MAY/JUNE 1975 Vol. XXIX No. 4 MINUTES OF THE MAY 9th, 1975 MEETING OF THE NCDXC, INC. THE DX'ER THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DX CLVB, INC. P. 0. BOX 608, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 Published Monthly for the benefit and interest of its members. FOUNDED Jack Troster Ken Anderson E. Howard Hale John Brand Don Schliesser Robert Smithwick Bob Thompson Treasure~ Directors Q~ The treasurer reported a balance of $2081.00. 1946 -OFFICERS·President Vice Pres. Secretary The May I9 7 5 meeting vra"> held at the Hyatt-Cabana Hotel in Palo Alto with Vice President Ken Anderson, K6CQF, presiding. W6ISQ K6CQF W6SC K6RXZ W6MAV W6JZU K6SSj 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 Permission to reproduce any or all pprts of the DX'ER is allowed provided that credit is given the DX'ER. The: secretary rP-ad the minutes of the April 11th regular meeting and the minutes of the April 30 Board of Directors. - They were approved after additions, to-wit: · W6MUR suggested addition of the f9llowing (April 11 minutes): The President apologized to speaker of evening for very loud Rock Band music emanating from adjoining room. K6SSJ suggested addition to Board Meeting minutes: CONTEST AND AWARDS: Bi-Centennial contests and awards begi:h as of 0000 hrs. GMT 1 January 1976. Second readings were given 'the appHeimo Kinnari, -0H5VTtW£and Steve Adair, WA6WEI, and both were voted into full membership. ~ ~icat4ons -of 0 ~ 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 CLUB REPEATER WR6ACZ Input Frequency Output Frequency Suggested Simple~ Freq. 147.96 MHz. 147.36 MHz. 147.54 MHz. The NCDXC NET meets on the repeater at 8;UU P.M. Thursdays to pass DX & other infor:rnation of interest to its members. W6TTS is Net Control Sta, 0 - 0 - 0 W6TI BULLETINS 1800 GMT or on a frequency of Trustee is Bob 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 are sent Sundays at Monday at G200 GMT on 14.n02 MHz. The W6TI Vallie, W6:.i:GG , - 0 - 0 - 0 - K6DC reported for the Repeater Fund balance of $1322.00. Charlie, W6ZYC, Repeater Chairman, reported that the rtew An~enna should be delivered and instaJ:led in about a month. He thanked Orman Meyer, K6QX, 'for:> selling over $400.00 plastic boxes donated by Phil, W6LQC, and donating the proceeds to the Repeater Fund. He also thanked Merle for his efforts in "dunning" the members. ft 0 Please send all contributions to the DX'ER to: Bob Thompson - K6SSJ 14703 Eastview Drive Los Gatos, CA 95030 The DX' er of the Year Award PI'aque was awarded to Gene Darlington, the 1975 recipient, who was unable to attend the Fresno convention for his presentation. K6BR made a member survey re Docket 20282 which ~as printed by K6SSJ and distributed. .to members present. Members are tp ,p~mplete and return to the Secretary immediately. K6SSJ reported on attending services for our late member Rolf Carlsen, WA6IDF. PASE 1 ~ " Meeting Minutes cont. Very sincerely yours, Bob is handling inventory of Rolf's gear and will publish in the DX'er. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DX CLUB, INC. Irv Emig~ W6GC, President V-P K6CQF announced that K6SSJ has tendered his resignation as editor of the DX'er after next issue. Bob says he is still willing to do the run-off, but someone· else must be found to gather assemble and type the stencils. 0 ~ 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 ADDITIONS & DELETIONS TO THE MEMBER- "SHIP_ROSTER Add: W6ZM reported on PA9WRR's recent activities and K6SS·J re-ported that · OH2BH has appointed him to select two members of the NCDXC to go on. the next Mt. Athos DXpedition. V-P K6CQF introduced Lloyd Colvin, W6KG, wh0 presented a very interes.t ing program assisted by XYL, Iris, W6DOD. Lloyd told about their recent trip to the Dayton Hamvention, and of his talk with FCC's Prose Walker. Lloyd then took over at the slide projector and introduced Iris who acted as commentator for their presentation of outstanding