ttxtm. a - Community District Library
ttxtm. a - Community District Library
T/~vri TTXTM. A CORl'NNA. MICHIGAN, N0VEM8ER i4.1889. WHOLE NUMBER 519 THE CORUNNA JOURNAL, Minl eee+j fktn><*#|/ nvrttimj, UHH#, XXe ('9*n*.}t S<ut of at €«»'• 1'aVtf ««<t Out- roltecU»u mftmaU an* ge*er*l *fc?MPs. 6CRS0CH, .Filliktn. p Yea*, V3c ts> ix. months, forty Vwnta, three moDthi twenty cent*. mte* in e known at the c.ffiee flRSULASS FACILITIES FOR JOB & GeMMCRGlAL Dint, Grtid Hirat lUfastee Bi siowet will paBsOo*imtt*MfolI<*w»: N<» 4, Oetrnit Express 9rt S o 8, Evening Express, • •• * » 3 r , » , GOING w m . • No 1. Horning Express, • • »:& A. M. No 3, rnrougU Mail. 1:12 P.M. No S, Grand Uapids Expiws, Jj***-"* Ntt> 9, Night- Express, • * *:!• A . M. N'o. 4 make* connection rat DwnuwJ for a jM>Int«WMt<mtheO.&G. i'. No 8 makes close coun«<c?Won ,$ast. a««. ,,.jre«t PaftseageVs can also c**r~ tu« famous Ci:1« a«o sleeper b/takinic No. 8. ^ 3. 7, y «uid iad.-t.Uf. All otttft t*aiu* daily Hundny exempted. , j4 Am Arb i North l e i Rj on Ahi&w Tralna ttoi**: Hortti. ftxpr Pusetwr ttota* 9;fT, .......«:«P- «». , 6^o, «.m af Local Vpefefct J -Saffinaw I h t PftMtngertrains leave Dufaad »;3S a.m. and "i M p. m. For fltrttllwr • * • * Saginaw A J | ntenueuiaU) points. Train* run by Central Stasamnl Time,wkkft I e 3* mf uute» slower than common tlnrev Jjtfcul Trains are liable to be oaneeUcd. '\\ T. ' A. J.'FAiSLY Gen r a w . Act « LO(UL BREVITIES. —The, stores all close at eight o'clock now. — M i ' s . Jos. Root of Burns, vis'tifd •it Alex. McArthurs this week. * ---The Fentou Courier Is to be enlarged to a six CGlumn quarto. —Miss May Downey of. Vernon, visited Miss Laura Cole this week. —Frank Tucker on Monday, Tuesday ana Wednesday evenings. —Miss Florence Hughes is attending the Oakside school at Owosso. —Chas. Derham Is in Wyoming territory buying horses. —It is probable that an extra seasion of the legisiattue will be called before spring, —The Nettleton is the beat men's shoe on earth. Every pair sold by J. Collins is warranted. — —Prof. E. C. Taylor and wife have been giving sleight of hand performauces at the opera house all the week, closing last night* —Mr and Mrs. G. H. Jones and son, of Lexington, N. C , were the guests of Mrs. J.'s parents, Ihr. and airs, A. B. Ball, last week. ^Miss Grace Carmthers, a former student in the Conmna high school, recently closed a very successful term in the Stiiaivassee district. —Harper & Ilaney moved into tfcft store in Phoenix block, recently vacated by S. Knoll, on Holiday task If you want anything ixt the hardware line give them a call. —The chicken pie social given by the ladies of t&e Presbyterian chorea at the Mansard house last Tuesday evening wns a success from start lib finish. We did not learn the receipts. —The SL Johns water works were tested last week and six stream* weie thrown to a highth sufficient to reach the top of any building in town, with a pressure of sixty pounds from one engine. —Mrs. Parsons, of Detroit, has bee>i Visiting'relatives in this city. Mrs. javr Parsons enjoys the distinction of beorro&w, Jt/cir. ing the first lady ever elected school (Mice in Thomas Block, Opposite National Hotel. inspector in Detroit. She made our schools a pleasant visit on Monday. F H WATSON ODKL CHAPMAN —Tuesday niggit an unsuccessful atWATSON & CHAPBAN, Attameys and Cwnsetors «! Law. tempt was made to burglarize the safe t the X), L. & X. depot. Both out Over Second National Bank. OWTM£Q, Mich. aide doors were broken open and a window pried open that led to the ofPERCY SDWARDS, fice. The combination was blown off Attorney and Coimsdor at Law. but the safe was not opened.—Ilowell Herald. --& W; COOPER,—A Boston man wants ns to adverl Xoiary Public^ RaztEstate Agtnt, tise a n't cure and take medicine for pay. Fit cure is not a legal tender. OOKUNifA, MICE. We will take itch ointment and condition powders or anything we need, ATTORNEY AT LAW. but we don't want to have fits just to Office in Masonic Block, Byron, Mich. Uyl fill the paper with advertisments.— Concord Independent. S. S. MINSK. it A N D COUNSELOU A T LAW. —II M. Perrin, of St. Johns, has OOoe over 1st National Bank, Coranna^Mtcb. given the the $3,000 recently paid him by an eastern railroad, en account of his daughter Ella who was killed in a PHYSICIAN AAD SURGEON, railway i-ccident a few months ago, to build a puu*c vault in the St. Johns OORCKNA, MICH. cemetery to belong to the association Omci opposite and be known as the Ella vault. Jan. M. Goodell, —Thanksgiving falls on the 28th. this jrear. —Good wood is coming in very plentifully these days. —Thero wao an excursion to Detroit to-day. But few went from here —WiHl Bradstreet is breaking a fine pair of yearling colts for C. J. Gale. —L. II. Wilcox has been oii the sick list for the past week. —An increase of pension has been granted B. P. Chambers of Bancroft. —John Canavan dropped dead at his home in Owosso on Sunday of last w r e e k . • - ." '.•••• —Isew stained glass winuows have been placed in the Baptist church in this city. —Mrs. Henry Cameron of Montuorency county visited her son in this city last week. —Rev, J. W. McGrath of Lapsing, and Rev. Wright of Saginaw visited Corunna last Friday, —Two civil cases between Bancroft parties were tried before Justice Welch last Thursday* • —Tod Kincaid starts on Monday for a combined business and pleasure trip to Oklahoma. —About every joint in the water pipe laid by Myers & Son at Owosso is found to be leaking when it is uneov—Frank Tucker and company played at Lansing last week and the daily papers of thaVcity gave him very flattering notices. —BobertParsell, a well known hotel keeper and business man of Flushing, died Nov. 7tu. He leaves a teigc family of grown vp children. —Shiawassee county gets $6,657.04 of the interest of the state primary school fund. The total amount distributed is $464,614.86. —Married, Oct. 81; by the Rev."I. K. Spencer at his residence, Mr. Theo. W. Hose to Mrs. Mary Chase, both ofSbiawassee county.—Cheaanjng Argus. . —Two Vernon htinrods were arrcs ted anu brouglit before Justice Weldi last Friday cbnrged witht----sbcst,ia^ijuiil. The jury disagreed and his honor discharged the prisoners. —The first of a series of parties to be given by the "Krank Klub" was given last Thursday night and it was very enjoyable for ^m who participated. ; —Saturday wa>V the birthday of county treasurer Mason and his back aches yet when he thinks of the flogging he received ou that day. In the afternoon a number of his friends met at his omce aud presented him with & fine clock. — J o h n LuckhursL the complainant in the conspiracy case against; Melvin Dyer and Thos. Hayes, has had a deal of trouble since the commencement of that case. Two of his horses have been nearly ruined by having acid thrown on them, three horses have been poisoned two of them dying, one cow, two hogs and a number of his sheep have been killed. Mr. L offers a reward of $160 for the detection of the guilty parties. PRANCIS It. BOBELLT, —The new Methodist church iu the —While superintending the switchAttorney and Counselor at LAW, northern part of Venice township was ing of some cars at the C. & G. T. Office Over Kinoe's Store> Corunna BOCTOR W. S» JOSES. Speciml attention gir«n to Dtsaase of Women and Cblidtvn, •rntioni K?OLLKTOBE. KO WA SO, <?KO. A. GVLli, HOWARP 4 BOLD. AT*»RW«TS AT LAW. WUl attend till terns <>t fthiawuwee Circuit Coart rixsnr> . . . » MICHIGAN* President. | Vlee Caskier, A. T. NTCROLS. I Vi. dedicated with appropriate ceremonies last Sunday. Presiding elder Smart preached the sermon and the Corum A M. E. choir famished the music. The building cost nbout $1200 ard $400 oL! that sum WHS unprovided for but was subscribed that day so the church was dedicated free from debt. —The examination of Joseph Coughlin for taking money from the perron of Wm. Murphy was held Monday, Nov. 4th, before Justice Byerly, and resulted in his being bound over for trial in the circuit court. It seems that Murphy came to town with a load of wheat and after selling it fell in with some boon companions and got full and while in that condition the money, about thirty dollars, was tak* en from his pocket,—Reporter. yards at this place Thursday afternoon conductor Thos. Schun WHS struck on the head and seriously injured by a heavy pole used to push cara on the side track. The pole slipped in some way andflewwith such force that Mr. Scbun was unconscious for some time. —Isaac Upthegrove, a brakemah or. the C. & 6. T. had his feet badly hurt and was otherwise a good doal shaken up at this point Tuesday morning. He waft on top it the train setting brakes in response to a signal from the engineer, and having set several at them be was running to another AS he supposed, »nd the train being broken in two be nw oft the rear c*r, Striking on his feet fund breaking none of tb* bones and straining them fearfollr.— Durwsd Express •—Mrs. i v l k i v l d y ? coal stove fur snlft. rru-e"$U•••'. '—Miss Alice;. .Muyiinrd hv t-vV. the O*ik Gi'ovo school. I h m : south-east of this city. —Mrs. CliuMi A. Gould of (j w o stn. M l througii «•defective; sidouuik urd'uy stnd broke oue of he): ie^.s. — T h e case of Wikleynialn .vs. (,'oie, appeal from. Shiawusses circuit been atfirjuedi)j- Um tinpn-.wh Court. —M.'Brown has u !M!nib<.r o. (:>nyx.e engravings, which nicely ir:itii«<. v.iil make elegkut holiday pres«.nts. Auk --•8uu8crit>e f • \>.A- issue. —-Mrs. Jorry ^ ! tt^;ty sirk for several v,>e,s. —The? Coruiimt Cii'w •ittended ti»e fin <-.; --'. try ()'. p., <). S. Smith <.t —Chester A l'arn>etev o West •Branch. Mich. nndLouisa A. MYufcottof Perry w«re married by Rev.t ;;ss; Kov. ISth. —-The ladies society of the M. E. church will give a ten cent t**a «t the to see them. residence of John Faurot next Friday" —Chas. Peacock wasJuoiiie over Sun- afternoon. Tea served from iive td day. He is greatly pleasm WiUi his seven. new location at Lapeev. lie will not —A very pleasant social event c&the move his family until spring. off at the residence of S. Ferris in Cal—Byron D Black or Buncroit was edonia on Wednesday p. m. Nov. 6.examined at Lansing htst \\*mk before Some thirty or more invited the state board of piiannacicts and li- met there about two o'clock to censed W dispense dru^s. tlie marriage of Mr. Geo. M. Beenaer, —Geo. Evans on Mouday that be of Kewberry, Micb., to Miss Tlieda M/ ing his nineteenth biiriiiday received Ferris. The ceremony that made an eiegunt gold watch and chain from oue was performed at 2:80, Rev J. B. F. B. Welch. Goss officiating. Aftercongnitnlatin^ —The Young People's society of the happy couple the company were Christian Endeavor will give a social invited to the ample dining room* next Wendesday evening, JNov. 20,. at where a bontiful diaucc was served the residence of A. R. McBride, Esq. such as the hostess of tUc house is proficient in providing. The bride Everybody is cordially invited. and groom left on the evening train to —The Corunna W. C. T. U. will be vi3it Mr. Beecaer's people of Homed represented at the district W. ft T. IL for a few days and then they go to convention which will be held in St. their future home in Newberry. May Louis, Tuesday and Wednesday of joy and peace go with them. next week, A Itemoreat gold medal "T J» 8. contest will be part ef the prognun. —The suit against the city of Ann The following named gentlemeii Arbor for $10,000, brought oi* the allegation that the injuries which final- nave been drawn to serve as jurors at ly resulted in the recent death of judge the December term of the circuit ••.» "•• .-; • Soslyn were caused by the fall on a c e s r t : Citf defective sidewalk, has been discon- Lawrence H a m b l i n . . . . . Owosso u 1«* H . K n a p p , . ** tinued. C. Hi Calkins ...'. Perry tvush —Frank Tanker's Metropolitans axe Wm. Galloway Shiawa&see to play here the first three nights of L Topping John Cram Sdota next week. Mr. Tucker and his com* Asa Caldweli Venice pany are always warm favodties here II. B. McLaughliu Tertton Woodhull and should have larger houses than 1). Marsh. . . ; ^ , . . Antrim «v?.r a* lie hua tmw plays, a nd «trrie« Willis W. SmJiU! Jerome Markham .. . . . . . Benniugtou his own baud, orchestra and scenery. Byron S. Foskei , Burns —Chns, Herrick, wlio Js living ou Jesse Parting Caledonia . .Coninna the AVheeKock farm, died very sudden- Wm Whitley. " jj-list Tucsday^f icr::coK of heiaorhage John Hicks.. . . . . . . . . . . u John Stowell... „ of the 1 tings, In the forenoon he was Byron Gates FairfieId tit town immediately upon reaching Frank Featherly . . . . . . . . . .ihizleLou home he was taken with the hemorliage E. G. C r a s s w e l l . . . . . . . . . . . New Haven .Xew Ilaveu which resulted in his death. Vie leaves Hiram Bussell /A. C. Crane ; , . . . . . . ....Owosso a wife and child.—iSaucroft Advertiser Harry T i t c o m b . 7. . . . . . . . .OWORSO City -4 " —The Even ing Journal Monday Geo. McClintock «, .Perry evening contained the following de- A. G. Durant spatch from New Lothrop; About 1,0000 people attended the funeral of Geo. Speers and Issaac Wood, the young menwno were saffocat'ei! by «»s in a well which was being bored near hear. It is considered that both deaths was a result of carelessness. No precautions whatever were taken to ascertain whether there was gas in the well or not and even after it became certain that Speers was unconcious, Wood was allowed to decend without having a rope fastened to him Much indignation prevails. Greel Speers, the owner of the boring machine, \s completely prostrated. Lyoeam PregrriM. The following is tlie program carried out at the last meeting of the high school lyceum; Prayer, Rev. J. B. Goss. Solo with violin accompaniment, Mr. Brown and Miss Franc Mitchell. Original Story, -The Earliest History of the Shiawa*'«e," Winnie Wilcox. Prize essay contest, "Faces" Minnie Bagin, Annie Parker. Harp Solo, Helen Holman. Dialogue,"Wealth and Fashion,'' Evan Evans and Grace Eveleth. Medley quotations, Ada Parker Quartette, Ada Parker, Luln Nichols, Crpha Marshal aud Grace Eveleth. Debate: Resolved, "That the Government of the United State* did wrong in not inflicting the death penalty on Jeff Davis and the other prime movers of the rebellion." Aff., J. Knight and Maggie Touftg; Neg., Samuel Fields and Lulu Nichols. Solo, Mrs. Weeden. Recitation. Louise Pond. Instrumental Solo, MerUe Rice. Oration, "Professional Women," Grace Wilcox* Paper, Bertha Parsons, Duet, Lfllie and Laura Aspenleiter. The judges ia the prlxe **"a? costest f*Ye Miss Anna Parker first and she was ptwented a took by Ber. J. B. Goa»a»anrlte, The jury disagreed in the d e d d w ontimMm*** 9*Ca11 on 4femeronBioe. for your tobaoeo imd cigars. —Hon. O. S. Smith died at his home in Owosso last Monday aged 50 years. He was a native of Ohio; came to Michigan in 1854; cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln; served in the First and Fourth Michigan Infantry, and as nn officer in the One Hundred and Twenty-thiid United States colored troops; was for three terms supervisor of Locke, Ingham county, aud for three terms supervisor at large from Owosso city; in 1888 was elected representative in legislature from the second disXrict of Siu*w**»ee county as a Republican: served as member of the committees on elections, horticulture and judicary; when the session was half finished became mentally deranged and taken to Traverse asylum front which be was taken to his home in a few months nnbeneftted and glowry failed until his (tenth. The fatteraj wm* held in Owosto yesterday* *nd wt# very largely attended. The O. A R, and I. O. O. F. to which organiza- iHrCamerai Bros, sell drugs cheaptions he befattgeti turned out in forte. et tba& the is such a thing as Christian curiosity. r and the worm, even from everlasting to I mi rainy shifted, hj d»7 auu by i SOUTHtKN WArt Paul had it and some of us have i.t. everlasting, thou art (*od.n How •to the vvt«l ]>ositions. About other people's business I have no short, is human life, what aa- Thmj Are Seldom H«nrd Now Ercn In th* Another fact that will be brongbtout Old glftve Slat***. Sermon by K«»v. T. De Witt Tal- curiosity. About all that can confirm tiquity attaches to its worth! However* by these volumes will be the slight imI was in a music store on Wabash my faith in the Christian religion, and the lasting in God! Show us the antiquities, • mage, D. D. world's salvation, and the soul's future the things that were old when America avenue. The head man haailed roe a portance of the gap left iu the Union happiness, I am full of all-absorbing, ^-as discovered, old when Paul went up vohuno entitled "War $ongs, Kcrth right by the moving to the left of FmoTs Early Pll^rlma^c as Belated tn th« Wood's division. This has been harpall - compelling curiosity. Paul and down those streets sight-seeing, old and South." Act* of the Apo*tl«4 Farnishen » 1 ed u$»on as the pivotal event of the bathad a great curiosity about the next when Christ was born. I must,I-must ^•Strange,' h&.said<, j_'h.o.w.seldom one T*dit for the Brooklyn tfs-e»cber world, and so have we. I hope some tle. The breaking- of our right wing also see Rome; in the Eternal City. hears a Southern war song now. It i*» day, by the grace of God, to go over and Another reason fpr our visit to this 30 rare that one is called for that the was caused by something more posiTho text for iha recent sermon in see for myself, but not now. No well city is that we want ik, ieo the places more call always makes an impression tive in its nature. This was the treEoine, Italy, by Dr. Taimage was from nan, no prospered man, I think, wants where the inightest intellects and the on ma. I suppose that all of the South- mendous attack by Longs treet, with the latter '"•"portion of the twenty-first to'go now. But the time will come, I greatest natures wrought for our Chris- ern war sonffs that were written only brigades massed in columns. He says •erse of the nineteenth chapter of Acts: think, when I shall go over. I want to tian religion. We have been told iu no single line on