h3: orcus conversion


h3: orcus conversion
Looking at the 4th Edition adventure series H1 Keep on the Shadowfell, H2
Thunderspire Labyrinths, and H3 Pyramid of Shadows – there is very little in the
plotline that really ties these adventures together into a full story.
When I read the Keep on the Shadowfell I had hoped that Wizards of the Coast
would tie this story together around a growing threat from the Demon Lord Orcus
(appearing in H1) trying to spread undeath from the new cool Shadowfell plane
defined in 4th Edition. Lot of expectation had been built up around demons, demon
lords and the Shadowfell in the Worlds and Monsters publication previously. Sadly my
hopes was not fulfilled when I read the Thunderspire Labyrinth and then later the
Pyramid of Shadow.
I therefore decided to try to bridge this gap myself, with a conversion guide, doing
some changes in the story, background and some of the encounters and images, in
order to create an atmosphere foreboding the return of the undead legions of Orcus.
Please note that you should read through the H1 and H2 Conversion Guides first,
as it gives you the full background story to the campaign.
This Guide will only take you through the changes of H3: Pyramid of Shadows.
H3: Pyramid of Shadows .......................................................... 1
Table of Contents ......................................................................... 2
Credits ............................................................................................. 4
Prologue .......................................................................................... 4
Background.................................................................................... 5
A Shadow over Fallcrest ........................................................... 6
Fallcrest’s Dark Secret .................................................................. 6
Adventure Synopsis ....................................................................... 6
Adventure Hooks............................................................................ 7
Arriving in Fallcrest .................................................................... 7
Starting the Adventure ................................................................. 7
The Rod of Ruin ............................................................................. 7
Changes in Fallcrest ...................................................................... 8
Nimozaran’s Knowledge ........................................................... 13
Next ................................................................................................. 14
Set Up ............................................................................................. 15
Tactics............................................................................................. 15
Features of the Area ................................................................... 15
Covenant’s Revenge................................................................. 17
Background .................................................................................. 17
Set Up ............................................................................................. 17
Tactics............................................................................................. 17
Features of the Area ................................................................... 17
The Tiamat Cult ........................................................................ 20
Background .................................................................................. 20
Set Up ............................................................................................. 20
Tactics............................................................................................. 20
Features of the Area ................................................................... 22
Magic Items Appendix ............................................................ 38
River Rats .................................................................................... 23
The Rod (Revenant) of Ruin .................................................... 38
Background .................................................................................. 23
Revenant of Ruin ...................................................................... 39
Set Up ............................................................................................. 23
8th Level ........................................................................................ 43
Tactics............................................................................................. 23
9th Level ........................................................................................ 43
Features of the Area ................................................................... 24
10th Level ..................................................................................... 43
Interrogation ................................................................................ 24
Head of Vyrellis ......................................................................... 44
The Pyramid of Shadows....................................................... 25
XP Analysis.................................................................................. 45
Pyramid Level 1 ........................................................................ 26
Fallcrest NPC Portraits ........................................................... 46
Pyramid Areas ............................................................................ 26
Player’s Handouts ..................................................................... 49
The Rod of Ruin .......................................................................... 26
Memories of the Rod .................................................................. 49
Pyramid Level 2 ........................................................................ 27
Battle Maps.................................................................................. 53
Pyramid Nexus (Locations 33) .............................................. 27
Monster Update......................................................................... 59
Pyramid Portal Structure ...................................................... 28
P1: Entrance Pit.......................................................................... 59
Diplomacy and Alliances ...................................................... 29
P2: Chamber of Rats ................................................................. 59
The Dragon’s Lair ....................................................................... 29
P3: The Bridge............................................................................. 60
New Monsters ............................................................................ 30
P4: The Beast in the Pit ............................................................ 60
Grave Harpy ................................................................................ 30
P5: Flooded Chamber................................................................ 61
Shadowraven Swarm ................................................................ 31
C1: Hedge Maze.......................................................................... 62
D1: Hall of Blizzards ............................................................... 32
C2: The Well ................................................................................ 63
Development ................................................................................ 32
C3: The Black Meadow ............................................................. 64
Pyramid Nexus .......................................................................... 33
C4: Temple of Verdant Rage................................................... 65
Setup ............................................................................................... 33
C5: Vines of Death ..................................................................... 66
Tactics............................................................................................. 33
G1: Guard Chamber.................................................................. 67
Features of the Area ................................................................... 34
G2: Chamber of Doors .............................................................. 67
Concluding the Adventure ................................................... 36
G3: Inner Chambers .................................................................. 69
Karavakos’ Last Stand ............................................................... 36
H1: Library of Whispers .......................................................... 69
The End of the Rod of Ruin ..................................................... 36
H2: The Hermitage .................................................................... 70
Vyrellis ........................................................................................... 36
S1: The Ice Chamber ................................................................. 71
Escaping the Pyramid of Shadows ........................................ 37
S2: Ambush Hall ........................................................................ 71
S3: Chamber of the Monoliths ................................................ 72
S4: The Grand Stair .................................................................. 73
T1: Temple Guards .................................................................... 74
T2: Three Gates of Agony ........................................................ 75
T3: The Heart of Madness ....................................................... 75
T4: Hovel of the Damned ......................................................... 76
T5: Howls from Beyond............................................................ 77
D1: Hall of Blizzards ................................................................. 78
D2: Winter’s Clutch................................................................... 79
N1: The Hungry Dead .............................................................. 79
N2: Hall of Death’s Shadow .................................................... 80
N3: Palace of Bones ................................................................... 81
G2: Maze of Lost Souls .............................................................. 83
G3: The Shadow Stone .............................................................. 83
K1: The Sanctuary of Light ..................................................... 84
to him. But he knew that if he found it he knew he would recognize
it, that he was sure off…
These are the contributors in the Wizards community
that have helped with improvements and new ideas and
concepts to this H1 Conversion Guide.
Player map of Fallcrest
Proposed option for handling the Revenant of Ruin.
Proposed Septarch’s Tower as entry to Pyramid of Shadows.
The Antra
Proposed tying the winter eladrin to Vyrellis background.
Helped fixing a problem in the pyramid map
Arat Karavakos poured through the tomes of the myriad of
bookshelves within the Library of Whispers. He had to find it.
Everything depended on it. But where was it? He looked down
from the staircase he was using to reach the top shelves. Down
below he could see the hungry stares from the three Eaters of
Knowledge who always accompanied him. It had not always been
like this. They had not always been here, but he had grown used to
them like a couple of stray dogs. Come think of it, he could hardly
remember how his life had been before they came. It was all hazy,
almost insubstantial. He had to stay focused, avoid the distracting
whispers inside his head from the servants of Vecna. They would
never find it, but he had to, his whole existence depended on it. If he
could just find it, everything would change. The problem was that
he no longer remembered what he was looking for – it was all lost
The swirling vortex of arcane energies surrounded him and
held him in place, the chains wrapped around what used to be his
arms bound him to two crude stone plinths. They all feared his
release, feared what would come, should he be let loose. Their fears
were well grounded. His head was filled with the voices of madness,
whispering him truths that no mortal was meant to hear. He was a
foci, a gateway for their hunger, a spearhead into the universe
from the other side – the Far Realm he had tried to use as a mean
to escape from the pyramid. It had not only failed, but the price
had also been too high… way to high. He could feel the worms of
titanic entities crawling under his warped mutated flesh, caressing
him like a lover, eating the very fabrics of reality. Twisting him into
a monstrosity of hunger, tentacles and warped flesh. They would
all pay for his pain. The world would know true fear once he was
set loose. He would share the dreams of the Mad God with the
mortal races…
Kravak the Damned rested against the bone archway he had
created in an effort to create a portal out of the Pyramid of
Shadows. The pale hollowed eyed tiefling looked worn out, as if his
last hopes had left him. There was no turning back, the due had to
be paid. He had made a promise, a bargain written in blood with
the Prince of Undeath. He could hear the Blood Lords laughter
ringing inside him as if it had been just yesterday he had made that
fatal mistake taking his hordes of undead and demons into the
feywild to expand his realm across the border of worlds. That
cursed Vyrellis! It had been all her fault. Tricking him into that
fatal mistake. But she had paid. Yes she had paid. A grim smile
touched his dry lips. His knowledge of necromancy and undeath
had grown since then, but he stilled looked back on that moment
with a sense of joy. Vyrellis had indeed paid for her crimes. But
then reality came crashing back. There was no escape from this
accursed prison – this Pyramid of Shadows. He had tried for over
three hundred years. But he had given up. The Blood Lord always
won in the end. He had spent the last hundred year building his
necromantic knowledge in an effort to breach the walls of the
pyramid into his Masters realm Thanatos, to offer his apologies, to
cry for mercy, to deliver on his vow….
Karavakos could feel his other shards, like an itch you couldn’t
scratch. It was as irritating now as it had been three hundred years
ago when the combined efforts of the wizards of Nerath and the
Fey kingdom had imprisoned him in this cursed pyramid,
splintering his soul into a number of reflections to reduce his
power. But that would soon change, he had used his mastery of the
Pyramid itself to bring its end to him. He had several times
managed to bring manifestations of the pyramid into the world of
the living, as reflections of its trans-dimensional existence. By
sending visions of power for the taking inside the pyramid, several
humans and monsters had been tricked into the pyramid, but none
had been strong enough to finish off his split shards – until now.
For hundreds of years he had been spying on the world
outside, especially the machinations of the Blood Lord, whose
treachery had put him here, in this damned pyramid. Finally he
was using this knowledge to break free. By influencing the agencies
of the Blood Lord, this Paldemar – he had been able to get a group
of unsuspecting adventurers to go search for the Secrets of the
Pyramid. Hopefully they would succeed where the others had failed
previously, becoming like himself prisoners inside this ‘living’
pyramid. It was indeed alive. He could hear its whispers; he could
feel its shadow blood coursing through its immense body,
rearranging the pyramid to suite its prisoners’ preferences. All this
would come to and end. When all the other shards were killed, his
powers would be restored and he would break free of the pyramids
cursed bonds. And if that would fail, he even had a second plan of
escape. Things had been put into motion that would lead to his
resurrection even if the adventurers came and managed to kill him
– the mighty wizard Karavakos. Moran’s Eye had been found and
with Karavakos guiding visions the Stone Cauldron in the Great
Warren would be rediscovered, and with it Karavakos path to
Legends of old speak about the time before men when
eladrins and fomorians battled for supreme ship of the
Feywild. One such legend tells the story of the ancient
fomorian king Moran, who was known for his pursuit of
power and fell magic. He stroke a bargain with a demon
lord who transformed his evil eye into a crystal vessel of
shadow and fire. Moran later crafted several lesser eyes of
similar design, naming them Moran’s Eyes and giving them
to powerful monsters in exchange for fealty.
Karavakos had with his demon pact with the Prince of
Undeath managed to concur all neighboring lands and
form a mighty nation to rival the great human empire of
Nerath that held sway over much of the land at this time. It
was at winter’s arrival that Vyrellis, the eladrin princess,
arrived to Karavakos palace seeking his audience. Vyrellis
was the second daughter of the great Eladrin King
Palenthior, Warden of the Silver City of Celduilon, and
shared Karavakos ambitions for power. The beautiful
eladrin princess filled Karavakos head with dreams of
power, proposing that he should extend his rule ship across
two worlds and into the Feywild. Against eladrin customs,
Karavakos took Vyrellis as his bride without her father’s
consent, and they proclaimed that they together would rule
the new empire. With spring’s dawning his armies would
march into the Feywild.
knew the strength of the eladrin forces and did not want to
march against them and risk his life. Karavakos had to
return empty handed. There the story could have ended if
not the Blood Lord had interfered, because Vard wielded
one of Moran’s Eyes, using it to dominate his violent
subjects. Through it the Blood Lord whispered, sending
visions to the troll king of Vardar. Telling him to go back to
Karavakos with an ultimatum – If Karavakos could
guarantee that the troll king would survive the eladrin
battle, he would lend Karavakos his aid and his troll hordes.
Karavakos, who received help from his demonic
advisors, started the creation of the Stone Cauldron—a
vessel built to contain the waters of life that the troll king
guarded, having the power to fuel a ritual capable of
returning the dead to life—even those already claimed by
the Raven Queen. What Karavakos did not tell Vard, was
that those raised returned as shades of their former selves
under the control of the one who raised them.
When spring came, the demon hordes marched
through the Crystal Throne at the Fortress of Mross-Kagg
into the Feywild. In the Feywild, though, the demons and
the undead met their match. Invincible on the battlefields
of the natural world, the demons had no such protection
once they stepped into the Feywild and met the mighty
eladrin army. Fey spears and arrows felled the hordes,
putting an end to Karavakos’s dreams of conquest—and
severing his demonic bargain.
Vyrellis knew that her father would close the Moon
Door’s into the Feywild at the approach of Karavakos
demonic and undead armies, so she proposed another
alliance, betraying her people, and spoke of another portal
to the Feywild, a portal guarded jealously by the troll king
Vard, founder of the realm of Vardar which bridged into
the Feywild as well as the world of men.
When the troll nation of Vardar was sacked, Vard was
killed in battle at Kadorhak, his body vanishing in a sheet of
orange flame. The forces of good assumed he had been
incinerated, but the power of Moran’s Eye carried his body
back to the Great Warren. Troll shamans later interred
Vard’s remains and the Eye in a great barrow hidden in the
Trollhaunt, waiting for his return. But as ages past he was
soon forgotten in the mists of time.
Karavakos went to the troll king’s lair with an offer of
alliance, but the troll king of Vardar would not hear of it. He
But one witness remained – Karavakos – imprisoned
for eternity in the Pyramid of Shadows by the eladrin king
Palenthior, together with princess Vyrellis for her betrayal.
As centuries went past Karavakos suddenly saw a chance at
freedom as the troll-chieftain Skalmad discovered Moran’s
Eye, while exploring the old barrows of the Trollhaunt. Lost
for untold years, the Eye or shadow and fire, guided by
Karavakos, quickly corrupted the avaricious Skalmad,
inspiring him to tear out his own eye in order to claim the
relic’s full power.
As Karavakos now directed Skalmad’s ambition
indirectly, the Eye showed him a portal to the Feywild in
the heart of an ancient troll ruin known as the Great
Warren. Within the Feywild, the Eye led the would-be troll
king to a site of great power and even greater evil—the
Stone Cauldron. There, Skalmad’s plans for domination
were born.
With the power of the Eye, Skalmad set about bringing
the monsters of the Trollhaunt under his dominion. He saw
himself as the founder of a new Vardar, establishing a
stronghold in the Great Warren. Under Skalmad’s
leadership, the trolls of the Trollhaunt began to terrorize
neighboring lands with a fury not seen in generations.
Little did Skalmad know that he had to die in order for
Karavakos plan to unfold. With the return of his former ally
Vard, Karavakos hoped that he would be able to guide Vard
to use the Stone Cauldron’s power to let him escape his
prison. He initiated the events that would lead Paldemar or
his opposing adventurers to the Pyramid of Shadows to kill
him, thereby releasing him from his eladrin prison, in order
to be raised back to life again within the Stone Cauldron.
Fallcrest is not the sleepy little border town it used to
be. With the sudden emergence of the Pyramid of Shadow
over the Nentir Falls things have changed. The city is now
sitting in constant shadow of the floating pyramid, hovering
in the sky above them. Unnatural dark clouds are swirling
in the skies above the pyramid turning daylight into a
constant twilight. Many people fled the city and took to the
roads to save themselves from the pyramid’s shadow. They
went to the nearby towns of Hammerfast or Harkenwood,
but many remained – having too much to loose – and
guarded their properties, fearing to loose it all if they went
Then emerged the Shadowravens. The swarm had
been building in size for several days, ever increasing their
numbers, flying as a black cloud around the pyramid in the
sky. They attacked during nighttimes, swooping down on
lonely people in the streets of Fallcrest, leaving behind
twisted shadow-grey corpses, torn by hundreds of vicious
claws and with their eyes hacked out.
The Lord Warden, Faren Markelhay declared a curfew
but they swarm got more daring and has now even been
seen attacking people in the daytime. People are trying to
stay at home, barring their windows and door to keep the
shadowravens out, but supplies are starting to run low and
people are becoming desperate, demanding that the Lord
should protect them. But the sixty warriors under the Lord
Warden’s control in the Moonstone Keep has shown unable
to deal with the threat of the shadow swarm. They have
hardly been able to handle the unrest in the streets, since
the emergence of the Pyramid of Shadows. The Lord
Warden is desperate, as he sits in his castle in constant
shadow and fear, watching while his realm is falling apart
around him.
At the other end of the town, sits a lonely tall green
spire, almost at a height to reach the black pyramid – the
Septarch’s Tower where Nimozaran the Green has just
come to a dark realization …
Most people at Fallcrest’s know that the city was
established over three hundred years ago by the Nerath
empire. The Lord Warden often speaks off how his ancestor
Aranda Markelhay obtained the charter to build the
Moonstone Keep at the portage of the Nentir Falls. She
raised a simple tower at the site of Moonstone Keep that
which later would become the castle of today.
The true story is much darker, which Nimozaran the
Green just have realized when pouring through some very
old tomes of the mage’s guild, searching for an answer to
the appearance of the strange pyramid.
Aranda Markelhay was one of the Nerathan wizards
who were given the task to work together with the fey
wizards of the Feywild to design a prison for Karavakos the
Damned, a prison from where it was no escape. The
Nerathan wizards constructed the Septarch’s Tower of
green feystone, so it would last forever. The Tower was the
foci used in the complex ritual to bend the dimensions for
the creation of the demiplane needed for the prison. After
having created the extra-dimensional prison which was to
become known as the Pyramid of Shadows and imprisoning
Karavakos there, Aranda was given the task to guard the
Septarch’s Tower. The Markelhay family was soon
established the town which later would become Fallcrest
and the Moonstone Keep as their residence. Generations
later the knowledge of their true past was lost and none of
the Markehay family today knows anything about their
grand past, except that they have inherited the governance
of Fallcrest for generations.
Within the Septarch’s Tower is also a teleportation
portal that leads into the Pyramid of Shadows, which could
be the player’s only means of access unless they have means
to fly up to the pyramid and touch its surface, which also
teleports them into the extra-dimension of the pyramid.
The adventure runs as in the original description,
except with the following exception:
Karavakos has been sending visions of the pyramid, its
location in the natural world, and promises of power
associated with the pyramid. But none of the adventurers or
monsters that he has tricked into the pyramid has been
strong enough to kill his shards and release him. The
adventure begins when the player characters arrives to
Fallcrest to find the immense black shadow pyramid
floating over the town, the sky filled with dark foreboding
clouds. In Fallcrest the adventurers will have to find a
means to enter the pyramid. The Lord Warden, who have
heard of their deeds in Winterhaven ask them for help in
removing the threat of the shadowraven swarm as well as
some way to remove the pyramid before everybody
abandons Fallcrest. The adventurers will also have to face
assassins sent out by the Ashen Covenant to stop the players
further meddling with the plans of the sect. When the PCs
find out about the true purpose of the Septarch’s Tower
from Nimozaran, they also finds the means to access the
pyramid and its timeless depths.
I would recommend this new hook for the adventurers
as they get into Fallcrest.
The Lord Warden, Faren Markelhay, impressed by the
actions of the adventurers in Winterhaven and worried
about the implications of the sudden appearance of the
Pyramid of Shadows above his town, begs the adventurers
to find it within their heart to rescue the town from the
frightening shadow ravens and the mysterious pyramid.
“Kill that swarm of hell spawn black ravens and find a
way to get rid of that damn pyramid over my city before
every merchant have left the town,” the Lord Warden tells
them. “If you manage to do that I will reward you with a
powerful magic item (a level 12 item) and 2,500 gp.”
Quest XP: 1,500 XP (major quest).
The characters are most likely traveling along the
Trade Route from Thunderspire Mountain towards
Fallcrest (see the map on page 206 of the Dungeon Master’s
When the characters start seeing the Moon Hills in the
distance they start to meet travelers coming their way, read:
You meet heavily laden carts with people sitting on top
of the carts. The carts seem to be containing most of their
worldly belongings, the pore mules in front of the carts are
all but worn out. You meet the peoples eyes and you see the
fear hidden away there, deep inside of them. They have
been through something that forever is going to put a scar
in their souls.
If the characters talk to them they get a similar story
with some variation from each individual, read:
town below in shadows. A huge swarm of black ravens
circle silently around the pyramid. The sight is so
unnatural so you feel fear fill your bowls at its sight. What
dark purpose can this pyramid of shadows have?
“Strangers, turn around if you hold your life dear. The
gods have cursed Fallcrest!”
“A black pyramid appeared in the sky above Fallcrest
less than two weeks back. It was blacker than the heart of
Bane, folded in shadows and with dark stirring clouds
above it. Nobody knows were it came from, but it harbors
no good, I tell you that. We took everything we had and
left. If you are wise you do the same. We are heading
towards Hammerfast were we have some relatives. You can
join our caravan, some extra sword arms can’t hurt in these
troubled times.”
The real adventure begins when the characters reach
Fallcrest. When the adventurers clear the last hill and can
look down at Fallcrest, read:
You clear the last hill and set your eyes upon Fallcrest.
The town stands amid the Moon Hills at the falls of the
Nentir River, divided in two by a large cliff that divides the
town into Lowtown and Hightown, with the Moonstone
Keep overlooking the town. Here travelers and traders
using the old King’s Road that runs north and south, the
dwarven Trade Road from the east, and the river all meet.
The surrounding hills shelter several small valleys where
farmers and woodsfolk live.
But what catches your eyes are not the town in itself – it
is the immense pyramid floating in the air above the town.
Swirling black clouds cover the sky and thunderous
lightning can be heard from its core, challenging anybody
who dares to enter. The pyramid in itself is utterly black, as
if it was sucking in the surrounding light, and casting the
If the characters acquired the Rod of Ruin in H1:
Keep on the Shadowfell, it will give the wielder visions
while searching through Fallcrest for a way to enter the
Pyramid of Shadows. These visions and memories are
induced by Karavakos, where he is taunting the
adventurers in order to get them into the pyramid.
The Rod of Ruin is very pleased that the wielder has
taken it to the Pyramid of Shadows. The Concordance of
the Rod of Ruin increases with +4, which might bring
positive effects to the PCs.
When the PCs see the pyramid floating over
Fallcrest the wielder hears a voice inside his mind:
“The time is near”, you hear a male voice in your
head. “The shadowravens are already swarming aroung
the Pyramid of Shadows – souls lost to the hunger of the
pyramid. The Secrets of Undeath is bound to be released,
you must hurry. Enter the Pyramid of Shadows and kill
the one named Karavakos before the secrets of the
pyramid are released upon the land!”
This is of course Karavakos lies in order to trick the
adventurers into entering the pyramid and set them on a
course to kill him, and his shards
Perception Check
DC 19: You notice that the ravens seem unnaturally
silent, and a trail of shadows follows its wake.
DC 24: You spot that some birds fly into the surface of
the pyramid, just to disappear into its black surface as if it
was not there.
Nature Check
DC 15: Those ravens are not normal birds, but
something else – darker and filled with shadow stuff.
Arcana Check
DC 20: You sense that this pyramid is created with
very strong magic and somehow extra-dimensional, not a
true building per see.
DC 25: You can notice the presence of both shadow
stuff and fey magic in its magical bindings.
who is trying to get rid of the pyramid with free porter
services if they succeed on a DC 15 Diplomacy check.
If the adventurers have successfully completed the
Keep of the Shadowfell adventure and the Thunderspire
Labyrinth adventure the characters fame and heroic deeds
are beginning to spread in the Nentir Vale.
If they have successfully completed the Keep on the
Shadowfell adventure the adventurers receive a +1 bonus
on all Diplomacy checks in Fallcrest as people have heard
about the troubles up in Winterhaven.
If they have successfully completed the Thunderspire
Labyrinth adventure the adventurers receive a cumulative
+1 bonus on all Diplomacy checks towards all people in
Fallcrest that have been doing business in the Seven
Pillared Hall, such as the House of Azaer.
With the arrival of the Pyramid of Shadows floating
over Fallcrest two weeks ago a lot of things have happened
in the small town. Below is a summary of some of the
changes, tied to the key locations appearing in the
description of Fallcrest, Dungeon Master’s Guide p.196-205.
There are no guards at the Five-Arch Bridge if the PCs
arrive by this direction from Winterhaven or the west. If the
adventurers are familiar with Fallcrest a successful DC 15
Insight check will tell them that this is highly unusual as the
bridge is normally always guarded by the town guards
Barstomun Strongbeard is devastated at the
appearance of the mysterious pyramid over Fallcrest. No
traffic has come through Fallcrest since the pyramid
appeared two weeks ago, hurting the porters guild’s
business. They surly dwarf is supporting any adventurer’s
The Nentir Inn is all but deserted. The proprietor
Erandil Zemoar, the normally so charming half-elf, is
worried and frightened. With a successful DC 10
Diplomacy check he will the adventurers the following:
“Since the strange pyramid appeared in the sky with
those accursed shadowravens two weeks ago most of my
customers have fled the city. The few merchants and
travelers that are still here are staying just because they
have not found transportation out of the city yet.”
Under the current conditions Erandil is prepared to
offer his rooms for 3 sp per night if the PCs bargain with
him. The taproom is almost empty, a few worried farmers
are discussing if they should leave their farmsteads or not.
The nobleborn tiefling Serim Selduzar is giving his view to
the disaster to anyone who wants to listen, trying to start a
rumor that it is all the Markellhay’s fault.
“It’s the Lord Warden’s fault I tell you. I heard from a
wise woman in Fallcrest that the line of Markelhay is
cursed. They have brought this disaster to our town. It is
their sins that have brought that dark pyramid to our city.
You tell me what we should do about it!”
Knight’s Gate who guards the northeastern road to
Thunderspire Mountain and beyond, is not abandoned as
the Five-Arch Bridge. The stubborn sergeant Nereth still
guards the gate, but only with three guards. The gate is
opened even in night time, as the Lord Warden is worried
that riots would break out if the ways out of the town, away
from the pyramid, were to be closed.
Sergeant Nereth is visibly shaken by the recent events.
A successful Diplomacy check makes the sergeant tell the
(DC 14) “I don’t know how it got there. One day it was
just there – floating in the air and with a crown of dark
clouds over it. Got everybody kind of jumpy. We had a
couple of days of riots, as people tried to flee from the city.
Now we keep the gates open, so people can leave if they
want to. A couple of days later those bloody shadowravens
started to appear in the sky, like a cloud of shadows circling
the town. We have tried to shoot them down – but it is
useless, the swarm just keeps growing. Now we even don’t
keep guards at the Five-Arch Bridge due to the
shadowravens. Too many guards killed – no cover from
them there. But I don’t leave my post. They will have to
bury me here.
(DC 19) “You are the first people who willingly set foot
here in Fallcrest since the appearance of the pyramid, or
wait – there was some strange dark clad people a couple of
days back. Didn’t really say what they were up to. Under
normal circumstances I would not have let them into the
If the PCs offer to help or give some indication that they know
the source of the problem sergeant Nereth says:
“You should talk to the Lord Warden, Faren
Markelhay, we need all the help we can get. He is up at the
Moonstone Keep, straight up to the left. Tell the guards that
sergeant Nereth sent you!”
The Silver Unicorn Inn is closed. The door barred and
locked, the window shutters nailed to the frame. Wisara
Osterman has fled the town to some relatives in
Harkenwold. Selarund Halfmoon at the Halfmoon Trading
House tells anybody who ask him the above information.
Selarund Halfmoon is actually seeing a thriving
business as a result of the pyramid. Many people have
bought supplies and gear to fix their old carts in order to
leave the city. Selarund, being a relentless optimist, sees
everything from the positive side:
“The pyramid you say. Yes, a marvelous site isn’t it?
Get you wondering how it manages to stay there, doesn’t it?
A wise cutter could be making good money on all the
pilgrims and visitors that sooner or later are bound to show
up to marvel at Fallcrest’s new wonder. I mean the Nentir
Falls kind of fades when you have a flying pyramid around
the corner, or?”
The Lord Warden can be seen at his window in the
keep several times during the day, staring out at the
mysterious pyramid with a mix of fear and curiousness.