QSL cards in their collection of over a quarter million cards. Their fine program was·well received by those present. - John P. Nelson, W6JHV P. 0. Box 1151 El Cerrito, CA-94530 William K. Ault, WB6BKN 1120 Larch Ave Moraga, CA 94556 376-6921 H 376-4948 w John W. Lee, W6YKS 3654 Three Oaks Rd. Stockton, CA 95206 (209) 462-7391 H (209) 463-3810 w E Heimo J. Kinnari, OH5VT/W6 925 Wolfe Road, #22 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 733-'t:l899 A Steve Adair, WAGWEI 2944 Rossmore Ct. San Jose, CA 95122 274-0799 H Respectfully submitted, E. Howard Hale, Sec. Change: 0 - 0 - 0 CORRESPONDENCE: - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 E Bill Nielsen, W7UR P. 0. Box 17892 Tucson, AZ 85731 A James F. Wakefield 1720 Jennings Madera, CA 93637 (209) 674-2302 To Jack Trester Dear John, We wish to congratulate the Northern California DX Club for again hosting a very successful and enjoyable Int~r national DX Convention. It was indeed entertaining, informative and we renewed old friendships and made many new ones. Our general chairman for the convention next year will be Jay Holladay, W6EJJ, who is already busy making plans for the event. We promise to have a Fresno 76 that will match the high caliber of past conventions. Many thanks again for an outstanding Fresno 75. PAGE Delete: WA6IDF - Deceased WB6BGQ - Dues arrears. W6CNA " " W6EJ " " WA6IUM " " KGQPE " " 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DX CLUB in the operation of the W6 QSL Bureau. Dear Sirs: The way in which your club members joined together to fulfill their pledge is an outstanding example of the type of spirit the Northern California DX Club is famous for. You took a very difficult task and The idea is to ~~y to do an exnot bnly delivered all the cards, change of houses, car~, TV's, namely a you vigorously campaigned to delcompletely furnished house swap for iver cards to those not keeping enabout 6 months to one year, it would velop~s on file. All this added up obviously be ideal to have this arrange- to a job well ___, done! ment with a Ham, so he could have the use of my rig and I of his. The rig Sincerely, consists of HF as well as VHF. Wayne Spring, W6IRD My QTH is about 10 miles north of Secretary, SCDXC Tel-Aviv in a garden suburb of Ra'anana. The house is new and comThis letter was received in March prises 4 Bedrooms (main en-suite) _ but space did not permit its earlstudy_, lounge, Ham shack, etc. As the ier printing. (Editor) crow flies, about 2 miles from the Mediterranean Sea, which can be seen 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 from the house, one can also see the Jordanian Mountains. At the last Club meeting at the Cabana-Hyatt in Palo Alto Jim Wake- ~ field, W6PSQ-,- -men-tioned-- to- me that The San- Fvancisco a:r::>-ea is -the he had ~n offset-press in Madera best choice, with a range of up to 30 and would print and mail our DX'ER miles from the City. I am an ex-South if given copy ready print. I have African and have an XYL and 3 children. taken Jim up on his offer and hope The desirable period would be from August, 1975. · to have this issue of the DX'ER printed via the offset process by I would appreciate it very much W6PSQ. I will be delivering the if you could put the advert in your copy along with mailing labels and stamps to him as soon as it is possbulletin and send me the bill which will be paid by return post. Kindly ible to complete the typing of the advise me if this is possible, if not, issue. It is considerably easier could you please let me know if there to merely type'the copy rather than to have to spend a considerable are other Ham radio clubs with whom I time cuttipg stencils. I have great can communicate. Thanking you in hope that this will be the solution anticipation. to the problem of printing and distributing the DX'ER. · and am most Yours faithfully, pleased to accept Jim's offer to do Julius Lieberman 4Z4NY it. If all goes well the quality of the