2010 Donors - Adirondack Museum
2010 Donors - Adirondack Museum
Adirondack Museum 2010 Annual Report History is in our nature Message from the Chairman Dear Friends, The stories of living, working, and enjoying this amazing part of the world – the Adirondacks – are never-ending. It is these stories the Adirondack Museum continues to uncover and share through its growing collections of rare artifacts, fine artwork, and one-of-a-kind objects. Your financial support is allowing these on-going Adirondack stories to be collected, preserved, and told today, and in the future. Thanks to all of you, we surpassed our 2010 annual fund goal. While our endowment was not immune to recent market downturns, which affects our operating draw, individual support stayed strong. Highlights of the 2010 season included the “Adirondacks are Cookin’ Out” event held in July and developed in conjunction with the three-year exhibit “Let’s Eat! Adirondack Food Traditions” was an enormous success. The event celebrated some of today’s finest chefs working throughout the Adirondacks. There will be a repeat of this event in July 2011. After years of service, Mitchell Smith, Susan Dineen, and Candy Rypczyk were wished happy retirements. As a result of their departures, we have reorganized, decreased spending, and increased our marketing and development efforts. Our fundraising goals were met for two new special exhibits, opening this summer, “The Adirondack World of A.F. Tait” and “Night Vision: The Wildlife Photography of Hobart V. Roberts.” For the fourth time in our history, the highest national recognition in the museum world was bestowed upon the Adirondack Museum when we were reaccredited by the American Association of Museums (AAM). This is an extremely impressive award for any museum and one that we should all be proud to have in the Adirondacks. Kevin J. Arquit Chairman Board of Trustees These accomplishments would not be possible without the continued support from all of you, our generous donors. While many museums are at a critical point in history; facing attendance decline, rising operating costs, and decreases in financial donations, our board is working diligently with its staff and other constituents to ensure the future of the Adirondack Museum and continue to flourish on all fronts. Thank you for being a part of our success. Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 1 Board of Trustees Staff Directory Kevin J. Arquit, Chairman Hilary C. McDonald, Vice Chairman William J. Nolan III, Treasurer Patricia M. Smith, Secretary Etienne Boillot Stephen A. Hopkins Nancy R. Keet John R. Kimberly Jane Love McGraw Elsbeth W. Morgan Antonia Ness Richard E. Newman David F. Remington Alexandra Boardman Reynolds David A. Rockwell Lauren Razook Roth Nancy Reardon Sayer Sheila M. Stephenson James T. Townsend Anne H. Van Ingen Julia A. Walker John D. Widdemer Office of the Director Honorary Trustees: J. Dinsmore Adams, Jr. Frances Beinecke Sarah Cohen John R. Collins, Jr. Ann R. Elliman Margot Paul Ernst Carolyn J. Fowler John G. Fritzinger, Jr. Robert Garrett Walter F. Harrison III George Labalme, Jr. Arthur V. Savage Sidney S. Whelan, Jr. Robert R. Worth Mission The Adirondack Museum expands public understanding of Adirondack history and the relationship between people and the Adirondack wilderness, fostering informed choices for the future. 2 Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 Interim Director Executive Assistant Collections & Interpretation Chief Curator Curator Associate Curator/Acting Registrar Assistant Curator Conservator & Collections Manager Public Programs Manager/Museum Educator School Programs Coordinator/Museum Educator Museum Educator Library Director of Library Finance Director of Finance Finance Associate Finance Assistant Human Resources Human Resources Manager Human Resources Assistant Michael Lombardi Carol Wilson Laura Rice Hallie Bond Laura Cotton Angie Snye Doreen Alessi Micaela Hall Christine Campeau Jessica Rubin Jerold Pepper Michael Lombardi Gail Wilson Marci Persons Colleen Sage Carol Wilson Maintenance and Operations Master Carpenter and Buildings Manager Scott Chartier Master Plumber/Electrician Don Corneau Grounds Manager/Assistant Plumber & Electrician Mike Ameden Master Painter/Conservation Technician Rob Holford Assistant Carpenter/Maintenance Assistant Mark Schisler Equipment Operator/Mechanic/Maintenance Assistant Jonathan LaPrairie Marketing Marketing Associate Web Coordinator Retail Operations Manager of Retail Operations Retail Operations Associate Office of Institutional Advancement Director of Institutional Advancement Senior Advancement Officer Advancement Assistant Advancement Associate Membership/Annual Fund Coordinator Membership/Advancement Assistant Special Events Coordinator/Advancement Assistant Kate Moore Jessica Rubin Vickie Sandiford Debbie Austin Sarah Lewin Christine Pouch Judy Johnson Carolyn Bischoff Michelle Bashaw Dolores LaCarrubba Ann Carroll 2010 HKH Award Recipient Celebrated Peter S. Paine Jr. who has devoted much of his life to exemplary public service, received the Adirondack Museum’s 2010 Harold K. Hochschild Award on August 19, 2010. The award was presented on behalf of the museum’s Board of Trustees at a ceremony held at the museum. The program was filled with tributes to Paine from friends and colleagues from Timothy L. Barnett, Vice President, The Nature Conservancy to the Honorable Teresa R. Sayward, Assemblywoman, N.Y. District 113. Peter Paine, Jr. served as a member of the Temporary Study Commission on the Future of the Adirondacks (chaired by Harold K. Hochschild) from 1968 to 1970, and as a Commissioner of the Adirondack Park Agency from 1971 to 1995. In that capacity he was the principal draftsman of the Adirondack State Land Master Plan and New York State Wild Scenic and Recreational Rivers Legislation. Paine is a retired partner of the international law firm, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, and has long served as Chairman of Champlain National Bank in Willsboro, N.Y. He is Trustee and former Chair of the Adirondack Nature Conservancy, and also served on the New York State Nature Conservancy Board of Trustees. In addition, he was a founding member and long-time General Counsel of the Lake Champlain Committee and also one of the founding Trustees of what is now Environmental Advocates. Paine currently serves as President of the Board of Trustees of the Fort Ticonderoga Association and is also a Trustee of the Adirondack Community Trust. He has played a key role in numerous land conservation projects in the Champlain Valley. He was also a major donor to and co-organized the Noblewood Park and Nature Preserve project in the Town of Willsboro with Assemblywoman Sayward, and helped create the Coon Mountain Preserve in Westport. At his instigation, the Paine family donated conservation easements to the Adirondack Nature Conservancy starting in 1978, protecting five miles of shoreline on Lake Champlain and the Boquet River and some 1,000 acres of farmland and forest. A resident of Willsboro, N.Y., Paine is a hunter, fisherman, horseman and wilderness expedition leader. The Harold K. Hochschild Award is dedicated to the memory of the museum’s founder, whose passion for the Adirondacks, its people, and environment inspired the creation of the Adirondack Museum. Since 1990, the museum has presented the award to a wide range of intellectual and community leaders throughout the Adirondack Park, highlighting their contributions to the region’s culture and quality of life. 2010 Friends of the Museum We thank the following museum friends for hosting and underwriting gatherings in 2010. Bringing Adirondack Museum like-minded people together has spawned new friendships across the Adirondacks and overall support for, and celebration of, this fine institution. Kevin and Margi Arquit Sally and Sanders Berk Lee and Judi Borland Rhonda and David Brunner Diane Corvetti Gloria Fant John Fritzinger Louise Gaylord Howard Godel Walter Harrison and Ann Howard Nancy and Lee Keet Hilary McDonald Jane Love McGraw Wendy and Bill Nolan Glenn and Carol Pearsall Lauren Razook Roth Art and Nancy Saltford Cornelia Whitney and Scott Tobey Cathy and Michael Visscher Sidney and Patsy Whelan John and Lois Widdemer Elise and Woody Widlund Copperfield Inn Depot Museum Hall’s Boat Corporation Godel & Co. Fine Art Tannery Pond Community Center 2010 Adirondack Museum Volunteers Felice Amato Bunny Austin William Buckner Debbie Carriero Liz Alpert Fay Gordon Fisher Jane Freed Don Grout Taylor Hill Jim Keough Anita Kopff Cynthia Lane Tara Lyons Heather Mangione Joan Mangione Sam Margraf Victor Pennes Sharon Pinaha Cindy Smith Bernadette Traeger Karl Van Wirt Cynthia Zimmerman Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 3 Securing a museum program to benefit visitors for years to come n Boatbuilder-in-Residence In 2008, the Adirondack Museum staff and board of trustees made the decision to raise funds to endow one of its most popular “live” exhibit demonstration – the Boatbuilder-in-Residence. For those of you who regularly visit the museum, you’ve undoubtedly seen Allison Warner, the only female professional guideboat builder in the Adirondacks, hard at work crafting a bit of history, year after year. Currently finishing her third boat, in a workshop for all to see, Allison, with the help of a nearby docent, answers questions and explains her craft while constructing her boats using the same tools and methods used a hundred years ago. An overwhelmingly generous contribution of $200,000, was made by Allan Newell, a longtime friend and supporter of the museum, to kick-off the campaign in early 2009. The campaign had a second surge of support thanks to Sidney S. Whelan, Jr., who spent more than 20 years on the board of the Adirondack Museum. As Sid’s 80th birthday approached, he and his daughter Tensie contacted the museum to discuss the idea of having donations made to the Endowed-Boatbuilder-in-Residence program in honor of his birthday. Tensie wrote a letter that was then mailed to more than one hundred friends and family, and, $70,000 later, the museum is still celebrating. Reception for those who gave to the boatbuilder program in honor of Sidney S. Whelan, Jr. Left to right: Tensie Whelan (Sid’s daughter), boatbuilder Allison Warner, Sidney S. Whelan, Jr., Caroline Welsh, then director. What the museum set out to do in 2008 was realized, as the Boatbuilder-in-Residence fund, now at $297,000, is established to the point of keeping the program alive, while allowing the fund to continue to grow. To Allan, Sid, and all who have given so generously to the program, we thank you for helping the museum preserve the handcrafted boat building tradition for the region’s signature artifact. Boatbuilder-in-Residence Donors J. Dinsmore Adams, Jr. and Nancy H. Hopkins Frederick H. S. Allen and Annelyse M. Allen Anonymous (2) Mr. E. Nelson Asiel Edward and Justine Auchincloss Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Backeland William C. Bullitt Foundation Robert M. Pennoyer, President Alan and Susan Bennett Rhonda and David Brunner Deborah and Jonathan Butler Julia M. Cadbury Nora and Fred Cammann Cedar Fund Mrs. Ann H. Poole David C. Clark Adirondack Community Trust - Linda & Sarah Cohen Fund Mr. and Mrs. John R. Collins, Jr. Rita Coney and Aims Coney Ann B. Copeland 4 Sabette de Lyrot L. F. Boker Doyle Robert V. Edgar and Sarah S. Osborne Edgar Frances and Paul Elston Margot and John Ernst George and Eleanor Ford John G. Fritzinger, Jr. Ben