If the players have been sent here by Sergeant Nereth
they are immediately sent to the Lord Warden. Otherwise
they will have to convince the guards that they might be
able to help the Lord Warden with a DC 19 Diplomacy,
Bluff or Intimidate check. Inside the keep they can se
several people and guards trying to repair some old
ballista’s, that haven been seeing any use in a hundred
toe. It must be rooted out and destroyed. I have prayed to
Pelor for guidance, but he has only given me strange
“In my dreams I see a man. But I can not see him
clear. I am looking through some strange glass or prism,
seeing three shadowy reflections of the man. One is lost, one
is twisted and one is dead. I sense a great evil, there is blood
streaming down over the glass turning everything hazy and
red. What do you think it can mean?”
If the characters succeeds on a DC 19 Diplomacy of
Bluff check (or a DC 14 if they mention or say they are sent
by Noristo Azaer), the guards let them meet Amara Azaer.
Amara is sharp and business focused and immediately spots
an opportunity to use the adventurers on her door step.
The Lord Warden Faren Markelhay are very happy at
having ablebodied adventurers at hand that might help him
save his city, see “The Lord Warden” hook.
“So you are the heroes from Thunderspire Labyrinth. I
have received reports from Noristo about your activities. If
you have come here for the pyramid, which I assume you
have, we might have a common interest. I would be
interested in getting my hands on any strange relics,
antiques, or items from the pyramid above our city, and I
would be interested in paying well for it. What do you say?”
The zealous dwarf Grundelmar, a priest of Pelor, is
happy to see visitors to the temple. If the adventurers give a
small gift to the temple and manage to convince the priest
that they are set out to find the dark truth of the Pyramid, as
well as succeeding on a DC 19 Diplomacy check they learn
the following information:
Amara Azaer asks the characters to bring down any
relics, antiques or other valuable items that are tightly tied
to the mysterious pyramid. She is prepared to pay
handsomely for any such items.
“That dark pyramid in the sky is a dark indignation
against the light of Pelor, blocking the sun and his warmth.
There must be some vile evil behind it, I can feel it in my left
Quest XP: 300 XP (minor quest), and Amara offers to
buy any valuable items the characters bring back from the
pyramid (you as a DM will have to judge what Amara finds
valuable and sellable on the market). She pays 10% above
the standard market price.
High Priest Dirina Mornbrow meets them in the
temple as she had sent out her two lesser priests and
acolytes to help the townsfolk in this most dire situation.
She looks disapprovingly at the adventurers, and says:
“Hmpf … adventurers by the sight of it. Fallcrest is in
no need for more adventurers. What we need now are
faithful and devoted followers of Erathis, that can pray to
the goddess and ask for forgiveness and mercy. This dark
pyramid in the sky is a sign from our patron god that she is
displeased with us. The people of Fallcrest have not paid
proper reverence to Erathis, and she has taken her
protective hand from the city. This chaos will put an end to
Fallcrest if we do not bring back proper order, governance
and loyal worshippers to it.
Dirina’s followers walk around in the city and preach
the same dogma – the pyramid appearance is the fault of its
people that have turned away from their patron deity.
People need to seek atonement, plead for forgiveness and
sacrifice to Erathis for the pyramid to go away.
High Priest Ressilmae of the goddess Sehanine can be
found inside the shadowy Moonsong temple if the
adventurer can convince the acolytes of the temple that
they are worthy of his notice, a successful DC 15
Diplomacy or Bluff check is needed.
Once in his audience chambers he shares his views of
the recent events in Fallcrest:
“I am troubled at the appearance of this strange
pyramid. You have surely noticed it has three sides – a
perfect tetrahedron. As far as its origin, I am not certain,
but I sense the presence of both the Feywild and the
Shadowfell, as well as its appearance in the natural world.
I have tried to get answers from Sehanine, but the
fragmented answers tell me nothing.”
“I don’t remember exactly. The vision I received was
hazy and fragmented as best. But I remember something
about that the Markelhay’s dark past will come back to the
present. The pyramid has a base and three sides so will also
the challenges you meet. Seek the Sanctuary of Light within
the shadows, and then something about the predestined –
Those Who Walks in Death’s Shadow. Does it mean
anything to you?”
adventurers by the look of it. You should report to the Lord
Warden, Faren Markelhay, he is in great need of people
like yourself. Under current conditions, I believe his reward
would be most generous considering our peril. Are you
“You can find the Lord Warden up at the Moonstone
Keep, take to the right further down this street and follow
the slopes of the keep until you are on the western side of
the keep, there you will find a road leading up to the castle.
Tell the guards that sergeant Murgeddin sent you!”
Lannar Thistleton have no horse, mule or ponies to
offer, having sold all to the fleeing citizens.
Orest Naerumar, a tiefling of impeccable manners and
discretion have not seen his business greatly affected by the
appearance of the Pyramid. Instead he has been able to sell
a lot of warding amulets of dubious origin to frightened
“Sorry for not being able to accommodate your needs,
but I have sold everything I got. Half the town seem to have
left the town to more safer places, trying to get away from
that thing in the skies, scared up the horses as well it did.
For I while I thought they would all go crazy, but then I
managed to sell everyone of them.”
Wizard’s Gate who guards the eastern road to
Harkenwold and beyond, is guarded by the capable
sergeant Murgeddin, a dwarf veteran who fought in the
Bloodspear War. He guards the gate, but only with two
guards. The gate is opened even in night time, as the Lord
Warden is worried that riots would break out if the ways
out of the town, away from the pyramid, were to be closed.
Sergeant Murgeddin shows no sign of worry, instead he
looks closely at the adventurer and says:
“You carry yourselves like expert swordsmen, and have
that look in your eyes that you have stared too long into the
shadows of the world. I would guess you are capable
If the PCs have bought some minor item from Orest or
is prepared to pay the 5 gp he ask for his advice, he gladly
share his views on the pyramid.
“Yes, the pyramid, on everybody’s lips these days. It is
hard to say anything about it, but it raises some interesting
questions. From where did it come? What is its purpose
and why did it appear in Fallcrest of all places? Questions I
have no answer to, but if I were you I would seek out
Nimozaran the Green, the high wizard of Septarch’s Tower.
He is quite an original and eremite, but if anyone has an
answer, it would be him.”
If the adventurers succeeds with convincing the guards
of the estate that they have business to discuss with Lord
Armos Kamroth (-2 on the check if they do not title him
Lord), and succeeds with a DC 19 Diplomacy, Bluff or
Intimidate check they are escorted to Armos audience
chamber were he greets them and listen to what they have
to say. Armos convincingly defends any accusation towards
him or his business practice, and then ask the guards to
show the visitors out. No information can be gained by
going the “official way”, Armos is to sharp for that.
If the characters instead try to sneak into the estate
during the night time, they will have to succeed on a skill
challenge to get past the guards, locks and traps of the
Breaking into the Kamroth Estate
Level 7
Skill Challenge
XP 900
You need to break into the well guarded Kamroth Estate, passing
guards, locks and traps on the way.
The PCs can engage in a skill challenge to break into the
Kamroth Estate trying to find any valuable information about
Armos Kamroth and what he is up to. The whole skill challenge
takes roughly one hour.
3 (8 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skills
Stealth, Perception, Thievery
Secondary Skills
Bluff, Insight, Athletics
The characters find information that shows that Armos Kamroth
has been tricking farmers to take extensive loans in order to be
able to take over their farms, once their depts were too big for
them to pay them back. The way he has done it is on the
borderline of the law. They also find evidence that Armos seem
to be a Tiamat worshipper and they find a secret staircase
leading down to cellars below the estate. See the “Tiamat Cult”
The characters are unable to penetrate the estate and find any
useful information, they have to flee back empty handed. If they
choose to stay they are captured and overtaken and sent to the
Lord Warden for judging their crimes.
A failed Stealth check results in crossbow arrows being shot
versus all characters. Melee 1; +11 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage
A failed Thievery lock check results in triggering the trap. Melee
1; +11 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 5 lightning damage
The characters can try again the next time but the guards are
more vigilant and all skill checks are +3 DC higher.
with a convincing lie why you are in the estate premises.
DC 19 (no successes, no maximum attempts for bonus results)
Insight grants a +2 bonus on Stealth and Perception checks
You try to think as the Lord of the Kamroth Estate, were would I have
placed traps and guards?
DC 19 (1 success, maximum 1 canceled failure) Athletics can
be used to cancel one Thievery failure. However, all Stealth
checks have a -5 penalty hence forward.
The door is locked and you can’t get passed it, unless you break down
the door. Luckily that has never been a problem for you.
DC 19 (1 success, maximum 4 successes)
You manage to slip past a pair of guards overlooking the estate without
You notice a trap that has been placed in the room you are trying to
Nimozaran the Green has placed 3 Eyes of Alarm, on at
the start of the bridge, on at the end and one at the entrance
of the Septarch’s Tower (all have Darkvision). A DC 27
Perception check is needed to notice them. They warns
Nimozaran about anybody approaching the tower.
Final Secret Door DC 21 (1 success, maximum 1 attempt, last
skill check)
When the characters reach the bridge go to the
“Covenant’s Revenge” encounter.
Traps DC 19 (1 success, maximum 2 successes) A successful
Perception check needs to be followed by a Thievery check.
In Armos Kamroth audience chamber you notice that one of the
bookshelves is a secret door, revealing a narrow staircase that leads
down into the cellars below the estate
Locks DC 19 (1 success, maximum 2 successes)
You manage to open the look on one of the doors of the estate, allowing
you to go deeper into its heart.
Traps DC 19 (1 success, maximum 2 successes) Can only be
initiated after a successful Trap Perception check.
You manage to disable the trap and get past it.
Tobolar Quickfoot greets them when they arrive to the
tower and ask their business with “the High Septarch of
Fallcrest, Master of the Fallcrest Mages’ Guild”. A successful
DC 14 Diplomacy, Bluff or Intimidate check is needed for
Tobolar to take them to Nimozaran.
The elderly Nimozaran meets with them up in the
tower in his audience chamber. In order to convince him
that he should help them the character needs to prove their
worth to him in a Skill Challenge.
DC 21 (1 success, maximum 1 canceled failure) Bluff can be
used to cancel one Stealth failure.
The guards notice you as you try to sneak past. Quickly you come up
Convincing Nimozaran the Green
Skill Challenge
Level 7
XP 300
DC 19 (1 success, maximum 1 success)
You need to convince Nimozaran the Green that you are capable and
knowledgable adventurers that have a chance to solve the mystery of the
Pyramid of Shadows
You go through all the things you have learnt in Winterhaven and the
Thunderspire Labyrinth about the history of the Pyramid of Shadows
The PCs can engage in a skill challenge with Nimozaran to get
his help in getting into the Pyramid of Shadows.
DC 21 (1 success, maximum 1 success)
You manage to convince Nimozaran about your worth and good
1 (4 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skills
DC 21 (no successes, maximum 1 canceled failure) Bluff can be
used to cancel one primary skill failure.
Arcana, History, Diplomacy
Secondary Skills
Bluff, Religion, Insight
Nimozaran is convinced that the characters are capable to meet
this mysterious threat to Fallcrest. He shares the knowledge that
he has been able to gather from the old tomes of the Mages’
Guild. He also tells them about the strange teleportation circle
at the top of the Septarch’s Tower. See the “Nimozaran’s
Knowledge” chapter for further information.
You manage to lie and thereby cover your ignorance in the area.
Nimozaran does not seem to notice.
DC 21 (no successes, no maximum attempts for bonus results)
Insight grants a +2 bonus on primary skill checks
You try to think as Nimozaran, what is he interested in to hear, what
would make him think you worthy? You use your insights to guide your
answers to the elderly mage.
DC 19 (1 success, maximum 1 success)
Nimozaran graciously ask them to leave, as he do not want to be
responsible for their deaths, sending unknowledgeable people
on a task beyond their ability.
You use your knowledge of the Cult of Orcus to convince Nimozaran
about the gravity of the threat that you are facing.
If they refuse to leave he ask Tobolar Quickfoot to send for the
town guard.
The dwarf weaponsmith and armorer Teldorthan
Ironhews still has his smithy opened, even tough there has
been few customers, except some fleeing townsfolk in need
of some shoeing of horses.
The characters can try again a week later when conditions have
gotten even worse in Fallcrest and the Lord Warden might have
used his influence to convince the elderly mage to give the
characters a new chance to prove their worth.
DC 19 (1 success, no maximum successes)
You go into the details of your understanding of the pyramid of
Shadows, its energies and obvious extra-dimensional purpose.
Teldorthan is in dept to Armos Kamroth due to his lost
scale armor, and have a sore eye to the self-styled “lord”
“That damn pyramid is going to kill business in this
town. I might have to leave the town as well in the end, but
then I would probably get that miser Armos Kamroth and
his people after me. I tell you. If somebody is to blame for
that pyramid appearing over the city, I would point the
finger at the Kamroth estate. I have seen strange people
leave and go from his building in the middle of the night
since the appearance of the pyramid. He must be up to
something. I tell you that for nothing.”
This false lead might get the PCs to believe that Amros
Kamroth is somehow involved, which might lead to them
finding his secret Tiamat cult.
The King’s Gate stand wide open and is not guarded at
all by the towns guard.
The market is all empty.
Nimena Sandercot is selling supplies and gear to the
people anxious to leave Fallcrest, while at the same time
giving direction to the River Rats about which families have
left their houses in Fallcrest. She then buys the stolen goods
to a low price from the River Rats, expecting to either ship
all the stuff out of Fallcrest if the pyramid does not go away.
The Lucky Gnome Taphouse is full with porters,
laborers and other people that have lost their jobs in the
downturn of Fallcrest business. Many of them have not
enough money or belief in their future to have the common
sense and leave the city. Instead they use their last salary to
fill their cups with cheap ale and beer.
Kelson is of course pleased and has managed to recruit
a lot of new talent to the River Rats. If the characters show
that they have money to spend, Kelson immediately notice
it. He ‘prepare’ their drinks and sets a team of ruffians after
them when they have left the establishment to rob them.
See the “River Rats” encounter.
If the characters ask around in the bar for information
they can learn some interesting things.
Streetwise Check
(DC 10) “Be careful down in Lowtown, things are not
as they used to be. The Lord Warden has turned a blind eye
to the activities down here. Things are not as safe as it used
to be with this Pyramid getting everybody nervous.”
(DC 15) “I would be careful showing any money down
here if I were you. Those River Rats are getting more and
more bold these days. Those street toughs and thieves and
have been known to mug respectable citizens during the
dark of night.”
(DC 20) “It is rumored that it is Kelson here at the
Lucky Gnome that is heading those damn River Rats, and
they have been growing in number with all people losing
their jobs around the lower quays.”
(DC 21) “Yes, I believe that I have seen a party fitting
your description. Dark clad, suspicious, kept to themselves,
they were here a couple of nights ago. I heard them asking
around about the crazy old wizard up in the Septarch’s
(DC 25) “Rumor has it that Nimena Sandercot is
giving direction to the River Rats as to who has left their
homes. The River Rats plunder what is left and sells it back
to Nimena Sandercot who sells it to the people in here store.
Take a look at the stuff she has for sale, and tell me that it is
not true.”
You find few boats left in the small harbour at the
lower quays. The Swiftwater Clan who usually provided
traffic to the south, have closed down their office and gone
south – away from the pyramid and the dying business in
However, the River Rats, a gang of street toughs and
thieves have gone bolder and is spreading through the
whole Lowtown of Fallcrest. They are mainly breaking into
abandoned houses to steal anything the proprietors have
left behind. The town guards, greatly understaffed during
current situation, have not been able to take on this
problem. PCs staying after hours in the Lowtown run the
risk of getting mugged by the gang. See the “River Rats
Once the characters have convinced Nimozaran the
Green that they are capable to take on the mystery of the
pyramid over Fallcrest he leads them up to his study.
Surrounded by books he sits down and tell them what he
“When first the pyramid appeared I stood utterly
confounded, just as astounded as the rest of the town. What
was this dire black pyramid floating over our small
community? But instead of leaving as many have chosen to
do, I decided to find out the truth to this mystery. I went
into the oldest part of the Mages’ Guild’s library and started
dusting of tomes I haven’t even opened before. It has taken
me weeks to go through all the material, but finally I found
the answer in an old tome dating back to the founding of
Fallcrest three hundred years ago.
Nearly five hundred years ago, a mighty tiefling
wizard named Karavakos made a fatal bargain. The twin
threats of minotaurs of the wild and rebellion from within
threatened his iron grip over the lands of his petty
kingdom. In desperation, Karavakos summoned a demon,
a servant of the mighty demon prince Orcus and asked for
aid. The demon whispered dark secrets to Karavakos,
guiding him into building an unholy cult of the demon
prince Orcus in his kingdom. In return the demon showed
him a ritual and an artifact that would create a gap
between the worlds, connecting one of Orcus’s unholy
Shadowfell sites to the world. Karavakos, already a skilled
magician, created the Rod of Ruin and the necessary ritual
to bridge the gap to the Shadowfell. Skeletons, zombies, and
demons flooded through the rift into the light of day. A
legion of abyssal warriors came to march under his
command, and he stepped up his efforts to restore his
tyranny over his domain and subjects.
The hordes of demons came at what at the time seemed
to be a very reasonable price. They would fight on
Karavakos behalf and obey his orders. If he ever led them to
defeat, however, they would abandon him and feed on his
dark soul for all eternity. All the souls of his subjects would
be damned to an eternity of pain in the depths of Abyss.
Only an error made by the wizard could result in the
demons’ defeat—no army in the world could defeat them on
the field of battle.
Karavakos led his hordes on one conquest after
another. His first target was the neighboring minotaur
tribes, which were almost driven to extinction by Karavakos
undead and demon infested hordes. One tribe took refuge
in the depths below Thunderspire Mountain, where they
founded the city of Saruun Khel and hid from Karavakos
What had been a small kingdom ruled by Karavakos
grew into a mighty nation to rival the great human empire
of Nerath that held sway over much of the land at this time.
With winter’s arrival, Karavakos called a halt to his
campaign of expansion. He returned to his palace with the
eladrin princess, Vyrellis, who was to be his bride.
Together, he proclaimed, they would rule a new empire,
and with spring’s dawning his armies would march into the
Feywild, extending their rule across two worlds.
When spring came, the demon hordes marched
through the thin border between worlds. In the Feywild,
though, the demons met their match. Invincible on the
battlefields of the natural world, the demons had no such
protection once they stepped into the Feywild. Fey spears
and arrows felled the hordes, putting an end to Karavakos’s
dreams of conquest—and severing his demonic bargain.
Why the pyramid has suddenly appeared over
Fallcrest again is not mentioned anywhere in the tomes,
but that I want you to find out. At the top of the tower there
has been a teleportation circle that has been dead as long as
I can remember. Two weeks ago it started to shine as a
shooting star…
Nimozaran also gives the adventurers one of the
weapons he has found, used by the mages in the distant past
when fighting Karavakos and his hordes. It is a wand of
radiance +2.
At the same time, the empire of Nerath had dispatched
legionnaires to eliminate the threat of the rift to the
Shadowfell. The empire’s soldiers destroyed the remaining
undead, sealed the opening, and built a keep to watch over
the location and contain the threat. This is the site known
as the Keep on the Shadowfell.
You see strange silver symbols inscribed in the floor of
the top level of the Septarch’s Tower. They seem almost
alive, shining bright and flowing before your eyes. Nobody
can be sure were they lead, but you have your guesses. You
realize that once you step through there is no turning back.
Then you will be at the mercy of the Pyramid of Shadows.
If the characters steps into the circle they are instantly
whisked away into the extra-dimensional plane that is the
Pyramid of Shadows. Read:
You’re immersed in darkness and get a tingling feeling
through your whole body. Suddenly you hear a booming
male voice inside your head, “Welcome to the Pyramid of
Shadows. The only way to win your freedom is to kill us—
three times.” His mocking laughter taunts you, fading
away as light returns and a tremendous stench assails you,
suggesting that you’ve left the Septarch’s Tower behind.
Karavakos nation died on that day, all his subjects
killed and their souls brought back to the Abyss with the
returning demons.
At the end of the war the greatest wizards of the
Neratch Empire and the Seelie Court in the Feywild created
something they referred to as ‘The Pyramid of Shadow’, its
purpose lost in the sand of time. This very tower, the
Septarch’s Tower was build as a foci for the ritual, as it is
all made up of Feystone to make sure it would never fall.
Aranda Markelhay was one of the Nerathan wizards who
constructed the tower. Who was later given the task to
guard the Septarch’s Tower. The Markelhay family soon
established the town which later would become Fallcrest
and the Moonstone Keep as their residence. Generations
later I guess the knowledge of their true past has been lost
and none of the Markehay family today knows anything
about their grand past, except that they have inherited the
governance of Fallcrest for generations.
When the characters stand in front of the
teleportation circle, read:
The characters are now in the Entrance Pit of the
Pyramid of Shadows. They have been transported into the
extradimensional space that exists outside space or time.
Give the adventurers a moment to collect themselves, then
go to Encounter P1 on page 2 of Adventure Book Two.
Nimozaran leads the party to the top level of the tower
were they can overlook the town and can see the black
pyramid really close, shadow leaking from its utterly black
Encounter Level 7 (1,500 XP)
The shadowraven swarm will attack the party at some
time during their investigation in Fallcrest. The swarm
usually attacks during night, fall or twilight; it targets people
in open spaces. It is therefore likely that the characters will
be attacked when passing over the bridge to Nentir Inn, the
only place in Fallcrest where they still can find a room.
The shadowraven swarm start by flying over the enemy
using its fear of shadows effect, then it swoops down using
raven’s wrath to cut a swath through its enemies. Once
bloodied, a shadowraven swarm splits into two and
continues attacking until both swarms are destroyed.
Level 7 Solo Brute
Large shadow beast (swarm)
XP 1,500
HP 384; Bloodied 192
Initiative +7
AC 21; Fortitude 21, Reflex 22, Will 19
Perception +11
Speed 2, fly 12 (hover)
Immune disease, poison
Resist 10 necrotic; half damage from melee and ranged attacks
Vulnerable 5 radiant; 10 against close and area attacks
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Shadow Swarm (necrotic) * Aura 1
Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura or inside the swarm
takes 10 necrotic damage.
Let the player’s place their characters at the western
part of the bridge or at the eastern part of the road,
depending on which direction they are traveling. The
shadowraven swarm will appear at the opposite end of the
map, approaching the characters fast.
The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and
an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The
swarm cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged
attacks. It can squeeze through any opening that is large enough
for at least one of the creatures it comprises.
This encounter includes the following creature:
m Swarm of Talons (necrotic) * At-Will
1 shadowraven swarm (S)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save
Let the characters roll a DC 22 Perception check, if
successful they notice the approaching shadowraven
swarm, otherwise they are surprised.
M Double Attack * At-Will
Effect: The shadowraven swarm makes two swarm of talons
attacks versus two different targets.
C Fear of Shadows (fear) * Encounter
As the characters notice the shadowravens, read:
You see a black billowing cloud pull free from the
pyramid above. Then you realize it is a swarm of black
feathers, razorsharp talons and shadow stuff, coming
towards you all. It dives down against you with unnatural
silence—vengeance and shadow brought together in a
terrible cloud of shadow ravens—harbingers of the Pyramid
of Shadows.
Shadowraven Swarm (S)
Illumination: Depending on time of day the
characters are attacked by the shadowraven swarm the
light may vary from bright light to darkness.
Barrels: The empty barrels can be moved one square
with a standard action and can provide cover and
concealment to small or medium sized characters hiding
Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in burst); +10 vs. Will
Hit: The target is stunned until the end of the shadowraven
swarm’s next turn.
Aftereffect: The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save
M Ravens Wrath * Recharge 4 5 6
Effect: The shadowraven swarm shifts up to 6 squares and can
move through enemy-occupied squares as it moves. It makes a
swarm of talons attack against any creature whose space it enters.
The swarm cannot attack a target more than once in this
fashion, and it must end its movement in an unoccupied square.
Split * At-Will
swimming against the current. The river can be used as a
way to evade the shadowraven swarm, which will not enter
Trigger: When first bloodied.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The shadowraven swarm splits into
two, each with hit points equal to one-half its current hit points.
Effects applied the original shadowraven swarm do not apply to
the second one. A shadowraven swarm can’t split if reduced to 0
hit points by the attack that bloodied it. Left alone, the two
halves recombine into a single creature at the end of the
Str 14 (+5)
Con 16 (+6)
Alignment evil
Dex 19 (+7)
Int 1 (-2)
Wis 16 (+6)
Cha 8 (+2)
Languages –
behind them. A small character can use a move and
standard action to climb into one of the empty barrels and
put the lid back on, thereby getting superior cover from the
shadowraven swarm attack.
Bridge: The bridge is 15 feet wide to allow carts to pass
over it. A firm rail prevents anyone to fall into the rapid
stream below.
Cart: The cart provides cover and concealment to any
large sized or smaller character hiding behind it.
Houses: Characters can get inside the houses to get
cover or full protection from the swarm attacks. The doors
into the houses are locked and a DC 14 Thievery check is
needed to open them, or a DC 19 Strength check to break it
River: The river is quite rough as it is close to the falls,
a DC 15 Athletics is needed to swim or tread water. The
waters move at a speed of 5 per round towards the falls
further down the river at this point, any character entering
or falling into the water is swept away at this speed each
round unless he or she manages to compensate this by
a number of humans step out to greet you. A gaunt man
with an ashen face and ramskull-headed mace address you.
Encounter Level 8 (1,900 XP)
“The Ashen Covenant does not tolerate failure,
Paldemar got what he deserved. However, our Master can
not accept your meddling. You have been sentenced to the
lowest form of undeath – and we are the tools of our Master
to carry it through. Prepare to die and become zombies in
our Master’s service!”
The Ashen Covenant has received news about the
adventurers that thwarted Paldemar’s great plans. They
immediately sends a small delegation of cultists ordered to
put an end to the meddling adventurers. They are also there
to study the strange pyramid of shadow, as they are
unknowing of its powers and purpose.
The cultists arrive a few days earlier to Fallcrest than
the characters and try to find out information about the
pyramid of shadows. They know that the adventurers are
probably heading the same way, therefore they set up an
ambush close to the Septarch’s Tower knowing the
adventurers are bound to come this way sooner or later.
Let the player’s place their characters along the road in
the northeastern corner of the map.
This encounter includes the following creature:
1 deathpriest of orcus (D)
4 crimson acolyte (C)
1 ashgaunt (A)
As the players approaches the bridge over to the
Septarch’s Tower the cultist’s of Orcus steps out of the
surrounding forest to attack them.
When the cultists enter, read:
You see the green Septarch’s Tower rise from the lonely
cliff across the chasm ahead, a narrow stone bridge
spanning the gorge. Suddenly, from the surrounding forest,
Five pale and black clad figures closes in on you, one
being a desiccated corpse with dark nails, shriveled
features, and evil gleaming in its eyes. The creature’s flesh
is paler than that of the other, and it is blotched with black,
diseased patches.
The ashgaunt takes the lead and form a wall with the
crimson acolytes, protecting the deathpriest of orcus that
stays behind using his ray of black fire range attack. The
crimson acolytes try to stay within the death’s embrace and
grave master aura. The ashgaunt first use its claw attack to
mark the enemy and then use its life drain attack for
maximum effect the next round. The crimson acolytes
attacks with their scythes and use their crimson path power
to maneuver around the foes as well as allowing the
deathpriest to pass, when he is ready to use his dark blessing
when enough enemies is within the blast area.
If any of the Orcus followers dies the ashgaunt uses his
wake the dead power, scaring the adventurers that the same
would befall them if they would fall. “I am created by my
Master for the sole purpose of giving your souls to Orcus
and reanimating your bodies as zombies to serve him after
death. Behold your destiny”, he lies as the dead orcus
followers are animated as zombie rotters.
Illumination: Bright light, unless the characters
should be traveling during night time.
Road and Grass: The road is made of dirt, crushed
rock, and occasional loose bits of ancient cobblestone from
the original roadbed. Squares that contain road or grass do
not hamper movement or affect visibility.
Boulders: Scattered boulders sit along the side of the
road. They provide concealment and cover for creatures
hiding behind them. They also serve as obstacles to
movement; a creature can’t move directly into a square that
contains boulders.
