2015 Canadian Personal Tax Package
2015 Canadian Personal Tax Package
BENSON INKSTER BRIGHTON Peter I.M. Benson, CPA, CA, LPA, CFP, CPA (Illinois), CGMA John R.G. Brighton, CPA, CA, LPA, CEP Susen Boyd, CPA, CGA Christina L. Walkom, CPA, CA, LPA Your Personal Tax Organizer Name: S.I.N. # Birthdate: Phone # (W) Address: (H) E-Mail: (C) Efile your return? (Sign enclosed Form T183) There will be a charge of $30/Return plus HST if you do not wish to E-File. Are you a Canadian Citizen? (If no, see insert) Do you agree to release your name, address and date of birth to Elections Canada? Did you own or hold foreign property at any time during the year with a total cost of more than $100,000 Canadian? (If so, see Tl135 insert) Do you wish to purchase tax inquiry protection? (Sign enclosed form) Canada Revenue Agency Email correspondence Yes [] No [] if yes, email address Have you signed up for direct deposit for any government refunds? Yes [] No [] - if no, please see insert to do so. Yes [] No [] Income: T4, T4A, T4U, T4A (P), T4A (OAS), T4E, TS, T3 [] Foreign income, including foreign pensions (include US) Canadian information slips [] Other income (RRSP, RPP, RRIF, annuity, alimony [] Business Website received, WSIB benefits, scholarships, social [] Rental income and expenses, property disposition assistance, etc.) including residence, if applicable [] Investment transaction summaries (i.e. details of share [] Self-employment income and expenses purchases and sales, treasury bills, adjusted cost base) Deductions/Credits: [] [] RRSP contributions [] T2200/TL 2 forms (employment expenses) [] Tuition/T2202 slips (education credit, self or [] Rent receipts dependents) [] Other deductions (carrying charges, interest, alimony [] Child care (S.I.N., name and address), receipts paid) [] Moving expenses and details - receipts required [] Investment counsel fee [] Donations/political contributions - receipts required [] Property tax statement and proof of payment [] T2201 forms (disability credits, self or [] Medical expenses - receipts required dependents), signed by a qualified person [] Dependent Info: Name, Birth Date and SIN [] Children’s Fitness and Activity tax credit [] Children’s Arts tax credit - receipts required - receipts required [] Volunteer Firefighter / Search & Rescue Public Transit Other: [] Income tax instalments, final statement indicating [] Notices of assessment/reassessments for at least the total paid for the year prior year [] Changes, such as address, name, marital status Details of any foreign non-business investments, (including common-law) dependants, spouse’s S.I.N. costing more than $100,000 Canadian (in total) and birth date New Client Information: [] Copy of prior year returns (3 years preferred) [] Copy of any carry forward information such as RRSP contribution room, losses, reserves, Investments, alimony or support agreements. PRIVACY: The information requested to be provided is required to assist in preparing personal income tax returns. Use and custody of this information will be in accordance with the firm’s Privacy Policy Statement, a copy of which may be reviewed at our office or obtained upon request. Your provision of personal information in this envelope implies your consent to its use as per the privacy policy and terms of engagement. 665 Maitland Street London, Ontario N5Y 2V7 (519) 433-4055 FAX (519) 433-7915 [email protected] BENSON INKSTER BRIGHTON Peter I.M. Benson, CPA, CA, LPA, CFP, CPA (Illinois), CGMA ]ohn R.G. Brighton, CPA, (’.A, I,PA, CFP Susen Boyd, CPA, Christina L. Walkom, CPA, CA, LPA Dear Valued Client: We are writing as a reminder that it is once again time to assemble the information required to prepare your 2015 income tax return. Your Personal Income Tax Organizer and our Personal Income Tax Checklist are enclosed to assist in gathering your income tax papers. Certain sections of the checklists may not be relevant to your particular circumstances, in which case, please disregard those sections. In an effort to expedite preparation of your income tax return, we would appreciate if you could try to have the information to our office by March 15, 2016. Mandatory Electronic Filing for 2018 Electronic filing of 2015 personal income tax returns is now mandatory. Should you wish to continue paper filing your return a fee of $30 plus HST will be billed to you. Please indicate on the Personal Tax Organizer that you do not wish to electronically file. Engagement Letter We have enclosed an engagement letter and privacy statement. We request that you review these documents and return a signed copy of the engagement letter along with your records. Sending your information in without a signed letter will imply your consent to the engagement letter terms. Tax inquiry Protection In recent years, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has directed an increasing number of inquiries relating to personal income tax returns to tax professionals. We have charged, and will continue to charge, clients for time spent in responding to the income tax authority’s requests for information. As in prior years, we are offering the option of purchasing tax inquiry protection against the cost of a CRA inquiry for $30 per return. If you