earth could have re*'I must also see Rome." The preacher see what they do there, and I want America by some people of swollen he&ds "Dixie' and *My Maryland' survive, es- sisted i t Whether it struck the alleged to see how they do it. I do not that the Christian religion is a pusillan- pecit ly in tho North. Indeed, I found •aid: want to be looking through the gates imous thing-, g-ood for children under sev- that to be true when I was South a year gap or a single line of troops, is a matHere is Paul's itinerary. He ^vas a ter of no significance. Bragg had at traveling or circuit preacher. He had ajar forever. I want them to swing wide en years of age and small-braiueu people, ago. 1 do not know why it is, and I do Chickaraauga 20,000 more men than open. There are ten thousand things I but not for the intelligent and swarthy not know that it is, but it seems so, heen mobbed and insulted, and the more want explained—about you, about myminded. We have heard of your Con- that & sort of Lethean wave has swept Rosecrans. This is what struck our good he did the worse the world treated self, about the government of this world, stantine the mighty, who pointed his over nearly every thing that was idol- right—a phalanx of 10,000 men coming him. But he went right on. Now he about God, about every thiDg. We start army to the Cross, saying: "By this ized or made of io the South. I was think-) in successive waves, and aimed at a proposes to go to Jerusalem ar-d says: in a plain path of what we know, and in conquer."' If there be any thing here ing about it the other day. I have been spot where a single line would not op"After that I must also see Rome." Why a minute come up against a high wall of connected with his reign or his military pose to them more than 1,500 men* - did hs want.,to./visit this wonderwhat we do not know, I wonder history, show it to us. The mightiest a music publisher ever since I was nine- Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. ful city in which I am to-day permit, teen years old. and of course it has ted to stand? '*To preach the Gos- how it looks over there. Somebody intellect of the ages was the author of been my business to keep track of all pel," you answer. No doubt of it; but kills me it is like a paved city—pavea my text, and, if for the Christian religShe Staid in the Union* there were other reasons why he wanted with gold; and another man tells me it ion he was willing to labor and suffer popular songs. In rummaging my recJudge Underwood, of Belleville, HL, to see SoinCi -A--.iii»u.:;.pf Paul's intelli- is like a fountain, and it is like a tree, and die, there must be something ex- ollections 1 fell to thinking of some and it is like a triumphal procession, and alted, and sublime, and tremeuuoaa in old Southern songs which used to be on was a gallant soldier in the Confedergence and classic taste haA fifty other the next man I meet tells me it is all it; and show me every p]ace he visited, reasons for wanting to see it. Your figurative. I really want to know, after and show me if you can where he was every body's lips. I remember a very ate army. He was on tbe entertain* Colisetun was at that time in process of the body is resurrected^ what they wear tried, and which of your roads leads out popular Southern War song, the title of ment committee at the recent soldiers1 erection* and he wanted to see i t The and what they eat, and I have an to Ostia, that I may see where he went irMsh was, T m a Good Old Rebel.' reunion in that city, and discharged Forum was even then an old structure, immeasurable curiosity to know what out to die. We expect before we iinish Ever hear that? it was written by the his duty so well that every body took and the eloquent apostle wanted it is, and how it is, and where it is. journey to xm. l a k e Galilee and the literary editor of a Baltimore paper him for an old G. A. R. veteran. Oc 4o see that building in which eloquenc Columbus risked his life to find -the this where Simon Peter and Andrew after the war. His. name was not the second day he was approached by a had so often thundered and vrept. Over American continent, and shall ws shud- places fished, aatl perhaps we may drop* pet or a* printed on the music, and I do not now soldier who asked: the Appian Way the triumphal prooes- der to go out on a voyage of discovery hook line into those waters our* recall it -The Bonnie Blue Flag* has **What regiment was you in F* «ions had already marched for hundreds which shall reveal a vaster and more selves,and been furled and laid away in the dust but when following the track of "The Thirty-seventh Georgia!* reof years, and he wanted to see that. The brilliant country? John Franklin risked those lesser apostles I will learn quite of years. It was one of his prettiest of plied the Judge. temple of Saturn was already an an- his life to find a passage between ice- another lesson. I want while in this "Georgia! Georgia.1" mused the vettiquity, and he wanted to see that. The bergs, and shall we dread to find a pas- city of Borne to study the re- Southern airs. Then there was a popular piece of music in Virginia and the Architecture of the world-renowned sage to eternal summer? Men in Switzof the brainiest of the apostles far Southern States which I never eran; "didn't that State go out of the city, he wanted to see that. The erland travel up the heights of the ligion to follow, M f*r as we heart out West It was called *StOne* Union?" places associated with the triumphs, the Matterhorn with alpenstock, and Ican want "No, sir," was the prompt reply. t^ace it, the track of this great in- JimU Jackson's Way.' If yon Avere cruelties, the disasters, the wars, the guides, and rockets, and ropes, and, tellect The veteran looked puzzled for i m o * of my text who wanted to see military genius, the poetic and the getting half-way up, stumble and fall Borne also. ever in a Southern parlor and asked ment and then moved off to headquarHe was a. logician, he waa rhetorical fame of this great city, he down in a horrible massacre.- They metaphysician, he was » poet the young lady to play you know as ters. He soon returned with a triwanted to see them. A man like Paul, just wanted to say they had been on the aof the highest type. . He had a nature well as I th&i she opened with 'Tho umphant expression of countenance, • o many sided, so sympathetic, so emo- tops of those peaks. And shall we fear that could swamp the leading men of Mother's Prayer.' It was written by a saying: tional, so full of analogy, could not have to go out for the ascent of the eternal his own day, hurled against the S t Louis girL I can't think of her "Why, Colonel, yotsf re mistaken; "been indifferent to the antiquities and hills which start a thousand miles be- Sanhedrim heand made tremble. He name, but I remember that she was a Georgia did go out of, tho Union." the splendors which move every rightly yond where stop the highest peaks of learned all he could it the school of captivating secesh girL I never heard organized human being. And with w#*t the Alps, and when in that ascent there his native village, lathen "No she didn't,1' replied the Judge; he had thrill of interest he walked these streets is no peril? A man doomed to die gone to a higher school and there u in the North. When I was in New "but she tried—hard to do It"—St. Orleans a year ago I asked a Southern Louis Republican. those only who for the first time like stepped on the scaffold and said in joy: had mastered the Greek and lady if she knew it. She said she ourselves enter Borne can imagine. If "Now, in ten minutes I will know the the Hebrew perfected himthe inhabitants of all Christendom were great secret," One minute after the self in b e l l e sand didn't, and then I remembered that she - l e t t r e s until in National G. A. R. Officers. Jptthcred into one plain, and it Were put vital functions ceased the little child after years had grown up since the song was writhe astounded the to them which two cities they would that died last night knew more than The official roster of National officer* ' . • .. _......''• and the Corinthians, and the ten. ; s above all others wish to see, the vast Paul himself before he died. Friends, Cretans, of the Grand Army, announced in gen••Did yon ever hear how 'My MaryAthenians, by quotations from their majority of them would vote Jerusalem the exit from this world, or death, if own authors. 1 have never found any land' came to be written? I don't know eral order No- % is as follows: CommanAnd Rome. you please to call it, to the Christian is thing in Carlylc, or Goethe, or Herbert that 1 am telling yc-a asy thing new. I der-in-chief. Russel A. Algers, Detroit* 5*o we can understand something of glorious explanation. It is demon- Spencer that could compare in strength heard it was written by James Randall, Mich.; senior vice comma&der-in-chief, the record of my text and its sunvund- stration. It is illumination' It is or beauty with Paul's epistles. I who U, if I am informed correctly, ed- A. G. Weissert, Milwaukee. Wis.; junior It; in the opening do not think there Is any thing in iting a paper in Georgia, l i e was in vice commander-in-chief, J. F. Lovett, ings when it says Paul purposed in the sunburst. of all the windows. It is the writings of Sir William Hamilspirit when he h&d passed through Macecamp one night and couldn't sleep'on Trenton, N. J.; surgeon general. shutting up the catechism Qf doubt and donia and Achaia to go ta Jerusalem, ton that shows such mental discipline as account, of numerous attacks by para- Horace P. Porter, Oneida, Kan.; chap•Haying: "After that I must also see tho unrolling of alVthe scrolls of pos^ you find in P»«F« argument about justi* Home." As some of you are aware, with ttive and accurate information. Instead fication and resurrection. I have not ultc^. A* he tossed to ami fro uie laln-in-cMef. W. H. Childers, Tallesboro, Ky.; adjutant general, George K. my family and only ios; title purpose of of standing at the foot of the ladder found any thing in Milton finer in the lines: 44 Tbe <le«poVa becMt on thy shore. Hopkins, Detroit, Mxch., quartermaster what we can learn end the good we and looking up it Is standing at the way of imagination than X canfindin Maryland, my Xaryltnti, general, John Taylor, Philadelphia. « a n g e t , I a m o n the way to Palestine. _top- of the-isjrMer *vn*i looking d<?wn.- It His toucb ti at thy temple's door, I V ; iuspector general, Lewis EL GrifSisce leaving Rrcofclyiii ^ z f r . rtUJr la- is the last mystery token out of botany, Pn.tl1 V < liimtratlrtnt A rown fr/jnj t.ha am.. 4 phitbeater. There was nothing in and geoloyy, and astrology, and the first place we have stopped. Inter'It was an inspiration, and very soon fith, Troy, N. Y.; judge advocate gsbmediate cities are attractive, but we theology. Oh, will it not be grand Robert Emmet pleading for his life, or ii was being sung all arou&g the camp. eral, D. R. Austin, Toledo, (X; assist* have visited them in other years; and to have all questions answered? in Edniund Burke arraigning Warren The music is that of the old German ant adjutant general, Jamea X. Starperpetually recurring in- Hastings in Westminster hall, that com- volk&ong beginning: •we hasten on, for I said before starting The ling, Detroit, Mich. point changed for pared with the scene in the court-room that while I was goivg to see Jerusalem terrogation *"Q, Taoaebaum: O, Tanoeftaamr I must alao see Rome. Why do I want the mark of exclamation. All riddles when, before robed officials, Paul bowed which is, I believe, in English. RANDOM SHOTS. to see it? Because I want, by visiting solved. Who will fear to go out on that and began hid Speech, saying: "I think ** *O, Hemlock Trpe, O, Hemlotk Tree, regions associated with the great discovery, when all the questions are to myself happy, King AgTippa, because I How faithful are tty br&nche» " THE birthday of Abraham Lincoln Ap36tto to the Gentiles, to have my be decided which we have been dis- shall answer for myself this day." I re" My Maryland' is still popular" in has been selected by the Sons of Vetfaith in Christianity confirmed. There cussing all our lives? Who shall not peat, that a religion that can capture a the South, and was the post inspiring erans as one of the days upon which to are those who will go through large ex- clap his hands in the anticipa- man like that must have some power in of all Southern airs."—Chicago commemorate the services of Union penditure to have their faith weakened. tion of that blessed country, if it. It is time our wiseacres stopped talk* soldiers, and is to be known as Lincoln ing as though all the brain of the In my native land I have known per- it be no better than through world were opposed to Christianity. day. sons of very limited means to pay fifty holy curiosity? As this Paul of my text THE OFFICIAL RECORDS. GEXEIUI, RUSSELL A. Ai-GEK, the recents or one dollar to hear a lecturer did not suppress his curiosity we Where Paul leads we can afford to I am glad to know that What thmr Hare to Say About tW Chlek. cently-elected commander-in-ehief of 'ippoye that our Christian religion need not suppress ours. Yes, I have follow. is a myth, a dream, a cheat, a an unlimited curiosity about all religious Christ has, in the different ages of the Che Grand Army, can afford and prolie. On the contrary, I will give all things, and as this city of Rome was so world, had in His disciplesbipga Mozart poses to give a large amount «f bin The first volume of tb* official the thousands of dollars that this intimately connected with apostolic and a Handel in music; a Raphael and a records of the battle contains time during the coming year ta matj^nzrney of my family will cost to have times, the incidents of which emphasize, Reynolds in painting; an Angeio and a ters pertaining- to the order. B e will •Additional evidence that our Christain and explain, and augment the Christian Canova in sculpture; a Bush and a the reports of the Uniott army, endeavor to visit each departmesfe eareligion is an authenticated grandeur, a religion, you will not take it as an evi- Harvey in madicine; a Grotius and a aoA much important new material. campment. in statesmanship; R Opinion has greatly changed as to the solemn, a joyous, a rapturous, a stupend- dence of a prying spirit, but as the out- Washington THE SOU* of Veterans, at their recent and a strategy of the Chickatnauga camous, a magnificent fact. So I wanttosee bursting of a Christian curiosity when I Black?toti<v a Marshall Kent in the law, and the time paign. That of Brag-g is admitted to National encampment,,.took initiatory Home. I want you to show me the places say I must also see Rome. will come when the religion of have been able and dangerous. That steps toward the establishment of perconnected with apostolic ministry. I Christ will conquer all the observatories have heard that in your city and Our desire to visit this city i3 also in- and universities, and philosophy will, of Rosecrans, with increasing clearness, manent headquarters at Washington. .amid its surroundings apostles suf- tensified by the fact that we want to be appears to have been both able and D. C The idea is to purchase ground fered and died for Christ's sake. My confirmed in the feeling that human life through her telescope, behold the morn- successful. and erect a building suitable for the <5omiuon sense tells me that people do is brief, but its work lasts for centuries, ing star of Jesus, and in her laboratory It has been contended that Rosecrans, grand officers and arrange for to* prenot die for the sake of a falsehood. Tb tj indeed forever. Therefore, show us the sees that "all things work together for servation of records, etc may practice a deception for the pur- antiquities of old Rome, about which we good," and with her geological hammer after forcing Bragg out of ChattanooA COMPACT has been incorporated ?n pose of gain, but put the sword to their have been reading for a lifetime, but discern the "Rock of Ages." Oh, in- ga, by the movement, far extended to Washingtca,. IX C , for the purchase heart, or arrange the halter around never seen. In our beloved America yt stead of cowering and shivering when the south* atgainst the Confederate left the skeptic stands before us and talks flank and rear, should at once have con- and occupancy of a larga tract of l&ud their neck, or kindle the fire around have no antiquities. A church of religion as though it were a centrated his army in Chattanooga. in Virginia, including the Held of Aptheir feet, and they would say my eighty years old overawes us with •life is worth more than any thing its age. We have in America some ca- pusillanimous thing—instead of that let Probably thi» is true. It is also true pomattocc Ono of tbe incorporstors is I can gain by losing it. I hear thedrals hundreds and thousands of U9 take our New Testament and read that after the concentration in Chatta- General S. S. Burdett, formerly iu comyou have in this city Paul's dungeon, years old, but they are in Yellowstone the story oi Paul at Rome or come and nooga Rosecraas should immediately mand ol the Grand Army ol the Re^how it to me. I must see Home also. Park, or California*! canyon, and their see this city for ourselves and learn that have fortified ttit> place and acted on public^ The capital stock i&|250,000. "While I am interested in this city be- architecture and masonry were by the it could have been no weak Gospel that the defensive. But his orders from THE presentation of flags to public cause of her rulers or her citizens who Omnipotent God. We want to see the actuated such a man, but that it is as an General Halleck, dated September 11, schools appeai-s to be getting con•aj-e mighty in history for virtue, or vice, buildings, or ruins of old buildings, all-conquering Gospel. Aye! for all ages 1868, were as follows: tagiotts, and several posts are followor talents, Romulus, and Caliguli, and that were erected hundreds and the power of God and the wisdom of "After holding the mountain passes ing ia the wake of U. S. Grant posts of Cincinnatus. and Vespasian, and Corio- thousands of years ago by human God unto salvation. ©ii ilia west, and Dalton, or some other Brooklyn and Lafayette of New York: lanus, and Brutus, and one hundred hands. They lived forty or seventy Men, brethren and father: I thank others whose names ave bright years, but the arches they lifted, you for thia opportunity of preaching point on the railroad, to prevent the city. This movement was started by "with an exceeding brightness, or tbe paintings they penciled, the the Gospel to you that are at Rome also. return of Bragg'a army, it will bo de- Meade Post of Rochester, which with tho deepest dye, most sculpture they chiseled, the roads they The churches of America salute you. cided whether your army shall move sented regulation flags to every school -of all am I interested in this laid out, I understand, are yet to be Upon you who are, like us, strangers in farther south into Georgia and Ala- ins the «ity. city because the preacher of Mars Hill, seen, and we want you to show tlxem to Rome, I pray the protecting and jour- batn.a." THE Union artny during the war of and. the defter of AgTippa, and the hero us. I can hardly wait until Monday neying care of God, Upon you who are Thus it happens that if Rosecrans had tbe rebellion had on it* rolls 2,843,000: of the shipwrecked vessel in the break* morning. I must also see Rome. We residents here I pray grace, mercy and marched his whole army through Chat- Tbe Confederate armies bad on their crs at Melita, and the rran who held want to be impressed with the fact that peace, from God our Father und the tanooga he must have continued, a& rolls l,«>52,000. Of the Union army Mgher than any one that the ^orld what men do on a small scale or large Lord Jesus Christ. After tarrying here ordered, to pursue Bragg as far south one-fourth. 