SEROYAL CME16 New Seminar: A Practical Approach to Root Causes of Hormonal Imbalance Two New Webinars: Balancing the Gut-Brain Axis to Support Mental Health Elevate Your Practice Learn from internationally-recognized experts in natural medicine and science. These leaders, practitioners and educators will share extensive clinical experience and provide solidified reference materials to expand your therapeutic capabilities and help support your practice. The Potential of Probiotics in Human Health: A Critical Evaluation from Neonatal Immunity to Age-associated Cognitive Decline Biotherapeutic Drainage® Certification Program: Become a certified practitioner The Human Microbiome Six One-Day Intensive Programs Webinars Teleconferences Courses & Intensive Programs CERTIFICATIONS BIOTHERAPEUTIC DRAINAGE® PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION Biotherapeutic Drainage® Practitioner Certification Elevate Your Practice and Secure Optimal Patient Results! Seroyal is proud to offer the Biotherapeutic Drainage® Practitioner Certification program. Certification requires practitioners to complete eight Biotherapeutic Drainage® courses (six mandatory and two elective) over a four year period. Upon successful completion of a written examination, practitioners will receive the Biotherapeutic Drainage® Certification and be included on the soon to be established Seroyal Biotherapeutic Drainage® Certification Patient Referral listing. Please contact your Seroyal representative for enrollment details. KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS Upon completion of the 119 hours of education practitioners will learn how to: • Stimulate, activate and regulate drainage via the emunctories, and understand the importance of rebalancing the homeostatic systems • Implement nature cure and drainage philosophy, and understand their relevance to each individual’s immunity and terrain, with attention to Miasms • Access the emunctories through deep intracellular and extracellular elimination, without suppression and in a non-invasive manner • Understand the role of a variety of drainage therapies including: UNDA Numbered Compounds, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-Elements, Tissue salts, Organotherapy, and nutrition PRACTITIONERS WILL ALSO HAVE A THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING OF: • How to build the foundation and framework for treatment regimes addressing the root cause of disease • The process and evolution of disease in relation to Miasm • The difference between drainage, detoxification and depuration Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. 2 • Why physiology prevails over pathology • In-depth patient evaluation/assessment techniques • Practical application of nutritional supplements Curriculum Requirements PROGRAM TITLE PRESENTER FORMAT REQUIREMENTS LEVEL 1 The Evolution of Disease and Biotherapeutic Drainage® for Individualized Medicine Dr. Robert Abell, Dr. Pierre Tondelier 3 day program 3MANDATORY Biotherapeutic Drainage® and UNDA Numbered Compounds Dr. Robert Abell, Dr. Dickson Thom 7 part teleconference series or 2 day program** 3MANDATORY Clinical Applications of Gemmotherapy, Oligo-Elements, Plexes and Schüessler Salts Dr. Robert Abell 7 part teleconference series 3MANDATORY Differential Clinical Diagnosis Using Biotherapeutic Drainage® for Optimal Patient Outcomes OR Improve Clinical Outcomes and Elevate your Practice: Incorporate Gemmotherapy, Phytonutrients, Oligo-elements, Tissues Salts and Other Biotherapeutics** Dr. Mikhael Adams 2 day program 3MANDATORY MTC 1 Clinical Patient Evaluation: Miasms, Temperaments, Constitutions Dr. Robert Abell 2 day program 3MANDATORY Reclaim the Brain: Assessment & Treatment of Neuro-Developmental & Neurological Disorders Dr. Robert Abell 2 day program 3ELECTIVE Clinical Applications Addressing Viruses & Pandemics in the 21st Century OR Natural Support for Lyme Disease, Viruses & Vaccines** Dr. Mikhael Adams 2 day program 3ELECTIVE MTC 2 Advanced Clinical Patient Evaluation & Treatment: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions (Pre-Requisite MTC 1) Dr. Robert Abell 2 day program 3MANDATORY Advanced Workshop: Assessment and Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases Using Advanced Biotherapeutic Drainage® Techniques Dr. Dickson Thom 2 day program 3ELECTIVE Chronic Degenerative Disease...The Next Step Dr. Mikhael Adams 2 day program 3ELECTIVE Successful Case Management of Chronic Disease Workshop Dr. Dickson Thom 2 day program 3ELECTIVE CERTIFICATIONS BIOTHERAPEUTIC DRAINAGE® PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 • E ach program may be counted once only • Hours of education must be completed over 4 years ** Choice of either program 3 Attain better patient results, increase patient compliance and improve patient retention Welcome to the Seroyal Continuing Medical Education (CME) program for physicians and other healthcare professionals. Our live programming, including courses and one-day intensives, webinars and audio programs, are CME tools that enable healthcare professionals to come together throughout North America in the pursuit of lifelong learning in a manner that is interactive, accessible and affordable. Lead by internationally recognized experts in natural medicine and science, our program provides extensive clinical experience and solidified reference materials to expand your therapeutic capabilities and help support your practice. Our team is committed to providing world-class, clinically relevant information that can be immediately integrated with existing modalities for a complete, holistic approach. Participate in live interactive discussions with speakers for unbiased peer-to-peer recommendations on treatment options. Since 1989, Seroyal has been providing extensive post-graduate training for naturopathic physicians, medical doctors, chiropractors, dentists, homeopaths and other healthcare practitioners. Our programs have received top recommendations from thousands of practitioners who have experienced superior results. To learn more visit: PAGE WOMEN’S HEALTH Successful Case Management of Chronic Disease Workshop – 2 Day Program Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND February 20-21, 2016 Phoenix, AZ 8 Addressing Biochemical Individuality For Optimal Health: Beyond Bio-identical Hormones – 2 Day Program Presented by Ginger Nash ND April 2-3, 2016 Calgary, AB 14 A Practical Approach to Root Causes of Hormonal Imbalance – 1 Day Intensive Presented by Ginger Nash ND November 5, 2016 Toronto, ON GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS The Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Disease – 1 Day Intensive Presented by Nigel Plummer PhD Saturday, March 5, 2016 Toronto, ON Saturday, April 16, 2016 Vancouver, BC Saturday, April 23, 2016 Seattle, WA Saturday, April 30, 2016 San Diego, CA Saturday, October 22, 2016 Montreal, QC Saturday, October 29, 2016 Phoenix, AZ 9 Natural Support for Lyme Disease, Viruses & Vaccines – 2 Day Program Presented by Mikhael Adams BSc ND May 14-15, 2016 Toronto, ON October 1-2, 2016 Vancouver, BC 10 MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS Back by popular demand MTC 1– Clinical Patient Evaluation: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions – 2 Day Program Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc March 19-20, 2016 Toronto, ON 11 The Evolution of Disease & Biotherapeutic Drainage® for Individualized Medicine – 3 Day Course Presented by Pierre Tondelier MD October 14-16, 2016 (Fri.-Sat.-Sun.) Toronto, ON TELECONFERENCE SERIES COURSES & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS PAGE CHRONIC & DEGENERATIVE DISEASES 15 MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS Biotherapeutic Drainage® & UNDA Numbered Compounds 7 Session Series – 2 Hours per Session 7 SESSION SERIES Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Wednesday, January 27, 2016 (Series start) 18 Clinical Applications for Phytotherapy: A Simple, Efficient & Highly Effective Adjunctive Therapy 4 Session Series – 2 Hours per Session 4 SESSION SERIES Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, April 27, 2016 (Series start) 19 Clinical Applications of Gemmotherapy, Oligo-Elements, Plexes & Schüessler Tissue Salts 7 Session Series – 2 Hours per Session 7 SESSION SERIES Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, September 14, 2016 (Series start) 20 12 MTC 2 – Advanced Clinical Patient Evaluation & Treatment: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions – 2 Day Program Prerequisite: MTC 1 – Clinical Patient Evaluation: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc November 12-13, 2016 Portland, OR December 3-4, 2016 Toronto, ON 4 13 The aim of Seroyal Continuing Medical Education is to assist in building more effective and successful patient treatment strategies. Any reference guides provided are to be used as an adjunct to Seroyal Continuing Medical Education and are not intended to be utilized as a diagnostic tool nor replace any other required education. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by the speaker or speakers in the Seroyal Continuing Medical Education program together with any written material provided do not necessarily represent the views of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice or an endorsement of any products. This information is for professional use only and is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent any disease or replace traditional treatment, and has not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada. Copyright © 2016 Seroyal. All rights reserved. No part of this information may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, or be distributed or replicated without express permission of Seroyal. Making copies of any part of this information for any purposes other than your own personal use is a violation of copyright law. 21 DIGESTIVE HEALTH PEDIATRIC HEALTH Preterm & Low Birth Weight Infant Nutrition: Supporting Targets for Healthy Growth & Development COMPLIMENTARY Presented by Lianne Phillipson ION RNCPD Thursday, April 14, 2016 32 WOMEN’S HEALTH Nutritional Malabsorption of the Small Intestine - Part 1 COMPLIMENTARY Presented by Ginger Nash ND Wednesday, October 5, 201622 Rhythms & Regulations: Connections between Mood & Neuroendocrine Function COMPLIMENTARY Presented by Ginger Nash ND Wednesday, April 6, 2016 33 Nutritional Malabsorption of the Small Intestine - Part 2, Case Management COMPLIMENTARY Presented by Ginger Nash ND Thursday, October 27, 2016 CHRONIC & DEGENERATIVE DISEASES The Potential of Probiotics in Human Health: A Critical Evaluation from Neonatal Immunity to Age-associated Cognitive Decline COMPLIMENTARY Presented by Nigel Plummer PhD Wednesday, November 23, 2016 23 24 GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS Stress Management & Adrenal Exhaustion: Improve Clinical Outcomes COMPLIMENTARY Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Wednesday, November 30, 2016 25 34 Heavy Metal Toxicity Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Thursday, June 2, 2016 34 Understanding Autoimmune Disorders: Discoid Lupus Case Presentation & Discussion Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Wednesday, November 2, 2016 35 DIGESTIVE HEALTH IBS, Crohn’s & Celiac Diseases: Case Presentation & Discussion Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Wednesday, October 19, 2016 36 MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS Build a Successful Practice Using Biotherapeutic Drainage® Therapy: An Introduction COMPLIMENTARY Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Clinical Applications for Pain Management Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Thursday, May 5, 2016 26 GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS Symptomatic Relief: Plex Remedies to Support Your Patient Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, February 10, 2016 Systemic Enzyme Therapy: Healthy Immune Surveillance & Balanced Inflammatory Function COMPLIMENTARY Presented by Joseph Collins ND Thursday, January 28, 2016 27 Balancing the Gut-Brian Axis to Support Mental Health COMPLIMENTARY Presented by Liz Lipski PhD CCN CNS CHN CFM LDN Wednesday, February 24, 2016 28 37 The Lyme Epidemic: Case Management & Strategies to Support Your Patient Presented by Mikhael Adams BSc ND Thursday, September 8, 2016 37 PEDIATRIC HEALTH An Introduction to the Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Wellbeing COMPLIMENTARY Presented by Nigel Plummer PhD Thursday, March 3, 2016 29 Clinical Considerations for Pre and Post Childhood Vaccinations & Adult Influenza Presented by Mikhael Adams BSc ND Thursday, February 11, 2016 38 Introduction to Phytotherapy: A Simple, Efficient & Highly Effective Adjunctive Therapy COMPLIMENTARY Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, April 20, 201630 Respiratory Health: Understanding Allergies Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, March 23, 2016 38 Pre & Post Natal Nutrition for Optimal Health Presented by Lianne Phillipson ION RNCP Wednesday, September 21, 2016 39 SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES SCHEDULE AND REGISTRATION FORM 42 Prostate Health: Use It or Lose It! Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, June 1, 2016 CONTENTS COMPLIMENTARY WEBINARS CHRONIC & DEGENERATIVE DISEASES Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis Presented by Mikhael Adams BSc ND Thursday, October 20, 2016 PAGE TELECONFERENCES WEBINARS PAGE COMPLIMENTARY 31 40 5 6 COURSES & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS Check your location... Location Date Topic Speaker Sat. Mar. 5, 2016 The Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Disease Dr. Nigel Plummer Mar. 19-20, 2016 MTC 1 – Clinical Patient Evaluation: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions Dr. Robert Abell 11 May 14-15, 2016 Natural Support for Lyme Disease, Viruses & Vaccines Dr. Mikhael Adams 10 Oct. 14-16, 2016 (Fri.