Deathpriest of Orcus (D)
Level 9 Controller (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid (human)
XP 400
HP 96; Bloodied 48
AC 23; Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 21
Speed 5
Initiative +4
Perception +12
Attack: Melee 1(one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage plus 1d8 necrotic damage.
R Ray of Black Fire (fire, necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +12 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + 8 fire and necrotic damage, and one ally within the
deathpriest’s line of sight gets a +2 power bonus to its next
attack roll against the target.
C Dark Blessing (necrotic) * Encounter
Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +12 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8+8 necrotic damage, and the target is pushed 1 square.
Hit of Miss: The deathpriest and all allies in burst get a +2 power
bonus to AC until the end of the encounter.
Wis 18 (+8)
Cha 24 (+11)
HP 82; Bloodied 41
AC 25; Fortitude 24, Reflex 20, Will 20
Speed 6
Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 necrotic;
Vulnerability 5 radiant
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 6 necrotic damage; if the target is marked, it also
loses 1 healing surge and is immobilized (save ends). If the
target has no healing surges left the attack deal extra damage
equal to half the target’s bloodied total. On a hit the ashgaunt
regains 5 hit points.
R Wake the Dead (necrotic) * Recharge 5 6
Effect: Ranged 20 (targets up to 4 destroyed undead creatures
reduced to 0 hit points within range); the targets become
zombie rotters, which fight on the behest of the ashguant until
the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes, whichever comes
first. The zombie rotters rise as a free action, and act after the
ashgaunt in the initiative order.
Dex 15 (+5)
Int 16 (+6)
Alignment chaotic evil
Level 7 Soldier (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid (undead)
Skills Acrobatics +11, Religion +8
Str 14 (+5)
Dex 16 (+6)
Con 12 (+4)
Int 10 (+3)
Attack: Melee 1(one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 3 necrotic damage and the target is marked until the
end of the ashgaunt’s next turn.
Str 20 (+8)
Con 18 (+7)
Alignment unaligned
Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment skull-headed mace, chainmail
Ashgaunt (A)
m Claw (necrotic) * At-Will
M Life Drain (healing, necrotic) * At-Will
m Mace (necrotic) * At-Will
Skills Arcana +10, Religion +10
Str 20 (+9)
Dex 13 (+5)
Con 15 (+6)
Int 14 (+6)
XP 300
Initiative +7
Perception +4
Grave Master * Aura 5
Each undead ally within the aura gains a +2 bonus to attack
rolls and to all defenses, +4 if the ashgaunt created the creature
with its wake the dead ability.
Wis 12 (+4)
Cha 20 (+8)
Languages Abyssal, Common
4 Crimson Acolytes (C)
Medium natural humanoid (human)
HP 76; Bloodied 38
AC 21; Fortitude 18, Reflex 19, Will 19
Speed 6
Level 7 Skirmisher
XP 300
Initiative +4
Perception +9
m Scythe (necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1(one creature); +12 vs. AC (+14 against bloodied
Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage plus 5 necrotic damage.
Crimson Path * At-Will
Wis 13 (+4)
Cha 15 (+5)
Alignment evil
Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment leather armor, scythe
3 Zombie Rotters
Level 3 Minion Brute
Medium natural animate (undead)
XP 38
HP 1; a missed attack never damage a minion
AC 15; Fortitude 16, Reflex 13, Will 13
Speed 4
Immune disease, poison
Initiative -2
Perception +1
m Slam * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 7 damage.
Deathless Hunger * Encounter
Trigger: The zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a
critical hit.
Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the zombie is
instead reduced to 1 hit point.
Str 17 (+4)
Con 14 (+3)
Dex 7 (-1)
Int 1 (-4)
Alignment unaligned
Wis 8 (+0)
Cha 3 (-3)
Languages –
The boulders are 5 feet high. Climbing onto the
boulders requires a DC 15 Athletics check and costs 4
squares of movement. A character atop the boulders can
move onto other boulder squares; treat them as difficult
Bridge: The stone bridge is 10 feet wide, allowing two
persons to meet and pass each other, but not much more. A
firm rail prevents forced movement and anyone from
Effect: The crimson acolyte shifts 1 square (2 squares when
falling the 150 feet down to the boulders at the bottom of
the chasm.
Foliage: Thick foliage grows near the road in several
places. These areas are lightly obscured and provide
concealment for those attacking from or into the area. Areas
covered by foliage also count as difficult terrain.
Cliff Face: The sheer rock outcroppings bordered by a
heavy black line are 150 feet tall and require a DC 20
Athletics check and a total of 40 squares of movement to
climb. Someone falling off the upper edge would fall and
roll 2d6 [ts] 10 feet before sliding to a stop, on a precarious
Treasure: If the PCs defeat the Orcus cultists, they find
the weapons and armor noted in each stat block, as well as
golden skeletal ramhead amulet worth 250 gp and a total of
150 gp in coins.
Encounter Level 9 (2,000 XP)
Let the player’s place their characters at the bottom of
the stairs on the southwestern corner of the map.
This encounter includes the following creature:
If the characters succeeds with the “Breaking into the
Kamroth Estate” skill challenge they find Armos Kamroth
hideaway and secret Tiamat temple. Armos is a follower of
Tiamat and have for years built up his reputation and
position within Fallcrest. In secret he is an agent of the red
dragon Cazaak the Blessed, who has funded his activities in
Fallcrest in order to “spread the word of the Dragon
Queen”. Cazaak who has Harkenwold in his iron grasp
want to spread the Tiamat worship to Fallcrest, but is using
subtly instead of brute force to achieve his end. Armos have
been using Cazaak’s treasure to hand out substantial loans
to farmers. When the time was ripe he contacted Cazaak’s
agent in Kolbold Hall, Szartharrax the white dragon. The
kobolds looted the right caravan or plundered the right
farmstead to put the debtors in a position where they had to
hand over their lands to Armos to pay their loans. This
tactics have shown to be quite successful and Armos
Kamroth is now one of the wealthiest nobles in Fallcrest
with a substantial influence in the city.
1 inferno abishai (A)
You can use this side-trek as a detour from the Orcus
path if your characters need more experience or if you want
the players to experience other threats. I would
recommend you to tie it together with the mini adventure
“The Longest Night” in Dungeon Magazine 370, p.53-57. I
will not spend more time on it in this conversion guide, but
my suggestion would be to send the characters towards
Harkenwold after completing the Pyramid of Shadows, as
they would be the right level to face Cazaak on her home
1 Armos Kamroth (K)
breathing and crackling sound emerging. You can see two
corridors branching off to the right from the right wall.
A stern old man turns around at your entry and
shouts, “Intruders kill them!” A dragonlike creature at his
side hisses menacingly at you while some scale clad cultist
turn around and draw their swords against you.
1 bluespawn stormlizard (B)
8 Tiamat cultist (T)
The secret Tiamat consist of a main temple with a
statue of Tiamat and a mosaic symbol of her five heads
inlaid in the floor. Armos Kamroth have a bluespawn
stormlizard behind bars at the western part of the hall, bars
that can be raised by a lever in the north end of the bars. To
the east is a small library where Armos keep all his
accounting and information about his loan takers and
potential new subjects, as well as some religious text on the
tenants of Tiamat. To the southeast end is a small bed
chamber for visiting Tiamat cultists that have a need to stay
or hide some nights before moving onwards.
As the players enter the temple area, read:
You enter what seems to be a hidden temple dedicated
to the Queen of Dragons – Tiamat. In the other end of the
hall you can see a big statue of the five-headed mistress
staring down at you with her mouths opened wide. Hot
braziers on both sides of the statue makes the shadows
dance, giving the impression that the snakelike heads are
moving. Between four dragon-scaled pillars that support
the roof above, you can se a great mosaic symbol of
Tiamat’s five heads inlaid in the floor. The whole western
wall is barred with a portcullis that prevents access to the
chamber behind, wherein you can hear some heavy
Unless the characters manage to use stealth to surprise
the cultists (roll versus Armos DC 17 Perception), all the
eight Tiamat cultists hear Armos call for action and rushes
to the main temple room with drawn swords to defend
their leader.
Armos moves to the northern end of the bars and use a
standard action to raise the portcullis, releasing the
bluespawn stormlizard on the next round, trusting that the
inferno abishai shall be able to handle the intruders
meanwhile. He then stays behind using his lance of faith and
cause fear to best effect, and healing word once the abishai or
stormlizard get seriously hurt.
The inferno abishai wades into the center of the battle
using his claw fury and sting to bring down his foes, while the
cultists try to flank the enemies.
Skills Diplomacy +9, Religion +8
Str 14 (+5)
Dex 13 (+4)
Con 15 (+5)
Int 11 (+3)
Once the bluespawn stormlizard is released it charges
the enemies, using the lightning charge and then follow up
with the gore attack. The counterbolt effect works as long as
the stormlizard is within 5 squares from the statue of
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Equipment chainmail, mace, symbol of Tiamat worn under
Level 7 Controller
Medium natural humanoid, human cleric
HP 79; Bloodied 39
AC 20; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 22
Speed 5
Effect: Armos gains a +1 bonus to his next attack roll or saving
throw before the end of his next turn.
The inferno abishai regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its
turn and has at least 1 hit point.
8 Tiamat Cultists (T)
Limned in Flames (fire) * Aura 2
Wis 19 (+7)
Cha 12 (+4)
Level 7 Minion Brute
Medium natural humanoid
All the enemies fight to the death.
Amos Kamroth (K)
Divine Fortune * Encounter
XP 300
Initiative +4
Perception +7
XP 75
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
Initiative +3
AC 19; Fortitude 17, Reflex 14, Will 15
Perception +4
Speed 6
Strength in Numbers
The tiamat cultist gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while
at least two other tiamat cultists are within 5 squares of it.
m Mace (weapon) * At-Will
m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 8 damage.
R Lance of Faith (divine, implement) * At-Will
Skills Acrobatics +11, Religion +8
Str 16 (+6)
Dex 13 (+4)
Con 14 (+5)
Int 11 (+3)
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and one ally gains a +2 power bonus to his
next attack against the target.
Alignment evil
C Healing Word * 2/Encounter
Effect: Close burst 5; you or one ally can spend a healing surge
and regain an additional 1d6 hit points.
m Claw * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage.
M Claw Fury * At-Will
The inferno abishai makes a claw attack against two different
M Sting (fire) * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 7 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 fire damage
(save ends).
M Blinding Flames (fire) * Recharge 4 5 6
Trigger: When an adjacent enemy shifts.
Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs.
Hit: 2d8 + 3 fire damage, and the inferno abishai shifts 1 square.
Str 24 (+11)
Con 20 (+9)
Wis 19 (+7)
Cha 12 (+4)
Dex 17 (+7)
Int 12 (+5)
Alignment evil
Wis 14 (+6)
Cha 21 (+9)
Languages Common, Draconic
Languages Common
R Cause Fear (divine, implement) * Encounter
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +10 vs. Will
Hit: The target moves its speed + 1 away from Armos. The
fleeing target avoids unsafe squares and difficult terrain if it
can. This movement provokes opportunity attacks.
While an inferno abishai is bloodied, any enemy that enters the
aura or starts its turn within the aura takes 5 fire damage.
Bluespawn Stormlizard (B)
Inferno Abishai (A)
Level 8 Elite Soldier
Medium immortal magical beast
HP 184; Bloodied 92
AC 24; Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 19
Speed 8, fly 6 (hover)
Resist 5 fire
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
XP 700
Initiative +10
Perception +6
Low-light vision
Large natural beast (reptile)
HP 117; Bloodied 58
AC 21; Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 20
Speed 8
Resist 5 lightning
Level 9 Brute
XP 400
Initiative +8
Perception +8
Lightning Within * Aura 5
Any ally within the aura gains resist 5 lightning.
valuable books on the Tenants of Tiamat, that would be
worth 150 gp for the right buyer.
m Gore * At-Will
Braziers: The two braziers next to the dragon statue
are filled with oil. A character can use a standard action to
kick over a brazier to spread the burning oil into nearby
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 8 damage.
M Lightning Charge (lightning) * Encounter
Requirement: The bluespawn stormlizard makes a charge attack.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10 + 9 lightning damage, and the target is knocked
R Counterbolt (lightning) * Recharge 4 5 6
Trigger: When an enemy attacks an ally and this stormlizard is
within 5 squares of at least one other bluespawn stormlizard.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Ranged 5 (triggering enemy); +12 vs.
Hit: 2d8 + 8 lightning damage from lightning arc.
Str 21 (+9)
Con 17 (+7)
Dex 18 (+8)
Int 2 (+0)
Alignment unaligned
Wis 19 (+8)
Cha 6 (+2)
Languages –
Illumination: Bright light from several candles and
torches along the walls.
Beds: These have simple wooden frames with clean
straw mattresses and blankets.
Book shelves: The shelves of books and scrolls are 10
feet high and firmly attached to the floor. A character can
climb to the top of a shelf with a DC 20 Athletics check.
The ceiling is 20 feet above the floor.
The books and scrolls that fill the shelves contain
information on all the loans and payments made to Armos
Kamroth. A DC 20 Perception check uncovers some
Brazier attack: Close burst 2; +9 vs. Reflex; on a hit,
deal 2d6 fire damage; on miss, deal half damage.
Crates and Boxes: This trove of supplies given in
exchange of loans can feed a large number of cultists for
several months. Salted fish, jerky, cheese, grain, tubers,
water, and more can be found here. The food is edible and
the water is fresh. A
DC 15 Perception check allows a PC to uncover a
wooden crate containing four corked bottles of fine red
wine (value 5 gp each).
Chests: The chests are locked a DC 19 Thievery check
opens them, or a DC 21 Break check. The chests contain all
the money gathered from Armos debtors, see Treasure.
Pillars: The mosaic symbol in the center of the temple
room is surrounded by four slender pillars that provide
cover. They cannot be tipped over, broken, or otherwise
Portcullis: The portcullis can be opened with a lever at
the north side of the bars, this requires a standard action. A
PC can try to prevent the portcullis from open with a DC
20 Strength check. Up to two additional PCs can help, each
adding +2 to the first’s score if they achieve a Strength
check result of 10 or higher.
Mosaic Symbol: The mosaic symbol of Tiamat
provides strength to her followers. Armos and any other
Tiamat followers standing within the area set by the four
pillars gain +2 to all defenses and heal 5 hit points at the
start of their turns.
Statue of Tiamat: The statue of Tiamat at the northern
end of the room provides arcane power for her followers.
The bluespawn stormlizard can use its counterbolt as long as
he remains within 5 squares of the statue.
Treasure: The chests contains 100 gp and 6000 sp. It
also contains a scroll with a letter from Cazaak the Blessed.
You can find a copy of it in the Player’s Handout section.
The letter reads:
Servant Kamroth,
As I understand from your report, everything is
progressing according to plan. I therefore send you another
shipment of money to be used for your land acquisition
activities; it all comes from the latest tribute from
Harkenwold. I believe we are soon ready to launch the
second step of our plan. I hope Szartharrax and his kobolds
have given you the support needed, otherwise report to me.
Cazaak the Blessed
There is also a letter from Szartharrax in the chest, you can
find a copy of this one in the Player’s Handout as well.
Brother Armos,
We attacked the caravan as you ordered and took the
goods, including the dragon hide armor. We are still
awaiting the payment for our last job. The kobolds are
getting restless, and so do I
Master of Kobold Hall
Encounter Level 5 (1,000 XP)
This is an optional encounter you can use if the
characters spend a lot of time down in the Lowtown area,
especially if they draw attention to themselves by asking a
lot of questions at the Lucky Gnome Taphouse or displaying
money too visibly. It is set as a low threat, allowing the
players to feel heroic and that the threat does not come
from the villagers in the town, but rather from the unknown
inside the Pyramid of Shadows.
Let the player’s place their characters along the street
at the northern top of the map.
This encounter includes the following creature:
2 human thieves (T)
3 human ruffians (R)
The River Rat thieves are laying in ambush, waiting for
the characters to leave the Lucky Gnome Taphouse. The
thieves use the shadows to shoot at them with their
When the characters are attacked, read:
You are walking down the street of Fallcrest. It is after
dark and you can only see the great black pyramid as a
silhouette against the stars above.
Suddenly you hear a ‘twang’ ahead and two crossbow
bolts come speeding at you from the shadows of some
buildings ahead.
The River Rat gang work together to overcome the
enemies, the thieves attack from far down the road,
shooting poisoned crossbow bolts at them. The characters
need to succeed with a DC 28 [10 +12 + 2 dim light + 2
concealment behind corner and barrel + 2 more than 10
squares away; DC 24 if the characters have low-light vision]
passive Perception check to notice them, otherwise the
thieves get a surprise round.
After the attack the thieves use a move action to try to
hide again using their Stealth with a +6 bonus (see above)
[the combination of dim light, distance and cover is
considered to give them total concealment versus the
players. However if the characters move closer than 10
squares or if they have low-light vision, the thieves can not
hide from those specific characters].
As the characters most likely charge forward to engage
the thieves, the ruffians rush out from the sides and use
their clubs and net to immobilizing their enemies. A big
fellow threatens them, “Give up if you hold your lives dear
to you. Me and my friends have you surrounded. Hand over
your coins and weapons and you will live through the
The River Rats are not very bold. If any of the gang gets
killed or if they all get bloodied they try to flee, using
shadows and their knowledge of the city to disappear,
otherwise they surrender.
3 Human Ruffians (R)
Level 5 Brute
Medium natural humanoid
HP 74; Bloodied 37
AC 20; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 22
Speed 6
m Hit and Tangle (weapon) * At-Will
XP 200
Initiative +4
Perception +2
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty on melee
attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
M Club and Net (weapon) * Recharge 4 5 6
Requirment: Net
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the target is immobilized and takes a
-2 penalty to melee attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
Skills Intimidate +8
Str 17 (+5)
Dex 14 (+4)
Con 14 (+4)
Int 10 (+2)
Wis 10 (+2)
Cha 12 (+3)
Alignment unaligned
Languages Common
Equipment leather armor, club, net
2 Human Thieves (T)
Level 6 Lurker
Medium natural humanoid
HP 52; Bloodied 26
AC 18; Fortitude 15, Reflex 18, Will 15
Speed 6
XP 250
Initiative +11
Perception +8
If the human thief falls, reduce the distance it falls by 20 feet
when determining how much damage it takes.
Crowd Shield
The human thief gains a +2 bonus to its AC and Reflex defense
if it has one creature adjacent to it, or a +4 bonus if two or more
creatures are adjacent to it.
m Longsword (poison, weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the human thief make a secondary
Secondary Attack: +9 vs. Fortitude; the target takes ongoing 5
poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
R Hand Crossbow (poison, weapon) * Encounter
Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the human thief make a secondary
Secondary Attack: +9 vs. Fortitude; the target takes ongoing 5
poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +9, Bluff +9, Stealth +12,
Streetwise +9, Thievery +12
Str 12 (+4)
Dex 18 (+7)
Wis 10 (+3)
Con 10 (+3)
Int 10 (+3)
Cha 13 (+4)
Barrels: The empty barrels can be moved one square
with a standard action and can provide cover and
concealment to small or medium sized characters hiding
behind them. A small character can use a move and
standard action to climb into one of the empty barrels,
thereby getting superior cover and total concealment.
Alignment unaligned
Languages Common
Equipment leather armor, poisoned short sword, hand
crossbow with 10 poisoned bolts, thieves’ tools
Illumination: Dim light.
it to the people in here store. It is good business, and nobody
Kelson had a look out spying on the mugging, so he will
know if it went awry. If the characters head towards the
Lucky Gnome to confront him, he is in hiding and is no
where to be found.
Crates and boxes: The crates and boxes provide cover
to any large sized or smaller character.
Houses: Characters can stand behind corners to hide,
thereby getting cover and concealment. If characters break
into the houses and attack through windows they get
superior cover or full protection from the range attacks. The
doors into the houses are locked and a DC 14 Thievery
check is needed to open them, or a DC 19 Strength check
to break them down.
If the River Rats surrender, the characters may use
Intimidation to get some information out of them:
(DC 10) “We are part of the River Rats, a small gang
of street toughs and thieves that hang around the Lower
Quay. As many people have left Fallcrest since the
appearance of that black thing in the sky, there has been lot
of taking in the city. The city guards do not come down here
much anymore; they have their hands full with calming the
people up in Hightown.”
(DC 15) “It was Kelson who ordered us to mug you. He
is running the Lucky Gnome Taphouse, and heading the
River Rats.”
(DC 20) “Nimena Sandercot is giving direction to the
River Rats as to who has left their homes. We then plunder
what is left and sells it back to Nimena Sandercot who sells
The Pyramid of Shadows is a bizarre extradimensional
space full of weird monsters and strange magical effects. It
exists beyond space and time, appearing in multiple places
in the world and planes beyond, but it is somehow tied to
the Shadowfell and Feywild. The space within it knows
nothing of the passage of years. It’s a prison created by the
combined efforts of fey mages and the mightiest wizards of
the Nerath Empire, designed to keep Karavakos and
whatever is trapped within it from escaping.
Normal Doors: Unless otherwise noted, the normal
doors in the pyramid are made of heavy wood. A DC
20 Strength check allows a character to break one
down. The doors have AC and Reflex defense 10,
Fortitude defense 15, and 20 hit points. A destroyed or
damaged door is restored after 24 hours. The magic
that sustains the pyramid allows quick, minor repairs to
its interior structure.
Teleportation Portals: The magical portals that
connect all the areas within the Pyramid of Shadows
will teleport anyone passing through the portal to a
single predetermined location within the pyramid.
When a character walks through one he arrives in a
completely different room. The portals are filled with
shadows preventing light, sound or smell to pass
Each of the pyramid’s three levels (the third level being
the sanctuary at its apex) is home to multiple factions of
creatures. Each new arrival tries to find a place among the
existing inhabitants, or to carve out its own living space.
Eventually, the pyramid adapts to the creatures trapped
within it, providing a living space approximating their
natural environments and teleporting portals leading to the
new area. Since its prisoners don’t need to compete for
resources (see below), they coexist in an uneasy truce.
On the maps, the portals in each room are marked
with a code that tells which area (letter) the portal is in
and which portal it is (number) within that area, such
as S3 on Level 1 which means portal 3 within the
Grand Stairs area.
Another feature of these magical portals is that
they permit only one-way passage. No light, sound,
magic, or material can return once it has broken the
plane of the portal. Anything reentering a portal will
emerge through the opening to which it is keyed.
The following features are common to all areas of the
Pyramid of Shadows unless otherwise noted.
Sustenance: The prisoners don’t need to eat or drink
(though many do out of habit). In addition, everything
within the pyramid ages so slowly as to appear
effectively immortal, due to the extradimensional
nature of the prison.
Illumination: Unless otherwise noted, all areas of the
pyramid are filled with ambient dim light. This light
does not come from any specific source and owes its
existence to the pyramid’s magical nature.
There is also a 25% chance (1 on a d4) that the
pyramid adapts and creates a separate area for the
players during each extended rest they take. This can
be a quite unsettling experience as all the walls close in
forming a cocoon or a bud around them without any
exits, then adjusting and creating rooms to serve the
players needs, before it finally creates teleportation
portals that connect them to the rest of the pyramid
and the center areas. The whole process usually takes
3-6 hours (1d4+2). Make sure to prepare a description
of these rooms before hand to suite the characters’
backgrounds and classes.
Umbral Taint: The pyramid is semi-existing in both
the real world and the Shadowfell, resulting in an
umbral taint within the pyramid.
Necrotic Affinity: Any attack or power that ha the
necrotic keyword gains a +1 bonus on the attack roll
and their range increased with 1, and attacks that have
the radiant keyword deal -1 in damage and have their
range reduced with 1.
Shadows: Any light source has its area reduced with
1 square. All shadows seems to grow longer and
sometimes seems to take on a life of their own, in
regardless of the players movements, which can be
quite unsettling and creepy.
Mutability: The Pyramid of Shadow is continuously
adapting to its ‘prisoners’. If all denizens of an area
within the pyramid has been killed and no one remains
(and no players are using the area to rest in), there is a
50% chance (10 or less on a d20) during each extended
rest the PCs take that the area simply disappear from
the pyramid. The teleportation portals leading to it are
now curving back to another portal. However, the
Charnel Pit at Level 1 and the Pyramid Nexus at Level
2 always remain the same, as these areas are key to the
pyramid as all areas lead out from these centers.
The Pyramid of Shadows is a trans-dimensional place
somewhere between the normal world and the Shadowfell.
I wanted to convey that strangeness by introducing
teleportation portals within the Pyramid (as I took them
away in the Shrine of Undeath in H2).
Back in the 80’s my gaming group really enjoyed the
module “The Island of Castanamir”, which had a similar
concept of strange rooms tied together by portals. Here I
have done something similar. Enjoy! 
The different areas are all dimensionally separated and
can only be reached through the teleportation portals. As
these portals have a way of changing destinations once in a
while, the inhabitants/prisoners of the pyramid does not
always know where the portals in their area currently are
leading. Most of them stay within their area rather than
seeking out the other denizens.
The Rod of Ruin undergoes a drastic change once
the wielder of it steps into the Pyramid of Shadows.
Please refer to the chapter “The Rod of Ruin” later in this
conversion guide.
I have put together Level 2 and Level 3 into one
common Level 2, as well as adding a central area called
Pyramid Nexus, where the PCs will have to use their keys in
order to reach Level 3 where the Sanctuary of Light resides.
The central area of this level is a large central chamber
with several teleportation portals leading in and out of the
area. This is the gate room for the entrance to level 3, where
the players will need to find the keys to open the
teleportation circle to level 3 as well as overcoming the
guardians of the gate.
Pyramid Level 1: This level contains three circles,
each of which only touches two of the lairs. To reach the
other lair the characters will have to try out other doors,
rather than just using the door they entered through. To
find the Hermitage were one of the keys reside, the PCs will
have to find the one and only door (V3 in the Verdant Ruin)
that leads to the Hermitage. This might actually force the
players to return to Level 1, just to find the missing key,
once the have understood the challenge of the Nexus.
Pyramid Level 2: This level contains two circles of
connected doors. Stepping back through the doorway they
entered will lead them to all the lairs of level 2. However, in
this circle some of the doors will carry them to the Nexus,
were they will find undead guardians that will be hard to
kill, unless the PCs have discovered the three keys. One of
the circles (the marked in red) has been broken by the
strong will of the dragon, who has bent three doors to his
will, carrying them straight into his lair. There is no escape
from this as the D1 portal is bent back unto itself. As the
PCs most likely will have to go looking for the third an
missing key (in the Hermitage) they will most likely try out
many of the doors. This trial and error will lead them right
into the grasp of Aussirusk the white dragon, sooner or
There is a small change to the background of the
winter eladrins in the dragon’s lair, tying them to Vyrellis.
The winter eladrin who dwell in the dragon’s lair are
the former followers of Vyrellis. They were part of the
treacherous plot lead by Vyrellis, to betray their kindred in
the Silver City of Celduilon. They were sentenced to eternal
imprisonment in the Pyramid of Shadows along with
Karavakos and Vyrellis. Valenae was a former council
member who thirsted for more power. Bergarian and
Paelias were high commanding officers in the Celduilon
army secretly nurturing dreams of conquest to grow the
kingdom of Eltharion’s boundaries, by killing neighboring
tribes of centaurs and fey. They all believe that Vyrellis is
dead, as Karavakos forced them to witness her beheading
after Vyrellis lead a coup, trying to kill Karavkos in an
attempt to escape the pyramid.
The dragon itself is perfectly content with its place in
the pyramid. It no longer needs to eat, and can spend many
long, uninterrupted hours in the deep, dreaming sleep of
The dragon attacks adventurers who rob from its
hoard, but otherwise it is happy to talk to them. It wants the
occasional tasty morsel, enjoys adding treasures to its hoard,
and takes pleasure in the occasional conversation with new
arrivals. Though it doesn’t need to eat, it still likes to. The
dragon also hates the denizens of the Sundered Temple,
since they tried to kill it as a sacrifice once, and asks wouldbe allies to clear the temple before making any other deals.
The dragon is arrogant, distant, and not particularly
troubled by the need for tact or courtesy. In its eyes, the
adventurers have an easy choice to make: keep the dragon
happy, or die in its fangs. It wants no part of any battle with
This was hundred of years ago, and they now share
their living quarters within the pyramid with the white
dragon Aussirusk (meaning “White Iron” in draconic).