700,000v still survive, of *vor saw tbo torch of resurrection, lived, scale last* a thousand years, lasts for- a few days we resume our journey for as Dalton. In this case he would still Trhoiu 400,000 are enrolled in the Grand ind pre*tched, and was massacred here. ever, that we build for eternity and that Palestine, and we shall never meet &how me every place connected with his we do so in a very short space of again, either in Italy, or America, «c have been caught in tbe attitude of pur- Army of the Republic At least 350,000 what is called the Holy Land, but there suit when Bragg suddenly concentrated jncmory. I must also see Rome. time. God is tho only old living pres- is a holier land, and there we may meet, "the whole Confederacy against him. Confederates live to recount the stories of hardship, peril and want ence. But it is an old age without any But my text suggests that in Paul of the infirmities or limitations of old saved by the grace that in the same way Perhaps the result would have been GENERAL OBDEB N a 1, issued by there was the inquisitive and curious age. There is a passage of Scripture saves Italian and American, and there better, perhaps -worse for Rosecrans. Annie Wittenriyer, National President spirit. Had my text only meant that he which speaks of the birth of the mount- in that iujwrnal clime, after embrac- The order to poratie was wrong. The Woman's Relief Corps, established wanted to pse*ch here he would have ains, for there was a time when the ing Him who, by His sufferings on disposition th*t Rosecrans madeforthe said so. Indeed, in another place, he Andes were born, and the Pyrenees were the hiil back of Jerusalem, made pursuit was apparently the best. There headquarters at Allegheny, teat*. All declared: "I i'am> ready to preach born, and the Sierra Nevadas were our Heaven possible, and given saluta- was nothing in it even to prevent a official correspondence must be sout Private letters can be tb« Gospel to you who are at born, but before tbe birth of those tion to our own kindred whose departure sufficiently rapid concentration of his there. bruke our hearts on earth, wo »k«U, I mailed to No. 1,018 Arch Btreet, PhilaBone also." But my text suggests mountains, the Bible.tella us, God was army in any event except the unforethittk, seek out the traveling preacher delphia, where they will reach the A sight-seeing. This man who had born, aye, was nftynt bom at all, because been undo? IK*. Gamaliel had s o H-: always exibtea,. Psalm x c , S: "Be- And trighty hero of the text who marked seen blunder of a corps commander a& president. Woman's relief corps desirlack of phraseology, and was used fore the mountains were brought forth, out? his journey through Macedonia and to roacta. Even after this mistake, ing supplies will send all orders to to saying exactly whftf he meant, and or even thou fcadat for«r».l the **rth Achaia to Jerusalem, saving: "After I costing days, occurred, the army was Armilla A. Cheney, National Treasurer. a*v* been there 1 mvM also see B fy concentrated J *»& "I Most %\a* * » Bone.'1 There UNDER ITALIAN SKIES. ->•••••- No, U Brainard t USEFUL AND SUQUfeblive—At a social meeting or reception the foliowiug three topics should bo avoid•4-dress, disease, domestic affairs —Do not be deceived by &£eats who have a *'superior furniture polish" for sale. Use llaseed oil. there is nothing b o v t e r . • ' ' • -•'• • ' - ' - •• ' : •'•'•• -'•. —It i« said that collodion dissolved In alcohol and applied with a light brush w i l prevent silver from becoming tarnt*he4. — Pure ai? is the food of ilia lungs. This is obtained by scientific ventilation, which consists ia admitting cur* rents ov movements through two or more apertures. —Eggs are very nourishing, and contain much brain food. They agree with Ihe most delicate stomach. Being in a concentrated form, a pound of egg3 contain more nutriment than a pound and three-quarters of beef.; —Chocolate Cornsiarch. —One quart of chocolate made as for drinking, mixed smoothly with four tables poonfuls of corastarch* sweeten and mold in •mall cups, when cold put ou & flat dish with a little whipped cream.—The Home. —Buy fine copper wire by the pound for hanging pictures. It dees not cost half what a twisted wire or cord does* and looks far better. Take time to paste light manilla paper over the back ©f each picture frame sot already pro* tected in this way, as it effectually prevents dust from reaching the pk* y tores. , •£*•• —Lime has lately been found a handy material to use in removing the frost from the ground in winter, and also in melting out water pipes. A heap of lime, laid on the earth, wet slightly, and covered over with blankets and other nonconducting materials, will quickly draw the frost out of the ground. —Cold in the head is not only rnnoying, but likely to develop into catarrh. One teaspoonful of mustard dissolved in a tumblerful of cold water and used as a gargle three times a day, will often effect a speedy cure. In more obstinate cases, equal parts of loaf sugar and pulverized &tam used as snuff will give instant relief, . •« »• THE TABie STAPLE. ^ I * J •iMft mf tfa« Talw of tkw Pwteto Lo»t * r Vna4rte«uao Cooking. That the potato is the moat popular of all the vegetables can not be denied, for there are few homes in our country in which U does not form an important part in each dayViaf-a. Isdocd, in the majority of home* it makes its appear* adoe at each meal, eitner boiieu, b&ked or in some of the many dishes in which it is the principal part No matter in what way it is cooked it is generally welcome. As to its healthful properties authorities disagree, but where any harm has resulted from the use of potatoes it can usually be traced to the cooking of them. A soggy, watery potato is one of the most unhealthy things any one can eat yet this is too often the kind that is generally put on a table. To be sure the most important thing to consider is to have the vegetable good, yet a good cook may render a very poor potato palatable, while a bad oue can reader a good one positively uneatable. - There are tew ways of cooking a potato as acceptable to a lover of this vegetable as boiling, providing it is done properly. It £? a mistake made by many women to cut off the ends or dig out the eyes. If a nice, mealy bofled potato is wanted, it can never ]\>e obtained if the skin is broken before boiling. Always get as good potatoes as can bo had and wash in several waters until perfectly clean, but do not cut in auy part unless there is an appearauce of rot, which ought always be cut oat Have the potatoes as near one size as possible, put in a po« or saucepan and cover them with boiling water. Set on the stove and let boil, but be careful that they do not boil too fast, or they will break into pieces before they are done. Before setting on the stove throw into the water a teaspoonful of salt Keep the pot covered, while boiling, until the potatoes are done, which will be from twenty minutes to half an hour, according to their size. To tell when they are done try with a fork, and if the fork goes through the thickest part of one easily they.nre ready to be taken from the stove, llcmove the pot from the fitovo a,nd draw off all the water, then set it oa the back of the stove with the cover partly off, so as to let out the steam, and shake it once or twice so that the potatoes may dry equally on all sides. Serve as soon aa possible, and if the potatoes are not. mealy the fault lies in themselves and not in the cooking. Never cover potatoes tightly after draining without first letting out the steam, or they will be sure to be soggy and watery, no matter how good A vegetable they were previous to boilingThe above receipt Ja from an Irish woman, consequently it is goo*),, for no matter how deficient she may be as to the cooking of other articles of food, she is always an tjjepert fit UuiUg po< tatoes. - St. Paul Glob* A WORO WITH FARMtSS. Bf BIW wrapped around newly set trees tnd plants will protect them from tha sun. Bf talcing pains to remove uU needless, crooked or crossing limbs a good work can be done in the future shaping of the tree. DAPTBRtho plauts have done fruiting it will nearly always pay to cut out the eld canes among the raspberries and cut off some of the sew £rov?th just above the ground. THERE is always more or less risk In packing aad shipping fruit to the distant market, and for this reason care should be takeu to see that tha home market Li fully supplied. A PE\CB tree will bear free cutting-back to briuff it into «?oed shape; a cherry tree may be seriously injured by such pruning during the growing season, and sometimes the trees are killed by it. Tfis surest and best plan of meeting the black knot is to cut out at t i e first appearance. By keeping a watch in this way it can befceptunder cootrol'inucn easier than by any other plan. Burn the peats that are taken off. OXB cause for mildew on goose/Derm*, grapes, etc., Is too thick foliage or being g-rowa with too thick tops. Thin out thoroughly, and you will prevent mildew to. a great extent. Currants and gooseberries should be weli and hea*ly mulched with any coarse litter. Catarrasl IXsafneas—Hay Fever—A New Home Treatment. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious or that they are due to the presence of Hying parasites in. the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to oe a fact, and the result of this discovery is that * simple remedy has been formulated 'whereby Catarrh, Hay Fever &ud Catsrrha! Deafness are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. S. B.—This treatment is not a snuff or an ointment; both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of three cents in stamps to pay postage by A. £L Di*oa & Son, cor. of John and King Street, Toronto, Canada.—Cftri*tian Advocate. > ., Sag.erers from Catarrhal trouMcs shonW carefully read the above. Montgomery, AX*., November 13 to 16. For this occasion tad Chicago & Eastern * Illinois Railroad (Evansville Route) will Cafrtix is %n exceedingly dl»agre«»ble its Tarted •fmpuna*,—discharge at tbe nose, bad roa A COPT OF sell excursion ticket* at roduoedrates. paid bet««m the eyes, coughing, eboktaf Two d;iily fast train*. Nashville Fast Line bfMXii, nn^tng xioue* in ihe e»r«. «w.,—b«lnjt leaves'Chicago (Polk Street.. Depoti at 8:50 iM6n*aikm, notoaly tro«ble»om« to the Buffaroi", t>ui offensive p; m., arrivuig in Nashville 7:13 o'clock to other*, Catutrk u aUo dangerous, because it mur Ihe loUowing morning, and in Montgomery k»d to J»iy>Bchiii» or consumption. Ueing a oiood 7 p. in. This train has first-olaaa c o s h e s diseAM. the true method of cure Is to purify the and Pullman Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars t>io«d by taking Hood* Sar»aparyia, which b u wn«i m*py severe cases of catarrh. through to. Nashville. Night Fast Express leaves at 11:15 p.m. "Uood'ii Swrsapnrill* hda helped me more for I and impure blooC tban anythingelae 1 ever It has bag£age-car, smoking-car, firstK'laivS ftatarrh A. BALL, Syracuse, N. Y. coaches aud Pwliioan Palace Sleeping Car, a*ed." K.B. Bo sure to get j and runs solid to Nashville, arriving there at 4:90 p. m. and at Montgomery 2 ;2o o'clock It is \vitliout a rival in the excellence of its the following morsing. sloi-les aud novelets, the beauty of its iUustraFor further information address Chicago Sold liy all druggists, tl; nixfor^S. Prepared OD}J- tious, the completeness of, its fashion atid & Eastern Illinois Railroad Ticket Office, 6* by C. I. HOOD A CO.; Apothecaries LoweU, Maw. work-table departingats, and tbe- heJpfulneea Clark stree^ or Wiiliam Hill, General PasIOO Doses One Dollar of ita many'miscellaneous'Articles.' It nura* senger and Ticket Agent, Chicago, ILL bers among itscoatributors suniJ of our best* ~'—--*• known authors. SOSCEBO^T who believes in old-fashioned methods of discipline recently novelets, nearly one buidr?! short sent a young lady teacher in Maine a stories, sketches of travel, history,1 biography, bundle of shingles. :. etc., articles ou home dressmaking , the care of Tourlat*, ftlCft H E ADACHEU mTHB AGCX, CO»* the sick, and household mauaysnwnt, numerm (ATOXACH AC C«MMI ous designs for ntjedlework, embroidery, knitWhether on pleasure bent or business, TlVii BOWX1*S, »OUS& tt y « « r f *««l do«« n e t *»• ting, painting-, etc., will be given during1 lfc80» should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleaaaTitly and ei^ making a volume of nearly l^JOO pages. factually on the kidneys, liver and boweja, Terms: Two DoHarfl per year, with great preventing fevers, headaches uml otoer reductlocs to ctubs and fine premiums for forms of sickness. getting up dubs. For sale in 50c and *1.0O bottles by all leading druggists. Sample-copy FKEE, ia get up a club wish. ' Address HoxEYkooy BOW'* i3 the name given a row of houses at West Chester, Pa., PETERSON'S MAGAZINE, occupied by newly^married couples ex- yexa hav« a*thtiftff f lose, * a * will **•*• M Tlce>ro*i* fc«4y. Fric*, 33«. per b o x . PHILADELPHIA, PA. clusively. Mdiigdr g fiwm Cs*3rrh The 3est and Cheapest off the Lady's-Books. Hood's Sarsaparflla , Tutt's № IF YOU HAVE OR PILES, Teachers, Ctersrymen, and others in need of change of employmeut should not fail to write to B. F. Johnson & Co., 1009 Main s t , Richmond, Va. Their great success shows that they have got tbe true ideas about making money. They can &how you bowtoemploy odd hours profitably. STTDBKTSJ »•'"'— • » . . . " • ' "BICIGAI>E" meant originally a noisy Crew or company, from Italian brigare, to brawL It is of course a near r l a t i e of s tike Paradise of Ffcrmora. Mild, equable climate, certsia and abundant cropSi-BestinUt, grain, grass, stock country in the w»rl<L Full information free. Address Oregon Immigration BoarcUPortiand,Oregoii SOLD EVERYWHERE, GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. '"'• .. . — : — * - • " f ' ' MISSOURI SOUTHWEST EhJeOrvsaectionia the West. JJIK, aealtb/ eiinate. Wini*r» very short. Kich BOU. l l c e l y W<ttered. Oood Marlcets. Can not iw equaled a« a Frut* Growia«t Seetioa. Can ahow the attest <rropa of Cora, knowledge of the natural laws wheat, OJU*. lobaceo, etc., of any part «f th« country. ByJubcro wfaleh gotern the operaUon« 62 «li«««tw« M>4B» KowtaOiettnj* .i.inf'tat Land selliDg Tenr fast a»4 trittojaT and by a oircfnl aariteatfoa o* tfae fete price* *&r**KAxkg. For foil parUcnlafs aaare«t> J. M. jwopertto* of well-#el«t«d Cocoa. Mr, tow bM Fvmat. 3teo»ho. MO.; SAKVXR A GOODIJT, 9brintr&etd, Ws. Ooot>ucT, Billings, Mo-; OEOKOX. A. l*t*»T, ptorMed our breakfast tabtes with a fteJlwUely Ho.; Pierce Cl^y. Ko.; T. S. Faosr, Cassrtlie, Mo.; 4.F. fef <mred bererae* which mm* mv* w many bemyy 8fc»SAX,e*;ena, Xo.; X. B. DKOsonr, PinevlUe, ISOdoctors' bUU. It J» br * • SnMUekMa ««• of aoch > f d l t h » t t t t t o n »Jb*«»dui »Rte>«sof dletth«»*oon*tt Ir b; "It r,J until stum* eao t» d > ^ a i lISdl JbUCS 06O. nestioatliis paper aad alSdma JOMES 0Fl№l6HMIT0li, BISGIULMTON N. Y. " IlLOW «DC£ MUMD UiBS 0 — • ••' - Ho. tt. cvntutnng 116 pact*. *B4 *,«« OtaMntaoaa at C m . E M N I CURE FITS! PENSIONS TIM J « I M Wind«Mtci Cft. cotrwima pun: IUUS nirsi WJYSX For BmOitm Ctvte, rorAiutew Theatticata^Tea*- lMy №tt«tkc4c«MH Play*, fMry Plays, rfU. Marfae»ta» UJrbts. Colored Ffre, Bantt C , iWatrical PMM Preparations, Jarley'* Wa* WorC, w^T. Bean*,, XtEWaehe«rO«B»v Cfawrd d¥ B K C* MftB*t FKEKI FKBBt 1 w)T«lUe«i. foil description and price*. IGENTS Our Fa«tcRin«s n i l tbfttaMlres ut 55c,: <KwtH «r«r SW per coot, proflt. Kendft?,seauip for clrc StJUy T P t i a € S O 4 n „ .^..™l rO««Ji tketch or fheav m«Miel , n Inrentlon IMMEWIATKt V to J . J0, lORALLt A C O . , WASUK»S,K <T* DUBMHE!^ ever tmnn R? H t» ln*Ua'» W i t n t i CM ia 5 u> A> ruinuto *U . CatarfBal WK! Skk Hradicbe*. Frier, «& eta. b< AC0TIN A C^iu M M BntKrteiA ducvt, Cateafo, U . PATENTS PENSIONS • ¥*t IXVF.VTOBS. BOOK FREE. W. T. FiucertM, teunep at Law. W A U A CL M€ d AU^OLOIER^ •erter* relieved ;Law»rree. a. W. *c«MUUCS * WWS, ru«ta«Mll,«., 4k W« Papsa t*mj aa* >•• •••». We i • tKXtitioa t<» American School of T<sWr*phj-v UAHC fllJHE byiSail.Cl fSOaday.Medicated Medicated S!e«tricity. S«nu 1 C C I I T C fSOaday. S!e«tricity. A u CCl i I «« 25e. 25 CAI C free. f EEK.Brewster,Uoily,Uic* K B t U i l XiJCK T TBS r^TSa MKT t»* j«a wiita 6EITS WABTIII! PAMOCS Missocrai STEAJC W l Worth & Co., St. Louis, U OUST fiKSTHLlE2<nir«hard or»oft. - * • by mail, S. A. 303722, lUUsa, Mm. 1265 A. X. K.