purchase the tax inquiry protection, we will not charge you for any time spent related to responding to such inquiries. This does not include the cost of any support or appeal work required as a result dan income tax audit. In order to be eligible for the inquiry protection, receipts must be supplied to our office in advance of CRA’s Inquiry. Other Forms Requiring Signature Enclosed is an E-file Authorization Form (T183), please sign the form where indicated and enclose with your tax records. CRA Failure to Report Penalties Please be advised that Canada Revenue Agency has been very diligent in assessing failure to report penalties when income (i.e. T4, T5, T4RSP, etc.) are omitted. The penalty can be equal to 10% of the income omitted. If a second occurrence happens within three years, the penalty increases to 20% of gross income. Please review your tax information before submission to our office to ensure all expected slips are accounted for. If you have any questions or wish to discuss any other matters, please contact us. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service to you. Yours very truly, Encl. 665 Maitland Street (at Pall Mall) London, Ontario N5Y 2V7 519-433-4055 Fax: 519-433-7915 www.bibpc.ca Peter I.M. Bcnson, CPA, CA, LPA, CFP, CPA (Illinois), CGMA John R.G. Brighton, CPA, CA, LPA, CFP Susen Boyd, CPA, CGA Christina L. Walkom, CPA, CA, LPA BENSON INKSTER BRIGHTON ENGAGEMENT LETTER This letter is to confirm our mutual understanding of the terms of engagement to prepare your Personal income tax return from information you furnish to us. We will not perform an audit or other verification of the data you submit, although we may ask for clarification of the information. If you claim deductions on your return for business entertainment, meals, recreation, travel, gifts or other expenses, it is your responsibility to keep the original receipts and provide details required (amount, date, place, business purpose, business relationship of recipient, etc.) if requested by CRA. We will prepare your income tax return based on our understanding of the governing income tax laws at the time of preparation. Fees for our services will be at our standard hourly rates for income tax matters. We will bill you after we complete your income tax return for time spent, plus out-of-pocket expenses. Our invoice is due and payable upon presentation. Your income tax return is subject to review by the taxing authorities. Any items which may be resolved against you by an examining agent are subject to certain rights of appeal. In the event of an income tax review or audit, we will be available, upon request, to represent you. Billing for such additional service is at our standard rate for the nature of services performed. Privacy It is acknowledged that we will have access to all personal information in your custody that we require to complete our engagement. Our services are provided on the basis that: ¯ you represent to us, that before we access such personal information, you will have obtained any required consents for collection, use and disclosure to us of personal information required under applicable privacy legislation (i.e. from spouse or dependents); and ¯ we will collect from you and use, disclose and retain all such personal information in compliance with our privacy statement, which is available upon request from our office. If the above fairly sets out your understanding of the terms of engagement, please sign, date, and return it to us for our files. Yours very truly, /jm I am in agreement with the above engagement terms: Name Signature Date 665 Maitland Street (at Pall Mall) I,ondon, Ontario N5Y 2V7 519-433-4055 Fax: 51%433-7915 www.bibpc.ca Peter i.M. Benson, CPA, CA, I,PA, CFP, CPA (illinois), CGMA John R.G. Brighton, CPA, CA, LPA, CFP Susen Boy& CPA CGA Christi~aa L. X,Valkom, CPA, CA, I,PA BENSON INKSTER BRIGHTON FOR 2015 INCOME TAX PREPARATION "Protect yourself against the cost of an inquiry." Each year we receive numerous inquiries from the taxation authorities about personal income tax matters. When an inquiry is made by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), we charge clients for our time spent to answer the inquiry. We are therefore offering tax inquiry protection at a flat rate of $30 per person per Canadian tax return to cover any additional information requested by the CRA including the cost of representation up to the appeal stage. In order to qualify for this protection, receipts for all deductions/credits claimed must be provided at the time of return preparation. Enclosed is a summary of the deductions/credits most commonly questioned by CRA and details regarding the supporting documents that should be provided for each. Be advised that this coverage is for responding to inquiries by CRA following the electronic filing of the return, and no._~t responding to full tax audits or reassessments. If you wish to subscribe for the protection, kindly complete the information below and we will include it on your invoice. Tax Inquiry Protection Client’s Name: Address: Phone number: Signature 665 Maitland Street (at Pall Mall) Date London Ontario N5Y 2V7 519-433-4055 Fax: 519-433-7915 www.bibpc.ca DEDUCTIONS/CREDITS MOST FREQUENTLY