Aussirusk was tricked into the pyramid by Karavkos, who
hoped that the dragon would be strong enough to kill his
splinters. But the dragon failed and finally settled down in
the pyramid and made peace with the winter eladrin,
which promised to guard the entrance to his cave.
The winter eladrin immediately recognizes Vyrellis,
and hesitate to attack, but Vyrellis is afraid that they will
disclose her true nature and background and therefore
immediately orders the adventurers to attack the eladrin,
who answers in rage upon her betrayal.
Valenae – Eladrin Blizzard Speaker
Grave harpies are very rare and are usually
encountered where their dead fey spirits have been trapped
in the Shadowfell and twisted into dangerous undead
versions. Grave harpies use their vile soul screech that
torments living souls and weaken their spirit.
Compared with their living relatives, the grave harpies
use weapons, most commonly longbows which they use to
bring down their foes before flying down and finish them of
with their claws. They usually licks on the arrow heads with
their long bloated tongues, their rotting saliva acting as a
potent poison for all living beings.
They are usually found in locations that border the
Shadowfell and the Feywild, often dark and dismal settings
such as caverns, mountains, swamps, and badlands.
The grave harpy makes longbow attacks from a safe
distance, relying on its poisoned arrows to reduce the
Fortitude defense of its enemies and make them more
susceptible to its soul screech. Being a clumsy flier it usually
sits perched on ledges or branches when using its longbow.
Once the enemies are weakened by the screech it flies
down and makes claw attacks against the most isolated
target. It uses soul screech against other enemies that get too
close and takes to the air when confronted by multiple
Grave Harpy
Level 11 Artillery
Medium fey humanoid (undead)
XP 600
HP 89; Bloodied 44
Initiative +10
AC 23; Fortitude 23, Reflex 24, Will 24
Perception +12
Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 radiant
m Claws • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage.
r Longbow (poison, weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +18 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10+3 damage, and the grave harpy makes a secondary
attack against the same target
Secondary Attack: +16 vs. Fortitude
Hit: Target takes ongoing 10 poison damage and takes a
-2 penalty to Fortitude defense (save ends both).
was almost tearing their souls apart. Wizards argue what
makes some harpies to rise as grave harpies after their
death. Some argue that there must be some foul
necromantic ritual involved, while other argue that it has do
with the harpies fey spirit itself being trapped between the
Shadowfell and the Feywild, resulting in these vile
Grave harpies are like their living counterparts cruel,
malicious, and domineering. They do not cooperate well
with other creatures. However, they sometimes agree to
serve powerful undead masters or villains as scouts,
archers, or assassins.
Level 11 Encounter (XP 3,000)
C Soul Screech (necrotic) • Recharge 4 5 6
2 grave harpies (level 11 artillery)
Attack: Close burst 5 (creatures in burst); +16 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 5 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened.
3 chain devils (level 11 skirmisher)
Skills Stealth +13
Str 17 (+8)
Dex 21 (+10)
Con 17 (+8)
Int 13 (+6)
Level 13 Encounter (XP 4,000)
Alignment evil
Wis 15 (+7)
Cha 20 (+10)
Languages Common
3 grave harpies (level 11 artillery)
1 minotaur cabalist (level 13 controller)
2 foulspawn hulks (level 12 brute)
A character knows the following information with a
successful Arcana check.
DC 15: Grave Harpies are vicious undead that are
often encountered in places with a strong connection to
both the Shadowfell and the Feywild. They try to kill all
living beings they encounter and tear them apart with their
powerful talons.
DC 20: Some living witnesses who have survived the
encounter with grave harpies tell that their screeching song
Shadowravens are ephemeral black birds with razorsharp talons. These harbingers of the Pyramid of Shadows
swarm around the floating pyramid – attacking randomly
people close to the pyramid with ominous caws and rustling
Shadowraven Swarm (S)
Level 7 Solo Brute
Large shadow beast (swarm)
XP 1,500
HP 384; Bloodied 192
Initiative +7
AC 21; Fortitude 21, Reflex 22, Will 19
Perception +11
Speed 2, fly 12 (hover)
Immune disease, poison
Resist 10 necrotic; half damage from melee and ranged attacks
Vulnerable 5 radiant; 10 against close and area attacks
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Shadow Swarm (necrotic) * Aura 1
Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura or inside the swarm
takes 10 necrotic damage.
The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and
an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The
swarm cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged
attacks. It can squeeze through any opening that is large enough
for at least one of the creatures it comprises.
m Swarm of Talons (necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save
M Double Attack * At-Will
Hit: The target is stunned until the end of the shadowraven
swarm’s next turn.
Aftereffect: The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save
M Ravens Wrath * Recharge 4 5 6
Effect: The shadowraven swarm shifts up to 6 squares and can
move through enemy-occupied squares as it moves. It makes a
swarm of talons attack against any creature whose space it enters.
The swarm cannot attack a target more than once in this
fashion, and it must end its movement in an unoccupied square.
A character knows the following information with a
successful Arcana check.
DC 15: Circling around the large Pyramid of Shadows
are scores of shadowravens, which coalesce into ravenous
swarms when provoked or when they see a potential prey
Split * At-Will
DC 20: Wise man argue about the origin of the
shadowraven swarm, but all agree that it seems that they
are formed when normal birds touch the pyramid and is
consumed by the shadowstuff.
Trigger: When first bloodied.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The shadowraven swarm splits into
two, each with hit points equal to one-half its current hit points.
Effects applied the original shadowraven swarm do not apply to
the second one. A shadowraven swarm can’t split if reduced to 0
hit points by the attack that bloodied it. Left alone, the two
halves recombine into a single creature at the end of the
DC 25: A ritual was laid by the fey wizards to guard
the pyramid from unwanted visitors, which could try to free
the prisoners inside it. The ritual calls on surrounding birds
that feel compelled to touch the pyramid, immediately
turning them into new shadow ravens for the swarm. This
usually means that the swarm reforms naturally in a week
or two, unless no birds are available nearby.
Str 14 (+5)
Con 16 (+6)
Alignment evil
Dex 19 (+7)
Int 1 (-2)
Wis 16 (+6)
Cha 8 (+2)
Languages –
Shadowravens gather in swarms around the Pyramid of
Shadows, attacking randomly people in the streets below
the floating pyramid without mercy. It usually start by flying
over the enemy using its fear of shadows effect, then it
swoops down using raven’s wrath to cut a swath through its
enemies. Once bloodied, a shadowraven swarm splits into
and continues attacking until both swarms are destroyed.
Shadowraven swarms are usually encountered alone,
but sometimes forms alliances with shadar-kai’s or other
creatures from the Shadowfell.
Level 9 Encounter (XP 2,050)
1 shadowraven swarm (level 7 solo brute)
1 shadar-kai witch (level 7 controller)
shadar-kai gloomblade (level 6 lurker)
Effect: The shadowraven swarm makes two swarm of talons
attacks versus two different targets.
C Fear of Shadows (fear) * Encounter
Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in burst); +10 vs. Will
This encounter stays the same, but the initial reaction
of the winter eladrin is different as they recognize Vyrellis,
their leader, which they thought was dead, see “Diplomacy
and Alliances”.
When the adventurers enter the room, read:
A blast of freezing air assaults you as the doors
reluctantly swing open. The floor ahead is covered with a
thick sheet of ice that looks dangerously slick. Frost coats
the walls and the five other sets of doors leading out of this
When the winter knights enter the hall, read:
Two male eladrin enters the hall from the left door.
They have very pale skin and white hair. Their eyes are icy
blue, and their chainmail seems frosted from the cold. They
look surprised at seeing you, or rather the obsidian orb you
carry in your hand.
“Vyrellis? Is it you I sense within that black orb? We
all believed you were dead? What have happened to you?”
the knight exclaims astounded.
The Head of Vyrellis says, “Kill them! Kill them all!
They are servants of Karavakos. Don’t be betrayed by their
fair skin, their hearts are as cold as ice! Kill them quick,
before the rest gets here.”
The winter knight’s eyes grow cold with hate. “You
traitorous bitch! You will die for this. Once and for all!
Your new ‘friends’ will not save you. They will find death in
the bitter cold of winter, that I promise. And Bergarian of
the Winter Roses always keep his promises.”
The winter knights will not parley with the
adventurers, focusing their attacks on the person carrying
the Head of Vyrellis. Vyrellis maintain her lie that they are
servants of Karavakos, and not friends of her.
Smart players may realize that everything is not as it
seems with Vyrellis. Even thought the proud winter eladrin
fight to the death, the players may spare their lives in order
to be able to question them. If so happens, the players can
learn some interesting facts about Vyrellis.
However, the Head of Vyrellis will not just sit idle
while her true history is revealed. She has two tricks up her
sleeve that she can use in order to try to kill any eladrin
about to reveal her history.
Power (Daily ♦ Psychic): Standard Action. Close
burst 3; +13 vs. Will; 2d6 + 3 psychic damage, and the
target is dazed (save ends).
Power (Daily): Standard Action. The Head of Vyrellis
is surrounded by a cyclone of biting cold wind. Creatures
that begin their turn adjacent to it take 1d6 cold damage
and are slowed until the start of their next turn.
If Vyrellis is unable to kill the eladrin, he or she tells
the following story about Vyrellis.
“Vyrellis – yes I know her all to well. It is all her fault
that we are imprisoned here in this damn pyramid for all
eternity. It was her whispers, scheming and promises that
lead us all astray.”
happened hundred of years ago, or maybe not. Measuring
time gets kind of meaningless after a while, you will see.”
“Karavakos and Vyrellis? They were lovers of course.
She spun his head in circles, that she did. He was lost in her
cold beauty. It was her sweet words and pleading that
brought us all this sorrow. Her dreams of power and
revenge, revenge upon her own kin.”
“No Karavakos was never behind the attack on the
Feywild. It was Vyrellis all along. She made him promise.
She wanted him to expand his kingdom across worlds. She
wanted him to attack the Kingdom of Eltharion were her
father, King Palenthior, Warden of the Silver City of
Celduilon, ruled. She wanted to be the Queen of the
Feywild. That was a mistake. A big mistake.”
“What we are doing here? Well, we was imprisoned
along Vyrellis and Karavakos, condemned by the Eladrin
Council to serve an eternity of imprisonment in this
Pyramid of Shadow, they had build together with the
greatest wizards of the Nerath Empire. She fed our egos
and made us betray our own kindred. I have regretted the
day I met Vyrellis many a night, and what she made me
“No there is no way out of the Pyramid of Shadow. You
are doomed to stay here for all eternity, like the rest of us.”
If Vyrellis is faced with these facts, she claims it all to
be evil lies by the servants of Karavakos, trying to trick them
to kill her and not their real enemy – Karavakos. She is very
convincing in her lies.
“Why she is decapitated? Well, it was she who lead us
all in a desperate attempt to kill Karavakos in order to
escape this pyramid. He got angry and forced us to witness
as he cut off her head as a warning to us all, not to betray
him again. We all though she was dead. This must have
Encounter Level 11 (3,100 XP)
The great nexus of the Pyramid of Shadows holds
several teleportation portals to the other areas of level two
of the pyramid.
Kravak the Damned have dispatched a rearguard of
battle wights and grave harpies, to make sure no one
reaches the third level of the pyramid and the true
This encounter includes the following creatures:
1 battle wight commander (C)
3 battle wights (W)
2 grave harpies (H)
When the PCs enter the chamber through one of
the teleportation portals, read:
You feel no magic—no tingling or shimmering. It
occurs between steps; one instant, you’re in the room with
your comrades, and the next you’re . . . not. You are in a
great, stone-walled chamber. Numerous shadow portals—
many of which are contained within deep stone arches,
almost like artificial caves—provide egress. A platform with
multiple stairs stands near the chamber’s center, arcs of
lightning forms dangerous walls between four stone pillars
that prevents access to the black teleportation circle inlaid
in the floor between the pillars. The eastern portion of the
room appears to have been largely damaged in some
ancient arcane battle, marring one of two great reliefs that
adorn the far wall.
Perched on one of the archways and atop the
undamaged relief, a pair of foul undead females with
ragged hair and the claws and wings of vultures turn
piercing eyes in your direction, they lick their arrowheads
with their black bloated tongues before taking aim with
their longbows and letting loose with a terrible,
gravechilling cry. Down on the cavern floor you see undead
warriors with pale flesh and glowing eyes looking out from
ancient helms and armor.
The grave harpies use their soul screech to split up the
PCs and move them into position where the battle wights
can attack and then shift to their longbows to weaken the
foes in range. The harpies take to the air only if they must to
keep the PCs in effective range, or if a foe draws too near
their perch, and they attempt to remain perched on spots
too high for melee combatants to easily reach them. The
battle wights guard the platform with the teleportation
circle to the Sanctuary of Light. They attack any enemy that
ends up on the cavern floor or tries to reach the platform.
They use their soul reaping on any enemy that has been
immobilized. The battle wight commander tries to hold the
force together in order to gain the most benefit out of his
soul harvest power.
The wights never follow any PCs through the
teleportation portals. All the undead fight to the end.
Battle Wight Commander (C)
Level 12 Soldier (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid (undead)
XP 700
HP 124; Bloodied 62
Initiative +10
AC 28; Fortitude 25; Reflex 22; Will 25
Perception +13
Speed 5
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 10 radiant
m Souldraining Longsword (necrotic, weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target loses a healing
surge, and is immobilized and weakened until the end of its
next turn.
R Soul Reaping (healing, necrotic) • Recharge 5 6
Attack: Ranged 5 (one immobilized target); +15 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 18 necrotic damage, and the battle wight commander
and all its undead allies within 2 squares of it regain 10 hit
Skills Intimidate +16
Str 20 (+11)
Dex 15 (+8)
Con 20 (+11)
Int 15 (+8)
Wis 14 (+8)
Cha 20 (+11)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, longsword
3 Battle Wights (W)
Level 9 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (undead)
XP 400
HP 98; Bloodied 49
AC 25; Fortitude 22; Reflex 18; Will 22
Speed 5
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 radiant
Initiative +7
Perception +3
m Souldraining Longsword (necrotic, weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 5 necrotic damage, and the target loses a healing
surge, and is immobilized until the end of its next turn.
R Soul Reaping (healing, necrotic) • Recharge 5 6
Attack: Ranged 5 (one immobilized target); +12 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + 9 necrotic damage, and the battle wight regains 10
hit points.
Skills Intimidate +14
Str 20 (+9)
Dex 13 (+5)
Con 18 (+8)
Int 12 (+5)
Wis 9 (+3)
Cha 20 (+9)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, longsword
2 Grave Harpies (H)
Level 11 Artillery
Medium fey humanoid (undead)
XP 600
HP 89; Bloodied 44
Initiative +10
AC 23; Fortitude 23, Reflex 24, Will 24
Perception +12
Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 radiant
m Claws • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage.
r Longbow (poison, weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +18 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10+3 damage, and the grave harpy makes a secondary
attack against the same target
Secondary Attack: +16 vs. Fortitude
Hit: Target takes ongoing 10 poison damage and takes a
-2 penalty to Fortitude defense (save ends both).
C Soul Screech (necrotic) • Recharge 4 5 6
Attack: Close burst 5 (creatures in burst); +16 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 5 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened.
Skills Stealth +13
Str 17 (+8)
Dex 21 (+10)
Con 17 (+8)
Int 13 (+6)
Alignment evil
Wis 15 (+7)
Cha 20 (+10)
Languages Common
Illumination: The chamber is brightly lit by the fires
carved into the two reliefs and the statue, which glow with a
magical light. In the broken passage in the east, however,
the only light is what the PCs bring with them.
Ceiling: The ceiling is 40 feet overhead.
Statue: The 20 feet high statue is carved to the
resemblance of Karavakos with glowing red eyes and hands
burning with fire that brings dim light to the western part of
the chamber. The statue is animated and at the start of
every round the statues arms points at two of the
teleportation portals which are active during the round (roll
randomly 2x1d8; the numbers showing which of the seven
portals are active this round, the others grow completely
black and are inactive the whole round, although people
can still enter into the Nexus through them; if the same
number comes up all portals are closed this round; if “8”
comes up all teleportation doors are opened)
empty air above the teleportation circle. Anyone entering
into or starting his turn within the “diagonal” square formed
inside the four corner stones takes 2d6+5 points of electric
damage. Anyone entering or starting his turn within the
black circle takes an additional 10 points of necrotic
damage from the shadow heart. A DC 26 Arcana check
makes the PCs aware of these dangers. The shadow heart
provides the following power to all undead in the room.
Reliefs: Each of the teleportation portals sits inside and
is surrounded by 15 feet high reliefs. Some reliefs are just
10 feet wide, while others are much broader. These relief’s
show scenes of hordes of undead and demons who battles
humans and fey alike. The northeastern relief is broken off
halfway across. The relief’s stick out no more then 2-3 feet
from the wall, far enough so that they can serve the harpies
as perches, but a normal humanoid attempting to stand on
one must make an Acrobatics check every round at the end
of their turn or topple off. If they have taken anything more
than a minor action during their turn the check is versus
DC 17, otherwise DC 12 (The harpies do not need to check
due to their claws). Falling down from the reliefs causes a
1d10+2 falling damage. They are, however, easy to climb,
with a DC 14 Athletics check. The P2 teleportation portal
sits atop the relief.
Door: The eastern door leads to a cavernous ramp that
leads down to the cavern floor.
Teleportation Portals: The teleportation portals are
located at cavern floor level (except P2). Stepping through
them teleports the user immediately to another area of the
pyramid. The statue of Karavakos controls the activation of
the portals (see Statue for details).
Heart of the Pyramid: The platform is 10 feet above
the cavern floor. Four staircases lead up to the platform.
Four pillars are situated around a large black teleportation
circle inlaid with silver runes in the floor of the platform.
Arcs of lightning dances between the pillars and an
enormous black heart of shadow stuff, pulsating in the
Undead Regeneration * Healing
Regeneration 5 (if the undead takes radiant damage,
regeneration does not function until the end of its next turn)
The undead cannot heal radiant damage taken. If the undead is
reduced to 0 hit points (by non-radiant damage) it rises on its
next turn (as a move action) with 10 hit points.
Each of the three pillars has a keyhole. PC may notice
these with a DC 18 Perception check if they stand adjacent
to the pillar, if not , add +1 DC for each square between
them and the pillar. The three keys carried by the splinters
in the pyramid fit into these holes. Each key fits into any of
the three holes, but to end the electricity, end the undead
regeneration and activate the black teleportation circle the
three keys must be inserted and turned in a particular
order. Once this is done the PCs can step through the
shadow heart to reach the Sactuary, still taking 10 points of
necrotic damage from the heart.
The keys, the keyholes, and the inscription in the
Hermitage provide the clues the characters need to solve
this logic puzzle. Show players the illustrations: The Keys to
the Sanctuary and The Sactuary Keyholes (see page 13 in
the Adventure Book 1)
Battle Wight by Lorraine Schleter in DeviantArt.com
Once Karavakos is killed the Rod of Ruin, or the
Revenant of Ruin which is its current form, has served its
purpose. Read the following for the character that has
played the Revenant of Ruin.
The Revenant of Ruin is filled with divine purpose as
the party finally faces Karavakos in the Sanctuary of Light.
The player having turned into the revenant and the Will of
Orcus gets the following extra powers in the last battle
versus Karavakos.
Wrath of Orcus
The revenant gains a +2 bonus to melee and range attack rolls
towards the real Karavakos while within 5 squares from
Divine Insight (minor; recharge
The revenant can distinguish the real Karavakos from the
At the end of the battle in the Sanctuary of Light
Karavakos is apparently destroyed, but as the characters see
his ashes settle on the ground, they hear a distant, cackling
When the PCs destroy or kill Karavakos, read:
As the ashes of Karavakos settle to the ground you hear
a distant cackling laugh inside your heads. “Ha, you fools!
You have unknowingly set me free! Now the world will
learn to fear me again. I will finally get my vengeance. The
fey of Celduilon will be the first to learn of my return”, and
then Karavakos voice is gone, or was it ever there? You are
not sure, but an uncomfortable feeling of fear and unrest
lingers long after the voice is gone.
As Karavakos dies in front of you, you hear a
ringing laugh in the back of your mind. “Your soul is
all mine now Karavakos. You will pay for your
disobedience. The Will of Orcus is done”. You feel a
rush as something leaves you, as if something was
ripped out of you, almost physically. As if somebody
had pushed in his hand in your chest and ripped out
your heart. Everything blackens and you fall
unconscious to the ground.
A couple of rounds later the player recovers
consciousness. Meanwhile has his characteristics slowly
changes back to his old self. Once he wakes up, he has
memories from this “nightmare” – being pushed into the
same body with another soul – he remembers everything
that happened even though parts are vague and memories
of the other soul are misty at best.
The player have learnt new things during this strange
experience, so the player needs to bring his old character to
the XP and level he was with the Revenant character,
deciding on new powers and feats that may reflect this
strange experience in some way (if he or she wants to).
The Rod of Ruin has lost almost all its powers, but
may be more appreciated by the character who has taken
the effort to carry it along all the adventures. It is now a
Staff of Ruin +2.
If the characters have acquired all three shards of
Vyrellis’s life force by the time they escape the Pyramid of
Shadows, the Head’s goals are accomplished but Vyrellis is
troubled by the last words from Karavakos.
“I have a bad feeling about all this. I need to return to
my kindred in the feywild, to atone for my wrongdoings but
also to warn them. If Karavakos is truly not dead,
Celduilon may very well be in very big danger. You will
serve as my escorts and bodyguards. You need to take me to
Moonstair southwest of here, were there is a Moon Door to
the Feywild. From there it is not far to the great kingdom of
Eltharion were my father the great King Palenthior,
Warden of the Silver City of Celduilon. He needs to learn
about this new threat immediately.”
If the characters defeat Karavakos before they find all
three shards of Vyrellis’s life force, the Head urges the
character carrying it to continue seeking the shards, which
might be carried out of the pyramid by any creatures
escaping behind the characters. If that fails, she demands
that the character reenter the pyramid in search of the
items, urging him or her to great haste to avoid becoming
imprisoned in the pyramid again.
district of the town. These creatures might cause local
disturbances that lead the PCs into future adventures.
The Verdant Ruin: If Camnor and his arboreans are
still alive they immediately leave Fallcrest, heading for
the Cloak Wood or the Wichlight Fens. They fight
anyone that tries to stop them. Once established they
will build their human-hostile cult in their remote area,
potentially growing to a later threat for Fallcrest.
Gharash Vren’s Gang: If the bandit gang of Gharash
Vren is still alive, they immediately try to establish
themselves as the new “bosses” of low town in Fallcrest.
They will fight Kelson’s River Rats for supremacy over
low town.
The Sundered Temple: If Medragal, the high priest of
the Sundered Temple, and his followers are alive, they
immediately go into hiding. Then they start planning to
take over the House of the Sun, in secret trying to
establish it as a temple dedicated to some unknown
entity of the Far Realm. This can grow into a dangerous
threat for Fallcrest later.
The Dragon’s Lair: If the players have left the adult
white dragon alive it goes on rampage over Fallcrest.
The players are the only ones that can face it, but they
probably will have to go into hiding and rest before
they dare to take on this big threat. Meanwhile the
dragon plunders and kills at its leisure. If the players to
not act the dragon leaves Fallcrest in ruin after three
days of plunder, setting of for the Cairngorm Peaks and
beyond, trying to find a cold glacier to set up his lair
with all the riches it has collected in Fallcrest.
The Pyramid of Shadows is a prison whose primary
purpose is to hold Karavakos. The other inhabitants of the
pyramid, including the player characters, are imprisoned
only as long as Karavakos is, and with his death they can
escape his prison. A few moments after the adventurers
defeat Karavakos, the prison begins to open. Read the
following text to the players, assuming that they are still
within the Sanctuary of Light, or adjust it as you see fit if
they’re elsewhere in the pyramid.
The floor and walls of the pyramid of shadows starts to
fade. The floor shake and the walls start to flex, like as if
you were inside a breathing lung that were drowning,
gasping for air. The vista change, furniture rearranges and
disappears as the living dimension that was the pyramid of
shadows dies. You notice the steadily brightening light of
day filtering in through the shadowy walls of the room,
through the transparent walls you can see Fallcrest closing
in below as the pyramid descents. You see people running
for cover as the shadowy shape of the pyramid drops like a
dark blanket over the town. Slowly the houses outside take
shape in your sight. After a moment, the walls of the room
vanish, and a cool breeze wafts across your skin. The last
shadowy remnant of the pyramid disappears like a mist,
slowly dissipating around you.
The characters find themselves among the streets of
lowtown in Fallcrest. The streets are empty as most people
have gone into hiding.
Any creatures left alive in the pyramid are also finding
themselves on the streets of Fallcrest, but maybe in another
For detailed descriptions on the Rod of Ruin, please
refer to the Magic Item Appendix of the H1 Demon Prince of
Undeath Conversion Guide. This addition only covers the
dramatic changes it undergoes as the characters enter the
demiplane that is the Pyramid of Shadows.
The Rod of Ruin was created under the guidance of
Orcus to break down the boundaries of the multiverse,
opening gates to the Shadowfell in order to spread the
demon lord’s armies and will to the world of the living.
Karavakos have managed to control the Rod of Ruin from
within the pyramid, influencing the wielder of the Rod and
sending them on a quest into the Pyramid of Shadows to
kill his shards. Orcus does not like this – not at all. He wants
Karavakos soul, as was the original contract, signed in blood
by Karavakos for the demon hordes he received.
As the players step into the Pyramid of Shadows, the
Rod of Ruin is instead influenced by Orcus who use it as a
mean to bring his will into the demiplane which is the
Pyramid of Shadows. Something he has been unable to do
since creation of it by the combined efforts of fey and
human wizards. The artifacts entrance into the prison
demiplane suddenly gives him a mean of access, however
small it is.
As the wielder of the Rod of Ruins enters the
demiplane that is the Pyramid of Shadows, the living entity
that is the Rod of Ruin merges with the wielder of the rod,
and both contest for the supremacy of the wielders body –
or rather the new body or aspect of the body that arises
within the demiplane. Few mortals can win such a battle
and in the end the mind of the Rod emerges as a revenant
within the demiplane - becoming the will of Orcus - the
means for the demon lord to reach his ends. This new
being, however temporary and bound to the morphic laws
of this demiplane, is conscious of its original past and
history, but also have some knowledge and memory or the
purpose of the Rod.
Game Effects
The player get a new character to use within the
Pyramid of Shadows – the Revenant of Ruin, which she
or he fully controls as if it was the original character.
The player retains his old character once they leave the
Pyramid of Shadows. The Revenant of Ruin only exist
within the demiplane of the Pyramid of Shadows,
outside the Rod can not control the original character.
The original character gains XP for what his "new
character" does within the pyramid. The original
character, even though he or she is not in control of the
revenant, coexists in the background and learns from
the revenants experiences.
If the new character dies (the revenant), the Rod is
destroyed and instead the original character reemerges
with full memories of what has happened – “It was
strange, it was like watching your life from above, almost like
a dream, without being able to affect anything. It was really
strange and scary”.
A great opportunity for the player to roleplay this new
character that is a revenant combining the old
characters memories and history, with the Will of
Orcus and fragmented memories of the Rod.
Kill Karavakos
Destroy the demiplane that is the Pyramid of Shadows
so Karavakos soul can be damned to the Abyss and
taken by the Demon Prince of Undeath.
Spread worship of Orcus across the world.
The player playing the character wielding the Rod of
Ruin suddenly have a new character to play while inside
the Pyramid of Shadows – the Revenant of Ruin, set on the
task to kill Karavakos, so that his Master finaly can get a
chance to get his hands on Karavakos soul.
This new character is a revenant, a new race
introduced in Dragon Magazine 376, ‘…A revenant arises not
as an aimless corpse of a life lost but as the embodiment of a lost
soul given new purpose. Such a creature walks in two worlds.
Though the revenant moves among the throngs of the living, it has
a phantom life—a puppet mockery of the existence its soul once
knew. The revenant is an echo haunted by the memory of itself.’
Read through the Dragon article to get a better
understanding of the race and its role.
DM Options
Use the provided Revenant Invoker (Controller) as is
described below.