-A WME3T WKTTI^« TO A»*"EKTISERS PXKABK •«•<« tluM y«« aaw tbe AdvertUc»eat U UO* ». C, WIIL GKT YOt'fc mm MA, # LIVER PILLS 4t Ddidims Sisml uul ktiuinUte It f> action *n£ carry off Uw morold •ecretions MACKE.NZUB'H UvJttt PILLS wlU <Jo that work. h»'-lB<t !>eea te»ied In pr!TM« pnette* for over * • T?*i*, witu tbe mort Mtitfactorr rctalu, HOWJUH>»S great comedy, Shena&doah," said to be the best American play G. S. MACKIJIZa A CO., Proj>f'», Cleveland, O. yet written, will be produced at McVicicer's Th jftter on Monday evening, November 18, for * continuous ran of /our weeks. There are twenty-five characters in the play and over a hundred old soldiers will be engaged for the camp and battle scenes. Bronson WILL CUME Howard personally superintends every performance, and while in New York was called before the curtain every night, By's Crttm Btlta CATARRH *P>IS<y8 REBCET>Y FOR CATARRH.—Best Easiest Jr to use, Cheapest Relief is immediate. A coze is oertain. For Cold in tbe Head it has no eqoaL CHATTEivro>r, the child of genius and misfortune, destroyed himself at Apply Balmintoeach nostrU. KLT PROS., 56 Warren ^U,K.Y. eighteen. • a (ood g:, j fete., thoroughly taoe*6- JOSEPH H. HUNTER — 8tiUi I CAfEATt, T DV B U L L S (pUGH^RUP *'. — . You can't help liking thorn, they are «o very •mall and their action la so pe rfect One pill a doc* Carter*! Littk l i v e i PUia. Try them. Hfee?»U» our tAMOVt SFBCXIIO "XAQBOXXA ™a»BMMBSOJS" thebeaj remedy Itna writer Temait! DtoeaMW, a-*fIn p.vof we otter SanplM <r«e. AOCTTO W i l R t . 8OCTB BlUTb R t U » t COt IK»t&B«*£,llKl " "J •'4 1] 5 Ton Wauran »c Iron L e « t SteeTSeaT— tow Boam aad Baaa Made simply irttlt bolllac water or mine Sold only In hslf-poand tiaa, by Groeer*, lajbcJJ*d tbaa j MORTHERK PACIFIC. J* JONES » v » — . « v » ^ . us ready to attack wherever there ta a weafc point*W* nay eae*pe manya fatal abaft3 h7keepta*oar»elT«a well rortftle« ^ ^ P * " * ? ! ? ? * attd » properly nonrfabea irame.'— O«w Btretet CRUZ, CaL, reports a thirteen* JAMES EPPS & CO., HoflHWPdtWc Cbeaiistt, months-old baby that can swim like a duck. " •" WU> MEDAI^PABIB, 1878. Iv you have ever used Dobbins' Electric during the 34 years it nas been sold, you A FISHEBMA2? at Doylestown, Pa., saw W. BAKER & CO.*S a sunfish swallow a bee, and a few min- know that it is toe best and purest family soap made. If you haven't tried it, ask your utes later saw the fish on the water grocer for it «ow. Don't take imitation. dead. He cut it open and the bee flew n off.. _ ' , " GOLDSMITH'S 'rHearof W»ltefi«ld was AS EXQUISITE KNGRAYIXG. sold for a trifle to savo him from the grip of the law. Gateway to the Garden of tta* Goda, Co«ondo, with Tkrw of Flfce'ft V«*k In the Do NOT suffer from sick headache a moment JPl<idle Distance. '• , . longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little A very costly aod elegant steel plate en- Liver Pills will cureyou. Dose, one little graving has fust been executed in the pUL Small price. №udldo*e. Snail dL highest style of the art, copies of which from »limited supply, are now ready for SAVAOK di«d in * prison at Bristol, delivery, And will be sent to any part of the where he was confined for a. debt of world on receipt of 25 cents each, in stamps forty dollars. or coin. The noble grandeur of the "Entrance" to the 'Kiarden of the Gods" is tbe CBKCIC Colds and Bronchitis with Halo's favorite theme of poet and painter. The outer parapets are of pure white, while the Honey of Horehouad and Tar. interior columns spring boldly from tbe Pike's Toothache Drops Cure ia one minute. plain to a height of 850 leet—the whole sugA D A S P E M O S which has grown to the gesting' the ruin* of a vast temple, These towering walls form a majestAc frame work top of a ten-foot pole is the product of a FREE Covemment for Uie saow csspped s-ojsaiit of Pifc^a !>«%ak Kew Haven truck patch. which reveals itself among the clouds in the far distance. To secure an early copy of BBOXCHITIU is cured by frequent steal" this admirable work of art, address JOHX dosos of Piso's Cure for OonsumpUon. SBBASTIJLS, Gen. Tk*t& Pass. Agent, CHIR TiHRMM • T . f>AUL, MtMN. CAGO, ROCK l9tiXT> & PACIFIC RY. enclosing FrKU>Ti<ro lies in the burying-grour,d the price, 25 cento. of the English factory »t Lisbon without a stone to mark the spot. _^— » Awxious father of nine blooming Ir afflicted with Sore Eyes use Dr. Isaac daughters (attired in his night-clothes and examining the bed-posts): "Maria, Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it 2 are the children all in? I ean find only A pocket cigar-case free to smokers of eight lumps of gum." "Tansili's Ftmeh 5e, Cigar. A N«w Kind ot Insurance Has been put in. operation by the manufacturers of Dr. Pferce's medicines. His PL>'E;"> PSU^L "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription" are sold by druggists un der the manufacturers' ptnative guarantee* Either benefit or a complete cure is thus attained, or money paid for these medicines ia returned. The certificate of guarantee CRESCO UNION SAVtNGS BANK» given in connection with sale of these medicines is equivalent to c policy c.2 insurance. and Stron«A»t S*-<^»«s B*aJc« 1B On* of t i e The "Golden Medical Discovery" cures all FOR BURNS u i SCALDS. lowm, t \ ot tfa« 8t«t«. CMb i humors and blood taints, from whatever toekhotden.S**0. khtd cause arising, skin and scalp diseases, * «titbrt*f«» P*id OR d«po«tu left for Aattad, Mian., Sept », *£*. tfcnwr more month*. Deporita oui b* «ent by m»fl scrofulous "feres and7 swellings. The witla perfect wifetj. W« *l»o tarest monty f^r n«nOur baby—i*4 year* old—tmrned her hand "Favorite Prescription ' cures all those deresi<b«tt. ta tmwm *Tw*-M«rt««e FARJHL MAKfc *n a hot stove and we pat St. Jacobs Oil on it> OrtUyi.TS *ifj> R*«viATU]ra of the Bank Mat FREE to rangements and weaknesses peculiar to It took tbe pain all out. at ooce; after patties •ay addr»M. OOBRESPONDESCS SOUCiTED. women, it on 2 or 8 timet It was all eared up. m « C P. STAVE and Family Don't hawk, hawk, and blow, blow, disgusting everybody, but use Dr. Sage's AT DXTJOSIKS AIR> DXAUESS. Catarrh Remedy. VHC OMtLES A. V06GL£« C&. ,—» When I say cure I do not № u merely to itop them PEOFESSOB (lecturing to medical fw * iime and then hawc th«ua return afain. I mean a students)—Fcr this illness, gentlemen, radical care. I b*r« mad« tb« diwNU* ot PITS. EPILEPSY w FALIJXG SICIUJBSS a life-looc ftadT. I warthere are but two remedies, and neither nrxt my remedy to cum the worst 2*J№Z. Bv'.ranw of them will do any good." otoen bav<» failed t* ao ntason for not now receirinir a e a » : Send at once for a treat is* and a Free Eoti'e of infallible remedy. Give Expreea aad Po«tOfll«e. Did Ton Read by retani mail, »H.7 tt. JR««T, M. <X, 28S Pc«rl Street, S e w Ycrfc. tall O—crtptir* 1818 PiKK mmj ••• » The large advertisement of Tsre YOUTH'S etrcuUaof COM?AXIOX which we published last week? qckly. p This remarkable paper has the phenomenal pamphlet on Veasion and yum Bounty U « t *RST nxr. circulation of 4 3 0 , 0 0 0 copies weekly. No BMSSCSTTHB. " """ U. S other journal is more welcomed by old and I CUlm Ajrepcr for Wertera tH young in'tho families throughout the laud. 7 The publishers make a special offer once a csa easily year, and to all who subscribe now will qttiekly I to send the paper frteto January i, 1890, etui for cot and a / « # J/«ar. from that date. The subscription in price is 81.75. Address, ii to&7 THE YOUTH'S COMPAXIOX, Boston, Mass. or child. AddnM AT the rate of increase in the past few years the wool crop of Colorado will soon 0. exceed in value the output of her silver minos. ESTABLISHED FOR 3O YEArVS. Conftaraptlon Sar*ly To THE EDITOR:—Please inform your COMPOUND readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers wno will send me their express and post-office address. etnee. They merely ev*cn*M tne bowcU, kndn'ttM Respectfully, T. A. SI/XJCM, M.C, Uver 1* not tortrtd or dcrnnffed win relieve. B*>t there mam t*»omrthln« ttx*c Kill »«tdtr^;t upon t but Or am 181 Pearl street, New York, •7 Itfo an Ointntettt of which a small particle is applied to the nostrils. Price, 50c. Sold by druggists or seat dk A ^ E. T. HAzsLTisa, Warren, Pa. J) CORUNNA JOURNAL, C COL. LINCOLN whoas home isj a t Cddwater, Wash has been appointed deputy commissioner of pensions. TOE Governor is the only part of state ticket that the republicans lost in either Ohio or Iowa, but the result in both states on lieu, governor was very close. . TO WINIO M.L STEWART & CO.' TAUGHT UPON THE MOST IVlf TQTBTTg» JL. JCT APPROVED METHODS. FOB PAKTICULARS ADDRESS MISS NORA COLLINS Or Oakside School, Owosso. T E E W. C. T. U, had a regular monkey and parot time at their national convention at Chicago, over the attitude of the organization with regttrd to the third party movement. The majority were in favor of an endorsement of tLifd party ideas, but a very respectable minority kicked and kicked hard, and a split in the body was the result. Miss Willard the National President has been sued for libel by Mrs. Dr. Burnett. . . .• f 43 Schedule of Teacher's Examination* for the years X 8 8 9 and 1890. Special public examination, Bancroft high school room, Friday, Oct. 25, *89, . Hegular examination, Corunna. March C and Collection A made nnd remitted for on day of payment. Draw Draft* oir all the principal cities of Kurope. That is, our Prices Beats Them All. In a general Line of Gtoods it will pay you to call and see one of the Finest lines of lfloiHoue Bunk Money orters,payable infer eivncountnecandtbe money is deli vered at tne residence of toe person to whom sent. COR&BSPONDKKTS: American Exchange National Bank,N. Y . Commercial National Dank. Detroit. COKUSNA PRUOtCE JIAJIKKT. CORBKCTftP WJtEKt.Y BT Craiiiell.&reei i C c Apples, Orted, per ft , 4 O Beans per bu o Special public examination, Vcrnon high Butter per » . . 17 is eehool room, Friday, March 28, '90. Bran per cwt Special public examination, Laingsburg high 8 Chickens, per ft school room, Friday, April 25/90. Corn, per bu 36 Itejrular examination, Corunna, August 7 Clover Seed, per bu 2ft and8,'90Special public examination, Owosso high Rggs pcrdox . Flour, per t>bJ fccUool room, August 29, '90. * First and second grade certificates can be Feed, |.Rr cwt , 125 a Hams, per ft . granted only at the regular examinations. 10 trial of the Cronin suspects is The schedule previously published is hereby Honey, cap, oer ft circumstance* beyond the Hay, per ton . 8 ft) ft 900 dragging its weary length along countermanded, control of the board of examiners rendering ffi, dressed,per cwt. 5 00 through the Chicago courts at a very such action necessery. Oaut, perbu . fc . 21 slow pace. The missing medicine case Byorderof tho board of examiners. Onions, pet bu . 60 D.C. COOPEE. Chairman, Owosso. Parsnips, per bu , afed clothes of Dr. Cronin were found JAS, N. McBUIDB, Sec'y,Owosso. Peaches, dried, per ft last week in a sewer near where the BtTDSON SHELDON, Bancroft. Potatoes, per bu . Pork, sait^ per 1> .', body was found. Alexander Sullivan Owosso, Oct. 7,1889; 12 Salt, per bbl . . has been released as no indictment 200 ttOBATE OBDEK—State of Michigan, coun- Timothy seed,per bu had been found against htm by the ty of ShiawaaM»e,S3 A* a session of the Wheat, pertm hoHenat the probate office in grand jury, but the out look for fheProbatecourl, tbeclryof Corttnna on Thursday the 31st <lay others grows more gloomy every day. of October in the year one thousand eight COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. hundred and eighty-nine. rre»ftnt,Matthew Bu6h Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate of KJch«nl H. In the matter of the estate of < William Jackson, deceased. MASSACHUSETTS used the Austral- T.Harrison, deceased: Koee Harrison as ad- VT©, the undersigned, baring been appointed of said Estate^ comes into court by the Hon. Matthew Bush, judge of probate ian system of voting at the recent el- ministratrix and represents that she is now prepared to in and for the county of Shiawassee, state of ections and from every part of therender final account as f?uch administratrix. Michigan, commissioners to receiyet exaniiTe Thereupon It is oidered that MONDAY and adjust all doJins and d^tnamU of »H perstate comes words of praise foi it. The the 3d day of DECEMBER ntxt. at ten sons against said estate, do Uereby jrtve notice in the forenoon, be assign- that we will meet at the office of Charles Hotnames of all the candidates are print- o'clock ed for examining apd Mlo^xing such account raan, in the city of Oorunna. In said county, tm and that tha heirs a t ' law o Konday. the 13th day ofJanuary v 1990. ed on one ticket and the tickets ate said deceased, and all other persons interested andonthel4Ui d&y of April, 1890, atten said estate, are required to appear at a ses- o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days, in the hands of the official ticket hold- in sion of said court, then to be holden at the for thepnrfxiise of receiving a d adjusting aU claims a«8inst raid estate, and Uwt six ers, who give one to each voter as beProbate office in the city of Comnna in said all county, and snow cause, if any there be. why months from tbe 14th day of October, 18H*. arc allowed to creditors to present tlieir cUiinstn comes to the polls, l i e takes the the said account should not be allowed. said commissioners fwr adjustinent acdaiiowAnd it is further ordered, that said administra ance. ticket, steps into a booth and places a trix shall give notice to the persons Interested Dated tho Uta day of October, A. D. 188t. estate of the pendency of said account cross after the names of the candi- insaid J. L. JAKKAD. i and the hearing thereof by cafising a copy of order to be published in the Cortthim dates for whom he wishes to vote, and t*iia CLARK WHRLAN, f Journal a newspaper printed and circulating in passes oii^and tleposites it in the box.saM county of Sbiawassee, for three successive weeks previous to sitid day of hearing. Oar new law is modeled after this sysMATTHEW BUSH, Jttdge O? Probate. tem, the most important difference (a true copr.) BAZAAR GOODS IN TEE Also a complete line of P>AM©Y N. C. DEWEY & CO. If you want Farming Tools goto GREEN BROTHERS, -THEY HAVE A BIG STOCK OF- Spring Tooth Wheel Cultivators and Harrows, Drags Plows all kinds of small Farming Tools; -We are also Headquarters f o r — — 18 FOB SHIAWASSEE COUNTT, TilE BEST ES THE WORLD. GENTRAL HOTEL CLARK D. SMITH, PROPRIETOH, Tin* Catholic congress which is now COUNTT O r HMLt WAB8EK, ( H S * Notice Is hereby jriven, that by art pnlerof in Heroion at Baltimore is largely at- the probnte court Toray tl^ocounty of ,SbtairaM , n the made on 17th day of October, A. D-1: slit months from tbst date were allowed for tenUed by the Catholic clergy and laycreditors to present their claims against tho Uymea of the country, and is the thiMrstdte of Martin C. Hubl*di late of said The old Brewery property has been ptircbased deceased and that all creditors of said Into a bam, to be run In conmtwt important meeting of that church county deceased arc requested to present tbwir claims andre-mortled nection with the hotel. to wild Prulwte <;ourt ut the Probate ofBce i ever held in this country. A Balti- the city of Corunna forexamination und allow aucc on ur before the 11th day «C A^ril n e r more dispatch says: Probably the most and that such claim* will be h«m1 before twid on Monday Ihc SlKh day of January nm radical thing that has transpired Court on the* 17th day of April next* at ten o'clock o through the assembling of the first each of those days. 'Catholic cougi^ws in regard to secret Dated Oct. 17 th, less,MATTHEW BUSH Judge of probate. DETROIT, MICH. soceties. The Catholic church has alBestfl-SOaday Houflein Mhrhhrrtn. Contml vrays been regarded as the .^implacable ly located «n CASH iVR-Tjrid LRWls STS. one ou wbicn Uwiteatwidependm opposite opp^jte the Grand CfrottH Turk. fim of every society without its own no ra" i f r o m ft|| i x ^ u ewry-ft jmle, it now appears that the ban of u? an<Syoui¥Ul come turuiu. ! » . D E C K E R . Propr. the church is to l>e lifted absolutely from every sort of secret society except the Masonic order. That the objecT h e He»t tesiimoolal we ever IKMI—*• Jam»< Meaiw & Co. art tho b»wirj 'tt tht» booi i;i»<3 p'smarfcsi. Kwy have rtvolotioftized tho bastaem by mat^turbigli priOMi good»ttn«a!*Ma.rt—Tiui* pay-j tions to the Masonic brotherhood will also be raised, is confidently expeiited ^ MEAN by those in the seceret and it is s»id $ 3 SHOE $ 4 SHOE UNEXCEUEd !f« > CANNOT FAIL to be onlya matter of time before any UNEpUALLU TO jnaa may openly avow himself a meraDURABILITY 1 <M- of the Ancieut Order of the Free CTIOM ;?:••! A<*copted Masons, as well as a FIT, fall'tii'til member of the Catholic church." v P.e-Fittefi M n-\m\M THrcmOiont. JAMES MEANS & GO'S BOOTS AND EsUtc Transfers. JAMES MEANS' BOOTS and SHOES liANCitorr. Are Unexcelled in Merit Amos Foster to Xatlian Ileirick. lot 30, Ik. 11. 3700. P o s i t i v e l y none peuuiue otil«*8 havini; our m n w and crlre EUmped p»Mu!y on the soJes. Your retailer will supply TOO wfm Bo<iU*ad Shots so starnpel if yon Insist upon hlsdotosso; If yo>i<1<> not insist, some retailers will coax rou Jnto boying inferior good* upon wiiidt ih^y make a larger profJt Ours «re tbe original t 3 Ami 34 Sfir*>, aud ilw^e who imitate our system of business are unabto t<> compete with us iu qiwdity of factory-products. In our Uoes we are the iHr^est menofactureia in the United States. How your l»oy dot* wear out hi* shoes! Jmmtm Mvee ar n s ' $ £ 8 b o « s for Boys nil] oatwear any other V>>vs* f*iv* * i««<5e. You can nave lace or button. COUUXXA. 