-Sat.-Sun.) The Evolution of Disease & Biotherapeutic Drainage® for Individualized Medicine Dr. Pierre Tondelier 12 Sat. Nov. 5, 2016 A Practical Approach to Root Causes of Hormonal Imbalance Dr. Ginger Nash 15 Dec. 3-4, 2016 MTC 2 – Advanced Clinical Patient Evaluation & Treatment: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions Dr. Robert Abell 13 Apr. 2-3, 2016 Addressing Biochemical Individuality for Optimal Health: Beyond Bio-Identical Hormones Dr. Ginger Nash 14 Sat. Apr. 16, 2016 The Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Disease Dr. Nigel Plummer Oct. 1-2, 2016 Natural Support for Lyme Disease, Viruses & Vaccines Dr. Mikhael Adams Montreal, QC Sat. Oct. 22, 2016 The Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Disease Dr. Nigel Plummer Portland, OR Nov. 12-13, 2016 MTC 2 – Advanced Clinical Patient Evaluation & Treatment: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions Dr. Robert Abell Seattle, WA Sat. Apr. 23, 2016 The Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Disease Dr. Nigel Plummer 9 Feb. 20-21, 2016 Successful Case Management of Chronic Disease Workshop Dr. Dickson Thom 8 Sat. Oct. 29, 2016 The Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Disease Dr. Nigel Plummer 9 Sat. Apr. 30, 2016 The Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Disease Dr. Nigel Plummer 9 Toronto, ON Calgary, AB Page 9 9 Vancouver, BC 10 9 13 Phoenix, AZ San Diego, CA 7 COURSES & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS CHRONIC & DEGENERATIVE DISEASES Successful Case Management of Chronic Disease Workshop Two-Day Program February 20-21, 2016 Phoenix, AZ Presented by: Dickson Thom DDS ND This workshop will present a two-stage approach to the successful case management of chronic disease. Day One will focus on the reasons for the continued escalation of chronic diseases via an understanding of childhood development. An overview of terrain – Miasm, Temperament and Constitution will be presented along with seven stages of the Neurological Balancing & Harmonizing Program. Day Two will utilize the principles from Day One to perform hands-on case analysis so that an understanding can be gained for all patients in your practice. This workshop may be structured in the form of small group discussions regarding cases and then larger group discussion incorporating the principles necessary for successful case management. There will be case discussion utilizing the seven-stage Neurological Balancing & Harmonizing Program to address the complexities involved with case management at this very profound healing level. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS • ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) • 13 CNPBC HOURS (BC) • 13 SANP HOURS (SK) • 13 MNA HOURS (MB) • 13 HOURS (AB) • 13 CEUs (WA) ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR Check for the latest updates 8 KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • An appreciation for case management of complex chronic disease cases • How to apply knowledge of Miasms, Temperaments and Constitution to clinical cases • When to use the seven stages of the Neurological Balancing & Harmonizing Program in clinical practice or patients with chronic disease • When NOT to consider the Neurological Balancing & Harmonizing Program • The utilization of energetic therapies in managing chronic disease • How to create a plan on the first visit for long-term strategic treatment of chronic disease patients CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • Open discussion on a variety of chronic complex disease states • Circulatory, GI, CNS, and Cardiovascular systems, and more • Multiple chemical sensitivity; heavy metals; gluten sensitivity Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. COURSES & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS The Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Disease Steering the Right Course One-Day Intensive Saturday, March 5, 2016 Toronto, ON Saturday, April 16, 2016 Vancouver, BC Saturday, April 23, 2016 Seattle, WA Saturday, April 30, 2016 San Diego, CA Saturday, October 22, 2016 Montreal, QC Saturday, October 29, 2016 Phoenix, AZ Presented by: Nigel Plummer PhD Astonishingly, the microbiome provides 10 times the cell numbers and 200 times the genetic diversity of the human host, and it is only recently that this complexity, together with its implications on health, is being fully recognized. In this one-day intensive overview, a brief exploration of the characteristics, structure, role, and diversity of the human microbiome will be discussed, as well as how it becomes a key driver in our health status following birth and continues as a critical lifelong contributor. Although it has now been acknowledged that the microbiome has enormous influence on immune and intestinal health, it is now apparent that differences in the microbiome are also associated with chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, IBS and allergies. Mechanisms of how the microbiome may exert its influence on disease risk factors will be explored, together with the gathering evidence that many may be associated with the use of antibiotics. KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS •Overview of the current status of understanding of the basic characteristics and structures of the human microbiota •Mechanisms of how the microbiome drives and maintains major parts of our physiology, particularly the immune, and the body’s mucosal systems will be explained •Evidence and potential mechanisms into how the microbiome is associated with chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, IBD, IBS and allergies will provide participants with an accurate understanding of these fundamental processes •Suggested protocols for manipulation of the microbiome for specific health outcomes Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. The microbiome is a unique part of our physiology that can be manipulated and potentially optimized by use of probiotics and prebiotics. Clinical evidence of the effects of these nutritional factors on health and disease will be discussed, including original, new, and exciting published research by Dr. Plummer and his research team indicating positive benefits in immune function. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS • ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) • 6.5 CNPBC HOURS (BC) • 6.5 SANP HOURS (SK) • 6.5 MNA HOURS (MB) • 6.5 HOURS (AB) • 6.5 CEUs (WA) Finally, returning to the beginning of life – the potentially revolutionary concept of the opportunity to establish a ‘lifelong’ optimized flora in the first six months of life – will be discussed with preliminary research evidence. ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR Check for the latest updates 9 COURSES & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS Natural Support for Lyme Disease, Viruses & Vaccines Two-Day Program May 14-15, 2016 Toronto, ON October 1-2, 2016 Vancouver, BC Presented by: Mikhael Adams BSc ND In this two-day seminar, Dr. Adams will provide detailed, effective and successful protocols to support patient health during treatments for Lyme disease, viruses and vaccines. Lyme Disease Lyme disease is an illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which can be spread through the bite of certain types of ticks. Lyme disease can have serious symptoms but can be effectively managed using natural therapy. KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS •Recognizing the signs and symptoms • Tests for verification of Lyme disease •Effective treatments using natural therapy and in combination with conventional therapy will be discussed • Long-term case management Viruses Understanding the mechanisms by which viruses are able to invade the human body and how the immune system attempts to defend against viral infection is key. Dr. Adams will explore the blockages that prevent the immune system from halting the spread of a viral infection and which viral infections are more likely to occur given the current environmental conditions. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS • ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) • 13 CNPBC HOURS (BC) • 13 SANP HOURS (SK) • 13 MNA HOURS (MB) • 13 HOURS (AB) • 13 CEUs (WA) ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR 10 Check for the latest updates KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Conditions and diseases due to viruses • Classification of viruses • Mechanisms of viral infection • Successful protocols for treatment of individuals infected with viruses, acute to chronic conditions and diseases, including the Seven Steps to Healing program Vaccines The issue of childhood vaccinations is a complex and often confusing topic for parents who should be encouraged to explore the critical questions and research concerning risks and benefits. This program will provide natural solutions to support a child’s health and well-being and to reduce the increased risks of chronic conditions later in life. CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • What vaccinations are necessary • Consequences to vaccination • Alternatives to vaccinations • Protocols for consideration in vaccinating safely Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. MTC 1 Clinical Patient Evaluation: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions y Back b mand r de popula Two-Day Program March 19-20, 2016 Toronto, ON Presented by: Robert Abell ND LAc By incorporating the theories of Miasms, Temperaments and Constitutions (MTC), you will learn how to use these assessment tools to treat acute and chronic pathologies and why the importance of “physiology prevails over pathology” is essential to improving health and effecting positive change in the lives of your patients. Dr. Abell will provide in-depth instruction and information into each of these principles enabling you to return to your clinic immediately with the knowledge to recognize the key differences in each Miasm, Temperament and Constitution, as well as formulate treatment plans for effective case management. Miasms Dr. Samuel Hahnemann first introduced the theory of Miasms in 1822 to support the practitioner in understanding how to successfully detoxify a patient and to facilitate a return to normal physiology through assessment of Reactional modes. Miasms are an energetic concept that can only be expressed through Temperaments and are inherited or acquired through genetic material and from the outside world. Temperaments Understanding Temperaments will enable practitioners to truly grasp the concept of Homeopathy and its application to the modern patient. This is expressed in how a patient interprets, functions and interacts in the present with the outside world. Temperament is based on psychology, morphology and biology and the ancient Greek theory of the Four Biles: Sanguine, Bilious, Lymphatic and Nervous. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS • ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) • 13 CNPBC HOURS (BC) • 13 SANP HOURS (SK) • 13 MNA HOURS (MB) • 13 HOURS (AB) • 13 CEUs (WA) ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR Check for the latest updates Constitutions One can only determine the true Constitutional remedy for a patient once detoxification and a balanced Temperament are achieved and attention is paid to how a patient approaches the 9 Gates of Life. COURSES & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS MODALITIES / ASSESSMENTS / EVALUATIONS KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS •An effective and accurate method of patient assessment/ evaluation that will result in more permanent and successful patient results •Why MTC is an assessment tool that facilitates healing at the root of a disease and not from the symptom management perspective • How to confidently formulate and apply the concepts of Miasms, Temperaments and Constitutions into an effective and successful treatment plan • Why physiology prevails over pathology • How the evaluation of MTC is designed to treat acute and chronic pathologies • Why a patient’s history is the central element in determining the Miasm and why it is key to a patient’s ability to heal • The confidence to identify Temperament from a physical perspective • How to utilize Biotherapeutic Drainage® and supporting remedies • How to use remedies in a “systematic way” that is efficient for the practitioner and enhances successful patient results CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • Kidney related diseases (kidney, prostate and bladder) • Liver and metabolic health • Immune system health • Circulatory health (including lungs and heart) • Neurological health • Hormone health (menopause, ovaries, uterine fibroids, PMS) and more… Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. 