.
Now the
commitioe wtta ap^i>inted. consistiog o l tha
various detachments formed under the d i s t r i c t
ladies pr^scar,, w i t h Mi«s Doat r-.nd i l i s a
representatives stand at attention uati'. called
Hysiop (joint secretaries;, and M i s Isaac
up :n, as they are cflisially reo_>snisei as
Parkin (treasurer).
forming part of the T e r r i t o r i a l dafci..:o seketae.
A t a later stage oonvakocont bospttjis w i l l be
Speoia! sermon*
were praacbed at the
needed : that Is, homes adapted to tecolvn and
nurse those esses ftbie to leave the T e r r i t o r i a l Primitive Methodist: Chnrch, M i u d l j t o n . '. • t
hospitals and clear them for tha severely B u n t J o v aftsroona and evening, by M r R.
wounded. The society h v i thess fcospiUls and " W. Hail, of Toft H i l i .
boraca already noted, and the number of beds
B r i
w i t n
state that
at Windy
A Hygienic Frecsuticn.
A wrii'.er sends us the following : —A hT gienic '
measure r.'it often carried out in Kngland is to j
out a l l mattropses (except wire) w i t h pillows ;
and bolsters i n the sun : also any bedding, I
whether the b«ida are in uso nr not, t w o or I
three dars In August *nd Sep*"'"^ .' or any |
t'>a\n really between A p r i l and October, a^er
which the sun's power becomes rabbor weak.
~~^ -
j the P r e m i e r a
that S i r J o h n
ft B r i t i s h casualties i .P*
I m s as a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2
i h i c h have been g i v e n h1 '
aspect o f the s t r u g c r ^
Sa French official a c l o '
Belgium the B r i t i s h fo
sisted the G e r m a n s
' Y o r k s h i r e E v e n i n g Po?M
T E E S D A L E M E U C U K Y — W E D N E S D A Y , A U G U S T 26,1914
L i s t Sunday at teres j n M r R W. Y j n a g gave
an iddress i n the above plana on " The good
Ffght," and i,\ the evening preached, his
8u: j.-et b e i r g " The King's Boldlera." The
organists were I f r s Maskew and Miss R .
8irr pson.
The Recent Trap Accident at Cainford.
We are askod to say th»% th9 p a.y of Mias
Jit sham o l d not t ' i p or break Its knees
animal, we are i• -f.-rn: j d , bimply slipped on I t s
side on the tar-msc2^am r
and it m g g v s t i o u
is m*do th&ii mncft-need^d gravel or soil,
w b i c h is close by, m.ght be p u , upon the road.
I t is p?i<ited oat Shit tr-raes cccasi, oail> ,siip
at i h i s point. Needlcas to add t h a t we' are
v e r y eorry i f our iccounJ of the regrettable
accident was i n s i y w&7 ,nisl<:-r. V >.g. beoiuse at
all liiues sn?h is Very tat f r u a our indention.
Barnard Castla and district Amateur
Photographic Society.
A t a Mating -n FrldUy i » s t the wkicers i n
the recent Ci-aipctitloa received their awards.-Mr J. Appleby pr.-.a'.^ed, acd aftei- raferring to
the p r i n t s etterod foi- tbe ex mpeil'.Uin acd ala )
thv priz ML harcif-.d " V r i. a cup aau medal
to Miss Wilson, tha fiist priaa winner. He also
had 'iloa^ure i n luuiding over asl'.ver medal to
M r V. Uenier?on, whose p r i a t came second.
A aiatflaz awarJ was t.> M r T . W . Calvert,
whose p r i u t was t h i r d . The Chairman apoko
v i r y highly of the prograM of '.bo c i u b d u r i n g
tbo year.—It was <,Dnauaoed t.hat a general
mooting w i l i b3 held on Thursday, August
27th, at 7-30 p.m.. i " th-- c i a h - T , -.mi.
Specialist Explains Cause of Stomach
Vaiuabia Advice to Sufferers.
'• ?nore are !:•••»:.y diffdraut forsts of stomach
broaWe," said a vel!-!rnown E p c a i a l i s t recently,
**h iS pisct-ic^llv f-'i r»-e t ' » c e a b ! o t o excessive
a c l i i t y a t d f o ; d f f i — t a t i p * . That is w h y
the « » u l t s nhtafnai fr.ira the XXB--. vt drugs are
uaua'-'y si; cisspp intiea> A d m : t i c : fermcntati-ju a : l cocjcqucat M i i i t y ot tho food
aeotettta ha be tee u^der!>ine c*U"e o f moat
forms vt icdifiro»;'-io", i t naturally fellows t h a t
tho UEO o l a relish', •> utfeaold, su">h as the pure
b i s i i m f c i m*g-.H6i» which in wo ' r e q a e c t l y
prescribed ,iy p h y s i c i a n s , w i l l produce better
results t>.a-\ i\ny k i 6 w n d r n g
coiubiostion of
diuge. Accordir.g'y 1 abnost iavari&bly advise
those who C'jmplk ':. of digestive trouble to g e t
S'jrae bisuvaicd zisg-:.^3ia ciote the name care­
fully, as other forms >ro!table for t h i s
purpose) from their c'uombt, »:id take half-aFuneral of Ihe late Mrs James
te»spoonful of the ponder, or t w o 5-grain
compressed tablets, w i t h » t i t t l e water after
TuQ reraaics of the widow of the late M r monls. This, by immediately neu'^-lislnjr. t h e
James i'.ftioln idgs, foreauB o* the Luncdale a c i d and ets>ppi« £, t h - i ferToatation, lemoves
quarries, were l a i d to r.-st i n L?.ithkirk tbo csuse 11 a l l t i n t r t uble nd Insures normal
ctiurchyard on Friday last, A short service and hoaltby d i g a a t i m . "
wta held i n the B « w : « d Cgstle Wesley^n
S"or the baceftt of reat'ots i.-quiry has been
Cbspsl, conducted by the ttsv. J. Peorose
marie «mong»<t b i r . j l e b i m s t s , and v e learn
Uodgo^n (sucerintetident i i i i j i s t e r j , aseis^d
by M r R. W. Young (aabslcceT). After the that G C a r k u o i H»rkt.r, The B t l i o l Pharmacy;
service tho cortege j o u r n e j e d by road to M ? s o » ' s Cash D i n g Stor?e, 8 H<'r«s M a r k e t ;
L v i t h ' d r k . whera the b,idy was consigned to ?. B. I . • ilov. M a r k e t Piece; t n d R. W. Ralne,
its placo of sepulchre amidst every to of M a r k e t Place, and Middlo*on-ir.-To6Sdaie,
stcck pure btsuraterf magnesia i u tbe
sympathy and rospect.