QUESTIONED BY CRA Below are some of the most frequently deductions/credits that Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) questions each year. In such situations, if the supporting documents do not meet CRA’s requirements, the claim is likely to be denied. The below list is not exhaustive and in certain cases further supporting documentation may be required. Further guidance may be found for more specific claims at the links provided. Charitable contributions http : llwww, cra-arc.,qc, caltx/ndvdlsltpcslncm-tx/spprt/Ics-154 36-en.q . html Receipt must include: name and address of the charitable organization, date the donation was made, serial number of the receipt, name and address of the donor, amount of the donation, registered charity number of the charity, signature of an authorized official, statement that it is an official receipt for income tax purposes and Canada Revenue Agency’s name and website address. Child care expenses http://www.cra-arc.,qc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/spprt/Ics-15415-en.q.html Receipt must include: the name of the child(ren), signature of the person who provided the services, amount paid for the services, dates when the child care expenses were incurred, the name(s) of the child(ren)’s parents, address and SIN of the person providing the services. Eligible dependant http : //www. cra-arc..qc, ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/spprt/Ics-15404-en,q, html Proof of custody must be provided. Fitnesslarts tax credits http : llwww, cra-arc.,qc, caltxlndvdls/tpcslncm-tx/spprt/Ics-12658-en.q, html Receipt must include: organizations name and address, child’s full name and year of birth, full name of payer, name of the eligible program/activity, total amount paid, breakdown of the eligible amount paid, date of payment and the signature of an authorized official. A description of the duration of the eligible activity/program is also required. Medical expenses http : /Iwww. cra-arc.,qc, ca/tx/ndvdlsltpcs/ncm-tx/spprtllcs-15435-en.q.html Receipts must include: name of the patient, type of service provided by the medical practitioner, amount and date of the payment for the service provided and proof of payment for amounts paid in respect of a dependant who is 18 years of age or older at the end of the year. In some instances a letter from a medical practitioner certifying the taxpayers need for the device/service may be required. Moving expenses http://www, cra-a rc. ,q c. ca/tx/n dvd Is/tpcs/n cm-tx/spprt/I cs- 15418-e n.q. html In some cases, a letter from your employer confirming the first date of employment and whether any part of the moving expenses were reimbursed by the employer may be required. Rent/property tax expense http://www.cra-arc.,qc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/spprt/Ics-15446-en.q.html Receipt must include: amount of rent/property taxes paid, date paid, name of person paying rent/property taxes, name of person/business paid to, address of property rented/owned. NOTE: lease agreements are not acceptable as proof of rent paid. Support payments http : //www. cr a-arc.,qc, ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/spprt/Ics-15419-en.q, html To support this claim you will need to provide: receipts confirming total amount of child/spousal support paid, name, address, date of birth and SIN to whom support was paid, name and date of birth of each child support payments were paid on behalf of, complete copy of the court order or written agreement detailing the amount of child/spousal support required to be paid, dates the support payments required to be made, date of separation and custody arrangement and the agreement must be signed and dated by both parties and must be signed by an official of the court and bear the court seal. Tuition and education amounts http://www.cra-arc.,qc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/spprt/Ics-15430-en.q.html Approved government forms: T2202A, Tuition, Education and Textbook Amounts Certificate issued by educational institutions in Canada TL11A, Tuition Education and Textbook Amounts Certificate issued by educational institution outside Canada TL11B, Tuition, Education and Textbook Amounts Certificate issued by a flying school or club If tuition is being transferred to a spouse/parent/grandparent the T2202A (tuition receipt) must be signed and dated by the student. Please leave the amounts blank as the maximum transferrable will be determined by our office. I~1~I Canada Revenue Agence du revenu Agency du Canada Protected B when completed Information Return for Electronic Filing of an Individual’s Income Tax and Benefit Return ,, "]he information found on this form corresponds to the tax year indicated on the right. ¯ Before you fill out this form, read the information and instructions on the back. ¯ The individual (or legal representative) identified in Part A must sign Part E. ,* Part G is to be filled out by your electronic filer once the return has been submitted. ¯ Give the signed original of this form to your electronic filer and keep a copy for yourself. Tax year: 2015 Part A - Identification and address as shown on your return (mandatory) First name I Social insurance number I Last name Mailing address: Apt No - Street number and name PO Box RR City Pr0v.,q’errl Postal code Part B - Declaration of amounts from your General Income Tax and Benefit Return (mandatory) Enter the following amounts from your return, if applicable: Total income (line 150) ................................ Taxable income (line 260) .............................. Refund (line 484) ......... or Total federal non-refundable tax credits (line 350 of Schedule 1) ... Balance owing (line 485) .... Part C - Alternative address information (optional) Fill out this part if you want us to mail your notice of assessment and your tax refund, or only your notice of assessment, to you at the address of the electronic filer named in Part F. Tick (v") the appropriate box to tell us which information to mail to the electronic flier’s address. This authorization is valid for the current tax year only. Important: Read the back of this form for more details, especially if you have signed up for the online mail service. [~ notice of assessment and tax refund or D notice of assessment Part D - Authorizing an electronic filer to represent you (optional) By filling out and transmitting this part of the T183 form, I authorize the Canada Revenue Agency to deal with the electronic filer named in Part F as my representative for income tax matters on my tax return. This authorization is limited to the specific tax year and does not provide my representative with online access. This authorization will expire on If you do not show an expiry date, this authorization witl remain in effect until you, the undersigned, cancel it. Read the back ol this form for more details. Signature (ir, dividual identified in Part A or legal representative) Name and title of legal representative Date Sign Here < Part E - Declaration and authorization (mandatory) I declare that the information entered in Part A and F and the amounts shown above in Part B are correct and complete and fully disclose my income from all sources. I also declare that I have read the information on the back of this form, and that the electronic filer identified in Part F is filing my return. I I allow this electronic filer to communicate with the Canada Revenue Agency to correct any errors or omissions. Sign Here Sigr~ture (individual identified in Part A or legal representalh/e) Name and title o| legal representative Date Email address (optional) I understand that by providing an emait address, I am registering for ontine mail and I accept the terms and conditions. For more information, refer to the information and instructions on the back of this form. Part F - Electronic filer identification (mandatory) By signing Part E above, the individual named in Part A declares that the following person or firm is electronically filing his or her return. Part E must be signed before the return is electronically transmitted. C3077 Name of person or firm: Benson Inkster Brighton Electronic filer number: Part G - Document control number or confirmation number (mandatory) Enter the document control number or confirmation number for the individual’s electronic record: C3077 Privacy Act, personal information bank numbers CRA PPU 005 and CRA PPU 175 (Vous pouvez obtenir ce formulaire en fran~;ais b www.ar¢.g¢.ca/formulaires ou en composant le 1-800-959-7383.) T183 E (15) CanadS FOREIGN REPORTING & THE NEW FORM Tl135 Please answer the following question: Did you own or hold foreign property at any time in 2015 with a total cost of more than CANS100,000? (see the "Foreign income" section in the guide for details) Yes [] No [] If yes, attach a completed Form T1135. This question is posed on the Canadian Income Tax and Benefit Return each year. The guidelines to answer this correctly are somewhat complicated. Below is some information to help decide whether a completed Form Tl135 should be attached to your personal income tax return. What property has to be reported? Foreign investment property that must be reported includes: = ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ amounts in foreign bank accounts shares in foreign companies interests in non-resident trusts bonds or debentures issued by foreign governments or foreign companies interests or units in offshore mutual funds real estate situated outside Canada, other than personal-use property (see below) and assets used in an active business other income-earning foreign property. However, foreign investment property does not include: ¯ Personal-use property, that is, any property used mainly for personal use and enjoyment, such as a vehicle, ya.c.a.tLo~ orogeny, jewellery, artwork, or any other such property. What defines cost? Take the cost amount of each foreign property owned in the year and determine if at any time in the year the total of the cost amounts were more than $100,000 (in Canadian dollars). "Cost" is defined as the historical cost (i.e. the price you bought it for) converted to Canadian dollars using the exchange rate in effect at the time of acquisition. Failin,q to file The penalty for failing to file a return is $25 a day for up to 100 days (minimum $100 and maximum $2.500~. When failing to file is done knowingly or under circumstances amounting to gross negligence, the penalty is $500 per