Create your own Revenant Avenger instead if your
character today is a Striker
Let the player create the Invoker and Avenger himself,
and let him be part of creating bits of memories or
histories that will make the revenant even more
rewarding and mysterious to play.
As a revenant, you are the embodiment of a lost soul given
new purpose. You walk in two worlds - among the throngs of the
living but only as a puppet mockery of the existence your soul once
knew. As an invoker the only thing stronger than your faith is the
fire you use to burn away those who stand against the Will of
Class: Invoker
Level: 7th Race: Human Revenant
Hit Points 51___________________________________
Bloodied 25
Healing Surge 12
Surges Per Day 9
Initiative +4 __________ Action Points ____________
Undead: You are considered to be an undead creature for
effects that relate to that keyword. You are also considered
a living creature.
ally is adjacent to the target, the attack deals extra necrotic
damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
Past Life: Select a race other than revenant. You can take
feats, a paragon path, and an epic destiny that have the
selected race as a prerequisite, as long as you meet all other
Special: You can use this power as a ranged basic attack.
Level 21: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier necrotic damage:
Unnatural Vitality: Whenever you drop to 0 hit points or
fewer, you are dying but you can choose to remain
conscious until you attempt your first death saving throw. If
you remain conscious, you can take only one standard
action before you attempt your first death saving throw.
Dark Reaping: You can use dark reaping as an encounter
AC Fortitude Reflex Will
Melee Basic Attack: +7 (rod of ruin) Damage: 1d8+2
Ranged Basic Attack: +9 (avenging darkness)
Damage: 1d10+4 necrotic
Height: As host Weight: As host Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Abyssal + host languages
Alignment: Unaligned
Skill Bonuses: +2 Endurance, +2 Intimidate
Avenging Darkness
Invoker Attack 1
You smite your foe with a chilling orb of darkness, with the cold
vengeance of the grave if your allies have been harmed
At-Will ♦ Divine, Implement, Necrotic
Standard Action
Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier necrotic damage. If a bloodied
Channel Divinity: You can use one of these special divine
powers once per encounter.
Skills (Ability)
Divine Covenant: You have entered the Covenant of
Wrath and sworn to seek out and destroy those that oppose
Orcus. You can use the armor of wrath power.
Arcana (Int)
Ritual Casting: You gain the Ritual Caster bonus feat.
Acrobatics (Dex)
Implements: You use rods and staffs as implements, and
add its enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls to
your powers that have the implant keyword.
Invoker Feature
Undead flee and cover in your presence, seeing the Master behind your
every action.
Encounter ♦ Divine, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action
Close blast 5
Target: Each undead creature in blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage. You push the
target 2 squares, and it is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Level 5: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage.
Level 11: 3d10 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage.
Level 15: 4d10 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage.
Level 21: 5d10 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage.
Level 25: 6d10 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage.
Dark Feasting: When you deal the additional necrotic
damage from your dark reaping racial power, you gain
temporary hit points equal to the additional necrotic
damage you dealt the target.
Bluff (Cha)
Diplomacy (Cha)
Dungeoneering (Wis)
Endurance (Con)
Str 10
Int 12
Con 17
Wis 18
Dex 13
Cha 10
Intimidate (Cha)
Nature (Wis)
Perception (Wis)
Religion (Int)
Demonic Fire: You gain a +1 feat bonus to damage roles
using powers that has the fire or necrotic keyword
Stealth (Dex)
Streetwise (Cha)
Invoker Defense: When you hit an enemy within 3
squares with an invoker power, you get +2 bonus to AC
until the start of your next turn
Thievery (Dex)
Insight (Wis)
Human Soul: You get a +1 bonus to Fortitude, Reflex and
Will defenses.
Miss: Half damage.
Heal (Wis)
Check Modifier
Athletics (Str)
History (Int)
Channel Divinity:
Master of Undead
Armor: As host (current AC is based on no armor).
As host plus the Rod of Ruin, which now is not sentient
any longer, as the soul of the rod is now the mind of the
See the new statistics for the Rod of Ruin below:
Weapon: As host.
Equipment: As host.
Gold: As host
The Rod of Ruin
Heroic Level
Its powers within the Pyramid of Shadows
This evil artifact was created by the wizard Karavakos under influence of
the Demon Lord Orcus – Prince of the Undead. The dark rod bears a
resemblance to the much-feared Wand of Orcus. A black skull crowns the
rod and black tendrils of necrotic energy and shadows play across the
weapon like a dark promise of decay and death. Old sages whispers in fear
that the purpose of the rod was not as a weapon, but as a tool to open a rift
to the Shadowfell, to bring darkness and undeath to the world of the living.
Omen: The skull on the Rod of Ruin leaks black tendrils of shadow
and is icy cold to the touch. Faint whispers and moaning can be
heard from the skull.
Implement (Staff)
Enhancement: +2 Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +2d6 necrotic damage
Power (Daily ♦ Necrotic): Free Action. Use this power when you
hit with the weapon. The target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage
(save ends). Saves made to end this effect take a –2 penalty.
Trigger: An enemy within 5 squares of you makes an attack roll
against you
Target: The triggering enemy
At 9th level, you gain the following:
Hit Points: Increase to 60 Bloodied: Increase to 30
Healing Surge: Increase to 15
Sign of Orcus
Invoker Attack 9
Ancient texts speak of the Sign of Orcus, a powerful sign giving death to
the living. You invoke this sign, creating a cloud of necrotic energies that
blinds those that leave its grasp.
Daily ♦ Divine, Implement, Radius, Zone
Standard Action
Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier necrotic damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of darkness that lasts until the
end of your next turn. Any creature that starts its turn within the
zone and leaves it is blinded (save ends).
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
At 8th level, you gain the following:
Hit Points: Increase to 56 Bloodied: Increase to 28
Healing Surge: Increase to 14
Level Modifier: Because your new level is an even
number, everything that includes one-half your level gets
better. Increase your attacks, defenses, initiative, and skill
check modifiers by 1 point.
Ability: Con 18, Wis 19; increase Fortitude +1 and
increase appropriate Con based skills with +1
Feat: Scouring Wrath: When you use your armor of wrath
power the target gains vulnerable 2 to all other damage
until the end of your next turn.
At 10th level, you gain the following:
Hit Points: Increase to 64 Bloodied: Increase to 32
Healing Surge: Increase to 16
Level Modifier: Because your new level is an even
number, everything that includes one-half your level gets
better. Increase your attacks, defenses, initiative, and skill
check modifiers by 1 point.
Demonic Visage
Invoker Utility 10
As your foe attacks, you transform into the image of Orcus the Demon
Prince of Undeath. Filled with terror, the foe backs away.
Effect: The target takes a -2 penalty to the triggering attack roll.
After the attack is resolved, you push the target 3 squares.
Not all players like to play a dark, if not somewhat evil
character, and may revolt at being a tool for Orcus. Your
players might hold their character so dear that they are not
open to trying out a new 4th Edition class and race even for
one adventure. For you the Revenant option presented
above might not be ideal.
Option 1: In this case I would suggest you to let the
Rod of Ruin remain a tool, but rather than being the voice
of Karavakos, you could let Thrullzon whose soul is bound
to the rod speak to the character mentally, urging him or
her to kill Karavakos, while giving glimpses of his old life to
the character. You may still give the user the powers
presented in “Karavakos Last Stand”, and the ending
described in “The End of the Rod of Ruin”.
Option 2: In this case the character can, as a minor
action, choose to allow the revenant to take control of his
body. If he does this, he'll switch over to using the revenant
character. Current hit points will stay the same, but the
maximum will be adjusted. The number of healing surges
he used before changing will be subtracted from the
Revenant's daily allotment. For every daily power used in
prior form, he has to choose one revenant daily to not be
available (same with encounter powers if he changes midcombat). He then has to remain in this form until he takes
an extended rest at which point he regains control of his
mind, but can keep doing this each day until the Rod is
destroyed in “Karavakos Last Stand”.
Encounter ♦ Divine, Fear
Immediate Interrupt
Close blast 5
As the players meet Vyrellis she tells them her story,
which is a mix of truths and lies, making the overall story
quite believable. She tries to portray herself as the innocent
victim of the evil Karavakos, which is not the truth. She
was the one that in reality inspired him to attack the fey
kingdom and her own people.
“You have been drawn into this prison by its most
celebrated inmate, Karavakos the would-be king and
conqueror. The only way to escape is to destroy that mosthated wizard. But to accomplish such a task, creatures the
likes of you will need my help.”
“I am Vyrellis, eladrin princess and heir to the throne
of Celduilon – the Silver City. My father is the eladrin high
king Palenthior, Warden of Celduilon.”
“…Karavakos the Cursed. Yes I know him all to well.
Hundred of years ago when I was still alive, living happily
in the beautiful and majestic Feywild kingdom of my
father, we came to learn about the mighty teifling wizard
Karavakos. He had managed to concur all neighboring
lands and had formed a mighty nation to rival the great
human empire of Nerath that held sway over much of the
land at this time.”
“My father in his infinite wisdom, grew troubled at the
wizard’s ambitions of power. His undead and demonic
hordes were even threatening the boundaries of our fey
kingdom. My father summoned me to his side and asked of
me to be his emissary that would travel to Karavakos in an
effort to try to negotiate a peace agreement with him. Little
did I know what awaited me. I did what my father had
asked of me and traveled through the Moon Door to your
lands and the Court of Karavakos. It was at winter’s arrival
that I arrived to Karavakos palace seeking his audience. I
begged on my knees for the great wizard to spare my people
and our kingdom from his evil hordes, but he did not listen.
Instead his eyes studied my body, like a slaver his stock. I
saw the terrible hunger of the flesh that so haunts his kind.
He ordered my eladrin envoy killed and commanded me to
his personal chamber. Naked and humiliated they dragged
me through his palace to his chamber, were he forced
himself upon me. I begged him to stop, but he was like an
animal filled with lust.”
that if I gave him my true love, maybe I could find a part of
his soul that was not totally corrupted by hunger for power
and in the end change his soul – I was wrong! There is
nothing there worth saving. He deserves to be killed for
what he has done towards me and everybody else he has
used for his own ambitions. Kill him and the pyramid will
cease to exist. That is the only way you can become free of
this prison”
“When he had had me a hundred times, and I thought
my life would end, Karavakos decided to humiliate me even
further. Against eladrin customs, against my fathers will,
without my consent, Karavakos took me – Vyrellis an
eladrin princess – as his bride and proclaimed that he
would rule a new empire, an empire of humans and fey
alike. With spring’s dawning he ordered his armies to
march into the Feywild.”
Once the Head’s concordance reaches 12, it offers the
adventurers the quest to collect Vyrellis’ splinters of life
force. This is a major quest that awards 2,000 XP upon
“The demon hordes marched through the gate into the
Feywild. But my sacrifice of soul and body to this beast had
not been in vain. I had bought my father valuable time to
prepare for the wizard’s hordes. In the Feywild, in my
father’s realm, the demons and the undead met their
match. Invincible on the battlefields of the natural world,
the demon hordes met the mighty eladrin army of
Celduilon. Fey spears and arrows felled the hordes, putting
an end to Karavakos’s dreams of conquest.”
“Karavakos nation died on that day, thanks to the
combined effort of the Nerath Empire and eladrin soldiers
of Celduilon. The Seelie Court feared Karavakos’ powers
and ties to the Abyss and imprisoned him in the Pyramid of
Shadows were the demons would never be able to reach
him. But I feared for his return, and could not go back to
my kindred as I was defiled. I therefore volunteered to go
with him into this sinister place for eternity. My hope was
that I during the years would be able to convince him of his
errors and lead him back into the light of the living. I hoped
“The Pyramid of Shadows is one of many magical
prisons created to confine powerful beings. The fey created
it to exist both in the natural world and in the Shadowfell,
at the same time in neither of them, thereby preventing
Karavakos from ever returning. Just as a prism splits light
into its component colors, the pyramid split Karavakos’s life
force into free-willed splinters, each one containing a
fragment of his power. With his power spread among these
various splinters, Karavakos couldn’t hope to break free
from the prison. Enraged, he lashed out at the only person
he could blame for his failure—me. I tried to make him see
the truth, that it was all due to his own lust for power, but
he would not listen. In the end, he cut of my head and threw
it into the charnel pit at the heart of the pyramid. But I
didn’t die. My life energy, too, was splintered upon my
arrival in the pyramid. One splinter was imbued into this
orb you found. You must help me find the other splinters of
my life force and together we will escape the Pyramid of
Shadow. But first I need to get my revenge on Karavakos,
we will be free first when all his splinters are destroyed.”
I have made a small analysis of the XP in the main
adventure and the changes introduced in this conversion.
For the PCs to remain at the proper level after completing
H3, I would suggest you as a DM to reduce the XP handed
Main Adventure Encounters
A1: The Clearing in the Forest
1 400
12 366
P1: Entrance Pit
P2: Chamber of Rats
P3: The Bridge
P4: The Beast in the Pit
P5: Flooded Chamber
C1: Hedge Maze
C2: The Well
C3: The Black Meadow
C4: Temple of Verdant Rage
C5: Vines of Death
G1: Guard Chamber
G2: Chamber of Doors
G3: Inner Chambers
H1: Library of Whispers
H2: The Mermitage
S1: The Ice Chamber
S2: Ambush Hall
S3: Chamber of the Monoliths
S4: The Grand Stair
T1: Temple Guards
T2: Tree Gates of Agony
T3: The Heart of Madness
T4: Hovels of the Damned
T5: Howls from Beyond
D1: Hall of Blizzards
D2: Winter's Clutch
N1: The Hungry Dead
N2: Hall of Death's Shadow
N3: Palace of Bones
G1: Fool's Vengeance
G2: Maze of Lost Souls
G3: The Shadow Stone
1 714
1 500
1 600
1 750
1 450
1 850
2 200
1 700
2 000
3 450
2 000
1 800
2 050
1 750
1 750
1 750
1 800
1 850
2 200
2 000
2 022
3 000
1 950
2 000
2 100
2 500
3 100
2 500
2 500
2 600
12 709
13 009
13 329
13 464
13 814
14 104
14 474
14 669
15 109
15 449
15 849
16 539
16 939
17 299
17 709
18 059
18 409
18 759
19 119
19 489
19 929
20 329
20 733
21 333
21 723
22 123
22 543
23 043
23 663
24 163
24 663
25 183
K1: The Sanctuary of Ligt
Hook: The Mysterious Map
3 900
1 500
25 963
26 263
out during the adventure with -15%, i.e. multiply the
Encounter XP with 0.85, if you are planning to use all the
changes made. This will keep the balance in the adventure.
For detailed XP breakdown, see below.
Conversion Encounters
Intro removed
Shadowraven Swarm
Covenant's Revenge
The Tiamat Cult
River Rats
-1 400
1 500
1 900
2 000
1 000
3 100
New XP
1 275
1 615
1 700
1 457
1 275
1 360
1 488
1 233
1 573
1 870
1 445
1 700
2 933
1 700
1 530
1 743
1 488
1 488
1 488
1 530
1 573
1 870
1 700
1 719
2 550
1 658
1 700
1 785
2 125
2 635
2 125
2 125
2 210
2 635
3 315
1 275
Pyramid Nexus
Changed to Hook: The Lord Warden
Hook: Gather Pyramid Relics
70 885
8 100
New Progression
12 272
12 527
12 850
13 190
13 360
13 651
13 906
14 178
14 293
14 590
14 837
15 152
15 317
15 691
15 980
16 320
16 907
17 247
17 553
17 902
18 199
18 497
18 794
19 100
19 415
19 789
20 129
20 473
20 983
21 314
21 654
22 011
22 436
22 963
23 388
23 813
24 255
24 782
25 445
25 700
25 751
67 398
Sergeant Thurmina at the
Five-Arch Bridge
Lord Warden Faren Markelhay
of the Moonstone Keep
Erandil Zemoar at the
Nentir Inn
Wisara Osterman at the
Silver Unicorn Inn
Grundelmar, Priest of Pelor at the
House of the Sun
Amara Azaer at the
House of Azaer
Selarund Halfmoon at the
Halfmoon Trading House
High Priest Dirina Mornbrow
at the House of Erathis
High Priest Ressilmae Starlight
at the Moonsong Temple
Armos Kamroth of the
Kamroth Estate
Lannar Thistleton at the
Fallcrest Stables
Nimozaran the Green at the
Septarch's Tower
Sergeant Murgeddin at the
Wizard’s Gate
Par Winnomer, owner of the
Blue Moon Alehouse
Orest Naerumar at the
Naerumar’s Import
Teldorthan Ironhews at
Teldorthan’s Arms
Sergeant Gerdrand at
King’s Gate
Nimena Sandercot at
Sandercot Provisioner
Kelson at the
Lucky Gnome’s Taphouse
Irena Swiftwater of the Swiftwater
Clan at the Lower Quays
Distribute the fragments of memories from the Rod
during the players adventure in the pyramid. Do not give it
all at the same time. You may give them in the order
provided below, or in a random fashion, forcing the player
to put them in some kind of order to understand the other
soul that occupies his or her body.
Who are you? You do not know anymore. The memories of
your past are intermingled with the past of the Rod. You are still
yourself but also something new. A new person – a person with a
purpose. Dark memories from someone that isn’t you haunt your
dreams. You are glad most of them are fussy, like a nightmare you
vaguely remember when you wake up – drenched in sweat. The
only thing that stands clear in your mind is your mission – written
in you mind with heaven high letters of blood – the Will of Orcus.
Your master is calling you – kill Karavakos and deliver his soul to
the fury of Orcus!
You look at the reflection of yourself – a shriveled rose that
have lost its color and beauty of life. Your body has turned gaunt
and slender. Your skin has turned ashen and your features are
sunken. But what fills your heart with fear is when you meet the
reflection of your eyes. It is like looking into a black mirror or
emptiness without hope. A red point of fire is floating in an ocean
of blackness, like a reflection of the fires of damnation. Your hair
has turned grey-white almost like silver. It is like looking at a mask
of somebody you once knew well but has now nearly forgotten. In
horror you try to cover you face with your hands only to find them
twisted and perverted, almost demonic with dark scales ending in
strong, black fingernails resembling claws. What has happened to
you? What dark revenant has the Pyramid of Shadows turned you
…Karavakos – he is like a shattered mirror in your mind.
Pieces of a puzzle spread out on the table in front of you, were no
single piece make sense.
…He was your creator, or was he? He was inspired by your
real Master, he who waits in the shadows with blood on his hands.
He created the Rod. He created you. But you were not an object,
not an animation. Your history runs back long before the creation
of the Rod of Ruin. Your service to the Blood Lord runs back eons
of blood and undeath. You were the soul that the Great Lord
supplied from his endless hordes to kindle the Rod – to bring it
Purpose, to bring it Life and the Will of Orcus.
…What a glorious day for my Master and woeful day for
mankind, as we broke down the fabrics of reality and tore the
dimensions asunder, opening the gate to my Masters domain – into
the world of shadows and death. The hordes were waiting on the
other side, as my Master hade promised. Thousands upon
thousands of demons and undead, pouring through the rift like a
tidal wave, challenging the stars with their numbers. Endless
legions of zombies from the Sea of Rot filled the ranks. Hordes of
ghouls from the Plains of Hunger craved for human flesh. It was a
glorious sight. Nothing could stop my Karavakos now, not even the
empire of Nerath!
…She was always at his side – like the sun beside the moon.
Her radiance and beauty a legend among the courts of man. Her
voice the song of angels. Her body the demonic tool of temptation.
She was a princess, a princess from the Feywild – beauty
incarnated. No man could resist her – not even my wielder.
Karavakos heart was soon hers.
…He was strong in the Arts. Powers surged through him
naturally, but it was his discipline and knowledge in the Arts that
made it sharp. Made him a tool for my Master. A spear for his vile
ambitions. A spear that in the end escaped him.
…You remember the hands of your wielder. Karavakos had
strong hands – iron hands, hands of Power, strong enough to even
challenge the great empire of Nerath. Hands which ordered hordes
of demons and undead across the lands he concurred. Hands that
never hesitated to strike down with the Rod in anger, cracking the
skulls of the weak, breaking the bones of the submissive, and
punishing the innocent. But he was still weak – the shadow at his
side gave him purpose, gave him strength – gave him ambitions!
…The end came on a beautiful spring day. Karavakos had
ordered the demon hordes to march through the gate at the Crytal
Throne at the Fortress of Mross-Kagg, entering into the Feywild.
Little had he anticipated the resistance we met, trees the size of
cities was infested with hidden archers, lakes of mist brought
endless sleep to those at its shore, statues ancient beyond reckoning
came to life in defense of the forests, nature itself was awakening to
the songs of the eladrin. My Masters hordes met their match.
Invincible on the battlefields of man, they simply vanished in the
land of twilight and song. My wielder’s dreams of conquest had
come to and end—he had failed my True Master, and for that he
had to pay the price – a price in blood to the Blood Lord!
…The Masters anger was terrible to behold, sending
shockwaves through the festering planes of Thanatos. Karavakos
had slipped from the Blood Lords grasp, broken his contract,
escaped with his soul intact, to a place were even my mighty Master
could not reach him. Centuries went past but the fire of hate never
diminish in the heart of the Blood Lord, the memories of mortal
betrayals never forgotten: When suddenly the Rod was found, and
finally my Masters saw an end to a festering wound that had been
left untended to long on his immortal flesh. The Will of Orcus must
be done!
… There is someone else there. Memories of a life, not your
own – or was it? It is becoming increasingly hard to differentiate
reality from dreams. Or was it something more than a dream?
You were never the Rod, the Rod was just a vessel, a prison so your
Master could punish you even further – like as if the years in the
Abyss hellfire would not have been enough. Instead he forced you
into that, into that …thing, that rod, that device, to yet again serve
Him. Your soul tied down with chains of magic into that
emptiness, that blackness, which was the Rod of Ruin. Your soul
serving as the foci of its powers, a mere ingredient in a ritual. How
long have you waited? How long have you served? You cannot
answer that. But you remember something else. You remember a
life, a life before the emptiness, before the hellfire. A life when you
were the king and everybody feared your words and commands.
You were someone important, someone with a mission. Someone
with a quest – destined for glory. Yes it all comes back again. A
name. You had a name. You were Thrullzon – The Exarch of
Orcus! The glories of shadow and undeath at your command!
…You see memories of your past life, but is like looking at the
world through a prism – a multitude of reflections all bringing back
pieces but not the whole picture. But you are slowly starting to put
the pieces together, one by one. You remember now. You were his
general, his devoted follower during his time of trouble. You walked
by your Master’s side, helping and supporting him after his rebirth
– a time when he was just a shadow of his former glory. Tenebrous.
Yes, that was what he used to call himself. You helped him with
your necrotic powers, helped him to yet again raise a horde of
undead followers to his cause. Just enough so that he could take on
the astral dominion of Tomari, the goddess of love and wisdom,
and kill her with the Last Word. While he slew the goddess, your
small army slew all the residents of the beautiful astral island of
love. As the goddess died, so did her realm and everything around
you. Your Master channeled it into the Shadowfell where he could
hide it and you were given the task to cultivate it for future use.
Together, your master weak from the effort, you channeled the
dark energies of the Shadowfell to raised the slain residents as the
living dead. You, Thrullzon – Exarch of Orcus was given the task to
command the Shambling Horde in Deadhold, hidden away within
a splinter of the Shadowfell. To awaited your Master’s return to
power, to build an army of zombies to do his bidding – the Rotting
Legion. You were loyal, you were devoted, and you sat there on the
Rotting Throne as years went past, waiting for your Masters
return, waiting for his call – but how did he repay you?
and there, skulls and shattered bones poke through the dunes. The
wide plateau were the palace grounds rest are surrounded by what
looks like a river of shadow, but you know all to well its true nature.
Cries of suffering rise from the river, a river you yourself named
the Sea of Rot as it is filled with an endless legion of zombies, and it
is constantly growing. The Blood Lord, your Master have the souls
of all mortal creatures sacrificed on his altars being reborn as
conscripts in the Shambling Horde. The sea of undead is cloaked in
what appears to be a shimmering haze of desert heat. But it is all a
figment, the true nature of that dark stain—the air above the sea is
thick with an endless swarm of flies, feasting upon the flesh of the
undead. Maybe you are not alone after all. You have the constant
company of the blood flies after all.
… the task of the Necromancer, ending life to bless the dead
with eternal unlife. Killing the dreams and futile ambitions of the
living, filling the corpse with a new purpose, bereft of the stress of
life, blessing them with forgetfulness and blind loyalty. They call it
evil, I call it a higher goodness – the blessing of unlife. So why do I
find the task of my master so hard? I have raised thousands of
Tomari’s followers and yet it fills me with emptiness. There is
something strange with them, with this rotting legion of Tomari’s
devoted lovers. They should be empty husks, devoted to my Master’s
bidding. Yet I do not know if I am imagining sudden looks of
sorrow and longing in their empty sockets when they see old
partners or children, the touch of rotten flesh sometimes seem to
show tenderness. It is impossible I know. I must be imagining, the
emptiness and loneliness of Deadhold is getting on my nerves. I
wish my Master would return so the battle could commence.
… You are the only one alive in this empty world. The sky
above is strewn with clouds, while an oppressive, choking heat is
your constant companion, tearing at you as you overlook your
domain. Hordethrone is surrounded by and endless desert with
ashen sand that varies from gray to white to a dull yellow, almost
like it was powdered bones, worn down by the burning winds. Here
Thrullzon – The Exarch of Orcus
…Ah, but you were nothing but a tool. A weapon your Master
used to serve his purpose. You listen to his sweet promises, he feed
your dreams of power, he filled you with self-importance, but you
were never anything more than a simple tool. You realize that now.
It is first now when you can draw upon the learning’s of two souls –
two lives, that you fully come to understand Orcus’ treachery.
…Kiaransalee, the drow goddess of vengeance, was the target
of my Master’s godlike wrath when he finally returned. He now
had his Wand and had returned to his former power. He was
terrible to behold. The endless sea of zombies, that was the Rotting
Legion fell to the ground fearing his wrath in truth – as did I. He
immediately put my army to use, but instead of putting me in
charge of its glory, he took the majority of my creation under his
own command to retake Thanatos from the traitorous
Kiaransalee. Me, I was ordered to deal with a minor holding of
Kiaransalee followers in a pocket of the Underdark in a distant
world. But I followed by Masters command, as a good tool, and led
the remaining hordes of undead towards the drow enclave, only to
find that they were giving fiercer resistance that what I had
expected. I called for support, to be given more legions to meet the
drow threat, but I found my Master, distracted by more pressing
matters on Thanatos, not answering my summons. My loyalty
through this dark time seemed to be forgotten. But I continued to
fight, even though I knew it was a lost cause. I stayed loyal to the
Blood Lord to the very end – but was I rewarded for my loyalty?
Screaming in torment towards a wall of shadows that never sent
even an echo back in return. My sanity lingering in the blackness,
until I thought all hope was lost.
…I have been given a new life. Is it a curse or a blessing? A
continued tormenting by my Master? Or have I been given a new
chance? I do not know. The only thing I know is that I am the Will
of Orcus. His voice yet again whispers in my dreams. Filling me
with purpose. The traitor Karavakos must DIE! So speak the Will
of Orcus!
…I am not what I once was. I feel the presence of another life.
A man with other dreams, other sorrows. I am both and none of
them at the same time. My Master have formed me, given me a
purpose and direction and powers to go with it. I am the
embodiment of his wrath – the Will of Orcus. The Slayer of
…In the end I came to realize that my Master would never
hear my prayers. He would never send the legions I have asked for.
He would never repay my loyalty to him. And so I died, by the
hand of the filthy drow. Beheaded and blasphemed through the
streets of the drow. That was the end of the glorious Thrullzon – the
former exarch of Orcus. My soul sent to the Abyss for hundreds of
years of torment in its pits of fire and shadow. Punished for my
failures by the one I had served faithfully, only to be given a second
torment, tied to the empty shadows of the Rod of Ruin for years.
Player Fallcrest Map
By Crazyred
2 Carrion Crawlers (C)
HP 81; Bloodied 40
AC 23; Fortitude 19, Reflex 18, Will 17
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb)
Gurrak, Ettin Headtaker (G)
Level 10 Elite Soldier
Large natural humanoid (giant)
XP 1,000
HP 222; Bloodied 111
AC 26; Fortitude 24, Reflex 20, Will 20
Speed 6
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Double Action
Initiative +8
Perception +12
The ettin makes two initiative checks and takes a full turn on
each initiative result. The ettin can take two immediate actions
per round but only one between one turn and the next.
