food security in fragile states
food security in fragile states
CORDAID BU FOOD SECURITY FOOD SECURITY IN FRAGILE STATES CARE. ACT. SHARE. LIKE CORDAID INTRODUCTION • Cordaid • Food Security Approach • Themes overview • Activities • Propositions/services • Case: South Sudan DEN HAAG SEPTEMBER 2014 CORDAID BUILDING FLOURISHING COMMUNITIES Our mission To bring about transformation in societies around the world so that they become more just, more inclusive and more sustainable. That is why Cordaid aims to be the NGO working internationally and consistently with constituents on locally-based development and cooperation to build flourishing communities in fragile contexts and (post-) conflict areas. We do that through our social enterprise approach and financial innovation. 38 Countries, 800 partners, 145 million EUR annual budget Themes: Health-care, Dis-aster re-sponse, En-tre-pren-eur-ship, Wo-men's lead-er-ship, Child & edu-ca-tion, Ex-tract-ives, Se-cur-ity & justice, Urb-an mat-ters, In-vest-ments, Cordaid Netherlands, and Food Se-cur-ity DEN HAAG SEPTEMBER 2014 FOOD SECURITY DEN HAAG 29 MEI 2013 CORDAID FOOD SECURITY APPROACH From conflict to markets Our aim is to increase food security and improve rural farmers income within fragile contexts , with a conflict sensitive approach South Sudan, Afghanistan, Haiti, Congo DR, Sierra Leone, N-Uganda Within these contexts we focus on restoring basic agricultural production and subsequently provide support to farmers to grow towards market oriented production. DEN HAAG 29 MEI 2013 FROM CONFLICTS TO MARKETS MARKET-BASED AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN POST-CONFLICT AREAS – THE INTERRELATION BETWEEN CONFLICTS AND MARKETS Food Security Conflict reduction A1. Low productive, mainly subsistence oriented food production B1. Post-conflict, highly conflict sensitive and high risk of relapse DEN HAAG 29 MEI 2013 A2. Restored production capacity, subsistence and local markets A3. Performing food value chains, local and national markets B2. Enhanced safety, conflict reduced, enabled context to reduce risk B3. Stakeholder dialogue, collaboration, trust building, reduced tensions CONFLICT ANALYSIS TOOL Module 1. Conflict analysis of postconflict situation Causes, root causes Key actors and power relations Relation with natural resources and agriculture Conflict transformation process Risks, windows of vulnerability Institutional setting Opportunities for conflict reduction Module 2. Agricultural sector development analysis Agricultural production potentials Smallholder involvement and capacity Agronomic practices / smallholders Sustainability Enabling context Risks & opportunities related to conflict Module 3. Market analysis and private sector development Market analysis Potential value chains Value chain analysis and actors Phase of entrepreneurship smallholders Enabling factors for value chain Risks and opportunities related to conflict Module 4. Strategic planning for marketbased agricultural development in postconflict area Go / No Go and conditions Focus of value chains Main building blocks DEN HAAG 29 MEI 2013 CORDAID THEMES Representing the food (value) chain We have aligned each of our themes with a stage in the food (value) chain. Productivity Post-harvest losses Market Access Problem: food shortages, high food prices, increasing population, rural poverty Problem: 20-40% of harvested food is lost before reaching the customer Problem: focus on subsistence farming, low farmer income Solution: increasing productivity of small-scale farmers Solution: reducing losses through improved post-harvest handling DEN HAAG SEPTEMBER 2014 Solution: connecting farmers to markets, stimulating entrepreneurial mindset CORDAID ACTIVITIES Context Analysis & Planning Productivity Post-harvest Market access Training & Education Training & Education Training & Education Resources & Inputs Storage & Processing Market Linkage & Information SMART SOLUTIONS DEN HAAG SEPTEMBER 2014 OVERVIEW PROPOSITIONS/SERVICES Context Analysis & Planning POSTHARVEST PRODUCTIVITY Training & Education Solutions (resources) Training & Education MARKET ACCESS Solutions (storage & processing) Training & Education RBF Seed/feedbanks RBF Wakati RBF FarmIT Seed governance FarmIT Warrantage FarmIT Cooperatives GeoData Cooperatives ‘Staple Food’ Cooperatives DEN HAAG 29 MEI 2013 Solutions (market linkage) Market Information Systems SIERRA LEONE Reducing Post Harvest losses • Increased production , processing for women in ‘rice hubs’-> • Warehousing (storage) (research how to scale up) • SEND, MADAM, NMJD, MEWODA, SL Chesterton Centre, CCDP, PARD, CIP • Ebola outbreak is hampering program (ie transport to markets, distorting effects emergency aid) DEN HAAG SEPTEMBER 2014 SOUTH SUDAN Increasing productivity • Context analysis: conflict at different levels affecting all sectors, very low levels of development • So conflict sensitive approach necessary to achieve results • Peacebuilding, decentralization and development in EES • Agricultural development hand in hand with pastoralist development • Raising productivity and developing markets, introducing seed systems DEN HAAG 29 MEI 2013 CARE. ACT. SHARE. LIKE CORDAID
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