Fuller Beatrice Garvan Craig and Alice Gilborn John Kaul Green Walter Harrison III and Ann Howard Huyler C. Held Henriques Family Adam Hochschild Mr. James Hollyday Waldo Hutchins III Marie-Louise Knapp George Labalme, Jr. Rev. Dr. Chip Lee and Kathleen Gibbs Dr. and Mrs. Robert Martin Mr. and Mrs. William Melhado Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 Ann Breen Metcalfe Jeffrey Miller Jim and Marcia Morley Carlotta and Dora Morris John M. Nemecek Allan P. Newell Wendy and Bill Nolan Tony Paddock Mr. John G. Palache, Jr. A. Wright Palmer Manning Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Phillips H. Payson Mr. Richard W. Pendleton, Jr. Ruth B. Perkins David and Barbara Preston Dave and Chelsey Remington Lauren Razook Roth Georgette Whelan Rutherfurd Estate Rutherfurd Family Arthur V. Savage Jeffrey B. Sellon and Marilyn Burns Mark T. Gallogly and Elizabeth B. Strickler Leith R. Talamo Ernest B. Tracy, Jr. and Hazel B. Tracy Robb and Elizabeth Tyler Foundation Carroll L. Wainwright, Jr. Julia A. Walker George J. Walsh III and Evelyn Walsh Ginny and Jim Welch John M. Whalen Sidney Whelan, Jr. In Grateful Memory of Sidney S. Whelan (1888-1959) Whelan Family Robert Whitmer Norma and Theodore Wickersham Bob and Blaikie Worth Gilda and Cecil Wray Vivien K. Zak In Memory of Charles Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bryant Mrs. Elizabeth Escudero Mr. and Mrs. Gerald I. Lenrow Mrs. Paula B. Rirodon The Source Society Forever Preserving Adirondack Heritage in the 21st Century. Just as a small spring is the source of a great river, The Source Society is a fountainhead of the museum. Please help the preserve the high quality of its collections, exhibits, programs, publications, historic buildings, gardens, and general operations by joining The Source Society. n Planned Giving The endowment helps ensure the future of the Adirondack Museum. The larger the endowment relative to operating costs, the more secure the museum will be against fluctuations in government grants and the eroding effect of inflation. Planned gifts are added to the museum’s endowment, benefiting current operations and future needs, subject to conditions or limitations set by the donor. Gifts realized in the future are critical to the long-term financial strength of the Adirondack Museum. Source Society 2010 Annual Dinner Source Society members, guests, and staff: l to r (Standing) Glenn Pearsall, Lyn Jerry, Sanders Berk, Anne Weld, Nancy Saltford, Cathy Vischer, Michael Vischer, Jeffrey Sellon, Caroline Welsh, David Rockwell, Sally Berk, Art Saltford, Gloria Fant, Judi Borland, Lee Borland, Carol Pearsall, Diane Corvetti, (Sitting) Kathryn Weld Brown, Sarah Lewin, and Marilyn Burns Anonymous Sally Berk Judi and Lee Borland Rhonda and David Brunner Prudence Churchill Diane Corvetti Margot Paul Ernst Gloria L. Fant Jocelyn R. Jerry (Lyn) Richard Longstreth Cynthia New Barbara Nicholas Glenn and Carol Pearsall Ann H. Poole Barbara B. Potter David A. Rockwell Vicki and Howard Rothermel, Jr. Art and Nancy Saltford Vicki Schwartz Theodore S. Smith, Jr. Kevin J. Walter Anne C. Weld Sue A. Whan n Making A Bequest If you would like to make a bequest to the museum, simply: • decide how much, or what portion of your estate you wish to give • make an appointment with your attorney • based on your attorney’s advice, decide the most effective way to make your gift. n The Source Society Friends of the museum who plan such a gift now, and inform us of their generosity, are invited to become members of The Source Society. Members are honored at an annual reception and names are listed, with permission, in the museum’s annual report. n For More Information If you are interested in learning more about planned giving, The Source Society, or have already decided to make a gift, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (518) 352-7311, ext. 119. 2010 Founder’s Circle The Founder’s Circle ($1,000) is an exclusive membership level for passionate supporters of the Adirondack Museum. A Founder’s Circle member embraces the museum’s vision and values, and is devoted to helping the museum maintain its place as a world-class institution. Ms. Frances G. Beinecke and Mr. Paul Elston Mr. and Mrs. Lynn S. Birdsong Ms. Anita M. Cenci Mr. and Mrs. James D. Johnson Joseph Koenigsberger and Veronica Koenigsberger Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Saltford Mr. and Mrs. James Schoff Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stone Mr. and Mrs. J. Taft Symonds 2010 Memorial Contributions The following are those who were remembered by friends and family with memorial contributions made to the museum. The Adirondacks enriched the lives of these loved ones and the museum is honored to be a part of remembering them. Annette Augugliaro Ruth Blum Stephanie Boguzes Laura Borland Marie Witz Casanova Elizabeth Margaret Collins Jim Cooney Mary Patricia Smith Howe George D. Kirkham Jeffrey Paquette Neil Poppensiek Det. Patrick Rafferty NYPD Dr. Kenneth P. Seeber John E. Stoller Charles E. Swanson Kathy Vesely Mrs. Marie P. Warnes Peter Corbett Welsh The Adirondack Museum also honors the life of Helen R. Wertheim and her generous gift from her estate. Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 5 2010 Operating Financial Report 2010 Inflows (by category) Admissions 16% Operating Endowment Draw 44% Membership Dues 7% Program Fees 1% Event Fundraising 4% Retail Operations and Other 10% Grants and Gifts Released from Restrictions 4% 2010 Outflows (Includes payroll and benefit allocations by department) Capital Purchases 4% Administrative and General 14% Library 2% Annual Fund 14% Marketing and Communications 9% Maintenance, Utilities, and Other 22% Collections, Interpretation and Publications 18% The Adirondack Museum is an independent, non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization that relies on admissions, memberships, and donations to continue its educational mission, programs, and exhibits. Notes: Office of Institutional Advancement and Membership 13% Retail and Food Service 9% Education 9% • Financial information is taken from the museum’s Internal Financial Statements. • Maintenance, Utilities, Other, and Institutional Advancement and Membership include the allocation of certain administrative expenses. • Financial information presented in this report only includes Operating Activity for the museum. Board designated Endowment, Plant and Collections, and Temporarily and Permanently Restricted Activity are presented in the Audited Financial Statements. • Audited Financial Statements and Supplementary Information can be obtained by contacting the Adirondack Museum, P. O. Box 99, Blue Mountain Lake, New York 12812. 6 Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 2010 Donors Annual funds are the cornerstones of all healthy not-for-profit organizations, including the Adirondack Museum. It is necessary to dig a little deeper to understand the term “annual fund” and be reminded of what it means here. Your gift supports: • The boat exhibit you fall in love with all over again each time you visit. • Staff who helped your child to learn to walk on stilts for the first time or craft a keepsake in our schoolhouse. • The work of our conservator, so that the artifacts you see in our exhibits are properly cared for year after year. •The attention given to the upkeep of all of the buildings and walkways. • The logging exhibit where working in the woods and logging camps in the early 1900s comes to life. •The beautifully maintained gardens surrounding our exhibit buildings. • Monday evenings spent at the museum, listening to a leading authority on a topic you wanted to learn more about. These are just a few reminders of what you are giving to when you make an annual contribution to the museum. To know first-hand what you are supporting, come and visit us. Look around. Take in all of the moving parts and pieces that make this place so special. Your gift is a part of it all. Thank you. Special Project Support The Adirondack Museum acknowledges the following people and organizations who generously gave restricted gifts in 2010: Adirondacks are Cooking Out Michael Bowers and Luke Bowers Kevin McCarthy John Roe The Lynn H. Boillot Endowment Fund for Adirondack Art Lynn H. Boillot Family Fund Estate of Lynn H. Boillot Cabin Fever Sunday Series Glenn and Carol Pearsall Adirondack Foundation, dedicated to improving the quality of life for year-round residents of the Adirondack Park www.pearsallfoundation.org Collections Improvement Mr. Charles Berry Deborah A. Carriero and Family John G. Fritzinger, Jr. Conservation Center and Projects Ms. Jane M. Freed In Memory of Dorothy and Michael J. Higgins Higgins Family Charitable Trust Steven Higgins and Mary Clerkin Higgins Curator of American Art Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Longstreth Mr. And Mrs. David Strongin Education Programs The Sandy Hill Foundation Stewart’s Shops Wal-Mart Foundation Event Media Sponsor Adirondack Life North Country Public Radio Library Rosevear Charitable Remainder Unitrust Library Collections Beth Nolan Bill and Wendy Nolan Jeffrey Sellon Monday Evening Lecture – North Country Foods Annette Nielsen Support Antiques Preview VIP Day Nancy Keet Jane Love McGraw Lauren Razook Roth Support the Child-size Log Cabin Mark Lavigne Support Glimmerglass Opera John G. Fritzinger, Jr. Louise Gaylord Bill and Wendy Nolan John and Lois Widdemer Support Kids Fishing Derby public program Micaela Hall Support Outreach Educational programs in Warren, Washington and northern Saratoga counties The Glens Falls Foundation Support the Preservation of Adirondack Region Newspapers New York Newpapers Foundation Support Rushton Boats Mrs. S. Paul Rushton Support Public Programming Leo Cox Beach Philanthropic Foundation Support Universal Accessibility in the Auditorium The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Adirondack Community Trust – Judge Tim and Barbara Murphy Family Fund The Peckham Family Foundation John Ben Snow Memorial Trust The Charles R. Wood Foundation Underwrite 2011 Dog Days Public Event Adirondack Community Trust – Master Family Fund Nancy Master Underwrite Cards for the Museum Store Pumpernickel Press Underwrite Cos Club Meeting in New York City Gilda Wray Underwrite Gerster Diary Volume 2 Project Tony du Bourg Dr. John W. Gerster Jeffrey B. Sellon Sidney S. Whelan, Jr. Underwrite The Non-Profit House Party, Tannery Pond CC, North Creek Mr. and Mrs. William Widlund Underwrite the Monday Evening Lecture dinners Glenn L. Pearsall Underwrite Piesco Day lunch Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Saltford Wifi Project Frontier Communications Special Exhibit Support “Let’s Eat! Adirondack Food Traditions” Exhibit Adirondack Hotel Asgaard Farm Big Moose Inn & Restaurant Café Sarah Commerce Restaurant Copperfield Inn Elk Lake Lodge New York Council for the Humanities Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation “Night Vision: The Wildlife Photography of Hobart Vosburg Roberts” Exhibit Ann Penberthy Allen David S. Allen Cynthia C. Brandreth David and Sandra Gibbs John and Elizabeth Heiner Mr. and Mrs. Waddie N. Kalil Chris and Mark Stewart A. F. Tait Exhibit and Catalogue Carolyn Bischoff Frank and Beth Boland Julia M. Cadbury Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cudlip Godel & Co. Fine Art Ms. Helen Lebowitz The Love Family Foundation Jane and Jay McGraw McPhillips Insurance Sally and Charles Svenson Kristine Tait Barrie A. and Deedee Wigmore Foundation Future Mining