Dual Brain
At the end of each of its turns, the ettin automatically ends any
dazing, stunning, or charm effect on itself.
m Cleaver (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12 + 12 damage, and the ettin can push the target 1
Effect: The ettin marks the target until the end of the ettin’s next
M Swat * At-Will
Trigger: An enemy enters a square where it flanks the ettin.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 2 (one creature flanking the
ettin); +13 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The ettin pushes the target up to 3 squares.
Str 28 (+14)
Con 23 (+11)
Dex 12 (+6)
Int 8 (+4)
Level 7 Soldiers
Large aberrant beast
Wis 15 (+7)
Cha 9 (+4)
Alignment chaotic evil
Languages Giant
Equipment hide armor, 2 cleavers
XP 300
Initiative +8
Perception +5
Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the zombie is
instead reduced to 1 hit point.
Str 17 (+4)
Con 14 (+3)
Dex 7 (-1)
Int 1 (-4)
Alignment unaligned
Wis 8 (+0)
Cha 3 (-3)
Languages –
m Tentacles (poison) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison
damage and is slowed (save ends both).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized instead of
slowed (save ends).
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is stunned instead of
immobilized (save ends).
Miss: The target is slowed until the end of the carrion crawler's
next turn.
M Bite * At-Will
Dex 16 (+6)
Int 2 (-1)
Alignment unaligned
Wis 14 (+5)
Cha 16 (+6)
HP 1; a missed attack never damage a minion
AC 15; Fortitude 16, Reflex 13, Will 13
Speed 4
Immune disease, poison
XP 38
Initiative -2
Perception +1
m Slam * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 7 damage.
Deathless Hunger * Encounter
Trigger: The zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a
critical hit.
XP 75
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +8
AC 21; Fortitude 18, Reflex 21, Will 20
Perception +4
Speed 6, climb 3
Low- light vision
Aura of Rot * Aura 1
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 8 damage.
Level 3 Minion Brute
Medium natural animate (undead)
Level 7 Minion Skirmisher
Small natural beast
m Bite * At-Will
Languages –
3 Zombie Rotters
16 Charnel Rats (R)
An enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a charnel rat takes 3
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage.
Str 20 (+8)
Con 17 (+6)
Str 15 (+5)
Con 15 (+5)
Alignment evil
Dex 20 (+8)
Int 4 (+0)
Wis 13 (+4)
Cha 6 (+1)
Languages –
Level 7 Lurker
Standard Action
Close blast 2
Targets: Creatures in blast
Attack: +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage and immobilized (save ends).
Miss: Half damage.
Sustain Standard: The boneslide continues for four rounds.
The blast area is difficult terrain during and after the hazard.
2 Harpies (H)
Level 6 Controller
Medium fey humanoid
XP 250
HP 71; Bloodied 35
AC 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 19
Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy)
Resist 10 thunder
Initiative +5
Perception +5
C Alluring Song (charm) * At-Will
Attack: Close burst 10 (one creature); +9 vs. Will
Hit: The target is pulled 3 squares and immobilized (save ends).
Sustain Minor: Any target that has not yet saved against the effect
is pulled 3 squares and immobilized (save ends).
Special: Deafened creatures are immune.
C Deadly Screech (thunder) * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Close burst 4 (creatures in burst); +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + 4 thunder damage, and the target is dazed (save
Alignment evil
Wis 14 (+5)
Cha 19 (+7)
Languages Common
3 Sahuagin Raiders (S)
Medium natural humanoid (aquatic)
HP 70; Bloodied 35
AC 21; Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 15
Speed 6, swim 6
Level 6 Soldier
XP 250
Initiative +7
Perception +4
Low-light vision
The sahuagin can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, it
gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic creatures.
Blood Frenzy
m Trident (weapon) * At-Will
R Water Bolt * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and the sahuagin marks the target until
the end of the sahuagin’s next turn.
Attack: Ranged 3/6 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.
Dex 15 (+5)
Int 10 (+3)
r Thrown Trident (weapon) * At-Will
R Thrown Trident (weapon) * At-Will
m Claw * At-Will
Skills Stealth +10
Str 15 (+5)
Con 15 (+5)
Against bloodied enemies, the sahuagin gains a +1 bonus to
attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls.
Attack: Ranged 3/6 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage.
Attack: Ranged 10 or 20 underwater (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage, or 3d8 + 7 damage underwater.
R Spectral Jaws * Recharge when a creature saves against
this power
M Opportunistic Strike (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +13 vs. Will
Hit: 4d6 + 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 damage
and a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends):
Trigger: An enemy flanked by the sahuagin shifts.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The sahuagin makes a melee basic
attack against the triggering enemy.
Skills Initimidate +12
Str 16 (+7)
Dex 18 (+8)
Con 16 (+7)
Int 12 (+5)
Str 20 (+8)
Con 14 (+5)
Alignment chaotic evil
Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment trident, holy symbol, kelp robe
Dex 14 (+5)
Int 10 (+3)
Alignment chaotic evil
Equipment trident
Wis 12 (+4)
Cha 10 (+3)
Wis 20 (+9)
Cha 16 (+7)
Languages Abyssal
Sahuagin Priest (P)
Level 8 Artillery
Medium natural humanoid (aquatic)
HP 70; Bloodied 35
AC 22; Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 21
Speed 6, swim 8
XP 350
Initiative +8
Perception +9
Low-light vision
The sahuagin can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, it
gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic creatures.
Blood Frenzy
Against bloodied enemies, the sahuagin gains a +1 bonus to
attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls.
m Trident (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage.
Pivoting Floor and Wall (T)
Level 7 Obstacle
Immediate Interrupt
Close blast 4
Targets: Creatures in blast (trapped area marked on map)
Effect: The wall and floor pivot at an amazing rate of speed,
hurling creatures from the floor onto the slick wall and down
the chute, dealing 2d6 +4 damage. A DC 25 Athletics check
halts a slide in one of the last two rows of squares before the pit,
otherwise the character falls into the 10-foot-deep pit and takes
another 1d10 damage.
When the new floor snaps into place, six charnel rats are
scattered atop it, drawn up from the space beneath the floor
where the rats swarm and the trap pivots.
Special: This trap activates as described above each time a
character crosses the trapped squares.
16 Charnel Rats (R)
Level 7 Minion Skirmisher
Small natural beast
XP 75
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +8
AC 21; Fortitude 18, Reflex 21, Will 20
Perception +4
Speed 6, climb 3
Low- light vision
Aura of Rot * Aura 1
An enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a charnel rat takes 3
m Bite * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 8 damage.
Str 15 (+5)
Con 15 (+5)
Alignment evil
Dex 20 (+8)
Int 4 (+0)
Wis 13 (+4)
Cha 6 (+1)
Languages –
Hit: 2d12 + 6 necrotic damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage
(save ends). In addition, at the end of the encounter, the target
makes a saving throw. On a failure, the target contracts
greater otyugh filth fever (stage 1).
M Charnel Frency (necrotic) * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature grabbed by the otyugh); +13 vs.
Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save
M Life Leech (healing, necrotic) * At-Will (1/round)
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature grabbed by the otyugh); +13 vs.
Hit: 10 necrotic damage, and the otyugh regains 5 hit points.
Skills Stealth +10
Str 22 (+11)
Con 18 (+9)
Alignment evil
Charnel Lord, Unique Otyugh (C)
Dex 11 (+5)
Int 6 (+3)
HP 212; Bloodied 106
AC 26; Fortitude 27, Reflex 21, Will 24
Speed 5, swim 5
Resist 5 necrotic
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Wis 16 (+8)
Cha 5 (+2)
Languages –
Otyugh Stench * Aura 1
Living enemies in the aura take a -2 penalty to attack rolls while
in the aura.
m Charnel Lash (necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save
ends). The otyugh pulls the target up to 2 squares and grabs it
(escape DC 18).
M Rotting Bite (disease, necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Trigger: The bruiser takes damage from an enemy
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close blast 2 (creatures in blast); +9
vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone.
Skills Athletics +14
Str 22 (+9)
Dex 16 (+6)
Con 16 (+6)
Int 5 (+0)
Alignment unaligned
Equipment greatclub
Wis 12 (+4)
Cha 6 (+1)
Languages Draconic
2 Greenscale Hunters (H)
Level 4 Elite Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid (reptile), lizardfolk
XP 350
Initiative +6
Perception +8
m Spear (weapon) * At-Will
XP 1,000
Initiative +7
Perception +13
C Tail Swipe * Recharge when first bloodied
HP 108; Bloodied 54
AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 15
Speed 6 (swamp walk)
Level 10 Elite Soldier
Large natural beast
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the greenscale hunter shifts 1 square.
2 Blackscale Bruisers (B)
Large natural humanoid (reptile), lizardfolk
HP 86; Bloodied 43
AC 18, Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 16
Speed 8 (swamp walk)
Level 6 Brute
XP 250
Initiative +6
Perception +4
m Greatclub (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 6 damage, and the bruiser can push the target 1
m Feral Bite * At-Will
M Doublestrike (weapon) * At-Will
The greenscale hunter makes two spear attacks.
m Feral Tail Lash * At-Will
Requirement: The bruiser must be bloodied.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 damage, and the hunter can shift 1 square.
Skills Athletics +10, Nature +12
Str 17 (+5)
Dex 15 (+4)
Con 14 (+4)
Int 8 (+1)
Wis 12 (+3)
Cha 8 (+1)
Alignment unaligned
Languages Draconic
Equipment light shield, spear
Requirement: The bruiser must be bloodied.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage.
Greenscale Marsh Mystic (M) Level 6 Controller (Leader)
Water Pipe (T)
Medium natural humanoid (reptile), lizardfolk
m Short Sword (weapon) * At-Will
Immediate Interrupt
Targets: Creatures entering a trap space or starting their turn
adjacent to a trap space.
Attack: +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + 7 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). The
target is sucked into the pipe and expelled an instant later from
a random pipe in the chamber (roll 1d4). The target can choose
which square within the trap to occupy upon emerging.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 8 damage.
HP 70; Bloodied 35
AC 20, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 19
Speed 6 (swamp walk)
XP 250
Initiative +4
Perception +7
m Spear (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage.
A Bog Cloud (poison) * Recharge 5 6
Level 7 Obstacle
Attack: Area burst 2 within 5 (creatures in the burst); +9 vs.
Hit: 2d6 + 7 poison damage, and the target is dazed until the
end of the mystic's next turn.
Miss: The target grants combat advantage until the end of the
mystic's next turn,
Skills Athletics +10, Nature +12, Stealth +9
Str 15 (+5)
Dex 13 (+4)
Wis 19 (+7)
Con 14 (+5)
Int 10 (+3)
Cha 12 (+4)
Alignment evil
Languages Draconic
Equipment spear, bone breastplate
Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in burst); +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Arborean Veil (illusion) * At-Will
Effect: If no enemy is within 3 squares, the arborean watcher
gains invisibility until the end of its next turn.
Wis 15 (+5)
Cha 12 (+4)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Elven
Equipment robes, short sword
Attack: Area burst 2 within 5 (enemies in the burst); -1-9 vs.
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Effect: The burst creates a zone of difficult terrain until the end
of the encounter. The zone does not affect creatures that have
swamp walk.
Requirement: The mystic must be bloodied.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the
mystic’s next turn.
C Vine Plague * Encounter
Skills Athletics +10, Stealth +11
Str 14 (+5)
Dex 17 (+6)
Con 17 (+6)
Int 11 (+3)
A Swamp’s Grasp (zone) * Encounter
m Feral Tail Lash * At-Will
Arborean Reapers (R)
Level 7 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (plant)
XP 300
HP 81; Bloodied 40
Initiative +6
AC 23, Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 19
Perception +5
Speed 6
Vulnerable 5 fire (pushed 1 square when it takes fire damage).
m Scythe (weapon) * At-Will
Arborean Watcher (W)
Medium natural humanoid (plant)
Level 7 Lurker
XP 300
HP 65; Bloodied 32
Initiative +10
AC 21, Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 18
Perception +10
Speed 7
Vulnerable 5 fire (pushed 1 square when it takes fire damage).
Combat Advantage
When the arborean watcher has combat advantage, its melee
attacks deal 2d6 extra damage on a hit.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target is marked until the end of
the arborean reaper’s next turn.
C Needle Volley (poison) * Encounter
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Skills Nature +10
Str 15 (+5)
Con 17 (+6)
Dex 13 (+4)
Int 9 (+2)
Wis 14 (+5)
Cha 11 (+3)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Elven
Equipment blood stained robes, scythe
Howling Hag (H)
Level 7 Controller
Medium fey humanoid
HP 83; Bloodied 42
AC 21; Fortitude 20; Reflex 19; Will 18
Speed 6
Resist 10 thunder
XP 300
Initiative +7
Perception +10
Low-Light Vision
Baleful Whispers (psychic) * Aura 5
An enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 1d6 psychic
m Quarterstaff (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage.
C Howl (thunder) * At-Will
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 2 thunder damage, and the target is pushed 3
C Shriek of Pain (thunder) * Recharge when first bloodied
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 + 8 thunder damage, or 3d8+9 thunder damage if the
howling hag is bloodied.
Miss: Half damage..
Fey Step (teleportation) • Encounter
Dire Boar (B)
Level 6 Brute
Large natural beast (mount)
XP 250
HP 85; Bloodied 43
AC 17; Fortitude 21; Reflex 17; Will 16
Speed 8
Initiative +3
Perception +2
Effect: A howling hag can alter its physical form to appear as an
old crone of any Medium humanoid race (see Change Shape in
Skills Bluff +11, Insight +10, Intimidate +11, Nature +10
Str 18 (+7)
Dex 18 (+7)
Wis 15 (+5)
Con 19 (+7)
Int 12 (+4)
Cha 16 (+6)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven
Equipment quarterstaff
m Tendrils * At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage.
Furious Charge
M Enveloping Double Attack (healing) * At-Will
Whenever a dire boar charges and hits, it deals 5 extra damage,
pushes the target 2 squares, and knocks the target prone.
Effect: The shambling mound uses tendrils twice. If both attacks
hit the same target, the shambling mound makes a secondary
attack against the target.
Secondary Attack: +12 vs. Fortitude
Requirement: The shambling mound must not have two
creatures removed from play.
Hit: The shambling mound pulls the target into its space, and
the target is removed from play (save ends). While the target
is removed from play, at the start of each of the shambling
mound’s turns the target takes 10 damage and the shambling
mound regains 10 hit points. When the target saves, it
reappears in a square of its choice adjacent to the shambling
m Gore * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12 + 7 damage, or 2d12 + 5 damage against a prone
M Rabid Charger (mount) • At-Will
Trigger: The dire boar has a friendly rider of 6th level or higher
mounted on it, and the rider hits with a charge attack.
Effect (Free Action): The dire boar uses gore.
Death Strike
Lightning Affinity (healing) * At-Will
Trigger: The dire boar drops to 0 hit points.
Effect (No Action): The dire boar uses gore.
Str 19 (+7)
Con 15 (+5)
Dex 10 (+3)
Int 2 (–1)
Alignment unaligned
Trigger: A lightning effect deals damage to the shambling
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The shambling mound regains 10 hit
Wis 9 (+2)
Cha 8 (+2)
Languages —
Skills Stealth +10
Str 22 (+10)
Con 20 (+9)
Effect: The howling hag can teleport 10 squares.
Change Shape (polymorph) • At-Will
The shambling mound regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its
turn and has at least 1 hit point.
Alignment unaligned
3 Shambling Mounds (M)
Level 9 Brute
Large natural animate (plant)
XP 400
HP 100; Bloodied 50
AC 21, Fortitude 23, Reflex 18, Will 17
Speed 4 (swamp walk)
Immune lightning
Dex 12 (+5)
Int 5 (+1)
Initiative +5
Perception +4
Wis 10 (+4)
Cha 10 (+4)
Languages –
Arborean Reaper (R)
Medium natural humanoid (plant)
Level 7 Soldier
XP 300
HP 81; Bloodied 40
Initiative +6
AC 23, Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 19
Perception +5
Speed 6
Vulnerable 5 fire (pushed 1 square when it takes fire damage).
that a save can end.
m Scythe (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target is marked until the end of
the arborean reaper’s next turn.
C Needle Volley (poison) * Encounter
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Skills Nature +10
Str 15 (+5)
Con 17 (+6)
Dex 13 (+4)
Int 9 (+2)
Skills Bluff +14, Nature +10, Stealth +13
Str 10 (+4)
Dex 18 (+8)
Wis 13 (+5)
Con 14 (+6)
Int 13 (+5)
Cha 20 (+9)
Alignment unaligned
Languages Common, Elven
Equipment longbow, quiver of 30 arrows, wooden pipes
Wis 14 (+5)
Cha 11 (+3)
HP 86; Bloodied 43
AC 22, Fortitude 18, Reflex 20, Will 21
Speed 6
Level 4 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (spider)
XP 175
HP 56; Bloodied 28
AC 20, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 15
Speed 5, climb 5 (spider climb)
Resist 10 poison
Initiative +6
Perception +3
Level 8 Controller (Leader)
Medium fey humanoid
Ettercap Fang Guard (F)
The ettercap fang guard gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and
deals an extra 2 damage against restrained or immobilized
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Elven
Equipment blood stained robes, scythe
Satyr Piper (S)
An ettercap ignores movement effects of spider webs and
difficult terrain related to spider swarms.
XP 350
Initiative +8
Perception +10
Low-light vision
m Greataxe (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12 + 5 damage (critical 1d12 + 9 damage).
m Gore * At-Will
M Spider Bite (poison) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage, and the target falls prone.
Requirements: Ettercap must have combat advantage.
Attack: +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. If the attack hits, the ettercap makes a
secondary attack against the same target.
Secondary Attack: +7 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target is stunned until the end of the ettercap’s next
turn and takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
r Longbow (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 10 damage.
C Wooden Pipes (charm) * At-Will
Effect: The satyr uses one power chosen from the list below.
Dazing Melody: Close burst 5 (nondeafened enemies in the
burst); +11 vs. Will; The target is dazed until the end of the
satyr’s next turn.
Feral Overture: Close burst 5 (nondeafened allies in the burst);
The target gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to
damage rolls until the end of the satyr’s next turn.
Leaping Stag Dance: Close burst 5 (nondeafened allies in the
burst); The target can shift 2 squares as a free action.
Song of Freedom: Close burst 5 (nondeafened allies in the
burst); The target can make a saving throw against one effect
M Web Tangle * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends).
Skills Stealth +9
Str 16 (+5)
Con 16 (+5)
Dex 14 (+4)
Int 5 (-1)
Wis 13 (+3)
Cha 11 (+2)
Alignment unaligned
Languages –
Equipment leather armor, greataxe
m Longspear (weapon) * At-Will
When a plant terror damages a bloodied foe with a melee
attack, it regains 10 hit points.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 2 damage.
The area adjacent to the plant terror is difficult terrain.
M Spider Bite (poison) * At-Will
Vicious Opportunist
The plant terror gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a +5 bonus
to damage when it makes opportunity attacks.
When the arborean watcher has combat advantage, its melee
attacks deal 2d6 extra damage on a hit.
Requirements: Ettercap must have combat advantage.
Attack: +10 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage. If the attack hits, the ettercap makes a
secondary attack against the same target.
Secondary Attack: +8 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
m Short Sword (weapon) * At-Will
A Webbed Terrain (zone) * Recharge 6
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 8 damage.
m Vine * At-Will
Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (creatures in burst); +8 vs. Reflex
Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends).
Effect: The zone is filled with spider webs and is considered
difficult terrain until the end of the encounter.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 11 damage, and the target slides 1 square.
Arborean Watcher (W)
Level 7 Lurker
Medium natural humanoid (plant)
XP 300
HP 65; Bloodied 32
Initiative +10
AC 21, Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 18
Perception +10
Speed 7
Vulnerable 5 fire (pushed 1 square when it takes fire damage).
Combat Advantage
C Vine Plague * Encounter
Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in burst); +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Arborean Veil (illusion) * At-Will
Effect: If no enemy is within 3 squares, the arborean watcher
gains invisibility until the end of its next turn.
Skills Athletics +10, Stealth +11
Str 14 (+5)
Dex 17 (+6)
Con 17 (+6)
Int 11 (+3)
Wis 15 (+5)
Cha 12 (+4)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Elven
Equipment robes, short sword
Ettercap Webspinner (E)
Medium natural humanoid (spider)
HP 64; Bloodied 32
AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 16
Speed 5, climb 5 (spider climb)
Resist 10 poison
Level 5 Controller
XP 200
Initiative +4
Perception +9
An ettercap ignores movement effects of spider webs and
difficult terrain related to spider swarms.
Gnarled Roots * Aura 1
R Web Net * At-Will (1/round)
Dex 14 (+4)
Int 5 (-1)
Wis 15 (+4)
Cha 13 (+3)
Arborean Plant Terror (T)
Level 11 Elite Brute
Large natural animate (plant)
XP 1,200
HP 286; Bloodied 143
Initiative +7
AC 23; Fortitude 25; Reflex 21; Will 23
Perception +9
Speed 5
Vulnerable 5 fire (pushed 1 square when it takes fire damage)
M Vine Flurry * At-Will
Effect: The plant terror makes two basic attacks, one each against
two different targets.
Alignment evil
Alignment unaligned
Languages –
Equipment leather armor, longspear
Blood Devourer
The plant terror can make opportunity attacks against all
enemies within its reach (2 squares).
Str 22 (+11)
Con 23 (+11)
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +8 vs. Reflex
Hit: The target is restrained (save ends).
Skills Stealth +9
Str 16 (+5)
Con 16 (+5)
Threatening Reach
Dex 14 (+7)
Int 11 (+5)
Wis 18 (+9)
Cha 19 (+9)
Languages —
Arborean Speaker (S)
Level 10 Controller (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid (plant)
XP 500
HP 109; Bloodied 55
Initiative +8
AC 24; Fortitude 23; Reflex 21; Will 23
Perception +5
Speed 6
Vulnerable 5 fire (pushed 1 square when it takes fire damage)
Poison Spores (poison) * Aura 5
Enemies that enter or start their turns in the aura take 5 poison
m Scythe (poison, weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature);+15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 2 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage and the
target is slowed (save ends both).
C Invigorating Spores * At-Will
Effect: Close burst 5; allies within burst regain 5 hit points and
immediately shift 3 squares.
C Choking Spores (poison) * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in burst); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 6 poison damage and are dazed and take ongoing 5
poison damage (save ends both).
Skills Diplomacy +13, Insight +15, Nature +15
Str 16 (+8)
Dex 17 (+8)
Wis 20 (+10)
Con 21 (+10)
Int 14 (+7)
Cha 17 (+8)
Level 6 Elite Brute
Medium natural beast
XP 500
HP 170; Bloodied 85
AC 20; Fortitude 21; Reflex 17; Will 18
Speed 8
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Initiative +4
Perception +5
m Claw * At-Will
C Cave Bear Frenzy * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in burst); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage.
Dex 13 (+4)
Int 2 (–1)
Alignment unaligned
Languages —
Level 7 Lurker
Medium natural humanoid (plant)
XP 300
HP 65; Bloodied 32
Initiative +10
AC 21, Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 18
Perception +10
Speed 7
Vulnerable 5 fire (pushed 1 square when it takes fire damage).
Combat Advantage
m Short Sword (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 8 damage.
C Vine Plague * Encounter
Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in burst); +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Arborean Veil (illusion) * At-Will
Wis 14 (+5)
Cha 12 (+4)
Skills Athletics +10, Stealth +11
Str 14 (+5)
Dex 17 (+6)
Con 17 (+6)
Int 11 (+3)
Wis 15 (+5)
Cha 12 (+4)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Elven
Equipment robes, short sword
2 Arborean Reapers (R)
Medium natural humanoid (plant)
Level 7 Soldier
XP 300
HP 81; Bloodied 40
Initiative +6
AC 23, Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 19
Perception +5
Speed 6
Vulnerable 5 fire (pushed 1 square when it takes fire damage).
m Scythe (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target is marked until the end of
the arborean reaper’s next turn.
C Needle Volley (poison) * Encounter
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Skills Nature +10
Str 15 (+5)
Con 17 (+6)
Dex 13 (+4)
Int 9 (+2)
Wis 14 (+5)
Cha 11 (+3)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Elven
Equipment blood stained robes, scythe
2 Quickling Runners (Q)
Level 9 Skirmisher
Small fey humanoid
Effect: If no enemy is within 3 squares, the arborean watcher
gains invisibility until the end of its next turn.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage.
Str 20 (+8)
Con 15 (+5)
Arborean Watcher (W)
When the arborean watcher has combat advantage, its melee
attacks deal 2d6 extra damage on a hit.
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven
Equipment robes, scythe
Cave Bear (B)
XP 400
HP 96; Bloodied 48
AC 24; Fortitude 20; Reflex 24; Will 20
Speed 12, climb 6
Initiative +13
Perception +7
Low-Light Vision
m Short Sword (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage.
M Quick Cuts (weapon) * At-Will
Effect: The quickling moves its speed. At any two points during
its move, the quickling makes a melee basic attack at a -2
penalty. The quickling cannot use this power while immobilized
or slowed.
Fey Shift * Encounter
Effect: The quickling runner shifts 10 squares.
Maintain Mobility * Recharge 4 5 6
Effect: An immobilized quickling runner is no longer
Skills Acrobatics +21, Bluff +9, Stealth +16
Str 9 (+3)
Dex 24 (+11)
Wis 17 (+7)
Con 16 (+7)
Int 14 (+6)
Cha 10 (+4)
Alignment evil
Languages Elven
Equipment short sword
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage.
r Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will
3 Human Outlaws (O)
Level 8 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (human)
XP 350
HP 87; Bloodied 44
AC 24; Fortitude 21; Reflex 20; Will 19
Speed 5
Initiative +8
Perception +4
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 5 damage, and the target is marked until the end of
the outlaw's next turn.
M Pushback Strike (weapon) * Recharge 5 6
Requirements:: Halberd.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 9 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and
knocked prone.
R Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 5 damage and the target is dazed (save ends).
Dex 16 (+6)
Int 12 (+4)
Wis 11 (+4)
Cha 12 (+5)
Inferno Room/Teleport Hall
Level 8 Blaster
Attack (Inferno Hall)
Standard Action
Area 4 squares by 4 squares
(the entire hall)
Targets: All creatures in area
Attack: +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d8 + 6 fire damage.
Attack (Teleport Hall)
Medium natural humanoid (human)
HP 62; Bloodied 31
AC 19; Fortitude 18; Reflex 19; Will 17
Speed 6
HP 101; Bloodied 51
AC 27; Fortitude 22; Reflex 19; Will 22
Speed 5
XP 500
Initiative +7
Perception +5
m Bastard Sword (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC (+16 while bloodied)
Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage.
M Viper's Strike (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC (+18 while bloodied)
Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage. If the target shifts before the end of
Gharash Vren's next turn, it provokes an opportunity attack
from an ally of Vren's choice.
M Sunder Armor (weapon) * Encounter
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC (+18 while bloodied)
Hit: 3d10 + 10 damage. Until the end of Gharash Vren's next
turn, any attack roll against the target can score a critical hit on
a roll of 18-20.
C Inspiring Word (healing) * 2/Encounter
Effect: Close burst 5; Gharash Vren or one ally in burst; target
spends a healing surge and regains an additional 2d6 hit points.
C Dragon Breath (fire) * Encounter
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment chainmail, halberd, crossbow, crossbow bolts (20)
2 Human Archers (A)
Wis 12 (+4)
Cha 13 (+4)
Standard Action
Area 4 squares (the entire hall)
Targets: All creatures in area
Effect: Target is teleported to a random square in the inferno
Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage.
Dex 14 (+6)
Int 10 (+4)
R Bullseye Bolt * Recharge 5 6
Str 14 (+5)
Con 14 (+5)
Level 10 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment club, crossbow, crossbow bolts (20)
m Halberd (weapon) * At-Will
Str 16 (+7)
Con 15 (+6)
Gharash Vren (G)
Attack: Ranged 15/30; +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage.