'Alu-eU GerarUy to.J.ohn Keifer, lot G a n d \v .1 lot 5, bk. 27, S5">0. $2 50 Buys thd Best Farmers' Thick Boot. CALEDONIA. P. J. Carlin to Frank Deyo, n i of s ci, sec, 2, $3,200. JAMES MEANS' QUARTER EAGLE BOOT 1IAZKLTOX. I ("lias. Burgess to O. F. lirowu, 40 a, j sec. 28, $l,o2-3. M. Donnlioo t o C. l i . Ilr.ines, n I of j lot 4, bk. 1, ?ir»o. ! ! NKV.' HAVKN'. | A Reliable Kip Boot ibs- £ 20 '* Miakc one Cent; 10 Cent* make cue D i n e ; 1 0 D i a c i make one Dotlart 10 Dollars make one And with a Qn&rtpr Eagle any Fnrmer (n the C'tujitrv van now im.v a boot that wUIsatisfy hino. Fiii-ratTS bnvo l>een ioofciug for sucl* a boot for a io.njf lini'jHiul now it has come. Boots and Sfaoc« ft-ntn cur relebrated ft., itry :<ve m.ia by wi<Je-awake retailrfN i K »<.'i pa rt» «l t hit cou utry. We will place them cosily y-ithtn your reach In any State or Territory if y;iu wU?. invest oue <*eat iua postal ;<:anl ami wrtic to us. J . W. Kinsmsdi to \V. S. Smith, SO a | see. H , S900; Win. Atchinson to W. j A (Mis, 40 a sec. 2*, goOO; V»T. Adilifi to j W. II. S. Wood, 80 a sec. 24, S1,5OD. j ow'os:8O vvvr. i fJeo. TSiomas t o J . VS. Calkins, lot S j ami e I lot 5), bk. 2, Thomas 2d a<Idi- j tion, S112.50; I I . S. Williams t o M. | -.•.Kklx, but w<i nrp n\mt i> stjj.ply yon If yourdeaier .viU not.. Any boot »nt) sh«K- rescuer wnnv wuniry s.orx'-keftjHT oni* s«i>)»lyyou with our gooia ir ^e wants to, tut some dealer* will try tos«?n yo'u luforlor ]Jni!ey, lot 3, bk. 6, Williams a d d . . I i\rKA\a on n-Juch cfcey irn^a B lar''<'r proitt th»n th*y ou«t>ttoasJc for. l a that cu*-, f-<nd lo ys. $500. I'KRHY. W.-T. Bellman to U. B. Gibbs, lots fi «mi 7, bk. 4, Calkins add, $1000. 8HIA1VASSKE. F r a n k Perry t o \\\ IT. Phelpg, 20 a, sec. 20, $500. M E A N S & CO.,41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. GOODS t *. In Zepher and G-ermantown Tarns, a specialty with us. Gall and examine our goods and you will be convinced we can do you good. P PBOBATE ORDER. STATB UP MICHIGAN, i M t Stamping done On ^hiirt Notice. 7,'90. being iu the style of the tickets. COUNTY. "tlieir II11& 1CZ3 And the fact that they keep afirst-classline of Timothy and clover Seed kept on hand. C O M B "27O CORUNNA, FOR YOUR ^<3F0R THE HOLIDAYS.^ I also have a larg-e line of FEAMES and MOULDINGS. M. BROWN. We are selling the Ceiebrred HONEY BEE COFFEE, The best on the Karkst for ths Money, » We are also selling our "W""e H a v e a, Tall X^ine CANNED GOODS, FRESH AND CLEAN. Smoked Fish and Meats. TRY OUR TEAS CHASE KELLOGG A1.. A CWJ Cpo« th* Maharajah o f N*> i r A. Csttpbell, Dumnd MurtbmJ.WtW • Edward H. Child, Latogsburtf.... Libbie Doyle, ** , Geo* W. Bfetner, iWwberry.. :n*eda M, Ferris, Caledonia.;.... Ornery R. Gcodrteh, Perry LUUaa SJuu-f, Shaftflbur* 40 ..» n ....87 IS ....Jfi ,» Doiia M.Keuyoti, " ,.t J«s.Coaler, Hitzteton....... ..,'.... 34 FwKJeric Mansard, C h e w a t a g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Uarbary A. Walton, Uwosso ...a) f ; ' This powderfltover varies. A nuirvelof purih strength and wboleeoinencsw. Mcreeoono1 tUan the ordinary kind*, and cunttot b« sold in emitpetitkm with the multitude of low test, sh*»rtweigbt,alu ci or phosphate powders. Sold out?in cans. HOVAL B A I U S O PLWCKR Co.. 106 Wall street* N. Y. 5-46 Why Wear Pants that do uot fit or wear satisfactorily wtam yon can buy the l>nv.It brand teat are perfect in style, tit and worJs- EMULSION row- era UVEE ML Almoct m Paiatabia as Milk. Uett« Ut«irt«<t ind toy to aw • •failfnAaut* askBj wfefie t i t t * ft, SOOTTS EMULSION ii acknowledged by Phjnriciaua to be the Finest «ad Best prep»niaon in tta worid for the relit! and cute of CONSUMPTION, tC&OFULA. GENERAL DCBIUTY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLOS and CHRONIC COtlCHS. The grtat remtdff f» Oownmptkm, and '*—-•- tit CkUJren SM by aU Druggists. TheGRACFHJSPlTAL Cooar Joha ft strret *B4 Wllto Avaaae, fectrwii, * * * . A r n m ! fToepitai k>r rl№ ivcri-M.m and tmrtomtt •* *ll I-KMW. Bitiital «r ournU-tt.. .">|*viitiiM* i« rack A M o * v # m * wtiit ott «j*o wioKs o t t t t * . *nd , } oi Ihetr hem**. prW«i» room* irMu f i i u * 16 7 1 * « W »m1 Mtrr*oiu> of cither rtbuo: may »nd Trrat, i«tiefiu In privkir tootn*. Tw.t | * j » c i » n * . y*>t (briber particular, TROUBLED WITH PILES? e ire, f-w -)i}j;ht> lif ">O Cent* per ito's. i We had now been at Khatma&daten word came that General ftunoodcep Singh, the Maharajah of Nepaul. would be pleaded to see us on. tbe following day. Accordingly, at the appointed hour; we called at the palate, and after passing several sentries with loaded miu* ken and drawu awovds, were ushered Into the audience ha!L It was a long room, fitted up with mirrors, chandeliers, and English furniture ge^eraiiy. The Maharajah was seated on a chair in the centre of a semicircle composed of bis most distinguished officers, the majority of whom were in military uniform, and all respiea^at in their jewelled attire. The Maharajah looked like a man of sixty with a decided wilt of b:a own. He had sharp eyes aud a firm lip, but to judge from all accounts he was not at all equal in abilities or liberal ideas to his brother and predecessor* the iate Sir Jung Bahadur. Our c&li, growing less formal the longer it was extended beyond all regulation limits, proved most interesting. Seated as we were next to the Maharajah, we wished to converse with him directly, and for this purpose we should have had re* course to the Hindostanee langvwige aa our medium of communication; but the nephew of the Maharajah, General Khudgo Sham Shere Jung, who had been educated at Devotion College, Calcutta, wished to air his English, and insisted on our addressing our reoutline illustrations of the Ivory Soap advertisements have marks through him to his uncle. The latter, however, getting warmed up JL created so much favorable comment, and the requestsforcopies with the con versAtiou, dispensed with been so numerous, we have, to meet the demand, bound in the form 1 his interpreter, and plied us directly with all sorts of questions about En- of a Drawing and Painting Book (size 6 x 9 inches) twenty-four of gland and America, the latest inven- the most spirited and pfeastng of the advertisements. We will semi tions, and the reason for our coming to NepauL At length we started to one of these books with a pad of twenty-four sheets of drawing paper, take our leave, aud asked permission post-paid, to any one who will mail us, according to directions below, to visit in the city, and call on any of his subjects. Our requests were no fifteen Ivory Soap wrappers. sooner made than eranted, and then, PROCTER £: GAMBLE, Cincinnati. as if to delay our departure, the Maharajah showed us about the palace, and finally recognized our farewell salaams by presenting- us with the FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS. regular tokens of Oriental courtesy ia connection with calling. They Cut out tho center pfeco of each wrapper and put them In the etvwere **pan suparee," or bits of the Vt>!opo with your letter, saying what you want, and give your address areca-nuts done up in a spicy leaf with In full. JVc attention will be paUl to requests for Drawing Bovfat, lime, the whole covered with silverfoil, and ready for putting into the etc, unless the center pieces arm in the envelope with the request* mouth. We are spin tied with rosewater, our handkerchief* »eeute*I with oH of 9ft!»«!si!-w->fMi, *sd we were graciously invited to call again.—Benrjf Bailanttnt, in Barper'a Magazine* ...' .28 SU Kdw.<iM Morten, New Haven Inaljritfcs « « Mortimer MoCreedy *, " kibble Shi-rman, " " StUts Linpeey ** * * . . . . . ItofciDa KivKardfton, " " .29 j« # 29 23 oi. .......16 Foi the Michigan crop report, for November, returns have been receiveil from G48 correspondents representing 520 townships* Four hundred and fifty of these returns are from 344 townships in the southern fourj tiers of counties 116 are from 108 townships in the central counties. The erea seeded to wheat this fall is estimated at 88 per cent in the southern counties, 92 'n theceutral, and 94 per cent m i J e northern counties of the area seeded in 1888. . In epintttion the growing ^hent is 58 per cent in the southern counties, 65 in the central and 85 in the noith* ern, comparison being with vitality and growth of average years. The low condition of wheat is due to the extreme drouth that prevailed just before, during and since the time of needing. The extent and severity of the drouth cannot be comprehended without comparing the actual rainfall as shown bv the records of observers with the normal of the corresponding period. At the end of October this deficiency was 8.54 inches. These acurate figures fully account for the unsatisfactory condition of wheat. The yield of corn is placed at 46.21 bushels of ears, about tweuty-tbree bushels of shelled corn, or abont six and five eights bushels lens than the An Pervon. average hi the 10 years 1878-1887There is much complaint that the On one occasion a lady called and presented a chtn;k which she grain is of poor quality being soft and wished cashed. As she was a perfect immature. Atraoger to the p^yiuir teller be said very politely: "MiuUnio, you will WStampingdoneat MissC. E. Kin- Iwvcto briug *«>m« osioto introduce you btiforu we ciiu c«fh this ch«c(c.n Drawing tipriclf up quitp ItHiiglitily shtfeiid fnH*zin<?!y: "liar I do not wish to CoQawyUen Sm\l) Cured. know you, sir!"—Richmond Utipalck. To THE KpiTOR—rieuse iuform readers that 1 have a positive remedy Q£rArrasene, chenille, filloselle, art for the above named disease. ]$y its thread, rope silk ami burgaren tlw^sid timely use thousands of hopeless cases at Miss 0. JS. Of all khuls done promptly. Special attention gived to c have beei? permanently cured, 1 sluill be phid to send two bottles of my reCATRRH, medy FREE to any of 3^ouV readera wl^o have consumption if they will send me Catarhal Brafness Hay Fever-A New Home Treatment. of the Public Patronage is Solicited. Good their express and post office address. Sufferers are not generally awnrfe Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C , Work and Reasonable Prices Guaranteed. \ that these diseases are contagious, or Pearl St., New York. _ . , _ _-.\ that they are due to the presence of living parasites hi the lining of the Baltimore oysters ;;t Milnose aud eustachin tubes. Microscoplard's, received direct from B;iltimore. ic research, however, has proved, this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. whereby catarrh, catarrhal ueafness and hay fever are permanently cured :u from one to three applications made When Gaby was sick, ire gave her Castoria. at home by the patient, once in two When she ¥ u *. Child, she cried for Castoria, weeks. N. 11,—^For catarrhal disWhen shj became Miss, she clus£ to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. charges peculiar to females (whites) Tlic Spring (>f 1889 finds us still in the Swim. With, our large purthis remedy is a specific. A pamphlet chase of a Bankrupt Stock at 70 cents on the Dollar explaining this new treatment is sent we are better prepared than ever to PKOBATE ORDER. on receipt of ten cents by A. II. STATE OF MICHIGAN, } „ Dixox & Sox, 308 West King street, COCSTV o r SHIAWASSEE. ) At a session of the Probate.(Toort for the Toronto, Canada.—Scientific Araercounty of Shiawrissec hojd*?n sit the, 1'cobntf* orticejn the city of (orunna.oi. Jlondsjy, the can. Hard features every bungler can command; To draw true beauty shov/s a master's hand. Started in Coranna by Formerly with I. Hathaway. «1INTERFERING AND BAD FEET,lx> Shop east of Sloan's Agricultural^ Implement warehouse. MIGFi. £ . WLLJUA, c«% » I WOODARD # NORTH, Iwn t* <•>' T r i n i t y J-4«. G r a v J r , -• • • • • - ; ."...' M Co1 n e J i u g t & n h o p c , >......, Report of Cottdltioit of Crops » Absolutely Pure. i . . . . . . . . . . . . . drnya, when the loaff-wished-for SJM&TC.Fatcfael. V t r n o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J R POWDER i Sola cy KTNNE,. C >r-innn. 2*th day of Oittoi>er, in the vearunc thousimrt fijrht hundred nn(!«»ijrhr.v nine. Present> Mrttihewttush, Jurtjreor Probate. ™ ^ ' • I FkB B gon> Q( Salem, Obi<>. In me mnttcr oi' the estate of .Mary E. > writ««: tV«* At work on a t'*n» for Orinshy, rhwastrd. A montli; I now h i i ! an jgfncY On rc>a«iiiiK- ami fillip thepctiffon,duly vcrj* E. C. A.!l#n it /; j"- nlliuin* ami i.tit.ti•oas lie \, of Moi i'is Ofim8'».v*pruyiui; that n cor(:»1n instrument now on lUo in this coin t, puri>oi'tiii(f to he the »'i?l MH'1 tt'StaiKftnt <'f S'lJfJ e'ethis fall I y canvassing for the WiUUra Kline, H«;Titl>Hr^, f.i.. CW.SH.M1 mt.y IK» jjd:nitt<Kl to jvolcito. •nytbinif to MII like your xihum. < Thoroupo'i, it. i^ onloiv-d, t!t*i) .Monday, the 1 mlcrduv I tcxtjLordfr* rmunji to i 25th dt'..voj'Novi?inlx*r next. Ht ton o'clock in tiio \\*y me over*».'>." W. j'. (:i- ! foren(Km. \x> sissijrtx^i for the lifiu-injr of sfiid Bnagor, Me., writm: "I n,an<lt)i:»T ^ho heirs* »>.| i:iw oi s;iul <h>|t*k« «n oni^r for y<>nt album itt itTC.y tiou.*t I visit. My , IUXI rtli otbor p^rsous Satorostfd in.said pro&iteoften »t rauoh«s j t S t f •,'nre require*! to 1nin^'nr at n vssUm of afor ft «i n p 1 e dvnv'.i ^vork." suirt cdiiri, then to I'l h'jMcn jit iho l'r.)b;ite An energetic agent wuntert flt every po.-^t ofOi!iersare<loiopqui't*"»» well; Olfiw, in llw i-iTN' of Corunn:!, JUKI show cmiso, fice to whom a jroort cu^h comnisssion willl>e hnvo not nuiu'e to Jfivn *x. •trnefs iiovn thrir ]*-tS<r». Kvcry if nuy th«ro h^, why tho prayer 01* the pet it ionor m f who miir» holii o("(ait grsfrf biT*n>e«* p\\r* uti J:rind {jruliiii. psiiii. I'cforenccs re<inirwl. Makehpplicution sit onco tui' outfit and go to work early. Aud it is further ontt-rM that ftjtiil potilionrr Shndl we start YOU in this busiuess, render? Write to in nurt l o r n M abont it tV.r j>.mf»»-if. W« irive u o t i w t o ilie pc?rrtonsintvi'0!>U:<l in s:tKl os»^c Xnitinjr many: we will luart .von if yoo (lout delay until tiitoof the pontli>ju;y of i»-!i«l pel it ion, ami the Every J.'urmer who has anything1 to sell enn "f(!i« slirxl of VCHI in your p«n (if the couptTT. If you hearinjr thereof, bv causinK » copy of ihisjorI you wili fw- able to jAvk up (rulil fiisl. Q B f f S r a t l — dr?r to IK* publishi^l in the (JOltlJN.VA .)i)int4l«>il»r f*h«ti(«»Krni>M AlhMAtK Mrr to 1>« *<>1«] to tl>« NAT^rt newsp*»porprinto<l find «in:wl;)tert insnV) JH-UJ.*T fur &'£ rmrb. llouiKI lit K<>v»l (.'rit»*OD Silk V*Ivrt three sutoas^ivo Flutii. CbHrniinply d«cor«Ut) WIIHI^K. AmntNimf *t iilhumt in 11m county of Slji:rwas^o<s for 1 Suti . k.rni'*t Lsr^iii:- «>.»r knnwn, Acrciu* week* previous to si'.ki dj\jp of bearing. by subscribing for the lti|T m.Hiry tor «(rtnt». Any ODCIVB fA true copy. ] !«lf<«r. St;;^ iriwlf on vifclit—little <M- no MATTffKW HUSH. UuIwMtg Mi-tuarj, V b m i T : *hin< K, r m v oit« « i n l i to pureiuu№. ^s*»t» i»k« Oi-^tiMud* of orckr» with rtpklity never Judce of l*rol>«te. I f A l A C from Ohio. Hrrc fra • I I l l j t iwrtmit of Mr. C:«rri- MAKE MONEY GIVE OUR. GUSTOMRS A BENEFIT. Never before have we.had such an immense Stock in all Department*. We have more goods than we can crowd into our Stores and have to use room outside. Just received 100 CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES 100 •NOVELTIES IN BOOKDASKS, CHAMBER SUITS AND SIDE BOARDS. ALL DOWN PILLOWS. SOMETHING NEW. IN PARLOR S61ITS MAKE MONEY b«*#nnf known. Ormt profits xwait every worker. ARrnit «n» MntiiuKliyiwiti. Ijidieim*l«i> ** inurfi at m«>n. You, mder, eta &> At * «4l n u ^ t M , Full iuf'ii"io«lUiD<urt twrin frr". t ro (kxn* wtw> writa for Mm*, with p*rti«;I«r> xml term* for oar ~ j Kil.k*, Ihtok* atMl l*eri«Iii»l». After you know All, ly«>« cnnclitda to go no fonhtr, why no don*. K. C. AU/KX * CO-, AVUVtvdy kAMf. styles in Millinery au<] lowest prices at Miss C. E. Kinyon'o. A. Millard has just received n Jarge stock of fine fresh confectionery THE Michigan Farmer BEST. PLACE To get a good Business Edue«uon Js at We have an *»i»dless variety, from the cheapest wool plushes to the finest tap. estriea in all the. latest shades. Xever before were they so cheap, so beautiful or so diirable as now. In-sJiort, if you do not see what you want, a*k for \VC h-ive got Jt. SPECIALTY. UO<Hls l.whv«nrju ami viti^ni VOODARD & NORTH. And readingrHsf mnr^ot reports. The "Farmer" Js a buslnos paper for Carmer3 Write for Torty Puge WITH "HOUSEHOLD" SUPPLEMENT. Sample <op:os «cnt free on application. Farmer, • 'Detroit, LiuyiiJviAftuu *\ Thanking OMJ- many customer* for their liberal trade. We uif Respectfully, J. W. WELTON'S COMMERCIAL ONLY $1 PER YEAR College, 53 Fountain Street, Grund Kapids, Micbi^ua. i'aiii. 17! Woodward Ii PENSIONS! DETROIT. MICH IC A.M i J, AT Yauo uima City. Ore., on the 8th. I cently at Meehanicsville. N. Y... at t.h* a family named Parker, consisting of age of eighty-one years. parents and seven children, was drowned REVISED election returns received by the capsizing of a boat while crossing from all counties in Pennsylvania make a stream. the plurality for Bover (Rep.) for State A BATTKKV of five hollers at Pardee Treasurer 62,231. CORUNNA, MICHIGAN «fe Co.'s coal Jiine near Hazelton, Pa., WILLIAM B. HAUT, State Treasurer of exploded on the 10th, killing- John Pennsylvania, died at Harrisburg on the Burke. Fred Munck and Joseph Rand. 8iii ' Cold water in a hot boiler was the cause. GENERAL WILLIAM & LINCOLN, son of A svxiiicATE of Pittsburgh, Xew York, the late Governor Levi Lincoln,. and •philadftipliift Rochester capitalists president of ih*> Thirty-foarth MassaGathered from All Quarters. have bought and the principal street rail- chusetts Rfcgiment Association, died at ways of Rochester, N, Y., for $2,250,000, Worcester, Mass., on the 8th, aged ,. • .. DOMESTIC. THE new thirteen-story flour irtg mill seventy-eight years. THE decision of the lower court in of the St. Paul Roller Mill Cowpany at DAVE WA MBOTJ>, one of the best known the Samuel J. Tilden will case has been St. Paul, -Minn., burned on tbe lpth, negro minstrels in the country, died in reversed by the