month for up to 24 months (maximum $~, less any penalties already levied. The Canada Revenue Agency has implemented the following changes to form T1135 for the 2015 and later tax years: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Part_A, a new simplified reporting method, for those taxpayers who held specified foreign property with a total cost of more than $100,000, but throughout the year was less than $250,000. This reporting method allows taxpayers to check the box for each type of property they held during the year rather than providing the details of each property. The country codes to be selected are based on the aggregate maximum cost amount of specified foreign property held during the year. Income from all specified foreign property and gain (loss) from the disposition from all specified foreign property during the year must also be reported. Part B, the current detailed reporting method, will continue to apply to those taxpayers who, at any time during a year, held specified foreign property with a total cost of $250,000 or more. The aggregate reporting method will continue to apply to taxpayers who have an account with a Canadian registered securities dealer. Specifically, a taxpayer who held specified foreign property in an account with a Canadian registered securities dealer (as defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act) or a Canadian trust company (as determined under paragraph (b) of the definition of a restricted financial institution in subsection 248(1)) have the option to report the aggregate value of all such property, but on a country by country basis. The total value to be reported is the highest fair market value at the end of any month during the year in addition to the fair market value at year end. The aggregate income earned in the year, and the gain (loss) realized from all dispositions during the tax year must also be reported. This aggregate reporting will continue to be reported in a table - Category 7 on Form Tl135, "Property held in an account with a Canadian registered securities dealer or a Canadian trust company If you hold foreign property meeting the criteria for reporting and not eligible for the exclusion, the following is the information required to be reported. See our website http://www.bibpc.ca for a link to a tillable version of the form. F:~ADMIN\T1 INFO - LOG - FORMS\T1 FORMS\CDN FORMS\T1 MAIL OUT PACKAGE\FOREIGN REPORTING 2015.DOCX In order to complete your tax return in a cost effective manner, we request that this information be provided along (if applicable) along with the balance of your income tax information 1, Funds held outside Canada Name of bank/other entity holding the funds Country code Max, funds held during the year Shares of non-resident corporations (other than foreign affiliates) Max. Cost Name of corporation Country cost amount at code during the year year end Funds held at year end Income Income Gain (loss) (loss) disposition (loss) on Indebtedness owed by non-resident Description of indebtedness Country code Max. cost during the year Cost amount at year end Income Max. cost during the year Cost amount at year end Income received Capital received (loss) Gain (loss) on disposal 4. Interests in non-resident trusts Name of trust Country code Gain (loss) on disposition Real property outside Canada (other than ~ersonal use and real estate used in an active business) Max. Cost IncomeGain (loss) Country cost Description of property amount at(loss) on code during year end disposition the year Other property outside Canada Description of property Country code Max. cost during the year Cost amount at year end Income (loss) Gain (loss) on disposition Property held in account with a Canadian registered securities dealer or a Canadian trust company Max. fair Fair market Gain (loss) Country market Income Name of registered security dealer / value value at on Canadian trust company code (loss) during year end disposition the year F:\ADMIN\T1 INFO - LOG - FORMS\T1 FORMS\CDN FORMS\T1 MAIL OUT PACKAGE\FOREIGN REPORTING 2015.DOCX I ~lIpI Canada Revenue Agence du revenu Agency du Canada Protected B when completed For departmental use. Foreign Income Verification Statement ¯ This form must be used for the 2015 and later taxation years. ¯ Complete and file this form if at any time in the year the total cost amount to the reporting taxpayer of all specified foreign property was more than $100,000 (Canadian). ¯ If an election has been made to use a functional currency (see attached instructions), state the I elected functional currency code ................................................. ¯ See attached instructions for more information about completing this form. II If this is an amended return check this box. Identification Check ( ~ ) a box to indicate who you are reporting for, and complete the areas that apply First name Last name [] Individual Initial Corporation’s name [] Corporation [] Trust Social insurance number Individual code I--]2 Business number (BN) Account number Trust’s name Partnership code Partnership’s name Partnership’s account number [] Partnership Reporting taxpayer’s address Number Street City Province or territory Year Postal or zip code Month Day Year II Country code Month Day For what taxation year are you filing this form? Check ( v’ ) the appropriate box that applies for the taxation year: If the total cost of all specified foreign property held at any time during the year exceeds $100,000 but was less than $250,000, you are required to [] complete either Part A or Part B; [] If the total cost of all specified foreign property held at any time during the year was $250,000 or more, you are required to complete Part B. Part A: Simplified reporting method For each type of property that applies to you, check ( ~ ) the appropriate box. Type of property; Funds held outside Canada ........................................................... [] Shares of non-resident corporations (other than foreign affiliates) .................................