11 Presented by: Te i Conmpe asm sti ram , tu e tio n M Emunct orie s y Gem mo er y th ra p nts he me hy t ot Ele ap o- P Tis su e Sa lts y log xico Homoto Dr. Pierre Tondelier MD (based on the teachings of Dr. Gérard Guéniot) Individualized medicine is at a critical position in the evolution of global healthcare in both mainstream and alternative medicine. The notion of “one size fits all” is no longer appropriate. Using integrated tools for assessments, in-depth patient evaluation, therapies and treatments in individualized medicine, physicians and healthcare professionals are able to better predict disease risk, prevent disease development, and manage disease treatment more efficiently, keeping patients healthier and active longer. The goal of this three-day course is to provide a thorough understanding of nature cure and drainage, from the roots of natural medicine, and its relevance to each individual’s immunity and terrain with attention to Miasms. Dr. Tondelier will discuss the notion of terrain, the nature and cause of disease, based on the teachings of Dr. Gérard Guéniot, and will address the essence of energy, as well as the connection between body, soul and spirit from the aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He will explore the principles of drainage based on the individual’s biochemistry, the effectiveness of treating acute and chronic conditions and the importance of the emunctories. Dr. Tondelier will also discuss the importance of the first 12 years of a child’s life and the impact each developmental stage has on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual maturity of the individual, and the difference between male and female development during this critical stage. In addition, Dr. Tondelier will briefly discuss the origins, methods of preparations and clinical applications of Gemmotherapy, Phytotherapy, Oligo-elements and Tissue Salts. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS • ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) • 19.5 CNPBC HOURS (BC) • 19.5 SANP HOURS (SK) • 19.5 MNA HOURS (MB) • 19.5 HOURS (AB) • 19.5 CEUs (WA) ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR 12 Bi o Dr t Laws of ral Medicin e Natu ig October 14-16, 2016 (Fri.-Sat.-Sun.) Toronto, ON , nt c uti pe ra ge™ he ina a Three-Day Course Law Matu s of rati on ered mb nds Nu mpou Co The Evolution of Disease & Biotherapeutic Drainage® for Individualized Medicine Ol COURSES & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS MODALITIES / ASSESSMENTS / EVALUATIONS Check for the latest updates KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS •An intelligent approach to treating the modern patient •The notion of terrain; introducing a symptomatic and therapeutic approach to Miasms, Temperaments and Constitutions • The importance of emunctories • The laws of maturation •Gain a better understanding of the different levels of nature cure and drainage •Methods of preparations and clinical applications of the UNDA Numbered Compounds, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-Elements and Tissue Salts • Learn how to restore and maintain health and well-being CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: •GI Health • Respiratory Health • Cardiovascular System • Skeletal and Articular Systems • Endocrine Health • CNS System and more… Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. The evolution of healthcare From Natural Medicine to Medicine of the Individual Written by Dr. Pierre Tondelier All recipients will receive a copy of this exciting publication. Packed with 30+ years of evolved medical learning from a global leader in the world of natural medicine. Enhance your understanding of the terrain through a therapeutic approach. Attain better patient results and uncover strategies and techniques of Biotherapeutic Drainage® that can be incorporated immediately into your practice. MTC 2 Advanced Clinical Patient Evaluation & Treatment: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions Two-Day Program Prerequisite: •M TC 1 – Clinical Patient Evaluation: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions November 12-13, 2016 December 3-4, 2016 Portland, OR Toronto, ON Presented by: Robert Abell ND LAc iasms are an energetic concept M that can only be expressed through Temperaments and are inherited or acquired genetically or through life experiences. The skill of Physicians and Healthcare Practitioners in patient evaluation to successfully detoxify patients and facilitate a return to normal physiology via assessment of the Miasms (or reactional modes) is crucial to ongoing and successful patient outcomes. This program is specifically designed for practitioners who have taken MTC1 and are currently incorporating the theories and patient evaluation of Miasms, Temperaments and Constitutions (MTC) in clinical practice. MTC2: Advanced Clinical Patient Evaluation & Treatment offers comprehensive and advanced instruction, information and clinical practicum providing physicians with a profound and extensive level of knowledge to elevate patient care in accordance with nature’s laws, as well as formulate in-depth treatment plans for innovative and effective case management. The goal of this program is to assist practitioners to treat both acute and chronic pathologies and facilitate nature to take its course in assisting your patient’s physiology to auto-regulate and self-heal. COURSES & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS MODALITIES / ASSESSMENTS / EVALUATIONS KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Learn the art of homeopathic prescribing in ascending doses and therapeutic use of 27 key remedies for acute and chronic conditions • Why and how to address mental, physical and emotional blockages to healing; specific homeopathic remedies to begin your treatment program • Identify common system imbalances and disease states specific to each Miasm and Temperament and specific protocols for each • Develop a deeper understanding of Constitution; when and how to treat effectively • How to use the Homeostatic System within each Miasm and Temperament • Specific therapeutic tools for chronic case management • How the evaluation of MTC helps identify which remedies are most effective for your patients • Clinical pearls, cases, live interactive patient evaluation and more… Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS • ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) • 13 CNPBC HOURS (BC) • 13 SANP HOURS (SK) • 13 MNA HOURS (MB) • 13 HOURS (AB) • 13 CEUs (WA) ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR Check for the latest updates 13 COURSES & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS WOMEN’S HEALTH Addressing Biochemical Individuality for Optimal Health: Beyond Bio-identical Hormones Two-Day Program April 2-3, 2016 Calgary, AB Presented by: Ginger Nash ND Personalized or individualized medicine plays a dynamic approach in prevention, management and treatment of women’s health conditions, in addition to being a rapidly advancing and crucial area of healthcare that seeks to address both common and complex health issues. In this two-day intensive program, Dr. Nash will provide participants with the knowledge and tools to identify how biochemical individuality can be assessed with a few key pieces of information and an understanding of both epigenetics and miasm homeopathy. Join us to learn how to assess each patient on an individual basis; recommend appropriate diet, develop innovative, targeted and effective therapeutic strategies to improve disease management addressing an array of common women’s health conditions. Dr. Nash will address women’s health concerns at all stages of life, from puberty to menopause, and include therapeutics that are successful in addressing underlying system imbalances that lead to dysregulation including: PMS, hypothyroidism, dysmenorrhea, irregular cycles, reproductive and endocrine issues, blood sugar imbalances, menopausal and peri-menopausal symptoms. The focus of this program will be to explore ways to effectively treat women other than with the use of hormones, bioidentical or synthetic. Dr. Nash will share case studies and expert clinical pearls from over 15 years in established clinical practice, in addition to sharing her physiological view of health, discussion on epigenetics, as applied to nutrition and individuality, and applying the concepts of miasmatic homeopathy to women’s health issues. KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Understand how genetics and epigenetics relate to natural medicine and women’s health • What are SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphism) and how useful are they in practice • How to assess biochemical individuality using blood type and key epigenetic measurements • How to address the miasm; key elements to look for in a patient’s history • Create individualized treatment plans utilizing successful evidenced-based therapies and effective dietary recommendations for women’s health CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • Endocrine system; including thyroid and adrenal health • Skeletal system; bone health • Endocrine system; PMS, painful menstruation, irregular menses • Urinary tract health • Blood sugar and insulin resistance • Breast health Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS • ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) • 13 CNPBC HOURS (BC) • 13 SANP HOURS (SK) • 13 MNA HOURS (MB) • 13 HOURS (AB) • 13 CEUs (WA) ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR 14 Check for the latest updates A Practical Approach to Root Causes of Hormonal Imbalance NEW One-Day Intensive November 5, 2016 Toronto, ON Presented by: Ginger Nash ND Hormonal balance is at the heart of every woman’s health and wellbeing. Hormonal imbalances can lead to a huge variety of uncomfortable symptoms and pathological syndromes including irregular menses, painful periods, uterine fibroids, chronic uterine conditions, acne, sleeping difficulties, mood disorders and metabolic disturbances, such as weight gain and blood sugar imbalances. All of these issues can be exacerbated at menopause. How do we support a woman through the process of getting hormones back on track in order to power up vitality and sustain optimal health? It begins with understanding key aspects of hormone physiology and key aspects of biochemical individuality. This course will help you evaluate women and identify the patterns that lead to chronic hormone imbalances. Specifically, Dr. Nash will discuss five basic root causes of hormone imbalance and how to identify your female patients’ key issues and the most important therapies to consider on the path to regaining hormonal health. Dr. Nash will discuss taking a “hormonal history,” non-invasive testing procedures such as salivary testing for adrenal function, blood tests for thyroid and metabolic issues, whole-body thermography, breath hydrogen testing for dysbiosis and evaluation of individuality with regards to both genetics (ABO blood type and key SNPs) and epigenetic factors including methylation and detoxification capabilities. Dr. Nash will use cases to demonstrate which factor, or combination of factors, lead to determining the most effective protocols for each basic type. Therapeutic recommendations will be discussed in detail for each of the categories. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS • ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) • 6.5 CNPBC HOURS (BC) • 6.5 SANP HOURS (SK) • 6.5 MNA HOURS (MB) • 6.5 HOURS (AB) • 6.5 CEUs (WA) THE ROOT CAUSES LEADING TO 5 BASIC TYPES ARE: 1.The “Double D” Digestive and Dysbiosis type with gas and bloating, food sensitivities, GI disturbances, including irritable bowel syndrome or SIBO which are exacerbated at certain times during the hormonal cycle. 2.The “Classic Estrogen Dominance” woman with liver issues, possible genetic SNPs leading to problems with hormone clearance and/or exposure to high levels of endocrine disruptors. COURSES & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS WOMEN’S HEALTH 3.The “Metabolic Type” with blood sugar and hyper-insulinism/pre diabetic problems, weight issues, and possibly PCOS. 4.The “Hypo-Hormone” type including low adrenal, thyroid and female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and the need for support across the entire endocrine system. 5.The “Stressed and Moody Type” with neuro-endocrine imbalances; PMS, severe changes in mood, anxiety and possibly sleep disturbances compounding the mood. CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: •Hormone Testing: Learn non-invasive tests and evaluation methods such as saliva testing, blood testing to identify hormone imbalances •Female Reproductive System: Understand the phases and key hormones of the menstrual cycle and what the consequences of oral contraceptives may be •Adrenal & Thyroid Health: Identify their influence on all female hormone levels and the best ways to support these key glands without the use of hormone-replacement therapy •Common Female Endocrine Concerns: Examine specific conditions resulting from chronic hormone imbalance i.e. PMS, Dysmenorrhea, chronic ovarian and fibroids, PCOS, Peri-Menopause & Menopause •Clinical Case Management: Potential strategies for restoring and supporting healthy female hormone levels Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR Check for the latest updates 15 16 WEBINARS & TELECONFERENCES Mark Your Planner... Date Format Topic Speaker Wed. Jan. 20, 2016 Webinar Build a Successful Practice Using Biotherapeutic Drainage® Therapy: An Introduction COMPLIMENTARY Dr. Dickson Thom 26 Wed. Jan. 27, 2016 (Series start) Teleconference Series Biotherapeutic Drainage® & UNDA Numbered Compounds 7 Sessions – 2 Hours per Session Dr. Dickson Thom 18 Thurs. Jan. 28, 2016 Webinar Systemic Enzyme Therapy: Healthy Immune Surveillance & Balanced Inflammatory Function COMPLIMENTARY Dr. Joseph Collins 27 Wed. Feb. 10, 2016 Teleconference Dr. Robert Abell 37 Thurs. Feb. 11, 2016 Teleconference Dr. Mikhael Adams 38 Wed. Feb. 24, 2016 Webinar Balancing the Gut-Brain Axis to Support Mental Health Dr. Liz Lipski 28 Thurs. Mar. 3, 2016 Webinar An Introduction to the Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Wellbeing COMPLIMENTARY Dr. Nigel Plummer 29 Wed. Mar. 23, 2016 Teleconference Respiratory Health: Understanding Allergies Dr. Robert Abell 38 Wed. Apr. 6, 2016 Webinar Rhythms & Regulations: Connections Between Mood & Neuroendocrine Function COMPLIMENTARY Dr. Ginger Nash 33 Thurs. Apr. 14, 2016 Webinar Preterm & Low Birth Weight Infant Nutrition: Supporting Targets for Healthy Growth & Development COMPLIMENTARY Lianne Phillipson 32 Wed. Apr. 