DX'ER should improve using this 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 technique. Please bear with us until we can iron out the wrinkles in Gentlemen: getting ·it typed, printed and in the On behalf of all the members of the mail to you. It should cut down on ~ the number of man hours spent doSouthern California DX Club, we wish ing the entire paper and it is my to take this opportunity to express sincere hope that the membership our appreciation for the years of dedwill be the beneficiary, and I icated hard work the members of the wo~ld like to express my thanks to Northern California DX Club expended Jim for his offer. (Editor - K6SSJ) I wish to place an advert in your bulletin. For many years I have been contemplating an extended trip to Amer~ ica and now feel that the time is ripe. _ PAGE 3 Ham on Air and carborundum crystal receivers which then pe~mitted them to maintain communications over short distances bet~een their homes. ~ LIFE of ADVENTURE: rOW to INDIA POSTS by Ray Meyers - W6MLZ £ He left England in 1921 on a 3 year contract with the Indo-EuropAnother interesting amateur living ean Telegraph Co., which was contin India is Joe A. Faithful, VU2JA, rolled from the India Office in Lonand some of his experiences are well don, with cable and wireless stations worth relating to our readers. in the Persian Gulf and direct circuits from Karachi to London. In On April 11 Joe will celebrate his May of that year he worked in the 77th birthday and his life has been cable office at Karachi for a few one memorable experience after another. months, following which he was given further instruction in wireless As a youngster he attended St. Jostelegraphy. In July he qualified eph's School in Calcutta and, after for another first class certificate passing his junior CAmbridge examinof proficiency but this time it was ation, he attended teleg~aph training issued by the Director-General of school where he became very interestPosts and Telegraph in India. ed in wireless communication. Assigned to Henjam Island in the Leaving home in June . l914, he signPersian Gulf in October 1921, he ed on as a cabin steward aboard the took charge of ·a three kilowatt Hamburg-American Line ship Nordmark station for a couple of years before bound for Hamburg. Shortly afterward moving on to Lingah Radio as W-T ~was taken as prisner of -war by the (wireless telegraphist) in charge. ~.:~ermans at the age of 16. He was sent There he became very much interested to a camp in Navelberg, near Berlin, iri de Forest auctions and built a reand from there to a forced camp at ceiver permitting him to pick up Bartenstein, East Prussia. From there long distance CW (code) stations, inhe was sent to an iron ore mine in cluding the British high power statMekenkirchen near Kassel. In 1917 he ion GBR at Rugby, England. was taken to another camp in WunadorfEarning a full year of vacation Zossen, near Berlin. he spent most of his time around LonIn 19.18 the Germans sent him to work don or touring the Continent aft·er underground in the salt mines at Stein- which he was assigned to Bushire ford, near Hanover, where he worked un- Radio VTF in the Persian Gulf. Here til after the Armistice. In April, he built his first amateur station operating on 45 meters. 1919, he escaped to Hanover and then on to Cologne where he reported to British authorities who had occupied While stationed at Bahrain, from that city and he was repatriated to February, 1931, to May, 1933, he made his first DX (long distance) two-way London. contact on the amateur band with Joseph Horvath - W6GPB, of San Rafael The british secretary of state for up in Marin County. India gave him a grant of 150 pounds sterling for living expenses and a Joe was married in Karachi in 1934 coui~e in wireless telegraphy at a and his wife Hildred was able t0 traBritish school. Passing his wireless vel with him to assignments in Bah~minatiori in 1920 he earned a first rain, Kuwait, Muscat and