decision of tho general causing a loss of $180,000; ins?ur;ir>ee New York on the 10th. term of the New York Supreme Court 8105,000. DKXXIS MCCABTY. probably the oidest and a new trial ordered. THK United States grand jury at Bal- man in Northern Iowa, died at Fort PKESJDEXT HAKRJSOIS on the 8th is- timore on the 10th indicted eighteen o7 Dodge on the 10th, aged 111 years. Ho sued a proclamation admitting Montana the 124 Xavassa rioters for murder and was hale and hearty up to within a few to Statehood. being accessories before the fact, the hours of death and retained his mental THE Austrian bark Joseph II. sailed penalty for which is death. Seven faculties to the last. •on the 7th from Providence, R. I., for charged as ^rin<*ips,ls and elev«:*n *s havJUDGE A. COMINGO, one of the best Rotterdam with $100*000 worth of cotton ing aided and abetted the murders. known lawyers and politicians in Misseed oil. This is the first direct foreign THK Kentucky Courts of Appeals has scuri, died in Kansas City on the 10th cargo that has left that port for the' last affirmed the decision of th«» Pike County from heart disease, aged sixty-nine half century. Court in tfpe Hatfleld-McCov cases. Val- years. Judge Comingo served two terms THE report of distress among the fish- entine Hatfleld, Myant kUhoro and in Congress. ermen at Terence Bay apd Lower Pros- Doc Mahorn will go to the penitentiary pect, in West Halifax, N. S., is con- for life for the murder of Tolbert McFOREIGN. flnr.ed. Nearly half of the population Coy, and Ellison Mounts will be hangfd A MELBOUIIUE dispatch of the 6th says In each village are on the brink of star- for the murder of AlUf McCoy, sister a number of natives of the Solomon Tatioii, owing to the failure of the fish- of the murdered men. Islands recently decoyed an Englishing in their neighborhood. About 400 THK military rts»er>Atioo at Fovt | man n&meti Nelson and three native persons are thus destitute. Hayes, K*n., ha* b*«en reduced by order 66^ s to their villages and then murdered THE affairs of Daniel Carmichael, of Secretary Proctor and tbe released them. Tbe bodies of the victims were wall paper manufacturer of Amsterdam, portion turned over to tbe Secretary id devoured by their murderers. N. Y., are reported in bad shape. He the Interior for disposition. The amount THE close of the Paris Exposition on has conveyed all his property to his thus added to the- public territory l» the 6th was marked by a brilliant fete. brother, ex-Mayor John Carmichael, tor about four square mile*. Four hundred thousand persons were $91,000. The latter endeavored to meet BT order of Judge McKitn. Georg* present, the largest attendance since •Daniel's obligations, but as much of the Francis Train was released from jail at the opening of the exhibition. Thei s per maturing proved to be forged* he Boston, M**t, on th«$Hh- The judge were a few slight accidents due to the clined to accept any more of it. The said be did not better© Train wifldteBtly cruah. '• ' •'•' " •"" "•"•'' """"• indebtedness will, it is said, be about insane to be d&«tg«rou» to himself or AD^CKS from Zanzibar state that the C22C,O00. Th,e forgeries will approximate others, nor to be ordered to an aftyliua; M&saiacr Somalis have massacred Dr. 900,000. neither did he believe him to be suf- Peters, the German explorer, and his ST. PATRICK'S Roman Catholic church ficiently sane to be held for debt. whole party except Lieutenant TiedeIn Utica, N. Y., was burned on the 8th. RICHARD Pnn.Birs waa arrested »t zoann acd one Somali, who are wounded There are suspicions that the fire was of New York on the 9th for robbery com* and are now at Ngao. Incendiary origin. The insurance is roitted at Chtoago seven years ago. THE American ship CheseT>orough, about $25,000. While employed M I butler by•;"»?. R. Captain Ericsson, from Hiogo for New Tan International Amalgamated Sail- Nixon, a Chicago commission merchant, York, has been wrecked off the northern ors and Firemen's Union was organised in December, 1882, Fhilbius stole $5. WO coast of Japan. Nineteen of her crew At NewYork City oil the 8th. Onci of worth of jewelry and silverware from were drowned. , the objects of the union fo to provide his employer. THK volcano of Colima, in Mexico, is houses in the chief seaports of the work of collecting the material now in active eruption. Many building* country where members of the union forTue the census will require the serv- in the neighborhood of the mountain can obtain lodgings, thereby escaping ices of tenth 175 supervisors and 42,000 enu- have been thrown down and for milesthe evils of the sailors' boarding bouses. merators. The latter force will be em- around the woods are on fire. JOHNS HOPKINS university has received ployed only six weeks. They will be reTHE first sod of the Nicaragua canal a gift of $100,000 from Mrs. Caroline quired to 'report to the Washington of- was officially and formally turned at Donovan, of Baltimore. A chair of En- fice daily by postal card. TJheir pay-will San Juan Del Norte a few days ago, amid glish literature will be established. average $4 per day. The supervisors the booming of cannon and cheers o* PIOG VANX was banged on the 8th at will receive not less than $900, and in thousands of spectators. Suinmerville, Ga., for the murder of the case of those stationed at the larger BISHOP O'DWVKR, of Limerick, has North White, May 1, 1886. He made a cities the remuneration will be several issued a pastoral letter forbidding the Tain attempt at suicide the day before, times this sum. clergy of the- dioevse to grant absolution by cutting his throat. POSTMASTER J. SxRAcnxand Assistant to any person guilty of boycotting or AT Utica, N. Y., on the 8th Judge Postmaster Crooch were arrested at pursuing the plan of'campaign. The Merwin granted a motion to vacate the Selma, N. C., on the 9th charged with Bishop retains to hin self alone the right order of arrest of Contractor Sullivan the robbery of registered letters. to absolve such person*. from connection with the Assembly ceil"WHIUS driving along the public road A DISPATCH from Z, azibar discredits ing frAud. near Sotnereoi, Ky., on the 9th. Evan the story that Dr. Fevers and bis party THE bark Clara McPherson recently Hamlin was shot from ambush and in- have been massacred, and declares that arrived at Astoria, Ore., with Captain stantly killed. Hamlin was charged until confirmatory news is received there Williams and eighteen men,of the Brit- with the murder of one of the Warman is no reason to give up hope. ish bark General Picton, which burned boys and was out on bail. O.v the 6th 5400,000 was paid over by i t sea' September 14. The, McPherson IXVESTIOATIONS into the administra- the provincial government at Quebec to <j»mc up in time to save the crew. tion of the funds of Brown University at Father Turgeon, representing the JesTUB deepest snow over known in Providence, R. 1., by tbe late registrar, uit order in Canada, in consideration of Texas was on the ground on the 6th. It' Oilman P. Robinson, shows an embezzle- the order's total and perpetual abandonWas six inches deep and there were ment of $1?,(VCO. Robinson was arrested ment of claims to ftio estates which bocame the property of the crown when drifts of nine feet. on the 10th and held in $8,000 bail. : • SIMOX WALK Kit, of Chesterfield County, THE weekly statement of the New tho order was suppressed nearly a cenVa., the negro Itoy who committed an York associated banks, issued on the tury ago. outrage upon Mary Quinn, aged eleven 9th, shows the following changes; Reyears, ana who Was twice sentenced to serve decrease, $1,881,325; loans inbe hanged and respited, the last time crease; $1,018,200; specie increase, $572,of the 11th from China say until November 8, has had his sentence 100; legal tenders decrease, $2,571,^00; that the Yangtsze river had overflowed commuted by the Governor to twenty deposits decrease, $472,700; circulation its banks, and ten thousand families j ears in the penitentiary. ifitiroase, $5,100. The banks held $760,were homeless around Ning Po, and five TIIK business *<ulures throughout the 850 less than the twenty-fiye per cent, hundred families ware drowned at Wencountry during- the seven days ended rule. ! ;s : . '.. ' '- ' November 8 number for the United CA8HIEB Vox IIOESEX, charged with ehow. States ,:,y!28. and for Canada 39. for the embezzling §58,000 from the Toledo (O.) MRS. LOUISE CLOUTIEK, aged one huncorresponding week of last year the National Bank, had a preliminary hear- dred years and two months, died in Chifigures were 1D4 and 32. ing before United States Commissioner cago on the 11th. A FUKioR-rand gravel train collided Hall on the 9th, and was bound over in THE British Minister at Zanzibar renear Altoona, Pa., on the 8th. Brake- the sum of $50,000 for trial in December. ceived a letter from Stanley on the 11th man William Stevens, of thtv freight AUGUST SUESSMAST, the absconding in which the explorer said he hoped to train, was killed and two others injured. clerk in the Comptroller's office at Cin~ reach Zanzibar about the middle of JanBY the fail of a scaffolding at the in- cinnati, who embezzled over $4,000, has v uary next. • ...... sane asylum on Blackwell's Island, Xew been arrested in S t Louis, He offers to York, oii the 8th, six men were injured, go back without requisition papers. T? IB: Washington Legislature met at out none fatally. UNKNOWN assassins went to the house Olympia on the 11th and elected minor A FLEET of thirteen coal barges were of Mre. C, Burns, in Johnston County, officers. sunk in the Ohio river below Parkers- South Carolina, on the night of the 9th, GENERAL CORONA, ex-Minister to burg, WVVa., on the $th, involving- a and murdered her and her grandson, Spain and Governor of the 'State of loss of $30,000. aged about eight years. Both were shot, Jalisco, Mex., while on his way to a the* JOHN' BEKWEIS, a colored caterer of and their bodies were found lying on the ater in Guadalajara on the ilth was floor. The house had been robbed. Petersburg, Va., was on the 8th fined FRAXK FISOST, the defaulting- cashier killed by a madman, who afterwards by tho Mayor «t,000 and required to give of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, killed himself. a peace bond penalty of $500, for using was bonded by the Fidelity and Casualty THE principal testimony in the Croniri incendiary language on the public street. Company of New York. This company murder case in Chicago on the ilth was EIGHT business houses and the depots secured his arrest, conviction and sengiven by the sewer-cleaners who found of the Chicago, Burlington & Quiney. »nd Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific tence to imprisonment. A peculiar fea- the doctor's clothing and instruments. roads, at Atchison, Kan., were destroyed ture of his sentence is that he must PJRESIDENT KAttRrsoN at 5:27 p. m. on hj fire on the 8th. caused by a lamp ex- serve in addition to his regular sentence the Ilth issued a proclamation admitting one day for every dollar he stole. On plosion. Loss, 3100,000. this account he will have to serve nine Washington as a State in the Union. A BOY supposed to be Willie Diekin- years extra. laiss FRANCES E. WILLAKD was reEon, who so mysteriously disappeared elected president of the W. C. T. U. at AT Buffalo, N. Y., on the 9th the about eight years ago and for whose recovery a reward of £8,000 is offered, has boiler of the tug Comet exploded, badly the annual session in Chicago on the been found in tho Boys' and Girls' Home wrecking the boat and injuring two of Ilth. »t Los Angeles, Cal. The boy's father •the crew. Engineer Daniel LegTew was ADVICES of the Ilth from South blown fifty feet into the air and fell into Africa report gTeat distress in the Transresides at Bessemer, Mich. the canal, where he was picked up. vaal, resulting frotn drought and famTHE committee appointed to audit the Accounts of the Pittsburgh relief comine. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. mittee for the sufferers of the JohnsPOWDEB exploded on the Ilth in tbe OWING to a heavy fall of snow and bad town flood, has completed its work. The chemical works of Wiley & Wallace in report showed that the contributions roads the Wyoming vote on the adoption Philadelphia, killing threo men and from the various cities and countries re- of the constitution was light. The voto fatally injuring another. will aggregate 1.0,000, with less than ceived by the committee aggregated S834,232.611, of which $560,000 was trans- 1,000 against th,e constitution. DR. J. 1J. BitiSTow, a prominent physiferred to the State flood relief commisAMONG the Snitan's presents to the cian of Lafayette, Ind., committed sui* sion. A cash balance is still on hand of imperial visitors—the Emperor and Em- cide on the Ilth by taking hydrate of $44,4^5.63. press of Germany—are a jeweled collar chloral. No cause was known. THK three-story brick building on valued at £45,000, for the Empross, and A GIGANTIC pool, in which all the West Sixth street. Kansas City. AIo., a sabre studded with diamonds for Em- leading window-glass manufacturers of owned by Perer Tiernan and occupied by perior William. Miss CATKEKIXK DKEXKL, heiress to the United States will co-operate, was him with a job printing- establishment, $<nd. the A. N. Kellogfgr Newspaper Com-over 35,000,000, on the 7th received the organized on the Ilth at Pittsburgh, Pa. TKRETC theater managers were arrested pany, was destroyed by fire on the night white veil in the chapel of the Sisters of the 9th. The losses, which are cov- of Mercy COB vent in Pittsburgh. The in Cincinnati on the Ilth for giving ered by insurance, are: A. X. Kellogg ceremonies were conducted secretly, but Sunday performances, fined, and warned Newspaper Company, stock, #40.000; few personal friends being present. not to repeat the offense. Peter Tiernan, building and stock, $40,THE President on the 7th appoiated GOVERNOR TOOLE, of Montana, on the 000. W^liam W. Bates, of New York, to be tlth called a session of the Legislature AT Chicago on the 9th Judge Baker Commissioner of Navigation, and Trlai- for November '23. granted" the application of Alexander dad Romero to be Unitod States MarTHE official returns on the Ilth from Sullivan for release from the bail of shal for Now Mexico. sixty counties received at the Secretary S25,00C iv. which ho was heWl by the corCOMI'LKTK but unofficial returns from oner in .TJ.IC last pending the action of every county in Iowa show a plurality of State's office in Ohio and the other the grand juvy for alleged complicity in for Boies, (Dem.) for Governor, of 7,100, twenty-eight \m teleprrams from the the Cronin murder, which will not !>e changed much by tlia officials of' the counties indicated that ET.MKR GRO^* and Frank Auderson, official countthe plurality of L-ampson (Rep.) for EpiiniAM IV. J2U *w OKTH, lather of the Lieuteaant-Governor would be 131. 'Che A prize fight near 'Wilkesbarre, Pa., on famous Colonel Elmer K, Ellsworth, the Republicans elect all the State ticket A1 •* 9th. Anderson caa not IOCOVAF. flrst victim of the ciyii ?'«, {Ue4 FATAL AFFRAY- ± JtUl. o \J UltJN AJL, NEWS OF TEE WEEK. S Governor. Colonel W!lll«m c". fioodloe KiH» Colonel A. M. Swope During a Ouarrel a t JLextafftou, Ky., and in R«turn 1» Mortally Wounded-Both Men Were Prominent Armmt; Report, of United States Treasurer Huston. The Past Year Characterize^ a* » uuirk&ble One in CovernnieRt Monetary IJistory—Revenue* ami £xpenditures Kxtraoi-Ulujirily Large—The Public Debt. WASHINGTON., NOV. 11.—The annual report of United States Treasurer Hustoii, on the operations and condition of the treasury for the. fiscal year ending June 30, 1889, was made public yesterday. The year is characterized as a remarkable one in the history of the public finances, both the revenues and the expenditures having been exceeded but few times since the foundation of the Government. Revenues atnounted to 3387,050,058 and expenditures to ^299,288,978, inclusive of §17,293,869 paid in premium on bonds purchased. The surplus revenues were S37,701,080, a decrease of $23,580,193 as compared with the year before, counting premium on bonds as an ordinary expenditure. The receipts on account of the public debt amounted to $245,111,850, and the expenditures to $$36,214,775. Ky., Nov. 9.