20, 2016 Webinar Introduction to Phytotherapy: A Simple, Efficient & Highly Effective Adjunctive Therapy COMPLIMENTARY Dr. Robert Abell 30 Wed. Apr. 27, 2016 (Series Start) Teleconference Series Clinical Applications for Phytotherapy: A Simple, Efficient & Highly Effective Adjunctive Therapy 4 Sessions – 2 Hours per Session Dr. Robert Abell 19 Thurs. May 5, 2016 Teleconference Clinical Applications for Pain Management Dr. Dickson Thom 34 Wed. Jun. 1, 2016 Webinar Prostate Health: Use It or Lose It! Dr. Robert Abell 31 Thurs. Jun. 2, 2016 Teleconference Heavy Metal Toxicity Dr. Dickson Thom 34 Thurs. Sept. 8, 2016 Teleconference The Lyme Epidemic: Case Management & Strategies to Support your Patient Dr. Mikhael Adams 37 Wed. Sept 14, 2016 (Series Start) Teleconference Series Clinical Applications of Gemmotherapy, Oligo-Elements, Plexes & Schüessler Tissue Salts 7 Sessions – 2 Hours per Session Dr. Robert Abell 20 Wed. Sept. 21, 2016 Teleconference Pre & Post Natal Nutrition for Optimal Health Lianne Phillipson 39 Wed. Oct. 5, 2016 Webinar Nutritional Malabsorption of the Small Intestine - Pt. 1 Dr. Ginger Nash 22 Wed. Oct. 19, 2016 Teleconference Dr. Dickson Thom 36 Thurs. Oct. 20, 2016 Webinar Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis COMPLIMENTARY Dr. Mikhael Adams 21 Thurs. Oct. 27, 2016 Webinar Nutritional Malabsorption of the Small Intestine - Pt. 2, Case Management COMPLIMENTARY Dr. Ginger Nash 23 Wed. Nov. 2, 2016 Teleconference Understanding Autoimmune Disorders: Discoid Lupus Case Presentation & Discussion Dr. Dickson Thom 35 Wed. Nov. 23, 2016 Webinar The Potential of Probiotics in Human Health: A Critical Evaluation from Neonatal Immunity to Age-associated Cognitive Decline COMPLIMENTARY Dr. Nigel Plummer 24 Wed. Nov. 30, 2016 Webinar Stress Management & Adrenal Exhaustion: Improve Clinical Outcomes Dr. Dickson Thom 25 Symptomatic Relief: Plex Remedies to Support Your Patient Clinical Considerations for Pre and Post Childhood Vaccinations & Adult Influenza COMPLIMENTARY COMPLIMENTARY COMPLIMENTARY IBS, Crohn’s & Celiac Diseases: Case Presentation & Discussion CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS •ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) •1.5 HOURS CNPBC (BC) • 1.5 HOURS MNA (MB) •1.5 HOURS SANP (SK) • 1.5 CEUs (WA) • 1.5 HOURS (AB) COMPLIMENTARY Page 1.5 HOUR WEBINARS & TELECONFERENCES ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR Check for the latest updates 17 COURSESTELECONFERENCE & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS SERIES MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS 7 Sessions Biotherapeutic Drainage® & UNDA Numbered Compounds Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Wednesday, February 3, 2016 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Thursday, April 7, 2016 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST The goal of this teleconference series is to introduce you to the concept and philosophy of Biotherapeutic Drainage®, an intracellular and extracellular drainage process. Biotherapeutic Drainage® is a deep-acting and effective therapeutic approach in the treatment of chronic and degenerative conditions. Dr. Thom will explain the technique of using organ-specific remedies to facilitate the discharge of toxic material. Through his extensive clinical experience and case studies, Dr. Thom will demonstrate how to implement the UNDA Numbered Compounds, nutritional support, and other modalities into individualized treatment guidelines. Different systems will be discussed with particular emphasis on the nervous, endocrine, musculoskeletal, digestive and cardiovascular systems. KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Gain a greater understanding of Biotherapeutic Drainage® and the intracellular and extracellular drainage processes • Benefit from Dr. Thom’s extensive clinical experience and knowledge • Learn the action and physiological use of the UNDA Numbered Compounds • Learn how to integrate new biotherapeutic modalities into your treatment plans • Learn when to use UNDA Numbered Compounds in clinical practice and how they work • Brief overview of patient terrain: Miasms, Temperaments, Constitutions • Practical case studies will be included CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS • ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) • 14 CNPBC HOURS (BC) • 14 SANP HOURS (SK) • 14 MNA HOURS (MB) • 14 HOURS (AB) • 14 CEUs (WA) ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR Check for the latest updates 18 CLINICAL DISCUSSIONS INCLUDE: • Cardiovascular System; blood lipids, exogenous & endogenous pathways • Endocrine System; thyroid health • Digestive System; gallbladder support, bowel regularity • Integumentary System; skin disorders • Muscular/Skeletal System; joint health • Circulatory system; venous support • Male and Female general health Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. US Practitioners: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Take your practice to the next level Join practitioners across North America and incorporate this unique and highly synergistic and powerful tool to create an effective therapeutic treatment program. More than 14 hours of continuing medical education. Fee includes a manual, Synoptic Chart and UNDA Numbered Compounds Quick Reference Guide (sent in advance). TELECONFERENCE SERIES MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS NEW Clinical Applications for Phytotherapy: A Simple, Efficient & Highly Effective Adjunctive Therapy 4 Sessions Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Wednesday, May 18, 2016 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST This program is designed to expand your knowledge and introduce you to indications and applications of Phytotherapy. Phytogens are easy-to-prescribe condition specific remedies. Extractions with water, alcohol and natural glycerin ensure harnessing of the full spectrum of phytotherapeutic and energetic properties. Phytogens deliver the highest concentration of active extracts from developing buds and shootlets and are designed for patient compliance. Through his extensive experience and personal case studies, Dr. Abell will review how to incorporate this therapy into simple and easy-to-follow treatment guidelines, ensuring successful results in everyday practice. KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Ease of use • Primary actions of these remedies • Proper dosage and prescription • Condition specific protocols • Practice developing thorough treatment plans • Gain insight into how Dr. Abell integrates this modality into a well-rounded treatment approach CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • Anti-aging • Immune function • Bone health • Neurological health • Circulatory health • GI health AGENDA • What is Phytotherapy and how is it made • Primary actions, dosage and prescription • When to choose Phytotherapy as a treatment modality • Condition specific protocols • Simple ways to adapt different Phytotherapy in multiple conditions Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. US Practitioners: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. More than 8 hours of continuing medical education. Fee includes a manual (sent in advance). CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS • ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) • 8 CNPBC HOURS (BC) • 8 SANP HOURS (SK) • 8 MNA HOURS (MB) • 8 HOURS (AB) • 8 CEUs (WA) ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR Check for the latest updates 19 COURSESTELECONFERENCE & INTENSIVE PROGRAMS SERIES MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS 7 Sessions Clinical Applications of Gemmotherapy, Oligo-Elements, Plexes & Schüessler Tissue Salts Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, September 14, 2016 Wednesday, September 28, 2016 Wednesday, October 12, 2016 Wednesday, October 26, 2016 Wednesday, November 9, 2016 Wednesday, November 16, 2016 Wednesday, December 7, 2016 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST This 7 session teleconference series is designed to expand your knowledge and introduce the use and applications of Gemmotherapy, Oligo-Elements, Plexes and Schüessler Salts. Through his extensive experience and personal case studies, Dr. Abell will review how to incorporate these Biotherapeutics into simple and easy-to-follow treatment guidelines, ensuring successful results in everyday practice. Each of these biological therapies are individual treatment modalities, but when utilized in a systematic approach using Biotherapeutic Drainage®, they become a synergistically advanced form of medicine. Incorporating each of these therapies into your practice will provide you with the tools and protocols to treat chronic and acute conditions that past experience may have posed as challenging. KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • What are Gemmotherapy, Oligo-Elements, Plexes, Schüessler Salts and their primary actions • Review the philosophy of Biotherapeutic Drainage® along with a brief discussion of terrain (Miasms, Temperaments, Constitutions) • How do these therapies fit into the overall drainage approach • Practice development of thorough treatment plans including these adjunctive therapies • Gain insight into how Dr. Abell integrates all of these modalities into a well-rounded treatment approach • Specific patient analysis including several case presentations addressing: Immune system health, Menopause and Pregnancy • Clinical pearls in the use of drainage remedies and patient management CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: More than 14 hours of continuing medical education. Fee includes a manual (sent in advance). CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS • ELIGIBLE FOR CONO CATEGORY B CREDITS (ON) • 14 CNPBC HOURS (BC) • 14 SANP HOURS (SK) • 14 MNA HOURS (MB) • 14 HOURS (AB) • 14 CEUs (WA) ADDITIONAL CE CREDITS APPLIED FOR Check for the latest updates 20 • Immune dysfunction/support • Respiratory health • GI health • Lymphatic system • Cardiovascular system support • Women’s health: Menopause, Pregnancy • Sleep disorders, and more… Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. US Practitioners: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Complimentary Webinar Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis WEBINARS CHRONIC & DEGENERATIVE DISEASES Presented by Mikhael Adams BSc ND Thursday, October 20, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Current research indicates that the prevalence and impact of NAFLD is continuing to increase. The term NAFLD encompasses a wide range of conditions marked by accumulation of fat in the liver. NASH represents the more severe end of the spectrum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and differs from the simple accumulation of fat in the liver, which has a more vague set of symptoms and diagnostic criteria. However, NAFLD is associated with higher levels of glycated haemoglobin, triglyceride to high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio, insulin resistance, and liver enzymes (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and glutamyltransferase). NAFLD is universally considered as the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome (MS) and insulin resistance is regarded as its key pathophysiological hallmark. Symptoms of NAFLD are vague, but it has a strong association with central obesity, reduced glucose tolerance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and hypertriglyceridaemia. Register online KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Brief review of current epidemiology • Pathophysiology • Diagnosis • Lifestyle and dietary modifications for patient support • Support for associated symptoms Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. 21 WEBINARS DIGESTIVE HEALTH Nutritional Malabsorption of the Small Intestine - Part 1 Presented by Ginger Nash ND Wednesday, October 5, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Nutritional malabsorption of the small intestine may be considered the cause of a variety of nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms. When bacteria colonize in the small intestine they interfere with normal digestion and absorption of key nutrients. They can also cause common symptoms such as excessive gas and bloating, urgency, abdominal pain, cramps, heartburn, and nausea. In addition, the bacteria can cause damage to the mucosal lining that may predispose a person toward systemic problems such as body aches, fatigue and food sensitivities. Instability in small bowel motility and gastric acid secretion are key predisposing factors that may provide an indication of patient groups at risk. This webinar focuses on understanding the causes of bacterial colonization of the small intestine that contributes to nutritional malabsorption. Patient assessment, evaluation and the gold standard for testing are key for any health care practitioner supporting patients with gastrointestinal symptoms. 22 Complimentary Webinar Register online KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • How to recognize nutritional malabsorption of the SI • The gold standard in testing • The importance of healthy microflora in the function of the GI and immune systems • Integrative approaches, diet and nutritional support Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. NEW Nutritional Malabsorption of the Small Intestine - Part 2, Case Management Presented by Ginger Nash ND Thursday, October 27, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Nutritional Malabsorption of the Small Intestine: Part 2, Case Management is a natural evolution to Part 1, addressing assessment and evaluation. Having addressed symptoms, mechanisms and testing, in this webinar Dr. Nash will review a number of cases where Nutritional Malabsorption and SI colonization has been either suspected or diagnosed. She will discuss cases with varying primary clinical manifestations and provide detailed follow up with cases spanning various time frames. Complimentary Webinar WEBINARS DIGESTIVE HEALTH Register online CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • How to support various stages of GI and SI health • How to make dietary recommendations for patients • How to determine which condition to treat first when other issues are concomitant Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. 