Doba. ~iass certificate of proficiency in wireless telegraphy from the British At present Joe is retired and the Postmaster-General. While attending the school, he and a few of his class- pair live in Bangalore, India, and although citizens of India, with mates built little spark transmitters PAGE 4 English being their mother tongue, Joe says we belong to the ~inority AngloIndian community, He holds membership certificate No. 695 in the Old Old Timers Club and in addition to his call VU2JA he has held the calls VS8AA, VU2AA, VU2BX and MP4BAF during his various assignments. He is an active member of the Flying Operators Club, the American Radio Relay League, A-1 Operators' Club, the Rag Chewers' Club and of course DXCC for working over 100 foreign stations from his home. =< Oo 1-< )-..... ~ Joe Faithful may often be heard on 15 and 20 meter bands and has worked many of our Southland amateurs on many an occas1on. * *** * * * *** This article appeared in a Los Angeles paper and mentions one of the original members of the NCDX Club, Many of you know and respect Joe Horvath, W6GPB, who sent the article along to be printed here. If all goes well with our new printing process we'll print a copy of Joe's QSL card from Joe A. Faithful, You will note that VUlAA was runing the grand total of 25 watts to a half wave windom antenna. The time of the QSO was March 20, 1936, Joe , W6GPB, sent along a photo of his station at the time, which was a 47 tube in a 3,5 me xtal esc. to a 46 buffer doubler stage and push-pull 800s in the final, The receiver was a National SW-3 (A regenerative rx, which I believe may have had an rf stage and a stage of audio). His antenna at that time was a 135 ft. zepp. 866 rectifiers with 1000 volts output and a smaller 500 volt supply for the oscillator and buffer stages, His location was Tiburon, California at that time, Joe has been an outstanding DX' er and has held most j obs in the Club at one time or another, He is now retired and a collector of Antique Radio equipment. Thanks for the article, Joe, The VU contact in those days was a vy r a re QSO indeed. 5 0 vi I: < rn G) tl'l t-o ~ >>. 5 AUGUST 1975 - NCDXC BULLETIN (cont) No-one has stepped forth and presented themselves to the President or .------.. ard . of Directors to assume the job of taking over the chores of the DXer. It is a definite shame that in a club with a membership approaching 200 there is no one person willing to do this task. In any event, I have had most of the DXer ready to go for some time but have not had the time to get it finished up. If at all possible I will have this issue ready to go at the meeting on Friday August 8th, however, it is my last. The pressure of business and various other activities prevent my publishing any future DXers, although I will be pleased to assist in whatever way I can toward helping the next person do the job~ I have an excellent Mimeograph that is available to run the Bulletin and I would be pleased to take over that task, which can be done in about 2 hours or less. If someone out there has a good typewriter and can make up the stencils it can be done rather e~asily. Collating, fo'Iding, · stapling, amping and mailing take time and I rind this to be the most laborious part of the task. You've heard this Swan Song before, you'll not hear it again. Do we have a volunteer?????? THE 190 W6WWQ K6CQF W60SU K6ZXE W6RW WGEUF K60ZL W6JKJ K6ZR WA6IQM WA6EYK WB6KBK WA6NBY K6RN W6PT W60AT W6TS K6AHV WA6EYK WB6GFJ K6EC K6AO W6PN WB6QDC K6NA K6VVA W6NLZ K6GA W6FSJ WA6CSR VE7AUA/W6 W6BUO WA6BUS W6REH W6CHV W6HOC W6UA W6JZU W6CA WB6DSV W6ID K6VNX K6AQV W6UQQ W6MBA W6TCQ WGABA W6KNC W6AWY WGAOA W6KZL WA6WEI WA6MWG WB6QIT WA60ET W6ZBS K6RA W6ZTJ W6FF W60M W6MUR W6AJJ W6QNA K6QZ W60WM W6TC W6RTN K6ZO • • • W6EJ W6HYG WB6LPK The big effort of the· Jyear, Mt. Athos, W6DAB WB600L is now history and so far it has been K6QHC WB6YLG the most exciting DXpedition since the W6KNH W6HX K6UJS . Kingman trek a year