[] Indebtedness owed by non-resident ..................................................... [] Interests in non-resident trusts ......................................................... [] Real property outside Canada (other than personal use and real estate used in an active business) ......... [] Other property outside Canada ......................................................... [] Property held in an account with a Canadian registered securities dealer or a Canadian trust company ....... [] Country code: Select the top three countries based on the maximum cost amount of specified foreign property held during the year. Enter the country codes in the boxes below: Income from all specified foreign property $ Gain(loss) from the disposition from all specified foreign property $ Privacy Act, personal information bank number CRA PPU 205 Tl135 E (15) (Ce formulaire existe en fran~ais.) Canad Part B: Detailed reporting method Categories of specified foreign property In each of the tables below, provide the required details of each specified foreign property held at any time during the particular tax year. If you need additional space, please attach a separate sheet of paper using the same format as the tables. A taxpayer who held specified foreign property with a Canadian registered securities dealer or a Canadian trust company is permitted to report the aggregate amount, on a country-by-country basis, of all such property in Category 7, Property held in an account with a Canadian registered securities dealer or a Canadian trust company. See attached instructions for Category 7 for details as to how to report under this method. 1. Funds held outside Canada Country code Name of bank/other entity holding the funds Maximum funds hold during the year Funds held at year end Income Total 2. Shares of non-resident corporations (other than foreign affiliates) Country code Name of corporation Maximum cost amount during the year Cost amount at year end Income Gain (loss) on disposition Cost amount at year end Income Gain (loss) on disposition Total 3. Indebtedness owed by non-resident Country code Description of indebtedness Maximum cost amount during the year Total 4. Interests in non.resident trusts Name of trust Country code Maximum cost amount during the year Cost amount at year end Income received Capital received Gain (loss) on disposition Total 5. Real property outside Canada (other than personal use and real estate used in an active business) Description of property Country code Maximum cost amount during the year Cost amount at year end Income Gain (loss) on disposition Cost amount at year end Income Gain (loss) on disposition Income Gain (loss) on disposition Total 6. Other property outside Canada Description of property Country code Maximum cost amount during the year Total! 7. Property held in an account with a Canadian registered securities dealer or a Canadian trust company Name of registered security dealer/Canadian trust company Country code Maximum fair market value during the year Fair market value at year end Total Privacy Act, personal information bank number CRA PPU 205 IMPORTANT REMINDER DIRECT DEPOSIT By April 2016, the Government of Canada will be phasing out issuing cheques in favour of direct deposit for all government payments and income tax refunds. If you are currently receiving payments or income tax refunds via cheque, you should enroll. You can enroll by completing a single form for one or several of the following Government of Canada payments (as applicable to you): ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Goods and Service Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) credits Government of Canada Annuities Old Age Security (OAS) Income Tax Refunds Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) Veterans Allowance and Benefits To ensure you receive all expected refunds and/or payments please complete the attached form and mail it to the address below: RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA PO BOX 5000 MATANE, QC G4 W 4R6 ** Alternatively you can enroll by telephone, online or in person.For more information please visit: http :l lwww. cra-arc, qc. cald irectdeposit r- Public Works and Government Services Canada Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada DIRECT DEPOSIT ENROLMENT FORM FORMULAI .RE .D’INSCRIPTION AU DEPOT DIRECT Veuillez ~crire lisiblement en lettres moul~es. N’utilisez pas ce formulaire pour modifier votre