102nd Cavalry Regiment Association


102nd Cavalry Regiment Association
102nd Cavalry Regiment Association
The Essex Troop
102 nd Cavalry Regiment/Group ♦ 102 nd Cavalry Squadron ♦ 117th Cavalry Squadron
38 Cavalry Squadron ♦ 50 Armor ♦ 102 Armor ♦ 50 Brigade Special Troops Battalion
Volume 121 Issue 3
July 2012
102nd Regiment Association/Essex Troop – 1315 Pleasant Valley Way – West Orange, NJ - 07052
President's Message cont'd.
President's Message
Fellow Troopers,
I hope and pray that this newsletter finds you all in good
On June 9 we held our first Scholarship Award Diner. The
event was a success; we had a very enjoyable time. It is
agreed that this will be an annual event to mark the awards
of the scholarships offered by the association. This year we
awarded $6000 in scholarships to deserving high school
graduates and current college students. All of the
scholarships were awarded to family members of Troopers.
Unfortunately there were applications submitted from any
member of the squadron or the battalion. Perhaps next year
we’ll see applications from the National Guard side of the
house. Next year the scholarship committee plans to
advertise through nontraditional channels of
communication, to better serve the National Guard
membership of the battalion and squadron about the
scholarship program. To the scholarship committee
members my sincere thanks for all of their hard work, on
2012 Scholarship Program and the award party.
The officers and trustees continue to correspond with the
NJ Adjutant General in an attempt to meet with him to
discuss the true historical significance of the 102d Cavalry
Distinctive Unit Insignia (DUI). To date we have not heard
back from the AG, but are hopeful that we will hear
something in the very near future. I have outlined in past
issues the circumstances that have surrounded the DUI. In
2008 when the 2-102d Armor Battalion and the 5-117
Cavalry Squadron were reorganized into the current 1-102d
Cavalry Squadron it was decided to maintain the DUI from
the 5-117 the “Show’em the Way” DUI. According to
regulation this may have been an incorrect action, when the
original DUI, the “Fide et Fortitudine” crest is the true
historical DUI for the 102d Cavalry Regiment. I am
confident that before the end of the year we’ll be able to
report the official change.
Finally, keep an eye on future emails and letters about
the exciting staff ride the association is putting together for
June 2013 to Gettysburg, PA. The tentative plans are to
leave West Orange; via charter bus, on a Friday and return
the following Sunday. The weekend will include a tour of
the Gettysburg battlefield; cocktail parties on Friday and
Saturday nights, on Sunday dedicating a memorial
wreathe at the NJ Cavalry Monument.
Fide et Fortitudine
With gratitude,
Walter J. Hill
The Essex Troop Association
1315 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052
(973) 736-0952 email: [email protected]
President ……..……………….…………….…Walter J. Hill
1 Vice President………………. …….Stanley Krenkowitz
2nd Vice President …….………….....…..……. John Keeler
Secretary ….……..………..……….………….Roland Brown
Treasure ………………………...… David Van Benschoten
Sergeant at Arms ……………..………..Vernon Pedersen
Past President …………………...………William Marshall
Chaplain…………….…..……………………Michael Festa
Newsletter………………………………..…….Frank Dulfer
Michael Renahan – Louis Dulfer - Frank Dulfer
Myles Rahill – Ronald Fahey – William Marshall
Page 2
The Essex Troop Newsletter
Donations To The
Scholarship Fund
The following members gratefully donated to our
scholarship fund:
William and Mary Marshall
William Ciampo
Antonio Galioto
Fiorenzo Fanizzo
Carleton Saunders
C. J. McNichols
Joseph Fallon
Robert J. Smith
John Ducas
Merritt Brown
Myles and Mary Rahill
Richard Waldrop
Robert Dennin
Kathleen Ward
Robert Vanbenschoten
Officer&Trustee Meeting
West Orange Armory
Officer&Trustee Meeting
West Orange Armory
Officer&Trustee Meeting
West Orange Armory
Association Holiday Party
West Orange Armory
12 September
1930 Hrs
3 October
1930 Hrs
7 November
1930 Hrs
16 December
Supporting NJNG In
The 102d Cavalry Association has begun sending care
In all we collected $2310.00 in donations for the 2013
Scholarship Fund. Since our 2012 fund was established,
we agreed to add the donations received this year to our
2013 fund. To everyone listed above thank you from a
grateful membership and executive committee.