earlier. The W6PO W60KK efforts of Aris, SVlGA, and Martti, . VE3DXV /W6 OH2BH, were superb under extremely try- WGDYQ W60NZ K6HTM ing circumstances. It appears as tho W60UN K6ELX most of those as needed it got it but W6BZE K6AFL the SSB'ers are still looking. Only K6LU W6ARJ* 2 of the West Coast gang managed an W6CQI SSB contact. They were W6ARJ and W6FW. W6FW* W6HVN W6ZO WGMZ W6TSQ A possible 2nd DXpedition may · show up KGRQ K6SSJ in September but it is not certain. W6ANN WBGKBK Keep tuned to the 2 meter DX Club reWB6BNB K6AQ peater and watch the West Coast DX W6RGG W6SC Bulletin for future possibilities. DJ6RX/W6 W6HJP W6PAA WB600P ~~sted herewith are the lucky ones WA6PGB W6KG that managed a contact from WG with WAGBVY SVlGA/A. Included is a list of the W6ISQ WAGEYK K6QW totals from the U.S. mainland and JA. PAGE 6 W6CHE KGIO K6QX K6HIH WBGKRW WA6QGW WGJKR W6GPB WA6NXB WA6PMK KGDYQ WAGTQK WBGLPK WAGDKF WAGSBO W6TXL W6DOD W6DOT WGDJH K6ERT K6EBB W6LPM WGCYV WA6TUF W6CCP K6CQF WB6AIN KGRXZ K6DC WA6DIL WGZM WGEJ WA6NKK W6NUT WB6DSV W6KHI W6RNF W60WL K4BVD/6 KGWR WA6AHF W6ACC WB6ZUC W6FOZ K6RQ K6LQA WA6EPQ WA6IPY K6NH WA6HRS W6PNV K6ZM W6CUF K6EV W6EL WA6TUF W6ZGM WGOWM W6JRY W6BH WA6ISX WGEJ W6JKJ W6WX W6PTS WBGOOL K6KII W6ANB WA6DUG K6ZO W6KUT W6NJU WA6KZI W6HYG K6SVT W6AM Wl W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 wa W9 w~ 98 133 149 206 139 190 36 121 181 so TOTAL: 3850 JA 369 FROM OH2BH ON 14 MHz TO W6MUR. ACCURACY NOT GUARANTEED A new slate of officers is now handling the affairs of the Club. The new President is W6MUR; V.P. is Orm K6QX; S~ci is W6PHF, Dave; the new man with the money is E. Howard Hale W6SC. Directors are: W6MAV, W6JZU, and W6ISQ. Least known of the bunch is probably the President, Bill Johnson, W6MUR. Thus I threw out the drag net and came up with the following: ABOUT THE PRESIDENT Your new president, R. W. (Bill) Johnson, W6MUR, moved back to the SF area in 1972 after buying 6 acres of redwoods in the Santa Cruz mountains in 1971. Bill was originally froin this area, born in San Francisco, attending schools in Los Altos, San Jose, and UC Berkeley, from which he received the BSEE degree in 1943. First licensed in San Jose in 1935 as W6-MUR, Bill also holds first-cl-ass radiotelephone and second-class radiotelegraph FCC tickets. He has been in radio communications, missile test range instrumentation, airborne radar and nav-igational syst~ms, and industrial electronics work for all of his ·professional life. His first pro ... fessional job was at the UC Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Manhattan Project, 1942-45. He was a charter member of the Orange County DX Club. He was chairman of the Fresno DX conference one year, and chairman o£ the 1971 Southwestern Division ARRL Convention at Disneyland • . . .---.. . He formed Hamcom~ . Inc., as a permenan~;; corporate umbrella for convention activities in the SW Division. Bill is. a life Jllember of the ARRL and also of the National Rifle Association, QCWA, UC Alumni Association, Radio Club of America, and belongs to the Associated ·Pub'lic Safety Communications Officers (APCO). He has been an avid DXer since the late 30's, but principal activity has been since 1948. Bill now has 328 worked, 326 qonfirmed (cards needed from FR7AM/G and· SViGA) including deletions. · His principal needs in DX are AC4, FR7/T, MP4T, TL8, TN8, TZ, 3B6-7 St. Brandon, VQ9 Aldabra, Desroches and Farquhar, ZL Kermadec, Minerva, Bouvet, Somali, Geyser, and Kingman. Inactive periods coincided with Gus' trips and Miller's trips. Bill has a Henry 3K driven by KWS-1 (CW) and 500 ex (SSB), R4B receiver, a 125-ft. free-standing tower . with 3-el 4'0, 5 ,~--.... 20,. 