—-Colonel Armstead M. Swope, ex -collector of internal revenue, shot, Colonel William Csssius Ooodloe, the present collector of internal revenue, in the abdomen Friday, and Goodloe stabbed Swope to i death. Both men were Republicans and political rivals and enemies. The quarrel grew oat of a statement made in tad Republican convention of May 1, 1888, by Colonel Goodloe, that fully two-thirds of the Payette Countydelegation in convention did not speak, to Swope.. The men met at 1:40 p. m. in the post-office corridor. Both were after the mail in their lock boxes, which are rather close together. They approached these boxes almost at the same instant, and when each saw who the other was he glared at him fiercely, and one of the two, it can not be discovered ^vhich, esel&Ksed: "You spoke to me—you insulted me I" This was followed by some angry words from the other man. At this instant they straightened up, and each dxetv a weapon at the samo moment—Swope a pistol and Goodloe a clasp-knife. As soon as the weapons were drawn Swope fired. Goodloe knocked the pistoldowfi-m it went off. The ball entered his abdomen on the right side. Goodloe then began stabbing his opponent in the breast with Ms knife, which forced Swope backward toward the money-order doot, they having begun the fight midway the lobby. After sevr eral blows had been struck by Goodloe Swope fired again, missing Goodloe. In a moment after firing the second shot Colonel Swope fell on his face within about ten feet of the door leading into the moneyorder department, and, weltering in his bloody died almost instantly. On his person were found thirteen wounds —on his back, arms and breast. Immediately after killing Swope Colonel Goodloe walked to a physician's office, where his wounds were examined. He was perfectly cool and made a disposition of property in case of death. Colonel Goodloe i» now »t the Phoenix Hotel. He has not been arrested. There is universal sorrow over the affair and public sentiment is divided. Dr. Connor, of Cincinnati, and a local surgeon are attending to the wounded man. They express strong hopes that the intestines of their patient have escaped injury and that with his robust health he will recover. They deem it unsafe to probe for the bullet at present Colonel Goodloe at midnight was resting easllj. The gold in the treasury in excess of certificates outstanding was 5193.610,172 on July 1,1888, and §186,257,490 on July 1, 1889. Notwithstanding the loss of gold, both in the aggregate and in the amount not covered Dy certificates, amounting to Dearly four per cent., the position of the treasury was strengthened in every respect save the amount oTreserves. The total assets, liabilities and reserve all fell off about fourteen percent. The aggregate obligations of the Government at the close of the year, including the public debt, as stated by the department, and the National bank note redemption funds and deposit accounts, of which the Treasurer has sole charge, were 31,810,678,475. The debt, less cash in the treasury, was $1,050,034,603, as against $1,139,000,878 a year before. The debt proper, consisting of the interestbearing bonds, outstanding notes and matured securities, decreased during the year from $1,371,302,574 to $i,250,043.1W The purchase of bonds amounted to 982,468,050 of 4K per cents, and $33,106r 400 of 4 per cents. The reduction of the annual interest charge effected by the operations of the year was $5/239,580. The changes teat took place in the currency during the year were an Increase of about «S4,000,600 In the stock of silver, a.contraction of S4l,000,000 in the National bank circulation and a loss of $&,?50,000 on goU. Of the three, the first two are not unusual, but the last is new, each former year since preparations wer^ commenced for the resumption of specie payments having witnessed an increase of gold in tha country. The increase of the circulation of silver certificates during the year was about $50,000,1; «. Of this sum SS3,000,000 was in newismien and tho remainder wts taken from the cash In the treasury. The new issues of small denomination* appear to have fully supplied the needs of the ccimtrv. and no further difficulty is apprehended in furnishing such denominations as they are wanted, within the limits of the coinage of silver dollars. These certificates now exceed in volume every other kind oi paper cur rency except United States notes. Tne coinage of the standard silver dollars has proceeded without any incident worthy of remark. Without much change in the amonnt in circulation, there is a tendency toward a decrease. The shipments to and from the treasury have been about as usual, but in consequence of the heavy movements necessary for storage, the expenses of handling have recently been considerable. A redundancy of the stock of fractional silver coin is shown by the large amounts the treasury has had to carry. This was produced by the reappearance of the old pieces in the circulation after the resumption of specie payments, along with the new coinage substituted for fractional currency under the law of 1875. Since 1885, however, there has been an average yearly absorption of about §&,000,000, which is attributed to the growth of the country and the development of business. During the year the National banks withdrew ao«,'y40,90() of their bonds held by the treasury as security for circulating notes. The deposits amounted to §25,243,700. There remained at the close of the year §148,121,450, belonging to 3,202 banks, as security for circulation, and §45,222,000, belonging to27(V banks, as security for deposits. In. the last ten years the number of active banks has increased nearlv sixty per cent., \*Thile the amount of bonds held to secure the^ir notes has decreased in about the same projwrtion. INDIAN AFFAIRS. Annual Keport of CommiMloner Morgan Concerning Education and Allotment of U WASHINGTON. NOV. 11.—The annual report oi Commissioner of Indian Affairs Morgan was given to the press yesterday. Considerable space in the report is devoted to Indian education, lie says all his efforts have been put forth to Hecure anon-partisan, non-sectarian public school system for the Indians. The numter of Indian pupils at the 147 Indian schools is 0,(150. The cost of maintaining these schools during the past fiscal year was $8(59,075. He also devotes considerable space to tho subject of allotment of lands in sevr eralty to Indians. The work of carrying out the provisions of the general allotment act is progressing as satisfactorily and rapidly as a due regard to the condition of the Indians will permit. JT'Jroerous cases have been feportod where the whites have taken possession of lands belonging to individual Indians and measures are urged lor their protection. The Indian courts are commended for their influence in suppressing crime, while the work of tho Indian police also com«s in for praiso. Mr. Morgan outers into a detailed account of the condition of the Indians at the several agencies, which be describes AH generally good. j THE 3fEW8 AT WAfcHINUTOJ*. WASiHXrttox, Nov. 9.—The n«vtvR M the fatal shooting affair in Kentucky be* tween Colonel Caaius Goodloe and exCollector Swope causod a great deal of excitement and grief here. Both parties are well known, not only in this city but throughout the eastern section of. th« country. Colonel Goodloe, especially, had a large acquaintance in this city, New York and abroad, for he was a member of the diplomatic service for some time* was a> member of the National Republican Executive Committee, and thus was always prominent in politics. Besides, being related to the best families in Kentucky, he isconnected by marriage with Senator Beck. He was mentioned at one time for the position of Minister to Russia, but declined it, and was appointed collector of internal revenue for Kentucky. The President knew Colonel Goodloe well and esteemed him highly. The news that he b^d been shot affected him to a most marked extent. The intelligence seemed to stun the President almost as though it had been told o£ a near relative. A book which, he was holding in his hand at the time fell to the floor and for a few minutes he paced nervously and abstractedly up and down. He asked that any particulars of the tragedy which might be received should be communicated to him. BIOGRAPHICAL. [Colonel A. M. Swope was about SO years old and a native of Kentucky. He fr^cticed law at Paris, Ky., until iha beginning of the war, when Ire joined tbe Unior. army itnd rose to the rank of Colonel, serving on General Bueirs staff. Alter tbe war he went to Lcxicgtou and resumed the practice of his profession. He has held ir.any position* of trust within the gift of National administrations and was regarded as one of the ablest men in his party. la the last Kentucky Republican convention be made a strong tight for Senator Sherman before that body, but wus unsuccessful in his attempt to have the delegation instructed for the Senator, beiug irpposeJ by Colonel Goodloe. In 1877 Mr. Swope was appointed collector of inieru&i revenue for The Seventh Kentncky district, and resigned in 1883. He was an applicant tot commissioner of internal revenue under President Harrison, but was defeated, it i» claimed, through the enmity of Colonel Goodloe. Hon. William Cassius Goodlot? was born in Madison County in 1841. His great grandfather was General Green Clay, who commanded a> brigade' in the Northwestern campaign under General Harrison. In lStfi ho accompanied hi* ancle, Cassius M. Clay, to Russia, where ho was sent as Minister by President Lincoln. Mr. Goodloe acted as secretary ot the legation until I86i, wh«n he returned asd joined the Union anr.7 a*. Assistant A<Jjutant-G<«ieral of Volunteers, serving until 1J*H, when he resigned and commenced the practice of law in Lexington. In 18&3 he was elected a delegate to the National Republican convention, and was appointed a member o* the committee to notify Geueral Grant of his nomination. In 1S73 ae was elected to the State Senate, and the following winter was nominated by the Republican caucus for UuiteU States Senator.] Hontaua Admitted. • WAsmxftTox, Nov. 9.—Tho President has signed tbe proclamation admitting Montana as a Mate. Tbe proclamation is similar in form to those with relation to Dakota. • ' m Tom. lu spito of his vexation with "Why, it's-it 8 - " he said, end tell KELlGIOUs AND EDUC* PONAL* .d was hard at this place, but the the U+mily. lathed at tho comical fig- blood on the roclc and a piece of blue* fainting. lid had asivad h's nwt —The Gospel is spreading rapidly in ure the child made. Then tk* test of checked en; ton cloth, torn from the biothvr Wiilie, wbeu he had thought J'i[isji. In Toiiio it is estimated that the Wallace children joined in a shout child's dress by a broken root, told th* to &b,<r<? IMO life of a chile of on* who the now converts average live hundred had don« him a wrong. that the scratch cat would get him. story. a month. The chad was not seriously hurt, nor CORUNNA. : : : MICHIGAN. Scratch cat is the Jocai mime for pau- ] vl declare it's Benny," said Tom, w — Dr. G. W- Knox believes that Japan ther. It was said atthat time that a large he looked at the blue-checked bit of did Tom sustaiu any injury from his will yet become the center of the ChrU- * panther had"run'away nlong the Conk- cotton. "That's the very dress he had nerroM:; shock and iong run. But the tian ajjeacies that are to revolutionise THE'TWO "CALLERS. lin brook, whkh ran bttif way .betwemi'. on when I came by the Wallaces' house. father an J mother were so horrified by wondrous caiters come to mea, the road and the Little Black creek, Why the poor child must have hurt it- the adventure that within a n^k thoj —The answer to the Shaster is India; no one k&ovreiii iiow, or wftea. moved away., Tbe fishing-rod, badl1 the answer to Confucianism is China; and signs of its presence had been re- self terribly." first is Love; Ue hold* the fcej ported that spring. Tears almost filled Tom's eyes. His broken, and the basket of fish were re- the answer to the Koran is Turkey; tho That opooi all hearts e»*Uy. Tom supposeu imiu wiiat the chil- love for hVovrh winsome brother made covered by Wallace, who was not so answer to. the Bible U the Christian At home in palace or in 6ot, dren snfd that Wallace, might have him feel a hearty sympathy for Benny. boorish as to be unable to appreciate civilization of Protestant Europe and For ouiward ataie he caretti nofci. seen tho panther, but he did not give Tho cut foot hud blod freely, for beyond what Tom had done, but Mr. Laraber- America, I h e hearts he opens im doth tho matter a second thought He the sharp stone there was a blotch of son would look at neither. —An English curate, who was taking With highest earthly knew that panthers that had never blood at every step, and a drop or two be- Three days later a guide over on a religious census, asked a workman Love's message men iritfe jy receive tasted human blood were arrant cow- tween. Tom walked faster nfter he found Moose river shot and killed a panther of what persuasion he was. "You may And every *ord of it b ards in thepresenceof man. He walked the blood on the trail. Suddenly the blood as it lapped the water from the stream put me down as the religion of a wheelHi» coming, therefore, p l e w i well: briskly on, and was soon out of sight ceased to appear. "That is strange,1' near the natural dam. Ita throat was barrow—I goes whichever way they Sweet is the story lore tlciii t«i). from-t-he log-hbuacv Then Willio came he thought, and he looked about care- badly bruised in one place, and the an- shove me" The second caller much we tear, along, aud the Wallace children, who fully to see if there wore signs that imal was doubtless the one that hod —The McAll Mission is now carrying And tremble when he doth »ppett. seemed to have ne ill-will against him, would indicate that the boy had left the licked the blood from the trail of Mr. the Gospel to the common people, in Xo most, his coming seem* sm:s»; persuaded *xim to stop and play with path. But he could find no further trace Lamberson's child,—John R. Spears, in forty halls in Paris, with 259 devoted Stera is bis greeting, cold biskis*. them for a time. They noticed that of blood or see the boy. In spite of Youth's Coinpan'on* workers, holding last year 17,000 meetTo close oar eyes, grim death doth ea.1. Willie and Benny looked much alike, his efforts to believe that the wound ings, attended by 1,114,000 hearers, Certain at last to Bod as all: A MERCHANT'S STORY. and out of a childlike freak put one of had been closed with clotted blood and raany of vrhom becBm« doers cf tho And yet no foe to us is be: Benny's blue-checked dresses on Wil- that he should soon find the boy, the How lit* Lire Was Changed by a Simple Word. He cometh ±»U to set us free. Performance of Dutj, lie, and took off his shoes and stock- disappearance of the trail gave Tom a ^A. J. Drexel, Philadelph?a millionA gentleman, who is now a prosperLove comes lite morning's radiant ligbt: ings. Then Willie, who had not for- shock that:p i rtly unnerved him. aire and philanthropist, proposes to deDeath, like tfce sable cloud* ofnigM. gotten his intention of following Tom, He quickened his pace to a run and ous merchant, in a conversation with a vote th 500,000 to build and endow an The artist let* a frame of gold slipped away ia the direction his shortly reached soft ground again. On representative of the Economist, said industrial institute in that city for th« His mezzo Unto pictures hold, brother had taken. its very edge the print of one little bare that his life was changed by a simple instruction of and training ot a thouTom, meantime, had crossed the That outlines din* be may reveal, foot was found, but where the boy's next performance of duty. WMch somber settings would conceal. *'I was clerk behind the counter of a sand girls in the daytime, and an equal Conklin brook, along which was the footprint should have been was the number of boys at nighi > Death letgoiaea background shine: panther's runway. Nolftdught of the broad and unmistakable track of a pan- large retail store in Boston, at a small —Among the converts to Christianity His bitter errand is divine. animal entered his mind, and three- ther. The brute in crossing the road salary. I had been out of work some from Mohammedanism at Ooroomlah quarters of an hour later he had reach- above had found the bloody trail of the time, and when I secured the position there are five Say Ida, direct tlescendWhere Christ's dear love hath entered ta> And purged the heart of mortal sin, ed Little Black creek, and from a big boy* It had stopped to lap the e^rth in Boston I was thankful, and made a ants oi Mohammed, who are held in black rock was throwing a fly over the where the lad had trod, and had got a mental promise that I would perform special awe and reverence. They atDeath closes eyes that he may bless toy duties thoroughly. I had been With more than earthly happiness. blacker water. He bad never visited taste of human blood. tribute their con version to the reading Egbert I<. Butgs, ia Bemorest's Monthly. the creek on a niora auspicious day. "It is now a man-eater," Tom said to working for two days with poor suc- of tho New Testament—K. W. ChrisThe fish were so eager to bite that they himself, and the thought of the child's cess; trade had been quiet, and it was tian Advocate. made tho water boil when his long peril made his head swim. For a. mo- difficult to get any customers. I felt THE MAN-EATEB. —The State of New Jersey has the leader floated gently down to its sur- ment he stared vacantly at the mudj somewhat down-hearted because my proud distinction of having a larger face. Within two hours after his arri- then, without stopping to reason of counter had been idle for some time. A HOTT Tom Rescued His Little val lie had filled his creel, and with consider, rushed ahead with one idea, customer making his appearance, I proportion of its boys and girls in Sabbath-school than any other State in the Brother From Certain arms aching, and with pulse bounding that somehow he might be able to save tried my utmost to effect a sale, but, do Union. It appears by statistic?:; rewhat I might I could not please the with excitement was ready to sit down that child from the panther. Death. cently taken thai there art* just about and eat a luncheon which, before leavThe roadway, as it ran down toward man. Every thing was either too light two hundred aud eighty thousand chilSome of the tourists who have en- ing home, he had wrapped carefully in the brook, became soft and was iirietT or too dark, and if the color was select-1 dren in the 1,997 Sabbath-schools of tered the Adirondack wilderness by the a napkin. on either side with thick brush. At ed for hi? satisfactiotu the 'quality New Jersey. road that follows the northerly bank of Ho sat down and reached for his the edge of what the people of the was not what he desired. I have a —Editor Phelan, of the Western the West Canada creek will remember luncheon, only to discover that he had region call a *'flyr—a patch of open quick temper, and at times during the a cottage, now going to ruin* that left it at home in the pantry. This un- ground—the road ended. Here Tom transaction I felt that I could strangle Watchman (Catholic),, writing from the customer; but I quickly curbed Italy, says Venice is the -"most religistands on the left side of the road on welcome discovery caused him to aban- stopped to look about him. ous city in Italy. Thei cmarCuersre the tableland just above Little Deer don the plan he had formed, to string There was one budding bush between T&y temper and went at him tooth and full of people on Sunday, and at any Lake. Its queer, peaked-up roof which the fish already taken, and fill the him and the fly, and through it he saw nail. I felt that my reputation as a plunges down from the ridge-pole, and basket again. He took the leader from the blue*checked dress of the boy not salesman was at stake, and it was a hour of the day you may behold old rambles off toward the road as the cover his line, stowed away his flies in his eight rods away, and he heard the lad question of conquer or to be conquered. and young, men and women, soldiers of a wide veranda, is enough to impress book, r^filed in the line, unjointed the whimper as he limped along toward At last I made the sale, aad with it and sailors, kneeling at the altars and Its strange appearance on the mind of rod, and put it in its bag aud started the brook, xta was crying because his came a great satisfaction; but I was not praying with all their heart" —The colony of Victoria, Australia, u stranger. for home. foot hurt him. As Tom raised his foot done with the man yet t wanted to with 1,100,000 inhabitants, is said to As he fished he had worked his way to start forward, the panther, like a sell him mom. He said something A few years ago this cottage was muster 160 "religious sects," easily owned by a New York man. named yip the creek, and he was about five tawny shadow, sped from the alders on about sending hit wife around to look beating the record of our country, of Jerome Lamberson, who occupied it as miles from home when ho started back. one sida of the fly, and in an instant at some dress goods. I promised to * summer home. To it he was accus- He trudged along at an easy pace, stop- the child was knocked flit The pan' send samples of new patterns as they which it was once said that we had"* gravy.rt tomed to come every spring, before ping now and then to examine the early ther with its teeth picked him up by arrived. The customer thanked m* hundred religions but only ope 11 But what is a "religious sect? Two of the snow had disappeared from the spring flowers that bloomed on the the folds of his skirts and shook him. and said: *'lt hao taken you a long time to sell these Victorians are set down as "sedooryard, and stay till the hunting sea- slopes that faced the sun. When Tom Holding the child in this manner for a son was over. Four years ago he went reached the Conklin brook he found moment tbe brute laid him down on ma a few goods. Are all of your cus- erot worshipers," one as a "fatalist," and six profess "religion £ s d." to iiis cottage aa usual, but owing to a that it was only a little past noon* and the ground and began to poke him tomers as hard to please as 1?