adresse postale. Ne joignez rien d’autre que votre cheque annul~ ~ ce formulaire. Print clearly in block letters, Do not use this form to provide changes to your mailing address, Do not enclose anything other than your voided cheque with this form. 1 PROTECTED,"B:’ when completed PROTEGE B Iorsque rempli PART A - Identification Information PARTIE A - Renseignement$ d’identification Surname Nom Initial(s) Initiale(s) Given Name Pr6nom Address Adresse I City/Town Ville Province Telephone No. N° de telephone Postal Code Code postal Date of Birth (YYYYMMDD) Date de naissance (AAAAMMJJ) Social Insurance No. N° d’assurance sociale I PART B - Payment Information (Indicate the payment(s) you currently receive by cheque) PARTIE B - Renseignement$ sur le$ paiements (indiquez les paiements que vous recevez actuellement par chbque) Canada Revenue Agency - Agence du revenu du Canada Income Tax Refund, GST/HST credit and CCTB and any related provincial and territorial payments, WITB advance payments, any other deemed overpayment of tax, and UCCB. I understand that providing new banking information replaces any banking information on file with CRA and will stay in effect until changed by me. Remboursement d’imp~)t, credit pour la TPS/TVH et PFCE, y compris les versements de prestations provinciales ou territoriales lies, versements anticipes de la PFRT, ainsi que tout autre paiement d’imp6t ou de taxe rdputd en trop et de la PUGE. En fournissant mes nouveaux renseignements bancaires, je comprends que ceux-ci remplacent les renseignements bancaires fournis pr~c~demment et qu’ils resteront valables jusqu’& avis contraire de ma part. Service Canada Canada Pension Plan R~gime de pensions du Canada Old Age Security Securit6 de la vieillesse PWGSC-TPSGC 8001-551 (2015-09) Canad Page 1 of de 001 I rPART C - Banking Information (Canadian financial institutions only) PARTIE C - Renseignements bancaires (institutions financi~res canadiennes seulement) IMPORTANT: Complete Part C or attach a blank cheque with "VOID" written on it. IMPORTANT : Veuillez remplir la partie C ou joindre un specimen de cheque portant la mention <~ NUL >>. Branch No. N° de la succursale Institution No. N° de I’institution Account No. No de compte Name(s) of Account Holder(s) Nom(s), titulaire(s) du compte Financial Institution Stamp (required if no void cheque attached) Cachet de I’institution financiere (requis si un cheque annule n’est pas joint) PART D - Consent PARTTE D - Consentement Provision of the personal information, including your Social Insurance Number (SIN), is pursuant to Department of Public Works and Government Services Act, s. 5, s. 11 and the Financial Administration Act, ss. 35(2). The Receiver General will use and disclose information to the federal institutions identified in Part B and to your financial institution in order to issue direct deposit payments, but will not disclose your SIN to your financial institution. Your personal information will be protected, used and disclosed in accordance with the Privacy Act, and as described in Personal Information Bank PWGSC PSU 712, Receiver General Payments. Under the Act, you have the right to access and correct your personal information, if erroneous or incomplete. La transmission des renseignements personnels, y compds votre num~ro d’assurance sociale (NAS), est conforme aux articles 5 et 11 de la Loi sur le miniature des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux et au paragraphe 35(2) de la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques. Le receveur g~n~ral utilisera et divulguera I’information aux institutions f6d~rales figurant dans la partie Bet & votre institution financi6re, en rue d’effectuer des paiements au moyen du d6pSt direct, mais ne divulguera pas votre NAS ~ votre institution financi~re. Vos renseignements personnels seront proteges, utilis~s et divulgu~s conform~ment & la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, et tel que d6crit dana le fichier de renseignements personnels TPSGC POU 712 - Paiements du receveur g~n~ral. En vertu de la Loi, vous avez le droit d’acc~der ~ vos renseignements personnels et de les corriger, s’ils sont erron~a ou incomplets. I, the undersigned, have read the Privacy Notice and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information as described therein. Je, soussigne(e), d~clare avoir lu I’avis sur la protection des renseignements personnels et consens & la cueillette, ,~ I’utilisation et ~ la divulgation de rues renseignements personnels conform6ment au present avis. 20160205 X Date (YYYYMMDD - AAAAMMJJ) Signature of Applicant Signature du demandeur Hail the completed form to: Postez votre formulaire rempli ~ : RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA PO BOX 5000 MATANE QC G4W 4R6 Need help with this form? Call 1-800-593-1666 (toll-free) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. or Thursday and Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (TDD/TTY: 1-844-524-5286), visit www.directdeDosit.gc.ca or consult with your financial institution. RECEVEUR GI~NI~RAL DU CANADA CP 5000 MATANE QC G4W 4R6 Besoin d’aide avec ce formulaire? Composez le 1-800-593-1666 (sans frais) lundi, mardi, mercredi et samedi entre 7 h et 19 h ou jeudi