Commo Plan
packages to the NJ Guardsman deployed to Afghanistan.
Trooper Major Ed Dowgin is assigned to the 117 CSSB,
along with several other former members of the 102d
Cavalry/Armor. If you wish to donate to this effort please
send any donations to the Troop office in West Orange.
Please mark you donations specifically for the AFGHAN
Troop Support. If you wish to send care packages directly
please send me an email at [email protected].
Annual Dues Notice
In recent months we have been experiencing some
difficulty with the office phone system in the West Orange
Armory. If you need to communicate with the Troop,
please resort to emails, the Troop email address is
[email protected], or you can send any emails
directly to the Association President at
[email protected]. This is only temporary until the
problem is resolved with the Troop phone system.
Annual dues are due January 1 of each year. If you have
not yet sent in your dues, please renew your membership
as soon as possible. Send in your $15.00 to the attention
of the Membership Committee.
102d Regimental Muster is Set
The Association has set the date for our Annual Muster of the 102d Regiment. Mark your calendar for Saturday, November
10, 2012 at the West Orange Armory. The gathering will begin at 1300 hours, a buffet lunch and cold drinks will be served.
We are asking each attendee to bring some memorabilia from their time in the 102d. We would like to scan a copy to be
published on the website.
See you on November 10th.
The Essex Troop Newsletter
For Planning Purposes:
Gettysburg Staff Ride
7-9 June 13
Page 3
"The Presidential Escort"
The 102nd Cavalry Regiment Association "Essex
Troop" will recognized the One Hundredth Fiftieth
Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg by hosting a
staff ride, tour and wreath laying ceremony at the
battlefield during the weekend of 7-9 June 2013.
The "Turning Point" of the American Civil War, the
Battle of Gettysburg was initiated by cavalry action and
over the three days of battle union cavalry played
additional roles key to northern victory. The focus of
the association's staff ride will be an examination of the
various missions and events particular to the cavalry's
involvement in the battle.
The German Army originally used staff rides in the
late 1800’s to train their General Staff officers. They
studied the battles from the Napoleonic Wars to better
understand what happened, why it happened, and
what could be learned and applied to the future. Staff
Rides were later conducted by the US Army to train
officers at the US Army Command and General Staff
School. Often they used these battles from the
American Civil War as the basis for their discussions.
They visited battlefields like Gettysburg, Antietam, and
Petersburg to discover leadership lessons that could
be applied in the future. Staff Rides are still used by
the military today. They are also used by other
government agencies and the private sector to learn
from history.
The weekend recognition will commence on Friday, 7
June 2013 with an evening reception for all guests in
Gettysburg. There will be a day and a half of battlefield
tours and buffet dinners at outstanding local
restaurants Friday and Saturday evenings. The
weekend will culminate with a formal wreath laying
ceremony at the First New Jersey Cavalry Regiment's
monument at East Cavalry Field at noon, Sunday, 9
June 2013. Transportation from the West Orange
Armory to and from Gettysburg has been arranged and
will be available. Seating will be limited.
Individuals who are interested in attending or would
like additional information regarding this event are
encouraged to contact the association office.
Roland Brown
In March 2013, the 102nd Cavalry Regiment Association
“Essex Troop” is preparing to celebrate the one hundredth
anniversary of its role as presidential escort for Woodrow
Wilson. At that time, 4 March 1913, it was deemed fitting and
proper that a New Jersey Cavalry unit fulfill the position due
to President Wilson’s previous service as Governor of New
Jersey (General Order #8). The First Troop, as they were
known then, was assigned as formal escort for the Presidentelect’s trip from the White House to the Capitol and on his
return. The entire troop participated in this mission with four
selected NCOs assigned as President Taft and Presidentelect Wilson’s personal guards. A few of the troop members
also had the honor of being invited to the inaugural luncheon.
A painting of the event was commissioned by the troop and
created by the artist Albert Reid in 1940. This prized unit
possession has hung over the fireplace in the troop’s
Commanders’ Hall ever since. The image is highlighted on
the first page of each newsletter. Albert T. Reid was born on
12 August 1873 in Concordia, Kansas. He was a successful
businessman, a staunch supporter of the American farmer, a
composer, a painter of murals and a teacher of art. Although
a talented artist and successful newspaper publisher, Mr.