6 el 15, and & .el 10 meter beams. An 80M dipole at 100 ft and a planned Log Periodic Vertical for 80 (Europe) complete the antennas. His main interest is new countries, but he participates in DX contes-t+s where there is need for club scores. He is a member of the A-1 OpFor the past 17 years Bill has been a erator .Club and is a high-speed CW enregistered consulting engineer, design- thusiast. ing high-power systems and mobile radio microwave communication systems. He formed Codamite Corporation in 1962 IF YOU WERE ONE OF THOSE WHO WERE INTERto develop a miniature Morse/Baudot keyboard and a miniature, mobile tele- ESTED IN THE CURTIS KEYER PROJECT, .·PLEASE DROP ME ANOTHER NOTE. THE NAMES CAME IN printer using digital stepper motors. AT A VERY SLOW RATE AND WERE MISPLACED The company was sold to Tracor, Inc. in 1970 and Bill returned to full time OR LOST IN SOME CASES. I BELIEVE THAT consulting. ' · WE HAD ALMOST ENOUGH TO GO AHEAD WITH THAT PROJECT, HOWEVER, I WOULD LIKE TO GET A RECOUNT FROM THOSE OF YOU WHO MAY A prolific author, Bill has written STILL BE INTERESTED. JACK TELLS ME THAT many articles for amateur and proHARLEY, WA6ISX, MAY BE -INTERESTED IN fessional magazines and one popular TAKING OVER THE PROJECT SHOULD THERE BE book, flowing from a year of graduate SUFFICIENT OF YOU OUT THERE WHO WANT TO work in law he undertook in 1960. He DO IT. PLEASE ADVISE AGAIN ••• WE NEE ~ A was president of the Southern Calif. MINIMUM OF 50 TO MAKE IT GO. ASK A DX Club in the early 1950's, and instFRIEND ••• WHO IS NOT NECESSARILY A CLUB ituted the DXer award and associate member classification during his term. MEMBER. PLEASE ADVISE. - PAGE 7 •" ... MESSAGE FROM TH~ PRESIDENT Prose Walker told me the other night that in the U.S. we are losing 430 amateurs per month, and that the avlge age of hams is now 43. CB applications continue to pour in well over 100,000 per month. As I look over our DX Club, I see the white sidewalls and bifocals (including my own) and realize that in 10-15 years our club will wither and die unless we bring in new, young members and make them welcome. My goals during this term are (l) to infect as many young people as possible with the DX virus and urge them to join the club and (2) to make our repeater into a reliable machine, hopefully with repeater-linking when the FCC permits it. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to reach DXers through out the western states? Toward these goals we need by-laws changes, and stimulants to our Repeater Committee. Your Board of Dire_~tors on August 3 took the first s ps on both actions. We will be drafting revisions to the By-Laws to be presented to the Board at the Sept. 7th meeting, and later to the membership. Your suggestions will be most welcome; send them to me. We are organizing a DX seminar especially for young people and other new hams to be held on September 5. We are instructing the Repeater Committee to go full-speed ahead on a reliable, solid-state system. The job of club officer or director is not ceremonial or honorary. It is a working job, and those that can't or won't work shouldn't be elected. The same goes for our committee chairmen. I view my own job seriously and ask for the support of the membership, setting all personalities aside. Let us consider what is best for Amateur Radio first, the DX Club next, and self-interest last. We have an interna~ional conference coming up in a few y r 'S that could mean the end of Amateur Radio; let's not forget that, even for a moment. Our days are numbered unless we revitalize our ranks, not with appliance operators but with true HAMS in every sense of the word. _ TAKE HEED - The following is taken from the July 21st, 1975 issue of Radio & Television Weekly - a publication for Radio & TV Parts Distributors ••••••• Washington, D.C. - The citizens radio market continues its explosive growth. Class D citizens radio license applications are being received by the Federal Communications Commission at record rates. For the five-month period ending May 31, the commission received a total of 615,212 applications, a 243 percent increase over the first five months of 1974, when 179,397 applicatlons were received. This underscores the significance of the CB seminar held