Exhibit Anonymous National Endowment for the Humanities Richard J. Fay Boatbuilder-in-Residence Endowment Program Cedar Fund Rooney Poole Rita Coney and Aims Coney John A. Sellon Charitable Residual Trust Woods and Waters “Kid Zone” Exhibit The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation – Kid’s Zone “Snow area” Melvin and Mildred Eggers Charitable Foundation Mr. Bill Eggers and Ms. Deborah McLean Bill Eggers and Deborah McLean International Paper Foundation – Exhibit Guide National Grid NBT Bank Blue Mountain Fellows $10,000 and up Adirondack Community Trust – Arquit Family Fund Kevin and Margi Arquit John G. Fritzinger, Jr. Judy and Steve Hopkins Jocelyn R. Jerry Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Keet F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McDonald Mr. and Mrs. James H. McGraw IV Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nolan III Lauren Razook Roth and John Roth Nancy Reardon Sayer and Steven J. Sayer Mrs. Patricia Smith and Dr. Craig R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Waterhouse, Jr. Mount Marcy Fellows $5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous (1) Miss Muriel J. Ginsberg Mark T. Gallogly and Elizabeth B. Strickler Trust Walter F. Harrison III The Kingsley Foundation Mrs. Ora K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Smith George and Sheila Stephenson The TECK Foundation Ms. Margaret Jackson Smith Karen and David Thomas The Walbridge Fund, Ltd. John and Lois Widdemer Barrie A. and Deedee Wigmore Foundation Algonquin Mountain Fellows $2,500 to $4,999 Etienne and Lisa Boillot Marilyn Burns Fund Adirondack Community Trust – Linda & Sarah Cohen Fund Eaton Vance Management Lawrence M. Gelb Foundation, Inc. Lueza T. Gelb Kelly Family Fund Dr. John Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Richard McGinn Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard J. Neumaier Richard Newman David A. Rockwell Seagears Family Foundation Mrs. Marilyn N. Seagears Mr. and Mrs. Norm Sonju Mr. and Mrs. James T. Townsend The New York Community Trust – Worth Fund Bob and Blaikie Worth Gilda and Cecil Wray Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zimmermann Mount Haystack Fellows $1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous (1) The Howard Bayne Fund Mr. Gurdon B. Wattles Belvedere Foundation Carroll J. Cavanagh and Candida N. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lynn S. Birdsong Cameron Foundation Ms. Gretchen VanDenbergh Cedar Fund Mrs. Ann H. Poole Aims and Rita Coney George J. and Theresa L. Cotsirilos Family Foundation Peter and Rhoda Curtiss Ms. Jeanne M. Defliese and Captain James D. Huck, USN The New York Community Trust – Delafield Fund Mr. and Mrs. J. Dennis Delafield Mr. and Mrs. John T. Dillon Mrs. Gloria L. Fant Robert and Sandi Friedman Jacquie and Rob Garrett Carol Grissom wDavid and Chelsey Remington Jack and Connie Hume Charitable Fund Knox Family Foundation Rose and Bernard Beaudoin Lack Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lack General Samuel K. Lessey, Jr. Lievense Foundation Judith and Robert Lievense Mr. and Mrs. John E. Linck Mike and Kate Lombardi Longhill Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A. Cowett Richard Longstreth Mr. J. Richard Manier, Jr. Mr. John L. Marcellus, Jr. Elsbeth and Charlie Morgan Mr. and Mrs. James T. Morley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Morrill Mr. and Mrs. John B. Nettleton E. B. Osborn Charitable Trust Mrs. Wynant D. Vanderpoel Overhills Foundation Ann R. Elliman Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Paddock Adirondack Community Trust – Paine Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Paine, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Price Adirondack Community Trust – Meredith M. Prime Fund Mr. W. Alec Reid David and Chelsey Remington Sheila Ross Schwab Charitable Fund Mrs. Tami Paumier and Mr. Glen Warren Ms. Kira Sergievsky Mr. and Mrs. George E. Sherman, Jr. John and Terry Skuse Mrs. Patricia Smith and Dr. Craig R. Smith Dr. and Mrs. R. David Smith Keith D. Stoltz Foundation Jean and Donald Stone Sally and Charles Svenson Kathleen G. Vagt Mr. David Woodland and Ms. Marcia Blackman The Yulman Foundation Janet and Richard Yulman Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 7 Donors 2010 Mount Skylight Fellows $500 to $999 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jerauld C. Adams Adirondack Community Trust – Evergreen Fund Mrs. George P. Bissell, Jr. Lynn H. Boillot Family Fund Estate of Lynn H. Boillot Mrs. Cynthia C. Brandreth Julia M. Cadbury Frederick C. Calder The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina – Sycamore Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Graham Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Connolly Bea Garvan Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Genung II Michael H. Gibbons The Grabe Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. William Grabe Nina and Kenneth Hovey F. I. Hutchins Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hutchins Mr. and Mrs. Breckenridge Ingles Mr. and Mrs. Pliny Jewell III The Keane Family Charitable Fund Mr. Kevin T. Keane and Mrs. Elizabeth R. Keane The Kirk and Megan Kellogg Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Kindler Capt. Thomas F. Lantry Mrs. Pamela W. Leighton Patricia A. Leonard Carol Levy Leila and Jonathan Linen Howard and Harriet Love Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott McGraw Ann Breen Metcalfe Adirondack Community Trust – James and Pauline McSweeney Murphy Memorial Fund The Honorable Tim Murphy Antonia Ness Janice L. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Olmsted Charles and Jeanne Pietrow Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Pietrow Pru and Peter B. Read The Susan Schneider Riggins Fund Mr. and Mrs. John B. Robinson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Savage Donald Scammell, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Schunck Lisa and Caleb Seaman Staritch Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Ritchie, Jr. Alexander Stuart Anne H. Van Ingen Tom Willard and Allison Dwyer Tricia and Philip Winterer Whiteface Mountain Fellows $200 to $499 Anonymous (1) Kurt Abrahamson Lucy and Murray Adams Adirondack Park Institute, Inc. Adirondack Scenic Allyn International Services, Inc. Mr. Donald J. Barron Mr. and Mrs. John T. Beaty, Jr. Michael and Ellen Bettmann Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Betz III Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bing III Bob and Marigold Bischoff Adirondack Community Trust – A. Edward Blackmar Fund 8 Joseph and Linda Bogardus Aurelia G. Bolton George R. & Evelyn W. Brothers Charity Trust Dr. and Mrs. John T. Brothers Mr. and Mrs. H. Benjamin Bullard Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll Prudence Churchill and Lawrence Plummer Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Thad P. Collum Paul and Alison Coppock Mrs. Barbara Dam Julia E. Damkoehler Lynne G. Detmer Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Doolittle Joanne Waldron Dwyer Joan D. Edwards Michael and Nancy Lester Elitzer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Elliman Bob and Lynn Etman Lucia and Jon Evans Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Farrell Ms. Nancy Dotterer Field Dr. Jessie L. Fleming and Dr. Bruce E. Fleming Betsy Folwell and Tom Warrington Mr. and Mrs. David Freeman Woodrow and Susan Gandy Mr. Elmer Gates Mr. and Mrs. James J. Goodspeed Brad and Mary Grainger William and Michelle Green Mr. Jerrold Hacker Mary S. Hamilton Dennis Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Carter Harris Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hartmann Dr. and Mrs. James D. Hays Mr. and Mrs. David Henle Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hildebrandt Robert F. Hunsicker Foundation James Hunsicker Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Jackson Mr. Scott R. Kempton Mr. and Mrs. Dallas M. Kersey Charles E. Kilbourne III Don and Mimi Kirk W & D Knox Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. William E. Knox Lars and Marit Kulleseid Jon and Gina Landsberg Anne Adams Laumont Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lennox Thomas and Claire Leonardi Mrs. Naomi B. Levine Sarah and Bob Lewin Mrs. Sara R. Litchfield Mr. William F. Locke Lucy and Dave Long Mr. and Mrs. David McGraw Bruce McLanahan Mr. James McNeil, Jr. McPhillips Insurance Mr. Merle D. Melvin Katherine Merle-Smith Thomas Mary and Eric Mollman Bruce and Myrna Morrison William and Madeline Morrow Dr. and Mrs. Carl K. Needy Robert and Barbara Nickerson Mr. and Mrs. William L. Paternotte Margery Peters Robert and Louise Plumb Alan and Christine Pouch Dr. and Mrs. Paul Resnick Mr. John F. Riebesell Thomas and Shae Riley Thomas Rinefierd and Mary Beckelhimer Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Rissetto Dr. Eric Noble and Ms. Lois A. Rockcastle Avery and Monica Rockefeller Dr. and Mrs. Seth Rudnick Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rypczyk Michael and Lora Schultz Dr. David Schwenker Mimi Scully Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Searle Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 Mr. Jeffrey B. Sellon Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Sharrow Elisabeth A. Smith Robin Smith Mr. Theodore S. Smith Ms. Marsha Stanley and Mr. Thomas Curley Roland and Nina Stearns Curt and Susan Stiles David D. Stone Sullivan’s Office Supply, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Terrence Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Trotman, Jr. Dr. Henry deForest Webster Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Walker David and Candace Weir Foundation Candace King Weir Kathy and Curt Welling Mr. Donald P. Wichman Miss Sue Whan David and Emily Wormuth Mr. and Mrs. Gerold Wunderlich Martha Zipp Gothics Mountain Fellows $1 to $199 Anonymous (48) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Abrahamson B. Donald and Kay S. Ackerman Mr. and Mrs. Eric Adair Mr. Walter Bennett Adam Mrs. Libby R. Adelman Dorothy J. and Rodney W. Agar Joe and Diane Ahrberg Mr. and Mrs. Read Albright Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Alessi Charles Alexander Mary Elizabeth Alexander Fund Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Allen Rip and Shirley Allen James Allen Mr. and Mrs. John D. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Allison Mr. and Mrs. James Allison Ms. Iris Altilio Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Ames Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Aneshansley Kathy and Mike Anthony Mildred Anthony and Karl Sturtevant Joanne Antun Mr. and Mrs. Hart Anway Ralph Arend Dr. David W. Armstrong III Roma and Jack Armstrong Richard Armstrong Shayn Armstrong Robert Ashbaugh Mrs. Duffield Ashmead III Mr. Fred Aten John J. Auman Richard and Elaine Avidon The Babij Family Kathy Bacher Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey John and Rosemarie Bailo Paul and Anne Bakeman Mark Bankes David and Stephanie Banks Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Barbour Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barnhill Sharon Barr and Alexander Hoskins Bub and Jill Barra Mr. Richard Barrett Barrier Free Systems, Inc. Ronald and Jeanne Barriere Lionel and Deborah Barthold Ms. Kate Bartlet and Mr. Philip Ryan Rev. Charles R. and Ruth M. Barton Ms. Erin Barton Clifford Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Batchelder, III CDR and Mrs. James H. Bateman, USN (RET) Charles and Sally Bauer Mr. and Mrs. James Bauter Mr. Eugene Bavis Louis M. S. Beal and Ulrich G. Freyschmidt Carmelina and Frank Becht Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beck George J. Becker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Beckerman Ms. Cynthia A. Beckley Mr. and Mrs. John E. Beebe Mr. and Mrs. Mike Begley Dariel K. Belcher Ms. Kathryn K. Belewich Ms. Maryann Bell Dr. Roy W. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Belrose Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bence Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Bennett Donald and Linda Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Bennett Mrs. Kathleen M. Bergamini Dr. Ronald Berger Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Bergmann Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bernuth Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Harrison C. Bicknell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Biggs Kenneth Bijur Mrs. Rosemary B. Birchard Ms. Jean L. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bisson Gary and Charleen Bivona Mr. and Mrs. M. Parker Blatchford Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Blickwedehl Rev. and Mrs. James Bocchino Robert and Kathy Boissy Sandra and Richard Bolbrock Jim and Karen Bombard Ms. Hallie Bond and Mr. Mason Smith Peter P. Boniewicz Dr. and Dr. Maurits Boon Charles and Kathy Border Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Borg, Jr. Michael D. Boudreau Ms. Elaine Bourassa John Boxtel Jack and Margo Boylan Drs. James and Andrea Bracikowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bradbury, Jr. Virginia and Colin Bradford Ms. Christine L. Bradt Paul and Kay Brady Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Braley Mark and Robin Brand Helen M. Branigan Doris Brann Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bredeck Eileen Brennan Berkshire Hill Soap Works Mr. and Mrs. Schiele A. Brewer Donald and Phyllis Brien Carolyn Brink Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Broadwater Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Brock Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Brookfield Jere and Elaine Brophy James and Marijke Brower Elisabeth H. Brown John and Danna G. Brown Mark Brownstein and Johanna Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Bruchac Margaret Bruchac Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Brunner Mr. and Mrs. George Brush Suzanne B. Bryere Mr. Rolf Brynilsen Faithanne T. Buck Marirose Blum Bump Bruce and Gay Burdick Mr. and Mrs. Ken Burdick Neal and Barbara Burdick Mr. and Mrs. John Burfeind Deborah Burke Robert E. and Valerie Burkholder Mr. Thomas F. Burleigh Mr. and Mrs. James Burnham Mr. Bazil S. Burns Ms. Marjorie E. Burns and Mr. Ron Fortin John and Sara Burrows Mr. and Mrs. William P. Burrows Mr. Charles A. Butler Susan E. Butler and Mary C. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Butler Bruce and Karen Butters Mr. and Mrs. George D. Buysse Eugene and Katie Byrne Mrs. Bobbie Byrnes Mr. William Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Cable Mr. Harry A. Cahalan Mary Rose Cahalan David and Mary Call Mr. and Mrs. Richard Camarra Nancy Camden Aileen Campbell Ms. Christine Campeau Candlelight Cottages Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Canuteson Len and Jeanne Carbonara Fred and Terry Carbone Alan and Sherry Cardinale Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carey Thomas and Colleen Carey The Carnevale Family Barbara Carney Dr. and Mrs. John A. Carney Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. David J. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. James Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter Sandra T. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Carr Ann Carroll and Mark Sherwin Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Carroll, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Cary Carson Mr. L. Brian Castler and Ms. Katherine Duffendack Mr. and Mrs. James Caufield Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cavanaugh Kurt and Janet Cavano Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Chamberlain Dr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Champagne Alan and Diane Chandler Peter and Catrine Charron Scott Chartier Dr. Anita P. Chirco and Mr. Thomas P. Fitzgerald Richard and Mary Christie Ms. Joan Christy and Dr. Thomas Bersani The Chronicle Dr. Nathan Church Richard and Paula Cipperly Ms. June Allyn Clare Mr. and Mrs. David C. Clark Steve Clark Mr. and Mrs. William Clark Mr. and Mrs. William M. E. Clarkson Edward W. and Susan W. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Clough Mr. Christopher Cobb Richard and Nancy Cocker Doris Cohen Michael Coker and Carol Nye Chris Colarusso and Rita Nolan Bobbie Cole Stephen and Martha Cole Robert and Barbara Colegrove Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coletta John and Ellen Collins Mr. Harry E. Colwell Dr. Sally Colwell and Mr. Jeff Janacek Mr. and Mrs. John Comella Mr. Frank J. Congel Martin Connor Patrick and Denise Conway John M. Cook III Mary Ellen and Mark Cook Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Coon Ms. Helen O. Cornwall 2010 Donors Mr. and Mrs. Roderick W. Correll Marcel and Sarah Cote Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Courtemanche Sage and John Cowles Richard and Nancy Cox John and Kay Cramer Jim and Chris Crane Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Creaser Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crego Louis and Lisa Crocker Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. M. Crocker Arthur Crotty and Patricia Palmateer Edwin E. and Elaine A. Croucher, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crowley Mark and Dori Cudworth Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Cumming Bennie and Judy Cummins Mr. Joseph Cummins Dr. and Mrs. David Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cuomo Mary Ellen Curley D. Sean Curry Mr. and Mrs. Mike Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cutrie Malcolm and Sara Cutting Stanley J. and Irene M. Czerwinski Nicola and Linda DaBica Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dale Ed and Alice Damp William and Cathy D’Anza Mr. and Mrs. Jed Dare Mr. Henry Darlington, Jr. Ms. Alice Davenport and Mr. Sanford Gordon Dr. H. Bradley Davidson Ms. Joan K. Davidson Thomas and Anne Day Donald Day Mr. and Mrs. Lynn D. Day, Sr. Kenneth and Linda De Witt Ms. Diane Deacon Mr. Robert Dean Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. DeBerardine Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dechene, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Decker Ms. Kimmey C. Decker Jan A. and Susan C. Decker Dr. Robert M. DeConto and Ms. Sandra Litchfield Mr. Donald F. DeFelice Janet DeFonce Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Delbel Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delehanty Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delf Delicae Gourmet Ms. Bonnie Delmarsh and Ms. Shirley Delmarsh Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy DeMarsh Russell Denia and Louise Harris Richard Dennis James and Judith DePasquale David DeVoe Mr. Donald F. Dew John and Beverly DeWeese Leeza Dickey and Joseph Wadagnolo Mr. Donald C. Dickinson Mr. Karl F. Dietrich Ms. Anne Diggory Molly Dillon Robert and Sheila Dilmore Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. DiLorenzo Dr. and Mrs. R. Charles Dilzer Susan and Jim Dineen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Dissinger Warren and Mary Dittes Alan and Rachael Doan Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobbin Mr. Richard R. Dodd Mr. and Mrs. James Dolan Dr. Mark and Celia Domser Anne and Jeffrey Donahue Gerald and Cynthia Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dooley Peter and Cheryl Doster Mr. John Doty and Ms. Beth Kirkpatrick Gordon and Lorraine (Harper) Dougherty Mrs. Betsey I. Doyle Joan Doyle Linn and Debby Draper Ms. Kathleen Draskoczy Ms. Lynn S. Dreifus and Mr. Jim Snow Herb and Joan Dudley Ms. Mary C. Dunay Jim and Bonnie Dunham Mary Dunham Pat and Colleen Duniho Douglas Dunn Maureen and Drew Durkin Kemp and Sandy Dwenger Helen Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Dybas Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dyke Mr. and Mrs. George H. Earle Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Earley, Jr. Lt. Col. and Mrs. Donald G. Easton Marie and David Eckhardt Mr. Wayne Eckler and Ms. Marjie Oles Eleanor R. Edwards Mr. Richard F. Eisenberg Tom and Cyrese Eldredge Donald Ellington and Sue Evans Keith and Bonnie Ellis Mr. Kurt Elmendorf and Ms. Colleen Corcoran Kevin Elms Ed and Diane Elton David and Jenny Emery Mr. and Mrs. Michael Engel Mr. Wayne B. Erb Maria Ernest Ms. Janice Erzmoneit Mr. and Mrs. William Eschler Ellen M. Eshchuk Mr. Roald Euller and Ms. Karen Smith Jim and Marti Evanoff Richard and Rebecca Evans Foundation Morris and Wendy Evans Ms. Hazel B. Evans Thomas and Nena Evans Fred and Ruth Everett Mr. Earl J. Ewing Ms. Lesley C. Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fabozzi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Faglon Marilyn and Tom Fahey Dan and Nancy Fahy Mrs. W. Margrete Falls The Farbaniecs Mrs. Yvonne Farmer The Farnsworth Family Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fava Bing and Laura Faxon Robert and Judith Fear Mr. and Mrs. Gary Feddes Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. and Peggy Feldmeier Donald and Jean Felton Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Ferguson Robert and Priscilla Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Ferrentino Susan and John Feyrer Joan and Jim Ficht Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fickenscher Anabel Stanley Field Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fifield Finch Paper LLC Jeffrey and Donna Fink Mr. and Mrs. Scott Finn Mr. Robert W. Finnegan Cathy Firman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fish Mr. Frank Fisher and Ms. Margaret Guerra Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Fisk John H. Fitzsimmons Penny and David Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flynn Paul J. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foley Len and Jo Ann Folin David and Judith Ford Dr. and Mrs. Richard Forfa Ernest Forrest / Forrest Creations Mrs. Elizabeth Forsell Gwendolyn Foster Malcolm and Nancy Foulk Bunny and Maurice Fox Deborah L. Fox Ms. Susan Fox and Mr. Robert Dichter Mr. and Mrs. Doug Francis Justine Cunningham Franklin and Joseph J. Franklin Jr. Michael and Irene Frantz Dr. Lane B. Franz Mr. Stephen C. Frauenthal Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fredenburg Mr. and Mrs. Steven Frederick Dr. and Mrs. James M. Freeman Terry and Karen Freeman Ms. Sarah W. French Miss Erica Friday Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Friel Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Friend John Frisone and Linda Jeffrey Suzanne D. Frizzell Alec and Nancy Frost FSM Remark, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin L. Fullerton Robert and Allyson Funicello Mr. Arnold Fuog and Ms. Maureen Welch Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Furan Gerard and Nancy Furey Mrs. Jean K. Furman Frank and Caroline Gaetano Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Denis P. Galvin Marjorie Garber Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaspariai Bob and Patricia Geh Jim, Judy and Julie Gehring Jerry Geier Allan and Ann Geisendorfer Joseph Gelosi and Family Gene and Betsy Gengel Dr. Barbara W. Gerber and Ms. Nancy Seale Osborne Mr. Raymond Germann Mrs. Judith Hedges Gessner Michael and Nancy Gibbon Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gibson Elsie Gibson and Charles Broadwater Mr. Robert F. Gibson and Mrs. Christine B. Gibson John and Jacqueline Giebler Craig and Alice Gilborn Mr. Arthur Gillman and Mrs. Kathleen Vosburgh Mr. and Mrs. Barry H. Ginsberg Paul and Judith Giovanelli Ms. Carol D. Girard Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Girtler, Jr. Joseph A. and Deborah J. Giulian Dr. Barbara L. Glaser and Mr. Paul Zachos Patrick and Anne Gleason Fred and Gloria Gleave Mr. John B. Glore Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Glotzbach Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Glowa Hank and Rena Goehl Carl and Lynne Goepper Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Goerg Sherry Gold Christine and Victor Gold, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Gomez Alison Clarkson and Oliver Goodenough GoodSearch Elizabeth Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gordon Peter and Polly Gott John and Amanda Gotto Gerald and Maureen Gould Fred and Fair Gouldin Joanne and Gary Graham Mark and Sarah Grannis Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Green Rod and Ann Greene Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gremp Mr. Michael Griepsma Ellen and Edwin Gualtieri Mr. David Gutierrez and Ms. Tara Agen Mr. and Mrs. William J. Guyon Mr. and Mrs. Gary Haas Mr. and Mrs. Jerrier A. Haddad Andy and Judy Hadjandreas Gerald and Margaret Haenlin Ms. Kristen Hafler Andy Hahn and Cathy Hitchcock Mr. and Mrs. Darren Haines Richard and Coralie Haines William B. Hale Charitable Gift Fund Ms. Madeline Halkovich Hall Family Ms. Margarete Hall Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Hallenbeck Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hallock G. D. Phelps Hamar Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hamer Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton Ms. Brenda Hamm and Mr. Nathaniel Conard Mr. Terrence M. Hammill Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hancock J. R. Hanlon Ms. Marianne Hanna Mr. David R. Hanning Hope and Richard Hanson Mr. Robert Hard and Ms. Jeanne Lloyd Calista Harder Bob Hardie Ms. Nancy A. Harding Hon. Ralph T. Harding Philip J. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Kip Hargrave Mr. Harold Harple David and Beth Harris Kevin and Kimberly Harrison G. Burton and Dorothy Harrold Dr. Kristin A. Harshman Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Harste Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hart Dick and Joy Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatch Mike and Stephanie Hausladen Mr. Tom Havens and Mrs. Betty Havens Mrs. Robert B. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hawks Jennifer Potter and Gordon M. Hayes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery C. Hayes Mrs. Johnston Hayward Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heasley The Hedges Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hegler Mr. Richard W. Heiden Flemming and Judy Heilmann Mr. and Mrs. John F. Heimerdinger Mr. and Mrs. G. Barrie Heinzenknecht Mr. Huyler C. Held Ms. Mary Lynne Heldmann Mark and Terri Heller Mr. and Mrs. Henckel Ms. Sharon Henderson Edwin and Darlene Henn David and Jean Henry Daphne and Charles Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Herdt Mr. and Mrs. William D. Heron, Jr. Rick and Ann Herrick Ms. Kate Hess Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heumann George and Sally Hezel Dr. Katherine Hibbard Ms. Mary P. F. Hickey Mr. Charles Hiebert Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hier Mr. and Mrs. Charles Higgerson Scott and Gerly Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Hilbert Mr. and Ms. Ron Hill Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Hillinger Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hirshfield The Hitchcock Family Timothy A. Hitt Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hlavacek Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Melissa Hochberg Diane R. Hoffman Rick Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hoffman Dee and Ed Hohenstein Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holl Mr. and Mrs. Wick Hollingshead Alan V. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holton Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Holzman Peter and Mary Hood Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hoover Jordan and Jacqueline Hornstein Jeffrey Horrell and Rodney Rose Douglas and Joyce Hoskins Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hough Charles Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Howard Mrs. Frank E. Howe David C. Howson Clarence and Ethel Hoyt Linda and Van Hubbard The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Kirk Hudson Mr. Richard J. Huether Ms. Sandra L. Huffer Charles Hughes Don and Jane Hughes Mr. and Ms. Joseph A. Huie Dr. Russell A. Hulse Carole Hunt Martha B. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hunter Katharine W. Huston Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hutchens Jim and Carolyn Hutchins Jane and Jack Hutchins Catherine and John Huther Bradford and Leslie Hyre Kristee Iacobucci Francisca P. Irwin Mary and Howard Jack Handley E. and Anne M. Jackson Paul and Virginia Jackson Donna Jacobsen Polly Janes Mr. and Mrs. John D. Jarrett Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffery Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Jeffrey Mr. Bob Jellinick David and Jane Jenks Ms. Chris Jerome Mr. Jim Wolcott and Mrs. Jocelyn Jerry-Wolcott John and Ann Marie Johnsen Dr. Kenneth Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnson Mrs. Sally P. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Johnson Mrs. Joan Johnston Mr. Alan Jones Reverend and Mrs. Donald N. Jones Ms. Joanne M. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Jones, Jr. Diane and Walter W. Jones, Jr. Aimee Jurista Barbara Kabrisky Al and Mea Kaemmerlen Dr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Kaiser Waddie and Judith Kalil Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Kallet, Sr. William and Vicki Kalscheur Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kaplan Nancy and Mervyn Kaufman Mr. David Kavner James and Joan Keebler Mr. and Mrs. Otto S. Keil Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kelliher Pam and Dick Kellogg William Kellogg Gary and Betsy Kelly Mr. Harvey M. Kelsey, Jr. Joseph and Susan Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 9 Donors 2010 Peter and Cheryl Kenney Mrs. Helen Kentile Douglas and Wauneta Kerr Ms. Bunty Ketcham Key Bank Commercial Banking Mr. and Mrs. Tim Keyes Donald and Kathleen Kieffer Fred and Jo Kies Catherine Kietzman The Kimble Family Ms. Kathleen Kinell Mr. and Mrs. David King Nancy R. King Brad and Betty Kinsman Mr. and Mrs. F. Reese Kintzing Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson W. Kirby Richard and Christine Kirsche Paul and Emily Klarreich Mr. Richard Klinski Ms. Janet M. Knapp and Ms. Pauline S. Wohn Marcia and Patrick Knapp Theresa Knapp Mr. Lee Knight Phyllis Knight Alan and Shirley Knofla Mr. and Mrs. William E. Knox Mr. Bruce and Dr. Nancy Knudsen Dave and Sandy Knudsen Jack and Elizabeth Koch Mr. and Mrs. John Kochan Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Kohlbrenner Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kohn Ed and Jane Kolakowski Morris and Nannette Kopels Dr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Kopf Pat and Steve Kopra Sandra K. Kostyk and Steven K. Clinton Ed and Melissa Kowalsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kramer Mrs. John W. Krebs Ellen Briggs Kreitler Mr. and Mrs. John Kronenberger John Kronstadt Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kruppenbacher Kenneth and Deborah Kryzak Dr. and Mrs. George P. Kubica Kenneth and Tina Kuhl Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kuhn Erik Kulleseid and Mark Eisenhardt Mr. and Mrs. Miles A. Kulukundis Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Kundtz Mr. and Mrs. David Kupperman John and Dolores La Carrubba Dara and Todd La Porte Jenny Labalme and John Krull Mr. and Mrs. David LaBar Mr. and Mrs. Donald LaBarge Donna Ladd Dan Ladd, Adirondack Outdoor Writer Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lafferty Nick and Chris Laiacona Charles and Barbara Lamb Mr. and Mrs. George R. Lamb Ms. Elizabeth Lamond Elaine and Rich Lamporte Ms. Catherine J. Lance Judith Landes Dean A. Lane Linda Goldberg and Stephen Lane Ms. Rosemary J. Lang R. Carolyn Lange Lanna Langlois Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. LaPrairie Kenneth Larkin Mr. and Mrs. William T. Larkin Mr. William C. Larocque Lt. General and Mrs. Derald Lary, Ret. Mr. John LaShomb Madeleine Latham Mark and Suzanne Lavigne Thomas and Donna Lavigne Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lavine Bob and Jane Law Jim and Linda Leach Tim and Mary Leach Nancy and Day Lee 10 Ms. Josephine P. Lee Rodney, Jill and Tucker Lee Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Lehr Harvey and Herta Leidy Airlie and Arthur Lennon Miss Elizabeth J. Lent and Family Mr. and Mrs. George E. Leonard Brenda H. White, Ph.D and Mr. Paul Lepsik Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Lerner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lescinsky Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Letterman Jennie Thompson and Robert Levy Mr. Craig Lewis Bill and Dona Lewis Harold and Sally L’Huillier Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Liebowitz David and Libby Liebschutz Dr. Richard W. Lindsay Bernie Litzinger Cynthia and David Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Livingston Jim and Barb Lo Piccolo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Locke Mr. and Mrs. John C. Logan Richard Dechene and Hillarie Logan-Dechene Bill and Beth Loizeaux Mr. John R. and Barbara Lombardo Mr. M. Douglas Long Vincent P. Long Mr. and Mrs. Gene Longden Mrs. Robert L. Loomis Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Loomis Mr. and Mrs. Gregg S. Lorenzen Ms. Teresa M. Lothian Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Lowe, Jr. Mike and Lorraine Lowery Walter Lowthian and Linda Sheffield Eugene and Christine Lozner David T. Luntz and Cynthia A. Platt Dan and Ellen Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Edmund E. Lynch, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lyon Nancy and Tim Lyons Richard and Lisa Lyons Charles and Dianne Lytz Bruce Mackay Mr. and Mrs. John Mackey Mrs. Sheila M. Mackintosh Stephen A. Macknowski Ms. Amanda Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Ken Maines Don and Suzanne Maistros Mr. and Mrs. David E. Maitland Brian and Diane Majeski Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Major James and Dorothy Major Dr. Robert Malatesta Dr. Sandra L. Malcolm and Mr. Dennis R. Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Malette Mrs. Paul Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manasse Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Manganiello Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mangano Mrs. Karen Manner A. Douglas and Theresa R. Manning Mr. Leslie R. Manns Gretchen Marcell Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. March Mr. Richard Marchant Bonnie L. Wilson-Marco Daryl and Linda Marcy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mariani Dr. Steven Markowitz and Ms. Mary Haviland Mr. Paul Martin, Jr. Mr. Eric Marvell Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mason Ms. Virginia Mason Mr. and Mrs. William Mason Mr. Paul Matey and Ms. Laura Woolf Mr. and Mrs. William B. Mather Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Mathews Ms. Patricia C. Mathis Clifford and Barbara Matott Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 Alois A. and Arline M. Matousek Michael and Dorothy Matthews Mr. Michael G. Maxfield Rick and Melanie Mayer Mr. and Mrs. J. William Maynard Mr. David H. McAlpin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Colin C. McAneny Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCarthy Eileen McCashion Ms. Kathleen A. McCleary Vincent and George McClelland Margaret H. McClure Marilyn McDonald Mrs. Ann Van N. McDuffie James D. McFarland Mr. and Mrs. Michael McFarlin William and Pamela McGarry Kenneth and Charlotte McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. McGrail Allola McGraw Helen McHale Jim and Carol McHale Ms. Sharon McIlwaine Mrs. Roberta McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLauchlin Mrs. Kelly McLeod David McMahon Mr. and Mrs. William McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Scott McManus Mr. and Mrs. John McMillin Carolyn E. McMullin Michael and Grace McNamara Charles and Pamela McPherson Suzanne and Paul McPhillips Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mead John M. Meador Jr. Mrs. Linda Meditz Edward and MaryJane Meehan James Meek Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Menchel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Menge Mr. and Mrs. Miles R. Merwin Ms. Gwen Messersmith Mr. and Mrs. James Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Meyer Dr. and Mrs. William H. Meyer, Jr. Tracy J. Miceli Mr. and Mrs. William Michelfelder Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Miggels Mr. and Mrs. George W. Miller Larry and Pat Miller Richard Miller and Margaret O. Miller Mr. Robert N. Miller Cheryl and Roger Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mark Milliman-Estes Curtis Mills Mr. Amos J. Minkel, Jr. Milorad Mirkovic June M. Mitchell John Mizerak Ronald and Kathy Mocko Todd Moe Mrs. Marjory B. Moeller Richard and Janet Molay Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Molde Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Monaco Mr. John F. Monahan Paul and Sara Monroe Dudley and Deborah Moon Mr. Larry Moonan Jim and Tamra Mooney and Family Mr. Arthur Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore Carrie and Jim Moore Kate Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Moore Mr. Davis Moquin Cathy Costantino and Jack Moran Dr. John R. Moravek Mr. W. Bradley Morehouse Don and Shirley Morgan Peter A. Morgan Ann Morganstein Ms. Lucinda Morrisey and Mr. Andrew Botsford Karen and Brad Morrison Mr. Stephen C. Morrison Susan Moskal Susan and Donald Moss James and Elizabeth Mostrom William and Patricia Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Doug Muench Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Muller III Dr. and Mrs. H. Nicholas Muller III Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mulson Charles and Cecilia Mulvey Mira and Eric Munson, Jr. Ann B. Murphy Ms. Ann M. Murphy Fred Murphy Mary E. Murphy Paul M. R. Murphy Robert Murphy and Dr. Cynthia Rye Ms. Joan Murray Vito and Patricia Mutolo Dr. David L. Myers and Ms. Anne Vaccaro Rev. Patricia Smith Nabers Barry and Susan Nadler Mrs. Carol Nash Edward and Sandra Nathan Jon and Andrea Nedele Evelyn Fogg Nelson Ms. Pennie Nelson-Shine Kate Newell Reverend and Mrs. David C. Newkirk Bill and Janet Nickerson Dr. and Mrs. Francis and Stephanie Nolan Mr. and Mrs. John A. Noone Mr. William Kemp Norman, Jr. Mrs. Andrea Null James and Ida Nystrom Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ober Daniel O’Connell Jerry and Carolyn O’Connell John S. Oehrle Mr. and Mrs. Sewall Oertling Mr. and Mrs. Julius Oestreicher Polly and Bengt Ohman Chris and Jennifer Olds Victoria M. Oliva Fund Victoria and Mark Oliva Mr. Dennis Olmstead and Ms. Julie Gleason Alley and Joni Olsen Richard and Margot Oman Rev. and Mrs. Terrence M. O’Neill Mr. Jeff Organ and Mr. Roger Organ Marjory Orlep Robert and Sharon Ormerod Ms. Olivia T. Ortiz Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Osborne Mr. Peter Osterhoudt Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ostertag Simon and Carol Ottenberg Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Paine, Jr. Paine Products, Inc. Kevin and Theresa Palmer April and Tom Paolillo Mr. Robert Papworth Mr. Michael J. Parahus George and Joan Parkes Mr. Anto Parseghian Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Parsons Mr. Rene Pasco and Mr. Nick Pasco Mr. John Passacantando and Ms. Lisa Guide Bob and Lark Patterson Mrs. Marilyn K. Paul Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pearson David and Audrey Peartree Anders and Heidi Pedersen Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Pedersen Ms. Barbara Peduzzi Jerry Pepper and Nancy Berkowitz Ellen Schwalenstocker Charles E. Perkett Mr. Robert Perkins and Ms. Trish Hutchinson Mrs. Ruth B. Perkins Mr. Thomas A. Perkins Murray and Frances Peshkin Ms. Jane Peter Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Peterec Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Peters Hans and Patricia Petersen Kirk and Diane Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Russell Petrie Mr. Edward D. Petty Mr. Vincent Pfalzer Mr. James Pfeiffer and Ms. Leslie Smith Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pfleiderer Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Phelan Jack and Pat Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Phillips Mary and Barry Pickard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickering George and Carol Pifko Suzanne Pilon Stephen Pinchook Mrs. Ermina M. Pincombe Frank W. Pine, Ph.D. Phyllis Tilson Piotrow Glen V. Piper Ms. Mari-Anne Pisarri David J. Pitkin M. Jeanne Place Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Pless Mr. and Mrs. John D. Plumley Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pogoda Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Polivka Mr. and Mrs. H. James Pollock Mrs. Ann H. Poole Mr. and Mrs. William T. Poole Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Pope Ms. Lynn M. Porsche Mr. and Mrs. D. Brandreth Potter Mr. Donald B. Potter Jennifer and Jeff Potter Mr. and Mrs. John M. Potter Judson and Lisa Potter Robert T. Potter Mr. Timothy W. Potts and Ms. Lu Conser Mr. and Mrs. Albert Predmore Edrie M. Pregent Mr. and Mrs. David S. Premo Ms. Katharine M. Preston and Mr. John Bingham Paul and Cathy Pribis Warren and Marian Prince Mr. and Mrs. Michael Provost Dr. Robert R. Pulling and Mrs. Muna Pulling Pumiglia Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Purcell Ms. Claire Purnell William R. Quinlivan Joseph and Dorothee Racette John Radigan Joseph and Cynthia Randi Mr. Vincent Rappa Gary and Randy Raschiatore Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Rath Mr. and Mrs. John Rathbun Margaret Ratigan Dr. Cindy Rauschenberger Susan P. Rawson Sandra Read and Paul Parker Mr. and Mrs. James Redenbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Keith Redmore Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reed Janet Glore Reese and Robert Townsend Reese Elizabeth Reid Ms. Janet Reilly Paul and Rosemary Reiss Ruth Renna David and Dorothea Renslow Pat and Gregg Rettew Donna Dancause Richardson Ms. Bonnie S. Richlin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Richter M. Stubbington Ridler Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Rief Hugh Young Rienhoff, Jr. Susan Riggins Maria and Vinnie Rinella Drs. Christopher and Doria Ritchlin Ms. Nancy L. Ritz Larry and Sandra Rivenburg Robert and Beth Rizzotti 2010 Donors Jan and Myrth Roalsvig Zeb and Jo Anne Robbins Charles B. Roberts John and Sara Roberts Tom and Ursula Roberts Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Robertson Ms. Andrea Q. Robinson Mr. Thomas Robinson Mr. and Mrs. William F. Rochow Joyce Rodella Debra Roe and Rosanne Murphy James and Joleen Roe Col. Sharyn A. Roettger Keela and Jim Rogers Mr. and Mrs. P. Rohlf Mrs. Caroline R. Roi Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Roll Mr. and Mrs. Alfio J. Romano Karl Roneker Anna T. Ross Lori E. Rowe and Douglas H. Griswold Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rowen Judith Rozell Mrs. Enid K. Rubin Jessica Rubin Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rudge III Don and Tracy Rueckert Peter Rushton Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rusiniak Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Rutgers Ruthie’s Run Mary Anne Ryan Thomas and Lynda Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Gerome F. Ryder Jack and Mary Ellen Ryder Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. E. Sacco Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Sadowski Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Sage Larry and Karen Sahler Catherine Sales and Eric Gustin Suzanne and Howie Samelson Deborah San Juan William and Victoria Sandiford J. Barnett Sandler Mrs. Howard Sargent Miyo Sato Mr. Sheafe Satterthwaite Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Saunders Bob and Jackie Sauter Mr. William H. Savage Mr. Dave Sayad and Mrs. Nancy Lou Riccio Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Saylor Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Scanlon John and Elizabeth Scarlett Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schaeffer Martin and Mary Schaller Mr. and Mrs. John C. Scheppman Mrs. Doris Schlitt Mr. and Mrs. William Schluter, Jr. Calvin and Christina Schmeichel David Schmidt Mr. John Schmitt and Ms. Bonnie Pellerin Margaret T. Schmitt George and Karen Schnakenberg Dr. Roy A. Schonbrun The Mark Schoonmaker Family Mr. and Mrs. John D. Schorge Reed and Jo-Ann Schultz Peg Schutze Deborah and Robert Schwarting Ken (Sr.) and Pat Schwarz Gertrude Schweiger Clifford J. Scoons Mr. Richard E. Scordato and Ms. Susan L. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott Sarah I. Scully Mrs. Robert T. Searing, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jason F. Searock Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sears Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Secor, Jr. Ms. Barbara Seelig Mr. Douglas P. Sefton and Ms. Linda M. Franz Annette C. Seirup Daniel Seitz Harris and Susan Semegram Mr. and Mrs. Brian Semeraro Ms. Regina D. Setikas Margaret J. and Packard Shann Mr. John C. Sheets Mrs. Dianne B. Shelly Chuck and Lorraine Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sherman Mr. Sherrill T. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shoemaker Mr. Ralph F. Sibley David Sickler Thomas and Judith Sides Ann and Jim Sidford Mr. Chip Sidorowicz and Ms. Rosie Kelly Joan Siedenburg Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel M. Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Al Sienkiewicz Robert and Kathy Silks Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Simon Robert and Constance Sinkway Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skala Mr. and Mrs. Donald Skop Dr. Richard E. Slimak Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Slingluff Catherine Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Smeby Guy R. Smiley and Laurie Gilbert Charles and Charlotte Smith Charles and Sylvia Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Mr. and Mrs. John S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. K. Patrick Smith Mitchel and Cynthia Smith Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Todd Snide Ms. Ellen Somers Mr. Michael Sorel Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spada Mr. and Mrs. William J. Spakowski Mr. James Speer Ms. Anne Spencer John and Margaret Sperling Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Spieler The Spitzner Family Allen and Marilyn Splete Rick Spofford Paul and Frieda Staeger James B. Stafford Carol Stamboulis Jenny, Jason and Tempie Stamer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Stanton Carl Stearns Mr. Anton J. Stegner Mr. Charlie Stehlin Mrs. Mary B. Steiner The Stephan Family David Stephens and Jean Robertson Betsy T. Stevens Robert and Joyce Stevens Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stevenson Dr. and Mrs. Neil S. Stewart Ms. Ruth Stewart Ms. Sue S. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stone Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Stover Mr. and Mrs. Lanse Stover Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stowe Hazel Stowell Ms. Nancy Strader Strand Theatre of Old Forge, Inc. Victor and Neva Strom Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Strutt Mr. and Mrs. William Studenic Mr. David P. Stuhr Bud and Molly Stults Mr. Brian Sullivan and Mrs. Catherine Herman Daniel P. and Patricia A. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sumner Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Sumner Dr. Robert Sutor and Dr. Judith Hunter Jack G. Sutton Linda and Stan Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Sweet Chris Sweetnam and Colleen Leary Arnold and Karen Swiernik Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Swift Susan Swift Dorothy B. Taaffe Ms. Julia Tansor Mr. and Mrs. John Tappan Janice and Skip Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Tenan Philip Terrie Elizabeth Thacher Mrs. Sharon L. Theis Ralph F. Thenes Lisa Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John A. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Tichenor Mrs. Nancy E. Tiedemann Michael Tillson Mr. and Mrs. James W. Tilney Mimi and Sam Tilton Timberlock Camp, Inc. Jon and Nancy Tobiessen Mr. Dale R. Tompkins Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Tondryk, Sr. Mr. Jamie Toner Mrs. Pamela Toplisky Mr. and Mrs. John C. Torborg Jill McLellan Tornow and John Tornow Kenneth J. Tornvall Sara and David Torrey Bernadette Traeger Mr. H. Craig Treiber Mr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Trenkler Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Trevisani Bill and Kristine Tribou Mrs. Lois M. Troup Ms. Ursula Wyatt Trudeau Mr. and Mrs. William Tureby Ms. Jean Turner Barb and Mark Turpin Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ughetta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ughetta Ms. Melissa Uhlik Mrs. Marie A. Uhteg Uilkema Family Mr. Walter Ulrich Mr. Charles B. Updike Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Upright Mitchell and Lisa Usavich Mr. and Mrs. George D. Utley III Irene Uttendorfsky Mr. and Mrs. Gary Uvanni Miriam Vagt Jack and Brenda Valentine Annalisa and Peter Van Avery Mr. Anthony Van Gessel and Ms. Elisabeth Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Mark Van Halle Barbara Van Raden and Dawn Van Dyck Mrs. Katherine Van Walsum Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick T. Vanacore Mr. and Mrs. Frederick VanDeusen Judy and George Varian Mr. and Mrs. Karl Varnai Stephen and Susan Vekasy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Venema Mr. William Vesely Dr. Carlin B. Vickery Ms. Anita Vigorito, M.D. Joseph P. Virkler Terry and Cynthia Virkler and Family Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Virostek Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Visalli Mr. and Mrs. George A. Visconti Mrs. Joanne Vogan Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vogel Ms. Hannah Volk Carl E. and Martha Y. von Czoernig Mr. and Mrs. Pierre A. von Kaenel Ann Von Lehmen Mr. and Mrs. Donald von Linden Doug Langley and Linda Vosburgh Mr. Edward Voytovich Robert Wadsworth and Peg Allen David and Linda Wafer Richard K. Wager Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Waggoner Ms. Geraldine V. Wagoner Wakschal Family Bob Waldron Mr. and Mrs. William J. Waldron, Jr. Christine A. Walker Jim and Jill Walker Rickey H. Walker Mr. Tom Wallace George and Evelyn Walsh Steven and Roxanne Walther Mrs. Marjorie N. Wasilewski Priscilla M. Wass Walter Wastowicz Joan Watson Tony Watson and Mary Connolly Duane and Michelle Weatherell Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Webb Mr. and Mrs. T. Edmund Webb Sandra Weber Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Weckesser Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Weigel F. C. Weil/Shelley Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wein Tom Weiner and Sarah Tully Larry Weingartner Monte M. Weinstein Lois and Harold Weitzner Mrs. Philip B. Weld Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Weld Cathy, Will and Ava Welling Wells Fargo Community Support Andrew McCarthy Mrs. Marcella Wells Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Welsh Ms. Caron Wendell Craig A. Wenhold Mark H. Wentworth Bill and Ann Westervelt Virginia and Mark Wetterau Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wheadon Dr. and Mrs. John M. Wheeler Ms. Diane White Polly and Peter White Mr. and Mrs. David Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitehead Stephen A. and Mary P. Wick Fred T. Wilcox III Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Wilhelm Ann and Lynn Wilke Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wilkins Laura and Steve Wilkinson Geoffrey Williams and Kathryn Markakis Jan and Harry Williams Jean Williams and Greg Williams Richard G. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Williams Walt and Nancy Williams Wayne and Michelle Williams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis Carol and Mark Wilson Ms. Lois J. Wilson Timothy J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wilson Edward and Patricia Winch Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Winfield Mr. and Mrs. D. James Winsness Neal and Jean Winston Philip and Carolyn Wogaman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Wolcott Nancy E. Wolfe Ms. Emily Wolstenholme and Ms. Aurora Slater Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Woodard Lee and Priscilla Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woolfolk Richard D. Woolley Anne Worthington Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Wray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wrench Ms. Jean H. Wright Tim and Kathy Wright Robert and Nancy Wubbenhorst Mr. John C. Wunderlich and Ms. Jessica Mandy-Wunderlich Dick and Ann Wyles Mr. Robert Wyllie Christina Yandow and Sharon Fares Mr. and Mrs. George M. Yaneka Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Yonder Mr. and Mrs. Tom Young Janet M. Zachara Charlene Zebley Mr. and Mrs. Ken Zimmerman Nancy D. Zlotnick Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 11 Donors 2010 Matching Gifts The following corporations have supported the Adirondack Museum through their matching gift programs. ACE Charitable Foundation Jeffrey L. Fink Aetna Foundation, Inc. Valerie A. Cahalane Amica Companies Foundation Susan L. Visconti AXA Foundation Barbara R. Winegard Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership Sandra L. Weber Joseph J. Franklin The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Margaret Shann Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Joseph B. Bogardus Citgo Petroleum Corporation Nancy E. Tiedemann Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc. Robert Garrett ExxonMobil Foundation Carol D. Menchel GE Foundation Michael Adler Frederick Baily Mary Rose Cahalan Richard Cocker Philip T. Hirt Howard Fiedler Charles Gilgore Donald W. Krauter Patricia A. Leonard Robert J. Loomis Steven Milligan Larry Moonan Donald Morreall Patricia Smith Nabers Daniel P. Nault Jeanne M. Place Robert H. Ormerod Peter B. Read William J. Rudge III Peter VanAvery T. Edmund Webb C. Frederick Wilhelm IBM International Foundation David W. Adler Paul F. Eckelman Alan L. Jones Robert A. McKie Albert R. Miner Frances Moore Glenn Ostrander Donald W. Roberts Edward C. Shoemaker Louise Trevillyan Richard P. Stanton Mary Ann T. Warren Robert H. Wubbenhorst Johnson & Johnson Roger F. Hallenbeck Robert L. Malatesta MasterCard Stephanie B. Kolber MBIA Foundation, Inc. Joyce A. Clark The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Scott Cassie Mr. and Mrs. James H. McGraw IV Merck Partnership for Giving Karen Kendall The J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation Iris Altilio Joyce A. Clark National Grid Robert D. Schwarting Owens-Illinois Fund David E. Maitland Schneider Electric Steven A. Milligan 12 T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation, Inc. Grace Hoover United Technologies Thomas J. Rinefierd Verizon Foundation Deborah J. Hartshorn X.L. Global Services, Inc. John T. Burrows Double Your Gift to the Adirondack Museum Companies such as GE, ACE, IBM, ExxonMobil, National Grid, and Verizon have matched gifts to the museum in the past years. Check with your employer to see if they will match your generous gift. Memorial and Tribute Gifts In Honor of Kevin Arquit Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Spitzer In Honor of Kevin and Margi Arquit Mr. and Mrs. William L. Fox In Memory of Annette Augugliaro JoAnne M. Augugliaro In Honor of John Binkowski – Happy Birthday! Jenny, Jason and Tempie Stamer In Memory of Ruth Blum Ms. Hilary B. Popham In Memory of Stephanie Boguzes Patti Backes and Sabine Moffett In Memory of Laura Borland Mr. Arthur G. Borland Ms. Alberta Pennak In Memory of Marie Witz Casanova Ms. Patricia H. Snyder In Memory of Elizabeth Margaret Collins Jane Jacobs In Memory of Jim Cooney Christina Yandow and Sharon Fares In Honor of Ann R. Elliman – Happy Holidays! Lucia Evans In Honor of John G. Fritzinger, Jr. – Merry Christmas! Patty and Malcolm Brown In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. George R. Goethals Dr. and Mrs. Jim Bowman In Memory of Mary Patricia Smith Howe Diane E. Sullivan In Honor of Nancy and Lee Keet’s 50th Anniversary Barbara Brizdle and Larry Schoenberg Dorothy and Jay Federman In Honor of Lee and Nancy Keet – Merry Christmas! Jean, Hank, Jacey and Jessica Keet In Memory of George D. Kirkham Susan Lay and Anthony Atwell Foundation Ms. Aloise Bates Ken Bauso Leslie and Christopher Brown Katie and Jeremy Clark Mr. and Mrs. Aims Coney Mrs. Caroline Stafford Crossland Betsy Folwell and Tom Warrrington Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 Gates Family Foundation Christine and Scott Hamner Hawken School Fred Heller Judy and Tom Johnson Ryan and Sara Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirkham Steven Kraemer Adam Kraus Barbara Lebit Friends of Gates Kirkham THE LITTLE NIPPERS Kitty Clevenger Marty Crawford Ann Dalby Courtney Dermott Nancy Holland Sally Springer-Kotelnikov Polly Starr Scoutaris Sherry Vincent Barbara and Joseph Nahra Judy and Charles Newell Mrs. Patrick C. O’Brien, Jr. Peg and Robert Page Mrs. Ann H. Poole Jack Sherwin Ms. Mary C. Tiedemann Mr. and Mrs. John Turben Joanna Van Oosterhout Chelley and Bob Wallack Ms. Cynthia Webster Rob and Carol Winthrop In Honor of Shane LaVancher – Becoming an Adirondack 46’r Greg Wright In Honor of Hilary McDonald Bobbie Cole In Honor of Peter S. Paine, Jr. – Recipient of the 2010 Harold