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +12 vs. Reflex (+13
while bloodied)
Hit: 1d6 + 7 lightning damage.
Level 7 Artillery
XP 300
Dwarven Armor (healing) * Daily
Initiative +6
Perception +4
Effect: Gharash Vren regains 25 hit points.
Dragonborn Fury
Trigger: Gharash Vren is bloodied.
Effect: Gharash Vren as a dragonborn gains a +1 racial bonus to
m Club (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: +12 vs. AC
attack rolls while bloodied.
Skills Athletics +15, History +7, Intimidate +15
Str 20 (+10)
Dex 10 (+5)
Wis 11 (+5)
Con 13 (+6)
Int 12 (+6)
Cha 18 (+9)
m Club (weapon) * At-Will
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Equipment +3 dwarven chainmail, light shield, bastard sword
Str 16 (+6)
Con 14 (+5)
2 Human Archers (A)
Level 7 Artillery
Medium natural humanoid (human)
Initiative +6
Perception +4
Attack: +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage.
r Crossbow (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15/30; +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage.
Alignment any Languages Common
Equipment leather armor, club
Frenzied Werewolf (W)
Medium natural humanoid (shapechanger)
Change Shape (polymorph) * At-Will
Effect: The werewolf alters its physical form to appear as a
Medium wolf, unique human, or hybrid.
Level 8 Solo Brute
XP 1,750
Initiative +7
Perception +6
Low-Light Vision
Savage Rebuke * At-Will
Trigger: When hit by a melee attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The werewolf makes a bite attack.
Skills Bluff +9, Insight +11, Intimidate +9, Nature +11
Str 21 (+9)
Dex 16 (+7)
Wis 14 (+6)
Con 18 (+8)
Int 10 (+4)
Cha 11 (+4)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 5 damage and the target is dazed (save ends).
The werewolf regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn and
has at least 1 hit point. When the werewolf takes damage from a
silvered weapon, its regeneration does not function on its next
Wis 12 (+4)
Cha 13 (+4)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment club, crossbow, crossbow bolts (20)
Medium natural humanoid (human)
Wis 12 (+4)
Cha 13 (+4)
Requirement: The werewolf must be in hybrid form.
Effect: The werewolf uses claws and bite. Then the werewolf takes
5 damage.
The werewolf gains 1 action point if it reduces a foe to 0 hit
R Bullseye Bolt * Recharge 5 6
8 Human Lackey (L)
Dex 11 (+3)
Int 10 (+3)
HP 432; Bloodied 216
AC 20; Fortitude 21; Reflex 20; Will 18
Speed 6 (8 in wolf form)
Immune moon frenzy (see below)
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Murderous Frenzy
m Club (weapon) * At-Will
Dex 16 (+6)
Int 12 (+4)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 8 damage.
XP 300
HP 62; Bloodied 31
AC 19; Fortitude 18; Reflex 19; Will 17
Speed 6
Str 14 (+5)
Con 14 (+5)
M Lycanthrope Fury * At-Will
m Claws * At-Will
Level 7 Minion Brute
XP 75
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
Initiative +3
AC 19; Fortitude 17; Reflex 14; Will 15
Perception +4
Speed 6
Mob Rule
A human lackey gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while at
least two other human lackeys are within 5 squares of it.
Requirement: The werewolf must be in wolf or hybrid form.
Attack: Melee 1 (one or two targets); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, or 3d8 + 7 against a bloodied target, and
the target falls prone.
m Bite (disease) * At-Will
Requirement: The werewolf must be in wolf or hybrid form.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage. At the end of the encounter, the target
makes a saving throw. On a failure, the target contracts
werewolf moon frenzy (stage 1).
Succubus (S)
the creature affected by the succubus's charming kiss.
Level 9 Controller
Medium immortal humanoid (devil, shapechanger)
HP 90; Bloodied 45
AC 23; Fortitude 19; Reflex 21; Will 23
Speed 6, fly 6
Resist 10 fire
XP 400
Initiative +8
Perception +8
m Corrupting Touch * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 3d6 + 6 damage.
M Charming Kiss (charm) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. Will
Hit: The target cannot attack the succubus. The effect lasts until
the succubus or one of its allies attacks the target, the succubus
drops to 0 hit points, or the succubus uses this power again. If
the target is affected by charming kiss at the end of the
encounter, the effect lasts until the succubus fails to kiss the
target during a 24-hour period. See also loyal consort.
R Dominate (charm) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +12 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated until the end of the succubus’s next
Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Insight +13
Str 11 (+4)
Dex 18 (+8)
Wis 19 (+8)
Con 10 (+4)
Int 15 (+6)
Cha 22 (+10)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Supernal
Legion Devil Hellguard
Level 11 Minion Soldier
Medium immortal humanoid (devil)
XP 150
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
Initiative +8
AC 27; Fortitude 24; Reflex 23; Will 21
Perception +6
Speed 6, teleport 3
Squad Defense
The legion devil hellguard gains a +2 bonus to its AC when
adjacent to at least one other legion devil.
m Longsword (fire, weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 9 damage, and the target takes 4 fire damage if it willingly
moves during its next turn.
Str 14 (+7)
Con 14 (+7)
Dex 12 (+6)
Int 10 (+5)
Wis 12 (+6)
Cha 12 (+6)
Alignment evil Languages Supernal
Equipment longsword
Loyal Consort (charm) * At-Will
Trigger: A melee or a ranged attack targets the succubus while it
is adjacent to a creature affected by its charming kiss.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The triggering attack instead targets
Medium immortal humanoid
HP 70; Bloodied 35
AC 22; Fortitude 17; Reflex 19; Will 18
Speed 5 Low-Light Vision
Resist 5 psychic
m Scimitar (psychic, weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in burst); +9 vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + 5 psychic damage, and the target is immobilized until
the end of the voidblade's next turn.
Skills Arcana +13, Dungeoneering +12, History +13, Nature
+12, Religion +13
Str 16 (+6)
Dex 14 (+5)
Wis 18 (+7)
Con 14 (+5)
Int 20 (+8)
Cha 14 (+5)
Alignment evil
Equipment scimitar
Languages Supernal
2 Eater of Knowledge Thoughtbows (T) Level 7 Artillery
Medium immortal humanoid
HP 64; Bloodied 32
AC 19; Fortitude 18; Reflex 20; Will 19
Speed 7
Resist 5 psychic
XP 300
Initiative +6
Perception +12
Low-Light Vision
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 2 psychic damage.
r Longbow (psychic, weapon) * At-Will
2 Eater of Knowledge Voidblades (2)
C Psychic Scream (psychic) * Recharge 5 6
m Scimitar (psychic, weapon) * At-Will
Change Shape (polymorph) * At-Will
Effect: The succubus alters its physical form to appear as a
Medium humanoid until it uses change shape again or until it
drops to 0 hit points. To assume a specific individual's form, the
succubus must have seen that individual. Other creatures can
make a DC 30 Insight check to discern that the form is a
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 psychic damage, and the target is marked until the
end of the voidblade's next turn. A marked target takes 5
psychic damage if it makes an attack that does not include the
Level 6 Soldier
XP 250
Initiative +7
Perception +7
Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 4 psychic damage.
A Arrowstorm (psychic, weapon) * Recharge 5 6
Requirements: Longbow.
Attack: Area burst 1 within 20 squares; (creatures in burst); +12
vs. Will
Hit: 2d10 + 4 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save
Skills Arcana +13, Dungeoneering +12, History +13, Nature
+12, Religion +13
Str 14 (+5)
Con 16 (+6)
Dex 16 (+6)
Int 21 (+8)
Wis 19 (+7)
Cha 14 (+5)
Arat Karavakos
Alignment evil
Languages Supernal
Equipment scimitar, longbow, arrow x20
Eater of Knowledge Mindstrike
XP 700
HP 174; Bloodied 87
AC 23; Fortitude 21; Reflex 23; Will 22
Speed 6
Resist 5 psychic
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Initiative +7
Perception +11
Low-Light Vision
Mindfield (psychic) * Aura 3
Enemies that enter or start their turn in the aura take 5 psychic
damage and a -2 penalty to Will defense.
m Scimitar (psychic, weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 3 psychic damage.
C Mindsurge * At-Will
Effect: Close burst 10; each ally in surge can make a basic attack.
M Mindwrack (psychic, weapon) * Recharge 5 6
Requirements: Scimitar.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 7 psychic damage, and the target can only make basic
attacks (save ends).
C Mindhowl (psychic) * Recharge 6
Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +11 vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 + 7 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Skills Arcana +15, Dungeoneering +14, History +15, Insight
+14, Nature +14, Religion +15
Str 19 (+8)
Dex 16 (+7)
Wis 21 (+9)
Con 15 (+6)
Int 23 (+10)
Cha 16 (+7)
Alignment evil
Languages Supernal
Level 10 Elite Artillery
Medium natural humanoid
Level 8 Elite Controller
Medium immortal humanoid
Dimension Door * Recharge 6
HP 156; Bloodied 78
AC 22; Fortitude 20; Reflex 24; Will 21
Speed 6
Resist 10 fire
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
XP 1 000
Initiative +7
Perception +7
Low-Light Vision
A tiefling gains a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied
r Magic Missile (force, implement) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature)
Hit: 10 force damage.
C Thunderwave (thunder, implement) * At-Will
Attack: Close burst 3 (creatures in burst); +15 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 9 thunder damage, and the target is pushed 2 square.
R Lightning Bolt (implement, lightning) * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Ranged 10 (targets 1 primary creature in range and 2
secondary targets within 10 squares of the primary target); +15
vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + 12 lightning damage to primary target, 2d6+12
lightning damage to secondary targets.
R Mordenkalnen's Sword (conjuration, force, implement) *
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d10 + 6 force damage.
Sustain minor: Sword attacks again.
Move action: Move the sword to a new target within range.
Second Wind (healing) * Encounter
Effect: Arat Karavakos spends a healing surge and regains 39 hit
points. He gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of his
next turn.
Effect: Teleport 10.
Infernal Wrath * Encounter
Effect: The tiefling’s next attack against a target that hit him since
his last turn gains a +1 power bonus to the attack roll and
pushes the target 1 square if it hits.
Staff of Storms (lightning, thunder) * Daily
Effect: After resolving a power that has the lightning or thunder
keyword, the staff deals 1d8 lightning and thunder damage to
every creature in a close blast 3.
Skills Arcana +15, Bluff +9, Stealth +9
Str 10 (+5)
Dex 14 (+7)
Con 12 (+6)
Int 20 (+10)
Wis 14 (+7)
Cha 14 (+7)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Equipment staff of storms +2
3 Eater of Knowledge Voidblades (2)
Level 6 Soldier
Medium immortal humanoid
HP 70; Bloodied 35
AC 22; Fortitude 17; Reflex 19; Will 18
Speed 5 Low-Light Vision
Resist 5 psychic
XP 250
Initiative +7
Perception +7
m Scimitar (psychic, weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 psychic damage, and the target is marked until the
end of the voidblade's next turn. A marked target takes 5
psychic damage if it makes an attack that does not include the
C Psychic Scream (psychic) * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in burst); +9 vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + 5 psychic damage, and the target is immobilized until
the end of the voidblade's next turn.
Skills Arcana +13, Dungeoneering +12, History +13, Nature
+12, Religion +13
Str 16 (+6)
Con 14 (+5)
Dex 14 (+5)
Int 20 (+8)
Alignment evil
Equipment scimitar
m Slam (cold) * At-Will
Wis 18 (+7)
Cha 14 (+5)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilized until the end
of the chillborn zombie’s next turn and takes ongoing 5 cold
damage (save ends).
Languages Supernal
Glyph of Ioun
Level 7 Warder
Immediate Reaction
Close burst 1
Targets: Creatures in burst
Attack: +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 4 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save
Effect: The burst becomes an aura around the statue. A creature
that enters or starts its turn in the aura is subject to the attack.
The size of the aura increases by 1 square each round (to a close
burst 2 on the second round, a close burst 3 on the third round,
and so on).
4 Chillborn Zombies (Z)
Medium natural animate (undead)
Level 6 Soldier
XP 250
HP 71; Bloodied 36
Initiative +5
AC 22; Fortitude 20; Reflex 16; Will 16
Perception +3
Speed 4
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 cold, 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 fire, 5 radiant
Chillborn Aura (cold) * Aura 2
Any creature that enters or begins its turn in the aura takes 5
cold damage. Multiple chillborn auras deal cumulative damage.
Ice Reaper (cold)
The chillborn zombie deals +5 cold damage to an immobilized
C Death Burst (cold)
Trigger: When reduced to 0 hit points.
Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in burst); +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 5 cold damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Str 19 (+7)
Con 15 (+5)
Dex 10 (+3)
Int 2 (–1)
Alignment unaligned
Wis 10 (+3)
Cha 6 (+1)
Trigger: The mezzodemon takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
thunder damage.
Effect (Free Action): The mezzodemon gains resist 10 to the
triggering damage type until the end of the encounter or until it
uses variable resistance again.
Skills Intimidate +11
Str 20 (+10)
Dex 15 (+7)
Con 17 (+8)
Int 10 (+5)
Alignment chaotic evil
Equipment trident
Wis 16 (+8)
Cha 13 (+6)
Languages Abyssal
Frigid Aura
Level 3 Obstacle
Languages —
Standard Action
Mezzodemon (M)
Level 11 Soldier
Medium elemental humanoid (demon)
HP 113; Bloodied 57
AC 27; Fortitude 25; Reflex 22; Will 23
Speed 6
Resist 20 poison
XP 600
Initiative +9
Perception +13
m Trident (weapon) * At-Will
Requirements: Requires trident.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage.
M Skewering Tines (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, ongoing 5 damage and the target is
restrained (save ends both). While the target is restrained, the
mezzodemon can't make trident attacks.
C Poison Breath (poison) * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in blast); +14 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 7 poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save
Variable Resistance * 2/Encounter
Area special; the outer chamber,
and if the doors are opened, the
hall and the inner chamber.
Targets: All creatures in rooms affected by the aura
Attack: +6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + 5 cold damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, but not slowed.
2 Dark Creepers (D)
Small shadow humanoid
HP 54; Bloodied 27
AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 17; Will 15
Speed 6
Combat Advantage
Level 4 Skirmisher
XP 175
Initiative +8
Perception +4
The dark creeper deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee and
ranged attacks against any target it has combat advantage
m Dagger (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1(one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 + 7 damage.
Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage, plus 1d8 fire damage.
Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 + 7 damage.
Effect: The dark creeper moves up to 4 squares, gains a +4 bonus
to AC against opportunity attacks, and gains combat advantage
against any target that it ends its move adjacent to.
C Killing Dark
Trigger: When reduced to 0 hit points.
Effect: Close burst 1 (enemies in burst); each target is blinded
(save ends). When slain, a dark creeper explodes in a spout of
Small natural animate (undead)
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 8 fire damage.
Attack: Area burst 3 within 20 (creatures in burst); +13 vs.
Hit: 3d6 + 10 fire damage.
Miss: Half damage. The flameskull can exclude two allies from
the effect.
Mage Hand (conjuration) * At-Will
Alignment unaligned
Level 8 Artillery
XP 350
HP 70; Bloodied 35
Initiative +7
AC 21; Fortitude 18; Reflex 23; Will 21
Perception +11
Speed 0, fly 10 (hover)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 fire, 5 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 radiant
The flameskull sheds bright light out to 5 squares, but it can
reduce its brightness to dim light out to 2 squares as a free
The flameskull regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn
and has at least 1 hit point.
Wis 14 (+6)
Cha 20 (+9)
Languages Common, one other
3 Cambion Hellswords (C)
Medium immortal humanoid (devil)
HP 106; Bloodied 53
AC 20; Fortitude 20; Reflex 18; Will 21
Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy)
Resist 10 fire
Whirlwind Charge
Level 8 Brute
XP 350
Initiative +8
Perception +7
When a hellsword charges an enemy, it makes a greatsword
attack against each enemy within its reach at the end of its
Triumphant Surge
The cambion hellsword gains 5 temporary hit points each time
it bloodies an enemy or reduces an enemy to 0 hit points.
m Greatsword (fire, weapon) * At-Will
Headless Corpse (C)
Level 8 Solo Controller
Medium shadow humanoid (undead)
Effect: As the wizard power mage hand.
Dex 16 (+7)
Int 22 (+10)
Wis 16 (+7)
Cha 21 (+9)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Supernal
Equipment chainmail, greatsword
A Fireball (fire) * Encounter
Skills Stealth +12
Str 5 (+1)
Con 16 (+7)
Wis 14 (+4)
Cha 13 (+3)
Alignment unaligned
Languages Common
Equipment black garments, dagger x5
Flameskull (F)
Skills Athletics +13, Intimidate +14
Str 20 (+9)
Dex 18 (+8)
Con 16 (+7)
Int 10 (+4)
R Flame Ray (fire) * At-Will
Dark Step * At-Will
Skills Stealth +11, Thievery +11
Str 11 (+2)
Dex 18 (+6)
Con 14 (+4)
Int 13 (+3)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
m Fiery Bite (fire) * At-Will
R Dagger (weapon) * At-Will
HP 440; Bloodied 220
AC 22; Fortitude 20; Reflex 20; Will 20
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
XP 1 750
Initiative +9
Perception +11
m Slam * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage.
m Double Slam * At-Will
Effect: The headless corpse makes two slam attacks.
r Ray of Ruin (arcane, necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save
A Winter's Wrath (arcane, cold, zone) * Encounter
Attack: Burst 2 within 10 squares (creatures in burst); +11 vs.
Hit: 2d8 + 7 cold damage. The blizzard remains until the end of
the headless corpse's next turn. Any creature that starts its turn
in the storm takes 4 cold damage.
M Razor Storm (arcane, force, zone) * Encounter
Stone Form * At-Will
Attack: Burst 2 within 10 squares (creatures that starts its turn in
the burst area); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 9 force damage, and the target is knocked prone. The
headless corpse is immune to this effect. As a move action, the
headless corpse can move this zone 4 squares. The zone lasts
until the end of the encounter.
Effect: The gargoyle enters stone form until it ends the effect as a
minor action. While in this form, it gains tremorsense 10 and
resist 25 to all damage, gains 5 temporary hit points at the start
of each of its turns, and cannot take actions except to end the
effect. When the gargoyle ends the effect, it gains a +20 bonus
to its next damage roll before the end of its next turn.
Phantom Step (arcane, illusion) * Recharge 6
Effect: the headless corpse turns invisible and can move 6
squares. It remains invisible until the end of its next turn.
Skills Stealth +12
Str 21 (+9)
Con 17 (+7)
Alignment evil
Dex 17 (+7)
Int 5 (+1)
Languages Primordial
C Force Wave (arcane, force) * once per round
Bloodfire Harpy (H)
Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in burst); +11 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 3 force damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares.
Medium fey humanoid
Skills Stealth +14
Str 11 (+4)
Con 16 (+7)
Alignment evil
Dex 20 (+9)
Int 18 (+8)
Wis 14 (+6)
Cha 19 (+8)
Languages Common, Elven
Medium elemental humanoid (earth)
HP 77; Bloodied 39
AC 23; Fortitude 21; Reflex 19; Will 19
Speed 6, fly 8
Level 9 Soldier
XP 400
HP 100; Bloodied 50
AC 25; Fortitude 23; Reflex 22; Will 23
Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy)
Resist 10 fire
Initiative +10
Perception +11
Burning Song (fire) * Aura 20
Clamping Stairs (T)
Level 7 Obstacle
Opportunity Action
Melee 1
Targets: The triggering creature
Attack: +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: The character takes 1d6 damage and is immobilized and
grants combat advantage to all attackers (save ends both).
Miss: The character is slowed (save ends).
Enemies within the aura at the start of their turns take 5 fire
damage (deafened creatures are immune).
2 Gargoyles (G)
Wis 17 (+7)
Cha 17 (+7)
Standard Action
Close special
Targets: Creatures in the trap’s area
Attack: +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: The character takes 2d6 damage and is knocked prone and
pushed 2 squares toward the central pit.
Miss: The character is pushed 1 square toward the central pit.
Special: If a character is pushed into the central pit from this
section of the stairway, the character falls 30 feet to the bottom
and takes 3d10 points of damage. The walls of the pit are
smooth, requiring DC 25 Athletic checks to climb. It is 20 feet
to climb to the first landing.
Level 9 Lurker
XP 400
Initiative +11
Perception +12
m Claw * At-Will
Attack. Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.
m Claw (fire) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage plus 1d8 fire damage.
C Cloud of Ash (fire) * Recharge 4 5 6
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in burst); +12 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 4 fire damage, The bloodfire harpy disgorges a cloud
of burning ash.and the target is blinded (save ends).
Str 15 (+6)
Con 20 (+9)
Dex 18 (+8)
Int 12 (+5)
M Swoop Attack * At-Will
Alignment evil
Effect: The gargoyle flies up to its fly speed and uses claw at the
end of the move. This movement does not provoke opportunity
attacks. If the attack hits, the target is knocked prone.
Shifting Stairs (S)
Wis 14 (+6)
Cha 21 (+9)
Languages Common
Level 7 Warder
2 Foulspawn Manglers (M)
Level 8 Skirmisher
Medium aberrant humanoid
XP 350
HP 86; Bloodied 43
AC 22 (24 while bloodied); Fortitude 19;
Reflex 20 (22 while bloodied); Will 19
Speed 7 (9 while bloodied)
Combat Advantage
Initiative +9
Perception +7
Low-Light Vision
Hit: 4d6 + 10 psychic damage, and the target is slowed (save
ends). If the target is already slowed, it is instead dazed (save
Berserker Aura * Aura 1
When a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, it must
choose its target at random from the potential targets in the
Mental Feedback (psychic)
The mangler deals an extra 2d6 damage against any creature
granting combat advantage to it.
Mangler’s Mobility
The foulspawn mangler gains a +5 racial bonus to AC against
opportunity attacks provoked by movement.
m Dagger (weapon) * At-Will
Whenever a creature targets the berserker with a charm attack,
the creature and the berserker each take 10 psychic damage.
m Greatsword (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC, or +16 vs. AC while
the berserker is bloodied
Hit: 2d10 + 6 damage, or 2d10 + 10 damage while the
berserker is bloodied.
Teleport (teleportation) * At-Will
Effect: The grue teleports up to 4 squares.
R Mind Worm (psychic) * Recharge when the target saves
against this power
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Will
Hit: The target is slowed and takes a -2 penalty to Will (save
ends both).
Skills Stealth +13
Str 8 (+3)
Con 15 (+6)
Alignment evil
Dex 19 (+8)
Int 11 (+4)
Wis 3 (+0)
Cha 16 (+7)
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10
M Berserker Charge * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 7 damage.
Effect: The berserker charges, and the charge attack deals a 5
extra damage on a hit.
R Thrown Daggers (weapon) * At-Will
Str 18 (+8)
Con 22 (+10)
Attack: Ranged 5 (one or two creatures); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 4 damage.
M Dagger Dance (weapon) * Recharge when first bloodied
Effect: The mangler uses dagger four times and can shift 1 square
after each attack.
Skills Athletics +10, Stealth +12
Str 13 (+5)
Dex 17 (+7)
Con 14 (+6)
Int 10 (+4)
Speed 7 (9 while bloodied)
Immune fear
Dex 12 (+5)
Int 8 (+3)
Wis 3 (+0)
Cha 12 (+5)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10
Equipment greatsword
Foulspawn Grue (G)
Level 8 Controller
Small aberrant humanoid
Wis 6 (+2)
Cha 14 (+6)
Alignment evil
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10
Equipment 8 daggers
XP 350
HP 87; Bloodied 43
AC 22; Fortitude 19; Reflex 21; Will 20
Speed 4
Initiative +8
Perception +5
Low-Light Vision
m Claw * At-Will
2 Foulspawn Berserkers (B)
Medium aberrant humanoid
HP 102; Bloodied 51
AC 25; Fortitude 23 (while bloodied);
Reflex 21; Will 21
Level 9 Soldier
XP 400
Initiative +7
Perception +0
Low-Light Vision
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 9 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). If the
target is already slowed, it is instead dazed (save ends).
R Whispers of Madness (psychic) * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Ranged 5 (one nondeafened creature); +11 vs. Will
Medusa Archer (M)
Level 10 Elite Controller
Medium natural humanoid
HP 212; Bloodied 106
AC 26; Fortitude 21; Reflex 23; Will 21
Speed 6
Immune petrification; Resist 10 poison
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Con 18 (+9)
Int 12 (+6)
Cha 19 (+9)
When a creature in the aura makes a melee attack, it must
choose its target at random from the potential targets in the
Alignment evil Languages Common
Equipment hooded cloak, longbow, arrows (30)
Mental Feedback (psychic)
XP 1,000
Initiative +10
Perception +13
m Serpent Hair (poison) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 poison damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to
saving throws until the end of the medusa’s next turn).
r Longbow (poison, weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 5 damage, and the medusa archer makes a
secondary attack against the same target.
Secondary Attack: +13 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target takes ongoing 10 poison damage and is slowed
(save ends both).
Petrifying Stare * At-Will
Trigger. An enemy starts its turn within 2 squares of the medusa.
Effect (Opportunity Action): Close blast 2 (triggering enemy in the
blast). The target is slowed (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized instead of
slowed (save ends).
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is petrified until one of
the following conditions is satisfied.
♦ The use of an appropriate power, such as divine cleansing.
♦ The willing kiss of the medusa that petrified the creature (a
medusa might do this to gain information or to luxuriate in
the victim's fear before returning it to stone).
♦ The medusa responsible for the petrification is killed and
its blood is applied to the stony lips of the victim before a
full day passes.
Skills Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidate +16, Stealth +15
Str 14 (+7)
Dex 21 (+10)
Wis 17 (+8)
Ogre Warhulk (O)
Level 11 Elite Brute
Large natural humanoid
XP 1,200
HP 282; Bloodied 141
AC 23; Fortitude 25; Reflex 21; Will 21
Speed 8
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Initiative +7
Perception +7
m Heavy Flail (weapon) * At-Will
Str 18 (+8)
Con 22 (+10)
Requirements: Requires heavy flail.
Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in burst); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 4d8 + 6 damage, and a Medium or smaller target is
knocked prone.
Wis 15 (+7)
Cha 6 (+3)
HP 102; Bloodied 51
AC 25; Fortitude 23 (while bloodied);
Reflex 21; Will 21
Speed 7 (9 while bloodied)
Immune fear
Berserker Aura * Aura 1
Wis 3 (+0)
Cha 12 (+5)
Destrachan (D)
Level 9 Artillery
Large aberrant magical beast (blind)
Medium aberrant humanoid
Dex 12 (+5)
Int 8 (+3)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10
Equipment greatsword
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant
Equipment heavy flail, hide armor
2 Foulspawn Berserkers (B)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC, or +16 vs. AC while
the berserker is bloodied
Hit: 2d10 + 6 damage, or 2d10 + 10 damage while the
berserker is bloodied.
Effect: The berserker charges, and the charge attack deals a 5
extra damage on a hit.
C Flail Hurricane (weapon) * Encounter
Dex 15 (+7)
Int 4 (+2)
m Greatsword (weapon) * At-Will
M Berserker Charge * At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 4d8 + 6 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Str 24 (+12)
Con 21 (+10)
Whenever a creature targets the berserker with a charm attack,
the creature and the berserker each take 10 psychic damage.
Level 9 Soldier
XP 400
Initiative +7
Perception +0
Low-Light Vision
HP 80; Bloodied 40
AC 22; Fortitude 24; Reflex 21; Will 20
Speed 6, climb 3
Immune gaze; Resist 10 thunder
XP 400
Initiative +8
Perception +11
Blindsight 10
m Claw * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage.
R Sound Pulse (thunder) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 8 thunder damage.
C Bellowing Blast (thunder) * Recharge 3 4 5 6
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +13 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 8 thunder damage and target is dazed (save ends).