* " " 'It takes some customers but a short fright which bis family and himself re- was tempted into cutting a long birch about with its paw, and turned him WIT AND WISDOM. ceived from a panther, he moved away switch, aad with this as a rod a*d a over till his wide-opan eyes stared up time to make their selections, while we are in May and did not return. At the couple of yards of line, tipped with a at it Then it stood up on its hind others wish to go slower; —Slander would very soon starve if 1 timo of which I write Mr. Lamberscn single fry, he tried a few casts in the legs, jumped to one side, And with its bound to please them all. I answered. no one took it in and gave it lodging. •* 'Does it pay your house to devote had three children; Tom, an athletic Uttre pools among the alder bushes that head over its shoulder trotted to the —Age is not always a criterion of n young fellow seventeen years of age, a line the brook. edge of the bushes aad ^rouehed down so much time to so small a saleF he ability, for many a man of thirty can daughter of twelve, and Willie, a boy The fifth were small, but fierce as with its eyes on tbe boy, while its tail inqui.'evl, again. •iie tike sixty." •• 'Yes,? I replied. 'I have taken four years old. leopards, and when he finally hooked lashed back and forth, shaking the —It is the sins of other people that pains ty) give you what you want I self-appointed reformers raake the most From the corner of Lamberaon's yard one that weighed about seven ounces, bushes. & logging road ran north about four and had to fight fifteen minutes to keep The child turned slowly over on hit know you will find the goods as I say. fuss about—N. Ot Picayune. miles to Little Black creek, the waters it clear of roots and log* before he breast and reaching out first one hand, You will have confidence to come again, —It is the man continually cramped of which have since been dammed by could get his net under it, began to then the other, began to pull himself and the next time it will not take so whofindsdifficulty in keeping his head lumbermen, and it is now known as the wonder whether the creek had after eU toward the brush on the opposite side, long.' above water,—Texas Siftings. "After getttag his package he walked reservoir. The creek was a famous afforded him any more pleasure than in a pitiful attempt to escape the fate —The line dividing genuine helpfulthis brush-lined brook had done. But that had overtaken him. The paitther out of the store. In three d&ysl mailed ness from downright meddlesomeness" pbtce for trout of moderate size. In their last visit to the woods, when having landed the seven-ounce prize— started as if to leap upon him; then samples of the new dress goods to his is, sometimes, very narrow.—Advance. the Laxnbersons reached their home in it was indeed a pryte, when the size of It settled back upon its haunches, its wife, and the circumstance passed en—Accepting ourselves for what we April, they found that a man named the stream is considered—he threw hair erect and quivering as it prepared tirely out of my mind. In about a are and making the best possible use of Wallace, a wood-chopper, had recently away the switch and plodded on. On for another spring. Breathless with month I was transferred to another what we have is a sure secret of happimoved with his family into an old lojar- top of the ridge he passed a stretch of agony as he saw the movements of the counter and received a slight advance ness. house on his logging-road. Without mud in which he saw very distinctly child and its assailant, Tom waited no in wages. Much to my astonishment I —A Frenchman recently remarked apparent cause, the Wallaces took a the imprint of a child*s bare foot The longer, but with a hoarse cry ran was taken away from this depart- that every one in this world was obliged ment, after only a month or sis weeks' to bear his cross, but the smart dislike to Tom, the eider of the Lam- youngster had started to cross the mud, straight at the panthec trial, and placed in another position. I wear theirs on their lapels. berscra boys, and thtt children yelled and finding it too deep or too cold had Taken wholly by surprise, the brute out derisive remarks whenever he pass- returned. It had evidently wished to flattened back its ears and opened its could not believe that 1 was not giving —When culture, so called, increases, ed the log-house. Tons cared little for keep on, however, for the soft earth mouth as if about to spring on the in- satisfaction, because with each change and reverence declines among a people, their gibe&v but when ooe day one of showed where it had turned into a wood truder; as* it did so, Tom rammed tae an increase of wages was made. One it is time to consider what kind of a the children hit him with a snowball, path leading to one side, of the puddle fiehing-rod, his only weapon, into the morning I was informed that Mr. B culture it is.—Nashville Christian. Adhe went to the door of the log-house to and beyond it Tom was startled at open mouth of the panther. Then run- wished to see me. I went to the office vocate. remonstrate, and M>3. Wallace, a stout, seeing a child's track in the woods two ning to the child, he picked it up and with surprise and some fear. I was —The man who makes an apology in more surprised when I saw sitting bered-haired, red-faced person, laughed miles from any house. threw it over his shoulder on to his preference to engaging in a fight will side my employer my customer of a impudently. Then Tom threatened to "It's one of tie Wallace children,1' back. never need to tell a lie when asked how spank the offending youngster at the he said to himself. "Serves her right" He had been reckless of danger up to few months back. He proved to be the he came by that black, eye.—Boston first opportunity, whereupon Mrs. Wal- be continued, his thoughts turning that moment, but now he became wild moneyed partner of the concern, who** Courier. lace picked up a stick of stove-wood, from the distress he imagined the moth- with fear. Expecting each moment to other business interests kept hit*, —Ability to do, is no evidence that and started to hit Tom, who fled, much er would feel as she looked for the feel the brutes claws in his back* he away from the drygooda store almost the doing is justifiejd by the abilivexed at the boorishness of his new child, to the time when she had grab- started for the roadway, running as Entirely, and he was known to but few ty—although there is no ability that neighbors. With their few other neigh- bed a stick of stove-wood to assault well as he could. Had he looked be° of his employes, although he knew can not be desirably utilized. —United bors the Lambersons were friendly. him. At that remembrance he started hind him he would have seen that bis that I was a new man as soon as he Presbyterian. The season was a forward one. Ear- on. but stopped again as he thought assault had so frightened the panther saw me, and thought to see what metal ancient adage says; "It is betly In May the woods were clear of of the terror the child would feel that on freeing its throat of the fishing- I was made of. That he was satisfied ter—An to suffer an injury than to commit snow, and the cows had been turned when it should begin to realize that it rod it had run off across the brook. But is p/oved by his making me a buyer of one." But this depends largely upon out to pasture on the flats. On a fine was lost Tom' did not know that With the the several departments where I sold circumstances. Size of the other man, morning in the first week in May, Tom "Pretty tough for a youngster like arms of the child about his neck, and goods. My prosperity began with the for instance.—Philadelphia Press. Lamber&oii started up the old logging that to be alone in the woods,1' he its cheek ou his shoulder, he hurrted tough customer, and now I thank —We are none of us perfect in this road to spend tho day in fishing on the thought, "but it'll be a good lesson for along. He soou dropped into a dog goodness that I got him, and that I did long, still water of Little Black creek. Mrs. Wallace if I can find tho boy for trot and did not stop or look back until not show my disposition to strangle world, but a good many of us look complacently at ourselves in the glasa His brother Willie had privately deter- her. Teiach her to keep an eyo on it he re^elicS the Wallace dooryard. Mrs. him." „ * • msometimes, and cheerfully think that mined to follow him, and us Tom passed If I can't find It—" Wallace stood before the door. Stag—The eggs of Pacific island turtles we are pretty near it — Somerville Jourthe Wallace house, Willie, who kept He did not like to think of the oppo- gering as if about to fall Tom stopped are laid in a perpendicular cavity about nal well out of aifjht, wa*s just around a site contingency. Placing his basket before her. a yard deep at the bottom of a great —Patience strengthens the spirit, bend in the road behind him. and landing net under a tree, Tom, "I saved—saved Benny for you," he circular excavation which the female sweetens the temper, stifles anger, exThe Wallace children, half a dozen with his rod in hand, hurried along said, breathlessly. "The panther had scrapes by whirling around like a fly tinguishes envy, subdues pride; she in number, all barefooted, ragged and the by-road that the child had fol- him, but I got him away somehow." with ita wings smged and violently ply bridles tho to~gue, refrains the hand, healthy, were grouped in front of the lowed. Kneeling down he began, to take the ing its flippers. There are usually and tramples upon temptations. — log-touso as Tom went by. No one •'I wont call it,11 he said to himself. child from his back. Mrs. Wallace over a hundrtu <s#gs in a iitter, said any thing to Mm at first, except "I've heard that children, and men, stared with open mouth and turned to—It is an accepted truth in science Benny, a youngster of Willie1 s size, ami too, for that matter, are frightened half ward iiic uOucc ioor TWiny. who had j —Near Silverteu, Oregon, is a quarand philosophy that the progress of very much like, him in appearance. He to death, when lost, at the sound of a •orae fro33 within to see whet was go- i ry ofVuttl i» called "Srcp!?*** stone." Knowledge in ivum il*o iucicSniic ts the stood in front of tho group, wearing a human voice." Ing onr*stood there red-cheeked and It is soft when mined, and can bo sawed definite; and iiiis is as true of the irblue-checked dress. He looked very A few rods down the rofrd, which smiling. Tom saw and followed her or chopped in any desired shape, and dividual as of the accumulated knowl•everely at Tom and said: "The wound around towards the bruok, ho glance. Slowly, Uko one feeling bus whon subjected to intense heat does not It i» considered edge which is the common property ot •tratch lat '11 dit ye." Then be r*a be- saw where the youngster had struck its way in the dark, he drew the child seem to be affected. best material forfirepl&cMor flue*. I&OQ.-S* S. Times. nind tat rest in a, panic foot ana cut it ou s. sharp stone, The « back and gave it one look. THE JOURNAL. — " ''' -> • « • '•• - • THE Hits Received the finest Line of Who is ever on the alert to please, his customers, Would have done it? Overcoats, Hats & Gaps Why give to every lady purchasing $25.00 worth of goods at his store WINTER CLOTHING UNDERWEAR, GLOVES & MITTENS, AND 18 SELLING AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL $18. Suits for $16.50. 14 Suits ior 12. 8 Suits for 8. 15 Overcoats 13.50 $16 Suits for $14.00. 12 Suits for 10.00. 18 Overcoats 15.00. 12 overcoats 9.00. 3.50 Underwear for $2.75. 60 cent tmlaundried Shirts for 45 cents. The finest gents kid gloves for $1.00. Boys' School Suits for $2.95. Ask to see our Madrid Pant for $3.25. Elsewhere. to pt our W. A.WC MULLEN, PHOENIX B'K. Hew Line of Underwear <x3NEW HARDWARE.^ KEEP YOUJI FEET DHY WD WA Of 400 pages. No Lady should be without one. Call and get a oard aiid hear our plan. Remember that we sell more sugar for $1.00 than any other dealer in town. ©HOW E. EVELETH. HEIBEK* H. Dr. Gould is having bis house painted. R. Cushion is doing the work. Frank Wlilted has been on the sick list bat is ab •• to be Around again. Ja*. Drown, who has ali»o been sick for some time past, is out ag^in. Elvira CaJdwell is reported to be quite sick at the house of her parents southeast of here. G. W. Detwiler and wife spent Sunday with friends in Saginaw. C. W. Giiusman started north Monday for a three week's hupt. Good luck, Charlie. Detwiier & Son had another break down with their hay press last week, making the third or fourth break in the last few days. It seems as if they were getting quite numerous for a new machine. A delegation of Henderson odd fellows will visit the Oakley lodge tonight. A delegation will also go to Owosso Wednesday to attend the funeral of O. 5. Smith. Jxrsius. —X. B, Lincoln offers for sale all the tools in his machine shop at a low figure. They comprise a six horse power engine, threshing engine and a full kit of blacksmitiling and wagon making tools. Call at residence north of shop or ir-quireoi Thos. Campbell. 47 finest oranges and lemons always in stock at Millard's. Fine Valencia and Florida oranges just recei/ed. fta Sole «r ftent. A comfortable dwelling,also for sale cheap, on easy terms, 4 or 5 corner building lots, in different parts of this city. Inquire of S. W. Cooper, Land Agent, Corunna, Mich., BansforSale. The undersigned beg leave to announce to the people of Shiawassee County that they have just placed in stock an immense Lone of the best grades of envy I Shelf Jtntaie Off all Descriptions and invite the the Public to on us at the BLUE FKONT, CORUNNA! IF YOU AREIN NEED OF STOVES At thin season of the year you can buy what you want in the Shoe line of <IM. & J. GARLANDS Cheaper than at any other place in the City and we sell the best goods that are made. PINGREE I SMITH, MCLURE, BLOESERIEGGET, •..-ftS. ROBINSON IBURTENSHAW.№. Are the ViTiriR of Goods we are handling. WR PI AYR A Ff MR -^LADIES SHOES^- - FROM J1T5 TO $4.00 THAT CANNOT BE MATCHED. M. & J, GARLAND. Either Coal or cod, Heating or ooking- Gkxxl Rubbers for Ladies for 30 cents a pair. e can furnish you with the same. We also have a Large Line of PUMPS and COUPLINGS —AKPKEE? IN STOCK— $ 10,000 OF BOOTS & SHOES WHICH Call and see us for we warrant our work and our PRICES ABE REASONABLE. UrCameron PetfameSt ,.••*• \ have »ti'tt lino of SOEJD. LadiesV Shoes worth $2.00 for $1.50. Ladies' Dongola Kid Shoes worth 2,50 for 2.00. 44 " " " " 3.00 for 2.00; u ** " " " 3.50 for 3,00. 4< " " *' •' 4.00 for 3.50. Men's Boots worth...,, 8,00 for 2.50, " " " 2.50 for 2.00, Boy's Boots •• 2.50 for 2.00. " " " 2.00 for 1.75. 4< *•/ *«..., 1.75 for 1.50. Job Tin Work, VOysters served in any style at Low Prices and Perfect Satisfaction. Mlllard's. BE LOOK AT THESE PRICES- Etc M and if you want any You may have your choice of fifty Spanish Merino Itams for $10. These Bams are thoroughbred and registered aiid as well bind as any in the state. Inquire of J*. N. Cook or Oscar Hood- We respectfully invite th® Public to gire us & call when in need of Corunnft, Nov. 7,183». anything in the line of hardware and we guarantees you Good Goods, MTfTST Misses and Children's Shoes in Proportion. Now is the time to buy fall goods and get the benefit of close buying. Remember that these goods are all sold regardless of cost ' Harper & Haney. J COLLINS *