K. Hochschild Award Michael G. DiNunzio and Eleanor Garrell Berger In Memory of Jeffrey Paquette Warren and Mary Lou Caswell Tim and Cathy Connolly Bill and Liz Thomas Eleanor Thomas In Memory of Neil Poppensiek Mr. Kenneth Patterson In Memory of Det. Patrick Rafferty NYPD Eileen Rafferty In Honor of Doris and Ray Rissler’s 60th Anniversary Frank and Caroline Gaetano In Honor of John and Lauren Roth Pursley Architecture, Inc. In Honor of the 89th Anniversary of S. Paul Rushton’s birth Mr. Richard P. Rushton In Memory of Dr. Kenneth P. Seeber Berkshire Bank Bonnie Butler Mr. and Mrs. John D. Campbell Central Ontario Standardbred Association The Cheyenne Gang Crime Victims Coalition of Eastern New York Ms. Cynthia S. Fisher Ellen Irving and Family Gwen Kade Tom Kube Daniel Mahoney Suzanne Mahoney Sara Martin Ronald and Jerry McMahon Mary and Lanny Openshaw Ms. Gail Roes Verne Schattner Tina Sciocchetti Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Sterling In Memory of John E. Stoller Susan and Tom Brennan and Family In Memory of Charles E. Swanson Ms. Dorothy M. Swanson In Honor of Anne and Jim Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Sanford J. Mayer In Memory of Kathy Vesely Matthew and Nina Amato Ms. Lorraine E. Berenholtz Mike, Emily, Eierra and Earl Humes West Coast Kokesh’s Melissa Kokesh-On behalf of her nieces and nephews in the Pacific Northwest The Kosina Family Harriet and Gary Laveman Sue and John Pfommer Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Podracky Emily Spence and Sarah Spence Mr. James Stratta In Memory of Mrs. Marie P. Warnes Mr. Carsten P. Warnes In Honor of Caroline M. Welsh – Art Purchases Dorothy and Jay Federman In Honor of Sidney S. Whelan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Clark Boatbuilder-in-Residence Program In Honor of Sidney Whelan, Jr.’s 80th Birthday Anonymous Frederick H. S. Allen and Annelyse M. Allen Mr. E. Nelson Asiel Jeffrey Miller Collection Improvement Fund In Honor of William H. Boardman, Rhonda Butler Brunner, Glenn L. Pearsall and Gilda G. Wray Etienne and Lisa Boillot Linda S. Ferber and Joel B. Berson Nancy and Lee Keet Hilary and Patrick McDonald David A. Rockwell Lauren Razook Roth and John M. Roth George and Sheila Stephenson John and Lois Widdemer Education Programs In Memory of Dr. Kenneth P. Seeber The Community Foundation of Herkimer & Oneida Counties, Inc – Janice Luck O’Connor Friends Fund Peter C. Welsh, Adirondack Environmental History Research Fund In Memory of Peter Corbett Welsh Theodore and Donna Anderson Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barnhill Frances Beinecke and Paul Elston Joel B. Berson Mrs. Cynthia C. Brandreth Beverly Bridger and Michael Wilson James M. Brooks Rhonda and David Brunner Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore G. Cilella, Jr. Adirondack Community Trust – Linda & Sarah Cohen Fund Barbara S. Cole Dr. and Mrs. William DeHoff Ann R. Elliman Margot and John Ernst Dorothy and Jay Federman Linda S. Ferber Godel & Co. Fine Art Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Good Mr. and Mrs. Tristan E. Handler Walter F. Harrison III Adam Hochschild Judy and Tom Johnson Nancy and Lee Keet George Labalme, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. LaMere Bill and Cathy Lennon Sarah and Bob Lewin Michael and Kate Lombardi Edmund and Nancy Lynch Happy and Jim Marsh Lorraine and Richard McGinn Jane and Jay McGraw Annette Merle-Smith Stephen Horne and Kevan Moss Cynthia G. New Northwoods Ski Team Rita M. Olson Glenn and Carol Pearsall Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Meredith M. Prime Irma R. Rappaport Diane and J. D. Reynolds Lauren Razook Roth and John Roth David L. Salay Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Saltford Arthur and Harriet Savage Nancy Reardon Sayer and Steven J. Sayer Don and Judy Scammell Merle and Susan Sessions Mary and Marty Shubert Chip and Karen Simon Philip G. Terrie Marjorie Nohowel Wasilewski Caroline M. Welsh and James M. C. Welsh Jane Welsh and John Blackmore Mr. Peter C. Welsh, Jr. Joanne Wilber Gilda and Cecil Wray 2010 Donors Gala Contributors $10,000 or up Adirondack Community Trust – Arquit Family Fund Kevin and Margi Arquit $5,000 to $9,999 Rhonda and David Brunner Margot and John Ernst John G. Fritzinger, Jr. Lee and Nancy Keet Jane and Jay McGraw Charles B. and Elsbeth Morgan Craig and Trish Smith The Barton Group $2,500 to $4,999 White Pine Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James T. Townsend $1,000 to $2,499 Etienne and Lisa Boillot Susan and Alfred Culliford Captain James D. Huck and Ms. Jeanne M. Defliese John and Lucy Douglas Ecology and Environment, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard J. Neumaier Ben and Rachel Elwes Linda S. Ferber and Joel B. Berson Jacquie and Rob Garrett Rick Hoffman Jonathan and Leila Linen Hilary and Patrick McDonald Richard Newman and Peter Grazioli David A. Rockwell Lauren Razook Roth and John Roth Nancy Reardon and Steven Sayer Sheila and George Stephenson Dennis and Susan Sullivan Susie and Tom Swayne John D. and Lois Widdemer J. D. Widdemer, Jr. and Jim Jamieson The New York Community Trust – Worth Fund Bob and Blaikie Worth Bob and Blaikie Worth $500 to $999 Adirondack Financial Services Corp. William F. Locke Kathleen and Colt Bagley Michael Bird and Mari Kirwood Bird Marigold and Bob Bischoff Aurelia Bolton Fred Calder Ann R. Elliman Mrs. Donald R. Findlay Beatrice B. Garvan Hart-Boillot, LLC Jocelyn R. Jerry George Labalme, Jr. General Samuel K. Lessey, Jr. Nicky and Paige L’Hommedieu Nils and Muriel Luderowski Mrs. Paul Maloney Adirondack Community Trust – Master Family Fund Nancy and Lawrence Master Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott McGraw Glenn and Carol Pearsall Meredith M. Prime Dave and Chelsey Remington Art and Nancy Saltford Gillian and Taylor White William and Joan Wilson $200 to $499 The Adirondack Nature Conservancy and Adirondack Land Trust Michael Carr Adirondack Scenic Tim and Claire Barnett Sanders H. Berk, M.D. and Sally Berk Bruce Bernann Mr. and Mrs. Robert Biesemeyer Alice and Bill Boardman Dominique and Tanya Boillot Lee and Judi Borland Lloyd Bowers Cynthia Brandreth Ginny Brandreth Jeffrey and Elvira Bronheim David and Lucy Carson Ruth Clegg Pam Codispoti Mark Chamberlain Sarah Cohen Linda Cohen John and Ellen Collins Barbara and Thad Collum Rita and Joe Coney Roger and Darcie Corbin Joan D. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Farrell Sabele Foster Carolyn and Ed Fowler Flemming and Judy Heilmann Huyler C. Held Carole & James Hunt Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Hutchins III Dr. and Mrs. Peter Jankowski Pam and Dallas Kersey Dr. and Mrs. Jack Kolff Anne Adams Laumont Naomi Levine Pamela P. Machold Cecilia and Michael Mathews Ms. Alexis McCormack Drs. Paul and Sara Monroe Robert Moore Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks Stephanie Ratcliffe Dr. Carl and Jean Needy Jan O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Paul Paddock Dennis J. Phillips and Patricia S. Phillips Rooney Poole Dr. Paul and Nancy Resnick Alex B. Reynolds Diane Reynolds Susan Riggins Harry and Grace Rissetto Harriet and Arthur Savage Jeffrey Sellon and Marilyn Burns Ms. Betsy Stewart Will and Liz Stewart Barbara Tamerin Constance A. Tate Dennis Wedlick and Curtis DeVito Richard Weinstein Charles and Elizabeth Whitney Theodore Wickersham and Norma Wickersham Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wolff Gilda and Cecil Wray Peggy and Gerold Wunderlich $1 to $199 Libby R. Adelman Mrs. Rosemary B. Birchard Marjory and Howard Cohen Chloe and Rod Correll Bob and Mary Courtemanche Michael and Karen Flynn Mary Page F. Hickey Sarah and Bob Lewin Mike and Kate Lombardi Ms. Virginia Mason Sean and Valerie O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Parker Peter R. Parker II Paul Smith’s College Stephanie M. R. Colby Judson and Lisa Potter Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers III Curt and Susan Stiles Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick T. Vanacore Sarah Yeoman Gala Auction Donations Adirondack Flying Service Adirondack Guideboat Company Adirondack Life Adirondack Museum Education Dept Adirondack Museum Store Angell Fine Art Leather Artisans Benesch Creative Enterprises Alice Boardman Borders - Saratoga Springs Steve Grasselli Rhonda and David Brunner Matt Burnett Susan Cassevaugh Gary Chudzinski Tom Clark and Bill Locke Barbara and Thad Collum Dartbrook Lodge Rustic Goods Fern Lodge Final Turn Gore Mountain Farm Barry Gregson Havlick Snowshoe Company Christine Hearst Carl Heilman High Peaks Mountain Guides Peter Hornbeck Hudson River Rafting Company Nancy and Lee Keet Lapland Lake Jack Leadley Tom Lenweaver Nils Luderowski Manchester Wood Larry Master Mountaineer Noon Mark Diner Ann O’Leary Olympic Land Management Ralph Prata Peter Shrope Patricia and Craig Smith Sheila and George Stephenson Betsy Stewart Michiko Taylor Marcia Waligory Andrew Weibrecht Karen Williamson John Wunderlich Sarah Yeoman Tony Zazula Business Members Government Grants 24 East Main Street Bed & Breakfast Adirondack Chandler Adirondack Rustics Gallery Adirondack Store, Inc. Allyn International Services, Inc. Aunt Polly’s Material Girls Barkeater Chocolates Bearhurst Lakeside Cottages Big Bear Lodge Black River Architects, Inc. Blue Mountain Lake Boat Livery, Inc. Blue Mountain Lake Self Storage Brynilsen’s Viking Village Burke’s Cottages Burnham Financial Services, LLC The Cottage Corp. Country Road Lodge B & B Day Wholesale, Inc. Dunn’s Boat Service The Family School Finch Paper LLC Frisky Otter Tours, Inc. The Glen Lodge B&B Great Sacandaga Designs Haselton Lumber Co., Inc. Havlick Snowshoe Co. The Hedges Hornbeck Boats Hoss’s Country Corner, Inc. Hudson River Rafting Co., Inc. Indian Lake Chamber of Commerce Lakeshore Hardwoods Lone Birch Motel Nils Edward Luderowski Architect AIA Marty’s Chili Nights McPhillips Insurance Mead’s Nursery & Garden Center Inc. The Mountaineer Natural Form Furniture NBT Bank North Country Books, Inc. Northeast Arboricultural Associates Olympic Tree & Land Management, Inc. Paintings By Rhea Pine’s Country Store, Inc. Point Breeze Motel and Cottages Ross, Rigby & Patten LLP Sandy Point Motel Shaheen’s Motel Shamrock Motel & Cottages Skidmore College Stephen J. Mastaitis, Attorney at Law Stephenson Lumber Co., Inc. Strand Theatre of Old Forge, Inc. Sunfeather Natural Soap Co., Inc. Timberlock Camp, Inc. Tomney Law Firm Tuchman, Korngold, Weiss, Lippman & Gelles, LLP Usher Farm Wallace Contracting Waters Edge Cottages The Well Dressed Food Company Wolf Mouth Charters Museumwise $3,000 Interpretive Planning $525 Professional Development National Endowment for the Humanities $40,000 Future Mining Exhibit New York Council for the Humanities $20,000 Let’s Eat! Adirondack Food Traditions Exhibit $2,500 Let’s Eat! Adirondack Food Traditions Farmers’ Market Guide New York State Council on the Arts $29,472 General Operating Support New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation $9,995 Education Programs Members and donors please note: On rare occasions, the Adirondack Museum will trade our membership list with other not-for-profit Adirondack organizations for a one-time mailing. If you would prefer that we not share your name, please let us know. Call Michelle Bashaw, Membership and Annual Fund Coordinator, at (518) 352–7311, ext. 112, or email [email protected]. Adirondack Museum | Annual Report 2010 13
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