Reid is best remembered for his political cartoons. A large
collection of his work is in the library of the Kansas Historical
Society. He passed on 26 November 1958 in New York City.
The Officers and trustees of the current association have
recognized the importance of the anniversary of this service
to two United States Presidents by having a professional
restoration of the original painting completed and then
producing collector’s prints of several sizes from this original.
The prints are available for purchase in large (18”) and
medium (14”) sizes, with accompanying signed certificates,
as well as in the forms of both note and post cards.
Individuals interested in such a purchase may do so by
contacting the association’s office.
Roland Brown
Page 4
The Essex Troop Newsletter
"Denim, Diamonds & Cavalrymen"
Centenary College's Equine Center
On the evening of May 10, 2012 the 102nd Cavalry Regiment Association "Essex Troop" was acknowledged as one of
three recipients of Centenary College's prestigious Diamond Award. The college presents the Diamond Award annually.
The award recognizes individuals and groups who have demonstrated a desire to support Centenary College's Equine
Studies programs through the gift of their time and/or resources. This year's awards were presented during, "Denim,
Diamonds & Cavalrymen", a celebration recognizing important scholastic advances of the college's Equine Studies
The Diamond Award was accepted on behalf of the association by president Walter Hill who explained to the large
audience in attendance that the 102nd Cavalry Regiment Association "Essex Troop" had a long history of supporting the
educational needs of veterans through academic scholarships. President Hill in turn presented Centenary College with a
limited edition collector's print of "The Presidential Escort". (See related article.)
Additional recipients of this year's Diamond Award were Glenn and Laura Pabst and Penelope Ayers in recognition of
their support of Centenary College's Equestrian Center Enhancement Project.
As guests arrived for the event they had the opportunity to have their picture taken with Karat (pictured with BG(R)
William Marshall), the "Essex Troop's" equine mascot. Karat is a 17 plus hands Polish warm blood registered with the
German Federation and presently stabled at Centenary's Equine Center.
The dinner dance was held in the main arena, which is also the home of the United States Equestrian Team. The arena
was beautifully decorated and seamlessly converted into a modern nightclub with a professional stage. Guests also had
the opportunity of participating in silent and live auctions. Those members of the association, who attended, were very
pleased with an outstanding evening and the formal acknowledgement of their efforts of support.
The Essex Troop's specific contribution to Centenary College's "Building on Equine Excellence" was the establishment of
an annual scholarship for a veteran or the dependent of a veteran who is formally enrolled in Centenary College's Equine
Studies Program. The scholarship was created by the association in recognition of its original service as an equine
mounted unit and the desire to acknowledge the special relationship we have shared with our equine partners. As the
oldest operational cavalry association in the State of New Jersey they also recognize a responsibility of maintaining a
steadfast commitment to preserving an accurate history of New Jersey Cavalry.
Roland Brown
The Essex Troop Newsletter
Page 5
"The Presidential Escort " Painting Restoration Unveiled
On June 9, 2012 as part of the scholarship awards dinner we had the official unveiling of " The Presidential Escort” painting
This was the cumulating of a long effort to properly honor our members who escorted out going President Taft and incoming
President Wilson almost 100 years ago. The restored is as clean and bright as when it was painted in 1940. The Presidential
Escort is our premier piece of art work and one of the main symbols of our organization.
The artist is Albert Turner Reid.
Born: 12 August 1873, Concordia, Kansas.
Died: 26 November 1958, New York City.
Reid was a successful businessman, a staunch supporter of the American farmer, a
composer, a painter of murals and a teacher of art.
Although a talented artist and successful newspaper publisher, Albert T. Reid is probably
best remembered for his political cartoons. Reid sold his first cartoon to the Topeka Mail &
Breeze in 1896. For the next 30 years, his cartoons appeared regularly in Kansas City,
Chicago, and New York newspapers and several national magazines. They remain today a
major contribution to the history of American politics. A large collection of his work is in the
collections of the Kansas Historical Society.
In the 1890s Reid opened an art school in Topeka with George M. Stone, the state's
foremost portrait painter. This school marked the beginning of the Washburn University art
department. During his life Reid also was an editor and publisher of newspapers in Topeka
and Leavenworth, a prosperous businessman, a composer, and a painter of murals.
Increased Social Security Benefits For Vets
DD FORM 214 -- EXTRA SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFIT for those with active duty between January 1957 to December 31,
See the web site & notes below to possibly increase your Social Security Benefits.
DD FORM 214 -- SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFIT -Please share this with anyone who had active duty service between
January 1957 to December 31, 2001, and planning for retirement. In a nutshell it boils down to this:
You qualify for a higher social security payment because of your Military service, for active duty any time from 1957 through
2001 (the program was done away with 1 January 2002). Up to $1200 per year of earnings credit credited at time of
application - which can make a substantial difference in social security monthly payments upon your retirement. You must
bring your DD-214 to the Social Security Office and you must ask for this benefit to receive it!
Soc Sec website: http://www.ssa.gov/retire2/military.htm
This is something to put in your files for when you apply for Social Security down the road.. It is NOT just for retirees, BUT
anyone who has served on active duty between January 1957 to December 31, 2001.
FYI - this benefit is not automatic, you must ask for it! We've all been on active duty between 1957 and 2001 or know
someone who has.
Passing on good information for all you military folks when you apply for social security. I know this may be too early for
some of you to think about social security but, keep living and you will get there.
Regional Resource Coordinator
Maryland's Commitment to Veterans Project State of Maryland- Southern Region Human Services Partnership Building La
Plata, Maryland 2064
Page 6
The Essex Troop Newsletter
Essex Troop Scholarship Awards 2012
The 2012 Essex Troop scholarships were recently
awarded at the First Annual Scholastic Achievement
Scholarship Reception and Award Ceremony to five
deserving young individuals associated with the
Essex Troop. In the spring of each year applications
are filed by individuals attending, or planning on
attending, college. Each applicant must meet certain
standards and are selected based on criteria
established by the Essex Troop Scholarship
Committee. Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Michael J.
Renahan, Trustee, is the chair with BG (Ret) William
Marshall, MAJ (Ret) Ron Fahey, CPT (Ret) Roland
Brown and MSG (Ret) Myles Rahill serving as
members of the committee. The committee then
presents the recommended selections to the Officers
and Trustees of the Association. This year we
distributed $6,000.00 to family members of our
military personnel. The scholarships are open to all
members of the Essex Troop and their immediate
family, all active members of the 1/102 Cavalry
Squadron and 50 Special Troops Battalion and to
qualified Equestrian students under the Essex Troop
Centenary College Equine Scholarship program.
Since the scholarship program began, the Essex
Troop Association has distributed more than
$85,000.00 in scholarships.
This Scholarship Recognition Ceremony honored
the following individuals for their academic and civic
Kaitlin Gill, Nicole Golden, Theresa Chrystal,
Amy VanBenschoten, Kathryn Waldrop,
Kenneth Waldrop and Vanessa Lynn.
Pictured above is Amy VanBenschoten. Amy is attending
County College of Morris and is pursuing a major in Biology
with a focus on veterinary studies. Amy is the daughter of
Master Sergeant (Ret) Dave and Patricia VanBenschoten.
Pictured above are (l-r) Kaitlin Gill, Amy VanBenschoten,
Nicole Golden, Kathryn Waldrop and Kenneth Waldrop alomg
with President Hill and members of the Scholarship
Pictured above is Kaitlin Gill with her father Major
Walter Gill. Kaitlin is the daughter of Major Walter
and Debbie Gill and is attending Moravian College
and is majoring in Nursing.
The Essex Troop Newsletter
Pictured to the left is Nicole Golden with her Grandparents
MSG (Ret) David Hess and his wife Jean. Nicole is attending
Rutgers University with a major in NeuroScience/PreMed
Page 7
Pictured above with parents SGM (Ret) Richard and
Helen Waldrop are twins Kathryn and Kenneth Waldrop.
They will be attending Pitt Community College in North
Carolina. Kenneth is looking to major in Mechanical
Engineering and Kathryn looking to focus on Marketing or
Sports Management/Marketing.
Also unable to attend was Theresa Chrystal. Theresa is attending Loyola College in Baltimore Maryland. Theresa is the
daughter of Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Ed Chrystal.
The Centenary College Equestrian Scholarship was awarded to Vanessa Lynn during a ceremony at the Equine Stables of
Centenary College. Vanessa is the daughter of an active component soldier currently on active duty in service to his
country. Vanessa and her father were unable to attend the ceremony.
We wish them all good luck in their pursuit of higher education and hope that each one of them realizes the satisfaction of
accomplishing their dream. We are proud to have them as part of our family.