at NEWCOM '75 (Las Vegas) entitled, "Harnessing the CB Radio Explosion". The luncheon featuring Ray Spence, chief engineer, FCC, was sold out with 850 attending. Mr. Spence described the means by which the FCC plans to expand personal and amateur communications capabilities in the near future. Following the luncheon, an adjacent room was filled to overflowing with. those who could not get luncheon tickets swelling attendance to 1,000 to 1,250 persons. A major current commission problem is handling the volume of license applications in the citizens service. The total of 30 full time and 10 part time workers at Gettysburg handle over 225,000 pieces of mail pe.r month. The problem is that this staff is at fully authorized strength and an increase in the budget is required. to add more people to accomodate the increased work load now being experienced. - ...- There is much more to the above article than I have taken excerpts of for our readers, however, this little bit will certainly indicate to you the potential loss of some of the amateur frequencies to this ever growing list of CBers and the manufacturers of equipment for them. Take heed in the necessity for us as a concerned group to do all we can to prevent any losses to our own frequencies and above all the quality of the participants. We can encourage more of the younger people who are interested in r•adio to join the amateur ranks. - Ed. PAGE 8 MORE ON MT. ATHOS 27 July 1975 Dear Bob, Just a short note to give you my impressions 6f the Mt. Athos effort by Aris and Martti now that it is apparently over. Having m.e t Martti several times in the u.s. and being with him a good bit in Europe since I moved here, I am absolutely convinced that he is extremely sincere ~nd dedicated to the DXpedition activities. I know that both he and Aris really worked hard to work as many West Coast stations as possible given the things as they were. I don't know Aris as well but I have the same general feeling for him as I do for Martti. Martti and I talked on the telephone before he left at great length. I really worked on him to convince him to go ahead with the trip even if Pete and I could. not go along. Martti really had his heart set on going and has so for a couple of yrs. He was really greatly worried abou~ his reputation with all the West Coast people if the trip was not an outstanding success due to conditions, lack of equipment, whatever. I could really feel that he was considering pulling out When Pete and I were ruled out by the Greek officialdom, because he felt that he could not do all of the necessary operating, we didn't have enough people to get things there, etal. As I said before, it took a great deal of persuasion by me and by you and your telexes, telephone calls, etal. to get him to go. Please do everything you can to make certain that Martti doesn't receive any kind of bum rap from the West Coast guys on any basis: such as, "if the W6 guys had been there they would have worked us"; "they only worked East Coast'',; "Why didn't they try long path----Of course, I was unhappy not to be able to go along, but the Greek officialdom settled that. As a matter of fact, I was in Rome during the week before ready to come over to Athens if the last ditch effort by Martti and Aris could turn around the officials. Martti and I had phone numbers to work with just , in case. Martti told me from Athens that the situation with the U.S. was even worse than he had been led to believe, so there was no hope. Well, I enjoyed being a part of the planning and there will ,...---.... __ ways be another day, I hope. I just hope that many of the fellows on the West Coast did manage a QSO with the Mt. Athos group, but I only heard one such session on the evening of 23 July about 2115Z. I checked with Aris each morning at Mt. Athos but he didn't sound as though there had been-great success, but details I do not know as yet. On a new subject and getting ready for the future, I have found that my tele~ in the IBM office is a real telex machine and not tied only to the IBM network. The number is •••• in the Netherlands. In the directory it will be found under IBM Diamantbeurs. What is the number you use with Phil? Again, I hope the guys on the West Coast did manage to work Mt. Athos this time! Brad - K6WR PA0WRR - ...