23 WEBINARS DIGESTIVE HEALTH NEW The Potential of Probiotics in Human Health: A Critical Evaluation from Neonatal Immunity to Age-associated Cognitive Decline Presented by Nigel Plummer PhD Complimentary Webinar Register online Wednesday, November 23, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST The epigenetic programming of our physiology in early life as a result of environmental and nutritional influences has evolved as a mechanism to promote survival through to adulthood. Optimizing nutritional status during this period can set a foundation for lifelong health. Moreover, many aspects of health and wellbeing such as cognitive function, intellect, and behavior are modifiable by nutritional and environmental conditions during this formative stage of life. This lecture will review the evidence and new published human clinical studies to propose that early nutrition presents the best opportunity to secure the health of current and future generations. KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Provide a thorough understanding of the importance of developmental plasticity and perinatal programming in cardiovascular and cognitive/mental health • Clarify how this epigenetic process is transgenerational and how certain risk factors can be passed to successive generations, unless the cycle is broken in the early life period • Share clinical evidence of the most important early life nutritional strategies and environmental interventions that can be optimized and incorporated into any practice Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. US Practitioners: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 24 Stress Management & Adrenal Exhaustion: Improve Clinical Outcomes Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Wednesday, November 30, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST The ability to handle physical, mental and emotional stress is essential to balanced health and wellbeing. The adrenal glands are the body’s first line of defense and the primary device designed to resolve stress and reset the body to a state of ease. The adrenal glands are the control centre of our body’s stress modulation system which, when dysfunctional, can manifest into a variety of symptoms including light-headedness, mood disorders, food and/or inhalant sensitivities, lethargy and lack of energy, hair loss and immune system dysregulation. Dr. Thom will discuss how to interpret typical testing values and appropriate treatments for subclinical and clinical dysfunction, including protocols and clinical pearls from many years in clinical practice. CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • Adrenal system insufficiency & fatigue Complimentary Webinar WEBINARS GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS Register online KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • What are the key causes of adrenal dysregulation • Clinical manifestations • Key endocrine/adrenal imbalances • Tests and interpretation of results • Lifestyle, dietary and nutrient recommendations • Protocols for monitoring progress of therapy Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. 25 WEBINARS MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS Build a Successful Practice Using Biotherapeutic Drainage® Therapy: An Introduction Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Wednesday, January 20, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Please join us as Dr. Dick Thom presents on the key foundations of drainage therapy and how it provided him with the tools and skill to build a more effective and successful practice. Biotherapeutic Drainage® is a long-lasting and effective way of restoring health, as it addresses the underlying cause of disease, not just the symptoms. It facilitates elimination of the emunctories; encourages physiological equilibrium and self-regulation; is powerful yet gentle, and is easily incorporated with existing modalities. Complimentary Webinar Register online KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • The difference between nature cure, drainage and detoxification • Why Physiology prevails over Pathology • Respecting Homotoxicology and Homeostasis • How drainage respects the energetic structure of Traditional Chinese Medicine supporting normal physiological functioning of the emunctories, organs and homeostatic systems • The three reasons why European drainage therapy has forged its way on the world stage of homeopathic complexes Established over half a century ago in Belgium and considered the source of some of the purest homeopathics in the world, UNDA is renowned for manufacturing exceptional therapies to support immune, lymphatic and endocrine systems to properly process and eliminate toxins from the body using pure materials and herbs that are bio dynamically grown or wild crafted. We are facing an epidemic of environmentally-mediated diseases. Our world today is overflowing with chemical toxins with no decrease in sight. Environmentalists and public health experts warn that, with increasing exposure and accumulation of toxins within our bodies, we are endangering our health. Rates of respiratory diseases, birth defects and developmental disorders have exponentially increased in recent decades. LUNGS UNDA UNDA 35 220 Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique 5 SINUS UNDA DIN-HM l quid Liquide l l quid Liquid quid Liquide UNDA 710 Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique l quid Liquide LIVER SPLEEN UNDA UNDA 20 243 Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique 1 l quid Liqu l UNDA quid Liquide l quid Liquide UNDA Please join Dr. Thom to learn how this elegant yet powerful therapy provided the insight and tools to take his practice to the next level. 18 Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique l quid Liquide KIDNEYS STOMACH UNDA UNDA 23 240 Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique 2 Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. l quid Liqu l UNDA quid Liqu l quid Liquide UNDA UNDA UNDA Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique 4 l 31 43 quid Liqu l quid Liquide PANCREAS UNDA UNDA Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique 3 l REPRODUCTIVE 34 quid Liquide l quid Liquide UNDA UNDA UNDA UNDA Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique 10 16 21 DIN-HM l US Practitioners: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 38 DIN-HM 02236587 quid Liqu l quid Liquide l quid Liquid l quid Liquide SKIN UNDA UNDA 17 270 Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique DIN-HM DIN-HM 12 l quid Liquide l UNDA l quid Liquide LYMPHATIC SYSTEM quid Liquide UNDA 18 Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique l BOWEL UNDA UNDA UNDA Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique Preparation/ Préparation homéopathique 6 l 26 l quid Liquide quid Liquide 39 l quid Liquide 50 l quid Liquide quid Liquide NEW Systemic Enzyme Therapy: Healthy Immune Surveillance & Balanced Inflammatory Function Presented by Joseph Collins ND Thursday, January 28, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Systemic Enzyme Therapy (SET) has a well-researched history in managing many areas of health. This presentation will provide an overview of how SET may increase clearance of various biomarkers including ESR, C-reactive protein, and circulating immune complexes. SET also encourages a healthy Th1 to Th2 balance while promoting healthy fibrin activation and decreasing amyloid production and deposition. SET, through positive effects on immune function, can impact several systems and tissues including the cardiovascular, endocrine, and musculoskeletal system. Clinical pearls in the applications of SET will be discussed including how much, how often, which formula and for what condition. Complimentary Webinar WEBINARS MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS Register online KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Learn how the body is meant to “self-clean” • Learn the role of SET in healthy function of tissues throughout the body • Learn various clinical pearls in the use of SET: how much, which one, how long Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. US Practitioners: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 27 WEBINARS MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS NEW Balancing the Gut-Brain Axis to Support Mental Health Presented by Liz Lipski PhD, CCN, CNS, CHN, CFM, LDN Wednesday, February 24, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Could it be that common mental health challenges begin in the gut? Research on the relationship between the brain, behavior and the digestive system indicates it just might. For example, several studies report that a large percentage of people who have bowel disturbances may also experience mild to moderate mental health challenges. When GI issues are resolved, many people’s mental health issues also respond. This educational webinar will explore the basic physiology and research of the gut-brain axis that targets our mental health, specifically mood changes and anxiety. Through case study, participants will learn how to recognize dysfunction and gain tools to use clinically, including use of diet, supplements, herbs, lifestyle modifications, and lab testing. 28 Complimentary Webinar Register online KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS •Introduce the basic physiology and research on the gut-brain axis in reference to mental health • Recognize the overlap between digestive and mental health issues • Dietary and nutraceutical recommendations to balance the gut-brain axis • Be able to incorporate this information in clinical practice Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. US Practitioners: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. An Introduction to the Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Wellbeing Steering the Right Course Presented by Nigel Plummer PhD Thursday, March 3, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST The microbiome provides 10 times the cell numbers and 200 times the genetic diversity of the human host and it is only recently that this complexity, together with its implications on health, is being fully recognized. The microbiome is unique in being a part of our physiology that can be manipulated and potentially optimized by use of pro and prebiotics. Clinical evidence of the effects of these nutritional factors on health will be discussed, including original and newly published research by Dr. Plummer and his research team indicating associations between the microbiome and immune function and outcomes. In addition, the potentially revolutionary concept of the opportunity to establish a ‘lifelong’ optimized flora in the first six months of life will be presented. Complimentary Webinar WEBINARS MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS Register online KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS •Overview of the current status of understanding of the basic characteristics and structures of the human microbiota •Introduction on mechanisms of how the microbiome drives and maintains major parts of our physiology particularly the immune and mucosal systems •Suggested protocols for maintenance of a healthy microbiome Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. US Practitioners: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 29 WEBINARS MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS Introduction to Phytotherapy: A Simple, Efficient & Highly Effective Adjunctive Therapy Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, April 20, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Please join us as Dr. Robert Abell introduces you to the foundational concepts, research and clinical applications of phytotherapy. This powerful, efficient and highly successful therapy is long considered one of the major disciplines of natural medicine to improve health and balance in accordance with nature’s laws. Phytotherapy specifically incorporates tender young plant tissues rich in beneficial phyto-chemicals (buds and young shoots) which are harvested in spring when energetic components are at their highest levels. Complimentary Webinar Register online KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Key foundations of phytotherapy • Methodology of mother-macerates manufacturing • The importance of phytotherapy and D1 Gemmotherapy in clinical practice • Use of single bud and symbiotic combination therapies • Gain insight into how Dr. Abell integrates this modality into a well-rounded treatment approach Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. US Practitioners: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 30 Prostate Health: Use It or Lose It! Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, June 1, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST As current and ongoing research continues to explore improvements in prostate health and various methods of detecting health risks, men must be encouraged to play a proactive role and look to trusted health professionals for education and support. As a man ages, the prostate can gradually increase in size, squeezing the urethra and causing problems in the passing of urine, which may lead to more serious functional issues and other health dysfunctions such as kidney or bladder damage. It is important for physicians and health care practitioners to be aware of simple but effective strategies to support prostate health. Complimentary Webinar WEBINARS MODALITIES/ ASSESSMENTS/ EVALUATIONS Register online KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Overview of prostate anatomy and physiology •The prostate connection to heavy metals •Nutritional and lifestyle recommendations to support prostate health •The Taoist Road to Health Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. 31 WEBINARS PEDIATRIC HEALTH NEW Preterm & Low Birth Weight Infant Nutrition: Supporting Targets for Healthy Growth & Development Presented by Lianne Phillipson ION RNCP Complimentary Webinar Register online Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST This program is designed to provide information on nutritional status and understanding of nutritional care timelines. A premature or preterm infant is born before 37 complete weeks into gestation. A preterm or low birth weight infant may have minimal body fat, difficulty breathing, experience jaundice, difficulties feeding, or more serious concerns which may include infection or episodes of apnea. Others experience developmental delays, learning disabilities, motor deficits, or behavioral, psychological or chronic health problems. Many preterm infants, however, do catch up, thrive and experience sustained healthy development. Nutritional support is essential for normal growth and development in infants and toddlers, and research clearly demonstrates that the benefits of nutrition can impact health later in life. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified pervasive nutritional problems in infants and young children across North America. Progress in understanding the dietary needs of pre-term infants and toddlers has led to significant advances in nutritional management. These include insights into the role of nutrition in achieving growth targets in preterm infants. This educational webinar will address these identified needs, with the goal of providing a resource for healthcare professionals that details new understandings about infant and toddler nutrition. 32 KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Understanding of the growth targets for preterm infants from birth through the toddler years • Recognize factors that contribute to growth restriction in preterm infants • Discuss nutritional requirements for low birth weight infants and late preterm infants that support good health and the achievement of growth targets from birth through the toddler years • Understand optimal weaning practices and how to adjust for varying prematurity Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. NEW Rhythms & Regulations: Connections between Mood & Neuroendocrine Function Presented by Ginger Nash ND Complimentary Webinar WEBINARS WOMEN’S HEALTH Register online Wednesday, April 6, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Across the 24-hour day, various hormones fluctuate. These include thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), cortisol, melatonin and prolactin. These hormones are also modulated in part by “female” hormones that cycle throughout the month. There is a complex balance between neuroendocrine function and specific women’s health concerns. Individual reactions to fluctuating hormone levels, sleep patterns, and stress levels all play important roles in the regulation of both neurotransmitter and hormone metabolism. The interactions of these various components and their effects will be explored. This presentation will focus on nutritional support, but not the use of bio-identical hormones. This, in turn, offers women the ability to synchronize the body, mind and potentially spirit. KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • What relationships have been discovered between circadian rhythms and the menstrual cycle • How do these relationships affect mood and cognition • Which neurotransmitters have key interactions with female hormones • What nutritional protocols best support a healthy monthly cycle • What implications does a healthy monthly cycle have on mental, and potentially spiritual, health Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. 33 TELECONFERENCES CHRONIC & DEGENERATIVE DISEASES Clinical Applications for Pain Management Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Thursday, May 5, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Pain is the most common reason for seeking health care and, as a presenting complaint, accounts for up to 78% of visits to the emergency department. Uncontrolled pain compromises immune function, promotes tumor growth and compromises healing with increased morbidity and mortality following surgery. This presentation is designed for clinicians and healthcare practitioners interested in obtaining an overview of the fundamentals in multi-dimensional and natural approaches to pain management, in addition to identifying best practices and practical approaches of common and acute pain disorders based on over 30 years of clinical experience. Dr. Thom will address the unmet education needs of all clinicians treating people with pain, through a clinically-focused lecture designed to advance patient outcomes by improving the assessment, diagnosis, therapeutic options and management of patients with various acute and chronic pain disorders, including back pain, dysmenorrhea, muscle and joint pain and headaches. Committed to improving the practice of pain management, Dr. Thom will review the basic physiology of pain, including nociceptive vs. neuropathic pain and improve clinicians’ competence in how to assess and address patients using a variety of naturopathic approaches. CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • Back pain • Menses, abdominal cramps • Muscle and joint pain • Headaches KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Supportive therapeutic options for common pain presentations • Importance of detoxification • Identifying the cause vs. just palliative care • The use of hydrotherapy, castor oil packs for pain management Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. Heavy Metal Toxicity Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Thursday, June 2, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Heavy metals become toxic when they are not efficiently metabolized by the body and accumulate in the soft tissues. They may enter the body through food, water, air, absorption through the skin, inhalation or contact from dust, fumes or vapors, or materials in the workplace in manufacturing, pharmaceutical, industrial, or residential settings. Heavy metal toxicity can result in damaged or reduced mental and central nervous function, lower energy levels, and damage to blood composition, lungs, kidneys, liver, and other vital organs. Long-term exposure may result in slowly progressing physical, muscular, and neurological degenerative processes that mimic conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, muscular dystrophy, and multiple sclerosis. Allergies are not uncommon and repeated long-term contact with some metals or their compounds may even cause cancer (International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre 1999). As a practitioner, it is important for us to understand the use of effective yet gentle therapies to facilitate elimination of toxins to support patient physiology toward optimal health. 34 Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • Muscular/Skeletal (Bone) • Endocrine (Thyroid) • CNS (Pain) • Respiratory (Sinuses) • Neurological • GI KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Physiologic effects of heavy metals • Typical presentation of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, etc. • Determinants of toxic load • Evaluation of heavy metal toxicity • Clean up the environment • Simple, but effective treatments to help remove heavy metals • Discussion will NOT include use of IV chelation therapy TELECONFERENCES CHRONIC & DEGENERATIVE DISEASES EW Understanding Autoimmune Disorders: N Discoid Lupus Case Presentation & Discussion Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Wednesday, November 2, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Inflammation continues to fan the flames of chronic disease in healthcare today including many inflammatory diseases associated with autoimmune disorders which are increasing at alarming rates. With over 80 conditions now identified as A-I diseases, and affecting women three times more than men, over 50 million people have an A-I condition. Among the more common ones include: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren’s syndrome, A-I hepatitis, Grave’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, inflammatory bowel disease, and the list goes on and on. In natural medicine we are trained to identify and address possible causes such as hidden allergens, infections, environmental toxins, an inflammatory diet, and stress which are recognized triggers of these auto immune conditions. Please join Dr. Dickson Thom for this live interactive case presentation and discussion addressing interventions common to all of these conditions using a typical case of discoid lupus. While every patient must be treated on an individualized basis, this case will teach you the foundational tools to utilize to manage any of your patients with an A-I condition. The name of the A-I condition is the least important component of treating any A-I disease. This presentation will not focus on a patient’s symptoms, but rather the organ systems that are out of balance and have lead to the presentation of the patient with their specific condition. This teleconference should provide you with a different way to assess and understand autoimmune challenges and give you the ground work for successful patient management. KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Why childhood history is essential to know to treat (cure) an A-I condition • Addressing the most common triggers for A-I problems • Essential therapies for ALL A-I diseases • Why women are more likely to present with an A-I condition • Understanding organ development as the key to successful treatment Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. 35 TELECONFERENCES DIGESTIVE HEALTH IBS, Crohn’s & Celiac Diseases: Case Presentation & Discussion NEW Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Wednesday, October 19, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST A vast number of patients with GI problems are diagnosed with IBS because no physical findings are present. However, increasing numbers of patients are diagnosed with inflammation, malabsorption, dysbiosis, gluten enteropathy and IBD. IBD is at least two, separate disorders that cause inflammation and ulceration of the small and large intestines. These two disorders are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease can occur anywhere in the digestive tract but is common in the lower small bowel (ileum) or large bowel. This teleconference will outline these conditions; provide knowledge and understanding on how to approach diagnosis and case management. CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • IBS • Crohn’s • Celiac (gluten enteropathy) • Ulcerative colitis KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Diagnostic criteria • Lab tests • Typical presentation • Dietary and Nutritional recommendation Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. 36 Symptomatic Relief: Plex Remedies to Support Your Patient NEW Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, February 10, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST The UNDA Plex Remedies may be considered one of the purest homeopathic sources in the world and are key to ensuring your patients are supported throughout the healing journey. The Plex remedies are condition specific homeopathic specialties prepared in low dilutions and are recommended for acute and chronic ailments ranging from digestive, hormonal, immune, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, skin, oral and vascular systems. These remedies are available in a variety of formats (creams, liquids, powder, spray and dissolvable tablets) and are key to providing a well-balanced therapeutic regime. Please join Dr. Robert Abell as he provides an overview of key remedies used in clinical practice. CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • Digestive health • Hormone system • Immune system • Musculoskeletal system • Nervous systems • Oral health • Respiratory health • Dermatology • Vascular system TELECONFERENCES GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. US Practitioners: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The Lyme Epidemic: Case Management & Strategies to Support Your Patient Presented by Mikhael Adams BSc ND Thursday, September 8, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Lyme disease is an illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which can be spread through the bite of certain types of ticks. Lyme disease in humans can have serious symptoms but can be effectively managed for successful outcomes. Health Canada states the classic symptoms of Lyme disease are often described in three stages, although not all patients have symptoms of each stage. The first sign of infection is usually a circular rash called erythema migrans or EM. This rash occurs in about 70-80% of infected persons and begins at the site of the tick bite after a delay of three days to one month. Patients often also experience symptoms such as: • Fatigue • Fever • Muscle and joint pain •Chills •Headache •Swollen lymph nodes If the infection goes untreated, the second stage of Lyme’s can last up to several months with possible symptoms including: • Central and peripheral • Arthritis and arthritic symptoms nervous system disorders • Extreme fatigue and • Multiple skin rashes general weakness • Heart palpitations If the infection continues to go untreated, the third stage can last months to years with possible symptoms including chronic arthritis and neurological symptoms. CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • Predisposing causes of Lyme disease • Case management considerations for immediately after tick bite • Case management considerations after each of the first, second and third stages symptoms appear • Case management considerations for when there is a relapse of symptoms KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Identifying the cause • Recognizing the signs and symptoms • Tests for verifying Lyme disease • Little known reasons why some people do not develop Lyme disease after tick bite • Case management considerations for alternative & conventional approaches • Long-term case management Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Oligo-elements and Schüessler Tissue Salts are modalities used in traditional medicine. Homeopathic uses are based on the Materia Medica and are not supported by clinical trials. Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. US Practitioners: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 37 TELECONFERENCES PEDIATRIC HEALTH Clinical Considerations for Pre and Post Childhood Vaccinations & Adult Influenza Presented by Mikhael Adams BSc ND Thursday, February 11, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST The issue of vaccinations is a complex and often confusing topic for many adults and parents who should be encouraged to explore the critical questions and research concerning risks and benefits. As a healthcare provider, you are an excellent source of advice and support for your patients and those who are parents searching for information and support. From his many years of clinical experience, Dr. Adams will share a naturopathic approach to providing case management options to support and minimize the side effects of vaccinations in the childhood and adult population. CLINICAL DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • Side effects, immediately after vaccinations • Side effects, two weeks to years after vaccinations • Vaccination, health benefits • Considerations for vaccinating safely KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • The importance of vaccinations • What vaccinations are necessary • Consequences of vaccinations • Why and when not to vaccinate • Unnecessary vaccinations • Consequences of not vaccinating Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. Respiratory Health: Understanding Allergies Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc Wednesday, March 23, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST Chronic respiratory conditions can affect all ages causing irritation in the airways and the tubes leading to the lungs, which grow inflamed and clogged with mucous, making it difficult to breathe. • Stress • Medications • Colds or flu • Allergens • Vigorous exercise • Pollution or cold air Specifically, there are many kinds of allergies that fall within four specific groups. Type I: Immediate or anaphylactic reaction allergies cause an immediate reaction, typically in the mucous membranes or skin. This could include hay fever, food allergies, pet dander allergies, and medication allergies, among others. Type I allergies are the most common of all the allergies. Type II: These allergies are called cytotoxic, and are very rare. This type of allergy occurs when the body attacks its own damaged cells. This includes reactions to things like blood transfusions and Myasthenia Gravis. Type III: Immune complex allergies occur when something in the blood that’s not usually there causes symptoms. Allergic reactions to a medication fall into this category. 38 Type IV: Delayed-onset allergies occur much like Type II allergies, but with a delayed reaction. This type of allergy is also called a cellular immune reaction. When a person’s body rejects a transplanted organ, or comes into contact with a substance that later shows a reaction. CLINICAL CASE DISCUSSION INCLUDES: • Two specific types of chronic respiratory health and why they need to be managed differently • Allergy – case management for all four types KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • What are allergies • What is their root cause • Why allopathic treatments and medications control symptoms but do not cure • Learn case management considerations to support these conditions effectively and safely Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. Pre & Post Natal Nutrition for Optimal Health Presented by Lianne Phillipson ION RNCP Wednesday, September 21, 2016 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EST As new research continues to show that the blueprint for health starts in the womb, supporting a client through the various stages of pre & post natal nutrition through pediatrics to toddlerhood is essential for overall life-long health. The old saying ‘eating for two’ carries much more weight now as what a pregnant woman eats and drinks can positively or negatively impact her developing child. TELECONFERENCES PEDIATRIC HEALTH This presentation will teach the key areas of health that can be positively influenced during pre and post-natal nutrition for mom and baby. KEY LEARNING HIGHLIGHTS • Key nutrients, superfoods and support to include throughout pregnancy • Providing guidance to offset the potential for allergies and minimize the risk • Understanding gut floras affect in pregnancy – discussion on common antibiotic use and how to negate side effects • Considerations for healthy eating; how to wean onto solid foods to support the maturing digestive system; moving on to finger foods and family meals Seminars, teleconferences and webinars are for educational purposes only and are intended for licensed health care practitioners. These therapies are not substitutions for standard medical care. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients. The information provided by speakers in this educational program, together with any written material, do not necessarily represent the view of Seroyal and are not intended as medical advice. 39 SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES SPEAKERS SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES Our internationally-recognized experts in natural medicine and science, share extensive clinical experience and provide solidified reference materials to expand your therapeutic capabilities and help support your practice. Robert Abell ND LAc Robert Abell, ND LAc, received his Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1985. He received his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM) in 1993 and received his Masters in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in 1994. Dr. Abell currently lectures on various topics throughout North America and for Seroyal focusing on Biotherapeutic Drainage™. Dr. Abell resides and operates a large multidisciplinary clinic in Orange County, California with his wife Lisa. Dr. Abell uses Biotherapeutic Drainage™, homeopathy, acupuncture and auricular medicine as his primary therapeutic tools. Mikhael Adams BSc ND Mikhael Adams, BSc ND, received his Doctor of Naturopathy from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1981. He practiced for ten years in Seattle, and is now in private practice in Milton, Ontario. He uses drainage, nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture and auricular medicine as his primary therapeutic tools. He has studied homeopathy since 1977 with such renowned Doctors as Robin Murphy, George Vithoulkas, Bill Gray, Francisco Eizayga and Michel Bouko-Levy. Dr. Adams is the president of the International Association of Auricular and Bioenergetic Medicine, past president of the North American Association of Auricular Medicine, and has studied extensively with Dr. Paul Nogier in France. Dr. Adams taught Clinical Pathology at the Northwest Institute of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine from 1987 to 1993 and has been giving workshops internationally on auricular medicine since 1984. Dr. Adams has been lecturing in North America on homeopathy and drainage since 1988, and has been lecturing for Seroyal since 1991. Joseph Collins ND Dr. Joseph Collins,* ND, is an internationally recognized leader in the field of Functional Endocrinology. He is an experienced medical educator and presents many lectures to physicians, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare professionals on diagnostic and therapeutic applications within the integrated, functional medicine model. Dr. Joseph Collins is licensed by the State of Washington as a primary healthcare Naturopathic Physician. He is a graduate of National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland Oregon. He is the cofounder of YourHormones, Inc. With attention to highly personalized care, Dr. Collins’ clinical protocols are available for healthcare professionals who use natural and integrative therapies. His customized therapies include a focus on functional medicine as a primary approach for support of menopause, andropause, PMS, adrenal health, as well as thyroid and blood sugar function. Dr. Collins is a clinical advisor, researcher and developer of nine Hormone Specific™ Formulations available through Douglas Labs. *Dr. Collins is a paid consultant of Douglas Laboratories Liz Lipski PhD CCN CNS CHN CFM LDN Dr. Liz Lipski, PhD CCN CNS CHN CFM LDN, holds a doctorate in Clinical Nutrition, has three board certifications in clinical nutrition and one in functional medicine. She is currently the Director of Academic Development at Maryland University of Integrative Health as well as a Professor, teaching in the MS and doctoral programs in Nutrition & Integrative Health. She is on faculty for the Institute for Functional Medicine, and the Autism Research Institute. She sits on the Editorial Board for the journal Brain and Gut, the Scientific Advisory Board of the Neurological Health Foundation, a special advisor to the National Association of Nutrition Professionals, and advisory boards for the Autism Hope Alliance, and the Ceres Community Project. She is on the editorial board for Brain and Gut, published in peer reviewed journals, and the author of several popular press books: Digestive Wellness, The Digestion Connection, Digestive Wellness for Children, and Leaky Gut Syndrome. She has been working in the field of integrative and functional medicine for over 30 years. Dr. Lipski offers webinar-based Mentoring Programs and Advanced Nutrition Forums for nutritionists, dietitians, and other clinicians through Innovative Healing Inc. She resides in Laurel, Maryland. Ginger Nash ND 40 Ginger Nash, ND, graduated from The National College of Natural Medicine, in Portland Oregon in 1998. Her early career focused on Women’s Health; specifically hormone imbalances, a topic on which she researched and lectured extensively throughout the US. A growing interest in Individualized Medicine led to extensive studies with European visionary Dr. Gérard Guéniot and incorporating the philosophy of Biotherapeutic Drainage™ and homeopathy into private practice. Beginning in 2007, Dr. Nash immersed herself in the study and science of epigenetics and nutritional biochemistry alongside pioneer thinker and researcher, Dr. Peter D’Adamo, which provided great insights and experience for clinical application of nutrition and individuality. She was chief medical officer at Dr. D’Adamo’s clinic in Wilton, CT until its closure in 2012. Dr. Nash was a clinic faculty member at the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine for six years and has operated a successful private practice in Connecticut for 16 years. She is currently writing a book on hormonal health and continues to offer educational programs for health care practitioners throughout the U.S. and Canada. Lianne Phillipson ION RNCP Lianne Phillipson, ION RNCP, is a Registered Nutritionist graduating with Honors from the Institute of Optimum Nutrition, London, England, a member of the International Organization of Nutrition Consultants, an IFR reflexologist, aromatherapist and Reiki Master. The Author of Sprout Right, Nutrition from Tummy to Toddler, published in 2010 and, with over 10 years’ experience, Lianne has counseled thousands of women and families through her private practice. In addition, Lianne has made numerous television appearances on Canada AM, Breakfast Television, Rogers and CHCH Morning Live, as well as contributing to Today’s Parent Magazine and many online parenting websites and through Sprout Right’s interactive workshops, one-of-a-kind Mommy Chef cooking classes and instructional DVD series. Lianne is passionate about the environment. Her commitment to a healthy environmentally balanced lifestyle is reflected in both her personal life and the Sprout Right philosophies. SPEAKERS SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES Nigel Plummer PhD Nigel Plummer, PhD, received his doctorate in microbial physiology from the University of Surrey, UK and has developed an extensive knowledge specializing in omega 3 fatty acids, probiotics and natural antimicrobials. Dr. Plummer is a globally accepted authority on probiotics and has produced a vast body of research on probiotics in the prevention of antibiotic resistance, post antibiotic therapy, the control of IBS symptoms and in the prevention of allergies. Additionally, Dr. Plummer has developed an interest in the concept of fetal disease programming, the controlling factors involved and the potential to influence programmed events as a means of prevention of chronic disease development. Dickson Thom DDS ND r. Dick Thom, DDS ND, is one of the founders and medical directors of the American Center for Biological Medicine and the D American Center for Alternative Medicine in Scottsdale, AZ. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto (dentistry) in 1974, the Ontario College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto (ND) in 1986 and the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland (ND) in 1989. Dr. Thom brings over 30 years of extensive life experience and credentials to his patients. As a former professor and past Dean at NCNM, he has vast teaching experience in a wide variety of subjects. He has lectured extensively throughout North America and has written and collaborated on many articles dealing with energy medicines and nutrition, including “Coping with Food Intolerances” and “Unda Numbers: An Energetic Journey to Homeostasis and Wellness.” He has been in practice for over 35 years with a primary focus on the management of chronic disease, including auto-immune disease, neurological conditions, gastrointestinal health, endocrine disorders and cancer. Pierre Tondelier MD Pierre Tondelier, MD, received his Medical Degree from L’Université de Lille in 1985 and studied at various institutes throughout Europe including the Homeopathic Center in France (1986), G.E.A.N.T Acupuncture School founded by Dr. Gérard Guéniot (1988), and received his Doctor of Osteopathy from Richard’s Osteopathic Institute (1993). Dr. Tondelier has collaborated and directed several teaching programs alongside Dr. Gérard Guéniot in various Homeopathic, Acupuncture and Natural Medicine schools. Dr. Tondelier is the author of the book “From Natural Medicine to the Medicine of the Individual,” a book that honors the teachings and life’s work of Dr. Gerard Guéniot, teacher and founder of N.E.M.I (Natural and Energetical Medecine Institute) in France. Dr. Tondelier continues to share his extensive training and clinical experience and lectures for Natural Medicine laboratories and various institutes across Europe and North America. He operates a private clinic in Lille, Northern France. 41 Schedule and Registration Form COURSES Date Location Topic Speaker Faculty* Resident & 1st Year Practitioner Practitioner Practitioners enrolled in BTD Student ** Certification $195.00 $125.00 $39.00 $169.00 * Only for full-time faculty members in approved medical educational institutes ** Only for full-time students in approved medical educational institutes CHRONIC & DEGENERATIVE DISEASES Phoenix, AZ o Feb. 20-21, 2016 Successful Case Management of Chronic Disease Workshop Dickson Thom DDS ND + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS o Sat. Mar. 5, 2016 o Sat. Apr. 16, 2016 o Sat. Apr. 23, 2016 o Sat. Apr. 30, 2016 o Sat. Oct. 22, 2016 o Sat. Oct. 29, 2016 Toronto, ON The Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Vancouver, BC Lifelong Health & Disease Seattle, WA San Diego, CA Montreal, QC Phoenix, AZ Nigel Plummer PhD $99.00 $99.00 $25.00 $99.00 o May 14-15, 2016 o Oct. 1-2, 2016 Toronto, ON Natural Support for Lyme Disease, Vancouver, BC Viruses & Vaccines Mikhael Adams BSc ND $195.00 + taxes $125.00 $39.00 $195.00 + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes MODALITIES / ASSESSMENTS / EVALUATIONS o Mar. 19-20, 2016 Toronto, ON MTC1 - Clinical Patient Evaluation: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions Robert Abell ND LAc $195.00 $125.00 $39.00 $169.00 o Oct. 14-16, 2016 (Fri.-Sat.-Sun.) Toronto, ON The Evolution of Disease & Biotherapeutic Drainage® for Individualized Medicine Pierre Tondelier MD $295.00 $195.00 $50.00 $245.00 o Nov. 12-13, 2016 o Dec. 3-4, 2016 Portland, OR Toronto, ON MTC2 - Advanced Clinical Patient Evaluation & Treatment: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions Robert Abell ND LAc $195.00 $125.00 $39.00 $169.00 Addressing Biochemical Individuality for Optimal Health: Beyond Bio-identical Hormones Ginger Nash ND $195.00 $125.00 + taxes + taxes $39.00 $195.00 A Practical Approach to Root Causes of Hormonal Imbalance Ginger Nash ND $99.00 $99.00 $25.00 $99.00 + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes + taxes CANADA: TEL (800) 263-5861 FAX (800) 722-9953 US: TEL (888) 737-6925 FAX (877) 737-6925 WOMEN’S HEALTH o Apr. 2-3, 2016 o Nov. 5, 2016 Calgary, AB Toronto, ON TELECONFERENCE SERIES Topic o o o Practitioner Biotherapeutic Drainage® & UNDA Numbered Compounds 7 Sessions – 2 Hours per Session Clinical Applications of Phytotherapy: A Simple, Efficient & Highly Effective Adjunctive Therapy 4 Sessions 7 Sessions – 2 Hours per Session + taxes + taxes Start Date + taxes + taxes Price $195 + taxes $125 + taxes $99 + taxes $169 + taxes Dickson Thom DDS ND Wed. Jan. 27, 2016 (Series start) Practitioner Fac/Res/1st Yr* Student** Prac. Enr. in BTD Cert. Robert Abell ND LAc Wed. Apr. 27, 2016 (Series start) Practitioner Fac/Res/1st Yr* Student** Prac. Enr. in BTD Cert. $99 + taxes $79 + taxes $49 + taxes $99 + taxes Robert Abell ND LAc Wed. Sept. 14, 2016 (Series start) Practitioner Fac/Res/1st Yr* Student** Prac. Enr. in BTD Cert. $195 + taxes $125 + taxes $99 + taxes $169 + taxes – 2 Hours per Session Clinical Applications of Gemmotherapy, Oligo-Elements, Plexes & Schüessler Salts + taxes + taxes PAY M E N T I N F O R M AT I O N NAME DEGREE A CCO U N T # () V I S A M A S T E R C A R D AM ER I C A N EXP R ESS TELEPHONEE-MAIL S C H O O L (if student) Y E A R 42 C A R D N O. E X P. No refunds for any reason one month prior to any Seroyal Continuing Medical Education event. All registrations subject to approval by Seroyal management. All Seroyal Continuing Medical Education events are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Schedule and Registration Form WEBINARS Topic Practitioner Start Date Price Mikhael Adams BSc ND Thurs. Oct. 20, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY o Nutritional Malabsorption of the Small Intestine - Part 1 Ginger Nash ND Wed. Oct. 5, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY o Nutritional Malabsorption of the Small Intestine - Part 2, Case Management Ginger Nash ND Thurs. Oct. 27, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY o The Potential of Probiotics in Human Health: A Critical Evaluation from Neonatal Immunity to Age-associated Cognitive Decline Nigel Plummer PhD Wed. Nov. 23, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY Dickson Thom DDS ND Wed. Nov. 30, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY Dickson Thom DDS ND Wed. Jan. 20, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY Joseph Collins ND Thurs. Jan. 28, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY Liz Lipski PhD CCN CNS CHN Wed. Feb. 24, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY CHRONIC & DEGENERATIVE DISEASES o Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis DIGESTIVE HEALTH GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS o Stress Management & Adrenal Exhaustion: Improve Clinical Outcomes MODALITIES/ASSESSMENT/EVALUATIONS o Build a Successful Practice Using Biotherapeutic Drainage® Therapy: An Introduction o Systemic Enzyme Therapy: Healthy Immune Surveillance & Balanced Inflammatory Function Balancing the Gut-Brain Axis to Support Mental Health o CFM LDN An Introduction to the Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong o Health & Wellbeing Nigel Plummer PhD Thurs. Mar. 3, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY Introduction to Phytotherapy: A Simple, Efficient & Highly Effective o Adjunctive Therapy Robert Abell ND LAc Wed. Apr. 20, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY o Prostate Health: Us It or Lose It! Robert Abell ND LAc Wed. Jun. 1, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY Thurs. Apr. 14, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY Ginger Nash ND Wed. Apr. 6, 2016 COMPLIMENTARY o Clinical Applications for Pain Management Dickson Thom DDS ND Thurs. May 5, 2016 $30 + taxes o Heavy Metal Toxicity Dickson Thom DDS ND Thurs. Jun. 2, 2016 $30 + taxes Dickson Thom DDS ND Wed. Nov. 2, 2016 $30 + taxes Dickson Thom DDS ND Wed. Oct. 19, 2016 $30 + taxes PEDIATRIC HEALTH o Preterm & Low Birth Weight Infant Nutrition: Supporting Targets for Healthy Growth & Development Lianne Phillipson ION RNCP CANADA: TEL (800) 263-5861 FAX (800) 722-9953 US: TEL (888) 737-6925 FAX (877) 737-6925 WOMEN’S HEALTH TELECONFERENCES o Rhythms & Regulations: Connections Between Mood & Neuroendocrine Function CHRONIC & DEGENERATIVE DISEASES o Understanding Autoimmune Disorders: Discoid Lupus Case Presentation & Discussion DIGESTIVE HEALTH o IBS, Crohn’s & Celiac Diseases: Case Presentation & Discussion GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS o Robert Abell ND LAc Wed. Feb. 10, 2016 $30 + taxes Mikhael Adams BSc ND Thurs. Sept. 8, 2016 $30 + taxes o Clinical Considerations for Pre & Post Childhood Vaccinations & Adult Influenza Mikhael Adams BSc ND Thurs. Feb. 11, 2016 $30 + taxes o Respiratory Health: Understanding Allergies Robert Abell ND LAc Wed. Mar. 23, 2016 $30 + taxes Lianne Phillipson ION Wed. Sept. 21, 2016 $30 + taxes Symptomatic Relief: Plex Remedies to Support Your Patient o The Lyme Epidemic: Case Management & Strategies to Support Your Patient PEDIATRIC HEALTH o Pre & Post Natal Nutrition for Optimal Health RNCP PAY M E N T I N F O R M AT I O N NAME DEGREE A CCO U N T # () V I S A M A S T E R C A R D AM ER I C A N EXP R ESS TELEPHONEE-MAIL S C H O O L (if student) Y E A R C A R D N O. E X P. No refunds for any reason one month prior to any Seroyal Continuing Medical Education event. All registrations subject to approval by Seroyal management. All Seroyal Continuing Medical Education events are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. 43 SEROYAL CME: CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION TO ENHANCE YOUR PRACTICE Join us to learn from internationally-recognized experts in natural medicine and science. These leaders, practitioners and educators will share extensive clinical experience and provide solidified reference materials to expand your therapeutic capabilities and to: ➥ ELEVATE YOUR PRACTICE ➥ ATTAIN BETTER PATIENT RESULTS ➥ INCREASE COMPLIANCE ➥ IMPROVE PATIENT RETENTION Seroyal Continuing Medical Education has received top recommendations from thousands of practitioners who have experienced superior results. TESTIMONIALS: “Dr. Nash was very generous with her teaching and answered many of our questions with patience. I am grateful that she is part of the Seroyal educational team. This course was full of clinical pearls! A common sense integrated approach. I am excited to jump right in and use many of the tools I learned.” - A.S.,DC Individualized Nutrition for Women’s Health: Beyond Bio-identical Hormones Presented by Ginger Nash ND “Overall, well put together and informative. I appreciate Dr. Tondelier’s ability to make concepts more understandable and go into details when needed to.” - N. B., ND The Evolution of Disease & Biotherapeutic Drainage® for Individualized Medicine Presented by Pierre Tondelier MD “This has been an invaluable seminar for me. My favourite and most useful one by far. AMAZING! Please come back (to Portland) to teach MTC2!” - R. R., ND/MAc Candidate MTC1 – Clinical Patient Evaluations: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions Presented by Robert Abell ND LAc “Great, perfect presentation. Very interesting. Dr. Plummer’s research and presentation makes the difference in my practice. Five stars! State of the art!” - D. T., ND The Human Microbiome: A Key Driver in Lifelong Health & Disease Presented by Nigel Plummer PhD “Amazing lecture! Changes everything about how I practice, this information is SO vital and important to the future of our drainage modality. Thank you for bringing Mikhael here!” - E. R., ND Differential Clinical Diagnosis Using Biotherapeutic Drainage® for Optimal Patient Outcomes Presented by Mikhael Adams BSc ND “Dr. Thom – thank you for sharing your wisdom and pearls with us! Energy medicine is the future of medicine and this helps build a great foundation for authentic naturopathic medicine. Seroyal – thank you for providing great seminars and instructors to learn from.” - L. S., ND LAc Successful Case Management of Chronic Disease Presented by Dickson Thom DDS ND Seroyal is dedicated to making a difference in peoples’ lives Seroyal is a professional-line natural pharmaceutical company dedicated to assisting healthcare practitioners optimize the health of their patients through professional education programs and the use of clinical nutrition, homeopathic and botanical products, and other natural remedies available under the GENESTRA BRANDS, UNDA, Pharmax and Wobenzym® product lines. Since 1989, Seroyal has been providing extensive post-graduate training for naturopathic physicians, medical doctors, chiropractors, veterinarians, dentists, homeopaths and other healthcare practitioners. These programs have received top recommendations from thousands of practitioners who have experienced phenomenal results. Seroyal International 490 Elgin Mills Road East, Richmond Hill Ontario, Canada L4C 0L8 TEL (800) 263-5861 FAX (800) 722-9953 Seroyal USA 112 Technology Drive, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, USA 15275 TEL (888) 737-6925 FAX (877) 737-6925 Seroyal proudly supports the Foundations of Naturopathic Medicine Project Leading North American holistic scientists and key academic and scientific thought leaders in the naturopathic scholastic community have committed to producing a global textbook on the philosophy, theory and principles of naturopathic medicine. It will provide an extensive explanation of how to think clinically within the practice of naturopathic medicine and conclude with implications for public health policy, global health and international naturopathic medicine, and implications for a renewal of public health practice. To learn more visit: