INFO - Health 4 The Billions!


INFO - Health 4 The Billions!
Please click on www.Health4TheBillions.orgforour 1,000 Natural Hygiene titles!
See Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review Magazines for endless articles by Dr. Vetrano & Dr. Tasca Haag.
Dr. Haa 's
Written & Created by
Drs. Gregory & Tosca Haag
P. O. Box 102
Barksdale, Texas 78828
© All Rights Reserved
Please click on for our 1,000 Natural Hygiene titles!
See Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review Magazines for endless articles by Dr. Vetrano & Dr. Tasca Haag!
~s plan does not cause any harm
to any cell, tissue, organ or system
of your body, nor to your health.
Not now; not ever!
It is a plan that you could actually
stay on forever, with a few slight
variations, without causing any harm
to any organ or system of your body.
This is a claim that is totally
impossible for any other plan out
there today to make.
There are no pills or secret potions required
to be successful in the program.
Nothing else is required besides this book ...
you don't even have to add water! - GH
Please click on for our 1,000 Natural Hygiene titles!
See Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review Magazines for endless articles by Dr. Vetrano & Dr. Tasca Haag!
Introduction ......... .. . . . . ... . .... .... ....... 7
Getting Started ... ... .. ............... .... . .. .1 2
Using the Quick Weight-Loss & Health Boost Program ... 13
Added Benefits ....... .. .. ........... . ..... . ... 19
Understanding the Dangers of Being Overweight
...... 21
The Dangers of the Yo Yo Syndrome .......... . ..... 23
Why Your Body Resists Your Weight Loss Effort
Steps for uccess
....... 24
...................... ... .... 26
Rules to Live With Day by Day ... .. ... .. .......... 27
The Importance of Exercise ...................... 28
The Importance of Sunshine ...... ............. ... 32
The Importance of Rest and Sleep .. ........ ... .... .33
Weight Lo
& Health Promoting Tips ........ ... .... 35
Meal Preparation .... .. .. .. .. ... . ............. 37
Healthful nack
............................. 39
Changing Your Lifestyle .................. . ...... 41
Your 14 Days ................................ 44
Congratulations! ............................. .49
Case Hjstory ... . . ... ...... .... ... .... .. . .... .50
Ode to A New Me. A poem by Greg Haag ...... ... .... 55
Suggested Weights for Men and Women .... . .... ... .5 7
.............................. .. .58
Please click on for our 1,000 Natural Hygiene titles!
See Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review Magazines for endless articles by Dr. Vetrano & Dr. Tasca Haag!
book is lovingly dedicated to
our family, clients and friends
who have intrusted theirs and
their families' lives to the teaching
principles and core truths
written herein. . . .
Especially Gene Michaels and Sally
Hawley from Washington, D.C., who
helped with love, encouragement
and support in formulating
the original 14 day plan!
Please click on for our 1,000 Natural Hygiene titles!
See Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review Magazines for endless articles by Dr. Vetrano & Dr. Tasca Haag!
Welcome to the World of
Taking Charge of Your Life!
This innovative PHASE I plan of eating and living
may very well be the answer to your battle
with obesity and aches and pains.
We put this together because we know for various
reasons people can't always take a fast.
e put this pr j ct together b ca ll we know for vari us
an t always tak a health-proll10tin
rea on peopl
I 'lnsing fast, eith r b a llse of tim r tri tions job lin1itati n or some od1 r r
n LIch a pI" onancy or lact tin a
111 ther
h re fa tin i not pas ibl . Y; t au know au n d
m help - a bo t r me kind of startin or fe-starting point.
Pha eli a 14 d'IY eating plan (with th r helpful tip that
w ill boost your ability t lose weight, strai ht n out hurtful atin o habits and g t y u back on the pad1 of f ling good a out
y ur elf. This 14 day ating plan along ith the pecial h aith
pr mating tips v. HI Ii rall jump- tart
u into a hal n
rciting and en rgetic life.
You II read ten11 uch as LCC, which mean lettuce c I Iy
and cucumber, and find out why it sh utd be an important art
f y Uf plan. Th r ar also the Iffr day ." "Pre day II ar
wh n you can eat anything you ch
within reason t a
r tallI·ant at h 111
r at a party. Th "fr da
ar for
Please click on for our 1,000 Natural Hygiene titles!
See Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review Magazines for endless articles by Dr. Vetrano & Dr. Tosca Haag!
benefit so that you don't feel deprived of eating foods that you
like. The key words here are "choose ll and IIwithin reason."
Your choices are a direct result of your current thinking patterns,
and you can change those if you want to. You can also become
informed on what kinds of habits (eating or otherwise) are good
for you, and that's where IIwithin reason ll comes into play.
Other information you will read about in this book that may
be new to you, are the importance of exercise (everyone knows
this), the importance of extra rest and sleep, the benefits of sunshine, dangers of losing and gaining, losing and gaining (called
the Yo-Yo Syndrome), and simple steps to success.
Thousands of our clients have had great success with this
program, and we give an awesome case history at the end.
We're sure you, too, will have great success. So just sit back and
relax. It's easy! And... . . it works!!
In almost 25 years of dealing with people and their health
needs, goals and challenges, success is always the outcome.
Many people who can take a supervised cleansing fast, use this
program in between their fasts to extend the benefits of the fast,
or to prepare them for their next fast.
There are so many weight loss programs in the U.S. and
around the world being introduced today and then being canceled tomorrow. As quick as one pops up another one bites the
dust. From Optifast (Oprah Winfrey's big umpla) to medi-fast to
Aides, to Metra-Cal to Weight Watcher'S to Jenny Craig, to FenPhen. Most people try and fail over and over again. There is
always an advertising testimonial showing some thin person
holding a huge tent-size dress saying ''/ weigbed 365 pounds
and I wanted to get married in my tbird grade size dress wbicb
was a size 3, and now look at mel" Etc., etc. It reminds us of
the pyramid of multi-level marketing pep-rallies, where one
person introduces a small number of triple diamonds, rubies,
pearls, whatever, who have made zillions of dollars and all they
Please click on for our 1,000 Natural Hygiene titles!
See Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review Magazines for endless articles by Dr. Vetrano & Dr. Tasca Haag!
did (so they attest to
a make
a fe
all. Right. ...
Wrong. It took h Uf and hour
of long hard work and I s than
1% ever 111akes th
ig show.
If all the e ma i
program and pra tic
ere so
successful, hy i it that the .. is rapidly coming the fane t
country in the world? We are the riche t and oon to be the fattest and sickest! What an honor! The U. . urgeol1 General has
stated that Diabet i no an epidemic. 16 Million people have
it. That's 6.9% of th population, killing n arly 200,000 people
a year. For v ry tw pound increase in w ight there i a 9%
increase in ri k of d \ lop ing diabete .
Where have all th e diet-failure peopl crone? Most (about
95%, studies sh w) have gone right bad to their original weight
plus an additiona l 25% more. The main r a on why these ar
all failure stori i b cause these plan ar lopsided or onesided approach that do nothing but teach people to use a parWhen the
ticular product or take ome costly can ultation.
money runs out th pound come right back n and so doe the
and depre ion. Thi aU happens becau e
frust.ration, sadne
no perman nt chang have occurred. Th
nly thing that ha
happened is y ur r alization that it is imp ibl to continue living in the a ltificia I world of enlpty promis from extremely
good salesmen.
Please notice, thi plan does not call for any type of packaged food nlineral or vitamin su pplemen
algae, spirulina
If all these magic weight loss programs and practices were
so successful, why is it that the u.s. is rapidly becoming
the fattest country in the world?
Please click on www.Health4TheBiliions .org for our 1,000 Natural Hygiene titles!
See Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review Magazines for endless articles by Dr. Vetrano & Dr. Tasca Haag!
QI0, or any other type of over night hocus pocus. It is also a
plan that you could actually stay on forever, with a few slight
variations. This is a claim that is totally impossible for any other
plan out there to make.
This plan also includes several other ingredients. These are
non-edible ingredients, and must be followed as closely as the
food part of the plan. They include:
* extra rest and sleep
* exercise
* positive mental attitude
* sunshine
* fresh air
* pure clean water
Positive mental attitude includes spirituality, meditation,
prayer or simply turning your life over to a higher power than
your own!
One note about water.' this plan does not require any additional water intake - no 8 glasses of water per day. This just
causes more wear and tear on your kidneys and your body.
An additional very important health feature to this plan is
that it does not cause any harm to any cell, tissue, organ or system of your body, nor to your health. Not now; not ever!
Which is often the down side of most plans where the philosophy is "lose now. . . pay later. II There have been many plans in
the past that have caused permanent damage and in some cases
even death, to the recipient of the plan. Fen-Phen and the damage to the cardio-vascular system is unfortunately a good example. Other similar plans injure the kidneys, liver and nervous
system. So why chance it?
We have reviewed, changed and re-arranged this program
many times and we're sure it will be changed again. Relax.
Please click on for our 1,000 Natural Hygiene titles!
See Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review Magazines for endless articles by Dr. Vetrano & Dr. Tasca Haag!
Thes are not cor ch nges but ratb r Ii ht adjustments to
make the plan asi r. 0 never fear. Th pr gran1 work and
ha worked for y ar. Wi have intel"Vi w d and ent que tionnaire to the many palli ipants of thi pr ram and have made
t d . . . all to mak
changes accordin t
hat they have u
it a ier to fo llo . W ha e also follow d th program e ral
time ourseh e with tr m ndou r ult.
If you follow y ur diet carefully and
r i on a regular
basi this prooram an not fail. You an a hi ve your de ired
weioht and begin f ling great. Thi i a r 'L1i tic and succe ful way to 10 w i ht. Only by changin y ur attitudes toward
food can you nj y long-term su ces
ued well-b ing.
o it bad an I I' ad till book car full
fore ou tart
your n w weight-l
and health pron10tin pI n. It s you r road
map to a healthy futur and a brand n y u ! Inst ad of FenPhen thi program i Win-Win!
please notice, this plan does not call for any type of
packaged food, mineral or vitamin supplements, algae,
spirulina, Ql 0, or any other type of over night hocus pocus.
Please click on for our 1,000 Natural Hygiene titles!