Pictured below is a montage of troop members and their guests enjoying themselves.
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The Essex Troop Newsletter
Fiddler’s Green
Col Thomas Hahn (USA Ret) passed away May 13, 2012 at the age of 86. Colonel Hahn enlisted in the Marines in
1942 at 17 years of age and retired from the 102D Armored Cavalry Regiment (Essex Troop) NJARNG in November
1985. He was a police officer in the City of East Orange for more than 25 years retiring with the rank of Deputy Chief of
Police. He served with distinction in both careers and was an avid supporter of the ideals and principals of "The Essex
Troop Association".
102nd Historical Photos
Below are some pictures of the Junior Essex Troop and the Mills Trophy. The photos were provided by LTC (Ret) William
Gebhardt, a member of the Junior Essex Troop and the 102nd Armor.
May 1968 - This is me Pfc Bill Gebhardt on my Lance
Drill Team horse being presented with the Mills
Trophy by Major Vince Cabot and Col George
William Gebhardt with the Mills Trophy
The Essex Troop Newsletter
Page 9
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The Essex Troop Newsletter
Photo Project
The Troop has started a project of displaying in the West Orange armory photos of units of The Essex Troop. Original
photos come in many different sizes. So we are scanning the photos then printing new ones either 5 by 7 or 8 by 10. We
have put up about a dozen photos so far. The response has been great.
We are looking primarily for photos of troops in training or unit pictures. We will welcome pictures from any time period,
but we are very short of pictures from the 50’s and 60’s.and 90’ and 00’s
All photos donated will be returned. Please contact the Troop office.
Essex Troop Membership Application
Date ______________
Home Address: __________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ______-______-__________
Cell: ______-_____-_________
Email address: _________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ________________
Place of Birth:
Spouse’s Name: ______________________________________________________
Highest Rank Held: ___________________________________________________
Unit(s) Assigned: _________________________________years:______________
Return Completed Application with check for $15.00 to:
1315 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052
The Essex Troop Newsletter
Page 11
!!!!!!! Late News !!!!!!!
Essex Troopers In Afghanistan
Essex Troopers from left to right, MSG Stephen Knoll, MAJ Edward Dowgin, MAJ Robert Movshin and SFC James Walker
Photo courtesy of MAJ Ed Dowgin
Attached are the Essex Troopers that are still "Armored Knights and Striking with steel"
Our new Motto is Sustainers Forward...Provide or Perish but we accomplish that with "Fide et Fortitudine"
We implemented the TCGST (Crew Served Weapons portion) test for all of our gunners. It's now called CGST. We require
it quarterly! We had some gunners that were in need of some remedial training and a few of the old tankers had just the
recipe! It's true, you can take the soldier out of the Armor, but you will NEVER take the Armor out of the soldier!
Stay well and thanks for the care packages. We all appreciate them.
Edward J. Dowgin
Executive Officer, "TF Trenton"
117th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion Kandahar Airfield Afghanistan
Essex Troop Post Exchange
102d Regimental Tie
Essex Troop Blanket
Golf Shirt w/Crest
102d Regiment Rosette
ET History DVD or VHS
Ft. Jackson Marker Video $12.00
Blazer Crest
Epaulet Crest
$ 3.00
$ 1.00
Old Fashion Glasses
$ 7.00
Pilsner Glasses
$ 5.00
Brandy Snifters
$ 5.00
Key Chain
$ 3.00
Lithograph (19” x 25”)
Mugs with 1st NJ Crest
$ 7.50
Mugs with 102d Crest
Tie with 1st NJ Crest
US Uniform Poster
$ 5.00
Baseball Caps
ET Baseball Hat
Tie Tack 102d Crest
$ 3.00
Watch 102d Crest
Coin Tray
$ 5.00
Gallop Ho! William Walsh $20.00
Reprint Dash to Paris
$ 2.50
March Song Sheet Music
$ 2.50
Shipping & Handling : add the following to the merchandise total
$1.00 to $5.00 add $2.50
$5.01 to $20.00 add $3.50
$20.00 and over add $5.50
Name ________________________________________
Address ______________________________________
City _________________________________________
State _________________Zip_____________________
Telephone Including Area Code___________________
Please enclose your check made payable to “The Essex Troop”
Email: [email protected]
Essex Troop Post Exchange
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