Skills Bluff +9, Stealth +13
Str 18 (+8)
Dex 18 (+8)
Con 20 (+9)
Int 7 (+2)
Alignment evil
Wis 14 (+6)
Cha 10 (+4)
3 Foulspawn Manglers (M)
Languages Deep Speech
Grick Alpha (G)
XP 400
HP 116; Bloodied 58
AC 21; Fortitude 22; Reflex 17; Will 18
Speed 7, climb 4
Resist 5 against effects that target AC
XP 350
HP 86; Bloodied 43
AC 22 (24 while bloodied); Fortitude 19;
Reflex 20 (22 while bloodied); Will 19
Speed 7 (9 while bloodied)
Combat Advantage
Level 9 Brute (Leader)
Large aberrant beast
Level 8 Skirmisher
Medium aberrant humanoid
Initiative +5
Perception +11
Initiative +9
Perception +7
Low-Light Vision
The mangler deals an extra 2d6 damage against any creature
granting combat advantage to it.
Mangler’s Mobility
Expert Flanker
The foulspawn mangler gains a +5 racial bonus to AC against
opportunity attacks provoked by movement.
The grick alpha gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against an
enemy it is flanking.
Pinning Grip
m Dagger (weapon) * At-Will
The grick alpha’s allies gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls against an
enemy grabbed by this creature.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 7 damage.
m Tentacle Rake * At-Will
R Thrown Daggers (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 8 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape)
and takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Attack: Ranged 5 (one or two creatures); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 4 damage.
M Vicious Bite * At-Will
M Dagger Dance (weapon) * Recharge when first bloodied
Effect: The mangler uses dagger four times and can shift 1 square
after each attack.
Effect: Grabbed target only; automatic hit; 2d8+4 damage.
Skills Endurance +12, Stealth +10
Str 20 (+9)
Dex 13 (+5)
Con 16 (+7)
Int 2 (+0)
Alignment unaligned
Skills Athletics +10, Stealth +12
Str 13 (+5)
Dex 17 (+7)
Con 14 (+6)
Int 10 (+4)
Wis 15 (+6)
Cha 7 (+2)
Wis 6 (+2)
Cha 14 (+6)
Alignment evil
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10
Equipment 8 daggers
Languages —
Foulspawn Seer (S)
Level 11 Artillery (Leader)
Medium aberrant humanoid
HP 86; Bloodied 43
AC 25; Fortitude 21; Reflex 25; Will 23
Speed 6
XP 600
Initiative +7
Perception +9
Low-Light Vision
Mob Rule
Foul Insight * Aura 10
delay or ready actions, and on each turn it gains one standard
action. It can use one immediate action between each turn.
Any ally in the aura that can hear the seer gains a +2 power
bonus to one attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving
throw on its turn.
The human rabble gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while
at least two other human rabble are within 5 squares of it.
m Twisted Staff (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 5 damage.
Aura of Madness
r Prismatic Surge (cold, fire, lightning) * At-Will
Trigger: When a creature starts its turn within 3 squares of the
human rabble.
Effect (Opportunity): The human rabble slides the triggering
creature 1 square.
C Tentacle Flurry * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 10 damage, and the seer can push the target 1
R Warp Orb (psychic) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +16 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 5 psychic damage, and the target is slowed (save
ends). If the target is already slowed, it is instead dazed (save
C Distortion Blast * Daily
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +14 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + 8 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). If the
target is aberrant, the damage is halved.
Teleport (teleportation) * At-Will
Effect: The grue teleports up to 4 squares.
Bend Space (teleportation) * Recharge 5 6
Trigger: An attack hits the seer.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The seer teleports up to 3 squares.
Str 10 (+5)
Con 14 (+7)
Alignment evil
Equipment staff
Dex 14 (+7)
Int 22 (+11)
Wis 8 (+4)
Cha 18 (+9)
Medium natural humanoid
Psychic Feedback (psychic)
Trigger: When the human rabble drops to 0 hit points.
Effect: Each enemy adjacent to one or more human rabble takes
2 psychic damage.
Str 14 (+3)
Con 12 (+2)
Dex 10 (+1)
Int 9 (+0)
Alignment unaligned
Equipment club
Wis 10 (+1)
Cha 11 (+1)
Level 2 Minion
XP 31
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
Initiative +1
AC 15; Fortitude 13; Reflex 11; Will 11
Perception +1
Speed 6
Attack: Close burst 3 (creatures in burst); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, and the target slides 2 squares.
C Vortex of Madness (psychic) * Recharge when first
Attack: Close burst 5 (creatures in burst); +13 vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 + 9 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends).
Warped Storm (teleportation) * At-Will
Languages Common
Trigger: When hit by an attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The attacker teleports 3 squares.
Skills Arcana +13
Str 24 (+12)
Con 21 (+10)
Far Realm Abomination (A)
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, and the target slides 2 squares.
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +13 vs. all defenses, the beam
hits if it hits any defense
Effect: 2d8 + 4 cold, fire, and lightning damage.
Dex 13 (+6)
Int 16 (+8)
Wis 9 (+4)
Cha 22 (+11)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10
Level 10 Solo Controller
Large aberrant humanoid
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10
12 Crazed Human Rabble (H)
m Club (weapon) * At-Will
m Tentacle Lash * At-Will
XP 2,500
HP 436; Bloodied 218
AC 24; Fortitude 24; Reflex 20; Will 21
Speed 0 (6 when freed)
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Splintered Mind
Initiative +6
Perception +9
Low-Light Vision
The far realm abomination’s mind has been splintered into
three distinct beings. Rather than roll initiative, it acts three
times per round on initiative count 25, 15, and 5. It cannot
Prismatic Vortex
Level 10 Obstacle
Standard Action
Close burst 2
Targets: All creatures in or within 2 squares of the vortex
Attack: +13 vs. all defenses
Hit: For each defense hit, the target takes 1d8 damage. If two or
more defenses are hit, the target is pulled 2 squares into the
vortex or is knocked prone if it is already within the vortex.
Con 10 (+4)
Eladrin Blizzard Speaker (S)
Level 8 Elite Controller
Medium fey humanoid (eladrin)
XP 700
HP 164; Bloodied 82
Initiative +7
AC 24; Fortitude 20; Reflex 24; Will 22
Perception +5
Speed 6 (ice walk)
Low-Light Vision
Resist 10 cold
Saving Throws +2, +7 against charm effects; Action Points 1
Body of Ice
Any creature that hits the blizzard speaker with a melee attack
is slowed until the end of that creature’s next turn.
m Spear (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of
the blizzard speaker's next turn.
R Freezing Bolt (cold) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 3 cold damage, and the target is immobilized until
the end of the blizzard speaker's next turn.
R Winter Wind (cold, teleportation) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 3 cold damage, and the target is teleported up to 3
squares. The target cannot be teleported into an unsafe space.
C Dazzling Snow (cold) * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +11 vs. Will
Hit: 2d10 + 5 cold damage, and the target is blinded until the
end of the blizzard speaker's next turn.
Icy Step (teleportation) * At-Will
Effect: The blizzard speaker can teleport to any square in sight as
long as both the origin and the destination squares are icy
Skills Arcana +16, History +16, Nature +10
Str 12 (+5)
Dex 16 (+7)
Wis 12 (+5)
Int 20 (+9)
Alignment unaligned
Equipment robes, spear
Cha 16 (+7)
Languages Common, Elven
2 Eladrin Winter Knights (K)
Level 7 Soldier (Leader)
Medium fey humanoid (eladrin)
HP 77; Bloodied 39
AC 23; Fortitude 17; Reflex 19; Will 17
Speed 5 (ice walk)
Resist 5 cold
Saving Throws +5 against charm effects
XP 300
Initiative +11
Perception +4
Low-Light Vision
Feywild Tactics * Aura 10
Fey creatures in the aura score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20
(a roll of 19 is not an automatic hit, however).
m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage.
R Feywild Challenge * Encounter
Effect: Ranged 10 (one target); the target is marked until the end
of the encounter or until the eladrin winter knight dies, taking 4
damage each round it does not attack the eladrin winter knight.
Fey Step (teleportation) * Encounter
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 5 cold damage, and the target is restrained until the
end of the eladrin winter knight's next turn. The eladrin winter
knight cannot attack with its longsword while the target is
Skills Athletics +12, Arcana +7, History +7, Nature +9
Str 18 (+7)
Dex 22 (+9)
Wis 13 (+4)
Con 13 (+4)
Int 14 (+5)
Cha 16 (+6)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Equipment chainmail, light shield, longsword
6 Eladrin Blades of Winter (B)
Level 7 Soldier Minion
Medium fey humanoid (eladrin)
Wintry Wounding
A blade of winter’s basic attack deals 1 extra point of cold
damage for each blade of winter adjacent to the target.
m Longsword (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 8 damage.
Effect: The eladrin winter knight can teleport 5 squares.
Fey Step (teleportation) * Encounter
Harvest's Sorrow * At-Will
Str 16 (+6)
Con 14 (+5)
Trigger: When an ally within 5 squares of the eladrin winter
knight is damaged.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): Half the attack's damage is negated,
and the eladrin fey knight takes the other half.
XP 75
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
Initiative +6
AC 23; Fortitude 19; Reflex 19; Will 18
Perception +4
Speed 6 (ice walk)
Low-Light Vision
Resist 5 cold
Effect: The blade of winter can teleport 5 squares.
Dex 16 (+6)
Int 10 (+3)
Alignment unaligned
Wis 12 (+4)
Cha 15 (+5)
Languages Common, Elven
M Stab of the Frozen Wild (cold, weapon) * Recharge 5 6
Action: Standard or Opportunity.
Requirements: Requires longsword.
Treacherous Ice Sheet
Level 5 Obstacle
Opportunity Action
Targets: Creature on the ice
Attack: +8 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage and fall prone. If the creature is already
prone, no damage but its turn ends immediately.
Hit: 4d12 + 8 cold damage.
Miss: 1d12 cold damage
8 Charnel Rats (R)
M Claw * At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 8 damage.
M Dragon’s Fury * At-Will
Effect: The dragon uses claw twice.
C Breath Weapon (cold) * Recharge 5 6
Adult White Dragon
Large natural magical beast (dragon)
HP 484; Bloodied 242
AC 23; Fortitude 23, Reflex 19, Will 21
Speed 6 (ice walk), fly 6
Resist 10 cold
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Level 9 Solo Brute
XP 2,000
Initiative +5
Perception +11
Action Recovery
Whenever the dragon ends its turn, any dazing, stunning, or
dominating effect on it ends.
Instinctive Dark Assault
On an initiative of 10 + the dragon's initiative check, the dragon
can move up to its speed as a free action. The dragon can move
through enemies' spaces and gains resist 5 to all damage during
the move. Each time the dragon enters an enemy's space for the
first time during the move, it can use claw against that enemy. If
the attack hits, the target also falls prone. If the dragon cannot
use a free action to take this move due to a dominating or
stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of the dragon
making this move.
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +12 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 5d8 + 10 cold damage, and the target is slowed (save ends.)
Miss: Half damage.
M Tail Slap * At-Will
Trigger: An enemy hits the dragon while flanking it.
Attack (Free Action): Melee 2 (triggering enemy); +12 vs.
Hit: 3d8 + 8 damage, and the dragon pushes the target up to 5
Level 7 Minion Skirmisher
Small natural beast
XP 75
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +8
AC 21; Fortitude 18, Reflex 21, Will 20
Perception +4
Speed 6, climb 3
Low- light vision
Aura of Rot * Aura 1
An enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a charnel rat takes 3
m Bite * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 8 damage.
Str 15 (+5)
Con 15 (+5)
Dex 20 (+8)
Int 4 (+0)
Alignment evil
Wis 13 (+4)
Cha 6 (+1)
Languages –
C Bloodied Breath * Encounter
Trigger: The dragon is first bloodied.
Effect (Free Action): Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon
uses it.
Skills Athletics +16
Str 20 (+11)
Dex 13 (+5)
Con 21 (+11) Int 10 (+4)
Alignment evil
Wis 15 (+6)
Cha 10 (+4)
Languages Common, Draconic
3 Battle Wights (B)
Level 9 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (undead)
HP 98; Bloodied 49
AC 25; Fortitude 22; Reflex 18; Will 22
Speed 5
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 radiant
XP 400
Initiative +7
Perception +3
m Soul-Draining Longsword (necrotic, weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 5 necrotic damage, and the target loses a healing
surge, and is immobilized until the end of its next turn.
Savage Blood
R Soul Reaping (healing, necrotic) * Recharge 5 6
While bloodied, the dragon can score a critical hit on a roll of
Attack: Ranged 5 (one immobilized target); +12 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + 9 necrotic damage, and the battle wight regains 10
hit points.
m Bite (cold) * At-Will
Skills Intimidate +14
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Str 20 (+9)
Con 18 (+8)
Dex 13 (+5)
Int 12 (+5)
Wis 9 (+3)
Cha 20 (+9)
of its next turn.
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, longsword
Frightful Wraith (W)
Undead allies in the aura gain regeneration 5 and a +2 bonus to
saving throws. This aura ends when the skull of death’s
command (see below) is destroyed.
m Bone Staff (necrotic, weapon) * At-Will
Level 7 Lurker
Medium shadow humanoid (undead)
HP 66; Bloodied 33
AC 21; Fortitude 19; Reflex 20; Will 17
Speed 0, fly 6 (hover); phasing
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Master of the Grave (healing) * Aura 2
Skills Stealth +13
Str 4 (+0)
Dex 20 (+8)
Wis 10 (+3)
Con 18 (+7)
Int 6 (+1)
Cha 15 (+5)
Alignment chaotic evil
Languages Common
XP 300
Initiative +12
Perception +3
The wraith takes half damage from all attacks, except those that
deal force damage. Whenever the wraith takes radiant damage,
it loses this trait until the start of its next turn.
Spawn Wraith
When the wraith kills a humanoid, that humanoid becomes a
wraith figment at the start of this wraith's next turn. The new
wraith appears in the space where the humanoid died or in the
nearest unoccupied square, and it rolls a new initiative check.
The new wraith acts under the Dungeon Master's control.
m Shadow Touch (necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save
C Frightful Moan (fear, necrotic) * Recharge 5 6
Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in burst); +10 vs. Will
Hit: The target is pushed 3 squares and is dazed (save ends).
Shadow Glide (teleportation) * At-Will
Trigger: An attack that does not deal force or radiant damage hits
the wraith.
Effect (Free Action): The wraith becomes invisible until it hits or
misses with an attack or until the end of the encounter. The
wraith teleports up to 6 squares and cannot attack until the end
4 Vampire Spawn Bloodhunters (V)
Level 10 Minion
Medium natural humanoid (undead)
XP 125
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
Initiative +6
AC 25; Fortitude 22; Reflex 23; Will 22
Perception +6
Speed 7, climb 4 (spider climb)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Destroyed by Sunlight
A vampire spawn that begins its turn in direct sunlight can take
only a single move action on its turn. If it ends the turn in direct
sunlight, it burns to ash and is destroyed.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 9 damage plus 1d8 necrotic damage.
R Skull of Bonechilling Fear (cold, fear) * At-Will 1/round
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +15 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + 6 cold damage, and the target is pushed 5 squares.
R Skull of Death’s Command (necrotic) * At-Will 1/round
Effect: Ranged 10 (one creature); the skull lord restores a
destroyed undead minion within range. The restored undead
minion’s level must be no higher than the skull lord’s level +2.
The restored minion stands in the space where it fell (or in any
adjacent space, if that space is occupied) as a free action, has full
normal hit points, and can take actions (as normal) on its next
m Claw (necrotic) * At-Will
R Skull of Withering Flame (fire, necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 9 necrotic damage (11 necrotic damage against a bloodied
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +15 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 9 fire and necrotic damage.
Str 14 (+7)
Con 14 (+7)
Triple Skulls (healing) * At-Will
Alignment evil
Skull Lord (S)
Dex 16 (+8)
Int 10 (+5)
Wis 12 (+6)
Cha 14 (+7)
Languages Common
Level 10 Artillery (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid (undead)
HP 40; Bloodied 20
AC 24; Fortitude 21; Reflex 22; Will 23
Speed 6
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 radiant
XP 500
Initiative +8
Perception +7
Trigger: The skull lord is reduced to 0 hit points
Effect: One of its skulls (determined randomly) is destroyed. If
the creature has any skulls remaining, it instantly heals to full
hit points (40 hit points). When all three skulls are destroyed,
the skull lord is destroyed as well.
Skills Bluff +15, Insight +12, Intimidate +15
Str 14 (+7)
Dex 16 (+8)
Wis 15 (+7)
Con 17 (+8)
Int 16 (+8)
Cha 21 (+10)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Equipment 3 iron crowns, staff implement
3 Skeletal Tomb Guardians (T)
The bonecrusher skeleton can make opportunity attacks against
all enemies within its reach (2 squares).
Level 10 Brute
Medium natural animate (undead)
XP 500
HP 126; Bloodied 63
Initiative +10
AC 23; Fortitude 22; Reflex 23; Will 20
Perception +12
Speed 8
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 radiant
m Greatclub (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage.
M Crushing Blow (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 8 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and
knocked prone.
m Twin Scimitar Strike (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (two attacks against the same target); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage (crit 3d8+12). This also holds true for
opportunity attacks.
Str 20 (+8)
Con 16 (+6)
M Cascade of Steel (weapon) * At-Will
Alignment unaligned
Equipment greatclub
Effect: The skeletal tomb guardian makes two twin scimitar strike
attacks (four scimitar attacks total).
Languages —
Level 8 Artillery
Small natural animate (undead)
XP 350
HP 70; Bloodied 35
Initiative +7
AC 21; Fortitude 18; Reflex 23; Will 21
Perception +11
Speed 0, fly 10 (hover)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 fire, 5 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 radiant
Trigger: When an adjacent enemy shifts.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The skeletal tomb guardian makes a
melee basic attack against the enemy.
Dex 20 (+10)
Int 3 (+1)
Wis 16 (+6)
Cha 3 (–1)
2 Flameskulls (F)
M Sudden Strike (weapon) * At-Will
Str 18 (+9)
Con 16 (+8)
Dex 21 (+8)
Int 3 (–1)
Wis 14 (+7)
Cha 3 (+1)
Alignment unaligned Languages —
Equipment scimitar x4
The flameskull sheds bright light out to 5 squares, but it can
reduce its brightness to dim light out to 2 squares as a free
3 Bonecrusher Skeletons (S)
Large natural animate (undead)
HP 80; Bloodied 40
AC 22; Fortitude 21; Reflex 21; Will 19
Speed 8
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 radiant
Threatening Reach
Level 7 Soldier
XP 300
Initiative +10
Perception +6
The flameskull regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn
and has at least 1 hit point.
m Fiery Bite (fire) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage, plus 1d8 fire damage.
R Flame Ray (fire) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 8 fire damage.
A Fireball (fire) * Encounter
Attack: Area burst 3 within 20 (creatures in burst); +13 vs.
Hit: 3d6 + 10 fire damage.
Miss: Half damage. The flameskull can exclude two allies from
the effect.
Mage Hand (conjuration) * At-Will
Effect: As the wizard power mage hand.
Skills Stealth +12
Str 5 (+1)
Con 16 (+7)
Dex 16 (+7)
Int 22 (+10)
Alignment unaligned
Wis 14 (+6)
Cha 20 (+9)
Languages Common, one other
Kravak the Damned (K)
Level 10 Elite Controller
Medium natural humanoid
XP 1,000
HP 200; Bloodied 100
AC 27; Fortitude 21; Reflex 27; Will 24
Speed 6
Resist 10 fire, 10 necrotic
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Initiative +7
Perception +7
Low-Light Vision
A tiefling gains a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied
r Screaming Skull (implement, necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 6 necrotic damage.
C Death's Rebuke (implement, necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in burst); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 9 necrotic damage, and the target is pushed 1 square.
A Deathstorm (cold, implement, necrotic) * Recharge 5 6
Hit: 3d8 + 9 cold and necrotic damage. Area is filled with
swarming spirits until the end of Kravak's next turn: it grants
concealment, and any creature that starts its turn in the area
takes 5 cold and necrotic damage. Kravak can end this effect as
a minor action.
R Clutch of Death (cold, conjuration, implement, necrotic) *
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + 9 cold and necrotic damage, and a spectral hand
grabs the target. If the target attempts to escape, the hand uses
Kravak's Fortitude or Reflex defense.
Sustain minor: A grabbed target takes 2d8+9 cold and necrotic
damage when Kravak sustains the power. As a standard action,
Kravak can attack another target with the hand, but it must
release a target it has grabbed.
Grasping Bones
Level 10 Obstacle
Opportunity Action
Targets: Creatures in affected square
Attack: +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 9 necrotic damage and target is restrained. The
target can escape with a DC 26 Acrobatics or Athletics check.
A character that starts his turn restrained by the bones takes 5
Second Wind (healing) * Encounter
Effect: Kravat spends a healing surge and regains 50 hit points.
He gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of his next
Dimension Door (teleportation) * Recharge 6
Effect: Teleport 10.
Infernal Wrath * Encounter
Effect: The tiefling’s next attack against a target that hit him since
his last turn gains a +1 power bonus to the attack roll and
pushes the target 1 square if it hits.
Cloak of Resistance * Daily
Effect: Kravak gains resist 10 to all damage until the start of his
next turn.
Skills Arcana +15, Bluff +9, Stealth +9
Str 10 (+5)
Dex 14 (+7)
Con 12 (+6)
Int 20 (+10)
Wis 14 (+7)
Cha 14 (+7)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Equipment cloak of resistance +3
Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (creatures in burst); +13 vs.
2 Skeletal Tomb Guardians (T)
Level 10 Brute
Medium natural animate (undead)
XP 500
HP 126; Bloodied 63
Initiative +10
AC 23; Fortitude 22; Reflex 23; Will 20
Perception +12
Speed 8
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic;
Vulnerable 5 radiant
m Twin Scimitar Strike (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (two attacks against the same target); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage (crit 3d8+12). This also holds true for
opportunity attacks.
M Cascade of Steel (weapon) * At-Will
Effect: The skeletal tomb guardian makes two twin scimitar strike
attacks (four scimitar attacks total).
damage, it loses this trait until the start of its next turn.
Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 8 damage.
m Spirit Touch (necrotic) * At-Will
A Dark Fog (zone) * Encounter
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + 4 necrotic damage.
Effect: Area burst 4 within 10; creates a zone of darkness that
blocks line of sight (creatures with darkvision ignore this effect).
R Death’s Visage (fear, psychic) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +15 vs. Will
Hit: 3d6 + 10 psychic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty
to all defenses (save ends).
C Terrifying Shriek (fear, psychic) * Recharge 5
Attack: Close Burst 5 (enemies in burst); +15 vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 + 7 psychic damage, the banshee pushes the target 5
squares, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Skills Stealth +13
Str 14 (+8)
Con 13 (+7)
Dex 15 (+8)
Int 10 (+6)
Alignment unaligned
Wis 14 (+8)
Cha 17 (+9)
Str 18 (+9)
Con 16 (+8)
Dex 20 (+10)
Int 3 (+1)
Wis 14 (+7)
Cha 3 (+1)
Alignment unaligned Languages —
Equipment scimitar x4
Wailing Ghost, Banshee (G)
Level 12 Controller
Medium shadow humanoid (undead)
HP 91; Bloodied 46
AC 23; Fortitude 23; Reflex 23; Will 24
Speed 0, fly 6 (hover), phasing
Immune disease, poison
Level 10 Lurker
Small shadow humanoid
XP 700
Initiative +8
Perception +13
The banshee takes half damage from all attacks, except those
that deal force damage. Whenever the banshee takes radiant
XP 500
HP 81; Bloodied 41
AC 24; Fortitude 21; Reflex 24; Will 23
Speed 6
Combat Advantage
Initiative +14
Perception +7
The dark stalker deals an extra 2d6 damage on melee and
ranged attacks against any target it has combat advantage
m Scimitar (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage (crit 2d8 + 9).
R Dagger (weapon) * At-Will
Invisibility (illusion) * Recharge 3 4 5 6
Effect: The dark stalker becomes invisible until the end of its next
Trigger: When reduced to 0 hit points.
Effect: Close burst 1 (targets enemies); each target is blinded
(save ends). When slain, a dark stalker explodes in a spout of
4 Dark Stalkers (S)
Effect: The dark stalker moves up to 4 squares, gains a +4 bonus
to AC against opportunity attacks, and gains combat advantage
against any target that it ends its move adjacent to.
C Killing Dark
Languages Common
M Sudden Strike (weapon) * At-Will
Trigger: When an adjacent enemy shifts.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The skeletal tomb guardian makes a
melee basic attack against the enemy.
Dark Step * At-Will
Skills Stealth +15, Thievery +15
Str 12 (+6)
Dex 21 (+10)
Con 15 (+7)
Int 14 (+7)
Wis 14 (+7)
Cha 19 (+9)
Alignment unaligned
Languages Common
Equipment black garments, scimitar, dagger x4
Karavakos’s Shadow (K)
Level 11 Controller
Medium shadow humanoid
HP 80; Bloodied 40
AC 25; Fortitude 23; Reflex 23; Will 23
Speed 6
Combat Advantage
XP 600
Initiative +9
Perception +12
The shadow deals +1d6 damage on melee and ranged attacks
against any target it has combat advantage against.
Karavakos shadow takes half damage from all attacks, except
those that deal force damage. Whenever Karavakos shadow
takes radiant damage, it loses this trait until the start of its next
m Shadow Touch (necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 7 necrotic damage and target blinded (save ends).
r Shadow Bolt (necrotic) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +14 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 7 necrotic damage and target is blinded (save ends).
A Shadow Storm (necrotic, zone) * Encounter
Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (enemies in burst); +14 vs.
Hit: 3d8 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target is pushed 3
squares; swirling area of black energy grants concealment,
repeat this effect's attack when the Shadow sustains it.
C Devouring Dark (necrotic) * Encounter
Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in burst); +14 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + 11 necrotic damage and targets are teleported 3
squares to a destination of the Shadow's choice.
Shadow Form • At-Will
Effect: The Shadow gains phasing until the end of his next turn
and can move up to 4 squares.
Skills Arcana +14, Bluff +14, Diplomacy +14, Stealth +14
Str 12 (+6)
Dex 18 (+9)
Wis 15 (+7)
Con 17 (+8)
Int 19 (+9)
Cha 18 (+9)
Alignment unaligned
Languages Common
Karavakos (K)
Level 15 Elite Artillery
Medium natural humanoid
HP 226; Bloodied 113
AC 29; Fortitude 29; Reflex 32; Will 29
Speed 6
Resist 12 fire
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Deathless Echoes
XP 2,400
Initiative +8
Perception +8
Low-Light Vision
If at least one of the false shards on this level is alive, Karavakos
cannot be reduced to fewer than 1 hit point by any means.
Mind Swap * At-Will
Effect: Ranged 10; Ranged 10; swap positions with a false shard.
Infernal Wrath * Encounter
Effect: Gain +1 one attack and +3 damage to his next attack
against a foe who hit Karavakos since his last turn.
Skills Arcana +18, Bluff +12, Insight +13, Religion +18, Stealth
+10, Diplomacy +15
Str 11 (+7)
Dex 13 (+8)
Wis 12 (+8)
Con 17 (+10)
Int 22 (+13)
Cha 17 (+10)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Equipment robes, dagger, ritual book, staff implement
+1 racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes.
False Shard (S)
m Dagger (weapon) * At-Will
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
Initiative +8
AC 23; Fortitude 22; Reflex 23; Will 22
Perception +6
Speed 6
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC
Hit: 4d4 + 7 damage.
A Scorching Burst (fire, implement) * At-Will
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 squares (creatures in burst); +20
vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + 11 fire damage.
C Thunderlance (implement, thunder) * Encounter
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +20 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d6 + 15 thunder damage, and the target is pushed 4
C Blast of Cold (arcane, cold, implement) * Encounter
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +20 vs. Reflex
Hit: 6d8 + 12 cold damage, and the target is immobilized (save
ends). On a miss, half damage and the target is slowed (save
Level 10 Artillery Minion
Medium shadow humanoid
XP 125
m Dagger (weapon) * At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 5 damage.
r Force Blast (force) * At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 10 damage.
Str 12 (+6)
Con 15 (+7)
Dex 16 (+8)
Int 13 (+6)
Wis 12 (+6)
Cha 15 (+7)
Alignment evil
Languages Common
Equipment robes, dagger, staff implement
R Dispel Magic (arcane) * Encounter
Attack: Ranged 10; (one creature) +20 vs. Will
Effect: +20 vs. the Will defense of targeted zone or conjuration.
On a hit, destroy the zone or conjuration.