et vendredi entre 7 h et 22 h, heure normale de I’Est (ATS/teleimprimeur : 1-844-524-5286), visitez www.deDotdjrect.gc.ca ou consultez votre institution financiere. PWGSC-TPSGC 8001-551 (2015-09) 002 Page 2°f2 de __J DIRECT DEPOSIT ENROLMENT FORM FORMULAIRE D’INSCRIPTION AU DEPOT DIRECT INSTRUCTIONS Mailing address Adresse postale Mail the completed form to: Postez votre formulaire rempli ~ : RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA PO BOX 5000 MATANE QC G4W 4R6 RECEVEUR GI~NI~RAL DU CANADA CP 5000 MATANE QC G4W 4R6 Until your direct deposit information has been updated, you will continue to be paid by cheque. Jusqu’~ ce que vos informations de d~p6t direct soient mis & jour, vous continuerez ~ ~tre pay~s par cheque. To update your banking information, please complete a new direct deposit enrolment form. Pour changer votre information bancaire, veuillez completer une nouvelle demande d’inscription au d6p6t direct. Please do not use this form to provide change of address information. Ne pas utiliser ce formulaire pour changement d’adresse. Need help with this form? Besoin d’aide avec ce formulaire? ) Call 1-800-593-1666 (toll-free) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. or Thursday and Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (TDD/TI’Y: 1-844-524-5286) ) Composez le 1-800-593-1666 (sans frais) lundi, mardi, mercredi et samedi entre 7 h et 19 h ou jeudi et vendredi entre 7 het 22 h, heure normale de VEst (ATS/t61~imprimeur : 1-844-524-5286) Visit the Receiver General website at: www.directdeposit.gc.ca ) Visitez le site web du Receveur g~n~ral au : www.depotdirect.gc.ca Consult with your financial institution. ) Consultez votre institution financi6re. How to complete Part C Comment remplir la pattie C See example below Voir exemple ci-dessous 1. Cheque number - not required. 2. Branch number - 5 digits. 3. Institution number - 3 digits. 4. Account number - as shown on your cheque. 1. 2, 3. 4, Num~ro du cheque - pas n~cessaire. Num~ro de la succursale - 5 chiffres, Num~ro de I’institution - 3 chiffres, Num~ro de compte - comme il est indiqu~ sur votre cheque, Name / Nom P.O. Box ! C.P. 000 City / Ville. Canada HOH OHO Cheque No. N° de cheque Pay to the order of Payez ~ I’ordre de ~, V~.~"j 0000000 $ _ ,, g.’77 Dollars Signature ,,q q q,, =:qqqqq,,,qqq=: ~J I 1 II 2 J 3 Instead of filling in Part C, you can attach a blank cheque for your Canadian bank account with "VOID" written on it. DO NOT ENCLOSE ANYTHING OTHER THAN YOUR VOIDED CHEQUE WITH THIS FORM. PWGSC-TPSGC 8001-551 (2015-09) q q q,,,q q q,,,q,, I 4 Au lieu de remplir la partie C, vous pouvez joindre un specimen de ch6que pour votre compte bancaire canadien portant la mention << NUL >> au recto. N’INCLURE AUC, UN AUTRE DOCUMENT AVEC CE FORMU,LAIRE, A L’EXCEPTION DE VOTRE CHI~QUE ANNULE. DO YOU HAVE A U.S. TAX OBLIGATION? (A) Are you a U.S. Citizen? 13 Canada 13 United States 13 Other In recent years there has been much publicity surrounding the issue of non-resident U.S. citizens of the United States not being in compliance with their U.S. tax obligations. In Canada as well as in many other countries, a taxpayer is subject to tax based on his/her residency in the country. The United States however, taxes both on residency and on citizenship. Thus, by virtue of being a U.S. citizen (and/or Green Card Holder), a taxpayer is subject to U.S. tax filings for the remainder of their lifetime regardless of where he/she lives. This requirement to file a U.S. tax return for life may also pass on to your children if you are a U.S. citizen. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is now reinforcing this requirement for non-resident U.S. citizens to become current with their U.S. tax filings by applying significant penalties for failing to do so and this fact has been highly publicized in the media as of late. This requirement cannot be resolved by renouncing citizenship as one of the steps in this process is ensuring that one is up to date with his/her tax filings. Failure to meet this requirement may also create issues if travelling to and from the United States, even if you travel with a passport issued by a country other than the United States. Border crossing agents have become increasingly aware of this issue and therefore have been questioning this fact more frequently. If you (or someone you know) is a U.S. citizen and you have not been filing a U.S. tax return, please contact our office for further information as to your particular situation. (B) Do you spend significant time in the U.S.? If you visit the United States for any significant period of time, you may be required to file some tax forms with the United States. We recommend that if you are in the U.S. for more than 90 days in any year that you advise us of the number of days spent there in each of the last three years. We can then advise if any "preventative" U.S. filings should be made. For further information please follow the link below for information for filing Form 8840 Closer Connection Exception Statement for Aliens. http://www.irs..qov/pub/irs-pdf/f8840.pdf Number of days in the U.S.: 2015 2014 F:~Admin\T1 INFO - Log - forms\T1 Forms\CDN Forrns\T1 Mail out package~Are you a US citizen.docx 2013