- From Frank Anzalone, WlWY Dear Bob, The Southern Cal. group had indicated that they wanted to donate a Trophy for our WW Contest •••••• The Contest announcement will be published ve~y soon ••••• I will list it as: Single Operator Single Band for the USA on Phone. Please check and let me know. The Northern Illinois group is sponsoring one for CW. 73, - ...- Frank, WlWY ' Seems like Frank is trying to tell us something. Like "Are you guys in Northern California going to be outdone by those blokes in So. Cal.?" Or. "Would your NCDXC guys like to sponsor an award"? Anyone have any suggestions or ideas? We need to get the info to Frank ASAP. PAGE 9 -ITEMS STILL ON SALE FROM THE ESTATE of WA6IDF. DRAKE MODEL TR-4, Transceiver Includes P.S ~KE MODEL RV-4, Remote VFO DRAKE MODEL MC-4, Mobile Console· . r $38~ 69 29 COLLINS MODEL 75A4, S/N 3954 299 CASLON 24 Hour Digital Clock 19 JOHNSON VIKING RANGER Excellent Condx. JOHNSON MODEL 6N2 79 60 JOHNSON 10 6N2 VFO JOHNSON - Mobile VFO 10 TELETYPE MODEL 19, Table Mounted with Tape Reader and Perf $100 3 ea •. PAMOTOR MODEL 4800 Pancake fans. $ each FOR SALE - 63 Foot Aermotor Tower (3 Post Self Supporting, Hurricane-Style) Includes Telrex 10-15-20 Mtr. Beam, CD Rotator, with Coax and Control Cables but no control box. Buyer responsible for removal from hillside site. Will accept best offer around $500. Contact Rev. Daniel Dolan at Maryknoll, Box 4278 Mountain View, CA 94040 - Tel: 415 9673822. FOR SALE - Mint HT-37 $135.00; Aerotron sod AM 2 Mtr. Transceiver $35.00; Johnson Viking KW Pedestal (No desk) $225.00. Call Stan, W6JKJ 408 736-8358 FOR SALE - Collins 75A4, Perfect Condition. Like new Serial Number 4081, with 3 Mechanical Filters, Matching Speaker with lite. Incl. Maint. Manual. Must sell - Sacrifice at $295.60 or offer. K6QZ, Rich Lawton, Home Ph. 408 298-0691 After 6:00 P.M. - . . -. - 8 CONTEST CALENDAR JOHNSON - Phone Patch 10 SPEECH Compressor 10 SIMPSON MODEL 240 Volt, Ohm Mtr. 3 TELEX Model 1210 Earphones 5 BUD 6 Foot Cabinet Rack & Power supply - Condition unknown on P/S - Cabinet appears new 35 JOHNSON - 250 Watt Matchbox Model 250-23 50 VIBROPLEX.- Bug, keyer 9 NATIONAL, Model MB-40 Tuning Unit Suitable for final of exciter or grid input on High Power Amp. 15 HAMMARLUND - 12 Inch Speaker in Cabinet AUG. AUG. AUG. AUG. AUG. AUG. AUG. AUG. 9-10 European CW DX Contest 9-10 Argentina Phone Contest 16-18 QRP ARCI Contest 16-18 New Jersey QSO Party 23-24 All Asian CW Contest 23-24 Arizona QSO Party 30-31 SSA 50th Aniv. Contest 30-31 MARTS SEANET Contest SEPT. 6-7 ARRL VHF QSO Party SEPT. 6-8 Maryland D.C. QSO Party SEPT. 6-8 Four Land QSO Party SEPT. 6-8 Kentucky QSO Party SEPT.l3-14 EUROPEAN DX PHONE CONTEST SEPT.l3-14 Pennsyl~ania QSO Party SEPT.l3-15 Washington State QSO Party SEPT.20-21 VE/W Contest SEPT.20-21 Scandinavian CW Contest SEPT.27-28 Scandinavian Phone Contest SEPT.27-29 Delta QSO Party OCT. 4-5 CALIFORNIA QSO PARTY oct. 4-5 Rocky Mounta1n QSO Party 15 There are many other miscellaneous items too small to list here. Also available are issues of QST, CQ & other publications, most in Binders. • • • I have taken the liberty of making up some large mailing cards which will be inserted into each DX Bulletin for your use in reporting for the month. These r~ease advise if you know of any are addressed to John Brand, K6RXZ. It Auctions, Flea Market Sales etc. for is our hope that you will fill them out selling other small items etc. Tnx. and mail them in, so that your standings can be updated etc. Perhaps you will Contact - K6SSJ for any of above. find this easier than taking a page out of the DX Bulletin. PAGE 10 73, K6SSJ