A* the graveside ibe cow
last rites were administered by the Rev. J. P. form of powder acd 5-graiu compressed
Hcdgson, when the fc j m a . " Bock ot Ages," was tablets.
sung w i t h great foclit.g by fcho tnany rolatJTOE
Rtina*S F ,ot Rot Lotion Is y^od. I t c . u l d a ' t
•:ci friends woo b%d nee^mbied to pay t h e i r
last t r i b u t e to one who was so near ?tnd dear very well be better. BUT fcr tbe sako of
to theio.
The chief mouracrs v^era:—Mr c c a v e n i e n c wn now make i t i n the form of aa
Harry H. inbrldgs and Mins Mary Bainhridge ointment. I T IS ALSO GOOD, T R Y I T . I n
(son ?r '. daughter), M r and M K H . Richard­ ti.-s at 1/- f ach frcm Rair.e, Chemist.
son (daughter a::d soivio-law), M r aud M r s T.
S. Bainbridge (son sad dangLt-r-ie-law), M r
and M r s V/. Chapman (daughter and son-icBLANCHAfiDS PILLS
law). Cissle, Eva, and Alice (granddaujrhtezs),
M r George L,)::gst.>ff, Middlesbrough (brother), Are unrivalled forainrr^ularities, etc They spoediij aflotd
relief, and never iai! to alleTiate all futfv.r.ux.
M r W i l l i a m Lrngstaff, Baltbuirn-by-thc-Sea
They eaperwde Pennyroyal, PU Cecilia, Bitter Apple, etc.
(brother), M r s 8*r»iu Locgstsff,
Hishop BLANC HA HD'S » r o the b^st ot a l l ? i i i a tcr Women
Auckland (sicter-in-law). M i - s o d M r s Joseph Sold in boxes, la. l*d , by SOOTb' Braiich«j«, TAYLoU'ti
Brio bridge, Barnard Castle (brother p. ad Drug Company Branches, snd all CheniitU, or po#t free
same price, from
sister-in-lBW), and many relatives azd friends
LESLIE UARTYN, Limited, Chemists,
The bearers were four nephews—Messrs
James B»<abridge, W i l l i e BunbriH, o, Harry
Vri\< sample •''.lid valuablo Booklet, post rr*A. Id. stamp.
Bsinbrldge, and Hjirry Mortofk
The faaanil
arrangements w^re rucried c u t by Mesers
Large, fresh
s o c k 3 cf
U r i n e BrotherB, Mickleton ; and the mourning Medicines for C&t.lo. Foot Rot L o t i o n and
coaches wore supplied by M r Oliver and M r Ointment, Scour Cure, Sht^p Dips of a l l makes,
A t k i o , Barnard Cast'e.
Grease, Machli-e O i l , e t c , at R . W.
Rilne's, Chemist, Bernard Caatle.
Dt?ug'as, K-fl Id, l a d i t o James, aud Premier
M o t o r Cycles.
Old machines taken I n p a r t
payment". A u t o W h e e l a , £ l 0 10s. B e i t s , T y r e s ,
and L^mpr.—Watsoc, Ba>sard Castle.
L A D I E S .
j j W T l t , MARRIAGES, >^D DEATHS.
I t w i l l euro ItchU.g after use application ;
d e s t r o y s e v e r y form of Eczema; beals old
Heturn Thinks.
WoucfTs a t d Peres ; acts l i k e a c h a r m on Bad
Lees ; i:< infallible I t P i i e s ; p r 3 v e n t s Cuts THE
from E A S t c r i n g ; wi!t cure R i n g w o r m in a few
BRIDGE d. sire t } express rheir deepeac
da>s ; removes t h e most obstinate urn;
- thanks to e l ! k i n d friends for their kindneso
and Scarry. Boxes, 7 Id. acd Is." 1 i d .
and sympathy shown to them in t h e i r recent!
for Barnard Castle : Mason'* Drug Htoros,
sndder. bereavement, and i u tbo great loss
8, Horse M a i k c t . Middleton-in-Teeedale : i t .
they havo sustained through the death of
W. Rainc, Chemist.
t h e i r loving mother.